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  • 11 Best Communication Skills...

11 Best Communication Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

11 min read · Updated on February 13, 2024

Ken Chase

Are you properly conveying communication skills in your resume?

When it comes to employment skills, few are more important than the ability to effectively communicate with others. No matter your profession, chances are that you'll need some level of communication skill to interact with co-workers, managers, subordinates, and customers. As a result, employers who are evaluating potential hires always want to see evidence of communication skills in a resume.

But which communication skills should you include in your resume to make the best possible impression on employers?

In this post, we'll explain why you need to highlight these skills in your resume, examine 11 of the top communication skills, and offer tips to help you demonstrate those abilities. We'll also provide examples that show you how to include this critical information.

Why should you include communication skills in your resume?

While your hard skills - specific, measurable, job-related abilities - typically form the core of any job description's required qualifications, soft skills cannot be overlooked in your resume. In fact, those interpersonal abilities can play a significant role in any hiring decision that involves two otherwise equally competent candidates. If you're competing for a job against someone with equivalent technical capabilities and experience, that difference in soft skills may determine who gets hired.

When you include communication skills in your resume, you're letting an employer know that you have interpersonal abilities that can make you a valuable member of their team. That's an important consideration for any employer, of course. Companies want new hires who can do more than just fulfill their duties; they want team players who fit well within their organization.

Related post : The Essential Steps of Your Communication Process

Types of communication skills

It's important to understand what we mean when we talk about communication skills. For our purposes, we can categorize these skills into three distinct types:

Verbal skills . These communication skills include everything from conveying information or persuading others to public speaking and dealing with customer complaints.

Written skills . Many jobs require the ability to write in a concise and informative manner. These skills can include everything from informal emails to professional briefs, client presentations, and detailed reports for superiors.

Interpersonal skills . The third type of communication skill involves all those abilities that you use to interact with others. They can include things like empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution.

  What are the top 11 communication skills employers want to see?

Below are 11 of the top communication skills for resumes. As you might expect, there are many others that you might want to consider as well. However, these 11 skills are among the most sought-after that employers are looking for in job candidates.

1.     Active listening

Active listening is a prized communication skill. This ability goes well beyond simply hearing what others say, and instead involves the ability to actively understand their message. People with these skills can connect with others, build trust, and participate in collaborative problem-solving efforts.

Active listening includes a host of other skills, including the ability to ask probing questions, provide nonverbal and verbal cues that show that you're paying attention, and paraphrase what you're hearing to confirm your understanding of the message.

Related post : What are the Types of Listening Skills? 8 Types Explained

2.     Empathy

Empathy is a vital interpersonal trait and one of the most important leadership communication skills. People with empathy tend to be more curious and open-minded, have a keener sense of self-awareness, and are less likely to be hostage to their own natural biases and preconceptions. They value other people's perspectives and are willing to entertain ideas that challenge their beliefs.

3.     Conflict management and resolution

Conflict is an inevitable feature of human interaction - including in the workplace. If you have excellent conflict resolution skills, it's important to highlight them in your resume. Employers will be interested in knowing that you're capable of resolving interpersonal conflict in your work setting, since that can have a direct and positive impact on productivity and workplace harmony.

4.     Presentation skills

There are many jobs that require the ability to make presentations to superiors, customers, shareholders, or even coworkers. Good presentation skills enable you to compellingly convey information to others, persuade them to consider your point of view, or simply keep your target audience apprised of relevant developments.

5.     Writing skills

Effective writing skills are important in virtually every industry and a wide variety of roles. Obviously, many jobs will require simple writing tasks like composing emails, but there are a whole host of other writing abilities that employers may be looking for. These can include everything from legal briefs or technical writing to advertising copy, marketing presentations, contract creation, and more. Depending on the job you're seeking, including these important communication skills in your resume could be vital.

6.     Team building

The ability to build and work with teams is another important leadership communication skill for your resume. Whether you're interested in a managerial or executive role, this skill set is something that you'll need to succeed in that leadership position. Effective team builders know how to work with others to solve problems, are skilled in delegating work to competent subordinates, and know how to help team members reach their full potential.

Related post : 20 Key Leadership Competencies for Success (Plus Tips!)

7.     Motivation

Employers also appreciate candidates who possess useful motivational skills. While the ability to set goals, maintain a positive attitude, and rally others to achieve a shared objective is essential for leadership, it can also be an invaluable skill for anyone who works in a collaborative setting. By including these communication skills in your resume, you can ensure that employers recognize your ability to inspire others and drive productivity in the workplace.

Related post : 6 Qualities of Managers Who Practice Inspiring Leadership

8.     Openness to feedback

Hiring managers also want to see that you're capable of receiving feedback, whether it's constructive criticism or praise. These skills reflect a commitment to teamwork and continual improvement, both of which are highly prized by today's employers. It's a bonus if you're also adept at providing feedback to others. That desire to develop as an employee and help others to reach their full potential can make you an attractive candidate for many jobs.

9.     Honesty

You might not think of honesty as a communication skill, but it is. Whether you're an entry-level worker or a manager, it's important for others to know that they can trust your words. Of course, honesty encompasses more than just being truthful. It also includes character traits like trustworthiness, responsibility, accountability, and reliability. Honest people are seen as authentic and confident, traits that all good leaders possess.

10.  Emotional intelligence

As the workplace has grown more complex in recent years, hiring managers have placed greater emphasis on employees' emotional intelligence. That's a fancy term that simply describes your ability to manage your own emotions, understand your own interactions with others, and use that knowledge and insight to control stress, relate to others, communicate in a clear and effective way, and manage conflict.

People with high emotional intelligence often excel at interpersonal relations in the workplace and tend to be competent leaders. Their ability to recognize their own emotions and the feelings of others around them can help them to make more informed decisions. Including examples of your use of emotional intelligence can help to highlight those critical interpersonal communication skills in your resume.

11.  Negotiating

Negotiation skills are also highly prized in most industries, so make sure that you highlight these abilities in your resume too. Successful negotiators are adept at problem-solving, persuasive communication, and conflict resolution - skills that are useful in nearly every industry. Include an achievement in your professional experience section that highlights your negotiation skills, demonstrating how those abilities provided measurable value to a previous employer. 

Tips you can use to highlight these skills in your resume

Of course, being familiar with these different communication skills is just the first step. You also need to know how to highlight them in your resume. The following tips can help you with that process.

Match your skills to keywords in the job posting

Always make sure that you review the job posting to identify specific communication-related skills that are listed as job requirements. Wherever possible, use those exact terms in your resume as you describe various communication skills that you've used in previous jobs. That will help to ensure that your resume is found by an applicant tracking system when an employer conducts a search.

Focus on measurable achievements

Don't just say that you have certain communication skills. Show that you have them by including them as achievements in your resume summary or professional experience section. Make sure that you describe how you used those skills to produce measurable value for your employer. Use real numbers to help the reader understand the type of value you can provide as a potential hire.

Always be brief and to the point

Brevity is important, since hiring managers often sift through dozens or even hundreds of resumes. Make sure that you highlight communication skills and other abilities as concisely as possible to optimize space in your resume. Remember also that your writing skills will be on full display as you create the resume, so you probably won't need to spend much time boasting about them.

Communication skills: resume examples you can use

As we noted, there are several ways that you can highlight communication skills in your resume. You can include mention of them in your resume summary, list several within your core competencies section, and highlight examples of their use in your professional experience section. Below are some examples to show you how this is done.

Communication skills in your resume summary

Detail-oriented Office Manager with 10 years of experience managing office operations and interdepartmental communications. Managed 21-person team responsible for accounts totaling $123 million a year. Researched, drafted, and implemented interoffice communication changes that reduced waste by 22%, expedited internal processing and increased departmental revenue by 19% in the first year.

Communication skills in your skills section

Including these communication skills in your core competencies, or skills, section is a simple matter. Pick the skills that most closely align with the job requirements, and list them in bullet point form alongside other key soft skills and your technical proficiencies. For example:


Email management

Media communications


Team building

Training management

Office management


Time management


Communication skills in your work experience section

When it comes to including your communication skills in a work experience section, you again need to focus on notable achievements. Use real numbers that demonstrate value and create several bullet point accomplishment examples for each job listing in this section. You only need to include a couple of examples of how you used your communication skills, of course, since you'll likely also want to highlight other core job-related skills too. Here are some examples that show how to do this:

Reorganized office information flow to speed up client onboarding and account management, resulting in growth of 12% in client acquisition and an increase of 40% in retention

Created an innovative training program for new office transfers, focused on new skills and employee growth. Program resulted in 60% drop in employee attrition, contributing to a 13% increase in revenues in the first quarter of implementation

Negotiated resolution to client conflict that saved a $2 million project contract and led to a 30% expansion in business with the customer over the next two years

Related post : 47 Accomplishment Examples for Your Resume: Expert Picks

Achieve job search success by including communication skills in your resume

Much of your resume will be devoted to highlighting your job-related skills and experiences, but that's no reason to neglect these important soft skills. Conveying effective communication skills in your resume can be a terrific way to demonstrate that you're the best candidate for any job, and may be just what you need to differentiate yourself from your competition!

Are you still not sure if you've properly included your communication skills in your resume? Get a free resume review from our team of experts today!

Recommended reading:

Soft Skills Explained - and the Top 7 for Your Resume

What Are Skills? (With Examples and Tips on How to Improve Them)

These 14 Leadership Traits Can Fuel Your Career Success

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  • Resume Tips

Communication Skills on a Resume (Examples + Tips)

Ken Chase profile pic

13 min read

A group of white office workers sit around a large white table that is covered in laptops and has cups of pens and markers on it. All of the workers are looking at a long haired woman at the front of the room who is pointing at a grid of orange, yellow, and pink post-it notes on the wall.

Communication skills are something that almost every employer is looking for – and for good reason. Most jobs require some level of human interaction with coworkers, supervisors, subordinates, customers, or other stakeholders. Employers need employees with these abilities to ensure that their operations run smoothly and productively. It is thus vital to include communication skills on your resume if you want to ensure that you capture an employer’s attention during any job search.

In this post, we will explain why you need to include communication skills on your resume, examine the top five skills you need to highlight and 10 others that you may want to consider, and provide a communications skills resume template you can use to showcase your abilities.

Why should you include communication skills on your resume?

While hard skills will help show that you have the right qualifications for most jobs, soft skills are just as important for success. And when it comes to soft skills, few are as vital as the ability to communicate in a skillful way. By including communication skills on your resume, you demonstrate to employers that you can not only interact with customers, colleagues, and supervisors but also work as part of a cohesive and effective team.

How to include communication skills on a resume

Of course, you need to know how to include communication skills in a resume if you want to effectively convey these abilities to employers. To do that, you need to illustrate these skills in various sections of the resume rather than simply claim that you possess them. The following tips can help you ensure that your inclusion of these skills is as compelling as possible:

Don’t just list “excellent communication skills” in your skill section and assume that you’re done. You’ll need to include examples of how you used those abilities to solve problems, create value, or otherwise benefit your previous employers.

Make sure that your resume includes all the key qualifications you find in the job posting, using those exact terms. If a skill like team leadership is cited as a qualification, use that term in one of the achievement examples that you include in your resume.

Use real numbers to quantify the results your achievements provided for those prior employers. For example, instead of just writing that you used negotiation skills to close multiple deals for your last employer, show real value by quantifying those results: “Successfully negotiated and closed new client deals valued at more than $27 million.”

Communication skills resume template

If you’re wondering how all this might look in your resume, it may be helpful to see a simple template for including communication skills on your resume. Below, we’ve provided an easy-to-follow template that you can use to organize your own resume.

[Your name, phone number, email, LinkedIn URL]

[Headline, including desired job title]

[Summary statement. This should be 3-5 sentences highlighting your key skills and achievements to demonstrate value. Think of it as an elevator pitch that sells your qualifications to employers.]

[Core competencies section. This section should include both hard and soft skills. You can list any required communication skills here but be prepared to also highlight them in achievements in other sections of the resume.]

[Professional experience. This section should list your previous jobs in reverse order, beginning with your current or most recent position. Include the company name, job title, and employment dates for each position. Below each job, include several bullet point achievements – including those that relied on your communication skills.]

[Education. Your educational section needs to include the schools you attended, the years of attendance, course of study, degrees earned, and any relevant coursework. ]

Communication skills resume example

We’ve also put together a sample resume that highlights communication skills that you can use for inspiration or as a customizable guide for your own resume.

John Johnson

555-555-5555 • [email protected] •

Lead Corporate Negotiator with 10 Years of Fortune 500 Experience

Proven corporate negotiator and deal-closer with 10 years of success in closing multimillion-dollar client deals in the finance and manufacturing sectors. Organized, managed, and led a 20-person acquisition and merger team that created more than $500 million in value for our clients. Personally negotiated ABCD Corp. merger with EFG Inc, increasing company value by 23% while saving more than 1300 jobs.

Core competencies

Motivational speaking

Team building



Computer proficiency

Data analysis

Media relations


Professional experience

ABCD Corp, 2015-2023

Chief Negotiator, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Division

Led teams responsible for identifying M&A prospects to further company growth plans

Oversaw creation of M&A outreach, negotiation, and closure plans

Negotiated deals worth more than $400 million, with 72% M&A success rate

 Alpha, Inc., 2009-2015

Lead strategist, M&A

Created merger and acquisition strategies that successfully led to more than 35 completed deals in a 6-year period

Developed negotiation presentation plans that were used to achieve a 62% success rate by negotiation teams

Created and managed negotiator training program that boosted overall closure success rate for M&A by 29%


Bachelor of Communications, GoodSpeak College, 2008

Coursework: Digital Communications, Media Relations, Public Relations, Persuasive Speaking, Negotiation Theory

Different communication skills to highlight on your resume

When you’re evaluating your own communication skills, it’s important to remember that they all fall into two main categories. Those two forms of communication include verbal and nonverbal communication. Let’s consider each to get a better idea of how they can help you in your career.

Verbal communication

Most people are intimately familiar with verbal communication, which involves the use of words to convey ideas and messages. Verbal communication can occur person-to-person, in a phone call, during a video conference, or through text, email, and other forms of writing. This type of communication is an effective way to deliver information, share new concepts, and solve problems.

