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How to Use the Baby Thesis Method for Cohesive Essays

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Krystal N. Craiker

Cohesive editing

Teaching writing to students is a major challenge for every teacher. One of the hardest parts for students is writing a cohesive essay. They might have great introductions and solid body paragraphs, but their essays can often lack unity and flow.

As teachers, we harp on about the importance of having a strong thesis statement. Usually, we teach students to list their three main points in their thesis statement. This is an easy way to show students that their main points should relate to the essay topic.

But then the body paragraphs fall flat. They cover each of the main points, but the students haven’t shown how those points relate to the entire topic of the essay. They are little more than fact dumps, and they don’t tie back to the thesis statement or the prompt of the paper.

Teachers live for light bulb moments. And that light bulb moment for cohesive essays might be as simple as a terminology change.

The DBQ Project has two unique terms for their writing process. First, they refer to the major points in an essay as “buckets.” They also changed the term from topic sentence to “baby thesis.”

What Is the DBQ Project?

The baby thesis, words matter.

The DBQ Project is a program for social studies teachers to encourage writing across the curriculum and historical thinking skills. DBQs, or document-based questions, are a type of history essay that provide a series of primary and secondary sources that relate to an overall prompt. AP history tests include DBQs, but these skills are adaptable for all levels.

DBQ essay prompts are not just explanations of a historical topic. They ask students to defend a particular argument using primary and secondary sources and prior knowledge. The DBQ Project makes teaching this writing skill accessible for every level of learner.

The lessons that come from the DBQ Project are not just for social studies. How DBQs are taught can help students write stronger arguments in a more cohesive essay across all subjects.

A good scholar lets the evidence inform their argument, not the other way around. This requires two major steps: analysis and categorization.

Categorization is not a skill that comes naturally to many students. It’s considered one of the highest-level activities in both Bloom’s and Marzano’s levels of thinking. But it’s the skill that is necessary for creating strong body paragraphs .

DBQs are a great way to teach this skill because the documents are provided to the students. However, if you’re writing in English or science class, you’ll need to help teach this skill differently.


For higher-performing students, encourage them to research a topic, write down facts or quotes on notecards or a graphic organizer, and then practice putting this information into “buckets.” For lower-level students, provide excerpts of research for them to categorize. If necessary, you can even provide them with the categories and have them sort the research into those specific categories.

Visual aids are helpful for this step. Teach that “like goes with like.” You can even model with actual plastic buckets or a bucket template if you want. Use kinesthetic learning to have students physically place their research in different groups.

Once their research is divided into buckets, it’s time to take a look at the prompt again. This is where you’ll teach writing a strong thesis statement for the whole paper. After that, introduce the concept of a “baby thesis.”

Students are likely familiar with the phrase “topic sentence.” But a topic sentence can miss the entire point of strong body paragraphs. A topic sentence can tell you what a paragraph is about, but it might not tie in to the overall thesis of the paper. This is where cohesion begins to drop off.

I’m arguing semantics here, but how we phrase things in the classroom can trigger those light bulb moments for students.

The Purpose of a Baby Thesis

A strong topic sentence should do two things:

  • Tell what the paragraph is about, and
  • Tie back to the thesis of the whole essay.

Students can fairly easily give you a simple sentence that explains what the paragraph is about, but they struggle to relate it back to the overall thesis of the paper. Calling it a “baby thesis” reminds the students that this sentence should support their thesis.

When I modeled pre-writing, I drew a lot of arrows back to my thesis statement to really hammer home the idea that they relate back to their thesis. Let’s look at an example of a thesis statement along with weak and strong topic sentences.

Thesis: The New Deal programs had long-lasting effects on the political, social, and economic systems in American, many of which are still present today.

Weak Topic Sentence: There were also many economic programs in the New Deal.

Strong Topic Sentence: The New Deal also established many economic programs that affect Americans every day.

The first topic sentence is structurally sound. It has a clear transition and lets us know that the paragraph is about economic programs of the New Deal. However, it doesn’t show that the paragraph is specifically about long-lasting or present-day programs that are still in place. With this topic sentence, students might put in examples of economic programs that only lasted a few years.

The stronger topic sentence is a “baby thesis.” Not only does it tell us that the paragraph is about New Deal economic programs, it reminds us that we are only looking at those programs which are still in place. This ensures that your student puts only information that is relevant to the thesis in the paragraph.

A “baby thesis” also reminds students that they need to relate every fact or bit of research back to the thesis . Too often, students write a basic topic sentence and deliver several facts, but they don’t provide any analysis. In the above example, a weak paragraph would list the FDIC and US Employment Service as examples of economic programs without explaining how they affect Americans today. The “baby thesis” reminds students to provide the analysis needed for a cohesive essay.


Baby Thesis as Pre-Writing

When we teach pre-writing, we start with a thesis statement and an outline. We always tell students to decide what their major points are before they write.

The DBQ Project takes this one step further. To ensure an essay that flows well and stays on topic, include the baby thesis as a pre-writing step. Have them write these strong topic sentences before they write the essay as a whole. It will help them organize their thoughts and create a more solid outline.

You can also use this pre-writing step to provide feedback on their baby thesis statements. Offer suggestions to improve these before they begin writing the essay. Strong baby theses will help your students stay on-topic and write an essay that flows well.

Teachers and writers know that it’s not just what you say, but how you say it. Teachers especially know that you can explain something a dozen times to a student who doesn’t understand, but as soon as you explain it differently, they get it.

If you’re struggling to get your students’ essays to be well-organized and cohesive with a strong argument, take a note from the DBQ Project. Change your word choice and how you explain the parts of an essay. It might just be the light bulb you’ve been waiting for.

What is the hardest part about teaching essay-writing? Let us know in the comments.

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Krystal N. Craiker is the Writing Pirate, an indie romance author and blog manager at ProWritingAid. She sails the seven internet seas, breaking tropes and bending genres. She has a background in anthropology and education, which brings fresh perspectives to her romance novels. When she’s not daydreaming about her next book or article, you can find her cooking gourmet gluten-free cuisine, laughing at memes, and playing board games. Krystal lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband, child, and basset hound.

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99+ Best Thesis Topics In Pediatrics For Students In 2023

Thesis Topics In Pediatrics

Thesis Topics In Pediatrics plays an important role in a student’s academic life, shaping their future in the field of child healthcare. But what exactly is a thesis topic in pediatrics? It is a specific subject or issue within the field of child health that a student chooses to research and write about for their thesis.

Selecting the right thesis topic in pediatrics is crucial, as it sets the course for an extensive research journey. In this blog, we delve into the significance of making a wise choice, offering guidance on how to choose a good thesis topic in pediatrics.

We also provide a comprehensive list of 99+ Thesis Topics In Pediatrics for students in 2023, ensuring that you find an area that resonates with your passion and curiosity. Furthermore, we highlight the importance of thesis research in pediatrics and offer tips for writing a successful thesis in this specialized field.

Stay tuned with us to explore the world of Thesis Topics In Pediatrics, while learning how to avoid Common Mistakes in your research journey!

What Is A Thesis Topic In Pediatrics?

Table of Contents

In pediatrics, a thesis topic is a specific subject or question that a student or researcher chooses to study in-depth. It’s like a special area of interest within the field of child healthcare. For example, a thesis topic in pediatrics could be about childhood obesity, which means focusing on understanding and finding solutions for the issue of children being overweight.

To pick a thesis topic in pediatrics, you need to think about what aspect of children’s health you want to explore, like a puzzle you want to solve. Once you decide, you’ll research, gather information, and maybe even conduct experiments to learn more about your chosen topic. The goal is to contribute new knowledge to the field and help improve the health and well-being of children. So, a thesis topic in pediatrics is like a special project that helps us understand and address important health issues in kids.

Why Is It Important To Choose A Good Thesis Topic?

Choosing a good thesis topic is crucial because it sets the direction for your entire research project. It determines what you will study and how you can contribute to your field. A well-chosen topic can make your research more interesting, meaningful, and impactful, while a poor choice might lead to difficulties and a less valuable outcome.

  • Relevance: A good topic should be relevant to your field and address important questions or issues.
  • Interest: It’s important to choose a topic that genuinely interests you, as this will keep you motivated throughout your research.
  • Contribution: Your topic should offer the potential to add new knowledge or solutions to existing problems.
  • Feasibility: Ensure the topic is manageable within your available time and resources.
  • Guidance: Seek advice from professors or mentors to select a well-defined and researchable topic.

