
Essay on Mobile Phone Boon or Bane

Students are often asked to write an essay on Mobile Phone Boon or Bane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Mobile Phone Boon or Bane


Mobile phones, once a luxury, have now become a necessity. They are seen as a boon or bane, depending on their usage.

Boon Aspects

Mobile phones are a boon as they enable quick communication. They are useful for education, providing access to vast resources online.

Bane Aspects

However, they can be a bane when they become addictive. Excessive use can lead to health issues and hinder social interactions.

In conclusion, whether mobile phones are a boon or bane depends on how we use them. Responsible use ensures they remain a boon.

250 Words Essay on Mobile Phone Boon or Bane

The ubiquity of mobile phones.

Mobile phones, once a luxury, have now become a necessity in our lives. They have revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. However, like any other technological innovation, mobile phones have their pros and cons.

Mobile Phones: A Boon

Mobile phones have made communication seamless and instantaneous. They provide us with access to vast amounts of information and services at our fingertips. From booking tickets to monitoring health, mobile phones have transformed every aspect of our lives. They are also instrumental in bridging the digital divide, empowering individuals in remote areas with access to the internet and digital services.

Mobile Phones: A Bane

On the flip side, the disadvantages of mobile phones cannot be overlooked. They have led to an increase in screen time, adversely affecting our physical and mental health. The constant need to stay connected has resulted in a lack of real-world social interactions, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Furthermore, the misuse of mobile phones for cybercrime, online bullying, and invasion of privacy is a growing concern.

Striking a Balance

In conclusion, it is clear that mobile phones have both positive and negative impacts. The key lies in using this powerful tool judiciously. As responsible users, we need to strike a balance between leveraging the benefits of mobile phones and mitigating their potential harms. This will ensure that we harness the potential of this technology while minimizing its adverse effects.

500 Words Essay on Mobile Phone Boon or Bane

Mobile phones, since their inception, have dramatically transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. The question of whether they are a boon or a bane is complex, with both perspectives having compelling arguments.

Mobile phones have undeniably brought numerous advantages. They have revolutionized communication, making it instantaneous and borderless. Today, we can connect with anyone, anywhere, at any time. This has not only made our personal lives more convenient but also has had profound implications for business, healthcare, and education.

In the realm of education, mobile phones have democratized knowledge. With a smartphone and internet connection, vast amounts of information are at our fingertips. This has been particularly significant in remote areas where access to traditional education resources may be limited.

Moreover, mobile phones have become essential tools in the business world. They allow for remote working, instant communication with colleagues and clients, and quick access to necessary information. In the healthcare sector, mobile phones enable telemedicine, allowing patients to consult with doctors without having to travel.

However, the ubiquity of mobile phones also has its downsides. The most prominent concern is the impact on mental and physical health. Excessive screen time can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in obesity and associated health issues. Additionally, the constant connectivity can lead to stress and anxiety, with studies showing a correlation between high mobile phone use and poor mental health.

Another significant concern is the impact on privacy. With the rise of smartphones, personal data is increasingly being collected and used, often without the user’s explicit consent. This has serious implications for individual privacy and security.

Furthermore, the omnipresence of mobile phones has led to concerns about reduced face-to-face interaction and its impact on social skills. The irony of the ‘connected’ world is that while we may be more connected virtually, we may also be becoming more disconnected in reality.

In conclusion, mobile phones are both a boon and a bane. They have undeniably brought significant benefits, revolutionizing communication, and providing unprecedented access to information. However, they also come with significant drawbacks, including potential health issues, privacy concerns, and impacts on social interaction.

The key lies in mindful usage. By being aware of the potential pitfalls and making conscious choices to mitigate them, we can harness the benefits of mobile phones while minimizing the drawbacks. As the technology continues to evolve, so too must our understanding and approach to using it in a way that enhances, rather than detracts from, our quality of life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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mobile phone boon or curse essay in english

The Smart Phone World: Mobile Phones is both a Boon and a Bane Short and Long Essays

The Rise of Mobile Phones is both a Boon and a Bane edumantra.net

Welcome to the world of smart phones. This article on smart phone advancements will show you how these devices have changed our lives. We’ll discuss the good, the challenges of always being connected, and the smart phone cost. Plus, on this page, you’ll find essays – short and long – suitable for all classes and age groups. Dive in to learn more.

