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social media presentation strategies

9 Steps to Create a Social Media Strategy in 2024 [Templates & Examples]

The companies that are successful on social media aren’t tackling everything at once. They’re picking a few strategic channels, honing in on their audiences, and— above all —creating truly great content that educates and entertains.

4.7 billion people around the world now use at least one social platform. Yes, your audience is on social media. Yes, you can use it to scale your business. And yes , you will struggle if you don’t have a great social media strategy .

So let’s build that strategy step by step.

How to create a social media strategy

Step 1. document your goals, step 2. clarify your target audience, step 3. conduct competitive analysis, step 4. choose your channels.

  • Step 5. Choose your content formats and frequency

Step 6. Determine your internal success metrics

Step 7. plan out your budget, step 8. map out your collaboration processes.

  • Step 9. Continually improve your approach
  • Bonus: 7 social media strategy presentation templates

What is a social media strategy?

A social media strategy documents a business’s goals for social media marketing , target audience, top channels, and content categories to keep the team on track to achieve key business goals.

Social media managers can use Google Docs, Notion Docs, or PowerPoint presentations to write and visualize their strategies. Templates can save a ton of time with professional formatting. It’s also smart to use content collaboration software to present the content calendar portion of the strategy, and to organize work from multiple team members.

What should your social media strategy include?

A great social media strategy should at least include these essential sections:

  • Target audience
  • Competitor analysis
  • Content formats and categories
  • Success metrics
  • Budget allocation
  • Team collaboration plan
  • Content frequency and key timelines

social media presentation strategies

Below, we go into more detail on how to create, document, and share your own strategy.

How to create a social media marketing strategy

Follow these steps and expert tips to help you craft your own strategy.

Join 5,000 marketing professionals and teams who already save multiple hours every week on creating and distributing social media content. Create a free account and start publishing today . 🙌

When you know your goals for social media , you can keep the rest of your strategy on track. Some companies only care about audience growth and branding, while others expect to drive measurable sales directly from social content.

The right goals for your business really depend on what you sell.

If you sell a low-cost e-commerce product, you can easily gain direct sales from social platforms. But B2B companies might need to use social media to gain leads and keep in touch with their existing customers.

The longer and more complex your sales cycle, the less likely you’ll be able to tie social media directly to revenue. Instead, you should set goals that are related to brand awareness, lead generation, community building, and customer retention.

💡Helpful Tips :

  • Come up with 2 - 5 goals yourself before meeting with stakeholders to get their input. This will provide a better starting point for the meeting.
  • Make your goals as specific and measurable as possible . For example, instead of “We want to grow our audience,” write “We want to grow our audience by 60%.” Or instead of, “Our goal is to increase our customer acquisition from social channels,” write “Our goal is to increase our social media customer acquisition from 2% of our overall acquisition to 10%.”

It’s important to include descriptions of your target audience in your documented strategy so that you can craft the strategy through the lens of what your audience will really care about.

The next step is to write down exactly who your target audience is.

B2C companies typically use a variety of demographics and interests. For example, 30- to 50-year-old women who are interested in housekeeping, home decor, and minimalism.

But B2B companies are usually better off using the jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) framework , as their target customers can come from a wide variety of age, gender, and ethnic backgrounds.

JTBD teaches us to define our customers by the jobs they need to get done. For example, a chief cybersecurity officer needs to protect his organization against ransomware.

  • Review your target audience description with all stakeholders to make sure everyone is on board. Iron out any disagreements until you’ve defined your audience accurately.
  • If you have two or more target audiences, create a page or section in your strategy for each one. Later on in step 5, create a content plan for each audience and describe how you will address the needs of your different audiences.

What are your competitors doing on social media? Deep competitor analysis can make it easier to know exactly how to approach your own social media accounts.

With your goals and target audience clear, you’ll be able to select the right competitors to analyze.

You should analyze at least 3 competitors from each of these categories:

  • Direct competitors - Companies that offer a similar solution to solve a similar problem.
  • Indirect competitors - Companies that offer a different solution to solve a similar problem.
  • Content competitors - Companies that compete with you for your target audience’s attention on social media, even if the problems you solve are different.

As with every part of your social strategy, the competitive analysis needs to be well documented. You can’t just spy on your competitors without writing anything down. At the very least, you should list their channels, account handles, followings, content formats, and content pillars.

  • Create a Google Sheet and make a row for each competitor. Then, in your strategy presentation, create a section for your overall findings from competitor analysis. Link to the spreadsheet so stakeholders can dive into the details. SproutSocial offers a helpful competitive analysis template specifically for social media.

competitor analysis for social media strategy

  • What content gets the best engagement? How about the worst? For thorough content analysis, link to the top 10 highest-performing and top 10 lowest-performing posts for each of your competitors. Put these in your spreadsheet, so you’ll have inspiration 24/7.

Start by listing out the distribution channels you hope to tackle, making sure to include only channels your audience is actually present on.

Then, use the RICE method to choose which channels you should actually prioritize right now. With the RICE method, you give each item a score from 1 to 10 for these categories : Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. (For effort, if it’s a low effort, you give a higher score.)

Then, you tally up the scores to discover which channels to choose. For example, let’s say you want to take on TikTok, but your confidence and effort scores are such that it doesn’t make it into your top 3.

  • Depending on the size of your team and budget, choose the social channels for which you will have sufficient resources to create great content and manage audience engagement.
  • If your budget and resources are low, choose only 1 or 2 channels to start with. Once you’ve met some of your goals on your core channels and you have the resources needed to create content for another channel, then you can take that on next.
  • Consider content repurposing when choosing channels. For example, you might find that you can handle Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn because you are repurposing your Instagram content for the other 3 platforms.

Automate posting to Facebook, Twitter (X), Linkedin, Instagram, Instagram Reels, TikTok, Pinterest and many more. Try it free ! 🙌

social media presentation strategies

Step 5. Choose your content formats, pillars, and frequency

Your content creation strategy should make up a sizeable portion of your overall documented social media strategy. What kind of content will you create? Which formats and media types will you use? Which content pillars will you satisfy?

Content formats

Social media algorithms love native content. This means content that was truly designed for that platform, rather than trying to get people off the platform. So, you might create a Facebook post with multiple images, a LinkedIn carousel, a TikTok video, etc.

Every social platform has its own content formats. Some platforms have tons of different formats. Instagram, for example, allows you to create Stories, Reels, Carousels, Feed Posts, Lives, and more. Instagram is known for copying other platforms like TikTok and Snapchat.

As you can see in this example, Quickbooks uses Posts, Guides, Reels, and Stories.

Quickbooks Instagram content

Now TikTok is getting in on the copycat action, having released a feature similar to BeReal’s quick post challenges .

Should you try to keep up with every content format under the sun? Absolutely not.

Try choosing just 2 to 3 content formats for each channel. This way, you can satisfy different learning styles and test the formats over time to see what works.

Social media content pillars

Tie your content pillars to customer concerns. What do customers ask you about? What do they want to know? The answers to these questions should guide your 3 to 6 content categories, your social media content pillars .

social media presentation strategies

Posting frequency

A great social media strategy covers how frequently you’ll post each type of content on each channel.

  • How will your social media content play into your overall content marketing funnel ? Make sure to include these details in this section of your strategy. For example, you might share your plan for promoting lead magnets to generate leads.
  • Make sure to also include details on how you will source content in this section. Will you source user-generated content (UGC) ? Will you partner with other companies?
  • Set a fixed slot for the best times to post on each social media channel.

Your strategy should include the specific metrics you’ll collect to measure success . You might also list any benchmarks you intend to hit.

Here are some examples of social media metrics:

  • Post engagement rate
  • Account mentions
  • Impressions
  • Leads generated per post or campaign
  • Conversions generated per post or campaign
  • Website traffic per channel
  • Audience count
  • Audience growth rate

The metrics you choose will depend on your strategy as well as your prowess with data collection and analytics .

FYI: With StoryChief, reporting and analytics are seamlessly integrated into one powerful tool, making it easier than ever to track and optimize your content performance. Create a free account and start optimizing content today . 🙌

social media presentation strategies

  • In your strategy document, clarify what you’ll track for each channel. For example, for TikTok, you might clarify that you’ll track views, likes, comments, and saves per post, as well as audience count, audience growth rate, and website traffic for the entire channel.
  • If you’re not an expert at collecting social media metrics or attributing business results to organic channels, then include phases in your strategy. In phase 1, you might collect impression and engagement metrics, while in phase 2, you might start collecting conversion metrics. This way, you can focus on implementing the strategy first without worrying about doing the setup upfront.

Write down your company’s budget for social media and how you plan to spend it.

Your budget can include:

  • Hard costs like social media software or agency retainers
  • Variable costs such as freelancer hours
  • The amount you are spending on internal hires related to social media

Some social media managers might also manage paid advertising and the costs required to boost the visibility of certain posts. If so, be sure to include that as well. If you have a separate team or department for paid advertising, then you don't need to include those costs in your budget.

  • It’s best to plan quarterly because social media is a fast-changing industry. The more results you get from social channels, the more budget you’ll be able to advocate for.
  • Make sure to reserve 70%+ of your budget for content creation. A great social media presence requires top-tier content. Your remaining budget can get spread between audience engagement work, software, and other related costs.

Your strategy should also include a plan for content collaboration with your team. List out who will work on social media, what tasks each person will do, and what tools you’ll use to coordinate that work.

Make sure to also clarify the process for collaboration . For example, you might create a diagram for the 5 phases of your ongoing social media work:

  • Content planning
  • Content creation
  • Content review

Then, you can detail which people, tasks, and tools fit into which stages.

  • Know that social media collaboration is an ongoing battle. Add a phase in your strategy to review your collaboration processes and make continuous improvements.
  • Use content collaboration software designed to save time and streamline your efforts. You can use StoryChief to brief, assign, create, review, schedule, publish, and analyze all of your digital content, including social media, blog posts, email marketing, and more.

Cureight Content Solutions faced challenges with editing and processing feedback in Google Docs before they started using StoryChief. By collaborating through StoryChief, they can conveniently store content briefs, feedback, and deadlines in a single platform. Additionally, they can publish content after approval without the need to switch between platforms.

Step 9. Implement your strategy and continually improve your approach

Now it’s time to get to work.

Once your team has accepted your strategy, you’ll need to put the plan into motion. If you’re creating a social media strategy from scratch, you might need to implement new software, design templates, and create a tone of voice or brand guidelines .

  • Add phases to your strategy document. For example, you might have Strategy Creation; Strategy Discussion & Review; Initial Implementation; and Results Analysis & Strategy Updates. This way, you show your team members that you’ve scheduled time in to actually check whether or not the strategy was successful.
  • When analyzing the results of your strategy, make sure to review everything: the channels, content formats, content pillars, posting frequencies, etc. to find opportunities to improve.

7 social media marketing strategy presentation templates

We’ve rounded up the very best free and affordable templates to help you create, visualize, and share your social media strategy.

💡Tip : Some templates can be mixed and matched. For example, you can add a Lucidchart diagram to your Notion doc or PowerPoint presentation, and then use StoryChief to share the content calendar aspect of your social media strategy.

1. Gantt’s Social Media Strategy Template

social media strategy template

Gantt is a project management software that’s excellent for—you guessed it—using Gantt charts to map out tasks and project phases.

Their Social Media Strategy Plan Template uses a similar approach to map out work throughout the year. You can use it to visualize your recurring processes for research, analysis, content creation, and review. While it’s great for organizing your tasks, it’s not suitable for actually documenting your strategy. So, you’ll likely want to use Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Notion for that.

2. Social Media Strategy Template by DesignsDuke

social media strategy presentation template

CreativeMarket is an excellent resource for super-affordable templates. This Social Media Strategy Presentation Template by DesignsDuke costs as much as a t-shirt and is compatible with Adobe InDesign and PowerPoint.

This template is great for pushing you to dig deeper in your research, helping you organize your thoughts, and of course, presenting your strategy either in person or virtually.

The sections include:

  • Market analysis
  • Audience demographic
  • Analyzing the competition
  • Top social networks
  • Content sharing plan
  • Content calendar
  • Collaborators
  • Guiding principles
  • KPI overview

3. StoryChief’s Social Media Content Calendar Template

social media strategy with content calendar

When you use StoryChief to strategize and plan your social media content, you get access to our Content Calendar . This means that once you create and plan your content, it will auto-publish posts according to your schedule. You don’t have to double up your work by copying content from Notion over to a social media scheduler.

You can plan, collaborate, schedule, and measure results all in one place. Learn more about managing content collaboration with StoryChief.

4. Natalie Furness’s Growth Marketing Strategy Template for Notion

growth marketing strategy template

Natalie Furness is a revenue operations consultant who specializes in growth marketing. Her Growth Marketing Strategy Template for Notion is one of the most detailed marketing strategy templates we’ve ever seen. While it’s not specific to social media, you can easily use it to document your strategy for social media specifically.

It includes:

  • SWOT analysis
  • Strategy documentation
  • Key growth metrics
  • Attribution analytics
  • OKR tracking
  • Customer journey maps
  • Marketing partner database

By following this template and filling out every detail, you’ll create a social media strategy that will impress stakeholders and keep efforts on track toward reaching important business goals.

This video walks you through the marketing strategy template in more detail:

5. Easlo’s Social Media Planner for Notion

social media planner template

Notion has a template library where you can find their free templates as well as ones for sale by the Notion community (at affordable prices). Easlo’s Social Media Planner is an excellent template for any team already using Notion. You can track your social media strategy in terms of channels, content formats, and post frequency, as well as your content calendar and upcoming tasks.

And of course, you can create a separate Notion doc to outline your target audience, goals, and success metrics.

6. Social Media Strategy Template by Latasha James

social media strategy template

Latasha James is a social media strategist and manager who teaches other marketing agency owners how to create effective social media strategies for their clients. In her Social Media Management Toolbox course, she offers a social media strategy template that covers business goals, content audits, recommended channels, posting schedules, content formats, content pillars, and examples of content ideas.

You can watch this walkthrough of her Social Media Strategy Template and recreate your own version using Google Slides or Canva.

7. Lucidchart’s Marketing Plan Template

social media strategy template

Lucidchart is a popular tool for creating diagrams and flowcharts. Their Marketing Plan Template can be easily customized for your social media strategy. Add your channels, content formats, and content categories to the mind map to help you visualize your overall approach.

On its own, this graphic isn’t comprehensive enough. So, be sure to download the image and upload it to your overall strategy document, where you can describe why you’ve chosen certain channels, content formats, and content categories.

Top 4 tools for creating your social media strategy

When creating a social media strategy, you need the right tools. You can use all of these together for different purposes.

1. StoryChief

StoryChief is a platform designed to help you collaborate on organic content . Content managers, social media managers, and freelancers can all work together in one place. So, rather than plan your content on one platform and schedule it on another, you can save time and never have to double up on your work.