How To Choose A Good Thesis Topic In Pediatrics

Here are some steps on how to choose a good thesis topic in pediatrics: 

1. Identify Your Passion

Start by thinking about what aspects of pediatric healthcare truly interest you. Consider what makes you curious and excited, like helping kids with allergies, or understanding growth patterns in babies. Identifying your passion is the first step to selecting a good thesis topic, as it ensures your enthusiasm and dedication throughout the research process.

2. Relevance to Pediatric Health

Your chosen topic should be relevant to the world of children’s health. It should address a problem, question, or issue that affects the well-being of children. For instance, you could explore topics like childhood vaccinations, nutrition, or common illnesses among kids. The more relevant your thesis topic is, the more impact your research can have on improving pediatric healthcare.

3. Seek Guidance from Experts

It’s a wise idea to consult with professors, advisors, or experts in the field of pediatrics. They can provide valuable insights and suggest research areas that are both interesting and feasible. They’ll guide you to ensure your thesis topic is well-defined and researchable.

4. Feasibility and Resources

Consider the resources and time available for your research. A good thesis topic in pediatrics should be manageable within the scope of your project and the resources at your disposal. Think about whether you can access the necessary data, equipment, and support to investigate your chosen topic effectively.

5. Potential for Contribution

Assess whether your thesis topic offers the opportunity to contribute something new to pediatrics. Consider whether your research can provide solutions, insights, or new knowledge that can benefit children’s health. A good thesis topic should have the potential to positively impact pediatric healthcare.

Here are 99+ best thesis topics in pediatrics for students in 2023: 

General Pediatrics

  • What primary care doctors do for kids’ health care.
  • Pediatric obesity prevention and management strategies.
  • Management of common pediatric infections like ear infections.
  • Improving vaccination rates and vaccine hesitancy in pediatric populations.
  • Early childhood development and its impact on future health.
  • Pediatric pain management and the use of analgesics.
  • Child abuse prevention and identification.
  • Pediatric nutrition and dietary interventions.
  • Pediatric sleep disorders and their implications.
  •  Improving access to healthcare for underserved pediatric populations.

Subspecialty Pediatrics

  •  Advancements in pediatric cardiology and congenital heart diseases.
  •  Childhood cancer research and treatment innovations.
  •  Pediatric neurology and the management of epilepsy in children.
  •  Pediatric gastroenterology and inflammatory bowel diseases.
  •  Neonatology and preterm birth outcomes.
  •  Pediatric rheumatology and autoimmune disorders in children.
  •  Development of new diagnostic tools in pediatric radiology.
  •  Pediatric endocrinology and the management of diabetes in children.
  •  Advances in pediatric nephrology and kidney diseases.
  •  Pediatric pulmonology and respiratory conditions in children.

Public Health Pediatrics

  •  Addressing health disparities in pediatric populations.
  •  Pediatric immunization programs and public health outcomes.
  •  Child injury prevention and safety measures.
  •  Pediatric mental health awareness and access to care.
  •  How things in a child’s surroundings can affect their health.
  •  Strategies to combat childhood obesity on a public health level.
  •  Child abuse prevention and community interventions.
  •  School-based health programs and their effectiveness.
  •  Public health responses to pediatric infectious disease outbreaks.
  •  Promoting oral health in pediatric populations.

Social and Behavioral Pediatrics

  •  Understanding the psychosocial impact of chronic illness on children.
  •  Pediatric mental health screening and early intervention.
  •  Effects of social media and screen time on child development.
  •  Parenting strategies for promoting positive child behavior.
  •  Pediatric sleep patterns and their influence on behavior.
  •  Bullying prevention and intervention in schools.
  •  Cultural influences on child-rearing practices and health outcomes.
  •  Coping mechanisms for children facing traumatic events.
  •  Impact of family dynamics on child behavior and development.
  •  Promoting healthy relationships and communication skills in children.

Pediatric Research

  •  Novel treatment approaches for rare pediatric diseases.
  •  Genetic research in pediatric medicine.
  •  Long-term outcomes of pediatric interventions and therapies.
  •  Pediatric drug development and safety testing.
  •  Ethical considerations in pediatric research.
  •  Impact of emerging technologies on pediatric studies.
  •  Pediatric clinical trials and patient recruitment.
  •  Epidemiological studies in pediatric populations.
  •  Advances in pediatric imaging and diagnostic tools.
  • Translational research in pediatric medicine.

Pediatric Education

  •  Innovative teaching methods in pediatric medical education.
  •  Integrating technology into pediatric curricula.
  •  Pediatric simulation and its role in medical training.
  •  Pediatric residency training program improvements.
  •  Interdisciplinary collaboration in pediatric education.
  •  Teaching communication skills to medical students for pediatric care.
  •  Assessment and evaluation methods for pediatric education.
  •  Pediatric ethics and professionalism in medical education.
  •  Global perspectives in pediatric training.
  •  Teaching cultural competence in pediatric healthcare.

Global Pediatrics

  •  Challenges in providing pediatric care in low-resource settings.
  •  Child health in conflict zones and refugee populations.
  •  Global efforts to combat pediatric infectious diseases.
  •  Health programs for emerging country moms and children.
  •  Pediatric healthcare in humanitarian crises.
  •  International adoption and child health outcomes.
  •  Addressing malnutrition and child mortality worldwide.
  •  Cultural competence in global pediatric healthcare.
  •  Pediatric medical missions and volunteer work.
  •  Strategies for improving pediatric healthcare access globally.

Historical Pediatrics

  •  The evolution of pediatric medicine throughout history.
  •  Key figures and milestones in the history of pediatrics.
  •  The impact of historical epidemics on child health.
  •  Historical approaches to pediatric surgery.
  •  Changing perceptions of childhood and child-rearing.
  •  Historical development of pediatric hospitals.
  •  History of pediatric immunizations.
  •  Historical advances in neonatology.
  •  Early pediatric healthcare practices and remedies.
  •  Pediatric medical education in the past.

Ethical Issues in Pediatrics

  •  Informed consent and decision-making for pediatric patients.
  •  Ethical challenges in pediatric clinical trials.
  •  Allocation of limited medical resources in pediatric care.
  •  Pediatric end-of-life care and decision-making.
  •  Genetic testing and privacy concerns in pediatrics.
  •  The ethics of pediatric organ transplantation.
  •  Balancing autonomy and beneficence in pediatric care.
  •  Cultural considerations in pediatric healthcare ethics.
  •  Ethical issues in pediatric research involving vulnerable populations.
  •  Conflicts of interest and transparency in pediatric healthcare.

Emerging Issues in Pediatrics

  •  Implications of telemedicine in pediatric practice.
  •  The impact of climate change on child health.
  •  Precision medicine in pediatric care.
  •  Pediatric mental health in the digital age.
  •  Genetic editing and its potential in pediatrics.
  •  Addressing the challenges of pediatric obesity.
  •  Pediatric considerations in the era of AI and robotics.
  •  Healthcare disparities in the post-pandemic world.
  •  The role of artificial intelligence in pediatric diagnostics.
  • Ethical considerations in the use of gene-editing technologies for pediatric conditions.
  • Quantitative Research Topics For STEM Students
  • Mental Health Research Topics

Importance Of Thesis Research In Pediatrics

In this section, we are going to discuss some importance of thesis research in pediatrics:

1. Advancing Child Healthcare

Thesis research in pediatrics is important because it helps advance the field of child healthcare. Through in-depth studies and investigations, researchers can find new ways to treat and care for children, making them healthier and happier.

2. Solving Pediatric Problems

Thesis research in pediatrics is like solving puzzles. Researchers tackle important problems, like childhood diseases or nutrition, and work to find solutions. This research can lead to better treatments and practices that improve the lives of young patients.

3. Building Knowledge

Thesis research adds to what we know about children’s health. It’s like adding pieces to a big jigsaw puzzle. Each study contributes a piece of knowledge, and together, they build a clearer picture of how to keep kids well.

4. Training Future Experts

Thesis research helps train future pediatric experts. Students who do this research learn a lot about how to care for kids, so they can become doctors, nurses, or scientists who help children when they grow up.

5. Sharing Wisdom

Thesis research isn’t just for the researchers. They share their discoveries with other doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals. This way, what they learn can help kids everywhere, not just in one place. It’s like spreading the knowledge to make a bigger difference in pediatrics.

Tips For Writing A Successful Thesis In Pediatrics

Here are some tips for writing a successful thesis in pediatrics:

Tip 1: Clear and Specific Topic

Your thesis in pediatrics should have a clear and specific topic, like “Childhood Asthma Management in Urban Areas.” This makes your research focused and helps readers understand what you’re studying.

