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My December Holiday Essay For Students

The winter holidays are an exciting time of year filled with fun traditions, tasty foods, and quality time with family and friends. Last December, my family and I took a holiday trip that I will never forget. In this essay, I will share some of the highlights from my December holiday. I will discuss our travels, the special celebrations we enjoyed, and what I learned from the experience.

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My December Holiday

Travel plans.

As part of our holiday preparations, my family researched different destinations to visit over our school break. After much debate, we settled on a one-week road trip along the coast of California (Topic Sentence). For the first part of our journey, we packed up our suitcases and snacks and embarked on an eight-hour drive from our home in Northern California down to Los Angeles (Transition). Hitting the road for long periods of time can be tiring, so we listened to Christmas music and audiobooks to pass the time and keep our energy up. Taking breaks to stretch our legs at scenic overlooks also helped the drive feel shorter.

Arrival (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); in Los Angeles

Upon arriving in LA, our first stop was checking into our hotel for a few nights of exploring the city (Topic Sentence). We spent one afternoon at Disneyland, enjoying the festive decorations and riding our favorite attractions like the teacups (Example). On another day, we toured Hollywood Boulevard and snapped photos beside the handprints of famous movie stars at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Our hotel was located near the Santa Monica Pier, so one evening we strolled along the beachfront shops and played amusement park games for prizes (Example). Los Angeles was bustling with holiday cheer and offered the perfect mix of activities to start our winter getaway.

Christmas Eve in San Diego

After a few enjoyable days in Los Angeles, we packed up and continued on to San Diego for Christmas Eve (Transition). We checked into a cozy hotel downtown and walked nearby to see the iconic San Diego Zoo all lit up for the night (Topic Sentence). What really stood out was attending midnight mass at a historic Spanish church near our hotel. It was a beautiful service with traditional carols and readings about the nativity story that put me in the Christmas spirit (Example). For dinner, my family cooked up a feast of tamales, potatoes, and fruit salad in our mini kitchen before exchanging gifts by the fireplace (Example). Spending quality time together made it feel just like Christmas, even though we were on vacation in a new city.

Our December holiday trip up and down the California coast was full of wonderful new experiences and memories. I learned that holidays are about more than presents or fancy meals—they are a chance to appreciate your family through shared moments of laughter and bonding (Topic Sentence). The natural scenery, festive celebrations in cities, and time unplugged from technology refreshed my mind and spirit. Looking back, that one special week created lasting memories that I will cherish for many years to come. I am grateful that my parents planned such a meaningful getaway for our family during my winter school break.

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DECEMBER- A Study Guide To A Silent Song And Other Stories

Read also themes in an artist of the floating world by by kazuo ishiguro, december by filemon liyambo – namibia.

About the author:

Filemon Liyambo is a Namibian writer and former newspaper columnist for the Namibian Sun Newspaper. He has also contributed social commentary articles for the New Era Newspaper. A qualified geologist, he is now an educator. His work was included in Erotic Africa, an anthology of short stories published by Brittle Paper in December 2018. He is currently working on a novel.

Episodes / sub-episodes

  • September’s arrival from the U.K. (p84 — 86).
  • December’s psychiatric condition. (p86 – 88).
  • Ezekiel Shikongo’s dreams and taboos. (p85 – 90).

December is a story about a girl named December, unconventionally, by her father, Silas Shikongo. The story is set in a town in Namibia.

December has a younger brother named September. According to their grandfather, Ezekiel, there are traces of idiotism in September, his grandson, for he takes after his youngest brother, Josef.

December nurses September when he is young, but there is a mishap in which she injures the boy accidentally with hoe, and the boy bleeds. Flhe old man then forbids her to eat chicken, saying that is how things are. September suspects that his grandfather is hiding something because he cannot explain the reason clearly. However, the two siblings are academic geniuses.

Suddenly, just before joining a Teachers Training College, December develops a psychiatric condition and her grandfather, Ezekiel, insists that she is bewitched and there are dark forces behind it. He takes her to the hospital and dumps her there. September, who now studies in the U.K., visits his sister at the hospital, but the nurse intercepts him for being late. However, Tshuuveni, a supervisor, and a familiar face appears and begins talking with him. This light chat makes the nurse calm, and

the guards are sent away to allow him some time. The nurse softens when she learns that September is December’s brother who studies abroad.

September finds his sister in a horrible condition, but they have a warm moment, and he hands her the gifts: a jersey, a pen and a book full of puzzles, a t-shirt, and yummy chips from KFC.

Meanwhile, Tatekulu, their grandfather Ezekiel, has dreamed of a pond where leopards drink and Josef is seated on the edge, eating. A search party is sent, and Josef is found at the exact place in Ezekiel’s dream.

The next day, September buries his grandfather, with his secret, next to his father in the village graveyard.

Questions for reflection on ‘Title’ of the story and themes

  • How relevant is the title of the story, December?
  • Does the Naming convention of Silas Shikongo affect his children?
  • Why do you think Ezekiel refuses to tell why he forbids his granddaughter to eat chicken?
  • Do you think Josef gets lost? Explain.
  • What does the Union jack symbolize in the story, December?
  • Mental illness and child neglect
  • Superstitious beliefs and taboos
  • Healthy living, eating iv.           Hope/optimism

Thematic concerns

+ Consequences of superstition on mental illness

  • December, the story’s title, is also the central character’s name. The name is given to her by her father against his own father’s wishes, who calls it idiotism. Conventional or not, this naming creates confusion and distortion of facts simultaneously. (p85- 86).
  • The story itself is mixed with a patched-up plot which renders the storyline unclear. The plot is not linear. Like in most Namibian, there was indifference towards those who didn’t reside there. Sticking out was a serious crime: (p84 – 90).
  • When Ezekiel Shikongo faces death and illness, anxiety, fear, and despair creep in, engendering adherence to delusions that have no logical or scientific explanation and lead to superstitious behaviours caused by a false notion of the causes. (p84 – 90).
  • It is rooted in human ignorance and significantly affects people’s culture and health, prevents them from beginning restoration, and harms individuals

and society. The mundane illogical beliefs derived from ignorance cannot be proven objectively and scientifically. Ezekiel forbids December to eat chicken due to the mishap. (p85 89).

  • The extended family of Ezekiel grapples with hereditary ill patients (Josef and December), and the old man blames their mental illness on superstitious thoughts such as “evil eye” or “dark forces.”
  • This pandemonium is created by Silas, December’s father, to show his divergent opinion and disbelief in his father’s taboos. (p85).
  • Their disagreement, therefore, gets complicated when December is born in September and September in July. Then when September returns from abroad, his grandfather dies in October. (p86).
  • Ezekiel refers to the naming as ‘idiotism’, and indeed his younger brother Josef exhibits traces of the problem when he starts to lose track of time in his teens; days of the week are a blur to him. The fact that September is absent-minded at times complicates the matter more. (p84 – 86).
  • Ezekiel’s superstitious belief could be premised on an archaic generational and cultural illusion that other forces cause problems. (p86).

Josef eventually loses himself. He is lost for a month. In his dreams, Ezekiel tells where exactly to find him but does not say what he is

  • eating until he exits the life stage. Ezekiel’s death signifies the end of the old traditions and the beginning of civilization. (p89).
  • When September breaks the news to his grandfather that he will study abroad two and a half years earlier, Ezekiel is happy. September had cried. “My sister…” (p88).
  • The old man reassured him. “I will take care of her.” “She’s been at the hospital for six months. (p88).
  • Superstition makes him believe that mental illness is caused by other forces not normal or conventional in nature. He takes her to a traditional healer, and she comes back looking skeletal as if the healer had tried starving out the voices in her head. (p88).
  • Ezekiel represents intensely superstitious African people who turn to indigenous treatments such as charms and witchdoctors to treat their illnesses. Modern technologies have not been able to reduce their superstitious tendencies. (p88)
  • “There is no brother listed in her file,” the nurse said. “Only a grandfather.” This is child neglect. (p88).

Superstitious thinking becomes harmful when it enters the health domain, affects people’s well-being, and becomes part of the family’s health beliefs. The values that society believes affect the

  • quality of life and treatment choice during illness. Ezekiel’s beliefs affect all family members. (p84 – 90).


  • Their life of hope begins when September arrives at the hospital from the U.K. December, who is at the hospital probably being discharged to start her life free of her grandfather’s superstitious interference. (p87).

Remember when September comes from Europe, he brings December a T-shirt with an imprint of the Union Jack, representing modernity or a form of enlightenment. But still, this is confusion on ideologies: between colonialism and civilization.

  • The T-shirt is precisely the same as the one December had ripped up all those years before to stem September’s bleeding. This implies that her ordinary life is restored by her brother’s hope and concern for her well-being. (p89).
  • The two reminisce their puberty days when September got himself a puppy named Kali to keep off boys who pursued December when she was younger. Tshuuveni enquires whether September is bringing home an oshitenya from overseas, but he says he still hasn’t found the right girl. (p87).

Professional medical practice should be relied on to guarantee the quality of life, control and treatment of diseases, and complications is not a secret to anyone. The medical fraternity should fight these superstitious thoughts to lower their adverse consequences. will bring hope. Hope is also symbolized

when it rains after Ezekiel Shikongo’s burial. Then Josef is also found. (p89, 90).

1. Citing evidence from the text, describe the character traits of the following characters.

  • Ezekiel Shikongo
  • Silas Shikongo

Style and Language use

  • What does the coming of September from Europe and the dying of Ezekiel in October symbolize?
  • How is sarcasm employed in Filemon Liyambo’s December?
  • Examine the use of irony and paradox December.  

Guide To An Artist Of The Floating World By Kazuo Ishiguro

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Mahaparinirvan Diwas - 6th December

Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, more dearly known to us, the citizens of India as Babasaheb or the Father of Indian Constitution , took his last breath while in his sleep on 6 December 1956. To commemorate Dr Ambedkar’s valuable contribution to society, this day is observed as Mahaparinirvan Diwas all across India. 

