stay at home mum resume example australia

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14 Stay at Home Mom Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Stay at Home Mom Resumes
  • Back to Work Resumes
  • Homemaking Resumes
  • Stay at Home Dad Resumes

Being a stay at home mom is one of the most demanding challenges a person can undertake, but this also means that you can never run out of things for writing a cover letter or resume. From  budgeting to delegating and scheduling tasks, the duties of a stay at home mom are endless .

However, given that employers take between five to seven seconds to go through an entire resume, it’s important to know the exact details to mention and those to avoid when writing your stay at home mom resume. For that reason, we’ve designed these 14 stay at home mom resume samples to help you  craft a resume  that will land you your dream job in 2024. 

Stay at Home Mom Resume Resume

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Stay at home mom resume example with 10+ years of experience

Why this resume works

  • For example, you might mention in your resume, “Volunteered at local garage sales to create posters and maps for buyers, increasing sales by 28%.”
  • Write a  resume summary  if you’ve got 10+ years of expertise in your field and can weave in some specializations you’ve picked up along the way that will set you apart from the competition.
  • Skills such as “research, problem-solving, and organization” are crucial in marketing, but there are plenty of other keywords you can include in your  resume skills section , provided they align with the job description.

Stay At Home Parent Resume

Stay at home parent resume example with 3 years of experience

  • This example perfectly aligns with the needs of the role, making it a compelling choice for the position and recruiters will not miss to notice it.

Stay At Home Mom No Work Experience Resume

Stay at home mom no work experience resume example

  • In particular, The volunteer and research projects, such as OralCare360 and FreshBite, showcase the ability to educate, organize, and communicate effectively.

No Degree Resume

No degree resume example with 4 years of experience

  • For example, your resume can list metrics for family size, how much money you saved on groceries after using a budget, and how many appointments/engagements you had per month.
  • Use metrics like these to quantify your impact and get a recruiter’s attention!
  • For example, writing fairy tale novellas takes excellent writing and planning skills, and decorating the lobby for the school play requires strong organizational skills and problem-solving abilities, all of which are useful for a secretarial position.

Stay at Home Mom Gap Resume

Stay at home mom gap resume example with cashier and receptionist experience

  • If the above rings a bell, why not whip up a stay at home mom gap resume that showcases these skills and how you translated them into tangible results? Authoring and publishing a family blog documenting parenting tips and experience, attracting over 6.4k monthly visitors within six months makes for an excellent example here.

Returning to Work Resume

Returning to work resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Your  stay at home mom returning to work resume  should demonstrate your ability to perform tasks related to or similar to what is required of an HR manager, so it can be helpful to view  HR job description examples  to get an idea of what HR professionals require on the job.
  • This doesn’t necessarily mean that every skill should relate to your work experience, but whenever you get a chance to connect the two, do it! 

Returning to Workforce Resume

Returning to workforce resume example with 13 years of experience

  • Even if you’ve been a stay at home mom for a short period, it’s important to list that time on your  returning to workforce resume  so you don’t have a work experience gap. Interviewers frown on these ‘time gaps’ in your resume because it creates the impression that you’ve been inactive and will need a lot of time to catch up if you’re hired. 
  • Only includes languages you would be comfortable mentioning in an interview. Want to really sell your programming skills? Mention how you used your coding experience to create real-life applications.

Work from Home Mom Resume

Work from home mom resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Make your resume as specific as possible. Did you volunteer at your church? List which position you held, how many students you taught, and how you improved the classroom for the better.
  • If you’re in a position requiring licenses or certifications (like education), make sure you include a certifications section on your work from home mom resume to show employers you have the know-how to do the job.

Stay at Home Mom Returning to Teaching Resume

Stay at home mom returning to teaching resume example with 8 years of education experience

  • Detail past work as a tutor and even as a stay-at-home mom that showcase your skills in the best way possible on your stay at home mom returning to teaching resume.
  • Use your stay-at-home mom cover letter to address why your work experience isn’t so recent.

Homemaker Resume

Homemaker resume example with 11 years of experience

  • Make these bullet points as a homemaker count by focusing on outcomes and metrics.
  • You can add a period at the end of every work experience bullet point, but then each work experience bullet point will need periods to ensure consistency.

Homemaker No Experience Resume

Homemaker no experience resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Include skills and/or keywords related to the job you’re applying for, and mention the company you’re applying for by name to get a recruiter’s attention.
  • For example, a cashier should know how to operate a Point of Sale (POS) system, so if you have similar experience, include those skills and responsibilities. 

Military Spouse Stay At Home Mom Resume

Military spouse stay at home mom resume example with 8 prior years of marketing experience

  • Use a career objective statement to tell recruiters how your skills are just what that particular company needs. Don’t forget to mention the company by name!

Housewife Resume

Housewife resume example with disaster relief support and gardening project experiences

  • Community projects such as environmental cleanup and voluntary work to distribute relief food to families affected by disaster are examples you can use to your advantage.

Stay at Home Dad Resume

Stay at home dad resume example with cabinet making experience

  • Well, you got what it takes to land that housekeeping job you’re eyeing. Your past roles, paired with measurable achievements, will further propel your application to success.

Related resume guides

  • Substitute Teacher
  • Camp Counselor
  • Career Change

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Stay-at-home Mom Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Background Image

You’re a stay-at-home mom.

You’re great at time management, organization, and able to juggle five jobs at once. 

Safe to say you’d make a great employee!

But HOW do you prove your abilities to your future employer?

What do you put on a stay-at-home mom resume, anyway?

Well, that’s exactly what we’re about to answer.

We understand that applying to jobs after years of staying at home can be a daunting experience. But please don’t worry - our guide will get you back on your feet in no time!

  • An example of a finished stay-at-home parent resume that works
  • How to write a stay-at-home mom resume that’ll fill up your interview diary
  • How to make your stay-at-home mom resume stand out [with top tips & tricks]

Before we dive into why the company should hire you, here’s a stay-at-home mom resume example, created with our very own resume builder:

stay at home mom resume example

Want one of these? Then follow the steps below:

How to Format a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

Whether you’re getting your kids ready for school or running them a bath, you know the importance of preparation.

Similarly, you need to prepare your resume format before you can start writing!

But what does this actually mean?

Well, your resume needs to be structured correctly.

The most common resume format is “ reverse-chronological ”, and it is for good reason. This format puts your most recent achievements up-top, which keeps your resume clean and easy to follow.

reverse chronological work at home mom

You may also wish to explore the two following formats:

  • Functional Resume – This type of resume focuses on skills, which makes it ideal for stay-at-home moms who have gaps in their employment history or never worked in that specific industry.
  • Combination Resume – Getting back into the same job after a short break? Combining both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological”, individuals with both the required skills and experience may want to use this format.

After picking the correct format for your situation, you need to sort the resume layout .

For a stay-at-home mom resume that looks the part, we recommend: 

  • Margins - One-inch margins on all sides
  • Font - Use a professional resume font that stands out, but not too much
  • Font Size - Stick to 11-12pt font size for normal text and 14-16pt for headers
  • Line Spacing - Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing
  • Resume Length - Maintain a 1-page limit. For guidance, view these one-page resume templates

Use a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume Template

Ever written a document? 

There’s a good chance you used Word, or similar processing software.