Table of Contents

The invention of the mobile phone has brought about a revolution in the lives of the people in the country. If used properly, it can be a blessing but if misused, it can prove to be a curse. Write an article in 150-200 words on ` Mobile phone —a boon or bane’. You are Kartik/Krishna.

Mobile Phones — a Boon or Bane

 Is a knife a useful instrument or a dangerous weapon? It depends on how it is used. The same is the case with technology . Among the greatest inventions, the smart phone world stands out, impacting masses and reshaping our global society.

It’s essential to understand the smart phone definition, recognizing its important role in our daily lives. Mobile phones have not only given us privileges but also affected our lives much. Thanks to the smart phone world, our planet has become a global village, enabling instant communication across continents.

During an emergency, be it fire or accident or bad health, there is no other letter source than the mobile phone which comes to our rescue. Mobile phones also help us to keep updated with the recent happenings and help us to be in touch with our family even when we are far away. However, amidst the smart phone advertisement and hype, we can’t overlook the potential downsides.

The younger generation has been introduced to mobile mobiles from the time of their birth and they tend to spend more time on mobile phones than playing or studying. Most incidents on roads often take place as it is an acceptable practice to drive while talking on mobile phones.  The mobile phone is a boon and a bane. it depends upon us how we use it.

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Article on Smart Phone: Boon or Bane in 100 Words

There are pros and cons to having a mobile phone, depending on what you use it for. For some people, having a mobile phone is a great boon, as it allows them to stay connected wherever they are. On the other hand, for others, having a mobile phone can be a curse, as it can be a distraction and cause them to miss important calls or events.

Overall, the pros of having a mobile phone outweigh the cons for most people. However, if you use your mobile phone excessively or spend too much time using it instead of spending time with family or friends, then the cons may outweigh the benefits.

Here is an Article on Mobile Phone Boon or Bane in 150 Words 

Article on Mobile Phone Boon or Bane in 150 Words edumantra.net

Mobile phones have revolutionized the way we communicate. They have also become a burden and a curse. On the one hand, they have allowed us to stay in touch with our loved ones anywhere in the world. On the other hand, they have given us an addiction to technology that has led to a decline in our interpersonal skills.

There are many pros and cons to mobile phones. The biggest pro is that they allow us to stay connected with our loved ones anywhere in the world.

The con is that we are now addicted to technology, and this has led to a decline in our interpersonal skills. We no longer socialize face-to-face because we can do it electronically. We no longer learn by talking with others, because we can learn just as well from a computer screen or phone.

Overall, mobile phones are a boon and a curse. They are a blessing because they allow us to stay connected with our loved ones and keep up with our obligations at work or at home.

Mobile Boon or Bane Essay 200 Words 

Mobile Boon or Bane Essay 200 Words  edumantra.net

  There is no doubt that mobile phones have become a boon for many people, especially in the modern world where communication is so important. On the other hand, there are also those who view mobile phones as a curse, because of all the distractions they can cause. In general, it can be said that mobile phones are both a boon and a bane. They are a boon because they provide us with so many ways to stay connected and communicate with each other.

They are a bane because they can also be a source of distraction and disturbance. It is important to remember that mobile phones should not be used to replace face-to-face interactions. They should be used in addition to them. If used properly, mobile phones can be very beneficial to our lives.

There are many benefits to owning a mobile phone, both personal and professional. Personal benefits include the ability to stay in touch with friends and family at any time, no matter where you are. Professional benefits include being able to work from anywhere in the world and keeping up to date with current events.

Here are some other advantages of owning a mobile phone:-You can stay in touch with your loved ones even if you’re miles apart – no more missed calls or long Skype sessions!-You can communicate with business partners easily from any location.-You can take pictures and videos without having to worry about getting caught; no more embarrassing ‘phone blunders’.-You can keep up to date with current events without having to miss a beat.