Nonverbal communication

While verbal communication is important, many experts believe that seventy percent or more of all human communication occurs without words. This nonverbal communication includes subtle things like facial expressions, body language, posture, and the tone of your voice. Even something as simple as maintaining or avoiding eye contact can impart useful information to other people.

Top 5 communication skills employers look for

Before you start listing communication skills in your resume, it can be helpful to ensure that you have a better idea of the type of abilities today’s employers are looking for. In the following sections of this post, we will examine some of those key communication skills, beginning with the top five communication skills that most employers always appreciate.

Emotional intelligence is more important than ever before. As the workplace grows ever more complex, employers need to know that each member of their team is cognizant of their colleagues’ emotions and points of view. This is especially true in environments where collaboration and workplace harmony are essential for success.

It is one thing to be able to communicate an idea. It is often quite another to do with the type of clarity that most people need if they are to fully understand your message. Whether you are giving directions or taking them, it is important to be able to do so in a direct and clear way. For example, if you not only provide instructions but offer an example that effectively illustrates those directions, you’re more likely to be understood by others.

Honesty and integrity in your communications are the most important keys to gaining others’ trust. Every employer wants to build a team made up of people who say what they mean and follow through on their word. Honest employees can be relied upon to be both responsible and accountable for their actions, transparent in their actions, and authentic in all their dealings.

Team building is a powerful skill that demonstrates an ability to communicate with others, collaborate as part of a group, and even motivate colleagues to reach new heights of success. Good team builders are adept at things like delegation, inspirational messaging, and problem-solving. This skill is one that is often associated with managers – but make no mistake: employers appreciate seeing it on the resume of any job candidate.

Active listening

Active listening is a skill prized by many employees because those who possess this ability can do more than just hear messages from others. They are also adept at understanding the true meaning of any message because they actively engage in conversations and know how to use questions and reflective listening to ensure clarity.

10 other communication skills to highlight in a resume

Of course, those five critical skills are just a small subset of the full range of abilities you can cite to demonstrate your communication skills. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 10 other communication-related skills that you can include in your resume to illustrate your ability to articulate information to others.

1.      Presentation

Are you experienced in giving presentations ? If so, then turn that skill into an accomplishment in your work experience section. For example:

Supplied superior customer service training and presentations to external and internal stakeholders, reducing training time and costs by 10% over 2 years.

2.     Negotiation

Negotiation skills will benefit you in many different industries including sales, business development, and law. Showing that you successfully negotiated a deal will display your great communication skills. Here is an example of how that might be conveyed in a resume:

Experienced in delivering high-quality work products in a variety of subject matter areas, building effective case strategies, and negotiating high-value, multimillion-dollar contracts for corporate clients.

3.     Coordinating human resources

It is impossible to manage or coordinate other people’s activities without effective communication skills. If you’ve ever managed people at any level of an organization, you can illustrate this ability in your resume through a well-constructed example of a quantifiable achievement.

Managed a team of 26 customer service employees, decreasing staff turnover by 20% with improved morale, and increasing customer satisfaction and retention by 15%.

4.     Written communication

Written communication is a vital skill for writers, marketers, office staff, and many other workers. While your whole resume serves as a testament to your writing ability, you can give more weight to your writing skills by mentioning how they've helped you succeed professionally. For example:

Created headlines, edited copy, and designed graphics and pages for both print and digital platforms.

5.     Conflict resolution

Whenever humans interact, there is always the potential for interpersonal conflict. If you’re adept at resolving these types of issues, you should demonstrate that by citing examples of your conflict resolution skills in your resume.

Regularly called upon to defuse conflicts within the team to reduce distraction and ensure that our combined attention remained 100% focused on our collective mission objective.

6.     Collaboration

As we mentioned earlier in the post, teamwork is essential in many different types of jobs. If your talents include the ability to collaborate effectively with others, then you should make sure that your resume includes that skill. Pick one or more jobs where you relied on this ability for success and include a bullet point example of how it benefited the company.

In collaboration with my team and other departments, successfully reorganized our sales process to increase lead generation by 22%, improve sales conversions by 18%, and increase profits by 19%.

7.     Persuasion

The ability to persuade others can be a vital communication skill that can help you supercharge your career. It is also one of those skills that most employers will prize, especially if you can demonstrate how your persuasiveness can add value to their bottom line. One way to illustrate that persuasive ability is to highlight instances where you’ve been able to persuade others in ways that benefited your employers. For example:

Led acquisition advance team tasked with persuading target company leaders to consider selling their enterprises. Utilized persuasive techniques to achieve more than 19% success rate on first attempts, 52% success rate on second contact.

8.     Open-mindedness

One of the most important communication skills these days involves the ability to maintain an open mind. Are you someone who values other people’s perspectives and ideas? Do you enjoy brainstorming with others to come up with new and creative solutions to problems? If so, then that open-minded approach to new information and points of view is a strength that you should share on your resume.

Led diverse team in collaborative effort to brainstorm new ideas and solutions for needed technological system changes, resulting in implementation of new systems that improved company logistical efficiency by 33%.

9.     Motivational speaking

Your ability to inspire others by using your voice to motivate them to new heights of success can also be an attractive communication skill for many employers. After all, motivational skills are essential for any management or leadership position. If you’ve ever been in any situation where you needed to motivate your colleagues to achieve a goal, be sure to include that as one of your achievements.

As team leader, incorporated daily stand-up meetings to motivate and focus team members, which helped increase productivity by 28% in just 6 months.

10.  Giving and receiving feedback

Employers also want to know that you’re capable of receiving feedback, and even providing it depending on your role. Are you someone who always wants to hear constructive criticism or even negative feedback? That desire to be accountable so that you can continue to improve is something that employers will be eager to know about you. They’ll also appreciate your ability to offer constructive advice to other members of your team.

This is one of those skills that you may want to highlight in your summary statement if you’re focused on receiving criticism. For example:

Dedicated team leader who seeks out constructive feedback to fuel consistent growth and improvement in performance metrics.

On the other hand, if you’re usually the one providing the feedback, you may want to mention that in one of your work history achievements.

Provided monthly, quarterly, and annual performance reviews for team members, as well as more frequent feedback designed to prevent performance issues before they became serious problems.

Your communication skills on a resume can make all the difference

Knowing which communication skills to put on a resume could help determine the type of impression you make on any prospective employer. That’s why it’s so important to understand which skills employers are looking for and make sure that your skills align with those needs. 

So, take the time to assess your key communication skills and pay careful attention to the qualifications cited in any job posting. If you can ensure that those cited skills align well with the communication skills on your resume, you can increase your chances of landing an interview.

Want to ensure that you have the right communication skills on your resume? Head on over to get your free resume review from our team of experts to learn whether your resume has what it takes to help you achieve your job search goals.

Recommended reading:

The Best 10 Skills to Put on Your Resume

Top 15 Skills Employers Are Hiring For in 2023

Interpersonal Skills Can Give You the Competitive Career Advantage You Need

Ken Chase, Freelance Writer

During Ken's two decades as a freelance writer, he has covered everything from banking and fintech to business management and the entertainment industry. His true passion, however, has always been focused on helping others achieve their career goals with timely job search and interview advice or the occasional resume consultation. When he's not working, Ken can usually be found adventuring with family and friends or playing fetch with his demanding German Shepherd. Read more resume advice from Ken on  ZipJob’s blog .

Person working on laptop outside. ZipJob Branded.

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  • Career Blog

30 Effective Communication Skills to Include in a Resume

good in communication skills in resume

As job seekers, we often hear the phrase “communication skills” mentioned in job postings, interviews, and networking events. It’s not surprising considering that effective communication is an essential aspect of any job, regardless of the industry.

In today’s competitive job market, candidates must showcase their communication skills on their resumes to stand out from the crowd. Effective communication skills on a resume can demonstrate your ability to articulate ideas, build relationships, solve problems, and contribute to team success.

This article will cover 30 effective communication skills to include in a resume, providing job seekers with valuable insights on how to highlight their communication proficiency. Read on to discover the best ways to showcase your communication skills and get noticed by employers.

Verbal Communication Skills

Exceptional communication skills are essential for success in any profession. Verbal communication skills, in particular, enable us to express our thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively. In this section, we will discuss five essential verbal communication skills that you should highlight in your resume.

1. Public Speaking

Public speaking is a skill that can intimidate many people, but it’s one that’s necessary in many professional settings, from pitching ideas to presenting reports. The ability to deliver confident and articulate presentations can set you apart from your peers. If you have experience delivering presentations and addressing large groups, make sure to showcase this skill on your resume.

2. Active Listening

Active listening is the ability to listen intently to someone, to understand their message and respond appropriately. This skill requires focus, patience, and empathy. In today’s fast-paced business environment, people are often in a rush to give their opinion and overlook the importance of listening. Highlighting active listening on your resume can demonstrate that you are a team player who values collaboration.

3. Negotiation

Negotiation is critical in many professions such as sales, marketing, and law. The skill to persuade others to a common ground and achieve desired outcomes can be the difference between you and your competitors. The ability to negotiate could also be useful in day-to-day work situations like getting deadlines extended or managing client expectations.

4. Persuasion

Persuasion is the ability to influence others’ decisions or opinions by presenting logical arguments with supporting evidence. This skill is especially useful in sales, marketing, and advertising. Having persuasive skills can help you close more deals, generate leads, and create compelling marketing campaigns.

5. Confidence

Confidence is a vital component of effective verbal communication. It helps you articulate your message with clarity, conviction, and authority. Confidence helps establish trust with clients and colleagues, giving them the assurance that you know what you are talking about. High confidence levels also help when meeting new people or networking.

Verbal communication skills are a critical component of any successful career. Emphasizing these five skills on your resume can help you differentiate yourself positively from other candidates. Make sure you highlight your experiences and achievements in these areas and include any relevant metrics where possible.

Written Communication Skills

When it comes to job applications, written communication skills are crucial. Hiring managers want to know that potential employees can write clearly and accurately. Here are five key skills to highlight on your resume:

Grammar and spelling

Poor grammar and spelling can make even the most impressive content appear sloppy and unprofessional. Attention to detail is important when it comes to written communication. Be sure to review your work for errors and consider using spell check and grammar check tools.

Organizing ideas

Strong writing is well-organized and easy to follow. Before you start, think about the structure of your content. Consider using headings or subheadings to break up large sections of text. An outline can also be helpful to ensure your ideas flow logically.

Writing concisely

In today’s fast-paced world, attention spans are short. To be an effective communicator, it’s important to get to the point quickly. Cut unnecessary jargon and keep paragraphs short. Consider using bullet points or numbered lists to make key points stand out.


Employers want to see that candidates can write content that engages readers. A great way to do this is through storytelling. Include personal anecdotes or case studies when possible. This makes your content more relatable and memorable.

Adaptability to different styles

Different writing styles may be required depending on the job or project. The ability to adapt your writing style is essential. Be sure to read job descriptions carefully and tailor your resume accordingly. Familiarize yourself with different writing styles and be willing to adapt as needed.

Effective written communication skills are important for anyone looking to secure a job. Highlighting your skills in grammar and spelling, organizing ideas, writing concisely, storytelling, and adaptability to different styles on your resume can set you apart from other candidates. Nonverbal communication skills are just as important as verbal skills when it comes to effective communication. In fact, nonverbal communication can play a significant role in conveying a message, sometimes even more so than the words themselves. Here are the top five nonverbal communication skills that you should include in your resume:

1. Eye contact

Maintaining eye contact with your audience is one of the most important nonverbal communication skills. It indicates that you are confident, engaged, and interested in the conversation. Avoiding eye contact can be interpreted as disinterest, discomfort, or even dishonesty. Be sure to practice making eye contact with others when speaking with them, as this will not only help you communicate more effectively but also make you appear more trustworthy and confident.

2. Body language

Body language refers to the way you hold yourself during conversations. Your posture, movement, and facial expressions can all communicate nonverbally to your audience. Good body language conveys confidence, openness, and trustworthiness. Some examples of effective body language include standing or sitting up straight with your shoulders back, nodding your head to indicate understanding and agreement, and leaning slightly forward to show interest.

3. Tone of voice

The tone of your voice can convey a great deal of information about the message you are trying to communicate. The way you speak can signal whether you are confident or unsure, excited or bored, sincere or insincere. When speaking with others, make sure to vary your tone of voice to reflect the message you are trying to convey. Use tone to communicate enthusiasm, concern, interest, or conviction.

4. Facial expressions

Facial expressions can say a lot about your emotions and your intentions. A smile can signal warmth and friendliness, while a frown can indicate displeasure or discomfort. Raised eyebrows can show surprise or curiosity, while a furrowed brow may signal worry or concern. When communicating with others, be aware of your facial expressions and strive to use them consciously to convey your message.

5. Gestures

Gestures are another important nonverbal communication skill. They can be used to emphasize a point, communicate a feeling, or convey information. For example, pointing can be used to indicate direction or highlight a specific object, while hand gestures can be used to express excitement, agreement, or even frustration. Be careful not to overuse gestures, as excessive or inappropriate gesturing can be distracting and detract from your message.

Nonverbal communication skills are an essential part of effective communication. Be sure to include these skills in your resume, as they are highly valued by employers and can be a critical factor in your success in the workplace. Practice these skills regularly, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of nonverbal communication.

Interpersonal Communication Skills

When it comes to building strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and managers, interpersonal communication skills are vital. Below are five skills you should include in your resume, along with tips for improving them.

Empathy is the ability to understand others’ feelings, thoughts, and perspectives. It’s a crucial skill for effective communication because it helps you connect with others on a deeper level. To improve your empathy, try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Listen actively, and ask questions to clarify their perspective.

Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution is the ability to resolve differences and disagreements with others in a productive way. This includes finding common ground and compromising when necessary. To improve your conflict resolution skills, practice active listening, and avoid taking sides. Focus on finding a solution that works for both parties.


Collaboration is the ability to work effectively with a team towards a common goal. This requires good communication skills, as well as the ability to share ideas and listen to other people’s input. To improve your collaboration skills, practice active listening, and ask for feedback from others. Be open to new ideas, and make sure everyone on the team feels heard.

