kid homework jokes

Homework Jokes

Don't you hate it when a teacher lies and says the homework will be a piece of cake.

This joke may contain profanity. đŸ€”

A kid in school hands in a blank piece of paper for his art homework.

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75 Funny and Sweet School Jokes for Kids

Why are fish so smart?

Why are fish so smart?

Sometimes you just need a good laugh, and your students do too! Whether it’s a chuckle about classrooms, students, supplies, or teachers, these school jokes for kids are just the thing to take in when you need a bit of humor during the day.

Our Favorite School Jokes for Kids

1. what is a snake’s favorite subject in school.


2. Which school supply is king of the classroom?

3. why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school.

Because her students were so bright.

4. What time would it be if Godzilla came to school?

Time to run!

5. What is a witch’s favorite subject in school?

6. which letter of the alphabet has the most water, 7. what’s the best place to grow flowers in school.

In kindergarden.

8. Why did the teacher draw on the window?

Because he wanted his lesson to be very clear!

9. What do elves learn in school?

The elf-a-bet.

10. Why did the egg get thrown out of class?

Because he kept telling yolks.

11. Why did the dog do so well in school?

Because he was the teacher’s pet.

12. Why are fish so smart?

Because they live in schools.

13. Why do magicians do so well in school?

They’re good at trick questions.

14. What do you need to go to high school?

15. why did the kid eat his homework.

Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.

16. Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much.

17. Why did the teacher jump into the pool?

He wanted to test the water.

18. What kind of school do surfers go to?

Boarding school.

19. What did one pencil say to the other on the first day of school?

Looking sharp!

20. What do you do if a teacher rolls her eyes at you?

Pick them up and roll them back!

21. Why was the broom late for school?

He over-swept.

22. Which building has the most stories?

The library!

23. How many letters are in the alphabet?

11: T-H-E A-L-P-H-A-B-E-T.

24. How do fish get to school?

The octobus!

25. Why did the jellybean go to school?

To become a Smartie!

26. What does your computer do for lunch?

Has a byte!

27. What dinosaur had the best vocabulary?

The thesaurus.

28. What did the buffalo say at drop-off?

29. what does a book do in the winter.

Puts on a jacket.

30. What did the paper say to the pencil?

31. what contest do skunks win at school.

The smelling bee!

32. Why do calculators make great friends?

You can always count on them.

33. What school requires you to drop out in order to graduate?

Skydiving school.

34. What should you grow in a school garden?

Human beans.

35. Why did the girl do her homework on an airplane?

To achieve a higher education.

36. Why can’t pirates learn the alphabet?

Because they keep getting lost at C.

37. Why do music teachers need a ladder?

To reach the high notes.

38. How do bees get to school?

On the school buzz.

39. Why is history a sweet subject?

Because it has many dates.

40. Why didn’t the sun go to college?

Because it already has many degrees.

41. What is the blackboard’s favorite drink?

Hot CHALKolate.

42. What’s a butterfly’s favorite subject?


43. Who is everyone’s best friend at school?

The princiPAL.

44. Why is 2 + 2 = 5 like your left foot?

It’s not right.

45. Why did the square and triangle go to the gym?

To stay in shape.

46. Which animal cheats on exams?

47. what are the 10 things teachers can always count on.

Their fingers.

48. How do you make seven an even number?

By removing the S.

49. How did the music teacher get locked out of her classroom?

Her keys were on the piano.

50. What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast?

A synonym roll.

51. What school does an ice cream man go to?

Sundae school.

52. What’s so fresh in the chemistry class?

The experiMINTS.

53. Why does the math class make students sad?

Because it is full of problems.

54. Which is the tallest school building?

The library, because it has so many stories.

55. Why are music teachers good baseball players?

Because they have a perfect pitch.

56. What do you call a classmate with a dictionary in their pants?

Smartie pants.

57. Who’s the superhero in computer class?

The Screen Saver!

58. What did the paper say to the pen?

You have a good point.

59. What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?

The blackboard.

60. Why do we measure a snake in inches?

Because it doesn’t have feet.

61. Which tree is the math teacher’s favorite?

62. what’s the most tired school supply.

A knapsack.

63. Why did the student throw her watch out of the school window?

She wanted to see time fly.

64. Which are the smartest letters of the alphabet?

The (wise) Ys.

65. Why do fireflies get bad grades at school?

Because they are not bright enough.

66. Why is the obtuse angle always upset?

He can never be right!

67. What’s a frog’s favorite year?

A leap year.

68. Which state is called the land of pencils?


69. Which U.S. state has the most math teachers?


70. How do you know that Saturn was married more than once?

Because it has so many rings!

71. What does a spider do on the Internet?

Create a WEBsite.

72. When do student astronauts eat?

During launch time.

73. What are the coolest letters of the alphabet?

74. what makes a circle overqualified.

It has 360 degrees!

75. How much do computers eat for lunch?

Want even more school jokes for kids check out our math jokes , history jokes , science jokes , grammar jokes , and music jokes ., if you liked these school jokes for kids and want more articles like this, be sure to subscribe to our newsletters .

We all need a good laugh on occasion! Put up these school jokes for kids for a fun humor break for your students.

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Jokes For Kids

111+ Hilarious School Jokes for Kids to Make Learning Fun!

Humor is a powerful tool that can turn even the most mundane tasks into enjoyable experiences. In the context of education, injecting laughter and amusement into the learning process can have numerous benefits for children. One way to do this is through school jokes for kids! These lighthearted and funny jokes not only entertain but also encourage children to engage with educational content. In this article, we’ll explore the best school jokes for kids, categorized by age groups, to ensure that children of all ages can have a good laugh while learning. From preschoolers to teenagers, there’s something for everyone!

Table of Contents

Best School Jokes For Kids

  • Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!
  • Teacher: “If you had one apple and you asked the teacher for another one, how many apples would you have?” Student: “One, I don’t like apples.”
  • What kind of school do you go to if you’re a surfer? Boarding school!
  • Why was the broom always late to school? It overswept!
  • Teacher: “If you had 10 candy bars and you gave 2 to your friend and 3 to another friend, what would you have?” Student: “A lot of friends!”
  • Why was the computer cold? It left its Windows open!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that sleeps during class? A dino-snore!
  • Why do fish do well in school? Because they’re excellent at fishtory!
  • Teacher: “Name two pronouns.” Student: “Who, me?”
  • Why did the student eat his homework? The teacher said it was a piece of cake!
  • What did one pencil say to the other pencil at school? “You’re looking sharp!”
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • Teacher: “How do you spell ‘crocodile’?” Student: “K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L.” Teacher: “That’s not correct.” Student: “You asked me how I spell it!”
  • Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honeycombs!
  • What is the snake’s favorite subject? Hisstory!

Cool School Jokes For 1-5 Years Old Kids

Cool School Jokes For 1-5 Years Old Kids

  • What do you call a baby owl learning to fly? A “fledgling” student!
  • Teacher: “How old are you?” Child: “I’m not old, I’m new!”
  • Why did the crayon go to school? To draw some knowledge!
  • What do you call a preschooler’s favorite song? Their “ABCs” of course!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? To go to high school!
  • What do you get when you mix a rabbit and a computer? A floppy bunny!
  • Why did the teddy bear refuse to do his homework? He was stuffed with information already!
  • What did the big flower say to the little flower at school? “Hi, bud!”
  • Teacher: “Count from 1 to 10.” Child: “1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10!” Teacher: “Where’s number 4?” Child: “I ate it!”
  • Why did the kid bring a ladder to school? Because they wanted to go to high school!
  • What’s the best school supply? A “brain” notebook!
  • Why did the book go to the nurse? It had a bad case of the “word flu”!
  • What’s a teacher’s favorite type of music? “Classical” of course!
  • Why did the cookie go to school? To become a “smart” cookie!
  • What did the pencil say to the eraser? “You’re so erasable!”

Silly School Jokes For 5-10 Years Old Kids

Silly School Jokes For 5-10 Years Old Kids

  • Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many “problems”!
  • Teacher: “How do you make seven even?” Student: “Remove the ‘S’!”
  • What kind of school do you go to if you’re a superhero? Hero school!
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was “outstanding” in his field!
  • Teacher: “If you had one cookie and your friend took half, what would you have?” Student: “A friend with a full tummy!”
  • Why do hummingbirds hum in music class? Because they don’t know the words!
  • What did the pencil say to the paper during a test? “You’re drawing me crazy!”
  • Teacher: “What’s the past tense of ‘think’?” Student: “I thought about it, and I still think!”
  • Why did the clock go to the principal’s office? It wanted to “tock” back the time!
  • What did the zero say to the eight at school? “Nice belt!”
  • Teacher: “What’s the longest word in the dictionary?” Student: “Smiles, because there’s a mile between each ‘s’!”
  • Why did the tomato turn red during the anatomy lesson? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • What’s the best thing to take to school? Notes!
  • Why did the music teacher go to jail? She got caught “resting”!
  • Teacher: “Spell ‘enemy’.” Student: “E-N-E-M-Y.” Teacher: “Very good. Now, spell ‘friend.'” Student: “E-F-F-E-N-D.”

Clever School Jokes For 10-15 Years Old Kids

Clever School Jokes For 10-15 Years Old Kids

  • Why was the geometry book so sad? Because it felt “out of shape”!
  • Teacher: “If you multiply 99 by 0, what do you get?” Student: “Zero.” Teacher: “And what do you get when you multiply 9 by 0?” Student: “A great way to avoid math homework!”
  • What do you call an alligator in a vest? An “investigator”!
  • Why do chemistry teachers like nitrates so much? They’re cheaper than day rates!
  • Teacher: “What’s the chemical symbol for nitrogen?” Student: “N!” Teacher: “What’s the chemical symbol for potassium?” Student: “K!” Teacher: “What’s the chemical symbol for sodium?” Student: “Bacon!”
  • Why do plants hate math? Because they’re “square roots”!
  • What kind of music do planets like? Nep-tunes!
  • Teacher: “What do you call a shape with nine sides?” Student: “A nonagon.” Teacher: “And what do you call a shape with one side?” Student: “A one-gon.” Teacher: “You’re wrong. It’s a dot.”
  • What do you get when you mix a science experiment and a joke? A “laughatory”!
  • Why did the student wear glasses in math class? To “divide” and conquer!
  • Teacher: “What’s the most dangerous part of a computer?” Student: “The screen. It always gets broken!”
  • What do you call a happy school? A “jolly” school!
  • Why was the math book sad about fractions? Because it felt “incomplete”!
  • Teacher: “What do you call a group of whales?” Student: “A pod.”
  • Teacher: “What do you call a group of crows?” Student: “A murder.”
  • Teacher: “What do you call a group of students?” Student: “Annoying!”
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school? They wanted to go “above and beyond”!

Hilarious Knock Knock School Jokes for Kids

Hilarious Knock Knock School Jokes for Kids

  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Alpaca. Alpaca who? Alpaca the pencils, you take the books!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Olive. Olive who? Olive school because it’s so much fun!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Harry. Harry who? Harry up and answer the question!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Lettuce. Lettuce who? Lettuce in, it’s freezing out here!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Who. Who who? Is there an owl in this class?
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Dewey. Dewey who? Dewey have to do homework tonight?
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Booo. Booo who? Don’t cry, it’s just a joke!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Atch. Atch who? Bless you! Is there a cold going around the school?
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Mikey. Mikey who? Mikey doesn’t fit in the school bus!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Cow says. Cow says who? No silly, cow says mooo!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Stopwatch. Stopwatch who? Stopwatch you’re doing and get back to work!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Justin. Justin who? Justin time for the school bell!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Sam. Sam who? Some of us have homework to do!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Cargo. Cargo who? No, car go “beep beep”!
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Lettuce. Lettuce who? Lettuce be friends forever!

Story School Jokes for Kids

  • Why did the school clock always run late? Because it was ticklish and kept giggling!
  • Once upon a time, there was a little pencil that couldn’t stop drawing in class. It always got in trouble for leaving “mark” all over the pages!
  • In a faraway land called “Algebrania,” the numbers ruled the school, and the Xs and Ys were always trying to solve mysteries!
  • There was a mischievous ruler named “King Centimeter,” who liked to measure everything in the school, from the desks to the students’ heights!
  • Once, a teacher tried to teach a fish to read. It was a “school” of thought, but unfortunately, the fish just kept swimming away from the books!
  • In the land of “Spellington,” the letters were all jumbled up, and the students had to untangle them to find the right words for their assignments!
  • There was a class of mischievous little bunnies who loved hopping around the school. Their teacher had to make sure they didn’t cause any “hare-y” situations!
  • Once, a brave little eraser went on an adventure through the pages of the school notebook, facing ink monsters and pencil doodles!
  • In the kingdom of “Historiana,” the history books could come alive at night, and the students could travel back in time for the most exciting history lessons!
  • Once, a student asked the wise old owl teacher, “Why do we have to go to school?” The owl replied, “So you can spread your wings and soar to new heights of knowledge!”

Key Takeaway

Integrating humor into education can greatly benefit children’s learning experiences. School jokes for kids not only entertain but also encourage active engagement with academic content. Whether it’s through clever wordplay, amusing anecdotes, or knock-knock silliness, these jokes can make the learning process enjoyable and memorable. Children of all ages, from preschoolers to teenagers, can have a good laugh while reinforcing their knowledge and understanding. So, the next time you’re in a classroom or studying at home, remember to add a touch of humor to make the learning journey a delightful one!

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70+ Funny School Jokes and Puns for Kids

Teacher facing a classroom full of students

The Best Funny School-Appropriate Jokes for Your Class

The best back-to-school jokes you can use in your class, hilarious jokes for students on the first day of school, the perfect end-of-the-school-year jokes for kids, time to get your class rolling in laughter, frequently asked questions (faqs).

The best way to keep a class engaged over time is to introduce the element of humor. School jokes can be incredibly hilarious and can help break the ice when starting a new class, introducing a new subject, or integrating new students. You can pick out your favorite class-appropriate jokes from the list below and have your class rolling in laughter.

Teacher high fiving a student

When looking for funny school jokes, these will really get the classroom going. The best school jokes for kids are simple and visual in nature, making them even more memorable. You can also encourage your students to come up with their own school-friendly jokes that they think are funny.

1. Why is arithmetic so heavy? Because you have to carry numbers all day.

2. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Justin. Justin who? You’re just-in time for lunch.

3. When is a blue book not blue anymore? When it has been red! (read)

4. What school is the friendliest one? A “Hi” school (high school)

5. What does a book do when it’s feeling cold? It puts on a jacket!

6. Why do magicians always do well in math class? They can handle trick questions.

7. Why was the egg asked to leave the class? It kept telling yolks! (jokes)

8. What’s a snake’s favorite subject? Hisssstory

9. What does a duck use to solve math problems? A Quack-u-later (calculator).

10. What does a spider love to do in school? Work on web-sites!

11. Who’s the king of all the stationery? The ruler

12. What are the coolest letters in the alphabet? The AC

13. What is the favorite tree of an English professor? A poe-tree! (poetry)

14. What does an overqualified circle have? 360 degrees.

15. Why was the broom late to class? He over-swept! (overslept)

16. What animal isn’t allowed to take an exam in school? A Cheat-ah (cheetah)

17. How do you make 7 an even number? Remove the first “s”.

18. What building has the greatest number of stories? The library

19. What plant is mathematical? Anyone with square roots!

20. Why is six scared of seven? Because seven, eight (ate), nine.

21. What tree is a math teacher’s favorite? A Geo-me-tree (geometry)

22. Why did the teacher have to wear sunglasses to class? Because her students are so bright!

23. What’s a wizard’s favorite topic in English class? Spell-ing!

24. How does a bee go to school? It uses the school buzzzz (school bus).

25. Which alphabet in the English language holds the most amount of water? The “C” s (seas)

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Teacher and students in a class

The right back-to-school jokes can help set a lighter mood in the classroom and get the class acquainted with everybody in a jovial environment. You can even hand some of these jokes off to one of your students who can perform for their classroom as well. It’s important to keep the classroom happy and excited about getting back to a school routine to maximize their productivity.

26. What does an Elf learn at school? The Elf-A-Bet (alphabet)

27. What did the pen say to the pencil? What’s your point?

28. Why isn’t there a clock in the library? Because it tocks too much!

29. What dinosaur had excellent grammar and vocabulary? The thesaurus.

30. What does a computer eat for lunch? Bytes

31. Why can’t you ever argue with a 90-degree angle? Because they’re always right.

32. Why did the students eat their homework? Because the teacher told the class it was a piece of cake.

33. How does a scientist freshen their breath? With experi-mints (experiments)

34. What school requires you to drop out to graduate? Sky-diving school.

35. Who flies home when their school is over? A bee student (B student)

36. What do you call a 12-inch nose? A foot!

37. Which room can a student never enter? A mushroom.

38. Why can’t you use glue on your math homework? Because you’ll keep getting stuck on the same problem.

39. What do librarians take with them when they go fishing? Bookworms

40. Why did the M&Ms want to go back to school? Because they wanted to be a Smartie.

41. What is an English teacher’s favorite dessert? A synonym roll (cinnamon roll)

42. Why didn’t the sun go back to school? Because it already has like a million degrees!

43. What’s the difference between a teacher and a train? One says, “Spit out the gum!” while the other says, “Chew, Chew!”

44. Why does a dog do well in school? Because it’s a teacher’s pet.

45. What drink does a blackboard love? A hot-chalk-o-late.

46. Who is a teacher’s best friend at school? A princi-PAL.

47. What’s the smartest letter in the alphabet? The Ys (wise)

48. What’s a frog’s favorite year? A leap year!

49. What does a math teacher love to eat on Halloween? Pumpkin Pi.

50. What grades does a pirate get? High Cs (seas)

Related Readings: Dad Jokes for Kids That Are Actually Funny

Students sitting in a classroom

It’s the first day of school and everyone is raring to get started. Before you jump into the day’s lesson plan for kids , you can start off with some of these hilarious jokes for the first day of school. These can get them laughing uproariously and thinking about the different puns and funny retorts.

Jokes can also boost engagement and participation from the first day onwards if you ease your classroom into the school year with some playful humor. They can reduce first-day jitters, and break the ice among newer students .

51. What did one pencil say to the other on the first day of school? Looking sharp!

52. Why do calculators make for great friends? Because you can always count on them!

53. What did the buffalo say when dropping off his kid on the first day of school? Bi
Son! (bison)

54. Where did the pencil come back from vacation from? Pencil-vania (Pennsylvania)

55. What can’t you grow in a school garden? Human beans (human beings)

56. Why do pirates hate the alphabet? Because they keep getting lost at “C” (sea)

57. Knock-knock. Who’s there? Pencil. Pencil who? Ah! Forget it; it’s pointless.

58. Do you know why every book in the library is the same color? They’re all red! (read)

59. Where do kids learn math in New York? Times Square.

60. Bobby ate seven apples on the first day of school. Julia ate nine. What do they have? A stomachache!

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Teacher preparing for the end of the year

The end of the year is generally a sad day for many students, as they’ll miss their friends, teachers, and schoolmates. The right end-of-school-year jokes for kids can uplift their spirits and get them rolling with laughter.

You can also have your class prepare their own end-of-school puns that they can recite in front of everyone. This is a great group activity as well, with jokes being written and hung up on walls for next year’s class to relish.

61. Why does a math book look so sad all the time? Because it’s full of problems.

62. Why did the elephant miss the last day of school? He was ill-i-phant

63. Why did the Echo get detention on the last day of school? It kept answering back!

64. What’s a child’s favorite summer activity? Going to sundae school!

65. Why did the music teacher get locked in school all summer? Because her keys were in the piano.

66. Why did the pirate bring a pencil to school? To draw his treasure map!

67. Why was the obtuse angle so sad on the last day of school? Because he wasn’t right all year.

68. What do math teachers love to eat each summer? Square meals

69. What’s a math teacher’s favorite dessert in the summer? Pi

70. Where do sheep go for a tropical summer vacation? The Baa-Haa-Mas (Bahamas)

71. What does a math teacher use to light up sticks at summer camp? Arithma-sticks

Kids listening to their teacher in a classroom

The best part about jokes is that they are silly by design. Jokes and puns can be said in silly voices and with funny props to make your class laugh hysterically. If you’re making a list of good jokes for school, you should start by making them about different classes, animals, sounds, and so on. The more multisensory the joke, with the right sounds and visuals, the more impactful it can be. You can start your comedy routine with jokes that every child can relate to.

