
Essay on Environment and Development

Students are often asked to write an essay on Environment and Development in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Environment and Development


Environment and development are two intertwined aspects of life. The environment provides us with resources for development, while development impacts the environment.

The Environment’s Role

The environment is our life source, offering air, water, food, and shelter. It’s a natural resource bank for human development.

Development’s Role

Development refers to the progress and growth of society. It uses resources from the environment, leading to advancements in various fields.

The Balance

Balancing environment and development is crucial. Overusing resources can harm the environment, while lack of development can hinder societal progress.

In conclusion, we must strive for sustainable development to ensure a healthy environment and continued progress.

250 Words Essay on Environment and Development

The relationship between environment and development is complex and multifaceted. Development often comes at the cost of the environment, but it is increasingly understood that sustainable development is impossible without considering environmental factors.

Development and Environmental Degradation

Historically, development has been synonymous with industrialization, leading to environmental degradation. Exploitation of natural resources, deforestation, and pollution have been the unfortunate byproducts of progress. This unsustainable trajectory has resulted in climate change, biodiversity loss, and other environmental crises.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a concept that reconciles development with environmental preservation. It advocates for meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This approach requires innovative thinking, technological advancements, and a shift in societal values.

Role of Technology

Technology plays a crucial role in sustainable development. Renewable energy technologies, green infrastructure, and resource-efficient practices can significantly reduce the environmental impact of development. However, the adoption of these technologies requires political will and societal acceptance.

In conclusion, while development has historically been detrimental to the environment, a shift towards sustainable development is necessary for the future of our planet. This shift requires a reevaluation of our values, increased technological innovation, and a commitment to preserving the environment for future generations. The relationship between environment and development is not a zero-sum game; both can coexist harmoniously if we make the right choices.

500 Words Essay on Environment and Development

The environment and development are two interconnected spheres of human life. The environment, comprising of natural resources, is the foundation upon which human civilization thrives, while development signifies the progress and growth of society. The intricate relationship between these two elements is a subject of paramount importance in the contemporary world.

The Interplay of Environment and Development

Development, in its traditional sense, is often equated to economic growth. This growth, however, is largely dependent on the exploitation of natural resources. Industries extract minerals, forests are cleared for agriculture, and rivers are dammed for electricity. Such actions, while boosting the economy, often lead to environmental degradation. The loss of biodiversity, pollution, and climate change are some consequences of this unsustainable development.

Simultaneously, the environment is not just a passive recipient of these impacts. It plays a vital role in shaping the course of development. For instance, regions with rich biodiversity often attract tourism, contributing to local economies. On the contrary, areas prone to natural disasters often face developmental challenges.

Sustainable Development: A Solution

The concept of sustainable development emerged as a solution to the conflict between environment and development. It promotes a development strategy that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This approach advocates for the integration of environmental considerations into economic and social development plans.

Sustainable development calls for a shift from the traditional, linear economic model of ‘take-make-waste’ to a more circular ‘reduce-reuse-recycle’ model. It also emphasizes the need for renewable energy sources, sustainable agriculture, and green technologies.

Challenges and Opportunities

Implementing sustainable development, however, is not without challenges. It requires significant changes in policies, practices, and individual behaviors. The transition to renewable energy, for instance, is often hindered by economic and technological constraints. Similarly, sustainable agriculture practices may initially yield lower outputs, making them less attractive to farmers.

Despite these challenges, sustainable development presents numerous opportunities. It can lead to the creation of new industries and jobs in sectors like renewable energy, waste management, and eco-tourism. It can also improve public health by reducing pollution and promoting healthier lifestyles.

In conclusion, the relationship between the environment and development is complex and multifaceted. While development often leads to environmental degradation, a healthy environment is vital for sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development offers a balanced approach, integrating environmental, economic, and social considerations. Though it presents challenges, it also provides opportunities for a more sustainable and inclusive future. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us, as stewards of the planet, to promote and implement sustainable development practices for the betterment of both our environment and society.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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essay about environmental development

Environment vs. Development Essay: Tips & Topics [2024]

Environment vs. development is a multifaceted present days’ dilemma. On the one hand, environmental problems are increasing year after year. We have more polluted areas on our planet, more polluted rivers, fewer trees that produce oxygen. On the other hand, can we stop development and progress in various fields?

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Is there some solution to the dilemma? You will have to discuss this in your environment and development essay.

In the article, you’ll find the following:

  • The arguments that can help you to build a comprehensive discussion.
  • Tips on writing your environment vs. development essay.
  • Topics to nail your paper with successful examples.

Our writers gathered the ideas and recommendations for you to excel at your assignment. So, consider these tips for writing effective essays on environment vs. development.

  • 📌 6 Arguments
  • ✔️ Research
  • ✔️ Take a Stand
  • ✔️ Express Your Opinion
  • ✨ 41 Essay Topics

📌 6 Arguments Environment vs. Development Essay

In this section, we will present several arguments for essays on environment and development topics. These arguments might serve as a great help for writing your essay.

  • Taking care of poverty worldwide is a more critical issue than taking care of natural resources . Natural resources are renewable. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the people in need. However, humans already wasted enough natural resources, so wasting more will put the Earth at risk.
  • Economic growth is needed to meet the basic needs of the growing population in developing countries . In case developing countries do not industrialize, the government has to put restrictions on population growth. Yet, population growth is one of the main reasons for environmental issues.
  • Industrialization might not put much pressure on the environment. Scientific progress can have less harmful effects on Earth. Yet, some historical accidents show that rapid industrialization might create an actual natural disaster.
  • Developing countries should not tell poorer countries to engage in conservation. Developing countries should not tell poorer countries to make conservation their priority, as it will be hypocritical from their side. However, more developed countries should look after more fragile countries.
  • “ Green Revolution” helped double the amount of harvest . A more considerable amount of crop helps feed a growing population. However, the modified seeds might eventually replace the native sources.
  • Green issues hold back developing countries . They are perceived as interference in the affairs of developing countries. However, it is an economic process that will help many people.

