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Free Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrase text effortlessly with AI Sparks, a powerful paraphraser by ProWritingAid.

Original Text

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Modified Text

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Sign up to get 3 Sparks per day or check out our paid plans to get even more.

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We are unable to generate rephrasings for this text. Please try a different piece of text.

Why choose our paraphrasing tool?

Choose how to paraphrase.

Expand text, enhance readability, or even add descriptive detail.

Paraphrase in the click of a button. If you’re not satisfied with the result, simply try again.

Strengthen your text

Enhance the structure and vocabulary of your text without removing key information.

Trusted by industry leaders

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Power up your writing with ProWritingAid

Our paraphrasing tool reworks vocabulary, sentence structure, and syntax to create new, high-quality content that resonates with your readers.

Find the best way to express your ideas with AI Sparks, a powerful paraphraser. Explore options to enhance readability, expand text, change tense, or even add descriptive detail.

ProWritingAid product image - missing apostrophe

Correct grammar and spelling

Whether you’re working on a quick email or a full-length novel, ProWritingAid catches grammar and spelling errors as you write so no pesky mistakes slip through.

Evaluate your writing

Assess your writing with 25+ reports, including established readability tests, sentence structure analysis, overused words, and more.

Readability Grade

Ideate with AI

Experiment with AI Sparks Continue to find fresh ideas to continue your writing. Add new lines of dialogue, find an interesting analogy, formulate a counterargument, and more.

ProWritingAid is used by every type of writer

Join over 3 million users improving their writing.

I am continually impressed with the positive input this program offers me every time I sit down to write. My skills have improved immensely since I bought it and heartily recommend it to anyone who wants to have more confidence in their own writing.

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Ginger Wakem

I’ve tried every free and paid writing/editing/grammar extension out there and this by far is the best one my team and I have found. It’s fast, accurate and really helps improve your writing beyond simple grammar suggestions.


Joel Widmer

ProWritingAid has been a resource in my writer toolkit for many years. The program helps me to craft and clarify my stories for a better reader experience. Your editor will thank you for making their job easier.

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Siera London

Works wherever you do

Use our paraphrasing tool to get writing suggestions across all the apps you use.

Paraphrasing Tool FAQs

What is prowritingaid.

ProWritingAid is a grammar checker, paraphraser, and writing coach all in one helpful tool.

By signing up for a ProWritingAid account, you gain access to various features. These include advanced grammar and spelling checks, style suggestions, AI capabilities for rewriting text and generating ideas, as well as over 25 other reports to help you improve and polish your writing.

Is ProWritingAid free?

A free account allows you to edit and run reports on up to 500 words. It also gives you three AI Sparks per day, which is needed to paraphrase text. If you want more, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan .

How do I access the paraphraser in-app?

Highlight the text you want to paraphrase, then click “ Sparks. ” Next, choose how you want to paraphrase. You can expand text, improve readability, change tense, or even add descriptive detail using the Sensory mode.

What software integrations does ProWritingAid offer?

ProWritingAid seamlessly integrates with MS Word, Google Docs, Scrivener, Atticus, Vellum, and more. We also offer browser extensions (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge), so you can work almost anywhere online.

Does ProWritingAid have a plagiarism checker?

Yes! ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker will check your work against over a billion web pages, published works, and academic papers, so you can be sure of its originality. Find out more about pricing for plagiarism checks here .

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Free Paraphrasing Tool

Make your writing better and more effective with our online rephraser. Clarify, improve, simplify, or just make it more fluent and effective by rephrasing.

With advanced AI technology and 9 rephrasing modes, you can create unlimited variations of your text. Avoid plagiarism, find creativity, and make your writing stand out.

What Makes Our Paraphraser Better

Here’s why our rephrase tool is your best choice!

Works Free Without Sign-Up!

Start using our paraphrasing tool without any hassle. No sign-up or credit card required!

Choose Multiple Languages

Our tool is not limited to English! Select one of 25 languages, including Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Filipino, and many others!

Beyond Synonyms – High-Quality Rephrase

Our paraphraser is more than just a word changer. It understands the original text through NLP and completely rephrases it while keeping the context.

Get Original Content

Our AI-powered rephrase tool always provides plagiarism-free results, so you don’t have to worry about the originality of the content!

Enjoy User Friendly Interface

Once you open our AI paraphraser, you’ll instantly know how to use it! Its intuitive design makes sure you have a seamless experience

Safe & Secure Experience

Your inputs and outputs are uniquely yours. We don’t save any data or share it with third parties, so you’re safe and secure.

Upload Files in Multiple Formats

Provide your input in any format. Our AI-powered text rephraser supports various file formats, including .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, and other text formats.

Rephrase in 9 Modes

Paraphrase sentences in 9 pre-set modes to get customized results.

You can say the same thing using different words. Use the standard mode to reword your content for better clarity.

Improve the readability and flow of your sentences. The fluency mode improves your transitions to make your writing flow seamlessly.

Make your content suitable for a formal audience. Best mode for academic writing and formal communication, such as emails.

Simplify your text by replacing complex words and jargon with common and easy terms. Best for writing for a wider audience.

Write like an author or poet with the creative mode. Rephrase your sentences creatively to invoke emotion and imagination.

Elaborate your idea with a bit of explanation to make it longer. Your best option when you have to meet the word count!

Make your content brief, boiled down to the most essential points. Best for reducing the word count while keeping the message intact.

Refine articles, research papers, essays, and other scholarly work. This mode is your best choice for precise, clear, and insightful educational content.

Generate a custom prompt and set the tone and voice of your content to your exact specifications. Make your content persuasive, casual, or insightful, choice is yours.

What Does our Online Paraphrasing Tool Do For You?

With our free online rephraser, you can achieve more than just basic improvements. Our tool can do the following for you:

Customizes Text for Different Audiences

If you want to make your text suitable for a scholarly audience or need to explain a complex topic to kids, this tool has got you covered.

Removes Plagiarism

Paraphrasing your sources is a way to avoid plagiarism. This tool helps you avoid plagiarism by rephrasing text in a fresh and original way.

Simplifies Your Style

Is your text full of long sentences and complex jargon? This tool will paraphrase your text to make it easily understandable and readable.

Writes Creatively

You’ve written something but it can still sound better? This rewording tool will rephrase text to make it clearer, creative, and more effective!

Improves Clarity & Consistency

Sometimes, you just need to improve your writing. This tool will improve the flow, clarity, and consistency of your content.

How to Use Paraphrasing Tool

Here’s how you can use our paraphrasing tool in simple steps:

Provide Content

Copy-paste your content into the box or upload a file.