Tip 2: Research and Read

Do a lot of study before you write. Read studies, books, and articles that are connected to your subject. This helps you figure out what is known and what you need to find out more about.

Tip 3: Organized Structure

Structure your thesis in a clear and organized way. Use headings and subheadings to divide sections like introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. This makes it easier for readers to follow your research.

Tip 4: Methodology Clarity

Explain your research methods in simple language. Describe how you collected data and why you chose those methods. It helps others understand the validity of your findings.

Tip 5: Concise and Clear Writing

Be clear and to the point when you write. Stay away from lingo and hard words. Your goal is to make your thoughts clear for as many people as possible. Make sure that your writing makes sense and is easy to understand.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Working On Thesis Topics In Pediatrics

When working on thesis topics in pediatrics, it’s essential to avoid common mistakes to ensure your research is successful. Here are seven mistakes to steer clear of:

  • Lack of Clear Focus: Failing to choose a specific and focused topic can lead to confusion and make your research less effective.
  • Inadequate Literature Review: Not thoroughly reviewing existing research can result in repeating what’s already known.
  • Poor Planning: Inadequate planning may lead to a disorganized thesis and missed deadlines.
  • Insufficient Data Collection: Gathering inadequate data can weaken the credibility of your research.
  • Complex Language: Using overly technical or complex language can make your thesis difficult to understand.
  • Ignoring Feedback: Failing to seek feedback from advisors or peers can result in missed opportunities for improvement.
  • Overlooking Proofreading: Neglecting to proofread your work may lead to errors that affect the quality of your thesis.

Thesis Topics in Pediatrics play a vital role in student research in 2023. These topics are specific areas of study within child healthcare, offering students a chance to make a meaningful impact. Choosing the right topic is crucial, as it should be both interesting and relevant to pediatric health. With over 99 possible thesis topics to explore, students have a wide range of options. Thesis research in pediatrics contributes to improving child healthcare, adding to knowledge, and training future experts.

To succeed, students should focus on clear writing, organized methods, and thorough literature reviews. Avoiding common mistakes like unclear focus, inadequate data, and complex language is also essential. By understanding the importance of selecting a good thesis topic, students can contribute positively to the field of pediatrics.

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NICU Research Ideas & Topics to Consider

Nicu practice and evidence-based research is constantly changing. many of the practices i have seen over the past 9+ years have changed with updates, new technology, procedures, and treatments, with a movement to push our patient population forward with improved outcomes.

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Here are a few topics to consider when searching for a research project, paper, or developing an abstract for your project! Many of these are controversial with a lot of different research supporting various outcomes.

NICU Research Project Ideas

Double jeopardy. what do we know and what can we do.

Common comorbidities of prematurity.

Intraventricular hemorrhage

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Necrotizing Enertocolities

Retinopathy of Prematurity

Congenital heart Disease (CHD)


Standardization of assessments and treatments, Pneumoatosis, Is Clonic Pneumotosis real?, Treatment and feeding decisions, Guidelines, Antibiotics, Parenteral Nutrition, Vascular Access, Imaging Modalities, Hemodynamics, disease entity, restriction of systemic blood flow, generalized cyanotic state, Congenital Heart Disease (CHD).




The formation and focus on standardizing ELBW and VLBW care. Guidelines, standardization, and streamlined care. Feedings, humidity, positioning, weights, lab draws central line management, RDS management, guidelines for incubations/extubations, weaning from isolette to crib, developmental considerations by gestational age.




The use of probiotics in practice (to use or not to use them). Gut flora. The pros and cons. Latest research in preventing NEC. Is this a preventative measure? Which probiotic products to consider? Lactobacillus, dual strains, and possible side effects or contraindications.






Treatment of PDA. When to treat it and what modalities to treat it with…Indomethacin, PICCOLO PDA closure device, PEEP, etc). Risk vs Benefit. Clinical signs and symptoms.




Skin to skin (myth-busting nicu dynamics when parents can’t hold). Developmental considerations. How to support families during the initial times with inability to hold baby.





Anesthesia / Sedation! What is too much? What is not enough? Neurodevelopment perspectives with Gestational age & disease process. Nociceptive stimuli. Neuroapoptosis. Pain consequences with unrelieved pain, sleep, fatigue, and inflammatory response. Pre and Post-op considerations. The first line of pain relief modalities. Benzodiazepines, Opiates, Alpha 2 Agonists (Dexmedetomidine, Clonadine), Sweeties, Positioning etc.




what is the best topic for baby thesis


Lack of standardization within the NICU patient population. What is too low? What is too high? Treating symptoms. What line of hemodynamic modalities to turn to? (Epi / Vasopressin / Dopamine)




Specific considerations for Gestational age, disease-specific treatments. Optimal PEEP, Low peak inflation/TV. Use of surfactant. Surfactant deficiencies (RDS), Corticosteroids, Alkalosis etc.



Optimizing neurodevelopment, Target pre ductal SpO2. Oxygen should be used like any other drug; with potential benefits and side effects. Positioning considerations.




Multidisciplinary approach. Women facing pregnancies with a diagnosis of complex congenital or life-threatening conditions. Limitations in choices. Support during pregnancy, delivery, post-partum, and beyond.




Congenital Heart Disease issues. Cyanosis (TOF & TGA), pulmonary venous obstruction, (TAPVD, MS), Preoperative care, Preoperative pulmonary vasculature/reactivity (Trisomy 21, post RSV, transitional circulation). Neurodevelopment risk associated with prematurity. Restricted oxygen and insufficient nutrient delivery in utero.



The push for breast is best (doesn’t always work in the NICU). Breast milk production, the latest Evidence-Based Research to support mothers.

Hope this list helps you in your NICU Research! These are all very relevant in our NICU care with continued improvements in Evidence-Based Research! The more minds and research we can put to these topics the better. Feel free to drop your suggestions and comments below!

what is the best topic for baby thesis

Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012 and works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN student , & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey in married life & juggles work, school, and content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at www.tipsfromtori.com or [email protected]

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Think of yourself as a member of a jury, listening to a lawyer who is presenting an opening argument. You'll want to know very soon whether the lawyer believes the accused to be guilty or not guilty, and how the lawyer plans to convince you. Readers of academic essays are like jury members: before they have read too far, they want to know what the essay argues as well as how the writer plans to make the argument. After reading your thesis statement, the reader should think, "This essay is going to try to convince me of something. I'm not convinced yet, but I'm interested to see how I might be."

An effective thesis cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no." A thesis is not a topic; nor is it a fact; nor is it an opinion. "Reasons for the fall of communism" is a topic. "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe" is a fact known by educated people. "The fall of communism is the best thing that ever happened in Europe" is an opinion. (Superlatives like "the best" almost always lead to trouble. It's impossible to weigh every "thing" that ever happened in Europe. And what about the fall of Hitler? Couldn't that be "the best thing"?)

A good thesis has two parts. It should tell what you plan to argue, and it should "telegraph" how you plan to argue—that is, what particular support for your claim is going where in your essay.

Steps in Constructing a Thesis

First, analyze your primary sources.  Look for tension, interest, ambiguity, controversy, and/or complication. Does the author contradict himself or herself? Is a point made and later reversed? What are the deeper implications of the author's argument? Figuring out the why to one or more of these questions, or to related questions, will put you on the path to developing a working thesis. (Without the why, you probably have only come up with an observation—that there are, for instance, many different metaphors in such-and-such a poem—which is not a thesis.)

Once you have a working thesis, write it down.  There is nothing as frustrating as hitting on a great idea for a thesis, then forgetting it when you lose concentration. And by writing down your thesis you will be forced to think of it clearly, logically, and concisely. You probably will not be able to write out a final-draft version of your thesis the first time you try, but you'll get yourself on the right track by writing down what you have.

Keep your thesis prominent in your introduction.  A good, standard place for your thesis statement is at the end of an introductory paragraph, especially in shorter (5-15 page) essays. Readers are used to finding theses there, so they automatically pay more attention when they read the last sentence of your introduction. Although this is not required in all academic essays, it is a good rule of thumb.

Anticipate the counterarguments.  Once you have a working thesis, you should think about what might be said against it. This will help you to refine your thesis, and it will also make you think of the arguments that you'll need to refute later on in your essay. (Every argument has a counterargument. If yours doesn't, then it's not an argument—it may be a fact, or an opinion, but it is not an argument.)

