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AWS Case Studies: Services and Benefits in 2024

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With its extensive range of cloud services, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has completely changed the way businesses run. Organisations demonstrate how AWS has revolutionized their operations by enabling scalability, cost-efficiency, and innovation through many case studies. AWS's computing power, storage, database management, and artificial intelligence technologies have benefited businesses of all sizes, from startups to multinational corporations. These include improved security, agility, worldwide reach, and lower infrastructure costs. With Amazon AWS educate program it helps businesses in various industries to increase growth, enhance workflow, and maintain their competitiveness in today's ever-changing digital landscape. So, let's discuss the AWS cloud migration case study   and its importance in getting a better understanding of the topic in detail.

What are AWS Case Studies, and Why are They Important?

The   AWS case   studies comprehensively explain how companies or organizations have used Amazon Web Services (AWS) to solve problems, boost productivity, and accomplish objectives. These studies provide real-life scenarios of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in operation, showcasing the wide range of sectors and use cases in which AWS can be successfully implemented. They offer vital lessons and inspiration for anyone considering or already using AWS by providing insights into the tactics, solutions, and best practices businesses use the AWS Cloud Engineer program . The Amazon ec2 case study   is crucial since it provides S's capabilities, assisting prospective clients in comprehending the valuable advantages and showcasing AWS's dependability, scalability, and affordability in fostering corporate innovation and expansion.

What are the Services Provided by AWS, and What are its Use Cases?

The   case study on AWS in Cloud Computing provided and its use cases mentioned:

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Use Cases

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) enables you to quickly spin up virtual computers with no initial expenditure and no need for a significant hardware investment. Use the AWS admin console or automation scripts to provision new servers for testing and production environments promptly and shut them down when not in use.

AWS EC2 use cases consist of:

  • With options for load balancing and auto-scaling, create a fault-tolerant architecture.
  • Select EC2 accelerated computing instances if you require a lot of processing power and GPU capability for deep learning and machine learning.

Relational Database Service (RDS) Use Cases

Since Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a managed database service, it alleviates the stress associated with maintaining, administering, and other database-related responsibilities.

AWS RDS uses common cases, including:

  • Without additional overhead or staff expenditures, a new database server can be deployed in minutes and significantly elevate dependability and uptime. It is the perfect fit for complex daily database requirements that are OLTP/transactional.
  • RDS should be utilized with NoSQL databases like Amazon OpenSearch Service (for text and unstructured data) and DynamoDB (for low-latency/high-traffic use cases).

AWS Workspaces

AWS offers Amazon Workspaces, a fully managed, persistent desktop virtualization service, to help remote workers and give businesses access to virtual desktops within the cloud. With it, users can access the data, apps, and resources they require from any supported device, anywhere, at any time.

AWS workspaces use cases

  • IT can set up and manage access fast. With the web filter, you can allow outgoing traffic from a Workspace to reach your chosen internal sites.
  • Some companies can work without physical offices and rely solely on SaaS apps. Thus, there is no on-premises infrastructure. They use cloud-based desktops via AWS Workspaces and other services in these situations.

AWS Case Studies

Now, we'll be discussing different case studies of AWS, which are mentioned below: -

Case Study - 1: Modern Web Application Platform with AWS

American Public Media, the programming section of Minnesota Public Radio, is one of the world's biggest producers and distributors of public television. To host their podcast, streaming music, and news websites on AWS, they worked to develop a proof of concept.

After reviewing an outdated active-passive disaster recovery plan, MPR decided to upgrade to a cloud infrastructure to modernize its apps and methodology. This infrastructure would need to be adaptable to changes within the technology powering their apps, scalable to accommodate their audience growth, and resilient to support their disaster recovery strategy.

MPR and AWS determined that MPR News and the public podcast websites should be hosted on the new infrastructure to show off AWS as a feasible choice. Furthermore, AWS must host multiple administrative apps to demonstrate its private cloud capabilities. These applications would be an image manager, a schedule editor, and a configuration manager.

To do this, AWS helped MPR set up an EKS Kubernetes cluster . The apps would be able to grow automatically according to workload and traffic due to the cluster. AWS and MPR developed Elasticsearch at and a MySQL instance in RDS to hold application data.

Business Benefits

Considerable cost savings were made possible by the upgraded infrastructure. Fewer servers would need to be acquired for these vital applications due to the decrease in hardware requirements. Additionally, switching to AWS made switching from Akamai CDN to CloudFront simple. This action reduced MPR's yearly expenses by thousands.

Case Study - 2: Platform Modernisation to Deploy to AWS

Foodsby was able to proceed with its expansion goals after receiving a $6 million investment in 2017, but it still needed to modernize its mobile and web applications. For a faster time to launch to AWS, they improved and enhanced their web, iOS, and Android applications.

Sunsetting technology put this project on a surged timeline. Selecting the mobile application platform required serious analysis and expert advice to establish consensus across internal stakeholders.

Improving the creation of front-end and back-end web apps that separated them into microservices to enable AWS hosting, maximizing scalability. Strengthening recommended full Native for iOS and Android and quickly creating and implementing that solution.

Case Study - 3: Cloud Platform with Kubernetes

SPS Commerce hired AWS to assist them with developing a more secure cloud platform, expanding their cloud deployment choices through Kubernetes, and educating their engineers on these advanced technologies.

SPS serves over 90,000 retail, distribution, grocery, and e-commerce businesses. However, to maintain its growth, SPS needs to remove obstacles to deploying new applications on AWS and other cloud providers in the future. They wanted a partner to teach their internal development team DevOps principles and reveal them to Kubernetes best practices, even though they knew Kubernetes would help them achieve this.

To speed up new project cycle times, decrease ramp-up times, and improve the team's Kubernetes proficiency, it assisted with developing a multi-team, Kubernetes-based platform with a uniform development method. The standards for development and deployment and assisted them in establishing the deployment pipeline.

Most teams can plug, play, and get code up and running quickly due to the streamlined deployment interface. SPS Commerce benefits from Kubernetes' flexibility and can avoid vendor lock-in, which they require to switch cloud providers.

Case Study - 4: Using Unified Payment Solutions to Simplify Government Services

The customer, who had a portfolio of firms within its authority, needed to improve experience to overcome the difficulty of combining many payment methods into a single, unified solution.

Due to the customers' varied acquisitions, the payment system landscape became fragmented, making it more difficult for clients to make payments throughout a range of platforms as well as technologies. Providing a streamlined payment experience could have been improved by this lack of coherence and standardization.

It started developing a single, cloud-based payment system that complies with the customers' microservices-based reference design. CRUD services were created after the user interface for client administration was set at the beginning of the project.

With this, the customer can streamline operations and increase efficiency by providing a smooth payment experience.

The new system demonstrated a tremendous improvement over the old capability, demonstrating the ability to handle thousands of transactions per second.

Maintaining system consistency and facilitating scalability and maintenance were made more accessible by aligning with the reference architecture.

Case Study - 5: Accelerated Data Migration to AWS

Accelerated Data Migration to AWS

They selected improvements to create   an   AWS cloud migration case study cloud platform to safely transfer their data from a managed service provider to AWS during the early phases of a worldwide pandemic.

Early in 2020, COVID-19 was discovered, and telemedicine services were used to lessen the strain on hospital infrastructure. The number of telehealth web queries increased dramatically overnight, from 5,000 to 40,000 per minute. Through improvement, Zipnosis was able to change direction and reduce the duration of its AWS migration plan from six to three months. The AWS architecture case study includes HIPAA, SOC2, and HITRUST certification requirements. They also wanted to move their historic database smoothly across several web-facing applications while adhering to service level agreements (SLAs), which limited downtime.

Using Terraform and Elastic Kubernetes Service, the AWS platform creates a modern, infrastructure-as-code, HIPAA-compliant, and HITRUST-certified environment. With the help of serverless components, tools were developed to roll out an Application Envelope, enabling the creation of a HIPAA-compliant environment that could be activated quickly.

Currently, Zipnosis has internal platform management. Now that there is more flexibility, scaling up and down is more affordable and accessible. Their services are more marketable to potential clients because of their scalable, secure, and efficient infrastructure. Their use of modern technologies, such as Kubernetes on Amazon EKS, simplifies hiring top people. Zipnosis is in an excellent position to move forward.

Case Study - 6: Transforming Healthcare Staffing

The customer's outdated application presented difficulties. It was based on the outdated DBROCKET platform and needed an intuitive user interface, testing tools, and extensibility. Modernizing the application was improving the job and giving the customer an improved, scalable, and maintainable solution.

Although the customer's old application was crucial for predicting hospital staffing needs, maintenance, and improvements were challenging due to its reliance on the obscure DBROCKET platform. Hospitals lost money on inefficient staff scheduling due to the application's lack of responsiveness and a mobile-friendly interface.

Choosing Spring Boot and Groovy for back-end development to offer better maintainability and extensibility throughout the improved migration of the application from DBROCKET to a new technology stack. Unit tests were used to increase the reliability and standard of the code.

Efficiency at Catalis increased dramatically when the advanced document redaction technology was put in place. They were able to process papers at a significantly higher rate because the automated procedure cut down the time and effort needed for manual redaction.

Catalis cut infrastructure costs by utilizing serverless architecture and cloud-based services. They saved a significant amount of money because they were no longer required to upgrade and maintain on-premises servers.

The top-notch Knowledgehut best Cloud Computing courses that meet different demands and skill levels are available at KnowledgeHut. Through comprehensive curriculum, hands-on exercises, and expert-led instruction, attendees may learn about and gain practical experience with cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more. Professionals who complete these courses will be efficient to succeed in the quickly developing sector of cloud computing.

