resume with stay at home mom gap

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14 Stay at Home Mom Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Stay at Home Mom Resumes
  • Back to Work Resumes
  • Homemaking Resumes
  • Stay at Home Dad Resumes

Being a stay at home mom is one of the most demanding challenges a person can undertake, but this also means that you can never run out of things for writing a cover letter or resume. From  budgeting to delegating and scheduling tasks, the duties of a stay at home mom are endless .

However, given that employers take between five to seven seconds to go through an entire resume, it’s important to know the exact details to mention and those to avoid when writing your stay at home mom resume. For that reason, we’ve designed these 14 stay at home mom resume samples to help you  craft a resume  that will land you your dream job in 2024. 

Stay at Home Mom Resume Resume

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Stay at home mom resume example with 10+ years of experience

Why this resume works

  • For example, you might mention in your resume, “Volunteered at local garage sales to create posters and maps for buyers, increasing sales by 28%.”
  • Write a  resume summary  if you’ve got 10+ years of expertise in your field and can weave in some specializations you’ve picked up along the way that will set you apart from the competition.
  • Skills such as “research, problem-solving, and organization” are crucial in marketing, but there are plenty of other keywords you can include in your  resume skills section , provided they align with the job description.

Stay At Home Parent Resume

Stay at home parent resume example with 3 years of experience

  • This example perfectly aligns with the needs of the role, making it a compelling choice for the position and recruiters will not miss to notice it.

Stay At Home Mom No Work Experience Resume

Stay at home mom no work experience resume example

  • In particular, The volunteer and research projects, such as OralCare360 and FreshBite, showcase the ability to educate, organize, and communicate effectively.

No Degree Resume

No degree resume example with 4 years of experience

  • For example, your resume can list metrics for family size, how much money you saved on groceries after using a budget, and how many appointments/engagements you had per month.
  • Use metrics like these to quantify your impact and get a recruiter’s attention!
  • For example, writing fairy tale novellas takes excellent writing and planning skills, and decorating the lobby for the school play requires strong organizational skills and problem-solving abilities, all of which are useful for a secretarial position.

Stay at Home Mom Gap Resume

Stay at home mom gap resume example with cashier and receptionist experience

  • If the above rings a bell, why not whip up a stay at home mom gap resume that showcases these skills and how you translated them into tangible results? Authoring and publishing a family blog documenting parenting tips and experience, attracting over 6.4k monthly visitors within six months makes for an excellent example here.

Returning to Work Resume

Returning to work resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Your  stay at home mom returning to work resume  should demonstrate your ability to perform tasks related to or similar to what is required of an HR manager, so it can be helpful to view  HR job description examples  to get an idea of what HR professionals require on the job.
  • This doesn’t necessarily mean that every skill should relate to your work experience, but whenever you get a chance to connect the two, do it! 

Returning to Workforce Resume

Returning to workforce resume example with 13 years of experience

  • Even if you’ve been a stay at home mom for a short period, it’s important to list that time on your  returning to workforce resume  so you don’t have a work experience gap. Interviewers frown on these ‘time gaps’ in your resume because it creates the impression that you’ve been inactive and will need a lot of time to catch up if you’re hired. 
  • Only includes languages you would be comfortable mentioning in an interview. Want to really sell your programming skills? Mention how you used your coding experience to create real-life applications.

Work from Home Mom Resume

Work from home mom resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Make your resume as specific as possible. Did you volunteer at your church? List which position you held, how many students you taught, and how you improved the classroom for the better.
  • If you’re in a position requiring licenses or certifications (like education), make sure you include a certifications section on your work from home mom resume to show employers you have the know-how to do the job.

Stay at Home Mom Returning to Teaching Resume

Stay at home mom returning to teaching resume example with 8 years of education experience

  • Detail past work as a tutor and even as a stay-at-home mom that showcase your skills in the best way possible on your stay at home mom returning to teaching resume.
  • Use your stay-at-home mom cover letter to address why your work experience isn’t so recent.

Homemaker Resume

Homemaker resume example with 11 years of experience

  • Make these bullet points as a homemaker count by focusing on outcomes and metrics.
  • You can add a period at the end of every work experience bullet point, but then each work experience bullet point will need periods to ensure consistency.

Homemaker No Experience Resume

Homemaker no experience resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Include skills and/or keywords related to the job you’re applying for, and mention the company you’re applying for by name to get a recruiter’s attention.
  • For example, a cashier should know how to operate a Point of Sale (POS) system, so if you have similar experience, include those skills and responsibilities. 

Military Spouse Stay At Home Mom Resume

Military spouse stay at home mom resume example with 8 prior years of marketing experience

  • Use a career objective statement to tell recruiters how your skills are just what that particular company needs. Don’t forget to mention the company by name!

Housewife Resume

Housewife resume example with disaster relief support and gardening project experiences

  • Community projects such as environmental cleanup and voluntary work to distribute relief food to families affected by disaster are examples you can use to your advantage.

Stay at Home Dad Resume

Stay at home dad resume example with cabinet making experience

  • Well, you got what it takes to land that housekeeping job you’re eyeing. Your past roles, paired with measurable achievements, will further propel your application to success.

Related resume guides

  • Substitute Teacher
  • Camp Counselor
  • Career Change

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Stay-at-home Mom Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Background Image

You’re a stay-at-home mom.

You’re great at time management, organization, and able to juggle five jobs at once. 

Safe to say you’d make a great employee!

But HOW do you prove your abilities to your future employer?

What do you put on a stay-at-home mom resume, anyway?

Well, that’s exactly what we’re about to answer.

We understand that applying to jobs after years of staying at home can be a daunting experience. But please don’t worry - our guide will get you back on your feet in no time!

  • An example of a finished stay-at-home parent resume that works
  • How to write a stay-at-home mom resume that’ll fill up your interview diary
  • How to make your stay-at-home mom resume stand out [with top tips & tricks]

Before we dive into why the company should hire you, here’s a stay-at-home mom resume example, created with our very own resume builder:

stay at home mom resume example

Want one of these? Then follow the steps below:

How to Format a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

Whether you’re getting your kids ready for school or running them a bath, you know the importance of preparation.

Similarly, you need to prepare your resume format before you can start writing!

But what does this actually mean?

Well, your resume needs to be structured correctly.

The most common resume format is “ reverse-chronological ”, and it is for good reason. This format puts your most recent achievements up-top, which keeps your resume clean and easy to follow.

reverse chronological work at home mom

You may also wish to explore the two following formats:

  • Functional Resume – This type of resume focuses on skills, which makes it ideal for stay-at-home moms who have gaps in their employment history or never worked in that specific industry.
  • Combination Resume – Getting back into the same job after a short break? Combining both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological”, individuals with both the required skills and experience may want to use this format.

After picking the correct format for your situation, you need to sort the resume layout .

For a stay-at-home mom resume that looks the part, we recommend: 

  • Margins - One-inch margins on all sides
  • Font - Use a professional resume font that stands out, but not too much
  • Font Size - Stick to 11-12pt font size for normal text and 14-16pt for headers
  • Line Spacing - Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing
  • Resume Length - Maintain a 1-page limit. For guidance, view these one-page resume templates

Use a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume Template

Ever written a document? 

There’s a good chance you used Word, or similar processing software.

Now, these programs are great for creating simple documents, but are they good enough for your resume?

Not if you want a professional-looking resume! 

Why do we say this?

Well, Word isn’t the best for holding structure. 

You see, it can take hours to create the perfect structure, only for you to make one small change, and BOOM…your resume falls apart.

You’re a busy parent - Free up your time by using a stay-at-home mom resume template .

What to Include in a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

The main sections in a stay-at-home mom resume are:

  • Contact Information
  • Work Experience
  • Employment Gap

To really impress the recruiter, you can also add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

That’s the sections sorted, but what should you write for each of them? 

Let’s find out!

For a full rundown on each section, view our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Correctly Display your Contact Information

Now, this isn’t the time to unleash your creative flair.

You just need to keep this section factually-correct .

You could submit the best resume in the world, but if your phone number is wrong, well, you won’t be getting any interviews.

As you can see, accuracy is the name of the game in your contact section.

The contact information section must include:

  • Title - Align this to the exact job title you’re applying for
  • Phone Number - The one you are most-easily reached on
  • Email Address - Keep your email professional ([email protected])
  • (Optional) Location - Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location.
  • Emily Brown, Receptionist. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Emily Brown, Supermom Receptionist. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

How to Write a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume Summary or Objective

The job market is getting more and more competitive.

In fact, most employers usually have a HUGE pool of applicants to choose from.

Taking this into account, we can’t be too surprised that recruiters are known to spend less than 6 seconds on each resume !

Although rather concerning, we can use this knowledge to our advantage.

You just need a way to hook the reader.

But HOW can you do this?

Use a resume summary or objective , which are both attention-grabbing paragraphs that sit at the top of your resume.

This paragraph will be the first thing the hiring manager lays their eyes on, so make it the best it can be!

resume summary stay at home mom

Although similar, there are differences between a summary and an objective…

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence paragraph that summarizes your most notable professional achievements. 

  • Fast-working and friendly receptionist with 18 years of experience working on the front desk of a local gymnasium, where I achieved a customer satisfaction score of 98%. Highly-skilled in data-entry, customer service, and negotiation. Seeking to leverage interpersonal skills and a commitment to great service to become the new receptionist at GYM XYZ.

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence paragraph of what you want to achieve and why you’re perfect for the position.

  • Enthusiastic and friendly gym-goer looking to work as the new receptionist at GYM XYZ. Passionate about keeping visitors happy and satisfied. Relevant experience includes serving customers during two years at CAFÉ XYZ. Skilled in POS, communication, and time management.

So, should stay-at-home moms use a summary or an objective?

Generally, because stay-at-home moms will have large employment gaps, a resume objective would be the best choice. With that said, if you’re entering back into an industry that you have plenty of experience in, a resume summary would be the best choice. 

How to Make Your Work Experience Stand Out

The work experience section is the most important section on your resume.

As such, it’s a section that requires special care and attention.

The goal is to write a powerful work experience section that stands out and highlights your most notable achievements .

Doing so will instil confidence and reduce any perceived risk in hiring you.

Now, you may be concerned about your employment gap, but don’t be.

Anyway, it’s always better to explain your employment gaps, rather than attempt to conceal them.

