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  • December 4, 2022
  • Personal Statement

Statement of Purpose Sample

When writing your Personal Statement for International Tourism and Hospitality Management there are certain areas of interest that you need to cover which we discuss in this sample. The Personal Statement for International Tourism and Hospitality Management Sample is for your study and not for your use.

P.S: This sample provided here is solely for education purpose, do not copy it. If you need assistance writing yours, click here to hire our experts today .

Areas to Cover in your Personal Statement

  • Personal motivation to study the course
  • Academic and professional background
  • Relevance of program to your career
  • Why you picked the school and country.
  • Qualities that would make you a good addition to the program

Personal statement for International Tourism and Hospitality Management

Globalisation has exposed hospitality to be more than just an industry but equally a business concept. Businesses are now realising that they do not necessarily have to be playing in the hospitality industry for them to integrate the concept of hospitality into their service offerings. In my over 6 years of working in the hospitality industry, I have carefully studied   innovative ways to exceed customer expectations, which in my opinion will always be a core aspect of business that other industries will always look up to the hospitality and tourism industry to replicate their efforts.

To say that I have enjoyed my experience working in this industry will be an understatement, the experience, exposure, network, and growth opportunities is second to none, and I am committed to building a successful career in this industry. I began my career in the hospitality industry as a Housekeeping Self-Checker for xxx in xxx and have successfully worked my way up the corporate ladder. However, my growth has been stunted due to my lack of a corresponding academic degree in hospitality management. I have had to watch my colleagues with similar experiences advance past me in the workplace due to their academic degrees, so I am committed to giving myself an improved chance for growth through this degree. My first degree was in xxx (bachelor’s degree), and the learning experience helped me to build the skills and general business knowledge that made my initial transition into hospitality easy. Skills like accounting, reporting, critical thinking, continual learning, organising, interpersonal communication, team collaboration, and adaptability which I developed during my undergraduate study all played key roles in my transition into the hospitality industry. Thus far, I have gained exposure to important responsibilities and roles in the hospitality sector including housekeeping department, purchasing and receiving department and in-room dining, and I am interested in back-up my experience with an academic study to give me better opportunities in the corporate world.

Personal Statement Writing Service

After going through the outline for this program; including the modules, fees, facilities, and faculty staff, and seeing how Robert Gordon University balances tourism and hospitality studies into one program, I have concluded that studying here will be a wise decision for me. Firstly, this university has built a reputation for producing highly sought after graduates and that tells a lot about the years of consistently maintaining the standard of its programs and faculties, and I admire that. Secondly, Robert Gordon University ranks among the top three universities in Scotland by the National Student Survey for student satisfaction. Thirdly, the tuition and living expenses in Scotland are quite affordable compared to the quality of learning that I am going to achieve. More so, the accreditation of this program by the Institute of Hospitality and the Tourism Management Institute further boosted my confidence to settle for this program.

I already work and live in one of the most sought after tourist locations in the world with a strong hospitality industry: this degree will have an immediate impact on my career considering the wide reach of this industry in xxx, and the ease to advance to higher professional levels that will enable me to have a comfortable life. I look forward to utilising this course module to develop insight about inner-workings and gain innovative ideas to improve my productivity in the hospitality industry. In the future, I see myself as one of the most influential hospitality personalities; I have a vision of owning a Hotel Management company in xxx to enhance the hospitality system of the country, by delivering top notch and branded personalised service in the industry.

See other Samples:

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  • Brock University Ontario, Canada
  • Ulster University, UK
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
  • New Brunswick, UK
  • Uppsala University, UK
  • University of Birmingham, UK
  • University of Warwick, UK
  • University of Toronto, Canada
  • University of Hertfordshire, UK
  • McMaster University, UK
  • University of Bradford, UK
  • University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Birmingham City University, UK
  • James Cook University, Australia
  • University of Sunderland, UK
  • University of Hull, UK
  • University of Westminster, UK
  • University of Derby, UK
  • Coventry University, UK
  • University of Oxford, UK
  • University Canada West, Canada

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Crafting an Exceptional Personal Statement for Graduate School: A Pathway to Success

In today's competitive business landscape, obtaining a graduate degree has become increasingly important for middle to senior management professionals. It is no longer just a milestone but a strategic move to advance your career and unlock new opportunities. Whether you aspire to specialize in the dynamic field of hospitality management or broaden your horizons in general business administration, a personal statement is a crucial component of your graduate school application. In this article, we will explore the key elements of an exemplary personal statement and provide you with an example to guide your own writing journey.

1. The Power of a Personal Statement:

A personal statement is your chance to showcase your unique qualifications, experiences, and aspirations to the admissions committee. It goes beyond the formalities of academic records and test scores, allowing you to present a compelling narrative that highlights your passion, determination, and potential for success. Think of it as your personal branding tool, an opportunity to differentiate yourself from other applicants and demonstrate why you are an ideal candidate for the graduate program.

2. Key Elements of an Outstanding Personal Statement:

A. introduction:.

Begin with a captivating opening that grabs the reader's attention. Share a personal anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a captivating question that sets the tone for your narrative.

b. Academic and Professional Background:

Highlight your academic achievements, relevant coursework, and professional experience. Discuss how these experiences have shaped your interest in the field of study and equipped you with valuable skills.

c. Motivation and Objectives:

Clearly articulate your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree. Explain your specific career goals and how the program aligns with them. Share your aspirations and how the knowledge gained will contribute to your professional growth.

d. Research and Understanding:

Demonstrate your knowledge of the graduate program and the institution offering it. Explain why you have chosen this particular school and how it resonates with your career aspirations. Showcase your awareness of the program's unique features and how they will benefit you.

e. Leadership and Extracurricular Activities:

Discuss your involvement in leadership roles, extracurricular activities, or community service. Highlight instances where you showcased your leadership skills, teamwork abilities, and initiative, emphasizing the impact you have made.

f. Personal Qualities and Skills:

Showcase your personal qualities, such as resilience, adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication. Provide examples that illustrate how these qualities have helped you overcome challenges or achieve significant milestones.

g. Conclusion:

Summarize your main points, reaffirm your commitment to excellence, and express your enthusiasm for joining the graduate program. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

3. Final Thoughts:

Writing a personal statement is an opportunity to reflect on your journey, aspirations, and achievements. Approach it with genuine introspection and enthusiasm, aiming to create a compelling narrative that captures the attention of the admissions committee. Remember to proofread your personal statement thoroughly and seek feedback from trusted mentors or colleagues to ensure its quality. Obtaining a graduate degree from a reputable institution such as EHL Hospitality Business School ( ) can be a transformative step towards achieving your professional goals. Invest time and effort in crafting an exceptional personal statement, and it could be the key that opens doors to exciting new opportunities in the world of business and management.

Good luck with your personal statement and your future endeavors!

  • Personal Statements
  • Hospitality Management Personal Statement

Hospitality Management Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

My decision to follow a career in hospitality management has been prompted by work experience that I undertook during the last two summer holidays. I was initially undecided about my career choices and took the job, as an assistant to an entertainment manager on a cruise ship, to earn some extra cash.

I realised how lucky I was to have such an opportunity and to sail around the Mediterranean for 6 weeks, getting paid but I did not expect to enjoy it so much. The work was hard but the difference between this and the 9-5 Saturday job I have also done in retail could not be more marked. I was outside for much of the day, able to enjoy the sunshine and my work was all done with the intention of giving the people on the cruise their holiday of a lifetime.

Although some of the tasks were quite menial, being able to help put on competitions, run the children’s club and participate in the evening events was fantastic. Playing with the children and mixing with the guests at the dinner dances could not be described as work! I worked closely with the manager and was impressed at his ability to work long hours but still remain cheerful with his staff and the guests at all times. This rubbed off on me and I was surprised at how being enthusiastic and helpful was very satisfying, particularly when people made it obvious that they appreciated what I was doing.

After my first summer on the ship, I was eager to sign up for another and was pleased that they wanted me back. When I got home I started my college course doing A-levels in English, French and Business Studies and started to research university courses that would enable me to pursue a career in hospitality management. Working towards this well-defined goal has motivated me in my studies and I have obtained B grades in all three subjects in my AS levels. My immediate aim is to push at least two of these grades up to n ‘A’  in my A2 exams.

The subjects I chose to study were chosen based on my interest and aptitude and all are highly relevant to a degree in hospitality management. I have become much more fluent and confident in French as my work experience brought me into contact with French guests on the ship who were happy to let me practise. I realise the value of languages in the industry and have started an evening class to learn Spanish. Improving my cooking and presentation skills is also very important and I have combined this with helping my mother to run a cooking and baking skills class for teenage mothers in my local area. Next summer I have lined up an 8-week work placement with another cruise ship and this time I will be a catering assistant, so that will be a big challenge.

I feel that I have the motivation, academic and practical skills to gain a good degree in hospitality management and to then take up a career in the industry. My ambition is to own a hotel one day, or perhaps run my own cruises with a fleet of cruise ships.

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Hospitality Management BA (Hons) Personal Statement Example

Hospitality management personal statement example - preview page one

  • Reading time: 2 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 19th July 2023
  • Word count: 571 words
  • File format: Text

As someone with a lifelong interest in cultures, people, and travel , I have always been drawn to industries where these elements intersect, which led me to the dynamic and vibrant world of hospitality. It is with this interest that I am drawn towards a degree in BA (Hons) in Hospitality Management. This field combines my passion for providing excellent service with the excitement of an industry that is constantly evolving, driven by innovation and shaped by cultural trends.

What truly thrills me about hospitality management is the opportunity to create memorable experiences for people. Whether it’s through culinary experiences that tantalize the senses or personalized guest services that make people feel valued and cared for, the hotel industry provides an outlet for creativity, innovation, and service.