Click “Paraphrase” Button

Hit the “paraphrase” button and get results within seconds!

Examples of Paraphrased Content

Check out these examples to see how our different paraphrasing modes can transform your text:

Mode: Shorten

Original Text:

“In the world of Aetheria, dreams are not just fleeting experiences of the mind but tangible manifestations that hold immense value. People spend their days chasing after dreams, seeking out the most vibrant and coveted ones to add to their collections. Dreams come in all shapes and sizes, from delicate wisps of ephemeral fantasies to solid, crystalline structures that shimmer with ethereal light. In this bustling dream market, traders haggle over the rarity and potency of each dream, while dream sculptors craft intricate sculptures and artworks using the raw material of people's subconscious desires.

At the heart of this dream-driven society is the enigmatic Dreamsmith Guild, a secretive organization rumored to possess the ability to manipulate dreams at will. Whispers abound of individuals who have gained immense wealth and power through their dealings with the Guild, while others warn of the dangers of meddling with forces beyond comprehension. Amidst this backdrop of intrigue and ambition, a young dreamer named Kira embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind her recurring dream of a shimmering golden key. Little does she know that her journey will lead her to discover a long-lost artifact that holds the key to unlocking the secrets of Aetheria's dreamscape.”

Paraphrased Text:

“The mysterious Dreamsmith Guild lies at the center of a society driven by dreams, with rumors swirling about their ability to control dreams as they please. There are tales of individuals who have gained great wealth and power by interacting with the Guild, while others warn of the risks of meddling with unknown forces. In this atmosphere filled with mystery and ambition, a young dreamer named Kira sets out on a mission to unravel the meaning behind her repeated dream of a gleaming golden key. Unbeknownst to her, this journey will reveal a lost artifact that is the key to unlocking the mysteries of Aetheria's dream world.”

Mode: Formal

“The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has revolutionized various industries, from healthcare to finance. AI-powered algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to provide insights, automate tasks, and improve decision-making processes. As AI continues to evolve, its potential to drive innovation and solve complex problems grows exponentially.”

“The progression of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has transformed multiple sectors, spanning from healthcare to finance. AI-driven algorithms dissect extensive datasets to offer insights, streamline operations, and enhance decision-making procedures. With the ongoing development of AI, its capacity to catalyze innovation and address intricate challenges expands significantly.”

Mode: Fluency

“The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of global cooperation in addressing public health crises. Vaccination efforts have ramped up around the world, but disparities in access remain a major challenge. In addition to vaccination, public health measures such as mask-wearing and social distancing continue to play a crucial role in controlling the spread of the virus and protecting vulnerable populations.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the need for international collaboration in managing public health emergencies. Despite increased vaccination efforts globally, unequal access to vaccines remains a significant obstacle. Along with vaccinations, preventive measures like wearing masks and practicing social distancing are still vital in curbing the virus's transmission and safeguarding at-risk groups.”

Mode: Creative

“The discovery of a new species of deep-sea creatures has captured the attention of marine biologists worldwide. These mysterious organisms, found at depths exceeding 3,000 meters, exhibit unique adaptations to extreme pressure and darkness. Scientists believe that studying these creatures could provide valuable insights into the evolution of life on Earth and inform efforts to protect fragile marine ecosystems.”

“Marine biologists around the world are fascinated by the recent identification of a new type of deep-sea animals. These enigmatic beings, discovered at depths greater than 3,000 meters, display distinct features that allow them to thrive in high levels of pressure and darkness. Researchers are hopeful that by analyzing these creatures, they can gain important knowledge about how life on Earth has evolved and use this information to safeguard vulnerable marine habitats.”

Mode: Standard

“The shift to online learning during the pandemic has raised questions about the future of education. While digital tools offer new opportunities for remote instruction and collaboration, they also exacerbate existing disparities in access to quality education. As schools and universities adapt to the realities of remote and hybrid learning, educators are exploring innovative ways to engage students and ensure equitable access to educational resources.”

“The transition to online education due to the pandemic has sparked concerns about the lasting impact on the education sector. Despite the advantages of utilizing digital resources for distance learning and teamwork, it highlights the unequal access to quality education that already exists. As educational institutions adjust to remote and blended learning models, teachers are discovering creative methods to involve students and guarantee fair access to learning materials.”

Mode: Expand

“From ancient civilizations to modern societies, the study of history offers insights into the triumphs and tragedies of humanity, illuminating the complex tapestry of human experience.”

“The exploration of historical events and narratives sheds light on the highs and lows of human existence, from the earliest civilizations to contemporary cultures. By delving into the past, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and richness of human history. Through examining historical accounts, we can unravel the intricate web of human experiences, from triumphs to setbacks, that have shaped societies throughout time. The study of history allows us to connect with the struggles and achievements of our ancestors, providing valuable lessons and perspectives that can inform our present and future endeavors. By analyzing historical trends and patterns, we can grasp the underlying motivations and consequences of past actions, enhancing our ability to navigate the complexities of the world today.”

Mode: Simple

“Society is a complex web of social structures, institutions, and relationships that shape the lives of individuals and communities. Sociology seeks to understand the dynamics of society, examining phenomena such as social inequality, cultural norms, and collective behavior. Through qualitative and quantitative research methods, sociologists investigate topics ranging from the impact of globalization on local communities to the dynamics of power and privilege within social groups.”

“Society is made up of various social structures, institutions, and relationships that influence how individuals and communities live their lives. Sociology aims to explore how society works by studying concepts like social inequality, cultural norms, and group behavior. Sociologists use different research methods to study a wide range of topics, such as how globalization affects local communities and the dynamics of power and privilege among different social groups.”

Mode: Academic

“The study of biology encompasses the exploration of life in all its forms, from the microscopic world of cells to the vast ecosystems of our planet. At its core, biology seeks to understand the fundamental processes that govern living organisms, including reproduction, metabolism, and evolution. Through groundbreaking research in genetics, molecular biology, and ecology, scientists continue to uncover the interconnectedness of life and unravel the mysteries of the natural world.”

“The field of biology encompasses the examination of life across its entirety, spanning from the minuscule realm of cells to the expansive ecosystems present on Earth. At its essence, biology endeavors to comprehend the fundamental mechanisms dictating the functions of living entities, and surrounding processes such as reproduction, metabolism, and evolution. By means of pioneering investigations in genetics, molecular biology, and ecology, scholars persist in elucidating the intricate interrelations inherent within living systems, thus unraveling the enigmas that pervade the realm of the natural world.”

