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Algebra basics

Course: algebra basics   >   unit 1, intro to exponents.

  • Exponent example 1
  • Exponent example 2
  • Squaring numbers
  • The 0 & 1st power
  • Powers of zero
  • Meaning of exponents
  • 1 and -1 to different powers
  • Comparing exponent expressions
  • Exponents of decimals
  • Powers of whole numbers
  • Evaluating exponent expressions with variables
  • Variable expressions with exponents
  • Exponents review
4 3 ‍  
7 5 ‍  
4 3 = 4 × 4 × 4 ‍  
4 3 = 16 × 4 ‍  
4 3 = 64 ‍  
2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 ‍  
2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 2 6 ‍  

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Free Exponent Worksheets (pdfs) with answer keys

Algebra 2 exponent worksheets.

  • Simplify Rational Expressions
  • Solve Equations With Rational Exponents
  • Solve Equations With Variables In Exponents

Algebra 1 Exponent Worksheets

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Surface area of a Cylinder

Integers Worksheets

Welcome to the integers worksheets page at Math-Drills.com where you may have a negative experience, but in the world of integers, that's a good thing! This page includes Integers worksheets for comparing and ordering integers, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers and order of operations with integers.

If you've ever spent time in Canada in January, you've most likely experienced a negative integer first hand. Banks like you to keep negative balances in your accounts, so they can charge you loads of interest. Deep sea divers spend all sorts of time in negative integer territory. There are many reasons why a knowledge of integers is helpful even if you are not going to pursue an accounting or deep sea diving career. One hugely important reason is that there are many high school mathematics topics that will rely on a strong knowledge of integers and the rules associated with them.

We've included a few hundred integers worksheets on this page to help support your students in their pursuit of knowledge. You may also want to get one of those giant integer number lines to post if you are a teacher, or print off a few of our integer number lines. You can also project them on your whiteboard or make an overhead transparency. For homeschoolers or those with only one or a few students, the paper versions should do. The other thing that we highly recommend are integer chips a.k.a. two-color counters. Read more about them below.

Most Popular Integers Worksheets this Week

Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions)

Integer Resources

integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

Coordinate graph paper can be very useful when studying integers. Coordinate geometry is a practical application of integers and can give students practice with using integers while learning another related skill. Coordinate graph paper can be found on the Graph Paper page:

Coordinate Graph Paper

Integer number lines can be used for various math activities including operations with integers, counting, comparing, ordering, etc.

  • Integer Number Lines Integers Number Lines from -10 to 10 Integers Number Lines from -15 to 15 Integers Number Lines from -20 to 20 Integers Number Lines from -25 to 25 OLD Integer Number Lines

Comparing and Ordering Integers

integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

For students who are just starting with integers, it is very helpful if they can use an integer number line to compare integers and to see how the placement of integers works. They should quickly realize that negative numbers are counter-intuitive because they are probably quite used to larger absolute values meaning larger numbers. The reverse is the case, of course, with negative numbers. Students should be able to recognize easily that a positive number is always greater than a negative number and that between two negative integers, the one with the lesser absolute value is actually the greater number. Have students practice with these integers worksheets and follow up with the close proximity comparing integers worksheets.

  • Comparing Integers Worksheets Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-9 to +9) Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-15 to +15) Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-25 to +25) Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-50 to +50) Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-99 to +99) Comparing Negative Integers (-15 to -1)

By close proximity, we mean that the integers being compared differ very little in value. Depending on the range, we have allowed various differences between the two integers being compared. In the first set where the range is -9 to 9, the difference between the two numbers is always 1. With the largest range, a difference of up to 5 is allowed. These worksheets will help students further hone their ability to visualize and conceptualize the idea of negative numbers and will serve as a foundation for all the other worksheets on this page.

  • Comparing Integers in Close Proximity Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-9 to +9) in Close Proximity Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-15 to +15) in Close Proximity Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-25 to +25) in Close Proximity Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-50 to +50) in Close Proximity Comparing Positive and Negative Integers (-99 to +99) in Close Proximity
  • Ordering Integers Worksheets Ordering Integers on a Number Line Ordering Integers (range -9 to 9) Ordering Integers (range -20 to 20) Ordering Integers (range -50 to 50) Ordering Integers (range -99 to 99) Ordering Integers (range -999 to 999) Ordering Negative Integers (range -9 to -1) Ordering Negative Integers (range -99 to -10) Ordering Negative Integers (range -999 to -100)

Adding and Subtracting Integers

integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

Two-color counters are fantastic manipulatives for teaching and learning about integer addition. Two-color counters are usually plastic chips that come with yellow on one side and red on the other side. They might be available in other colors, so you'll have to substitute your own colors in the following description.