My background in business studies has equipped me with essential skills such as strategic planning, financial management, and marketing, all of which I believe are foundational to effective hospitality management. In addition, I have chosen elective courses in psychology, which have provided deeper insights into understanding individuals and cultures, facilitating better guest relationship management.

To augment my academic pursuits, I have seized on opportunities to gain practical experience in hospitality. Last year, I interned at a boutique hotel in the city, where I rotated between different departments – from front office and food and beverage to events management. This gave me a firsthand understanding of hotel operations, the coordination involved in providing seamless service, and the crucial role each department plays, on its own and collectively, in delivering exceptional guest experiences.

A significant life experience that has shaped my perspective of hospitality management was a year spent studying abroad. This exposed me to a myriad of cultures and practices and awakened me to the importance of cultural sensitivity in hospitality. Navigating new environments and connecting with people of diverse backgrounds provided me with valuable insights that I believe are transferrable to the multicultural and diverse operation of the hospitality industry.

On a personal level, I am proud of my ability to blend creativity and analytical thinking. For instance, during my internship , I proposed and implemented a successful initiative to enhance guest engagement by incorporating local cultural elements into daily hotel activities. The success and guest appreciation for this project bolstered my confidence in my potential as a future hospitality manager.

In terms of my suitability for this program, my excellent communication skills, attention to detail, ability to work in teams, and adaptability are but some of the skills that I feel make me an excellent candidate for this course.

Looking to the future, I aim to embark on a managerial career in the hotel industry with a focus on boutique and luxury properties. I dream of influencing hospitality trends and driving innovation in guest experiences. In an era where experiential travel is gaining momentum, I am excited at the prospect of blending local cultural experiences with luxury hospitality services.

Choosing to pursue a BA (Hons) in Hospitality Management is, for me, a choice to follow a passion and a dream. A dream to be part of an industry that combines continuous learning, innovation, and customer service. With this degree, I am confident that I will have the skills, knowledge, and network to thrive in, contribute to, and influence the hospitality industry. I am eager for the opportunity to immerse myself in my studies, broaden my horizons, and prepare for an exciting journey in hospitality management.

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I want to help you get admitted to graduate school in Hospitality Administration.

personal statement for international hospitality management

I find great satisfaction in helping enterprising students to become leaders in regional and global hospitality and tourism professions by helping them to get accepted to graduate school. I like to think of my service as dedicated to fostering exceptional student achievement. 

Hospitality and Diversity

As someone with a PHD in Social Ethics, I feel very strongly that diversity is especially important in the area of Hospitality Administration. In this field in particular, it is important to prepare people with the expertise, commitment, and skills for management and operations positions in the expanding industry that provides food, accommodations, and travel and tourism services to people of all languages and from all ethnic groups. You have made a good choice in your decision to apply to graduate school in hospitality because a wide variety of jobs and career opportunities exist within the field. Such opportunities exist in restaurants, hotels and other lodging establishments, contract food services, hospital and school food service, clubs, fast food franchises, airlines, and travel agencies.

Cultural diversity has become a major issue in the hospitality industry of the United States, in particular, representing novel opportunities, benefits and challenges for an increasingly culturally diverse workforce. It is important, therefore, that we search together for practical recommendations that might help human resource managers in hospitality to successfully deal with cultural diversity issues. Cultural diversity training modules are called for so that human resource and hospitality company training programs might better facilitate students increasing their cultural diversity awareness and sensitivity, learning about cultural differences, and developing skills for managing cultural diversity issues.

My mission in the area of Hospitality Administration is to engage students in developing the foundational knowledge, demonstrated skills and professional attitudes required for success in careers in hospitality administration: hotel operation, food service management, and meeting and event management. I also very much appreciate the way in which diversity appreciation is such a natural fit with this area of graduate study.

Hospitality Administration is rapidly becoming a major area for us in helping applicants to graduate school. When drafting your statement, we emphasize your strengths, your ethnicity, language skills, and travel experience.

 We would be honored to help you gain admission to graduate school in Hospitality Administration and Management by drafting a most eloquent statement on your behalf. In addition to filling out my  Online Interview Form , send your resume/CV and/or rough draft to my email:

[email protected]

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Statements of excellence for admission to graduate school in hospitality management.

personal statement for international hospitality management

Samples of My Work in Hospitality Mangement

  • Bachelors Hotel Management, Indian Applicant
  • Masters Hospitality Studies, Chinese Woman
  • MA Hospitality Administration, Chinese
  • MA Hospitality, Hotel Administration, Chinese

It would be an honor for me to share some of my insights with you about the importance of diversity for the Personal Statement of Purpose in Hospitality Management and Administration.

The Humanitarian Side of Hospitality

Catering, hotels – the hospitality industry provides people with comfort, nourishment and shelter. But what about converting that into a humanitarian career? How does that work, you might ask?

Every type of volunteer experience shows you are a motivated person who’s willing to work in the name of improving other people’s (or animals!) lives. People who need it. Working towards a solution that makes the world a better place. And employers love that. So if you’re looking for a placement that you improve your chances of getting employed or getting onto a master’s program, the world is your volunteering oyster!

But what is hospitality in humanitarian terms? Aid. And which are the best humanitarian aid organizations? The World Food Programme (WFP) is part of the U.N. system, and the largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. They reach 90 million people, in 80 countries! To apply, start here:

Okay, so then there’s the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE). It’s dedicated to fighting global poverty, and has supported almost 1000 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid projects! To search for a career, go right here:

Action Against Hunger (AAH) is a global humanitarian organization committed to ending world hunger. In 2012, it provided 550,000 small farmers with tools and treated 42,000 malnourished children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Now that’s some hospitality! Check ‘em out:

For something a little different, the Hospitality Club partners and works with NGOs to provide a platform where travelers and people interested in doing good work can meet and collaborate. Find out more at .

Need a job right now? The organization CoRSU has a duty station in Uganda and an opening for a Catering Officer at the time of writing. You can apply for this job if you have a simple diploma in catering, and you’ll be in charge of the preparation of meals for children and people with disabilities, among other duties. See here for more details:  

When you have a master’s degree, you’re more attractive to employers, whether in your own country or overseas. Here are some interesting programs that will get you abroad doing good work ASAP.

With events management, you could go into the humanitarian events field. The M.Sc. in Event Management at the HTL International School of Hospitality, Tourism and Languages provides you with 1 year of intensive training, language classes and an internship at one of the universities partner companies. Courses include strategic management and operational management. This program costs 3200 EUR per year.

The Master of Hospitality Management & Tourism at the same institution also involves foreign language training and an internship program at a local company. This time, the courses involved include hospitality management, tourism management and customer service and communication skills. This 9-month course costs 3200 EUR per year. Learning another language is so valuable in the humanitarian field, as are management skills.

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Biotechnology is a rapidly developing field of biology that involves the use of living organisms and systems to produce products. I am intending to pursue an MSc BiotechnologyProgramme at the University of Bedfordshire because it will provide me with open doors to careers in biotechnology and related industries. This course will give me the opportunity to understand molecular and computational biology as well as microbiological techniques for technological....

SOP - MSc Human Resource Management

I am writing this statement to express my enthusiasm regarding the application of MSc Management (HR) at university of Brighton in the SEP 2022 intake. I have found this course as best suited according to my future career ambitions. This statement will cover my background, interest towards the study in the UK and how the course and university can assist me in my future professional roles. My last academic attainment is Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English....

MSc Management and International Business

I am keen to pursue the MSc Management and International Business programme at Birmingham City University. This course is ideal for gaining practical knowledge and other skills which will be playing a significant role to achieve my future career aspirations and also enhance my academic attainments. In addition, it will give me the opportunity to apply my theories and ideas in practice which will benefit me to enhance my skills and knowledge and to achieve ....

Personal Statement – MSc Information Systems Management

I am well pleased to apply this application with concentration to study the course Information Systems Management MSc at the University of Bedfordshire. My interest in information technology and information systems drives me passionate to pursue management roles in charge of information systems. The course is designed to study aspects of information systems, digital analytics, marketing and the digital future and strategic management. From this course, I w....

SOP - BSc (Hons) International Tourism with Hospitality Management

The course I am intending to pursue is BSc (Hons) International Tourism with Hospitality Management at University of Bedfordshire. This course will help me to understand the changing nature of international tourism as well as the challenges and the rapid growth of Hospitality Management in industries. Moreover, the course will prepare me academically and professionally which will boost my career prospects. I want to do career in this field and I am pretty ....

SOP - BSc (Hons) Computer Science programme

I am eager to pursue the BSc (Hons) Computer Science programme at University of Bedfordshire to learn a broad-based range of subjects which is increase my vocational skills. I have researched the University website and found that this programme will help me to develop my knowledge and skills with a solid understanding of Computer science concepts and techniques. Moreover, getting an opportunity to study this course at University of Bedfordshire will help m....

BSc (Hons) Business Studies (International)

I am Md Y Hossain from Bangladesh and I am intending to pursue a BSc (Hons) Business Studies (International) programme at the University of Bedfordshire because it will enhance my analytical, critical appreciation, and research skills. This course is suitable for me because it will help me to enhance my academic qualifications, gain practical experience and knowledge and provide opportunities to build a successful career. Moreover, this course will show me....

Personal Statement - MA Business and Marketing

I am willing to study the MA Business and Marketing at Bangor University to learn advanced tools, models, theories, techniques, and trends of Business as well as Marketing. This course is suitable for me to enhance my academic qualifications and it will be a great opportunity to start a successful career through deep insights and practical knowledge. Moreover, getting an opportunity to study this course at Bangor University will help me to gain the employm....

Personal Statement - BA (Hons) English

I construct this application with great exuberance, initiating my journey to study the BA (Hons) English (Including Arts, Humanities, Law and Social Sciences - International Foundation Year) programme at Cardi? University to enhance my current academic attainments, proliferate my skills in a subject synonymous with my character, and pave a path to better career opportunities in the ?eld. Following my high school graduation from European Standard School ....

