130 Euthanasia Essay Topics

This compilation of research questions on euthanasia offers diverse perspectives. Examine the moral implications of assisted suicide or dissect the legal frameworks governing end-of-life decisions. You can foster informed discussions and critical reflections on one of the hottest ethical dilemmas of our time with the help of euthanasia title ideas below.

⚡ TOP 7 Euthanasia Research Questions

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  • Euthanasia Pros and Cons
  • For and Against Euthanasia: An Ethical Perspective
  • Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Legal
  • Opinions About Euthanasia: For and Against
  • Aristotle Theory About Euthanasia – Ethics
  • Euthanasia and Morality Debate
  • Euthanasia Through an Egoism Ethical Theory Lens

Once you’ve chosen a topic for your essay, it is vital to formulate a proper thesis statement. With a well-crafted thesis statement, you will have a clear focus and tone, helping readers to anticipate the key ideas and arguments. Let’s see how to do it for an euthanasia essay.

Writing a thesis statement on the complex topic of euthanasia requires precision and consideration of the various aspects and ethical dilemmas. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective thesis statement on euthanasia:

Euthanasia Thesis Statement Examples

Now, let’s look at good examples of thesis statements for euthanasia essay.

Example 1: This essay raises intricate ethical dilemmas of euthanasia at the intersection of individual autonomy and societal values. Exploring cultural, religious, and medical perspectives, it will navigate the complexities surrounding end-of-life choices. Moreover, it promotes an open dialogue that respects personal autonomy and recognizes the broader implications on medical practice and societal norms.

Example 2: The ethical discourse surrounding euthanasia hinges on the balance of compassionate relief from suffering and preserving the sanctity of life. This essay critically examines the moral dimensions of physician-assisted suicide, considering the rights of individuals to die with dignity while addressing the ethical responsibilities of medical professionals.

Example 3: Euthanasia challenges societies to reconcile personal autonomy with the value of life. This essay explores the ethical and legal contours of euthanasia and the implications of its various forms on patients and medical practitioners. It also highlights the need for comprehensive and compassionate end-of-life care options.

  • “Active and Passive Euthanasia” by Rachels The purpose of the paper is to discuss the philosopher’s position and the argument in favor of the claim as well as to analyze them.
  • Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages Some advantages of practicing euthanasia include saving the victim from chronic pain and lengthy death, relieving patients from the guilt of being a burden to their caregivers.
  • Euthanasia – Mercy Killing or Assisted Suicide This paper will examine moral and ethical concerns surrounding euthanasia, clarify the meaning of the term, present arguments both for and against the practice and conclude with a recommendation to resolve the issue.
  • Ethical Theories Applied to the Euthanasia Issue The main meaning and ethical side of euthanasia is that a person dying from an incurable disease can voluntarily die in the presence of doctors and relatives.
  • Is Euthanasia Morally Acceptable? This paper discusses should euthanasia be allowed under any circumstances in the cases when the patient is asking for it himself.
  • Legalizing Euthanasia: Pros and Cons Euthanasia should be a fundamental right because it gives patients the power to make conscious decisions about their fate.
  • Ethical Considerations Supporting Euthanasia In this paper, the case of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act will be reviewed as an example of legalized assisted dying in the USA.
  • Legalizing Euthanasia: Nonmaleficence, Beneficence, and Patient Autonomy Physician-assisted suicide is an undeniably controversial topic, which gains more attention from the public the more countries start to legalize it.
  • Euthanasia – For Legalizing Euthanasia is not the same as other practices such as Physician-Assisted Suicide, Terminal Sedation or Withholding/Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatments.
  • Euthanasia – The Essential Right to Die The phenomenon of euthanasia occurred with the development of social progress and in particular science and technology related to the maintenance of life seriously ill people.
  • Why Euthanasia Should Not Be Legalised Euthanasia legislation is typically championed by individuals who have experienced a loved one dying under unfavorable conditions.
  • Decision-Making: Euthanasia in Switzerland Agreeing to euthanasia is one of the hardest decisions to make. Christian values and some ethical principles that govern decision-making, one can make a sound decision.
  • Euthanasia: Social Values and Nursing Practice Euthanasia has negative implications as it fails to recognize the value of human life. It also has negative effects on families and it leads to distress and devastation.
  • Euthanasia from Religious Perspectives The article analyzes the views on euthanasia from the point of view of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions.
  • The Morality of Euthanasia Euthanasia is any action directed on putting an end to the life of a human being, fulfilling his/her own desire, and executed by a disinterested person.
  • Euthanasia as a Christian Ethical Dilemma The issue of euthanasia has been quite topical over the past few years. It is viewed as inadmissible from the Christian perspective.
  • Euthanasia Definition, Types, Pros and Cons The relationship between euthanasia and dying with dignity exemplify the up to date stress on self-determination as an illustration of personal independence.
  • Euthanasia as a Method Against Human Suffering The phenomenon of euthanasia and its application in the medical sphere is a vital debate topic addressed by numerous scholars worldwide.
  • Acceptability of Euthanasia: Moral and Humanistic Views Euthanasia is one of the most controversial issues of the modern era that could be discussed in terms of the deontological ethical theory.

The debate over euthanasia is multifaceted, with compelling arguments on both sides. The points below encapsulate the key considerations that fuel the ongoing discourse about this issue. Have a look on arguments for both for and against sides!

✅ Arguments For Euthanasia Essay

❌ arguments against euthanasia essay.

  • Moral Doctrine of Active and Passive Euthanasia The paper reviews topics of active euthanasia, the limitations of the conventional moral doctrine, relation between passive euthanasia and intention or voluntary actions.
  • Euthanasia: A Child’s Right to Die Euthanasia needs to be considered as a viable option only under specific circumstances, which leave no alternative option for the patient’s dignity.
  • The Issue of Euthanasia of Valentina Moreira From the point of view of Christianity, President Michelle Bachelet made the right choice, not allowing an exception for Valentina Moreira and forbidding her euthanasia.
  • Aspects of Legalizing Euthanasia The paper states that euthanizing patients is not murdering them because it is considered the art of bringing an inevitable death closer.
  • The Problem of Euthanasia Moral Acceptance The concept of euthanasia became a topic of ethical discussion regarding the acceptance of specific procedures directly affecting the personal right to live.
  • Euthanasia as a Medical Ethical Dilemma The aim of the work is to analyze the ethical problem of medicine, such as euthanasia, and consider it as an example of a specific situation.
  • Animal Shelter Euthanasia Reduction Strategies When it comes to animal shelter euthanasia anywhere in the United States and California in particular, this paper argues that it is unnecessary and should not be legalized.
  • The Moral Arguments in Favor of Euthanasia Euthanasia opponents say that using the terms “mercy” and “justice” to justify forced euthanasia is a recipe for possible social chaos.
  • The Legalization and Moral Issues about Euthanasia This paper explores the controversial topic of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide from a legal and moral standpoint.
  • Self-Determination Right and Euthanasia The current euthanasia-related discussion aims to identify the moral rightness to kill or let a person die for the good plays an important role.
  • Euthanasia from the Ethical Point of View Euthanasia is a controversial aspect of medicine that causes a lot of discussions. The main issue is the ethical side of the problem.
  • Euthanasia: Physician-Assisted Suicide, Disability, and Paternalism Involuntary euthanasia, on the other hand, means that such a person would prefer to live but has a condition that would cause their death eventually.
  • Euthanasia in Modern World: Ethical & Legal Issues The article provides a detailed overview of the rich empirical evidence on attitudes towards euthanasia and its legal status in the US, Canada, and Europe.
  • Americans’ Strong Support for Euthanasia Persists The subject of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has seen much controversy and debate on its legality, morality, and ethics in the recent past.
  • Euthanasia in the Terri Schiavo Case End-of-life care and its elements are associated with many ethical issues because it is not always clear whether euthanasia is necessary.
  • The Issues Regarding Euthanasia The paper provides the philosophy regarding euthanasia, how the position aligns with a biblical worldview, and an analysis of the opposing side to the position.
  • Euthanasia in Nursing Practice Euthanasia in nursing is a debatable phenomenon, but in the countries where it is legalized, nursing staff should be prepared and educated for it to provide high-quality care.
  • Euthanasia as Social and Ethical Problem Euthanasia is an ethical problem concerned with aspects of religion and suicide, justice and privacy, and the role of a doctor in our society.
  • The Debate Surrounding Euthanasia as a Method Against Human Suffering: Source Evaluation A study by Emanuel, “Attitudes and Practices of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide,” provides a comprehensive examination of current academic positions and available.
  • Euthanasia: The Legal and Ethical Perspectives The aim of this essay is to explore the legal and ethical perspectives on euthanasia, discuss the perspectives of ethical egoists and social contract ethicists.
  • Euthanasia in Relation to Religion: Pros and Cons Euthanasia is carried out on three different grounds, which include: voluntary aspects, non-voluntary, or else involuntary
  • Ethical Dilemma: Euthanasia The present paper compares the Christian worldview to own worldview assumptions of euthanasia.
  • How Many People Died by Euthanasia Debate on euthanasia triggers various ethical, legal as well as moral issues that need to be addressed critically.
  • Legalization of Euthanasia: Key Arguments Euthanasia should be legalized as it presupposes an individual’s right to choose and a doctor’s obligation to treat and help the person.
  • Ethical Backgrounds of Euthanasia Euthanasia advocates state that every person has a complete right to decide whether to die. These views are opposed by those who state that it violates the sanctity of human life.
  • Medical Ethics: Euthanasia Prohibition The paper summarizes the points and states the reasons for considering euthanasia prohibition illegal. The major argument recapitulates the point of the essay.
  • Euthanasia and Its Current Legal Situation
  • Christian and Muslims Attitudes to Euthanasia
  • Euthanasia, Environmental Conservation, and Morality
  • Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia No Human Life Should and by Unnatural Means
  • Critical Thinking About Euthanasia as an Ethical Alternative to a Life of Suffering
  • Ethical Arguments for and Against Voluntary Euthanasia
  • The Criticisms and Opposition of Euthanasia in Australia
  • Circumstances That Justify the Use of Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
  • Euthanasia Answers the Prayers of the Dying
  • The Philosophical, Legal, and Medical Issues on Euthanasia
  • Euthanasia, Making the Right Decision for Your Loved Ones
  • Christian Ethics: Euthanasia Assignment
  • Euthanasia: Current Policy, Problems, and Solution
  • The Distinction Between Active and Passive Euthanasia
  • Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia – It Is Not Murder, It Is Mercy
  • The Factors That Influence the Legalization of Active and Passive Euthanasia in the United States
  • Ethical Issues Surrounding the Choice of Euthanasia in the United States
  • Euthanasia for Terminally Ill Patients Should Be Legalized
  • Legal and Ethical Views on Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
  • Ethical, Moral and Religious Issues Surrounding Euthanasia
  • Assisted Euthanasia: Philosophical Perspectives The analysis of assisted euthanasia from the standpoint of one specific concept is impossible due to distinctive views on this phenomenon and unique philosophical ideas.
  • Euthanasia as a Remedy for Patients Despite the immorality of euthanasia in modern society, it is an ethically permissible procedure that follows the major philosophical principles.
  • Law and Medical Ethics: Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Death Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are practices that occur in many countries. Some countries and states such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Oregon have made these practices legal.
  • The Notion of Euthanasia and Its Execution Prerequisites The primary goal of this paper is to identify the case’s bioethical issue and reflect upon its role in the trial process.
  • Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide This paper will discuss Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act and the concepts of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia that bring essential moral questions.
  • Euthanasia: Points For and Against Euthanasia is a terminally ill person’s death, performed at his request with the help of a doctor and certain drugs.
  • Euthanasia: Ethical Theories About the Topic Euthanasia is a controversial topic with many people from all walks of life arguing for and against it. Some academicians think that it cannot be allowed under any circumstances.
  • Euthanasia: The Medical Evidence and Moral View The question of euthanasia creates numerous debates because of diverse views and opinions regarding the value and meaning of human life.
  • Arguments for Euthanasia Analysis Euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, has been a controversial subject for many centuries.
  • Euthanasia Law: Legalization of Euthanasia Issues One of the more controversial subjects in the medical field and elsewhere for many years has been the question of euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide
  • Blogs on Euthanasia: Rhetorical Analysis Euthanasia is the act or practice of deliberately ending the life of an individual who could either be suffering from a terminal illness or be in an incurable condition.
  • Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide The present paper looks into the issue of physician- or doctor-assisted suicide or euthanasia from a number of perspectives.
  • Euthanasia for Terminally Ill and Religious Ethics The patient is in his fifties and has been recently diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He starts thinking of voluntary euthanasia.
  • Euthanasia Decision Regarding Christian Worldview This paper has revealed that religious worldviews can guide people to make evidence-based decisions whenever dealing with complex issues, such as suicide and euthanasia.
  • Euthanasia in Non-Terminally Ill Patients This paper gives a brief history of euthanasia in non-terminally ill patients, its moral relevance, and arguments surrounding this evidence-based medical practice.
  • Biomedical Legislation and Euthanasia Mercy killing can be regarded as an option in various settings as people often have no strength or patience to endure pain. Supporters of the legitimization of euthanasia emphasized this matter.
  • Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Europe and the US Euthanasia is defined as a deliberate action with the aim of ending a patient’s life to ease the suffering caused by the disease.
  • Euthanasia in Public Opinion and Policy-Making Raising awareness of euthanasia is important not only because of the ongoing debate but also because of the topic’s complexity and relations to individual cases.
  • Euthanasia-Associated Ethical Challenges in Nursing Rather than legalizing euthanasia, the government and other stakeholders in the health sector should push for the improvement of patient outcomes and nursing practices.
  • Raising Awareness: Euthanasia as an Important Part of Modern Society and Care The attitude and approach toward euthanasia have always been complicated since the discussion of euthanasia itself can become extremely controversial.
  • Euthanasia in Christianity and Buddhism This paper provides a discussion on a case study on euthanasia of a man, who finds out he has a severe disease that will disable him within several years.
  • Euthanasia Controversy and Supporting Arguments Euthanasia is one of the most controversial issues in the modern health care environment. It can be performed in several assorted forms.
  • Euthanasia and Moral Reasoning Voluntary euthanasia may be morally acceptable because a terminally ill patient whose life functions are disrupted cannot live life to its full extent and pursue happiness.
  • Medical Ethics: Pet Euthanasia Pet-owners desire that their ailing pets have painless and stress-free deaths. This eliminates trauma for both a pet and its owner.
  • Death Upon Request: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide In the documentary Death Upon Request assisted euthanasia is the result of the patient’s decision, since some people prefer to die in dignity in order not to burden their loved ones.
  • Ethical Issues: Euthanasia Debate Voluntary euthanasia occurs due to permission from the patient. Active euthanasia happens when a third party carries out a deliberate act which causes death of a patient.
  • Confronting Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia The article written by Susan Wolf urges the readers to reevaluate their views on euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  • Are Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Ethical?
  • What Is the Ethical Issue of Euthanasia?
  • What Is the Moral Significance of Euthanasia?
  • Should Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Be Legalized?
  • Can Hegelian Dialectics Justify Euthanasia?
  • Is Animal Euthanasia Ethical?
  • What Does Kantian Ethics Say About Euthanasia?
  • How May the Christian Faith Inform the Debate Over Euthanasia?
  • Why Passive Euthanasia Is Ethical?
  • Why Is Euthanasia a Debate?
  • What Are the Advantages of Euthanasia?
  • Would You Let Euthanasia End One’s Life?
  • What Are Four Arguments Against Euthanasia?
  • What Are Two Arguments in Support of Euthanasia?
  • Why Euthanasia Should Not Be Legalised?
  • What Are the Four Different Types of Euthanasia?
  • Why Some Forms of Euthanasia May Be Ethically Justified?
  • Why Can Christians Not Accept Euthanasia?
  • Is Euthanasia Legal in Australia?
  • How Does Euthanasia Work?
  • How Do Vets Feel About Euthanasia?
  • How Do Different Religions View Euthanasia?
  • Why Do Dogs Gasp After Euthanasia?
  • How Christians Apply Their Beliefs to Abortion and Euthanasia?
  • Where Was Euthanasia First Legalized?
  • How Does Brian Clark Use Theatre to Dramatise the Euthanasia Debate?
  • Who Came up With the Idea of Euthanasia?
  • How a Death Request Should Be Legalized in the Debate About Euthanasia?
  • Where Is Euthanasia Legal in Canada?
  • Does Euthanasia Hurt?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 21). 130 Euthanasia Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/euthanasia-essay-topics/

"130 Euthanasia Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 21 Dec. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/euthanasia-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '130 Euthanasia Essay Topics'. 21 December.

1. StudyCorgi . "130 Euthanasia Essay Topics." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/euthanasia-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "130 Euthanasia Essay Topics." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/euthanasia-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "130 Euthanasia Essay Topics." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/euthanasia-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Euthanasia were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 22, 2024 .


Tips on How to Write a Euthanasia Argumentative Essay

How to write an essay on euthanasia

Abortion, birth control, death sentencing, legalization of medical marijuana, and gender reassignment surgery remain the most controversial medical issues in contemporary society.  Euthanasia is also among the controversial topics in the medical field. It draws arguments from philosophy, ethics, and religious points of view.

By definition derives from a Greek term that means good death, and it is the practice where an experienced medical practitioner or a physician intentionally ends an individual's life to end pain and suffering. The names mercy killing or physician-assisted suicide also knows it.

Different countries have different laws as regards euthanasia. In the UK, physician-assisted suicide is illegal and can earn a medical practitioner 14 years imprisonment. All over the world, there is a fierce debate as regards mercy killing.

Like any other controversial topic, there are arguments for and against euthanasia. Thus, there are two sides to the debate. The proponents or those for euthanasia believe it is a personal choice issue, even when death is involved.

On the other hand, those against euthanasia or the opponents believe that physicians must only assist patients when the patients are sound to make such a decision. That is where the debate centers.

This article explores some of the important basics to follow when writing an exposition, argumentative, persuasive, or informative essay on euthanasia.

Steps in Writing a Paper on Euthanasia

When assigned homework on writing a research paper or essay on euthanasia, follow these steps to make it perfect.

1. Read the Prompt

The essay or research paper prompt always have instructions to follow when writing any academic work. Students, therefore, should read it to pick up the mind of the professor or teaching assistant on the assigned academic task. When reading the prompt, be keen to understand what approach the professor prefers. Besides, it should also tell you the type of essay you are required to write and the scope.

2. Choose a Captivating Topic

After reading the prompt, you are required to frame your euthanasia essay title. Make sure that the title you choose is captivating enough as it invites the audience to read your essay. The title of your essay must not divert from the topic, but make it catchy enough to lure and keep readers. An original and well-structured essay title on euthanasia should give an idea of what to expect in the body paragraphs. It simply gives them a reason to read your essay.