Giving and receiving feedback is an important part of effective communication. It helps you improve your performance, as well as build stronger relationships with others. To improve your feedback skills, make sure you’re clear and specific when giving feedback. When receiving feedback, try to be open-minded and non-defensive. Take the feedback as an opportunity to grow and improve.

Understanding cultural differences

In today’s globalized world, it’s essential to understand and respect cultural differences. This includes differences in communication styles, customs, and values. To improve your cultural understanding, educate yourself on different cultures and customs. Be open-minded and respectful when interacting with people from different backgrounds.

Including these five interpersonal communication skills in your resume can help you stand out as a strong communicator and team player. By practicing empathy, conflict resolution, collaboration, feedback, and cultural awareness, you can build stronger relationships with colleagues and clients, and contribute to a more positive work environment.

Leadership Communication Skills

Effective communication is crucial in any leadership position as it helps leaders to inspire, guide, and motivate their team members towards a common goal. In this section, we will discuss the following leadership communication skills that should be included in a resume:

Motivating team members is one of the primary responsibilities of a leader. An effective leader should be able to communicate with their team members in a way that inspires them to achieve their best performance. This can be achieved by recognizing and rewarding team members’ achievements, offering constructive feedback, and creating a positive work environment that fosters growth and development.

Delegating tasks is an essential aspect of leadership communication. Leaders must be able to effectively communicate their expectations to their team members and delegate tasks according to their strengths and weaknesses. A good leader should be able to trust their team members to handle delegated tasks effectively, while still providing guidance and support when needed.


Inspiring team members is another critical leadership communication skill. A great leader should be able to inspire their team by setting a good example, effectively communicating their vision, and creating a sense of purpose that motivates team members to work towards a common goal.

Visionary communication

A visionary leader must communicate their vision to their team members effectively. This involves creating a compelling message that inspires team members to work together towards a common objective. Visionary communication should highlight the benefits and outcomes of the vision, helping team members to understand how their contributions can help realize the vision.

Decision making

A leader must make informed decisions that benefit the entire team. Decision-making skills are critical in leadership communication as they can help teams to avoid roadblocks and stay on track towards their goals. Effective decision-making involves analyzing relevant data, communicating with team members, and weighing up different perspectives before making an informed decision.

Effective leadership communication skills are essential for any leader looking to succeed in their role. By including these skills in your resume, you can demonstrate your ability to lead, inspire, and motivate teams towards a common goal, making you a valuable asset to any organization.

Technological Communication Skills

Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, and to succeed in today’s workplace, it’s important to have strong technological communication skills. Here are five technological communication skills that will make you a valuable asset to any team.

Email Etiquette

Email is a vital form of communication in the workplace, and mastering email etiquette is crucial. Clear and concise subject lines, proper grammar and tone, and timely responses all contribute to professional email etiquette. Remember to always proofread your emails and avoid using slang or abbreviations.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing allows for remote collaboration and is becoming more common in today’s workplace. It’s important to know how to set up a video conference, use the appropriate software, and dress professionally for the camera. Pay attention to body language, maintain eye contact, and avoid distractions during the call.

Social Media Communication

Social media is no longer just a platform for personal use. Many businesses utilize social media to communicate with customers and collaborate with colleagues. Knowing how to effectively communicate on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter can give you an edge in your career. Remember to always maintain a professional tone and represent your brand well.

Mobile Communication

With the rise of smartphones and mobile devices, mobile communication has become a significant aspect of workplace communication. It’s important to know how to communicate effectively on mobile devices, including text messaging and mobile email. Be mindful of your tone and response time when communicating on the go.

Virtual Communication

Virtual communication, including remote work and teleconferencing, requires strong communication skills. It’s important to be clear and concise in your communication, avoid technical glitches, and maintain professionalism. Good virtual communication skills can improve collaboration and productivity among remote teams.

Mastering technological communication skills is essential to succeeding in today’s workplace. By improving your email etiquette, video conferencing, social media communication, mobile communication, and virtual communication skills, you will stand out as a valuable employee and team member.

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50 Inspiring Examples for 7 Communication Skills for a Resume

By Editorial Team on November 22, 2023 — 6 minutes to read

When crafting your resume, highlighting your strong communication skills is essential. Here are some top skills to consider and examples of how to showcase them on your resume.

  • Active Listening: Demonstrate your ability to be receptive and engage in the conversation. For example: Successfully facilitated team meetings by actively listening to colleagues and providing constructive feedback.
  • Verbal Communication: Showcase your ability to express ideas clearly and effectively. For example: Presented quarterly reports to the executive board, effectively communicating the sales team’s achievements.
  • Written Communication: Emphasize your capacity to create clear, concise written documents. An example may be: Developed and maintained monthly newsletter for the marketing department, reaching over 500 employees.
  • Empathy: Understanding others helps foster strong professional relationships. For example: Addressed customer concerns with compassion, resulting in significant improvements in client satisfaction.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Focus on moments where you contributed to successful team projects. For instance: Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and execute a new product launch, achieving a 30% increase in sales.
  • Adaptability: Showcase your flexibility and ability to handle change effectively. Here’s an example: Adapted communication style to accommodate remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring a seamless transition for the team.
  • Conflict Resolution: Resolving conflicts efficiently benefits everyone. For example: Mediated disagreements between team members, helping to create a more collaborative and harmonious work environment.

Verbal Communication Skills

Public speaking.

Mastering public speaking can be a game changer for your resume. Employers appreciate candidates who can confidently present information to groups. To showcase your public speaking skills, mention specific experiences where you have delivered presentations or speeches. For example:

  • Delivered a presentation on sustainable business practices to a team of 30 colleagues
  • Facilitated a workshop on effective communication for new employees

Foreign Language Proficiency

Being proficient in one or more foreign languages can set you apart from other candidates. It indicates your ability to communicate with a diverse range of people, which is valuable in a globalized workplace. To highlight your language skills, list the languages you’re proficient in along with your level of fluency. For instance:

  • Fluent in Spanish and French
  • Intermediate proficiency in Mandarin and German

Related: How to Include Language Skills on Your Resume (Examples)

Active Listening

Active listening is an essential verbal communication skill that demonstrates your ability to understand and engage with others effectively. Employers value employees who can listen attentively and respond thoughtfully in discussions. To emphasize your active listening skills, provide examples of situations where you’ve made a difference through attentive listening. Examples might include:

  • Resolved a customer complaint by actively listening to their concerns and implementing a solution
  • Improved team dynamics by being attentive during meetings and encouraging open communication among team members

Written Communication Skills

Professional writing.

In the professional world, written communication is a must-have skill. Your resume should showcase your ability to articulate thoughts and ideas with clarity and precision in different formats (reports, emails, proposals, etc.). To highlight this skill on your resume, use phrases like:

  • Developed and edited company newsletters, enhancing employee engagement
  • Created detailed project proposals, securing client approval and project funding
  • Drafted and revised technical documentation, ensuring user-friendly clarity and accuracy

Business Correspondence

Effective business correspondence involves crafting clear and concise emails, memos, and letters tailored to various audiences. Showcasing this skill on your resume can demonstrate your expertise in professional etiquette and the ability to adapt your writing style to different scenarios. Here are some examples:

  • Collaborated with international teams, sending clear and concise email correspondence to prevent miscommunications
  • Generated persuasive sales emails that contributed to a 15% increase in client conversion rates
  • Wrote concise and informative weekly memos to upper management, providing updates on project progress

Interpersonal Communication Skills

Conflict resolution.

When listing your conflict resolution skills on your resume, be specific about the techniques you employ:

  • Skilled in using active listening to pinpoint underlying issues and complaints.
  • Experienced in mediating disagreements between colleagues to find a mutual agreement.
  • Proficient in providing constructive feedback and reinforcing positive communication behaviors.

Collaborative Teamwork

Highlight your ability to work effectively with others by showcasing the following abilities:

  • Proven track record of successful group projects and team initiatives.
  • Ability to adapt communication style based on team dynamics and members’ strengths.
  • Skilled in brainstorming, group problem-solving, and co-creating ideas with diverse team members.

Showcase your ability to understand and relate to others’ feelings and emotions by including these skills in your resume:

  • Empathetic and compassionate attitude to foster a positive work environment.
  • Demonstrated ability to provide emotional support and encouragement to team members in stressful situations.

Digital Communication Skills

Social media.

Nowadays, social media plays an important role in promoting a company’s brand and engaging with customers. Highlight your experience in leveraging social media platforms to advocate brand values and enhance customer relationships. Include these skills in your resume with statements like:

  • Managed corporate social media accounts to establish a consistent brand voice and engage with customers.
  • Successfully increased follower count and engagement on various platforms by creating relevant content.

Online Meeting Management

Effectively managing online meetings is a skill that demonstrates your ability to keep participants engaged and ensure productive outcomes. Emphasize your ability to plan, host, and facilitate virtual meetings using platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Here are some examples of how to put those skills on your resume:

  • Experienced in scheduling and hosting virtual meetings, ensuring timely starts and focused discussions.
  • Skilled in facilitating online meetings with participants from diverse backgrounds, fostering collaboration and decision-making.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some strong examples of communication skills to include on a resume.

Consider showcasing a range of communication skills, such as active listening, clear writing, public speaking, and negotiation. For example:

  • Active listening: “Consistently praised for effectively capturing project requirements through attentive listening in client meetings.”
  • Clear writing: “Developed company-wide email guidelines to ensure clarity and professionalism in written communication.”
  • Public speaking: “Delivered engaging and informative presentations at industry conferences, demonstrating strong public speaking skills.”
  • Negotiation: “Successfully negotiated contracts with suppliers, resulting in a 12% reduction in supply chain costs.”

How can I effectively showcase teamwork and collaboration abilities on my resume?

To emphasize your teamwork and collaboration skills, think about the projects you’ve participated in and your role in those projects. Examples:

  • Successfully worked on cross-functional teams to complete projects on time and under budget.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to innovate and implement improvements, increasing department efficiency by 15%.
  • Facilitated open and constructive conversations within a diverse team environment, fostering trust and accountability.

What are some tips for highlighting written communication skills in a resume?

When showcasing written communication skills, focus on the outcomes your writing has achieved. For example:

  • Crafted client proposals that consistently resulted in increased contract value and successful project launches.
  • Edited and proofread internal communications, ensuring consistent tone and style across departments.
  • Authored monthly newsletter with a growing subscriber base, receiving positive feedback for engaging and informative content.

Which techniques can demonstrate strong verbal communication abilities on a resume?

To illustrate your verbal communication skills, highlight situations where your speaking abilities played a critical role. Examples:

  • Delivered persuasive sales pitches, resulting in a 20% increase in closed deals.
  • Articulated complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, facilitating successful project rollouts.
  • Mediated conflicts between team members, fostering a positive work environment and promoting effective problem-solving.

How can one emphasize active listening skills when creating a professional resume?

To showcase your active listening skills, emphasize your ability to understand and respond to others’ ideas and concerns. Think about instances where your attentive listening has positively impacted projects. For example:

  • Acted as a key liaison between departments, ensuring clear communication and understanding of project goals and tasks.
  • Routinely sought input and feedback from team members, incorporating ideas into project plans and processes.
  • Demonstrated a diplomatic approach in meetings and discussions, fostering open communication and maintaining team harmony.

What are some strategies to showcase problem-solving and leadership skills on a resume?

To highlight problem-solving and leadership skills, focus on examples where your actions led to positive outcomes. You might include:

  • Successfully led a team through a challenging project turnaround, implementing targeted solutions to deliver on-time and within budget.
  • Mentored junior employees, providing guidance and support that contributed to their successful progression within the company.
  • Identified inefficiencies in work processes and implemented process improvements, resulting in a 25% increase in productivity.
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10 Communication Skills for Your Resume

Candidates who show how they use communication skills to persuade and collaborate give employers a better gauge of their qualifications.

good in communication skills in resume

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Communication skills are especially critical when remote colleagues or customers do not see body language and other in-person visual cues to help interpret your message.

In the workplace, effective employees leverage versatile communication skills to accomplish daily tasks. These communication skills facilitate the exchange of information verbally, nonverbally, visually or through writing to achieve a desired outcome.

Communication skills are especially critical when remote colleagues or customers do not see body language and other in-person visual cues to help interpret your message. So, how do you highlight those essential communication skills on a resume? Here's what to know.

What Are Communication Skills?

Simply put, communication skills are the ability to convey information and ideas effectively through written, verbal, nonverbal or visual mediums. People with strong communication skills in the workplace generally excel at the following:

  • Crafting well-structured emails, reports or memos that convey the intended message clearly and concisely. 
  • Confidently engaging in one-on-one conversations, meetings or telephone dialogue. 
  • Interpreting body language, facial expressions and gestures that often supplement or even supersede spoken word.
  • Effectively using visual aids like charts, diagrams, drawings or infographics to represent data and ideas.

Communication skills are essential because they foster clear understanding between team members, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding tasks and expectations. Good communication also promotes team collaboration, builds relationships and trust among employees, reduces misunderstandings and can often lead to a more efficient workplace.

Key Communication Skills to Add to Your Resume

Communication skills go beyond just being able to speak and write effectively. They also include active listening, persuasion and the ability to adapt your communication style to different situations. Here are 10 must-have communication skills to show on your resume.

  • Inclusivity.
  • Empathetic listening.
  • Remote collaboration.
  • Analytical expression.
  • Written communication.
  • Verbal communication.
  • Group communications.
  • Persuasion.
  • Problem-solving.

1. Inclusivity

Highlight how you support and collaborate with others who are different from you. For example, how have you led productive meetings for customers across time zones or unified business needs with others who have vastly different priorities, roles and even languages? Demonstrate your methods for including others to improve overall outcomes.

Example: “Led a diverse team of 10 individuals spanning different divisions and backgrounds. Successfully implemented an inclusive team communication strategy that fostered open dialogue and mutual respect, which resulted in a 20% increase in project completion efficiency.”

2. Empathetic Listening

Listening is often more important for success in business than talking. In your resume, reflect examples of how you understand and incorporate perspectives and viewpoints that differ from your own.

