The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business, Second Edition

  • Caragh Medlicott, Chris Griffiths, Melina Costi

the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

In this Book

  • The Decision Radar
  • Common Thinking Errors—Selective Thinking
  • Common Thinking Errors—Reactive Thinking
  • Common Thinking Errors—Assumptive Thinking
  • The Context for Creative Problem Solving
  • The Solution Finder Step 1—Understanding
  • The Solution Finder Step 2—Ideation
  • The Solution Finder Step 2—Ideation Toolkit
  • The Solution Finder Step 3—Analysis
  • The Solution Finder Step 4—Direction
  • Commit to ‘Thinking Differently’
  • Creative Leadership
  • Conclusion—Where Do You Go from Here?


the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business


the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business


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Book Insights • 15 min read

The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business

Chris griffiths with melina costi.

By the Mind Tools Content Team

the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

Welcome to the latest episode of Book Insights, from Mind Tools. I'm Frank Bonacquisti.

In today's podcast, lasting around 15 minutes, we're looking at "The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business," by Chris Griffiths with Melina Costi.

Some organizations value creativity above almost everything else. Take Toyota, for example. It encourages all its people to suggest ways to make the business better. And how many of those ideas does the company act on every year?

The answer, according to this book, is one million! On average, every employee offers 100 ideas, which adds up to several million a year. As a result, the company is constantly improving – by embedding creativity in everything it does.

"The Creative Thinking Handbook" outlines how an innovative culture like this can be established anywhere. With the right approach, we're told, every organization can embrace creativity. And, by putting it into action constantly, people will be more productive and happier at work – and the business will flourish.

It's tempting to say, "Yes, but… Is it really possible for a company to awaken creativity in all its people, give them the confidence to take risks, and not mind if they make mistakes? Can it gather ideas from everyone – and then actually put them to good use?"

If thoughts like these occur to you, that's the problem in a nutshell, according to lead author Chris Griffiths. He'd say you're limiting yourself with negative thinking. If you assume that only certain, special people are "creative," or that creativity rarely makes a real difference, you need to start thinking differently.

In other words, you need to think differently about thinking! Creative problem solving is a skill that can be learned like any other skill, by anyone. And it can improve every aspect of work, whatever job you do.

"The Creative Thinking Handbook" is aimed at anyone who wants to feel more confident about their ability to solve problems, come up with new ideas, and bring a fresh and innovative approach to their role. It's also about creative leadership , showing us how big names in business have benefited from this approach, building organizations that have creativity at their heart.

Chris Griffiths is well-qualified to write this book, with his background in both creative thinking and business innovation. He's the founder and CEO of a company called OpenGenius, and he's worked with Fortune 500 and FTSE100 companies worldwide, promoting what he calls applied creativity . He's a well-respected speaker in the business community, where, he says, people still don't talk enough about creativity.

Co-author Melina Costi is a professional business writer.

So, keep listening to find out how to "calculate" your creativity, what psychological habits might be holding you back, and how we can put our creativity into action at work.

"The Creative Thinking Handbook" is designed as a practical tool, and it looks and feels easy to use. It's a fairly thin paperback, at just over 200 pages long, and it offers a nice mix of author insights, nuggets of research, and short case studies. There are also colorful examples from a good range of role models, both men and women – from historical figures such as Leonardo da Vinci and Charles Darwin, to modern-day innovators like Body Shop founder Anita Roddick and Apple's Steve Jobs.

But at every stage, this is a book about you . There are exercises to get you thinking about your own creativity, and opportunities to put the author's key principles to the test. The very straightforward structure helps you stay focused on the process behind this particular brand of creativity.

Part One helps you analyze your existing creative skills, and exposes any risk areas in your thinking. Part Two lays out four stages of the creative thinking process , which should lead to you having strong ideas, and knowing how to put them into practice. In Part Three, you look at how far you've come, and commit to keep improving from there.

It's a clear, staged approach, so it's sensible to work through each chapter in turn. Having said that, the authors say it's possible to dip in and out, if you need help with specific issues. Although the chapter titles are a little vague at times – like "Commit to Thinking Differently" – there's enough information in the table of contents for most people to find what they're looking for. There are online resources, too, which you'll hear more about later.

The book starts with the observation that the skill of creativity is often overlooked. It tends to be regarded as a mysterious gift that some people have, and others don't. As a result, we focus on other abilities – despite the fact that creativity may well be the most important one of all!

