The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse? Essay

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The internet, a blessing, the internet, a curse.

The invention of the computer and the subsequent birth of the internet has been seen as the most significant advance of the 20th century. Over the course of the past few decades, there has been a remarkable rise in the use of computers and the internet and these two have revolutionized the way in which we carry out our day to day activities. In addition to this, the unprecedented high adoption rate of the internet has resulted in it being a necessity in the running of our day to day lives. With this wide-scale penetration of the internet into many facets of our life, it has become apparent that the internet has both positive and negative effects on individuals and society at large.

In light of this reality of the two faces of the internet, there has risen the question of whether the internet is a blessing or a curse to mankind. This paper shall argue that while the internet does pose many real dangers, the internet is overall a blessing to humanity and its positive impacts far outweigh its ills. To reinforce this assertion, this paper shall highlight the significant merits of the internet and demonstrate how the ills can be mitigated for the good of all.

One of the most monumental effects of the internet is that it has led to the speeding up of globalization which is a process characterized by a major integration of economies and cultures. Globalization is characterized by a reduction in barriers between nations as the world strives to become a harmonic society. Sahay (2005, p.36) asserts that the ability of computing technologies to traverse geographical and social barriers has resulted in the creation of a closer-knit global community. The internet is to a large extent responsible for breaking down the barriers between different nations and therefore making the move towards making the world a global village feasible. This is because the internet exposes people to varying cultures and traditions therefore making us appreciate the differences.

Knowledge has always been seen to be critical to the advancement of any civilization. As such, man has always sought for ways to accumulate and disseminate information for the betterment of his kind. The internet has greatly aided this task by enabling the sharing of information among people at a previously unprecedented scale. This sharing of information has resulted in an increase in knowledge as people exchange ideas through the internet. With the help of the internet, are no longer confined to physical libraries as their only source of information. They can now tap into the vast resources that computers present through the internet. The internet’s connectivity has also led to more collaboration among students and scientists in their quest for knowledge thus further enhancing their educational experience.

The internet has afforded people the chance to get an education at their convenience. In the early years, one had to physically attend school facilities for educational purposes. This locked out multitudes of people who had the will to obtain an education but lacked the time to make it happen. Computers have changed this by enabling learning to be more dynamic by the use of online classes. This is in the form of the phenomenon known as “online education”. Students can take classes from wherever they may be and at any time by using virtual classrooms. The internet has therefore increased the number of people currently enrolled in higher learning institutes thus making education more universal than it was before the inception of computers.

The internet has led to a shift in the power bases by taking power from the political and economic elites, big businesses and governments and transferring the same to ordinary people. Ward (2003) suggests that through its distributive ability, the internet will decentralize traditional media channels, therefore, allowing for the interactive community which will result in citizen-based, participatory democracy. Therefore, as a result of the internet, people are no longer privy to government misinformation or even propaganda since they can report the news for themselves. This is a desirable change especially in countries whereby power is wielded by a few elites who control mainstream media and oppress their people.

As more people give information or perform activities online, the internet continues to cause a great infringement on individual privacy which is defined as “the right to be left alone” (Moran & Weinroth 2008, 46). This is especially through online shopping whereby one may be forced to enter personal details. When a person accesses the internet, their activities online may be monitored and information about them stored. User privacies have been violated by the use of tracking software and cookies which have enabled organizations to profile individuals. This information is normally collected without consent and sometimes without the knowledge of the user. Moran and Weinroth note that a more daunting reality is the possibility of this data being accessed and utilized for activities that may negatively impact the individual.

The internet has brought about the creation of a new class of people known as Hackers who are people who break into computer systems mostly for the fun of it. Hacking is one of the things which make the internet a very dangerous place. This is because hacking might lead to the exploitation of the vulnerabilities of a system resulting in harm or obtaining some illegal gains for the hacker.

While computer hacking is a criminal act under federal laws, this has not helped to deter the hackers and the fact that some countries do not have laws against hacking only makes dealing with hackers more difficult. While some hackers present themselves to the public and the hacking community as good or fighting for a good cause, this is not always the case as some hackers do use their skills for destruction or even blackmail (Jones & Valli 2008). As such, usage of the internet exposes one to dangers from hackers who may steal ones identity and use it to commit fraud.

One of the uglier effects of the internet is that it has made the world more dangerous for children. This is especially with regard to sexual exploitation since the internet has exposed children through its great connectivity power. The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (2000) states that pedophiles may and actually do use the internet to find potential victims and trade in child pornography. By use of chat rooms, children may be lured into meeting strangers who may then proceed to sexually abuse them.

While such acts were there before the internet era, the internet has made prying on children easier and more effective than was in the past. The internet is also used to facilitate the sex trade through websites that offer detailed information as to the counties where pedophiles may go to exploit children owing to the place’s lax child protection laws. The fact that the internet gives anonymity to people is one of the features which have led to the increase in child sexual exploitation through the internet.

The internet has brought about the possibility of cyber terrorism which is defined as “the premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against noncombatant targets by sub national groups or clandestine agents.” (Bidgoli 2004, p.354). The most notable of these attacks was perpetrated against Georgia and Estonia following the dispute with Russia. Korns and Kastenver (2009) note that these attacks resulted in the disabling of communication means for the Georgian government. These realities are bleak considering the fact that a small terrorist group may make use of the internet to severe essential infrastructure of a country.

For all its good, the internet remains as a dangerous and unregulated highway whereby crimes are committed and accountability is low. From the discussions presented above, it is clear that there are a number of real dangers that exist as a result of the internet. Some of these dangers e.g. the risk of children falling prey to molesters may be resolved by the use of a police force that has the power to monitor the internet.

The creation of global and enforceable laws which will make people legally accountable for their actions will also result in making the internet safer for all. While this goes against the basic idea of the internet as a place without any restrictions, every day realities dictate that law enforcement is necessary online to contain crimes that are continually being instigated through the internet. By so doing, some form of order can be brought to the internet, therefore, making it safer for all.

The threat of hackers is very real and presents a big challenge especially to organizations handling critical data. To cope with this, there are tools in place to secure computer networks against attacks. These tools ensure that threats against a network are identified and neutralized and that vulnerabilities are identified and protection measures are adopted. By detecting and defeating the intruders, the advantages of the internet can be reaped without any real danger to the individual or the organization.

The threat of terrorist attacks is very real in today’s world. Wilson (2005) notes that many international terrorist groups are actively using the internet to communicate amongst themselves, spread propaganda and even recruit new members. This raises the possibility that the internet could be used to carry out a well coordinated cyberattack on the critical infrastructure of the country. Wilson (2005) declares that it is unlikely that cyberterrorism will pose the same threat that physical attacks such as Nuclear, Biological or chemical threats pose. As such, the internet does not greatly empower terrorists to carry out their actions and as such, the fear of terrorists causing significant harm through the internet is unfounded.

This paper set out to argue that the internet is mostly benevolent to man. To reinforce these claims, this paper has highlighted some of the positive impacts of the internet on man. The negative impacts have also been stated and a discussion on how real the dangers are undertaken. From the findings in this paper, it is clear that some of the dangers associated with the internet are exaggerated and the real once can be gracefully handled through available means. This paper has noted that by adopting these measures against the dangers inherent in the internet, the dangers can be mitigated or even extinguish all together. Once that is done, the positive attributes of the internet can be exploited therefore making the internet a blessing to mankind and his endeavors.

Bidgoli, H 2004, The Internet encyclopedia, Volume 1. John Wiley and Sons.

Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (2000), Child Sexually Exploitation and the Internet . Web.

Jones, A & Valli, C 2008, Building a Digital Forensic Laboratory, Butterworth-Heinemann.

Korns, WS & Kastenverg, EJ 2009, Georgia’s Cyber Left Hook . Web.

Moran, JT & Weinroth, J 2008 , Invasion Of Privacy On The Internet: Information Capturing Without Consent, Journal of Business & Economics Research, Volume 6, Number 7.

Sahay, R, 2005, The causes and Trends of the Digital Divide . Web.

Ward, D 2003, Impact of New Technology on the Traditional Media: A Special Issue of Trends in Communication, Routledge.

Wilson, C 2005, Computer Attack and Cyberterrorism: Vulnerabilities and Policy Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 21). The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?

"The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" IvyPanda , 21 Mar. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse'. 21 March.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" March 21, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" March 21, 2022.


IvyPanda . "The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" March 21, 2022.

Steven Stosny, Ph.D.

The Blessing and Curse of the Internet

Everyone has a voice, but no one listens..

Posted October 11, 2020

The great blessing of the Internet is that it gives everyone a voice.

Ordinary people had little opportunity to express their thoughts in public domains before the Internet. Newspapers had “letters to the editor,” and talk shows had “call-ins,” but these were narrow, carefully managed gateways to public attention .

The curse of the Internet is that because everyone has a voice, no one listens.

To be heard in the cacophonous sea of Internet voices, individuals must amplify their own. They’re apt to express exaggerated opinions, which, in their hearts, they don’t fully believe. Once expressed, they're stuck having to defend amplified opinions ever more loudly in future posts. The louder the voice grows, the more biased and insensitive to ambiguity it becomes.

