The 3 Rules of Addressing Your Cover Letter in 2023

person sitting at a table, typing on a laptop with a dog sitting on the table between their arms

You’ve finally sat down to write that cover letter (good for you!), but immediately you run into a roadblock: How do you even start the darn thing? Who do you address it to? Should you use Mr. or Ms.? Do you include a first name? And what if you’ve searched high and low, but can’t find the hiring manager’s name? 

Don’t fret! Follow these three rules for cover letter salutation salvation.

Rule #1: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager using a formal, full-name salutation (if possible).

For a cover letter, you should always default to addressing it to the hiring manager for the position you’re applying to. Unless you know for sure that the culture of the company is more casual, use the hiring manager’s first and last name. You can include a title, such as “Mr.” or “Ms.” (never Mrs. or Miss). But if you aren’t crystal clear on whether to use “Mr.” or “Ms.” and can’t find their pronouns with a little Google and social media searching (and you don’t have an easy way out with a “Dr.”), just drop the title. Omitting it is infinitely better than accidentally misgendering someone .

Most letters I see still use the “Dear” greeting, though I’ve seen a growing trend of people dropping it and starting with “Hello” or just the name. Any of these works. The most important part is having the actual name . Never use “ To Whom it May Concern ” or “Dear or Sir or Madam”—nothing could be more generic (not to mention archaic). Your cover letter could be the first opportunity you have to make an impression on the hiring manager, so make sure you show that you did your research .

For example, you can address your cover letter by saying:

  • Dear Ms. Jacklyn O’Connell,
  • Hello Mr. Kevin Chen,
  • Dear Niko Adamos,
  • Hello Jean Butler,
  • Tiana Richards,

Rule #2: If you don’t know the hiring manager, guess.

Sometimes, even after hours of online searching ( try these tips ), you still might not be able to definitively figure out who exactly the hiring manager for the position you’re applying for is—and that’s OK.

If you can only find a list of the company’s executive team, use the head of the department for the position you’re applying for. In the end, no one will fault you for addressing the letter higher up than necessary. This approach is definitely better than not using a name in your cover letter, because it still shows the time and effort you took to find out who the department head is.

Rule #3: Be as specific as possible.

So you’ve done your due diligence and after an exhaustive search—nothing. You just can’t find a single name to address your cover letter to. If that’s the case, don’t worry. The company is likely privately held with no reason to share who its employees are—and, more importantly, is aware of this.

If this is the case and you don’t have a name to use, try to still be as specific as possible in your greeting. Consider using “Senior Analyst Hiring Manager” or “Research Manager Search Committee”—something that shows that you’ve written this letter with a particular audience in mind and aren’t just sending the same generic letter for every job opening.

For example:

  • Dear Software Developer Search Committee,
  • Hello XYZ Co Marketing Team,
  • Dear Junior Accountant Hiring Manager,

Ultimately, you want your cover letter to convey your interest in the position. To start off on the right note, make your salutation as specific as possible—ideally with the name of the hiring manager. Of course, that can’t always happen, but as long as the effort is clearly made, you’ll be showing whoever reads your cover letter that you’ve put time into your application and are truly excited about the opportunity. 

Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

whom to address the cover letter

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How to Address a Cover Letter to Recruiter or Hiring Manager

5 min read · Updated on November 24, 2021

Lisa Tynan

Knowing how to effectively address a cover letter makes you a very visible and appealing candidate.

Did you know that the cardinal rule of cover letters is personalization? It impresses a hiring manager or recruiter because it tells them you took time to research the specific information for the letter rather than sending a generic version.

What many people forget, however, is that the greeting or salutation in a cover letter must also be personalized with the hiring professional's first and last name whenever possible.

There are several effective ways to find the hiring manager's name for your greeting — and some acceptable back-up strategies when you can't. Either way, knowing how to address a cover letter effectively can prevent you from ending your hiring chances before they even begin. 

When you know the hiring manager's name

More often than not, you'll be given the name of the hiring professional or the manager that you'll work for. Whoever it is, use their full name (first and last name) in the greeting. 

If you cannot definitively tell the gender of the hiring person, do not use a gender-based title such as “Mr.” or “Ms.” in the greeting. Instead just use the person's full name.

For example, Alex Johnson could be male or female. To avoid a gender mistake, use Dear Alex Johnson, Hello Alex Johnson, or simply Alex Johnson .

However, professional titles such as “Professor” or “Dr.” are definitely acceptable as a cover letter salutation and should be used as a sign of respect. Be on the lookout for these and other titles to include.

How to find a hiring manager's name for your cover letter

If you're not given the name of the hiring manager, here are some effective ways to discover their name by using:

The job description: Check this document for the hiring manager's name. While it's not generally listed, you never know. If it's not obvious, there's also a trick to quickly discover an email in the job description that might contain the name; while in the document, press Ctrl +F or run Command + F and search for the @ symbol.

An email address: If you discover an email address, it may not have a full name but rather a first initial and last name or just a first name like [email protected] or [email protected] . A Google search combining the person's name as shown in the email and the company name might find you the person's full name.

 A LinkedIn post: A name connected to the LinkedIn job posting is probably that of the hiring professional who posted it, so use that name in your greeting.

The supervisor's title: It's more likely that a job description will list who the new hire will report to — such as the director of accounting — without listing a name. In this case, there are several search options:

Search the company's website for listings of staff members by title.

Run an advanced LinkedIn or Google search for all directors of accounting at that specific company.

Check with your network for someone who might know the person's name or search the appropriate professional networking sites.

Contact the company by phone or email. Tell them you're applying for [job title] and want to address your cover letter to the right person.

In the end, this research can be the difference between making a great first impression and getting noticed for the position — or getting totally ignored by the hiring manager. 

Acceptable options in lieu of a name

If you try the steps above and come up empty, there are still some alternative greeting options that will put you in a professional light.

The idea is to show that you've read the job description and tailored your greeting based on the company department where the job is located, the hiring manager's title, or the team with which you'll potentially work.

Some good examples include:

Dear Head of Design

Hello IT Department

Dear Accounting Manager

To Company ABC Recruiter/Hiring Professional

Hello Marketing Hiring Team

Dear Customer Support Hiring Group

Dear Human Resources

If you still can't find any specific name or department information, go with “Dear Hiring Manager.” It sounds professional and it's not gender-specific. In fact, a recent survey of over 2000 companies by Saddleback College showed that 40 percent preferred “Dear Hiring Manager” as the best greeting when a manager's name can't be found. 

“Dear Sir or Madam” is another option that works because it's gender-neutral and respectful. However, it sounds a bit old-fashioned and may signal a hiring professional that you're an older worker or just not aware of other greeting options. It's perfectly acceptable, but the better choice is “Dear Hiring Manager.” 

In the end, an actual name or any of the alternative examples will let you stand out from the crowd, so do your best to find and use those whenever you can.

Never leave the greeting blank

Whatever information you may or may not find, it's important to never leave your greeting line blank.

A blank greeting line can make you come across as lazy or rude, or imply that you simply don't understand how to write a cover letter — all of which will immediately put you out of contention for the job. There's no reason to leave the greeting blank when there are so many options that can be used effectively.

When you spend the time and effort to personalize your cover letter, you don't want to come across as “just another candidate” by using a generic greeting or no greeting at all.

A personalized greeting will impress any hiring professional, increasing the chance they'll read your entire cover letter — and ask you for an interview.

Not sure if your cover letter is cutting it? Our writers don't just help you with your resume . 

Recommended Reading:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

5 Things to Say in Your Cover Letter If You Want to Get the Job

How To Write a Cover Letter (With Example)

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How to Address a Cover Letter When Applying for a Job

While addressing your cover letter may seem like a small part of your job application, your salutation may be the first thing an employer reads on your application. An appropriate opening can leave a good first impression and set the tone for a successful application that engages the interest of an employer. This article explains how to address a cover letter depending on the information available to you about the job you are applying for.

Who should you address a cover letter to?

While you may not be certain who will read your cover letter when applying for jobs, there are a few best practices for addressing a cover letter. Unless a job description includes information on a different person to send application materials to, you should address your cover letter to the hiring manager for the position. ‘Dear Hiring Manager’ is an appropriate greeting for situations when you don’t know the hiring manager’s name, but seeking out details about the team you would be working with shows that you have a strong interest in the company and pay attention to details.

Methods for finding the hiring manager’s name

The following methods can help you find the hiring manager’s name when applying for a new job:

Check the application materials

Sometimes a job posting or other application materials have the name and title of the person reviewing your application listed. Many companies include information about who to contact in order to streamline the job search process, so read the job listing carefully for any instruction on who to address your letter to. Look at email addresses or social media profiles linked to the posting and see if the hiring manager’s name is listed. If you previously communicated with someone at the company about your application, consider reaching out and asking who you should address your cover letter to.  

Look at the company website 

Some companies keep a list of key employees or even a full directory of their employees available on their website. They may have a separate careers page with information on a hiring manager, or you may be able to find the name of a human resources representative for your position. Look for who the managers are for the department are applying to work with and determine who would work most closely with your position. You can also search for the company online and find outside information on their hiring structure.

Call the business

You can call the front office of a company and ask for the name of the contact person for the position you are applying for.  Be sure to call during business hours and be as specific as possible so that you get the name of the correct person. If you are still not able to confirm the name of a contact, the company will likely expect applicants to use the name of their hiring manager’s position or even leave off the greeting entirely.

