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Top 50+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers [2024]

DevOps, which stands for Development and Operations, has revolutionized the way software products are developed and distributed. The DevOps methodology focuses on providing frequent smaller upgrades rather than rare big feature sets.

IT operations benefit from DevOps. Before the advent of DevOps, several concerns remained intrinsic to the IT team. That changed with the entry of DevOps, which allows the IT operations to share these concerns with the rest of the organization resulting in enhanced transparency and better coordination.

Here, we list the top interview questions and answers for a DevOps-based role. We've divided the questions into basic DevOps interview questions and advanced DevOps interview questions.

  • Top DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development practice where development and IT operations are combined from the initial point of designing a product to deployment in the markets.

2. What is the basic premise of DevOps?

DevOps is a cultural shift wherein collaboration and operation teams work together throughout the product or service life cycle. The idea is to help get products out faster and allow for easier maintenance.

3. Which methodology is DevOps related to?

DevOps is related to Agile methodology.

4. What are the main priorities of DevOps?

The priorities in DevOps include resource management, teamwork, and communication.

5. What are the benefits of DevOps?

The varied benefits of DevOps include innovation, stability, functionality, and speed.

6. What are the different phases in DevOps?

DevOps is usually classified into 6 phases. However, phases are not separated by hard boundaries, and no phase begins even if the previous one has ended completely.

devops is usually classified into 6 phases

1. Planning

Planning and software development is the first phase of the DevOps lifecycle. This phase involves understanding the project properly for the ultimate work goal of its participants.

2. Development

In this phase, the project gets built by designing infrastructure, writing codes, defining tests, or by automation process.

3. Continuous Integration

This phase automates the mechanism of validation and testing. This has a unique feature that ensures the development environment is properly and then published in a service that integrates it with the remaining applications.

4. Automated Deployment

DevOps stimulates the automation of deployments by tools and scripts with the ultimate goal of solving the whole process with the activation of a feature.

5. Operations

Usually, all operations related to DevOps happen continuously throughout the life of software, as there is a dynamic change in the infrastructure. This phase provides opportunities for transformation, availability, and scalability.

6. Monitoring

This phase is a permanent phase of the DevOps process. DevOps monitors and analyzes information that displays the current status of the application.

7. Why has DevOps gained popularity over the past few years?

DevOps is in great demand in the current industry and many businesses are eagerly investing in DevOps talent. Major companies such as Facebook and Netflix are investing their money and time in DevOps for automation and speeding up application deployment.

DevOps implementation has given provable results in businesses that contend higher efficiency, with its new technology standards; tech workers can implement codes faster than ever before, and with fewer errors.

8. What are Ansible and Puppet?

Puppet and Ansible are the tools that are used for managing a large number of servers. These are also called Remote Execution and Configuration Management tools, and it allows the admin to perform or execute the commands on many servers simultaneously. Its main feature is generally to maintain and configure thousands of servers at a single time.

9. What are the benefits of using the Version Control System (VCS)?

The key benefits of Version Control are as follows:

  • With the Version Control System (VCS), all the workers are allowed to access the file freely at any time. It also allows merging all the changes that are made in a common version.
  • It is designed to help multiple people collaboratively edit text files, which makes sharing comparatively easy between multiple computers.
  • It is important for documents that require a lot of redrafting and revision as they provide an audit trail for redrafting and updating final versions.
  • It permits all the team members to have access to the complete history of the project so that in case of any breakdown in the central server, we can use any teammate's storehouse.
  • All the previous versions and variants are smartly packed up inside the VCS. Any version is requested at any time to get information about the previous complete projects.

10. What are the different components of Selenium?

Selenium is an open-source tool that is used for automating different web applications. It has mainly four major components that help to run multiple test cases and provides services for using various browsers and languages for automation. The components of Selenium are as follows:

1. Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is one of the simplest frameworks in the selenium suite. It has an easy record and playback function, which helps in figuring out the tool that provides easy learning.

2. Selenium RC

Selenium RC (Remote Control) is a tool that helps in understanding test scripts and providing support for different programming languages like Ruby, PHP, Java, etc.

3. Selenium WebDriver

This is mainly an extension of selenium RC, but it supports all the latest browsers and many platforms. It is created to support vital web pages in which elements present on the page can change without reloading the page, and it directly calls the browser for automation.

4. Selenium GRID

Selenium GRID is a tool that runs multiple test cases against different browsers and machines in parallel. Several nodes are not fixed in the grid, and it can be launched on various browsers and platforms. It is used together with Selenium RC.

11. What is the purpose of configuration management in DevOps?

Configuration management helps automate tasks that are otherwise time-consuming and tedious and enhances an organization's agility. It brings consistency and improves the process of a product/service by streamlining design, documentation, control, and implementation of changes during various phases of the project.

12. What is the purpose of AWS in DevOps?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) services support the automation of manual tasks and processes that help developers build applications faster and more efficiently. These processes can be deployment, development, test workflows, configuration management, and container management.

13. What is the difference between a centralized and distributed version control system (VCS)?

In a centralized repository system, the repository is located in a central location, and clients access this system when they need something. In such a version control system, the repository is always updated with the latest changes as the changes are directly committed to the central system; therefore, all the clients always have access to the latest code. CVS and SVN are examples of centralized VCS.

In a distributed VCS, everyone in the team has their repository, which is a mirror of the central repository. It provides flexibility, as one can work offline. Only when the changes have to be committed to the central system, do you need to be online. This makes distributed VCS faster. Git and Mercurial are distributed VCS.

14. What are the differences between git pull and git fetch?

15. what is git stash.

Git stash command is used to save the changes temporarily in the working directory. This gives developers a clean directory to work on. They can later merge the changes in the git workflow. If this command is used, the changes in the tracked files are merged in the working directory. Git stash command can be used many times in the git directory.

16. What is a merge conflict in Git, and how can it be resolved?

Merge conflicts occur when changes are made to a single file by multiple people at the same time. 

Due to this, Git won't be able to tell which of the multiple versions is the correct version. 

To resolve the conflicts, we should create a new Git repo, add a file, create a branch, make the edits and commit the changes. 

The next step is to merge the new branch into the master. Once this is done, Git clearly shows the differences in the different versions of the file and where the edits need to be made to remove the conflicts.

17. What are the fundamental differences between DevOps and Agile?

Although DevOps shares some similarities with the Agile methodology, which is one of the most popular SDLC methodologies , both are fundamentally different approaches to software development. 

agile methodology

The following are the various fundamental differences between the two:

  • Agile Approach: The agile approach is only meant for development in Agile while the agile approach is meant for both development and operations in DevOps.
  • Practices and Processes: While agile involves practices such as Agile Scrum and Agile Kanban, DevOps involves processes such as CD (Continuous Delivery), CI (Continuous Integration), and CT (Continuous Testing).
  • Priority: Agile prioritizes timeliness whereas DevOps gives equal priority to timeliness and quality.
  • Release Cycles: DevOps offers smaller release cycles with immediate feedback while Agile offers only smaller release cycles without immediate feedback.
  • Feedback Source: Agile relies on feedback from customers while feedback from self (monitoring tools) is involved in DevOps.
  • Scope of Work: For Agile, the scope of work is agility only but for DevOps, it is agility and the need for automation.

18. Why do we need DevOps?

Organizations these days are trying to transport small features to customers via a series of release trains instead of releasing big feature sets. There are several benefits of doing so, including better software quality and quick customer feedback.

With the adoption of DevOps methodology, organizations are able to accomplish tens to thousands of deployments in a single day. Moreover, doing so while offering first-rate reliability, security, and stability.

DevOps helps in fulfilling all these requirements and thus, achieving seamless software delivery. Full-fledged organizations like Amazon, Etsy, and Google have adopted DevOps methodology resulting in achieving performance levels that were previously uncharted.

19. What are the important business and technical benefits of using DevOps?

DevOps brings a lot of business and technical benefits to the table. Some of the most important ones are listed down as follows:

Business benefits:

  • Enhanced operating environment stability.
  • Faster delivery of features.
  • More time for adding value to the product.

Technical benefits:

  • Continuous software delivery.
  • Faster problem resolution.
  • Fewer complex problems.

20. Name some of the most commonly used DevOps tools.

The following is a list of some of the most widely used DevOps tools:

  • Ansible : A configuration management and application deployment tool
  • Chef: A configuration management and application deployment tool
  • Docker: A containerization tool
  • Git: A version control system (VCS) tool
  • Jenkins : A continuous integration (CI) tool
  • Jira: An agile team collaboration tool
  • Nagios: A continuous monitoring tool
  • Puppet: A configuration management and application deployment tool
  • Selenium: A continuous testing (CT) tool

21. What is Selenium used for?

Selenium is used for continuous testing in DevOps. The tool specializes in functional and regression testing.

22. What do you understand about anti-patterns?

When a DevOps pattern commonly adopted by other organizations doesn’t work in a specific context and still the organization continues using it, it leads to the adoption of an anti-pattern. Some of the notable anti-patterns are:

  • An organization needs to have a separate DevOps group
  • Agile equals DevOps
  • DevOps is a process
  • DevOps is development-driven release management
  • DevOps is not possible because the organization is unique
  • DevOps is not possible because the people available are unsuitable
  • DevOps means Developers Managing Production
  • DevOps will solve all problems
  • Failing to include all aspects of the organization in an ongoing DevOps transition
  • Not defining KPIs at the start of a DevOps transition
  • Reduce the silo-based isolation of development and operations with a new DevOps team that silos itself from other parts of the organization

23. What does CAMS stand for?

The acronym CAMS is usually used for describing the core creeds of DevOps methodology. It stands for:

  • A utomation
  • M easurement

24. What are the KPIs used to gauge DevOps success?

In order to measure the success of a DevOps process, several KPIs can be used. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • Application performance
  • Application usage and traffic
  • The automated test pass percentage
  • Availability
  • Change volume
  • Customer tickets
  • Defect escape rate
  • Deployment frequency
  • Deployment time
  • Error rates
  • Failed deployments
  • Mean time to detection (MTTD)
  • Meantime to recovery (MTTR)

25. What do you understand about containers?

Containers are a form of lightweight virtualization that help in providing isolation among processes. Containers are heavier than a chroot but lighter than a hypervisor .

26. Microservices are a core part of DevOps. Can you name any two popular Java development frameworks for creating microservices?

There are several Java frameworks that allow the creation of microservices. However, Eclipse MicroProfile and Spring Boot stand out from the herd as the two leading Java development frameworks used in DevOps for creating microservices.

27. What are post-mortem meetings?

Occasionally, there is a need to discuss what went wrong during a DevOps process. For this, post-mortem meetings are arranged. These meetings yield steps that should be taken to avoid the same failure or set of failures in the future for which the meeting was arranged in the first place.

28. Draw a comparison between Asset Management and Configuration Management.

The process of monitoring as well as maintaining things of value to an entity or group is called Asset Management.

Configuration Management refers to the process of controlling, identifying, planning for, and verifying the configuration items within service in support of Change Management.

29. Can we make a new copy of an existing Jenkins job?

Yes, we can make a new copy of an existing Jenkins job by creating a clone of the directory in a different name.

30. What is Ansible?

Ansible work is an open-source automation tool used in DevOps.

31. What are the categories of Ansible in DevOps?

There are two categories of Ansible in DevOps:

  • Controlling machines.

32. Can we install Ansible on the controlling machines?

Yes, we can install Ansible on the controlling machine by using the machine nodes that are managed with the help of SSH.

33. Is Ansible an agentless tool? What are its benefits?

Yes, Ansible is an agentless tool because it does not require any kind of mandatory installation on the remote nodes. The benefits of the Ansible tool include the following:

  • Task automation
  • Configuration management
  • Application deployment

34. What is Forking Workflow?

Forking Workflow

Forking Workflow gives every developer side repositories, thereby supporting open source projects.

35. How is Forking Workflow better than Git Workflow?

Forking Workflow is better than Git Workflow because it helps in integrating the contributions of different developers without needing everyone to push to a single central repository for cleaning project history. Thus the developers are allowed to push their server-side repositories, and the project maintainer will push to the official repository.

36. What is Git rebase?

Git rebase is a command which is designed to integrate the changes from one branch to another brand.

37. How is Git rebase different from Git merge?

Git rebase is different from Git merge because, in the case of Git rebase, the feature branch is transferred to the master branch's ending point. However, in the case of Git merge, the merging adds to a new commit in the history wherein history does not change, but the master branch is changed.

Advanced DevOps Interview Questions

38. what is ci and what is its purpose.

CI stands for Continuous Integration. It is a development practice in which developers integrate code into a shared repository multiple times in a single day. This enhances the quality of the software as well as reduces the total time required for delivery.

Typically, a CI process includes a suite of unit, integration, and regression tests that run each time the compilation succeeds. In case any of the tests fail, the CI build is considered unstable (which is common during an Agile sprint when development is ongoing) and not broken.

39. What is a shift left in DevOps?

The traditional software development lifecycle when graphed on paper has two sides, left and right. While the left side of the graph includes design and development, the right side includes production staging, stress testing, and user acceptance.

To shift left in DevOps simply means the necessity of taking as many tasks on the right, i.e., that typically happens toward the end of the application development process, and incorporates them into earlier stages of a DevOps methodology.

There are several ways of accomplishing a shift left in DevOps, most notably:

  • Create production-ready artifacts at the end of every Agile sprint
  • Incorporate static code analysis routines in every build

40. What are the major benefits of implementing DevOps automation?

The following are the major benefits of implementing DevOps automation:

  • Reduction in human error.
  • As tasks become more predictable and repeatable, it is easy to identify and correct when something goes wrong. Hence, it results in producing more reliable and robust systems.
  • Removes bottlenecks from the CI pipeline. This results in increased deployment frequency and decreased number of failed deployments. Both of them are important DevOps KPIs.

41. How do you revert a commit that has already been pushed and made public?

There are two ways of doing so:

  • By creating a new commit to undo all changes made by the commit that has already been pushed and made public. The command for doing so is: git revert
  • By fixing or removing the bad file in a new commit and then pushing it to the remote repository. After making necessary changes to the file, commit it to the remote repository using the command: git commit -m “commit message”

42. Can you state and explain the key elements of continuous testing?

The key elements of continuous testing are:

  • Advanced analysis: Used for forecasting and predicting unknown future events.
  • Policy analysis: Improves the testing process.
  • Requirement traceability: Refers to the ability to describe as well as follow the life of a requirement, from its origin to deployment.
  • Risk assessment: The method or process of identifying hazards and risk factors that can cause potential damage.
  • Service virtualization: Allows using virtual services instead of production services. Emulates software components for simple testing.
  • Test optimization: Improve the overall testing process.

43. What are the core operations of DevOps in terms of development and infrastructure>

The core operations of DevOps in terms of development and infrastructure are:

  • Application development: Developing a product that is able to meet all customer requirements and offers a remarkable level of quality.
  • Code coverage: A measurement of the total number of blocks or lines or arcs of the code executed while the automated tests are running.
  • Code developing: Preparing the codebase required for product development.
  • Configuration: Allowing the product to be used in an optimum way.
  • Deployment: Installing the software to be used by the end-user.
  • Orchestration: Arrangement of several automated tasks.
  • Packaging: Activities involved when the release is ready for deployment.
  • Provisioning: Ensuring that the infrastructure changes arrive just in time with the code that requires it.
  • Unit testing: Meant for testing individual units or components.

44. What are the different advantages of Git?

Git has the following advantages:

  • It helps in data redundancy and replication.
  • It is easily available.
  • It supports collaboration.
  • It can be used for a variety of projects.
  • It uses only one Git directory per repository.
  • It supports disk utilization.
  • It offers higher network performance.

45. Can we handle merge conflicts in Git?

Yes, we can handle merge conflict through the following three steps:

  • Step 1: Developing a clear understanding of the conflict by checking everything using Git status.
  • Step 2: Mark and clean up the conflict by applying the merge tool.
  • Step 3: Performing commit and merging with the current branch along with the master branch.

46. Can we move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?

Yes, we can move or copy Jenkins from one server to another. For instance, by copying the Jenkins jobs directory can be moved from the older server to the new server. 

47. What is the difference between continuous testing and automation testing?

In continuous testing, the process of executing the automated test is part of the software delivery process. In contrast, automation testing is a process wherein the manual process of testing is applied where a separate testing tool helps the developers create test scripts that can be executed repeatedly without any kind of manual intervention.

48. What is the role of a Selenium Grid?

The role of a Selenium Grid is to execute the same or different test scripts on different platforms and browsers. It helps in testing across various environments and saves execution time.

49. Can we secure Jenkins?

Yes, we can secure Jenkins by:

  • Ensuring that global security is on.
  • Checking if Jenkins is integrated.
  • Making sure that the project matrix is enabled.
  • Automating the process of setting up rights and privileges.
  • Limiting physical access to Jenkins data.
  • Applying security audits regularly.

50. What is Jenkins Pipeline?

Jenkins pipeline is a suite of plugins that supports the implementation and integration of Jenkins' continuous delivery pipeline.

51. What is a Puppet Module?

A Puppet Module is a collection of manifests and data, including files, templates, and facts that have a specific directory structure.

52. How is the Puppet Module different from Puppet Manifest?

Puppet Manifests use the .pp extension. They are Puppet programs, which consist of the Puppet Code. On the other hand, Puppet Modules organizes various kinds of Puppet Manifests that can split the Puppet code with it.

That completes the list of the top DevOps interview questions and answers. In addition to increasing your chances of securing a DevOps role, these interview questions for DevOps will also help you assess as well as enhance your current level of DevOps understanding.

Looking for more DevOps interview preparation content? DevOps Interview Questions Preparation Course will take you one step closer to your next DevOps job.

Interviews will not only have questions about DevOps; the interviewer will certainly ask you some generic software development questions as well. Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions can help you prepare for generic programming interview questions .

  • Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I prepare for a DevOps interview?

You can prepare for your DevOps interview by making sure you’re thoroughly knowledgeable about all the important concepts. The DevOps questions listed above will help you. You can also search for DevOps practical interview questions.

2. What is Docker used for in DevOps?

Docker is used for running isolated environments. You can build portable environments for your tech stack.

3. What is Jenkins used for in DevOps?

Jenkins is an automated software testing server. It is used for Continuous Integration. 

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problem solving interview questions devops

With 5+ years of experience across various tech stacks such as C, C++, PHP, Python, SQL, Angular, and AWS, Vijay has a bachelor's degree in computer science and a specialty in SEO and helps a lot of ed-tech giants with their organic marketing. Also, he persists in gaining knowledge of content marketing and SEO tools. He has worked with various analytics tools for over eight years.

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Top 110+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Table of Contents

DevOps is one of the hottest buzzwords in tech now, although it is much more than buzz. It is a collaboration between the development and operations team, where they work together to deliver a product faster and efficiently. In the past few years, there has been a tremendous increase in job listings for DevOps engineers. Multinational companies, like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, frequently have multiple open positions for DevOps engineer Experts . However, the job market is highly competitive, and the questions asked in a DevOps engineer interview can cover a lot of challenging subjects. 

If you’ve completed your DevOps Course and started to prepare for development and operations roles in the IT industry, you know it’s a challenging field that will take some real preparation to break into. Here are some of the most common DevOps interview questions and answers that can help you while you prepare for DevOps roles in the industry.

What is DevOps?

To improve the efficiency and quality of software development, delivery, and deployment, a group of activities and approaches called DevOps combines software development (Dev) with information technology operations (Ops).

DevOps' primary objective is to foster teamwork between the development and operations teams so that they may collaborate easily across the whole software development life cycle. In addition, automation, continuous integration, delivery, and deployment are used to speed up and reduce mistakes in the software development process.

Monitoring and feedback are also emphasized in DevOps, which enables the development and operations teams to see problems early and proactively handle them. Using DevOps methods, businesses may improve their agility, competitiveness, and overall productivity by achieving quicker release cycles, higher-quality software, and enhanced team cooperation.

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Earn the Most Coveted DevOps Certification!

What is a DevOps Engineer? 

An expert in developing, deploying, and maintaining software systems with DevOps methodology and practices is known as a DevOps engineer.

DevOps engineers collaborate closely with IT operations teams, software developers, and other stakeholders to guarantee the effective delivery of software products. To increase the efficiency and quality of software development, they are in charge of implementing automation, continuous integration, and continuous delivery/deployment (CI/CD) practices. They also locate and resolve issues that arise throughout the development process.

DevOps engineers often have extensive backgrounds in IT operations, systems administration, software development, scripting, automation, and cloud computing skills. In addition to source code management systems, build and deployment tools, virtualization and container technologies, and monitoring and logging tools, they are adept at using various tools and technologies.

DevOps engineers need to be proficient in technical and interpersonal skills, teamwork, and problem-solving techniques. In addition, they must be able to interact and collaborate successfully with coworkers from all backgrounds and disciplines since they work closely with several teams within the business.

What are the Requirements to Become a DevOps Engineer?

Depending on the business and the individual function, different criteria for becoming a DevOps engineer may exist. However, some specific fundamental skills and certifications are frequently needed or recommended. They consist of the following:

  • Excellent technical background: DevOps engineers should be well-versed in IT operations, systems administration, and software development. Having a degree in computer science background, information technology, or a similar discipline may be required, as well as relevant experience and certifications.
  • Experience with DevOps tools and methodologies: DevOps engineers should have experience with various DevOps technologies and processes, including version control systems, build and deployment automation, containerization, cloud computing, and monitoring and logging tools.
  • Scripting and automation skills: DevOps engineers should have strong scripting skills and be proficient in using tools such as Bash, Python, or PowerShell to automate tasks and processes.
  • Cloud computing experience: DevOps engineers should have experience working with cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Soft skills: DevOps engineers should be effective communicators, able to work collaboratively with teams across different departments, and possess strong problem-solving and analytical skills.
  • Certification: Some organizations may require DevOps engineers to hold relevant certifications such as Certified DevOps Engineer (CDE), Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), or AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional.

Let us now begin with some general DevOps interview questions and answers.

General DevOps Interview Questions

1. what do you know about devops.

Your answer must be simple and straightforward. Begin by explaining the growing importance of DevOps in the IT industry. Discuss how such an approach aims to synergize the efforts of the development and operations teams to accelerate the delivery of software products, with a minimal failure rate. Include how DevOps is a value-added practice, where development and operations engineers join hands throughout the product or service lifecycle, right from the design stage to the point of deployment.

2. How is DevOps different from agile methodology?

DevOps is a culture that allows the development and the operations team to work together. This results in continuous development , testing, integration, deployment, and monitoring of the software throughout the lifecycle.

DevOps different from Agile

Agile is a software development methodology that focuses on iterative, incremental, small, and rapid releases of software, along with customer feedback. It addresses gaps and conflicts between the customer and developers.

DevOps different from Agile

DevOps addresses gaps and conflicts between the Developers and IT Operations.

DevOps different from Agile

3. Which are some of the most popular DevOps tools?

The most popular DevOps tools include:

4. What are the different phases in DevOps?

The various phases of the DevOps lifecycle are as follows:

  • Plan: Initially, there should be a plan for the type of application that needs to be developed. Getting a rough picture of the development process is always a good idea.
  • Code: The application is coded as per the end-user requirements. 
  • Build: Build the application by integrating various codes formed in the previous steps.
  • Test: This is the most crucial step of the application development. Test the application and rebuild, if necessary.
  • Integrate: Multiple codes from different programmers are integrated into one.
  • Deploy: Code is deployed into a cloud environment for further usage. It is ensured that any new changes do not affect the functioning of a high traffic website.
  • Operate: Operations are performed on the code if required.
  • Monitor: Application performance is monitored. Changes are made to meet the end-user requirements.

DevOps Lifecycle

The above figure indicates the DevOps lifecycle.

5. Mention some of the core benefits of DevOps.

The core benefits of DevOps are as follows:

Technical benefits

  • Continuous software delivery
  • Less complex problems to manage
  • Early detection and faster correction of defects

Business benefits

  • Faster delivery of features
  • Stable operating environments
  • Improved communication and collaboration between the teams

Also Read: How to Become a DevOps Engineer?

6. How will you approach a project that needs to implement DevOps?

The following standard approaches can be used to implement DevOps in a specific project:

An assessment of the existing process and implementation for about two to three weeks to identify areas of improvement so that the team can create a road map for the implementation.

Create a proof of concept (PoC). Once it is accepted and approved, the team can start on the actual implementation and roll-out of the project plan.

The project is now ready for implementing DevOps by using version control/integration/testing/deployment/delivery and monitoring followed step by step.

By following the proper steps for version control , integration, testing, deployment, delivery, and monitoring, the project is now ready for DevOps implementation. 

7. What is the difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment?

8. what is the role of configuration management in devops.

  • Enables management of and changes to multiple systems.
  • Standardizes resource configurations, which in turn, manage IT infrastructure.
  • It helps with the administration and management of multiple servers and maintains the integrity of the entire infrastructure.

9. How does continuous monitoring help you maintain the entire architecture of the system?

problem solving interview questions devops

Continuous monitoring in DevOps is a process of detecting, identifying, and reporting any faults or threats in the entire infrastructure of the system.

  • Ensures that all services, applications, and resources are running on the servers properly.
  • Monitors the status of servers and determines if applications are working correctly or not.
  • Enables continuous audit, transaction inspection, and controlled monitoring.

10. What is the role of AWS in DevOps?

AWS has the following role in DevOps:

  • Flexible services: Provides ready-to-use, flexible services without the need to install or set up the software.
  • Built for scale: You can manage a single instance or scale to thousands using AWS services.
  • Automation: AWS lets you automate tasks and processes, giving you more time to innovate
  • Secure: Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), you can set user permissions and policies.
  • Large partner ecosystem: AWS supports a large ecosystem of partners that integrate with and extend AWS services.

11. Name three important DevOps KPIs.

The three important KPIs are as follows:

  • Meantime to failure recovery: This is the average time taken to recover from a failure.
  • Deployment frequency: The frequency in which the deployment occurs. 
  • Percentage of failed deployments: The number of times the deployment fails.

12. Explain the term "Infrastructure as Code" (IaC) as it relates to configuration management.

  • Writing code to manage configuration, deployment, and automatic provisioning.
  • Managing data centers with machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration.
  • Ensuring all your servers and other infrastructure components are provisioned consistently and effortlessly. 
  • Administering cloud computing environments, also known as infrastructure as a service (IaaS) .

13. How is IaC implemented using AWS?

Start by talking about the age-old mechanisms of writing commands onto script files and testing them in a separate environment before deployment and how this approach is being replaced by IaC. Similar to the codes written for other services, with the help of AWS, IaC allows developers to write, test, and maintain infrastructure entities in a descriptive manner, using formats such as JSON or YAML. This enables easier development and faster deployment of infrastructure changes.

14. Why Has DevOps Gained Prominence over the Last Few Years?

Before talking about the growing popularity of DevOps, discuss the current industry scenario. Begin with some examples of how big players such as Netflix and Facebook are investing in DevOps to automate and accelerate application deployment and how this has helped them grow their business. Using Facebook as an example, you would point to Facebook’s continuous deployment and code ownership models and how these have helped it scale up but ensure the quality of experience at the same time. Hundreds of lines of code are implemented without affecting quality, stability, and security.

Your next use case should be Netflix. This streaming and on-demand video company follow similar practices with fully automated processes and systems. Mention the user base of these two organizations: Facebook has 2 billion users while Netflix streams online content to more than 100 million users worldwide.

These are great examples of how DevOps can help organizations to ensure higher success rates for releases, reduce the lead time between bug fixes, streamline and continuous delivery through automation, and an overall reduction in manpower costs.

We will now look into the next set of DevOps Interview Questions that includes - Git, Selenium, Jenkins.

15. What are the fundamental differences between DevOps & Agile?

The main differences between Agile and DevOps are summarized below:

16. What are the anti-patterns of DevOps?

Patterns are common practices that are usually followed by organizations. An anti-pattern is formed when an organization continues to blindly follow a pattern adopted by others but does not work for them. Some of the myths about DevOps include:

  • Cannot perform DevOps → Have the wrong people
  • DevOps ⇒ Production Management is done by developers
  • The solution to all the organization’s problems ⇒ DevOps
  • DevOps == Process 
  • DevOps == Agile
  • Cannot perform DevOps → Organization is unique
  • A separate group needs to be made for DevOps

17. What are the benefits of using version control?

Here are the benefits of using Version Control:

  • All team members are free to work on any file at any time with the Version Control System (VCS). Later on, VCS will allow the team to integrate all of the modifications into a single version.
  • The VCS asks to provide a brief summary of what was changed every time we save a new version of the project. We also get to examine exactly what was modified in the content of the file. As a result, we will be able to see who made what changes to the project.
  • Inside the VCS, all the previous variants and versions are properly stored. We will be able to request any version at any moment, and we will be able to retrieve a snapshot of the entire project at our fingertips.
  • A VCS that is distributed, such as Git, lets all the team members retrieve a complete history of the project. This allows developers or other stakeholders to use the local Git repositories of any of the teammates even if the main server goes down at any point in time.

18. Describe the branching strategies you have used.

To test our knowledge of the purpose of branching and our experience of branching at a past job, this question is usually asked. 

Below topics can help in answering this DevOps interview question -

  • Release branching - We can clone the develop branch to create a Release branch once it has enough functionality for a release. This branch kicks off the next release cycle, thus no new features can be contributed beyond this point. The things that can be contributed are documentation generation, bug fixing, and other release-related tasks. The release is merged into master and given a version number once it is ready to ship. It should also be merged back into the development branch, which may have evolved since the initial release.
  • Feature branching - This branching model maintains all modifications for a specific feature contained within a branch. The branch gets merged into master once the feature has been completely tested and approved by using tests that are automated.
  • Task branching - In this branching model, every task is implemented in its respective branch. The task key is mentioned in the branch name. We need to simply look at the task key in the branch name to discover which code implements which task.

19. Can you explain the “Shift left to reduce failure” concept in DevOps?

Shift left is a DevOps idea for improving security, performance, and other factors. Let us take an example: if we look at all of the processes in DevOps, we can state that security is tested prior to the deployment step. We can add security in the development phase, which is on the left, by employing the left shift method. [will be depicted in a diagram] We can integrate with all phases, including before development and during testing, not just development. This most likely raises the security level by detecting faults at an early stage.

20. What is the Blue/Green Deployment Pattern?

This is a method of continuous deployment that is commonly used to reduce downtime. This is where traffic is transferred from one instance to another. In order to include a fresh version of the code, we must replace the old code with a new code version. 

The new version exists in a green environment and the old version exists in a blue environment. After making changes to the previous version, we need a new instance from the old one to execute a newer version of the instance.

21. What is Continuous Testing?

Continuous Testing constitutes the running of automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline to provide instant feedback on the business risks present in the most recent release. In order to prevent problems in step-switching in the Software delivery life-cycle and to allow Development teams to receive immediate feedback, every build is continually tested in this manner. This results in a significant increase in speed in a developer's productivity as it eliminates the requirement for re-running all the tests after each update and project re-building.

22. What is Automation Testing?

Test automation or manual testing Automation is the process of automating a manual procedure in order to test an application or system. Automation testing entails the use of independent testing tools that allow you to develop test scripts that can be run repeatedly without the need for human interaction.

23. What are the benefits of Automation Testing?

Some of the advantages of Automation Testing are -

  • Helps to save money and time.
  • Unattended execution can be easily done.
  • Huge test matrices can be easily tested.
  • Parallel execution is enabled.
  • Reduced human-generated errors, which results in improved accuracy.
  • Repeated test tasks execution is supported.

24. How to automate Testing in the DevOps lifecycle?

Developers are obliged to commit all source code changes to a shared DevOps repository.

Every time a change is made in the code, Jenkins-like Continuous Integration tools will grab it from this common repository and deploy it for Continuous Testing, which is done by tools like Selenium.

25. Why is Continuous Testing important for DevOps?

Any modification to the code may be tested immediately with Continuous Testing. This prevents concerns like quality issues and releases delays that might occur whenever big-bang testing is delayed until the end of the cycle. In this way, Continuous Testing allows for high-quality and more frequent releases.

26. What are the key elements of Continuous Testing tools?

Continuous Testing key elements are:

  • Test Optimization: It guarantees that tests produce reliable results and actionable information. Test Data Management, Test Optimization Management, and Test Maintenance are examples of aspects.
  • Advanced Analysis: In order to avoid problems from occurring in the first place and to achieve more within each iteration, it employs automation in areas like scope assessment/prioritization, changes effect analysis, and static code analysis.
  • Policy Analysis: It guarantees that all processes are in line with the organization's changing business needs and that all compliance requirements are met.
  • Risk Assessment: Test coverage optimization, technical debt, risk mitigation duties, and quality evaluation are all covered to guarantee the build is ready to move on to the next stage.
  • Service Virtualization: Ensures that real-world testing scenarios are available. Service visualisation provides access to a virtual representation of the needed testing phases, ensuring its availability and reducing the time spent setting up the test environment.
  • Requirements Traceability: It guarantees that no rework is necessary and real criteria are met. To determine which needs require additional validation, are in jeopardy and performing as expected, an object evaluation is used.

DevOps Interview Questions for Source Code Management: Git

27. explain the difference between a centralized and distributed version control system (vcs)., centralized version control system.

  • All file versions are stored on a central server
  • No developer has a copy of all files on a local system
  • If the central server crashes, all data from the project will be lost

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Distributed Control System

  • Every developer has a copy of all versions of the code on their systems
  • Enables team members to work offline and does not rely on a single location for backups
  • There is no threat, even if the server crashes

28. What is the git command that downloads any repository from GitHub to your computer?

Git Clone

The git command that downloads any repository from GitHub to your computer is git clone.

29. How do you push a file from your local system to the GitHub repository using Git?

First, connect the local repository to your remote repository:

git remote add origin [copied web address]      

// Ex: git remote add origin  https://github.com/Simplilearn-github/test.git

Second, push your file to the remote repository:

git push origin master

30. How is a bare repository different from the standard way of initializing a Git repository?

Using the standard method:

  • You create a working directory with git init
  • A .git subfolder is created with all the git-related revision history

Using the bare way

git init --bare

  • It does not contain any working or checked out a copy of source files
  • Bare repositories store git revision history in the root folder of your repository, instead of the .git subfolder

31. Which of the following CLI commands can be used to rename files?

  • None of the above

The correct answer is B) git mv

32. What is the process for reverting a commit that has already been pushed and made public?

There are two ways that you can revert a commit: 

  • Remove or fix the bad file in a new commit and push it to the remote repository. Then commit it to the remote repository using: git commit –m "commit message"
  • Create a new commit that undoes all the changes that were made in the bad commit. Use the following command: git revert <commit id>

Example: git revert 56de0938f

33. Explain the difference between git fetch and git pull.

34. what is git stash.

A developer working with a current branch wants to switch to another branch to work on something else, but the developer doesn't want to commit changes to your unfinished work. The solution to this issue is Git stash. Git stash takes your modified tracked files and saves them on a stack of unfinished changes that you can reapply at any time.

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35. Explain the concept of branching in Git.

Suppose you are working on an application, and you want to add a new feature to the app. You can create a new branch and build the new feature on that branch.

  • By default, you always work on the master branch
  • The circles on the branch represent various commits made on the branch
  • After you are done with all the changes, you can merge it with the master branch

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36. What is the difference between Git Merge and Git Rebase?

Suppose you are working on a new feature in a dedicated branch, and another team member updates the master branch with new commits. You can use these two functions:

To incorporate the new commits into your feature branch, use Git merge.

  • Creates an extra merge commit every time you need to incorporate changes
  • But, it pollutes your feature branch history

Git Merge

As an alternative to merging, you can rebase the feature branch on to master.

  • Incorporates all the new commits in the master branch
  • It creates new commits for every commit in the original branch and rewrites project history

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37. How do you find a list of files that have been changed in a particular commit?

The command to get a list of files that have been changed in a particular commit is:

git diff-tree –r {commit hash}

Example: git diff-tree –r 87e673f21b

  • -r flag instructs the command to list individual files
  • commit hash will list all the files that were changed or added in that commit

38. What is a merge conflict in Git, and how can it be resolved?

A Git merge conflict happens when you have merge branches with competing for commits, and Git needs your help to decide which changes to incorporate in the final merge.

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Manually edit the conflicted file to select the changes that you want to keep in the final merge.

Resolve using GitHub conflict editor

This is done when a merge conflict is caused after competing for line changes. For example, this may occur when people make different changes to the same line of the same file on different branches in your Git repository.

  • Resolving a merge conflict using conflict editor:
  • Under your repository name, click "Pull requests."

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  • In the "Pull requests" drop-down, click the pull request with a merge conflict that you'd like to resolve
  • Near the bottom of your pull request, click "Resolve conflicts."

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  • Decide if you only want to keep your branch's changes, the other branch's changes, or make a brand new change, which may incorporate changes from both branches.
  • Delete the conflict markers <<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>> and make changes you want in the final merge.

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  • If you have more than one merge conflict in your file, scroll down to the next set of conflict markers and repeat steps four and five to resolve your merge conflict.
  • Once you have resolved all the conflicts in the file, click Mark as resolved.

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  • If you have more than one file with a conflict, select the next file you want to edit on the left side of the page under "conflicting files" and repeat steps four to seven until you've resolved all of your pull request's merge conflicts.

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  • Once you've resolved your merge conflicts, click Commit merge. This merges the entire base branch into your head branch.

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  • To merge your pull request, click Merge pull request.
  • A merge conflict is resolved using the command line.
  • Open Git Bash.
  • Navigate into the local Git repository that contains the merge conflict.

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  • Generate a list of the files that the merge conflict affects. In this example, the file styleguide.md has a merge conflict.

Git Status

  • Open any text editor, such as Sublime Text or Atom, and navigate to the file that has merge conflicts.
  • To see the beginning of the merge conflict in your file, search the file for the conflict marker "<<<<<<<. " Open it, and you'll see the changes from the base branch after the line "<<<<<<< HEAD."
  • Next, you'll see "=======", which divides your changes from the changes in the other branch, followed by ">>>>>>> BRANCH-NAME".

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  • Delete the conflict markers "<<<<<<<", "=======", ">>>>>>>" and make the changes you want in the final merge.

        In this example, both the changes are incorporated into the final merge:

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  • Add or stage your changes. 

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  • Commit your changes with a comment.

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Now you can merge the branches on the command line, or push your changes to your remote repository on GitHub and merge your changes in a pull request.

39. What is Git bisect? How can you use it to determine the source of a (regression) bug?

Git bisect is a tool that uses binary search to locate the commit that triggered a bug.

Git bisect command -

git bisect <subcommand> <options>

The git bisect command is used in finding the bug performing a commit in the project by using a binary search algorithm.

The bug-occurring commit is called the “bad” commit, and the commit before the bug occurs is called the “good” commit. We convey the same to the git bisect tool, and it picks a random commit between the two endpoints and prompts whether that one is the “good” or “bad” one. The process continues until the range is narrowed down and the exact commit that introduced the exact change is discovered.

40. Explain some basic Git commands.

Some of the Basic Git Commands are summarized in the below table -

DevOps Interview Questions for Continuous Integration: Jenkins

41. explain the master-slave architecture of jenkins..

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  • Jenkins master pulls the code from the remote GitHub repository every time there is a code commit.
  • It distributes the workload to all the Jenkins slaves.
  • On request from the Jenkins master, the slaves carry out, builds, test, and produce test reports.

42. What is Jenkinsfile?

Jenkinsfile contains the definition of a Jenkins pipeline and is checked into the source control repository. It is a text file.

  • It allows code review and iteration on the pipeline.
  • It permits an audit trail for the pipeline.
  • There is a single source of truth for the pipeline, which can be viewed and edited.

43. Which of the following commands runs Jenkins from the command line?

  • java –jar Jenkins.war
  • java –war Jenkins.jar
  • java –jar Jenkins.jar
  • java –war Jenkins.war

The correct answer is A) java –jar Jenkins.war

44. What concepts are key aspects of the Jenkins pipeline?

  • Pipeline: User-defined model of a CD pipeline . The pipeline's code defines the entire build process, which includes building, testing, and delivering an application
  • Node: A machine that is part of the Jenkins environment and capable of executing a pipeline
  • Step: A single task that tells Jenkins what to do at a particular point in time
  • Stage: Defines a conceptually distinct subset of tasks performed through the entire pipeline (build, test, deploy stages)

45. Which file is used to define dependency in Maven?

  • dependency.xml
  • Version.xml

The correct answer is B) pom.xml

46. Explain the two types of pipelines in Jenkins, along with their syntax.

Jenkins provides two ways of developing a pipeline code: Scripted and Declarative.

  •  Scripted Pipeline: It is based on Groovy script as their Domain Specific Language. One or more node blocks do the core work throughout the entire pipeline.
  • Executes the pipeline or any of its stages on any available agent
  • Defines the build stage
  • Performs steps related to building stage
  • Defines the test stage
  • Performs steps related to the test stage
  • Defines the deploy stage
  • Performs steps related to the deploy stage

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  • Declarative Pipeline: It provides a simple and friendly syntax to define a pipeline. Here, the pipeline block defines the work done throughout the pipeline.

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47. How do you create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?

In order to create a backup file, periodically back up your JENKINS_HOME directory.

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In order to create a backup of Jenkins setup, copy the JENKINS_HOME directory. You can also copy a job directory to clone or replicate a job or rename the directory.

48. How can you copy Jenkins from one server to another?

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  • Move the job from one Jenkins installation to another by copying the corresponding job directory.
  • Create a copy of an existing job by making a clone of a job directory with a different name.
  • Rename an existing job by renaming a directory.

49. Name three security mechanisms Jenkins uses to authenticate users.

  • Jenkins uses an internal database to store user data and credentials.
  • Jenkins can use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server to authenticate users. 
  • Jenkins can be configured to employ the authentication mechanism that the deployed application server uses. 

50. How is a custom build of a core plugin deployed?

Steps to deploy a custom build of a core plugin:

  • Copy the .hpi file to $JENKINS_HOME/plugins
  • Remove the plugin's development directory
  • Create an empty file called <plugin>.hpi.pinned
  • Restart Jenkins and use your custom build of a core plugin

51. How can you temporarily turn off Jenkins security if the administrative users have locked themselves out of the admin console?

problem solving interview questions devops

  • When security is enabled, the Config file contains an XML element named useSecurity that will be set to true.
  • By changing this setting to false, security will be disabled the next time Jenkins is restarted.

52. What are the ways in which a build can be scheduled/run in Jenkins?

  • By source code management commits.
  • After the completion of other builds.
  • Scheduled to run at a specified time.
  • Manual build requests.

53. What are the commands that you can use to restart Jenkins manually?

Two ways to manually restart Jenkins: 

  • (Jenkins_url)/restart            // Forces a restart without waiting for builds to complete                                
  • (Jenkins_url)/safeRestart    // Allows all running builds to complete before it restarts   

54. Explain how you can set up a Jenkins job?

To create a Jenkins Job, we go to the top page of Jenkins, choose the New Job option and then select Build a free-style software project.

The elements of this freestyle job are:

  • Optional triggers for controlling when Jenkins builds.
  • Optional steps for gathering data from the build, like collecting javadoc, testing results and/or archiving artifacts.
  • A build script (ant, maven, shell script, batch file, etc.) that actually does the work.
  • Optional source code management system (SCM), like Subversion or CVS.

DevOps Interview Questions for Continuous Testing: Selenium

55. what are the different selenium components.

Selenium has the following components:

Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)  

  • It has a simple framework and should be used for prototyping.
  • It has an easy-to-install Firefox plug-in.

Selenium Remote Control (RC)

  • Testing framework for a developer to write code in any programming language (Java, PHP, Perl, C#, etc.).

Selenium WebDriver

  • Applies a better approach to automate browser activities.
  • It does not rely on JavaScript.

Selenium Grid

  • Works with Selenium RC and runs tests on different nodes using browsers.

56. What are the different exceptions in Selenium WebDriver?

Exceptions are events that occur during the execution of a program and disrupt the normal flow of a program's instructions. Selenium has the following exceptions:

  • TimeoutException: It is thrown when a command performing an operation does not complete in the stipulated time.
  • NoSuchElementException: It is thrown when an element with specific attributes is not found on the web page.
  • ElementNotVisibleException: It is thrown when an element is present in Document Object Model (DOM) but is not visible. Ex: Hidden Elements defined in HTML using type=“hidden”.
  • SessionNotFoundException: The WebDriver is performing the action immediately after quitting the browser.

57. Can Selenium test an application on an Android browser?

Selenium is capable of testing an application on an Android browser using an Android driver. You can use the Selendroid or Appium framework to test native apps or web apps in the Android browser. The following is a sample code:

problem solving interview questions devops

58. What are the different test types that Selenium supports? 

Functional: This is a type of black-box testing in which the test cases are based on the software specification.

Regression: This testing helps to find new errors, regressions , etc. in different functional and non-functional areas of code after the alteration. 

Load Testing: This testing seeks to monitor the response of a device after putting a load on it. It is carried out to study the behavior of the system under certain conditions.

59. How can you access the text of a web element?

Get command is used to retrieve the text of a specified web element. The command does not return any parameter but returns a string value.

  • Verification of messages
  • Errors displayed on the web page

String Text=driver.findElement(By.id(“text”)).getText();

60. How can you handle keyboard and mouse actions using Selenium?

You can handle keyboard and mouse events with the advanced user interaction API. The advanced user interactions API contains actions and action classes.

60. Which of these options is not a WebElement method?

  • getTagName()

The correct answer is B) size()

61. When do we use findElement() and findElements()?

  •  findElement()

It finds the first element in the current web page that matches the specified locator value.

WebElement element=driver.findElements(By.xpath(“//div[@id=‘example’]//ul//li”));

  •  findElements()

It finds all the elements in the current web page that matches the specified locator value.

List elementList=driver.findElements(By.xpath(“//div[@id=‘example’]//ul//li”));

62. What are driver.close() and driver.quit() in WebDriver?

These are two different methods used to close the browser session in Selenium WebDriver:

  • driver.close(): This is used to close the current browser window on which the focus is set. In this case, there is only one browser open.
  • driver.quit(): It closes all the browser windows and ends the WebDriver session using the driver.dispose method.

63. How can you submit a form using Selenium?

The following lines of code will let you submit a form using Selenium:

WebElement el = driver.findElement(By.id(“ElementID”));


64. What are the Testing types supported by Selenium?

There are two types of testing that are primarily supported by Selenium:

Functional Testing: Individual testing of software functional points or features.

Regression Testing: Wherever a bug is fixed, a product is retested and this is called Regression Testing.

65. What is Selenium IDE?

Selenium integrated development environment (IDE)  is an all-in-one Selenium script development environment. It may be used to debug tests, alter and record and is also available as a Firefox extension. Selenium IDE comes with the whole Selenium Core that  allows us to rapidly and easily replay and record  tests in the exact environment where they will be conducted.

Selenium IDE is the best environment for building Selenium tests, regardless of the style of testing we prefer, thanks to the ability to move instructions around rapidly and the autocomplete support.

66. What is the difference between Assert and Verify commands in Selenium?

The difference between Verify and Assert commands in Selenium are:

  • The verify commands determine whether or not the provided condition is true. The program execution does not halt regardless of whether the condition is true or not, i.e., all test steps will be completed, and verification failure will not stop the execution.
  • The assert command determines whether a condition is false or true. To know whether the supplied element is on the page or not, we do the following. The next test step will be performed by the program control, if the condition is true. However, no further tests will be run, and the execution will halt, if the condition is false.

67. How to launch Browser using WebDriver?

To launch Browser using WebDriver, following syntax is followed -

WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

68. What is the difference between Asset Management and Configuration Management?

Differences between Configuration Management and Asset Management are:

DevOps Interview Questions for Configuration Management: Chef, Puppet, Ansible

69. why are ssl certificates used in chef.

  • SSL certificates are used between the Chef server and the client to ensure that each node has access to the right data.
  • Every node has a private and public key pair. The public key is stored at the Chef server.
  • When an SSL certificate is sent to the server, it will contain the private key of the node.
  • The server compares this against the public key in order to identify the node and give the node access to the required data.

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70. Which of the following commands would you use to stop or disable the 'httpd' service when the system boots?

  • # systemctl disable httpd.service
  • # system disable httpd.service
  • # system disable httpd

The correct answer is A) # systemctl disable httpd.service

71. What is Test Kitchen in Chef?

Test Kitchen is a command-line tool in Chef that spins up an instance and tests the cookbook on it before deploying it on the actual nodes.

Here are the most commonly used kitchen commands:

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72. How does chef-apply differ from chef-client?

  • chef-apply is run on the client system. chef-apply applies the recipe mentioned in the command on the client system. $ chef-apply recipe_name.rb
  • chef-client is also run on the client system. chef-client applies all the cookbooks in your server's run list to the client system. $ knife chef-client

73. What is the command to sign the requested certificates?

  • For Puppet version 2.7: # puppetca –sign hostname-of-agent Example: # puppetca –sign ChefAgent # puppetca sign hostname-of-agent Example: # puppetca sign ChefAgent

74. Which open-source or community tools do you use to make Puppet more powerful?

  • Changes in the configuration are tracked using Jira , and further maintenance is done through internal procedures. 
  • Version control takes the support of Git and Puppet's code manager app.
  • The changes are also passed through Jenkin's continuous integration pipeline.

75. What are the resources in Puppet?

  • Resources are the basic units of any configuration management tool.
  • These are the features of a node, like its software packages or services.
  • A resource declaration, written in a catalog, describes the action to be performed on or with the resource.
  • When the catalog is executed, it sets the node to the desired state.

76. What is a class in Puppet?

Classes are named blocks in your manifest that configure various functionalities of the node, such as services, files, and packages.

The classes are added to a node's catalog and are executed only when explicitly invoked.

Class apache (String $version = ‘latest’) {

‘httpd’: ensure => $version,

before => File[‘/etc/httpd.conf’],}

77. What is an Ansible role?

An Ansible role is an independent block of tasks, variables, files, and templates embedded inside a playbook.

problem solving interview questions devops

This playbook installs tomcat on node1.

78. When should I use '{{ }}'?

Always use {{}} for variables, unless you have a conditional statement, such as "when: …". This is because conditional statements are run through Jinja, which resolves the expressions.

 For example:

      echo “This prints the value of {{foo}}”

      when : foo is defined

Using brackets makes it simpler to distinguish between strings and undefined variables.

problem solving interview questions devops

This also ensures that Ansible doesn't recognize the line as a dictionary declaration.

79. What is the best way to make content reusable/redistributable?

There are three ways to make content reusable or redistributable in Ansible:

  • Roles are used to managing tasks in a playbook. They can be easily shared via Ansible Galaxy.
  • "include" is used to add a submodule or another file to a playbook. This means a code written once can be added to multiple playbooks.
  • "import" is an improvement of "include," which ensures that a file is added only once. This is helpful when a line is run recursively.

80. How is Ansible different from Puppet?

We will now look at some DevOps interview questions on contanerization.

DevOps Interview Questions on Containerization

81. explain the architecture of docker..

  • Docker uses a client-server architecture.
  • Docker Client is a service that runs a command. The command is translated using the REST API and is sent to the Docker Daemon (server). 
  • Docker Daemon accepts the request and interacts with the operating system to build Docker images and run Docker containers.
  • A Docker image is a template of instructions, which is used to create containers.
  • Docker container is an executable package of an application and its dependencies together.
  • Docker registry is a service to host and distribute Docker images among users.

problem solving interview questions devops

82. What are the advantages of Docker over virtual machines?

83. how do we share docker containers with different nodes.

problem solving interview questions devops

  • It is possible to share Docker containers on different nodes with  Docker Swarm .
  • Docker Swarm is a tool that allows IT administrators and developers to create and manage a cluster of swarm nodes within the Docker platform.
  • A swarm consists of two types of nodes: a manager node and a worker node.

84. What are the commands used to create a Docker swarm?

  • Create a swarm where you want to run your manager node. Docker swarm init --advertise-addr <MANAGER-IP> 
  • Once you've created a swarm on your manager node, you can add worker nodes to your swarm.
  • When a node is initialized as a manager, it immediately creates a token. In order to create a worker node, the following command (token) should be executed on the host machine of a worker node. docker swarm join \ --token SWMTKN-1-49nj1cmql0jkz5s954yi3oex3nedyz0fb0xx14ie39trti4wxv-8vxv8rssmk743ojnwacrr2e7c \

85. How do you run multiple containers using a single service?

  • It is possible to run multiple containers as a single service with Docker Compose.
  • Here, each container runs in isolation but can interact with each other.
  • All Docker Compose files are YAML files.

problem solving interview questions devops

86. What is a Dockerfile used for?

  • A Dockerfile is used for creating Docker images using the build command.
  • With a Docker image, any user can run the code to create Docker containers.
  • Once a Docker image is built, it's uploaded in a Docker registry.
  • From the Docker registry, users can get the Docker image and build new containers whenever they want.

problem solving interview questions devops

87. Explain the differences between Docker images and Docker containers.

88. instead of yaml, what can you use as an alternate file for building docker compose.

To build a Docker compose, a user can use a JSON file instead of YAML. In case a user wants to use a JSON file, he/she should specify the filename as given:

Docker-compose -f Docker-compose.json up

89. How do you create a Docker container?

Task: Create a MySQL Docker container 

A user can either build a Docker image or pull an existing Docker image (like MySQL) from Docker Hub.

Now, Docker creates a new container MySQL from the existing Docker image. Simultaneously, the container layer of the read-write filesystem is also created on top of the image layer.

  • Command to create a Docker container: Docker run -t –i MySQL 
  • Command to list down the running containers: Docker ps

90. What is the difference between a registry and a repository?

91. what are the cloud platforms that support docker.

The following are the cloud platforms that Docker runs on:

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform

problem solving interview questions devops

92. What is the purpose of the expose and publish commands in Docker?

  • Expose is an instruction used in Dockerfile.
  • It is used to expose ports within a Docker network.
  • It is a documenting instruction used at the time of building an image and running a container.
  • Expose is the command used in Docker.
  • Example: Expose 8080
  • Publish is used in a Docker run command.
  • It can be used outside a Docker environment.
  • It is used to map a host port to a running container port.
  • --publish or –p is the command used in Docker.
  • Example: docker run –d –p

Now, let's have a look at the DevOps interview questions for continuous monitoring.

DevOps Interview Questions for Continuous Monitoring

93. how does nagios help in the continuous monitoring of systems, applications, and services.

Nagios enables server monitoring and the ability to check if they are sufficiently utilized or if any task failures need to be addressed. 

  • Verifies the status of the servers and services
  • Inspects the health of your infrastructure
  • Checks if applications are working correctly and web servers are reachable

94. How does Nagios help in the continuous monitoring of systems, applications, and services?

problem solving interview questions devops

95. What do you mean by Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NPRE) of Nagios?

Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NPRE) enables you to execute Nagios plugins on Linux/Unix machines. You can monitor remote machine metrics (disk usage, CPU load, etc.)

  • The check_npre plugin that resides on the local monitoring machine
  • The NPRE daemon that runs on the remote Linux/Unix machine

96. What are the port numbers that Nagios uses for monitoring purposes?

Usually, Nagios uses the following port numbers for monitoring:

Nagios Use

97. What are active and passive checks in Nagios?

Nagios is capable of monitoring hosts and services in two ways:

  • Active checks are initiated as a result of the Nagios process
  • Active checks are regularly scheduled
  • Passive checks are initiated and performed through external applications/processes
  • Passive checks results are submitted to Nagios for processing

98. What are active and passive checks in Nagios?

Active checks:.