Now, these programs are great for creating simple documents, but are they good enough for your resume?

Not if you want a professional-looking resume! 

Why do we say this?

Well, Word isn’t the best for holding structure. 

You see, it can take hours to create the perfect structure, only for you to make one small change, and BOOM…your resume falls apart.

You’re a busy parent - Free up your time by using a stay-at-home mom resume template .

What to Include in a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

The main sections in a stay-at-home mom resume are:

  • Contact Information
  • Work Experience
  • Employment Gap

To really impress the recruiter, you can also add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

That’s the sections sorted, but what should you write for each of them? 

Let’s find out!

For a full rundown on each section, view our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Correctly Display your Contact Information

Now, this isn’t the time to unleash your creative flair.

You just need to keep this section factually-correct .

You could submit the best resume in the world, but if your phone number is wrong, well, you won’t be getting any interviews.

As you can see, accuracy is the name of the game in your contact section.

The contact information section must include:

  • Title - Align this to the exact job title you’re applying for
  • Phone Number - The one you are most-easily reached on
  • Email Address - Keep your email professional ([email protected])
  • (Optional) Location - Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location.
  • Emily Brown, Receptionist. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Emily Brown, Supermom Receptionist. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

How to Write a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume Summary or Objective

The job market is getting more and more competitive.

In fact, most employers usually have a HUGE pool of applicants to choose from.

Taking this into account, we can’t be too surprised that recruiters are known to spend less than 6 seconds on each resume !

Although rather concerning, we can use this knowledge to our advantage.

You just need a way to hook the reader.

But HOW can you do this?

Use a resume summary or objective , which are both attention-grabbing paragraphs that sit at the top of your resume.

This paragraph will be the first thing the hiring manager lays their eyes on, so make it the best it can be!

resume summary stay at home mom

Although similar, there are differences between a summary and an objective…

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence paragraph that summarizes your most notable professional achievements. 

  • Fast-working and friendly receptionist with 18 years of experience working on the front desk of a local gymnasium, where I achieved a customer satisfaction score of 98%. Highly-skilled in data-entry, customer service, and negotiation. Seeking to leverage interpersonal skills and a commitment to great service to become the new receptionist at GYM XYZ.

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence paragraph of what you want to achieve and why you’re perfect for the position.

  • Enthusiastic and friendly gym-goer looking to work as the new receptionist at GYM XYZ. Passionate about keeping visitors happy and satisfied. Relevant experience includes serving customers during two years at CAFÉ XYZ. Skilled in POS, communication, and time management.

So, should stay-at-home moms use a summary or an objective?

Generally, because stay-at-home moms will have large employment gaps, a resume objective would be the best choice. With that said, if you’re entering back into an industry that you have plenty of experience in, a resume summary would be the best choice. 

How to Make Your Work Experience Stand Out

The work experience section is the most important section on your resume.

As such, it’s a section that requires special care and attention.

The goal is to write a powerful work experience section that stands out and highlights your most notable achievements .

Doing so will instil confidence and reduce any perceived risk in hiring you.

Now, you may be concerned about your employment gap, but don’t be.

Anyway, it’s always better to explain your employment gaps, rather than attempt to conceal them.

Here’s how to correctly structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements


06/2017 – 03/2020

  • Based on surveying, I achieved a 99.4% visitor satisfaction score during my three years at Real Gym
  • Welcome and advised 250+ customers a day
  • Developed a new fitness class system that reduced complaints by 48%

Instead of simply talking about your daily tasks, you should show how valuable you were at your previous employment. You see, this will allow the recruiter to immediately see how you’ll directly benefit the company.

Instead of saying:

“Kept visitors happy”.

“Based on surveying, I achieved a 99.4% visitor satisfaction score during my three years at Real Gym”.

Apart from being much longer, how is the second statement different?

Well, it uses quantitative data to back-up your skills. It allows the recruiter to see why you’d make a great addition to the team.

On the other hand, the first statement is way too generic. The recruiter has most likely read those exact words 18 times today.

What if You Don’t Have Any Relevant Work Experience?

So, you’re going back to work after a long lay-off.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean you will be applying for the same job.

What if you don’t have experience?

Not to worry!

You see, just because you’ve never worked as a receptionist, doesn’t mean lack the relevant skills and experiences needed to be great at that job.

You would just need to mention the crossover skills from previous jobs, like being able to operate a cash machine, having great communication skills, and being detail-orientated. 

How to Explain Gaps in Employment on a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

Why is there a gap in your employment?

Your employer will want to know what you’ve been up to recently.

Even though you’ve talked about your previous jobs, it’s now time to address the elephant in the room.

The trick here is to focus on any skills learnt during your time as a stay-at-home mom, especially skills relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Stay-at-Home Parent

05/2017– Present

  • Created a blog that documented my journey through parenthood – receives 10k+ views per month
  • Volunteered at my local charity – served dinner to 100+ homeless every Tuesday night

Sure – an employment gap isn’t ideal, but you can use this section to highlight the skills and experiences developed during this gap. Essentially, you can spin a negative into a positive ! 

Now, we both know that being a stay-at-home mom IS a full-time job, but resist listing your parent-related duties, unless the job involves working with small children or similar.

Use Action Words to Make Your SAHM Resume POP!

Those poor hiring managers.

Having to read the same generic words in every resume they read. 

Although bad for them, this is great for you!

You see, it allows you to create a “return-to-workforce” resume that stands out by using some power words :

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

How to Correctly List your Education

Next, let’s discuss what to put in your education section.

Regardless of the position that you’re applying for, this section follows a simple formula:

  • Qualification Type 
  • Institution Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

When put together, your education section should resemble the following example:

Majoring in Culinary Arts

Ohio State University

2008 - 2012

  • Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events (MICE), Financial and Revenue Management, Research Project, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Experience Economy, Exploring Professional Practice in Hospitality.

Still have a few questions? Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get from stay-at-home moms:

  • What if I haven’t come to the end of my studies yet?

Not to worry. Just include the courses and modules studies to date

  • Should I include my high school education?

If it’s your highest form of education, then yes 

  • What is more important, my education or experience?

Experience always wins this race, although education is still important 

For in-depth answers, check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top Skills for a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

As a mom, you have invaluable skills that your little-one depends on.

But you can’t exactly write “able to put three kids to bed every night” on your resume.

So, what should you do instead?

Well, what did you write in your experience section?

Here’s a trick: analyze both your work experience and the job description.

If you see any skills that crossover, add them to your resume.

Do this correctly, and you’ll be showing the exact skills the recruiter is looking for! 

And if you need more inspiration, here are some of the most common soft skills:

  • Personable and friendly 
  • Endurance (long hours)
  • Conflict resolution 
  • Time management 
  • Team player
  • Be honest here. Interviewers will usually ask applicants to explain more about the skills listed.

Confused about what skills to put on your stay-at-home mom resume? Check out our comprehensive list of 150+ must-have skills this year .

What Else Can You Include?

There we have it.

All essential sections have been added to your resume.

But don’t call it a day just yet!

Adding just one or two of the following sections could be deciding factor in whether you’re hired for the job or not!

Awards & Certifications

Have you ever been employee of the month?

Have you completed any courses that are relevant to the job?

If you have any awards or certifications, be sure to include it in your resume!

