where to buy mind your own business plant

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Mind-your-own-business plant: cultivation, care & the most beautiful varieties.


I study landscape ecology and through my studies have discovered a love for plants. Plants are not only beautiful, but also have countless fascinating survival strategies. To bring a bit of nature into my home as well, I nurture my houseplants and herbs on every possible windowsill. Favourite fruit: rhubarb and all kinds of berries Favourite vegetables: onions and garlic

Sprawling over the edges of a pot, the mind-your-own-business plant, sometimes called paddy’s wig, looks strangely like a boisterous head of curls. In garden beds, it also makes a great ground cover.

Mind-your-own-business plant in pot

Soleirolia soleirolii , more commonly known as the mind-your-own-business plant, can be kept both as a houseplant and in the garden. With its slender shoots and delicate, shiny leaves, it spreads out over the ground, forming a beautiful green blanket of foliage. Here we will show you how to plant and how to care for the mind-your-own-business plant.

Mind-your-own-business plant: characteristics and origin

The most beautiful mind-your-own-business plant varieties, soleirolia soleirolii as a houseplant, soleirolia soleirolii as an outdoor plant, watering, pruning and fertilising, mind-your-own-business plant drying out or turning brown, soleirolia soleirolii care in winter, propagating mind-your-own-business plants.

The mind-your-own-business plant is a very popular houseplant. Its overhanging shoots look like hair growing out of the pot, giving it a charming appearance. Native to the islands of Corsica, Sardinia and Elba, this herbaceous perennial plant is the only species in the Soleirolia genus, which belongs to the nettle family (Urticaceae). But don’t worry – the mind-your-own-business plant does not sting!

Its long, thin shoots can grow up to 50 centimetres in length, with small, shiny foliage arranged alternately along the shoot. The plants come in different shapes but usually have a rounded appearance. Since new roots are able to form at each shoot node, the mind-your-own business plant spreads out and covers the ground like a carpet when planted outdoors. Overall, it can reach a maximum height of 15 centimetres.

Soreilolia small white flowers and green foliage

In nature, the Soleirolia soleirolii‘s flowers are very inconspicuous and measure only about 1 millimetre, making them easy to miss. But when does the mind-your-own-business plant bloom? Kept indoors, the plant flowers between April and June. However, flowering has also been observed outdoors in our part of the world.

In addition to the classic, shiny green variety, there are other mind-your-own-business plant varieties that come with an array of distinctly coloured leaves:

  • Soleirolia soleirolii ‘ Aurea ‘: The small leaves of this variety are golden-yellow.
  • Soleirolia soleirolii ‘ Variegata ‘: The mind-your-own-business plant ‘Variegata’ develops beautiful variegated leaves in green and white.
  • Soleirolia soleirolii ‘ Argentea ‘: The ‘Argentea’ type has a bright, slightly silvery foliage.
  • Soleirolia soleirolii ‘ Aladatase ‘: This variety has a captivating, bright-green foliage colour.

Mind-your-own-business varieties with different green foliage

Planting mind-your-own-business plants: where and how

The mind-your-own-business plant can grow indoors as well as in garden beds outdoors. Although the plant is accustomed to warm temperatures in its native habitat, it can even survive winters in our latitudes.

As a houseplant, place the mind-your-own-business plant in a partially shaded spot and not exposed directly to the midday sun. It does best with a certain amount of humidity and a room temperature between 18 and 24 °C. Ideally, use a high-quality potting soil for houseplants, such as our Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost . The stable structure of this soil stores water for longer, while at the same time allowing the roots to breathe. When potting up, form a small mound of soil and then place the plant on top. This way, you can create a lovely dome shape.

Tip : The mind-your-own-business plant also likes high humidity. However, you should not mist or spray the plant with water. Instead, place a bowl of water on your radiator near the plant during the winter to help increase the air humidity.

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In areas with milder winters, the mind-your-own-business plant is used as a ground cover alternative to grass or as a decorative feature on walls. Just like plants indoors, it does best in partial shade outside. The mind-your-own-business plant feels most at home in loose, nutrient-rich garden soil. To ensure the best supply of nutrients, a slow-release fertiliser, such as our Plantura All Purpose Plant Food , can be added to poor soil. Not only is our fertiliser safe for pets and garden wildlife, but its plant-based formula also promotes an active soil life. The plant can tolerate frosty temperatures of down to – 10 °C for a short period of time. The shoots will usually freeze and grow back in the spring.

To plant your Soleirolia , dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball, place the plant in and cover with soil. Then lightly press down around the plant. Plant four to five individual plants per square metre to quickly achieve a dense growth. If you haven’t fertilised, fill the hole with Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost rather than garden soil – this gives the plants a good boost of nutrients to kick start their growth. Finally, water the plants well.

Mind-your-own-business plant spreading as groud cover outside

Soleirolia plant care

To care for your mind-your-own-business plant, you will want to provide it with plenty of water and nutrients, especially during the growing season. Prune as needed or when the leaves turn brown due to its dense growth.

Watering is key to Soleirolia soleirolii plant care. Since the plant requires quite a lot of water, you should regularly water the mind-your-own-business plant, watering from the bottom of the planter. The plant will take up the moisture it needs from there. After about 15 minutes, you can pour off the excess water. For plants outdoors, water directly into the soil rather than onto the foliage. Naturally, the drier and hotter the weather, the more often you will need to water. Once the root ball has dried out, even if only for a short time, it will be difficult for the mind-your-own-business plant to recover. However, since waterlogging is also not tolerated and will result in brown leaves, regular but moderate watering is essential.

mind-your-own-business plant in sun

Extra nutrients are only necessary in the growing season from spring to autumn. During this time, fertilise the mind-your-own-business plant roughly every four weeks with a nitrogen-rich liquid fertiliser, such as our Plantura Liquid Flower Food . This contains a greater proportion of nitrogen than potassium, which supports the development of rich green foliage.

If you find that your paddy’s wig plant’s hairstyle is getting out of hand, you can always reach for your garden shears and give it a trim. However, pruning is best tolerated in spring or summer, and if done in spring, the shoot cuttings are great for Soleirolia soleirolii propagation.

