writing a dissertation by john dudovskiy

How to Write a Dissertation

writing a dissertation by john dudovskiy

Select a relevant topic, understand academic requirements, conduct thorough research, formulate a solid thesis, revise thoroughly, seek feedback for finalization.

A graduate school class will not be complete without writing– or at least preparing– a dissertation. How to write a dissertation step-by-step is probably the most important question out there, but as a PhD student with many things to consider, this might not be an easy route for you. 

As many graduate students share the same brunt and difficulty in putting together things for their dissertation, this blog is surely geared to help you create only one thing in particular– a cheat sheet– that will help you navigate the grueling process of crafting your research manifesto in the easiest way possible. 

This cheat sheet, having to consider the different dissertation formats and other auxiliary components that might help enrich your paper, will not just empower you to complete your dissertation in no time. Still, it will also let you be empowered and inspired to value your craft in research and contribute meaningfully to the ever-growing knowledge base of your field of study.

What is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is a substantial academic work, typically required for a doctoral degree. It involves original research, focused on a specific question, and demonstrates extensive knowledge in the field. This lengthy document includes structured analysis and often culminates in a formal defense.

A dissertation represents the zenith of academic pursuits, a testament to scholarly dedication that signifies a transition from student to scholar status. Let's delve into what constitutes a dissertation and its pivotal role in academia.

The Essence of a DissertationFundamentally, a dissertation is a comprehensive, systematically organized document that reports on an original research project. This extensive work is usually a requirement for obtaining a doctoral degree, such as a Ph.D. or Ed.D. While the exact specifications and structures can differ across various academic disciplines and institutions, certain key aspects universally characterize a dissertation:

Novel Contribution : Central to a dissertation is its contribution of new understanding, methods, or theories to a specific field. This involves carrying out fresh research, which often includes gathering and analyzing new data.

Deep Investigation : A dissertation delves into a particular topic or query in great depth. It encompasses a thorough review of existing literature and an in-depth exploration of the subject matter.

Organized Composition : Typically, dissertations are presented in a well-organized format comprising sections like an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Though the structure might vary slightly, it follows a coherent and logical order.

Scholarly Excellence : Upholding high scholarly standards, dissertations demand critical analysis, sophisticated analytical capabilities, and proficient academic writing. They must conform to the accepted norms of academic citations and referencing.

How to Write a Dissertation Step-by-Step

Writing a dissertation is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and execution. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  • Choose Your Topic : Select a topic that interests you and is relevant to your field of study. Ensure it's specific enough to be manageable but broad enough to allow for comprehensive research.
  • Develop a Research Question : Formulate a clear and focused research question or hypothesis. This will guide your research and writing.
  • Write a Proposal : Prepare a proposal outlining your research question, methodology, and how your work will contribute to your field. This usually needs approval from your academic supervisor.
  • Conduct a Literature Review : Review existing literature to understand the current state of research on your topic. This helps to identify gaps your dissertation can fill.
  • Design the Research Methodology : Decide on the methods you will use for data collection and analysis. This could be experimental, survey-based, a literature review, etc., depending on your field.
  • Collect Data : Undertake the research as per your methodology. This might involve experiments, surveys, fieldwork, or other forms of data collection.
  • Analyze the Data : Interpret your findings, considering how they answer your research question. Use appropriate statistical methods if your study involves quantitative data.
  • Write the Dissertation : Start writing your dissertation. Commonly, this includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Edit and Revise : Revisit your draft, refining your arguments and ensuring clarity. Pay attention to the structure, coherence, and academic style.
  • Feedback : Share drafts with your supervisor and possibly peers for feedback. Use this to improve and refine your dissertation.
  • Finalize Your Dissertation : After revisions and ensuring that all sections are cohesive and well-presented, finalize your dissertation. Make sure all parts are well-formatted and adhere to your institution's guidelines.
  • Prepare for the Defense : If your program requires it, prepare to defend your dissertation in front of a committee. This involves presenting your research and answering questions.

Remember, each dissertation journey is unique. The key is to stay organized, consult with your advisor regularly, and manage your time efficiently.

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Key Factors to Consider for a Successful Dissertation

In providing the steps to writing a dissertation, it will be easy for one to understand the factors that could play nice– or dirty– on your preparation process. By now, you might be wondering why these factors are so important in all sorts of writing endeavors.

Different and specialized in dissertation writing, knowing these factors will save you from the rigorous and often brutal process of validating your paper. 

Since you are vying for the highest academic degree, there is virtually no room for errors, and your paper must embody your victory to contribute meaningfully to your field of study, whether theoretically or practically.