Here’s how to correctly structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements


06/2017 – 03/2020

  • Based on surveying, I achieved a 99.4% visitor satisfaction score during my three years at Real Gym
  • Welcome and advised 250+ customers a day
  • Developed a new fitness class system that reduced complaints by 48%

Instead of simply talking about your daily tasks, you should show how valuable you were at your previous employment. You see, this will allow the recruiter to immediately see how you’ll directly benefit the company.

Instead of saying:

“Kept visitors happy”.

“Based on surveying, I achieved a 99.4% visitor satisfaction score during my three years at Real Gym”.

Apart from being much longer, how is the second statement different?

Well, it uses quantitative data to back-up your skills. It allows the recruiter to see why you’d make a great addition to the team.

On the other hand, the first statement is way too generic. The recruiter has most likely read those exact words 18 times today.

What if You Don’t Have Any Relevant Work Experience?

So, you’re going back to work after a long lay-off.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean you will be applying for the same job.

What if you don’t have experience?

Not to worry!

You see, just because you’ve never worked as a receptionist, doesn’t mean lack the relevant skills and experiences needed to be great at that job.

You would just need to mention the crossover skills from previous jobs, like being able to operate a cash machine, having great communication skills, and being detail-orientated. 

How to Explain Gaps in Employment on a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

Why is there a gap in your employment?

Your employer will want to know what you’ve been up to recently.

Even though you’ve talked about your previous jobs, it’s now time to address the elephant in the room.

The trick here is to focus on any skills learnt during your time as a stay-at-home mom, especially skills relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Stay-at-Home Parent

05/2017– Present

  • Created a blog that documented my journey through parenthood – receives 10k+ views per month
  • Volunteered at my local charity – served dinner to 100+ homeless every Tuesday night

Sure – an employment gap isn’t ideal, but you can use this section to highlight the skills and experiences developed during this gap. Essentially, you can spin a negative into a positive ! 

Now, we both know that being a stay-at-home mom IS a full-time job, but resist listing your parent-related duties, unless the job involves working with small children or similar.

Use Action Words to Make Your SAHM Resume POP!

Those poor hiring managers.

Having to read the same generic words in every resume they read. 

Although bad for them, this is great for you!

You see, it allows you to create a “return-to-workforce” resume that stands out by using some power words :

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

How to Correctly List your Education

Next, let’s discuss what to put in your education section.

Regardless of the position that you’re applying for, this section follows a simple formula:

  • Qualification Type 
  • Institution Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

When put together, your education section should resemble the following example:

Majoring in Culinary Arts

Ohio State University

2008 - 2012

  • Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events (MICE), Financial and Revenue Management, Research Project, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Experience Economy, Exploring Professional Practice in Hospitality.

Still have a few questions? Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get from stay-at-home moms:

  • What if I haven’t come to the end of my studies yet?

Not to worry. Just include the courses and modules studies to date

  • Should I include my high school education?

If it’s your highest form of education, then yes 

  • What is more important, my education or experience?

Experience always wins this race, although education is still important 

For in-depth answers, check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top Skills for a Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

As a mom, you have invaluable skills that your little-one depends on.

But you can’t exactly write “able to put three kids to bed every night” on your resume.

So, what should you do instead?

Well, what did you write in your experience section?

Here’s a trick: analyze both your work experience and the job description.

If you see any skills that crossover, add them to your resume.

Do this correctly, and you’ll be showing the exact skills the recruiter is looking for! 

And if you need more inspiration, here are some of the most common soft skills:

  • Personable and friendly 
  • Endurance (long hours)
  • Conflict resolution 
  • Time management 
  • Team player
  • Be honest here. Interviewers will usually ask applicants to explain more about the skills listed.

Confused about what skills to put on your stay-at-home mom resume? Check out our comprehensive list of 150+ must-have skills this year .

What Else Can You Include?

There we have it.

All essential sections have been added to your resume.

But don’t call it a day just yet!

Adding just one or two of the following sections could be deciding factor in whether you’re hired for the job or not!

Awards & Certifications

Have you ever been employee of the month?

Have you completed any courses that are relevant to the job?

If you have any awards or certifications, be sure to include it in your resume!

Awards & Certificates

  • “Employee of the Year 2018” - Real Gym
  • “Learning How to Learn” - 2019 Coursera Certificate

Applying to a Spanish restaurant?

Then being able to speak some Spanish is sure to increase your chances. 

Whether it’s a specific requirement or not, being able to speak multiple languages is impressive – and who can argue with that!?

Rank the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you’re likely wondering, “why would the hiring manager need to know about my keen interest in badminton?”

Well, because it allows them to learn more about whom you actually are.

Companies want new members of staff that fit in well with the current team.

The easiest way to do this is to discuss your hobbies, especially those hobbies which involve social interaction.

Here’s which hobbies & interests you may want to mention.

Include a Cover Letter with Your Resume

How to really “wipe the floor” with your competition?

Attach a convincing cover letter with your resume!

You see, your resume is great for delivering the core message, but nothing speaks to the recruiter like a well-written cover letter.

But what do we mean by this?

Well, a cover letter allows you to make a personal connection, which ensures you’ll be remembered by the hiring manager.

As well as offering the chance to fill in all the blanks, a cover letter also shows that you want to work for this exact company . 

Here’s how to create a structure that works:

cover letter example structure

And here’s the winning formula:

Personal Contact Information

Use your full name, profession, phone number, email, and address 

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Use their full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

Make sure your opening paragraph commands attention. Briefly mention:

  • The exact job position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and best achievement to date

Once you’ve grabbed the reader’s attention, you can delve further into the following specifics:

  • Why you chose this specific company
  • What you know about the company’s vision and culture
  • How your skills will be beneficial to the company
  • Whether you’ve worked in similar positions before

Closing Paragraph

Finish with a closing paragraph that:

  • Concludes the key points of your cover letter
  • Thanks the manager for reading and for the job opportunity
  • Ends with a call to action. For example, “At your earliest convenience, I’d love to discuss more about how I can help your company with X” will work.

Formal Salutations

While remaining personal, the letter should end in a professional manner. Use something like, “Kind regards” or “Sincerely.”

For extra cover letter advice, view our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways

Good luck with your new job:

Because if you followed the steps in this guide, you should now have a job-winning resume! 

Make sure to:

  • Select one of the recommended formats for your specific situation and employment history, and then follow the recommended layout
  • Catch the reader’s attention with a short, snappy summary or objective
  • In the work experience section, make sure to highlight your most relevant and best achievements, rather than just your daily duties. Oh, and don’t be put off by your employment gap
  • For a highly-specific application that starts a conversation, include a convincing cover letter

Suggested Reading:

  • Guide to Green Careers - All You Need to Know
  • The 2024 Complete Guide to Remote Work [W/ Tips & Tricks]
  • Guide to Nonprofit Jobs & Careers [Complete Guide]

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How to make a stay at home mom resume?

Being a homemaker is not an easy job, yet women handle it with grace and ease.

Looking for a job while juggling with your responsibilities at home may not seem easy but we have the perfect solution to help you restart or kickstart your career.

You may or may not have any professional experience but if you are ready to start working or get back to your old job profile, it is achievable.

It is not mission impossible, so keep reading to get the best guide for writing your stay at home mom resume.

In this blog, you will learn the proper and professional way to write your flawless homemaker resume. So read on to get the information we have laid out for you in this blog.

Let us begin this guide by introducing you to all the things that you will learn in this blog:

  • What to write in your stay at home mom resume and how to write it?
  • How to write your professional experience in an effective way?
  • How to make an impact with your stay at home resume skills?
  • What format to use while framing bullet points in your homemaker resume?

What is a Stay at Home Mom Resume & Why Do You Need It?

Your homemaker resume acts as the first point of communication between you and the recruiter. It is your ticket to land a job.

Your stay at home mom resume is the first step towards your dream job. It is a virtual representation of the skills which are required for the job that you are seeking.

The recruiters get an insight into your professional experience and your capabilities through your resume. Your goal here is to make sure that your resume is flawless and impressive to get an interview call for your target job.

But the one thing that you need to tackle here is the ATS system. Most recruiters rely on the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) for their hiring needs.

If your resume gets parsed by the ATS system, it has a higher chance of ranking in the ATS system, which means your resume will have a higher chance of getting shortlisted.

You need to curate a resume that is ATS-targeted. A resume that is not ATS-targeted might fall short and may end up never getting shortlisted.

While writing an ATS targeted resume is not easy, it is something that you can accomplish with this guide.

This guide will help you write a job-winning stay at home resume from scratch.

Also Read: How to craft an impeccable resume?

Stay at Home Mom Resume Sections

Picture in your head of how your resume will look after it is created. Do you like what you see? or are you unable to picture it clearly in your head?

Your resume needs to be divided into different sections to elaborate on the different details about you and your skills as well as your work experience.

Arrange your stay at home mom resume sections in the following manner:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if applicable)
  • Additional Information (if applicable)
Do Read: A perfect guide to sections in a resume.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Header

Most of the time people ignore the importance of the profile header wherein it is an important factor in a resume.

Follow the given points to write your resume header the right way:

  • Your header should be written using the largest fonts between 16-20 font sizes to make it stand out in your nstay at home mom resume.
  • It should be placed at the top-most part of your resume.
  • Now if you have a middle name, use only the initials of your middle name and place it in between your first and last name.
  • Example: Joanna Aquamarine Smith should be written as "Joanna A. Smith".

Take a look at the perfectly composed resume header which is an ideal stay at home mom resume example:

Head Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Also Read: Tips for creating a resume header.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section in your homemaker resume should consist of the following details:

  • Contact number
  • Current location

LinkedIn/Personal Website

Your contact number.

Provide only the active number that you use for a recruiter to get in touch with you. They would not bother calling you repeatedly till they get you on the line.

Remember, it is you who is looking for a job because in a sea of resumes the recruiter can always pick other eligible applicants if they cannot get to you.

Give your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your phone number and a plus sign (+) before the ISD code.

Example:(+1) 82374 29371

As your email ID is the official means of communication between you and the recruiter, it should be professionally composed and should not include fancy email names.

Take a look at the examples below:

Example 1: beautyqueen@xyz[dot]com Example 2: emilybronte@xyz[dot]com

On observing both examples, you will find that example 2 looks more professional.