Spring is also the best time for repotting. If the old pot is fully rooted or if the plant is growing too densely, move it to a larger container with fresh soil. Adding a little extra soil to the pot, create a slight mound onto which you will place the plant. This way, you will create an attractive dome shape. For a mind-your-own-business plant lawn outdoors, this step is not necessary as its growth forms a flat ground cover.

Trimmed and poted mind-your-own-business plants

Brown leaves on plants are often the result of plant care mistakes. However, there are other factors that can cause leaf discolouration. For example, the mind-your-own-business plant’s dense growth can lead to discoloured leaves.

  • Growth : Since the mind-your-own-business plant grows very densely and forms many leaves, it is normal that some leaves turn brown at the base of potted plants. If this is the case, prune the plant – either trim the brown-leaved shoots in question or prune the entire plant. It will then grow new green shoots.
  • Sunlight : Too much sunlight can cause leaf damage and brown leaves. Place the mind-your-own-business plant in partial shade with indirect sunlight.
  • Drought : Watering the plant regularly is essential to prevent it from drying out. It is best to water into the tray or saucer under the plant and wait about 15 minutes until it has absorbed the moisture it needs.
  • Moisture : Waterlogging can also cause problems, so make sure to remove any excess water from the pot. If the plant has been wet for too long, repot it and remove any excess water going forward.

Dense foliage of potted soleirolia plant

Summary: Soleirolia plant care

  • Water regularly from the bottom up
  • Remove excess water after 15 minutes
  • Fertilise with a nitrogen-rich liquid fertiliser every 4 weeks between spring and autumn
  • Prune if necessary
  • Keep in a cool and bright location in the winter months

Prune your outdoor mind-your-own-business plant in autumn and provide a protective layer of mulch or straw to keep it safe in low temperatures.

Soleirolia soleirolii houseplants are best kept in a bright and cool place at about 12 to 18 °C, with less watering and no fertilising. Nevertheless, make sure the root ball is always moist.

mind your own business plant growing outdoors

Is the mind-your-own-business plant winter hardy? The mind-your-own-business plant is winter-hardy under certain conditions. As it is native to areas with milder winters, you will be on the safe side if you keep the Soleirolia soleirolii indoors for the winter. However, mind-your-own-business plants have been known to survive severe winters without damage.

Shoot cuttings – the parts of the plant left over from pruning – can be used to propagate Soleirolia soleirolii . Plant the cuttings straight into all-purpose compost and make sure to keep the soil evenly moist. The shoots should soon take root, even at room temperature. Alternatively, when repotting in the spring, carefully divide the plant and place each plant in its own container.

bushy mind-your-own-business-plants growing in partial shade

Is Soleirolia soleirolii poisonous?

Whether you have a cat or a dog, the mind-your-own-business plant is not toxic – so there is no need to worry about your pets.

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Mind-your-own-business: taming the tenacious plant.

where to buy mind your own business plant

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The weed with a bad rep: Mind-Your-Own-Business. This once popular Victorian plant has racked up a long list of notorious names over the centuries, ranging from Paddy’s Wig to Corsican Creeper due to its instantly recognisable and relentless thick mat.

In this guide, we will discuss the many faces of this disruptive weed, its characteristics, why it can lead to problems, and the various ways to control it in your garden.


Mind-Your-Own-Business ( soleirolia soleirolii ) is a creeping perennial native of Corsica and Sardinia, distinguishable by its branching stems and dense foliage.

It’s a versatile plant of the nettle family, typically used in crazy paving cracks and sculptured over chicken mesh, preferring shade to sun. However, it’s famed for taking hold of soil, creeping through crevices in stone walls and damp spots.

But the plant’s kryptonite is the cold; as a frost-tender weed, it’s sometimes knocked back in severe winters. The issue is, it often recovers the following year.

Why is it a Problem?

Many gardeners love to encourage Mind-Your-Own-Business between cracks in patios, but it can quickly spread to borders, lawns and overstep boundaries. The thin, fleshy stems root as they slowly spread, making them difficult to control.

What’s more, grass clippings that contain stem sections may survive the composting process , causing the weed to further spread around the garden.

The Royal Horticultural Society recommends selecting the right cultivars, maintaining garden hygiene, and promoting natural predators as the first line of defence against the Mind-Your-Business plant.

Here are a few of my personal methods for controlling Mind-Your-Business:

  • You should bury Mind-Your-Own-Business in mulch, or hoe it off repeatedly in dry weather, especially around garden borders. It may come back, but doing so should take the string out of its tail.
  • In either April or September, remove lawn patches of mind-your-own-business with a trowel. You could also use a hand fork. After removal, re-establish the soil level and re-sow bare patches with grass seed. Another option is to lay a patch of turf taken from elsewhere in the garden.
  • Where mind-your-own-business is widespread in lawns, lightly scarify several times during March and April and again during September to weaken it. Feed the lawn regularly to encourage turf vigour and density.

Weedkiller control options

If you’re really struggling to keep Mind-Your-Own-Business at bay with the above methods, your next option might involve using a Glyphosate-based weed killer, such as Roundup Fast Action . It should kill the plant and roots within a single application, but just use it with caution as it can also damage other plants.

How to Tell Mind-Your-Own-Business Apart from Other Plants

Mind-Your-Own-Business is often mistaken for other plants, such as Mazus reptans, a similar-looking creeping perennial native to Japan; and Lysimachia nummularia, also known as Moneywort or Creeping Jenny.

Mind-Your-Own-Business can be distinguished by its small, round leaves and its ability to root at the nodes as it spreads. The golden-leaved form, ‘Aurea’, is the most commonly sold. It bears tiny white flowers in summer, and it forms dense, slowly spreading mats of bright green foliage.

Propagation at Your Peril!

Mind-Your-Own-Business is easy to propagate by division or by taking stem cuttings. It can also be grown from seed, but it can take several years for the seedlings to reach maturity. When planting, be sure to choose a well-drained spot and keep the soil moist. It’s also a good idea to place a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture.

Best Uses in the Garden

Mind-Your-Own-Business is an excellent plant for rock gardens, walled gardens, and steep slopes. It can also be used as a ground cover in shady areas. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could train mind-your-own-business to climb on a trellis or arbor. The golden-leaved form, ‘Aurea’, is particularly attractive when trained as a climber.