What jokes are the funniest to tell in a classroom?

Jokes that are interesting, unique, and funny are often the ones that are highly relatable to your students’ experience.

How do I get my students laughing at funny jokes?

What’s vital is to find school-appropriate jokes that are actually funny and to select the best ones based on the children’s grade level.

How do I encourage my students to tell jokes in class?

The best way to get the ball rolling is to give your students a worksheet of funny fill-in-the-blanks. You can also help them craft jokes as a part of a co-curricular activity for kids .

Can jokes help improve class participation in other activities?

Yes, if you lighten the mood and tone of the class, students will be more inclined to actively participate in class.

kid homework jokes

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80 of the Best Kids Jokes About School

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If there is one thing for sure, kids love a good joke. I love that a joke can turn a child’s day around in an instant by just telling them a joke and making them laugh !

One of my favorite types of jokes is kids jokes about school . I love these because at some point or another we are going to have one of our kids that has a bad day and will need a pick me up.

Having some of the best kids jokes about school on hand in a matter of seconds we can help our child not feel so down about school.

These jokes about school work great to teach our kids as well so they can use them to help their friends and classmates feel better about school too!

“I love these because at some point or another 

What is it about school that makes us all nostalgic? Even the mention of those years fills our hearts with warmth, making us wish we could go back in time and somehow relive those days. If your child is in school, make sure to remind them that these are going to be some of the best years of their lives.

It is perhaps this connection with school life that makes kids appreciate and laugh at jokes about school.

“Having some of the best kids jokes about 

So, we are sharing 80 of the best kids jokes about school so we have them on hand when our kids need them most!

80 Kids Jokes About School

Q: Why did the music teacher need a ladder? A: To reach the high notes.
Q: What does a book do in the winter? A: Puts on a jacket.
Q:  What do you give to a sick lemon? A:  Lemon aid
Q: What did the limestone say to the geologist? A: Don’t take me for granite!
Q: Why did nose not want to go to school? A: He was tired of getting picked on!
Q: Why was school easier for cave people? A: Because there was no history to study!
Q:  What do you get when you throw a lot of books in the ocean? A:  A title wave
Q: Why do magicians do so well in school? A: They’re good at trick questions
Q: How do you get straight A’s? A: By using a ruler!
Q: Why was the teacher wearing sunglasses to school? A: She had bright students!
Q:  Which is faster – heat or cold? A:  Heat, because you can catch a cold
Q: Where do people learn to make ice cream? A: In sundae school
Q: What did the pen say to the pencil? A: So, what’s your point!
Q:  Why was the math book always worried? A:  Because it had so many problems
Q: How did the music teacher get locked in the classroom? A: His keys were inside the piano!
Q:  Which school supply is king of the classroom? A:  A ruler
Q: What do elves learn in school? A: The elf-abet!
Q:  How did Benjamin Franklin feel when he discovered electricity? A:  Shocked
Q: What did you learn in school today? A: Not enough, I have to go back tomorrow!
Q. How do bees get to school? A: By school buzz

Q: When do astronauts eat? A: At launch time!
Q. How do the fish get to school? A: By octobus!
Q: What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil? A: Stop going in circles and get to the point!
Q. What does a gorilla learns in school? A: His Ape B C’s.
Q: How does the barber cut the moon’s hair? A: E-clipse it!
Q: What does a snake learn in school? A: Hiss tory.
Q: What happened when the wheel was invented? A: It caused a revolution!
Q: What dinosaur had the best vocabulary? A: The thesaurus.
Q. What did the glue say to the teacher? A: “I’m stuck on you.”
Q: Why did the kid eat his homework? A: Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.
Q: What do librarians take with them when they go fishing? A: Bookworms
Q. Why was the broom late for school? A: He over swept.
Q. What do you do if a teacher rolls her eyes at you? A: Pick them up and roll them back to her!
Q. What school subject is a witch good at? A: Spelling.
Q: What is the world’s tallest building? A: The library because it has the most stories.
Q. Why did the snake get a detention? A: Because he was HISSpering!
Q. Why are school cafeteria workers cruel? A: Because they batter fish, beat eggs, and whip cream.
Q. What did the calculator say to the other calculator? A: “You can count on me!”
Q: What vegetables to librarians like? A: Quiet peas.
Q. What do ducks use for math? A: A QUACK-ulator !
Q. What flies around the kindergarten room at night? A: The alpha-BAT.
Q. What’s the difference between a teacher and a train? A: The teacher says throw out that gum and a train says chew, chew!
Q: Why did the Cyclops stop teaching? A: Because he only had one pupil.
Q: Why didn’t the sun go to college? A: Because it already had a million degrees!
Q. What do you do with dead elements? A: Barium!
Q: How did Vikings communicate? A: By norse code.
Q. Why did the jellybean go to school? A: To become a smartie!
Q. What happened when the teacher tied all the kids shoe laces together? A: They had a class trip!
Q. What is a math teacher’s favorite dessert? A: Pi!
Q: Why were the early days of history called the dark ages? A: Because there were so many knights.
Q: Which alphabetic letter contains the most water? A: The “C.”
Q: Where in a school would be the best place to grow flowers? A: In kindergarten.
Q: Why did the teacher paint the window? A: He did so because he wanted to make his point very clear.
Q: Why was the egg expelled from class? A: Because he persisted in telling yolks.
Q: What makes fish so smart? A: Because they live in schools.
Q: Why did the dog perform so well in school? A: Because the teacher loved him.
Q: Why doesn’t the library have a clock? A: Because it tocks excessively.
Q: The alphabet consists of how many letters? A: 11: T-H-E A-L-P-H-A-B-E-T.
Q: What sort of school attend surfers? A: Boarding school.
Q: Why did the teacher dive into the water? A: He wished to test the water.
Q: What did the two pencils say to each other on day one of school? A: Looking sharp
Q: What does the computer eat for lunch? A: A byte!
Q: What was said by the buffalo when dropped off? A: Bi-son.
Q: What school competition do skunks win? A: The smelling bee.
Q: Why are calculators such great friends? A: You can count on them always.
Q: Why did the girl complete her homework while flying? A: To pursue higher education.
Q: Why are pirates unable to master the alphabet? A: Because C is where they keep getting lost.
Q: Why is history a sweet subject to study? A: Because it contains a lot of dates.
Q: What beverage does the blackboard prefer? A: Hot CHALKolate.
Q: What subject is a butterfly most interested in? A: MOTHematics.
Q: The square and triangle visited the gym for what reason? A: To stay in shape.
Q: Which animal cheats answers on tests? A: A CHEATah.
Q: How can seven be an even number? A: By taking out the S.
Q: What are the two days in the week that begin with “T”? A: Today and tomorrow
Q: What is the dictionary’s longest word? A: RUBBER BAND – Due to its flexibility
Q: Which nation is the teacher fond of? A: ExplaNATION
Q: A room that students are not allowed to enter. A: The mushROOM
Q: How do you know Saturn has had multiple marriages? A: Due to its numerous rings
Q: Why do fireflies struggle at school to get bad grades? A: Because they lack sufficient brightness
Q: What exactly is fresh in chemistry class? A: The experiMINTS

When learning becomes fun, that’s when kids get interested in facts and want to explore the world further. This is just one of the many reasons jokes about school always work with kids. Well, so, “there you have it 

There you have it! 80 of the best kids jokes about school! What jokes would you add to the list! Share in the comments below!

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36 Hilarious (& Clean) Kids’ Jokes about School

girls laughing at school jokes

These back-to-school school jokes are clean enough for the classroom

Back-to-school season means saying goodbye to summer and getting ready for the next adventure, which typically includes a lot of gear like cool kids’ backpacks and new playground-ready shoes . But don’t forget to pack some funny school jokes in your kids’ back pockets, too! Our collection is filled with hilarious but cute kids’ jokes about school that will bring on belly laughs. Looking for even more giggles? Check out these extra squeaky clean jokes , printable lunchbox jokes , and math jokes . Get ready to LOL.

School Jokes about School Supplies

1. What does your computer do for lunch?

Has a byte!

2. Why do math books always look so sad?

They are full of problems.

3. Where do pencils go on vacation?


4. What does a book do in the winter?

Puts on a jacket.

5. What did the paper say to the pencil?

6. What did one pencil say to the other on the first day of school?

Looking sharp!

7. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?

Pencil who?

Never mind, this is pointless. 

8. Why do calculators make great friends?

You can always count on them!

9. Where did the pencil go for vacation?

To Pennsylvania.

10. What dinosaur had the best vocabulary?  

The thesaurus.

11. Who is the leader of the school supplies? 

12. Did you know all books in the school library are the same color?

They’re all red.

Related:  30+ Math Jokes for Kids That Add Up to Laughs

School Jokes about Teachers

teacher and students laughing at school jokes on the playground

13. What did the student say to the teacher after they missed the first day of school? 

No, ma’am. I didn’t miss it at all.

14. Why did the kid eat their homework?

Because their teacher said it was a piece of cake.

15. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school?

Because their students were so bright.

16. Where do math teachers like to go on vacation?

Times Square!

17. Why did the teacher jump into the pool?

They wanted to test the water.

18. What would happen if the dean lost their job?

They would lose his “ideanity.”

19. What are 10 things a teacher can always count on? 

Their fingers.

20. What does an English teacher like to eat for breakfast? 

Synonym rolls.

Related:  12 Printable Lunchbox Jokes to Brighten Your Student’s Day

Kids’ Jokes about School

little boy laughing at school jokes for kids

21. Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much.

22. What did the buffalo say at drop off?

23. How does a scientist freshen their breath?

With experi-mints!

24. Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?

Because they wanted to go to high school.

25. What do elves learn in school?

The elf-abet.

26. What should you grow in a school garden?

Human beans!

27. Why do magicians always do so well at school?

They can handle trick questions.

28. Where do surfers go to school?

Boarding school.

29. What is the smartest insect?

A spelling bee.

30. Why can’t pirates learn the alphabet?

Because they keep getting lost at C.

31. Why did the girl do her homework on an airplane?

To achieve a higher education.

32. Why didn’t the fish go on vacation?

Because they were always in school.

33. Why did the kid cross the playground?

To get to the other slide.

34. What did the spider make online?

35. What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?

Finding half a worm.

36. What school requires you to drop out in order to graduate?

Sky diving school.

37. What contest do skunks win at school?

The smelling bee!

38. Why is 2+2=5 like your left foot?

It’s not right.

39. What does a snake learn in school?


Related:  40+ Hilarious Knock Knock Jokes for Kids

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Naturally Funny

608 Homework Jokes That Will Make You the Class Clown

kid homework jokes

If you’re here, it means you’re ready to crack open the world of homework jokes.

Not just any jokes, but the top of the class.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the most hilarious homework jokes.

From math-tastic puns to literary one-liners, our compilation has a joke for every subject matter.

So, let’s dive into the fun-filled world of homework humor, one joke at a time.

Homework Jokes

Homework jokes have a special way of lightening up the mood even during the most stressful times.

They’re not just about the homework itself but the whole experience that surrounds it.

From the nagging reminders from parents to finish homework to the procrastination and last-minute rush, there’s a lot of humor to be found in these situations.

Creating a hilarious homework joke involves playing with familiar scenarios, expectations, and the universal student experience (like the panic when the teacher collects homework you forgot about or the sweet relief when the teacher forgets to collect it).

Ready to turn your study blues into laughter cues?

Dive into fun with these homework jokes:

  • Why did the ghost go to school? To improve his haunting grades
 in boo-logy!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do its homework? Because it was afraid of being sheeted!
  • Why was the math book sad after the test? Because it realized all its problems were unsolvable!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school? Because her students were so bright (doing their homework) that it hurt her eyes!
  • Why did the student eat his homework? Because his teacher told him it was a piece of cake! But he got in trouble when his teacher found out it was actually his sister’s science project!
  • Why do birds do well in school? Because they always owl-ways do their homework!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do his homework? Because he could never find a ghoul tutor.
  • Why did the ghost do well on his homework? Because he ghouled it.
  • Why did the teacher jump into the swimming pool with her clothes on? Because she wanted to test the water for her students’ homework!
  • Why did the ghost get in trouble during homework time? It kept haunting the answers!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a successful student? Because he was outstanding in his field of homework!
  • Why did the student’s report card look like a pirate? Because it was full of D’s (dees).
  • Why did the teacher send her students to detention? Because they were not doing their homework and it was a real class act!
  • Why did the pencil go to the psychiatrist? Because it had too many erasers to deal with!
  • Why did the pencil do well in school? Because it was sharp!
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? To do its pre-homework.
  • Why did the ghost always get A’s on his homework? Because he had a “boo-tiful” mind!
  • What’s the best time to do homework? Never! It’s always better to procrastinate!
  • Why did the pencil always get its homework done? Because it was always sharp.
  • Why do scientists say doing homework is like getting on a treadmill? Because you’re not going anywhere, but you’re still exhausted!
  • Why did the pencil blush during the test? Because it realized its eraser was gone!
  • Why did the paper clip go to the therapist? It was feeling bent out of shape from all the homework.
  • What did one pencil say to the other pencil during homework time? “You’re looking sharp today!”
  • Why did the student eat his algebra homework? He wanted to solve the equation inside him.
  • Why did the pencil bring a ladder to school? It wanted to do some high-level homework!
  • Why did the scarecrow get an A+ on his homework? Because he heard it was a piece of cake!
  • What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta! Just like my homework excuse.
  • Why did the tomato turn red when it saw the math homework? Because it saw the addition problems and felt saucy!
  • What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil during homework? Stop going in circles and get to the point!
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? To get ahead of all the other stationary!
  • Why did the ghost become a teacher? Because he had a lot of boo-k (book) reports to grade for homework!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to the library? Because he wanted to reach the high shelves of knowledge and avoid doing homework!
  • Why did the banana go to school? Because it wanted to learn the “a-peel” of knowledge!
  • Why did the student eat their homework instead of turning it in? They thought it was a piece of cake!
  • What do you call a person who doesn’t do their homework? A “missteak”!
  • Why did the science book get in trouble? It always had the wrong “elements” in its homework!
  • Why did the ghost go to school? To brush up on his boo-logy!
  • What do you call someone who only does their homework on April Fool’s Day? A foolscap!
  • Why did the ghost fail his homework? Because he couldn’t “ghoul” through it!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do his homework? Because he couldn’t find a boo-k to study from!
  • Why did the pencil go to the party alone? Because it couldn’t find a date and had to do its homework instead!
  • Why did the cookie eat its homework? It thought it could get a “sweet” grade!
  • Why do flowers never do their homework? Because they always like to take notes in their own petals!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school? Because he heard the grades were high and he wanted to climb the ladder of success (in homework)!
  • Why did the student put their homework in the blender? Because they wanted to make it into a smoothie.
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to the library? Because they heard the homework was on a higher shelf!
  • Why did the teacher marry the janitor? Because he swept her off her feet!
  • Why was the math book feeling down? Because it had too many problems
 and not enough solutions!
  • Why did the book go to the doctor? It had a spine problem from carrying too much homework!
  • Why did the ghost fail its homework assignment? It couldn’t find any boo-ks to study!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to the library? Because they heard it had high shelves.
  • Why did the book go to the doctor? Because it had too many spine problems from all the heavy homework!
  • Why did the pencil bring a ladder to class? Because it wanted to get high marks.
  • Why did the pencil do well on his homework? Because he did all of his erasing before turning it in.
  • Why did the teacher jump into the swimming pool? Because she wanted to test the waters before assigning the homework!
  • Why was the math book sad after school? Because it had too many problems to solve, and none of them wanted to be its friend!
  • What do you call a bear with no homework? A grizzly without work!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses while grading homework? Because the students’ answers were too bright to handle!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses during class? Because her students were so bright, she needed shade from their brilliant homework answers!
  • Why did the math teacher open a bakery? Because she wanted to show her students how to multiply using dough.
  • Why was the math book sad after being given homework? It felt too square and just wanted to be around circles!
  • Why did the homework go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t feeling well and needed some medical attention for being so difficult!
  • Why do bananas never do their homework? They are always peeling away from it!
  • Why did the pencil do poorly on his homework? He wasn’t very sharp.
  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, including your excuses for not doing your homework!
  • Why did the clock get in trouble in school? Because it tocked too much during class!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a teacher? Because he was outstanding in his field, especially when it came to grading homework!
  • Why did the ghost get an A+ on their homework? Because they did a boo-tiful job!
  • Why did the teacher eat the student’s homework? Because he thought it was a well-done assignment!
  • What do you call a teacher who never stays in one place? A wanderer.
  • Why did the pencil get a bad grade? Because it didn’t do its homework.
  • Why did the ghost never finish his homework? It kept disappearing on him.
  • Why did the scarecrow refuse to do its homework? It heard it was just a bunch of crop, so it decided to skip it!
  • What did the paper say to the pencil? “You’ve got a good point!”
  • Why did the ghost not do his homework? He had no-body to help him!
  • Why did the scarecrow not want to do his homework? Because he was already outstanding in his field.
  • What’s a pirate’s least favorite type of homework? The “arrrrrrrrrrrrt” assignment!
  • What did the math book say to the history book? “Stop trying to solve your problems, just look at my answers!”
  • Why did the scarecrow get a low grade on his homework? Because he didn’t have any brains!
  • Why did the pencil get a detention? It didn’t do its homework properly
 it only wrote half the answers!
  • Why did the pencil bring a eraser to its homework? Because it knew it was going to make a lot of mistakes!
  • Why did the pencil skip school? Because it didn’t have any point!
  • Why did the paper clip get detention? Because it was bending the rules!
  • Why was the math book sad after finishing homework? It had too many exponents to deal with!
  • Why did the pencil go to the party by itself? Because it couldn’t find a point to bring!
  • Why did the boy eat his homework with ketchup? Because it was a tomato-based assignment.
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? To do its homework before anyone could erase it!

Short Homework Jokes

Short homework jokes are like the elusive correct answer on a challenging assignment – surprising, delightful, and rewarding when found.

These jokes are perfect for lightening the mood during study sessions, adding a bit of humor to school presentations, or just sharing a chuckle with classmates.

The genius of short homework jokes lies in their ability to make even the most mundane schoolwork seem amusing, delivering giggles in just a sentence or two.

Without further ado, it’s time to hit the books!

Here are some short homework jokes that will make even the toughest study night a little bit lighter.

