Guide to $\LaTeX$

Written by Keith, inspired by materials by Cynthia Lee and David Varodayan

In CS103, we require you to type your problem sets. While you can use pretty much any system you'd like for this (Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, Google Docs, etc.), we encourage you to use $\LaTeX$.

$\LaTeX$ is a mathematical typesetting system. It's widely used in academia for typesetting papers, posters, and books. Once you learn what something typeset in $\LaTeX$ looks like, you'll start seeing it everywhere.

Although $\LaTeX$ is powerful enough to create intricate and beautiful layouts for books, it's also simple enough that you can learn the basics in a matter of hours. This guide explores the basics of how to typeset your problem sets in $\LaTeX$.

Getting Started with $\LaTeX$

In order to write your problem sets in $\LaTeX$, you'll need a compiler that converts . tex files into beautiful PDFs. We recommend the lovely online tool Overleaf . Sign up using your @ stanford . edu email account - to get you full access to all the site's features.

Once you're there, click the "New Project" button. Pick a title for your project (maybe something like "Test" or "My Very First LaTeX Document"), and you'll be taken to a screen with two panes. On the right you'll see a PDF containing some sample text. On the right you'll see the raw $\LaTeX$ source that generated that document. Here's the source that generated my document:

Let's add some text onto the page. Right below the line \ section { Introduction } , add this text:

After you've done this, click the "recompile" button. You should see see this text appearing below the "1 Introduction" header. (I've put the output in a bordered box to separate it from the rest of this text; you won't see the border in the version on Overleaf.)

Hello, world! Watch me do math: $(x + 1)^2 = x^2 + 2x + 1$.

Isn't that beautiful! Look at those superscripts!

Now, change what you've added beneath the \ section { Introduction } line to look like this:

You'll now see this:

$\quad \LaTeX$ can do other things too. Here's a fraction: $\frac{137}{42}$.

You might be starting to infer some things about how $\LaTeX$ documents are formatted. Plain text just displays as-is. When you surround text with the $ character, it somehow starts thinking that you're doing Mathy Things. Special commands start with the \ character, and curly braces are used for arguments or to group things together. And indeed, all of that is correct! Let's start looking at each of these in detail.

Text Mode and Math Mode

$\LaTeX$ has two modes: text mode , where characters are written out as text, and math mode , which is used for equations. By default, everything is written in text mode. So if you want to write text in a $\LaTeX$ document, just write that text as usual. $\LaTeX$ will then make it absolutely beautiful. (Like, seriously - look closely at the text that's rendered.)

In math mode , $\LaTeX$ will interpret text as if you're writing out formulas. Use the $ character to surround what you want to include in math mode. Many simple expressions work the way you'd expect:

  • Powers and exponents can be done using the ^ operator. For example, $ x ^ 2 + 5 $ renders as $x^2 + 5$.
  • Subscripts can be done using the _ operator. For example, $ F_2 = F_0 + F_1 $ renders as $F_2 = F_0 + F_1$.

When using subscripts and superscrips, be aware that, by default, only a single character is picked up by the ^ or _ operators. For example, if we write $ x ^ 42 = a_137 $ , we get $x^42 = a_137$, which doesn't match the intuitive mathematical meaning. To fix this, we can use curly braces to group things together. The expression

will render as $x^{42} = a_{137}$, more closely matching our meaning.

Although you probably won't need to do this all that much, you can actually chain ^ and _ together! For example, the expression

renders as $x^{y^{z_2}}$.

There are a few other things to be aware of about math mode. First, you can surround text with two dollar signs ( $$ ) to have that text intepreted as math, but then displayed on its own line and centered. For example, consider this $\LaTeX$ example:

This renders as follows:

The quadratic formula says that the solutions to $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ are given by

a formula that is commonly memorized in early algebra courses.

On that note, let's piece apart how we did the quadratic formula. The command \ pm is the "plus or minus" symbol. To display a fraction, we use the syntax \ frac { numerator }{ denominator } . And to do a square root, we write \ sqrt { expression } . Can you see how everything fits together here?

There are a couple of other ways to enter math mode, but we'll save them for later.

Math Symbols

In what we covered above, you saw \ pm for $\pm$, the \ frac command to $\frac{\text{display}}{\text{fractions}}$, and the \ sqrt command to $\sqrt{\text{say something radical}}$. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are a bunch of other mathematical tools available in $\LaTeX$.

