
Essay on My New Year Resolution

Students are often asked to write an essay on My New Year Resolution in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My New Year Resolution


Every New Year brings a chance to set new goals. My New Year’s resolution is about improving myself.

Academic Goals

I aim to improve my grades. I’ll study daily, complete homework on time, and participate actively in class.

Health Goals

I plan to keep fit. I’ll play more outdoor games, eat healthy food, and sleep early.

Social Goals

I will help others more. I’ll be kind to everyone and make new friends.

This New Year, I am excited to become a better version of myself. I am ready to work hard to achieve my resolutions.

250 Words Essay on My New Year Resolution

The advent of a new year always brings with it a sense of renewal and a chance to better ourselves. As we bid adieu to 2021 and welcome 2022, we inherently seek to improve aspects of our lives. My New Year resolution, therefore, is to cultivate mindfulness, a trait often overlooked in our fast-paced world.

The Importance of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention to the present. It involves acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. The importance of mindfulness cannot be overstated, especially in the context of a world that is increasingly characterized by frenetic activity and stress.

Approach to Achieving Mindfulness

The first step to achieving mindfulness is to set aside a few minutes each day for quiet contemplation. This will involve disconnecting from digital devices and focusing on the present moment. This practice, while seemingly simple, requires a high degree of discipline and consistency, especially in the face of constant distractions.

Expected Outcomes

By practicing mindfulness, I hope to cultivate a more balanced and peaceful state of mind. This resolution will not only help me to manage stress more effectively but also enhance my cognitive abilities, thereby improving my academic performance.

In conclusion, my New Year resolution is a journey towards self-improvement and mental well-being. By cultivating mindfulness, I aim to create a more harmonious relationship with my environment and myself. As we step into 2022, I invite my fellow students to join me in this endeavor, as we strive to make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

500 Words Essay on My New Year Resolution

As the year draws to a close, a sense of introspection seizes us. We reflect on the past, contemplate the present, and envision the future. This is a time when many of us decide to make New Year resolutions. These resolutions are not just promises we make to ourselves but are commitments that guide us towards personal growth and self-improvement.

Understanding New Year Resolutions

New Year resolutions are essentially personal goals or objectives set at the beginning of a year. They serve as a roadmap to guide our actions and decisions throughout the year. The tradition of New Year resolutions dates back to ancient times, with the Romans making promises to the god Janus, after whom the month of January is named. Today, these resolutions have evolved into a self-imposed framework for personal development.

My New Year Resolution

My New Year resolution for the forthcoming year is to enhance my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In an era of rapid technological advancement and unprecedented challenges, these two skills are of paramount importance. They not only help in academic pursuits but are also crucial in navigating the complexities of life.

Why Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving?

The ability to think critically allows us to evaluate information objectively, make rational decisions, and form reasoned arguments. It fosters creativity and innovation, empowering us to question established norms and venture into unexplored territories. On the other hand, problem-solving skills enable us to confront challenges head-on, devise effective solutions, and turn adversities into opportunities.

Implementing the Resolution

The implementation of this resolution involves a multi-pronged approach. Firstly, I plan to engage more actively in debates and discussions, both within and outside the academic sphere. This would expose me to diverse perspectives, thereby enhancing my critical thinking abilities. Secondly, I intend to participate in problem-solving competitions and workshops, which would provide a platform to apply and refine these skills.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

While the path towards achieving this resolution is fraught with challenges, they are not insurmountable. The primary hurdle is the inherent bias and preconceived notions that often cloud our judgement. Overcoming this requires conscious effort and constant self-reflection. Another challenge is the fear of failure, which can deter us from attempting to solve complex problems. This can be overcome by adopting a growth mindset, viewing failures as stepping stones towards success.

In conclusion, my New Year resolution is not just a promise to myself but a commitment towards personal growth. It involves enhancing my critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are crucial in today’s dynamic and complex world. Though the journey towards achieving this resolution is challenging, the rewards are well worth the effort. As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, I will step into the new year with renewed resolve and unwavering determination to turn this resolution into reality.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on New Year
  • Essay on Sister Nivedita
  • Essay on My Sister

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

great tips thank you

My new year of resolution How do I begin

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my new year resolutions 2022 essay

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My New Year Resolution Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

A new year brings in fresh beginnings with a heart full of memories from the previous year. The beginning of a new year exhibits hope and a sense of positivity, allowing us to start again with everything we believed we missed or did incorrectly the year before. Here are a few sample essays on "My New Year Resolution". You can choose from 100, 200 and 500 words best new year's resolutions for 2024 essay. It will also help you know "how do I write my New Year resolution?' check out.

100 Words Essay on My New Year Resolution

200 words essay on my new year resolution, 500 words essay on my new year resolution.

My New Year Resolution Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

People celebrate the beginning of a new year to give a fresh start to their lives. They take new year resolutions because everyone made mistakes in the previous year that they want to avoid in the future or to do something new in the next year. Resolutions assist us in staying focused on our choices.

When this year began, I resolved to focus on areas where I am weak or lack confidence. This covered my weak subject areas, my extreme engagement in watching web series, my inability to manage time for other activities etc. I made a timetable which I reviewed and modified every week, such that I accommodated all my activities and devoted adequate time to them. At the end of the year, I could feel positive results and felt proud of myself for sticking to my new year resolutions.

The New year reminds us that time is not permanent. It moves silently and stops for no one. A single goal or a list of goals one wants to accomplish or get rid of might form a new year's resolution. They give us a new chance to achieve something in our life, whether it is related to our personal life, professional life or academic life. For a resolution to work in our lives, we must be a person with strong determination.

Importance of Resolutions | New year resolutions are important for various reasons, some of them being:-

All activities that waste time and result in nothing are eliminated and replaced with new ones that never waste time and result in positive changes.

Someone who does not make any resolutions for the new year is similar to someone walking somewhere without knowing the way.

No matter how big or little a resolution is, it is important to consider its purpose and the results it will produce when put into practice in our daily lives.

My Resolutions | I have also made resolutions previously, but like everyone else, I break them. But this time, I will keep my resolutions and put more effort into changing myself. I made a list of resolutions that I plan to begin following next year. They consist of sticking to a set schedule for time management, avoiding junk food and putting a priority on healthy food for better health, and, most importantly, completing courses before exams.

A New year is not only about parties and celebrations or spending money lavishly, but it is also an excellent opportunity to start over and make changes in our life. Having a new year's resolution is a thing to be proud of and to share with others. It is what we promised to do at the end of the year. Making a new year's resolution is crucial because I need a goal or purpose to live.

Different People, Different Resolutions

Before moving forward, it is important to keep in mind that the changes must be fair and respectable. A resolution for the coming year is an idea that better defines and represents you. A new year's resolution is different for every person. Some may believe that resolutions work, while others may feel that they do nothing. A mature man will have the resolution to avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. For students, it may include exercising daily, going to bed early, eating healthy food etc. Having a new year resolution sounds as easy as ABC but applying it throughout the year is a big task as the world is full of distractions.

Also Read - Essay on New Year for Students

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my new year resolutions 2022 essay

The new year means new beginnings — and new resolutions. Whether your students hope to become stronger readers or aim to be more compassionate toward one another, the new year is the perfect time to help them reflect upon what they need to do to achieve their goals.

These 31 new year writing prompts will inspire your students to reflect on the past year, set realistic goals and resolutions, and look ahead to a bright future to make 2024 even more successful!

1. What are your resolutions for this new year?

2. Why is it important to make new year’s resolutions?

3. What was the best thing that happened to you this past year?

4. What are you most looking forward to this new year?

5. This year will be a year of…

6. In what ways were your kind to your friends, family, and teachers this past year?

7. What can you do this new year to be a good friend?

8. What can you do this new year to show gratitude for your friends, family, and teachers?

9. This new year, I’m grateful for…

10. This new year, I can’t wait to…

11. What new adventures would you like to go on this year?

12. Can you describe your most memorable new year?

13. Why is the new year important to you?

14. Have you made a new year’s resolution before? What was it?

15. Does your family have any new year’s traditions? What are they?

16.  What can you do to make this new year even more special than last?

17.  Before this year ends, I will…

18.  The best book I read last year was ________ because…

19.  The book I’m most looking forward to reading this year is ________ because…

20.  This new year, I can’t wait to learn about…

21.  This new year, I hope I’m able to…

22.  What will you need to do to achieve your goals and keep your resolutions in the new year?

23.  What can we do as a class this new year to be more kind to one another?

24.  How can your classmates and teachers help you achieve your goals and resolutions?

25.  How can you help your classmates and teachers achieve their goals and resolutions?

26.  In what ways can you practice empathy this year?

27.  Describe a time when you helped a classmate or teacher. How did you feel afterward?

28. What was the most fun part of the year in class for you?

29. What are you most excited to do in class next year?

30. What can you do next year to be helpful at home and at school?

31. What was the most interesting thing you’ve learned this year?

Combining daily writing exercises with extended class or small-group discussion will help your students set realistic, yet meaningful, goals to make the new year even more successful than the last. By encouraging your students to really reflect on the new year and what it means to make and keep resolutions, they’ll be prepared to overcome any challenge they may encounter along the way — and help their friends and classmates do the same!

