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A culture of learning & empowerment: Our guide to creating an employee training plan

training plans in business plan

If you’ve recognized a need for broader skill sets and knowledge within your organization, you’re not alone. 46% of learning and development leaders say skill shortages are escalating within their companies, likely due to an increased reliance on automation tools and shifts in the way people work.* 

In the face of constant change, businesses need to take a more proactive approach to development by implementing strategically designed training plans. Why? They act as repeatable learning processes that meet long-term business goals and cater to employee needs. As a result, they allow you to deliver on your training initiatives more successfully and efficiently while driving employee engagement and satisfaction.

In this article, we share what makes training plans impactful and walk you through the steps needed to implement one within your own company. We even include a training plan template you can use to create your own.

* LinkedIn , 2023 ‍

Why is a proper training plan important?

An employee training plan is a written resource that details how your company will approach a specific training initiative. If, for example, you want to offer leadership training to independent contributors interested in becoming managers, the learning and development (L&D) team could create a plan to ensure that training is results-driven, effective, and aligned with company goals.

Training plans play a central role in moving specific learning initiatives forward, which is why organizations shouldn’t confuse them with employee development plans . In contrast to training plans, which are skill-based course guides for groups of employees or even the whole company, development plans are long-term, high-level guidelines for individual employees that may encompass training plans to build specific skills. As such, training plans are useful tools for taking short-term action on the gaps managers and their reports identified when putting together a personal development plan.

Some key benefits of training plans include:

  • Increased retention rates — 76% of respondents to SHRM’s 2022 Learning and Development Executive Summary said they were more likely to stay with a company that offered continuous training. Training plans are ideal methods to provide those opportunities as they streamline the employee development process and enable L&D teams to deliver more frequent, higher-quality training opportunities.
  • Enhanced productivity and growth — Upskilling staff means they can achieve important goals and deliver the results required to keep the company operating at a high level. That’s one reason why research shows that organizations that take training seriously are 59% more likely to grow .
  • Better adaptability — As companies seek to meet the challenges of remote and hybrid work, training plans can empower employees with the skills they need to adapt to the ongoing advancements in technology and changes in the world of work. We’re not the only ones who share that sentiment: 72% of employers think training helps their organization stay dynamic and flexible.
  • More empowered employees — Investing in learning and development should be a priority for any organization that cares about people enablement . Why? It pays off. According to our 2023 report, 89% of employees agree that people enablement has benefitted their workplace.
“In the past, we had a laissez-faire approach to training, allowing employees to select any kind they wanted. This sometimes resulted in misalignment between the training content and our company culture or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). To remedy this, we’ve since adopted a more structured approach, designing our training programs to align with our company’s culture and objectives. This has ensured that every piece of training employees receive is relevant and applicable to their role within our organization.”  — Jennifer Morehead, CEO of Flex HR , on the value a training plan has brought to their business

6 steps to outlining your employee training plan

An infographic that illustrates the steps for outlining an employee training program.

Your company needs a step-by-step strategy to develop a training plan that can empower team members with the right learning resources and meet long-term organizational needs at the same time. ‍

1. Identify knowledge & skills gaps

A screenshot of engagement survey results within Leapsome’s Surveys module.

Skills gaps within your organization likely have more to do with technological advancements and market fluctuations than with employee competence. Bearing that in mind, it’s essential to consider short and long-term business goals when assessing skills gaps. Let’s say one of your objectives is to make artificial intelligence (AI) more central to the way you run your organization. You may identify that team members are still unsure how to apply these new tools to increase the business’s operational efficiency.

To discover where your current upskilling and learning opportunities are:

  • Survey employees — Even a short, two-question pulse survey asking staff what skills they need to better execute their roles can provide useful insights. ‍
  • Re-examine your career progression framework — If you’ve made updates to your company structure, there may be new skills or competencies that employees need to flourish in their current roles. ‍
  • Study your industry and competitors — Leverage your network or reach out to peers to learn what skills and knowledge gaps they’re currently facing and prioritizing. ‍
🛩️ Discover what propels employees forward Leapsome’s Impact Drivers help you quickly identify what motivates employee survey responses.  👉 Learn more

2. Determine training objectives

Now that you have a better grasp of the skills employees are missing or need to expand on, you can begin to outline a set of objectives that’ll guide each plan. While your training plan objectives should align with your company vision, it’s best to keep them more attainable and specific than any high-level, long-term business goals. 

Let’s look at some common training objectives:

  • Enhancing a technical skill or competency with software
  • Developing intercultural competencies that support diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Expanding industry and regulatory knowledge
  • Improving customer service skills
  • Sharpening decision-making skills
  • Becoming more confident with conflict resolution techniques
  • Managing time more effectively
🔎 When considering a set of training objectives, stakeholders should ask themselves these questions: What’s the desired outcome of this training? How will the new skills or knowledge contribute to our business goals?  How will trainees benefit from the new skills or knowledge? What do employees need to do to succeed with this training plan? How will trainers or leaders know when employees have successfully completed the training? How will trainers overcome challenges to the training, if any?

3. Choose the type of training

A photo of a large group of employees at a meeting.

Each training plan should invite you to consider what methods and resources are most appropriate to meet skills gaps, stay within budget, and accommodate team members’ needs. Consider, for instance, that DEI skills training for managers may require sensitivity and involvement from expert speakers, as well as focus on topics like intersectionality, unconscious bias , microaggressions, and power dynamics. This is markedly different from, for example, a simple training session on how to use a new type of software. Similarly, think about how distinct training remote employees can be from training an in-office team. The various needs and requirements relating to different skill sets should be taken into consideration when planning this out. 

Let’s explore a few different training plans and discuss the specific competencies each one might address. ‍

New hire training plans

Typically part of the orientation and onboarding process , new hire training plans focus on familiarizing new employees with job expectations, policies, and procedures. The objective is to integrate recent joiners into their new team so they can become comfortable and reach their full potential quickly and sustainably. ‍

Customer service training plans

Sales and customer relationship management are challenging skills to build, so this type of training should provide resources and techniques that employees can review to retain customers and bring in more revenue, such as client relationship building and consultative selling.  ‍

Technical training plans

This type of training isn’t only for companies that specialize in IT and software. Organizations that rely on powerful tools to operate their businesses need to provide specialized resources — and ample time for employees to learn about and practice with them — so they can get the most out of their investment. ‍

4. Establish how to measure effectiveness

Evaluating the success of your training plan is vital as it highlights possible refinements and improvements which ultimately will increase the return on investment of training for the business. Doing so also helps gauge whether the training is meeting your established objectives and helping you make progress on broader company goals.

Great training should positively impact different areas, like performance, productivity, engagement, and retention. That’s why you should utilize multiple approaches to measure effectiveness, such as:

  • Completion rates — Quickly determine whether training is too difficult or too long and investigate what might be hindering people’s progress.
  • Survey scores — Gather post-training employee feedback via anonymous surveys to determine whether the plan succeeds in enhancing skill sets, allowing team members to perform their current roles more effectively, or helping them move to a higher position.
  • Percentage of goals reached — Observing how many team members are reaching their individual training goals means you can understand how quickly people are progressing through the program. Leapsome’s flexible Goals module allows you to set both OKRs and SMART goals and track results in real time.
  • Qualitative feedback — Leaders can set up 1:1 meetings with training participants to discuss how everything’s going and explore what could be improved. ‍

5. Set your timeline

Depending on what you need your training plan to achieve, you may choose to establish a stricter or more flexible and self-paced timeline. For instance, mandatory short-term technical training might require a hard deadline, while employees should be enabled to complete voluntary time management training at their leisure.

The key is giving team members a visual tool to track their progress throughout the course, which is why you should break your timeline down with the following :

  • A training schedule — For courses happening in multiple sessions over several months, provide employees with a weekly or monthly schedule so they can plan their time accordingly.
  • Checklists — For self-paced courses, allow staff to mark tasks off a list of projects and activities.
  • Milestones — Managers can let participants know when they’ve reached specific achievements or met certain targets. ‍

6. Create & choose training materials

A screenshot of an interface from Leapsome’s Learning module.

Creating materials internally helps make training more relevant and specific to your business goals. It also allows you to keep your messaging more consistent with your company values and tailor teaching materials as you go. However, there are a few benefits to sourcing training externally, which can do the following:

  • Provides external perspectives to diversify your insights, broaden your thinking, and introduce new approaches to problem-solving.
  • Allows access to professionals with specific expertise or specialized certifications.
  • Supports employees in connecting with industry experts and helps them build their professional networks.
  • Is less time intensive than creating plans internally, as resources and materials are created separately.

While they require an initial time investment , in-house materials can be just as effective and may include:

  • Webinars or online presentations
  • Training videos
  • Games and bite-sized courses
  • Online forums or internal communities 
  • Interactive elearning modules
🕴️ Tailor-made learning that engages your people Leapsome’s Learning module lets you incorporate external resources and customize training so it’s always relevant to employee needs. 👉 Learn more

Employee training plan template

Employee training plans should be easy for leaders, managers, and team members to understand, follow, and implement. Here’s a sample template you can fill in — simply tweak the details and structure based on your branding, messaging, and needs. ‍

Course overview

This is where you’ll write the following:

  • The name of your organization
  • The course name
  • The department, team, position, or specific employee the course is for
  • How long it will last, especially if the course isn’t self-paced
  • When the course was last updated ‍

Training objectives

Clearly state your learning goals for the course. What short- or long-term objectives do you want the training to achieve? For example, if you’re building a management training plan, your goals may include:

  • Helping managers develop their confidence as coaches and mentors
  • Sharpening decision-making and problem-solving skills
  • Better identifying strengths and areas for improvement in direct reports
  • Enhancing team collaboration and effectiveness ‍

Delivery methods

Explain whether the training will take place in-person or online and give a brief overview of its structure. For example, for new hire training, the learning process may be completely asynchronous, and trainees might be expected to spend two hours a day working through tasks, activities, and quizzes over the course of a week. ‍

Training content, schedule, or modules

Here, you’ll break the training down into smaller components to help employees digest the information and stay organized and on task. If, for example, team members need to complete a set of learning modules and activities to finish their training, you can provide a checklist here. ‍

Monitoring & follow-up

Explain what metrics and tools participants and organizers will use to measure their progress and success throughout the training.

For example, L&D teams may ask trainees to track progress throughout the course by monitoring their module completion rates, reviewing scores on quizzes and tests, and updating their individual training goals. Then, after the training is completed, leaders will follow up in regularly scheduled 1:1s and discuss how the employee is implementing the training in their day-to-day role. ‍

What to avoid when planning employee training

A photo of two employees in a private meeting.

Implementing a new training plan takes trial and error and may not always produce the results you hope to see right away. However, taking note of common training plan pitfalls ahead of time can help eliminate the need for extensive refinement down the road. Some possible issues include:

  • Setting unrealistic expectations — Making your plan too ambitious could result in discouraged employees who feel it’s out of touch and impossible to complete. When in doubt, keep timelines relatively short and make objectives as specific and achievable as possible. 
  • Providing employees with insufficient time — Even if training isn’t mandatory, not giving people enough free time to take advantage of learning opportunities might send the message that their success isn’t your priority. Allow employees to carve out time away from tasks to complete training, and encourage them to create recurring calendar blockers to focus on their personal development.
  • Not explaining ‘the why’ — If you’ve created training plans in response to specific organizational challenges or skills gaps, let team members know. Otherwise, failing to be transparent about your reason for implementing training might lead people to draw unfavorable conclusions or lead to a lack of motivation. 
  • Not asking for feedback — Employee input is a powerful way to evaluate the effectiveness of your training plans. Without those insights, you risk investing in training that doesn‘t align with your team’s needs or preferred ways of learning.
  • Implementing a plan that doesn’t align with individual goals — Not taking their personal development goals into account might prevent trainees from feeling a sense of empowerment and ownership over their new skills, which can harm motivation and engagement — not only during the training phase. ‍

Train & develop your people with Leapsome

A screenshot of an interface from Leapsome’s Learning Paths dashboard.

By providing a structured, strategic approach to learning, a well-crafted training plan can help upskill staff members more efficiently while addressing the knowledge gaps that might be holding your company back. 

Still, it takes time and collaboration to gather the data, resources, and materials you need to develop and implement a successful training plan. What’s more, you may find that your current people enablement tech stack overcomplicates the process.

Leapsome is the perfect platform for organizations that want to simplify planning and offer training at scale. Users can take advantage of our Surveys and Meetings modules to collect employee feedback, our Goals module to track learning objectives against company targets, and our Learning module to deliver interactive courses. Plus, configurable analytics dashboards allow you to monitor completion and success in real time so you can tweak your training plans on the fly.

👊 A platform that helps you roll with the punches Leapsome’s Learning module integrates with surveys, goal-tracking, and powerful analytics so you can roll out training efficiently and adapt it as you go. 👉 Book a demo

FAQs about employee training plans

1. what is an employee training plan.