Let's begin with some operations on sets:

  • A \ cup B displays as $A \cup B$.
  • A \ cap B displays as $A \cap B$
  • A \ backslash B displays as $A \backslash B$.
  • A \ triangle B displays as $A \triangle B$.
  • x \ in S displays as $x \in S$.
  • x \ not \ in S displays as $x \not\in S$.
  • S \ subseteq T displays as $S \subseteq T$.
  • S \ not \ subseteq T displays as $S \not\subseteq T$.
  • | S | displays as $\vert S \vert$.
  • \ wp ( S ) displays as $\wp(S)$.

Here's some ways of describing names of single sets:

  • \ emptyset displays as $\emptyset$.
  • \ mathbb { N } displays as $\mathbb{N}$.
  • \ mathbb { Z } displays as $\mathbb{Z}$.
  • \ mathbb { R } displays as $\mathbb{R}$.

In case you're wondering what \ mathbb means, it's "math blackboard bold," the fancy name for those sorts of symbols.

And, should you need it:

  • \ aleph_0 displays as $\aleph_0$.

Writing out actual sets is a bit trickier. Remember that $\LaTeX$ treats curly braces as something that groups mathematical expressions together. As a result, if you write { 1 , 2 , 3 } , it'll display as ${1, 2, 3}$. To explicitly write out those braces, write it out like this:

That will display as ${1, 2, 3}$, which is what's intended. Keep an eye out for this when typesetting your solutions - it's really easy to forget to do this, and leaving off braces can change the mathematical meaning of what you write!

Other Symbols

There are plenty of other symbols that we'll use over the course of the quarter. What should you do if you want to write one of them, but aren't sure how?

One option would be to check our $\LaTeX$ templates - we'll include some examples up on the front page to make things easier for you to copy and paste.

Another option would be to use the remarkable website Detexify . Draw whatever symbol you're looking for, and it will suggest possible options for what you want. It's supremely handy!

And of course, you can post over on EdStem or just do some Google searching to see what you find.

Hope this helps, and happy $\LaTeX$ing!

A simple guide to latex – step by step, learn about latex in short lessons with full code examples. a comprehensive guide to basic and advanced features..

These tutorials, provide a hands-on introduction to LaTeX. You will see, the usage is very simple. Even if you have only used word processors (e.g. Word) before, you can learn LaTeX in no time.

In the following lessons you will be introduced to all the basic features of LaTeX, one feature at a time. As a beginner, you should either start with the first lesson or, if you just want a very brief introduction, try the interactive  quick start guide . While the beginners course will enable you to typeset your research papers or thesis, the advanced lessons will introduce you to very powerful features, which are a bit harder to grasp, but can boost your productivity.

  • 00 Installation
  • 01 Your first document
  • 02 Document structure (sections and paragraphs)
  • 03 Packages
  • 05 Adding pictures
  • 06 Table of contents
  • 07 Bibliography
  • 08 Footnotes
  • 10 Automatic table generation (from .csv)
  • 11 Automatic plot generation (from .csv)
  • 12 Drawing graphs (vector graphics with tikz)
  • 13 Source code highlighting
  • 14 Circuit diagrams
  • 15 Advanced circuit diagrams
  • 16 Hyperlinks

Opens in a new tab.

I’m constantly trying to improve and extend these lectures. Please let me know if you think a crucial feature is not covered on this website.

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  • LaTeX Resources
  • Get Started
  • Sync with Reference Managers
  • Writing your Dissertation
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  • Collaborate with Overleaf
  • Multilingual Typesetting

LaTeX Guides

​LaTeX is a free open source typesetting program  that is particularly good at presenting mathematical symbols, formulas, graphs, as well as non-Roman alphabets   better than traditional word processing programs (e.g. Microsoft Word).  

coursework latex

Select Resources

  • The LaTeX project  - Official home of the LaTeX document preparation system
  • Free & Interactive Online Introduction to LaTeX  - if you are new to LaTeX, try Part 1
  • Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes  - by ShareLaTeX/Overleaf
  • The Comprehensive LaTex Symbol List by Scott Pakin ( version 5 May 2021; 422 page pdf file )
  • How To Write a Paper and Format it Using LATEX - Harvard University
  • A Guide to the Many Flavours of TeX
  • A quick guide to LaTeX  by Dave Richeson ( 1 page Tip Sheet summary; posted on Overleaf site)
  • LaTeX WikiBook  - This is a guide to the LaTeX typesetting system. It is intended as a useful resource for everybody, from new users who wish to learn, to old hands who need a quick reference.
  • Bold, Italics, Underlining - by Overleaf
  • Line Breaks & Blank Spaces - by Overleaf 
  • Lengths in LaTeX - by Overleaf
  • Inserting Images - by Overleaf, covers the graphicx package
  • Tables - by Overleaf 
  • How to position images and tables - by Overleaf
  • Bibliography Management - by Overleaf, covers the biblatex package
  • Hyperlinks - by Overleaf, covers the hyperref package
  • International Language Support - Guide by Overleaf
  • Language Reference Guide - by Overleaf
  • Babel User Guide - for internationalization in LaTeX, etc. [links to the pdf guide]
  • Mathematical Expressions  - by Overleaf; covers both Inline & Display Math Modes
  • The Short Math Guide to LaTeX (version 2.0, 2017/12/22 - link to 21 page pdf)
  • Aligning Equations with amsmath package - Overleaf link
  • snip (mathpix) - extract LaTeX from PDFs or handwritten notes. 
  • Interview with Leslie Lamport - creator of LaTeX & 2013 Turing Award Winner ( video taped 2014 )
  • Donald Knuth - creator of TeX & 1974 Turing Award Winner ( video taped 2007 )