3. Decide on the Best Thesis Statement for your Euthanasia Essay

Creating a thesis statement for a euthanasia essay does not deviate from the conventions of essay writing. The same is consistent when writing a thesis statement for a euthanasia research paper. The thesis statement can be a sentence or two at the end of the introduction that sums up your stance on the topic of euthanasia. It should be brief, well crafted, straight to the point, and outstanding. Right from the start, it should flow with the rest of the essay and each preceding paragraph should support the thesis statement.

4. Write an Outline

An outline gives you a roadmap of what to write in each part of the essay, including the essay hook, introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and the conclusion. We have provided a sample euthanasia essay outline in this article, be sure to look at it.

5. Write the First Draft

With all ingredients in place, it is now time to write your euthanasia essay by piecing up all the different parts. Begin with an essay hook, then the background information on the topic, then the thesis statement in the introduction. The body paragraphs should each contain an idea that is well supported with facts from books, journals, articles, and other scholarly sources. Be sure to follow the MLA, APA, Harvard, or Chicago formatting conventions when writing the paper as advised in the essay prompt.

6. Proofread and Edit the Essay

You have succeeded in skinning the elephant, and it is now time to cut the pieces and consume. Failure to proofread and edit an essay can be dangerous for your grade. There is always an illusion that you wrote it well after all. However, if you take some time off and come to it later, you will notice some mistakes. If you want somebody to proofread your euthanasia essay, you can use our essay editing service . All the same, proofreading an essay is necessary before turning the essay in.

Creating a Euthanasia Essay or Research Paper Outline

Like any other academic paper, having a blueprint of the entire essay on euthanasia makes it easy to write. Writing an outline is preceded by choosing a great topic. In your outline or structure of argumentative essay on euthanasia, you should highlight the main ideas such as the thesis statement, essay hook, introduction, topic sentences for the body paragraphs and supporting facts, and the concluding remarks. Here is a sample outline for a euthanasia argumentative essay.

This is a skeleton for your euthanasia essay:


  • Hook sentence/ attention grabber
  • Thesis statement
  • Background statement (history of euthanasia and definition)
  • Transition to Main Body
  • The legal landscape of euthanasia globally
  • How euthanasia affects physician-patient relationships
  • Biblical stance on euthanasia
  • Consequences of illegal euthanasia
  • Ethical and moral issues of euthanasia
  • Philosophical stance on euthanasia
  • Transition to Conclusion
  • Restated thesis statement
  • Unexpected twist or a final argument
  • Food for thought

Sample Euthanasia Essay Outline

Title: Euthanasia is not justified

Essay hook - It is there on TV, but did you know that a situation could prompt a doctor to bring to an end suffering and pain to a terminally ill patient? There is more than meets the eye on euthanasia.

Thesis statement : despite the arguments for and against euthanasia, it is legally and morally wrong to kill any person, as it is disregard of the right to life of an individual and the value of human life.

Paragraph 1: Euthanasia should be condemned as it ends the sacred lives of human beings.

  • Only God gives life and has the authority to take it and not humans.
  • The bible says, Thou shalt not kill.
  • The Quran states, "Whoever killed a Mujahid (a person who is granted the pledge of protection by the Muslims) shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).

Paragraph 2: Euthanasia gives physicians the power to determine who lives and who dies.

  • Doctors end up playing the role of God.
  • It could be worse when doctors make mistakes or advance their self-interests to make money. They can liaise with family members to kill for the execution of a will.

Paragraph 3: it destroys the patient-physician relationship

  • Patients trust the doctors for healing
  • When performed on other patients, the remaining patients lose trust in the same doctor of the facility.
  • Under the Hippocratic Oath, doctors are supposed to alleviate pain, end suffering, and protect life, not eliminate it.

Paragraph 4: euthanasia is a form of murder

  • Life is lost in the end.
  • There are chances that when tried with other therapeutic and non-therapeutic approaches, terminally ill patients can always get better.
  • It is selfish to kill a patient based on a medical report, which in itself could be erratic.
  • Patients respond well to advanced care approaches.

Paragraph 5: ( Counterargument) euthanasia proponents argue based on relieving suffering and pain as well as reducing the escalating cost of healthcare.

  • Euthanasia helps families avoid spending much on treating a patient who might not get well.
  • It is the wish of the patients who have made peace with the fact that they might not recover.


In sum, advancement in technology in the medical field and the existence of palliative care are evidence enough that there is no need for mercy killing. Even though there are claims that it ends pain and suffering, it involves killing a patient who maybe could respond to novel approaches to treatment.

Abohaimed, S., Matar, B., Al-Shimali, H., Al-Thalji, K., Al-Othman, O., Zurba, Y., & Shah, N. (2019). Attitudes of Physicians towards Different Types of Euthanasia in Kuwait.  Medical Principles and Practice ,  28 (3), 199-207.

Attell, B. K. (2017). Changing attitudes toward euthanasia and suicide for terminally ill persons, 1977 to 2016: an age-period-cohort analysis.  OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying , 0030222817729612.

Barone, S., & Unguru, Y. (2017). Should Euthanasia Be Considered Iatrogenic? AMA journal of ethics, 19(8), 802-814.

Emanuel, E. (2017). Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: focus on the data.  The Medical Journal of Australia ,  206 (8), 1-2e1.

Inbadas, H., Zaman, S., Whitelaw, S., & Clark, D. (2017). Declarations on euthanasia and assisted dying.  Death Studies, 41 (9), 574-584.

Jacobs, R. K., & Hendricks, M. (2018). Medical students' perspectives on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide and their views on legalising these practices in South Africa.  South African Medical Journal ,  108 (6), 484-489.

Math, S. B., & Chaturvedi, S. K. (2012). Euthanasia: the right to life vs right to die.  The Indian journal of medical research, 136 (6), 899.

Reichlin, M. (2001). Euthanasia in the Netherlands.  KOS , (193), 22-29.

Saul, H. (2014, November 5). The Vatican Condemns Brittany Maynard's Decision to end her Life as �Absurd'.

Sulmasy, D. P., Travaline, J. M., & Louise, M. A. (2016). Non-faith-based arguments against physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.  The Linacre Quarterly, 83 (3), 246-257.

Euthanasia Essay Introduction Ideas

An introduction is a gate into the compound of your well-reasoned thoughts, ideas, and opinions in an essay. As such, the introduction should be well structured in a manner that catches the attention of the readers from the onset.

While it seems the hardest thing to do, writing an introduction should never give you the fear of stress, blank page, or induce a writer's block. Instead, it should flow right from the essay hook to the thesis statement.

Given that you can access statistics, legal variations, and individual stories based on personal experiences with euthanasia online, writing a euthanasia essay introduction should be a walk in the park.

Ensure that the introduction to the essay is catchy, appealing, and informative. Here are some ideas to use:

  • Rights of humans to life
  • How euthanasia is carried out
  • When euthanasia is legally allowed
  • Stories from those with experience in euthanasia
  • The stance of doctors on euthanasia
  • Definition of euthanasia
  • Countries that allow euthanasia
  • Statistics of physicians assisted suicide in a given state, locality, or continent.
  • Perception of the public given the diversity of culture

There are tons of ideas on how to start an essay on euthanasia.  You need to research, immerse yourself in the topic, and scoop the best evidence. Presenting facts in an argumentative essay on euthanasia will help convince the readers to argue for or against euthanasia. Based on your stance, make statements in favor of euthanasia or statements against euthanasia known from the onset through the strong thesis statement.

Essay Topics and Ideas on Euthanasia

  • Should Euthanasia be legal?
  • What are the different types of euthanasia?
  • Is euthanasia morally justified?
  • Cross-cultural comparison of attitudes and beliefs on euthanasia
  • The history of euthanasia
  • Euthanasia from a Patient's Point of View
  • Should euthanasia be considered Iatrogenic?
  • Does euthanasia epitomize failed medical approaches?
  • How does euthanasia work?
  • Should Physician-Assisted Suicide be legal?
  • Sociology of Death and Dying
  • Arguments for and against euthanasia and assisted suicide
  • Euthanasia is a moral dilemma
  • The euthanasia debate
  • It Is Much Better to Die with Dignity Than to Live with Pain Essay
  • Euthanasia Is a Moral, Ethical, and Proper
  • Euthanasia Law of Euthanasia in California and New York
  • Effect of Euthanasia on Special Population
  • Euthanasia is inhuman
  • Role of nurses in Euthanasia
  • Are family and relative decisions considered during the euthanasia
  • The biblical stance on euthanasia

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Get Help with Writing Euthanasia Argumentative Essay for School

We have covered the tips of writing an argumentative essay on euthanasia. Besides, we have also presented a sample euthanasia essay outline, which can help you write your essay. However, sometimes you might lack the motivation to write an essay on euthanasia, even when you have access to argumentative essay examples on euthanasia. 

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Essay on Euthanasia: 100, 200 and 300 Words Samples

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  • Feb 22, 2024

Essay on Euthanasia

Essay on Euthanasia: Euthanasia refers to the act of killing a person without any emotions or mercy. Euthanasia is an ethnically complex and controversial topic, with different perspectives and legal regulations on different topics. School students and individuals preparing for competitive exams are given assigned topics like essays on euthanasia. The objective of such topics is to check the candidate’s perspectives and what punishment should be morally and legally right according to them. 

If you are assigned an essay on euthanasia, it means your examiner or teacher wants to know your level of understanding of the topic. In this article, we will provide you with some samples of essays on euthanasia. Feel free to take ideas from the essays discussed below.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Euthanasia in 150 Words
  • 2.1 Euthanasia Vs Physician-Assisted Suicide
  • 2.2 Euthanasia Classification
  • 3 Is Euthanasia Bad?

Essay on Euthanasia in 150 Words

Euthanasia or mercy killing is the act of deliberately ending a person’s life.  This term was coined by Sir Francis Bacon. Different countries have their perspectives and laws against such harmful acts. The Government of India, 2016, drafted a bill on passive euthanasia and called it ‘The Medical Treatment of Terminally Ill Patient’s Bill (Protection of Patients and Medical Practitioners). 

Euthanasia is divided into different classifications: Voluntary, Involuntary and Non-Voluntary. Voluntary euthanasia is legal in countries like Belgium and the Netherlands, with the patient’s consent. On one side, some supporters argue for an individual’s right to autonomy and a dignified death. On the other hand, the opponents raise concerns about the sanctity of life, the potential for abuse, and the slippery slope towards devaluing human existence. The ethical debate extends to questions of consent, quality of life, and societal implications.

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Essay on Euthanasia in 350 Words

The term ‘Euthanasia’ was first coined by Sir Francis Bacon, who referred to an easy and painless death, without necessarily implying intentional or assisted actions. In recent years, different countries have come up with different approaches, and legal regulations against euthanasia have been put forward. 

In 2016, the government of India drafted a bill, where euthanasia was categorised as a punishable offence. According to Sections 309 and 306 of the Indian Penal Code, any attempt to commit suicide and abetment of suicide is a punishable offence. However, if a person is brain dead, only then he or she can be taken off life support only with the help of family members.

Euthanasia Vs Physician-Assisted Suicide

Euthanasia is the act of intentionally causing the death of a person to relieve their suffering, typically due to a terminal illness or unbearable pain. 

Physician-assisted suicide involves a medical professional providing the means or information necessary for a person to end their own life, typically by prescribing a lethal dose of medication.

In euthanasia, a third party, often a healthcare professional, administers a lethal substance or performs an action directly causing the person’s death.

It is the final decision of the patient that brings out the decision of their death.

Euthanasia Classification

Voluntary Euthanasia

It refers to the situation when the person who is suffering explicitly requests or consents to euthanasia. A patient with a terminal illness may express his or her clear and informed desire to end their life to a medical professional.


It refers to the situation when euthanasia is performed without the explicit consent of the person, often due to the individual being unable to communicate their wishes.


In this situation, euthanasia is performed without the explicit consent of the person, and the person’s wishes are unknown.

Active euthanasia refers to the deliberate action of causing a person’s death, such as administering a lethal dose of medication.

It means allowing a person to die by withholding or withdrawing treatment or life-sustaining measures.

Euthanasia and assisted suicide are a defeat for all. We are called never to abandon those who are suffering, never giving up but caring and loving to restore hope. — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) June 5, 2019

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Is Euthanasia Bad?

Euthanasia is a subjective term and its perspectives vary from person to person. Different cultures, countries and religions have their own set of values and beliefs. Life is sacred and gifted to us by god or nature. Therefore, intentionally causing death goes against moral and religious beliefs. 

However, some people have raised concerns about the potential for a slippery slope, where the acceptance of euthanasia could lead to the devaluation of human life, involuntary euthanasia, or abuse of the practice. Some even argue that euthanasia conflicts with their traditional medical ethics of preserving life and prioritizing the well-being of the patient.

Today, countries like the Netherlands and Belgium have legalised euthanasia. In India, the USA and the UK, it is a punishable offence with varying sentences and fines. Euthanasia is a complex and controversial topic and creating a law against or for it requires a comprehensive study by experts and the opinions of all sections of society. 

Ans: Euthanasia refers to the act of killing a person without any emotions or mercy. Euthanasia is an ethnically complex and controversial topic, with different perspectives and legal regulations on different topics.

Ans: The term ‘Euthanasia’ was first coined by Sir Francis Bacon, who referred to an easy and painless death, without necessarily implying intentional or assisted actions. In recent years, different countries have come up with different approaches, and legal regulations against euthanasia have been put forward.  In 2016, the government of India drafted a bill, where euthanasia was categorised as a punishable offence. According to Sections 309 and 306 of the Indian Penal Code, any attempt to commit suicide and abetment of suicide is a punishable offence. However, if a person is brain dead, only then he or she can be taken off life support only with the help of family members.

Ans: Belgium and the Netherlands have legalised euthanasia. However, it is banned in India.

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10 thought-provoking topics for an argumentative essay on euthanasia.

Euthanasia is the process in which medical professionals take in order to end one’s life (with the patient’s discretion and/or guardian’s decision). Everyone has mixed opinions about whether euthanasia is an ethical practice that should take place. Many debates and arguments have formed based around this to the point that the practice is illegal in many countries around the world.

In this article, we are going to list off 10 thought provoking topics that you could question/think of when writing your essay on euthanasia.

  • Why are many countries from around the world banning the practice of euthanasia?
  • If the patient previously stated clearly for themselves (whether it is written, verbally, or through video) that if such situation was to occur that they are okay with euthanasia, then why are individuals not upholding the patient's wishes?
  • What countries currently ban the practice of euthanasia? Do they have any specific reasons as to why they will not accept licensed medical professionals to carry out such procedures?
  • Who is the individual(s) that are capable of making the decision of euthanasia if the patient is unable to verbally express the decision for himself or herself?
  • What are the exact methods used with euthanasia?
  • Is the practice of euthanasia humane?
  • Throughout the deciding process of this practice, is there a certain amount of time that is allocated to licensed professionals/caretakers/patients saying yes to carry out euthanasia?
  • Should we be required to clearly state our decision to be okay or not okay with euthanasia in the worse case scenario if we ever become seriously ill?
  • Are doctors capable of making this decision without the “okay” from family members/caretakers/friends?
  • Should this practice only be set in place for those that are physically ill with life threatening sicknesses such as cancer, AIDS, etc.?

When writing your argumentative essay on euthanasia, put yourself on both sides of the perspective. How do you feel being the person to make the decision for your loved one? Are you okay with designating a significant other/family member to make the decision for you, in the worse case scenario you face a life-threatening illness?

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Euthanasia and Modern Society Argumentative Essay

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Historical Background

Arguments for and against.

Euthanasia is Greek word that when directly translated refers to the “good death”; more specifically euthanasia is a term that is used to describe death conditions that has been undertaken deliberately for purposes of alleviating suffering of an individual usually from a terminal illness for which no recovery is expected.

Hence, for euthanasia to be defined to have occurred three conditions must be met i.e. it should be deliberate, must involve taking life and should be with intention of relieving “intractable” suffering (Rawls, 1971). There are various forms of euthanasia, but which are generally categorized into two types; passive euthanasia and active euthanasia. In this paper I wish to argue that euthanasia is not a moral issue and should be legalized globally since it is justified and should therefore not be regulated.

The debate surrounding the morality and legality of euthanasia is one that has been ongoing since the 17 th century when the word euthanasia was first invented and used in the medical field (Pateman and Rawls, 1987). In modern day society the actual meaning of euthanasia has taken different forms and is usually interpreted differently in medical and legal context.

However it was not until the late 1980s when scholarly articles that advocated and argued against the morality of euthanasia were first published. In her article written in 1987 titled “Euthanasia”, Battin advocated for euthanasia by expounding on the moral virtues of euthanasia and why it should be used in the medical context (Pateman and Rawls, 1987).

The case of euthanasia as advocated by Battin is based on the noble idea behind euthanasia which is basically to alleviate pain. Towards this end Battin asserts that “the relief of pain of a patient is the least disputed and of the highest priority to the physician” in direct reference to sole and major reason of carrying out euthanasia, a fact that is not even contested by the proponents of the euthanasia practice (Pateman and Rawls, 1971).

In the following section of the paper we shall analyze the various ideologies that have been advanced in defense and against the practice of euthanasia. Generally the positions of euthanasia proponents and opponents have to do with morality, religion and legal issues.

For instance, the argument advanced by proponents regarding the need to undertake euthanasia in order to relieve such patients from their physical and emotional pains assumes a moral point of view all other factors being constant. From a religion perspective the debate on euthanasia continues to be a contentious issue because of their different viewpoints. However it is in medical perspective that the practice of euthanasia is most polarized, radical and a never ending issue of contention.

On one hand for example, euthanasia practice radically contradicts the principles of medicine as well as on the very tenets that the practice of medicine was found. Indeed, the fundamental principle of medical practitioner’s demands that they undertake anything possible to save life and ensure it preservation; this is the cardinal oath that doctors must take prior to being allowed to practice.

But on the other hand, and equally important responsibilities of the doctor involves alleviating pain and suffering by bringing about cure, it is when this cure becomes elusive that the idea of euthanasia does not seem so much outrageous or in that case in conflict with the fundamental principles of medicine.

Besides in contemporary society, the practice of medicine has assumed new levels altogether which are very different from the nature of medicine as it was practiced in ancient times, and which these principles of medicine were actually based. In fact, the reasons why the issue of euthanasia has become so polarized has everything to do with advances that has been made in medicine and due to the emerging type of diseases, which are both a product of modern society.