Example: “As a customer service representative at (Company), I was praised for my ability to empathize with customers. This skill was reflected in my consistently high feedback scores, averaging 4.8 out of 5 for customer satisfaction.”

3. Remote Collaboration

Remote interaction and meetings can make it tricker to achieve desired results, so capturing your comfort and success with virtual relationships is a must. Be sure to include how you have used communication tools such as Teams or Slack to support your value in virtual or remote work settings. It is also critical to show your comfort with video and conference call meetings and tools such as Zoom, Teams, GoToMeeting and Google Hangouts.

Example: “Successfully led a team of six members in five different time zones at (Company). Implemented daily stand-up meetings and weekly progress reports using collaborative software, leading to a 30% increase in on-time delivery.”

4. Analytical Expression

Your resume can be an opportunity to show how you use data insights to influence or guide teams and decisions. Give examples of how you communicated your analysis – in reports, meetings, using graphics or presentations. Show key questions you analyzed, how you shared your knowledge, and what benefits your company or clients gained to help you prove this skill.

Example: “Led a team of five in a market research project for a new product launch. Performed an in-depth analysis of customer feedback and buying patterns, then communicated the results in a concise report that significantly influenced the marketing strategy. Our efforts ultimately led to a 20% increase in sales upon product launch.”

5. Written Communication

Your resume is the first sample of your writing, so make sure it is well-written, well-edited, concise and coherent. In addition to demonstrating excellent resume writing, look for opportunities to describe any written communication in your experience and the impact of your work. Show both what you did and why it is of value.

The ways writing can impact results and daily operations are numerous. Capture how your written communication adds the most value to help a potential employer see how you could complement their team.

Example: “As a content writer at (Company), I crafted over 100 well-researched articles and blogs, contributing to a 10% increase in website traffic.”

6. Verbal Communication

While the interview process will test your verbal communication, there are many options to weave verbal communication strengths into your resume. Include everyday verbal communication needed to guide co-workers, managers, direct reports and customers.

Example: “As a marketing coordinator, I presented marketing strategies and campaign results to stakeholders during weekly meetings and negotiated with over 50 vendors for event sponsorships, resulting in a 30% increase in the company's marketing reach.”

7. Group Communications

These examples include your contributions in small groups, productivity and status check meetings, and formal presentations. List whether your experience is primarily in person or if you frequently communicate via phone, video or more formally hosted meetings. Be sure to include if (and how frequently) you present your insights and analysis verbally. In addition to highlighting the types of interactions, also show the positive impacts from your contribution.

Example: “As a project manager, I led a cross-functional team of 15 members on a complex project that spanned six months. By facilitating weekly team meetings and developing clear group communication strategies, we completed the project one week before the deadline and stayed within budget.”

8. Training

Do you train or play a role in the development of others? Whether you've done so formally as a trainer or informally as a mentor, communicating in a way that helps others to grow, develop and perform better at work is of interest to potential employers.

Example: “As team lead at (Company), I developed and implemented a training program for recruits that improved the productivity of new hires by 30% and reduced their time to proficiency by 25%.”

9. Persuasion

Your resume is an ideal place to show how your skills of persuasion make you an asset. For example, were you able to change a previously accepted practice or institute a new process that had a positive impact? Did you play a role in improving work culture or recruiting talented new employees? Did you convince management to invest in a new productivity tool even though it was not approved initially in the budget?

Example: “Successfully negotiated a new contract with a key supplier, achieving a 20% reduction in costs while maintaining product quality.”

10. Problem-Solving

Use your resume to show how you approach problem-solving and how this skill helps you solve business problems. Include how you assess issues, collaborate with others, build consensus and ultimately get to a result.

Example: “As a customer service representative at (Company), I initiated a detailed analysis of a client’s issue, identified its root cause and worked with the tech team to devise a solution. This approach resolved the client's immediate issue and led to the development of a troubleshooting protocol that reduced similar complaints by 30%."

Actionable Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills

Follow these tips to sharpen your communication skills and impress your future employer.

Use the Art of Storytelling  

Storytelling isn't just for bedtime tales or campfires. It can also be an effective tool for enhancing your communication skills at work. When you share a story, you paint a vivid picture with words, which makes your message more engaging, relatable and easy to understand.

“Stories are memorable and can create a deeper connection with the audience, making messages impactful,” says Maria Tomas-Keegan, CEO and career coach at Transition and Thrive With Maria. “Next time you're giving a presentation or explaining a concept, weave in a personal story or analogy. It can be as simple as comparing a work project to a personal experience or using a metaphor that paints a clearer picture."

Participate in a Lunch-and-Learn Series

Organize or participate in a lunch-and-learn series where you talk about the work you do. Not only will your colleagues gain a better understanding of your role within the company, but it’ll also provide an opportunity for you to polish your public speaking skills.

“You have expertise that others within the company may want to learn more about," says Neil Thompson, public speaking coach and founder of training platform Teach The Geek. "And if a lunch-and-learn event doesn’t exist at your workplace, create it and invite others to talk about what they do."

Be Nondirective

Adopt a nondirective approach to be a better communicator in the workplace, says William Sipling, director of workforce transformation and chief brand storyteller at Hubstaff, which helps businesses reach productivity goals.

According to Sipling, a nondirective communication approach is common in counseling and therapy, and it’s an approach that focuses on information gathering and active listening. “It’s not heavy on advice-giving because it assumes the person you’re talking with is an expert on what they’re bringing to you,” he emphasizes.

“When I work with senior or experienced subject matter experts, I start from a nondirective standpoint. I help them use their experience to uncover a solution and take them out of functional fixedness into a new, potentially solutions-oriented environment,” Sipling says.

Be Proactive and Pay Attention to Patterns

In fast-paced workplace environments like hospitals, tasks and responsibilities can often vary from day to day, creating an element of unpredictability. But there’s generally a level of predictability in nonverbal cues and patterns in every workplace, says Jenny Morehead, CEO of Flex HR, a human resource outsourcing and consulting firm.

By recognizing and effectively communicating these patterns to team members, you can anticipate what lies ahead and prepare accordingly. Morehead suggests using phrases such as, “We’ve seen this pattern before, so here is how we’re going to handle it” to provide a clear plan of action.

Ask Clarifying Questions

“Active listening doesn’t mean staying quiet while the other person is talking and then you jump in as soon as they’re done. It means digesting what they’re saying, focusing, pondering it and asking questions for more understanding,” says Kristie Stocker, a success coach and leadership consultant with 20 years of experience in marketing and communication.

If you’re confused about something the other person is saying, Stocker suggests using the sentence, “So what you’re saying is ...” to give them a chance to clarify their response. Doing so demonstrates you're fully invested in the conversation and not simply nodding along without genuinely understanding what's being said.

9 Ways to Be a Likable Interviewee

Geoff Williams May 25, 2023

Male and female colleagues discussing in meeting. Business professionals are sitting in board room. They are planning strategy in office.

Tags: careers , Applying , Interviewing , resumes


good in communication skills in resume

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10 Other Ways to Say “Good Communication Skills” on Your Resume (with Examples)

Are you looking for impactful ways to demonstrate your stellar communication abilities on your resume or CV, without simply listing “good communication skills” under your skills section?

As someone who has reviewed hundreds of resumes throughout my career as a hiring manager, I can tell you that explicitly stating “good communication skills” doesn’t do much to show me that you have them. But featuring concrete examples of how you’ve applied communication abilities in past roles? Now that catches my eye.

In this blog post, I’ll highlight 10 techniques you can use on your resume/CV to exhibit your verbal, written, interpersonal, and public speaking skills, without ever directly saying “good communication skills.” From highlighting presentations you’ve developed to showcasing rapport-building with colleagues, these examples will help hiring managers immediately recognize your knack for successful communication.

So if you’re ready to refresh your resume and demonstrate, not tell, about your standout communication talents, read on!

Is “Good Communication Skills” a Good CV/Resume Word?

At first glance, “good communication skills” may seem like a strong resume keyword to include. However, simply listing this generic term does little to showcase your abilities . Instead, it’s more impactful to demonstrate communication skills through concrete examples .

For team-oriented or customer-facing roles especially, use your resume to highlight instances of successful communication . For example, quantifying presentations delivered, meetings led, or rapport built with colleagues powerfully proves you can connect with audiences.

Remember, communication is less about buzzwords and more about displaying versatility. Showcase instances of adjusting your style for diverse settings or mediums. Use active verbs to compel rather than merely tell.

The bottom line? Don’t just say you have communication skills. Prove it through stand-out resume examples that emphasize you are a nuanced, adept communicator ready to engage audiences in any role.

As we go further in this article, we’ll explore more compelling “good communication skills” alternatives or synonyms to highlight your verbal, written, interpersonal, and public speaking talents. You’ll learn powerful verbs and specific instances that exhibit sophistication as a communicator.

We’ve provided actionable tips and tailored examples to help you showcase communication excellence. Avoid resume buzzwords and learn how to exhibit nuance, versatility, and resonance as a communicator.

What to Say Instead of “Good Communication Skills” on a Resume or CV

  • Articulate and persuasive communicator
  • Masterful storyteller and presenter
  • Adaptable communicator, tailoring messages for diverse audiences
  • Collaborative communicator, building strong relationships and fostering teamwork
  • Active listener and constructive feedback provider
  • Engaging public speaker and captivating storyteller
  • Dynamic writer, crafting compelling content for various mediums
  • Culturally aware communicator, navigating diverse audiences and contexts
  • Confident presenter, delivering impactful messages with clarity and poise
  • Strategic communicator, aligning messages with audience needs and goals

Key Takeaways:

  • Show, don’t tell:  Instead of simply stating you have “good communication skills,” use action verbs and specific examples to demonstrate your abilities in different situations. Start your sentences with “I am a…” to personalize and actively showcase your communication prowess.
  • Tailor your language:  Consider the specific role and industry you’re applying to when choosing synonyms and phrasing your examples. Highlight skills relevant to the position and avoid overly generic statements.
  • Go beyond “communication skills”:  Emphasize specific aspects of communication you excel in, such as active listening, storytelling, cultural awareness, or content writing. This showcases your unique strengths and versatility.
  • Focus on impact:  Don’t just describe your actions, quantify the results of your communication efforts. Mention increased engagement, achieved buy-in, or improved performance to demonstrate the value you bring.
  • Be concise and confident:  While providing specific examples, keep your resume entries brief and impactful. Use strong verbs and positive language to project confidence in your communication abilities.

Enhance your resume with impactful synonyms for “good communication skills.” We’ll explore the best options and help you use them effectively to showcase your communication strengths and shine in interviews.

1. Articulate and persuasive communicator

Pros: Concise, highlights both verbal and written skills , emphasizes ability to convince others.

Cons: Might sound less impactful than “excellent,” which could be interpreted as mainly focused on persuasion.

Example: I am an “ Articulate and persuasive communicator with a proven ability to present complex ideas to diverse audiences and win buy-in for new initiatives.”

2. Masterful storyteller and presenter

Pros: Emphasizes ability to engage audiences, and showcases creative communication skills.

Cons: Might not be suitable for all roles, and could be perceived as overly dramatic for some contexts.

Example: I am a “ Masterful storyteller and presenter , skilled at weaving data, anecdotes, and visuals into compelling narratives that captivate audiences and drive action.”

3. Adaptable communicator, tailoring messages for diverse audiences

Pros: Highlights versatility and cultural sensitivity , valuable in today’s globalized workplaces.

Cons: Less concise than other options, might not be relevant for all roles.

Example: I am an “ Adaptable communicator, tailoring messages for diverse audiences , with experience crafting presentations for technical experts, executive boards, and the general public.”

4. Collaborative communicator, building strong relationships and fostering teamwork

Pros: Emphasizes interpersonal skills, valuable for team-based roles and leadership positions.

Cons: Might not be as relevant for roles focused on individual communication.

Example: “ Collaborative communicator, building strong relationships and fostering teamwork , adept at facilitating discussions, resolving conflicts, and achieving consensus among diverse groups.”

5. Active listener and constructive feedback provider

Pros: Highlights ability to listen effectively and provide helpful feedback, crucial for personal and professional growth.

Cons: Focuses on one specific aspect of communication, might not be the most impactful choice.

Example: I am an “ Active listener and constructive feedback provider , skilled at drawing out ideas from others, offering actionable feedback that leads to improved performance.”

6. Engaging public speaker and captivating storyteller

Pros: Similar to “Masterful storyteller,” but emphasizes public speaking skills specifically.

Cons: Might not be relevant for roles with limited public speaking requirements.

Example: I am an “ Engaging public speaker and captivating storyteller , with experience delivering presentations to audiences of all sizes, from small team meetings to industry conferences.”

7. Dynamic writer, crafting compelling content for various mediums

Pros: Highlights versatility in writing skills, important for content creation and marketing roles.

Cons: Might not be as relevant for roles with limited writing requirements.

Example: I am a “ Dynamic writer, crafting compelling content for various mediums , including blog posts, website copy, social media content, and email campaigns, with a proven track record of driving engagement and conversions .”

8. Culturally aware communicator, navigating diverse audiences and contexts

Pros: Similar to “ Adaptable communicator, ” but emphasizes cultural awareness specifically.

Cons: Might not be relevant for roles with limited interaction with diverse audiences.

Example: I am a “ Culturally aware communicator, navigating diverse audiences and contexts , with experience working effectively in multicultural teams and communicating across language and cultural barriers.”

9. Confident presenter, delivering impactful messages with clarity and poise

Pros: Highlights public speaking skills and ability to command attention.

Cons: Might sound less specific than other options, similar to “ Confident public presence .”

Example: I am a “ Confident presenter, delivering impactful messages with clarity and poise , comfortable speaking in front of large audiences and tailoring presentations to diverse needs.”

10. Strategic communicator, aligning messages with audience needs and goals

Pros: Emphasizes ability to tailor communication for specific objectives.

Cons: Might sound less approachable than other options, focusing more on strategy than personality.

Example: I am a “ Strategic communicator, aligning messages with audience needs and goals , with experience developing targeted communication plans that resonate with specific audiences and drive desired outcomes.”

Any Parting words?

Achieving communication excellence is about much more than just saying you have “good communication skills.” By now, you have a toolbox of compelling techniques to showcase your sophistication.