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  • Last Updated: Apr 22, 2022 11:08 AM
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Learn LaTeX

Take your first steps with latex, a document preparation system designed to produce high-quality typeset output., introduction.

LaTeX can be scary for new users as it is not a word processor, and because it is not a single program. Our aim is to help you get started with LaTeX: the basics, installation, writing code, without trying to show you everything in one go. More on our mission …

How it works

We have taken the most important things you will need to know, and made them into 16 short lessons , which should not take long to cover. In each lesson, we give lots of examples of what you would write. You can edit and run the examples in this website. More on examples …

We have included a More on this topic page for each lesson. This extra information is there to support you when you need the detail, but should not get in your way if you don't.

1 LaTeX basics

2 working with latex, 3 document structure, 4 logical structure, 5 document classes, 6 extending latex, 7 using graphics, 8 latex tables, 9 cross-referencing, 10 mathematics, 11 fonts & spacing, 12 citations & references, 13 structuring sources, 14 fonts & unicode engines, 15 error handling, 16 help & documentation, additional lessons, + english language-specifics, + latex showcase, going further.

Getting a book about LaTeX is the best way to learn the details. We cover getting more information, along with book recommendations, in the last lesson .

12 February 2014

Doing your homework in latex.

It is a common occurrence for other students to comment on my homework whenever I turn it in for one of my classes.

The complete LaTeX file (and the pdf output) can be found in my repository, latex-homework-template .

Below are a few screenshots of problems that I’ve done in the past:

Cover page

If I didn’t know how easy it was and the benefits that I get from typesetting my homework, I’d probably ask as well. However, I’d argue that using LaTeX to type up homework has made me a far better student than when I used to handwrite my homeworks.

And that is something that I care a lot about.

The Benefits

I can summarize the benefits like so:

It can be kept in Source Control. Handwriting can’t be stored in a version control system; once you erase something, it’s gone.

You can see your homework materialize in front of you. Seeing the results and the equations in their complete LaTeX-glory is a very powerful way to conceptualize things. There’s just something different about the way things look so perfect that makes the subject easier to understand.

You’ll do better in your classes. This one goes with the previous point, but having the ability to see your homework helps you understand it. By understanding it well, you’ll do better on tests. You will maximize how much you can learn as well as maximize your grade (if that matters to you).

It’s very neat & tidy. Although my handwriting has improved quite a bit, I still find myself slipping back into a rushed, messy script from the past. LaTeX gives zero doubt that the professor/TA will be able to read my solutions.

About LaTeX

A very short history.

Donald Knuth , a legendary Computer Scientist as well as one of my favorites, is well known for the system that he created called just TeX .

It is a piece of typesetting software that aids in writing documents and formulas. The power comes from the fact that the document that you write is plain source code.

The code that you write is then “typeset” into the final document in whatever form you wish.

Here’s an example of some basic LaTeX code:

With the output looking like below:

Example output

Using the Template

I’ve created a GitHub repository, latex-homework-template , just for my homework template that I’ve been using ever since I started. I found it online and used it as a base to start my template.

To use it, just download the homework.tex file and start editing. Once you need to typeset it, you’ll need LaTeX here .

After that, you just need to compile it and you’ll get your output. There are tons of different resources that I’ve found useful in learning LaTeX:

TeX StackExchange

LaTeX Wikibook

Effect on Performance

I have a solid set of anecdotal evidence in favor of using LaTeX for writing up my homework.

In all the classes that I’ve used LaTeX, I’ve come out of the class with a very strong understanding of the material as well as a good grade. Although I’m not a big fan of grades (like at all), I know it matters to some people.

This might have to do with the fact that doing the homework in LaTeX takes longer. It might have to do with the fact that I perfect the appearance and spend a lot more time looking at the subject.