Finally,   a   case study of   AWS retail case studies offers a range of features and advantages. These studies show how firms in various industries use AWS for innovation and growth, from scalability to cost efficiency. AWS offers a robust infrastructure and a range of technologies to satisfy changing business needs, whether related to improving customer experiences with cloud-based solutions or streamlining processes using AI and machine learning. These case studies provide substantial proof of AWS's influence on digital transformation and the success of organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

From the case study of Amazon web services, companies can learn how other businesses use AWS services to solve real-world problems, increase productivity, cut expenses, and innovate. For those looking to optimize their cloud strategy and operations, these case studies provide insightful information, optimal methodologies, and purpose. 

You can obtain case studies on AWS through the AWS website, which has a special section with a large selection of case studies from different industries. In addition, AWS releases updated case studies regularly via various marketing platforms and on its blog.

The case study of Amazon web services, which offers specific instances of how AWS services have been successfully applied in various settings, can significantly assist in the decision-making process for IT initiatives. Project planning and strategy can be informed by the insights, best practices, and possible solutions these case studies provide.


Kingson Jebaraj

Kingson Jebaraj is a highly respected technology professional, recognized as both a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and an Alibaba Most Valuable Professional. With a wealth of experience in cloud computing, Kingson has collaborated with renowned companies like Microsoft, Reliance Telco, Novartis, Pacific Controls UAE, Alibaba Cloud, and G42 UAE. He specializes in architecting innovative solutions using emerging technologies, including cloud and edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, and programming languages like C, C++, Python, and NLP. 

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Universities Achieve Important Research Advancements With Amazon Web Services

Universities work through Internet2 NET+ to remove cloud computing cost constraints and administrative burdens to enhance scientific collaboration and application development.

Solution Summary

Amazon Web Services (AWS) entered the NET+ program in 2014 — undergoing the rigorous, community-led service-validation process which allows institutions to form a collective voice in working with industry cloud providers to customize and enhance their service for higher education institutions and the extended community. After the service validation provided several key service enhancements for higher education, Internet2 community practitioners formed a Service Advisory Board to address evolving data transfer and administrative issues that were barriers to more ubiquitous use of the service for institutions, researchers and application developers. 


  • University of Virginia (Sponsor)
  • Cornell University
  • Indiana University
  • University of Chicago
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  • Amazon Web Services
  • DLT Solutions (Program Reseller)

Products & Services

  • NET+ Amazon Web Services
  • Internet2 Cloud Connect
  • Internet2 Network
  • InCommon Federation

Community Resources

  • Internet2 NET+ Program
  • NET+AWS Service Advisory Board

The Project

The ability for the research and education (R&E) community to leverage a collective voice and have regular, ongoing dialogue with leading cloud service providers for the specialized needs of the academic enterprise, has always been at the heart of the Internet2 NET+ program. Amazon Web Services (AWS) entered the NET+ program in 2014 — undergoing the rigorous, community-led NET+ Service Validation process that works with industry cloud providers to customize and enhance their service for higher education institutions and the extended community. But, additional needed enhancements emerged to remove data transfer and administrative barriers. As with every NET+ service, Internet2 community practitioners formed a Service Advisory Board to address ongoing enterprise and user needs with the service. Their initial priorities were addressing data transfer and administrative issues that were barriers to the more ubiquitous use of the service for institutions, researchers, and application developers.

The Problem

After the AWS service was validated in 2014, it immediately offered institutions many enhancements including security and accessibility reviews, integration of InCommon single sign-on, Internet2 network performance optimizations, and tailored business and legal terms.

But, as the pace of research continues to accelerate, researchers increasingly rely on cloud computing to drive breakthrough science at breakneck speeds and are no longer limited by the availability of computing resources. Further, today’s globally distributed scientific research requires access to data repositories from participating scientists worldwide. Data from experiments all over the world must be accessible to those who need to collaborate.

Realizing this trend, the NET+ AWS Service Advisory Board began to work with AWS to underscore the importance of removing the uncertainty experienced by researchers for use of their cloud, through data egress fees–which are charges associated with data transfer from AWS to the Internet. These fees can potentially add up to significant unfunded expenditures for many central IT units and researchers considering the use of public clouds for their workloads, data in/out charges, and are a barrier to scientific collaboration. 

Particularly, for researchers, these unpredictable fees could be particularly concerning if they are making their research data available to other researchers for download (as is often required by funding agencies). If higher-than-anticipated demand for their data occurs, data egress charges would surpass their budget allocation.

Moreover, for the Internet2 member community, the idea of bandwidth-based charges runs counter to the two decades of investment in building a high-capacity, high-performance R&E network. The Internet2 Network is designed to maintain a sufficiently high level of capacity such that data transport by researchers and internet developers are never constrained by the cost of bandwidth or contention for capacity. So, for Internet2 members, data egress charges were viewed as an impediment to the effective use of cloud services–which are key to developing new applications and workflows that can advance science and scholarship.

Also, institutions need to build applications quickly, and securely–leveraging the agility of the cloud for building applications in the data center, and for greater cost savings and scalability. While, at the same time, maintaining security and quality. Over time, these advantages attract many different users who are seeking this agility–but, setting up account structures, roles and access privileges across different teams and departments were very difficult to manage effectively and became barriers for use or massive administrative burdens. Institutions needed a better way to manage these needs at scale.

Additionally, many research workloads require extensive connectivity to multiple US AWS regions or more specialized capabilities like jumbo frames, which allow large datasets to be moved more quickly from one computing environment to another.

The Solution

Seeing the need to make it easier for researchers to use AWS and for enterprise architects to support them, the AWS Service Advisory Board pointed their collective eyes toward two significant enhancements that would drastically improve the service for researchers and the professionals who support them: 

  • Remove constraints of data egress fees to drive breakthrough science with cloud computing;
  • Manage a sprawling cloud environment

Over the course of the Service Validation effort, the participants advocated for all institutions to be able to use its cloud storage, computing, and database services with waived data egress fees for qualified researchers and academic customers. Upon reviewing existing usage of the service, the participants and AWS identified an expected threshold of usage under which an institution would not be charged for data egress. This threshold ‘waiver’ model became the standard for cloud agreements, with a goal to decrease real and perceptive barriers to cloud adoption. The NET+ AWS Service Advisory Board continues to advocate for additional enhancements to ease adoption.  

Also, the service advisory board was successful working with AWS to launch “AWS Organizations” for NET+ AWS subscribers–gaining a valuable new tool in managing AWS accounts sprawl on their campus–and providing institutions a sound framework for managing accounts and services like network segmentation and authentication services like organization units, service control policies, centralized management for security, monitoring, and networking.

In addition to the NET+ AWS offering, AWS has worked with Internet2 and regional infrastructure partners to provide private peering services and direct access to AWS Direct Connect through the Internet2 Cloud Connect service. Regional and state networks and subscribers to NET+ AWS gain access to over 300 gigabits per second of private peering capabilities with AWS through the Internet2 Network, in addition to resilient national interconnects for private AWS Direct Connect. Together, these advanced, resilient, secure, community-enabled services make it easier for researchers to access and use cloud resources.

The NET+ Service Advisory Board and AWS worked together to achieve important service enhancements to make it easier for scientists to use, and provide more effective service management for enterprise architects. The Service Advisory Board continues to ensure the NET+ AWS program maintains feature parity with newly released AWS features and products while providing additional enhanced functionality to make it easier to deploy and scale on campus. 

In March 2016, AWS announced it would help make cloud and HPC budgeting more predictable for scientists by offering a 15% maximum discount of total monthly spending on AWS services, which is several times the typical usage among research customers. And, no costs are incurred to upload data into AWS or move data between Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Further, in February 2019, Internet2 announced that NET+ AWS subscribers cloud usage had propelled the NET+ AWS program to an additional tier of discounting the Service Advisory Board had negotiated, with subscribing accounts now receiving a 5% discount on all AWS spending.

And, with the implementation of AWS Organizations for NET+ AWS subscribers, institutions now have a sound framework for managing AWS accounts, allowing institutions to:

  • simplify the account creation process, billing, validation, consolidating, grouping and roles;
  • control how services are used within individual accounts; and
  • ensure controlled access to HIPAA and other regulated environments.

Now, university infrastructures can better support and advance scholarship and collaborative science. Institutions can more easily adopt, access, and use the resilient, secure, community-enabled AWS service–helping to free institutions from the overhead of managing infrastructure, provisioning servers, and configuring networks. 

Researchers can more predictably and reliably use public clouds for their workloads and make their data available to other researchers without fears that data egress charges would surpass their budget allocation, and enabling greater collaboration to accelerate scientific breakthroughs.

Through the unified voice and collaboration of Internet2 members, AWS has now been integrated with capabilities that mirror the fundamental philosophies of the Internet2 community and cyberinfrastructure: high-capacity, high-performance connectivity that never constrains research and development collaboration. 

Together, these efforts and solutions are a testament of how the research and education community is able to work together with industry to solve shared technology challenges and provide new platforms to develop applications and workflows that can advance science and scholarship.

About Internet2 NET+ AWS and Service Advisory Board

The NET+ AWS program is managed by an Internet2 program manager with the support of the NET+ AWS Service Advisory Board. The NET+ AWS Service Advisory Board reviews and prioritizes community feature requests on a periodic basis. Feature requests may be submitted to [email protected] and the Service Advisory Board can be contacted at [email protected] .

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Case studies

Companies have applied serverless architectures to use cases from stock trade validation to e-commerce website construction to natural language processing. AWS serverless portfolio offers the flexibility to create a wide array of applications, including those requiring assurance programs such as PCI or HIPAA compliance.

The following sections illustrate some of the most common use cases but are not a comprehensive list. For a complete list of customer references and use case documentation, see Serverless Computing .

