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Essay about trip to beach

Essay about trip to beach 12 models

Essay about trip to beach ,that has some ideas to students and scholars looking for new ideas to help them to write Essay about trip to beach with easy and beautiful points .

Essay about trip to beach 

Self needs to rest and relax after a long period of study and exposure to exams pressure, which makes summer holidays and high temperature of the atmosphere ideal opportunity to enjoy the sea and the moderate atmosphere of the beautiful beaches.

The pleasure of going to the sea is incomparable when you go with your family or friends. I remember last year when I went with my family to the beach in summer. The sea is about 400 km away. My father prepared the car and checked engine oil, battery, fuel, tires and belts. He booked for our stay at a hotel near the beach.

My mother and sister prepared everything we needed on our trip as light food and soft drinks to have on the way to the hotel. My sister prepared the necessary clothing for the sea, sunscreen and some essential medicines.

We did not take much food because we would be in a hotel in a coastal city that offers a buffet and there are many fish restaurants around the hotel.

We moved early in the morning to avoid the high temperature of summer and reach before roads congestion.

We stopped on our way for a short break to eat some sandwiches and have soft drinks. It was a simple rest area in the middle of the desert. We felt a sense of serenity and calm.

After four hours of driving, we arrived at the hotel at nine o’clock in the morning and went to our rooms to rest, change clothes and take all what we need to go to the beach.

We headed to the beach and we chose an isolated spot from the people, it had canopy and some comfortable plastic chairs and a large table.

We put our bags on the table and went to swim in the sea and then went out for lunch that my father ordered from a fish restaurant. The fish was fresh and tasty and we enjoyed our meal very much.

After lunch, we sat under the canopy enjoying the sea view, refreshing breaths, listening to music and playing some fun games.

Before returning to the hotel, we went back to the sea to finish our first day on this beautiful trip.

  • A trip to the beach essay

Last holiday I and my family were able to take a trip to the beach in my town, and we were able to gather with members of my mother’s relatives on this holiday.

My relatives are not from my town but from a town a little far from the shore. And they come every year to visit the beach and play with us.

I enjoy a lot in their presence because of the activities and enthusiasm they do. The beach has a different feel when they come. I always find them more interested, happy and willing to have fun than us.

The reason may be that the beach is always in front of us so we don’t get too excited about it. But at times when I accompany my relatives, I find myself more excited and come to know the value of the beach to others who are not able to see it constantly. Now, I really can appreciate this feature.

I find it great to have other people from time to time reminding us of what’s fun and great. We are always surrounded by wonderful things, but we no longer see them as beautiful when we see them for the first time.

Like watching the sunset on the beach, it made me feel so warm and comfortable. Sometimes I could watch the sunrise and I really enjoyed seeing it. I hope that I can enjoy all the moments around me and see my surroundings well.

Short essay about holiday at beach

This holiday, I managed to be on the beach more than previous years. I had so much fun being able to own a simple beach bike rental business. I managed to get this job through a family friend.

It helped me a lot in acquiring some new qualities in my personality. Made me feel a little responsible. I was also able to meet a lot of new people and make new friends. Which made me more self-confident when talking to others and discussing a lot of things without being shy. I also learned to throw some funny topics that others like.

It’s great to be able to get a job like this at my age. It does not represent a lot of pressure and made me aspire in the upcoming holiday to search for something more serious.

Essay about holiday at beach

We spend the end of the year at the beach, it is a beautiful place to spend the holiday, where we all enjoy the beautiful weather, the beautiful scenery, the sunshine and the fresh air. We spend most of the day swimming and playing water polo.

I have made many friends, I met them at the beach. They share the same hobbies as me, so we have a lot of competitions between us.

While we spend the evening watching a movie or a play, or going to one of the luxury malls for shopping. We also enjoy very much the parties held by the hotel. It includes a large number of famous singers and musicians. It’s fun to spend vacation with friends.

Essay about trip to beach

The trip to the beach is the most beautiful trip we take, it is a special trip, especially if it is with my friends, as it combines many activities, we went on the weekend to the beach, the weather was moderate, the sky was clear and the sun was shining, we started our day with breakfast and then jumped In the water, the water was warm so we enjoyed swimming for two hours, then we decided to play tennis, one of my friends played tennis while the others lay on the sand enjoying the sunshine, at two o’clock in the afternoon we had lunch, and we sat under the sun because the temperature was high, and at four o’clock we jumped into the water again, because swimming is our favorite sport.

Essay holiday at beach with family

In the summer vacation my family prefers to go to the beach, so we rent a beach house to be close to the beach, as the house is only 100 meters from the beach.

The house we rent is characterized by the fact that its facade is of glass, so we can see the beach while we are inside our rooms.

We also hear the sound of sea waves crashing. On the first day we can’t sleep well, because we hear the sound of waves crashing, but we get used to it quickly.

Living in a beach house provides us with a lot of pleasure, as we can enjoy the sunrise and sunset.

Narrative essay about a trip to the beach

At the end of the year we decided to go on a trip to the beach. It’s a favorite trip for the whole family. But my city is 200 km from the beach, so we travel by train as it is a safe means of transportation..

In addition to the fact that traveling by train is my favorite means of transportation, because it allows me to see different environments during the trip.

Where I see farms and small villages, industrial cities and arid desert lands that have no cultivation, I don’t get bored while traveling by train.

And when we get to the hotel, we don’t wait to rest, but go straight to the beach and enjoy a swim. We spend all summer vacation at the beach.

Going to the beach essay

I like to spend most of my time at the beach. I go to the beach in summer and winter too. Some may feel that going to the beach in the winter is strange, but I enjoy watching the sea all the time.

I feel happy when I look at the waves of the sea accelerating, as if each wave is trying to catch up with the one that precedes it. This scene continues unabated.

I also enjoy very much when I look at the horizon, where the boundary between the sky and the sea, this view makes me feel the vastness of the universe.

And when I look at the horizon, I feel that my city is narrow and crowded. Looking at the horizon makes me more calm and psychologically comfortable.

Vacation at the beach essay

One of the most beautiful landscapes that you can see, is to sit on the beach and watch the sunset. It is moments of contemplation when you see the sun disc gradually sinking into the sea water, while the red and orange color spreads in the sky after the sun sets.

Watching the sunset at the beach is a wonderful painting, it is one of the most beautiful landscapes. That is why we find many poets wrote poems about this wonderful scene, as it was drawn by artists, and photographed by photographers.

Sitting on the beach and looking at the far horizon gives you peace of mind.

Essay about trip to beach with friends

The most beautiful trip  was a trip with my friends to the beach. Where this beach was characterized by the presence of a mountain next to it, where the scenic landscape.

In the morning we went to the beach and jumped in the water, we enjoyed swimming and playing some water games such as water polo, and we rode a boat and took a walk in the sea until we reached an island 2 km from the shore.

We went up to that island, and the clear water surrounded it on all sides. We watched the fish with their beautiful colors swimming in groups, as there were some plants and trees on this island. We saw great scenery, then got on the boat and came back to shore.