The most likely reason is a combination of all that I previously mentioned plus other factors. I’m usually one to always want to quantify something, but in this case, I know it helps; that’s all I need.

Learning Curve

There definitely is a learning curve when it comes to trying to use LaTeX for homework. I felt that it was definitely worth the effort unlike how it might seem to some students.

I reasoned that when I go to graduate school, I will want to use it there. I also know how pervasive it is in textbooks. Since I love to read textbooks so much, I wanted to see what it took to write them so elegantly. I may even want to write one in the future; we’ll have to see =]

To me it seemed like a small tradeoff for the great benefits that it provided.

I cannot recommend using LaTeX for your homework enough.

The benefits go a long way. It helps you learn the material and in a way that isn’t as easily achieved when just using pencil and paper.

LaTeX is also widely used in academia and learning about the tool is almost essential if you wish to go to graduate school.

Once I graduate from university, I plan on releasing all my code for the last three semesters as open source. It includes all my LaTeX code which has really accumulated over the last year. It should provide a nice resource for others.

In the meantime, hopefully if you start using LaTeX for your homework, you won’t be able to resist doing it early because of how fun it is. Well, at least it was fun for me =]


Dartmouth on Overleaf

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Dartmouth is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and full document history.

Overleaf is designed to make the process of writing, editing and producing your research papers and project reports much quicker for both you and your collaborators. Overleaf can also be linked to other services such as reference managers to best fit into your workflow.

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Welcome to the quick start guide to Overleaf. We've put together some useful resources and links in the sections below, and if you have any questions about how to get started please let us know and we'll be happy to help!

For Students

Try out the overleaf editor with built in tutorial.

If you'd like to dive straight into the editor, simply click the button to create a new paper using our quick-start template. A short tutorial will walk you through the main features to quickly get you started.

Browse the Overleaf template gallery

You can find a selection of featured templates , or check out our full template gallery for more ideas and inspiration.

Take our free course to quickly master the LaTeX essentials

If you're new to LaTeX, we've put together a free online course to help you learn the basics. If you have never used LaTeX before, or if it has been a while and you would like a refresher, this is the place to start.

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Find a journal template.

Through our partnerships within the publishing community, we provide a selection of academic journal templates for articles and papers. These templates automatically format your manuscripts in the style required for submission to that journal.

Edit in Rich Text mode or directly in LaTeX

Overleaf provides an intuitive and easy-to-use manuscript editor (our rich text mode), which is especially useful if you or your co-authors aren't familiar with writing in LaTeX.

If you prefer to edit directly in LaTeX, you can! Overleaf provides a full collaborative online LaTeX editor you can switch to at any time.

Submitting your articles to journals, repositories and more

You can also submit your paper directly to a number of journals and other editorial and review services via the publish menu in the editor. Simply open the publish menu from any document and follow the appropriate 'Submit to ...' link.

For Teachers

Introducing students to latex.

Overleaf has several on-demand webinars available that address a variety of beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics.

Help students understand LaTeX errors

Addressing errors as they happen helps ensure that your LaTeX project continues to compile and look the way it should.

Show your class how to turn on track changes for review

Overleaf offers an impressive collection of collaboration features, and your institutional subscription provides all users with access to the powerful track changes feature.

Featured LaTeX Templates

Basic Academic Journal Article Template

FAQ & Help

Who should i contact if i have questions about overleaf or the dartmouth license.

Please use our contact form and we'll make sure your question gets to the right person in our team.

I'm new to Overleaf, how should I get started?

We've put together a short How do I use Overleaf help page to give you pointers on exactly that :)

How do I upload an existing LaTeX project into Overleaf?

Here's an FAQ on how to import existing LaTeX documents into Overleaf .

What packages does Overleaf support?

Overleaf supports the packages listed here .

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Quick links to Overleaf integration guides

  • Linking your Mendeley account , for quick import of your Mendeley reference library.
  • Work offline with Git : how to sync your Overleaf projects using Git.
  • See also How to synchronize an Overleaf LaTeX paper with a Github repository (external).
  • How to create plots and figures with and import them into your Overleaf projects.
  • How to publish your projects on figshare to get an instant DOI.
  • How to import your references from Zotero.
  • How to setup an auto-backup using Overleaf → Dropbox → BitBucket (external).

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Learn LaTeX for Creating Scientific Documents

Beau Carnes

Are you looking to create professional-looking documents with ease? Look no further than the world of LaTeX. LaTeX is a typesetting system that enables users to produce high-quality documents, such as academic papers, scientific publications, and even books.

We just published a beginner's course on the YouTube channel that will teach you the basics of LaTeX and help you become comfortable with its many features.