Imagine that someone is whispering in a movie theater, and you whisper to them, "Please be quiet." You’re communicating your goal to maintain a quiet environment, so you and everyone else can enjoy the movie.

Now imagine that everyone in the theater is whispering. You’ll need to talk louder to be heard—yes, you’ll loudly ask for quiet. Your primary goal is no longer to enjoy the movie; it’s to control everyone else in the theater.

That takes a lot of adrenaline, which will make it impossible to concentrate on the movie, even if everyone submits to your will and goes quiet. Of course, people are unlikely to submit to your will. Many will object to the loudness of your voice while everyone else is whispering.

Before the Internet, people expressed themselves to other people. Communications were tempered by social cues, facial expressions, eye contact, body language , and tone of voice. Conversing in person, we get a feel for one another, which modifies our thoughts.

Communicating in cyberspace, the brain guesses social cues. The guesses are always based on how we feel at the moment. When we feel good, we make benign guesses. When we feel bad, we make negative attributions about the imagined readers of our Internet posts and react in kind to their imagined belligerence.

The Disproportionate Contagion of Negative Emotions

Emotions are more contagious than any known virus. The contagion of emotional display is how social animals coordinate behavior. It was the primary method used by early humans to negotiate behavior choices before the development of language. To this day, we seek emotional accord in disputes more than intellectual agreement. The unspoken motivation :

“If I can get you to feel what I feel, you’ll do what I think is best.”

If you doubt that, try agreeing intellectually with your spouse without “feeling” it.

Negative emotions are considerably more contagious than positive. If you’re around a resentful or angry person, you’re likely to react with resentment or anger more readily than you would become cheerful around a happy person.

Due to their survival significance, negative emotions get priority processing in the brain. While it's important to long-term health and well-being to appreciate the beauty of the meadow, it’s crucial to notice the snake in the grass.

We need a bit of adrenaline to express negative emotions. Adrenaline intensifies them and gives us a temporary feeling of confidence . It’s easier to feel confident when you’re angry than when you’re calm, even though you’re more likely to be wrong when angry. We’re more likely to be wrong because we have to justify the anger with cherry-picked evidence for our opinions while discounting evidence that contradicts them.

The salience of negative emotions dominates memory as well. To recall a positive experience, it needs to have occurred in roughly a 5-to-1 ratio with a negative experience. In a contentious debate between politicians, both candidates say positive things. Because the ratio is below 5-to-1, we’re unlikely to remember them.

is internet a blessing or a curse essay

In polls, people consistently report disdain for negative campaigning. Yet political campaigns grow ever more negative because focus groups tell campaign managers that they remember negative remarks about their opponent more than positive statements by their candidate.

There are a lot of positive things on the Internet. But in election years or when headlines are filled with disaster, war, disease, and injustice, we fall well below the 5-to-1 ratio that correlates with emotional well-being, making it seem (falsely) like most experience is negative.

Negative Reactivity

Negative emotions evolved in all animals to signal possible threats to survival. In contemporary humans, most of the threats are to the ego, but they can nevertheless feel like threats to survival. The automatic reactions we have to negative emotions in others reverberate on the Internet, setting off chain reactions in the disembodied sea of voices.

The one thing you can be certain of when you express anger is that you’ll make others angry. If you blame someone for something, you’re certain to be blamed by that person for something else.

So negative posts get validation only from other negative posts, which is the beginning of extreme groups on both sides of an issue. Negative reactivity makes them focus on what they’re against and what they don’t want, rather than what they’re for and what they do want. Being for something generates passion, with fantasies of building and improving: for example, justice and equality. Being against something foments anger and aggression , with fantasies of tearing things down. In other words, we’ll behave justly when we’re for justice but unjustly when we’re against injustice . Hence the adage, “It’s easier to blow up a bridge than to build one.”

Negative posters on the Internet form the weakest of social bonds: common enemy . All that holds the group together is that they hate the same things. It’s not a bond that brings the rewards of basic humanity—compassion, kindness, trust, nurturance. In fact, it impairs their ability to form positive bonds, particularly intimate ones. Emotionally isolated, they grow paranoid.

Generalized Central Nervous System Response

Negativity on the Internet is never confined to the Internet. Once the alert system is activated, it looks for threats everywhere. Breadcrumbs left on the counter by a spouse or children seem especially annoying. The distraction of a spouse seems like rejection. Disagreement seems like a betrayal. Conflicts in marriage are exacerbated, if not caused, by screen time .

If you worry about something on the Internet or, worse, resent something on the Internet, you won’t be as sweet to your children as you might have been.

How Trolls Are Made

The science of pandemics identifies super-transmitters, those persons likely to infect the most people. Trolls are the super-transmitters of Internet negativity. They’re a lot like toddlers. When toddlers don’t get attention from busy parents, they start breaking things. For trolls, as for toddlers, negative attention is better than no attention.

Because no one cares about their opinions, trolls try to break through the attention barrier with sledgehammers of negativity, not realizing that their comments reflect their psychological defenses more than any objective “facts.” They personify the famous quotes of Oscar Wilde (“Criticism is the only reliable form of autobiography") and Kahlil Gibran (“To belittle you have to be little").

Positive Reciprocity

When you approach a person (or the sea of voices on the Internet) with interest, respect, appreciation, or kindness, most of the time, you get a positive response. When you approach with resentment, anger, entitlement, presumed intellectual, moral, or emotional superiority, you’re certain to get a negative response.

Think of behavior choices as you would medical decisions. The surgeon informs you that a certain procedure gives you a better-than-even chance of survival. You’re appalled by such a high chance of death. But when you object, the surgeon points out that if you don’t have the procedure, you will certainly die. That’s really the way it is with positive reciprocity versus the only alternative, death by negative reactivity.

I’m not saying that our Internet posts should be cheery, Pollyannaish stuff. I’m suggesting that you focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want, the kind of world you want to see, not the kind you loathe. Mental focus inflates importance; what we focus on becomes more important than what we don’t focus on. Since we’re likely to get more of what we focus on, be sure to focus on what you truly want.

Proactive focus on positive changes insulates us, to a large extent, from the blaring voices on the Internet. Reacting-in-kind drowns us in negative reactivity. We've arrived at the point where we either put out positive emotion or download negative. We project respect and compassion, or we become resentful, angry, anxious , or depressed . When we react to jerks like a jerk, we become the very thing we despise.

Now Is the Time to Prevent Regret

After a long career as a therapist and author, I see myself in the regret-prevention business. Most regret in the short-run concerns what we did, but in the long-run, we mostly regret what we didn’t do. I guarantee that on your death bed, you won’t regret not being more negative on the Internet. You will regret not being more compassionate, kind, and respectful to the people you love, which you couldn’t do if you were mean-spirited in the wide, wide sea of Internet voices.

Steven Stosny, Ph.D.

Steven Stosny, Ph.D., treats people for anger and relationship problems. His recent books include How to Improve your Marriage without Talking about It and Love Without Hurt .

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Is the Internet a Blessing or a Curse?

A eighteen-year-old senior at Columbia Prep in NYC

The Internet is by far one of the greatest inventions of all time for many reasons. The Internet allows people to share ideas, meet old friends, and even express their problems to the masses. While the Internet creates all of these great phenomena, it also brings out some of the crazies of the world. Let's start with the good things first. The Internet allows for the spread of ideas and information at a phenomenal speed. When a natural disaster, death, or even an important presidential speech occurs, you can find information about whatever happened almost immediately. This speed of information transfer has become a vital role in people's lives, jobs, and even ideas and perspectives on certain issues. A great example of this is YouTube.

YouTube allows normal people to make videos on whatever they wish (which is a problem every now and then) for no cost. This power has created TV shows and even companies. A representation of this is the infamous comedy series known as "Red Vs. Blue" by RoosterTeeth. Red Vs. Blue is an animated series using the different colored characters from videogame Halo as their "actors." The first episode was made as a video for fun, and did not expect to continue making episodes or to make a 10-season long show. The first episode, titled "Why Are We Here," was passed around and watched by about 5 million people. After season 1, the staff of RVB got a letter from Microsoft saying that they didn't know where RVB was going or what it will become, but that they had Microsoft behind them. From there, their company, RoosterTeeth, became larger and was able to make a whole new branch to their company known as Achievement Hunter. The founders of RoosterTeeth -- Burnie Burns, Matt Hullum, Geoff Ramsey, and Gus Sorola -- were able to hire more people onto RoosterTeeth. The point of all of this is the fact that the Internet not only created a great comedy series, but it also created a tightly knit community that had not existed before and never would have without the Internet. Another great example occurred recently when a comic was posted to the self-proclaimed "Front Page of the Internet," Reddit. The comic said that a girl's friend was clearing out the medicine cabinet and found a pregnancy test, and decided to take it as a joke.

