My Favorite Food Essay

500 words essay on my favorite food.

In order to perform well in life, our body needs energy. We get this energy from the food we eat. Without food, there will be no life. In today’s world, there are so many dishes available worldwide. Food comes in a wide variety all around the world. Dosa, Paneer, Naan, Chapati, Biryani, and more Indian delicacies are available. We are also offered western cuisines such as noodles, pasta, burgers, fries, pizzas and more dominating the food industry. In my favourite food essay, I will tell you about the food I like eating the most.

my favorite food essay

My Favorite Food

As the world is advancing day by day, it is becoming easier to get access to many kinds of food at our doorstep. Every day, we all want to consume great and delicious cuisine. There are many different varieties of food accessible all throughout the world. We all like different foods, however, my personal favourite is burgers. I have eaten many cuisines but my favourite food is definitely a burger. I cannot resist myself when it comes to burgers.

Burgers are one of the most convenient and easiest foods to eat on the fly when we’re in a hurry. We can have a burger at any time of day, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or supper, and maybe some fries and a Coke to go with it. Many restaurants are well-known for making their speciality burgers in a particular style. Preparation changes from one establishment to the next. But what exactly makes a burger taste so good? They will taste vary depending on where you go, but they are all built the same. It is made up of a bun, a ground meat patty, and various toppings like cheese, onion slices, lettuce, and other sauces.

They are so soft yet crunchy, fresh and juicy that I love eating them. Even though there are many kinds of burgers, my favourite one is a chicken burger. The chicken patty gives the burger a juicy taste and it tingles my taste buds every time I eat it. I can already smell and taste it in my mouth as soon as I walked inside McDonald’s or any other restaurant that serves chicken burgers. As soon as I take a huge mouthful of it, I forget about any problems or troubles that are going on in the outer world and concentrate my entire concentration just on my chicken burger.

I love eating a burger which is filled with cheese and vegetables . The more vegetables you add, the better it tastes. My personal favourite is lettuce. It gives the burger the right amount of freshness and crunchiness.

I always eat my burger with ketchup. Most importantly, the thing I love about eating burgers is that I get to eat French fries along with them. They work as a great side to the dish and also make my stomach full.

Even though I liked eating a burger from a famous fast food joint, nothing beats the chicken burger my mother makes at home. She prepares everything from scratch, even the burger. Thus, it is extremely fresh and healthy too.

I know and feel that burgers have the great flavour and taste that would make anyone’s stomach pleased after a long day of work. I can tell by the reactions on people’s faces when they order their preferred burger variant. Overall, I don’t believe any other fast food will taste as good as a chicken burger. It’s just difficult to think that something will triumph in the future. As a result, I consider my favourite dish to be the best ever created.

A Great Variety

Perhaps the great thing about burgers is the great variety they offer. It has options for all people, who prefer vegetarian, non-vegetarian and even vegans. Thus, you can select the patty of your burger and dive right in.

There are a large number of burger joints being started in every corner of the city, each serving a variety of their own specialised and self-curated recipes. Burgers that are health-friendly and a go-to with a diet are also being introduced by these newly upcoming burger places. There are a lot many burger cafes that give their customers the choice to create their own burgers by providing them with a choice between patties, fillings, veggies, sauces as well as the number of burger layers they want.

Even though my personal favourite is a chicken burger, I also enjoy eating cheeseburgers and vegetable burgers. For me, all burgers taste delicious. Whenever we go out to eat with friends , I always order a burger.

My friends who do not eat non-vegetarian also eat burgers thanks to the great variety it offers. When we order food at home, we make sure to offer all kinds of burgers from cheeseburgers to chicken burgers, so that we get a taste of everything in our meal. Thus, I love burgers and their great variety makes it better.

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Conclusion of My Favorite Food Essay

Even though my favourite food is a burger, I enjoy other foods as well like Pizza and Pasta. However, I feel when it comes to eating daily, nothing beats homemade food. The food we eat daily is what helps us gain energy. We cannot eat our favourite food daily as it will become boring then, but our staple food is something we enjoy eating on an everyday basis.

FAQ of My Favorite Food Essay

Question 1: Why do we need food?

Answer 1: We need food because it provides nutrients, energy for activity, growth. Similarly, all functions of the body like breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm are made possible because of food. It also helps in keeping our immune system healthy.

Question 2: Should you eat your favourite food all the time?

Answer 2: No, never. Favourite foods are meant to be enjoyed when there is any special occasion, or when you are tired of your regular homemade food. Eating too much of your favourite food will make your taste buds adjust to it and eventually, it will not remain our favourite. Excess of anything is bad and the same goes for our favourite food. Thus, we must eat it occasionally so that it remains our favourite.

Question 3: Is fast food healthy? Should we not consume fast food at all?

Answer 3: Fast food is often high in calories, sodium, and harmful fat, with one meal frequently providing enough for a whole day. It is also deficient in nutrients and nearly devoid of fruit, vegetables, and fibre. That doesn’t mean you should completely avoid fast food. It is feasible to eat fast food without jeopardising your healthy diet. Take advantage of the nutritious side dishes available at many fast-food places. Look for meals that include lean proteins, vegetables, and fibre, and avoid anything that is supersized.

