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Sample Personal Statement Fashion and Textile

fashion textiles personal statement

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following essay was written by a successful applicant who got accepted to top fashion design and textile programs at some of the top fashion schools. The schools she got admitted to included Parsons, the London school of fashion, and the Royal college of arts. Read this essay example to understand what such top programs are looking for in an applicant.

Sample Personal Statement Design and Textile

Shivers run down my spine as I am transported back to the darkest day of my life. As a toddler, I witnessed something so disquieting that I froze at that moment. I witnessed something so raw that, ever since, my impressionable mind has been in a frenzy – unable to recover from it. Then, I saw my mother trying to set herself on fire.

Standing helplessly in one corner, I was caught in a daze. Seeing your mother trying to give up on life like that is beyond disturbing. No one can ever understand where I come from as they have not walked my path.

However, the same past has transformed me into the strong individual I am today. Since that day, I decided I could not be at the mercy of a ruthless man, for my mother was my father. This epiphany gave me a goal. To become an independent woman and survive without being dependent on anyone.

That night something magical happened. Our guardian angel helped my mother reconsider her weak choice. We escaped the moment and moved back to my maternal grandparent’s house, leaving behind my father. I have never met him since.

Being a single parent, my mother struggled to make a living for her three infant children. She fought with all her might to provide us with every possible comfort. She taught us that, as do winters, springs find their way. Her aspiration has always been to make a better life for us.

Despite all the dark empty holes in her life, she taught me to make drawings and fill them with beautiful colors. And in art, I have found my escape. I draw my mind. The sun comes up every morning. Every day is a new beginning to a life full of different shades of hue. It’s charismatic. If you focus on the bright things, the dark emptiness disappears, the roots start to grow, and little buds of happiness form.

That’s why even in conversations, my mind wanders to what I want to draw next and how to fill it with colors. I am just optimistic that life will lead me to great heights. These are the things I have learned from being raised by a strong mother. A strong mother gives you the confidence to be who you want. You do what you want and aren’t afraid of expressing yourself.

In my case, I draw and construct designs. My mother has moved mountains, and so will I. Being a hardworking lady, my mother wasn’t always by my side. She worked tirelessly, so I used to spend most of my time with my grandfather. He, too, was a man of great wisdom. Unfortunately, by the age of 9, I lost him. I was broken and shattered. That was the moment I froze again. I had spent most of my childhood with him. He always encouraged me to grow and pursue my dreams to every possible limit. My life experiences represent my turmoil, resilience, and strength to conquer. I aspire to change my vision into reality now.

My philosophy behind Fashion and Textile design is more than designing clothes. The design never remains the same; it changes with the environment, just like life changes every minute. Some like to call it a fad. For me, every single design is a story to be found, heard, and felt. I speak through lines, designs, and colors. I channel my art into designs and fashion silhouettes. Fashion is beauty, enthrallment, and secrecy. Fashion is my passion. Hence, my work is a depiction of myself.

I have done my undergrad in Textile and Clothing. The degree comprised fashion illustrations inspired by drapery and designs that evoke emotions. The way it induces diverse sentiments is beautiful. I want to communicate different emotions to people and untangle the anonymity of how clothing can modify the environment.

My true passion for fashion flourished while doing my thesis in the final year of my undergrad. I developed color-therapeutic Adaptive Clothing for children suffering from cerebral palsy because I feel that color, design, and lines have the power to heal.

Currently, I’m working as an assistant fashion designer at Zara. At work, one of my responsibilities is to visualize ideas and transform them into tangible women’s fashion apparel. In addition, I develop fashion silhouettes for different fabrications and technical specifications of fashion cutlines using photoshop. Teamwork has helped me elicit sources of inspiration for seasonal range collections. This experience has made me confident and helped me contribute to a world where colors and designs speak of people’s minds. It’s an inspiring experience to know that a part of me lives in their stories.

This might be a chance for me to identify my local culture on an international platform. This will bring uniqueness and diversity to the entrepreneurial world of my country, where chauvinists oppress women. Being a strong woman, my mother has been an asset to me; it’s time for me to become an asset to other women.

I seek a long-term career where I can articulate my artistic talent and passion for fashion and open my mind by exploring the skills I could never do in any other field. My experience was unforgettable, and that surely made me what I’m today. I have armored myself in it. If I get this chance, I can gain a career that I’ll love for the rest of my life without regret.


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Effective Guide: Fashion Design Personal Statement Example

Table of Contents

Fashion design is a fascinating and ever-changing field. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in fashion design, it’s essential to create a personal statement that showcases your skills and interests.

In this article, we’ll provide a fashion design personal statement example and share tips on writing your own personal statement. So whether you’re still brainstorming ideas or putting the finishing touches on your personal statement, read on for inspiration!

What Is a Fashion Design Personal Statement?

A fashion design personal statement is a written document that outlines your goals and motivations for pursuing a career in fashion design. It explains why you are the best candidate for a coveted spot in a fashion design program. In addition, it also highlights your experience or qualifications related to the field. A well-written personal statement can be an effective way to demonstrate your passion for fashion.

Why Write a Personal Statement for Fashion Design?

A personal statement for fashion design is a great way to highlight your skills, experiences, and motivations behind pursuing this field . It can be a helpful tool when applying for colleges or scholarships. It allows admissions officers or selection committees to get to know you better as an individual.

When writing your statement, stay focused on what makes you passionate about fashion design. Avoid simply regurgitating information that can easily be found elsewhere in your application package.

Instead, take the time to reflect on what has drawn you toward this creative industry. Share stories of how your interest in fashion has developed over time. Showing off your unique perspective will help differentiate you from other applicants while demonstrating that you’re serious about pursuing a career in fashion.