Mode: Custom

“The cat was on the mat. The mat was old and beige, and it was in the corner of the room. The cat was a plain tabby cat and liked to be lazy. It looked ahead with a blank stare and sometimes twitched its tail while thinking about its next nap. Outside, the weather was boring, with gray clouds and a light rain. Nothing exciting was happening in this quiet neighborhood. Time seemed to move slowly, and not much ever happened.”

Prompt: Witty

“The cat ruled over the tired old mat in the corner like a king on his throne. This cat wasn't one for fancy fur coats or highfalutin adventures; it preferred the simple pleasures of laziness. With a gaze that could rival a blank wall and a tail that twitched with anticipation of the next snooze, it pondered life's deepest mysteries—like where to nap next. Meanwhile, outside, the weather was about as thrilling as watching paint dry, with gray clouds drizzling a sprinkle of boredom over the quiet neighborhood. Time plodded along at a snail's pace, with nothing stirring up even a hint of excitement in this sleepy corner of the world.”

How Our Paraphrasing Tool Works

Our tool starts by analyzing the text you input. It breaks down sentences and identifies key ideas. Then, using advanced algorithms, it rephrases the text while preserving the original meaning.

With a focus on clarity and simplicity, it studies how words and phrases can be changed while keeping the same meaning, improving its performance over time. It ensures that the rephrased text maintains coherence and readability, making it suitable for various purposes.

As it processes more text and receives feedback, it refines its algorithms to produce better paraphrases. This continuous improvement ensures that our tool stays up-to-date and effective.

Who Can Benefit from Our Paraphrase Generator?

Our tool is the best paraphrasing option for diverse types of users.

Students & Academic Writers

Rephrasing text manually for perfection can be time-consuming. With our tool, students or researchers can generate unlimited paraphrases and select the most suitable option.

Bloggers & Content Writers

Engaging, fresh content is key to attracting readers to a blog. Our tool helps bloggers refine their content quickly and effectively, enhancing reader engagement.

Marketers & Copywriters

Transform mundane copy into compelling content with our tool and increase customer engagement.

Creative Writers

Overcome writer’s block with ease. Our paraphraser sparks fresh ideas and inspiration, helping authors and poets break creative barriers.

MyEssayWriter.ai rated 4.8/5 stars in 2456 Reviews and Counting

Check out the feedback from MyEssayWriter.ai users and discover the reasons behind its impressive reviews on platforms like Sitejabber, Resellerratings, Producthunt, etc.

Emily Jones

Emily Jones

College Student

“This paraphrasing tool is now part of my writing process. Whenever I struggle to rephrase information to avoid plagiarism, this tool helps me out!”

David Sanga

David Sanga

Content Editor

“Using this tool has improved my productivity as a content editor. I can easily avoid duplicate content issues and make my writing more creative and engaging.”

Sarah Thompson

Sarah Thompson

Lifestyle Blogger

“This paraphrasing tool has been a lifesaver. As a blogger, I can improve old content and explore fresh writing ideas with this tool. It's easy to use and has helped me save precious time.”

Read more reviews about our tool.

How Does Our Paraphrasing Tool Work?

Our tool is the easiest to use with just two simple steps:

Add Your Content: Just copy and paste the text, article, or document that you want to paraphrase in the window appearing on your screen. Select the Tone: To customize your content according to your requirements, add your desired tone, like formal, informative, funny, engaging, etc.

That’s it! You will have your rephrased content customized according to your requirements within 90 seconds without any errors.

Try our cutting-edge AI tool and unlock a world of creative possibilities for your writing projects. Say goodbye to manual rephrasing and hello to faster, smarter, and plagiarism-free results. Whether you're a student, researcher, content writer, poet, blogger, or digital marketer, our tool is here to elevate your writing to new heights.

Enter the content that you want to paraphrase.

Select the tone to customize your content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to your most commonly asked questions about our tool.

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing can be defined as expressing the meaning of the text using different words while maintaining its original meaning.

What is the difference between paraphrasing, rewording, and rephrasing?

Paraphrasing focuses on conveying the original message using alternative wording, while rewording involves altering the structure of sentences. Rephrasing is a broader term that includes both paraphrasing and rewording.

Is using a paraphrasing tool considered plagiarism?

No. As long as the paraphrased content is properly cited and does not use the same words and sentence structure as the original, it is not plagiarism. You can also try out our AI essay writer to write plagiarism-free essays from scratch.

Which is the most powerful paraphrasing tool?

MyEssayWriter.ai's Paraphrasing Tool stands out as the most powerful, offering advanced AI technology, multiple languages, and a user-friendly interface.

Should users manually review and edit paraphrased text after using the tool?

Manual review ensures that the paraphrased text accurately conveys the intended message and maintains coherence and clarity. It allows for the refinement of language, style, and tone to match your intended audience and purpose effectively.

Explore MyEssayWriter.ai's Diverse AI Writing Tools

We don’t just help you paraphrase text; we also help you check the authenticity of content to meet your standards. Check out these tools:

Plagiarism Checker

Citation Machine

Readability Analysis Tool


"Keep Your Content Authentically Yours"

Make sure your writing is one-of-a-kind with our Plagiarism Checker . Our tool scans your work thoroughly to check for any similarities with existing content, helping maintain honesty and integrity. With clear reports on any potential matches, you can trust your work is truly original.

Check out Expert Guides on Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing Guide

When can Paraphrasing be used

What are the Three Types of Paraphrasing?

What is a Good Example of a Paraphrase?

What not to do When Paraphrasing

paraphrasing tool essays

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Paraphrasing Tool

Enhance text clarity and understanding using an AI-driven paraphrasing tool. Perfect for students and professionals, this tool rewrites, edits, and adjusts tone for improved comprehension.

Rephrase sentences, paragraphs, essays, and articles effortlessly with our powerful paraphraser. Prevent plagiarism in blogs, research papers, and more using cutting-edge technology

It works effectively to rewrite the content in a way that removes plagiarism , maintains readability, and makes the content considerably more appealing.

Leverage any of its four paraphrasing modes to rewrite the content as required. It enables you to rewrite the content using the standard, fluency, creative, or smarter paraphrasing modes, each of which resonates with a distinct writing style.

Using groundbreaking AI technology , our paraphrasing tool lets you rewrite the content with the utmost accuracy. It neither changes the context nor compromises the content quality. No matter which type of content you are working on, you can run it through our paraphrasing tool and perfect it by all means.

The users including writers, bloggers, researchers, students, and any layperson can get the best out of our online plagiarism remover for free. It facilitates quick paraphrasing of 1000 words in one attempt.