To recap, avoid resume buzzwords and generic claims. Opt for active verbs and tailored examples that bring your abilities to life. Highlight nuance by showcasing adjustments across diverse contexts. Emphasize achievements by strategically formatting key items.

Follow these tips, and your resume will reveal the depth of your communication talents . Hiring managers will immediately recognize your ability to connect with any audience, adjust your style, articulate complex information, and represent your organization powerfully.

So next time your resume needs updating, skip the nebulous claims. Showcase your communication skills strategically through the many avenues we’ve covered today. You’ll convey true excellence as a communicator while making your resume stand out.

The examples and alternatives provided equip you with everything needed to express your communication capabilities persuasively. Now it’s time to put these strategies into action as you present your most compelling resume yet.

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Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

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10 Communications Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

With the proliferation of digital media, especially social media and video, the demand for professional communicators will only increase in 2023. the ability to tell stories and measure data through the ever-increasing number of media channels are vital as organizations continually seek to engage their target audiences. communications is also regarded as a highly creative sector with many opportunities and specializations. here are some examples and tips around building your resume for this fast-moving and ever-evolving field..

Hiring Manager for Communications Roles

Communications professionals must be strong writers and storytellers and be able to communicate to various audiences through different media. This includes writing for media releases, publicity materials, brochures, advertisements, blog posts, social media, video scripts, speaking notes and media op-eds.

For a career in communications, it is recommended to have at minimum a college or undergraduate university degree in communications, journalism, or public relations. It is common for communications professionals to start in entry-level positions including communications coordinators. By gaining more experience and responsibilities, they can move on to roles with more responsibility such as communications specialist, public relations officer, press secretary, social media manager, and more senior roles including creative director, community engagement leader, or chief communication officer.

Professional communicators also need to think strategically, have strong interpersonal skills, and a willingness to stay on top of digital trends, especially around social media and video production.

There are many fields in communications, including journalism and media broadcasting, corporate communications, marketing and public relations, and politics. A communications degree offers the transferable skills that allows for specialization in one of many disciplines for a rewarding career.

Communications Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Communications Director
  • Communications Manager
  • Communications Specialist
  • Entry Level Communications
  • Communications Coordinator
  • Press Secretary
  • Public Relations Manager

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Communications Resumes

Communications Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Marketing Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 10: Communications Director Resume Example

The director of communications is responsible for developing a communications strategy to manage their organization’s public image. Their tasks can include managing the company’s brand guidelines, leading the design and content strategy for the company web site, developing the company’s e-newsletter and overseeing activities for public and media relations, crisis management, social media and corporate events. In many cases they also act as the key media spokesperson for the organization. Communications directors are also responsible for analyzing qualitative and quantitative data to build an organization’s target audiences. The resume below is an effective example of a mid-career communications professional highlighting their experience.

A resume for a director of communications that highlights the experience to lead an organization’s communications strategy

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Communications Director resume in 2024

   start with a summary statement.

Starting your resume with a short, clear opening statement summarizing your experience and specializations is an effective way to encourage the recruiter or hiring manager to read on. You can also include specific accomplishments to support this statement.

Start with a summary statement - Communications Director Resume

   Show leadership qualities

Senior-level roles require ambition, leadership and initiative. This resume in particular highlights the job seeker’s rise through the ranks due to their demonstrated leadership and ability to develop big picture, top-level communications strategies.

Show leadership qualities - Communications Director Resume

Skills you can include on your Communications Director resume

Template 2 of 10: communications manager resume example.

As a Communications Manager, you'll likely be responsible for overseeing the creation and dissemination of a company's messaging and branding. In recent years, with the rise of digital media, the role has evolved to encompass both traditional and online platforms. When crafting your resume for this position, it's essential to demonstrate your adaptability and understanding of how to engage with diverse audiences across various channels effectively. In addition to your relevant experience, you'll want to showcase your ability to manage a team and stay up-to-date on industry trends. Side projects and professional development courses can provide additional evidence of your commitment to staying current in this fast-paced field.

A resume layout for a Communications Manager highlighting digital skills and successful campaign examples.

Tips to help you write your Communications Manager resume in 2024

   emphasize your digital skills.

When writing your resume as a Communications Manager, make sure to highlight your experience managing digital communication channels, such as social media, email campaigns, and content creation. This demonstrates your ability to adapt to new media and stay ahead of the curve in this ever-evolving industry.

Emphasize your digital skills - Communications Manager Resume

   Highlight successful campaigns

Show that you can create, manage, and evaluate successful communication campaigns by including specific examples in your resume. Outline the goals, strategies, and measurable results of these campaigns to demonstrate your ability to drive engagement and deliver results.

Skills you can include on your Communications Manager resume

Template 3 of 10: communications manager resume example.

Typically working under a Director, the Communications Manager is responsible for overseeing the daily activities of a company’s internal and external communications. Their duties include managing or preparing the production of materials for product launches, promotions and events, writing press releases, and creating campaign reports. In many cases they also supervise a team of junior employees to execute these activities. Communications managers should have excellent skills in writing, researching and presenting, be able to collaborate with others, and demonstrate strong leadership abilities.

A communications manager resume that highlights the skills and required experience to manage a company’s communications

   Use strong action verbs to highlight your skills

In this resume template, each bullet point begins with a strong action verb that highlights the candidate’s managerial skills. Words such as “conducted”, “led”, “oversaw” helps show your pro-active nature and feature your achievements in a positive light.

Use strong action verbs to highlight your skills - Communications Manager Resume

   Add relevant skills and accomplishments

Carefully read the job description for each role before you apply and tailor your accomplishments to reflect the top skills required for the role. As in this sample, you should also customize the skills at the bottom of the resume.

Add relevant skills and accomplishments - Communications Manager Resume

Template 4 of 10: Communications Specialist Resume Example

The communications specialist is responsible for coordinating the day-to-day activities of a company’s communications. Although the specifics of the role can vary by organization, common tasks involve executing and monitoring public relations activities, updating the company’s web site, developing social media content, event planning, and developing and executing marketing and communications campaigns. Communications specialists will often collaborate with other departments. This resume shows a relatively early-career communications professional highlighting their experience.

A communications specialist resume that highlights their skills and daily activities for an organization’s communications department

Tips to help you write your Communications Specialist resume in 2024

   highlight increased responsibilities.

If your previous roles include taking on increased responsibilities, you should clearly indicate this on your resume through the action verbs at start of each bullet. In this example, the candidate lists words like “implemented” in their first role, then “coordinated”, “supervised” and “established” as their career progressed.

   Customize your skills section

Note how this candidate includes skills to include those that are specific to the communications field. When applying for a role, read the job description carefully and only include the skills that are relevant to the position.

Customize your skills section - Communications Specialist Resume

Skills you can include on your Communications Specialist resume

Template 5 of 10: entry level communications resume example.

As an entry level communications role, you'll be dipping your toes into various facets like public relations, internal communications, media relations, and digital communications. It's an exciting field that's constantly evolving, with companies increasingly valuing effective communication across all mediums. Digital communication skills are in high demand, so it's essential to have a good grasp of social media trends and SEO practices. When drafting your resume, remember that it's all about showing how you can help a company communicate more effectively. You want to demonstrate your ability to adapt to new communication trends and tools, as well as your flair for creating engaging and informative content.

A screenshot of a resume geared towards entry-level communications roles, showcasing relevant coursework and digital skills.

Tips to help you write your Entry Level Communications resume in 2024

   highlight relevant coursework.

In this role, theory matters as much as practice. If you've learned about communications theories, crisis management, or public relations strategies during your studies, make sure to include those in your resume. It shows employers that you have a solid theoretical foundation, which you can apply in practical situations.

Highlight Relevant Coursework - Entry Level Communications Resume

   Showcase your Digital Savviness

Companies are always on the lookout for communications professionals who are up-to-date with the latest digital trends. If you've managed a blog, have experience with SEO, or know your way around social media analytics, don't hesitate to mention it. It'll make you stand out from the crowd.

Skills you can include on your Entry Level Communications resume

Template 6 of 10: entry level communications resume example.

For many recent graduates, getting that first professional job in their chosen field with little to no practical experience can seem like a daunting task. If you’re in that position, take heart. Recruiters for entry level roles look for important skills you probably already have. The ability to communicate, collaborate, analyze and a demonstrated interest in digital and social media are considered valuable assets when applying for that communications dream job.

An entry level communications specialist resume that highlights skills for graduates to get their first professional communications job

   Highlight volunteer & university experience

If you lack professional experience, showcasing relevant work through volunteering and school projects demonstrates initiative, a positive attitude and willingness to learn new skills. These are traits that can look favorable to a recruiter or potential employer.

Highlight volunteer & university experience - Entry Level Communications Resume

   Showcase academic background and achievements

If your academic background is directly related to the role you are applying for, put this at the top of your resume to show the recruiter you have a strong foundational knowledge. Better yet, highlight any significant academic achievements, including your grade point average (GPA). This demonstrates ambition and initiative.

Template 7 of 10: Communications Coordinator / PR Coordinator Resume Example

In this position, you are in charge of controlling and guiding the communication and messaging given out on behalf of an organization. This includes communication using various mediums like social media, magazines, traditional media, websites, etc. You need to have a strong understanding of the organization’s brand, and will then need to develop strategies for relaying information and communication in a way that serves the organization’s brand and goals. This role requires a background and understanding of communications, as well as creative and managerial skills. Look at this strong resume sample.

A communications coordinator resume sample that highlights the applicant’s career progression and awards.

Tips to help you write your Communications Coordinator / PR Coordinator resume in 2024

   include any recognition and awards..

Show recruiters that your work stood out and earned you recognition in previous positions. It is an easy way to indicate your skill level and to present yourself as the best among your peers. Take a look at this applicant’s listed award. This applicant has 3 impressive awards.

Include any recognition and awards. - Communications Coordinator / PR Coordinator Resume

   Show career progression through promotions.

Show recruiters that you have been successful in communications and marketing by showing promotions in your career. It will also show recruiters your dedication to your profession. This applicant started as a product marketing associate and moved their way up to a communications coordinator position.

Show career progression through promotions. - Communications Coordinator / PR Coordinator Resume

Skills you can include on your Communications Coordinator / PR Coordinator resume

Template 8 of 10: communications coordinator resume example.

Typically considered an entry-level role, the communications coordinator is responsible for administrative tasks such as collecting, organizing and distributing information for marketing campaigns, public relations activities and events. They may also develop content for marketing materials, social media and web sites. Many communications coordinators hold a bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, journalism or public relations. This resume sample effectively shows a candidate seeking an entry- to mid-career role.

A communications coordinator resume that highlights experience for an entry-level role supporting marketing and communications activities

Tips to help you write your Communications Coordinator resume in 2024

   highlight transferable skills.

This resume effectively uses transferable skills from an academic background in engineering to demonstrate their suitability for a role in communications. Creativity, problem-solving, attention to detail, thinking critically, and experience with technology are highly valuable and well-suited to both fields. When reviewing a job posting, think of how your skills from other types of roles could transfer to the one you’re applying for.

Highlight transferable skills - Communications Coordinator Resume

   Show your skill levels

In the Skills section of this resume sample, the candidate emphasizes their significant skill level with particular tools. This lets recruiters and potential employers see where you excel. If you’re very good at a software program or other particular skill, don’t be afraid to share it.

Skills you can include on your Communications Coordinator resume

Template 9 of 10: press secretary resume example.

A press secretary typically represents a government agency to the media to enhance their public image. They have a very important job – as the voice of the agency, they must be stellar communicators and presenters. They typically develop relationships with the media by responding to questions and issuing statements through live press conferences, briefings and news releases. In addition to an undergraduate degree in communications, journalism or public relations, press secretaries may also require a specialized background in politics, law, and government. This resume sample represents a relatively early-career press secretary.

A press secretary resume that highlights experience representing government agencies to enhance their public image

Tips to help you write your Press Secretary resume in 2024

   include relevant metrics.

Note how the accomplishments listed in the bullets are figures tied directly to success for this specific role and shows the positive impact the candidate made to their organization. The use of action verbs such as “created”, “collaborated” and “documented” also adds credibility to these statements.

Include relevant metrics - Press Secretary Resume

   Show professional growth

This resume sample shows impressive career growth within a relatively short time frame, which demonstrates ambition and initiative. They highlight increased responsibilities and accomplishments from intern to their current role as press secretary.

Show professional growth - Press Secretary Resume

Skills you can include on your Press Secretary resume

Template 10 of 10: public relations manager resume example.

As you work your way through your public relations (PR) career, you may have ambitions to become a manager. This is a role with increasing responsibilities, including leading a team, strategy planning, responding to media inquiries, managing budgets, organizing press conferences and events and overseeing and monitoring media coverage.

A public relations manager resume that highlights experience with public relations and managing an organization’s public image

Tips to help you write your Public Relations Manager resume in 2024

   highlight your deliverables.

Many resumes for communications professionals show positive accomplishments in the form of increased engagement and cost savings for the organization. This resume also highlights the quantity of materials they produced, in this case, content for diverse audiences. This demonstrates to hiring managers that you can produce quality materials with a quick turnaround.

   Demonstrate your management and leadership skills

In this resume, the job seeker highlights their ability to manage large-scale projects and campaigns (i.e. “Supervised 15 projects across 7 countries”, “Arranged and led an RW campaign”). This shows recruiters that you have the organizational and leadership skills which are critical to senior communications roles.

Demonstrate your management and leadership skills - Public Relations Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Public Relations Manager resume

As a hiring manager who has recruited for communications roles at top companies like Edelman, Ogilvy, and Weber Shandwick, I've seen countless resumes come across my desk. The best communications resumes showcase strong writing skills, strategic thinking, and the ability to effectively convey messages to diverse audiences. In this article, we'll share some tips to help you craft a compelling communications resume that catches the eye of hiring managers and lands you an interview.

   Highlight your writing and editing skills

Communications professionals need to have exceptional writing and editing skills. Make sure your resume showcases your ability to write clear, concise, and compelling content across various formats and platforms.