An employee training plan is a centralized resource — typically a document — that a company creates to systematize a specific training initiative. It’s essential for organizations that want to: 

  • Take a more structured approach to learning and development
  • Facilitate autonomy around training 
  • Create more consistency across all training materials and courses
  • Roll out future training initiatives efficiently ‍

2. What should be included in a training plan?

Employee training plans should include these four elements:

  • Objectives — Explain why you’re implementing the training and the skills and competencies employees need to build. Perhaps your company is transitioning to a more digitalized business environment due to the ongoing advancement in technology and wants to train the team in digital literacy and cybersecurity awareness.
  • Key metrics — The short and long-term skills team members want to develop will also help you decide what key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ll use to track the training’s progress and success.
  • Delivery methods — Determine what setting, timeline, and curriculum would work best to facilitate and meet your objectives.
  • Action plan — Specify how training will happen step-by-step. How many learning sessions will there be? What tasks or homework will trainees need to complete? How will they be monitored? ‍

3. How do you write an employee training plan?

When designing and writing an employee training plan, people and learning and development (L&D) teams should:

  • Perform a needs analysis to determine what performance issues or skills gaps are currently holding the team or organization back. There are also many useful tools to support your team in working out what these gaps are.
  • Develop a set of measurable goals you want your training plan to meet in alignment with those gaps and business objectives.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to decide on content and training methods. We’d recommend consulting a well-rounded team to ensure the training is relevant to the business and the employees who will participate.
  • Assign ownership. Decide who’s responsible for each aspect of training, including sourcing materials, tracking success, and checking in with team members about their progress.
  • Write your plan and share it with stakeholders and trainees. ‍

4. Is there a difference between employee training programs & plans?

A training program involves a series of long-term, strategic employee development initiatives, as a training plan is a single document that outlines how to approach a specific training initiative. A training program is more comprehensive and considers all of your company’s training needs and objectives, while training plans are the focused, written resources within a training program that deliver on those objectives in detail.

Leapsome Team

training plans in business plan

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11 powerful training plan templates and examples for your business.

Discover 11 of the best employee training plan template examples and checklists. Use them to build robust training programs.

Your company can get ahead of labor shortages and the ever-evolving skills requirements of the market by investing in employee development.

Training your workers will help you resolve common workplace issues like lack of motivation, poor productivity, inadequate domain knowledge, and confusion or uncertainty about their role.

"Creating a successful employee training plan requires ongoing assessment and adaptation . You must frequently analyze your team's skills and assess any gaps that need to be filled, then design training programs to address those needs and provide ongoing support for growth and development." Sarah Watson, Chief Operating Officer at BPTLAB, personality testing solutions provider .

But if it's your first time designing and executing a structured training program, you might need guidance on how to begin or what to include in your plan.

We've put together some of the best employee training plan examples, templates, and checklists. Use them as a starting point when building robust training programs for your organization.

Learning experience software Zavvy

❗️ 7 Must-haves in an employee training plan template

There are different kinds of training opportunities that you can offer your employees. And templates tend to come in different shapes, forms, and structures because they are made by people with varying organizational needs and goals.

However, whether you're creating your own or building upon someone else's, here are some essential elements that any good training policy template should have.

7 Must-Haves in an Employee Training Plan Template

Training objectives 

List out how you hope the training program will benefit your workforce and company. Your goals must be specific, measurable, and relevant. Learn more about soft skills and hard skills . Employee training assessment can also be helpful to understand your employees needs.

Type/method of training

How do you intend to deliver the training? Will it be instructor-led, self-paced, virtual, in-person, or blended training? Or maybe you want to use a role-playing, virtual training , gamification , on-the-job training and mentoring approach? Think about your options and note them down in this section.

➡️ Check out our new hire training plan for the ultimate training for your new hires.

Training curriculum and materials

This column in your training plan template should cover what employees will learn during the training. Mention the learning resources and materials you'll need or provide and any regulatory guidelines that employees and course creators must follow. 

Audience and stakeholders

This template section is for defining who needs the training, who will be creating courses, conducting, or overseeing the training, and the expectations for each of the roles. 

Learning outcomes 

What specific knowledge, skills, or competencies do you want employees to take away from the training?

We recommend first filling a skills matrix , to understand your people's current skills levels and identify any gaps.

Skills matrix on Zavvy highlighting team strenghts and weaknesses

For instance, your marketing team has a training objective to improve their social media advertising skills. The learning outcome you should see after training is a strong understanding of Facebook Ads.

What is the duration of the training program? What dates and times will training sessions take place? What are the deadlines for completing performance milestones? When will you check in with employees to see how they are progressing?

KPIs for effectiveness

Finally, every training plan template must have a field where you can define how you will measure the effectiveness of your training efforts. 

Tip: Note the KPIs or metrics you will use as a benchmark.

Goals management on Zavvy

📝 11 Examples of employee training plan templates

We've put together these ready-to-use training templates and checklists that you can customize to suit your company's learning and development needs.

1. Training needs assessment template

What this template includes: This training survey helps you uncover insights about gaps in employee performance, knowledge, and skills. It tells you what your workers want to learn, their preferred learning methods, and their schedule.

Training needs assessment preview

When to use it: To assess your organization's training needs and know where the skill gaps are for each department and individual employee before you begin planning a training program.

Why it matters: This information will enable you to identify your business case for training and design targeted learning and development experiences that produce better outcomes for you and your workforce.

training needs analysis - Zavvy templates

2. New-hire training template

What the new-hire training template includes: This template covers everything that new hires need to know to help them settle into their role and do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

It contains essential knowledge, training, and skills that you want to equip new hires with, such as:

  • company policies;
  • role descriptions;
  • starter projects; 
  • chain of command;
  • standard operating procedures;
  • orientation, integration, and performance review timelines.

Components of a New-hire Training Template

When to use it: Use your training plan to set new employees up for success from day one and guide them through their first few months or year on the job.

Why it matters: How you onboard and train new hires can make or mar their experience and performance at your company.
"Investing in employees at the start with a well-thought-out and comprehensive training program demonstrates a willingness to invest in their growth, which leads to enhanced loyalty, meaning you won't have to fill the position again anytime soon." — Mitch Chailland, President of Canal HR . ‍

training plans in business plan

Tip:💡 Make sure to check out our blog post on how long onboarding should take and the best practices.

3. New hire training checklist

What the new hire training checklist includes: You'll find all the logistical items, preboarding activities, and action plans you will need to manage to guide new hires through your onboarding and training process from the moment they accept your job offer to their first annual performance check-in.

Week 1 from our new hire training checklist

When to use it: Start ticking off items from your checklist to prepare your new hire for their first day and acclimate them to their new role, team, and company in the early months.

Why it matters: The strength of your new hire training will determine: - the employee's experience with your company;  - their speed to productivity;  - how well they perform in their role.

A checklist keeps things from falling through the cracks, guaranteeing all new hires a uniform onboarding and training experience.

➡️ Check out the new hire training checklist .

4. Pre-training checklist template

What the pre-training checklist template includes: This template breaks down the materials, schedules, tools, tasks, and activities you'll need to create, arrange, track, and execute to conduct a training session successfully.

When to use it: Create a training curriculum, prepare a memorandum, invite instructors and trainees, get feedback from participants, and disaster-proof upcoming training schemes by working through the checklist.

Why it matters: The last thing you want is to pour your time and energy into planning a training only to realize on D-day that you forgot essential elements.

You want to ensure that you remembered to:

  • Book a conference room. 
  • Send out email invites to some employees.
  • Print out enough assessment forms.

Preview of Pre-Training checklist template

☑️ Prepare training memorandum and email invite.

  • Determine which employees are mandated or free to attend.
  • Provide training agenda. 
  • Provide training date, time, location, and other pertinent information.

Completion date: 2 weeks before training day.

Assigned to: HR.

☑️ Confirm attendance.

  • Make sure all mandated attendees have signed up.
  • Book a suitable conference room.

Completion date: 1 week before training day. 

➡️ Download the complete training checklist in excel .

Zavvy's training checklist

5. Individual employee training plan template

What the individual employee training plan includes: This template gives you an overview of where a specific employee currently is regarding skills and performance and where they need to be. It details the following:

  • Employees' skill gap ;
  • Training goals;
  • Development actions;
  • Training methods and materials;
  • Learning outcomes;
  • Progress metrics;
  • Training timeline.

Elements of Individual Employee Training Plan

When to use it: Use this template to sharpen an employee's existing skills or prepare them to transition into a different role. Or as a component of your performance review process to support staffers who seem to lag behind before their performance becomes a severe issue.

Zavvy's Individual training plan template

Why it matters: A proactive training approach boosts employee productivity and efficiency by pinpointing the skills they are lacking and helping them develop those areas.
Tip: Sit down with the employee who needs the training and work with them to develop their training plan.
➡️ Get the individual employee training plan template.

Employee training plan template excel word

6. Employee development plan template

What the employee development plan template includes: This template acts as a guide for documenting and nurturing each employee's professional growth plans. It covers:

  • their career goals;
  • the skills and knowledge they need to reach their goals;
  • the training and actions they will take to gain these skills;
  • the timeline for completing the training and hitting milestones.

Zavvy Development plan template preview

When to use it: Create development plans to:

  • Speed up time to productivity for new hires as part of the onboarding
  • Improve performance of underperforming employees
  • Help members of your team grow their skills and advance their careers, whether that means progressing toward a management role or making a lateral move.
Why it matters: Hiring new employees, especially at a higher skill tier, is far more costly and time-consuming than providing upskilling and career development opportunities for your current employees.
➡️ Get the employee development plan template.

excel template development plan Zavvy

7. 70-20-10 development plan template

What the 70-20-10 development plan template includes: A 70-20-10 training plan gives you a framework for structuring your development programs using:

  • experiential, 
  • peer-to-peer, and 
  • formal training methods

To maximize engagement and performance.

70-20-10 Development plan template preview

When to use it: Use this template before launching your program to divide your training into sections, so everyone knows which skills trainees will learn on the job, from their peers, or through formal training sessions like seminars, presentations, and courses.

Why it matters: Offering employees the 70-20-10 blended learning experience supports better knowledge retention and the development of practical skills.
➡️ Download the 70-20-10 development plan template.

70:20:10 Development Plan (Excel)

8. Training matrix template

What the training matrix template includes: This template supplies all the data you'll need to get a comprehensive view of the state of your training initiatives, such as:

  • employee names, roles, and departments;
  • active training courses and topics;
  • learner progress;
  • course completion rate;
  • failure rate.

Training Matrix Template Preview

When to use it: Keep track of specialized and company-wide past and present training efforts and the individual employees or teams that have participated in them with this template.

Why it matters: Building a training matrix is a great way to monitor your active training programs, how trainees progress through the program, and the training needs you should be working towards meeting.
➡️ Get the training matrix template .

Zavvy's training matrix template

9. Leadership training plan template

What the leadership training plan includes: Get an overview of your company's current leadership abilities and the areas where there's room for improvement. This template addresses the following:

  • training needs assessment;
  • training objectives;
  • your leadership training topics ;
  • the core leadership skills your (future) leaders will obtain from the training;
  • the training methods and formats you'll use to facilitate this; 
  • your use of facilities and stakeholders.

training plans in business plan

When to use it: Provide your workers with leadership training to develop and improve the skills they'll require to manage a team effectively. Plus, use leadership training to teach about your organization's code of conduct for supervisors.

Why it matters: A leadership training plan example allows you to transform your newly promoted employees and staffers with management potential from "actors" to "directors."
➡️ Get the leadership training plan template .

Leadership training plan template word and excel

10. Product training template

What the product training plan includes: This template makes it easy to train your employees and other stakeholders on new or existing products. It presents information about the following:

  • the product's benefits and features;
  • product use cases;
  • how the product works;
  • why it is better than that of your competitors ( product comparison ).

When to use it: Break out this template whenever a new team member starts in your company to get them up to speed with your products. Alternatively, use product training to help current employees learn everything there is to know about newly launched offerings.

Why it matters: To convincingly sell your product to customers, your employees must first understand its WHAT, WHY, and HOW.

Product Training Template

11. DEI training plan template

What the DEI training plan template includes: This diversity, equity, and inclusion template is designed as a microlearning journey. It touches on everything from why DEI matters to your company's DEI policies and aspirations, as well as actions employees can take to tackle bias and foster inclusivity.

When to use it: Put this ready-to-use course to work to educate new and existing employees about DEI topics so that everyone feels respected, safe, welcome, and empowered in the workplace.

Why it matters: A lot goes into designing an effective diversity training initiative. Work from a structured template to keep track of all the moving parts and ensure you deliver consistent messaging about the importance of cultivating a healthy and inclusive workplace culture.
➡️ Get the DEI training plan template .

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training Training Course on Zavvy

💪 Why use a training plan template?

A training plan template is a document that outlines how you intend to carry out your training initiatives. It breaks down what has to happen to ensure the success of your training efforts.

Here are some advantages a good training plan template can offer you.

Why Use a Training Plan Template?

1. Saves you time

The more time you use in creating your training plan, the longer it will take to launch your training program and start upskilling your workers .

Rather than spending days or months strategizing and building your training plan from scratch, you can fill out a template or modify it to suit your needs. Again, this frees up time you can spend on other important tasks.

2. Makes the training process less stressful

A training plan template streamlines your company's training journey by providing a roadmap outlining the steps you need to take to achieve specific goals.

It takes the pressure and worries out of analyzing training needs, preparing strategies and objectives, and developing a curriculum to support individual learning goals. 