Shop workbooks that encourage writing skills below. You can find all books and activities — including writing workbooks and other writing resources — at  The Teacher Store .

Want more great content? Click  here  to subscribe to our Teacher Newsletter and get teaching ideas delivered right to your inbox. 

Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: New Year Resolution

Writing a New Year’s resolution essay provides an excellent opportunity for self-reflection, goal-setting, and personal growth. As the calendar turns and a new year begins, many individuals embrace the tradition of making resolutions, which are promises or commitments to improve oneself or achieve specific goals. Crafting an essay about New Year’s resolutions allows us to delve deeper into our aspirations, motivations, and plans for the future. It prompts us to evaluate our past experiences, identify areas for improvement, and outline concrete steps towards personal development.

Table of Contents

New Year Resolution Essay Tips

Reflect on the past year: Begin by reflecting on the experiences, achievements, and challenges you encountered in the previous year. Consider what you learned, what you would like to improve, and what goals you want to set for the upcoming year.

Set specific and realistic goals: Choose resolutions that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). Avoid vague or overly ambitious resolutions that may be difficult to achieve. Instead, focus on specific actions or behaviors that can be realistically implemented in your life.

Prioritize your resolutions: Identify the most important resolutions that align with your values, aspirations, and personal growth. It’s better to focus on a few meaningful goals rather than overwhelming yourself with an extensive list.

Provide context and personal anecdotes: Share personal stories or anecdotes that illustrate why each resolution is important to you. This will add depth and authenticity to your essay, allowing the reader to connect with your experiences and motivations.

Outline your action plan: For each resolution, outline the steps or strategies you plan to take to achieve it. Break down your goals into manageable tasks and establish a timeline or milestones to track your progress. This demonstrates your commitment and shows that you have thoughtfully considered the path to achieving your resolutions.

Discuss potential challenges and solutions: Acknowledge potential obstacles or challenges you may face while pursuing your resolutions. Address how you plan to overcome them and develop strategies to stay motivated and resilient in the face of setbacks.

Emphasize personal growth and self-reflection: Discuss how your resolutions contribute to your personal growth, well-being, and overall happiness. Reflect on the positive changes you anticipate in your life as a result of achieving these goals.

Be honest and authentic: Your essay should reflect your genuine aspirations and beliefs. Avoid writing what you think others want to hear and instead express your true intentions and values.

Edit and revise: Once you have written your essay, review it for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Edit out any unnecessary details or repetition, ensuring that your ideas flow logically.

Conclusion: Conclude your essay by summarizing your resolutions and reaffirming your commitment to achieving them. End on a positive note, expressing optimism and excitement for the new year.

New Year Resolution Essay Example #1

As the calendar turns and a new year dawns upon us, it is a time of reflection, renewal, and the opportunity for personal growth. New Year’s resolutions have long been a tradition, allowing individuals to set intentions and goals for the coming year. For me, this tradition is not just a fleeting promise but a chance to embark on a journey of self-improvement.

One of my resolutions for the upcoming year is to prioritize my physical and mental well-being. In the fast-paced world we live in, it is easy to neglect self-care amidst the demands of daily life. By making a conscious effort to exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and practice mindfulness, I aim to cultivate a healthier lifestyle. Taking care of my physical and mental health will not only enhance my overall well-being but also provide me with the energy and resilience necessary to tackle life’s challenges.

Another resolution I have is to expand my knowledge and broaden my horizons. Learning should be a lifelong endeavor, and I believe that continuous education is key to personal growth. Whether it’s through reading books, attending seminars, or taking up new hobbies, I aspire to constantly seek knowledge, explore diverse perspectives, and embrace new opportunities for intellectual development. By doing so, I hope to nurture my curiosity, deepen my understanding of the world, and become a more well-rounded individual.

Additionally, I resolve to foster stronger connections with loved ones and build meaningful relationships. In today’s digital age, it is easy to get caught up in a virtual world, often overlooking the importance of genuine human connection. I want to invest time and effort in nurturing my relationships, engaging in meaningful conversations, and creating lasting memories with family and friends. By being present and actively listening, I hope to strengthen the bonds that enrich my life and bring joy to those around me.

In conclusion, the start of a new year holds immense potential for growth and positive change. Through my resolutions to prioritize my well-being, expand my knowledge, and foster stronger connections, I am committed to embracing personal development and striving for a more fulfilling life. While resolutions may not always be easy to achieve, I am determined to approach them with dedication, perseverance, and a mindset open to learning from both successes and setbacks. As I embark on this journey of self-improvement, I am excited about the possibilities that the new year holds and the person I can become through embracing growth and positive change.

New Year Resolution Essay Example #2

As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, a sense of possibility fills the air. It’s a time when we bid farewell to the old and eagerly embrace the new, armed with resolutions that promise personal growth and positive change. This year, I am determined to embark on a transformative journey through my New Year’s resolutions.

First and foremost, I resolve to cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity. In a world often defined by negativity and challenges, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings that surround us. Each day, I will strive to find something to be grateful for, whether it’s a simple pleasure or a significant achievement. By shifting my perspective to one of gratitude, I hope to nurture a positive outlook that permeates every aspect of my life.

Additionally, I am committed to prioritizing self-care and well-being. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to neglect our own needs. However, I believe that taking care of ourselves is not a luxury but a necessity. I will make a conscious effort to engage in activities that nourish my body, mind, and soul. This may include regular exercise, meditation, pursuing hobbies, or simply allowing myself time to rest and rejuvenate. By prioritizing self-care, I aim to create a solid foundation for overall well-being and resilience.

Furthermore, I aspire to embrace personal growth by stepping out of my comfort zone. Growth often occurs when we challenge ourselves and push beyond familiar boundaries. I will seek opportunities to learn and develop new skills, whether it’s taking on a new project at work, enrolling in a course, or engaging in meaningful conversations with people who possess different perspectives. By embracing discomfort and embracing the unknown, I believe I can unlock my full potential and continue evolving as an individual.

Lastly, I resolve to make a positive impact in the world around me. Small acts of kindness can create ripples of change that extend far beyond our immediate sphere. I will strive to contribute to my community through volunteering, supporting causes I care about, and spreading kindness wherever I go. By recognizing the power of my actions, no matter how small, I can be part of a collective effort to create a more compassionate and harmonious world.

In conclusion, New Year’s resolutions offer a pathway to personal transformation. Through cultivating gratitude, prioritizing self-care, embracing growth, and making a positive impact, I am committed to embarking on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. While the road may be challenging at times, I am determined to stay focused, resilient, and open to the opportunities that lie ahead. As the New Year unfolds, I am excited to see the person I can become and the positive changes I can bring to my own life and the world around me.

New Year Resolution Essay Example #3

As the New Year unfolds, I find myself reflecting on the past and envisioning a future filled with growth and self-improvement. This year, I am determined to prioritize balance and mindfulness in every aspect of my life through my New Year’s resolutions.

First and foremost, I resolve to achieve a healthier work-life balance. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to become consumed by professional responsibilities, leaving little time for personal pursuits and relationships. I will set clear boundaries, carve out dedicated time for self-care, and strive to be fully present in my personal life. By nurturing a harmonious balance between work and leisure, I aim to enhance my overall well-being and cultivate stronger connections with loved ones.

Moreover, I am committed to practicing mindfulness in my daily life. Mindfulness is the art of being fully present and aware of the present moment, without judgment. I will incorporate mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindful eating into my routine. By cultivating a heightened sense of awareness and living in the present, I hope to reduce stress, increase focus, and find greater joy in the simple pleasures of life.

In addition, I resolve to prioritize self-reflection and personal growth. Regular self-reflection allows us to gain insights into our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, enabling us to make intentional choices. I will dedicate time for introspection, journaling, and setting personal goals. By embracing self-reflection, I can identify areas for improvement, celebrate achievements, and chart a course for personal growth and development.

Furthermore, I aspire to embrace sustainability and contribute to a healthier planet. I will adopt eco-friendly practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting sustainable initiatives. By making conscious choices that minimize my ecological footprint, I can contribute to the preservation of our environment and inspire others to do the same.

