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example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae

Email Cover Letter and CV | Sending Tips and Examples


What is an email cover letter?

An email cover letter is essentially a job application email through which you apply for a job. The email must contain your cover letter, either in the body of the email or as an attachment, and your CV as a separate attachment.


Do you need to send your CV and cover letter via Email?

With the massive technological boom over the past decade, we have seen the dramatic rise in email applications. Sending an email is free, it doesn’t require a stamp, visit the post office or a trip to the company you’re applying for. It all happens within seconds and with just one click of a button.

There are two main reasons why you would send an email to a recruiter:

  • When you’re applying for a job
  • When you’re enquiring about job opportunities at their company

In this guide, we will mainly focus on applying for jobs that have already been advertised . However, read on as there are also tons of tips and examples for those who wish to inquire about job opportunities via email.

The format of an email cover letter + template

The format of an email cover letter slightly varies from the format of a standard cover letter. For example, there is no need to include your personal details such as name and address on the right side of the letter because your attached CV will already contain all this information. Moreover, it will take up valuable space.

Your email to the recruiter should be in the following format:


Click here to download this template.

Before you start…

1. Have your perfect CV and cover letter ready

Before working on drafting your email, make sure that you have already written and prepared your CV and cover letter. Check out How to write a Cover Letter and How to write a CV guides for more tips and examples.

2. Be formal

The job application process is a formal process. As such, you have to have a formal approach to writing your email job application.

  • Don’t use contractions (e.g. I’m instead of ‘ I am ‘ or Let’s instead of ‘ Let us ‘)
  • Write in complete sentences
  • Write in paragraphs (not in short lines, as you would in text messaging)
  • Use formal greeting (use ‘ Dear Sir/Madam ‘, ‘ Dear [Surname], ‘ or ‘ To whom it may concern ‘ rather than ‘ Hey ‘, ‘ Hi ‘, or ‘ What’s up? ‘)
  • Don’t write in capitals (IT’S NOT NICE TO READ TEXT IN CAPITALS!)

You can find more information on formal writing here .

3. Use a professional email address

You must use a professional email address when contacting the recruiter.

It should be:

  • It should be short in length
  • It should contain your name
  • It shouldn’t contain any/many numbers

Acceptable examples:

  • [email protected]

Unacceptable examples:

4. Keep it short and to the point

You only have one chance to grab the attention of the prospective employer, so keep the letter short and to the point. Employers only tend to scan CVs and cover letters for less than a minute. Anything longer than a single side of A4 will most likely not be read or considered. Why take the chance? You will have plenty more opportunities in the later stages of the recruitment process, including during the job interview, to fully impress the prospective employer.

5. Write the content of the email in a separate document first

It is highly recommended to write your letter in a separate Word document first rather than typing it up on the actual email client in one go. This is because there will be a smaller chance of losing your work because of the loss of internet connection or the software crashing in the middle of writing your letter.

It also gives you additional time to properly check your written document for grammar and spelling mistakes.

How to send a cover letter and CV via email

Let’s get started…

1. Email subject line for job application

The subject of your email should be the job position followed by the job ID or job reference number:

  • IT Manager (ID: W124)
  • Receptionist (Job Ref. A2014)
  • Cleaner (Job ID: AFT2421)

That’s all that is required.

If you decide to add anything extra, e.g. including your name or a short message, please keep it short as there is a limit on how much of the subject line will be shown to the recruiter when they receive it in their inbox.

Do not write your subject line in capital letters

Some applicants, in a desperate attempt to make their email stand out from the rest, write the subject line of their emails in capital letters, like this:

This is not recommended for two reasons:

  • It is awful to read, and;
  • You come over as either too desperate or too aggressive. In the worst case scenario, you come over as both.

QUESTION: Should you write the cover letter in the body of the email or send it as an attachment?

Some employers prefer attachments, whereas others prefer the letter in the body of the email. Please check for company requirements on the job advertisement. If the company has not specified their preference, it is up to you how you’d like to send your cover letter to them.

It’s decision time!

As previously stated, there are two acceptable ways of doing this:

1. Include the cover letter as an attached file

If you decide to attach your cover letter separately to the email, always write a short message in the body of the email introducing yourself and giving the reason for emailing the recruiter – don’t leave it blank! The content of your email body should be short, informative and to the point:


Another good example:

Please find attached my CV and Cover Letter for the position of Senior Research Fellow.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards, Michael Harper.

2. Write the cover letter in the body of the email

This is the most popular way of sending an email job application.


I can already hear you ask “which one is better?” glad you asked.

Our recommendation is to write the cover letter in the body of the email. It gives the opportunity to make a strong and memorable first impression, allowing you to grab the prospective employer’s attention within seconds.

If you send it as an attachment, on the other hand, the employer has to take the additional step of finding and opening your letter in order to read it. Some recruiters will not open attachments out of fear of infecting their computers by viruses.

Warning: Don’t include the same cover letter in the body of the email and as a file attachment. That is just a weird thing to do and makes you look very indecisive.

The remainder of the guide will show you step-by-step how to write your email covering letter in the body of the email:

How to start an email

2. employer’s personal details.

The first few lines of your letter should be the personal details of the recruiter:

  • Recruiter’s full name
  • Recruiter’s job title
  • Company name
  • Company address

Good example:


3. Opening salutation/greeting

The next line of your covering letter is the opening salutation, which should be written in the following format:

“Dear” followed by their honorific title (Mr, Mrs, etc.) and surname.

  • Always use formal greeting (e.g. ‘ Dear Sir/Madam ‘, ‘ Dear [Surname] ‘ or ‘ To whom it may concern ‘ rather than ‘ Hey ‘, ‘ Hi ‘, or ‘ What’s up? ‘)
  • It’s always best to find out the name of the employer to whom you are written the letter. This makes the letter more personal and convincing.
  • If you’re addressing the employer by name, only include their surname (Dear Mr Kent) and not their full name (Dear Mr Simon Kent).


The next line should include today’s date in full ( 10 November, 2018 instead of 10/11/18 ), aligned to the right.


5. Introductory paragraph

State the reason why you are writing this covering letter.

For example:

I am writing to express my interest in the Electrical Engineer role listed in The Worcester News, 19th of March 2017. After carefully reviewing the job requirements, I feel I have all the necessary experience and technical skills to excel in this position, and I would wholly appreciate your consideration.

  • These are the first few sentences that the prospective employer will be reading about you; make sure the introductory paragraph is short , to the point and is written for high impact .

6. Paragraph 2

In this paragraph, clearly outline the reasons why you would be a suitable candidate for this position. Make mention of your relevant education, qualifications, work experience, strengths, skills and abilities.

I graduated in 2014 with a first-class degree in Librarianship from the University of Essex, and I worked for a year as a Junior Librarian at Summerfield College. Both my education and work experience have given me a great insight into the purpose, function and processes of libraries. I am trained in all the standard library information and data management systems.

  • Try to back up your statements with real-world examples. For instance, if you wrote that you have an “ excellent track record in sales “; back it up by tangible and verifiable performance information, e.g. by stating that you “ increased the company’s sales by 23% in six months. “

7. Paragraph 3

Following on from paragraph 2, expand on more reasons why you would be the ideal candidate for this job position.

I graduated in 2015 with a 2:1 degree in Business Management from the Queen’s University Belfast, something which kindled my passion for business and the economy. I studied a broad variety of topics ranging from Marketing Principles and Corporate Responsibilities to Leading Change and Strategic Management. I am a driven, ambitious and analytical individual with the excellent ability to analyse current business operations and offer meaningful solutions based on the findings.

8. Paragraph 4

This is going to be the final information-packed paragraph of your cover letter. Mention any other selling points that you have and state the reason why you are interested in working for this particular company.

I am especially attracted to joining your organisation because of the emphasis it puts on long-term growth and training within the company. Challenges motivate me, and I believe that I would be able to bring together my prior knowledge and skills as a competent Recruitment Officer. I am confident that my records of impressive accomplishments over the past few years prove that I will become a valuable asset to Lancefield Recruitment.

  • Do research about the company you are applying for and use your findings to draft this paragraph. This will make you look interested, intelligent and resourceful in the eyes of the prospective employer.

How to end the email

9. closing statement.

The final paragraph is usually a polite call for action in which you state that you are looking forward to meeting the prospective employer. It must also contain a reference to your CV that you have attached with the application.

Useful phrases you can use:

  • Please find attached my CV for your consideration.
  • I have attached my CV with this email.
  • For your consideration, my CV is attached with this email.


10. Closing salutation

The closing greeting should be “Yours sincerely” only if you addressed the employer by name (e.g. Dear Mrs Sanders) at the beginning of the letter.

If you used “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern” as the opening greeting of your letter, it should end with “Yours faithfully.”

Other alternatives that you may use instead of “Yours faithfully”:

  • Best regards
  • Kind regards
  • Best Wishes

11. Signature & Sender’s name

Sign off the letter with a signature followed by your name.

If you do not have a scanned or electronic signature, you can write the signature in the following format:

  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • LinkedIn profile – optional


That is it – you should now have a perfectly written email cover letter!

  • Don’t rush by writing and sending your email in one go – you will most likely forget to include important things or make many factual, grammatical or spelling mistakes. Write a draft version first, take a break, and then come back again in a few hours time to review it.
  • Don’t forget to attach your files ! You only have one chance to make a good impression, make sure you don’t mess it up with clumsy mistakes.
  • Send a test email to yourself first to double-check the email’s format and whether attachments can be opened.
  • Give the attachments identifiable file names, for example, “ Julia_McCaree_CV.pdf ” is better than “ newhkh34.pdf “

Shall I send my documents in Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format? Both methods are acceptable. However, we recommend you send it as a PDF file because that will preserve the format and presentation of your documents; including margins, padding, spacing and indentation.

How do I find out if my job application email has been received? Unfortunately, you can’t be sure whether the employer has opened or read your email unless they tell you so. Some email clients allow you to ask for a “Read” receipt after the sender has opened your email. However, you will only receive a “Read” receipt if the recipient decides to send you one.

After how many days shall I follow-up my application? Most job vacancies will state the timeframe in which you should hear back from them if you have been shortlisted for an interview. Many job vacancies will state: “If you do not hear back from us within 2 weeks time, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful this time.” If, however, this is not specified you should get in touch with them after a week to follow-up on your initial application.

Should I use the “ high importance ” flag when sending my application? No, not really. The high importance flag has lost its value years ago. Besides, there is a chance that you will come across as rude as why should your job application email be more important or urgent than those of other senders? More than 90% of emails are sent without one.

Working on your CV? Awesome!

  • 40 Best Key Words to Use on Your CV (Examples + 2024 Guide)
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50+ Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers in 2023

50+ Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers in 2023

Madison Norton

Looking for cover letter examples that you can use?