Templates help you address your organization's present and future skill gaps.

3. Keeps things on track

Without a training plan template, it's easy for things to fall through the cracks because you may not be able to remember or keep track of all details.

You can invest a lot of money and time only to end up with a training program that doesn't deliver on its promises or meet the expectations you set for it. 

A template helps you stay on schedule and manage all the components of your training process so that everything flows smoothly.

4. Helps anticipate employees' training needs

To create successful skills development programs, you first need to know what areas your workers need upskilling or reskilling to remain competitive in their careers. And to ensure the continued survival and profitability of your business.

A training plan template takes the guesswork out of the equation, empowering you to design and execute engaging training programs that help your employees grow as individuals and as a team.

➡️ Learn how to create an effective employee training plan in 9 steps.

➡️ Plan your training with Zavvy

Training plan templates can be a helpful guide for standardizing your training initiatives and mapping out how you will empower your workforce with the skills they need to grow and perform better.

But to build sustainable and scalable training initiatives, you also need the right training tool.

Zavvy's training solutions are ideal from onboarding onwards to create a continuous learning culture for your company.

Zavvy makes it easy to:

  • Plan, create, distribute, and manage your learning and development content in one place.
  • Automate your entire training program to reach people with the right content at the right time with ready-to-use training courses .
  • Deliver effective and engaging learning experiences with creative training solutions like microlearning, peer learning, and learning in the flow of work.
  • Develop leaders and everyone else based on data with precision.
  • Track course completion, engagement, learner performance, and training ROI.

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Berfu is an Employee Experience Specialist at Zavvy. She has a background in learning psychology and helps our customers get the most out of their people enablement programs.

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training plans in business plan

How to Create an Employee Training Plan [With Templates + Checklists]

Learn step-by-step how to create a customized training plan for your employees. Use our free templates and checklists to help.

Last Updated

May 17 2022

training plans in business plan

I think we’d all agree that effective employee training is crucial to business success.

(In fact, roughly 70% of teams are investing more into employee training and skill building than in pre-pandemic times.)

As with all areas of your business, effective training requires effective and strategic planning. Here, we’ll be looking at the key elements of various employee training plans — and discussing all that goes into creating templates for all training occasions.

What is an Employee Training Plan?

An employee training plan is a document that describes a training initiative in clear detail.

While individual plans vary in scope, all plans typically explain:

  • The purpose and goals of the initiative
  • Who is involved, and in what capacity
  • How the training will proceed

Training plans can be created for individual employees, specific segments of your team, or for your entire organization to take part in. Plans can apply to short-term (and even one-off) training initiatives, or to more long-term training campaigns.

Throughout this article, we’ll be discussing the many common threads that run through your various employee training plans — and how to use these common threads to develop effective templates for your training initiatives..

Essential Elements of an Employee Training Plan

On that note, let’s take a look at the key elements all employee training plans should include regardless of other variables.

Objectives and Rationale

All training plans should explicitly state the purpose of the initiative, in terms of both the trainee and the company as a whole.

This purpose should be backed by clear rationale, connecting the trainee’s efforts to their future performance — and, in turn, connecting their growth to overall business growth.

(An accompanying business requirements document will be needed to flesh this info out. Check out our recent post for more.)

Targeted KPIs & Measurement Methods

Employee training plans should also define key performance indicators as a way of measuring performance and success.

You’ll also define overarching business KPIs, again connecting employee and team performance to changes in your bottom line.

Audience and Stakeholders

Training templates should identify all parties involved in the campaign — and define the specific role each party will play in the process.

This includes:

  • The learner(s)
  • The trainer(s)
  • The project managers/leaders
  • The executive stakeholders

You might include additional info as to how these roles relate to one another, too. Defining dependencies between trainer and trainee, for example, will help streamline the experience for both parties.

Timeline and Scheduling

All employee training templates should provide a timeline for the initiative in question.

Depending on the circumstances, this timeline might define:

  • Schedules for training phases
  • Deadlines for performance milestones
  • Dates for manager check-ins

Training Methods and Procedures

This is the “meat and potatoes” of the employee training template.

The first part of this section will define the training method(s) you’ll be using throughout the campaign.

A few examples here:

  • Instructor-led training
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Simulation and role-playing

You’ll then provide a detailed description of the learning curriculum, along with checklists and other materials to guide the project forward.

Finally, your employee training templates should include a section listing the various resources you’ll need throughout the campaign.

Some examples of resources you may need:

  • Standard operating procedures and other instructional documentation
  • Tools and technology to complete tasks and engage with instructional leaders
  • External resources (from instructional content to third-party trainers)

Common Types of Training Plan Templates

While you can (and should) create templates for all types of training purposes, you’ll at least want to have the following templates at the ready.

Pre-Training Needs Assessments

Needs assessments are completed before you even begin planning a future training initiative.

In completing a pre-training needs assessment, you’ll:

  • Identify gaps in employee skills, knowledge, and/or performance
  • Define key performance indicators and other success metrics
  • Define business case for training
  • Define the best training format and method for the situation
  • Set an agenda for the upcoming initiative

Pre-training checklist for an employee training plan

( Source / Pre-training checklists can also help prepare the learner for the upcoming session.)

Though you’ll get into more detail when creating the actual training plan, this will set the stage for your efforts moving forward.

Employee Development Plans

Development plans are created for each individual member of your team, and are used to track and facilitate professional growth over time.

Employee Development Plan

Here, you’ll document:

  • The employee’s immediate and long-term career goals
  • The knowledge and skills they’ll need to attain these goals
  • The specific training sessions that will help them learn these skills

Employee development plan templates also have projected timelines for completing training sessions and reaching other professional milestones.

Training Plans for Employee Onboarding

An effective employee onboarding process starts with a solid plan.

Onboarding templates will include information such as:

  • The new hire’s responsibilities (with accompanying checklist)
  • Who else is involved in the onboarding process, and how
  • A timeline for completion of onboarding processes (for both employee and team leads)

Employee onboarding checklist

( Source / Again, checklists come in handy here.)

Employee onboarding templates should also include additional resources (as attachments, links, etc.) the individual will need to complete the process as planned.

Leadership Training and Development Plans

Leadership training and development plans provide a comprehensive view of your team’s current leadership capabilities — and where you’ll be making improvements in the future.

Specifically, this template will help you:

  • Develop your team’s definition of “leader” and “leadership”
  • Identify trainings needed to develop your management and executive teams’ skills
  • Trace leadership development to improved team performance — and improved business outcomes

Benefits of Creating Employee Training Plan Templates

To be sure, spending the time to create effective employee training plan templates will benefit your team in a number of ways.

For starters, having a plan in place for every training campaign you put together will improve the effectiveness of each campaign from the get-go. This, in turn, will lead to a number of long-term benefits, like:

  • Improved employee and team performance
  • Increased job satisfaction and talent retention
  • Improved teamwork and stronger company culture

Proactively creating employee training templates before you actually need them will be beneficial to your efforts, as well.

  • Consistency : Creating training plan templates allows you to take a consistent approach to specific types of employee training sessions. In turn, you can be sure that each training initiative you create uniformly follows best practices and standard procedures.
  • Efficiency : With comprehensive training templates in place, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel with every initiative you put together. Just find the template that fits your needs, and hit the ground running.
  • Agility : Employee training plan templates are built to be flexible and customizable. While again not requiring you to start from scratch, these templates will allow you to easily tailor your upcoming training initiatives based on your current needs and circumstances.

Best Practices for Creating Employee Training Plan Templates

There’s more to creating effective employee training plan templates than just doing a quick Google search and using another company’s documents.

(Truth be told, even the ones we’ve provided aren’t fully usable in their current condition.)

While these existing templates give you a good start, you’ll still need to tailor them to make them your own — and to ensure they have a positive impact on your team’s training efforts.

As you tweak these training templates to fit your needs, make sure you follow these best practices.

Create Templates for High-Priority Training Purposes

Over time, your goal is to have a template prepared for every possible type of employee training you put on.

But, if you’re just starting to create your template library, you’ll want to prioritize certain types of training templates based on your current situation.

Some factors to consider:

  • The impact the training initiative will have on employee, team, and business performance
  • How frequently the training takes place within your organization
  • How standard (or varied) the training sessions need to be

Again, this all depends on where things currently stand for your company. If, for example, you’re bringing new hires on rapidly and routinely, you’d need to be confident that your onboarding plan is seamless and effective.

(Conversely, if you’re in the midst of a hiring freeze, you can put your onboarding template to the backburner while you focus on more relevant training initiatives.)

On top of streamlining your high-priority trainings, this approach will allow you to give proper attention to the templates that may not be a priority at the moment — but that are no less important to team productivity in the long run.

Get Input From All Stakeholders

Everyone that’s involved in the training in question should also be involved in the creation of the training template.

  • Trainers/Facilitators
  • Trainees/Learners (current and former)
  • Performance Assessors
  • Executive team members

Trainers, leaders, and other decision-makers will of course be in charge of developing the templates — whether from scratch or via tweaking a publicly-available document. Here, discussion will be needed to ensure all necessary sections and relevant information is presented clearly within the document.

Trainers, assessors, and even former trainees can help with organization, presentation, and language usage within your templates. In turn, your templates will become more digestible specifically for those who will be using and relying on them most.

In getting input from all involved stakeholders, you can be nearly certain that your training templates provide everything they need to know to get moving.

Communicate Context Within Your Training Plan Templates

Going along with the above, your employee training templates should allow for contextualization of all relevant info.

In other words, it needs to be crystal clear why the information presented in the document is relevant to the situation at hand.

As we’ve discussed, your training plans should always explain:

  • What the training entails
  • What your performance and business goals are
  • Why training, specifically, is what’s needed to attain these goals

This will give your stakeholders a more holistic, “real-world” understanding of your upcoming training sessions.

(This, as opposed to approaching each initiative as if it exists in a vacuum — which would only hinder your efforts moving forward.)

Make Data-Driven Improvements to Your Training Plan Templates

Okay, so the whole reason you’re creating these templates is to use them repeatedly, making relatively minimal changes with each use.

But, you never want to think of these templates as being completely set in stone.

Rather, you should always be looking for ways to improve upon the training templates that are already working wonders for your organization.

(In some cases, improving your templates may be the necessary step toward improving your team’s training-related efforts altogether.)

At the center of these improvement efforts:

This may include:

  • Training performance outcomes
  • Stakeholder feedback
  • Changes in trainee and business performance

You never want to make concrete changes to your employee training templates without concrete evidence and rationale to back them up. Building intentional data analysis into your template development processes ensures you always take this step — and ensures you never adjust your templates based on anything less than the facts.

Document Template Changes (and Lessons Learned)

Internal documentation is a key part of the process, in two ways.

For one, you want to keep a record of the actual changes you make to your training plan templates over time. This will help you track the evolution of these documents — which can in turn help you identify what works (and what doesn’t) when developing employee training plans.

(And, if you need to revert to a previous version of a template, this will make the process super simple.)

It’s also crucial to document the reasons for any changes you make to your templates over time. More than just improving your approach to template creation, this knowledge can potentially allow you to make improvements to your overall approach to employee training as a whole.

The fact is, all relevant knowledge and information your team possesses with regard to employee training can potentially be transformative for your organization.

…but only if you identify it, document it, and make it easily accessible to your teammates and stakeholders.

Which is where Helpjuice comes in.

With our knowledge base software, teams can document any and all organization knowledge with ease. What’s more, you can then use Helpjuice to make collaborative changes to your employee training templates in real-time — based specifically on your data and the insight you’ve gleaned from it all.

Ready to get started? Try Helpjuice completely free for 14 days now!

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20+ Training Plan Templates for Every Business Need

By Jennifer Gaskin , Oct 26, 2022

0+ Training Plan Templates for Every Business Need

An employee training plan acts as the ultimate cheat sheet for building a successful workforce. After all, a company is only as good as its people. So, whether you’re bringing in new staff, transitioning someone to a new role or up-skilling professionals in their current job, it pays to create effective training plans .

Though investing in training can be expensive, not making sure your employees have the skills they need is even costlier — from the risk of mistakes to simply falling behind your competition.

But you can save time and money developing these programs by starting with a training plan template . Keep reading for tips and templates to help you supply your team with the training they need to succeed.

Click to jump ahead:

What is a training plan?

What is a training plan template, what should a training plan include, how do you create a training plan, 21 training plan templates for every business needs.

A training plan is a visually organized document detailing the steps and resources needed to teach a worker a new set of skills, task or policy. There are many types of training plans, depending on the specific needs of the company and the employee.

Training plans are useful not only for organizing resources for workers, but employers can also use them to track performance progress and see at a glance where their teams’ greatest skill deficiencies may be.

Managers can also use training plans (and their knowledge of how well workers have done under them) when making advancement decisions.

Learn more about creating a successful employee training and development program built on visual communication.

A training plan template is an existing, blank document that managers can fill in to describe the path needed to train a worker on a new task, get a new hire ready to roll or otherwise ensure an employee is able to achieve their potential.

Training plan templates are ideal for businesses that need to develop many training plans for different types of workers or processes, as this can speed up creation and implementation time (which also speeds up the overall training process).