SOP - MSc Computing and Information Communication Technology

The course that I’m looking to pursue is MSc Computing and Information Communication Technology at University of East London (UEL). Through the studying of this course, I will be able to gain invaluable in-depth and practical knowledge which will help me in starting a successful career. Moreover, getting the opportunity to study in this university will help me advance both professionally and academically. In addition, the opportunity to apply my theo....

Personal Statement - MSc Business with International Management

I am intending to pursue MSc Business with International Management with Advanced Practice at Northumbria University. This course is ideal for starting a successful career through invaluable in-depth and practical knowledge which will be playing a significant role to achieve my future career aspirations and enhance my academic attainments. Moreover, I believe getting a chance to pursue my study career in this University will progress me both professionally....

SOP - MBA (Master of Business Administration)

I am interested in applying for admission into the MBA (Master of Business Administration) with Advanced Practice in the Ulster University Business School. Academically, this program will enhance my professional accomplishment, and career-wise, it will enable me to develop practical and relevant skills in leadership, operations management, marketing, economics, strategy development and finance. Studying this course will further enhance my capabilities i....

Personal Statement – BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering

I am keenly interested to study the Bachelor of Engineering with Honours Mechanical Engineeringat Birmingham City University. This program provides its students with the knowledge and professional skills that go beyond the scope of standard engineering, and I believe that this program will give the premise to me to advance into a profession with extraordinary potential. I have researched and found highly contemporary modules in the Bachelor of Engineeri....

Personal statement of purpose - MSc Public Health

I am keen to undertake the MSc Public Health course at Birmingham City University (BCU) to fill in my academic gap in knowledge and skills in the contemporary trending functional areas of Health. My Pharmacology & Therapeutics background has given me the drive to move my career to increasing awareness of disease prevention. My previous study of BS in Pharmacology & Therapeutics at Delta State University, NigeriaIprovided me with comprehensive kn....

Personal Statement – MSc Management

Management is a speedily emerging field, with a keen eye on emerging Management and I am passionate to study the MSc Management Programme at University of Brighton. It provides comprehensive and profound knowledge and expertise of contemporary business organizations worldwide. This MSc Management programme will assist me to prepare for a larger career in management with the specializations offered in human resource management, entrepreneurship, and interna....

Personal Statement of Purpose - MSc Computer Science

The course that I’m looking to pursue is MSc Computer Science at York St John University (YSJU). By studying this course, I will be able to gain invaluable in-depth and practical knowledge which will help me in starting a successful career. Moreover, getting the opportunity to study in this university will help me advance both professionally and academically. In addition, the opportunity to apply my theories and ideas in practice will benefit me to e....

PersonalStatement- BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science

I want to pursue the BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science programme at University of Hertfordshire. The University works with a wide range of pharmaceutical industries who input the course design and teaching which meets the changing demands of the workplace and give students a path to achieve their future career goal. Over and above, I believe getting a chance to pursue my study career in this University will progress me both professionally and intellectuall....

Personal Statement - BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science

The human body is one of the most amazing things on earth. The desire to study biomedical science came from my school life when I was studying biology and was greatly fascinated by the biology of the human body. My goal in studying biomedical science is to gain a deeper understanding of the human body. I am willing to pursue a BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science with International Foundation programme (Malvern House) at the University of East London. By studying....

Personal Statement - MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  I am keen to pursue MSc (PGCertPGDip) Logistics and Supply Chain Management progamme at the University of Brighton because the professional world today is highly competitive and the importance of supply chain management and logistics in globalization, and digitization has multiplied. As I aim to improve and strengthen my knowledge of this Logistics and Supply Chain Management. This course covers topics such as Digital Supply Chain, International ....

PersonalStatement- BSc (Hons) Computer Science

The course that I’m looking to pursue is BSc (Hons) Computer Science at University of East London (UEL). Through the teachings of this course, I will be able to gain invaluable in-depth and practical knowledge which will help me in starting a successful career. The opportunity to apply my theories and ideas in practice will benefit me to enhance my skills and knowledge and to achieve a deeper understanding of the field of Web Technologies, Computer S....

Personal Statement - LLM International Law and Social Justice

I am keen to pursue LLM International Law and Social Justice at University of Brighton. This LL.M in international law and Social Justice will complement and enhance my Bachelor degree. The application is supported by my CV and evidence of my qualifications, references and my eligibility to study. This will verify the information contained within this application. If I may complete the LLM international law and Social Justice, I will get a vast idea about ....

Personal Statement - MSc Management with Professional Development and Planning

I, S Ahmed, am from Bangladesh a highly ambitious boy. I am 27 years old. I have decided to study in the MSc Management with Professional Development and Planning (PDP) Programme at BPP University because it is a comprehensive and detailed course of study that provides the knowledge and skills needed by contemporary global business organisations. As this course prepares graduates for management-level positions and so I am looking forward to achieving this ....

Personal Statement of Purpose - MBA

I am keen to study MBA at York Saint John University, London. This course is suitable for me to enhance my academic qualifications and it will be a great opportunity to start a successful career through deep insights and practical knowledge. Moreover, I believe getting a chance to pursue my study career in this University will progress me both professionally and intellectually, besides the opportunity to apply my theories and ideas in practice will benefit....

Personal Statement of Purpose - BSc (Hons) Computer Science with International Foundation Programme

I am intending to pursue the BSc (Hons) Computer Science with International Foundation Programme at University of East London (Malvern House). This course is currently in the midst of a technological and computing revolution that will radically change my life and potentially redefine what it means to be human. I will be able to build a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals in this course, including modeling and designing information systems, d....

Personal Statement - BSc (Hons) Business Management

I am keen to study the BSc (Hons) Business Management with International Foundation Programmeat the University of East London.I am very ambitious and I have always been interested in management-related things. I believe Management to be a fast-developing profession as business industries are heavily involved with their management for all kinds of decisions, and I find the prospect of working in this field inspiring. And I found that studying this course wi....

SOP – MSc Management with Project Management

My name is BalajiYadagani, and I’m a 28-year-old Indian looking to pursue MSc Management with Project Management with Professional Development and Planning (PDP) at BPP University. This course is suitable for me to enhance my academic qualifications and it will be a great opportunity to start a successful career through deep insights and practical knowledge. I have gained knowledge and skills of English language during my bachelor’s at Jawaharl....

SOP - MSc Management with Professional Development and Planning

I want to study the MSc Management with Professional Development and Planning (PDP) module offered by BPP University because the programme is a comprehensive and detailed programme of study that offers the knowledge and skills demanded by contemporary global business organizations. The programme provides a range of theoretical knowledge of modern business practice while equips with number of practical skills that can enhance my competitive edge to potentia....

Personal statement - MSc International Management

I am keen to pursue MSc International Management at University of Brighton. By researching the course curriculum available at university website, I become to know that this course helps students to develop the global business knowledge which will help me to achieve my future career goal. Moreover, I believe getting a chance to pursue my study career in thisUniversity will progress me both professionally and intellectually. Besides the opportunity to apply ....

Personal Statement - MSc Healthcare Leadership

My name is Md R Islam and I am 25 years old. I am from Bangladesh. Right now, I am intending to pursue the MSc Healthcare Leadership programme at BPP University. By studying this programme I will be able to evaluate critically a range of leadership models, techniques, and appropriate application to everyday working practice. Moreover, I believe getting a chance to pursue this MSc course at this University will progress me both professionally and intellectu....

SOP - MSc Computer Science with Professional Experience

I amkeento pursueMSc ComputerSciencewith ProfessionalExperienceatYork StJohn University. This programme will balance bothadvancedpractical skills and theoreticalknowledge to providewith theabilityto entera range ofprofessionalIT disciplines andemployment.Moreover, this coursehelps student to furtherdevelop their knowledge andskills within the cutting-edgeareas of ComputerScience. Accordingto myresearch andfindingsIhavefound that an MScin ComputerScience....

SOP - MSc Accounting and Finance [Advance Diploma Route]

I have chosen to study MSc Accounting and Finance [Advance Diploma Route] at BPP University. This course modules is designed to develop critical thinking and analytical skills, the further study is essential for a successful global accounting career. The course is ideal for starting a successful career through invaluable insights and practical knowledge which will be playing a vital role to achieve my future career objectives. BPP University offers some....

Personal Statement - MSc Planning and Development

I am M Ali and from Bangladesh. I am writing this application with great joy to study the course MSc Planning and Development at the Queen’s University Belfast. This course is designed to provide a broad knowledge of planning and professional skills and to use statistical analysis. More importantly, this course will teach me how they solve problems, and create new solutions for the built environment and understand the complexity of environmental mana....

PS - MSc Accounting and Finance [Advanced Diploma Route]

I am willing to study the MSc Accounting and Finance [Advanced Diploma Route] programme at BPP University. The course is ideal for starting a successful career through invaluable insights and practical knowledge which will be playing a vital role to achieve my future career goal. After completing my HSC & SSC in Science group, I completed my Bachelor of Arts and Masters in Da’wah and Islamic Studies. During my school days, I had taken part in ....

Personal Statement of Purpose - MSc Management

I am intending to study the MSc Management at University of Brighton to enhance my academic knowledge and create better and further opportunities for my career. By doing a lot of research on the University website for the course, I can confidently say that this course will satisfy my curiosity and hope and it will lead me to a career that I aim to develop in a sustainable way. In this MSc Management program at Brighton University, I will be able to do c....

Statement of Purpose - MBA

I am Md S Uddin,keen to study the MBA with work placement at York St John University London Campus to enhance my current academic attainments, extend my skills in Business and with professional skills and create better opportunities to design my career in the field. Following my Secondary and Higher Secondary education were science background and I studied my Bachelor and Master Degree in Daw’ah and Islamic Studies under the International Islamic ....