You are at the right place!

We understand that writing a cover letter can be hard, that’s why we have added these highly customizable cover letter samples that you can copy and use.

In this article you are going to find the following examples:

  • Generic cover letter examples for anyone
  • Professional cover letter examples for experienced professionals
  • Creative cover letter examples to help you stand out
  • Entry level cover letter examples for professionals starting out their journey
  • Inspirational and great cover letter samples from various industries to inspire you
  • What a Cover Letter Should Include?

Overall a good cover letter should say that “I am applying for this position because…” and “this is what makes me the best candidate for this position…”. But in order to say it right, you need to add these 5 sections in your cover letter:

  • Salutation - This should be addressed to the hiring manager. If you don’t know the hiring manager and are applying at a very large company, use a salutation like “Dear [xyz] team” instead.
  • An introductory paragraph - Make sure to leave a good first impression here. Introduce yourself and briefly explain that you would like to apply for the position. Make it easier for the hiring manager to scan, this paragraph should be of maximum 2-3 lines.
  • Body paragraph(s) - This is where you help them understand why you are the perfect fit for the role. This is where your relevant experience, skills and achievements would shine.
  • Vision paragraph - Add how you feel you can add value to the organisation and if possible share how your vision aligns with the company’s vision.
  • Formal closing - Use this to prompt next steps for your job application. And add a sign-off.

Optionally, you can also include these two to your cover letter:

  • Postscript - If you have something of value that adds value to your cover letter, consider adding it by adding a “PS: …” at the end of your cover letter.
  • A portfolio paragraph - If you have a portfolio to share, consider adding a short paragraph of 1-2 lines with links to your portfolio added in it.

The Perfect Cover Letter Example Template

Salutation Dear [First name of hiring manager]/Dear [XYZ] Team

Introductory Paragraph Add your cover letter’s introduction here. Give a brief description of who you are, what you specialise in, and what makes you apply for the position. Keep it to a maximum of 2-3 lines.

Body Paragraph(s) The body paragraph(s) should highlight three things: relevant work experience, relevant skills and professional achievements. While writing these paragraphs, ensure that you only add relevant skills and experience as information overload would overwhelm the hiring manager.

Best practice is to use the combination of paragraph and bulleted list to make it easier for the hiring manager to scan for the right information as shown below in this cover letter example:

“As the lead auditor for KPMG West Coast, I managed a team of 15+ auditors independently and achieved the following results: Reached 100% compliance levels with zero errors in FY 2022 audit reports. Won award for …”

Vision Paragraph It often helps a hiring manager to see what the job applicant envisions they would do if they were hired. Adding your vision can help you stand out from the crowd.

Formal Closing Add a formal closing statement. Adding “Sincerely” followed by your name should be more than sufficient for most job applications.

cover letter example template

  • Our Cover Letter Guides

A cover letter is often the very first thing a recruiter sees when you apply for a job. Even if you don’t have any job experience, making sure your cover letter is in the best shape possible gets you off to a great start on the hunt for your dream job! Take a look at our cover letter examples and guides when you're a little light on work experience:

  • Dental Assistant No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Legal Assistant No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Entry Level Bank Teller No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Budtender No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Paralegal No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Medical Assistant No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • Flight Attendant No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • CNA No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • USPS No Experience Cover Letter Examples
  • A Sample Generic Cover Letter for Employment

We have written a lot about how to customise your cover letter to perfection, but if that’s not your strong suit - consider the cover letter example below.

  • Generic Cover Letter Example - Copy and Use

I was excited to see Berg Lansing’s Technical Writer position on and really wanted to apply for this role. The idea of playing a pivotal role in delivery of effective support to Berg Lansing’s customers through high quality user documentation is very exciting to me.

I currently manage multiple cross functional technical writing programs at ACME. And as a part of my current role I ensure that stakeholders, internal team members and customers are well supported. Some of my technical writing accomplishments at ACME include: Reduction of customer support requests by 25% as a result of simplified documentation.

Helping customer support teams reach 45% higher CSAT scores on closed support requests. Introduction of the idea of maintainable technical documentation to my peers and leading the program at ACME. Reduction of length of technical content by as much as 50%.

In my previous role, I was also responsible for maximizing the visibility of an organization's corporate activities by crafting creative content and working with creative teams for PR.

I am eager to apply my current skill set and knowledge to the Technical Writer position at Berg Lansing. Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, Heather T. Wynn

Generic cover letter example

What Makes this a Great Cover Letter Example?

While this cover letter example is a generic one, it doesn’t appear to be generic at all. Heather has very smartly picked up key elements that are common across each technical writer job and have written a cover letter around it.

In addition to that, Heather also made the following decisions that make the cover letter look customized for this job:

  • Using the hiring manager’s name instead of a generic salutation
  • Mentioning the organization’s name that she’s applying to.

To summarize why it makes a great cover letter example:

  • It has been intelligently designed to work with multiple job ads with very minor modifications
  • No part of the cover letter example feels generic.
  • Two Professional Cover Letter Samples

If you are not applying for an entry level job, consider these professional cover letter examples.

Professional Cover Letter Sample

Jeannine C. Frederick Big 4 Consulting Corp 1901 Norman Street Los Angeles, CA 90042

Dear Jeannine,

My name is Lida and I wish to apply for the auditor position at the Big 4 Consulting Corp office in Los Angeles. I have spoken with several members of Big 4 Consulting Corp’s audit teams and was each time impressed by their acuity and passion for both accounting and their firm. I am confident that my accounting skills and passion for efficiency will make me an excellent fit for Big 4 Consulting Corp, just as they are.

My accounting and time management skills will be vital to succeeding at Big 4 Consulting Corp. I was able to apply what I had learned that year to my work at the Corp2, where I was given the opportunity to assist the non-profit accounting department and CFO in their fiscal year-end closing and annual internal and external third party audit.

It was in Corp2 that I found my passion for understanding business operations. I enjoyed understanding how each employee’s work helped achieve the organization’s goals because I would be able to find ways to perform my own tasks to more efficiently and effectively achieve those goals.

While working full time here, I also took two accounting courses and taught myself Visual Basic programming in order to further optimize my efficiency at work. I was actually able to use the programming I learned this summer to automate several tasks such as bulk emails and manage large spreadsheets.

My passion for accounting and desire to understand clients and their complex businesses and circumstances align with Big 4 Consulting Corp’s audit approach to understand a client’s business, risks, and internal controls in order to provide the most effective audit procedures. After conversing with several team members about their passions and goals, I believe I am an excellent fit for Big 4 Consulting Corp’s culture and philosophy.

I was inspired by audit manager Shanon’s dedication and ambition but also humbled by her modesty and kindness. I also clicked well with Derick and look forward to possibly working with him and all the other team members I’ve spoken with.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to discussing this position further.

Sincerely, Lida R. Boyles

professional cover letter example 1

What Makes this Example a Great Cover Letter to Use?

This is a very professional, yet very deeply thought-out cover letter. To take a role at such a large organization, Lida displayed how well she knows the culture and that she had put enough effort to understand the current team as well.

This cover letter example highlights how to impress a hiring manager in large organizations.

Customizable Cover Letter Sample

Here is another professional cover letter sample that you can drive inspiration from.

Dear Lorrie, TeamGIS 1787 Pearlman Avenue South Boston, MA 02127

I am excited to apply for the position of GIS Technician at TeamGIS’s New York office. My technical skills in geospatial analysis at large scale, background in data management and visualization makes me an ideal candidate for this position.

Over the last few years, I have worked on extremely challenging remote sensing use cases and LiDAR datasets to derive various indices and statistical measures. My work has been instrumental in helping decision makers with reports and custom visualizations. My key projects involve: Allocation of various types of social housing across the continental United States. Assessing impact of global warming on social housing portfolio. Informing equity research analysts about possible asset value fluctuations based on GIS data.

My professional focus, work experience and research interests significantly overlap with the future vision of TeamGIS and that’s why I feel I will be a valuable addition to your team.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you in detail.

Sincerely, Evan

customizable professional cover letter example

What Makes this Example a Great Cover Letter?

Unlike the previous cover letter example, this cover letter by Evan went in a completely different direction by showcasing the following: It shows that Evan has the right skills to do the job In addition, it also showcases how well Evan’s personal goals are aligned with the company goals as well.

  • A Creative Cover Letter Sample

This creative cover letter example will show you how you can adopt creativity and stand out from the crowd.

Cover Letter Example for Employment Application

Dear Vernon Team,

When I was in the 6th grade I was limited to 3 questions a day in my class because I asked “why” way too much. Thankfully, as an adult, I can ask “why” as many times as I want. My passion to understand the “why” for the user and the company makes me a perfect candidate for the Product Management position.

As an associate product manager, asking “why” and then collecting data to extract insights to improve products is what I truly enjoy. I have been instrumental in lifting XYZ app’s adoption from 10% to 43% and implemented a mobile attribution system from the ground up to support acquisition efforts.

I am a very organized, and strategic person who enjoys putting “hypothesis before solutions” and “differentiating with execution”. Shopping and payment products excite me a lot as there are numerous opportunities to serve better user experiences and build flow states.

As a Product Manager for Vernon, I will bring my user research skills towards mobile shopping and payment verticals and build the next generation applications.

Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from you about this opportunity.

Sincerely, Devon

creative cover letter example

What Makes this a Great Creative Cover Letter Example

The way Devon starts this letter by bridging his habit of asking “why” to what he becomes illustrates his deep passion for being curious and finding solutions instead of assuming everything.

Any hiring manager who is looking for a customer obsessed product manager would love Devon’s creative cover letter example.

  • Cover Letter Example for Career Transition

This cover letter example will help you craft one to support your career transition.

Cover Letter Sample

Dear Susan,

Ever since I started in sales, I enjoyed understanding customer’s needs and providing them with the right solutions. It became an obsession as I worked more and what started with me learning email marketing turned me into a self taught marketer. And, that’s why I’m interested in applying for the role of Junior Marketer.

From running personal projects to learning marketing to freelance for various clients to gain real world experience I have gained the following skills: PPC - Google Adwords, Facebook Ads (Google and Facebook certified) SEO and Content Marketing Email marketing and Sales enablement

At your organization (especially under Ralf’s leadership) I feel I can learn even more and fulfill my dream of working in the marketing team of a cutting edge company.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, Jim

career transition cover letter example

How to Use this Cover Letter Example for Career Change?

Career transitions are very hard to justify. Often hiring managers see applications from an unrelated or adjacent role and can’t understand why the candidate has applied for the position. That’s why this cover letter example is extremely good. It very clearly justifies:

  • The motivation to apply for the role despite working in sales.
  • What Jim has done on his own to support his transition.
  • Jim’s own thoughts on how he expects to thrive under existing leadership

This cover letter example also shows that Jim has spent time and energy considering this job as well.

