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Kia: Enhancing customer experiences and positioning itself for automotive market leadership with Google Cloud

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As a global company, Kia produces in excess of 2 million cars a year across a wide range of vehicles including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and buses which can be seen throughout the world. Today, Kia has become a household name, with an ever-expanding range of models sold through a network of dealers in 172 countries and over 44,000 employees across the globe.

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With google workspace and google cloud ai and machine learning services, kia is executing a digital transformation to support a new focus on mobility services and vehicle electrification, connectivity and autonomy., google cloud results.

  • Kia car manual mobile app helps car owners quickly locate important information about their cars, enhancing the safety and convenience of Kia car ownership
  • Live Stream Showroom helps Kia realize its ambition of staying “ahead of the curve” in digital sales and marketing during the transition to a digital business
  • Live Stream Showroom enables Kia to provide a better customer experience and drive new car sales by meeting demand for online product research and purchase decision-making capability

Kia aims to increase new car sales by creating a channel that offers a safe, intuitive digital experience to prospective purchasers

For Kia , innovation is key to positioning the business to assume leadership of the fast-changing automotive industry. The global organization—which produces 2 million+ passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and buses per year—last year announced a long-term strategy, Plan S, to embrace mobility services and vehicle electrification, connectivity, and autonomy, to realize its vision.

This strategy—supported by a digital transformation program that aims to provide a unique customer experience, create new business opportunities, and deliver efficiencies—impacts an expanding range of models sold through dealers in 172 countries and 44,000+ employees across the globe.

Digital technologies and online services are prompting automotive companies to comprehensively recast sales strategies, and Kia is no exception. The organization conducted a customer survey that revealed digital channels had a positive impact on profitability: 83% of consumers preferred to undertake product research online before making a purchase, while 47% of customers wanted to utilize an online platform for their future purchase.

Furthermore, the use of digital devices increased the intention to repurchase from the same brand or dealer by 4%–13% on average.

The survey echoes the results of a growing body of research that quantifies the link between customer satisfaction, reduced costs, and increased revenue. A recent McKinsey report states that a 20% rise in customer satisfaction could lift revenue by 15% and lower the cost of serving customers by 20%. Furthermore, businesses that create a loyal customer base benefit from the fact customers are 5x more likely to repurchase, 5x more likely to forgive, 4x more likely to refer, and 7x more likely to try new ideas. Overall, the management consulting firm states, a 10% increase in customer experience can translate to $1 billion in revenue.

“Live Stream Showroom demonstrates our continued commitment to tailor the car-buying journey to the demands of our customers with virtual viewings. By launching this new platform, we aim to stay ahead of the curve in digital sales and marketing in this time of transition.”

Kia turns to Google Workspace

To improve profitability by meeting consumer demand for online product research and purchase, accessible via digital devices, Kia opted to develop a new online channel for the business and its dealers to engage customers—and the coronavirus pandemic increased the urgency of the initiative. The business turned to Google to help enable its response to the pandemic, and the cloud services provider responded by suggesting how a range of its solutions could assist. The Kia team was interested in how a virtual showroom could engage customers and the Google Workspace team proactively put forward a virtual dealership concept that could be rolled out quickly and easily.

The Google Workspace team created a compelling customer journey for the virtual showroom proposal that commenced with a customers’ reservation request made through a dealers’ website and concluded with the capture of customers’ feedback and intention to proceed through a digital survey created in Google Forms .

The innovation and alignment of the proposal with its requirements convinced Kia to proceed and the business elected to launch the Live Stream Showroom—a 1:1 streaming video call over Google Meet between dealers and customers that allows prospective buyers to view vehicles for sale.

The service combines convenience with a personal touch, while minimizing disruption caused by the pandemic and enabling dealers to sell to consumers in the market for new vehicles. Customers can use the Live Stream Showroom to discover the designs and features of Kia vehicles from the comfort of their own homes through live one-on-one consultations and on-demand demonstrations. The customer journey is shown in the image below.

Customer journey diagram

Once Kia gave the project the green light, the Google Workspace team in Korea worked closely with the Kia customer experience team to deliver the Live Stream Showroom to dealerships around the world. This included working with Kia regional headquarters in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific, as well as team leads at each dealership, to demonstrate the service through Google Meet. These demonstrations included how to use Google Meet on smartphones on selfie sticks to showcase the features of a car and how to use associated Google Workspace features to connect closely with customers. The team also showcased how the robust security features of Google Workspace protected digital consultations and associated data.

The Google Workspace team also highlighted the user-friendly experience of using Google Meet and other Google Workspace services as prompting customer engagement with and take up of the new service.

Kia initially rolled out the Live Stream Showroom to dealerships in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, and has now expanded the service to 45 countries across Africa and the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. “Live Stream Showroom demonstrates our continued commitment to tailor the car-buying journey to the demands of our customers with virtual viewings,” says JT Hong, Vice President, Purchase CX Design Sub-division, Kia. “By launching this new platform, we aim to stay ahead of the curve in digital sales and marketing in this time of transition.”

Post-rollout enhancements

Following the initial rollout, Kia and the Google Workspace team worked to enhance the Live Stream Showroom by developing a scheduling feature on the organization’s website and integrating the automotive manufacturer’s customer relationship management tools with Google Workspace. Through this integration, a dealers’ customer relationship management system would save meeting information when a customer visits Kia’s homepage and submits an application for a one-on-one online meeting with a dealer.

Through a script provided by a Google Cloud partner, the same data is automatically flowed to the dealer’s calendar, with user name, meeting detail, and meeting subject information appearing. Further details, such as contact information, country, and vehicle are saved in Google Drive as a Google Sheet .

“The Kia Owner's Manual App offers a unique customer experience with our products. Kia drivers can enhance the safety and convenience of ownership with the app, which provides easy and intuitive information on the various functions of their vehicle and our latest technologies."

An AI-powered digital manual for Kia vehicle owners

Kia also demonstrated its commitment to innovation and an improved customer experience through the creation of a digital Kia owners’ manual, accessible via a mobile app. Every year, customer demand for more convenient vehicle control and passenger safety had prompted the organization to add new content to the physical manual, resulting in a thicker book. However, at the same time, customers wanted to locate the information they needed much more easily.

The business elected to work with Google Cloud to develop the app, due to its leadership in cloud, AI, and machine learning. Kia used AI Platform, TensorFlow , Cloud Storage , and Firebase . Consultants Megazone developed the models using TensorFlow for object detection and AI Platform for model training and evaluation, with the mobile app created using the Firebase development platform.

The business had provided augmented reality mobile apps to customers in some markets, but the requirement to measure all layouts and switches for each new Kia model restricted the organization’s ability to roll them out more widely. Kia, Google Cloud, and multinational managed services provider Megazone focused instead on recognizing symbols on the switches in vehicles—with the universality of these symbols ensuring the app’s compatibility with any new models. In addition, the partnership with Google Cloud and Megazone means the app can easily be tailored to the requirements of a range of markets.

Owners of compatible vehicle models can use the AI-powered app and camera on their smartphones to identify the names and functions of features found inside Kia models. Google Cloud’s AI Platform-based image learning technology ensures the app’s Symbol Scanner function allows accurate identification of in-car switch symbols from any angle. For example, if a user scans the cruise control symbol on the steering wheel with a smartphone, the AI Platform will recognize the image and initiate a video introducing the detailed functions of the cruise control system.

Launch of the owners’ manual app has been a considerable success, with the product helping reduce information delivery costs, improve the immediacy of market deployment and portability, give customers a more enjoyable mobility experience, and help improve brand awareness. The value of the innovation is demonstrated by the fact it won the Grand Prize in the Intelligent Application category at the 2020 Spring Conference of the Korea Intelligent Information System Society. Kia plans to develop further services incorporating smart technologies through collaboration with Google Cloud.

“The Kia Owner's Manual App offers a unique customer experience with our products,” says Pablo Martinez Masip, Global VP, Ownership and Product Experience at Kia. “Kia drivers can enhance the safety and convenience of ownership with the app, which provides easy and intuitive information on the various functions of their vehicle and our latest technologies."

*Prior to May 18, 2021, Vertex AI was known as AI Platform.

Total Quality Management: Kia Motors Case Study


Total quality management (TQM) has been used as an effective strategy in multiple fields, including banking, education, medicine, and manufacturing. The automotive industry is among those that have successfully implemented TQM practices within corporations and have seen positive results from doing so. TQM stands for valuing the consumers, building a bright and sustainable future for the company, and encouraging innovation for the sake of satisfying the customers (Dahlgaard-Park et al. 1109). Such an emphasis on creating an environment where employees are constantly improving to appeal to consumer demand is beneficial for every organization that is striving for success. Moreover, individuals who see the effort companies put into giving them what they desire are more likely to be loyal to the particular corporation that engages in such practices. Total quality management has been linked to higher demand, quality, and overall outcomes.