This is not just important for companies that do obviously creative work, like ad agencies or game developers. The authors believe that creativity is at the heart of successful business, period. It improves people's happiness at work and makes them perform better. On a larger scale, it helps whole organizations cope with challenges and change. And it has a direct impact on their profitability and long-term success.

So it's important that we know what creativity actually is – and what it isn't. It's not doing things differently just for the sake of it. And it's about much more than bringing extra color, a creative vibe – or even more beanbags – into the workplace.

Creativity may be surprising and playful at times. But it should also be serious and process-driven. No company can afford to ignore it, or to limit it to particular people or one-off events.

Among the many persuasive statistics in the book, the authors point to an Adobe survey which found that 78 percent of workers want to be more creative. And they quote from the World Economic Forum's influential "Future of Jobs" report, which identified the top three crucial workplace skills as complex problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity.

So why do so many people lack confidence in their creativity? Young children revel in it – so creativity should come naturally. But we "unlearn" creativity early on. Education leads us to become rule-bound and afraid of making mistakes. By the time we enter the world of work, too many of us are thinking in terms of boundaries, limitations and rules.

It's time to start breaking the rules. In one of the authors' most memorable statements, they say, "Creativity isn't just thinking outside the box – it's getting rid of the box altogether."

But that doesn't mean taking an uncontrolled, haphazard approach. You may not box in your thinking, but you do give it boundaries. That's how you manage the creative process with a team , focus your thinking, and apply your ideas with impact.

So let's look at the step-by-step approach to creative thinking that's outlined in this book. Part One is called "Thinking About Your Thinking," and that's a neat definition of metacognition . This is the foundation of the authors' approach. They admit we'd be lost without many automatic thought processes, and of course we have to make some assumptions about how to tackle common problems. But, when there's a new problem to solve, we need to break away from instinctive responses, and look at things with fresh eyes.

To help us to think about our thinking, they've come up with a tool called the Decision Radar, designed to assess creative problem-solving ability in five key areas: Understanding, Ideation, Reasoning, Analysis, and Direction. The authors urge readers to head to the companion website to use this tool online. You'll find it rebranded as " Calculate Creativity ," and it takes about 20 minutes to complete.

This exercise reveals your strengths and weaknesses in the five key areas, and it helps you understand your overall approach. There's also written feedback that explains the analysis in more detail, and you get specific advice about where – and how – you might be able to improve.

The website offers other supportive resources, many of which you'll have to pay for after a short trial. But the Calculate Creativity test is a free, standalone tool, and it's vital for applying the rest of the book to your own situation and needs.

After pressing the importance of the Decision Radar, the authors explain some "common thinking errors" that may be stifling our creativity. Engaging examples and intriguing questions reveal just how easy it is to misread situations and miss out on creative opportunities.

For example, confirmation bias can make you blind to anything that doesn't match what you already think. Selective attention and recall can keep you wedded to your favorite ideas. And it's all too easy to be held back – or fooled – by assumptions , especially when you're weighing up the risks of doing something new.

By the time Part Two begins, most readers will be eager to get into the nuts and bolts of creativity. Four of the five areas assessed in the Decision Radar test are now defined as active stages in the creativity process, and each stage is explored in turn. The fifth area, Reasoning, still figures, but it runs throughout the other four stages – because we need to be aware of how we're using our brains every step of the way.

Sometimes, divergent thinking is best, exploring new territory and opening up a range of possibilities. At other times, convergent thinking lets you pull ideas into focus and apply them to the task at hand.

But you always need to guard against negative thinking habits. Black and white thinking , for example, is when you're unwilling to explore uncertainties. And mind reading is assuming you know in advance how others will react to your ideas.

Remember, in this version of creativity, problem solving isn't based on gut feelings. It's a serious, logical process that you work through step by step.

As you heard earlier, the first of those steps is Understanding . It's vital to clearly define the problem you're trying to solve. There are some useful templates here for asking the right questions, and for seeing situations from different points of view. For example, how would your problem look to a reality TV star, or an eight-year-old child?

When you've got a clear idea about what you're trying to achieve, you can move to step two: Ideation . This is where techniques like brainstorming can produce a rich collection of ideas. But they'll only work if you get everyone in the room to participate, and you value all their contributions – however weird and wonderful they may be.