How to use it for your social media strategy :

StoryChief is best used for sharing your first content calendar during the strategy process. Then, you can continue to use it for implementation and analytics.

Check out this tutorial to learn how to set up your channels, integrations, and content calendar:

Canva is a popular design tool that is an easy cloud-based alternative to professional design products like Adobe InDesign.

How to use it for your social strategy :

This tool is great for presenting your strategy. Create slides for all of the key sections and share the link with stakeholders, or organize a meeting to present and take feedback.

social media strategy presentation slides

With Miro , you can visualize or diagram anything. Consider it a visual whiteboard and design tool. You can use it to organize your thoughts and create attractive images.

Miro has a lot of use cases when you’re fleshing out your strategy. You could use their RICE method template when prioritizing channels and then include the visual in your strategy presentation:

RICE method for scoring and prioritization

Or, you can use it to illustrate how social media fits into your content funnel, how you’ll collaborate as a team, or just about any other process or method.

4. Google Sheets

It’s hard to imagine life without Google Sheets . While not as fully featured as Microsoft Excel, this tool is a favorite among many digital workers who want to collaborate in the cloud.

It’s great for organizing just about any data.

Google Sheets is best used when analyzing your competitors. You can include information on your competitors’ followings and top content. Then add your key takeaways to your presentation slides.

social media competitor analysis

We have 20 more social media agency tools listed here: from creation to management, monitoring, and employee advocacy.

Social media strategy examples [by channel]

In this section, we’ll deep-dive into example social media strategies for Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok and Pinterest. Additionally, if you’re looking to get actionable insights into how social media algorithms work in 2024, take a look at this blog post.

Instagram social media strategy

Because Instagram provides so many different types of content formats, you can really let your creativity shine. However, the accounts that are getting the fastest growth are those that post Reels regularly .

Example company: Shopify

Shopify is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world. It’s used by billion-dollar brands and new startups alike.

Shopify’s Instagram account features only a few types of content formats:

  • Standard feed posts
  • Carousel posts

They don’t do Stories. They don’t do Lives.

Let this be a lesson in not biting more than you can chew!

Shopify Instagram account

They provide really high-quality vertical videos, as you can see in this funny example:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Shopify (@shopify)

Shopify knows how to play the social media game. They don’t work too hard to educate their audience on what Shopify does. Instead, they focus on brand awareness and use viral content to drive as much traffic as possible to their Linkpop .

Too many B2B brands are failing on Instagram because they’re attempting to appeal to companies instead of people. Shopify only makes human-centric content.

Interestingly, Shopify also drinks its own Kool-Aid, because they sell products from its own e-commerce store that are designed for its audience, such as t-shirts that say “entrepreneur” on them.

Twitter social media strategy

Twitter is a great place to show off your funny side, and of course, share links to your great content.

Example company: Adobe

Adobe offers a variety of products for creatives, small businesses, and enterprise marketers. Although Adobe is a large enterprise company, they do a good job of keeping its social media content personable and informal.

Like many companies, Adobe uses their Twitter account to drive traffic to the free content featured on their website.

If your camera roll is 99.9% pictures of your pet, this one's for you. đŸŸ Find your furry friend's purrfect angle: — Adobe (@Adobe) October 29, 2022

But they also wisely post native content that doesn’t include any links. Like this funny tweet that is relatable to designers, photographers, and other digital workers.

Just one more edit
 – two hours ago đŸ€Ą — Adobe (@Adobe) November 1, 2022

Adobe has a massive global audience. Their 800K+ Twitter followers could be made up of everyone from amateur photographers to Fortune 100 business executives. They do a good job of providing mass appeal with their Twitter content.

Adobe uses their Twitter account to send traffic to the homepage of their website as well as to their free content for designers and photographers.

To keep their account relatable, they focus most of the content on their small business audience. This makes sense because they can garner big business clientele through inside sales and leave social media to win over small businesses, students, and individuals.

LinkedIn social media strategy

LinkedIn is the best platform for reaching a professional audience. Use it to connect with small business owners and employees from organizations of all sizes.

Example company: Gong

Gong is a revenue intelligence platform. The company is known for its bold, no-nonsense branding.

Gong employees at all levels of the organization post regularly and garner lots of brand awareness for the company.

For example, this post from RVP Dana Feldman shares behind-the-scenes SDR tips:

LinkedIn post example from Gong showing employee advocacy

Employee advocacy is the name of the game on LinkedIn. Personal accounts get far more visibility than company accounts. The team at Gong understands this and dominates LinkedIn. People from a variety of teams post regularly, including marketing, product, sales, and the c-suite.

TikTok social media strategy

The TikTok algorithm shows users new content on the For You page. Creators can focus on making great content, without having to spend time commenting on other people’s posts to drive traffic back to their own accounts.

Example company: Rachel Pedersen

Rachel Pedersen is a business coach and social media strategist who trains social media managers in growing their businesses and who also helps entrepreneurs and influencers grow their reach and income through social media.

Her TikTok content has racked up over 19 million likes on TikTok so far.

Because her audience is small business owners, she uses a more personal approach. She posts about motherhood, entrepreneurship, freelancing, mental health, and other topics that matter to her and her audience.

Rachel Pedersen TikTok

In her free TikTok Business Bundle , Rachel shares that her TikTok strategy looks something like this:

social media presentation strategies

She sells courses on growing social media accounts and on starting a business as a social media manager.

Pinterest social media strategy

A lot of bloggers and digital publishers use Pinterest to promote their content, making it an excellent platform for not only targeting middle-class millennial women ( the biggest user segment ), but also online creators.

Example company: ConvertKit

ConvertKit is an email marketing software that is popular amongst bloggers, freelancers, course creators, coaches, and other small business owners.

With their Pinterest account, ConvertKit does an excellent job of targeting their small business audience. They share productivity tips, marketing advice, and useful templates and tutorials.

ConvertKit's Pinterest account

ConvertKit utilizes Pinterest’s SEO features to get views and clicks not only from their own followers but from Pinterest searches too. The account has just 4.9K followers, but 2.5 million monthly views, meaning they are SEO-optimizing every pin to further its reach.

For all of their blog content and lead magnets, they create dozens of different pins linking back to those URLs.

Implement your social media strategy with StoryChief

StoryChief gives you all of the tools you need to plan, create, schedule, promote, and analyze your content.

Join 5,000 marketing professionals and teams who already save multiple hours every week on creating and distributing content. Create a free account and start publishing today . 🙌

social media presentation strategies

SEO score is generated by our copywriting assistant and helps us rank higher on search engines.

Social Media Strategy Presentation

Your social media strategy has many moving parts: background research, campaign goals, task lists, deliverables, and more. That’s why your social media strategy presentation has to be comprehensive, organized, and easy to understand.

A customizable, intuitive social media strategy deck template can relieve some of the stress of building your own presentation, allowing you to focus on sharing important information with your social media team. 

Use a social media strategy presentation template to:

  • Present research, goals, and strategies to executives
  • Keep social media team members informed
  • Check in on social media campaign progress and deliverables

Create a stunning Social Media Strategy Presentation

Every slide in your social media strategy presentation template fills an important role, so choose them carefully. While putting together your social media strategy deck slides, think about adding graphs, comparison charts, timelines, or a SWOT analysis to make your points visually. Some potential slides to include are:

Title Slide

Pro tips for your Social Media Strategy Deck Template

Consider these tips when creating your social media strategy deck.

A good rule of thumb for your social media presentation: provide an overview before diving into the details. This kind of structure may help your slides connect and flow naturally.

Charts, graphs, timelines, diagrams, and other graphics can transform your social media strategy presentation into a memorable, meaningful one.

Think about including pauses or breaks for Q&A into your social media strategy presentation.

Limit one idea or one topic to one slide. Overcrowding each slide makes it harder for your audience to absorb and remember the information, as well as execute on it.

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How to Create a Social Media Strategy Presentation

After creating a social media strategy, you need to make the case to stakeholders and your team. Learn how to create a social media strategy presentation today!

Chinwoke Nnamani

Learn about our

Updated March 6, 2024.


In the early days as the first social media marketing hire at a design agency in 2021, I found myself thrust into unfamiliar territory, including creating a social media strategy presentation. I felt uncertain and clueless about what to do with the blank Google sheet the co-founder had shared with me. 

I realized I was one of the many grappling with how to create social media presentations. This led me to learn that social strategy goes beyond having a content calendar, posting three times a day, or finding the best time to post. 

In this article, I'll unravel all the steps you need to create a social media strategy presentation in 2024.


How to create a social media strategy presentation

Creating a great social media strategy presentation includes the following steps:

1. Set SMART goals

Goals help you track and measure your brand's social media progress and understand shortcomings in your strategy.

SMART Goals are popular for a reason: they work.


According to the Sprout Social index, 60% of marketers in 2024 plan to connect the value of social to business goals by quantifying the value of social engagement in terms of potential revenue impact.

Take note of the term “Business goals."

But let me take you on a ride to the world of psychology first. If you want to give your brain a decent chance of meeting a goal, productivity folk wisdom insists that it better be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based .

Here's how you set and document SMART goals when creating a social media strategy presentation:

Let's say your not-yet-SMART social media goal is to take your brand or client's online presence to a greater height in 2024. Let's make it SMART!

  • Specific : "To a greater height in 2024" is a vague goal. Be more specific instead, like "Improve audience engagements by X% on all platforms, by the end of 2024, by creating content consistently."
  • Measurable : Can you track your goals? Are there key performance indicators to ensure your social media content strategy gets you closer to your goal? If you want to take a brand's social media presence to greater heights, set benchmarks on things like engagement metrics or follower rates. So instead you could say: "10x social media presence by earning at least 200-500 monthly followers on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter."
  • Achievable : Goals are achievable when within the range of possibilities. Using the same example of boosting followers, if you know it's impossible to earn that number of followers within a month, come up with an achievable figure. The social media game involves consistency, persistence, and incremental improvements, so set goals accordingly.
  • Relevant : The relevance of social media goals is a measure of the positive impact they leave on your brand. It can be a financial result, more visibility, or something tied to the fulfillment of your unique value proposition. So, before you document, ask yourself if each is goal relevant to your business's purpose. Is your social media marketing plan actually helping the business reach more potential customers and moving the needle on overall business goals?
  • Time-based : "The end of 2024" is not specific. When exactly do you want to achieve your goal? For instance, maybe you want to reach out to 50 potential clients per month. That's a time-based goal, but still vague. A better version "I will send at least 12 cold DMS per week" gives you the kind of actionable insight into your strategy that business owners want to see.

2. Choose relevant metrics


ï»ż (Source) ï»ż

Goal setting doesn't determine the result. The results of your social media marketing efforts are the sum of your decisions and consistent execution.

And while taking these actions, bit by bit, you need to track them to ensure continuous improvement in your results.

“What metrics should I be looking at? What should I be tracking? How often should I look at Analytics?” are three key questions every good social media manager or social team asks themselves when penning down the metrics for a social media strategy.


When choosing metrics, Andy Crestodina recommends two factors:

  • The visibility of the metric – Is the metric easy to find? Is it available to the public? Do you need tools? Or do you need to research to uncover it?
  • The importance of the metric – Does the metric correlate with business success? Is it likely to affect financial outcomes?


Here are some relevant metrics to look out for in your social media marketing outcomes in 2024:

  • Follower count/growth rate
  • Awareness metrics (i.e. impressions and views)
  • Referral traffic
  • Conversion rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Cost per click

Remember that metrics vary from one business and one strategy to another. To get the best outcomes, focus on what counts: your brand's visibility and revenue.

3. Describe your audience

The next step in your social media strategy presentation planning is to describe your audience.

A target audience is a more specific term describing a particular group of people you're trying to reach with your social content plan.

Take audience research seriously. Bad audience targeting is the cause of many brand failures. Without a target audience in mind, you’re going to get little to no engagement on any social media campaign you launch.

To increase your social media marketing conversions, figure out who exactly is your primary target audience, what they want, what matters to them, and what are the sources of friction for them.

And if you say your social media target audience is “everybody” or “anyone interested in your services,” you don’t have much of a chance to boost conversions.

I like how, Rakefet Yacoby, CMO at Mayple puts it in an article on audience targeting :

“Your audience can be wide (e.g. if you sell napkins, everyone uses them, so your target audience will be quite broad) or it can be a narrow market segment (e.g. you might be selling makeup-removing wipes for people with a specific skin condition/type of skin).”

Describe your audience with these five simple questions:

  • Who are they? Who are the people you're trying to reach with your content? Simple and Obvious question, but you'd be surprised how many businesses fail to answer it by either aiming for too broad or too specific of an audience.
  • Where do they look to find information online? There's no point in publishing content on a social channel if your ideal audience isn't there.
  • What are their biggest challenges or desires? Understanding your audience's fears and dreams makes it easier to present your solution.
  • Pro tip 💡 Why.  Conduct interviews to get an even better understanding of your intended audience. Choose three to five current customers and ask questions like "How did you hear about us?" and "What made you buy from us?"


4. Conduct a competitive analysis

Competitor analysis is all about understanding your position in the marketplace about your competition.

As you conduct this analysis for your social media marketing, pinpoint who your competitors are. It's often helpful to compare notes with other team members, particularly in the sales or business development departments, who have often have insider industry knowledge. You can add parallel companies, who may not be direct competitors, to the list as well if their strategy has caught your eye.

Take an in-depth look at their posts on all of the platforms they use, noting content performance, what kind of content has the maximum engagement, their use of user-generated content, how much visual content they post, and so on. 

Try to spot the strengths and weaknesses in their strategy. Seeing what works for your competitors can help you identify gaps in your strategy; the gaps in their strategy, meanwhile, are opportunities for you to shine. Now you're ready to make data-backed decisions with some serious inspo.

Here's how to conduct competitive analysis when planning your social media strategy:

  • List your strong competitors
  • Identify their social media strategy by observing their campaigns, how they engage with their audience, and the format and frequency of their posts
  • Take note of their top-performing content. Is there a pattern in their highest-performing pieces of content? For example, are they in one specific medium (video, infographic, written content)?
  • Find the Points of Difference (PODs): PODs are the features that are important to your prospects and not available from your competitors

5. Run a social media audit

A social media audit involves reviewing your business's social presence point-by-point. This includes performance metrics and future opportunities to grow and optimize your accounts.

With social media audits, you can sieve out irrelevant tactics and get concrete answers to your troubling questions.

Here’s how to run a social media audit in five simple steps:

  • Document and take an inventory of all your brand’s social media profiles. This includes every platform where you have a business presence of any kind – yes, even that Facebook page that's been neglected recently. Ensure the consistency of your marketing messages and note the follower count for each profile.
  • Look at the analytics dashboard of each profile to find the percentage of impressions, likes, new follower count, and clicks. You can also use a social media analytics tool like Sprout Social. With these analytics reports, you can dig into your demographic data, geographic data, and company data.
  • Note your social media brand style and assets. One of the most important steps in a social media audit process is to check the styling of your posts, color, consistency of brand style, and your bio. Your brand assets on social media including your link in bio must correlate to your unique value proposition.
  • Analyze your top-performing posts and marketing campaigns, and try to find out why they performed so well. Document the reactions of your audience to those posts and find out how you can work on future posts to get the same results.