Example 2 uses the real full name as their email ID. This is the correct way of composing emails.

Current Location

Always give your current location in your resume. If you are looking for a job in your own country, simply mention the city and state you are living in.

In case you are looking for a job in another country, simply mention the name of the city and country you are residing in.

Adding links of your LinkedIn account and personal websites can be an added advantage and it will allow the recruiter to understand your professional identity without limiting it just to your resume.

Also Read: Dos & Don'ts of writing the personal information section. >


Another stay at home mom resume example of your personal information should look as given below:

Personal Information Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Profile Title

Your profile title is your latest job title. It lets the recruiter know where you stand in your career. It also states if you are an experienced or an entry-level applicant.

Use the 2nd largest font size of 14-16 in your resume to write your profile title.

Look at the example given below to check how your profile title should look like in your homemaker resume:

Profile Title Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Here we have presented the stay at home mom as someone who has worked as a content editor and so the profile title is written accordingly.

Now the recruiters are well aware that the stay at home mom is a content editor. Likewise, your profile title should speak about your field of work and your professional status.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Professional Experience

This is one of the most important sections of your resume. It is this section that will allow you to elaborate on all your skills and experience.

Do not miss out on any important details while filling this section.

Keep in mind that you need to update the recruiter with all the important aspects of your professional experience and relate it to the present job that you are applying for.


Frame your professional experience section in your stay at home mom resume by following the points that we have mentioned below:

  • STAR format
  • Framing points

Grouping & Highlighting

Star format.

This is what the STAR stands for:

  • S stands for situation : The situation/backdrop/context of your contributions
  • T stands for task : The actual task that was assigned to you
  • A stands for action : The strategy you used to execute the assigned task
  • R stands for result : The result/outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure

Use the STAR format as it is the ideal format for structuring the professional experience section of your stay at home mom resume.

It establishes the cause-effect relationship which helps your resume stand out. It also helps in advancing your job application as you can communicate your achievements in the form of an achievement figure.

This is a practical demonstration of your skills as quantifying your achievements shows the extent of your expertise in your chosen domain.

Framing Points

It is your responsibility to keep the recruiter interested in reading your stay at home mom resume, so make it worth the read.

If your resume fails to do the bare minimum of being read by the recruiter, your chances of getting shortlisted drastically dwindle.

Here are two examples showing the two ways in which people compose this section of their resume. Your task here is to evaluate them:

Corresponded with authors to develop preferred documentation style as per the clients' requirements

Culminated 2+ manuscripts with a word count of ~5k for various authors

Scrutinize the manuscripts using editing & proofreading to create a high-quality product

Scanned for typos to avoid errors to enhance the authors' work quality

Framing Points: Analysis

It is very clear from the two examples that framing points (example 2) help in enhancing your statements in a resume.

Using bulleted one-liner points makes it easier to list your roles & responsibilities in your resume. It also makes your resume easy to read and comprehend.

There is no point in writing a bulky and lengthy paragraph in your resume (example 1) as it makes no sense when you drag your points for too long at a stretch.

Both the example are stating the same thing yet example 2 is more specific without unnecessary words unlike example 1 which makes your resume look bulky.

Another important aspect of composing your professional experience section is the grouping & highlighting of your points.

This will efficiently highlight your skills and achievements in your homemaker resume.

Grouping your points under unique subtitles makes your points specific and highlighting the important keywords helps the recruiters stay interested in your job application.

Let us look at these two given examples to compare how grouping & highlighting your statements in your resume is better than a plain statement:

  • Compiled subject requirements & worked under the supervision of senior writers

Coalesced with writers, graphic designers & type-setters to create error-free articles & stories every week

  • Facilitated the timely delivery of manuscripts & articles for clients to meet deadlines
  • Collaborated with the Editorial team to complete 20+ copy-editing assignments for timely product delivery

Manuscript Analysis & Line Editing

  • Coalesced with writers, graphic designers & typesetters to create error-free articles & stories every week

Product Delivery & Copy Editing

Grouping & Highlighting: Analysis

From the two examples given above, we can see that it is easier to understand example 2 as it is better organized than example 1.

Creating unique subheadings for grouping similar points makes it easier to create a clear picture of your professional caliber.

Highlighting your points directs the recruiter's attention to your key achievements under each point. Thus, it enhances your chances of getting noticed by a recruiter which ultimately helps you in getting shortlisted for a target job.

To conclude, use grouping & highlighting to frame your professional experience so that the recruiters can identify your achievements and capability.

If you have an existing resume, get it professionally reviewed by our in-house team of resume experts at Hiration.

Also Read: How to compose the work experience in your resume? .

Given below is a sample stay at home mom resume showing what a perfectly composed professional experience section should ideally look like:

Professional Experience Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Education

Your education section will come right below your professional section and it will help enhance your professional skills.

Your course of study highlights your knowledge in the field of any specific job position. So make sure that you provide the field of education course that you possess.

For those who do not have enough or zero experience, your educational qualification may play a vital role in positively influencing the recruiter.

While education is not as relevant as your professional experience in terms of a job application, it can make all the difference to your job application when you are applying for an entry-level job.

Given below is the format that you should follow when composing this section:

{Name of the school/university} | {Location} | {Dates} (in month and year format) {Name of the degree} | {CGPA}

Do Read: Guide on how to list education on resume.

Look at the example given below to see how your education section should look like in your resume:

Education Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Certifications

Any certification(s) that you have completed should be mentioned in the certifications section of your resume.

It will help enhance your educational qualifications and professional experience.

Relevant certifications will make you a stronger candidate as it shows that you went the extra mile to go and get certified (even though your target job does not explicitly demand it).

As a result, it will give you a better chance than other applicants to land an interview or the job.

Your certification section must include the following details:

  • Name of the Certification Course
  • Name of the Affiliating Institution
  • Location of the Institute
  • Dates of enrollment and completion of the course (month and year)

The above points should be aligned using the format that we have mentioned below:

{Name of certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date} (in month and year format)

Also Read: How to list certifications on resume?

Time to shine by holding up your skills on a banner. Not exactly a banner in literal terms but you can use this section in your resume to mention all your efficient key skills.

This section will highlight all your expertise for the recruiter to notice at a glance itself.

Your key skills should contain the keywords used to describe the job profile you are applying for. It helps your resume to rank high in the ATS (Applicant Tracking System)

Make sure that these key skills are connected to the points stated in your professional experience. Your key skills should be justified before they are framed.

Your stay at home mom resume key skills section should ideally look as given below:

Skills Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

In the example, you can see that your skills are standing out. Well, that is the whole idea, to attract the recruiter towards your potential.

You can also see that your technical efficiency is written separately under the skills. It is to specify the exact tool you are capable of using.

This adds weight to your skills section and lets the recruiter acknowledge your potential while shortlisting your resume.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Summary

A summary should be written for the homemaker resume only if you have 3 years of professional experience.

But in most cases, resume for stay at home mom with no work experience should avoid writing a summary as it does not help in covering the existing career gaps.

Read the following points to write a summary of your stay at home mom resume:

  • Start your summary by mentioning the years of experience you have. Keep in mind that the recruiter will read your summary for roughly 6-7 seconds so make it count.
  • Write only 3-4 lines of the summary to make it an on-point statement. Do not overstretch your summary as it would seem unnecessary and irrelevant.
  • Your summary should contain a brief explanation of your past work experience. So when you curate this section, make sure that you cherry-pick the best highlights of your career to enhance the effectiveness of your stay at home mom resume summary.
Do Read: How to write the perfect resume summary.

Stay at Home Mom Resume: Objective

A resume objective is often written by those professionals with 0 to less than 3 years of work experience.

For stay at home moms, a resume objective should be written vis-a-vis a resume summary as you have employment gaps.

Objectives are often written to cover up the gaps in your career. As a stay-at-home mom, you will have to write an objective that includes your experience as well as your activities during your gap.

Follow the given points to write an objective for stay at home mom with no work experience resume or resume for homemaker returning to the workforce:

  • Mention all the details of your past professional experience and focus on how you managed to keep yourself busy during the gap of your professional journey.
  • Never write a stay at home mom in your resume because that is an unprofessional way to address the gap in your career.
  • If your skills are presented correctly the recruiter will be more focused on your capabilities and not your gap.

Here is your stay at home mom resume sample to have a better understanding of how an objective is written:

Objective Section in a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Don't Miss: Detailed guide on creating the resume objective.

Stay at Home Mom Resume Samples

Here is an example of how your stay at home mom resume template should look like:

  • Correspond with authors to develop preferred documentation style in accordance with client requirements
  • Culminate 2+ manuscripts with a word count of ~5k for different authors
  • Scrutinize the manuscripts through multiple rounds of editing & proofreading to create high-quality end product
  • Scan for typos & avoid errors of omission or commission to enhance the quality of the authors' work
  • Interweave research data to create 7+ articles on a weekly basis for the official blog & social media platforms
  • Research & subsequently compose 900+ words of content about various blogs for client reference per week
  • Engaged in outreach programs to empower stay-at-home moms with basic computer knowledge
  • Participated in education workshops for 100+ children-at-risk to achieve universal child literacy
  • Taught English language to 30+ students of Seashore High School through their online portal
  • Vetted articles by writers & prepared enticing drafts via Adobe Illustrator 6 for the final review by the Chief Editor
  • Coordinated with the Design team to prepare graphical outlook & layout for clients based on their industrial needs
  • Compiled subject requirements & worked under the supervision of senior writers to analyse writers' manuscripts
  • Coalesced with writers, graphic designers & type setters to create 5+ error free articles, news & stories on a weekly basis
  • Facilitated the timely delivery of manuscripts & articles for clients to meet deadlines with 100% accuracy
  • Collaborated with the Editorial team to complete 20+ copy-editing assignments per week for timely product delivery
  • Prepared an effective checklist for proofreading & ensuring quality before signing off the manuscript for printing
  • Delivered high quality content free from grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, & false notions
  • Generated 30% revenue for the publishing house by assisting the Marketing team during the ' Annual Book Fair '
  • Published 40+ articles in collaboration with other publishing houses for the monthly issue of the Publisher's Journal
  • Top 10 percentile of the class

Key Takeaways

  • Never mention stay-at-home mom in your resume as it is not the professional way to write your status
  • Make sure to follow the grouping & highlighting method while writing your professional experience
  • Do not forget to mention your achievements by adding figures wherever possible to specify your points
  • Write a summary if you have 3+ years of experience. If you don't, write a resume objective
  • Focus on what you are capable of executing effectively and write down your skills
  • Provide details of your extra-curricular activities during the gap of your career to avoid being assumed as an idle applicant
  • Emphasize on your education and certifications for enhancing your chances of being shortlisted

Now that is a wrap of the blog and you are ready to go write your stay at home mom resume. Follow the guide you just read through and frame your flawless resume to achieve your dream job.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

resume with stay at home mom gap

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  • Career Blog

Stay at Home Mom Resume Examples and Writing Tips for 2024

resume with stay at home mom gap

A stay-at-home mom is a woman who chooses to devote her time and energy to raising her children and managing her household instead of pursuing a career outside the home. While being a stay-at-home mom is often considered a full-time job in and of itself, many women eventually decide to return to the workforce.