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Essay on Favourite Dish

Students are often asked to write an essay on Favourite Dish in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Favourite Dish

My favourite dish.

Everyone has a meal they love more than others. My favourite dish is pizza. It’s a round flatbread topped with sauce, cheese, and other tasty things like vegetables and meats.

Why I Love It

I love pizza because it’s delicious and you can choose different toppings. Whether I want something meaty or full of veggies, pizza can be made just how I like it.

Eating Together

Pizza is perfect for sharing. When my family orders a large one, we all sit together and enjoy our slices. It’s a fun way to eat and talk.

Anytime Meal

Another great thing about pizza is you can eat it for lunch, dinner, or even a snack. It’s always a good choice when I’m hungry.

250 Words Essay on Favourite Dish

Everyone has a dish that makes their mouth water just thinking about it. For me, that dish is pizza. When I talk about my favourite food, my heart fills with joy. Pizza is not just food for me; it’s a slice of happiness.

What Makes Pizza Special

Pizza is special because it brings people together. It is a dish that you can share with friends and family. The best part is that you can choose what you want on your pizza. You can have vegetables, cheese, meat, or even fruits like pineapple. The mix of melted cheese and tomato sauce on a soft yet crispy crust is perfect.

Memories Attached to Pizza

Every time I eat pizza, I remember the fun times I had with my family. We would sit around the table, each grabbing a slice, and talk about our day. Pizza nights are a tradition in our house. It’s not just about eating; it’s about making memories.

Why It’s My Favourite

Pizza is my favourite because it tastes amazing and makes me happy. It’s a simple pleasure that I look forward to. Whether it’s a reward after a long day or a treat during a weekend, pizza is my go-to dish.

In conclusion, pizza is more than food; it’s a feeling. It’s the warmth of family, the joy of sharing, and a taste that always seems to hit the right spot. That’s why pizza is my favourite dish, and I think it will always be.

500 Words Essay on Favourite Dish

Introduction to my favourite dish.

Everyone loves food, and we all have a special dish that makes our mouths water just by thinking about it. My favourite dish is homemade pizza. It’s a meal that brings joy and can be made in many different ways. In this essay, I will talk about why pizza is my top choice, what goes into making it, and the fun of eating it.

Why Pizza is My Favourite

Pizza is my favourite dish for many reasons. First, it tastes amazing with its combination of soft dough, tangy tomato sauce, melted cheese, and various toppings. Second, it’s a dish that I can share with my family and friends, making mealtime a happy get-together. Lastly, pizza is versatile; it can be made to suit everyone’s taste, whether they like vegetables, meats, or just plain cheese.

The Magic of Making Pizza

Making pizza at home is like creating a piece of art. It starts with the dough, which is made from flour, water, yeast, and a pinch of salt. Kneading the dough is fun and feels like playing with clay. Once the dough rises, it’s time to shape it into a circle, which will be the base of the pizza.

Next comes the sauce, a mix of tomatoes, garlic, herbs, and spices spread over the dough. Then, cheese is sprinkled on top. The best part is choosing the toppings. You can put almost anything on a pizza, like slices of pepperoni, chunks of pineapple, or different veggies. Every pizza can be unique, just like the person making it.

Baking and Sharing the Pizza

When the pizza is ready to bake, it goes into the oven. The smell that fills the kitchen while it’s cooking is incredible. It makes everyone eager to take the first bite. After about 15 minutes, the pizza comes out hot and bubbly. It’s a special moment when you cut the first slice and share it with others. Eating pizza is not just about filling your stomach; it’s about creating memories with the people you care about.

Healthy and Fun to Eat

Some might think pizza is not healthy, but that’s not always true. When you make it at home, you can choose what goes on it. You can use whole wheat dough, less cheese, and lots of veggies to make it a nutritious meal. It’s a dish that can be both delicious and good for you.

Eating pizza is also interactive and fun. You can hold it in your hands, choose to eat the crust first or save it for last, and try different toppings each time. It’s a playful dish that makes mealtime enjoyable.

In conclusion, pizza is a dish that has a special place in my heart. It’s versatile, fun to make, and brings people together. Whether it’s a simple cheese pizza or one loaded with toppings, it’s a dish that can be tailored to suit everyone’s taste. The joy of sharing a homemade pizza with loved ones is unmatched, making it my all-time favourite dish.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Essay on My Favorite Food: A Comprehensive Guide

Writing an essay about your favorite food is a delightful task that allows you to express your passion for a culinary delight while honing your writing skills. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of crafting a compelling essay that not only highlights your love for a particular dish but also engages your readers. So, get ready to savor the journey of writing an essay on your favorite food Essay on My Favorite Food: Tips to Write a Top-Notch Paper !

Choosing the Perfect Dish

When it comes to writing an essay on your favorite food, the first step is selecting the perfect dish to write about. Think about the meals that make your taste buds dance with joy. Is it your grandmother's homemade lasagna or the spicy street tacos from your last vacation? Choose a dish that holds a special place in your heart.