It turned out positive and the conclusion to the comic was him saying, "I'm pregnant!" The comment section quickly lit up saying that he should get checked for testicular cancer and that men with testicular cancer produce the same pheromone produced by pregnant women. He made an appointment and a few days later, another comic was posted saying that they went in and the doctor found a small tumor in one of his testicles. She then proceeded to say that because it was caught so early, it could be treated immediately and he wouldn't have to take any other type of medicine. The Internet used its collective knowledge to help a man with a serious health issue that neither he nor his doctors would have found until much later, making it far less simple. Now we will go to the dark depths of the Internet where no one should travel alone, so I will be your guide. There is a balance in life to everything, including the Internet. The Internet's dark yin to it's light yang is mainly confined to one website, YouTube. YouTube has produced videos that have made the news for their strange and uncommon features. Now please, brace yourself with the videos you are about to hear about and, if you choose, watch. Now, I am sure a large majority of the crowd on HuffPost Teen has seen the music video "Friday." (If you haven't, here is a link -- WATCH ALL VIDEOS WITH DISCRETION.) "Friday" has become the most-disliked video on YouTube along with racking up 43 million views. "Friday" is an example of people who make a music video and then post it to YouTube, thinking that it is amazing. What these people do is publicly embarrass themselves and the other people in the video. Just recently, a new Rebecca Black has made herself known. Her name is Nicole Westbrook and her video is called "It's Thanksgiving."

The fact that these videos are still being made seriously is one of the problems with the Internet. People see someone fail and think that they could succeed, and so they try and fail and embarrass themselves just like the last victim. My last example is a man named Riak, and if you search his name you'll get plenty of laughs.

The whole point of these good and bad things about the Internet is that the Internet is becoming continuously a more integral part of everyday life. It's important to know what is crossing a line. The Internet is both a beautiful and ugly creature, but the best part is that the users mold its face, so there is time for us to choose what we want the Web to be.

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is internet a blessing or a curse essay

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Technology: A blessing or a curse?

Technology: the good and the bad.

Technology has both blessed and cursed us. It has given us the gift of the internet, a tool we can use to connect with loved ones near and far, access a wealth of information at our fingertips, and even earn a living. Technology has also brought us many labor-saving devices, from dishwashers to cars that can parallel park for us. However, technology has also cursed us in some ways. For example, it can be challenging to unplug and disconnect from work when we are constantly accessible by email and smartphones. Technology has also made it easier for people to cyberbully others or shop online instead of interacting face-to-face. Whether technology is a blessing or a curse depends on how we use it. Used wisely, it can enhance our lives in many beautiful ways. When used unwisely, it can have negative consequences.

How technology has changed our lives

We are so occupied with our day-to-day lives that we scarcely take a break and think a little about our involvement with technology. We use technology in every field, whether we are at home, school, or work. It has made our lives easier by providing us with information and knowledge at our fingertips. Technology has connected us with the outside world.

positive aspects of technology

Connect globally with technology.

The invention of cell phones and, more importantly, the internet has helped us connect more than ever. A mere touch of the screen can transport us virtually anywhere on the globe as if we were physically present. Distance no longer poses an issue in today's world.

Technology: Driving innovation

Technology has led to a global revolution in many different industries. In medicine, technology has resulted in new treatments and cures for diseases once thought incurable. Technology has led to more efficient and productive methods of growing crops in farming. In manufacturing, technology has resulted in the ability to mass-produce products at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. Moreover, in electronics, technology has led to the development of new devices and applications that were unthinkable just a few years ago. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for other revolutions is unlimited.

Technology in education

Technology has made boundless contributions to the education sector. In the past, students were bound to attend universities and colleges physically to achieve a degree. However, technology has enabled students to attend classes from home using computers and the internet. Consequently, much of their time is saved, which can be utilized for other productive stuff. Technology has also contributed to the development of online courses and libraries, making it easier for students to access educational resources. Additionally, technology has helped to improve communication between teachers and students. Undoubtedly, technology has transformed the education sector in many positive ways, and there is much more scope for further improvement in the future.

The pros and cons of technology

While technological advancements may have solved many of our existing problems, they have created new ones along the way. Every day, we become increasingly dependent on technology without even realizing it. The list of downsides is equally vast as the contributions of technology.

bad side of technology

Isolation due to technology

Although technology has helped us connect with others better, it has also distanced us from society. In other words, there is a rise in social isolation due to the excessive use of computers and smartphones. Teenagers and children spend a significant portion of their daily lives playing video games, scrolling social media, and surfing the internet, consequently paying no heed to their real lives. Social media was fundamentally introduced to connect with new people. Through these platforms, interactions only happen virtually because people never really meet the friends they have made online in real life. This can cause isolation and melancholy at some stages in one's life.

Technology and obesity

Our excessive dependence on technology has also put obesity on the rise. In fact, in the USA, obesity among adults is currently at 43.2%. This is a 26.5 percent increase since 2008. Besides, the evolution of e-commerce has seen a spike, too, especially since the pandemic. The lucrative offers compel us to purchase products online from our homes without needing manual labor. All these deprive us of even the minimum exercise required to keep our bodies fit. Thus, many health-associated diseases and obesity are seen.

Automated technology leads to unemployment.

Automation has led to the loss of jobs in several sectors of the economy. High-end technologies took over numerous jobs. Machines and robots can now do the work that people used to do. Many packaging firms, such as tech giants like Amazon, have replaced some fulfillment center jobs with robots that pack orders. It amounted to more than 2,400 job cuts across the United States. In addition, it is predicted that manufacturing will become more automated, and even professionals will suffer from unemployment in the years to come.

Use of technology in war

Furthermore, even in the history of this world, advanced technology has been a great aid in the birth and persistence of many conflicts and wars. Consider the incidents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as an example, where over 100,000 people faced destruction at the hands of advanced weaponry. Like this, many other catastrophic events occurred throughout history where technology was at the center of the rampage.

usage of technology in war

Technology is a double-edged sword.

Technology is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it has made our lives easier and more convenient. We can now access information with the click of a button, and we have specialized software to help us stay healthy and fit. Additionally, artificial intelligence is making significant progress in education, farming, medicine, and manufacturing. On the other hand, technology can also be detrimental to our health and well-being. For example, social isolation is a major problem among young people, who spend too much time staring at screens instead of interacting with real people. Technology can also lead to obesity and unemployment. In some cases, it can even be used for mass destruction. Despite the many positive aspects of technology, I believe an occasional detachment from modern life is necessary to discover ourselves better and explore nature.

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Is the Internet a Blessing or a Curse? What is Internet? As indicated by Wikipedia "The Internet is a worldwide arrangement of interconnected PC organizes that uses the standard web convention suite to serve billions of clients around the world .It is system of systems that is comprise of private, open, scholarly, business, and government systems of neighborhood to worldwide extension. It is an instrument, which can connect up every one of the general population around the globe, or we can state that it is a net that we can't see. Web has immense use in our day by day lives, it is wellspring of data where you can discover the data about any theme. There are billions sites which contain diverse data about various things. However, as we probably am aware, it likewise can go about as a weapon. Is it a gift or a revile? Whichever it might be simply the web has demonstrated it extremely supportive apparatus from various perspectives, it has opened a door for individuals; it made it workable for us to speak with individuals from the opposite side of the world. Before long I think the web is to a more prominent degree a blessing than a chide The Internet considers the spread of considerations and information at an exceptional speed. Exactly when a calamitous occasion, passing, or even a crucial presidential talk happens, you can find information about whatever happened rapidly. This speed of information trade has transformed into a key part in people's lives, occupations,

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In recent years, advances in technology have exploded. Almost every child has a tablet, middle schools are giving students laptops, and nearly every adult on the planet can be seen walking around with a smartphone. The internet is a huge part of today’s society. Information from all over the globe is just a few clicks away, but could that be a bad thing? Nicholas Carr thinks that the internet is making society stupid in his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid,” Steven Johnson says that the internet is a great thing in his essay “Everything Bad is Good for Us,” and Christine Rosen seems to think that everything digital is evil in her work “People on the Screen.” When used correctly, the internet has an overwhelmingly positive effect on the growth of the human brain. Technology provides people with more opportunities to read, a way for children to be stimulated, and simpler communication.

Sherry Turkle's Essay: Can You Hear Me Now?

Many people view the internet as an ultimate resource for anything they desire. The people who say that the internet is a brilliant invention for the best have reasons backing up their idea. For example, Sherry Turkle writes about such ideas explaining how the internet is an excellent tool for the better in her essay, “Can You Hear Me Now?” Turkle believes strongly that the invention of the internet is an innovation for the better and emphasizes to her readers how important it is in everyone’s lives nowadays. On the other hand, some believe exactly the opposite of Turkle’s invalid inquisition that the internet is a tool that is most definitely not for the greater good. The internet is a

The Impact of the Internet on Society Essay

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Perhaps, the most important facts about the internet are that it contains a wealth of information, that can be send across the world almost instantly, and that it can unite people in wildly

Influences On American Culture

“The Internet-the vast network of telephone and cable lines, wireless connections, and satellite systems designed to link and carry digital information worldwide was initially described as an information superhighway.” (Campbell pg. 41). The Internet allows for ease in communication within e-mails, but it also guarantees the easy availability of information. Being able to access the Internet no matter the location is a great tool to have.