The exact content and setup of a training plan varies depending on the end goal, but here’s a broad overview of what your training plan should include:

  • SMART goals:  Clearly define  what  trainees will  learn and be able to do  by the end (e.g., “use software X proficiently in 2 weeks”).
  • Tailored training:   Adapt the program  to the  existing knowledge, skills, and preferred learning styles  of the target audience.
  • Content & delivery:  Plan the  specific topics  to be covered,  choose appropriate training methods  (lectures, demonstrations, etc.), and decide the  format  (in-person, online, blended).
  • Logistics:   Schedule the training  (duration, frequency),  allocate resources  (trainers, equipment), and determine  methods to assess learning  (quizzes, practical exercises).
  • Feedback and improvement:  Establish methods to assess trainee progress and collect input from trainees and trainers to improve future iterations of the training program.

Of course, creating all of these elements is easier said than done. Even if you’re working within an existing template (like one you find on this page), as a manager or business owner, you will still need to put in thoughtful consideration about your organization’s needs.

Follow the key 5 steps below to create an effective training plan:

Step 1: Identifying the training gap

Start by understanding the specific skills or knowledge needed, whether it’s to address performance issues or adapt to new challenges.

Step 2: Build your training framework

Define the overall goals, target audience, and desired outcomes to create a clear roadmap for the training program.

Step 3: Explore resources

Explore internal resources, external vendors, and online platforms to find the most cost-effective and effective delivery method.

Step 4: Collaborating for success

Secure support from key stakeholders like managers, trainers, and even learners to ensure program success.

Step 5: Finalize & refine

Schedule the training, allocate resources, and establish assessment methods to measure learning and refine the program for future iterations.

New hire training plan

Perhaps no single training plan is more important than what is created for new hires. A bad hire is an incredibly costly prospect for any business, and for a small business, it’s especially problematic. That’s because a small business has less wiggle room in the bottom line.

According to Business News Daily , poor onboarding is a leading cause of turnover — costing the company as much as 300 percent of the person’s salary for the unsuccessful training and eventual hiring process to fill their position.

Let’s look at some new employee orientation and onboarding training plans to keep this from happening to your team:

training plan template

A new hire training plan checklist is a perfect way for the new employee and their supervisor to stay on the same page. Plus, this ensures new hires get all the crucial information they need early on in their tenure. Customize this template with the policies and procedures unique to your company.

training plan template

Onboarding checklists can help both trainees and managers keep track of all the tasks that need to be done when a new person joins the team. And by monitoring how many boxes are checked, it’s easy to see where you’re falling short.

training plan template

When you think about it, a new job begins from the day of the hire, not the moment the new person starts working. Seize the opportunity to make sure your internal processes are up to speed before the person even walks in the door with this orientation process checklist template.

training plan template

With Venngage for Business, you can easily customize a new hire onboarding HR checklist (like the one below) to add relevant company documents. For example, your new hire may be expected to have certain licenses or qualifications; add those to the new hire paperwork section to keep your HR department happy (and legally compliant!).

training plan template

Make onboarding fun by using the principles of microlearning, which can help overwhelming tasks seem manageable. Keep important materials organized so that your new team members get all the knowledge they need in an accessible format.

New manager training plan

Study after study has confirmed : bad managers — not low salaries or heavy workloads — are the number one reason people leave jobs. In fact, Gallup has found that about 70 percent of the variance in employee engagement scores can be attributed to the quality of the individual’s direct supervisor.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure that from the top down, your management structure is filled with people who have the right temperament and skill set to get the very best out of each team member. Here are some new manager training materials that can put your leadership on the right path:

training plan template

Just because they’re already in management, that doesn’t mean your team members don’t have further goals. Sit down with them and talk through what they want to accomplish, and then help them visualize how to get there with this career roadmap.

training plan template

Not sure about using visual content in training ? Let us convince you.

Focus on the team aspect with your new manager training plans by having them creating a mind map like this one. Get them to fill it in with their goals for various aspects of their stepped-up role in your company.

training plan template

One of the hardest parts of running a company is identifying people who have management potential. Use this chart to help you understand the difference between those who would be good first-line managers and those who might have executive potential.

training plan template

Though this template was created to supplement an annual performance review, it’s also an effective tool for training a new manager.

Have them plot where they perceive themselves to be on a matrix (customize it easily by updating the text) and then add your opinion. From there, you can discuss what changes they need to make to land in the ideal quadrant.

Employee development plan

Employee development plans have a wide range of uses, from getting underperforming team members to improve what they’re doing to helping workers add skills to their arsenal. They can be focused on individuals (adding skills) or the team (improving performance) — or both.

You might think it’s counterproductive to have team members adding skills that don’t align entirely with your business objectives. But remember: employees are more likely to remain with an employer if the company invests in their careers, according to LinkedIn .

training plan template

Use this SMART goals template to set objectives, timelines and methods for improving your employee’s skills. Customize it to your needs by updating the colors and adding new items to each column.

training plan template

Data visualization has been shown to help with information retention — plus, it just looks cool. Use pie charts like these to help your employees visualize on a 1%-100% scale how well they’re doing at various tasks. And use the second page to expand further on where they could improve.

training plan template

Work with your staff member to establish the areas where they need or want to learn more and list out the specific steps to get there using this template. Or use it to set goals they want to accomplish as part of their employee development plan .

Training needs assessment

Understanding where deficiencies are is an important part of any employee development plan, and it’s useful in helping your team members set their own career goals. Here are several training needs assessment templates you can use in your business today:

training plan template

Use this training needs assessment to see your entire team at a glance. Update the columns and rows with your specific needs and see where your teams may be falling short (or excelling!).

training plan template

Customize this skills checklist for your needs and have your team members fill one out for themselves. Using a method like this can help you better understand how your staffers feel about their contributions to the team — and where they see room for improvement.

training plan template

Before advancing an employee to a new role or even elevating them to management, assess their positives and negatives using this readiness checklist template.

training plan template

This multi-page assessment template can help you go into detail on what skills and competencies you expect members of your team to have. While it’s long, it remains accessible because of its clear organization and color-coding.

training plan template

Use this questionnaire, which was developed for a healthcare setting, to understand more about how your employees rate themselves.

What’s unique and interesting about this template is that it calls for workers to rate both their success in each task and that task’s importance to their job success — which can also help you understand whether your priorities are in line with theirs.

Individual training plan

No worker wants to feel like just another body. But creating a truly individual training plan means sitting down with your team and understanding where they are — and where they need to be. Once you’ve done that, here are some individual training plans you can work together to create:

training plan template

This individual training plan template is ideal for staffers who need to work on their performance before they fall into the range of under-performing. Having templates like this on hand can help turn you from a reactive manager into a proactive one . In other words, you can head off minor issues before they become major problems.

training plan template

Work with your employee to determine where they fall on this matrix. Make one quadrant for each of their critical skill sets, determining if the job in question is being done well and how important it is to the success of the employee and the company.

training plan template

Here’s another alternative to an individual training plan. This template can help employees do some introspection and determine what they want to get out of their jobs and how they might plot out their future with your company.

training plan template

While this employee evaluation template is geared towards an annual self-review, it can also be useful as the basis for an individual training plan. Work with a single team member, or have each person on your team fill one of these out. Then, work with the group to address each individual’s needs and potential.

Level up your team: the power of personalized training plans 

Use the templates you’ve seen here, or consider them a jumping-off point to leveling up the skills each individual contributes to your team.

And remember, you can customize any of these training plan templates to suit your needs.

With Venngage’s user-friendly, drag-and-drop editor, you can edit the text, colors, icons, images, branding and more — and impress trainees with your professionalism and organizational skills!

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Training plans: How to boost team learning

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A training plan teaches team members a skill using a predetermined program and set of materials. These plans can benefit your company and your team by increasing retention and improving team productivity. Read on to learn how to create an effective training plan.

Training plans are one way to improve the skills of your team members. These plans are mutually beneficial to companies and team members because they increase retention and improve team productivity . When you support your team through learning, they can apply their new skills at work.

What is a team member training plan?

A team member training plan is a way to teach team members a specific skill using a predetermined program and set of materials. With a training plan, you can set a standard for how to do things. Then, when other teams or individuals want to learn the skill, you’ll have transferable documentation for how to do so.

The goal of a training plan is to:

Prepare managers before a training occurs.

Provide structure for team members to learn.

Without training plans, it’s difficult for team members to know whether they’ve met the required learning outcomes for their position. Alternatively, team members seeking additional training have no way to measure their achievements.

What are the basic components of a training plan?

While there are many training methods you can use to teach team members a process, training plans should include a few key components. Knowing the components of a training plan will ensure you’re ready for the training to take place when the time comes.

Learning objectives: Like any project, your training plan should include goals for success. Ask yourself what you want your group to get out of this training. Use your learning objectives as a guide when writing the rest of your plan.

Program outline: The program outline is the heart of the training plan. It explains how you’ll conduct the training and provides step-by-step instructions for the person in charge to follow.

Materials: Depending on the training method you choose, you may need specific materials to deliver it. For example, if your training is a workshop, you may need printed handouts for all participants or a computer and projector.

Whether you deliver your courses remotely or in a large conference room, planning these components is a key part of training management.

7 steps to create a training plan

Now that you know the components of a training plan, identify where your team needs help before jumping into development. Once you have a training area in mind, customize the program to your team.

[inline illustration] How to create a training plan (infographic)

Use the steps below to create a training plan. 

1. Assess training needs

Conduct a training needs assessment before actually creating your plan. This introductory step provides direction on who or what to train. For example, look at the needs of new hires. Assess whether the training they need for their new role is covered in the onboarding process , or if you should create a training plan that better integrates them into the company.

To assess the training needs of your company or team, consider the following:

Ask for feedback from managers and team members.

Gather insight from performance evaluations .

Assess team member performance using work management tools.

Prepare surveys to see where team members want to improve their skills.

After conducting your research, prioritize your needs. Pick one skill or process to focus on and create a customized training plan template.

2. Choose your training plan type

Before you can create your training plan, you need to choose a delivery method. The ideal delivery method you choose will depend on the skill you’re teaching and the size of your training group. While some skills require an online delivery method, you can deliver others through hands-on practice. You can get more involved with smaller groups, while larger groups may need a more hands-off approach.

[inline illustration] Types of training plans (infographic)

Types of training plans:

Workshops: Workshops involve active participation from the group.

Instructor-led: Also known as conference-style training. These training programs can occur in-person or online. 

1-on-1: Individual training sessions can help those who need varied levels of support.

On-the-job: A lot of training occurs naturally on the job, but you can also plan for team members to learn specific skills while working.

eLearning: Different from instructor-led online training, eLearning is when team members progress through a set of online training courses, usually comprising videos, quizzes, and readings.

Mentoring: A unique way for team members to learn is from a mentor —or another experienced professional—who helps grow their career. Some individuals find mentors on their own, but you can also set up a mentorship program.

Research-based: Research-based training may include required reading of articles and case studies or data analysis from reputable sources.

Here are some scenarios of how you might choose a training plan type: 

Scenario 1: Your company switches to a new project management software and everyone needs training on how to use it. Because your training sessions will have a large group, you’ll use an instructor-led or conference-style plan.

Scenario 2: Your company wants to promote the business on social media. This will require scheduling content in advance, so you create a workshop-style training to teach team members how to schedule content for various social platforms.

3. Study your team

Aside from group size, study your team to create an effective training program. Every group has different experiences when they come into training. For example, if you’re refreshing current team members on social media best practices, you can assume they have some background knowledge. 

Ask these questions when studying your team:

Is this training optional?

Will this training be more effective if I engage with team members?

What are the strengths of the team?

How can I make this training applicable to the team? 

Team members will likely feel more excited about the training if it applies to them. Make your training relatable by incorporating examples and engaging the group. Point out strengths in your team and use them to your advantage. For example, if your team is most efficient in the morning, set your training schedule accordingly.

4. Create learning objectives

Like every project, you’ll set goals for what you want to achieve with your training plan. Think about what you want participants to get from your training. 

Let’s continue our example from above. For a training on social media marketing, your objective may be for all participants to:

Understand Google Analytics metrics.

Identify which social platforms the company’s audience uses.

Understand how social media plays a role in the marketing funnel.

Create one piece of SEO content, post it to social media, and track its progress.

Use your learning objectives as training requirements. You may decide that participants must meet all the learning objectives to complete the training course and master the skill.

5. Develop training materials

Training materials are the bulk of your presentation. Some materials help you present material to your team, like a slide deck or PowerPoint, while other materials get participants involved in the lesson, like a worksheet. 

Training materials may include:

Slide decks 

Online readings

SOPs and training manuals


Plan for any materials you need and keep extra materials on hand. That way, when training day arrives, you’ll feel prepared for any unexpected guests or mishaps.

6. Put training into action

You’re now ready to complete your training program and present it to team members. To feel more confident, write out your program in a step-by-step format. It may look something like this:

Trainer welcomes participants with the first slide of PowerPoint on the board.

Trainer instructs participants to open laptops and navigate to the company website.

Trainer goes through PowerPoint slides and instructs participants to follow along on laptops.

Trainer sends out worksheets.

Participants use laptops and worksheets to engage in an activity. 