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Soleirolia soleirolii


S. soleirolii is a wide-creeping evergreen perennial with slender, rooting, pink or green stems bearing tiny rounded leaves and minute pinkish-white flowers in summer

Other common names

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Ultimate height

Time to ultimate height, ultimate spread, growing conditions, colour & scent.

  • Partial shade

North–facing or West–facing or East–facing or South–facing

Drought resistance

Hardiness hardiness ratings.

All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees C) are shown in brackets

  • H1a : under glass all year (>15C)
  • H1b : can be grown outside in the summer (10 - 15)
  • H1c : can be grown outside in the summer (5 - 10)
  • H2 : tolerant of low temperatures, but not surviving being frozen (1 to 5)
  • H3 : hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK (-5 to 1)
  • H4 : hardy through most of the UK (-10 to -5)
  • H5 : hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10)
  • H6 : hardy in all of UK and northern Europe (-20 to -15)
  • H7 : hardy in the severest European continental climates (< -20)

Botanical details

Soleirolia is a fast-growing, mat-forming perennial with creeping, rooting stems bearing small, rounded leaves and inconspicuous pinkish flowers

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How to grow


Grow under glass or as a house-plant in a loam-based compost with added grit in full light with shade from hot sun or in partial shade. Water freely in summer but keep just moist in winter. Can be grown outdoors in any soil but has the potential to become a nuisance if not managed well and also becomes deciduous in frost prone areas; suitable for use as bedding, including hanging baskets


Propagate by seed or division

Suggested planting locations and garden types

  • City and courtyard gardens
  • Wildlife gardens
  • Mediterranean climate plants
  • Low Maintenance
  • Banks and slopes
  • Underplanting of roses and shrubs
  • Ground cover

No pruning required

Generally pest-free

Generally disease-free

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Remove unwanted mind-your-own-business plant from your garden, with the help of tips from our guide.

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Mind-your-own-business, Soleirolia soleirolii , is a creeping perennial with tiny flowers and leaves. The branching stems root as they spread, forming a dense mat of foliage that few plants can grow through. The mind-your-own-business plant will soon take hold on any soil or lawn, although it's particularly prevalent in the crevices of stone walls and in damp conditions.

A slow-growing weed with tiny flowers and leaves. Its stems root as they spread, forming a thick mat that leaves little space for other plants to grow.

all over the garden

It will regrow from sections of stems left behind after hoeing or weeding, so you need to be thorough when trying to get rid of it, picking out any piece of foliage. If possible, get under the roots with a spade to slice it out. If it's in the lawn, carefully remove plants in April or September, then fork over the area and replace soil, re-sowing or turfing where necessary.

In a lawn, bed or border, spot-treat patches of the plant using a total weedkiller. For best results, bruise the plant with the back of a rake or crush it underfoot before applying. Avoid spraying on a windy day and near other desirable plants.

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Mind Your Own Business Plant (Soleirolia Soleirolii)

Soleirolia soleirolii, commonly known as the ‘mind your own business plant’ is a species of flowering plant belonging to the family Urticaceae. It is native to rocky areas in the Mediterranean region, where it can be found growing in crevices and on rocks. The plant is cultivated as an ornamental houseplant for its attractive foliage and unique growth habit. This article will provide an overview of this fascinating species; including its physical characteristics, habitat requirements and cultural significance.


Identifying Mind Your Own Business Plant (Soleirolia soleirolii) is a task that requires careful observation. It is an evergreen perennial plant native to Europe and western Asia. The plant has small leaves with round, scalloped edges and grows in a low-lying rosette shape. Its flowers are small and white and appear in clusters on stems throughout the spring and summer months. Additionally, the plant has an underground rhizome structure which aids in its propagation.

It is important to note that Mind Your Own Business Plant can be confused with other plants due to its similarity in appearance. These include Baby’s Tears (Soleirolia baby’s tears), Corsican Creeper (Ranunculus corsicus), and the common houseplant known as Pilea peperomioides. To distinguish between these species, it is necessary to look closely at the characteristics of each plant; for example, the leaves of Soleirolia soleirolii have a distinct scalloped edge, while Ranunculus corsicus has a more jagged leaf that resembles a serrated knife edge. In addition, Mind Your Own Business Plant has distinctive white flowers that appear from late spring until early summer.

Mind Your Own Business Plant

Planting Mind Your Own Business Plant

Due to its hardiness and attractive foliage, this plant has become popular among gardeners of all skill levels. Planting this species can be done in either full sun or partial shade, though it performs best in cool, moist locations. Before beginning, it is important to ensure the soil is well-draining and amended with organic matter such as compost or peat moss.

Once the ideal site has been determined, planting mind your own business should be done during the spring or summer months when the weather is warm and humid. The plants should be spaced 8-10 inches apart and placed shallowly in the ground so that only the very top of the rhizome remains exposed. If desired, a slow-release fertilizer can be applied at this time to encourage growth. To ensure proper moisture levels, mulch can also be added around each plant.

When caring for mind your own business plant, it is essential to provide sufficient water without over-saturating the soil. As with all plants, regular deadheading will help keep plants looking tidy and promote additional blooming. This species does not require much pruning but can benefit from light trimming if needed. With proper care and maintenance, these plants are sure to bring beauty to any garden for years to come.

How To Care For Mind Your Own Business Plant

Mind Your Own Business Plant requires careful attention to thrive in the home garden. Proper care includes appropriate temperature and light levels, adequate water supply, and regular fertilization.

Temperature is important for the health of Mind Your Own Business Plants. They prefer temperatures between 15-23 degrees Celsius. Any temperature lower than 10 degrees Celsius may cause the plant to suffer stress or even die. To help maintain an optimal temperature range, keeping the plant away from any direct drafts or air conditioning vents is recommended. Additionally, providing a humidity tray can help increase moisture in the air around the plant.

Light plays an important role in caring for these plants as well. The ideal spot would be one with bright indirect sunlight for about four hours each day. To ensure that your plant receives enough light but does not become scorched by excessive sun exposure, a windowsill or balcony might be ideal locations for it to grow properly.

Proper watering schedule is also essential for maintaining optimal health in this plant species. Watering should be done thoroughly when soil feels dry to touch; however, avoid over-watering which could lead to root rot and other issues due to excess moisture build-up in soil over time. Additionally, monthly fertilization during growing season can help support healthy leaf development and overall growth of your Mind Your Own Business Plant.