Advance in technology for instance has meant that machines that can sustain life in near death circumstances have been invented. But this technological introduction has only complicated the issue of euthanasia in two major ways; one of which regards the cost and the other has to do with this leap of technology per se.

Regarding cost, it is basically impossible to continuously maintain a person in a life saving machine for several years due to the prohibitive cost alone. Strictly speaking even on a cost benefit analysis such action is not logical unless there are major improvements on the side of the patient.

Another reason why lives saving machines have complicated the issue of euthanasia is because this technological leap has necessitated the redefinition of death, death in the sense of when it should be presumed to occur and for very good reasons.

Indeed, the fact that this life supporting machines have the capability to continue sustaining life in patients that are in vegetative state requires us to redefine when death should be presumed to occur especially given their ability to sustain life even when massive organ failure occurs, usually what would have resulted to death were it not for the ability of this machines.

Due to this eventuality brought about by this technological advent, modern day definition of death has also taken several meanings. The definition of death as it is currently described includes three forms; whole brain death, higher brain death and traditional death which is usually through cardiovascular arrest (Hassan, 2006).

These various definitions of death are for the purpose of providing leeway of undertaking or preventing euthanasia based on the perspective that one get to look at it. For instance when death is defined as having occurred due to higher brain death, then life support machine is not necessary and can be removed since death in this case is not subject to cardiovascular arrest but rather to higher brain activity (Hassan, 2006); I say this is just being hypocritical.

However in traditional terms life support machines cannot be withdrawn from patients since their death is subject to their cardiovascular arrest which is incidentally enabled through the life supporting machines (Hassan, 2006); (this is even more ironical).

Finally the reason why modernity complicates the issue of euthanasia is because of the increase and emerging of new diseases that are increasingly becoming not only terminal but very painful and humiliating as well. Most of these diseases are a product of modernity and are usually the one at the centre of euthanasia debate mainly because they are terminal and painful diseases.

However, the debate on euthanasia is hardly limited to the various perspectives of legal, medical, moral and religion as we have so far discussed, but also involve philosophical perspectives as well.

The Social Contract Theory is an ideology that is largely attributed to Thomas Hobbes although its concepts have been around for quite some time (Celeste, 2004). In Social Theory Contract, Hobbes argues that human are rational beings but which only reason and act with their best interests at heart in what he refers as “coomodious living” which entail various aspects of life such as morality, society and politics (Celeste, 2004).

The relevance of this theory therefore in the context of euthanasia is that people’s moral standings are usually tied together with the political factors of the society. Perhaps, what Hobbes is advocating concerning euthanasia, is to let the moral and political factors of a society be the framework of determining the justification of euthanasia.

An even more unusual theory regarding euthanasia has been advanced by Susan Wolf in a critique of the Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) concept in which the influence of culture, socialization and sexism as determinant factors of euthanasia are adequately tackled (Dieterle, 2007). The underlying argument that Wolf attempts to portray in that paper claims that euthanasia is largely a gender issue which should not be legalized under the existing legal laws and cultural practices of the society.

In this paper, the practice of euthanasia is described to be gender based in that women are affected differently by the practice compared to men and are more predisposed to the practice than men, mainly because the culture in America tends to devalue women who are terminally ill, disabled or considerably aged more than is the case for their male counterparts (Dieterle, 2007).

In this critique by wolf two major points are raised to support her claim of gender based euthanasia, one of which she claims that majority of persons that are likely to seek PAS would be females rather than males, which in itself is an injustice.

However, data analysis of the various countries and states in America that have so far legalized euthanasia turns out not to support this assertion. The trend is the same even for other countries that have allowed euthanasia such as Netherlands where males constitutes the larger percentage than females.

As we can see from the facts discussed it is clear that the modern society has evolved to a point that justifies euthanasia because of the strides in technology and lifestyle changes that necessitates that people be mercifully relieved of life should the situation demand so.

As it is, governments have circumvented the legalization of euthanasia by giving it different definitions as we have seen to fit its intentions. But at the end of the day it is euthanasia, and it is not right to discriminate against citizens based on the nature of death and in the process deny those who also need it as much.

Celeste, F. (2004). Social Contract Theory: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Web.

Dieterle, J. (2007). Physician Assisted Suicide: A New Look at the Arguments. Bioethics , 21 (3): 127-139.

Hassan, O. (2006). Euthanasia: Ethic-Legal Issues . Web.

Pateman, C & Rawls, J. (1987). Euthanasia in Health Care Ethics: An Introduction . Carlifornia, CA: Temple University Press.

Rawls, J. (1971). A Theory of Justice . Washington, DC: Harvard University Press.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 12). Euthanasia and Modern Society. https://ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-2/

"Euthanasia and Modern Society." IvyPanda , 12 June 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-2/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Euthanasia and Modern Society'. 12 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Euthanasia and Modern Society." June 12, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-2/.

1. IvyPanda . "Euthanasia and Modern Society." June 12, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-2/.


IvyPanda . "Euthanasia and Modern Society." June 12, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/euthanasia-2/.

Euthanasia - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Euthanasia, also known as assisted dying or mercy killing, remains a deeply contested ethical and legal issue. Essays could delve into the various forms of euthanasia, such as voluntary, non-voluntary, and involuntary euthanasia, discussing the moral and legal implications of each. The discourse might extend to the examination of the cultural, religious, and societal attitudes towards euthanasia, exploring how different societies and religious groups perceive the right to die. Discussions could also focus on the experiences of countries and regions that have legalized euthanasia, examining the impact on healthcare practices, legal frameworks, and societal attitudes. Moreover, the broader implications of euthanasia on medical ethics, patient autonomy, and the sanctity of life could be explored to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding euthanasia and the ongoing debates on its legalization and practice. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Euthanasia you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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How To Write An Essay On Euthanasia

Introduction to the concept of euthanasia.

When embarking on an essay about euthanasia, it’s crucial to begin with a clear definition of what euthanasia entails. Euthanasia, often referred to as "mercy killing," is the act of intentionally ending a person's life to relieve them of suffering, typically from a terminal illness or an incurable condition. In your introduction, outline the various types of euthanasia, such as voluntary, non-voluntary, and involuntary, and the ethical, legal, and moral questions they raise. This introductory segment sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of the arguments for and against euthanasia and its implications in the realms of medicine, ethics, and law.

Exploring the Arguments For and Against Euthanasia

The body of your essay should delve into the complex arguments surrounding euthanasia. On one hand, proponents argue that euthanasia is a compassionate response to unbearable suffering, respecting an individual's right to choose death over prolonged pain. They may also cite the importance of dignity in death and the reduction of medical costs for terminally ill patients. On the other hand, opponents raise concerns about the sanctity of life, the potential for abuse, and the slippery slope towards non-voluntary or involuntary euthanasia. They may also discuss the moral obligations of medical professionals to preserve life. This section should present a balanced view of the debate, providing a comprehensive understanding of the various perspectives on euthanasia.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

A crucial aspect of your essay should be an examination of the ethical and legal considerations surrounding euthanasia. Discuss the ethical principles involved, such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Explore how different countries and cultures view and legislate euthanasia, noting the variations in legal frameworks and the criteria required for it to be carried out. This analysis should provide insight into the complexities of legalizing and regulating euthanasia, and the ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare providers, patients, and their families.

Concluding with Personal Reflections and Broader Implications

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points and offering personal reflections on the topic. Reflect on the implications of euthanasia for society and the field of healthcare. Consider how advances in medical technology and changes in societal attitudes might influence the future of euthanasia. Your conclusion should not only provide closure to your essay but also encourage further thought and dialogue on this sensitive and contentious issue, highlighting the ongoing importance of ethical deliberation in decisions about life and death.

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Euthanasia and the Law: The Rise of Euthanasia and Relationship With Palliative Healthcare


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Structuring of an argumentative essay on euthanasia

Jared Houdi

The topic of euthanasia has been on headlines of many arguments on whether it is morally correct to practice it. Writing an argumentative essay on euthanasia can be interesting since it covers a lot and touches on an issue that has emerged in recent years

Euthanasia or mercy killing as some people like to refer to is the act of painless killing of suffering patients to relieve them from the pain they are experiencing. The word has brought a lot of controversies as people are divided on whether they support or not. Getting to know how to write a good argumentative essay is important. The essay is aimed at giving the reader all the points that are involved with euthanasia while still convincing them as to why you, the author stand in a particular stance.

Important tips on which to focus

Captivating title: the topic that you are going to discuss is on euthanasia and the title for the essay should not divert from the topic but it should at the same time bee catchy to the reader. A catchy title will make the reader be ready to read through your essay eager to know the content. A good and original title will aim at giving a preview of the essay’s content.

Introduction: the introduction will aim at explaining the title to the reader and at the same time introducing the topic of euthanasia. While writing the essay your introduction should be able to provide relevant information that will inform the reader on your topic.

Create a thesis statement: this is the statement that comes at the end of the introduction paragraph. The thesis statement should sum up what you view is about the whole issue of euthanasia. The thesis should be straight to the point so as it sticks in the mind of the reader from the beginning so as to flow with you in the rest of the essay.

The body: the body of an argumentative essay should consist of both the evidence that supports the opposition and also the evidence that supports your claim. State the evidence correctly about the opposition but be able to provide stronger evidence about your stand in the argument. Be able to include counterarguments; this is statements that show the reader why your choice of the stand is better than the rest of the opposition statements.

Conclusion: while writing the conclusion to your essay make sure it is aimed at asserting your argument that you created at the introduction of the essay. In addition, the conclusion aims at persuading the reader also to join you and support your side of the argument. Avoid also introducing new information in conclusion. The conclusion is to just have a summary of the whole article.

Proper researching and citation

 Do the research: doing proper research on the topic of euthanasia is important since it will give you content on what to write. Visit the library and choose the books that correspond to your topic. In addition, look for reliable sources from the internet. It is advisable to look for sources that discuss on both extremes, not just the points that support your argument. Collecting proper information for what supports your stand and also the opposing side will make your essay be strong.

  • Provide sources that are reputable: sources that are peer reviewed are the best when doing your search for content. Also, make sure that the sources are from recent years so as to give an argument basing on the current ideas that are circulating. However, do not forget about the old resources since they will give you information that can be trusted since they have been viewed over and over again.
  • Choose powerful quotes to include in your essay : having powerful quotes that support the points you have in the argumentative essay is important so as to make it more credible. Use scholarly sources to get your quotes since they have been written by scholars who are experts in the field. Avoid blogs since they can be written by anyone and posted on the internet for anyone to access.
  • Citation: Finally, when you use quotes in your easy it is required that you cite your sources at the end of the essay. Not providing citation will be rendered plagiarism since you did not give credit to the original owner of the quote. Learn how to cite with different formatting styles.

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Euthanasia and assisted suicide: An in-depth review of relevant historical aspects

Yelson alejandro picón-jaimes.

a Medical and Surgical Research Center, Future Surgeons Chapter, Colombian Surgery Association, Bogotá, Colombia

Ivan David Lozada-Martinez

b Grupo Prometheus y Biomedicina Aplicada a las Ciencias Clínicas, School of Medicine, Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia

Javier Esteban Orozco-Chinome

c Department of Medicine, RedSalud, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Lina María Montaña-Gómez

d Department of Medicine, Keralty Salud, Bogotá, Colombia

María Paz Bolaño-Romero

Luis rafael moscote-salazar.

e Colombian Clinical Research Group in Neurocritical Care, Latin American Council of Neurocritical Care, Bogotá, Colombia

Tariq Janjua

f Department of Intensive Care, Regions Hospital, Minnesota, USA

Sabrina Rahman

g Independent University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

End-of-life care is an increasingly relevant topic due to advances in biomedical research and the establishment of new disciplines in evidence-based medicine and bioethics. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are two terms widely discussed in medicine, which cause displeasure on many occasions and cause relief on others. The evolution of these terms and the events associated with their study have allowed the evaluation of cases that have established useful definitions for the legal regulation of palliative care and public policies in the different health systems. However, there are still many aspects to be elucidated and defined. Based on the above, this review aimed to compile relevant historical aspects on the evolution of euthanasia and assisted suicide, which will allow understanding the use and research of these terms.

  • • The history of euthanasia and assisted suicide has been traumatic.
  • • The church and research have been decisive in the definition of euthanasia.
  • • The legal framework on the use of euthanasia and assisted suicide has been strengthened.

1. Introduction

Euthanasia and assisted suicide are two topics discussed throughout history, mainly because they fall within the scope of life as a human right, which has been universally defended for many years [ 1 ]. However, the mean of the word euthanasia as good death generates conflicts at social, moral, and ethical levels. Mainly because death is a loss, it is difficult to understand it as something positive and; additionally, several historical events such as the Nazi experiments related the term euthanasia more to murder than to a kind and compassionate act [ 1 ]. More current texts mention that euthanasia is the process in which, through the use or abstention of clinical measures, the death of a patient in an incurable or terminal condition can be hastened to avoid excessive suffering [ 2 ].

The difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide is that in the latter, the patient takes the final action; however, both practices can be combined in the term assisted death [ 2 ]. At present, several countries authorize assisted death, including Holland, Luxembourg, and Canada [ 3 ]. Belgium and Colombia have regulations that decriminalize only euthanasia; other places where assisted suicide is legal are Switzerland and five states of the United America states, specifically Oregon, Vermont, Washington, California, and Montana [ 2 , 3 ]. Spain recently joined the list of countries that have legislated on euthanasia through the organic law March 2021 of March 24 that regulates euthanasia in that state in both public and private institutions [ 4 ]. The fact that more and more countries were joining the legislation on euthanasia and assisted suicide has brought to light the opinion of thinkers, politicians, philosophers, and physicians. Several nations have initiated discussions on the matter in their governmental systems. Latin America is trying to advance powerfully in this medical-philosophical field. Currently, in Chile, the “Muerte digna y cuidados paliativos” law, which seeks to regulate the issue of euthanasia and assisted suicide in the country, is being debated in Congress [ 5 ].

It is essential to know the point of view of physicians on euthanasia and assisted suicide, especially taking into account that these professionals who provide care and accompany patients during this moment, which, if approved, would involve the medical community in both public and private health systems. Although it seems easy to think that physicians have a position in favor of the act of euthanasia because they are in direct and continuous contact with end-of-life situations, such as palliative care, terminally ill, and critically ill patients. It is important to remember that the Hippocratic medical oaths taken at the time of graduation of professionals are mostly categorical in mentioning the rejection of euthanasia and assisted suicide [ 6 ]. Furthermore, it is also important to note that many of the oldest universities in the Western world originated through the Catholic Church; and just this creed condemns the practice of euthanasia and continues to condemn it to this day. This situation generates that many medical students in these schools have behaviors based on humanist principles under the protection of faith and religion and therefore reject the possibility of euthanasia [ 7 , 8 ].

The relevance of the topic and the extensive discussion that it has had in recent months due to the COVID-19 pandemic added to the particular interest of bioethics in this topic and the need to know the point of view of doctors and other health professionals on euthanasia and assisted suicide.

2. Origin and meaning of the term euthanasia

The word euthanasia derives from the Greek word “eu” which means good, and the word “thanatos” which means death; therefore, the etymological meaning of this word is “good death”. Over time the evolution of the meaning has varied; even as we will see below was considered a form of eradication of people categorized under the designation of leading a less dignified life. Assisted suicide is a condition in which the patient is the one who carries out the action that ends his life through the ingestion of a lethal drug but has been dispensed in the context of health care and therefore called assisted. This care is provided by a physician trained in the area. However, it requires the prior coordination of a multidisciplinary team and even the assessment by an ethics committee to determine that the patient is exercising full autonomy, free from coercion by the situation he/she is living and free from the fatalistic desires of a psychiatric illness [ 9 ]. In a more literary sense, the word euthanasia meaning of “giving death to a person who freely requests it in order to free himself from suffering that is irreversible and that the person himself considers intolerable” [ 9 ].

Some authors go deeper into the definition and consider that for the meaning of euthanasia, are necessary to consider elements that are essential in the word itself; such as the fact that it is an act that seeks to provoke death and that carried out to eliminate the suffering in the person who is dying. Other elements with a secondary character in the definition are the patient's consent (which must be granted respecting autonomy and freedom in the positive and negative sense; that means the fact must be not be coerced in any way). Another element is the terminal nature of the disease, with an irreversible outcome that generates precariousness and a loss of dignity. The third secondary element is the absence of pain of the death through the use of drugs such as high-potency analgesics, including opioids, high-potency muscle relaxants, and even anesthetic drugs. Finally, the last element is the health context in which the action is performed (essential in some legislations to be considered euthanasia) [ 10 ]. According to the World Health Organization, the union of these two components is the current definition of euthanasia, which describes as “the action performed by a person to cause the painless death of another subject, or not preventing death in case of terminal illness or irreversible coma. Furthermore, with the explicit condition that the patient must be suffering physical, emotional, or spiritual and that affliction is uncontrollable with conventional measures such as medical treatments, analgesics, among others; then the objective of euthanasia is to alleviate this suffering” [ 11 ]. Unfortunately, the term euthanasia has been misused over the years, and other practices have been named with this word. An example of this situation occurred during the Nazi tyranny when the word euthanasia concerned the murder of people with disabilities, mental disorders, low social status, or gay people. At that time, euthanasia was even a simultaneous practice to the Jewish genocide [ 11 ].

Not only has the term been misused; also exists an enormous variability of terms to refer to euthanasia. For example, the laws created to regulate euthanasia have different names around the world; in the Netherlands (Holland), the law that regulates this practice is known as the law of termination of life; in Belgium, it is called euthanasia law, in France, it is called euthanasia law too. In Oregon (USA), it is called the death with dignity act; in California, it is the end of life option act. In Canada is called the medical assistance in dying act. Victoria (Australia) is the voluntary assisted dying bill, but all these denominations refer to the already well-known term euthanasia [ 11 ].

3. Evolution of euthanasia and assisted suicide: digging into historical events

To understand the evolution and relevance of these concepts should analyze the history of euthanasia and assisted suicide; from the emergence of the term, going through its first manifestations in antiquity; mentioning the conceptions of great thinkers such as Plato and Hippocrates; going through the role of the Catholic Church; mainly in the Middle Age, where following the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, self-induced death or death contemplated by own will, was condemned. Later, with the renaissance age and the resurgence of science, technology, and the arts, the term euthanasia made a transition to a form similar to what we know today from thinkers such as Thomas More and Francis Bacon. Finally, the first signs of eugenics were known in London, Sweden, Germany, and the United States in the twentieth century. There was a relationship with the term euthanasia that was later used interchangeably, especially in the Nazi regime, to denote a form of systemic murder that sought to eradicate those who were not worthy of living a life.

Since the sixties, with emblematic cases, the path towards the decriminalization of euthanasia began in some countries, especially concerning the cessation of extreme support measures in cases of irreversible illness or a terminal condition. The practice has progressed to the appearance of laws on euthanasia in several countries.