If you are preparing for UPSC Prelims, you must familiarise yourself with the important facts of this day. Not just the Mahaparinirvan Diwas, but other Days and Dates of National and International importance must be known by the aspirants. 

In this article, discussed is the importance of this day and the contributions made by Dr BR Ambedkar in the freedom struggle and the development of various sections of the Indian society. Candidates looking forward to appearing in the upcoming civil services exam must thoroughly go through the facts and history related to this day. 

Mahaparinirvan Diwas[UPSC Notes]:- Download PDF Here

Kickstart your UPSC CSE preparation now and complement it with the links given below:

Mahaparinirvan: The Meaning

Parinirvan is one of the primary principles of Buddhism . It means ‘someone who has attained nirvana or freedom in his lifetime and after death.’ In Sanskrit, ‘parinirvan’ means attaining ‘nirvana after death’, i.e., freedom of the soul from the body after death. In Pali, it is written as ‘ parinibbana ,’ meaning the attainment of nirvana. 

According to the Buddhist literature Mahaparinibbana Sutta, Lord Buddha died at the age of 80; and the day- the most sacrosanct day in the Buddhist calendar, is considered the original Mahaparinirvan Diwas.

UPSC aspirants can also familiarise themselves with the Teachings of Lord Buddha by visiting the linked article. 

Significance of Dr Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Diwas

Dr B.R. Ambedkar was working on a book named ‘The Buddha and His Dhamma.’ He breathed his last just a few days after completing the book. On 14 October 1956, Babasaheb converted to Buddhism after studying the religion for years in Nagpur. He even preached Buddhism later in his life, and was considered a Buddhist leader by his 5,00,000 strong followers. 

After his death on 6 December 1956, the mortal remains were cremated at Dadar Chowpatty in Mumbai, now known as Chaitya Bhoomi. Every year, thousands of people and his followers gather at the Chaitya Bhoomi on this day, to pay their homage to the great leader. 

Dr Ambedkar was considered a Buddhist guru because of his stature and contributions in eradicating untouchability in India. His followers believe that he was as influential, pure and blessed as Lord Buddha. It is for this reason that his death anniversary is considered as Mahaparinirvan Diwas.

Also, refer to the set of related links given below:

Ambedkar and His Contribution to the Indian Society

As an IAS aspirant, you must have gone through previous years’ IAS exam papers and observed questions related to this day and Dr Ambedkar. Hence, it is essential to dig a little deeper into his life and contributions.

Born on 14 April 1891, in Madhya Pradesh, in a Mahar (Dalit) family, Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar faced a lot of harassment as an ‘untouchable’ and was subjected to socio-economic discrimination. Although the Dalits were allowed to attend schools, Ambedkar and other untouchable children were segregated from other children, and were not given much attention by the teachers. They were neither allowed to sit inside the class nor touch or drink water from the vessel kept in the classroom. A person of a higher caste used to pour water from a height. Usually, the school peon provided water to young Ambedkar, but if he was unavailable, Ambedkar had to stay without water. He had to sit on a gunny sack that he had to carry with him back home every day. All these incidents and many more demeaning ones had left a strong impact on young Ambedkar’s mind. 

As a child, he was a bright student and the only one to pass examinations and continue higher studies. After matriculation, he enrolled himself at Elphinstone College under Mumbai University, did post-graduation from Columbia University, and then completed his Bar course from the London School of Economics.

Later in his life, Ambedkar joined India’s freedom movement and made a mark as a revolutionary freedom fighter, social reformer, economist, thinker, and politician, with multiple arrows in his quiver. It is to be noted for your UPSC exam preparation that Babasaheb, along with Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi, played a pivotal role in uplifting society’s poor and backward classes. Moreover, he led the Dalit Buddhist campaign from the front and worked persistently for their equal rights and betterment.

BR Ambedkar: The Architect of the Indian Constitution

Post India’s independence, on 15 August 1947, the new Congress-led Government invited Ambedkar to serve as the nation’s first Law Minister, which he accepted. On 29 August, he was appointed Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee and the Assembly to write India’s new Constitution.

Indian Political history is an important part of the UPSC syllabus . 

Therefore, the students preparing for UPSC 2023  must be well acquainted with the details of the Mahaparinirvan Diwas. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Mahaparinirvan Diwas

Q 1. which day is observed as mahaparinirvan diwas, q 2. where is the word ‘mahaparinirvan’ derived from what does it mean, q 3. how is dr ambedkar mahaparinirvan diwas commemorated, leave a comment cancel reply.

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Essay on Christmas

List of essays on christmas in english, essay on christmas – essay 1 (250 words), essay on christmas: origin, importance and conclusion – essay 2 (400 words), essay on christmas – essay 3 (500 words), essay on christmas: a cultural festivity – essay 4 (600 words), essay on christmas – essay 5 (750 words), essay on christmas: history, celebrations and decorations – essay 6 (1000 words).

Christmas is celebrated every year on 25th December. It is mainly the festival of Christians. But in today’s time, the festival of Christmas has surpassed the religious boundaries and become a symbol of the holistic culture. The winters in December carry a festive feeling.

Usually, the celebration begins much before the main day and continues for around 2 weeks after that. Men and women celebrate Christmas to honor the birth of Jesus Christ. Religious people go to church and light the candles to pray to their God, Jesus Christ.

A festival that is equally loved and cherished by adults and kids. People also bring a Christmas tree to their homes and decorate it with colorful balls, ribbons, and red socks. Market shops and showrooms display a theme of glittering red and white colors to set up the Christmas mood.

On Christmas night, folks enjoy a big feast and share gifts with each other. Homemade traditional plum cakes, cupcakes, and muffins are the special treats on Christmas. Kids are showered with lots of presents and new dresses. They also get to meet the ‘Santa Claus’, dressed in a fluffy red and white costume, who greets them with hugs and gifts.

Christmas is a festival of joy. It is about sharing and helping others. On this day, people remember Jesus Christ and his lessons of life. The festival definitely teaches us to practice kindness and love toward each other and help those who have less than us.


Christmas is the season of joy, peace, and happiness. It is the special season set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Though this was its original purpose, the celebration of Christmas has grown to become a symbolic time for living in peace and love.

Christmas is essentially a reminder of why we should stick to the deepest parts of our humanity. That is, through celebration, we are reminded that we should share, give to the less privileged, spend time with loved ones and have a positive outlook about life in general.

Origin of Christmas:

Many people assume Christmas is strictly a Christian celebration and they would be right if modern evidence is to be considered. However, with regards to its origin, this notion cannot be farther from the truth. In actual sense, Christmas originated a few decades after the birth of Jesus in the old Roman Empire.

Christmas emanated as the Pagan celebration of the concept known as Saturnalia. This celebration was aimed at celebrating the return of the sun and the end of winter. The celebration is usually a weeklong affair and is marked by lawless activity and a system of penal exemption from lawless acts such as housing breaking.

In the 4 th century, Christians adapted the last day of Saturnalia to be the celebration of Christmas. The aim was to get the pagans to associate this period with positive things. Consequently, lots of pagans converted to Christianity on the promise that they could still celebrate their tradition in this day. Whether Jesus was actually born on the 25 of December is not substantiated by historical evidence.

Importance of Christmas:

Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why do we go the extra mile to celebrate, give and create an atmosphere of merriment? The answers to these questions are numerous but we would mention a few.

1. Christmas reminds us of the importance of giving and sharing with friends and family.

2. Christmas shows the importance of joy and happiness.

3. Through Christmas, we know that Jesus birth is the beginning of great things in the world.

4. It is also an opportunity to correct actions we aren’t proud of in our lives.

5. It is generally an opportunity to think about nature and the reason for our existence.


Whether you’re Christian or not, Christmas is an opportunity for you to put your biases and ill thought behind in the celebration of a great cause.

Christmas is a well-known Christian holiday set in December, celebrated the world over and famed for its decorations and Santa Clause. Christmas is celebrated on the 25 th of December, on the occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ. One can write for ages about the many wonders that Christmas inspires in people. This holiday is also famous for the different customs that are associated with it and even though Christmas is celebrated in all Christian countries there are differences in the way each nation commemorates this date.

Christmas Traditions:

One of the more famous symbols of this holiday is the Christmas tree. Most people do not think about it and just maintain that this custom has been around for ages, while in fact, it is in use for the past 150 years. The idea originated in Germany and later on, it was spread to the rest of the western world by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. This event was meant for the entire family to enjoy a day before the 25 th of December.

The famous Santa Clause celebrated in many movies and made famous by Coca-Cola commercials is actually Saint Nicholas and he is traditionally celebrated on the 6 th of December. The Santa goes around town and checks if all the children were good and if they were, he left them a present, but if a child misbehaved often the Krampus would come to punish them by leaving a whip for the parents. This myth was taken on by the movie industry and transformed into the white beard and red-coated child hero of today.

Traditionally Christmas is celebrated by a Church mass in the morning and then by a family meal later on in the day. That is if you are a religious person, otherwise, most people have some sort of Christmas dinner where they sing the appropriate songs and drink special drinks, somewhere its egg- nock and in other places its sweetened cooked red wine. Whatever the tradition the point of the holiday is to spend some quality time with your loved ones eating and resting.

Modern Christmas:

Christmas is also famous as the time of the year when we give gifts to each other and appropriately this is also the time when companies try to sell everything they can. Marketing experts know how to use the traditional symbols of Christmas to make you want to buy something that you do not actually need. Not to mention that every gift that Santa brings has to be bought somewhere and every child wants a visit from their favorite imagined gift giver. The consumer society has transformed this holiday and made it part of its cosmology, the basic elements are still here but everything is set around decoration, gifts, and movies.

Whatever the backdrop of the holiday it still remains one of the coziest times of the year, at least form me. Spending time at home with the people we love, embraced, watching movies and surrounded by flickering lights is the image I have in my head when I think about Christmas. This is also an image that brings warmth to my heart.