Mobile Boon or Bane Essay 300 Words    

advantages of mobile edumantra.net

There are a lot of people who believe that the mobile phone is a boon to society. They see it to connect with friends and family, to get information, and to stay up to date on the latest news. There are also a lot of people who believe that the mobile phone is a curse to society.

They see it to distraction drivers, to consume too much time, and to increase the risk of accidents. The truth is probably somewhere in between these two views. Yes, the mobile phone can be used for positive purposes – but it can also be used for negative purposes.

The key is to use it wisely. On the whole, the mobile phone has been a boon to society. It has allowed people to stay connected with friends and family, to get information, and to stay up to date on the latest news. It has also allowed people to consume less time television watching and more time doing other things.

However, there are also some downsides to the mobile phone. Firstly, it can be used as a way to distraction drivers. Secondly, it can be used as a way to consume too much time. And thirdly, it can be used as a way to increase the risk of accidents. Overall, I think that the mobile phone has been both a blessing and a curse for society as a whole. It has allowed us to connect with each other better than ever before.

So, what is your take on mobile devices and the effect they have had on our lives? Are they a boon or bane? Personally, I think they are a boon. I love that I can access information and services anywhere I am, at any time. But there are also some downsides to mobile devices.

For one, we’re constantly interrupted by notifications. And secondly, we’re spending more time on our smartphones than ever before – which could be bad for our mental health. So, whether you love or hate mobile devices, it’s important to keep an open mind about them and their impact on our lives.

What are the 10 advantages of mobile?

1. Increased learning opportunities- With access to the internet on any device, students can learn at anytime and anywhere.

2. Increased productivity- With constant work being done on mobile devices, there is no time wasted switching between devices.

3. Improved focus and concentration- Mobile devices don’t distract from work or school performance like TV and computer screens often do.

4. Improved social interactions- With smartphones in hand, it’s easier for students to connect with others and have meaningful conversations.

5. Increased creativity- A mobile device has endless possibilities for creativity, from sketching to painting to designing new apps.

6. Easier paper submission- No more losing papers in the trash or forgetting to turn in homework!

8. Reduced stress levels- Technology has helped reduce stress levels in our society tremendously, making it easier for people to handle difficult situations calmly and efficiently.

9. Greater opportunities for learning about different cultures- With so many different cultures available on mobile devices, students are able to learn about other cultures that they would not be able to access in other ways.

10. Increased engagement: More students are engaging with the education they are receiving through mobile devices.

Is mobile phone boon for the students?

A mobile phone can help students in various ways. For one, it can help them stay connected with their friends and family. It can also help them study more effectively by providing them with access to the internet wherever they are. Education is becoming increasingly digital.

With mobile phones, students can access information and resources anywhere, at any time. Mobile phones are also an important source of communication between students and their parents or teachers.

How mobile phone is boon?

Mobile phones are boon because they help them stay connected with family and friends, learn new things and stay up to date with their studies. They are also boon for parents and teachers because they can keep an eye on their children and students and make sure that they are doing their homework and studying appropriately.

What are advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones?

Smart Phone World: The Many Advantages of Modern Devices

  • Advantages of mobile phones include convenience, portability, and access to information.
  • They are easy to carry, can be used anywhere and are cost-effective.
  • Easy access to information and communication, and the fact that they can be used in any situation.

The Other Side: Disadvantages of the Smart Phone World

  • Disadvantages of mobile phones include radiation exposure and the increasing use of smartphones by children.
  • Phones are that they can be distracting, can be expensive and have a shorter battery life.
  • They may include dependence on them, exposure to radiation, and the fact that they can be expensive.

People Also Ask-

1. Is Social Media boon or bane?

Answer-  It depends on who you ask. Some people believe that social media is a boon because it allows us to stay connected with family and friends throughout the world.