A company that has been implementing TQM practices is KIA Motors. KIA’s history shows how a lack of quality creates a negative image for the brand, which keeps consumers from purchasing from the company. Moreover, the evidence shows that low prices are less attractive to consumers compared to reliability. KIA is a car manufacturer known for providing consumers with affordable products that usually cost less than the average automobile on the market. Consumers were interested in such cost-effective cars. Yet another issue occurred and created a negative connotation in regards to KIA cars. The problem was having a reputation of an unreliable retailer since there had been multiple complaints about the low quality. However, investing in a new design and improving quality have allowed KIA to become one of the most well-liked international brands. TQM strategies have been implemented by the top management, which was the right decision based on the current results.

Historical Background of TQM in KIA Motors

KIA Motors is a relatively old car manufacturer that has been on the market for a long time. However, due to certain policies, KIA has not been historically perceived as a reliable, top-quality car retailer. From the very beginning, KIA Motors has not been trying to appeal to a demographic that is well-off or has the means to purchase the best-quality car on the market. The initial strategy was to target an audience that values low prices over comfort, design, or even safety. This is why for the longest time, KIA was willing to focus on price reduction while disregarding other vital aspects of a car that customers may appreciate. Some of these characteristics are comfort, the interior, the exterior, the overall design of the car, and other seemingly minor concepts that have an influence on the buyer’s satisfaction. Moreover, KIA Motors has been a company that was considered unreliable because of the cheaper materials used during the manufacturing process. The corporation managed to cut down expenses. This was cost-effective, but the brand ended up suffering because of this policy.

While consumers were satisfied with the low prices, the future reparations needed for the car to function were perceived as a way for KIA to win in the short run yet lose long term. Clients had to invest in changing specific details, frequently making alterations, and spending extra resources on mechanical touch-ups. Moreover, KIA did not have comprehensive policies that would focus on consumer satisfaction. Some of the aspects that the management did not consider consist of having a target audience, a distinct branding strategy, a focus on creating a base of returning clients, etc.

South-Korean Automobile Industry

One of the reasons KIA did not invest in quality but rather focused on manufacturing cars at an affordable price was the overall industry at the time when the corporation was in the development phase. The Korean brand was targeting a particular audience within the home country because of the economic situation that did not allow individuals to invest in expensive vehicles. The Korean clientele was more likely to purchase a less pricey car, which is why the brand decided to offer a product that fits this criterion. Moreover, the overall Korean automobile industry was at the same developmental level as it is now (Thakkar and Jain). While KIA was able to compete with other local manufacturers, entering the global area has shown that foreign consumers are willing to invest in a more reliable car, even if this means spending more resources.

Both KIA Motors and Hyundai Motor have experienced the same challenging path because of the relatively low manufacturing potency of the country, the specific local demand that differs from the global one, and the focus on price without addressing quality. However, the Korean government started promoting local car manufacturers through tax cuts, an emphasis on industrialization, and an overall increasing per capita income. Such changes contributed to a higher chance of development for all the car manufacturers.

Hyundai Reforms

Evidence shows that the situation has changed due to specific organizational reforms. Firend mentions that KIA is considered the 69 th best brand due to its investments in providing customers with high-quality products and experiences (148). Specific policies have been implemented, and the result was higher customer satisfaction, which is the central concept of TQM. The process started with KIA’s initial bankruptcy, which led to Hyundai’s purchase of the corporation. While KIA Motors is independent, having a parent company has significantly contributed to its bright future.

Hyundai was also struggling as a brand, yet a significant investment into improving its cars’ quality has led to beneficial results. Hyundai representatives operate based on the notion that quality is key. The central plan is to attract customers with high manufacturing and customer service standards in comparison to the prior reliance solely on attractive prices. Historically, KIA is a brand that has not been deemed consumer-friendly and could only survive due to low prices. However, the situation started to improve as a result of a chain of events. After the parent company, Hyundai, started investing in KIA, the results were noticeable. Since then, the brand has become completely reformed in regards to design, the target audience, consumer demand, and quality. Such improvements have been beneficial for the organization and are continuing to contribute to positive results.

Organizational Results

While there is no exact information about the implementation of TQM strategies, it is certain that the management has changed particular views in the early 2000s. Consumers started noticing changes in 2006 when KIA won “Autobest” as a result of an international voting competition ( KIA ). Since then, TQM practices have resulted in hundreds of awards and thousands of nominations, an outcome that has benefited the brand on multiple levels. As soon as the management decided to put emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction, KIA Motors became an established corporation with strong corporate values based on clients’ demands.

It is important to mention that the brand has been successful in terms of revenue after improving its products. Researchers point out that KIA Motors has been included in the first five automobile makers as an affiliate of Hyundai (Hyun 230). Such a drastic change from a bankrupt company with a bad reputation on the market to one of the world’s top-selling car brands is evidence that total quality management practices have been positively influencing the corporation. KIA Motors is now one of the most popular automobile corporations, a result that the company’s representatives could not achieve before the structural changes.

There are multiple strategies KIA managers use that align with the principles of TQM. On the one hand, consumers enjoy driving KIA cars because of the relatively low price compared to other automobiles on the market. However, the company manages to combine affordability and quality. Specifically, the basis for such an organizational overview is the statement that quality depends on what the customer demands. Since KIA has been receiving backlash and was portrayed as an unreliable car manufacturer, the first step towards TQM was listening to feedback. It is certain that most of the commentary was negative and illustrated how low-quality cars could not fully satisfy a buyer even if the price was attractive.

As mentioned before, the first prize won for quality was the initial result of a beneficial change in management policies. KIA has never been identified as a high-quality product manufacturer, yet in 2006, voters recognized the corporation’s path towards a more efficient organizational strategy. Moreover, the top management has assumed the responsibilities of improving the quality of KIA products rather than maintaining inefficient systems that caused the organization to go bankrupt in the first place.

One of the central concepts within total quality management is making a constant effort towards product improvement. As highlighted prior, Hyundai’s investment aimed to create a new future for KIA. The goal was solely centralized into one aspect, which was improving quality. The fact that the parent company was interested in developing the brand from this perspective proves that the emphasis on TQM was a primary concern. KIA’s total quality management practices are illustrated in the approach that the management uses to operate the organization. Moreover, the awards for quality and the growing loyal consumer base are evidence that KIA representatives have been working on improving certain structural areas.

Practical Examples

KIA Motors has been using TQM strategies for the last decade, which has resulted in global recognition of the brand as an excellent car manufacturer that provides customers with quality products. There are several examples of total quality management being used by the brand in its internal and external environment. Such concepts are present in how KIA treats customers, what the brand aims to improve within the organization, and how the implemented guidelines affect manufacturing and transactions processes.

Customer Service Innovations

Appealing to the customer demand is one of the critical organizational purposes that each business follows in order for the consumers to be willing to invest in their products. KIA is among those companies that focus on providing individuals with pre and post-transaction support. The official website mentions the revolutionary 7-year warranty that is a nuance in the automobile industry since most brands cover only three years of insurance ( KIA ). Such a strategy is implemented due to the brand’s confidence in the products that it sells. High-quality cars rarely need additional investments, which is why KIA Motors implemented this service without fearing financial losses. Besides having a customer support team willing to assist consumers with their questions, concerns, or technical issues, the 7-year warranty is a bonus that makes the deal more appealing. Needless to say, such a rare guarantee within the automobile industry allows KIA to compete with other brands. Moreover, potential buyers are more likely to invest in a quality car that the brand is ready to insure for free.

Several other quality-related services are available for consumers to use. For example, KIA provides affordable technical services with original KIA parts. Moreover, the company is willing to prove its quality by giving a 2-year warranty for all the genuine parts installed or fixed within its service centers ( KIA ). Providing customers with on-demand products and services is one of the essential concepts in total quality management. KIA’s strategies illustrate that the corporation’s goal is giving consumers the best experience and the highest quality products, even when it comes to car parts and technical works.


Every automobile company has to follow specific regulations to ensure safe practices and transparent transactions with customers. Regarding sales, KIA follows the Vehicle Sales Code, which means the corporation puts emphasis on customer safety. The code mentions the use of reliable information for advisement, security checks when the automobile is acquired by a new owner, test drives, and a provision of all the necessary documentation when a car is sold. Such procedures are designed to promote safe transactions between clients and sellers, which is an excellent way for buyers to have a safe purchase from a reliable dealer.

Staff Training

Another general concept within TQM is constantly improving the workforce through training. Employees have to be able to provide customers with the best services. KIA’s website specifically mentions taking this aspect into consideration within its organizational structure. The official page states that service training options for team members have been included since the early 2000s with the purpose of increasing customer satisfaction ( KIA ). For example, the corporation organizes competitions for mechanics from all over the world to promote hard work, impeccable skills, and effectiveness. According to the source, more than 25,000 employees have participated in such events in 2019 ( KIA ). This is an example of how the brand invests in promoting quality by teaching team members all the new business strategies aimed to satisfy consumer demand.

While such events promote productivity and proficiency within the work environment, a more effective solution is providing employees with specialized education. KIA invests in teaching full-time employees involved in departments responsible for production and service. Certain individuals who strive to contribute to organizational objectives in the long-term are provided with skills and knowledge in regards to quality control, manufacturing, customer service, etc. While this is a significant investment from a financial standpoint, such practices consolidate the latest quality trends and allow the brand to apply the strategies within its own corporation. Since TQM is based on continuous improvement and training of the workforce, KIA’s practices fit the criteria.