  • What do you call a dog that eats homework? A “Lab-report” retriever!
  • Why do bananas never finish their homework? Because they’re always peeling out.
  • Why do math books look sad? Because they have too many problems!
  • Why do teachers like whiteboards? Because they’re remarkable!
  • What do you call homework that jumps off a cliff? A cliff-hanger!
  • What do you call a snowman who does your homework? A snow-flake.
  • Why did the pen get detention? It couldn’t control its ink-lination!
  • Why did the teacher assign homework on gardening? To help students mulch-task.
  • What’s the hardest part about doing homework? Waking up!
  • Why was the computer cold during homework? It left its Windows open!
  • Why do scientists love doing homework? Because it’s their lab work!
  • Why didn’t the sun do his homework? Because it already set!
  • Why did the broom go to school? To sweep up the homework!
  • What do you call a fake stone? A shamrock!
  • Why did the dictionary feel smart? Because it had all the answers!
  • What did the paper say to the pencil? You’re write for me.
  • What do you call a teacher who never gives homework? Lazy!
  • What’s the best time to do homework? Not now, but later-tater!
  • Why did the ghost struggle with homework? It couldn’t find a boo-grapher!
  • What do you call a dog who can do multiplication? A mathemuttician!
  • What did the pencil sharpener say to the homework? You’re really pointless!
  • Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two-tired!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a teacher? It loved giving out straw-berries.
  • Why did the clock get detention? It was tick-tocking too much!
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach? To test the water.
  • What did the big flower say to the little flower? “Hi, bud!”
  • Why did the homework go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling well-organized!
  • Why did the banana go to school? To learn how to split!
  • What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!
  • Why did the ruler join the gym? To measure up to expectations!
  • Why do homework assignments always feel like they’re multiplying?
  • What do you call a fish that wears a crown? HomeworkĂ©! (Home-orkay!).
  • Why did the ghost go to the library? To improve his boo-kwork!
  • What do you call a fish that’s good at math? A number-cruncher!
  • Why did the pencil sharpener go to school? It felt sharp today!
  • Why did the teacher go to space? To explore new “world problems”!
  • What do you call a snowman who doesn’t do his homework? Chillin’!
  • What’s the king of the pencil case? The ruler!

Homework Jokes One-Liners

One-liner homework jokes are the epitome of humor squeezed into a single, succinct phrase.

They’re the verbal counterpart of completing a challenging homework problem with a single, swift stroke of the pen – gratifying, simple, and effortlessly witty.

Creating a captivating one-liner requires a fusion of originality, precision, and a profound love for the art of puns.

The test is to wrap the setup and punchline into a concise form, delivering the maximum laughter with minimal words.

Here’s to these homework one-liners turning your study breaks into a laughter riot:

  • Homework: proof that teachers have a sense of humor, because they think we have time for it.
  • I never do my homework in pen, because it’s pointless to commit to something you’re not sure about.
  • Homework is proof that aliens exist, because no human being could design such a torture device.
  • My dog ate my homework
 and then threw it up.
  • Homework is a conspiracy by teachers to make us forget what weekends are for.
  • The best thing about homework is that you always have an excuse for not going to the gym.
  • Homework is just a fancy way of saying “I’m ruining your weekend”
  • Homework is like a math problem, the more you try to solve it, the more confused you get.
  • My dog ate my homework, and then the vet charged me for an X-ray to confirm it.
  • Homework: the one thing that unites students in an eternal state of complaining.
  • My dog ate my homework
 and then my cat ate my dog.
  • Homework is the reason why I have a love-hate relationship with paper and pencils.
  • If procrastination was an Olympic sport, I’d definitely win gold in homework avoidance.
  • My dog ate my homework, but luckily my teacher was a cat lover and understood the struggle.
  • Homework is the reason why I have a love-hate relationship with trees – they supply paper, but also give me homework.
  • Homework: the invention designed to make us question the meaning of life, one assignment at a time.
  • The only thing harder than doing homework is pretending to understand it in front of the teacher.
  • Homework is like a bad dream, it’s never-ending and it always leaves you feeling exhausted.
  • Homework: The reason why I know the names of all my classmates’ pets, but not their last names.
  • I wasn’t able to finish my homework because I accidentally started binge-watching a documentary series about procrastination.
  • I wish there was a homework vending machine, so I could just insert a dollar and get it done.
  • Homework is a great way to teach kids that life is full of disappointments and never-ending tasks.
  • My dog ate my homework, then proceeded to give me a lecture on proper nutrition.
  • I love homework so much that I do it in my sleep
literally, it’s a nightmare.
  • I gave my homework a timeout because it was misbehaving on my desk.
  • Homework: the only time my parents are proud of me for actually doing nothing.
  • My homework told me to find the missing X, but I’m more concerned about the missing motivation.
  • I never do homework on time, I always do it on the edge of a deadline
  • Homework is like a workout for your brain, except no one wants to do it.
  • I asked my teacher if I could turn in my homework by email. She said, “Sure, just don’t attach it to a virus.”
  • Homework is like a maze, and I’m just a lost mouse trying to find the way out.
  • My dog ate my homework
 and then regurgitated a better version.
  • Homework: because procrastination is a skill that needs to be honed early on.
  • Homework is nature’s way of reminding us that life isn’t fair.
  • Homework: the process of staring at a blank document until your soul slowly evaporates.
  • The only thing harder than my homework is trying to explain to my parents why I didn’t do it.
  • Homework is like a never-ending story, except it’s not as exciting and there’s no dragons.
  • If homework doesn’t kill me, it’s probably because I’ve already died from boredom.
  • I procrastinate so much that I consider my homework as a long-term project.
  • Homework is like a black hole: once you start, you’re sucked in and can’t escape.
  • Homework: the reason why Google is my best friend.
  • I asked my teacher if I could do my homework on a napkin, she said only if I write in pencil.
  • Homework: because why have free time when you can have stress and tears instead?
  • If procrastination was a professional sport, I’d have a gold medal in homework avoidance.
  • Homework is like a math problem, you solve it and then it’s gone
until the test.
  • Homework is like a math problem – you’re always looking for an X to solve it.
  • My homework is like a sloth: it takes forever to get done and I’m always tempted to take a nap.
  • I procrastinate so much on my homework that it should be considered an Olympic sport.
  • Homework would be so much more fun if it was called “Brain Yoga.”
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to find out how many parents they can annoy in a single night.
  • Homework: the ultimate test of how well you can procrastinate and still get it done.
  • My math homework is like a horror movie – full of irrational numbers and endless nightmares.
  • I once tried to burn my homework, but it just turned into a flaming mess – talk about a fiery disaster.
  • Homework: the only time where a wrong answer can be considered right if everyone else got it wrong too.
  • If homework was a person, it would be that annoying relative who always overstays their welcome.
  • My homework is like a sloth – it takes forever to finish.
  • I’m convinced that my teacher invented homework just to watch us suffer.
  • I asked my teacher if I could write a love letter instead of doing my homework. She said no, but I still got an A for creativity.
  • Homework: The reason why I always have a pencil in my pocket, even though I never use it.
  • My dog ate my homework, and then my cat ate my dog
 I really need a new excuse!
  • Homework is a great way to test my ability to stay awake while sitting at a desk.+.
  • I asked my teacher if I could do my homework in bed. She said, “Sure, just don’t lie down on it.”
  • My dog ate my homework, then he burped up a perfectly written essay.
  • The only thing more painful than doing homework is stepping on a LEGO barefoot.
  • I finally finished my homework, so now I can go back to procrastinating.
  • Homework is a great way to test your ability to Google answers without getting caught.
  • Homework is the reason why I have trust issues with my backpack.
  • Homework: the only thing that gets longer as you try to finish it.
  • My homework is like a math problem; I have no idea what’s going on but I still pretend to know what I’m doing.
  • If homework were a person, I would sue them for emotional distress.
  • I’m so good at doing homework that I could do it in my sleep. In fact, I often do.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to give us more work to do at home, because they miss us too much during school hours.
  • I don’t always do my homework, but when I do, it’s five minutes before class starts.
  • Homework is just a fancy word for “procrastination material.” .
  • Homework: The only thing that makes procrastination seem productive.
  • My homework folder is a great place to store my dreams and aspirations
 untouched and forgotten.
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they wanted to reach the highest grades with their homework.
  • If you can’t convince your teacher that your dog ate your homework, at least convince them that it pooped on it.
  • I asked my teacher if I could do my homework in the future tense. She said no, the assignment is due now.
  • My friend asked me to help him with his homework, so I told him to ask Google.
  • Why did the pencil go to the psychiatrist? Because it couldn’t seem to get its homework done.
  • Homework: the reason why my dog suddenly becomes the most interesting creature in the universe.
  • Homework is like a math problem – I’m still trying to figure out the solution.
  • Homework is the reason why I have trust issues with ink pens and erasers.
  • Doing homework is a lot like trying to fold a fitted sheet – it’s impossible and makes me want to give up on life.
  • My dog ate my homework, and my teacher said it was the most interesting thing he’s ever read.
  • Homework is just a cruel reminder that life is full of endless responsibilities and never-ending to-do lists.
  • I told my teacher I needed more time to finish my homework because I was abducted by aliens. She said she wouldn’t accept any excuses, especially extraterrestrial ones.
  • Homework: the reason why I can’t remember what day it is anymore.
  • Sometimes I feel like my homework is plotting against me, just waiting for the perfect moment to strike with confusion and frustration.
  • Homework: the perfect excuse to procrastinate doing anything productive.
  • Why did the pencil bring a ladder to do its homework? It wanted to climb to the next level of writing.
  • Homework: The perfect opportunity to discover new ways to avoid doing actual work.
  • Homework is like a black hole; it sucks away all the fun and free time in its vicinity.
  • I failed my homework assignment on the history of cheese. I guess I wasn’t very gouda at it.
  • My homework is like a puzzle, except I don’t have all the pieces and the picture on the box is missing.
  • Homework: the only thing that gets heavier as you try to lift it off your desk.
  • Homework is like a puzzle with missing pieces and a deadline that’s about to crash down on you.
  • Homework is the real-life version of a never-ending story
 but with less dragons and more tears.
  • Homework is like a black hole: the more you do, the more it sucks you in.
  • I used to hate math homework, but then I realized it’s all about division
 between people who understand it and me.
  • Homework is like a black hole, it sucks all the fun out of life.
  • My homework is like a boomerang. No matter how hard I throw it away, it always comes back to haunt me.
  • Homework: because there’s nothing like the feeling of panic at 3 am.
  • If I had a penny for every time I procrastinated on homework, I’d have zero pennies because I never actually started.
  • Homework: the only time you’ll ever see kids willingly do math problems
 in their dreams.
  • Homework is my arch-nemesis, but somehow we always end up spending way too much time together.
  • I have a love-hate relationship with homework. I love to hate it.
  • I tried to do my homework, but Netflix said, “Are you still watching?”
  • Homework is the ultimate test of endurance, sanity, and the strength of your Wi-Fi connection.
  • Homework is like a puzzle, except all the pieces are blank and you have no idea what the picture is supposed to be.
  • Homework: The art of convincing yourself that watching YouTube tutorials counts as studying.
  • I think my teacher secretly enjoys giving us homework because it’s payback for all the mischief we cause in class.
  • Homework is like a bad joke that keeps on repeating itself every night.
  • I wish my homework could be a stand-up comedy routine, at least then I’d get some laughs out of it.
  • The only thing I’ve learned from doing homework is how to do it faster than ever before.
  • Homework: because 7 hours of school just isn’t enough torture for kids.
  • My math teacher called me average
 How mean!
  • Homework: because 7 hours of school wasn’t enough torture.
  • I tried to do my homework with a broken pencil, but it was pointless.
  • Doing homework is like going on a blind date with a math problem – you never know what you’re gonna get.
  • Homework is just a polite way of saying “I don’t trust you to remember anything I taught you.”
  • My homework is like a piñata, no matter how hard I hit it, answers never come out.
  • Homework is the reason why some kids have mastered the art of sleeping with their eyes open.
  • Homework is the only time I can confidently say I’m “procrastinating with purpose.” .
  • Homework is like a monster that follows you home from school and eats your free time.
  • The only thing I’ve mastered about homework is the art of making it look like I put effort into it.
  • Homework: the only thing that’s more boring than watching paint dry.
  • I love when my dog eats my homework because at least someone appreciates my hard work.
  • Homework is like a never-ending story, but without the adventure or happy ending.
  • When my parents ask me if I finished my homework, I always say, “I did it in my head.” They never believe me.
  • Homework is like a bad ex: it never leaves you alone and constantly reminds you of your mistakes.
  • Homework: the closest thing we have to a time machine, because it takes us back to the Stone Age.
  • The only thing harder than doing homework is pretending to do homework when the teacher calls on you.
  • I tried to make a joke about homework, but my teacher said it was a waste of time.
  • Homework is like a never-ending marathon, and I’m the world champion of taking breaks.
  • My teacher said I need to do my homework like my life depends on it. Apparently, she thinks I’m in danger of flunking life.
  • Homework is the reason why aliens haven’t visited us – they saw how stressed we are and decided it’s not worth it.
  • Homework should come with a warning label: Caution! May cause extreme levels of frustration and hair-pulling.
  • The only thing worse than doing homework is realizing you did it all wrong the night before it’s due.
  • My homework is like a black hole: no matter how much I do, it never seems to get any smaller.
  • Homework: the perfect excuse for procrastinating on everything else you need to do.
  • Homework is like a bad boyfriend/girlfriend
 It takes up all your time and gives you nothing in return.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to make sure we suffer even after school hours.
  • Homework: It’s like a never-ending nightmare, but with more paper.
  • Homework teaches you valuable life skills, like how to Google things really fast.
  • Doing homework is like going to the gym, I know I should do it more often, but I always find an excuse not to.
  • My dog ate my homework
and then pooped out a perfectly written essay.
  • Homework is a great way to practice pretending to understand something you have no idea about.
  • Homework: Where the answer to “Why?” is always “Because I said so.”
  • Doing homework is like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded; you never know if you’re making progress or just making a mess.
  • My homework is like a black hole – it sucks in all my free time and never lets go.
  • I asked Siri to do my homework for me, and she replied, “I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that. But I can tell you a joke!”
  • Homework is just a polite way of telling students that their misery should extend beyond school hours.
  • My homework is like a horror movie: it never ends and keeps haunting me every night!
  • Why do I have to do homework? Can’t I just pay someone to do it for me?
  • My homework brings all the procrastinators to the yard, and they’re like, “It’s due tomorrow, damn right it’s hard.”
  • Homework: where the question is easy, but the answer is a mystery.
  • Homework teaches us valuable life skills, like how to perfectly balance a pencil on the edge of our nose.
  • Homework: The only time I’m happy to have a “zero” in my life.
  • If homework was a person, I’d definitely file a restraining order against it.
  • Homework is like a bad movie sequel – it’s never as good as the original assignment.
  • Homework is a constant reminder that my brain has a great sense of humor
 it loves to play tricks on me.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to make sure we never have a social life.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to remind us that they have control over our lives even outside of school.
  • Homework: the only time where 2 + 2 equals 5, just to confuse you.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to test how creative we can get with our excuses for not doing it.
  • The key to doing homework is convincing yourself that watching cat videos counts as research.
  • Homework: the perfect way to make sure you have no social life outside of school.
  • Homework is proof that the universe has a twisted sense of humor and wants to watch us suffer.
  • Homework: the only thing that can make a five-minute task feel like a five-hour ordeal.
  • Homework: the ultimate test of how much procrastination a person can endure.
  • Why did the ghost fail his history homework? Because he couldn’t remember anything
he was history.
  • Doing homework is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the needle is knowledge and the haystack is my brain.
  • My dog ate my homework once, so I ate my dog’s food as revenge.
  • I’m not lazy, I’m just on a long-term homework break.
  • I’m not saying my dog ate my homework, but I’m also not saying he didn’t.
  • I tried to do my homework, but my dog ate my pen
 and my notebook
 and my laptop.
  • My homework is like a math problem – it keeps getting bigger and I have no idea how to solve it.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to test how much stress a student can handle.
  • I asked my teacher if I could do my homework in bed, and she said as long as I dream about doing it, it’s fine.
  • The real reason why I do my homework is because I don’t want to end up like my parents.
  • My dog ate my homework
 and then he asked for dessert.
  • Homework is just like a math problem. I solve it with violence!
  • Homework is the perfect excuse to have an existential crisis at least once a week.
  • Homework: The real reason why our parents had children.
  • My homework is so boring that I made a paper airplane out of it just to have some fun.
  • I always do my homework in pen because I like to live dangerously.
  • I always do my homework promptly
 promptly forget about it, that is!
  • I tried to do my homework with a calculator, but it said, “Count me out!”
  • My dog ate my homework, but luckily my teacher didn’t believe me, so I had to eat my dog instead.
  • Homework is a great way to teach kids the importance of procrastination.
  • I always do my homework right before the deadline, because I like to live life on the edge of a failing grade.
  • I’m considering changing my major to “Homework Avoidance.”
  • Homework is like a math problem without a solution: it just keeps multiplying.
  • Homework is like a tornado – it starts small and innocent, but eventually destroys your entire weekend.
  • I always do my homework with a pen, because it’s permanent proof of my suffering.
  • If I had a dollar for every time I’ve procrastinated on homework, I’d probably have enough money to pay someone else to do it for me.
  • Homework is a battle between my desire to procrastinate and my fear of failing.
  • Homework: because without it, how else would we procrastinate?
  • My relationship status with homework: it’s complicated
and by complicated, I mean I hate it with a burning passion.
  • Homework is like a math problem
 I try to solve it, but it always adds more problems.
  • My idea of a balanced diet is a cookie in each hand while doing homework.
  • Homework is like a reward from the teacher for finishing class; a cruel, twisted reward.
  • Homework is like a puzzle; I’m just missing the pieces and the patience to solve it.
  • Homework is like a racehorse. The faster you do it, the better you finish.
  • Homework: the only time where counting down the minutes feels more like a marathon than a sprint.
  • Homework is just a way for teachers to punish us for the weekend.
  • Doing my homework is like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded – frustrating and pointless.
  • I don’t always do my homework, but when I do, my dog ate it.
  • Homework is like a vampire, it sucks the life out of you and leaves you feeling dead inside.
  • Homework is a great way to procrastinate doing other homework.
  • My homework is like a soap opera, it’s dramatic, confusing, and I can’t wait for it to end.
  • I always do my homework at the last minute because then I’ll be older, therefore wiser.
  • I don’t always do my homework, but when I do, I make sure the teacher can’t read it.
  • Homework is nature’s way of reminding you that there are worse things in life than Mondays.
  • I’m not saying my homework is easy, but I could probably do it in my sleep

Homework Dad Jokes

Homework dad jokes are the perfect mix of education and entertainment, the type that can make you chuckle and cringe simultaneously.

They’re the kind of jokes that are so cheesy, they’re brilliant.

These jokes are perfect for adding some fun to study time, school-related conversations, or just to lighten the mood during homework sessions.

Get ready for the moans of ‘oh dad’!