Personal Statement - MSc International Business

I have been doing extensive research since my last graduation to narrow-down my prospective course of study. After much deliberation, I have decided to pursue MSc International Business at University of Bedfordshire. The program provides its students with the knowledge and professional skills that go beyond the scope of standard management and I believe that this program will give the premise to me to advance into a profession with extraordinary potential.....

Statement of Purpose-MSc International Business

Following my Successful completion of the MSc International Accounting and Finance at London South Bank University, I have made a strategic decision to extend my academic knowledge and skills further with an MSc in International Business so that I can gain mastery in varied functions of business and organisations. My aim is to gain control over my efficiency and leave no gap in my accomplishments so that I can be a human asset for my employer or my own pro....

Statement of Purpose - MSc International Business

Upon finishing my recent study of MSc International Finance, while waiting for the final result, a thorough inspection in my accomplishments till now, I find myself narrowed to a one dimensional direction of accounting and finance. A transition and shift to UK’s dynamic environment from my home country Pakistan, I have observed the broader aspects of career directions and demands of global business organisations. The needs for rounded knowledge and s....

Statement of Purpose - DBA Course

I am very keen to follow Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) course at University of the Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD). While doing my Master in Management with Finance from BPP University after my MBA from University of West London, I became more attached to the management area of business and industry and planned my career in this arena. The DBA course will enable me to gain new horizon of knowledge in those areas and boost my career prospects as....

Statement of Purpose MSc Clinical Dermatology course

A medical graduate from the College of Medicine, University of Sulaimani, Iraq with few years of experience as a Dermatology Professional, I am driven to gain advanced level knowledge and skills in the field from scholastic institution and specialise in Clinical Dermatology with a master degree. After exploring my options and researching different study opportunities, I am keen to follow the MSc Clinical Dermatology course offered by Kings College London. ....

MBA - sample statement of Purpose

To master my business management knowledge and skills that I have gained from my recently completed Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) course, I aim to follow the Master of Business Administration course (MBA) and progress towards my career goals. After extensive search and research of course, universities and study destinations, I have decided to undertake the MBA programme offered by the University of the West of Scotland (UWS). At UWS, this MB....

LLM Commercial and Corporate Law - Sample Personal Statement

My name is T Ahmed. My nationality is Bangladeshi and I am 25 years old. I am intending to pursue the LLM Comparative Commercial Law at BPP University to to achieve a deeper understanding of the field of Comparative Commercial Law. I look forward to having the opportunity to study it to a higher level. Following my SSC & HSC, I have completed my Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from ASA University of Bangladesh in 2019. Then I admitted myself at Jagannath Un....

MBA with pre-master's

A recent graduate of Political Science, I have been in search of scopes for job opportunities in my home country and found very limited options let alone extreme competition in Bangladesh Job Market where unemployment rate is too high. The analysis has prompted me to re-think and plan realistically for further study options that can facilitate more and better career prospects. An evaluation of the current trends of the job market in Bangladesh, I have esta....

MSc Business with International Management with Advanced Practice

Today’s changing nature of global business and organisations that are evolving at fast pace to emancipate traditional management with business leaders who are versatile and pragmatic. Given the recent development that my home country India has seen in the last decade, it has become integral to co-ordinate and sustain the growth with skilled and professional human capital. This importance goes further with demands for skilled and educated women to put....

MBA (Master of Business Administration)

I am keen to pursue the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme offered by the celebrated Bristol Business School of University of the West of England (UWE). As the MBA is recognised as the benchmark professional qualification in management, this rigorous and career-oriented MBA programme, once qualified will give the message to my employer that I can think strategically and beyond my immediate role. These programmes will undoubtedly help me g....

Following my recently completed Master of Business Studies under the National University of Bangladesh, I take great interest to study an MBA programme under the Northampton University, the ‘Gold’ ranked university by the Teaching Excellence Framework. I have made the decision after considering all aspects of my academic and career developments. In my Master of Business Studies, I have gathered one-dimensional knowledge mainly focused to man....

MSc Clinical Dermatology

Note: the example personal statement (statement of purpose) below is for guidelines only and to help you understand how to write one - do not copy any part of it. When applying to universities, write your own personal statement (statement of purpose) according to your profile for the course you are applying. Please check HERE for detailed guidelines on how to write a personal statement (statement of purpose). I am keen to follow the MSc Clinical Dermato....

DBA - Doctor of Business Administration

I am highly motivated to study the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme to enhance my academic accomplishments and gain further personal and professional developments. The qualification would facilitate me to realise my career plan as a business management consultant and develop it to further height. I have recently completed MSc Management with Finance course - the study has provided me insights into various areas of management and busines....

Personal Statement for MBA course application

A recent graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) course as my postgraduate study pathway is the reflection of my academic pursuance for greater depth of knowledge in the area. While reviewing my options for a master’s study between MSc and MBA, I have concluded that being a premier business and management qualification, an MBA could provide rounded knowledge while complementing my ....

Doctor of Business Administration - DBA

I am keen to follow the DBA programme offered by the University of the West of Scotland to gain further academic progression and enhance my academic heights to next level. This accomplishments along with my current qualifications would provide me the strength to realise my career plan as a consultant for business and organisations. From my research, I have found out that as the number of MBA holders continues to grow, the DBA qualification enables gradu....

MSc International Human Resource Management

I want to pursue my higher education at University of Bedfordshire for the MSc International Human Resource Management in November 2021 intake. I want to study this course to enhance my current academic credentials and prepare myself as a career ready graduate with required skills and knowledge for my future managerial role (HR & Admin ) at BEXIMCO Textile Limited , Bangladesh. I strongly believe that this course will meet the requirement with relevant....

MSc Finance and Business Management

My Enthusiasm knows no bound to apply for the MSc Finance and Business Management course at the University of Bedfordshire. While researching on my further study options in the UK, the course and its contents have caught my attention – the 3 in 1 combination of finance, business and management incorporated in one master degree is truly a perfect opportunity to specialise in 3 vital functional areas of business organisations. The course has been ....

MSc Computing Networking Programme

I am interested to follow the MSc Computing Networking programme at the University of Bedfordshire because this course will enhance my knowledge of computer networking technologies - through the use of real-world applications, I will gain an in-depth understanding of advanced and academic computing skills. I have studied BCS Certificate and Diploma level in computing followed by year 3 top up BSc in Computing under the University of Greenwich. In thes....

MBA Programme

The MBA Global Business is a premier masters qualification offered at Coventry University London – the qualification is a powerful demonstration of some of the most sought-after attributes in any executive: intelligence; innovation; and determination. It blends established expertise with the latest thinking of contemporary business and management to provide a real catalyst to develop career. In a fiercely competitive employment market, the MBA giv....

LLM Commercial Law

With the procession of globalisation internationally based and active industries continue to grow each year and marching together. In this climate of globalisation, commerce and trade exert some of the most powerful influences on human activity and commercial relationships reflect a constantly evolving world. The above aspects have brought good practice along with malpractice in business and organisations. The ingenuity of traders and the complexity of ....

ACCA programme

Developing countries like Bangladesh, my home country, we need Accountancy and Finance professionals equipped with Western and European qualifications accompanied by practically experienced social, cultural and economic activities practised there. There was a time, it had been almost impossible to gain access to these special qualifications by students in general. ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) – the largest accountancy b....

BSc (Hons) Professional Accounting Course

Note: the example personal statement (statement of purpose) below is for guidelines only and to help you understand how to write one - do not copy any part of it. When applying to universities, write your own personal statement (statement of purpose) according to your profile for the course you are applying. Please check HERE for detailed guidelines on how to write a personal statement (statement of purpose). My aim is to become a ....

ACCA Course

I am motivated to study the ACCA course which predominantly focuses in accounting and finance with other key functional areas of business and organisation. The syllabus of the programme is modernised to address global issues virtually in all aspects of business. Being qualified with ACCA would equip me with complete knowledge and competences in professional capacity for accounting, finance, tax, audit, management, consultancy, marketing, human resource, co....

The ACCA Programme

I am an MA in the subject of English – English is a major international language and the language of corporate world. The language dominates the communications among business communities across the globe. The study of English itself does not have much merit in itself except for academic learning. The knowledge does not have much use apart from communication in the present global climate of business revolution. I have realised this after coming to ....

The ACCA Course

Though I have very strong academic achievements and qualifications, I have realised my attainments have enabled me extensive theoretical knowledge which requires transformation with professional skills and competences. Moreover, the theoretical parts of learning can be further explored with critical analysis techniques and tools. This findings in my skills shortage have prompted me to decide to study ACCA programme that offer professional edge with advance....

ACCA - Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Study

I am keen to pursue the ACCA programme because the programme is a comprehensive and intensive investigation into key areas in accounting and finance - it is both academically rigorous and closely in line with professional practice. Accounting has been defined as the measurement and disclosure of financial information that is used by managers, investors and others to make decisions about the allocation of resources within organisations. It is much more t....

MSc International Marketing Course

In today’s era of globalization, business functions are more independent and require specialist knowledge to sustain growth and remain competitive. General management with bit of knowledge in every function is no more effective and hence traditional management has shifted focuses on specialist knowledge and skills in individual units or single functions. Modern business organsiations now demand specialists in every department. I have learned this ....

ACCA Programmes

Today’s world of success is dominated by business and Accounting is often described as the 'language of business', it involves analysing and using financial information to understand and evaluate the financial position of an organisation. Accounting is really the language business speaks. Business communicates in dollars and pounds and accountants are an integral part of that communication. A professional accounting qualification is not ju....

MSc International Marketing programme

From my recent study MBA, I have learned that marketing marks the heart and soul of most business because the success of a business is directly impacted by marketers – from the analyses of markets and consumers, to the advertising and selling of products. Successful businesses like Virgin, McDonalds, KFC, Apple, Coca-Cola, they all have one thing in common – a successful, dynamic marketing team. In a world where social media and relationship....