Importance of a Stay-at-Home Mom’s Return to the Workforce

Returning to the workforce after being a stay-at-home mom can be a daunting task. Many stay-at-home moms feel that they lack the skills and experience necessary to compete in the job market. However, the skills developed while being a stay-at-home mom, such as multitasking, organization, and communication, are highly transferable to many different fields and can make a stay-at-home mom an attractive candidate for potential employers.

Additionally, returning to the workforce can be a great way for stay-at-home moms to regain their independence, financial stability, and sense of self-worth. It can also be a way for them to inspire their children and show them the importance of pursuing their goals and dreams.

Challenges of Creating a Stay-at-home Mom Resume

Stay-at-home mothers face several challenges when creating a resume. The work done while taking care of children and managing a household is often unappreciated and undervalued. However, with the right approach, it is possible to create a resume that highlights relevant skills and experience that prospective employers are looking for.

Identifying transferable skills

Stay-at-home mothers often overlook important skills acquired while managing a household. They possess excellent organizational skills, multitasking abilities, time-management skills, communication skills, and problem-solving skills. These skills are transferable and can be applied to various job roles. For instance, the organizational skills and attention to detail required to manage a household can be useful in an administrative position. It’s important to identify these skills and highlight them in the resume to make them stand out to potential employers.

Filling employment gaps

Employment gaps are common in stay-at-home mom resumes. However, it doesn’t mean that the resume should be sparse or incomplete. Instead, the resume should focus on identifying and highlighting transferable skills and other activities undertaken during that period. Some of the activities may include volunteering, freelancing, or pursuing further education. It’s essential to show how these activities helped in honing critical transferable skills.

Overcoming stigmas

Some employers may have stigmas about stay-at-home mothers returning to the workforce. However, this should not deter mothers from seeking employment. Firstly, it’s important to project confidence and passion for the job in the resume. Emphasize the acquired skills and how valuable they are in the current job opening. Secondly, focus on the future and highlight how the experience gained from managing household duties has strengthened you as a candidate. Finally, address any stigma head-on by highlighting a successful transition back into the workforce in the past or by engaging in activities that help to address the stigma.

Creating a resume as a stay-at-home mother is a challenging task. However, by identifying transferable skills, filling employment gaps, and addressing potential stigmas head-on, it is possible to create a winning resume that highlights a candidate’s strengths and makes them stand out to prospective employers.

Understanding the Different Resume Formats

When it comes to creating a resume, there are three main formats that you can use: the chronological resume format, the functional resume format, and the combination resume format.

Chronological Resume Format

The chronological resume format is the most traditional format and is the one that many people are familiar with. This format lists your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position and working backward. This is a great format to use if you have a strong work history with no employment gaps.

Functional Resume Format

The functional resume format, on the other hand, focuses on your skills and abilities rather than your work history. This format is great for those who may have gaps in their employment history, those who are changing careers, or those who have relevant volunteering experience.

Combination Resume Format

The combination resume format combines aspects of both the chronological and functional resume formats. It highlights your skills and abilities while also listing your work history in reverse chronological order. This is a great format to use if you want to showcase your skills and experience while also providing a comprehensive overview of your work history.

Selecting the Right Format for Stay-at-Home Moms

As a stay-at-home mom, selecting the right resume format is crucial. Depending on your individual circumstances, each format may have its unique advantages. If you have recent work experience and no gaps in employment, the chronological resume format is a great choice. However, if you have been out of the workforce for an extended period, the functional resume format may better highlight your skills and abilities.

Another option to consider is the combination resume format. This format will allow you to showcase your skillset while also providing a chronological overview of your work history.

No matter which format you choose, make sure to tailor your resume to the job you are applying for. Focus on highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position, and use keywords from the job description.

It’s essential to choose the right resume format that effectively showcases your skills and work history as a stay-at-home mom. Take the time to analyze your individual circumstances, and select the format that best meets your needs. Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for, and you’ll increase your chances of landing that dream job.

Crafting an Effective Summary Statement

As a stay-at-home mom, crafting an effective summary statement on your resume can be a game-changer. A summary statement is a brief, concise paragraph at the top of your resume that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. It serves as an opening statement and provides prospective employers with an overview of your qualifications.

What is a Summary Statement?

A summary statement is a powerful tool for stay-at-home moms who are returning to the workforce. It’s a quick summary of your key skills, experience, and achievements that tells potential employers what you can bring to the table. An effective summary statement should be brief, clear, and compelling. It should entice the reader to learn more about your qualifications and experience.

Importance of a Summary Statement

A summary statement plays a crucial role in helping you stand out in a crowded job market. It’s your chance to highlight your most impressive accomplishments and show potential employers that you have what it takes to excel in the job. A well-crafted summary statement can improve your chances of getting an interview, and ultimately, landing the job.

Tips for Crafting an Effective Summary Statement

Crafting an effective summary statement can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are some essential tips to help you create a compelling summary statement:

Keep it brief and to the point: A summary statement should be no more than 3-4 sentences long. It should be a quick overview of your skills, experience, and achievements.

Use keywords: Keywords are important in the summary statement because they help recruiters and hiring managers quickly determine if you have the skills required for the job.

Highlight your most relevant skills and experience: Focus on the skills and experience that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Quantify your achievements: Use numbers and figures to quantify your achievements. This will give potential employers a better idea of what you’ve accomplished in your previous roles.

Customize for each job: Customize your summary statement for each job you apply for. Highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position.

Use action verbs: Use action verbs to make your summary statement more dynamic and engaging.

By following these tips, you can create an effective summary statement that will make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Highlighting Transferable Skills

As a stay-at-home mom, you may have developed many skills while taking care of your family that can be applied in a professional work setting. These skills are known as transferable skills, and they are valuable for recruiters and hiring managers looking for candidates who can bring a unique set of abilities to the job.

Definition of transferable skills

Transferable skills are abilities that can be applied to different industries, roles, and job settings. They rely on your personal traits, such as your communication skills, problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and time management, rather than your technical qualifications. Recruiters and hiring managers are particularly interested in transferable skills because they add diversity and creativity to the workplace.

Examples of transferable skills relevant to stay-at-home moms

As a stay-at-home mom, you may have acquired several transferable skills without even realizing it. Consider the following examples:

  • Time management : As a stay-at-home mom, you need to manage your time effectively to take care of your children, household chores, and other responsibilities effectively. Time management is an excellent transferable skill that can be applied to a wide range of workplaces, such as project management, event planning, and customer service.
  • Communication : Stay-at-home moms interact with people from different backgrounds and personalities every day. You know how to communicate effectively with your children, partner, and family members, which is a transferable skill that can be applied to roles such as sales, marketing, and customer service.
  • Problem-solving : As a stay-at-home mom, you face different challenges and problems every day, such as managing your budget, keeping your children safe and healthy, and managing the household. Problem-solving is a valuable transferable skill that can be applied to roles such as logistics, operations, engineering, and finance.
  • Leadership : Stay-at-home moms often take the lead in raising their children, managing their household, and completing tasks. Leadership is a transferable skill that can be applied to many settings, such as management, team leading, and executive roles.
  • Emotional intelligence : As a stay-at-home mom, you need to be emotionally intelligent to understand your children’s needs, manage conflicts with your partner, and handle stress and frustration. Emotional intelligence is a transferable skill that can be applied to roles such as counseling, human resources, and coaching.

Incorporating transferable skills into a resume

When writing your resume, make sure to highlight your transferable skills as they can make you stand out from other candidates. Start by identifying the skills you have developed while taking care of your family or other activities outside of work.

Next, tailor your resume to match the job description and mention how your transferable skills can benefit the employer. Use specific examples to showcase your skills, such as “Managed a household budget of $X for Y years” or “Led a team of X volunteers to complete Y project.

Showcasing Accomplishments with Action Words

As a stay-at-home mom, it’s crucial to showcase your accomplishments in your resume. And one effective way to do this is by using action words. Action words help you communicate your skills and achievements more effectively and convey a sense of energy and accomplishment.

Importance of Action Words in a Resume

Recruiters and hiring managers often receive numerous resumes for every job opening, and they have limited time to evaluate each one. This is where action words can make a big difference. Studies have shown that using action words in your resume can increase your chances of getting hired by up to 80%.

Action words also help your resume to stand out from others. Recruiters appreciate resumes that are well-written, concise, and easy to read. Therefore, using the right action words can help you make a good impression and get noticed.

Examples of Action Words

Here are some examples of action words that you can use in your stay-at-home mom resume:

  • Managed: If you’ve been in charge of your household, you can use “managed” to showcase your leadership skills.
  • Developed: If you’ve started a side business, “developed” can highlight your entrepreneurship skills.
  • Organized: If you’ve been organizing community events or school functions, “organized” can demonstrate your planning abilities.
  • Coordinated: If you’ve been coordinating volunteer activities, “coordinated” can highlight your communication and collaboration skills.
  • Trained: If you’ve been teaching your children or others, you can use “trained” to showcase your teaching skills.
  • Advocated: If you’ve been involved in advocacy work or political campaigns, “advocated” can show your passion for causes.

When showcasing your accomplishments using action words, it’s essential to be specific and quantify your achievements whenever possible. Here are some examples of how you can use action words to showcase your accomplishments:

  • “Managed household activities.”
  • “Managed household activities for five family members, including meal planning, budgeting, and scheduling, resulting in a 30% reduction in overall household expenses.”
  • “Organized community events.”
  • “Organized three community events per year, each with an audience of 100+ attendees, resulting in $10,000+ in donations to local charities.”
  • “Advocated for social justice.”
  • “Advocated for social justice by organizing and leading protests, resulting in national media coverage and 1,000+ attendees at events.”