Analyzing Joseph Coates The Future Of The Web

The Future of the Web In his essay “The Future of the Web” Joseph Coates states that the internet will unlimited improve and enhance the lives in many ways. Coates believes that the internet will involve into the business through the shopping by the internet. It will make shopping easier for people to shop without leaving the chair. Also, the internet can improve the work by allowing unions to involve in sharing responsibility and improve social life among them. He believes that the internet will allow the person to have his or her best coach in sport and recreation at home.

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as the rest of us rush to keep plugged in The more forward-looking view is to accept the role of the Web as a mind-expander and wonder not at the bad but at the good it can do us” (Do Not Fear the Cybermind).

Negative Essay : How The Internet Affects Our World

The internet has been a big deal in everyone's lives lately, but is it really helping us or hurting us? Even though the internet is said to change your way of thinking and maybe even rewire your brain, the internet also allows you to become more social in your daily life, it can affect how your daily life functions compared to past generations, and it changes the way of the business industry.

Robert Mcchesney Summary

In our generation a like without Internet is pretty unthinkable. We look at the way it makes things so much easier and helps us stay in contact with friends and relatives via email and/or social media. Robert McChensey noticed how the Internet has caused a lot of changes in America in many different aspects Users and creators of the internet predicted that it would cause the world to be more prosperous , a more equal society, and a significant amount of scientific discovery. Internet supporters and skeptics agreed and opposed this idea. McChesney writes that people do not have a clear understanding of how capitalism relates to the internet and the political economic contex of the internet

Net Is a Waste

In the essay “The Net Is a Waste of Time” by William Gibson, he talks about how he is an “avid browser of the World Wide Web.” While people find this to be odd and his wife finds it positively perverse, Gibson thinks differently saying “I, however, scent big changes afoot, possibilities that were never quite as manifest in earlier incarnations of the Net” (Gibson 691). While some people think he is wasting his time with the web, he believes it will be the tool of the future. Even though the internet has greatly changed since Gibson wrote this essay, I believe that the internet will continue to grow, and will become a bigger part of our everyday lives.

The Internet: Changing The Way We Communicate Essay

The internet is the easier way for people to communicate with each other. It has made the world smaller by bringing people together everywhere and any time. This invention has important tools for people to contact and it has changed their way of communication in today busy world. In fact people are becoming totally dependent on the internet as a way of communication in their daily life, business and work. The limitation of old communication tools has made the use of internet for communication is wider all over the world .

The Positive And Negative Effects Of The Internet

The effects of the internet on me and this society have been rapidly changing. Did you know that approximately 3.2 billion people use the internet, about 200 billion emails and 3 million google searches would have to wait if the internet was turned off for one day. Let me tell you about something that happened when i was little, it might be off topic a little but when i was little i was born backwards, meaning i came out legs first. My hips were out of place and until i was about 2. My dad is always on the internet and loved taking pictures of his “Little princess”, the pictures can still be found on facebook along with a lot of other things from my family memories. That was when i started wanting to get on the internet, i asked for a facebook and they said no, being a rebel i made one anyways just to play the games on it. The internet can have positive and negative things about it for younger and older people, for example the internet engines are one of the best information givers out there, they bring almost everything and anything to a lot of internet users that lange from all over the world. The internet can provide ways to communicate with family and friends from a long distance, and even meet new people. Bad things about it is people sharing and storing illegal information on the internet, much like the dark web. The addiction to the internet and the online network can be disturbing a person's way of living and professional activity.

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Technology: Blessing or Curse?

Technology: Blessing or Curse?

The debate over whether technology is a blessing or a curse has resulted in two opposing views. Supporters argue that technology improves our quality of life and has allowed for important discoveries such as the internet which has changed the way we communicate and connect with others. Opponents, however, believe that technology often creates more problems than it solves, citing examples such as nuclear weapons which can cause severe damage and genetic mutations. The author believes that technology is neither a blessing nor a curse, but its impact depends on how it is used. It is up to individuals to use technology in a way that benefits society and the environment.

To decide if technology is a positive or negative force is a challenging task, causing much debate and resulting in two distinct perspectives: those in favor and those against. Supporters argue that technology enhances our standard of living, enabling groundbreaking discoveries that would have otherwise been impossible. For example, the internet has greatly altered our perception of distances.

Nowadays, we have the convenience of connecting to the Internet and interacting with individuals who are geographically distant in real time. Alternatively, we could opt for air travel to personally meet these people overseas. This is just one illustration among numerous others that demonstrate the invaluable nature of technology and how it has significantly transformed our lives. However, detractors argue that technology often exacerbates issues rather than resolving them.

They firmly believe that the advantages we can gain pale in comparison to the harm we have inflicted. Occasionally, technology is employed not to resolve any issue, but simply to generate one. Take nuclear bombs, for instance; their purpose is annihilation, death. Even if someone manages to survive after being near a detonated nuclear bomb, they will likely experience mutations and severe genetic disorders caused by the bomb’s radiation. From my perspective, technology is neither solely a blessing nor purely a curse; it encompasses both aspects.

The way we use technology determines its impact. We don’t hold a nuclear weapon responsible for the damage it causes; we hold the person who detonated it accountable. The same applies to computers, medicines, cars, planes, and even everyday objects like pencils or pens. Every invention represents progress, as they all rely on technology for their creation. What we should consider is whether our actions with these inventions will bring blessings or curses to our environment and subsequently to our own lives.

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is internet a blessing or a curse essay

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Free Internet, a Blessing or a Curse Essay Sample


The internet has enabled faster access of information worldwide. It is the cheapest means to accessing any information. The internet is defined as a tool that can link up all the people in the world who have interconnected computers. We depend on the internet nowadays so much, with its convenience but again it can act as a weapon against us. Therefore the question to ask is: is the internet a blessing or a curse?

As students, we depend on the internet so much to do our assignments. It is faster and saves a lot of time. It has tones and tones of information as compared to our library. Surfing the internet is considered cheaper ways of accessing information than flipping through books or newspapers. Today's youth find it so easy to Google for anything on the internet. The question that lingers among many is whether it is safer to browse through the internet. Is the internet safer for people to use? Is it a blessing or a nuisance that will has contributed to retarding the youths? It is no good either to say that the internet is a curse or harmful. The internet is playing the role of relaying information across the world and helping billions of people all over to stay connected and share information.

The internet has helped several people who have connection to it to have friends all over the world. People are able to socialize, without necessarily going out, just by a click and connect with people we want. This essay will examine whether the discovery of the internet is a curser or a blessing.

Social networking sites have greatly been a boon to internet users. These sites like facebook, twitter and MySpace have enabled people to connect all over the world. These sites have helped in creating and establish social contacts. But the question is: how far can these social sites go to be safe and secure for their users. Do they provide enough security to the people to the users or are the users disclosing their personal information to strangers. The reasons why the internet remains a big hit among young people is also another question that is pondered. Like during Valentines Day, there were many blind dates planned by a number of the social sites users. Most of these were young people, although a few adults are into these social sites.

Internet has brought us many advantages; we depend on it so much nowadays. In fact we have not only been obsessed with it but addicted to it that we cannot do without it. This is a network that can link millions of people all over the world. Students use the internet for their assignments and can access any information online 

These days, the youth who have been addicted to the internet need to be given proper guidance and counseling. Before committing themselves or entering into any social site dating or any kind of relationship, the youth need to bear the following points in mind:

  • Never to reveal their password.
  • Ignore or report spasm that they receive.
  • Set security settings properly as per the social site.
  • Never should they exchange personal details to strangers especially address, phone numbers and bank details.

Internet is a useful tool that if used correctly, has several advantages to its users. Students use the internet for their assignments and can access any information online. It is a news media and can be used by those who know to earn money online. Social networking sites have been poplar among the youth but with guidance and counseling, they can be of benefit.

is internet a blessing or a curse essay

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An Essay on Computer: Blessing or Curse

Photo of Shaheer

  • Introduction
  • Blessings of Computers
  • Potential Downsides and Concerns
  • Striking a Balance

In our fast-paced modern era, computers have seamlessly woven themselves into the fabric of our daily lives. They stand as powerful tools that have redefined how we communicate, learn, work, and find entertainment. From revolutionizing education to enhancing global connectivity, the impact of computers is undeniable. However, as with any powerful tool, there are also important considerations about privacy, security, and the potential for overreliance.

Computers have bestowed numerous blessings upon humanity. Firstly, they have revolutionized communication. Through emails, social media, and video conferencing, we can now connect with people from all corners of the globe in an instant. This has strengthened relationships and enabled collaborations on a global scale.

Secondly, computers have transformed education. They provide access to a vast repository of knowledge through the internet, making learning more interactive and engaging. Online courses and educational resources have made quality education accessible to a wider audience, breaking down geographical barriers.

In the realm of business and work, computers have greatly enhanced efficiency. Tasks that once took hours or even days to complete can now be accomplished in a fraction of the time. This has boosted productivity and allowed for more time to be devoted to creative and strategic endeavors.