Serverless websites, web Apps, and mobile backends

Serverless approaches are ideal for applications where the load can vary dynamically. Using a serverless approach means no compute costs are incurred when there is no end-user traffic while still offering instant scale to meet high demand, such as a flash sale on an e-commerce site or a social media mention that drives a sudden wave of traffic.

Compared to traditional infrastructure approaches, it is also often significantly less expensive to develop, deliver, and operate a web or mobile backend when architected in a serverless fashion.

AWS provides the services developers need to construct these applications rapidly:

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and AWS Amplify offer a simple hosting solution for static content.

AWS Lambda, in conjunction with Amazon API Gateway, provides support for dynamic API requests using functions.

Amazon DynamoDB offers a simple storage solution for the session and per-user state.

Amazon Cognito provides an easy way to handle end-user registration, authentication, and access control to resources.

Developers can use AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM ) to describe the various elements of an application.

AWS CodeStar can set up a CI/CD toolchain with just a few clicks.

To learn more, see the whitepaper AWS Serverless Multi-Tier Architectures , which provides a detailed examination of patterns for building serverless web applications. For complete reference architectures, see Serverless Reference Architecture for creating a Web Application and Serverless Reference Architecture for creating a Mobile Backend on GitHub.

Customer example – Neiman Marcus

A luxury household name, Neiman Marcus has a reputation for delivering a first-class, personalized customer service experience. To modernize and enhance that experience, the company wanted to develop Connect, an omnichannel digital selling application that would empower associates to view rich, personalized customer information with the goal of making each customer interaction unforgettable.

Choosing a serverless architecture with mobile development solutions on Amazon Web Services (AWS) enabled the development team to launch the app much faster than in the 4 months it had originally planned. “Using AWS cloud-native and serverless technologies, we increased our speed to market by at least 50 percent and were able to accelerate the launch of Connect,” says Sriram Vaidyanathan, senior director of omni engineering at Neiman Marcus.

This approach also greatly reduced app-building costs and provided developers with more agility for the development and rapid deployment of updates. The app elastically scales to support traffic at any volume for greater cost efficiency, and it has increased associate productivity. For more information, see the Neiman Marcus case study .

IoT backends

The benefits that a serverless architecture brings to web and mobile apps make it easy to construct IoT backends and device-based analytic processing systems that seamlessly scale with the number of devices.

For an example reference architecture, see Serverless Reference Architecture for creating an IoT Backend on GitHub.

Customer example – iRobot

iRobot, which makes robots such as the Roomba cleaning robot, uses AWS Lambda in conjunction with the AWS IoT service to create a serverless backend for its IoT platform. As a popular gift on any holiday, iRobot experiences increased traffic on these days.

While huge traffic spikes could also mean huge headaches for the company and its customers alike, iRobot’s engineering team doesn’t have to worry about managing infrastructure or manually writing code to handle availability and scaling by running on serverless. This enables them to innovate faster and stay focused on customers. Watch the AWS re:Invent 2020 video Building the next generation of residential robots for more information.

Data processing

The largest serverless applications process massive volumes of data, much of it in real-time. Typical serverless data processing architectures use a combination of Amazon Kinesis and AWS Lambda to process streaming data, or they combine Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda to trigger computation in response to object creation or update events.

When workloads require more complex orchestration than a simple trigger, developers can use AWS Step Functions to create stateful or long-running workflows that invoke one or more Lambda functions as they progress. To learn more about serverless data processing architectures, see the following on GitHub:

Serverless Reference Architecture for Real-time Stream Processing

Serverless Reference Architecture for Real-time File Processing

Image Recognition and Processing Backend reference architecture

Customer example – FINRA

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) used AWS Lambda to build a serverless data processing solution that enables them to perform half a trillion data validations on 37 billion stock market events daily.

In his talk at AWS re:Invent 2016 entitled The State of Serverless Computing (SVR311) , Tim Griesbach, Senior Director at FINRA, said, “We found that Lambda was going to provide us with the best solution for this serverless cloud solution. With Lambda, the system was faster, cheaper, and more scalable. So at the end of the day, we’ve reduced our costs by over 50 percent, and we can track it daily, even hourly.”

Customer example – Toyota Connected

Toyota Connected is a subsidiary of Toyota and a technology company offering connected platforms, big data, mobility services and other automotive-related services.

Toyota Connected chose serverless computing architecture to build its Toyota Mobility Services Platform, leveraging AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (Amazon KDS), and Amazon S3 to offer personalized, localized, and predictive data to enhance the driving experience.

With its serverless architecture, Toyota Connected seamlessly scaled to 18 times its usual traffic volume, with 18 billion transactions per month running through the platform, reducing aggregation job times from 15+ hours to 1/40th of the time while reducing operational burden. Additionally, serverless enabled Toyota Connected to deploy the same pipeline in other geographies with smaller volumes and only pay for the resources consumed.

For more information, read our Big Data Blog on Toyota Connected or watch the re:Invent 2020 video Reimagining mobility with Toyota Connected (AUT303) .

AWS Lambda is a perfect match for many high-volume, parallel processing workloads. For an example of a reference architecture using MapReduce, see Reference Architecture for running serverless MapReduce jobs .

Customer example – Fannie Mae

Fannie Mae, a leading source of financing for mortgage lenders, uses AWS Lambda to run an “embarrassingly parallel” workload for its financial modeling. Fannie Mae uses Monte Carlo simulation processes to project future cash flows of mortgages that help manage mortgage risk.

The company found that its existing HPC grids were no longer meeting its growing business needs. So Fannie Mae built its new platform on Lambda, and the system successfully scaled up to 15,000 concurrent function executions during testing. The new system ran one simulation on 20 million mortgages completed in 2 hours, which is three times faster than the old system. Using a serverless architecture, Fannie Mae can run large-scale Monte Carlo simulations effectively because it doesn’t pay for idle compute resources. It can also speed up its computations by running multiple Lambda functions concurrently.

Fannie Mae also experienced shorter than typical time-to-market because they were able to dispense with server management and monitoring, along with the ability to eliminate much of the complex code previously required to manage application scaling and reliability. See the Fannie Mae AWS Summit 2017 presentation SMC303: Real-time Data Processing Using AWS Lambda for more information.

IT automation

Serverless approaches eliminate the overhead of managing servers, making most infrastructure tasks, including provisioning, configuration, management, alarms/monitors, and timed cron jobs, easier to create and manage.

Customer example – Autodesk

Autodesk, which makes 3D design and engineering software, uses AWS Lambda to automate its AWS account creation and management processes across its engineering organization.

Autodesk estimates that it realized cost savings of 98 percent (factoring in estimated savings in labor hours spent provisioning accounts). It can now provision accounts in just 10 minutes instead of the 10 hours it took to provision with the previous, infrastructure-based process.

The serverless solution enables Autodesk to automatically provision accounts, configure and enforce standards, and run audits with increased automation and fewer manual touchpoints. For more information, see the Autodesk AWS Summit 2017 presentation SMC301: The State of Serverless Computing . Visit GitHub to see the Autodesk Tailor service.

Machine learning

You can use serverless services to capture, store, and preprocess data before feeding it to your machine learning model. After training the model, you can also serve the model for prediction at scale for inference without providing or managing any infrastructure.

Customer example – Genworth

Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Limited is a leading provider of lenders’ mortgage insurance in Australia. Genworth has more than 50 years of experience and data in this industry and wanted to use this historical information to train predictive analytics for loss mitigation machine learning models.

To achieve this task, Genworth built a serverless machine learning pipeline at scale using services like AWS Glue, a serverless managed ETL processing service to ingest and transform data, and Amazon SageMaker to batch transform jobs and, perform ML inference, and process and publish the results of the analysis.

With the ML models, Genworth could analyze recent repayment patterns for each insurance policy to prioritize them in likelihood and impact for each claim. This process was automated end-to-end to help the business make data-driven decisions and simplify high-value manual work performed by the Loss Mitigation team. Read the Machine Learning blog How Genworth built a serverless ML pipeline on AWS using Amazon SageMaker and AWS Glue for more information.


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case study on web services

How to write the perfect web design case study to win more clients

An immersive digital portfolio is the key to landing new clients. Learn how to show off your skills with a winning web design case study.

case study on web services

Design and build a custom portfolio website, visually, within 21 days.

Webflow Team

A design portfolio without case studies is like a movie with no dialogue — visually present but lacking the substance needed to convey its full meaning.

Dialogue and case studies both communicate meaning. Without dialogue, audiences struggle to understand a film’s plot, characters, and themes, similar to how clients will struggle to understand the problem you solved, your design process, and the impact of your work without a thorough case study.

When you’re competing against other designers for a project or role, a well-written web design case study sets your portfolio apart , showing potential clients what you’ve done and what you’re capable of.

What is a case study?

A case study is an in-depth investigation into a person or group of people, a situation, event, or a product. A web design case study is a visual and textual analysis of a successful web platform, landing page , website design, or other web-based product. These types of case studies can be physical documents, but they’re often digital: PDFs, infographics, blog posts, or videos. Screenshots are an essential component, as are wireframes and mockups. But a robust web design case study also features detailed written explanations.

These visual and written elements work together to create a comprehensive assessment of the design process from start to finish, including the challenges faced, the solutions implemented, and the results achieved.

5 benefits of web design case studies

Now that we’ve touched on how case studies sell prospective clients on your work, here are a few other benefits of adding web design case studies to your portfolio website:

1. Demonstrate expertise

Case studies are a powerful marketing tool for designers to demonstrate their capabilities to potential clients or employers. A good web design case study showcases your skills and expertise in solving complex design problems.

2. Build credibility

In case studies, designers often include the name of the business, client, or project they’ve worked on, building credibility by providing real-world examples of their past work. You can even add testimonials and reviews to highlight positive feedback directly from those you’ve worked with.