Michelle Krummel created this course. She is a National Board Certified Teacher with two Master's Degrees plus additional certification in Gifted Education. She has 20 years of teaching experience and has taught Advanced Placement courses for 16 years.

The course consists of nine sections.

Section 1: Creating a LaTeX Document

This section is perfect for those who are new to LaTeX. You will learn how to create a document from scratch, including how to create a title, sections, and subsections. Additionally, you will be introduced to the basics of LaTeX syntax.

Section 2: Common Mathematical Notation

LaTeX is widely used in academia, and mathematical notation is a key component of many documents. This section will teach you how to use LaTeX to create complex mathematical formulas and equations with ease.

Section 3: Brackets, Tables, and Arrays

LaTeX offers a wide range of formatting options, including brackets, tables, and arrays. This section will teach you how to use these formatting options to make your documents more readable and organized.

Section 4: Creating Lists

LaTeX allows you to create a variety of lists, including bulleted, numbered, and descriptive lists. In this section, you will learn how to create and format lists in LaTeX.

Section 5: Text Document Formatting

LaTeX is not just for mathematical notation; it can also be used to format text documents. This section will teach you how to format your text documents using LaTeX, including font size and style, text alignment, and more.

Section 6: Packages, Macros, and Graphics

LaTeX offers a range of packages and macros that can enhance your documents. This section will teach you how to use packages and macros, as well as how to include graphics in your documents.

Section 7: Errors and Debugging

No matter how experienced you are with LaTeX, you are bound to encounter errors at some point. This section will teach you how to identify and fix common LaTeX errors.

Section 8: TeXmaker and Overleaf Tips

TeXmaker and Overleaf are popular LaTeX editors. This section will provide you with tips and tricks for using these editors to their full potential.

Section 9: Calculus Notation

Calculus notation can be complex, but LaTeX makes it easy. This section will teach you how to use LaTeX to create calculus notation, including integrals and derivatives.

LaTeX is a powerful tool for creating professional-looking documents, and this beginner's course is the perfect place to start. Whether you are new to LaTeX or looking to expand your knowledge, this course will give you the skills you need to create impressive documents.

Watch the full course on the YouTube channel (4.5 hour watch).

I'm a teacher and developer with I run the YouTube channel.

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A LaTeX3 meta-class for typesetting lecture notes, problem sets, and other academic documents.


Folders and files, repository files navigation, the coursework classes.

This repository contains the latest versions of two LaTeX 3 classes: pset and notes . These are designed to be used by college students or instructors to typeset materials relating to primarily Science and Mathematics courses, although they can be easily used in the Humanities and Social Sciences as well, if you are so inclined. They share common functionality and a unified design.

The goals of the two projects have not really changed; these classes are designed to be

Easy to Use: Ideally, you shouldn't need to do any extra work to use these classes. Just load the class, provide the requisite data, and start writing. The class should take care of loading most commonly used packages and defining macros so that you can maintain consistent functionality and formatting for all of your documents;

Unicode Compatible: These documents should be able to handle whatever text you throw at them, in any langauge you need. In addition to being fully xelatex and lualatex compatible, the classes define custom font families, macros, and document environments for Arabic and Persian text;

LaTeX 3 Compatible: These classes are created using expl3 and use the LaTeX 3 engine. This is partially because the LaTeX project will ultimately move to LaTeX 3 which makes it prudent to adopt this technology as soon as possible, partially because I find expl3 much easier to program in that LaTeX 2ε (or plain TeX), and partially as an excercise for myself to learn a new language;

Adaptable: Early versions of the homework class (now called pset ) required the use of xelatex , the classes are now fully compatible with pdflatex as well. While I still like to use xelatex in a lot of circumstances, pdflatex is much faster and has better support for microtype adjustments, which makes it a really useful choice. The coursework classes also are fully compatible with lualatex , which is needed to create Feynman diagrams.

Shared Features

The two class repositories were merged because I found that in while the they were separate, I was writing and maintaining almost identical code to provide the 'back end' of the class --- things like common macros, loading the same packages, and so on. In unifying the repositories, I hope to maintain less code while making both classes more functional. I also want to strive to maintain full backwards compatability with the previous classes, up to a point.

Both classes have a similar document layout. The page is slightly asymmetric, with more space on the right side of the page than on the left. This allows for notes (both footnotes and margin notes) to be placed in the margin, directly adjacent to the citing text. This means that the eye has to travel less distance and the pace of reading is not so jarringly interrupted when you want to see the note. Footnotes are automatically placed in the margin, and the \note{} command will place any other text in the margin as well.


These classes define the following theorem-like environments for consistent formatting.