4. Euthanasia and assisted suicide in ancient times

In book III of Plato's “The Republic”, the author stated that those who live their lives amidst illnesses and medicines or who were not physically healthy should be left to die; implying that it was thought that people in these conditions suffered so much that their quality of life diminished, which seemed understandable to these thinkers. However, other authors such as Hippocrates and his famous Hippocratic oath sought the protection of the patient's life through medicine, especially in vulnerable health conditions prone to fatal outcomes. This Hippocratic oath is the same oath that permeates our times and constitutes an argument among those who mark their position against euthanasia and assisted suicide [ 12 , 13 ].

Other texts that collect thoughts of Socrates and his disciple Plato point out that it was possible and well understood to think of ceasing to live in the face of a severe illness; to consider death to avoid a long and torturous agony. This fact is compatible with the conception of current euthanasia since this is the end of this health care procedure [ 13 ].

In The Republic, the text by Plato, the physician Heroditus is also condemned for inventing a way to prolong death and over manage the symptoms of serious illnesses, which is currently known as distanasia or excessive treatment prolongs life. This kind of excessive treatment prolongs the sick person's suffering, even leading him to maintain biological signs present but in a state of alienation and absolute dependence on medical equipment such as ventilators and artificial feeding [ 13 ]. However, the strongest indication that Euthanasic suicide was encouraged in Greece lies in other thinkers such as the Pythagoreans, Aristotelians, and Epicureans who strongly condemned this practice, which suggests that it was carried out repeatedly as a method and was therefore condemned by these thinkers [ 12 , 13 ]. According to stoicism, the pain that exceeded the limits of what was humanly bearable was one of the causes for which the wise man separates himself from life. Referring to one of the nuances that euthanasia touches today, that is, at a point of elevated suffering, the dignity and essence of the person are lost, persisting only the biological part but in the absence of the person's well-being as a being. In this sense, Lucius Seneca said that a person should not love life too much or hate it; but that person should have a middle ground and end their life when they ceased to perceive life as a good, worthy, and longed-for event [ 1 , 12 ].

During the Roman Empire and in the territories under its rule, it was believed that the terminally ill who commit suicide had sufficient reasons to do so; so since suicide caused by impatience and lack of resolution to pain or illness was accepted, when there was no access to medicines. In addition, there was little development in medicine during that time, and many of the sick died without treatment [ 12 ]. This situation changed later with the emergence of the Catholic church; in this age, who attempted against own life, was deprived of burial in the ground. Saint Augustine said that the suicide was an abominable and detestable act; from 693 AD, anyone who attempted against his physical integrity was excommunicated. Rejecting to the individuals and their lineage, depriving them of the possibility of attending the funeral and even expelled from cities and stripped of the properties they owned [ 12 , 13 ].

4.1. Euthanasia and assisted suicide in the Middle Age

During the Middle Age, Catholicism governed the sciences, arts, and medicine; the sciences fell asleep. Due to this solid religious tendency and the persistence of Augustinian thought, suicide was not well seen. It was not allowed to administer a lethal substance to a person to end the suffering of a severe or terminal illness [ 9 , 12 ]. People who took their own lives at this time could not be buried “Christianly”; therefore, they did not have access to a funeral, nor to the accompaniment of their family in a religious rite. Physical suffering and pain were then seen as a path to glorification. Suffering was extolled as the form that god purified the sin, similar to the suffering that Jesus endured during his Calvary days. However, a contrary situation was experienced in battles; a sort of short dagger-like weapon was often used to finish off badly wounded enemies and thus reduce their suffering, thus depriving them of the possibility of healing and was called “mercy killing” [ 12 ].

5. Euthanasia in renaissance

With the awakening of science and philosophy, ancient philosophers' thoughts took up again, giving priority to man, the world, and nature, thus promoting medical and scientific development. In their discourse, Thomas More and Francis Bacon refer to euthanasia; however, they give a eugenic sense to the concept of euthanasia, similar to that professed in the book of Plato's Republic. It is precise with these phylosophers that the term euthanasia got its current focus, referring to the acceleration of the death of a seriously ill person who has no possibility of recovery [ 12 ]. In other words, it was during this period that euthanasia acquired its current meaning, and death began to be considered the last act of life. Therefore, it was necessary to help the dying person with all available resources to achieve a dignified death without suffering, closing the cycle of life that ends with death [ 13 , 14 ].

In his work titled “Utopia”, Thomas More affirmed that in the ideal nation should be given the necessary and supportive care to the dying. Furthermore, in case of extraordinary suffering, it can be recommended to end the suffering, but only if the patient agrees, through deprivation of food or with the administration of a lethal drug; this procedure must be known to the affected person and with the due permission of authorities and priests [ 12 , 13 ]. Later, in the 17th century, the theologian Johann Andreae, in his utopia “Christianopolis”, contradicts the arguments of Bacon and Moro, defending the right of the seriously ill and incurably ill to continue living, even if they are disturbed and alienated, advocating for the care based on support and indulgence [ 15 , 16 ]. Similarly, many physicians rejected the concepts of Plato, Moro, and Bacon. Instead, they focused on opposing euthanasia, most notably in the nineteenth century. For example, the physician Christoph Hufeland mentioned that the doctor's job was only to preserve life, whether it was a fate or a misfortune, or whether it was worth living [ 16 ].

5.1. Euthanasia in the 20th century

Before considering the relevant aspects of euthanasia in the 20th century, it is vital to highlight the manuscript by Licata et al. [ 17 ], which narrates two episodes of euthanasia in the 19th century. The first one happened in Sicily (Italy) in 1860, during the battle of Calatafimi, where two soldiers were in constant suffering, one because he had a serious leg fracture with gangrene, and the other with a gunshot wound. The two soldiers begged to be allowed to die, and how they were in a precarious place without medical supplies, they gave them an opium pill, which calmed them until they died [ 17 ]. The second episode reported by Licata et al. [ 17 ] was witnessed by a Swedish doctor named Alex Munthe; who evidenced the pain of many patients in a Parisian hospital. So he decided to start administering morphine to help people who had been seriously injured by wolves and had a poor prognosis; therefore, the purpose of opioid use was analgesia while death was occurring.

It is also important to highlight the manuscript entitled “Euthanasia” by S. Williams published in 1873 in “Popular Science Monthly”, a journal that published texts by Darwin, Edison, Pasteur, and Beecher. This text included the report for the active euthanasia of seriously ill patients without a cure, in which the physicians were advised to administer chloroform to these patients or another anesthetic agent to reduce the level of consciousness of the subject and speed up their death in a painless manner [ 16 ].

Understanding that euthanasia was already reported in the nineteenth century, years after, specifically in 1900, the influence of eugenics, utilitarianism, social Darwinism, and the new currents of thought in England and Germany; it began in various parts around the world, projects that considered the active termination of life, thus giving rise to euthanasia societies in which there were discussions between philosophers, theologians, lawyers, and medical doctors. Those societies discussed diverse cases, such as the tuberculous patient Roland Gerkan, who was considered unfit and therefore a candidate to be released from the world [ 16 ]. The scarcity of resources, famine, and wars were reasons to promote euthanasia as a form of elimination of subjects considered weak or unfit, as argued in texts such as Ernst Haeckel's. However, opponents to the practice, such as Binding and Hoche, defended the principle of free will in 1920 [ 16 ].

5.2. Euthanasia in the time of the Nazis

As mentioned above, the term euthanasia was misused during this period; approximately 275,000 subjects (as reported at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal 1945–1946), who had some degree of physical or mental disability, were killed during Adolf Hitler's Euthanasia program [ 13 ]. However, the Nazis were not the first to practice a form of eugenics under the name of euthanasia, since the early 1900s in London had already begun the sterilization of the rejected, such as the blind, deaf, mentally retarded, people with epilepsy, criminals, and rapists. This practice spread to different countries like Sweden and the United States [ 13 , 16 ].

For the Nazis, euthanasia represented the systematic murder of those whose lives were unworthy of living [ 13 ]. The name given to this doctrine was “Aktion T4”. At first and by law, from 1939, the hospitals were obliged to account for all disabled newborns, which led to the execution of more than 5000 newborns utilizing food deprivation or lethal injection [ 12 , 18 ].

A year before that law, in 1938, one of the first known cases of euthanasia in children arose in Germany. That history called the story of child K, in which it was the father of the minor who asked Hitler in writing for euthanasia for his son because the child had a severe mental disability and critical morphic disorders. Hitler gave his consent to carry out the procedure on child K, and thus the program began to spread throughout the Aleman territory. Since then, physicians and nurses had been in charge of reporting the newborns with alterations, arising the “Kinderfachabteilugen” for the internment of children who would be sentenced to death after a committee's decision [ 12 , 18 , 19 ]. A list of diseases and conditions that were considered undesirable to be transmitted to Hitler's superior Aryan race was determined; thus, any child with idiocy, mongolism, blindness, deafness, hydrocephalus, paralysis, and spinal, head, and hip malformations were eligible for euthanasia [ 19 ].

Subsequently, the program was extended to adults with chronic illness, so those people were selected and transported by T4 personnel to psychiatric sanatoriums strategically located far away. There, the ill patients received the injection of barbiturate overdoses, and carbon monoxide poisoning was tested as a method of elimination, surging the widely known gas chamber of the concentration camp extermination; this situation occurred before 1940 [ 12 , 19 ]. Again, physicians and nurses were the ones who designated to the patients to receive those procedures; in this case, these health professionals supported Nazi exterminations. They took the patients to the sanatoriums, where psychiatrists evaluated them and designated with red color if they should die and with a blue color if they were allowed to live (this form of selection was similar in children) [ 12 , 13 , 19 ]. In this case, the pathologies considered as criteria for death were those generating disability such as schizophrenia, paralysis, syphilis with sequelae, epilepsy, chorea, patients with chronic diseases with many recent treatments, subjects of non-German origin and individuals of mixed blood [ 19 ]. Once in the sanatoriums, they were informed that they would undergo a physical evaluation and take a shower to disinfect themselves; instead, they were killed in gas chambers [ 12 , 13 ]. Despite the church's action in 1941 against Nazis and after achieving suspension of the Aktion T4 project; the Nazi supporters kept the practices secretly, resuming them in 1942, with the difference that the victims were killed by lethal injection, by an overdose of drugs, or left to starve to death, instead of the use of gas chambers. This new modified form of euthanasia, which did not include gas chambers, became known as “savage euthanasia” [ 12 , 13 , 19 ].

5.3. Euthanasia since the 1960s

In September 1945, trials began for crimes perpetrated by Nazi supporters; the victorious Allied forces conducted these trials at the end of the war. During these tribunals, cases of human experimentation were identified and the public exposure of the Nazi euthanasia program. After the Nuremberg trials and the abolition of Nazi experiments, a series of seven documents emerged, among which the Nuremberg code containing the ten basic principles for human research stood out [ 20 , 21 ].

After these judgments, biotechnology was accelerated, with the apparition of new techniques to intervene in the health-disease process. Additionally, the increase in life expectancy and the appearance of diseases that chronically compromise the state of health of people generated a change in the conception of the critically ill patient and the terminal state of life [ 20 , 21 ]. Cases such as Karen Ann Quinlan brought to the forefront the issue of euthanasia and precisely the control of extreme treatment measures. Karen, a young American woman, was left in a vegetative state due to severe neurological damage following alcohol and barbiturate intoxication. After six months in that state and under the guardianship of a Catholic priest, Karen's parents requested the removal of the artificial respirator, arguing that in her state of consciousness prior to the incident, she had stated that she disagreed with artificially maintaining life in comatose patients. The hospital refused to remove the ventilator, arguing the legal issues for the date, and the parents went to court, which in the first instance granted the hospital the right. Nevertheless, the New Jersey Supreme Court granted Karen Ann's right to die in peace and dignity. Despite the withdrawal of the artificial respirator, he continued to live until 1985, when he finally died [ [21] , [22] , [23] ].

Another important case was Paul Brophy, which also occurred in the United States. Paul was a firefighter in Massachusetts and went into a deep coma due to the rupture of a basilar artery aneurysm; initially, his family advocated for support measures but later requested the hospital to disconnect these means to allow death, as Paul had indicated when he was still conscious. The hospital refused to carry out this procedure, so the family went to court, where the removal of the support measures (gastrostomy) was initially denied. Hence, the family went to the state supreme court, achieving the transfer of Paul to another medical center where the gastrostomy was removed, leading to his death within a few days [ 23 ].

The case of Arthur Koestler, an influential English writer and activist diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and later with leukemia, who served as vice-president of the voluntary euthanasia society (Exit) and wrote a manual book with practical advice for euthanasia called “Guide to Self-Liberation”. He stood out because he applied one of his advice and ingested an overdose of barbiturates, causing his self-death. According to his writings, Koestler was not afraid of death but of the painful process of dying [ 23 ]. In this sense, it was a relevant case because it involved someone who held an important position in an association that advocated euthanasia, in addition to being the author of several works, which made him a recognized public figure [ 23 ].

Baby Doe was a case that also occurred in the United States; it was a small child with Down syndrome who had a tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia; in this case, surgery was necessary. On the advice of the obstetrician, the parents did not allow surgery, so the hospital managers took the case before a judge who ruled that parents could decide to perform or not the surgery. The case was appealed before a county judge who upheld the parents' power to make the decision, in the course of which the case became public and many families offered to take care of the child; however, before the case reached the supreme court, the child died at six days of age [ 23 ].

In the case of Ingrid Frank, a German woman who was in a quadriplegic state by a traffic accident, who initially sought rehabilitation but later insisted on being allowed to die; it was provided with a drink containing a cyanide solution that she drank. At the same time, she was filmed, which shows a kind of assisted suicide. For that reason, this is another case that deals with this issue and is important to know as background in the development of euthanasia and assisted suicide [ 22 , 23 ].

6. Current and future perspectives

The definition of brain death, the rational use of the concept of euthanasia and assisted suicide, and scientific literacy are the objectives of global bioethics to regulate euthanasia and assisted suicide, which can be accessible in all health systems [ [24] , [25] , [26] , [27] , [28] , [29] , [30] ]. End-of-life care will continue to be a subject of debate due to the struggle between biomedical principles, the different existing legal frameworks, and the general population's beliefs. Medical education and preparation in the perception of death, especially of a dignified death, seems to be the pillar of the understanding of the need to develop medical-legal tools that guarantee the integrity of humans until the end of their existence [ 31 , 32 ]. This is the reason why the new generations of physicians must be trained in bioethics to face these ethical conflicts during the development of their professional careers.

In addition, although the conception of bioethics belongs to the Western world, it is crucial to take into account the point of view of other cultures and creeds, for example, a study carried out in Turkey, where nursing students were questioned, found that many of them understood the reasons for performing euthanasia; however, they know that Islam prohibits it, as well as its legislation, and therefore they would not participate in this type of procedure [ 33 ]. Furthermore, Christianism and Islam prohibit euthanasia, but Judaism also prohibits it; in general, the so-called Abrahamic religions are contrary to any form of assisted death, whether it is active euthanasia, passive, or assisted suicide [ 34 ].

7. Conclusiones

The history and evolution of euthanasia and assisted suicide have been traumatic throughout human history. The church, politics, and biomedical research have been decisive in defining these concepts. Over the years, the legal framework and bioethical concepts on euthanasia have been strengthened. However, there is still much work to educate the general population and health professionals about end-of-life care and dignified death.

It is also important to remember that life is a concept that goes beyond biology. Currently, bioethics seeks to prioritize the concept of dignity, which must be linked to the very definition of life. Although the phrase is often heard that it is not necessary to move to be alive, what is important is that person feels worthy even if they have limited movement. The person's treatment must be individualized in bioethics since each individual is a unique unit. Therefore, medical paternalism must be abandoned. Instead, the subject must be more involved to understand their context and perception of life and dignity.

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All authors equally contributed to the analysis and writing of the manuscript.

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Sabrina Rahman. Independent University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [email protected] .

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The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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Euthanasia and assisted dying: the illusion of autonomy—an essay by Ole Hartling

Read our coverage of the assisted dying debate.

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  • Ole Hartling , former chairman
  • Danish Council of Ethics, Denmark
  • hartling{at}dadlnet.dk

As a medical doctor I have, with some worry, followed the assisted dying debate that regularly hits headlines in many parts of the world. The main arguments for legalisation are respecting self-determination and alleviating suffering. Since those arguments appear self-evident, my book Euthanasia and the Ethics of a Doctor’s Decisions—An Argument Against Assisted Dying 1 aimed to contribute to the international debate on this matter.

I found it worthwhile to look into the arguments for legalisation more closely, with the hope of sowing a little doubt in the minds of those who exhibit absolute certainty in the matter. This essay focuses on one point: the concept of “autonomy.”

(While there are several definitions of voluntary, involuntary, and non-voluntary euthanasia as well as assisted dying, assisted suicide, and physician assisted suicide, for the purposes of brevity in this essay, I use “assisted dying” throughout.)

Currently, in richer countries, arguments for legalising assisted dying frequently refer to the right to self-determination—or autonomy and free will. Our ability to self-determine seems to be unlimited and our right to it inviolable. The public’s response to opinion poll questions on voluntary euthanasia show that people can scarcely imagine not being able to make up their own minds, nor can they imagine not having the choice. Moreover, a healthy person answering a poll may have difficulty imagining being in a predicament where they simply would not wish to be given the choice.

I question whether self-determination is genuinely possible when choosing your own death. In my book, I explain that the choice will always be made in the context of a non-autonomous assessment of your quality of life—that is, an assessment outside your control. 1

All essential decisions that we make are made in relation to other people. Our decisions are affected by other people, and they affect other people. Although healthy people find it difficult to imagine themselves in situations where they do not decide freely, it is also true that all of us are vulnerable and dependent on others.

Yet autonomy in relation to assisted dying is often viewed in the same way as our fundamental right to choose our own course in life. If we are able to control our lives, then surely we can also control our death. Autonomy with respect to your own death, however, is already halved: you can choose to die if you don’t want to live, but you cannot choose to live if you are about to die.

Decisions about your own death are not made in normal day-to-day contexts. The wish to die arises against a backdrop: of desperation, a feeling of hopelessness, possibly a feeling of being superfluous. Otherwise, the wish would not be there. Thus, it is under these circumstances that the right to self-determination is exercised and the decision is made. Such a situation is a fragile basis for autonomy and an even more fragile basis for decision making. The choice regarding your own death is therefore completely different from most other choices usually associated with the concept of autonomy.

Here are just some of the critical matters that would arise if assisted dying were legalised.