3. Inspire future projects

Examining and analyzing your own work can inspire your next website build — maybe you’ll try one of the layouts that was nixed for this project or center the next design around an element you ended up loving. It also provides guidance and best practices for design projects, setting the bar for innovative design.

4. Encourage personal growth

Writing an investigation of your own design portfolio pieces after completing a project provides an excellent avenue for self-reflection. Reflecting on past projects, the struggles you’ve faced working on them, and what you’ve learned from the process will help you identify your strengths as a designer and areas of improvement to work on.

5. Improve communication

Presentations of your own work don’t just communicate the design process, decisions, and outcomes to clients. They also speak to stakeholders, including clients, team members, and management. A well-written case study illustrates a designer’s ability to effectively communicate complex design ideas and concepts, and writing it will improve your communication skills and offer insight into how effectively you work and collaborate with others.

What makes an effective web design case study?

A web design case study describes the process you took to solve a challenge with a particular web design project. A successful case study features a notable client project, a well-written narrative structure, and an engaging visual design.

Think of it as a story with an identifiable beginning, middle, and end. Throughout the story, show clients your approach to successful web design — the problem, the research you did to prepare for the project, the steps and iterations you completed throughout the process, and the final results you delivered. This narrative structure helps clients understand the project’s evolution and details your design process, making it key to an effective case study.

Case study curation and criteria

We’ve covered the basics of what a good case study looks like. But how do you determine which projects to include? If a project meets all the following criteria, it’s a good candidate for a detailed case study.

Is it relevant to the future projects you hope to explore?

If there’s a type of project you’ve completed in the past that you’d like to avoid in the future, that particular portfolio piece might not be a great option for a case study. You’re not just trying to sell yourself to clients — you’re trying to land jobs you actually want to do.

Does it have a defined initial problem?

Web design projects often arise as a result of a problem. These projects are perfect for case studies because the product design goes beyond appearance and functionality. Here are some of the issues your designs might solve:

  • Poor user experience: To create a smooth, enjoyable experience for users, user experience (UX) design focuses on identifying and solving issues that cause frustration, confusion, or difficulty while using an app or a website, such as confusing navigation, misleading icons, or slow load times. Addressing these challenges lets you showcase your understanding of your target audience’s needs and demonstrates your ability to apply your creative and technical skills to solve them.
  • Low search engine ranking: Redesigning a website with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind will improve its ranking in the search engine results pages, and you’ll have metrics to include in your case study to quantify the claims you’re making.
  • Inconsistent branding: Brand design is a massive part of a company’s identity. A lack of alignment between the logo, colors , and other visual elements of a brand’s identity and its digital assets reflects negatively on the company, leaving customers with more questions than answers about who’s behind the brand. Good web design can bring a sense of cohesion to the company’s digital products, an achievement you can speak to in your case studies.

Does the outcome deliver measurable success?

Good design is subjective, but the best projects for case studies have data to show how successful they are. Search engine ranking is one example. You might also highlight impressive metrics for user engagement (bounce rate, time spent on the site), conversion rate (the percentage of visitors who make a purchase or fill out a form), or web traffic (the number of visitors to the website).

Is the project visually suitable for presentation?

When preparing a web design case study, consider the various formats it can be presented in, such as a video, static webpages, or interactive web content.

Selecting projects that fit your chosen presentation format is essential to showcasing your web design skills. As a web designer, it’s a given that whatever you’re presenting to potential clients needs to use thoughtful, aesthetically pleasing designs.

Design for display

There’s no single right way to present a case study. What’s most important is that your case study tells the story of the journey from an initial problem or idea to a finished product that meets the client’s needs.

A minimalist design will help you achieve this goal. But don’t confuse minimalist with boring. You can (and should) get clever with the presentation. Instead of using basic screenshots, for example, consider exhibiting your work in modern frames with immersive features. Or display screenshots of the product in its natural habitat. Webflow designer Karen Huang uses a digital screen in this user experience case study to feature a screenshot of the user interface (UI) on a smartphone screen just as users would experience it:

Mockup of a laundry app in a smartphone-inspired frame.

Build completely custom, production-ready websites — or ultra-high-fidelity prototypes — without writing a line of code. Only with Webflow.

How do you structure a case study?

The contents of every web design case study will vary, but they should all follow this basic structure:

1. A challenge

Webpage presenting client information, statistics, calls to action, and a screenshot of the company’s website.

Start your case study with an introduction to your client and the problem your design solved. Include details about the project’s context, goals, and constraints. This section sets the stage for the rest of the case study and ensures the readers clearly understand what the project — and your solution — is all about.

2. A solution

Webpage featuring four mockups of different sections of a website.

Detail your approach to solving the challenge introduced in the previous section. Include information about your research, its methodology, and the data you gathered to develop your solution. Focus on your skills, not diagnostics — this is the place to showcase your intelligent approach, reasoning, and innovative ideas that ultimately resolve the challenge.

For this section, it’s helpful to break each key resolution into separate paragraphs and introduce images in chronological order to detail your design process. Screenshots of wireframes and strategy phases will paint a vivid picture of the project’s journey.

If you face any challenges or roadblocks while designing your solution, discussing them provides insight into your problem-solving skills and shows potential clients how you overcome difficulties. End this section with multiple pictures of the final product, and be sure to include a direct link to the project for potential clients and employers to peruse.

3. The impact

Alt text: Webpage featuring project impact metrics and a photograph of two women laughing.

This section is where you’ll highlight metrics and data that back up the project’s success. Leverage metrics, user feedback, or whatever data is available to illustrate how your solution solved your client’s challenges and achieved the project’s goals. You can also include information about the potential longitudinal impact of your work and future opportunities for the project.

4. Key quotes

Webpage featuring a client pull quote and two photographs of product prototypes.

A case study is a perfect place to share client testimonials and add quotes from team members to help readers learn what the experts behind the project think about the build. Get creative but use quotes sparingly, sprinkling them throughout the case study to support the image or project stage the quote relates to.

Let your work do the talking

At Webflow , we offer the tools to make websites and the tutorials you need to perfect them. Learn how to start a web design business , make an online portfolio , or enhance your skills with a web design certificate with guidance from our blog and educational platform, Webflow University . Draw inspiration from our collection of templates and websites and start building your best site yet with Webflow.

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What is Cloud Computing?

Popular customers of amazon web services, amazon web services (aws): benefits, use cases, applications.

Amazon Web Services is known as the gold standard of Cloud Computing and it has reasons for it. In this article, we will explore this cloud service provider and in the process answer questions like What is Amazon Web Services, what are its benefits, applications or cases? So let us go ahead and get started with this article. You can also take up a AWS for beginners course to gain the knowledge about fundamentals in Cloud.

Following pointers will be discussed in this article:

  • What is Amazon Web Services?
  • Benefits of Using Amazon Web Services
  • Applications/ Use Cases Of Amazon Web Services

amazon web services

 Let us see what the definition of Cloud Computing looks like?

‘ Cloud Computing is nothing but a practice of providing of Cloud Services (Storage, Computation, Databases, Security, etc) on rent and also through a network that can be accessed over the internet’

Now that we know what the general definition is, let us understand this concept with an example. To understand this definition we need to go some 20 years back from 2020. In the early two-thousands, in order to host an application, we needed to buy stack servers and have skilled professionals to set the infrastructure up. The process looked simple, but there were drawbacks,

  • Servers were costly back then, and they still are
  • It was difficult to find skilled professionals
  • A lot of efforts went into planning

What this meant was the owner had to pay money in buying servers. Then invest more money in people who could set it up. The evening after a lot of planning, there was never certainty on how many resources were enough and how many were too much? As an owner, one would always worry about money resources, planning and scalability. Hence there was very less time one could devote to actually focus on business. Also, this meant setting up such business was becoming limited to ones who could afford it.

This is where Cloud Computing came to save the day. There were service providers in the market that started providing Compute, Storage, Networking, and other application hosting services on ‘pay as you go model’. This meant people could rent these services and pay for only those services they used and only for the time duration they used those for. Also, these services providers managed the configuration, scalability and management part.  In simple terms, this solved all the issues we listed above. This process we just discussed, evolved and started to be known as Cloud Computing.

So by now, you should have an understanding of Cloud Computing. Let us go ahead and understand the next topic,

case study on web services

What Is Amazon Web Services?

Amazon Web Services or AWS as an abbreviation is a popular Cloud Service Provider that enables on-demand services like compute, storage, networking, security, databases, etc which can be accessed through the internet across the globe and the user is not required to manage or monitor these resources.

Amazon Web Services is a global leader in terms of Public Cloud market share and provides cloud solutions in 245 different countries across the globe.  It provides more than 200 Cloud Computing services, which touch domains like,

  • Computation
  • Big Data, etc

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a versatile, secure and reliable cloud service provider and is the most sort after Cloud Computing and Hard skill in the market.  Companies have invested billions of dollars in this service provider and the number shows an upward trend in the near future. The major reason why see this the market reach of Amazon Web Services, the quality of services and support it provides and the benefits it offers.

Let us now go ahead and see the benefits or advantages of using Amazon Web Services.

Click here to know about Microsoft Azure Cloud Service

Benefits of Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services(AWS) offers numerous benefits, let us explore a few of these ones by one:

AWS Pricing

Whether you are a small scale startup or a full-fledged enterprise, Amazon Web Services has you covered when it comes to pricing.  Firstly it offers ‘pay as you go model’, that means you pay for resources in volumes and duration you use them for. It charges you on a per-minute basis. Meaning if a resource is used for 30 minutes you be charged only for those 30 minutes and not more. It also offers a calculator that lets you track your expenses.