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📍 3 Tips for Environment vs. Development Essay

After reviewing the arguments for your essay, you can start writing. But still, we suggest that you first read our tips. They will help you balance your ideas and thoughtfully put them into the essay.

✔️ Tip 1: Research

Start with collecting information about environmental issues and the opinions of environmentalists. Find out the essential parts of the discussion:

  • What, from their point of view, are the biggest threats to the environment these days?
  • What are their suggestions as to the solutions to environmental problems?

Make necessary notes with arguments to use in your paper. As you’re writing academic work, you have to cite your sources. So, pick the most credible books or articles on the matter to reference in your essay on environment vs. development.

Another vital thing is:

Find out what citation style is required in your institution or by your instructor. You have to follow its guidelines to reference correctly, so examine MLA, APA, or Chicago guides.

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✔️ Tip 2: Take a Stand

Since you are dealing with kind of a controversial issue, you have to examine both sides of the debate. It seems to be logical to write a persuasive or an argumentative essay on environment vs. development with good argumentation.

You have two options regarding your position:

  • Taking a neutral approach, revealing the arguments of both sides without a stance.
  • Arguing in favor of one position, maybe even providing a solution.

The best way for you is to investigate all the data and take a stand that feels more sound for you. Then, you should do the following:

  • Introduce a specific position on the problem. The first part of an argumentative essay is to pick a side and present an exact position on the topic. It needs to be clear from the thesis statement in the introduction.
  • Collect evidence to support it. Think about the counterargument someone might have to your argument and research both sides. The more you research, the more developed your proof will be.
  • Then, investigate what the opposing side says. What are their arguments in favor of further progress? What do they say about preserving our planet and environment? What solutions do they have?
  • Draft and outline your essay. Organizing your paper ahead will make it easier for you to present the arguments. A clear structure will help you distribute the information concisely and logically.
  • Write with empathy. Three factors make up a strong argument: ethos (ethical reasoning), logos (logical reasoning), and pathos (emotional reasoning). You need to present your point in a logical, concise, non-manipulative, and compelling way.

✔️ Tip 3: Express Your Opinion

In concluding an essay, you have to sum up what you’ve argued and come to a closure. Usually, it’s where writers add their opinion or insight. You can still take a neutral position, seeing no reason to solve everything at once if you do not feel strongly about the topic or have doubts.

Yet, try to think about your personal position on the problem that you have presented. Do you have any ideas on how to solve it? Do you have any suggestions regarding the issue?

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If you have, express them!

Don’t be afraid to draw conclusions from your writing. You should strive to leave an impact on your reader. So any new idea or insight that comes directly from your environment and development essay is welcomed. Check the example below to see how it can be done:

Tips for writing rainforest essays and an essay on environmental issues can also be used for preparing your paper on environment vs. development.

✨41 Topics for an Essay

If you’re struggling to come with a topic for your essay, we have prepared ten options to choose from. Take a look and select the one you like!

  • Water Pollution. Industrialization is necessary for employment opportunities, innovations, and better utilization of resources. However, it is responsible for water pollution, which contaminates marine life and negatively affects health. 
  • Air Pollution . Just like water pollution, air pollution is an inevitable part of the industrialization process. Due to the problem, animals and humans are at risk of developing health issues.
  • Global Warming. It is one of the most significant environmental issues nowadays. However, some people speculate that the whole climate change idea is a political scheme.
  • Eco-friendly movement. The importance of environmental issues is getting more recognition these days. Eco-friendly movement: a helpful way to raise awareness about environmental issues or another mainstream movement?
  • Nature vs. Nurture. When talking about the environment vs. development, it is necessary to discuss the idea of nature and nurture. What plays a bigger role in shaping a human’s character: the influence of heredity or environmental influences?
  • Deforestation . Is it a necessary sacrifice made by people to survive? For instance, the use of fuelwood dominates in rural households. Or is it more dangerous and harmful to the environment than helpful?
  • Sustainable Development Goals . Analyze the list published by the United Nations. Do the goals presented in the list capture the complexity of sustainable development ? Why yes/no?
  • Population Growth. Population growth might have adverse effects on various economic and environmental aspects. However, the rapid growth of the population can increase the labor market. 
  • Carbon Emissions. Greenhouse gases are dangerous. Should there be a tax on carbon emissions? Provide your opinion, and list the carbon tax’s pros and cons. 
  • Transportation . People these days possess more and more cars. Provide your position on whether they should use cars more or not. Support by evidence.
  • Should we ban consumable plastics to save the nature?
  • Compare the climate difference of the 20 th and 21 st century and its impact on the wildlife.
  • Discuss the sources of air pollution and its impact on human health.
  • Relation between environment and development changes in society. 
  • Analyze the relationship between climate change and greenhouse gases emission .
  • Environmental effects of e-waste and proposed solutions.
  • Describe the effect of climate change on tourism .
  • The connection between the environment and development .
  • Examine the role of waste management in the prevention of environmental pollution.
  • Analyze the causes of indoor and outdoor pollution.
  • The central idea of It’s Not My Fault: Global Warming and Individual Moral Obligations by Sinnott-Armstrong.
  • Discuss the role of environmental organizations in reducing fresh water pollution .
  • Analyze the relation between overpopulation and environmental disaster.  
  • How can we reduce climate change?
  • Explain the importance of environmental law and its impact on businesses.  
  • Describe the main aspects of environmental protection and their connection with the global economy.  
  • Explore how environmental problems influence children’s health .
  • Economic development and environmental protection of the Amazon forest.  
  • Rapid increasing in industrialization and globalization and environmental concerns. 
  • The influence of noise level on environmental public health.  
  • Why environmental plastic pollution is one of the most pressing contemporary issues.
  • Discuss the importance of water recycling .
  • Analyze the issue of consumption and production and its impact on the environment.
  • Examine the impact of mining on nature.
  • Reasons to use renewable energy more .
  • Describe the role of Go-Green programs for the environmental protection.
  • Explore the bottled water industry and its impact on the environment.
  • Analyze the pros and cons of environmental activism .
  • Overpopulation is a threat to the environmental wellbeing. 
  • Analyze the effect of microplastics on the marine life.
  • Explain why an indiscriminate deforestation is a global concern that should not be ignored.