This statement is on its way to being a thesis. However, it is too easy to imagine possible counterarguments. For example, a political observer might believe that Dukakis lost because he suffered from a "soft-on-crime" image. If you complicate your thesis by anticipating the counterargument, you'll strengthen your argument, as shown in the sentence below.

Some Caveats and Some Examples

A thesis is never a question.  Readers of academic essays expect to have questions discussed, explored, or even answered. A question ("Why did communism collapse in Eastern Europe?") is not an argument, and without an argument, a thesis is dead in the water.

A thesis is never a list.  "For political, economic, social and cultural reasons, communism collapsed in Eastern Europe" does a good job of "telegraphing" the reader what to expect in the essay—a section about political reasons, a section about economic reasons, a section about social reasons, and a section about cultural reasons. However, political, economic, social and cultural reasons are pretty much the only possible reasons why communism could collapse. This sentence lacks tension and doesn't advance an argument. Everyone knows that politics, economics, and culture are important.

A thesis should never be vague, combative or confrontational.  An ineffective thesis would be, "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe because communism is evil." This is hard to argue (evil from whose perspective? what does evil mean?) and it is likely to mark you as moralistic and judgmental rather than rational and thorough. It also may spark a defensive reaction from readers sympathetic to communism. If readers strongly disagree with you right off the bat, they may stop reading.

An effective thesis has a definable, arguable claim.  "While cultural forces contributed to the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the disintegration of economies played the key role in driving its decline" is an effective thesis sentence that "telegraphs," so that the reader expects the essay to have a section about cultural forces and another about the disintegration of economies. This thesis makes a definite, arguable claim: that the disintegration of economies played a more important role than cultural forces in defeating communism in Eastern Europe. The reader would react to this statement by thinking, "Perhaps what the author says is true, but I am not convinced. I want to read further to see how the author argues this claim."

A thesis should be as clear and specific as possible.  Avoid overused, general terms and abstractions. For example, "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe because of the ruling elite's inability to address the economic concerns of the people" is more powerful than "Communism collapsed due to societal discontent."

Copyright 1999, Maxine Rodburg and The Tutors of the Writing Center at Harvard University

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How to Pick a Master’s, Ph.D., or Undergraduate Thesis Topic

Last Updated: February 2, 2024 Fact Checked

  • Brainstorming Topics

Narrowing Your Focus

  • Crafting Your Question

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 75,214 times.

Choosing a topic for your thesis , whether it be for a master’s, Ph.D., or undergraduate, can feel like a daunting task, but it can also be exciting. Your thesis is your chance to dive deep into a topic that interests you and contribute something new to your field. To pick the right topic for you, start by brainstorming potential topics without worrying if they're good or not. Then, narrow your topics based on feasibility and your personal strengths. Finally, start researching so you can craft a good thesis question.

Things You Should Know

  • Jot down your interests in your topic of study. Then, research your interests and go through your past papers to find unanswered questions in your field.
  • Narrow down your interests to potential topics you can add value to. Then, find a professor who has experience in your area of study.
  • To formulate your research question, research your topic. Brainstorm a few questions you might ask, then select the one you can best answer.

Brainstorming Possible Topics

Step 1 Write down your main interests related to your field of study.

  • Review all of the classes you've taken and the subjects you've covered.
  • Think about why you got into your field of study.
  • Consider what you like to read about in your free time, especially things related to your field. This might be books, news articles, or blogs.
  • Think of people in your field who you admire or aspire to be like. Then, ask yourself what you like about them.
  • Consider if you'll continue your academic studies after graduation, as well as what you'd want to study.

Step 2 Go through your past coursework to find papers you enjoyed writing.

  • Consider any lingering questions you had working on past projects as a starting point for your new thesis.
  • It’s best to stick to your recent work because it will better reflect your current knowledge and abilities.
  • You can use the same topic you used in your prior work, or you can use your old work to point you in the direction of a new topic.

Tip: Your past coursework can also tell you what you didn’t like studying. Consider the assignments that you struggled through and the research topics you hated. Then, avoid topics like them.

Step 3 Research current events to see what's happening in your field.

  • For example, let’s say you’re studying politics. You might read about current presidential candidates and reflect on how their platforms have diverted from the historical platforms for their political party.
  • If you’re writing a literature thesis, look at the novels that are being nominated for this year’s literary awards and consider their genre, theme, or style.
  • For a thesis on psychology, you might look for news about PTSD research or read articles about pop psychology that people are sharing on social media.
  • For an aeronautical engineering thesis, you could read up on what SpaceX is currently working on, or look into NASA’s most recent experiments.
  • Check prominent research journals in the field you’re interested in to see what current academic conversations look like.
  • Make a list of keywords that show up during your searches so you can look up published theses using sites like ProQuest. That way, you know what topics have already been covered.

Step 4 Look for gaps in current research related to your field.

  • You don’t need a topic that’s completely absent from research, as this would be difficult to examine.
  • One way to find a unique angle is to combine 2 topics together. Alternatively, you can build on someone else's work.
  • For example, let's say you're studying clinical psychology and want to write about PTSD. You might find that not much research has been done into how people with PTSD cope with workplace conflicts.
  • Similarly, let's say you're studying politics and want to look at how political party platforms evolve. You might find that there's a gap in research when it comes to evaluating how voters react to platform changes.

Step 5 Ask your professors which topic they think is right for you.

  • For instance, you might say, “I’m hoping to be a research professor one day, and I want to focus on modern poetry. Which of these thesis topics do you think would make me most attractive to doctoral programs?”

Step 6 Talk to your classmates about their lingering questions.

  • Focus on questions that can be researched and don’t have a simple answer. For instance, a question like, “How can we motivate people without offering them extrinsic rewards?” can be researched and doesn’t have a simple answer. Conversely, the question, “When did free verse poems start to become mainstream?” is easy to answer with a simple Internet search.

Step 7 Think about what type of work you plan to do in the future.

  • You don’t need to plan out your whole life. However, it’s good to have an idea about where you’re going.
  • Think about the type of work you want to do, the job title you want to attain, or the types of organizations you want to work with.
  • For instance, if you want to be a university professor, you might choose a topic that you plan to continue researching through your doctorate and career as a professor.
  • As another example, let's say you want to be a project manager for an engineering firm. You might choose a topic that encompasses both your knowledge of engineering and your interest in motivating other engineers to produce their best work.

Step 8 Make a list of 5-10 topics that might be interesting thesis topics.

  • Undergraduate theses may be more broad, while master’s or Ph.D. theses should be more specific.
  • Choose the best topics that came to you while you were brainstorming.
  • You might enjoy doing this activity with a classmate who’s also working on their thesis. You can bounce ideas off of each other.
  • For example, you might write down things like "evolution of political party platforms," "effect of civil war on cultural norms," "themes of literature immediately before and after a social crisis," "effects of robotics on the workforce," "mission to Mars," or "building intrinsic worker motivation."

Step 1 Eliminate topics that don’t seem to offer avenues for new research.

  • For instance, you might love William Shakespeare, but finding a new area of research about his work could prove difficult. Similarly, if you're studying psychology, you'll likely want to avoid writing about older ideas that aren't widely supported anymore, like dream analysis.

Step 2 Choose your thesis supervisor once you have a general idea of what you’ll research.

  • Say something like, “Hi, Dr. Gomez. I know you’re really knowledgeable about morality politics. I’m planning to write my thesis about a topic related to morality politics, so I hoped you might be my thesis supervisor.”

Tip: You don’t need to select your thesis topic before you find a thesis supervisor. Just get a general idea of what area you want to pursue.

Step 3 Discuss your top 1-3 topics with your thesis supervisor.

  • For example, you might say, "I'd like to write my thesis about modern American haiku structure, autobiographical expression in contemporary 21st-century poetry, or poetry in the Internet age."
  • Your thesis supervisor will likely want you to choose a topic that they know well and are interested in themselves.

Crafting Your Thesis Question

Step 1 Conduct research into your topic.

  • This will help you figure out what types of questions to ask about your topic.
  • If you can, highlight or mark important passages and summarize sections of text in the margins of the work.
  • Talk to your librarian. They can help you find materials that might be of interest to you, and they can pull books or journals related to your topic.

Tip: Save your research materials so that you can use them when writing your thesis. You may not use all of your early research, but some of it will be relevant.