  • Cover Letter for Entry Level Roles

This cover letter example will show you how to apply to an entry level position.

Cover Letter Example

I am excited to apply for the Mechanical Engineer Intern position at ACME. I found this position through the referral of Lorraine A. Dubreuil, Design Head for FST division at ACME. I am a graduate student pursuing Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M. With my Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, my extensive R&D experience in mechanical design and structural engineering, I believe I am a strong candidate for this position.

During my time as an undergraduate, I utilized SolidWorks and MATLAB to design and analyze the structure tube frame of chassis. I also assisted with the hand lay-up of our vehicle’s carbon fibre monocoque which taught me a lot about working with composite structures.

Additionally, my work with the SAE collegiate design series has provided me with experience in design and manufacturing, while emphasizing teamwork, adaptability and communication.

Now, I am eager to apply my mechanical engineering knowledge and skills at ACME. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration. I am sincerely looking forward to learning more details about the Mechanical Engineer Intern position.

Sincerely, Tom

entry level cover letter example

How to Use this Cover Letter Example to Apply for Jobs?

Tom, while being an undergraduate, knows the value of communication. And this cover letter example by Tom highlights how he:

  • Highlights relevant past R&D project work.
  • Leaves an impact by providing the reference who referred him for the role.
  • Wrote a very concise cover letter as shown in the example; this is uncommon where most graduates would overdo their cover letters and fail to leave the same impact.
  • The Shift Toward Email Cover Letters for Job Applications

The formal cover letter - A PDF attached to the job application with a classic 4 paragraph layout - is quickly becoming obsolete. However, it is being replaced by the “introductory email.” A short note explaining to the hiring manager or recruiter why you are the perfect fit. I use the term cover letter interchangeably with introductory email in this article.

A good cover letter is a marketing pitch - it draws the reader in, and encourages them to read more. We’ve compiled all of the best cover letters on the internet and from our own personal network.

Copying these cover letters will not be effective for you. A cover letter/intro email is a personal document that depends on the employer, the target contact, and your own skillset. If you’re a very qualified candidate - a short sentence can suffice. If you’re a young, ambitious recent graduate - you might need more real estate to sell yourself.

We have compiled various industry cover letter examples below that you can use as inspiration.

Cover Letter Example Job Categories:

  • Designer Cover Letter
  • Customer Support Cover Letter
  • Community Management Cover Letter
  • Software Engineer Cover Letter
  • Marketing Cover Letter
  • Business Development & Sales Cover Letter
  • Designer Cover Letter Examples

Design cover letters should focus on the things that matter most when it comes to design. Namely, the designs. However, a good designer needs to communicate well as they will be working with different members of company teams, or external clients. Design cover letters should also of course link to an online portfolio or project that shows their skill. Here are some great examples of design cover letters.

Cover letter for a product designer at Crew

Product designer cover letter

This is a perfect introductory email. It takes the tone of the job post in question, and matches the company vibe. It then outlines Luke's passion for the position, and that he studies his craft extensively. He also includes links to his online portfolio/resume. You can view the full cover letter, and more examples at the blog post by Michael Cho of Crew at the following blog post: Why I didn't look at your resume .

Cover letter for a design director at 37 Signals


This cover letter matches 37 Signals Philosophy nicely. It explains Jamie's beliefs about design, and why he is unique compared to other designers. He also made a sample work project to share with the team. You can view the full cover letter at the following link .

Cover letter for a graphic designer at 37 Signals


This online cover letter has a nice balance of explaining who Jason is, what he know about the company (and why he is passionate about working for them), and his skills. The full letter can be found here .

  • Customer Support Cover Letter Examples

The key to a customer support role is a great personality and communication skills. The cover letter is an opportunity to first express those communication skills to your next employer. Note that these letters vary in tone, from professional to more casual. The applicant must make the judgement call based on what they know about the company.

Cover letter for a customer happiness concierge


Marlee's cover letter gets the tone right - you can tell she is a happy, personable, and effective person. She outlines why her past experience makes her a great fit for the job, and her personal habits that will ensure her success in the role. The full cover letter can be found here .

Cover letter for a Director of Customer Care


This is an expert from a blog post from the CEO at LiveStream, who said it was the best cover letter he has ever received. It is funny, honest, and confident. Note the applicant takes a few risks with the language and tone - but clearly understands his audience. You can read the full cover letter (along with the job description), at this link .

Cover letter for customer support


This cover letter gets to the point, and shows deep understanding of what a customer support role is. As it clearly states, "customers want to communicate with a human" - it is clear there is a human behind this letter. View the full letter here.


Jason clearly shows his writing skills and passion for the job in this cover letter.

  • Community Management Cover Letter Examples

Cover letters for community management positions must understand what a community manager role is. To be a successful community manager, one must be a great communicator, an enthusiastic personality, and a dialed-in social media guru. Here are the best examples of community manager cover letters we found.

Cover letter for a community manager


The tone perfectly matches the company that Joanne is applying for. It outlines her enthusiasm, passion, and how her past experience applies to the job.

  • Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter for a web developer


This cover letter shows that an effective introductory email doesn't have to be long. It efficiently lays out the skills that Thomas has, and piques the company's interest about what he can bring to the table. In a hot market for engineers, this is enough to get the interview. It is also from Mikael's article.

Cover letter for a front-end developer


This cover letter is also for Mikael Cho's company, Crew . It emphasizes links to Dan's portfolio and best work - very important for a web developer.

  • Marketing Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter for a marketing position at google


For creative positions, a creative cover letter is necessary. This cover letter mirrored the marketing materials at Google, and got the interview. View the full article here.

Sales & Business Development Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter for a business development/product specialist.

Rodolphe shows how persistence and hard work can convince an employer to hire you in this cover letter to work at Buffer - a fast growing social media management platform. The full exchange is worth reading on the Buffer Blog .

Cover letter for a sales coordinator


This cover letter for a sales coordinator position is closer to a traditional cover letter than the other examples. It does a fine job of outlining experience and passion for the job. View a full before-and-after analysis of this cover letter on the Ask a Manager Blog.

  • Cover Letter Examples and Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is a good opening sentence for a cover letter?

A good opening sentence for a cover letter is “I was excited to see Company’s position on and really wanted to apply for this role”.

  • What are some examples of selling points in a cover letter?

Some examples of good selling points in a cover letter are:

  • “In 2021 I was able to help my company achieve [something]...”
  • “I was awarded [X] in 2021 due to my exceptional work in [Y]...”
  • “I built [X] team out from scratch to help [company]...”
  • “I am currently in the top 1% in [Y]...”
  • “I have managed large scale projects when it comes to [X]...”
  • What are the 3 parts of a cover letter?

Three main parts of a cover letter are:

  • Cover letter body
  • A formal closing
  • How do you write a perfect cover letter?

To write a perfect cover letter make sure you address the cover letter to the right name, customize the cover letter based on the job ad and show how you are the best candidate for the role.

  • How to write a cover letter in email?

To write a cover letter in email, simply copy the cover letter you created using the examples above and paste it into your email client.

  • Use These Examples To Inform Your Own Cover Letter

Remember, the key to a good cover letter is personalization. You must market to your audience. Do the research, write well - and go get hired!

Land your dream job with VisualCV's resume and cover letter builder. Sign up below to try it for free today.

Sign up and create a job winning resume using our free resume-builder

Recommended links:

  • Our collection of 500+ professional resume examples .
  • Our gallery of 20+ downloadable resume templates .
  • Sales & Business Development Cover Letter Examples

Madison Norton

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV . He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

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August 12, 2020

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How to Email a Resume and Cover Letter Attachment

Sample Email for a Job Application With Attachment

example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae

Ashley Nicole DeLeon / The Balance

Depending on the job for which you're applying, you may need to attach your resume and cover letter to an email as you reach out to the hiring manager. That's often the case with smaller employers. For other employers, you'll generally apply online or via a job board, but you'll still want to know how to properly attach a resume and cover letter in case you're coordinating any interviews via email.

What's the easiest way to attach your resume and cover letter to an email message? When you're asked to send a resume or cover letter via email, follow these steps to ensure you have correctly attached your documents. You'll also want to explain what you are sending and why, add your signature to the email, and include a subject line that will get your message opened and read by the recipient.

Key Takeaways

  • Most employers request a Microsoft Word document or a PDF file of your resume. 
  • It's easy to save your documents in the file format requested by an employer.
  • When saving your documents, use your name as the file name.
  • Include a subject line that states who you are and what job you are applying for in the email message.

Check the Employer's Instructions

When you apply for jobs via email , the employer may require you to send your resume and cover letter as an attachment to an email message. It's important to send your attachments correctly, include all the information you need so your email message is opened and read, and let the receiver know how they can contact you to schedule an interview.

What's most important is to follow the employer's instructions and send exactly what they have asked for in the format it's requested. If you don't, your message may end up in a spam or trash folder.

Save Your Cover Letter and Resume

When sending your cover letter and resume attachments, the first step is to save your resume as a PDF or a Word document. The job posting should specify how to send the attachment. This way, the receiver will get a copy of the resume in the original format.

If there aren't instructions on how to send your documents, submit your resume as either a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or as a PDF file. These are the formats most commonly preferred by employers, and it's easy to save the documents and add them as attachments to your email message.

You can either save your cover letter in document format or write it directly in the email message.

Save as a Word Document

If you have word processing software other than Microsoft Word, save your resume as a Word (.doc or .docx) document. Select File , then Save As .

Save a Google Doc as a Word Document

If you don't have Microsoft Word, you can save a Word (.docx) version of a Google Doc. Select File then Download and choose Word Document (.docx).

How to Save as a PDF

Whether the employer requests a PDF file or you opt to send a PDF, here's how to convert a document file.

To save a Word document as a PDF:

  • Select  File then Save As  in Microsoft Word.
  • Select  PDF  from the  Format  drop-down menu.

To save a Google Doc as a PDF:

  • Select  File then Download and choose  PDF Document .

Choose a Unique File Name

When saving your document, use your name as the file name , so the employer knows whose resume and cover letter it is, i.e., janedoeresume.doc or janedoecoverletter.doc.

Don't simply use "resume" as a file name because it will be hard to differentiate your resume from those of the other applicants.

Include a Subject in the Email Message

The subject line is one of the most important parts of the email messages you send to apply for jobs. If you don't include one, your message may not even get opened. 

Your email message must include a subject line, and it should explain to the reader who you are and what job you are applying for. Be specific, so the recipient knows what he or she is receiving. Employers often hire for many positions at the same time, so include both your name and the job title.

Add a subject to the email message before you start writing it. That way, you won't forget to include it afterward.

Here's what to write:

Subject: Your Name - Job Title

If the employer requests additional information, like a job ID number, be sure to include that too.