Awards & Certificates

  • “Employee of the Year 2018” - Real Gym
  • “Learning How to Learn” - 2019 Coursera Certificate

Applying to a Spanish restaurant?

Then being able to speak some Spanish is sure to increase your chances. 

Whether it’s a specific requirement or not, being able to speak multiple languages is impressive – and who can argue with that!?

Rank the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you’re likely wondering, “why would the hiring manager need to know about my keen interest in badminton?”

Well, because it allows them to learn more about whom you actually are.

Companies want new members of staff that fit in well with the current team.

The easiest way to do this is to discuss your hobbies, especially those hobbies which involve social interaction.

Here’s which hobbies & interests you may want to mention.

Include a Cover Letter with Your Resume

How to really “wipe the floor” with your competition?

Attach a convincing cover letter with your resume!

You see, your resume is great for delivering the core message, but nothing speaks to the recruiter like a well-written cover letter.

But what do we mean by this?

Well, a cover letter allows you to make a personal connection, which ensures you’ll be remembered by the hiring manager.

As well as offering the chance to fill in all the blanks, a cover letter also shows that you want to work for this exact company . 

Here’s how to create a structure that works:

cover letter example structure

And here’s the winning formula:

Personal Contact Information

Use your full name, profession, phone number, email, and address 

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Use their full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

Make sure your opening paragraph commands attention. Briefly mention:

  • The exact job position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and best achievement to date

Once you’ve grabbed the reader’s attention, you can delve further into the following specifics:

  • Why you chose this specific company
  • What you know about the company’s vision and culture
  • How your skills will be beneficial to the company
  • Whether you’ve worked in similar positions before

Closing Paragraph

Finish with a closing paragraph that:

  • Concludes the key points of your cover letter
  • Thanks the manager for reading and for the job opportunity
  • Ends with a call to action. For example, “At your earliest convenience, I’d love to discuss more about how I can help your company with X” will work.

Formal Salutations

While remaining personal, the letter should end in a professional manner. Use something like, “Kind regards” or “Sincerely.”

For extra cover letter advice, view our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways

Good luck with your new job:

Because if you followed the steps in this guide, you should now have a job-winning resume! 

Make sure to:

  • Select one of the recommended formats for your specific situation and employment history, and then follow the recommended layout
  • Catch the reader’s attention with a short, snappy summary or objective
  • In the work experience section, make sure to highlight your most relevant and best achievements, rather than just your daily duties. Oh, and don’t be put off by your employment gap
  • For a highly-specific application that starts a conversation, include a convincing cover letter

Suggested Reading:

  • Guide to Green Careers - All You Need to Know
  • The 2024 Complete Guide to Remote Work [W/ Tips & Tricks]
  • Guide to Nonprofit Jobs & Careers [Complete Guide]

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How to make a stay at home mom resume?

Being a homemaker is not an easy job, yet women handle it with grace and ease.

Looking for a job while juggling with your responsibilities at home may not seem easy but we have the perfect solution to help you restart or kickstart your career.

You may or may not have any professional experience but if you are ready to start working or get back to your old job profile, it is achievable.

It is not mission impossible, so keep reading to get the best guide for writing your stay at home mom resume.

In this blog, you will learn the proper and professional way to write your flawless homemaker resume. So read on to get the information we have laid out for you in this blog.

Let us begin this guide by introducing you to all the things that you will learn in this blog:

  • What to write in your stay at home mom resume and how to write it?
  • How to write your professional experience in an effective way?
  • How to make an impact with your stay at home resume skills?
  • What format to use while framing bullet points in your homemaker resume?

What is a Stay at Home Mom Resume & Why Do You Need It?

Your homemaker resume acts as the first point of communication between you and the recruiter. It is your ticket to land a job.

Your stay at home mom resume is the first step towards your dream job. It is a virtual representation of the skills which are required for the job that you are seeking.

The recruiters get an insight into your professional experience and your capabilities through your resume. Your goal here is to make sure that your resume is flawless and impressive to get an interview call for your target job.

But the one thing that you need to tackle here is the ATS system. Most recruiters rely on the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) for their hiring needs.

If your resume gets parsed by the ATS system, it has a higher chance of ranking in the ATS system, which means your resume will have a higher chance of getting shortlisted.

You need to curate a resume that is ATS-targeted. A resume that is not ATS-targeted might fall short and may end up never getting shortlisted.

While writing an ATS targeted resume is not easy, it is something that you can accomplish with this guide.

This guide will help you write a job-winning stay at home resume from scratch.

Also Read: How to craft an impeccable resume?

Stay at Home Mom Resume Sections

Picture in your head of how your resume will look after it is created. Do you like what you see? or are you unable to picture it clearly in your head?

Your resume needs to be divided into different sections to elaborate on the different details about you and your skills as well as your work experience.

Arrange your stay at home mom resume sections in the following manner:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if applicable)
  • Additional Information (if applicable)
Do Read: A perfect guide to sections in a resume.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Header

Most of the time people ignore the importance of the profile header wherein it is an important factor in a resume.

Follow the given points to write your resume header the right way:

  • Your header should be written using the largest fonts between 16-20 font sizes to make it stand out in your nstay at home mom resume.
  • It should be placed at the top-most part of your resume.
  • Now if you have a middle name, use only the initials of your middle name and place it in between your first and last name.
  • Example: Joanna Aquamarine Smith should be written as "Joanna A. Smith".

Take a look at the perfectly composed resume header which is an ideal stay at home mom resume example:

Head Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Also Read: Tips for creating a resume header.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section in your homemaker resume should consist of the following details:

  • Contact number
  • Current location

LinkedIn/Personal Website

Your contact number.

Provide only the active number that you use for a recruiter to get in touch with you. They would not bother calling you repeatedly till they get you on the line.

Remember, it is you who is looking for a job because in a sea of resumes the recruiter can always pick other eligible applicants if they cannot get to you.

Give your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your phone number and a plus sign (+) before the ISD code.

Example:(+1) 82374 29371

As your email ID is the official means of communication between you and the recruiter, it should be professionally composed and should not include fancy email names.

Take a look at the examples below:

Example 1: beautyqueen@xyz[dot]com Example 2: emilybronte@xyz[dot]com

On observing both examples, you will find that example 2 looks more professional.

Example 2 uses the real full name as their email ID. This is the correct way of composing emails.

Current Location

Always give your current location in your resume. If you are looking for a job in your own country, simply mention the city and state you are living in.

In case you are looking for a job in another country, simply mention the name of the city and country you are residing in.

Adding links of your LinkedIn account and personal websites can be an added advantage and it will allow the recruiter to understand your professional identity without limiting it just to your resume.

Also Read: Dos & Don'ts of writing the personal information section. >


Another stay at home mom resume example of your personal information should look as given below:

Personal Information Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Profile Title

Your profile title is your latest job title. It lets the recruiter know where you stand in your career. It also states if you are an experienced or an entry-level applicant.

Use the 2nd largest font size of 14-16 in your resume to write your profile title.

Look at the example given below to check how your profile title should look like in your homemaker resume:

Profile Title Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Here we have presented the stay at home mom as someone who has worked as a content editor and so the profile title is written accordingly.

Now the recruiters are well aware that the stay at home mom is a content editor. Likewise, your profile title should speak about your field of work and your professional status.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Professional Experience

This is one of the most important sections of your resume. It is this section that will allow you to elaborate on all your skills and experience.