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However, alongside the blessings, there are also potential downsides to consider. One significant concern is the overreliance on computers. Some individuals may become so engrossed in their screens that they neglect real-world interactions, leading to a sense of isolation and detachment.

Another concern is the threat to privacy and security. With the increasing amount of personal information stored online, there is a risk of unauthorized access and misuse. Cybersecurity breaches can lead to financial loss and compromise sensitive data.

The rapid pace of technological advancement can result in a digital divide. Those who have access to the latest technology may have significant advantages over those who do not, creating disparities in opportunities and access to information.

To ensure that computers remain a blessing rather than a curse, it is crucial to strike a balance. This involves being mindful of our screen time and making an effort to engage in face-to-face interactions. It also means taking measures to protect our privacy and being vigilant about online security.

Efforts should be made to bridge the digital divide. Providing equal access to technology and digital literacy programs can help level the playing field and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from what computers have to offer.

In conclusion, computers have undeniably brought about a multitude of blessings, transforming the way we live, work, and connect with one another. However, it is important to acknowledge and address the potential downsides and concerns associated with their use.

Photo of Shaheer

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Is The Internet A Blessing Or A Curse Essay

is internet a blessing or a curse essay

Show More “Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other”. Nowadays, many people tend to focus on the advantages of technology and normally push aside the disadvantages. Since the Internet made its spectacular debut to the world, everything has changed dramatically. According to Wallace in, Are you a Cyber Criminal, “we need only reach into our pockets and peck at tiny keys to gain access to a world of data”. It takes us less than a millisecond to come across information on a topic that interests us. But is the internet more of a blessing or a curse? Many people may argue that indeed “the internet is a blessing”. However, I believe that since the internet was created, the world has …show more content… And it’s all because of...the Internet. Sadly, more and more people are using the internet daily and the percentage has increased over the past years. The internet consumes the minds of many. But it preys mostly on the people who have yet to find out who they really are: the younger generation. In the past, a social affair meant that friends came together and had intriguing conversations. But now when a social event is held, everyone would spend most, if not, all of their time on their cellphone devices habitually searching the web. Although the internet has several positive aspects, it can indeed create a substantial amount of social pariahs. The internet consumes our time and thoughts which are usually meant for human interaction. We no longer laugh with our friends, but laugh with a screen. We no longer ask for advice from a friend, but from a computer. What is happening to us? As Wallace mentioned, “Social media trains us to see one another as objects and snippets of entertainment” and “it's on us to remember that we are all human beings”. It’s tragic that we have all conformed to anti-socialism. Teenagers pass their friends without greeting them, because they are apparently too “shy” or “socially awkward”. Little do they know, the internet has made them that way. I’ve seen this first hand. When someone eagerly engages themselves into a conversation with me on the internet, they can talk for hours, yet when we are …show more content… Many people may conclude that “addiction is a state of mind”. However, addiction is a mental disorder that affects millions of people year round. There are countless things that humans can easily become addicted to, and unsurprisingly, the Internet has made its way on that list. In fact, internet addiction is such a controversial problem, it has earned the name Compulsive Internet Use (CIU). Since the internet was introduced, a wide spectrum of websites have surfaced; websites from adult entertainment to video games and virtual life fantasies. In society today, most children are introduced to the internet at an early age which gives them tons of time to discover and become addicted to the ills of the internet. By spending thousands of hours on the internet, many children are slowly taking away precious time from educational activities as reading a book. Apart from children, many older individuals become addicted because they are often depressed and the Internet may seem like a place for them to escape. However, being an internet “slave”, can cause a person to become isolated from the world. It can lead to a loss of friendships, jobs and create a person who cares only for themselves. Some people treat the internet or their technological devices as their fifth limb. Without it they feel lost, vulnerable, confused, shocked or even dead. It’s like the walls are closing in on them because they want to escape reality,

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The Outlook

Social Media: A Curse or a Blessing?

Since 2005 the number of adults that use social media in the United States has risen from eight percent to 72 percent, according to Social media use is on the rise, and though many may not realize it, frequent use can be seen as an addiction.

“I find myself clicking on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram icons over and over, as if my newsfeeds are going to change and show me something incredibly different within seconds,” said Kelly Brockett, senior communication major. “I find myself more worried about what’s going on in the social media world rather than taking in what is physically around me, a bad habit I am trying to break.”

Use of social media has become very common among people. People are found using cell phones while in supermarkets, hallways, dinners and even in classrooms. A cell phone can be found in a student’s hands, pocket and even on top of their desk.

“When I am walking I use it to play music, text or for social media. I always have my phone on me, also if I can get away with having it on my desk then it’s usually there,” said Marcus McKenzie, Penn State University senior. “I check Twitter and Instagram every moment I get.”

George Kapalka, Chair of the Department of Psychological Counseling said he thinks the phone is a tool. “I think what people are attached to and crave is more what the activity is and the phone simply provides them an easy way to be able to do that,” said Kapalka.

Kapalka continued, “People now seem to crave being connected with the social media and that really has replaced social groups to a large extent.”

Craving social media is what is seen as an issue. The use of social media is one thing, although once feelings of distress and unpleasantness occur because a person is unable to access their accounts as a serious issue may be at hand.

A psychological fear has been diagnosed called “nomophobia” or no-mobile-phone-phobia, it is the feeling that people experience when their phone was left at home, dies or they are unable to access it, according to The fear causes high levels of stress that is created when unable to communicate through the cell phone at any time of the day. Some of the reasons people experience this fear is due to losing or forgetting their phone, SIM card failure, battery failure, running out of minutes, traveling, or from poor reception.

“I am guilty of experiencing a complete sense of panic when I leave my phone at home. I just feel completely disconnected and almost vulnerable,” said Kayla Horvath, communication major.


A Fox Business report found that Americans spend on average of 16 minutes every hour on social networking sites. The report stated, “Your intention might be to hop online to quickly update your status or tweet your latest life revelation, but social media is addictive and a major time consumer.”

The need to check a cell phone has become so common and even natural to people that the Huffington Post name the reaction a mechanical movement. “…You can’t help yourself, because checking your smartphone is a mechanical movement for you, as involuntary as breathing or blinking or producing saliva in your mouth.”

Brocket explains that when she does not have her phone she feels “sheer panic.” “I feel like my life is on that phone, all my contacts, my calendar, my email, everything … I’d be too worried I was missing someone trying to get a hold of me if I didn’t have my phone.”

Many have found that if they don’t check their phone or go a period of time without scrolling through non-existent notifications, they begin to feel a vibration that never actually happened. This feeling has been named, “phantom vibration syndrome.” The syndrome is a perceived vibration from a device that is not actually vibrating, according to a study done by Indiana and Purdue University’s Department of Psychology.

The study found that 89 percent of the 290 undergraduate students experienced phantom vibrations. The students in the study explained that they experienced phantom vibration syndrome about once every two weeks on average. The study also found that the students who expressed a strong reaction to a vibration or phone notification, experienced phantom vibration syndrome more often.

Many wonder what is so appealing about social media. “I think people are becoming so addicted to social media because it fulfills a certain drive or need that we never before had the means to like we do now, nosiness,” said Horvath. “Almost everyone likes to feel connected and is curious about what the big news is in their friends or families life.”

Horvath adds that social media is a mindless activity that is very easy to look at. “I use social media multiple times a day. Most of the time it is simply because I am bored and curious as to what else is going on around me.”

“I use Instagram the most. It’s just so dumb. I sit there and refresh, refresh, refresh the page. I know I’m better than that. I can be doing things that are actually worth whole with my time but no,” Raven Brunson senior communication major said.

Social media is an activity that is used by people almost every day but what uses are considered as an addiction? “I think that addiction to social media is when you are constantly on it. If you pick it up while in the middle of conversation with someone you’re not listening,” said Brunson.

Horvath said, “I think a person could be considered addicted when they post multiple tweets, Facebook posts, or Instagram posts per day.”

Brockett explains that social media addiction is, “people who are sometimes far too interested in what their newsfeeds look like instead of being mentally present while they are spending quality time with friends and family.”

To some, exhaustive amount of social media use is not seen as an addiction. “Addiction is a pretty heavy word that shouldn’t be thrown around too lightly,” said Jen Pacheco, senior psychology major. “People get addicted to heroin. But it’s not crazy to think that our impulse to constantly check social media time after time and scroll, scroll, scroll is detrimental to us in some way.”

Franca Mancini, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services said, “Addiction isn’t normal, and I hesitate to use that term other than in extreme cases, but there is the possibility that for some individuals that habit of the cell can get out of hand.”

Pacheco adds, “It’s becoming a societal norm, you’re weird if you’re not connected.” Based on the amount of social media users it has become “the norm.”

“I do not think people are consciously aware of the addiction because it has just become a part of our life,” said Horvath. “We are over-saturated by it. It is the new norm.”

As a result of increased social media use, people are finding themselves searching for help. In September of 2013 the first inpatient Internet addiction treatment center in the country opened at Bradford Regional Medical Center in Pennsylvania.