Tips for Writing a Fashion Design Personal Statement

When it comes to writing a personal statement for a fashion design program, there are certain things you want to keep in mind. Here are five tips that will help your statement stand out:

  • Be specific about your design experience and interests. What sparked your interest in fashion? Why do you want to study fashion design specifically? Make sure to highlight any relevant coursework or projects you’ve undertaken.
  • Show off your personality! A strong personal statement should give the reader a sense of who you are as an artist. Share some of your creative inspirations and how they inform your work.
  • Keep it concise and well-written. Avoid extraneous detail and highlight what makes you unique as a designer. The admission committee is likely going to read dozens (if not more) of statements, so make sure yours is sharp and easy to follow.
  • Get feedback from others before submitting the final version. It can be helpful to get feedback from classmates, teachers, or anyone else with editorial expertise. This will help ensure that your statement represents yourself in the best possible light!

a person in a brown garment using a MacBook pro

What to Avoid Writing in the Personal Statement?

When writing a personal statement, be sure to avoid the following:

  • Generic statements about your love of fashion. Be specific about what intrigues you about the field and why you want to study it.
  • Discussing other unrelated experiences or interests. Your focus should be on explaining why you want to pursue fashion design specifically.
  • Writing anything that could be perceived as negative or self-deprecating. A positive attitude is vital when selling yourself in any application materials.

Fashion Design Personal Statement Example

A personal statement is your chance to share with the admission committee who you are and why you want to attend the program. It is a chance for you to voice your interests and desire to study in the field of fashion design. Below is a fashion design personal statement example to inspire you to craft one for yourself:

Personal Statement Sample

As an artist, I have always been intrigued by how clothes can dramatically change someone’s appearance and express their personality. For me, fashion design is not just about creating beautiful clothing; it is also a form of storytelling and self-expression.

Ever since I was young, I have loved playing with different textures and fabrics, experimenting with color palettes, and putting together unique outfits. When I discovered fashion design as a career option, I knew it was the perfect fit for me. I believe nothing is more satisfying than taking an idea and turning it into something tangible that people can wear or see on TV.

Fashion Design has allowed me to develop my artistic skills while also giving me a practical understanding of how garments are made and marketed. Over the years, I have participated in many fashion shows as a designer and model manager/coordinator. This experience has taught me valuable lessons about working as part of a team, dealing with last-minute changes, and interpreting feedback from others.

I am confident that my passion for artistry combined with my organizational skills would make me an excellent candidate for any Fashion Design program.

When writing a fashion design personal statement, the most important thing is to be yourself. Don’t try to imitate someone else’s style; instead, let your personality shine through.

Be sure to focus on what makes you unique and why you want to pursue a career in fashion design. Above all, make sure your statement is well-written and error-free. Following the tips in this post will help ensure that your personal statement stands out from the rest.

Effective Guide: Fashion Design Personal Statement Example

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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  • Fashion Personal Statement Example

If you’re considering applying to university to study Fashion, this Fashion personal statement example can provide helpful inspiration for your UCAS application.

Fashion Personal Statement

I have always been fascinated by the way fashion can serve as a medium of artistic expression and personal identity. From the bold and pioneering designs of Coco Chanel and Diane von Furstenburg to the contemporary creations of today’s leading designers, fashion has the unique ability to reflect and shape the cultural landscape. In addition to its aesthetic value, I also appreciate the practical aspects of the fashion industry, such as the need for efficient management and marketing to bring a designer’s vision to fruition.

My interest in fashion has been nurtured by my experiences and studies. As a summer intern at Xun Image Management in Hangzhou, China, I had the opportunity to work closely with the head of the company and learn about the role of the professional image consultant. I assisted with projects related to fashion styling, the psychology of colour, and client management. In addition, I have completed a number of courses at the London College of Fashion, including the “Essential Guide to Fashion Business” and the “Fashion Marketing Intensive”. These courses have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the fashion industry, from its history and key players to the practicalities of retailing, buying, and manufacturing. My studies in art history and photography, as well as my interest in reading fashion magazines and books, have also contributed to my creative development and knowledge of the industry.

My ambition is to use my passion for fashion and my understanding of the industry to make a meaningful contribution. I hope to begin my career as a fashion editor, where I can gain valuable experience and insight into current trends and developments. In the long term, I aspire to run my own personal image consultancy in China, offering my clients the best possible service, including full-image makeovers, style consultations, and advice on colour analysis, makeup, and etiquette. I believe that the LCF course, with its focus on IT, communications, and cultural studies within the context of fashion, would provide me with the ideal foundation for achieving my goals. I am academically capable, enthusiastic, and full of creative ideas, and I am confident in my ability to succeed in the fashion industry. I hope you will consider my application.

My goal is to work as a fashion editor to gain experience and knowledge and eventually establish my own personal image consultancy in China. I am confident in my abilities and eager to pursue a career in fashion.

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  • Fashion Personal Statement

Fashion Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

For me, fashion enables you to define yourself without even having to open your mouth. Your own unique style can tell a complete stranger everything they need to know about you and your personality, and the even bigger benefit is that you can change your style to suit your mood or the occasion.

I feel that clothing allows you to change the way you are perceived by society more easily than anything else you could change about yourself. By being a true style chameleon you can be anything you want to be. Designers that really encompass this feeling for me are Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney, and in recent years, Victoria Beckham.

At school I excelled in Textiles and completed a complicated formal dress, involving an inner corset, for my final year project. This course allowed me to develop the practical skills needed to truly understand the fashion industry and my independent research gave me an insight in to textile manufacturing and development.

To help develop my own personal sense of style I worked part-time in High Street fashion store River Island during my time at college. Whilst there I learnt a lot about how to combine individual items to create whole outfits, as well as the business side of fashion such as staff management, deliveries, and visual merchandising.

Outside of my education I enjoy travelling as I feel this helps to inspire my future fashion choices and shows me how different cultures and climates have affected the way people dress. For me, part of the fun of travelling is bringing back clothing or accessories to remind you of your holiday at home.