Do not miss out on any important details while filling this section.

Keep in mind that you need to update the recruiter with all the important aspects of your professional experience and relate it to the present job that you are applying for.


Frame your professional experience section in your stay at home mom resume by following the points that we have mentioned below:

  • STAR format
  • Framing points

Grouping & Highlighting

Star format.

This is what the STAR stands for:

  • S stands for situation : The situation/backdrop/context of your contributions
  • T stands for task : The actual task that was assigned to you
  • A stands for action : The strategy you used to execute the assigned task
  • R stands for result : The result/outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure

Use the STAR format as it is the ideal format for structuring the professional experience section of your stay at home mom resume.

It establishes the cause-effect relationship which helps your resume stand out. It also helps in advancing your job application as you can communicate your achievements in the form of an achievement figure.

This is a practical demonstration of your skills as quantifying your achievements shows the extent of your expertise in your chosen domain.

Framing Points

It is your responsibility to keep the recruiter interested in reading your stay at home mom resume, so make it worth the read.

If your resume fails to do the bare minimum of being read by the recruiter, your chances of getting shortlisted drastically dwindle.

Here are two examples showing the two ways in which people compose this section of their resume. Your task here is to evaluate them:

Corresponded with authors to develop preferred documentation style as per the clients' requirements

Culminated 2+ manuscripts with a word count of ~5k for various authors

Scrutinize the manuscripts using editing & proofreading to create a high-quality product

Scanned for typos to avoid errors to enhance the authors' work quality

Framing Points: Analysis

It is very clear from the two examples that framing points (example 2) help in enhancing your statements in a resume.

Using bulleted one-liner points makes it easier to list your roles & responsibilities in your resume. It also makes your resume easy to read and comprehend.

There is no point in writing a bulky and lengthy paragraph in your resume (example 1) as it makes no sense when you drag your points for too long at a stretch.

Both the example are stating the same thing yet example 2 is more specific without unnecessary words unlike example 1 which makes your resume look bulky.

Another important aspect of composing your professional experience section is the grouping & highlighting of your points.

This will efficiently highlight your skills and achievements in your homemaker resume.

Grouping your points under unique subtitles makes your points specific and highlighting the important keywords helps the recruiters stay interested in your job application.

Let us look at these two given examples to compare how grouping & highlighting your statements in your resume is better than a plain statement:

  • Compiled subject requirements & worked under the supervision of senior writers

Coalesced with writers, graphic designers & type-setters to create error-free articles & stories every week

  • Facilitated the timely delivery of manuscripts & articles for clients to meet deadlines
  • Collaborated with the Editorial team to complete 20+ copy-editing assignments for timely product delivery

Manuscript Analysis & Line Editing

  • Coalesced with writers, graphic designers & typesetters to create error-free articles & stories every week

Product Delivery & Copy Editing

Grouping & Highlighting: Analysis

From the two examples given above, we can see that it is easier to understand example 2 as it is better organized than example 1.

Creating unique subheadings for grouping similar points makes it easier to create a clear picture of your professional caliber.

Highlighting your points directs the recruiter's attention to your key achievements under each point. Thus, it enhances your chances of getting noticed by a recruiter which ultimately helps you in getting shortlisted for a target job.

To conclude, use grouping & highlighting to frame your professional experience so that the recruiters can identify your achievements and capability.

If you have an existing resume, get it professionally reviewed by our in-house team of resume experts at Hiration.

Also Read: How to compose the work experience in your resume? .

Given below is a sample stay at home mom resume showing what a perfectly composed professional experience section should ideally look like:

Professional Experience Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Education

Your education section will come right below your professional section and it will help enhance your professional skills.

Your course of study highlights your knowledge in the field of any specific job position. So make sure that you provide the field of education course that you possess.

For those who do not have enough or zero experience, your educational qualification may play a vital role in positively influencing the recruiter.

While education is not as relevant as your professional experience in terms of a job application, it can make all the difference to your job application when you are applying for an entry-level job.

Given below is the format that you should follow when composing this section:

{Name of the school/university} | {Location} | {Dates} (in month and year format) {Name of the degree} | {CGPA}

Do Read: Guide on how to list education on resume.

Look at the example given below to see how your education section should look like in your resume:

Education Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Certifications

Any certification(s) that you have completed should be mentioned in the certifications section of your resume.

It will help enhance your educational qualifications and professional experience.

Relevant certifications will make you a stronger candidate as it shows that you went the extra mile to go and get certified (even though your target job does not explicitly demand it).

As a result, it will give you a better chance than other applicants to land an interview or the job.

Your certification section must include the following details:

  • Name of the Certification Course
  • Name of the Affiliating Institution
  • Location of the Institute
  • Dates of enrollment and completion of the course (month and year)

The above points should be aligned using the format that we have mentioned below:

{Name of certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date} (in month and year format)

Also Read: How to list certifications on resume?

Time to shine by holding up your skills on a banner. Not exactly a banner in literal terms but you can use this section in your resume to mention all your efficient key skills.

This section will highlight all your expertise for the recruiter to notice at a glance itself.

Your key skills should contain the keywords used to describe the job profile you are applying for. It helps your resume to rank high in the ATS (Applicant Tracking System)

Make sure that these key skills are connected to the points stated in your professional experience. Your key skills should be justified before they are framed.

Your stay at home mom resume key skills section should ideally look as given below:

Skills Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

In the example, you can see that your skills are standing out. Well, that is the whole idea, to attract the recruiter towards your potential.

You can also see that your technical efficiency is written separately under the skills. It is to specify the exact tool you are capable of using.

This adds weight to your skills section and lets the recruiter acknowledge your potential while shortlisting your resume.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Summary

A summary should be written for the homemaker resume only if you have 3 years of professional experience.

But in most cases, resume for stay at home mom with no work experience should avoid writing a summary as it does not help in covering the existing career gaps.

Read the following points to write a summary of your stay at home mom resume:

  • Start your summary by mentioning the years of experience you have. Keep in mind that the recruiter will read your summary for roughly 6-7 seconds so make it count.
  • Write only 3-4 lines of the summary to make it an on-point statement. Do not overstretch your summary as it would seem unnecessary and irrelevant.
  • Your summary should contain a brief explanation of your past work experience. So when you curate this section, make sure that you cherry-pick the best highlights of your career to enhance the effectiveness of your stay at home mom resume summary.
Do Read: How to write the perfect resume summary.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Objective

A resume objective is often written by those professionals with 0 to less than 3 years of work experience.

For stay at home moms, a resume objective should be written vis-a-vis a resume summary as you have employment gaps.

Objectives are often written to cover up the gaps in your career. As a stay-at-home mom, you will have to write an objective that includes your experience as well as your activities during your gap.

Follow the given points to write an objective for stay at home mom with no work experience resume or resume for homemaker returning to the workforce:

  • Mention all the details of your past professional experience and focus on how you managed to keep yourself busy during the gap of your professional journey.
  • Never write a stay at home mom in your resume because that is an unprofessional way to address the gap in your career.
  • If your skills are presented correctly the recruiter will be more focused on your capabilities and not your gap.

Here is your stay at home mom resume sample to have a better understanding of how an objective is written:

Objective Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Don't Miss: Detailed guide on creating the resume objective.