Zero Commitment

Whether you need to host a website, or even a high traffic hosting content delivery network. Amazon Web Services keeps you covered. You spawn a virtual machine, a database service or a data warehouse. This happens with you not requiring to be in an upfront commitment. This is because Amazon Web Services charges you on per minute and for some resources per hour basis.  This means you are not tied with any yearly, quarterly or even monthly commitments.

Scalability and Procurement

If your applications lie on-premise, procuring your servers may take a lot of time. It can be a few hours to even 1- weeks. This holds true for your software licenses. Amazon Web Services paints a very different picture when it comes to procurement. You can launch new virtual machines or instances in a matter of minutes and save a lot of time and effort.

When it comes to scalability AWS ensures you can scale up and down instantly to adjust to spikes your infrastructure may face. This is something that can be difficult to achieve on your on-premise infrastructure.

Amazon Web Services takes Cloud Security to the next level. It ensures your infrastructure is secure physically and also over the network, that consumers use to access it.

  • It supports shared security model. This means the consumer can control security at the consumer end and AWS at data centre end.
  • Physical security of data centre can be ensured by the fact that there is around the cloud physical security across all the data centres that Amazon Web Services owns
  • Its Global infrastructure ensures your data is well distributed and accessible to you across the globe and is highly resilient, available and safe from disasters
  • AWS provides firewalls to man your data at the entry points of the network and also ensures encryption of data that moves over the network, ensuring end to end security
  • Amazon IAM is a service that lets you identify user who can access your resources and control who get to access what and when

Not a lot needs to be said about the flexibility, when a platform offers, 200+ services in 245 countries. But to point out few key pointers, Amazon Web Services offers flexibility in terms of pricing, security, and even when it comes to automating the process scaling your devices.  It offers, IaaS, PaaS and even serverless computing. This means from configuring everything from a scratch to directly using a platform everything is flexible for a consumer. So much so that a user can just put his code in a serverless computing service and the service takes care of everything else.

PaaS Offerings

AWS offers an infrastructure that is scalable and also covers core domains, like compute storage, databases, networking. In the process, it takes care of configuring and managing platforms. Hence it provides good options when it comes to providing PaaS services to people. Meaning people do not have to worry about setting up infrastructures.

They say Amazon Web Services is everyone and that is very correct. Because it gives plenty of options when you want to set up your business on the cloud. If you are starting fresh with cloud or even if you have an infrastructure that needs to move to the cloud, AWS takes care of both situations. Amazon Web Services most types of migrations and license support for a smooth transition to AWS cloud

Your Scaling up and scaling down concerns are also nullified because AWS let us you handle data and applications in different volumes.

There are services that automate scaling and configuration processes. There are services like AWS EC2 that let you spawn instances in minutes and even create copies and backups of these instances ensuring you get adaptability that you were looking for.

API give us programmatic control over the resources we use. It comes to taking data backup, or even launching instances this all can be done API’s and in short, it gives us more power compared to AWS management console.

AWS Supports plenty of API’s and SDK’s that let you have control over these resources.

So this was about the benefits that AWS has to offer to us. Let us go ahead and take a look at some popular use cases.

Use Cases of Amazon Web Services

Repp Health

We all hate waiting in hospitals for a turn to come up. As a patient, we do not have patience and want to get done with our diagnosis at the earliest. And that is understandable behaviour. However, the number of people visiting a hospital and the staff having to set up all the equipment, are some reasons that cause these situations.

Amazon Web Services provides some relief here. With the help of AWS Repp has come with cloud-based tracking solutions. It helps keep track of patients and assets that reside in the vicinity and it makes use of IoT to do so. It also updates, electronic health records considering the data from sensors that capture the movements of patients in the room.

AWS offers Server-less IoT infrastructure to this achieve this and help save as much as it can, for speeding up the overall process at the hospital

It is certain that most of us know what McDonald’s is? McDonald’s is a highly popular Burger and Fast chain across the globe. They have more than 37000 outlets across the globe and serve more than 60 million people every day. This gives you some idea as to the volume of customers they handle. It is no different for home delivery they provide.

However, having a home delivery platform for such a big vendor. Amazon Web Services ensured their home delivery platform was set up in just 4 months. It is a cloud-native microservices platform. It can scale up to 20000 orders per second and the latency is less than 100 seconds. This platform ensures high integration with delivery platforms and ROI even for minimally charged orders.

Here is a case study where an application was moved from one service AWS to the other service on AWS. WeWork has built a tool for Project management called FieldLens. Initially, this was set up on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute. This was a monolith project that functioned well for 2 and a half years. However, it needed expansion and improvement. This came in the form of Docker and AWS Elastic Container Service. On moving this project to containers the performance improved immensely.

Talking of numbers FieldLens, now hosts 80,000 users and 110,000 projects that use containers, and are deployed through AWS Codepipeline and secured using AWS Service. It offers high integration and scalability.

There are plenty of use cases and applications that Amazon Web Services offers. And there are many customers that have invested billions in this cloud platform and continue to do so on a monthly basis. That tell you how reliable this cloud platform is. To note a few popular customers, here are some names that you may want to know about:

  • McDonald’s

So this was about the final bit of this article and this was about this article on Amazon Web Services – Benefits and Use Cases. We hope like this article.

Do let us know if this article piqued your interest in Amazon Web Services in the comment section below. If you have questions put those in the comment section below, and our team would revert at the earliest. Happy Learning!

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  • October 2008 (Revised February 2012)
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About The Authors

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Robert S. Huckman

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Gary P. Pisano

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Current: Preparing teenagers for financial responsibility

Current logo

About Current

Current is a financial technology company that offers a debit card and app made for teenagers. The app and card give teens hands-on learning with modern financial tools, and connects them with the people, brands, and experiences they value.

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Current uses google kubernetes engine on google cloud to improve time to market for app development by 400% while eliminating downtime for users of its debit card app., google cloud results.

  • Improves time to market for app development by 400%
  • Eliminates downtime for customers
  • Enables deployment of new services in hours versus days
  • Reduces total cloud hosting costs by 60%

80% reduction in error resolution time

When it comes to developing good financial habits, it pays to start early. Talking to teens about money and monitoring how they spend it helps set them up for a more financially sound future and can have long-term implications for the rest of their lives.

Instead of handing teens cash, many parents are using Current , a Visa chip debit card and smartphone app that helps teens learn how to budget money. Teens can set savings goals, check their balances, earn money by completing chores, and even give to charity. Parents can set an automated allowance, create and approve chores, and easily track their children’s spending with real-time alerts.

To grow, Current must keep its app secure, reliable, and high performing. As a startup, the company started by developing and hosting its app on a simple infrastructure, managing virtual machines with manual processes. As its user base surpassed 25,000 daily active customers, Current began to notice performance bottlenecks, particularly with the Neo4j graph database it uses to store and expose relationships among users, family members, and their debit cards and connected banks. Running the database on a shared application server made it difficult to measure the cost of the required CPU time and memory footprint. Current also lacked a robust way to log and profile the database.

Current considered using a hosted Neo4j solution, but worried that it would limit its ability to deploy in different availability zones as the company grew. Current was also concerned that a hosted solution would drastically increase costs.

“Since moving to Google Cloud, we’ve been able to sustainably grow our user base 7x to more than 175,000 users, and we haven’t experienced any downtime for our services. We’ve also received a lot of collaboration and support from Google, which we weren’t getting from other cloud providers.”

After a short stint with another cloud provider, Current decided to build its own graph database cluster on Google Cloud . The highly available implementation—including a monitoring agent and backup agent—came in at half the cost of a hosted solution or alternative cloud provider according to Trevor Marshall, Chief Technology Officer at Current. Once the engineering team saw the power and reliability of Google Cloud, Current began exploring deeper integration with Google Cloud services.

“Since moving to Google Cloud, we’ve been able to sustainably grow our user base 7x to more than 175,000 users, and we haven’t experienced any downtime for our services,” says Trevor. “We’ve also received a lot of collaboration and support from Google, which we weren’t getting from other cloud providers.”

Accelerating time-to-market

Current now hosts most of its applications in Docker containers, including its business-critical GraphQL API, using Google Kubernetes Engine to automate cluster deployment and management of containerized applications while keeping applications available. Container images are stored on Google Container Registry for fast, scalable retrieval. Integrated logging with Google Stackdriver makes it easy to identify issues, and Current can scale up or down as needed to keep performance high and costs low, with zero downtime for users.

“Moving to Google Cloud reduced our error resolution times by 80% and improved our time to market for app development by 400%. We can iterate quickly, find issues, and redeploy. There’s no reason whatsoever to run Kubernetes outside of Google Cloud, because Google does such a good job.”

With a fully managed environment for containerized applications, Current can deploy new services in hours instead of days while keeping its staffing footprint small. When the company does add team members, they can focus on app development instead of managing and troubleshooting infrastructure.

“Moving to Google Cloud reduced our error resolution times by 80% and improved our time to market for app development by 400%,” says Trevor. “We can iterate quickly, find issues, and redeploy. There’s no reason whatsoever to run Kubernetes outside of Google Cloud, because Google does such a good job.”

Current has released a variety of compelling new features since moving to Google Cloud, including a referral program to recruit more customers and an improved notification feed to inspire more conversations about finances between parents and teens. It also restructured its app to highlight users’ favorite features, including a dedicated allowance section and improved chore management. The new app also communicates with Current’s Kubernetes Engine hosted GraphQL API. Current’s use of GraphQL greatly improves performance by minimizing the data that is sent between the app and the backend, and enables Current’s front-end engineers to share code, increasing developer efficiency.