  • The check logic in the Nagios daemon initiates active checks.
  • Nagios will execute a plugin and pass the information on what needs to be checked.
  • The plugin will then check the operational state of the host or service, and report results back to the Nagios daemon.
  • It will process the results of the host or service check and send notifications.

Nagios Process

Passive Checks:

  • In passive checks, an external application checks the status of a host or service.
  • It writes the results of the check to the external command file.
  • Nagios reads the external command file and places the results of all passive checks into a queue for later processing.
  • Nagios may send out notifications, log alerts, etc. depending on the check result information.

99. Explain the main configuration file and its location in Nagios.

The main configuration file consists of several directives that affect how Nagios operates. The Nagios process and the CGIs read the config file.

A sample main configuration file will be placed into your settings directory:


100. What is the Nagios Network Analyzer?

  • It provides an in-depth look at all network traffic sources and security threats.
  • It provides a central view of your network traffic and bandwidth data.
  • It allows system admins to gather high-level information on the health of the network.
  • It enables you to be proactive in resolving outages, abnormal behavior, and threats before they affect critical business processes.

101. What are the benefits of HTTP and SSL certificate monitoring with Nagios?

Http certificate monitoring.

  • Increased server, services, and application availability.
  • Fast detection of network outages and protocol failures.
  • Enables web transaction and web server performance monitoring.

SSL Certificate Monitoring

  • Increased website availability.
  • Frequent application availability.
  • It provides increased security.

102. Explain virtualization with Nagios.


Nagios can run on different virtualization platforms, like VMware, Microsoft Visual PC, Xen, Amazon EC2, etc.

  • Provides the capability to monitor an assortment of metrics on different platforms
  • Ensures quick detection of service and application failures
  • Has the ability to monitor the following metrics:
  • Reduced administrative overhead

103. Name the three variables that affect recursion and inheritance in Nagios.

Name: Template name that can be referenced in other object definitions so it can inherit the object's properties/variables.

Use: Here, you specify the name of the template object that you

want to inherit properties/variables from.

register: This variable indicates whether or not the object definition

should be registered with Nagios.

define someobjecttype{

              object-specific variables ….

              name template_name

              use name_of_template

              register [0/1]


104. Why is Nagios said to be object-oriented?

Nagios Object

Using the object configuration format, you can create object definitions that inherit properties from other object definitions. Hence, Nagios is known as object-oriented.

Types of Objects:

  • Time Periods

105. Explain what state stalking is in Nagios.

  • State stalking is used for logging purposes in Nagios.
  • When stalking is enabled for a particular host or service, Nagios will watch that host or service very carefully.
  • It will log any changes it sees in the output of check results.
  • This helps in the analysis of log files.

Version Control System Interview Questions

Here are some common interview questions and answers related to version control systems:

106. What is a version control system (VCS)?

A VCS is a software tool that allows developers to manage changes to the source code of a software project. It enables developers to track and manage different versions of code files, collaborate with others, and revert to earlier versions if necessary.

107. What are the benefits of using a VCS?

There are several benefits to using a VCS, including:

  • The ability to track changes to code over time
  • The ability to collaborate with other developers and share code
  • The ability to revert to earlier versions of code if necessary
  • The ability to branch code and work on different features or fixes simultaneously
  • The ability to merge changes from other branches or contributors
  • Increased confidence and control over code changes and deployments

108. What are the types of VCS?

There are two main types of VCS: centralized and distributed.

  • Centralized VCS: A centralized VCS has a single central repository that stores all versions of the code files. Developers check out files from the central repository, make changes, and then commit the changes back to the warehouse.
  • Distributed VCS: A distributed VCS allows developers to create their local repositories of code changes. Developers can work on code changes locally, commit changes to their local storage, and then push changes to a central repository or pull changes from other contributors.

109. What is the difference between Git and SVN?

Git and SVN are both popular VCS tools, but they have some key differences:

  • Git is a distributed VCS, while SVN is a centralized VCS.
  • Git is more flexible and allows easier branching and merging of code changes.
  • SVN has better support for handling binary files.
  • Git is generally considered faster than SVN.

Virtualization Interview Questions

110. what is virtualization.

Virtualization is a technology that allows multiple operating systems or applications to run on a single physical server or computer. It creates virtual instances of hardware resources such as CPU, memory, and storage, which can be allocated to different virtual machines.

111. What are the benefits of virtualization?

There are several benefits of virtualization, including:

  • Reduced hardware costs
  • Increased efficiency and utilization of resources
  • Improved scalability and flexibility
  • Increased reliability and availability of applications
  • Simplified management and administration of IT infrastructure

112. What are the different types of virtualization?

There are several types of virtualization, including:

  • Server virtualization: Running multiple operating systems on a single physical server.
  • Network virtualization: Creating virtual networks that operate independently of physical network infrastructure.
  • Storage virtualization: Combining physical storage resources into a single virtual storage pool.
  • Desktop virtualization: Running multiple desktop environments on a single physical machine.

113. What is a hypervisor?

A hypervisor is a layer of software that enables virtualization by allowing multiple virtual machines to share a single physical server or computer. It manages the allocation of hardware resources to each virtual machine and isolates each virtual machine from the others.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

There are some frequently asked questions related to DevOps virtualization:

114. What is virtualization, and how does it connect to DevOps?

Virtualization is creating a virtual version of something, such as a server, storage device, or network. In DevOps , virtualization allows teams to create and manage virtual environments that can be used for development, testing, and deployment. This can help improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enable greater flexibility and scalability.

115. What are the benefits of using virtualization in DevOps?

Virtualization offers several benefits in a DevOps environment, including:

  • Improved efficiency: Virtualization allows for faster creation, deployment, and management of development and testing environments.
  • Greater scalability: Virtualization enables teams to quickly scale up or down their infrastructure as needed without requiring additional physical hardware.
  • Increased flexibility: Virtualization allows the creation of custom environments that can be easily modified and adapted to meet changing requirements.
  • Reduced costs: Virtualization can help reduce hardware costs and increase resource utilization, leading to lower overall infrastructure costs.

116. What are some standard virtualization technologies used in DevOps?

Several virtualization technologies are commonly used in DevOps, including:

  • Virtual machines (VMs): VMs are created using virtualization software such as VMware or VirtualBox and enable the creation of multiple virtual instances of an operating system on a single physical machine.
  • Containers: Containers are lightweight, portable virtual environments created using containerization software such as Docker or Kubernetes. Containers enable the creation of custom application environments that can be easily shared and deployed across different systems.
  • Cloud computing: Cloud computing providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offer virtualized infrastructure and services that can be easily managed and scaled using DevOps tools and practices.

There you go, these are some of the most common DevOps interview questions that you might come across while attending an interview. As a DevOps Engineer, in-depth knowledge of processes, tools, and relevant technology is essential and these DevOps interview questions and answers will help you get some knowledge about some of these aspects. In addition, you must also have a holistic understanding of the products, services, and systems in place. 

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As you can see, there is a lot to learn to be able to land a rewarding job in the field of DevOps—Git, Jenkins, Selenium, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Docker, Nagios, and more. While this comprehensive DevOps interview question guide is designed to help you ace your next interview, you would undoubtedly perform better if you enroll in our comprehensive DevOps Engineer Training Course today. You can even check out our Post Graduate Program in DevOps designed in collaboration with Caltech CTME that enables you to prepare for a DevOps career.

In the context of DevOps interview questions and answers, the AWS Solution Architect Certification often plays a significant role, highlighting a candidate's expertise in AWS cloud infrastructure, a key component of modern DevOps practices. This certification is frequently used during interviews to assess a candidate's ability to design, manage, and optimize cloud-based solutions.

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About the author.

Shivam Arora

Shivam Arora is a Senior Product Manager at Simplilearn. Passionate about driving product growth, Shivam has managed key AI and IOT based products across different business functions. He has 6+ years of product experience with a Masters in Marketing and Business Analytics.

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100 DevOps interview questions and answers to prepare in 2023

Do you want to be a successful DevOps developer? Or, do you want to hire the perfect candidate who can answer the most difficult DevOps interview questions? You are in the right place. Whether you want a DevOps job or want to hire a DevOps engineer, it will help you to go through the list of DevOps interview questions and answers given here.

100 DevOps interview questions and answers to prepare in 2023

Last updated on May 27, 2024

If a career in development & operations is what you want, then becoming a DevOps developer is your answer. However, going through the DevOps technical interview questions isn’t exactly a breezy affair. Moreover, if you’re a hiring manager looking to recruit top DevOps developers, gauging each candidate’s skills can be tedious if you don’t ask the right questions.

That’s why we’ve created this list of 100 DevOps interview questions that are most commonly asked during DevOps interviews. Whether you want a DevOps job or want to hire a skilled DevOps engineer, these DevOps interview questions and answers will help you out.

Table of contents

Basic devops interview questions and answers.

What benefits does DevOps have in business?

DevOps can bring several benefits to a business, such as:

  • Faster time to market : DevOps practices can help to streamline the development and deployment process, allowing for faster delivery of new products and features.
  • Increased collaboration : DevOps promotes collaboration between development and operations teams, resulting in better communication, more efficient problem-solving, and higher-quality software.
  • Improved agility : DevOps allows for more rapid and flexible responses to changing business needs and customer demands.
  • Increased reliability : DevOps practices such as continuous testing, monitoring, and automated deployment can help to improve the reliability and stability of software systems.
  • Greater scalability : DevOps practices can help to make it easier to scale systems to meet growing business needs and user demand.
  • Cost saving s: DevOps can help to reduce the costs associated with the development, deployment, and maintenance of software systems by automating many manual processes and reducing downtime.
  • Better security : DevOps practices such as continuous testing and monitoring can help to improve the security of software systems.

What are the key components of a successful DevOps workflow?

The key components include Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Automated testing, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Configuration Management, Monitoring & Logging, and Collaboration & Communication.

What are the different phases of the DevOps lifecycle?

The DevOps lifecycle is designed to streamline the development process, minimize errors and defects, and ensure that software is delivered to end-users quickly and reliably. The different phases of the DevOps lifecycle are:

  • Plan : Define project goals, requirements, and resources
  • Code : Develop and write code
  • Build : Compile code into executable software
  • Test : Verify and validate software functionality
  • Release : Deploy code to the production environment
  • Deploy : Automated deployment and scaling of software
  • Operate : Monitor and maintain the software in production
  • Monitor : Collect and analyze software performance data
  • Optimize : Continuously improve and evolve the software system

What are the best programming and scripting languages for DevOps engineers?

The best programming and scripting languages DevOps engineers must know are as follows:

Programming languages :-

  • Terraform (Infrastructure as Code)
  • Ansible (Automation and Configuration Management)
  • Puppet (Automation and Configuration Management)

Scripting languages :-

Explain configuration management in DevOps.

Configuration Management (CM) is a practice in DevOps that involves organizing and maintaining the configuration of software systems and infrastructure. It includes version control, monitoring, and change management of software systems, configurations, and dependencies.

The goal of CM is to ensure that software systems are consistent and reliable to make tracking and managing changes to these systems easier. This helps to minimize downtime, increase efficiency, and ensure that software systems remain up-to-date and secure.

Configuration Management is often performed using tools such as Ansible, Puppet, Chef, and SaltStack, which automate the process and make it easier to manage complex software systems at scale.

Name and explain trending DevOps tools.

Docker : A platform for creating, deploying, and running containers, which provides a way to package and isolate applications and their dependencies.

Kubernetes : An open-source platform for automating containers' deployment, scaling, and management.

Ansible : An open-source tool for automating configuration management and provisioning infrastructure.

Jenkins : An open-source tool to automate software development, testing, and deployment.

Terraform : An open-source tool for managing and provisioning infrastructure as code.

GitLab : An open-source tool that provides source code management, continuous integration, and deployment pipelines in a single application.

Nagios : An open-source tool for monitoring and alerting on the performance and availability of software systems.

Grafana : An open-source platform for creating and managing interactive, reusable dashboards for monitoring and alerting.

ELK Stack : A collection of open-source tools for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing log data from software systems.

New Relic : A SaaS-based tool for monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing software performance.

How would you strategize for a successful DevOps implementation?

For a successful DevOps implementation, I will follow the following steps:

  • Define the business objectives
  • Build cross-functional teams
  • Adopt agile practices
  • Automate manual tasks
  • Implement continuous integration and continuous delivery
  • Use infrastructure as code
  • Monitor and measure
  • Continuously improve
  • Foster a culture of learning to encourage experimentation and innovation

What role does AWS play in DevOps?

AWS provides a highly scalable and flexible cloud infrastructure for hosting and deploying applications, making it easier for DevOps teams to manage and scale their software systems. Moreover, it offers a range of tools and services to support continuous delivery, such as AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeDeploy, which automate the software release process.

AWS CloudFormation and AWS OpsWorks allow automation of the management and provisioning of infrastructure and applications. Then we have Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon CloudTrail, which enable the teams to monitor and log the performance and behavior of their software systems, ensuring reliability and security.

AWS also supports containerization through Amazon Elastic Container Service and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. It also provides serverless computing capabilities through services such as AWS Lambda. In conclusion, AWS offers a range of DevOps tools for efficient and successful DevOps implementation.

DevOps vs. Agile: How are they different?

DevOps and Agile are both methodologies used to improve software development and delivery, but they have different focuses and goals:

Focus : Agile is focused primarily on the development process and the delivery of high-quality software, while DevOps is focused on the entire software delivery process, from development to operations.

Goals : The goal of Agile is to deliver software in small, incremental updates, with a focus on collaboration, flexibility, and rapid feedback. DevOps aims to streamline the software delivery process, automate manual tasks, and improve collaboration between development and operations teams.

Teams : Agile teams mainly focus on software development, while DevOps teams are cross-functional and their job include both development and operations.

Processes : Agile uses iterative development processes, such as Scrum or Kanban, to develop software, while DevOps uses a continuous delivery process that integrates code changes, testing, and deployment into a single, automated pipeline.

Culture : Agile emphasizes a culture of collaboration, continuous improvement, and flexible responses to change, while DevOps emphasizes a culture of automation, collaboration, and continuous improvement across the entire software delivery process.

To summarize, DevOps is a natural extension of Agile that incorporates the principles of Agile and applies them to the entire software delivery process, not just the development phase.

What is a container, and how does it relate to DevOps?

A container is a standalone executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, libraries, environment variables, and system tools. Containers are related to DevOps because they enable faster, more consistent, and more efficient software delivery.

Explain Component-based development in DevOps.

Component-based development, also known as CBD, is a unique approach to product development. In this, developers search for pre-existing well-defined, verified, and tested code components instead of developing from scratch.

How is version control crucial in DevOps?

Version control is crucial in DevOps because it allows teams to manage and save code changes and track the evolution of their software systems over time. Some key benefits include collaboration, traceability, reversibility, branching, and release management.

Describe continuous integration.

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice that automatically builds, tests, and integrates code changes into a shared repository. The goal of CI is to detect and fix integration problems early in the development process, reducing the risk of bugs and improving the quality of the software.

What is continuous delivery?

Continuous delivery (CD) is a software development practice that aims to automate the entire software delivery process, from code commit to deployment. The goal of CD is to make it possible to release software to production at any time by ensuring that the software is always in a releasable state.

Learn more about CI/CD here .

Explain continuous testing.

Continuous testing is a software testing practice that involves automating the testing process and integrating it into the continuous delivery pipeline. The goal of continuous testing is to catch and fix issues as early as possible in the development process before they reach production.

What is continuous monitoring?

Continuous monitoring is a software development practice that involves monitoring applications' performance, availability, and security in production environments. The goal is to detect and resolve issues quickly and efficiently to ensure that the application remains operational and secure.

What key metrics should you focus on for DevOps success?

Focusing on the right key metrics can provide valuable insights into your DevOps processes and help you identify areas for improvement. Here are some key metrics to consider:

Deployment frequency : Measures how often new builds or features are deployed to production. Frequent deployments can indicate effective CI/CD processes, while rare deployments can hint at bottlenecks or inefficiencies.

Change lead time : The time it takes for code changes to move from initial commit to deployment in a production environment. A low change lead time can indicate agile processes that allow for quick adaptation and innovation.

Mean time to recovery (MTTR) : The average time it takes to restore a system or service after an incident or failure. A low MTTR indicates that the DevOps team can quickly identify, diagnose, and resolve issues, minimizing service downtime.

Change failure rate : The percentage of deployments that result in a failure or require a rollback or hotfix. A low change failure rate suggests effective testing and deployment strategies, reducing the risk of introducing new issues.

Cycle time : The total time it takes for work to progress from start to finish, including development, testing, and deployment. A short cycle time indicates an efficient process and faster delivery of value to customers.

Automation percentage : The proportion of tasks that are automated within the CI/CD pipeline. High automation levels can accelerate processes, reduce human error, and improve consistency and reliability.

Test coverage : Measures the percentage of code or functionality covered by tests, which offers insight into how thoroughly your applications are being tested before deployment. High test coverage helps ensure code quality and reduces the likelihood of production issues.

System uptime and availability : Monitors the overall reliability and stability of your applications, services, and infrastructure. A high uptime percentage indicates more resilient and reliable systems.

Customer feedback : Collects quantitative and qualitative data on user experience, satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement. This metric can reveal how well the application or service is aligning with business objectives and meeting customer needs.

Team collaboration and satisfaction : Measures the effectiveness of communication, efficiency, and morale within the DevOps teams. High satisfaction levels can translate to more productive and successful DevOps practices.

List down the types of HTTP requests.

HTTP requests (methods) play a crucial role in DevOps when interacting with APIs, automation, webhooks, and monitoring systems. Here are the main HTTP methods used in a DevOps context:

GET : Retrieves information or resources from a server. Commonly used to fetch data or obtain status details in monitoring systems or APIs.

POST : Submits data to a server to create a new resource or initiate an action. Often used in APIs to create new items, trigger builds, or start deployments.

PUT : Updates a resource or data on the server. Used in APIs and automation to edit existing information or re-configure existing resources.

PATCH : Applies partial updates to a resource on the server. Utilized when only a certain part of the data needs an update, rather than the entire resource.

DELETE : Deletes a specific resource from the server. Use this method to remove data, stop running processes, or delete existing resources within automation and APIs.

HEAD : Identical to GET but only retrieves the headers and not the body of the response. Useful for checking if a resource exists or obtaining metadata without actually transferring the resource data.

OPTIONS : Retrieves the communication options available for a specific resource or URL. Use this method to identify the allowed HTTP methods for a resource, or to test the communication capabilities of an API.

CONNECT : Establishes a network connection between the client and a specified resource for use with a network proxy.

TRACE : Retrieves a diagnostic representation of the request and response messages for a resource. It is mainly used for testing and debugging purposes.

What is the role of automation in DevOps?

Automation plays a critical role in DevOps, allowing teams to develop, test, and deploy software more efficiently by reducing manual intervention, increasing consistency, and accelerating processes. Key aspects of automation in DevOps include Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD), Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Configuration Management, Automated Testing, Monitoring and Logging, Automated Security, among others. By automating these aspects of the software development lifecycle, DevOps teams can streamline their workflows, maximize efficiency, reduce errors, and ultimately deliver higher-quality software faster.

What is the difference between a service and a microservice?

A service and a microservice are both architectural patterns for building and deploying software applications, but there are some key differences between them:

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How do you secure a CI/CD pipeline?

To secure a CI/CD pipeline, follow these steps:

  • Ensure all tools and dependencies are up to date
  • Implement strong access controls and authentication
  • Scan code for vulnerabilities (e.g., SonarQube, OWASP Dependency-Check)
  • Cloud provider managed private build environments (e.g., AWS CodeBuild)
  • Store sensitive data like keys, tokens, and passwords in a secret management tool (e.g., HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager)
  • Regularly audit infrastructure and system logs for anomalies

How does incident management fit into the DevOps workflow?

Incident management is a crucial component of the DevOps workflow, as it helps quickly resolve issues in the production environment and prevent them from becoming bigger problems.

What is the difference between a git pull and a git fetch?

git pull and git fetch are two distinct commands in Git that serve different purposes, primarily related to updating a local repository with changes from a remote repository

git pull is a combination of git fetch and git merge. It retrieves data from the remote repository and automatically merges it into the local branch.

git fetch is used to retrieve data from remote repositories, but it does not automatically merge the data into the local branch. It only downloads the data and stores it in the local repository as a separate branch, which means the developer must manually merge the fetched data with the remote branch.

What is the difference between a container and a virtual machine?

A container and a virtual machine are both technologies used for application virtualization. However, there are some key differences between the two.

A virtual machine runs an entire operating system, which can be resource-intensive, while a container shares the host operating system and only includes the necessary libraries and dependencies to run an application, making it lighter and more efficient.

Containers provide isolation between applications, while virtual machines provide complete isolation from the host operating system and other virtual machines.

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Intermediate DevOps technical interview questions and answers

Explain how you will handle merge conflicts in Git.

The following three steps can help resolve merge conflicts in Git: -

  • Understand the problem, then merge conflict can arise due to different problems, for example, same line edit on the same file, deleting some files, or files with the same file names. You can understand what caused the conflict by checking the git status.
  • The next step is to mark and clean up the conflict. For this, open the file with mergetool. Git will mark the conflict portion as ‘<<<<>>>>[other/branch/name]’ -
  • Now run commit again, and merge the current branch with the master branch.

When answering these DevOps interview questions, please include all the steps in your answer. The more details you provide, the better your chances of moving through the interview process.

Mention some advantages of Forking workflow over other Git workflows.

This type of DevOps interview question warrants a detailed answer. Below are some advantages of Forking workflow over other Git workflows.

There is a fundamental difference between Forking workflow and other Git workflows. Unlike other Git workflows that have a single central code repository on the server side, in Forking workflow, every developer gets their own server-side repositories.

The Forking workflow finds use in public open-source projects leading to the integration of individual contributions without the need for all users pushing to a central repository for clean project history. Only the project maintainer pushes to the central repository, while the individual developers can use their personal server-side repositories.

Once the developers complete their local commits and are ready to publish, they push their commits to their respective public repositories. After that, they send a pull request to the central repository. This notifies the project maintainer to integrate the update with the central repository.

Is it possible to move or copy Jenkins from one server to another? How?

Yes, one can copy the Jenkins jobs directory from the old server to the new one. To move a job from one Jenkins installation to another, one can simply copy the required job directory.

Another method is to create a clone of an existing job directory with a different name. Another way is to rename an existing job by renaming the directory. However, in this method, one needs to change any other job calling the renamed job.

What are automation testing and continuous testing?

Automation testing is a process that automates the manual testing process. Different testing tools allow developers to generate test scripts that can be executed continually without the need for human intervention.

In continuous testing, the automated tests are executed as part of the DevOps software delivery pipeline. Each build is continuously tested so that the development stays ahead of the problems and prevents them from moving on to the next software delivery lifecycle stage. This process speeds up the workflow of the developer. This is because the developers do not need to run all the tests once they make changes.

The above type of DevOps interview question only asks for a definition of the processes and not a differentiation between the processes. However, if you want you can also differentiate between the two processes.

Mention the technical challenges with Selenium.

Mentioned below are some of the technical challenges with Selenium: -

  • It only works with web-based applications
  • It does not work with bitmap comparison
  • While commercial tools such as HP UFT have vendor support, Selenium does not
  • Selenium does not have an object repository, thus storing and maintaining objects is complex

For a DevOps interview question asking about technical challenges of a tool or component, apart from highlighting the challenges, you can also recount your experience with such challenges and how you overcame them. Giving a personal experience for such a question shows that you haven’t simply mugged up answers.

What are Puppet Manifests?

While this is a rather simple DevOps interview question, knowing the answer to such questions shows you are serious about your work. Puppet manifests are programs written in the native Puppet language and saved with the .pp extension.

As such, any Puppet program built to create or manage a target host machine is referred to as a manifest. These manifests are made of Puppet code. The configuration details of Puppet nodes and Puppet agents are contained in the Puppet Master.

Explain the working of Ansible.

As an open-source tool used for automation, Ansible is divided into two server types - nodes and controlling machines. The installation of Ansible happens on the controlling machine, and this machine, along with SSH, helps manage the nodes.

The controlling machine has inventories that specify the node’s location. Ansible does not have an agent as a tool, which precludes the need for any mandatory installations on the nodes. Therefore, no background programs need to be executed when Ansible manages the nodes.

Ansible Playbooks help Ansible manage multiple nodes from one system with an SSH connection. This is because Playbooks exist in the YAML format and can perform many tasks simultaneously.

In a DevOps interview question like the above, you should include all the details. Moreover, in such a DevOps interview question, you may expect follow-up questions, such as, “Have you used Ansible? Take us through any interesting or weird experience you had while using it.”

Explain the Sudo concept in Linux.

The sudo (superuser do) command in Linux is a powerful utility that allows users to execute commands with the privileges of another user, usually the superuser or root. The sudo concept provides a controlled way of managing which users can perform administrative tasks without granting them unrestricted root access.

What is the purpose of SSH?

SSH is the abbreviation of “Secure Shell.” The SSH protocol was designed to provide a secure protocol when connecting with unsecured remote computers. SSH uses a client-server paradigm, where the communication between the client and server happens over a secure channel. There are three layers of the SSH protocol: -

Transport layer : This layer ensures that the communication between the client and the server is secure. It monitors the encryption and decryption of data and protects the connection’s integrity. Data caching and compression are also their functions.

Authentication layer : This layer is responsible for conducting client authentication.

Connection layer : This layer comes into play after authentication and manages the communication channels. Communication channels created by SSH use public-key cryptography for client authentication. Once the secure connection is in place, the exchange of information through SSH happens in a safe and encrypted way, irrespective of the network infrastructure being used. With SSH, tunneling, forwarding TCP, and transferring files can be done securely.

Talk about Nagios Log server.

The purpose of the Nagios Log server is to simplify the search for log data. Thus, it is best suited for tasks such as alert set-up, notifications for potential threats, log data querying, and quick system auditing. Using Nagios Log server can place all log data at a single location with high availability.

Explain how you will handle sensitive data in DevOps.

Handling sensitive data in DevOps requires a robust approach to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Here are some steps that can be taken to handle sensitive data in DevOps:

  • Identify and classify sensitive data : The first step is to identify what data is sensitive and then classify it based on its level of sensitivity. This will help determine the appropriate measures to be taken to protect it.
  • Implement access controls : Access controls should be put in place to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data. This includes implementing strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and limiting access to sensitive data on a need-to-know basis.
  • Encrypt data : Sensitive data should be encrypted in transit and at rest. This helps protect the data from being intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties.
  • Use secure communication channels : Communication channels to transfer sensitive data should be secured using encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS.
  • Implement auditing and logging : Audit logs should be kept to monitor who has accessed sensitive data and what actions were taken. This helps detect and respond to any unauthorized access or suspicious activity.
  • Conduct regular security assessments : Regular security assessments should be conducted to identify vulnerabilities and potential security risks. This helps ensure that the security measures put in place are effective and up to date.

What is high availability, and how can you achieve it in your infrastructure?

High availability, abbreviated as HA, refers to removing singular failure points to let applications continue operating even if a server or another IT part it depends on fails. To achieve HA in an infrastructure, these steps are crucial: -

Capacity planning : It’s key to anticipate the number of requests and users at various dates and times to avoid capacity bottlenecks. For this, regular reviews of event logs and traffic loads must be conducted to establish a utilization baseline to predict and analyze future trends.

A vital step here is to determine the infrastructure’s resources, like memory, network bandwidth, processors, etc., measure their performance, and compare that to their maximum capacities. This way, their capacity can be identified to take the necessary steps to achieve HA.

Redundancy planning : This involves duplicating the infrastructure’s system components so that not a single one’s failure can power down the entire application.

Failure protection : Multiple issues can hinder achieving high availability, which is why anticipating system issues beforehand is key. Incorrect cluster configuration, mismatching of cluster resources to physical resources, networked storage access problems, etc., are just a few of the many issues that can occur. Paying close attention to these issues unique to the infrastructure and understanding their weak points will help determine the response method for each.

When answering this DevOps interview question, list all the prominent and common issues/bottlenecks/problems with proper examples to show a firm grasp of the concept to move ahead in the interview round.

Describe Blue-Green deployments in DevOps. How does Blue/Green and Rolling deployment differ in Kubernetes?

By definition, blue-green deployment is a code release model comprising two different yet identical environments simultaneously existing. Here, the traffic is moved from one environment to the other to let the updated environment go into production, while the older one can be retired via a continuous cycle.

Blue-green deployment is a widely-used technique in DevOps that companies adopt to roll out new software updates or designs without causing downtime. It is usually implemented for web app maintenance and requires two identically running applications with the same hardware environments established for a single application. The active version is the blue one, which serves the end users, and the inactive one is green.

Blue/Green deployment uses two environments with the new version in one environment while the current version runs in the other. Traffic is switched when the new version is ready. Rolling deployment updates pods incrementally, replacing old versions with new while maintaining availability.

Explain how Nagios works.

Nagios operates on a server, typically as a service or demon. It periodically runs plugins housed on the same server, which contacts servers or hosts on the internet or your network. You can use the web interface to view the status information and receive SMS or email notifications if something happens.

The Nagios daemon acts like a scheduler that runs specific scripts at particular moments. It then stores the script results and runs other scripts to check if the results change.

List the trending Jenkins plugins.

This is a common DevOps interview question, but you must list the most trending plugins and as many as possible. Git plugin: It facilitates Git functions critical for a Jenkins project and provides multiple Git operations like fetching, pulling, branching, checking out, merging, listing, pushing, and tagging repositories. The Git plugin also serves as a DVCD (Distributed Version Control DevOps) to assist distributed non-linear workflows via data assurance to develop high-quality software.

Jira plugin : This open-source plugin integrates Jenkins with Jira (both Server and Cloud versions), allowing DevOps teams to gain more visibility into their development pipelines.

Kubernetes plugin : This plugin integrates Jenkins with Kubernetes to provide developers with scaling automation when running Jenkins slaves in a Kubernetes environment. This plugin also creates Kubernetes Pods dynamically for every agent the Docker image defines. It runs and terminates each agent after build completion.

Docker plugin : This plugin helps developers spawn Docker containers and automatically run builds on them. The Docker plugin lets DevOps teams use Docker hosts to provision docker containers as Jenkins agent nodes running single builds. They can terminate the nodes without the build processes requiring any Docker awareness.

SonarQube plugin : This plugin seamlessly integrates SonarQube with Jenkins to help DevOps teams detect bugs, duplication, and vulnerabilities and ensure high code quality before creating code automatically via Jenkins.

Maven integration plugin : While Jenkins doesn’t have in-built Maven support, this plugin provides advanced integration of Maven 2 or 3 projects with Jenkins. The Maven integration plugin offers multiple functionalities like incremental builds, binary post-build deployments, automatic configurations of Junit, Findbugs, and other reporting plugins.

Explain Docker Swarms.

A Docker Swarm is a native clustering that turns a group of Docker hosts into a virtual, single Docker host. The Swarm serves the standard Docker API, and any tool already communicating with the Docker Daemon can utilize Swarm to scale transparently to various hosts. Supported tools include Dokku, Docker Machine, Docker Compose, and Jenkins.

Describe a multi-stage Dockerfile, and why is it useful?

A multi-stage Dockerfile allows multiple build stages within a single Dockerfile. Each stage can use a different base image, and only required artifacts are carried forward. It reduces the final image size, improves build time, and enhances security.

multi-stage docker file

How do you ensure compliance adherence in a DevOps environment?

Ensuring compliance adherence in a DevOps environment requires a comprehensive approach that involves implementing policies, procedures, and tools that support compliance throughout the software development lifecycle. Here are some key steps that can help:

Establish clear policies and procedures : Develop clear policies and procedures that define the compliance requirements for your organization. This may include standards for security, data privacy, and regulatory compliance.

Implement automated testing : Automated testing can help identify potential compliance issues early in the development process. This includes security testing, vulnerability scanning, and code analysis.

Implement change management processes : Change management processes help ensure that changes are properly tested and approved before they are deployed. This helps reduce the risk of introducing compliance issues into the production environment.

Use version control : Version control systems allow you to track changes to code and configurations, which can help with auditing and compliance reporting.

Monitor and log all activitie s: Monitoring and logging all activities in the DevOps environment can help identify compliance issues and provide an audit trail for regulatory reporting.

Can you explain the concept of "Infrastructure as Code"?

Infrastructure as Code is an approach to data center server, networking, and storage infrastructure management. This approach is designed to simplify large-scale management and configuration majorly.

Traditional data center management involved manual action for every configuration change, using system administrators and operators. In comparison, infrastructure as code facilitates housing infrastructure configurations in standardized files, readable by software that maintains the infrastructure’s state.

This approach is popular in DevOps as it helps to improve productivity as operations and administrators don’t need to conduct manual configuration for data center infrastructure changes. Moreover, IaC also offers better reliability as the infrastructure configuration is stored in digital files, reducing human error chances

Explain Ansible Playbooks. Write a simple Ansible playbook to install and start Nginx.

Ansible’s Playbooks are its language for configuration, deployment, and orchestration. These Playbooks can define a policy that a team would want its remote systems to establish, or a group of steps in a general IT procedure.

Playbooks are human-readable and follow a basic text language. At the basic level, these can also be used for the configuration and deployment management of remote machines.

ansible playbooks

Explain the concept of the term "cloud-native".

The term ‘ cloud native ’ is used to describe any application built to reside in the cloud from its very beginning. Cloud-native comprises cloud technologies such as container orchestrators, auto-scaling, and microservices.

How can you get a list of every ansible_variable?

By default, Ansible collects ‘facts’ about machines under management. You can access these facts in templates and Playbooks. To check the full list of all the facts available about a particular machine, run the setup module as an ad-hoc action using this: Ansible -m setup hostname Using this will print out a complete list of all facts available for a particular host.

Write a simple Bash script to check if a service is running.

bash script

Name the platforms Docker currently runs on.

Currently, Docker only runs on Cloud, Linux, Windows, and Mac platforms

  • Ubuntu 12.04, 13.04
  • Fedora 19/20+
  • openSUSE 12.3+
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Compute Engine

Mac: Docker runs on macOS 10.13 and newer versions.

Windows : Docker runs on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 and newer versions.

What is the usage of a Dockerfile?

A Dockerfile is used to provide instructions to Docker, allowing it to build images automatically. This Dockerfile is a text document containing all the user commands that can be called on the command line to create an image. Using Docker build, users can assemble an automated build to execute numerous command-line instructions one after the other.

List the top configuration management tools.

Ansible : This configuration management tool helps to automate the entire IT infrastructure.

Chef : This tool acts as an automation platform to transform infrastructure into code.

Saltstack: This tool is based on Python and seamlessly allows efficient and scalable configuration.

Puppet : This open-source configuration management tool helps implement automation to handle complex software systems.

CFEngine : This is another open-source configuration management tool that helps teams automate complex and large-scale IT infrastructure.

How do you use Docker for containerization?

Docker is a popular tool for containerization, which allows you to create lightweight, portable, and isolated environments for your applications. Here's a high-level overview of how to use Docker for containerization:

Install Docker : First, you need to install Docker on your system. You can download Docker Desktop from the official website, which provides an easy-to-use interface for managing Docker containers.

Create a Dockerfile : A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions for building a Docker image. You can create a Dockerfile in the root directory of your application, and it should specify the base image, environment variables, dependencies, and commands to run your application.

Build a Docker image : Once you have a Dockerfile, you can use the docker build command to build a Docker image. The command will read the Dockerfile and create a new image that includes your application and all its dependencies.

Run a Docker container : After you've built a Docker image, you can use the docker run command to create and start a new container. You can specify options like port forwarding, environment variables, and volumes to customize the container.

What are Anti-Patterns in DevOps, and how to avoid them?

In DevOps, and the overall software development process, a pattern refers to the path of solving a problem. Contrary to that, an anti-pattern is a pattern a DevOps team uses to fix its short-term problem, risking long-term goals as an anti-pattern is typically ineffective and results in counterproductiveness.

Some examples of these anti-patterns include:

RCA - Root cause analysis is the process of determining the root cause of an issue and the appropriate action needed to avoid its recurrence.

Blame culture - This involves blaming and punishing those responsible when a mistake occurs.

Silos - A departmental or organizational silo states the mentality of a team that doesn’t share their expertise with another team within the organization.

Apart from these, various anti-patterns can exist in DevOps. You can take these steps to avoid them:

  • Structuring teams correctly and adding the vital processes needed for their success. This also includes offering the required resources, information security, and technology to help them attain the best results.
  • Clearly defining roles and responsibilities for every team member. It ensures each member follows the plans and strategies in place so that managers can effectively monitor timelines and make the right decisions.
  • Implementing continuous integration, including security scanning, automated regression testing, code reviews, open-source license and compliance monitoring, and continuous deployment, including quality control, development control, and production. This is an effective solution to fix underlying processes and avoid anti-patterns.
  • Establishing the right culture by enforcing important DevOps culture principles, such as openness to failure, continual improvement, and collaboration.

Clarify the usage of Selenium for automated testing

Selenium is a popular open-source tool used for automating web browsers. It can be used for automated testing to simulate user interactions with a web application, such as clicking buttons, filling in forms, and navigating between pages. Selenium provides a suite of tools for web browser automation, such as Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, among others.

Selenium WebDriver is the most commonly used tool in the Selenium suite. It allows developers to write code in a variety of programming languages, such as Java, Python, or C#, to control a web browser and interact with web elements on a web page. This allows for the creation of automated tests that can run repeatedly and quickly without requiring manual intervention.

What is auto-scaling in Kubernetes?

Autoscaling is one of the vital features of Kubernetes clusters. Autoscaling enables a cluster to increase the number of nodes as the service response demand increases and decreases the number when the requirement decreases. This Kubernetes feature is only supported in Google Container Engine (GKE) and Google Cloud Engine (GCE).


It is another common DevOps interview question that you can answer briefly. However, answering it correctly can show your firm grasp of the overall DevOps domain. EUCALYPTUS stands for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs to Useful Systems. EUCALYPTUS is typically used with DevOps tools like Chef and Puppet.

List the three key variables that affect inheritance and recursion in Nagios.

  • Name - This is the placeholder used by other objects.
  • Use - This defines a parent object whose properties are to be used.
  • Register - This can have a 0 or 1 value. 0 indicates that it's just a template, while 1 indicates that it’s an actual object.

How to use Istio for service mesh?

Istio comes with two distinct components to be used for service mesh: the data plane and the control plane. Here’s how it works:

Data plane : The data plane refers to the communication between each service. Without the service mesh, the network fails to understand the traffic it receives and can’t make decisions based on the traffic type it has, who it is from, or who it’s being sent to.

Service mesh employs a proxy to intercept the network traffic, enabling various application-aware features based on pre-set configurations. Then, an Envoy proxy is deployed with every service started in the cluster, which can also run alongside a VM service.

Control plane : The control plane then interprets the desired configuration, its service views, and programs the proxy servers. It also updates them as the environment or configuration changes.

List the branching strategies you’ve used previously.

This DevOps interview question is asked to check your branching experience. You can explain how you’ve used branching in previous roles. Below are a few points you can refer to:

Feature branching - Feature branch models maintain all the changes for specific features inside a branch. Once automated tests are used to fully test and validate a feature, the branch is then merged with master.

Release branching - After a develop branch has enough features for deployment, one can clone that branch to create a release branch that starts the next release cycle. Hence, no new features can be introduced after this; only documentation generation, bug fixes, and other release-associated tasks can enter this branch. Once it’s ready for shipping, the release branch merges with the master and receives a version number.

Task branching - This model involves implementing each task on its respective branch using the task key in the branch name, which makes it easier to check which code performs which task.

Explain the usage of Grafana for data visualization.

Grafana is a popular open-source data visualization and monitoring tool used to create interactive dashboards and visualizations for analyzing data. It can connect to a wide variety of data sources, including databases, cloud services, and third-party APIs, and allows users to create customized visualizations using a range of built-in and community-contributed plugins.

Some primary Grafana features include integrating data sources, creating dashboards and data visualizations, and generating notifications.

How do you use Elasticsearch for log analysis?

Elasticsearch is a powerful tool for log analysis that allows you to easily search, analyze, and visualize large volumes of log data. Here are the basic steps for using Elasticsearch for log analysis:

Install and configure Elasticsearch : First, you must install Elasticsearch on your machine or server. Once installed, you need to configure Elasticsearch by specifying the location where log data will be stored.

Index your log data : To use Elasticsearch for log analysis, you must index your log data. You can do this by using Elasticsearch APIs or by using third-party tools such as Logstash or Fluentd.

Search and analyze your log data : Once your log data is indexed, you can search and analyze it using Elasticsearch's query language. Elasticsearch provides a powerful query language that allows you to search for specific log entries based on various criteria such as time range, severity level, and keyword.

Visualize your log data : Elasticsearch also provides built-in visualization tools that allow you to create charts, graphs, and other visual representations of your log data. You can use these tools to identify patterns and trends in your log data and to monitor the health and performance of your systems.

How do you use Kubernetes for rolling updates?

The following steps can be followed to use Kubernetes for rolling updates:

  • Create a yaml file containing deployment specifications through a text editor, like Nano.
  • Save the file and exit.
  • Next, use ‘kubect1 create’ command and the yaml file to create the deployment.
  • Use the ‘kubect1 get deployment’ command to check the deployment. The output should indicate that the deployment is good to go.
  • Next, run the ‘kubect1 get rs’ command to check the ReplicaSets.
  • Lastly, check if the pods are ready. Use the ‘kubect1 get pod’ command for this.

What are the benefits of A/B testing?

Following are the major benefits of implementing A/B testing:

Improved user engagement : Various elements of a website, ad, app, or platform can be a/b tested, including headlines, fonts, buttons, colors, and more. These changes can help understand which ones are increasing user responses and can be further implemented to move towards business success.

Decreased bounce rates : A/b testing can also help understand what needs to be optimized to keep visitors on the app or website for as long as possible. Various elements such as the images, texts, CTAs, etc. can be tested to assess which changes help lower bounce rates.

Risk minimization : If the team is unaware of how a new element or feature will perform, a/b tests can be performed to check how it affects the system and what user reactions it gets. This way, a/b testing also helps to minimize risk and roll back features/elements/code if they have a larger negative impact.

Better content : Using a/b testing, the content of a website or application can be tested to check if its getting the desired responses or if there’s anything that is ineffective and needs to be eliminated. This helps in creating final versions that comprise effective content for end users.

Increased conversion rates : Ultimately, making changes and running a/b tests to see which ones work best help in creating the best possible final version of a product that gets more purchases, sign-ups, or other conversion-related numbers.

Give a complete overview of Jenkins architecture.

Jenkins uses a Master/Slave architecture for distributed build management. This has two components: the Jenkins server, and the Jenkins node/build/slave server. Here’s what the architecture looks like:

  • The Jenkins server is a war file-powered web dashboard. Using this, you can configure projects/jobs. However, the build takes place in the slave/nodes. By default, only one nodes/slave runs on the Jenkins server, but you can add more using a username, IP address, and password through the ssh/jnlp/webstart.
  • The key Jenkins server is the master, whose job is to manage the scheduling of build jobs, deploying builds to slaves for execution, monitoring slaves, and recording and presenting build results. In a distributed architecture, a Jenkins master can also execute build jobs by itself.
  • As for the slaves, their task is to do as per their configurations in the Jenkins server, which includes executing build jobs sent by the master. Teams can also configure projects to continuously run on specific slave machines or a particular type of slave machines or just let Jenkins select the next available slave.

Advanced DevOps interview questions and answers

Explain the Shift Left to Reduce Failure concept in DevOps.

In the SDLC, the left side implicates planning, design, and development, while the right indicates production staging, stress testing, and user acceptance. Talking about DevOps, shifting left means undertaking as many tasks that occur at the end of the SDLC as possible into the earlier stages. In doing so, the chances of facing errors during the later stages of software development is greatly reduced as they’re identified and rectified in the earlier stages.

In this approach, the operations and development team work side by side when building the test case and deployment automation. This is done as failures within the production environment aren’t observed earlier quite often. Both the operations and development teams are expected to assume ownership in the development and maintenance of standard deployment procedures by using cloud and pattern capabilities. This helps to ensure that production deployments are successful.

What are ‘post mortem’ meetings in DevOps?

Post mortem meetings refer to those that are scheduled for discussing the things that have gone wrong while adopting the DevOps methodology. During such meetings, the team is expected to discuss steps that need to be taken to avoid the recurrence of such failures in the future.

Explain the concept of ‘pair programming’.

This is an advanced DevOps interview question that recruiters often ask to check a candidate’s expertise. Hence, knowing the proper answer to this question can help you advance further in the interview.

Pair programming is a common engineering practice wherein two programmers operate on the same design, system, and code. The two follow the ‘Extreme Programming’ rules, where one programmer is the ‘driver,’ and the other is the ‘observer’, who thoroughly monitors the project progress to determine further bottlenecks for immediate rectification.

What is the dogpile effect, and how can it be avoided?

The dogpile effect is also known as cache stampede. This usually occurs when massive parallel computing systems using caching strategies face extremely high load. Dogpile effect is referred to as the event that happens when the cache invalidates or expires, and various requests hit the website at the same time.

The most common approach to avoid dogpiling is by putting semaphore locks in the cache so that when it expires, the first process to get the lock will create the new value to the cache.

How can you ensure a script runs successfully every time the repository receives new commits through Git push?

There are three ways of setting up a script to get executed when the destination repository receives new Git push commits. These are called hooks and their three types include:

Pre-receive hook - This is invoked before references are updated while commits are pushed. The pre-receive hook helps ensure the scripts required for enforcing development policies are executed.

Update hook - This triggers script running before updates are actually deployed. This hook is used once for every commit pushed to the destination repository.

Post-receive hook - This triggers the script after the changes or updates have been sent to and accepted by the repository. The post-receive hook is ideal for configuring email notification processes, continuous integration-based scripts, deployment scripts, etc.

Explain how the canary deployment works.

In DevOps, canary deployment refers to the deployment strategy pattern that focuses on minimizing the impact of potential bugs in a new software update or release. This sort of deployment involves releasing updates to only a small number of users before making them available universally.

In this, developers use a load balancer or router to target singular routes with the new release. After deployment, they collect the metrics to assess the update’s performance and make a decision on whether it’s ready to be rolled out for a larger audience.

List the major differences between on-premises and cloud services in DevOps.

On-premises and cloud services are the two primary data hosting pathways used by DevOps teams. With cloud services, the team hosts data remotely using a third-party provider, whereas on-premises services involve data storage in the organization’s in-house servers. The key differences between the two include:

  • Cloud services usually offer less security control over infrastructure and data. However, they provide extra services, scale better, and incur lower expenses.
  • On-premises services entail unique security threats and massive maintenance costs, but they offer a bigger customization scope and better control.

How can you ensure minimum or zero downtime when updating a live heavy-traffic site?

This is an uncommon Devops interview question but can be asked by managers gauging your DevOps expertise at the advanced level. Here are the best practices to maintain minimum or zero downtime when deploying a live website’s newer version involving heavy traffic:

Before deploying on a production environment

  • Rigorously testing the new changes and ensuring they work in a test environment almost similar to the production system.
  • Running automation of test cases, if possible.
  • Building an automated sanity testing script that can be run on production without impacting real data. These are usually read-only test cases, and depending on the application needs, developers can add more cases here.
  • Creating scripts for manual tasks, if possible, avoiding human errors during the day of deployment.
  • Testing the scripts to ensure they work properly within a non-production environment.
  • Keeping the build artifacts ready, such as the database scripts, application deployment files, configuration files, etc.
  • Rehearsing deployment, where the developers deploy in a non-production environment almost identical to the production environment.
  • Creating and maintaining a checklist of to-do tasks on deployment day.

During deployment

  • Using the green-blue deployment approach to avoid down-time risk.
  • Maintaining a backup of current data/site to rollback when necessary.
  • Implementing sanity test cases before running depth testing.

Which one would you use to create an isolated environment: Docker or Vagrant?

In a nutshell, Docker is the ideal option for building and running an application environment, even if it's isolated. Vagrant is a tool for virtual machine management, whereas Docker is used to create and deploy applications.

It does so by packaging an application into a lightweight container, which can hold almost any software component and its dependencies, such as configuration files, libraries, executables, etc. The container can then execute it in a repeatable and guaranteed runtime environment.

What is ‘session affinity’?

The session affinity technique, also known as a sticky session, is a popular load-balancing technique requiring an allocated machine always to serve a user session. When user information is stored in a load balancer server app during a session, the session data will be needed to be available to all machines.

However, this can be avoided by continuously serving a user session request from a single machine, which is associated with the session as soon as it’s created. Every request in the particular session redirects to the associated machine, ensuring that the user data is housed at a single machine and the load is shared as well.

Teams typically do this through a SessionId cookie, which is sent to the client upon the first request, and every subsequent client request must contain the same cookie for session identification.

Write a simple Python script to fetch Git repository information using the GitHub API.

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How are SOA, monolithic, and microservices architecture different?

The monolithic, microservices architecture and service-oriented architecture (SOA) are quite different from one another. Here’s how:

  • The monolithic architecture is like a large container where an application’s software components are assembled and properly packaged.
  • The microservices architecture is a popular architectural style that structures applications as a group of small autonomous services modeled as per a business domain.
  • The SOA is a group of services that can communicate with each other, and this typically involves either data passing or two or more services coordinating activities.

How can you create a backup and copy file in Jenkins?

This is a rather simple DevOps interview question. To create a backup, you would need to periodically backup the JENKINS_HOME directory. This directory houses all the build configurations, the slave configurations, and the build history.

To backup the Jenkins setup, you would simply need to copy the directory. Furthermore, a job directory can also be copied to replicate or clone a job or rename the directory itself.

Additionally, you can also use the "Thin Backup" plugin or other backup plugins to automate the backup process and ensure that you have the latest backup available in case of any failure.

What are Puppet Modules, and how are they different from Puppet Manifests?

A Puppet Module is just a data collection (facts, templates, files, etc.) and manifests. These Modules come with a particular directory structure and help organize Puppet codes, as they can be used to split the code into various manifests. Using Puppet Modules to organize almost all the Puppet Manifests is considered the best practice. Puppet Modules differ from Manifests as the latter is just Puppet programs comprising Puppet code

Write a simple Terraform configuration to create an AWS S3 bucket.

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Why should Nagios be used for HTTP monitoring?

Nagios can provide the full monitoring service for HTTP servers and protocols. Some of the key benefits of conducting efficient HTTP monitoring using Nagios are as follows:

  • Application, services, and server availability can be increased drastically.
  • User experience can be monitored well.
  • Protocol failures and network outages can be detected as quickly as possible.
  • Web transactions and server performance can be monitored.
  • URLs can be monitored as well

Explain the various components of Selenium.

IDE - The Selenium IDE (integrated development environment) comprises a simple framework and a Firefox plugin that you can easily install. This component is typically used for prototyping.

RC - The Selenium RC (remote control) is a testing framework that quality analysts and developers use. This component supports coding in almost any programming language and helps to automate UI testing processes of web apps against a HTTP website.

WebDriver - The Selenium WebDriver offers a better approach to automating the testing of web-based apps and doesn’t rely on JavaScript. This web framework also allows the performance of cross-browser tests.

Grid - The Selenium Grid is a proxy server that operates alongside the Selenium RC, and using browsers, it can run parallel tests on various machines or nodes.

Is Docker better than virtual machines? Explain why.

Docker has several advantages over virtual machines, making it the better option between the two. These include:

Boot-up time - Docker comes with a quicker boot-up time than a virtual machine.

Memory space - Docker occupies much lesser space than virtual machines.

Performance - A Docker container offers better performance as it is hosted in a single Docker engine. Contrarily, performance becomes unstable when multiple virtual machines are run simultaneously.

Efficiency - Docker’s efficiency is much higher than that of a virtual machine.

Scaling - Docker is simpler to scale up when compared to virtual machines.

Space allocation - One can share and use data volumes repeatedly across various Docker containers, unlike a virtual machine that cannot share data volumes.

Portability - Virtual machines are known to have cross-platform compatibility bottlenecks that Docker doesn’t.

Explain the usage of SSL certificates in Chef.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are used to establish a secure communication channel between a Chef server and its client nodes. Chef uses SSL certificates to encrypt the data that is transmitted between the server and the clients, ensuring that sensitive data, such as passwords and configuration data, are protected from unauthorized access.

An SSL certificate is needed between the Chef server and the client to ensure that each node can access the proper data. When SSL certificates are sent to the server, the Chef server stores the public key pair of every node. The server then compares this against the public key to identify the node and provide access to the required data.

What is ‘state stalking’ in Nagios?

State stalking is a process used in Nagios for logging purposes. If stalking is enabled for a specific service or host, Nagios will “stalk” or watch that service or host carefully. It will log any change it observes in the check result output, which ultimately helps to analyze log files.

List the ways a build can be run or scheduled in Jenkins.

There are four primary ways of scheduling or running a build in Jenkins. These are:

  • Using source code management commits
  • After completing other builds in Jenkins
  • Scheduling the build to run at a specified time in Jenkins
  • Sending manual build requests

Write a simple Jenkins pipeline script to build and deploy a Docker container.

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List the steps to deploy the custom build of a core plugin.

The following steps can be followed to deploy a core plugin’s custom build effectively:

  • Start by copying the .hpi file to the $JENKINS_HOME/plugins.
  • Next, delete the plugin’s development directory.
  • Create an empty file and name it .hpi.pinned.
  • Restart Jenkins, and your custom build for the core plugin will be ready.

How can you use WebDriver to launch the Browser?

he WebDriver can be used to launch the three different Browsers by using the following commands:

  • For Chrome - WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
  • For Firefox - WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
  • For Internet Explorer - Webdriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

It is worth noting that the specific code required to launch a browser using WebDriver may vary depending on the programming language being used and the specific environment setup. Additionally, the appropriate driver executable for the specific browser being used must be installed and configured correctly.

How can you turn off auto-deployment?

Auto-deployment is a feature that helps to determine if there are any new changes or applications in existing applications and dynamically releases them. It is typically enabled for servers running in development mode. The following method can be use to turn it off.

  • Click the domain name in the Administration Console (located in the left pane) and tick the Production Mode checkbox.
  • Include the following argument at the command line when you start the domain’s Administration Server: -Dweblogic.ProductionModelEnabled=true
  • Production mode will be set for the WebLogic Server instance in the domain.

How are distributed and centralized version control systems different?

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Write a sample GitLab CI/CD YAML configuration to build, test, and deploy a Node.js application.

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Explain the process of setting up a Jenkins job

A Jenkins job can be set up by going to Jenkins’ top page and selecting ‘New Job.’ Then, we can select ‘Build a free-style software project,’ where we can choose the elements for this job:

  • Optional triggers to control when Jenkins performs a build.
  • Optional SCM, like Subversion or CVS, where the source code will be housed.
  • A build script that will perform the build (maven, ant, batch file, shell script, etc.)
  • Optional steps to inform other systems/people about the build result, like sending emails, updating issue trackers, IMs, etc.
  • Optional steps to gather data out of the build, like recording javadoc and/or archiving artifacts and test results.