Use Paraphrasing.io to rewrite your content in original and improved wording that stands out from the rest. Change the choice of words and the way words are combined to construct sentences, achieving uniqueness and creativity in writing. Rewrite your content to ensure that it is free from potential writing errors and perfectly crafted to meet the target audience's needs.

Remove the Plagiarism

Eliminate duplicate phrases, clauses, and sentences to make the content unique

Improve Content Quality

Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and diction errors to enhance the readability score

Modify Writing Style

Modify the choice of words to change the tone and rewrite the content in different writing styles

Paraphrasing.io, the best sentence rephraser, thoroughly analyzes the given content to understand the context and then rewrite it with an intention to:

User-friendly Interface

Anyone can easily find, access, and use this tool to paraphrase the content from a beginner to an expert.

Improved Functionality

This tool uses advanced AI algorithms to ensure that the content is paraphrased without errors and delays.

Error-Free Results

This paraphrasing tool skillfully rewrites the content as it works effectively in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

Multiple Rewriting Modes

Four different rewriting modes are available, which lets you change the tone and style of the writing without changing the context.

Multi Languages Support

There are 15 different languages available, any of which you can choose to rewrite the content as required.

Safety and Privacy

The content is paraphrased with absolute precision and automatically removed from the tool's database upon reloading.

Free Unlimited Access

Users worldwide can access and use this paraphrasing tool without any premium fee and limit.

Optimize the Content

Maintain readability, uniqueness, and creativity in content to make it search-engine-friendly.

How paraphrase online can enhance your writing?

Whoever creates content is well aware of the fact that uniqueness has great importance in writing. This is because duplicate content is not accepted anywhere. Even if a few phrases or sentences are similar to previously published content, it is considered plagiarism. To paraphrase online, you can easily remove plagiarism from the content.

Must be unique words

The content must be created using unique words, whether for the web or any academic assignment. Anyhow, it isn’t easy to write unique content. It is error-prone and time-consuming.

Readability and creativity

Take into account some more essential factors in writing: readability and creativity. The words you choose and how you combine them must be easy-to-read and creative enough to hook and engage the readers. Unfortunately, there can be various writing errors, such as misused and misspelled words in your writing. These writing issues can ruin your content quality, leaving no chance for a high ranking or score.

Unique and appealing

The students, researchers, and content writers can use an online paraphrasing tool to rewrite any content and make it 100% unique and appealing. The online rephrase tool uses advanced “artificial intelligence” algorithms to rewrite a piece of content to make it free from plagiarism and writing errors.

Multiple rewriting modes

For instance, you can use our word paraphraser then. It will take only a second to provide you with a unique and improved version of your content. There are multiple rewriting modes available, any of which you can leverage to change your content's writing style and make it much more captivating for the target audience.

How does our free paraphrasing tool work?

Our free online rephrasing tool is based on artificial intelligence algorithms that help in attaining uniqueness in less time with accuracy. Paraphrasing.io is considered as an AI-based free rewording tool that makes content unique by replacing the words with synonyms while keeping the content quality high. Editpad contributed to the development of this great paraphrasing tool.

Who can provide excellent services ?

There are so many online paraphrase companies that offer help with many writing types of assignments and a host of others that it can be hard to know which to choose. documents, texts, articles - when it comes to paraphrase this, you need a professional such as we have that offers to refresh the given paper using a vast amount of experience in their fields of expertise.

Software and inexperienced writers will paraphrase text and swap individual terms for their synonyms. Not only is that likely to still be seen content piracy as the structure and order of wordings as are still the same but it will often not maintain the original meaning and will often use phrases that are out of context and will make the text meaningless as best.

Why should you consider paraphrasing.io ?

This paraphrasing tool provides various reasons and features by which we can easily differentiate this tool from any other online rephrase tool.

The reasons why you need to choose this sentence rephraser are listed below.

How to use Paraphrase Tool?

To use best paraphrasing tool follow the 4 simple steps given below:

  • You can choose from 15 different languages: en id da de es fr it pl pt ro sv vi cs ru th ja ko
  • Paste/write it into the text box or upload file in txt, doc, and docx format
  • Modes `Regular`, `Formal`, `Creative`, and `Academic` to modify concerning.
  • Click "Start Paraphrasing" button to rephrase and get an error-free, unique version of the content

Perfect your writing with Rewrite

Instantly paraphrase emails, articles, messages and more to deliver high-quality written work with confidence.

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Get a feel for what Rewrite can do

paraphrasing tool essays

Work you can be proud of

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Image of a blog card with heading and description that was written with help of rewrite feature

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Wordtune is the best in my opinion, when it comes to rewriting content.

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Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Fluency - Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Creative - Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Smarter - Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Improver - Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Academic - Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode to make your paraphrasing Shorten - Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this mode for random paraphrase words- Go Pro

Paraphrasing tool

The paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) is a sentence changer generator that can rephrase sentences, paragraphs, articles, and essays.

This sentence rephraser helps students and writers to avoid plagiarism while writing blogs and research papers with state-of-the-art technology.

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is expressing ideas and information in your own words and mentioning their source. ( By University of New South Wales )

Why our paraphrasing tool?

Our paraphrasing tool helps to rewrite plagiarism-free content 😊. It can change sentence structure without changing the context of the topic.

Our rewording tool is 100% free and easy to use. Editpad AI reworder helps you reword assignments, sentences, paragraphs, and essays with one click.

How does Paraphrase Tool work?

The paraphraser provides a simple interface.

To use paraphrase tool, follow the below steps:

Type your text or upload file

Features of Paraphrasing Tool Free

Some of the features of this rephrase tool are:

Files Uploading

You can upload a file directly from your computer in the following formats:

You can also upload a file directly from Google Drive with just a single click.

Plagiarism-Free Content

The final output from our rephrasing tool would be completely plagiarism-free.

If not sure about plagiarism in text, you can check it on the  plagiarism checker .

Download Report

Our free rephrasing tool provides an option to download the final report in Docx and Txt format.

Free and Secure

The paraphrase generator is completely free and 100% safe to use for all kinds of rewriting purposes.

Accurate and reliable rephrasing of text

Our tool rephrase text accurately and keep the same meaning and context as the original text. 

10 Different paraphrasing modes:

To provide the best results, we have developed four different modes 😏 Smooth : It paraphrases text that flows well, is grammatically correct, and is easy to read. This type of paraphrasing is often used in academic or professional writing.  Best for students to make assignments and presentations.

😉 Reworder : This mode works as a rewording tool that can help you reword your text or words with their best synonyms that are new, trendy, and engaging.