Adding with two-color counters is actually quite easy. You model the first number with a pile of chips flipped to the correct side and you also model the second number with a pile of chips flipped to the correct side; then you mash them all together, take out the zeros (if any) and behold, you have your answer! Need further elaboration? Read on!

The correct side means using red to model negative numbers and yellow to model positive numbers. You would model —5 with five red chips and 7 with seven yellow chips. Mashing them together should be straight forward although, you'll want to caution your students to be less exuberant than usual, so none of the chips get flipped. Taking out the zeros means removing as many pairs of yellow and red chips as you can. You can do this because —1 and 1 when added together equals zero (this is called the zero principle). If you remove the zeros, you don't affect the answer. The benefit of removing the zeros, however, is that you always end up with only one color and as a consequence, the answer to the integer question. If you have no chips left at the end, the answer is zero!

  • Adding Integers Worksheets with 75 Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) Adding Integers from -9 to 9 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -12 to 12 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -15 to 15 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -20 to 20 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -25 to 25 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -50 to 50 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -99 to 99 (75 Questions) ✎
  • Adding Integers Worksheets with 75 Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) Adding Integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎
  • Adding Integers Worksheets with 75 Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) Adding Integers from -9 to 9 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -12 to 12 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -15 to 15 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -20 to 20 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -25 to 25 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -50 to 50 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -99 to 99 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎
  • Adding Integers Worksheets with 50 Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) Adding Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -15 to 15 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -20 to 20 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -25 to 25 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -50 to 50 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -99 to 99 (50 Questions) ✎
  • Adding Integers Worksheets with 50 Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) Adding Integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎
  • Adding Integers Worksheets with 50 Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) Adding Integers from -9 to 9 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -12 to 12 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -15 to 15 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -20 to 20 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -25 to 25 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -50 to 50 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -99 to 99 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎
  • Adding Integers Worksheets with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) Adding Integers from -9 to 9 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -12 to 12 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -15 to 15 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -20 to 20 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -25 to 25 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -50 to 50 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -99 to 99 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎
  • Adding Integers Worksheets with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) Adding Integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎
  • Adding Integers Worksheets with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) Adding Integers from -9 to 9 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -12 to 12 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -15 to 15 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -20 to 20 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -25 to 25 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -50 to 50 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding Integers from -99 to 99 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎
  • Vertically Arranged Integer Addition Worksheets 3-Digit Integer Addition (Vertically Arranged) 3-Digit Positive Plus a Negative Integer Addition (Vertically Arranged) 3-Digit Negative Plus a Positive Integer Addition (Vertically Arranged) 3-Digit Negative Plus a Negative Integer Addition (Vertically Arranged)

Subtracting with integer chips is a little different. Integer subtraction can be thought of as removing. To subtract with integer chips, begin by modeling the first number (the minuend) with integer chips. Next, remove the chips that would represent the second number from your pile and you will have your answer. Unfortunately, that isn't all there is to it. This works beautifully if you have enough of the right color chip to remove, but often times you don't. For example, 5 - (-5), would require five yellow chips to start and would also require the removal of five red chips, but there aren't any red chips! Thank goodness, we have the zero principle. Adding or subtracting zero (a red chip and a yellow chip) has no effect on the original number, so we could add as many zeros as we wanted to the pile, and the number would still be the same. All that is needed then is to add as many zeros (pairs of red and yellow chips) as needed until there are enough of the correct color chip to remove. In our example 5 - (-5), you would add 5 zeros, so that you could remove five red chips. You would then be left with 10 yellow chips (or +10) which is the answer to the question.

  • Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 75 Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 (75 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 75 Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) Subtracting Integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 75 Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 50 Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 (50 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 50 Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) Subtracting Integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 50 Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) Subtracting Integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) Subtracting Integers from (-9) to 9 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-12) to 12 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-15) to 15 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-20) to 20 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-25) to 25 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-50) to 50 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Subtracting Integers from (-99) to 99 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎
  • Vertically Arranged Integer Subtraction Worksheets 3-Digit Integer Subtraction (Vertically Arranged) 3-Digit Positive Minus a Positive Integer Subtraction (Vertically Arranged) 3-Digit Positive Minus a Negative Integer Subtraction (Vertically Arranged) 3-Digit Negative Minus a Positive Integer Subtraction (Vertically Arranged) 3-Digit Negative Minus a Negative Integer Subtraction (Vertically Arranged)

The worksheets in this section include addition and subtraction on the same page. Students will have to pay close attention to the signs and apply their knowledge of integer addition and subtraction to each question. The use of counters or number lines could be helpful to some students.

  • Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 75 Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) Adding & Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -10 to 10 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 (75 Questions) ✎
  • Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 75 Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-5) to (+5) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎
  • Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 75 Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) Adding & Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 No Parentheses (75 Questions) ✎
  • Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 50 Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) Adding & Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 (50 Questions) ✎
  • Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 50 Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎
  • Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 50 Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) Adding & Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎
  • Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) Adding & Subtracting Integers from -9 to 9 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -12 to 12 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -15 to 15 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -20 to 20 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -25 to 25 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -50 to 50 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from -99 to 99 (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎
  • Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎
  • Adding and Subtracting Integers Worksheets with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-9) to 9 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-12) to 12 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-15) to 15 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-20) to 20 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-25) to 25 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-50) to 50 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎ Adding & Subtracting Integers from (-99) to 99 No Parentheses (Large Print; 25 Questions) ✎

These worksheets include groups of questions that all result in positive or negative sums or differences. They can be used to help students see more clearly how certain integer questions end up with positive and negative results. In the case of addition of negative and positive integers, some people suggest looking for the "heavier" value to determine whether the sum will be positive of negative. More technically, it would be the integer with the greater absolute value. For example, in the question (−2) + 5, the absolute value of the positive integer is greater, so the sum will be positive.

In subtraction questions, the focus is on the subtrahend (the value being subtracted). In positive minus positive questions, if the subtrahend is greater than the minuend, the answer will be negative. In negative minus negative questions, if the subtrahend has a greater absolute value, the answer will be positive. Vice-versa for both situations. Alternatively, students can always convert subtraction questions to addition questions by changing the signs (e.g. (−5) − (−7) is the same as (−5) + 7; 3 − 5 is the same as 3 + (−5)).

  • Scaffolded Integer Addition and Subtraction Positive Plus Negative Integer Addition (Scaffolded) ✎ Negative Plus Positive Integer Addition (Scaffolded) ✎ Mixed Integer Addition (Scaffolded) ✎ Positive Minus Positive Integer Subtraction (Scaffolded) ✎ Negative Minus Negative Integer Subtraction (Scaffolded) ✎

Multiplying and Dividing Integers

integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

Multiplying integers is very similar to multiplication facts except students need to learn the rules for the negative and positive signs. In short, they are:

In words, multiplying two positives or two negatives together results in a positive product, and multiplying a negative and a positive in either order results in a negative product. So, -8 × 8, 8 × (-8), -8 × (-8) and 8 × 8 all result in an absolute value of 64, but in two cases, the answer is positive (64) and in two cases the answer is negative (-64).

Should you wish to develop some "real-world" examples of integer multiplication, it might be a stretch due to the abstract nature of negative numbers. Sure, you could come up with some scenario about owing a debt and removing the debt in previous months, but this may only result in confusion. For now students can learn the rules of multiplying integers and worry about the analogies later!

  • Multiplying Integers with 100 Questions Per Page Multiplying Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Positive by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Positive by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Mixed Integers from -20 to 20 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Mixed Integers from -50 to 50 (100 Questions) ✎
  • Multiplying Integers with 50 Questions Per Page Multiplying Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Positive by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Positive by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎
  • Multiplying Integers with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page Multiplying Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying Positive by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying Positive by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying Negative by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎

Luckily (for your students), the rules of dividing integers are the same as the rules for multiplying:

Dividing a positive by a positive integer or a negative by a negative integer will result in a positive integer. Dividing a negative by a positive integer or a positive by a negative integer will result in a negative integer. A good grasp of division facts and a knowledge of the rules for multiplying and dividing integers will go a long way in helping your students master integer division. Use the worksheets in this section to guide students along.

  • Dividing Integers with 100 Questions Per Page Dividing Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Dividing Positive by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Dividing Negative by Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Dividing Negative by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Dividing Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Dividing Positive by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Dividing Negative by Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Dividing Negative by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎
  • Dividing Integers with 50 Questions Per Page Dividing Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Dividing Positive by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Dividing Negative by Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Dividing Negative by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Dividing Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Dividing Positive by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Dividing Negative by Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Dividing Negative by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎
  • Dividing Integers with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page Dividing Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Dividing Positive by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Dividing Negative by Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Dividing Negative by Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Dividing Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Dividing Positive by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Dividing Negative by Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Dividing Negative by Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎

This section includes worksheets with both multiplying and dividing integers on the same page. As long as students know their facts and the integer rules for multiplying and dividing, their sole worry will be to pay attention to the operation signs.