Customer Feedback and Communication

KIA provides multiple customer service procedures that clients use in case there is a necessity for solving problems or asking questions. Moreover, the company is actively trying to build dialogues between representatives and users as often as possible without overpowering buyers with promotion content. KIA has developed a mobile app that covers multiple service areas. The app allows individuals to purchase new automobiles or parts, acquire maintenance services, and dispose of old vehicles. Clients are able to access multiple options online without having the inconvenience of going to an office, booking appointments, and possibly meeting other uncomfortable difficulties.

While the app is designed to provide comfort and easy communication tools with KIA representatives, it also focuses on ensuring high quality. In this case, the quality is highlighted in the overall customer service domain, which KIA strives to improve each year. The application is a relatively new implementation, but it is already an excellent way for KIA users to contact support teams and have 1-on-1 interactions regarding the corporation’s products. Moreover, the company uses such dialogues to have a better understanding of customers’ demands. Effectively communicating with clients allows businesses to receive first-hand feedback and improve their practices based on the commentary.

Data Privacy

The quality which KIA promises also extends to the field of data privacy. For the company to ensure that the customer’s private information such as full name, date of birth, and ID number remain private after these details are filled in online, KIA built a Personal Information Center. The center deals with securing all the information from being public. Moreover, team members who have access to such details are trained and informed about privacy policies and regulations to minimize the risks for leaks. The data security systems are renewed every year in order for customers to avoid difficulties related to keeping their personal details off public platforms. KIA’s quality security services are designed to mitigate all the cyber issues that may occur.

Advantages of Using TQM in KIA

As mentioned prior, KIA became much more successful and profitable after implementing TQM strategies in its corporate agenda. Furthermore, the advantages of using total quality management principles have been noticeable on multiple organizational levels and have had a significant effect on KIA as a brand. Such changes indeed led to a more prominent consumer demand, brand recognition worldwide, and revenue that keeps increasing due to the focus on quality and customer satisfaction.

Overcoming Crises

Since KIA Motors was a bankrupt company, Hyundai purchased the majority of the shares. KIA was in deplorable conditions in the 90s, as were multiple Korean automobile companies. However, the changes that have been structurally applied have resulted in more than 600% revenue growth based on the comparison between the 2006 results and 2016 (Park 46). These achievements have been reached due to the parent company’s investment in quality, image, and a change in consumer targeting policies. After following specific guidelines illustrated in the notion of total quality management, KIA overcame the crisis and is now one of the most popular automobile manufacturers worldwide.

Global Recognition

Back in the 90s and early 2000s, KIA was a brand that buyers would consider due to its affordable products. However, the company itself was considered unreliable and low-quality because of consumers’ technical problems with KIA automobiles. The image of the corporation had changed when TQM concepts were incorporated into the organizational structure. While having a KIA car was being associated with potential problems and technical issues in the past, the situation has gradually changed. The shift is portrayed in the company’s overall popularity on the global arena and the number of potential customers who consider purchasing a KIA car due to its reliability, quality promises, and affordable pricing. Total quality management’s advantage has been a complete change of the image of the brand in the eyes of the consumers, which is beneficial in terms of new clients and further revenue increase.


It is certain that every company strives for better revenue. However, TQM is based on investing the profit in further quality development and staff training. KIA’s revenue has exponentially grown, and the company is now in 69 th place in the list of the most marketable brands in the world (Park 46). Such a significant change is especially important if the prior financial problems are taken into consideration. KIA’s profitability and continuous financial improvement are evidence of TQM being advantageous for the corporation. While TQM requires significant investments in quality advancement and staff performance increase, the revenue that follows such changes balances the spending and makes them worth considering. KIA’s profitability is directly linked to the reforms on the structural levels and would not be present without an emphasis on quality and a shift in management.

There a multiple ways in which consumers can show a company that they support them. This includes purchasing products, giving positive feedback, recommending the brand to other people, promoting it online, etc. However, such overviews are often objective and driven by personal interests. When professionals who are not aligned with the corporation in any way can assess its performance, the results tend to be more honest and unbiased. KIA has won multiple quality awards over the years. There are more than 150 titles that KIA mentions on its website ( KIA ). In this case, professionals, engineers, mechanics, and car reviewers with expertise in the field have compared KIA automobiles with cars from other brands and decided that the KIA ones are of higher quality. Such awards show how much the brand has grown due to total quality management.

Furthermore, it is essential to mention that some of the competitions are directly linked to how customers feel about KIA. Regular people were able to assess their experiences with the brand and their overall overview of the company’s products. As the results are being measured and compared, KIA is often above other car manufacturers with more financial potency, experience on the market, and influence. Such outcomes are another pieces of evidence that illustrate how using TQM can be advantageous for corporations that engage in said practices

Disadvantages of Using TQM in KIA

Undoubtedly, TQM is an effective strategy that creates a positive corporate environment based on constant growth, innovation, and quality improvement. The aim is to satisfy consumer demand and provide the best services and products. However, such an emphasis on quality requires significant investments. This was the case for KIA, or more precisely, the parent company, Hyundai. As mentioned before, the initial management policy consisted of a major investment in rebranding and corporate changes. While such measures ended up being profitable in the long run, the prominent financial loss in the first years is a risk that many corporations cannot overcome or manage.

KIA’s first years have also been challenging because of this. Since TQM implementation requires an initial period of training and design, the investment does not instantly turn into profit. The policy has been cost-effective based on the following corporate results, such as an increase in revenue and better brand imaging. However, the fact that TQM implementation has been costly for Hyundai as a parent company is one disadvantage that may cause other similar corporations to turn the idea down and chose other strategies for quality improvement.

KIA Motors had been going through financial struggles after the brand had decided to expand from the Korean market to the global arena. The products, while affordable, could not reach the same standards as other car companies. Due to a lack of focus on quality, a less advanced industrial sector in Korea, and high expectations from worldwide customers, the corporation went bankrupt. When Hyundai became the parent company, a major investment was made to improve KIA as a brand and advance the quality of the vehicles.

TQM strategies have been used to create a reliable image of KIA Motors, build high-quality products, and train experts to advance and satisfy customer demand. TQM has been advantageous for KIA in terms of innovations, crises mitigation, global recognition, revenue, and prestigious awards. The company uses total quality management in such fields as customer care, regulations, employee training, and data privacy policies. However, the implementations of these strategies have required a major investment, which is one disadvantage that has been minimized due to the following profitability. KIA Motors has experienced a significant shift from a struggling car manufacturer to one of the most valuable brands in the world due to an emphasis on total quality management. Now that the corporation is successful in regards to having a loyal consumer base, steady market growth, high competitiveness, and adequate revenue, it is certain that TQM has facilitated all the benefits.

Works Cited

Worldwide KIA. KIA Motors. Web.

Dahlgaard-Park, Su Mi, et al. “The Evolution and Convergence of Total Quality Management and Management Theories.” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence , vol. 29, no. 9-10, 2018, pp. 1108–1128., Web.

Firend, Alan Rasch. Business model simplified: With examples from global companies , 2018. Google Books .

Hyun, Young-Suk. “Catch-up to Lead in Korea’s Automobile Industry.” New Frontiers of the Automobile Industry , 2019, pp. 229–254., Web.

Park, Young-Eun. “The Endless Challenges of Kia Motors for Globalization : A Case Study on Kia in Saudi Arabia.” Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business , vol. 9, no. 9, 2018, pp. 45–52., Web.

Thakkar, Yugal, and Akshit Jain. “A Study of the Reasons of Decline in Automobile Exports of South Korea.” International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology , vol. 3, no. 1, 2018.

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IvyPanda. (2022, November 17). Total Quality Management: Kia Motors. https://ivypanda.com/essays/total-quality-management-kia-motors/

"Total Quality Management: Kia Motors." IvyPanda , 17 Nov. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/total-quality-management-kia-motors/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Total Quality Management: Kia Motors'. 17 November.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Total Quality Management: Kia Motors." November 17, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/total-quality-management-kia-motors/.

1. IvyPanda . "Total Quality Management: Kia Motors." November 17, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/total-quality-management-kia-motors/.


IvyPanda . "Total Quality Management: Kia Motors." November 17, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/total-quality-management-kia-motors/.

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Kia Rebrand: A Brand Strategy Case Study

It’s always fascinating to analyze the decision-making process throughout the development of a new brand strategy.

In 2021, Kia’s new branding caught the eye, quite literally, with a launch event that saw hundreds of unmanned drones lighting up the Seoul skyline with a flashy fireworks display.

The drones served to form the new logo design, lit up proudly in the night sky.

The whole event was slick, futuristic, and innovative.

A deliberate choice, given the brand’s new approach.

Let’s examine the story of Kia’s rebrand a little more closely.

A Brief History Of Kia

kia case study special topics list

Kia Motors  company is a car manufacturer.

They’re the second-largest car company in South Korea behind long-term competitor  Hyundai .

However, Hyundai is the parent company and umbrella brand of Kia after they acquired the brand in 1998.

Founded in 1944, the company started from humble beginnings.