Benefits Of Mind Your Own Business Plant

Mind Your Own Business Plant has a compact, low-growing habit which creates dense mats of foliage with small, round leaves. This plant has a number of benefits that make it a desirable choice for landscaping or as a houseplant.

One of the main advantages of this plant is its ability to thrive in low-light environments. Its variegated leaves can tolerate lower light levels than most other plants, allowing it to be used in darker corners or areas of the home or garden. Additionally, Mind Your Own Business Plant requires little maintenance and will usually only require occasional watering or trimming.

The attractive foliage of this plant also makes it a great choice for adding texture and colour to any space. Its small leaves can be used as ground cover in flower beds or added to containers for an instant splash of colour. Furthermore, its evergreen nature means that it will remain green year-round, providing consistent visual interest even during winter months when other plants may not be blooming.

Mind Your Own Business Plant is an excellent option for creating lush and beautiful landscaping with minimal effort required from the gardener. Its low-maintenance needs, hardiness in low light environments and attractive foliage make it a great choice for any home garden or indoor space.

Mind Your Own Business Plant

Pests And Diseases

Despite being relatively easy to care for, this plant can be vulnerable to various pests and diseases. It is important for gardeners and horticulturists to be aware of these potential problems in order to protect their plants.

The most common pest associated with Mind Your Own Business Plant is mealybugs . These small insects have white, waxy bodies and feed on the sap of the plant. This can result in discolouration or yellowing of leaves and stunted growth. To prevent an infestation, it is important to inspect the plant regularly and take action if any mealybugs are present.

In addition to pests, Mind Your Own Business Plant may also be susceptible to fungal diseases such as root rot or powdery mildew. Symptoms include spots or patches on the leaves, wilting foliage, or discoloured stems. It is essential that gardeners provide adequate air circulation around the plant by avoiding overwatering and overcrowding with other plants. Additionally, they should always use clean tools when pruning or repotting the plant in order to avoid spreading disease spores from one plant to another.


Propagating Mind Your Own Business Plant is an effective way to expand and diversify their presence in the garden. This can be accomplished by either sowing seeds or dividing the existing plants. The process of sowing seeds requires loose soil and evenly spaced holes, which should be filled with the seeds before being lightly covered with soil. In order to propagate Mind Your Own Business Plants through division, one must carefully dig up the plant in question and divide it into two sections so that each contains a healthy root system. These sections should then be replanted in separate pots that are large enough for them to spread their roots freely.

When propagating Mind Your Own Business Plant, it is important to choose a location that receives partial shade during the day and is protected from extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rain, and frost. It is also essential to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged; this can be achieved by using a light mulch around the base of the plant once it has been replanted. Additionally, feeding with a balanced liquid fertilizer every three weeks will help ensure optimal growth.

Mind Your Own Business Plant propagation offers many advantages such as cost savings as well as having continuous blooms throughout growing season. It also ensures gardeners have more plants to enjoy without having to purchase new ones regularly or wait for them to seed themselves in their gardens. While propagating takes some time and effort, the results can provide long-term beauty and enjoyment within a garden space.

Uses Of Mind Your Own Business Plant

This species can be used in various ways in both indoor and outdoor spaces, thanks to its low-maintenance care requirements.

The first use of this species is as a trailing groundcover. Its creeping stems spread along the soil surface, creating an attractive carpet of foliage in planters or between paving stones. The plant also has a high tolerance for drought and moderate temperatures, making it suitable for planting in sunny areas with good drainage. It can even be used as a lawn alternative since it does not require mowing or weeding to maintain its appearance.

Another use of Soleirolia soleirolii is as part of a green wall or vertical garden. When planted in containers hung from walls, it can cover large surfaces with its trailing foliage, adding texture and colour to any space without taking up too much space. In addition, it requires very little irrigation compared to other plants making it ideal for locations where water conservation is important.

In addition to these uses, Mind Your Own Business plants are also popular houseplants that add beauty and texture indoors while requiring minimal maintenance. Their growth habit makes them ideal for hanging baskets or windowsills where they will cascade down elegantly over time. They do best in bright indirect light but will tolerate some shade if needed. Regular watering during their active growing season helps keep them looking their best year round.

Mind Your Own Business Plant

Interesting Facts About Mind Your Own Business Plant

In addition to its many benefits, there are some interesting facts about this species that make it unique among other plants.

  • Firstly, the Mind Your Own Business Plant is extremely tolerant of low light conditions and can thrive in dry soil. This makes it a great option for those seeking an easy-care houseplant or a container garden.
  • Moreover, its shallow root structure allows it to be easily pulled up or replanted should the need arise.
  • Furthermore, this species is able to self-propagate through stolons which grow along the surface of the soil and form new plants.
  • This plant’s name comes from its ability to spread rapidly via underground runners.
  • The dense growth of this species can choke out weeds and other plants in the garden making it very useful in landscaping projects.
  • Additionally, its foliage produces a mild aroma when touched that many find pleasant and soothing.
  • Finally, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, extracts from this plant have been used in traditional medicine for treating skin rashes and itchiness caused by insect bites or allergies.

The Mind Your Own Business Plant offers numerous advantages both aesthetically and medicinally making it an attractive choice for gardeners looking for a low maintenance species with multiple uses. Its tolerance of different environmental conditions makes it suitable for various settings; while its ability to self propagate ensures an abundant supply of new plants for future generations of gardeners to enjoy.

Harvesting Mind Your Own Business Plant

Harvesting Mind Your Own Business plant (Soleirolia soleirolii) is a relatively simple process. The first step is to choose which leaves or stems to cut from the plant, ensuring that at least one-third remains intact in order to promote continued growth. Care must be taken when removing the foliage, as the stems and leaves are quite fragile and easily damaged. With each cutting, it is important to use sharp scissors or pruning shears and make a clean cut just above a leaf node. After harvesting, the plants should be placed in indirect sunlight in an area with good air circulation until they are ready for replanting.

When selecting pots for replanting, it is best to use shallow ones with sufficient drainage holes. To ensure proper drainage of water, it is also recommended to add a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot before adding soil. When planting, keep in mind that Mind Your Own Business plants prefer partial shade and moist soil conditions; therefore, avoid direct sun exposure and overwatering. For optimal growth, provide between 2-3 inches of organic compost or peat moss mixed into well-draining potting soil.