Christmas is a Christian holiday that is celebrated all over the world on December 25 th . Christmas is the time of the year when people commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a cultural festivity that brings families together in a celebratory mood. Every Christian loves Christmas because it is full of joy, full of gifts, family gets together and beautiful Christmas carols are sang all over.

Preparations for Christmas:

Christmas is a cultural festivity that entails a lot of preparations. It is a public holiday and so people get a Christmas break to celebrate it. Preparations for Christmas start early for most people so that celebrations begin on the eve of Christmas. Preparations for Christmas involves a lot of activities.

Plans on who you are spending the Christmas together must be made before any preparations begin because you want to be considerate on their preferences and way of doing things. Shopping for Christmas is done as art of the preparations and people usually buy decorations, food and gifts mostly for children in the family and friends. Some families shop for matching Christmas outfits for everyone.

The common preparations include decorations of the place with Christmas trees, lighting. Before decorations begin, the house must be deep cleaned. The Christmas tree brings the Christmas spirit in homes because it is all glittery and shiny with all the decorations. Presents are placed under the Christmas tree in wrapped gift boxes and are not to be opened till Christmas day.

Churches and Sunday schools make their own preparations for Christmas through practicing songs and skits to be performed on Christmas day. The songs and skits are usually about the stories of the birth of Jesus Christ from the Bible. The church is also decorated for the special event. Thorough cleaning of the churches is also done to usher in Christmas.

Travel plans are also made for families and friend who would lie to spend their Christmas holiday in a nice place. People usually spend a lot on Christmas and so saving money for these plans should be the earliest preparation among all these.

As tradition for most families across the world, turkey is the common meal. Turkey orders have to be made early to avoid missing on the traditional Christmas meal. Christmas cards are also written to friends and family to wish them a happy holiday and to show love.

What happens on Christmas Eve?

Activities done on the Christmas Eve are still preparations. Christmas dinner is prepared, the tables are set, and gifts that had not been wrapped are wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree. Families come together in a Christmas spirit and share in the spirit of Christmas and the excitement for the day that is to come.

What happens on Christmas day?

The activities on Christmas day are usually few because everything was prepared in advance. The day begins with a countdown at 11:59 pm at night whereby people shout in celebration when it gets to 12:00 midnight. Christmas carols are played on radios and televisions to mark the day. Most families start by going to church where performances and songs are done. Then later, they join their families to exchange gifts and celebrate with food and music. Happiness during Christmas is like no other.

During exchange of gifts, children believe that they are from Santa Claus. Santa Claus or Father Christmas is a figure originating from the western Christian culture who is believed to bring gifts to disciplined children during Christmas. Children tend to behave well as they anticipate gifts from Santa.

In conclusion, Christmas is basically the best time of the year for both children and adults.

Christmas is a yearly celebration marking Jesus Christ’s birth; it is observed on the 25 th of December as a cultural and religious celebration among a lot of people all over the world. Christmas is basically a short form for Christ’s mass. It is gotten from the word ‘cristmasse’ which is a Middle English word gotten from the old English word, a phrase that was first heard around 1038. Apart from Christmas, the day and holiday has also been called by some other names like midwinter, nativity and so on.

The history of Christmas is one that dates back to a very long time; the first Christmas that was celebrated was done in 336 in Rome. It played a very important role during the famed Arian controversy that took place in the 300s. During the early years of the middle age, epiphany overshadowed it. Christmas was brought back to limelight around 800 when the emperor Charlemagne received the crown on Christmas day.

During the 17 th century, the Puritans had Christmas banned because it was associated with drunkenness and different other misbehaviour. It was made a proper holiday around 1660 but was still quite disreputable. Around the early 1900s, the Oxford movement of the Anglican Communion church started and this led to the revival of Christmas. A lot of writers including Charles Dickens did their best to reinvent Christmas through emphasising it as being a period for family, gift giving, religion and social reconciliation as against the historically common revelry it was known for.

Christmas is celebrated as a key festival in a lot of countries all over the world and some of the countries are countries with a non-Christian population. In a lot of the non-Christian regions, the celebration of Christmas is largely influenced by the colonial rule like in Hong Kong, in some other regions; the celebration of Christmas is due to cultural influence of other foreign nations. There are some countries where Christmas isn’t celebrated and there is no public holiday, examples of such countries are Israel, Afghanistan, North Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Japan, China, Bhutan, Vietnam, Turkey, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, etc.

There are parades and religious processions in countries that are majorly catholic in the days before Christmas. In regions that are largely secular, there are also parades that feature the Santa Claus and some other seasonal characters. A very important feature of Christmas all over the world is the act of gift sharing and giving that takes place on the day of Christmas, there are a few countries that practice the act of gift giving and gift sharing on January 6 and also on Saint Nicholas Day.

There is the practice of special decoration being put up during Christmas and this practice has a very long history. In London around the 15 th century, it was the tradition for every home and church building to be decorated with items that were judged to be green and worthy of the season including ivy, holm and bays. The colours traditionally for Christmas are gold, red and green. Red is said to symbolise Jesus’ blood that he shed during the crucifixion, green stands for eternal life, and especially the tree that is evergreen and doesn’t lose the leaves on it during winter, the very first colour associated with Christmas is gold as it was one of the gifts that the magi gave Jesus and it symbolises royalty.

A special family Christmas meal is also a very traditionally important feature of Christmas celebration, and the type of food served depends on the country and varies from region to region. The United Kingdom with the countries that have been influenced by its culture and traditions have a proper meal for Christmas that includes goose, turkey or any other big bird, potatoes, gravy, bread, vegetables and cider. There are also unique desserts that are prepared during Christmas including Yule log cake, mince pies, Christmas pudding and fruit cake. It is important to note that in most eastern European countries like Poland and in the Scandinavia, the main traditional course is fish but there has been an increase in the use of richer meat like lamb.

Christmas card are greeting messages in form of illustrations that family members and friends exchanges during the Christmas period. Traditionally, Christmas greeting cards was first produced for commercial purpose in London around 1843 by a Sir Henry Cole. Christmas is probably the most beautiful time of the year with family, love and gift giving the theme of the season.

Christmas is a yearly festival which is celebrated on the birth of Jesus Christ, on December 25 by most people in the world. A few parts of Eastern Christians use the Julian system which marks it on January 7 on the Gregorian calendar, which is December 25 as indicated by their calendar. Armenian Churches have been celebrating Christmas on January 6 even before the Gregorian calendar started. Most Armenian Christians still use the Gregorian calendar and observe Christmas on January 6. In spite of all the controversies around the date, Christmas is regarded as a religious and social festival among the people all over the world. It is the major Christian festival of the year.

The Nativity accounts of Matthew and Luke are noticeable in the accounts and early Christian authors recommended different dates for the start of this festival. The first recorded Christmas festivity was in Rome in the year 336. Christmas assumed a job in the Arian debate of the fourth century. In the early Middle Ages, it was dominated by Epiphany. However, it regained its popularity after the year 800, when Charlemagne was delegated as the head on Christmas Day.

Today, most Christians celebrate on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar, which has been received generally in the common calendars used by nations all through the world. Be that as it may, some Eastern Christian Churches observe this festival on December 25 of the more seasoned Julian timetable, which right now relates to January 7 in the Gregorian calendar. This isn’t a difference over the date of Christmas all things considered, but instead, an inclination of which schedule should be used to decide the day that is December 25. In the Council of Tours of 567, the Church, with its craving to be general announced the twelve days among Christmas and Epiphany to be one bound together festal cycle.


Christmas Day is associated with a number of celebrations all over the world including numerous people who are generally non-Christian. In some non-Christian regions, times of previous provincial guideline presented the festival such as Hong Kong. In others, Christian minorities or remote social impacts have driven people to celebrate this festival. Nations, for example, Japan, where Christmas is prevalent in spite of there being just a few Christians, have embraced huge numbers of the common parts of Christmas, for example, present giving, decorations, and Christmas trees.

Countries which do not celebrate It:

Countries in which Christmas is certainly not a formal festival include Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, with the exception of Hong Kong and Macau, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates among others. However, with the changing times, even people from these countries have started to celebrate this festival.

Christmas in India:

India has a substantial population of Christians. Moreover, being a secular country, festivals of all religions are celebrated with equal charm and anxiety. Christmas is not different from festivals celebrated in India. People from all religions and faith celebrate it. Schools organise special assemblies in order to make children aware of the importance of this festival. People decorate their homes and give gifts to children.


The activity of decorating the trees on this day has a long history. In the fifteenth century, it was recorded that in London it was the custom at Christmas for each house and all the area temples to be “decked with holm, coves and ivy which at all the period of the year stood to be green”. The heart-moulded leaves of ivy were said to symbolize the coming to earth of Jesus, while holly was viewed as a defence against witches. Its red berries and thistles represent the Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus at the execution and the blood he shed.

The Christmas tree was first used by German Lutherans in the sixteenth century, with records demonstrating that such a tree was put in the Cathedral of Strassburg in 1539, under the administration of the Protestant Reformer, Martin Bucer. The Moravians put lit candles on those trees. When finishing the Christmas tree, numerous people put a star at the highest point of the tree symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem, a reality recorded by The School Journal in 1897.

In the nineteenth century, it wound up prominent for individuals to likewise place an angel on the top of a tree. This was intended to symbolize the angels referenced in the records of the Nativity of Jesus. The Christmas tree is considered by some as Christianisation of agnostic convention and custom surrounding the Winter Solstice, which combined the use of evergreen limbs, and an adjustment of agnostic tree worship.