Step 2 Write 5-7 potential thesis questions

  • How did 20th-century warfare alter literary themes?
  • How have expanding cultural norms impacted the criteria for literary awards?
  • What social changes have impacted diplomatic exchanges among world leaders?
  • How does detaching morality from public policy affect the efficacy of legislation?
  • How does culture adapt in the aftermath of a civil war?
  • How can robotics enhance early childhood education?
  • What are the best ways to motivate employees to work harder?
  • What treatment protocols can enhance recovery in PTSD patients?

Step 3 Identify the question you think you can best research and answer.

  • Think about the process you'd need to use to research the topic, such as a digital search, social experiments, or lab testing. Then, decide if you'd be able to complete these tasks with the time and resources you have.
  • List the research materials you have available to you, such as computer databases, library materials, or a laboratory.
  • Consider your thesis supervisor’s area of expertise.
  • Think about the courses you’ve taken and the skills you’ve developed.

For example... The thesis question "How have expanding cultural norms impacted the criteria for literary awards?" works well because it's researchable and debatable. You can explore cultural norms using social science studies, news or journal articles, and survey results from different decades. Then, study the themes and styles of award-winning literature using articles and books. From there, evaluate the relationship between them, which is up for interpretation.

Step 4 Select a final research question with the help of your thesis supervisor.

  • Listen to your thesis supervisor’s advice. They’ve likely been doing this for a long time, and they know what it’s like to be in your shoes.

Expert Q&A

  • Try to choose your topic as early as you can. This will help you stay on track to finish your thesis on time. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • It’s helpful to do additional research throughout the selection process. If you find texts that might be of use to you later, save them to use in your thesis. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Since you’ll spend at least 1-2 years on your thesis, it’s best to choose a topic that interests you. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ https://www.millersville.edu/honorscollege/thesis/choosetopic.php
  • ↑ https://www.ceu.edu/article/2019-03-29/how-choose-your-thesis-topic
  • ↑ https://hhd.psu.edu/shm/undergraduate/honors-study-hospitality-management/first-steps-choosing-topic-and-thesis-supervisor
  • ↑ https://library.maastrichtuniversity.nl/study/thesis-supportall/choose-thesis-topic/
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.gmu.edu/guides/how-to-write-a-research-question

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Christopher Taylor, PhD

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100 Best Child Development Research Topics for 2023

child development research topics

If you need to write a research paper about child development, you probably already know that finding great child development research topics is a very difficult task. In fact, it can sometimes take you days to find a good topic to write an interesting essay on. Fortunately, we have a list of research topics in child development that will help you immensely. Remember, all our topics are free to use. You can use them as they are or reword them. To help as many students as possible, we are constantly updating the list. You can easily find fresh topics for 2022 right here.

Having Trouble Finding Topics in Child Development?

Of course, you can try to find topics in child development on various websites. The problem is that most of those topics are years old. Furthermore, most of those child development research paper topics have been used by students over and over again. Your professor is probably bored of reading the same essays every semester, don’t you think?

To make sure you get a top grade on your essay, you need to find original, highly interesting topics. You need research topics for child development that are relevant for the scientific community today. Just pick one of our topics and start writing your essay in minutes.

Easy Child Development Topics

If you are looking from some easy topics so that you don’t have to spend much time writing the essay, you might want to take a look at our awesome easy child development topics:

  • Describe 3 important child development theories
  • Define childhood development
  • Talk about the Vygotsky Theory.
  • What are childcare centers?
  • Are children more intelligent than adults?
  • Music and its benefits for child development.

Child Development Essay Topics for College

Of course, college students should pick topics that are more advanced than those picked by high school attendees. Take a look at some interesting child development essay topics for college students:

  • Child Abuse Prevention programs and how they work.
  • Discuss Children Services in relation to child development
  • How does a divorce affect the development of children?
  • Analyzing the moral development stages
  • Domestic violence effects on child development
  • Three best parenting styles and why they work
  • Special needs of differently-abled children

Controversial Topics Child Development

Child development is, of course, filled with controversial ideas, theories and practices. You may want to talk about some of them, so here are some controversial topics child development ideas:

  • The best parenting model.
  • Family conflict hinders proper child development.
  • Does obesity affect child development?
  • Does race affect child development?
  • Are siblings important at all?
  • Imaginary friends can be a problem.

Best Research Topics on Child Development

Nobody knows what your professor likes or dislikes better than you do. However, we believe the following list of ideas contains some of the best research topics on child development:

  • Coronavirus lockdown and its effects on children.
  • Peers’ influence on child development.
  • Children understand life through play.
  • A green environment and its effects on children.
  • Describe the 4 types of parenting.
  • Diet and its role on child development.
  • How important is his family for a small child?

ADHD Child Development Topics

ADHD is a disorder that affects a growing number of children worldwide. It goes without saying that picking one of our ADHD child development topics will surely surprise your professor:

  • What is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
  • Discuss the main causes of ADHD.
  • Incidence rate of ADHD in small children.
  • The challenges of ADHD for parents.
  • Special needs of children suffering from ADHD.
  • In-depth analysis of therapy methods.
  • Can ADHD be cured in the 21st century?

Interesting Topics Related to Child Development

Are you looking for the most interesting topics related to child development? Here is the list of what our ENL writers consider to be the most intriguing things to talk about in 2022:

  • Games that stimulate child development
  • Does poverty affect the development of children?
  • Tech and its effects of child development.
  • Do imaginary friends play a role?
  • Child development and its effects on the person’s entire life
  • Why are children often more creative than adults?

Child Development Psychology Topics

But what if you want to talk about psychology? The good news is that we have several original child development psychology topics that you can choose from right now for free:

  • What are the five stages of psychological development?
  • An in-depth look at the mental development of children.
  • Improving mental growth: best practices.
  • Lack of attention and its effects.
  • Behavioral psychology of autistic children.
  • Society is changing the psychology of our children.
  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Difficult Child Development Topics for Research

Are you looking for a challenge? Do you want to test your ability to write a complex academic paper on a difficult subject? Just pick one of these difficult child development topics for research and start writing:

  • The coronavirus pandemic and its effects on child development.
  • Eliminating dyslexia with novel child development techniques.
  • Best way to develop your child’s language skills.
  • Eliminating autism with novel child development techniques.
  • The minimum time that you should spend with your child.
  • 3 best games for child mental growth.

Current Topics in Child Development

Of course, your professor is most interested in new and exciting research. This is why it is generally a great idea to pick a current topic to write about. Here are some of the best current topics in child development:

  • COVID-19 anxiety in small children.
  • Advancements in children cognitive development.
  • Latest social development techniques.
  • The link between psychical and physical development
  • What are developmental milestones?
  • Solving behavioral issues correctly.
  • Link between play and social skills.
  • Best methods to cure autism in 2022. Check out more autism research topics .

Child Mental Health Development Paper Ideas

Interested in writing about the mental health development of children of all ages? We have some very good news for you. We have a list of child mental health development paper ideas you will find most intriguing:

  • The effects of divorce on small children
  • The effects of the death of a parent on small children
  • The effects of family violence on child development
  • The effects of substance abuse on children
  • The effects of mono parental families on small children
  • The effects of financial insecurity on children
  • The effects of sleep disorders on the development of a child

Child Development Project Topics

Are you looking for an original project idea? Our team managed to create a list of 100% original child development project topics just for you:

  • Talking and its effects on child development.
  • Analyze the impact of sports on child development.
  • Poor dieting and its negative effects.
  • Technology effects on small children.
  • Are books important for small children?
  • Positive social relations and their effect on toddlers.
  • Is Internet exposure recommended?

Psychology Research Topics on Child Development

Researching the psychology of child development can be a very difficult thing to do. However, if you think you are up to the task, pick one of these great psychology research topics on child development:

  • Define the term “sociocultural theory”
  • The 4 stages of psychological development.
  • Analyzing the main psychological processes of children.
  • In-depth analysis of child psychology.
  • Does your children need to see a psychologist?
  • The science behind understanding child emotions.
  • Deviant behavior in small children.

Early Child Development Topics

Talking about infants and toddlers can be very interesting, especially if you manage to find a great topic. Choose one of these early child development topics and start writing your paper right away:

  • Stages of toddler mental development.
  • How much time should you spend with your small child?
  • The importance of socialization.
  • Games to play with your toddler.
  • Is play important for early child development?
  • Infant vs. toddler: the similarities.
  • When does the ego first appear?