Write an Email Message to Send With Your Resume

Once you have saved your resume and cover letter, and they are ready to send, the next step is to write an email message to send with your documents.

First, open your email account. Then click on Message at the top left of the screen or click on File > New > Message .

You can either write your cover letter as part of the email message or send it as an attachment. Here's how:

Write Directly in the Email

You can either type your cover letter directly into the email message , copy and paste it from a word processing document, or if the company requests an attachment, send your cover letter and resume with the email message. So, your choices are to send a cover letter attachment or to use the email message as your cover letter.

If you are attaching a cover letter, your email message can be brief. Simply state that your resume and cover letter are attached. Offer to provide additional information and let the reader know how you can be contacted.

Be sure to follow the directions in the job posting for how to apply when sending your cover letter and resume or your application may not be considered.

Adding Your Signature to the Email

It is important to include an email signature with your contact information, so it's easy for hiring managers and recruiters to get in touch with you.

Include your full name, your email address, and your phone number in your email signature, so the hiring manager can see, at a glance, how to contact you. If you have a LinkedIn profile , include it in your signature. Do the same with any other social media accounts you use for career and business purposes.

Sample Email Signature

Jared Harshbarner 617-123-3790

How to Add Your Signature

To add your signature to your email message, click on File > Insert > Signature if you have a signature saved that you use for job searching. If you haven't created an email signature, type your contact information (name, email address, phone, LinkedIn) at the bottom of your message.

Attach Your Resume and Cover Letter to an Email Message

Once your email message is ready to send, you need to attach your resume and cover letter to your message:

Click on Insert > Attach File. Your email client will display a list of files in the default file folder of your computer. If your resume and cover letter are stored in a different folder, click on the appropriate folder.

Click to select the file you want to add to your email message , and then click on Insert to attach the document to your email message. Take the time to carefully proofread the message before you send it.

Before you click Send , send the message to yourself to be sure all the attachments come through, and your email message is perfect.

Send a copy of the message to yourself, as well as to the company, so you have a copy for your records. Add yourself as a BCC (blind carbon copy) by clicking BCC and adding your email address.

Then click Send , and your cover letter and your resume will be on their way to the employer.

Review a Sample Email Message

Here's a sample email message sent with resume and cover letter attachments to apply for a job.

Subject: Sarah Smith – Museum Docent

Dear Ms. Cooper,

I’m writing to apply for the summer docent program at the Museum of Local History.

I have extensive docent experience, having volunteered at both the Harbor Museum and ABC Art, and have led tours both as a student leader and a member of the town historical society. In addition, I’m a lifelong town resident and an enthusiastic amateur historian.

I’ve attached my cover letter and resume for your review. I hope you’ll contact me at your convenience to discuss the program and arrange an interview. Thank you for your time.

Sarah Smith 555-555-1234

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it better to send a word document or a pdf to apply for a job.

A PDF file retains the format of your resume and letter, so the recipient will see them as you wrote them when they open the file(s) you sent. A Word document is easily read by the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that employers use to manage job applications. What's most important is to follow the company's application guidelines.

How can I be sure my documents are formatted correctly?

Send a test message, and email your resume and cover letter to yourself before you send it to the employer. That way, you'll know your documents are formatted and attached correctly.

ZipJob. “ Should You Send Your Resume as a PDF or Word Doc? "

Google. " Create, View, or Download a File ."

Microsoft. " Save or Convert to PDF or XPS in Office Desktop Apps ."

Adobe. " How to Convert a Google Doc to a PDF ."


35 Example Emails for Submitting Your CV and Cover Letter

Crafting Professional Emails for Submitting Your CV and Cover Letter: A Comprehensive Guide

In the journey of a job seeker, one of the crucial steps is the submission of an application comprising of a CV (Curriculum Vitae) and a cover letter. This detailed guide aims to empower you with the knowledge and skills to draft effective emails for this purpose. For many employers, your email may serve as a first impression. Therefore, it’s essential to make it count.

Understanding how to present yourself professionally in the digital space can significantly impact the impression you make on potential employers. This guide’s objective is to ensure your emails are clear, concise, and appropriate for a professional context.

By adhering to certain protocols and adopting some effective strategies, you can present yourself in the best possible light. For instance, using a professional tone helps establish a positive perception about your work ethics; maintaining brevity and clarity ensures that your message is easily understood; providing all necessary content in a structured and organized manner ensures easy readability.

This guide will provide practical examples to bring these points to life. By employing these tried-and-tested techniques, you will be better equipped to craft compelling emails to accompany your CV and cover letter, regardless of your industry or the specific role.

Ultimately, effective professional communication can be a decisive factor in your job application’s success. Arm yourself with these indispensable skills, and take one confident step closer to your dream job.

Table of Contents

Email submitting a resume and cover letter

  • Email to a Job Posting:

I am writing to apply for the open position advertised on your company’s website. Enclosed are my CV and cover letter, detailing my qualifications and experience.

  • Email to a Recruitment Agency:

I learned about your agency through a colleague and am currently exploring new job opportunities. Please find my CV and cover letter attached for any potential vacancies that might align with my qualifications.

  • Email after a Networking Event:

Post our brief interaction at the recent networking event, I wanted to share my CV and cover letter for consideration in any suitable vacancies you may have now or in the future.

  • Email for Speculative Applications:

Although there may not be a current opening, I am interested in potential opportunities at your esteemed organization. Therefore, I am sharing my CV and cover letter for consideration in the future.

  • Email after being Referred by a Contact:

A mutual acquaintance suggested that I contact you regarding potential job openings. Hence, I am forwarding my CV and cover letter for your perusal.

  • Follow-up Email after Application:

Wishing to confirm the reception of my previous email where I submitted my CV and cover letter for the open position. I am resending the documents in the attachment of this email.

These examples offer a general approach towards submitting your CV and cover letter via email. Tailor the content to suit the specific circumstances, but maintain a professional and courteous tone at all times.

Email Submitting Resume and Cover Letter

Sending thoughtfully crafted emails when submitting your resume and cover letter can significantly elevate your chances of landing a desirable position. Provided here are 25 email samples covering an array of careers and circumstances.

1. Economist – Job Application

With great enthusiasm, I am applying for the posted Economist position at your esteemed organization. Attached, you will find my comprehensive CV and cover letter that detail my experience in financial policy analysis and forecasting.

2. Dental Hygienist – Referred by a Mutual Contact

Following Dr. Brown’s positive reference regarding an opening at your dental practice, I am submitting my CV and cover letter. These detail my skills in oral healthcare and patient education.

3. Social Media Specialist – Spontaneous Application

Recognizing there may not be current vacancies, I am submitting my CV and cover letter demonstrating my expertise in implementing successful social media strategies, in the event of any future open Social Media Specialist roles.

4. Customer Service Representative – Job Portal Submission

In response to the Customer Service Representative job ad on the Job Board website, I am submitting my CV and cover letter. My documents portray my dedication to customer satisfaction and adept problem-solving skills.

5. Photographer – Online Application

Submitting my application for the Photographer position, I have attached my CV, cover letter, and a link to my online portfolio that showcases my professional quality work.

6. Retail Store Manager – Recruitment Agency Submission

In response to the posted Retail Store Manager position, I am pleased to submit my CV and cover letter, exemplifying my leadership experience and dedicated customer service.

7. Nutritionist – Internal Job Application

Expressing a keen interest in the internal Nutritionist role, please find my CV and cover letter that detail my commitment to health, wellness, and personalized care for clients.

8. PR Specialist – Networking Event Follow-Up

Following our recent conversation at a networking event about potential opportunities in Public Relations, I am attaching my CV and cover letter. My experience in promoting and protecting company’s public image is highlighted within.

9. Manufacturing Engineer – Job Fair

After discussing potential opportunities with your team at the job fair, I am submitting my CV and cover letter outlining my skills in production and quality control fit for a Manufacturing Engineer role.

10. Executive Assistant – Speculative Inquiry

Even though there may not be current openings for an Executive Assistant, I am sharing my CV and cover letter which demonstrate my dedication to operational efficiency and impeccable secretarial skills.

1. Applied Economics – Job Application

I am excited to submit my application for the Economist position that was advertised on your website. Carefully aligned with your specified requirements, I trust my attached resume and cover letter will articulate my passion and competency for this role.

2. Civil Engineering – Job Referred By a Mutual Contact

Paul Adams mentioned the vacant Civil Engineer position in your esteemed organization during our recent conversation. As a proficient civil engineer, I am enclosing my resume and cover letter.

3. Graphic Design – Spontaneous Application

Recognizing that there might not be current openings in the Graphic Design department, I am keen to share my portfolio. I have attached my resume, cover letter, and sample works for potential future opportunities.

4. Education – Following Networking Event

We connected at the National Teachers Conference, and I remember you mentioning potential vacancies in your institution. I am submitting my resume and cover letter as I am interested in exploring these opportunities.

5. Healthcare – Job Portal Submission

In reply to the Clinic Administrator posting on Health Jobs Portal, I am submitting my resume and cover letter attached herewith.

6. Tech Sector – Online Application

I am enthusiastically applying to the posted Web Developer position on your company website. With my attached resume and cover letter, I look forward to showcasing my skills in front-end development.

7. Sales – Agency Submission

I have learned about the open Sales Executive position your agency advertises. Interacting with customers and leading business initiatives excites me. Therefore, I am forwarding my resume and cover letter to formally apply.

8. Banking – Internal Job Application

In light of recent vacancies in the Financial Audit Department, I am compelled to apply for the Finance Auditor position. Please consider my attached resume and cover letter.

9. Marketing – Shared Connection Referral

Our mutual contact, Patricia Johnson, directed me to you regarding the Marketing Manager position in your organization. I feel confident about my fit, as evidenced in my attached resume and cover letter.

10. Human Resources – Job Fair Follow-up

It was a pleasure interacting with your team at the recent job fair. As a dedicated HR professional, I am forwarding my resume and cover letter.

Email submitting resume and cover letter

11. Real Estate – Speculative Inquiry

With my extensive background in real estate and profound interest in your company, I am sharing my resume and cover letter for potential future openings at your firm.

12. Physiotherapy – Follow-up on Application Status

To follow up on my recent application to the Physical Therapist position at your facility, I am resending my resume and cover letter.

13. Research and Development – Document Update

Updating my prior application for the R&D Specialist position, I am resubmitting my enhanced resume and cover letter.

14. Journalism – Job Opening Interest

Recently, a colleague informed me about a possible Journalist position at your outlet. I am submitting my resume and cover letter for consideration upon confirming the vacancy.

15. Environmental Science – Pursuing Contract Work

As an independent Environmental Consultant, I am sending my resume and cover letter. Engaging with challenging projects and providing efficient environmental solutions fuels my enthusiasm.