MSc Computer Networking

I write to express my enthusiasm and interests in the MSc Computer Networking study opportunity and particularly why University of Bedfordshire is my first preference as an institute for my higher study. As because I completed BEng (Hons) Telecommunication and Computer Networks Engineering from London South Bank University and as because Computer Networking one of my favorite subjects in undergraduate, I am very passionate and wish to promote my career in ....

MBA International

Note: the example personal statement (statement of purpose) below is for guidelines only and to help you understand how to write one - do not copy any part of it. When applying to universities, write your own personal statement (statement of purpose) according to your profile for the course you are applying. Please check HERE for detailed guidelines on how to write a personal statement (statement of purpose). The world is changing, a....

LLB - the Bachelor of Laws (Hons) Course

My upbringing has honed my perception of society and people leading me to be acutely aware of social injustice, inequality, exploitation, discrimination, and religious fundamentalism, especially in a society such as the one I am a citizen of – Sri Lanka.  As I grew up I nurtured a desire to work through my life in establishing a society that would be free from these. As such, I have chosen to study law (LLB) and take training as a Lawyer/Ba....

BSc (Hons) Business Management Course

A devoted student of business discipline since my secondary school, I have recently completed a BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Business successfully. The qualification has perfectly set a platform for me to start my bachelor degree study in the area of business in the UK universities. I have taken considerations for options available for me at different institutions, and finally decided to study the BSc (Hons) Business and Management at the BPP University, th....

BSc (Hons) Business and Management

Ba (hons) business management programme (final year).

I have chosen to pursue the BA (Hons) Business Management degree course under the University of Sunderland London because this course has been developed not only to reflect the increasing international dimension of business and management, but also to provide a range of opportunities and experiences that will help develop my the intercultural skills necessary to operate effectively across national and cultural boundaries. The study would give me a true ins....

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) programme

The globally recognised ACCA qualification is a badge of quality and professionalism – it provides knowledge and skills at the highest professional standard. It is a broad-based qualification, focusing on the essential skills of accounting, business, finance and management - ACCA incorporates subjects, in fact, areas of accountancy, management, audit, tax, corporate law, finance and other related functions of business and organisation. I am intere....

PGD Strategic Leadership and Executive Management Programme

I intend to follow the Post Graduate Diploma in Strategic Leadership and Executive Management programme at the Westminster Kingsway College (WKC) which is in the forefront in providing this life-skill course. The programme has been designed on a combination of executive coaching and work based learning – this allow learners to define a set of objectives designed to have a real impact on their workplace and develop these into a work-based learning ....

MSc Project Management

The principle reason that motivated me to pursue the MSc Project Management course is the appeal and challenge Project Managers experience in delivering assignments they undertake in their career. The qualification, indeed, lead to very smart and modern careers for graduates who love challenges, creativity, leadership and success. As a graduate of Mathematics, I have cultivated these features in my student life. Now, for my master level of study, I would l....

MSc Medical Ultrasound Programme

I am keen to study the MSc Medical Ultrasound programme to develop my skills and work towards advanced and consultant-level practice. As a healthcare professional, the area has drawn my interest and I believe the study will enhance my competences to further level with newer domain of knowledge and skills. From the study, I aim to develop my understanding of the relevant ultrasound principles including current applications of ultrasound and imaging modal....

MSc Marketing and Business Management

As they say: without marketing there is no business; and both marketing and business must be management efficiently and effectively, I have decided to study a post-graduation qualification that combines both and carry on from my current qualification. I have found the MSc Marketing and Business Management fulfils my academic goals and would help achieving my career aspirations. In fact, today’s business world is constantly changing; technological ....

MSc Management programme

Note: the example personal statement (statement of purpose) below is for guidelines only and to help you understand how to write one - do not copy any part of it. When applying to universities, write your own personal statement (statement of purpose) according to your profile for the course you are applying. Please check HERE for detailed guidelines on how to write a personal statement (statement of purpose). I have chosen to study t....

MSc Management with Project Management

As a student, I have been always in search for the knowledge and skills that would put me the right direction with concurrent trends of global business and position me in strong career role that I enjoy with thorough and complete knowledge, skills and efficiency and thus be in demands with employers as a key player. With my BSc in Computer Science and MSc in Mathematics from India, I sought for business management knowledge from Europe to earn transfera....

MSc Management with Finance

A bachelor degree holder in the business administration from south Asia, I have recently accomplished a BSc (Hons) in Business Studies from the University of Ulster, United Kingdom. While these two qualifications from two different continents are at same academic level, the different learning set up and environment, education system have transformed my knowledge with newer perspectives and better insights. The study has, in fact, driven my academic pursuan....

MSc International Tourism and Hospitality Management

I have noticed that tourism and hospitality are closely-related areas of an economic and social phenomenon that have developed a critical role in the world economy. The industry has become one of the major players in international commerce, and represents at the same time one of the main income sources for many developing countries with economic and employment benefits. The profession is not only profit oriented but also interesting and full of colourful f....

MSc International Marketing

I take great inspiration from my recently attained higher study programme, MBA International under Anglia Ruskin University to further expand my knowledge in the branches of business management and gain all-round efficiency. One of the major areas that has been highlights of global business success in most recent time is International Marketing and this was not served in the menu of my MBA syllabus. To fulfil my academic aspiration with complete satisfacti....

MSc International Business Programme

I am keen to follow the MSc International Business Programme at University of Ulster London to fulfil my academic vision of gaining the ultimate contemporary knowledge and skills in the area and to achieve my career goal and its subsequent development in international arena. Earlier I had studied an MBA via BTEC Advanced Professional Diploma in Management Studies (APDMS).  I was awarded 60 APL credits for the APDMS by New Bucks University towards t....

MSc International Business

In the era of “Information & Technology”, the world has truly provided a wonderful platform for every person to chase their own dream and turn them into reality. As for me, my dream is to study MSc International Business at University of Bedfordshire. I set my heart on developing my current academic achievement under University of Bedfordshire, because I will be constantly exposed to skills and ideas that will enable me to develop into a managemen....

MSc International Business Management

Business success requires a breadth of knowledge and abilities of efficient management to survive in fierce global competition. The economic backbone of contemporary world is backed by business and creative management that can administer and conducts operations with strategic action in different functions. Since my academic interests and career visions evolve in the area, I have made decision to study the MSc International Business Management programme wit....

I have chosen to study MSc Finance and Business Management programme because I believe from the study I will develop an in-depth understanding of finance and its management in the success of business. I will learn to apply latest thinking on finance and management to the analysis of the key business problems being experienced by the world's major businesses and to develop the research skills necessary to tackle financial and business management problem....

MSc Finance and Accounting

It is my most recent study of BA Honours in International Management that has given me a good chance to assess my learning needs with specific needs and I have identified what areas to focus more and specialise on in today’s global environment of economic challenge. After careful thought and research, I have finally synchronised my career targets with my academic aims and made my decision to follow the MSc Accounting and Finance programme. The two....

MSc Applied Finance

Note: the example personal statement (statement of purpose) below is for guidelines only and to help you understand how to write one - do not copy any part of it. When applying to universities, write your own personal statement (statement of purpose) according to your profile for the course you are applying. Please check HERE for detailed guidelines on how to write a personal statement (statement of purpose). I have chosen to study MSc Applied Finance p....

MSc Applied Finance Programme

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MSc Accounting and Finance

Note: the example personal statement (statement of purpose) below is for guidelines only and to help you understand how to write one - do not copy any part of it. When applying to universities, write your own personal statement (statement of purpose) according to your profile for the course you are applying. Please check HERE for detailed guidelines on how to write a personal statement (statement of purpose). I have chosen to study MSc Ac....

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Degree Foundation Programme

Note: the example personal statement (statement of purpose) below is for guidelines only and to help you understand how to write one - do not copy any part of it. When applying to universities, write your own personal statement (statement of purpose) according to your profile for the course you are applying. Please check HERE for detailed guidelines on how to write a personal statement (statement of purpose). I am eager to follow the Degr....

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BA (Hons) Business Management (Final Year)

BA (Hons) Business Management (Final Year)

Business success requires a breadth of knowledge and abilities of efficient management to survive in....

Programme Specifications

International hospitality management.

Staff member? Login here

Professional accreditation

Admission criteria, a 2.2 degree or international equivalent in one of the following subjects:.

  • Business Management
  • Catering / culinary management
  • Destination management
  • Event production
  • Events Management
  • Hospitality Management
  • Hotel Management
  • Tourism Management
  • Travel and Tourism Management

A degree in any area will be considered where applicants have at least 1 year professional or voluntary experience in Hospitality. Please include a personal statement which outlines your desire to study hospitality.

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) code

If English is not your first language, we require IELTS 6.0 overall with a minimum component score of 6.0 in writing and 5.5 in all other components.

If you do not meet our IELTS requirements then you may be able to complete a pre-sessional English pathway that enables you to start your course without retaking IELTS.

Additional Notes

The University uses academic selection criteria to determine an applicant’s ability to successfully complete a course at the University of Essex. Where appropriate, we may ask for specific information relating to previous modules studied or work experience.

Course qualifiers

A course qualifier is a bracketed addition to your course title to denote a specialisation or pathway that you have achieved via the completion of specific modules during your course. The specific module requirements for each qualifier title are noted below. Eligibility for any selected qualifier will be determined by the department and confirmed by the final year Board of Examiners. If the required modules are not successfully completed, your course title will remain as described above without any bracketed addition. Selection of a course qualifier is optional and student can register preferences or opt-out via Online Module Enrolment (eNROL).

Rules of assessment

Rules of assessment are the rules, principles and frameworks which the University uses to calculate your course progression and final results.

Additional notes

External examiners.