Once planted, Mind Your Own Business plants require minimal maintenance but should be monitored regularly for signs of disease or pests such as mealybugs or aphids. If any of these occur, apply safe insecticides as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the plant. Additionally, regular pruning will help encourage bushier growth and maintain a healthy looking plant overall. With proper care and attention, harvested Mind Your Own Business plants can thrive indoors or outdoors for many years to come.

Mind Your Own Business Plant (soleirolia soleirolii) is a hardy and low-maintenance houseplant that can thrive in a wide range of conditions. It is an attractive addition to any living space due to its lush foliage and dainty flowers. The plant can be found in garden centres and nurseries or online. When planting this species, it’s important to provide good drainage and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Proper care includes periodic trimming of the foliage and removal of dead leaves.

Propagation of Mind Your Own Business can be done by dividing the plant or taking stem cuttings. This species has many uses as an indoor ornamental, groundcover, or in terrariums.

Additionally, there are some interesting facts about Mind Your Business Plant such as its ability to form symbiotic relationships with fungi that help it absorb water from the air when soil moisture levels are low.

Finally, harvesting is possible if desired by cutting leaves or stems for use in floral arrangements or other projects. In conclusion, Mind your Own Business Plant is a great choice for any home or garden due to its ease of care and versatility as a houseplant, groundcover, or terrarium specimen.


Ash is a contributing author who has been writing about wildlife for as long as he can remember. He has a vast knowledge of many different types of animals, from the tiniest shrews to the great whales that live in the deepest oceans.

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Soleirolia Soleirolii (Mind-Your-Own-Business) for Ponds and Water Gardens

  • Posted on June 17, 2018

Soleirolia Soleirolii (Mind-Your-Own-Business) for Pond and Water Gardens

Also often listed as Helxine Soleirolii , though mostly known under the common name Mind-Your-Own-Business. This very versatile, moisture-loving plant grows happy in sun, partial and/or full shade. Its many other names include: Baby Tears, Angels Tears, Irish Moss, Bread and Cheese, Friendship Plant, Pollyana Vine, Corsican Carpet, Polly Prim, Paddy’s Wig, Peace in the Home, Corsican Creeper, and  lastly Bits and Pieces.   

This very low-growing mat-forming plant creeps over and around every contour of rocks, stones and logs. It can even be found growing up walls, keeping any architecture under its thousands of tiny, bright green leaves.

where to buy mind your own business plant

Uses in the Water Garden

Mind-Your-Own-Business is one of my favourite  creeping plants; I believe it has a place in almost all water gardens. It is a excellent choice for covering exposed pond liner, as it will stop growing when it meets the water’s edge. It is ideal as a entrance and exit plant for adult and infant Newts, Frogs and Toads. But it is also particularly effective  when grown around formal pond paving and planted throughout rockeries and nooks and crannies.  Fabulous for under and around waterfalls, the plant really come into its own when planted  amongst  Ferns.  Here at Lilies Water Gardens, we also have a popular cultivar called Soleirolia Soleirolii Silver.   For more information and images, please click on the links below.

where to buy mind your own business plant

Soleirolia Soleirolii (species green form)

Soleirolia Soleirolii (silver cultivar)

Visit our online shop www.lilieswatergardens.co.uk or our retail nursery in Surrey to  choose from over 750 pond plants and water garden plants, you will also find all the pond planting accessories and algae treatments to maintain healthy pond plants and healthy pond water.

  • Posted in Nature And Wildlife , Plant Health , Plant Profiles , Pond Design And Planting , Uses For Water Plants
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Soleirolia soleirolii | Mind Your Own Business

Soleirolia soleirolii | Mind Your Own Business

Pot size guide

Standard £4.99


  • Position: bright but indirect light
  • Soil: loam-based potting compost
  • Rate of growth: fast
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 15cm (+ or - 10% including the pot)
  • Pot cover: choose a 14cm pot cover, lining the base with gravel to raise up the plant
  • Height: 15cm tall

Please note: Heights are measured from the top of the pot upwards

Eventual height & spread

Eventual height and spread

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where to buy mind your own business plant

Gardeners Tips

Tips and advice for gardeners about gardening, mind your own business plants, june 10, 2013 hortoris.

Mind Your Own Business is not an instruction but a mat-forming plant also know as Baby’s Tears. It is a creeping perennial that bears minute flowers and forms a mat or small hummock of green foliage that creeps along the soil on thin stems and hangs down over the side of a plant pot. Indoors ‘Mind Your Own Business’ grows best in a cool room and will grow well with high humidity although that is not essential. Never let it dry out and the brighter the position the more water it will need.

There are 3 cultivars of Mind Your Own Business, Soleirolia soleoirolii the species which has green foliage, Variegata Silver Queen with grey-green foliage and Aurea Golden Queen. Uses For Mind Your Own Business Indoors ‘Mind Your Own Business’ grows best in a cool room and will grow well with high humidity although that is not essential. Outdoors it is a relatively maintenance-free alternative to grass as ground cover in moist, shady areas. Frost hardy, its leaves are killed by winter frost, but it will recover to grow vigorously in spring and this is one reason it is used in Japanese gardens as an alternative to moss. The free running nature of the plant allows it to clamber over rocks and logs making green lumps and hump in organic shapes. In the picture above it is used in an Alpine garden display.

5 thoughts on “ Mind Your Own Business Plants ”

I am desperate to buy some potted Mind your own Business for indoor use as balls – but I can’t find wher to buy them even using the Internet. Can you help?

Have a look on amazon under mind your own business, £5 odd, just checked they still did it and they do. Love this plant.

Hi some garden centres have them in now, or they will get som in for you. I love this plant. It adds green structure to the smallest areas and I’ve got sone just in pots hanging.

The biggest weed – DO NOT put it in your garden it will spread like crazy and very hard to get rid of!!

That is the idea of it…to spread over rocks and logs and such it’s very beautiful…

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Our Feedback I ordered on Saturday Changed my order on Monday luncheon time. Fuchsias arrived in perfect condition 11am Tuesday. You can’t do better than that. Congratulations to the team. John Prest, Royston Herts

Mind Your Own Business - Pale Green Form


Soleirolia soleirolii 'Aurea'

  • Pale green foliage clothes the ground.
  • Better in sunnier conditions than other forms of Mind Your Own Business.
  • A really cheerful ground cover for greenhouse or garden alike.