Griffiths has a proven track record here. He shares some excellent advice about how to keep ideas sessions organized and productive. For example, allow people time to think alone. Combine and build on ideas. And make space for incubation , as the best ideas often emerge over time – and when people are doing other things.

By the time you get to the third step, Analysis , you should have plenty of ideas to consider, in your search for an innovation or the solution to a problem. Once again, there are processes to follow – and templates to guide you – as you sort, evaluate, score, rank, and finally settle on the best ideas to take forward.

Step four is Direction . Here, there's an emphasis on the need for creativity to have an impact. We learn about the importance of resilience and persistence, and get motivational examples from the careers of people like the inventor James Dyson and the tech entrepreneur Elon Musk. They prove that it's no good producing a great idea and hoping it will magically deliver results. You need a clear implementation process, and a set of targets that will drive your plan forward.

Part Three helps with that. It loops back to the self-test from earlier, so that you can judge how far you've already come. And it urges you to keep going – to learn more about the creative process by putting it into action every day.

As in the rest of the book, there's no shortage of practical advice here. Work out the best times of day for different types of thinking. Harness the power of daydreaming – because that's when your creativity is particularly strong. And help others to be creative. Let them know that it's OK to fail. Talk about "glitches" rather than "mistakes." Make work a fun place to be, and encourage curiosity and playfulness.

There's a big emphasis on collaboration. The authors provide some good examples of companies that prioritize shared creativity, and set up working environments that support it. Groupon's Enchanted Forest meeting zone will be the envy of many!

So what's our last word on "The Creative Thinking Handbook"?

It's a clear, practical guide that informs as well as instructs, through the expertise of Griffiths, in particular, and a lot of great real-world examples.

A few of the case studies seem a little simplistic – especially as we're told throughout the book that creativity is a complex business. And, of course, not every reader will have the power to implement some of the more ambitious ideas. But it's still interesting to hear about initiatives like those at Toyota and Disney that have boosted creativity on a grand scale.

The book includes plenty of warnings about what blocks creativity, and it has almost as many don'ts as dos in its chapter-ending checklists. That said, it finishes on an up note – and that's important, the authors say, because a cheerful outlook is vital for creativity to thrive.

To become more positive, you must embrace newness. Read inspirational stories whenever you can. And, however challenging things seem to be, always expect to succeed. That attitude can help you lead long-lasting creative growth.

The authors are clearly passionate about personal creativity. But they also want entire organizations to benefit from this book. If we follow their process, our companies won't become boxes we have to think our way out of. Instead, they'll be places where creativity can be unlocked, and even the trickiest business problems solved.

"The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business," by Chris Griffiths with Melina Costi, is published by Kogan Page.

That's the end of this episode of Book Insights. Thanks for listening.

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the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

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the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

The Creative Thinking Handbook

Your step-by-step guide to problem solving in business, by chris griffiths, this title was previously available on netgalley and is now archived., send netgalley books directly to your kindle or kindle app, to read on a kindle or kindle app, please add [email protected] as an approved email address to receive files in your amazon account. click here for step-by-step instructions., also find your kindle email address within your amazon account, and enter it here., pub date apr 30 2019 | archive date apr 30 2019, kogan page ltd | kogan page, business, leadership, finance.

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More than 82 per cent of companies believe creativity directly impacts results, yet few of us understand how it comes about or how to put it into practice. Some people say that creativity is about thinking outside the box, while others believe it is about being creative inside the box; but what if there is no box? The Creative Thinking Handbook argues that we need to identify and remove the 'box' around our thinking, so we canunlock unlimited streams of creativity for professional and business success. This book offers an integrated system of personalized insights, along with clear, practical tools and strategies - including the tried-and-trusted Solution Finder model. The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

More than 82 per cent of companies believe creativity directly impacts results, yet few of us understand how it comes about or how to put it into practice. Some people say that creativity is about...