16. Information Technology – Direct to Hiring Manager

In line with the IT Manager position’s requirements that you’re seeking, I am submitting my resume and cover letter in hopes of discussing how my expertise aligns with your needs.

17. Non-Profit – Connection with College Alumni

An alumnus of XYZ University informed me about possible positions at your esteemed nonprofit. I am forwarding my resume and cover letter in anticipation of these potential opportunities.

18. Fashion Industry – Introduced Employee Connection

Our mutual connection, Jessica Wells, suggested connecting with you about possible design openings at your firm. Hence, I am sharing my resume and cover letter.

19. Hospitality – HR Department Address

With great interest in your respected hotel chain, I am sending my resume and cover letter. Anticipating possible vacancies, I am hopeful my background in hospitality would fit your future needs.

20. Legal – Post Informational Interview

Thank you for the incredibly insightful informational interview. I was wondering about potential roles within your law firm. As a prospective candidate, I am attaching my resume and cover letter.

21. Aviation – Direct Application Follow-up

As a follow-up to my recent application for the Pilot position listed on your website, I am forwarding my resume and cover letter again to confirm their receipt.

22. Architecture – Touch Base After Communication

Reflecting on our prior conversation about your firm’s upcoming projects, I am submitting my updated resume and cover letter.

23. Event Management – LinkedIn Post Application

Accepting applications through LinkedIn, you posted an Event Planner position. I am thrilled to apply, and I look forward to showcasing my experience via my resume and cover letter.

24. Supply Chain Management – Post Online Application

Following my online application to the Supply Chain Coordinator position at your company, I am sending my resume and cover letter directly to ensure they are received.

25. Consulting – Confirming Receipt of Previous Submission

Previously, I submitted my resume and cover letter for the Strategy Consultant role. I’m emailing again to confirm if my documents were received and to express my ongoing interest in the position.

These samples demonstrate how to compose compelling emails to accompany your resume and cover letter submissions across a host of careers. Employ this practical guide as you navigate your path towards your dream job. Remember, every communication is a chance to demonstrate your professionalism and dedication.

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  • Missing Assignment Email to Teacher: 25 Example Emails
  • What should a Cover Letter Include ?
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Prepare a Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter

Curriculum vitae.

Y our CV  is  usually the first thing a prospective employe r  sees about you . It  showcases your experience as a physician  as well as your  education, skills, qualifications,  publications and  other  information that may influence  a  hiring decision.   It is the main tool  employers use to  distinguish between candidates .   

A good place to start is t he  AAP C a reer Center   which has  resources  on preparing a CV and cover letter .     

Following are  essential elements  for your CV :  

  • Name: Your full legal name  
  • Contact Information: Address, phone number  and  email address   
  • Education and Medical Training:  
  • Post-Graduate Training – Includes  Residency /Internship  
  • Medical School  
  • Undergraduate   
  • Practice Experience :  Name of Practice/Hospital, Location, Title, Type of Practice, Brief Description  
  • Licensure: State and license number or the status of applications for licensure  
  • P rofessional  a ffiliations  and  m edical  a ssociation  m emberships :  e.g.  American Academy of Pediatrics / Section on Pediatric Trainees  and/or Section on Early Career Physicians
  • Certifications –  Board Certification or Status: List month,  year  and board certificate number  (i f still in process,   state your current status )     
  • Include any basic or advanced life support training including BLS, ALS, PALS, and Neonatal Resuscitation Program   
  • Activities and committee memberships, including roles and brief descriptions of associated accomplishments ( e.g.  projects you managed, leadership or managerial skills   - clinical and nonclinical )  
  • Leadership experience  
  • Honors  and awards    
  • Research  experience  
  • P ublications and presentations .  As you  gain more  experience, you may divide this into peer- reviewed publications,  non-peer-reviewed  publications, and poster presentations .  

  Some additional elements you may include if applicable:  

  • Academic  a ppointments  
  • Quality improvement and continuous improvement involvement  
  • Community service or volunteer experience  
  • Lectures or teaching portfolio   
  • Procedural skills  
  • Languages spoken

Proof, double proof and triple proof  the information.   Accuracy is essential.   It may be a good idea to send your CV to a mentor or faculty advisor for feedback and you may even ask to see their CV as a reference.  When formatting your CV, avoid unusual fonts or formats that are difficult to read.    

Because you may be asked to provide your CV even when you are  not applying for a job  i t’s  a good idea to keep your CV updated as an official record of your professional achievements.  You will continue to edit your CV throughout your career. For example, your medical school CV will include undergraduate accomplishments, but after residency you may want to edit your CV to include only the major activities/honors from your undergraduate time. Be sure to add new publications and presentations as appropriate.

Cover Letter  

Once  you r CV is done,  you  need to create  a   cover letter to submit  with your  application. In general, the cover letter expresses  your  interest in a position, summarizes  your  qualifications, and aligns  your  skill sets and experience to the needs of an employer. Do this without being too obvious. Sublteltyis important. All of this is accomplished in a direct, well-written letter.  Target the c over letter  to each  specific position and employer. ​  

Be sure to explain any gaps in training or employment. Brief and clear explanations are best. During your interview you elaborate. Describe what the gap experience taught you to be a better doctor.

​An effective CV and cover letter are often deciding factors on whether  you ’re  contacted for an interview. The person hiring for the job will look at these documents to gain an understanding of  your  training, experience, volunteerism, and most importantly, what makes you standout from the other applicants .  Substance and style matter. Vital information should be included.  You r  letter  and experience  must  create a  professional  image.  

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Sample Email Cover Letter With Attached Resume

Sample Email Cover Letter With Attached Resume. Cover Email For Job Application.

Email Cover Letter

The email cover letter is an email body that explains the applicant’s potentiality along with the attached resume. It is a crucial part of the job application to attract and convince interviewers. A good and attractive email cover letter enhances the chances of being invited for a job interview. Apart from the job application, an email cover letter is crucial to confirm admission with a statement of purpose .

Today, we will demonstrate some samples of email cover letters to assist applicants. These email cover letter examples help job seekers in writing their job application emails with CVs. The authors wrote a few examples of email cover letters followed by the instructions. However, we have collected some examples from candidates who wrote those email cover letters for job applications. Additionally, we have adopted an email cover letter example from ChatGPT . You might visit the following article to learn how to introduce yourself in a job interview session “ Self-introduction Sample For Job Interview.”

Sample Email Cover Letter In Word Adopted From ChatGPT

Subject: Application for [Position Title] – [Your Name]

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a strong background in [relevant field or industry] and [number of years] years of experience, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

I have attached my video resume for your review, which outlines my educational background, professional experience, and key skills. [Briefly mention any specific qualifications or achievements that make you a strong candidate for the position.]

Throughout my career, I have demonstrated a track record of [mention specific accomplishments or experiences relevant to the job]. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to [mention a specific aspect of the job or company that interests you] and believe that my [mention relevant skills or experiences] would make me a valuable asset to your team.

I am highly motivated, detail-oriented, and passionate about [mention relevant industry or field]. Additionally, I thrive in fast-paced environments and enjoy collaborating with colleagues to achieve common goals.

I am eager to further discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm align with the needs of your team. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at [your phone number] or via email at [your email address]. Thank you for considering my application.

I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and help drive its continued success.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Sample Email Cover Letter With Attached Resume-1

Dear sir, Please find my application for the education consultant post. I’ve attached a Resume. I’m excited to apply for the position. I’ve reviewed the job specification and researched your company, and I believe I have the skills and approach to perform in the role.

You can find details of my qualifications and achievements in my Resume. If you have any questions, please get in touch with me through this email account or the personal information given in my Resume.

Please provide me with details on the next steps in the process.

Sample Email Cover Letter With Attached CV-2

I am writing to inform you that I am interested in the Content Writer position. As a recent graduate with a computer science & engineering degree, I am enthusiastic about starting my career in content writing. In addition, I am excited about the opportunity to join your team.

I gained practical experience creating engaging and informative content for Roar Bangladesh Ltd. I have also developed strong research skills and a keen eye for detail, essential for creating high-quality content. Your company’s priority on writing particularly tempts me, and my passion would make me a tangible asset to your team.

My skills and enthusiasm for content writing make me a beneficial addition to your team. Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my CV and waiting to hear from you.

Short Email Cover Letter For IELTS Instructor Job Application-3

Dear Sir, I am writing to express my keen interest in both the “Spoken and IELTS Instructor” positions at Global Assistant. As a highly skilled and experienced English speaker, I am confident in my ability to deliver quality instruction and help students attain their desired scores. I have gotten my IELTS score lately, so I am familiar with all the strategies that I have implemented in my exam which will cater to students to fulfill their needs. Joining “Global Assistant” would be a great chance to continue learning and growing in my career.

In the attached files you will find my CV and IELTS test result. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Long Email Cover Letter For Job Application Example-4

Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to express my keen interest in the position available in your esteemed organization. As a recent graduate with a BBA in finance, I am excited to start my career in a dynamic and challenging work environment that offers growth opportunities. During my academic years, I have developed excellent communication, problem-solving, and analytical skills, which I believe will make me an ideal candidate for the position.

As a self-motivated individual, I have always been committed to delivering exceptional results, and I am confident that I will be able to make valuable contributions to your team. I am excited about the possibility of working for your company as it aligns with my career goals, and I am eager to learn from experienced professionals in the industry. Additionally, I believe that my educational background, coupled with my eagerness to learn and develop, will make me an asset to your team.

As a fresh graduate, I am ready to take on new challenges and contribute to the growth of your organization. I am passionate about working in a fast-paced environment and taking on responsibilities that will help me develop professionally. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further in an interview. Thank you for considering my application.

Email Cover Letter For Job Application Example-5

I am writing to express my interest in the position of Consultant recently advertised. While I am a recent graduate and do not have professional experience as an educational consultant, I am eager to bring my passion for education and willingness to learn to this role.

Throughout my academic career, I have demonstrated a strong commitment to education and a desire to positively impact students’ lives. During my time in college, I engaged in various extracurricular activities related to education, such as volunteering at after-school programs and participating in teaching fellowships. These experiences allowed me to develop skills such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving.

I am particularly interested in working with these types of institutions to improve access to education and create a more equitable learning environment for all students. I am excited to learn from experienced professionals in the field and contribute my insights and ideas to support this important work.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

Short Email Cover Letter for Job Application-6

Dear Sir/Ma’am

I hope You are doing good. Myself Mou, recently I’ve been working as a student counselor at an overseas education consultant where my main responsibility is handling telemarketing, face-to-face counseling, SOP writing, University application, and Visa processing. It would be a great achievement for me if I get the chance to work as an “Education Consultant” at your organization which will inspire me to accomplish additional progress in my career. I firmly believe it would be a significant platform for me if I get the chance to work with your organization. Additionally, I find myself perfectly fit for the position and I believe I won’t disappoint you. I can assure you that I will do my best for this position Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You Best Regards

Long Email Cover Letter For Job Application Examples-7

Concern, I would like to introduce myself to you as I believe, I have the skills & qualifications to make a significant contribution to your organization. I have my graduation degree Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing from the University of Comilla. Besides, I have completed some online short courses on Communication & Digital Marketing.  Additionally, I am doing a Freelancing course right now. I have more than one year of experience working in the field you are hiring for.