Supplied as a clump grown in a 7cm pot.


The pale green form of the plant with so many common names - Paddy's Wig, Corsican Creeper, Friendship Plant, Bread and Cheese, Baby's Tears, Paddy's Tears, The Pollyanna Vine - the list is endless!

Actually more green-gold in colour (hence its botanical name 'Aurea'), this form of Mind Your Own Business really brings a splash of brightness to wherever it is planted. The pale foliage looks particularly attractive when contrasted with darker colours such as terracotta pots, brickwork or dark stone paths.

A lovely and versatile groundcover plant - for garden or greenhouse alike.

  • Grows to approximately 4" (10 cm) tall.
  • Has an indefinite spread.
  • Prefers shade to full sun.
  • Plant 12" (30 cm) apart.
  • Frost tender - so in severe winters can be 'knocked back' drastically, but invariably recovers the following year.

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Ilim Group Increased Corrugated Board Output by 9% in 2021

Ilim Group - corrugated box production

Feb. 10, 2022 - Ilim Group announced that its corrugated box plants — Dmitrov and Kommunar — delivered a record-high volume of 282 million square meters (131 thousand tons) of products in 2021.

Ilim noted that it has increased the output of corrugated board in 2021 by 9% compared to 2020 and, over the last three years, the company's corrugated box business has been demonstrating high growth rates of about 10% per year.

In 2021, EBIDTA of Ilim Group corrugated box plants totaled USD 16.3 million, which is 2.2 times higher vs. 2020, driven by prices for corrugated products as well as finished products output supported by reduction of losses.

"The past year saw the most successful performance of Ilim's corrugated box plants of all time," said Vladimir Shoshin, Director, Packaging Sales, Ilim Group. "When preparing our plans for 2021, we understood that competition pressure in the corrugated materials market will grow as well as feedstock prices.

"Expansion of the company's customer base in the end of 2020, followed by an increase in the number of orders, allowed our box plants to increase their production volumes already in the beginning of 2021," Shoshin explained.

Corrugated box plants in Dmitrov and Kommunar are a part of Ilim Group's vertically integrated production process. In 2021, Ilim's box plants consumed 71% of its own feedstock, which enables the company to ensure full control over production process and avoid disruption in supplies.

Pavel Alekseev, Operations Director, Packaging Business, Ilim Group, added, "Today, the key drivers of the corrugated materials market development include active development of e-commerce, global 'going green' trends as well as conscious consumption."

According to Ilim Group estimates, the demand for corrugated products will grow by 4-5% in 2022.

Ilim's Corrugated Plants

Ilim Group has two corrugated box plants in the Leningrad (Kommunar) and Moscow (Dmitrov) Oblasts. The plants produce several types of products, including transportation, retail and industrial packaging, corrugated trays as well as packaging for posting items and e-commerce. In 2021, Ilim Gofra was named the winner of the international PART Award.

Ilim Group is the largest manufacturer of pulp and paper products in Russia, and one of the largest exporters of softwood pulp to China. Ilim has three pulp and paper mills in the Arkhangelsk (Koryazhma) and Irkutsk (Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk) Oblasts, two modern corrugated box plants in the Leningrad and Moscow Oblasts, and Sibgiprobum engineering and design institute (Irkutsk). To learn more, visit: www.ilimgroup.com .

SOURCE: Ilim Group

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Energy in the east – the ten biggest power stations in Russia

The ten biggest power stations in Russia include four hydroelectric power facilities, four nuclear power stations, and two gas-fired power stations. Power-technology.com profiles the ten biggest Russian power stations by installed capacity.

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Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydropower Plant – 6,400MW

The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant, located on the Yenisei River in Sayanogorsk, Khakassia, has installed capacity of 6,400MW making it the biggest power station in Russia and one of the 10 biggest hydroelectric power plants in the world . The facility, owned and operated by RusHydro , was built between 1963 and 1978 and generates 23.5TWh annually, 70% of which is delivered to four aluminium smelters in Siberia.

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The power station uses a 242m high and 1,066m long arch-gravity dam and ten 640MW Francis generating units. It has been undergoing rehabilitation and comprehensive modernisation after nine of the ten turbines of the plant were damaged in an accident in August 2009. As of May 2014, eight of ten planned new units with 96.6% efficiency were installed bringing the working capacity of the plant to 5,120MW, and the remaining two units are expected to commence operation by 2015.

Krasnoyarsk hydropower station

Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station – 6,000MW

The 6,000MW Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant located on the Yenisei River in Divnogorsk is Russia’s second biggest power station. The facility is operated by JSC Krasnoyarsk HPS and produces 18.4TWh annually, most of which is delivered to RUSAL’s Krasnoyarsk smelter.

The hydropower station, built between 1956 and 1972, comprises of a 124m high and 1,065m long concrete gravity dam and 12 Francis generating units of 500MW capacity each. Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod (LMZ) supplied the turbines and generators, while Gidroenergoproek was the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor.


Surgut-2 Power Station – 5,597MW

At 5,597.1MW, the Surgut-2 power plant (also known as the Surgutskaya GRES-2) located in West-Siberia is the third biggest power station in Russia and the third biggest thermal power plant in the world. The gas-fired power plant is owned and operated by E.ON Russia and has been operational since 1985. It generates approximately 40 billion kWh of electricity per year using associated petroleum gas (70%) and natural gas (30%) as fuels.

The Surgut-2 power station consists of six 800MW units commissioned between 1985 and 1988, and two advanced gas-fired combined cycle units with a combined capacity of 797.1MW commissioned in July 2011. The latest units are based on GE 9FA gas turbines and have an efficiency rate of 55.9%. E.ON Russia contracted Emerson Process Management to implement an automated process control system at the third generating unit of in September 2011.

Bratsk hydroelectric power station

Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station – 4,515MW

The 4,515MW Bratsk hydroelectric power station, located on the Angara River near the Bratsk city in Irkutsk Oblast of south-eastern Siberia, is owned and operated by Irkutskenergo. The plant has been in operation since 1967 and generates 22.6TWh annually.