Trust me: these factors are not just some sort of advice or pointers that you need to remember once; these are elements that will greatly influence your success on the defense panel. 


When writing your dissertation, your first question must be in this form or something related to this: “What makes this paper NEW?” If you are planning to do something plain, predictable, or common, then I have to burst your bubbles.

That will not even go through the pre-defense panel, to say the least. You, as a doctoral student, are expected to write a dissertation that “breaks the grounds” of your stream of study. It has to be original or something that continues to unravel the mystery of something unknown.

When talking about this element; you have to likewise involve yourself in the discovery of new knowledge, innovative methodologies, or the expansion of new theories.


Considered a novel method in advanced research writing and how to write a dissertation, interdisciplinarity explains how other fields or streams of study can help enrich one’s understanding of a question or problem using concepts, methods, and literature from various academic disciplines.

The element of interdisciplinarity may come from different approaches and strategies. It may look something like defining terms in different contexts, synthesizing a body of knowledge, including some insights from other disciplines, and employing methodological pluralism, which uses a variety of research methods to provide holistic findings to complex research questions and enhance the robustness of the dissertation.


Practicality is probably the most overlooked element in traditional research writing, and that is okay, as it is unnecessary when your scope is only that much. However, when writing your dissertation, the knowledge from your research must bear fruit that people within your field of study may find useful.

It may be an intervention plan, a physical invention, a theory or model, or an ordinance, among others. The common denominator of these practical things that arose from dissertation writing is their usefulness in providing a concrete solution to an identified problem. 


The large breadth of effort and knowledge a dissertation paper is trying to provide is more than what you can expect from a research paper done by high schoolers and undergraduates.

In pursuit of new knowledge or expanding a theory, for example, one must find pieces of evidence not often found in the common repositories.

Your literature review likewise demonstrates this element by thoroughly examining findings from reputable sources that are otherwise not used frequently in most scholarly works.

The display of variables in the study is articulated in the most specific way by using tailor-fit conceptual frameworks.

These four elements of an excellent dissertation paper need to be seen throughout the paper, and luckily, a dissertation writing service like Studyfy can make that possible for you.

Our team of experts, PhD holders, and seasoned researchers is dedicated to transforming your academic aspirations into reality by tailoring your paper to your specific needs and guaranteeing originality– a 100% pass from a plagiarism scan!

Tips for Writing a Dissertation

Since this is a cheat sheet for answering the question of how to write a dissertation in no time, I will not give you much of an introduction on this part, but all I want you to know is that you are in for a major treat!

Pre-Planning Phase

  • Select a Specific Stream or Subgenre : Identify a field or subgenre with recognizable gaps or understudied aspects to focus your research.
  • Develop Unique Research Questions : Formulate precise and original questions aimed at extracting useful findings and contributing to new knowledge.
  • Conduct a Targeted Literature Review : Focus on peer-reviewed materials, articles published in reputable journals, and authoritative sources that are open to further exploration.
  • Undertake Extensive Background Research : As many dissertation topics are novel, delve into primary sources of information and document them comprehensively to deepen your understanding of the subject.

‍ Manuscript Writing Phase

  • Divide Introduction into Chapters : Breaking the introduction or background information into chapters enhances clarity, allows focus on specific aspects of each section, and prevents overwhelming readers with too much information at once.
  • Detailed Introduction : Don’t hesitate to extend your introduction if necessary. A detailed introduction sets a solid foundation for your dissertation, avoiding ambiguity and providing clear context.
  • Utilize Mixed Method Design : This research design combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, offering a more nuanced view and stronger inference for complex problems.
  • Holistic and Interdisciplinary Approach : Present findings in a way that contributes to the broader research ecosystem. Incorporating interdisciplinary insights can enhance the value of your work to other fields.
  • View the Manuscript as Iterative : Accept that your dissertation will undergo multiple revisions. Use feedback constructively to avoid repeating issues and continuously improve your manuscript.

Post-Manuscript Phase

  • Develop a Submission Checklist : Prepare a checklist to track tasks such as finalizing appendices, reviewing citations and references, and submitting your paper for ethics clearance. Ensuring compliance with these details is crucial for degree completion.
  • Refine Your Abstract : Focus on crafting a clear and comprehensive abstract, as it represents the key elements of your paper and is often the first part reviewed by advisors or for presentations and publications.
  • Edit and Format According to a Style Guide : After writing, rigorously edit and format your manuscript, aligning it with a specific academic style guide. Consult with your advisor or research committee if unsure about the appropriate style guide.
  • Create a Condensed Version of Your Manuscript : Prepare a condensed, annotated version of your dissertation for use during defense presentations. Annotate with potential questions and criticisms to prepare thoroughly.
  • Prepare for Presentation or Publication : If your goal is to contribute to your field, prepare your dissertation for potential research conferences or journal publications, expanding its reach and impact within the academic community.