Depending on your Jenkins configuration, you may need to configure Jenkins agents/slaves to run your build. These agents can run on the same machine as Jenkins or on a different machine altogether. Once you have configured your job, you can save it and trigger it manually or based on the selected trigger.

How to ensure security in Jenkins? What are the three security mechanisms Jenkins can use to authenticate a user?

The following steps can be taken to secure Jenkins:

  • Ensuring that ‘global security’ is switched on.
  • Ensuring that Jenkins is integrated with the organization’s user directory using the appropriate plugins.
  • Automating the process of setting privileges or rights in Jenkins using custom version-controlled scripts.
  • Ensuring that the matrix or Project matrix is enabled for fine-tuning access.
  • Periodically running security audits on Jenkins folders or data and limiting physical access to them.

The three security mechanisms Jenkins can use to authenticate a user are:

  • Jenkins utilizes internal databases to store user credentials and data responsible for authentication.
  • Jenkins can use the LDAP (lightweight directory access protocol) server to authenticate users as well.
  • Teams can also configure Jenkins to use the authentication mechanism used by the deployed application server.

Write a Python script to create an AWS Lambda function using Boto3.

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How do the Verify and Assert commands differ in Selenium?

  • The Assert command in Selenium helps check if a provided condition is true or false. For instance, we assert whether a given element is existent on the web page or not. If the condition says true, then the program control will run the next test step, but if it’s false, the execution will come to a halt, and no test will be executed further.
  • The Verify command also evaluates if a given condition is false or true, but irrespective of the condition, the program execution doesn’t stop. This means any verification failure won’t halt the execution, and test steps will continue to be executed.

Write a sample Packer configuration to build an AWS AMI.

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How does Nagios assist in distributed monitoring? How does Flap Detection work in Nagios?

In this DevOps interview question, the interviewer may expect an answer explaining Nagios's distributed architecture. Using Nagios, teams can monitor the entire enterprise by employing a distributed monitoring system where local Nagios slave instances run monitoring tasks and report results to a single master.

The team can manage all the notifications, configurations, and master reporting, while the slaves perform all the work. This particular design leverages Nagios’ ability to use passive checks (external processes or applications that revert results to Nagios).

Flapping happens when a host or service changes state frequently, causing numerous problems and recovery notifications. Whenever Nagios checks a service or host status, it will try to see if it has begun or stopped flapping. The procedure mentioned below is what Nagios follows:

  • Storing the last 21 check results of the service or host, assessing the historical check results, and identifying where state transitions/changes occur.
  • Using the state transitions to find the percent state change value for the service or host.
  • Comparing the percent state change value against high or low flapping thresholds.

What is the main configuration file of Nagios and where is it located?

Nagios’ main configuration file comprises various directives that impact how a Nagios daemon runs. This configuration file is ready by the daemon and the CGIs (they specify the main config file’s location). You can define how the file is created and where it is located.

When you run a configure script, a sample main config file is created in the Nagios distribution’s base directory. The file’s default name is nagios.cfg and it’s usually located in the etc/ subdirectory of the Nagios installation (/usr/local/bagios/etc/).

Explain the role of a service mesh in the DevOps context and provide an example using Istio.

A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer for the microservices application that makes communication between service instances flexible, reliable, and fast. The purpose is to handle the network communication between microservices, including load balancing, service discovery, encryption, and authentication.

In DevOps, it simplifies network management, promotes security, and enables advanced deployment strategies. Istio is a popular service mesh that integrates with Kubernetes.

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Write a DaemonSet configuration manifest in Kubernetes.

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Write an example of AWS CloudFormation YAML template to create an S3 bucket and an EC2 instance.

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Wrapping up

The interview process for a DevOps engineer is not limited to DevOps technical interview questions. As a candidate looking for your dream DevOps job, you must also be ready to answer DevOps interview questions and questions related to your soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, project management, crisis management, team management, etc.

As a recruiter, you are responsible for finding a DevOps engineer who complements your company's culture. Hence, in addition to the technical DevOps interview questions, you must ask questions to candidates about their team and social skills as well. If you want a DevOps engineer job with the best Silicon Valley companies, write the Turing test today to apply for these jobs. If you want to hire the best DevOps engineers, leave a message on Turing.com, and someone will contact you.

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14 Essential DevOps Interview Questions  *

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Interview Questions

What challenges exist when creating DevOps pipelines?

Database migrations and new features are common challenges increasing the complexity of DevOps pipelines.

Feature flags are a common way of dealing with incremental product releases inside of CI environments.

If a database migration is not successful, but was run as a scheduled job, the system may now be in an unusable state. There are multiple ways to prevent and mitigate potential issues:

  • The deployment is actually triggered in multiple steps. The first step in the pipeline starts the build process of the application. The migrations are run in the application context. If the migrations are successful, they will trigger the deployment pipeline if not the application won’t be deployed.
  • Define a convention that all migrations must be backwards compatible. All features are implemented using feature flags in this case. Application rollbacks are therefore independent of the database.
  • Create a Docker-based application that creates an isolated production mirror from scratch on every deployment. Integration tests run on this production mirror without the risk of breaking any critical infrastructure.

It is always recommended to use database migration tools that support rollbacks.

How do Containers communicate in Kubernetes?

A Pod is a mapping between containers in Kubernetes. A Pod may contain multiple containers. Pods have a flat network hierarchy inside an overlay network and communicate to each other in a flat fashion, meaning that in theory any pod inside that overlay network can speak to any other Pod.

How do you restrict the communication between Kubernetes Pods?

Depending on the CNI network plugin that you use, if it supports the Kubernetes network policy API, Kubernetes allows you to specify network policies that restrict network access.

Policies can restrict based on IP addresses, ports, and/or selectors. (Selectors are a Kubernetes-specific feature that allow connecting and associating rules or components between each other. For example, you may connect specific volumes to specific Pods based on labels by leveraging selectors.)

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What is a Virtual Private Cloud or VNet?

Cloud providers allow fine grained control over the network plane for isolation of components and resources. In general there are a lot of similarities among the usage concepts of the cloud providers. But as you go into the details there are some fundamental differences between how various cloud providers handle this segregation.

In Azure this is called a Virtual Network (VNet), while AWS and Google Cloud Engine (GCE) call this a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

These technologies segregate the networks with subnets and use non-globally routable IP addresses.

Routing differs among these technologies. While customers have to specify routing tables themselves in AWS, all resources in Azure VNets allow the flow of traffic using the system route.

Security policies also contain notable differences between the various cloud providers.

How do you build a hybrid cloud?

There are multiple ways to build a hybrid cloud. A common way is to create an VPN tunnel between the on-premise network and the cloud VPC/VNet.

AWS Direct Connect or Azure ExpressRoute bypasses the public internet and establishes a secure connection between a private data center and the VPC. This is the method of choice for large production deployments.

What is CNI, how does it work, and how is it used in Kubernetes?

The Container Network Interface (CNI) is an API specification that is focused around the creation and connection of container workloads.

CNI has two main commands: add and delete. Configuration is passed in as JSON data.

When the CNI plugin is added, a virtual ethernet device pair is created and then connected between the Pod network namespace and the Host network namespace. Once IPs and routes are created and assigned, the information is returned to the Kubernetes API server.

An important feature that was added in later versions is the ability to chain CNI plugins.

How does Kubernetes orchestrate Containers?

Kubernetes Containers are scheduled to run based on their scheduling policy and the available resources.

Every Pod that needs to run is added to a queue and the scheduler takes it off the queue and schedules it. If it fails, the error handler adds it back to the queue for later scheduling.

What is the difference between orchestration and classic automation? What are some common orchestration solutions?

Classic automation covers the automation of software installation and system configuration such as user creation, permissions, security baselining, while orchestration is more focused on the connection and interaction of existing and provided services. (Configuration management covers both classic automation and orchestration.)

Most cloud providers have components for application servers, caching servers, block storage, message queueing databases etc. They can usually be configured for automated backups and logging. Because all these components are provided by the cloud provider it becomes a matter of orchestrating these components to create an infrastructure solution.

The amount of classic automation necessary on cloud environments depends on the number of components available to be used. The more existing components there are the less classic automatic is necessary.

In local or On-Premise environments you first have to automate the creation of these components before you can orchestrate them.

For AWS a common solution is CloudFormation, with lots of different types of wrappers around it. Azure uses deployments and Google Cloud has the Google Deployment Manager.

A common orchestration solution that is cloud-provider-agnostic is Terraform. While it is closely tied to each cloud, it provides a common state definition language that defines resources (like virtual machines, networks, and subnets) and data (which references existing state on the cloud.)

Nowadays most configuration management tools also provide components to manage the orchestration solutions or APIs provided by the cloud providers.

What is the difference between CI and CD?

CI stands for “continuous integration” and CD is “continuous delivery” or “continuous deployment.” CI is the foundation of both continuous delivery and continuous deployment. Continuous delivery and continuous deployment automate releases whereas CI only automates the build.

While continuous delivery aims at producing software that can be released at any time, releases to production are still done manually at someone’s decision. Continuous deployment goes one step further and actually releases these components to production systems.

Describe some deployment patterns.

Blue Green Deployments and Canary Releases are common deployment patterns.

In blue green deployments you have two identical environments. The “green” environment hosts the current production system. Deployment happens in the “blue” environment.

The “blue” environment is monitored for faults and if everything is working well, load balancing and other components are switch newm the “green” environment to the “blue” one.

Canary releases are releases that roll out specific features to a subset of users to reduce the risk involved in releasing new features.

[AWS] How do you setup a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?

VPCs on AWS generally consist of a CIDR with multiple subnets. AWS allows one internet gateway (IG) per VPC, which is used to route traffic to and from the internet. The subnet with the IG is considered the public subnet and all others are considered private.

The components needed to create a VPC on AWS are described below:

  • The creation of an empty VPC resource with an associated CIDR.
  • A public subnet in which components will be accessible from the internet. This subnet requires an associated IG .
  • A private subnet that can access the internet through a NAT gateway . The NAT gateway is positioned inside the public subnet.
  • A route table for each subnet.
  • Two routes: One routing traffic through the IG and one routing through the NAT gateway, assigned to their respective route tables.
  • The route tables are then associated to their respective subnets.
  • A security group then controls which inbound and outbound traffic is allowed.

This methodology is conceptually similar to physical infrastructure.

Describe IaC and configuration management.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a paradigm that manages and tracks infrastructure configuration in files rather than manually or graphical user interfaces. This allows for more scalable infrastructure configuration and more importantly allows for transparent tracking of changes through usually versioning system.

Configuration management systems are software systems that allow managing an environment in a consistent, reliable, and secure way.

By using an optimized domain-specific language (DSL) to define the state and configuration of system components, multiple people can work and store the system configuration of thousands of servers in a single place.

CFEngine was among the first generation of modern enterprise solutions for configuration management.

Their goal was to have a reproducible environment by automating things such as installing software and creating and configuring users, groups, and responsibilities.

Second generation systems brought configuration management to the masses. While able to run in standalone mode, Puppet and Chef are generally configured in master/agent mode where the master distributes configuration to the agents.

Ansible is new compared to the aforementioned solutions and popular because of the simplicity. The configuration is stored in YAML and there is no central server. The state configuration is transferred to the servers through SSH (or WinRM, on Windows) and then executed. The downside of this procedure is that it can become slow when managing thousands of machines.

How do you design a self-healing distributed service?

Any system that is supposed to be capable of healing itself needs to be able to handle faults and partitioning (i.e. when part of the system cannot access the rest of the system) to a certain extent.

For databases, a common way to deal with partition tolerance is to use a quorum for writes. This means that every time something is written, a minimum number of nodes must confirm the write.

The minimum number of nodes necessary to gracefully recover from a single-node fault is three nodes. That way the healthy two nodes can confirm the state of the system.

For cloud applications, it is common to distribute these three nodes across three availability zones.

Describe a centralized logging solution.

Logging solutions are used for monitoring system health. Both events and metrics are generally logged, which may then be processed by alerting systems. Metrics could be storage space, memory, load or any other kind of continuous data that is constantly being monitored. It allows detecting events that diverge from a baseline.

In contrast, event-based logging might cover events such as application exceptions, which are sent to a central location for further processing, analysis, or bug-fixing.

A commonly used open-source logging solution is the Elasticsearch-Kibana-Logstash (ELK) stack. Stacks like this generally consist of three components:

  • A storage component, e.g. Elasticsearch.
  • A log or metric ingestion daemon such as Logstash or Fluentd. It is responsible for ingesting large amounts of data and adding or processing metadata while doing so. For example, it might add geolocation information for IP addresses.
  • A visualization solution such as Kibana to show important visual representations of system state at any given time.

Most cloud solutions either have their own centralized logging solutions that contain one or more of the aforementioned products or tie them into their existing infrastructure. AWS CloudWatch, for example, contains all parts described above and is heavily integrated into every component of AWS, while also allowing parallel exports of data to AWS S3 for cheap long-term storage.

Another popular commercial solution for centralized logging and analysis both on premise and in the cloud is Splunk. Splunk is considered to be very scalable and is also commonly used as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system and has advanced table and data model support.

There is more to interviewing than tricky technical questions, so these are intended merely as a guide. Not every “A” candidate worth hiring will be able to answer them all, nor does answering them all guarantee an “A” candidate. At the end of the day, hiring remains an art, a science — and a lot of work .

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Dmitry Kireev

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Sagi Kovaliov, Toptal DevOps Developer.

Sagi Kovaliov

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Arthur Lorotte de Banes, Accomplished DevOps Freelancer.

Arthur Lorotte de Banes

In 2012, Arthur earned a master's degree in computer engineering but he soon learned his true north was in system administration. His programming background has helped him automate most of his tasks along the way and he eventually ended up in cloud computing as it gave him even more possibilities. Arthur is a full-stack DevOps who has particularly strong development skills with all things AWS—which his numerous certifications can attest to.

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Top 100 Devops Interview Questions and Answers in 2024

Explore commonly asked DevOps interview questions and concise answers to help you prepare for your next DevOps job interview.

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This comprehensive guide compiles the top 100 DevOps interview questions and answers, offering a strategic roadmap for both aspiring candidates and hiring managers.

This resource aims to provide a holistic view of the technical expertise and problem-solving acumen expected in the DevOps domain, covering a diverse range of topics such as version control, continuous integration, containerization, cloud services, and more. DevOps engineer interview questions featured in this compilation serve as an invaluable reference whether you are gearing up for a DevOps interview or seeking to enhance your team, reflecting the latest trends and best practices in the dynamic world of DevOps.

Explore the depth of knowledge required, stay ahead of industry expectations, and empower yourself to thrive in the exciting and ever-changing field of DevOps in 2024. The guide not only prepares candidates with DevOps interview questions and answers but also equips hiring managers with a comprehensive tool to assess candidates' proficiency and suitability for DevOps roles.

Basic Devops Interview Questions

Basic DevOps interview questions serve as a foundation for assessing candidates' fundamental knowledge and understanding of DevOps principles. These questions cover topics like version control systems, continuous integration, deployment strategies, containerization, and basic scripting. Interviewers inquire about the candidate's familiarity with popular DevOps tools, collaboration practices, and their ability to troubleshoot common challenges in the software development lifecycle. These questions help gauge a candidate's readiness to contribute to a DevOps-oriented work environment.

What is DevOps?

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DevOps, short for Development and Operations, is a collaborative approach unifying software development and IT operations. It emphasizes automation, continuous integration, and continuous delivery to enhance efficiency and bridge the gap between development teams and IT operations. DevOps aims to streamline the entire software delivery lifecycle, fostering a culture of collaboration, communication, and shared responsibility. This methodology accelerates development cycles, reduces errors, and ensures a more reliable and scalable software deployment process.

How does DevOps differ from Agile?

DevOps differ from Agile in focus and scope. Agile concentrates on iterative software development and delivery, while DevOps in contrast extends this approach to include seamless collaboration between development and operations teams. Agile emphasizes flexibility in responding to changing requirements, whereas DevOps emphasizes continuous integration and delivery, fostering a culture of collaboration to enhance the entire software development lifecycle. Agile is a methodology, while DevOps is a set of practices promoting collaboration and automation to streamline the development and deployment process.

Can you explain Continuous Integration?

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice that involves integrating code changes into a shared repository multiple times a day. This process automates the building and testing of code, ensuring early detection of errors and seamless collaboration among team members. CI promotes a streamlined workflow, helping to identify and fix integration issues swiftly, leading to more reliable software releases. Developers focus on writing code by automating the integration process, and CI tools handle the continuous validation of changes, resulting in faster development cycles and improved software quality.

What is Continuous Deployment?

Continuous Deployment is a DevOps practice where code changes are automatically and consistently released into the production environment. This process ensures a rapid and reliable delivery pipeline, allowing software updates to be seamlessly integrated and deployed without manual intervention. It enables teams to deliver new features and improvements to end-users quickly and efficiently. Continuous Deployment is an integral part of the continuous delivery pipeline, promoting agility and reducing the time between code development and its availability in the live environment.

Describe the role of automation in DevOps.

The role of automation in DevOps is to streamline repetitive tasks and ensure efficient, error-free software development and deployment. Automation accelerates processes, enhances consistency, and minimizes human error, fostering a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Automated testing, deployment, and monitoring are integral components that empower DevOps teams to achieve faster release cycles and maintain a robust and reliable software development lifecycle.

What are the benefits of DevOps?

The benefits of DevOps include streamlined collaboration between development and operations teams, accelerated software delivery cycles, improved deployment frequency, faster time to market, enhanced product quality, and increased overall efficiency. DevOps promotes continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), leading to quicker identification and resolution of issues, reduced manual errors, and better resource utilization. This approach fosters a culture of automation, enabling organizations to adapt swiftly to changes, deliver customer value faster, and stay competitive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

What is a Version Control System?

A Version Control System (VCS) is a tool that tracks changes to source code and facilitates collaboration among developers. It allows for the systematic management of code versions, ensuring a controlled and organized development process. VCS enables multiple contributors to work on a project simultaneously, providing a historical record of changes, and allows easy identification of when and by whom modifications were made. Popular VCS tools include Git and SVN, essential for maintaining code integrity and fostering efficient teamwork in the DevOps environment.

Explain the concept of Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a paradigm where infrastructure configuration is managed programmatically through code, enabling the automated provisioning and management of infrastructure resources. It treats infrastructure as software, allowing for version control, repeatability, and scalability in the deployment and maintenance of IT environments. IaC minimizes manual interventions, enhances collaboration between development and operations teams, and ensures consistency in infrastructure setups across different environments.

What is Configuration Management in DevOps?

Configuration Management in DevOps is the systematic handling of software, hardware, and infrastructure configurations throughout their lifecycle. It ensures consistency, traceability, and efficient control over changes, fostering a streamlined and reliable development and deployment process. Key tools include Ansible, Puppet, and Chef, automating configuration tasks and reducing manual errors. Configuration Management enhances collaboration, scalability, and agility in the DevOps pipeline, promoting a stable and reproducible environment for development and operations teams.

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How is monitoring important in DevOps?

Monitoring is important in DevOps as it provides real-time insights into system performance, ensuring rapid detection and resolution of issues. Continuous monitoring optimizes resource utilization, enhances reliability, and facilitates proactive problem-solving, fostering a seamless and efficient development and deployment pipeline. Monitoring empowers teams to maintain a high level of service availability, and ultimately deliver a superior user experience.

What is Microservices Architecture?

Microservices architecture is a design approach where a software application is broken down into small, independent services that communicate through well-defined APIs. Each microservice focuses on a specific business capability, allowing for flexibility, scalability, and easier maintenance. This approach promotes agility, enabling faster development, deployment, and updates compared to monolithic architectures.

Microservices leverage containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration tools like Kubernetes for efficient management and scaling. This architecture enhances fault isolation, making it easier to identify and address issues without affecting the entire system.

Explain Containerization in DevOps.

Containerization in DevOps involves encapsulating applications and their dependencies into lightweight, standalone units known as containers. These containers provide a consistent and isolated environment, ensuring that the application runs consistently across various computing environments.

Docker, a popular containerization platform, enables developers to package applications with all necessary components, such as libraries and configurations, streamlining the deployment process.

Container orchestration tools like Kubernetes facilitate the management, scaling, and automation of these containerized applications in complex, dynamic environments. Containerization enhances DevOps practices by promoting consistency, portability, and efficient resource utilization, ultimately accelerating the development and deployment lifecycle.

What is Docker?

Docker is a containerization platform that simplifies the deployment and management of applications by packaging them and their dependencies into standardized units called containers. These containers ensure consistency across various environments, enhancing scalability and easing the DevOps workflow. Docker facilitates seamless collaboration between development and operations teams, fostering a more efficient and portable software delivery process.

What are the key metrics in DevOps?

The key metrics in DevOps include Lead Time for Changes, Deployment Frequency, Change Failure Rate, Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR), Availability and Uptime, Code Churn, Test Automation Coverage, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Changes, Resource Utilization, and Customer Satisfaction.

  • Lead Time for Changes: This metric measures the time it takes for code changes to move from development to production, reflecting the efficiency of the development and deployment processes.
  • Deployment Frequency: It signifies how code changes are deployed to production. A higher deployment frequency correlates with a more agile and responsive development cycle.
  • Change Failure Rate: This metric gauges the percentage of changes that result in failure. A lower change failure rate indicates a more stable and reliable software release process.
  • Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR): MTTR measures the average time it takes to restore service after a failure. A lower MTTR indicates effective incident response and resolution capabilities.
  • Availability and Uptime: These metrics measure the overall reliability and accessibility of the system. High availability and uptime percentages reflect a robust and resilient infrastructure.
  • Code Churn: Code churn helps evaluate the stability and maintainability of the codebase, reflecting the frequency of code changes. Excessive churn indicate potential issues.
  • Test Automation Coverage: This metric assesses the percentage of test cases automated in the testing process, providing insights into the efficiency of the testing pipeline.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Changes: Tracking changes in infrastructure code helps ensure consistency and repeatability in deploying and managing infrastructure components.
  • Resource Utilization: Monitoring the utilization of resources such as CPU, memory, and storage provides insights into the efficiency of resource management in the deployment environment.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is a crucial metric, reflecting the overall success of DevOps practices in delivering value to end-users.

What is a Pipeline in DevOps?

A pipeline in DevOps is a sequence of automated processes that facilitate the efficient and continuous delivery of software. It encompasses the stages of code development, testing, deployment, and monitoring, ensuring a streamlined and reliable workflow. This orchestrated flow enhances collaboration between development and operations teams, promoting agility and accelerating the software development lifecycle. Automated pipelines minimize manual errors, enhance code quality, and contribute to the overall efficiency of the development process.

Explain Cloud Computing in the context of DevOps.

Cloud Computing in the context of DevOps refers to the delivery of computing services, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, over the internet. This on-demand availability of resources allows DevOps teams to scale infrastructure dynamically, facilitating rapid development, testing, and deployment.

Cloud platforms like AWS , Azure , and Google Cloud provide the necessary foundation for DevOps practices, enabling seamless collaboration, continuous integration, and automated delivery of applications. Embracing Cloud Computing in DevOps ensures flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and improved efficiency throughout the software development lifecycle.

What is a DevOps Engineer’s role?

A DevOps Engineer plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between development and operations teams. DevOps Engineer focuses on automating and streamlining the software delivery process to achieve faster and more reliable releases. This involves implementing and managing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

DevOps Engineers also work on optimizing infrastructure, utilizing tools like Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and orchestration. Collaboration is key, as they facilitate communication between different teams to enhance efficiency and reduce bottlenecks. They monitor and troubleshoot systems, ensuring high availability and performance.

Describe the concept of Blue/Green Deployment.

Blue/Green Deployment is a deployment strategy in DevOps where two identical environments, the "Blue" and the "Green," are maintained. The "Blue" environment represents the currently running version, while the "Green" environment is prepared with the new version. The traffic is switched from the "Blue" to the "Green" environment instantly to deploy changes. This approach ensures minimal downtime, easy rollback, and a seamless transition for continuous delivery. It enables testing in a production-like environment and facilitates efficient risk management during the deployment process.

What is the significance of Continuous Testing in DevOps?

The significance of Continuous Testing in DevOps is to ensure that code changes are validated through automated tests, maintaining code quality throughout the development pipeline. It accelerates the feedback loop, identifying issues early in the process and enabling rapid corrective action. This practice enhances collaboration between development and operations teams, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Continuous Testing streamlines the deployment process, minimizing the risk of defects in production. Ultimately, it contributes to the overall efficiency and reliability of the software development lifecycle in a DevOps environment.

How does DevOps improve security?

DevOps improves security through continuous integration and automated testing, ensuring code quality and reducing vulnerabilities. DevOps promotes a proactive approach to security, with real-time monitoring and rapid response capabilities.

Automated deployment pipelines enable consistent security configurations, reducing the risk of misconfigurations. DevOps practices encourage the use of infrastructure as code (IaC), enabling version-controlled, auditable, and repeatable infrastructure deployments, thereby minimizing security loopholes. Continuous feedback loops allow for prompt identification and remediation of security issues, contributing to a more resilient and secure software development lifecycle.

Explain the role of a Build Tool in DevOps.

The role of a build tool in DevOps is pivotal for automating the compilation, testing, and packaging of source code. It streamlines the software development process by efficiently managing dependencies and facilitating continuous integration. Build tools enhance consistency, reduce errors, and accelerate the overall development lifecycle by automating repetitive tasks. Popular build tools like Jenkins, Maven, and Gradle play a crucial role in achieving seamless integration and deployment pipelines, ensuring that software is built, tested, and delivered reliably across different environments.

What is the purpose of a Deployment Automation Tool?

The purpose of a Deployment Automation Tool is to streamline and accelerate the deployment process in DevOps. It automates the release and deployment of applications, reducing manual errors, ensuring consistency, and enabling rapid and reliable delivery of software to various environments. This tool enhances efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on delivering value to end-users rather than managing deployment intricacies.

How does DevOps support scalability?

DevOps enhances scalability by automating deployment processes, ensuring efficient resource allocation, and implementing infrastructure as code. Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines enable rapid and reliable releases, while containerization technologies like Docker facilitate seamless scaling of applications across diverse environments. The use of orchestration tools such as Kubernetes streamlines the management of containerized workloads, ensuring scalability, flexibility, and optimal resource utilization. Monitoring and feedback loops in DevOps practices enable proactive identification of bottlenecks, allowing for timely adjustments to meet evolving scalability requirements.

What are the challenges in implementing DevOps?

Implementing DevOps poses several challenges, including resistance to change within teams, integrating legacy systems with new technologies, ensuring consistent collaboration across departments, and establishing effective communication channels among diverse team members. Additionally, automating complex processes, maintaining security throughout the development lifecycle, and managing the cultural shift towards a DevOps mindset are ongoing challenges in successfully adopting and implementing DevOps practices.

How do you measure the success of DevOps?

The success of DevOps is measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as deployment frequency, lead time for changes, mean time to recover (MTTR), and overall system reliability. These metrics provide insights into the efficiency, speed, and resilience of the development and operations processes.

User satisfaction and feedback, as reflected in Net Promoter Score (NPS) or customer surveys, play a crucial role in assessing the overall success of DevOps implementations. Continuous monitoring of these metrics ensures a data-driven approach to evaluating and enhancing the effectiveness of DevOps practices within an organization.

Devops Intermediate Interview Questions

DevOps Intermediate Interview Questions assess candidates' proficiency beyond basic knowledge, delving into their hands-on experience and problem-solving abilities. These questions explore topics like advanced automation techniques, containerization, orchestration tools, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and troubleshooting skills. Candidates are expected to demonstrate a deeper understanding of infrastructure as code, cloud technologies, and collaboration within cross-functional teams. The questions aim to gauge a candidate's readiness to contribute effectively to complex DevOps environments.

What are the key principles behind the DevOps methodology?

The key principles behind the DevOps methodology are collaboration, automation, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and monitoring. DevOps emphasizes breaking down silos between development and operations teams, fostering a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility.

Automation streamlines processes, reducing manual errors and increasing efficiency. Continuous integration ensures frequent code integration, while continuous delivery allows for the rapid and reliable release of software. Monitoring provides real-time feedback, enabling quick identification and resolution of issues in the development and deployment pipeline.

How does a DevOps approach influence project management?

A DevOps approach influences project management by fostering collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. DevOps approach accelerates the delivery pipeline through automation and continuous integration, ensuring faster and more reliable releases. This approach emphasizes a culture of shared responsibility, breaking down silos and promoting cross-functional expertise, leading to more efficient project timelines and enhanced overall project quality.

What tools are commonly used in a DevOps environment for configuration management?

Common tools used in the DevOps environment for configuration management include Ansible, Puppet, and Chef. These tools streamline the process of deploying, configuring, and maintaining infrastructure, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

Ansible excels in agentless automation, and Puppet and Chef employ agent-based models, providing flexibility based on specific requirements. Tools like Terraform are widely used for infrastructure as code (IaC), allowing teams to define and provision infrastructure using declarative configuration files. These tools collectively play a pivotal role in achieving automated and standardized configuration management in DevOps practices.

Can you explain the concept of a 'Deployment Pipeline' in DevOps?

A 'Deployment Pipeline' in DevOps is a continuous and automated process that orchestrates the efficient and systematic delivery of software from development to production. This pipeline consists of stages, each representing a phase in the software delivery lifecycle, such as building, testing, and deployment. Automated tools streamline the transition between stages, ensuring consistency and reliability. The deployment pipeline facilitates faster and more reliable software releases, promoting collaboration between development and operations teams while maintaining a focus on quality and efficiency.

How do Docker and Kubernetes work together in a DevOps environment?

Docker and Kubernetes complement each other seamlessly in the DevOps environment. Docker facilitates containerization, encapsulating applications and dependencies. Kubernetes, an orchestration tool, automates deployment, scaling, and management of these containers. Docker packages the application, while Kubernetes orchestrates their deployment, ensuring efficiency and scalability. Together, they streamline the development-to-deployment pipeline, enhancing collaboration and scalability in DevOps workflows.

What is the role of QA in a DevOps culture?

The role of QA in DevOps culture is pivotal in ensuring the seamless integration of development and operations. QA, or Quality Assurance, acts as a critical gatekeeper, validating code changes, and ensuring software quality throughout the continuous delivery pipeline. It involves automated testing, performance monitoring, and risk assessment to identify and rectify issues early in the development cycle. QA plays a crucial part in maintaining the reliability and efficiency of the software deployment process, contributing to faster release cycles and improved overall product quality.

How does DevOps integrate with Agile methodologies?

DevOps integrates with Agile methodologies by fostering collaboration and continuous communication among development, operations, and testing teams. This alignment ensures swift adaptation to changes, enabling rapid deployment and feedback cycles. DevOps complements Agile principles by automating processes, enhancing efficiency, and promoting a culture of shared responsibility, resulting in streamlined delivery pipelines. The iterative nature of Agile development aligns with DevOps' focus on continuous improvement, making them cohesive approaches for delivering high-quality software products in a timely and collaborative manner.

Describe the importance of Continuous Monitoring in a DevOps process.

Continuous Monitoring is crucial in a DevOps process as it provides real-time insights into the performance and health of the entire system. It ensures that potential issues are identified and addressed promptly, minimizing downtime and enhancing overall system reliability. Continuous Monitoring enables teams to detect anomalies, optimize resource utilization, and proactively respond to evolving operational needs. This iterative monitoring loop fosters a proactive approach, facilitating rapid decision-making and improving the overall resilience of the DevOps pipeline.

What are some common challenges when implementing a DevOps culture in an organization?

Implementing a DevOps culture in an organization comes with several common challenges listed below.

  • Resistance to Change: Teams resist adopting new practices and tools.
  • Silos and Communication Gaps: Existing departmental silos hinder collaboration and communication.
  • Toolchain Integration: Ensuring seamless integration of diverse tools across the DevOps pipeline poses a technical challenge.
  • Skillset Gaps: Teams lack the necessary skills for the evolving DevOps landscape.
  • Security Concerns: Integrating security practices into DevOps processes is a delicate balancing act.
  • Cultural Shift: Achieving a cultural shift towards collaboration and shared responsibility requires time and effort.
  • Legacy Systems: Adapting DevOps practices to legacy systems encounter compatibility issues.
  • Measuring Success: Establishing clear metrics for DevOps success and aligning them with business goals is challenging.
  • Automation Challenges: Implementing effective automation throughout the pipeline demands meticulous planning and execution.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Ensuring continuous monitoring for quick issue identification and resolution is crucial but resource-intensive.

How do you ensure security is integrated within the DevOps process?

Adopt a "shift-left" approach, embedding security practices early in the development lifecycle to ensure security integration within the DevOps process. 

Employ automated security testing tools to scan code for vulnerabilities during the build phase. Implement code analysis and static application security testing (SAST) to identify and rectify security issues in source code.

Integrate dynamic application security testing (DAST) into the testing pipeline to assess applications for runtime vulnerabilities. Enforce stringent access controls and least privilege principles, limiting permissions based on job roles.

Regularly update dependencies and libraries to patch known security vulnerabilities. Conduct thorough security reviews during the code review process to address potential risks. Foster a security-aware culture through continuous training and awareness programs for the development and operations teams.

Collaborate with security experts to perform regular security assessments and penetration testing. Utilize container security tools to safeguard containerized applications and orchestration environments.

Explain the concept of 'Shift Left' in DevOps.

'Shift Left' in DevOps refers to the practice of incorporating testing, security, and other critical processes earlier in the software development lifecycle. This proactive approach identifies and rectifies issues at the initial stages, minimizing defects and enhancing overall software quality. Teams address challenges sooner by shifting left, promoting collaboration between development and operations, resulting in faster, more reliable releases. This strategy mitigates risks, accelerates feedback loops, and aligns development efforts with the end goal of delivering high-quality software efficiently.

How does DevOps facilitate faster time to market?

DevOps expedites time to market by integrating development and operations seamlessly. Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) automate the software delivery pipeline, ensuring swift and reliable releases. Collaboration among cross-functional teams reduces bottlenecks, accelerating the development lifecycle. Automation of repetitive tasks minimizes manual errors, enhancing efficiency. Rapid feedback loops through monitoring and testing enable quick identification and resolution of issues. This streamlined process empowers organizations to respond promptly to market demands, fostering agility and competitive edge.

What is the significance of 'Feedback Loops' in DevOps?

The significance of 'Feedback Loops' in DevOps lies in their pivotal role in enhancing continuous improvement. These loops enable rapid detection and correction of anomalies in the development and deployment processes.

Feedback loops foster agility, allowing teams to iterate and optimize their workflows promptly. This iterative refinement is essential for achieving efficiency, reliability, and resilience in the DevOps pipeline.

How do you manage database changes in a DevOps workflow?

Database changes in a DevOps workflow are managed through version control systems like Git. The process involves defining database schema changes as code using tools like Liquibase or Flyway. These changes are then stored in a version-controlled repository alongside application code. Automated deployment pipelines ensure seamless integration of database changes with the overall application, promoting consistency and reliability. Additionally, rollbacks are efficiently handled through version control, maintaining database integrity throughout the DevOps lifecycle.

Discuss the role of automation in achieving scalability and reliability in DevOps.

Automation plays a pivotal role in achieving scalability and reliability in DevOps. Repetitive tasks are streamlined through automated processes, reducing the likelihood of human errors. This enhances efficiency and also ensures consistent and predictable outcomes, contributing to the scalability of DevOps practices.

Automation facilitates rapid and consistent deployment of code, allowing teams to adapt to varying workloads swiftly. This agility is essential for scalability, enabling organizations to meet the demands of growing or fluctuating user bases without compromising performance.

Automation in terms of reliability, minimizes manual interventions in the deployment pipeline, significantly reducing the chances of misconfigurations or oversights. Automated testing, continuous integration, and continuous delivery ensure that software releases are thoroughly validated, enhancing the overall reliability of the DevOps processes.

What strategies would you use to handle rollback in a DevOps environment?

The strategies used to handle rollback in a DevOps environment are given below.

  • Automated Rollback Scripts: Develop automated scripts to swiftly revert changes in case of deployment issues. These scripts should be version-controlled and thoroughly tested to ensure reliability.
  • Immutable Infrastructure: Embrace the concept of immutable infrastructure, where servers are treated as disposable entities. Rollback involves replacing the entire infrastructure with a known stable version.
  • Blue-Green Deployments: Implement a blue-green deployment approach to maintain two identical environments. If issues arise post-deployment, switch traffic to the stable environment instantly.
  • Feature Toggles: Utilize feature toggles to enable or disable specific features at runtime.
  • Rollforward Strategy: Consider a rollforward strategy, where fixes for deployment issues are applied to the existing environment. This approach ensures continuous progress while addressing immediate concerns.
  • Database Migrations: Handle database changes cautiously with strategies like database versioning. Rollback the database schema to the previous version seamlessly.
  • Monitoring and Alerts: Implement robust monitoring to detect issues post-deployment. Set up alerts to notify the team promptly, enabling quick action to initiate rollback procedures.
  • Rollback Plan Documentation: Maintain detailed rollback plans for each deployment. Include step-by-step instructions to streamline the rollback process during critical situations.
  • Continuous Testing: Prioritize comprehensive testing throughout the development lifecycle. Automated testing ensures that changes are thoroughly validated before reaching the deployment stage.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Foster a culture of collaboration and open communication within the DevOps team. Swiftly share information about deployment issues to facilitate coordinated rollback efforts.

How do you approach incident management in a DevOps culture?

Incident management in a DevOps culture is tackled through a proactive and collaborative approach. The key is to swiftly identify, analyze, and resolve issues to minimize downtime. Employing automated monitoring tools and establishing clear communication channels among teams ensures a rapid response to incidents. Regular post-incident reviews aid in continuous improvement, fostering a resilient and learning-oriented environment. Integration of incident response into the development lifecycle further strengthens the overall DevOps workflow, promoting agility and stability.

Describe how to measure the effectiveness of a DevOps transformation.

Measuring the effectiveness of a DevOps transformation is crucial for gauging its success. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as deployment frequency, lead time for changes, and mean time to recovery are indicative of improved efficiency. Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline metrics, like build success rate and deployment frequency, provide insights into the automation's impact. Monitoring system uptime and incident response time gauges operational resilience. Employee feedback, measured through surveys and engagement metrics, reflects the cultural shift towards collaboration. Regularly assessing these metrics ensures ongoing optimization and success in DevOps implementation.

What is the role of a Version Control System in a DevOps practice?

The Version Control System (VCS) plays a pivotal role in DevOps by managing and tracking changes to source code, facilitating collaboration among team members, and ensuring a streamlined and controlled software development process. It acts as a central repository, allowing developers to work concurrently, track modifications, and roll back changes if necessary. VCS enhances code integrity, promotes collaboration, and is indispensable for achieving continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) in a DevOps environment.

How does container orchestration benefit a DevOps team?

Container orchestration benefits a DevOps team by streamlining deployment and management of containerized applications. It enhances scalability, ensures high availability, and automates tasks like load balancing. DevOps teams achieve improved resource utilization and seamless application scaling with tools like Kubernetes, fostering efficient collaboration between development and operations.

Container orchestration simplifies the deployment pipeline, leading to faster releases and more reliable applications. Additionally, it facilitates continuous integration and delivery, promoting a robust DevOps culture and accelerating the software development lifecycle.

Explain how cloud services support DevOps initiatives.

Cloud services support DevOps initiatives by providing scalable infrastructure, enabling continuous integration and deployment. Teams can effortlessly provision resources with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, fostering agility in development cycles.

Automated scaling in the cloud ensures optimal resource utilization, reducing bottlenecks and enhancing overall system performance. DevOps teams leverage cloud-native services for seamless integration, facilitating faster code deployment and efficient collaboration across development and operations.

Moreover, cloud-based solutions offer robust monitoring and logging capabilities, empowering DevOps practitioners to gain real-time insights into application performance. This visibility enables proactive problem resolution, contributing to the continuous improvement aspect of DevOps.

Discuss the importance of collaboration between development and operations teams in DevOps.

Collaboration between development and operations teams is crucial in DevOps as it enhances communication, streamlines processes, and accelerates software delivery. This synergy breaks down silos, fostering a shared responsibility for the entire development lifecycle. Efficient collaboration ensures faster feedback loops, enabling quick identification and resolution of issues. Both teams contribute to a culture of continuous improvement by aligning goals and sharing insights, resulting in more reliable and scalable systems. The tight integration between development and operations optimizes efficiency, leading to faster time-to-market and increased overall organizational agility.

How do you manage configuration drift in a DevOps context?

Configuration drift in a DevOps context is managed by employing configuration management tools such as Ansible, Puppet, or Chef. These tools ensure consistency across servers and environments by enforcing desired configurations. Regular audits and automated checks are performed to detect and rectify any deviations, maintaining a uniform and reliable infrastructure. Continuous monitoring and version control play pivotal roles in minimizing configuration drift, guaranteeing a stable and predictable deployment environment. Regular updates and real-time configuration adjustments contribute to the overall resilience of the system.

What are the best practices for infrastructure monitoring in DevOps?

Effective infrastructure monitoring is pivotal in DevOps, ensuring optimal performance and rapid issue resolution. Employing comprehensive monitoring strategies enhances system reliability and overall efficiency.

  • Embrace Proactive Monitoring: Implement proactive monitoring tools to identify issues before they impact the system. Early detection enables swift remediation and minimizes downtime.
  • Utilize Automated Monitoring: Automate monitoring processes to streamline data collection and analysis. Automation reduces manual intervention, accelerates response times, and ensures consistency in monitoring activities.
  • Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Focus on critical KPIs such as response times, error rates, and resource utilization. Monitoring these key metrics provides valuable insights into system health and performance.
  • Establish Real-time Alerts: Configure real-time alerts based on predefined thresholds to promptly notify teams of potential issues. Timely alerts empower DevOps teams to take immediate corrective actions.
  • Implement Log Management: Effectively manage logs for detailed insights into system behavior. Log analysis aids in troubleshooting, debugging, and identifying patterns that contribute to improved system stability.
  • Ensure Scalability: Design monitoring solutions that scale seamlessly with the growth of infrastructure. Scalable monitoring systems accommodate evolving demands, maintaining performance across diverse environments.
  • Emphasize User Experience Monitoring: Prioritize user experience monitoring to gauge the impact of infrastructure changes on end-users. Understanding the user perspective helps in aligning infrastructure improvements with business goals.
  • Regularly Review and Update Monitoring Strategy: Adopt a dynamic approach by regularly reviewing and updating monitoring strategies. This ensures that the monitoring system remains aligned with evolving infrastructure requirements and technological advancements.
  • Implement Security Monitoring: Integrate security monitoring practices to identify and mitigate potential threats. Security-focused monitoring enhances the overall resilience of the infrastructure.
  • Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between development and operations teams for effective monitoring. Shared insights and cross-functional communication contribute to a holistic understanding of system performance.

Describe the process of implementing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in a DevOps framework.

Begin by defining infrastructure elements as code, using declarative or imperative syntax. Version control systems like Git help manage code changes effectively. Utilize tools such as Terraform or Ansible to orchestrate and automate the provisioning of infrastructure components.

Adopt a modular approach, breaking down infrastructure code into reusable modules for scalability. Integrate IaC into CI/CD pipelines to ensure continuous and automated deployment. Regularly test infrastructure code to identify and rectify issues early in the development process.

Embrace Infrastructure as Code best practices to enhance collaboration and maintain consistency across environments.

Devops Interview Questions For Experienced

Advanced DevOps interview questions for experienced professionals focuses on gauging the depth of a candidate's experience in implementing DevOps practices. Interviewers inquire about advanced topics, such as optimizing CI/CD pipelines, implementing effective monitoring and logging strategies, handling complex deployment scenarios, and addressing security concerns in DevOps processes.

Expect questions related to tool expertise, troubleshooting skills, and real-world problem-solving experiences. Thorough responses demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of DevOps principles and their practical application are crucial for success in these interviews. Demonstrating expertise in tools like Kubernetes, Docker, and Jenkins is crucial.

How do you implement a robust disaster recovery plan in a DevOps environment?

Follow the steps given below to implement a robust disaster recovery plan in the DevOps environment.

1. Assessment:

  • Begin with a thorough risk assessment to identify potential disasters.
  • Evaluate the criticality of systems and data for prioritized recovery.

2. Backup Strategies:

  • Implement regular automated backups for infrastructure as code (IaC) and application configurations.
  • Utilize version control for codebase and infrastructure changes.

3. Redundancy and Failover:

  • Design for redundancy with multi-region deployments.
  • Employ load balancing and failover mechanisms for critical components.

4. Automated Testing:

  • Incorporate automated testing into the CI/CD pipeline to validate disaster recovery procedures.
  • Regularly conduct chaos engineering exercises to simulate failures.

5. Infrastructure as Code (IaC):

  • Define and manage infrastructure through code to ensure consistency.
  • Store IaC scripts in a version-controlled repository for traceability.

6. Monitoring and Alerting:

  • Implement robust monitoring tools to detect issues promptly.
  • Configure alerts for deviations in performance metrics or system health.

7. Documentation:

  • Maintain comprehensive documentation for disaster recovery processes.
  • Ensure documentation is easily accessible and regularly updated.

8. Incident Response Plan:

  • Develop an incident response plan detailing actions during a disaster.
  • Train the team on the plan and conduct regular drills for readiness.

9. Offsite Backups:

  • Store backups in geographically distant locations.
  • Leverage cloud storage or secure offsite facilities for redundancy.

10. Continuous Improvement:

  • Review and update the disaster recovery plan regularly.
  • Learn from incidents and refine procedures for continuous improvement.

Describe a complex DevOps project you led and the challenges you overcame.

I spearheaded the integration of CI/CD pipelines for a microservices architecture in a recent DevOps project.

  • Scope: Managed the deployment pipeline for over 30 microservices, ensuring seamless integration and delivery.
  • Challenge 1 Integration: Faced challenges in integrating diverse technologies; resolved by implementing containerization with Docker and orchestration using Kubernetes.
  • Challenge 2 Testing: Ensured consistent testing across microservices with various frameworks; introduced automated testing suites for efficient validation.
  • Challenge 3 Deployment: Overcame deployment bottlenecks by implementing canary releases and blue-green deployment strategies.
  • Challenge 4 Monitoring: Implemented robust monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana, addressing performance issues and optimizing resource utilization.
  • Challenge 5 Collaboration: Encouraged cross-functional collaboration by adopting ChatOps and facilitating communication across development and operations teams.
  • Success: Achieved a 40% reduction in time-to-market and a 50% decrease in post-release incidents, showcasing the project's success in enhancing efficiency and reliability.

What strategies do you use for managing multi-cloud environments in DevOps?

Managing multi-cloud environments in DevOps requires a robust strategy to ensure seamless integration and efficiency.

  • Employing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) enables consistent deployment across diverse cloud platforms.
  • Implementing a container orchestration tool like Kubernetes facilitates portability and scalability.
  • Utilizing cloud-native monitoring solutions ensures real-time visibility into performance across clouds.
  • Employing a unified identity and access management (IAM) system enhances security and simplifies user management.
  • Regularly testing and validating deployments on each cloud provider helps identify and address compatibility issues proactively.
  • Collaborative tools and communication channels foster effective coordination among cross-functional teams working on different cloud platforms.
  • Continuous optimization of resources through automation minimizes costs and maximizes efficiency in a multi-cloud DevOps environment.

How do you integrate legacy systems into a modern DevOps workflow?

Employ robust API gateways and middleware solutions to facilitate seamless communication between legacy and contemporary components. Implement gradual migration strategies, utilizing containerization and orchestration tools like Docker and Kubernetes.

Leverage infrastructure as code (IaC) for consistent provisioning across diverse environments. Employ continuous integration and deployment pipelines to automate testing and deployment processes, ensuring compatibility and reliability.

Regularly refactor legacy code, adopting microservices architecture for improved scalability and maintainability. Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to bridge the gap between legacy and modern technologies.

Discuss a time when you had to scale a DevOps operation rapidly. What approach did you take?

Scaling a DevOps operation rapidly is a challenge that demands strategic agility. We swiftly expanded our infrastructure when we faced an unexpected surge in user traffic.

We assessed current bottlenecks and optimized our CI/CD pipelines for efficiency. We leveraged containerization using Kubernetes to enhance scalability and deployed auto-scaling groups in the cloud.

We fortified monitoring and alerting systems to swiftly identify and address any performance issues. We automated routine tasks with infrastructure-as-code, ensuring seamless reproducibility.

We fostered cross-functional communication, enabling seamless coordination between development and operations teams. Regular retrospectives facilitated continuous improvement, reinforcing our ability to adapt to dynamic demands.

Embracing a combination of automation, containerization, and collaborative practices allowed us to rapidly scale our DevOps operation and meet the heightened demands effectively.

What methods do you employ to ensure compliance and security in a DevOps process?

Incorporate infrastructure as code (IaC) for consistent and auditable environments. Implement automated security scans and testing throughout the pipeline to identify vulnerabilities early on.

Enforce role-based access control (RBAC) to limit unauthorized access and regularly audit permissions. Employ secrets management tools for secure handling of sensitive information.

Conduct regular compliance audits to validate adherence to industry standards and regulations. Integrate continuous monitoring to swiftly detect and respond to security incidents. Emphasize a culture of security awareness and training within the DevOps team.

Explain how to optimize a Continuous Delivery pipeline for a large-scale system.

Consider parallelizing tasks to enhance build and deployment speed. Utilize containerization technologies like Docker to ensure consistent environments across various stages. Implement automated testing at multiple levels to detect issues early in the pipeline.

Employ a scalable infrastructure-as-code approach for configuration management and provisioning. Integrate monitoring and logging tools for real-time visibility into the pipeline's performance.

Embrace feature toggles to enable controlled feature releases. Implement canary deployments to mitigate risks and gradually roll out changes. Regularly review and refine the pipeline for efficiency, and leverage cloud services for scalable resources.

How do you handle version control and branching strategies in complex DevOps projects?

Version control in complex DevOps projects is managed through systems like Git. Branching strategies involve creating feature branches for new functionalities, hotfix branches for urgent patches, and release branches for stable versions.

Gitflow is a common branching model, ensuring a systematic approach to development. Regular merging and rebasing maintain code integrity, and CI/CD pipelines automate testing and deployment processes. 

Describe the most effective way to manage dependencies in a microservices architecture.

The most effective way to manage dependencies in a microservices architecture is through containerization and orchestration tools. Utilizing technologies like Docker for encapsulation and Kubernetes for orchestration ensures seamless deployment, scaling, and version control.

Containerized microservices encapsulate dependencies, promoting consistency across environments and easing the burden of managing complex dependencies. Implementing service meshes, such as Istio, facilitates communication between microservices, offering a centralized control plane for handling dependencies like load balancing and retries.

This combination of containerization, orchestration, and service meshes optimally addresses dependency management challenges in a dynamic microservices ecosystem.

What are your approaches to cost optimization in cloud-based DevOps environments?

Cost optimization in cloud-based DevOps environments involves implementing efficient strategies to manage expenses and enhance resource utilization.

  • Reserved Instances: Utilize reserved instances for stable workloads to benefit from significant cost savings compared to on-demand pricing.
  • Auto-scaling: Implement auto-scaling to dynamically adjust resources based on demand, ensuring optimal performance without unnecessary costs.
  • Right-sizing: Continuously assess and adjust instance sizes to match workload requirements, preventing overprovisioning and minimizing expenses.
  • Spot Instances: Leverage spot instances for non-critical workloads, taking advantage of lower-cost, short-term compute capacity.
  • Serverless Architecture: Embrace serverless computing to eliminate the need for provisioning and managing servers, reducing operational costs.
  • Cost Monitoring Tools: Utilize cloud-native cost monitoring tools to track and analyze resource consumption, identifying areas for optimization.
  • Tagging: Implement effective tagging strategies to categorize resources, enabling better visibility into cost allocation and facilitating targeted optimizations.
  • Data Transfer Costs: Optimize data transfer costs by utilizing content delivery networks (CDNs) and selecting appropriate regions for storage.
  • Container Orchestration: Employ container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes to efficiently manage and scale containerized applications, optimizing resource utilization.
  • Continuous Optimization: Foster a culture of continuous optimization, encouraging teams to regularly review and adjust resource configurations for ongoing efficiency gains.

How do you measure and improve the ROI of DevOps initiatives?

Organizations employ key performance indicators (KPIs) such as deployment frequency, lead time, and change failure rate to measure and enhance the ROI of DevOps initiatives. These metrics help gauge the efficiency of the development and operations processes, ensuring quicker, more reliable releases.

Continuous monitoring of system performance, user experience, and incident response times is crucial. Leveraging tools like APM (Application Performance Monitoring) and logging solutions aids in identifying bottlenecks and resolving issues promptly, thus optimizing the overall return on investment.

Automation plays a pivotal role in improving ROI by reducing manual intervention, minimizing errors, and accelerating delivery cycles. Employing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Configuration Management tools ensures consistency across environments, enhancing efficiency and resource utilization.

Regular retrospectives and feedback loops enable teams to learn from experiences and refine processes continually. Implementing a blame-free culture fosters collaboration and innovation, driving increased productivity and, consequently, a more favorable ROI on DevOps initiatives.

Discuss a challenging situation where you had to automate a critical business process.

Automating a critical business process involves orchestrating complex workflows, ensuring seamless integration across diverse systems. One challenge emerged when reconciling legacy databases with modern cloud infrastructure. Navigating the intricacies of data migration and transformation demanded meticulous scripting and robust error handling.

The task required harmonizing disparate technologies, employing containerization, and establishing continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. Managing dependencies and version control became paramount, necessitating a comprehensive strategy to avoid disruptions during updates.

Encountering resistance to change highlighted the importance of effective communication. Bridging the gap between development and operations teams became essential, fostering a culture that embraced automation as an enabler rather than a disruptor.

Maintaining resilience and adaptability proved crucial in the face of unexpected challenges. Implementing monitoring tools and proactive alerting mechanisms ensured prompt identification and resolution of issues, guaranteeing minimal downtime for the critical business process.

Ultimately, the successful automation of the business process not only enhanced efficiency but also showcased the transformative power of DevOps methodologies in overcoming intricate technical hurdles.

What advanced techniques do you use for log aggregation and analysis in large-scale systems?

Advanced techniques are crucial for log aggregation and analysis in large-scale systems and they are discussed in detail below.

  • Distributed Log Collection: Employ tools like Fluentd or Logstash to collect logs from diverse sources across the distributed architecture.
  • Centralized Storage: Utilize scalable storage solutions such as Amazon S3 or Elasticsearch for centralized log storage.
  • Structured Logging: Implement structured logging formats like JSON or key-value pairs for better parsing and analysis.
  • Real-time Streaming: Leverage technologies like Apache Kafka to enable real-time streaming of logs, ensuring prompt analysis.
  • Log Indexing: Index logs using solutions like Apache Lucene or Elasticsearch for efficient and fast search capabilities.
  • Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection: Apply machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies in log patterns, enhancing proactive issue identification.
  • Containerized Log Management: Employ containerized solutions, such as Docker logging drivers or Kubernetes native logging, for efficient handling of logs in containerized environments.
  • Log Retention Policies: Implement well-defined log retention policies to manage storage costs and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Correlation and Contextualization: Use tools like Splunk or ELK stack to correlate logs and provide contextual information for in-depth analysis.
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): Integrate SIEM solutions like ArcSight or QRadar to enhance log analysis for security-related insights.