The hydropower project comprises of a 924m long and 124.5m high concrete gravity dam constructed between 1954 and 1961 and a power house consists of 18 Francis generating units with 250MW capacity each. Voith was contracted in February 2012 to supply six new Francis runners, each of 6m diameter and 255mw rated capacity, as part of the power station’s modernisation. The first turbine runner was delivered to the plant in February 2014 and the remaining five will be delivered at six month intervals.

Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant

Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant – 4,000MW

The Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) located at Balakovo in the Saratov Oblast, Russia, has 4,000MW installed gross capacity and 3,800MW net capacity. The power station, owned and operated by Rosenergoatom, a subsidiary of state owned Atomenergoprom, has been operational since 1985 and generated 31.74TWh of electricity in 2013.

The Balakovo NPP comprises of four VVER-1000 type pressurised water reactor (PWR) units, each of 1,000MW gross capacity and 950MW of net capacity, commissioned between 1985 and 1993.

Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant

Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant – 4,000MW

The Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant located near the town of Udomlya in Tver Oblast, Russia, has 4,000MW gross installed capacity and 3,800MW net capacity. The NPP, owned and operated by Rosenergoatom, has been operating since 1984 and generated 28.61TWh of electricity in 2013.

The NPP consists of four VVER-1000 type pressurised water reactor (PWR) units of 1,000MW gross capacity and 950MW net capacity each. The first two reactors were commissioned between 1984 and 1986, and the third and fourth reactor units were commissioned in 2004 and 2011.

Kursk Nuclear Power Plant

Kursk Nuclear Power Plant – 4,000MW

The Kursk Nuclear Power Plant located at Kurchatov on the bank of the Seym River, about 40km west of the Kursk city in western Russia, has a gross installed capacity of 4,000MW and net installed capacity of 3,700MW. The nuclear power facility owned and operated by Rosenergoatom has been in commercial operation since 1977.

The plant consists of four RBMK-1000 light-water-cooled graphite- moderated reactor (LWGR) units of 1,000MW gross capacity and 925MW net capacity each. The four operational units of the NPP were connected to the grid between 1976 and 1985 and generated 21.82TWh of electricity in 2013.

Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant

Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant – 4,000MW

The Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant located in the town of Sosnovy Bor in Leningrad Oblast of Russia has 4,000MW gross capacity and 3,700MW net capacity. The plant, owned and operated by Rosenergoatom, has been in commercial operation since 1974.

It comprises of four operational RBMK-1000 light-water-cooled graphite-moderated reactor (LWGR) units, each with 1,000MW gross capacity and 925MW net capacity. The four generating units were grid-connected between 1973 and 1981. Electricity generation from Leningrad- 2, 3 & 4 units in 2013 stood at 17.09TWh.


Ust-Ilimsk Hydroelectric Power Station – 3,840MW

The Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power station located on the Angara River near Ust-Ilimsk in the Irkutsk Oblast has 3,840MW installed capacity making it the third biggest hydropower facility in Russia. The power station, owned and operated by Irkutskenergo, was built between 1963 and 1980 and generates 21.7TWh of electricity per annum.

A 105m high and 1,475m long concrete gravity dam flanked by two earth-fill auxiliary dams was built as part of the project. The power house consists of 16 Francis type generating units with 240MW capacity each.

Kostroma Power Station – 3,600MW

The Kostroma Power Station, also known as the Kostromskaya GRES, is a 3,600MW gas-fired power station near Volgorechensk, Kostroma, in Russia. The power station, owned and operated by OGK-3 , has been in operation since 1969 and generated 12.55TWh of electricity in 2010.

The Kostromskaya GRES consists of eight 300MW generating units commissioned between 1969 and 1971, and a 1,200MW unit commissioned in 1980. The thermal power station uses natural gas as main fuel and fuel oil as backup, to produce around 3% of all electricity in Russia.

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where to buy mind your own business plant


  1. Buy mind your own business Soleirolia soleirolii: Delivery by Waitrose

    where to buy mind your own business plant

  2. Where To Buy Mind Your Own Business Plant, Mind Your Own Business Plant

    where to buy mind your own business plant

  3. Mind-your-own-business plant: care & varieties

    where to buy mind your own business plant

  4. Mind-Your-Own-Business (Soleirolia soleirolii)

    where to buy mind your own business plant

  5. Mind-your-own-business plant: care & varieties

    where to buy mind your own business plant

  6. Soleirolia soleirolii

    where to buy mind your own business plant


  1. МИНИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО НА ДОМУ ОТ 7 500 РУБЛЕЙ В ДЕНЬ! Оборудование для бизнеса 2021! Бизнес идеи

  2. Britney Spears

  3. Mind Your Own Business

  4. will.i.am & Britney Spears

  5. Brandy

  6. Mind Your Business (feat. Ben Wendel & Allakoi Peete)


  1. Mind-your-own-business plant: care & varieties

    Watering is key to Soleirolia soleirolii plant care. Since the plant requires quite a lot of water, you should regularly water the mind-your-own-business plant, watering from the bottom of the planter. The plant will take up the moisture it needs from there. After about 15 minutes, you can pour off the excess water.

  2. Mind Your Own Business (Soleirolia soleirolii (Helxine soleirolii))

    Forms a carpet of tiny green leaves just a few inches tall. A lovely ground cover plant and particularly pretty when used for edging paths. Supplied as a clump grown in a 7cm pot. This Product is Available Now. 1 or more £2.50 each.

  3. Mind Your Own Business Plant: Characteristics, Care, And Creative Uses

    The Mind Your Own Business Plant can also be trained to climb up walls or spill over the edges of hanging baskets, adding a cascading effect to your garden or indoor space. In summary, the Mind Your Own Business Plant is a low-growing plant with dense and lush foliage. Its creeping and spreading nature makes it an excellent choice for ground ...

  4. Mind-your-own-business / RHS Gardening

    Mind-your-own-business is a creeping evergreen perennial with thin, highly-branched, pale green or pink stems that root along their length. Tiny, rounded green leaves cover the plant to create a dense, tactile, moss-like carpet. The golden-leaved cultivar 'Aurea' is also grown in gardens.

  5. Mind-Your-Own-Business: Taming the Tenacious Plant

    Mind-Your-Own-Business ( soleirolia soleirolii) is a creeping perennial native of Corsica and Sardinia, distinguishable by its branching stems and dense foliage. It's a versatile plant of the nettle family, typically used in crazy paving cracks and sculptured over chicken mesh, preferring shade to sun. However, it's famed for taking hold of ...