Lastly, I resolve to foster a spirit of gratitude and kindness. Each day, I will make an effort to express gratitude for the blessings in my life and extend acts of kindness to others. Whether it’s through a simple smile, a heartfelt thank-you, or a charitable act, I believe that small gestures can have a profound impact on both the giver and the recipient.

In conclusion, my New Year’s resolutions revolve around embracing balance and mindfulness in all aspects of my life. By prioritizing work-life balance, practicing mindfulness, engaging in self-reflection, embracing sustainability, and fostering gratitude and kindness, I am committed to nurturing my well-being, personal growth, and contributing to a better world. As the New Year begins, I am excited to embark on this transformative journey, knowing that each step I take brings me closer to the balanced, mindful, and fulfilled life I aspire to lead.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

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10 Great Tips to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Psychological Strategies That Can Help You Stick to Your Goals

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

my new year resolutions 2022 essay

Emily is a board-certified science editor who has worked with top digital publishing brands like Voices for Biodiversity, Study.com, GoodTherapy, Vox, and Verywell.

my new year resolutions 2022 essay

Verywell / Joshua Seong

The start of a new year is the perfect time to turn a new page, which is probably why so many people make New Year's resolutions. The new year often feels like a fresh start and a great opportunity to change bad habits and establish new routines that will help you grow psychologically, emotionally, socially, physically, or intellectually.

Of course, resolutions are much easier to make than to keep, and by the end of March, many of us have abandoned our resolve and settled back into our old patterns. Part of the problem may be that we do not know how to keep New Year's resolutions, despite our good intentions.

Why We Make Resolutions

Why do millions of people resolve to change at the beginning of every year? A series of studies into what researchers have dubbed the "fresh start effect" has looked at how temporal landmarks can motivate aspirational behaviors.

The new year feels like a new beginning, which is why so many people often set lofty resolutions during these times. While this practice can sometimes lead people to bite off more than they can chew, going after resolutions can also present great opportunities to overcome struggles with willpower , determination, and ingenuity.

Perceptions of the success of these resolutions vary. In one study, only around 12% of people who make New Year's resolutions felt that they were successful in achieving their goals. Some of the most common resolutions include:

  • Losing weight
  • Sticking to a healthier diet
  • Exercising regularly
  • Making better financial choices
  • Quitting smoking
  • Spending more time with family

While many people feel that they don't achieve their resolution goals , one study showed that those who set New Year's resolutions are 10 times more likely to actually change their behavior than people who don't make these yearly goals.

So how long do resolutions last? While most surveys suggest that the majority of people don't stick with their New Year's resolutions for long, one 2020 study found that 55% of participants considered themselves successful at sustaining resolutions after a year.

In that study, researchers found that people were more successful at keeping approach-oriented goals (such as changing eating or sleeping habits) rather than avoidance-oriented ones (which are motivated by a desire to avoid something). 

Even if resolutions don't always stick, that doesn't mean that resolutions aren't worth making. One survey conducted by YouGov found that people who planned to make New Year's resolutions were more optimistic about the future.

So, what can you do to make it more likely that you will keep your next resolution? The following tips may help you beat the odds.

Choose a Specific Goal

Every year, millions of adults resolve to "lose weight," "be more productive," or "get in shape" during the next year. Instead of selecting such an ambiguous goal, focus on something more concrete that you can realistically set your sights on. In other words, choose a very specific, achievable goal.

For example, you might commit to losing 10 pounds, making daily to-do lists, or running a half-marathon. Be sure to make your goal realistic rather than drastic. Choosing a concrete, achievable goal also gives you the opportunity to plan exactly how you are going to accomplish (and stick to) your goal over the course of the year.

Limit Your Resolutions

While you might have a long list of potential New Year's resolutions, Richard Wiseman, a professor of psychology at Hertfordshire University, suggests that you pick just one and focus your energies on it rather than spreading yourself too thin among a number of different objectives.  

Focus on One Goal at a Time

Achieving even one small goal can boost your belief in yourself. For larger goals, consider breaking them apart into manageable chunks to work on one at a time. The American Psychological Association (APA) also suggests focusing on just one behavior at a time is more likely to lead to long-term success.

Taking on too much all at once can be daunting. It can be particularly difficult because establishing new behavioral patterns takes time and sustained effort. Focusing on one specific goal makes keeping a resolution much more achievable. 

Put Time Into Planning

Don't wait until the last minute to choose your goal. Picking wisely and putting in extensive planning are essential parts of achieving any goal. Experts suggest that you brainstorm how you will tackle a major behavior change, including the steps you will take, why you want to do it, and ways you can keep yourself on track.

Make a Detailed Plan

Creating a detailed written plan can help you stick to your goal. Why is this stage so critical for success? For one thing, it allows you to consider what tactics you will use when you're faced with challenges. When things get difficult, what strategies will you use to stay on the path toward making your resolution a reality?

If you start working toward a goal without any type of plan in place, you may quickly find yourself giving up when faced with any sort of obstacle, setback, or resistance. For example, if your goal is to run three times per week, what will you do if you've missed four days in a row, and how will you proceed if you need to take time off for an illness or injury?

You can start by writing down your goal, making a list of things you might do to achieve that goal, and noting any obstacles that might stand in your way. By knowing exactly what you want to accomplish and the difficulties you might face, you'll be better prepared to stick to your resolution and overcome anything that might sidetrack you.

Start With Small Steps

Taking on too much too quickly is a common reason why so many New Year's resolutions fail. Starting an unsustainably restrictive diet, overdoing it at the gym, or radically altering your normal behavior are surefire ways to derail your plans. Instead, focus on taking tiny steps that will ultimately help you reach your larger goal.

Small Steps Lead to Success

  • If you have resolved to run a marathon, start out by going for a jog two or three times a week. Slowly, work up to longer runs and exercising more days per week.
  • If you are trying to eat healthier, start by replacing a few less healthy foods with more nutritious options. Then, tackle another element of your diet, such as adding in a greater variety of vegetables, reducing portion size, and/or cutting back on fried food or eating out.

While it may seem like a slow start, these small incremental changes make it easier to stick to your new healthy habits and increase the likelihood of long-term success.  

Avoid Repeating Past Failures

Another strategy for keeping your New Year's resolution is to not make the exact same resolution year after year. "If people think they can do it, they probably can, but if they've already tried and failed, their self-belief will be low," Wiseman explained in an interview with The Guardian .

If you do choose to reach for the same goals you've tried for in the past, spend some time evaluating your previous results. Which strategies were the most effective? Which were the least effective? What has prevented you from keeping your resolution in past years?

Consider altering your resolution slightly to make it more feasible. By changing your approach, you will be more likely to see real results this year.

Remember That Change Is a Process

Those unhealthy or undesired habits that you are trying to change probably took years to develop, so how can you expect to change them in just a matter of days, weeks, or months? Be patient with yourself. Understand that working toward your resolution is a process. Even if you make a misstep or two, you can restart and continue on your journey towards your goal.

It may take longer than you would like to achieve your goals, but remember that this is not a race to the finish. Once you have made the commitment to changing a behavior, it may be something that you continue to work on for the rest of your life.

Get Support

Yes, you've probably heard this advice a million times, but that is because the buddy system actually works. Having a solid support system can help you stay motivated and accountable.   Camaraderie makes sticking to your resolution more fun, too. So, ideally, find a like-minded pal or loved one to join you in your goal.

Explain what your goals are to your close friends or family and ask them to help you achieve your objectives. Better yet, enlist the help of others by joining a group that shares your goal.

Renew Your Motivation

During the first days of a New Year's resolution, you will probably feel confident and highly motivated to reach your goal. Because you haven't really faced any discomfort or temptation associated with changing your behavior, making this change might seem all too easy.

After dealing with the reality of dragging yourself to the gym at 6 a.m. or gritting your teeth through headaches brought on by nicotine withdrawal , your motivation to keep your New Year's resolution may start to dwindle.

When you face such moments, remind yourself exactly why you are doing this. Think about (or write a list to keep handy) what do you have to gain by achieving your goal. Finding sources of inspiration can keep you going when times get tough.

Keep Working on Your Goals

By March, many people have lost that initial spark of motivation that they had in January. Keep that inspiration alive by continuing to work on your goals, even after facing setbacks. If your current approach is not working, reevaluate your strategies, and develop a new plan. Being flexible with your plan—and even your end goal—will help you be successful.