For more variety, you can find more topics in other articles .

Thanks for reading! Share the article to help others deal with this essay type.

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Don’t know how to thank you for this post on writing essays on environment vs. development! Now I have lots of ideas for my essay writing! Thanks so much!

Superior tips for those who want to write an A+ essay on environment vs. development! Thanks very much for this very helpful post!

Sustainable Development Essay

500+ words essay on sustainable development.

Sustainable development is a central concept. It is a way of understanding the world and a method for solving global problems. The world population continues to rise rapidly. This increasing population needs basic essential things for their survival such as food, safe water, health care and shelter. This is where the concept of sustainable development comes into play. Sustainable development means meeting the needs of people without compromising the ability of future generations. In this essay on sustainable development, students will understand what sustainable development means and how we can practise sustainable development. Students can also access the list of CBSE essay topics to practise more essays.

What Does Sustainable Development Means?

The term “Sustainable Development” is defined as the development that meets the needs of the present generation without excessive use or abuse of natural resources so that they can be preserved for the next generation. There are three aims of sustainable development; first, the “Economic” which will help to attain balanced growth, second, the “Environment”, to preserve the ecosystem, and third, “Society” which will guarantee equal access to resources to all human beings. The key principle of sustainable development is the integration of environmental, social, and economic concerns into all aspects of decision-making.

Need for Sustainable Development?

There are several challenges that need attention in the arena of economic development and environmental depletion. Hence the idea of sustainable development is essential to address these issues. The need for sustainable development arises to curb or prevent environmental degradation. It will check the overexploitation and wastage of natural resources. It will help in finding alternative sources to regenerate renewable energy resources. It ensures a safer human life and a safer future for the next generation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need to keep sustainable development at the very core of any development strategy. The pandemic has challenged the health infrastructure, adversely impacted livelihoods and exacerbated the inequality in the food and nutritional availability in the country. The immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic enabled the country to focus on sustainable development. In these difficult times, several reform measures have been taken by the Government. The State Governments also responded with several measures to support those affected by the pandemic through various initiatives and reliefs to fight against this pandemic.

How to Practise Sustainable Development?

The concept of sustainable development was born to address the growing and changing environmental challenges that our planet is facing. In order to do this, awareness must be spread among the people with the help of many campaigns and social activities. People can adopt a sustainable lifestyle by taking care of a few things such as switching off the lights when not in use; thus, they save electricity. People must use public transport as it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. They should save water and not waste food. They build a habit of using eco-friendly products. They should minimise waste generation by adapting to the principle of the 4 R’s which stands for refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle.

The concept of sustainable development must be included in the education system so that students get aware of it and start practising a sustainable lifestyle. With the help of empowered youth and local communities, many educational institutions should be opened to educate people about sustainable development. Thus, adapting to a sustainable lifestyle will help to save our Earth for future generations. Moreover, the Government of India has taken a number of initiatives on both mitigation and adaptation strategies with an emphasis on clean and efficient energy systems; resilient urban infrastructure; water conservation & preservation; safe, smart & sustainable green transportation networks; planned afforestation etc. The Government has also supported various sectors such as agriculture, forestry, coastal and low-lying systems and disaster management.

Students must have found this essay on sustainable development useful for practising their essay writing skills. They can get the study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams, at BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions on Sustainable development Essay

Why is sustainable development a hot topic for discussion.

Environment change and constant usage of renewable energy have become a concern for all of us around the globe. Sustainable development must be inculcated in young adults so that they make the Earth a better place.

What will happen if we do not practise sustainable development?

Landfills with waste products will increase and thereby there will be no space and land for humans and other species/organisms to thrive on.

What are the advantages of sustainable development?

Sustainable development helps secure a proper lifestyle for future generations. It reduces various kinds of pollution on Earth and ensures economic growth and development.

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Essay on Environment: Examples & Tips

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  • May 30, 2022

Essay on Environment

In the 21st century, the Environmental crisis is one of the biggest issues. The world has been potentially impacted by the resulting hindrance in the environmental balance, due to the rising in industrialization and urbanization. This led to several natural calamities which creates an everlasting severe impact on the environment for years. To familiarize students with the importance environment, the subject ‘Environmental Studies’ is part of the curriculum in primary, secondary as well as higher school education. To test the knowledge of the students related to Environment, a question related to the topic in the form of essay or article writing is included in the exam. This blog aims to focus on providing details to students on the way, they can draft a well-written essay on Environment.

This Blog Includes:

Overview on environment, tips on writing an effective essay, format (150 words), sample essay on environment, environment essay (100 words), essay on environment (200-250 words), environment essay (300 words), world environment day.

To begin the essay on Environment, students must know what it is all about. Biotic (plants, animals, and microorganisms) and abiotic (non-living physical factors) components in our surroundings fall under the terminology of the environment. Everything that surrounds us is a part of the environment and facilitates our existence on the planet.

Before writing an effective essay on Environment, another thing students need to ensure is to get familiarised with the structure of essay writing. The major tips which students need to keep in mind, while drafting the essay are:

  • Research on the given topic thoroughly : The students must research the topic given in the essay, for example: while drafting an essay on the environment, students must mention the recent events, so to provide the reader with a view into their understanding of this concept.
  • Jot down the important points: When the students research the topic, students must note down the points which need to be included in the essay.
  • Quote down the important examples: Students must quote the important examples in the introductory paragraphs and the subsequent paragraphs as well.
  • Revise the Essay: The student after finishing writing students must revise the content to locate any grammatical errors as well as other mistakes.