Paragraph about a trip to the beach

My trip to the beach is my favorite trip as I practice a number of my favorite hobbies, such as swimming, where my friends and I race to reach the island, which is 1 km from the shore.

It’s a wonderful island, with some fruit trees growing on it. The green color covers the island completely. It is a healthy place where warm sunshine and fresh air.

We rest on the island for a while, eat fresh fruit, and we also catch some fish, as the place is very suitable for fishing, and then we go back to the beach and we are so happy.

Paragraph about going to the beach

A trip to the beach is a special trip. This is because I practice several of my favorite sports, such as swimming, diving, surfing and other water sports.

My happiness increases when I participate in the local competitions that my city holds, where I always achieve good results. I am looking forward to participating in international competitions in the future.

I go to the beach for fun and training too. When I go to the beach with my family I try to enjoy playing with them and have a good time, but when I go alone to the beach it is for training

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Beach Description Essay

Looking for simple and beautiful descriptive writing about a beach in summer? The beach description essay below is just what you need! Get inspired for your own creative writing with us.


Description of a beach.

Summer is the perfect time for individuals to visit and enjoy the marvelous scenes along the coast. In addition, the feelings and experiences felt on the beach during the summer are always fantastic. Several sceneries and experiences are seen and felt at the beach during summer. These include; the plantation along the beach and inside the sea, the animals, the waters, and the people found on the beach.

The beach appears to be alive and joyful with the presence of the natural vegetation. There are evergreen plantations both along and inside the beach. Images of buoyant seaweeds can be seen along the shore. Palms trees are seen to stand tall along the beach, dancing to the tune of the breeze emanating from the waters of the sea.

The sea grapes and the sea oats are also observed gathered in clusters in the sea next to the shore. Their colored flowers are splendid and brighten at the shining of the summer sun. The sweet scent of the flower grapes sends a signal to the world about the hope brought by nature.

The atmosphere is fully intensified by the aroma produced by the buoyant sea flowers. In addition, from afar, images of leafless trees are also observed. The perfect combination of the vegetation along the beach and inside the sea displays the beauty of nature to the highest peak.

It mesmerizes the eyes to gaze at the beautiful creatures that hover all over the beach and on the deep-sea waters. There are sights of beautiful birds that fly all over the dry shoreland and over the seawaters. Their colored feathers brightened the sea with a marvelous appearance at their illumination by the sun’s rays.

There are varieties of birds that are in the vicinity. For instance, there are pelicans and seagulls. Pelicans are seen hovering over the sand, singing sweet melodies that make the atmosphere at the beach vibrant. The seagulls are also observed to be flying over the seawater in small groups. Some of the birds are gathered in groups spreading the wings that cloaked a soft shadow on the gentle water ripples.

Next to the shore, there are sea turtles that seem to enjoy the summer heat from the sun. Their eggs are also seen to be exposed on the sand by the children that play on the shoreline. Bees are seen flying from one flower to another over the sea grapes. The humming of the bees as they gather nectar from the sea flowers attracts insect-eating birds.

Large crowds are observed all over the seashore. These people come to enjoy themselves on the beach at this period of the year. In the sea, people of all ages and sexes are seen swimming and playing with the cool seawater. The scorching heat from the summer sun is felt on the forehead of all individuals.

This makes the people chill themselves in the cool waters of the sea. The children are seen playing beach ball on the shoreline. Some children are also seen pelt each other with sand on the shoreline. Besides, young boys are observed climbing tall palm trees to gather fruits.

What is more, several activities take place along and inside the shoreline. Vendors are seen carrying ice creams and soft drinks all over the shoreline. Views of homes, hotels, and other buildings that run along the peak of the beach are also seen. On the sand where children play, pieces of shells are scattered.

In most cases, children collect the shells for fun. In the shades built along the shoreline, people are seen reading books, journals, and magazines. Some are seen idling on the sand, while few adults are observed playing football.

However, there is a disgusting scene of plastic bags, cigarette butts, food wrappers, and beer bottles along the beach. These items seem to pollute the entire shoreline and the seawater.

Anglers are also observed far into the sea casting large nets into the waters to have a bulk catch of their prey. Some of the anglers are also observed perching on the edge of the shore carrying sticks in their hands. Their faces displayed the anticipation that they had for their prey.

The deep waters of the sea produce a marvelous view for anyone who gazes at the sea. The water is seen to be slowly running low on the shore. Small waves are also observed crashing on the shoreline. The surface of the sea is seen to appear blue in color.

However, some portions are also seen to have the spectrum that results from the sun’s refracted rays. Deep inside the sea, there are high waves that lift boats up and down mightily. The shimmering waves of the sea that are clear and blue mirror the rays of the hot sun. The refreshing breeze that emanates from the seawater is enjoyable.

In conclusion, the beach has a perfect view and activities that are delightful to experience during the summer. It is a place that everyone would love to be at all times.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 29). Beach Description Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/description-of-the-beach-scene-in-summer/

"Beach Description Essay." IvyPanda , 29 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/description-of-the-beach-scene-in-summer/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Beach Description Essay'. 29 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Beach Description Essay." October 29, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/description-of-the-beach-scene-in-summer/.

1. IvyPanda . "Beach Description Essay." October 29, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/description-of-the-beach-scene-in-summer/.


IvyPanda . "Beach Description Essay." October 29, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/description-of-the-beach-scene-in-summer/.

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Beach Is My Favorite Place (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


We all have that one place that we escape to when things get too overwhelming. Where do you go when you need to relax? This essay talks about my favorite holiday destination, the beach.

I actually wrote this piece to once again remind myself that it’s okay (and necessary!) to sometimes take a break, be reminded of what really matters in life.

If you need help writing an essay on why beach is your favorite place to go to when on holiday, check out our custom essay writing services . We will collaborate with you and bring your ideas to life.

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Descriptive Essay Example of My Favourite Beach

We all have some favorite places that we love to visit during the holidays. The beautiful scenes that we come across are a welcome reprieve for our tired minds after a long period of work.

Finding My Zen at the Beach

For me, the beach is the best place to be. Others may think differently due to unique preferences and tastes. Personally, I find that the seaside is a unique choice for a holiday destination. There is nothing quite as calming as the bright blue hues of the ocean. The wind dances with the waves, causing them to move almost rhythmically, capturing the attention of the vacationer.

Another reason why I love the beach is that I enjoy swimming. I particularly love doing this with my friends as the company makes swimming more fun and provides a great way for us to bond.

Sunsets at the Beach

Another stunning visual to be enjoyed by the seaside is the sunset. I truly enjoy the play of colors as day transitions into night – from dainty pinks to fiery oranges, even to rich purples. I find this picturesque experience exceptionally dynamic. It makes something inside me come alive. I don’t have this experience anywhere else.

One great thing about staying at the beach is that there is something to be enjoyed during the day and during the evening. I love that the beach stays open most hours as this gives me flexibility. I can choose when I want to visit and not have to follow a strict schedule, which works well when I’m on vacation.

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The Beach During Evenings

I particularly love heading out at nightfall to visit the shoreline. The beach is very calm, peaceful, tranquil, and relaxing. It helps me unwind and takes away the stress that plagues me at work. Looking at the night sky with all the bright stars and the moon causes me to feel light-hearted.