They made bicycle parts and steel tubing before transitioning to the automotive industry in 1952.

Over the decades, Kia has had fluctuating success, obtaining licenses as an automaker for Mazda and Honda until stopping operations in 1981.

They then reentered the market through a partnership with Ford.

After languishing as a bit-part player in the past, Kia Motors has been widely successful in the past decade.

The automaker leapfrogged Ford and Volkswagen to the number one spot for cars sold in the UK in the first quarter of 2022, while its market share in the US is steadily increasing.

The Rebrand Narrative

kia case study special topics list

Brand strategists  try to communicate a consistent narrative to their audience through their messaging and experience.

When done well, this evokes desired feelings in the audience’s mind.

Think of the branding of two major car brands: BMW and Tesla.

One of these plays on ideas of reliability, German engineering, luxury, and automotive heritage.

The other frames itself as a sustainability and luxury pioneer, unapologetically accelerating the world’s  transition into sustainable energy .

This mentality is closely aligned, purposefully, to the personality of its controversial billionaire  CEO Elon Musk .

Luxury German Automotive Heritage vs Luxury Sustainable Energy Pioneer. 

These are two distinctly different narratives.

Yet, they both work since they resonate with different parts of the car-buying market.

The purpose of Kia’s rebrand, then, is to tell a new story to its target market.

They’re betting this will differentiate them from their competitors and carve out a larger market share.

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kia case study special topics list

A Brand For The Future

kia case study special topics list

In January 2021, the carmaker launched a rebrand with a Guinness-world-record-breaking light show.

Kia is the latest car company to rebrand as the crowded field of car manufacturers is increasingly saturated.

Each player is trying to find a competitive edge in a rapidly changing industry.

From Kia’s perspective, they are rebranding with a new brand image as they look to move into the innovative electric vehicles product category.

Alongside the new product direction, Korean carmakers have introduced redesigns of old models and hinted at a forward-thinking range of new models, taking electric cars on the next step toward widespread use.

They have revamped their  brand assets , including a radical shift in the Kia logo, a new slogan, and an updated approach to the graphic design featured on their website.

It’s all about telling a new story to their audience.

With this update, Kia is attempting to frame itself as a futuristic innovator, shown through sleek design and messaging that hopefully inspires the audience.

Kia is aiming for an upgrade to a ‘cool’ new  brand perception . It aims to be seen as a frontrunner in the green revolution in the automotive industry.

This is a move to solidify their presence in the car industry moving forward.

Let’s explore some of those new  brand elements .

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Kia logo: evolution.

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A lot of thinking goes into logo design.

An effective logo will incorporate many brand elements and act as a reflection of the brand’s image.

This brand identity will run like a seam through all visual communication.

That’s why, when a company radically redesigns its logo, you can analyze the changes to evaluate exactly what the designers are trying to say.

Over the years since its inception, Kia has had six different logos.

We’ll focus on the iterations since 1994 and compare those with the latest revamp.

Kia Brand Identity: 1994-2012

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1994 saw the adoption of the red and white color palette that we associate with Kia Motors.

Red and white are both eye-catching, attention-seeking colors. Kia chose them for these qualities, but they serve the secondary purpose of linking to the brand’s Korean heritage.

The logo features a wordmark – the letters KIA – in a simple, easy-to-read, bold typeface. 

The wordmark is then encased in a red oval, symbolizing the company’s global status.

This logo was a significant step away from previous logos that featured more design elements.

This logo was notable for its stripped-back, clean and crisp look.

Kia Brand Identity: 2012-2020

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In 2012, Kia decided to update their logo by making it brighter.

This partial refresh saw no change to the design elements as the oval and wordmark remained.

The red, as mentioned, was brightened, while the lines became cleaner and bolder.

This is clearly an enhanced version of the first with a pleasing minimalist design.

So, what do these two logos say about the brand identity of Kia during this period?

Well, as is often the case, comparison bears the sweetest fruit!

Let’s look specifically at what changes with Kia’s new logo to see if we can note the narrative shift.

The New Logo

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The redesign replaces the red and white with a monochromatic black and white design.

The simple, easy-to-read typeface makes way for a handwritten-signature-esque script of the three letters.

At first glance, it’s quite tricky to pick out the abstract ‘K-I-A’.

This stylized inscription looks energetic and youthful as the letters flow into one another, giving the impression of sophisticated movement.

While the typeface flows, it does so in an angular fashion.

A notable characteristic is the two angular rising slants forming parts of the ‘K’ and ‘A’ that provide some symmetry to the wordmark.

This is intentional and packed with meaning.

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Says  Ho Sung Song, Kia’s president , the  “rising gestures embody Kia’s rising ambitions for the brand,”  while the symmetry  “demonstrates confidence.”

Of course,  the average joe doesn’t look at a logo and make deep analytical insights on what each feature connotes on a deeper level.

They do, however, subconsciously take in the shift in direction.

The brand immediately becomes more stylish with this colour choice by replacing the red with a black and white design. 

Luxury fashion brands have long understood the power of black as an indicator of sophistication.

Chanel ,  Dolce & Gabanna , and  Gucci , are perfect examples.

The angular slants of the wordmark certainly take on a futurist feel. 

kia case study special topics list

Compare the design with the simplistic nature of the previous typeface, and it’s clear that this update notes a step toward modernity.

The design resembles other classic, black-and-white logos of tech-adjacent companies, such as Sony’s logo for the PS5, Chinese phone company Vivo’s simple black-and-white design, or even Apple’s half-bitten logo.

This alignment with tech companies is no accident.

Kia indicates its shift from basic, utilitarian, uncomplicated cars to forward-thinking, futuristic models.

Yet, it wants these futuristic models to become the norm instead of a niche product.

This is further supported by its new slogan.

The New Slogan: “Movement That Inspires”

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Any brand strategist worth their salt will appreciate a slogan that works on numerous levels.

First of all, the phrase ‘movement that inspires’ could actually work as a description for the logo itself.

The word  ‘movement’  is not only a clear reference to the movement of a car, but also to the idea that the whole industry is undergoing a transformation as it looks to shift to a greener future.

Kia itself is mirroring this transformation by refreshing all facets of its business.

Effectively, it’s a new brand to match a new electric-car-focused era.

The rebrand “represents the company’s commitment to becoming an icon for change and innovation [reflecting] our desire to inspire customers as their mobility needs evolve.” according to CEO Ho Sung Song.

It’s rather grandiose, but their branding elevates them from the business of selling cars.

Instead, it frames them as the vanguard of a green revolution for the industry, serving the people’s needs as an ‘icon’ for innovation.

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Kia Repositioning For The Future

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Only time will tell whether Kia’s rebrand will convert into sales and work to cement its place in the automotive industry.

It’s an excellent lesson in strategic branding that highlights the need for brands to evolve to match the needs of their audience or risk becoming irrelevant.

Brands don’t exist in a vacuum, and any branding strategy needs to consider the competition.

Brands must strategically position  themselves by considering the needs of their audience and how those needs are being met by competitors. 

This position relies on significant market research, something the marketing guys at Kia have evidently done.

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They have found what they believe to be a market gap and have developed a strategy that aims to bring electric vehicles to the masses.

Electric cars are the future of mobility, so Kia has designed a brand to match this future in the hopes of stealing a march on the competition.

While Tesla may be the early headline makers in the area of electric vehicles, they play in a luxury market that doesn’t cater to all segments.

Kia aims to differentiate itself with sleek, modern designs while retaining its affordability. 

That distinction of the future, but for the everyday person, may turn out to be a winning strategy.

Over To You

Fuel any rebranding efforts with sufficient market research.

All brand assets, including logos and slogans, should reinforce consistent messaging.

Branding should evolve over time to match industry trends, considering competitor activity.

While analysis of design elements can often seem high-concept, the intended audience is receptive to shifts in brand direction.

Successful branding is telling the same story through each brand element.

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Very insightful and inspiring case study. The way you analyse it, is stellar. I learned a lot on how a brand can strategically differentiate from mainstream (car industry) competitors and niche (Tesla) players, by understanding clearly consumers deepest desires. Thank you for sharing this (successful) best practice.

Much Appreciated

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Create Strategic Brands Like A PRO

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The Acquisition and Restructuring of Kia Motors by Hyundai Motors

By: Seungwha (Andy) Chung, Sunju Park

In recent years, greater competition and diminished profits, due to domestic and global oversupplies as well as higher development costs, have led the automobile industry to engage in domestic and…

  • Length: 16 page(s)
  • Publication Date: Feb 3, 2009
  • Discipline: General Management
  • Product #: 909M15-PDF-ENG

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In recent years, greater competition and diminished profits, due to domestic and global oversupplies as well as higher development costs, have led the automobile industry to engage in domestic and international mergers and strategic collaboration. This case examines one of the largest mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the Korean automobile market in recent years: the acquisition of Kia Motors (Kia) by Hyundai Motors (Hyundai). The case describes the background conditions of the acquisition, the integration processes after the acquisition, and the requisites for Kia Motors to normalize management within a short time. Hyundai, in acquiring Kia, enhanced its competitive power in both domestic and global markets, achieving economies of scale and scope and strengthening its global market basis. That said, Hyundai/Kia faced several pressing challenges, among them the cooperation of Renault and Samsung Motors, the unclear domestic treatment of Daewoo Motors, and M&As taking place among top motor companies worldwide. This case study asks students to analyze the process of post-acquisition restructuring and the resulting synergy effects, inviting them to think through the strategies by which Hyundai/Kia may thrive in the global automobile market. Further, it illustrates both the current state of the domestic Korean automobile industry and recent trends in the global automobile market.