6. Include social media listening notes

Listen first. Talk later.

What are your customers saying about you? Social listening is the practice of monitoring social media channels for mentions of your brand, competitor brands, and related keywords.

Monitoring conversations and discussions around the industry gives you important insights about what’s working, and what’s not, for your target audience.

One tactic is to join communities where your target audience hangs out and listen to what they're saying about your competitors and the different solutions offered in your industry. You can also swipe through comments on your posts or mentions of your brand and pick through the good and bad reviews.

Use audience research tools like SparkToro to find topics your audience is discussing, discover relevant influencers in your niche, and see which websites your target customers hang out on.


7. Talk about the chosen channels

There are many social channels you can choose from: Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, and more. Prioritize identifying the right channels for your business when deploying organic social or paid social marketing.

There's been a lot of debate surrounding the maximum number of channels that should be chosen by a brand. The rule of thumb is to stick to what you can manage, optimize, and analyze.

Social media platforms with a high population base don't cut it if your audience doesn't reside there. For example, Facebook is the most used social media platform in the world in terms of monthly active users (MAUs). Over 3 billion people log into the platform each month. But if they're logging on to stay in touch with family abroad, they're likely less receptive to brand messaging that would work on, say Linkedin.

So if you're targeting C-suite leaders and professionals in different industries, Facebook impressive stats won't be relevant to your digital marketing strategy. Don't forget to make this important point in your social media PowerPoint presentation.

8. Explain paid media involvement

During economic downturns, companies that focus on social media growth plan investments tend to outperform their rivals when markets recover.

ï»ż Social media ads let you invest money into different social media channels to increase your brand awareness and revenue. Your paid media efforts can fall into three content pillars or buckets per RefineLabs on the philosophy of Paid media :

  • Product ads : These ads specifically tout the product/solution in some way and drive directly to a declared-intent page on your website.
  • Content : These ads are primarily focused on fostering education and awareness at a higher level and may drive to a thought leadership blog post, third-party article, or other lower-intent content piece.
  • Social proof : These ads specifically aim to affirm prospective buyers by highlighting case studies, ROI data, and/or industry recognition.

Explain each of these buckets, with a budget breakdown to explain the cost of each paid media practice (more on that next!).


Need to make sure your social content is on point? Hire a Mayple-vetted social media content freelancer . Just get in touch with us and we'll match you with the perfect one.

9. Do a budget breakdown

Did you know that the average US organization spends anything between $72,000 and $126,000 on social media services?

Even in the low range, that's a lot to leave to chance – if you don’t want to waste money, that is. This is precisely why building a sensible social media budget is crucial to your success.

A social media budget can help you set the right goals, expectations, and KPIs for your organization. With a budget in place, you know exactly what your organization can afford to do and how much it will cost. Include:

  • Costs associated with advertising, including pay-per-click campaigns and sponsored posts
  • Fees for the use of paid social media management tools
  • Costs associated with content creation, such as contracting freelance writers and graphic designers
  • Fees for influencer campaigns
  • Costs associated with analytics and reporting tools
  • Any other expenses related to the social media activities of your organization

10. Show inspiration

Be sure to include in your social media marketing strategy presentation examples of successful strategies that you're looking to mirror. Successes can be broken down into factors such as general strategies that make big brands win, or the consistency of their approach.

No brand is an island. Every strategy that exists today has always been around in one form or another. So use other brands as inspiration. And as for you, the leader of social media marketing operations, you can strive to be an inspiration to your colleagues.

Here are three ways to show inspiration:

Success stories

The social media marketing success of a brand is never an accident. It's a sum of goals, executions, plans, and consistency. And maybe a bit of luck here and there, just kidding.

One of the best ways to convince the C-suite leadership at your brand that social media marketing works is to show them success stories. With these stories, they can believe that these strategies and frameworks have worked.

But you must bring clarity at this point of your presentation:

  • Note the success stories of brands ahead of you and make it clear that patience is key to getting these results.
  • Don't overframe the early results of a brand. Yours might not be the same. So, make sure every story is achievable and believable, yet convincing.

You can get success stories from:

  • Meta, on Advertising success from various brands
  • Drum, on social media success stories and case studies
  • MarketingSherpa, 1789 marketing case studies and counting

For example, Sprout Social did an in-depth analysis of how Duolingo rose to fame using TikTok. Looking for similar examples will help you make your case in front of the leadership, get their buy-in, and get approval for your budgets. 


Awarded accounts

Check award-winning accounts in your niche to serve as inspiration and motivation for your brand to build systems that result in successful outcomes.

Favorite brands

Highlight your favorite brands in terms of where you want to be or that get outstanding results. These brands can serve as references and motivation.

Identify areas where they dominate your presentation document. Ideally, it'd be great to make a list of these brands based on their dominance on each of your preferred channels.

11. Explain the division of responsibility (Explain the “Crawl, walk, run plan”)

Division of responsibility is one of the keys to success in an organization, especially when you are not a one-man marketing team. Just as every child progresses from crawling to walking and then running, lead your social media marketing team to each of these phases via coaching, teaching, and mentoring.

The crawling approach would be explaining to your team the why of your social media strategy. Review every step of the process and their roles throughout.

So, for example, you can explain to your founder or C-suite team their social media roles, and why it's important to take LinkedIn posting seriously. You can provide the steps to take to ensure they authentically support the company brand using their personal brand.

Then use the walk approach to supervise the first set of executions. You can help with post scheduling and supervise content creation for all profile pages, especially if an in-house team member or freelancer handles it.

In the run phase, your team is fully functioning with the social media marketing practice. They operate with greater confidence and at full speed, under your regular supervision.

This is an example of a crawl-walk-run framework for an eCommerce business:


12. Create a content calendar sketch

A content calendar helps you with efficient workflow and a consistent posting schedule.

I spoke to Susan Anderson , an editorial director with decades of experience handling content publishing, and she listed a couple of steps to create a content calendar sketch.

Firstly, she believes that it's key to understand your audience and your content creation capabilities.

She also highlights the benefits of knowing your asset library and keeping things simple and clear. Start by either creating a Google spreadsheet, or using project management tools like Trello, Airtable, and Notion

Then add columns that include:

  • Topic/pillar: the topic for each social media post and content
  • Content formats: for example video, image, carousel or podcast
  • Frequency/Time of posting: Keep this realistic and relevant. You might want to leave Saturday and Sunday out from the calendar, for example
  • Keywords (if you're aiming for SEO) and hashtags: note down keywords and hashtags relevant to your industry. Input these keywords in your post so your content can get more traction
  • Channels: Write down social media platforms where you'd be posting your content
  • Working/finalized title: A headline for every post
  • CTA: Plan the action you want your audience to take after they consume your post
  • Date to Publish: Write down the expected date of publishing each post
  • Status: Make a status section for each post, from ideation to publishing
  • Notes: If you have brief notes of insights for your team, add them!

Pro tip : If you want all of this taken care of for you, consider our list of top  social media managers for hire .

Best practices for a compelling social media strategy presentation

Now that you have the plan nailed down, here are some best practices for a good social media strategy deck:

Build a natural flow

Structure is everything in presentations. If you don't organize your goals, frameworks, and strategies hierarchically, you'll be unable to convince your executives. The first step is building a natural flow, ensuring that every part of your social media marketing strategy makes sense to the preceding point.

Use a mix of text, images, illustrations, and tables. If you are not speaking out loudly while presenting, make sure you make your presentation easy to read and understand.

Leave room for Q&As

Give room for questions, corrections, and suggestions. Executive leaders may have concerns, reservations, and skepticism about certain strategy elements.

With these Q&As, clarification on aspects of the social media strategy that may not be clear would be more clear. After your presentation, ask questions like: how can we improve our strategy? What do you think is missing in this strategy?

Use enticing graphics

Your social media strategy doesn't have to be a long block of text on a big table. You can use illustrations and graphics to explain terms like audience journey mapping, buyer persona, and content creation.

Looking for a social media strategy template? 

We got you. Check out our free social media worksheet . It includes everything you need to turn your 2024 social media marketing strategy into a winning one. 


Leave room for experimentation

We thrive in an ever-evolving landscape and trends come and go. Emphasizing experimentation signals that you are committed to learning and innovation. You can discover new and unexpected opportunities for engagement, follower growth, and conversion rates.

Keep it simple

Prioritize the most important things. Don't complicate your presentation, keep the structure simple and clear. Otherwise, no matter how great your social media marketing plan is, it might fall on deaf ears.

The best social media marketing presentation starts with the strategy

Your social media marketing presentation needs to be more than just a pretty slide deck. It needs to be grounded in a solid strategy that aligns with your business goals.

Social media marketing goals, social media metrics, the types of content you choose to publish, and every social media post itself should all be rooted in one question: how do you reach your ideal customer, get their attention, and make them love your online presence so much they buy from you? 

If you need help drawing up an efficient social media marketing strategy, reach out today. We can match you with a vetted social media marketer with experience in your industry, audience demographics, and the specific type of social media efforts you want to employ. 

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How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

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How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

What is social media presentation.

In the digital age, where attention spans are shrinking, creating an effective social media presentation is crucial for capturing and retaining any client’s interest. For example, when a business is looking for a social media manager (SMM) to boost their company’s social media presence, they want to know what will be done before it is actually done: what results they’ll get and what methods will be used to achieve them. That’s when a social media presentation comes in handy as the most attractive and informative way to introduce a business PowerPoint presentation .

If you wonder how to present a social media strategy, consider the below tips to help guide your path forward. In today’s article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to create an impactful social media strategy PPT for any platform that not only conveys your message effectively but also engages your client, so dive right in!

social media campaign presentation

How to create a social media strategy presentation?

Before you design slides, you need to have text, images, or infographics to add. A social media PowerPoint presentation must be related to content such as your social media strategy. Below, we share the steps that will help you craft an impactful social media marketing presentation for client they will never forget!

Disclaimer: You should not limit yourself to just one slide, e.g., to show the target audience, and we’ll now give you an approximate skeleton to follow.

Set goals: Slide 1 ⎌ Social media goals

To present informative social media presentation slides, you should have a solid discussion with the client to discover their business goals and transform them into social media goals. It will impact further brand presentation and research on the target audience, competitors, and promotion methods. In such a presentation, your clients will expect clear and tangible metrics.

For example, a shoe company wants to boost its sales using Instagram. In this case, you have to create goals of getting more conversions in sales, like increased clicks to the company’s website. Your social media analytics presentation should depict how a specific promotion method on a specific platform will give specific numbers.

Pro advice: Use Google Analytics for enhanced tracking and PowerPoint redesign services to create compelling diagrams.

Research your audience: Slide 2 ⎌ Target audience

Most clients know the “persona” they are marketing to, but your task is understanding if desirable business goals match the typical buyer persona. If the client doesn’t know their target audience, you should make recommendations but still try to discover the location, age, occupation, or favorite game of the people they want to reach. The more criteria you know, the more targeted tone and voice you will be able to use to influence people’s choices.

Research competitors: Slide 3 ⎌ Competitors

An effective social media marketing presentation ppt has to analyze direct competitors that definitely exist. And their SMM has already tried promotion strategies for you to learn from or avoid. Researching competitors is about thinking outside the box and analyzing their mistakes or successes. Your client should not be present on every platform, so do research and explore which ones will work best for their business.

When looking at competitors, consider two main things:

  • MARKET GAP (e.g., there is no podcast about house plant care).
  • LEAD ENGAGEMENT (e.g., they get fantastic traffic from Instagram).

Remember, researching competitors teaches you what to do and what not to do: posting frequency, type of content, followings of their followers, and more.

Do social media audit: Slide 4 ⎌ Social media analysis

Any social media report presentation must summarize what the company is already doing. It may be a new company you have to launch social media channels for, and it may be an experienced business looking for a new strategy.

If you create a social media strategy for an existing company, you have to audit its media to define baseline metrics: the number of followers, demographic data, average engagements, content performance, and other important analytics.

If you create a social media strategy for a startup, you will have what to offer only after researching their personas and suitable social media. For example, the target audience is women aged 40 to 55 living in the suburbs, so you offer to go with Facebook.

Set up the infrastructure: Slide 5 ⎌ Content posting tools

In the case of a new company, setting up the infrastructure means doing manual work or making use of SOPs to automate processes.

Answer the following questions if you’re going to do everything manually:

  • Am I going to post things natively?
  • How are we going to get the content calendars approved?
  • Am I the only one to contact/answer the audience in DM/messaging?

In the case of established companies, they will most probably onboard you on a tool they already use and assign a colleague for you to master it quickly.

Create a content calendar: Slide 6 ⎌ Instagram/Facebook/TikTok content calendar

The last thing is putting together your content calendar and content into motion, which can be the hardest part. The last slides in the social media presentations ppt show an example of a post and calendar in tools like CoSchedule. For instance, you will post stories daily, behind-the-scenes images twice a week, and share product posts thrice weekly.

Regardless of plenty of scheduling tools, we advise building a simple content calendar in Excel Spreadsheets to send directly to a client and get approval/feedback.

6 bonus tips for newbies

Tip #1: develop a compelling storyline.

Every effective presentation tells a story, and social media presentations are no exception. Craft a compelling narrative that takes your client on a journey, keeping them engaged from start to finish. Begin with a strong introduction, followed by a clear progression of ideas, and conclude with a memorable closing. Remember, a well-structured storyline can enhance the overall impact of your social media content strategy presentation.

Tip #2: Design eye-catching visuals

Visual elements play a crucial role in any presentation. Create visually appealing graphics, images, and videos that complement your content and are consistent with the brand’s aesthetics. Then, ensure they are optimized to maintain a professional and cohesive look across different devices.

Pro advice: If design is not your cup of tea, consider hiring a professional PowerPoint redesign company to create beautiful icons, diagrams, and other visuals for you.

Tip #3: Incorporate engaging multimedia

Diversify your content by incorporating various multimedia elements. Leverage the power of videos, GIFs, and interactive elements to captivate your client even more.

Tip #4: Keep your social media presentation ppt concise

In the fast-paced world of social media, conciseness is key, so keep your presentation focused on the essential points. Avoid overwhelming your client with excessive information. Instead, prioritize clarity and simplicity to ensure your message is easily digestible. Consider using bullet points, short sentences, and impactful visuals to convey your ideas efficiently.

Tip #5: Leverage data and statistics

Support your claims and statements with relevant data and statistics. Incorporating credible information not only adds authenticity to your presentation on social media strategy but also helps build trust with your client. However, be sure to attribute your sources to enhance credibility.