How to address a cover letter

Use these steps as a guide toward addressing your cover letter:

1. First, verify your information

Once you have the name or title of the person receiving your cover letter, make sure that all of your information is accurate. Do a quick search to see if they have any honorifics such as Dr. or Prof. that you can include in your greeting Avoid using gendered language such as ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’ unless you have confirmed that they prefer to be addressed by that term.

2. Second, choose a salutation

Including a salutation is optional and based on personal preference. One option for beginning your cover letter is to simply list the name of the hiring manager followed by a comma. ‘Dear’ followed by their name and a comma is also a professional way to open your greeting. You should avoid less casual greetings such as ‘hey’ and ‘hello.’

3. Third, use a consistent format

When addressing your cover letter, use the same font and style as the rest of your application materials. Your greeting should be above the body of your letter and below a header that includes your name and contact information. Use consistent spacing before and after the greeting to make the letter easier to read for the hiring manager while devoting most of the page to the content of your letter.

4. Lastly, proofread

Every time you send out a cover letter, proofread every part of it including the address. Proofreading can help you avoid accidentally sending one company a cover letter with another company’s hiring manager listed in the greeting. Confirm the spelling of any names or titles and have another person check your work for typos. You should also make sure that you are using proper capitalization for their name and title.

Template for how to address a cover letter

Here is a brief template you can use when crafting a new cover letter or adding to an existing one:

[First name] [Last name] [Address] [City, State ZIP code] [Email] [Phone number]

Dear [Honorific]. [First name] [Last name],

Examples of how to address a cover letter

These are all examples of an acceptable greeting for a cover letter:

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dr. Alison Choudary,
  • Dear Human Resources Manager,
  • Dear Revolve Marketing Team,
  • Dear Prof. Rivera,
  • Dear Sierra, 
  • Ms. Cleo Thet,

Regardless of whether you can find the name of the hiring manager or not, you can still include a professional greeting when addressing your cover letter. While the way you address your cover letter will not likely convince someone to hire you, a greeting with dated or unprofessional language can easily discourage a hiring manager from taking your application seriously. You can use only a first name or add a salutation and honorific depending on your preference. 

Tips for addressing a cover letter

Use these tips to make sure your greeting is relevant and appropriate to the position:

  • Avoid phrases like ‘to whom it may concern’ or any other excessively formal language when possible.
  • Consider addressing the team you will be working with as a group if you do not have the name of your contact for the job.
  • If you have already communicated with the hiring manager, look at their email signature to see how they prefer to be addressed. For example, if the hiring manager signs their emails as ‘Mr. Dunlap,’ that is an indication that you should call him that as opposed to his full name.
  • When writing your cover letter or adapting it for a new position, make sure that every section including the greeting is professional and purposeful.
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How to Address a Cover Letter With Examples

whom to address the cover letter

Options for Addressing a Cover Letter

  • Letter Without a Contact Person
  • Non-Gender-Specific Names

What Title to Use

  • Address an Email Cover Letter
  • Review a Sample Cover Letter

Before You Send Your Letter

One of the trickiest parts of writing a cover letter comes at the very beginning. Much of the time, you won’t know exactly who will read your letter. How do you address your cover letter when you don’t have the contact person’s name and/or gender ?

First of all, try to find out the name of the contact person. Some employers will think poorly of an applicant who does not take the time to learn the hiring manager’s name. Also, take care not to assume that you know the gender of the recipient based on the name. Many names are gender-neutral, and some hiring managers may identify as a gender other than male or female.

It’s also possible that you’ll do your research and still be unable to figure out to whom you are addressing your letter. In that case, it's better to be safe and use a generic greeting . It's also acceptable to start a letter without a greeting and start with the first paragraph of your letter .

You have a lot of options when addressing your letter. Learn more about the possibilities before you make your choice.

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Contact Person

There are a variety of general cover letter salutations you can use to address your letter. These general cover letter salutations do not require you to know the name of the hiring manager.

In a survey of more than 2,000 companies, Saddleback College found that employers preferred the following greetings:  

  • Dear Sir/Madam (27%)
  • To Whom It May Concern  (17%)
  • Dear Human Resources Director (6%)
  • Leave it blank (8%)

Do keep in mind that terms like "To Whom It May Concern" may seem dated, so the best options may be either to use "Dear Hiring Manager" or not to include a greeting at all. Simply start with the first paragraph of your letter.

How to Address a Cover Letter for a Non-Gender-Specific Name

If you do have a name but aren't sure of the person's gender, one option is to include both the first name and the last name in your salutation, without a title that reveals gender:

  • Dear Sydney Doe
  • Dear Taylor Smith
  • Dear Jamie Brown

With these types of gender-ambiguous names,  LinkedIn  can be a helpful resource. Since many people include a photo with their profile, a simple search of the person's name and company within LinkedIn could potentially turn up the contact's photograph.

Again, you can also check the company website or call the company’s administrative assistant to get more information as well.

Even if you know the name and gender of the person to whom you are writing, think carefully about what title you will use in your salutation.

For example, if the person is a doctor or holds a Ph.D., you might want to address your letter to “Dr. Lastname” rather than “Ms. Lastname” or “Mr. Lastname.” Other titles might be “Prof.,” “Rev.,” or “Sgt.,” among others.

When you address a letter to a female employer, use the title “Ms.” unless you know for certain that she prefers another title (such as “Miss” or “Mrs.”).

“Ms.” is a general title that does not denote marital status, so it works for any female employer.

How to Address an Email Cover Letter

Hiring managers get a lot of emails each day. Make it easy for them to scan your email and follow up by including a clear subject line and a signature with your contact information. It's important to address the email cover letter correctly, including the name of the person hiring for the position if you have a contact, to ensure that your letter gets noticed.

Subject Line of Email Message

Never leave the subject line blank. There is a good chance that if a hiring manager receives an email with no subject line, they’ll delete it without even bothering to open it, or it could end up in their spam mailbox. Instead, write a clear subject indicating your intentions.

List the job you are applying for in the  subject line of your email message , so the employer knows what job you are interested in. They may be hiring for multiple positions, and you will want them to identify the position you’re interested in easily.

How to Address the Contact Person

There are a variety of  cover letter salutations  you can use to address your email message. If you have a contact person at the company, address the letter to Ms. or Mr. Lastname. If you aren’t given a contact person, check to see if you can  determine the email recipient's name .

If you can’t find a contact person at the company, you can either leave off the salutation from your cover letter and  start with the first paragraph  of your letter or use a  general salutation .

How to Format the Salutation

Once you have chosen a salutation, follow it with a colon or comma, a space, and then start the first paragraph of your letter. For example:

Dear Hiring Manager:

First paragraph of the letter.

Body of Email Cover Letter

The body of your cover letter  lets the employer know what position you are applying for, and why the employer should select you for an interview. This is where you'll sell yourself as a candidate. Review the job posting and include examples of your attributes that closely match the ones they are looking for.

When you're sending an  email cover letter , it's important to follow the employer's instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resume.

Make sure that your email cover letters are as well-written as any other documents you send.

If you have attached your resume, mention this as part of your conclusion. Then finish your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow up. Include a closing, then list your name and your  email signature .

Your email signature should include your name, full address, phone number, email address, and  LinkedIn Profile URL  (if you have one) so it is easy for hiring managers to get in touch.

Firstname Lastname  Street Address  (optional) City, State Zip Code  Email  Phone  LinkedIn

Sample Cover Letter

This is a cover letter example. Download the cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Sample Cover Letter (Text Version)

Mary Garcia 12 Rogers Avenue Townville, New Hampshire 03060 555-555-5555

February 17, 2021

Franklin Lee

CBI Industries 39 Main Street Townville, New Hampshire 03060

Dear Mr. Lee:

I was excited to see your ad for the operations assistant position in your Townville offices.

I have five years of experience as an operations assistant/associate. In my most recent role at ABC Corp., I fulfilled orders, resolved customer issues, ordered supplies, and prepared reports. In previous roles, I’ve done bookkeeping, data entry, and sales support. Basically, anything your department needs to run smoothly, I can do – and most likely, I already have experience doing it.

My other skills include:

  • Strong communication skills, in person, in writing, and on the phone
  • Excellent attention to detail and organization skills
  • Top-notch customer service
  • Experience in the industry and passion for the product
  • Adept at all the usual professional software, including Microsoft Office Suite

I’ve included my resume for your review. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to schedule an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Mary Garcia

Review Cover Letter Samples: It’s hard to write cover letters from scratch. To make life easier – and to make sure you don’t forget any of those pesky formatting rules —start by reviewing cover letter samples . Sending an email version instead? Look at a few examples of email cover letters to get started.

Customize Your Cover Letter: Why personalize your cover letter every time you apply for a job? Because even similar job titles have different requirements. The goal of a cover letter is to show the hiring manager that you’re the best candidate for this particular job. Customizing your cover letter will help you emphasize your skills and experience and how they fit with the job requirements .

Spell-Check Names: Before sending your cover letter, make absolutely sure that you have spelled the hiring manager’s name correctly. That is the kind of small error that can cost you a job interview.

Carefully Proofread Your Letter: Whether you're sending an email or uploading or attaching a printable cover letter, it's important to make sure that your cover letter and resume are written as well as any other business correspondence. If you can, have a friend proofread before you hit send, to pick up any typos or grammatical errors.

Saddleback College. " Your Resume is Your 1st Interview ," Page 14. Accessed Feb. 17, 2021.

How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024

Background Image

Yes, how you address your cover letter matters.

After all, this is the first thing the recruiter reads when going through your cover letter, and yes, there is a right and wrong way to do it.

In this article, we’re going to teach you how to address your cover letter in such a way that you leave a positive impression on any recruiter!