Traditional Cuisine:

Depending on the regions, there are different traditional cuisines on this day. A few regions have exceptional suppers for Christmas Eve, for example, Sicily, where 12 sorts of fish are served. In the United Kingdom and nations impacted by its customs, a standard dinner incorporates turkey, goose or other expansive flying creature, sauce, potatoes, vegetables, now and again bread and juice. Extraordinary treats are likewise arranged, for example, pudding, mince pies, nutty surprise and Yule log cake

Santa Claus:

Santa Claus is one of the key parts of the celebrations of Christmas. As per the legend, Santa Claus gives gifts to good children on the eve of Christmas which is the night of the 24 th December. Children sleep early on this day hoping to get a gift from Santa Claus when they get up the next morning. They also keep cookies and milk near their beds for the Santa and a carrot for the reindeer of the Santa on which he rides as a part of the tradition. The popular poem Jingle Bells celebrates the coming of Santa to give away the gifts.

Christmas is such a festival which is celebrated by people from all religions and faith worldwide despite it being a Christian festival. It is the essence of this festival which unites the people so much. We should learn the importance of such unity from this festival and despite our religious differences; we should all celebrate the festivals together. Festivals are probably a medium which has the power to keep people united for the betterment of mankind.

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[…] a Christmas festival. On this day, Lord Jesus Christ was born. We also known that how i celebrated christmas as a big […]

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The Write Practice

31 December Writing Prompts

by Sue Weems | 0 comments

As the days get shorter and short this month here in the U.S., more time indoors means more time to write! Today we have a month's worth of December writing prompts to keep your pen moving across the page. 

December Writing Prompts title against pine forest sky

December in the Northern Hemisphere means cooler temps and shorter days as the fall winds down and winter begins. But it might also be the perfect time to get a little more writing in each day. In fact, how about a little month long writing challenge? 

Use the daily writing prompts below to keep you working through December, whether you're developing ideas for a new book or just practicing your writing skills. 

Ready? Let's go!

Journal Prompt Ideas

Here's some questions to use in your daily writing practice this December.

1. Write about your favorite winter activity.

2. Make a survival list of all you need to make it through the winter. 

3. What is your favorite winter holiday and why?

4. Describe the way the weather changes in winter, including as many specific descriptive details as you can. 

5. What is the funniest gift (or best gift or worst gift) you've ever received in December. How did you react?

6. Describe your favorite drink in winter, include all five senses if possible. 

7. Write about your ideal day of winter.

8. What are the five things you are most grateful for in December? Why?

9. How do you like to close out the year? With family? At a big party? Write about your ideal December 31. 

10. What have you accomplished this year? Don't limit yourself to big things—write about those small triumphs too. 

Creative Writing Prompts for the Busy Holiday Season

December holds a number of holidays to celebrate. Try one of these prompts if you're feeling like getting into the festive spirit.

11. Describe your favorite family holiday traditions (December or otherwise).

12. What was a happy memory you have from a celebration in December? 

13. What is your favorite holiday decoration? What do you love about it?

14. If you could plan an idea holiday party, what would it include?

15. What is your favorite holiday treat, edible or otherwise? Tell us about it. 

16. Rewrite your favorite holiday story from another perspective. For example, tell the story of Rudolph from the point-of-view of one of the other reindeer. 

17. If you watched holiday cartoons growing up, which was your favorite holiday character? Who is your favorite now? 

18. Imagine that you had to create a new favorite holiday tradition, what would you do and why?

19. Make a list of your favorite holiday movies. (Bonus points if you watch one with someone you love this month!)

20. Write a short funny story about Santa Claus or someone who is mistaken for Santa. 

Story Starters for the Winter Season

Finally, we have a few story starters to inspire that creative side to finish the month. 

21. Write a short poem about winter. Start with an image from nature or use an acrostic poem method, with one word next to each letter of the word WINTER.

22. Many children have a winter break that begins in December. Write a story about the first day of winter break where something wildly out of the ordinary happens. 

23. Imagine you are a bear about to hibernate with your family. Write a list of rules for hibernating. 

24. Create a scene where your characters visit their favorite tree in December, but something is strangely different. 

25.  Imagine you've been gifted a pet reindeer. What do you do on your first day together? 

26. Legend has it that the first snowfall brings wishes with it. Write a story about a child's wish and what happens. 

27. A big winter race is delayed, stranding all the participants together in the lodge, until…

28. A grandmother keeps a festive journal in December, but one day, her granddaughter discovers its magic, and…

29. A small town hosts a winter celebration on the first day of winter, but this year, the tradition might be ruined…

30. A child finds a set of warm mittens at the park, and can't find their owner. When they put them on…

31. On her final walk of the year, a woman discovers the path has been changed, and… 

December Writing Prompts

December is an opportunity to finish the year strong, to celebrate the year past, and set a new course for the coming year. Try a prompt each day this month and see what you discover!

Now you try! Choose one of the prompts above and set your timer for 15 minutes . Write without stopping. When finished, share your practice in the Pro Practice Workshop , and leave feedback for a few other writers. 

Not a member? Join us ! Happy December writing! 

How to Write Like Louise Penny

Sue Weems is a writer, teacher, and traveler with an advanced degree in (mostly fictional) revenge. When she’s not rationalizing her love for parentheses (and dramatic asides), she follows a sailor around the globe with their four children, two dogs, and an impossibly tall stack of books to read. You can read more of her writing tips on her website .

title on chalk board

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  • All Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
  • All Months January February March April May June July August September October November December
  • All Types Events Birthdays Deaths Weddings

Historical Events on December 6

  • Film & TV
  • 963 Leo VIII elected Pope
  • 1060 Béla I of Hungary is crowned king of Hungary
  • 1160 Jean Bodels "Jeu de St Nicholas" premieres in Arras
  • 1196 Northern Dutch coast flooded, "Saint-Nicolas Flood"

Mongol Siege of Kyiv

1240 Mongols led by Batu Khan occupy and destroy Kyiv after an 8 day siege; out of 50,000 people in the city only 2,000 survive

essay on 6 december

Aquinas' Divine Revelation

1273 Thomas Aquinas , thought to have had a mystical experience in Naples, refuses to continue his work "I cannot, because all that I have written seems like straw to me"

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Barcelona Right to Expel Jews

1424 Don Alfonso V of Aragon grants Barcelona the right to exclude Jews

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Pope Clement VII Flees

1527 Pope Clement VII escapes imprisonment in the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome, fleeing to Orvieto disguised as a peddler

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  • 1534 Quito, Ecuador, founded by Spanish colonists on the ruins of an Inca city
  • 1631 1st predicted transit of Venus (Kepler) is observed
  • 1641 Don Francisco de Mello appointed land guardian of South Netherlands
  • 1648 Pride's Purge: Thomas Pride prevents 96 presbyterians from sitting in English parliament

Charles VI's Pragmatic Sanction

1723 Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI 's Pragmatic Sanction with the Diet of Hungary recognizes the King's daughters as successors

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  • 1732 1st play in American colonies acted by professional players in New York
  • 1735 First recorded appendectomy performed by Claudius Amyand at St George's Hospital in London

Jacobite Army Retreats

1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie 's Jacobite army retreats to Scotland

essay on 6 december

  • 1756 British troops under Robert Clive occupy Fulta, India
  • 1787 Laurens Pieter van de Speigel is appointed Dutch pension advisor
  • 1790 The U.S. Congress moves from New York City to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • 1822 Veterinary school in Utrecht opens

US National Observatory Proposed

1825 US President John Quincy Adams suggests establishment of a national observatory

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Schumann's 4th Symphony

1841 Robert Schumann 's 4th Symphony in D minor premieres

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  • 1843 Amsterdam-Utrecht railway opens
  • 1845 Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity is founded at Yale College.

La Damnation de Faust

1846 Hector Berlioz 's dramatic oratorio "La Damnation de Faust" premieres, conducted by the composer at the Opéra-Comique, Paris

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Harriet Tubman Escapes

1849 Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery in Maryland for the 2nd and final time

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Lincoln Orders Santee Sioux Hanged

1862 US President Abraham Lincoln orders hanging of 39 Santee Sioux Indians

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  • 1864 Battle of Deveaux's Neck, South Carolina
  • 1865 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution is ratified, abolishing slavery (except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted) [1]
  • 1866 Chicago water supply tunnel 3,227 m into Lake Michigan completed
  • 1869 Colored National Labor Union, 1st Black labor convention meets at Union League Hall in Washington, D.C.
  • 1873 1st international football game in US: Yale 2, Eton (England) 1 in New Haven, Connecticut
  • 1875 44th Congress (1875-77) convenes
  • 1876 1st crematorium in US begins operation, Washington, Pennsylvania

Hayes, Tilden Election

1876 US Electoral College casts their votes in the disputed election between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden; two sets of conflicting results are returned to Congress the next day

essay on 6 december

Edison's Phonograph

1877 Thomas Edison enters the offices of Scientific American and turns the crank on his cylinder phonograph, astonishing those present with the recording, "Good morning. How do you do? How do you like the phonograph?" [1]

essay on 6 december

  • 1877 Washington Post publishes 1st edition
  • 1882 Atmosphere of Venus detected during transit
  • 1884 Aluminum capstone set atop Washington Monument, Washington, D.C., making it the tallest human-built structure in the world (overtaking Cologne Cathedral)
  • 1896 D T Suzuki found the awakening at Engakuji temple, in Kamakura
  • 1897 London becomes the world's first city to host licenced taxicabs
  • 1903 Sumatra Atjehs guerilla leader Panglima Polim surrenders

Monroe Doctrine Confirmed

1904 Theodore Roosevelt confirms Monroe Doctrine (Roosevelt Corollary)

essay on 6 december

  • 1906 The British grant Transvaal self-government
  • 1907 Coal mine explosions in Monongah, West Virginia kills 361
  • 1912 China votes for universal human rights
  • 1913 White Sox beat Giants 9-4 in exhibition game in Tokyo
  • 1914 German troops over run Lodz
  • 1916 World War I: The Central Powers under General Mackensen capture Bucharest
  • 1917 French munition ship SS Mont Blanc collides with Norwegian SS Imo in Halifax harbour, Canada, resulting explosion kills at least 1,700 and injures more than 9,000 people - world’s largest pre-atomic explosion [1]
  • 1917 Taking advantage of the temporary relaxation of authority in Russia, Finland declares itself a republic, following the Ukraine on 20 November