Tip #6: Optimize for mobile

With the increasing use of smartphones, optimizing your presentation for mobile devices is crucial. Ensure that your content is responsive and looks appealing on smaller screens. Test your presentation on various devices to identify and address any formatting issues. A mobile-friendly presentation enhances accessibility and caters to the preferences of on-the-go clients.

Creating an effective social media campaign presentation requires a thoughtful combination of understanding the client’s needs and their target audience, compelling storytelling, and visually engaging content. By following the tips outlined above, you’ll be well-equipped to craft presentations your client will most definitely appreciate.

In case you need any help with social media slide design, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional assistance. Our presentation design experts are available to help 24/7/365!

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Social Media Marketing Strategy

Eight easy steps to develop your social media presence

Social Media Strategy Guide banner image

Step 1: Set social media marketing goals that align to business objectives Step 2: Learn everything you can about your audience Step 3: Research the competition Step 4: Conduct a social media audit Step 5: Set up accounts and improve existing profiles Step 6: Find inspiration Step 7: Create a social media content calendar Step 8: Test, evaluate, and adjust your strategy

Step 1: Set social media marketing goals that align to business objectives

The more specific your strategy is, the more effective the execution will be. Set SMART goals and track the right metrics to set yourself up for success.

Set SMART goals

The first step to creating a social media marketing strategy is to establish your objectives and goals. Without goals, you have no way to measure your success or your social media return on investment (ROI).Each of your goals should be:

An example of a SMART goal for your business might be “Grow our Instagram audience by 50 new followers per week.”With SMART goals, you’ll make sure your goals actually lead to real business results, rather than just lofty ideals.

Track meaningful metrics

While vanity metrics like retweets and likes can be fun to share and easy to track, it’s hard to prove their real value for your business. Instead, focus on targets such as leads generated, web referrals, and conversion rate.You may want to track different goals for different channels, or even different uses of each channel. For example, you can use paid campaigns to increase brand awareness, but measure acquisition and engagement for organic social posts.Make sure to align your social media goals with your overall marketing strategy. This will make it easier for you to show the value of your work and get executive buy-in and investment.Start developing your social media marketing plan by writing down at least three social media goals.


The social media metrics that really matter — and how to track them.

social media metrics image

Step 2: Learn everything you can about your audience

if you’re not engaged in social media listening, you’re creating your business strategy with blinders on—and you’re missing out on mountains of actionable insights from real people who are actively talking about you or your industry online.

Here’s how to start listening and building your understanding of your audience and their needs.

Create audience personas

Knowing who your audience is and what they want to see on social is key to creating content that they will like, comment on, and share. This knowledge also critical for planning how to develop your social media fans into customers for your business.

Try creating audience personas. For example, a retail brand might create different personas based on demographics, buying motivations, common buying objections, and the emotional needs of each type of customer.

Personas sharpen your marketing tactics. Luxury buyers, for example, might not respond to Facebook ads with sales. But they might respond to Facebook ads with exclusive in-store events to be the first to see a new line of clothing. With personas, you’ll have the customer insights you need to create campaigns that speak to the real desires and motivations of your buyers.

Gather real-world data

Don’t make assumptions. Social media analytics can also provide a ton of valuable information about who your followers are, where they live, which languages they speak, and how they interact with your brand on social. These insights allow you to refine your strategy and better target your social ads.

Jugnoo , an Uber-like service for auto-rickshaws in India, used Facebook Analytics to learn that 90 percent of their users who referred other customers were between 18 and 34 years old, and that 65 percent of that group was using Android. They used this information to target their ads, resulting in a 40 percent lower cost per referral.

How to build audience personas

Social Media Strategy Guide image 2

Step 3: Research the competition

Odds are, your competitors are already using social media—and that means you can learn from what they’re already doing.

Conduct a competitive analysis

A competitive analysis allows you to understand who the competition is and what they’re doing well (and not so well). You’ll get a good sense of what’s expected in your industry, which will help you set some social media targets of your own.This analysis will also help you spot opportunities. For example, maybe one of your competitors dominates on Facebook, but has put little effort into Twitter or Instagram. You might want to focus on the networks where your audience is underserved, rather than trying to win fans away from a dominant player.

Engage in social listening

Social listening is another way to keep track of the competition.As you track your competitors’ accounts and relevant industry keywords, you may notice strategic shifts in the way competitors use their social accounts. Or you might spot a specific post or campaign that really hits the mark—or one that bombs.Keep an eye on this information and use to it evaluate your own goals and plans.

Related resources

How to Do a Competitive Analysis on Social Media

How to conduct a competitor audit

image of headphones

Getting started with social listening

YouTube social streams image

Watch: Social Listening with Hootsuite Streams

Step 4: conduct a social media audit.

Conducting a social media audit helps you assess how well your current social media use works for you.

Evaluate your current efforts

If you’re already using social media tools, you need to take a step back and look at what you’ve already accomplished. Ask yourself the following questions:

What’s working?

What’s not working?

Who’s connecting with you on social?

Which social media sites does your target market use?

How does your social media presence compare to that of your competitors?

Once you gather all this information in one place, you’ll have a good starting point for planning how to improve your results.

Your audit should give you a clear picture of what purpose each of your social accounts serves. If the purpose of an account isn’t clear, think about whether it’s worth keeping. It may be a valuable account that just needs a strategic redirection, or it may be an outdated account that’s no longer worth your while.

To help you decide, ask yourself the following questions:

Is my audience here?

If so, how are they using this platform?

Can I use this account to help achieve meaningful business goals?

Asking these tough questions now will help keep your social media strategy on track as you grow your social presence.

Look for impostor accounts

During your audit process, you may discover fraudulent accounts using your business name or the names of your products—that is, accounts that you and your business don’t own.

These imposter accounts can be harmful to your brand (never mind capturing followers that should be yours), so be sure to report them. You may want to get your social accounts verified to ensure your fans and followers know they are dealing with the real you.

Hootsuite's social media audit template

social media audit image of office space

Step 5: Set up accounts and improve existing profiles

Decide which networks you’ll focus on, and then set up and optimize your accounts.

Determine which networks to use (and how to use them)

As you decide which social channels to use, you’ll also need to define your strategy for each network. For example, you might decide to use Twitter for customer service, Facebook for customer acquisition, and Instagram for engaging existing customers.  

It’s a good exercise to create mission statements for each network. These one-sentence declarations will help you focus on a very specific goal for each account on each social network.

For example, you could decide that:

Facebook is best for acquiring new customers via paid advertising.

Instagram is where you build brand affinity with existing customers.

Twitter is where you engage press and industry influencers.

LinkedIn is where you engage existing employees and attract new talent.

YouTube is where you support existing customers with education and video help content.

Snapchat is where you distribute content with the goal of building brand awareness with younger consumers. 

If you can’t create a solid mission statement for a particular social network, you may want to reconsider whether that network is worth it.

Set up (and optimize) your accounts

Once you’ve decided which networks to focus on, it’s time to create your profiles—or improve existing profiles so they align with your strategic plan.

In general, make sure you fill out all profile fields, use keywords people will use to search for your business, and use images that are correctly sized for each network.

Watch: How to optimize your social profiles

youtube preview image

We’ve also got step-by-step guides for each network to walk you through the process:

Create a Facebook business page Create an Instagram business account Create a Twitter business account Create a Snapchat account Create a LinkedIn Company Page Create a Pinterest business account Create a YouTube channel Create a WeChat business account

Don’t let this list overwhelm you. Remember, it’s better to use fewer channels well than to stretch yourself thin trying to maintain a presence on every social network.

Finally, here’s a quick reference guide for image sizes for every network.

Step 6: Find inspiration

While it’s important that your brand be distinctive and unique, you can still draw inspiration from other businesses that are great on social.

Social network success stories

All of the social networks feature success stories that highlight how brands are using their tools effectively. You can usually find these on the business section of the social network’s website. (For example, take a look at the  Facebook business success stories .) These case studies offer valuable insights you can apply to your own goals for each social network.

Award-winning accounts and campaigns

For examples of brands that are at the top of their social media game, check out the winners of  The Facebook Awards  or  The Shorty Awards .

Step 7: Create a social media content calendar

Sharing great content is essential, of course, but it’s equally important to have a plan in place for when you’ll share content to get the maximum impact.

Your social media content calendar also needs to account for the time you’ll spend interacting with your audience (although you need to allow for some spontaneous engagement as well).

Create a posting schedule

Your social media content calendar lists the dates and times at which you will publish types of content on each channel. It’s the perfect place to plan all of your social media activities—from images and link sharing to blog posts and videos.

Your calendar ensures your posts are spaced out appropriately and published at the optimal times. It should include both your day-to-day posts and your content for social media campaigns.

Plot your content mix

Make sure your calendar reflects the mission statement you’ve assigned to each social profile, so that everything you post is working to support your business goals. For example, you might decide that:

50 percent of content will drive traffic back to your blog

25 percent of content will be curated from other sources

20 percent of content will support enterprise goals (selling, lead generation, and so on)

5 percent of content will be about your employees and company culture

Placing these different post types in your content calendar will help ensure you maintain the ratio you’ve planned. If you’re starting from scratch and you’re simply not sure what types of content to post, try the 80-20 rule:

80 percent of your posts should inform, educate, or entertain your audience

20 percent can directly promote your brand

You could also try the social media rule of thirds:

One-third of your social content promotes your business, converts readers, and generates profit

One-third of your social content shares ideas and stories from thought leaders in your industry or like-minded businesses

One-third of your social content involves personal interactions with your audience

Once you have your calendar set, use scheduling tools or bulk scheduling to prepare your posting in advance rather than updating constantly throughout the day. This allows you to focus on crafting the language and format of your posts, rather than writing them on the fly whenever you have time.

calendar image

How to create a social media content calendar

youtube preview image

Watch: How to save time with bulk scheduling

Step 8: test, evaluate, and adjust your strategy.

Your social media strategy is a hugely important document for your business, and you can’t assume you’ll get it exactly right on the first try.

As you start to implement your plan and track your results, you may find that some strategies don’t work as well as you’d anticipated, while others are working even better than expected.

Track your data

In addition to using the analytics tools available within each social network, use UTM parameters to track visitors as they move through your website, so you can see exactly which social posts drive the most traffic to your website.

Re-evaluate, test, and do it all again

When data starts coming in, use it to reevaluate your strategy regularly. You can also use this information to test different posts, campaigns, and strategies against one another. Constant testing allows you to understand what works and what doesn’t, so you can refine your strategy in real time.

Surveys can also be a great way to find out how well your strategy is working. Ask your social media followers, email list, and website visitors whether you’re meeting their needs and expectations on social media. You can even ask them what they’d like to see more of—and then make sure to deliver on what they tell you.

Things change fast on social media. New networks emerge, while others go through significant demographic shifts. Your business will go through periods of change as well. All this means that your social media strategy should be a living document that you look at regularly and adjust as needed. Refer to it often to keep you on track, but don’t be afraid to make changes so that it better reflects new goals, tools, or plans.

When you update your social strategy, make sure to let everyone on your social team know, so they can all work together to help your business make the most of your social media accounts.

Bonus: Download our social media strategy template

Does this all feel a little overwhelming? The truth is that building your social media strategy is a substantial job. It should be, since it’s such an important document for your business. But it doesn’t have to be complicated.

We’ve created a template to guide you through the whole process of creating your social media marketing plan.  Visit our blog  to download it (plus six other social media templates that can save you hours of work).

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How to create a social media strategy (with template)

Hero image with an icon of a person (profile)

I've been in the social media game for years now, and despite the vile cesspool of nonsense on social, there are plenty of decent people looking for what we marketers are offering. But you need to know what you're offering.

To make the process easier, I developed this downloadable social media strategy template. Read on for details on how to fill it out.

How to create a social media strategy:

What is a social media marketing strategy? 

A social media marketing strategy is a game plan for using social media platforms to promote your offerings and stand out in an oversaturated digital market. It's not just a five-minute whiteboard drawing; it's a comprehensive document detailing how you'll use social media to achieve your business objectives.

Here are three questions to ask yourself when you're getting started, which you'll want to comprehensively answer in your strategy:

What are your goals? Your social endeavors should tie back to your business objectives. Be it driving sales, boosting engagement, or elevating brand visibility—know what you want to get out of it.

Who's your audience? Understand who you're talking to. Tailor your content to resonate with the people you want to reach, ensuring your messages aren't just broadcasted but effectively land.

What's the competition up to? Take a look at your rivals. Learn from their hits and misses, then carve your unique path. Inspiration is good; plagiarism isn't.

Remember, the purpose of this strategy is to guide your online endeavors so that every post, every comment, and every share has a purpose behind it.

Benefits of a social media strategy

Having a strategy for your social media isn't about cramping creativity but rather channeling it effectively. Setting a clear direction ensures that your online efforts lead to tangible business benefits:

Increase sales: When done right, your social media content should funnel people to your website or store. Then, you can use more middle- and bottom-funnel content to turn those visitors into paying customers.

Boost engagement: Strategic content isn't just seen; it's interacted with. And that doesn't just mean more likes. We're talking real engagement, like shares, comments, and conversations. That's what really builds brand awareness and fosters trust within your audience.

Track preferences: Predetermined metrics like reach, engagement, conversion rates, and ROI provide awesome insights into what types of content are and aren't effective, so you can take that content and scale it beyond social media.

Build communities: Your brand isn't just about selling; it's about connecting. A well-honed strategy helps cultivate spaces where enthusiasts can rally around what you offer and get the word out to others.

Gather feedback: Your digital communities also become treasure troves of insights. They're your direct line to what customers adore, desire, or would change.

Support cross-functional efforts: A cohesive social media strategy amplifies other departments' efforts, whether announcing a product launch, amplifying a PR campaign, or driving attendance to a corporate event.

How to create a social media marketing strategy

I've run quite a few social media campaigns for my personal brand as well as different businesses I've worked for. Each one had different goals, which is to be expected. But regardless of your end goal, you can use the same big ideas to formulate your social media marketing strategy.

1. Establish a clear purpose

I can't tell you how many social media managers I've seen just throw as many things at the wall as possible and hope something sticks: giveaways that get short-term engagement, services that guarantee followers and likes, or jumping on whatever the most recent bandwagon is. What these lack is a clear purpose. 

Within three months, increase website traffic by 15% and online sales by 10% by implementing effective call-to-action (CTA) strategies and conversion tracking on Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter).

Within 12 months, identify and hire at least 50 brand advocates who consistently share our content and refer new customers through the implementation of a brand advocacy program.

When you have an overarching purpose, the rest of the strategy planning is simple. It also makes it easy to adjust your social media strategy as you go without losing sight of your long-term goals. Each time you make a social media decision, ask yourself: does this align with the purpose? Yes? Keep it. If not, get rid of it.