Therefore, I am confident enough that I would be a perfect candidate for this role. I am self-motivated, energetic, enthusiastic & ever-ready to learn new things and take on new challenges. Thus, I am confident that ensure the highest level of Professionalism & commitment to my job. I believe working in a reputed organization like yours will provide me with an excellent opportunity for my career. I would truly be grateful if I am finally selected for the post &I will prove myself to be an important asset to your company through my dedication, sincerity &highest level of professionalism. Sincerely,

Short Email Cover Letter Example With Attached Resume-8

Dear Concern, Greetings. I hope you are doing well. I’m very interested in working and taking the opportunity to apply for the position of “education consultant.” My qualifications and skills match your specifications almost exactly. Please take a moment to review my attached CV. It would be a sincere pleasure to hear back from you soon to discuss this opportunity. Thanks & Regards

Email Cover Letter for Job Application With Experience-9

Dear Concern,

I would like to apply for the role which I saw advertised on a job website. Through this work, I can develop my communication qualities. I am interested in this post. Some morals are necessary for all kinds of jobs. I hold those kinds of morals to myself such as Discipline, Punctuality, Hardworking, Responsibility, etc.

I have 6 months of experience in the teaching profession. Additionally, I have technical skills in Computer Application, Graphics Design. Recently, I completed the Professional Backoffice Services (PBS) from FIFOTech under SEIP.

I hold some professionalism such as Manage People, Influence & Convince Others, Leadership, Pressure Handling, Multiple Tasking etc. I am also highly proficient in listening, speaking, reading & writing knowledge in Bangla and English.

Email Cover Letter Example For Reservation Officer Job-10

I was excited to see your job listing for the “Reservation Officer” position from Vacancy Announcement in BD. With more than two years of professional experience, I’m confident that I would be a valuable asset to the team. My proven track record of excellent work ethic, unparalleled attention to detail, and high-performing services will make me an immediate asset and allow me to contribute to the team’s success.

I am continuing here, with the skills I discovered myself. This company made me learn how to download and fill out the Canadian Tourist and Student applicant form from the GCKEY account, the process for passport submission, and biometric dates for Canadian applicants. That’s not all, my talent for writing persuasive itineraries and SOP writing has made them earn a Canadian tourist Visa with a fresh passport and a passport with two country visiting records.

I look forward to discussing the position and my qualifications with you in more detail. Here I enclose my Resume for your kind consideration and I’m available to talk at your convenience. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Email Cover Letter Example With Experience-11

Hello Dear HR Team,

Email Cover Letter Example With Curriculum Vitae-12

Short email cover for reservation officer job application-13.

I am writing to apply for the Reservation Officer role at your company. I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute my skills and experience to the company. In my current role as Reservation Officer at Bahaza OTM, I have gained valuable experience in Air Ticketing, Visa Processing, Tour Package, Hajj Umrah, and many more which I believe would be a strong asset to your team. Additionally, my skills have enabled me to become a Team Leader of the Reservation Team at Bahaza OTM in the first month of joining, and also, I also achieved the best employee award on joining month.

Please find attached my CV for your review. I would be happy to provide additional information or references upon request. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further.

Sincerely, Rajib Ahmed

example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae

Author: M M Kobiruzzaman

M M Kobiruzzaman, Content Writer View all posts by M M Kobiruzzaman

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example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae

Ways to Say ‘Please Find Attached’ in Your Application

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Should you say ‘please find attached’ on your application?

List of other ways to say ‘please find attached’, how to decide which phrase to use, ‘please find attached’ example.

‘Please find attached’ is a somewhat outdated term you might use when sending a job application through email. It is a direct way of keeping the hiring manager aware of what they will find in your job application. This article provides instructions and examples of better ways to write ‘please find attached’ in an email.

Your application is a formal request to be considered for a job. Usually, such forms list their complete requirements, including the documents that must be attached. If your resume is required, the employer will ask for it. Saying ‘please find attached’ may seem a bit old-fashioned, and the verb ‘find’ does not convey the exact meaning required. Although the term is correct grammatically, it is exceptionally formal for the contemporary era. However, it is still necessary to indicate the presence of a resume in email while following the modern grammatical trends.

Here are some different ways to say ‘please find attached’ with your application:

‘I have attached my resume for your consideration’

This method conveys your intention indirectly and allows for maximum clarity. It helps to avoid poor grammar and punctuation style and also sounds polite. 

‘My resume has been included for your review’

This way is direct and professional while also asking the employer to review your resume. 

‘Let me know if you have any questions about my resume attached below’

This method takes an indirect approach to mention the attached resume. It also indicates your availability and willingness to clarify any doubts of the employer, and it creates both a positive and cooperative impression.

‘You will find my resume attached below’

Mentioning that the employer will see the resume attached eliminates the confusion. Writing ‘you will’ makes the message more like an imperative or declaration, while ‘please find’, makes the message a request.

Do not mention anything

If the application explicitly says that a resume is required, you do not need to reaffirm that it has been sent. The employer expects to find your resume attached to the email or physical application.

Your decision to select the correct statement for mentioning your resume in an email or mail should be based on the following steps.

1. First, check if the application explicitly asks you to send a resume

If there are clear instructions in the application to attach a resume, you may not need to mention anything regarding it. For example, if the application states, ‘Attach one hard copy of your resume with the application,’ then you may skip mentioning that a resume is attached. You may state that the required resume has been attached as a reaffirmation, however, if the application does not ask for a resume explicitly.

2. Next, analyze the job context

If your intended workplace has a formal environment, you must use a formal phrase. For example, you may say, ‘The resume has been attached for your review,’ or ‘The resume has been attached for your consideration’. However, if the workplace has a casual environment, you may use phrases like ‘I have included my resume’ or ‘Let me know if you have any questions about my resume attached below.’

3. After that, accurately state the placement of the resume

Make sure to state exactly where the resume is located. For example, if the resume is attached to the back of your application, you may say, ‘The second page has my resume details.’ However, if you are writing an email application, state, ‘I have attached my resume below.’

4. Fourth, look for directions mentioned in the job post

Sometimes, the application mentions a specific format. You must follow the exact format specified in the application. For example, there may be a checkbox in your application to tick if the resume is attached. Saying that you have attached the resume again may be unprofessional in such cases.

5. After that, make sure you are using a polite and professional tone

Your application is a formal document, so your message for the attached resume should be polite, professional and well-worded. Attaching a message with multiple grammar mistakes or informal tone may create a negative impression on your employer. 

6. Sixth, use an informative name for your resume

You may mention the name of the file in your application’s resume attachment message. For example, if you have included a printout of your Indeed profile, you may mention, ‘I have attached my professional profile for review.’ Also, if you are writing an email, you may say, ‘I have attached the link to my web-based resume for your review.’ Providing clear information about the attached file can increase the clarity of the message and create a positive impression on the employer.

7. Then, you may create a specific reference in your message

You may refer to your resume for specific information. For example, if you are sending an application for a writing job, you may mention, ‘Please refer to the attached resume for more details on my professional writing experience.’ Also, you may combine the message to refer to multiple items attached. For example, if you have attached both your resume and cover letter per the application’s requirements, say, “I have attached the required documents for your review.’ If, however, you have attached them voluntarily, say, ‘I have attached my resume and cover letter for consideration.’

8. Finally, refer to the application

You may refer to the resume within the application. You may say, ‘As the attached resume shows, I have worked with multiple multinational writing firms.’ The reference must fit well with the text of the application. You must refer to something relevant to the job you are applying to. For example, if you are applying for a marketing job, say, ‘The attached resume reviews my marketing experience.’

Here is an example of an email message indicating an attached resume:

Subject: Senior Research Analyst job application – Andy Hugh

Dear Hiring Manager,

I have been an admirer of Vertix Company and its environmentally friendly policies for many years. Finally, I have found a suitable opportunity to work with Vertix. I wish to be considered for the Senior Research Analyst position at your firm. I believe that with my experience and qualifications, I can bring significant expertise to the position.

I have attached my resume for your review. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Regards, Andy Hugh Research Consultant Sortep LLC

StandOut CV

Please find attached my CV… 43 ways to say it

Andrew Fennell photo

When you apply for jobs, you want to ensure that your CV gets opened by the recruiter.

But the phrase “ please find attached my CV ” is a bit dated and can seem impersonal.

So, you probably want to say something more modern and friendly, right?

If you’re looking for another way to say “ please find attached my CV ”, we’ve listed 43 examples in this article for you to choose from.

CV templates 

43 ways to say “Please find attached my cv”

Rather than saying “please find attached my CV ,” here are some more original ways to go about it.

The following examples are simple, but pass on the same message without being too cliché:

  • My CV is attached for your consideration.
  • Please see my CV (attached) for more information.
  • I have attached my CV, let me know what you think.
  • My CV is attached to this email, let me know if you have any questions.
  • I have attached my CV for you to take a look at.
  • Here’s my CV, I’ve attached it to this email.
  • I’ve sent my CV along with my cover letter.
  • You can find my CV attached to my email.
  • Please refer to my attached CV for further information.
  • I have included my CV as an attachment.
  • For further information, I’ve attached my CV.
  • You can refer to my attached CV for further information.
  • I’ve attached my CV for further reference.
  • I’ll include my CV as an attachment for further details.
  • I’ve sent through my CV as an attachment if you’d like further information.
  • For more details, you’ll find my CV attached to this email.
  • I’ve added my CV as an attachment, do let me know if you have any problems accessing it.
  • You’ll find my CV attached to this email for further information.
  • For more information on my skills and background, I’ve attached my CV.
  • You can see my full work history via my CV, which I’ve attached to this email.
  • For more details, I’ve included my CV as an attachment.
  • My CV is attached to this email and available for download.
  • For my full work history, you’ll find my CV attached to this email.
  • As per the job description, I’ve attached my CV.
  • As instructed, I’ve included my CV as an attachment.
  • Please consider my CV which I have attached to my application.
  • For further details, please refer to my attached CV.
  • You can refer to my attached CV for more information.
  • I’ve attached my CV for reference.
  • I’ve attached my CV to this email as per the job description.
  • You’ll find my CV attached alongside my cover letter and application.
  • Let me know if you have any questions about my attached CV.
  • As requested, I’ve included my CV as an attachment.
  • You can download or view my CV for further reference, which I’ve attached to my application.
  • You can find my CV attached to this email for further details.
  • For more detailed information, my CV is attached for your consideration.
  • You can find more information on my attached CV.
  • You’re welcome to take a look at my attached CV.
  • My attached CV includes further information.
  • Should it be of interest, I have attached my CV.
  • If you’d like more information, I have included my CV for further reference.
  • For more information on my candidacy, my CV is available as an attachment.
  • Feel free to take a look at my attached CV for more information.