Psychologist Dr. Kimberly Young decided to open the center after spending the past 18 years treating patients addicted to the Internet. She felt that the issue was rising and due to the amount of requesting treatment options, something needed to be done.

The center offers a 10-day inpatient program available to adults over 18-years-old. The center currently offers 16 available beds and uses the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy principle, or “talk therapy” to help overcome their addiction through verbal communication.

The internet addictions vary from social media, eBay, pornography, and gambling addictions. The patients experience a 72-hour detox from the internet where they are slowly reintroduced to face-to-face communication.

“Is this a start of a new revelation?” said Andrea Gonzalez, political science major. “A revelation as in, do people really not know how to resist using social media? I am shocked to hear this but I fear that it will only lead to more addiction centers throughout the control.”

Many wonder how this continued use of social media may affect people and relationships in the future. Kapala explains that the relationships are not as personal as they were before. “I don’t want to be fatalistic, but I am not particularly optimistic of the effect that it is going to have,” he said.

Kapalka continued, “I am concerned that it’s going to turn us as human beings into more and more self-centered people that don’t know too much about empathy and how to express it, because you don’t develop as much close physical relationships … Because the interaction is through social media or over text rather than physically being there watching the person react to what you are doing.”

The first step to addressing the issue is first realizing that increased social media use is a problem and can create lasting effects. Checking a cell phone 10 minutes of every hour is seen as a societal norm, meanwhile others using social media excessively are checking in to internet rehabilitation centers.

“It should not affect your outside experiences. The screen is not your life and it should not be used constantly,” said Brunson. “I’m not Instagram famous, nor do I feel that way. I just think that I over use it.”



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Is Social Media a Blessing or a Curse? Exploring the Pros and Cons

is internet a blessing or a curse essay

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with people from all over the world. However, there is a growing debate on whether social media is a blessing or a curse. Some argue that it has enabled us to connect with people we might not have had the opportunity to interact with otherwise, while others claim that it has led to a decline in face-to-face communication and an increase in cyberbullying and other negative behaviors. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of social media to determine whether it is a blessing or a curse.

The Positive Impact of Social Media

Connecting people across the globe.

Social media has revolutionized communication, allowing people to connect with others across the globe in ways that were previously unimaginable. It has bridged geographical barriers, fostering global friendships and making it easier for people to share ideas and experiences with individuals from different cultures.

One of the key benefits of social media is its ability to connect people from different parts of the world. This has opened up new opportunities for collaboration and communication, enabling individuals to share ideas and information with others who may be thousands of miles away. Social media platforms have also made it easier for people to build friendships with individuals from different cultures, providing a unique opportunity to learn about and appreciate different perspectives.

Furthermore, social media has made it easier for people to connect with others who share similar interests or experiences. This has created a sense of community and belonging for individuals who may feel isolated or disconnected, and has also enabled the formation of support groups for individuals facing similar challenges.

In addition to connecting people across the globe, social media has also provided a platform for social activism and awareness. Social media users have used these platforms to raise awareness about important social and political issues , and to mobilize support for causes they believe in. This has enabled individuals to have a greater impact on the world around them, and has also provided a way for people to come together to effect positive change.

Overall, social media has had a profound impact on the way people connect and communicate with one another. It has enabled individuals to build friendships and connections with people from different cultures, and has provided a platform for social activism and awareness. However, it is important to recognize that social media also has its downsides, and that it is up to each individual to use these platforms in a responsible and meaningful way .

Empowering Individuals and Promoting Social Change

Social media has been instrumental in empowering individuals and promoting social change by providing a platform for people to express their opinions, mobilize support, and advocate for causes they believe in. Here are some ways in which social media has made a positive impact in this regard:

  • The power of social media in promoting social causes Social media has enabled individuals and organizations to create and amplify their message on various social causes. By using hashtags, posts, and live streams, people can raise awareness about issues that they feel strongly about. This has led to increased public discourse and advocacy on topics such as human rights, climate change, and gender equality.
  • Raising awareness about important issues One of the biggest advantages of social media is its ability to disseminate information quickly and widely. This has been particularly useful in raising awareness about important issues that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. For example, social media was instrumental in spreading information about the Arab Spring, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the MeToo campaign.
  • Amplifying the voice of the people Social media has given people a platform to express their opinions and be heard. This has been particularly empowering for marginalized communities who might not have had a voice in traditional media. By using social media, people can organize themselves, mobilize support, and push for change. This has led to increased political engagement and participation, particularly among young people.

Overall, social media has been a powerful tool for promoting social change and empowering individuals. By providing a platform for expression and mobilization, it has enabled people to make their voices heard and push for change on issues that matter to them.

Enhancing Businesses and Career Opportunities

Social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses and individuals seeking to expand their professional networks and reach new audiences. By leveraging social media platforms, individuals and organizations can tap into a vast network of potential customers, partners, and collaborators, thereby increasing their chances of success.

One of the most significant benefits of social media for businesses is its ability to facilitate networking and relationship-building. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook provide a virtual space where professionals can connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and build meaningful relationships that can lead to new business opportunities. Moreover, social media can help businesses to establish their brand identity, increase their visibility, and engage with their target audience in real-time.

Another advantage of social media for businesses is its impact on digital marketing. Social media platforms offer businesses a cost-effective and efficient way to promote their products and services, reach new customers, and build brand loyalty. By using social media, businesses can create targeted advertising campaigns, engage with their audience through interactive content, and monitor their performance using analytics tools.

In addition to these benefits, social media can also be a valuable tool for job seekers and professionals looking to advance their careers. By creating a strong online presence, individuals can showcase their skills and expertise, network with industry leaders, and identify new career opportunities. Social media can also be used to participate in online communities, attend virtual events, and contribute to industry discussions, thereby increasing one’s visibility and credibility in their field.

Overall, social media has become an essential tool for businesses and individuals seeking to expand their professional networks, reach new audiences, and build their careers. By leveraging the power of social media, individuals and organizations can tap into a vast network of potential collaborators, customers, and partners, thereby increasing their chances of success in today’s interconnected world.

The Negative Effects of Social Media

Addiction and mental health concerns, the dangers of social media addiction.

Social media addiction, also known as “Internet Addiction Disorder,” is a growing concern as individuals become increasingly reliant on these platforms for connection and validation. The compulsive need to check and respond to notifications, updates, and messages can lead to neglect of personal relationships, work, and daily responsibilities. The fear of missing out (FOMO) drives many to spend excessive amounts of time scrolling through feeds, leading to a vicious cycle of addiction and negative consequences.

The impact on mental health and well-being

Social media has been linked to various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and decreased self-esteem. The constant comparison to others’ seemingly perfect lives on platforms like Instagram and Facebook can create feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. Additionally, cyberbullying and online harassment have been shown to have a detrimental effect on mental health, particularly for young people.

Strategies for healthy social media use

To combat the negative effects of social media, it is essential to develop healthy habits and boundaries. This may include setting specific times for checking social media, limiting the number of platforms used, and actively engaging in activities that promote mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, and spending time in nature. It is also crucial to be mindful of the content consumed on these platforms and to engage in meaningful conversations with others rather than passively scrolling through feeds.

By recognizing the potential dangers of social media addiction and its impact on mental health, individuals can take proactive steps to use these platforms in a more balanced and beneficial way.

Spreading Misinformation and Fake News

The spread of false information on social media.

The rapid and widespread dissemination of information through social media platforms has given rise to the phenomenon of “fake news.” Fake news refers to intentionally false or misleading information that is presented as if it were true news. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have been widely criticized for their role in spreading false information, which can have serious consequences.

The Consequences of Fake News on Society

Fake news can have serious consequences on society. It can shape public opinion, influence political decisions, and even incite violence. In recent years, there have been several instances where fake news has been used to spread hate speech, incite violence, and promote extremist ideologies. The impact of fake news on democratic institutions and the public discourse cannot be overstated.

The Responsibility of Social Media Platforms in Curbing Misinformation

Social media platforms have a responsibility to curb the spread of misinformation on their platforms. While some platforms have taken steps to address the issue, many argue that more needs to be done. This includes increasing transparency in the way that news is presented to users, investing in fact-checking initiatives, and taking steps to prevent the spread of fake accounts and bots that are often used to spread false information. Ultimately, the responsibility for curbing the spread of misinformation lies with both the platforms and the users. It is important for individuals to be critical consumers of news and to fact-check information before sharing it on social media.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment

  • The prevalence of cyberbullying on social media

Cyberbullying has become increasingly common on social media platforms, with various forms of online harassment, such as posting offensive comments, spreading rumors, and sharing private information without consent. This behavior is often carried out by individuals seeking to assert their power over others or gain social status.

  • The impact on the victims and their mental health

The impact of cyberbullying on the mental health of victims can be severe. Constant exposure to negative comments and harassment can lead to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. In extreme cases, it may even result in suicidal thoughts or attempts.