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the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

There are lots of good ideas and examples here. Many of them are not new (maybe I've read too many books...), but they can still be helpful. My faves included drilling down to the root "why" and a more effective brainstorming process. There are a number of activities and exercises to help get the juices flowing. There are also some good checklists and dos/don'ts. This is a "straight" book that doesn't try to be funny like other books on creativity, which works well for these authors. In some ways, this is a psychology book -- which is used to help us be creative. While this was well-written, it did not blow my socks off. I'm not sure I can identify the exact reasons. Nonetheless, the info here is solid, and will undoubtedly benefit many readers seeking some new creativity in their business/life. Recommended. I really appreciate the advanced copy for review!

the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

Is your company market driven or market driving? Do you agree to the following: ‘Everything that can be invented has been invented.’ Charles Duell, Commissioner, US Office of Patents? This statement is from 1899 and how first it sound today? Creativity is the key element for successful business today. The book is great with exercises/activities to train your brain along while reading the book. There are many interesting case studies that show practical applications of creative thinking.

Well written and straightforward with lots of broken down elements that are easy to follow. Some of this is quite basic but a great place to start for some or as a refresher for others.

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The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business

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The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business Hardcover – 3 April 2019

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The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business

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More than 82 per cent of companies believe creativity directly impacts results, yet few of us understand how it comes about or how to put it into practice. Some people say that creativity is about thinking outside the box, while others believe it is about being creative inside the box; but what if there is no box? The Creative Thinking Handbook argues that we need to identify and remove the 'box' around our thinking, so we canunlock unlimited streams of creativity for professional and business success. This book offers an integrated system of personalized insights, along with clear, practical tools and strategies - including the tried-and-trusted Solution Finder model. The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

  • ISBN-10 0749498137
  • ISBN-13 978-0749498139
  • Edition 1st
  • Publisher Kogan Page
  • Publication date 3 April 2019
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 16.51 x 2.54 x 24.13 cm
  • Print length 248 pages
  • See all details

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About the author.

Chris Griffiths is founder and CEO of OpenGenius, and world-leading expert on the application of innovation and Mind Mapping®. He is based in Cardiff, Wales. He has helped drive business growth for thousands worldwide, including teams and individuals from Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies, the United Nations and Nobel Laureates. He is a bestselling author on creativity and innovative thinking skills, and promotes entrepreneurial thinking through the Inspire Genius Foundation. His software, iMindMap and Droptask, is used by millions of people worldwide to improve their creativity and productivity.

Melina Costi is a professional business writer with a background in marketing management, based in Cheshire, UK. She is co-author of GRASP the Solution (with Chris Griffiths), which reached #2 on the Amazon UK business chart; and The Positive Leader (with Jan Mühlfeit, former Microsoft Europe Chairman). Besides her writing work, she provides academic support services for adult students with learning difficulties and disabilities.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Kogan Page; 1st edition (3 April 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 248 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0749498137
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0749498139
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 16.51 x 2.54 x 24.13 cm
  • 4,145 in Self Help Memory Improvement
  • 14,513 in Popular Psychology

About the authors

Chris griffiths.

Find out why the senior leadership teams of the European Commission, Pfizer, State Bank of India, Stanford University and many other organisations across the globe, have invited Chris Griffiths to kickstart their creativity, systemise their innovation, restore their resilience, and reverse quiet quitting. Chris has helped Nobel laureates, Governments, Royal Families, CEOs and 1000’s more.

Chris is the founder of OpenGenius, a company focused on helping transform thinking, creativity and learning. His technology solutions have been used by millions of individuals to clarify thinking, generate game-changing ideas, and turn ideas into action. He is a bestselling author on creativity, mind mapping and innovative thinking skills, with his latest book published by Kogan Page, ‘The Creative Thinking Handbook’ now available in 10 languages. Previous titles include ‘GRASP The Solution’ that ranked as the #1 book on Amazon under ‘Decision Making’, and ‘Mind Maps for Business’ co-authored with Tony Buzan.

CEO Today magazine ranked Chris’ book as the #1 business book to help inspire creativity and innovation in business and Forbes also chose The Creative Thinking Handbook as one of the best books to get your creative juices flowing.

As a serial entrepreneur, Chris doesn’t just talk the talk, and has founded several businesses. He set-up his first company aged 18, which he sold when he was 26. His companies have ranked in the ‘European Deloitte Fast 50’ and the ‘Sunday Times / London Stock Exchange Fasttrack 100.’ Chris has launched four apps that have each grown to over 1m users.

Chris regularly contributes articles to a number of major publications. These articles span topics as varied and important as the future of work, rebooting a creative mindset, being positive in work and many, many more. Recent articles and comments have appeared in GQ, The Telegraph, Director Magazine, Minute Hack and Chris regularly contributes to Forbes. As a world leader in the innovation field, Chris regularly takes part in interviews on TV, the radio and podcasts. This includes several appearances on BBC News.