How do you ensure high availability and fault tolerance in critical applications?

Implement redundant systems and load balancing mechanisms. Employ strategies like automatic failover, distributed databases, and microservices architecture. Conduct regular performance testing, monitor real-time metrics, and establish disaster recovery plans.

Utilize cloud services for scalability and redundancy. Implement blue-green deployments for seamless updates without downtime.

Integrate continuous monitoring and alerting tools to swiftly identify and address issues. Regularly practice chaos engineering to simulate and enhance system resilience.

Describe your experience with infrastructure as code for large and dynamic environments.

Experience with infrastructure as code (IaC) in large and dynamic environments has been pivotal in streamlining operations. I orchestrated deployments seamlessly leveraging tools like Terraform and Ansible, ensuring consistency and scalability. This approach facilitated quick adaptation to dynamic changes, reducing manual intervention.

The use of version control systems enabled efficient tracking of infrastructure changes, promoting transparency and collaboration within the team. Implementing IaC principles enhanced infrastructure reliability and resilience, aligning seamlessly with the demands of large-scale and ever-evolving environments.

What are the best practices for managing secret keys and sensitive configurations in DevOps?

The best practices for managing secret keys and sensitive configurations in DevOps are listed below.

  • Utilize Secret Management Tools: Leverage specialized tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager to securely store and manage sensitive information.
  • Encryption is Key: Always encrypt sensitive configurations and secret keys both in transit and at rest to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Avoid Hardcoding Secrets: Refrain from hardcoding secret keys directly into code. Use environment variables or configuration files.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implement RBAC to restrict access to sensitive information, ensuring that only authorized personnel can retrieve or modify secret keys.
  • Regularly Rotate Secrets: Enforce a policy to regularly rotate secret keys to minimize the window of vulnerability in case of a breach.
  • Audit and Monitoring: Implement robust audit trails and monitoring mechanisms to detect any unauthorized access or changes to sensitive configurations.
  • Secure CI/CD Pipelines: Integrate security checks into CI/CD pipelines to identify and rectify vulnerabilities early in the development process.
  • Secure Transmission Channels: Ensure secure communication channels between different components of the DevOps pipeline to prevent eavesdropping on sensitive data.
  • Zero Trust Architecture: Adopt a zero-trust approach, verifying every request for access to sensitive configurations, even from within the organization.
  • Regular Security Training: Conduct regular training sessions for DevOps teams to stay updated on the latest security practices and potential threats.

How do you approach continuous testing in a rapidly changing application environment?

Continuous testing in a dynamic application environment involves implementing automated testing at every stage of the development lifecycle. Follow the steps below to approach continuous testing in a rapidly changing application environment.

  • Begin by integrating automated testing tools into the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring rapid feedback on code changes. 
  • Employ containerization for efficient test environment management, allowing seamless testing across diverse platforms. 
  • Utilize shift-left testing practices, emphasizing early testing in the development process to catch issues before they escalate. 
  • Implement a comprehensive suite of unit, integration, and end-to-end tests to cover all aspects of the application. Regularly update test cases to align with evolving requirements and functionalities. 
  • Leverage parallel testing to expedite the testing process and accommodate the pace of application changes. 
  • Integrate monitoring tools to promptly identify and address performance bottlenecks. 
  • Emphasize collaboration between development and testing teams to foster a culture of shared responsibility for quality assurance. 
  • Regularly review and optimize the testing strategy to adapt to the ever-changing nature of the application landscape.

What is your strategy for managing technical debt in a DevOps culture?

Managing technical debt in a DevOps culture involves proactive strategies to minimize its impact on overall development efficiency.

Regular code refactoring, automated testing, and continuous integration are crucial for addressing technical debt. Prioritizing and allocating time for debt reduction within sprint planning ensures a balanced approach.

Implementing robust monitoring and alerting systems aids in early detection and resolution of technical debt issues. Regular retrospective meetings provide a platform to assess and address accumulated technical debt collaboratively.

Emphasizing a culture of shared responsibility encourages developers to be vigilant in addressing and preventing technical debt during the development lifecycle. Continuous education on best practices and emerging technologies helps teams stay ahead and avoid accumulating excessive technical debt.

Discuss your experience in implementing AI and machine learning in DevOps processes.

Incorporating AI and machine learning in DevOps optimizes workflows. We leverage ML algorithms for predictive analytics, enhancing issue detection. Automated anomaly detection aids in preemptive problem resolution. AI-driven tools streamline continuous integration, ensuring efficient code deployment. Smart decision-making is facilitated through data-driven insights. In essence, AI empowers DevOps for agile, intelligent operations.

How do you handle rollback strategies for failed deployments in complex systems?

Rollback strategies for failed deployments in complex systems involve carefully planned procedures to revert the system to its previous state. Utilizing version control systems allows quick rollback by switching to the previous release.

Blue-green deployments enable seamless transitions between versions, reducing downtime. Feature toggles provide the flexibility to disable specific features in case of issues.

Automated testing, including smoke tests, helps detect failures early, facilitating swift rollbacks. Monitoring tools play a crucial role in identifying anomalies, triggering automated rollback processes. The use of canary releases aids in gradually deploying changes, minimizing the impact of failures. Regularly practicing rollback scenarios ensures the team's preparedness for unforeseen issues.

Describe a scenario where you improved the performance of a Continuous Integration system.

We faced CI system bottlenecks impacting development speed in a recent project. We identified inefficiencies in build scripts and optimized them for faster execution.

We implemented parallelization strategies, reducing build times by 30%. We also integrated caching mechanisms to avoid redundant tasks, resulting in quicker feedback loops for developers.

We introduced auto-scaling for CI infrastructure during peak times, ensuring consistent performance. Overall, these enhancements significantly improved our CI system's efficiency and accelerated the software delivery pipeline.

How do you manage and optimize Docker containers in a high-traffic production environment?

Leverage container orchestration tools like Kubernetes. Implement auto-scaling based on demand, monitor resource usage with tools like Prometheus, and employ container networking solutions for efficient communication.

Utilize Docker Compose for defining multi-container applications and ensure security by regularly updating container images and implementing access controls. Streamline continuous integration and delivery pipelines to deploy containerized applications seamlessly.

Regularly audit and optimize container configurations for performance improvements, and consider using lightweight base images to reduce container size and enhance speed.

Discuss your approach to network and resource optimization in Kubernetes.

Network optimization in Kubernetes involves configuring pod communication through Services and Ingress, minimizing latency, and securing connections with Network Policies.

Resource optimization focuses on efficiently allocating CPU and memory, using Horizontal Pod Autoscaling and Cluster Autoscaler to adapt to demand.

Employing resource quotas helps prevent overconsumption, ensuring stable and efficient cluster performance. Regular monitoring and utilization analysis enable proactive adjustments, maintaining an optimized Kubernetes infrastructure.

What methods do you use for proactive monitoring and alerting in large-scale systems?

Proactive monitoring and alerting in large-scale systems involve leveraging advanced tools like Prometheus and Grafana for real-time performance metrics. We set predefined thresholds to trigger alerts by employing anomaly detection algorithms , ensuring swift response to potential issues.

Automated incident response systems, such as PagerDuty or OpsGenie, enhance our ability to address problems promptly. Continuous integration and delivery pipelines are integrated with monitoring, enabling rapid identification and rectification of issues during the development and deployment phases. Regularly updating and refining alerting rules based on system behavior and user feedback ensures the effectiveness of our proactive monitoring strategy.

How do you lead and mentor a DevOps team while ensuring adherence to best practices and standards?

To lead and mentor a DevOps team while ensuring adherence to best practices and standards:

  • Establish clear communication channels for seamless collaboration. 
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement, emphasizing the importance of automation, monitoring, and collaboration. 
  • Implement robust CI/CD pipelines to streamline development and deployment processes. 
  • Encourage cross-functional skill development to enhance team versatility. Conduct regular retrospectives to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes. 
  • Ensure documentation is comprehensive and up-to-date. 
  • Embrace infrastructure as code (IaC) principles for consistent and scalable environments. 
  • Promote a security-first mindset by integrating security practices into the DevOps lifecycle. 
  • Stay abreast of industry trends and emerging technologies to keep the team's skills relevant. Cultivate a positive and inclusive environment that values diversity and innovation.

Devops Technical Interview Questions

DevOps technical interview questions assess a candidate's proficiency in key areas like version control, continuous integration, containerization, orchestration, and infrastructure automation. Common questions delve into tools such as Git, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform. Candidates are asked to troubleshoot CI/CD pipelines, demonstrate scripting skills with languages like Bash or Python, and articulate strategies for optimizing deployment processes.

Employers seek insights into a candidate's problem-solving abilities, understanding of DevOps principles, and practical experience in implementing scalable and efficient DevOps practices.

How do you manage branching and merging strategies in Git for a DevOps workflow?

Effective management of branching and merging strategies in Git for a DevOps workflow is crucial for seamless collaboration. Git Flow is a popular strategy that defines specific branches for features, releases, and hotfixes. Feature branches are created for new developments, ensuring isolation and easy integration. Merging feature branches into the main branch facilitates continuous integration.

Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines are employed to automatically build, test, and validate changes. This minimizes integration issues and enhances code quality. Pull requests serve as a mechanism for code review before merging, ensuring that changes align with the project's standards. Feature toggles enable the selective release of features, enhancing control and minimizing deployment risks.

Regularly merging the main branch into feature branches helps avoid conflicts and keeps codebases up-to-date. Git rebase is another strategy for a cleaner commit history by incorporating changes from one branch into another.

Automated tests and deployment pipelines are integral in validating changes across branches, providing confidence in the release process. Effective communication and documentation of branching strategies are essential for team alignment and collaboration in a DevOps environment.

Describe how to set up a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins.

To set up a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins, follow the steps listed below.

  • Install Jenkins: Download and install Jenkins on your server or machine.
  • Configure Jenkins: Access Jenkins through the web interface and set up initial configurations.
  • Install Plugins: Install necessary plugins for version control systems (e.g., Git) and build tools.
  • Create Jenkins Job: Define a new Jenkins job and link it to your version control repository.
  • Source Code Management: Specify the repository URL, credentials, and choose the branch for the job.
  • Build Triggers: Configure build triggers, such as poll SCM or webhook, to initiate builds on code changes.
  • Build Environment: Set up the build environment, specifying build tools and dependencies.
  • Build Steps: Define build steps, like compiling code, running tests, and creating artifacts.
  • Post-Build Actions: Specify post-build actions, such as archiving artifacts and triggering deployments.
  • Configure CD: Extend the pipeline for continuous deployment by adding deployment steps.
  • Integration with Deployment Tools: Integrate Jenkins with deployment tools like Docker, Kubernetes, or Ansible.
  • Credentials and Security: Manage credentials securely for accessing external systems during the pipeline.
  • Testing: Implement automated testing at various stages of the pipeline for quality assurance.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Set up monitoring and logging to track pipeline execution and identify issues.
  • Notification: Configure notifications for build and deployment status updates.
  • Pipeline as Code (Optional): Implement Jenkinsfile for defining the entire pipeline as code.
  • Version Control for Jenkins Configuration: Keep Jenkins configurations in version control to track changes.
  • Scale and Optimize: Optimize pipeline performance and scale for larger projects if necessary.
  • Documentation: Maintain documentation for the CI/CD pipeline setup and configurations.
  • Regular Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance, updates, and reviews to ensure pipeline efficiency.

What are the key considerations when selecting a tool for configuration management?

Key considerations when selecting a tool for configuration management include scalability to handle infrastructure growth, compatibility with existing systems, robust version control capabilities, efficient automation features, and a user-friendly interface for streamlined collaboration among team members.

Integration with cloud services, strong community support, and a robust security framework are also critical factors to ensure a comprehensive and reliable configuration management solution.

Assessing the tool's flexibility to adapt to diverse environments and its ability to provide detailed audit trails for tracking changes are essential aspects that contribute to successful configuration management in a DevOps environment.

How do you monitor and optimize a Docker container's performance?

Employ tools like Prometheus and Grafana for real-time metrics and visualization. Utilize Docker stats command to inspect resource usage. Scale containers horizontally for load distribution and leverage orchestration tools like Kubernetes.

Fine-tune container configurations, set resource limits, and ensure efficient use of underlying infrastructure. Regularly analyze logs with tools like ELK stack to identify and address performance bottlenecks swiftly.

Implement health checks and auto-scaling to maintain optimal container performance dynamically. Keep Docker images lightweight, update base images regularly, and prune unused containers and images for efficient resource utilization.

What methods do you use to secure a Kubernetes cluster?

Securing a Kubernetes cluster involves employing robust measures to safeguard its infrastructure and applications.

  • Utilize Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to restrict permissions and limit access.
  • Implement network policies to control communication between pods, enhancing overall cluster security. 
  • Regularly update Kubernetes components and plugins to patch vulnerabilities and strengthen defenses. 
  • Employ Pod Security Policies (PSPs) to define security standards for pod creation. 
  • Integrate container image scanning tools to detect and mitigate potential security risks. 
  • Utilize Service Mesh solutions like Istio for enhanced communication security and observability. 
  • Employ secrets management tools to secure sensitive data within the cluster. 
  • Enable Kubernetes auditing to track and analyze activities, ensuring a proactive security stance. 
  • Regularly assess and enhance security configurations, adhering to best practices and industry standards.

Explain the process of automating infrastructure provisioning using Terraform.

Automating infrastructure provisioning with Terraform involves defining desired infrastructure in code, using HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). Terraform then translates this code into an execution plan, determining what resources to create or modify.

Terraform during execution, interacts with the chosen cloud provider's API to provision and configure infrastructure accordingly. This process ensures consistency, scalability, and efficiency in managing infrastructure, facilitating DevOps practices and enhancing collaboration between development and operations teams.

How do you implement and manage service discovery in microservices architecture?

Implementing and managing service discovery in a microservices architecture involves leveraging tools like Consul or etcd. These distributed systems enable dynamic registration and discovery of services.

Service registration occurs when a microservice starts, and discovery is facilitated through a centralized registry. This allows services to locate and communicate with each other seamlessly. Using container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes further streamlines service discovery by automating the process based on defined configurations.

Overall, a robust service discovery mechanism is vital for the effective functioning of microservices, ensuring scalability and agility in the dynamic environment.

What are the best practices for log management in a distributed system?

Effective log management in a distributed system is crucial for maintaining system reliability and troubleshooting issues.

  • Employ centralized logging to aggregate logs from multiple sources, ensuring a unified view for analysis. 
  • Utilize structured log formats to enhance readability and enable efficient parsing. 
  • Implement log rotation to manage log file sizes and prevent resource exhaustion. 
  • Prioritize log security by restricting access to authorized personnel and encrypting sensitive information. 
  • Regularly review and prune logs to eliminate unnecessary data, optimizing storage and retrieval efficiency. Automated monitoring and alerting on specific log patterns help proactively address potential issues. 
  • Embrace log correlation techniques to connect related events across distributed components, facilitating comprehensive problem diagnosis.

How do you integrate automated testing into a Continuous Delivery pipeline?

Utilize tools like Jenkins or GitLab CI to trigger automated tests after code commits. Implement unit tests to validate individual components and integration tests to ensure proper collaboration.

Leverage containerization platforms such as Docker to create consistent test environments. Integrate testing frameworks like JUnit or Selenium for diverse testing needs.

Employ version control systems like Git to manage test scripts and ensure traceability. Implement parallel testing to expedite the testing process and obtain faster feedback.

Regularly update test scripts to align with evolving application features. Finally, employ continuous monitoring tools to detect and address issues promptly.

Discuss the approach for managing environment variables in a scalable application.

Employing a robust configuration management system is pivotal when it comes to handling environment variables in a scalable application. Utilizing tools like Kubernetes ConfigMaps or Docker Compose environment files ensures streamlined management across diverse deployment environments.

Container orchestration platforms play a pivotal role in maintaining consistency. Employing secrets management tools, such as HashiCorp Vault or Kubernetes Secrets, adds an extra layer of security, safeguarding sensitive information. This approach is crucial for adhering to best practices in securing application configurations.

Implementing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices further enhances scalability. Tools like Terraform or AWS CloudFormation enable the codification of environment configurations, facilitating seamless scalability and reproducibility.

Automation tools like Ansible or Chef assist in the dynamic provisioning of environment-specific variables, simplifying the deployment process. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines should integrate these tools for efficient and error-free environment variable management.

Regular audits and versioning of environment variables prevent inconsistencies. This ensures that changes are tracked, and rollbacks can be executed if needed. This meticulous approach contributes to the stability and scalability of the application in a dynamic DevOps landscape.

How do you troubleshoot a failed deployment in a CI/CD pipeline?

To troubleshoot a failed deployment in a CI/CD pipeline:

  • Start by examining the build logs for error messages and stack traces. 
  • Identify the specific stage or step where the failure occurred and check for any misconfigurations in the pipeline script or dependencies. 
  • Verify the compatibility of the code with the target environment, ensuring all necessary dependencies are correctly installed. 
  • Utilize version control to pinpoint changes introduced since the last successful deployment, focusing on potential code conflicts or integration issues. 
  • Collaborate with the development and operations teams to gather insights and perform real-time debugging, addressing issues promptly. 
  • Implement proper logging and monitoring throughout the pipeline to facilitate quick error detection and resolution. 
  • Conduct thorough testing in a staging environment to catch potential deployment issues before they reach production. 
  • Regularly update and review documentation to maintain clarity on the pipeline structure and configurations.

Explain the use of Blue/Green or Canary deployment strategies in a production environment.

Blue/Green deployment is a methodology in DevOps where two identical production environments, "Blue" and "Green," are maintained. The active environment serves live user traffic, while the inactive one undergoes updates or changes. This approach ensures minimal downtime during releases.

Canary deployment, on the other hand, involves gradually rolling out updates to a small subset of users before reaching the entire user base. This allows for real-time monitoring and identification of potential issues, reducing the impact of bugs or performance issues on the entire system.

Both strategies aim to enhance deployment reliability and minimize risks associated with introducing changes into a production environment. Blue/Green provides a seamless switch between environments, while Canary allows for incremental and controlled updates, ensuring a smoother transition and quick identification of any issues. These methodologies align with DevOps principles, fostering continuous delivery and enhancing overall system stability.

What are the considerations for database management in a DevOps setting?

Considerations for database management in a DevOps setting revolve around seamless integration, version control of database schema, and automated deployment.

Implementing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices ensures database changes align with the application code changes. Versioning database schema using tools like Liquibase or Flyway facilitates efficient collaboration and rollback capabilities.

Automated testing of database changes, including unit and integration tests, is crucial for maintaining data integrity and performance. Additionally, incorporating database monitoring and alerting into the DevOps pipeline enables proactive issue identification and resolution.

Efficient backup and recovery strategies, along with data encryption, enhance the overall security and resilience of the database in a dynamic DevOps environment.

How do you ensure zero downtime deployments in a high-traffic web application?

To ensure zero downtime deployments in a high-traffic web application:

  • Employ rolling deployments with load balancing, gradually shifting traffic to updated instances. 
  • Implement canary releases to validate changes in a subset of users before a full rollout. 
  • Leverage feature toggles to enable or disable new functionalities on the fly, minimizing disruptions. 
  • Utilize blue-green deployments, maintaining two production environments to seamlessly switch between the active and idle states. 
  • Employ container orchestration tools like Kubernetes for efficient scaling and management of application instances. 
  • Automate testing and integration pipelines to catch potential issues early in the deployment process. 
  • Implement a robust monitoring system to quickly detect and address any anomalies during deployment. 
  • Ensure a well-defined rollback strategy to swiftly revert to the previous version in case of unforeseen issues, guaranteeing continuous service availability.

Discuss the implementation of a centralized logging system in a microservices architecture.

Implementing a centralized logging system in a microservices architecture is crucial for efficient monitoring and issue resolution. The primary component responsible for this task is a centralized logging tool, such as Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK stack) or Fluentd.

These tools aggregate logs from various microservices, storing them in a centralized repository. Each microservice sends its logs to this repository, allowing easy access and analysis. This aids in identifying and troubleshooting issues across the entire system.

Teams gain a unified view of the system's health and performance by adopting a centralized logging approach. It streamlines the debugging process, reducing the time and effort required to trace and resolve issues within the microservices ecosystem.

The centralized logging system provides powerful search and filtering capabilities, enabling quick identification of patterns or anomalies. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining a comprehensive audit trail, essential for compliance and security in a microservices environment.

How do you automate rollback in a CI/CD pipeline?

To automate rollback in a CI/CD pipeline:

  • Leverage version control systems to tag releases and create a mechanism for quick rollback. 
  • Employ feature toggles to enable or disable specific functionalities, ensuring seamless transitions between versions. 
  • Implement automated testing at various stages to detect issues early, triggering rollback when failures occur. 
  • Utilize canary releases to gradually deploy updates, minimizing the impact of potential issues. 
  • Establish a robust monitoring system to detect anomalies promptly, triggering automated rollback processes when necessary. 
  • Regularly practice rollback procedures in a controlled environment to optimize and streamline the process.

Explain the process of container orchestration and scaling in Kubernetes.

The process of Container orchestration in Kubernetes involves efficiently managing and coordinating containerized applications. Kubernetes orchestrates containers by automating deployment, scaling, and operation tasks. It utilizes a declarative approach, where users define the desired state, and Kubernetes ensures the system aligns with that state.

The process of Scaling in Kubernetes involves adjusting the number of container instances based on demand. Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) dynamically scales the number of pods in a deployment, ensuring optimal resource utilization. HPA monitors metrics like CPU usage or custom metrics, automatically adjusting the replica count.

Kubernetes employs a control plane and worker nodes. The control plane, consisting of the API server, controller manager, and scheduler, manages cluster state and configuration. Worker nodes host containers, managed by the kubelet, which communicates with the control plane.

Key components like Pods, Replication Controllers, and Services enable container orchestration. Pods are the smallest deployable units, and Replication Controllers ensure a specified number of pod replicas are running. Services enable communication between pods.

Kubernetes supports manual scaling through the "kubectl scale" command and automated scaling via HPA. This dynamic scaling ensures efficient resource allocation, improving application performance and resilience.

What strategies do you use for effective incident management in a DevOps culture?

It's crucial to implement a robust strategy for effective incident management in a DevOps culture that aligns with continuous integration and delivery principles. Begin by establishing clear incident response processes, defining roles, and ensuring seamless communication among cross-functional teams.

Implement automation tools for real-time monitoring and alerting, allowing rapid detection and response to incidents. Leverage centralized logging to streamline the analysis of system behaviors, facilitating quicker identification of root causes.

Practice blame-free post-incident reviews to foster a culture of continuous improvement. Encourage collaboration between development and operations teams through shared responsibility and knowledge sharing, reducing the likelihood of recurring incidents.

Emphasize the importance of documentation for incident resolution procedures, enabling team members to access accurate information promptly. Regularly conduct simulated drills to refine incident response skills and ensure readiness for unforeseen challenges in the dynamic DevOps environment.

How do you handle dependency management in a large-scale application?

Employ robust tools such as Docker and Kubernetes for containerization, ensuring consistent environments across development, testing, and production. Leverage dependency management tools like Maven or npm to track and control library versions, fostering reproducibility and stability in the application stack.

Implement a version control system like Git to efficiently manage and track changes in the codebase, facilitating collaboration among team members. Regularly update dependencies to benefit from security patches, bug fixes, and performance improvements, minimizing potential risks associated with outdated components.

Discuss the importance of load balancing in a cloud-based infrastructure.

Load balancing plays a crucial role in a cloud-based infrastructure by ensuring efficient distribution of network or application traffic across multiple servers or resources. This dynamic allocation enhances system performance, prevents server overload, and optimizes resource utilization. It contributes to high availability and fault tolerance, improving the overall reliability of the cloud environment.

Load balancing is fundamental for scaling applications, as it allows seamless handling of increasing workloads, leading to enhanced user experience and responsiveness. Load balancing in a cloud-centric paradigm, is indispensable for achieving scalability, fault tolerance, and maximizing resource utilization.

How do you manage stateful applications in a containerized environment?

Managing stateful applications in a containerized environment involves leveraging persistent storage solutions. Kubernetes, for instance, provides StatefulSets to handle stateful workloads. These ensure ordered deployment and scaling, maintaining unique network identifiers and stable hostnames for each pod.

Integrating with storage orchestration tools like Rook or Portworx facilitates dynamic provisioning and management of persistent volumes. Employing ConfigMaps and Secrets for external configuration and sensitive data further enhances stateful application management in containers. Regular backups and monitoring help ensure data integrity and availability in this dynamic environment.

What are the key performance indicators you monitor in a DevOps pipeline?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) in a DevOps pipeline are monitored to ensure efficient workflow and continuous improvement. These KPIs include build success rates, deployment frequency, mean time to recover (MTTR), and overall system stability.

Build success rates reflect the reliability of the pipeline, while deployment frequency measures the speed of code delivery.

MTTR indicates the time taken to recover from failures, highlighting resilience. System stability evaluates the overall health and performance of the deployed applications, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Monitoring these KPIs empowers teams to optimize processes and enhance the effectiveness of the DevOps pipeline.

Explain the process of integrating security testing in a DevOps workflow.

Integrating security testing into a DevOps workflow involves seamlessly embedding security practices across the entire development lifecycle. Employing tools like SAST (Static Application Security Testing) and DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) during the build and deployment stages helps identify vulnerabilities early.

Automated security scans within CI/CD pipelines enable continuous monitoring, allowing rapid detection and remediation of security issues. Collaborative efforts between development, operations, and security teams ensure a proactive and integrated approach to address security concerns. Regular security audits, penetration testing, and compliance checks further enhance the robustness of the DevOps security framework.

How do you approach capacity planning and scaling for cloud resources?

Capacity planning involves assessing current usage trends and predicting future demand to ensure optimal resource allocation. This necessitates leveraging auto-scaling features to dynamically adjust resources based on real-time demands, in the context of cloud resources.

Employing monitoring tools like AWS CloudWatch or Azure Monitor aids in identifying performance bottlenecks, enabling proactive adjustments. Implementing horizontal scaling distributes the load across multiple instances, enhancing system resilience and responsiveness. Regularly reviewing and optimizing resource configurations ensures cost-effectiveness in alignment with performance requirements.

Describe the steps to implement network security in a cloud-native application.

To implement network security in a cloud-native application, follow the steps listed below.

  • VPC Configuration: Establish a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with defined subnets to isolate and organize resources.
  • Firewall Rules: Set up network security groups and ACLs to control inbound and outbound traffic, allowing only necessary communication.
  • Encryption: Implement end-to-end encryption using protocols like TLS/SSL to secure data in transit.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM): Leverage IAM services to manage user access, permissions, and roles, ensuring the principle of least privilege.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enable MFA for added user authentication layers, enhancing overall security.
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF): Deploy a WAF to protect against common web application vulnerabilities and attacks.
  • Logging and Monitoring: Implement robust logging and monitoring solutions to detect and respond to security incidents promptly.
  • DDoS Protection: Utilize DDoS protection services to safeguard against distributed denial-of-service attacks.
  • Security Patching: Regularly update and patch all software components to address vulnerabilities and ensure a secure environment.
  • Incident Response Plan: Develop and regularly test an incident response plan to swiftly address and mitigate security breaches.

How to Prepare for a Devops Interview?

Grasp fundamental principles such as CI/CD, IaC, and containerization, and gain hands-on experience with relevant tools and cloud platforms to prepare for a DevOps Interview.  Focus on enhancing both technical and soft skills, staying updated on industry trends for a comprehensive readiness.Follow the essential steps listed below in detail.

  • Understand DevOps Principles: Familiarize yourself with key DevOps principles, emphasizing collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement.
  • Learn CI/CD Pipelines: Gain proficiency in Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and understand how they streamline development workflows.
  • Version Control Systems: Master version control systems like Git, including branching, merging, and resolving conflicts.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Acquire skills in IaC tools such as Terraform or Ansible to automate infrastructure provisioning and management.
  • Containerization: Learn containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration tools like Kubernetes for scalable and efficient application deployment.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Understand monitoring tools (e.g., Prometheus) and logging solutions (e.g., ELK stack) to ensure effective performance tracking and issue resolution.
  • Scripting and Automation: Develop proficiency in scripting languages like Python or Shell for automating repetitive tasks and enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Cloud Platforms: Gain hands-on experience with major cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP) and understand their DevOps services.
  • Security Practices: Comprehend DevSecOps principles, focusing on integrating security into the DevOps lifecycle.
  • Soft Skills: Hone communication and collaboration skills as DevOps heavily relies on teamwork and effective communication across development and operations teams.
  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of industry trends, tools, and emerging technologies within the DevOps landscape.

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Top Devops Interview Questions with Example Answers [2022]

Prepare for your devops interview by going through these most asked devops interview questions. additionally, get access to sample answers and interviewer's expectations..

Interview Practice

Search Devops Questions:

  • Question: What's a complex challenge you've faced in a DevOps environment, and how did you tackle it?

Question Overview: This question delves into the candidate's problem-solving skills within a DevOps context and asks them to reflect on a particularly challenging situation and their approach to overcoming it.

Sample Answer: A significant challenge I faced was managing service scalability under unexpected traffic spikes. I tackled this by implementing auto-scaling policies and load balancers in our cloud environment, which allowed our services to automatically adjust resources based on traffic. This prevented downtime during peak loads while optimizing our resource usage and costs. It was a valuable lesson in proactive infrastructure planning and the importance of scalability in maintaining service reliability.

  • - Identification of a DevOps challenge Strategy and tools used to resolve it Reflection on the impact and learning
  • Question: Describe a situation where effective communication between the development and operations teams led to a successful outcome.

Question Overview: This question assesses the candidate's ability to foster collaboration between development and operations teams for showcasing a scenario where effective communication led to project success.

Sample Answer: In a recent project, a deployment issue was causing delays. I organized a joint session between the dev and ops teams to collaboratively troubleshoot. We used open communication, shared logs, and walked through the deployment process together. This approach not only resolved the issue more quickly but also led to establishing a regular sync-up meeting between the teams. The results showed a significant improvement in our project's deployment cycle and reduced future delays.

  • - Example of cross-team collaboration Communication strategies used Outcome of the collaboration
  • Question: How do you incorporate security into the software development lifecycle in your DevOps practice?

Question Overview: This question explores how DevOps practices integrate security measures throughout the software development lifecycle to ensure continuous delivery without compromising security.

Sample Answer: I've always believed in integrating security early and throughout our development cycle. For instance, I integrated static code analysis tools right into our CI/CD pipeline to catch vulnerabilities early. Regular security training sessions for the team ensured everyone was on the same page and enhanced our overall security posture. This approach not only reduced our vulnerability exposure but also embedded a strong security culture within our team.

  • - Understanding of DevSecOps principles Examples of security tools and practices used Impact on the development process and product security
  • Question: Discuss how you've used tools like Prometheus or ELK stack to address a specific monitoring or logging challenge.

Question Overview: This question evaluates your ability to leverage monitoring and logging tools, like Prometheus or ELK stack, for overcoming specific challenges in maintaining system health and performance.

Sample Answer: I used the ELK stack to tackle a challenge we had with log management in a distributed system. Our issue was the sheer volume of logs and the difficulty in extracting meaningful insights. By setting up Elasticsearch for log storage, Logstash for log processing, and Kibana for visualization, we created a centralized logging system. This allowed us to quickly identify and address issues, in turn, significantly reducing downtime. Also, the detailed dashboards in Kibana provided real-time insights into our system's health for improving our response to incidents.

  • - Experience with Prometheus
  • - ELK stack
  • - or similar tools Identification and resolution of a monitoring/logging challenge Impact on system performance or reliability
  • Question: Give me an example of a task you automated that significantly improved your workflow.

Question Overview: This question seeks to uncover your ability to leverage automation for enhancing operational efficiency, a core component of DevOps practices.

Sample Answer: Certainly! I automated our nightly database backups using Cron for scheduling and Bash scripts for both execution and verification. This approach significantly streamlined the process and ensured fail-proof backups, automatically addressed errors, and sent notifications for any issues, thereby enhancing our operational efficiency and response capability.

  • - Demonstrated automation of a routine task Impact on workflow or project efficiency Reflection on the learning or outcomes
  • Question: Can you share your experience integrating Docker and Kubernetes into your development cycle?

Question Overview: This question aims to gauge your practical experience with containerization tools, Docker and Kubernetes, and how they are integrated into the development process to enhance efficiency and scalability.

Sample Answer: Absolutely! With Docker, we tackled environment inconsistencies by packaging our application and its dependencies into containers. This eliminated the 'it works on my machine' problem and ensured that our application ran smoothly in any environment. Kubernetes further enhanced our deployment scalability and management by automating container orchestration. For example, scaling our application to handle increased load became a matter of a few commands and drastically reduced our response times to demand spikes.

  • - Hands-on experience with Docker and Kubernetes Impact on the development cycle Challenges and solutions encountered
  • Question: Which cloud services have you used in your DevOps practices, and how did they enhance your project's efficiency?

Question Overview: This question explores your experience with cloud services in DevOps, focusing on how specific platforms were leveraged to improve project outcomes.

Sample Answer: I've heavily utilized AWS Lambda and Azure Functions for their scalability and suite of services. Utilizing them allowed us to implement serverless architectures that significantly reduced infrastructure costs and improved scalability. This approach enabled the team to focus more on development and less on managing servers, enhancing our project's efficiency by allowing us to deploy features more rapidly and reliably.

  • - Familiarity with cloud services Impact on project efficiency Real-world application examples
  • Question: Can you share an experience where a configuration management tool significantly streamlined a project's workflow?

Question Overview: This question invites candidates to illustrate their problem-solving capabilities and practical experience with configuration management tools such as Ansible, Chef, or Puppet, focusing on a specific challenge they addressed.

Sample Answer: Once, we encountered repetitive deployment failures due to configuration inconsistencies across environments. I used Ansible to automate the configuration tasks to ensure uniformity. This not only resolved the deployment issues but also streamlined our entire deployment process and significantly reduced manual effort and errors. It was a game-changer for our project's efficiency and reliability.

  • - Ability to identify and solve technical problems Experience with at least one configuration management tool Understanding the impact of their solution
  • Question: Describe a CI/CD pipeline you've set up or worked with. What were the key components?

Question Overview: This question offers an opportunity to showcase your practical skills in creating and managing CI/CD pipelines, highlighting your familiarity with automation tools, version control, and deployment strategies.

Sample Answer: I worked on a CI/CD pipeline using Git for version control, Jenkins for automation, and Kubernetes for deployment. Our goal was streamlining deployments and improving code quality. We integrated automated tests to catch bugs early. Jenkins handled the automation, running tests on each commit, and if successful, Kubernetes rolled out updates seamlessly. This setup minimized downtime and improved our team's efficiency, making our deployment process more reliable and faster.

  • - Experience with version control systems Knowledge of automated testing and deployment tools Understanding of pipeline integration and monitoring
  • Question: How do you explain the importance of the CALMS framework in your DevOps projects?

Question Overview: This question invites candidates to share how they've navigated complex challenges in a DevOps setting to demonstrate their problem-solving approach, adaptability, and technical prowess in implementing effective solutions.

Sample Answer: In implementing CALMS, I've seen firsthand its impact on our projects. For example, by automating deployment processes, we've reduced errors and sped things up significantly. Lean practices helped us identify and eliminate inefficiencies, improving our overall workflow. The real game-changer was fostering a culture of measurement and sharing; it not only enhanced our transparency but also boosted our team's morale, as everyone could see the value of their contributions. Overall, CALMS has been instrumental in not just achieving but exceeding our project goals.

  • - A clear understanding of CALMS components Real-world application examples Benefits w.r.t teamwork and efficiency

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  • Interview Q & A

Top 10 DevOps Engineer Scenario Based Interview Questions & Answers For Experienced (2024-25)

  • By Prime Courses
  • May 06, 2024


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the top 10 DevOps Engineer interview questions and answers, specifically tailored for experienced professionals in 2024-25. In this blog, we will explore scenario-based questions that will help you ace your DevOps Engineer interview. These questions are designed to assess not only your technical knowledge but also your problem-solving skills, decision-making abilities, and your capacity to handle real-world challenges in the dynamic field of DevOps.

Tip: Remember that while answering these DevOps Engineer interview questions , it's crucial not only to provide the right solutions but also to showcase your thought process and communication skills.

10 DevOps Engineer Scenario-Based Interview Questions & Answers

Scenario 1 - "Continuous Integration Pipeline"

Q1: Can you describe a scenario where you had to design and implement a highly efficient continuous integration pipeline for a complex application, ensuring rapid development and deployment cycles?

Answer: In a recent project, our team had to manage a complex microservices-based application with frequent code changes. To achieve efficient CI, we adopted a container-based approach using Docker and Kubernetes. We designed a multi-stage CI/CD pipeline that automatically built and tested code changes in isolated containers. This allowed us to catch issues early in the development process, ensuring smoother deployments and quicker feedback loops.

Scenario 2 - "Infrastructure as Code"

Q2: Share an experience where you utilized Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to manage and scale infrastructure efficiently. How did it benefit your project?

Answer: In a previous role, our infrastructure was growing rapidly, and manual provisioning was becoming a bottleneck. We implemented IaC using tools like Terraform and Ansible. This enabled us to define our infrastructure as code, making it version-controlled, repeatable, and scalable. As a result, we could easily replicate environments, reduce human error, and deploy changes faster, ultimately improving project stability.

Scenario 3 - "Incident Response"

Q3: Describe a scenario where you had to manage a critical incident during a major release. How did you handle the situation, and what lessons did you learn?

Answer: During a critical release, our application faced a sudden spike in traffic that caused unexpected errors. To address this, we followed our incident response plan, initiated alerting and monitoring, and engaged cross-functional teams for a swift resolution. Post-incident, we conducted a thorough post-mortem to identify root causes and implemented measures like auto-scaling and better resource planning to prevent similar issues in the future.

Scenario 4 - "Container Orchestration"

Q4: Can you provide an example of how you managed container orchestration at scale, ensuring high availability and optimal resource utilization?

Answer: In my previous role, we managed container orchestration using Kubernetes across multiple clusters. We implemented strategies like horizontal and vertical pod autoscaling, optimized resource requests and limits, and utilized features like rolling updates and canary deployments. These practices ensured high availability, efficient resource utilization, and zero-downtime deployments.

Scenario 5 - "Security in DevOps"

Q5: Explain a scenario where you integrated security practices into the DevOps pipeline. How did you ensure that security was not compromised during the development and deployment phases?

Answer: In our DevOps pipeline, we integrated security through practices like static code analysis, vulnerability scanning, and automated compliance checks. We established security gates that prevented code with known vulnerabilities from progressing further in the pipeline. Additionally, we regularly conducted security training for the development and operations teams to foster a security-first mindset.

Scenario 6 - "Infrastructure Monitoring"

Q6: Share a situation where you implemented an effective infrastructure monitoring system. How did it help in proactively identifying and addressing issues?

Answer: We implemented a robust monitoring system using tools like Prometheus and Grafana. It continuously collected metrics and set up alerting thresholds. When an anomaly occurred, alerts were triggered, allowing us to proactively investigate and resolve issues before they impacted the users. This improved system reliability and minimized downtime.

Scenario 7 - "Microservices Deployment"

Q7: Describe a scenario where you managed the deployment of a complex microservices architecture. How did you ensure that all services were deployed and scaled efficiently?

Answer: Managing a complex microservices deployment involved implementing service discovery, load balancing, and automated scaling. We utilized Kubernetes and Istio for service mesh to ensure seamless communication between microservices. Autoscaling policies were configured based on resource utilization metrics, enabling services to scale up or down dynamically as needed.

Scenario 8 - "High Availability Strategies"

Q8: Can you provide an example of how you designed a high-availability architecture for a mission-critical application? What strategies did you employ to minimize downtime?

Answer: Designing for high availability involved redundancy, failover mechanisms, and disaster recovery planning. We used multi-region deployments, active-active configurations, and distributed database systems. Additionally, we conducted regular chaos engineering exercises to identify and rectify weaknesses in our architecture proactively.

Scenario 9 - "Git Workflow"

Q9: Explain how you optimized the Git workflow in your team to streamline collaboration and code management.

Answer: We adopted a Git branching model that included feature branches, pull requests, and code reviews. Continuous integration was enforced, ensuring that code was tested before merging. We also automated the release process, so each code change could be seamlessly deployed, reducing manual errors and improving collaboration among team members.

Scenario 10 - "Continuous Improvement"

Q10: Share an experience where you initiated and led continuous improvement efforts in your DevOps practices. How did you measure the impact of these improvements?

Answer: We regularly conducted retrospectives and gathered feedback from the team to identify areas for improvement. Using metrics like deployment frequency, mean time to recover, and customer satisfaction, we measured the impact of changes. Implementing practices like value stream mapping and Kaizen allowed us to make incremental improvements continuously.

Tips to Prepare for an DevOps Interview

1. Review Your Basics: Ensure you have a strong foundation in DevOps principles, tools, and practices.

2. Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest DevOps trends and technologies.

3. Practice Problem Solving: Work on real-world scenarios and challenges to hone your problem-solving skills.

4. Communication Skills : Practice articulating your experiences and solutions clearly.

5. Mock Interviews: Conduct mock interviews with peers or mentors to get feedback and build confidence.

In conclusion, mastering the answers to these scenario-based DevOps Engineer interview questions will not only showcase your experience but also your problem-solving skills and ability to handle real-world challenges. Remember to tailor your responses to your specific experiences and emphasize your practical knowledge.

As you prepare for your interview, keep in mind the importance of continuous learning and staying updated with the ever-evolving DevOps landscape. Best of luck in your interviews, and may your DevOps journey be filled with success and exciting opportunities!

DevOps Job Market Salary Insights for Fresh and Seasoned Talent!

8 Best Essential DevOps Certifications that can make a DevOps engineer's career successful!

How to Become a DevOps Engineer in 2024-25: Training, Salary & Trends

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DevOps Engineer Interview Questions

The most important interview questions for DevOps Engineers, and how to answer them

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Interviewing as a DevOps Engineer

Types of questions to expect in a devops engineer interview, technical proficiency questions, system design and architecture questions, behavioral and cultural fit questions, scenario-based and problem-solving questions, automation and scripting questions, preparing for a devops engineer interview, how to do interview prep as a devops engineer.

  • Understand the Company's DevOps Culture: Research the company's approach to DevOps. Understand their toolchain, their deployment strategies, and how they monitor and maintain their systems. This shows that you're not just a good DevOps Engineer, but the right DevOps Engineer for their specific environment.
  • Review Technical Skills and Tools: Be sure you're up to date with the latest DevOps tools and technologies, such as Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins, and others relevant to the role. Be prepared to discuss how you've used these tools in past projects.
  • Practice System Design and Troubleshooting: Be ready to design a system architecture or troubleshoot a hypothetical scenario on the spot. This demonstrates your problem-solving skills and your ability to think critically under pressure.
  • Brush Up on Coding and Scripting: Depending on the role, you may need to write code or scripts during the interview. Make sure your programming skills (commonly in languages like Python, Ruby, or Bash) are sharp.
  • Prepare for Behavioral Questions: Reflect on your past experiences and be ready to discuss how you've handled collaboration, conflict, and challenges in a DevOps setting. This will illustrate your soft skills and cultural fit.
  • Understand CI/CD and Automation Principles: Be able to explain continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment concepts, as well as the importance of automation in DevOps practices.
  • Develop Insightful Questions: Prepare thoughtful questions that show your interest in the company's DevOps challenges and your desire to be part of the solution. It's also a way to learn if the company's culture and practices align with your career goals.
  • Conduct Mock Interviews: Practice with peers, mentors, or use online resources to simulate the interview experience. This can help you refine your answers and reduce interview anxiety.

Stay Organized with Interview Tracking

problem solving interview questions devops

DevOps Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

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DevOps Engineer Job Title Guide

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Top 15 DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

Top 15 DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

In this article

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Are you ready to ace your DevOps interview and land your dream role? Whether you're a seasoned DevOps professional looking to advance your career or a candidate eager to break into the field, mastering the intricacies of DevOps interview questions is essential. In this guide, we'll explore a wide range of DevOps interview questions, covering topics such as fundamental concepts, best practices, popular tools and technologies, common practices, and interview preparation tips for both employers and candidates. Whether you're preparing to interview candidates for a DevOps role or gearing up for your own interview, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to succeed in the competitive world of DevOps.

What is DevOps?

Before delving into the intricacies of DevOps, it's essential to understand its fundamental definition and concept. DevOps, a portmanteau of "development" and "operations," is a cultural and philosophical approach to software development and IT operations. It emphasizes collaboration, communication, and integration between development teams (responsible for building software) and operations teams (responsible for deploying and managing software in production environments).

Key Aspects of DevOps

  • Collaboration : DevOps promotes close collaboration and communication between development, operations, and other stakeholders involved in the software delivery lifecycle. By breaking down silos and fostering a culture of shared responsibility, DevOps aims to align teams towards common goals and outcomes.
  • Automation : Automation is a core tenet of DevOps, enabling teams to automate manual, repetitive tasks such as code deployment, testing, and infrastructure provisioning. By automating processes, DevOps accelerates delivery cycles, reduces errors, and increases efficiency.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) : DevOps emphasizes the adoption of CI/CD practices to automate the process of integrating code changes, running tests, and deploying applications to production environments. CI/CD pipelines enable teams to deliver changes to production quickly, reliably, and with minimal manual intervention.

Importance of DevOps in Modern Software Development

DevOps has become increasingly crucial in modern software development due to its ability to address the challenges and complexities of today's fast-paced, digital landscape. Here are some key reasons why DevOps is essential:

  • Accelerated Time-to-Market : DevOps practices enable organizations to deliver software updates and new features to customers quickly and frequently. By automating processes, streamlining workflows, and fostering collaboration, DevOps reduces time-to-market, allowing businesses to stay ahead of competitors and respond to market demands more effectively.
  • Enhanced Quality and Reliability : DevOps promotes a culture of continuous improvement, automation, and feedback, resulting in higher-quality software and increased reliability of systems. By automating testing, implementing infrastructure as code, and embracing agile methodologies, DevOps teams can detect and address issues early, minimizing defects and improving overall system stability.
  • Improved Collaboration and Communication : DevOps breaks down traditional barriers between development and operations teams, fostering a culture of collaboration, transparency, and shared responsibility. By aligning teams towards common goals and outcomes, DevOps improves communication, accelerates decision-making, and enhances teamwork across the organization.
  • Scalability and Flexibility : DevOps practices enable organizations to scale infrastructure and applications efficiently to meet changing demands and business requirements. By leveraging cloud technologies, containerization, and microservices architecture, DevOps teams can deploy, update, and scale applications quickly and reliably, ensuring flexibility and agility in response to evolving customer needs.
  • Cost Efficiency and Resource Optimization : DevOps helps organizations optimize resource utilization, reduce waste, and lower operational costs. By automating manual tasks, improving efficiency, and optimizing infrastructure usage, DevOps enables organizations to achieve greater cost efficiency and maximize return on investment (ROI) in software development and IT operations.

Role of DevOps in Agile Methodologies

DevOps and agile methodologies are closely intertwined, with DevOps serving as an enabler of agile practices such as iterative development, continuous delivery, and customer feedback loops. Here's how DevOps complements agile methodologies:

  • Alignment with Agile Values : DevOps aligns with the core values and principles of agile methodologies, including customer collaboration, responding to change, and delivering working software iteratively. By automating processes, enabling continuous delivery, and fostering collaboration, DevOps supports agile practices and helps teams deliver value to customers more effectively.
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment : DevOps emphasizes the adoption of CI/CD practices, enabling teams to integrate code changes frequently, run automated tests, and deploy applications to production environments continuously. CI/CD pipelines facilitate rapid feedback, enabling teams to iterate quickly and deliver working software in short cycles, in line with agile principles.
  • Empowerment of Cross-Functional Teams : DevOps promotes the formation of cross-functional teams comprising members from development, operations, quality assurance, and other relevant disciplines. These teams collaborate closely to deliver end-to-end solutions, embrace collective ownership, and respond to customer needs iteratively, in alignment with agile values.
  • Feedback Loops and Continuous Improvement : DevOps fosters a culture of continuous improvement, feedback, and learning, similar to agile methodologies. By collecting feedback from users, monitoring systems, and stakeholders, DevOps teams can identify areas for improvement, adapt to changing requirements, and deliver value incrementally, in accordance with agile principles.

DevOps and agile methodologies share common goals and principles, including delivering value to customers, embracing change, and fostering collaboration. By integrating DevOps practices with agile methodologies, organizations can achieve greater agility, resilience, and innovation, enabling them to thrive in today's dynamic and competitive marketplace.

Understanding DevOps Culture

DevOps culture is not just about adopting specific practices or tools; it's about fostering a mindset of collaboration, continuous improvement, and shared responsibility across development and operations teams. Let's delve deeper into the key aspects of DevOps culture.

Principles of DevOps Culture

DevOps culture is guided by several principles that shape how teams work together and deliver value to customers. These principles include:

  • Automation : Embrace automation to eliminate manual, repetitive tasks and increase efficiency. By automating processes such as code deployment, testing, and infrastructure provisioning, teams can focus on higher-value activities and accelerate delivery cycles.
  • Collaboration : Break down silos between development, operations, and other stakeholders to foster cross-functional collaboration. Encourage open communication, knowledge sharing, and empathy to build trust and alignment across teams.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) : Implement CI/CD pipelines to automate the process of integrating code changes, running tests, and deploying applications. By automating the entire software delivery lifecycle, teams can release software quickly, reliably, and with minimal risk.
  • Feedback Loops : Establish feedback mechanisms to gather insights from users, stakeholders, and monitoring systems. Feedback loops enable teams to validate assumptions, identify areas for improvement, and iterate rapidly to deliver value to customers.
  • Shared Responsibility : Cultivate a sense of shared ownership and accountability for the entire software delivery process. Encourage teams to take ownership of their work, collaborate closely across disciplines, and celebrate successes as a collective effort.

Collaboration and Communication in DevOps Teams

Effective collaboration and communication are fundamental to DevOps success. DevOps teams leverage various tools and practices to facilitate collaboration and streamline communication, including:

  • ChatOps : Use chat platforms such as Slack or Microsoft Teams to facilitate real-time communication and collaboration. ChatOps enables teams to discuss issues, share updates, and coordinate actions within the context of their workflow.
  • Cross-functional Teams : Form cross-functional teams comprising members from development, operations, quality assurance, security, and other relevant disciplines. Cross-functional teams promote shared ownership, collective responsibility, and faster decision-making.
  • Agile Practices : Adopt agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban to structure work, prioritize tasks, and iterate quickly. Agile practices encourage collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement, enabling teams to respond effectively to changing requirements and deliver value incrementally.
  • DevOps Toolchain Integration : Integrate DevOps tools into the development workflow to streamline collaboration and automate repetitive tasks. For example, integrate version control systems with CI/CD pipelines to automate code builds, tests, and deployments, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline

CI/CD pipelines are the backbone of DevOps practices, enabling teams to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software. Let's explore the key components of CI/CD pipelines and their role in accelerating software delivery.

  • Continuous Integration (CI) : In a CI pipeline, developers regularly merge their code changes into a shared repository, triggering automated build and test processes. CI pipelines aim to detect integration errors early, ensure code quality, and provide fast feedback to developers.
  • Continuous Deployment (CD) : In a CD pipeline, validated changes are automatically deployed to production or staging environments after passing through the CI stage. CD pipelines aim to streamline the deployment process, reduce manual intervention, and enable rapid, reliable releases.
  • Pipeline Orchestration : Orchestration tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and CircleCI allow teams to define and manage CI/CD pipelines as code. By codifying pipeline configurations, teams can version control, test, and automate the entire delivery process, ensuring consistency and repeatability.
  • Automated Testing : Integrate automated testing suites into CI/CD pipelines to validate code changes and ensure software quality. Automated tests include unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, executed automatically as part of the pipeline to catch bugs early and prevent regressions.
  • Deployment Strategies : Implement deployment strategies such as canary releases, blue-green deployments, or feature flags to minimize risk and downtime during deployments. Deployment strategies enable teams to gradually roll out changes, monitor their impact, and rollback quickly in case of issues.
  • Monitoring and Observability : Integrate monitoring and observability tools into CI/CD pipelines to track the performance, availability, and health of applications. Monitoring pipelines provide real-time visibility into application metrics, logs, and alerts, enabling teams to detect and respond to issues proactively.

Understanding and embracing DevOps culture, collaboration, and CI/CD pipelines are essential for building high-performing teams and delivering value to customers efficiently and reliably. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, automation, and collaboration, organizations can achieve greater agility, resilience, and innovation in today's competitive marketplace.

DevOps Technical Skills Interview Questions

1. explain the concept of continuous integration and continuous deployment (ci/cd)..

How to Answer:Candidates should define CI/CD as a software development practice where code changes are automatically built, tested, and deployed frequently. They should discuss the benefits, including faster release cycles, improved software quality, and reduced manual errors. Candidates can also mention popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and Travis CI.

Sample Answer:"Continuous Integration (CI) is the practice of regularly merging code changes into a shared repository. It involves automating the build and testing process whenever new code is added to the repository. Continuous Deployment (CD), on the other hand, extends CI by automatically deploying code changes to production environments after passing the necessary tests. This ensures that software is always in a deployable state and enables rapid feedback loops. Tools like Jenkins and GitLab CI/CD are commonly used to implement CI/CD pipelines."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate a clear understanding of CI/CD principles, including automation, version control, and deployment strategies. Strong candidates will also be able to discuss the impact of CI/CD on software development practices and the overall software delivery lifecycle.

2. Describe how Docker containers work and their role in DevOps.

How to Answer:Candidates should explain Docker as a containerization platform that allows applications to be packaged with their dependencies into lightweight, portable containers. They should discuss key concepts such as Docker images, containers, and Dockerfile. Additionally, candidates should highlight the benefits of using Docker for DevOps, such as consistency across environments and improved scalability.

Sample Answer:"Docker is a containerization platform that enables developers to package applications and their dependencies into isolated, lightweight containers. These containers can run consistently across different environments, from development to production, without changes. Docker images serve as blueprints for containers, while Dockerfiles define the steps to create these images. In DevOps, Docker facilitates continuous integration, deployment, and scalability by streamlining the application lifecycle and ensuring consistency."

What to Look For:Seek candidates who demonstrate a deep understanding of Docker's architecture and components, including images, containers, and registries. Look for examples of how candidates have used Docker to improve development workflows, enhance deployment processes, and optimize resource utilization.

DevOps Collaboration and Communication Interview Questions

3. how do you ensure effective communication and collaboration between development and operations teams in a devops environment.

How to Answer:Candidates should discuss strategies for fostering collaboration and communication between development and operations teams, such as establishing cross-functional teams, implementing shared tooling, and promoting a culture of transparency and accountability. They should emphasize the importance of breaking down silos and promoting collaboration throughout the software delivery lifecycle.

Sample Answer:"To ensure effective communication and collaboration between development and operations teams, it's essential to establish cross-functional teams where developers and operations engineers work together closely. Additionally, implementing shared tools and platforms, such as collaboration software and integrated development environments, can streamline communication and facilitate knowledge sharing. Promoting a culture of transparency and accountability, where teams take ownership of their work and share information openly, is also crucial for fostering collaboration in a DevOps environment."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and organizational aspects of DevOps, including the importance of collaboration and communication. Strong candidates will provide concrete examples of how they have promoted collaboration between teams and facilitated effective communication in previous roles.

4. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements between team members in a DevOps environment?

How to Answer:Candidates should describe their approach to resolving conflicts or disagreements in a DevOps team, emphasizing the importance of active listening, empathy, and open communication. They should discuss strategies for fostering constructive dialogue, finding common ground, and reaching mutually beneficial solutions.

Sample Answer:"In a DevOps environment, conflicts or disagreements between team members can arise due to differences in priorities, perspectives, or approaches. When faced with such situations, I believe in fostering open communication and creating a safe space for team members to express their concerns. I encourage active listening and empathy to understand the root causes of the conflict and identify common ground. By focusing on shared goals and objectives, rather than individual preferences, we can often find creative solutions that satisfy everyone involved."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and the ability to navigate challenging situations diplomatically. Pay attention to how candidates prioritize collaboration and teamwork in conflict resolution, emphasizing mutual respect and understanding.

DevOps Automation and Orchestration Interview Questions

5. what are some key automation tools and technologies used in devops.

How to Answer:Candidates should identify popular automation tools and technologies used in DevOps, such as configuration management tools (e.g., Ansible, Chef, Puppet), infrastructure as code (IaC) frameworks (e.g., Terraform, CloudFormation), and container orchestration platforms (e.g., Kubernetes, Docker Swarm). They should discuss the role of automation in improving efficiency, reducing manual errors, and accelerating delivery pipelines.

Sample Answer:"Some key automation tools and technologies used in DevOps include configuration management tools like Ansible, Chef, and Puppet, which automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure and application configurations. Infrastructure as code (IaC) frameworks such as Terraform and AWS CloudFormation enable the definition of infrastructure resources using code, allowing for automated provisioning and deployment. Container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, providing a foundation for cloud-native architectures and microservices."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate familiarity with a range of automation tools and technologies commonly used in DevOps environments. Strong candidates will be able to discuss the benefits and challenges of automation and provide examples of how they have used automation to streamline workflows and improve productivity.

6. How do you approach the design and implementation of CI/CD pipelines?

How to Answer:Candidates should outline their approach to designing and implementing CI/CD pipelines, starting from version control integration and build automation to testing, deployment, and monitoring. They should emphasize principles such as infrastructure as code, modularization, and pipeline as code, as well as best practices for ensuring reliability, scalability, and security.

Sample Answer:"When designing CI/CD pipelines, I follow a modular and scalable approach that aligns with best practices in DevOps. I begin by integrating version control systems like Git into the pipeline to trigger automated builds whenever new code is pushed. I then incorporate automated testing at multiple stages, including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, to validate code changes and prevent regressions. Deployment stages are designed to leverage infrastructure as code (IaC) principles, enabling consistent and repeatable deployments across environments. Throughout the pipeline, I prioritize visibility and observability, implementing logging, monitoring, and alerting mechanisms to detect and respond to issues promptly."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate a systematic approach to designing and implementing CI/CD pipelines, considering factors such as scalability, reliability, and security. Strong candidates will be able to discuss their experience with pipeline automation and optimization, highlighting their contributions to improving software delivery processes.

DevOps Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting Interview Questions

7. how do you troubleshoot performance issues in a distributed system.

How to Answer:Candidates should outline their approach to troubleshooting performance issues in distributed systems, starting with identifying potential bottlenecks and gathering relevant metrics and logs. They should discuss techniques such as load testing, profiling, and distributed tracing, as well as strategies for optimizing resource utilization and improving scalability.

Sample Answer:"When troubleshooting performance issues in a distributed system, I begin by gathering as much information as possible, including system metrics, application logs, and network traces. I use monitoring tools and observability platforms to identify any anomalies or deviations from normal behavior. Load testing and profiling help me pinpoint performance bottlenecks, whether they're related to CPU, memory, disk I/O, or network throughput. Distributed tracing allows me to trace requests across different services and identify latency hotspots. Once I've identified the root cause of the performance issue, I collaborate with relevant teams to implement optimizations and improvements, such as caching, scaling, or code refactoring."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate a methodical approach to troubleshooting performance issues in distributed systems, utilizing a combination of monitoring, profiling, and diagnostic tools. Strong candidates will be able to communicate their thought process clearly and provide examples of how they've successfully resolved performance issues in previous roles.

8. How do you ensure the reliability and availability of microservices in a production environment?

How to Answer:Candidates should discuss strategies for ensuring the reliability and availability of microservices in a production environment, including fault tolerance, resilience, and graceful degradation. They should address challenges such as service discovery, load balancing, and circuit breaking, as well as techniques for monitoring, alerting, and incident response.

Sample Answer:"To ensure the reliability and availability of microservices in a production environment, I employ a combination of architectural patterns and operational practices. I design microservices to be fault-tolerant and resilient, using techniques such as redundancy, replication, and isolation to minimize the impact of failures. Service discovery and dynamic routing enable seamless load balancing and failover, ensuring that traffic is routed to healthy instances. Circuit breaking and fallback mechanisms prevent cascading failures and promote graceful degradation under high load or failure scenarios. Continuous monitoring and proactive alerting help detect and respond to incidents quickly, while automated recovery mechanisms restore service availability and integrity."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate a deep understanding of microservices architecture and the challenges associated with ensuring reliability and availability in distributed systems. Strong candidates will be able to discuss real-world examples of how they've implemented resilience patterns and operational best practices to maintain service uptime and performance.

9. How do you approach security considerations in a DevOps workflow?

How to Answer:Candidates should outline their approach to integrating security into the DevOps workflow, including threat modeling, vulnerability scanning, and compliance automation. They should discuss the importance of security as code, secure coding practices, and collaboration between security and development teams throughout the software development lifecycle.

Sample Answer:"Security is a critical aspect of the DevOps workflow, and I approach it with a proactive and integrated mindset. I begin by conducting threat modeling exercises to identify potential security risks and attack vectors early in the development process. Vulnerability scanning tools are used to detect and remediate security vulnerabilities in code dependencies and infrastructure configurations. Automation plays a key role in ensuring compliance with security policies and standards, with security as code practices enabling the automated provisioning of secure infrastructure and configurations. Secure coding practices, such as input validation, authentication, and encryption, are incorporated into the development process to mitigate common security threats. Finally, fostering collaboration between security and development teams facilitates knowledge sharing and ensures that security considerations are addressed throughout the software development lifecycle."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of security principles and practices in the context of DevOps. Strong candidates will be able to articulate their approach to integrating security into the development workflow and provide examples of how they've implemented security measures to protect against threats and vulnerabilities.

10. How do you manage and monitor infrastructure resources in a cloud environment?

How to Answer:Candidates should describe their approach to managing and monitoring infrastructure resources in a cloud environment, including provisioning, configuration management, and performance monitoring. They should discuss cloud-native tools and services, such as AWS CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager, as well as third-party monitoring solutions and observability platforms.

Sample Answer:"In a cloud environment, I leverage infrastructure as code (IaC) frameworks like AWS CloudFormation and Terraform to provision and manage infrastructure resources programmatically. This enables automated provisioning, configuration, and deployment of infrastructure components, ensuring consistency and scalability. Configuration management tools such as Ansible and Chef are used to automate the setup and maintenance of server configurations, applications, and services. For monitoring and observability, I utilize cloud-native monitoring services like AWS CloudWatch, Azure Monitor, and Google Cloud Monitoring, which provide real-time insights into the performance, health, and availability of infrastructure resources. Additionally, I integrate third-party monitoring solutions and observability platforms to gain deeper visibility and analysis capabilities across distributed environments."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate proficiency in managing infrastructure resources in a cloud environment using automation and monitoring tools. Strong candidates will be able to discuss their experience with infrastructure as code, configuration management, and cloud-native monitoring, highlighting their ability to optimize resource utilization and maintain system reliability at scale.

DevOps Performance Optimization Interview Questions

11. how do you identify and mitigate database performance bottlenecks in a production environment.

How to Answer:Candidates should explain their approach to identifying and resolving database performance issues, including query optimization, indexing strategies, and database tuning. They should discuss techniques for monitoring database performance metrics and troubleshooting common bottlenecks such as slow queries, resource contention, and disk I/O.

Sample Answer:"To identify and mitigate database performance bottlenecks, I start by analyzing database performance metrics and query execution plans to identify slow-running queries and resource-intensive operations. I optimize queries by reviewing indexing strategies, rewriting SQL queries, and minimizing database round trips. Database tuning techniques such as adjusting buffer cache sizes, optimizing disk I/O, and configuring memory settings help improve overall database performance. Additionally, I implement monitoring and alerting systems to proactively identify and address performance issues before they impact users."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate proficiency in database performance tuning and optimization techniques, including query optimization, indexing, and configuration tuning. Strong candidates will be able to discuss their experience with troubleshooting database performance issues and implementing solutions to improve database scalability and reliability.

12. How do you ensure high availability and fault tolerance for critical systems in a distributed architecture?

How to Answer:Candidates should describe their approach to ensuring high availability and fault tolerance for critical systems in a distributed architecture, including redundancy, failover mechanisms, and disaster recovery planning. They should discuss architectural patterns such as active-active and active-passive replication, as well as techniques for data replication, synchronization, and consistency.

Sample Answer:"To ensure high availability and fault tolerance for critical systems in a distributed architecture, I design resilient solutions that minimize single points of failure and support rapid failover and recovery. Redundancy and replication strategies, such as active-active and active-passive architectures, help distribute workload and ensure continuous operation in the event of failures. I implement automated failover mechanisms and health checks to detect and respond to failures proactively, minimizing downtime and service disruptions. Disaster recovery planning, including data backups, offsite replication, and failover testing, ensures readiness for catastrophic events and enables timely recovery with minimal data loss."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate a deep understanding of architectural patterns and best practices for ensuring high availability and fault tolerance in distributed systems. Strong candidates will be able to discuss their experience designing and implementing resilient solutions and their contributions to improving system reliability and uptime.

Cultural Fit and Team Dynamics Interview Questions

13. how do you promote a culture of learning and continuous improvement within a devops team.

How to Answer:Candidates should discuss strategies for fostering a culture of learning and continuous improvement within a DevOps team, including knowledge sharing, mentorship programs, and personal development plans. They should emphasize the importance of experimentation, feedback loops, and embracing failure as opportunities for growth.

Sample Answer:"To promote a culture of learning and continuous improvement within a DevOps team, I encourage knowledge sharing through regular team meetings, tech talks, and internal workshops. Mentorship programs pair experienced team members with newcomers to facilitate knowledge transfer and skill development. Personal development plans provide opportunities for team members to set goals, acquire new skills, and pursue certifications relevant to their roles. I also advocate for a blame-free culture where failure is viewed as a learning opportunity, and feedback loops are used to identify areas for improvement and iterate on solutions."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate a commitment to fostering a culture of learning and growth within a DevOps team. Strong candidates will be able to discuss their experience implementing initiatives to support professional development, knowledge sharing, and collaboration, contributing to a positive and productive team environment.

14. How do you handle situations where team members are resistant to adopting DevOps practices or tools?

How to Answer:Candidates should describe their approach to addressing resistance to DevOps practices or tools within a team, including active listening, stakeholder engagement, and change management techniques. They should discuss strategies for building consensus, addressing concerns, and demonstrating the value of DevOps principles through tangible outcomes.

Sample Answer:"When team members are resistant to adopting DevOps practices or tools, I first seek to understand their concerns and perspectives through open dialogue and active listening. I acknowledge their apprehensions and address any misconceptions or fears they may have about the proposed changes. I emphasize the benefits of DevOps, such as faster delivery cycles, improved collaboration, and reduced manual overhead, and provide concrete examples of how adopting DevOps practices has positively impacted other teams or projects. I involve team members in the decision-making process and empower them to contribute ideas and suggestions for improving workflows and tooling. By fostering a sense of ownership and inclusion, I encourage buy-in and alignment with DevOps principles."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and the ability to navigate resistance to change in a team setting. Strong candidates will be able to articulate their approach to addressing concerns and building consensus around DevOps practices, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

Cloud-Native Technologies Interview Questions

15. how do you design scalable and resilient architectures for cloud-native applications.

How to Answer:Candidates should outline their approach to designing scalable and resilient architectures for cloud-native applications, including microservices, serverless, and containerization. They should discuss architectural patterns such as auto-scaling, microservices decomposition, and distributed data management, as well as cloud-native services and tools for building resilient applications.

Sample Answer:"When designing scalable and resilient architectures for cloud-native applications, I follow a microservices-based approach that enables independent deployment, scalability, and fault isolation. I decompose monolithic applications into loosely coupled microservices, each responsible for a specific business capability. I leverage containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes to package and orchestrate microservices, enabling elastic scaling and automated lifecycle management. Architectural patterns such as auto-scaling, circuit breaking, and chaos engineering help ensure resilience and fault tolerance in the face of failures. Additionally, I utilize cloud-native services such as AWS Lambda and Azure Functions for serverless computing, offloading infrastructure management and optimizing resource utilization."

What to Look For:Look for candidates who demonstrate expertise in designing cloud-native architectures that prioritize scalability, reliability, and flexibility. Strong candidates will be able to discuss their experience with microservices, containerization, and serverless technologies, as well as their contributions to optimizing application performance and availability in a cloud-native environment.

Essential DevOps Tools and Technologies

In the realm of DevOps, leveraging the right tools and technologies is crucial for streamlining processes, automating tasks, and ensuring the reliability of software delivery. Let's explore some of the essential DevOps tools and technologies that empower teams to build, deploy, and manage software efficiently.

Configuration Management Tools

Configuration management tools play a vital role in automating the process of provisioning and managing infrastructure resources. These tools enable teams to define infrastructure as code, ensuring consistency, scalability, and repeatability across environments. Here are some popular configuration management tools:

  • Ansible : Ansible is an open-source automation tool that simplifies the task of configuring and managing servers, applications, and networks. With its agentless architecture and declarative language, Ansible enables teams to automate complex tasks efficiently.
  • Puppet : Puppet is a configuration management tool that automates the deployment and management of infrastructure using a declarative language called Puppet DSL. Puppet helps teams enforce desired states, manage configurations, and ensure compliance across heterogeneous environments.
  • Chef : Chef is a configuration management tool that allows teams to automate the deployment and management of infrastructure using code. With its domain-specific language (DSL) called Chef Infra, Chef enables teams to define infrastructure configurations, enforce policies, and maintain consistency at scale.

Containerization Tools

Containerization tools revolutionize the way applications are built, deployed, and managed by encapsulating them and their dependencies into lightweight, portable containers. These tools enable teams to achieve greater consistency, scalability, and efficiency in deploying applications. Here are some prominent containerization tools:

  • Docker : Docker is a leading containerization platform that allows teams to package applications and their dependencies into containers. Docker containers are isolated, portable, and reproducible, making them ideal for microservices architectures, cloud-native applications, and DevOps workflows.
  • Kubernetes : Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes provides features such as service discovery, load balancing, and auto-scaling, enabling teams to run applications reliably and efficiently in production environments.

Version Control Systems

Version control systems (VCS) are essential tools for tracking changes to code, collaborating effectively, and managing software development workflows. These tools enable teams to version control, branch, merge, and collaborate on codebase changes seamlessly. Here are some widely used version control systems:

  • Git : Git is a distributed version control system that enables teams to track changes to code, collaborate on projects, and manage codebase histories effectively. With features such as branching, merging, and distributed workflows, Git facilitates flexible and efficient software development practices.
  • SVN (Subversion) : SVN is a centralized version control system that provides a centralized repository for storing code and managing revisions. While SVN lacks some of the distributed features of Git, it remains popular in certain industries and organizations for its simplicity and familiarity.

Monitoring and Logging Tools

Monitoring and logging tools are indispensable for gaining insights into the performance, availability, and health of software systems. These tools enable teams to detect issues, troubleshoot problems, and optimize performance in real-time. Here are some essential monitoring and logging tools:

  • Prometheus : Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for monitoring cloud-native environments. Prometheus collects metrics from targets, stores them in a time-series database, and provides powerful querying and alerting capabilities for monitoring applications and infrastructure.
  • ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) : The ELK Stack is a popular log management and analytics platform consisting of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine, Logstash is a log ingestion and processing tool, and Kibana is a visualization and dashboarding tool. Together, they enable teams to collect, analyze, and visualize log data effectively.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tools

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools empower teams to manage infrastructure using code, enabling automation, consistency, and scalability in provisioning and managing resources. These tools treat infrastructure as software, allowing teams to version control, test, and deploy infrastructure configurations like application code. Here are some essential IaC tools:

  • Terraform : Terraform is an open-source IaC tool that allows teams to define, provision, and manage infrastructure using declarative configuration files. Terraform supports a wide range of cloud providers and services, enabling teams to manage multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments seamlessly.
  • AWS CloudFormation : AWS CloudFormation is a native IaC service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for provisioning and managing AWS resources using JSON or YAML templates. CloudFormation automates the process of deploying infrastructure, enabling teams to define and manage AWS resources as code.

By leveraging these essential DevOps tools and technologies, teams can automate processes, streamline workflows, and accelerate the delivery of high-quality software. Whether it's automating infrastructure provisioning with configuration management tools or orchestrating containerized applications with Kubernetes, choosing the right tools is critical for DevOps success.

Common DevOps Practices

DevOps practices encompass a wide range of methodologies and techniques aimed at improving collaboration, automation, and efficiency across software development and IT operations. Let's explore some of the common DevOps practices in more detail.

Infrastructure Automation

Infrastructure automation involves automating the process of provisioning, configuring, and managing infrastructure resources such as servers, networks, and storage. By treating infrastructure as code, teams can define infrastructure configurations using scripts or declarative languages, enabling consistent, repeatable, and scalable deployments.

Key Aspects of Infrastructure Automation:

  • Automation Tools : Utilize configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef to automate the configuration and management of infrastructure resources.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) : Adopt IaC practices to define infrastructure configurations using code, enabling version control, testing, and automation of infrastructure deployments.
  • Orchestration : Use orchestration tools like Terraform or AWS CloudFormation to orchestrate the provisioning and management of complex infrastructure environments across multiple cloud platforms or data centers.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are practices that automate the process of integrating code changes, running tests, and deploying applications to production environments. CI/CD pipelines enable teams to deliver changes to production quickly, reliably, and with minimal manual intervention.

Key Aspects of CI/CD:

  • Automated Testing : Integrate automated testing suites into CI/CD pipelines to validate code changes and ensure software quality. Automated tests include unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, executed automatically as part of the pipeline.
  • Pipeline Orchestration : Use CI/CD orchestration tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or CircleCI to define and manage CI/CD pipelines as code. Orchestration tools enable teams to automate the entire delivery process, including building, testing, and deploying applications.

Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture is an architectural approach that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Each service is responsible for a specific business function and communicates with other services via well-defined APIs.

Key Aspects of Microservices Architecture:

  • Service Decoupling : Design services with clear boundaries and independent lifecycles to minimize dependencies and promote autonomy. Each microservice should encapsulate a specific business capability and communicate with other services via lightweight protocols.
  • Scalability and Flexibility : Microservices enable teams to scale individual services independently, allowing for greater flexibility and responsiveness to changing demand. Teams can deploy, update, and scale services without affecting other parts of the application.
  • Resilience and Fault Isolation : Microservices architecture promotes resilience and fault isolation by isolating failures within individual services. Failures in one service do not impact the entire system, allowing other services to remain operational and providing a better overall user experience.

Blue-Green Deployment

Blue-green deployment is a deployment strategy that involves running two identical production environments, referred to as blue and green. During a deployment, traffic is gradually shifted from the blue environment to the green environment, allowing teams to deploy changes with zero downtime and rollback quickly in case of issues.

Key Aspects of Blue-Green Deployment:

  • Parallel Environments : Maintain two identical production environments (blue and green) to minimize downtime and risk during deployments. The blue environment serves production traffic while the green environment is updated with the latest changes.
  • Traffic Shifting : Gradually shift traffic from the blue environment to the green environment using load balancers or DNS routing. This allows teams to monitor the performance and stability of the new environment before directing all traffic to it.
  • Rollback Mechanism : Implement a rollback mechanism to revert to the previous environment (e.g., blue) in case of issues or failures. Blue-green deployment enables teams to rollback quickly and minimize the impact on users in the event of deployment failures.

Disaster Recovery and High Availability

Disaster recovery and high availability practices involve implementing strategies to ensure the resilience and availability of systems in the event of failures or disasters. These practices aim to minimize downtime, data loss, and service disruptions, ensuring business continuity and maintaining service levels for users.

Key Aspects of Disaster Recovery and High Availability:

  • Redundancy and Failover : Design systems with redundancy and failover capabilities to mitigate the impact of hardware failures, network outages, or data center disruptions. Redundant components and failover mechanisms ensure continuous operation and data integrity.
  • Backup and Restore : Implement backup and restore procedures to protect data and applications against loss or corruption. Regular backups, offsite storage, and automated recovery processes enable teams to restore services quickly in the event of data loss or system failure.
  • Disaster Recovery Planning : Develop and test disaster recovery plans to prepare for various scenarios, including natural disasters, cyber attacks, or infrastructure failures. Disaster recovery drills and simulations help teams identify weaknesses, validate recovery procedures, and minimize downtime during real emergencies.

By adopting these common DevOps practices, teams can improve collaboration, automate processes, and deliver high-quality software with greater speed, reliability, and efficiency. Whether it's automating infrastructure deployments with CI/CD pipelines or designing resilient microservices architectures, embracing DevOps practices is essential for staying competitive in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

DevOps Interview Preparation Tips for Candidates

Preparing for a DevOps interview can be both exciting and challenging. To stand out as a candidate and demonstrate your readiness for the role, consider the following tips:

  • Understand the Job Requirements : Thoroughly review the job description and requirements to understand the skills, experience, and qualifications expected for the role. Tailor your preparation to highlight your relevant expertise and experience in areas such as automation, CI/CD, cloud technologies, and infrastructure as code (IaC).
  • Brush Up on Core DevOps Concepts : Refresh your knowledge of core DevOps concepts and principles, including automation, continuous integration, continuous deployment, infrastructure as code, and microservices architecture. Be prepared to discuss how these concepts apply in real-world scenarios and share examples of how you've implemented them in your previous roles or projects.
  • Practice Coding and Scripting Skills : DevOps roles often require proficiency in scripting languages such as Python, Shell, or PowerShell. Practice coding exercises and scripting tasks to demonstrate your ability to automate tasks, manage infrastructure, and implement solutions using code. Be prepared to discuss your approach to problem-solving and your experience with scripting and automation tools.
  • Familiarize Yourself with DevOps Tools and Technologies : Become familiar with popular DevOps tools and technologies, including configuration management tools (e.g., Ansible, Puppet, Chef), containerization tools (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes), version control systems (e.g., Git, SVN), monitoring and logging tools (e.g., Prometheus, ELK Stack), and infrastructure as code (IaC) tools (e.g., Terraform, AWS CloudFormation). Practice using these tools in a lab environment or through online tutorials to gain hands-on experience and confidence.
  • Prepare Real-Life Scenarios and Examples : Reflect on your past experiences and accomplishments in DevOps roles or projects. Be ready to share examples of challenges you've faced, solutions you've implemented, and lessons you've learned. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique to structure your responses and provide concrete examples of your skills and achievements.
  • Stay Updated on Industry Trends and Best Practices : DevOps is a rapidly evolving field, so it's essential to stay updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices. Follow DevOps blogs, attend webinars and conferences, and participate in online communities to stay informed and engaged with the latest developments in the field.
  • Prepare for Behavioral and Situational Questions : In addition to technical questions, be prepared to answer behavioral and situational questions that assess your teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Practice articulating your experiences, motivations, and values to demonstrate your fit for the role and the organization's culture.
  • Mock Interviews and Practice Sessions : Consider participating in mock interviews or practice sessions with friends, colleagues, or mentors. Mock interviews can help you simulate the interview experience, receive feedback on your responses, and identify areas for improvement. Practice answering common interview questions and discussing your experiences and accomplishments with confidence and clarity.

By following these DevOps interview preparation tips, you can enhance your readiness, confidence, and performance in interviews, increasing your chances of success in securing your desired DevOps role. Remember to approach the interview process with curiosity, enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn and grow.

Mastering DevOps interview questions is essential for both employers and candidates navigating the ever-evolving landscape of software development and IT operations. For employers, asking the right questions can help assess a candidate's skills, experience, and fit for the role, ensuring the selection of top talent to drive organizational success. On the other hand, candidates who are well-prepared for DevOps interviews can showcase their expertise, problem-solving abilities, and passion for continuous improvement, setting themselves apart as valuable assets to prospective employers.

By leveraging the insights and strategies outlined in this guide, both employers and candidates can approach DevOps interviews with confidence and clarity. From understanding fundamental concepts to exploring advanced practices and tools, this guide provides an overview of DevOps interview preparation, empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the dynamic and competitive DevOps landscape. Whether you're seeking to build high-performing DevOps teams or advance your career in the field, mastering DevOps interview questions is the key to unlocking new opportunities and driving innovation in software development and IT operations.

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Interested in a career in DevOps? Well then, you have landed on the right article. In the DevOps Interview Questions article, I have listed dozens of possible questions that interviewers ask potential DevOps hires. This list has been crafted based on the know-how of Edureka instructors who are industry experts and the experiences of nearly 30,000 Edureka DevOps learners from 60 countries.

The key point to remember is that DevOps is more than just a set of technologies; it is a way of thinking, a culture. DevOps requires a cultural shift that merges operations with development and demands a linked toolchain of technologies to facilitate collaborative change. Since the DevOps philosophy is still at a very nascent stage, the application of DevOps as well as the bandwidth required to adapt and collaborate varies from organization to organization. However, you can develop DevOps skills that can present you as a perfect candidate for any type of organization.

We would be delighted to assist you in developing your DevOps skills in a thoughtful, structured manner and becoming certified as a DevOps Engineer. Once you finish the DevOps Certification , we promise that you will be able to handle a variety of DevOps roles in the industry.

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What are the requirements to become a DevOps Engineer?

When looking to fill out DevOps roles, organizations look for a clear set of skills. The most important of these are:

  • Experience with infrastructure automation tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack or Windows PowerShell DSC.
  • Fluency in web languages like Ruby, Python, PHP or Java.
  • Interpersonal skills that help you communicate and collaborate across teams and roles.

If you have the above skills, then you are ready to start preparing for your DevOps interview! If not, don’t worry – our DevOps certification training will help you master DevOps.

In order to structure the questions below, I put myself in your shoes. Most of the answers in this blog are written from your perspective, i.e. someone who is a potential DevOps expert. I have also segregated the questions in the following manner:

General DevOps Interview Questions

Version control system interview questions, continuous integration interview questions, continuous testing interview questions, configuration management interview questions, continuous monitoring interview questions,  containerization and virtualization interview questions.

If you have attended DevOps interviews or have any additional questions you would like answered, please do mention them in our Q&A Forum . We’ll get back to you at the earliest.

DevOps Interview Questions | DevOps Interview Questions & Answers – 2024 | DevOps Training | Edureka

Top 120+ DevOps Interview Questions

These are the top DevOps Interview questions you might face in a DevOps job interview. 

This category will include DevOps Interview questions and Answers that are not related to any particular DevOps stage. Questions here are meant to test your understanding about DevOps rather than focusing on a particular tool or a stage.

Q1.What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development method that combines the techniques of software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to encourage collaboration, automation, and ongoing growth. It aims to improve the quality, speed, and stability of software updates and make the software delivery process more efficient. DevOps puts a lot of emphasis on automation, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and a mindset of working together to make software development and release faster and more efficient.

Q2. What are the fundamental differences between DevOps & Agile?

The differences between DevOps vs Agile are listed down in the table below.

Q3. What is a DevOps Engineer? 

A DevOps Engineer is a professional who combines expertise in software development, IT operations, and system administration to facilitate the adoption of DevOps practices within an organization. DevOps Engineers play a critical role in bridging the gap between development and operations teams to ensure the smooth and efficient delivery of software applications. 

Responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer may include:

1. Collaboration: Facilitating communication and collaboration between development, operations, and other cross-functional teams to ensure alignment of goals and smooth workflows.

2. Automation: Developing and implementing automated processes for building, testing, and deploying software, as well as managing infrastructure and configuration.

3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Designing and maintaining CI/CD pipelines to enable frequent and reliable software releases.

4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Implementing IaC principles to manage infrastructure and configuration through code, allowing for easy scaling and replication.

5. Monitoring and Performance: Setting up monitoring tools and performance metrics to ensure system stability, identify issues, and facilitate proactive problem-solving.

6. Security and Compliance: Integrating security measures into the development and deployment process, and ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.

7. Cloud Services: Utilizing cloud platforms and services to build scalable and resilient applications and infrastructure.

8. Troubleshooting and Support: Resolving issues related to software deployments, performance, and infrastructure, as well as providing technical support to development and operations teams.

9. Continuous Learning: Staying up-to-date with the latest DevOps tools, technologies, and best practices to continuously improve the organization’s software delivery processes.

A DevOps Engineer plays a pivotal role in driving a culture of continuous improvement, automation, and collaboration across the organization. By combining skills in software development and IT operations, they help streamline the development lifecycle, enhance application delivery, and promote efficiency and innovation in software development projects. If you are ready to launch your DevOps career consider taking DevOps Masters Program and master the skills needed to excel in this dynamic field. Gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools, learn industry best practices, and work on real-world DevOps projects . With personalized mentorship and an industry-recognized certification, you’ll be well-prepared for a successful DevOps career.

Q4. What is the need for DevOps?

According to me, this answer should start by explaining the general market trend. Instead of releasing big sets of features, companies are trying to see if small features can be transported to their customers through a series of release trains. This has many advantages like quick feedback from customers, better quality of software etc. which in turn leads to high customer satisfaction. To achieve this, companies are required to:

  • Increase deployment frequency
  • Lower failure rate of new releases
  • Shortened lead time between fixes
  • Faster mean time to recovery in the event of new release crashing

DevOps fulfills all these requirements and helps in achieving seamless software delivery. You can give examples of companies like Etsy, Google and Amazon which have adopted DevOps to achieve levels of performance that were unthinkable even five years ago. They are doing tens, hundreds or even thousands of code deployments per day while delivering world-class stability, reliability and security.

If I have to test your knowledge on DevOps, you should know the difference between Agile and DevOps. The next question is directed towards that.

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Q5. how is devops different from agile / sdlc.

I would advise you to go with the below explanation:

Agile is a set of values and principles about how to produce i.e. develop software. Example: if you have some ideas and you want to turn those ideas into working software, you can use the Agile values and principles as a way to do that. But, that software might only be working on a developer’s laptop or in a test environment. You want a way to quickly, easily and repeatably move that software into production infrastructure, in a safe and simple way. To do that you need DevOps tools and techniques.

You can summarize by saying Agile software development methodology focuses on the development of software but DevOps on the other hand is responsible for development as well as deployment of the software in the safest and most reliable way possible. Here’s a blog that will give you more information on the evolution of DevOps .

Now remember, you have included DevOps tools in your previous answer so be prepared to answer some questions related to that.

Q6. Which are the top DevOps tools? Which tools have you worked on?

The most popular DevOps tools are mentioned below:

  • Git : Version Control System tool
  • Jenkins : Continuous Integration tool
  • Selenium : Continuous Testing tool
  • Puppet, Chef, Ansible : Configuration Management and Deployment tools
  • Nagios : Continuous Monitoring tool
  • Docker : Containerization tool

You can also mention any other tool if you want, but make sure you include the above tools in your answer. The second part of the answer has two possibilities:

  • If you have experience with all the above tools then you can say that I have worked on all these tools for developing good quality software and deploying those softwares easily, frequently, and reliably.
  • If you have experience only with some of the above tools then mention those tools and say that I have specialization in these tools and have an overview about the rest of the tools.

Q7. How do all these tools work together?

Given below is a generic logical flow where everything gets automated for seamless delivery. However, this flow may vary from organization to organization as per the requirement.

  • Developers develop the code and this source code is managed by Version Control System tools like Git etc.
  • Developers send this code to the Git repository and any changes made in the code is committed to this Repository.
  • Jenkins pulls this code from the repository using the Git plugin and build it using tools like Ant or Maven.
  • Configuration management tools like puppet deploys & provisions testing environment and then Jenkins releases this code on the test environment on which testing is done using tools like selenium.
  • Once the code is tested, Jenkins send it for deployment on the production server (even production server is provisioned & maintained by tools like puppet).
  • After deployment It is continuously monitored by tools like Nagios.
  • Docker containers provides testing environment to test the build features.

Q8. What is the DevOps pipeline?

The DevOps pipeline, also known as the CI/CD pipeline (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery pipeline), is a series of automated steps and processes that facilitate the continuous integration, testing, and delivery of software applications from development to production. It serves as a fundamental framework in DevOps practices, enabling teams to streamline and automate the software development lifecycle, from code changes to the final deployment.

Key Stages in the DevOps Pipeline:

1. Code Commit and Version Control: Developers commit their code changes to a version control system (e.g., Git). This action triggers the pipeline to initiate the build and deployment process.

2. Continuous Integration (CI): Upon code commit, the CI stage automatically builds the application, compiles the code, and runs automated tests to ensure the new code integrates smoothly with the existing codebase.

3. Artifact Generation: Successful CI results in the generation of artifacts, such as binaries or packages, which are ready for deployment.

4. Continuous Delivery (CD) : The CD stage involves deploying the generated artifacts to staging or pre-production environments for further testing and validation.

5. Automated Testing: In the CD stage, automated tests, including unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests, are executed to ensure the application’s correctness and quality.

6. Deployment: After passing all tests in the CD stage, the application is automatically deployed to production or customer-facing environments.

7. Monitoring and Feedback: Once the application is in production, the pipeline continues to monitor its performance and logs, providing valuable feedback to the development team.

The DevOps pipeline is a core component of modern software development practices, enabling teams to deliver high-quality software efficiently and consistently. It fosters collaboration, automation, and continuous integration, key principles in DevOps methodologies.

Q9. What are the advantages of DevOps?

For this answer, you can use your past experience and explain how DevOps helped you in your previous job. If you don’t have any such experience, then you can mention the below advantages.

Technical benefits:

  • Continuous software delivery
  • Less complex problems to fix
  • Faster resolution of problems

Business benefits:

  • Faster delivery of features
  • More stable operating environments
  • More time available to add value (rather than fix/maintain)

Q10. Mention some of the core benefits of DevOps?

  • Faster development of software and quick deliveries.
  • DevOps methodology is flexible and adaptable to changes easily.
  • Compared to the previous software development models, confusion about the project is decreased due to increased product quality.
  • The gap between the development team and operation team is bridged. i.e, the communication between the teams has been increased.
  • Efficiency is increased by the addition of automation of continuous integration and continuous deployment.
  • Customer satisfaction is enhanced.

Q11. What is the most important thing DevOps helps us achieve?

According to me, the most important thing that DevOps helps us achieve is to get the changes into production as quickly as possible while minimizing risks in software quality assurance and compliance. This is the primary objective of DevOps. Learn more in this DevOps tutorial blog. However, you can add many other positive effects of DevOps. For example, clearer communication and better working relationships between teams i.e. both the Ops team and Dev team collaborate together to deliver good quality software which in turn leads to higher customer satisfaction.

Q12. Explain with a use case where DevOps can be used in industry/ real-life.

There are many industries that are using DevOps so you can mention any of those use cases, you can also refer the below example: Etsy is a peer-to-peer e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and supplies, as well as unique factory-manufactured items. Etsy struggled with slow, painful site updates that frequently caused the site to go down. It affected sales for millions of Etsy’s users who sold goods through online market place and risked driving them to the competitor. With the help of a new technical management team, Etsy transitioned from its waterfall model, which produced four-hour full-site deployments twice weekly, to a more agile approach. Today, it has a fully automated deployment pipeline, and its continuous delivery practices have reportedly resulted in more than 50 deployments a day with fewer disruptions.

Q13. Explain your understanding and expertise on both the software development side and the technical operations side of an organization you have worked with in the past.

For this answer, share your past experience and try to explain how flexible you were in your previous job. You can refer the below example: DevOps engineers almost always work in a 24/7 business-critical online environment. I was adaptable to on-call duties and was available to take up real-time, live-system responsibility. I successfully automated processes to support continuous software deployments. I have experience with public/private clouds, tools like Chef or Puppet, scripting and automation with tools like Python and PHP, and a background in Agile.

Q14. What are the anti-patterns of DevOps?

A pattern is common usage usually followed. If a pattern commonly adopted by others does not work for your organization and you continue to blindly follow it, you are essentially adopting an anti-pattern. There are myths about DevOps. Some of them include:

  • DevOps is a process
  • Agile equals DevOps?
  • We need a separate DevOps group
  • Devops will solve all our problems
  • DevOps means Developers Managing Production
  • DevOps is not development driven.
  • DevOps is not IT Operations driven.
  • We can’t do DevOps – We’re Unique
  • We can’t do DevOps – We’ve got the wrong people

Q15. Explain the different phases in DevOps methodology?

The various phases of the DevOps lifecycle are as follows:

  • Plan – In this stage, all the requirements of the project and everything regarding the project like time for each stage, cost, etc are discussed. This will help everyone in the team to get a brief idea about the project.
  • Code – The code is written over here according to the client’s requirements. Here codes are written in the form of small codes called units.
  • Build – Building of the units is done in this step.
  • Test – Testing is done in this stage and if there are mistakes found it is returned for re-build.
  • Integrate – All the units of the codes are integrated into this step.
  • Deploy – codeDevOpsNow is deployed in this step on the client’s environment.
  • Operate – Operations are performed on the code if required.
  • Monitor – Monitoring of the application is done over here in the client’s environment.

Q16. Explain your understanding and expertise on both the software development side and the technical operations side of an organization you have worked with in the past?

  • Deployment frequency: This measures how frequently a new feature is deployed.
  • Change failure rate: This is used to measure the number of failures in deployment.
  • Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR): The time is taken to recover from a failed deployment.

Q17. What are the KPIs that are used for gauging the success of a DevOps team?

KPI Means Key Performance Indicators are used to measure the performance of a DevOps team, identify mistakes and rectify them. This helps the DevOps team to increase productivity and which directly impacts revenue.

There are many KPIs which one can track in a DevOps team. Following are some of them:

  • Change Failure rates: This is used to measure the number of failures in deployments.
  • Meantime to recovery (MTTR): The time is taken to recover from a failed deployment.
  • Lead time: This helps to measure the time taken to deploy on the production environment.
  • Change volume: This is used to measure how much code is changed from the existing code.
  • Cycle time: This is used to measure total application development time.
  • Customer Ticket: This helps us to measure the number of errors detected by the end-user.
  • Availability: This is used to determine the downtime of the application.
  • Defect escape rate: This helps us to measure the number of issues that are needed to be detected as early as possible.
  • Time of detection: This helps you understand whether your response time and application monitoring processes are functioning correctly.

Q18. Why has DevOps become famous?

As we know before DevOps there are two other software development models:

  • Waterfall model
  • Agile model

In the waterfall model, we have limitations of one-way working and lack of communication with customers. This was overcome in Agile by including the communication between the customer and the company by taking feedback. But in this model, another issue is faced regarding communication between the Development team and operations team due to which there is a delay in the speed of production. This is where DevOps is introduced. It bridges the gap between the development team and the operation team by including the automation feature. Due to this, the speed of production is increased. By including automation, testing is integrated into the development stage. Which resulted in finding the bugs at the very initial stage which increased the speed and efficiency.

Q19. How does AWS contribute to DevOps?

AWS [Amazon Web Services ] is one of the famous cloud providers. In AWS DevOps is provided with some benefits:

  • Flexible Resources: AWS provides all the DevOps resources which are flexible to use.
  • Scaling: we can create several instances on AWS with a lot of storage and computation power.
  • Automation: Automation is provided by AWS like CI/CD
  • Security: AWS provides security when we create an instance like IAM

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Q20. What is configuration management?

Configuration management is the process of keeping track of and directing how software, hardware, and IT system parts are set up. It includes keeping track of versions, managing changes, automating deployment, and keeping settings the same. This makes sure that the system is reliable, consistent, and follows standards. In current IT operations, software release and system management cannot be done without configuration management.

Q21. What is the importance of having configuration management in DevOps?

The importance of configuration management in DevOps lies in its ability to bring consistency, stability, and efficiency to the software development and deployment process. Here are some key reasons why configuration management is crucial in DevOps:

1. Consistency and Reproducibility: Configuration management ensures that all software components, environments, and infrastructure are consistently set up and maintained across development, testing, and production stages. This consistency allows teams to reliably reproduce environments, reducing errors and ensuring predictable behavior during deployments. 2. Automated and Reliable Deployments: With configuration management tools, DevOps teams can automate the deployment process, reducing manual interventions and human errors. Automated deployments increase the reliability and speed of software releases, leading to quicker time-to-market. 3. Version Control and Change Management: Configuration management facilitates version control and change management for all configurations, including code, settings, and infrastructure. This enables tracking changes, easy rollbacks, and thorough auditing, fostering a more controlled and secure software development process. 4. Scalability and Flexibility: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices in configuration management allow teams to define and manage infrastructure using code. This provides scalability and flexibility to adjust infrastructure resources based on varying workloads and requirements. 5. Collaboration and Communication: Configuration management encourages better collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. By having a single source of truth for configurations, both teams can work together seamlessly and ensure that software deployments are aligned with operational needs. 6. Security and Compliance: Consistent configurations and automated security measures enforced through configuration management help maintain security standards and compliance with regulations. Regular audits and version control aid in identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities promptly. 7. Reduced Downtime and Faster Recovery: In case of failures, configuration management enables quick recovery by rolling back to a known, stable configuration. This minimizes downtime and ensures a faster resolution of issues. 8. Efficient Change Deployment: Configuration management streamlines the deployment of changes, allowing teams to focus on delivering new features and updates. It reduces the risk of configuration drift and enhances the overall efficiency of the development and deployment process.

In conclusion, configuration management is a critical aspect of DevOps as it brings order, automation, and consistency to the software development and deployment lifecycle. It empowers teams to deliver software faster, with fewer errors, and in a more controlled and reliable manner, contributing to the success of DevOps practices and principles.

Q22. Name three important DevOps KPIs

  • Lead time for changes: It measures the time taken from committing a change to code repository to the time it becomes available in production.
  • Deployment frequency: It measures the number of times changes are deployed to production in a given period of time.
  • Mean time to recover (MTTR): It measures the average time taken to recover from a service disruption or failure.

Q23. What are some technical and business benefits of DevOps work culture?

DevOps work culture brings many technical and business benefits, including:

Technical Benefits:

  • Faster time to market: DevOps enables faster release cycles and reduces the time it takes to go from development to deployment.
  • Improved software quality: DevOps emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams, resulting in better-quality software.
  • Increased reliability and scalability: DevOps automates processes, reduces human error, and allows for better resource allocation, resulting in increased reliability and scalability.

Business Benefits:

  • Increased efficiency and cost savings: DevOps enables organizations to release software faster and with fewer errors, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: DevOps helps organizations to quickly address customer issues and provide new features, leading to improved customer satisfaction.
  • Increased competitiveness: DevOps enables organizations to move faster and more efficiently than their competitors, giving them a competitive advantage.

Q24. What are the core operations of DevOps in terms of development and infrastructure?

The core operations of DevOps in terms of development and infrastructure are:

  • Continuous Integration (CI): Automated integration of code changes into a single build and test process.
  • Continuous Deployment (CD): Automated release of code changes into production, following successful testing.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Managing and provisioning infrastructure using code, rather than manual configuration.
  • Configuration Management: Automating and managing the configuration of systems and applications.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Monitoring the performance and availability of systems and applications, and logging relevant events and data.
  • Security: Incorporating security into the development process and ensuring the secure deployment and operation of systems and applications.
  • Collaboration: Facilitating collaboration between development and operations teams, and promoting a culture of shared responsibility for the delivery and operation of systems and applications.

Q25. Can one consider DevOps as an Agile methodology?

DevOps is not considered an Agile methodology, but it can be used in conjunction with Agile practices to improve the software development process. Agile methodology focuses on delivering small increments of working software frequently, while DevOps focuses on improving collaboration and communication between development and operations teams to increase efficiency and reduce the time it takes to release software to production. DevOps can be seen as a complementary approach to Agile, as it can help Agile teams to better achieve their goals of delivering software quickly and reliably.

DevOps Interview Questions for Version Control System (VCS)

Now let’s look at some DevOps interview questions and answers on VCS. 

Q1. What is Version control?

This is probably the easiest question you will face in the interview. My suggestion is to first give a definition of Version control. It is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later. Version control systems consist of a central shared repository where teammates can commit changes to a file or set of file. Then you can mention the uses of version control.

Version control allows you to:

  • Revert files back to a previous state.
  • Revert the entire project back to a previous state.
  • Compare changes over time.
  • See who last modified something that might be causing a problem.
  • Who introduced an issue and when.

Q2. What are the benefits of using version control?

I will suggest you to include the following advantages of version control:

  • With Version Control System (VCS), all the team members are allowed to work freely on any file at any time. VCS will later allow you to merge all the changes into a common version.
  • All the past versions and variants are neatly packed up inside the VCS. When you need it, you can request any version at any time and you’ll have a snapshot of the complete project right at hand.
  • Every time you save a new version of your project, your VCS requires you to provide a short description of what was changed. Additionally, you can see what exactly was changed in the file’s content. This allows you to know who has made what change in the project.
  • A distributed VCS like Git allows all the team members to have complete history of the project so if there is a breakdown in the central server you can use any of your teammate’s local Git repository.

Q3. Describe branching strategies you have used.

This question is asked to test your branching experience so tell them about how you have used branching in your previous job and what purpose does it serves, you can refer the below points:

  • Feature branching A feature branch model keeps all of the changes for a particular feature inside of a branch. When the feature is fully tested and validated by automated tests, the branch is then merged into master.
  • Task branching In this model each task is implemented on its own branch with the task key included in the branch name. It is easy to see which code implements which task, just look for the task key in the branch name.
  • Release branching Once the develop branch has acquired enough features for a release, you can clone that branch to form a Release branch. Creating this branch starts the next release cycle, so no new features can be added after this point, only bug fixes, documentation generation, and other release-oriented tasks should go in this branch. Once it is ready to ship, the release gets merged into master and tagged with a version number. In addition, it should be merged back into develop branch, which may have progressed since the release was initiated.

In the end tell them that branching strategies varies from one organization to another, so I know basic branching operations like delete, merge, checking out a branch etc.

Q4. Which VCS tool you are comfortable with?

You can just mention the VCS tool that you have worked on like this: “I have worked on Git and one major advantage it has over other VCS tools like SVN is that it is a distributed version control system.” Distributed VCS tools do not necessarily rely on a central server to store all the versions of a project’s files. Instead, every developer “clones” a copy of a repository and has the full history of the project on their own hard drive.

Q5. What is Git?

I will suggest that you attempt this question by first explaining about the architecture of git as shown in the below diagram. You can refer to the explanation given below:

  • Git is a Distributed Version Control system (DVCS). It can track changes to a file and allows you to revert back to any particular change.
  • Its distributed architecture provides many advantages over other Version Control Systems (VCS) like SVN one major advantage is that it does not rely on a central server to store all the versions of a project’s files. Instead, every developer “clones” a copy of a repository I have shown in the diagram below with “Local repository” and has the full history of the project on his hard drive so that when there is a server outage, all you need for recovery is one of your teammate’s local Git repository.
  • There is a central cloud repository as well where developers can commit changes and share it with other teammates as you can see in the diagram where all collaborators are commiting changes “Remote repository”.

Q6. Explain some basic Git commands?

Below are some basic Git commands:

Q7. In Git how do you revert a commit that has already been pushed and made public?

There can be two answers to this question so make sure that you include both because any of the below options can be used depending on the situation:

  • Remove or fix the bad file in a new commit and push it to the remote repository. This is the most natural way to fix an error. Once you have made necessary changes to the file, commit it to the remote repository for that I will use git commit -m “commit message”
  • Create a new commit that undoes all changes that were made in the bad commit.to do this I will use a command git revert <name of bad commit>

Q8. How do you squash last N commits into a single commit?

There are two options to squash last N commits into a single commit. Include both of the below mentioned options in your answer:

  • If you want to write the new commit message from scratch use the following command git reset –soft HEAD~N && git commit
  • If you want to start editing the new commit message with a concatenation of the existing commit messages then you need to extract those messages and pass them to Git commit for that I will use git reset –soft HEAD~N && git commit –edit -m”$(git log –format=%B –reverse .HEAD@{N})”

Q9. What is Git bisect? How can you use it to determine the source of a (regression) bug?

I will suggest you to first give a small definition of Git bisect, Git bisect is used to find the commit that introduced a bug by using binary search. Command for Git bisect is git bisect <subcommand> <options> Now since you have mentioned the command above, explain what this command will do, This command uses a binary search algorithm to find which commit in your project’s history introduced a bug. You use it by first telling it a “bad” commit that is known to contain the bug, and a “good” commit that is known to be before the bug was introduced. Then Git bisect picks a commit between those two endpoints and asks you whether the selected commit is “good” or “bad”. It continues narrowing down the range until it finds the exact commit that introduced the change.

Q10. What is Git rebase and how can it be used to resolve conflicts in a feature branch before merge?

According to me, you should start by saying git rebase is a command which will merge another branch into the branch where you are currently working, and move all of the local commits that are ahead of the rebased branch to the top of the history on that branch. Now once you have defined Git rebase time for an example to show how it can be used to resolve conflicts in a feature branch before merge, if a feature branch was created from master, and since then the master branch has received new commits, Git rebase can be used to move the feature branch to the tip of master. The command effectively will replay the changes made in the feature branch at the tip of master, allowing conflicts to be resolved in the process. When done with care, this will allow the feature branch to be merged into master with relative ease and sometimes as a simple fast-forward operation.

Q11. How do you configure a Git repository to run code sanity checking tools right before making commits, and preventing them if the test fails?

I will suggest you to first give a small introduction to sanity checking, A sanity or smoke test determines whether it is possible and reasonable to continue testing. Now explain how to achieve this, this can be done with a simple script related to the pre-commit hook of the repository. The pre-commit hook is triggered right before a commit is made, even before you are required to enter a commit message. In this script one can run other tools, such as linters and perform sanity checks on the changes being committed into the repository. Finally give an example, you can refer the below script:

This script checks to see if any .go file that is about to be committed needs to be passed through the standard Go source code formatting tool gofmt. By exiting with a non-zero status, the script effectively prevents the commit from being applied to the repository.

Q12. How do you find a list of files that has changed in a particular commit?

For this answer instead of just telling the command, explain what exactly this command will do so you can say that, To get a list files that has changed in a particular commit use command git diff-tree -r {hash} Given the commit hash, this will list all the files that were changed or added in that commit. The -r flag makes the command list individual files, rather than collapsing them into root directory names only. You can also include the below mention point although it is totally optional but will help in impressing the interviewer. The output will also include some extra information, which can be easily suppressed by including two flags: git diff-tree –no-commit-id –name-only -r {hash} Here –no-commit-id will suppress the commit hashes from appearing in the output, and –name-only will only print the file names, instead of their paths.

Q13. How do you setup a script to run every time a repository receives new commits through push?

There are three ways to configure a script to run every time a repository receives new commits through push, one needs to define either a pre-receive, update, or a post-receive hook depending on when exactly the script needs to be triggered.

  • Pre-receive hook in the destination repository is invoked when commits are pushed to it. Any script bound to this hook will be executed before any references are updated. This is a useful hook to run scripts that help enforce development policies.
  • Update hook works in a similar manner to pre-receive hook, and is also triggered before any updates are actually made. However, the update hook is called once for every commit that has been pushed to the destination repository.
  • Finally, post-receive hook in the repository is invoked after the updates have been accepted into the destination repository. This is an ideal place to configure simple deployment scripts, invoke some continuous integration systems, dispatch notification emails to repository maintainers, etc.

Hooks are local to every Git repository and are not versioned. Scripts can either be created within the hooks directory inside the “.git” directory, or they can be created elsewhere and links to those scripts can be placed within the directory.

Q14. How will you know in Git if a branch has already been merged into master?

I will suggest you to include both the below mentioned commands: git branch –merged lists the branches that have been merged into the current branch. git branch –no-merged lists the branches that have not been merged.

Q15. Explain the difference between a centralized and distributed version control system (VCS).?

Q16. what is the difference between git merge and git rebase.

Here, both are merging mechanisms but the difference between the Git Merge and Git Rebase is, in Git Merge logs will be showing the complete history of commits.

However, when one does Git Rebase, the logs are rearranged. The rearrangement is done to make the logs look linear and simple to understand. This is also a drawback since other team members will not understand how the different commits were merged into one another.

Q17. Explain the difference between git fetch and git pull?

Q18. can you explain the “shift left to reduce failure” concept in devops.

Shift left is a concept used in DevOps for a better level of security, performance, etc. Let us get in detail with an example, if we see all the phases in DevOps we can say that security is tested before the step of deployment. By using the left shift method we can include the security in the development phase which is on the left.[will be shown in the diagram] not only in development we can integrate with all phases like before development and in the testing phase too. This probably increases the level of security by finding the errors in the very initial stages.

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Q19. Can you give me some examples of version control systems that are in use today?

Yes, here are some examples of version control systems that are in use today:

  • Subversion (SVN)
  • Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS)
  • Apache Cassandra

Q20. How would you go about creating a branch for an existing project?

To create a branch in an existing project using Git, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the root directory of the project in your terminal/command line.
  • Run the command git checkout -b <branch_name> to create a new branch with the name <branch_name> .
  • Once the branch is created, you can make changes to the code, stage and commit them as you would normally.
  • To switch to a different branch, run the command git checkout <branch_name> .
  • To merge changes from one branch to another, use the command git merge <branch_name> .

Note: Before creating a branch, it is recommended to sync your local repository with the remote repository to ensure you are working on the latest version of the project.

Q21. What are tags and how are they used?

Tags are labels or keywords that describe the content of a web page or a blog post. They are used in HTML or XML code to categorize the content and make it easier for search engines and users to find relevant information.

For example, a blog post about cooking may have tags such as “recipe,” “food,” “cooking,” and “dinner.” This allows users to search for and find similar posts based on those tags.

In addition, tags can also be used to format and style text, such as headings, links, and images. The use of tags helps to organize and structure the content, making it easier for both users and search engines to understand.

DevOps Engineer Interview Questions on Continuous Integration 

Now, let’s look at Continuous Integration DevOps interview questions and answer:

Q1. What is meant by Continuous Integration?

I will advise you to begin this answer by giving a small definition of Continuous Integration (CI). It is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early. I suggest that you explain how you have implemented it in your previous job. You can refer the below given example:

In the diagram shown above:

  • Developers check out code into their private workspaces.
  • When they are done with it they commit the changes to the shared repository (Version Control Repository).
  • The CI server monitors the repository and checks out changes when they occur.
  • The CI server then pulls these changes and builds the system and also runs unit and integration tests.
  • The CI server will now inform the team of the successful build.
  • If the build or tests fails, the CI server will alert the team.
  • The team will try to fix the issue at the earliest opportunity.
  • This process keeps on repeating.