Learning Objectives

This case study asks students to analyze the process of post-acquisition restructuring and the resulting synergy effects, inviting them to think through the strategies by which Hyundai/Kia may thrive on the global automobile market. Further, it illustrates both the current state of the domestic Korean automobile industry and recent trends in the global automobile market.

Feb 3, 2009


General Management


South Korea


Transportation and distribution

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Kia Motors: Positioning and Growth Strategies in India ^ W21161

Kia Motors: Positioning and Growth Strategies in India

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Kia Motors: Positioning and Growth Strategies in India ^ W21161

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Product Description

Publication Date: April 09, 2021

Source: Ivey Publishing

Industry: Fabrication and manufacturing

Kia Motors India (Kia) had tasted success in India within a year of the launch of its product Seltos. Kia's managing director and chief executive officer was quite happy with the sales figures for Seltos, the mid-sized sport utility vehicle (SUV) launched in August 2019, and was fairly confident that Kia's compact SUV Sonet would follow the same path. Kia's positioning strategies had worked very well thus far, and the company had been able to cultivate a brand image of a premium automaker whose products were considered aspirational. However, Kia's competitors seemed to have learned from Kia's success in realizing what worked for Indian consumers and were starting to launch new variants of existing models. In the face of this competitive onslaught and slowing economic growth in India, the chief executive officer had to formulate strategies that would keep Kia's growth trajectory on track. Could his understanding of the dynamics of the SUV segment in India enable him to frame effective positioning and growth strategies that would continue to work for Kia? Nitin Gupta is affiliated with Institute of Management Technology, Hyderabad.

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Kia motors India

Kia Motors India Case Study: Fastest carmaker in 11 months

Learn Kia motors India case study, to understand how in In July 2019, it became the fastest-selling car maker of India in just 11 months, by selling…

Kia motors entered the Indian Market in July 2019, i.e. roughly a year ago on the date we’re writing this post. And, the reason we’re writing this piece is that the carmaker has become a success story. Even with the automobile slowdown and the lockdown. It has become the fastest car sellers in the country by making sales of one lakh units in the last 11 months after it entered the Indian market.

So, when other car manufacturers are struggling during these times, how did KIA achieve this growth?

Let’s first take a look at the history of the company.

A swift light into the history

Started in 1944, Kia Motor Corporation or KIA is a South Korean automaker . They’re headquartered in Seoul and are country’s second-largest manufacturer after Hyundai Motor Corporation. Given the number of cars they sold in 2015 (3.3 Mn worldwide), they were partially acquired by Hyundai company. And in return, Kia took a minority ownership of 20 subsidiaries from Hyundai.

Kia Motors expanded to the United States in 1992, and its approach was conservative. They expanded one area at a time. Why are you learning this? Because this is exactly what they did in India too, so keep reading. By 1995, they had more than 100 dealerships located across 30 states of the US.

However, in 1997, the financial crisis led them to Bankruptcy. And again, in the US, they teamed up with Hyundai, but this time Hyundai took 51% stake of Kia. Again, in return, Kia owns 22 subsidiaries of Hyundai. In 2014, Kia earned great PR when the company was recognized by Pope Francis when he was riding in their Kia Soul, a compact vehicle. It is believed that they created more attention than their Hyundai counterpart compact.

The company currently manufactures sedans, minivans, SUVs, and hybrid vehicles and the Kia Forte has been the company’s number one selling vehicle.

The Powerful Portfolio

In 2017, they laid the foundation for their first manufacturing plant at Anantapur district of AP in India and made its first debut at Auto Expo in January 2018. India was the fifth largest economy in the World that year and the car markets were optimistic then.

Now, by this time, they had not launched any car in India, well, they didn’t even have a ready plant. They were not going to have either of these ready for another year.

But this was a smart move, why? Because they instead choose to showcase to the car enthusiasts what they were selling in the other parts of the World. They showcased their 16 top models at the expo, letting their future customers experience the product. They also showcased the teaser of their upcoming SUV (the first model in India) in the same expo. Essentially, making them excited about what is to come in a year. If you were to look this from a “Marketing funnel’s” perspective, this is where they set the awareness.

The CSR Program – Green Light Project, India

Exactly after a year to the Expo, in January 2019, Kia launched a global CSR program, ‘Green Light Project’ in India . This was launched in Anantapur district of AP in partnership with the Regional Government. This was done to inculcate vocational and educational training in three educational institutions in the local community. You see why we told you to remember the “one region at a time” above.

Kia motors india case study

  • The first institution they worked with was Save the Children (a local non-profit organization) to promote children’s rights, welfare and education and to improve classroom conditions.
  • The second one they worked with was Anantapur Industrial training institute (ITI), where Kia helped to develop a driver’s license training scheme for 100 students a year. They even went ahead to help these 100 students with having better career aspects.
  • The third institution they worked with was a Government one where they helped locals with educational infrastructure (books, materials, etc.).

Now, by this time Kia had the love of car enthusiasts and the support of the local Government. Now it was time to sell.

Kia entered the market before it entered the market – The consumer study

You read it right. This was their biggest win, per their CEO. It was in December 2019 that the official facility was opened, this marked the launch of Kia in India. But the pre-orders had begun from July 2019. By October 2019 Kia had already registered 50,000 bookings for Seltos – trumping the automobile slowdown back then.

Kia already had a ton of market research data from their parent company Hyundai before they entered the market. But they went beyond for a little more. They found out that 55% of the Indian population was under 30. It had an upward trajectory in terms of technology adaptation and the middle class was growing faster than ever. They understood that these are the people who are aspirational and are demanding differentiated products. So, they set their eyes only on the middle class for the next 5 years .

Now based on this research, they realized that an SUV – Seltos – with cutting edge tech features would do the trick. And the rest is history. They received 50,000 pre-bookings. Reports said their debut month sales beat half a dozen car brands in India.

The Marvel of Marketing

The company also tapped the Digital potential to improve its reach. They chose Tiger Shroff, an aspirational actor, to promote Seltos. The choice was perfect as most of their audience directly connected with the ambassador and did the trick for them.

The success of Seltos was so widespread that it acted as a catalyst for their next luxury multipurpose vehicle (MVP) Carnival launch at Auto Expo 2020. It made a record with pre-orders received. Kia recorded the sales of 15,644 units in February post the launch. If you believe in numbers, with 6.24% market share they were 3rd largest in February 2020, beating automobile players like Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra. It was surprising to see that the automobile slowdown wasn’t really affecting the sales of Kia as bad as it was to those other Carmakers.

Next, came the launch of Seltos 2020, where they positioned the car to be an absolute badass, this came from the Sales they achieved with their previous two launches, Kia now knew that the audience loved them, and so they capitalized on this via this campaign. Their premium launch acted as a catalyst to improve sales of this model. For the folks who felt premium was expensive, they simply went with Seltos 2020 given there was no love lost in terms of promoting the company was doing.

The Super engagement

What’s more, the company used Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to promote their features. They used polls of features in their cars, like below. Also, see how the audience was reacting to those polls in comments. Now, although that’s a funny comment, I think it goes a long way at stating the love that the audience has for the brand and car essentially. What’s more, it helps them understand what is the most sought after feature their audience would be looking for. This eventually helped them add more features in the upcoming models.


Recent story

In July 2019, Kia motors became the fastest-selling car maker selling 1 lakh vehicles in India, in the span of just 11 months. Hope the story above helped you understand how they did it.

If I had to summarize their story, they entered the Market way before they actually did – by doing the right consumer research, listening to their audience in social media and staying tuned to the most recent trends.

Two weeks back, they launched their most recent model Sonet – positioned as #WildByDesign. While we’re yet to see the results, given what their audience is saying on various social media handles, we’re sure it is going to receive the same amount of love as their other models.

The author of this piece is Yash Thakker , the story was independently researched and put-together by Casereads. If you liked the work, why not share it with your best friend on WhatsApp or LinkedIn ? Subscribe to our free newsletter, .

More brand stories, here .

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Case Study Topics: How to Uncover Engaging Subjects (+145 Topic Ideas)

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In this article, you will uncover engaging case study ideas ranging from marketing strategies, educational innovations, business challenges, and management insights to probing the depths of human behavior in the media domain. Each topic is meticulously curated to provide students with a starting point for exploration and a catalyst for their own unique research endeavors.

From unlocking the secrets of successful branding to decoding intricate criminal justice cases, this article is a valuable resource for students seeking intriguing and relevant case study topics across different fields. Hire a paper writer if you’re trailing behind the schedule and assistance to keep up with the workload. 