  • How to address a cover letter to a recruiter? (Casual or formal)
  • What title to use when addressing the hiring manager
  • How to address a cover letter without a contact person/to a company
  • How to address a cover letter without an address
  • How to address a cover letter in an email

How to Address a Cover Letter To a Recruiter (Casual or Formal)?

As we already mentioned, the way you address your cover letter is important because it is the very first thing recruiters see upon opening your cover letter. 

A well-formulated cover letter address means that you care enough to research the company (i.e. to find the hiring manager’s name and title) and that you show attention to detail. 

As such, you should always put some research into who you’re addressing your cover letter to and do so in a formal way.  

And yes, the formal part is important too. The recruiter isn’t your best friend - you want to maintain a sense of professionalism.

If this is how you address the recruiter in your cover letter:

  • What’s up Hiring Manager
  • Hi there Hiring Team

Then you say goodbye to the job.

Now, you’re probably wondering, how can I find out whom to address my cover letter to?

That’s what we’re about to teach you:

Who Am I Addressing My Cover Letter To?

Here are some tricks to find the full name of the hiring manager: 

  • Check the job listing. The job listing may have information about the recruiter or the department doing the hiring. Make sure to read through the entire job listing, as it might not be at an entirely obvious place.
  • Check the company website. Some websites feature the names of the hiring managers or heads of departments that may go through your cover letter. Alternatively, LinkedIn is another place where you can look for this information.
  • Check the company’s LinkedIn. You can look up who works in the company you’re applying for on their LinkedIn page.
  • Ask around. Do you have friends that work for the company? They could provide you with valuable inside info.

To avoid making a bad impression, head over to our guide on cover letter mistakes to learn about what NOT to do when writing your cover letter.  

job search masterclass novoresume

Addressing a Cover Letter With a Name

By now, you have probably found the hiring manager’s full name and gender. With this information available, it’s best to address the hiring manager formally, as follows: 

  • Dear Mr. Brown,
  • Dear Miss Fitzpatrick,
  • Dear Mrs. Lockhart,
  • Dear Ms. Walters,

If, for some reason, you are unsure about the person’s title, gender, marital status, or preferred pronouns, just address them using their entire name to avoid any mistakes. For example:

  • Dear Alex Brown, 
  • Dear Blair Fitzpatrick,
  • Dear Jesse Lockhart,
  • Dear Madison Walters,

Addressing someone with a title 

Now, if you found out that the hiring manager has a professional or academic title, then it’s more appropriate to address them using that title. If, for example, the hiring manager has a Ph.D., then it’s more respectful to address them as “Dr. Last Name,” instead of “Mr. Last Name.”  

Here are some professional titles and how they’re abbreviated: 

  • A professor is Prof. 
  • A reverend is Rev. 
  • A sergeant is Sgt. 
  • Honorable is Hon. 

If, however, you are uncertain about how a title is abbreviated, then avoid it altogether. 

Here are a few examples to give you an idea: 

  • Dear Prof. Welsch,
  • Dear Director Smith,
  • Dear Rev. Owen,

Dear Dr. Leonard,

When addressing women and you don’t know their marital status, always go with Ms., because it doesn’t comment on marital status. Some women prefer not to be addressed with Miss or Mrs. even when they’re married, so sticking with Ms. is the best choice. 

Want to learn more cover letter tips ? Our guide has all you need to ace your cover letter!  

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Contact Person

It might happen that, no matter how hard you search, you can’t find the name of the hiring manager or department head that will read your cover letter.

In that case, you can address your cover letter to the department, faculty, or the company.

  • Dear Software Development Hiring Team,
  • Dear Customer Service Department Hiring Team,
  • Dear Head of the Literature Faculty,
  • Dear Director of Marketing,
  • Dear Human Resources Recruitment Team,

Alternatively, if you don’t have enough information either about the department or the team, you can opt for addressing the cover letter directly to the company’s hiring staff, as follows: 

Dear [Company Name] Hiring Team 

Dear [Company Name] Recruiting Staff

If all else fails (meaning, you don’t know the name of the department head or even the exact department, in addition to the recruiter) then you can use one of the good, old-fashioned:

Dear Hiring Manager,

...but NOT the impersonal and way outdated “To whom it may concern” and “Dear Sir/Madam.” 

Starting a cover letter can be challenging. Our guide can show you how to start a cover letter that will get you results from the get-go. 

How to Format the Company’s Address

Before you reach the salutation, you have to make sure that the header with the recipient’s contact information is formatted correctly. 

It might not be the deciding point of whether you’ll secure an interview or not, but it will cost you points if it’s off. 

So, the first thing you want to do is add your name and surname on the upper left side of the cover letter. Underneath, you should write your professional title (if applicable), your email , and your phone number . 

Now, after you’ve also added the date, you should leave one more space and add the recipient’s contact information and, most importantly, the company’s address. 

It should look something like this on your cover letter: 

how to address a cover letter

When You Can’t Find the Company’s Address 

Some companies might have several addresses listed (as per their branches, for example), or even none at all. 

Since an application that doesn’t have an address line could end up lost or misplaced, make sure you do one of the following before skipping the company’s address completely:

  • Check all your resources, (pretty much like when you were looking for the hiring manager’s name) to find the company’s address. 
  • Use the company’s headquarter address. This is sometimes easier to find, especially if the company has several branches. 
  • Use the P.O. Box number for the company. This is not as specific as an actual address line, but if all else fails, it’s still something. 

Frequently, you’ll be asked to submit your job application (including your cover letter) electronically, or by email. In those cases, you can skip the address line altogether. 

Here’s how you’d go about addressing a cover letter in an email.

How to Address an Email Cover Letter

If you’re sending your job application through email, chances are you’ll need to format your cover letter in the body of the email, or as an attachment along with your resume.

First and foremost when you’re addressing a cover letter in an email is the subject line, which should be between 6-10 words long. 

Considering that hiring managers receive countless emails daily, you want to make sure that yours is a job application immediately. And the way to do that is straight through the subject line, which should indicate exactly the position you’re applying for and your name so that it’s easier to find through the recruiter’s swarmed mailbox. 

Here’ what we mean by that:

  • Subject Line:   John Doe - Software Development Job Application 
  • Subject Line: John Doe - Job Application for Marketing Manager Position   
  • Subject Line: John Doe - Stock Manager Job Application 

Afterward, if you’re including your cover letter in the body of the email (as opposed to attaching it as a document), begin by using a salutation, add space, and start your letter. 

If someone referred you for the position, make sure to mention that in the subject line of your email as well as in your opening paragraph.  

So, let’s see how all the above plays out in practice: 

Subject Line: John Doe - Carl Jacob’s Referral for Software Developer

I was very glad that Mr. Jacobs, a long-time partner at your firm who also happens to be my mentor from college, referred me for the Software Developer position. 

Do you want your style, personality, and overall personal brand to shine through your application? With Novorésumé, you can match your cover letter with your resume to make a lasting impression! 

matching resume and cover letter

Key Takeaways 

And that’s all there is when it comes to addressing a cover letter! You should feel much more confident in doing so by now. 

Either way, let’s go over the main points we covered throughout the article: 

  • Your cover letter address should be formal and well-researched. Don’t address the hiring manager with “hey,” “what’s up,” “hi there,” or even the old-fashioned “Dear Sir/Madam” and “To Whom It May Concern.”
  • Always try to find the hiring manager’s full name and professional title through the company’s website, LinkedIn, by calling, or by asking someone who works there.
  • If you know the hiring manager’s name, go with “Dear Mr./Miss Last Name,” but if you’re unsure about their gender, marital status, or preferred pronoun, just address them using their full name.
  • If the recruiter has a professional or academic title, it’s more appropriate to address them using their title.
  • If you can’t find the contact person’s name, then address the department, faculty, or company (i.e. Dear Microsoft Hiring Team , or Dear Software Development Recruitment Team ).

Related Readings: 

  • Do I Need a Cover Letter in 2024
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter for Internship
  • How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024

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How to Address a Cover Letter. Who to Address?

How you address your cover letter is crucial because it’s the first thing the hiring managers see when they open it.

When your cover letter address is well-formulated, it shows that you’ve done your research and paid attention to detail.

So it’s always important to know:

  • How to address a cover letter and
  • who to address the cover letter to.

But who do you address a cover letter to when you don’t have the hiring manager’s full name, after long research? Which salutations are appropriate, even when you have a name?

This guide will show you expert tips on how to address a cover letter.

How to Address a Cover Letter. Who to Address?

Table of Contents

Why Is It Necessary to Address a Cover Letter?

Primarily, the cover letter address is the first thing the recipient sees when they open the cover letter. So, you’re more likely to get a positive impression from the hiring manager when you address your cover letter professionally and correctly.

This can increase your chances of landing more job interviews. A cover letter address also shows that you’re more detail-oriented and willing to do more research when needed. This holds true when the hiring manager’s name is included in the address.

It’ll also show your dedication to professionalism and help you make a good impression on the recipient. But before you learn how to address a cover letter correctly, you must know how to write a cover letter first.

How to address a cover letter? Scheme

Who Do You Address a Cover Letter To?

You should address the cover letter to the individual making the final hiring decision. The person can be the company’s owner, especially in a small business.

However, if the company size is from medium to big, you may address the cover letter to the department head or hiring manager. If you need to get in touch with a large, international company, you might want to try the regional or local manager first.

Address your cover letter to a specific person if you can. Your cover letter will have a higher impact on the recipient if you take the time to include this information.