Q2. Why do you need a Continuous Integration of Dev & Testing?

For this answer, you should focus on the need of Continuous Integration. My suggestion would be to mention the below explanation in your answer: Continuous Integration of Dev and Testing improves the quality of software, and reduces the time taken to deliver it, by replacing the traditional practice of testing after completing all development. It allows Dev team to easily detect and locate problems early because developers need to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day (more frequently). Each check-in is then automatically tested.

Q3. What are the success factors for Continuous Integration?

Here you have to mention the requirements for Continuous Integration. You could include the following points in your answer:

  • Maintain a code repository
  • Automate the build
  • Make the build self-testing
  • Everyone commits to the baseline every day
  • Every commit (to baseline) should be built
  • Keep the build fast
  • Test in a clone of the production environment
  • Make it easy to get the latest deliverables
  • Everyone can see the results of the latest build
  • Automate deployment

Q4. Explain how you can move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?

I will approach this task by copying the jobs directory from the old server to the new one. There are multiple ways to do that; I have mentioned them below: You can:

  • Move a job from one installation of Jenkins to another by simply copying the corresponding job directory.
  • Make a copy of an existing job by making a clone of a job directory by a different name.
  • Rename an existing job by renaming a directory. Note that if you change a job name you will need to change any other job that tries to call the renamed job.

Q5. Explain how can create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?

Answer to this question is really direct. To create a backup, all you need to do is to periodically back up your JENKINS_HOME directory. This contains all of your build jobs configurations, your slave node configurations, and your build history. To create a back-up of your Jenkins setup, just copy this directory. You can also copy a job directory to clone or replicate a job or rename the directory.

Q6. Explain how you can setup Jenkins job?

My approach to this answer will be to first mention how to create Jenkins job. Go to Jenkins top page, select “New Job”, then choose “Build a free-style software project”. Then you can tell the elements of this freestyle job:

  • Optional SCM, such as CVS or Subversion where your source code resides.
  • Optional triggers to control when Jenkins will perform builds.
  • Some sort of build script that performs the build (ant, maven, shell script, batch file, etc.) where the real work happens.
  • Optional steps to collect information out of the build, such as archiving the artifacts and/or recording javadoc and test results.
  • Optional steps to notify other people/systems with the build result, such as sending e-mails, IMs, updating issue tracker, etc..

Q7. Mention some of the useful plugins in Jenkins.

Below, I have mentioned some important Plugins:

  • Maven 2 project
  • HTML publisher
  • Copy artifact
  • Green Balls

These Plugins, I feel are the most useful plugins. If you want to include any other Plugin that is not mentioned above, you can add them as well. But, make sure you first mention the above stated plugins and then add your own.

Q8. How will you secure Jenkins?

The way I secure Jenkins is mentioned below. If you have any other way of doing it, please mention it in the comments section below:

  • Ensure global security is on.
  • Ensure that Jenkins is integrated with my company’s user directory with appropriate plugin.
  • Ensure that matrix/Project matrix is enabled to fine tune access.
  • Automate the process of setting rights/privileges in Jenkins with custom version controlled script.
  • Limit physical access to Jenkins data/folders.
  • Periodically run security audits on same.

Jenkins is one of the many popular tools that are used extensively in DevOps. Edureka’s DevOps Certification course will provide you hands-on training with Jenkins and high quality guidance from industry experts. Give it a look:

Q9. What is the Blue/Green Deployment Pattern?

This is a continuous deployment strategy that is generally used to decrease downtime. This is used for transferring the traffic from one instance to another.

For Example, let us take a situation where we want to include a new version of code. Now we have to replace the old version with a new version of code. The old version is considered to be in a blue environment and the new version is considered as a green environment. we had made some changes to the existing old version which transformed into a new version with minimum changes. Now to run the new version of the instance we need to transfer the traffic from the old instance to the new instance. That means we need to transfer the traffic from the blue environment to the green environment. The new version will be running on the green instance. Gradually the traffic is transferred to the green instance. The blue instance will be kept on idle and used for the rollback.

In Blue-Green deployment, the application is not deployed in the same environment. Instead, a new server or environment is created where the new version of the application is deployed.

Once the new version of the application is deployed in a separate environment, the traffic to the old version of the application is redirected to the new version of the application.

We follow the Blue-Green Deployment model, so that any problem which is encountered in the production environment for the new application if detected. The traffic can be immediately redirected to the previous Blue environment, with minimum or no impact on the business. Following diagram shows, Blue-Green Deployment.

Q10. What can you say about the antipatterns of DevOps?

Antipatterns in DevOps refer to common practices or behaviors that may seem like effective solutions but, in reality, hinder the success and effectiveness of DevOps initiatives. These antipatterns can lead to inefficiencies, communication breakdowns, and reduced collaboration between development and operations teams. Here are some notable DevOps antipatterns to be aware of:

1. Silos and Lack of Collaboration: Failing to break down organizational silos and promoting a lack of collaboration between development, operations, and other teams can lead to miscommunication, slower feedback loops, and decreased efficiency.

2. Tool Sprawl: Adopting too many tools and technologies without a clear strategy can lead to complexity and confusion, making it difficult to manage and integrate various components effectively.

3. Ignoring Security Aspects: Neglecting security practices and considering it as an afterthought can result in vulnerabilities and potential risks, compromising the entire DevOps pipeline.

4. Neglecting Cultural Change: Implementing DevOps is not just about adopting tools and processes; it requires a cultural shift. Neglecting the cultural aspect of DevOps can limit its effectiveness in breaking down barriers between teams.

5. Lack of Automation: Failing to automate manual processes and repetitive tasks can slow down the deployment process, reduce reliability, and increase the likelihood of human errors.

6. Inadequate Monitoring and Feedback Loops: Neglecting monitoring and failing to set up proper feedback loops can lead to a lack of insights into system performance, making it difficult to identify and resolve issues quickly.

7. Overemphasis on Speed Over Quality: Prioritizing speed at the expense of software quality can lead to frequent bugs, reduced customer satisfaction, and higher maintenance costs.

8. Inconsistent Environments: Inconsistent development, testing, and production environments can lead to issues in deployment and hinder collaboration between teams.

9. Lack of Continuous Integration (CI): Neglecting CI practices can result in integration issues, code conflicts, and longer development cycles.

10. Blaming Culture: A culture of blame and finger-pointing can undermine trust and hinder the ability to learn from mistakes, inhibiting the continuous improvement aspect of DevOps.

To avoid falling into these antipatterns, organizations should focus on building a strong DevOps culture, emphasizing collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement. Implementing automation, establishing clear processes, and fostering a blame-free environment can also help address DevOps antipatterns and drive successful DevOps transformations.

Q11. Explain how you can setup Jenkins job?

A pattern can be defined as an ideology on how to solve a problem. Now anti-pattern can be defined as a method that would help us to solve the problem now but it may result in damaging our system [i.e, it shows how not to approach a problem ].

Some of the anti-patterns we see in DevOps are:

  • DevOps is a process and not a culture.
  • DevOps is nothing but Agile.
  • There should be a separate DevOps group.
  • DevOps solves every problem.
  • DevOps equates to developers running a production environment.
  • DevOps follows Development-driven management
  • DevOps does not focus much on development.
  • As we are a unique organization, we don’t follow the masses and hence we won’t implement DevOps.
  • We don’t have the right set of people, hence we cant implement DevOps culture.

Q12. How will you approach a project that needs to implement DevOps?

First, if we want to approach a project that needs DevOps, we need to know a few concepts like :

  • Any programming language [C, C++, JAVA, Python..] concerning the project.
  • Get an idea of operating systems for management purposes [like memory management, disk management..etc].
  • Get an idea about networking and security concepts.
  • Get the idea about what DevOps is, what is continuous integration, continuous development, continuous delivery, continuous deployment, monitoring, and its tools used in various phases.[like GIT, Docker, Jenkins,…etc]
  • Now after this interact with other teams and design a roadmap for the process.
  • Once all teams get cleared then create a proof of concept and start according to the project plan.
  • Now the project is ready to go through the phases of DevOps Version control, integration, testing, deployment, delivery, and monitoring.

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Q13. State difference between CI/CD vs DevOps.

CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) and DevOps are related concepts, but they are not the same thing.

CI/CD refers to the process of automating the building, testing, and deployment of software. The goal of CI/CD is to make it easier to release new software changes and bug fixes to users quickly and reliably.

DevOps, on the other hand, is a cultural and technical movement focused on improving collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. DevOps emphasizes the automation of processes and the use of technology to enable organizations to deliver software faster and more reliably.

In summary, CI/CD is a set of practices for software development, while DevOps is a cultural movement and set of practices aimed at improving collaboration and communication between development and operations teams to deliver software faster and more reliably.

Q14. Explain trunk-based development.

Trunk-based development is a software development methodology that focuses on frequent, small code changes being integrated into the main development branch (trunk) as soon as they are ready, rather than longer development cycles with multiple branches. This approach aims to minimize branching and merging, promoting continuous integration and testing, and allowing for faster delivery of new features and bug fixes to users. The main principle behind trunk-based development is to keep the trunk in a stable and releasable state at all times, allowing developers to work efficiently and reducing the risk of conflicts and integration issues.

Q15. Explain some common practices of CI/CD.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment/Delivery (CD) are software development practices that aim to automate and improve the software development process. Some common CI/CD practices include:

  • Automated building and testing of code changes: Every code change is automatically built and tested to ensure that it does not break the existing functionality.
  • Code reviews and collaboration: Teams review code changes and provide feedback before they are merged into the main codebase.
  • Automated deployment: The process of deploying code changes to a production environment is automated and can be triggered by a successful build and test.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): The infrastructure that supports the application is managed as code and versioned, allowing for easier and more consistent deployment.
  • Continuous monitoring and logging: The application is continuously monitored for performance and errors, and logs are automatically collected and analyzed.
  • Rollback capabilities: The ability to quickly and easily roll back to a previous version of the application in case of failure.
  • Security scans: Security scans are performed on the code and infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and security risks.

By implementing these practices, organizations can speed up the development process, improve the quality of their software, and quickly respond to changes in the market or customer needs.

Q16. What is CBD in DevOps?

In the context of DevOps, CBD stands for “Continuous Business Delivery.” While not as commonly used as other terms in the DevOps domain, CBD refers to the integration of business processes and decision-making into the DevOps workflow.

The traditional DevOps approach primarily focuses on integrating development and operations teams to streamline software delivery and deployment processes. However, in modern DevOps practices, the scope is expanding to include other stakeholders, including business owners, product managers, and executives.

Continuous Business Delivery aims to ensure that the software development and deployment process aligns with the business objectives and requirements. It involves incorporating business-related considerations and feedback into the DevOps pipeline to deliver products and features that meet customer needs and drive business value.

Key aspects of CBD in DevOps include:

  • Business Objectives Alignment: Ensuring that all development efforts are aligned with the overall business objectives and goals. This involves close collaboration between development teams and business stakeholders to understand customer needs and market demands.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: By integrating business requirements into the DevOps process, teams can prioritize and deliver features and updates that directly contribute to business value, resulting in faster time-to-market.
  • Customer-Centric Development: CBD promotes a customer-centric approach in which customer requirements and feedback drive software development decisions.
  • Continuous Feedback Loop: Establishing a continuous feedback loop between business stakeholders and development teams to ensure ongoing alignment with changing business needs.
  • Business Impact Assessment: Evaluating the impact of software changes on the business and making data-driven decisions to optimize product development and deployment.
  • Business Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Defining and tracking business metrics and KPIs to measure the success of software releases in terms of business value.
  • Lean and Agile Practices: Incorporating lean and agile practices to deliver incremental value to customers and respond quickly to changing business conditions.

By embracing Continuous Business Delivery in DevOps, organizations can enhance their ability to deliver software products that are not only technically sound but also directly contribute to the success and growth of the business. It brings a holistic view of the software development process, considering both technical and business aspects, and fosters a culture of collaboration and shared ownership among all stakeholders involved in the software development lifecycle.

DevOps Interview Questions for Continuous Testing

Now let’s move on to the Continuous Testing DevOps engineer interview questions answers.

Q1. What is Continuous Testing?

I will advise you to follow the below mentioned explanation: Continuous Testing is the process of executing automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline to obtain immediate feedback on the business risks associated with in the latest build. In this way, each build is tested continuously, allowing Development teams to get fast feedback so that they can prevent those problems from progressing to the next stage of Software delivery life-cycle. This dramatically speeds up a developer’s workflow as there’s no need to manually rebuild the project and re-run all tests after making changes.

Q2. What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing or Test Automation is a process of automating the manual process to test the application/system under test. Automation testing involves use of separate testing tools which lets you create test scripts which can be executed repeatedly and doesn’t require any manual intervention.

Q3. What are the benefits of Automation Testing ?

I have listed down some advantages of automation testing. Include these in your answer and you can add your own experience of how Continuous Testing helped your previous company:

  • Supports execution of repeated test cases
  • Aids in testing a large test matrix
  • Enables parallel execution
  • Encourages unattended execution
  • Improves accuracy thereby reducing human generated errors
  • Saves time and money

Q4. How to automate Testing in DevOps lifecycle?

I have mentioned a generic flow below which you can refer to: In DevOps, developers are required to commit all the changes made in the source code to a shared repository. Continuous Integration tools like Jenkins will pull the code from this shared repository every time a change is made in the code and deploy it for Continuous Testing that is done by tools like Selenium as shown in the below diagram. In this way, any change in the code is continuously tested unlike the traditional approach.

Q5. Why is Continuous Testing important for DevOps?

You can answer this question by saying, “Continuous Testing allows any change made in the code to be tested immediately. This avoids the problems created by having “big-bang” testing left to the end of the cycle such as release delays and quality issues. In this way, Continuous Testing facilitates more frequent and good quality releases.”

Q6. What are the key elements of Continuous Testing tools?

Key elements of Continuous Testing are:

  • Risk Assessment: It Covers risk mitigation tasks, technical debt, quality assessment and test coverage optimization to ensure the build is ready to progress toward next stage.
  • Policy Analysis: It ensures all processes align with the organization’s evolving business and compliance demands are met.
  • Requirements Traceability: It ensures true requirements are met and rework is not required. An object assessment is used to identify which requirements are at risk, working as expected or require further validation.
  • Advanced Analysis: It uses automation in areas such as static code analysis, change impact analysis and scope assessment/prioritization to prevent defects in the first place and accomplishing more within each iteration.
  • Test Optimization: It ensures tests yield accurate outcomes and provide actionable findings. Aspects include Test Data Management, Test Optimization Management and Test Maintenance
  • Service Virtualization: It ensures access to real-world testing environments. Service visualization enables access to the virtual form of the required testing stages, cutting the waste time to test environment setup and availability.

Q7. Which Testing tool are you comfortable with and what are the benefits of that tool?

Here mention the testing tool that you have worked with and accordingly frame your answer. I have mentioned an example below: I have worked on Selenium to ensure high quality and more frequent releases.

Some advantages of Selenium are:

  • It is free and open source
  • It has a large user base and helping communities
  • It has cross Browser compatibility (Firefox, chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari etc.)
  • It has great platform compatibility (Windows, Mac OS, Linux etc.)
  • It supports multiple programming languages (Java, C#, Ruby, Python, Pearl etc.)
  • It has fresh and regular repository developments
  • It supports distributed testing

Q8. What are the Testing types supported by Selenium?

Selenium supports two types of testing: Regression Testing : It is the act of retesting a product around an area where a bug was fixed. Functional Testing : It refers to the testing of software features (functional points) individually.

Q9. What is Resilience Testing?

Resilience testing is a subset of software testing that examines a system’s capacity to keep running and recover after being subjected to adversity. To test the system’s resilience, it must be put through a variety of stressors and failure conditions, such as heavy traffic, malfunctions, depleted resources, and a downed network. By validating that the system continues to function normally in the face of adversity, resilience testing helps guarantee a consistent and reliable service for users.

Q9. What is Selenium IDE?

My suggestion is to start this answer by defining Selenium IDE. It is an integrated development environment for Selenium scripts. It is implemented as a Firefox extension, and allows you to record, edit, and debug tests. Selenium IDE includes the entire Selenium Core, allowing you to easily and quickly record and play back tests in the actual environment that they will run in. Now include some advantages in your answer. With autocomplete support and the ability to move commands around quickly, Selenium IDE is the ideal environment for creating Selenium tests no matter what style of tests you prefer.

Q10. What is the difference between Assert and Verify commands in Selenium?

I have mentioned differences between Assert and Verify commands below:

  • Assert command checks whether the given condition is true or false. Let’s say we assert whether the given element is present on the web page or not. If the condition is true, then the program control will execute the next test step. But, if the condition is false, the execution would stop and no further test would be executed.
  • Verify command also checks whether the given condition is true or false. Irrespective of the condition being true or false, the program execution doesn’t halts i.e. any failure during verification would not stop the execution and all the test steps would be executed.

Q11. How to launch Browser using WebDriver?

The following syntax can be used to launch Browser: WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

Q12. When should I use Selenium Grid?

For this answer, my suggestion would be to give a small definition of Selenium Grid. It can be used to execute same or different test scripts on multiple platforms and browsers concurrently to achieve distributed test execution. This allows testing under different environments and saving execution time remarkably.

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Q13. Can you differentiate between continuous testing and automation testing?

Configuration management interview questions .

Now let’s check how much you know about DevOps Interview Question and answers onConfiguration Management.

Q1. What are the goals of Configuration management processes?

The purpose of Configuration Management (CM) is to ensure the integrity of a product or system throughout its life-cycle by making the development or deployment process controllable and repeatable, therefore creating a higher quality product or system. The CM process allows orderly management of system information and system changes for purposes such as to:

  • Revise capability,
  • Improve performance,
  • Reliability or maintainability,
  • Extend life,
  • Reduce cost,
  • Reduce risk and
  • Liability, or correct defects.

Q2. What is the difference between Asset Management and Configuration Management?

Given below are few differences between Asset Management and Configuration Management:

Q3. What is the difference between an Asset and a Configuration Item?

According to me, you should first explain Asset. It has a financial value along with a depreciation rate attached to it. IT assets are just a sub-set of it. Anything and everything that has a cost and the organization uses it for its asset value calculation and related benefits in tax calculation falls under Asset Management, and such item is called an asset. Configuration Item on the other hand may or may not have financial values assigned to it. It will not have any depreciation linked to it. Thus, its life would not be dependent on its financial value but will depend on the time till that item becomes obsolete for the organization.

Now you can give an example that can showcase the similarity and differences between both: 1) Similarity: Server – It is both an asset as well as a CI. 2) Difference: Building – It is an asset but not a CI. Document – It is a CI but not an asset

Q4. What do you understand by “Infrastructure as code”? How does it fit into the DevOps methodology? What purpose does it achieve?

Infrastructure as Code (IAC) is a type of IT infrastructure that operations teams can use to automatically manage and provision through code, rather than using a manual process. Companies for faster deployments treat infrastructure like software: as code that can be managed with the DevOps tools and processes. These tools let you make infrastructure changes more easily, rapidly, safely and reliably.

Q5. Which among Puppet, Chef, SaltStack and Ansible is the best Configuration Management (CM) tool? Why?

This depends on the organization’s need so mention few points on all those tools: Puppet is the oldest and most mature CM tool. Puppet is a Ruby-based Configuration Management tool, but while it has some free features, much of what makes Puppet great is only available in the paid version. Organizations that don’t need a lot of extras will find Puppet useful, but those needing more customization will probably need to upgrade to the paid version. Chef is written in Ruby, so it can be customized by those who know the language. It also includes free features, plus it can be upgraded from open source to enterprise-level if necessary. On top of that, it’s a very flexible product. Ansible is a very secure option since it uses Secure Shell. It’s a simple tool to use, but it does offer a number of other services in addition to configuration management. It’s very easy to learn, so it’s perfect for those who don’t have a dedicated IT staff but still need a configuration management tool. SaltStack is python based open source CM tool made for larger businesses, but its learning curve is fairly low.

Q6. What is Puppet?

I will advise you to first give a small definition of Puppet. It is a Configuration Management tool which is used to automate administration tasks. Now you should describe its architecture and how Puppet manages its Agents. Puppet has a Master-Slave architecture in which the Slave has to first send a Certificate signing request to Master and Master has to sign that Certificate in order to establish a secure connection between Puppet Master and Puppet Slave as shown on the diagram below. Puppet Slave sends request to Puppet Master and Puppet Master then pushes configuration on Slave. Refer the diagram below that explains the above description.

Q7. Before a client can authenticate with the Puppet Master, its certs need to be signed and accepted. How will you automate this task?

The easiest way is to enable auto-signing in puppet.conf. Do mention that this is a security risk. If you still want to do this:

  • Firewall your puppet master – restrict port tcp/8140 to only networks that you trust.
  • Create puppet masters for each ‘trust zone’, and only include the trusted nodes in that Puppet masters manifest.
  • Never use a full wildcard such as *.

Q8. Describe the most significant gain you made from automating a process through Puppet.

For this answer, I will suggest you to explain you past experience with Puppet. you can refer the below example: I automated the configuration and deployment of Linux and Windows machines using Puppet. In addition to shortening the processing time from one week to 10 minutes, I used the roles and profiles pattern and documented the purpose of each module in README to ensure that others could update the module using Git. The modules I wrote are still being used, but they’ve been improved by my teammates and members of the community

Q9. Which open source or community tools do you use to make Puppet more powerful?

Over here, you need to mention the tools and how you have used those tools to make Puppet more powerful. Below is one example for your reference: Changes and requests are ticketed through Jira and we manage requests through an internal process. Then, we use Git and Puppet’s Code Manager app to manage Puppet code in accordance with best practices. Additionally, we run all of our Puppet changes through our continuous integration pipeline in Jenkins using the beaker testing framework.

Q10. What are Puppet Manifests?

It is a very important question so make sure you go in the correct flow. According to me, you should first define Manifests. Every node (or Puppet Agent) has got its configuration details in Puppet Master, written in the native Puppet language. These details are written in the language which Puppet can understand and are termed as Manifests. They are composed of Puppet code and their filenames use the .pp extension. Now give an exampl. You can write a manifest in Puppet Master that creates a file and installs apache on all Puppet Agents (Slaves) connected to the Puppet Master.

Q11. What is Puppet Module and How it is different from Puppet Manifest?

For this answer, you can go with the below mentioned explanation: A Puppet Module is a collection of Manifests and data (such as facts, files, and templates), and they have a specific directory structure. Modules are useful for organizing your Puppet code, because they allow you to split your code into multiple Manifests. It is considered best practice to use Modules to organize almost all of your Puppet Manifests. Puppet programs are called Manifests which are composed of Puppet code and their file names use the .pp extension.

Q12. What is Facter in Puppet?

You are expected to answer what exactly Facter does in Puppet so according to me, you should say, “Facter gathers basic information (facts) about Puppet Agent such as hardware details, network settings, OS type and version, IP addresses, MAC addresses, SSH keys, and more. These facts are then made available in Puppet Master’s Manifests as variables.”

Q13. What is Chef?

Begin this answer by defining Chef. It is a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code. Chef is a tool for which you write scripts that are used to automate processes. What processes? Pretty much anything related to IT. Now you can explain the architecture of Chef, it consists of:

  • Chef Server: The Chef Server is the central store of your infrastructure’s configuration data. The Chef Server stores the data necessary to configure your nodes and provides search, a powerful tool that allows you to dynamically drive node configuration based on data.
  • Chef Node: A Node is any host that is configured using Chef-client. Chef-client runs on your nodes, contacting the Chef Server for the information necessary to configure the node. Since a Node is a machine that runs the Chef-client software, nodes are sometimes referred to as “clients”.
  • Chef Workstation: A Chef Workstation is the host you use to modify your cookbooks and other configuration data.

Q14. What is a resource in Chef?

My suggestion is to first define Resource. A Resource represents a piece of infrastructure and its desired state, such as a package that should be installed, a service that should be running, or a file that should be generated. You should explain about the functions of Resource for that include the following points:

  • Describes the desired state for a configuration item.
  • Declares the steps needed to bring that item to the desired state.
  • Specifies a resource type such as package, template, or service.
  • Lists additional details (also known as resource properties), as necessary.
  • Are grouped into recipes, which describe working configurations.

Q15. What do you mean by recipe in Chef?

For this answer, I will suggest you to use the above mentioned flow: first define Recipe. A Recipe is a collection of Resources that describes a particular configuration or policy. A Recipe describes everything that is required to configure part of a system. After the definition, explain the functions of Recipes by including the following points:

  • Install and configure software components.
  • Manage files.
  • Deploy applications.
  • Execute other recipes.

Q16. How does a Cookbook differ from a Recipe in Chef?

The answer to this is pretty direct. You can simply say, “a Recipe is a collection of Resources, and primarily configures a software package or some piece of infrastructure. A Cookbook groups together Recipes and other information in a way that is more manageable than having just Recipes alone.”

Q17. What happens when you don’t specify a Resource’s action in Chef?

My suggestion is to first give a direct answer: when you don’t specify a resource’s action, Chef applies the default action. Now explain this with an example, the below resource: file ‘C:UsersAdministratorchef-reposettings.ini’ do content ‘greeting=hello world’ end is same as the below resource: file ‘C:UsersAdministratorchef-reposettings.ini’ do action :create content ‘greeting=hello world’ end because: create is the file Resource’s default action.

Q18. What is Ansible module?

Modules are considered to be the units of work in Ansible. Each module is mostly standalone and can be written in a standard scripting language such as Python, Perl, Ruby, bash, etc.. One of the guiding properties of modules is idempotency, which means that even if an operation is repeated multiple times e.g. upon recovery from an outage, it will always place the system into the same state.

Q19. What are playbooks in Ansible?

Playbooks are Ansible’s configuration, deployment, and orchestration language. They can describe a policy you want your remote systems to enforce, or a set of steps in a general IT process. Playbooks are designed to be human-readable and are developed in a basic text language. At a basic level, playbooks can be used to manage configurations of and deployments to remote machines.

Q20. How do I see a list of all of the ansible_ variables?

Ansible by default gathers “facts” about the machines under management, and these facts can be accessed in Playbooks and in templates. To see a list of all of the facts that are available about a machine, you can run the “setup” module as an ad-hoc action: Ansible -m setup hostname This will print out a dictionary of all of the facts that are available for that particular host.

Q21. How can I set deployment order for applications?

WebLogic Server 8.1 allows you to select the load order for applications. See the Application MBean Load Order attribute in Application. WebLogic Server deploys server-level resources (first JDBC and then JMS) before deploying applications. Applications are deployed in this order: connectors, then EJBs, then Web Applications. If the application is an EAR, the individual components are loaded in the order in which they are declared in the application.xml deployment descriptor.

Q22. Can I refresh static components of a deployed application without having to redeploy the entire application?

Yes, you can use weblogic.Deployer to specify a component and target a server, using the following syntax: java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://admin:7001 -name appname -targets server1,server2 -deploy jsps/*.jsp

Q23. How do I turn the auto-deployment feature off?

The auto-deployment feature checks the applications folder every three seconds to determine whether there are any new applications or any changes to existing applications and then dynamically deploys these changes.

The auto-deployment feature is enabled for servers that run in development mode. To disable auto-deployment feature, use one of the following methods to place servers in production mode:

  • In the Administration Console, click the name of the domain in the left pane, then select the Production Mode checkbox in the right pane.
  • At the command line, include the following argument when starting the domain’s Administration Server: -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=true
  • Production mode is set for all WebLogic Server instances in a given domain.

Q24. When should I use the external_stage option?

Set -external_stage using weblogic.Deployer if you want to stage the application yourself, and prefer to copy it to its target by your own means.

Ansible and Puppet are two of the most popular configuration management tools among DevOps engineers. 

Q25. What is the use of SSH?

Generally, SSH is used for connecting two computers and helps to work on them remotely. SSH is mostly used by the operations team as the operations team will be dealing with managing tasks with which they will require the admin system remotely. The developers will also be using SSH but comparatively less than the operations team as most of the time they will be working in the local systems. As we know, the DevOps development team and operation team will collaborate and work together.SSH will be used when the operations team faces any problem and needs some assistance from the development team then SSH is used.

Q26. Can you tell me something about Memcached?

Memcached is a Free & open-source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system.

This is generally used in the management of memory in dynamic web applications by caching the data in RAM. This helps to reduce the frequency of fetching from external sources. This also helps in speeding up the dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.

Conclusion: DevOps is a culture of collaboration between the Development team and operation team to work together to bring out an efficient and fast software product. So these are a few top DevOps interview questions that are covered in this blog. This blog will be helpful to prepare for a DevOps interview.

Q27. Do you know about post mortem meetings in DevOps?

By the name, we can say it is a type of meeting which is conducted at the end of the project. In this meeting, all the teams come together and discuss the failures in the current project. Finally, they will conclude how to avoid them and what measures need to be taken in the future to avoid these failures.

Q28. What does CAMS stand for in DevOps?

In DevOps, CAMS stands for Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing.

  • Culture: Culture is like a base of DevOps. It is implementing all the operations between the operations team and development team in a particular manner to make things comfortable for the completion of the software production.
  • Automation: Automation is one of the key features of DevOps. It is used to reduce the time gap between the processes like testing and deployment. In the normal software development methods, we can see only one team will be working simultaneously. But in DevOps, we can see all the teams working together as there is an implementation of automation. All the changes made were reflected in the other teams to work on.
  • Measurement: Measurement in the CAMS model of DevOps is related to measuring crucial factors in the software development process, which can indicate the overall performance of the team. Measuring factors such as income, costs, revenue, mean time between failures, etc. The most crucial aspect of Measurement is to pick the right metrics to track. At the same time, to push the team for better performance, one also needs to incentivize the correct metrics.
  • Sharing: This Sharing Culture plays a key role in DevOps as this helps in sharing the knowledge with other people of the team. This helps in the increase of people who know DevOps.This culture can be increased by involving Q and A sessions with teams regularly so that all the people will be giving their insight about the problem faced and it can be solved quickly by which we can gain the knowledge.

Q29. Differentiate between Functional testing and Non-Functional testing.

Functional testing is a type of testing that verifies if a system meets the specified functional requirements and works as intended. It tests the functionality of the software, including inputs, outputs, and processes.

Non-functional testing, on the other hand, is a type of testing that evaluates the non-functional aspects of a system, such as performance, security, reliability, scalability, and usability. It ensures that the software is not only functional, but also meets the performance, security, and other quality criteria required by the user.

In summary, functional testing focuses on the functionality of the software, while non-functional testing focuses on the quality criteria of the software.

Q30. Define black box testing and its techniques.

Black box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application without looking at its internal structures or codes. The tester is only concerned with inputs and expected outputs and does not have any knowledge of the internal workings of the application. The techniques used in black box testing include:

  • Functional testing: testing the functions or features of the application to ensure they are working as specified.
  • Integration testing: testing how different components of the application work together.
  • System testing: testing the complete system to ensure it meets the specified requirements.
  • Acceptance testing: testing to determine if the system is acceptable for delivery to the end user.
  • Usability testing: testing to determine the ease of use of the application for end users.
  • Load testing: testing the application’s performance under various load conditions.
  • Security testing: testing the application for potential security risks or vulnerabilities.
  • Compatibility testing: testing the application’s compatibility with different hardware, software, and operating systems.

Automated testing in DevOps refers to the use of tools and scripts to automatically run tests on applications, infrastructure, and services. It is integrated into the continuous delivery pipeline and helps to ensure that new code changes do not introduce bugs or negatively impact performance. The following is a basic overview of how automated testing works in the DevOps lifecycle:

  • Code changes are pushed to a version control system such as Git.
  • The continuous integration (CI) system triggers a build and test process, which includes automated tests.
  • The tests are run automatically, and results are reported back to the CI system.
  • If all tests pass, the code is automatically deployed to a staging environment for further testing.
  • In the staging environment, additional tests may be run, including manual testing by testers or the development team.
  • If all tests are successful, the code is then promoted to the production environment.
  • Ongoing monitoring and testing of the production environment help to catch any issues that may arise.

The goal of automated testing in DevOps is to increase the speed and efficiency of the testing process while also reducing the risk of bugs being introduced into the production environment.

DevOps Engineer Interview Questions on Continuous Monitoring

Let’s test your knowledge on DevOps Engineer Interview Questions Continuous Monitoring.

Q1. Why is Continuous monitoring necessary?

I will suggest you to go with the below mentioned flow: Continuous Monitoring allows timely identification of problems or weaknesses and quick corrective action that helps reduce expenses of an organization. Continuous monitoring provides solution that addresses three operational disciplines known as:

  • continuous audit
  • continuous controls monitoring
  • continuous transaction inspection

Q2. What is Nagios?

You can answer this question by first mentioning that Nagios is one of the monitoring tools. It is used for Continuous monitoring of systems, applications, services, and business processes etc in a DevOps culture. In the event of a failure, Nagios can alert technical staff of the problem, allowing them to begin remediation processes before outages affect business processes, end-users, or customers. With Nagios, you don’t have to explain why an unseen infrastructure outage affect your organization’s bottom line. Now once you have defined what is Nagios, you can mention the various things that you can achieve using Nagios. By using Nagios you can:

  • Plan for infrastructure upgrades before outdated systems cause failures.
  • Respond to issues at the first sign of a problem.
  • Automatically fix problems when they are detected.
  • Coordinate technical team responses.
  • Ensure your organization’s SLAs are being met.
  • Ensure IT infrastructure outages have a minimal effect on your organization’s bottom line.
  • Monitor your entire infrastructure and business processes.

This completes the answer to this question. Further details like advantages etc. can be added as per the direction where the discussion is headed.

Q3. How does Nagios works?

I will advise you to follow the below explanation for this answer: Nagios runs on a server, usually as a daemon or service. Nagios periodically runs plugins residing on the same server, they contact hosts or servers on your network or on the internet. One can view the status information using the web interface. You can also receive email or SMS notifications if something happens. The Nagios daemon behaves like a scheduler that runs certain scripts at certain moments. It stores the results of those scripts and will run other scripts if these results change.

Now expect a few questions on Nagios components like Plugins, NRPE etc..

Q4. What are Plugins in Nagios?

Begin this answer by defining Plugins. They are scripts (Perl scripts, Shell scripts, etc.) that can run from a command line to check the status of a host or service. Nagios uses the results from Plugins to determine the current status of hosts and services on your network. Once you have defined Plugins, explain why we need Plugins. Nagios will execute a Plugin whenever there is a need to check the status of a host or service. Plugin will perform the check and then simply returns the result to Nagios. Nagios will process the results that it receives from the Plugin and take the necessary actions.

Q5. What is NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) in Nagios?

For this answer, give a brief definition of Plugins. The NRPE addon is designed to allow you to execute Nagios plugins on remote Linux/Unix machines. The main reason for doing this is to allow Nagios to monitor “local” resources (like CPU load, memory usage, etc.) on remote machines. Since these public resources are not usually exposed to external machines, an agent like NRPE must be installed on the remote Linux/Unix machines.

I will advise you to explain the NRPE architecture on the basis of diagram shown below. The NRPE addon consists of two pieces:

  • The check_nrpe plugin, which resides on the local monitoring machine.
  • The NRPE daemon, which runs on the remote Linux/Unix machine.

There is a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection between monitoring host and remote host as shown in the diagram below.

Q6. What do you mean by passive check in Nagios?

According to me, the answer should start by explaining Passive checks. They are initiated and performed by external applications/processes and the Passive check results are submitted to Nagios for processing. Then explain the need for passive checks. They are useful for monitoring services that are Asynchronous in nature and cannot be monitored effectively by polling their status on a regularly scheduled basis. They can also be used for monitoring services that are Located behind a firewall and cannot be checked actively from the monitoring host.

Q7. When Does Nagios Check for external commands?

Make sure that you stick to the question during your explanation so I will advise you to follow the below mentioned flow. Nagios check for external commands under the following conditions:

  • At regular intervals specified by the command_check_interval option in the main configuration file or,
  • Immediately after event handlers are executed. This is in addition to the regular cycle of external command checks and is done to provide immediate action if an event handler submits commands to Nagios.

Q8. What is the difference between Active and Passive check in Nagios?

For this answer, first point out the basic difference Active and Passive checks. The major difference between Active and Passive checks is that Active checks are initiated and performed by Nagios, while passive checks are performed by external applications. If your interviewer is looking unconvinced with the above explanation then you can also mention some key features of both Active and Passive checks: Passive checks are useful for monitoring services that are:

  • Asynchronous in nature and cannot be monitored effectively by polling their status on a regularly scheduled basis.
  • Located behind a firewall and cannot be checked actively from the monitoring host.

The main features of Actives checks are as follows:

  • Active checks are initiated by the Nagios process.
  • Active checks are run on a regularly scheduled basis.

Q9. How does Nagios help with Distributed Monitoring?

The interviewer will be expecting an answer related to the distributed architecture of Nagios. So, I suggest that you answer it in the below mentioned format: With Nagios you can monitor your whole enterprise by using a distributed monitoring scheme in which local slave instances of Nagios perform monitoring tasks and report the results back to a single master. You manage all configuration, notification, and reporting from the master, while the slaves do all the work. This design takes advantage of Nagios’s ability to utilize passive checks i.e. external applications or processes that send results back to Nagios. In a distributed configuration, these external applications are other instances of Nagios.

Q10. Explain Main Configuration file of Nagios and its location?

First mention what this main configuration file contains and its function. The main configuration file contains a number of directives that affect how the Nagios daemon operates. This config file is read by both the Nagios daemon and the CGIs (It specifies the location of your main configuration file). Now you can tell where it is present and how it is created. A sample main configuration file is created in the base directory of the Nagios distribution when you run the configure script. The default name of the main configuration file is nagios.cfg. It is usually placed in the etc/ subdirectory of you Nagios installation (i.e. /usr/local/nagios/etc/).

Q11. Explain how Flap Detection works in Nagios?

I will advise you to first explain Flapping first. Flapping occurs when a service or host changes state too frequently, this causes lot of problem and recovery notifications. Once you have defined Flapping, explain how Nagios detects Flapping. Whenever Nagios checks the status of a host or service, it will check to see if it has started or stopped flapping. Nagios follows the below given procedure to do that:

  • Storing the results of the last 21 checks of the host or service analyzing the historical check results and determine where state changes/transitions occur
  • Using the state transitions to determine a percent state change value (a measure of change) for the host or service
  • Comparing the percent state change value against low and high flapping thresholds

A host or service is determined to have started flapping when its percent state change first exceeds a high flapping threshold. A host or service is determined to have stopped flapping when its percent state goes below a low flapping threshold.

Q12. What are the three main variables that affect recursion and inheritance in Nagios?

According to me the proper format for this answer should be: First name the variables and then a small explanation of each of these variables:

Then give a brief explanation for each of these variables. Name is a placeholder that is used by other objects. Use defines the “parent” object whose properties should be used. Register can have a value of 0 (indicating its only a template) and 1 (an actual object). The register value is never inherited.

Q13. What is meant by saying Nagios is Object Oriented?

Answer to this question is pretty direct. I will answer this by saying, “One of the features of Nagios is object configuration format in that you can create object definitions that inherit properties from other object definitions and hence the name. This simplifies and clarifies relationships between various components.”

Q14. What is State Stalking in Nagios?

I will advise you to first give a small introduction on State Stalking. It is used for logging purposes. When Stalking is enabled for a particular host or service, Nagios will watch that host or service very carefully and log any changes it sees in the output of check results. Depending on the discussion between you and interviewer you can also add, “It can be very helpful in later analysis of the log files. Under normal circumstances, the result of a host or service check is only logged if the host or service has changed state since it was last checked.”

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Q15. Justify the statement — Nagios is Object-Oriented?

Nagios is considered object-oriented because it uses a modular design, where elements in the system are represented as objects with specific properties and behaviors. These objects can interact with each other to produce a unified monitoring system. This design philosophy allows for easier maintenance and scalability, as well as allowing for more efficient data management.

Q16. What is meant by Nagios backend?

A Nagios backend refers to the component of Nagios that stores and manages the data collected by the monitoring process, such as monitoring results, configuration information, and event history. The backend is usually implemented as a database or a data store, and is accessed by the Nagios frontend to display the monitoring data. The backend is a crucial component of Nagios, as it enables the persistence of monitoring data and enables historical analysis of the monitored systems.

DevOps Interview Questions – Containerization and Virtualization Interview Question

Let’s see how much you know about containers and VMs.

Q1. What are containers?

My suggestion is to explain the need for containerization first, containers are used to provide consistent computing environment from a developer’s laptop to a test environment, from a staging environment into production. Now give a definition of containers, a container consists of an entire runtime environment: an application, plus all its dependencies, libraries and other binaries, and configuration files needed to run it, bundled into one package. Containerizing the application platform and its dependencies removes the differences in OS distributions and underlying infrastructure.

Q2. What are the advantages that Containerization provides over virtualization?

Below are the advantages of containerization over virtualization:

  • Containers provide real-time provisioning and scalability but VMs provide slow provisioning
  • Containers are lightweight when compared to VMs
  • VMs have limited performance when compared to containers
  • Containers have better resource utilization compared to VMs

Q3. How exactly are containers (Docker in our case) different from hypervisor virtualization (vSphere)? What are the benefits?

Given below are some differences. Make sure you include these differences in your answer:

Q4. What is Docker image?

I suggest that you go with the below mentioned flow: Docker image is the source of Docker container. In other words, Docker images are used to create containers. Images are created with the build command, and they’ll produce a container when started with run. Images are stored in a Docker registry such as registry.hub.docker.com because they can become quite large, images are designed to be composed of layers of other images, allowing a minimal amount of data to be sent when transferring images over the network. Tip: Be aware of Dockerhub in order to answer questions on pre-available images.

Q5. What is Docker container?

This is a very important question so just make sure you don’t deviate from the topic. I advise you to follow the below mentioned format: Docker containers include the application and all of its dependencies but share the kernel with other containers, running as isolated processes in user space on the host operating system. Docker containers are not tied to any specific infrastructure: they run on any computer, on any infrastructure, and in any cloud. Now explain how to create a Docker container, Docker containers can be created by either creating a Docker image and then running it or you can use Docker images that are present on the Dockerhub. Docker containers are basically runtime instances of Docker images.

Q6. What is Docker hub?

Answer to this question is pretty direct. Docker hub is a cloud-based registry service which allows you to link to code repositories, build your images and test them, stores manually pushed images, and links to Docker cloud so you can deploy images to your hosts. It provides a centralized resource for container image discovery, distribution and change management, user and team collaboration, and workflow automation throughout the development pipeline.

Q7. How is Docker different from other container technologies?

According to me, below points should be there in your answer: Docker containers are easy to deploy in a cloud. It can get more applications running on the same hardware than other technologies, it makes it easy for developers to quickly create, ready-to-run containerized applications and it makes managing and deploying applications much easier. You can even share containers with your applications. If you have some more points to add you can do that but make sure the above the above explanation is there in your answer.

Q8. What is Docker Swarm?

You should start this answer by explaining Docker Swarn. It is native clustering for Docker which turns a pool of Docker hosts into a single, virtual Docker host. Docker Swarm serves the standard Docker API, any tool that already communicates with a Docker daemon can use Swarm to transparently scale to multiple hosts. I will also suggest you to include some supported tools:

  • Docker Compose
  • Docker Machine

Q9. What is Dockerfile used for?

This answer according to me should begin by explaining the use of Dockerfile. Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. Now I suggest you to give a small definition of Dockerfle. A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. Using docker build users can create an automated build that executes several command-line instructions in succession.

Now expect a few questions to test your experience with Docker.

Q10. Can I use json instead of yaml for my compose file in Docker?

You can use json instead of yaml for your compose file, to use json file with compose, specify the filename to use for eg: docker-compose -f docker-compose.json up

Q11. Tell us how you have used Docker in your past position?

Explain how you have used Docker to help rapid deployment. Explain how you have scripted Docker and used Docker with other tools like Puppet, Chef or Jenkins. If you have no past practical experience in Docker and have past experience with other tools in similar space, be honest and explain the same. In this case, it makes sense if you can compare other tools to Docker in terms of functionality.

Q12. How to create Docker container?

I will suggest you to give a direct answer to this. We can use Docker image to create Docker container by using the below command: docker run -t -i <image name> <command name> This command will create and start container. You should also add, If you want to check the list of all running container with status on a host use the below command: docker ps -a

Q13. How to stop and restart the Docker container?

In order to stop the Docker container you can use the below command: docker stop <container ID> Now to restart the Docker container you can use: docker restart <container ID>

Q14. How far do Docker containers scale?

Large web deployments like Google and Twitter, and platform providers such as Heroku and dotCloud all run on container technology, at a scale of hundreds of thousands or even millions of containers running in parallel.

Q15. What platforms does Docker run on?

I will start this answer by saying Docker runs on only Linux and Cloud platforms and then I will mention the below vendors of Linux:

  • Ubuntu 12.04, 13.04 et al
  • Fedora 19/20+
  • openSUSE 12.3+
  • Google Compute Engine
  • Microsoft Azure

Note that Docker does not run on Windows or Mac.

Q16. Do I lose my data when the Docker container exits?

You can answer this by saying, no I won’t lose my data when the Docker container exits. Any data that your application writes to disk gets preserved in its container until you explicitly delete the container. The file system for the container persists even after the container halts.

Q17. Do I lose my data when the Docker container exits?

DevOps Pipeline can be defined as a set of tools and processes in which both the development team and operations team work together. In DevOps automation, CI/CD plays an important role. Now if we look into the flow of DevOps, First when we complete continuous integration. Then the next step towards continuous delivery is triggered. After the continuous delivery, the next step of continuous deployment will be triggered. The connection of all these functions can be defined as a pipeline.

Q18. How to check for Docker Client and Docker Server version?

You can check the version of the Docker Client by running the following command in your terminal:

And you can check the version of the Docker Server (also known as the Docker Engine) by running the following command:

The output of the above command will include the Docker Engine version.

Q19. If you vaguely remember the command and you’d like to confirm it, how will you get help on that particular command?

You can use the “man” or “–help” command to get information on a specific command in most Unix-like systems. For example, if you’re trying to recall the syntax for the “grep” command, you can type “man grep” or “grep –help” in the terminal. This will display the manual page for the command, which includes usage examples and options.

Q18. Differentiate between Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery?

And, that’s it!

I hope these DevOps interview questions help you crack your interview. If you’re searching for a demanding and rewarding career. Whether you’ve worked in DevOps or are new to the field, the Post Graduate Program in DevOps  is what you need to learn how to succeed. From the basic to the most advanced techniques, we cover everything.

All the best for your interview!

Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section and we will get back to you.

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nice information…. thank you ……….

+N Chandrakanth, thanks for checking out our blog and for sharing feedback! We’re glad you found the information useful. Here are a few more DevOps blogs that you might like: https://www.edureka.co/blog?s=devops . Cheers!

One of the most informative and brilliant blog’s I have come across for DevOps. It has adequate information with crisp details. Brilliant Stuff!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Vinod, thanks for your feedback! :) We’re glad we could help. Do subscribe to our blog to stay updated on upcoming DevOps posts. Cheers!

Hi good information, Ma i know the main differences between docker and chef? why we need to use chef other than docker? this is the question iam facing from interviewer. could you please elaborate the same

please reply me

Chef: config management tool

Docker: Container tool. It packs the piece of code into work units, which later can be deployed to test or production environment with greater ease.

Hey Prasad, thanks for checking out our blog. Here’s the explanation: Chef is an automation platform to transform your infrastructure into code. It is generally called Configuration Management Software. You can define the state with different parameters as your config files, s/w, tools, access types and resource types etc. Chef allows you to write scripts to quickly provision servers (including instances of Vagrant and/or Docker). Dockerfile also partially takes on configuration management tools in the way of providing “infrastructure as code” into the table Docker is not a full-fledged Virtual Machine, but rather a container. Docker enables you to run instances of services/servers in a specific virtual environment. A good example of this would be running a Docker container with Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu Linux. Hope this answers your query. Good luck!

great work !! Keep it up :)

Thanks for the wonderful feedback, Sandeep! Do check out our DevOps tutorials too: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9ooVrP1hQOE5ZDJJsnEXZ2upwK7aTYiX . We thought you might find them useful. Cheers!

Really Great work done.

Hey Sairam, thanks for checking out our blog and for sharing feedback! Do subscribe to our blog to stay posted on upcoming DevOps blogs. Cheers!

Excellent article.

Hey Vijay, thanks for checking out our blog. We’re glad you found it useful. Here’s another blog that we thought you might like: https://www.edureka.co/blog/devops-engineer-career-path-your-guide-to-bagging-top-devops-jobs . Cheers!

Awesome info. Everything is covered but I don’t see much scripting questions. Will there be any scripting questions in the interview? such as white board questions on scripting on Ruby or python?

Hey Mahesh, thanks for checking out the blog. We have noted your feedback and passed it on to the relevant team. We may come up with an update to the questions in the future. Do subscribe to our blog to stay posted. Cheers!

please help me on my prob

chef-client [2016-09-29T16:47:16-07:00] INFO: Forking chef instance to converge… [2016-09-29T16:47:16-07:00] WARN: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SSL validation of HTTPS requests is disabled. HTTPS connections are still encrypted, but chef is not able to detect forged replies or man in the middle attacks.

To fix this issue add an entry like this to your configuration file:

“` # Verify all HTTPS connections (recommended) ssl_verify_mode :verify_peer

# OR, Verify only connections to chef-server verify_api_cert true “`

To check your SSL configuration, or troubleshoot errors, you can use the `knife ssl check` command like so:

“` knife ssl check -c /etc/chef/client.rb “`

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Starting Chef Client, version 11.18.12 [2016-09-29T16:47:17-07:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.18.12 *** [2016-09-29T16:47:17-07:00] INFO: Chef-client pid: 25737 [2016-09-29T16:48:12-07:00] INFO: HTTP Request Returned 401 Unauthorized: error

================================================================================ Chef encountered an error attempting to load the node data for “node.com” ================================================================================

Authentication Error: ——————— Failed to authenticate to the chef server (http 401).

Server Response: —————- Invalid signature for user or client ‘node.com’

Relevant Config Settings: ————————- chef_server_url “” node_name “node.com” client_key “/etc/chef/client.pem”

If these settings are correct, your client_key may be invalid, or you may have a chef user with the same client name as this node.

[2016-09-29T16:48:12-07:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out Chef Client failed. 0 resources updated in 55.215306981 seconds [2016-09-29T16:48:12-07:00] ERROR: 401 “Unauthorized” [2016-09-29T16:48:12-07:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1) [root@node ~]# knife bootstrap WARNING: No knife configuration file found Connecting to ERROR: Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory – /etc/chef/validation.pem

Hey Ravindra, thanks for checking out the blog. With regard to the error you’re getting, either the key is wrong or the validator username is wrong. Try running the ssl fetch command on your chef client: knife ssl fetch -c /etc/chef/client.rb Also, try including -N nodeName parameter during initial knife bootstrap operation.

Hope this helps. Cheers!

After reading this blog I finally understand the prerequisite for Devops Looking forward for training in Configuration management tools like Chef and Continuous Integration Jenkins and also Monitoring Nagios.

Hey Raj, thanks for checking out the blog! We’re glad you found it useful. You may like this DevOps career opportunities blog too: https://www.edureka.co/blog/devops-engineer-career-path-your-guide-to-bagging-top-devops-jobs . We will be coming up with blogs on DevOps tools and DevOps lifecycle very soon. Do subscribe to our blog to stay posted. Cheers!

very useful questions and answers thank you..

Simply Superb !!!

Thanks for your wonderful feedback! Do check out this DevOps career opportunities blog too: https://www.edureka.co/blog/devops-engineer-career-path-your-guide-to-bagging-top-devops-jobs . We thought you may find it useful. Cheers!

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27 Advanced DevOps Interview Questions (SOLVED) You Must Know

DevOps helps organisations to get the changes into production as quickly as possible while minimising risks in software quality assurance and compliance. This has many advantages like quick feedback from customers and better quality of software which in turn leads to high customer satisfaction.

Q1 :   Explain what is DevOps ?

DevOps is a newly emerging term in IT field, which is nothing but a practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals. It focuses on delivering software product faster and lowering the failure rate of releases.

Q2 :   What Is CAP Theorem?

The CAP Theorem for distributed computing was published by Eric Brewer. This states that it is not possible for a distributed computer system to simultaneously provide all three of the following guarantees:

  • Consistency (all nodes see the same data even at the same time with concurrent updates )
  • Availability (a guarantee that every request receives a response about whether it was successful or failed)
  • Partition tolerance (the system continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss or failure of part of the system)

The CAP acronym corresponds to these three guarantees. This theorem has created the base for modern distributed computing approaches. Worlds most high volume traffic companies (e.g. Amazon, Google, Facebook) use this as basis for deciding their application architecture. It's important to understand that only two of these three conditions can be guaranteed to be met by a system.

Q3 :   What Is Load Balancing?

Load balancing is simple technique for distributing workloads across multiple machines or clusters. The most common and simple load balancing algorithm is Round Robin. In this type of load balancing the request is divided in circular order ensuring all machines get equal number of requests and no single machine is overloaded or underloaded.

The Purpose of load balancing is to

  • Optimize resource usage (avoid overload and under-load of any machines)
  • Achieve Maximum Throughput
  • Minimize response time

Most common load balancing techniques in web based applications are

  • Round robin
  • Session affinity or sticky session
  • IP Address affinity

Q4 :   What is meant by Continuous Integration ?

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early.

Q5 :   What are the advantages of DevOps?

Technical benefits:

  • Continuous software delivery
  • Less complex problems to fix
  • Faster resolution of problems

Business benefits:

  • Faster delivery of features
  • More stable operating environments
  • More time available to add value (rather than fix/maintain)

Q6 :   What are the success factors for Continuous Integration ?

  • Maintain a code repository
  • Automate the build
  • Make the build self-testing
  • Everyone commits to the baseline every day
  • Every commit (to baseline) should be built
  • Keep the build fast
  • Test in a clone of the production environment
  • Make it easy to get the latest deliverables
  • Everyone can see the results of the latest build
  • Automate deployment

Q7 :   What does Containerization mean?

Containerisation is a type of virtualization strategy that emerged as an alternative to traditional hypervisor-based virtualization.

In containerization, the operating system is shared by the different containers rather than cloned for each virtual machine. For example Docker provides a container virtualization platform that serves as a good alternative to hypervisor-based arrangements.

Q8 :   What type of applications - Stateless or Stateful are more suitable for Docker Container?

It is preferable to create Stateless application for Docker Container. We can create a container out of our application and take out the configurable state parameters from application. Now we can run same container in Production as well as QA environments with different parameters. This helps in reusing the same Image in different scenarios. Also a stateless application is much easier to scale with Docker Containers than a stateful application.

Q9 :   Classify Cloud Platforms by category

Cloud Computing software can be classified as:

  • Software as a Service or SaaS - is peace of software that runs over network on remote server and has only user interface exposed to users, usually in web browser. For example salesforce.com.
  • Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS - is a cloud environment that exposes VM to user to use as entire OS or container where you could install anything you would install on your server. Example for this would be OpenStack, AWS, Eucalyptus.
  • Platform as a Service or PaaS - allows users to deploy their own application on the preinstalled platform, usually framework of application server and suite of developer tools. Examples for this would be Heroku.