2. Understand your target audience

From there, orient each part of your strategy—from which platform you post on and when to what metrics you're trying to hit—toward that target audience. 

Aim to create a strategy that answers all of these questions:

Is your strategy respectful of your audience's backgrounds and experiences, and what value does it add to their lives?

What are you hoping they take away from your content, and what are they hoping to take away from it?

What existing knowledge do you expect them to come with, and what can you teach them?

3. Research your competitors

As much as we all want to feel like unique, creative geniuses, everything is inspired by something. But don't just copy what your competitors are doing—ask yourself why they're doing it that way and what the thought process is behind it. 

Here are some questions you can consider when filling out the social media strategy template:

Who are your competitors trying to target?

Why is their strategy working?

What social media platforms are they using and why?

What social media platforms aren't they using and why?

How often do they post content to each platform?

Are they replying to comments?

What is the ratio of posts trying to sell something compared to fun, interesting, or educational content?

Look for gaps and opportunities that your competitors—whether they're crushing it on social or not—aren't taking advantage of. What are they missing that you think your target customers would enjoy?

Let's say you're a vegan restaurant and other vegan joints only post images of their food. They may have plenty of followers, likes, and sales, but you know you can do more. You can post behind-the-scenes videos, recipe tutorials, and images of your clientele with rich anecdotes as captions, Humans of New York style, to show your audience you're more than a menu.

4. Research your audience

Outlining a social media strategy without doing audience research first is like going out of your way to get your friend an iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso when they hate oat milk, brown sugar, and turns out they drink tea. But unlike your pal, your audience won't just smile and say thanks—they'll keep scrolling.

You need to know what type of content your audience likes, so you don't leave them scrolling for something better. Take these steps to get to know your audience:

Analyze engagement metrics: Look at posts from your account and your competitors' accounts that get the most engagement. What topics resonate the most? Do they prefer short, funny videos? Or educational deep dives?

Segment your audience: Not all of your followers are the same, so you'll want to divide them into groups based on their behaviors or preferences, like followers who engage more with your trending content rather than business updates. This can help you more precisely target your audience rather than trying to appease everyone with broad messaging.

5. Choose the right social media channels

A table showing the different social media platforms, their audience demographics, ideal content types, and what their audience is looking for content-wise

Make sure the social platforms you choose are right for your brand. Consider some of the following questions:

Does the platform host your target audience?

Is it working for your competition?

If it's not working for the competition, is it because your target audience isn't there or because competitors are doing something wrong?

Does it fit well with the content you plan on making?

Is it worth your time and effort to create content for it?

Once you've chosen the social media platforms you plan to use, check out these channel-specific guides for more detailed strategy tips:

6. Determine your KPIs

So, what exactly does social media "success" look like? Bringing in more business, sure, but that's a little vague. You want to see that your social media strategy is hitting smaller goals along the way. To gauge how your strategy is paying off, define some quantifiable key performance indicators, or KPIs. 

Here are some examples.

You need to please the social media algorithms in order to get your content promoted organically, and the algorithms care about engagement. Social media engagement, like shares, comments, and likes directly impact every other KPI due to how the algorithms work, so engagement should be your main focus.

7. Conduct a social media audit

As marketers, analytics are our bread and butter (if you're wondering why you're salivating right about now). A social media audit highlights the data behind your efforts. 

It's probably a good idea to audit your accounts before embarking on a campaign to get a sense of where you're starting off. But most importantly, perform an audit after each campaign to ensure your strategy is paying off. 

Other than your KPIs, here are some things to track when you audit yourself:

What types of content you're posting and on which platforms

How much engagement each post received

How many followers you have (or gained/lost)

Any positive or negative comments

Whether you're reaching your target audience or not

8. Perfect your publishing cadence

If you send me an email at 5 p.m. on a Friday, you can expect a response Monday morning at the earliest . And if you spam me with 11 messages that definitely could've been consolidated into one, there's a chance they're all going in the trash.

The same goes for your social media strategy. When and how often you post can make a big difference in how your content performs.

Here's how to figure out a publishing cadence that works best for your brand:

Analyze peak times: Use analytics tools within social platforms or external tools like HubSpot or Later to find the days and times your audience is most active. Remember, time zones and holidays can affect engagement.

Prioritize quality over quantity: It's better to post high-quality content a couple of times per week than bad content every five minutes.

Test and learn: Conduct A/B tests by posting at various times and days of the week, and monitor engagement to see which posting times perform the best.

Plan ahead with a content calendar: Use a social media scheduling tool to plan your content in advance. Look for a tool that lets you schedule posts and view and adjust how your feed will look.

Stay on top of trends: You have to be able to adjust to changes like trending topics or news that's relevant to your brand. Hold space in your content calendar to create trending content.

Bonus: Get inspired by these 6 examples

Here are some examples of how real-life social campaigns knocked it out of the park. Each one has a clear strategy behind it (which I've teased out based on the campaign itself).

1. Olivia Rodrigo #ShotoniPhone15Pro campaign

Apple wanted to flaunt the iPhone's camera capabilities and knew it had to resonate with the younger demographic obsessed with photography and music. Enter Olivia Rodrigo—a contemporary musical sensation. Through their collaboration, Apple seamlessly blended tech and pop culture, using platforms like YouTube, where both visuals and melodies reign supreme. This helped showcase Apple's camera and Olivia's music while also boosting brand recognition among younger demographics.

Audience: Tech-savvy and pop culture-conscious Gen Z users 

Goal: Increase awareness of the iPhone 15 and its advanced camera capabilities

Tactics: Celebrity partnerships; high-quality videography and photography

Twitter screenshot of Olivia Rodrigo's #ShotoniPhone15Pro campaign

2. Marcus Theatres

Audience: Gen Z and Millennial TikTok aficionados

Goal: Build brand loyalty and resonate with the TikTok community

Tactics: CEO-led TikTok videos; tapping into trending sounds

TikTok video screenshot of CEO Greg chatting with customers at Marcus Theatres

Audience: Tech and Zapier enthusiasts

Goal: Generate buzz for an upcoming product and reinforce brand community

Tactics: Interactive teasers; encouraging audience predictions

Screenshot of a Zapier Instagram post generating buzz for an upcoming product and reinforce brand community

4. Poppin Candy

In a sweet twist, Poppin Candy turned to its followers for new candy concoctions. Instead of guessing what their audience might want, they went straight to the source. By letting followers have a say, they're boosting engagement and making sure their treats hit the sweet spot every time.

Audience: Sweet-toothed fans and creative candy connoisseurs

Goal: Enhance engagement and customer connection to the brand

Tactics: Audience-driven candy mix challenges; crowdsourcing flavor ideas

social media presentation strategies

Audience: Kids, teens, and those with nostalgic connection to Barbie

Goal: Promote the Barbie movie and its doll catalog

Tactics: Brand collabs; capitalizing on viral TikTok trends

social media presentation strategies

6. Starbucks

Starbucks knows a thing or two about creating a buzz. Their September ThursYays BOGO on fall drinks was all over social media. And if the long lines post-noon on Thursdays are any indication, their cups—and registers—were overflowing.

Audience: Fall flavor fans and deal hunters

Goal: Drive up sales and increase word-of-mouth promotion of fall flavor release

Tactics: Limited-time deals; heavy promotion of seasonal specials

Screenshot of Starbucks September Thursyays

How to get the most out of our social media strategy template

A snippet of the social media strategy template that can be downloaded via the button below

This article was originally published in November 2020 by Tierney Mosier. The most recent update, with contributions from Michael Kern, was in October 2023.

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Chris Boutté   picture

Chris Boutté

Chris is a Las Vegas local and has years of experience in content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing. He is also an author, YouTube influencer, podcast host, and committed advocate for mental health.

  • Social media

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Social media strategy Slides

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Social media strategy Presentation

Free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

This blue, red and yellow Pretty Social Media template is the best of both worlds: eye-catching and easy to use. Fill out ready-made pages for agendas and timelines, social media profiles, topics and ideas, photos and captions, charts and graphs, team member pages and more. All slides are fully customizable, so you can adapt them to whatever personal or professional project you’re working on. Keep the color scheme and font combo as is or change things up. Learn to use this as a social media Google Slides template, social media PowerPoint template or Canva theme with the “How To” page at the start of the deck.

Features of this template

  • 25+ stunning slides designed by professionals
  • Sample layouts to get your creative juices flowing
  • Example of styles for charts, graphs, tables and more
  • Professionally curated backgrounds and color schemes
  • 80+ icons and a world map (you can change sizes and colors)
  • 16:19 screen layout (can change to 4:3 with a click)
  • Millions of high-quality photos, illustrations and fonts
  • A handy drag-and-drop tool for elements and graphics
  • Pre-recorded Talking Presentations for easy prep
  • Videos and soundtracks for multi-media appeal

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Learn how to export from Canva to other formats

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  • 1. Open the template in Canva .
  • 2. In Canva click on "Share" at the top right-hand corner, then click "More"
  • 3. Scroll down further and you will see "Google Drive" button.
  • 4. Choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type. Make sure to click "All Pages" on select pages.
  • 5. Your template is exported to Google Slides!

  • 1. Click on Canva button to open the design.
  • 2. Once the Canva file is opened, click on "Share" at the top right hand corner, then click on "Download"
  • 3. Once you clicked on "Download" , choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type
  • 4. Your template is now ready for use on Powerpoint!

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18 Social Media Best Practices for Faster Growth in 2024

No matter what industry you’re in or what your goals are, these are the social media best practices everyone should follow.

cover image

Table of Contents

Whether you’re a startup, a creator, a big brand, or a nonprofit, social media best practices like the ones shared in this post can keep you on top of the social media game.

Remember, social media best practices can change fast. So it’s a wise idea to peep the to-do lists throughout the post even if you think your social strategy is already running like a well-oiled machine.

Bonus: Read the step-by-step social media strategy guide   with pro tips on how to grow your social media presence.

18 social media best practices for 2024

Social media marketing best practices, 1. do audience research.

Your audience is the foundation of everything you do on social media. (Really, they’re the foundation of everything you do in your business, period.)

That means you need to know who they are, what they want, and how they spend their time on social platforms. This information will guide all other best practices for social media marketing within your organization.

Every social marketing team should be able to answer the following basic questions:

  • Who are your customers?
  • Where do they hang out online (and in real life)?
  • What do they care about?
  • Do they already know you?
  • What do they think of you? Is it what you want them to think?
  • What are their interests?
  • What types of content are they most likely to enjoy and engage with?
  • What stage(s) of life do they generally fall into?
  • What language(s) do they speak?
  • What are their buying habits, especially online?

So how do you find this information? We’ve got a whole blog post dedicated to audience and target market research . But some good places to start include your CRM, Google Analytics, and your social analytics.

Facebook page virality rate and TikTok audience by country

To-do list:

  • Analyze your CRM to build a profile of your existing customers.
  • Add UTM parameters to all social links to bring more useful data into Google Analytics.
  • Use social analytics to identify demographics of your existing social audience.
  • Build audience personas .

social media presentation strategies

Create. Schedule. Publish. Engage. Measure. Win.

2. Build a presence on the right networks

The average social media user is on seven social platforms. But does your brand need to be?

The simple answer is no. You absolutely don’t need to connect with your target audience on every single platform they use. In fact, this could actually contribute to brand fatigue, since people tend to use social platforms for different purposes. They don’t want to connect with brands (or at least the same brands) in every single place.

Of course, this loops back to the best practice we just covered – audience research. But from the brand perspective, you also need to consider:

  • Does our team have the bandwidth to create relevant content for this platform?
  • Does the purpose of this platform fit our brand?
  • What is the current ROI of our efforts on this platform?

If the platform is not a fit for your audience and your brand, you don’t need to be active there. In fact, one of the top trends identified in the Hootsuite Social Media Trends Report for 2024 is for brands to adjust their platform use based on ROI.

change in platform use for businesses from 2022 to 2023

Source: Hootsuite Social Media Trends Report 2024

Creating thoughtful content for fewer platforms will always serve you better than scrambling to try to be everywhere at once.

Heads up! You’ll need to make these platform choices based on what’s best for your brand, but in general we’re predicting that YouTube Shorts will likely be worth more attention this year, while BeReal probably will not. Keep your eye on Telegram and Mastodon, too.

To do list:

  • Perform a social media audit to get the full picture of your current social media commitments and results.
  • Secure usernames for any platforms where you don’t have one. You don’t ever have to use them! But having them means no one else can take them.
  • Perform an ROI calculation for each platform. Use our free social media ROI calculator tool or the detailed ROI reports available in Hootsuite Advanced Analytics.

ROI analysis overview Hootsuite Advanced Analytics

Start free 30-day trial

3. Use testing to refine your strategy

Some social posts bring in great engagement rates, new followers, and website clicks. Some, well, don’t. What’s the difference? The only way to know for sure is to implement a consistent testing strategy that allows you to tinker with individual components of your social content to see what creates measurable change.

Of course, you can never sit on your laurels. Social media changes fast, and your testing strategy can help you identify performance changes as they happen so you can adjust your strategy in real time.

If you don’t have a testing strategy set up at all, start by working through our post on how to get started with A/B testing on social media .

  • Test different content formats. Note that this year we’re predicting text posts and 2-5 minute videos to provide great results, so it’s worth adding them to your testing plan.
  • Survey your audience to ask them what they want.
  • Set up analytics tools to measure your testing results.
  • Experiment with posting content on different days and times. Hint: Check Hootsuite Analytics to see when your audience is online and get recommendations for the best times to post.

Instagram Business best times and days to publish

4. Develop clear brand guidelines

Clear brand guidelines form the basis of a consistent, recognizable (and safe) social media presence, even if you play with your style and voice across platforms.

There are two types of guidelines to consider here: Your brand style guide and your social media policy .

The former ensures your branding remains consistent and recognizable to your audience in everything from visuals to caption style, punctuation choices (#TeamOxfordComma), and overall tone and feel.

Brand guidelines cover things like:

  • Favorite or favourite?
  • Which hashtags will you use?
  • Brand colors

Your social media policy, on the other hand, provides structure for your employees on what topics may be off limits to post about when representing your company — even on their personal accounts. This eliminates confusion, encourages employees to share positive content, and establishes clear consequences for violating terms, which can save you from legal and PR troubles down the road.

  • Create a set of brand guidelines for social media . Check with your marketing or corporate comms department if you have one, as they likely have an existing document you can work from.
  • Create a social media policy , including guidelines and social media security best practices for employees .

5. Learn about the algorithms and social SEO

Your social content can only bring real value to your brand if people actually see it. That means you need to understand the algorithms and search optimization strategies that drive discoverability.

The algorithms are complex and constantly changing. Fortunately, we’ve got a round-up post with the highlights of every social media algorithm , freshly updated to keep you on track.