A duty to die

The possibility of choosing to die would inhabit everyone’s consciousness—the patient, the doctor, the relatives, and the care staff—even if not formulated as an out-and-out offer. But if a law on assisted dying gives the patient a right to die, that right may turn into a duty to die. How autonomously can the weakest people act when the world around them deems their ill, dependent, and pained quality of life as beyond recovery?

Patients can find themselves directly or indirectly under duress to choose that option if they consider themselves sufficiently pained and their quality of life sufficiently low. Patients must be at liberty to choose assisted dying freely, of course—that is how it is presented—but the point is that the patient cannot get out of having to choose. It has been called the “prison of freedom.”

Internalised external pressure

Pressure on the patient does not have to be direct or articulated. As pointed out by the US professor of biomedical ethics Daniel Sulmasy it may exist as an “internalised external pressure.” 2 Likewise, the French bioethicist Emmanuel Hirsch states that individual autonomy can be an illusion. The theologian Nigel Biggar quotes Hirsch saying that a patient “may truly want to die, but this desire is not the fruit of his freedom alone, it may be—and most often is—the translation of the attitude of those around him, if not of society as a whole which no longer believes in the value of his life and signals this to him in all sorts of ways. Here we have a supreme paradox: someone is cast out of the land of the living and then thinks that he, personally, wants to die.” 3

The end of autonomy

An inherent problem of autonomy in connection with assisted dying is that a person who uses his or her presumed right to self-determination to choose death definitively precludes himself or herself from deciding or choosing anything. Where death is concerned, your right to self- determination can be exerted only by disposing of it for good. By your autonomy, in other words, you opt to no longer have autonomy. And those around must respect the right to self-determination. The respect refers to a person who is respected, but this is precisely the person who disappears.

Danish philosopher Johannes Sløk, who supported legalisation, said, “The actual concept of death has no content, for death is the same as nothing, and one cannot choose between life and nothing. Rather, therefore, one must speak of opting out; one opts out of life, without thereby choosing anything else. Death is not ‘something other’ than life; it is the cessation or annihilation of life.”

Autonomy is a consistent principle running through the care and management of patients and is enshrined in law. However, a patient’s autonomy means that he or she has the right to decline any treatment. It does not entail a right to have any treatment the patient might wish for. Patients do not have the right to demand treatment that signifies another’s duty to fulfil that right. If that were so, autonomy would be the same as “autocracy”—rule of the self over others. Even though patients have the right to reject any intervention, they do not have the right to demand any intervention. Rejecting any claim that the person might make is not a violation of a patient’s self- determination—for example, there may be sound medical reasons for not complying with a demand. The doctor also has autonomy, allowing him or her to say no. Refusing to kill a person or assist in killing cannot be a violation of that person’s autonomy.

The killing ban

Assisted dying requires the doctor’s moral and physical help. It is a binding agreement between two people: the one who is to be killed and the one who is to kill or assist in killing. But our society does not condone killing as a relationship between two legally competent, consenting people. Exemptions from the killing ban involve war or self-defence and are not justified on the grounds that the killing is done for the “benefit” of someone else.

Valuation of a life

If the action is to be decriminalised, as some people wish, it means the doctor will have to enter into deliberations and arguments for and against a request for assisted dying each time. That is, whether he or she is willing to grant it. The alternative would be to refer the patient to another doctor who might be willing to help—that doctor would still have to assess whether the patient’s life was worth preserving.

Thus, autonomy is not the only factor or even always the key factor when deciding whether assisted dying can be granted. It is not only the patient’s own evaluation that is crucial. The value of the patient’s life must also be assessed as sufficiently low. This demonstrates the limitation of the patient’s self-determination.

Relieving suffering

If a competent and legally capable person must have the option of voluntarily choosing assisted dying in the event of unbearable suffering, why does suffering have to be a requirement? The answer is straightforward: our concepts of assisted dying imply that compassion must form a crucial aspect of the decision—mercy killing and compassionate killing are synonyms. But this leads instantly to the question of why we should not also perform assisted dying on people who are not in a position to ask for it themselves but are also suffering.

Some people find the reasoning unproblematic. It stands to reason that relieving suffering is a duty after all. But in this context it is not unproblematic, because it effectively shifts the focus from the autonomy claimed. According to prevailing ideas about autonomy, patients initially evaluate their quality of life themselves, but ultimately it is those around them who end up gauging that quality and the value of their life. That is to say, the justification for assisted dying is borne on the premise that certain lives are not worth living rather than the presence of a request. The whole point is that in the process, respect for the right to self-determination becomes relative.

Autonomy is largely an illusion in the case of assisted dying. 1 A patient overwhelmed by suffering may be more in need of compassion, care, and love than of a kind offer to help end his or her life. It is not a question of whether people have a right to say that they are unworthy. It is a question of whether they have a right to be believed when saying it.

Ole Hartling is a physician of over 30 years standing, doctor of medical sciences at the University of Copenhagen, professor of health promotion at the University of Roskilde, and an author and co-author of several books and scientific articles published mainly in Scandinavia. Between 2000 and 2007 he was a member of the Danish Council of Ethics and its chair for five years. During this time, the council extensively debated the ethics of euthanasia and assisted dying.

Competing interests: I have read and understood BMJ policy on declaration of interests and have no relevant interests to declare.

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  • MacKellar C

good titles for an essay about euthanasia

  • Open access
  • Published: 21 May 2024

Ethical perspectives regarding Euthanasia, including in the context of adult psychiatry: a qualitative interview study among healthcare workers in Belgium

  • Monica Verhofstadt 1 ,
  • Loïc Moureau 2 ,
  • Koen Pardon 1 &
  • Axel Liégeois 2 , 3  

BMC Medical Ethics volume  25 , Article number:  60 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Previous research has explored euthanasia’s ethical dimensions, primarily focusing on general practice and, to a lesser extent, psychiatry, mainly from the viewpoints of physicians and nurses. However, a gap exists in understanding the comprehensive value-based perspectives of other professionals involved in both somatic and psychiatric euthanasia. This paper aims to analyze the interplay among legal, medical, and ethical factors to clarify how foundational values shape the ethical discourse surrounding euthanasia in both somatic and psychiatric contexts. It seeks to explore these dynamics among all healthcare professionals and volunteers in Belgium.

Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 Dutch-speaking healthcare workers who had encountered patients requesting euthanasia for psychiatric conditions, in Belgium, from August 2019 to August 2020. Qualitative thematic analysis was applied to the interview transcripts.

Participants identified three pivotal values and virtues: religious values, professional values, and fundamental medical values encompassing autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence, linked to compassion, quality care, and justice. These values interwove across four tiers: the patient, the patient’s inner circle, the medical realm, and society at large. Irrespective of their euthanasia stance, participants generally displayed a blend of ethical values across these tiers. Their euthanasia perspective was primarily shaped by value interpretation, significance allocation to key components, and tier weighting. Explicit mention of varying ethical values, potentially indicating distinct stances in favor of or against euthanasia, was infrequent.

The study underscores ethical discourse’s central role in navigating euthanasia’s intricate landscape. Fostering inclusive dialogue, bridging diverse values, supports informed decision-making, nurturing justice, and empathy. Tailored end-of-life healthcare in psychiatry is essential, acknowledging all involved actors’ needs. The study calls for interdisciplinary research to comprehensively grasp euthanasia’s multifaceted dimensions, and guiding policy evolution. While contextualized in Belgium, the implications extend to the broader euthanasia discourse, suggesting avenues for further inquiry and cross-cultural exploration.

Peer Review reports

Medical assistance in dying is allowed in 27 jurisdictions in the world and if so, it is mainly restricted to the terminally ill (see BOX 1 in OSF) [ 1 ]. Medical assistance in dying entails that a patient’s death request can be granted via euthanasia , defined as the intentional termination of life by a physician at the patient’s explicit request, which is currently decriminalised in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, and New Zealand. In addition, it can be granted by means of assisted suicide , also defined as the intentional termination of life by a physician at the patient’s explicit request, but in these cases, the lethal drugs are provided by a physician and self-administered by the patient at a time of the latter’s own choosing (e.g., Australia, Austria, Switzerland, United States). In some countries, not only a physician, but also a nurse practitioner can be involved in the procedure (e.g., Canada, New Zealand).

Euthanasia has been legal in Belgium since 2002, positioning the country as a pioneer in this field with two decades of euthanasia practice [ 2 ]. According to Belgian legislation, individuals can be deemed eligible for euthanasia when they are, among other criteria, in a medically futile state characterized by constant and unbearable physical or psychological suffering resulting from a serious and incurable disorder caused by accident or illness [ 2 ]. Belgium is one of the few countries that does not exclude people from assisted dying who suffer predominantly from irremediable psychiatric conditions (see BOX 2 in OSF for all legal criteria in Belgium). As regards prevalence, euthanasia accounted for up to 3.1% of all registered deaths in 2023 in Belgium [ 3 ]. Whereas most registered euthanasia deaths concerned the terminally ill (approximately 84%), predominantly suffering from cancer, only 48 or 1.4% of euthanasia deaths concerned non-terminally ill adults predominantly suffering from psychiatric conditions. Since euthanasia was legalised, in total 457 such euthanasia cases have been reported, less than 1.5% of all registered euthanasia cases in Belgium [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ].

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg, as there is reason to believe that the total number of requests for euthanasia in Belgium (regardless of outcome), is at least 10 times higher. For instance, recent annual reports from Vonkel, an end-of-life consultation centre in Belgium, revealed around 100 unique patients per year applying for euthanasia for psychiatric reasons. Less than 10% of those euthanasia requests were reported to be carried out [ 10 , 11 , 12 ]. Moreover, a recent survey among psychiatrists working in Flanders, Belgium, revealed that 8 out of 10 respondents had been confronted at least once throughout their career with patients requesting euthanasia for psychiatric reasons [ 13 ]. The survey also showed that, although three-quarters are supportive of not excluding the option of euthanasia for this specific patient group [ 14 ], the majority is hesitant to be actively engaged in a euthanasia procedure [ 13 , 14 ]. The literature ascribed the reluctance to the complexity of euthanasia assessment in this patient group, inherently high in professional and emotional demands [ 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ]. The complexity was for a large part described in terms of the practical considerations surrounding euthanasia requests and assessment, e.g., whether and when these patients can meet the legal criteria.

There is thus reason to believe that healthcare workers’ overarching ethical considerations influence their attitudes on euthanasia in general and in the context of psychiatry specifically, and their practice. As empirical in-depth studies are lacking, this area is largely understudied. To date, only two recent qualitative studies among Dutch physicians emphasised the value-based reasons for euthanasia decision-making, but did not [ 20 ] or only summarily [ 21 ] scratch the specific context of psychiatry. Another recent qualitative study among Dutch physicians, including psychiatrists, emphasized the value-based reasons for supportive attitudes towards euthanasia, e.g. the value of self-determination, compassion, fairness, and suicide prevention, versus the value-based reasons for not supporting euthanasia, e.g. the mission of medicine of hope and healing [ 22 ]. Furthermore, a recent systematic review described the main ethical challenges surrounding the euthanasia practice in the context of psychiatry [ 23 ]. However, this ethical debate was mainly concentrated on the permissibility and implementation of euthanasia from a practical-clinical point of view, e.g. whether euthanasia in the context of psychiatry should be permitted, and why the legal requirements can (not) be adequately embedded in the field of psychiatric medicine. How practically and juridically relevant these considerations may be, they remain the outcome of ethical values being weighed up, which means that no single consideration can be considered ethically irrelevant, neutral, or value-free. Moreover, the review was based on articles that have been selected in a timeframe in which sound empirical data regarding euthanasia in the context of psychiatry were largely lacking.

Also, the overarching value-based views of other professionals involved in psychiatric euthanasia practice have not yet been studied. This is striking, as a recent Belgian survey study revealed that that half of the psychiatric nurses (53%) are frequently and directly confronted with such euthanasia requests [ 24 ], but in-depth insights into their value-based views are lacking. Furthermore, there are many more formal caregivers, other than psychiatric nurses, involved in euthanasia assessment procedures. End-of-life centres employ e.g., paramedical personnel such as psychologists, psychiatric nurses for intake and registration purposes, and well-trained volunteer personnel such as buddies, entrusted with the task to help these patients to cope with the euthanasia procedure. In addition, rehabilitation-oriented support groups (REAKIRO) were established to help these patients (and their relatives) in walking the tightrope of life and death [ 25 ]. All of these caregivers may also have an unacknowledged but influential role in these euthanasia assessment procedures, and therefore, an interesting perspective to reflect on euthanasia legislation and practice. Gaining insight into healthcare workers’ ethical considerations related to euthanasia in psychiatry will lay bare the ethical foundations underlying current practice and is important to inform and spark further debate around this extremely thorny issue, and to promote sound ethical analysis.

Hence, the purpose of this research is to explore healthcare workers’ ethical considerations regarding euthanasia in general and euthanasia concerning adults suffering predominantly from psychiatric conditions in particular.

Theoretical research framework

Our research was guided by the framework of ‘critical social constructionism’ [ 26 ], providing a nuanced perspective that diverges from the acknowledgment of an objective reality. This approach intricately examines the interplay of personal, social, and societal dimensions within the phenomena under study. It necessitates an acknowledgment of the layered complexities influencing our understanding of phenomena such as euthanasia, a notion supported by both our prior research [ 27 ] and additional studies [ 23 , 28 ].

Our interpretation of the data was informed by social constructionism, which recognizes the role of internalized societal norms in shaping individuals’ perceptions of reality over time. Furthermore, we embraced a contextualist epistemology [ 29 ], acknowledging the contextual influence on knowledge formation among both researchers and participants. This methodological approach aimed to capture diverse lived experiences (e.g., diversity in clinical and euthanasia trajectories) and perspectives, including varied attitudes toward euthanasia based on specific relationships (e.g., professional healthcare worker or volunteer). Consequently, we maintained a reflexive stance regarding the potential impact of our individual experiences and identities on our analyses and interpretations, as elaborated in the Ethical Considerations section.

Study design

The qualitative research design consisted of semi-structured face-to-face interviews with healthcare workers in Flanders and Brussels, Belgium.


All participants were Dutch-speaking and had at least one concrete experience with euthanasia requests and procedures concerning adults with psychiatric conditions in the period 2016–2020, either as professional or volunteer healthcare workers. We adopted a broad recruitment approach, with a particular focus on all healthcare providers directly involved in medical practice rather than in managerial or policy-making roles. No further exclusion criteria were employed.

Recruitment and interview procedure

Purposive sampling was used to ensure diversity and heterogeneity in terms of: participants’ affiliation with institutions holding different stances on ‘euthanasia and psychiatry’; being to a different extent confronted with these euthanasia procedures as regards the amount of experiences (sporadically versus regularly); the nature of the experiences (e.g. confronted with or engaged in euthanasia procedures that were still under review or that had been rejected, granted, performed or withdrawn); and their specific role as professional or volunteer healthcare worker.

Participants were recruited via assistance of our contact persons at: (1) the end-of-life consultation centre Vonkel; (2) the Brothers of Charity; (3) the rehabilitation-oriented centre REAKIRO in Louvain; and (4) the Review Belgian Euthanasia Law for psychological suffering (REBEL) group, a group of Belgian physicians (e.g. psychiatrists), therapists (e.g. psychologists) as well as academics who express their concern on euthanasia in the context of psychiatry via the media. Participants were also recruited via a notice on the sites, newsflashes and/or in the online newsletters of LEIF (Life End Information Forum), Recht op Waardig Sterven (the Flemish Right to Die with Dignity Society) and Vlaamse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (Flemish Psychiatric Association).

Potential participants contacted MV or a study assistant by phone or mail. The patients were then given an information letter and informed consent form that consisted of 2 main parts. All interviews were conducted by MV or a study assistant, who both have experience in conducting interviews on end-of-life topics. Interviews were held at the participant’s location of choice, except for five interviews which were held online via video call by Whereby 14 due to the Covid-19 crisis lockdown regulations. Interviews lasted between 55 min and 2 h, and were audio recorded (the online video interviews were recorded by Whereby’s software and immediately transferred in an mp.3 format).


The interview guide (see OSF) contained the following consecutive questions of importance to the present report: (1) What is your personal stance regarding euthanasia as a legalised medical end-of-life option? and (2) What is your personal stance regarding euthanasia in the context of psychiatry?

Data management and analysis

We used a model of sampling-based saturation, namely inductive thematic saturation, that relates to the emergence of new themes (defined as 7 consecutive interviews without new themes) [ 30 ]. We continued to recruit and conduct interviews so that the sample would be heterogenous in terms of socio-demographics, clinical profile, and clinical setting. In particular, our focus was on recruiting individuals with the following profiles: psychologists, male psychiatric nurses and moral consultants/spiritual caregivers employed in residential psychiatric settings ( n  = 5).

All interviews were then transcribed verbatim and de-identified by the interviewers.

We made use of hybrid inductive and deductive coding and theme development by means of a 2-staged process. Stage 1 consisted of an inductive data-driven thematic coding procedure.

We made use of these four phases; (1) identification and coding of all transcripts; (2) the placing of the codes in subthemes, i.e., arguments in favour versus critical concerns; (3) the placing of these subthemes in overarching main themes, i.e., different stakeholders (patient/medicine/society); (4) the comparison and discussion of the findings (with all co-authors). In addition to the inductive approach, we also used a deductive, theory-driven template approach during stage 2. We made use of these four phases; 1) the development of an ethical interpretation framework (see OSF). The framework consists of four key concepts, each involving a multitude of ethical concepts: (a) ethical theories and methodologies, (b) ethical values, (c) basic ethical virtues, and (d) dialogue/decision making ethics; 2) the identification of codes that fit the ethical framework and the theory-driven renaming of these codes; 3) the placing of some of the subthemes in an additional main theme; and 4) the comparison and discussion of the findings (with all co-authors).

Ethical considerations

The research team comprised two experienced clinical psychologists, one specializing in euthanasia within the cancer patient population and the other skilled in conducting interviews on this sensitive topic within the adult psychiatric context. Additionally, two ethicists with expertise in assisted dying, including euthanasia, were part of the team. Some authors also have backgrounds in psychiatric practice, including outpatient and residential settings, while others bring expertise through personal experiences. Furthermore, all contributing authors have personal and/or professional connections with individuals navigating death ideation, offering diverse perspectives on euthanasia. Additionally, some authors hold religious beliefs, while others maintain a more agnostic stance. These perspectives vary depending on the predominant viewpoints adopted—whether that of the patient, a close relation, a clinician, an ethicist, or policy stances. To mitigate potential undue influence on data interpretation, three team assemblies were convened. These sessions served to share firsthand encounters from interviews and their outcomes, fostering reflection and deliberation among team members. This proactive measure was implemented to prevent both personal and professional biases from affecting the interpretation of the data.