How to Find a Case Study Topic (List of Topics)

Finding compelling case study ideas for students involves a thoughtful and strategic approach. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you discover an engaging case study topic:

how to choose a case study topics

Identify Your Interests

Begin by reflecting on your academic interests and the subjects that captivate you. A case study becomes more engaging when it aligns with your passion and curiosity.

Explore Current Trends

Stay updated on current trends, challenges, and debates within your field. Look for emerging issues that present opportunities for in-depth exploration and analysis.

Review Course Material

Revisit your course materials, textbooks, and class notes. Identify case study topics that resonated with you during your studies.

Check Academic Journals

Browse through academic journals related to your field. Investigate recent case studies published by researchers to identify gaps or areas that warrant further investigation.

Consider Real-World Problems

Look beyond the academic realm and consider real-world problems or challenges. Addressing practical issues can lead to impactful case studies with tangible solutions.

Brainstorm with Peers and Mentors

Engage in discussions with classmates, professors, or mentors. Collaborative brainstorming often sparks new ideas and provides valuable perspectives.

Evaluate Feasibility

Assess the feasibility of potential topics. Consider the availability of resources, data, and the scope of your research. Ensure that the chosen topic is manageable within the given timeframe.

Think Interdisciplinary

Explore interdisciplinary connections. Integrating insights from multiple disciplines can lead to innovative and holistic case study topics.

Seek Inspiration from Literature

Read relevant literature, articles, and books. Analyze existing case studies to identify gaps or areas where you can contribute new insights.

Connect with Industry Professionals

If applicable, connect with professionals in your field. Discussing real-world challenges with industry experts can inspire relevant and impactful case study topics.

Consider Ethical Implications

Ensure that your chosen topic aligns with ethical considerations. Case studies should adhere to ethical standards and respect the rights and privacy of individuals involved.

Remember that a well-chosen case study topic should be not only interesting to you but also relevant, feasible, and capable of contributing valuable insights to your field of study. Having trouble at this point? Our custom case study writing service can relieve you from any hurdles quickly and effortlessly. 

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This might take time that you might not h

Case Study Topics in Education

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  • Evaluating the effectiveness of online learning platforms.
  • Addressing socioeconomic disparities in education.
  • Implementing inclusive education practices.
  • Assessing the impact of teacher professional development programs.
  • The role of parental involvement in student academic achievement.
  • Exploring cross-cultural teaching strategies.
  • Gamification in middle school education.
  • Analyzing the benefits of project-based learning.
  • Creating a culturally responsive curriculum.
  • Examining the impact of standardized testing on education.
  • Enhancing teacher-student communication in high schools.
  • Designing effective strategies for classroom management.
  • Investigating the relationship between school facilities and academic performance.

Sociology Case Study Topics

Find out about the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships, gender stereotypes in the workplace, and the dynamics of multiculturalism in urban communities. Each case study provides a window into social phenomena, relationships, and cultural dynamics.

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  • Exploring the dynamics of multiculturalism in urban communities.
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  • Investigating the influence of social networks on health behaviors.
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  • Impact of deforestation on biodiversity.
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  • Analyzing the effects of climate change on coastal ecosystems.
  • Examining the relationship between industrial practices and air quality.
  • Investigating water pollution in urban watersheds.
  • Case study on sustainable agriculture practices.
  • Analyzing the impact of plastic pollution on marine life.
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Marketing Case Study Ideas

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  • Investigating the relationship between product packaging and consumer perception.
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  • Analyzing the influence of celebrity endorsements on brand image.
  • Examining the effect of pricing strategies on consumer behavior.
  • Case study on cross-cultural marketing: challenges and success stories.
  • Exploring the impact of e-commerce on traditional retail marketing.
  • Case study on ethical considerations in marketing practices.
  • Analyzing the role of storytelling in modern content marketing.
  • Examining the effects of cultural diversity on global marketing strategies.
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  • Investigating the relationship between marketing and consumer trust.
  • Case study on the future of personalized marketing in the digital age.

Case Study Topics for College Students

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  • Analyzing the impact of peer pressure on college decision-making.
  • Examining strategies for overcoming procrastination in college.
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  • Examining the impact of technology on college learning environments.
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  • Exploring the role of internships in shaping future career prospects.
  • Case study on the challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance in college.
  • Analyzing the effects of college sports on student engagement and well-being.
  • Examining the influence of cultural diversity on college campus dynamics.
  • Case study on the evolving landscape of online education for college students.

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Study the intricacies of the business world with these insightful case study topics. Explore strategies for organizational success, the impact of globalization on business practices, and the dynamics of effective leadership.

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  • Analyzing the impact of digital transformation on business models.
  • Examining the role of corporate social responsibility in business.
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  • Analyzing the effects of organizational structure on decision-making processes.
  • Case study on innovation and adaptability in evolving business environments.
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  • Case study on the implementation of data-driven decision-making in businesses.
  • Exploring the impact of consumer behavior trends on marketing strategies.
  • Case study on successful brand positioning and differentiation.
  • Analyzing the effects of e-commerce integration on traditional retail businesses.
  • Examining the role of emotional intelligence in effective business leadership.

Management Case Study Topics

Experience the complexities of management with these thought-provoking case study ideas. Face the managerial challenges and discover project management research topics , organizational behavior, and effective leadership in diverse contexts.

  • Enhancing team collaboration and communication in project management.
  • Case study on the role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership.
  • Analyzing the impact of organizational culture on management practices.
  • Examining the challenges and strategies of change management in organizations.
  • Case study on the implementation of agile methodologies in project management.
  • Exploring the dynamics of conflict resolution in team management.
  • Case study on the influence of leadership styles on employee motivation.
  • Analyzing the effects of diversity and inclusion in organizational management.
  • Examining the role of technology in optimizing supply chain management.
  • Case study on effective crisis management strategies for organizational resilience.
  • Exploring the impact of remote work on team management and productivity.
  • Case study on the successful implementation of strategic management initiatives.
  • Analyzing the role of mentoring and coaching in talent management.
  • Examining the effects of organizational structure on management decision-making.
  • Case study on the integration of sustainability practices in supply chain management.

Applied Physics Case Study Topics

Study practical applications of physics with these enlightening case study topics. Explore real-world scenarios where principles of physics are employed to address challenges and drive innovations.

  • Innovative applications of quantum physics in modern technologies.
  • Case study on the role of physics in medical imaging techniques.
  • Analyzing renewable energy solutions through applied physics.
  • Examining the impact of physics in space exploration.
  • Case study on materials science and its applications in engineering.
  • Exploring the role of physics in advancing telecommunication technologies.
  • Case study on nanotechnology and its applications in various industries.
  • Analyzing the principles of fluid dynamics in engineering and technology.
  • Case study on the use of physics in optimizing transportation systems.
  • Exploring the applications of acoustics in audio technology and design.
  • Case study on the role of physics in developing sustainable energy sources.
  • Analyzing the use of optics in modern communication systems.
  • Case study on the applications of physics in medical therapies and treatments.
  • Exploring the principles of thermodynamics in industrial processes.
  • Case study on the intersection of physics and computer science in simulations.

MBA Case Study Topic Ideas

From financial management to organizational strategy, these topics provide a comprehensive view of challenges and opportunities in the business world. If some of the topics are too difficult, use our MBA essay writing services for better results and more free time for you.

  • Case study on financial risk management in multinational corporations.
  • Analyzing the impact of corporate governance on organizational success.
  • Examining strategic human resource management practices in global companies.
  • Case study on the role of innovation in reshaping business models.
  • Exploring the dynamics of mergers and acquisitions in the corporate landscape.
  • Case study on the implementation of sustainable business practices in MBA programs.
  • Analyzing the effects of globalization on supply chain management strategies.
  • Examining the role of leadership development in shaping future business leaders.
  • Case study on the integration of technology in strategic marketing initiatives.
  • Exploring ethical considerations in financial decision-making in MBA contexts.
  • Case study on effective crisis management strategies for MBA graduates.
  • Analyzing the impact of cultural diversity on team dynamics in MBA programs.
  • Case study on entrepreneurial ventures and their challenges in MBA education.
  • Examining the role of big data analytics in shaping business intelligence strategies.
  • Case study on the intersection of technology and finance in MBA curriculum.

Nursing Case Study Subjects

Explore the intricate world of healthcare with these comprehensive nursing case study topics. From patient care strategies to ethical considerations, these topics provide valuable insights for nursing professionals and students. Just in case, here’s an expert guide on how to write a nursing essay for those students who want to know more.

  • Enhancing patient-centered care in critical settings.
  • Case study on ethical dilemmas in nursing practice.
  • Analyzing the impact of technology on nursing informatics.
  • Examining strategies for effective pain management in nursing.
  • Case study on the role of cultural competence in nursing care.
  • Exploring pediatric nursing practices and challenges.
  • Case study on community health nursing interventions.
  • Analyzing the effects of nurse staffing ratios on patient outcomes.
  • Examining the role of nursing leadership in healthcare organizations.
  • Case study on the implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing.
  • Exploring the intersection of mental health and nursing care.
  • Case study on the challenges and opportunities in gerontological nursing.
  • Analyzing the role of nursing research in shaping evidence-based policies.
  • Case study on the impact of interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare.
  • Examining the ethical considerations of end-of-life care in nursing.