Beyond the algorithms, dig deep into social SEO to bring your content to a whole new audience. People looking for information curated by humans rather than the behemoth Google are increasingly turning to social platforms for search.

We’ve got a post to walk you through how to optimize your post to appear in social search results . But if you’re more of a visual learner, we tested our top social SEO theories for Instagram and TikTok — check out the video:

But you also need to look back into your audience research to understand what kind of content your audience is likely to search for. Then give them that!

Lean into entertainment and, especially, edutainment. Evergreen educational content can live forever on the social platforms, bringing in views and engagement well after it’s disappeared from algorithmic results.

For instance, search “how to propagate pineapple” on Instagram, and one of the very top results is from July 2022. That’s 20 months ago! No wonder it’s managed to get more than 45,000 views.

How to propagate pineapple Instagram search results July 2022

Source: @plantslover1990

  • Check out the latest updates on the algorithms and review them against your current content strategy.
  • Mine your audience research for educational content ideas to boost your results in social search.

6. Schedule your content in advance

Planning your social media content in advance allows time to create high-quality content and logically put together campaigns ( organic and paid ) developed with collaboration and feedback from your team.

While several of the social media platforms offer native scheduling features, Hootsuite Planner is a great unified tool for cross-platform collaboration, campaign mapping, and scheduling.

7. Implement a clear content-approval process

While many social teams consist of just one person , that doesn’t mean that only one person needs to weigh in on social content before it goes live. Whether you’re a team of one or 100, you need approval from the guardians of your brand.

This is especially important in regulated industries , or in the case of a PR crisis . But the truth is that you can help keep a PR crisis from happening in the first place if you put the right people in charge of approving content. A collaborative tool like Hootsuite includes approval workflows that safeguard your brand every step along the way.

  • Determine who should approve content.
  • Set up a workflow with appropriate permissions .

7. Make the most of your content and digital assets

Auto-sharing your Instagram post to Facebook isn’t a content strategy. Of course you can and should be repurposing content across multiple platforms, but that’s the key word: Repurposing.

Instead of simply posting a link to your latest blog post across all of your social media accounts, turn the article’s key points into a thread on X (or 
 Threads ).

Create a script from the blog post and film a YouTube video, then link to the article in the video description.

Record a “pointing to various text boxes” Instagram Reel and direct your followers to read the full thing on your website.

You don’t need to go into all-out production mode and all of these content types for every article. Sometimes it’s fine just to share a link. But make an effort to repurpose as much of your content as possible. It will allow you to create more—faster.

8. Embrace social listening

Social listening provides free, real-time market research. Basic listening scans social media channels for mentions of your name, products, competitors, specific keywords, or anything else you want to scout for. Advanced tools can recognize logos in images, evaluate brand sentiment, and more.

This gives you the real scoop on what people think of your company, or the product features they really want. But knowledge alone isn’t enough. You need to put it into practice.

  • Set up a social listening strategy to check for people asking about your industry or for recommendations. If appropriate, pop into the conversation with a comment or retweet.
  • Dig deeper into trends you spot for ideas that impact brand positioning and new product development, too.
  • T rack brand sentiment . If there’s a sudden negative swing, dig into why and address it to nip any PR problems in the bud.

9. Use AI to make all of the above easier

AI is no longer optional for social media managers. (Is it optional for anyone?) The key is understanding how to use AI tools to make your job easier, rather than thinking they will do your job for you.

Hootsuite’s Social Trends Report 2024 showed the biggest increases in AI use for this year will be in revising text, editing images, and providing customer service.

Hootsuite Social Trends AI use will skyrocket in 2024

Making the most of AI is also one of the best practices for social media manager productivity – and mental health!

  • Create an AI policy for your company that specifies how you will use AI and what human checks you will put in place.
  • Research the best AI tools to support you in your work. May we recommend OwlyWriter AI ? It’s a powerful AI tool specifically designed to create captions, content ideas, and more for social media.

Social media customer service best practices

10. remember that social media is a customer service channel.

Yes, promotion and engagement are a huge part of why you’re on social media. But at its core, social media is not just about social networking — it’s about making your customers happy. You may have a 1-800 customer service number and email, but more than half of consumers say they’re more likely to buy from a company that offers customer service through chat.

Want to go above and beyond? Combine a customer service mindset with social listening to help customers who haven’t even contacted you or tagged you in their social posts.

Hi there, Nicola! Thank you for reaching out today. We recommend getting in touch with our dedicated support team for the best assistance. You can reach them through this link: . We hope you get your issue resolved quickly! -JG — Google Workspace (@GoogleWorkspace) February 26, 2024
  • Set up a dedicated customer service handle to improve the CS experience.
  • Create a link in bio page that includes your customer service email address. Hootbio is a great resource to set this up so it’s effective and looks great

11. Respond promptly to DMs and comments

Besides tagging you in a post, users are also messaging you or leaving comments on your social media posts with customer service inquiries. Those important comments are easy to miss, especially if your posts get hundreds of comments.

So how can you make sure to see them and respond?

Make sense of the chaos with Hootsuite’s unified inbox . It pulls in all messages and comments across your connected social platforms. You can see full threads for DMs, comments, and @mentions, and assign conversations to specific reps to organize and speed up your responses.

You can also set up filters to automatically route queries to the right person on your team, and use reply templates to simplify and streamline your social customer service responses.

Hootsuite Inbox Insert Reply

  • Determine who on your team is responsible for each kind of customer service query (billing, support, etc.).
  • Set up a process to assign messages as they come in. Even better if you can use tools like Hootsuite Inbox to automate this process.

12. Use AI to improve response times

Most of your customers seeking support want to know the same things:

  • “Where’s my order?”
  • “I need to make a warranty claim.”
  • “Do you ship to ____?”

Thankfully, a chatbot can handle simple questions and reduce your customer service team’s workload by 94% . And these aren’t shabby responses – customers served this way have a 96% satisfaction score.

As AI evolves, chatbots can move beyond simple FAQ-style responses to provide fast, personalized service 24/7. We tend to think AI customer service won’t be as good as speaking to a human. But since it moves so quickly, the end result can sometimes actually be better.

Still, chatbots can’t do everything. Ensure customers still have a way to reach your human team for more complex inquiries, too.

  • Set up an AI-powered chatbot to resolve many of your social customer service queries.

Find more best practices for social media customer service in our detailed post on the best tips and tools for social media customer service .

Social media design best practices

13. check each platform’s specs and requirements before posting.

One of the (many) reasons you shouldn’t cross-post the exact same content on every platform is that each platform has its own image/video size or character count specifications.

Even if the overall message of the post stays the same, customizing the media specs and caption length will keep your profiles polished and professional.

You can do this before you schedule posts, or conveniently right inside Hootsuite as you’re scheduling.

  • Check out our 2024 social media image size cheat sheet to make sure your content creation guidelines are up to date.

14. A/B test creative assets

Sure, you’re running A/B tests on headlines and copy, but are you testing visual assets, too?

There are endless options to test, depending on your content, but the key thing is to test only one thing at a time. Otherwise you won’t know exactly which new element “won” at the end.

  • Try testing a GIF instead of a static image.
  • Try testing video content instead of images. Test the winner against a carousel.

15. Use design tools that integrate with social tools

There are tons of social media apps to help out with design tasks. If you don’t have a design team, you can easily create graphics with Canva or Adobe Express .

Better yet: Hootsuite integrates with both of those to unlock max scheduling productivity. When you integrate your design tools and your social tools, you are better able to play with and preview content, then revise it for each platform.

  • Try designing a social post without leaving Hootsuite by using the integrated Canva design tool.

New Post using Canva in Hootsuite Composer

B2B social media best practices

16. align your social media strategy with top-of-funnel business objectives.

Social marketers tend to rely on engagement metrics to track social media ROI. But for B2B marketers, social media is very much a top-of-funnel tool. Goals need to align with longer-term business objectives.

The top 3 overall goals for B2B companies are:

  • Create brand awareness
  • Build trust and credibility
  • Educate audiences

These all support social media B2B lead generation . Content marketing via social media is also an important way to also use content marketing to nurture those leads.

  • Take a look at your social media goals to make sure they are linked to the early stages of the buying cycle.
  • Add internal objectives like using social media to increase product and/or competitor knowledge.

17. Develop business-friendly content resources

Like we just said, B2B social media is all about relationship building and lead generation. A walled garden of content resources that require an email address to download can help build your list. That list can also help you build custom and lookalike audiences for social media advertising that extend your reach even further.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hootsuite 🩉 (@hootsuite)

That said, not everything should be behind a wall. Share interesting, informative data to keep your followers interested, even if they’re not yet ready to buy. You’ll be front-of-mind when the time comes.

  • Brainstorm content ideas for business-friendly resources like reports, survey results, and other actionable data.
  • Tease the highlights of these resources in a social post, with a link to download the whole thing with an email address.

18. Keep an eye on the LinkedIn algorithm

LinkedIn remains both the most popular social channel for B2B brands and the most effective. We’re not saying you should ignore the other algorithms, but make sure you truly understand what’s happening at LinkedIn.

Recent algorithm changes on the platform mean that niche expertise is an incredibly valuable signal to the algorithm. Take advantage of the product specialists on your team to share useful, educational content that sparks meaningful conversation. Don’t forget to stay involved in the conversation, too – that’s another key signal that gained importance in the latest round of algorithm updates.

  • Review our post on the LinkedIn algorithm to get a summary of the latest algorithm changes and tips for working with them.
  • Focus on strictly professional content, since the algorithm downvotes personal updates that don’t include expert knowledge

Find more B2B best practices in our post on B2B social media marketing tactics .

Save time managing your social media presence with Hootsuite. From a single dashboard you can publish and schedule posts, find relevant conversions, engage the audience, measure results, and more. Try it free today.

Do it better with Hootsuite , the all-in-one social media tool. Stay on top of things, grow, and beat the competition.

Become a better social marketer.

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Christina Newberry is an award-winning writer and editor whose greatest passions include food, travel, urban gardening, and the Oxford comma—not necessarily in that order.

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Tap Employee-Creators to Transform Your Social Media Strategy

Businesses that help employees become social media stars have a cost-effective way to generate enormous brand visibility.

  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media

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James Yang/

On Jan. 2, 2023, 19 refugees from Cuba who were adrift on a makeshift boat in the Straits of Florida were spotted and rescued by the crew of the Celebrity Beyond , a passing cruise ship. Rescuing stranded refugees has become surprisingly routine for cruise liners during an intensifying global migrant crisis. What made this rescue unusual, however, was the way it rippled across social media when the captain of the Beyond , Kate McCue, documented it on TikTok.

McCue is well known in the industry for being the first American woman to captain a mega cruise ship (one that can accommodate more than 5,000 passengers). She’s also known outside the industry as @captainkatemccue, a TikToker with 3.6 million followers (and another 900,000 or so followers on Instagram). McCue’s 67-second video about the rescue generated nearly 30 million views on social media, creating the kind of positive exposure for Celebrity Cruises that any CMO would pay dearly for. Only in this case, it cost almost nothing.

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For the sake of contextualizing that value, if Celebrity Cruises had wanted to advertise to the largest TV audience in the United States, the company would have had to spend approximately $882,000 for a 30-second spot during a Sunday night NFL game, watched by an average of 18.3 million people. That’s 60% of the reach and half the engagement time of McCue’s TikTok video. Even if we were to decide that a viral TikTok doesn’t carry the same branding value as an NFL ad, McCue’s millions of followers clearly bring amazing visibility to her employer at an almost negligible cost. It’s enough to make one wonder whether every company should want its own Capt. McCue.

As a researcher who studies the emerging phenomenon of social media creators who produce and share content about their jobs and employers, I’ve spent the past few years talking to organizations about how they should be adapting to the rise of employee-creators. This article shares what I’ve learned about how savvy executives can tap into the vast potential of employees who amass large social media followings by encouraging, supporting, and even training willing team members on how to become successful employee-creators.

Creators With Two Careers

Employee-creators are employees who produce content on their personal social media accounts in ways that deeply entwine them with their employers.

About the Author

Aaron Dinin, Ph.D., is a faculty member in Duke University’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship program, where he specializes in teaching marketing and personal brand building on social media.

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Digital Marketing along with Strategies: Organic to PPC

D o you want to make your online marketing stand out? It's like making your company shine brightly for everyone to see. We'll share some simple tips to boost your online marketing skills.

Similarly, a report by Gartner (2021) suggests that by 2025, at least 30% of digital businesses will use advanced AI tools to humanize their content and improve customer experiences.

First, let's talk about your website. How can you take your online marketing from good to outstanding ? Next, there's social media, where your customers talk to each other. You need to create cool content that keeps them interested and engaging.

And what about emails? They're like friendly notes to your customers – personal and effective. You want your customers to look forward to reading them.

By following these tips, your online presence will improve, and your company will grow. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started and make your online marketing awesome!

Digital Marketing Strategies

Do you want to make your company look great online? We have some easy secrets to help you do that! Let's learn them together and make your business stand out.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is all about making your website more visible on search engines like Google so that people can easily find your business online. When someone searches for something related to your products or services, you want your website to show up as high as possible in the search results pages (SERPs).

Here are some key SEO strategies that are part of digital marketing:

i. Keyword Research

This involves finding the words and phrases that people commonly type into search engines when looking for businesses like yours. These are called "keywords." Knowing the right keywords to target is crucial for SEO.

ii. Content Optimization

Once you know the keywords, you need to use them strategically in your content like blog posts, product descriptions, etc. But don't overdo it as content optimization is key, but  your content should still sound natural. Headings and title tags are also important for SEO.

As the AI continues to get better, an AI writing tool can help you optimize content in a more appropriate and efficient way. Some of the top writing tools you can use include,,, and

iii. Technical SEO

This refers to optimizing the behind-the-scenes elements of your website to make it more search engine friendly . Things like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and having an easy-to-understand site structure all play a role.

iv. Link Building

Getting high-quality websites to link back to your site still works in SEO. The practice has changed a lot over the team as Search Engines like Google tend to ignore irrelevant or low quality backlinks. A good quality backlink can really boost your search rankings . But the links need to come from reputable and relevant sources - not just any website.

Some of the top link building techniques still include:

  • Guest posting
  • Broken link building
  • Image link building
  • Offering widget or tool for backlinks
  • Press release

You can find press release templates and start branding and building links in a better and more appropriate way. Meanwhile, if you could find a white hat guest posting service , it can do wonders to your link building efforts and help your website in the long run.

v. Local SEO

If you have a local business, optimizing for local search is key. This means getting listed on Google Maps, getting reviews, and making sure your name, address, and phone number are consistent across the web.

The goal of all these SEO efforts is to increase the visibility of your business website in search results so you can get more website visitors, leads, and sales from search engines.

2. Social Media Marketing

These days, billions of people are spending a lot of time on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. This makes social media marketing extremely important for businesses.