 He has spoken at TEDx events on multiple occasions.

For more information on Chris, and his keynote speaking, visit:

Melina Costi

Melina Costi is a professional business writer and copyeditor with a background in marketing management. She is co-author of The Positive Leader (with Jan Mühlfeit, former Microsoft Europe Chairman), The Creative Thinking Handbook and GRASP the Solution, which reached #2 on the Amazon UK business chart.

Melina holds a first class BSc (Hons) degree in Business Studies from City University, London. She is also an accredited indexer and member of the Society of Indexers. Besides her work in publishing, she provides academic support services for adult students with learning difficulties and disabilities.

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The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business

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The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business Paperback – April 30 2019

There is a newer edition of this item:.

The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business

More than 82 per cent of companies believe creativity directly impacts results, yet few of us understand how it comes about or how to put it into practice. Some people say that creativity is about thinking outside the box, while others believe it is about being creative inside the box; but what if there is no box? The Creative Thinking Handbook argues that we need to identify and remove the 'box' around our thinking, so we canunlock unlimited streams of creativity for professional and business success. This book offers an integrated system of personalized insights, along with clear, practical tools and strategies - including the tried-and-trusted Solution Finder model. The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

  • ISBN-10 0749484667
  • ISBN-13 978-0749484668
  • Edition 1st
  • Publisher Kogan Page
  • Publication date April 30 2019
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 15.88 x 1.91 x 23.5 cm
  • Print length 248 pages
  • See all details

Product description

About the author.

Chris Griffiths is founder and CEO of OpenGenius, and world-leading expert on the application of innovation and Mind Mapping®. He is based in Cardiff, Wales. He has helped drive business growth for thousands worldwide, including teams and individuals from Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies, the United Nations and Nobel Laureates. He is a bestselling author on creativity and innovative thinking skills, and promotes entrepreneurial thinking through the Inspire Genius Foundation. His software, iMindMap and Droptask, is used by millions of people worldwide to improve their creativity and productivity.

Melina Costi is a professional business writer with a background in marketing management, based in Cheshire, UK. She is co-author of GRASP the Solution (with Chris Griffiths), which reached #2 on the Amazon UK business chart; and The Positive Leader (with Jan Mühlfeit, former Microsoft Europe Chairman). Besides her writing work, she provides academic support services for adult students with learning difficulties and disabilities.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Kogan Page; 1st edition (April 30 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 248 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0749484667
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0749484668
  • Item weight ‏ : ‎ 499 g
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.88 x 1.91 x 23.5 cm
  • #2,537 in Decision Making in Leadership
  • #2,607 in Business Decision-Making & Problem Solving (Books)
  • #2,643 in Career Guides (Books)

About the authors

Melina costi.

Melina Costi is a professional business writer and copyeditor with a background in marketing management. She is co-author of The Positive Leader (with Jan Mühlfeit, former Microsoft Europe Chairman), The Creative Thinking Handbook and GRASP the Solution, which reached #2 on the Amazon UK business chart.

Melina holds a first class BSc (Hons) degree in Business Studies from City University, London. She is also an accredited indexer and member of the Society of Indexers. Besides her work in publishing, she provides academic support services for adult students with learning difficulties and disabilities.

Chris Griffiths

Find out why the senior leadership teams of the European Commission, Pfizer, State Bank of India, Stanford University and many other organisations across the globe, have invited Chris Griffiths to kickstart their creativity, systemise their innovation, restore their resilience, and reverse quiet quitting. Chris has helped Nobel laureates, Governments, Royal Families, CEOs and 1000’s more.

Chris is the founder of OpenGenius, a company focused on helping transform thinking, creativity and learning. His technology solutions have been used by millions of individuals to clarify thinking, generate game-changing ideas, and turn ideas into action. He is a bestselling author on creativity, mind mapping and innovative thinking skills, with his latest book published by Kogan Page, ‘The Creative Thinking Handbook’ now available in 10 languages. Previous titles include ‘GRASP The Solution’ that ranked as the #1 book on Amazon under ‘Decision Making’, and ‘Mind Maps for Business’ co-authored with Tony Buzan.

CEO Today magazine ranked Chris’ book as the #1 business book to help inspire creativity and innovation in business and Forbes also chose The Creative Thinking Handbook as one of the best books to get your creative juices flowing.