Criminal Justice Case Study Topics

From legal perspectives to societal impacts, these topics offer a comprehensive view of the challenges and dynamics within criminal justice.

  • Analyzing the implications of restorative justice practices.
  • Case study on the use of technology in criminal investigations.
  • Examining the role of criminal profiling in solving complex cases.
  • Exploring the impact of illegal substance policies on criminal justice outcomes.
  • Case study on juvenile justice and rehabilitation programs.
  • Analyzing the effects of witness testimony on criminal trials.
  • Examining the role of mental health considerations in criminal sentencing.
  • Case study on the use of forensic science in criminal investigations.
  • Exploring the ethical considerations in criminal justice policymaking.
  • Case study on the effectiveness of community policing initiatives.
  • Analyzing the impact of racial disparities in sentencing and incarceration.
  • Examining the role of private prisons in the criminal justice system.
  • Case study on the challenges and opportunities in criminal justice reform.
  • Exploring the intersection of technology and privacy rights in criminal cases.
  • Case study on the implications of criminal justice policies on recidivism.

Media Case Study Topics

From the impact of digital transformation to the role of media in shaping public opinion, these topics provide valuable insights into the ever-evolving media landscape. Are you dealing with more complex papers? On our website, you can buy thesis , dissertation, or capstone that will be tailored for you from scratch.

  • Analyzing the influence of social media on political discourse.
  • Case study on the effects of fake news on public perception.
  • Examining the role of media convergence in shaping content delivery.
  • Exploring the impact of user-generated content on traditional media.
  • Case study on the ethical considerations of media representation.
  • Analyzing the effects of media ownership concentration on diversity.
  • Examining the role of media literacy in the digital age.
  • Case study on the evolving landscape of broadcast journalism.
  • Exploring the impact of streaming services on traditional television.
  • Case study on media coverage of global events and its implications.
  • Analyzing the role of media in shaping cultural identities.
  • Examining the effects of advertising and product placement in media.
  • Case study on the intersection of entertainment and social issues in media.
  • Exploring the role of media regulations in protecting consumer interests.
  • Case study on the influence of media on public health perceptions.

Human Rights Case Studies

Navigate the complexities of human rights with these compelling case study ideas. From the examination of global human rights challenges to the role of international organizations, these topics offer a nuanced perspective on the pursuit of justice.

  • Analyzing the impact of human rights violations in conflict zones.
  • Case study on the role of international courts in addressing human rights abuses.
  • Examining the challenges and opportunities in promoting gender equality.
  • Exploring the effects of migration policies on refugee rights.
  • Case study on the intersection of technology and human rights advocacy.
  • Analyzing the role of non-governmental organizations in protecting human rights.
  • Examining the implications of surveillance practices on privacy rights.
  • Case study on the challenges of upholding indigenous rights.
  • Exploring the role of education in promoting human rights awareness.
  • Case study on the effects of censorship on freedom of expression.
  • Analyzing the impact of discriminatory laws on LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Examining the role of economic policies in addressing socio-economic rights.
  • Case study on the challenges of enforcing human rights in authoritarian regimes.
  • Exploring the intersection of environmental protection and human rights.
  • Case study on the role of media in raising awareness of human rights issues.

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In conclusion, the process of selecting engaging case study topics is paramount for several reasons, each contributing to the overall success and significance of the research endeavor. Firstly, a well-chosen case study topic serves as the foundation for robust and meaningful academic exploration. It provides researchers with a focused lens through which they can delve into specific phenomena, analyze intricate details, and draw comprehensive conclusions. A carefully selected case study topic not only facilitates in-depth investigation but also ensures the relevance and applicability of the research outcomes in addressing real-world challenges or contributing to existing knowledge in the respective field.

Secondly, the importance of finding a good case study topic extends beyond the confines of academia. A thoughtfully chosen topic has the potential to captivate the interest of a broader audience, fostering engagement and discussion among professionals, policymakers, and the public. Need assistance with this task? Simply pay for essay on our website, and all your difficulties will become non-existent. 

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

kia case study special topics list

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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KIA USA is a car company driven by world-class design and engineering. Kia is committed to innovation and customer service. They’re inspired by the idea that you should love driving and owning your car.

When KIA USA decided to become our client, their goal was to increase engagement with their audience. In our analysis, we decided the best way to do so was to elevate the overall brand experience.

The Process

KIA USA has fulfillment houses all across the United States and each client needs to be given almost personalized attention. Our investigation revealed that their e-commerce presence was weak.

The KIA USA website wasn’t optimized for mobile. This created a rift between visitors and the KIA USA brand.

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The KIA USA website is now optimized for mobile, with a simple and user friendly experience that has extremely fast loading speeds.

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KIA Motors Case Study Analysis

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KIA Motors Case Study

In the year 2019, Kia motors entered into the Indian Market the reason behind writing this case-study is to emphasize on the success story of the company. It has been noticed that even in this pandemic situation when everything has slowed down and in a lockdown status, the company is able to sale their cars in the country. It is regarded as one of the fastest car sellers where it was able to sell around one lakh units in a span of only 11 months after it entered the Indian Market. Assignmenthelp.us offers case study help on Kia motors.

Background of the company

Kia Motor Corporation, or KIA, is a South Korean automobile company that was founded in 1944. They are the country's second-largest automobile manufacturer, behind Hyundai Motor Corporation, and are based in Seoul. They were partially bought by Hyundai due to the quantity of automobiles they sold in 2015 (3.3 million globally). In exchange, Kia received a minority stake in 20 Hyundai companies. Kia Motors entered the US market in 1992 and took a cautious approach. They took it one step at a time, expanding one region at a time. By 1995, they had over 100 dealerships spread over 30 states in the United States.

However, the economic crisis in 1997 forced them to declare bankruptcy. They linked up with Hyundai once more in the United States, but this time Hyundai bought a 51 percent interest in Kia. In exchange, Kia owns 22 Hyundai businesses. In 2014, Kia received positive press when Pope Francis honoured the business while riding in a Kia Soul, a tiny automobile. It's thought that they drew more attention than usual. Kia presently produces sedans, minivans, SUVs, and hybrid cars, with the Kia Forte being the company's best-selling model. We are also providing Kraft Foods UK case study solution. 

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The Powerful Brand Image

They broke ground on their first production factory in the Anantapur region of Andhra Pradesh, India, in 2017 and debuted it at the 2018 Auto Expo in January. India was the world's fifth largest economy at the time, and the auto markets were upbeat. They had not yet released any cars in India, and they didn't even have a ready facility at the moment. Neither of these were going to be ready for another year.

But why was this a wise decision? Instead, they chose to show off what they were selling in other areas of the world to automobile aficionados. At the exhibition, they displayed 16 of their finest models, allowing potential buyers to try out the goods. At the same exhibition, they unveiled a teaser for their forthcoming SUV (the first of its kind in India). Basically, getting people psyched about what's coming next. This is where they establish the awareness, if a careful analysis is made from the standpoint of a "Marketing funnel." We are also providing Volkswagen case study  solution.

CSR Program – Green Light Project, India

Kia launched a global CSR enterprise, the ‘Green Light Project,' in India, precisely a year after the Exposition. In collaboration with the Regional Government, this was introduced in the Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. This was done in order to instil vocational and educational training at three local educational institutions.

  • Save the Children (a local non-profit organisation) was the first group with whom they collaborated to encourage children's rights, welfare, and education, as well as to recover classroom settings.
  • The second organisation with whom they collaborated was the Anantapur Industrial Training Institute (ITI), over here Kia assisted in the development of a driver's licence training programme for 100 students each year. They even went so far as to assist these 100 students in improving their job prospects.
  • The third organisation with whom they collaborated was the government, where they assisted locals with educational infrastructure (books, materials, and many more).

Strategies of Marketing

In order to expand its reach, the firm took use of the digital potential. Tiger Shroff, an aspiring actor, was chosen to advertise Seltos. The pick was ideal because the majority of their audience had a direct connection with the ambassador and helped them out.

Seltos' success was so broad that it functioned as a springboard for the company's next luxury multipurpose vehicle (MVP) Carnival, which will debut at Auto Expo 2020. It garnered a record number of pre-orders. In the first month after the introduction, Kia sold 15,644 units. If figures are to be believed, they were the third largest automaker in February 2020, with a market share of 6.24 percent, beating both Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra. It was unexpected to find that the auto slowdown wasn't having as much of an impact on Kia's sales as it did on those of the other car makers. We are also providing HSBC case study solution. 

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Swot Analysis of KIA

  • Product Portfolio: Kia Motors provides a diverse range of vehicles, including sedans, coupes, sports cars, passenger cars, SUVs, and crossovers. Optima, Forte, Sedona, Cadenza, Sorento, and Niro are some of their brands.
  • Brand value: Kia is a well-known brand throughout the world, with a market capitalization of 6.7 billion dollars, up 6.7 percent from the previous year. The company's brands have also constantly been listed in the top 50 global brands.
  • Positioning- Kia positions its automobiles as vehicles capable of exceeding consumer expectations in terms of driving experiences. In terms of style and performance, their vehicles are also outstanding.
  • Limited reach: Compared to its competitors, Kia Motors has been unable to attract a larger audience, limiting itself to smaller and specialist sectors.
  • Brand Identity: Despite being a well-known brand in its home market, Kia Motors has struggled to establish a good brand identity or image in Europe and the United States, and has been generally unsuccessful.