Here are some homework dad jokes that are bound to amuse:

  • Why did the teacher always go to detention? Because she couldn’t keep her students in check, they were always trying to escape from doing homework!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school? Because he heard high school was a stepping-stone to success!
  • Why did the scarecrow always finish his homework on time? Because he was outstanding in his field.
  • Why did the scarecrow get an A+ on his homework? Because he really knew how to use his brain!
  • Why was the math book always crying? Because its problems kept multiplying!
  • Why did the student throw his homework into the blender? Because he wanted to make a smoothie out of it.
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do his homework? He couldn’t “boo-lieve” how much he had to do!
  • Why was the math book sad after its vacation? Because it had too many story problems!
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? Because it wanted to be sharp when doing homework!
  • Why did the history book go to the therapist? Because it had too many unresolved issues with homework!
  • Why did the ghost always finish its homework on time? Because it didn’t want to be haunted by incomplete assignments.
  • What did the zero say to the eight? Nice belt!
  • Why did the pencil do well on its homework? Because it had a sharp mind.
  • Why did the ghost get a high score on its homework? Because it boo-sted its knowledge.
  • Why did the pencil go to the art exhibit? To draw inspiration!
  • Why did the teacher always take homework to the beach? Because she wanted to grade it on a “sand”-scale.
  • Why was the math book sad after the test? Because it felt like it was being worked too hard!
  • Why did the computer go to school? To improve its memory for doing homework.
  • What’s the easiest way to make your homework disappear? Just tear it out of your notebook and throw it away.
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing and realized it needed to ketchup on its homework!
  • Why did the math teacher go on a diet? Because they wanted to lose some “weights” before grading homework.
  • Why did the history book get in a fight with the science book? Because it disagreed with its thesis.
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because he heard the classroom had high expectations.
  • Why did the student go to the comedy club after doing homework? Because they needed a few good laughs to balance out the hard work!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they heard high grades are earned by climbing the ranks!
  • Why did the pencil go to the therapist? Because it was feeling a little “drawn” out.
  • Why did the paper go to school? Because it wanted to be a sheet of notebook paper.
  • What did the teacher say to the student who didn’t do their homework? “You’re really drawing a blank!”
  • Why did the music teacher assign homework on a Friday? Because they wanted the students to have a note-worthy weekend!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses during homework? Because she wanted to keep an eye on her pupils.
  • Why did the teacher assign homework over the summer break? Because she wanted to make sure the students didn’t have too much fun!
  • Why did the teacher bring a ladder to class? Because she wanted to help the students reach new heights in their homework!
  • Why did the scarecrow always bring his homework to the field? Because he wanted to do some “crows”-work.
  • Why did the paper go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a bit sheet-ish after all the homework.
  • Why was the math book sad after the test? Because it was full of problems that couldn’t be solved!
  • Why did the skeleton fail his homework assignment? He didn’t have the guts to complete it!
  • Why did the pencil go to the therapist? It had too many “pointless” problems to solve.
  • Why did the pencil go to the therapist? Because it had too many eraser marks from making mistakes on homework.
  • What did one pen say to the other pen during their homework? “I feel so ink-omplete without you!”
  • Why do you always do your math homework in pen? Because you can’t erase a good equation!
  • What did the algebra book say to the geometry book? “Stop being so obtuse and help me with my homework!”
  • Why was the math book sad after the weekend? It had too much homework to do!
  • Why did the pencil go to the party instead of doing its homework? Because it wanted to be the “write” kind of pencil!
  • Why did the pencil get bad grades? Because it didn’t have a point.
  • Why did the pencil go to the doctor? Because it had trouble with its homework!
  • Why do birds always finish their homework quickly? Because they always work tweet!
  • Why do we tell actors to “break a leg” instead of “good luck” when they have homework? Because every play has a cast!
  • Why did the pencil go to the party by itself? Because it didn’t want to share the spotlight with its eraser.
  • Why did the ghost not do their homework? Because they couldn’t find their boo-ks!
  • Why did the pencil always get into trouble? Because it was always drawing attention.
  • Why did the computer go to school? Because it wanted to become a smart cookie in doing homework!
  • Why was the math book sad after finishing all its homework? Because it had no problems left.
  • Why couldn’t the bicycle find its homework? Because it was two-tired.
  • Why did the teacher always carry a ladder to class? To help with high-level homework!
  • What did the teacher say when the book fell off the desk? “That’s my fault, I didn’t teach it well enough.”
  • Why did the pen do well in school? Because it knew how to draw conclusions!
  • Why do teachers always go on diets? They want to live on lean grading!
  • Why did the pencil do well on its homework? Because it was number two in the class!
  • Why did the teacher bring a ladder to school? To help with high-level problem solving!
  • Why did the computer go to school? To become “smart” in helping with homework!
  • Why did the scarecrow get an A+ on his homework? Because he turned in a real straw-mazing essay.
  • Why did the pencil go to art school? Because it wanted to draw more attention away from doing homework!
  • Why did the student’s report card look like a big rock? Because all their grades were below “C” level!
  • Why did the geography book go on vacation? To find someplace new to cover!
  • Why did the math book visit the therapist? Because it had too many problems that it couldn’t solve on its own!
  • Why did the music teacher need a ladder? To reach the high notes!
  • Why did the computer go to school? To improve its “byte” skills and finish its homework faster.
  • Why did the scarecrow refuse to do its homework? It said it was too corn-fusing!
  • Why was the math book sad after the test? Because it felt so divided!
  • Why did the notebook always get good grades? Because it always paid attention in class.
  • Why do birds never do their homework? Because they prefer to wing it.
  • What did the math book say to the history book? “I don’t understand your timeline, can you help me with my problems?”
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they heard they needed to “climb” the ladder of success in completing homework!
  • Why did the student eat their math homework? Because they wanted a “taste” of success!
  • Why did the pencil go to school? To get “sharp” in solving homework!
  • Why did the homework go to the party? Because it wanted to get a little calculation!

Homework Jokes for Kids

Homework jokes for kids are the perfect antidote to the sometimes dreary task of studying and assignments.

With a sprinkle of humor and a dash of wit, these jokes can lighten the mood and make the homework routine a bit more enjoyable.

These jokes aid in boosting children’s creativity and language skills as they learn to laugh and play with words, all while relating to their daily life.

Moreover, homework jokes for kids can also promote a positive attitude towards learning and education, transforming their perception of homework from a chore into a fun-filled activity.

So, are you ready to bring the classroom laughter home?

Here are some homework jokes that will have your kids chuckling over their textbooks:

  • Why did the paper clip go to school? Because it wanted to be an extra on the homework page!
  • What’s a math teacher’s favorite dessert? Pi!
  • Why did the pencil bring a blanket to bed? Because it wanted to draw a line in the sheets!
  • What did the calculator say to the student on the math homework? “You can count on me!”
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach instead of grading homework? Because she needed a little shore work!
  • What’s a pirate’s least favorite subject? Algebra, because it’s full of “arrrrrrr”s!
  • Why did the scarecrow get in trouble with his teacher? Because he didn’t do his hay-ssignments!
  • Why did the computer go to school? It wanted to improve its byte-sized homework!
  • Why did the teacher give the student a ladder? Because they said their homework was on a high shelf!
  • Why did the dog eat the boy’s homework? Because it was a “ruff” assignment!
  • Why did the music teacher assign homework to their students? Because they wanted them to hit the right notes!
  • Why did the pencil bring a band-aid to school? Because it had a sharp point!
  • Why did the pen get detention? Because it couldn’t stop doodling in class!
  • Why did the ghost always finish its homework? Because it was afraid of getting booed by the teacher!
  • What’s the best way to get your homework done quickly? Just do it as soon as you get it, then you’ll have plenty of time to play!
  • What kind of sweets do students eat while doing their homework? Study bars!
  • Why did the kid bring a ladder to school? Because he heard the teachers were always looking for solutions.
  • Why did the teacher write on the window? Because she wanted the lesson to be very clear.
  • What do you call a dinosaur that never finishes its homework? A dino-sore!
  • Why did the pencil sharpen his homework? Because it needed to be on point!
  • What did one math book say to the other? I’ve got problems too, you know!
  • Why did the book go to therapy? Because it had a lot of emotional chapters!
  • Why did the scarecrow refuse to do his homework? Because he already had plenty of straw to do!
  • Why did the teacher send his computer to the doctor? Because it had a virus—except it was the “no work” kind!
  • Why did the scarecrow get an A+ on his homework? Because he always stayed ahead of the stalk.
  • Why did the clock go to the principal’s office? It wanted to see hands go up.
  • Why did the teacher put a ladder in the classroom? To help the students reach for the stars!
  • What do you get when you cross a teacher and a vampire? Lots of blood tests!
  • Why did the pencil go to the amusement park? To get a little “Pencil-vania”!
  • Why do teachers give homework? Because it’s a piece of cake!
  • Why did the boy bring a ladder to his homework? Because he wanted to climb to the top grades!
  • Why didn’t the sun do its homework? Because it already had a million degrees.
  • Why did the student get a gold star for their homework? Because they colored outside the lines!
  • Why did the book go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t feeling well, it had a bad case of the story-ache!
  • Why did the paper clip go to school? To become a stapler!
  • What do you call a snowman doing homework? Chilly Nelson!
  • Why did the ruler go to school? To measure up to the challenge of homework!
  • Why did the pencil sharpener refuse to do any more work? It felt it was pointless!
  • Why did the ghost become a teacher? To help kids with their boo-k reports!
  • Why did the ruler take a nap? It needed to get its rest for the homework ahead!
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing! Homework can be a real salad-dresser sometimes!
  • What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite!
  • Why did the ghost do well in school? Because he always did his boo-kwork!
  • What kind of homework do witches do? Spell-ing!
  • Why did the teacher jump off the building? Because she wanted to test the gravitational force!
  • What type of homework do birds get? Tweets!
  • Why do fish never do homework? Because they’re always swimming in schools!
  • What did the math book say to the pencil? I have too many problems.
  • Why did the crayon go to school? Because it wanted to be the “color” of the class.
  • Why did the pencil sharpener go to the homework party? Because it loves a good “point” in its life!
  • What kind of flower loves doing homework? A tulip!
  • Why did the ghost go to school? To get his boo-k reports.
  • What did one pencil say to the other pencil at homework time? You stay here, I’ll go on ahead!
  • What do you call a snowman with a great vocabulary? An articulate snowflake!
  • Why did the pencil bring a eraser to the party? In case it made a mistake on the dance floor!
  • Why did the ghost do well on his homework? Because he could boo-tifully solve every problem!
  • Why did the pencil do well on its math test? It had a lot of number two’s!
  • Why did the book go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t feeling well, it had too many story problems!
  • Why did the ghost get in trouble at school? Because it refused to do any “boo-logy” homework!
  • Why did the teacher always carry a ladder to the classroom? Because she wanted to reach the highest grades!
  • What did the teacher say to the computer during homework time? “You’re always calculating!”
  • Why did the scarecrow bring a pencil to the field? To do his crops!
  • Why do birds do well in school? Because they always tweet the right answers!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they heard they were going to have a high-level homework assignment!
  • What kind of meals do math teachers eat? Square meals!
  • Why did the pencil bring a tiny umbrella to school? In case it had to do its homework in a rainforest!
  • Why did the computer eat its homework? Because it wanted a byte!

Homework Jokes for Adults

Who says homework is just for kids and can’t be a source of laughter for adults?

Our compilation of homework jokes for adults is designed to evoke a sense of nostalgia while adding a sophisticated twist to humor.

Just like those unforgettable late-night study sessions, these jokes blend elements of wit, intellect, and a sprinkle of audacity to create a laughter-filled experience.

These jokes are perfect for casual gatherings, reunions, or simply to add a dash of humor to an intense discussion among your peers.

Here are some homework jokes that are perfectly tailored for adults:

  • Why did the student eat their homework after studying frogs? Because it was a biology assignment and they thought it was ribbiting!
  • Why did the ghost never do his homework? Because he always vanished when it was time to study!
  • Why did the student bring a pillow to school? Because they heard there would be a lot of sleepless nights doing homework!
  • Why did the ghost always get good grades on its homework? Because it had a lot of spirit!
  • What do you call a monkey who won’t do his homework? A baboonk!
  • Why do trees hate doing homework? Because they just can’t concentrate!
  • Why did the teacher assign homework on fishing? Because she wanted to catch some hardworking students!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses while grading homework? Because the answers were so bright, they blinded her!
  • Why did the pencil bring a ladder to school? To help with its homework, of course!
  • Why was the math homework so cold? It was full of minus signs!
  • Why did the pencil have a hard time doing its homework? It kept breaking down under pressure!
  • Why did the student’s dog eat their homework? It wanted to prove that even the dog found it tasteless!
  • Why did the math book look so tired? Because it had too many sleepless nights trying to solve problems!
  • Why did the pencil go to therapy? It was suffering from a case of too much erasing in homework!
  • Why did the ghost go to school? To improve his spelling skills
 Boo-k review!
  • Why did the teacher always bring a ladder to class? To help students reach for the highest grades on their homework!
  • Why did the student bring a shovel to school? Because they heard there would be a lot of digging for answers in their homework!
  • Why did the book go to the therapist? It had too many loose pages and couldn’t stay together!
  • Why did the pencil go to school early? It wanted to get a good “point” ahead on its homework!
  • Why did the student eat his homework after writing it? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!
  • Why did the teacher eat his homework? Because he wanted to have a well-balanced meal!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? To reach the high marks in his homework!
  • Why was the math book sad after the homework was completed? It had too many problems to solve its own issues!
  • Why did the pencil go to therapy? Because it had too many unresolved problems from doing homework!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses during class? Because her students were so bright, it was like they were doing homework with a spotlight on!
  • Why did the ghost go to the school library? To find some boo-ks for his haunted homework!
  • Why did the teacher give the student a zero on their homework? Because it was incomplete and full of plot holes!
  • Why did the teacher assign homework on camping? So the students could pitch their tents and practice pitching their ideas!
  • Why did the computer go to art class instead of doing its homework? It wanted to become a master of graphic design!
  • Why did the student’s computer get detention? Because it couldn’t stop downloading “class”ified information!
  • Why did the homework paper go to the doctor? It had a case of writer’s cramp!
  • What do you get if you cross a vampire with a homework assignment? A blood-thirsty student!
  • Why did the pencil bring a piece of paper to its homework? Because it needed to draw some conclusions!
  • Why did the tomato turn red while doing its homework? Because it saw the salad dressing and got embarrassed!
  • Why do you never see elephants doing their homework? Because they are always on a “trunk” call!
  • Why do math teachers love homework? Because it multiplies their joy!
  • Why did the math textbook break up with the history textbook? Because it felt there was no chemistry between them!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because they heard high school was a step up from middle school!
  • Why did the science experiment skip doing homework? It thought it could conduct its own research instead!
  • Why did the student bring a pillow to do homework? Because they wanted to rest their brains and dream of correct answers!
  • Why did the geometry book go to therapy? It had too many issues with angles and problems!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? He heard high school was hard and wanted to climb over it!
  • Why did the teacher always carry a ladder? Because her students’ homework was always over her head!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do its homework? Because it didn’t have a ghost of a chance to pass!
  • Why did the tomato turn red during homework time? Because it saw the math problems and couldn’t ketchup!
  • Why did the pencil bring a lawyer to the test? It wanted to do its “write to remain silent”!
  • What did the pencil sharpener say to the student struggling with homework? “Don’t worry, I’ll help you sharpen your focus!”
  • Why did the student’s dog eat his homework? Because it was a doggone good excuse!
  • Why did the skeleton refuse to do any homework? Because he had no body to write with!
  • Why did the history book get bad grades? Because it was always revising its answers!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a teacher? Because it wanted to help students with their homeWORK!
  • Why did the student fail their art homework? Because they couldn’t draw any conclusions!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school? Because they heard their grades were going up!
  • Why did the skeleton always finish their homework early? They had no body to distract them!
  • Why did the paper clip get sent to detention? Because it was too attached to its homework!
  • Why did the pencil skip school? It couldn’t handle the pressure of homework!
  • Why did the student bring a pillow to class? To dream about finishing their homework faster!
  • Why did the history textbook get sent to the principal’s office? It couldn’t stop talking about the past!
  • Why did the computer get detention? Because it wasn’t doing its homework properly and kept on crashing!
  • Why did the student take his homework to the beach? Because his teacher told him to do a “sandwich” assignment!
  • Why did the pencil become a comedian? Because it knew how to draw a crowd!
  • Why did the computer break up with the student? Because it found someone else to byte!
  • Why did the paper clip get detention? Because it was always holding things together!
  • What did the math book say to the history book? “I’ve got all the solutions, and you’re just a bunch of dates!”
  • Why did the computer go to school? To get its byte-size homework done!
  • Why did the teacher jump into the swimming pool with all their homework? Because they wanted to do a dive into a sea of knowledge!
  • Why did the grammar book bring a ladder to school? Because it wanted to reach the highest comma!
  • Why did the pencil skip school? It wanted to become homework’s worst nightmare and erase all the answers!
  • Why did the student eat their homework? Because they wanted to digest the knowledge!
  • What did the pencil say to the paper during their homework session? “I dot my i’s on you!”
  • Why did the homework assignment jump off the table? It wanted to get to the point!
  • Why did the history student bring a ladder to the library? Because they wanted to get high marks in their research!
  • Why did the scarecrow refuse to do his homework? Because he heard it was just a bunch of corn!
  • Why did the scarecrow fail its homework? It didn’t have enough brain-straw!
  • Why did the computer get detention? Because it couldn’t stop copying and pasting answers from the internet for its homework!
  • Why did the student forget to do their homework on the computer? They were too busy scrolling through memes!
  • Why did the ghost never complete its homework? Because it always vanished when it got close to finishing!
  • Why did the tomato turn red during homework time? It saw the salad dressing and was feeling embarrassed!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school? Because he heard high school was a stepping stone for higher education and wanted to get ahead in his homework!
  • Why did the teacher jump into the swimming pool with her homework? She wanted to dive into her studies!
  • Why did the student bring a pillow to class? To take a nap during homework time, of course!
  • Why did the teacher always collect homework at the beginning of class? Because it’s easier to grade when the tears are still fresh!
  • What did the math textbook say to the history textbook? I’ve got all the answers, you’re just full of old stories!
  • What did the homework say to the student? I’ll never get done if you keep texting your friends!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses during homework assignments? Because her students were shining with bright ideas!
  • Why did the computer go to school? Because it wanted to become a nerd and do its homework without any errors!
  • Why did the teacher assign homework on the weekends? Because they wanted to make sure no one was having too much fun!
  • Why did the history assignment feel lonely? Because it was always stuck in the past!
  • Why did the grammar worksheet get detention? It couldn’t properly punctuate its sentences!
  • Why did the grammar teacher assign homework about gardening? To make sure students understand the importance of proper root-ine!
  • Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems to solve and couldn’t find a solution!
  • Why did the ghost never do his homework? Because he could never find a pen that worked in the afterlife!
  • Why did the student use invisible ink for their homework? So they could claim they did it, but no one could see the evidence!
  • Why did the student eat his textbook? Because his teacher told him it had all the answers inside!
  • Why did the scarecrow always get good grades in school? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • Why did the tomato turn red when it saw the homework? It was blushing because it couldn’t ketchup!
  • Why do homework assignments never go to parties? Because they always end up staying home and being grounded!
  • What’s a vampire’s least favorite subject? Math, because it’s too draining and sucks the life out of you, just like homework!
  • Why do math teachers never marry? Because they always try to find X instead of a spouse!
  • What did the teacher say to the procrastinating student? “You’re really pushing my deadline!”
  • Why did the history book get bad grades? It was always bringing up the past!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to the exam? Because they heard it was a tough one and they wanted to climb over the questions!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do any homework? He didn’t want to get caught haunting the school!
  • Why did the homework hide in the oven? It wanted to be a well-done assignment!
  • Why did the teacher always carry a bag of crushed ice to class? Because she wanted to break the ice during homework discussions!
  • Why did the computer go to school? To become an A-lgorithm student!
  • Why did the pencil get detention? Because it couldn’t stop drawing a blank!
  • Why was the history book always falling asleep during homework time? Because it was full of dull chapters!
  • Why was the computer cold? It left its Windows open while doing homework and got a draft!
  • Why did the pencil do poorly on its homework? It didn’t have a point!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to the library? Because they heard they needed to reach new heights of knowledge for their homework!
  • Why did the teacher always collect homework at the end of the day? Because they needed a good laugh before going home!
  • Why did the ghost go to the library? Because it wanted to borrow some boo-ks!
  • Why do skeletons always finish their homework quickly? They have nobody to distract them!
  • Why did the student’s paper get sent to the principal’s office? Because it couldn’t “draw” any conclusions!
  • Why did the history book go to school? To get its homework done before it becomes ancient history!
  • Why did the homework document go to therapy? Because it had a lot of unresolved issues with its formatting!
  • Why did the student throw their clock out the window? Because they wanted to see time fly when doing homework!

Homework Joke Generator

Wrestling with the task of coming up with homework jokes can feel like a real assignment in itself.

(Clever, right?)

That’s where our FREE Homework Joke Generator can take the load off.

Engineered to combine witty puns, school-yard humor, and clever quips, it crafts jokes that are sure to ace every humor test.

Don’t let your joke creativity flunk.

Use our joke generator to create laughs that are as fresh and engaging as a new homework assignment.

FAQs About Homework Jokes

Why are homework jokes so popular.

Homework jokes are popular because they are relatable to students of all ages.

They provide a comedic relief from the usual stress and seriousness associated with homework.

Everyone has experienced the trials and tribulations of homework at some point, which makes these jokes universally appealing.