Silhouette of Man Standing Near Body of Water

The best part for me is once night sets in, I can lay in the sand and stare up at the sky. I just linger there with my toes in the soft sand and think of all the things I am grateful for. I also give thanks to the Almighty Creator who made these majestic works of art.

I can only hope that I get to do this more often. My dream is to be able to frequent the most beautiful beaches in the world, to revel in the peace that they offer.

Make Time for Rest

These days, people are so busy with work and other obligations that they forget to pause and take a breather.

The tendency for many passionate workaholics is they keep scheduling a time to take a break, only to postpone it when something urgent captures their attention. While some of these are valid reasons to reschedule, most are really just convenient excuses to stay busy.

The glorification of busyness is the sad reality that keeps people from being healthy and well. We work our bodies to death and don’t give ourselves a chance to come up for air. At some point in our lives, we have been sold a false idea of productivity: that we have to work 24/7, and that taking a break is a luxury.

Breathers should not be seen as luxuries but as necessities. Rest is actually a productivity strategy. The way to truly accomplish things excellently is to do so from a place of rest. Work smart and you check off your to-do list without the anxiety and the dread. Work hard and you will find yourself resenting the actual work because it’s just exhausting.

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Don’t wait until you are burned out before you take a break. Schedule regular timeouts for yourself and use those times to “escape” to a place that helps you take a breath. Your soul, your work and your other commitments will thank you for it.

Whether it’s the sandy beaches for you or the mountains or any other hotspot, my hope for you is that you will also be able to find your sanctuary and safe space. Believe me when I say you need it and deserve it.

200 Words Short Essay About My Favorite Place (Beach)

Where do always I go when I want to feel relaxed? My family and friends all know that I head to where the ocean is. The beach is my most favorite place on earth. There is something magical about this place that makes me feel lighter immediately.

My favorite time to go is during the summer when the beautiful colors of the sky are most vibrant. That the sunset is amazing is an understatement. I could watch the sun go down after a blazing hot day over and over again. The gradually-changing hues are a glorious sight to behold.

The beach is my favorite place to find inspiration. I often find that when I get stuck in a creative rut, the extraordinary natural elements at my favorite spots instantly rejuvenate my mental stamina. If only I could go back every week, I would. Just watching the waves move in sync with one another is the best way to recharge for me.

Relaxation is important for everyone. There are other places that I also find charming, but I’ve found my sweet spot by the seashore – I hope you find yours too.

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How to Describe Your Favorite Place to Visit

For a descriptive essay on your favorite place to visit, the best trick you can use is to maximize your five senses. Think of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations your favorite place evokes. How do these make you feel? Connecting what your senses pick up to an emotion brings your reader into your world and allows them to experience the same things you have.

Before you start writing, take some time to close your eyes and imagine yourself in that favorite place. What are you doing? Who are you with? The imagery you draw out from these questions serves as the starting point of your custom essay.

Why the Beach Is a Popular Favorite Place to Describe in Essays

There’s no question about it – it’s not that hard to fall in love with the beach. There are also plenty of unforgettable seascapes around the world, so you really are spoilt for choice. You can write so much about your favorite things to do there during the day, afternoon, and evening. There are even plenty of memorable activities that you can do during sunrise and sunset.

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About The Beach: My Happiest Place

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Words: 792 |

Published: Jan 28, 2021

Words: 792 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Works Cited:

  • American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
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  • Lee, D. (2014). How to give a TED talk : Presentation secrets from the world’s best speakers. St. Martin’s Press.
  • Lerner, M. J., & Keltner, D. (2001). Fear, anger, and risk. Journal of personality and social psychology, 81(1), 146-159.
  • O'Hair, D., Stewart, R. A., & Rubenstein, H. (2015). A speaker's guidebook: Text and reference. Bedford/St. Martin's.
  • Velasquez, L. (2013, December). How do you define yourself? [Video file]. TEDx Talks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c62Aqdlzvqk
  • Yousuf, A. (2017). Public speaking skills for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Zarefsky, D. (2013). Public speaking: Strategies for success. Pearson.
  • Zimmerman, J. (2014). TED talks: The official TED guide to public speaking. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Ziv, A. (2015). The ultimate public speaking survival guide: 37 things you must know when you start public speaking. Amazon Digital Services LLC.

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2. A Visit to a Sea Beach: My Memorable Journey

3. Miraculous Vacation on the Beach: a Serenade of Sun and Sea

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5. Lampuuk Beach: Coastal Light That Have Recovered From Tsunami Trauma

6. The Beauty of the Rumassala Jungle Beach

7. The Fictional Night Visit of the Beach: the Emotional Turmoil

8. The Imagery and Metaphor of the Beach in Arnold’s “Dover Beach”

9. The Renourishment and Reconstruction of the Folly Beach

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11. Reflection On Beach Blanket Bingo Film

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My last holiday

My last holiday

Learn how to write about your last holiday.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.



My last holiday was a five-day trip to Prague in the Czech Republic. I know Prague well because I lived there when I was at university, more than ten years ago.

Instead of staying in a hotel, I stayed with one of my old friends. It was so much fun, and a little bit like my old life. I wanted to do all the same things I did in my university days, so I visited the university. It has changed a lot and looks more modern. I also went to the supermarket near my old house. I loved seeing all the different foods. I was really happy to find my favourite cheese and chocolate biscuits but they were a bit more expensive than I remember!

We did some touristy things too. We walked up beautiful Petrin Hill and around the castle. The views of the city are amazing up there. We walked across the historic Charles Bridge. My friend's flat is very near the TV Tower so we saw the famous baby statues climbing up it. Those things haven't changed, of course.

1. Try to make your writing interesting for the reader. To do this, you can make it personal with your own memories and experiences.

2. Use adjectives to add detail to your descriptions.

3. Write clear and simple sentences and organise your ideas in short paragraphs. Give each paragraph a different topic.

4. Use so, but, and, because and other linking words.

Where was your last holiday?

Language level

I want you to know that I am very happy and enjoying my vacation quite a bit. The destination on this vacation has been the Colombian Caribbean coast, We arrived two days ago, this is a very nice experience. Yesterday I discovered the window to the world that is located in Barranquilla, as well as the boardwalk, they are very warm places but above all very visited, as the afternoon fell I went to visit some of my husband's brothers. Tomorrow we will get up very early to travel a few kilometers and be able to visit Cabo de la Vela, in La Guajira, we will leave at 6 am, because we must be in Uribia Guajira at 3 pm, there the tour guide will be waiting for us, who will be the one in charge of directing this adventure. I also had the opportunity to visit Cartagena de Indias and its beautiful beaches, I really liked getting to know the beach, the sea and the people who live there, But what I liked most was being able to visit Cabo de la Vela and learn a little about the reality of the Wayuu culture, being able to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and sunsets that this beautiful place offers.

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My last was holiday three-week trip to Fez in Morocco. Fez it’s my hometown so I know it well because I lived there for 26 years. I went to visit my family there and I stayed at home, every day I was invited by my sisters and brothers, they made me delicious dishes and we had a good time together. I’ve been seeing my friends every day in the café, we’ve been seeing football matches and we’ve been talking about different topics. In this holiday I made many things important for me, I had driving courses to be confident when I’m going to buy a car, in the same time I had English courses.  