  • Strategies for preventing and addressing cyberbullying

To address the issue of cyberbullying, various strategies have been proposed. These include:

  • Education and awareness: Raising awareness about the issue and educating users on how to recognize and respond to cyberbullying can help prevent its occurrence.
  • User reporting and blocking: Social media platforms can implement user reporting systems that allow victims to report cyberbullying and have the offending content removed. Users can also block individuals who engage in harassing behavior.
  • Community moderation: Encouraging users to actively monitor and moderate content on the platform can help reduce the occurrence of cyberbullying.
  • Legal intervention: In extreme cases, legal intervention may be necessary to address cyberbullying, particularly when it involves threats or criminal activity.

In conclusion, cyberbullying and online harassment are significant negative effects of social media. To address this issue, a multi-faceted approach is necessary, including education, user reporting, community moderation, and legal intervention.

Balancing the Pros and Cons of Social Media

Setting boundaries and mindful usage, establishing healthy boundaries with social media.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering a plethora of benefits, from staying connected with friends and family to expanding our professional networks. However, excessive use of social media can lead to negative consequences, such as decreased productivity, strained relationships, and mental health issues. To reap the benefits of social media while minimizing its potential harm, it is essential to establish healthy boundaries with this technology.

Here are some tips for setting boundaries with social media:

  • Determine your personal reasons for using social media
  • Set specific goals for your social media usage
  • Allocate designated time slots for checking social media
  • Avoid using social media as a means of procrastination
  • Be mindful of the content you consume and share on social media platforms

Mindful social media usage tips

Once you have established healthy boundaries with social media, it is crucial to practice mindful usage. This means being fully present and engaged in the current moment, rather than allowing yourself to be distracted by constant notifications and updates. Here are some tips for practicing mindful social media usage:

  • Disable notifications for non-essential apps
  • Take breaks from social media regularly
  • Use apps that help you track your social media usage
  • Engage in meaningful conversations with others on social media
  • Use social media as a tool for learning and personal growth

Alternatives to excessive social media consumption

For those who struggle with excessive social media consumption, there are several alternatives to consider. These include:

  • Engaging in hobbies or activities that do not involve screens
  • Reading books or articles
  • Connecting with friends and family in person
  • Practicing mindfulness or meditation
  • Joining a community group or club

By setting boundaries and practicing mindful usage, it is possible to enjoy the benefits of social media while minimizing its potential negative impact on our lives.

Educating and Empowering Users

Educating and empowering users is a crucial aspect of balancing the pros and cons of social media. With the rapid expansion of social media platforms, it is essential to raise awareness about the potential negative effects and promote digital literacy and critical thinking skills among users. By doing so, individuals can make informed choices about their online behavior and usage of social media.

One effective way to educate and empower users is through providing access to reliable information and resources. This can include online guides, tutorials, and educational materials that teach users how to navigate social media platforms safely and responsibly. Additionally, many organizations and non-profits offer workshops and seminars to help individuals develop the necessary skills to protect their privacy and maintain a healthy online presence.

Another important aspect of educating and empowering users is fostering a culture of critical thinking and awareness. This can be achieved by encouraging individuals to question the information they encounter online and to be mindful of their own behavior and actions on social media. By teaching users to be discerning and thoughtful in their online interactions, they can better navigate the potential pitfalls of social media and make informed decisions about their online activities.

Ultimately, educating and empowering users is essential for promoting responsible and safe usage of social media. By providing access to reliable information and resources, and fostering a culture of critical thinking and awareness, individuals can make informed choices about their online behavior and minimize the negative effects of social media.

Encouraging Responsible Social Media Platforms

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it is important to recognize the role that social media companies play in promoting responsible usage. Encouraging ethical practices among social media platforms and collaborating with users to create a positive social media environment are crucial steps towards ensuring that social media remains a valuable tool for communication and self-expression.

  • The role of social media companies in promoting responsible usage

Social media companies have a responsibility to promote responsible usage among their users. This includes providing clear guidelines and policies regarding acceptable behavior on their platforms, as well as implementing measures to prevent and address any misuse. Social media companies should also provide users with tools to manage their privacy and security settings , and to report any instances of harassment or abuse.

  • Encouraging ethical practices among social media platforms

Encouraging ethical practices among social media platforms involves promoting values such as respect, empathy, and honesty. This includes promoting the use of social media for positive purposes, such as building connections and fostering a sense of community. It also involves promoting responsible content creation and consumption, and encouraging users to think critically about the information they share and consume on social media.

  • Collaborating with users to create a positive social media environment

Collaborating with users to create a positive social media environment involves engaging with users to understand their needs and preferences, and incorporating their feedback into the design and operation of social media platforms. This includes providing users with tools to customize their social media experience, as well as engaging with users to understand their perspectives and to identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion, encouraging responsible social media platforms is crucial for ensuring that social media remains a valuable tool for communication and self-expression. Social media companies have a responsibility to promote responsible usage among their users, and to encourage ethical practices among social media platforms . Collaborating with users to create a positive social media environment is also an important step towards ensuring that social media remains a positive force in our daily lives.

1. What is social media?

Social media refers to online platforms and tools that allow users to create, share, and interact with content, information, and other users. Examples of social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many others.

2. What are the pros of social media?

One of the biggest pros of social media is its ability to connect people from all over the world. Social media platforms allow users to connect with friends, family, and colleagues, no matter where they are located. Additionally, social media can be a powerful tool for sharing information, raising awareness about important issues, and building communities around shared interests.

3. What are the cons of social media?

One of the biggest cons of social media is its potential to negatively impact mental health. Studies have shown that excessive use of social media can lead to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Additionally, social media can be a breeding ground for misinformation and can contribute to the spread of fake news and conspiracy theories . Finally, social media can be a significant time-waster, leading to decreased productivity and a lack of focus.

4. Is social media addictive?

Yes, social media can be addictive. The constant notifications, likes, and comments can create a sense of validation and pleasure in the brain, leading to compulsive use. Additionally, social media companies use psychological techniques, such as the use of likes and followers, to keep users engaged and coming back for more.

5. Can social media be used for good?

Yes, social media can be used for good. Social media platforms have been used to organize protests, raise awareness about important issues, and connect people in need with resources and support. Additionally, social media can be a powerful tool for businesses, allowing them to connect with customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

6. How can I use social media responsibly?

To use social media responsibly, it is important to set boundaries for yourself. This might include setting a specific time limit for using social media each day, avoiding social media during important tasks or activities, and taking breaks from social media when you feel overwhelmed or stressed. Additionally, it is important to be mindful of the information you are sharing and consuming on social media, and to fact-check information before sharing it with others.

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Essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse

Students are often asked to write an essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse


Science is a double-edged sword. It can be a blessing, providing solutions to many problems, but also a curse, creating new issues.

The Blessing of Science

Science has brought many benefits. It has improved health through medical advancements, and made life easier with inventions like the internet and smartphones.

The Curse of Science

However, science can also be a curse. The same technology that connects us can lead to isolation. And, while medical advancements save lives, they can also create ethical dilemmas.

In conclusion, whether science is a blessing or a curse depends on how we use it.

250 Words Essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse

Science, a field of study that has revolutionized the world, is often viewed in a binary perspective – a blessing or a curse. This dichotomy, while simplistic, fails to capture the nuanced interplay between science and society.

The Blessings of Science

Undeniably, science has been a blessing in numerous ways. It has provided us with a profound understanding of the universe, from the microscopic world of atoms to the vast expanses of space. Medical advancements, a direct result of scientific research, have eradicated diseases and significantly increased human lifespan. Technological innovations have reshaped our lifestyles, making communication instantaneous and travel faster.

However, science can also be seen as a curse when its power is misused. The development of weapons of mass destruction, environmental degradation due to industrialization, and the ethical dilemmas posed by advancements in genetic engineering are all examples of the potential harm science can cause.

In conclusion, science is neither a blessing nor a curse in itself. It is a tool, and like any tool, its impact depends on how it is used. The key lies in developing a responsible scientific culture that prioritizes ethical considerations and sustainable practices. Only then can we fully harness the potential of science as a blessing, mitigating its potential to become a curse.

500 Words Essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse

Science, with its profound implications and remarkable discoveries, has always been a subject of debate. Is it a blessing or a curse? This question has been a topic of contention for many intellectuals and thinkers throughout history. The answer, however, is not as straightforward as it might seem.

Science has unquestionably been a blessing in numerous ways. It has enabled us to understand the world around us, from the smallest particles to the vast expanses of the universe. The application of scientific knowledge has resulted in technological advancements that have revolutionized our lives.

Medicine, a field deeply rooted in science, has made leaps and bounds in combating diseases and improving human health. Diseases that were once death sentences are now manageable or even curable, thanks to science.

Moreover, science has played a pivotal role in enhancing communication. The advent of the internet, smartphones, and other digital technologies has bridged gaps, bringing the world closer together. We can now interact with people thousands of miles away in real-time, a feat that was unthinkable just a few decades ago.

However, science is not without its dark side. The same scientific advancements that have brought about countless benefits can also be exploited for harmful purposes.

Nuclear technology, for instance, has the potential to provide an almost inexhaustible source of energy. Yet, it also gave rise to nuclear weapons, posing a significant threat to humanity.