Keep a Resolution Journal

Consider keeping a resolution journal , where you can write about your successes and struggles. Write down the reasons why you are working toward your goal so that you can refer to them during times when you feel uninspired and unmotivated. Think about what is causing you to falter (such as stress from work or home life) and how to cope effectively .

By sticking with it and working on your goal all year long, you can be one of the few able to say that you really did keep your New Year's resolution—and if you're writing down your progress and strategies, you'll have ready proof of your efforts if you're ever feeling like giving up.

Learn and Adapt

Encountering a setback is one of the most common reasons why people give up on their New Year's resolutions. If you suddenly relapse into a bad habit , don't view it as a failure. The path toward your goal is not always a straight one, and there will often be challenges along the way.   Instead, view relapses as learning opportunities.

If you are keeping a resolution journal, write down important information about when the relapse occurred, what might have triggered it, and what you might do differently next time. By understanding the challenges you face, you will be better prepared to deal with them in the future.

Press Play for Advice On Making Resolutions

This episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares how you can make and keep your New Year's resolutions.

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A Word From Verywell

The yearly ritual of resolution setting doesn't have to be an annual disappointment. Sometimes, the difference between success and failure is simply choosing the right goal and the process you use to go about achieving it. Most importantly, remember to be kind and flexible with yourself and to celebrate any and all progress along the way. It's not just the end goal that matters—it's the journey along the way.

Oscarsson M, Carlbring P, Andersson G, Rozental A. A large-scale experiment on New Year’s resolutions: Approach-oriented goals are more successful than avoidance-oriented goals . Brown JC, ed. PLoS ONE . 2020;15(12):e0234097. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0234097

Dai H, Milkman KL, Riis J. The fresh start effect: Temporal landmarks motivate aspirational behavior . Manag Sci . 2014;60(10):2381-2617. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2014.1901

Wiseman R. New Year's Resolution Project . Quirkology.

Norcross JC, Mrykalo MS, Blagys MD. Auld Lang Syne: Success predictors, change processes, and self-reported outcomes of new year's resolvers and nonresolvers . J Clin Psychol . 2002;58(4);397-405. doi:10.1002/jclp.1151

Oscarsson M, Carlbring P, Andersson G, Rozental A. A large-scale experiment on New Year's resolutions: Approach-oriented goals are more successful than avoidance-oriented goals .  PLoS One . 2020;15(12):e0234097. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0234097

YouGov America. Americans who plan to make New Year's resolutions are more optimistic about better things in 2022 .

Hochli B, Brugger A, Messner C. Making New Year's resolutions that stick: Exploring how superordinate and subordinate goals motivate goal pursuit . Appl Psychol Health Well-Being. 2020;12(1):30-52. doi:10.1111/aphw.12172

American Psychological Association. Making your New Year’s resolution stick .

Lally P, van Jaarsveld CHM, Potts HWW, Wardle J. How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world . Eur J Soc Psychol . 2010;40(6):998-1009. doi:10.1002/ejsp.674

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Resolutions Are Not the Vibe for 2022

If we can’t let go of frantic self-improvement nearly two years into a pandemic, when can we?

A pile of sticky notes with resolutions on them, including "Take walks" and "Join a club," with a purple note on top that says "Stop"

Congratulations: You’ve made it to 2022. Perhaps you’ve already listed 300 New Year’s resolutions, covering the hyper-doable (wash your sheets once a week), the niche (perfect your treble jig so your hot Irish step-dance coach will love you), and the ambitious (this is the year you write your novel). Perhaps you’ve also felt a deep shame for failing resolutions past. Time’s run out, and now I have to begin again , you might say to yourself. Here comes another year of saying I’ll do things that, in all likelihood, I won’t.

This year, the cycle feels intolerable to me. My experience of the pandemic has been one of great luck and privilege—but like many people, I’m worn out anyway. My 2021 resolutions went unattended while I worked from the couch, donning sweatpants and blue-light glasses, and wondering why, two years into this, I still don’t feel normal. How 2022 will unfold is so uncertain that choosing new goals feels like setting forth in a snowstorm, squinting into a great blurry expanse. So I’ve resolved to not make any resolutions this year. And I don’t think you should either.

Believe me, I’ve tried every trick in the book. Psychologists, businesspeople, and motivational coaches offer endless, sometimes conflicting, advice: Set bite-size goals that you can realistically accomplish; set difficult goals that stimulate you with a challenge; make your goals easy to measure ; seek meaningful well-being rather than shallow self-improvement; avoid temptation ; visualize success ; congratulate yourself for progress; don’t give up if you’re lagging.

Yet according to research, New Year’s resolutions just aren’t likely to work. Lisa Ordóñez, the dean of UC San Diego’s management school, told me that most goals get abandoned about a month into the year. (For the past few years, the fitness-app company Strava has shared the day in January its users were most likely to give up on their exercise targets—what it cruelly deems “Quitter’s Day.”) In a 2018 YouGov poll , only 6 percent of people who made a resolution were able to fully meet it.

You might figure that declaring resolutions doesn’t hurt, even if you don’t complete them. But that’s not necessarily true. The very act of goal setting can undermine results if it feels like homework: One study that directed people to practice flossing, yoga, or origami making found that focusing on the desired result actually predicted lower achievement. If goals are too narrow or too challenging or too many are attempted at once, they can obscure the bigger picture or lead people to focus disproportionately on short-term gains. Getting goals just right is hard.

Thus Ordóñez’s paper “ Goals Gone Wild ” advises businesses to think of goal setting as “a prescription-strength medication that requires careful dosing, consideration of harmful side effects, and close supervision.” And she told me that she thinks similar principles can apply to New Year’s resolutions: Spending too much energy on them can distract you from other tasks, and from your relationships; feeling like you’re failing to meet them can lead you to give them up entirely.

Of course, some people—unlike me—actually fulfill their resolutions. But they’re not always happier. (Ha ha!) Psychologists call this “ hedonic adaptation ”: You may feel buzzed about your achievement, but not for long. Pretty soon you’ll be thinking about another insufficiency to target. You may keep striving without ever really pausing to feel proud of your success—or to reassess whether you were chasing the right ends to begin with.

Read: Do Olympic-level achievements make people happy?

See, the problem isn’t just with how we define or pursue our goals; it’s with the very idea of prioritizing tangible outcomes. Assessing our personal progress in terms of resolutions leads us to aspire to things that we can cross off a list, and that shapes our behavior in turn. “We often measure things that are easy to measure,” Ordóñez told me. “Not what we really want to do.”

Instead, perhaps this year we can reflect on why those outcomes matter to us in the first place. Jill Stoddard, the director of a therapy practice in San Diego, illustrated how to do so with an example from her own life. She had wanted to lose weight for years, constantly setting and breaking new fitness goals. But when she questioned why she agonized over a number on a scale, she realized that she really cared that her children didn’t see her as a sedentary person. She’s since reached a place where she feels healthier, more active, and proud of the mother her kids look up to. Stoddard didn’t start and finish any one tidy goal, but she’s guided by a considered understanding of what she loves and prioritizes.

I don’t know what 2022 will look like. But I’ve started putting together a list of small good things from the year that ended: I got to visit home and bake tomato bread pudding with my family; my roommates and I decorated our new apartment, each adding a piece of ourselves to the whole; I grew even closer to my best friends, shivering through long conversations in triple-layered socks when we still couldn’t meet inside; the weather got warmer; I got vaccinated; I read some beautiful poetry . These aren’t accomplishments—they’re more like gratitudes, or bright points, or road signs for my future self to follow. They remind me that my life can be beautifully inconsequential, and the things that make me most human are not particularly unique or impressive.

When I die, there will be no ledger recording how frequently I exercised or wrote in my journal or got promoted. There will be people who loved me. I hope to have been a dedicated daughter and sister, a patient co-worker, a kind stranger; I hope I helped tell stories that maybe changed a few people’s minds. In 2022, I’ll continue to follow these lodestars, without knowing my destination. Nearly two years into a pandemic, maybe that’s all right.

My Dreams and Expectations in New Year | Free Essay Examples

In this article, you will read about the dreams and expectations of people of various age groups in the new year. You can add what you expect from the coming new year after the stressful 2021 and what is your new year 2022 resolution.

My New Year Resolution Essay -1

Hello readers, I am a blogger and a housewife. It has been just a year since I started my blogging journey, it all started during lockdown 2020. I feel last year was fortunate for me as I got time and guts to follow my passion. In the year 2022, I am planning to enrol myself on a content writing course to polish my writing skills. I want to go deeper into the field of blogging. It will have a dual effect on my life- it would enable me to earn my first income and expand my knowledge horizon too. Besides my professional life, I have some expectations for my family life which can’t take a back seat. I dream that my children would excel in their respective fields of study. I expect my husband, a businessman, to eat on time, take care of his health, and keep his weight under control. If God is kind enough to shower more earnings on us, we would plan a family trip with that money. I would conclude this essay before I sound boring to you. In the end, I would pray to God to save all the earthlings from evils and diseases. Any of us do not want to face any epidemic or pandemic for the coming years of our life.