Other people believe that social media can be a bane because it can consume a lot of our time and cause us to become isolationists. It’s up to everyone to decide how they use social media and what benefits they see in it.

2. Is Internet boon or bane?

Answer-  It can be both. It is a boon because it has opened so many opportunities for students and parents, but it can also be a bane because with all the online distractions, students and parents often don’t have enough time to focus on their studies or parenting.

3. Is technology boon or bane for students?

Answer- Technology has become an inseparable part of our lives. But like everything else, it can be used for good or bad. It’s important that we use technology in a way that helps us learn and grow, not just consume. That’s where teachers and parents come in key. They should be able to guide and help their students use technology in a way that is beneficial, both academically and socially.

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Article on Mobile Phone – A Boon or Bane

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The invention of mobile phone has brought about a revolution in the lives of the people in the country. If used properly it can be a blessing but if misused it can prove to be a curse. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Mobile phone – a boon or bane’.

Mobile Phone – A Boon or Bane

Science has made the life very comfortable for human being. Civilisation started from the scratch. But today, men have everything within the reach of hands. Inventions of science are wonderful and useful. The invention of mobile phone is an appropriate example.

The invention of mobile phone has brought about a revolution in the lives of the people of the century. If used properly, it can be a blessing but if misused, it can prove to be a curse.

Mobile phones are a boon because now that the internet can be accessed through cell phones, they have become a great source of information, entertainment and even monetary transactions. Besides being a tool of immediate communication, mobile phones are now a safety tool as well. Thanks to advancement in technology, friends and loved can be tracked down with the help of GPS installed on their phone.

Mobile phones, these days, are a state of the art, all-in-one multipurpose device, which can do multiple tasks at the same time. It can play music, calculate, take pictures and do many other things. One can send and receive messages in a matter of seconds thus, saving paper and cost of transportation.

However, if misused, mobile phones are truly a bane. Using mobile phones for a long time makes the user get addicted to it. Some consider it a major source of distraction especially for students.

Mobile phones also cause many health hazards. Radiation emitted by mobile phones can damage human brain cells and even lead to cancer.

Those listening to music in full volume, with the help of head/earphones are more prone to accidents than other because they are unable to hear the sound of the horn. It can also cause permanent deafness.

Mobile phones, now being equipped with camera, are sometimes used for immoral activities and later promoting them.

Mobile phones have the qualities, which can either make or break one’s life. It is up to each individual how he or she wants to use it.

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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Mobile Phone – A Boon or Bane” Complete English Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.

Mobile Phone – A Boon or Bane

The mobile phone first appeared in India sometime in the nineties. It was a bulky box quite similar to the landlines we still use today. It had an equally big antenna  and was heavy and cumbersome to carry. That was just the beginning. Very soon they were all over the place. With the alarming speed at which they shrunk in size, these pocket sized wonders, sure packed a punch. The mobiles of today are gizmos that can do multiple functions. They can send text messages, they can send and receive video messages and they have a host of facilities that somehow snake the – talk on the move” function seem redundant. As is the case with every invention, with time the prices crashed and today these little things are available for as less as five hundred Indian rupees. In India almost every one, everywhere, seems to have one. The vegetable vendor, the bus conductor, students, the office goers, almost everybody irrespective of economic status has a cell phone. This little midget has taken the world by storm.

Thanks to the cell phone everybody is available almost all of the time. It’s a boon for people who do a lot of field work. It means the offices they work for can keep in touch with them. Also in cases of emergency, like you are stuck in a road jam or in some catastrophe, all you have to do is whip out your phone and call for help or call your family to put their minds at ease. You can text one message to several people at the same time. Through your cell you can go online and check your email. You can playgames on your cell phone to kill time, not the best of uses, but a use nonetheless. You can even listen to music on the cell, watch video clippings and if you are of the artistic bend and wish to click a spontaneous photograph, viola!! One click on the cell phone and you are done.