  • Also useful here is the parts environment and the \part command which lets you define multiple steps for a given problem. \part allows for an optional argument which becomes the internal reference label of that step, allowing you to reference the part later in the document. E.g., \part[4a] and \ref{4a} .
  • example : This is identical to the problem environment, except the background is a light gold instead of grey.
  • proof : The regular proof environment provided by amstex . Ends with a QED symbol, which is by default a black square.
  • solution : Identical to the proof environment, execept it has the word Solution in place of the word Proof . Provided just to save time and keystrokes.
  • lemma , theorem , corollary , conjecture : These environments have a bold header with italic body text.
  • definition , notation , abuse : The Definition, Notaiton, and Abuse of Notation environments have unformatted body text with a bold header, and are indented by a centimeter on either side.

The \final{} command draws a box around whatever expression it encloses, providing a visually distinctive way to identify the final step or result in a proof or solution.

By default, we load the siunitx package to provide formatting for units. The classes also define the following non-SI (but still useful) units:

  • \atmosphere
  • \fahrenheit

There is also the \unit{} command, which is meant to typeset a unit vector. The expression inside will be bolded, and have a circumflex accent attached, so \unit{a} becomes â .

The coursework classes also provide the option to load the tikz-feynman and circuitikz packages for creating Feynman diagrams and circuit schematics. These packages require the [diagram] option be passed to the document class.

The coursework classes load the mhchem package by default. They also provide the option to load the chemfig package to create chemical structure diagrams. This requires the [diagram] option be passed to the document class.


These classes provide the following commands to aid in typesetting Linguistics documents:

  • \phon{} : Specifies a particular phoneme. The relevant symbol is placed between slashes, so \phon{j} becomes /j/ .
  • \allo{} : Specifies an allophone of a particular sound. The relevant symbol is placed between braces, so \allo{j} becomes [j] .
  • \orth{} : Specifies an orthographic character. The relevant symbol is placed between angle brackets, so \orth{j} becomes 〈j〉 .

In addition, there is also the \ipafont command, which typesets the particular group in a font which is fully capable of redering IPA symbols. Be default, this is just the main body font of the document, but you can redefine it if you want to choose a distinct font for IPA text. This will affect all instances of the above three commands.

We also provide the \where command, which renders as a large slash. This is meant to be used when defining sound change rules, so \phon{j} \to \phon{y} \where \text{C\_} becomes /j/ → /y/ / C_ .

Class Options

There are two options for fonts; Libertine and Computer Modern (Unicode). By default, the document will be typeset in Libertine. To load the Computer Modern font family, pass the cmu option to the document class. This will load either the lmodern package if you compile with pdflatex or attempt to load the Computer Modern Unicode font, which must be separately installed on your computer.

If you don't like either of these font choices, you can of course load your own font with xelatex or find a suitable package for pdflatex , and simply set these in the document preamble, after you have loaded the relevant class.

Source Code

If you want to include source code or algorithms in you document, pass the code option to the document class. This will load the following packages:

  • algpseudocode

You must have the Python package pygments installed separately to use this feature. Note that since minted requires executing code outside the latex kernel, you'll need to pass the -shell-escape flag when you compile. Additionally, if you are compiling with xelatex you may also need to pass the -8bit flag after the -shell-escape flag to correct a formatting issue wherein tab literals are improperly displayed.

If you want to draw any kinds of diagrams, including circuits, chemical figures, and Feynman diagrams, pass the [diagram] option to the class. This will load the following packages:

  • circuitikz with the [american] and [siunitx] options
  • tikz-feynman
  • [cmu] : tells the class to use the Computer Modern fonts instead of the Libertine fonts
  • [diagram] : loads the tikz , pgfplots , circuitikz , and tikz-feynman packages
  • [code] : loads the minted , algorithm , and algpseudocode packages.


To install the coursework classes, download the latest release from GitHub. Create a new directory named coursework/ in the texmf/tex/generic/ directory, and symlink notes.cls , pset.cls , and coursework.tex into this new directory.

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Free online introduction to LaTeX (part 3)

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Part 3: Not Just Papers: Presentations & More

Welcome to the third part of our free online course to help you learn LaTeX. This part includes a quick recap of the LaTeX fundamentals presented in part one and part two of the course, but if you are new to LaTeX, you may want to work through those parts in full.

In this part of the course, we introduce some more advanced LaTeX packages, namely:

  • LaTeX Presentations with Beamer
  • Drawing in LaTeX with TikZ
  • Tracked changes and comments with todonotes

Let's get started!

These slides have also been translated into French (thanks to Yannis Haralambous) and several other languages .