Remember that your accomplishments should demonstrate your skills and expertise relevant to the job you’re applying for. Therefore, it’s important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements and use action words that reflect those skills.

Using action words in your stay-at-home mom resume is a vital part of showcasing your accomplishments effectively.

Emphasizing Education and Training

When it comes to creating a resume, highlighting your education and training can be critical, especially if you’re a stay-at-home mom returning to the workforce. These details not only show your qualifications but also demonstrate your commitment to growing your skills and staying current with industry trends.

Importance of Education and Training in a Resume

Including education and training helps demonstrate that you are qualified for the position you are applying for. It shows that you have the minimum level of knowledge required for the job and can help you stand out in a competitive job market. If you have obtained additional certifications or completed training programs, it is essential to include them in your resume as they indicate your commitment to your profession and your initiative to keep learning.

Identifying Relevant Education and Training

It is important to make sure that the education and training you list in your resume are relevant to the position you are applying for. A good rule of thumb is to include any educational achievement that may be required for the position or any certifications that show mastery in the required skillset. It is also important to think outside the box and look for qualifications that could be transferable to the position you are applying for.

If you are returning to the workforce, your recent education and training might not be related to the position you are applying for. However, you can highlight the skills you gained and how they can be applied in a different field. For example, if you completed a course on data analysis, you can highlight your problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and ability to analyze data that can assist you in the new role you are applying for.

Highlighting Education and Training in a Resume

When including education and training in your resume, it is important to list them in reverse-chronological order, starting with your most recent achievement. Consider creating a separate section for your education and training that emphasizes your accomplishments and the skills and knowledge you gained from them.

Make sure to include the name of the program or institution, the year(s) you attended, and the achievements or certifications you received. You can also highlight any relevant coursework or focus areas that can differentiate you from other candidates.

Your education and training can be a significant selling point of your resume, especially if you are returning to the workforce as a stay-at-home mom. Identifying your qualifications that are relevant to the position you are applying for and highlighting your achievements can showcase your value as an asset to any prospective employer.

Addressing Employment Gaps in a Resume

When crafting a resume, it can be challenging to address gaps in employment. Whether it’s due to time off to raise children, illness, or other reasons, an unexplained or unclear gap can raise questions for potential employers.

Explanation of Employment Gaps

Firstly, it’s essential to explain the reason for any employment gaps clearly. Leaving a gap unaddressed can lead to potential employers assuming the worst about your work history. Be honest about why you took time off, but don’t overshare. It’s not necessary to provide personal details or to highlight the negative aspects of the gap.

Addressing Gaps with Honesty and Professionalism

It’s important to approach any gaps in your resume with honesty and professionalism. Be confident when explaining the reasons for any absences and how you stayed engaged in personal growth or continued learning during this time. Remember, spending time raising children or taking care of a family member is valuable experience that employers can appreciate.

Tips for Minimizing the Impact of Employment Gaps

Although gaps in employment can be worrisome for employers, there are several ways to minimize their impact on your resume:

Be strategic with your resume format: Consider using a functional resume format. This format emphasizes your skills and accomplishments rather than listing your work experience chronologically. This approach can shift the emphasis away from gaps in employment and highlight your strengths.

Use positive language: When describing the reason for the employment gap, avoid negative language. Instead, focus on the personal and professional growth you gained during this time.

Highlight on-going learning opportunities: Explain how you stayed engaged in personal or professional growth during the gap period. Include any online courses or certifications you obtained during this time.

Address the gap in your cover letter: Use your cover letter to address the employment gap briefly. Let the employer know the steps you took during this time to maintain your skills and stay engaged professionally.

Networking: Networking can help you overcome the stigma of employment gaps. Attend professional events and job fairs to potentially connect with employers who may overlook an employment gap if you impress them with your skills and experience.

Employment gaps can cause concern for potential employers, but there are ways to frame these gaps in a positive light in your resume. Be honest and professional when explaining the reasons behind the gap and highlight any on-going learning opportunities during this time. Follow the tips mentioned above, and you’ll be sure to minimize the impact of your employment gaps on your resume.

Incorporating Volunteer Work and Community Involvement

As a stay-at-home mom, volunteering can be a great way to stay active, involved in the community, and gain valuable experience to add to your resume. Volunteer work is any activity that offers your time, skills, and abilities to others with no expectation of financial gain.

Examples of volunteer work relevant to stay-at-home moms

There are many volunteer opportunities available that can be relevant to stay-at-home moms. Here are some examples:

School volunteering:  You can volunteer at your child’s school to assist with reading, math, or other subjects, help with field trips, or organize events like book fairs or fundraisers.

Religious organizations:  If you belong to a religious group, you can help with events, teach classes, or volunteer in soup kitchens or other programs.

Non-profit organizations:  Many non-profit organizations accept volunteers to help with fundraising, event planning, grant writing, or administrative tasks.

Community service organizations:  There are community service organizations like food banks, shelters, and hospitals that need volunteers to help with various tasks.

Professional organizations:  Many professional organizations have volunteer opportunities, such as speaking at conferences or mentoring others in your industry.

Tips for incorporating volunteer work into a resume

Here are some tips on how to incorporate your volunteer work into your resume:

Include relevant skills and accomplishments.  When describing your volunteer work, highlight the skills you learned and the accomplishments you achieved. For example: “Successfully organized a school fundraiser that raised $10,000 in donations.”

Use active language.  Use active verbs to describe your volunteer work and make it sound more impressive. For example: “Coordinated a team of 10 volunteers to deliver meals to 100 seniors in our community.”

Make it easy to read.  Use bullet points to break up your volunteer experience and make it easier to read.

Identify transferable skills.  Identify transferable skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a customer service position, highlight your experience working with people in your volunteer work.

Quantify your impact.  Use numbers to quantify your impact and make it more impressive. For example: “Increased volunteer participation by 20% by implementing a new recruitment strategy.”

Volunteer work is a great way for stay-at-home moms to gain valuable experience, stay involved in the community, and add to their resume. With the right strategies, you can effectively incorporate your volunteer work into your resume and impress potential employers.

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

When it comes to applying for a job, a cover letter is just as important as your resume. A cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to the employer, showcase your skills and qualifications, and explain why you are the best candidate for the job. It is an essential part of the job application process, and as a stay-at-home mom, it can help you overcome any gaps in your employment history.

Here are some tips for crafting an effective cover letter:

Importance of a cover letter

Introduce yourself: Your cover letter should introduce you to the employer and explain your interest in the job. Use this opportunity to showcase your personality and explain how you can add value to the company.

Highlight your qualifications: Your cover letter should highlight your qualifications and skills that are relevant to the job. Make sure to match your skills with the job requirements and explain how your experiences can benefit the employer.

Explain any gaps in your employment: Your cover letter is the perfect opportunity to explain any gaps in your employment history, especially as a stay-at-home mom. Emphasize your willingness to learn and your commitment to the job.

Tips for crafting an effective cover letter

Customize your cover letter: Don’t use a generic cover letter for every job application. Customize it to match the job description and the company’s culture.

Keep it concise: Your cover letter should be short and to the point. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and use bullet points to highlight your skills and experiences.

Proofread and edit: Make sure to proofread and edit your cover letter for any errors or typos. A well-written cover letter can set you apart from other applicants.

Examples of cover letter for stay-at-home moms

Dear Hiring Manager,

As a stay-at-home mom for the past few years, I am excited to apply for the position of customer service representative at ABC Company. I have developed excellent communication and organizational skills, and I am confident that my experiences as a mom can translate to success in this role.

I believe my ability to multitask, work under pressure, and solve problems quickly can benefit your company. I am excited to have the opportunity to work with a team who values teamwork and communication.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to discuss my qualifications further and learn more about the position.

[Your Name]

A well-written cover letter can make all the difference when it comes to getting hired. As a stay-at-home mom, don’t be afraid to showcase how your experiences and skills can translate into success in the workplace. By following these tips and using examples, you can craft an effective cover letter that highlights your strengths and qualifications.

Resume Examples for Stay-at-Home Moms

If you are a stay-at-home mom planning to re-enter the workforce, creating a well-structured and informative resume is critical. A good resume can help you to stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of securing the job you want. Here are three types of resume examples for stay-at-home moms:

1. Chronological Resume Examples for Stay-at-Home Moms

Chronological resumes are the most traditional and commonly used resume format. They list your work experience in chronological order, starting with your most recent job. A chronological resume is ideal if you have a solid work history with no gaps, and you want to focus on your professional experience rather than your skills.

Full Name Address, City, State, ZIP Phone Number Email Address

Experienced stay-at-home mom with strong organizational and multitasking skills. Proven ability to manage household responsibilities and support family members effectively. Seeking an opportunity to utilize my skills and contribute to a professional work environment.

Work Experience

Homemaker and Caregiver City, State Dates

  • Managed household responsibilities including budgeting, meal planning, and scheduling appointments.
  • Provided childcare, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for children.
  • Organized family events and coordinated logistics for gatherings.

Volunteer Experience

Volunteer Coordinator Nonprofit Organization City, State Dates

  • Recruited and trained volunteers for various projects and events.
  • Managed volunteer schedules and coordinated their tasks.
  • Developed and implemented volunteer recognition initiatives.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology University Name City, State Graduation Year

As a stay-at-home mom, you can still use this format by listing your experience as a homemaker, volunteer work, or any other relevant activities you have been engaged in. Make sure to give a detailed description of your duties and achievements.

2. Functional Resume Examples for Stay-at-Home Moms

Functional resumes focus on your skills rather than your work experience. This format is ideal if you have gaps in your work history or you have been out of the workforce for a while. A functional resume highlights your transferable skills and achievements, providing a comprehensive summary of your abilities.

Summary of Qualifications

  • Highly skilled in time management, multitasking, and problem-solving.
  • Strong organizational abilities with the ability to prioritize tasks effectively.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Time management
  • Organization
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication

Professional Experience

Freelance Event Planning City, State Dates

  • Successfully planned and executed events, including weddings and parties.
  • Managed budgets, coordinated vendors, and ensured client satisfaction.
  • Demonstrated strong organizational skills and attention to detail.