  • Multiplying and Dividing Integers with 100 Questions Per Page Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (100 Questions) ✎
  • Multiplying and Dividing Integers with 75 Questions Per Page Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (75 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (75 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (75 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (75 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (75 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (75 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (75 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (75 Questions) ✎
  • Multiplying and Dividing Integers with 50 Questions Per Page Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎
  • Multiplying and Dividing Integers with 25 Large Print Questions Per Page Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Positive Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Negative Integers from -9 to 9 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Positive Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ Multiplying and Dividing Negative and Negative Integers from -12 to 12 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎

All Operations with Integers

integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

In this section, the integers math worksheets include all of the operations. Students will need to pay attention to the operations and the signs and use mental math or another strategy to arrive at the correct answers. It should go without saying that students need to know their basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts and rules regarding operations with integers before they should complete any of these worksheets independently. Of course, the worksheets can be used as a source of questions for lessons, tests or other learning activities.

  • All Operations with Integers with 50 Questions Per Page (Some Parentheses) All operations with integers from -9 to 9 (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -12 to 12 (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -15 to 15 (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -20 to 20 (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -25 to 25 (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -50 to 50 (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -99 to 99 (50 Questions) ✎
  • All Operations with Integers with 50 Questions Per Page (All Parentheses) All operations with integers from (-9) to (+9) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from (-12) to (+12) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from (-15) to (+15) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from (-20) to (+20) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from (-25) to (+25) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from (-50) to (+50) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from (-99) to (+99) All Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎
  • All Operations with Integers with 50 Questions Per Page (No Parentheses) All operations with integers from -9 to 9 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -12 to 12 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -15 to 15 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -20 to 20 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -25 to 25 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -50 to 50 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎ All operations with integers from -99 to 99 No Parentheses (50 Questions) ✎

Order of operations with integers can be found on the Order of Operations page:

Order of Operations with Integers

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  1. Exponents and Radicals Worksheets

    integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

  2. Integer Exponents (Proof & Properties of Exponents) Flip Book, PPT

    integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

  3. Exponents of integers worksheet (with answers)

    integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

  4. Exponents Worksheet With Answer Key

    integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

  5. Exponents and Radicals Worksheets

    integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key

  6. Powers And Exponents Maze Answer Key: A Guide To Solving Math Problems

    integer exponents practice and problem solving c answer key


  1. Exercise 1: How to solve coding problems

  2. Exponential Math #exponents #exponenttricks #exponentialproblem #maths #solution #problems #scholar

  3. A Nice Exponent Problem

  4. CLASS 8, EXPONENTS AND POWERS, EXERCISE 2.1 (2nd main problems solved)

  5. Chapter-11 Ex-11.2 Exponents and Powers || Class 7 Maths New Book

  6. 02. Integer exponents: problem solving


  1. PDF LESSON Integer Exponents 2-1 Practice and Problem Solving: C

    19. Sample answer: T he box will hold the same number of balls as small boxes. With the balls, there is empty space. 20. 125; Sample answer: Find the volume of the box and of the cube. Divide the box volume by the cube volume. Practice and Problem Solving: C 1. 1,024 2. 1 4 3. 2 5 4. 10,000 5. 1 144 6. 2,048 7. 1; Explanations will vary. Sample

  2. PDF LESSON Integer Exponents 2-1 Practice and Problem Solving: A/B

    19. Sample answer: T he box will hold the same number of balls as small boxes. With the balls, there is empty space. 20. 125; Sample answer: Find the volume of the box and of the cube. Divide the box volume by the cube volume. Practice and Problem Solving: C 1. 1,024 2. 1 4 3. 2 5 4. 10,000 5. 1 144 6. 2,048 7. 1; Explanations will vary. Sample

  3. Multiplying & dividing powers (integer exponents)

    Flag. David Severin. 3 years ago. The rule for dividing same bases is x^a/x^b=x^ (a-b), so with dividing same bases you subtract the exponents. In the case of the 12s, you subtract -7- (-5), so two negatives in a row create a positive answer which is where the +5 comes from. In the x case, the exponent is positive, so applying the rule gives x ...