Furthermore, it shows that you cared enough about the company to do some preliminary research. And that can make you seem more driven than other applicants.

How to Address a Cover Letter?

There are several ways to address cover letters, each method depending on the situation. So go through different scenarios in this section to know how and who to address the cover letter to.

When You Know the Recipient’s Name

Always use the recipient’s name instead of a generic address when writing a cover letter. When you do that, it establishes a personal connection with the recipient. It’s also an excellent way to show that you’ve taken the time to learn more about them.

  • Do your homework and look up the recipient’s name if you don’t already know it. For example, if you want to work in the sales department, you may find the sales manager’s name on the company website.
  • You should use the full name for cover letters where you don’t know the recipient’s gender but do know their full name. For example, a cover letter addressed to “Dear Elizabeth Morgan” is an appropriate and proper example of a professional salutation.
  • Use the appropriate title like ‘ Ms .’ or ‘Mr. ‘ if you know the person’s gender and want to include a title in the address. Otherwise, avoid using a title to avoid implying the recipient’s marital status. For example, to address someone as “ Ms. Morgan ” rather than “Mrs. Morgan,” you would use the former form of address.

When You Don’t Know the Recipient’s Name

You’d have to use a more general introduction for your cover letter if you can’t find the recipient’s name after several searches. It’s best to play it safe with a generic salutation in a cover letter since you won’t know the recipient’s gender or name.

It’s also the safest way to make a good impression on the hiring manager. If you don’t have a contact person’s name, you can use one of the following approaches to address your cover letter.

Remember that the list below is based on a survey of over 2,000 companies to find employers’ preferred greetings.

  • Dear Hiring Manager (40%)
  • To Whom It May Concern (17%)
  • Dear Sir/Madam (27%)
  • Dear Human Resources Director (6%)

It’s essential to ensure the right person will get your cover letter when you specify a title like “hiring manager” in the address. Use a more general greeting, like “ To whom it may concern ,” if you aren’t sure who will receive your letter.

If the Recipient Has an Academic or Professional Title

If you know the recipient’s name and academic or professional title, it’s ideal to use it. You can use it in place of ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’

For example, it would be more appropriate to address the recipient as “ Dear Prof. Adams ” rather than “Dear Ms. Adams.”

Here are some professional and academic titles and their abbreviations you can use in your cover letter address:

  • Professor (Prof.)
  • Doctor (Dr.)
  • Revered (Rev.)

How to Address an Email Cover Letter?

Hiring managers are flooded with emails daily. So it’s crucial to make it easy for them to scan your email and respond to it. You can do that through a well-written subject line and a signature with your contact information.

If you know the recipient’s name, use it. This will increase the likelihood that your letter will be read.

The Email Subject Line

Never send an email without a topic . Hiring managers are likely to dismiss or delete emails without opening them if they don’t contain a subject line. Instead, use a subject that makes your point immediately evident.

Email Cover letter: Subject

Make sure the recipient or hiring manager sees the job position you’re applying for by specifying it in your email’s subject line.

You should make it simple for them to determine the position you are applying for, especially if they’re hiring for multiple positions.

Addressing A Cover Letter: Some Helpful Tips

Addressing your cover letter correctly can get the recipient’s attention. It can also make your letter stand out, especially if you know the purpose of your cover letter.

Use these tips while addressing your cover letter:

Check the spelling

Ensure that you have the correct spelling by consulting with the company or looking it up online. Employers always appreciate it when candidates take the time to proofread their work for correct spelling and grammar.

In addition, it shows that you care about the smallest details, which is always a plus.

Verify the Contact Person

When making initial contact, it’s not always easy to tell if the person listed is the actual one. And it’s not always clear whether the contact information for an open position belongs to a recruiter or the hiring manager.

Maybe you saw the contact’s name in a long-forgotten social media post, and you have no idea if they still work for the company. Get in touch with the hiring company if you have any questions.

Check Your Address for Any Mistakes

Each time you apply anywhere, you’ll need to review your cover letter because its address will differ. First, verify that the date, company name, and address are all right. This ensures that your cover letter always looks professional.

Use the Correct Format and Font

Cover letters printed on paper should have 2.5-cm margins. Your address should be written in the same typeface as the remainder of your cover letter. The fonts Arial, Times New Roman, and Calibri are all excellent options.

Also, try using single spacing for your header to save valuable space.

The Best Way to Address the Recipient

You can use several different cover letter salutations to personalize your email. For example, write to Ms. or Mr. [Last Name] at the company if you have a recipient. If you aren’t sure who to email, find out if you can see the email recipient’s name.

If you’re having trouble finding the recipient’s name, you have two options:

  • skip the salutation altogether and jump right into the body of the letter
  • use a generic greeting.

Formatting the Salutation

If you’re writing an email, after choosing a salutation, place a comma after it. Then press the space button before writing the first paragraph.

How to Write the Body of the Email Letter?

The body of your cover letter should explain to the employer what position you’re applying for and why they should meet with you.

Carefully read the job description and highlight your skills and experience as a perfect fit for the position. Then, follow the employer’s guidelines while submitting your resume and cover letter by email.

Always put the same effort into your email cover letters as you would for other documents you send.

Include a mention of your resume attachment in the final paragraph if you have one. Thank the hiring manager or recipient for their time and consideration at the end of your cover letter.

Specify what steps you’ll take to follow up. For example, put a period at the end of the email and sign it with your name and email address.

To make it simple for hiring managers to get in touch with you, provide the following:

  • your full name,
  • phone number,
  • full address,
  • email address, and
  • URL to your LinkedIn profile in your email signature.

How to Find the Right Recipient For the Cover Letter Address?

You’ll have to do some research if you don’t know the recipient’s name. Below are some ways to find the contact person’s name:

Check Out the Company’s Websites

Check the company’s website, including its social media pages like LinkedIn , Twitter, or Reddit. You can use Google to fill in the blanks of what you know and see what it brings up.

For example, if you know the department’s name, try searching for “Head of Marketing for [Department]” and see what comes up.

If you know the person’s name but not their email or phone number, search for a term like “Mr. Adams, Marketing Head at [Company].” You’ll find a social media page or an email address if you’re lucky.

Reach Out to the Company

One of the simpler ways to find a recipient’s contact is just to call the company. Explain your reason for calling and ask them about the right person to send your cover letter to.

Check on LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s built-in and powerful search engine makes it an excellent resource for finding people. If you know the person’s name, you can use that. Otherwise, you can expand your search by including the company, location, or both.

You can send a message to the person if you find them by clicking the “Contact info” link.

If you don’t know someone’s name, you can look through the company’s employee directory to find out who works there.

If you can’t find the right person, try contacting someone in a related department. The two of you may share a common connection and may introduce yourself.

Also read : How to Upload Resume to LinkedIn

Final Thoughts

Cover letters should always be addressed to the hiring manager of the company. Always use the hiring manager’s full name to show respect, even if you’re applying to a more informal workplace. Titles like “ Mr. ” and “ Ms. ” are acceptable. Don’t use ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Miss.’

Also, even though you can include many email addresses in your cover letter, there are some you should avoid. For example, you shouldn’t use overly informal greetings like “Hi” or “Hello.”

The hiring manager may form a poor impression of you if you greet them in such a casual manner. It’s okay to use such a welcome in a casual email, but it’s not recommended in a formal setting like a job application.

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WTO / Letters and Emails / Cover Letters / How to Properly Address a Cover Letter (with Examples)

How to Properly Address a Cover Letter (with Examples)

A cover letter is an official one-page document you submit as part of your job application alongside your resume or curriculum vitae.

The main aim of writing this letter is to highlight your professional background to the hiring manager or potential employer.

A well-written cover letter can spark the prospective recruiter’s interest and get them to read your other job application materials. However, a poorly formatted letter might mean that your job application documents will be disregarded, and you want to make sure this does not happen. As such, before you start writing this letter, you must have adequate information on how to draft an effective cover letter, starting with how to address the letter correctly.

How you address your cover letter is very important, as this is usually the first thing the hiring manager reads when going through it. A well-formulated cover letter address shows your enthusiasm for the job and demonstrates your attention to detail skills.

This is because it will be specific (i.e., include the hiring manager’s name and title), indicating that you took your time researching the company and the cover letter recipient. Moreover, addressing your letter properly sets the tone for the rest of your letter, making your job application stand out.

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How to Address a Cover Letter Properly

Knowing how to address your cover letter professionally and appropriately will enable you to make a positive impression on the recruiter reviewing your letter, increasing your prospects of getting more job interviews and ultimately landing the position you were hoping to secure.

The following are different methods of addressing the situation, depending on the situation:

Addressing a cover letter with no name

The most appropriate way of addressing this letter is to use a formal salutation addressed directly to the recruiter or hiring manager using their full names. However, in some cases, research into the company and whom to address the cover letter to may not disclose the recruiter’s name. In such a situation, you can explore alternative methods of addressing the letter that do not negatively impact your chances of getting a job interview.

These include:

Use academic or professional title

Using the recipient’s right academic or professional title is considered an excellent greeting option. It demonstrates that you read the job description and tailor your greeting based on the company department where the job position is currently available, the hiring manager’s title, or the team with which you will potentially work. Nonetheless, you will need to be as specific as possible to demonstrate that you have done your research and aren’t just sending a generic cover letter to many recruiters from different companies hoping to land a position in either of the companies. 