My New Year Resolution Essay- 2

Last year my cousin told me about the new year resolution. It fascinated me so much that I had decided in my mind that I would also make a resolution on the 1st of January 2022. So, here comes my new year resolution in front of you. Resolution is a promise that we make to ourselves to change, improve, or quit any bad habit or learn something new within a preset time frame.

My New Year 2022 resolution is about improving the English language. In my previous class, I got only 50% marks in English. This year I will try my best to take it to at least 75%. I am not saying 95% or 100% because that will make it unachievable. My cousin told me that one should always make practical resolutions.

To fulfil my resolution I searched for certain websites and YouTube channels that teach the English language for class 10th. I found Homework Help by RG to be the best suitable channel for me and I subscribed to it. I did so because here the teacher is teaching English in the Hindi language which I can understand easily. Moreover, she explains even the minute details of common errors that students make in English writing.

My second resolution is to make myself healthy. Last year my annual health checkup report showed that I was low in haemoglobin (HB). It made my parents angry with me. The doctor warned me that skipping fruits and vegetables from our daily diet can have disastrous consequences.

I have got a customised diet plan from the doctor in which he has advised me to eat 2 servings of fruits every day which I would try to follow. For the first one month, I would start with one serving. Gradually when I get into the habit of eating fruits, I would shift to two servings in a day.

I am hopeful of fulfilling my resolutions positively. I feel like everyone should resolve them. A new year is a perfect time to resolve. I wind up here and aspire to achieve my resolution in the year 2022.

Happy New Year 2022!! What are your expectations from 2022? Do let us know of your new year 2022 resolution by commenting below.

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What do you want to accomplish in 2023? This New Year's resolution guide can help

Connie Hanzhang Jin

Malaka Gharib headshot

Malaka Gharib

Becky Harlan headshot

Becky Harlan

Life Kit's Resolution Planner: 40 ideas and tips to start your New Year

What do you want to accomplish this year? Scroll through Life Kit's expert guides for practical and inspiring ways to grow in 2023.

Ah, the new year. It's a time to sketch out your goals and think about the roadmap to get there.

Life Kit has curated a list of some of our best episodes to help set you up for success in 2023. They include practical guidance (like how to pick a birth control or ask for a raise ), forward-thinking advice (like how to save for retirement or freeze your eggs ) and tips on how to live more mindfully (like how to reduce food waste or set boundaries ).

It might feel hard to start a new habit, but as BJ Fogg, a behavior scientist at Stanford and author of Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything , told Life Kit in a 2020 interview , "it's easier to create habits and change than most people think, and it's faster than most people think. It can even be fun if you do it in the right way."

The key is to understand how behavior change happens. You've got to have the motivation, the ability to do the behavior and a prompt, says Fogg. "And the prompt is anything that reminds you to do this behavior now. And when those three things come together at the same moment, a behavior happens."

So go on, pick a resolution that's achievable — but also bold and aspirational. We've got 40+ ideas for you to choose from. Here's to a stronger, more confident you in 2023.

  • How to change careers
  • How to return to college
  • How to find a mentor
  • How to ask for a raise
  • How to futureproof your body
  • How to start an exercise habit
  • How to get into strength training
  • How to drink less alcohol
  • How to pick a birth control
  • How to create a better bedtime routine
  • How to approach weight loss differently
  • How to clear your clutter
  • How to split household chores
  • How to reduce food waste
  • How to keep your house clean
  • How to stay on top of 'life admin'
  • How to train your dog

Mental health

  • How to be less indecisive
  • How to deal with uncertainty
  • How to draw boundaries
  • How to start therapy
  • Find your purpose


  • How to navigate the coming out convo
  • How to travel with friends
  • How to make new friends
  • How to show your friends you love them
  • How to break up
  • How to create a relationship contract
  • How to be OK with being single
  • How to fall in love
  • How to learn your heritage language
  • How to pack for a trip
  • How to start a creative habit

Personal finance

  • How to write a will
  • How to plan a budget
  • How to budget for a baby
  • How to save for retirement
  • How to decide if you want a baby
  • How to freeze your eggs
  • How to get your kid to listen better
  • How to win back time as a working parent

Goal setting

  • How to avoid cognitive bias
  • How to examine your regrets
  • How to stop procrastinating
  • How to make a better to-do list

The episodes were created by Life Kit. Design, development and illustrations by Connie Hanzhang Jin. Production, editing and art direction by Malaka Gharib and Beck Harlan with additional support by Julia Carney. Special thanks to Life Kit supervising editor Meghan Keane, growth editor Arielle Retting, senior digital analyst Brittany Cheng and engagement editor Dylan Scott.

We'd love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823 , or email us at [email protected] .

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16 minute read

Top 10 Most Common New Year's Resolutions (and How to Follow Through on Them)

Brad Zomick

Brad Zomick

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Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, hoping to spark positive change. The recurring themes each year include a more active approach to health and fitness, improved finances, and learning new things for personal and professional development.

Making resolutions, or goal setting , is like having your own personal cheerleader, rooting for you to succeed! When you set goals, you're making a promise to yourself and your dreams. It's all about being accountable and taking ownership of your actions. With goals in place, you create a structure that keeps you on track and motivated .

Deadlines and milestones become your trusty sidekicks, reminding you to stay focused and disciplined. By sticking to your plan and putting in the effort day in and day out, you develop habits that pave the way for your growth and success, whether it's in your career or personal life.

Chances are, more than a couple of the top 10 most common resolutions will look familiar to you:

  • Exercise more
  • Lose weight
  • Get organized
  • Learn a new skill or hobby 
  • Live life to the fullest
  • Save more money / spend less money
  • Quit smoking
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Travel more

Making your New Year's resolutions happen

Despite the best of intentions, once the glow of a fresh new year wears off, many people struggle to make good on their plans. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 46% of people who made New Year’s resolutions were successful . That means over half of the people who set a goal for the new year will fail!

The study also involved non-resolvers, people who did not make a New Year’s resolution but had a goal they wanted to achieve that year. Only 4% of non-resolvers were successful at achieving their goals , a far bleaker result than those who did make a New Year’s resolution.

Naturally, we don’t want to be in the camp of folks who fail to achieve their aspirations and dreams for 2024, so we’ve put together an exhaustive plan for following through on your resolution.

If you want to realize your New Year’s resolution this year, follow these 10 steps:

1. Mentally prepare for change

Changing ingrained habits is no easy task, so before diving head-first into your New Year goals, it is important to take a step back and get ready for that impending change.

The first breakthrough in change is taking a personal inventory. Being that it’s the end of one year and the beginning of the next, it’s perfect timing to take stock of the past year’s accomplishments. Think about the following:

  • What did I set out to do in the past year?
  • Where did I make progress?
  • Where didn’t I see progress?

Naturally, your resolution may focus on areas that lack progress, but don’t forget to savor the progress made and find some small way to celebrate. Those happy feelings are useful! If possible, try to associate them with an object or word related to your accomplishment.

You will want to keep upbeat with your new resolution, so you can use that positive association with last year’s accomplishments to remind you of those good feelings when you are feeling challenged.

As you start thinking about the changes you want to implement, make sure to do the following:

  • Stay positive
  • Try not to make big/quick changes
  • Change should be gradual
  • Build on smaller changes
  • Allow a little room for error

2. Set a goal that motivates you

You would be surprised how often people set goals that are not for themselves. These goals could be dictated to or coerced by a manager, spouse, or parental / peer pressure.

While it’s nice to have some external support, if you don’t share the same passion, the resolution has a small chance of succeeding and could even be dead on arrival.

To do this, you need to make sure the goal you set is important to you and only you and that there is value or benefit for you in achieving the goal. It is these two things that will provide the reason and willingness to take action. This is also known as motivation!

Thus, it’s a safe bet if your resolutions align with the following:

  • Your priorities
  • Your dreams
  • Your aspirations

Not only should you align around your innermost desires, but you should also make sure the resolutions align with your top priorities . This will lead to a “must do” attitude.