Creating a Mouthwatering Introduction

Your essay's introduction is the appetizer that sets the tone for the entire piece. Begin with a captivating hook that entices your readers to continue. You can use an interesting food-related anecdote or a thought-provoking quote. Then, introduce your favorite food and explain why it holds such significance to you.

Building a Flavorful Body

The main body of your essay is where you dive deep into the flavors and experiences associated with your favorite food. Describe the dish in detail - its appearance, aroma, taste, and texture. Share personal anecdotes or memories related to this dish. Discuss how it makes you feel and why it stands out among all the meals you've ever had.

Dos and Don'ts

To ensure your essay on your favorite food is as delectable as the dish itself, here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind:

  • Do use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of your favorite food.
  • Do share personal experiences and memories associated with the dish.
  • Do engage your readers' senses by describing the aroma, taste, and texture.
  • Do convey your passion and enthusiasm for the food.
  • Don't provide a generic or bland description of the food.
  • Don't forget to proofread and edit your essay for clarity and coherence.
  • Don't make it too lengthy; keep your essay concise and focused.

Q: How long should my essay be?

Your essay should be around 1500 words, providing enough depth without overwhelming the reader.

Q: Can I write about multiple favorite foods?

It's best to focus on one favorite food to maintain a clear and concise narrative.

Q: Should I include a recipe in my essay?

While it's not necessary, you can include a brief recipe if it adds value to your story.

Final Thoughts

Writing an essay on your favorite food is not just an academic exercise; it's a way to share a piece of your soul through the lens of your taste buds. Make it flavorful, engaging, and heartfelt. With this guide, you're well-equipped to craft a mouthwatering essay that leaves your readers craving both your words and the delicious dish you've described.

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Writing A Perfect Essay About Favorite Food

Jessica Nita

Table of Contents

expository essay on my favorite dish

Everyone is concerned with matters of nutrition, so this topic is of importance for absolutely anyone reading it. We present you a manual on food essay writing with an outline and advice for the development (and for a balanced diet).

The basic structure of a ‘my favorite food’ essay

Not all students know the importance of healthy eating and a balanced diet. Avoiding bad nutrition and knowing the nutritional principles is important for our health; it helps to avoid food problems.

In the world of young people, this awareness is sometimes lacking, for this reason, a teacher could give you the assignment to write an argumentative essay about food.

In this article, you will find great tips on how to organize your writing, how to structure your essay, and what sources to quote to get a better grade.

How to draw up a topic?

Before starting your argumentative text on food, make an outlay. This tool will help you identify what to talk about in your nutrition topic.

Read the outline carefully and answer: what aspects of the diet science prompt you to argue?

This question is essential to understand what to write about when writing about the relationship between young people and their favorite/staple food.


In the first part of your argumentative text on nutrition, you need to talk about the importance of food for health. What distinguishes a balanced diet from poor nutrition? Introduce the problem by pointing out that it is not right to eat only what you like…

In the second part of your favorite food essay writing, focus on the relationship between young people and food. What influences it? What do kids usually know about nutrition?

You can make real references to the diets you have heard of, and that young people follow. It then illustrates what constitutes a balanced diet and, if the outline requires it, what are the essential nutrients in a diet.

expository essay on my favorite dish

What would be the best outline?

My Favorite Food essay: introduction

Food is not only sustenance, but it is also a great part of our culture. Thanks to the energy and the different nutrients that our body takes through food, we can perform all the actions of our day: not only physical efforts but also mental ones work thanks to the calories we introduce.

This fact is even more important for boys, especially during the more delicate phases of their growth, where their development must be accompanied by special nutrition. It is, therefore, necessary to know what distinguishes a balanced diet from an unbalanced one.

To get a higher rating, you can add other famous quotes related to nutrition in general. For instance, you may quote François de La Rochefoucauld’s famous wit’s oeuvre, “To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”

Essay on my favorite food: the main body

An incorrect diet, in the world of young people, is often linked to the type and quality of the food they eat. Some do not have time to cook, others are not able to, while the rest have to eat out due to force majeure and end up having their meals at fast-food restaurants. It is not wrong to eat only what you want, food should be appreciated, or there would be no taste in eating, the important thing is that your meals are healthy dishes concerning the nutritional principles they bring.

Limiting the concept of healthy to fruit and vegetables, no matter how indispensable, is perhaps the reason why poor nutrition is a widespread problem among young people. Carbohydrates, particularly pasta and rice, are the nutrients that give us the most energy and therefore we need them to play sports and endure the most demanding school days. Finally, the proteins we take with meat or legumes play an indispensable role in the formation of muscles.

Since restaurants are adequately equipped to meet the ethical, physical (allergy) and economic needs of everyone, there should be no excuse of not making changes towards healthier diet plans. In many places today you can eat healthy without sacrificing taste, especially in countries where food has a culture of its own like Italy, France or certain parts of the U.S. like New Orleans. But this is not enough, it is necessary to educate children to have a correct diet to avoid that their relationship with food is balanced. In fact, young people are the most affected by food-related problems because their age is often characterized by difficulties that can turn into eating disorders.