Q10 :   Explain Blue-Green deployment technique

Blue-green deployment is a technique that reduces downtime and risk by running two identical production environments called Blue and Green. At any time, only one of the environments is live, with the live environment serving all production traffic. For this example, Blue is currently live and Green is idle.

As you prepare a new version of your software, deployment and the final stage of testing takes place in the environment that is not live: in this example, Green. Once you have deployed and fully tested the software in Green, you switch the router so all incoming requests now go to Green instead of Blue. Green is now live, and Blue is idle.

This technique can eliminate downtime due to application deployment. In addition, blue-green deployment reduces risk: if something unexpected happens with your new version on Green, you can immediately roll back to the last version by switching back to Blue.

Q11 :   Explain a use case for Docker

  • Docker a low overhead way to run virtual machines on your local box or in the cloud. Although they're not strictly distinct machines, nor do they need to boot an OS, they give you many of those benefits.
  • Docker can encapsulate legacy applications, allowing you to deploy them to servers that might not otherwise be easy to setup with older packages & software versions.
  • Docker can be used to build test boxes, during your deploy process to facilitate continuous integration testing.
  • Docker can be used to provision boxes in the cloud, and with swarm you can orchestrate clusters too.

Q12 :   How Do you update a live heavy traffic site with minimum or Zero Down Time?

Deploying a newer version of a live website can be a challenging task specially when a website has high traffic. Any downtime is going to affect the users. There are a few best practices that we can follow:

Before deploying on Production:

  • Thoroughly test the new changes and ensure it working in a test environment which is almost identical to production system.
  • If possible do automation of test cases as much as possible.
  • Create a automated sanity testing script (also called as smoke test) that can be run on production (without affecting real data). These are typically readonly type of test cases. However depending on your application needs you can add more cases to this. Make sure it can be run quickly by keeping it short.
  • Create scripts for all manual tasks(if possible), avoiding any hand typing mistakes during day of deployment.
  • Test the script to make sure they work on a non-production environment.
  • Keep the build artifacts ready. e.g application deployment files, database scripts, config files etc.
  • Create a checklist of things to do on day of deployment.

Rehearse. Deploy in a non-prod environment is almost identical to production. Try this with production data volumes(if possible). Make a note of time required for your tasks so you can plan accordingly.

When doing deploying on a production environment:

  • Use Green-Blue deployment technique to reduce down-time risk
  • Keep backup of current site/data to be able to rollback
  • Use sanity test cases before doing a lot of in depth testing

Q13 :   How do all DevOps tools work together?

Given below is a generic logical flow where everything gets automated for seamless delivery. However, this flow may vary from organization to organization as per the requirement.

  • Developers develop the code and this source code is managed by Version Control System tools like Git etc.
  • Developers send this code to the Git repository and any changes made in the code is committed to this Repository.
  • Jenkins pulls this code from the repository using the Git plugin and build it using tools like Ant or Maven.
  • Configuration management tools like Puppet deploys & provisions testing environment and then Jenkins releases this code on the test environment on which testing is done using tools like selenium.
  • Once the code is tested, Jenkins send it for deployment on the production server (even production server is provisioned & maintained by tools like Puppet).
  • After deployment It is continuously monitored by tools like Nagios.
  • Docker containers provides testing environment to test the build features.

Q14 :   Should I use Vagrant or Docker for creating an isolated environment?

The short answer is that if you want to manage machines, you should use Vagrant. And if you want to build and run applications environments, you should use Docker.

Vagrant is a tool for managing virtual machines. Docker is a tool for building and deploying applications by packaging them into lightweight containers. A container can hold pretty much any software component along with its dependencies (executables, libraries, configuration files, etc.), and execute it in a guaranteed and repeatable runtime environment. This makes it very easy to build your app once and deploy it anywhere - on your laptop for testing, then on different servers for live deployment, etc.

Q15 :   What Do You Mean By High Availability (HA)?

Availability means the ability of the application user to access the system, If a user cannot access the application, it is assumed unavailable. High Availability means the application will be available, without interruption. Using redundant server nodes with clustering is a common way to achieve higher level of availability in web applications.

Availability is commonly expressed as a percentage of uptime in a given year.

Q16 :   What Is Sticky Session Load Balancing? What Do You Mean By "Session Affinity"?

Sticky session or a session affinity technique is another popular load balancing technique that requires a user session to be always served by an allocated machine.

In a load balanced server application where user information is stored in session it will be required to keep the session data available to all machines. This can be avoided by always serving a particular user session request from one machine. The machine is associated with a session as soon as the session is created. All the requests in a particular session are always redirected to the associated machine. This ensures the user data is only at one machine and load is also shared.

This is typically done by using SessionId cookie. The cookie is sent to the client for the first request and every subsequent request by client must be containing that same cookie to identify the session.

What Are The Issues With Sticky Session?

There are few issues that you may face with this approach

  • The client browser may not support cookies, and your load balancer will not be able to identify if a request belongs to a session. This may cause strange behavior for the users who use no cookie based browsers.
  • In case one of the machine fails or goes down, the user information (served by that machine) will be lost and there will be no way to recover user session.

Q17 :   What are the differences between Continuous Integration , Continuous Delivery , and Continuous Deployment ?

  • Developers practicing continuous integration merge their changes back to the main branch as often as possible. By doing so, you avoid the integration hell that usually happens when people wait for release day to merge their changes into the release branch.
  • Continuous delivery is an extension of continuous integration to make sure that you can release new changes to your customers quickly in a sustainable way. This means that on top of having automated your testing, you also have automated your release process and you can deploy your application at any point of time by clicking on a button.
  • Continuous deployment goes one step further than continuous delivery. With this practice, every change that passes all stages of your production pipeline is released to your customers. There's no human intervention, and only a failed test will prevent a new change to be deployed to production.

Q18 :   What do you know about Serverless model?

Serverless refers to a model where the existence of servers is hidden from developers. It means you no longer have to deal with capacity, deployments, scaling and fault tolerance and OS. It will essentially reducing maintenance efforts and allow developers to quickly focus on developing codes.

Examples are:

  • Amazon AWS Lambda
  • Azure Functions

Q19 :   What is Chef ?

Chef is a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code. Chef is a tool for which you write scripts that are used to automate processes.

  • Chef Server : The Chef Server is the central store of your infrastructure’s configuration data. The Chef Server stores the data necessary to configure your nodes and provides search, a powerful tool that allows you to dynamically drive node configuration based on data.
  • Chef Node : A Node is any host that is configured using Chef-client. Chef-client runs on your nodes, contacting the Chef Server for the information necessary to configure the node. Since a Node is a machine that runs the Chef-client software, nodes are sometimes referred to as “clients”.
  • Chef Workstation : A Chef Workstation is the host you use to modify your cookbooks and other configuration data.

Q20 :   What is the difference between Monolithic, SOA and Microservices Architecture?

  • Monolithic Architecture is similar to a big container wherein all the software components of an application are assembled together and tightly packaged.
  • A Service-Oriented Architecture is a collection of services which communicate with each other. The communication can involve either simple data passing or it could involve two or more services coordinating some activity.
  • Microservice Architecture is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small autonomous services, modeled around a business domain.

Q21 :   What is the difference between Resource Allocation and Resource Provisioning ?

  • Resource allocation is the process of reservation that demarcates a quantity of a resource for a tenant's use.
  • Resource provision is the process of activation of a bundle of the allocated quantity to bear the tenant's workload.

Immediately after allocation, all the quantity of a resource is available. Provision removes a quantity of a resource from the available set. De-provision returns a quantity of a resource to the available set. At any time:

Q22 :   What's the difference between a Blue/Green Deployment and a Rolling Deployment ?

In Blue Green Deployment , you have TWO complete environments. One is Blue environment which is running and the Green environment to which you want to upgrade. Once you swap the environment from blue to green, the traffic is directed to your new green environment. You can delete or save your old blue environment for backup until the green environment is stable.

In Rolling Deployment , you have only ONE complete environment. The code is deployed in the subset of instances of the same environment and moves to another subset after completion.

Q23 :   How is Container different from a Virtual Machine ?

  • Unlike a virtual machine, a container does not need to boot the operating system kernel, so containers can be created in less than a second. This feature makes container-based virtualization unique and desirable than other virtualization approaches.
  • Since container-based virtualization adds little or no overhead to the host machine, container-based virtualization has near-native performance
  • For container-based virtualization, no additional software is required, unlike other virtualizations.
  • All containers on a host machine share the scheduler of the host machine saving need of extra resources.
  • Container states (Docker or LXC images) are small in size compared to virtual machine images, so container images are easy to distribute.
  • Resource management in containers is achieved through cgroups. Cgroups does not allow containers to consume more resources than allocated to them.

Q24 :   What is Vagrant and what is it used for?

Vagrant is a tool that can create and manage virtualized (or containerized)  environments for testing and developing software. At first, Vagrant used virtualbox as the hypervisor for virtual environments, but now it supports also KVM.

Q25 :   How to use Docker with multiple environments?

You’ll almost certainly want to make changes to your app configuration that are more appropriate to a live environment. These changes may include:

  • Removing any volume bindings for application code, so that code stays inside the container and can’t be changed from outside
  • Binding to different ports on the host
  • Setting environment variables differently (e.g., to decrease the verbosity of logging, or to enable email sending)
  • Specifying a restart policy (e.g., restart: always) to avoid downtime
  • Adding extra services (e.g., a log aggregator)

For this reason, you’ll probably want to define an additional Compose file, say production.yml , which specifies production-appropriate configuration. This configuration file only needs to include the changes you’d like to make from the original Compose file.

Q26 :   Name some limitations of containers vs VM

Just to name a few:

  • You can't run completely different OS in containers like in VMs. However you can run different distros of Linux because they do share the same kernel. The isolation level is not as strong as in VM. In fact, there was a way for "guest" container to take over host in early implementations.
  • Also you can see that when you load new container, the entire new copy of OS doesn't start like it does in VM.
  • All containers share the same kernel. This is why containers are light weight.
  • Also unlike VM, you don't have to pre-allocate significant chunk of memory to containers because we are not running new copy of OS. This enables to run thousands of containers on one OS while sandboxing them which might not be possible to do if we were running separate copy of OS in its own VM.

Q27 :   What Did The Law Stated By Melvin Conway Implied?

Conway’s Law applies to modular software systems and states that:

"Any organization that designs a system (defined more broadly here than just information systems) will inevitably produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure".

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problem solving interview questions devops

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Devops interview questions, download pdf, what is devops.

DevOps stands for Development and Operations. It is a software engineering practice that focuses on bringing together the development team and the operations team for the purpose of automating the project at every stage. This approach helps in easily automating the project service management in order to aid the objectives at the operational level and improve the understanding of the technological stack used in the production environment.

This way of practice is related to agile methodology and it mainly focuses on team communication, resource management, and teamwork. The main benefits of following this structure are the speed of development and resolving the issues at the production environment level, the stability of applications, and the innovation involved behind it.

problem solving interview questions devops

  • DevOps Tools

DevOps is a methodology aimed at increased productivity and quality of product development. The main tools used in this methodology are:

  • Version Control System tools. Eg.: git.
  • Continuous Integration tools. Eg.: Jenkins
  • Continuous Testing tools. Eg.: Selenium
  • Configuration Management and Deployment tools. Eg.:Puppet, Chef, Ansible
  • Continuous Monitoring tool. Eg.: Nagios
  • Containerization tools. Eg.: Docker

problem solving interview questions devops

Organizations that have adopted this methodology are reportedly accomplishing almost thousands of deployments in a single day thereby providing increased reliability, stability, and security with increased customer satisfaction.

DevOps Interview Questions For Freshers

1. who is a devops engineer.

A DevOps engineer is a person who works with both software developers and the IT staff to ensure smooth code releases. They are generally developers who develop an interest in the deployment and operations domain or the system admins who develop a passion for coding to move towards the development side.

In short, a DevOps engineer is someone who has an understanding of SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) and of automation tools for developing CI/CD pipelines.

2. Why DevOps has become famous?

These days, the market window of products has reduced drastically. We see new products almost daily. This provides a myriad of choices to consumers but it comes at a cost of heavy competition in the market. Organizations cant afford to release big features after a gap. They tend to ship off small features as releases to the customers at regular intervals so that their products don't get lost in this sea of competition.

Customer satisfaction is now a motto to the organizations which has also become the goal of any product for its success. In order to achieve this, companies need to do the below things:

  • Frequent feature deployments
  • Reduce time between bug fixes
  • Reduce failure rate of releases
  • Quicker recovery time in case of release failures.
  • In order to achieve the above points and thereby achieving seamless product delivery, DevOps culture acts as a very useful tool. Due to these advantages, multi-national companies like Amazon and Google have adopted the methodology which has resulted in their increased performance.

3. What is the use of SSH?

SSH stands for Secure Shell and is an administrative protocol that lets users have access and control the remote servers over the Internet to work using the command line.

SSH is a secured encrypted version of the previously known Telnet which was unencrypted and not secure. This ensured that the communication with the remote server occurs in an encrypted form.

SSH also has a mechanism for remote user authentication, input communication between the client and the host, and sending the output back to the client.

4. What is configuration management?

Configuration management (CM) is basically a practice of systematic handling of the changes in such a way that system does not lose its integrity over a period of time. This involves certain policies, techniques, procedures, and tools for evaluating change proposals, managing them, and tracking their progress along with maintaining appropriate documentation for the same.

CM helps in providing administrative and technical directions to the design and development of the appreciation.

The following diagram gives a brief idea about what CM is all about:

problem solving interview questions devops

5. What is the importance of having configuration management in DevOps?

Configuration management (CM) helps the team in the automation of time-consuming and tedious tasks thereby enhancing the organization’s performance and agility.

It also helps in bringing consistency and improving the product development process by employing means of design streamlining, extensive documentation, control, and change implementation during various phases/releases of the project.

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6. what does cams stand for in devops.

CAMS stands for Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing. It represents the core deeds of DevOps.

7. What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that makes sure developers integrate their code into a shared repository as and when they are done working on the feature. Each integration is verified by means of an automated build process that allows teams to detect problems in their code at a very early stage rather than finding them after the deployment.

problem solving interview questions devops

Based on the above flow, we can have a brief overview of the CI process.

  • Developers regularly check out code into their local workspaces and work on the features assigned to them.
  • Once they are done working on it, the code is committed and pushed to the remote shared repository which is handled by making use of effective version control tools like git.
  • The CI server keeps track of the changes done to the shared repository and it pulls the changes as soon as it detects them.
  • The CI server then triggers the build of the code and runs unit and integration test cases if set up.
  • The team is informed of the build results. In case of the build failure, the team has to work on fixing the issue as early as possible, and then the process repeats.

8. Why is Continuous Integration needed?

By incorporating Continuous Integration for both development and testing, it has been found that the software quality has improved and the time taken for delivering the features of the software has drastically reduced.

This also allows the development team to detect and fix errors at the initial stage as each and every commit to the shared repository is built automatically and run against the unit and integration test cases.

9. What is Continuous Testing (CT)?

Continuous Testing (CT) is that phase of DevOps which involves the process of running the automated test cases as part of an automated software delivery pipeline with the sole aim of getting immediate feedback regarding the quality and validation of business risks associated with the automated build of code developed by the developers.

Using this phase will help the team to test each build continuously (as soon as the code developed is pushed) thereby giving the dev teams a chance to get instant feedback on their work and ensuring that these problems don’t arrive in the later stages of SDLC cycle.

Doing this would drastically speed up the workflow followed by the developer to develop the project due to the lack of manual intervention steps to rebuild the project and run the automated test cases every time the changes are made.

10. What are the three important DevOps KPIs?

Few KPIs of DevOps are given below:

  • Reduce the average time taken to recover from a failure.
  • Increase Deployment frequency in which the deployment occurs.
  • Reduced Percentage of failed deployments.

Intermediate Interview Questions

1. explain the different phases in devops methodology..

DevOps mainly has 6 phases and they are:

This is the first phase of a DevOps lifecycle that involves a thorough understanding of the project to ultimately develop the best product. When done properly, this phase gives various inputs required for the development and operations phases. This phase also helps the organization to gain clarity regarding the project development and management process.

Tools like Google Apps, Asana, Microsoft teams, etc are used for this purpose.


The planning phase is followed by the Development phase where the project is built by developing system infrastructure, developing features by writing codes, and then defining test cases and the automation process. Developers store their codes in a code manager called remote repository which aids in team collaboration by allowing view, modification, and versioning of the code.

Tools like git, IDEs like the eclipse, IntelliJ, and technological stacks like Node, Java, etc are used.

Continuous Integration (CI):

This phase allows for automation of code validation, build, and testing. This ensures that the changes are made properly without development environment errors and also allows the identification of errors at an initial stage.

Tools like Jenkins, circleCI, etc are used here.


DevOps aids in the deployment automation process by making use of tools and scripts which has the final goal of automating the process by means of feature activation. Here, cloud services can be used as a force that assists in upgrade from finite infrastructure management to cost-optimized management with the potential to infinite resources.

Tools like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Heroku, etc are used.


This phase usually occurs throughout the lifecycle of the product/software due to the dynamic infrastructural changes. This provides the team with opportunities for increasing the availability, scalability, and effective transformation of the product.

Tools like Loggly, BlueJeans, Appdynamics, etc are used commonly in this phase.


Monitoring is a permanent phase of DevOps methodology. This phase is used for monitoring and analyzing information to know the status of software applications.

Tools like Nagios, Splunk, etc are commonly used.  

2. How is DevOps different than the Agile Methodology?

DevOps is a practice or a culture that allows the collaboration of the development team and the operations team to come together for successful product development. This involves making use of practices like continuous development, integration, testing, deployment, and monitoring of the SDLC cycle.

DevOps tries to reduce the gap between the developers and the operations team for the effective launch of the product.

Agile is nothing but a software development methodology that focuses on incremental, iterative, and rapid releases of software features by involving the customer by means of feedback. This methodology removes the gap between the requirement understanding of the clients and the developers.

problem solving interview questions devops

3. Differentiate between Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery?

The main difference between Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery are given below:

problem solving interview questions devops

4. What can you say about antipatterns of DevOps?

A pattern is something that is most commonly followed by large masses of entities. If a pattern is adopted by an organization just because it is being followed by others without gauging the requirements of the organization, then it becomes an anti-pattern. Similarly, there are multiple myths surrounding DevOps which can contribute to antipatterns, they are:

  • DevOps is a process and not a culture.
  • DevOps is nothing but Agile.
  • There should be a separate DevOps group.
  • DevOps solves every problem.
  • DevOps equates to developers running a production environment.
  • DevOps follows Development-driven management
  • DevOps does not focus much on development.
  • As we are a unique organization, we don’t follow the masses and hence we won’t implement DevOps.
  • We don’t have the right set of people, hence we cant implement DevOps culture.

5. Can you tell me something about Memcached?

Memcached is an open-source and free in-memory object caching system that has high performance and is distributed and generic in nature. It is mainly used for speeding the dynamic web applications by reducing the database load.

Memcached can be used in the following cases:

  • Profile caching in social networking domains like Facebook.
  • Web page caching in the content aggregation domain.
  • Profile tracking in Ad targeting domain.
  • Session caching in e-commerce, gaming, and entertainment domain.
  • Database query optimization and scaling in the Location-based services domain.

Benefits of Memcached:

  • Using Memcached speeds up the application processes by reducing the hits to a database and reducing the I/O access.
  • It helps in determining what steps are more frequently followed and helps in deciding what to cache.

Some of the drawbacks of using Memcached are:

  • In case of failure, the data is lost as it is neither a persistent data store nor a database.
  • It is not an application-specific cache.
  • Large objects cannot be cached.

6. What are the various branching strategies used in the version control system?

Branching is a very important concept in version control systems like git which facilitates team collaboration. Some of the most commonly used branching types are:

Feature branching

  • This branching type ensures that a particular feature of a project is maintained in a branch.
  • Once the feature is fully validated, the branch is then merged into the main branch.

Task branching

  • Here, each task is maintained in its own branch with the task key being the branch name.
  • Naming the branch name as a task name makes it easy to identify what task is getting covered in what branch.

Release branching

  • This type of branching is done once a set of features meant for a release are completed, they can be cloned into a branch called the release branch. Any further features will not be added to this branch.
  • Only bug fixes, documentation, and release-related activities are done in a release branch.
  • Once the things are ready, the releases get merged into the main branch and are tagged with the release version number.
  • These changes also need to be pushed into the develop branch which would have progressed with new feature development.

The branching strategies followed would vary from company to company based on their requirements and strategies.

7. Can you list down certain KPIs which are used for gauging the success of DevOps?

KPIs stands for Key Performance Indicators. Some of the popular KPIs used for gauging the success of DevOps are:

  • Application usage, performance, and traffic
  • Automated Test Case Pass Percentage.
  • Application Availability
  • Change volume requests
  • Customer tickets
  • Successful deployment frequency and time
  • Error/Failure rates
  • Failed deployments
  • Meantime to detection (MTTD)
  • Meantime to recovery (MTTR)

8. What is CBD in DevOps?

CBD stands for Component-Based Development. It is a unique way for approaching product development. Here, developers keep looking for existing well-defined, tested, and verified components of code and relieve the developer of developing from scratch.

9. What is Resilience Testing?

Resilience Testing is a software process that tests the application for its behavior under uncontrolled and chaotic scenarios. It also ensures that the data and functionality are not lost after encountering a failure.

10. Can you differentiate between continuous testing and automation testing?

The difference between continuous testing and automation testing is given below:

11. Can you say something about the DevOps pipeline?

A pipeline, in general, is a set of automated tasks/processes defined and followed by the software engineering team. DevOps pipeline is a pipeline which allows the DevOps engineers and the software developers to efficiently and reliably compile, build and deploy the software code to the production environments in a hassle free manner.

Following image shows an example of an effective DevOps pipeline for deployment.

problem solving interview questions devops

The flow is as follows:

  • Developer works on completing a functionality.
  • Developer deploys his code to the test environment.
  • Testers work on validating the feature. Business team can intervene and provide feedback too.
  • Developers work on the test and business feedback in continuous collaboration manner.
  • The code is then released to the production and validated again.

12. Tell me something about Ansible work in DevOps

It is a DevOps open-source automation tool which helps in modernizing the development and deployment process of applications in faster manner. It has gained popularity due to simplicity in understanding, using, and adopting it which largely helped people across the globe to work in a collaborative manner.

13. How does Ansible work?

Ansible has two types of servers categorized as:

  • Controlling machines

For this to work, Ansible is installed on controlling machine using which the nodes are managed by means of using SSH. The location of the nodes would be specified and configured in the inventories of the controlling machine.

Ansible does not require any installations on the remote node servers due its nature of being agentless. Hence, no background process needs to be executed while managing any remote nodes.

Ansible can manage lots of nodes from a single controlling system my making use of Ansible Playbooks through SSH connection. Playbooks are of the YAML format and are capable to perform multiple tasks.

14. How does AWS contribute to DevOps?

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services and it is a well known cloud provider. AWS helps DevOps by providing the below benefits:

  • Flexible Resources: AWS provides ready-to-use flexible resources for usage.
  • Scaling: Thousands of machines can be deployed on AWS by making use of unlimited storage and computation power.
  • Automation: Lots of tasks can be automated by using various services provided by AWS.
  • Security: AWS is secure and using its various security options provided under the hood of Identity and Access Management (IAM), the application deployments and builds can be secured.

15. What can be a preparatory approach for developing a project using the DevOps methodology?

The project can be developed by following the below stages by making use of DevOps:

  • Stage 1: Plan: Plan and come up with a roadmap for implementation by performing a thorough assessment of the already existing processes to identify the areas of improvement and the blindspots.
  • Stage 2: PoC: Come up with a proof of concept (PoC) just to get an idea regarding the complexities involved. Once the PoC is approved, the actual implementation work of the project would start.
  • Stage 3: Follow DevOps: Once the project is ready for implementation, actual DevOps culture could be followed by making use of its phases like version control, continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous deployment, continuous delivery, and continuous monitoring.

DevOps Interview Questions For Experienced

1. can you explain the “shift left to reduce failure” concept in devops.

In order to understand what this means, we first need to know how the traditional SDLC cycle works. In the traditional cycle, there are 2 main sides -

  • The left side of the cycle consists of the planning, design, and development phase
  • The right side of the cycle includes stress testing, production staging, and user acceptance.

In DevOps, shifting left simply means taking up as many tasks that usually take place at the end of the application development process as possible into the earlier stages of application development. From the below graph, we can see that if the shift left operations are followed, the chances of errors faced during the later stages of application development would greatly reduce as it would have been identified and solved in the earlier stages itself.

problem solving interview questions devops

The most popular ways of accomplishing shift left in DevOps is to:

  • Different deployment procedures used by the development team while developing their features.
  • Production deployment procedures sometimes tend to be way different than the development procedure. There can be differences in tooling and sometimes the process might also be manual.
  • Both the dev team and the operations teams are expected to take ownership to develop and maintain standard procedures for deployment by making use of the cloud and the pattern capabilities. This aids in giving the confidence that the production deployments would be successful.
  • Usage of pattern capabilities to avoid configurational level inconsistencies in the different environments being used. This would require the dev team and the operation team to come together and work in developing a standard process that guides developers to test their application in the development environment in the same way as they test in the production environment.

2. Do you know about post mortem meetings in DevOps?

Post Mortem meetings are those that are arranged to discuss if certain things go wrong while implementing the DevOps methodology. When this meeting is conducted, it is expected that the team has to arrive at steps that need to be taken in order to avoid the failure(s) in the future.

3. What is the concept behind sudo in Linux OS?

Sudo stands for ‘superuser do’ where the superuser is the root user of Linux. It is a program for Linux/Unix-based systems that gives provision to allow the users with superuser roles to use certain system commands at their root level.

4. Can you explain the architecture of Jenkins?

Jenkins follows the master-slave architecture. The master pulls the latest code from the GitHub repository whenever there is a commitment made to the code. The master requests slaves to perform operations like build, test and run and produce test case reports. This workload is distributed to all the slaves in a uniform manner.

Jenkins also uses multiple slaves because there might be chances that require different test case suites to be run for different environments once the code commits are done.

problem solving interview questions devops

5. Can you explain the “infrastructure as code” (IaC) concept?

As the name indicates, IaC mainly relies on perceiving infrastructure in the same way as any code which is why it is commonly referred to as “programmable infrastructure”. It simply provides means to define and manage the IT infrastructure by using configuration files.

This concept came into prominence because of the limitations associated with the traditional way of managing the infrastructure. Traditionally, the infrastructure was managed manually and the dedicated people had to set up the servers physically. Only after this step was done, the application would have been deployed. Manual configuration and setup were constantly prone to human errors and inconsistencies.

This also involved increased cost in hiring and managing multiple people ranging from network engineers to hardware technicians to manage the infrastructural tasks. The major problem with the traditional approach was decreased scalability and application availability which impacted the speed of request processing. Manual configurations were also time-consuming and in case the application had a sudden spike in user usage, the administrators would desperately work on keeping the system available for a large load. This would impact the application availability.

IaC solved all the above problems. IaC can be implemented in 2 approaches:

  • Imperative approach: This approach “gives orders” and defines a sequence of instructions that can help the system in reaching the final output.
  • Declarative approach: This approach “declares” the desired outcome first based on which the infrastructure is built to reach the final result.

6. What is ‘Pair Programming’?

Pair programming is an engineering practice where two programmers work on the same system, same design, and same code. They follow the rules of “Extreme Programming”. Here, one programmer is termed as “driver” while the other acts as “observer” which continuously monitors the project progress to identify any further problems.

7. What is Blue/Green Deployment Pattern?

A blue-green pattern is a type of continuous deployment, application release pattern which focuses on gradually transferring the user traffic from a previously working version of the software or service to an almost identical new release - both versions running on production.

The blue environment would indicate the old version of the application whereas the green environment would be the new version.

The production traffic would be moved gradually from blue to green environment and once it is fully transferred, the blue environment is kept on hold just in case of rollback necessity.

In this pattern, the team has to ensure two identical prod environments but only one of them would be LIVE at a given point of time. Since the blue environment is more steady, the LIVE one is usually the blue environment.

8. What is Dogpile effect? How can it be prevented?

It is also referred to as cache stampede which can occur when huge parallel computing systems employing caching strategies are subjected to very high load. It is referred to as that event that occurs when the cache expires (or invalidated) and multiple requests are hit to the website at the same time. The most common way of preventing dogpiling is by implementing semaphore locks in the cache. When the cache expires in this system, the first process to acquire the lock would generate the new value to the cache.

9. What are the steps to be undertaken to configure git repository so that it runs the code sanity checking tooks before any commits? How do you prevent it from happening again if the sanity testing fails?

Sanity testing, also known as smoke testing, is a process used to determine if it’s reasonable to proceed to test. Git repository provides a hook called pre-commit which gets triggered right before a commit happens. A simple script by making use of this hook can be written to achieve the smoke test.

The script can be used to run other tools like linters and perform sanity checks on the changes that would be committed into the repository.

The following snippet is an example of one such script:

The above script checks if any .py files which are to be committed are properly formatted by making use of the python formatting tool pyfmt. If the files are not properly formatted, then the script prevents the changes to be committed to the repository by exiting with status 1.  

10. How can you ensure a script runs every time repository gets new commits through git push?

There are three means of setting up a script on the destination repository to get executed depending on when the script has to be triggered exactly. These means are called hooks and they are of three types:

  • Pre-receive hook: This hook is invoked before the references are updated when commits are being pushed. This hook is useful in ensuring the scripts related to enforcing development policies are run.
  • Update hook: This hook triggers the script to run before any updates are actually made. This hook is called once for every commit which has been pushed to the repository.
  • Post-receive hook: This hook helps trigger the script after the updates or changes have been accepted by the destination repository. This hook is ideal for configuring deployment scripts, any continuous integration-based scripts or email notifications process to the team, etc.

DevOps is a culture-shifting practice that has and is continuing to help lots of businesses and organizations in a tremendous manner. It helps in bridging the gap between the conflict of goals and priorities of the developers (constant need for change) and the operations (constant resistance to change) team by creating a smooth path for Continuous Development and Continuous Integration. Being a DevOps engineer has huge benefits due to the ever-increasing demand for DevOps practice.

Additional Resources

  • Practice Coding
  • DevOps Engineer Salary
  • Splunk Interview Questions
  • Terraform Interview Questions
  • Technical Interview Questions

DevOps best represents what among the following options?

What is the goal of DevOps?

DevOps is an extension of what model?

What is the role of the Change Management unit in a DevOps environment?

How is Agile different from DevOps?

What is the main reason for conflict between the development and operations teams in an IT organization?

Choose the best technique for converting normal changes to standard changes.

What command is used for removing a directory?

What is Bi-Modal IT?

Which of the following elements does not contribute to the value stream of an organization directly if it employs DevOps culture?

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Top 50 Azure DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

Unlock success in Azure DevOps interviews with our top 50 expert-curated Q&A. Ace your dream job! | ProjectPro

Top 50 Azure DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

Are you excited about your upcoming Azure DevOps interview and ready to delve into the world of cloud and DevOps with confidence? Let's embark on this thrilling journey together, where the cloud meets DevOps, leading your careers to new heights. 


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According to a survey by Statista, Microsoft Azure holds a significant 20% share in the cloud computing market, demonstrating its widespread adoption by businesses globally. With Azure DevOps becoming a critical component of modern software development pipelines, mastering the technology is essential for aspiring and experienced developers. So, whether you are a professional DevOps practitioner or a beginner ready to embark on a cloud-oriented journey, this blog is designed to equip you with the knowledge, tips, and strategies to shine brightly during your Azure DevOps interview. ProjectPro experts have curated a collection of the most insightful Azure DevOps interview questions and answers from the experiences of seasoned professionals and the latest industry trends in DevOps. So, let’s dive in! 

Table of Contents

Basic microsoft azure devops interview questions and answers for freshers , azure devops interview questions and answers for experienced professionals , azure devops advanced interview questions and answers , azure devops ci/cd pipeline interview questions, azure devops testing interview questions and answers , scenario-based azure devops interview questions, interview questions for azure devops engineer at top companies , 3 tips to crack your next microsoft azure devops engineer job interview , faqs on azure devops interview questions .

Image for the basic interview questions on Azure DevOps

Check out this list of top basic Azure DevOps interview questions curated specifically for freshers.

1. What is Azure DevOps? 

Azure DevOps is a comprehensive and robust set of tools and services offered by Microsoft to facilitate the development and delivery of software applications. It brings together people, processes, and technologies to enable teams to collaborate efficiently, automate workflows, and ensure smooth software delivery from concept to deployment. Azure DevOps is like the secret sauce that empowers development teams to build, test, and deploy applications with speed, agility, and quality. 

For instance, it includes Azure Boards for work tracking, Azure Repos for version control, and Azure Pipelines for continuous integration and delivery. With seamless integration, analytics, and support for various programming languages, Azure DevOps empowers teams to collaborate, automate processes, and improve software quality. 

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2. What are the key components of Azure DevOps? 

Azure DevOps consists of several key components that enable teams to collaborate, automate workflows, and deliver high-quality software efficiently. Here are the essential key components of Azure DevOps:

Image on the components of Azure DevOps

Azure Boards

Azure Boards is the backbone of project management by providing teams with a flexible and customizable work tracking system. It allows teams to plan, track, and discuss work across the entire development process. 

Azure Repos

Azure Repos is a version control system that enables teams to manage and track changes to their codebase efficiently. It supports centralized and distributed version control systems, such as Git, ensuring flexibility and compatibility with diverse development workflows. 

Azure Pipelines

Azure Pipelines automates the build, test, and deployment processes, making it a vital component of DevOps practices. It supports continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, enabling teams to automate the entire software delivery lifecycle.

Azure Test Plans

Azure Test Plans provides comprehensive testing capabilities, helping teams deliver high-quality software. It allows teams to plan, track, and coordinate testing activities, ensuring proper test coverage and timely issue resolution. 

Azure Artifacts

Azure Artifacts provides a centralized package management system that simplifies the management and distribution of code dependencies. It allows teams to create, host, and share packages across projects and teams. 

3. Explain Forks in Azure DevOps.

Imagine you have a delicious slice of cake in front of you. Now, someone takes a fork and gently pierces the cake, creating a separate piece that mirrors the original slice. That's what a fork in Azure DevOps does. A fork in Azure DevOps is a complete copy of a repository, including all files, commits, and branches. It operates independently from the original repository, and changes made to one do not automatically apply to the other. To share changes, developers can use pull requests to propose and merge their modifications back to the original repository. Forks enable parallel development, allowing multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously without interfering with each other. It fosters collaboration, experimentation, and thorough code review before merging changes into the main repository. 

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4. What are the available access levels or user types in Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps has three primary access levels:

Stakeholder Access: Free access for unlimited users to collaborate on projects with limited features.

Basic Access: Comprehensive access for source control, work items, build pipelines, and project settings.

Basic + Test Plans Access: Includes all Basic features and adds access to Azure Test Plans for comprehensive testing capabilities.

5. What are Azure Pipelines?

Azure Pipelines is a powerful tool that automates the process of building and testing code projects. It combines continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous testing to streamline the development cycle and ensure the quality of your code.

You can refer to official Microsoft documentation for more details on Azure Pipelines. 

6. What does CAMS stand for in DevOps?

CAMS stands for Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing in the Context of DevOps. It represents the four key pillars that drive the success of DevOps practices.

Culture refers to the mindset and values that foster collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement within an organization. 

Automation is automating manual and repetitive tasks to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and reduce errors. 

Measurement involves collecting and analyzing data to gain insights into the performance and effectiveness of software development and operations processes.

Sharing emphasizes the importance of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and learning within and across teams.   

7. What is the role of AWS in DevOps?

AWS plays a crucial role in DevOps by providing a comprehensive set of flexible services that empower companies to enhance their product development and delivery using AWS and DevOps practices. Using AWS in DevOps helps organizations adopt a cultural mindset, along with practices and tools, that accelerates the delivery of applications and services at high velocity. 

For instance, AWS offers services like Amazon EC2 for scalable computing resources, AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure provisioning, AWS CodeDeploy for automating application deployment, and AWS CloudWatch for monitoring performance. These services, among others, enable seamless integration of DevOps practices into the development process, fostering collaboration between development and operations teams and promoting a continuous delivery model.

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Here is the collection of Azure DevOps interview questions and answers explicitly curated for experienced professionals to excel in their upcoming interviews: 

Image on the Azure DevOps experience interview questions

8. What are some popular tools of DevOps?

DevOps tools serve various purposes in the software development lifecycle, enabling teams to achieve efficient collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery. Some essential tools are: 

Version Control Tool: Git (GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket) - Tracks code changes and enables seamless team collaboration.

Build Tool: Maven - Automates project management and dependency control using XML-based configuration.

Continuous Integration Tool: Jenkins - Automates code integration, early issue detection, and resolution.

Configuration Management Tool: Chef - Automates infrastructure and application deployment with a declarative approach.

Configuration Management Tool: Puppet - Automates infrastructure and software management using a declarative language.

9. What are containers, and what containers do Azure DevOps support?

Containers are virtual packages for running applications, lightweight and isolated. They hold all necessary files without the overhead of an entire OS. Azure DevOps supports Docker , Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Asp.Net with containers, and Azure Service Fabric with Docker. Docker simplifies app management, AKS handles scalability, Asp.Net gets a secure fit, and Azure Service Fabric provides custom support. It's like a guided adventure with Azure DevOps as the expert tour guide, ensuring smooth app journeys. Containers let you package software, dependencies, and configs, simplifying deployment and CI/CD pipelines. 

10. Explain the role of Scrum master in azure boards.

The Scrum Master in Azure Boards facilitates the team's progress, removing hindrances, resolving impediments, and promoting continuous improvement. They play roles of team members, cheerleaders, and coaches.

11. What do you understand by pull request in Azure Repos? 

A pull request (PR) in Azure Repos is a feature that enables developers to propose code changes to a Git repository's main branch for review and merge. It fosters collaboration and allows team members to review and provide feedback on the changes. Once approved, the changes can be merged into the main branch, ensuring code consistency and adherence to project standards. Azure DevOps Repos integration enables code review, discussions, and automated workflows for smoother collaboration and code management.

12. How can you achieve high availability and disaster recovery in Azure DevOps?

Here are the essential ways to achieve high availability and disaster recovery in Azure DevOps: 

Use Azure DevOps Service : Leverage Microsoft's cloud-based Azure DevOps Service, which is highly available and globally distributed, managed by Microsoft's infrastructure.

Replicate repositories with Azure Repos: Create redundant copies of Git repositories across multiple regions to ensure continuous access to source code in case of primary repository unavailability.

Backup and Restore: Establish a robust backup and restore strategy for critical data like work items, source code, and build artifacts to minimize downtime and data loss.

Disaster Recovery Planning: Create a well-defined disaster recovery plan outlining procedures to recover from various failure scenarios, including hardware failures, natural disasters, or cyber-attacks.

13. How can you automate the creation of Azure resources using Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps, with its ARM templates and Azure CLI/Powershell tasks, is a formidable combination to automate the creation of Azure resources. This dynamic duo ensures your infrastructure is set up consistently, reliably, and without breaking a sweat. 

Imagine you want to deploy a new web application. With Azure DevOps at your side, all you need to do is define your ARM template for the required infrastructure—like specifying the number of virtual machines, the desired OS, and network configurations. Once your ARM template is ready, commit it to your repository. Azure Pipelines will take it from there, automatically triggering the deployment process whenever you update the template. The deployment will run, like clockwork, setting up your resources just the way you want them.

14. How can you monitor and track the progress of a project in Azure DevOps?

Listed below are the custom ways to monitor and track the progress of Azure DevOps projects:  

Dashboards: Azure DevOps grants you this superpower through customizable dashboards. You can create your own visual masterpiece showcasing vital project metrics in one glance. 

Reports: Data speaks volumes, and Azure DevOps lets you eavesdrop on its secrets with pre-defined reports and the ability to craft custom ones. These reports serve as your trusty sidekicks, allowing you to analyze everything from work items to build and release performance and even the quality of your code. 

Work Tracking : Azure Boards brings you that bird's-eye view with various tracking tools. From backlogs to boards and queries, it offers multiple ways to visualize and manage the progress of your tasks, user stories, and pesky bugs.

15. How does Azure DevOps handle security and compliance?

Azure DevOps ensures security through access control, encrypted communication, and compliance with certifications like ISO 27001, SOC 1 and SOC 2, GDPR, and HIPAA. It provides documentation on its security controls and practices, along with data protection measures like backups and geo-redundancy.

16. How can you integrate Azure DevOps with other tools and services?

Integrating Azure DevOps with other tools and services can significantly enhance your DevOps workflow and streamline the development process. Azure offers a range of options to facilitate seamless integration with popular open-source and third-party tools, enabling you to work with your preferred tools and languages. 

Below are some ways you can integrate Azure DevOps with other tools and services:

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Tools

Azure Pipelines is available for automating your applications' build, test, and deployment. However, if you already use another CI/CD tool like Jenkins, you can still integrate it with Azure. This means you can continue using Jenkins for your builds and deployments while leveraging Azure's cloud services for hosting, monitoring, and scaling your applications. This integration allows you to benefit from Azure's resources without abandoning your existing tools and processes.

Infrastructure Automation and Configuration Management

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) enables you to define your infrastructure as code, making managing and version controlling your resources more accessible. However, Azure allows you to integrate these tools seamlessly if you are already using popular infrastructure automation and configuration management tools like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, or Terraform . You can provision and manage Azure resources using your preferred tool, ensuring consistency across your infrastructure and enabling better collaboration between development and operations teams.

17. How can you enforce code quality in Azure DevOps?

Enforcing code quality in Azure DevOps is crucial for maintaining a high code standard within your projects. One effective way to achieve this is by utilizing the code analysis check-in policy. This practice not only improves the overall quality of the code but also helps identify and rectify potential issues early in the development process.

To implement the code analysis check-in policy, you must configure code analysis runs for each code project in the project file. Once the check-in policy is set, team members can synchronize their code analysis settings with the Azure DevOps project policy settings, ensuring consistent code analysis across the team. This approach promotes collaboration, encouraging developers to adhere to the established code quality standards and identifying any deviations early on. 

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This section covers the list of advanced DevOps interview questions that are specifically designed to help you excel in your technical discussions and stand out as an accomplished Azure DevOps professional: 

Image on the advanced Azure DevOps Interview Questions

18. What is the difference between Azure DevOps services and Azure DevOps Server?

Check out the official Microsoft documentation for more details on this. 

19. How do you handle multiple environments (e.g., development, staging, production) in Azure DevOps?

Handling multiple environments (e.g., development, staging, production) in Azure DevOps involves version control with separate branches for each environment, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles for consistent infrastructure, CI/CD pipelines for automated build and deployment, configuration management, and access control. To maintain consistency, use production-like data with sensitive information obfuscated, and recreate edge cases for testing. Consider resource allocation differences between pre-production and production environments when debugging and monitoring. These practices ensure a reliable and efficient software deployment process.

20. What is the use of Selenium in DevOps?

Selenium is an open-source tool for automating web browser tests, making it cost-effective and widely accessible. It plays a vital role in DevOps by enhancing application quality, stability, and performance throughout development and deployment. Selenium's automation capabilities accelerate testing, improve reliability, and integrate seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines. Its scalability and parallel testing enable efficient testing across various platforms. Real-world success stories showcase significant reductions in testing time and increased productivity. 

21. Explain various DevOps phases. 

DevOps streamlines the entire software development lifecycle by integrating development and operations teams, enabling them to work together seamlessly. Let's dive into the various phases of the DevOps methodology:

Image on the DevOps development phases

Plan: The first phase of DevOps involves thorough planning and coordination among team members. Project requirements, timelines, budgets, and objectives are discussed and finalized.

Code: In this phase, software engineers translate the project requirements into small, manageable units of code called "units." These units are the building blocks of the final product and are written according to the client's specific needs and specifications.

Build: Once the code units are written, the build phase comes into play. It involves compiling, linking, and packaging these code units to create a complete software product. 

Test: After the build, the testing phase commences. The team thoroughly tests the software for bugs, errors, or defects. If issues are detected, the software is returned to the development phase for rework. Continuous testing is crucial for DevOps, allowing for quick feedback and rapid iterations.

Integrate: In this phase, all the code units are integrated into a single, unified application. The integration ensures that different pieces of code work harmoniously together, eliminating any conflicts or inconsistencies that may arise during the development process.

Deploy: Once the software has successfully passed all the tests and integration checks, it is deployed to the client's environment. This phase involves moving the application from the development environment to the production environment, making it accessible to end-users.

Operate: The operate phase involves managing and maintaining the deployed application. It includes monitoring the application's performance, resolving operational issues, and managing user access and permissions.

Monitor: The final phase of the DevOps lifecycle is monitoring. Applications are continuously monitored in the client's environment to ensure smooth operation and optimal performance. 

22. What is the use of Azure Test Plans in Azure DevOps?

Azure Test Plans in Azure DevOps is a browser-based test management solution that supports exploratory, planned manual, and user acceptance testing. Its browser extension aids in exploratory testing and gathering stakeholder feedback. The tool ensures efficient test case organization and simplifies the user acceptance testing process, promoting collaboration and delivering high-quality software releases.

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Here are some of the most frequently asked DevOps interview questions based on the concept of continuous integration and continuous deployment: 

23. What are the reasons to use CI and CD and Azure Pipelines?

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) with Azure Pipelines bring several advantages to the development process. Developers can achieve a faster and more reliable development cycle by regularly integrating code changes and running automated tests. This approach enhances software quality by identifying and resolving bugs early, leading to more robust and stable applications. Automated deployment to various environments streamlines the release process, reducing manual errors and ensuring consistent releases. Continuous feedback provides developers with immediate insights into their code changes, fostering a culture of collaboration and improvement. Azure Pipelines' integration with version control systems and its monitoring and release management capabilities further streamline the development and deployment workflows.

24. How do you check whether your pipeline was successful or not after execution?

The best way to check the success of your pipeline is by examining the detailed logs it generates. The logs provide a comprehensive record of each step's execution and outcomes, flagging hits with green and highlighting challenges with red. Delving into the logs allows you to optimize the pipeline's efficiency and troubleshoot any issues. They act as valuable storytellers, offering insights into data transformations, model training, and evaluation, helping you become a skilled problem solver in data-driven challenges. 

25. List some benefits of Azure pipelines. 

Here are the benefits of Azure Pipelines:

Seamless Version Control Integration: Azure Pipelines integrates with various version control systems like Git, GitHub, Subversion, and Bitbucket Cloud. 

Language and Platform Flexibility: Azure Pipelines supports various programming languages, including Javascript, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, C, C++, and more. It is compatible with multiple platforms, such as Linux, Windows, and macOS, making it suitable for diverse applications.

Versatile Deployment Options : Azure Pipelines allows you to deploy applications to various targets, whether it's on-premises or cloud platforms, virtual machines, container registries, Azure services, or containers. 

Cost-Effective Solution : For public projects, Azure DevOps Pipelines are available for free, making it an attractive choice for open-source and community-driven initiatives. Even for private projects, you can benefit from 1800 minutes of pipeline jobs free of charge every month, making it a cost-effective option.

Progressive Deployment Capabilities: With Azure Pipelines, you can set up multiple stages during the development and testing phase. This feature enables you to control the quality of the project thoroughly before advancing to the next stage, ensuring a more reliable and stable deployment process.

26. Explain how you can implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) with Azure DevOps.

To implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with Azure DevOps, developers can use its comprehensive set of tools to automate building, testing, and deploying applications. This streamlines development, reduces errors, and fosters collaboration for faster, high-quality software delivery. You can refer to the documentation for guidance for the step-by-step instructions and best practices.

27. What is a release pipeline in Azure Pipelines?

Azure Pipelines Release Pipelines automate the deployment process, enabling code to flow seamlessly from build pipelines to various environments. Manual or automatic triggers can initiate releases, and scheduled releases can be set for specific times. Quality gates and branch policies ensure code quality and stability. The system offers monitoring and insights to identify bottlenecks and optimize the release process. Azure Pipelines Release Pipelines empower teams to deliver high-quality software efficiently, accelerating CI/CD workflows and fostering innovation and customer satisfaction.

28. What are some benefits of using Azure Pipelines over other continuous integration tools like Jenkins or Travis CI?

Azure Pipelines offers several advantages over continuous integration tools like Jenkins or Travis CI. It provides seamless integration with the entire Azure ecosystem, enabling easy deployment and testing of applications on Azure services. Its YAML-based pipeline configuration simplifies setup and version control, ensuring consistency across the development process. Additionally, Azure Pipelines offers free build minutes, making it cost-effective for small to medium-sized projects. Moreover, it supports multi-platform builds, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, catering to diverse development environments. Lastly, Azure Pipelines' security features and role-based access control enhance data protection and user management. These benefits make Azure Pipelines robust and efficient for CI/CD workflows.

29. How would you create an Azure pipeline using the command line interface (Azure CLI)?

Here are the steps to follow to create an Azure pipeline using Azure CLI:

Step 1: Install Azure CLI and sign in.

Step 2: Create a DevOps project (if not done already).

Step 3: Define a pipeline YAML file with build and deployment steps.

Step 4: Save the YAML file in your code repository.

Step 5: Use the Azure CLI command to create the pipeline, specifying project details and YAML file location.

30. What do you mean by Azure Pipeline agent?

An Azure Pipeline agent executes tasks in the CI/CD process. It comes in two types: Microsoft-hosted agents provided by Microsoft and self-hosted agents that users can set up on their infrastructure. Microsoft-hosted agents are convenient and scalable, while self-hosted agents offer more customization and control. They automate tasks like building, testing, and deploying applications, leading to faster release cycles and reduced downtime.

31. What is Jenkins, and how can it be integrated with Azure Pipelines?

Jenkins is an open-source automation server for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) of software projects. It helps developers automate various stages of the development and deployment process, including building, testing, and deploying applications. 

You can follow the following steps to integrate Jenkins with Azure Pipelines: 

Install Jenkins: Set up Jenkins on a server or in the cloud as per your requirements.

Install Azure Pipelines plugin : In Jenkins, install the Azure Pipelines plugin, which allows communication between Jenkins and Azure Pipelines.

Configure Azure Pipelines service connection: Create a service connection in Azure Pipelines to establish a connection with Jenkins. This connection will enable Azure Pipelines to trigger Jenkins jobs and retrieve build artifacts.

Set up Jenkins jobs: Create Jenkins jobs that represent the different stages of your CI/CD process. These jobs can include tasks like code compilation, testing, and packaging.

Configure Jenkins integration in Azure Pipelines: In Azure Pipelines, set up a pipeline that calls the Jenkins jobs using the configured service connection. You can define when to trigger Jenkins jobs and specify which Jenkins instance to use.

Monitor and manage: Azure Pipelines will trigger Jenkins jobs as part of your CI/CD process once the integration is set up. You can monitor the build status, logs, and artifacts in both Jenkins and Azure Pipelines to ensure smooth integration and deployment.

32. How can you limit access to certain users while executing specific tasks on Azure Pipelines?

You can utilize Azure Active Directory (AD) groups to limit access to certain users while executing specific tasks on Azure Pipelines. By creating a distinct AD group for each task and assigning relevant users to these groups, access to the specific task is restricted solely to the corresponding group members. This approach enables fine-grained control over user permissions, ensuring that only authorized individuals can perform the designated tasks within Azure Pipelines.

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Let’s explore some of the top DevOps testing interview questions to enrich your understanding and skill set in Azure DevOps Testing: 

Image on the Azure DevOps Testing Interview Questions

33. What are the different types of testing that can be performed in Azure DevOps? How do you implement them?

Azure DevOps offers a comprehensive range of testing options to ensure the quality and reliability of software products. The different types of testing that can be performed in Azure DevOps include unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, and performance testing.

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses on validating the smallest code units, such as functions or methods, to ensure they work as expected. To implement unit testing in Azure DevOps, developers write unit tests using frameworks like MSTest or NUnit and integrate them into the build pipeline. 

Integration Testing

Integration testing verifies the interaction between various components of an application. A test environment is set up to implement integration testing in Azure DevOps, and integration tests are run during the deployment process. 

Functional Testing

Functional testing evaluates the application's functionality against the specified requirements. Azure DevOps Test Plans facilitate functional testing by enabling teams to create test plans and cases. 

Performance Testing

Performance testing assesses an application's responsiveness and stability under different workloads. Azure DevOps allows teams to integrate load-testing tools like Apache JMeter into their build and release pipelines. 

34. How to automate Testing in the DevOps lifecycle?

It is essential to follow the steps below to automate testing in the DevOps lifecycle: 

Understand the Importance: Test automation is crucial in the DevOps lifecycle as it enables continuous testing, which ensures high-quality software delivery at a fast pace, increases productivity, lowers costs, and reduces risks.

Choose Test Cases and Build Automation Flows: Map out your release pipeline by identifying its stages, gates, feedback mechanisms, and operational procedures. Gradually build automation flows, starting with simple and repetitive tests, and create independent, self-contained test cases.

Select the Right Automation Tool: Various test automation tools are available, including popular open-source options like Selenium. The chosen tool should be easy for testers, developers, operations personnel, and management, integrate seamlessly into your CI/CD pipeline, run on any infrastructure, require minimal maintenance, not rely on users to write code and have a short learning curve.

35. How can you integrate test automation with Azure DevOps, and which test frameworks does it support?

Integrating test automation with Azure DevOps is a great way to streamline your software development and testing processes. Azure DevOps provides a range of tools and services that can be used to implement automated testing, and it supports various test frameworks. Here's a general overview of the steps to integrate test automation with Azure DevOps and some of the test frameworks it supports:

Setting up Azure DevOps: If you haven't already, create an Azure DevOps organization and project.

Version Control Integration: Use Azure Repos to manage your source code, including test scripts.

Build Pipeline Configuration: Set up a build pipeline using Azure Pipelines. This pipeline will be responsible for building your code, running tests, and creating artifacts.

Test Automation Framework: Choose a test automation framework that suits your application and technology stack. Some popular test frameworks that Azure DevOps supports include:

Selenium: For web application testing.

JUnit: For Java unit testing.

NUnit: For .NET unit testing.

XUnit: For cross-platform unit testing.

MSTest: For Microsoft unit testing.

Cypress: For modern web application testing.

Postman: For API testing.

Appium: For mobile app testing.

Test Execution in the Build Pipeline: Within your Azure Pipelines build pipeline, add a test task that triggers the execution of your test automation suite using the selected test framework.

Reporting and Results: Configure the test task to generate test reports and publish the results in Azure DevOps.

Continuous Integration (CI) : Set up your build pipeline to trigger automatically on code commits, enabling Continuous Integration (CI) for your test automation.


Continuous Deployment (CD) : If you want to automate the deployment process, set up a release pipeline using Azure Pipelines to deploy your application to various environments automatically.

Monitoring and Alerting: Consider integrating your test automation with monitoring tools to detect and alert potential issues during the CI/CD process.

36. Explain the difference between manual testing and exploratory testing in Azure DevOps.

Manual Testing and Exploratory Testing are two distinct approaches to software testing in Azure DevOps. Manual Testing involves predefined test cases executed step-by-step by human testers to validate specific functionalities. It provides structured and predictable results, making it ideal for repetitive scenarios. On the other hand, Exploratory Testing is an unscripted approach where testers actively explore the application, learning on-the-fly and devising tests in response to what they discover. This dynamic approach allows for greater creativity and adaptability in finding defects and usability issues that predefined test cases might not cover. 