Essay on Environment: Format & Samples

Now that you are aware of the key elements of drafting an essay on Environment, take a look at the format of essay writing first:


The student must begin the essay by, detailing an overview of the topic in a very simple way in around 30-40 words. In the introduction of the essay on Environment, the student can make it interesting by recent instances or adding questions.

Body of Content

The content after the introduction can be explained in around 80 words, on a given topic in detail. This part must contain maximum detail in this part of the Essay. For the Environment essay, students can describe ways the environment is hampered and different ways to prevent and protect it.

In the essay on Environment, students can focus on summing the essay in 30-40 words, by writing its aim, types, and purposes briefly. This section must swaddle up all the details which are explained in the body of the content.

Below is a sample of an Essay on Environment to give you an idea of the way to write one:

The natural surroundings that enable life to thrive, nurture, and destroy on our planet called earth are referred to as an environment. The natural environment is vital to the survival of life on Earth, allowing humans, animals, and other living things to thrive and evolve naturally. However, our ecosystem is being harmed as a result of certain wicked and selfish human actions. It is the most essential issue, and everyone should understand how to safeguard our environment and maintain the natural balance on this planet for life to continue to exist.

Nature provides an environment that nourishes life on the planet. The environment encompasses everything humans need to live, including water, air, sunshine, land, plants, animals, forests, and other natural resources. Our surroundings play a critical role in enabling the existence of healthy life on the planet. However, due to man-made technical advancements in the current period, our environment is deteriorating day by day. As a result, environmental contamination has risen to the top of our priority list.

Environmental pollution has a detrimental impact on our everyday lives in a variety of ways, including socially, physically, economically, emotionally, and cognitively. Contamination of the environment causes a variety of ailments that can last a person’s entire life. It is not a problem of a neighborhood or a city; it is a global issue that cannot be handled by a single person’s efforts. It has the potential to end life in a day if it is not appropriately handled. Every ordinary citizen should participate in the government’s environmental protection effort.

Between June 5 and June 16, World Environment Day is commemorated to raise awareness about the environment and to educate people about its importance. On this day, awareness initiatives are held in a variety of locations.

The environment is made up of plants, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, water bodies, fish, humans, trees, microbes, and many other things. Furthermore, they all contribute to the ecosystem.

The physical, social, and cultural environments are the three categories of environments. Besides, various scientists have defined different types and numbers of environments.

1. Do not leave rubbish in public areas. 2. Minimize the use of plastic 3. Items should be reduced, reused, and recycled. 4. Prevent water and soil contamination

Hope the blog has given you an idea of how to write an essay on the Environment. If you are planning to study abroad and want help in writing your essays, then let Leverage Edu be your helping hand. Our experts will assist you in writing an excellent SOP for your study abroad consultant application. 

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Sonal is a creative, enthusiastic writer and editor who has worked extensively for the Study Abroad domain. She splits her time between shooting fun insta reels and learning new tools for content marketing. If she is missing from her desk, you can find her with a group of people cracking silly jokes or petting neighbourhood dogs.

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The Relationship Between the Environment and Development

Environmental issues are some of the most popular topics for global discussion among the policymakers. Different countries face different environmental problems; nevertheless, many believe that a global approach is needed for a balanced solution. In developed countries, the majority of the problems we face today are the result of the industrialization, increased manufacturing, and other human activity. Most of the countries of the world cooperate in order to improve the state of the environment and prevent further damage.

Hite and Seitz (2016) argue, “Development has often harmed the environment, and environmental harm has in turn adversely affected development” (p. 189). For instance, industrialization led to the introduction of large-scale manufacturing, thus increasing the chemical pollution of water and air (Hite & Seitz, 2016). Another technological development, the popularization of cars, led to increased gas emissions, which in turn contributed to the world climate change (Hite and Seitz).

The first conference on the environment was held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972 by the United Nations (Hite & Seitz, 2016). As a result of the conference, the governments of many countries began to cooperate in protecting the environment; developing countries, however, feared that strict anti-pollution laws would halt their technological development, which could contribute to their economies and to the reduction of waste, which was the main source of pollution in these regions (Hite & Seitz, 2016). The conference was held by the United States; one of the outcomes of the conference was the global awareness of the impact of human activity on the environment and the need for collective action (Hite & Seitz, 2016).

The article by Rinkesh (2017) discusses the fifteen major environmental problems that impact the contemporary world, most of which are connected to one another. One of the most significant issues is overpopulation. More and more people are born each minute all over the world. The development of medical sciences, and the increased quality of life, on the other hand, mean that fewer people die from natural causes or lack of access to care. The combination of the two factors leads to overpopulation. The resources of the earth, such as water, fuel, and food, are not sufficient to maintain such a large population, which creates a significant environmental issue (Rinkesh, 2017).

Overpopulation is also linked to another problem, which is the depletion of natural resources, particularly of fossil fuel. This causes a rise in energy prices but also contributes to the climate change: “Fossil fuel consumption results in emission of Greenhouse gases, which is responsible for global warming and climate change” (Rinkesh, 2017, para. 7). Climate change, in turn, results in a rise in temperature, which causes the melting of polar ice, increase in infectious diseases, and severe weather conditions, such as floods (Rinkesh, 2017). Another result of the climate change is the loss of biodiversity. It can also occur due to human activity and leads to the deterioration of ecosystems and the disruption of natural balance, which may have severe consequences on the future life on Earth (Rinkesh, 2017).

Finally, another environmental problem that was brought about by humans is deforestation. Trees consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which helps to combat the adverse effect of air pollution (Rinkesh, 2017). Nevertheless, people cut down an enormous number of trees per year, which means that the forests are depleting rapidly, decreasing their positive effect on the environment and creating another environmental issue.

Overall, it is clear that most environmental issues are tightly connected to one another, as well as to human activity all over the world. In order to decrease the adverse effect of this factor on the environment, it is crucial to create an environmental protection plan that would consider the developmental needs of all the countries, as well as the sources of their contribution to environmental issues.