As a serial entrepreneur, Chris doesn’t just talk the talk, and has founded several businesses. He set-up his first company aged 18, which he sold when he was 26. His companies have ranked in the ‘European Deloitte Fast 50’ and the ‘Sunday Times / London Stock Exchange Fasttrack 100.’ Chris has launched four apps that have each grown to over 1m users.

Chris regularly contributes articles to a number of major publications. These articles span topics as varied and important as the future of work, rebooting a creative mindset, being positive in work and many, many more. Recent articles and comments have appeared in GQ, The Telegraph, Director Magazine, Minute Hack and Chris regularly contributes to Forbes. As a world leader in the innovation field, Chris regularly takes part in interviews on TV, the radio and podcasts. This includes several appearances on BBC News.

 He has spoken at TEDx events on multiple occasions.

For more information on Chris, and his keynote speaking, visit:

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  1. The Creative Thinking Handbook, Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

  2. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

  3. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Problem

    the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

  4. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

  5. The Creative Thinking Handbook, Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business

  6. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    the creative thinking handbook your step by step guide to problem solving in business


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  1. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

  2. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    Based on research and proven-to-work creative thinking models, Chris Griffiths and Melina Costi present a clear introduction to what creative thinking is, explain why we all need to do it and will help you generate ideas and make better decisions. The Creative Thinking Handbook gets you to think differently by thinking creatively.

  3. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    This book offers an integrated system of personalized insights, along with clear, practical tools and strategies - including the tried-and-trusted Solution Finder model.The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy.

  4. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The Creative Thinking Handbook provides the correct application for creative thinking and action, by offering clear, practical tools and strategies so that you can develop creative thinking skills and help find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge. ... Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business. Chris Griffiths, Melina ...

  5. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    Buy The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business 2 by Griffiths, Chris, Costi, Melina, Medlicott, Caragh (ISBN: 9781398607064) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

  6. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business. Chris Griffiths, Melina Costi, Caragh Medlicott. ... The Creative Thinking Handbook provides the correct application for creative thinking and action, by offering clear, practical tools and strategies so that you can develop creative thinking skills and help ...

  7. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business, Edition 2. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business, Edition 2 - Ebook written by Chris Griffiths, Melina Costi, Caragh Medlicott.

  8. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

  9. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The Creative Thinking Handbook offers an integrated system of personalised insights, along with clear, practical tools and strategies - including the tried-and-trusted Solution Finder model. This book enables you to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy.

  10. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    Based on research and proven-to-work creative thinking models, Chris Griffiths and Melina Costi present a clear introduction to what creative thinking is, explain why we all need to do it and will help you generate ideas and make better decisions. The Creative Thinking Handbook gets you to think differently by thinking creatively. About the Author

  11. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    Based on research and proven-to-work creative thinking models, Chris Griffiths and Melina Costi present a clear introduction to what creative thinking is, explain why we all need to do it and will help you generate ideas and make better decisions. The Creative Thinking Handbook gets you to think differently by thinking creatively.

  12. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

  13. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Problem

    The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business. Book Insights • 15 min read. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business Chris Griffiths with Melina Costi. MTCT. By the Mind Tools Content Team

  14. The Creative Thinking Handbook

    The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge. More ...

  15. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    Buy The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business 2 by Griffiths, Chris, Costi, Melina, Medlicott, Caragh (ISBN: 9781398607088) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

  16. PDF The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business By Chris Griffiths, Kogan Page (2019), £14.99 Although this book was not my first choice when I decided to write a review for Quality World, I was extremely happy to have received it after reading the first few chapters. The most

  17. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    This book enables you to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

  18. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    Based on research and proven-to-work creative thinking models, Chris Griffiths and Melina Costi present a clear introduction to what creative thinking is, explain why we all need to do it and will help you generate ideas and make better decisions. The Creative Thinking Handbook gets you to think differently by thinking creatively.

  19. Unlock Creative Solutions with Effective Problem Solving Sessions

    Clearly defining the problem at hand is a critical step in any creative problem solving session. You should guide participants to articulate the issue in a way that is specific yet open-ended ...

  20. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business : Chris Griffiths: Books

  21. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

  22. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

  23. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.

  24. The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem

    The authors show you how to develop your creative problem-solving skills to make better decisions with an individualized step-by-step strategy. Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps you generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.