  • Wrote and edited press releases, blog posts, and social media content for clients in the healthcare, technology, and finance industries
  • Developed and executed content strategies that increased website traffic by 50% and social media engagement by 30%
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create and distribute newsletters, brochures, and other marketing collateral

Bullet Point Samples for Communications

   Demonstrate your ability to communicate with different audiences

Communications professionals often need to tailor their messaging to different audiences, from customers and clients to internal stakeholders and the media. Your resume should show that you can effectively communicate with diverse groups.

  • Responsible for all communications
  • Experienced in communicating with different people

Instead, be specific about the audiences you've communicated with and the strategies you used:

  • Developed and implemented communications plans targeting customers, employees, and investors during a company merger
  • Crafted key messages and talking points for executive leadership to use in media interviews and public speaking engagements
  • Created and delivered presentations to diverse stakeholders, including clients, partners, and internal teams

   Showcase your media relations experience

If you have experience working with the media, make sure to highlight it on your resume. This could include pitching stories, coordinating interviews, or managing press events.

  • Secured media coverage in top-tier publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and TechCrunch
  • Developed and maintained relationships with key media contacts in the technology and business sectors
  • Coordinated and staffed media interviews and press events at industry conferences and product launches

   Quantify your impact and results

Whenever possible, use metrics and data to quantify the impact of your work. This helps hiring managers understand the value you can bring to their organization.

Managed social media accounts and increased followers

Instead, provide specific numbers and results:

Grew LinkedIn follower base from 5,000 to 25,000 in six months through targeted content and engagement strategies, resulting in a 200% increase in website traffic from social media

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Every communications role is different, so it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for. Review the job description carefully and make sure your resume highlights the skills and experience that are most relevant to that particular position.

For example, if the job description emphasizes crisis communications experience, you might include something like:

  • Developed and implemented crisis communications plans for clients facing product recalls, data breaches, and executive misconduct allegations
  • Coached and prepared spokespeople for difficult media interviews and public appearances during crisis situations

   Include relevant certifications and professional development

If you have any relevant certifications or have completed professional development courses in communications, make sure to include them on your resume. This shows that you're committed to staying up-to-date on industry best practices and continuing to develop your skills.

Some examples might include:

  • Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) from the Public Relations Society of America
  • Certified Crisis Communication Professional (CCCP) from the Institute for Crisis Management
  • Completed online courses in social media marketing, data analytics, or graphic design

Writing Your Communications Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. keep it simple and professional.

Your header should be clean, easy to read, and professional. Stick to a classic font like Arial or Calibri, and avoid using graphics, logos, or photos.

Here's an example of a well-formatted header for a communications professional:

John Smith Communications Specialist | Content Strategist New York, NY | [email protected] | 555-123-4567 |

Notice how the header is concise, yet informative. It includes the candidate's name, job title, location, contact information, and LinkedIn profile URL.

2. Showcase your specialty or niche

If you have a specific niche or specialty within communications, consider highlighting it in your header. This can help you stand out to employers looking for candidates with your unique skill set.

For example:

  • John Smith, Crisis Communications Specialist
  • Jane Doe, Healthcare Communications Strategist
  • Bob Johnson, Digital Content Creator

By contrast, avoid using generic or vague titles in your header, such as:

  • Communications Professional
  • Experienced Communicator
  • Communications Guru

3. Make it easy for recruiters to contact you

Your header should make it easy for recruiters and hiring managers to get in touch with you. Include your email address and phone number, and consider adding your LinkedIn profile URL as well.

Here's an example of a header with all the essential contact information:

Jane Doe PR and Media Relations Specialist San Francisco, CA | [email protected] | 555-987-6543 |

Avoid making recruiters hunt for your contact information by burying it at the bottom of your resume or omitting it altogether. You want to make it as easy as possible for them to reach out to you.


A resume summary is an optional section that highlights your most relevant qualifications for the job you're applying for. While not required, it can be a powerful way to provide context about your experience and showcase how you're a strong fit for a communications role, especially if you're a career changer or experienced professional. However, avoid using an objective statement, as they are outdated and focus on your wants rather than how you can contribute to the company.

When writing your summary, focus on your unique value proposition and the specific skills and experiences that make you qualified for the role. Avoid repeating information that's already included elsewhere in your resume, and keep it concise – aim for a short paragraph no longer than 3-4 sentences. Here are some key tips to keep in mind:

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Communications resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Communications resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Communications Resume Summary Examples , or Communications Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the job description

One of the most important things to do when writing your resume summary is to customize it for each job you apply to. Carefully review the job description and identify the key skills, experiences, and qualifications the employer is looking for. Then, incorporate those keywords and phrases into your summary to show how you're a strong match.

For example, if a communications job description emphasizes social media marketing experience, you might write something like:

Skilled communications professional with 5+ years of experience driving successful social media campaigns across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Proven track record of increasing engagement by 30%+ and collaborating with cross-functional teams to support overall marketing goals.

In contrast, here's an example of a generic, less effective summary for a communications role:

Results-driven professional with 5+ years of experience seeking a challenging communications role. Proven skills in writing, editing, and project management.

2. Quantify your achievements with data

To make your resume summary more impactful, include specific, quantifiable achievements that demonstrate the value you've brought to previous roles. Metrics help provide concrete evidence of your abilities and give employers a sense of the results they can expect from you.

Some examples of data points you might highlight in a communications resume summary include:

  • Increased website traffic by 25% through targeted content strategy
  • Secured media placements in top-tier publications including Forbes and The New York Times
  • Managed $500K annual marketing budget

In contrast, here's an example of a summary that lacks specific achievements:

  • Experienced communications professional skilled in content creation and media relations
  • Team player with strong writing and editing abilities

Remember, whenever possible, use hard numbers and data to back up your claims and show the tangible results you've delivered.


Your work experience section is the core of your resume. It's where you prove that you have the skills and expertise to excel in the communications role you're applying for. In this section, we'll break down the key steps to write an effective work experience section that will impress hiring managers and help you land your next communications job.

1. Lead with your most impressive accomplishments

Start your work experience section with a strong opening by featuring your most impressive and relevant accomplishments at the top. This could be a major successful campaign you led, a high-impact project you completed, or an award you received.

Here's an example of how to lead with a strong accomplishment:

  • Spearheaded a multi-channel marketing campaign that increased brand awareness by 30% and generated 500+ qualified leads in 3 months

Avoid simply listing your day-to-day responsibilities or tasks, like this:

  • Responsible for creating content for social media channels
  • Wrote press releases and pitched to media outlets

2. Quantify your impact with metrics

When describing your accomplishments, use specific metrics and data to quantify your impact whenever possible. This helps hiring managers understand the scope and significance of your work. Here are some examples:

  • Grew social media followers from 5K to 50K in 6 months, resulting in a 200% increase in website traffic
  • Secured media placements in top-tier publications including Forbes, TechCrunch, and The Wall Street Journal, reaching an audience of over 10 million
  • Managed a team of 5 content writers and editors to produce 50+ blog posts and articles per month

If you don't have access to specific metrics, you can still use numbers to provide context, like this:

  • Wrote and distributed 3 press releases per week to a media list of 500+ contacts

3. Showcase your career progression

Hiring managers want to see that you've progressed and taken on more responsibility throughout your career. If you've been promoted or taken on leadership roles, make sure to highlight that in your work experience section.

Here's an example of how to showcase career growth:

Acme Inc. Senior Communications Manager (2018-Present) Communications Manager (2016-2018) - Led a team of 5 to develop and execute integrated communications strategies across PR, content, and social media - Managed a budget of $500K and consistently delivered campaigns under budget while exceeding KPIs Communications Specialist (2014-2016) - Wrote and pitched press releases, securing coverage in top industry publications - Supported the development and execution of communications plans for product launches and company announcements

4. Tailor your bullet points to the job description

To make your work experience section as relevant and impactful as possible, tailor your bullet points to the specific requirements and responsibilities listed in the job description. Mirror the language and keywords used in the posting.

For example, if the job description emphasizes 'crisis communication' and 'reputation management,' feature accomplishments like these:

  • Developed and executed crisis communication plans for high-profile product recalls, minimizing negative media coverage and maintaining brand reputation
  • Served as the company spokesperson for media inquiries related to sensitive issues, delivering clear and compelling statements to protect the company's reputation

Avoid generic bullet points that could apply to any communications role, like these:

  • Wrote press releases and media pitches
  • Managed social media accounts


Your education section shows hiring managers that you have the necessary knowledge and training for the communications role. It also gives them a sense of your career trajectory and goals. Here are some tips to help you write an effective education section on your communications resume.

1. Put your education section in the right place

The placement of your education section depends on where you are in your career. Follow these guidelines:

  • If you're a recent graduate or have limited work experience, put your education section above your work experience. This highlights your most relevant qualifications first.
  • If you have several years of relevant work experience, put your education below your work experience section. At this stage, your work accomplishments are more important than your educational background.

2. Include relevant coursework and academic achievements

If you're a recent graduate, you can boost your education section by including relevant coursework, projects, or academic achievements. This shows employers that you have specific skills and knowledge that apply to the communications role. For example:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communications, XYZ University, Graduated May 2022
  • Relevant Coursework: Public Relations, Digital Marketing, Journalism Ethics, Media Law
  • Dean's List, Fall 2020 & Spring 2021

However, if you have several years of work experience, it's best to keep your education section brief. Just list your degree, university, and graduation year:

  • Master of Science in Marketing Communications, ABC University, 2015

3. Strategically list your education if you're a senior-level professional

If you're a senior communications professional, you don't need to provide as much detail about your education. In fact, including the year you graduated can work against you by revealing your age. Here's an example of what not to include:

  • Bachelor of Arts in English, XYZ College, 1985

Instead, simply list your degree and university:

  • Bachelor of Arts in English, XYZ College

This keeps the focus on your impressive work accomplishments while still showing you have the necessary educational foundation.

4. Add certifications to your education section

In the communications field, professional certifications can carry a lot of weight. If you have a certification that's relevant to the role, add it to your education section. For example:

Master of Business Administration, DEF University Bachelor of Science in Public Relations, GHI College Accreditation in Public Relations (APR), Public Relations Society of America

This shows employers that you've gone above and beyond in your professional development and have specific skills in areas like public relations, social media marketing, or digital analytics.

Action Verbs For Communications Resumes

Each of your achievements and bullet points on your communications resume (in your work experience section) should start with an action verb. The action verbs here are examples of strong verbs you can use when writing your communications resume.

Notice how these particular action verbs are related to improving processes, undertaking new initiatives and growing business objectives. Don’t repeat action verbs more than twice on your resume - use different verbs to highlight different experiences.

Action Verbs for Communications

  • Spearheaded
  • Strengthened
  • Transformed

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Communications Resumes

Skills for communications resumes.

Even though communications is a diverse field with many career options and skillsets, there are several core skills that are required for success in almost any communications role.

It is important to research the role and include the skills that are relevant to the specific position you are applying to. This ensures your resume is well targeted, and gets past the screening stage.

To help you get started, here are some hard skills from communications job postings. You should aim to only include keywords that are relevant to the role. You can also add these to a Skills section on your resume. If you do this, remember to tailor your resume’s skills section to the specific job you apply to.

  • Strategic Communications
  • Internal Communications
  • Corporate Communications
  • Media Relations
  • Communication Training
  • Press Releases
  • Newsletters
  • Crisis Communications
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Program Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Public Policy
  • Event Management

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Communications Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

Skills Word Cloud For Communications Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Communications job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Communications Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other marketing resumes, change management.

A change communications manager resume sample that highlights the applicant's vast communications experience and educational background.

Marketing Manager

A resume for a product marketing manager with a master's degree in business and experience as a marketing coordinator.

  • Social Media Manager Resume Guide
  • Creative Director Resume Guide
  • Marketing Manager Resume Guide
  • Digital Marketing Resume Guide
  • Event Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Digital Media Resume Guide
  • Brand Manager Resume Guide

Communications Resume Guide

  • Content Creator Resume Guide
  • E-Commerce Resume Guide
  • Growth Marketing Resume Guide
  • Content Writer Resume Guide
  • Video Editor Resume Guide
  • Marketing Executive Resume Guide
  • VP of Marketing Resume Guide
  • Digital Strategist Resume Guide
  • Brand Ambassador Resume Guide
  • Technical Writer Resume Guide
  • SEO Resume Guide
  • Director of Marketing Resume Guide
  • Brand Strategist Resume Guide
  • Campaign Manager Resume Guide
  • Communications Director Resume Example
  • Communications Manager Resume Example
  • Communications Specialist Resume Example
  • Entry Level Communications Resume Example
  • Communications Coordinator Resume Example
  • Press Secretary Resume Example
  • Public Relations Manager Resume Example
  • Tips for Communications Resumes
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10 Good Communication Skills In The Workplace (Guide 2024)

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Effective communication skills are essential in the modern workplace, regardless of your job level or industry. The ability to communicate information clearly, concisely and with impact can make the difference between success and failure.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 10 key communication skills that can help you excel in your career. We’ll also discuss why communication skills are so important, the different types of communication, and how to highlight your communication abilities on your CV and in job interviews.

Why Communication Skills Are Important in the Workplace

Communication is one of the most sought-after skills by employers today. Strong communication abilities allow you to:

  • Convey information, instructions and ideas effectively
  • Build positive relationships with colleagues, managers and clients
  • Collaborate productively on projects and solve problems efficiently
  • Negotiate, persuade and influence others
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Advance your career through effective self-promotion

When communication breaks down in the workplace, it can lead to misunderstandings, reduced productivity, low morale and even conflict. That’s why honing your communication skills is so crucial, no matter what your role or industry.

The 4 Types of Communication Skills

Effective communication is multi-faceted, involving a range of verbal, nonverbal, written and visual skills. The four main types of communication skills are:

Mastering each of these four communication skill types is essential for thriving in the modern workplace.

10 Good Communication Skills Examples for 2024

Here are 10 key communication skills that can help you excel in your career:

Developing these 10 communication skills takes time and practice, but the payoff can be significant for your career success. Regularly assess your communication strengths and weaknesses, and seek out opportunities to improve.

Which Jobs Require Strong Communication Skills?