Community Outreach Nonprofit Organization City, State Dates

  • Assisted in organizing community events and fundraising activities.
  • Collaborated with team members to achieve project goals.
  • Utilized excellent communication skills to engage and mobilize volunteers.

Associate’s Degree in Business Administration College Name City, State Graduation Year

Stay-at-home moms can use this format to highlight their skills in managing time, multitasking, and problem-solving. When creating a functional resume, prioritize and emphasize the skills required for the job you are applying for.

3. Combination Resume Examples for Stay-at-Home Moms

As the name suggests, a combination resume is a hybrid of both chronological and functional formats. It highlights both your skills and your work history, providing a complete picture of your professional experience.

Dedicated stay-at-home mom with a strong background in managing household responsibilities and a track record of effective multitasking. Skilled in organizing and coordinating activities, with a focus on maintaining a positive and nurturing environment. Seeking an opportunity to apply my skills and contribute to a dynamic work setting.

  • Household management
  • Event planning
  • Team coordination

Homemaker City, State Dates

  • Managed household operations, including budgeting, meal planning, and scheduling.
  • Oversaw the coordination of family activities and events.
  • Maintained open and effective communication with family members.

Event Coordinator Nonprofit Organization City, State Dates

  • Organized and executed fundraising events, including logistics and budgeting.
  • Coordinated volunteers and delegated tasks to ensure successful outcomes.
  • Utilized strong interpersonal skills to build relationships with stakeholders.

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration University Name City, State Graduation Year

This format is ideal for stay-at-home moms who want to emphasize their skills while also highlighting their work experience, even if it has been a while. Make sure to give a detailed description of your skills and achievements, and prioritize the ones most relevant to the job you are applying for.

Creating a resume as a stay-at-home mom can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can craft a document that highlights your skills and experience, making you a competitive candidate in the job market. Remember to keep your resume concise, relevant, and error-free, and tailor it to the job you are applying for. Good luck!

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How to Write a Resume If You're a Stay at Home Mom

A guide by recruiters on how to write a successful stay-at-home mom resume in 2024, including a resume template you can download, resume samples and insights from recruiters.

3 years ago   •   10 min read

Being a stay at home mom can present unique challenges when you’re ready to go back into the workforce. Employers will notice a gap in your employment, and your skillset or certifications may be out of date.

Fortunately, it’s entirely possible to craft a resume that puts your best foot forward, particularly if you take some time to build on your current skills. Read on to find out what you should be including and what to leave out - and for some helpful tips to keep in mind as you get ready to look for a new position. Plus, we've also included a free resume template in Word or Google Docs format that you can use as a starting point.

A free stay at home mom resume template

Before we dive in to our recruiter perspectives, here's a sample resume for a stay-at-home mom or parent. Feel free to use it as inspiration as you write your own resume (download links below).

A sample resume template and sample for stay at home moms returning to the workforce in Google Docs, Word or PDF format

Download this free stay at home mom resume template: Google Drive | Microsoft Word

Mind your 'employment' gap

Do resume gaps matter? Sure — to some extent. Recruiters will want to know what's up with an employment gap, but it won't be prohibitive on its own. The key is to explain it, which is easily done when you're a stay at home mom (keep scrolling for detailed tips on how to do this).

Beyond the gap in your work with an employer, the most important thing to demonstrate to the hiring manager is that your skills are current. If you have done recent volunteer work, you should definitely include it. Freelance work that is related to the position you’re aiming at is also great to include.

If your skills aren’t current, read on to find out how to build your skills and add to your resume appropriately.

Read more: How to list gaps on a resume

How to list being a stay at home mom on a resume

If you want to include your work as a stay at home mom in your work experience, you should consider doing it in a format similar to this example:

resume with stay at home mom gap

Rather than “Growthsi” and the title below it, you could enter “Stay at home parent” (like in the following example), the dates of your time at home, and bulleted accomplishments along the lines of “Maintained a blog on parenting tips featuring 50+ articles averaging X page views” or “Created a 100+ member Facebook group providing support for stay at home parents” or how you’ve established and run an Etsy shop. Anything you include should be relevant to the job or position you’d like to apply for (with similar skills engaged).

How to list your stay at home parenting experience in your resume's experience section

Avoid including your stay-at-home mom experience as a 'work experience' or 'professional experience' — instead, like above, use an 'Other Experience' section title.

Read more: A stay at home mom's guide for getting back into the workforce

Building your skills while looking for a job as a stay at home parent

Just because you haven’t been with an employer for a while, you can still hone your skills, take courses, and potentially work on freelance projects during your job search. Each approach helps build your competency level in the eyes of hiring managers by demonstrating that you’re in touch with your skills.

One avenue to consider is looking for volunteer opportunities around your community. Non-profit organizations and parent/child-oriented groups are always looking for assistance with conducting outreach, fundraising, and holding events. If you’re interested in marketing, for example, helping to promote the Parent-Teacher Organization’s upcoming dance by creating and distributing flyers is definitely something you can include on your resume.

An example of how to include volunteering experience on your stay at home mom resume

Read more: How to list volunteer work on your resume

Take a course

Depending on the field you’re interested in, it may help to look for relevant courses (either online or at nearby colleges). Some community colleges offer adult education courses to learn basic computer applications such as Microsoft Word, which will help with all kinds of office work. If you’re more advanced, you can look for courses in a wide variety of fields, from computer programming to graphics arts. If you have more time to invest, consider enrolling for a two-year degree if your field of interest would benefit from it.

Read more: How to list certifications on a resume (with examples)

Freelance work

Lastly, taking on relevant freelance projects (such as writing copy for online companies, conducting lawn or landscaping services, or programming simple applications) will give you experience and accomplishments that will highlight how you’ve kept your skills current.

Read more: How to list freelance work on your resume

Formatting Your Resume

For an easy and time-saving boost to formatting your resume, you can start with the template above or browse our ATS-ready resume templates . Pick one that appeals to your background and the position you’re applying for, and enter in the details as you go.

Resume header

Your resume header should include your full name, phone number, email address, location (state and country, not street address), and potentially your LinkedIn profile. An example is below:

Resume header for a stay at home mom resume

You can optionally include the job title of the job you're applying to in your resume's header.

Read more: What to include in your resume header

Resume summary

Having a summary at the top of your resume is a great way to introduce yourself as someone who “worked in [X field] for [x] years before taking four years off to raise two children”, as an example. Your summary can also encompass any recent activities or projects you’ve started, such as by stating “ In that time, started a successful copywriting business with x clients ”, or “ started and maintained a babysitting business with x clients ”.

An example of a resume summary for stay at home mom resumes

Read more: Resume summary generator

Work Experience

All of your work experience should follow the same style of format. Regardless of when you last worked, you’ll want to list your previous employers in reverse chronological order (with the most recent employers on top).

Work experience section and bullet points of your stay at home mom resume

Each of your listed employers should be followed by a series of bullet-pointed accomplishments. Start the bullet points with strong action verbs that are related to skills you’ll be using in the position you’re going into, ideally. Whenever possible, include a numerical value (such as “improved sales by 10 percent over X years”) to help employers understand exactly how much of a difference you made.

Resume bullet points structure for a stay at home mom resume

For each of your work experiences, note the company or organization, your job title, and the dates you worked there. Usually, this means listing the month and year, though you can sometimes leave off the month and display only the year — what’s more important is that you’re consistent with how you format your dates within your resume.

Read more: How to list your work experience on your resume

If you graduated some time ago (8+ years ago) : Your education section should be short and underneath your work experience. In this case, just include your degree name and your school name. You can leave off your graduation year to avoid any unwarranted age discrimination — something that unfortunately happens in today's hiring landscape.

An example of an education section for a stay at home mom - keep it short and leave off your graduation year

If you returned to school or you graduated recently: You should list your education at the top of your resume if you recently completed a degree (while being a stay at home mom). Include the name of the school, the degree you graduated with, and the program you graduated from. Depending on the type of degree you received and the position you’re planning to apply for, you may also wish to add in the most relevant courses that you took (such as “Data Analysis” or “Software Engineering”) if they include keywords that relate to the job you're applying to.

Read more: How to list your education on a resume

Resume skills section

If you have a sufficient number of technical skills, you should include a skills section on your resume. This could be placed at the right hand side of the page, or at the very bottom. The skills you list should be appropriate for the position you’re applying for. As an example, if you’re applying to be an office manager, you could list “QuickBooks”, “Microsoft Office”, or “Google Calendar” as your skills. If you’re going into graphic design, list the programs you’ve worked with before.

For all of your skills (in the summary, body of your resume, and skills bank) you should aim to include ones that align with your background and the job you’re applying for. Refer to this list of resume skills and keywords to get an idea of what hiring managers and automatic screeners are looking for.

Chances are, being a stay at home mom has given you a host of transferable skills (such as time management, communication skills, and follow-through). You should definitely work these into your resume if you can, but remember to not list them directly into your resume — e.g. don't mention 'time management' skills, but show how you have delivered a project that required strong time management .

Read more: How to write a resume skills section

What to Avoid

While it may be tempting, particularly if you manage a complex household or go above and beyond in your daily duties, you should refrain from listing “Head of Household” or “CEO of Household” in the body of your resume. No matter how elaborate your work in this role, claiming it as job experience means you risk signaling to the hiring manager that you hold your household to be equivalent in the scope of duties and level of accountability as you would a business.

Generally speaking, CEOs of businesses hold much greater responsibility (from the business’s perspective) than heads of households, and significantly more financial risk is involved.

With that said, if you have made a spreadsheet to manage your family’s finances, you can definitely include Microsoft Excel in your technical skills . You may also be able to work it into your cover letter to demonstrate your commitment to organization.

Optimize and Fine Tune Your Resume

Once you’re finished building the bones of your resume, you can use a few different tools to optimize it and make adjustments that will enable it to get past automatic screeners.

Get feedback on your stay-at-home parent resume

As a stay at home mom, you can write an effective resume by highlighting any volunteer work, online courses, freelance work you did while being a stay-at-home parent. You should also use your past work experience and stay at home experience to highlight your soft and transferable skills. Once you’re done writing your resume, upload it to the tool below — this AI-powered tool will analyze your resume, highlight any trouble spots, and make recommendations in a quick and easy process.