🤠  Formal : Formal paraphrasing is complex and time-consuming because it requires a deep understanding of the original text, so we have developed a separate mode for it.

😃 Fluency : It can be used to build a strong connection between sentences to improve the readability and clarity of the text.

🤩 Creative : Creative is another unique mode used to diversify the content structure to make it appear more creative.

😎 Smart : This mode is highly accurate and reliable. It allows users to fine-tune the output. It rewrites text using advanced algorithms and natural language processing techniques.

🧐 Improver : This mode will paraphrase and improve your content. Removes grammar mistakes, changes sentence structure and good word choice for better readability. Best for teachers to create study notes.

👨‍🎓 Academic : This mode is specially built for students to rephrase their assignments in an academic tone.

📝 Shorten : It is designed to provide a brief statement of the main points of your text concisely to convey the message in a short and summarized way.

🙃 Randomizer : In this mode, you can rephrase your text with different passages with the same meaning multiple times.

Easy-to-use interface

With our super easy-to-use interface, you can reword content within seconds. 

Uses of Online Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrasing content manually is not an easy task. It takes both time and effort to do this. Therefore, using the paraphrase online tool can save a lot of time and effort.

Other uses are:

  • It helps students to submit plagiarism-free assignments and academic work
  • Quickly paraphrase the content
  • It helps to learn new sentence structures
  • It reduces the chances of plagiarism in the paraphrased content
  • 100% free paraphrasing tool

Who uses Paraphrasing Tool?

This sentence rephraser is not the requirement of every writer but it is widely used by:

It is hard to come up with engaging content. This rewording tool helps to write articles on the same topic in unique ways. 

Editpad Online Paraphrase tool helps bloggers to rephrase text in a way that is more easily readable by a general audience.

Freelance Writers

Freelance writers have to write high-quality and original content now and then. It helps them complete content tasks.  Use sentence rephraser to save time in the writing process and spend more time on other important tasks such as research, editing and proofreading.

It allows students to paraphrase essays, assignments, and lengthy writing homework. Our tool helps students to avoid plagiarism and to improve their writing skills.

Using editpad paraphrasing tool students can express their ideas in a better writing style.

Pro tip: Do not forget to check assignments and papers for plagiarism . 


Researchers need paraphrasers to prevent plagiarism in their research work and to improve readability. They can also use our tool to quickly summarize large content to identify key points. just want to summarize your text? Try our text summarizer . 


Copywriters can use our rephrase tool to refresh old content and give it a new angle. Rephraser is super helpful when you have to write bulk content under tight deadlines. Present the same information in a new and unique way.

As a webmaster, you have to always keep content quality, SEO quality, and usability at best. And we are here for you to help.

  • Quality content : With a paraphrasing tool, webmasters can ensure that the content on their website is unique and free of plagiarism.
  • SEO : To optimize the website for different keywords, you can paraphrase online same text multiple times. 
  • User-friendly content : Make your content more readable and easily understandable for website users by rephrasing it. Our tool not only improves the content quality but also removes basic grammar errors. You can use Editpad's grammar checker tool to correct all grammatical mistakes.  

Digital Marketers  

Create your next best-quality Social Media Posts using our paraphraser. Digital marketers can generate different ideas for Email Campaigns and advertisements. 

Which is the most effective paraphrasing tool?

Rephrasing tool by Editpad is the most effective paraphrasing tool. It provides four different modes as per your need. Advanced algorithms, lightning-fast speed, and state-of-art technology make our tool the best of all. 

Is using a paraphrasing tool illegal?

Using a paraphrasing tool is not illegal. The outputs are unique and they are not an exact replication of the original content.

Can I use paraphrasing tool for legal writing?

Yes, you can use a paraphrasing tool for legal writing. However, if you want to quote someone or use someone else’s words, you have to give the proper citation.   

Does paraphrasing tool count as plagiarism?

No, using a paraphrasing tool does not count as committing plagiarism. Plagiarism means copying content directly whereas using a paraphrasing tool involves changing the wording.  

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Reverse Text - Backwards Text Generator
  • Small Text Generator - Small Caps / Tiny Text
  • Upside Down Text Generator
  • Words to Pages
  • Case Converter
  • Online rich-text editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Article Rewriter
  • Invisible Character
  • Readability Checker
  • Diff Checker
  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
  • Stylish Text Generator
  • Glitch Text Generator
  • Cursive Font Generator
  • Gothic Text Generator
  • Discord Font Generator
  • Aesthetic Text Generator
  • Cool Text Generator
  • Wingdings Translator
  • Old English Translator
  • Online HTML Editor
  • Cursed Text Generator
  • Bubble Text Generator
  • Strikethrough Text Generator
  • Zalgo Text Generator
  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
  • Fancy Font Generator
  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Active Passive Voice Converter
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks

Supported Languages


  • Refund Policy

Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

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  • Free Paraphrasing Tool for Essays

Free Paraphrasing Tool for Essays

Get Expert Help With Paraphrasing


Sometimes, an online paraphraser is not enough to rephrase a paper according to all academic standards. Employ an expert who will write your essay from the ground up.

Why Choose StudyCrumb


Best Paraphrasing Tool Online


Order a custom essay now!

How our essay rephraser works.


Copy and paste any text in the respective field.

Press “Paraphrase” and wait exactly 1 second.

Have any article rephrased and enjoy the result.


Benefits of Our Paraphraser


The best things in life are free. At StudyCrumb, we propose you this beautiful occasion. So, you can easily get any article paraphrased absolutely for free.


Reword essay as many times as you need. You can use our online tool without any restriction until you are satisfied with the final result.


If you are looking for a shortcut to writing an original text, there is no better option than our word rephraser. This tool will transform any article into a unique piece.


We did our best to develop an easy-to-use tool. Our online paraphraser is very clear to use and doesn’t require any extra effort from your side.


Rephrasing Made Easy


Use our generator to rephrase essay within a tap of a finger. As a student, you know that all essays should be definitely unique. But with all that workload that students have at high school or college, it’s just an uphill struggle. Fortunately, you are here and can use our high-end solution. Rephrasing essay will no longer be a challenge. All you need to do is to paste your text. And our online tool will make your essay acquire a brand new look.


Are you looking for top-notch sentence rephraser free? Then our online paraphrasing tool is an instrument for you! It works similarly to an AI-driven thesaurus, but it’s several steps ahead. Our tool is more than just an ordinary thesaurus. It considers the meaning of entire expressions and sentences to generate new versions of primary content. You won’t need to do any exploration because our tool can paraphrase sentence automatically and preserve the original meaning.