Can homework jokes help in social situations?


Homework jokes can help break the ice in study groups, or lighten the mood during a tense study session.

They can also be a fun way to connect with fellow students and teachers.

How can I come up with my own homework jokes?

  • Think about the common problems and situations that arise during homework—procrastination, difficult problems, or the classic dog ate my homework scenario.
  • Consider the vocabulary associated with homework (e.g., assignments, grades, due dates). Look for puns or wordplay involving these words.
  • Visualize the setting or context of your joke. Is it about a chaotic study session? Or a homework assignment gone wrong? Tailor your humor to this situation.
  • Twist a common saying or phrase to fit into the context of homework.
  • Play with puns and wordplay. Homework jokes are perfect for some clever linguistic humor!

Are there any tips for remembering homework jokes?

You can link homework jokes to your personal experiences or specific homework scenarios.

This association will help in remembering the jokes and can also make them more enjoyable when shared with others.

How can I make my homework jokes better?

The funniest homework jokes often have an element of surprise and relatability.

Play with words, find common ground with your audience, and most importantly, practice.

The more you share your jokes, the more you’ll understand what gets the best laugh.

How does the Homework Joke Generator work?

Our Homework Joke Generator provides quick and easy laughs for those long study nights.

Just enter keywords related to your homework-themed humor or situation, and click Generate Jokes.

You’ll soon have a collection of hilarious homework jokes ready to lighten the mood.

Is the Homework Joke Generator free?

Yes, our Homework Joke Generator is totally free to use!

Generate as many jokes as you need to keep the homework blues at bay.

Share the laughter on your social feeds and keep your study sessions entertaining and fun.

Homework jokes are a splendid way to add a touch of levity to everyday conversations, making life a bit more enjoyable with each chuckle.

From the swift and clever to the lengthy and giggle-inducing, there’s a homework joke for every occasion.

So next time you’re diving into a homework assignment, remember, there’s humor to be found in every problem, equation, and essay.

Keep spreading the laughs, and let the good times tally and roll.

Because after all, a day without laughter is like a day without homework —unthinkable and, frankly, a bit less educational.

Happy joking, everyone!

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10 Hilarious & Clean Homeschool Jokes Guaranteed to Make You Laugh!

Rebecca Devitt

  • March 2, 2022
  • Starting Homeschooling

Here are a few homeschool jokes I gathered and a few I made up myself. Hope you enjoy them!

We can always do with more jokes, so if you think up a good one, add it to the comments below, and I’ll put it in the post!

Rebbecca Devitt

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post. If you want to do my course on how to homeschool, click here .

Funniest Homeschool Jokes Start Now…

A man is talking to his homeschool graduate friend about a school reunion they just had. Wanting to add something to the conversation, the homeschooler says, ‘Yeah…I just had my homeschool reunion. But, we do it weekly, not annually.” Homeschooler bumps into a schoolchild at the grocery store. As the schoolchild gets to know the homeschooler, he asks, ‘So, do you have to go far to get to school?’ ‘Nope,’ the homeschooler says, ‘just downstairs.’
When a new homeschooler is asked about how homeschool is going, he’s met by pretty positive vibes and the statement, ‘Yeah, it’s going well. We’re getting serious now. Mom just got a world globe and bought me some new pajamas.”
I expelled my son from homeschool for bad behaviour, but he keeps coming back…
I never realized I had split personality. I the morning, I’m a lovely serene being. In the evening, I’m a completely different being… 
A long school day when you’re homeschooled is working past 12pm.

homeschool memes doing college when you're 13

Homeschool Student Jokes

Please note that these jokes are to be taken in a light-hearted way and as a form of humor, and are not always accurate!

Homeschooler to school friend: “I’m the smartest kid in my class. And the most athletic. And the best-looking.” Why do homeschooled kids make such great writers? Because they’re always reading between the lines! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why are homeschooled kids so good at science? They’re always conducting experiments at home! What’s the difference between homeschooled kids and public schooled kids? Homeschooled kids have class all day, every day! Why did the homeschooled student bring a ladder to class? Because she wanted to reach new heights in her education! Why do homeschooled kids always have good handwriting? They’re used to writing everything “by hand”! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why did the homeschooled student excel in math? Because she was always “schooled” in the subject. Why did the homeschooled student’s computer break? Because it had too many pop-up assignments! How do homeschooled kids stay organized? They always have their homework in their “parent-heses”! Why did the homeschooled student refuse to take a nap? Because she wanted to finish her ‘schools work’ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why do homeschooled students love fractions? Because they always have a part of the day to themselves!

Homeschool Mom Jokes

Again, these jokes are to be taken in a light-hearted way and as a form of humor, but no offense is intended towards homeschool moms, they do a great job raising and educating their children.

Why did the homeschool mom go to the grocery store? To stock up on curriculum-ate! Why did the homeschool mom wear glasses? Because she was always “school”ed in the subject! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I used to joke that I would be that mom who got a call that my kid did something “wrong” and be like, “OK, and…?” Luckily for everyone, I homeschool my kids, or else my mama bear claws would be all out on schools the last year! Why did the homeschool mom paint her living room? She wanted to create a “study-friendly” environment! Why do homeschool moms always know where to find their kids? Because they’re always underfoot! Why did the homeschool mom join a gym? She needed a break from all the “lifting” of heavy textbooks! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why do homeschool moms make great detectives? They’re always solving the “mystery” of how to teach a difficult concept! What do you call it when a homeschool mom talks to herself? A parent-teacher conference. When asked what her homeschool method is, Homeschool mom says, ‘I have no idea what method it is, but I’m following it really well.’ My son made a new friend at the playpark and was making conversation. He said, ‘My dad is a Physiotherapist but my mom doesn’t do anything.’ I thought I’d take that one on the chin… (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Why do homeschool moms always have a smile on their face? Because they’re always on “parent-hesis”! Why did the homeschool mom start a garden? She wanted to teach her kids about “root-ing” for knowledge! Why is the homeschool mom a pro at multitasking? Because she has to teach, cook, and parent all at the same time! Why did the homeschool mom invent the whiteboard? Because she needed a bigger “chalk-board”!

Homeschool memes socialized AND homeschooled

You Might Have Been Homeschooled If…

How do you know if someone was homeschooled? Well, you know you’ve been homeschooled if…

  • you do all your math homework in one day so you can have the rest of the week off
  • ten kids are exiting a van with matching denim outfits
  • if you know what grade you’re in, you answer the grade you’re in for each individual subject!
  • you think about a grocery store trip as a field trip
  • you’re happy to study anywhere…preferably upside down
  • your preferred company at the cinema is your parents. Failing that, your siblings
  • the school photo has matching uniforms, but not in the traditional manner…
  • when you get to college you’re completely surprised to see chairs with little tables attached
  • you’ve got no idea about pop culture

Want to Learn How to Homeschool?

There are two great ways t learn more about homeschooling: one is free, and one is a $67 fundamentals course.

The $67 Course

Looking to take your homeschooling to the next level? Join Rebecca Devitt’s online Homeschool Parenting Program and learn the strategies and techniques needed to make homeschooling a success ! Learn more about the HPP here and signup here .

The Free Youtube Channel

Also, make sure you join the How to Homeschool Youtube channel , which will give you a fun and exciting look into the homeschool world and help homeschool your children. Check out the channel here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE.

If you’re not sure where to start, start with the following playlists:

  • Starting homeschool playlist
  • Homeschool Methods playlist
  • Homeschool Curriculum playlist
  • FAQs on Homeschooling playlist

You’ll love it and find it helpful and entertaining! Discover the channel here . 

Conclusion to These Funny Homeschool Jokes

In conclusion, jokes about homeschooling are a great way to bond with other homeschoolers and to show the public that homeschooling is a fun and valid option. If you know any good jokes, please share them in the comments below. Let’s keep the laughter going!

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Rebecca Devitt

Most adults don't particularly want to relive their schooling experience on a daily basis. They would gladly move on to a new life devoid of homework and teachers. Very, very few adults will passionately blog about their schooling some 15 years after graduating. This makes Rebecca Devitt somewhat unique. As it happens, she was homeschooled. And she loved it. Still does. And she wishes every kid could get a taste of homeschooling at its very best. Her website How Do I Homeschool , is a springboard for parents to see what a life of homeschooling could be for both them & their children. When she's not blogging Rebecca is still homeschooling her-adult-self by learning Latin, growing weird vegetables and most importantly looking after her two children Luke & Penny. She has a husband Tristan and is a participant at Wollongong Baptist Church. She's also written a book about why parents should homeschool called 'Why on Earth Homeschool' .

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This was great. I’m swiping one of them to use in a skit I’m writing for our homeschool co-op. I’ve also written a course for girls that parents can use in lieu of “sex ed” which is more fitness and wellness driven. I’ve link it in my info. Anyway, Thanks for the laughs.

Oh good! Glad you enjoyed it Beth.

150 School Jokes

School can be a roller coaster of emotions, packed with joyous moments, challenging hurdles, and, of course, a significant amount of learning. But amidst all the study hours and the endless flow of homework, there’s always room for a good, hearty laugh.

This collection of school jokes is designed to lighten your mood and add a touch of humor to the regular school routine. From math and science to English and music , we have jokes covering every subject in your timetable.

So whether you’re a teacher looking for a joke to kickstart your class or a student searching for a quick giggle amidst your revision, sit back , relax, and enjoy these hilarious school-themed jokes!

School Jokes

Top 150 School Jokes:

  • Why was the math book sad ? Because it had too many problems.
  • Why did the music teacher get locked in the library ? Because he left the keys in the piano !
  • Why did the pencil go to school? To get a bit sharper.
  • Why don’t biologists like school reunions ? Too much cell division.
  • What’s a teacher’s favorite type of music? Class-ical!
  • Why was the teacher wearing sunglasses ? Because her students were too bright!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because he wanted to go to high school.
  • How do you get straight A’s? By using a ruler!
  • Why did the clock go to the principal’s office? It kept tocking too much!
  • Why was the math problem so proud? Because it was a product of its times.
  • What did the math teacher say to the fraction that was acting up? I’ve had enough of your denominator!
  • Why don’t plants ever bother with school? They already have plenty of roots.
  • What did the pen say to the pencil? “What’s your point?”
  • Why did the student study on a plane? He wanted a higher education.
  • Why did the computer go to school? To improve its processing skills.
  • What’s the king of all school supplies? The ruler!
  • Why do we go to school? Because the school won’t come to us!
  • Why did the kid bring scissors to school? He wanted to cut class.
  • How does a math teacher break up a fight ? She multiplies her efforts!
  • Why was the geometry book so adorable? Because it had all the right angles !
  • What do you call a vampire with an excellent GPA? A neck-ademic scholar!
  • Why did the science book go to therapy ? It had too many issues to periodic-ally deal with.
  • Why do football players do well in school? They know the drill.
  • What do you call a teacher without students? Happy.
  • Why don’t teachers usually catch colds? They have a lot of class!
  • What is a ghost’s favorite school subject? Boology!
  • Why do math problems never get hot? Because they always have a lot of problems to solve.
  • Why do pencils hate to bully each other? Because they always get the point.
  • Why do we never tell secrets in a cornfield? Too many ears !
  • What do you call a cat that gets A+ grades? Purr-fect.
  • How do school fish get to school? In a cl-school bus !
  • Why did the student bring a telescope to school? To see the high in high school.
  • Why did the teacher bring a ladder to class? To reach the high marks.
  • What do you call a snowman with a high IQ ? A Brrr-illiant scholar!
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach ? To test the waters.
  • Why did the math book look so negative? It had too many problems to subtract.
  • Why did the grammar teacher go to jail? For crossing words!
  • What’s a pencil’s favorite place in school? The drawing board.
  • Why was the computer cold at school? It left its Windows open.
  • Why was the physics book always unhappy? It had too much pressure!
  • Why do geographers find school easy? They always know where they stand.
  • What do you call a math teacher who likes gardening? A square rooter!
  • Why don’t historians fight? Because they don’t want to change history.
  • What do you call an English teacher who can play music? A sentence mixer!
  • Why did the notebook go to the doctor ? It felt all ruled out.
  • How do you know if a teacher likes ice cream? By their sundae best.
  • Why don’t English teachers need a GPS? Because they know all the periods and stops.
  • What is the homework’s favorite kind of music? Sheet music!
  • Why did the English teacher become a baseball coach ? He knows the drill of punctuations.
  • Why did the biology book go to the doctor? It was losing its senses of living organisms.
  • Why did the math teacher get promoted? She had all the right solutions.
  • Why did the kid eat his homework? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake .
  • Why did the music teacher get a ladder? He wanted to reach the high notes.
  • What do you call a talking book? A spelling bee .
  • Why was the school calendar nervous? Its days were numbered.
  • What is a math teacher’s favorite dessert ? Pi.
  • Why don’t science teachers tell jokes? Because they always get a reaction!
  • Why did the geography book go on vacation ? It needed a change of scenery.
  • Why did the student bring a golf club to school? To get a hole in one!
  • Why did the textbook go to the gym ? To work on its table of contents.
  • Why do students always do well in school during winter ? Because every mark is below zero!
  • Why did the spelling book go to the dentist ? It lost all its vowels.
  • Why was the geometry book always tired ? It had too many problems to figure out.
  • Why do PE teachers make good detectives ? Because they always follow the tracks.
  • What’s a pirate’s favorite school subject? Arrrrt.
  • What do you call a snake that’s good at math? An adder.
  • Why did the computer go to school? Because it was byte-sized and needed to learn more.
  • Why did the grammar teacher become a gardener ? She had a green thumb for punctuation.
  • Why was the math equation looking at the mirror ? It wanted to check its symmetry.
  • What do you call a teacher who always forgets everything? Absent-minded professor !
  • What’s a chalkboard’s favorite drink ? Hot choco-latte!
  • Why did the biology teacher have a secret identity? He was a gene-ius.
  • Why did the English teacher go broke? Too many bad checks (cheques)!
  • What do you call a history teacher who can play music? A record player.
  • What’s the hardest part about writing a book? Creating a good “plot.”
  • Why did the student bring a fan to school? He was a big fan of learning.
  • Why did the chemistry book go to the doctor? It had too many “Organic” issues.
  • What do you call a geography teacher who can tell the future? A map-psychic!
  • Why did the chemistry teacher break up with the physics teacher? There was no chemistry.
  • What’s a PE teacher’s favorite fruit ? A runner bean .
  • What do you call a music teacher who can’t keep time ? A metronome-less maestro.
  • Why did the school go to the therapist ? It had too many issues with its classes.
  • What do you call a math teacher with a green thumb? A plant equation expert.
  • Why did the report card go to therapy? It felt very test-y.
  • Why did the textbook go to the art class? It wanted to learn how to draw conclusions.
  • What did the math homework say to the English homework? “I’ve got more problems than you.”
  • Why was the school computer so noisy? It had too many tabs open.
  • Why did the eraser go to school? To get a bit more rub-ust.
  • Why don’t geometry students get lost? They always follow the right angles.
  • Why did the biology book go on a diet ? It had too much “cellulite.”
  • Why do math teachers like parks? Because of all the natural logs .
  • What do you call a teacher who won’t fart in public? A private tutor!
  • Why did the English teacher go to the bakery ? To teach about the “roll” of bread in literature .
  • Why do science teachers love coffee ? It keeps their “ions” active.
  • Why did the student bring a tent to school? He wanted to camp-us out!
  • What’s a math teacher’s favorite type of tree ? Geometry.
  • Why did the music teacher go to jail? He got caught up in too many treble!
  • Why did the teacher go to the chiropractor? She had a “crick” in her lesson plan.
  • Why did the student bring a cake to school? He heard it was Pi day!
  • What do you call a math teacher who can cook ? A “recipe” for success .
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school? Her students’ futures were too bright.
  • What’s a math teacher’s favorite type of shoe ? Square roots.
  • Why did the music teacher get a timeout? She couldn’t conduct herself.
  • Why did the student bring a flashlight to school? He wanted to “light” up his knowledge.
  • Why did the teacher turn into a bird ? So she could “tweet” her lessons.
  • What’s a PE teacher’s favorite type of music? Hip-pop.
  • Why did the biology teacher go fishing ? He was studying a new “school.”
  • What’s a geography teacher’s favorite type of clothing? Topo-graphic tees!
  • Why did the English teacher become a gardener? She liked planting prose.
  • Why did the student study on an airplane ? He was trying to take his grades to new heights.
  • Why was the chalk so popular? Because it was great at drawing attention.
  • What’s a math teacher’s favorite type of food ? “Pi-zza.”
  • Why did the teacher go to the bank? She needed to grade on the curve and needed some “change.”
  • Why did the music teacher have a long ruler? He wanted to measure the “length” of the notes.
  • Why was the biology book full of fungus? It was decomposing.
  • Why did the teacher wear a cape to school? She was super graded!
  • What do you call a geography teacher with a great singing voice? A “world” class entertainer.
  • Why did the chemistry teacher become a chef? He had the perfect formula for a great dish.
  • Why did the history teacher go to the carnival? She wanted to ride the “carousel” of time.
  • What’s a PE teacher’s favorite type of car ? A “Volkswagen jogger.”
  • Why did the math teacher get a boat ? She wanted to make learning more “navigable.”
  • What’s a science teacher’s favorite type of dog ? A lab-rador!
  • Why did the English teacher become a runner? She loved “prose-ding” at a good pace.
  • Why did the teacher bring a sunflower to school? She wanted to teach about “photosynthesis.”
  • Why did the student bring a compass to school? He didn’t want to lose his “direction” in studies.
  • Why did the music teacher have sticky notes? To keep the notes in the right “place.”
  • What’s a biology teacher’s favorite type of cookie? “Organic” oatmeal raisin !
  • What’s a math teacher’s favorite type of bird? A “polygon.”
  • Why did the PE teacher go to the bakery? She wanted to get in good “shape.”
  • Why did the geography teacher bring a globe to the beach? She wanted to show the “sea” levels.
  • What’s a science teacher’s favorite type of pie ? “Atomic” apple pie.
  • Why did the English teacher become a knight? She loved the “King’s English.”
  • Why did the teacher bring a hammer to school? She wanted to “nail” the lesson.
  • What’s a PE teacher’s favorite type of fish? A “jogging” shark .
  • Why did the history teacher become a sailor ? He loved the “current” events.
  • What’s a biology teacher’s favorite type of candy ? “Genetic” jelly beans.
  • Why did the chemistry teacher become a farmer ? He loved the “elements” of farming .
  • Why did the math teacher go to the farm ? She wanted to count the “chickens” before they hatched.
  • Why did the music teacher go to space ? She wanted to play among the “stars.”
  • What’s an art teacher’s favorite type of flower ? A “draw-daffodil.”
  • Why did the English teacher go to the zoo ? She was “lion” about the animal metaphors.
  • Why did the student bring a map to school? He wanted to stay on “track.”
  • What’s a geography teacher’s favorite type of dance ? The “continental” drift.
  • Why did the science teacher become a pirate ? He was interested in the “sea’s chemistry.”
  • Why did the teacher bring a telescope to school? She wanted to show the “scope” of the universe.
  • What’s a history teacher’s favorite type of music? “Classical.”
  • Why did the music teacher become a gardener? She wanted to “grow” her notes.
  • Why did the teacher bring a frying pan to school? She wanted to “crack” open a good lesson.
  • What’s a PE teacher’s favorite type of insect? A “jogging” beetle.
  • Why did the student bring a feather to school? He wanted to “lighten” up the study load.

Wrapping Up

Laughter truly is the best medicine, and these school jokes serve up a healthy dose of hilarity. Who knew learning could be so fun? Whether it’s math problems causing problems or biology books fighting cellulite, every joke in this collection tickles your funny bone and gives a new perspective on the daily school life .

As we draw this joyride to a close, remember that while school is about learning and growing, it’s also about embracing fun and humor. After all, a day without laughter is a day wasted. So, keep the jokes coming, spread the joy, and let the corridors of education echo with the sounds of mirth and cheer!