My last holiday was a three-day trip to Thua Thien Hue in Vietnam. I always want to go there, so in the summer of last year, I decided to take a trip to Hue with my family.

We booked a small hostel near Hue Walking Road. We stayed in a twin room, which was clean and had full amenities. The owner was very friendly; he showed us good restaurants, attractions, and how to deal with sellers in the market. We tried local foods such as Bun Bo Hue, Banh Xeo, Banh Bot Loc, etc. The food in Hue is cheap and amazing; I thought that I could eat it all day!

We did some touristy things too. We visited Hue Capital and had a chance to learn more about Vietnam's history. The architecture is very majestic and beautiful. We also went to Thien Mu Pagoda. It is one of the most sacred temples in Vietnam, so we prayed for health and happiness and wished everyone good luck. In the evening, we walked across the historic Trang Tien Bridge. It was so beautiful at night; there were a lot of people walking there. 

It was three amazing days. I felt so relaxed and hope to visit more places in Vietnam.

My last holiday was a two-day trip to Baguio in the Philippines. I had lived there before for five months. So I decided to go back for just a visit on my holiday. Unfortunately, there was heavily raining as we got off the bus. Otherwise, getting a taxi was super hard, and we were waiting for around an hour. Fortunately, I got home safely and I made so much fun with my friends. I visited the old places that I often did because it made me happy and refresh. In conclusion, I had so much fun spending my last holiday in Baguio.

I remember last year when I went with friend to the beach in summer. My Lastsummer holidays was 2days and 3 nights trip to Ngwe Saung Beach in Myanamr . Ngwe Saung, is a beach resort located 48 km west of Pathein, Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar. In 2014, the town of Ngwesaung had 10,732 people.The beach is 5hours drive with no traffic away from the principal city of Yangon. Ngwe Saung is well know for An unspoilt 15 kilometres stretch of silvery sand and modern amenities have made Ngwe Saung a popular destination for less budget conscious tourists from Lower Myanmar. I booked for our stay at a hotel near the beach, name was "Grand Paradise Hotel ". My friend and i prepared everything we needed on our trip as light food and soft drinks to have on the way to the hotel. And also we prepared necessary clothing for the sea, sun cream and some essential medicines. After 5hours of driving we arrived the hotel at 12PM afternoon and went to our rooms to rest change clothes and take all what we need to go to the beach. This Hotel is near the beach,all services was good and room are cleaned, wide and nice. We put our bags on the table and went to swim in the sea and then went out for lunch that my friend ordered from a fish restaurant . The Crab ,Lobster and fish was fresh and tasty and we enjoyed our meal very much. After lunch we sat under the canopy enjoying the sea view, refreshing breaths ,listening to music and playing fun games. OH really nice Ngwe Saung beach Myanamr.

My last holiday was far away in time in different reasons. We were at black sea coast on September so there where not so much other people. We was drinking a wine that was cheap there and going some excursions

My last holiday. Last summer, in particular on the last weekend of June, I decided to visit Granada, an amazing city in Spain. I visited Granada for the second time with my family, my wife, and two daughters. I was so happy because I visited Granada sights, especially Alhambra Palace, and Civilization Museum. We arrived at the hotel by bus at 11 a.m. The hotel was wonderful and clean, and the food they offer was delicious. My family really liked the traditional typical dishes of Granada, in particular the dish named Baella. During the holiday, I met some of my Spanish colleagues and they invited us to visit their house which is located in a nice village in the city suburb. Really, I liked this place for the large landscape, calmness, and the kind people who live in. On the fifth day of our holiday, we walked around the city and saw the old city which has been built above the mountain. So, you can see the whole city from above it. Despite the enjoyment that we have got, the negative thing about that holiday was that we spent so much money and also many friends need to buy some things from there, so I bought some souvenirs and I hope that I can keep one for myself to remind of that divine place. By and large, this holiday was great and unforgettable thanks to my Spanish friend, Gaspar, who provided me with a Guidebook which makes my trip easy and coy.

My last holiday was four days on São Miguel dos Milagres with my family. We stay on the beach house of my grandpa. There is a pool, and four rooms in that. There we go to the beach, to some interesting restaurants, to a beach clube and to an ice cream shop. I love that travel and i'd love go back to São Miguel dos Milagres.

On the first weekend in March, we took an amazing trip to Barcelona. We went by train from Atocha station and the journey lasted two and a half hours.

When we arrived at the historic Barcelona Sants station, we took the metro to Plaza de Tetuan, which is where we had the apartment. We left our baggage and went to visit the city centre, Las Ramblas, Plaza Catalunya, La Boqueria Market, Paseo de Gracia, etc. On Sunday, we saw the beautiful Sagrada Familia which is my favourite landmark. Later, we went to the incredible Nou Camp stadium to see the Barça game against Valencia. After the game we visited the official store and did some shopping but everything was very expensive. On Monday, before returning to Madrid we went back to the Nou Camp to take a guided tour of the trophy room, changing rooms, benches, and the VIP box.

At the end, we went to the apartment to take the suitcases and so, we took the metro to the Sants station where we boarded the high speed train back to Madrid.

I go to Thailand for a camping holiday, It was fun I go caving on the first day, I see many bets are sleeping on top of the cave.(no time to finish)

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How to Describe a Beach in Writing (21 Best Tips & Examples)

The gentle ebb and flow of waves, the warmth of golden sands, and the melodies of seagulls overhead – beaches captivate the senses.

I’ve described beaches many times in my own short stories and novels.

Here’s how to describe a beach in writing :

Describe a beach in writing by focusing on its unique size, climate, sand color, and location. Explore sensory details such as the sound of waves, the scent of saltwater, and the feel of the sand. Highlight cultural elements, marine life, vegetation, seasonal shifts, and local activities.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to describe a beach in writing.

1. Unearth the Sands of Time

How to Describe a Beach in Writing

Table of Contents

Every beach tells a story.

Some are age-old resting spots for local fishermen, while others have seen shipwrecks, invasions, or have been silent witnesses to lovers’ tales.

Before diving into descriptions, research the history of the beach you’re writing about.

This will not only add depth to your narrative but also connect readers to a bygone era.

Plus, if you love beaches as much as I do, then this will be pure heaven for you.

While some beaches have preserved their old-world charm with untouched landscapes, others boast modern-day beach shacks, surfing schools, or yoga retreats.

Distinguishing between the ancient sands and modernized coasts can set the mood for your description.

2. Palette of the Sands

Not all beaches are golden.

Some have white, powdery sands, while others flaunt a rare black, pink, or even green hue.

The color of the sand can significantly influence the ambiance of the beach.

Dive into the specifics – is the sand fine or coarse? Is it cool to the touch or sun-baked and warm?

Often, the sand isn’t just sand. It’s interspersed with shells, pebbles, seaweed, and sometimes even fragments of corals. Highlight these unique elements as they add character to the beach and provide sensory details for readers.