If your goals are career-centric, like improving your Excel skills , creating your own professional development plan is a great way to stay motivated on the path toward your goal.

my new year resolutions 2022 essay

3. Limit resolutions to a manageable amount

A common mistake in resolution-setting is having too many and spreading yourself too thin. We all want to learn 25 different languages, 15 new job skills , and eliminate 5 bad habits, but we are not superheroes. We only have so much attention span we can dedicate to self-improvement, so having too many resolutions is a great way not to achieve the many goals you have set out for yourself.

Thus, you should make a short list of resolutions that you can manage in the upcoming year. Knowing that short list of priorities is the hard part. The key here is understanding how to prioritize.

Here is an exercise that you can undertake to help you figure out what is most important in your life. All you need is a post-it pad, a pen, and a wall.

  • Write anything you want to accomplish for self-improvement purposes on a post-it
  • Each post-it only gets one discreet tactic
  • Place each post-it on the wall
  • Go crazy - use as many post-its as possible
  • Group together similar post-its
  • Place the topics you feel strongly about at the top of the wall
  • Put the topics you feel “meh” about on the bottom
  • Spend a lot of time thinking about the order of the first 3-5 post-it (groups)

As you might suspect, #8 is the most time-consuming because it will determine what resolutions you are going to take on this year.

The final piece of the puzzle here is knowing your limitations and personal bandwidth. With that in mind, you should focus on your top priorities while balancing how much attention you can honestly devote to a resolution.

Final thought: It’s better to tackle one resolution well than multiple resolutions poorly.

Woman using post-it notes

4. Be specific

When it comes to setting resolutions, it’s easy to set bad goals that could lead to poor follow-through. Fortunately, the SMART goal-setting framework can help you craft better goals.

SMART goals are:

  • S pecific - Articulate the resolution as clearly as possible. For example, quitting smoking is better than being healthy . While “ being healthy ” is great, the wording can be interpreted in many ways.  
  • M easurable - Quantify your resolution if possible, i.e.,  I will lose 10% of my body weight .
  • A ttainable - Choose a goal within the realm of possibility yet challenging. Making 100 friends this year would be amazing but probably pretty hard to do. On the other, making 10 new friends is doable.
  • R elevant - Keep it relevant to your priorities and goals. See the motivation section above!
  • T ime-sensitive - Give yourself a time frame in which to achieve a goal. A deadline will instill some urgency and provide a time when you can celebrate your success.

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5. Break up big goals into smaller goals

A lot of us tend to be over-eager and grandiose when it comes to resolutions. We have the best of intentions and may accidentally take on a goal that is too big to achieve. Thus, it’s helpful to divide a big goal into smaller goals that are more achievable.

Let’s say you are the leader of an alien race, and your resolution for 2024 is capturing the planet Earth. That is a huge goal!! You can’t just tell your intergalactic fleet of spaceships “take over planet Earth,” and expect success.

You have to chunk up this big crazy feat into smaller more management accomplishments:

  • Claim New York City
  • Sack the Tri-state area of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut
  • Dominate Eastern Seaboard
  • Capture the United States of America
  • Occupy North America

Similarly, you can break up your year-long resolution into weekly or monthly goals. And have tasks planned for each month.

  • January: North America
  • March: South America
  • May: Europe
  • September: Africa

By breaking your tactical plan into discrete steps, you now have a pretty good chance of world domination by the end of the year.

Now chunking up a big goal is easier said than done. Here are a few tips to help you make your massive goal more achievable:

  • Create a list of sub-tasks
  • Prioritize and order them
  • Use a visual map to display
  • Assign milestones to each task
  • Decide how much time each task requires
  • Allocate resources accordingly
  • Focus on the next step, not the big goal

Map with pin-points

6. Write down your goals

While it’s great to have goals, it is critical to document them in some way. Here are six reasons to write down your goals:

  • They are easy to forget. While that may seem silly, we are human, and it is human to be easily distracted and forgetful.
  • Writing down your resolutions helps you clarify what it is you want to achieve. It forces you to make decisions and be precise with your words.
  • Writing establishes intention, but action needs to be taken to achieve your resolution. Having a written account of your goals is a constant reminder to take action.
  • Written goals can act as a filter and guiding light for what opportunities to pursue. On any given day, there are a million decisions to make. When in doubt, refer to the goals you have set to dictate the way forward.
  • Documented goals will help you overcome resistance to progress. We set goals to move forward, but there is a natural resistance to change. Your written goals spur you forward when you hit a speed bump or obstacle.
  • Finally, written goals are a reminder of how far you have come and what you have achieved. It’s a nice feeling to look back at the end of next year and know your resolution has come to fruition. It’s a reason to crack open that bottle of champagne and celebrate.

If you need some help to set better goals and chalk out an effective, doable path to achieve them, we've got you covered with this easy and effective course on goal setting .

my new year resolutions 2022 essay

Here are a few ways you can document your resolutions for the new year:

  • Write them in a journal
  • Draft an email to yourself
  • Store in Evernote or some other note-taking tool
  • Print and tape to the wall

7. Share your resolutions with others

It’s great to make a resolution for yourself and maybe even write it down, but if no one else knows about it, it’s easy to forget about or even ignore. And when you don’t achieve it, no one will notice or care.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

On the flip side, your counterparts who decided to tell someone about their goal, feel something different. Now that they’ve gone public with their goal, they feel a sense of obligation and accountability. Essentially, if you don’t follow through, they are going to let everyone down.

Crazy as it sounds, this sense of guilt is often more powerful than self-motivation. The upshot here is that when you do succeed, the people you shared with will celebrate with you!

If you want to take goal sharing to the next level, you could organize a mastermind group . A mastermind group is a collection of highly motivated people who share a common goal and are looking to encourage and help each other improve.

How to do it:

  • Find some kindred spirits with similar goals
  • Meet regularly (weekly or monthly, depending on the level of commitment)
  • Share setbacks and progress
  • Stay motivated!

Now, if you don’t have the time or inclination to do the above, another way to achieve the same result is to make a Facebook post declaring your intentions to all your friends. You can bet people will cheer you on and ask about your progress over the course of the year!

8. Automate where possible

"A stitch in time saves nine."

The good news is you probably have technology in your pocket that can help you follow through on your resolution - automation in the form of reminder apps.

Nowadays, there are a million different apps and services to help you follow through on your resolutions. These free tools can help provide a constant reminder:

  • Google Calendar: Set a recurring meeting tied to your resolution, i.e. scheduling workout sessions at the gym.
  • Google Now: Personal assistant that provides information as you need it.
  • Reminders (on iOS): Set up timed alerts for tasks.
  • Boomerang for Gmail: Schedule reminder emails to yourself (Freemium).

On top of these commonly used apps, there are also “to-do list” and task management apps that have the ability to schedule reminders and milestones. Here are a few popular choices:

  • Microsoft To Do

Note: All of these apps listed above won’t help you do the work, but they do serve as a constant reminder of the work that needs to be done. You can always brush up on some time management hacks that help you accomplish more with the same amount of time – because working smarter always pays off.

my new year resolutions 2022 essay

9. Review your resolution regularly

Let’s face it, if you are not thinking about your resolution regularly, you are not going to follow through. Thus, a crucial part of realizing your goal is a regular review.

At a minimum, this review should be monthly, but the more frequent, the better.

Here’s one way to build goal review into your routine.

  • Schedule a monthly “big picture” review during the first week of each month. This will serve as a planning meeting where you distribute smaller tasks and goals to different weeks throughout the month.
  • Do a weekly check-in to check progress on the monthly goal.
  • Set a daily reminder for smaller resolution tasks.

It may seem a little crazy to think about your resolution every single day, but it is those smaller incremental steps that lead to massive changes over the course of a single year.

10. If you fall off track, get back on quick

Rome was not built in a day.

We’ve established it will take time for your resolution to become a reality, and we know change is difficult. In fact, we’ve already established we should leave some room for mistakes and setbacks.

Keep the following ideas in mind:

  • Skipping an intermediate task is not a complete failure
  • Missing a goal by 10% or even 80% is not a complete failure
  • Finishing a task late is not a complete failure
  • A moment of weakness is meaningless in the grand scheme of things

Setbacks can happen, but so long as they are handled correctly, they will not impact the big goal. The key is to avoid a defeatist attitude at all costs, i.e., “ Well, I screwed up once, why should I even try to do this anymore. ”

And if there is a setback, it’s important to understand what led to that moment and how you can avoid a similar situation in the future, i.e., " If I play video games after work, I will not go to the gym. Don’t play video games after work!"

Once a mistake is made, own it and move on to the next thing. For example, if you skipped a study session, make it up tomorrow, and keep on moving. A few small mistakes shouldn’t spoil your resolution for the year!