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kid homework jokes

Kids Activities

322 Clean Jokes For Kids (Plus Random Joke Button!)

322 Clean Jokes For Kids

Written & Illustrated by Matthew James Taylor

Kids are natural comedians, they love telling jokes and laughing at even the silliest stories. Even young children enjoy the structure of joke-telling; the setup, the unexpected punchline, then laughing out loud together!

Kids can happily spend hours improvising their own jokes and experimenting to test what their friends and family find funny.

Help them out by browsing through our list of 322 kid-friendly jokes below, or click the Random Joke Button for rapid-fire gags:

Why do elephants wear yellow socks?

So they can hide upside down in a bowl of custard!

Browse our complete list of kids jokes below.


  • Knock-knock
  • Doctor-jokes
  • Nonsense jokes

Save this page to your mobile home screen for instant access whenever you hear the words "I'm bored"!

Let the laughter begin...

Kids are constantly asking parents why , now it’s time to ask them questions! These riddles will help kids to think outside of the box and to question everything while they try to think of an answer. Some of these are tricky but all of them are fun!

Why did the boy throw his clock out the window?

Because he wanted to see time fly!

Why did the chewing gum cross the road?

Because it was stuck to the chicken’s foot!

Why did the elderly man fall in a well?

Because he couldn’t see that well!

What kind of shoes do kidnappers wear?

White Vans!

Why are snails slow?

Because they’re carrying their house on their back!

Why did the soccer player take so long to eat dinner?

He thought he couldn’t use his hands!

Try our fun action sports ideas for kids to keep all ages entertained.

What’s a cat’s favourite dessert?


What do you call a guy who’s really loud?

What’s a cat’s favourite food.

Mice bubbles!

What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4k?

What is a room with no walls.

A mushroom!

Sandy’s mum has four kids; North, West, East, and?

Sandy of course!

Why did the little girl fall off the swing?

She had no arms!

What do you call two bananas on the floor?

A plane crashed in the jungle and every single person died. who survived.

Married couples!

Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel prize?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

What goes up and down but doesn’t move?

What’s brown and sticky, how much did the shopkeeper sell his dead batteries for.

Nothing, they were free of charge!

When you’re looking for something, why is it always in the last place you look?

Because you stop looking when you find it!

Why can’t you ever trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!

Try these fun educational activities that kids will love .

If an electric train is traveling south at 10 miles per hour and the wind is blowing North at 10 miles per hour, which way does the smoke blow?

Electric trains don’t have smoke!

What do you call a fish without an eye

What do you call a sleeping bull.

A bulldozer!

Why was the belt arrested?

Because it was holding up some pants!

What did the ghost call her Mum and Dad?

Her transparents!

Why don’t you ever see giraffes in primary school?

Because they’re all in high school!

What gets wetter the more it dries?

What do you call an old snowman, what happens if life gives you melons.

You’re dyslexic!

What was a more useful invention than the first telephone?

The second telephone!

What did the bald man say when he received a comb for his birthday?

Thanks, I’ll never part with this!

How can you tell if an ant is a boy or a girl?

They’re all girls, otherwise, they would be uncles!

How many months have 28 days?

All of them!

Where would you find an elephant?

The same place you lost him!

What’s white and can’t climb trees?

How do you talk to a giant.

Use BIG words!

Try our fun spelling game called Daloodoo , it's easy to play and lots of fun!

What has three letters and starts with gas?

What did the elf learn in school.

The elf-abet!

Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?

Because they’re so good at it!

Why do birds fly?

Because it’s faster than walking!

Why do echidnas always win the game?

Because they have the most points!

Why did the farmer ride his horse into town?

Because it was too heavy to carry!

Why are ghosts terrible liars?

Because you can see right through them!

Why are elevator jokes the best?

Because they work on so many levels!

How do you get a squirrel to notice you?

Act like a nut!

Why was the student’s report card wet?

It was below ‘C’ level!

Which side of a cow has the most hair?

The outside!

Why did the M&M go to school?

Because he wanted to be a Smarty!

What did one flea say to his friend?

Should we walk or catch a dog?

What gets bigger the more you take away from it?

What do you call a sleeping dinosaur.

A dino-snore!

What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back?

What type of key opens a banana, what’s a crocodile’s favorite game, what’s the dumbest animal in the jungle.

The polar bear.

Why did the melon jump into the river?

Because it wanted to be a watermelon!

What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?

Finding half a worm!

What’s worse than finding half a worm?

Finding half a spider!

What did the banana say to the cat?

Nothing. Bananas can’t talk!

Why do tigers have stripes?

So they don’t get spotted!

Why do scuba divers fall backward into the water?

Because if they fell forwards they would still be in the boat!

See our tips for babysitting at the pool !

What do Alexander the Great and Kermit the Frog have in common?

The same middle name!

Why did the farmer jump on his potato plants?

He wanted to grow mashed potatoes!

What did the fish say when he bumped into a concrete wall?

Why did the puppy do so well at school.

Because he was the teacher’s pet!

What did zero say to eight?

Hey, nice belt!

What do you call a piece of seaweed that’s fallen in the bin?

What do you call a sheep with no legs, how long is a piece of string.

Twice half it’s length!

Try our best craft activities for kids .

Why was the mathematics book sad?

It had too many problems!

What do you get when you cross a kangaroo and a sheep?

A woolly jumper!

How do porcupines kiss?

What did the triangle say to the circle.

You’re pointless!

Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?

Because he had nobody to dance with!

Where do you find a dog with no legs?

Right where you left him!

What’s a parent’s favorite Christmas carol?

Silent Night!

Can February March?

No, but April May!

What game does a tornado like to play?

Why does a seagull fly over the sea.

Because if it flew over the bay it would be called a bagel!

What’s the difference between a fridge and a newspaper?

Ever tried swatting a fly with a fridge?

What sound does a cow make when it breaks the sound barrier?

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot, why did the kid cross the playground.

To get to the other slide!

See our tips for babysitting at the park !

Why did the kid bring a long ladder to school?

Because he wanted to go to high school!

What two sicknesses are worst to have together?

Diarrhea and Alzheimer’s, you’re running but you don’t know where!

Why did the girl put her money in the freezer?

She wanted cold hard cash!

What do you get a woman who has everything?

A burglar alarm!

What do you give a sick lemon?

What are the two things you can’t have for breakfast.

Lunch and dinner!

Try our best kids cooking activities , you'll love them too!

What type of haircut do bees get?

What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit.

Blood orange!

What’s the most expensive kind of fish?

A gold-fish!

Why did the tomato blush?

It saw the salad dressing!

What letters are not in the alphabet?

The ones in the mail!

How many letters are in the alphabet?

There are 11 letters in ‘the alphabet’!

Why do chickens sit on eggs?

Because they don’t have chairs!

What time is it when people start throwing pieces of bread at your head?

Time to duck!

Why did the giraffe have such a long neck?

Because his feet were SO smelly!

How do you know there is an elephant in the fridge?

The door won’t shut!

What did Venus say to Saturn?

Give me a ring sometime!

What did the baby corn say to the mummy corn?

Where is pop corn?

Why are frogs happy?

Because they eat whatever bugs them!

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A gummy bear!

What stays in the corner but can still travel around the world?

What do you call a dog that tells the time.

A watch-dog!

What do you call a fly with no wings?

What do you call a fly with no wings and no legs, what do you call a fly with no wings, no legs, and no eyes.

A be! (bee)

What’s the best nation in the world?

Donation! Can you give me $10?

What time is it when your clock strikes 13?

Time to get a new clock!

What is black and white and black and white and black and white?

A panda rolling down the stairs!

Why can’t Cinderella play soccer?

Because she’s always running away from the ball!

How long should a giraffe's legs be?

Long enough to reach the ground!

What is the hardest part about skydiving?

The ground!

What do you get if you cross an insect with a rabbit?

Bugs bunny!

What happened when the wheel was invented?

It caused a revolution!

Try these fun building activities that kids will love .

There were 5 cats in a boat and one jumped out, how many were left?

None, they were all copycats!

Why do gorillas have big nostrils?

Because they have big fingers!

Where do people go who have two broken legs?

What’s the best thing to put into a pie.

Your teeth!

Why are fish smart?

Because they live in schools!

Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

Because chickens hadn’t evolved yet!

Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?

Yes, of course, a house can’t jump!

Why are Superman’s suits so tight?

They’re all size ’S’!

What do you call a droid that goes the wrong way?

What are the strongest days of the week.

Saturday and Sunday, the others are weak days!

Why did the school teacher wear sunglasses to class?

Because her students were so bright!

I spent 10 minutes fixing a broken clock today.

At least I think it was 10 minutes!

What is a polygon?

A dead parrot!

What does a geologist do for entertainment?

Go to a rock concert!

What happened to the wooden car with wooden wheels and a wooden engine?

It wooden go!

What message is written on the top of a ladder?

Are any halloween monsters good at math.

No, unless you Count Dracula!

What is the center of Gravity?

The letter ‘V’!

What kind of roads do ghosts look for?

What is the shortest month.

May, because it only has three letters!

What did the big flower say to the tiny flower?

What do you call bears with no ears, why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants.

In case she got a hole in one!

What happened to the man who sued an airline for losing his luggage?

He lost his case!

What do you call an alligator wearing a vest?

An investigator!

What do you get when you cross a crocodile and a cockroach?

A crocroach

Try our fun nature activities for kids of all ages.

Why are robots fearless?

They have nerves of steel!

What is a witch’s favorite school subject?

What should you do if someone rolls their eyes at you.

Roll them back!

What has four wheels and flys?

A garbage truck!

What type of water cannot freeze?

What can you catch but never throw, what came first, the chicken or the egg.

The egg, because dinosaurs laid eggs long before they evolved into chickens!

What is the least spoken language in the world?

Sign language!

What was the Cat in the Hat looking for in the toilet?

Thing one and thing two!

What did the policewoman say to her belly button?

You’re under a vest!

What falls but never hits the ground?

The temperature!

What is heavy forward but not backward?

What does a book do in the winter.

Puts on a jacket!

What happened to the man who booked a brain transplant?

He changed his mind!

Which dinosaur had the best vocabulary?

The Thesaurus!

Which is faster, hot or cold?

Hot, because you can catch a cold!

What do you call a deer with no eyes?

No eye-deer!

What do you call a deer with no eyes or legs?

Still no eye-deer!

What should you do if it’s raining cats and dogs?

Look out for poodles!

How do you get straight A’s?

By using a ruler!

How can we tell that the ocean is friendly?

See our tips for babysitting at the beach !

What did one wall say to the other wall?

I’ll meet you at the corner!

Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?

Neither, they both weigh a ton!

What is ‘out of bounds’?

An exhausted kangaroo!

What type of shoes do ninjas wear?

What is the longest word in the dictionary.

’Smiles’, because there’s a mile between each ’s’.

How does a train eat?

Chew, chew!

Why can’t Elsa have a balloon?

Because she will let it go!

What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes?


What do you call a camel with 3 humps?

What music frightens balloons, why did the boy tip-toe past the medicine cabinet.

He didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills!

How do you drown a hipster?

In the mainstream!

How many cars can you put in an empty carpark?

Only one! After that, it’s not empty.

What’s the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

Anyone can roast beef!

Why don’t crocodiles eat clowns?

Because they taste funny!

What did one snowman say to another?

Do you smell carrots?

What do you call two birds in love?


Why are celebrities so cool?

Because they have so many fans!

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7, 8, 9!

What washes up onto very small beaches?


What do you get when you cross a cow with a trampoline?

A milkshake!

What race is never run?

A swimming race!

What has two legs but can’t walk?

A pair of pants!

What animal needs oil?

A mouse because it squeaks!

What did the right eye say to the left eye?

Between us, something smells!

How do you stop a spaceman’s baby from crying?

You rocket!

Why do we put candles on the top of a birthday cake?

Because putting them on the bottom doesn’t work!

What do you call a funny chicken?

A comedi-hen!

What did one DNA strand say to the other?

Does my butt look big in these jeans?

Why does a flamingo lift up one leg?

Because if it lifted up both legs it would fall over!

Why can’t your hand be 12 inches long?

Because it would be a foot!

What has to be broken before you can use it?

What’s worse than having diarrhea.

Having to spell it!

If you were in a race and passed the person who is in 2nd place, what place would you be in?

Knock-knock jokes.

The repetitive format of knock-knock jokes are perfect for kids because they’re predictable, simple to understand, and it’s easy to invent new ones. Expect a few failures before you strike gold!

You’re going to forget my name in 3 seconds


Who’s there?

You forgot my name already!


Dwane the bath, I’m dwowning!

Banana who?

Banana nana nana nana Batman!

Broccoli who?

Broccoli doesn’t have a last name, silly!

Europe who?

No, you’re a poo!

You’re welcome!

Irish you a Merry Christmas!

Wooden shoe

Wooden shoe who?

Wooden shoe like to hear another knock-knock joke?

Broken pencil

Broken pencil who?

Oh never mind, it’s pointless!

I love who?

I don’t know, why don’t you tell me!

Justin who?

Justin time for dinner!

Interrupting cow

Interrupting co— MOOO!

(Timing is everything with this joke!)

Car go beep beep, vroom, vroom!

Did you hear about the girl who invented knock-knock jokes?

She was awarded the ‘no-bell’ prize!

Lettuce who?

Lettuce in, it’s cold outside!

The Funnel who?

The Funnel start once you let me in!

Smellmop who?

Yuck, no way!

Doris locked, that’s why I’m knocking!

Isabell who?

Isabell working? I didn’t hear anything!

Dishes who?

Dishes me, who are you?

Cow says who?

No, cow says “Moooo!”

Awww, I miss you too!

Stopwatch who?

Stopwatch you’re doing and open this door!

Ireland who?

Ireland you my umbrella because it’s raining!

Doctor jokes

Kids are fascinated by hospitals, medicine, doctors and nurses, and how their body works, but these jokes probably won’t teach them anything about those things!

Patient: Doctor, I’ve lost my memory.

Doctor: When did this happen?

Patient: When did what happen?

Patient: Doctor, sometimes I feel like I’m invisible.

Doctor: Who said that?

Patient: Doctor, I keep hearing a ringing sound.

Doctor: Then answer the phone!

Patient: Doctor, every time I drink hot chocolate I get a stabbing pain in my eye.

Doctor: Try taking the spoon out first!

Why did the banana go to the Doctor?

Because it wasn’t peeling well!

Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I can’t feel my legs.

Doctor: I know you can’t, I’ve cut off your arms!

Patient: Doctor, I can’t stop my hands from shaking?.

Doctor: Do you drink a lot?

Patient: No, I spill most of it!

Patient: Doctor, I feel like a dog.

Doctor: Sit on the couch and we’ll talk about it then.

Patient: I’m not allowed on the couch!

With their multiple meanings and similar-sounding words, puns are a fun way to teach kids about the intricacies of the English language. Just don’t be mean if you don’t know what they mean (pun intended.)

Where do cows go for entertainment?

The moo-vies!

What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?

Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his toys.

Because he was a little shellfish!

How do you cut the sea in half?

With a see-saw!

What did one volcano say to the other?

I lava you!

Where do sheep get a haircut?

At the baa-baa shop!

What do lawyers wear to court?

What kind of exam does a vampire give his students.

A blood test!

How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh out loud?


What do you call a cow with a twitch?

Beef jerky!

What’s the king of school supplies?

What part of a fish weighs the most.

It’s scales!

What type of music do rabbits like best?

Try our fun performance activities for outgoing kids .

What do you get if you cross a rabbit with a frog?

A bunny ribbit!

What do you call a horse that lives next door?

How does a penguin build a house.

Igloos it together!

Are snails faster without their shells?

No, they’re more sluggish!

What did the thumb say to the finger?

I’m in glove with you!

How do you make a tissue dance?

You put a little boogie in it!

What did the horse say when it fell over?

I’ve fallen and can’t giddyup!

Why is the grass dangerous?

It’s full of blades!

What do you call a cow that eats your grass?

A lawn moo-er!

Where do baby ghosts go during the day?

Day-scare centers!

What makes music on your head?

A headband!

Why was the teacher cross-eyed?

Because she couldn’t control her pupils!

What’s worse than raining cats and dogs?

Hailing taxis!

What kind of award did the dentist win?

A little plaque!

What’s the biggest moth in the world?

What kind of tree can you hold in one hand.

A palm tree!

How does a cucumber become a pickle?

It goes through a jarring process!

What did the buffalo say when his son went to school?

What did the cat saw when someone stepped on its tail, what did the boy ocean say to the girl ocean when she asked him out on a date, where do sick boats go to get better.

To the dock!

How do trees get onto the Internet?

They log-in!

What do monsters turn on when it’s hot?

A scare conditioner!

What happens when you drop your phone in the water?

Why did the actor fall through the floorboards.

He was just going through a stage!

What do you call a donkey with three legs?

Why do bicycles fall over.

Because they are two tyred!

My leaf-blower doesn’t work.

It just sucks!

You either love them or hate them, but for me, as a father of three kids, I think Dad jokes are awesome! Luckily my kids like them too. You don’t have to be a dad to tell dad jokes. Try not to groan, here come some of the best of the worst!

Why are noodles called ‘noodles’?

Because they’re not wearing any clothes!

What is black and white and red all over?

A newspaper!

If you like coloring, check out our amazing coloring book made from kids drawings , it's free to download.

What did the clock do when it was hungry?

It went back four seconds!

What do you call a boy with a car on his head?

What’s green and fuzzy and will kill you if it falls from a tree.

A pool table!

Which hand is better to write with?

Neither, it’s best to write with a pen!

Try our best art and craft activities for kids .

What did the baby computer call its father?

Do you want to hear a joke about a piece of paper.

Nevermind, it’s tearable!

I ordered a chicken and an egg online.

I’ll let you know!

How do you make holy water?

You boil the hell out of it!

What do you call a man who can’t stand?

Why did the cow cross the road.

To get to the udder side!

What kind of cats like to go bowling?

Alley cats!

What kind of bagel can fly?

A plain bagel!

What did the spider do on the computer?

She made a website!

What happened to the kid who refused to sleep?

He was charged with resisting a rest!

What do you call a factory that makes average quality products?

A satis-factory!

They laughed when I said I wanted to be a comedian

They’re not laughing now!

I was wondering why the frisbee was getting bigger

And then it hit me!

Where do animals go when their tails fall off?

To the retail store!

Do Dads always snore?

No, only when they’re asleep!

What’s the worse Dad joke ever?

Why was the sand wet.

Because the sea-weed!

How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas?

He felt his presents!

What’s the loudest pet you can get?

What do you call a belt with a watch on it.

A waist or time!

What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work?

A can’t opener!

How do you make seven an even number?

Take away the ’S’!

How many apples grow on a tree?

My fat parrot died

It was a real weight off my shoulder!

What’s the difference between a dog and a cat?

The spelling!

What is an elephant's favorite sport?

What sound does a nut make when it sneezes, what do prisoners use to call each other.

Cell phones!

Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?

Because it wanted to get to the bottom!

Did you hear about the kidnapping in the park?

Don’t worry, he woke up!

When does a joke become a Dad joke?

When the punchline is a parent!

Did you hear the joke about the roof?

Never mind, it’s over your head!

What do you call a man with no arms and no legs lying in front of a door?

What’s green but smells like blue paint.

Green paint!

What do you call a cat with no legs?

You can call her whatever you like but she’s not coming!

How does a scientist freshen his breath?

With experi-mints!

Nonsense Jokes

Kids don’t always make sense and neither do their jokes, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not funny. These incomplete, messed up, silly, and absurd jokes can still make you laugh out loud, particularly when delivered by a cute little kid!

What do you call a frog with no legs?

A green thing!

Why do you go to bed every night?

Because your bed won’t come to you!

What’s red, juicy, and round?

A lemon disguised as a strawberry!