CV builder

Why use the phrase “ Please find attached my CV ”?

If you’re applying to a job online, you’re going to want to direct the recruiter to your CV, as that’s where they’ll be able to find your achievements , skills and work experience – AKA; the important stuff.

By saying “ please find attached my CV ” (or something similar) you’re sending your potential employer to the information that is most likely to land you an interview.

Plus, recruiters are busy all day – if you don’t point out that you’ve attached your CV, they might think you didn’t send one in some cases.

Where to write cover letter

When to use the phrase “ Please find attached my CV ”?

There are a number of instances where you should use the phrase “please find attached my CV” (or a more original version of it.) Here are the main occasions where you should use this phrase:

Emailing your CV for a job application

While some company recruitment websites have online, box-ticking job applications, some employers prefer to solicit CVs via email instead.

So, if a job advert offers only an email address for applications, it’s going to be your CV – along with the quality of your cover letter – that will determine whether or not you get an interview.

In this instance, you’ll want to make sure to direct the recruiter to your CV when you send your email. Make sure that you also write an effective cover letter and sign off your email professionally.

Making applications on job websites

Many job applications now consist of an online form on the company website. You might be asked to answer questions, fill in your details or complete a short test.

Most online job applications will also allow you to include attachments before sending your details off, and you should always use this feature to add your CV when given the option. If there’s a small “cover letter” section in the job application (where you can write freestyle), you should use this space to indicate that you’ve attached your CV for consideration.

Sending your CV to recruiters on LinkedIn

If you’re reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn , it’s essential that you send over a CV alongside your message. Simply having your LinkedIn profile on display isn’t enough – the recruiter might want to forward your details or your CV to a third party, so it should be attached in readable PDF or Word format.

When closing your email, sign off by politely instructing the recruiter to take a look at your CV for consideration. Your CV will be their only point of reference when recommending you to relevant employers, so it’s important to include it.

Sending a speculative application

If you’re interested in working for a particular company but they don’t post regular vacancies, sending a speculative application is always an option.

If you’re sending a speculative application, you should always include a CV. You’re much more likely to get a response from an employer if you demonstrate that you possess a competitive skillset that could be valuable to their organisation.

Send along a polite enquiry and explain that you’ve attached your CV for consideration (without being pushy.)

Checks to make when attaching your CV

Before you send off that application or email, you’ll want to make sure that everything is attached, named, and signed off correctly. Before clicking “send”, take a look at the list below and tick off accordingly:

  • Check your CV is attached – Luckily, many email servers now recognise the word “attached” in an email and will notify you if you forget to attach something. However, never rely on technology alone. You should always double check that you’ve actually attached your CV before sending off your email. It’s a rookie mistake, but it’s more common than you might think.
  • Name the file properly – When attaching files, name them accordingly and professionally– e.g. “David Smith CV” – adding your own name for reference and helping recruiters to store and find your CV. Make sure there’s no random numbers, weird letters or errors in the file name .
  • Spellcheck your email and CV – You only get once chance to make a good impression. Sending off a CV or email littered with errors is going to immediately turn off a recruiter, so always proofread your documents first. You can use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to add pre-written expert content with one click.
  • Add a professional signature to your email – If you want to appear professional, add a professional signature to your email. A professional signature lends credibility to your application and sets the tone for your correspondence with the organisation or recruiter.
  • Use a Word or PDF document – There’s no use in sending an immaculate, well-written CV if the recruiter is unable to open it. With so many job applications to go through every day, a recruiter isn’t likely to follow up with you if they are unable to open your CV. Avoid any editable software (such as Google docs) and stick to a Microsoft Word document or a PDF .
  • Follow up with non-responders – If you haven’t heard back from a company or recruiter after a couple of weeks, you can always follow up and ask for an update on your email or application. Some organisations will be happy to provide feedback or give a reason as to why your application was either unsuccessful or refused. This feedback can be helpful in creating a better CV.

Whether you’re sending off a job application or sending outreach emails, it’s always a good idea to direct prospective employers to your CV. There’s only so much a cover letter can do – you want your skills and work experience to be the main focus of your candidacy.

Next time you’re attaching a CV, use one of our above examples to point the recruiter in the right direction. And don’t forget to spellcheck and proofread your CV, email and cover letter before clicking “send!”

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Sample industrial attachment letter and how to write an industrial attachment application letter

Last updated on: June 14, 2023 by Kenyayote Reporter 55 Comments

Industrial attachment also known by many as internship normally lasts for three months but the duration differs from institution to institution. Some companies pay for industrial attachment while others do not pay (in an article we had written earlier, we provided a list of companies that pay for industrial attachment).  To increase your chances of getting an industrial attachment you have to write an appealing attachment letter.

When writing an industrial attachment application letter or internship application letter be precise and ensure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors in your letter.  Company directors have no time to read very long letters.  Also, ensure that you have attached your CV to accompany your industrial attachment application letter.  Do not be worried about the content in your CV, the company directors or human resource department understand that you are a student so they don’t expect much in your CV.

How to write application letter: Formal format

  •  At the top of the application letter should be your address then followed by the address of the company or receiver. It is not advisable to write your name at the top of a letter.   (Check for the sample application letter below)
  • Thereafter the salutation .  Use  Sir or Madam if you do not know the name of the person you are writing to.
  • Reference (This is the title of the application letter) example Application for internship in the engineering department
  • Opening paragraph : This paragraph should state the position you are applying to or for and how you knew of the position. It should also contain a basic introduction of who you are.
  • Body paragraph : Explain why you are interested in the position you are applying for, demonstrate your understanding of the position, talk about your qualification and skills in brief as they will be contained in your CV.
  • Conclusion Paragraph : State that you are ready to take the opportunity fairly. Thank the employer for her/his consideration in advance.
  • Closing remarks or complimentary remarks: End your letter “Yours Sincerely”  if you have begun it with a person’s title and family name. If you have begun “Dear Sir or Madam”, then end your letter “Yours faithfully”

(Your handwritten signature)

Your name typed

Below find a sample attachment letter.

sample industrial attachment application letter

Elvis Lewis

P.O BOX 3556-3767,

December 3, 2013

Ziteck Broadcasting Corporation

P O Box 5755-73623

Dear Sir/Madam,


I am a 3rd-year student pursuing mass media and communication at Dadan University and I wish to apply for an attachment. It is a requirement that I spend three months in an industry that is related to my field of study prior to the final year programme.

As indicated in my CV, I have been working as a writer in the campus press and also s a CNN Ireporter. On June 23rd, 2013,   I was selected to represent our country at a student journalism conference in Israel. Your company is very suitable for me in terms of my area of interest and your location.

I shall be most grateful if my application is considered favorably.

Yours faithfully,

Important Expressions that you might need to include when writing your cover letter

  • I am writing in response to your advertisement…for the position of…
  • As attached in my resume/CV
  • Kindly find attached my CV
  • With reference to your advertisement in the Kenyayote Magazine
  • I am available for interview whenever  convenient for you
  • I would be grateful if you…
  • I am writing to…

Other unique sample letters that you will find on our website include industrial attachment request letter, department letter, deans letter of attachment, Recommendation letter, Apology letter, Job application letter, Appreciation letter, Thank you letter, Complaint letter, Congratulation letter, Cover letter, Inquiry letter, Interview thank you letter, Love letter, Break up letter, Marriage letter, Resignation letter, Retirement letter among many other types of letters.

More updated and professional sample attachment application letters in word document are available online at for Ksh. 107 or $1.40. Check the bottom of this page on how to download them .

You can also find a sample industrial attachment report or internship report.

No free report-writing service, please!! For free services kindly check the example of the attachment letter above.

Lastly, do you have any question about this post or something else? We are responding. Ask us a question or register to join a community of thousands of members that receive latest education news.

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Reader Interactions

' src=

April 23, 2024 at 4:17 am

I need one for the airport and flight dispatch for 2nd year

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August 15, 2023 at 2:30 pm

Thanks the letter is so nice but can i get one for craft in information communication technology

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March 30, 2024 at 7:59 pm

Ulipata unikolee😭😭😭😹

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July 26, 2023 at 7:00 am

I need one for diploma in social work and community development

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July 13, 2023 at 7:09 am

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July 10, 2023 at 2:12 pm

Thank you so much the letter was very helpful in need one in purchasing and supplies management.

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March 2, 2023 at 11:31 am

i need one for attachment application pursuing diploma in business information technology

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February 23, 2023 at 7:22 am

I need one for food and beverage 1st year

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July 11, 2023 at 5:03 am

Kindly help me with one for attachment application on the field of information communication technology

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July 20, 2023 at 2:49 pm

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July 21, 2022 at 8:14 pm

The letter is good, can I get one for attachment in procurement

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July 24, 2023 at 5:38 pm

The letter is good, can I get one for industrial attachment for electrical engineering, power optio

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July 19, 2022 at 7:48 am

Letter is so nice Need one for secretarial studies

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March 25, 2022 at 4:26 pm

It is very nice.kindly please I need that one for attachment in certificate in building technology

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March 29, 2022 at 4:00 pm

If you get one just share

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May 16, 2022 at 9:01 pm

I’m Augustine okeyo it’s very nice kindly please I need attachment plant operator

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July 24, 2023 at 7:01 am

It is so nice can I get one

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March 31, 2024 at 8:30 am

I need for plumbing in grade 2

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March 7, 2022 at 3:03 pm

The letter is good can I get one for Cosmetology

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March 1, 2022 at 12:13 pm

The letter is good and impressive, I would like one for events and convention management.