I also enjoy being involved in social media, and run several of my own ‘blogs’. I hope that in the future my writing experience will enable me to gain work experience in a fashion journalism or editorial role.

I hope that my time at university will allow me to learn more about the manufacturing and designing side of the fashion industry so that I can begin to develop my own range of home ware textiles. 

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Fashion Business and Promotion Personal Statement

Identity and individuality is often interpreted through the expression of fashion . I view apparel as an every day performance of personality. The inspiration of different cultures, art and history that shape trends around the world intrigue me. Fashion is a catalyst of evolution, and with a sophisticated industry behind it, the business sector fascinates me the most. By completing this degree, it will help me achieve my ambition of pursuing a career where I can apply myself in the world of fashion business.

Research has shown me that fashion companies are looking for switched on graduates who are able to create new ranges, maximise sales, forecast and react to trends and changes in demand. With my personal qualities and this degree knowledge, I will be more than capable to meet this objective.

By having both a critical and creative mind, I would be able to keep up with the fast paced changes in business and design. This would provide me with the expertise to predict trends in a buying, merchandising, management or communication role. With my EPQ topic being ‘The History of Fashion Trends’ my research is advancing. My fashion blog demonstrates my awareness of variety within design and how this is forecasted. I post fashion news, my images from A-Level Photography and inspiration from the catwalk. This shows my interest in promotion, brand patterns and fashion itself. To gain a further understanding of the industry I spent a week at the textile agency ‘Robert Todd & Sons’ where I attended both a buying and fit meeting at M&S, grasping the importance of communication. Also, I learnt how to issue a garment specification and measure garments. I have had a part-time job for over a year at Hammond’s furniture, where I use my sales skills to guide customers and help them gain their ultimate design. Individually achieving sales of over ?150,000 for the company, my initiative and determination proves that I deliver and succeed whatever I put my mind to. Proving my organisation, ability to fund and market an event, I held a successful Macmillan coffee morning; gaining awareness of the cause.

Combining my finest skills of an analytical mindset and eye for fashion; I would flourish within the role of fashion business , marketing , branding and promotion. I follow fashion and business related news in the media with a subscription to Drapers, Vogue and i-D. Throughout A-Level Business Studies I have grown a passion for enterprise, and I have a clear understanding of how to turn a vision into a profitable reality, with the importance of being commercial. A recent campaign that has inspired me is Iris Apfel and Karlie Kloss for Kate Spade, celebrating age. This showed a diverse impact on advertising and marketing. I gained experience with the marketing agency ‘Vital’. I attended a setting design and uniform meeting, as well as writing press releases; developing my visual intelligence and writing skills. To expand my observation, I am carrying out a research project as part of my Film Studies A2 coursework. Exploring ‘The importance of fashion throughout the iconic Audrey Hepburn films’, has shown me how fashion helped to create a success for the film industry as a business. I spent a day at ‘Bloomberg’ in London with ‘Free Formers’ learning about digital marketing. This highlighted the importance of digital strategies showing how businesses can grow with the aid of technology.

Throughout this fashion degree , I would love to gain the skills, which will enable me to bring something advanced and unique to the fashion world. The university experience and qualification will support me in fulfilling my ambition of working dynamically and globally within the business. My enthusiastic and conscientious perspective will benefit me in achieving my full potential throughout university and in my future career.

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Fashion Personal Statement example

I have always been fascinated by the ability of certain colours and items of clothing to change moods or express emotions. Growing up, I enjoyed experimenting with styles to create my own unique look, but during my study of Textiles with Art at GCSE and A-Level I developed a real passion for working with different textures and materials and creating new designs and considered making a career out of my creative skills. I recently visited the New Designers Exhibition to explore the possibilities of a practical fashion design course and was excited to learn of initiatives such as Fashion East, which gives students the chance to launch their careers at London Fashion Week; I would be very excited to have the chance to benefit from these in future. Studying fashion and design skills in practice followed by gaining experience working for an established company would give me the tools to start my own business as a fashion designer in future.

I am an avid observer of trends and their interpretations in different countries. The 2011 spring catwalk shows were full of bold neon colours such as amber and tangerine, and I loved the contrasts presented at the Gucci and Prada shows making use of bright colours in contrasting styles and fabrics to create explosive looks. I believe that clothing and accessories can transform a person into a walking piece of art, and catwalk shows and models are becoming more abstract and artistic to reflect the boldness of high fashion. I recently looked at both Parisian Vogue and British Vogue to investigate their similarities and differences: the quirkiness of designers such as Burberry and Vivienne Westwood contrasts with the understated elegance of Lanvin and Chanel, but both represent ideals of beauty and glamour. In the course of my research, I have also noticed the lack of beautiful yet supportive footwear available. I would like to try and create a range of footwear that offers similar support to a running shoe, yet in a design that is more fashionable and wearable; this would be a project I could pursue with the skills gained from my course, and would be a great outlet for my ideas.

I have found working backstage on several school productions has helped develop my artistic side, as I have assisted with costumes, set and hair & make up. Theatrical makeup and hair is dramatic and bold, and appeals to my love of fashion as art: I would be very interested in gaining further work experience in the costume department of a theatre. I also feel this has made me a more effective team player, as I worked closely with both the backstage crew and performers; a successful project completed as part of a team always feels more rewarding than one completed on your own. This has been apparent in the course of my four years on the school Athletics team, during which I achieved Commitment, Half-colour, and Outstanding awards, as well as team accolades. I also learned the importance of commitment and pushing myself to succeed; I was scouted for Harrow Athletics Club for shot-putt and discus, and participated in the team for several events prior to an unfortunate knee injury which caused me to withdraw. I turned this situation into a positive, however, by going on to mentor young athletes during lunch hours and after school – a rewarding role which allowed me to inspire others with my passion. I also really enjoy practising my sewing in my spare time and have studied various fashion and textiles books, ranging from fashion drawing to sewing techniques.