Communication skills are crucial in virtually every job and industry. Some roles where excellent communication abilities are particularly important include:

  • Customer service and sales positions
  • Management and leadership roles
  • Consultancy and advisory roles
  • Public relations and marketing roles
  • Teaching, training and coaching roles
  • Creative roles like writing, journalism and public speaking

Even for highly technical or specialized jobs, the ability to communicate complex information in a clear and engaging way is invaluable. Strong communication skills can help you excel in your current role and open doors to new career opportunities.

Emphasizing Communication Skills on Your CV and in Interviews

When applying for jobs, it’s important to highlight your communication skills throughout your CV and in job interviews. Here are some tips:

On Your CV:

  • Include communication-focused achievements and responsibilities in your work history
  • Showcase written communication skills through well-structured, error-free writing
  • List relevant communication-related skills and training (e.g. public speaking, negotiation, active listening)
  • Provide examples of how you’ve used communication skills to benefit your employer

In Interviews:

  • Prepare examples of times you’ve demonstrated strong communication abilities
  • Use confident, clear and friendly body language and tone of voice
  • Listen carefully to questions and respond concisely and directly
  • Ask thoughtful questions that show your engagement and communication skills
  • Emphasize your ability to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders

By emphasizing your communication prowess, you can demonstrate to employers that you have the essential skills to succeed in the role and contribute to the organization.

Effective communication skills are vital for career success in the modern workplace. By mastering the 10 communication skills outlined in this guide – including emotional intelligence, clarity, friendliness, confidence, empathy and more – you can set yourself up for professional advancement.

Remember that communication is a multi-faceted skill that can always be improved through regular practice and self-reflection. Consider taking a career test or psychometric test to better understand your communication strengths and development areas.

With commitment and the right strategies, you can become an exceptional communicator and unlock new opportunities for growth and success in your career.

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Taking a flight to search for jobs in this highly competitive job market, a strong resume is your passport to job opportunities. But what makes a resume stand out from the crowd? It’s the skills that you build over time that make you a valuable asset to your potential employer. Whether you are a professional with years of experience or a fresher looking to start your career journey, knowing the art of selecting the right job skills is paramount.

This blog will take you on a journey to discover the 15 best skills to put on a resume. These skills are divided into soft skills and hard skills, along with examples that reflect your character and technical expertise. Let’s board on this flight of secrets to creating a winning resume that captures attention and swiftly lands the job of your dreams!

On a resume, hard skills are technical abilities or industry-specific skills that require knowledge and qualifications. These skills are typically quantifiable and can be learned through training, education, and work experience. For example, programming languages, data analysis, coding, and project management.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are personal skills and qualities that do not require training. These are character traits and creative abilities of an individual that come naturally and help you adapt to a workplace. For example, communication, teamwork, and time management.

While hard skills demonstrate technical expertise and soft skills highlight your interpersonal strengths, both are important skills to include on a resume. These key skills are essential for achieving professional success and should be strategically incorporated into your resume to demonstrate that you are a capable and well-rounded candidate.

Read More: How to Write a Good Resume Objective? (With 10+ Samples)

  • Soft Skills Example – Best Soft Skills to Put on Your Resume

Soft Skills Example - Best Soft Skills to Put on Your Resume

Effective communication is an important skill in any workplace to convey ideas clearly and collaborate with others effectively. This is a must-have skill for a job at all levels.

Leadership qualities help you foster a positive environment in a workplace. This skill set involves guiding and motivating a team to achieve common goals resulting in increased team productivity.

Time management is a very important skill to have in the workplace. This job skill is an ability to prioritize and use time efficiently to meet specific deadlines and complete tasks to achieve goals. This skill helps you plan your work accordingly and to stay productive throughout the process. 

Problem-solving involves critical thinking, identifying problems and complex issues analyzing them, and implementing innovative solutions to overcome those challenges. 

Adaptability is a great skill to possess. It’s an ability to adjust and adapt to new situations, tasks, and work environments. Adding this skill to your resume will help your employer know that you can navigate between different projects and industries and that you can fit well with the workspace and culture.

This is a great skill to put on a resume. Employers are always on the lookout for a candidate who is an amazing team player. Teamwork involves collaborating with the team to achieve common goals and projects. A team player helps build a supportive work environment through active participation and idea-sharing.

Giving out quality work is a required skill at any job. Attention to detail involves thoroughness and accuracy in tasks to ensure quality outcomes are achieved. 

An organization hunts for candidates who think out of the box, and can bring innovative ideas and creative solutions to the table, and therefore is a good skill to list on your resume.

Organizational skills are the ability to multitask and manage competing priorities effectively, resulting in streamlined workflows and increased productivity.

  • Hard Skills Examples – Best Hard Skills to Put on Your Resume

Hard Skills Examples - Best Hard Skills to Put on Your Resume

Being well-versed with a diverse range of technical tools and software adds significant value and strength to your resume. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, and project management platforms such as Asana and Trello are just a few examples of essential technical skills. These tools can help you work more efficiently and show that you can easily adjust to different technology setups.

Employers seek candidates who possess a solid aptitude for analyzing data metrics, recognizing industry trends, and discovering patterns and insights that guide business choices. Having expertise in data analysis tools and methodologies is an extremely valuable hard skill to showcase on your resume.

Project management is a hard skill that allows you to plan, implement, and manage projects from start to finish, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget. Showcasing this skill on your resume proves your capability to manage complicated tasks, collaborate with colleagues, and juggle various projects simultaneously.

If you like attracting customers and promoting products and services then marketing strategy is the best skill to put on a resume.

If you are proficient in programming languages such as Python, java, and C++ and possess experience in developing software applications and websites then adding this hard skill to your resume can significantly enhance your candidacy.

Knowing multiple languages like English, Spanish, German, or any other Indian regional language shows that you are culturally aware, adaptable, and can connect with people from various backgrounds. Being fluent in different languages can be advantageous in the business world.

Now that you’ve had a quick look at these resume skills, it’s time to customize your resume to match the job you’re applying for. By incorporating these skills effectively, you can boost your chances of landing your dream job. Make sure to showcase your top skills and accomplishments to stand out as a top candidate in the eyes of recruiters.

Read More: Resume Headline For Freshers: 30+ Examples and Tips

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6 Negotiation Skills All Professionals Can Benefit From

Two business professionals shaking hands during a negotiation

  • 11 May 2023

As a business professional, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll need to participate in negotiations, regardless of your job title or industry. Chances are you already participate in them more often than you realize.

Negotiating a job offer, asking for a raise , making the case for a budget increase, buying and selling property , and closing a sale are just a few examples of the deals you might be involved in.

You likely flex your negotiation skills in your personal life, too, making it crucial to become a skilled negotiator in all areas of life.

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If you want to strike effective deals and improve the outcomes of future negotiations, you need an arsenal of skills. Investing time and energy into developing them and learning the negotiation process can prepare you to maximize value at the bargaining table.

“Enhancing your negotiation skills has an enormous payoff,” says Harvard Business School Professor Michael Wheeler in the online course Negotiation Mastery . “It allows you to reach agreements that might otherwise slip through your fingers. It allows you to expand the pie—create value—so you get more benefits from the agreements that you do reach. It also, in some cases, allows you to resolve small differences before they escalate into big conflicts.”

Here are six essential negotiation skills and ways to develop your knowledge and confidence.

Check out our video on negotiation skills below, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more explainer content!

Negotiation Skills

1. communication.

To achieve your ideal outcome at the bargaining table, it’s essential to clearly communicate what you’re hoping to walk away with and where your boundaries lie.

Effective negotiators develop communication skills that allow them to engage in civil discussion and work toward an agreeable solution.

Deal-making requires give and take; it’s critical to articulate your thoughts and actively listen to others’ ideas and needs. Not doing so can cause you to overlook key components of negotiations and leave them dissatisfied.

2. Emotional Intelligence

For better or worse, emotions play a role in negotiation, and you can use them to your advantage.

For example, positive emotions can increase feelings of trust at the bargaining table. Similarly, you can channel anxiety or nervousness into excitement.

You need a high degree of emotional intelligence to read other parties’ emotions. This can enable you to pick up on what they’re implying rather than explicitly stating and advantageously manage and use your emotions.

Related: The Impact of Emotions in Negotiation

3. Planning

Planning ahead with a clear idea of what you hope to achieve and where your boundaries lie is essential to any negotiation. Without adequate preparation, you can overlook important terms of your deal or alternative solutions.

First, consider the zone of possible agreement (ZOPA) . Sometimes called the bargaining zone, ZOPA is the range in which you and other parties can find common ground. A positive bargaining zone exists when the terms you’re willing to agree to overlap. A negative one exists when they don’t.

Next, it’s beneficial to understand your best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA). If your discussion lands in a negative bargaining zone, your BATNA is the course of action you’ll take if the negotiation is unsuccessful. Knowing your BATNA can ensure you have a backup plan if you can’t reach an agreement. It can also help you avoid leaving the table empty-handed.

Negotiation Mastery | Earn your seat at the negotiation table | Learn More

4. Value Creation

Value creation is one of the key skills you should add to your negotiation toolkit.

To illustrate its importance, consider this analogy: When participating in a negotiation, you and the other parties typically try to obtain the biggest “slice of the pie” possible. Vying to maximize your slice inherently means someone will get a smaller piece.

To avoid this, shift your goals from growing your slice to expanding the whole pie. The benefits of doing so are twofold: First, you can realize greater value; second, you can establish a sense of rapport and trust that benefits future discussions.

5. Strategy

In addition to thorough preparation and the ability to create value, you need a clear understanding of effective negotiation tactics . By knowing what works and what doesn’t, you can tailor your strategy for every negotiation.

To develop a strong negotiation strategy , take the following steps:

  • Define your role
  • Understand your value
  • Consider your counterpart’s vantage point
  • Check in with yourself

Graphic showing the four steps to develop a negotiation strategy: define your role, understand your value, consider your counterpart's vantage point, and check in with yourself

Following this process can enable you to formulate a clear plan for the bargaining table. By understanding the roles of those involved, the value they offer, and their advantages, you can work toward a common goal. Checking in with yourself throughout the negotiation can also ensure you stay on the path to success.

6. Reflection

Finally, to round out your negotiation skills and develop your proficiency, reflect on past negotiations and identify areas for improvement.

After each negotiation—successful or not—think about what went well and what could have gone better. Doing so can allow you to evaluate the tactics that worked in your favor and those that fell short.

Next, identify areas you want to work on and create a plan of action. For example, if you had trouble aligning your goals with your counterpart’s, review concepts like ZOPA and BATNA. If your negotiations often leave you dissatisfied, learn new ways to create value.

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How to Negotiate Professionally

No matter your strengths and weaknesses, practice is a surefire way to develop your skills. The more you negotiate, the more prepared you’ll be in the future.

Structured learning opportunities can be highly beneficial. Negotiation books and articles are effective starting points for learning deal-making basics. Those that explore real-life examples of successful negotiations can provide perspective on how others navigated difficult discussions and approached conflict resolution.

Another option is to take an online course, such as Negotiation Mastery . In addition to learning from real experts—including public officials, executives, and military officers—you can participate in interactive negotiation simulations that allow you to apply your knowledge and develop your skills. You can also gain insight into negotiation’s emotional aspects and learn how to conduct an after-action review to inform future dealings.

Do you want to hone your bargaining skills? Explore our online course Negotiation Mastery and download our free leadership e-book to discover how you can become a more effective deal-maker.

This post was updated and republished on May 11, 2023. It was originally published on Sept. 2, 2021.

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10 Key Communication Sales Skills to Perfect Your Pitch


Mastering sales communication skills is essential for sales success. Not only for your business but also for your career development. This article examines 10 sales communication skills to help you become a better sales communicator. Read on to learn more.

What is Sales Communication?

Sales communication is the art of conveying information, building rapport, and influencing others to buy. Effective sales communication involves clarity, persuasion, and empathy to connect with customers on a deeper level. It also means navigating various communication channels and adapting your approach to suit different audiences. A masterful sales communicator can read the room, gauge the prospect’s preferences, and tailor the message accordingly.

The Importance of Effective Sales Communication

Mastering sales communication skills is a vital skill that has numerous benefits. It allows you to forge genuine connections and nurture relationships with clients while building trust and rapport through long-term partnerships that enable you to secure repeat business.

It also allows you to effectively convey the value proposition of your product or service, and whether highlighting unique features, addressing pain points, or conveying benefits, clear and compelling communication can sway buying decisions in your favor.

good in communication skills in resume

In short, boosting your sales communication pitch can allow you to:

Develop strong relationships and build trust with prospects.

Articulate the unique value proposition of your product or service effectively.

Market your offering compellingly and memorably.

Explain complex features clearly and understandably.

Listen actively to understand the needs and concerns of prospects.

Persistently engage with prospects without being pushy.

Utilize language and tone across various channels to convey your message persuasively.

Adapt your approach to suit different audiences and contexts.

10 Sales Communication Skills to Master

Active Listening — Pay full attention to what your customer or prospect is saying. Take the time to understand their needs and respond appropriately. This demonstrates empathy and builds trust.

Reading Nonverbal Cues — Observe body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to get valuable insights into the prospect’s thoughts and emotions. The same can be achieved through email, although it’s important to be careful when reading between the lines within written communication.

Controlling Body Language — By projecting confidence, openness, and enthusiasm through gestures, posture, and facial expressions, you can enhance your credibility and influence.

Mastering the Subject Matter — Deep knowledge about your product, industry trends, and competitive landscape helps build confidence in your expertise and allows you to address customer queries effectively.

Being Persistent but Not Annoying — It’s crucial to strike the right balance between persistence and respecting boundaries. This ensures your product or service remains top-of-mind without alienating prospects.

Using Correct Email Etiquette — Craft concise, personalized emails with proper formatting, grammar, and tone that leave a positive impression and improve response rates.

Choosing the Right Communication Channel — Adapt your communication style to the preferences of your audience, whether it’s messaging, phone calls, or video conferencing, to enhance engagement and receptivity.

Talking in Specifics and Keeping Focus — Provide concrete examples, data, and solutions tailored to the customer or prospect’s needs to ensure the conversation remains relevant and impactful.

Authenticity and Honesty — Build trust through transparency, sincerity, and integrity to establish a solid foundation for fruitful relationships.