  6. Soleirolia soleirolii

    Best known as an indoor plant, baby's tears, or mind your own business, Soleirolia soleirolii makes an attractive and maintenance-free alternative to grass as ground cover in moist, shady areas. It's also suitable for using in green walls (pictured), and as a substitute for moss in a Japanese garden. The masses of tiny leaves clothe slender ...

  7. Soleirolia soleirolii Mind your own business plant, Babys Tears

    Soleirolia soleirolii. (Baby's Tears, Mind Your Own Business) SKU: £2.99. £2.99 - £4.99. Unavailable per item Commonly known by many names including baby's tears, or mind your own business, this plant makes an attractive, maintenance-free alternative to ground cover. It will tolerate sun or shade. Frost hardy, its leaves are killed by winter ...

  8. Soleirolia soleirolii

    Evergreen. Habit. Matforming. Genus. Soleirolia is a fast-growing, mat-forming perennial with creeping, rooting stems bearing small, rounded leaves and inconspicuous pinkish flowers. Name status. Correct. Plant range. W Mediterranean Is.

  9. Mind-your-own-business

    In a lawn, bed or border, spot-treat patches of the plant using a total weedkiller. For best results, bruise the plant with the back of a rake or crush it underfoot before applying. Avoid spraying on a windy day and near other desirable plants. Discover how to get rid of mind-your-own-business (Soleirolia soleirolii), with organic or chemical ...

  10. Soleirolia soleirolii

    Mind-Your-Own-Business, Corsican Creeper, Baby Tears Plant. Rated 4.33 out of 5 based on 6 customer ratings. ( 6 customer reviews) £ 9.95. Soleirolia soleirolii is a mat forming herbaceous perennial, evergreen in all but the coldest winters but soon bouncing back. It has a mass of tiny rounded fresh green leaves with small pinky-white flowers ...

  11. Mind Your Own Business Plant (Soleirolia Soleirolii)

    Identifying Mind Your Own Business Plant (Soleirolia soleirolii) is a task that requires careful observation. It is an evergreen perennial plant native to Europe and western Asia. The plant has small leaves with round, scalloped edges and grows in a low-lying rosette shape. Its flowers are small and white and appear in clusters on stems ...

  12. Soleirolia Soleirolii (Mind-Your-Own-Business) for Ponds and Water

    Posted on June 17, 2018 ; Soleirolia Soleirolii (Mind-Your-Own-Business) for Pond and Water Gardens. Also often listed as Helxine Soleirolii, though mostly known under the common name Mind-Your-Own-Business.This very versatile, moisture-loving plant grows happy in sun, partial and/or full shade. Its many other names include: Baby Tears, Angels Tears, Irish Moss, Bread and Cheese, Friendship ...

  13. Buy Soleirolia soleirolii

    Position: bright but indirect light Soil: loam-based potting compost Rate of growth: fast Hardiness: tender (indoors only) Current height: approximately 15cm (+ or - 10% including the pot) Pot cover: choose a 14cm pot cover, lining the base with gravel to raise up the plant Height:15cm tall Please note: Heights are measured from the top of the pot upwards

  14. Buy mind your own business Soleirolia soleirolii: £9.99 ...

    Keep the compost moist (but not waterlogged) at all times and mist the leaves frequently. Repot in spring if necessary. Buy mind your own business Soleirolia soleirolii - A trailing mound of tiny rounded leaves.: 9cm pot square | 15cm tall: £9.99 Delivery by Crocus.

  15. Buy mind your own business Soleirolia soleirolii

    Standard £5.95. Position: bright but indirect light. Soil: loam-based potting compost. Rate of growth: fast. Hardiness: tender (indoors only) Current height: approximately 15cm (+ or - 10% including the pot) Pot cover: choose a 14cm pot cover, lining the base with gravel to raise up the plant.

  16. Buy mind your own business Soleirolia soleirolii: Delivery by Waitrose

    Standard £5.95. Position: bright but indirect light. Soil: loam-based potting compost. Rate of growth: fast. Hardiness: tender (indoors only) Current height: approximately 15cm (+ or - 10% including the pot) Pot cover: choose a 14cm pot cover, lining the base with gravel to raise up the plant. Forms a trailing mound of tiny rounded leaves ...

  17. Mind Your Own Business Plants

    Indoors 'Mind Your Own Business' grows best in a cool room and will grow well with high humidity although that is not essential. Never let it dry out and the brighter the position the more water it will need. There are 3 cultivars of Mind Your Own Business, Soleirolia soleoirolii the species which has green foliage, Variegata Silver Queen ...

  18. GEN-Z ACCOUNTANTS: Redefining Traditional Accounting Practices

    Join us at 6 PM (WAT) this Thursday May 9, 2024, as our distinguish guest will be discussing the topic: GEN-Z ACCOUNTANTS: Redefining Traditional...

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    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Bratsk to Irkutsk easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Bratsk to Irkutsk right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can ...

  20. Mind Your Own Business

    Better in sunnier conditions than other forms of Mind Your Own Business. A really cheerful ground cover for greenhouse or garden alike. Do not plant out (without protection) until fear of frost has passed. Supplied as a clump grown in a 7cm pot. This Product is Available Now. 1 or more £2.50 each. Group & quantity discounts.

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    In 2021, Ilim's box plants consumed 71% of its own feedstock, which enables the company to ensure full control over production process and avoid disruption in supplies. Pavel Alekseev, Operations Director, Packaging Business, Ilim Group, added, "Today, the key drivers of the corrugated materials market development include active development of ...

  22. The Current Territorial Differentiation of the Industry of Irkutsk

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. In the structure of gross value added in Irkutsk oblast, industry accounted for 31.7% in 2010, and 44.8% in 2018. The specific weight of the volume of shipped products of the region in Russia increased from 1.4% in 2010 to 1.7% in 2019, due to the fact that the volume of mining operations increased nine times.

  23. Energy in the east

    Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydropower Plant - 6,400MW. The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant, located on the Yenisei River in Sayanogorsk, Khakassia, has installed capacity of 6,400MW making it the biggest power station in Russia and one of the 10 biggest hydroelectric power plants in the world.The facility, owned and operated by RusHydro, was built between 1963 and 1978 and generates ...