Tailor your stay-at-home parent resume

If you know the job you’re applying for, Targeted Resume is another free AI-powered tool that will enable you to tailor your resume to that specific position. The tool will assess your resume based on the job you’re applying for and let you know what skills you might be leaving out.

Another good way to quickly target your resume to the job you’re applying for, is by including relevant keywords on your resume. Use the tool below to get a list of keywords relevant to the job.

General Tips for Your Job Search

Going back to work after taking time to care for your family is a big step, but keeping these tips in mind can help make it easier.

Your personal network could be your biggest resource when looking for a job. As many as 80 percent of people have gotten a job through someone they know, meaning that it would behoove you to ask around among your acquaintances to see if anyone has heard of something in the field you’re looking for.

Use social media

If you don’t have a robust social network (as sometimes happens when your focus is fully on your children), don’t despair. Build your profile on LinkedIn (using similar techniques as you did with your resume) and start reaching out to people at companies you’d like to work for. Alternatively, consider attending in-person networking events with your local Chamber of Commerce or those hosted at businesses themselves.

Go at your own pace

Looking for a job at any point in life can be stressful, so remember to care for yourself as much as possible during the job search. Reconnect with your family with ample quality time, during the job search and once you’ve secured a position. It can take time to get the ball rolling, but once you get back into the field, the soft skills you gained as a mother are bound to serve you well!

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resume with stay at home mom gap

How to Explain a Career Gap on a Resume of a Stay-at-Home Mom

Editorial Team

Resume of a Stay-at-Home Mom

Let’s face it: Having a baby change everything. It shifts your priorities. And it also upends your way of life. It changes your perspective. Suddenly, a night of peek-a-boo is top-tier entertainment, and cold mac and cheese eaten right out of the pot is fine dining.

Yes, being a Mom is perhaps the greatest and most transformative adventure life has to offer, and you wouldn’t trade those precious years spent at home with your new baby for the world. But now your little one is getting older. They’re going off to school. They’re gaining their independence and don’t need you quite as much as before.

Though this may sting a little, it can also excite you, because now you’re ready to rejoin the workforce, to return to the career you once loved, or perhaps even to launch your professional life anew. Nevertheless, the question remains: when you’re a stay-at-home mom preparing to return to work , how can you explain those career gaps in your resume?

Say It Loud, Say It Proud

When you’re getting yourself ready physically, mentally, and emotionally to reenter the traditional workforce after time spent as a stay-at-home mom, one of the first and most important things you must do is embrace the proper mindset.

All too often, our culture stigmatizes mothers who make the difficult decision to leave their jobs to care for their children. Worse, we often stigmatize ourselves. Not only is that grossly unjust, but it’s also unproductive.

Instead, if you adopt the mindset that those years spent as a stay-at-home mom were not something to be ashamed of or explained away, at least in regard to your professional life, then recruiters will pick up on that and believe you. After all, no one knows you better than you know yourself.

That’s why, rather than downplaying or explaining away those years, you should underscore them both on your resume and in your job interviews. Indeed, it can be both empowering and highly beneficial to list “At Home Mom” In your resume and then detail the relevant skills you routinely employed in this role , from multitasking to time management to crisis prevention to critical thinking.

This can instigate an important discussion between you and your recruiter which will enable them to see your stay-at-home mom experience as a true asset, as a reason to hire you because of this experience — not in spite of it.

Prepping for Interviews

When you’re getting ready to dive back into the workforce, chances are you’ll use a lot of different approaches to connect with potential employers, such as job fairs, employment agencies, and job ads.

This means that you may be connecting with recruiters cold, presenting them your resume for the first time during your face-to-face encounter, or you may be interviewing with them after an initial screening of your resume. No matter which it is, though, the way you present yourself to your recruiter will play a significant role in how they contextualize and interpret your stay-at-home years .

That’s why it’s imperative to go into your interview looking polished and professional . You may have been out of the traditional workforce for a while, but, as an at-home mom knows, that in no way means you haven’t been working. So, ensure that when you meet your recruiter, your appearance telegraphs the truth that you have in no way lost your professional mojo.

You’ll also want to be highly prepared for your meeting, so have a set of talking points ready to help guide the interview in the right direction. Use the time to illuminate, for instance, how managing life as an at-home mom helped you to hone essential leadership skills that you can deploy for the benefit of the company, skills such as effective communication and creative problem-solving.

Above all, though, don’t just tell your interviewer that you’ve learned leadership from being a mom — instead, show them. Model great speaking skills as well as the aptitude for active listening. Let them see how managing your home with care, compassion, and competence will translate just as successfully into managing a career and bringing value to a company.

The Takeaway

There’s no greater job title than that of “mom”. But when it’s time to reenter the workforce, it’s important to know how to market the skills you developed during this period to prospective employers. Indeed, being a stay-at-home mom can be a tremendous asset both while on the hunt for a new job and after you’ve landed your dream role. The key is to help recruiters see how your at-home mom experience can be put to use for their company.

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How To Put Stay-At-Home Mom Or Dad On Your Resume (With Examples)

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Find a Job You Really Want In

Summary. To put your time as a stay-at-home parent on your resume , identify the soft and hard skills you developed during that time and highlight them in your work experience section. Skills you use as a parent such as organization, time management, and financial planning are valuable to employers.

Any parent knows taking care of children can easily be a demanding full-time job. And with daycare expenses skyrocketing, it can actually be cheaper for one parent to stay home with the kids than to work and use a daycare service.

A stay-at-home parent wears many different hats such as full-time teacher, coach , social organizer, and leader that can be added to your resume

In this article we will go over how to add these to your resume and provide examples of what it should look like.

Key Takeaways:

Emphasize job skills you became proficient in as a stay-at home parent.

Frame your resume to showcase your achievements rather than detail your domestic duties.

Take time to consider what your deliverables were as a stay-at-home parent. Think of how you can present those deliverables in the context of the job you are applying for.

How to Put Stay-at-Home Mom on Your Resume With Examples.

How to Put Stay-At-Home Mom or Dad on Your Resume

Where to put stay-at-home parent on your resume, stay-at-home parent resume example, tips for stay-at-home parent resume, returning to work stay-at-home mom resume faq, final thoughts.

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When writing your resume summary , it is probably better that you do not mention specifically that you are a stay-at-home parent. Instead, think about the roles you played as a parent and the skills you mastered that complement your previous work experience.

Add Education. You will want to include any degrees you’ve earned and which institution they are from. If you graduated more than three years ago, you do not need need to put your graduation date.

You can also any courses or workshops that you took during your time as a stay at home parent. You will want to add where those courses were completed at.

Homeschool parent. If you homeschooled your kids, you’re in luck. You added yet another experience that is extremely valuable: coaching, organizing, and teaching.

If you homeschooled your kids, you have skills researching curriculum, organizing lesson plans and extracurricular activities, mentoring children, all while learning how to be flexible, a good communicator , and most importantly (to the kids), fun.

For example: If you were a teacher for five years before homeschooling your children for three years, you could write something like this:

Sample Stay-At-Home Mom Resume Summary A skilled educator with eight years of teaching experience. Ability to teach in diverse settings with ease, create engaging lesson plans, and present material to children in varying learning environments.

Then, you can detail both your homeschooling experience and previous work experience in the work history section of your resume.

Translating parenting skills to workforce skills . You may even think that there is no way you can have transferable skills from your parenting experience to the industry you are applying for, but just wait; we bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Staying at home as a parent is a complex role: you must wear many hats daily. You aren’t just a mom or a dad. You are the family’s ultimate manager . And those skills can definitely be transferable to most jobs.

Use Specific keywords such as:

Financial planning skills


Time management


Utilize these keywords when describing your experience as a stay-at-home parent and it will help your resume be picked up by resume software .

Here is another example for a stay-at-home mom or dad:

Stay-At-Home Parent Resume Summary Example A skilled job seeker with six years of management experience in public and private settings. Possesses strong communication and delegation skills to work effectively in diverse teams.

Then, you can describe your management and leadership experience as a stay-at-home parent.

Highlight what you have done versus focus on a gap in employment. Some employers may think that staying at home to parent is a lapse in job experience , but if framed correctly, they will see what you see: staying at home to parent is a valuable, full-time job experience.

So to prevent recruiters and potential employers from picturing you sweeping up cookie crumbs, try and avoid using “domestic” words unless you are applying for a childcare, teaching, or cleaning position.

Here are some examples of how you can frame your experience as a parent to highlight skills recruiters are desperately looking for:

Stay-At-Home Mom Resume Skills Example Helped my children get to dance and soccer practice → Coached children to develop complex skill sets. Planned playdates with other moms at the park → Regularly organized large events at public centers for 20+ children. Taught my three children until college → Managed multiple children’s education, resulting in a 100% college acceptance rate and $100,000 dollars in scholarship money. Helped my children with volunteer projects → Organized volunteer projects for students, resulting in 100+ hours of community service over 10 projects.

By now, you are probably thinking, “Yes, I have all of these skills.”

Now you just have to translate them into resume-speak so that potential employers will also know how awesome you are at them.

You can describe your time as a stay-at-home parent in two places on a resume: under your resume summary statement and/or under your work experience .

Now let’s take a look at a full stay-at-home mom or dad resume:

Lisa Cage | [email protected] | Dedicated writer and organizer with 5+ years of experience. Successfully wrote 5,000+ words of professional copy each week while managing the finances, schedule, and relationships within the household. Regularly coached children’s sports teams and participated in volunteering opportunities to serve the local community. Engaging professionals with top-tier communication and conflict resolution skills. WORK EXPERIENCE Household Manager – Cage Household. 08/2012-Present Managed two college funds, resulting in $45,000 in savings to date Coached soccer and basketball 2 nights a week each season, managing teams of 20+ children Leveraged leadership skills to educate, mentor , and resolve conflicts between two children Freelance Writer. 02/2016=Present Herway. 06/2018-Present Wrote an average of 2 articles a week for the marketing segment of a beauty solutions blog Achieved a cumulative view count of over 30,000 to date Collaborated with 5 writers to develop new content ideas Dogcare. 02/2016-08/2018 Delivered one blog post each week for a series on pet care Drafted image concepts for design team Awarded top blog post of March 2017 Office Assistant. 09/2010-07/2012 Responded to 50+ phone calls and 100+ emails a day regarding business inquiries and internal memos Developed and maintained office schedule using Excel Greeted clients who entered the office and facilitated meetings by arranging conference room space Marketing Intern. 01/2009-08/2009 Worked with a marketing team of 15 to plan, develop, and launch marketing campaigns with budgets of $50,000+ Handled administrative tasks, input data, and created visual displays of key metrics Wrote 50 blurbs a week for website and app use VOLUNTEERING Big Sister Program 05/2017-03/2019 Mentored 3 children between the ages of 7-11 over a two-year period Organized 10 fun trips each year, educating and engaging children through interactive activities Planned and organized 2 fundraising events, leading to over $8,000 raised in total EDUCATION Western Illinois University | Macomb, Illinois Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, May 2009 GPA of 3.7 Dean’s List Worked at the writing center to help students with written assignments SKILLS Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite WordPress Basic HTML Financial Planning Written and Verbal Communication Organization

Include previous experience. Even if it’s been a long time since you were in the formal workforce, be sure to include prior professional experience.