Stay at Home Mom Resume Samples

Here is an example of how your stay at home mom resume template should look like:

  • Correspond with authors to develop preferred documentation style in accordance with client requirements
  • Culminate 2+ manuscripts with a word count of ~5k for different authors
  • Scrutinize the manuscripts through multiple rounds of editing & proofreading to create high-quality end product
  • Scan for typos & avoid errors of omission or commission to enhance the quality of the authors' work
  • Interweave research data to create 7+ articles on a weekly basis for the official blog & social media platforms
  • Research & subsequently compose 900+ words of content about various blogs for client reference per week
  • Engaged in outreach programs to empower stay-at-home moms with basic computer knowledge
  • Participated in education workshops for 100+ children-at-risk to achieve universal child literacy
  • Taught English language to 30+ students of Seashore High School through their online portal
  • Vetted articles by writers & prepared enticing drafts via Adobe Illustrator 6 for the final review by the Chief Editor
  • Coordinated with the Design team to prepare graphical outlook & layout for clients based on their industrial needs
  • Compiled subject requirements & worked under the supervision of senior writers to analyse writers' manuscripts
  • Coalesced with writers, graphic designers & type setters to create 5+ error free articles, news & stories on a weekly basis
  • Facilitated the timely delivery of manuscripts & articles for clients to meet deadlines with 100% accuracy
  • Collaborated with the Editorial team to complete 20+ copy-editing assignments per week for timely product delivery
  • Prepared an effective checklist for proofreading & ensuring quality before signing off the manuscript for printing
  • Delivered high quality content free from grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, & false notions
  • Generated 30% revenue for the publishing house by assisting the Marketing team during the ' Annual Book Fair '
  • Published 40+ articles in collaboration with other publishing houses for the monthly issue of the Publisher's Journal
  • Top 10 percentile of the class

Key Takeaways

  • Never mention stay-at-home mom in your resume as it is not the professional way to write your status
  • Make sure to follow the grouping & highlighting method while writing your professional experience
  • Do not forget to mention your achievements by adding figures wherever possible to specify your points
  • Write a summary if you have 3+ years of experience. If you don't, write a resume objective
  • Focus on what you are capable of executing effectively and write down your skills
  • Provide details of your extra-curricular activities during the gap of your career to avoid being assumed as an idle applicant
  • Emphasize on your education and certifications for enhancing your chances of being shortlisted

Now that is a wrap of the blog and you are ready to go write your stay at home mom resume. Follow the guide you just read through and frame your flawless resume to achieve your dream job.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

stay at home mum resume example australia

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Work At Home Mums

Resume Tips for Return to Work Mums

Career , Job Search , Popular , Returning to Work

Tips for Your Resume When You're a Return to Work Mum

Whether you’re looking to kick start your career full steam ahead or find a less demanding role, your resume is the all-powerful document that gets you that initial meeting. The first trick is to get past the skim read, so that recruiters will take a second, more in depth look at your resume.

After some time out of the workforce it can be very daunting for mums (or dads) to start applying for work again. If you’ve taken time off to be a stay at home parent there is usually a gap that needs to be explained and you may feel that your skills and experience are not up to date. However, there are things that will give you confidence in applying for positions.

  • Own the gap. You were doing a great thing raising your children, don’t shy away from that.
  • Show relevance. Make sure you showcase any skills, experience or education that would be relevant for the job you’re applying for.
  • Use transferable skills. If your choosing a different field to work in after children, that doesn’t mean the skills you had in your previous career don’t count. Show how your skills can be used in the new position.
  • Keep things current. Unless you’ve had a huge gap at home with the kids make sure you are highlighting the last 10 years. Employers aren’t concerned about whether you learnt the flute in high school.
  • Show achievements. Employers want to see what you achieved in your previous roles, not just what you were responsible for.
  • Be honest. If you lie to secure a job it can be easily found out these days.

Yes, there may be employers out there who will refuse you the job because you’re a mum, but those are the places you really wouldn’t want to work at, anyway. You’re not just looking for a job; you’re looking for the right job, and a great resume is the first step to having the confidence to go for the jobs you really want. If you need extra guidance, the Resume Writing for Return to Work Success Program is a great start.

Tips for Your Resume When You’re a Return to Work Mum

Here are some key resume tips for mums to help get your resume noticed and feel confident!

Put it in a format people can read

Make sure when you send your resume through to someone, you know they’ll be able to open it and read it with the correct formatting you intended. The best way to do this is by sending as a word document or  saving it as a PDF which can be done easily in Word and other programs. This also allows some recruiting programs to scan your resume easily.

Make sure your details are correct

Your name, phone number and address need to be easily found and correct so that you can be contacted. You don’t want to put all that effort into having the perfect resume to find out that the employer can get hold of you for an interview. Don’t worry about putting your date of birth on there, it’s not important information.

Make sure you have a professional sounding email address. Ideally use something like [email protected] rather than [email protected] . Having a professional sounding email won’t get you the job but having a nonprofessional email address may cost you an interview.

Don’t hide your employment gap

It might feel like a long time since you’ve been in the workplace, but in reality it’s a comparatively short time. Some people take longer vacations just to go overseas! You weren’t just sitting around on the couch watching Netflix (or if you were don’t tell them that) you were raising small humans!

Becoming a mother means that you develop all sorts of new skills, and they aren’t all related to child care. Don’t ignore your own personal development during your maternity leave. Perhaps you’ve improved your time management skills or your ability to multi-task. These are skills which are directly transferable to the workplace. Take a close look at the job requirements and selection criteria and identify the matches with your new skillset.

Employment history

Provide dates, the title of your role, the company you worked for and any achievements you made while in that position. Make sure your most recent positions are first and work back from there.

Avoid getting dates wrong or not including them

A CV that does not include dates sends out ‘red flags’ about a candidate’s background and is immediately disregarded. The obvious assumption is that the candidate is trying to hide something. Furthermore, be honest about your dates of employment.

When providing dates, work history should be in reverse chronological order (start with the most recent job). The general consensus among recruiters is to place the employer info, title and location to the left-hand side of the screen. Your employment dates should be aligned to the right so that your reader can easily ‘skim’ down the page. If you have a proven track record of staying in a job for a while, absolutely make sure that your employment dates JUMP out at your reader. This is a real selling point about you as a candidate.

Achievements, not duties

Achievements are the meat of your resume, not responsibilities.  Do not submit a position description – submit a document that sells your value-add. What did you achieve at your last jobs? Don’t just rehash what you did there.

Taking time off work doesn’t negate any of your special achievements. If you’ve won an award, it’s because you deserved it. If you brought a project home under budget, you’ve done a remarkable job. If you’ve led the most productive team in your organisation, you have the runs on the board. These are still outstanding results whether they occurred this year or last. Make sure you feature them.

resume tips for mums

Keep it short and stay clear

Nobody is going to read a 5 page resume. In most situations make sure you keep your resume to a maximum of 2 pages. Put the most important skills and experience that match the job you are applying for. If the employer wants to know more, they will contact you and give you a chance to expand further.

One way to keep it brief is by using bullet points to address the key selection criteria. Remember, the aim is to spark the recruiter’s interest to open your CV. As tempting as it may be to outline every single job you’ve ever worked in, try to spare recruiters the details. You only need to detail the past five-to-eight years of employment. You should provide a brief summary under ‘Previous Employment’ for anything that dates earlier (your job title, company and dates).