3. Dance of the Tides

Some beaches are known for their calm, lapping waves, making them ideal for relaxation.

In contrast, others are marked by powerful, crashing waves perfect for adventurous activities like surfing.

Describe the rhythm, sound, and sight of the waves to convey the beach’s spirit.

Understanding the tidal patterns can greatly enhance your description.

Low tides might expose hidden tidal pools, while high tides might bring with them a sense of mystery and anticipation.

This also affects the beach’s width and appearance at different times.

4. Symphony of the Shore

The beach isn’t silent.

From the cries of the seagulls to the whispers of the winds and the rhythmic sound of waves, nature creates a symphony.

Use auditory descriptions to transport readers to the shore.

On popular beaches, the sound of children’s laughter, chatter from nearby cafes, or tunes from a distant radio can add layers to the auditory experience.

Decide whether your beach is serene and untouched or bustling with activity.

5. Coastal Climate Chronicles

Is the beach sun-drenched, making it ideal for sunbathing? Or is it frequently cloaked in mist, giving it a mysterious aura?

The weather plays a crucial role in setting the scene and can influence activities, moods, and narratives.

Beaches transform with seasons.

While summer brings in crowds and vibrant energy, winter might render the beach desolate, with only the bravest souls venturing out.

Describe these shifts to add depth to your narrative.

6. Sunlit Spectacles

The magic of a beach often unfolds during the golden hours.

Narrate the transformation of the horizon as the sun rises, casting a delicate pink and gold hue, or as it sets, engulfing the world in fiery reds and deep purples.

The changing colors reflect not only in the sky but also in the water and sand.

While sunrise and sunset are dramatic, the midday sun brings out the vibrancy of beach activities, and nighttime might unveil a sky full of stars or even bioluminescent waves on certain beaches.

7. Flora’s Flourish

Many beaches are lined with specific vegetation, from towering palm trees to delicate dune flowers.

Describe the flora’s color, shape, and how it dances in the breeze, adding life to the coastal landscape.

Floral aromas mixed with the salty sea air can create a heady combination.

Bring out the varied fragrances one might encounter while taking a leisurely stroll.

8. Fauna Features

Tidal pools might house starfish, crabs, or tiny fishes.

Coral beaches might be teeming with colorful marine life. Delve into the beauty of the creatures that call the beach their home.

From seagulls to pelicans and sandpipers, the avian world adds movement and sound to the beach.

Their behaviors, from hunting for fish to playful chases, can be delightful to describe.

9. Activity Avenues

Be it children building sandcastles, surfers riding waves, or yoga enthusiasts greeting the sun, beaches often become hubs of activities.

Depicting these can give readers a sense of the beach’s energy.

Not all beachgoers seek company.

Some look for solitude – a quiet corner to read, meditate, or just gaze at the horizon.

Highlighting these moments adds depth and contrast.

10. Textures and Touch

Beyond visuals, the feel of the beach is vital.

Is the sand powdery soft, or is it grainy and rough? Does the water feel icy cold or pleasantly warm?

Engaging the sense of touch can make descriptions palpable.

How does the beach make one feel? Tranquil, exhilarated, nostalgic?

Tapping into emotions can resonate deeply with readers.

11. Tastes of the Tides

A trip to the beach is incomplete without the taste of salt on your lips from the sea spray.

For many beaches, nearby stalls serve fresh seafood.

Describing the tantalizing flavors of the ocean’s bounty can make readers’ mouths water.

Beach destinations often have signature beverages – from coconut water to adult drinks.

Highlighting these drinks can set the tone and mood of the beach scene.

12. Auditory Adventures

Every beach has its unique sound of waves – from gentle lapping to roaring surfs.

These sounds are soothing and rhythmic, making them integral to a beach description.

Include the distant laughter of beachgoers, the chirping of coastal birds, or the playful shout of children.

Such sounds breathe life into the scene.

13. Historical Hints

Many beaches have rich histories, from pirate tales to ancient civilizations.

Weaving in some historical elements can give depth to the beach’s narrative.

Statues, forts, or old lighthouses can stand as silent witnesses to the past. Mentioning these can make a beach scene more vivid and layered.

14. Moods of the Sea

The mood of the sea changes with weather and tides.

While a calm sea can be serene and inviting, a stormy sea can be wild and dramatic. Depicting these moods can influence the story’s atmosphere.

Low tide might reveal hidden treasures like shells or ancient shipwrecks, while high tide brings in waves and fresh mysteries.

The ebb and flow of tides can be metaphorical and descriptive.

15. Colorful Canvases

Describing the varying shades of blues, greens, and golds of the sea, sky, and sand can paint a vivid picture.

Sunlight plays a role in these changing hues, so consider the time of day.

Beaches at night transform into a world of silvery moonlight, shadows, and possibly bioluminescent creatures.

Using a palette of darker shades can set a contrasting and mystical scene.

16. Human Imprints

From lone footprints in the sand to majestic sandcastles, human touch is evident on many beaches.

Describing these imprints can suggest recent activity or age-old legacies.

Sadly, not all human imprints are poetic (or positive).

Describing signs of pollution, like plastic waste, can serve as a stark reminder and add an environmental angle to your narrative.

17. Unique Underwater Worlds

Many beaches are gateways to underwater paradises.

Vividly describing the diverse, colorful corals can transport readers into a magical realm.

Each coral formation has its own charm, from brain corals’ intricate patterns to the elegant sway of sea fans.

Beaches often harbor rich marine ecosystems.

Describing encounters with playful dolphins, curious turtles, or schools of shimmering fish can add depth and wonder to your narrative.

18. Local Life and Culture

Many coastal communities have age-old traditions linked to the sea.

Highlighting local festivals, rituals, or even daily activities like fish markets can provide readers with a cultural immersion.

Local handicrafts or special beachside dishes can offer a sensory feast.

Be it a description of intricate seashell jewelry or the tantalizing aroma of grilled seafood, integrating local flavors can enrich your beach description.

19. Dynamic Dunes and Vegetation

Sand dunes, shaped by the wind, can change forms and create mesmerizing patterns.

Describing these dynamic landscapes can add an element of nature’s artistry to your narrative.

Coastal vegetation, from tall palm trees to dense mangroves, not only adds to the beach’s visual appeal but also plays a crucial role in maintaining coastal ecology.

Diving into descriptions of these can add both beauty and educational value.

20. Seasonal Shifts

While summer might bring in sunbathers, winter could wrap the beach in misty allure. Capturing these seasonal nuances can create varied and engaging settings.

Monsoon or hurricane seasons can drastically change beach atmospheres.

Describing the sheer power of nature during such times can infuse drama and tension into your story.

21. Adventure and Activities

From surfing monstrous waves to peaceful kayaking sessions, beaches offer numerous adventure opportunities.

Describing the thrill and challenges of these activities can inject action into your beach scenes.

Leisurely activities like beachcombing can be therapeutic and rewarding.

Detailed descriptions of discovering seashells, driftwood, or even messages in bottles can add mystery and intrigue.

Here is my video that I made about how to describe a beach in writing:

30 Best Words to Describe a Beach in Writing

I’ve collected some of the best words to describe beaches.