Sometimes, you may need to paraphrase paragraphs of a certain text. Here, it’s important not just choose similar meanings and eloquent words. You should showcase your clear understanding of a passage so readers can get the main message. Our online paragraph rephrasing tool was created just for that purpose. Using it, you can get a unique result that conveys the same ideas as an initial text.


StudyCrumb’s article paraphrase is an irreplaceable tool for writers. When working on a very specific topic, it may be difficult to choose the right words to convey a similar idea. You may feel stuck with word choice. Our automatic paraphraser can definitely come in handy when it comes to this uneasy mission. It can find the perfect words to express a similar meaning within a short time. Just say “rewrite this for me” and our tool will take care of your article.

FAQ About Our Essay Rephraser

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Other Tools You May Like


Use our essay rephraser to reword any type of content and generate a plagiarism-free text. With our free online paraphrasing tool, you will get unique essays within a tap of a finger.

Submit your requirements and have our academic professional paraphrase your essay.

Look no further than StudyCrumb if you are looking for a distraction-free paraphrasing tool online free. If you are fed up with paraphrasing tools that have many distracting features, our best paraphraser is just what you need. Fortunately (or not really!), there are many online resources you can use for reference. But along with this abundance, it gets harder to put your ideas in a unique way. Worry no more! With the help of our effective paraphrasing tool, you can easily reword. Do it with any text and share key ideas in a meaningful way. And it’s always good to know that you can use our essay writing service if you want to get a paper of excellent quality. Just send us your ‘write my essay’ request and have an expert deal with your assignment.

Entrust your assignment to professionals and get a paper tailored to your specific needs.

Paraphrasing has never been easier! Just copy-paste any text and our rephraser will handle everything within seconds.

Thousands of students choose StudyCrumb’s essay rephraser to create 100% unique academic content, which is one of the biggest benefits. But this is not the only gain our word paraphraser has to offer. Here’re a few more perks that will make your user journey exceptional.

If there is one skill that every student should master, it’s paraphrasing. Rephrasing isn’t just about changing the words and phrases in the text. This process involves interpretation and marks the first move toward developing something new. And while you may spend hours thinking of the best way to express your ideas, our online tool works wonders within a matter of seconds. From rephrasing website to rewording an essay, it can easily handle any kind of content. Backed by our online AI-powered tool, paraphrasing sentences will be much easier, and it’s time to make it smooth.

Have any questions about our essay paraphrasing tool? Look through the answers below for a quick solution.

StudyCrumb offers you more than just a paraphrasing tool. We’ve designed a whole bundle of free writing tools that can improve your academic experience. Check them out below!

  • Papers It is the most popular type of work. Enter any amount of words and our tool will help you to change them up.
  • Essays Are you a student struggling with academic writing? It will no longer be an issue. A couple of clicks and you have a brand new document in front of you.
  • Paragraphs Have trouble changing up one paragraph? The answer is right here!
  • Sentences The muse has left you? Our paraphrasing online tool will bring it back with ease.
  • Paraphrasing tool for scientific papers.
  • “Rephrase my paper, the deadline is approaching!”
  • “Paraphrase an essay for me!”
  • Authors It’s not always you feel passionate about the work you have done or written. You need to “paraphrase my sentence” and reduce anxiety.
  • Editors It is one thing to deal with your text. And it is absolutely the opposite when you have to change somebody else’s words. This is the most appropriate time to utilize paraphrase the sentence tool. Surely your readers will appreciate it.
  • Students We cannot finish this guide without including learners in this section. They are the most frequent customers who look for alternatives to buying research papers . It also helps that our sentence rephrase tool is limitless and free for everyone.
  • Teachers Always being inspirational and creative is impossible. Sometimes you are facing struggles with creative content. You have to teach your apprentices how to use language. Trust modern technologies to help you out. Suddenly, you have more samples to show during your classes than you did a few seconds ago.
  • It is a great advantage to saving time. As previously mentioned, this online free paraphrasing tool is automatic. You simply should copy and paste text and let our website do the rest.
  • Have we mentioned that it is also free? Certainly, it's the best online paraphrasing tool for free. We don’t need your credit card information or anything specific. It doesn’t get any cheaper than that.
  • Only the sky is your limit. If you were looking for a website that doesn’t impose limits, you have already found it.
  • Repetitiveness
  • Similarities with original content
  • Unnatural sounding
  • Misused wording
  • Misinterpreted or changed context.
  • Limitless Use this academic paraphrasing tool for students as often as you need. It is free and with no limit.
  • High quality Our paraphrasing writing tool doesn’t make mistakes. You won’t be embarrassed once your professor sees the overall result.
  • Preserved content If your document initially referred to a global pandemic, it won’t suddenly change into a literary piece. We’re not here to destroy your ideas.
  • Quick Best online paraphrasing tool for academic writing works within a few seconds. It is faster than writing every single word yourself.
  • Seeking motivation People are not machines. We need natural breaks and private time.
  • Lacking inspiration Human beings are not artificial intelligence. They cannot produce thousands of pages every month. We all need a little bit of help using an easy paraphrasing tool.
  • Suffering from time constraints Combining education with personal needs and work is sometimes nearly unimaginable. We'll do everything we can to help at least a little bit.
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Auto Paraphrase Generator Online for Free

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Let’s play a game of predictions. We know that you were searching for the best paraphrasing website for free. Did you have any luck? We’re happy to tell you that your quest ends here and today. It is the only paraphrasing help online that you need. Our tool has handy algorithms that work for different kinds of work:

We are usually asked numerous questions. Why people should paraphrase in essays online for free. Is it helpful? What sort of content can it change? Here everything depends on your needs and requirements. Here are several examples of things we can help with:

If you’re stuck trying to finish up a rather complicated piece of work, and research paper writing service isn't an option, graduates can come here. It doesn’t matter what score you get on Hemingway. Even the most challenging sentences can be easily changed.

We’ve been there, we have done that. Give us a pair of seconds and assignments will be converted into something new. Besides, it doesn’t matter whether a pupil is in middle school, high school, college, or university. 

Sure thing! Moreover, our website will easily do so without changing the style. Don’t be scared that your literary analysis will suddenly turn into bland scientific articles. Alternatively, you can buy essay at StudyCrumb and be sure that writing conforms to academic guidelines. 