Depending on the industry and role you’re applying for, think of skills that translate well from your former experience. Don’t feel pressured to lie or exaggerate here, but do look for keywords that you can use honestly.

Use volunteer experience. Whether you volunteered in events related to your children or not, volunteering experience is always attractive on a resume.

It shows that you want to use your time productively and are a functional member of the community in more ways than one. Plus, your volunteer experience probably involved a lot of skills and responsibilities that are necessary for a number of jobs.

Include contract work. If you’ve been a stay-at-home parent that earns money on the side through odd jobs , freelance work , or anything else, definitely include that on your resume. Listing contract work on your resume may have scared employers in the past, but the gig economy is thriving and hiring managers are getting more comfortable seeing this type of experience on your resume.

Not to mention that it beefs up your credentials and shows you’ve worked on projects recently.

Include education . If you went to college or achieved a post-graduate degree, definitely include that on your resume. Impressive academic achievements will help offset your work experience section.

Don’t forget your cover letter. Your resume isn’t the only place you have to talk about your stay-at-home parenting experience.

Your cover letter is where your personality can really shine, so highlight how your parenting and household management skills have readied you for the job you’re applying for.

How do you say stay-at-home mom on a resume?

You can say stay-at-home mom on your resume by saying, “Household Manager,” “Caregiver,” or “ Homemaker .” Some people prefer the title, “Chief Home Officer,” but that may come across as trying too hard for some hiring managers.

Keep the title simple and focus on pointing out the numerous valuable skills you used during that time.

Should I put stay-at-home parent on my resume?

Yes, you should put stay-at-home parent on your resume. Just because you weren’t someone’s employee during this time doesn’t mean you weren’t gaining valuable work experience and skills, so show them off to hiring managers.

Is stay-at-home parent an occupation?

Yes, stay-at-home parent is an occupation. Even though you aren’t earning a paycheck from your work, it is what you spend the majority of your time doing, and people depend on you to do it.

Applying for a job after a period of time out of the working world can seem daunting, but don’t think that staying at home to be with your kids will automatically hurt your job chances.

Staying at home to parent full-time can be a very rewarding experience. It not only allows you to connect with your children more, but it also gives you a very diverse skill set. You know how to deal with small kids and you know how to interact with parents from every background.

You know how to get someone to do work effectively (remember doing those most-hated chores as a kid?) and you know how to provide feedback to workers (remember those good parental praises?).

You’ve got what it takes to land your dream job — you just have to think about what the experience of parenting means in terms of the industry you want to break into.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – Stay-At-Home Mothers Through the Years

Pew Research Center – Stay-At-Home Moms and Dads Account for About One-in-Five U.S. Parents

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Heidi Cope is a former writer for the Zippia Career Advice blog. Her writing focused primarily on Zippia's suite of rankings and general career advice. After leaving Zippia, Heidi joined The Mighty as a writer and editor, among other positions. She received her BS from UNC Charlotte in German Studies.

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How to explain "the mommy gap" in your resume

Sep 21, 2018 ● Randy Stancovici

How to explain "the mommy gap" in your resume

  • Opt for a combination format that first outlines your key skills and the technology you’re proficient in, and only then delves into your work history.
  • Move your education section higher up , above your work experience section, to highlight continued training completed during your time away.
  • Create a separate section for volunteer experience and part-time work , accompanied by descriptions of your duties that use strong action verbs, to make sure this information stands out to the reader.
  • Identify a common theme that you want to put the spotlight on, and then weave it through every element of your resume, with concrete examples.

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Over 90% of stay-at-home moms face obstacles re-entering workforce, survey says

A majority of stay-at-home moms are facing challenges when trying to re-enter the workforce, according to recent data. It comes at a time when financial pressures are mounting .

According to the data from Indeed, 93% of stay-at-home moms have experienced or are anticipating challenges when trying to re-enter the workforce. The data also showed that more than 50% of stay-at-home moms hope to re-enter the workforce within the next 12 months, with the biggest driver being macroeconomic uncertainties. 

About 73% have already faced bias while undergoing the hiring process because they are a stay-at-home mom, according to the survey. In fact, nearly 60% of those surveyed said one of the biggest challenges to re-enter the workforce is that their current role as a stay-at-home mom is seen as a resume or employment gap by an employer. 


As many as 53% said they also feel undervalued in experience. However, Indeed's survey showed how stay-at-home moms acquire skills that are highly transferable and valued in the workplace . For instance, a majority of stay-at-home moms said they have mastered multitasking and managing their household budgets, according to the results. 

Kristen Shah, Indeed's career trend expert, told FOX Business that "stay-at-home moms are a massively underutilized part of the labor force, with extremely desirable skills." 


This comes at a time when employers are struggling to navigate the tight labor market, according to Shah. 

"This is worrisome because as employers are struggling to fill jobs, moms are struggling to find interviews and employers who are receptive to them," Shah added. "There needs to be harmony between both players."


Given the flexible work policies, there's even a better opportunity for moms to "position their skills in a way that will resonate with employers and help fill those hiring gaps," Shah added.

Employers 253,000 jobs in April, the Labor Department said in its monthly payroll report. That easily beat the 180,000 jobs forecast by Refinitiv economists. The unemployment rate ticked lower to 3.4%, a historically low level, as more workers left the labor force. 

"Despite all these positive indicators, the economy is not working for moms," she said. 

Shah pointed to the fact that there is still a significant number of unemployed moms in the U.S. Using data from the Labor Department, Indeed economists calculated that 854,000 moms were unemployed in 2022.

Shah is encouraging businesses to rethink their approach. 

"Are you rejecting skilled candidates simply because of a resume gap? Resume gaps are not skills gaps, and mom skills are work skills," she added. 

FOX Business' Megan Henney and the Associated Press contributed to this report. 

A woman uses her laptop and reviews paperwork while working from home. iStock

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Opinion: How three letters on a resume could be a game changer for working moms

resume with stay at home mom gap

Opinion by Kara Alaimo

(CNN) — This Mother’s Day,  HeyMama , a community for working moms, is calling on moms to add the title of “mother” to our resumes by including it on our LinkedIn titles and openly explaining career gaps due to caregiving in the hiring process. They’re right to tell us to do so. If all of us moms embraced this role on the documents designed to capture our qualifications, skills and work experience, we could help upend ugly stereotypes about the motivations and worth of moms who work in the paid labor force.

Lauren Tetenbaum , a therapist and advocate who specializes in maternal mental health, says when moms return to work after having kids or taking career breaks, they’re often up against misperceptions that they’re not fully committed to their jobs.

This unfair and untrue stereotype can, of course, be a self-fulfilling prophecy. After all, employers  are unlikely  to invest in, promote or even highly value people who they think are checked out of their careers.

On the other hand, employers seem to reward men who are fathers. According to research published last year by  Pew  Research Center, men who have children out-earn childless men.

But new research by Vivvi, a childcare provider that works with companies, and The Fifth Trimester, a gender equity consultancy focused on caregivers at work), shows that parents overall are ambitious when it comes to their careers. Their survey found one of parents’ biggest motivations is  earning more money . That makes sense: raising kids is hugely expensive. According to a 2022 estimate by the Brookings Institution, it would cost $310,605 to raise a child born in 2015 to age 17 h . Then, parents might help with the cost of college. Some universities  are expected to soon charge over $100,000 per year.

Lauren Smith Brody, founder of  The Fifth Trimester , told me the survey results are consistent with what she has seen in her work coaching moms. “These women tell me their kids are the ones who inspire them to seek meaning in their work and to stay longer in their jobs and do business development that pays off for both their employers and themselves,” she says. “They aren’t distracted from their career goals by their children as our cultural narrative would have you believe.”

Clearly, our society needs to rethink its assumptions about the professional commitment and value of mothers and their labor.

“Being a mother is something you should be proud of, and you have tons of leadership, social and emotional skills that are transferable to the workplace,” Tetenbaum says.

As moms, many of us have to become expert at interviewing and hiring in order to find quality childcare providers. We multitask in order to juggle the demands of our jobs with caring for our families and homes. We negotiate with often irrational people and diffuse conflicts. We conduct research to make endless decisions, from choices of pediatricians to summer camps. We try to be model citizens in order to set good examples for our children.

All of this is much more challenging than any paid position I’ve ever held — including my jobs as spokesperson for global economic diplomacy in President Barack Obama’s administration and as head of communications for an initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General.

Mothers should therefore be valued and recruited for our skills — not discriminated against in the workforce.

Of course, if only a few women add the title of mom to their resumes, they might be discounted by ignorant employers. But if we all collectively start highlighting the skills motherhood has given us, we could educate employers about why they should value and actively recruit moms — and why they shouldn’t look down on career breaks for caregiving (which is especially important for the many women who took time off work during the  Covid-19 pandemic .)

One way employers can attract more moms is by offering childcare benefits. According to the report by  Vivvi and The Fifth Trimester , every dollar employers invest in childcare is associated with a return on investment of nearly $18, because it helps retain and attract parents and promote productivity.

Another thing companies can do is stop requiring overwork. When employers expect staffers to work or be available to work an excessive number of hours , often the father takes the job requiring the overwork and the  mother steps back from her career .

Many mothers are very motivated to advance in their careers — and our caregiving roles give us all a formidable set of skills that could be extraordinarily valuable to employers. Updating our resumes could prompt employers to update the ways they view and treat moms in the workforce, giving moms something to be truly happy about this Mother’s Day.

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