The main characteristics of the 30 participants are listed in Table  1 . The sample consisted of 16 physicians, 7 other care professionals (ranging from psychiatric nurses to mobile support teams), and 7 volunteers, all of whom were engaged in one or more euthanasia procedures predominantly based on psychiatric conditions.

The participating physicians held various roles regarding the handling of euthanasia requests:

1 physician refused to discuss the request with the patient on principle grounds.

7 physicians managed the clarification of euthanasia requests from their own patients or referred them to colleagues for further clarification.

10 physicians provided one of the two legally required formal advices or an additional advice on the euthanasia request.

5 physicians performed the act of euthanasia.

3 physicians held a more normative, dissuasive stance against euthanasia in the context of psychiatry but were willing to explore and discuss the euthanasia request with the patient.

The sample further included 14 non-physicians, among them members holding one or more roles:

2 members were part of mobile teams providing psychiatric care and support in the patient’s home setting.

3 were psychiatric nurses working either in a general hospital or in a psychiatric residential setting.

2 were Experts by Experience, individuals with a history of mental distress trained to provide support for individuals new to the euthanasia procedure and/or rehabilitation approaches.

3 were buddies, individuals entrusted with assisting and supporting the patient throughout the euthanasia procedure.

3 were moral consultants/spiritual caregiver, tasked with offering various forms of existential guidance and support to patients considering euthanasia, including religious, moral, and/or other perspectives.

5 were consultants at end-of-life information and/or consultation centers responsible for patient intake.

Participants’ ethical considerations regarding euthanasia, in the broadest context of medicine

As can be seen from the coding structure in Table  2 , we ordered coding categories on the level of 1) the individual patient, 2) the patient’s social inner circle, 3) the (para)medical field, and 4) the society. Note that words used verbatim by the interviewees (often interview fragments instead of quotes, as to better illuminate the complexities and nuances of interviewees’ first-hand lived experiences) from the transcribed interviews are incorporated that provide both additional insightful details and reveal the at times interwoven nature of the analysed codes.”

The level of the individual patient

On the level of the individual patient, the following five ethical considerations were distinguished: (1) autonomy, (2) dignity, (3) quality of life, (4) compassion, and (5) the meaning and transformative value of suffering.

First, Autonomy was a recurrent theme in all the interviews. Some participants expressly valued individual autonomy , and more specifically its following two underpinning characteristics: (1) self-determination in terms of the fundamental right for each individual to direct the course of one’s own life, which also includes ‘taking control over the timing and circumstances of one’s end-of-life’, and (2) freedom of choice , as they strongly believed that individuals are free to choose what meaning and purpose they assign to their lives. According to them, as each individual should be enabled ‘to live according to one’s own value system’, so should the ending of one’s life also be congruent with one’s own value system. Hence, in their opinion, euthanasia should remain ‘one of the many options to die’.

Other participants called this individualistic approach of autonomy ‘unrealistic’ or even ‘delusional’, as it shies away from: (1) the relational account of autonomy, in which a true autonomous decision was seen as the outcome of a decision-making process which is shaped by individual, social and contextual components, and (2) the internalised downside of autonomy, as the feeling underpinning many euthanasia requests, namely ‘not wanting to be a burden to others’ may lead to ‘self-sacrifice’ and ‘the duty to die’ under the false pretence of autonomy. In addition, some pointed to the power of susceptibility and subliminality, as human beings are subliminal creatures whose behaviour is continuously influenced on both a subconscious and even conscious level. Consequently, internalised pressure cannot be excluded when a patient requests euthanasia. One psychiatrist even stated that ‘ there exists no such thing as a free will, as human beings are always manipulated in many areas of human life and functioning’ .

“I believe that that there should still be places in society where you could die without considering euthanasia. While many people today are facing dementia, and you almost must…. Interviewer: Yes. “Yes, like how should I deal with it? Should I exit life before it becomes inevitable dementia or something similar? Because I think that in a neo-liberal society, many people internalize the idea that at some point, it becomes a moral duty to step aside. They feel obliged to eliminate themselves. Self-elimination. In a neo-liberal model, as long as you can keep up and contribute, everything is fine. But if you can’t keep up, well, if you cannot fully exercise autonomy, then… Essentially, you should hold your honour and step aside.” (spiritual caregiver)

Second, participants mentioned euthanasia as an option to die with dignity . For those in favour of the Law, euthanasia is considered (1) a ‘dignified way of dying’ when everything that leads up to death, including individual, medical, and social needs and expectations, is consistent with one’s own sense of integrity, belief-system and lifestyle, and (2) a ‘good death’, when referring to the literal meaning of the concept ‘euthanasia’, namely ‘a soft and gentle passing’. Other participants raised concerns on the reference to euthanasia and dignified dying in the same breath, as if “ other ways of dying are not or less dignified ”.

Third, the value of quality of life underpinned the arguments made in favour of the Law on Euthanasia, as (1) life itself should not be prolonged unnecessarily, (2) meaningless suffering should be prevented, and (3) a good life should pertain to all stages in life, from the very beginning until the very end, which is feasible if quality of dying circumstances can be guaranteed. As one buddy stated: “ Living a full and good life implies dying a good death ”. Other participants made use of this value underpinning their argument against euthanasia, based on (1) the “protect-worthiness” of life itself and (2) the suffering that must be considered an inherent feature of the human condition.

Fourth, and seamlessly fitting with the former value, divergent courses also emerged regarding the aspect of how to deal with suffering . Some participants were in favour of euthanasia out of compassion in terms of (1) bringing a kind of relief to the patient when providing her the prospect of an end to the suffering and (2) ending the suffering once it has become ‘useless and meaningless’ and ‘disclosing the limits of the carrying capacity of the self’. Some participants referred to the insufficient degree of quality of life in some patients and valued euthanasia as sort of ‘ compensation for a life gone wrong’.

Others considered the option of euthanasia as compromising patients’ ability to accept, bear and cope with suffering experiences by offering the opportunity ‘to quickly resign from it’.

Some participants referred to the dynamic features and hence, the potential enriching value of suffering. They believed that one can and must revolt against the perception of pointless suffering, as suffering may offer unique opportunities to achieve personal growth through the realisation of self-actualising tendencies amidst the suffering and though all kinds of hardship and adversity in life. Therefore, the real challenge is to support the sufferer to (re)gain the ability to transform the suffering by means of redefining, accepting, and making sense of it. One psychiatrist referred to the Myth of Sisyphus and stated:

A rock that must be pushed up the mountain, which is terrible, and then Sisyphus lets the rock fall back down, and he must start all over again. And what is the purpose of that suffering? Pushing the rock up? It’s absurd, really, but still. I find it so vital, human, uh, yes. That is something that inspires me enormously and often makes me, well, yes, vitality and suffering, suffering is inherent to being, of course, and one can suffer, of course, that is very serious suffering, terrible suffering. I know that. But well, accept suffering, right? I’m not glorifying suffering, no, I don’t belong to that category. Some Catholics do that; the suffering of Christ, we must… No, not at all. Suffering is inherent to life. Interviewer: It’s just more bearable for some than for others. Interviewee: Then it’s our task to make it more bearable. Yes. (…) Look, that sets a dynamic in motion. By dynamic, I also mean movement. A euthanasia request is often rigid. I am for movement. That’s what Eastern philosophy teaches us too, that everything moves, and we must keep that movement and that the question may change or that people may also discover things. Or indeed, a suffering that is even more exposed, but on which one can then work. There is still much to do, yes, before the ultimate and final act of euthanasia, by a doctor for all sakes, should be considered. (psychiatrist)

The level of the patient’s inner circle

On the level of the social inner circle, the following three ethical considerations were distinguished: (1) involvement, (2) connectedness, and (3) attentiveness.

Some participants stressed that euthanasia can only be a soft and thus ‘good’ way of dying, if the patient’s social inner circle can be involved in the euthanasia procedure and if sufficient support to them can be provided. All participants in favour of the legal framework on euthanasia echoed the importance of the social circle being involved in an early stage of the euthanasia procedure, as the prospect of the end of life may challenge a patient’s ability of staying and feeling connected . If the euthanasia request is to be carried out, it offers a unique opportunity for both the patient and her social inner circle of consciously being present and sharing goodbyes. Other participants considered this reasoning as potentially deceiving, as concern was raised regarding the trap of false assumptions, in terms of words being left unspoken and the bottling up of one’s own needs for the sake of the other.

As the third doctor, I was asked to provide advice about someone, and the [adult child] was present, a charming [adult child]. The [adult child] was also very friendly but didn’t say much. The man explained why he himself wanted euthanasia and so on. To be honest, at first, I thought, “Well, this won’t take long,” because there were many arguments and reports I had received, but as the conversation went on, I started to feel something different. It turned into a very long conversation, during which the [adult child] also had their say. In short, the father believed that he couldn’t burden his children. He was a kind man who knew what he wanted, and his children were inclined to follow his idea, to follow his vision. However, the children thought, “Yes, we are actually going to agree with our father, and we’ll allow it,” but deep down, they still wanted to take good care of him. The father didn’t want them to take care of him, and there were many other things, but after that long conversation with the [adult child] and the father, and everything else, like, “We’ll still celebrate Christmas together,” there was a complete turnaround. The other physicians involved accepted this very well, and they said, “Okay, for us, it wasn’t clear. (physician)

In addition, concern was raised regarding the inner circle’s respect of individual patient autonomy and freedom of choice outweighing their r esponsibility and accountabilit y to take care for one another and to act according to all these subjects’ best interest.

Consequently, divergent discourses on the virtue of attentiveness emerged. Whereas for some, the euthanasia procedure may offer a unique opportunity for both the patient and her relatives to be better prepared for death and for the bereaved to better cope with grief, others pointed to the inner circle’s continued grappling with unresolved feelings and perceived helplessness after such a fast-track to death.

Yes, and sometimes I also see people, family members after such euthanasia, yeah, I’ve experienced it several times. They say things like, “Yes, I supported it, but I didn’t know it would affect me like this,” you know? They try to convince themselves, saying, “It was good, it was good, and I stand behind it.” Yeah, you are hardly allowed to do otherwise, but you feel that inner struggle in them, you know? Like, “Was it really okay?” But you can’t question it because you think, “Poor them,” but you still feel it, like, “How sad, how sad. (psychiatrist)

The level of medicine

The following five ethical considerations were distinguished: (1) professional duties, (2) responsibility to alleviate suffering, (3) subsidiarity, (4) professional integrity, and (5) monologic versus dialogic approaches.

First and as regards professional duties, it was (only) reported by some physicians that the physician’s duty is “ to provide good care, which includes good end-of-life care ”. Hence, physicians are the ones who should have euthanasia “as a tool in their end-of-life toolbox”. Others held a different stance and referred to Hippocrates’ Oath when stating that the physician’s duty is to save life at all costs.

Second, all the participants agreed that clinicians have the responsibility to alleviate the patient’s suffering . Whereas some welcomed the option of euthanasia due to the experienced limits of palliative care, that in some cases is deemed an insufficient response to intractable suffering, others stated that euthanasia is not needed as physicians have proper palliative care in their toolbox to alleviate all kinds and degrees of suffering.

Third and as regards the subsidiarity principle , opinions differed on the use of a palliative filter, i.e., whether a consultation with specialist palliative care units should precede euthanasia.

Fourth and as regards professional integrity , some participants relativized the physicians’ executive autonomy. As one psychiatrist stated “because in the end, we do not decide whether someone might die or not. We only decide whether we want to be of help and assist in it.” All the ones in favour of the current legal framework echoed that as physicians are the ones that have better access to the lethal drugs and the technical expertise to end the patient’s life in more efficacious ways than non-physicians, they should remain entrusted with euthanasia assessment procedures. Others (only physicians) criticized the Belgian legislator for placing too much power in the physicians’ hands so that the latter “ can play for God instead of using their pharmacological and technical know-how to save lives ”.

Fifth, and as regards the decision-making process, most participants valued the ethical principle of shared decision-making between the patient and her physicians, and some even preferred a triadic dialogue in which the patient, her relevant health carers and her social inner circle is involved in euthanasia assessment procedures. For most of them, this type of extended or relational autonomy is considered as best clinical euthanasia practice, especially when death is not foreseeable. According to some non-physicians, a strict dyadic patient-physician approach is to be preferred when death is reasonably foreseeable in a patient with sufficient mental competence. In this event, no intermediary should be tolerated as the medical secret is considered ‘sacred’. One participant elaborated further on this strict dyadic approach and said:

“ But actually, in my opinion, the request for euthanasia is something between two people. So…. Interviewer: The singular dialogue? “So, a relationship between the patient and the doctor, yes. That’s what I think. And I do understand that the legislation exists, primarily to protect the doctor against misuse or accusations, because euthanasia used to happen before too, but in secret. But for me as a doctor, it would be enough if a patient whom I’ve known for years, followed for years, maybe 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, and who is terminally ill, asks me in private, ‘I want it.’ For me, it doesn’t need to be more than that for me to say, ‘yes.’ So, there’s no need for a whole set of legislation, except of course to protect myself, maybe from the heirs who might have a different idea about it, yes, but I find it beautiful. And they say, you know, our legislation is such that you can write your euthanasia request on the back of a beer coaster and that’s enough, you know? But how it used to be, euthanasia happened just as well, that’s what I heard from my older colleagues. But it was done in private. Actually, that is the most beautiful sign of trust between a doctor and a patient. ” (Physician and consultant)

Others, all physicians without a favourable stance on euthanasia, considered medical paternalism morally justified in the end-of-life context, as (1) physicians have more intimate knowledge of the patient and are thus best placed to act in the patient’s best interests, (2) only the independent evaluation from well-trained and experienced physicians may rule out external or internalized pressure from the patient’s social inner circle, and (3) some patients may show impaired decision-making capacity when confronted with the end of life.

The level of society

As regards the origins and impact of euthanasia legislation on the level of society, the following four ethical themes emerged: (1) protection, (2) dignified dying, (3) solidarity, and (4) distributive justice.

First and as regards protection , some participants valued the existence of a legal framework for an ‘underground’ practice before 2002. According to them, this framework was highly needed to protect the patient against malicious practices and the physician against being charged for murder when ensuring herself that all the legal requirements are met.

So, I believe that it should be well-regulated in a state. In a country, it should be well-regulated. You can either be in favour of it, have reservations, or question it, but when it happens and many people want it or think it’s okay, then it should be regulated. And those, like me, who may be against it, have doubts about it, or wonder, “Is this really necessary?” I would say, or “Does it align with our purpose?” the existential comments that you can make about it, we must accept it because it would be terrible if it, well, it would be even worse if it happened in the underground, like before those laws were established, that’s, yeah. So, I think the laws should exist. Whether I would have made those laws is a different question, or whether I would vote for the parties in parliament that, you know, that support it, that’s another question, but apparently, here in North-western Europe, the need for those practices exists, and it should be regulated properly. And yes, it shouldn’t be left to amateurs or something like that, that’s not the intention. Yes, well, it serves to protect, both in terms of health and to ensure that it doesn’t become a business, of course. I’d prefer it to be integrated into the healthcare system rather than turning it into a profit-driven and exploitative affair for some others. So, that’s…. (psychiatric nurse)

Critical concerns were raised on the lack of protection of the most vulnerable people, i.e., the mentally ill and the elderly. Some of them referred to the amended Law in 2014, that also allowed minors to die by means of euthanasia – be it under more strict circumstances, inter alia, when based on unbearable physical suffering resulting from a medically terminal condition – and feared that the Law will be amended again, so it would no longer exclude the people suffering from dementia or for groups without serious incurable illness, e.g., the elderly with a perceived ‘completed life’.

Second, a major societal shift in thoughts regarding what constitutes dignified dying was reported. For some, the Law on Euthanasia reflects a nascent movement of death revivalism, in terms of people reclaiming control over their dying process. In this respect, euthanasia is deemed a counterreaction to the former dominant paternalistic attitude in Western society to systematically marginalise conversations on death and dying, e.g., due to the mechanisms of denial, avoidance, and postponement, and with the line between life and death increasingly held in physician’s hands, which has left many people ill-equipped to deal with dying and death. The current broad public support for euthanasia is seen as the individual patient taking back the decision-making process of dying and death in her own hands. They further considered euthanasia as a logical consequence of living an artificially prolonged life due to e.g., advances in medicine, that have not necessarily enhanced the quality of life.

“ One thing I also consider is that a part of our lives is artificially prolonged, you know. We don’t live longer because we are healthier, but because we have good pills or better surgical procedures, so we can afford to buy our health. So that part of life is still valuable to me, it’s not less valuable, but it’s artificially extended. So, I think we should keep that in mind, that we can prolong something artificially and maybe even go beyond a point where it no longer works. Interviewer: Beyond the expiration date? That’s what I was looking for (laughs). So, in that sense, I believe we should keep in mind that we can artificially extend something and then maybe, even if it’s just that artificial part, stop or be allowed to stop when the person no longer wants to, I think that makes perfect sense. ” (psychiatrist)

Others provided arguments against the increased death revivalism, referring to euthanasia as a ‘fast-track to death’ resulting in ‘the trivialisation of death’ in the face of formerly known and experienced Art of Dying. For instance, the current societal tendency to avoid suffering and the fear of dying may lead to patients (too quickly) resigning from a slow track to death, in which there is time to e.g., hold a wake.

But I won’t just grab a syringe, fill it up, and administer a lethal injection, you know? I follow the symptoms. And if they become uncomfortable, then I’ll increase the dosage so they can rest peacefully and not have to suffer. That’s what I call a dignified death. And if the family can be present, sometimes it takes a while for them to arrive, and they’ll say, “Come on, even a dog is not allowed to suffer that long.” Meanwhile, the person is just lying peacefully. But that too. Everything should, even that, should progress, and there isn’t much time left for vigil and, yes, I don’t want to romanticize it, but sometimes you see so much happening between families. There’re all kinds of things happening in those rooms, with the family, reconciliations being made. Memories being shared. “Oh, I didn’t know that about our father.“, an aunt walking in and telling a story. Well, so much still happens. I don’t want to romanticize it, but to say that all that time is useless, that’s not true either. And at the farewell, there’s always, the time, you think there’s time for it, but people are still taken aback when an infusion is given, that it can happen within a minute, even if they’re behind it and have been informed beforehand. Just a minute… and it’s done. The banality of death, it’s almost like that. (psychiatrist)

These and other participants also criticised ‘the romanticised image of euthanasia’, that masks the economics of the death system, taking financial advantage of ‘patients not wanting to be a burden to society’.