Ensure you use laser focused statements, do not waffle. The KISS principal really does apply (Keep It Simple Stupid) – you can always expand on anything in a phone interview.

Be relevant

Relevance is key!  Read through the key selection criteria and cull, cull, cull. The employer wants to know about your achievements, awards, and successes in your career. What they do not want to know is about the black belt you got in Karate (unless you’re applying to a Karate school) or the certificate you got when you won the spelling bee in school.

If you have a degree from University, then don’t worry about putting your high school on there. Any further education such as diplomas or degrees will eclipse anything you did in school.

Skills are transferable

Are you a mum returning to work but in a different field to your previous career? Talk up your transferable skill set and adaptability.  Your fresh perspective might just be what the employer is looking for.

Be yourself

Speak to your brand – it’s your asset.  You are a mum, career woman, teacher, wife – what makes you, YOU?  Skills, personality, values all come into play here.

Toss out the Career Objective

Have a Career Summary or Performance Summary instead.  If you read it and it can apply to anyone, you are not being specific enough.  It must be unique to you. Begin with a summary of achievements and qualifications that showcase your skills that are the most relevant to the position you’re seeking.

Being a return to work mum it is particularly important to outline your motivations as employers may question why you are looking to change industries or applying for positions that ‘downgrade’ from what you used to do.

Stay away from clichés

Avoid overused phrases like ‘proven ability to deliver results’ or ‘accomplished professional’ – detail your results, professional in what specific area?

Avoid the most overused words on LinkedIn such as responsible, strategic, effective, analytical to name a few.  Employers want quantified examples not generic fluff.

Keep it current

Keep your resume to no more than 10 years; remember employers do not want your life story. You need to update your resume to feature present information, not information way in the past, as it will do nothing to show the interviewer why they should hire you.

Consider upskilling

Has your industry changed since you were last working? Is there something that you could learn that would put you ahead of the competition? If it’s been a while since you’ve been involved, you may want to consider doing a course or upgrading your skills. This doesn’t have to be a major thing, even a short course hones your skills ready for employment and shows employers that you are taking a real interest in your industry. For example, if you are a marketer, doing a quick course in Facebook advertising shows that you are still keeping up with today’s changing marketing world.

This is even more important if you are wanting to change from the type of job you were doing before you had children or are changing industries entirely. Looking at sites like Udemy gives an idea of the sorts of short courses that are available.

Return to work mum

Don’t Lie. If you lie to secure a job, you will get caught before you even step into the interview room. These days, interviewers can quickly check if you are lying or not about yourself and your achievements by conducting a quick Google search online.

Here are some of the most common examples of misleading information being put in CVs:

– Inflated titles and embellished duties – Inaccurate dates to cover up job hopping or gaps of employment – 1/2 finished degrees, inflated education, or ‘purchased’ degrees that do not mean anything – Inflated salaries – Exaggerated accomplishments – Out and out lies in regards to specific roles and duties

Make sure you format correctly

Look at your formatting – mix it up, use dot points, and make it scannable.  CRABS – Chunkability, Relevance, Accurate, Brevity, make sure it is clearly Scannable. Above all, make sure you proofread and edit. There is nothing worse then saying how great you are at details and having your resume full of spelling mistakes.

Carefully check for spelling errors, typos, and poor grammar.

In the world of technology and ‘Spell Check’, you would be amazed how many CVs come through with errors!

Your CV provides a first impression of who you are. First and foremost, always do a spell check using the ‘review’ tab in your Word program. Next, find a trusty pal to proof read it if necessary. Also check for consistency in your use of past/present tense and formatting.

Read the job advertisement

It is common to just skim the advertisement looking for job requirements and salary. But if you actually read the job ad carefully, it usually tells you the exact skills and experience they are looking for. Use this information to tailor your resume and cover letter to include those keywords and it will help your resume get a more in depth look. Remember about the importance of addressing selection criteria when applying for a job .

There are countless stories of boring, generic resumes that seem to be the commonly submitted thing. The same goes for application letters – job seekers tend to churn out generic templates that do nothing to wow a potential employer. When you are trying to cover the same basic information as the next applicant, after a while, generic-sounding CVs can be boring to read.

It’s important to stand out from the crowd and make an impression on your soon-to-be new employer, so make sure your resume and your application letter are custom-crafted to the position you’re applying for. Regardless of the industry you’re in – community sector, retail, factory, IT or finance – there’s always room for some creativity.

Depending on the job or industry – have you considered a social, infographic, or video resume?  What will make you stand out?

Don’t send a photo

Unless you are a super model or are applying for an acting/ TV personality position that requires a ‘headshot’, there is absolutely no need to include your picture.

You want to be judged on the merit of your skills, education and work history, not your race, age, hairstyle, weight or eye colour.

Update your references.

If you have been active in the community during your maternity leave, ask for a reference. For employers who think maternity leave is nothing more than changing nappies, a reference showing that you’ve continued to be a success in non-maternal roles can be an eye-opener. It’s also evidence that you can care for a child and still perform valuable work at the same time.

Double check that all your references are current. Are the phone numbers etc of the people you are using still correct?

Don’t underestimate your own value.

It’s a fact that organisations with greater gender balance perform better than the rest. It’s a fact mother’s who return to work are exceedingly loyal to their organisation. It’s a fact that you have the skills and knowledge to do the job. Believe in yourself and that you have a lot to offer any organisation.

If you need a cover letter, make it count

If a requirement of the job application is to submit a cover letter, then make sure it’s not just a generic template that you send to everyone. Do some online research on the business and the position you are applying for. Personalise it as much as you can and outline why you would be the perfect fit. It doesn’t take much to find out information on a company and it will stand out to a recruiter a lot more than just a cut and paste cover letter.

You can briefly mention your employment gap in your cover letter if you want to but don’t dwell on it. The cover letter should be about the company and position you are applying for, and how your skills and experience are aligned.

Be prepared for ‘those’ questions.

They are bound to come up at interview. “What would you do if you had a deadline due but your child fell ill?” Employers will want to test your loyalty, so work out where you draw the line. There is no point in winning the job if the organisation doesn’t offer you the flexibility and support you need for your work-life balance.

Here’s some tips on being successful in interviews .

Remember your resume and cover letter both reflect you so make sure you spend time getting it right. With a carefully crafted and tailored resume and application letter, clearly detailing what you have done to demonstrate your interest in your industry, you can confidently apply for the perfect position.

If you would like some help in updating your resume, the Resume Writing for Return to Work Success Program is a great, inexpensive way to redo your resume to get the perfect job for you.

work at home mums

Work At Home Mums helps educate, encourage and empower mums to achieve the work at home life they want. Work At Home Mums (#WAHM) is a lifestyle brand dedicated to supporting home based professionals in their quest for success and work life balance.

While mums are what we know about best, we hope that dads, carers, those with a disability and others who live in remote and rural communities, or who are unable to leave home and seeking home based work and telework jobs will also find the  information on Work At Home Mums relevant and useful to you.

resume writing for return to work success

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The Career Counter

The Career Counter

Reinvention for Moms

Best Stay-at-Home Mom Resume Example

best stay-at-home mom resume example

Looking to create your stay-at-home mom resume ? Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom returning to work or a parent considering a career change , crafting a resume that highlights your unique and relevant skills and experiences is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with an effective stay at home mom resume example that will help you stand out from the crowd and land more interviews .