Feel free to use these words to bring beaches to life in your own stories:

  • Sun-drenched
  • Crystal-clear
  • Picturesque

30 Best Phrases to Describe a Beach in Writing

Consider using these phrases to describe the beaches in your stories:

  • Waves lapping at the shore
  • Blanket of golden sands
  • Palm trees swaying gently
  • Horizon stretching endlessly
  • Colors of the setting sun
  • Children building sandcastles
  • Echo of distant seagulls
  • Soft whisper of the ocean breeze
  • Shells scattered like treasures
  • Footprints washed away
  • Secrets of the deep blue
  • Calm before the storm
  • A dance of playful dolphins
  • Reflection of a crimson sky
  • Nature’s perfect canvas
  • Dunes shaped by the wind
  • Taste of salt on the lips
  • Shadows growing longer
  • Aromas of beachside grills
  • Moonlit silver waters
  • Mystery of tidal patterns
  • Laughter and beach games
  • Sway of coastal grasses
  • Rhythms of the coastal life
  • Stories the tide brings in
  • Gentle embrace of the sea
  • Paradise found and lost
  • Hideaway for dreamers
  • Dance of light on waves
  • Sands of time standing still

3 Examples of How to Describe a Beach

Let’s look at three imaginative depictions of beaches, each resonating with the unique essence of its respective genre.

  • Romance : The serene beach under the moon’s embrace seemed to whisper tales of ageless romances. The moonlight cast a silvery glow on the quiet beach, where waves serenaded the shores. The sands, cool beneath their feet, became their dance floor. Their hearts resonated with the rhythm of the waves, as they lost themselves in each other’s embrace, amidst the vastness of the ocean.
  • Mystery/Thriller : A heavy atmosphere weighed down on the beach, with secrets buried as deep as its oceanic abyss. The beach was eerily silent, save for the relentless pounding of the waves. A thick fog hung low, concealing much of the shore. As Detective Adams approached, the beam from his flashlight revealed a set of footprints, leading into the mysterious abyss of the night.
  • Fantasy : To the common eye, it’s a beach. But for those with the sight, The Golden Sands of Elaria were gateways to otherworldly adventures. As dawn broke, the sands sparkled with magic. Mermaids emerged from the turquoise depths, dragons soared above the azure skies, and ancient runes appeared, guiding brave adventurers to hidden realms beneath.

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a Beach in Writing

Describing beaches is truly an ocean of opportunities.

Dive into more treasures by exploring other articles on our site – you never know what pearls of wisdom you’ll unearth!

Read This Next:

  • How to Describe a Bed in Writing (10+ Tips and Examples)
  • How to Describe a Train in Writing (30+ Words & Examples)
  • How to Describe Flying in Writing (21 Best Tips + Examples)
  • How to Write Traveling Scenes Readers Love (21 Best Tips)

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Essay on Holiday


Essay on Holiday for Students

‘Holiday’ is such a fascinating word that catches the fancy of each one, be it she or he, everybody finds it bliss to go for a holiday. We may be from any walk of life but we quite relate to this term ‘holiday’ equally. Professional people love holidays and children pray for the same. When it comes to holidays every grown-up and the working person acts like a child, desperate to relish the days of holidays. With the odds, if the holiday is cancelled, they will be sad and grumble as a child.  

Holidays are rightly known as pressure busters for the people. The normal routine of life requires a few days to relax. The holidays are always welcomed and awaited by all. Holidays give us immense peace and we cherish the memories of these well-spent days for the rest of our lives. Holidays help us in the following ways:

Mental Peace:  

We can derive mental harmony and mental calmness by staying at home and also by spending the holiday time with friends and family. 

Social Activities:  

The students in their holidays can also include the social activities that they do with their loved ones. 

Family Trip:  

We enjoy a family trip or a family excursion during these holidays.  

It is to be understood that gaining money is significant for livelihood, but relaxing the mind to make it function better is also as important. Hence, for the smooth working of life, a break is certainly required. 

Essay 1: Essay about Holiday with My Family

This time, in the winters, our small family planned for a holiday in the hills of Darjeeling. This was a much-needed break for the members of this family to remain quite busy in their daily scheduled life. They remain occupied in the strictly disciplined life of either work or study. My little sister and I study in grades 8 and 4, respectively, my father is a deputy manager in his reputed company, and my mother is a working lady and also a housewife. So, you can guess how our life will be in the strict realms of schedule. Thus, this time, my father and I decided on a short trip to the hills. 

We started our journey on the 1st of December, 2019. On the way, we played a variety of games. The view over the hills was quite pleasant to watch. When we were on the top of the summits, we looked down at our town, which seemed like a toy town; how small that was from the top! 

We clicked pretty snaps of the places, clicked pictures of us, of the local residents there, after which we went to a famous restaurant to eat our afternoon meal. We had the most delightful dumplings and noodles, which were cooked and served to us when still on steam. 

As dusk dawned on us, the jungles over the hills seemed to tell us another story of spirits and supernaturals. My sister and I were quite fantasized about this view. We preferred to keep our eyes shut till we reached our destination. It was half-past 8 when we reached the hotel where we would spend the night. The hotel staff was kind people who welcomed us with great warmth. We freshened up and went downstairs to watch their cultural program. The tribes danced to the music of one of their traditional songs, which was quite amazing for us to watch. After this, dinner was served. The dinner was quite rich and they served us in a sophisticated manner. After the tiring day, we decided to call it off and went to sleep.

The next day, we went hiking in the mountains. When we reached the peak of the mountains, it was a very delightful view. We decided to camp for the rest of the day there in the hills. The scenario and being on the lap of nature were quite peaceful and serene.   

After the trip, we came down to our town and normalized our lives. 

This trip had ushered a sense of great peace and calmness in my mind, which was to be instilled. The memories of the trip were to remain fresh in my mind like the fresh droplets on the leaves. 

Essay 2: Essay on Holiday 

Holidays have joyous feelings related to them. My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love this holiday because it comes in December, which is also my birth month. There are a lot of exciting things we do during Christmas. We start making preparations for Christmas early before the month starts. 

This year, my friends and I made snowmen with snow outside our houses. My dad put up all the lights in the interior and exterior of the house. It was looking really bright and pretty. My mom made a lot of food, cakes, and snacks, and ate with our family. My cousins from the US came over to spend time with us. 

Our whole group of family and friends ate and talked and laughed with each other, sitting cozily near the fireplace, with the Christmas tree towering over us. I had a lot of fun. It is one of my best experiences and I hope to feel it again. 

Essay on Importance of Holidays for Students 

Holidays are very important for students. The importance of the same can be listed as follows:

Students can join courses, like in extra activities like arts, crafts, pottery, candle making, and more. 

Students get to visit new places in the holidays. 

They can go out with their families and friends and can make abundant memories, which will leave an imprint on their life. 

Holidays give them time to relax with their close ones.

Students also get a lot of time to complete their homework and revise their syllabus.