Examples of professional greetings in such a scenario include:

  • Dear Customer Support Hiring Manager/Team, in the event you are applying for a customer service representative position
  • Dear Chief Financial Officer/Accounting Manager, if you are applying for an accounting position
  • Dear Talent Acquisition Team
  • Dear Human Resources Manager, among others.
  • No salutation

If you cannot find the recipient’s name, do not know the recipient’s professional or academic title, and are unsure of the department where the job is currently available, you can opt to skip the salutation and start your cover letter with the introductory paragraph. This is advisable, as it avoids the chance of making things worse. However, it is essential to note that this should be considered a last resort, as not including a salutation may come across as being rude, overly lazy, or implying that you do not know how to write this letter, all of which may put you out of contention for the job.

Use “dear hiring manager”

If you cannot find any specific name or sufficient department information, use the “dear hiring manager” salutation, as it sounds professional and is gender-neutral. Some applicants like to use “Dear Sir/Madam” as a generic salutation for cover letters, but its use is a bit old-fashioned. In addition, it may be considered overly formal by some employers. The “To Whom It May Concern” greeting is also discouraged as it sounds too impersonal and outdated.

Other options

The most common and acceptable way to address a cover letter when the letter’s recipient is unknown is by using the ‘Dear Hiring Manager” greeting.

Still, you can use other alternative greetings, including:

  • Dear IT Department
  • Dear Company ABC Hiring Manager/Recruiter
  • Dear Head of Nursing
  • Dear Company XYZ Team
  • To the Catering Department, etc

Addressing using a formal full name

Generally, most job descriptions or job postings will provide the name of the hiring professional or the manager you will be working for. In such cases, it is preferable to address your cover letter formally using the hiring professional’s first and last name. Addressing your letter using the recipient’s formal full name establishes a personal connection and sets the right tone for your letter.

  • Dear John Doe
  • Dear Alexis Brown
  • Dear Johnson Kingstone

Using gender-specific titles such as Mr., Ms., or Mrs. is only advisable if you are sure of the receiver’s gender and marital status. Suppose you know the hiring professional personally and they have told you their preference; you can use their title and last name when addressing the cover letter.

  • Dear Mrs. Patterson
  • Dear Mr. Stanley
  • Dear Ms. Rodríguez

Given that your contact has a professional title that you are aware of, you may want to replace the gender-specific titles such as Mr. or Mrs. with the receiver’s professional title or honorifics, as this is considered more respectful. For example, if the letter’s addressee is an individual with a medical or doctorate degree, you will need to write Dr. before their name as a sign of respect.

More examples

  • Dear Prof. Hussein
  • Dear Rev. Purity Smith
  • Dear Lt. Angelou

Address using the only name for a non-gender-specific name

If you know the hiring officer’s name but cannot definitively tell their title, gender, marital status, or preferred pronouns, it is best to address them using only their full name to avoid any mistakes.

  • Dear Alex Brown
  • Dear Jamie Brown
  • Dear Mohamed Ahmed,
  • Dear Tiffany Hale

When addressing a cover letter, it is best to be as specific as possible and personalize it accordingly to impress the hiring professional and compel them to read the rest of your letter.

Including a specific name and title is always considered the best way to address a cover letter.

However, if your research efforts do not disclose the hiring manager’s name, you can still be as specific as possible and consider using the department or academic title, or address your letter in a more generalized manner but with a particular audience in mind.

How do You Find Out to Whom to Address a Cover Letter?

Most organizations provide the names of the hiring managers so that applicants immediately know to whom to address the letter.

However, in cases where you are not given the recruiter’s name, consider the following effective ways to discover whom to address your cover letter:

Double-check the job posting

The most convenient way to find out the name of the hiring professional is to double-check the job posting or job description. This is because most job descriptions contain comprehensive information on job application submission criteria, which generally include the letter’s receiver.

Examine the email address provided in the job description

If the hiring manager’s name is not included in the job description or is not apparent to you, you can discover the hiring manager’s name by examining the email address provided in the job description. For example, if the email address provided in the job description is [email protected], a Google search combining the person’s name as indicated in the email and the company name might find you the hiring manager’s full name. However, this may not always work, as some organizations prefer to use business emails.

Check LinkedIn

LinkedIn job postings often include the name of the person offering the job. LinkedIn’s profile name is more often than not the hiring manager’s name, and you should use that name in your address line.

Check the company website

Suppose the company you are applying to has an official company website. Then try to find the head of the relevant department on the company’s staff page or do a LinkedIn company search.

The supervisor’s title

In most cases, job descriptions list who the new hire will report to, such as the head/director of accounting, the director of nursing services, etc., without disclosing a specific name. In this case, there are various search options you can explore to find out the hiring manager’s name.

This includes running an advanced LinkedIn or Google search for all directors of accounting or nursing services in that company, checking with your network for someone who might have an idea of the person’s name, including your professional networks, or searching the company site for listings of staff members by title.

If all of the above-mentioned options fail, you can consider contacting the company by phone or email and telling them that you are applying for a specific job position. Still, there are chances that you may not find the contact person, and you would like to address your cover letter to the right person.

How to Address an Email Cover Letter

If the company’s preferred job application submission criterion is through email, you will need to format your cover letter in the email’s body or as an attachment along with your resume. If you are formatting the letter in the email’s body, create a strong subject line that is clear and concise to enable the recipient to know the purpose of the email. Your subject line should include the job title you are applying for, your full name, and a phrase that reiterates what the email contains.

After providing a suitable subject line of 6–10 words long, include a professional and specific salutation. If you know the addressee’s name, address the letter to them using either their full name or “Mr.” or “Ms.” preceded by their full names. If the recipient has a professional or academic title, such as “Dr.” or “Prof.”, use that in place of Mr. or Mrs.

Subject Line: Job Application for Financial Analyst, Jessica Jones Dear Mr. John Doe, or Dear Dr. Vincent Hopkins,

If you are unable to determine the recipient’s name from the email provided or through a quick search, use a general salutation such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or leave out the salutation and begin your letter with the introductory paragraph.

Once you have selected a suitable salutation, follow it with a comma or colon, skip a line, and then start the first paragraph of your letter. This applies to letters sent via email or traditional mail.

Do’s and Don’ts for Addressing a Cover Letter Properly

These letters are formal; thus, they should always be addressed professionally and with a specific audience in mind to demonstrate an applicant’s professionalism and attention to detail.

Discussed below are the steps for addressing a cover letter:

Do some research to find the hiring manager’s name

Whenever possible, this letter should always be addressed to someone specifically in their official name. This makes the letter seem more personalized to the reader and helps differentiate you from other candidates. Therefore, do research and try to find the hiring manager’s name. However, if you can’t find the recruiter’s name, you may list the contact name as “Hiring Manager.”

Do read job descriptions for the hiring manager’s name

Double-checking the job description to find out the hiring manager’s name or whom you will report to if you are hired is very important as it shows your keenness and attentiveness skills, which most employers look for in potential employees.

Do customize your letter to the audience

If you research the company website and LinkedIn profiles, double-check the job description or email address, and you are still not able to find the letter recipient’s name, consider customizing your letter to a specific audience rather than a specific individual. You can address the letter to the department, faculty, the company, or the overall hiring manager.

Discussed below are the don’ts for addressing this letter:

Don’t use “to whom it may concern.”

While some applicants prefer to address their letter to ‘To Whom It May Concern” in cases where the department head, exact department, or recruiter’s name is unknown, it is greatly discouraged, as it is impersonal and outdated. 

Don’t use “Dear Sir or Madam.”

Using dear sir or madam as a greeting line in cover letters is also discouraged, as it is overly formal and old-fashioned. While it may seem logical to address an unknown recipient, it is impersonal and might not fit the specific company culture.

Don’t address a letter incorrectly

Knowing how to address your letter correctly makes you a very visible and appealing candidate to potential employers. On the other hand, addressing your letter incorrectly may create a negative picture of you in the hiring manager’s mind, thus reducing your chances of getting a job interview.

Don’t address using “Hello or hi.”

The address line of this letter should be written formally to maintain a sense of professionalism. Starting the salutation with greetings such as “hello,” “Hi,” and “hey” makes the tone of the letter informal, which is incorrect. Always consider starting your salutation with “Dear…” or simply writing the addressee’s full name.

Final Thoughts

Knowing how to address your cover letter properly can make the difference between your application being noticed and overlooked by hiring professionals. The most appropriate way to address it is by personalizing it for the recipient using their first and last names. There are various effective ways to find the recipient’s name, including double-checking the job description, examining the given email address, checking LinkedIn and the company website, or contacting the company via email or a phone call. However, if these targeted searches do not find you the hiring manager’s name, there are other acceptable strategies to address your letter in a more generalized but specific manner. Remember that “To Whom It May Concern” and “Dear Sir/Madam” are inappropriate salutations for a cover letter, as they are impersonal and outdated. 

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Haley S.

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Jobscan > Cover Letter Writing Guide

How To Write A Cover Letter in 2024 (Expert Tips and Examples)

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to write a cover letter that will get you noticed by recruiters.

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A survey revealed that 77% of recruiters prefer candidates who send in a cover letter, even if submitting it is optional. Additionally, 90% of executives consider cover letters invaluable when assessing job candidates.

So, if you think cover letters are no longer important and necessary in 2024, think again.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you write a cover letter that effectively sells your skills and professional experience, increases your chances of getting interviews, and gets your foot in the door.

Table of Contents

What is a cover letter and do you still need one in 2024?

A cover letter is a letter of introduction accompanying your resume that paints why you are the best person for the job, what you bring to the table, and how you can help move the company forward.

Is the cover letter dead? No! In fact, a recent study by ResumeLab revealed that 64% of job vacancies still require that you include a cover letter in your application and 83% of HR pros said that cover letters are important for their hiring decision.