Anglo-Irish Treaty Signed

1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty signed; Ireland receives dominion status; partition creates Northern Ireland

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Liberal Party Victory

1921 Canada's Liberal Party and its leader Mackenzie King defeats Arthur Meighen 's Conservative Party and Thomas Crerar' Progressive Party in general election, goes on to form a minority government

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  • 1922 1st constitution of Irish Free State comes into operation
  • 1922 1st electric power line commercial carrier in US, Utica, NY

First US Presidential Radio Address

1923 1st US Presidential address broadcast on radio by President Calvin Coolidge

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  • 1925 Italy, Britain & Egypt sign Jaghbub accord (Italy)
  • 1925 Record 73,000 pay to watch Chicago Bears beat NY Giants 19-7
  • 1929 Turkey introduces female suffrage

Ulysses Ban Lifted

1933 Ban on James Joyce 's "Ulysses" in US lifted

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  • 1938 117 Spanish knights under capt Piet Laros return to Netherlands
  • 1938 French-German friendship treaty drawn up ( Ribbentrop -Bonnet Pact)
  • 1939 5th Heisman Trophy Award: Nile Kinnick, Iowa (HB)
  • 1940 Gestapo arrest German resistance fighter/poster artist Helen Ernst

Pietro Badoglio Resigns

1940 Pietro Badoglio resigns as viceroy of Ethiopia

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  • 1941 Dutch & British pilots see Japanese invasion fleet at Singapore
  • 1941 NYC Council agrees to build Idlewild (Kennedy) Airport in Queens

Dutch Commonwealth Begins

1942 Queen Wilhelmina announces Dutch Commonwealth

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  • 1942 RAF bombs Philips factory (150 die)
  • 1944 US 95th Infantry division reaches Westwall

Everglades National Park

1947 The Everglades National Park in Florida is dedicated by President Harry S. Truman

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Mirabile Illud

1950 Pope Pius XII publishes encyclical Mirabile illud

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  • 1952 Czech government tells Israeli ambassador that he is persona non grata
  • 1953 Brown's Lou "Toe" Groza kicks 8 PATs, beating Giants 62-14

Beauvoir Receives Prix Goncourt

1954 Simone de Beauvoir receives the Prix Goncourt prize in French literature

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  • 1955 New York psychologist Joyce Brothers wins "$64,000 Question" with topic of boxing
  • 1956 Against the background of the Soviet invasion of Hungary the nations square off at the Melbourne Olympics in a famous water polo match; game called off with Hungary leading 4-0 and near riot halted by police; Hungary goes on to win gold medal
  • 1956 Australian swimmer David Theile sets world record 1:02.2 to win the 100m backstroke gold medal at the Melbourne Olympics

Australian Win Swim Relay

1956 Australian women's 4 × 100m freestyle relay team of Dawn Fraser , Faith Leech, Sandra Morgan & Lorraine Crapp swim world record 4:17.1 and beat powerful US team to win the gold medal at the Melbourne Olympics

essay on 6 december

  • 1956 German WWII prisoner of war Helmut Bantz and Soviet gymnast Valentin Muratov tie for the vault gold medal with 18.85 points at the Melbourne Olympics

Mandela Arrested

1956 Nelson Mandela & 156 others arrested for political activities in South Africa

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  • 1956 Randhir Singh Gentle scores the winner as India beats Pakistan, 1-0 in the Melbourne Olympics field hockey final to win it's 6th consecutive gold medal in the sport
  • 1956 Soviet gymnast Viktor Chukarin follows his parallel bars gold medal with the individual all-round title and teams gold at the Melbourne Olympics
  • 1957 1st US attempt to launch a satellite fails-Vanguard rocket blows up
  • 1957 AFL-CIO votes to expel Teamsters (readmitted in October 1987)
  • 1957 Indonesia begins nationalizing Dutch possessions

Sessions' 3rd Symphony

1957 Roger Sessions ' 3rd Symphony premieres in Boston with Charles Munch conducting the Boston Symphony

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  • 1958 US lunar probe Pioneer 3 reaches 107,269 km, falls back
  • 1960 MLB American League grants American entertainer and businessman Gene Autry a franchise: Los Angeles Angels

Davis 1st African American Winner

1961 27th Heisman Trophy Award: Ernie Davis , Syracuse RB; 1st African American to win)

essay on 6 december

  • 1962 US abandons Skybolt ballistic missile program

Johnson's 31 Medal Recipients

1963 President Lyndon B. Johnson confers Presidential Medal of Freedom on 31 recipients selected by JFK , including: contralto Marian Anderson ; diplomat Ralph Bunche ; cellist Pablo Casals; Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter; labor leader George Meaney; architect Mies van der Rohe; pianist Rudolf Serkin; writers E. B. White and Thorton Wilder; and painter Andrew Wyeth; as well as posthumously to JFK himself, and Pope John XXIII

essay on 6 december

  • 1963 Test Cricket debut of Graeme Pollock at the Gabba
  • 1963 The Beatles begin a tradition of releasing a Christmas record for fan club members
  • 1964 "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" 1st airs on TV
  • 1964 KTVR TV channel 13 in La Grande, OR (PBS) begins broadcasting

Antonio Segni Resigns

1964 President Antonio Segni of Italy resigns

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  • 1965 2 trucks crash into a crowd of dancers in Sotouboua Togo, kills 125
  • 1965 Pakistan's Islamic Ideology Advisory Committee recommends that Islamic Studies be made a compulsory subject for Muslim students from primary to graduate level.
  • 1967 USSR performs nuclear test at Sary Shagan USSR

Beggar's Banquet

1968 Decca Records releases Rolling Stones album "Beggar's Banquet" in UK, the last during Brian Jones ' lifetime (US release the next day)

essay on 6 december

  • 1968 Major League Baseball dismisses Commissioner William Eckert after 3 years
  • 1968 PBA National Bowling Championship won by Wayne Zahn (29)
  • 1968 WKID (WSCV) TV channel 51 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (IND) 1st broadcast

Rolling Stones at Altamont

1969 300,000 attend free concert featuring The Rolling Stones in Altamont, California; the event is marred by violence and four deaths

essay on 6 december

  • 1969 USSR performs nuclear test
  • 1970 Cleveland Cavaliers 1st NBA home victory, beating Buffalo Braves 108-106
  • 1971 A woman dies trying to salvage property from the Salvation Army Citadel in Belfast after bomb which started a large fire in an adjoining building
  • 1971 Lewis Franklin Powell confirmed as US Supreme Court justice
  • 1973 Bahrain's constitution goes into effect

Gerald Ford VP

1973 Gerald Ford sworn-in as first unelected Vice President, succeeds Spiro Agnew who resigned over corruption allegations

essay on 6 december

  • 1973 NL votes to move San Diego Padres to Washington, D.C. (doesn't happen)

Ding Dong, Ding Dong

1974 George Harrison releases single "Ding Dong, Ding Dong"

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  • 1975 41st Heisman Trophy Award: Archie Griffin, Ohio State (RB)
  • 1975 Balcombe Street Siege: for 6 days, four Provisional Irish Republican Army volunteers hold two hostages at an apartment in London, England

Pieter Menten Arrested

1976 Dutch war criminal Pieter Menten arrested in Zurich, Switzerland

essay on 6 december

  • 1977 South Africa grants Bophuthatswana independence
  • 1978 Spain adopts constitution
  • 1980 NASA launches Intelsat V satellite, no. 502
  • 1981 Rob de Castella of Australia sets Marathon record at 2:08:18
  • 1982 Droppin Well bombing: 11 British soldiers and 6 civilians are killed by an Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) time bomb at the Droppin’ Well Bar in Ballykelly, County Londonderry
  • 1983 A bomb planted on a bus in Jerusalem explodes, kills 6 Israelis
  • 1984 France performs nuclear test
  • 1984 Hijackers aboard Kuwaiti jetliner kill 2nd hostage
  • 1986 52nd Heisman Trophy Award: Vinny Testaverde, Miami Fla (QB)
  • 1986 France performs nuclear test at Mururoa atoll
  • 1987 3 satanist Missouri teenagers bludgeon comrade to death for "fun"
  • 1987 Christa Rothenburger skates female world record 500m (39.39 sec)
  • 1988 Agnes Neil Williams purchases Baltimore Orioles for $70 million Eli Jacobs becomes CEO of Baltimore Orioles
  • 1988 Carlos Andres Perez re-elected president of Venezuela
  • 1988 Merv Hughes takes 13 wickets v WI at the WACA but Australia lose
  • 1988 Milwaukee Bucks win their 1,000th NBA game (2nd fastest)
  • 1988 Nelson Mandela is transferred to Victor Vester Prison, Capetown
  • 1988 STS-27 Atlantis lands in California after secret mission

Arafat Meets US Jews

1988 Yasser Arafat meets prominent American Jews in Stockholm, Sweden

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  • 1989 Mafia drug kingpin bombs security force at Bogota, kills 52
  • 1989 Worst Canadian mass murder: Marc Lepine kills 14 women at U Montreal
  • 1990 NHL grants conditional membership to Tampa Bay Lightning

Hussein Releases Hostages

1990 Saddam Hussein announces release of all foreign hostages

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  • 1990 Shoeless Joe Jackson's signature sells, at aucton, for $23,100
  • 1991 "Star Trek VI-Undiscovered Country" premieres
  • 1992 300,000 hindus destroy mosque of Babri India, 4 die

Jerry Rice's Record Touchdown

1992 San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Jerry Rice catches NFL record 101st touchdown in a 27-3 win over Miami Dolphins at Candlestick Park