Social media marketing means using these popular platforms to connect with your target customers and promote your brand. Some key ways businesses use social media marketing include:

  • Posting content like photos, videos, blog posts, and other engaging content is a core part of social media marketing. To generate engaging content, you can use . This helps get your brand in front of your audience.
  • In addition to just posting organically, you can also pay advertising to run ads on social platforms to reach even more of your ideal customers.
  • Do partnerships with influencers to increase your customer base. People who have a big following in your industry - can help promote your products/services to their audience.
  • Social media lets you interact directly with your customers and followers. Responding to comments, joining conversations, and building a community are valuable.

Note: provides 26-in-1 AI extension to Write, Summarize & Code. The best part is that you can continue using their free version and pay only when you feel confident of unlocking premium features.

The overall goals are to increase brand awareness, drive more traffic to your website, boost customer engagement, and ultimately get more sales. An effective social media presence is a must for digital marketing success.

At the same time, it is also very important to optimize relevant video subtitle content for social media through AI subtitle generator .

3. Email Marketing

Email marketing is all about sending emails to your customers and people interested in your business. It's a powerful way to stay connected, promote your products and services, and ultimately get more sales. Email marketing campaigns may include newsletters, promotional emails, and transactional emails.

Email marketing is effective because you can customize emails based on people's interests and past behaviors with your business. This helps you send more relevant and personalized content. To streamline this process and enhance your emails' effectiveness, consider using an AI email generator , which can help create personalized and engaging content automatically.

It's also important to create emails that look professional and appealing. Things like your email subject lines, content, design and images all factor in. You'll want to analyze metrics like open rates and clicks to see how your emails are performing too. To streamline this process, consider using AI-powered email writing tools like LogicBalls . Analyze metrics like open rates and clicks to see how your emails are performing too.

There are several types of emails businesses commonly send as part of their email marketing:

i. Newsletters

These are regular emails you send out with updates, tips, company news and other helpful information for your audience. They keep people engaged with your brand.

ii. Promotional Emails

When you have a new product, sale, event or other promotion, you'll send dedicated emails advertising these offers to your email subscribers. Inkbot design is a creative branding agency dedicated to helping businesses like yours build and grow strong, memorable brands. You can consider their services for comprehensive branding solutions.

iii. Order Confirmation / Transactional emails

After someone makes a purchase from your online store, you'll send automated emails with their order details and shipping information. This email confirms the customer about their order.

Overall, email marketing nurtures relationships with your audience and allows you to consistently promote your business in a cost-effective way, directly to people's inboxes.

4. Paid Advertising

An organic content marketing strategy is only a portion of the story. It’s just as important to implement non-organic plays, such as paid advertising. You also need to consider paid advertising to really boost your brand's awareness and reach people who can't find your business through organic searches.

And here’s an example of a paid ad on LinkedIn (marked as Promoted):

Paid advertising can be very helpful, especially if your blog or business is still growing and not getting as much website traffic as you'd like. There are several types of paid ads you can use as part of your digital marketing plan:

  • Social Media Ads
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads
  • Online Advertising

The great thing about paid ads is that you don't have to wait months or years to get results like you do with content marketing or SEO. You set a budget, create your ads, choose your targeting, and they can start running right away.

However, it's still smart to plan your paid advertising carefully. Define your target audience, decide which ad platforms fit your goals best, and set a reasonable budget.

Online Marketing Benefits of Paid Advertising

  • Ad platforms let you show your ads precisely to your ideal audience based on factors like age, interests, behaviors, and more.
  • You can easily track things like impressions, clicks, and conversions for your ads to see what's working.
  • You can regularly adjust your ads, targeting, and budget as needed to improve performance.

Paid advertising enables you to quickly boost brand visibility, test different strategies, and drive more interested people to your website or offers.

5. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing means partnering with popular online personalities or content creators to promote your brand, products, or services. These are people who have built up a big following and reputation in their particular niche or industry.

The idea is that by collaborating with influencers, brands can increase awareness, gain more followers themselves, reach new audiences, and ultimately boost sales. Influencers create content like posts, videos, or stories that feature and recommend the brand to their loyal fans and followers.

For example, Honey is a company that helps people find coupons online. They joined forces with 56 influencers and supported 63 videos to promote their product.

They teamed up with big names on YouTube like Mr. Beast (200M+ subscribers) and The Ace Family (18M+ subscribers). Because of their partnership, Honey has been mentioned in over 100 podcasts and over 400 YouTube videos and has more than 60 million views. This boosted their exposure and got their product in front of the right audience.

If you're considering influencer marketing, it's good to know there are different kinds of influencers out there.

There are different types of influencers based on their follower counts:

  • Nano-influencers: 1K-10K followers/subscribers
  • Micro-influencers: 10K-100K followers/subscribers
  • Macro influencers: 100K-1M followers/subscribers
  • Mega influencers: 1M+ followers/subscribers

The influencer size you choose depends on your goals and budget. Bigger isn't always better, though - sometimes smaller niche influencers with high engagement can be most effective.

It's important to partner with influencers whose audience matches your target customers. Their followers need to be genuinely interested in your brand for the partnership to be successful.

While influencer marketing can be impactful, finding the right influencers is challenging. Many brands use influencer marketing tools to help identify and analyze potential partners. Meanwhile, if you are unsure which tool you need, visit FindMyAITool and find the tool that can be helpful to your niche and audience.

Wrapping Up

Digital marketing is important for businesses to do well. By using different types of digital marketing, making good plans, and following the best ways of doing things, businesses get more people to know about their brand and get more sales. Using digital marketing helps businesses do better than their competition and grow in our super-connected world.

Although it keeps changing, it brings new chances and things to think about. So, it's really important for businesses to be flexible, learn about new trends, and keep making their plans better to stay on top. Engaging with platforms like ContentGrip , which provides deep insights into the latest AI tools , can be particularly beneficial. That way, they can keep people interested, connect well with their audience, and keep on doing well in the digital world that's always changing.

This article may contain affiliate links that Microsoft and/or the publisher may receive a commission from if you buy a product or service through those links.

Do you want to make your online marketing stand out? It's like making your company shine brightly for everyone to see.

Send us an email

A Social Media Presentation Deck Stacked In Your Favor [Free Template]

Social media facilitates connections, but the stories we tell there are what binds us together. Great storytelling in your social media presentation will help keep your audience captivated from start to finish.

A great deck acts as the outline for your story arc, allowing the concepts and ideas to shine on your slides. Use this free, customizable social media presentation template to create a polished slide deck that brings your stories to life. 

In the template you’ll find: 

  • Ways to add structure
  • Customization tips
  • Data visualization ideas
  • Additional template slides 

Whether you’re pitching a new idea, proposing a budget increase or recapping a successful campaign, download and customize this deck to wow your audience.

View Template

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Build and grow stronger relationships on social

Sprout Social helps you understand and reach your audience, engage your community and measure performance with the only all-in-one social media management platform built for connection.

Cincinnati Bengals

Cincinnati Bengals

Chief content officer.

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  • Partner with executive leadership to oversee content strategy for the Cincinnati Bengals with a focus on creativity and brand identity.
  • Promote a culture of high performance and continuous improvement.
  • Lead a talented staff responsible for content production, social media, creative design, brand management, photography and game presentation.
  • Utilize all forms of production to create compelling content for social media, digital, television and game presentation.
  • Contribute to content production, including shooting, editing, copywriting, motion graphics, photography and graphic design. 
  • Have a strong understanding of social media channels and content trends for different platforms. 
  • Foster relationships with coaches, players, influencers, Bengals Legends and celebrities for the purpose of creating content. 
  • Work closely with the sales team to create unique opportunities for corporate partners to drive revenue across all platforms. 
  • Develop content calendar with specific executions built around tentpole events, including the NFL Combine, NFL Draft, schedule release and training camp. 
  • Be data-driven utilizing social media analytics, Voice of the Fan scores and digital reports to develop insights and content strategy.
  • Manage music licensing and negotiations.
  • Oversee media asset management software Iconik and provide technology guidance for server upkeep.
  • Oversee project management ecosystem, including Microsoft Forms, Flow and Planner. 
  • Provide technology recommendations for all department verticals (i.e. cameras, lenses, software). 
  • Minimum 15 years of experience in content production, ideally in sports media. 
  • Strong leader and communicator with a vision who can motivate and inspire a team.
  • Demonstrated experience creating content for a variety of media platforms.
  • Technical experience using video equipment and editing software.
  • Creative mindset with knowledge of social media and content development.
  • Knowledge of live gameday production, including camera blocking, video and music direction.
  • Fluent understanding of consumer music (APM, ASCAP,SESAC, BMI).

Job Questions:

Do you have at least 15 years of experience in sports media and content production?

Please share a link to your portfolio or sizzle reel (must include video content to be considered for this position).

Describe your experience in video production, game presentation, creative design and social media strategy.

What are your salary expectations?

social media presentation strategies

Customer experience  (CX) defines a customer’s journey with a company, including both direct and indirect touchpoints. Businesses that place the emotional needs of the buyer persona at the forefront of the CX strategy fosters great relationships. Forrester reports that CX is a high priority for about 75%  of global business and technology professionals and their organizations. However, finding ways to increase customer engagement and brand loyalty can be a challenge. Here are seven customer experience trends that can help business leaders elevate their companies and improve their CX strategies.

Get the ‘AI for Customer Service’ guidebook

A new generation of consumers creates a need for new approaches to customer relationships. While sustainability is a growing value aligned to business, the way companies approach customer-centric sustainability efforts ought to be different for their younger consumers.

A brand needs to implement sustainability as part of its identity to better connect with this new age of consumers. Gen Z and Millennial customers are  27% more likely to purchase from a company  than older generations, if they believe that the brand cares about its impact on people and the planet. Even better, if the company’s product or solution is higher quality because of sustainable contributors, the brand might exceed customer expectations.

Reformation is a trendy clothing company that uses their commitment to sustainability as part of their business strategy. Unlike most e-commerce sites, Reformation has a dedicated navigation for customers to explore their sustainability efforts. The section headline of the site is their tagline, “ Being naked is the #1 most sustainable option. We’re #2 .” Along with punchy marketing, the brand details exactly how they’re providing sustainable products. They site their production process, material sourcing information, product care information and even their sustainability reports. By providing transparency and communicating their mission, Reformation became known for their commitment to social good among the younger generations.

A customer interaction with a business often goes through multiple touchpoints before that customer decides to engage with the brand. By implementing an omnichannel CX strategy, companies can expedite this process through interacting with their customer base in different places like social media apps, streaming platforms, e-commerce sites and more.

It is important to understand customer behaviors on various channels. For example, brand recognition on a podcast episode is great for awareness, but how many times do you click out of a podcast to purchase something? It may not be the channel for driving the digital customer experience; however, it might be one touchpoint in the customer journey. Adjust messaging to best fit different platforms and adapt marketing strategies to create a seamless omnichannel experience for your customers.

A company that has a consistent omnichannel strategy is Disney. Along with a memorable logo and the slogan “The most magical place on earth,” Disney keeps the spirit of its brand alive across the various platforms they serve. The founder, Walt Disney, wanted to create a seamless experience for customers that emphasizes the themes of family, fun and entertainment throughout all messaging.

Today, this strategy is visible in the My Disney Experience tool, which places the control in the hands of the customer to create their dream Disney trip. Keeping in mind a customer-centric omnichannel strategy, Disney considers each interaction that a child might have with the brand when positioning their messaging. This includes movies, TV ads, in-store costumes and in-person character experiences.

The name states the benefit itself, loyalty programs reward customers for their continued business, but they are also shown to increase customer retention. A total of 79% of customers are more likely  to do business with a company because of their loyalty program. Many businesses are even personalizing their programs, adding a hierarchy of loyalty status, to highlight their most loyal customers. Given the correlation between customer retention and customer loyalty, it is important that companies have a proactive approach to improving on their loyalty program benefits.

Beauty retail giant Sephora is known for their  Beauty Insider Program . Free to join, this program recognizes shoppers into tiers based on their annual store spending—Insiders, VIB and Rouge. Each tier rewards shoppers for their spending by equating points amount to a given dollar, for example Insiders get one point for every dollar spent. Along with a free birthday gift, all members get access to free, trial-sized products. As you move up the tiers more rewards are given spanning from early access to new product launches, higher discounts, more birthday perks, makeup training classes and even complimentary full-sized products.

Customers want to have control over their interactions with a company. AI-powered chatbots allow customers unlimited access to information through messaging. Also, optimizing search on webpages makes for an easier digital CX. Businesses should provide more of these self-service options for their customer experience—like booking appointments, order tracking and customer support bots. Allowing your customer base access to this information gives them the functions to control their customer journey. Access to more information allows your customers to feel trusted, which is the foundation Airbnb build their business on.

For many reasons—building trust, including customers in decision-making and creating a belonging culture—Airbnb has great customer loyalty. The company connects strangers renting their properties with people looking to stay in different locations across the world. This model sounds like it can invite disaster; however, by providing a trusted 24/7 customer support program, Airbnb upholds their CX. The company uses an omnichannel experience, through providing bots, live agents, social media messaging, in-app messaging and 24/7 phone and email support. Also, the  Airbnb Help Center  includes a plethora of resources at the customer’s disposal. They can choose their tailored experience, whether they’re a guest, host, experience host or travel admin. Along with optimized search, the help center includes blogs, FAQs, contact information and topic level organization.

As stated, emotional connection with customers is a foundational element of CX. Using data, companies can implement hyper-personalization into their CX strategy. Enterprises can collect predictive analytics from customer relationship management (CRM) systems to better personalize experiences. CRM systems provide 360-degree customer data—from sales, marketing and other functions—that can inform features like product recommendations, virtual cart reminders, SMS stock alerts and even greeting customers by name when shopping online.

How can businesses differentiate their personalization efforts to better connect with their customers? Improving the hyper-personalization of CX was identified as a  top use case by 42%  of AI decision-makers. Through technology like generative AI, companies can better identify trends in individual’s behavior and create personalized experiences. AI is not a new territory for eBay. The company has been using the technology to create better experiences for both sellers and shoppers.

Along with their personalized shopping assistant, Shop Bot, eBay announced the release of a generative AI powered-listing tool for sellers. The new tool, which is identified by eBay as a new “ magical listing experience ,” can extract information pictures that are provided by the seller to create descriptions and optimize the selling experience. Another example of how this tool works is that a seller can give their item a title and use generative AI to get recommended categories and other information that describes the item. Overall creating a more streamlined listing process for eBay sellers.

Just as AI can help with hyper-personalization, it can also help businesses to develop new experiential marketing strategies that better connect with customer expectations. IBV reported that  78% of global executives have an approach  to scale generative AI into customer and employee experiences. Through creating memorable experiences, businesses can develop a more emotional connection to customers. Even exploring and understanding new technologies like virtual and augmented reality might help businesses create an immersive experience for their customers.