I undertook work experience at a local theatre last year where I gained an understanding of the many roles involved in running a theatre; I really enjoyed learning different new skills, as well as interacting with members of the public and overcoming challenges. Although I am the first person in my family to apply to university, I feel it would be the ideal place for me to grow as a person, while developing the necessary skills to succeed in an industry I am passionate about.

Fashion Personal Statemen

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  • Fashion personal statements

Personal Statement - Fashion Management

Fashion buying/management personal statement.

Fashion gives me the confidence to live my life to its full potential. This is because fashion helps describe you as a person, everyone has their own interpretation of fashion, and becoming a fashion buyer would not only be a dream job, it would be an exhilarating journey. I would love to travel the world and view amazing collections, or just to meet other people as passionate about the industry as I am. My favorite designers currently are Kim Jones, topman design and Paul Smith, who I admire deeply and all make spectacular menswear collections, I admire them because they are young fresh and are the future of men’s fashion.

After some illness during my school years, I stayed on for a year in sixth form to complete more GCSE’s and now I am at college which I adore. I have learnt a lot about the fashion business at college such as finance and marketing, aswell at leadership styles. I was also taught about and how people use fashion as communication and stereotypes formed from how we dress. Through studying at college I gained more self motivation and independence which ill need at university.

I have had over 2 years of work experience in retail fashion by working part time at Sports World where I have been employed since 2005.Working there I have gained management, organizational and social skills which are all beneficial to the world of fashion and management. I know how to operate in all the different areas of the business including delivery, customer service and merchandising, which I think would be useful in a fashion management/buying degree because I will have some previous hands on experience.

Millennium volunteers club is a volunteer agency for young people which I am proudly part of. My volunteer life started at Age concern when I was 15, where i learnt a lot about fashion and merchandising as management left me charge to choose which of the donated clothes were suitable for the shop floor, this placement for 3 months. I also volunteered for MENCAP daybreak scheme which is a summer placement helping disabled children undertake fun activities during the school holidays, here I learnt a lot about teamwork and management during this time, finally I was a classroom assistant at ********* primary school. This shows a more socially aware and caring side to me.

The business side of fashion is where I want to be involved, so fashion management and buying is the route I want to pursue. I currently am completing a piece of business A2 coursework where I am opening my own retail fashion shop which I am very excited about. My hobbies and interests outside of work and college are music sociology, dance, formula 1 and athletics. In the past I have been members of ******* football club and ******** swimming and Athletics teams.

I think I would be very suitable for a place on your course because I’m hard working, dedicated and I think I would be able to cope with university life. I am always buying fashion magazines, watching fashion TV or just shopping and buying clothes in general in my spare time. I realise fashion buying is about staying ahead of the game and having great organization skills which I believe I have. I feel I have the flair to really achieve my full potential at university.

Universities applied to:

  • Bournemouth - Offer and now studying there.

Grades achieved:

  • Business Studies (A)
  • Sociology (A)
  • Communication Studies (A)
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fashion textiles personal statement

Fashion, textiles, and jewellery

What's on this page, study options.

  • Subjects it's useful to have studied first

Careers: Where it can take you

Getting in: entry requirements, other subjects you may be interested in, considering an apprenticeship, explore further, application advice.

If you study fashion, textiles, and jewellery, you’ll unveil a world where creativity becomes a tangible expression. Students delve into the art of crafting garments, exploring the intricate weave of textiles, and mastering the skill of transforming raw materials into stunning jewellery. It’s a subject that not only hones technical skills but also builds an understanding of design aesthetics, cultural influences, and sustainable practices.

Beyond the studio, a degree in fashion, textiles, and jewellery can lead to many different and exciting careers. Graduates may find themselves as fashion designers, textile artists, jewellery designers, or even in careers such as trend analysts, merchandisers, or sustainable fashion advocates. The industry's ever-evolving nature ensures that creativity knows no bounds, inviting you to shape the future of style, one stitch, fabric, or jewel at a time.

  • Contribute to cultural expression and preservation, where you could find yourself dressing celebrities or designing jewellery for high street brands.
  • Have an impact on the industry's shift toward responsible and environmentally conscious fashion.
  • Be part of the evolution of fashion technology.
  • Computer-aided design (CAD)
  • Fashion drawing
  • Fashion illustration
  • Design development
  • Textile processes
  • Jewellery fabrication
  • Finishing techniques

Options to study in this field include:

  • fashion and textiles undergraduate courses
  • jewellery undergraduate courses
  • apprenticeships

Start your search now

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Your place to discover your options and research your future.

Subjects it's useful to have studied first

Some fashion, textiles and jewellery courses or apprenticeships will have requirements for previous qualifications in certain subjects. Entry requirements vary, so always check with the provider.

  • Visual communication through sketches and illustrations
  • Understanding of fabric types, structures, and properties
  • Shaping, soldering, and finishing metal components
  • Skills to interpret and anticipate fashion trends
  • Creativity to think outside the box
  • Refined time management skills
  • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Customer service

Career options

Product, clothing and related designers


Tailors and dressmakers  


What is a…. tech-infused fashion designer.

Find out more about what you'll need to study fashion, textiles and jewellery at university or as an apprentice.

Average requirements for undergraduate degrees

Entry requirements differ between university and course, but this should give you a guide to what is usually expected from fashion, textiles and jewellery applicants.

Graphic design

Product design

Where to apply

Apply to university and apprenticeships, find out more, let's talk about... creative and design apprenticeships, netflix – next in fashion, do you have a favourite stylist or jewellery designer, subscribe to fashion magazines.