Showing Enthusiasm — Convey genuine excitement and passion for your product or service. This captivates your audience’s attention and can be highly infectious.

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Mastering the art of sales communication and improving your pitch are surefire ways to boost sales and engagement, and ensuring you are both knowledgeable and passionate about your product or service are good places to start.

However, through active listening, the right levels of persistence, and the correct use of language and tone across multiple channels, you can take your sales pitch to the next level.

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Spike Teamspace gives you the tools to effortlessly schedule meetings, collaborate on documents, and conduct video conferences across a unified platform that balances the best of email with the speed of instant messaging. Featuring an integrated calendar for smooth coordination and scheduling, alongside shared inboxes and our Magic AI, sales teams can close deals faster and more efficiently. Explore Spike’s collaborative tools today to give your sales team the boost it needs.


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6 tips to level up your resume as a fresher

F reshers won’t have any work experience to show, but they can still capture the attention of recruiters by showcasing their skills and expertise in certain ways.

Experts say freshers should take special care to highlight their achievements and skills as they won’t have a body of work or experience to speak for them. Agrawal, founder and CEO of Internshala, an internship and online training platform, says there are some effective ways in which freshers can smartly plan their resumes to successfully land their first job.

1) Tailor your resume to each job and organisation In today’s competitive world, standing out among your peers while applying for a job is crucial. One important step to take is to understand the job requirements well and do a thorough research about the organisation concerned. This would help you create a customised resume for each job opportunity you are applying to. This also goes a long way in showing the recruiter your keenness in joining the organisation.

2) Highlight relevant skills in your application As an extension to customising your resume, it is quintessential that you showcase both your soft skills and relevant hard skills/job-specific skills. While hard skills are highly necessary for each job, soft skills are equally important. Oftentimes, most applicants for a job would have a similar set of hard skills. In such cases, your soft skills can make you stand out.

In fact, in today’s time of AI penetration across industries, employers are putting a greater emphasis on a candidate’s soft skills while evaluating them for a job. Fresh graduates must work especially hard on building such skills.

Here are some of the key soft skills employers are looking for in the post-pandemic world:

(a) Ownership Skills: Having high ownership skills is crucial for interns/entry-level applicants to take responsibility, stay motivated and complete their work efficiently

(b) Tech Savviness: Working remotely relies heavily on technology for internal communication, client outreach, project collaboration, virtual meetings and more. Being tech-savvy is a key attribute for professionals adapting to this digital work environment

(c) Agility: The dynamic nature of recent times, particularly influenced by events like the pandemic, underscores the importance of agility. Professionals need to be adaptable to changing circumstances, such as the shift from office to remote work, and the ease of this transition often depends on their agility

(d) Communication Skills: Effective verbal as well as written communication is crucial for remote work as it is conducted through emails, video conferencing and phone calls. Clear and polite communication is especially of utmost importance in a virtual setting where conveying ideas and inputs may pose a challenge

(e) Time Management: With distractions prevalent in a home-based work environment, interns need strong time management skills. This includes completing tasks promptly, attending meetings punctually, and respecting both their own and others’ time

(f) Creativity: Virtual work often demands creative thinking for adaptation. Interns may need to creatively use virtual means such as emails and phone calls to implement their client outreach strategies

3) Emphasise on internship experiences and relevant projects Even while hiring for entry-level positions, recruiters are often looking for some practical exposure and work experience in a candidate’s application. So internship experience and projects play a critical role in presenting your candidature for a job opportunity.

Internships and relevant real-world projects have the potential to validate your skill sets. It shows that you have professional exposure and hands-on experience, and gives the recruiters confidence in your competency for the said job.

4) Demonstrate quantifiable achievements While adding an internship experience or an academic project to your application, make sure to highlight the responsibilities you have held and the impact you were able to make while working on the same. Wherever applicable, make use of numbers to quantify your achievements during these stints. Mentioning quantifiable achievements is a concrete and measurable way to showcase the impact you made through the projects and during internships. For instance, if you did a blogging internship, you could mention the number of blogs written and the amount of traffic generated on the blog through your contribution. Similarly, if interned in the sales field, you could mention the number of sales made during a specific time period.

5) Showcase your zeal for continuous learning Change and growth are continuous today due to the rapid technological advancements. In order to survive and thrive in the dynamic professional world, you must be enthusiastic to inculcate the habit of continuous and lifelong learning. Recruiters understand this and are always on the lookout for candidates who are committed to staying current in their fields. Here, highlighting your enthusiasm to learn the latest technologies and work practices could certainly give you an edge over your competitors. To do so, you can mention any certifications you have done, or workshops attended to stay up to date with the latest advancements in your field.

6) Build a professional online presence Having a professional online presence would include keeping your LinkedIn profile up-to-date and aligned with your resume. LinkedIn profiles have become a go-to step for many recruiters while they are initially evaluating a candidate for a job role at their organisation. Make sure that you have added all your relevant projects, internship experiences, academic achievements, certifications, and skills on your LinkedIn profile along with a compelling summary talking about your professional aspirations and objectives.

In addition to LinkedIn, other online platforms for specific job roles need to stay updated. For instance, while hiring for a graphic designer role, employers would be interested in taking a look at your Behance (social media platform owned by Adobe) profile. Similarly, for a programming role, they would be keen on seeing an updated GitHub (code hosting platform for collaboration and version control) profile.

For more news like this visit The Economic Times .

6 tips to level up your resume as a fresher


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  4. How To Practice For Good Communication Skills Part 1

  5. Resume Simple Format Style #viral #trending #resume #interview @Crazypilla

  6. Communication Skills Lecture by Umar Tabrez Shami—Resume Writing—1


  1. 11 Best Communication Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

    However, these 11 skills are among the most sought-after that employers are looking for in job candidates. 1. Active listening. Active listening is a prized communication skill. This ability goes well beyond simply hearing what others say, and instead involves the ability to actively understand their message.

  2. 10 Top Communication Skills To Add to Your Resume

    Here are 10 ways to highlight communication skills in your resume: 1. Writing Whether the job requires you to write reports, create advertising copy or send effective emails, strong writing skills are important for many positions. When listing writing skills on your resume, consider getting specific by including terms like copywriting or report ...

  3. How To Highlight Communication Skills in a Resume

    2. Choose your most relevant communication skills. Since you only need to list your most marketable skills on a resume, choose the abilities you believe best showcase your expertise. Base your choices specifically on the job qualifications listed in the description for the position you're pursuing. 3.

  4. 60+ Communication Skills Employers Want to See

    Here's how to put communication skills on a resume like a professional: 1. Give examples of effective communication. The most effective way to describe communication skills on your resume is by highlighting them in your experience section. This gives you a chance to describe how your communication skills have helped you succeed in the workplace.

  5. Communication Skills: Examples for Resume + How to Improve

    Good communication skills usually involve: Absorbing, sharing, and understanding the information presented. Communicating (whether by pen, mouth, etc.) in a way that others grasp. Respecting others' points of view through engagement and interest. Using relevant knowledge, know-how, and skills to explain and clarify thoughts and ideas.

  6. Communication Skills on a Resume (Examples + Tips)

    4. Written communication. Written communication is a vital skill for writers, marketers, office staff, and many other workers. While your whole resume serves as a testament to your writing ability, you can give more weight to your writing skills by mentioning how they've helped you succeed professionally. For example:

  7. Communication Skills for a Resume: Examples & Definition

    Communication Skills in a Resume Summary Good example Self-motivated and open-minded fashion sales associate with 4+ years of professional experience selling women's designer handbags, clothes, shoes and jewelry while providing exemplary customer service and building strong clientele relationships .

  8. Top 10 Communication Skills for a Resume ( + 75 Examples)

    Oral communication (e.g., speaking or singing) Non-verbal (e.g., body language or dance) Written (e.g., emails, articles or books) Communication skills include: Understanding, sharing and broadcasting information. Expressing yourself in a way that others can understand. Showing respect and awareness for those around you.

  9. 30 Effective Communication Skills to Include in a Resume

    This skill is especially useful in sales, marketing, and advertising. Having persuasive skills can help you close more deals, generate leads, and create compelling marketing campaigns. 5. Confidence. Confidence is a vital component of effective verbal communication.

  10. Over 20 Effective Communication Skills (Good for a Resume)

    Make eye contact and sit up straight to convey your interest and professionalism. Positive tone and attitude: Be mindful of the way you're speaking and how you describe past experiences. Keep things positive even when speaking about challenging subjects. Verbal communication: Speak clearly and confidently.

  11. 50 Inspiring Examples for 7 Communication Skills for a Resume

    Here are some top skills to consider and examples of how to showcase them on your resume. Active Listening: Demonstrate your ability to be receptive and engage in the conversation. For example: Successfully facilitated team meetings by actively listening to colleagues and providing constructive feedback. Verbal Communication: Showcase your ...

  12. Communication skills: How to demonstrate them on your resume

    Articulation: The ability to express yourself clearly and succinctly. Tone and pitch: How the variation in your voice can change the meaning of a sentence. Pacing: The speed at which you speak can impact how your message is received. Vocabulary: The words you use can either enhance or diminish your message.

  13. Communication Skills on Resume: What Do Recruiters Look For?

    Negotiating. Teamwork and relationship building. Sales and pitching. Business writing. Social media. Visual communication. Marketing copy. Giving and accepting feedback. If you're looking to get more specific, check out our list of skills and keywords, broken down by your industry and job title.

  14. The Top 5 Communication Skills To Include On Your Resume

    The term "communication skills" is an umbrella phrase that covers a wide range of abilities, from verbal to nonverbal communication. Some of the most common communication skills include: Active listening. Clear and concise writing. Public speaking. Persuasion/negotiation.

  15. 10 Communication Skills for Your Life and Career Success

    Here are a few ways you can highlight your communication skills in your resume, cover letter and job interview: Communication skills on your resume A well-written resume is itself a demonstration of strong communication skills. Ensure that your resume has n effective and professional structure and is free of spelling and grammatical errors.

  16. 10 Communication Skills for Your Resume

    Communication skills go beyond just being able to speak and write effectively. They also include active listening, persuasion and the ability to adapt your communication style to different ...

  17. How to list communication skills and examples on a resumé

    Interpersonal communication: this could include day-to-day collaboration and teamwork, conflict resolution, serving customers, mediating, etc. Empathy, active listening and non-verbal communication: these could be important skills to list for roles in social and public services, teaching and healthcare, etc.

  18. 6 Tips to Show Communication Skills on Your Resume

    Add testimonials or endorsements. 5. Showcase your portfolio or samples. 6. Highlight your certifications or training. Be the first to add your personal experience. 7. Here's what else to ...

  19. Mastering Communication Skills Resume:Strategies & Examples

    These skills extend beyond mere verbal and written proficiency, including the art of listening, the subtleties of non-verbal cues, and the clarity of visual aids. Each of these components plays a unique role in effective communication, crucial for everything from casual workplace conversations to formal client presentations.

  20. Top Communication Skills For A Resume (With Examples)

    Here are two examples of resumes that show communication skills in detail for prospective employers: Example 1: Communications major resume Rajiv Raj Chandigarh 9876543210 [email protected] SUMMARY Communications major with broadcasting experience ready to present engaging news segments and collaborate with other news professionals by working on ...

  21. How to Describe Your Communication Skills on a Resume

    Include all the types of communication skills you possess on your list, such as written communication skills, presentation and public speaking skills, active listening and negotiation skills. Related: How to Improve Communication Skills (With Definition and Examples) 2. Choose the relevant communication skills.

  22. 10 Other Ways to Say "Good Communication Skills" on Your Resume (with

    What to Say Instead of "Good Communication Skills" on a Resume or CV. Articulate and persuasive communicator. Masterful storyteller and presenter. Adaptable communicator, tailoring messages for diverse audiences. Collaborative communicator, building strong relationships and fostering teamwork. Active listener and constructive feedback provider.

  23. 10 Communications Resume Examples for 2024

    The resume below is an effective example of a mid-career communications professional highlighting their experience. Buy Template (Word + Google Docs) ... Digital communication skills are in high demand, so it's essential to have a good grasp of social media trends and SEO practices. When drafting your resume, remember that it's all about ...

  24. 8 Communication Skills for a Resume and How to Include Them

    8. Motivation. Motivational skills can help a person engage a team or their colleagues to work towards a common goal. Being able to motivate a person is a communication skill as it can involve determining what can encourage them to complete a project and connecting this to specific work they can do.

  25. 10 Good Communication Skills In The Workplace (Guide 2024)

    The 4 Types of Communication Skills. Effective communication is multi-faceted, involving a range of verbal, nonverbal, written and visual skills. The four main types of communication skills are: Verbal Communication Skills: The ability to speak clearly, confidently and appropriately in conversations, presentations, negotiations and other ...

  26. 15 Best Skills to Put on a Resume

    Read More: How to Write a Good Resume Objective? (With 10+ Samples) Soft Skills Example - Best Soft Skills to Put on Your Resume Communication Skills. Effective communication is an important skill in any workplace to convey ideas clearly and collaborate with others effectively. This is a must-have skill for a job at all levels.

  27. 6 Negotiation Skills All Professionals Can Benefit From

    Negotiation Skills 1. Communication. To achieve your ideal outcome at the bargaining table, it's essential to clearly communicate what you're hoping to walk away with and where your boundaries lie. Effective negotiators develop communication skills that allow them to engage in civil discussion and work toward an agreeable solution.

  28. It's Always A Good Time To Rewrite Your Resume

    "For example, maybe a high school job taught you communication or technology skills." In terms of page count, don'texceed two pages. For an entry-level position, a one-page resume that gets to the point can make a good first impression. If you're looking to move into a new field or you're applying for a more advanced position, an ...

  29. X Sales Communication Skills to Improve Your Pitch

    10 Sales Communication Skills to Master. Active Listening — Pay full attention to what your customer or prospect is saying. Take the time to understand their needs and respond appropriately. This demonstrates empathy and builds trust. Reading Nonverbal Cues — Observe body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to get valuable ...

  30. 6 tips to level up your resume as a fresher

    Here are some of the key soft skills employers are looking for in the post-pandemic world: (a) Ownership Skills: Having high ownership skills is crucial for interns/entry-level applicants to take ...