Improving data and network security

As a financial technology company, Current is always focused on providing the highest levels of security for its customers. Google Cloud facilitates the use of encryption to help protect customer data at rest and in transit to help ensure that customer data is safe when outside the physical boundaries not controlled by Google or on behalf of Google.

For publicly accessible applications, Current configures an ingress resource on Kubernetes clusters to make context-aware load balancing decisions. This ingress also provides a reverse proxy function between users and Current's private network. This helps ensure that no external entity can reach Current’s Google Compute Engine instance fleet directly. Google Cloud also provides Current with the means to forward traffic outside of its private without exposing instances to the public Internet. This gives Current the means to utilize other managed services such MongoDB Atlas, while maintaining a trusted platform.

“Security is one of the biggest benefits of Google Cloud and Kubernetes Engine,” says Trevor. “It was easy for us to configure our environment so that we avoid exposing any public IP addresses for our clusters. When we deploy a new service, we have a recipe that observes security best practices.”

“Google Cloud has allowed us to be highly available, scalable, and cost-efficient, helping us grow from an ambitious startup into a financial technology innovator. We’ve built trust with the families we serve because we’ve been able to offer a great experience.”

Powering a digital workforce

When Current was founded in 2015, the company standardized on Google Workspace for communication and collaboration, using tools such as Gmail and Google Docs , Sheets , and Slides to keep productivity high. Google Workspace administration is so easy that Trevor still handles it all, in addition to leading the company’s tech strategy as CTO.

“Our business depends on Google Workspace,” he says. “It’s simple to use, yet feature-rich and very cost effective. Adding new employees takes a couple of minutes, and they can get to work right away. I can’t imagine using anything else.”

Shaping financial futures

By making it easy for teens and parents to manage and talk about money, Current is preparing a new generation to navigate one of the most challenging aspects of adulthood: financial responsibility. The company’s user base is growing by 20% every month with no signs of slowing, and its Android app just began trending on Google Play. Current is also learning to better manage its own finances. “By avoiding the cost of a hosted Neo4j solution and optimizing resource utilization with Kubernetes Engine, we reduced total cloud hosting costs by 60%," adds Trevor.

“Google Cloud has allowed us to be highly available, scalable, and cost-efficient, helping us grow from an ambitious startup into a financial technology innovator,” says Trevor. “We’ve built trust with the families we serve because we’ve been able to offer a great experience.”

UN logo

  • Member States and Permanent Observers
  • Duty Stations - Resources
  • Emergency Info
  • Dag Hammarskjöld Library

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NEW: A UN case study handbook on gender, peace, and security

“We must make the mainstreaming of gender central to what we do and who we are by altering our culture and behaviours.” – Major General Cheryl Pearce, acting UN Military Adviser

The Department of Peace Operations (DPO) is promoting gender equality and peace with the United Nations Case Study Handbook on Gender, Peace and Security for United Nations Infantry Battalions in Peace Operations and Other Military Personnel .

This training resource guides UN infantry battalions and other military personnel as they integrate a gender perspective into their UN peacekeeping operations.

What is this handbook?

It breaks down crucial lessons on gender, peace, and security into operational and tactical actions for military personnel, aligning with the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda.

“[It is] a timely reminder for all that gender-considerations do not just relate to women, nor should integrating a gender perspective be left just to only women to implement,” said acting UN Military Adviser Major General Cheryl Peace at the launch event on 8 May at UN Headquarters.

“Gender responsiveness is a collective effort and joint responsibility.”

Why does it matter?

By embracing gender-responsive peacekeeping, the UN aims to ensure that the unique needs and perspectives of diverse groups, both within the local population and among peacekeepers themselves, are taken into account.

It strengthens the delivery of UN mandates and fosters long-lasting peace, prosperity, and gender equality in the countries where peacekeeping missions operate.

How does it work?

It features hands-on, scenario-based exercises covering aspects of gender, from mission planning to creating inclusive environments for personnel.

It offers self-learning, moderated learning, and enacted learning through role-play formats, making it adaptable to diverse training settings.

Divided into seven scenarios, the handbook caters to the commanders, planners, and soldiers who implement peacekeeping mandates, protect civilians, and build peace.

Hard copies have been distributed to troop-contributing countries for pre-deployment training.

Get the handbook:

Download the United Nations Case Study Handbook on Gender, Peace and Security for United Nations Infantry Battalions in Peace Operations and Other Military Personnel [zip file]

Find the handbook and other specialized training materials on the Peacekeeping Resource Hub

Watch the launch event on UN Web TV

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Secretary-General’s Annual Memorial Service - 6 June

The Secretary-General’s Annual Memorial Service will be held on 6 June from 9:00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. in the Trusteeship Council Chamber.

World Oceans Day

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Climate change and armed groups

The Department of Peace Operations recently organized a high-level event to explore how climate change impacts peace and security.


  • Africa Renewal
  • e-Blue Book
  • Delegates Handbook
  • The Essential UN
  • Journal of the United Nations
  • Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
  • Subscribe to documents
  • UN Editorial Manual
  • Yearbook of the United Nations


  • Audiovisual Library of International Law
  • Diplomatic Pulse
  • UN Archives and Records Management
  • UN Audiovisual Library
  • UN iLibrary
  • United Nations Official Document System (ODS)
  • New York Services & Resources (parking, medical, etc.)
  • Protocol and Liaison Service
  • UN News Outlets
  • Duty Stations


  • Secured sites - Who to contact
  • gMeets - electronic meeting scheduling
  • UN Telephone Directory
  • Web creation and hosting

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Craft Writes

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Content Search

Targeting in protracted crises: nigeria case study.

This country case study focuses on Nigeria and the specific challenge of conflict, violence, and insecurity. Using four waves of General Household Survey data covering the period 2010 to 2019, we analyse trends in poverty, food insecurity, shocks, and coping strategies among different population groups, differentiated according to where they reside in the country and the degree to which those areas are affected by violence, in particular as a result of the militant Islamist Boko Haram insurgency and conflicts between herders and farmers. The survey data is then used to model the notional performance of different potential targeting approaches across a range of targeting performance indicators, to indicate the types of choices and trade-offs entailed when selecting different targeting criteria for either routine or humanitarian social assistance programmes in the context of Nigeria. We also consider the status of enabling conditions for implementing different targeting approaches in the form of key infrastructure. We conclude with a discussion of the interrelated considerations social assistance programmes have to contend with when selecting appropriate targeting criteria.

Read the full report

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

The next-generation cloud designed to run any application, faster and more securely, for less.

Stay at the forefront of the AI revolution. Get certified on OCI Generative AI for free until July 31.

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Developers can now incorporate semantic and generative AI search within their applications, as well as in their observability and security analytics dashboards.

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Address AI sovereignty needs with Oracle’s distributed cloud. Deploy Oracle’s full AI stack in the public cloud or in your data center for increased control of data and AI infrastructure.

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Oracle and NVIDIA to Deliver Sovereign AI Worldwide

Oracle and NVIDIA are collaborating to put accelerated computing and generative AI services wherever countries must meet digital sovereignty requirements.

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Clay Magouyrk, executive vice president of OCI development, shares how Oracle is bringing the cloud and AI to industries worldwide during his keynote at Oracle CloudWorld.

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The expanded Oracle-Microsoft partnership, announced by Larry Ellison and Satya Nadella, delivers Oracle database services on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in Microsoft Azure.

Learn how to get the most of AI for your business at an Oracle Data and AI Forum.

A distributed cloud that can be wherever you need it

The only cloud that delivers complete cloud services around the world, across clouds, or in your data center.

1. Multicloud

Make multiple clouds work as one. Oracle offers direct database integration with Microsoft Azure as well as high performance interconnection.

2. Public cloud

The only cloud with a consistent set of services and consistent low prices across commercial and government public cloud regions.

Distributed cloud

3. Hybrid cloud

Trusted cloud solutions for nearly any location, including Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer, a highly optimized database as a service already deployed in more than 60 countries.

4. Dedicated cloud

OCI Dedicated Region and Oracle Alloy are the only products that provide more than 100 cloud services at public cloud pricing entirely within your data centers.

Complete cloud infrastructure and platform services for every workload

OCI offers a common set of 100+ services in each cloud region. Get all the services you need—from containers and VMware to AI—to migrate, modernize, build, and scale your IT. Automate all your workloads, including both existing and new applications and data platforms.

Developer Services

Build, deploy, and manage modern cloud applications using developer-friendly tools and services.

Build and run

  • API Gateway
  • API Management
  • Blockchain Platform
  • Notifications
  • Resource Manager
  • Visual Builder Studio
  • Application Integration
  • Content Management
  • Digital Assistant

Integration Services

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure integration services connect any application and data source to automate end-to-end processes and centralize management. The broad array of integrations, with prebuilt adapters and low-code customization, simplify migration to the cloud while streamlining hybrid and multicloud operations.

Application integration

  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Data integration

  • Data Integration
  • Autonomous Database Data Studio
  • Data Integrator

Process automation

  • Process Automation

API full lifecycle management

Event-driven, analytics and bi.

Gain comprehensive business intelligence with augmented analytics to help your organization grow through unique insights.

  • Oracle Analytics Platform
  • Oracle Fusion CX Analytics
  • Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics
  • Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics
  • Oracle Analytics mobile app

AI and Machine Learning

Easily add intelligence to your applications and workloads with prebuilt perception and decision models and out-of-the-box chatbots, or build and train your own models with our data science services.

AI Services

  • Document Understanding

ML Services

  • Data Science
  • In-Database Machine Learning
  • HeatWave AutoML

Media Services

  • Media Streams

Big Data and Data Lake

Gain new insights across all of your data with our comprehensive platform of managed Spark, Hadoop, Elasticsearch, and Kafka-compatible services, combined with best-in-class data warehouse and data management services.