Bonus tips for better grades: If the outline requires it and you have sufficient knowledge on the subject, in light of the considerations made, of how a diet should be set to be correct.

Essay on nutrition: conclusion

The philosopher Feuerbach maintained that “we are what we eat” and in a sense, it is so given that it is scientifically proven that the more balanced a diet is in terms of macro-nutrients the healthier an individual is. Feeding children is no exception to this rule, so it must be explained to them what it means to eat properly. For this reason, it is necessary to pay more attention to the relationship between food and the young.

Even food, in fact, can be a constructive way to expand your educational horizons: learning to cook and propose new recipes to friends, going out to lunch in new places and enjoying typical dishes of different traditions are apparently insignificant experiences, but sometimes able to give flavor to our life especially if shared.

Bonus tips for better grades: A brief mentioning of the relationship between food and culture and how varied it is in the world is what will ensure you a solid A-plus.

Most common mistakes when writing an essay

The 5 classic errors to avoid when writing an essay

  • Confuse the subject of an essay with an exercise of pure imagination, free and without constraint.
  • Underestimate the difficulty of writing. An essay often seems more pleasant than a dissertation or a commentary of text. But it is far from easy.
  • Rush . You have to read the subject two or more times and highlight the key terms.
  • Wander off-topic . You have to have a good method to avoid off-topic faux pas. Writing an essay is a methodical and rigorous exercise.
  • Breaking the style . To make a good assignment of your essay, one must have a style of writing, vocabulary, and especially good ideas. It’s about writing as if you were a writer. It is not an easy task.

How to avoid mistakes?

How to not…

…sound ungrounded in your essay

Read as much as you can on the subject, and provide evidential backup for everything that you write – save for your conclusions.

…underestimate the difficulty of writing

An essay gives a literary experience of writing, it is, therefore, important to understand, to read, to build, and to interpret.

…take too little time for the assignment

Make sure you collect and organize your ideas before you put them in writing

It is important to stay out of redundancy. Brevity is the soul of wit; focus on summing up the facts relevant for your topic rather than throwing in things that you find easier to write about or those who just are at the top of your mind.

…breach the style

Be wary of the use of colloquial style in your writing, as well as other stylistic errors. The sense of good academic style can be developed as you read works of others. When in doubt, consult a specialist. The professional essay writer will help you improve your writing style and correct your other errors.

Bottom line

The topic of a favorite food can be summed up with one precise quote

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”

Without doubt, there are only too many things to say on the topic; your task is to pick the ones that reflect your own philosophy, organize them in a logical way, give valid examples and provide scientific evidence, and draw essential conclusions.

If you have problems at any stage of your writing, reach out for professional help!

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My Favorite Food

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Here you have Expository Essay on My Favourite Food, let’s start with the Introduction.


I’m not a foodie, and I don’t go out of my way to try new things, but I know what I like. I’ve always wanted the fish, whether it was cooked whole or cut into fillets. My mother recognized my intense appetite for fish and made it a point to feed us fish every week. I didn’t know or understand the nutritional benefits of fish back then, but I knew it tasted good. I could eat it plain or with rice, and everyone at home appreciated my decision. As I grew older and learned to understand the various advantages of eating fish, I convinced myself that I had made the correct decision.

Today, I could eat fish every day, but I’m on the lookout for another dish to add to my list of favorites, just like I did when I first found fish. However, this time around, I’m seeking a vegetable mix. But, getting back to fish, just thinking about it makes my mouth water, but I’m going to attempt to resist the impulse to go out and find some so I can finish this article. In this essay, I’ll discuss why I believe everyone should eat fish and some of the various methods to prepare it.

Reasons why everyone should eat fish?

Enriched with vitamin d.

Vitamin D has been one of the most talked-about vitamins due to widespread deficiency in recent years. According to Forrest and Stuhldreher (2011), 41.6 percent of Americans are Vitamin D deficient and do little to nothing to improve their situation. However, according to Leech (2015), fish is by far the most well-known dietary source of Vitamin D. He goes on to say that eating fish like herring and salmon will provide you with the most Vitamin D.

Aids in the treatment of depression

Depression is a known and actual condition that can lead to mortality. Sad people frequently end their own lives or give up on life and all of their relationships. On the other hand, Leech advises that eating fish can make you happier than before. Depression is currently one of the world’s most severe or widespread health issues. Grosso et al. (2014) found that those who consume fish regularly, such as myself, have decreased incidence of depression.

Lowers the risk of developing heart disease.

One of the most pressing health issues today is a heart attack. Eating fish can help prevent or lessen the odds of developing heart disease or suffering a heart attack. According to a study conducted by Mozaffarian and Rimm (2007), eating fish once or twice a week reduces the odds of dying from the cardiac disease by 36 percent. This alone is reason enough to incorporate fish into one’s weekly diet. Thousands of individuals die each year in the United States from heart disease or heart attacks. The bad news is that such reports and research are frequently ignored. On the other hand, this reason made me want to eat fish even more, and I’m never going back.