  • Do you love playing with fabrics and making your own clothes?
  • Have you got a blog or social media presence dedicated to your passion for fashion, textiles and jewellery? How do you use these platforms to showcase your style?
  • Can you talk about how research has informed your design choices and contributed to your overall understanding of the fashion, textiles, and jewellery landscape?
  • Mention any experiences related to exploring different textiles and materials. This could involve experimenting with fabric manipulation techniques, dyeing fabrics or creating textile samples.
  • If you've attended or participated in fashion events, runway shows or exhibitions, share your insights and observations. How have these experiences influenced your understanding of current trends and the nature of the fashion industry?

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Explore courses

The Northern School of Art

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Hartlepool · 23/09/2024

Tariff points: 96/112

Coleg Sir Gar

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Carmarthen · 09/2024

Tariff points: N/A

Coventry University

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Coventry · 09/2024

Tariff points: 112/112

London College of Contemporary Arts

BA (Hons) · 4 Years · Full-time including foundation year · London · 10/2024

Tariff points: 64/64

Staffordshire University

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Stoke-on-Trent · 09/2024

Tariff points: 112/120

Arts University Bournemouth

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Poole · 30/09/2024

University for the Creative Arts

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Epsom · 16/09/2024

Tariff points: 32/168

Fashion and Textiles

MidKent College (Inc Medway School of Arts)

FdA · 2 Years · Full-time · Chatham · 09/2024

Norwich University of the Arts

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Norwich · 16/09/2024

Tariff points: 104/120

Nottingham College

FdA · 2 Years · Full-time · Nottingham · 23/09/2024

Tariff points: 48/48

Fashion and Textiles with Foundation Year

Buckinghamshire New University

BA (Hons) · 4 Years · Full-time · High Wycombe · 30/09/2024

Tariff points: 32/56

Northumbria University, Newcastle

BA (Hons) · 4 Years · Sandwich · Newcastle upon Tyne · 23/09/2024

Ravensbourne University London

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · London · 16/09/2024

Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts

BA (Hons) · 3 Years · Full-time · Cambridge · 16/09/2024

The University of Edinburgh

BA (Hons) · 4 Years · Full-time · Edinburgh · 09/2024

Heriot-Watt University

BA (Hons) · 4 Years · Full-time · Galashiels · 09/09/2024

University of Huddersfield

MA · 1 Year · Full-time · Huddersfield · 06/01/2025

Nottingham Trent University

MA · 1 Year · Full-time · Nottingham · 09/2024

Fashion & Textiles

University of Suffolk

FdA · 2 Years · Full-time · Great Yarmouth · 09/2024

Tariff points: 80/80

Teesside University, Middlesbrough

BA (Hons) · 4 Years · Sandwich · Middlesbrough · 16/09/2024

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Ascot best dressed guests

The 50 best dressed guests at Royal Ascot 2024

Race day fashion is in full swing….

Natalie Salmon

Sign up to HELLO! Fashion for style tips, cultural insights, must-have items, and more

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Royal Ascot is an event synonymous with elegance, grace, and timeless fashion. Typically, it plays host to a multitude of impeccably dressed guests who epitomise sartorial race day splendour.

Ascot fashion evolves constantly, with more women opting to wear suits and being encouraged to experiment with pre-loved clothing.  Floral patterns and delicate lacework are popular choices year on year.

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This year, Royal Ascot unveiled its first-ever 'Fashion Bible,' curated by celebrated British fashion designer Daniel Fletcher. "This lookbook is a first in the world-renowned event's history and will project the event into a whole new realm of stylistic identity," explains Hello! Fashion’s Orion Scott, "The idea behind the book is to give attendees an inspirational fashion guideline that's appropriate for all Ascot enclosures."

Fletcher, the first creative director in the event's 300 year history, aims to welcome bold new looks, inventive sourcing, and a more conscious approach to dressing at the famed annual event.

MORE: The 15 most stylish Royal Ascot hats of all time

RELATED:  25 vintage Royal Ascot photos to inspire your race day style

As the world renowned racecourse comes alive with the thundering hooves and excited cheers from Ascot 2024, it was the guests' impeccable attire that truly captured our attention. Race enthusiasts, from Betty Bachz, Charlotte Hawkins to Louise Roe, seemed to embrace a blend of tradition and contemporary flair. 

We loved Betty Bachz's charming Anya Hindmarch Baileys bag on the second of Royal Ascot 2024

While adhering to the event's dress code, they managed to express their personal style through subtle details and statement pieces. Scroll on to discover whose ensembles captured our hearts, and earn our outfit inspo screen shots…

MORE: Gorgeous race-day hairstyles you can style under a fascinator or hat

RELATED:  The 7 best designer hat brands for weddings and races in 2024

The best dressed guests at Royal Ascot 2024:

Demi Brereton

Demi Brereton

Demi Brereton turned heads in a sleek, form-fitting tan dress that boasted a high collar and short sleeves. Her playful matching tan hat and nude heels completed the monochromatic look.

Kelly Eastwood

Kelly Eastwood

Kelly Eastwood rocked a fabulous retro brown polka dot suit, the tailored jacket and wide-legged pants were a perfect match, exuding playful sophistication. She paired the look with a stylish wide-brimmed hat and  vintage glam oval sunglasses. Her light blue handbag and platform sandals completed the look, giving off a vibe that was effortlessly cool.

Sienna King

Sienna King

Actress and model Sienna King wowed in a sophisticated ensemble featuring a satin yellow Huishan Zhang blazer with intricate embroidery and sleek black trousers. Her cream-colored fascinator and matching loafers brought a touch of cool-girl edge, making a strong style statement.

Kavita Mehta

Kavita Mehta

Kavita Mehta stunned in a structured dress, paired with a matching bolero, which highlighted her poised silhouette. Her fascinator with delicate feathers and metallic silver Marina Raphaele brought a touch of modern glamour to the racetrack. 