  • Improved infrastructure: Emerging economy governments have made a concerted effort to improve road conditions and increase traffic safety. Intercity connection has been improved thanks to roads, which has improved long-distance driving possibilities as well.
  • Green cars: Kia Motors has put a lot of money into research into alternative energy vehicle choices, which is a subject that many governments and environmental campaigners are championing. As demand for hybrid, green, and environmentally friendly automobiles rise, these initiatives will bear fruit in the near future. This is a fantastic chance for the business.
  • Market potential: According to research, emerging markets will be a major source of revenue for automakers in the future. Demand will be higher in China and India than in the United States or Europe.


  • Competition: The automotive market is very competitive. Toyota, Honda, and Nissan are the company's primary competitors.
  • Regulatory framework: With worries about global warming and the depletion of fossil fuels, the automotive regulatory system is expected to be tightened, with a focus on quality and environmental compliance. Automakers may incur higher costs as a result of this.

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Pestle Analysis of KIA

Political factors.

Kia Motors' long-term viability and profitability are heavily influenced by political issues. Political stability, changing policies, taxation, trade restrictions, and intellectual property protection are all part of a country's political environment. These political issues must be taken into account by Kia Motors.

Economic factors

Economic elements such as foreign exchange/interest rate, labour market conditions, inflation, and saving rates, among others, are critical for Kia Motors to understand since they influence the country's entire economic climate. Kia Motors can predict the growth trajectory of the industry and organisation by having a thorough grasp of the economic environment.

Social factors

The cultural norms, values, and trends have a significant impact on organizational culture. Through educated PESTEL analysis, Kia Motors can develop successful marketing messages and achieve business objectives by understanding demographic trends, power structures, consumer purchasing habits, and common values. The information collected from such can be used by Kia Motors' marketing department.

Technological factors

The relevance of comprehending technical aspects throughout the strategic decision-making process has grown as a result of fast technology progress and dissemination around the world. Kia Motors can benefit from a thorough examination of the technical environment. capture technology trends in order to get specific economic advantages, such as increased profitability, increased innovation, and reduced costs. As a result of which the operations are also enhanced.

Environmental factors

A lot of environmental factors affect the development of the company and the company adheres to the laws related to environment so that further harm is not caused. Distinct markets have different environmental norms, rules, and regulations. Kia Motors' foreign presence necessitates careful consideration of these variations in order to prevent unfavorable situations. Before opting to enter a new market or launch a new product line, a thorough environmental investigation is required.

Legal factors

It is very important for Kia to study in detail about the legal market of the country before entering in order to ensure that they do not do anything that is against the countries law. It is very important for the company to know about the regulatory structure of the country they want to do business. If Kia do not have proper knowledge it might lead to problem. For example, a loss of economic advantage as a consequence of intellectual property rights violations, as well as a tarnished corporate image as a result of violations of consumer, employee, and environmental protection regulations.

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Report: South Korean tax office launches probe into Kia

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  • 12 Mar, 2018 | 08:34
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South Korea's National Tax Service has commenced an investigation into Kia Motors Corp., with some speculating that it could be linked to a separate probe into auto parts maker DAS Inc., Yonhap News Agency reported March 11, citing "industry sources."

The country's tax office reportedly sent inspectors to the company's headquarters in Seoul to conduct a regular two- or three-month probe into conglomerates, which happens once every four or five years. Kia was last inspected in 2012, the report said.

Yonhap said the DAS investigation involves former South Korea President Lee Myung-bak. South Korean daily The Hankyoreh reported Feb. 19 that prosecutors deemed Lee the owner of DAS, which reportedly could lay the groundwork for a bribery case against the former president after it was found that Samsung Group and Hyundai Motor Co. were allegedly paying DAS' legal fees.

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    kia case study special topics list


  1. KIA UK Case Study

  2. Kia India

  3. Baby Kia

  4. Kia India

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  6. KIA is Bankrupted ?


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    For Kia, innovation is key to positioning the business to assume leadership of the fast-changing automotive industry.The global organization—which produces 2 million+ passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and buses per year—last year announced a long-term strategy, Plan S, to embrace mobility services and vehicle electrification, connectivity, and autonomy, to realize its vision.

  2. Total Quality Management: Kia Motors Case Study

    We will write a custom essay on your topic a custom Case Study on Total Quality Management: Kia Motors. ... "The Endless Challenges of Kia Motors for Globalization : A Case Study on Kia in Saudi Arabia." Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, vol. 9, no. 9, 2018, pp. 45-52., Web. Thakkar, Yugal, and Akshit Jain. "A Study of the ...

  3. In-depth Marketing Strategy of Kia

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  4. Kia Rebrand: A Brand Strategy Case Study

    A Brand For The Future. In January 2021, the carmaker launched a rebrand with a Guinness-world-record-breaking light show. Kia is the latest car company to rebrand as the crowded field of car manufacturers is increasingly saturated. Each player is trying to find a competitive edge in a rapidly changing industry.

  5. PDF KIA Case Study

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  6. Kia Motors: Positioning and Growth Strategies in India

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    As a result of these efforts, Kia came out as the best and most supportive OEM brand in a study conducted by Indian dealers' association FADA. You seem to have been averaging 20,000- 23,000 ...

  9. KIA Motors Facing Globalization Challenges

    Product details. KIA Motors Facing Globalization Challenges. Case. -. Reference no. 311-234-1. Subject category: Strategy and General Management. Authors: Parissa Haghirian (Sophia University); Marc Hercaud (ESSCA School of Management) Published in: 2011. Length: 15 pages.

  10. Kia Motors: Positioning and Growth Strategies in India

    Kia Motors India (Kia) had tasted success in India within a year of the launch of its product Seltos. Kia's managing director and chief executive officer was quite happy with the sales figures for Seltos, the mid-sized sport utility vehicle (SUV) launched in August 2019, and was fairly confident that Kia's compact SUV Sonet would follow the same path.

  11. PDF Case Study: KIA Motors in INDIA

    Around 9 upcoming Kia cars like Kia Stonic, Kia Sonet, dealers across 172 countries. Kia Soul and Kia Xceed will be launched in India in 2020-KIA's Entry in India 2021. Among these 9 upcoming cars, there are 2 Sedans, 4 SUV and 3 Hatchback. (Exhibit -6) In August 2019 the Auto sector witnessed its worst drop in demand in last twenty years.

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    Kia Georgia, Inc. opened a $1.8 billion automotive. assembly facility in West Point, Georgia in 2009, bringing. more than 3,000 manufacturing jobs and 14,000 supplier. jobs to the area. With this new facility, the demand for. skilled workers was paramount, and Kia committed to. developing its future workforce the Kia way.

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    A swift light into the history. Started in 1944, Kia Motor Corporation or KIA is a South Korean automaker. They're headquartered in Seoul and are country's second-largest manufacturer after Hyundai Motor Corporation. Given the number of cars they sold in 2015 (3.3 Mn worldwide), they were partially acquired by Hyundai company.

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    CASE STUDY OF TAMILNADU, xIlkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 5/2021, ISSN Number - 2814-2817, Vol 20, Issue 5. The automobile industry in India has progressed significantly since its inception in 1947, and it now produces a wide range of automobiles and auto parts for both domestic and foreign markets. The

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    Case Study Report on Kia Motors - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A report on Kia's recruitment strategy

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    case study. Kia USA. KIA USA is a car company driven by world-class design and engineering. Kia is committed to innovation and customer service. They're inspired by the idea that you should love driving and owning your car. ... KIA USA has fulfillment houses all across the United States and each client needs to be given almost personalized ...

  18. KIA Motors Case Study

    KIA Motors Case Study. In the year 2019, Kia motors entered into the Indian Market the reason behind writing this case-study is to emphasize on the success story of the company. It has been noticed that even in this pandemic situation when everything has slowed down and in a lockdown status, the company is able to sale their cars in the country.

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    15 Real-Life Case Study Examples. Now that you understand what a case study is, let's look at real-life case study examples. In this section, we'll explore SaaS, marketing, sales, product and business case study examples with solutions. Take note of how these companies structured their case studies and included the key elements.

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    To know the study the socio-economic characteristics of respondents. To find out the factors influencing the choose of kia car. To study about the satisfaction level of the customers of kia car. To study the problems faced by customer in kia car. To offer suggestions based on findings of the study. 4.

  21. Report: South Korean tax office launches probe into Kia

    Kia was last inspected in 2012, the report said. Yonhap said the DAS investigation involves former South Korea President Lee Myung-bak. South Korean daily The Hankyoreh reported Feb. 19 that prosecutors deemed Lee the owner of DAS, which reportedly could lay the groundwork for a bribery case against the former president after it was found that ...

  22. Solved KIA' analyzes its production levels and costs. They

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