Increases a person’s mental capacity.

Anything that increases my mental capacity is something I will consume every week. Fish contains crucial nutrients known as omega-3 fatty acids, demonstrated in studies to aid cognitive boost. I will seek more of what I am instructed to eat if I can get my brain working at its optimum while I am still young. However, there has been slight sensitization since few people eat fish and those who do not comprehend why they should never eliminate it from their diet.

Aids in the growth of youngsters

Omega-3 fatty acids are also crucial throughout pregnancy, according to research, for the development of the neurological system and the baby’s brain. Fish, it appears, is necessary for a child’s development and will ensure that a child never has any motor, social, or communication issues. There will be no symptoms of brain development delay.

Improves the health of one’s skin

For people concerned about their skin’s state, fish can also aid in improving their skin’s health. According to reports, fish has an ingredient called EPA, which helps regulate oil production in the skin and keeps it moisturized. Furthermore, fish aids in the preservation of one’s skin and can protect one’s skin from UV rays.

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How To Write Essay About My Favorite Food

Table of Contents

How to write an essay about my favorite food

  • How to start
  • Main body writing
  • Final checklist

People mostly write descriptive essays about other people, events, animals, or memories. Rarely do essay writing companies offer guidance on how to write descriptive essays about favorite foods. This article will take students and writers step by step on writing. When students are given the task of writing a description of their favorite food, they get a platform to paint words and create a vivid experience for readers. Students should, therefore, strive to use vivid observations and descriptions rather than persuasive figures or facts. This genre of essay writing gives students the artistic freedom of observing and describing what they see, feel, taste, smell, and hear.

How to start a descriptive essay on favorite food?

When writing this type of essay, it is important to understand that describing the favorite food is the core issue, writers and students should, therefore, feel free to talk about various aspects of their favorite food such as how the food smells or tastes. Before you start describing your favorite dish, it very imperative that you highlight some ideas or aspects of the dish you are about to describe. For instance, if a student chooses to describe pizza. A student might start by jotting down some words such as crust, sauce, pepperoni, spices, sausage, cheese, etc. once the student is done listing some ideas, he or she can start compiling descriptions for each.

The main body writing

When writing an essay about your favorite food, it is important you focus on the maxim: show does not tell. Descriptive essays need to be loaded with words showing the writer’s feelings and emotions. This is because readers will easily experience what is being described to them.

Consider these two sentences:

  • I served a plate of stew potatoes.
  • I dipped the serving silver spoon into the already steaming bowl of stew potatoes. The spoon swiftly penetrated through the fluffy mound of potatoes. As I lifted the spoon and poured a pile of potatoes onto my plate, I could smell the strong aroma of garlic, spices, and herbs that made my mouth salivate in anticipation.

The first example is telling us how you served a plate of potatoes.

The second example, on the other hand, shows readers how you served a plate of stew potatoes.

Applying senses

Writers need to use descriptive words that bring a clear, vivid picture of the food they are describing. The best way a writer or a student can achieve this is by applying senses. Readers need to be engaged through their imagination. Words such as warm, soft texture, cold, hot, etc. can spice up your description and bring a vivid picture of what you are describing . One mistake that students make is describing the physical characteristics of their favorite dish. Students need to focus more on feelings towards their favorite food. Describing feelings and emotions enables readers to easily identify and connect with your emotions towards a particular food. Explaining how things feel, look, sound, or smell taps into the emotional reservoir of the readers, enabling you to achieve a deep descriptive potential. Make the preparation more enjoyable by including emotional issues. Talk about the aroma at some point, talk about its physical appearance, and talk about how one feels when preparing the meal.  This unique description will go a long way in creating a positive picture for the readers, making them anticipate making or eating the food you are describing.

Organization of your descriptive essay

When writing a descriptive essay, it is very easy for many writers to find themselves in an incoherent rambling of senses and emotions. Organization is very crucial in descriptive writing . Students should strive to present their descriptions in a logical and organized manner if they want their readers to have a deep picture of the food they are trying to describe. If readers do not understand what you are describing, the chances are that the description you have provided is a random, confusing, and jumbled mess. Readers need to have a multifaceted understanding and visualization of the food being described.

Revising your favorite food descriptive essay

After drafting your descriptive essay about favorite foods, it is imperative you apply the checklist below.

  • Does the essay provide enough description and details that enable readers to gain a clear picture of the food you are describing?
  • Are there minor, but essential details about the dish that you might have left out?
  • Have I used words that show my emotions in my descriptive essay about my favorite food?
  • Does the descriptive essay have unnecessary details and descriptions?
  • Is the descriptive essay on my favorite food organized in the most logical and efficient manner?

To conclude, the primary objective is to generate a profound sense of appreciation and familiarity in the readers. If you feel that the readers will walk away after reading the descriptive essay craving for the very food described, embrace yourself, you have mastered the skill of writing an effective descriptive essay on your favorite food.

expository essay on my favorite dish

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My Favorite Dish

Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: Food

Most of us have a certain type of favorite dish, but my favorite dish is seared steak with a garlic glaze. I love this dish because it reminds of that time my cousin told me about it and described it. Ever since he told me I always wanted it to try it. I couldn’t try the dish because he didn’t know the name of it and so I couldn’t try it out in some other restaurant or make it myself. The only way I had to try it was to go where he lives and he lives out of state, I had to wait a few months to taste it. That made me want to try it even more.