Third and consequently, divergent discourses on the value of solidarity emerged. For some, decades of civic engagement pointed to the need of death revivalism and patient empowerment, that resulted in the current legal framework. Others strongly criticised the lack of solidarity underpinning the legal framework on the following three counts: 1) the emphasis on patient autonomy is deemed a ’societal negligence in disguise’, as citizens are no longer urged to take care of others, 2) equating autonomy and dignity in euthanasia debates leads to the trap of viewing the ill or the elderly as having ‘undignified’ lives, and 3) wealth over health has become the credo of the current neoliberal society, as the Law on Euthanasia discourages further investments in health care but settles on the ‘commodification’ of health care.

“ I believe that we should take care of each other and especially care for the most vulnerable in our society. We shouldn’t just leave them to fend for themselves. I don’t think the motto should be all about autonomy, autonomy, and then the flip side, saying, “figure it out on your own.” That’s not acceptable. We have a responsibility to take care of each other. We are meant to care for one another. In biblical terms, we are each other’s keeper, right? “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Yes, I am my brother’s keeper. I must take care of each other, take care of others. So, I think in the long term, speaking maybe 100 years from now, people might say, “Sorry, that was a real mistake in the way they approached things.” I don’t know, but that’s looking at it from a meta-level, as historians call it, “longue durée,” and combining it with a neoliberal model, right? Neoliberalism and euthanasia thinking, it would be interesting to do a doctoral thesis on how they fit together perfectly. How they fit together perfectly… They are no longer patients, they are no longer clients, and I also don’t like the word ‘clients.’ They have become ‘users’. Sorry, but that’s our Dutch translation of the English word ‘consumers’ right? It’s like buying Dash detergent or a car; you buy care, just like the Personal Budget for people with disabilities. You buy your care, sorry, this goes against the very essence of what care fundamentally is. Care is a relationship between people; it’s not something you buy. It’s not something you say, “It’s a contract, and I want that.” It doesn’t work like that. [raising voice] The burden is on society. [end of raising voice] And when the money runs out, you have nothing left. If you can’t buy it, then it doesn’t come. “Here’s your little package,” that’s how it’s translated, and it’s always a hidden cost-cutting operation, let’s be very honest about it, a nice story, but it’s always a hidden cost-saving measure. I see right through that story, but well, big stories are always told, and they are always about saving money. [raising voice] It doesn’t bring anything, right? [end of raising voice] People’s self-reliance, they must stay at home, etc. How many people would benefit from going to a care centre, not at the end of their lives, but just because they feel totally lonely at home, but they can’t get in because nobody wants them there, as they don’t bring any profit. ” (spiritual caregiver)

Fourth, critical concerns were expressed concerning the lack of (distributive) justice due to the many existing misperceptions and misconceptions regarding medical end-of-life options that need to be uncovered. For instance, many people would be unaware of euthanasia and palliative sedation can both be dignified ways of dying, with euthanasia functioning as a fast-track and palliative sedation functioning as slow track to death. Also, the evolution of death literacy was contested: there was a sense that patients did not become more death literate, as many of them have insufficient knowledge of the content of the many end-of-life documents in circulation.

Yeah, I mean, you see, and I hear many people saying, “My papers are in order.” I won’t say every day, but I hear it almost every day, “My papers are in order.” That’s also something. It’s an illusion of control, right? Because what papers are they talking about? “My papers are in order.” When you ask them about it, they themselves don’t really know what that means, some kind of ‘living will’, ‘an advance care plan’, but yeah, with all… A living will or advance care plan is not that simple either, and then they think, “Oh, if I get dementia and I don’t recognize anyone anymore, they will give me an injection.” Ah yes, but then we are in a different domain, and that’s a whole other… But yeah, people are not well-informed, I find. They have totally wrong ideas and sometimes fear the wrong things, don’t know what is possible and what is not, and they also let themselves believe all kinds of things. Well, there are many misconceptions out there. (psychiatrist)

Participants’ ethical considerations regarding the additional procedural criteria for people with a non-terminal illness

As can be seen from the coding structure in Table  3 , participants made use of the principle justice to motivate their stance on additional (procedural) criteria that people with a non-terminal illness must meet before euthanasia can be carried out, in comparison with people with terminal illness. Those in favour of the additional procedural criteria referred to the differences between the terminally ill and the non-terminally ill regarding the aspect of content (i.e., the difference between general life expectancy and healthy life expectancy) and the aspect of time (i.e., the probability verging on certainty concerning the terminally ill versus the rough estimation concerning the non-terminally ill). Some of them also referred to the legal proceedings and stated that the Law was meant only for people with terminal illnesses to die by means of euthanasia. Others were of the opinion that it concerns only an arbitrary difference due to 1) the vagueness of the concept ‘naturally foreseeable’, i.e., suffering from a terminal illness, and the subjectivity of the calculated course and prognosis of e.g., degenerative somatic illnesses and dementia. A few participants said that this is beside the question, as one’s individual carrying capacity trumps the course and prognosis of an illness.

Participants’ ethical considerations regarding adults with psychiatric conditions

As can be seen from the coding structure in Table  4 , when asked about participants’ stances on euthanasia in the context of psychiatry, we distinguished value-based themes at the level of (1) the patient, (2) the field of psychiatry, and (3) society in general.

The level of the patient

Justice was the main value-based principle that emerged at the level of the patient. Participants in favour of not legally amending additional procedural criteria in the context of psychiatry stated that every patient with a non-terminal illness should receive equal end-of-life care options. The main counterargument given concerned the differences in patient profile, as some questioned whether the mentally ill can meet the legal criteria or stated that extreme caution is needed and thus additional criteria are in place due to the factor of e.g., ambiguity, impulsivity, and manipulation in the mentally ill.

“I find, the way the procedure is conducted for psychiatric suffering, I find it only natural that they handle it more cautiously because it’s indeed less… It’s not so easy to determine everything, is there really no other option left? And then I understand somewhere that time must be taken to investigate all of that. Because some of these people can be very impulsive, and that impulsivity needs to be addressed somewhere, of course. You also have people who can use their setbacks in the sense of, ‘I’ve been through all that, so I deserve euthanasia.’ And those are the people you need to single out because that’s just… I think those are also people who, with the necessary guidance, can still get out of it. Do you understand? It’s a form of self-pity, in a way. I think there might be resilience there, but they haven’t tapped into it themselves yet; it’s a kind of deflection or something. People with a history of, who say ‘I’ve experienced this and that, so I don’t need it anymore, just give me euthanasia, I deserve that. I’ve been through all that.’ While maybe, if they see, that’s still worth something to me, who knows, maybe that can still happen. They’re people who give up a little too quickly.” (Moral consultant)

Regarding the field of medicine, the following four value-based considerations emerged: (1) justice, (2) responsiveness to suffering, (3) protection, and (4) proportionality.

First, and as regards the principle of justice , participants in favour of equal procedural criteria for all non-terminally ill pointed to the indissociable unity of soma and psyche. A few physicians went one step further and reported that some psychiatric conditions can be considered terminal, e.g., suicidality, or predominantly of somatic nature, e.g., anorexia. The main counterarguments in this respect were (1) the firm belief in the inexistence of irremediableness in psychiatry (only mentioned by some physicians) or (2) that more caution is needed due to the higher level of subjectivity in terms of diagnostics, prognosis, and outcome.

Second, arguments against the distinction between the somatically versus the mentally ill were based on the attitude of responsiveness to the extreme extent and duration of mental suffering that can also render the mentally ill in a medically futile situation and the field of psychiatry empty-handed.

And many of the psychiatric patients I see suffer more than the average ALS patient who has to endure it for three years. In my experience, we’re less advanced in psychiatry compared to most other medical fields. You can easily say “we don’t know” in other areas of medicine and people will understand, but when it comes to psychiatric conditions, it’s different. Doctors might admit “it’s not working” or “there’s no trust,” and they might refer patients elsewhere or even refuse further appointments. I’ve even told a judge during a forced admission, “There’s simply no treatment available.” Yes, sometimes it’s just over and society must accept that there’s no solution. I’m not saying euthanasia is the solution for everyone, but I think it can be an option for some people. (Psychiatrist)

Other participants were not blind to the deep suffering, but strongly believed in the ground principle and core strength of psychiatry, namely the beneficial effect of hope. In addition, they pointed to the differences in the nature and course of somatic versus psychiatric illnesses when stating that considerably more time is needed in psychiatry, with inclusion of the therapeutic effect of hope to become effective.

“And I also believe that collectively, within psychiatry, we can and must provide additional support to endure profound despair. So, even in the face of seemingly endless hopelessness, we must maintain hope, look towards the future with trust, and continuously offer encouragement to those who feel hopeless. Our unwavering optimism and support convey the message that together, we can overcome. Because individuals who suffer from severe mental illness are treatable, I consider myself to be a genuinely optimistic psychiatrist. I have witnessed individuals who have harbored feelings of hopelessness and despair for extended periods, sometimes even decades, undergo profound transformations and experience significant improvement, and in some cases, complete recovery.” (Psychiatrist)

Third, participants in favour of the current legal framework reported that allowing euthanasia for the mentally ill was needed in the light of protection , as it might protect the patient against brutal suicides and also against therapeutic tenacity that more often occurs in psychiatry. Other participants in favour of, as well as participants against the current framework held a different stance on the following two counts: (1) allowing euthanasia conflicts with the aim of psychiatry to prevent suicide at all costs, and (2) the mentally ill are insufficiently protected by the Law as there are insufficient built-in safeguards against therapeutic negligence.

But usually with a psychiatric condition, death isn’t imminent. That’s the tricky part, you know? How many suicides do we have here? But anyway, I have an issue with that, using euthanasia as a kind of antidote against, well, against suicide, that’s a completely different matter. But death and psychiatry, why do we have all those government programs against suicide then? Isn’t that dying as a result of a psychiatric condition? (Psychiatrist, supportive of maintaining euthanasia option in psychiatric settings)

Fourth and as regards proportionality , a few participants with a normative stance against euthanasia in the context of psychiatry argued that psychiatric patients may not be allowed to die by means of euthanasia for as long as the field of psychiatry is under-resourced. They pointed to e.g., the lack of sufficient crisis shelters with a 24/7 availability and the lack of palliative approaches in the field of psychiatry. Instead of allowing euthanasia, they argue ‘to jolt the Belgian government’s conscience on mental health policies’. As a revolution to defeat the built-up inequalities in the field of medicine and knowing that palliative and rehabilitation initiatives in psychiatry require time.

“I oppose euthanasia in psychiatry. Compared to somatic medicine, psychiatry lags behind by 50 years. While physical pain can be managed with medication, there’s insufficient research on treatments for psychological suffering. Promising options like psilocybin and ketamine show potential in easing existential mental struggles. Magnetic stimulation can also alleviate depression, yet access remains limited. Unfortunately, these treatments are underused and under-researched. Many patients aren’t informed about these alternatives to euthanasia. It’s frustrating to see reluctance in exploring these options, especially when they offer hope to long-suffering patients. Utilizing these methods in psychiatric settings carries no risk of addiction. However, current restrictions impede access to these treatments, depriving patients of viable alternatives.” (Shortened excerpt from an interview with a psychiatrist)

When taking a societal perspective, no new arguments emerged from the respondents strongly in favour of the current euthanasia legislation, other than the main value of justice described in the subsection above. According to some, the current Law on Euthanasia busts some myths on the malleability of life and medical omnipotence, and even on psychiatric illnesses as a ‘Western phenomenon’, with e.g., depression and suicidality as a consequence of material wealth instead of a neurologic issue in the brain (only reported by some non-physicians).

There are quite a few people who consider the whole issue of the unbearable nature of psychological suffering a luxury problem, you know? They say something like, “Yeah, where are the suicide rates, to put it in equivalent terms, the lowest in the world? In Africa, because they obviously don’t have the luxury to concern themselves with that. They are already happy if they have a potato on their plate every day.” This is a viewpoint held by many, right? They call it a luxury problem, a modern, typical Western luxury problem. And perhaps there is some truth to it, right? But there are other causes of mortality there, which are much higher, such as child mortality, for example. (non-physician)

Counterarguments were also given and pointed to the value of (distributive) Justice. First, euthanasia was considered as ‘a logical but perverse consequence of systemic societal inequities’ on the one hand and the ‘further evolution towards the commodification or commercialisation of health care in individualised Western societies’ on the other. This would then lead to another vicious circle, with a rapidly growing ‘perception of vulnerable patient groups as irremediable’ and hence less likely to receive potentially beneficial treatment or other interventions. Some took a more radical stance against euthanasia in psychiatry, as they were convinced that euthanasia is nothing but ‘a perverse means to cover societal failures’. In addition, some participants with permissive stances on euthanasia in the context of psychiatry pointed to gender disparities in euthanasia requestors. This was based on the evidence that in the context of psychiatry, many more females request and die by means of euthanasia than males, and proportionally more female patient suffering from psychiatric disorders request and die by means of euthanasia compared to their fellow peers suffering from life-limiting or predominantly somatic conditions.

Finally, some respondents said that they could understand and, in some cases, even support euthanasia in some individual cases, but felt uncomfortable with its impact on the societal level. They pointed to the vicious circle of stigma and self-stigma that may impede the mentally ill to fully participate in societal encounters. In the long run, this type of societal disability may lead to vulnerable patients no longer wanting to perceive themselves a burden to society or to remain ‘socially dead’.

While considering their ethical perspectives towards euthanasia, participants weigh up various values related to and intertwining with the following levels: (1) the patient, (2) the patient’s inner circle, (3) the field of medicine, and (4) society in general. Overall, the participants shared an amalgam of ethical values on each of these four levels, regardless of their stance on euthanasia. It was mainly the interpretation of some values, the emphasis they placed on the key components underpinning each value and the importance they attach to each of the four levels, that determined their stance towards euthanasia. It was uncommon for different ethical values to be explicitly mentioned, which could distinguish distinct stances for or against euthanasia.

As regards euthanasia in the context of psychiatry, the focus has primarily been on arguments for and against euthanasia [ 23 ]. However, our study takes a more comprehensive approach, exploring the issue from a wider range of perspectives. This approach allowed us to uncover more complex insights that may have been overlooked if we had only considered it as a black-and-white issue.

Both the systematic review of Nicolini et al. [ 23 ] and our study emphasized fundamental ethical domains such as autonomy, professional duties, and the broader implications of euthanasia on mental healthcare. While our findings aligned with those of the systematic review, our inquiry delved deeper into psychiatry-specific considerations, including the influence of sudden impulses and feelings of hopelessness. This underscores the importance of healthcare professionals carefully assessing the timing and contextual aspects of such decisions within psychiatric contexts, ensuring individuals receive timely and tailored support and interventions.

Furthermore, our study extended beyond the boundaries of medical discourse, addressing broader societal ramifications. Participants engaged in discussions about ‘social death,’ a phenomenon that describes the marginalization of individuals despite their physical existence. This discussion highlighted entrenched structural inequities and societal attitudes perpetuating social alienation, particularly affecting marginalized demographics, including individuals grappling with mental health issues. Advocating for societal inclusivity and supportive measures, our study strongly emphasized the need to foster a sense of unity and respect for everyone’s worth, regardless of their circumstances.

Interpretation of the main findings

We make explicit and discuss the values corresponding to the four classical principles of biomedical ethics, in particular beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice [ 31 ]. We place these values in the context of different ethical approaches, such as religious, professional, emancipatory, social, societal, and virtue-oriented approaches (see the ethical interpretation framework in OSF).

In the discussion section, therefore, the following main values and virtues are addressed: (1) the values of beneficence and non-maleficence in a religious perspective, (2) those same values in the professional context, (3) the value of autonomy in the contemporary emancipation paradigm, (4) the virtue of compassion stemming from virtue ethics theory, (5) the value of quality care in a social approach, and (6) the value of justice in societal policy contexts.

Beneficence and non-maleficence: religious perspective

In the realm of euthanasia debates, the interplay of religious beliefs and the values of ‘beneficence’ (the act of doing good) and ‘non-maleficence’ (do no harm) has emerged as a pivotal point of contention, often giving rise to divergent perspectives on this complex ethical issue [ 32 , 33 ]. Some religious traditions staunchly oppose medical end-of-life decisions, including euthanasia and abortion, viewing them as morally wrong and as disruptive to the natural order of life and death. The principle of ‘sanctity of life’ forms the bedrock of their belief system, underscoring the significance they attach to preserving life at all costs, as an embodiment of beneficence [ 34 , 35 ]. Conversely, those who argue for the ethical consideration of euthanasia emphasize the concept of beneficence in alleviating suffering and granting autonomy to individuals in their final moments. However, intriguingly, our examination of the topic has revealed a nuanced relationship between religious beliefs and attitudes toward euthanasia. While some individuals in our sample expressed strong religious convictions ( n  = 5) and even considered themselves as practicing Catholics, they did not necessarily adopt a firm normative stance against euthanasia, signifying a complex balancing of beneficence and possible maleficence within their belief system. Conversely, certain participants who held steadfastly against euthanasia ( n  = 3) did not identify with any religious belief system, yet their position was firmly grounded in their perception of potential maleficence associated with medical intervention in life and death decisions. This observation aligns with recent studies highlighting the intricate and multifaceted nature of religiosity, where individuals within various religious frameworks may hold diverse beliefs and values surrounding beneficence and non-maleficence [ 36 , 37 ]. Moreover, it underscores the powerful influence of societal culture on shaping personal perspectives on euthanasia, and how these views are entwined with the values of beneficence and non-maleficence [ 36 , 37 ].

Beneficence and non-maleficence: professional values

Second, a profound division arises between proponents and opponents, particularly in the field of medicine, where interpretations of the Oath of Hippocrates play a central role. At its core, the Oath emphasizes the deontological values of beneficence and non-maleficence, as physicians are bound by a prohibition against administering a deadly drug to ‘anyone,’ even at their explicit request, highlighting the reverence for the sanctity of life inherent in medical practice. This interpretation has led some to perceive active euthanasia as contrary to these sacred principles of preserving life. The notion of beneficence, understood as promoting the well-being of patients, appears to be in tension with the act of intentionally ending a life. Critics argue that euthanasia undermines the fundamental duty of physicians to protect and preserve life. Additionally, the principle of ‘non-maleficence,’ which entails not harming the patient or their life, is seen by some as being in accordance with the ‘sanctity of life’. However, the Oath also recognizes the significance of alleviating relentless suffering, opening the door to a nuanced debate on how these timeless principles align with the modern concept of euthanasia. As the discourse unfolds, perspectives emerge, with some viewing euthanasia as a compassionate form of care, that respects the autonomy and dignity of patients facing terminal illness or unbearable suffering. Advocates argue that euthanasia can be an act of beneficence, providing relief from pain and allowing individuals to die with dignity and control over their own fate. On the other hand, opponents of euthanasia steadfastly uphold the sanctity of life principle, viewing it as an ethical imperative that must not be compromised. They argue that intentionally ending a life, even in the context of relieving suffering, undermines the fundamental values of medical ethics and the intrinsic worth of every human life. For these individuals, euthanasia represents a profound ethical dilemma that conflicts with the near sanctity of medical ethics and the value of preserving life [ 38 , 39 , 40 ].