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Bonds' $43M Pact

1992 San Francisco Giants sign record $43million USD pact with Pirates MLB outfielder Barry Bonds

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  • 1993 Gunda Niemann skates ladies world record 5 km 7:13.29
  • 1994 Maltese Falcon auctioned for $398,590
  • 1994 Orange County California files for bankruptcy
  • 1994 Warner Brothers announces a 5th TV network to begin on Jan 11, 1995

Michael Jackson Collapses

1995 Michael Jackson collapses while rehearsing for an HBO special

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  • 1996 Mashonaland defeat England in first-class tour match

Hugo Chávez Elected

1998 Hugo Chávez is elected President of Venezuela

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British Museum's Great Court

2000 Great Court of the British Museum redesigned with the largest covered courtyard in Europe by Foster & Partners opened by Queen Elizabeth II [1]

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  • 2001 The Canadian province of Newfoundland is renamed Newfoundland and Labrador

2002 "Adaptation" directed by Spike Jonze, starring Nicolas Cage and Meryl Streep premieres

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  • 2005 Several villagers are shot dead during protests in Dongzhou, China
  • 2006 NASA reveals photographs taken by Mars Global Surveyor suggesting the presence of liquid water on Mars

Bettie Page Hospitalized

2008 American pin-up model Bettie Page (85) is hospitalized in critical condition after suffering a heart attack

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A Steady Rain

2009 Final Broadway performance of "A Steady Rain", starring Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig

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Birds of America's Record Price

2010 Record price for a printed book when a first edition of "The Birds of America" by John James Audubon auctioned at Sotheby's, London, England, for £7,321,250

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  • 2012 7 people are killed and 770 injured during Egyptian protests
  • 2012 A 243 million year old Nyasasaurus fossil is discovered in Tanzania
  • 2012 Typhoon Bopha’s death toll rise to 418 with 318 missing and 179,000 displaced
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New Post for Abuse Cases

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Andrej Babiš Sworn In

2017 Andrej Babiš is sworn as Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

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Trump Recognizes Jerusalem

2017 US President Donald Trump officially recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital, announcing plans to move US embassy there

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Music History

2023 Taylor Swift is named Time's Person of the Year [1]

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  • Historical Events Calendar

December in History

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was among the most prolific, versatile, and popular composers of all time.

Mozart, the Incomparable Musical Genius

A painting by the Italian artist Fra Angelico about 1437, meant to show St Nicholas starting to rescue sailors and other people from death

St Nicholas – The Man Behind Santa Claus

The USS Shaw explodes after taking a direct hit at Pearl Harbor. © Everett Historical/

'Infamy' as Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor

The Unfair Sex advertised on the side of the Number 77 bus on London's Strand.

Real-life Tragedy for Theatrical Family

Search the largest and most accurate independent site for today in history.

December Writing Prompts

Journal Topics and Writing Ideas

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While December is packed with many different holidays, many with religious origins, the prompts below are for celebrating the less traditional, or even odd, events. Here is a list of writing prompts, one for celebrating each day in December.

You can use these as daily warm-ups , journal entries , or for other writing or speaking and listening assignments.

December Recognition

  • Safe Toy and Gift Month
  • Universal Human Rights Month
  • Write to a Friend Month

Writing Prompt Ideas for December

  • December 1 - Theme: Rosa Parks Day Read Rosa Parks' interview with Scholastic Magazine . Do you think that racism still exists? Give specific reasons for your answer.
  • December 2 - Theme: Safe Toy and Gift Month There are many toys and items that were once commonly given to children that are no longer allowed to be sold. Good Housekeeping keeps a list. Do you think that this is a good thing? Why or why not?
  • December 3 - Theme: International Day of the Disabled Person The Accessible Icon project has designed the new icon to display an active, engaged image with a focus on the person with a disability. The new icon is viewable at What is the message of this icon, or any other icon, that alerts pedestrians and motorists to be mindful of people with disabilities?
  • December 4 - Theme: National Dice Day Many of your favorite games use dice (Monopoly, Risk, Trouble, Clue). What was one of those games that you played? Why did you like this game?
  • December 5 - Theme: Walt Disney's BirthdayWhat's your favorite Walt Disney movie? Why?
  • December 6 - Theme: Put on Your Own Shoe DayWhile this holiday may have started as a way to have students learn how to wear and lace up their shoes, you might want to write out what steps towards independence you have taken since you were a child.
  • December 7 - Theme: Pearl Harbor Day Listen to President Roosevelt's speech on the bombing of Pearl Harbor. What makes the short speech so significant? What language makes this so memorable?
  • December 8 - Theme: Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day How far back in time would you go? To yesterday to correct any mistakes? Would you go far back in history? Where would you travel, and why?
  • December 9 - Theme:  Worldwide Candle Lighting Day  The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honor the memories of the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren who left too soon. Who would you light a candle for, and why?
  • December 10 - Theme: Human Rights Day Why do you think that it is important for the world to have a day set aside as "Human Rights Day?" Explain your answer.
  • December 11 - Theme: Write to a Friend Month Write the first paragraph of a letter that you might send to a friend that you haven't seen for a long time.
  • December 12 - Theme: National Cocoa Day If you were given a choice of a hot beverage, which of the following would you choose: coffee, tea, or cocoa? Why?
  • December 13: Theme: National Day of The Horse Encouraging citizens to be  mindful  of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States. If you cannot write about the horse, then what other animals would you suggest be celebrated on this date?
  • December 14 - Theme: First Miniature Golf Course Opened Have you ever played miniature golf? What is your opinion of it?
  • December 15 - Theme: Bill of Rights Day Do you think that freedom of speech should be absolute or restricted in certain circumstances? Explain your answer.
  • December 16 - Theme: Boston Tea Party Are you the type of person who would have participated in the Boston Tea Party, throwing tons of tea overboard into the water to protest British laws and taxes?
  • December 17 - Theme: Underdog Day Do you tend to root for the reigning champion or the underdog? Explain your answer.
  • December 18 - Theme: Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day Describe the silliest thing you have ever worn (or been forced to wear).
  • December 19 - Theme: Peace and Goodwill What is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for you? Write a 'thank you note' to that person for their actions.
  • December 21 - Theme: Winter Write a poem or a short piece of prose about winter. Make sure to include the five senses in your writing.
  • December 22 - Theme: Forefather's Day It is a commemoration of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on December 21, 1620. Who are your forefathers or ancestors? What achievements did they make?
  • December 23 - Theme: Date Nut Bread Day Food historians believe that the date palm was first farmed in the Middle East around 6000 BCE. What foods that you eat today may be studied by food historians 1000 years from now?
  • December 24 - Theme: National Egg Nog Day What's your favorite food to eat during the winter holidays? Describe it in detail.
  • December 25 - Theme: National Pumpkin Pie Day Pies are meant to be shared. If you had to divide a pie to share, what would be the size of each slice? Why? Who would you share this pie with? OR December 25 - Theme: A’habet of No "L" Day A’phabet Day or No “L” Day is a pun on “Noel.” What is a pun? Read some examples . Can you write a few puns?
  • December 26 - Theme:  Boxing Day Boxing Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom. These boxes are, in essence, holiday bonuses. If you could not receive money as a bonus, what would you like to find in a box as a bonus for being a good student?
  • December 27 - Theme: Visit the Zoo Day Pretend you were visiting a zoo. Which animal would you want to see first and why?
  • December 28 - Theme: Card Playing Day Do you like to play card games? If so, which do you like and why? If not, why not? OR December 28: Theme Pledge of Allegiance Day. ​Congress formally recognized the Pledge of Allegiance on December 28, 1945. What do you think about when you make this pledge?
  • December 29 - Theme: Bowling Have you ever been bowling? Do you like this sport? Why or why not?
  • December 30 - Theme: Looking Back Write a paragraph detailing at least three good things that happened to you during this past year.
  • December 31 - Theme: New Year's Eve How do you commemorate New Year's Eve? Describe your celebrations in detail.

"Interview with Rosa Parks." Scholastic, 2019.

  • February Writing Prompts
  • November Writing and Journal Prompts
  • Fun March Writing Prompts for Journaling
  • October Writing Prompts
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  • Creative Journal Topics Involving Different Perspectives

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Essay on Winter Vacation ✍️: Samples in 150, 250 Words


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 16, 2024

Essay on Winter Vacation

24th December marks the beginning of winter vacation for school students, which is a time of joy and celebration with friends and families. Winter vacation usually lasts for 2 to 3 weeks for elementary students, where they actively participate and vibe in Christmas and New Year shopping and celebrations. Students are excited about their Christmas presents, hoping Santa will gift them their favourite toys, such as racing cars, barbie dolls, gaming consoles, etc.

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However, once the winter vacations are over and schools resume, you will have to write an essay on winter vacation as part of your academics, where you are required to share your experiences, how you spent your time, ways of celebration, what was there on your shopping lists or where did you go for a trip, etc. Today, we are delighted to present some sample essays on winter vacation which will provide students with different ideas.

Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English .

Also Read: Essay on Peer Pressure: 100, 200 and 450 Word Samples in English

Essay on Winter Vacation in 150 Words

‘My winter vacation started right after Christmas, which was a two-week long vacation. Winter Vacation is my favourite time of the year, as we go New Year shopping, plan a trip to a hill station, and enjoy feasts like homemade cakes, cookies, pastries sweets, etc. On this winter vacation, I went to the city market to buy winter clothes with my parents. My father bought a denim jeans and a dungarees jacket for me, as were planning a trip to Mussoorie, the famous hill station.

Before me and my family left for our winter vacation trip, I completed all my winter homework and school assignments, so that I don’t have to worry about them after returning from our vacation. I took my brother’s help with mathematics homework and completed the remaining homework myself.

After that, we went on a 4-day family trip to Mussoorie, where we had quality time and played a lot. We were lucky enough to witness snowfall and my brother made a large snowman and snowballs and played for hours. Later, we went back to the hotel, where we had our tasty lunch and a bonfire. This was my this year’s winter vacation, which was full of excitement and surprises.’