How to Spend School Holidays Essay 

To spend the school holidays, students must include this list:

Educating self

De-stressing and relaxing 

Improving physical health 

Getting a new hobby

Visiting interesting and fun workshops

Learning skills, like martial arts

Being a part of a book club or a public library

My Best Holiday Experience Essay 

In writing about the ‘Best Holiday Experience’ Essay, I would say the best holiday I spent was on the sea beach; the sunny weather on the beach of goa was no less than a divine holiday. The best experience of this holiday came from sharing nature’s beauty and also staying at the best resort in Goa. 

The holiday is a day off or a few days off from the monotonous routine of the everyday schedule. Holidays are equally loved by students as well as by the working people. Holidays prove to be beneficial to us in many ways when they are spent with memories and good activities.


FAQs on Essay on Holiday

1. How important are Holidays for Working People?

 Vacation or holidays improves the blood pressure levels and also the mental health of the working people. Vacationing ensures that these people have a healthy body and also a happy heart. The working people crave to spend their days with their family and loved ones; what better can it be than going on vacations with them. Honestly, holidays keep working people from becoming monotonous robots who only work to get paid. The holidays help them feel recharged and relaxed, after which they are more receptive and active towards work.

2. What kind of Social Activities are to be done on a Holiday?

Social activities such as getting a new hobby, starting to read a new book, organizing a get-together party, playing games, talking about an interesting and informative topic, visiting a peaceful place, paying a visit to the parents or grandparents can make wonderful holidays.  

3. How would you Define a Holiday?

A holiday is such a day that is given a day off by a custom or by law on which all the normal activities, especially the business or work including the school cease to operate. Holidays are stress-busters, which act the same for all the people. 

Descriptive Essay about the Beach, with Outline

Published by gudwriter on May 29, 2018 May 29, 2018

At times students find it difficult to understand “ how to write descriptive essays ” and struggle to get the job done. In this case, they ask for help matching descriptive essays. However, there are numerous organizations that offer descriptive essay writing service to students in need. Students need to need to analyze and examine all essay writing service providers in order to ensure that they get a trustworthy company with the best case study assignment writer to aid them out.

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Outline of Descriptive Writing About the Beach – Miami


Thesis: The beach is one of the best places for entertainment and fun for adventurous people.

Paragraph 1:

The most remarkable beach is the Miami Beach.

  • . In the spring break of March, I visited the Miami Beach, and I was blown away by the salty and floating breeze of its coast.
  • At the beach, one cannot help but admire the calm blue sky or marvel at the beauty of creation in its entirety.
  • The beach is filled with all kinds of people, the young and the old clad in bath suits of different colors.

Paragraph 2:

People from different backgrounds and races fill the Miami Beach.

  • There are blacks, whites, Hispanics, and Indians among others.
  • In most cases, such people visit the beach in pairs as husband or wife or with their children.

Paragraph 3:

During the mid-afternoon, the rays of the sun get warmer.

  • At this time, people decide to take a dive in the ocean or stay ashore to experience the bitterness of the sticky evening air.
  • Mid-afternoon is the best time to experience the relaxing, soothing and peaceful atmosphere of the beach.

Paragraph 4:

In the afternoon, the beach is silent as people rush back home or to their hotels waiting for the next day.

  • A glimpse of the sand across the beach reveals how much activity took place during the day.
  • At dawn, the sound of the waves on the dark golden sands is more pronounced than during the day.

My visit to the Miami Beach was exceptional as I came to realize the thrill and excitement that nature holds. The people of different origins and the colorful environment makes the beach the best place to spend a holiday. The sound of the waves and the warm sun makes the entire experience worthwhile. In the coming years and future, I plan on spending my holidays at the beach all across the world.

Descriptive Essay About the Beach (Miami)

It is difficult to form a corrective idea of a beach without having seen one. Usually, a beach is a massive area along the shore of a vast water mass such as an ocean, sea, or lake. In most cases, it is often considered a place of relaxation since it is peaceful and quiet for anyone intending to see the beauty of Mother Nature at its best. The beach is one of the best places for entertainment and fun for adventurous people. It is also the perfect place to go to for anyone looking to momentarily forget about their life hustles and take a well-deserved break from the fast-paced normal daily life.

One of the most remarkable beach is the Miami Beach. Once during the spring break of March, I visited the Miami Beach, and I was blown away by the salty and floating breeze of its coast. At the beach, one cannot help but admire the calm blue sky or marvel at the beauty of creation in its entirety. The beach is filled with all kinds of people, both the young and the old clad in bath suits of different colors. The young children are covered in towels, and most of the times their parents allow them to create sandcastles or frolic in the ocean. Others choose to organize mini races on the beach sand and enjoy themselves casually competing with each other.

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People from different backgrounds and races always fill the Miami Beach. There are blacks, whites, Hispanics, and Indians among others. In most cases, such people visit the beach in pairs as husband and wife or with their children. The couples stroll the beach holding hands while others lie on the sand to enjoy the sun. In my visit, I attended alone to have an experience of this famous beach. The experience was out of this world as I laid down to take in the smell of the salty water feeling like a sea animal without caring about anything with the only consolation being the resonance of the rolling waves, the distance voices, and laughs and the laughter of people. The sun also did its part as it generously sent its rays to massage my intentionally exposed bare chest.

During the mid-afternoon, the rays of the sun get warmer. At this time, people decide to take a dive in the ocean or stay ashore to experience the bitterness of the sticky evening air. Without a doubt, I firmly believe that mid-afternoon is the best time to experience the relaxing, soothing, and peaceful atmosphere of the beach. The best experience is walking across the beach as the grainy, slick, and brown sugar sand take the shape of the feet while being comforted by the calm sound of the water and the rhythmic movement of the pounding sea water. It is difficult to ignore the fantastic experiences the beach poses.

In the evening, the beach is silent as people rush back home or to their hotels waiting for the next day. A glimpse of the sand across the beach reveals how much activity took place during the day. At dawn, the sound of the waves on the dark golden sands is more pronounced than during the day before people start flocking the beach as the sun emerges rising like a yellow balloon on the distant horizon. The sun actually appears to announce its intent to grace the day with warm rays and play its part in making the day on the beach a memorable one.

My visit to the Miami Beach was exceptional as I came to realize the thrill and excitement that nature holds. The people of different origins and the colorful environment makes the beach the best place to spend a holiday at. The sound of the waves and the warm sun makes the entire experience worthwhile. In the future, I plan on spending my holidays at different beaches across the world.

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Essay on Favourite Holiday Destination

Students are often asked to write an essay on Favourite Holiday Destination in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Favourite Holiday Destination

My best holiday spot.

Everyone has a place they love to visit. For me, it’s the beach. The beach is my favorite holiday destination because it is full of fun and relaxation.

Why the Beach?

The beach makes me happy. I can play in the sand, swim in the sea, and build sandcastles. The sound of waves is calming, and the sunsets are beautiful.

There’s so much to do! Besides swimming, I can collect shells, play volleyball, or have a picnic. Sometimes, there are boats to ride too.

Family Time

Going to the beach means spending time with my family. We laugh, play games, and enjoy the outdoors together. It’s always a trip to remember.

250 Words Essay on Favourite Holiday Destination

My favourite holiday spot.