Everywhere you go, you are swarmed by people glued to their cell phones. It has reached the proportions where often one sees a young couple walking down the beach hand in hand; both their other hands holding on to their individual cells talking to other people. It means that people are talking a lot more than they used to for sure. It means that when you visit a friend for dinner most ofthe time everybody is busy on their individual cells. It also means that people drive recklessly-their one ear and one hand occupied by the cell. However, it is the total invasion of privacy which cell phones have caused which is scary. People are recording videos of other people without their knowledge and then selling them. Advertising through text messages has become such a nuisance that you have your cell phone beeping almost all the time. In case of an emergency, often, the network is jammed thanks to the indiscriminate use of cell phones. Several health risks have been projected by the misuse of the cell phone; one of them being the decreased count of sperm in men due to prolonged use. Kids have been caught storing answers on the cell phone to use during examinations.

What use is technology if it makes us restless, impatient and deprives us of the moments that really matter-a cup of hot tea had against the backdrop of the pitter patter of the rain, a walk on the beach with a loved one. What use is it if it robs us of the joy of taking a walk down the beach listening to the sound of waves? With every technology, along with its uses come the misuses and it is the user’s responsibility to use technology with caution.

( 630 Words )

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mobile phone boon or curse essay in english

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Mobile Phone Boon Or Bane Essay For School Students

In the today’s modern life, cell phones undoubtedly regarded as one of the most common means of communication that have given a great impact to the mankind ‘s life in first hand. Young generation nowadays have used cell phones like an indispensible commodity that goes along with them in any pace of life , even at schools or in classrooms. Although cell phones bring everyone many benefits and conveniences, a student using cell phones in secondary and high school is unacceptable for some following reasons.

The initial important reason of not allowing students using cell phones at school is to avoid the cheating situation in exam. If cell phone use is allowed during class, it will be difficult for teachers to control and catch students who are texting each other or copying the answers of others during the tests and final exams through cell phones accessed to Internet. Furthermore, cell phone use in class can make students be lazy in brainstorming and making use of creativity in the case they deal with difficult problems.

As a result, cell phone use in class should be banned and early prevented at school effectively. The second noticeable reason is that cell phone use can make students fall in the state of distraction in studying. Obviously, cell phone use during class impact detrimentally on student’s process of attention and level of contribution, many teenagers suffer from permanent partial attention disorder, which is a habit of paying only partial attention to their schoolwork, while devoting half of their attention, typically, to social networking sites or instant massaging.

mobile phone boon or curse essay in english

Proficient in: Smartphone

“ Ok, let me say I’m extremely satisfy with the result while it was a last minute thing. I really enjoy the effort put in. ”

Mobile Phones Are Boon Or Bane

The final vital reason is cell phones easily to be student‘s weapon to kill themselves at school. School environment is a safe and healthy place, however, students are in the changing period of both mentality and physicality, sometimes due to small problems they easily take action without thinking carefully, such as fighting, gathering into small gangs, bullying each other. Students often use cell phones to call the assistance of outside when they are getting into fights, then lead to the serious effects later. School administrators are difficult to control the order of school if this problem happens.

Therefore, not allowing using cell phones at school are going to avoid the order of school in danger. In conclusion, everything always has two sides of it, not excepting cell phones a sort of useful tool, importantly, we should know take use of its advantages effectively. Cell phone use bring us so many benefits but lead to a large number of problems, therefore, from the above —mentioned reasons ,personally I consider that cell phone use in secondary and high school should be banned to prevent unpredictable effects later.

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Mobile Phone Boon Or Bane Essay For School Students

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In this essay we are going to talk about the Mobile phone is Boon or Curse. A mobile phone is a device that is carried by each and every individual on this planet. Even poor people have mobile phones and they actively make use of it. If we look at the size of a mobile phone it’s not that big. But it’s uses in today’s world are many. The truth is human beings cannot live without mobile phones. To be more specific, we all are highly dependent on this device.

Short Essay on mobile phone is Boon or Curse

Mobile phones have lot of functions. They are useful for various tasks in an easy manner. But as we all are aware, that a coin has two sides. Therefore a mobile phone has advantages as well as disadvantages. It’s important to take in consideration both these things.