Also Read: 10 Lines on Christmas Day for Students

Also Read: Essay on Winter Season

Also Read: Idioms for Winter

Essay on Winter Vacation in 300 Words

‘Winter and summer vacations are my favourite time of the year, as we are free from academic pressure and don’t have to worry about school for the next couple of weeks. This year, my winter vacation started with an exciting activity, as I attended a wedding with my family in a different city. It was a short un-planned family trip where we had a lot of fun. Me and sister were excited to dine out at a highway restaurant, which was one of the memorable moments of my winter vacation. On our way to the wedding, I and my sister requested our father to stop at a highway restaurant, as were hungry.

Me and my sister ate a pizza and ice cream. After finishing our food, we were back on our way to the wedding. We greeted all our relatives and some of them gave us gifts. After returning from the wedding, I and my sister wanted to work on extracurricular activities, so our father enrolled us in dance classes. For the next 10 days, we were continuously working on our dancing skills, which was physically exhausting but interesting. As soon as we hit the dance floor, all we could do was wave our hands in the air and vibe with the music.

Another fun activity I did during this winter vacation was helping my mother with household chores. Our family has a custom of making Gajar ka Halwa every winter. I wanted to learn from my mother how it is prepared and the ingredients she uses to make it. Gajar ka halwa is one of my favourite sweets. Eating Gajar ka Halwa on a chilled January morning is one of my loving memories. I wish I could enjoy I little more of those family moments, where there is no school pressure, just fun and love. Now, I will plan for next year’s winter vacations, where me and my family can have a great time together.’

Also Read: Objectives of Education Technology

Also Read: 10 Ways to Make Your Summer Break Productive

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Winter vacation is a relaxing holiday that happens from mid-December to January. Christmas and New Year are celebrated during the winter vacation. School students and children wait for these vacations for a year as they will get to enjoy 15-day holidays at home with their friends and family.

Winter vacations are the most awaited time of the year. Here is how I celebrated my Winter vacation: I decorated my house with fairy lights; My mother taught me to bake gingerbread for the gingerbread house; I and my father bought a Christmas tree; I along with my family and neighbours decorated a Christmas tree in my drawing room; We also wore Santa caps and enjoyed the winters wishing each other a Merry Christmas; My parents gave me a gift for Christmas. They had hidden the gift under my pillow to surprise me in the morning; I played badminton with my friends; My mother also taught me how to knit a sweater during this winter vacation; We burst crackers on 31 December at 12 in the night to celebrate the New Year; My New Year resolution is to stay self-motivated and work hard to do good in academics.

Winter vacation is the most happening time of the year associated with festivities. Everyone meets each other during Christmas and New Year and enjoys warm beverages to cope with the extreme cold weather. Some families also plan a short weekend at the hill station in winter vacation. Watching movies, sitting at home, enjoying sweets and cakes, and resting is the most appropriate things to do in winter vacation.

Now that you have read all the samples in essay on winter vacation listed above, you might have understood how you have to share your ideas on this topic. For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Tenth of December: Stories Essay Questions

By george saunders, essay questions.

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own.

Written by Polly Barbour

Why do you think so many of the characters turn a blind eye to the amorality going on around them?

Most of those who turn a blind eye to what they are seeing do so because they don't want to disrupt the status quo of their own lives. They withdraw in some way from social contact with the person whose amorality they have witnessed, but they don't take the next step of actually confronting them, or reporting them to authorities. The only exception to this rule is Lilly's little sister, who releases the captive Semplica girls and she is the one who gets into trouble.

Kyle knows that he should tell what he knows about Allison's kidnappers; the trouble is, if he admits to seeing them, then he will also have to admit to breaking the many rules that his parents structure his life with. He doesn't want to get into trouble; besides, Allison hasn't been that nice to him lately so he can just about justify turning a blind eye.

Callie loves her husband and doesn't want to make him angry. After all, he is clearly capable of heinous acts of violence because he kills the unsold pets himself. Callie doesn't want that fate to befall her if she angers him and so she turns a blind eye to the fact that he kills puppies with his bare hands. Maria, her neighbor, has no idea that her neighbor kills unsold animals, she is merely trying to rescue a puppy, but when she sees that Callie has chained her son to a tree, she doesn't want to get involved. She becomes quite frightened of her neighbor, pulls out of the agreement to purchase the puppy, and doesn't speak to Callie again. She turns the blind eye in order to avoid protracted involvement in someone else's train wreck, and doesn't want her status quo disrupted.

Ted turns a blind eye because he is in a position of having no power at all. He's the janitor, and the man whom he sees raping his co-worker is the manager of the theme park where he works. Even if he says something about what he has witnessed it's unlikely anyone will believe him. He takes the promotion offered and intends to keep his mouth shut, turning a blind eye out of necessity and because of his position in the company.

How does the author deal with the issue of suicide?

Quite a few of Saunders' characters end up committing their own lives in the short stories he writes, but only one actually starts the story with the intention of doing so. The un-named man in "Tenth of December" sets out with the intention of ending his life to avoid the pain of the disease that he is suffering from. In his case, suicide is not seen as the result of mental illness or emotional distress but as a reaction to a specific circumstance. He is not depressed; he is euthanizing himself humanely.

Similarly, Jeff commits suicide to avoid causing pain, both to himself, and to other people. He doesn't want to choose which woman should receive a drug that causes emotional and physical pain and so rather than having to make this decision, he kills himself. Again, he is not depressed, but is killing himself to avoid a specific situation.

Heather has also committed suicide whilst under the influence of the drug that Jeff wants to avoid choosing her to be given again, not because of depression but because of a specific event (being essentially changed by a drug). This set of traits characterizes the suicides in the collection of stories.

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Tenth of December: Stories Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Tenth of December: Stories is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Study Guide for Tenth of December: Stories

Tenth of December: Stories study guide contains a biography of George Saunders, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Tenth of December: Stories
  • Tenth of December: Stories Summary
  • Character List

Essays for Tenth of December: Stories

Tenth of December: Stories essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Tenth of December: Stories by George Saunders.

  • Realist Expressions: Adherence and Divergence in George Saunders's “Sticks”

Wikipedia Entries for Tenth of December: Stories

  • Introduction
  • Development

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Home — Essay Samples — History — Pearl Harbor — A Day Of Infamy: Speech Analysis


A Day of Infamy: Speech Analysis

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Published: Mar 6, 2024

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Rhetorical analysis, impact and legacy.

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Barnhart, M. A. (2010). Japan prepares for total war. The New York Times. Retrieved from Books.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese Imperial Navy launched a surprise attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This unprovoked attack resulted in the deaths of over 2,400 Americans and the destruction of [...]

Seventy years later and the attack on Pearl Harbor is still remembered and considered to be a fundamental part of America’s culture and identity. The Japanese attack that thrust the US into the Second World War will always be [...]

The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, is widely regarded as one of the most significant events in American history. This event changed the course of World War II and had lasting effects on international relations. This [...]

The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was a pivotal moment in American history, marking the United States' entry into World War II. The surprise attack by the Japanese forces resulted in significant loss of life and [...]

World War II stands as one of the most significant and devastating conflicts in human history, reshaping the geopolitical landscape and leaving an indelible mark on the world. The United States' decision to enter this global [...]

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Today in History

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What’s Your Vietnam War Draft Lottery Number?

The Vietnam War draft lottery ran from 1969 to 1972. If you were born on December 06, would your number have been called?

  • Vietnam War 1969 Lottery Called Drafted 10
  • Vietnam War 1970 Lottery Not Called Not drafted 198
  • Vietnam War 1971 Lottery Not Called Not drafted 356
  • Vietnam War 1972 Lottery Not Called Not drafted 336

Read on to learn more about the Vietnam war draft lottery.

more events on December 6

NASA reveals photographs from Mars Global Surveyor that suggest the presence of water on the red planet.

The Babri Mosque in Ayodhya, India, is destroyed during a riot that started as a political protest.

Democrat Tip O’Neill is elected speaker of the House of Representatives. He will serve the longest consecutive term as speaker.

A Provisional IRA unit takes a couple hostage in Balcombe Street, London, and a 6-day siege begins.

US House of Representatives confirms Gerald Ford as Vice-President of the United States, 387–35.

Pakistan severs diplomatic relations with India after New Delhi recognizes the state of Bangladesh.

Hells Angels, hired to provide security at a Rolling Stones concert at the Altamont Speedway in California, beat to death concert-goer Meredith Hunter.

Judd Apatow, film producer, director, screenwriter ( Bridesmaids ).

Adrian Kantrowitz performs first human heart transplant in the US.

  Vanguard TV3 explodes on the launchpad, thwarting the first US attempt to launch a satellite into Earth’s orbit.

Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.

Charles Bronson (Michael Gordon Peterson), criminal often called “the most violent prisoner in Britain” by the British Press.

JoBeth Williams, actress, director ( Poltergeist , The Big Chill ); current (2013) president of the Screen Actors Guild Foundation.

The “Pumpkin Spy Papers” are found on the Maryland farm of Whittaker Chambers. They become evidence that State Department employee Alger Hiss is spying for the Soviet Union.

Florida’s Everglades National Park is established.

The United States extends a $3 billion loan to Great Britain to help compensate for the termination of the Lend-Lease agreement.

Peter Handke, playwright and poet.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt issues a personal appeal to Emperor Hirohito to use his influence to avoid war.

Britain agrees to send arms to Finland, which is fighting off a Soviet invasion.

France and Germany sign a treaty of friendship.

American Ambassador Davis says Japan is a grave security threat in the Pacific.

Benito Mussolini threatens Italian newspapers with censorship if they keep reporting “false” information.

Ireland’s 26 southern counties become independent from Britain forming the Irish Free State.

Dave Brubeck, jazz pianist and composer.

The Bolsheviks imprison Czar Nicholas II and his family in Tobolsk.

Lieutenant Thomas E. Selfridge flies a powered, man-carrying kite that carries him 168 feet in the air for seven minutes at Baddeck, Nova Scotia.