Topics About the Stages of Childhood Development

Are you interested in talking about the various stages of childhood development? You are certainly in luck today. We have just added these topics about the stages of childhood development to our list:

  • What are the 5 stages of child development?
  • What defines a newborn?
  • Describe the transition between a newborn to an infant.
  • Child development stages: the toddler.
  • Preschool and school age children: key differences

Latest Child Development Paper Topics

It’s difficult to keep up with science, we know. Here are the latest child development paper topics you may want to write about:

  • Genetics effect on child development.
  • Social media effects on children.
  • Pollution effects on the development of children.
  • Social insecurity effects.
  • Good sleep and its benefits.
  • Preschool programs are improving emotional skills.
  • The science of childhood development.

Need More Child Development Topics for Papers?

But what if you want more than these interesting topics in child development? In case you need a list of original, well thought of topics, we have the perfect solution. Our experienced academic writers can put together a list of new child development topics for papers in no time. And the best part is that only you will get the new list. So, if you need dozens of child development research topics that nobody else thought of yet, you need our help. If you need a custom thesis , we can also help you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch, even during the night.

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178 Original Child Development Research Paper Topics

child development research paper topics

Child development is represented by all the changes that occur in a child from the time of their birth to adulthood. The changes covered by child development include all the emotional, physical, thought and language changes.

During the process of development, a child transitions from being dependent on his parents to being an independent young adult. It is generally accepted that there are 5 main stages of child development: newborn, infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age.

If you are pursuing a bachelor of science or even a Master of Science degree, you will inevitably have to write at least one research paper about child development. The good news is that writing the paper shouldn’t be too difficult because the Internet contains plenty of information about most aspect of child development.

However, finding the right child development research paper topics for your papers can pose a problem. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We have a list of 178 original topics on this page that should work great in 2023.

How Does A Good Research Paper Look Like?

OK, but what does a good research paper look like? Well, to help you out, we’ve put together a simple outline that shows you exactly what your paper should contain:

Introduction Background information on the topic Thesis statement Body #1 (first major subtopic) Statement + a little background information Supporting evidence Body #2 (second major subtopic) Statement + a little background information Supporting evidence Body #3 (third major subtopic) Statement + a little background information Supporting evidence Conclusion Restate the thesis Summarize the key points Call to action Works Cited/Bibliography Appendix

Of course, to be able to write the research paper as fast as possible, you need to find the best possible topic. Stop wasting your time scouring the Internet and choose one of these original topics:

Best Child Development Topics

We will start our list of topics with the best child development topics (or what we consider to work great in 2023). Check out this list of awesome ideas:

  • Discuss the Piaget theory on child development
  • Research the mechanisms of child development
  • Analyze the Toddler stage (1-3 years)
  • Research motor skills during child development
  • The socio-emotional development of children
  • Discuss the 5 stages of development
  • Talk about cognitive development
  • Research the Preschool stage (3-4 years)
  • How does development shape a person’s life?
  • Research the role of the environment on development
  • Research hands-on experience learning

Easy Child Research Topics

Next on our list we have some of the easiest topics you can find. Our easy child research topics are meant to help you write the paper faster and save time for other activities:

  • Discuss the Erik Erikson theory on child development
  • Effects of parasites on child development
  • A closer look at the Infant stage (3-12 months)
  • Effects of race on child development
  • The intellectual development of children
  • Discuss maternal drug use effects
  • Effects of neglect on the development of children
  • The 5 stages of child development
  • Talk about the Newborn stage
  • Analyze the Pre-school stage (4-5 years)

Child Development Project Topics

Are you looking to start a child development project? You certainly need a great idea if you want an A+. Here are some child development project topics you could try:

  • Research asynchronous development
  • A project on physical growth
  • A project on gender role
  • A project on language and communication
  • Talk about the effects of malnutrition
  • Postnatal depression and child development
  • Weight growth during child development
  • The speed of height growth
  • Analyze the mechanisms of change
  • A project about individual differences
  • Research the development of children with disabilities

Research Topics On Children

If you are looking for interesting research topics on children, you have arrived at the right place. Take a look at these ideas and choose the one you like the most:

  • Discuss the Behavioral theory on child development
  • An in-depth look at secure attachment
  • How do emotions change over time?
  • Discuss the transition from dependent to independent
  • The effect of family on child development
  • The role of movement
  • The effect of school on child development
  • The importance of playing with other children
  • The importance of the surroundings
  • The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Psychological changes during development
  • Research the effects of classroom environment

Child Development Research Topics

Of course, we have a lot of child development research topics for students of all ages. Here are some of our best, original ideas that should be excellent for 2023:

  • Discuss the Vygotsky theory on child development
  • The role played by genetics
  • Compare and contrast the toddler and the infant
  • Compare and contrast the infant and the preschool child
  • The importance of a psychologist
  • Discuss the role of caregivers
  • Compare and contrast the toddler and the newborn
  • Effects of positive social interactions
  • Research disorganized families
  • Compare and contrast the preschool and the school age child
  • The negative effects of divorce
  • The role of a good early childhood life

Research Paper Topics Children Love

In case you are looking for some research paper topics children love, we have some of the best ideas right here. Check them out and start working on your paper now:

  • Latest news in child development
  • The importance of a good school
  • The importance of eating breakfast
  • The role of the mother
  • The role of the father
  • Teaching sign language to children
  • The effects of bullying on children
  • Discuss the importance of tangible rewards
  • Nurturing good habits
  • Sports in the life of a child

Child Development Topics For High School

So what if you’re a high school student? You can write about child development too. We even have some excellent child development topics for high school student right here:

  • Discuss ADHD and its effects
  • Negative effects of social media on child development
  • The role of technology in child development
  • Research differently-abled children
  • Study the emotional development of children
  • An in-depth look at the role of good nutrition
  • Research the role of sport in child development
  • Research the occurrence of depression
  • The struggles of preschool children
  • Negative effects of smartphones on child development
  • Effects of mass media on school children

Child Development Psychology Topics

Interested in discuss the psychological part of child development? Have a look at our child development psychology topics; you’ll surely find something of interest:

  • The different stages of psychological development
  • What makes children intelligent?
  • Discuss intellectual growth from 3 to 9 years of age
  • What makes children put their health at risk?
  • Research memory in preschool children
  • The problem-solving capabilities of a toddler
  • Language learning skills at the age of 3
  • Do toddlers have a self-preservation instinct?
  • How do toddlers understand the world around them?
  • Discuss a school psychology topic
  • Research how children think

Interesting Child Development Topics For Papers

Our writers have compiled a list of the most interesting child development topics for papers. All you have to do is choose one of our ideas and start working on your research paper:

  • Why is playing so important?
  • Talk about the effects of climate change on child development
  • How to ensure your child develops properly?
  • Discuss the role of social interaction
  • Is social media good for child development?
  • How do children form their ego?
  • The history of child development
  • Are some children more intelligent than most adults?
  • Research the way children understand life
  • Discuss the role of peers on child development

Great Children Research Topics

Are you in search of some great children research topics? You are in luck because we have a long list of such topics right here:

  • Research a child’s social development
  • Discuss speech development
  • Gross motor skills development
  • How to monitor child development effectively?
  • How important is attention?
  • Birth disorders and their negative effects
  • Talk about behavioral child development
  • The importance of music in child development

Child Development Research Paper Questions

Did you know that the best way to get started on your research paper is to look at some child development research paper questions? Here are some for you:

  • How to identify a child genius?
  • How does the community affect children?
  • Can children overcome trauma?
  • How important are birthday celebrations?
  • How important is the mother in child development?
  • How does the loss of hearing affect children?
  • Does the child need to visit a psychologist?
  • How does autism influence child development?
  • Does Facebook negatively affect a child’s development?
  • What is the role of genetics?
  • What defines a toddler?
  • How important is socialization?
  • How much time should a parent spend with his child?
  • What is the sociocultural theory?

Current Child Development Topics

Talking about the latest research in child development will surely get you some bonus points. Here are some current child development topics:

  • Latest advancements in cognitive child development
  • Autistic children development
  • Are video games dangerous for child development?
  • Severe psychological problems
  • Teaching your child a new language
  • Research into deviant behavior
  • Best games for children to play
  • Effects of a poor diet
  • The negative effects of a lack of physical exercise
  • How does technology influence child development?