Autonomy: contemporary emancipation paradigm

The principle of autonomy emerges as one of the most prominent and contentious values in our contemporary emancipation paradigm. Autonomy, grounded in the belief in individual self-governance, is often cited as a foundational ethical principle in euthanasia legislation, emphasizing the significance of an individual’s capacity to make choices aligned with their own personal values and desires [ 31 ]. However, the discussion on autonomy extends beyond pure individualism, with considerations for relational autonomy, recognizing that individuals are not isolated entities but are shaped by their relationships, communities, and broader societal structures [ 41 ]. Within the context of euthanasia, the complexities of autonomy become evident as participants in the debate strived to find a delicate balance. On one hand, they stress the importance of respecting a patient’s individual autonomy in end-of-life decisions, ensuring that their choices are honoured and upheld. Simultaneously, they acknowledge the necessity of accounting for the patient’s social context and broader community when considering euthanasia as a compassionate option. Nevertheless, concerns are raised by some about the potential risks posed by euthanasia legislation, particularly for the most vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly and the mentally ill. These concerns centre on the negative consequences that may arise when individual autonomy is exercised without consideration for others or for societal well-being, and the concept of “social death,” which refers to the marginalization and exclusion of individuals from social relationships and networks due to illness or disability [ 42 , 43 ].

Amidst these complexities, the ethical value of autonomy stands as a paramount consideration. However, its application necessitates thoughtful consideration and balance with other values, including justice, equality, and societal responsibility. Recent reflections on “relational autonomy” have prompted critical evaluations of the idea of pure autonomy, emphasizing the need to delve deeper into the micro, meso, and macro levels that underpin autonomy and address potential conflicts between individual and relational autonomy [ 44 ]. Further, it highlights the imperative to take the broader societal context into account when grappling with the ethical challenges associated with euthanasia [ 45 ].

Compassion: virtue ethics

Our study confirms that while the value of autonomy holds importance, it is not the sole determinant in the ethical considerations surrounding euthanasia [ 46 ]. In this complex discourse, numerous other ethical values and virtues come to the fore, including the significance of compassion towards suffering individuals and the imperative of alleviating their distress. Notably, compassion is not merely a singular principle, but rather a profound ground attitude or virtue that motivates individuals to empathize with the pain of others and take actions to provide relief.

As revealed in our research, participants who opposed euthanasia did not invoke religious frameworks; instead, they explored diverse philosophical approaches to comprehend suffering and compassion. Among these, non-Western philosophies emphasized embracing suffering as an intrinsic aspect of life, acknowledging the impermanence of all things, including suffering. Additionally, the existentialist perspective of Albert Camus underscored suffering’s innate connection to human existence, leading to deeper self-understanding and comprehension of the world.

These philosophical viewpoints find relevance in the realm of ethics as well. Virtue ethics, in particular, highlights the significance of cultivating virtues such as courage and resilience, while narrative ethics emphasizes storytelling as a means to gain profound insight and reflection on experiences of suffering [ 47 , 48 ]. Such narratives foster empathy and create a shared sense of experience and community.

Our results show that, for some, suffering may hold positive value in various ways. The nature and intensity of suffering, alongside an individual’s values and virtues, beliefs, and coping capacity, significantly influence the ethics of euthanasia decision-making. An intricate approach that recognizes the multifaceted impacts of suffering becomes essential, acknowledging that various factors could potentially influence the experience of suffering as well as the interpretation of the consequences of the suffering experience. It’s possible that this approach doesn’t solely depend on the quantity of suffering or even its nature. Instead, it could be related to the delicate balance between one’s ability to endure suffering, the burden it places on them, and the (ir)remediableness of this burden, which can vary greatly among individuals as well as it might change over time. Such an approach aims to alleviate relentless suffering and, in certain cases, relieve unnecessary and enduring distress without consistently imposing interpretations upon it. Thus, acknowledging that, experiences of suffering are inherent to life and might act as drivers for personal development, fostering resilience, empathy, and a deeper apprehension of life’s essence, while it also might represent something irremediable, underscores the significance of a broader meaning of the concept of compassion as guiding principle in euthanasia discussions. These discussions further extend to the recognition of the dynamic trajectory inherent to the burden of suffering, as well as its potential for temporal evolution within the individual experiences of the afflicted. Such recognition not only fosters a more intricate understanding of the complex interplay between suffering and resilience but also highlights the acknowledgment that there may be moments when suffering becomes unendurable, surpassing the individual’s capacity to cope. This dimension introduces a layer of intricacy to the ethical considerations inherent in these discussions, thus necessitating a nuanced approach that contemplates the potentialities as well as the constraints of human endurance and the associated ethical ramifications.

Quality care: social approach

Examining euthanasia debates from a sociological perspective sheds light on the influence of societal inequalities in healthcare access and quality on the practice of euthanasia, and how it can shape personal, relational, and societal values, leading to the normalization or culturalization of euthanasia [ 49 ]. A noteworthy finding in this context is the contrasting perspectives on the evolving process of dying, transitioning from being perceived as in God’s hands to a more medical realm, where proponents of euthanasia view medicine as a catalyst for granting individuals greater control over the timing, manner, and circumstances of their own deaths. They envision the opportunity to be surrounded by loved ones and maintain consciousness while embracing the option of euthanasia, which they believe improves the quality of life at the end.

Proponents also emphasize additional benefits, such as enhanced transparency and regulation, ensuring ethical conduct through regulatory measures. They express concerns about a cultural environment where certain physicians adopt paternalistic attitudes and resist accepting death, prioritizing the extension of life as a moral imperative. In contrast, critical voices argue that death and dying have become increasingly medicalized, leading to their institutionalization. Some critics further contend that this medicalization has devalued the dying process and commodified life itself, leading patients, and families to increasingly rely on medical interventions at life’s end.

Moreover, as shared by some of the interviewees, the growing acceptance of medical assistance in dying may raise concerns. It’s conceivable that this evolving attitude could contribute to a perception of death undergoing a shift in seriousness, resulting in decisions about one’s life conclusion being made with less comprehensive thought and insufficient reflection. Consequently, this scenario could potentially lead individuals who are more susceptible to experiencing feelings of life’s insignificance, weariness, or sense of being ‘through with life’, to lean towards considering euthanasia. However, this inclination might also be driven by a lack of sufficient access to the necessary, long-term quality mental health care that would otherwise facilitate the pursuit of a life imbued with adequate significance, comfort, and dignity, achievable through appropriate (mental) healthcare.

Earlier research indicates that Belgium’s psychiatric care system has been grappling with underfunding and fragmentation, leading to individuals falling through the gaps in the mental health safety net [ 50 ]. One critical aspect is, e.g., the inadequate investment in long-term, intensive care, which is precisely the kind of support that individuals grappling with such existential questions may require.

Hence, in the context of euthanasia debates, the value of quality care emerges, encompassing the principle of beneficence, which emphasizes the obligation to provide good care and enhance the overall well-being of individuals. Ethical considerations go beyond the individual’s right to autonomy, extending to societal factors that influence healthcare practices and attitudes towards euthanasia. Addressing the impact of healthcare disparities and the medicalization of dying becomes imperative to ensure ethical and compassionate decision-making that upholds the true value of quality care and respect for human dignity.

Justice: societal policy contexts

In the context of euthanasia in somatic versus psychiatric medicine, ethical considerations regarding euthanasia often revolve around the fundamental value of justice [ 23 , 51 , 52 ]. Some respondents in our study emphasized the need for parity between somatic and psychiatric illnesses, recognizing that there should be no distinction between patients suffering from either. They argued that upholding the principle of justice demands equal treatment and recognition of the suffering experienced by individuals with psychiatric illnesses.

However, for others, achieving justice requires acknowledging and addressing the unique challenges faced by patients predominantly suffering from psychiatric illnesses. A comprehensive and integrated healthcare approach is proposed, where mental health is regarded as an integral part of overall health. This approach involves allocating the same level of attention and resources to psychiatric medicine as given to somatic illnesses, aiming to combat stigma and discrimination towards individuals with psychiatric conditions. Equitable treatment during life and at the end of life becomes the focus.

Yet, the Belgian context of psychiatry presents significant challenges. The field is characterized by underfunding and fragmented care, particularly for individuals with longstanding and complex psychiatric problems [ 53 ]. Additionally, the end-of-life care for psychiatric patients is still underdeveloped, and palliative psychiatry is in its early stages, lacking a uniformly agreed-upon definition or clear implementation guidelines [ 54 ]. In response, Belgium is exploring the “Oyster Care” model, designed to provide flexible, personalized care for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness who may be at risk of neglect or overburdened by psychiatric services [ 55 ]. This model aims to create a safe “exoskeleton” or supportive environment for patients, recognizing that recovery, reintegration, and resocialization might not be attainable for everyone with certain psychiatric conditions [ 55 ].

However, the integration of Oyster Care in today’s psychiatric practice is still limited and requires further development. Emphasizing the value of justice calls for continued efforts to enhance and refine psychiatric care, ensuring that individuals with psychiatric illnesses receive equitable treatment throughout their lives, including end-of-life care decisions [ 55 , 56 ].

Implications for future research, policy, and practice

In terms of policy and practice, our findings indicate that the discourse surrounding euthanasia extends beyond legal or medical considerations and encompasses fundamental ethical values that underpin our society. These values may not always be aligned and can create ethical dilemmas that are challenging to address. A value-centred approach to the euthanasia debate necessitates a constructive ethical dialogue among various actors involved, including patients, healthcare practitioners, and the wider community. This conversation should strive to comprehend the diverse values involved and endeavour to achieve a balance between these values. Additionally, ethical dialogue might encourage individuals to reflect on their own assumptions and beliefs, leading to more informed and thoughtful decision-making on ethical and moral issues. Ultimately, ethical dialogue can promote a more just and equitable society that prioritizes empathy, understanding, and mutual respect.

It is also crucial to acknowledge that patients with somatic illnesses and those with psychiatric illnesses may have different needs and expectations regarding the end of life. Hence, end-of life healthcare must be sensitive to the unique needs of each group. This recognition of differences does not justify unequal treatment or discrimination based on the type of illness. Instead, it involves addressing the different needs and expectations of each patient group while ensuring equitable and high-quality care for all.

As regards research, most articles on euthanasia legislation to date placed the emphasis on what other countries and states can learn from the Belgian and Dutch euthanasia practice. In addition, what can be learned is mainly restricted to the evidence and reflections on factual issues from a global practical-clinical perspective. Consequently, one of the main ethical, clinical, and societal issues remains unrequited, namely the impact of legislation and its consequences on an intrapersonal, interpersonal, medical, social, and societal level. Although cultural diversity is recently put high on the research agenda concerning general health care and mental health care, it is largely understudied in the context of end-of-life decisions and largely ignored in the context of psychiatry. Fewer articles have focused on what the latter countries may learn from those not implementing or not considering euthanasia legislation. In an increasingly diverse society, rapidly evolving in terms of fluidity and multi-ethnicity, cross-cultural research can help us learn from one another. To address the many dimensions of euthanasia, there is a need for input from a variety of academic fields, including sociology, anthropology, communication studies, and history. Further interdisciplinary research in all these areas could help inform policy and practice related to euthanasia.

Strengths and limitations

This is the first empirical in-depth interview study that uncovered the underlying ethical considerations of a variety and relatively large sample of health care professionals and volunteers in Belgium, a country with one of the most permissive legislative frameworks regarding euthanasia, as – unlike in some other countries – it does not exclude adults with psychiatric conditions per definition. Belgium is also one of the pioneering countries with such a legislative framework and can boast on two decades of euthanasia legislation and implementation.

We succeeded in providing a unique and representative sample of participants, varying in gender, work setting and expertise, and stances regarding euthanasia. Finally, and unlike former scientific studies that focused on either the somatic or psychiatric context, we now gauged for participants’ ethical perspectives on euthanasia in both fields of medicine.

There are also several limitations to our study. We may have experienced selection bias, as our sample of non-physicians had varying ages, but the sample of physicians was mostly older than 60. In addition, some interviews had to be postponed or cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions and, potentially, due to legal and emotional concerns surrounding a high-profile euthanasia case being brought to court. Additionally, our sample exhibited heterogeneity regarding worldview (religious or non-religious), but possibly not regarding other culture-sensitive aspects, like migration background. As our qualitative research focused on exploring themes, narratives, and shared experiences rather than on ensuring high participation rates for statistical generalizability, drawing definitive conclusions regarding the prevalence of each opinion (pro/ambivalent/critical/against), the level of experience, or perspective across the entire spectrum of euthanasia practice is beyond the scope of our study.

Finally, although there is a growing number of countries and states around the globe with a legislative framework on euthanasia, all the legal frameworks differ from one another, so the results of our study cannot be generalized to the specific euthanasia context in e.g., Switzerland or Canada.

Our study illuminates the foundational values guiding perceptions of euthanasia, including autonomy, compassion, quality care, and justice, which permeate through four interconnected tiers: the patient, their inner circle, the medical community, and society at large. Despite varied stances on euthanasia, participants demonstrated a convergence of ethical principles across these tiers, shaped by nuanced interpretations and considerations. While explicit discussions of distinct ethical values were infrequent, their profound impact on euthanasia perspectives underscores the importance of ethical discourse in navigating this complex issue. By fostering inclusive dialogue and reconciling diverse values, we can promote informed decision-making, justice, and empathy in end-of-life care, particularly in psychiatric settings. Interdisciplinary research is essential for a comprehensive understanding of euthanasia’s dimensions and to inform policy development. While our study is rooted in Belgium, its implications extend to the broader euthanasia discourse, suggesting avenues for further exploration and cross-cultural understanding.

Data availability

The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available due reasons of privacy and anonymity, but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request, following procedures from all 3 Medical Ethics Committees involved. To access the supplementary materials, see the Open Science Framework repository at https://osf.io/26gez/?view_only=af42caddb2554acfb7d1d5aabd4dec7a . Upon publication of this paper, the repository will be made public, and a shorter link will be provided.

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The authors wish to thank prof. dr. Kenneth Chambaere and prof. dr. Kurt Audenaert for their preliminary advice regarding the ethics of the research methodology, dr. Steven Vanderstichelen for his help with the interviews (i.e., conducting and transcribing) and all the participants for sharing their professional and in some cases also personal experiences during the interview. We’d also like to thank prof. dr. Kenneth Chambaere for the supervision during the conducting of the interviews and his feedback on the ‘near to final’ draft.

MV is funded by the Research Foundation Flanders via research project (G017818N) and PhD fellowship (1162618 N).

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Authors and affiliations.

End-of-life Care Research Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) & Ghent University, Laarbeeklaan 103, Brussels, 1090, Belgium

Monica Verhofstadt & Koen Pardon

Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven, Louvain, Belgium

Loïc Moureau & Axel Liégeois

Organisation Brothers of Charity, Ghent, Belgium

Axel Liégeois

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The article has been developed with the following authors’ contributions: MV was responsible for the study methodology and managed ethical approval; MV conducted most of the interviews and wrote the main manuscript texts. AL drafted the ethical interpretation framework. MV, LM, KP and AL were responsible for the coding structure and data interpretation and performed a critical review and revision of the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Monica Verhofstadt .

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This research project was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the European rules of the General Data Protection Regulation. It received ethical approval from the Medical Ethics Committee of the Brussels University Hospital with reference BUN 143201939499, from the Medical Ethics Committee of Ghent University Hospital with reference 2019/0456, and from the Medical Ethics Committee of the Brothers of Charity with reference OG054-2019-20. The interviews were held after obtaining informed consent from all the participants.

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Not applicable.

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MV has received research grants from the Research Foundation Flanders; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work were declared. All other authors declare that they do not have any competing interest.

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Verhofstadt, M., Moureau, L., Pardon, K. et al. Ethical perspectives regarding Euthanasia, including in the context of adult psychiatry: a qualitative interview study among healthcare workers in Belgium. BMC Med Ethics 25 , 60 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-024-01063-7

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Received : 04 September 2023

Accepted : 15 May 2024

Published : 21 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-024-01063-7

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  • End-of-life
  • Medical assistance in dying
  • Mental disorders

BMC Medical Ethics

ISSN: 1472-6939

good titles for an essay about euthanasia

Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Assisted Suicide — Euthanasia Has A Positive Influence: Arguments


Euthanasia Has a Positive Influence: Arguments

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Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 835 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, why is euthanasia good.

  • BBC (2004). Retrieved form www.bbc.com/ethics/euthanasia/overview/introduction.shtml
  • Hausmann, E. (2004). How press discourse justifies euthanasia. Mortality, 9(3), 206- 222. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13576270412331272798
  • Swarte, N. B., Van Der Lee, M. L., van der Bom, J. G., Van Den Bout, J., & Heintz,
  • A. P. M. (2003). Effects of euthanasia on the bereaved family and friends: a cross sectional study. Bmj, 327 (7408), 189. Retrieved form https://www.bmj.com/content/327/7408/189.short
  • Christian Barnard, cardiac surgeon September 24, 1984 – Nice France – Presentation at Federation of Associations for the Right to Die. Retrieved from https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Euthanasia
  • Norwood F. (2005). Euthanasia talk. Euthanasia discourse, general practice and end-of-life care in the Netherlands. Dissertation: University of California. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10730-007-9048-z?LI=true
  • Friedrich Nietzsche, The Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ, 1889.
  • DeMarco, D. (1999). The Sacredness of Human Life in a Desacralized World.
  • The Linacre Quarterly, 66(1), 49-55. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/20508549.1999.11877529

Should follow an “upside down” triangle format, meaning, the writer should start off broad and introduce the text and author or topic being discussed, and then get more specific to the thesis statement.

Provides a foundational overview, outlining the historical context and introducing key information that will be further explored in the essay, setting the stage for the argument to follow.

Cornerstone of the essay, presenting the central argument that will be elaborated upon and supported with evidence and analysis throughout the rest of the paper.

The topic sentence serves as the main point or focus of a paragraph in an essay, summarizing the key idea that will be discussed in that paragraph.

The body of each paragraph builds an argument in support of the topic sentence, citing information from sources as evidence.

After each piece of evidence is provided, the author should explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the claim.

Should follow a right side up triangle format, meaning, specifics should be mentioned first such as restating the thesis, and then get more broad about the topic at hand. Lastly, leave the reader with something to think about and ponder once they are done reading.

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