Trainer asks participants to share their experiences with the activity. 

Trainer finishes the PowerPoint presentation, which includes discussion questions.

Trainer opens the floor to other questions. 

While a program will fully prepare you for your training, don’t be afraid to veer off the training plan during discussion time, as long as the conversation remains relevant and productive.

7. Review and revise as needed

To ensure your training is effective, review your training plan template and strive to make it the best it can be. A successful training plan helps participants master a process. If you have great things to say but the group isn’t engaged, then the information you deliver likely won’t register.

After holding a few training sessions, conduct an after-action review. With feedback from past participants and insight into their skill mastery, revise your training plan to better fit the needs of your next group. 

Training plan template and example

Here’s an example of a training plan. In this plan, the team identified that they needed a training plan for keyword research within their company. They want to use this course for new hires, but they also believe it can serve as a refresher course for others in the office.

[inline illustration] Training plan example: CRM software company (example)

Use the free training plan template below to develop your team’s skills.

Create a training plan with work management software

To create custom training plans, you’ll need to know where your team needs support. Work management software offers a bird's-eye view of your team’s performance so you can identify where training would be most helpful.

Use Asana to bounce ideas off others, share your program, and revise it. With this shared tool, you can make a plan and take action all in one place.

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8 employee training plan templates to set you up for success

training plans in business plan

A business is nothing without its employees — and they succeed best with the right training to guide them. Whether joining your organization as new hires, or upskilling to support your teams, employees need robust learning and development strategies to achieve professional growth. An employee training plan template acts as the starting point for your L&D planning, ensuring you have all bases covered before you invest time or money in creating a training program.

This article explains what an employee training template is and how it can optimize your onboarding. You’ll discover how to create a template that fits your team’s exact needs, and browse eight examples of ready-made employee development plan templates for a quick start.

Get the template

The importance of an employee training plan

A comprehensive employee training plan serves as a bedrock for companies to build a thriving, adaptable workforce upon. Here are the key reasons why companies must prioritize and implement employee training plans:

  • Skill development : Employee training plans support workers in acquiring new skills and enhancing existing ones. LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning report highlights that skillsets for jobs have already changed 25% since 2015, but this number is expected to double by 2027. A customized training plan ensures employees remain competent and relevant in their roles.
  • Talent retention : Offering opportunities for growth and development is a powerful tool for retaining top talent, reducing turnover, and associated recruitment costs. LinkedIn also highlights that 93% of organizations are concerned about retention, and believe that “providing learning opportunities” is the top way to hang on to talented workers.
  • Agility : In an era of technological advancements and industry disruptions, ongoing training ensures that employees can adapt to new tools, processes, and market dynamics effectively.
  • Competitive advantage : Companies with a highly skilled and adaptable workforce have a competitive edge. Those that commit to training their employees are better prepared to seize emerging business opportunities and overcome challenges related to industry disruption, the economy, or other unexpected events.
  • Compliance and safety : In industries in financial services, or manufacturing which have stringent regulations, training plans maintain compliance and ensure the safety of both employees and customers

Why use an employee training plan template?

Here are four key reasons to use a template to devise your training strategies. An employee training plan template:

  • Creates a solid starting point for your training plans. Templates ensure all bases are covered across every employee training program. If there’s a specific subject you need to cover, or resources for different teams, you can include them in your template when you customize it.
  • Boosts training plan creation. Using a template speeds up the creation of employee training programs. Reducing the time spent planning out employee development can save you money and train employees faster.
  • Provides a stable employee experience. Employee training plan templates create consistency across all your training plans and programs. Because they originate from the same template, all educators can follow the same workflow to develop their plans. This type of consistency can make it easier to scale. You can onboard more educators who’ll follow the same process to develop more training plans.
  • Develops an established workflow.  Training plan templates can simplify the new hire training process. It’s much easier to develop an employee onboarding process and properly ramp up new staff when you have an existing workflow in place.

employee onboarding board on monday.com

The bottom line : templates help you create and roll out great training content at speed. Not only will the training be more consistent, but you’ll be able to use your time more efficiently.

What are some examples of employee training plan templates?

Let’s explore eight popular use cases for employee training templates.

1. New employee onboarding

It’s important to train new employees on company policies , standard operating procedures, and more. HR departments can create a sample training template to ensure every new team member goes through the right onboarding process.

You can even decide whether to make this type of training plan employee-facing or not. If it’s kept private, your HR team can use the template to take notes about new hires. If it’s employee-facing, you can add links to resources new hires will need.

Example onboarding checklist

( Image Source )

2. Safety training

Safety training ensures employees follow all safety protocols. Because improper safety training can have dire consequences, it’s important to cover all the necessary topics.

For example, you can customize your employee training plan template to create a protocol for the safe handling of chemicals. But you can also use it to train employees on fire drills, harassment regulations, and so much more.

Example employee safety training template

3. Executive training

If you want to develop your workforce and nurture potential talent, it’s important to help them develop the skills they’ll need for an executive role. These types of roles require a very different set of skills than other roles.

Popular types of training for executives include:

  • Public speaking
  • Performance management
  • Conflict management
  • Client relationship management
  • Risk management

An executive training plan template could include training in any of the above areas, depending on the executive’s role. For example, if someone leads a lot of meetings, they might benefit from public speaking training.

Leadership training sample agenda

4. Diversity training

Diversity and inclusion training is important for cultivating a more inclusive workforce. Not everyone understands the challenges that minority employees face in the workplace, which means some of your staff may require education to make everyone feel comfortable and empowered.

Because there’s so much to keep in mind for diversity training, a training plan template can help you keep track of it all. You can deploy this type of training template for all staff or for hiring managers only.

Example Diversity training plan

5. Training needs assessment

A training needs assessment template enables you to plan adequate development for every employee on an individual basis. It’s particularly helpful for revealing competency gaps or creating learning paths. Your template allows you to determine which skills and knowledge need improvement, what resources should be provided, and the employee’s preferred learning method.

A screenshot of a training needs assessment template.

( Image source )

6. Individual employee training

Customized training plans ensure no employee ever feels like a number. An individual training template is a critical part of the performance management process, and zones in on a specific development area to improve.

This template also offers space for:

  • Development actions
  • Who to involve in the training
  • Milestone dates
  • Results and outcomes

Individual development plan for employee training

7. Employee training schedule

Employee training should never be an afterthought or something you don’t have time for. The training schedule template ensures you carve out space in your calendar for L&D activities. Display your schedule on a weekly or monthly basis, or by giving an overview of your entire training course schedule.

An employee training schedule template.

8. Skills gap analysis

A skills gap analysis measures the difference between the skills your employees currently possess, and those they need to advance in their careers and support the business in meeting organizational goals. A template simplifies this complex task by providing a way to score specific skills, which might include:

  • Interpersonal skills such as communication
  • Leadership skills
  • Technical skills such as coding
  • Customer service skills

L&D pros can use this data to customize training programs accordingly.

An example of a simple excel-style template to use for auditing skills gaps.

But there’s one template we haven’t touched on yet that takes all the information from the previous templates and increases their functionality and customization so you can build whatever you need.

Kickstart L&D with monday.com’s employee training template

Want to simplify the creation of your employee training plans? Here are the key features of monday.com’s employee training plan template:

  • Customizable formats : Our template uses drag-and-drop functionality for customizing a range of training programs. You can also add or remove columns according to what you need to use the template out of the box.

example of monday.com's Training Plan Template with Main Table View

  • Master template creation : Use the employee template as a base for your educators to develop more specific training templates. As it’s part of the monday.com Work OS , you’ll have one centralized platform so your entire organization can work without limits and get all your work done more easily.
  • Collaboration : It’s simple to share items like your training plan template across your team and have them collaborate directly in the document so things evolve in real-time.

example of monday.com's Training Plan Template with Gantt Chart View

  • Training insights : The monday.com dashboards make it easy to track metrics, such as the number of employees who’ve accessed training or how much your programs are costing the business.

To get even more out of monday.com’s template, check out some of our expert hacks below.

Employee development plan template tips & tricks

Here are three quick tips to help you improve your employee training plans using templates.

1. Specify your medium

Different training content often calls for different types of media. Some information is best shown via video, while other content shines in audio or text. In some cases, nothing beats a live presentation.

According to research by CIPD, only one in five organizations forgoes technology for their learning activities. This research also shows that switching from traditional to digital learning improves how team members support and trust each other.

Your training plan template should specify which medium to use for each portion of the training. When choosing a medium, ask yourself if there’s a way to implement technology to improve the learning experience for your team.

2. Get feedback about your template

Your template isn’t complete once you create the first version. It’s important to get feedback on your template so that you can keep iterating and improving it. This is especially true if more than one person trains team members.

For instance, does your template make it easier to teach new skills? Or does it overcomplicate the process? You’ll only know if you ask. Consider creating a form to collect feedback from users.

3. Connect your content to your training template when you’re done

Do you host your training content online? If so, consider adding links to your content directly in your training plan template when your content is live. You can deploy your training plan template as a to-do list for employees when all your content is ready. All they need to do is follow the link, use the content as specified, and change the status to “Done” — as long as you add a status column to your training plan template.

How do I write an employee training plan?

Start by following your template section by section to outline your training plan. Break down everything your employees need to learn in bite-sized pieces. Additionally, remember to define what success looks like in your training plan. Is there a test that employees have to complete after they go through the training? Should they be able to perform a specific task and get a specific outcome? Success can look wildly different depending on what the training entails.

What’s included in a training plan?

When you draft a training plan, make sure to include:

-Training objectives - Curriculum the training needs to cover - Who the training is for - The business needs the training addresses

If your training will go live, you may also want to include a schedule template to guide future trainers on the length of each section of the training.

What are the 6 steps in developing a training program?

Here are the six steps you should follow to develop and improve a live training program for your employees:

1. Define who you need to train and for what — this should happen even before you develop a plan. 2. Prep the training ahead of time — set aside any materials and notes you’ll need for your presentation. 3. Practice the execution so that you can deliver the content smoothly in front of your employees. 4. Execute the first delivery of your employee training. 5. Test your trainees to make sure they understand the material once the training is over. If understanding is lacking, note what topics they struggled with so you can improve the training. 6. Track employee performance after the training. If performance doesn’t improve as you expect, make a note of those areas so you can change up your training to target them.

training plans in business plan

Free Training Plans Templates for Business Use

By Kate Eby | May 31, 2018

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A training plan holds you accountable for your actions by providing documentation to track and monitor progress toward a goal. To save you time, we’ve provided the top free, downloadable training plan templates for business use .

You'll also find details on what a training plan is , the benefits of using one , and tips on how to write one .

Free Training Plan Templates

In this section, you’ll find training plan templates available in Microsoft Excel and Word formats, as well as PDF. Download all of the following templates for free, and customize them to meet your organizational needs.

Staff Training Plan Template

Staff Training Plan Template

‌   Download Excel Template

Try Smartsheet Template   ‌

A team or department manager can use this template to document their entire staff’s progress at once. You’ll find multiple charts to track knowledge areas, award competency scores, and list formal trainings and meetings (as well as who has attended them or completed the necessary tasks). This template enables you to monitor both hard and soft skills so that you can get a composite view of each employee’s progress.

Monthly Training Plan Template

Monthly Training Plan Template

Try Smartsheet Template  

This template provides a useful schedule to help you plan your training over the course of a month. List details such as department, training contact, topic, and location, and then complete the prebuilt schedule with training dates and times. To track your progress, use the provided columns to mark milestones. Use this template as a high-level monthly planning tool to ensure you’ve organized training sessions and met your goals.

Weekly Training Plan Template

Weekly Training Plan Template

Download Weekly Training Plan Template

Excel | Word | PDF

This simple training plan template is designed to track team or department progress on training activities over the course of a week. List the employee, activity, and desired outcome, and use the weekly calendar either to plan training sessions or to mark whether or not the employee completed the training work. Finally, leave remarks on each employee’s performance and sign off for approval at the end of the week. This template is especially relevant for a manager or a lead who needs to oversee multiple team members’ development over a short period of time.

Daily Training Plan Template

Daily Training Plan Template

Download Daily Training Plan Template

Use this template to plan and track daily training tasks for a single team member. At the top of the template, list employee and training contact info, the department, and the goals or desired outcomes. In the chart below, list time, task, and duration of training, and sign each row as the employee completes an activity. Create a separate daily training plan for each team member to track their progress individually.

Annual Training Plan Template

Annual Training Plan Template

‌   Download Word Template

This comprehensive annual training plan template is available as Word and PDF files. Create a narrative-style training plan with separate sections for background information, critical needs, goals, performance metrics, estimated budget, milestone schedule, and revisions. This template is best for teams that need to formally document their training efforts. For those who need a quick visual overview of progress, check out the simple annual calendar templates in this article .

Employee Training Plan Template

Employee Training Plan Template

Download Employee Training Plan Template

Excel | Word | PDF  | Smartsheet

Use this Excel template to create a training plan for an individual employee. List employee information, including ID number, position, department, and reviewer credentials, and then create a list of activities for Week 1, and for 30, 60, and 90 days out. The template includes columns for you to note whether the activity is active or on hold, the point of contact for each growth area, status, and observations — all of which will help you measure employee progress and keep them accountable.