2 years ago my dad came home from work with very good news he told my family that we were going to spend Christmas with my family in Bellevue, Washington. When I heard the good news I was so happy I was going to try the dish my cousin was telling me about. I was just counting the days to go, I remember it was December 15 we packed out stuff and went to Washington. The first thing we did was go out to eat and it was in that Restaurant in Bellevue I don’t really remember the name of it I just wanted to try the dish.

The restaurant was located between Bellevue and Seattle. In the restaurant we got the got the menu and my cousin pointed at the dish and it was called Seared steak with garlic glaze. I didn’t really want to try it because of the garlic but I waited so long for this dish I had to try it. I got my dish and it looked weird but smelled so good. The garlic along with the spices it had on the glaze smelled so good was making me want to jump for it right away.

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We have all visited restaurants before, hungry with anticipation of consuming a good meal in return for our precious and cautiously spent money. Eating out is an expensive business and you really want to be sure you get a good experience. Sadly, this doesn’t always happen. Who or what is to blame for this? Successful restaurants offer a seamless dining experience. The appeal of the meal to ...

The steak was hot and cooked well done and was about ½ inch thick had good color to it the glaze was brownish looking. The glaze was covered with garlic cloves I made a weird face when I saw it. I took my first bite and I am not a fan of garlic but I loved it was so good, I said to myself all this wait was worth it that garlic taste mixed with some spices they used made it taste so delicious never have I tasted something like it.

After Christmas we came back to Los Angeles California I was just remembering the taste of seared steak I wanted to try to and make my own. I searched online and found a recipe and it seemed pretty easy and didn’t use that many ingredients. I went to the local super market by my house and had most of the ingredients it required, the only thing I couldn’t find was rosemary I think they had it I just didn’t know where to find it. I went home and luckily there was rosemary in the house. I seared the steak so it can be really dry and I seasoned it with salt, pepper and steak seasoning so it can have a good crust and cooked it in a cast iron skillet. The steak smelled good already so was time to make the glaze the glaze was really simple just some garlic beef broth and rosemary.

My dish was done it didn’t take a long time it took me about 25-30 minutes. My dish didn’t come out as it looked back in the restaurant I think because my stake was a little thin then ½ inch. I tried it and it didn’t really taste the same like the one in the restaurant didn’t have that good garlic flavor maybe in the restaurant they added some extra spices or secret ingredient.

I would make this dish again but this time I would like to experiment and add more spices to the glaze or maybe make it a little spicy probably next time when I go to Bellevue Washington I should ask the chef what are the ingredients in making this wonderful dish. Next time I am probably going to make it with pork chops I think it will be pretty good maybe even better.

I like my visit to Washington and going to that restaurant next time I will remember the name of it. I had fun in making this dish and I will try to make it as good as the one in the restaurant or probably even better. I will never give up!

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expository essay on my favorite dish


My Favorite Food Essay & Paragraph

“My Favorite Food Essay” and “My Favorite Food Paragraph” is a popular topic for students’ writing practice and very potential test question in school. Here are “My Favorite Food Essay” in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 words and “My Favorite Food Paragraph” in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 words on some of the popular foods around the world, such as Pizza, Sushi, Biryani and Tacos.

My Favorite Food Essay & Paragraph (Pizza)

Table of Contents

My Favorite Food Essay, 100 Words

My favorite food is pizza. I love the combination of its crispy crust, tangy tomato sauce and gooey melted cheese.

Pizza is a versatile food that can be enjoyed for any meal of the day. There is no other food I compare to the taste and smell of a freshly baked pizza. Pizza is easy to eat and share with friends and family.

The best thing about pizza is that it’s a food that brings people together, whether it’s a quick lunch or a late night snack. No matter how much I eat, I never fail to feel hungry when my favorite pizza is in front of me.

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My Favorite Food Paragraph, 100 Words

My favorite food is pizza. I love the combination of the crispy crust, the tangy tomato sauce, and the gooey melted cheese. I also enjoy experimenting with different toppings, such as pepperoni, mushrooms, and onions. The best part about pizza is that it’s a versatile dish that can be enjoyed for any meal of the day. Whether it’s a quick lunch or a late-night snack, pizza always hits the spot. The aroma of a freshly baked pizza is a treat that I can never get enough of. I think pizza is the perfect food, as it’s delicious, satisfying, and easy to share with friends and family.

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My Favorite Food Essay, 200 Words

My favorite food is sushi. The combination of fresh fish, sticky rice, and seaweed is a perfect balance of flavors and textures. Each sushi roll is a work of art, carefully crafted by the chef with a variety of ingredients. I love trying new sushi rolls and discovering new flavor combinations. Not only is sushi delicious, but it is also healthy and low in calories.

Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish that has become popular worldwide, and I am grateful to have access to it in my city. Eating sushi is not only a treat for my taste buds but also a cultural experience. I love learning about the different types of fish and their preparation methods. Sushi chefs are true artists, and I have great respect for their craft.

Sushi is also a great food to share with others. Whether it’s a casual dinner with friends or a special occasion, sushi always brings people together. The communal nature of sushi is something that I truly appreciate. I always feel satisfied after a sushi meal, both in terms of taste and in terms of social connection. Overall, sushi is my all-time favorite food and a constant source of joy and pleasure.

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My Favorite Food Essay & Paragraph (Sushi)

My Favorite Food Paragraph, 200 Words

My favorite food is sushi. The combination of fresh fish, sticky rice, and seaweed is a perfect balance of flavors and textures. Each sushi roll is a work of art, carefully crafted by the chef with a variety of ingredients. I love trying new sushi rolls and discovering new flavor combinations. Not only is sushi delicious, but it is also healthy and low in calories. Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish that has become popular worldwide, and I am grateful to have access to it in my city. Eating sushi is not only a treat for my taste buds but also a cultural experience. I love learning about the different types of fish and their preparation methods. Sushi chefs are true artists, and I have great respect for their craft. Sushi is also a great food to share with others. Whether it’s a casual dinner with friends or a special occasion, sushi always brings people together. The communal nature of sushi is something that I truly appreciate. I always feel satisfied after a sushi meal, both in terms of taste and in terms of social connection. Overall, sushi is my all-time favorite food and a constant source of joy and pleasure.

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My Favorite Food Essay, 250 Words

Introduction: My favorite food is Biryani. It is a delicious and popular dish that is enjoyed by people all over the world. It is a type of rice dish that is usually made with meat, fish, or vegetables, along with a variety of spices and herbs. Biryani is a perfect combination of flavors and textures, and it is one of my favorite foods.

Origins: Biryani has its origins in the Indian subcontinent and is believed to have been brought to the region by traders from the Middle East. Over time, the dish has evolved and adapted to the local cuisine, with different regions having their own unique variations of the dish.

Ingredients: Biryani is made with a variety of ingredients, including rice, meat or fish, vegetables, and a variety of spices and herbs. Some of the most common spices used in biryani include cumin, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, and ginger. The meat or fish is usually marinated in a mixture of yogurt and spices before being cooked with the rice.

Preparation: Biryani is traditionally prepared by cooking the rice and meat or fish separately before layering them in a pot and cooking them together. This allows the flavors to meld together and results in a dish that is both flavorful and comforting.

Conclusion: Biryani is a delicious and satisfying dish that is enjoyed by people all over the world. Its unique combination of flavors and textures make it a perfect meal for any occasion. Whether you’re looking for a comforting home-cooked meal or a delicious dish to share with friends and family, biryani is sure to please.

My Favorite Food Essay & Paragraph (Biryani)

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My Favorite Food Paragraph, 250 Words

My favorite food is Biryani, a delicious and popular dish that is enjoyed by people all over the world. It is a type of rice dish that is usually made with meat, fish, or vegetables, along with a variety of spices and herbs. Biryani has its origins in the Indian subcontinent and is believed to have been brought to the region by traders from the Middle East. Over time, the dish has evolved and adapted to the local cuisine, with different regions having their own unique variations of the dish. I love Biryani because it has a perfect combination of flavors and textures. The combination of rice, meat or fish, vegetables, and a variety of spices and herbs creates a unique taste that is both flavorful and comforting. I also appreciate the fact that it is a versatile dish, and can be enjoyed with different meats like chicken, beef, lamb or even seafood. The way the ingredients are layered and cooked together, creates a unique flavor and aroma that is hard to resist. The soft, fluffy rice paired with the tender meat or fish and the flavorful spices, makes for a perfect meal. Biryani is a dish that can be enjoyed on any occasion, whether it’s a special celebration or a casual get together with friends and family. It’s a dish that brings people together and is always a crowd-pleaser. Overall, Biryani is a delicious and satisfying dish that I can never get enough of.

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My Favorite Food Essay, 300 Words

Introduction: Tacos are a traditional Mexican dish that is made with a corn or wheat tortilla, filled with various meats, vegetables, and toppings. They are a staple food in Mexican cuisine and have become increasingly popular all over the world. Tacos are my favorite food because of their versatility, flavor, and cultural significance.

Versatility: One of the things I love about tacos is their versatility. They can be filled with a variety of meats, such as chicken, beef, or pork, as well as vegetables, like lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado. The toppings can also be mixed and matched to suit personal tastes. This allows for endless possibilities, and every time I eat tacos, it feels like a new and exciting experience.

Flavor: Another reason I love tacos is the flavor. The combination of warm tortilla, savory meat, and fresh toppings creates a perfect balance of flavors and textures. The spices used in Mexican cuisine, like cumin, chili powder, and cilantro, give the tacos a unique and delicious taste. Tacos are also often served with salsa, guacamole, and sour cream, which adds an extra layer of flavor and texture.