Advantages of mobile phones

Less time consumption.

A mobile phone has become an integral part of everyone’s life. People use it for a lot of purposes because it does the work quickly. You can easily create and edit your office documents on it. There are also apps that help you to keep a check of your daily routine. Most importantly you can also monitor your calories and water intake. Your health is also taken care of in this manner. Your day to day tasks are done within a less period of time. And nowadays because of the coronavirus pandemic, work from home culture has flourished. Therefore mobile phones are of great use during such crucial periods. You can easily attend meetings from your house at just one click.  

Essay On Mobile Phone

Educational courses can be easily accessed with the help of mobile phones. Because of lockdown, children and college going students were not able to attend their classes. Therefore online education was implemented worldwide. Mobile phones helped those students in a great way, who didn’t have access to laptops or to devices like i- pads. Also during the initial days of lockdown, when people had no work and were freely sitting at their houses, various online courses helped them to spend their time wisely. And all the kids living in rural areas accessed these courses through their mobile phones. Education did not stop in the toughest of the hours and it was all possible because of technology (mobile phones).

Because of the mobile phone, we stay connected to our loved ones. We can have a conversation with them from anywhere at anytime. Our loved ones are just a call away from us because of this helpful and quick device. It also helps to save precious lives of human beings during emergency situations. At times, we feel alone and desperately want to talk to someone and let our hearts out but our friends might be staying far away. In this situation we can quickly pick our mobile phone and talk to our friends. Having long chats on whatsapp or on any other social media platform for that matter is one of the things we all enjoy doing on our mobile phones. Video calls, Facebook groups, Instagram handles – these all things have become an inevitable part of all our lives. People have got hooked to all the famous applications on their mobile phones. Nowadays doom scrolling is on the rise as people just don’t keep their mobile phones aside for hours. It’s a kind of addiction.

Money transactions

With the help of a mobile phone we can easily transfer money from one bank account to another without visiting the bank. This function helps a lot as we never know when the need for money would suddenly arrive. There are times when our family members and close friends badly require certain amount of money. During such situations one can easily help their people with just a click. This idea of online money transaction is superb. It will never go out of fashion and is here to stay. Applications like Google pay and Paytm are well designed to serve the needs of people. In case you don’t have cash, there is absolutely no need to worry as these apps will easily help you pay.

Click Here: Interesting Articles To Read When Bored

Relaxation and Entertainment

A mobile phone relaxes your mind in many ways. You can listen to calm music. Various meditation apps guide you to meditate effectively. There are YouTube channels which help people to learn a new skill. Different websites help to gain knowledge on interesting subjects. Entertainment is another interesting advantage as you can enjoy a lot of creative stuff on your mobile phones. Binge watching movies, listening to your favourite songs, watching television shows, enjoy your favourite sports game – all these things are just a click away.

Disadvantages of mobile phones

Health problems.

Due to increased screen time, people face a lot of issues related to health. Their eyes start straining. They find it difficult to sleep at night, because before sleeping they are continuously surfing on their phone which is a bad habit. Doctor’s say that keep your phone aside thirty minutes before sleeping. If you don’t do so, then when you get up the next day, you will end up feeling lethargic. This habit of yours will harm you only because those radiations for a long period of time are not good.

Some people also end up having cardiac arrest, different types of cancer and many such diseases because of increase usage of mobile phones. It’s important to limit it’s use by developing the habit of setting a time limit for yourself. It is said that it takes about twenty -one days to develop a habit. Therefore start today itself to reduce your screen time on a daily basis. Also when you hold your mobile phone in your hand, keep it at a distance. Don’t hold it too close to yourself.

Lack of interest in social life

Some people become so engrossed in their mobile phones that they just forget the people around them. Their mobile phone becomes their whole world which is a wrong thing. Human beings are social animals. It’s important for our personal as well as professional development to interact with other people. People tend to be alone in a corner doing something or the other with their mobile phones. This disinterest in human beings caused due to mobile phones can lead to various disabilities such as depression and anxiety . There is no need to let yourself fall in a trap because of such a small device. Instead keep a balance. Don’t overuse it. Give more importance to spending time with your family and friends. This action will help you grow more in life rather than spending time on your mobile phone mindlessly.