Enjoyed our article?For further assistance, dive into our network of professional writers and access expert dissertation writing services!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it typically take to write a dissertation.

The duration for writing a dissertation varies significantly based on research complexity, field of study, and individual work habits. Typically, for doctoral students, the process can span from a year to several years post-coursework. This timeframe encompasses developing a research question, conducting a literature review, crafting a methodology, data collection and analysis, writing, and revisions. Effective time management and regular consultation with advisors are crucial for progress.

For master's programs, this period may be shorter, often around one to two years, depending on the program's intensity and requirements.

If you're struggling with your dissertation and considering alternative solutions, it's important to research and understand the options available, such as the choice to buy a dissertation , ensuring it aligns with your academic goals and requirements.

What is the best way to structure a dissertation?

To effectively structure a dissertation, start with an introduction where you set the stage for your research, stating the problem, objectives, and its significance. Follow this with a literature review that situates your work within the existing body of knowledge, demonstrating how your research fills a gap or adds a new perspective. The methodology section should then detail the methods you used for data collection and analysis, explaining why they were appropriate for your research question. Next, present your results, laying out the data and findings clearly.

In the discussion section, interpret these results, connecting them back to your hypothesis and the literature review. Conclude with a summary of your findings, their implications, and potential directions for future research. Throughout, ensure your work is supported by appropriate references, and include any necessary appendices for supplementary material. This flow ensures a coherent and comprehensive presentation of your research journey.

If you need assistance in structuring and articulating your ideas, a dissertation proposal writing service can be a valuable resource.

What are the essential steps in writing a dissertation?

Writing a dissertation involves several key steps. First, select a topic that's both relevant and interesting to you. Then, write a research proposal outlining your question and methodology. Conduct a comprehensive literature review to understand the existing research landscape. Define your research methodology, detailing how you'll collect and analyze data. After gathering data, analyze it to draw conclusions. Finally, write your dissertation, presenting your research, findings, and conclusions in a structured format. This process includes extensive writing, revising, and often culminates in a formal defense of your work.

How do I choose a dissertation topic?

Selecting a dissertation topic involves identifying a subject that interests you and is relevant to your field. Start by considering areas you're passionate about and explore how they intersect with your academic discipline. Review current research and trends to find gaps or unanswered questions in your field. Consult with your academic advisor or mentors to refine your ideas, and consider the feasibility in terms of resources, data availability, and time constraints. Choose a topic that offers scope for original research, contributes to your field, and aligns with your career goals. It's also important to ensure that the topic is manageable in scale for the duration of your program.

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The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Dissertation in Business Studies: A Step-by-Step Assistance

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Dissertation in Business Studies: A Step-by-Step Assistance


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Dudovskiy, J. (2018) The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Dissertation in Business Studies: A Step-by-Step Assis-tance. https://research-methodology.net/about-us/ebook

has been cited by the following article:

TITLE: Poverty Cycle with Motorcycle Taxis (Boda-Boda) Business in Developing Countries: Evidence from Mbeya—Tanzania

KEYWORDS: Poverty Cycle , Motorcycle Taxis , Boda-Boda Business , Developing Countries

JOURNAL NAME: Open Access Library Journal , Vol.6 No.8 , August 23, 2019

ABSTRACT: Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) is a rapidly growing business in most de-veloping countries, particularly sub-Saharan African countries. In recent decades, the statistics of youth employment in Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) is almost doubling every year. Contrary to the reported growth and success of this business, the Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) business has impacted negatively the communities. Reports in most cities and towns in the developing countries indicate that there is a serious increase in accidents involving motorcycle taxis. Urban Insecurity, pollution and traffic is another problem in developing countries’ communities associated with Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) business. The findings have identified the negative impacts of Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) business in developing countries’ communities relating it to poverty cycle existing in the communities. 200 Boda-Boda riders and 200 Boda-Boda users were purposively chosen to gather primary data, secondary data were collected through internet sources, government reports and other Boda-Boda related materials and documents. SSPS and Excel were used to analyse data. The study has found out that, a Motorcycle taxi (Boda-Boda) user in ten years has more than 90% chance to sustain injury or lose life. Though users and riders have positive attitude on Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda), still more than 80% of them are aware of the risks associated with them. Primary data with the support of secondary data provide insights that it is difficult to say that the business is contributing to economic growth, instead of poverty cycle from unemployment to pure disabled dependent or from jobless father or mother to orphans’ dependents. The government should intervene in Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) business which erodes country’s manpower, resources and the economy at large.

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