Hite, K. A., & Seitz, J. L. (2016). Global issues: An introduction (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Rinkesh. (2017). Environmental problems . Conserve Energy Future . Web.

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Environmental Education Essay

Introduction, definition of terms, history of environmental education for sustainable development, why environmental education is indispensable, how institutions can incorporate sustainable development into their agenda, environmental education in australia, recommendations.

Studies indicate that it is necessary to apply perspectives from various disciplines in order to solve environmental problems.

Since all human beings depend on the environment for sustenance, then it makes sense to equip them with the skills needed to make the environment sustainable.

Education unites technology, nature and society in a way that leads to development of society.

A sustainable society is one in which people can satisfy their present needs without impeding the ability of future generations to do the same. Humanity can achieve this objective by using renewable resources and stabilising the world population.

Man can also use energy efficiently so as to leave the biosphere unharmed. The use of technology in environmental management is also a tenable solution. Besides these, stakeholders ought to know how to conserve the biological diversity of their environment.

Sustainability encompasses all the political, economic and social pressures that can either hinder or help individuals to care for their environment.

This phenomenon attempts to promote stewardship as well as custodial responsibilities over the environment.

Environmental education for sustainability refers to a form of education where members of society take up responsibility for producing a sustainable future.

This is an interdisciplinary effort in which people develop an environmental ethic. It also recognises the importance of incorporating different needs in society.

In this school of thought, a person’s worldview cannot be delinked from the way they relate to their environment. It should be noted that this is a holistic view of the environment.

Stakeholders realised a while back that when striving for sustainability, it is not sufficient to focus on the natural environment alone.

People must inculcate political, social and economic issues in matters of the environment that will ensure a holistic approach.

Ideas about interdisciplinary education for a sustainable future started as far back as 1972. Attendants of a United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm asserted that education could foster a sustainable future.

These individuals signed a declaration that called for environmental education from lower school levels to adulthood (UNESCO 2004). They believed that such a move would change people’s opinions about the environment, and hence their ability to protect or improve it.

Five years later, stakeholders signed an international declaration at Tbilisi. They committed themselves to promotion of teaching, training and research on the environment. Vocational and technical education would also be part of this effort (UNESCO 1998).

In the 1990s, a Rio Summit for environmental development led to the expansion of what environmental education means.

Attendants felt that environmental education for sustainability should encompass environmental equity, international development and cultural diversity.

Many stakeholders associate the Rio Earth Summit with Agenda 21. In the conference, attendants decided that education has the potential to unite decision making capabilities in order to foster ecological development.

By bringing together information from governments, businesses, institutions, companies as well as individuals, Agenda 21 would ensure that social, economic and security decisions encompass environmental issues.

Therefore, education for sustainable development involves teaching people about the economic, social and ecological issues affecting them through interdisciplinary structures.

In the agenda, stakeholders suggested a number of strategies that countries could use to achieve sustainable development.

First, countries ought to broaden the scope of education that they teach in order to bring about sustainable development. Governments have the mandate to unite developmental and environmental goals at all levels of education, including primary, secondary and tertiary.

Countries need to foster partnerships amongst independent business persons or members of the private sector so as to foster cross-disciplinary work. The same degree of cooperation ought to be extended across a country’s borders to regional partners.

It is only through strong networks that governments can create a common approach to matters of ecological sustainability. A number of years after the Rio Summit, some international organisations felt that higher education offers a unique platform for teaching environmental education; one such organisation is UNESCO.

During the World Conference on Higher Education held in 1998, nations declared that education would be the fundamental pillar for sustainable development.

Participants of higher education have the moral duty to ensure that sustainable development occurs (Michelsen 2000).

Australia has also made a serious commitment to the goal of environmental education over the past decades. In 1999, the Education Minister, through the Adelaide Declaration, stated that students should have a concern for and an understanding of the natural environment when they leave school.

He also stated that this knowledge would foster sustainable development. The Adelaide Declaration also stated that schooling should teach children skills on how to solve and analyse environmental problems (Department of Education, Science and Training 2004).

Further, education should sensitise students about social justice, ethics and morality in their world. This information should enable them to make rational decisions about their lives and their actions.

Mankind has used the earth’s resources for an extended period of time. The development of technology has accelerated consumption rates and altered the availability of these resources in the future. Despite all this, man’s livelihood still depends on a flourishing environment.

Therefore, societies around the world should gain knowledge about how to keep the environment in a healthy state so as to meet their present and future needs. The human species has degraded waterways and land wherever it inhabits it.

Furthermore, population growth leads to several environmental issues that stem from high water, energy and land use (University Leaders for a Sustainable Future 1990). Man has polluted many natural water sources, including coastal waters, rivers and lakes.

He has also dilapidated energy resources and harmed the biodiversity of a number of areas. Human beings ruin habitats and ecosystems by clearing land, fragmenting habitats and introducing invasive species into various locations.

As a consequence, these environmentally irresponsible activities have contributed to a marked increase in greenhouse gases. Pressures of global warming are a reality for several nations around the earth.

Man’s ecological footprint is not sustainable unless he can find a solution for reducing his global footprint. As a matter of fact, studies indicate that the biggest problem is in developed nations. In the early 2000s, An African or Asian’s average ecological footprint was 1.4 hectares per person.

An average Australian’s ecological footprint was 7.1 hectares while the average American’s ecological footprint was 9.6 hectares. On average, the world consumer had an ecological footprint of about 2.3 hectares, yet the earth’s capacity is 1.9 hectares (Talbot 2000).

Currently, mankind has exceeded the planet’s resource capacity. Therefore, he must look for ways of minimising these ecological effects. Failure to do so will lead to the incapacity of future generations to meet their needs.

One of the ways in which man can reduce his effect on the earth is through an awareness of his actions. This can be facilitated through environmental education.

The above explanation focuses on a utilitarian perspective in which man’s main incentive to conserve the environment is to meet his needs and that of future generations.

However, such a viewpoint would only incorporate the needs of one species. Other species also exist on the earth and man must ensure that the natural environment is capable of meeting the needs of other species.