37. Explain pair programming with reference to DevOps.

Pair programming is a collaborative engineering practice within DevOps, following extreme programming rules. It entails two programmers working together on the same system, design, code, or algorithm. One acts as the driver, actively coding, while the other serves as the observer, providing continuous monitoring and problem identification. The roles can be switched without prior notice, fostering a dynamic and efficient development process.

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Most interviewers ask scenario-based interview questions to assess a candidate's problem-solving skills and practical knowledge in real-world scenarios related to the Azure DevOps platform and its various services. Check below these questions to evaluate how candidates approach challenges and make informed decisions in a professional environment.

Image on Azure DevOps Scenario-based questions

38. Suppose that you’re working as an Azure DevOps Engineer at a company. Your company is starting a new project which belongs to the financial domain and is tagged as a confidential project. You have been asked to choose a DevOps solution from the Azure platform which one you will choose and why?

It’s always better to opt for Azure DevOps Server instead of Azure DevOps Services for the financial domain's confidential project. This on-premises solution ensures data remains within the organization's network, enhancing security and confidentiality.

39. Imagine you are working as an Azure DevOps engineer at a company and your team has been working on a project for a year using Azure DevOps Server. Now, due to the organization's strategic decision, you need to migrate the project from Azure DevOps Server to Azure DevOps Service. Is it possible to transfer the existing items from Azure DevOps Server to Azure DevOps Service, and if so, what is the process to achieve this migration?

Yes, it is indeed possible to transfer the existing project from Azure DevOps Server to Azure DevOps Service. There are several methods to achieve this migration:

Method 1: Manual Migration

In this approach, you manually copy the source code, work items, and other artifacts from the on-premises Azure DevOps Server to the cloud-based Azure DevOps Service. This method can be suitable for smaller projects or when you want full control over the migration process. However, it may be time-consuming and error-prone for larger projects. For example, Let's say you have a small project with limited repositories, work items, and pipelines. You can manually clone the repositories from Azure DevOps Server to Azure DevOps Service using Git, export work items from Azure DevOps Server as CSV files, and then import them into Azure DevOps Service.

Method 2: Azure DevOps Migration Tool

Microsoft provides a dedicated migration tool called "Azure DevOps Migration Tools," which simplifies and automates the migration process. This tool supports migrating source code, work items, test cases, and other data from Azure DevOps Server to Azure DevOps Service. For instance, you can use the Azure DevOps Migration Tools for a medium to large-sized project to transfer source code and work items from the on-premises Azure DevOps Server to Azure DevOps Service. 

Method 3: Public API-based Tools

This approach involves public API-based migration tools offering higher fidelity migration capabilities. These tools allow more granular control over data migration and can be customized based on specific project requirements. For example, you can leverage public API-based tools if your project has complex data structures or requires advanced migration scenarios. These tools can handle more sophisticated data transformations and mappings, making them suitable for complex migration tasks.

40. Consider a situation where your project manager is pushing for the use of Microsoft hosted agents in Azure pipelines, whereas you believe that self-hosted agents would be a more suitable option. What are the underlying reasons driving your recommendation for self-hosted agents?

The recommendation for self-hosted agents is driven by greater control, faster build times, increased disk space, interactivity, and the ability to drop build artifacts to UNC file shares, which are limitations with Microsoft-hosted agents in Azure pipelines.

Check below the list of interview questions asked at top companies to possess a strong understanding of the concepts asked during DevOps interviews: 

Image for the DevOps interview questions asked at top companies

TCS Azure DevOps Interview Questions

Here is the list of most frequently asked interview questions at TCS: 

41. What is the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit()? 

Driver.quit() closes the entire browser session, including all associated windows. It's like making a grand exit from a party, shutting everything down.

Example: Imagine you are testing a web application with multiple open tabs and pop-ups. When the testing is complete, invoking driver.quit() will close all those open windows, effectively concluding the browsing session.

Driver.close() only closes the currently focused window. It's like saying goodbye to a person at the end of an event. However, if it's the only window open, it will throw an error. 

Example: During your automated testing, if multiple tabs open and you wish to close one particular tab without ending the entire browsing session, driver.close() will serve this purpose efficiently.

42. Describe the advantages of Forking Workflow over other Git workflows. 

The Forking Workflow provides advantages over other Git workflows by allowing contributors to push changes to their own repositories. This promotes collaboration, enhances security, and scales well for open-source projects with multiple contributors. The project maintainer retains control over the official repository, making integration more streamlined and organized.

43. What testing is necessary to ensure that a new service is ready for production? 

To ensure a new service is ready for production, the necessary testing includes unit testing, integration testing, system testing, performance testing, and user acceptance testing.

Azure DevOps Interview Questions Accenture

Here is the list of most frequently asked interview questions at Accenture: 

44. What is the difference between continuous deployment and continuous delivery?

Continuous delivery and deployment are both software engineering practices emphasizing frequent and efficient software releases. Continuous delivery involves developing, building, testing, and releasing software in short cycles. It ensures that the software is always in a deployable state, ready for release at any moment. On the other hand, continuous deployment takes this a step further by automatically deploying qualified changes to production without any human intervention. 

45. What are the benefits of using version control?

Version control offers several benefits for software development teams. It enables tracking each contributor's changes, which helps prevent conflicts resulting from concurrent work. This is particularly useful when multiple developers work on different parts of the software simultaneously, as changes made by one developer might be incompatible with those made by another. Moreover, it facilitates collaboration and enhances team productivity by streamlining the process of merging changes and managing the codebase efficiently. 

46. How do you handle the merge conflicts in Git?

To handle merge conflicts in Git, begin by opening the conflicted file and making the necessary adjustments. Once the edits are complete, use the 'git add' command to stage the merged content. Finally, create a new commit using 'git commit' to finalize the resolution process. 

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Infosys Azure DevOps Interview Questions

Here is the list of most frequently asked interview questions at Infosys: 

47. What is Git? Explain the difference between Git and SVN?

The choice between Git and SVN depends on the specific needs of a development team. Git's decentralized approach offers greater flexibility, speed, and offline capabilities, making it a preferred choice for many modern software projects. Conversely, SVN's centralized model may still have its merits in certain legacy environments, but its usage has become less prevalent in recent years.

48. What is SubGit?

SubGit is a stress-free migration tool that transfers repositories from SVN to Git. Compatible with various Git servers like Github, Gitlab, Gerrit, and Bitbucket, SubGit ensures a smooth transition without compromising data integrity. Developed by Tmate software, it streamlines the process of migrating from SVN to Git seamlessly.

49. What language is used in Git?

Git is not a programming language but a distributed version control system for tracking code repository changes. However, regarding the programming languages used in repositories hosted on GitHub, JavaScript remains the most popular, followed by Python, Java, and a growing TypeScript community. 

50. What is the difference between Jenkins and Azure DevOps? 

Jenkins and Azure DevOps are popular tools used in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) to automate software development processes. However, they have some key differences: 

Cracking a Microsoft Azure DevOps interview requires a combination of technical knowledge, practical experience, and effective communication skills. Here are three tips to help you succeed in your next Azure DevOps interview:

Tip 1: Master Azure DevOps Concepts and Tools 

The first key aspect to excel in your Microsoft Azure DevOps interview is to become proficient in Azure DevOps concepts and tools. It is essential to have a deep understanding of core components such as version control, continuous integration (CI), continuous deployment (CD), build pipelines, release pipelines, and more. Familiarize yourself with Azure DevOps tools like Azure Repos (Git), Azure Pipelines, Azure Boards, and Azure Test Plans. This knowledge will enable you to manage software development projects effectively, collaborate with teams, track progress, and ensure high-quality software delivery. A solid foundation in these concepts will significantly boost your confidence and performance during the interview.

Tip 2: Demonstrate Practical Experience

The second crucial aspect to ace your Microsoft Azure DevOps interview is to showcase practical experience in real-world scenarios. While theoretical knowledge is valuable, hands-on experience adds credibility to your skills. If you haven't had the opportunity to work on real-world projects, consider checking out ProjectPro Repository, which offers 270+ solved end-to-end project solutions based on data science and big data. Working on these projects will enhance your technical abilities and demonstrate your passion and dedication to the field. During the interview, be prepared to discuss your experiences, the challenges you encountered, and the solutions you implemented. Providing concrete examples of your practical experience will leave a lasting impression on the interviewers and set you apart from other candidates. 

Tip 3: Stay Updated with Azure DevOps Trends and Best Practices

As an essential concept for acing your Microsoft Azure DevOps interview, staying updated with the latest trends and best practices in the field is crucial. The technology landscape constantly evolves, and being aware of the most recent developments in Azure DevOps will showcase your enthusiasm and commitment to the industry. Follow reputable blogs, attend webinars, and explore official Microsoft resources to learn about new features, updates, and changes in Azure DevOps. Keeping yourself informed about the latest advancements will demonstrate your knowledge during the interview and prove your adaptability to emerging technologies and willingness to implement best practices in your work. 

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1. What is the CI CD pipeline in Azure interview questions?

CI/CD pipeline in Azure interview questions typically focus on assessing a candidate's understanding of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery/deployment (CD) concepts and their practical implementation using Azure DevOps. Interviewers may ask about setting up automated build processes, deploying applications, managing release pipelines, version control, and integration with other Azure services.

2. What are the most effective DevOps interview questions?

The most effective DevOps interview questions aim to evaluate a candidate's knowledge and experience in key areas such as infrastructure automation, configuration management, containerization, cloud computing, version control, CI/CD, monitoring, and collaboration. 

3. How do I prepare for a DevOps interview experience?

To prepare for a DevOps interview, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience is essential. This is because practical experience is highly valued in any interview. Thus, it is crucial to highlight relevant projects or achievements that demonstrate your ability to apply DevOps principles effectively in a real-world setting.

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About the Author

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Nishtha is a professional Technical Content Analyst at ProjectPro with over three years of experience in creating high-quality content for various industries. She holds a bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and is an expert in creating SEO-friendly blogs, website copies,

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DevOps Interview Questions (14 Questions + Answers) 

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DevOps is one of the hottest buzzwords in tech now, although it is much more than buzz. As a DevOps engineer, you’ll be responsible for smoothly operating a company's IT infrastructure. It is, after all, a collaboration between the development and operations teams, where they work together to deliver a product faster and more efficiently.

If you’re preparing for a DevOps job interview, here are some of the most common questions you’ll likely encounter. Learn the perfect response for each question to land your dream role.

1) What challenges exist when creating DevOps pipelines?

DevOps interview questions

Focus on common obstacles and how they can be addressed.

Consider aspects like tool integration, environment consistency, security concerns, and collaboration between development and operations teams.

Sample answer:

"One of the primary challenges in creating DevOps pipelines is ensuring seamless integration of various tools across the software development life cycle. Each tool, from code repositories to testing frameworks, needs to work in unison, which can be complex. Another challenge is maintaining consistency across different environments (development, testing, production), which is crucial for reliable deployment. Security is also a key concern, as pipelines must incorporate robust security measures to protect against vulnerabilities. Also, fostering effective collaboration between development and operations teams is essential to align goals and workflows. Overcoming these challenges requires a mix of technical expertise, clear communication, and continuous process improvement."

The response suggests an approach to overcome these challenges, demonstrating problem-solving skills. It shows an understanding of both the technical and interpersonal aspects involved in DevOps.

2) How do Containers communicate in Kubernetes?

When answering this question, focus on explaining Kubernetes' networking principles , the role of services, and how pods interact within the cluster.

"In Kubernetes, containers communicate using a flat, shared networking model where every Pod gets its own IP address. This means containers within a pod can communicate using localhost, as they share the same network namespace. For inter-pod communication across different nodes, Kubernetes maintains a single IP space. Services in Kubernetes play a crucial role in enabling communication between different pods. They provide a static IP address and DNS name by which pods can access each other, irrespective of the internal pod IPs, which might change over time. Kubernetes also supports network policies for controlling the communication between pods, ensuring security in the communication process."

This answer is effective because it covers key Kubernetes networking concepts, including pods, services, and network policies. It also focuses on important aspects a DevOps engineer should know, demonstrating relevant knowledge.

3) How do you restrict the communication between Kubernetes Pods?

Demonstrate your understanding of Kubernetes networking and security policies.

Your answer should showcase your practical knowledge in implementing these policies to manage pod-to-pod communication within a Kubernetes cluster.

"To restrict communication between Kubernetes pods, I use Network Policies. These are standard Kubernetes resources that define how pods can communicate with each other and other network endpoints. By default, pods are non-isolated; they accept traffic from any source. To enforce restrictions, I first ensure the Kubernetes cluster is using a network plugin that supports Network Policies.

For instance, if I want to allow traffic only from certain pods, I'd create a Network Policy that specifies the allowed pods through label selectors. This includes defining the ‘ podSelector’ to select the pods the policy applies to, and the ‘ ingress’ and ‘ egress’ rules to control the inbound and outbound traffic.

I also use namespaces to organize pods into groups, making it easier to manage their communication. By applying Network Policies at the namespace level, I can control which namespaces can communicate with each other, further enhancing security and network efficiency."

The answer shows a clear understanding of Network Policies and their role in Kubernetes.

It also provides a practical example of how to implement these policies.

4) What is a Virtual Private Cloud or VNet?

This question tests your knowledge of cloud infrastructure, particularly how network isolation and security are managed in the cloud. Your answer should reflect a clear understanding of cloud networking concepts.

"A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) or Virtual Network (VNet) is a logically isolated section of a public cloud that provides network isolation for cloud resources. It enables users to create a virtual network within the cloud, where they can launch and manage resources like virtual machines, databases, and applications.

The primary purpose of a VPC or VNet is to offer enhanced security and control over the cloud environment. Users can define their IP address range, create subnets, configure route tables, and set up network gateways. This setup allows for segmentation of the cloud environment, which is crucial for controlling access, ensuring data privacy, and complying with data governance standards.

VPCs or VNets also allow for the creation of a hybrid environment, where resources in the cloud can securely communicate with on-premises data centers, creating a seamless network infrastructure."

This answer covers the basic concept of VPC/VNet and their role in cloud environments. It also highlights the security and isolation aspects, which are key concerns in cloud networking.

5) How do you build a hybrid cloud?

Your answer should focus on the strategic approach, integration of public and private cloud environments, and ensuring seamless operation and security.

"To build a hybrid cloud, start by assessing the organization's requirements to determine which workloads are best suited for public vs. private clouds. Implement compatible technologies in both environments for seamless integration, like using the same stack or compatible APIs. Ensure network connectivity and security between these environments, often via VPNs or direct connections. Implementing a management layer for unified resource visibility and control is also crucial. This approach ensures scalability, flexibility, and security tailored to specific business needs."

This answer shows an understanding of both the technical and business aspects of hybrid cloud infrastructure. It highlights the importance of technology compatibility and secure network connections.

6) What is CNI, how does it work, and how is it used in Kubernetes?

Demonstrate your understanding of container networking and Kubernetes' architecture.

The Container Network Interface (CNI) is a key component in Kubernetes networking, so your answer should reflect knowledge of both its theoretical aspects and practical implementation.

"CNI, or Container Network Interface, is a specification and a set of tools used to configure network interfaces for Linux containers. In the context of Kubernetes, CNI is used to facilitate pod networking. It allows different networking providers to integrate their solutions with Kubernetes easily.

When a pod is created or deleted in Kubernetes, the kubelet process interacts with the CNI plugin. The CNI plugin is responsible for adding or removing the network interfaces to the container network namespace, configuring the network like IP allocation, setting up routes, and managing DNS settings. This process ensures that each pod in the Kubernetes cluster has a unique IP address and can communicate with other pods and services.

CNI plugins in Kubernetes offer flexibility in implementing various networking solutions, like Calico for network policies, Flannel for simple overlay networks, or Cilium for advanced security-oriented networking. This flexibility allows DevOps teams to choose a networking solution that best fits their requirements for performance, scalability, and security."

This response clearly explains what CNI is and its role in Kubernetes. It also Includes how CNI is used in real-world Kubernetes setups, enhancing the practical relevance of the answer.

7) How does Kubernetes orchestrate Containers?

Describe Kubernetes' container orchestration capabilities.

Your answer should demonstrate an understanding of Kubernetes' core functionalities, including scheduling, scaling, load balancing, and self-healing.

"Kubernetes orchestrates containers by automating their deployment, scaling, and operations. It organizes containers into 'Pods', which are the smallest deployable units in Kubernetes.

First, the Kubernetes scheduler assigns Pods to nodes based on resource requirements and constraints. This ensures optimal resource utilization and efficiency. Kubernetes also manages the scaling of applications through ReplicaSets or Deployments, automatically adjusting the number of Pods to meet demand.

Load balancing is another key aspect. Kubernetes automatically distributes network traffic among Pods to ensure stability and performance. Services and Ingress controllers are used to manage external and internal routing.

Kubernetes continuously monitors the state of Pods and nodes. If a Pod fails, it's automatically restarted or rescheduled by the controller manager. This self-healing mechanism ensures high availability and reliability of applications.

In summary, Kubernetes automates critical aspects of container management, making it easier to deploy and scale applications reliably and efficiently in a cloud-native environment."

The answer provides a comprehensive overview of Kubernetes' primary features. Mentioning specific Kubernetes components like Pods, ReplicaSets, and Services shows practical understanding.

8) What is the difference between orchestration and classic automation? What are some common orchestration solutions?

Focus on explaining how orchestration is a broader, more holistic approach compared to classic automation's task-specific nature. Then, illustrate this difference with examples of common orchestration solutions.

"Classic automation refers to automating individual tasks or scripts to replace manual work, such as configuring servers or deploying software. It's often script-based and focuses on specific, repetitive tasks in isolation.

Orchestration, on the other hand, involves coordinating and managing these automated tasks and services across complex environments and workflows. It's about how these automated tasks interact and integrate to achieve broader business goals, ensuring that the entire IT infrastructure operates cohesively.

For instance, in a cloud environment, orchestration might involve automatically scaling resources based on demand, managing container lifecycles, and ensuring different services communicate effectively, all aligned with the overall application architecture.

Common orchestration solutions include Kubernetes, which is widely used for container orchestration, automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Another example is Terraform, which is used for infrastructure as code, allowing the definition and provisioning of infrastructure across various cloud providers. These solutions demonstrate orchestration's role in managing complex, dynamic systems rather than just automating individual tasks."

This is a great response. By mentioning Kubernetes and Terraform, you’re providing real-world examples of orchestration tools, making the answer more relatable and practical.

9) What is the difference between CI and CD?

It's crucial to highlight how each practice contributes to the overall software development lifecycle, focusing on their unique roles and objectives.

"Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are both crucial practices in DevOps, but they serve different purposes in the software development process.

CI is about integrating code changes into a shared repository frequently, ideally several times a day. Each integration is verified by automated build and tests to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. The main goal of CI is to provide rapid feedback on the software's quality and to ensure that the codebase remains in a releasable state after each integration.

CD, on the other hand, extends CI by ensuring that the software can be released to production at any time. It involves automatically deploying all code changes to a testing or production environment after the build stage. CD ensures that the codebase is not only buildable but also deployable, which includes automated testing, configuration changes, and provisioning necessary for a successful deployment.

In summary, while CI focuses on the consistent and automated integration of code changes, CD encompasses the additional steps required to get that code into a releasable state, automating the delivery of applications to selected infrastructure environments."

The answer clearly differentiates the roles and goals of CI and CD in the software development process. It emphasizes the automation aspect of both practices, which is a key element in DevOps.

10) Describe some deployment patterns

Focus on explaining a few common patterns, their purposes, and when they might be used. This demonstrates your knowledge of various deployment strategies and their applications in different scenarios.

"In DevOps, deployment patterns are strategies used to update applications in production. Key patterns include:

Blue-Green Deployment: This involves two identical environments: Blue (active production) and Green (new version). Once the Green environment is tested and ready, traffic is switched from Blue to Green. If issues arise, you can quickly revert to Blue, minimizing downtime and risk.

Canary Releases: Instead of releasing the new version to all users at once, it's rolled out to a small group of users first. Based on feedback and performance, the release is gradually expanded to more users. This pattern is useful for testing new features with a subset of users before a full rollout.

Rolling Update: This pattern updates application instances incrementally rather than simultaneously. It's suitable for large, distributed applications where you want to update a few instances at a time to ensure service availability and reduce risk.

Feature Toggles: This involves deploying a new feature hidden behind a toggle or switch. It allows features to be tested in production without exposing them to all users. Once ready, the feature can be enabled for everyone.

Each pattern has its strengths and is chosen based on factors like risk tolerance, infrastructure setup, and application architecture."

This response provides a variety of deployment patterns, showing breadth of knowledge.

It explains when and why each pattern is used, demonstrating practical understanding.

11) [AWS] How do you set up a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?

It's important to outline the key steps in creating a VPC in AWS, demonstrating your practical knowledge of AWS networking and VPC configuration.

"Setting up a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in AWS involves several key steps:

Create the VPC: Start by creating a VPC in the AWS Management Console, specifying the IPv4 CIDR block which defines the IP address range for the VPC.

Set up Subnets: Within the VPC, create subnets, which are segments of the VPC's IP address range. Subnets can be public or private, depending on whether they have direct access to the Internet. Assign each subnet a specific CIDR block.

Configure Route Tables: Route tables define rules to determine where network traffic from your subnets is directed. Modify the default route table or create new ones as needed, ensuring proper routing for each subnet.

Create Internet Gateway (IGW): For public subnets, attach an Internet Gateway to your VPC to allow communication between instances in your VPC and the Internet.

Set up Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) and Security Groups: Configure NACLs and Security Groups to control inbound and outbound traffic at the subnet and instance levels, respectively.

Optionally, Configure a NAT Gateway/Instance: For private subnets, set up a NAT Gateway or a NAT instance to enable instances in these subnets to initiate outbound traffic to the Internet or other AWS services while remaining private.

This setup provides a secure, customizable network in AWS that can be tailored to specific application needs."

The answer is tailored to AWS and is well-organized, outlining each step in the VPC setup process. It also covers all essential components of a VPC, from subnet creation to security.

12) Describe IaC and configuration management

Focus on explaining the concepts clearly and differentiating between the two. Highlight how both contribute to efficient and consistent management of IT infrastructure.

"IaC, or Infrastructure as Code, is the practice of managing and provisioning infrastructure through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools. This approach allows for the automation of infrastructure setup, ensuring that environments are repeatable, consistent, and can be rapidly deployed or scaled. Tools like Terraform and AWS CloudFormation are common for implementing IaC, allowing for the definition and provisioning of a wide range of infrastructure components across various cloud providers.

Configuration management, while related, focuses more on maintaining and managing the state of system resources - like software installations, server configurations, and policies - over their lifecycle. It ensures that systems are in a desired, consistent state. Tools such as Ansible, Puppet, and Chef automate the configuration and management of servers, ensuring that the settings and software on those servers are as per predefined configurations and policies.

While both practices automate key aspects of IT operations, IaC is more about setting up the underlying infrastructure, whereas configuration management is about maintaining the desired state of that infrastructure over time."

The answer effectively distinguishes between IaC and configuration management, providing clarity on their distinct roles Mentioning tools like Terraform, Ansible, and Puppet provides practical context.

13) How do you design a self-healing distributed service?

Focus on the key principles of building resilience and redundancy into the system.

Your answer should demonstrate an understanding of fault tolerance, load balancing, monitoring, and automated recovery processes.

"Designing a self-healing distributed service involves several key strategies to ensure reliability and resilience.

Firstly, implement redundancy at all levels - from databases to application servers and load balancers. This ensures that if one component fails, others can take over without impacting the service.

Secondly, use load balancing to distribute traffic evenly across servers. This not only optimizes resource utilization but also provides failover capabilities in case a server goes down.

Monitoring is crucial. Implement comprehensive monitoring to detect issues proactively. This includes monitoring system performance, application health, and user traffic patterns. Tools like Prometheus for metrics collection and alerting, and ELK Stack for logs analysis, are essential.

Automation is the cornerstone of self-healing. Set up automated processes for common recovery scenarios. For instance, if a server crashes, an orchestration tool like Kubernetes can automatically spin up a new instance to replace it.

Lastly, design for failure by regularly testing the system's ability to recover from faults. This could involve practices like chaos engineering, where you intentionally introduce failures to test the system's resilience.

This response covers all key aspects of self-healing systems, including redundancy, load balancing, monitoring, automation, and failure testing. References to tools like Prometheus, ELK Stack, and Kubernetes provide practical examples.

14) Describe a centralized logging solution

When answering this question, you should focus on explaining the concept of a centralized logging solution, its benefits, and a general overview of how it's implemented.

"A centralized logging solution in DevOps is a system that aggregates logs from various sources within an IT environment into a single location. This approach enables efficient log data analysis, monitoring, and troubleshooting. It involves collecting logs from servers, applications, and network devices, often using agents or log forwarders. These logs are then sent to a central log management system, where they are stored, indexed, and analyzed. Tools like ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Splunk are commonly used for this purpose. Centralized logging helps in identifying patterns, diagnosing issues, and providing insights into system performance. It's also crucial for compliance and security auditing."

This answer is effective because it clearly explains what a centralized logging solution is, briefly outlines how it's set up, and includes examples of popular tools, demonstrating practical knowledge.

What to wear to a DevOps job interview to get hired

For your DevOps interview attire, it's a good idea to aim for a balance between formal and casual. A suit without a tie can be a great choice.

It's formal enough for those who prefer a traditional look, yet the open collar adds a touch of casualness. This outfit would not be out of place in a variety of settings, from a professional meeting to a nice bar.

Another approach is to pair a dress shirt with jeans and a sports coat. This combination works well because it's adaptable. In a more formal setting, the sports coat keeps you appropriately dressed. If the environment is more relaxed, you can simply remove the coat and roll up your sleeves to fit in comfortably.

Even if you're interviewing at a workplace where the usual dress code is very casual, like a t-shirt and jeans, it's still beneficial to dress slightly nicer for your interview. It shows that you've put in effort and are considerate about making a good impression.

But, keep in mind that dressing similarly to the company's everyday attire won't typically count against you. It's more about showing that you've thoughtfully prepared for the interview.

What to expect from a DevOps job interview

When you're preparing for a DevOps interview, it's helpful to understand how interviewers typically approach these sessions. The interviewer's goal is often to create a comfortable environment where you can showcase your skills and experiences effectively.

Remember, they want you to succeed and are not focused on minor hiccups like stammering.

Start by confidently discussing your experiences with DevOps environments, tooling, processes, and team dynamics. This not only serves as a good ice breaker but also gives the interviewer insights into your background.

Be prepared to dive deeper into these topics as they might use this information to understand your personal contributions and how you handle various situations.

If you find it easier to explain concepts visually, don't hesitate to use whiteboarding to illustrate your points. This can be a great way to demonstrate your thought process and problem-solving skills.

However, keep in mind that many interviewers, especially in DevOps roles, might not ask for take-home tests or coding exercises. They're more interested in a conversation that reveals your practical knowledge and how you apply it in real-world scenarios. So, focus on articulating your experiences and skills during the discussion.

The DevOps interview process can vary from company to company, but generally, it involves a combination of technical and behavioral assessments.

Here are some of the typical steps in a DevOps interview process:

Initial screening: The first step is usually a phone or video call with a recruiter or hiring manager to discuss the candidate's experience, skills, and qualifications.

Technical assessment: This step typically involves a technical assessment to evaluate the candidate's knowledge of DevOps concepts and tools. This may involve a coding challenge, a technical test, or a whiteboard session to discuss solutions to specific technical problems.

Cultural fit: Companies often look for candidates who align with their culture and values. This step may involve a behavioral interview to assess the candidate's communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

Team interviews: The candidate may be invited to interview with other members of the DevOps team to evaluate their ability to work effectively in a team environment.

Final interview: The final interview is often conducted with a senior member of the DevOps team or the hiring manager to make a final determination on the candidate's fit with the team and the company.

Understanding the interviewer’s point of view

During a DevOps job interview, interviewers typically look for a combination of technical skills, cultural fit, and certain key traits that are crucial for success in a DevOps environment.

Here are some of the key traits they often seek:

Technical Expertise: A strong understanding of tools and technologies used in DevOps, such as version control systems (like Git), CI/CD tools (like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD), containerization (Docker, Kubernetes), cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP), and infrastructure as code (Terraform, Ansible).

Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to troubleshoot and solve complex problems efficiently. DevOps often involves addressing unexpected issues and finding innovative solutions.

Collaboration and Communication: Since DevOps emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams, strong interpersonal and communication skills are crucial. You should be able to work effectively in a team, share information clearly, and understand others' perspectives.

Adaptability and Continuous Learning: The tech field, especially DevOps, is always evolving. The willingness and ability to continuously learn and adapt to new tools, technologies, and practices are highly valued.

Automation Mindset: A key aspect of DevOps is the automation of manual processes to improve efficiency and reliability. Demonstrating an understanding and inclination towards automation is important.

Understanding of the Full Software Lifecycle: Knowledge of the entire process from development, QA, and deployment, to operations and maintenance. This holistic understanding is crucial in a DevOps role.

System Thinking and Big Picture Orientation: The ability to understand how different parts of the IT infrastructure interact and impact each other, while keeping the broader objectives and end-goals in view.

These traits not only show your capability as a DevOps professional but also indicate your potential for growth and contribution to the organization's DevOps journey. Good luck!

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20 Interview Questions Every Devops Lead Should Be Prepared For

Common Devops Lead interview questions, how to answer them, and sample answers from a certified career coach.

problem solving interview questions devops

Congratulations! You’ve gotten an interview for a DevOps Lead position. Now you just have to impress the hiring manager and ace the interview. But how?

When it comes to interviews, preparation is key. Knowing what questions are likely to be asked can help give you confidence in your answers. To help with your prep, we’ve compiled some of the most common DevOps Lead interview questions—along with tips on how to answer them. Read on and get ready to succeed!

  • What experience do you have with developing and implementing DevOps processes?
  • Describe your experience with automating software deployments and infrastructure management.
  • How do you ensure that the development, testing, and production environments are consistent across teams?
  • Explain how you would go about setting up a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.
  • What strategies do you use to monitor system performance and identify potential issues before they become problems?
  • Are you familiar with containerization technologies such as Docker or Kubernetes?
  • How do you handle security concerns when deploying applications in the cloud?
  • What is your experience with scripting languages such as Bash or Python?
  • How do you approach troubleshooting complex technical issues?
  • What strategies do you use to keep up with the latest trends in DevOps?
  • Do you have any experience working with version control systems such as Git or Subversion?
  • What methods do you use to ensure that code changes are tested thoroughly before being deployed?
  • How do you manage communication between different teams within an organization?
  • What techniques do you use to optimize application performance?
  • How do you handle conflicts between developers and operations staff?
  • What strategies do you use to ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed of progress on projects?
  • What tools do you use for logging and monitoring system activity?
  • How do you ensure that data privacy and security requirements are met when deploying applications?
  • What steps do you take to ensure that applications are scalable and can handle increased traffic?
  • Describe your experience with developing automated tests for applications.

1. What experience do you have with developing and implementing DevOps processes?

DevOps is an important part of many organizations, and the lead DevOps engineer is a critical role. To ensure they hire the right person, interviewers need to know what experience you have in the field and how you can help them build, maintain, and improve their DevOps processes. This experience could include automating processes, developing pipelines, or managing deployments.

How to Answer:

Start by talking about the experience you have in developing and implementing DevOps processes. What projects have you worked on? How did you automate processes or develop pipelines? Have you ever managed deployments? Be sure to provide concrete examples of your successes as well as any challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Additionally, be prepared to talk about how you would approach a new project, what tools you think are important for successful DevOps implementation, and how you stay up-to-date with changes in the industry.

Example: “I have extensive experience in developing and implementing DevOps processes. In my current role, I am responsible for automating our build and deployment process using Jenkins and Docker. I also manage the entire CI/CD pipeline from development to production. I have successfully implemented a number of DevOps best practices such as version control, continuous integration, automated testing, and release management. Additionally, I stay up-to-date with industry trends and technologies by attending conferences and reading blogs and articles.”

2. Describe your experience with automating software deployments and infrastructure management.

Automation and infrastructure management are two of the most important aspects of a DevOps lead’s job. By asking this question, the interviewer wants to know what types of challenges you’ve faced and how you solved them. They’ll want to understand your technical expertise and how you approach solving problems. This question can also give them insight into your problem-solving skills and how you work with other teams.

The best way to answer this question is to give a few examples of processes you’ve developed and implemented. Talk about the challenges you faced, how you overcame them, and what the end result was. You can also talk about any automation tools or frameworks you’ve used in the past and how they helped streamline your DevOps process. Finally, be sure to mention any successes you’ve had with implementing DevOps processes and how it improved the organization’s overall efficiency.

Example: “I have extensive experience automating software deployments and infrastructure management. I’ve used a variety of tools such as Ansible, Jenkins, and Puppet to streamline the process of deploying code and managing systems. I also wrote custom scripts for specific tasks that weren’t covered by existing automation tools. I was able to reduce deployment times from hours to minutes, which allowed us to quickly roll out new features and bug fixes. Additionally, I implemented an automated monitoring system that alerted me whenever there were issues with our servers or applications so that we could address them before they impacted customers. Overall, my work improved the reliability and scalability of our infrastructure.”

3. How do you ensure that the development, testing, and production environments are consistent across teams?

As a DevOps lead, you’ll be responsible for helping teams maintain consistency across production, development, and testing environments. This is a critical part of the job, as any discrepancies between environments can cause major problems in the long run. Your interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of this task and have the skills necessary to ensure that the environments remain consistent.

Your answer should focus on the steps you take to ensure that all environments remain consistent. You can talk about how you use automation tools, such as Puppet and Chef, to help keep the environments in sync. Additionally, you can discuss your experience with version control systems like Git or Subversion to track changes between environments. Finally, emphasize any processes you’ve implemented to monitor the environment for discrepancies and address them quickly.

Example: “I have extensive experience with automation tools like Puppet and Chef, which I use to maintain the consistency of our development, testing, and production environments. Additionally, I leverage version control systems such as Git or Subversion to track changes between these environments. This allows me to quickly identify any discrepancies that may occur over time. Finally, I’ve implemented a process for regularly monitoring the environment to ensure it remains consistent across teams.”

4. Explain how you would go about setting up a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

CI/CD pipelines are a critical component of the DevOps toolchain and a necessary part of any DevOps team. This question allows the interviewer to evaluate your knowledge of the DevOps process and your understanding of automation and the technologies involved in setting up a CI/CD pipeline. It also allows the interviewer to get a sense of your problem-solving skills and how you approach complex tasks.

Start by explaining the basic components of a CI/CD pipeline, such as source control, build automation, testing tools, and deployment automation. Then explain how you would go about setting up each component, including which technologies you would use for each step. Finally, discuss any challenges you might face in setting up a CI/CD pipeline and how you would address those challenges.

Example: “To set up a CI/CD pipeline, I would first identify the source control system to be used. This could be either Git or Subversion, depending on the team’s preference. Next, I would configure an automated build process using Jenkins or another similar tool. After that, I would integrate testing tools such as Selenium and JUnit into the build process to ensure code quality. Finally, I would create scripts to automate deployments to production environments. All of these steps can be challenging, but I have experience with these technologies and am confident in my ability to set up a reliable CI/CD pipeline.”

5. What strategies do you use to monitor system performance and identify potential issues before they become problems?

DevOps leads are responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning of IT systems. Monitoring system performance and proactively addressing possible issues is a key part of that role. The interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of staying ahead of problems, and that you have a plan for how to do it.

Your answer should include the strategies you use to monitor system performance and identify potential issues. Some of these might include using log files, monitoring application metrics, setting up alerts for key indicators, or running regular tests on system components. You can also discuss any automated tools or processes that you have implemented to help with this task. Finally, make sure to mention how you would respond if an issue is identified. This will show the interviewer that you are prepared to handle any potential problems.

Example: “My approach to monitoring system performance and identifying potential issues involves a combination of automated tools and manual processes. I use log files, application metrics, and key indicators to set up alerts that will notify me when something is amiss. In addition, I run regular tests on system components to make sure everything is running smoothly. If an issue is identified, I take immediate action to resolve it as quickly as possible. This includes troubleshooting the root cause of the problem and implementing preventative measures to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

6. Are you familiar with containerization technologies such as Docker or Kubernetes?

DevOps is an ever-changing landscape and new technologies are emerging all the time. The interviewer wants to know that you’ve kept up with the latest trends and are familiar with the most popular tools and technologies. They’ll want to know if you’ve used them in a production environment, and how you’ve been able to automate processes to increase efficiency.

Talk about the containerization technologies you’ve used, such as Docker or Kubernetes. Explain how you’ve been able to use them in production environments and what types of processes you automated using these tools. If you don’t have experience with a particular technology, explain that you understand what it is and why it’s important, and then talk about similar technologies you do have experience with.

Example: “I have extensive experience with containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes. I’ve used them in production environments to automate processes, including the deployment of applications, monitoring of containers, and scaling up or down resources as needed. I’m also familiar with similar technologies like AWS ECS and Azure Container Service for managing distributed applications. I understand their importance for DevOps teams and am confident that I can leverage my experience to help your team succeed.”

7. How do you handle security concerns when deploying applications in the cloud?

Security is a top priority for any organization, especially when it comes to the cloud. DevOps leads must be able to understand and articulate the security risks associated with deploying applications in the cloud. They must also be able to explain how they plan to mitigate those risks. This question is designed to gauge a candidate’s knowledge of security best practices and their ability to implement them.

The best way to answer this question is by discussing the specific security measures you have used in the past. For example, you could talk about how you use encryption for data at rest and in transit; how you set up firewalls to protect against malicious traffic; or how you utilize identity and access management (IAM) tools to control user access to cloud resources. Additionally, it’s important to emphasize that you actively monitor your applications and infrastructure for any potential security issues. Finally, be sure to mention any certifications or training courses you have completed related to cloud security.

Example: “When deploying applications in the cloud, security is always my top priority. I always start by encrypting data at rest and in transit with industry-standard encryption protocols. I also set up firewalls to protect against malicious traffic and utilize identity and access management (IAM) tools to control user access to cloud resources. Additionally, I actively monitor my applications and infrastructure for any potential security issues. Finally, I’m certified in both AWS Security and Google Cloud Platform Security, which gives me a deep understanding of best practices when it comes to cloud security.”

8. What is your experience with scripting languages such as Bash or Python?

Devops requires a great deal of automation to streamline processes, and scripting languages are essential for automating tasks. An interviewer is looking to see if you have the necessary experience with scripting languages to be a successful Devops Lead. They’ll also want to know if you have any experience with other automation tools such as Ansible, Chef, or Puppet.

Be prepared to discuss your experience with scripting languages such as Bash or Python. Talk about any projects you’ve worked on that involved automation and how you used scripting languages to get the job done. If you don’t have a lot of experience, talk about what you know so far and why you’re excited to learn more. You can also mention any other automation tools you’re familiar with, such as Ansible, Chef, or Puppet.

Example: “I have extensive experience with scripting languages such as Bash and Python. I’ve used them to automate tasks such as setting up and maintaining servers, deploying code, and creating deployment pipelines. I’m also familiar with automation tools such as Ansible, Chef, and Puppet, and I’m always looking for new ways to improve our workflow. I’m confident that I can use my skills to help your organization become more efficient and effective.”

9. How do you approach troubleshooting complex technical issues?

DevOps Leads are expected to have a deep knowledge of systems and processes, and be able to quickly identify, diagnose, and solve complex technical issues. This question allows the interviewer to assess your technical expertise, as well as understand how you approach problem-solving. They’ll want to know what steps you take when troubleshooting, and how you prioritize tasks when faced with multiple issues.

The best way to answer this question is to walk the interviewer through a specific example of how you approached and solved an issue. This will give them insight into your problem-solving process, as well as demonstrate your technical skills. Be sure to explain each step in detail, including what tools or techniques you used, as well as any research you conducted. Also emphasize any successes or achievements that resulted from your troubleshooting efforts.

Example: “When I’m confronted with a complex technical issue, I like to start by breaking the problem down into smaller, more manageable parts. I then prioritize the tasks and use my technical knowledge and experience to determine the most efficient way to troubleshoot the issue. For example, when I was recently faced with a server issue, I first identified the root cause and then used a combination of logs and other debugging tools to diagnose the issue. I was able to resolve the issue in a timely and cost-effective manner, saving the company time and money.”

10. What strategies do you use to keep up with the latest trends in DevOps?

DevOps is an ever-evolving field, with new technologies and processes being developed, tested, and implemented all the time. To stay ahead of the curve, DevOps leads must be able to keep up with the latest trends and be able to implement them into their work. The interviewer wants to make sure you can do just that.

To answer this question effectively, you should be able to demonstrate your commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest trends in DevOps. You can talk about how you actively read industry blogs, follow DevOps experts on social media, attend conferences and seminars, or participate in online forums such as Stack Overflow. Additionally, if you have any certifications or memberships that show your dedication to keeping up with the latest DevOps trends, make sure to include them in your response.

Example: “I make it a priority to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in DevOps. I actively read industry blogs and follow DevOps experts on social media to stay informed. I also attend conferences and seminars to hear from experts firsthand, and I’m an active member of the DevOps Institute, which keeps me in the know about the latest trends and best practices. I also contribute to online forums such as Stack Overflow to help others learn more about DevOps and to stay connected with the community.”

11. Do you have any experience working with version control systems such as Git or Subversion?

Version control systems are necessary for any DevOps team. This question is to understand if the applicant has the necessary knowledge and experience to work with the version control system that the company uses. It is also useful to assess the applicant’s understanding of the DevOps workflow and how version control systems fit into it.

The best way to answer this question is to be honest and explain your experience with version control systems. If you have used them before, provide an example of how you have used it in a past project or job. If you don’t have any experience, explain why you believe that you will be able to quickly learn the necessary skills and how you plan to do so. You can also mention if you have ever taken courses related to version control systems or read up on them.

Example: “Yes, I have worked with version control systems such as Git and Subversion. I have used them for a variety of projects, including creating and maintaining software applications. I am also familiar with the DevOps workflow and how version control systems fit into it. I have taken courses related to version control systems and have read up on best practices for using them. I believe I can quickly learn any new version control system that the company uses and am confident that I can use it effectively.”

12. What methods do you use to ensure that code changes are tested thoroughly before being deployed?

DevOps leads need to be able to ensure that any code changes are tested and ready for production use. They want to know that you are aware of the importance of thorough testing and that you have processes in place to ensure that any code changes are properly tested before being deployed. This question is an opportunity to show the interviewer that you understand the importance of testing and that you have the experience to make sure that code changes are properly tested.

Start by outlining the testing process that you use. This should include unit tests, integration tests, and system tests to ensure that code changes are thoroughly tested before being deployed. Explain how you work with developers to make sure that their code is properly tested, and talk about any tools or processes that you employ to help automate the testing process. Finally, discuss any methods that you have used in the past to identify issues with code changes prior to deployment.

Example: “I use a combination of manual and automated tests to ensure that code changes are thoroughly tested before being deployed. I start with unit tests, which are designed to test individual components of the code. I then move on to integration tests, which are used to ensure that different components of the code are working together properly. Finally, I use system tests to confirm that the code behaves as expected in a production environment. I also work closely with developers to ensure that their code is properly tested and that any issues are identified prior to deployment. I use a variety of tools to automate the testing process, and I have experience using automated code review tools to identify any potential issues with code changes prior to deployment.”

13. How do you manage communication between different teams within an organization?

As a DevOps Lead, communication is key. You will be the bridge between the development, operations, and other teams, so you need to have a solid understanding of how to effectively communicate between different departments. You will also need to be able to explain complex technical concepts to those who may not have technical backgrounds. This question helps assess your communication skills and your ability to understand the different needs of different teams.

You should explain how you have managed communication between different teams in the past. Talk about how you identified common goals and then worked with each team to develop a strategy for achieving them. You can also discuss how you used various tools, like Slack or Microsoft Teams, to facilitate communication between teams. Additionally, emphasize your ability to clearly communicate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.

Example: “I have a strong track record of managing communication between different teams within an organization. I understand that each team has its own needs and goals, so I take the time to get to know each team and understand how they work. I then develop a strategy to ensure that all teams are working towards the same goal. I also use tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to facilitate communication between teams. I’m also able to explain complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders in a way that is easy to understand.”

14. What techniques do you use to optimize application performance?

This question is designed to test a candidate’s ability to identify and address potential performance issues. As a DevOps Lead, you’ll be responsible for making sure applications run smoothly and quickly, so the interviewer is looking to see how well you understand how to troubleshoot and optimize performance.

To answer this question, you’ll want to focus on the techniques and tools you use to ensure optimal performance. For example, you might mention monitoring application metrics such as latency, CPU utilization, memory usage, etc., using profiling tools like New Relic or AppDynamics, and implementing caching strategies to reduce load times. You should also highlight any specific optimization techniques you’ve used in the past that have improved performance.

Example: “My approach to optimizing application performance is multifaceted. I start by monitoring application metrics, such as latency and memory usage, using performance profiling tools like New Relic and AppDynamics. I also implement caching strategies, such as object caching, to reduce the load times of web applications. I’ve also had success in the past with optimizing code and query performance by refactoring code and implementing query optimization techniques like indexing and query plan analysis. I’m constantly evaluating new technologies and strategies to ensure that applications are running as efficiently as possible.”

15. How do you handle conflicts between developers and operations staff?

The DevOps Lead role requires you to bridge the gap between the development and operations teams. This means you have to have the ability to resolve conflicts that may arise between the two teams. You need to be able to communicate both teams’ concerns and needs to each other, while also making sure that the project is completed on time and to the highest quality. This question will help the interviewer understand how you handle difficult situations and how you can ensure that both teams are working together effectively.

You should explain the steps you would take to resolve conflicts between the two teams. You could talk about how you would first listen to both sides of the story and understand their concerns, then work on finding a solution that is beneficial for both parties. You can also mention any techniques or methods you have used in the past to facilitate cooperation between developers and operations staff. Finally, emphasize your ability to remain calm and level-headed when resolving conflicts and demonstrate your commitment to ensuring that projects are completed successfully.

Example: “When conflicts arise between developers and operations staff, I first take the time to listen to both sides and understand their points of view. I then work on finding a solution that is beneficial to both parties. I believe in open communication and collaboration between the two teams, and I have experience in facilitating conversations between them to ensure that projects are completed on time and to the highest quality. I’m also experienced in managing difficult conversations and remaining calm and level-headed when resolving conflicts. My ultimate goal is to ensure that projects are completed successfully and that both teams are working together effectively.”

16. What strategies do you use to ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed of progress on projects?

Working in DevOps requires coordination between multiple stakeholders, from development and engineering teams to business and operations teams. To be successful in this role, you need to be able to keep all of these stakeholders informed of the project’s progress and be able to anticipate and address any issues that may arise. You need to show that you have a clear and organized plan for managing the communication between stakeholders.

Your answer should focus on how you plan to keep stakeholders informed of progress and any changes in the project. You can talk about how you will use different channels, such as email updates, weekly status reports, or video conferences, to ensure that everyone is kept up-to-date. Additionally, you can discuss how you will proactively reach out to stakeholders to ask for feedback and address any questions they may have. Finally, you can also mention how you will track progress and document decisions made throughout the project so that everyone is aware of the current state of the project.

Example: “I use a combination of strategies to ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed of progress on projects. I will use email updates and weekly status reports to keep everyone up-to-date on the progress of the project. Additionally, I will proactively reach out to stakeholders to ask for feedback and address any questions they may have. I also use video conferencing to hold regular meetings with stakeholders to review project progress and discuss any changes that need to be made. Finally, I will track progress and document decisions made throughout the project so that everyone is aware of the current state of the project.”

17. What tools do you use for logging and monitoring system activity?

DevOps leads are expected to be well-versed in the tools and technologies available to them to keep their systems running smoothly. They need to know both the basics, like log files, and more advanced tools, like automated monitoring systems. This question will help them understand what kind of DevOps lead you are and how prepared you are to take on the role.

This question is best answered by giving a list of the tools you use for logging and monitoring system activity. Talk about your experience with each tool, how it helps you perform your job better, and any additional features or benefits that make it stand out from other tools. Be sure to include both open-source and commercial solutions in your answer. For example, you might mention popular log management tools like Splunk, ELK Stack, or Loggly, as well as automated monitoring systems such as Nagios, Zabbix, or Sensu.

Example: “I use a variety of tools for logging and monitoring system activity. For log management, I use Splunk, ELK Stack, and Loggly. These tools are great for collecting and analyzing log data, which helps me quickly identify and troubleshoot system issues. For automated monitoring, I use Nagios, Zabbix, and Sensu. These tools allow me to set up alerts and notifications for system events, so I can be proactive in addressing any potential problems. I also have experience with open-source solutions like Prometheus and Grafana, which I find to be great for visualizing system metrics and performance data.”

18. How do you ensure that data privacy and security requirements are met when deploying applications?

DevOps is increasingly becoming a security-focused role, and DevOps leads are expected to ensure the security of applications and systems before and after deployment. This question allows the interviewer to gauge your understanding of security best practices and protocols and your ability to work with stakeholders to ensure all requirements are met.

To answer this question, start by discussing the security protocols and best practices you have implemented in the past. This could include things like encryption of sensitive data, regular vulnerability testing, or adherence to industry standards such as PCI DSS or HIPAA. If you’ve worked with stakeholders to ensure that all requirements are met, talk about how you did it—for example, what processes you used to communicate with stakeholders and get their input on security needs. Finally, emphasize your commitment to ensuring the privacy and security of applications at all times.

Example: “I always ensure that data privacy and security requirements are met when deploying applications. I have a strong understanding of security best practices, and I’m familiar with industry standards such as PCI DSS and HIPAA. I also stay up to date on the latest security trends and developments. When working with stakeholders, I use a structured process to ensure that their requirements are met. This includes regular meetings and check-ins, as well as documentation of any changes or updates. I’m committed to ensuring the privacy and security of applications at all times and take a proactive approach to security.”

19. What steps do you take to ensure that applications are scalable and can handle increased traffic?

DevOps is all about making sure that applications are running smoothly and efficiently at all times, even when they’re under pressure. In this interview question, the interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of scalability and have the experience to back it up. They’ll want to hear about any strategies you might have implemented in the past, as well as how you tested that those strategies were successful.

Start by talking about the strategies you’ve implemented in the past to ensure scalability. This could include things like load testing, automated scaling, or performance monitoring. Then, talk about how you tested these strategies and what results you saw. Lastly, explain how you would go about implementing similar strategies for the company you are interviewing with. Be sure to mention any tools or technologies that you have experience working with that might be useful in this situation.

Example: “To ensure that applications are scalable and able to handle increased traffic, I typically start by conducting load tests to identify any potential bottlenecks. I also use automated scaling to ensure that resources are automatically added or removed from the system as needed. Lastly, I use performance monitoring tools to continuously monitor the application and alert me if there are any potential issues. I have experience working with a variety of tools and technologies, such as Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Grafana, that can be used to help ensure scalability. I’d be happy to discuss my experience with these tools in more detail.”

20. Describe your experience with developing automated tests for applications.

Automated testing is a crucial part of developing reliable applications, and DevOps Leads need to be well-versed in the process. This question will help the interviewer understand the candidate’s experience and knowledge of the automated testing process, from creating test plans and scripts to evaluating results and debugging. It will also reveal the candidate’s ability to create and maintain tests that accurately reflect the application’s current and future state.

Talk about your experience with designing and implementing automated tests for applications. Describe the tools you’ve used, any challenges you encountered during development, and how you overcame them. Highlight any successes you had in improving test coverage or reducing manual testing time. If you have experience leading a team of testers, talk about how you delegated tasks to ensure that all areas were tested properly. Finally, explain how you monitored the results of the tests and adjusted the tests accordingly.

Example: “I have extensive experience developing automated tests for applications. I’ve used a variety of tools, such as Selenium, Cucumber, and JMeter, to create test plans and scripts. I’ve also worked on integrating automated tests into the build process to ensure that all areas of the application are tested before release. During my time as a DevOps Lead, I led a team of testers and delegated tasks to ensure that all areas were tested properly. I also monitored the results of the tests and adjusted the tests accordingly to ensure that the application was always meeting the customer’s requirements. My experience has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the automated testing process, and I’d be excited to bring that knowledge to your team.”

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  • Flipkart Interview Experience for Data Engineer 1
  • Flipkart Interview Experience for Data Engineering-I
  • Flipkart Interview Experience for Software Engineer 2
  • Oracle Interview Experience for Application Engineer (On- Campus)
  • Oracle Interview Experience for Application Engineer (On-Campus 2020)
  • Flipkart Interview Experience for SDE-1
  • Finastra Interview Experience for Associate Software Engineer 9
  • Finastra Interview Experience for Associate Software Engineer
  • Flipkart Interview Experience for SDE-2
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  • Flipkart Interview Experience for Sales Executive
  • Flipkart Interview Experience for SDE-1(Off-Campus)
  • Flipkart Interview Experience for SDE
  • Flipkart Interview Experience for SDE-2 | 2 Year Experienced
  • Accenture Interview Experience for Software Engineer
  • Appinventiv Interview Experience for SDE
  • Flipkart Interview Experience

Flipkart Interview Experience for Application Engineer-1

I am excited to share that I have received a full-time offer from Flipkart for the Application Engineer-1 position. I secured this offer through an off-campus hiring.

The Interview consists rounds of total 4 round

Round 1: Online Assessment on Unstop (60 mins)

The online assessment was divided into two parts:

DSA Questions (50 mins)

There were two coding questions: one was a medium-level problem from LeetCode, and the other was an easy-level problem. Both questions focused on data structures and algorithms.

MCQs (10 mins)

There were ten multiple-choice questions that primarily involved debugging given code snippets.

Round 2: Problem Solving & Data Structure

This round focused on in-depth problem-solving skills:

LeetCode Medium Problem (Topic: Strings)

I provided an optimized solution on the first attempt using a Greedy approach, incorporating two-pointers and a hash map. Later, I improved the solution by replacing the hash map with a vector for better performance.

LeetCode Medium Problem with a Hard Follow-up (Topic: Strings)

The initial problem was a medium difficulty, but the follow-up made it challenging. The follow-up required solving the problem in-place with O(1) extra space. We had an extensive discussion about the time and space complexities of my solution.

Round 3: Hiring Manager Round

This round was a comprehensive evaluation of my core computer science knowledge and experience:

Core CSE Questions: Topics included Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Data Structures & Algorithms such as Binary Search Trees (BST), Dynamic Programming (DP), Recursion, Stack, Heap, Hashing, and various Sorting Algorithms.

Project Discussion: We discussed the projects listed on my resume, my previous internship projects, and my expectations for the role at Flipkart.

Round 4: HR Round

The final round was more conversational and focused on my personality and past experiences:

Previous Internship Experience:

We discussed my previous internships in detail, including the challenges I faced and how I overcame them.

Behavioral Questions:

The HR asked various behavioral questions to understand my fit for the company culture.

All the interview rounds were conducted on the same day, and I received the result after five days. The outcome was a strong hire, and I am thrilled to be joining Flipkart soon!

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