Deputy Dean

External Examiners provide an independent overview of our courses, offering their expertise and help towards our continual improvement of course content, teaching, learning, and assessment. External Examiners are normally academics from other higher education institutions, but may be from the industry, business or the profession as appropriate for the course. They comment on how well courses align with national standards, and on how well the teaching, learning and assessment methods allow students to develop and demonstrate the relevant knowledge and skills needed to achieve their awards. External Examiners who are responsible for awards are key members of Boards of Examiners. These boards make decisions about student progression within their course and about whether students can receive their final award.

eNROL , the module enrolment system, is now open until Monday 21 October 2024 8:59AM , for students wishing to make changes to their module options.

Year 1 - 2024/25

Year 2 - 2025/26, exit awards.

A module is given one of the following statuses: 'core' – meaning it must be taken and passed; 'compulsory' – meaning it must be taken; or 'optional' – meaning that students can choose the module from a designated list. The rules of assessment may allow for limited condonement of fails in 'compulsory' or 'optional' modules, but 'core' modules cannot be failed. The status of the module may be different in any exit awards which are available for the course. Exam Boards will consider students' eligibility for an exit award if they fail the main award or do not complete their studies.

Programme aims

  • To provide a programme of study that is built upon a partnership with employers, which meets the need of the modern hospitality industry, and provides for the enhancement of professional practice in a changing and complex international business environment.
  • To provide students with the opportunity to broaden and deepen their knowledge of advanced concepts in the study of international management and organisations, specifically in relation to the Hospitality industry;
  • To provide students with the opportunity to examine and critically analyse the impact and implications of the internationalisation of Management and Operations;
  • To equip students with a knowledge of research methodologies;
  • To provide a programme of study that will constitute a basis for and encourage students’ lifelong learning and skill development

Learning outcomes and learning, teaching and assessment methods

On successful completion of the programme a graduate should demonstrate knowledge and skills as follows:

A: Knowledge and understanding

A1: A critical and analytical interpretation of the character of management within the international hospitality industry

A2: The contexts, both internal and external that underpin and contribute to the management of international hospitality management and organisations

A3: Epistemological and social scientific influences and interpretations of management, organisations and customers in the international hospitality industry

A4: An in-depth understanding of the nature, structure and skill requirements of the departments or areas which contribute to hospitality organisations

A5: A critical and analytical ability to select and implement different research methodologies so as to be able to undertake and deliver applied research

Learning methods

The learning outcomes are acquired through lectures, seminars, group and individual tasks, and directed independent study. The development of the Dissertation and the opportunity to engage with work-based learning in Wivenhoe House, the Schools commercial 4-star hotel, provides an opportunity for achieving an integrated understanding of the learning outcomes. Lectures, seminars and workshops introduce the required theories and understandings to facilitate students’ exploration of the subjects. Directed independent study and reading, along with individual and group tasks, enable the further exploration of relevant areas. A range of industry engaged activities will provide students with the opportunity to contextualise their learning and apply it directly to the industry. Students are expected to develop and expand the knowledge and understanding they acquire from the formal sessions by undertaking additional research and reading from relevant sources.

Assessment methods

The course is assessed through a combination of written assignments, reports and case study analysis as well as individual and group presentations, and a dissertation.

B: Intellectual and cognitive skills

B1: The capacity to appraise theoretical ideas

B2: The ability to assimilate and synthesise advanced theories and concepts from a variety of relevant sources

B3: The capacity to formulate logical and coherent arguments

B4: The capability to interpret and critically evaluate empirical evidence

B5: The ability to plan and undertake independent research applied to the international hospitality industry

Students are expected to undertake independent study and preparation for class activities which will involve reading and review of a range of academic and industry centric texts and sources. Lecturers will provide support for all students and each student will be allocated an academic tutor who will review and support their development. Communication will be maintained with students through student support hours, appointments and email communication. Skill B5 is acquired through the work that students undertake for the Dissertation.

Skills B1-B4 are assessed via oral presentations and coursework assignments. The associated feedback provided enables students to reflect upon, and enhance their understandings and develop communication skills, analytical skills. Skill B5 is assessed through the Dissertation, which also incorporates the other learning outcomes and is a core module on the programme

C: Practical skills

C1: To evaluate the strengths and limitations of different approaches to management within the international hospitality industry

C2: A critical and analytical interpretation of the character of management within the international hospitality industry

C3: A critical and analytical appreciation of the implications and impact of a range of management practices within the international hospitality industry

C4: To understand and be able to deliver a range of operational skills within the context of a commercial hospitality organisation

C5: To deliver well structured, well delivered and persuasive written documents and presentations

C6: The ability to plan and undertake independent research applied to the international hospitality industry

Practical and professional skills outcomes are achieved through discussions in lectures and seminars/workshops and through coursework assignments, which also necessitate the effective design of workflows and management of deadlines. Students will also be involved in a range of industry engaged activities in which students will work with and gain knowledge from current industry practitioners through attendance at workshops and other industry focussed activities. Students are also scheduled to undertake a short period of work and training in the Wivenhoe House (the commercial four-star hotel next to the Edge Hotel School) and will analyse and evaluate the live data from the hotel as part of their managerial development

Practical skills are assessed through coursework assignments including reports, presentations and a dissertation.

D: Key skills

D1: Communicate ideas and arguments in a coherent and effective manner

D2: Use information technology (both generic and specific to the international hospitality industry) so as to be able to analyse both qualitative and quantitative organisation data

D3: Manipulate numerical data and apply appropriate statistical or financial techniques

D4: Problem solving and analytical skills

D5: Teamwork and Work Based Learning skills

D6: Time management, task prioritisation and working to deadlines

Key skills are achieved throughout the programme through coursework assignments, case studies, set readings and in-class exercises.

Key skills are assessed throughout the course through coursework assignments, case studies, and formative and summative assessment

The University reserves the right to make variations to the content and method of delivery of programmes, courses and other services, to discontinue programmes, courses and other services and to merge or combine programmes or courses, if such action is reasonably considered to be necessary by the University.

The full procedures, rules and regulations of the University are set out in the Charter, Statues and Ordinances and in the University Regulations, Policy and Procedures.

The University makes every effort to ensure that this information on its programme specification is accurate and up-to-date. Exceptionally it can be necessary to make changes, for example to courses, facilities or fees. Examples of such reasons might include a change of law or regulatory requirements, industrial action, lack of demand, departure of key personnel, change in government policy, or withdrawal/reduction of funding. Changes to courses may for example consist of variations to the content and method of delivery of programmes, courses and other services, to discontinue programmes, courses and other services and to merge or combine programmes or courses. The University will endeavour to keep such changes to a minimum, and will also keep students informed appropriately by updating our programme specifications.

The full Procedures, Rules and Regulations of the University governing how it operates are set out in the Charter, Statutes and Ordinances and in the University Regulations, Policy and Procedures .

If you are thinking of studying at Essex and have questions about the course, please contact Undergraduate Admissions by emailing [email protected] , or Postgraduate Admissions by emailing [email protected] .

If you're a current student and have questions about your course or specific modules, please contact your department .

If you think there might be an error on this page, please contact the Course Records Team by emailing [email protected] .

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Tourism and Travel Personal Statement

Sample Tourism and Travel Personal Statement

I have always been passionate about building a career in Hospitality and Tourism Management and have worked hard to ensure that I gain the necessary knowledge and experience through both work and study. I find nothing more rewarding than playing a key role in such a customer-focused industry and am continually motivated by the visible enjoyment that I have seen in my clients, not to mention my colleagues, when skill and teamwork have combined to create a truly memorable experience.

I have already demonstrated commitment and flair throughout the study of various aspects of Hospitality and Management. Beginning in food and beverage preparation, I studied at the Chef D’Oeuvre Culinary Institute, where I not only covered all technical aspects of food preparation and service but also discovered my interest in the management and business related aspects of the industry. This intense interest, coupled with hard work and dedication, led to me completing my final course in record time and with the highest marks ever awarded by the institute. As I have taken this knowledge into full time work, however, I have seen how it is always possible to continue developing as both a student and as a professional and have undertaken a Diploma in Hospitality Management from the American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute. I would relish the opportunity to develop this knowledge of the industry through study associated with such prestigious institution.

My academic interests in the Hospitality and Tourism Management have grown out of an extensive career portfolio in the field. As I have progressed from a chef-based role to a working in a management consultancy capacity, I have consistently recognised the need to develop my knowledge of management procedures and structures. In my current role, as Food and Beverage Director, I am responsible for planning and implementing all elements of food and beverage service operations at a range of venues. From creating management systems and concepts for dcor and menus to personnel hiring, training and development, this role has obviously seen me move away from a customer service and food preparation role and requires a greater overview of projects. That my career has steadily developed in this direction, as have my studies, is really down to the fact that I like to organise and to provide leadership to ensure a high standard of service. Having been in the industry, at all levels, for over 10 years, I have always strived for excellence and have expected the same dedication from my colleagues. Complimenting this practical experience with academic knowledge of management processes has really helped me to continue striving towards this ultimate goal and I am keen to learn as much as possible that will enable me to get the best out of both myself and my colleagues.

In my spare time, my extroverted, friendly nature and love for interacting with people from all walks of life means I have a range of hobbies. I am a keen sportsperson, enjoying all forms of watersports including sailing and swimming. I am also a keen traveller and enjoy seeing my chosen industry from the other side and gaining ideas from places I visit about how thing may be done differently.

Having worked hard to gain a great deal of experience and knowledge within the Hospitality industry, I am still not content to stand still and stop developing professionally. I am the sort of person who always seeks out a way to refine and to better operational and personnel procedures, which is why I have gravitated to a consultancy role. By studying such a prestigious, far-reaching and impressive course I will be able continue working to an even higher level in the future.

We hope this example Tourism and Travel personal statement has been useful, and given you some ideas to help with writing your own.