There are many things that people are afraid of while using our paragraph paraphrasing tool. They are concerned with the overall content and the message behind their papers. If you have used other services before, you will know that in most cases, the outcome you get is not what you have hoped for. Suddenly your brilliant article with abundant metaphors and language becomes a mess. Exactly for this reason many students turn to us with a " write my college essay for me " request.  We have also seen cases when people struggle to paraphrase paragraph online and end up with a completely different message. For example, you were trying to argue that Alexander Hamilton was one of the most revolutionary individuals in the history of the United States. You didn’t necessarily like the phrasing, so you tried paraphrasing paragraph online free. In a blink, Alexander Hamilton turned from a recognizable historical figure into a celebrity. How did that happen?

There are many cases when people need to rephrase a sentence. Here we’re not only talking about students who Google something like “rephrase my sentence generator online for free.” This platform is meant for other professions and needs accordingly. Here are some of the people who use our free rephrase sentences online:

As we mentioned before, it is a free automatic paraphrasing tool. It means several things to you. But if you’re still struggling to understand all the advantages you are getting, check our humble list below:

Here are more exciting facts about our AI paraphrasing tool for free. Yes, you heard it right. It is a free AI paraphrasing tool where artificial intelligence is the key. We live in the 21st century. It is time for exciting high techs that make our lives easier. So we decided to create this free unlimited paraphrasing tool based on one of the best technological advancements. A couple of years ago, people couldn’t even dream about artificial intelligence. Now we can use challenging algorithms even to do my homework . We don’t know about you but we always associate our official intelligence with fantasy. The first thing that comes to mind is probably Iron Man with his top IQ and the development of artificial intelligence. It is only natural to be surprised that we can use complex technologies for daily tasks. This is precisely how our online automatic paraphrasing tool for free with unlimited words was initially created. We might not have been inspired by Tony Stark or the rest of the ventures. But we know a thing or two about algorithms to become a certified genius right here and right now.

Another common theme that we encounter is copyright. But it should never scare you when you use a paraphrasing tool without plagiarism. Every time you use our service, we can guarantee that the result will not replicate other searches. We use artificial intelligence to concur on a number of issues:

As a result of using our free paraphrasing tool to avoid plagiarism, you are getting a 100% original document as if it was done by professional term paper writing service . It will not repeat your original content or anything graduates can find online. It is one of the core motives why all learners should test our online paraphrasing service. It makes our lives easier while releasing all the academic pressure.

Another core fear is connected with grammar. Whether English is your first, second, or third language, this is a paraphrasing tool for English grammar for free. It was created specifically for your text to make sense. If your text has certain mistakes or misses something, our paraphrasing tool with correct grammar will fix it. You surely know what we mean by now. It is a well-known case when you use similar websites and the result is atrocious. The document doesn’t make sense while graduates can easily detect dozens of various grammar mistakes. It is certainly not the reason why you initially wanted to run a grammar check and rephrase content. This is where artificial intelligence and algorithms come into play. Combining knowledge and experience allows us to reproduce human language and avoid making mistakes while this procedure.

Why would you use this science paraphrasing tool? There are thousands of them available online. So why this one and not our competitors?

We don’t see any point in why you wouldn’t give our instruments like conclusion maker or summarize tool a fair chance. Learners aren’t losing anything. We provide free, limitless, and super-quality opportunities. But the best way to believe us is actually to test everything yourself. Are you doing it right now?

Use this word rephrase generator when you have a whole assignment right but so many issues to go through. We know that education can be a pressing matter. It is a highly expensive and high-stakes endeavor. Students are naturally afraid to lose their chances, scholarship, visa, or privileges. And asking " write essay for me " seems the only option. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this online paraphrasing tool for free. Use it if you find yourself:

StudyCrumb’s paraphrasing machine is a fantastic alternative when you need someone to paraphrase your essay for free. Here’re why students choose our tool:

Don’t hesitate to use our essay changer if you wish to get a rapid and free solution. 

This is not only a free rephrase text generator. This is your chance to find a stimulus to write again. This handy free rephraser will also save you a lot of time. A normal person takes around four or more minutes to type 100 words. It takes almost an hour for 1000 words. But these calculations do not consider prior research and editing. So, your position is very clear. This website is the key to your success.

No, there is no need to create an account to use an essay paraphrasing tool from StudyCrumb. We did our best to ensure a smooth process. You can start using this tool right away.

Using our essay changer isn’t considered cheating. It helps you paraphrase essays and create plagiarism-free papers. It’s absolutely legit as long as the final result doesn’t contain duplicate content.

Paraphrasing involves rewriting any text in your own words without altering the original meaning. Meanwhile, summarizing means creating a brief version of a lengthy piece by extracting the key ideas.

Yes, our paraphrasing tool can rewrite your essay as long as it doesn’t exceed 2500 words. This is the most optimal choice on the market.

You’re looking at it. This is the best paraphrasing tool online for free. It doesn’t have a limit or word count. You can use it as many times as you need. Besides, it is free and available without registration. Thus, our answer is easily justified.

No, using a professional paraphrasing tool for free is not illegal. We care about your personal information. One's presence on our website will be kept securely. This site was created for educational and academic purposes. Nothing about our help is illegal.

A good paraphrasing tool is all about original content. Using artificial intelligence and smart algorithms, our website can avoid plagiarism. It doesn’t matter how much content you want to change. The result will not only retain the same meaning, but it will be 100% individual.

Learners should use a paraphrasing tool to shorten their text. Additionally, it is an effective source of motivation and inspiration. Some teachers also use it to come up with new examples for classes. Overall, many uses will help you to avoid plagiarism when finishing up your academic assignments. It is also effective for non-native speakers. After all, using language can be a tedious task.

Free AI Paragraph Generator

Get your writing process off to a great start by generating fully coherent, compelling paragraphs.

Write about...

Use cases of ahrefs’ paragraph generator.

Content creation. Ahrefs’ Paragraph Generator can be utilized to quickly generate engaging and informative paragraphs for various types of content. Whether it's blog posts, articles, product descriptions, or social media captions, the tool can assist in generating compelling paragraphs, saving time and effort for content creators.

Academic writing. Students and researchers can benefit from Ahrefs’ Paragraph Generator when working on papers, essays, or research articles. By providing the necessary instructions, the tool can generate well-structured paragraphs that present key arguments, evidence, and analysis, aiding in the writing process.

Personal writing and communication. Individuals who need to write emails, personal letters, or other forms of written communication can leverage Ahrefs’ Paragraph Generator. It can help in composing coherent and well-structured paragraphs, ensuring effective expression of thoughts and ideas, while also saving time by providing a starting point for the writing process.