You can download a PDF or browse the slides below:

We hope you have enjoyed learning LaTeX with our course. Ready to start writing? Sign up for Overleaf —it's the easiest way to write and collaborate on your new LaTeX projects! Looking for inspiration? Check out the many examples available on Overleaf to get some ideas for what is possible with \(\mathrm \LaTeX\)!

Looking for slides for your LaTeX course? These slides are open source and permissively licensed (MIT), so you're free to remix them for use in your own courses. Enjoy! :)

  • Documentation Home
  • Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes

Overleaf guides

  • Creating a document in Overleaf
  • Uploading a project
  • Copying a project
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Using the Overleaf project menu
  • Including images in Overleaf
  • Exporting your work from Overleaf
  • Working offline in Overleaf
  • Using Track Changes in Overleaf
  • Using bibliographies in Overleaf
  • Sharing your work with others
  • Using the History feature
  • Debugging Compilation timeout errors
  • How-to guides
  • Guide to Overleaf’s premium features

LaTeX Basics

  • Creating your first LaTeX document
  • Choosing a LaTeX Compiler
  • Paragraphs and new lines
  • Bold, italics and underlining


  • Mathematical expressions
  • Subscripts and superscripts
  • Brackets and Parentheses
  • Fractions and Binomials
  • Aligning equations
  • Spacing in math mode
  • Integrals, sums and limits
  • Display style in math mode
  • List of Greek letters and math symbols
  • Mathematical fonts
  • Using the Symbol Palette in Overleaf

Figures and tables

  • Inserting Images
  • Positioning Images and Tables
  • Lists of Tables and Figures
  • Drawing Diagrams Directly in LaTeX
  • TikZ package

References and Citations

  • Bibliography management with bibtex
  • Bibliography management with natbib
  • Bibliography management with biblatex
  • Bibtex bibliography styles
  • Natbib bibliography styles
  • Natbib citation styles
  • Biblatex bibliography styles
  • Biblatex citation styles
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using polyglossia and fontspec
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using babel and fontspec
  • International language support
  • Quotations and quotation marks

Document structure

  • Sections and chapters
  • Table of contents
  • Cross referencing sections, equations and floats
  • Nomenclatures
  • Management in a large project
  • Multi-file LaTeX projects
  • Lengths in L a T e X
  • Headers and footers
  • Page numbering
  • Paragraph formatting
  • Line breaks and blank spaces
  • Text alignment
  • Page size and margins
  • Single sided and double sided documents
  • Multiple columns
  • Code listing
  • Code Highlighting with minted
  • Using colours in LaTeX
  • Margin notes
  • Font sizes, families, and styles
  • Font typefaces
  • Supporting modern fonts with X Ǝ L a T e X


  • Environments

Field specific

  • Theorems and proofs
  • Chemistry formulae
  • Feynman diagrams
  • Molecular orbital diagrams
  • Chess notation
  • Knitting patterns
  • CircuiTikz package
  • Pgfplots package
  • Typesetting exams in LaTeX
  • Attribute Value Matrices

Class files

  • Understanding packages and class files
  • List of packages and class files
  • Writing your own package
  • Writing your own class

Advanced TeX/LaTeX

  • In-depth technical articles on TeX/LaTeX

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  1. Free online introduction to LaTeX (part 1)

    In this part of the course, we'll take you through the basics of how LaTeX works, explain how to get started, and go through lots of examples. Core LaTeX concepts, such as commands, environments, and packages, are introduced as they arise. In particular, we'll cover: Setting up a LaTeX Document. Typesetting Text.

  2. LaTeX

    Learn LaTeX in this full course for beginners. LaTeX is a typesetting system for creating professional-looking documents, commonly used in academia and scien...

  3. Write Smarter with Overleaf and LaTeX

    This course will introduce you to LaTeX, a document preparation system for creating highly customized formatted documents and Overleaf, a tool that makes writing with LaTeX much easier. LaTeX and Overleaf are particularly useful for scientific researchers who may want to write scientific manuscripts and be able to reformat the manuscript easily ...

  4. CS103 Guide to $\LaTeX$

    X. In CS103, we require you to type your problem sets. While you can use pretty much any system you'd like for this (Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, Google Docs, etc.), we encourage you to use L A T E X. L A T E X is a mathematical typesetting system. It's widely used in academia for typesetting papers, posters, and books.

  5. A simple guide to LaTeX

    A simple guide to LaTeX - Step by Step. Learn about LaTeX in short lessons with full code examples. A comprehensive guide to basic and advanced features. These tutorials, provide a hands-on introduction to LaTeX. You will see, the usage is very simple. Even if you have only used word processors (e.g. Word) before, you can learn LaTeX in no time.