The good news for moms is that our work inside the home is starting to be recognized and more respected. Some companies are even offering what are called “ returnships, ” programs helping moms make smooth transitions back into the paid labor market.

If you prefer videos to articles, please check out my YouTube video about writing a strong stay-at-home mom resume below:

YouTube video

Should You List Your Stay-at-Home Mom Experience on Your Resume?

Before I show you the best stay-at-home mom resume example, I want to address the biggest question I get asked by clients: should I even list my stay at home mom (SAHM) experience on my resume?!

Purchase Return to Work Resume Template

Including (or not including) your SAHM experience on your resume is an important and strategic decision when re-entering the workforce . Here’s a summary of the pros and cons of listing this experience:

  • Highlights your transferable skills: Listing your stay-at-home mom experience allows you to showcase the transferable skills you’ve honed, such as time management, budgeting, multitasking, and problem-solving, which are valuable in any professional setting.
  • Eliminates your resume gaps: It provides a clear explanation for employment gaps, showing that your time was spent productively managing complex household tasks and responsibilities.
  • Demonstrates your commitment and responsibility: It reflects your commitment, responsibility, and ability to handle challenging situations—qualities that employers value.
  • Offers insights into your personal growth and learning, which can be attractive to potential employers looking for candidates with strong interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence.
  • Allows you to find companies that value work-life balance, family, and diversity. By putting your SAHM experience out there, you will attract employers who value and support working moms and what you bring to the table.
  • Can create perception Issues: some employers may hold biases or misunderstand the relevance of SAHM experience in a professional context, potentially leading to undervaluation of your skills.
  • Employers might question your knowledge of current industry trends or technical skills, depending on the field.
  • It can be challenging to articulate household management skills in a way that resonates with corporate job requirements, risking your resume being overlooked.
  • Revealing personal information such as family status can sometimes lead to discrimination, although it is illegal.
  • It might be hard to tailor SAHM experiences to specific job descriptions compared to traditional professional experiences, making it tougher to highlight the most relevant skills.

Looking to Reenter the Workforce?

Stay at Home Mom resume template

Ultimately, the decision to include or not include your stay-at-home mom experience on your resume should be carefully considered against several factors. For example, the job and industry you’re applying for, the specific company culture, and how effectively you can articulate the relevance of your skills and experiences to the position.

I often encourage my clients to create different versions of their resume, depending upon each unique job they are applying for. For example, if you know that one particular company is incredibly supportive of working moms, it might be beneficial to include your SAHM experience.

Another option is to send out both versions (one that includes your SAHM experience and one that doesn’t) of your resume and see which resume gets more traction.

Whichever route you decide to take, crafting your resume as a stay-at-home mom transitioning back into the workforce can be daunting. Despite the hard work and skills gained from managing a household, many SAHMs worry their experience won’t be seen as relevant. However, with the right approach, you can create a resume that showcases your skills and experiences in a way that makes you stand out as a strong candidate.

I’ll now take you step by step through how to write a stay-at-home mom resume , followed by the best stay-at-home mom resume examples:

How to Write Your Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

Title and contact information.

Start with your name, phone number, email address, and city and state of where you currently reside (or where you plan to reside if you are relocating) at the top. Consider adding a LinkedIn profile if you’ve got one. LinkedIn is used by the majority of companies to recruit new employees. Having a detailed and keyword-rich profile will help you stand out as an applicant and will also help you get noticed by more employers.

Regarding email, I suggest creating a free Gmail account if you don’t already have one. Using email accounts like Yahoo or AOL can make you appear like you are not current with technology.

Take Charge of Your Future

Professional summary.

Write a compelling professional summary that highlights your skills, experiences, and goals as they relate to your targeted job. This section is your elevator pitch. Here is a stay-at-home mom resume summary example:

“Accomplished finance professional with over 10 years of both professional and volunteer experience in budgeting, financial analysis, and project management. Adept at developing and implementing financial strategies to achieve both short and long-term objectives. Proven track record in managing complex, multi million-dollar budgets, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency. Eager to leverage expertise in challenging new role that allows for significant contributions to financial planning and business growth.”

The stay-at-home mom skills on your resume should highlight both your soft and hard skills. Think about the skills you’ve developed that are transferable to the workplace:

Time Management: Coordinating schedules, managing appointments, and meeting deadlines. Budget Management: Handling household finances, shopping smartly, and finding the best deals. Conflict Resolution: Navigating sibling disputes or negotiating with service providers. Creativity and Innovation: Planning activities, meals, and learning opportunities. Leadership: Guiding your children, organizing community events, or leading volunteer groups.

Professional Experience

This section can be tricky but think broadly about your experiences. Include volunteer work, freelance projects, contract work or part-time jobs you’ve held while being a SAHM. For your stay-at-home mom experience, you can frame it professionally. For example:

Household Manager / Family CEO [Dates of your tenure as a SAHM]

  • Managed daily operations of a busy household, including scheduling, nutrition, education, and entertainment.
  • Developed and implemented a household budget, reducing expenses by X%.
  • Coordinated educational activities that enhanced children’s skills in literacy, mathematics, and science.
  • Led a volunteer group at [Organization], organizing events and fundraisers, raising $X for [cause].

Download a Stay-at-home Parent resume template

List your highest level of education, including the institution’s name, degree, and year of graduation. If you’ve taken courses or received any certificates or degrees that are relevant to the job you’re applying for during your time as a SAHM, include those here as well.

Even if you are currently enrolled in a program or field of study and you haven’t finished, you can and should list your training and education on your resume. Especially if it’s related to your career goal. You can write “Currently enrolled” or list the date as “2023 – Present,” or “Expected Graduation: Spring 2024.”

Certifications and Professional Development

If you’ve completed any certifications or professional development courses or if you have attended any professional conferences during your career pause, list them here. This is especially important for stay-at- home moms with no work experience or no experience that is directly related to their new career goal.

This section can include anything from a project management certification to an online marketing course. Also, if you are a member of a professional association related to your targeted field you can highlight it under a section titled “Professional Affiliations.” You can also list it under “Professional Development.” Make sure to also market skills like leadership, teamwork, and any other relevant skills or achievements that are related to your targeted job.

Volunteer Experience

If you’ve volunteered, this is a great way to showcase your commitment, skills, and experience. List your roles, the organizations you’ve helped, and any significant and relevant achievements and skills.

Also, I recommend listing your volunteer experience under your “Work Experience” section vs. creating a separate volunteer section. Even if you weren’t paid, listing your volunteer experience just like regular work experience demonstrates the value and significance of your work.

Formatting and Design

Keep your resume clear, professional, and easy to read. Use bullet points for lists, bold headings to define sections, and ensure there is plenty of white space. Check out our resume templates crafted specifically for stay-at-home moms !

Tailor Your Resume

Purchase Return to Work Resume Template

Last but definitely not least, make sure to always tailor your resume to every job you apply for. Highlight the most relevant experiences and skills based on the job description. This shows potential employers that you’ve researched the role and understand what they’re looking for. Most importantly, this allows you to market yourself as an excellent fit for the role!