Personal Statement

  • The Application Process
  • UCAS Criteria
  • Choosing a Degree
  • Why is a Good Personal Statement Important?
  • Your Personal Statement
  • Example Personal Statements
  • Personal Statement Help
  • Personal Statement Format
  • Points to Remember
  • The UK Tuition Fees System
  • Student Loans
  • Student Finance
  • Full Subjects List
  • Disabled UCAS Applicants
  • A-Level Results Day
  • A Guide to Results Day
  • Clearing & A Level Results Day
  • A Guide to Clearing
  • Visas to study in the UK
  • Missed the January UCAS deadline?
  • No University Offers…What Next?
  • Interview Skills
  • PGCE Interviews
  • Applying to Oxbridge
  • Before you go to University
  • University Checklist
  • Studying Abroad
  • Applying to University Overseas
  • Apply to study Internationally
  • Preparing for Studying Abroad
  • Benefits of Studying Abroad
  • Taking a Gap Year
  • Should You Take A Gap Year?
  • Study Independently
  • Choosing Accommodation



Travel and Tourism Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Travel and Tourism
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example Link 1
  • Personal Statement Example Link 2
  • Personal Statement Example Link 3
  • Personal Statement Example Link 4
  • Personal Statement Example Link 5
  • Personal Statement Example Link 6

Passionate about exploring the world and sharing unforgettable experiences with others? Eager to immerse yourself in different cultures, discover hidden gems, and create memorable journeys for travelers?

Pursuing a course in Travel and Tourism can open doors to an exciting career where you can turn your love for travel into a profession, curating extraordinary adventures and fostering cross-cultural connections.

Travel and Tourism is an interesting and relevant choice for students looking to pursue a career in the travel and tourism industry. This university course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the travel and tourism industry, including its history, current trends, and future prospects.

Students will learn about the various aspects of the industry, such as destination marketing, customer service, and hospitality management. They will also gain valuable knowledge about the different types of travel and tourism products and services that are available.

Additionally, the course covers topics such as international relations, cultural awareness, and business ethics. Through this course, students will be able to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the travel and tourism industry.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of a Travel and Tourism course in the UK have several career opportunities available to them, including:

  • Travel Agent: Travel agents help clients plan and book their travel arrangements. This can include transportation, accommodation, and local tours.
  • Tour Guide: Tour guides work with travel companies or independently, guiding tourists around attractions and providing them with information about the site’s history, culture, or natural significance.
  • Tourism Officer: These professionals often work for local governments or tourism boards, promoting their area to tourists and often helping to develop and implement tourism strategies.
  • Holiday Representative: Holiday reps work with travel companies to ensure that clients have the best possible holiday experience. They might assist with check-ins, coordinate transfers, or resolve any problems that occur.
  • Event and Conference Planner: In this role, individuals plan and coordinate events and conferences, which often involves selecting venues, arranging catering, and coordinating transportation and accommodation.
  • Hotel Manager: Hotel managers oversee the operations of a hotel, including front desk services, housekeeping, and budget management.
  • Airline Customer Service Agent: These agents assist passengers with check-in, boarding, and luggage handling. They may also help resolve any customer complaints or issues.
  • Travel Writer/Blogger: Travel writers and bloggers produce content about their travels, which might be used in travel guides, magazines, or online blogs.

Note: Some roles may require additional experience or qualifications.

UK Admission Requirements

To be accepted into a university course in Travel and Tourism, applicants must typically have achieved a minimum of five GCSEs at grade C or above, including English and Maths. Depending on the university, applicants may also be required to have a minimum of two A-Levels, with a grade of C or above, in a related subject such as Geography, Business Studies or Economics.

In addition to the above academic requirements, some universities may also require applicants to have a minimum of one year’s work experience in the travel and tourism industry. This could include working in a travel agency, tour operator, airline or hotel.

The entry criteria for a university course in Travel and Tourism is generally similar to other courses in the same field, such as Hospitality and Tourism Management or Tourism and Leisure Management. However, some universities may require additional qualifications or experience in order to be accepted onto their course. It is therefore important to check the entry requirements of each university before applying.

UK Earnings Potential For Travel and Tourism

The average earnings for someone with a degree in travel and tourism vary depending on the specific job they pursue. According to the UK National Careers Service, the average salary for a travel agent is £17,000 per year, while the average salary for a travel consultant is £20,000 per year. The average salary for a tour guide is £18,000 per year, while the average salary for a travel writer is £19,000 per year.

The job market for travel and tourism is expected to grow in the coming years as the industry continues to expand. According to the UK Office for National Statistics, employment in the travel and tourism sector is projected to grow by 6.3% between 2019 and 2024. This growth is expected to be driven by an increase in demand for experiences such as adventure travel, cultural tours, and eco-tourism.

Additionally, the rise of digital technology has made it easier for people to book their own travel arrangements, which is expected to further increase demand for travel and tourism services.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to Travel and Tourism include:

1. Hospitality and Tourism Management: This course focuses on the management of hospitality and tourism operations, such as hotels, restaurants, and attractions. It covers topics such as customer service, marketing, finance, and operations. The key difference between this course and Travel and Tourism is that it focuses more on the business side of the industry, while Travel and Tourism focuses more on the planning and organizing of tours and trips.

2. Events Management: This course focuses on the planning, organizing, and managing of events such as conferences, festivals, and exhibitions. It covers topics such as budgeting, marketing, and customer service. The key difference between this course and Travel and Tourism is that it focuses more on the organization of events, while Travel and Tourism focuses more on the planning and organizing of trips and tours.

3. Tourism Studies: This course focuses on the study of the tourism industry, including its history, development, and impact on society. It covers topics such as tourism policy, marketing, and sustainability. The key difference between this course and Travel and Tourism is that it focuses more on the academic side of the industry, while Travel and Tourism focuses more on the practical side of the industry.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in the University Course Travel and Tourism may include:

  • Introduction to Travel and Tourism: This module provides an overview of the travel and tourism industry and its components, such as transportation, accommodation, attractions, and hospitality. It also covers the economic and social impacts of tourism, as well as the importance of sustainability and responsible tourism.
  • Tourism Products and Services: This module covers the different types of tourism products and services, such as air travel, cruise lines, tour operators, and accommodation. It also examines the marketing and distribution of these services, as well as the development of tourism destinations.
  • Tourism Planning and Development: This module examines the planning and development of tourism destinations, including the roles of government, the private sector, and local communities. It also covers the impact of tourism on local economies, as well as the importance of sustainable tourism development.
  • Tourism Management: This module covers the management of tourism operations, including the management of personnel, resources, and financials. It also examines the importance of customer service and quality assurance in the tourism industry.
  • Tourism Research: This module covers the principles of tourism research, including the use of surveys and other data collection methods. It also examines the importance of research in the development of tourism destinations and the evaluation of tourism operations.

Alumni Network

One notable alumni from the Travel and Tourism course is the CEO of the world’s leading travel company, Expedia Group, Mark Okerstrom. Mark Okerstrom has been leading the company since 2017 and has been instrumental in driving the company’s growth and success. Under his leadership, Expedia Group has become the world’s largest online travel company, providing customers with access to over 500,000 hotels and hundreds of airlines.

Mark Okerstrom has also been instrumental in expanding Expedia Group’s presence in the global travel market, with the company now operating in more than 70 countries. He has also led the company’s efforts to become more customer-focused, introducing new features and services that make it easier for customers to find the best deals and book their travels.

There are several alumni events and networking opportunities available for alumni of the Travel and Tourism course. These include the Expedia Group Alumni Network, which provides alumni with access to career resources and networking opportunities, as well as the Expedia Group Alumni Summit, which brings together alumni from around the world for a day of learning and networking.

Additionally, alumni of the Travel and Tourism course can join the Expedia Group Alumni LinkedIn group, which provides a platform for alumni to connect with each other and stay up to date on the latest news and trends in the travel industry.

Reach out to us for career and sponsorship opportunities

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School of Hotel & Tourism Management

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Master of Science Scheme in Hospitality and Tourism Management

  • MSc/PgD in International Hospitality Management
  • Doctor of Hotel and Tourism Management
  • Master of Science in Global Hospitality Business
  • MicroMasters in International Hospitality Management (Online programme)
  • Introduction
  • MSc/PgD in International Tourism and Convention Management
  • MSc/PgD in International Wine Management
  • MSc/PgD in Luxury Experiences Management
  • MSc/PgD in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Hospitality

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Programme Overview

The Master of Science (MSc)/Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) in International Hospitality Management programme develops students' knowledge and management skills in the hospitality industry, using a blend of strategic perspectives and pragmatic implementation.

Industry practice, management skills, and research competencies are developed through interdisciplinary subject exposure, problem identification, decision-making theory, and management application. Due to the global nature of the hospitality industry, an international focus is central to this programme, while recognising the Asian context.


All subjects are conducted solely in English. Full-time students are expected to take a minimum of three and a maximum of five subjects per semester, whereas part-time students need to take one or two subjects per semester (except summer term).

*Students can choose any three subjects respectively from four compulsory subjects and four specialised subjects.

Subjects List

Compulsory Workshop (1 Subject)

HTM5002 - Introductory Workshop

Compulsory Subjects (4 Subjects)

HTM533 - Managing Human Resources in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

HTM534 - Managing Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

HTM535- Hospitality and Tourism Financial Management

HTM582 - Research Methods

Compulsory Specialisation Subjects (4 Subjects)

HTM536 - Strategic Management for Hospitality Businesses

HTM537 - Design for Hospitality

HTM538 - Multi-Unit Hospitality Management

HTM539 - Hospitality Revenue Management

Project Options and Electives (Choose 1)

HTM598 - Consultancy Project plus one elective project

HTM599 - Research Project

Elective Subjects

HTM507 - Cultural Tourism

HTM513 - China Hotel and Tourism Business Studies

HTM528 - Trends and Issues in Global Tourism

HTM540 - Hospitality and Tourism Technology and Innovation

HTM541 - Luxury Management

HTM568 - Smart Tourism and Big Data Analytics

HTM5003 - Management Practice

For more detail course objectives & learning outcomes information, please click HERE .