Eleanor Berks

Eleanor Berks

Eleanor Berks graced Ascot in a white lace dress that exuded vintage race day vibes. The demure long sleeves and high neckline added elegance, while her wide-brimmed hat and lace-up espadrilles perfectly complemented the look. A modern-day Jane Austen heroine, come to life.

Laura-Ann Barr

Laura-Ann Barr

Little Buds founder Laura-Ann Barr  brightened up the racecourse in a vibrant pink dress with dramatic cape sleeves. The form-fitting silhouette was bold while her matching pink fascinator with rose accents added a romantic touch. Carrying a bright pink clutch, she brought a pop of Barbiecore joy to the event.

Jenny Walser

Jenny Walser

Actress Jenny Walser commanded attention in a striking red dress that was both elegant and daring. The asymmetrical neckline and ruched detailing accentuated her figure, while the large white floral fascinator and pointed white heels added a bold contrast.

Lydia Millen

Lydia Millen

Lydia Millen enchanted the Royal Enclosure in a powder blue dress that was straight out of a fairytale. The dress featured delicate bow straps and a full, pleated skirt that swayed with every step. Her oversized matching hat and gloves added a vintage charm. Paired with a petite white Hermès handbag and blue heels, she looked like a modern-day Cinderella.

Francesca Cumani

Francesca Cumani

Racing presenter Francesca Cumani flaunted a vintage-inspired ensemble featuring a lacy beige top, complete with a peter pan collar and a voluminous black skirt. Her unique wide-brimmed straw hat and black heels added an elegant, yet playful touch. The intricate lacework and classic colour combination made her look like she stepped out of a 1940s fashion magazine.

Peony Lim

Peony Lim stunned in a chic monochrome outfit that screamed modern elegance. The tailored bouclé jacket, paired with a tiered navy tulle skirt, was a match made in fashion heaven. Her wide-brimmed boater hat and pointed white heels added a contemporary edge.

Flora Macdonald Johnston attends the 5th day of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 22, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Kirstin Sinclair/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Flora Macdonald Johnston

On day five Flora wore a buttery yellow midaxi dress with ruffled detailing. Black accessories complemented her summer-fuelled look.

A guest attends the 5th day of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 22, 2024 in Ascot, England.  (Photo by Kirstin Sinclair/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

A guest was the epitome of elegance in a black asymmetrical dress layered with a white cape. Gold heels, a Lady Dior handbag and a white headpiece finished off her sophisticated look.

Freddy Cousin-Brown attends the 5th day of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 22, 2024 in Ascot, England.  (Photo by Kirstin Sinclair/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Freddy Cousin-Brown

Freddy oozed 60s chic in a high-neck white midi dress paired with lace gloves, a chunky headband and beige accessories.

Lisa Tan attends the 4th day of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 21, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Kirstin Sinclair/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Milliner Lisa was the epitome of summer in a maxi dress with chartreuse and black dots. 

Mrs Hanbury

Mrs Hanbury

Mrs Hanbury perfected berry tones in a blackcurrent-hued shirt dress paired with fuschia accessories.

Princess Beatrice

Princess Beatrice

Princess Beatrice stunned in a multi-toned green midi dress by Emilia Wickstead, which she paired with nude court heels, a satin clutch bag and a matching headpiece.

Kendra Leaver-Rylah

Kendra Leaver-Rylah

Kendra wore a multi-toned lace dress with a tiered skirt. 

Lady Frederick Windsor

Lady Frederick Windsor

Sophie Winkleman looked radiant in a blue coat dress with a white collar, white peep toe mules and a feathered-style hat.

Hana Cross attends day 3 of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 20, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

The content creator and former Hello! Fashion cover girl was the epitome of chic in a white top with gigot sleeves paired with a matching midaxi skirt. A black headpiece and silver bag finished off her elegant look.

Wilnelia, Lady Forsyth-Johnson arrives on day three of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse, Berkshire. Picture date: Thursday June 20, 2024. (Photo by Jonathan Brady/PA Images via Getty Images)

Wilnelia, Lady Forsyth-Johnson

Wilnelia opted for a square-neck fitted chartreuse midi dress, complete with a padded shoulder bag, metallic heels and a neutral colour hat featuring a statement green rose.

Laura Atkinson attends the 3rd day of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 20, 2024 in Ascot, England.  (Photo by Kirstin Sinclair/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Laura Atkinson

Laura wore a black waistcoat, white pleated midi skirt and black accessories.

Oliver Proudlock and Emma Lou Proudlock attend day 3 of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 20, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Oliver Proudlock and Emma Lou Proudlock

Oliver and Emma perfected couples styling in complementary outfits. Emma opted for a navy and white dress with a sweet peter pan collar and a navy hat with a statement white bow. Oliver complemented her look with a navy and white pinstripe waistcoat.

Leonora Smee on day three of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse, Berkshire. Picture date: Thursday June 20, 2024. (Photo by John Walton/PA Images via Getty Images)

Leonora Smee

Leonora oozed bridal chic in an all-white look. She wore an LK Bennett dress, a wide-brimmed hat from Vivien Sherif, jewellery from Boodles, a Jimmy Choo bag and Manolo Blahnik shoes.

Tatiana Korsakova attends Ladies Day at Royal Ascot on June 20, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/WireImage)

Tatiana Korsakova

The actress oozed classic glamour in a fit and flare style baby blue dress, which she paired with a matching headpiece, white court heels, white gloves and a pearl bag.

Mrs Renucci

Mrs Renucci

The wife of charismatic polo player Garrie Renucci rocked a sunny yellow dress with playful black cherry prints and charming puff sleeves. She dazzled with a black ruffled neckline and a fabulous fascinator bursting with feathers and a netted veil. Her chic black Chanel bag and glitzy gold jewellery added the perfect finishing touches, making her look a fashionista's Ascot dream come true.