New Employee Training Plan Template

New Hire Training Plan Template

‌ Download New Hire Training Plan Template - Excel

This template is designed as an onboarding plan you can use to ensure new hires complete all the necessary training, paperwork, and activities as they acclimate to their new role. The template includes sections for activities completed through management, HR, IT, and peers, and it lists sample activities that a new employee might need to accomplish. Track the new hire’s orientation and integration from the first day through the first year with this easy-to-use template.

Project Plan Template

Project Plan and Gantt Chart Template

‌ Download Project Plan Template - Excel

Sometimes, training can occur on the job. One way to ensure that you stay on track — in time, on budget, and within resources — is to create a project plan that outlines all the tasks, activities, and milestones you need to accomplish en route to your objectives or deliverables. Download this project plan template in Excel to list all tasks, assign team members and due dates, and note progress with the built-in Gantt chart , all the way through to project completion.

What Is a Training Plan?

A training plan is a document that details the strategy and specific steps needed to accomplish a goal or an objective. You can create a training plan for nearly any undertaking, such as a business or creative project, team development, staff or new hire training, or a personal endeavor (such as a running a marathon ). Regardless of the objective, training plans hold you accountable for intentions, actions, tasks, or activities that must be completed en route to a larger goal.

Many different business roles can make use of a training plan, including trainers and instructors, managers, staff, employees, IT, support representatives, or the entire organization. Colleges and universities also frequently use training plans to track their progress toward a goal.

What Is a Training Action Plan?

A training action plan is a document that you create prior to the training plan, and lists only the actions necessary to achieve a particular goal. As opposed to a training plan, a training action plan does not include strategy or scheduling information. To learn more about action plans and to download action plan templates, read this article .

Benefits of a Training Plan

Building a training plan can help ensure the success of the project, onboarding , skill building, or other objectives you aim to achieve. By providing a road map to success, a training plan ensures that you accomplish tasks and meet milestones along the way to your overarching goal. In addition, a strong training plan can offer the following underlying benefits:

  • Aid you in preparing objective, needs, strategy, and curriculum to be addressed when training participants
  • Improve trainer and training participants’ experience by providing a clear plan of action
  • Ensure that each training session is well planned, helpful, and inspiring
  • Gain much needed expertise and experience, which can help you achieve your goal

Ultimately, these benefits can make it easier to accomplish your goals. Training plans play a vital part in making your organization more profitable, beating the competition, and creating a thriving work culture.

How Do You Design a Training Program?

Before you write your training plan, you’ll need to do some strategic thinking and create a program structure that reflects both the needs and abilities of your workforce and your goals. Designing a training program will vary based on the industry and type of undertaking, but some general tips can apply to any workforce training:

  • Identify Training Needs: In order to design an adequate training program, you need to know your needs. Perform a training needs assessment in which you identify your goals, the tasks required to reach them, and the training activities that will support them.
  • Set Learning Objectives: Once you have identified your needs, define what you want your workforce to achieve from an educational perspective. What do you want your employees to learn? How will you tangibly test knowledge growth?
  • Create Training Materials: In most cases, providing your trainees with materials of some sort (be it physical or online documentation, or quizzes, games, etc.) will greatly enhance their learning and retention. Get creative and find useful ways to increase the “stickiness” of your training curriculum.
  • Implement the Training Plan: Next, you have to execute the plan you’ve designed. Make sure to document progress, and note any problems or inconsistencies that arise. Use a training plan template (included above) to document and support implementation.
  • Repeat Steps as Necessary: The goal of any training plan is to increase knowledge and skills, and you can’t rush the learning process. Take your time and ensure that everyone is getting the deep learning and practice that they need to be successful.
  • Evaluate Training: This is a key element to the long-term success of your training plan. Elicit feedback from participants and managers, and refine your design for future use.

How Do You Write a Training Plan?

Just as the design of your training plan will vary based on your organization and specific goals, so will the documentation of your training plan. The templates included in this article offer a range of structures and styles, but you can customize all of them to fit your needs.

If you want to create your own document, here is a basic list of what to include in your written training plan:

  • Objectives: List your goals, and make sure they are measurable and specific.
  • Duration: Ideally, your training plan should be flexible, offer an approximate, realistic duration of the plan to give participants an idea of what to expect, and aid managers in evaluating performance. Some training plans include multiple future dates at which to measure performance (for example, 30, 60, and 90 days).  
  • Venue/Facility: If you are hosting a workshop, include details about the venue and facility, such as directions and special instructions.
  • Dates/Times: If there are specific meeting times that staff needs to attend, make sure to list them on the plan.
  • Activities and Learning Strategies: Depending on how comprehensive your training plan is, consider including a section where you detail the activities and knowledge areas in which you hope to see improvement. However, not all training plans require this level of detail.
  • Milestones: Include room to mark key milestones, as well as space for dates and a signature if applicable. You might also want to include a section to rank accomplishments or competencies along the way.
  • Approval Signature: Include a space for the manager or lead contact to sign off once the training program is completed.

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Did you find what you are looking for.

Thinking of starting a school or a coaching business? Or is it about vocational school?

Well, no matter what’s your business segment in the education and training sector—you need a solid business plan to turn it into a long-term success.

This library of education and training business plan samples here can inspire and guide you as you begin to plan your business. So, don’t worry; we got you covered on that part.

Let’s learn more about these sample training and education plans, starting with their benefits.

Benefits of using an industry-specific business plan example

Believe it or not, using an industry-specific business plan example is the best and probably the quickest way of writing a business plan.

Doubt it? Hold, this may change your perception; an extended list of the benefits of using an industry-specific business plan template.

  • Inspiration : Reading a business-specific template can be incredibly helpful in getting content inspiration. Furthermore, it helps you gain insights into how to present your business idea, products, vision, and mission.
  • Risk-free method : You are taking a reference from a real-life, let’s say, After-school program business plan—so you know this plan has worked in the past or uses a method subscribed by experts.
  • Deep market understanding : Analyzing and reading such examples can provide clarity and develop a deeper market understanding of complex industry trends and issues you may not know but relate directly to the realities of your business landscape.
  • Increased credibility : A business plan developed using an example follows a standard business plan format, wisely presents your business, and provides invaluable insights into your business. There’s no question it establishes you as a credible business owner, demonstrating your deep business and market understanding.
  • Realistic financial projections : Financial forecasting being a critical aspect of your plan, this real-life example can help you better understand how they project their financials—ultimately helping you set realistic projections for your business.

These were the benefits; let’s briefly discuss choosing an education or training business plan template that best suits your business niche.

Choosing an Education or Training Business Plan

This category has business plan templates for various education or tutoring businesses. With many similar business types and templates, you may not find the most suitable one through manual scrolling.

Here are the steps to consider while choosing the most suitable business plan template.

Identify your business type

Are you going to be an online coaching platform? Or a traditional school? Or a general daycare center?

Asking yourself these questions will help you identify your business type, which will help in choosing a niche-specific business plan template.

Once you identify your business type, you can choose between templates for different business segments.

Search for the template

We have an in-built search feature, so you can easily search for a business-specific template using your business name as a key term(e.g., summer camp business plan). Once you have the search results, choose the most suitable one. Simple as that.

Review the example

Look closely at the content of the sample business plan you are considering. Analyze its sections and components to identify relevant as well as unnecessary areas.

Since all the Upmetrics templates are tailored to specific business needs, there won’t be many fundamental customizations. However, a hybrid business model targeting multiple customer segments may require adjustments.

No big deal—you can view and copy sections from other business plan examples or write using AI while customizing a template.

That’s how you find and select the most suitable business plan for educational services. Still haven’t found the perfect business plan example? Here’s the next step for you.

Explore 400+ business plan examples

Discover Upmetrics’ library of 400+ sample business plans to help you write your business plan. Upmetrics is a modern and intuitive business planning app that streamlines business planning with its free templates and AI-powered features. So what are you waiting for? Download your example and draft a perfect business plan.

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Popular Templates

A Female Coach Working At A Desktop Computer In A Fitness Studio

How to Create Training Plans in TrainingPeaks

Training Plans cannot replace the value of a good athlete-coach relationship, but for many athletes, a training plan is the most cost-effective way to obtain structured training to help them achieve their goals. And a business opportunity for you.

Training plans are an excellent opportunity for coaches to reach more athletes with expert instruction that showcases their coaching business. They can also seem daunting to build. Here’s how:

Getting Started

Instead of building the training plan directly in a blank training plan, build the plan first in a dummy athlete account so you can use the Annual Training Plan functionality for periodization. Later, you’ll use the dual calendar functionality to copy and paste the workouts you created from the dummy athlete to the training plan you publish. Please note that if you have a well-developed plan for a real athlete from a previous season you want to convert to a training plan, you can copy and paste the athlete’s workouts directly into a new training plan using the dual calendar. You can also modify the workouts so they’re generalizable and skip the publishing section of this article.

To create a ‘dummy athlete,’ click the ‘+’ button in your athlete library and then follow the ‘create an athlete workflow.’ Once completed, your dummy athlete will appear in your athlete library. Now, you’re ready to build your plan.  

Building a Training Plan

Create an Annual Training Plan (ATP) in the dummy athlete account. An ATP periodizes athletes’ training toward a goal event—it’s an outline telling them how to train and when. It’s important to have an outline of different training phases, so you know what workouts to plan each week. See the article linked above for specifics on building an ATP in TrainingPeaks.

Once completed, navigate back to the dummy athlete calendar. The ATP period summaries are displayed in the weekly summary. Now you know your training phase and can start planning specific workouts from your library or from scratch.

The key question of when to start scheduling workouts in the dummy calendar depends on the phase of training you’re targeting. Broadly, there are the base, build, and taper mesophases (multiple training weeks with a particular target). For the purposes of this article, I’m using Joe Friel’s periodization terminology—you’re welcome, of course, to use your own.

Establish the plan’s length once you’ve decided what phase you’re targeting. The length of plans in the TrainingPeaks training plans store varies, but they are usually at least six weeks long.

Quick tip: Write your plan from base to taper in the dummy athlete account. You can then sell four plans: a base plan, a build plan, a taper plan, and a complete plan incorporating each training block.

Adding Plan Content

Let’s move on to writing the plan itself. Your first week in any plan should be a testing week so athletes can figure out their zones and establish benchmark thresholds to measure improvement later. This is crucial to the athletes’ success so that every workout after testing creates training stress the way you intended. Further, when they test again, it will answer the question that all athletes ask: Am I getting faster?”

Now, build the workouts into your weeks. Workouts should reflect the plan’s phase. For example, if it’s a base plan, every workout should not be Tabatas or crazy VO2 max intervals. Remember that the outline you created with the ATP appears in the weekly summary for easy reference.

Schedule the critical workouts of the week first, e.g., a long endurance day on the weekend, interval days, strength days, and rest days. For the remaining time slots, make those workouts pertinent to the phase/potential limiters.

Once you have built the plan on your dummy athlete’s calendar, create a new Training Plan with the blue “+” in the upper left next to the search bar. Now open the Dual Calendar view to have the dummy athlete on one side and drag and drop the plan you created into the other. Now you can copy and paste by workout, week or selection into the plan. You can still modify as needed, ensuring workouts are relatively general and not specific.

Alternatively, you can make a plan without ATP by clicking the Training Plan library icon (the Closed Binder icon) on the left of the calendar in your Coach account and then clicking the “+” button. Start adding workouts by week and day as needed. Any changes to the plan calendar will be saved as you go.

Quick tip: make all workouts structured workouts . They sell better, upload to devices, and are easier for athletes to understand.

Bonus tip—use your workout library ! Create different workout folders organized by the ATP period. Once you’ve created a workout once—with the Structured Workout Builder, ideally—all you need to do to use it again is find the folder where you saved it and drag and drop it into your training plan. Your efficiency will skyrocket. For a more in-depth take on planning your weeks, see this article .

You’ve finished writing all your workouts, but you’re not done yet. You have to build your training plan guide. 

Creating a Training Plan Guide

As a coach, I find it easy to forget that many prospective buyers do not understand training terminology like ‘Z2’ or ‘threshold.’ Put together a guide that anticipates questions about your plan. It’s helpful to imagine that the training plan purchaser is learning to train for the first time. Create the guide in a document (e.g., .pdf, .doc) and attach it to a custom workout on the first day of the training plan using the paper clip.

Publishing Your Plan

Once that’s finished, it’s time to publish your plan. Click the gear icon on your plan and fill out the ‘Summary’ section. Whatever you write here will appear in the TrainingPeaks training plan store. Describe the plan to the prospective buyer – put some effort into it. This is partly where you’re selling to prospective buyers.

Set the plan category. Select a sport, category, and plan specs. Under plan specs, choose one and only one of the following categories: ‘Beginner,’ ‘Intermediate,’ or ‘Advanced.’ Your choice here affects how your plan appears in the TrainingPeaks training plans store. For more on this topic, read here . 

Set your training plan price. To get a feel for how to price your plan, search in the TrainingPeaks training plan store and search for a plan of similar length and experience level. 

Lastly, publish your plan by clicking the gear icon on the training plan and then clicking the ‘Publish Plan’ tab on the left of the pop-up window. Then, check where you want to publish your training plans—you can choose between the TrainingPeaks training plan store, a private URL to which you can direct traffic from your website, or both.   