The bottom line is that a cover letter is still a valuable piece of your job search collateral. Nail your cover letter and you could end up getting that dream job.

So what exactly do you need to accomplish in your cover letter?

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

According to 49% of HR managers , your cover letter is the second best way to call attention to your resume and distinguish yourself from other applicants.

So the main purpose of your cover letter is to compel the recruiter to read more about you on your resume and move you to the next part of the hiring process.

Further, according to award-winning resume expert Melanie Denny , your cover letter is your value proposition letter. It proves why you are the best candidate to address the company’s needs with the professional skills and qualifications to succeed in the job.

Here’s an example of a great cover letter:


Now let’s get into the details of what your cover letter needs to include.

Cover Letter Structure Checklist

Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to include in your cover letter.

  • Contact Details Name Address (or City, State with zip code) Phone number Email address
  • Greeting Whenever possible, address the hiring manager by name.
  • Opening Who are you? What are your relevant skills and accomplishments?
  • Body (1-2 paragraphs) What do you know about the company? Why are you applying for this job? What value can you bring to the company? Include measurable results when possible.
  • Closing Reiterate your interest. Add a Call to Action. Mention any attachments. Use a professional sign-off like “Best” or “Sincerely” before your full name.

Here’s an example for the visual learners out there:


Now that you know the basics of what to include in your cover letter, let’s go through the process from start to finish to see how you can write a cover letter that will make you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

How to write a cover letter in 9 steps

It can be intimidating to try to parse down all your best qualities into a few quick paragraphs for your cover letter.

Here are 9 steps you can take to make sure you’re headed in the right direction:

Step 1. Do your research

Before writing your cover letter, thoroughly read the job description and the requirements for the job.

Melanie Denny , award-winning resume expert, likens the job description to your cover letter cheat sheet. And when checking the job description, she says you need to consider the following:

  • What are the company’s priorities?
  • What are their goals for the role?
  • What outcomes and accomplishments in your previous roles match the goals?
  • What are the key phrases and verbiage the company uses?

This will help you customize your cover letter, angle yourself and your narrative to fit the role better, and impress the hiring manager.

Try reaching out to the recruiter, hiring manager, or someone working in the company if you want more in-depth information about the company and the position you are applying for.

Step 2. Customize your cover letter for every job

Make sure your cover letter matches the job you are applying for. Writing a generic cover letter is a missed opportunity as this will not appeal to the recruiter or hiring manager. According to research from ResumeGo , 81% of HR professionals value job-specific cover letters over generic ones. Jobseekers who had tailored cover letters received a 53% higher callback rate compared to those who had no cover letter.

Remember, your cover letter is your chance to prove that you are passionate about working for a given company, so take the time to write a tailored cover letter for each position . You can do this by mentioning your skills and experience that are directly related to what’s mentioned in the job description. If you’re applying for a data analyst role that requires expertise in Microsoft Power BI, cite an example of a Power BI dashboard you built and how it helped the company.

Read our full guide: How to Optimize Your Cover Letter

Step 3. Include all of your contact info

You should make it easy for the hiring manager to reach you. In your cover letter, list these three things:

  • Address (including zip code– for ATS purposes )
  • Phone number with area code
  • Email address
  • Name of the Hiring Manager
  • Name of the Company
  • Address of the Company

Traditionally, your contact information is included in the upper left corner of your cover letter if you’re writing in a document. If you’re writing an email, this can be included beneath your signature at the end of the message.

Cover Letter Header Example:

Jane Jobscan Seattle, WA 98101 (555) 555-5555 • [email protected]

February 25, 2024

Lavinia Smith Hiring Manager Media Raven, Inc. Plantersville, MS 38862

Step 4. Address your cover letter to a real person

According to Melanie Denny, resume expert and President of Resume-Evolution, addressing your cover letter to a real person and addressing them by their name feels more personal and shows recruiters and hiring managers that you took time and did the research.

You can usually find the hiring manager’s name by searching the company website or LinkedIn profile, or by calling the company and asking which hiring manager is assigned to the particular position.

Once you learn the name, a simple greeting of “John” or “Hello John” is all you need.

If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, you can use any of the following:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear (Department) Team
  • To whom it may concern

Read our full guide: How to Address a Cover Letter

Step 5. Write a strong opening statement

Melanie Denny suggests that you start your cover letter with a bang. This will hook the hiring manager’s interest and show them how you can be a valuable addition to the team.

Here are things you can do:

  • Open with a thought-provoking question
  • Make a big claim about what you can do for the company
  • Say something relevant and specific to the company

For example,

“I want to bring the marketing department of Media Raven Inc. to the next level and help the company exceed goals and reach more customers as Marketing Manager.”

Step 6. Prove how your professional background and skills help the company in the body of your cover letter

Take advantage of this real estate and prove to the prospective employer how your background, values, and professional experiences position you as the best fit for what the role requires.

This is especially important if you are switching careers. Highlight your relevant accomplishments in your cover letter, showcase your transferable skills, and explain how you can help the company address its challenges and succeed.

For example:

“As the Director of Marketing at ABC Company since 2018, I directed all phases of both the creative and technical elements of marketing initiatives, including data mining, brand creation, print/web collateral development, lead generation, channel partner cultivation, customer segmentation/profiling, as well as CRM and acquisition strategies.

Perhaps most importantly, I offer a history of proven results, as evidenced by the following marketing accomplishments for my current employer:

  • Captured a 28% expansion in customer base since 2018, achieved during a period of overall decline in the retail industry.
  • Led national marketing campaign (comprised of trade shows, media, and PR initiatives) for my company’s newly launched technology services division
  • Developed and executed SEO strategy that achieved and sustained top 3 rankings on Google (organic, nonpaid results) for key product search terms.
  • Oversaw the creation of a new company logo and rebranded 100+ products to cement a cohesive corporate identity and support new company direction.”

Just like when writing a resume, your cover letter should only include the most relevant and positive information about you. To home in on the right skills and qualifications to mention, try scanning your cover letter .

Read our full guide: What Do You Put in a Cover Letter?

Step 7. Write a strong closing statement and a call to action

Use the closing of your cover letter to:

  • Thank the hiring manager for their time
  • Mention any attachments (resume, portfolio, samples)
  • Invite to schedule an interview
  • Let the hiring manager know that you will follow up

Keep the closing professional and try not to sound too eager since that can come off as desperate. You must also keep in mind the tone and personality of the company you’re communicating with.

“Given the opportunity, I’m confident I can achieve similar groundbreaking marketing results for Media Raven, Inc.

Ms. Smith, I would welcome the chance to discuss your marketing objectives and how I can help you attain them. Feel free to call me at (555) 555-5555 or email me at [email protected] to arrange a meeting. I look forward to speaking with you.”

Read our full guide: How to End a Cover Letter With a Call to Action

Step 8. End with a professional closing salutation

To finish out the closing , use a formal signature. You can use “Sincerely,” “Best,” “Regards,” “Yours,” or any other professional signoff.

Use your first and last name as your signature. If you’re sending your cover letter in the body of an email, make sure it’s your personal email account that does not list your current work signature beneath the email. Your other option is to write the cover letter in a word document, save it as a PDF, and attach it to your email.

Step 9. Optimize your cover letter for the ATS

The Applicant Tracking System or the ATS is a software that companies use to screen applications and shrink their pool of applicants. Through the ATS database, a recruiter or hiring manager can just search for specific skills and keywords and the ATS will return a list of the top candidates who match the search criteria.

To optimize your cover letter for ATS, you need to:

  • Carefully read the job description
  • Take note of skills and resume keywords frequently mentioned
  • Incorporate these keywords into your cover letter

Read our full guide: How to Optimize Your Cover Letter to Beat the ATS

Does your cover letter pass the test?

Scan your cover letter to see how well it matches the job you're applying for. Optimize your cover letter and resume with Jobscan to get more interviews.

Computer with resume

How to Format Your Cover Letter

A cover letter is a letter, but that doesn’t mean you should just plop everything onto the page in a stream-of-consciousness flow. After all, cover letter formats determine the order in which the hiring manager learns about you, which can significantly influence their first impression. Use the format order below as a guideline for building the structure of your cover letter.


Notice how the topics flow like a conversation? When you first meet someone, you introduce yourself, tell them your name and a little about yourself, and then leave the conversation open for future meetings.

Your cover letter is just a like having a conversation with someone for the first time. Keeping that in mind will help you to keep things simple and focus on the right information.

Below are some examples of how to format your cover letter for different types of applications.

How to format your cover letter for a job

  • State your name
  • Explain your work history
  • Tell them what you can do for their company
  • Say goodbye

How to format your cover letter for an internship

  • Explain your coursework history and education
  • Explain what you can gain professionally

How to format your cover letter with no experience

  • Explain your skillset and character qualities that make you well-suited for the role
  • Outline entry-level achievements

You can also check out our cover letter templates to help you as you write your own cover letter.

Do you want to save time and receive instant feedback on your cover letter? Check out Jobscan’s cover letter tool .

Read more : How to Write a Resume for Today’s Job Market

Cover Letter Examples

Here are some examples to help you create a cover letter that will make you stand out and give a strong first impression.

1. Internship Cover Letter Example


2. Career Change Cover Letter Example


3. Operations Manager Cover Letter Example


4. Communications Professional Cover Letter Example


5. Software Engineer Cover Letter Example


Cover Letter Do’s and Don’ts

Aside from the basic steps of how to write a cover letter, there are some things you definitely need to make sure you avoid – and things you can’t skip! Follow these do’s and don’ts for writing a cover letter, and you’ll end up with a much better result.