One example of this is IKEA teaming up with Apple’s iOS 11 and ARkit to launch  IKEA Place  to equip their customers to be better interior designers. The app allows for furniture to be placed virtually in their residence via AR technology through their iPhone. According to IKEA the accuracy is at 98%; this allows customers to picture their products in their personal space before purchasing and eliminates the need to travel to a store location.

Customers are willing to share personal information, especially knowing it can provide real-time solutions and hyper-personalization. In fact,  50% of customers are willing to share personal information  to help create a tailored CX. These metrics can create advancements to relationships, products and service experiences with a business. However, customers want to know how their data will be used and they want to trust that the company can protect their personal information against data breaches. It is important for companies to share usage and privacy intentions with clear messaging so users can better understand how their data is benefiting their customer journey.

Listen now: Using AI for Marketing

A customer’s needs vary depending on the individual, and generative AI can support businesses in pleasing as many customers as possible through hyper-personalization. A proactive company implements a modern CX strategy that is accompanied by new technologies. IBM has been helping enterprises apply trusted AI in this space for more than a decade. Generative AI has further potential to significantly transform customer and field service with the ability to generate more human-like, conversational responses. IBM Consulting puts customer experience strategy at the center of your business, helping you deliver consistent and intelligent customer care with conversational AI.

IBM watsonxℱ Assistant  is a market-leading, conversational AI platform that is designed to help you overcome the friction of traditional support and deliver exceptional experiences. IBM watsonx and IBM Consulting’s deep expertise in customer journey mapping, design, platform implementation and data and AI can help you harness best-in-class technologies to implement transformation across the customer lifecycle.

Read: Key components of a winning customer experience strategy

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  • About Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Risk and Protective Factors
  • Program: Essentials for Childhood: Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action
  • Adverse childhood experiences can have long-term impacts on health, opportunity and well-being.
  • Adverse childhood experiences are common and some groups experience them more than others.

diverse group of children lying on each other in a park

What are adverse childhood experiences?

Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years). Examples include: 1

  • Experiencing violence, abuse, or neglect.
  • Witnessing violence in the home or community.
  • Having a family member attempt or die by suicide.

Also included are aspects of the child’s environment that can undermine their sense of safety, stability, and bonding. Examples can include growing up in a household with: 1

  • Substance use problems.
  • Mental health problems.
  • Instability due to parental separation.
  • Instability due to household members being in jail or prison.

The examples above are not a complete list of adverse experiences. Many other traumatic experiences could impact health and well-being. This can include not having enough food to eat, experiencing homelessness or unstable housing, or experiencing discrimination. 2 3 4 5 6

Quick facts and stats

ACEs are common. About 64% of adults in the United States reported they had experienced at least one type of ACE before age 18. Nearly one in six (17.3%) adults reported they had experienced four or more types of ACEs. 7

Preventing ACEs could potentially reduce many health conditions. Estimates show up to 1.9 million heart disease cases and 21 million depression cases potentially could have been avoided by preventing ACEs. 1

Some people are at greater risk of experiencing one or more ACEs than others. While all children are at risk of ACEs, numerous studies show inequities in such experiences. These inequalities are linked to the historical, social, and economic environments in which some families live. 5 6 ACEs were highest among females, non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native adults, and adults who are unemployed or unable to work. 7

ACEs are costly. ACEs-related health consequences cost an estimated economic burden of $748 billion annually in Bermuda, Canada, and the United States. 8

ACEs can have lasting effects on health and well-being in childhood and life opportunities well into adulthood. 9 Life opportunities include things like education and job potential. These experiences can increase the risks of injury, sexually transmitted infections, and involvement in sex trafficking. They can also increase risks for maternal and child health problems including teen pregnancy, pregnancy complications, and fetal death. Also included are a range of chronic diseases and leading causes of death, such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and suicide. 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

ACEs and associated social determinants of health, such as living in under-resourced or racially segregated neighborhoods, can cause toxic stress. Toxic stress, or extended or prolonged stress, from ACEs can negatively affect children’s brain development, immune systems, and stress-response systems. These changes can affect children’s attention, decision-making, and learning. 18

Children growing up with toxic stress may have difficulty forming healthy and stable relationships. They may also have unstable work histories as adults and struggle with finances, jobs, and depression throughout life. 18 These effects can also be passed on to their own children. 19 20 21 Some children may face further exposure to toxic stress from historical and ongoing traumas. These historical and ongoing traumas refer to experiences of racial discrimination or the impacts of poverty resulting from limited educational and economic opportunities. 1 6

Adverse childhood experiences can be prevented. Certain factors may increase or decrease the risk of experiencing adverse childhood experiences.

Preventing adverse childhood experiences requires understanding and addressing the factors that put people at risk for or protect them from violence.

Creating safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children can prevent ACEs and help all children reach their full potential. We all have a role to play.

  • Merrick MT, Ford DC, Ports KA, et al. Vital Signs: Estimated Proportion of Adult Health Problems Attributable to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Implications for Prevention — 25 States, 2015–2017. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019;68:999-1005. DOI: .
  • Cain KS, Meyer SC, Cummer E, Patel KK, Casacchia NJ, Montez K, Palakshappa D, Brown CL. Association of Food Insecurity with Mental Health Outcomes in Parents and Children. Science Direct. 2022; 22:7; 1105-1114. DOI: .
  • Smith-Grant J, Kilmer G, Brener N, Robin L, Underwood M. Risk Behaviors and Experiences Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness—Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 23 U.S. States and 11 Local School Districts. Journal of Community Health. 2022; 47: 324-333.
  • Experiencing discrimination: Early Childhood Adversity, Toxic Stress, and the Impacts of Racism on the Foundations of Health | Annual Review of Public Health (
  • Sedlak A, Mettenburg J, Basena M, et al. Fourth national incidence study of child abuse and neglect (NIS-4): Report to Congress. Executive Summary. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health an Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.; 2010.
  • Font S, Maguire-Jack K. Pathways from childhood abuse and other adversities to adult health risks: The role of adult socioeconomic conditions. Child Abuse Negl. 2016;51:390-399.
  • Swedo EA, Aslam MV, Dahlberg LL, et al. Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences Among U.S. Adults — Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2011–2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:707–715. DOI: .
  • Bellis, MA, et al. Life Course Health Consequences and Associated Annual Costs of Adverse Childhood Experiences Across Europe and North America: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Lancet Public Health 2019.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associations with Poor Mental Health and Suicidal Behaviors Among High School Students — Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey, United States, January–June 2021 | MMWR
  • Hillis SD, Anda RF, Dube SR, Felitti VJ, Marchbanks PA, Marks JS. The association between adverse childhood experiences and adolescent pregnancy, long-term psychosocial consequences, and fetal death. Pediatrics. 2004 Feb;113(2):320-7.
  • Miller ES, Fleming O, Ekpe EE, Grobman WA, Heard-Garris N. Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes. Obstetrics & Gynecology . 2021;138(5):770-776. .
  • Sulaiman S, Premji SS, Tavangar F, et al. Total Adverse Childhood Experiences and Preterm Birth: A Systematic Review. Matern Child Health J . 2021;25(10):1581-1594. .
  • Ciciolla L, Shreffler KM, Tiemeyer S. Maternal Childhood Adversity as a Risk for Perinatal Complications and NICU Hospitalization. Journal of Pediatric Psychology . 2021;46(7):801-813. .
  • Mersky JP, Lee CP. Adverse childhood experiences and poor birth outcomes in a diverse, low-income sample. BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 2019;19(1).
  • Reid JA, Baglivio MT, Piquero AR, Greenwald MA, Epps N. No youth left behind to human trafficking: Exploring profiles of risk. American journal of orthopsychiatry. 2019;89(6):704.
  • Diamond-Welch B, Kosloski AE. Adverse childhood experiences and propensity to participate in the commercialized sex market. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2020 Jun 1;104:104468.
  • Shonkoff, J. P., Garner, A. S., Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, Committee on Early Childhood, Adoption, and Dependent Care, & Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (2012). The lifelong effects of early childhood adversity and toxic stress. Pediatrics, 129(1), e232–e246.
  • Narayan AJ, Kalstabakken AW, Labella MH, Nerenberg LS, Monn AR, Masten AS. Intergenerational continuity of adverse childhood experiences in homeless families: unpacking exposure to maltreatment versus family dysfunction. Am J Orthopsych. 2017;87(1):3.
  • Schofield TJ, Donnellan MB, Merrick MT, Ports KA, Klevens J, Leeb R. Intergenerational continuity in adverse childhood experiences and rural community environments. Am J Public Health. 2018;108(9):1148-1152.
  • Schofield TJ, Lee RD, Merrick MT. Safe, stable, nurturing relationships as a moderator of intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment: a meta-analysis. J Adolesc Health. 2013;53(4 Suppl):S32-38. .

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

ACEs can have a tremendous impact on lifelong health and opportunity. CDC works to understand ACEs and prevent them.

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Extremist groups rely on social media, rooting them out won't be easy.

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Social media platforms are powerful tools for extremist groups for several key reasons.

Social media continues to be an echo chamber for those with strong political stances, and that will likely continue to contribute to our great national divide. However, a far more ominous concern is how social media is being used as a recruiting tool for extremist militias and other fringe groups—and it appears little efforts are being made to stamp it out.

"Social media platforms are attractive to extremist groups for many reasons," warned Dr. Lance Y. Hunter, professor of international relations at Augusta University. "Extremist groups can use social media platforms to recruit new members due to the significant number of individuals on social media and the ability to reach people across large geographical areas."

"They offer ease of recruitment, the ability to spread tailored propaganda, and create a sense of community for those with fringe views," explained Professor Justin Miller, associate professor of practice in the School of Cyber Studies at the University of Tulsa . "Algorithms designed for engagement inadvertently create echo chambers. These spaces reinforce extreme ideologies, normalize violence, and increase the risk of radicalization by isolating individuals from diverse perspectives."

At the same time, social media platforms have an expanded reach of the population with minimal resource allocation, allowing fringe groups to cast a wide net, and then move the follow-up communications to private encrypted applications.

"This type of activity adds complexity to the issue and emphasizes the need for proactive detection on social media platforms," said Miller.

Overcoming Distance While Forming Close-knit Communities

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Another key factor that makes social media an attractive gathering place for extremist groups is that individuals can share ideas and strategies on online platforms that would be more difficult in person due to the physical constraints of travel. As a result, individuals in different parts of the country, or even across different countries, can communicate and exchange potentially extreme ideas and tactics that would be more difficult in a physical setting.

"Social media is a useful recruitment tool for extremist groups due to its vast reach, the number of people on social media, and the ability to identify individuals who may be sympathetic to their cause," said Hunter. "Cross-national research has shown that social media can affect extremism, and in some cases, political violence by intensifying political beliefs and emotional reactions to events. Individuals often choose to follow and interact with other users on social media who hold similar views as themselves, and individuals may become more extreme as like-minded individuals surround them online. This echo chamber effect can potentially lead to more radicalization, and in some instances, political violence."

A separate but related issue is private or encrypted communications between extremists on social media platforms. Some social media platforms such as Telegram are designed for the specific purpose of allowing individuals to communicate cryptically.

"Certain features such as end-to-end encryption allow users to communicate privately, and the communications cannot be viewed by other users or Telegram administrators," explained Hunter. "Social media platforms such as META also offer end-to-end encryption. In these cases, it is difficult to block or monitor the conversations because only the individuals in the conversation can view the communications."

Combating Hate Remains a Challenge

Exactly how social media platforms can respond to the posts among extremist groups remains unclear.

"The concept of free speech sparks debate, especially when it clashes with concerns about safety. We accept government limits on countless aspects of our lives, from traffic laws to building codes. The classic example of yelling 'Fire!' in a crowded theater demonstrates that even free speech has boundaries," suggested Miller.

"So, why does regulating social media platforms, where extremists can recruit, spread propaganda, or plot violence, become such a fierce battleground? This contradiction underscores the need for robust partnerships between platforms, academics from various fields—sociology, data science, etc.—specialized government investigative agencies, civil society organizations, mental health professionals, and tech industry experts," Miller continued. "This multi-disciplinary coalition is necessary to address the digital landscape and root out extremist activity that hides behind free speech."

Currently, social media platforms operate on the premise of free speech, and benefit from it greatly, through monetization of user data and their online habits. That windfall of data could allow the platforms to be proactive in rooting out those who spread hateful messages.

"Platforms must move beyond mere reactiveness and invest heavily in proactive detection, disruption, and collaboration to combat extremist exploitation," said Miller.

It is difficult to identify all extremist groups and extremists on social media and remove them from social media platforms due to the number of users and the amount of content on social media.

"There are some steps social media companies can take. Content moderators can flag information that is considered violent or dangerous," added Hunter. "Social media users can also report problematic content and moderators can view and remove it when appropriate. Also, AI algorithms can identify violent and dangerous content and remove it or have a human moderator view and remove it."

Miller further suggested that a multiple-pronged approach that included utilizing advanced AI tools for content analysis can flag suspicious activity and free up human moderators for more nuanced judgment, while a well-trained and adequately staffed team of human moderators remains essential to handle complex situations and cultural nuances that AI may struggle with.

In addition, the platforms should collaborate with experts from law enforcement, and mental health professionals, as civil society organizations could provide specialized knowledge and resources.

"AI and humans work best together. AI handles the vast volume of content, while humans provide the judgment needed for complex or borderline cases," said Miller. "Success will require constant evaluation and adaptation, with regular assessments of implemented strategies and partnerships to ensure effectiveness against evolving threats."

Peter Suciu

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    A customer interaction with a business often goes through multiple touchpoints before that customer decides to engage with the brand. By implementing an omnichannel CX strategy, companies can expedite this process through interacting with their customer base in different places like social media apps, streaming platforms, e-commerce sites and more.

  27. Quarterly Social Media Strategy Presentation

    Present your social media strategy to your audience with this creative template and get ready to add tags! This presentation is based on a social media strategy structure. The style of the slides deck is Memphis, as it has a strong 80s taste with abstract shapes in the background, using colors such as red, light red, pink, cream and navy blue ...

  28. About Adverse Childhood Experiences

    Outcomes. ACEs can have lasting effects on health and well-being in childhood and life opportunities well into adulthood. 9 Life opportunities include things like education and job potential. These experiences can increase the risks of injury, sexually transmitted infections, and involvement in sex trafficking.

  29. Extremist Groups Rely On Social Media, Rooting Them Out Won't ...

    Another key factor that makes social media an attractive gathering place for extremist groups is that individuals can share ideas and strategies on online platforms that would be more difficult in ...

  30. Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on Retinopathy of Prematurity in

    A multitude of risk factors and preventive strategies for ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) have been studied, however, the effect of KMC on ROP has not been reported. This study aims to study the effect of KMC on ROP in neonates with birth weights between 1,000 and 1,800 g.