Learn new skills this year

We hope these 10 steps help you follow through with your resolutions and make this your best year yet. If you are still looking for inspiration for new year's resolutions, check out our list of 138 new year’s resolution ideas .

If your resolution is to learn a new skill or advance your career, start achieving your goals today with GoSkills! Get unlimited access to over 80 expert-led, career-boosting courses on subjects like Excel, Microsoft Office, project management, coding, Lean Six Sigma, productivity, and design.

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Brad Zomick

Brad Zomick is the VP of Marketing at Pathgather , co-founder of SkilledUp, and an advisor to GoSkills. Brad is a lifelong learner, globetrotter, and merrymaker who regularly writes about learning and careers.

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  • Self-Improvement

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for 2022 (and How to Follow Through)

Making a new year's resolution is quite popular, and very simple. what's not so easy is keeping them. here's how to follow through on 10 common promises..

Christian Eilers

Whether it’s eating better, cutting down credit card debt, or finally learning a new language, New Year’s resolutions abound.

And, like watching the ball drop in Times Square, lighting fireworks, and other New Year’s traditions, making a New Year’s resolution is a quintessential part of the holiday.

Though it’s great to make a resolution for the new year, it doesn’t matter unless you follow through. Studies show that only around 8% of people making New Year’s resolutions actually accomplish what they set out to do.   

So, in this post, we’ll go over 10 of the best New Year’s resolutions for 2022, as well as the most important New Year’s resolution of all—to keep the promises you made to yourself about what changes you’ll make this upcoming year.

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Here are the most popular 2022 New Year resolutions:

1. Lose Weight

Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions for many people. But, almost as common is the failure to stick with the original plan.

As such a daunting task, break this goal down into easily-achievable milestones. Rather than say “lose 20 lbs. by December 31st,” make a more-specific plan, like this:

  • Lose 1 lb. in January.
  • Lose 1 lb. in February.
  • Lose 2 lbs. in March.
  • Lose 2 lbs. in April.

And so on. When you break this goal down, you’ll have more of a chance at sticking with the program as you won’t procrastinate (“Well, January is almost over, but there are still 11 more months left in the year”). 

Also, in the example above, you’ll see that the first months had lower targets than the following months. With this strategy, you’ll give yourself time to ease into your weight-loss routine with less chance of abandonment at the beginning.

Once you start to notice your success in January and February, you’ll be better prepared to step it up a notch for the seasonal shift. 

2. Save More Money

We’d all like to end the year with more money than when we started, and it’s easy to see why saving money, or spending less money, is a popular New Year’s goal. 

To allow yourself a reasonable chance at following through, first acknowledge what the money will be for. You can save for the down payment on your first home, put money away for a gap year abroad, or start a savings account for a master’s degree program, but you need a reason to inspire the urgency needed to stick with it. 

Once you know the purpose of these funds, decide how much you’d like to have saved by the end of the year. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, however; you want to as much money as you can without making the journey miserable for yourself in the process.

3. Get Healthier

Getting healthier is another common New Year’s resolution, but also a common failure. While almost anyone could find a thing or two to change for a healthier life, this one is bound to fall by the wayside by Week 3.

“In the upcoming year, I resolve to become healthier.” As such a vague statement, the problem here is that it’s too broad. There are dozens of ways to improve your health, and many healths to improve (e.g., mental health, physical health, sexual health). 

To succeed, be specific. Narrow your statement down to a particular issue you want to solve, like “I will quit smoking” or “This year, I’ll stop eating foods with added sugars.” And, if those are too specific and not what you had in mind for getting healthier in the new year, add a second health-related New Year’s resolution!

4. Fight Climate Change

Climate change is unfortunately not slowing down.  

Australia just had its hottest day in history , we’re down to around half the trees we had on the planet since human civilization began, and we have only about 10 more years to prevent a global climate catastrophe. To take on this crisis, we need to make the entire decade of the 2020s full of meaningful change.

But, just as with the other New Year’s resolutions, don’t be vague. Promise to do something in particular, such as planting 50 trees, attending 5 climate strikes, or sharing ideas to take climate action. Make them ambitious—the Earth needs massive change if we’re going to allow our future a fighting chance. 

5. Start a Business

Have you had a business idea in the back of your mind for some time now? Make this upcoming year the one where you finally realize your dreams!

Starting your own business is no easy task, as you can imagine. Not only will you have to deal with the struggles of launching and building momentum, but you have to stay focused, maintain positivity, and keep yourself motivated.

For a bit of a helping hand, bookmark our list of the best entrepreneurship quotes to keep discouragement at bay and give you some inspiration!

6. Learn Something New

Ever wanted to become fluent in Arabic, develop skills in Python, or learn how to drive? There’s no better time than the coming year!

No matter which type of skill you’re keen on developing, make sure to track your progress. This means first having a clearly defined destination as to what constitutes success in your chosen topic, as well as being able to take measurements throughout the year to assess your understanding and see how far you’ve come and how much closer you are to your goal.

7. Land a New Job

Perhaps you’ve been flirting with the idea of finally leaving your job for a while now. Well, a New Year’s resolution may be just the impetus needed to get you to finally take that leap.

For this resolution, however, it’s important not to settle. Make the goal not just that you’ll get a new job, but that you’ll land a gig that you love. That could mean getting into your career rather than another “just-a-job,” or it could mean leaving a toxic workplace in favor of one where you’ll be appreciated and enjoy a healthy work-life balance.

An added bonus: exiting a poor working environment is a win for the “get healthier” New Year’s resolution as well!

If this is your first job, we’ve got a great guide on options for you. Ditto if you’re looking to get an internship .

8. Read Books

One of the annual favorites for New Year’s resolutions is to read a certain number of books per year, say 52 books in 52 weeks, for example. As you do so, you’ll not only learn new things and hear exciting stories, but you’ll improve your reading comprehension , as well.

To succeed at this task, I find it helpful to give yourself a variety of books throughout the year. Not just nonfiction and fiction, but several different genres in each. And, while fiction books I like to read all the way through in one period of time, I break up my nonfiction books into chapters, sprinkling a chapter in here and there in between other books and during short commutes to make for a nice one-two punch.

Here are some book ideas to get your 2022 resolutions going:

  • 25+ Best History Books of All Time for a Solid Understanding of Our World
  • 15 Books to Read Before College for High School Students and Graduates
  • 25+ Books for College Students to Read in University (2022 Edition)
  • 10+ Best Business Books to Read for Aspiring Entrepreneurs in 2022

9. Travel More

As a frequent traveler myself, as well as a culture and travel blogger, I find the value from each trip I take to far exceed almost anything else I could do during the same amount of time. From learning about other cultures to making lifelong friends around the world, adding travels to your New Year’s resolutions is a worthwhile—and fun!— goal.

Lately, there’s been increasing attention on the heavy carbon footprint air travel has on the environment. If you’re concerned about this, go another route, such as by public transportation, train, or boat. 

10. Share Your Ideas

Last but not least, one great New Year’s goal for 2022 is to resolve to share your ideas with the world. There are many reasons to share ideas, from helping to find answers to pressing matters to searching for solutions that could increase convenience for others.

When you share your ideas with others, you ensure they don’t die in the shower but rather get the visibility, traction, and support they need to potentially become actionable solutions. 

And, there’s no better place to share your idea, large or small, than on Goodwall. With over 1 million members in 150+ countries, your idea will be given the platform it deserves. Try our new “ virtual elevator pitch ” format for a compelling way to share your message with the community.  If you’re wondering, here’s how to pitch ideas on Goodwall and all the reasons why sharing ideas on Goodwall is a great idea.

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I hope all our members they are alright

I agree, Abdul, and I hope the same for you! Happy New Year to you!

Nice idea And concept… I think it is one of the best in the world… I always support you… Keep going oneday you will on the Top of the world..

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Student Essays

My New Year Resolution 2024 | Best Essays & Speeches for Students

The New year resolution 2024 about myself or yourself is actually the set of commitments that we make with us, as the new year start. Everyone in his capacity being a father, mother, youth, adult, child, friend, family member or primary, high school or college life student keeps his goals for the new year ahead.

New Year Resolution 2024 | Essays & Speeches with Quotes & Images for Children & Students

The list of life resolution is very long. The personal goals may vary like people may like to be happy, love themselves, gain or lose weight, get ore attention, stop pollution. Whereas,  in case of students or youth the personal goals would be like to study hard, more success, stop taking things for granted, stop pollution, love humanity, earn money, success, more positivity or focus on health.

Essays on My New Year Resolution 2020 For Students

1. Essay on My New Year Resolution 2023 For Students

We are humans with good and bad bundled together. Washing away unwanted habits from us and cultivating new and positive habits and disciplines as a part of life is necessary.Setting New Year Resolution is a good move to renew ourselves year after year.