  6. Research Guides: Overleaf Professional at Harvard: LaTeX Resources

    LaTeX is a free open source typesetting program that is particularly good at presenting mathematical symbols, formulas, graphs, as well as non-Roman alphabets better than traditional word processing programs (e.g. Microsoft Word).. Select Resources. The LaTeX project - Official home of the LaTeX document preparation system; Free & Interactive Online Introduction to LaTeX - if you are new to ...

  7. Learn LaTeX online for free in beginner friendly lessons

    1 LaTeX basics What LaTeX is and how it works. 2 Working with LaTeX TeX systems and LaTeX text editors. 3 Document structure The basic structure of a document. 4 Logical structure Structure and visual presentation. 5 Document classes Setting the general document layout. 6 Extending LaTeX Using packages and definitions. 7 Using graphics

  8. Doing Your Homework in LaTeX

    Doing Your Homework in LaTeX. It is a common occurrence for other students to comment on my homework whenever I turn it in for one of my classes. The complete LaTeX file (and the pdf output) can be found in my repository, latex-homework-template. View on GitHub. Below are a few screenshots of problems that I've done in the past: Cover page ...

  9. How to write your homework using LaTeX

    Get the (free) Homework Template This template is on Overleaf, my thanks to Overleaf for sponsoring toda...

  10. Dartmouth

    Dartmouth is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and full document history. Overleaf is designed to make the process of writing, editing ...

  11. Learn LaTeX for Creating Scientific Documents

    LaTeX is a powerful tool for creating professional-looking documents, and this beginner's course is the perfect place to start. Whether you are new to LaTeX or looking to expand your knowledge, this course will give you the skills you need to create impressive documents. Watch the full course on the YouTube channel (4.5 hour ...

  12. Learn LaTex

    Description. This course assumes no previous LaTex knowledge and builds your LaTex skills from the ground up. The course is divided up into a number of different sections that go from including basic lists and figures to using more advanced Thesis and Presentation templates. We will even create our own graphics in LaTex using the Tikz package ...

  13. What are good learning resources for a LaTeX beginner?

    Grätzer's under-appreciated book is excellent, especially at showing you how to do things the "right" way: George Grätzer (2016), More Math Into LaTeX, 5th edition, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-23796-1. (Earlier editions were called "Math into LaTeX"; it's not a sequel.) Especially if you're learning LaTeX for typesetting mathematics or related ...

  14. PDF Part 1: The Basics Dr John D. Lees-Miller January 26, 2020

    Getting started I A minimal LATEX document: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} Hello World! % your content goes here... \end{document} I Commands start with a backslash \. I Every document starts with a \documentclass command. I The argument in curly braces f g tells LATEX what kind of document we are creating: an article.

  15. LaTeX with Texmaker and Overleaf: the one-stop LaTeX course

    The course covers all the concepts needed by an individual for the use of LaTeX in the professional as well as academic environment. The course follows a natural flow, starting from the installation of the appropriate LaTeX distribution and editor, to the creation of an advanced document. The use of Mendeley as a reference manager and Overleaf ...

  16. GitHub

    LaTeX 3 Compatible: These classes are created using expl3 and use the LaTeX 3 engine. This is partially because the LaTeX project will ultimately move to LaTeX 3 which makes it prudent to adopt this technology as soon as possible, partially because I find expl3 much easier to program in that LaTeX 2ε (or plain TeX), and partially as an ...

  17. 9 Best Free LaTeX Courses to Take in 2024

    Best free short course for engineers. 7. LaTeX course (University of Amsterdam) N/A. Best free course with many practical exercises. 8. Getting to Grips with LaTeX (Andrew Roberts) N/A. Best free alternative to 1, covers more content with almost the same amount of depth.

  18. LaTeX for Professional Publications

    Description. This course is open to anyone who wants to learn how to create a professional quality, typeset publication. In addition to improving the aesthetic quality of your work, LaTeX users benefit from automating many of the tedious processes involved in writing a professional publication. LaTeX allows you to manage references, figures ...

  19. Free online introduction to LaTeX (part 2)

    Part 2: Structured Documents & More. Welcome to part two of our free online course to help you learn LaTeX. This part builds on part one, so if you have never used LaTeX before, you may want to start by working through the LaTeX fundamentals in part one. In this part, we'll show you how to include figures, tables and bibliographies in your ...

  20. Free online introduction to LaTeX (part 3)

    Part 3: Not Just Papers: Presentations & More. Welcome to the third part of our free online course to help you learn LaTeX. This part includes a quick recap of the LaTeX fundamentals presented in part one and part two of the course, but if you are new to LaTeX, you may want to work through those parts in full.