Advanced Child Psychology Research Topics

If you want to write about complex topics, we also have a list of advanced child psychology research topics. Choose one of them for free right now:

  • The effects of talking on child development
  • Discuss the most important development milestones
  • The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns
  • Discuss how television affects child development
  • Research the diseases that can hinder child development
  • Analyze the connection between a toddler and his parents
  • Research child development in single-parent families

Child Development Topics For College

College students will surely appreciate our long list of child development topics for college. Remember, this list is updated periodically so that everyone can get fresh topics:

  • The effects of family violence
  • Innovative child development techniques
  • How much time should you spend with your child?
  • Games that stimulate mental growth
  • Best ways to solve a behavioral issue
  • Negative effects of substance abuse
  • Negative effects of divorce

Controversial Child Development Topics

Don’t worry, your teacher will surely appreciate your courage. You shouldn’t be afraid to talk about controversial topics in your research paper. In fact, here are some topics to help you get started:

  • Books that children should avoid
  • The need for physical punishment
  • How important are schools?
  • Should children be allowed to play video games?
  • The effects of poverty on child development
  • Discuss the effects of social insecurity
  • Child development in the Indian society

Child Mental Health Essay Topics

Are you interested in talking about the mental health of children? No problem, we have a great list of child mental health essay topics for you:

  • Best ways to develop a positive mentality
  • An in-depth look at anxiety in toddlers
  • Discuss the stages of mental development
  • The occurrence of depression in preschool children
  • Discuss the cause and effects of ADHD
  • Can children suffer from PTSD?
  • Research the oppositional defiant disorder

Early Childhood Essay Topics

If you want to cover early childhood in your research paper, you have definitely arrived at the right place. Here are some awesome early childhood essay topics:

  • Tourette syndrome in toddlers
  • Discuss eating disorders in preschool children
  • The effects of social media on young children
  • Sports that children should play
  • Events that can negatively impact a child’s development
  • Ways to ensure maximum mental growth
  • Discuss the 5 stages of development and make a comparison between them
  • Does music affect the mathematical skills of young children?

Topics Related To Child Psychology

Our experts have created a list of interesting topics related to child psychology that you can use for free. Pick one of these ideas and start writing an A+ paper today:

  • Talk about what makes a child intelligent
  • Things that negative affect a child’s psychological wellbeing
  • Stress in young children in the United States
  • Should you child see a psychologist?
  • Sports that curb child delinquency
  • Discuss the effects of watching excessive television
  • The effects of religious orientation on a child’s mental health

ADHD Child Development Essay Topics

Writing about child development of children suffering from the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not easy, we know. However, we have some great ADHD Child development essay topics for you:

  • How do ADHD children cope with boring situations?
  • Controlling the activity levels of ADHD children
  • Discuss ways to make ADHD children pay attention
  • ADHD’s effects on the ability to focus
  • Why do ADHD children have learning disabilities?

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Essay: Definition, Types, Format, Topics, Sample & How-To Guide

What is Essay? An essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject, typically designed to present the writer’s argument, perspective, or reflections. Essays can vary in style, structure, and purpose, but they generally aim to explore ideas, analyze issues, or persuade readers. Types of Essay: Essays come in a variety of forms, […]

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Topic Sentence: Definition, Examples, Tips & How-To Guide

What is Topic Sentence? A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main idea of a paragraph. It typically appears at the beginning of the paragraph, setting the stage for the sentences that follow. The purpose of a topic sentence is to provide a clear and concise summary of the paragraph’s content, guiding the

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Argumentative Essay: Format, Topics, Example & How-To Guide

What is Argumentative Essay? An argumentative essay is a type of writing that requires the writer to take a stance on a particular topic and present evidence and reasoning to support that position. The goal is to persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s perspective or at least acknowledge the validity of the argument.

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Cursive Writing: Meaning, Benefits & How-To Guide

What is Cursive Writing? Cursive writing is a style of penmanship in which letters are connected in a flowing manner, often for the purpose of making writing faster. This script is characterized by the fluid movement of the hand, where each letter is connected to the next, typically with a single stroke, rather than being

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Coursework: Definition, Types, Format & How-To Guide

What is Coursework? Coursework refers to the tasks and assignments assigned to students as part of their educational curriculum. These tasks are typically meant to be completed outside of regular classroom hours and are designed to assess a student’s understanding and mastery of the material covered in their courses. Coursework Types: Below are some common

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Referencing: Meaning, Styles, Examples & Guidelines

What is Referencing? Referencing is the practice of acknowledging the sources of information and ideas that you use in your own work. It’s essential in academic writing, research papers, and other forms of scholarly communication to give credit to the original authors or creators of the information you’re using. Referencing typically involves including in-text citations

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Research Methodology: Types, Process, Chapter Example

What is Research Methodology? Research methodology refers to the systematic process of planning, conducting, and analyzing research studies. It involves the principles, techniques, and procedures used to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data in a scientific manner. Research Methodology is also a crucial section of a thesis, dissertation or scientific paper because it outlines the

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How to Write a Thesis – Step by Step Guide

Writing a thesis can seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make the process much more manageable. A thesis represents more than just a culmination of your academic knowledge—it’s an opportunity to contribute original insights to your field of study, to engage deeply with existing scholarship, and to showcase your ability to

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Thesis Defense: Presentation, Structure, Questions and Sample Speech

What is Thesis Defense? A thesis defense, also known as a viva voce or oral defense, is an academic event where a student presents their research work and findings to a panel of experts in their field. It typically marks the culmination of their graduate studies, especially at the master’s or doctoral level. The purpose

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Literature Review: Purpose, Format, Process and Example

What is Literature Review? A literature review is a comprehensive summary and critical analysis of existing research and scholarly articles relevant to a particular topic or research question. The aim of a literature review is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of knowledge on the topic, identify gaps, and highlight areas for

Thesis Writing

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How to Write a Thesis – Step by Step Guide

Writing a thesis can seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make the process much more manageable. A thesis represents more than just a culmination of your academic knowledge—it’s an opportunity to contribute original insights to your field of study, to engage deeply with existing scholarship, and to showcase your ability to […]

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Baby Thesis: Parts, Format, Topics & How-To Guide

What is a Baby Thesis? A baby thesis is a mini-thesis or an undergraduate thesis, it is a research project undertaken by students at the undergraduate level as part of their academic curriculum. It serves as a precursor to a full-fledged thesis or dissertation and is typically a more concise and focused study. Baby thesis

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Citation: Styles, Examples, Format & How-To Guide

What is Citation? In academia and research, a citation is a reference to a source of information used in the creation of a piece of work, such as a research paper, article, book, or presentation. Citations typically include information like the author’s name, the title of the work, the publication date, and other details depending

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5 Major Parts That a Thesis Must Include

What is a thesis? A thesis is a statement or proposition that a student presents and defends in a written document as part of their academic work, such as a research paper, essay, or dissertation. What are the parts of a thesis? The thesis consists of the following 5 parts: Preliminary body Text Conclusions Bibliography

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Thesis Topic: Definition, Factors, How-to & Examples

What is a Thesis Topic? A thesis topic is the main subject or theme that a student chooses to explore and analyze in their academic research project, typically at the undergraduate or graduate level. It is a focused area of inquiry that the student investigates in-depth, often with the goal of making an original contribution

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Thesis Statement: Definition, FAQ & How-To Guide

What is Thesis Statement? A thesis statement is a concise and clear summary of the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, or any other type of academic or persuasive writing. It typically appears in the introductory paragraph or section of the paper and serves as a roadmap for the reader, outlining the

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Thesis Introduction: Definition, Length, Examples & How-to Guide

What is Thesis Introduction? The thesis introduction is the opening section of a thesis or dissertation that introduces the research topic, explains its significance, outlines the purpose and objectives of the research, provides a roadmap for the document’s structure, and engages the reader’s interest with a compelling opening statement. It culminates in a concise thesis

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20+ Examples of Thesis Statements

Imagine your thesis statement as a roadmap for your essay. It’s the signpost that shows readers where you’re headed. But creating a powerful one can be tricky. In this blog, we’ll show you how to make great thesis statements. We’ve got real examples on various topics. These examples will help you understand how to write

The evolution of the song of the summer, from 'Afternoon Delight' to 'I Had Some Help'

While songs of the summer often talk about beach trips, pool days or driving with the top down, they can be about anything, even something as melancholy as the tragedy of war..

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The Grammys are in the winter but the best music is celebrated in the summer.

With the release of lively hits like Sabrina Carpenter's "Espresso" and Tommy Richman's " Million Dollar Baby ," the conversation surrounding the Song of the Summer has started. An unofficial honor, determining which tracks become the season's anthem can be complicated.

Unlike summer blockbuster movies , the Song of the Summer can be released earlier in the year, and a true contender must be consistently popular throughout the season, which is measured by streams and radio play. The track must also be a summer song, a factor far more difficult to define.

USA TODAY talked with experts to help pin down what makes a song of the summer, what past unofficial honorees had in common, and what we can expect to rise to the top of the heap in 2024.