What makes a perfect New Year Resolution? An idea that shapes and reflects you in a better way can be considered a New Year Resolution. As students, we should refine our thoughts, cultivate good habits and enhance our personality every year.

As it is widely believed that New year is a chance for many men to get rid of some old habits and bring positive and productive changes in their day to day lives. People from all walks of life set target and make resolutions in order to lead happy, content, peaceful and prosperous life.

Resolutions are often made to do away with bad and useless activities. All activities that let go time unproductive and yield into nothing are erased and replaced into new activities that never go in vain and bring productive changes. It’s very hard to avoid rampant activities that destroy our lives.

I am a student, to me time is the most precious thing. If I will kill time now, it will kill me tomorrow. My new year resolutions are enlisted below.

1) Earlier to bed and will rise early. 2) Get organized. 3) Learn something new. 4) Exercise regularly 5) Stop procrastinating 6) Try to be more assertive 7) Eat healthy foods 8) Enjoy every moment of life 9) Help others specially needy people 10) Reducing unproductive use of time.

In order to attain my above mentioned resolutions and goals I will bring many changes in my day to day. One of the biggest cause of procrastination is excessive use of social media specially Facebook, Whats App, Twitter etc. Apart from it I will limit the time I spend in front of the television.

Instead of watching television excessively I will try to find a sport that I like and play that game in order to keep myself fit and smart. A good student is known by his behavior and character. I will be respectful to my parents, teachers and elders because respecting and obeying elders is counted in good manners.

Good manners makes our personality. These changes will enhance my personality. My New Year resolutions will not only help me to eliminate my bad habits and adopt good habits but it will also make my future bright and make me successful at every junction of life.

2. Short Paragraph on New Year Resolution for Students

Every student often set resolutions on New Year. Basically a New Year resolution is made when one wants to correct the mistakes they have done the past year or do something in a more organized manner.

Students specially set their objectives regarding their studies and to brighten their future. A good student always learns lessons from the mistakes committed in the present or past year and on the eve of New year pledges to oneself to rectify all mistakes once did in the face of ocean of other activities.

A student often procrastinate studies and uses time carelessly and indulges in the wanton activities which adversely affect their studies. It is very necessary for a student to set the target every year and try every waking moment to get the desired and set target.

Every student must dream to do something productive because dreaming and materializing dreams is akin to success. I am also a student and being a student I have also made resolutions before, but just like anybody else, I too break it up. But this time I am going to stick to my resolutions and make sure that I change myself.

I have noted down a few resolutions that I would like to take this year and stick onto them. The most important of all is to be organized. I never have the habit of organizing my work and therefore end up in incomplete homework and projects.

So this year I plan to be more systematic and organized, so that I finish my work on time and do not keep pending, the works assigned to me.Secondly I would like to be a good reader.

I have heard that reading is a good habit, but I hardly take the time to read, even if I have time. So this time I have decided that I would spend some time in reading books that would improve my knowledge and interest in reading. Another area that I would like to improve myself is with the excess time spent on the internet.

Hours together I sit in front of the system, though I know it is just wasting my time unnecessarily. I have decided to cut down the time I use for surfing and make it more productive, rather than just visiting social networking sites and chatting.

Along with the internet, the other electronic item that has addicted me is the cell phone. I spent hours talking over the phone, not realizing the harmful effects it causes and waste my time and money. I have decided to cut it down and make good use of time.

This time, I am determined to stick to my resolutions and get myself corrected to be a more better student , both for myself, and my family and to the society.

3. Speech on New Year Resolutions for Students

My dear students as you know that every new year reminds us that time is not static, time passes silently, it never stops. As it is said that time and tide waits for none . Dear students wake up from sound slumber of procrastination and carelessness. You are the architect of the nation and you are the future of the world. On the occasion of New Year I will insist each and everyone of you to set new year resolutions.

Setting new year resolutions will revive and renew you into a better student. I have remained student and have came across through your phase of life. Time is the greatest weapon in your hands, if you will make good use of your time it will transmute you into gold.

It’s the very time that matters more than anything else in life, realization of the importance of time won’t strike your minds now because you are surrounded and indulged in many activities that sounds beneficial to you, actually these wanton activities of yours will not avail you in future.

Time is a healer and teacher, now or then it will teach you a lesson which neither any teacher nor any book would had taught you so far. So my dear students do not murder your time mercilessly, stop running behind all unnecessary things and get rid of all useless activities and equip yourself with the productive use of time.

Persistence and regularity at work is key to success. If you desire to be successful, value your time and be complete your tasks within stipulated time.

It’s very necessary for a student to set new year resolution because new year resolution is nothing but a way to improve and enhance oneself. Without a solid and sound resolution you won’t be able to accomplish your goals, shun all negative moves of your past and start a new journey with firm faith and determination, whatever you desire and aspire to attain will fall into your lapse.

In the end I will suggest you that this year instead of setting yourself for disappointment with vague goals, try setting structured and traceable smart goals. Your goals must be realistic, attainable, specific and achievable.

17 thoughts on “My New Year Resolution 2024 | Best Essays & Speeches for Students”

It is a very good essay. I get motivated by reading these essay. Its inspire me to try my best in what i dream of, so i can get myself into a good situation. I set my resolution and i will also try my best not to break them down, i will try my best to follow the list of resolution that i’ve made to achieve what i want in the future..

Sure! Wish You Best of Luck For Your Future Goals Ahead

This is very good it inspires me so much

From these essay i could learn manything.A new chapter of my life started by followed this essay.Many of suggestions inspire me to change my life.i’m very grateful for the writter.

This essay was very helpful for me and i learn a lot of new things from this essay. And one more thing, this line motivate me a lot and that line is if i will kill time now, it will kill me tomorrow.

Thanks for Appreciation. Happy that it helped you.

Thanks 👍👍👍👍👍😊🥰

God bless you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

It is very good and miscellaneous essay for students…. Thank you for sharing to us…. And the last, I will say that ‘time and tide wait for none’… Its true….

I’m a student.. I am inspired, energized and motivated my this site /essay.. very nice.. I am thinking to use this essay to inspire my class by presenting it as a speech in the assembly!!!!!

Best regards,

First of all I thanks a lot of website who Posted this essay on their page I get lot of motivation from this essay . It brings change in me to set goals in life every year.🤗 Thanks once again…..

This is really fantastic, realistic a very easy way to attain my goals. All the time, I have always wanted a motivation to cheer me up and I think I have gotten the best Everything that looked impossible when I received moral lesson now seem so clear. Thanks to this website

the essays are really really inspired.I also learn some new things from the essays.I will try and not leave it like last year resolutions.Wish me luck!

Hmm I like essays.But dis one is creative

This essay was so helpful for my h.w

These eassys are quite fruitful, I get motivated by get through these eassys.

Thank You very much

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Schools in One Virginia County to Reinstate Confederate Names

The school board voted on Friday to reverse a decision made four years ago, when the killing of George Floyd prompted nationwide demands for a racial reckoning, to rename the schools.

Exterior view of Mountain View High School in Virginia.

By Campbell Robertson

Reporting from Woodstock, Va.

After a meeting that lasted for hours, the Shenandoah County school board voted early Friday morning to restore the names of three Confederate officers to schools in the district.

With the vote, the district appears to be the first in the country to return Confederate names to schools that had removed them after the summer of 2020, according to researchers at the Montgomery, Ala.-based Equal Justice Initiative.

The vote rolled back a decision made four years ago, when the killing of George Floyd prompted nationwide demands for a racial reckoning. At a virtual meeting in July 2020, the summer of pandemic and protests, the board voted 5-1 to drop the names of two schools — Ashby-Lee Elementary and Stonewall Jackson High — that it deemed incompatible with a recently passed resolution condemning racism. The schools were renamed the next year as Honey Run and Mountain View.

But a fury had been unleashed in the rural county in the mountains of Virginia. People crowded into school board meetings, denouncing the naming process as secretive and rushed, and voicing deeper resentments about cultural changes they saw as being foisted upon them.

After a re-vote ended in a tie in 2022 , the name changes stood. But opponents swore that Stonewall Jackson would be revived. And on Friday, he was.

“When you read about this man — who he was, what he stood for, his character, his loyalty, his leadership, how Godly a man he was — those standards that he had were much higher than any leadership of the school system in 2020,” said Tom Streett, one the board members. Then he and four of his five colleagues voted to bring Jackson and the other names back.

Campbell Robertson reports on Delaware, the District Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, for The Times. More about Campbell Robertson


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