Similarly, the rapid pace of technological advancement has led to a rise in electronic waste, contributing to environmental degradation. Additionally, the misuse of personal information in the digital age raises serious concerns about privacy and security.

Science: A Double-Edged Sword

It’s clear that science is a double-edged sword, capable of being both a blessing and a curse. Its impact on society is largely determined by how we choose to use it. Science itself is neutral; it simply provides us with knowledge and tools. It’s our responsibility to use these wisely and ethically.

In conclusion, science can be both a blessing and a curse. It has the power to transform our lives for the better, but it can also lead to destruction and harm if misused. As we continue to explore and innovate, we must ensure that the ethics of science are always at the forefront. The future of science should be guided not just by what we can do, but also by what we should do. This balance between potential and ethics will determine whether science remains a blessing or becomes a curse.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Blessings of Science
  • Essay on A Blessing in Disguise
  • Essay on My Birthday Gift

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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is internet a blessing or a curse essay


The Pros and Cons of Social Media: A Blessing or A Curse

The pros and cons of social media: a blessing or a curse.

In the current digital era, social media has ingrained itself deeply into our daily lives. It has transformed how we connect, share information, and consume content. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have taken the world by storm, offering exciting opportunities and challenges. 

This article delves into the pros and cons of social media, exploring whether it is a blessing or a curse for society. Let’s dive in and explore the impact of social media on our lives.

Illustration of social media concept

Image by Freepik

1. The Power of Connection 

Social media has revolutionized communication, allowing us to connect with people worldwide. Social media platforms help us in two ways. 

  • First, they help us reconnect with old friends. 
  • Second, they assist us in making new friends. 

These platforms make social bonding easier and give a sense of a smaller and more connected world. According to a survey, over 4.5 billion people use social media daily, illustrating its widespread influence on global communication.

2. Information at Your Fingertips 

One of the greatest advantages of social media is instant access to information. News, updates, and trends spread like wildfire on platforms like Twitter. Social media is very useful in times of crisis. For example, it allows information to spread quickly during emergencies or natural disasters. 

A finger touching a blue play button

3. Opportunities for Businesses 

For businesses, social media has opened up a treasure trove of opportunities. With over 3.8 billion social media users worldwide, companies can tap into a massive audience for advertising and brand promotion. Social media analytics can give us important information about how consumers behave. It allows businesses to adjust their marketing tactics for improved outcomes.

4. Fostering Creativity and Expression  

Social media has empowered individuals to express their creativity and showcase their talents . Whether through photography on Instagram, short videos on TikTok, or thoughtful posts on personal blogs, users can share their passions with the world. This creative outlet has led to the discovery of numerous influencers and artists who might not have gained recognition otherwise.

5. Social Activism and Awareness 

Social media has catalyzed social change, enabling activists to raise awareness about various causes. Movements like #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter gained momentum through online platforms, reaching millions of people worldwide. It has encouraged conversations on important social issues and allowed marginalized voices to be heard.

6. Negative Effects on Mental Health 

Despite its numerous advantages, social media has also been associated with several negative effects on mental health. Always comparing yourself to others’ seemingly flawless lives on social media can make you feel like you’re not good enough. Studies have linked excessive social media use to increased rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness, especially among teenagers.

7. Spread of Misinformation 

One of the significant challenges of social media is the rampant spread of misinformation. False news and rumors can go viral within minutes, leading to confusion and panic. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, just under half – about 48% – of American adults admit they frequently or occasionally get their news from social media. This is a 5% drop compared to 2020’s statistics. Making it crucial for platforms to address the issue of misinformation and fact-checking.

A red siren spelling out fake news

8. Privacy Concerns  

Privacy breaches and data leaks have raised concerns about the safety of personal information shared on social media. With cyberattacks and hacking becoming more sophisticated, protecting users’ privacy has become paramount. A study revealed that 68% of social media users are worried about their data being accessed without consent.

9. Addiction and Time Wastage 

The addictive nature of social media is a significant concern for many individuals. Always scrolling and getting many notifications can make you feel like you must always check these platforms. It can lower your productivity and impact your face-to-face relationships. Studies have shown that social media users spend an average of 2 .5 hours per day on these platforms.

An hourglass with a person inside on his phone

10. Impact on Relationships 

While social media facilitates connections, it can also strain real-life relationships. Using social media too much could mean we’re talking less in person. It can lower the quality of our real-life relationships. Furthermore, misunderstandings and conflicts arising from misinterpreted posts or comments can damage relationships.

11. Cyberbullying and Online Harassment 

The anonymity provided by social media can sometimes lead to cyberbullying and online harassment. Teenagers in particular may find it difficult to avoid persistent cyberbullying. Serious emotional and mental health issues may result from it. According to a report, 7 in 10 young people have experienced cyberbullying at least once before they hit the age of 18.

A man stressed about social media

12. Influence on Political Discourse 

Social media plays a significant role in shaping political discourse and public opinion. Social media has created a place where different opinions can be shared. However, it also gets blamed for creating groups that only share similar views. Plus, it is often used to spread content that divides people. A Pew Research Center study found that 62% of American adults believe social media has a negative impact on political discussions.

Social media is a double-edged sword with benefits and drawbacks. Its power to connect people, disseminate information, and promote businesses is undeniable. At the same time, it poses risks to mental health, privacy, and interpersonal relationships. The key lies in responsible and mindful use of social media as individuals and as a society. We can make the most out of social media if we understand its risks. By working towards creating a safe and positive online space , we can reduce the negative aspects that can sometimes feel like a curse.

1. Can social media really impact mental health?

Several studies show a connection between heavy social media use and raised anxiety levels. Many also found that it can lead to more depression. On top of it all, there’s a link between using too much social media and feeling lonely. Social media often makes us compare ourselves with others. It also shows us unrealistic standards. Both of these factors can harm our mental health.

2. How can businesses benefit from social media?

Social media provides businesses with a vast audience for advertising and brand promotion. It also offers valuable analytics to understand consumer behavior and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.

3. What are some ways to protect personal privacy on social media?

Users should take steps to keep their personal information safe on social media. One way to do this is by regularly checking their privacy settings. It’s important not to share sensitive information so that everyone can see it. Also, be careful when someone you don’t know sends a friend request or asks you to follow them.

4. Can social media be a tool for social activism?

Absolutely. Social media holds a key role in increasing awareness about different social issues. It provides a platform for activists to share their views and rally for change. This leads to worldwide discussions that can trigger positive actions.

5. How can we combat misinformation on social media?

Combatting misinformation requires collective efforts from platforms, users, and fact-checking organizations. People should double-check information before they share it on social media. At the same time, social media platforms need to have strong systems in place to check facts. These systems should be able to flag any false content automatically.


Eric Smith is an experienced SEO Consultant currently working at Ajroni . His expertise in SEO strategies helps businesses improve their online visibility and attract more audience. Eric continues to apply his knowledge and skills to support the digital growth of several businesses.

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is internet a blessing or a curse essay

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The Internet a Blessing or a Curse Essay

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What is Internet? It is a tool, which can link up all the people around the world, or we can say that it is a net that we can’t see. Internet brings us a lot of convenience; people depend on it very much nowadays. But as we know, it also can act as a weapon. Is it a blessing or a curse?

Whichever it may be the internet has proved it self very helpful tool in many ways, it has opened a gateway for people; it made it possible for us to communicate with people from the other side of the world. Allowing us to meet new people and discover new places even though we are not there. The internet is easily accessible to everyone because it is inexpensive and can be afforded by most.

While some consider it as a blessing others regard it as a curse, because the internet like everything else in the world has a good and a bad side to it. The one of the main reasons that many people blame is that there is no sense of censorship in the world of the internet.

Without censorship many things spin out of control. People start using the internet as a method of spying rather than a manner of communication they abuse this blessing by placing information or data that is unacceptable such as pornography, others may use it for fraud or theft. When these actions are committed they are considered a as a form of crime, and like all other crimes they are intolerable by society.

A student no longer needs to spend long hours in libraries searching for a desired piece of information. A web search engine can provide the needed material just at a click of a button and no matter which remote corner of the world you are in, the Internet will keep you side by side of the latest developments in your area of interest.

As with every new technology there are those who speak high of the Internet and there are those who portray it in an unfavorable source of knowledge. And as with other new technologies there is nothing wrong with the Internet itself. It is we who are to decide which way to travel on this information super path. We may decide to travel the right path and reach the ultimate destination of knowledge power and truth. Or we may choose the wrong direction and expose ourselves to all kinds of vices.

The Internet to me is a great blessing. Name any aspect of human life education, business, entertainment, travel, sports etc and you”ll see the profound impact the Internet has on it. This is so important, so vital and so indispensable device that how can we afford to lag behind by ignoring it. How can we afford to be cut off from the outside world? I don”t know how our society can develop without having access to this vital source of development. Only a fool can do so and I don”t think that we are fools; at least, I am not.

This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly . Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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The Internet a Blessing or a Curse Essay. (2018, Apr 25). Retrieved from

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is internet a blessing or a curse essay

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