  • Use a cover letter unless one was requested.
  • Attach a cover letter directly to your resume unless requested to do so.
  • Use the same boilerplate cover letter for multiple job applications.
  • Over-explain your work history, employment gaps, or qualifications – save it for the interview.
  • Badmouth any of your past employers.
  • Use the cover letter to complain or tell about your job search journey.
  • Use non-standard formatting like tables, columns, or graphics. (ATS can’t read those and your cover letter copy might not be scannable by the system.)
  • Use long paragraphs.
  • Customize a cover letter for every job application that asks for one.
  • Incorporate the top skills or keywords from the job description in your cover letter.
  • Include the company name and address, the job title, and point of contact’s name on your cover letter.
  • Incorporate relevant and compelling measurable results in your cover letter.
  • Explain, briefly, any dramatic shifts in a career (i.e. you are changing industries or job titles).
  • Use company information to relate your interest in the job.
  • Keep your cover letter concise.
  • Convey WHY you are right for the position.

More Cover Letter Tips

  • When emailing your cover letter, be strategic with your subject line. Never leave the subject line blank, and double-check for specific instructions in the job posting. If possible, use the email subject line to sell yourself. For example: “Experienced Software Engineer Seeks Senior Level Mobile Position.”
  • Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. The hiring manager will be reading many cover letters. By carefully selecting your words and experiences to include, you can stand out from the crowd of applicants.
  • Be confident. Let the hiring manager know the reasons why you deserve this position, and make yourself believe them too!
  • Your cover letter should not be simply a rephrasing of your resume. Let your personality show and go into further detail about your most valuable skills and experiences.
  • Do your research on the company and position before writing the cover letter. It should be customized to that specific company’s values and needs. Hiring managers can spot a generic resume from a mile away.
  • Use the job posting as your guide for what topics, skills, and experience to focus on.
  • The best cover letters include keywords from the job posting. Applicant tracking systems may scan your cover letter along with your resume and will be using these keywords to sort through the applicants.
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Send your cover letter as a PDF to avoid readability issues and to present the most professional application package.
  • Scan Your Cover Letter with Jobscan to make sure you’re checking all the boxes.

Optimize Your Cover Letter with Jobscan’s Cover Letter Scanner

In addition to resume scans, Jobscan Premium users can also scan their cover letters against a job description.

This generates a report of the top hard skills and soft skills found in the job description that should be included in your cover letter, plus additional checks for optimal length, contact information, measurable results, and more.

Here’s how it works:

Key Takeaways

Your cover letter gives recruiters, hiring managers, and prospective employers an overview of your professional qualifications and relevant accomplishments that position you as the best candidate for the job.

So you have to make your cover letter powerful and interesting enough to make the recruiter or hiring manager read your resume and move you to the next step of the hiring process.

Here are key pointers when writing your cover letter.

  • Make sure you’ve read the job description and done your research about the company.
  • Get to know the name of the recruiter or hiring manager so you can address your cover letter properly.
  • Include relevant and measurable accomplishments in the body of your cover letter to prove to the hiring manager that you have what it takes to succeed in the job.
  • Keep your cover letter short and concise.
  • Your cover letter is not a substitute for your resume so don’t just copy and paste whatever is in your resume into your cover letter.

One last important reminder!

Having a strong cover letter is not enough. You also need to create a killer resume to make sure you stand out and land job interviews.

Learn more about writing a cover letter

How to Address a Cover Letter-block

How to Address a Cover Letter

10 Tips for Writing a Cover Letter-block

10 Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

The Career Change Cover Letter: How to Get it Right-block

The Career Change Cover Letter: How to Get it Right

What Do You Put in a Cover Letter?-block

What Do You Put in a Cover Letter?

Is Your Cover Letter Robot-Approved?-block

Is Your Cover Letter Robot-Approved?

How to End a Cover Letter with a Call to Action-block

How to End a Cover Letter with a Call to Action

Frequently asked questions, what are the different types of cover letters.

There are four types of cover letters.

  • Application cover letter An application cover letter is what you send to the recruiter or hiring manager along with your resume.
  • Prospecting cover letter You send this when you want to inquire prospective employers about open positions in their company or put yourself top-of-mind when they do decide to hire.
  • Networking cover letter You will send this to professionals in your network in hopes of getting referrals, introductions, job search advice, and job opportunities.
  • Career change cover letter This is what you send when you are switching careers or industries.

What tense should I use when writing a cover letter?

It can be appropriate to change tenses throughout your cover letter.

For example, you can explain who you are in the present tense and explain important aspects of your work history in the past tense. You can switch to future perfect tense when discussing the ways you would perform if given the position.

Think of it like this, “I am ABC, I did XYZ previously, and I look forward to doing EFG in this position.”

What to include in a cover letter

Our cover letter guidelines above explain how to write a cover letter more deeply, but in summary, you should always include your name, relevant work experience, and reasons why you are right for the job in your cover letter.

When not to include a cover letter

  • When the job posting clearly states not to include a cover letter
  • When you don’t have the time and energy to customize your cover letter. It’s better not to send a cover letter than to send a half-baked and mediocre one.
  • When you are applying online and there is no field to upload your cover letter.
  • When your cover letter has a lot of typos and errors.

What should you send first: a cover letter or a resume?

Typically, your cover letter and resume will be sent as a pair, but your cover letter is meant to be an introduction to your resume. If it is an email, use the cover letter in the body and attach your resume, otherwise, attach both.

Pro Tip: Be sure to review all instructions in the job description to follow the hiring manager’s requests.

How long should a cover letter be?

According to 70% of recruiters, a cover letter should not exceed 250 to 300 words.

Although there is no hard and fast rule about this, the ideal cover letter length should be around half a page to one full page in length to keep your message concise, clear, and easy to digest.

Should a cover letter be sent as a file attachment?

If it is not specified in the job posting, a cover letter can be sent either as an attachment (PDF is best) or in the body of an application email with your resume attached.

How to share a cover letter with a potential employer

There are several methods of sharing a cover letter with potential employers, depending on their application process.

Cover letters can be written on a document and turned into a PDF to be uploaded to a job application website or attached to an email along with your resume.

In other cases, your cover letter can simply be written in the email message to a hiring manager, with your resume attached.

How to title and save your cover letter

The key in every aspect of job applications is to make yourself an easy “yes” for your potential employer. That means making it easy for the hiring manager to keep track of your application materials for later review. With this in mind, make sure your full name and the phrase “cover letter” are included in the file label. Other helpful details might include the job title you’re applying for or the year of your application.

Here are a few examples:

  • Your Name_Cover Letter_Job Title.pdf
  • Cover Letter_Your Name_Job Title.pdf
  • Job Title_Your Name_Cover Letter.pdf
  • Your Name_Cover Letter_2024.pdf
  • Cover Letter_Your Name_2024.pdf

Explore more cover letter resources


Cover Letter Formats


ATS-Optimized Cover Letter


Cover Letter Templates

Generate a personalized cover letter in as little as 5 seconds

Say goodbye to the stress of writing a cover letter from scratch. Our AI-powered cover letter generator uses GPT-4 technology to create a personalized and ATS-friendly cover letter in one click. Stand out from the competition and land more job interviews.

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Who to address on the cover letter?

In the cover letter of an application to an academic job, should we write

Dear Search Committee Members,
Dear Professor A, Chair of the Search Committee Members,
Dear Professor A, Chair of the department

or what else?

In case we don't know who the chair of the Search Committee is, should we write the department to ask?

  • application-cover-letter

silvado's user avatar

  • 4 And remember to close with "Sincerely Yours" if you addressed a specific person, but with "Faithfully Yours" if you did not. Do people still seriously care? –  Kallus Commented Oct 9, 2013 at 5:19
  • 5 What about Dear Sir/Madam or To whom it may concern ? –  gerrit Commented Oct 9, 2013 at 15:14

3 Answers 3

I address all cover letters, letters of rec, etc. "Dear Committee Members:" Don't waste your time addressing it to an individual. The only thing you can achieve by doing that is embarrassing yourself and giving the search committee the chance to have a good laugh at your expense. If you do it correctly, it doesn't actually achieve anything; why give yourself one more thing to stress about?

Ben Webster's user avatar

The advertisement usually specifies to whom the application should be sent. In such cases, use the name that's listed in the advertisement. If no name is given, then I would vote for the first option, as it is the most inclusive.

aeismail's user avatar

  • If they don't have any name in the main part of the advertisement but have name in the further information, what should we do? –  postdoc Commented Oct 9, 2013 at 0:37
  • The further information is part of the announcement. You should probably go ahead and use that. –  aeismail Commented Oct 9, 2013 at 4:26
  • 9 One catch though: sometimes the name in the advertisement is the name of a secretary who is responsible for filing the applications, but has no part in reading them. In that case, having your letter addressed to the secretary would look weird. It's not always easy to tell when this is the case, but one thing you can do is check the department's website and see if the person is listed as faculty or administrator. –  Nate Eldredge Commented Oct 9, 2013 at 13:21
  • 1 Of course, the committee will be reading so many of these letters that it's doubtful they'll notice the salutation at all. –  Nate Eldredge Commented Oct 9, 2013 at 13:22
  • I was instructed to send my application to [email protected] , without any specific name, so I addressed it to the professor I hope to be working with. –  gerrit Commented Oct 9, 2013 at 14:29

Following the advises published on How to write a killer cover letter for a postdoctoral application

you should adress your Cover letter to future Principal investigator (PI) of the project:

Start off right. Address your potential future PI properly, as “Dr. (insert surname here).” If you begin your letter with “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern,” your application could be dismissed as generic and untailored for the position. A letter that appears to come off an assembly line is likely to ride directly into the trash bin. If you do not invest the time to learn about the PI and his or her research, then the PI is not likely to invest the time to read your application .

maycca's user avatar

  • In academia, we don't mind, unless it states "to who it may concern", then yeah you're in trouble. (please note the spelling) –  PatrickT Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 23:21

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whom to address the cover letter


  1. How to Address a Cover Letter (With Examples)

    To the Marketing Department. Dear Head of Design. Related: Cover Letter Samples Avoid using impersonal greetings like "To Whom It May Concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam.". These are outdated and overly formal. Begin your cover letter by addressing the hiring manager. Address them by name if you know it.