  • Big Data Service
  • Data Catalog

Secure and elastic compute capacity in the cloud that ranges from flexible virtual machines (Flex VMs) and high-performance bare metal servers to HPC and GPUs.

  • Arm-based Compute
  • Bare Metal Servers
  • GPU-Accelerated Compute
  • HPC Compute
  • Virtual Machines

Address key use cases with on-demand local, object, file, block, and archive storage.

  • Archive Storage
  • Block Volumes
  • Data Transfer Service
  • File Storage
  • Object Storage
  • Storage Gateway

Containers and Functions

Deploy microservices applications on high-performance, managed, open source Docker, Kubernetes, and Fn Functions services.

  • Container Instances
  • Kubernetes Engine
  • Service Mesh

Connect securely to a customizable, isolated virtual cloud network (VCN) as the heart of your cloud deployment. Move data at 25% of the cost of other cloud providers.

  • Customer-Premises Equipment
  • DNS Management
  • FastConnect
  • Load Balancers
  • Networking Gateways
  • Private Endpoint
  • Site-to-Site VPN
  • Virtual Cloud Networks

Oracle Databases

Run cost-optimized, high-performance, and autonomous versions of Oracle Database, the world's leading converged, multimodel database management system in the cloud.

  • Autonomous Database
  • Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer
  • Database Management
  • Database Migration
  • Oracle Database@Azure
  • Database Service for Azure
  • Enterprise Database Service
  • Exadata Cloud@Customer
  • Exadata Database Service
  • Globally Distributed Autonomous Database
  • Ops Insights
  • Standard Database Service
  • Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service

Open Source Databases

MySQL HeatWave is a fully managed database service, powered by the integrated HeatWave in-memory query accelerator. It’s the only cloud database service that combines transactions, analytics, and machine learning services in one MySQL Database, delivering real-time, secure analytics without the complexity, latency, and cost of ETL duplication.

  • Database with PostgreSQL
  • MySQL HeatWave
  • Search with OpenSearch

Security, Observability and Management, Compliance, and Cost Management and Governance

Protect your most valuable data in the cloud with Oracle’s security-first approach and comprehensive compliance programs. Oracle provides visibility and machine-learning–driven insights to ease management across all layers of the stack deployed on any technology, anywhere.

Cloud Infrastructure Security

  • Access Governance
  • Autonomous Linux
  • Certificates
  • Cloud Guard
  • Hardware Root of Trust
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Isolated Network Virtualization
  • Key Management
  • Network Firewall
  • Security Zones
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Vulnerability Scanning

Cloud Database Security

  • Autonomous Database Security (PDF)

Cloud Application Security

  • Web Application Firewall

Observability and Management

  • Application Performance Monitoring
  • Connector Hub
  • Full Stack Disaster Recovery
  • Java Management
  • Logging Analytics
  • OS Management Hub
  • OS Management Service

Cost Management and Governance

  • Cloud Advisor
  • Cost Analysis
  • License Manager
  • Organization Management
  • Support Rewards
  • Oracle Cloud Compliance
  • Oracle Corporate Security

Global Cloud Data Center Infrastructure

Global, secure, high-performance environments to move, build, and run all your workloads. Hybrid and edge offerings provide specialized deployment, disconnected and intermittently connected operation, low latency and high performance, as well as data locality and security.

  • Multicloud solutions
  • Database Service for Microsoft Azure
  • Interconnect for Microsoft Azure

Public cloud

  • Global cloud regions
  • Oracle EU Sovereign Cloud
  • UK government regions
  • US Department of Defense regions
  • US FedRAMP regions

Hybrid Cloud

  • Hybrid cloud solutions
  • Roving Edge Infrastructure

Dedicated cloud

  • Dedicated Regions

Run IT for a lot less with ease

Save money without inflexible up-front commitments. In contrast to others, OCI has the same low price in all cloud regions, including government and dedicated regions. We offer innovative features, such as flexible compute, auto-tuning storage, up to 10X lower data egress fees, and free tools and reports to help eliminate needless overpayment and billing surprises. Committed use discounts, software license portability, and loyalty rewards are also available.

The cost for outbound bandwidth 1,2

Better price-performance 2,3

Base IOPS for half the price 4,5

Pricing comparison as of April 9, 2023 1. OCI Network Pricing 2. AWS Compute and Network Pricing 3. OCI Compute Pricing 4. AWS Storage Pricing 5. OCI Storage Pricing

Cloud infrastructure and applications everywhere

Oracle Cloud spans 48 interconnected geographic commercial and government cloud regions. Unlike other providers, each region offers a consistent set of more than 100 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, with consistent low pricing worldwide. For more complete support of customer cloud strategies, Oracle Cloud also offers a full suite of Oracle Cloud Applications and direct interconnection with Microsoft Azure.

Oracle Cloud data center global distribution map, details below

Oracle data centers are distributed around the world.

Technology and industry solutions

Resolve your organization’s unique challenges, make data-driven decisions, and increase efficiency with OCI’s purpose-built solutions.

  • Telecommunications

Financial services institutions benefit from OCI’s secure, reliable, and highly scalable multicloud platform, which offers robust services and an accelerated AI infrastructure with the broadest set of deployment options to meet your data residency requirements.

Meet all your business and technology objectives for an on-premises database cloud deployment with Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer.

Benefit from a single unified platform to run every healthcare workload—from legacy applications to AI/ML-enabled services—to enhance the patient experience, decrease the cost of care, and enable precision medicine.

Realize the value of data—use all the available data sources to help improve patient outcomes and provide a seamless healthcare experience.

Many defense, intelligence community, and federal civilian agencies across the globe rely on Oracle Cloud for Government to modernize and innovate faster for better mission outcomes. Oracle Cloud provides world-class security and compliance, consistent high performance, and simple and predictable pricing.

Dedicated to serving governments and safeguarding global defense missions at hyperscale, this innovative cloud solution includes a fully integrated infrastructure with IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and industry-leading price-performance.

Oracle Cloud for telcos is a comprehensive set of cloud solutions built on OCI to help telcos become more agile, reduce capital investments and operating costs, and establish a flexible foundation for innovation.

Use Oracle’s database clustering and massive I/O to maintain near zero-downtime environments while improving performance by 50% or more compared with on-premises or other clouds.

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Try 20+ always free cloud services, with a 30-day trial for even more.

Oracle offers a Free Tier with no time limits on more than 20 services such as Autonomous Database, Arm Compute, and Storage, as well as US$300 in free credits to try additional cloud services. Get the details and sign up for your free account today.

What’s included with Oracle Cloud Free Tier?

  • 2 Autonomous Databases, 20 GB each
  • AMD and Arm Compute VMs
  • 200 GB total block storage
  • 10 GB object storage
  • 10 TB outbound data transfer per month
  • 10+ more Always Free services
  • US$300 in free credits for 30 days for even more

Learn with step-by-step guidance

Experience a wide range of OCI services through tutorials and hands-on labs. Whether you're a developer, admin, or analyst, we can help you see how OCI works. Many labs run on the Oracle Cloud Free Tier or an Oracle-provided free lab environment.

Get started with OCI core services

The labs in this workshop cover an introduction to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) core services including virtual cloud networks (VCN) and compute and storage services.

Autonomous Database quick start

In this workshop, you’ll go through the steps to get started using Oracle Autonomous Database.

Build an app from a spreadsheet

This lab walks you through uploading a spreadsheet into an Oracle Database table, and then creating an application based on this new table.

Deploy an HA application on OCI

In this lab you’ll deploy web servers on two compute instances in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), configured in High Availability mode by using a Load Balancer.

Explore over 150 best practice designs

See how our architects and other customers deploy a wide range of workloads, from enterprise apps to HPC, from microservices to data lakes. Understand the best practices, hear from other customer architects in our Built & Deployed series, and even deploy many workloads with our "click to deploy" capability or do it yourself from our GitHub repo.

Popular architectures

  • Apache Tomcat with MySQL Database Service
  • Oracle Weblogic on Kubernetes with Jenkins
  • Machine-learning (ML) and AI environments
  • Tomcat on Arm with Oracle Autonomous Database
  • Log analysis with ELK Stack
  • HPC with OpenFOAM

Explore our informative events series featuring the latest announcements, customer conversations, product-specific insights, technical sessions, and hands-on labs.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure events

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Oracle CloudWorld

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Interested in learning more about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure? Let one of our experts help.

They can answer questions like:

  • What workloads run best on OCI?
  • How do I get the most out of my overall Oracle investments?
  • How does OCI compare to other cloud computing providers?
  • How can OCI support your IaaS and PaaS goals?

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Case Studies

Equipping the community of independent filmmakers.

  • Customer: Raindance Film School
  • Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Watch the testimonial video here
  • Download the case study here

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The Raindance Film School was founded in 1992 and has become a global independent filmmaking education institution. Hosting one of the largest independent film festivals in Europe and with over 12 hubs across seven cities, Raindance's global reputation brings recognition and credibility to students, placing them within a worldwide community of filmmakers.

One of Raindance's newest campuses is located in Dubai. With comprehensive courses covering various aspects of filmmaking, Raindance Dubai equips students with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful career in cinema, promising an exciting journey into the world of film. Led by Principal and CEO, Zulfiqar Choudhry, Raindance Dubai is more than just a school; it's a vibrant community that brings together talent from diverse backgrounds.

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When Raindance Dubai shifted its curriculum to prioritize intensive computing tasks, it became evident that the school required an investment in new technology. While traditional filmmaking post-production workflows such as editing, color grading, and audio mixing demand specialized tools, the more advanced requirements for visual effects and motion graphics underscore the critical need for powerful and cost-effective filmmaking hardware.