Zara Tindall wowed in pink florals

Zara Tindall

Zara, who has been working with stylist Annie Miall, wowed in Anna Mason's ‘Angelika’ dress in garance print boasting fun puff sleeves and a cinched waist. She added a blush percher from Juliette Millinery for extra flair. The equestrian's Anya Hindmarch 'Maud' tassel clutch in gold and Emmy London 'Rebecca' suede pumps were the icing on the cake.

Louise Roe

Royal Ascot regular Louise Roe wore wore a vibrant pink sleeveless suit set with a tie waist. She topped off her look with a whimsical wide-brimmed white hat, decked out in pink flowers and leafy greens. A sleek white clutch and sparkly gold cuff made her ensemble pop, turning heads and spreading smiles all around at the H Fashion office.

Caroline Sieber

Caroline Sieber

Fashion icon and Chanel muse Caroline Sieber wore a short, buttoned-up Chanel dress made from a colourful tweed fabric. It featured bell sleeves and peter pan collar she paired it with a white boater hat and grey heels, exuding a chic and polished look.

Lady Amelia Spencer attends day 2 of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 19, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Lady Amelia Spencer

Lady Amelia Spencer wore a navy blue, long-sleeved polka dot dress featuring a white collar and delicate white buttons. She complemented the look with a white wide-brimmed hat, cream-coloured handbag, and wedge heels with lace-up straps.

Princess Beatrice wore her aunt's dress

Princess Beatrice wore Zimmermann's 'Matchmaker' light pink, floral-printed dress boasting long sleeves and a flared skirt. She accessorised with Juliette Millinery's silk blossom headband adorned with flowers, and Roger Vivier's Flower Strass Buckle clutch and matching pumps in pink satin, creating a soft, romantic ensemble.

Amber Le Bon attends day 2 of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 19, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Amber Le Bon

Model Amber Le Bon wore a double-breasted white blazer with gold buttons, paired with a sleek satin midi dress. She accessorised with a white veiled boater hat featuring netting and a matching clutch, completing the elegant monochromatic look.

Princess Eugenie

Princess Eugenie

Princess Eugenie wore the fitted, ribbed white Gabriela Hearst ‘Amor’ dress in Ivory Cashmere Silk. She accessorised with an Emily London pink boater featuring a decorative bow, and Anya Hindmarch's ‘Maud’ tassel clutch adding a touch of casual elegance.

Nana Acheampong attends the 2nd day of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 19, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Kirstin Sinclair/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Nana Acheampong

Stylist Nana Acheampong wore a striking white suit with a structured blazer and wide-leg trousers. She paired the outfit with a vibrant green wide-brimmed hat and a small green Aspinal handbag, adding a pop of colour.

Morgan Riddle attends day 2 of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 19, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Morgan Riddle

Tennis WAG Morgan Riddle wore a pastel pink, sleeveless midi dress with a fitted bodice and flared skirt. She accessorised with a white wide-brimmed hat, white Louis Vuitton handbag, and matching heels, creating a feminine look.

Carole and Michael reunited with their son-in-law Prince William

Carole Middleton

Carole wore a blue chiffon dress with floral print from Self Portrait, featuring a pussy-bow neckline and long sleeves. She complemented the outfit with a blue headpiece and Kate Spade's Alpine satchel bag in navy blue, the look was refined and classic without being matronly. 10/10.

Alexandra Elderfield attends the 2nd day of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 19, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Kirstin Sinclair/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Alexandra Elderfield

Alexandra Elderfield wore a light blue, floral-patterned dress with puffed sleeves and a tiered skirt. She included a matching blue fascinator and a small white handbag.

Betty Bachz attends day 2 of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 19, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse)

Betty Bachz

Betty wore a fitted satin maroon suit with a belted waist and deep V neckline. She accessorised with a large black hat, chic sunglasses, and a Anya Hindmarch handbag.

Elizabeth Hurley during day two of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse, Berkshire. Picture date: Wednesday June 19, 2024.

  • Elizabeth Hurley

The actress and model opted for a white embroidered lace midi dress from Monique Lhuillier. The dress epitomised summer glamour with a jewel neckline and floral embroidery across the body. Powder pink croc-print court heels and a matching hued embellished bag completed her look.

Laura-Ann Barr

Laura-Ann oozed summer elegance in a lavender dress by The Pretty Dress Company. She paired it with a flower crown by  Arturo Rios and a violet top handle bag from Launer London.

Rosie Tapner attends day two of Royal Ascot 2024 at Ascot Racecourse on June 19, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Rosie Tapner

So simple and so elegant. Rosie opted for a chic three-piece white suit on Day Two, paired with a matching wide-brimmed headpiece. 

Hannah Jenkins

Hannah Jenkins

Hannah Jenkins opted for a wide-leg trouser and a single-breasted suit set. Pops of fuchsia pink in the form of a hat and chunky platform shoes add some fun and colour into her look. A chic Dior saddle was her handbag of choice.

Charlotte Hopkins during day two of Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse, Berkshire. Picture date: Wednesday June 19, 2024. (Photo by Jonathan Brady/PA Images via Getty Images)

Charlotte Hawkins

Charlotte gave 60s elegance a contemporary twist in a fit-and-flare cream dress with statement black polka dots. A pair of mesh black court heels and a summery cream hat finished off her look.

Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Eugenie

On Day One of the races, Princess Eugenie was the epitome of summer in a mint green mini dress from Diane Von Furstenberg. Cream/beige pieces were her accessories of choice, keeping the whole look light and elegant. She opted for an Anya Hindmarch clutch, suede Aquazzura pumps, a wide-brimmed hat from Emily London and diamond drop earrings that her husband Jack gifted her to wear at their wedding.