Everyone loves to take a break and enjoy some time off. My favourite place to visit for a holiday is the beach town of Goa. It’s a beautiful area with sandy shores and blue seas, perfect for both fun and relaxation.

Sun, Sand, and Sea

Goa is famous for its stunning beaches. The soft sand feels nice under your feet, and the sea is great for swimming. I love building sandcastles and looking for pretty shells. The sunsets there are amazing too, with the sky turning all shades of orange and pink.

Fun Activities

There’s no chance of getting bored in Goa. You can try water sports like jet skiing or parasailing. If you like adventure, these activities are thrilling. For those who prefer calm, a boat trip to see dolphins might be perfect. I always make sure to do something exciting when I visit.

Delicious Food

Goa is also known for tasty food. There are many small restaurants where you can eat fresh seafood. I especially enjoy the fish curry. It’s spicy and full of flavor, a must-try for anyone visiting.

Warm People

The people in Goa are friendly and welcoming. They always greet you with a smile and are happy to help with anything you need. This makes the holiday even more pleasant.

In conclusion, Goa is my top choice for a holiday destination. It has everything you could want: beautiful beaches, fun activities, good food, and kind people. It’s a place where you can make happy memories that will last forever.

500 Words Essay on Favourite Holiday Destination

Introduction to my favourite holiday spot.

Everyone loves to take a break from their daily routine and go on a holiday. A favourite holiday destination is a place where you can relax, enjoy, and make memories that last a lifetime. My favourite place to visit is the beach town of Goa, in India. With its sunny skies, golden sands, and blue waters, Goa is a perfect spot for a fun and peaceful vacation.

The Beauty of Goa

Goa is famous for its beautiful beaches. The sea looks like a big, shiny blue sheet that stretches as far as your eyes can see. The sand is soft and warm, perfect for building sandcastles or just lying down to soak up the sun. In the mornings, the beaches are quiet, and you can see fishermen taking their boats out into the sea. The evenings are full of life with people playing games, eating snacks, and listening to music.

There’s never a dull moment in Goa. You can try exciting water sports like jet-skiing, parasailing, and banana boat rides. If you love adventures, you can go on boat trips to see dolphins or even visit spice farms where you can learn about different spices and how they grow. For those who enjoy history, old churches and forts tell stories from hundreds of years ago. The most famous church is the Basilica of Bom Jesus, which is very old and holds the remains of a saint named Francis Xavier.

Food in Goa is a treat for the taste buds. The seafood is fresh and cooked with tasty spices that make you want to eat more and more. There are many small restaurants by the beach where you can eat while looking at the sea. They serve local dishes like fish curry and rice, which are both delicious and will make you feel happy.

Cultural Festivals

Goa is also known for its colorful festivals. The most famous one is the Carnival, where people wear bright costumes, dance to music, and have parades. There are also other festivals like the Feast of St. Francis Xavier and the Goa Food and Cultural Festival. These events show the rich culture of Goa and are a lot of fun to watch and be a part of.

In conclusion, Goa is a place that has something for everyone. Whether you like relaxing on the beach, trying new foods, learning about history, or joining in on fun festivals, you will find it all here. It’s a place that makes you feel welcome and leaves you with memories that you will cherish forever. This is why Goa is my favourite holiday destination, and I always look forward to going back.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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A History of Moscow in 13 Dishes

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Essay; Bailing Out Moscow

By William Safire

  • Feb. 25, 1988

Essay; Bailing Out Moscow

We have just been told by a well-placed informant inside the Kremlin that the Soviet Union is not the economic power our intelligence analysts have long thought it was.

Throughout the Reagan years, our experts have assumed that Soviet growth averaged slightly over 3 percent yearly. That is a vital statistic: we then put a price each year on what we know the Soviet military machine cost, and get what we hope is a clear idea of what percentage of its economy Moscow is devoting to armament.

That's just about the most important intelligence number of all. In the 70's, a ''Team B'' of outsiders was brought in by the C.I.A. to challenge the conventional wisdom, and doubled the previous estimate to 13 percent in the Soviet Union. That laid the basis for our own increased defense spending, which now amounts to 6 percent of our gross national product.

In a little-noted passage of his long speech last week to his Central Committee, Mikhail Gorbachev made a stunning revelation that kicks our estimates into a cocked hat.

He pointed out that during the Brezhnev years, economic growth had been artificially hiked by the sale of oil at high prices (the U.S.S.R. is the world's largest producer) and the accelerated sale of vodka (Soviet spending on alcohol may have reached 10 percent of total output, compared with less than 2 percent of ours).

''If we purge economic growth indicators of the influence of these factors,'' said Mr. Gorbachev, ''it turns out that, basically, for four five-year periods there was no increase in the absolute growth of the national income and, at the beginning of the 80's, it had even begun to fall. That is the real picture, comrades!''

No doubt the current Kremlin leader is trying to make the present bad economic picture look better by saying the old days under his predecessor were really much worse. But we should allow for the possibility that, concerning the 80's at least, Mr. Gorbachev may be telling the truth.

If that is the real picture, comrades, we have to do some fast reassessing of our own. During the 80's, as the price of oil has been cut in half, and the Soviet gulping of booze has been restricted, the total Soviet output is not likely to have risen much, if at all, from what Mr. Gorbachev says was its falling state in 1980.

Here is what that new assessment leads us to deduce: the Soviet economy has been stagnant (or possibly declining) for seven years - most definitely not growing steadily at the over-3-percent rate per year our analysts had been assuming. That means our assessment of total growth of about one-fourth in this decade has been egregiously mistaken. That supposedly seven-foot giant turns out to be closer to five feet tall, same as he was in the Brezhnev years.

Apply that new assessment to arms control. The way we estimate Soviet arms expenditures is by simple bean-counting, mainly from satellites, and that total is not affected. What does change is the percentage of the output devoted to arms; if it was 14 percent by the old assessment, it must be an unbearable 20 percent in the new reality Mr. Gorbachev reveals.

Thus, under pressure to reduce arms spending, he seeks treaties; forced to cut losses, he announces withdrawal from Afghanistan and may offer to reduce subsidies in Central America; faced with the prospect of having to match serious Star Wars spending, he rails at the idea of strategic defense.

Apply that no-growth, one-fourth-smaller fact to economic diplomacy. It explains why the Russians finally settled the old Czarist debt for a dime on the dollar, paving the way for a recent $77 million Soviet bond issue. That's also why the Kremlin will be seeking entry into the International Monetary Fund, GATT and the World Bank at the next meetings (in West Berlin) this fall. Soviet Communism is starving for capital.

Our European allies are rushing to lend Moscow money and to subsidize pipelines, while accommodationists here want to offer the Russians most-favored-nation status on trade. Commerce and State Department detenteniks await only vague ''economic reforms'' to end our opposition to Soviet entry into Western credit markets.

Here is a genuine issue to toss at the candidates in our election. In light of what the Soviet leader admits is ''a very serious financial problem,'' should U.S. policy seek to finance our adversary? Or should we ''stress'' Moscow now, as it surely would do to us if the roles were reversed?

Or should we use this moment of admitted Soviet economic weakness to put an irrevocable, verifiable, behavior-modifying price on every concession we confer?


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