Cultural Significance: Tacos also hold a lot of cultural significance for me. They are a traditional Mexican dish that has been passed down for generations. Eating tacos is a way for me to connect with my heritage and learn more about my culture. I also appreciate how tacos have become a global phenomenon and how they’ve been embraced by different cultures and communities.

Conclusion: Tacos are my favorite food for many reasons. They are versatile, delicious, and culturally significant. Whether it’s a quick lunch or a sit-down dinner, tacos always hit the spot. They are a comforting and satisfying dish that brings people together and I can’t get enough of them.

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My Favorite Food Paragraph, 300 Words

My favorite food is Tacos, a traditional Mexican dish that is made with a corn or wheat tortilla, filled with various meats, vegetables, and toppings. Tacos are my favorite food because of their versatility, flavor, and cultural significance. Tacos can be filled with a variety of meats, such as chicken, beef, or pork, as well as vegetables, like lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado. The toppings can also be mixed and matched to suit personal tastes. This allows for endless possibilities, and every time I eat tacos, it feels like a new and exciting experience. The combination of warm tortilla, savory meat, and fresh toppings creates a perfect balance of flavors and textures. The spices used in Mexican cuisine, like cumin, chili powder, and cilantro, give the tacos a unique and delicious taste. Tacos are also often served with salsa, guacamole, and sour cream, which adds an extra layer of flavor and texture. Tacos also hold a lot of cultural significance for me. They are a traditional Mexican dish that has been passed down for generations. Eating tacos is a way for me to connect with my heritage and learn more about my culture. I also appreciate how tacos have become a global phenomenon and how they’ve been embraced by different cultures and communities. Tacos are also a versatile food, not only can be filled with different meats and vegetables, but also can be made in different styles, such as soft or hard shell tacos, fish or shrimp tacos, and even breakfast tacos. The possibilities are endless and they can be enjoyed in any time of the day. Overall, tacos are a comforting and satisfying dish that brings people together and I can’t get enough of them.

FAQ about My Favorite Food Essay & Paragraph

We need food to provide our bodies with the nutrients and energy they require to function properly. These nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Without enough of these nutrients, our bodies can’t grow and repair tissues, produce energy, or properly regulate functions such as our immune systems and metabolism.

It’s okay to enjoy your favorite foods as part of a balanced diet, but it’s important to remember that variety is key to a healthy diet. Eating the same foods repeatedly can lead to nutrient deficiencies and make your meals less enjoyable. It’s important to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet to ensure that you’re getting all the necessary nutrients. Additionally, having a balance diet can also help prevent chronic disease.

Fast food is often high in calories, saturated fat, sugar, and sodium, which can contribute to weight gain and an increased risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure when consumed in excess. It is important to be aware of the nutritional content of the fast food you are eating and make informed choices.

Eating fast food occasionally as part of a balanced diet is generally okay. However, it is not recommended to make a regular habit of eating fast food, as it can contribute to nutrient deficiencies and displace healthier food choices. Instead, it’s better to prepare meals at home using fresh, whole ingredients, which can be more nutritious and allow you to control the ingredients and portion sizes.

When writing about your favorite food, it’s important to be descriptive and use sensory language to convey the taste, texture, and appearance of the food. Here are a few tips on how to write about your favorite food:

  • Start by describing the appearance of the food. What does it look like? Is it colorful or monochromatic? Is it smooth or chunky?
  • Next, describe the texture of the food. Is it crunchy, chewy, or soft? How does it feel in your mouth?
  • Then, describe the taste and flavor of the food. What are the dominant flavors? Are they sweet, savory, spicy, or sour? Are there any unique or interesting flavors that make this food special?
  • Share the history and cultural background of the food. It can be interesting for the reader to know where it comes from and how it is traditionally consumed
  • Finally, explain why it is your favorite food. What is it about this food that you love? How does it make you feel? How often do you eat it?

Remember to be honest, specific, and use vivid language to make your writing come alive.

It is hard to make a list of the 10 most favorite foods in the world as different cultures have different tastes, preferences and cuisines. However, here is a list of some foods that are popular and well-loved globally:

  • Pizza – a dish made with a wheat flour base, topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
  • Sushi – a Japanese dish made with vinegared rice, raw fish, and vegetables.
  • Pasta – a dish made from wheat flour, eggs, and water, usually served with a sauce.
  • Tacos – a Mexican dish made with a tortilla, filled with meat, beans, cheese, and vegetables.
  • Fried Chicken – a dish made by marinating chicken in a mixture of spices and flour before deep-frying it.
  • Curry – a dish made with a combination of spices, vegetables and meat or fish, originating from South Asia.
  • BBQ ribs – a dish made by grilling or smoking meat, usually pork, with a barbecue sauce.
  • Pho – a Vietnamese dish made with rice noodles, meat, and a flavorful broth.
  • Ramen – a Japanese dish made with Chinese-style wheat noodles, meat, and vegetables in a broth.
  • Hummus – a Middle Eastern dip made from chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, and spices.

Again, this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many other delicious and popular foods from around the world that could be included.

About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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