Now that you’ve hopefully got a good understanding of what to put on your resume, let’s take a look at two strong stay-at-home mom resume examples.

Stay-at-home mom resume example #1:

(555) 123-4567 | San Francisco, CA [email protected] |

Excited to utilize extensive experience in early childhood development to transition into preschool teaching role. Demonstrated success in creating engaging learning environments, fostering childrens’ social and educational growth, and implementing creative activities that support developmental milestones. Strong background in organizing educational playgroups and leading volunteer projects.

  • Early Childhood Education: Proficient in creating educational activities that promote literacy, numeracy, and social skills.
  • Creative Lesson Planning: Skilled in designing and implementing creative and interactive lesson plans tailored to children’s interests and developmental levels.
  • Behavior Management: Experienced in using positive reinforcement techniques to guide behavior and support social and emotional development.
  • Communication: Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with a knack for engaging children and building relationships with parents.
  • Organizational Skills: Strong ability to organize and coordinate events, manage schedules, and create structured learning environments.

Volunteer Preschool Assistant ABC Preschool, Hometown, State September 2021 – Present

  • Assist in classroom with daily activities, supporting lead teacher in creating dynamic and educational environment for preschoolers.
  • Develop and implement creative arts and crafts projects, contributing to sensory development and fine motor skills.
  • Facilitate outdoor play and physical activities that promote health and wellness.

Budget Chair, Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) XYZ Elementary School, Hometown, State August 2019 – June 2021

  • Managed PTA’s annual budget, effectively allocating funds for school events, programs, and classroom resources.
  • Organized fundraising events that raised over $10,000 for school improvements and educational materials.
  • Collaborated with school administration and teachers to identify needs and ensure resources were used efficiently.

Stay-at-Home Mom Hometown, State June 2015 – Present

  • Designed home-based learning curriculum focusing on early literacy, numeracy, and social skills, preparing for preschool education.
  • Organized and led local parent-child playgroups, fostering community and peer learning among preschool-aged children.
  • Engaged in continuous education on child development and early childhood education through online courses and workshops.

Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education (In Progress) Online University

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology State University, Hometown, State Graduated May 2015


  • CPR and First Aid Certified
  • Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential (In Progress)

Professional Development

  • Workshops on Positive Discipline in Early Childhood
  • Seminars on Creative Curriculum for Preschool

Stay-at-home mom resume example #2:

Olivia lopez.

(987) 654-3210 | Dallas, TX [email protected] |

Creative and results-oriented stay-at-home mom with strong background in marketing, seeking to leverage extensive experience in brand management, content creation, and digital marketing strategies. Proven track record of developing effective marketing campaigns, enhancing brand visibility, and engaging diverse audiences. Highly skilled in leveraging social media platforms, SEO optimization, and analytics to drive growth and engagement. Eager to bring innovative marketing solutions and fresh perspective to a dynamic team.

  • Digital Marketing: Proficient in social media management, email marketing, and content marketing strategies.
  • Brand Management: Experienced in developing brand identities, positioning, and messaging to create cohesive brand experience.
  • Content Creation: Skilled in creating compelling content, including blog posts, social media content, and marketing collateral.
  • Analytical Skills: Strong ability to analyze market trends, customer behavior, and campaign performance to inform data-driven decisions.
  • Communication: Excellent written and verbal communication skills, adept at crafting persuasive messages and engaging diverse audiences.
  • Project Management: Effective at managing multiple projects simultaneously, meeting deadlines, and coordinating with team members.

Freelance Marketing Consultant Self-Employed June 2020 – Present

  • Developed and executed digital marketing strategies for local businesses, increasing their online presence and customer engagement.
  • Managed social media accounts, creating content calendars and implementing campaigns that grew followers by an average of 30%.
  • Conducted market research to identify trends and opportunities, resulting in targeted campaigns that boosted client sales by up to 25%.

Marketing Coordinator ABC Corporation, City, State January 2015 – May 2018

  • Coordinated marketing campaigns across digital and traditional channels, achieving 15% increase in overall brand awareness.
  • Collaborated with design team to create marketing materials, ensuring brand consistency and messaging alignment.
  • Analyzed campaign performance using Google Analytics and other tools, providing insights that led to optimized future campaigns.

Bachelor of Science in Marketing University of State, City, State Graduated May 2015

  • Google Analytics Certified
  • Hootsuite Social Media Marketing Certification
  • Digital Marketing Bootcamp , Online Course, Completed 2021
  • Content Marketing Strategy Workshop , Online Seminar, Completed 2020

PTA Marketing Chair XYZ Elementary School, City, State September 2018 – June 2020

  • Led PTA’s marketing efforts, increasing event participation by 40% through effective social media campaigns and community engagement.
  • Designed and distributed newsletters and flyers, enhancing communication between school and parent community.

Resume Writing Service for Moms reentering the workforce

In Conclusion

Crafting a resume as a stay-at-home mom re-entering the workforce requires showcasing your skills and experiences in a way that resonates with employers. Focus on transferable skills, tailor your resume for each job, and don’t underestimate the value of the work you’ve done at home. With the right approach, your SAHM resume will stand out from the crowd!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i make my stay-at-home mom resume stand out.

To make your stay-at-home mom resume stand out, consider highlighting your transferable skills gained during your time as a stay at home mom. Focus on relevant experiences such as organization, multitasking, time management, problem-solving, and communication skills. Additionally, include any volunteer work, part-time jobs, or freelancing projects you might have done during your time at home.

What should I include in my stay-at-home mom resume?

When creating your stay-at-home mom resume, be sure to include the following sections: – Contact information: Your name, phone number, email address, and optionally, your LinkedIn profile. – Summary or objective statement: A brief overview of your skills and experience and how they can add value to your targeted job and field. – Skills: Highlight relevant and transferable skills such as organization, multitasking, communication, etc. Use the job posting to determine which skills to highlight. – Work experience: Include any relevant part-time work, freelancing, or volunteer experience. Unpaid experience counts as work experience! – Education: List your educational background, including any certifications or additional training, even if it’s still in progress. – Additional sections: You can also include sections such as volunteer work, professional memberships, or any relevant hobbies or interests.

Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for, focusing on the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

Lee Cristina Beaser

Lee brings over two decades of expertise in guiding individuals towards career success. Having helped thousands of professionals in a wide variety of industries, she has a deep understanding of the intricacies of the job market. Lee founded The Career Counter, a platform dedicated to providing busy people, especially moms returning to the workforce, with tools and services tailored to their unique career goals.

Our Founder has over 20 years of experience helping people like you

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  • Stay At Home Mom

5 Amazing stay-at-home mom Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions

Build your resume in 15 minutes, stay-at-home mom: resume samples & writing guide.

stay at home mum resume example australia

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

stay-at-home mom Job Skills

For an stay-at-home mom position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

How to Improve Your stay-at-home mom Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

How to Optimize Your stay-at-home mom Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

stay-at-home mom Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an stay-at-home mom position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

Related Resumes & Cover Letters






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Build your Resume in 15 minutes


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  20. Stay-at-home Mom Resume Sample & Tips

    5 Amazing stay-at-home mom Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions. stay-at-home mom . Build your resume in 15 minutes. Give yourself the best chance of standing out from the competition! Create an awesome resume that meets the expectations of potential employers with our selection of professional, field-tested resume templates.

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