Songs of the summer are time capsules of youth

For younger people, summer allows for more time to listen to music, as many students are out of school and going out more, said Philip Scher, a University of Oregon anthology professor with academic expertise in pop culture.

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But their impact doesn't end there, as true songs of the summer live within listeners forever. When Scher hears " Afternoon Delight " by Starland Vocal Band, he is instantly transported back to the summer of 1976.

"Once you're older, really when you think of songs of the summer, you're thinking of the songs of the summers of your youth more than anything else," Scher said.

The masses get to determine the winning song twice, once by its hold over that specific summer and again years later.

'Song of the summer' concept emerges around 90s

Summer songs have existed for as long as there's been music, notes Robert Thompson , founding director of the  Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture  at Syracuse University.

"We Have No Bananas" by Frank Silver and Irving Cohn sold sheet music to the masses ahead of the summer of 1923. " Dancing In The Street " by Martha and the Vandellas came out the summer of 1964 and quickly became a classic, serving as a street anthem for the civil rights and anti-Vietnam war movements.

But society didn't begin to latch onto the idea of a Song of the Summer until the 1990s, a time when a single tune could shape an entire culture across demographics, Thompson said.

By then the New York Times had begun covering what songs met the seasonal criteria. Around 2010, Billboard began listing the songs of the summer. In 2013, the MTV Video Music Awards introduced its Song of Summer category, first won by One Direction's "Best Song Ever."

Summer songs abide by no rules

When reflecting on the summer of 1983, Thompson refers to " Every Breathe You Take " by The Police as the song. While not being as upbeat or danceable as other summer tracks, it had a catchy enough riff to ride the culture. The next year, Prince's synth and drum heavy " When Doves Cry " would do the same.

Summer songs often feature an rhythmical hook and lyrics about beach trips, pool days or driving with the windows down. Many are quick to single out The Beach Boys discography, with hits like " Surfin' U.S.A " and " Good Vibrations " that embodied the seasonal genre sonically and lyrically.

"That's all true as family resemblances," Thompson said. "If you go through summer songs, a lot of them have a lot of that stuff. But there are actually no rules. A summer song can become a summer song if it penetrates the culture during the summer."

The emotional tones for summer songs are also diverse, even being about heartbreak at times, Scher notes. He recalls the melancholy 1974 track " Billy, Don’t Be a Hero " by Bo Donaldson and The Heywoods as a summer song despite being about a man who is killed in war.

"The number one hit of the summer doesn't actually have to be a summer song," Scher said.

Songs of the summer don't need to fit a mold. This year's contenders span across genres, from Kendrick Lamar’s diss track "Not Like Us" to Post Malone's and Morgan Wallen's country collaboration " I Had Some Help " − further proof that summer anthems are whatever listeners decide they are.

Who really decides the 'song of the summer' in 2024

Summer tracks have always thrived in a season particularly welcoming for the pop and rock ’n’ roll genres, and played at public spaces like shopping malls and roller skating rinks.

But with the rise of streaming services and social media, music's cultural zeitgeist has shattered into a million pieces. Same goes for the song of the summer, where anything reminiscent of a consensus is long gone. The number of spaces to support a summer song have been significantly reduced, according to Thompson.

"Radio has completely changed the way we consume it. In one way it used to be you go on out onto a beach or down a fraternity row or whatever, and you'd hear the same songs coming out of speakers," Thompson said. "Now it's more likely that you'll hear the birds chirping or the waves breaking, everybody's listening to their own music through earbuds."

That's not to say that the discussion has dissipated or ever will but the answer to what is the song of summer is up to each person.

"Music ultimately is consumed by individuals," Thompson said. "One individual is going to find some songs emblematic of Summer of 2024 in ways that other don't."


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  1. The Baby Thesis Approach To Research Papers

    The Baby Thesis. Once their research is divided into buckets, it's time to take a look at the prompt again. This is where you'll teach writing a strong thesis statement for the whole paper. After that, introduce the concept of a "baby thesis.". Students are likely familiar with the phrase "topic sentence.".

  2. Baby Thesis: Parts, Format, Topics & How-To Guide

    By following these steps, you can develop and complete a well-structured and rigorous baby thesis that contributes to your understanding of a specific topic and demonstrates your research skills and academic abilities. Baby thesis Topics: Below are some topics for a baby thesis across different fields. 1. Education:

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    NICU Research Ideas & Topics to Consider. NICU practice and Evidence-Based Research is constantly changing. Many of the practices I have seen over the past 9+ years have changed with updates, new technology, procedures, and treatments, with a movement to push our patient population forward with improved outcomes!

  5. Thesis Topics: Definition, Factors, How-to & Examples

    A thesis topic is the main subject or theme that a student chooses to explore and analyze in their academic research project, typically at the undergraduate or graduate level. It is a focused area of inquiry that the student investigates in-depth, often with the goal of making an original contribution to their field of study.

  6. Tips to Write a Baby Thesis

    1: Selection of topic of the baby thesis must be purely on your genuine interest. Never choose a topic which you are not interested in. Having own interest of the researcher in the topic will assist him/her to make a thesis in its best form by giving the energy to work on it with inquisitiveness and curiosity. Otherwise, lack of own interest of ...

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    An effective thesis cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no." A thesis is not a topic; nor is it a fact; nor is it an opinion. "Reasons for the fall of communism" is a topic. "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe" is a fact known by educated people. "The fall of communism is the best thing that ever happened in Europe" is an opinion.

  8. How to Choose a Topic for Your Thesis: Easy Steps & Tips

    Make a list of 5-10 topics that might be interesting thesis topics. Include the best topics you generated during your brainstorming session. Try to include a range of ideas, as you'll eliminate most of them as you narrow your focus. However, having multiple ideas will make it easier to find one that offers a lot of opportunity for research.

  9. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Step 1: Start with a question. You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis, early in the writing process. As soon as you've decided on your essay topic, you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

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  11. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates. Published on June 7, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on November 21, 2023. A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical early steps in your writing process.It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding the specifics of your dissertation topic and showcasing its relevance to ...

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    Here are some child development project topics you could try: Research asynchronous development. A project on physical growth. A project on gender role. A project on language and communication. Talk about the effects of malnutrition. Postnatal depression and child development.

  13. Decoding the Role of a Baby Thesis in Academic Writing

    In summary, a baby thesis is a short and concise statement that presents the main arguments or ideas within an academic essay. Its significance lies in guiding the reader, structuring the essay, and focusing the writer. By effectively utilizing language features and maintaining an objective tone, the baby thesis enhances the clarity, coherence ...

  14. What Is a Thesis?

    Revised on April 16, 2024. A thesis is a type of research paper based on your original research. It is usually submitted as the final step of a master's program or a capstone to a bachelor's degree. Writing a thesis can be a daunting experience. Other than a dissertation, it is one of the longest pieces of writing students typically complete.

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    Thesis Topics for College Students. Exploring the psychological effects of student loan debt on college graduates. The challenges and opportunities of globalization. The role of education and social mobility in reducing inequality. The impact of immigration on the economy and society. The potential of new technologies to improve healthcare ...

  16. PDF Baby Thesis Format

    Baby Thesis Format. baby thesis is like a shortened version of your final, completed thesis. As a result, it contains less parts or sections that a full thesis. However, just because a baby thesis is shorter, and therefore takes less time to write, than a completed thesis, this does not mean you should put less effort into your baby thesis.

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    To structure a thesis statement about this topic, you could use the noun phrase "Armand's heritage" as the subject, and then decide on what the revelation of his heritage tells you about the ...

  18. Babythesis

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  19. WordNest

    A monograph is a detailed written study or essay on a specific subject, usually in the form of a book. It typically focuses on a single topic, providing comprehensive coverage and analysis. Monographs are common in academic and research settings, where scholars delve deeply into a particular subject matter, presenting original. Explore topic ...

  20. BABY Thesis

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  21. Thesis Writing

    133 Thesis Topics for Social Work. Thesis Topics. April 20, 2021April 19, 2024. admin. No Comments on 133 Thesis Topics for Social Work. Below are several examples of thesis titles and topics for research projects in both a qualitative and quantitative approach to social work thesis. Social Work Thesis Topics: The impact of the.

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  24. What makes a song of the summer? History, patterns and 2024 contenders

    The Grammys are in the winter but the best music is celebrated in the summer. With the release of lively hits like Sabrina Carpenter's "Espresso" and Tommy Richman's "Million Dollar Baby," the ...