Charles Wellesley 9th Duke of Wellington and Lady Gabriella Kingston attend day one of Royal Ascot 2024

Lady Gabriella Kingston

Gabriella wowed everyone at Ascot in her whimsical, flowing floral dress that seemed to capture the essence of a blooming British garden. Her peach hat added a delightful pop of colour, perfectly complementing her classic look.

Nana Acheampong

Stylist Nana Acheampong stole the spotlight in a dramatic black dress adorned with cascading ruffles. Her statement hat, with its fabulous feathered design, added an extra touch of glamour. To complete her ensemble, she carried a chic orange handbag, providing a bold contrast, and wore striking canary yellow heels that made her outfit pop.

Charlotte Hawkins attends day one of Royal Ascot 2024 at Ascot Racecourse on June 18, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images)

A vision in red, TV presenter Charlotte Hawkins ' striking ensemble featured a sophisticated midi dress with an elegant bow detail at the neckline. Her dramatic red fascinator, adorned with roses and delicate netting, added a regal touch. Matching red shoes and simple jewellery completed the look, exuding timeless elegance.

Louise Roe attends day one of Royal Ascot 2024 at Ascot Racecourse on June 18, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Fashion journalist Louise Roe's playful outfit featured a pink floral dress with puffed sleeves and a flowing silhouette, perfect for a summer day at Ascot. Her standout accessory was a vibrant red fascinator adorned with roses (clearly a 2024 trend) adding a touch of drama. Complemented by pink sandals and a matching handbag, her look was fun and feminine.

Anouska Lancaster

Anouska Lancaster

Radiating glamour, interior designer Anouska Lancaster's sparkling pink sequinned dress caught every glimmer of sunlight. She paired her dress with an extravagant floral headpiece, overflowing with pink blooms. To complete the outfit she donned pink shoes and a  fringed handbag, making this ensemble a true showstopper.

Fiona Andrew attends day one of Royal Ascot 2024 at Ascot Racecourse on June 18, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Fiona Andrew

Fiona's ensemble exuded 'My Fair Lady' charm with a white, ruffled maxi dress featuring delicate sheer sleeves and a stylish high neck. Her striking electric blue hat, adorned with netting, added a bold pop of colour. Coordinating accessories, including a chic handbag and court shoes, completed the look.

Zara Tindall and Mike Tindall attend day one of Royal Ascot 2024 at Ascot Racecourse on June 18, 2024 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images)

Zara turned heads in a sunny yellow dress with fabulous puffed sheer sleeves. Her wide-brimmed boater hat was the perfect accessory to her dopamine-inducing ensemble. 

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Fashion marketing personal statement example 6.

The global fashion industry is ever-changing and developing; its unpredictable and innovative nature excites me. I agree that what goes on behind the scenes of creating a product is just as important as the item produced, which is why fashion marketing and buying appeals to me so much. The last few years have changed the retail environment massively, sustainable fashion is something that I think is a very important cause. The ideals behind the 'Conscious' range at H&M is something I strongly believe in, retailers should strive to achieve this across all lines.

I have been lucky enough to travel to various countries around the world and visiting these places has allowed me to experience just how vast the fashion industry is. Fashion can shape a culture and give a person their own identity. Regions around the globe form part of the history and identity of that place. For example, the Balinese Temple Dress originating from Indonesia, these dresses showcase fabrics and weaves unique to Indonesia in an elegant and elaborate way. Fashion should incorporate elements of cultures from everywhere so as to appeal to everyone. Through research that I've done into various cultures I think that there are some amazing cultural outfits that should be more widely shared.

At school, I feel that my A-levels have helped me to develop my analytical and research skills. Psychology has allowed me to look further into the way people think and why they act in certain ways. I believe this could assist me when doing market research into fashion trends and forecasts. It has also assisted me with problem solving. English has provided me with a greater understanding of different media types within the Language element of the course. Through various topics in History and English I have expanded my fascination with trends that have previously been in fashion, for example 1960s fashion in Britain and also 1920s fashion in America and the time of the 'flapper' shown in 'The Great Gatsby' by F.Scott Fitzgerald. The transferable skills I have learnt from studying for my A-levels have improved my extended writing skills and prepared me for life at university.

My part time job at Mothercare has enabled me to learn the basics of retail and has also helped focus my understanding of merchandising and how a customer can be influenced. My role involves developing relationships with customers in order for them to receive the best service possible and to further promote the brand and products. The briefing staff receive each day includes statistics and sales figures and has aided my understanding of the retail environment. I am often responsible for dressing mannequins to inspire customers, something I love doing as it lets me express my creativity.

The task for my GCSE Textiles coursework involved researching, designing and creating a product inspired by the stimulus 'All Things British'. I thoroughly enjoyed this project, especially the research behind it. The project incorporated elements of marketing, branding and merchandising. It inspired me to further my knowledge of the textiles industry and was the main indication for me that working in fashion was what I would love to do as a career.

During my time at school, I have taken up various roles. I have organised multiple assemblies and this involved working as a team and organising a large group of people ensuring everything was completed by the deadline and to an excellent standard, improving my time management and leadership skills. I have been playing the piano for 12 years and have achieved my Grade 5 practical and theory Exams. Having been a part of my local swimming club for many years has improved the way I motivate myself and I have had to overcome various hurdles, especially when training for galas.

Studying fashion in depth at university will allow me to express my creativity but also to think critically and develop skills, helping me find the career path suitable for me.

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There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous.

Author's Comments

Courses applied to- University of Southampton: Fashion Marketing with Management BBB (conditional offer) Nottingham Trent University: Fashion Management BBB (conditional offer) De Montfort University: Fashion Buying with Merchandising BBC (unconditional offer) Manchester Metropolitan University: Fashion Buying and Merchandising BBC (conditional offer) Solent University: Fashion Buying and Merchandising CCC (unconditional offer)

Predicted Grades: Psychology: A History: B English Lang/Lit: B

This personal statement is unrated

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