Before you publish, take an hour or two to make mental space between you and your work, and then double-check everything. Check your workouts for clarity and consistency, comb through looking for spelling or grammatical errors, make sure you’ve attached your training plan guide, and make sure the price and training plan copy make sense. Professionalism shows in the details.

Congratulations! You’ve published your first training plan! I’m sure that took a while – but don’t let that discourage you. The most time-consuming part of the training plan process is building your first plan. Once you’ve built one, you can create others much faster. 

You can also build out training plans to apply to an athlete’s calendar to get a quick start on programming and making adjustments as training progresses. Building out the periodized blocks of a plan makes this much more functional as a coach to avoid deleting or moving workouts.

This is all a worthwhile investment of your time. Not only have you streamlined your training programming, but you’ve also entered your work into a new marketplace and developed an excellent marketing tool that can lead to new athlete leads.

Coaching Guide Image Of Noah With A Client At A Table.

How to Be a Successful Endurance Coach

Learn from this guide to help you each step of the way as you build and grow your coaching business.

Img 0504

Matti Rowe is an Education Specialist on the TrainingPeaks Coach Education Team and the owner of Gravel God Cycling . When he’s not racing his bike on the pavement (people still do!) or gravel he spends his time trying to teach his children Norwegian.

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How to start a training business: a comprehensive guide to success, share this article.

Imagine standing on the edge of a vast field, one that’s fertile and primed for cultivation. This field represents the training business landscape, brimming with potential and ripe for cultivation by the right entrepreneur. 

Starting a training business requires preparation, careful planning, diligent maintenance, and a touch of creativity.

There’s no better time to seize this opportunity, particularly considering the high demand for training services. From professional skill enhancement to personal development, more people than ever are looking for comprehensive, accessible training to help them reach their goals. This demand is expected to increase further in the coming years, making it a potentially lucrative venture for those who are ready to till the soil.

Skip ahead: 

Identify Your Niche

Create a business plan, legal considerations, establish your training center or online platform, develop your training programs and curriculum, marketing your training business, measure success and refine your strategy, tips for growing your training business, frequently asked questions, steps to starting a training business.

Venturing into the vast field of starting a training business might seem daunting at first glance. However, breaking it down into manageable steps can help make the task less overwhelming and more approachable. 

Each step represents a crucial part of the process, from the initial stages of identifying your niche to creating a business plan to finally measuring your success and refining your strategies. Keeping track of these steps not only ensures that no important detail is overlooked but also facilitates a smooth and organized business setup.

Choosing your niche can be intimidating, but it’s absolutely critical to the success of your business. 

This vital first step begins with an assessment of your skills and expertise. Are there certain areas of knowledge or skills you’ve amassed that could prove beneficial to others? 

Perhaps you have years of industry-specific experience or an advanced degree in a specialized field, which you can then channel into the training landscape.

In addition to understanding your expertise, it’s crucial to analyze market demand for your chosen niche and scrutinize both existing and potential competition. 

This entails conducting a rigorous research process to grasp the specific needs, interests, and preferences of potential learners. 

  • Are there sufficient individuals interested in your area of expertise? 
  • How can your offerings stand apart in the current competitive landscape? 

The insights gleaned from this process will enable you to maximize the yield from your entrepreneurial field.

Related: Training Ideas Generator

Your business plan serves as your entrepreneurial guide, providing essential direction and structure for your training business. 

Begin with establishing your mission and vision, which convey the core purpose of your business and the future you aim to shape through your services.

Identifying your target audience is the next crucial step. By thoroughly understanding the demographics, preferences, and learning styles of your prospective clients, you can ensure your services are finely tailored to meet their needs. 

The business plan should also include measurable goals and milestones that will mark your progress on your entrepreneurial path. Whether it’s acquiring a specific number of learners in the first year or launching a designated number of courses, these goals serve as signposts to guide and inspire your efforts.

To develop a comprehensive business plan, consider including:

  • Executive Summary: An overview of your business and plans.
  • Company Description: Details about what your company does and who it serves.
  • Market Analysis: An examination of your industry, target market, and competitors.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategy: Your plans for attracting and retaining customers.
  • Service Offerings and Pricing Structure: A detailed explanation of your services and pricing.
  • Management and Organizational Structure: The structure of your company and the roles of each team member.
  • Financial Projections and Funding Requirements : A projection of future revenues and expenses and details of funding requirements (if applicable).

Deciding on your business structure is akin to laying the foundational bedrock upon which you’ll sow the seeds of your enterprise. There are several options available:

  • Sole Proprietorship: A simple structure for a single owner who wants to control all business decisions and responsibilities.
  • Partnership: Suitable for businesses with multiple owners who share in the company’s profits and losses.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): This structure limits owners’ liability for business decisions or actions of the LLC.
  • Corporation: A complex structure that involves legal protection and requires a board of directors, corporate officers, and shareholders.

Each of these options comes with its unique benefits and drawbacks. It’s advisable to consult with a legal professional or business advisor to help you select the most appropriate structure for your training business.

Just as a farmer requires an optimal plot of land to sow their seeds, you too need to establish the ideal platform for your training services. This could be a physical training center or an online platform . 

Both come with distinct advantages, and the most suitable choice depends on your target audience, budget, and the nature of your training programs.

A physical location provides a conducive environment for in-person interactions and hands-on training. Conversely, an online platform enables you to cast your net wider, potentially attracting a global audience, and offers the added benefits of flexibility and convenience. You can also deliver a mix of in-person and online training.

It’s also worthwhile considering the investment in a user-friendly Learning Management System (LMS) or an online training platform to enhance your training delivery.

As you establish your training platform, you’ll also need to determine the method of delivery for your training. 

Will it be in-person workshops and seminars, online courses and webinars, or a blended learning approach that combines the two? 

The necessary technology, equipment, and software for your chosen delivery method should also be part of your consideration.

Developing your training programs and curriculum forms the heart of your training business. Your actual training materials need to be engaging and high-value, capable of inspiring your audience and helping them to achieve their goals.

The key to crafting effective training programs and courses lies is understanding your target audience. Delving deep into their needs, preferences, challenges, goals and learning styles can inform the structure and content of your training programs. 

  • Would they thrive better in self-paced environments, or do they require the structure and guidance of an instructor-led program? 
  • Would they value the weight of a certificate program or the flexibility and diversity offered by a series of short courses?

When developing your curriculum, it’s crucial to consider these factors, shaping your offerings around the unique requirements and aspirations of your learners. You should commit to regular updates to your training materials. 

By aligning your content with the latest trends, research, and industry practices, you maintain the relevance and value of your courses. 

This ensures your programs are not just a static product but a dynamic learning experience that evolves with the times and keeps your training business at the forefront of the industry.

Remember, a successful curriculum is not just about knowledge transmission; it’s about creating transformative learning experiences that empower your audience, helping them grow and flourish in their respective fields.

Marketing catalyzes growth in your business. Begin by building a strong brand identity that reflects your values and mission, creating an impression in the minds of your clients about your business.

Develop a marketing strategy that effectively leverages the right channels to reach your target audience. This could encompass a blend of traditional advertising and digital marketing techniques.

Harness the power of social media, content marketing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to augment your online visibility. These tools can boost your engagement with potential clients and expand your digital footprint.

A robust marketing strategy might also involve developing a website and optimizing it for search engines. 

Utilize social media platforms and online forums to promote your training business and network with industry professionals and potential clients. 

Offering free resources or introductory workshops can demonstrate your expertise, generate interest, and attract prospective learners to your programs.

Lastly, consider your pricing and payment options. Research competitors’ pricing structures to establish competitive rates. 

Offering various payment options such as credit cards, PayPal, and invoicing for corporate clients, along with discounts for group bookings, early registration, or loyalty programs, can provide additional appeal for prospective clients.

In your journey towards establishing a thriving training business, tracking progress and refining your strategy is not just the final step but a continuous one. 

Make a habit of regularly evaluating your business performance against your established goals and milestones. This assessment should cover various areas of your business – from customer acquisition and retention rates to course completion rates and overall financial health.

One of your richest sources of improvement ideas comes directly from your clients. Make it a practice to gather their feedback , as their perspectives can provide invaluable insights into how your services are received.

Feedback, both positive and critical, can reveal opportunities for growth, enhancement, and innovation that you might not have considered otherwise.

Finally, you must remain adaptable and ready to adjust your strategy as required. The business landscape, much like nature, is in a constant state of flux. Whether it’s a shift in market trends, advancements in training technology, or changes in your client’s needs, your readiness to evolve with these changes is crucial.

A successful training business isn’t static; it grows and adapts, continually evolving to meet the needs of its clients while maintaining its financial health. 

This continual refinement and adaptation are what will ensure your training business doesn’t just survive but thrives for the long haul.

The most successful training entrepreneurs actively seek growth strategies for their businesses. They strive for excellence, going out of their way to learn the latest and greatest strategies.

Here are a few practical tips that can help drive the growth of your training business:

  • Collaborating with Industry Experts: Teaming up with industry experts can significantly boost the quality of your training content. These specialists bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, and credibility to your programs, making them more attractive to potential learners. Collaborations can also lead to the expansion of your professional network and present more growth opportunities.
  • Offering Certification Programs: Certification programs provide added value for learners, acting as a seal of quality assurance and competency in their chosen field. By offering certification programs, your training business can stand out from the competition, attracting more clients seeking recognition for their newly acquired skills.
  • Expanding Your Services and Target Markets: Never limit your field. Consider expanding your service offerings or venturing into new target markets. With the world becoming more connected every day, there’s potential to reach diverse audiences seeking knowledge in various fields. Always be open to new opportunities and keep your finger on the pulse of market trends and demands.

Remember to keep an eye on the competition, too. Is there something extra your competitors offer? What can you do to set yourself apart?

Growth can feel like pulling teeth at first – but with a few strategies and the right approach, you’ll see numbers start to skyrocket. 

Like a good harvest, reaping the fruits of a successful training business is a rewarding experience. It’s a journey that starts with identifying your niche, creating a comprehensive business plan, and navigating the legal landscape. 

It involves setting up a conducive platform for training, developing engaging programs and curricula, and executing effective marketing strategies.

Growing your training business is a continuous endeavor, and with the right mindset and strategies, you can ensure the fertility of your professional field. Collaborations, certification programs, and the expansion of services can all play a significant role in this growth process.

Download the In-Depth Checklist: How to Start a Training Business

Equip yourself with the essential knowledge and guidance you need to launch your training business successfully. Our comprehensive In-Depth Checklist provides a step-by-step roadmap, empowering you to navigate the intricacies of starting a training venture with confidence.

Q. What are the initial costs of starting a training business?

The initial costs of starting a training business can vary widely, depending on several factors. If you’re starting an online training business, for instance, costs will generally be lower than setting up a physical location. 

Primary costs may include investing in a high-quality learning management system (LMS) or online training platform, creating course content, and marketing your services. If you opt for a physical training center, you’ll need to factor in the rent or purchase of a location, outfitting the space for learning and potentially hiring staff.

 Consultation with legal professionals, business registration, and obtaining necessary permits also add to initial expenses. It’s crucial to outline these costs in your business plan for a clear financial overview.

Q. How do I price my training services?

Pricing your training services should consider several factors: the cost of producing and delivering the training, your time and expertise, market rates, and the perceived value to your learners. 

Research your competitors’ pricing strategies to understand what your target market expects to pay. Offering various payment options and discounts for early registration, group bookings, or loyalty programs can also enhance your pricing strategy’s attractiveness.

Q. How can I differentiate my training business from competitors?

Differentiating your training business involves highlighting what makes your offering unique. It could be your unique expertise, the quality of your course content, collaboration with industry experts, or offering certification programs. 

Tailoring your programs to the specific needs of your target audience and providing an exceptional learning experience can also set you apart. Remember, your brand identity plays a crucial role in differentiating your business in the market.

Q. What are the best marketing strategies for a training business?

Effective marketing strategies for a training business include developing a strong online presence through a user-friendly, SEO-optimized website. 

Utilizing social media platforms, offering free resources or introductory workshops, and networking with industry professionals can also enhance your visibility. 

Remember to leverage content marketing to showcase your expertise and engage potential clients. Your marketing strategy should be as dynamic as the market itself, adjusting to trends, audience preferences, and business goals.

Q. How do I ensure the success of my training business in the long run?

Long-term success in the training business requires continuous evaluation and adaptation. Regularly assess your business performance and gather feedback from clients to understand what works and what needs improvement. 

Keep your training materials up-to-date and relevant to ensure they continue to meet your learners’ evolving needs. Lastly, consider growth strategies such as collaborating with industry experts, expanding your services, and venturing into new markets. 

Ensuring the success of your training business requires ongoing care, creativity, and diligence.

This article was originally published July 2023 and was updated in October 2023 to be even more useful.

Daniela Ochoa is the go-to Content Marketing Specialist here at Thinkific Plus! With years of experience in marketing and communications, she is passionate about helping businesses grow through strategic storytelling, innovative digital campaigns, and online learning at scale.On this blog, she shares her expertise in content marketing, lead generation, and more.