Therefore, humans must act as caretakers on behalf of other organisms that cannot do what he can (Tilbury 2005).

If environmental education is taken seriously by the various stakeholders in the curriculum, it is likely that it will teach students to understand the relationship and the interdependence of ecological, cultural, social and economic issues in local as well as global levels.

They will know about the impact of their actions on the planet and how this affects various stakeholders. Such an approach would also cause them to know the limits of knowledge; participants would realise that knowledge has its limits, and one must be cautious about one’s association with it.

Environmental education would also cause recipients to think about how the interrelationship of all levels affects families or communities so that they can make the right decisions.

Environmental education would lead to the development of skills and attitudes that are crucial to a sustainable future (United Nations 2002). For instance, people would know how to record information about the environment.

Furthermore, it would be possible to assess and identify environmental issues. When conflicts about the environment arise, it would be possible to solve them if people were educated about it. These individuals would also know the value of the environment as something sacred.

They would conserve their cultural heritage because of their full understanding of it. Environmental education would cause people to develop an ethic of stewardship towards the environment. Individuals can also learn about how to participate fully in the creation of a sustainable future.

This means caring for all life in order to preserve biodiversity. Resources would be managed and conserved appropriately for current and future generations.

Academic institutions are uniquely endowed with the ability to teach environmental education because they have the resources and responsibility of furthering education among members of society.

Therefore, the general requirements of their institutions can reflect sustainability issues (Buckley 2002). In certain ways, they can include topics about sustainability in their subjects or courses.

The curriculum can teach students about sustainable consumption and production. Members of academic institutions can also learn about globalisation and its relation to sustainable development.

Individuals should also acquire knowledge about social justice and how this relates to urban ecology. Additionally, because population growth affects the use of ecological resources, then members of learning institutions should know about populations and their relation to development.

Students should also understand how ecosystems within their institutions work. For instance, they ought to know where their institutions get food and water. They should be aware of the energy needs of their school as well as sites for waste disposal.

This would teach them to be aware of their own ecological footprint or how they can contribute to the well being of their environment.

If the learning institution specialises in tertiary education, then it can urge students to carry out research on sustainability topics such as environmental justice, renewable energy and sustainability in building design.

Institutions can also cultivate a sense of environmental ownership among staff members by reorienting rewards to reflect environmental issues. Operations within such schools would reflect the need to minimise one’s ecological footprint.

Members would see examples of how to purchase, paper, food and other supplies sustainability (Fie 2001). They would also learn what it means to reduce one’s carbon dioxide emissions, among other things.

Lastly, an academic institution can foster ecological sustainability through education by creating administrative posts that capture this objective. For instance, the organisation could have an Environmental Director or Task force for sustainability.

Schools have the prerogative to take a holistic approach to environmental education. They can do so by changing the way they organise and operate. They can also alter the design of the school, especially with regard to its structures.

A holistic approach also encompasses how the school manages and develops its grounds. Alternation of the curriculum to include sustainability issues should also be taken into account.

Additionally, issues revolving around the protection of heritage sites within school premises must also be considered (Brown 1998).

When teaching students about environmental sustainability, schools need to adhere to certain principles. They need to clearly outline the issues they are teaching.

Schools should have curricula that relate to students’ experiences as well as the skills and attitudes that they possess; materials should remain relevant to their surrounding.

It should also be flexible in a manner that incorporates developments in the rest of the world. A good system ought to have an evaluation system and should progress from basic levels to complex ones (Orr 1992).

The government of Australia takes environmental education seriously as outlined earlier in the history section. Stakeholders already realise that environmental education for sustainability should not merely encompass the school environment.

Several other non-formal settings have become a platform for teaching students environmental management. Several national organisations have promoted environmental education, such as the Natural Heritage Trust.

Development of local solutions to environmental issues is crucial in ensuring sustainable development. Many schools also acknowledge the significance of environmental education especially to their members.

These efforts have also been backed by legislations such as the Biodiversity Conservation Act as well the Environment Protect Act. It is also laudable how educators are willing to learn from indigenous communities about how to promote harmony within the environment.

This indicates that school representatives know the limitations of classroom knowledge and are willing to stretch themselves (Yencken et al. 2000).

Despite the progress that has been made in this area, a number of issues are still missing from the country’s environmental education plan. First, activities intended at educating the masses on the environment are poorly coordinated.

This implies that best practice models do not exist in the marketplace. Furthermore, it is difficult to improve on environmental education when every teacher is doing his or her own thing. Another major problem with environmental education in Australia is its focus on awareness-raising.

There is little to show for the serious skills or knowledge needed to handle sustainability issues. Additionally, although most institutions recognise the importance of environmental education, they are yet to give it the same priority as other economic and social issues (Wright 2002).

While school resources an important part of these efforts, other community-level organisations do not have adequate resources to carry out environmental education effectively.

The country is in need of better coordination efforts among environmental education participants; this should be done as soon as possible. Additionally, the profile of environmental education should be raised so as to give it equal prominence to other economic and social issues (Wals 2000).

The country needs a national framework on environmental education in addition to a national action plan. Participants should be given quality materials so as to foster efficient learning. Teachers dealing with this area ought to have access to more opportunities for professional advancement.

There is also a need to integrate educational principles with conventional education. It is necessary to fund community organisations that deal with environmental education more effectively.

If these recommendations are adopted then Australia could become a model for effective environmental education in all institutions.

Environmental education is imperative in fostering sustainability because it teaches individuals how to integrate environmental issues with their economic, social and cultural lives.

It can equip recipients with the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to act as stewards in the environment.

Furthermore, man has exceeded his global ecological footprint and unless something dramatic is done to minimise these excessive consumption rates, then current and future generations will be unable to meet their needs.

Education is the platform for fostering this much-needed change. It can be done through academic institutions as well as through community organisations.

Currently, Australia recognises the importance of environmental education. However, it still needs to focus on long term education, empower environmental educators and strengthen community resources to achieve the gaol of sustainability.