Distraction for students

Various school going students are not able to study with complete focus because their mind is in their mobile. They keep thinking about which game to play, which new application to download and many such things. Clicking hundreds of pictures and then later sitting and editing them has become everyday habit for them. Parents become worried about their child’s future seeing such habits. And then the pressure of scoring high marks starts building up. And if the child does not perform upto his/ her parents expectation then there are mixture of emotions running through the child’s mind. Instead of suffering, it’s better to make a time-table for your studies and accordingly balance your mobile usage.

Mobile phones have become like an addiction for some people out there. They don’t understand the gravity of this situation unless and until they experience some form of suffering. This addiction is not for for a particular age group. Right from small children to adults, the addiction is almost the same. Users just don’t want to keep aside their phone for a while. Always remember it’s important to have a limit for everything in life. Overuse will harm you only. Right and mindful use will give benefit you. Because one you become addicted to this device, it’s hard to come out of it. Therefore keep a check on how much time you are spending on your phone. Remove some time for breathing the fresh air outside in the nature.

Essay on mobile phone In English

As we all are aware that everyone has a mobile phone right from children to adults. A lot of content gets exposed in front of children. They end up watching porn videos and waste their precious time. Because of all these things they also get into some unhealthy practices like masturbation. Therefore it’s the duty of parents to check what his/her child is watching on their mobile phones. Nowadays children easily fall prey to such bad things in their life. On the other hand there is good content also available. Such knowledgeable content should be brought in front of them as it will help them in the near future.

After having an clear idea of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones it’s an individual’s choice to decide whether to use this device wisely or misuse it. It’s a conscious decision to be made by every individual out there.

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  • Mobile Phone Bo...

Mobile Phone Boon or Curse Short Essay in English​

In this essay we are going to talk about the Mobile phone is Boon or Curse. A mobile phone is a device that is carried by each and every individual on this planet. Even poor people have mobile phones and they actively make use of it. If we look at the size of a mobile phone it’s not that big. But it’s uses in today’s world are many. The truth is human beings cannot live without mobile phones. To be more specific, we all are highly dependent on this device.

Short Essay on mobile phone is Boon or Curse

Mobile phones have lot of functions. They are useful for various tasks in an easy manner. But as we all are aware, that a coin has two sides. Therefore a mobile phone has advantages as well as disadvantages. It’s important to take in consideration both these things.

Advantages of mobile phones

Less time consumption

A mobile phone has become an integral part of everyone’s life. People use it for a lot of purposes because it does the work quickly. You can easily create and edit your office documents on it. There are also apps that help you to keep a check of your daily routine. Most importantly you can also monitor your calories and water intake. Your health is also taken care of in this manner. Your day to day tasks are done within a less period of time. And nowadays because of the coronavirus pandemic, work from home culture has flourished. Therefore mobile phones are of great use during such crucial periods. You can easily attend meetings from your house at just one click.  

Essay On Mobile Phone

Educational courses can be easily accessed with the help of mobile phones. Because of lockdown, children and college going students were not able to attend their classes. Therefore online education was implemented worldwide. Mobile phones helped those students in a great way, who didn’t have access to laptops or to devices like i- pads. Also during the initial days of lockdown, when people had no work and were freely sitting at their houses, various online courses helped them to spend their time wisely. And all the kids living in rural areas accessed these courses through their mobile phones. Education did not stop in the toughest of the hours and it was all possible because of technology (mobile phones).