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Summer Term Begins May 13

Set Up a Payment Plan

How to set up a payment plan.

Read the instruction guide  for setting up a payment plan.

You can set up a payment plan in your myCNM account if your class schedule costs more than $100. Payment plans cost $50 to set up (a $10 non-refundable setup fee plus a $40 down payment). The remaining amount will be divided into two equal payments.

If you need help, call the Cashier's Office at (505) 224-3471  or stop by the Main, Montoya, or Westside campus.

Spring 2024

  • Installments due February 9 and March 8  

You will be required to read and agree to the specific terms of the agreement before enrollment is complete. Be sure to print the Agreement for your records. A sample agreement is located in the instruction guide .

Summer 2024

  • Installments due June 7 and June 28  

Trump allies are drawing up plans to make the Fed less independent, report says

  • Allies of former president Trump are drafting plans to chip away at the independence of the Fed, The Wall Street Journal reported.
  • Trump has not publicly acknowledged the plan, but sources said it has his blessing.
  • The plan also suggests Trump could fire Jerome Powell before his term ends in 2026. 

Insider Today

Donald Trump's allies have secretly mapped out a plan to give the Republican candidate more control over the Federal Reserve if he wins a second term, a move that would chip away at the long-standing independence of the US central bank, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. 

A group of the former president's associates and supporters have been busy in recent months drafting a 10-page manifesto plotting policy shifts and suggesting that the presidential candidate should have a say in the interest-rate setting process, a suggestion that even caught some of Trump's former economic advisors off guard, sources told the Journal. 

Sources said the group also thinks the Treasury Department should have more power to keep an eye on the Fed, and if Donald Trump takes office again, he would be able to fire Jerome Powell as Fed chair even before Powell's term is up in 2026. 

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The former president handpicked Powell to lead the US central bank in 2017, but he has since publicly lambasted the central bank chief. In February, Trump slammed Powell and accused him of trying to help President Joe Biden win reelection in November by turning dovish on monetary policy. 

Though Trump hasn't acknowledged the plan publicly, sources told the Journal they reckon the plan has his blessing, with his senior advisors clarifying that the plan shouldn't be treated as official unless Trump says so directly. 

The Journal said Trump has expressed his desire for easing monetary policy and his frustration for not being able to impact it while he was in office. He also led casual discussions with his advisors and associates about potential candidates to take over as the head of the central bank. 

The idea of making the Fed less independent has faced backlash, even from former Trump administration officials.

Republican Senator Kevin Cramer told the Journal that maintaining the central bank's independence in setting policy is "critical to doing it in an unbiased, nonpolitical way," adding that he'd oppose any attempts to hurt the Fed's autonomy. 

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UT Tyler Health Science Center

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Home to the region’s only academic medical center, The University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center is one of the five campuses of UT Tyler. Two of UT Tyler’s four health-related schools have a presence on this campus: the School of Health Professions and the School of Medicine.

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The UT Tyler Health Science Center facility offers an array of crucial medical and healthcare education resources, fostering an environment dedicated to excellence in education. From cutting-edge simulation labs to dedicated research spaces, every aspect of the UT Tyler Health Science Center is designed to enhance the educational experience. This dynamic campus is not just a hub for learning; it’s a catalyst for progress in healthcare education and a testament to UT Tyler's commitment to shaping the future of healthcare in the East Texas region.

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A Regional Leader in Health Research

UT Tyler pioneers solutions to improve health. Several research centers, including the Center for Mycobacterial Treatment and Discovery and the Center for Biomedical Research, are housed on this campus. The centers build on our history of innovative treatments for lung disease and focus on the health concerns of rural populations through projects funded by agencies like the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Students benefit from hands-on research opportunities and instruction informed by the latest developments in the field. 

Dr. Maolin Lu

Dr. Maolin Lu

Assistant Professor of Cellular and Molecular Biology

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Ut health east texas.

In its regional network of hospitals, clinics and other facilities, UT Health East Texas delivers world-class care to thousands of patients each year while conducting clinical trials and training the next generation of professionals through UT Tyler’s unique programs. The UT Tyler Health Science Center is home to UT Health North Campus Tyler .

Public Health Programs

Faculty, staff and students at the UT Tyler Health Science Center campus connect their expertise with local community needs to assist traditionally underserved populations through an array of health and outreach programs, including behavioral health telemedicine services for rural populations, cancer screenings, parental education, lifestyle changes and more.

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To strengthen regional healthcare, we train community health workers, promote healthcare careers in underrepresented communities and support community health education and development efforts.

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    training plans in business plan

  4. Training Plan Template

    training plans in business plan

  5. How to write a business plan for coaching

    training plans in business plan

  6. Free Training Plan Templates for Business Use

    training plans in business plan


  1. How to make a good Business Plan from Parag Nevatia CEO and Founder of EZ Funding Solutions

  2. Business Plan Writing Services by RK Group

  3. Strategies Revealed in Business Plans and Manuals

  4. Business Plan Competition at IMS UET Bannu

  5. Retirement Planning for Small Business Owners #retirementplanning #retirementinvesting #retirement

  6. The Secret To Writing A Business Plan


  1. How to Create an Employee Training Plan

    These six steps allow you to design strategic and outcome-driven employee training plans. Your company needs a step-by-step strategy to develop a training plan that can empower team members with the right learning resources and meet long-term organizational needs at the same time. 1. Identify knowledge & skills gaps.

  2. 11 Powerful Training Plan Templates and Examples for Your Business

    1. Training needs assessment template. What this template includes: This training survey helps you uncover insights about gaps in employee performance, knowledge, and skills. It tells you what your workers want to learn, their preferred learning methods, and their schedule.

  3. How to Create an Employee Training Plan [With Templates

    In completing a pre-training needs assessment, you'll: Identify gaps in employee skills, knowledge, and/or performance. Define key performance indicators and other success metrics. Define business case for training. Define the best training format and method for the situation. Set an agenda for the upcoming initiative.

  4. How to create an employee training plan (with template)

    Five key steps to create an employee training plan. Here are the top-level actions most organizations take to develop a plan: 1. Identify the need. The first step is to identify the specific need to be addressed by the training, whether it be for a companywide training program or an individual employee.

  5. The Power of an Effective Employee Training Plan

    An employee training plan has several key components. These typically include the following: Goals and objectives: Clearly define what you aim to achieve through the training. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Timeline: Define the duration of the training plan, including start and end dates, as ...

  6. Training Plan Template: How To Craft A Comprehensive Plan

    Simplify your training strategy creation. This free template helps you map out an effective, comprehensive plan for your upcoming training programs or courses. Save time, improve coherence, and execute your training seamlessly. Grab your copy today and enhance your training planning process.

  7. 20+ Training Plan Templates for Every Business Need

    21 Training plan templates for every business needs; What is a training plan? A training plan is a visually organized document detailing the steps and resources needed to teach a worker a new set of skills, task or policy. There are many types of training plans, depending on the specific needs of the company and the employee.

  8. How to Create an Employee Training Plan that Employees Will ...

    An employee training plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the training program activities for a specific role, team or company. Having employee training plans helps companies spot and fill knowledge gaps, improve work performance, increase employee retention and prepare for succession planning.

  9. How to Make a Great Employee Training Plan (For Small Business)

    Adult learning is not like school—people need to see what's in it for them, to feel that the training is relevant, and to be fully aligned with the goals. Step 4. Craft a Plan Together. Now that you've gathered all this information, sit down with the employee and craft a training plan together.

  10. Training Plans: Boost Team Learning (Free Template) [2024] • Asana

    Types of training plans: Workshops: Workshops involve active participation from the group. Instructor-led: Also known as conference-style training.These training programs can occur in-person or online. 1-on-1: Individual training sessions can help those who need varied levels of support. On-the-job: A lot of training occurs naturally on the job, but you can also plan for team members to learn ...

  11. PDF The Complete Training Program Planning Guide

    on whether your training program is designed for internal or external training . This guide provides helpful insights to create a training plan that will help you increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your training program . We'll provide insights for how to: • Develop a comprehensive training program plan • Identify goals and ...

  12. 8 Employee Training Plan Templates

    An employee training plan template: Creates a solid starting point for your training plans. Templates ensure all bases are covered across every employee training program. If there's a specific subject you need to cover, or resources for different teams, you can include them in your template when you customize it. Boosts training plan creation.

  13. How To Develop a Training Plan for Your Team

    There are several key components of a successful training plan, including these characteristics: 1. Training goal. When starting a training plan, you should have an end goal. This goal should consist of what you would like your trainees to learn by the end of the training plan. This could consist of learning a skill, a safety plan or a ...

  14. Free Training Plan Templates for Business Use

    A training plan is a document that details the strategy and specific steps needed to accomplish a goal or an objective. You can create a training plan for nearly any undertaking, such as a business or creative project, team development, staff or new hire training, or a personal endeavor (such as a running a marathon). Regardless of the ...

  15. 18 Free Employee Training Plan Templates (2023)

    18 Free Employee Training Plan Templates (2024) March 30, 2022. Organizations turn to corporate learning and development strategies to ensure that each employee is equipped with the right skills and knowledge to perform their job efficiently. Effective employee training programs are a highly successful and valuable practice for organizations to ...

  16. 45 Employee Training Plan Templates (Word, Excel, PDF)

    The employee training plan template provides you with the tools that guide your employees in improving their productivity. These days, training plans or training schedule templates differ from the ones in the past. This is because these plans need to adjust to the changing conditions in the world of business.

  17. 3 Training Plan Templates to Develop Your Employees

    New employee training plan. You should develop a new employee training plan template for all your new hires. This will generally have two components: orientation and role-specific training. The orientation is the same for every new employee and covers the company's culture, structure and mission. New employees also learn about administrative ...

  18. How To Create Great Training and Development Plans

    1. Assess your team's needs. The first step to creating an employee training and development plan is to assess the needs of both the company and your team. There are certain training programs everyone within an organization should receive such as programs related to company policies and safety issues.

  19. How To Write A Business Plan (2024 Guide)

    Describe Your Services or Products. The business plan should have a section that explains the services or products that you're offering. This is the part where you can also describe how they fit ...

  20. Education & Training Business Plans

    This library of education and training business plan samples here can inspire and guide you as you begin to plan your business. So, don't worry; we got you covered on that part. Let's learn more about these sample training and education plans, starting with their benefits. Benefits of using an industry-specific business plan example

  21. Training plan template (with tips on how to create one)

    Related: 13 things to include in a new employee checklist (with tips) 2. Understand the audience's training needs. Once you understand the audience you're creating a training plan for, you can then determine the training needs of these employees. This often depends on the specific organisational goals that the company has.

  22. How to Create Training Plans in TrainingPeaks

    Publishing Your Plan. Once that's finished, it's time to publish your plan. Click the gear icon on your plan and fill out the 'Summary' section. Whatever you write here will appear in the TrainingPeaks training plan store. Describe the plan to the prospective buyer - put some effort into it.

  23. How to Start a Training Business: A Comprehensive Guide to Success

    Navigate the essential steps to launch your B2B or Corporate Training Business with confidence. Skip ahead: Steps to Starting a Training Business. Identify Your Niche. Create a Business Plan. Legal Considerations. Establish Your Training Center or Online Platform. Develop Your Training Programs and Curriculum.

  24. Russia Plans Drone Training Classes for Kids in ...

    Russia plans to introduce drone training sessions, covering design features and assembly, in schools in occupied parts of Ukraine, report says.

  25. Set Up a Payment Plan

    Information on payment plans, including cost, installments, and instruction guide. Email myCNM CNM Brightspace. ... You can set up a payment plan in your myCNM account if your class schedule costs more than $100. Payment plans cost $50 to set up (a $10 non-refundable setup fee plus a $40 down payment). ... (Business) Phone: (505) 224-3000.

  26. Small Business Unlimited Plans (12 Lines or Less)

    With 24 monthly bill credits when you add a line on a qualifying plan.. For well-qualified customers; plus tax. During congestion, heavy data users (>50GB/mo. for most plans) and customers choosing lower-prioritized plans may notice lower speeds than other customers; see plan for details.

  27. Trump Allies Are Drafting Plans to Erode the Fed's Independence: WSJ

    The plan also suggests Trump could fire Jerome Powell before his term ends in 2026. NEW LOOK Sign up to get the inside scoop on today's biggest stories in markets, tech, and business ...

  28. Gov. Holcomb announces Amazon Web Services plans to invest $11B to

    Announcement marks the largest planned capital investment in state history NEW CARLISLE, Ind. - Governor Eric J. Holcomb today announced that Amazon Web Services (AWS), an Amazon.com. Inc. company (NASDAQ: AMZN), plans to invest $11 billion to build a data center campus in north central Indiana and create at least 1,000 new jobs. This planned investment marks the largest capital investment ...

  29. DOJ plans to reschedule marijuana as a lower-risk drug

    The Biden administration moved Tuesday to reclassify marijuana as a lower-risk substance, a person familiar with the plans told CNN, a historic move that acknowledges the medical benefits of ...

  30. UT Tyler Health Science Center

    The University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center campus is located on the former grounds of the Station Hospital of Camp Fannin, an Infantry Replacement Training Center opened by the Army in 1943.