Botkin, D. 1989, Changing the global environment: Perspective on human involvement , Academic Press, New York.

Brown, L. 1998, A worldwatch institute report on progress toward a sustainable society , Norton, New York.

Buckley, J. 2002, The art of governance; A curriculum resource for secondary teachers , Global Education Centre, Adelaide.

Department of Education, Science and Training 2004, The Adelaide declaration on national goals for schooling in the twenty-first century. Web.

Fie, J. 2001, Education for sustainability: Reorienting Australian schools for a sustainable future. Web.

Michelsen, G. 2000, Sustainable development as a challenge for universities , Palgrave, London.

Orr, D. 1992, Ecological literacy: Education and the transition to a postmodern world, McMillan, London.

Talbot, L. 2000, Man’s role in managing the global environment , Academic Press, New York.

Tilbury, D. 2005, ‘The ten-year challenge’, Ecos Magazine , p.13.

United Nations 2002, Report of the Secretary General: Commission on sustainable development. Web.

UNESCO 1998, World declaration on higher education for the twenty first century: Vision and action. Web.

UNESCO 2004, United Nations decade of education for sustainable development 2005-2014. Web.

University Leaders for a Sustainable Future 1990, Taloiries Declaration. Web.

Wals, A. 2000, ES Debate: Online discussion of education for sustainable development. Web.

Wright, T. 2002, ‘A review of definitions and frameworks for sustainability in higher education’, Higher Education International Journal , vol. 4 no. 3, pp. 121-134.

Yencken, D., Fien, J. & Sykes, H. 2000, Environment, education and socialization in the Asia-Pacific , Routledge, London.

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Environment and Development Essay

Environment and development are interrelated. One cannot think of development without considering the environment. While focusing on development, if the environment is neglected, it will have further impact on the development.

Long and Short Essay on Environment and Development in English

Below you will find some essays on environment and development that will help in your exams and school assignments. Choose any environment and development essay as per your requirement and interest:

Essay on Environment vs. Development – Essay 1 (200 words)


Development is a continuous and constant process. However, every development has some positive and negative results. While development is carried out for the benefits of the inhabitants, the environment is equally important. If development is carried out without considering the environment, it may have a negative impact on the environment. This, in turn, will cause harmful effects on the inhabitant.

Environment versus Development

The environment does not only mean surroundings. Environment refers to air, water and land and the interrelationship of all these factors with human beings. Environment and development cannot go against each other. They should be complementing each other. If all the resources on earth are utilized for the development of the world, without the thought of preserving them, soon the earth will turn into an uninhabitable place.

For the development of a nation, a huge amount of land is acquired which results in the cutting of trees. Again, as a result of development, non-renewable resources like fossil fuels, water and minerals are utilized faster before they are replenished. The global warming and depletion of resources affect the inhabitants of the world, for which they cannot reap the benefits of development.

In order to fully enjoy the benefits of development, conservation of the environment is necessary. Though this fact has been neglected in prioritizing development, there has been an increase in awareness among human beings in recent times. By giving adequate importance to the environment, we all will be able to enjoy the benefits of development for a long time.

Essay on Environment and Economic Development – Essay 2 (300 words)

Environment and economic growth are interrelated. On one hand, the economic growth of a nation affects the environment. At the same time, the degradation in environmental resources will affect the economic growth. There are environmental policies that can help in making the most out of environmental protection and economic growth.

Environment and Economic Development

Economic development is very much essential for the growth of a nation. A nation is considered developed if it provides enough job opportunity for the inhabitants thereby providing them a better life than struggling with poverty. This type of development helps in reducing income inequality. The higher economic growth of a nation also results in the increase in tax revenues and reduction in government expenditure on unemployment and poverty-related welfares.

Environment plays an important role in the economic development of a nation. A large part of the development of a nation is related to production in different sectors. The natural resources like water, fossil fuels, minerals, soils etc from the environment are needed for production in various sectors. However, the pollution caused as a result of production is absorbed by the environment. Additionally, the consumption of resources for production can lead to shortage of resources in the environment.

The continuous process of consumption of the natural resources and the increased rate of pollution to the environment will lead to poor quality of resources. This, in turn, will not only impact the quality of production but also result in various negative health impacts not only for the labors involved in production but also for the inhabitants for whom the production or the development is being carried out.

In order to enjoy the benefits of economic developments, in the long run, one should give equal importance in conservation of natural resources. Maintaining a proper balance between environment and economic development will keep on running the cycle of development whose benefits will be not only is limited to the current generation but also for the future generations.

Essay on Environmental and Sustainable Development – Essay 3 (400 words)

Sustainable development is based on three pillars of sustainability – economic, environmental and social sustainability. Environmental sustainability refers to the concern related to natural resources like air, water, and climate. An important aspect of sustainable development is to adopt activities or measures that will help in sustaining the environmental resources which would not only meet the requirements for the present generation but also the upcoming generation.

Environmental and Sustainable Development

The concept of Sustainable Development is derived from the definition phrased in the Brundtland Commission in 1987. According to the phrase, sustainable development refers to the development that meets the needs of the present generation and preserves enough resources for the future generation to meet their needs. At the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015, world leaders have included some goals as Sustainable Developments Goals.  They are –

  • Eradication of poverty in every form all over the world.
  • Promotion of sustainable economic growth by providing full employment and decent work for all.
  • Attaining gender equality and empowerment of women.
  • Maintaining sustainability of water and providing sanitation for all.
  • Promoting healthy lives for all irrespective of age.
  • Promoting lifelong learning opportunity for all.
  • Promoting sustainable agriculture and providing nutritious food for all.
  • Reducing inequality within and among countries.
  • Providing safe and sustainable human settlements for all.
  • Conserve water bodies for sustainable development.
  • Revitalizing global partnership for sustainable development.
  • Introducing sustainable production and consumption pattern.
  • Accessibility of sustainable energy for all.
  • Fostering innovation and building sustainable industrialization.
  • Adopting measures to deal with climate changes.
  • Restore terrestrial ecosystem, forests and stop soil degradation.
  • Building of effective and responsible institutions at all levels to provide justice for all.