  2. How to Address Your Cover Letter in 2023

    Rule #1: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager using a formal, full-name salutation (if possible). For a cover letter, you should always default to addressing it to the hiring manager for the position you're applying to. Unless you know for sure that the culture of the company is more casual, use the hiring manager's first and ...

  3. How to Address a Cover Letter (and Who to Address)

    Here are the most common ways to address a cover letter without a name: To Whom It May Concern. Dear Human Resources Director. Dear Hiring Manager. Dear Recruitment Manager. Additionally, if you want to add a personal touch, address your cover letter to your prospective department or manager.

  4. How To Address a Cover Letter

    For example, 'Dear Austen Myers' is acceptable and considered a professional way to address a cover letter. If you know their gender and wish to use a title in the address, use either 'Ms.' or 'Mr.' to avoid inaccurately describing the recipient's marital status. For example, you'd write 'Dear Ms. Myers' rather than 'Dear ...

  5. How to Address a Cover Letter to Recruiter or Hiring Manager

    Whoever it is, use their full name (first and last name) in the greeting. If you cannot definitively tell the gender of the hiring person, do not use a gender-based title such as "Mr." or "Ms." in the greeting. Instead just use the person's full name. For example, Alex Johnson could be male or female. To avoid a gender mistake, use Dear ...

  6. How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024 With Examples

    Dear Prof. Umansky, Dear Dr. Nolan, Dear Mr. Lunden, Dear Ms. Oyelowo, Remember that being professional is of utmost importance. Never address your cover letter with casual greetings like "Hi," "Hey," or "Greetings.". PRO TIP. Check out our cover letter examples for more ways to address your cover letter. Take advantage of our cover ...

  7. How to Address and End a Cover Letter: 25 Examples & Tips

    3 Key Tips for Addressing Your Cover Letter 1) Don't Address Your Cover Letter to the Recruiter. For many job openings, the first person you need to impress is a corporate recruiter. That doesn't mean you should address your cover letter to them. "Recruiters do not read cover letters," a long-time healthcare recruiter told Jobscan ...

  8. How to Address a Cover Letter

    2. Second, choose a salutation. Including a salutation is optional and based on personal preference. One option for beginning your cover letter is to simply list the name of the hiring manager followed by a comma. 'Dear' followed by their name and a comma is also a professional way to open your greeting. You should avoid less casual ...

  9. How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024 (with Examples)

    How to Address an Email Cover Letter. Use these tips for addressing a cover letter email: Subject Line: 5-10 words—"Job Application for" + position you're applying to. Start with a cover letter salutation like Dear Dr. Manzanilla, Put your name, email address, and phone number at the end.

  10. How to address a cover letter (With examples)

    Properly addressing your cover letter is a straightforward process. If you follow these simple steps, you should be able to address your cover letter correctly: 1. Examine the job description to find out the name of the recruitment manager. The first thing you should do when addressing your cover letter is to refer to the job description.

  11. How to Address a Cover Letter With Examples

    Mary Garcia 12 Rogers Avenue Townville, New Hampshire 03060 555-555-5555 [email protected]. February 17, 2021. Franklin Lee. CBI Industries 39 Main Street Townville, New Hampshire 03060. Dear Mr. Lee: I was excited to see your ad for the operations assistant position in your Townville offices.

  12. How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024

    In that case, you can address your cover letter to the department, faculty, or the company. Alternatively, if you don't have enough information either about the department or the team, you can opt for addressing the cover letter directly to the company's hiring staff, as follows: Dear [Company Name] Hiring Team.

  13. How to Address a Cover Letter (2024 Examples)

    Adding titles when addressing a cover letter. It is acceptable to use a title and the recipient's surname when addressing a cover letter. You could write "Dear Mr Nelson" instead of "Dear Chris Nelson.". You might do this if you do not know your recipient's first name. Call females Ms, unless you know they prefer Miss or Mrs.

  14. Who do you address a cover letter to?

    Examples of how to address a cover letter if you don't know the hiring manager: Dear Hiring Manager, Dear HR Manager, Dear Sir or Madam, To Hiring Team at (Company), "You can also think about ...

  15. How to Address a Cover Letter: Tips + Examples for Every Type

    A cover letter is a formal document, and so it should be addressed as such. The most professional way to do this is with "Dear.". For example: Dear Mr. Miller, Dear Ms. Jones, Dear Dr. Lopez, If you don't know the person's gender or preferred pronouns, you can use their first name. For example: "Dear James Miller.".

  16. How To Address A Cover Letter (With Examples)

    In the body. The first line of your email should address the recipient, which differs slightly from paper cover letters. In cover letters, you usually add a header that includes your name and contact information, the date, and the recipient's name and contact information. After addressing the recipient, you can add your full cover letter in the ...

  17. How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024: Complete Guide

    Using a person's name in direct communication helps to establish a connection. So it's no wonder you should use it in the cover letter address! Start with Dear + recipient's first name or their first and last name. Use honorific titles such as Mr. or Ms. only if you're 100% certain of the recipient's gender identity.

  18. How to Address a Cover Letter. Who to Address?

    Cover letters should always be addressed to the hiring manager of the company. Always use the hiring manager's full name to show respect, even if you're applying to a more informal workplace. Titles like " Mr. " and " Ms. " are acceptable. Don't use 'Mrs.' or 'Miss.'.

  19. How to Properly Address a Cover Letter (with Examples)

    The most common and acceptable way to address a cover letter when the letter's recipient is unknown is by using the 'Dear Hiring Manager" greeting. Still, you can use other alternative greetings, including: Dear IT Department. Dear Company ABC Hiring Manager/Recruiter. Dear Head of Nursing. Dear Company XYZ Team.

  20. How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name in 5 Steps

    Here are five steps on how to address a cover letter without a name: 1. Remain gender neutral. The first step to addressing a cover letter without a name is to use gender-neutral identifiers. Deepti Sharma spent several years in the corporate world before following her entrepreneurial spirit and starting her business as a human resources (HR ...

  21. How to Address a Cover Letter

    Addressing a cover letter to a recipient with a professional title. If the recipient of your cover letter has a professional title, always include it. Someone with a PhD will be a doctor rather than a Mr/Ms. This also makes things easier if you need help deciding which personal pronoun to use. Addressing a cover letter without a named recipient

  22. How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

    To whom it may concern; Read our full guide: How to Address a Cover Letter. Step 5. Write a strong opening statement . Melanie Denny suggests that you start your cover letter with a bang. This will hook the hiring manager's interest and show them how you can be a valuable addition to the team.

  23. Who To Address a Cover Letter To

    Using the hiring manager's name is the best way to address your cover letter. Here are some steps you can take to discover their name: 1. Review the job posting. Read the job posting to see if the hiring manager's name is indicated. Review the sending instructions to see if the hiring manager's name or email address is provided.

  24. How to Find Out to Whom to Address a Cover Letter

    Addressing a Cover Letter without a Contact Person. Sometimes it happens that you have looked and looked for a contact name, but you simply cannot find any specific person to whom you could address your cover letter. In this case, you can simply send a cover letter to a company, department, military unit, or other organization. For example:

  25. Who to address on the cover letter?

    Address your potential future PI properly, as "Dr. (insert surname here).". If you begin your letter with "Dear Sir/Madam" or "To Whom It May Concern," your application could be dismissed as generic and untailored for the position. A letter that appears to come off an assembly line is likely to ride directly into the trash bin.

  26. General Cover Letter: Samples, Template & 5 Writing Tips

    Address the hiring manager by name - Even if you don't have time to fully customize every cover letter you send out, at least make sure to address the hiring manager by name. If you don't know it, do a LinkedIn search, check the company website, or try calling the reception to ask.

  27. How to Write a Cover Letter That Will Get You a Job

    Instead, your cover letter should go beyond your work history to talk about things that make you especially well-suited for the job. For example, if you're applying for an assistant job that ...

  28. Cover Letter Templates and Examples for 2024

    If possible, address your cover letter to the hiring manager or project manager by name. This personal touch shows your attention to detail—and it's attention-grabbing. If the job post doesn't include a contact name, visit the company website or LinkedIn to try to find the right person. If you can't find a name, use a professional ...

  29. How to Write a Cover Letter: Guide + Examples

    Weak example of a cover letter opening paragraph "Hello. I am Lester Peterson. I hope you are doing well. I am writing to you because I want to apply to your company. I am a determined professional with all the qualities needed to excel in this role." Why this cover letter opening doesn't work:

  30. Cover Letters 101: Should You Address Your Letter 'To Whom It ...

    W hen applying for jobs, the way you start your cover letter sets the tone for a good first impression. Many applicants wonder if they should stick with the old "To Whom It May Concern." This ...