What’s the same with an elephant and a ladybug?

They’re both grey, except for the ladybug.

What do you call a banana?

A yellow boomerang!

So they can hide upside-down in a bowl of custard!

What’s green and looks like a tree?

What is green and has blue wheels.

 I lied about the wheels!

What do you call a frog that eats crumpets?

A crumpet frog!

Looking for more fun things to do with kids? See our 200 fun babysitting activities and use our filters to find the perfect games for your situation.

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New People and Jobs

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Nataly Cruz Hempstead, TX US

  • Service: Babysitter, parent helper, nanny
  • Service: Pet sitter, pet checker, pet daycare
  • Service: Dog walker

Aoife Nally Bristol, England UK

  • Job: Babysitter wanted

Julia Weber Charlotte, NC US

  • Service: Babysitter, parent helper

Jackie Jones Sheffield, England UK

  • Service: Cat sitter, cat checker

Ellen Szita New York, NY US

Lucius kelly victorville, ca us.

  • Service: Dog sitter
  • Job: Babysitter/parent helper, dog sitter, dog walker wanted

Emily Nicole Nguyen Sarasota, FL US

  • Service: Pet sitter, pet checker

Alison Wiley Hartselle, AL US

  • Service: Babysitter

Gabriela Ramirez

Gabriela Ramirez Cleveland, TX US

  • Service: Dog sitter, dog checker

Eloah Vieira Machado Faller Edgewater, NJ US

  • Service: Babysitter, nanny

Nicole Duenas

Nicole Duenas Wildwood, FL US

  • Service: Pet sitter, pet checker, pet daycare, pet boarding

Kennady Dougherty

Kennady Dougherty Indianapolis, IN US

Madacin archbold christchurch, canterbury nz.

Maia Cerrito-Stingo

Maia Cerrito-Stingo Ashland, MA US

Peyton Lup

Peyton Lup Townsend, MA US

Ndey bintou cham calgary, ab ca.

Raquel D. Sampson

Raquel D. Sampson Philadelphia, PA US

Maleah emrick cumberland, md us.

Luna Remmel

Luna Remmel Boca Raton, FL US

Eniyah goins victorville, ca us.

  • Service: Pet sitter

Willow Shelton, CT US

Kim Ngo

Kim Ngo San Jose, CA US

Cheyenne orendach danielsville, pa us, zara uduoise ottawa, on ca.

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240 Hilariously Funny Kids Jokes

Prepare for laughter overload: these silly kids' jokes will make them ROFL!

kid homework jokes

Mommyhood101 independently tests and curates baby gear to help you make informed decisions. If you buy products through links on our site, we may earn a commission.

We pulled together 240 of the funniest kids' jokes we could find!

From jokes about school, food, and animals, to hilarious wisecracks about the seasons and holidays, these silly kids' jokes are sure to get them rolling on the floor laughing!

Also, be sure to check out these riddles for kids and our list would you rather questions for kids !

  • Assorted Funny Kids Jokes
  • Kids Jokes about Animals
  • Kids Jokes about Food
  • Kids Jokes about School
  • Kids Jokes about Summer
  • Kids Jokes about Winter
  • Kids Jokes about Spring
  • Kids Jokes about Fall
  • Kids Jokes about Christmas
  • Kids Jokes about Birthdays
  • Kids Jokes about Hanukkah

Hilarious Kids Jokes

  • Why did the scarecrow win an award?  Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • Why don't scientists trust atoms?  Because they make up everything!
  • Why don't skeletons fight each other?  They don't have the guts!
  • What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?  An abdominal snowman!
  • Why don't bicycles stand up on their own?  They're two-tired!
  • Why was the math book sad?  It had too many problems!
  • What's brown and sticky?  A stick!
  • What's a pirate's favorite letter?  Arrrrr!
  • How do you make a tissue dance?  Put a little boogie in it!
  • What did one ocean say to the other ocean?  Nothing, they just waved!
  • What did one hat say to the other hat?  You stay here, I'll go on ahead!
  • Why was the computer cold?  It left its Windows open!
  • Why was the broom late?  It overswept!
  • Why do we never tell secrets on a farm?  Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears!
  • Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?  In case he got a hole in one!
  • Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?  It was two-tired!
  • How does a train eat?  It goes chew chew!
  • Why did the math book look sad?  Because it had too many problems!
  • What kind of shoes do spies wear?  Sneakers!
  • What did one plate say to another plate?  Dinner is on me!
  • What did one wall say to the other wall?  I'll meet you at the corner!
  • What did one elevator say to the other elevator?  I think I'm coming down with something!
  • Why did the computer go to the doctor?  It had a virus!
  • Why don't some couples go to the gym?  Because some relationships don't work out!
  • Why did the bicycle fall over?  Because it was two-tired!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a successful politician?  Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?  Frostbite with a hint of garlic!
  • What did the blanket say to the bed?  "Don't worry, I've got you covered!"
  • How do you organize a space party?  You "planet" it in advance!
  • What did the ocean say to the beach?  "Wave" hello!

kids jokes about animals

Funny Kids Jokes about Animals

  • What's a frog's favorite candy?  Lollihops!
  • What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?  A thesaurus!
  • What do you call a bear with no teeth?  A gummy bear!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?  A dino-snore!
  • How do you catch a squirrel?  Climb up a tree and act like a nut!
  • What do you call a fly without wings?  A walk!
  • What do you call a pig that knows karate?  Pork chop!
  • Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?  Because they lactose!
  • What do you call a fish wearing a crown?  King of the sea!
  • What's a cow's favorite instrument?  The moo-sical!
  • What do you call a fish with no eyes?  Fsh!
  • Why don't some fish play piano?  Because you can't find the right scale!
  • How do you catch a squirrel on a skateboard?  With a "nuts and bolts" trap!
  • What did one hat say to the other hat?  "You stay here, I'll go on ahead! Hats off to you!"
  • Why was the belt arrested?  It was "holding up" a pair of pants!
  • How do you catch a unique rabbit?  You "neak up" on it!
  • What do you call a sleeping bull?  A "bull-dozer" catching some Z's!
  • What do you call a dog magician?  A "labracadabrador"!
  • What's orange and sounds like a parrot?  A "carrot" repeating everything!
  • What do you call fake fruit?  "Unreal" apples and oranges!
  • How do you catch a unique bird?  You "nique up" on it!
  • Why don't some fish play piano?  You can't "tuna" piano, but you can tuna fish!
  • What did one shoe say to the other shoe?  "I'm "tying" to stay on!"
  • Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?  To "go up" in grades!
  • What do you call a sleeping bull with a dream?  A "bull dreamer"!
  • Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?  Because they "lack toes"!
  • What did the left eye say to the right eye?  Between you and me, "something smells"!
  • What's a banana's favorite dance?  The "split"!
  • Why do bees have sticky hair?  Because they use honeycombs!
  • What's a cat's favorite color?  Purr-ple!
  • Why did the chicken go to the seance?  To talk to the other side!
  • Why do hummingbirds hum?  Because they don't know the words!
  • What do you call a deer with no eyes?  No-eye deer!
  • What do you get when you cross a dog and a phone?  A golden receiver!
  • How do you communicate with a fish?  You drop it a line!

nestig cloud crib

Funny Kids Jokes about Food

  • What do you call a shoe made of a banana?  A slipper!
  • What's orange and sounds like a parrot?  A carrot!
  • Why did the tomato turn red?  Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • Why don't eggs tell jokes?  They might crack up!
  • How do you fix a broken tomato?  Tomato paste!
  • Why don't eggs ever tell jokes?  Because they might crack up!
  • How does a cucumber become a pickle?  It goes through a jarring experience!
  • What's a banana's favorite dance?  The split!
  • What do you call fake spaghetti?  An "impasta" trying to be linguini!
  • What do you call a shoe made of a banana?  A "slip-peel"!
  • Why did the tomato become a successful comedian?  Because it knew how to "ketchup" with the audience!
  • Why did the apple go to school?  To get "a little biter" at math!
  • Why did the baker go broke?  He kneaded the dough!
  • What do you call an egg that likes to tell jokes?  An "egg-citing" comedian!
  • Why did the carrot go to the party?  Because it was a "rootin' tootin'" good time!
  • How do you fix a broken pizza?  With tomato paste!
  • Why was the vegetable so good at math?  Because it knew how to count its peas!
  • What do you call a burger with great karma?  An "enlightened beef" patty!
  • Why did the bread go to school?  To be "butter" educated!
  • How do you make an octopus laugh?  Give it ten "tickles"!
  • Why did the cookie cry?  Because its mom was a "wafer" too long!
  • What do you call an alligator in a vest?  An investigator!
  • Why did the grape stop in the middle of the road?  Because it ran out of juice!
  • What do you call a cake that's not yours?  "Stolen" cake!
  • Why did the apple stop in the middle of the road?  It ran out of juice!
  • Why did the vegetable go to the art exhibit?  To "turnip" the creativity!

kids jokes about school

Funny Kids Jokes about School & Homework

  • Why did the pencil go to school?  To get sharper!
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach?  To test the waters!
  • Why did the student take a ladder to school?  Because they wanted to go to high school!
  • Why did the student wear glasses in math class?  To improve "division" skills!
  • Why was the clock always hungry in school?  It went back four seconds!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?  Because her students were so bright!
  • Why did the music teacher go to jail?  For dropping a beat!
  • Why did the student sit on an apple?  He wanted to be a "smart"ie!
  • Why did the textbook go to therapy?  It had too many issues!
  • Why was the student's report card wet?  It was below C-level!
  • Why did the student wear sunglasses to school?  To cover up their "A" grades!
  • Why did the principal become an artist?  He loved drawing "conclusions"!
  • Why did the student break up with the calculator?  It had too many "problems"!
  • Why did the teacher go to outer space?  To find new ways to "inspire" the students!
  • Why was the geometry book sad?  Because it had too many angles to deal with!
  • Why did the book go to the nurse's office?  It had too many characters!
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach?  To get a little "shore" leave!
  • Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?  To go to high school!
  • Why did the teacher bring a ladder to school?  To reach the high notes!
  • Why did the history book get a bad grade?  It had too many dates to remember!
  • Why did the biology book always win in sports?  It had the best "cells"!
  • Why did the school cafeteria serve the internet?  Because they heard it had great "connections"!
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach?  To catch some "rays" of knowledge!
  • Why did the student wear a coat in the classroom?  Because the teacher said the test would be "chilly"!
  • Why did the math book look sad?  Because it had too many "problems" to solve!
  • Why was the pencil always tired?  Because it did a lot of "writing" exercises!
  • Why did the paper visit the doctor?  It was feeling "sheet" sick from too much homework!
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach instead of grading homework?  Because she needed to "shore" up her energy!
  • Why did the ghost refuse to do its homework?  It couldn't "ghoul" through all the assignments!
  • Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?  To "climb" over all the homework and escape!
  • Why did the student eat their homework?  The teacher said it was a "piece of cake"!
  • Why did the history book hide from the homework?  It was afraid of facing its "past" mistakes!
  • Why did the spelling book go to the gym?  To work on its "word" strength for homework!
  • Why did the notebook refuse to do its math homework?  It didn't want to "multiply" its problems!
  • Why did the student wear sunglasses while doing homework?  To shade the "bright" ideas!
  • Why did the geography book get in trouble?  It couldn't find its way through the "world" of homework!
  • Why did the dictionary refuse to help with homework?  It said, "I can't handle all these definitions!"
  • Why did the homework assignment go to the beach?  To "seashell" its knowledge with friends!
  • Why did the student's backpack have a bad day?  It was carrying a heavy "load" of homework!
  • Why did the paper clip never get bored with homework?  It had a "grip" on the situation!
  • Why did the book stay up all night to finish homework?  It wanted to "cover" all the chapters!
  • Why did the report card go to the doctor?  It had too many "grades" of pain from homework stress!
  • Why did the math homework go to the circus?  To find the "mean" lion tamer!
  • Why did the homework cry?  Because the student wrote too many "tear-able" puns!

kids jokes about summer

Funny Kids Jokes about Summer

  • What did the ocean say to the beach during summer?  Nothing, it just waved!
  • Why do bees stay in their hives during summer?  They don't want to get too "buzz-y"!
  • What did one hat say to the other hat during summer?  You stay here, I'll go on ahead to find some shade!
  • Why did the boy bring a ladder to the beach during summer?  To catch some "rays" of sunshine!
  • What do you call a snowman in summer?  A "puddle" of melted happiness!
  • Why did the computer go to the beach during summer?  To surf the internet!
  • What do you call a summer vegetable that loves to tell jokes?  A "corny" comedian!
  • Why do bicycles fall asleep during summer?  Because they're "tired" of all the riding!
  • What do you get when you cross a dog and a summer flower?  A "collie"flower!
  • Why did the boy sprinkle sugar on his pillow during summer?  To have "sweet" dreams of vacation!
  • Why did the girl bring a fan to the park during summer?  To "breeze" through her day!
  • What do you call a fish during the summer?  A "sun"-fish!
  • Why did the ice cream go to school during summer?  To "chill" out with friends!
  • What did the ice cream say to the sun?  "You're melting my heart!"
  • What do you call a beach ball during summer?  A "fun"-ball!
  • Why did the little tree want to skip summer camp?  It was afraid of getting "barked" at by other trees!
  • What do you call a shoe during summer?  A "flip-flop"!

kids jokes about winter

Funny Kids Jokes about Winter

  • Why do birds fly south in the winter?  It's too far to walk!
  • Why did the snowman go to school?  To get a little "flakier"!
  • What did the snowflake say to the other snowflake?  "You're one of a kind!"
  • Why did the girl bring a ladder to the ice rink?  To skate on the "cool" level!
  • How do snowmen get around?  They "brrrr-oom" their way!
  • Why did the boy bring a pencil to the winter playground?  To sketch some "cool" snow art!
  • Why did the snowman become a famous singer?  He had the "coolest" voice in town!
  • Why did the snowman go to the party?  Because he was really "cool" and loved to "chill"!
  • How does a snowman get to work?  By "icicle" carpool!
  • What do you call a snowman party?  A "snowball"!
  • Why was the snowman staring at the calendar?  He was counting the "flake-out" days left in winter!
  • What did one snowman say to the other snowman?  "Do you smell carrots
  • Why did the girl bring an umbrella to the snowstorm?  She heard it was "flurry-ing" outside!
  • What did the snowman eat for breakfast?  Frosted "flakes"!
  • How do you catch a snowflake?  With a snowball "net"!
  • Why did the snowman go to school?  To get "schooled" on winter fun!
  • What's a snowman's favorite dessert?  Ice cream, of course!
  • Why did the snowman want to be an artist?  He loved creating "snow-cials"!

kids jokes about spring

Funny Kids Jokes about Spring

  • Why did the bee go to school in the spring?  To learn how to "bee-have" around flowers!
  • How do flowers greet each other in the spring?  "Hey bud, how's it blooming
  • What do you call a sheep during spring?  A "spring-wool"!
  • How do you fix a broken spring?  With "spring-tape"!
  • What do you get when you cross a rabbit and a spring flower?  A "hop-tulip"!
  • Why did the girl bring a ladder to the park during spring?  To reach the "highlights" of the season!
  • What do you call a happy frog in the spring?  A "spring-peeper"!
  • Why did the chicken lay eggs in the spring?  Because it was an "egg-citing" time of year!
  • What do you call a bear during spring cleaning?  A "dust-bear"!
  • How do you catch a squirrel in the spring?  Climb a tree and "branch" out to find it!
  • Why was the dictionary so excited during spring?  It added some "blossom-ing" new words!
  • What's a spring flower's favorite music genre?  "Tulip" hop!
  • Why did the sunflower blush during spring?  It saw the other flowers "petal-ing" each other!
  • What did the tree say to the flower during spring?  "What's up, bud
  • Why did the squirrel start a band during spring?  It wanted to play "acorn"-ic music!
  • What do you call a baby chick in the spring?  A "spring-chicken"!
  • Why did the butterfly throw a party during spring?  It wanted to celebrate its "meta-morphosis"!

kids jokes about autumn

Funny Kids Jokes about Fall

  • What do you call a tree that has a lot of money in the fall?  A "cashew" tree!
  • Why do leaves always hang out together in the fall?  Because they can't "leaf" each other!
  • What did one leaf say to another in the fall?  "I'm falling for you!"
  • Why was the math book sad in the fall?  It had too many "problems" to solve!
  • How do you fix a broken leaf in the fall?  With "leaf" glue!
  • Why did the girl bring a ladder to the pumpkin patch in the fall?  To pick out the "highlights" of the season!
  • What did one autumn leaf say to another?  "I'm falling for you head over heels!"
  • Why was the calendar so popular in the fall?  It had all the "dates" everyone needed!
  • How do trees get on the internet in the fall?  They log in!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that complains a lot in the fall?  A "grumpkin"!
  • What do you call a haunted house in the fall?  A "spook-tacular" mansion!
  • Why did the boy bring a broom to the pumpkin patch in the fall?  To "sweep" up the best pumpkins!
  • What did the autumn leaf say to the wind?  "I'm "falling" for you, let's dance!"
  • Why was the school book so sad in the fall?  It was "leaf"-t behind by the students!
  • How do you fix a broken pumpkin in the fall?  With a "pumpkin patch"!
  • What's a scarecrow's favorite fruit in the fall?  Straw-berries!
  • Why did the apple tree get in trouble in the fall?  It couldn't "leaf" school early!

kids jokes about christmas

Funny Kids Jokes about Christmas and Santa

  • Why did Santa go to music school?  To improve his "wrapping" skills!
  • What do you call an elf who sings?  A wrapper!
  • Why was the Christmas tree so bad at knitting?  It kept dropping its needles!
  • What did the gingerbread man use to fix his house?  Icing and gumdrops!
  • What do you get if you cross a snowman and a dog?  Frostbite!
  • Why does Santa Claus go down the chimney on Christmas Eve?  Because it soot-s him!
  • Why did the ornament go to school?  To get "tinsel-lectual"!
  • What do you call a cat on the beach during Christmas?  Sandy Claws!
  • Why does Santa always go down the chimney?  Because it soot-s him best!
  • What do you call Santa when he takes a break?  Santa Pause!
  • Why did the Christmas cookie go to the doctor?  It was feeling "crumby"!
  • What do you call a reindeer that tells jokes?  A "comet"-ian!
  • Why did Santa's helper see the doctor?  Because he had a low "elf"-esteem!
  • How does Santa keep his suit wrinkle-free?  He uses Claus-tarch!
  • What do you get if you cross a snowman and a vampire?  Frostbite with a hint of garlic!
  • What do elves use to take notes in school?  Elf-abet soup!
  • How do you know if Santa's been using your computer?  There will be "cookies" everywhere!
  • Why did Santa go to the doctor?  He was "feeling a little Claus-trophobic"!
  • Why do Christmas trees like knitting?  Because they are good at "purling"!
  • What did Santa say to the smoker?  Please don't smoke, it's bad for my "elf"!

kids jokes about birthdays

Funny Kids Jokes about Birthdays

  • Why did the birthday cake go to school?  To get a "batter" education!
  • What do you get when you cross a birthday cake and a pie?  A "party" in your mouth!
  • Why did the candle go to school?  To learn how to "sparkle" in the dark!
  • What did one birthday candle say to the other?  "Don't be so wick-ed, let's have a blast!"
  • Why was the math book sad on its birthday?  It had too many "problems" to solve!
  • What do you call a monkey that loves birthdays?  A "bananarama"!
  • Why do candles never tell jokes at birthday parties?  They always get "burned" by the punchline!
  • What do you get when you cross a birthday cake and a vegetable?  A zucchini candle!
  • Why was the birthday present always late?  It took too many "wraps" around the world!
  • What did the balloon say to the birthday cake?  "You take the cake, and I'll fly high!"
  • What do you get if you cross a dinosaur and a birthday cake?  "Jurassic" party fun!
  • Why did the girl bring a ladder to her birthday party?  To "climb" to new heights of fun!
  • What's a cake's favorite instrument?  The "trombone" for a happy birthday song!
  • Why did the teddy bear refuse to attend the birthday party?  It was too "un-bear-able"!
  • What did the birthday candle say to the cake?  "Don't worry, I'm here to "lighten" the mood!"
  • Why was the calendar always excited about its birthday?  It had all the "dates" marked!
  • What's a balloon's favorite part of a birthday party?  The "air"-raising excitement!
  • Why do candles always enjoy birthday parties?  They can't wait to "burn" up the dance floor!
  • What do you get when you cross a birthday cake and a snowman?  Frosting-covered snowflakes!

kids jokes about hanukkah

Funny Kids Jokes about Hanukkah

  • What's a dreidel's favorite type of music?  "Spin"-spirational songs!
  • Why did the candle go to school?  To get "lit"erature lessons!
  • Why did the potato latke go on a diet?  It wanted to be a "light" snack!
  • What do you call a snowman with a menorah?  A "melt"-in-your-heart holiday symbol!
  • Why did the menorah get a job at the bakery?  It loved "lighting" up people's lives with doughnuts!
  • What did one candle say to the other during Hanukkah?  "You're the "wick"-iest friend ever!"
  • What do you call a funny candle during Hanukkah?  A "wick"-tastic comedian!
  • Why was the dreidel always so happy?  Because it had the "spin" of a lifetime!
  • What's a snowman's favorite holiday?  "Chill"-ukah!
  • Why did the menorah have to see the dentist?  It had a "cavity" problem!
  • How do you greet a potato latke during Hanukkah?  "A-peeling" to meet you!
  • What did the dreidel say to the kids during Hanukkah?  "Let's have a "spin"-tastic time!"
  • Why did the candles start a band during Hanukkah?  They wanted to "burn" up the charts!
  • What's a potato latke's favorite Hanukkah carol?  "Oh Fry-lid Night"!
  • Why did the menorah go to school?  To learn "light"-saber skills!
  • What do you call a snowman with a menorah on its head?  A "melt"-inorah!
  • How do you make a dreidel smile?  Give it a "spin"-tastic joke!
  • What's a candle's favorite dessert during Hanukkah?  "Wick"-leberry pie!
  • Why did the potato latke go to the gym during Hanukkah?  To get "s-fry"-t and healthy!
  • What do you get when you cross a dreidel and a computer?  A "spin"-ning cursor!
  • Why was the menorah so good at math?  It could "count" the candles perfectly!
  • What do you call a dancing potato latke?  The "Cha-Cha-Chanukah" tater!
  • Why did the candle go to the party during Hanukkah?  It wanted to be the "light" of the celebration!
  • How does a snowman celebrate Hanukkah?  With "freez-leykhs" and holiday cheer!