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November 23, 2021 at 9:51 pm

The letter is so fantastic I need one for craft in automotive engineering

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November 13, 2021 at 6:33 pm

I need one for fashion design diploma three

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November 5, 2021 at 3:59 pm

Well I need one for certificate in plumbing please 🙏

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September 24, 2021 at 9:25 am

I need one for plantopereter from Kenya institute of technology and building technology

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August 24, 2021 at 7:20 am

Nice one I need one for certificate in Roads and construction

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August 7, 2021 at 2:37 pm

I need for a social work being first year student applying industrial attachment in county government

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March 30, 2021 at 7:40 pm

Well done, second year BSC construction technology and management need one for industrial training placement

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March 13, 2021 at 4:33 pm

The letter is well and good. May I get industrial attachment letter for sectional studies .through my email

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March 10, 2021 at 7:39 am

well written. I need one for degree in social work

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March 4, 2021 at 4:10 pm

Can I get one for electrical and electronics engineering

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February 14, 2021 at 11:33 am

Need one for first year diploma in catering and accommodation

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February 10, 2021 at 8:20 pm

I need one for certificate in ICT year two

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January 20, 2021 at 7:12 pm

I need for Firefighter in Airport

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January 6, 2021 at 3:30 pm

Can I get 1 for marine engineering

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November 3, 2020 at 5:15 pm

I really need this help urgently thank you so much

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June 11, 2020 at 10:39 pm

Needed one for a diploma in nursing aid

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May 27, 2020 at 5:40 pm

Thanks you for this I need one as mech engineering for grateful to company and also applied for job

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March 22, 2020 at 12:02 pm

i need one for electronics and telecommunication industrial attachment for honors degree

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March 15, 2020 at 8:00 am

I need one for a diploma in archives and records managemeñt

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December 3, 2019 at 12:45 pm

i need one for diploma in human resource management second year

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October 3, 2019 at 1:32 am

thank you that was helpful. I need one for information system

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August 7, 2019 at 10:24 pm

i need one for diploma in catering and accommodation first year

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August 4, 2019 at 8:45 pm

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July 16, 2019 at 10:14 pm

Its really nice. I need that one for attachment in Diploma in Banking And Finance. Thanks

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July 5, 2019 at 8:19 pm

I request for Agricultural engineering attachment

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June 20, 2019 at 10:53 am

I need one for human resources management.

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May 11, 2021 at 8:54 pm

I need one for one of the media houses

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June 13, 2019 at 10:45 am

I need one for nutrition and diatetics being a second year applying the industrial attachment in the hospital

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May 20, 2019 at 4:43 am

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May 19, 2019 at 5:29 pm

I am Zambian teacher of computer studies pursuing a BA of Ict with education. Have found your Kenyan books and stuff to be of great value in my line work preparation and studies. Hence liking your page

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February 9, 2019 at 3:55 pm

What about the one for completion of One year IT that should be submitted at school

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January 20, 2019 at 4:00 pm

A good letter so far

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December 29, 2020 at 12:10 am

Thank you so much That was helpful I need one in Bachelor’s degree in commerce ACCOUNTING OPTION..

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October 25, 2021 at 2:03 pm

The letter is so nice can I get one for community health and development

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February 2, 2024 at 7:55 pm

The latter is so nice, thanks for it I need one in 1 year trade test in electrical engineering

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  1. Application Letter & CV

    example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae

  2. How To Write a Cover Letter for a CV (With Examples)

    example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae

  3. Job Application Example Of A Cv Letter

    example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae

  4. CV and Cover letter

    example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae

  5. Resume Cover Letter Vitae : Always write a cover letter to go with your application.

    example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae

  6. Attached Is My Curriculum Vitae / Resume Attached Sample Email For Job Application With Resume

    example of application letter attached with curriculum vitae


  1. How to write Application letter and CV[Loosu hasatto ku'laatonna Ayimmate xawishshi huunco borreessa

  2. How to write a CV in Word and OpenOffice

  3. Cara Mengirim CV Pelaut Lewat Email

  4. CV Writing Full Tutorial 2021

  5. AN APPLICATION LETTER: The Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  6. How To Write a Good CV


  1. How To Write a Cover Letter for a CV (With Examples)

    Cover Letter Sample. Sending an Email Cover Letter. More Cover Letter Examples. Photo: Wutthichai Luemuang / EyeEm / Getty Images. A cover letter should be included with every curriculum vitae you send. Learn about what to include in a cover letter for a CV and review some examples.

  2. 12 CV cover letter examples

    Marketing CV cover letter. This marketing cover letter provides readers with a summary of the candidate's core marketing abilities such as media planning, brand awareness and cost reduction. It also explains the types of marketing campaigns and companies they have experience with - a great high-level intro.

  3. How to Write A Letter of Application For A Job + Examples

    For example: Application for [Job Title] Position - [Your Full Name]. Start with a professional salutation. If you have the recipient's name, use it (e.g., "Dear Mr. Smith") or "Dear Hiring Manager" if the name is unknown. Begin the application letter's content with a brief introduction expressing your interest in the position.

  4. Email Cover Letter and CV

    1. Have your perfect CV and cover letter ready. Before working on drafting your email, make sure that you have already written and prepared your CV and cover letter. Check out How to write a Cover Letter and How to write a CV guides for more tips and examples. 2. Be formal. The job application process is a formal process.

  5. How to Write a Letter of Application (Example & Tips)

    No hard numbers. "I worked in a team and provided customer service to elderly residents". 5. Choose engaging words for your application letter. Your letter of application's length should be 250 to 400 words or 3 to 4 paragraphs — long enough to get your point across but short enough that the reader won't lose interest.

  6. 50+ Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers in 2023

    The Perfect Cover Letter Example Template. Salutation Dear [First name of hiring manager]/Dear [XYZ] Team. Introductory Paragraph Add your cover letter's introduction here. Give a brief description of who you are, what you specialise in, and what makes you apply for the position. Keep it to a maximum of 2-3 lines.

  7. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Review the job description, then read the cover letter. In the first example, you'll see how specific phrases from the job description are used in the letter. The second example takes a more creative approach, telling a personal story and appealing more abstractly to the attributes called for in the job posting. Both are less than 300 words long.

  8. Job Application Letter Examples for 9 Jobs and Formats

    2. Date: Write the date you're writing the letter underneath your header (right-aligned) — for example, '14 October 2021' or '14/10/2021'. 3. Employer's name and contact details: If you know the employer's name, state it in this section, including the company's name and address.

  9. How to Write an Application Letter—Examples & Guide

    Letters of application are essential in the job market, so don't risk losing to other candidates just because you didn't write one. 2. Address Your Letter of Application Properly. Addressing an application letter is simple. Firstly, include your contact information in the header of the application letter : Full name.

  10. How to Write an Email Cover Letter

    Doing so personalises your letter and shows you have a genuine interest in the role. For example, you could start your cover letter email with a sentence like: 'I'm writing to express my strong interest in the [Job title] role that I came across on [Company's website/job board].'. 2.

  11. 8 winning short cover letter samples + guide [Get noticed]

    Write in the body of your email/message. Address the recruiter by name. Write in a friendly but professional manner. Highlight your relevant skills. Add some quantified achievements. Write succinctly. Add a professional signature. What to avoid in a short cover letter. Attaching your cover letter as a separate document.

  12. How to Email a Resume and Cover Letter Attachment

    Once your email message is ready to send, you need to attach your resume and cover letter to your message: Click on Insert > Attach File. Your email client will display a list of files in the default file folder of your computer. If your resume and cover letter are stored in a different folder, click on the appropriate folder.

  13. 35 Example Emails for Submitting Your CV and Cover Letter

    9. Manufacturing Engineer - Job Fair. After discussing potential opportunities with your team at the job fair, I am submitting my CV and cover letter outlining my skills in production and quality control fit for a Manufacturing Engineer role. 10. Executive Assistant - Speculative Inquiry.

  14. Three excellent cover letter examples

    1. Standard, conservative style. This is ideal for sectors such as business, law, accountancy and retail. For more creative sectors, a letter like this might be less appealing, and could work against you. Dear Mr Black, Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in the Guardian on 30 November.

  15. Prepare a Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter

    In general, the cover letter expressesyourinterest in a position, summarizesyourqualifications, and alignsyourskill sets and experience to the needs of an employer. Do this without being too obvious. Sublteltyis important. All of this is accomplished in a direct, well-written letter.Target the cover letterto eachspecific position and employer.

  16. PDF CVs and Cover Letters

    There is no single best format. Refer to samples for ideas, but craft your CV to best reflect you and your unique accomplishments. Unlike a resume, there is no page limit, but most graduate students' CVs are two to five pages in length. Your CV may get no more than thirty seconds of the reader's attention, so ensure the

  17. How To Email a CV to a Recruiter (With Examples and Tips)

    To email a CV, follow these steps: Find and enter the recipient's work email address. Mention the reason for sending your CV in the subject line. Greet the recipient by name in the email and inform them who you are and why you're sending them your CV. Close the email politely and give your full name.

  18. PDF CV and cover letter examples

    1/1. CV for Asia. Dos:Photographs are optional, but often welcome in German-speaking countries (professional, friendly, passport photograph format, high resolution). Don'ts:No casual clothing, no private background (e.g. balcony). Dos:Highlight your name. Usually, specify your nationality and date of birth.

  19. How to Say, 'Please Find Attached My Resume' with Examples

    Start with a formal greeting such as 'Dear Mr. or Mrs.,' and then write the three to four paragraphs that constitute a cover letter and end it with 'Sincerely,' followed by your name. Only include your resume and cover letter as attachments in an email if the directions in the job listing specifically say to do so.

  20. Sample Email Cover Letter With Attached Resume

    Email Cover Letter. The email cover letter is an email body that explains the applicant's potentiality along with the attached resume. It is a crucial part of the job application to attract and convince interviewers. A good and attractive email cover letter enhances the chances of being invited for a job interview.

  21. Ways to Say 'Please Find Attached' in Your Application

    Make sure to state exactly where the resume is located. For example, if the resume is attached to the back of your application, you may say, 'The second page has my resume details.'. However, if you are writing an email application, state, 'I have attached my resume below.'. 4. Fourth, look for directions mentioned in the job post.

  22. Please find attached my CV… 43 ways to say it

    43 ways to say "Please find attached my cv". Rather than saying "please find attached my CV ," here are some more original ways to go about it. The following examples are simple, but pass on the same message without being too cliché: My CV is attached for your consideration. Please see my CV (attached) for more information.

  23. Sample industrial attachment letter and how to write an industrial

    When writing an industrial attachment application letter or internship application letter be precise and ensure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors in your letter. Company directors have no time to read very long letters. Also, ensure that you have attached your CV to accompany your industrial attachment application letter.

  24. How To Write an Application Analyst Cover Letter (With Examples)

    To help you learn more about cover letters, here is a sample cover letter for an application analyst: Richard Smith. Birmingham B1 1BL. 44 (0)1632 960513. [email protected] 18 April 2024 Mr. Dan Brown. Wavewords Company Dear Mr. Dan Brown, I am writing to express my interest in the Application Analyst position listed on your company's careers ...


    View INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT COVER LETTER SAMPLE.docx from MANAGEMENT MISC at Kenyatta University. NAME: TEL: EMAIL: DATE: To: Dear Sir/Madam REF: INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT I am a 3rd year student at ... application letter.docx. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi. ... View attachment letter and cv.docx from ENGR MISC at ...