The technology behind Ahrefs’ Paragraph Generator

Ahrefs’ Paragraph Generator uses a language model that learns patterns, grammar, and vocabulary from large amounts of text data – then uses that knowledge to generate human-like text based on a given prompt or input. The generated text combines both the model's learned information and its understanding of the input.

Other writing tools you may find helpful

Acronym generator.

Looking for an easy way to generate acronyms? Try our AI Acronym Generator today and streamline your workflow.

Grammar Checker

Elevate your writing with our free AI grammar checker. Effortlessly catch grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, ensuring your content is polished and error-free.

Conclusion Generator

Instantly craft compelling conclusions with this user-friendly tool. Elevate your writing effortlessly.

Emoji Translator

Unlock emotions with our AI translator! Seamlessly convert text to expressive emojis. Communicate with feelings effortlessly.

Lorem Ipsum Generator

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text used in graphic design, print, and publishing for previewing layouts and visual mockups.

Outline Generator

Input your rough ideas and transition from a blank page to an organized, well-structured outline in minutes.

Paragraph Rewriter

Improve any paragraph's readability and rewrite it to make it sound more human-like with this powerful free tool.

Paraphrasing Tool

Quickly rephrase and reword any text for essays, articles, emails, and more.

Rewording Tool

Swiftly reword and rephrase sentences or paragraphs for posts, emails or articles.

Sentence Rewriter Tool

Enhance the quality and clarity of any sentence and improve its construction with this powerful free tool.

Summarizer Tool

Experience the power of efficiency! Our free summarizer simplifies content, saving time and effort. Summarize with precision, read smarter.

Powered by Ahrefs

Everything you need to rank higher & get more traffic.

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The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives. The Purdue OWL offers global support through online reference materials and services.

A Message From the Assistant Director of Content Development 

The Purdue OWL® is committed to supporting  students, instructors, and writers by offering a wide range of resources that are developed and revised with them in mind. To do this, the OWL team is always exploring possibilties for a better design, allowing accessibility and user experience to guide our process. As the OWL undergoes some changes, we welcome your feedback and suggestions by email at any time.

Please don't hesitate to contact us via our contact page  if you have any questions or comments.

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  4. Free AI Paraphrasing Tool

    Ahrefs' Paraphrasing Tool uses a language model that learns patterns, grammar, and vocabulary from large amounts of text data - then uses that knowledge to generate human-like text based on a given prompt or input. The generated text combines both the model's learned information and its understanding of the input.

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  6. AI-based Paraphrasing Tool

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    Free Paraphrasing Tool. Make your writing better and more effective with our online rephraser. Clarify, improve, simplify, or just make it more fluent and effective by rephrasing. With advanced AI technology and 9 rephrasing modes, you can create unlimited variations of your text. Avoid plagiarism, find creativity, and make your writing stand out.

  11. Paraphrasing Tool

    To use best paraphrasing tool follow the 4 simple steps given below: Modes `Regular`, `Formal`, `Creative`, and `Academic` to modify concerning. Paraphrasing Tool is a free AI paraphraser that helps you rephrase essays, emails, sentences, and paragraphs to smartly write text in your own words.

  12. Free Rewrite and Paraphrasing Tool

    Perfect your writing. with Rewrite. Instantly paraphrase emails, articles, messages and. more to deliver high-quality written work with confidence. Get Wordtune. Try Wordtune for free. No credit card required.

  13. DeepL Write: AI-powered writing companion

    DeepL Write is a tool that helps you perfect your writing. Write clearly, precisely, with ease, and without errors. Try for free now!

  14. Paraphrasing Tool

    The paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) is a sentence changer generator that can rephrase sentences, paragraphs, articles, and essays. This sentence rephraser helps students and writers to avoid plagiarism while writing blogs and research papers with state-of-the-art technology.

  15. QuillBot Flow: Your co-writer AI assistant

    Made withat UIUC. QuillBot Flow: an AI co-writer assistant that integrates academic research, note-taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, translation, AI review, and plagiarism checking within a versatile workspace.

  16. Paraphraser Tool for Students: Paraphrase Essay for FREE

    StudyCrumb's paraphrasing machine is a fantastic alternative when you need someone to paraphrase your essay for free. Here're why students choose our tool: Get a nice solution with the paraphrasing tool free of charge. Enjoy our modest paraphrase tool with no distractions. Get instant results generated within seconds.

  17. Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

    Paraphrasing Tool. Quickly rephrase and reword any text for essays, articles, emails, and more. Rewording Tool. Swiftly reword and rephrase sentences or paragraphs for posts, emails or articles. Sentence Rewriter Tool. Enhance the quality and clarity of any sentence and improve its construction with this powerful free tool.

  18. Aithor: Online essay and paper

    First, Aithor.com allows you to generate up to 10 pages of text, while ChatGPT only creates 2 pages. Second, Aithor.com contains an AI disguise feature, allowing you to hide the usage of AI, while ChatGPT would always be detected as AI-generated text. Third, we provide accurate and reliable references for essays and ensure they follow standards ...

  19. QuillBot Review

    QuillBot's tools are available online, but they can also be integrated into your favorite apps and programs for seamless proofreading and paraphrasing. QuillBot Paraphraser review. QuillBot's paraphrasing tool rephrases sentences, paragraphs, or entire essays and articles. Not only does it improve the text's fluency and strengthen your ...

  20. Free AI Sentence Rewriter Tool

    Paraphrasing Tool. Quickly rephrase and reword any text for essays, articles, emails, and more. Rewording Tool. Swiftly reword and rephrase sentences or paragraphs for posts, emails or articles. Summarizer Tool. Experience the power of efficiency! Our free summarizer simplifies content, saving time and effort. Summarize with precision, read ...

  21. Word Changer

    Our essay word changer has a vast database of synonyms. Once you upload a text, the utility scans it and changes paragraph wording with a more engaging vocabulary from its database. The rewritten text will be more attractive to readers. Free & Unlimited . The online essay checker is a completely free tool that doesn't require a premium ...

  22. Top 6 Benefits of Paraphrasing Tools in 2024

    Consequently, students can focus on other academic tasks with greater ease and efficiency. #3. Improves the Readability of Academic Documents. Paraphrasing tools enhance the readability of academic documents. Communicating complex concepts is crucial in essays, assignments, and reports.

  23. Free AI Paragraph Generator

    Paraphrasing Tool. Quickly rephrase and reword any text for essays, articles, emails, and more. Rewording Tool. Swiftly reword and rephrase sentences or paragraphs for posts, emails or articles. Sentence Rewriter Tool. Enhance the quality and clarity of any sentence and improve its construction with this powerful free tool.

  24. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.