Because of the mobile phone, we stay connected to our loved ones. We can have a conversation with them from anywhere at anytime. Our loved ones are just a call away from us because of this helpful and quick device. It also helps to save precious lives of human beings during emergency situations. At times, we feel alone and desperately want to talk to someone and let our hearts out but our friends might be staying far away. In this situation we can quickly pick our mobile phone and talk to our friends. Having long chats on whatsapp or on any other social media platform for that matter is one of the things we all enjoy doing on our mobile phones. Video calls, Facebook groups, Instagram handles – these all things have become an inevitable part of all our lives. People have got hooked to all the famous applications on their mobile phones. Nowadays doom scrolling is on the rise as people just don’t keep their mobile phones aside for hours. It’s a kind of addiction.

Money transactions

With the help of a mobile phone we can easily transfer money from one bank account to another without visiting the bank. This function helps a lot as we never know when the need for money would suddenly arrive. There are times when our family members and close friends badly require certain amount of money. During such situations one can easily help their people with just a click. This idea of online money transaction is superb. It will never go out of fashion and is here to stay. Applications like Google pay and Paytm are well designed to serve the needs of people. In case you don’t have cash, there is absolutely no need to worry as these apps will easily help you pay.

Click Here: Interesting Articles To Read When Bored

Relaxation and Entertainment

A mobile phone relaxes your mind in many ways. You can listen to calm music. Various meditation apps guide you to meditate effectively. There are YouTube channels which help people to learn a new skill. Different websites help to gain knowledge on interesting subjects. Entertainment is another interesting advantage as you can enjoy a lot of creative stuff on your mobile phones. Binge watching movies, listening to your favourite songs, watching television shows, enjoy your favourite sports game – all these things are just a click away.


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Mobile Phones: A Boon or a Curse?


  • Word count: 624
  • Category: Mobile Phone Present

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Mobile Phones”- the master brain of the Japanese is one of the most commonly used thing among the people. The entry of this tiniest thing was a decade ago. Even though the entry of mobile phones were not accepted first, in this present era it has become a part of one’s life. Now a time has arrived that people cannot carry out their lives without this superb discovery of the Japanese. As the years pass by the shapes and size of these mobile phones changes. If we compare the latest mobile phones with the first mobile which came decades ago, we will be very much astonished to see the difference in the models, size and their latest techniques used. With the entry of mobile phones communication with the people has become easier. Now a person has to contact someone urgently, he/she can just take use of their mobile phones and call whomever they want from the same place where there are. Even though mobile phones are very useful, it has both good qualities as well as bad qualities. Like the two sides of a coin, mobile phones are a boon as well as a curse.

According to me mobile phones are a boon to this developing hectic world. With the help of mobile phones communication has become more and easier as well as faster. Now we are able to call a person anywhere in the world from the place we are already present. Due to the new developments in these mobile phones we able to get internet access, update flash news, listen to music as well as hear radio news. Nowadays we don’t have to go to those rushy café hubs to browse anything important. All that we have to do is just go on browsing in our mobile phones. If we are bored we can listen to the music stored in the memory card which we use in the mobile phones. Just go on checking the mobile phones for the latest news happening in the world. Sometimes mobile phones even become the part of many evidences in many cases.

Even though mobile phones are having many advantages it’s having so many disadvantages. In this present hectic era we found rarely someone not using these mobile phones. For the present day growing youth to a certain extent mobile phones are a curse. Nowadays when we go through the news paper we could see many suicides of the female youths due to love failure. The main evidence of the case will be the mobile phones from which the investigators identify the reason by checking the call history. For example a few days before everyone would have read about the suicide of a girl named Reshmi and her lover. The next disadvantage is that the use of mobile phones increases the sex-rackets in our place. Usage of mobile phones leads the youth to many wrong paths. The best example for this is the Ambalapuzha case. The suicide of three plus two going students due to the abuse which they had to face. The next main thing is the fast growing off the gangsters and the quotation groups. Through sudden information now killings and robbery has become a fancy event just like dialing a call. All have read about the murder of Paul.M.George. The gangsters get then and there messages and information through these mobile phones. Through a certain extent we can say that this is through these mobile phones notorious activities are increasing day by day.

Mobile phones have both good as well as bad qualities. So try to find out the goods more than the bads. So according to me mobile phones are a boon as well as a curse.

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