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Drake Slammed With Pedophile Jokes After Kids’ Choice Award Nomination

Nickelodeon has announced the list of entertainers nominated for their annual Kid’s Choice Awards, consisting of acts like Bad Bunny, Coco, Jones, Ice Spice, SZA, Tyla, Victoria MonĂ©t, Justin Timberlake, and more, to little or no fanfare. But Drake, nominated for six awards, is getting slammed with pedophile jokes for being up for Nick’s accolade—a nd it’s all because of his feud with Kendrick Lamar.

Fans quickly began pummeling the Canadian artist with jokes referring to K. Dot’s “Meet the Grahams” and “Not Like Us,” asserting that being nominated for a Kid’s Choice Award couldn’t come at a worse time for Drizzy.

Jokes ranged from funny to clever to downright malicious. Some of them even insinuated that Nickelodeon wouldn’t have an issue with the pedophile allegations Kendrick flung at Drake because they have a history of not protecting children from abusers.

Na na na na run for your lifes — garçon (@boymolish) June 5, 2024 — Akilah Hughes (@AkilahObviously) June 4, 2024

“Drake going to the Kid’s Choice awards after being called a pedo dont seem like a PR run to y’all?” one account asked . “Do NOT allow Drake anywhere near the Kid’s Choice Awards,” another account demanded. “Is there a better way for this to end than Kendrick winning another Grammy while Drake wins a Kid’s Choice Award,” someone else quipped. “Just wanna point out
 Drake up for another Kid’s Choice Award
,” an X/Twitter account typed with a meme saying, “I mean, this some shameful sh*t.”

If you missed it somehow, Kendrick Lamar and Drake hit each other with wild allegations throughout their battle . Drizzy claimed that K. Dot was physically abusive with his significant other, Whitney Alford, who was living separately from him with their kids. He also suggested that Lamar’s kids weren’t really his, but Dave Free’s, his business partner. Kendrick Lamar, on the other hand, accused Drake of being a pedophile and having sexual predators in his OVO camp.

WHO UP FOR THE WHAT CHOICE AWARDS!? — V$HMN„ℹ/ ???/ L.K. Bong (@VSHMNY) June 4, 2024

Dot’s accusations against Drake began taking on a life of their own as “Not Like Us,” Lamar’s last track from the feud, became a No. 1 Billboard hit and a viral sensation.

The result saw people dancing to bars about the Her Loss rapper being called a “certified pedophile” and mocking him for his alleged relationships with underaged girls, or “A-minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs,” as Lamar rapped. And now we’re here at the Kid’s Choice Awards nominations—how awkwardly poetic.

Spongebob keep the family away, Squidward keep the family away — High Stepping (@Audience__of1) June 4, 2024
Drake just opened his mouth. Someone go hand him a Nickelodeon award right now. — Antonio (@BossAssBatch) June 4, 2024

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Drake Pelted With Pedophile Jokes After Kids' Choice Awards Nomination

Drake Pelted With Pedophile Jokes After Kids' Choice Awards Nomination

Drake has been hit with a number of inappropriate pedophile jokes after he secured a Kids’ Choice Awards nomination.

The Canadian superstar was nominated for Favorite Male Artist alongside the likes of Post Malone , Travis Scott and Usher , as well as friend turned enemy The Weeknd .

While Drake has to wait until July 13 to see if he wins the award, he only has to look online to see a number of derogatory jokes being made about him relating to Kendrick Lamar ‘s accusations that he’s a sex predator who preys on underage girls.

One social media commenter joked: “The KIDS CHOICE AWARDS is the last place drake needs to be.”

Another said: “WHO UP FOR THE WHAT CHOICE AWARDS!?” and posted a snippet of Kendrick’s diss track “Meet the Grahams.”

Someone else remarked: “I mean
 the jokes write itself.”

A fourth user edited a photo of Nickelodeon’s studios with several red markers from a sex predator app, a nod to the artwork for K. Dot’s “Not Like Us.”

WHO UP FOR THE WHAT CHOICE AWARDS!? — V$HMN„ℹ/ đŸ»đŸ™đŸŸ/ L.K. Bong (@VSHMNY) June 4, 2024 — Rebecca (@femceldorito) June 4, 2024
The KIDS CHOICE AWARDS is the last place drake needs to be — vids that go hard (@vidsthatgohard) June 4, 2024

Drake vehemently denied the pedophile allegations on his response track “The Heart Part 6.”

He rapped: “I never been with no one underage but now I understand why this the angle that you really mess with/ Just for clarity, I feel disgusted, I’m too respected/ If I was fucking young girls, I promise I’d have been arrested/ I’m way too famous for this shit you just suggested,”  he rapped, before adding:  “Only fuckin’ with Whitneys, not  Millie Bobby Browns , I’d never look twice at no teenager.”

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May 7, 2024

Rebutting Kendrick’s “A minor” taunt on “Not Like Us,” he spit:  “Drake is not a name that you gon’ see on no sex offender list, Eazy-Duz-It/ You mentionin’ A minor, but n-ggas gotta B sharp and tell the fans, ‘Who was it?’/ You thought you left D flat, D major.”

Drake was widely criticized for the song, which was deemed by many to have confirmed his defeat in the feud and has since been removed from social media .

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Eminem Jokes His Three Kids Are 'Brats' as They Cameo in His New Music Video

The rapper's new music video features an all-star cast—including a cameo from his three kids

Charlotte Phillipp is a Weekend Writer-Reporter at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE since 2024, and was previously an entertainment reporter at The Messenger.

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Eminem/YouTube;  Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic

No one is safe from an Eminem diss in his new song — not even his own kids.

On Friday, May 31, the rapper, 51, released his new song " Houdini " and an accompanying music video for the single off his  upcoming album  The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de GrĂące) .

The song, in true Eminem fashion, aims to have controversial lyrics, as he raps about Megan Thee Stallion (referencing her case against Tory Lanez , in which he was convicted of shooting her in the feet), trans people and RuPaul.

In the lyrics, he taunts his audience — and his longtime manager Paul Rosenberg, who leaves a fake voicemail at the beginning of the track — to "cancel me," before delving into several controversial lines including: "Snake ass prick, you male cross dresser, fake ass bitch / And I’ll probably get s--- for that."

He even (jokingly) takes aim at his three kids , Hailie Jade Scott, 28, Alaina Scott, 31, and Stevie Laine Scott, 22: "F--- my own kids, they're brats / They can screw off, them and you all / You too, Paul, got two balls, big as RuPaul's."

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In the comic book-inspired music video for the song, Eminem receives a call from  Dr. Dre — in a direct throwback to his 2002 video for "Without Me" — who reveals that a portal to 2002 has opened in the city, meaning that a younger, bleach blond-haired version of Eminem has arrived in 2024 and is in danger of ruining the elder Eminem's career.

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"Abra-abracadabra (And for my last trick)/I'm 'bout to reach in my bag, bruh (Like)/Abra-abracadabra (And for my last trick, poof)/Just like that and I'm back, bro," he raps in the chorus.

The video also features a range of cameos, from Pete Davidson ,  50 Cent ,  Snoop Dogg , and comedian  Shane Gillis , who all appear in comic book panel-inspired skits within the video. Eminem and his younger self eventually battle it out in a fight that sees them melt into one "monster."

His kids all make an appearance in the video, too — Hailie, Alaina and Stevie can be seen acting shocked on FaceTime as their dad sticks up his middle finger at them during the line in which he calls them "brats."

Although his kids play their part well in the video, in real life the three are close with their dad. Just last week, in a photo shared with PEOPLE, Eminem could be seen joining Hailie for the father-daughter dance at her wedding to  Evan McClintock .

In the photo, the rapper and his daughter were photographed laughing and smiling as they slow-danced together, her in a white strapless gown and him in a black tuxedo.

Hailie also hosts the podcast Just a Little Shady and has been candid about her relationship with her dad — as well as what it was like to grow up as Eminem's daughter.

In a September 2022 episode of the podcast, Hailie answered a question from a fan about whether or not it bothered her to get questions about her dad. "The best way to say this is yes and no 
 Honestly, it's to a point," she said.

"I obviously expect it. And there's certain things I can understand why people are just genuinely curious about, as anyone would be when you've kind of grown up half in the spotlight."

"I feel like growing up, when it would happen, I would get more bothered by it because I was like, 'Why do people care?' " Hailie added at the time. "I was young and I didn't totally understand the situation, so I was like, that's my dad. I don't ask you about your dad."

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For some students, need for school choice is no laughing matter

A recent Saturday Night Live skit went viral for highlighting the problems everyone can clearly see within the education system. The skit jokingly declares, “COVID broke something we can’t fix.”

As a retired public school teacher and a mom of school-aged children, I doubt parents are in on the joke. The reality for many is dire and the need to address the brokenness of our education system is urgent, which is why school choice has become one of the leading issues in Missouri and around the country. Parents are not merely content to keep their kids in a school environment that will take years, if not decades, to fix. Though we all acknowledge that something must be done, the students struggling in our local classrooms need help right away.

So, when Missi Hesketh throws parents and their desire for school choice under a bus to score political points, parents aren’t laughing.

Long before school choice was a hot-button issue, I was confronted with this challenge head-on. My daughter, Izzi, attended kindergarten at our neighborhood public school, but because she uses a wheelchair, she could not access any part of the playground. She could not pull up to the cafeteria tables. She was unable to use the sink because it operated with a foot pedal. When we brought these challenges to her team at school, we were told that these modifications and accommodations could not be remedied for “just one student,” but they could be put into the building’s five-year plan. By the time changes would have been made, our daughter would be in another building.

No parent is willing to sacrifice five years of their children’s lives to a plan that should be implemented now. The only choice we truly had at that moment was to find a better environment for her right away. On a teacher’s salary, private school was not an easy option, but keeping Izzi in her current school was out of the question.

We investigated alternatives to educating her. We were fortunate to find an opening at a parochial school, which welcomed our daughter by building a ramp to the playground the day after we enrolled her. The tables in the cafeteria are round, which means she can access any table. The sinks are accessible. Most importantly to us, our daughter feels like she belongs. Now in 7th grade, she is on student council and is on the junior high cheer squad.

Today Izzi is thriving, but I shudder to think about the quality of life she would have at a school that could only begin to meet her basic needs within a five-year plan. My family’s story is unique, but we are far from alone.

Where Hesketh is perhaps the most in error is her suggestion that to be in favor of school choice for kids like Izzi means that you are anti-public school. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a retired public school teacher, I’ve seen the school system work for most students. But what about the kids on the margins who need something different? Those kids can’t wait for the system to fix itself, and they deserve better than to be told to simply hope for things to change at a systemic level.

Public schools work for some students. Parochial and private schools work better for others. Homeschools and microschools are a great option for some families. Shouldn’t parents, who know their children best, be able to choose which educational opportunity fits? I’m grateful to Missouri leaders for giving families options instead of treating students like the butt of a joke.

Becki Uccello lives in Springfield.


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    If there is one thing for sure, kids love a good joke. I love that a joke can turn a child's day around in an instant by just telling them a joke and making them laugh!. One of my favorite types of jokes is kids jokes about school.I love these because at some point or another we are going to have one of our kids that has a bad day and will need a pick me up.

  10. 36 Hilarious (& Clean) Kids Jokes about School

    These back-to-school school jokes are clean enough for the classroom. Back-to-school season means saying goodbye to summer and getting ready for the next adventure, which typically includes a lot of gear like cool kids' backpacks and new playground-ready shoes.But don't forget to pack some funny school jokes in your kids' back pockets, too!

  11. 608 Homework Jokes That Will Make You the Class Clown

    These jokes are perfect for lightening the mood during study sessions, adding a bit of humor to school presentations, or just sharing a chuckle with classmates. The genius of short homework jokes lies in their ability to make even the most mundane schoolwork seem amusing, delivering giggles in just a sentence or two.

  12. 10 Hilarious & Clean Homeschool Jokes Guaranteed to Make You Laugh!

    Homeschool Student Jokes. Please note that these jokes are to be taken in a light-hearted way and as a form of humor, and are not always accurate! Homeschooler to school friend: "I'm the smartest kid in my class. And the most athletic. And the best-looking.".

  13. Homework Jokes

    If you hate homework as much as we do, then this list of hilarious homework jokes is for YOU! đŸ€Ł. Beano Jokes Team. Last Updated: January 11th 2022. So if you're reading these jokes instead of doing your Maths homework then you might need some more to stop you doing your History homework too.

  14. 300 Funny Jokes for Kids: Hilarious & Clean

    300 Funny Jokes for Kids: Hilarious & Clean. Hilarious jokes to have your kids rolling on the floor laughing. Funny jokes are a fantastic way for kids to develop a sense of humor and enjoy the lighter side of life. This article compiles 300 hilarious jokes tailored for children, guaranteed to bring smiles and laughter.

  15. 150 School Jokes

    150 School Jokes. School can be a roller coaster of emotions, packed with joyous moments, challenging hurdles, and, of course, a significant amount of learning. But amidst all the study hours and the endless flow of homework, there's always room for a good, hearty laugh. This collection of school jokes is designed to lighten your mood and add ...

  16. 20 Hilarious Assignments Kids Have Turned in to Their Teachers

    20 Hilarious Assignments Kids Have Turned in to Their Teachers. Too bad students aren't graded on hilarity. Growing up, homework was probably not your idea of a good time. But now that you're years removed from take-home questionnaires, you may be able to crack a smile or two at the process—especially if you take a gander at the jokes kids ...

  17. 322 Clean Jokes For Kids (Plus Random Joke Button!)

    322 Clean Jokes For Kids. (Plus Random Joke Button!) 1 Apr 2024. Written & Illustrated by. Matthew James Taylor. Kids are natural comedians, they love telling jokes and laughing at even the silliest stories. Even young children enjoy the structure of joke-telling; the setup, the unexpected punchline, then laughing out loud together! Kids can ...

  18. 212 Jokes for Kids Guaranteed to Get the Whole Family Giggling

    Then it grew on me. I was addicted to the hokeypokey, but I turned myself around. Fish are so smart because they live in schools. Cows that play the saxophone are great moo-sicians. Eating an ...

  19. 15 of the most hilarious homework answers given by smart-ass students

    Here are the best answers that, at the very least, get points for creativity. 1. I mean, same. Reddit. 2. He loved it before it was cool! Tweet may have been deleted. 3. The academic equivalent of ...

  20. 500+ Hilarious Jokes for Kids {Kid Approved}

    A kids joke tucked in a pocket or lunch is a great way to make a child smile halfway through their day. Playing a game like would you rather is another way to get a good laugh. Easter and Thanksgiving jokes make holidays fun! Laffy Taffy Jokes are always good. We love Laffy Taffy (banana for sure).

  21. 240 Hilariously Funny Kids Jokes

    Mommyhood101 independently tests and curates baby gear to help you make informed decisions. If you buy products through links on our site, we may earn a commission. We pulled together 240 of the funniest kids' jokes we could find! From jokes about school, food, and animals, to hilarious wisecracks about the seasons and holidays, these silly ...

  22. 75 Hilarious Clean Jokes for Kids of All Ages

    A diner says to the waiter, "Will the pizza be long?". The waiter replies, "No. It'll be round.". Where do birds go on vacation? Someplace cheep. What's a balloon's least favorite kind of music? Pop. Laughter truly is the best medicine, and with these clean jokes for kids of all ages, you're guaranteed to bring some joy.

  23. 200+ Funny Jokes for Kids

    60. Yo Mama so short she has to hold a sign up that says, "Don't spit, I can't swim." 61. Yo Mama so small she has to slam-dunk her bus fare. 62. Yo Mama so old she rode dinosaurs to school. 63 ...

  24. 50 Best Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids

    50 Best Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. You better answer! Kids can go on and on with knock-knock jokes. Get ready to knock your socks off! Knock, knock.

  25. Drake Slammed With Pedophile Jokes After Kids' Choice Award ...

    Wed, June 5, 2024, 12:06 PM EDT · 3 min read. Nickelodeon has announced the list of entertainers nominated for their annual Kid's Choice Awards, consisting of acts like Bad Bunny, Coco, Jones ...

  26. 75 Bear Puns and Jokes That Are Wildly Funny

    I don't know anyone who doesn't like a good joke, especially when they're having a bad day.If you're looking for a good bear-themed joke or funny pun, you're in the right place.Puns are ...

  27. Drake Pelted With Pedophile Jokes After Kids' Choice Awards ...

    by Sam Moore. Published on: Jun 5, 2024, 5:00 AM PDT. Drake has been hit with a number of inappropriate pedophile jokes after he secured a Kids' Choice Awards nomination. The Canadian superstar ...

  28. 113 Best Jokes of All Time

    Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. A man went to see his doctor, and the doctor said, "I have some bad news and ...

  29. Eminem Jokes His Kids Are "Brats" As They Cameo in His New Video

    Eminem Jokes His Three Kids Are 'Brats' as They Cameo in His New Music Video. The rapper's new music video features an all-star cast—including a cameo from his three kids. Eminem (right) and his ...

  30. School choice shouldn't be treated as a joke

    As a retired public school teacher and a mom of school-aged children, I doubt parents are in on the joke. The reality for many is dire and the need to address the brokenness of our education ...