The above mentioned sustainable goals are aimed to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice and tackle climate changes by 2030. These goals are set to ensure that the future generations are not deprived of the benefits of development and they can utilize the natural resources to satisfy their needs as well.

The concept of sustainability is related to the concept of carrying capacity. If the natural resources are used up fast than they are being replenished, it would lead to degradation of the environment. This might lead to the destruction of the population to a level where the natural resources become inadequate for the living population. Therefore, environmental and sustainable development should be given equal importance for the benefits of the population.

Essay on Protection of Environment and Sustainable Development – Essay 4 (500 words)

Sustainable development aims to preserve the natural resources so that even after the current generation used them to meet their needs, there is enough left for the coming generation. And as a matter of fact, even for generations after that. In order to maintain the sustainable development, the environment is needed to be protected.

Protection of Environment and Sustainable Development

Some of the current issues related to environment are global warming and depletion of natural resources. Global warming refers to the permanent climate change of the earth owing to industrial pollution, degradation of the environment, greenhouse gas emission, depletion of the ozone layer which means a decline in the total amount of ozone on earth’s stratosphere. Scientists have proven that the temperature of the earth is increasing and if necessary precautions are not being taken, the situation will be worse which will cause further negative impact on the environment and human health.

Depletion of natural resources is another major concern. With the overpopulation, the consumption of earth’s natural resources is taking place at a faster rate even before they could be replenished. Global warming leads to the low rate of production of agricultural products and with depletion of natural resources adding to it, very soon the mass population of earth will face not only a shortage of food but also shortage of resources to carry out any development process.

In order to overcome the shortage, chemicals are used to increase the production of agricultural products. This not only decreases the value of soil, but also affects human health in a negative way. If the process continues, the inhabitants of the earth are going to face serious issues. In all these years, plenty of damages have been caused to earth’s environment and its resources. If necessary activities and measures are taken to protect the environment, there is hope that much worse condition could be postponed if not totally avoided.

In order to reduce global warming, protection of forests and wetlands are important. Trees should not be cut until and unless they are absolutely necessary. In such cases, it is required to plant as many trees wherever possible. A single step taken by a huge part of the population can play a major role in protecting the environment. It is also important to conserve natural resources, biodiversity, and wildlife. Apart from that, every inhabitant of the earth should play their part in preventing ozone layer from depletion.

The main ozone-depleting substances are widely used in refrigerators, air conditioners and fire extinguishers. Many refrigerators and air conditioners use Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) and Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) as a refrigerant. These are important elements in causing depletion to the earth’s ozone layer.

It is hence important to not use products that use HCFC and CFC as refrigerants. It is also advisable to avoid using aerosol products that use HCFCs and CFCs as propellants.  Apart from all these above-mentioned measures, precaution should be taken to emit less carbon to the environment.

In order to undergo sustainable development, necessary precaution should be taken to protect the environment. This, in turn, will benefit the present population as well as the coming generations, which is the ultimate goal of sustainable development. Protection of environment hence is an important step in sustainable development.

Essay on Sustainable Development and Environment Conservation – Essay 5 (600 words)

Conservation refers to the process of protection, preservation, management, and restoration of natural environments and their inhabitants. The main objective of sustainable development is to preserve the resources of the environment for future generation use even after being used by the present generation. Hence, to achieve the objective of sustainable development, conservation of the environment is important.

Sustainable Development and Environment Conservation

Conservation of the environment involves two processes – protecting natural resources and living in a way causing less damage to the environment. Environment refers to natural resources like air, water, and land and their interrelationship with the human beings. In a broader aspect, it also comprises of trees, soil, fossil fuels, minerals etc. Trees help in protecting the soil from getting eroded due to flood or rain. They are also needed to purify the air.

Water is needed not only by human beings for consumption, but also for agriculture, the existence of living beings like plants and animals and production in different sectors. The soil is needed for providing production of food for all living beings as well as for filtering water. Hence, trees, soil and every source of water is needed to be conserved and stopped from getting polluted. These three elements play an important role in the existence of living beings. Pollution of these elements will not only cause us harm, but they will also pose more threat for the coming generations.

Conservation of environment not only includes conservation of natural resources. It also refers to the conservation of energy. Solar and wind energy are two forms of renewable energy that will help in the reduction of usage of non-renewable energy like fossil fuels, power cars etc. If all forms of renewable energy are used to replace the non- renewable forms of energy, a huge positive impact on earth could be achieved. Non-renewable energies take time to replenish; this is the reason why renewable forms of energy should be used.

Apart from the conservation of the environment, certain measures should be taken to replenish the resources of the environment that are being used. Reforestation of trees, composting of soil, to maintain their quality are some of the useful ways to replenish the resources of the environment. These methods will certainly help in maintaining a balance in the environment.

Along with these factors, measures should be taken to reduce pollution in the environment. Usage of electric or hybrid vehicles instead of gas guzzlers can be a wise alternative in reducing carbon emission to the environment. It is also advisable to walk or ride a cycle or share a vehicle to reduce carbon emission. Organic farming is another alternative to maintain the quality of soil as well as the food thereby causing less harm to the environment and reducing health hazards which might be caused due to the usage of chemicals in farming.

Quitting smoking and using natural products instead of chemical products not only benefit your health, but also have a positive impact on the environment. One can save water by turning off the faucet or by storing rainwater for different uses. Cleaning clothes and dishes only after having a full load can also save water. Unplugging electrical devices when not in use is a cost-effective and energy-saving way. Besides, one can also reuse and recycle products that will bring a new life to old items. Also, avoiding using plastic products can have a positive impact on the environment.

The aim of sustainable development could be achieved by conserving the environment. It will not only help in reducing the damage to the environment but also help in the preservation of resources for the future generation.

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