To be considered for this programme, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • A recognized bachelor’s degree or equivalent
  • Not less than one year of work experience by the time of assumption of study
  • Students without relevant educational or industry background may be required to take bridging courses/workshops prior to commencement of the programme

English Language Requirements

If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to provide one of the following proficiency test results (taken within 2 years) for fulfilling the minimum English language requirement for admission purpose:

A score of 80 or above in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet-based test; OR

An Overall Band score of 6.0 or above in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic module. Remarks: TOEFL iBT Home Edition, the IELTS Online and IELTS indicator test results will not be considered for meeting the English language Requirements for taught programmes.  Applicants are required to attend interviews and/or take tests to further demonstrate their language proficiency.

Application Procedure

Applicant should submit his/her application via PolyU eAdmission accompanied with the following documents:

  • A self-recommendation letter, including a self-introduction, career aspirations, and reasons for pursuing study in this programme (400 words or less)
  • A personal resume (CV)
  • An undergraduate degree graduation certificate (see notes below)
  • Copies of transcripts from all colleges and universities attended (see notes below)
  • Proof(s) of employment record(s)
  • Proof of TOEFL or IELTS score to demonstrate English proficiency
  • At least one letter of recommendation from either an employer or university
  • Other professional records or attainments, if any
  • Applicants whose qualifications were attained from Mainland China must provide the Academic Credential (學歷證書) to prove that they have completed the academic learning in an institution under the Ministry of Education (MoE) system and were admitted to the institution in accordance with the MOE's standards.
  • Further to the above, relevant applicants must also provide a Degree Certificate (學位證書) to certify the level of academic attainment (i.e., Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate level) and to confirm that the certificate was issued by the tertiary institution approved by the MoE.
  • The School considers applications on a rolling basis until all places are filled. Applicants are highly encouraged to apply for admission as early as possible.

Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme 

Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme (the Fellowships Scheme) is offered by the University Grants Committee (UGC), which provides fellowships for meritorious local students for designated taught postgraduate programmes to pursue further studies so as to benefit the Hong Kong society. More details are available at UGC's website and PolyU’s website .

• Amount of Fellowship The fellowship students are required to pay a minimum tuition fee of HK$42,100, which is the prevailing rate of the UGC-funded programmes, and the differences will be subsidised by the fellowships subject to a cap of HK$120,000 (for the whole taught postgraduate programme, regardless of the actual study period) for the settlement of the tuition fee. Eligibility In addition to meeting PolyU’s admission requirements and the programme’s entrance requirements (if any), applicants should also fulfil the following criteria:

i. LOCAL applicants only; and ii. Not receiving other forms of government scholarship including the Continuing Education Fund (except student financial assistance).

• Application Procedures

Applicants should complete the fellowship application form, and submit it together with your application for admission via PolyU eAdmission by uploading the form in the additional document section. 


Dean’s Scholarship for Excellence

This scholarship (full or half of the tuition fees) targets to award candidates with outstanding academic performance in their undergraduate studies and/or distinguished non-academic achievements. The Dean's Scholarship for Excellence also includes scholarships specifically for students applying from developing economies. 

Recipients are expected to have obtained substantial industry experience and demonstrate strong potential in future leadership; and/or potential contributions to the tourism and hospitality industry development in developing economies. 

The scholarship can be renewed in the second year of the study and the following are the criteria for the renewal: 

  • Scholarship recipient is required to obtain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and the continued study of the MSc programme in PolyU; and
  • Scholarship recipient must take the subject - “Research Project” during his/her study of the programme.

Candidates should complete the application form  and return it to the School before 30 April 2024. 

Service Scholarship

The MSc Service Scholarship is offered to the SHTM's enrolled MSc students. The value of the scholarship is up to HKD20,000, and awardees are expected to carry out up to 200 hours of service to the School in the areas of school activities, administration, research, or designated office duties. Students will be informed of the application procedure when they are successfully admitted to the programme concerned.

Other forms of financial support and assistance are also available, including:

Financial Support for Conference Attendance

The School will provide financial support for MSc students to attend international conferences and present their research findings. The maximum financial support will not exceed HKD10,000.

Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (NLS)

The NLS offers interest-bearing loans to local full-time and part-time students to cover tuition fees. These loans are not means-tested, which means that there is no assessment of family income and assets. Both government-funded and self-financed students can apply before the deadline set by the government. For more information on loans, please visit the Student Finance Office of the Hong Kong SAR government.


All information provided here is for reference only. The SHTM reserves the ultimate right on the use of the informational content listed herein and any changes/revisions made thereof. The SHTM reserves the right to change or withdraw the Scholarship and Financial Support for Conference Attendance at any time. In the case of any dispute or disagreement, the SHTM's decision is final.

The information presented on this page is subject to change without prior notice and does not form part of any contract between the University and any person. Applicants should visit this site frequently to obtain the latest information on scholarship opportunities.

Non-local Students Working in Hong Kong After Graduation

To facilitate non-local students to stay and work in Hong Kong after graduation, the Hong Kong Immigration Department introduced a scheme known as the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG). This scheme is open to all non-local graduates who have obtained a degree or other higher qualification through a full-time locally accredited programme in Hong Kong.

Under the IANG, non-local graduates who apply within six months of graduating (according to the date shown on their letter of certification or graduation certificate) may apply to stay and work in Hong Kong without having secured an offer of employment upon application. These applicants are classified as fresh graduates. Fresh graduates who meet the normal immigration requirements may be permitted to stay for 12 months with no conditions.

Non-local graduates who apply later than six months after graduating (according to the date shown on their letter of certification or graduation certificate) are classified as returning non-local graduates. Returning non-local graduates must have secured an offer of employment at the time of their application.  

Non-local graduates admitted under the IANG who have ordinarily resided in Hong Kong continuously for seven years or more inclusive of the years spent as students may also apply for the right of abode in Hong Kong in accordance with the law.

For details, please visit

For information about the university's application deadlines and procedures, please visit the PolyU admissions webpage , or consult the university's Frequently Asked Questions.

International Student Visas

Upon confirmation of admission, international students may apply for their visas through the Admission Office of the Academic Registry.

Academic Registry

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2333-0600 (24-hour automated service) Fax: +852 2334-6671 Email: [email protected] Website:

Programme Enquiries

Please address any enquiries about the programme to:

Professor Kam Hung Programme Leader Tel: +852 3400-2258 Email: [email protected]

Dr Anyu Liu Programme Coordinator Tel: +852 3400-2175 Email: [email protected]

Mr Jason Chau Executive Officer Tel: +852 3400-2198 Fax: +852 2362-9362 Email: [email protected]

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Hotel management personal statement example.

Being thanked by someone for making their day after working a long, hard and stressful shift is the most rewarding feeling I have ever experienced. I want to spend my life creating a place for people to escape and made to feel special.

For a hotel brand to succeed there needs to be a strong focus on marketing, which is one of my main interests. I studied Advertising and Media at University and although I realised that I didn't want to enter the marketing industry for my career, I did know that I would want it to be an important aspect of my future work.

I have some experience working with small business' and also my local council discovering how they use marketing and media to their advantage. I have volunteered at a family run farm during the launch of their catering leg of the business where I was involved heavily in the research of existing products on the market, pricing, packaging and designing promotional tools.

I was also lucky enough to be offered a placement with Coventry City Council assisting with the relaunch of their city magazine, CityVision where I wrote a detailed report of my findings from market research, created an ideas board for the layout and graphics of the magazine and also learnt how to write press releases.

I left University after one year and enrolled in a course in a Professional Cookery NVQ in the hope that I could work my way around the different areas of the hotel operation and eventually work my way up into hotel management. I have worked as a chef in numerous establishments and have an excellent knowledge of food hygiene and safety standards as well as supervisory experience.

I have also worked in several other roles relevant to Hotel Management; waiting tables, bar tending, house keeping and as a Wedding and B&B Assistant.

I worked as a chef for a season for a reputable activity holidays company. Supervising four members of staff meant that I was expected to lead, motivate and train as well as being under immense pressure to cook for up to two hundred and forty people alone.

I was responsible for ensuring the completion of kitchen admin and that food hygiene and safety standards were adhered to at all times. During my time supervising I learnt a lot about professional boundaries, motivating a team, gaining respect, working to individuals strengths, understanding competency levels and responding well to pressure.

Working in a leadership position was what affected my final decision to study Hotel Management.

My passion for hospitality is not limited to my working life. I am an avid reader of T+L, marketing and branding and hotel management books.

During my spare time I enjoy disappearing for weekends with friends or exploring different places to eat. I love traveling and have recently spent three months traveling around Thailand and Vietnam where I first began considering a Hotel Management Degree after staying in a diverse range of accommodation. Being a regular consumer myself reinforces the importance of excellent customer care and thus standing out from competitors.

When I left higher education my plan wasn't to return but my passion and enthusiasm for the subject lead me to explore my options once again. The Hotel School concept is one I am extremely excited about. It would give me the opportunity to study and put my knowledge into practice immediately, making my studies more relevant and memorable.

I hope to obtain a place with The Edge Hotel School to achieve a recognised qualification from a quality partnership in order for my CV to stand out from other applicants when applying for graduate schemes with luxury hotel brands.

My goal is to spend time working with top class hotel brands improving and developing my skills and knowledge until I feel prepared enough to open my own family run hotel in Vietnam. I am confident that with the help of the practitioners on the course I will be able to develop my existing skills and knowledge to an exceptional standard, ready for the world of management.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by Cjak for application in 2014.

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