  4. PDF Properties of Exponents

    Properties of Exponents Date_____ Period____ Simplify. Your answer should contain only positive exponents. 1) 2 m2 ⋅ 2m3 2 ... Your answer should contain only positive exponents. 1) 2 m2 ⋅ 2m3 4m5 2) m4 ⋅ 2m−3 2m 3) 4r−3 ⋅ 2r2 8 r 4) 4n4 ⋅ 2n−3 8n 5) 2k4 ⋅ 4k 8k5 6) 2x3 y−3 ⋅ 2x−1 y3 4x2


    1. PRODUCT RULE: To multiply when two bases are the same, write the base and ADD the exponents. Examples: A. B. C. 2. QUOTIENT RULE: To divide when two bases are the same, write the base and SUBTRACT the exponents. Examples: A. B. ˘ C. ˇ ˇ 3. ZERO EXPONENT RULE: Any base (except 0) raised to the zero power is equal to one. ˆ ˙

  6. Powers of products & quotients (integer exponents)

    They tell you how many of the base you need to multiply together. The properties of exponents, tell us: 1) To multiply a common base, we add their exponents. 2) To divide a common base, we subtract their exponents. 3) When one exponent is raised to another, we multiply exponents. 4) When multiply factors are in parentheses with an exponent ...

  7. PDF Basic Exponent Laws with Integer Exponents Explanation & Practice

    Multiplying Powers: Let us multiply the quantity x2 by x3. From the explanation above, we know that x2 = x ∙ x and that x3 = x ∙ x ∙ x Multiplying, we obtain x2 ∙ x3 = (x ∙ x)( x ∙ x ∙ x) = x ∙ x ∙ x ∙ x ∙ x = x5. Notice that the exponent in the result is the sum of the two original exponents. x2 ∙ x3 = x2 + 3 = x5. This ...

  8. Expressions with exponents

    Learn. Scientific notation examples. Scientific notation example: 0.0000000003457. Multiplying in scientific notation example. Multiplying & dividing in scientific notation. Multiplying three numbers in scientific notation.

  9. Intro to exponents (article)

    Intro to exponents. Learn how to use exponents and bases. For example, writing 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 with an exponent. Here's what an exponent and a base look like: 4 3. The small number written above and to the right of a number is called an exponent . The number underneath the exponent is called the base .

  10. Practice

    Directions: Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Check your answer when finished. Assume any variables represent a positive quantity. Look carefully! Directions: Answer these questions pertaining to working with integer exponents. Choose the best answer. Check your answer when finished. 1. Write not as a fraction.

  11. PDF Practice Problems and Answer Key

    Answer Key Intro to Exponents 13) 62 The answer is 36 14) 92 The answer is 81 15) 102 The answer is 100 16) 103 The answer is 1,000 17) 104 The answer is 10,000 18) 105 The answer is 100,000 1) 32 The answer is 9 2) 42 The answer is 16 3) 72 The answer is 49 4) 23 The answer is 8 5) 33 The answer is 27 6) 22 The answer is 4 7) 24 The answer is 16

  12. Multiply & divide powers (integer exponents) (practice)

    Multiply & divide powers (integer exponents) Google Classroom. Simplify. Rewrite the expression in the form a n . a − 13 a − 6 =. Report a problem. Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a ...

  13. Exponent Worksheets (pdfs) with answer keys

    Enjoy these free printable sheets focusing on the topics traditionally included in the exponents unit in Algebra 2. Each worksheet has model problems worked out step by step, practice problems, as well as challenge questions at the sheets end. Plus each one comes with an answer key. (Click here for all of our free exponent worksheets including ...

  14. Free Exponent Worksheets (pdfs) with answer keys

    Free worksheet with answer keys on exponents. Each one has model problems worked out step by step, practice problems, challenge proglems and youtube videos that explain each topic. Math Gifs; ... Solve Equations With Rational Exponents; Solve Equations With Variables In Exponents; Algebra 1 Exponent Worksheets. Menu;

  15. Integers Worksheets

    Subtracting with integer chips is a little different. Integer subtraction can be thought of as removing. To subtract with integer chips, begin by modeling the first number (the minuend) with integer chips. Next, remove the chips that would represent the second number from your pile and you will have your answer.

  16. Mathway

    Free math problem solver answers your algebra homework questions with step-by-step explanations. Mathway. Visit Mathway on the web. Start 7-day free trial on the app. Start 7-day free trial on the app. Download free on Amazon. Download free in Windows Store. get Go. Algebra. Basic Math. Pre-Algebra. Algebra. Trigonometry. Precalculus.

  17. Powers of products & quotients (integer exponents)

    Powers of products & quotients (integer exponents) Select the equivalent expression. ( 2 − 10 4 2) 7 =? Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

  18. Properties of exponents challenge (integer exponents)

    Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. ... Choose 2 answers: ... (integer exponents) Video 6 minutes 44 seconds 6:44. Powers of products & quotients (integer exponents) Article. Negative exponents review. Article. Exponent properties review. Report a ...