  “When you're focusing on micro-budget filmmaking, you need to invest in the right technology that will provide you with value, but at the same time not to compromise on quality, power, performance and speed,” says Choudhry.


Workstation - Slick and silent with no compromise on performance Raindance Dubai uses the Al Ershad Creator Workstation powered by ASUS as part of its production workflow. Complementing this workstation is the ProArt GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti graphics card, capable of effortlessly processing massive volumes of video data up to 8K resolution without any lag. Moreover, its ProArt LC 420 integrated all-in-one cooler keeps the temperature down while maintaining peak performance without sacrificing silence. With no compromise on performance, Raindance uses this for all of its feature film productions.

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On-set Monitor - Pinpoints accuracy for filmmaking When working on location, Raindance relies on the ASUS ProArt Display PA24US monitor to playback footage, providing an accurate representation of colors captured, ensuring visual consistency across different shots. It’s a 24-inch 4K UHD display with a built-in motorized colorimeter that empowers filmmakers to seamlessly color match footage from various sources and formats. In the fast-paced world of filmmaking, the monitor enables students to achieve a high level of accuracy and quality in every frame. In addition, its 12G-SDI input can receive video signals up to 4K@60Hz and up to quad-view at same time.

  “At the end of each year, our students write, direct, and produce their own short film, which is screened at the Raindance Film Festival. They need to work on monitors that reflect true color. And now with the ASUS ProArt monitors, our students can do exactly that,” says Choudhry.

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HDR Monitors - Nail every detail from pre-production to post For post-production, Raindance uses the ASUS ProArt Display PA32UCXR to finish the projects. Especially when doing final HDR grading, this 32-inch 4K mini-LED panel is bright enough to showcase every detail of the image. With a 1 million to 1 contrast ratio and 1600nits peak brightness, the monitor excels in the final stages of production where every detail matters.

To fit with the overall ergonomics of the equipment while keeping the desk space down, Raindance has paired the reference monitor with the ASUS ProArt Display PA279CRV as its GUI monitor. It features 99% DCI-P3 and 99% Adobe RGB color spaces to provide students with the true colors they need to finish the feature films.

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By using the PC paired with ProArt professional monitors, Raindance Film School Dubai's production workflow has improved its feature film production workflow as a whole. From on-set filming to post-production HDR grading, these advanced tools empower aspiring filmmakers to achieve color accuracy and visual consistency in every frame of their feature films.

  “It just lifts productivity and creativity for the students, enhancing their focus on approach to production through pre-production and production and ending up in post,” concludes Andrew Smith, Manager of Raindance Film School Dubai.

Product installed

ProArt Display PA32UCXR

ProArt Display PA32UCXR

  • 32" UHD, 97% DCI-P3, 99% Adobe RGB, 2,304 zones Mini LED backlight, 1600nits peak brightness, Built-in motorized colorimeter, Thunderbolt™ 4 with 90W power delivery

Learn more about ProArt Display PA32UCXR

ProArt Display PA279CRV

ProArt Display PA279CRV

  • 27" UHD, 99% DCI-P3, 99% Adobe RGB, USB-C with 96W power delivery

Learn more about ProArt Display PA279CRV

ProArt Display PA24US

ProArt Display PA24US

  • 23.6" UHD, 95% DCI-P3, 99% Adobe RGB, true 10-bit color depth, Built-in motorized colorimeter, 12G-SDI input connectivity, USB-C with 80W power delivery

Learn more about ProArt Display PA24US

Al Ershad Creator Workstation - Powered by ASUS

Al Ershad Creator Workstation - Powered by ASUS

  • Built for video content creation ProArt B760-Creator WiFi motherboard, ProArt GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti, ProArt PA602 E-ATX PC case, ProArt LC 420 all-in-one liquid cooler

Learn more about Al Ershad Creator Workstation - Powered by ASUS

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8 Brands Poignantly Promoting Inclusivity

By Joanna Fragopoulos     June 7, 2024    

When strategizing and ideating on campaigns, it’s important to prioritize serving your audience effectively. What are the pain-points your brand and/or products are trying to address and alleviate? Taking this human approach is an integral step in marketing more inclusively and compassionately. Below are campaigns that successfully consider their audiences authentically and inclusively.

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Future Cities

Shaping Tomorrow’s Cities

Fostering resilient and vibrant urban environments.

May 29, 2024 60 Minute Read


  • Chapter 1 The Shape of American Cities
  • Chapter 2 The Urban Renaissance
  • Chapter 3 Disruption in the Pandemic Era
  • Chapter 4 Building on Success
  • Chapter 5 The Conversion Potential
  • Chapter 6 Keys to a Thriving City
  • Chapter 7 A Path Forward
  • Chapter 8 SWOT Analysis: Los Angeles & New York
  • Chapter 9 Case Study: Transforming Manhattan’s Financial District: The Making of a Neighborhood
  • Chapter 10 Appendix: Methodology

Executive Summary

While cities have always been business and social hubs, they have undergone much evolution and oftentimes reinvention as economies advanced, technology progressed and society’s needs changed over time. American cities are much younger than those in many other parts of the world, yet would still be unrecognizable today by those who originally built them. The current evolution of American cities in response to the rise in remote working represents another waypoint in their journey.

CBRE has analyzed the real estate implications of American cities’ current evolution to help inform business and public policy choices. The study offers insights, recommendations and a case study about shaping the future of cities. We have designed a mapping tool that identifies clusters of urban characteristics across mixed-use, business and residential districts and their effect on real estate market fundamentals. This in turn offers insights about how cities can reinvent themselves.

  • Super Cities: Los Angeles, New York
  • Mixed Majors: Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, D.C.
  • Sprawling Darlings: Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Phoenix
  • Developing Destinations: Austin, Charlotte, Miami, Nashville, Orlando, Tampa
  • Suburban growth that dominated the last half of the 20th century gave way to an urban renaissance beginning in the 1990s and accelerating in the 21st century. Many baby boomers and millennials moved into urban neighborhoods in search of a walkable live-work-play environment.
  • Office-using job growth contributed to the 21st-century urban renaissance and became ever more concentrated in CBDs, leading to a boom in office and residential construction. The downside was congestion and increased commute times for suburbanites, often compounded by a lack of modern infrastructure.
  • Disruption by the COVID pandemic in the early 2020s brought 30 years of urban renaissance to a halt. Many city dwellers moved to the suburbs, and domestic in-migration was fastest in the suburban areas of the Sprawling Darlings and Developing Destinations. Density became a public health concern and remote work a necessity for many office-using jobs, driving out-migration that continues today as millennials age and buy homes.
  • Commercial real estate has been particularly affected by these demographic shifts and new working patterns. Public safety concerns also have made workers and visitors more reluctant to return to cities, especially in the Mixed Majors. The office sector has had an unprecedented rise in vacancy that is unlikely to return to pre-pandemic levels. Higher interest rates, also a legacy of the pandemic, have exacerbated the crisis.
  • Future success of cities – and the role they play in their greater markets – is not guaranteed. Clearly identifying their strengths and weaknesses is required to inspire reinvention, successfully retrofit their urban cores and maintain their economic power and competitive advantage. The ultimate goal is to attract more residents, visitors, businesses and development that will drive urban vibrancy and tax revenue.
  • Much of this reinvention will come through conversions or demolition of older, underutilized real estate. In most cities, the amount of conversion activity underway is not yet enough to be fully transformative, but data shows that targeted conversion activity can be a catalyst for broader change.
  • We identified six keys that help cities to thrive: economic dynamism, demographic potential, lifestyle vibrancy, distinctive identity, responsive governance and resilient infrastructure. Each of these presents an opportunity to drive change.
  • Public and private stakeholders have an integral role to play in shaping American cities. By having an all-hands-on-deck approach, the collective impact of experiences and rich data will drive insights and strategies to transform our cities.

Figure 1: Population Change in Top 30 Markets – 1970-2020

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Julie Whelan

Global Head of Occupier Thought Leadership

Photo of Julie Whelan, CBRE

  • Phone +1 508 789 7085

John Stephens

Senior Director, Americas Consulting, CBRE

Photo of John Stephens

  • Phone +1 202 5855607

Andrea Cross

Research Director

Photo of Andrea Cross

Jessica Morin

Director, U.S. Office Research

Photo of Jessica Morin

Richard Barkham, Ph.D.

Global Chief Economist, Global Head of Research, Head of Americas Research

Photo of Richard Barkham, Ph.D.

  • Phone +1 617 9125215

Charlie Donley

Senior Research Analyst, U.S. Office Research

Photo of Charlie Donley

  • Phone +1 610 727 5921


Spencer levy.

Global Client Strategist & Senior Economic Advisor, CBRE

Photo of Spencer Levy

  • Phone +1 617 912 5236

Vice President and Americas Head of Multifamily Research

Photo of Matt Vance

  • Phone +1 617 912 5242
  • Mobile +1 970 652 4050

Rachael Rothman, CFA, ISHC

Head of Hotels Research & Data Analytics

Photo of Rachael Rothman, CFA, ISHC

  • Phone +1 804 201 2004

Brandon Isner

Americas Head of Retail Research

Photo of Brandon Isner

  • Phone +1 305 381 6407

Darin Mellott

Vice President, Head of U.S. Capital Markets Research

Photo of Darin Mellott

  • Phone +1 801 869 8014

Dennis Schoenmaker, Ph.D.

Executive Director | Principal Economist, Econometric Advisors

Photo of Dennis Schoenmaker, Ph.D.

  • Phone + 44 20 7182 2325

Stefan Weiss

Senior Managing Economist

Photo of Stefan Weiss

  • Phone +1 212 984 8066

Case Study Author

Larisa ortiz.

Managing Director of Public Non-profit Solutions at Streetsense

Photo of Larisa Ortiz

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