Eliot Porter, nature photographer.

Gunnar Myrdal, Swedish economist and sociologist.

Alfred Eisenstaedt, photojournalist.

Ira Gershwin, American lyricist and musical collaborator with his brother George.

Joyce Kilmer, American poet, best known for “Trees.”

Thomas A. Edison makes the first sound recording when he recites “Mary had a Little Lamb” into his phonograph machine.

Jack McCall is convicted for the murder of Wild Bill Hickok and sentenced to hang.

The 13th Amendment is ratified, abolishing slavery.

The monitor Weehawken sinks in Charleston Harbor.

President Abraham Lincoln orders the hanging of 39 of the 303 convicted Indians who participated in the Sioux Uprising in Minnesota. They are to be hanged on December 26.

Union General George G. Meade leads a foraging expedition to Gunnell’s farm near Dranesville, Virginia.

The majority of Napoleon Bonaparte’s Grand Armeé staggers into Vilna, Lithuania, ending the failed Russian campaign.

Phi Beta Kappa, the first scholastic fraternity, is founded at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg.

Christopher Columbus lands on the island of Santo Domingo in search of gold.

Henry VI, the youngest king of England to accede to the throne (only 269 days old).

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Crafting lots of December papers is an immanent part of contemporary studying, be it in high-school, college, or university. If you can do that on your own, that's just awesome; yet, other students might not be that savvy, as December writing can be quite laborious. The database of free sample December papers offered below was assembled in order to help flunker learners rise up to the challenge.

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Nelly and Ashanti Quietly Married 6 Months Ago

Nelly and ashanti—who announced their engagement and pregnancy in april—are already married, with public records listing their wedding date as dec. 27, 2023..

It might be getting a little hot in here for  Nelly  and  Ashanti .

That's because the couple have already taken the next step in their relationship and gotten married, despite announcing their engagement and pregnancy in April .

Their wedding date was listed as Dec. 27, 2023, in public records obtained by  TMZ . While the documents did not specify exactly where the "Body on Me" collaborators got hitched, it did say that the marriage became official in St. Louis County, where Nelly's hometown of St. Louis is located.

E! News has reached out to reps for Nelly and Ashanti for comment but hasn't heard back.

Nelly and Ashanti's marriage news comes more than two decades of their first meeting. The pair dated during the early aughts but broke up in 2013, with Ashanti saying at the time that they were focusing on their respective careers.

However, Nelly, 49, confirmed in September that they had rekindled their romance after years apart.

"I think it surprised both of us," the "Hot in Herre" rapper  said on the  Boss Moves with Rasheeda  show . "But sometimes being separate, you understand one another more, where you could be like, 'Well, yo, let me exactly see, maybe, what they see.' 'Cause you know we all can be defensive sometimes in our own relationships. And we know we're wrong, but we're going to stand on it."

Ashanti, 43, announced her pregnancy with Nelly's baby earlier this year, saying that the past months have been filled with "love, hope and anticipation."

"Motherhood is something that I have looked forward to," the "Rock Wit U" singer  told  Essence  in an April statement , "and sharing this with my family, fiancé, and loyal fans, who have been so supportive of my career, is an amazing experience."

This will be the first child for the couple, though Nelly is already dad to daughter  Chanelle , 30, and son  Cornell   Haynes  III, 25, with ex  Channetta   Valentine . He also adopted his sister  Jackie   Donahue 's kids— Shawn  and  Sydney   Thomas —after she died of cancer in 2005.

For a look back at Nelly and Ashanti's love story, keep reading.

Nelly and Ashanti first crossed paths at the 45th annual Grammy Awards nomination announcement in 2003. "The first time I met Nelly, he asked me for my autograph but I think he was being sarcastic," she recalled during VH1’s Behind the Music special. "I remember writing it down on the program, and that picture has been in so many publications as ‘something else.’ But it all started out as a joke." Although, a romance didn't blossom right away. "For the record," Ashanti continued, "it took him a long time to get my number."

Over the next few years, the "Happy" singer and the "Hot In Herre" artist continued to attend several events together—including each other's birthday celebrations. And while Ashanti confirmed to People she and Nelly went out, she made it clear they were "not boyfriend and girlfriend."

Still, the duo continued to spark romance rumors as they sat courtside at basketball games, went to parties and walked the red carpet together, including at the 2006 premiere for Ashanti's movie John Tucker Must Die.

And while it may seem foolish to think there wasn't a connection between Ashanti and Nelly, especially after the release of their 2008 hit "Body On Me," she insisted their bond was just platonic. “Me and Nelly, we’re good friends. We kick it–hang out a lot,” she told People at the time. “The industry is very hard, so it’s good to have fun and lighten it up.” As for any rumors that a wedding was in the works? “Oh no. Noooo! No engagement," Ashanti added. “But definitely in the future. Ha! Ha!”

In 2009, reports spread that Nelly and Ashanti had broken up. "We're always going to be cool," he told VladTV in 2010 about where they stand. "We're friends. It's definitely something that, right now, my focus is 5.0 . Her focus is her album and getting her music and stuff like that together. And I think it's just one of those things." However, the "Just a Dream" rapper continued to play coy about their history. "To say we split up is to say that we were together," he added. "Our relationship has been based in the media because it's nothing we ever said about it."

However, it wasn't long before Ashanti and Nelly were spotted together again. Here, they're pictured attending the 2012 Angel Ball.

But in 2013, Ashanti fueled split rumors. "Nelly and I are in the space where I'm kind of like focusing on my career," she said on Hot 97 . "He's focusing on what he's doing. There's a lot of things that happened this year. A lot of things went public more than other things have gone public before." "I have to do me," Ashanti, who released her album Braveheart in 2014, continued. "We're in that space right now. And there were things that were said and things that were done that probably shouldn't have been said or done but they have been." She then confirmed the split in 2015. "I think sometimes when people have their own insecurities it allows them to act out of character," she said on The Meredith Vieira Show . "I’ve been betrayed. Again, you just have to grow. You have to grow up. You have to accept responsibilities for the things that you do." "I’m not a big fan of people being cowards," she added. "So I think that it’s just really important to know yourself and understand what you want and get it. You know, I’m in a different place right now."

Fast-forward to 2021, when Ashanti and Nelly joined Jermaine Dupri , Papoose , Ma , Fat Joe , Ja Rule and Lil' Mo for VERZUZ: Fat Joe Vs Ja Rule . The following year, they performed together again, and the John Tucker Must Die star later revealed if she believed in second chances. "What I will say is I believe that people evolve," she said on Bevy Smith 's Bevelations . "I believe that people grow. I believe that people learn from their mistakes—some of them, not everybody. You know what I’m saying? I feel like you definitely have to go through something that makes you change in your time." As she later put it, "We have to see. I mean, what’s meant to be will be, undoubtedly. Did I think a few years ago that I’d be performing with Nelly on stage? No."

In 2023, Ashanti confirmed to E! News she and Nelly rekindled their romance, and the "Country Grammar" artist suggested they hadn't anticipated getting back together. "We cool again," he said on Boss Moves With Rasheeda . "I think it surprised both of us, though. It wasn’t anything that was like, I don’t think, planned. I think we both was pretty much doing what we do. But sometimes being separate, you understand one another more."

Ashanti announces she and Nelly are engaged and having a baby. “This new year of my life is such a blessing full of love, hope, and anticipation,” she told Essence . “Motherhood is something that I have looked forward to, and sharing this with my family, fiancé, and loyal fans, who have been so supportive of my career, is an amazing experience.”

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Essay : Victory Day of Bangladesh

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Nelly and Ashanti secretly married 6 months ago

essay on 6 december

Ashanti and Nelly are married after giving each other a second shot at love.

The couple announced to  Essence  in April that not only were they engaged but they also were expecting their first child together 20 years after they first met. However, on June 19,  TMZ first reported  that the two had already gotten hitched more than six months prior.

According to St. Louis, Missouri, public records reviewed by USA TODAY, the couple were legally married Dec. 27, 2023.

Before the news broke, Ashanti told  Entertainment Tonight  that they were still working out the details of the ceremony, but she knows "what month I want the wedding" to take place after their baby is born.

The "Baby" singer told the outlet their engagement was "such a beautiful, intimate moment."

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"The way that it happened was just so funny. I'm sitting in bed, watching TV with boxers on. ... It's not sexy!" she said. "I cried. I gave him the biggest hug and kiss ever."

Ashanti added: "I was overjoyed and shocked and surprised and happy kind of like all in one."

Ashanti and Nelly had privately dated on and off for around a decade, according to  Entertainment Tonight , after they were both nominated for (and later won) Grammy Awards in 2003. In 2021, after the two reunited at Fat Joe and Ja Rule's Verzuz battle, DJ City gave Nelly Ashanti's phone number.

After  months of speculation  about the "Body on Me" collaborators rekindling their romance, Nelly revealed in a September 2023 interview that he and the "Foolish" singer were giving things another go. He said on the Philo show " Boss Moves with Rasheeda " that he and Ashanti were "cool again."

For her part, Ashanti made their relationship red carpet official at the  2023 MTV Video Music Awards  in September by accessorizing her look with a clutch that had a photo of the couple printed on it.

"Never in a million years did I think we would be here," she told ET. "Ten years ago, maybe yes, but after our breakup, you know, I didn't even think we'd ever have a conversation again."

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Today in History - December 6

The washington monument.

On December 6 , 1884, workers placed the 3,300-pound marble capstone on the Washington Monument and topped it with a nine-inch pyramid of cast aluminum, completing construction of the 555-foot Egyptian obelisk. Nearly fifty years earlier, the Washington National Monument Society chose Robert Mills ‘ design to honor first American president and founding father George Washington . The privately funded organization laid the monument’s cornerstone on Independence Day, 1848, in Washington, D.C.

essay on 6 december

For twenty years, lack of funds and loss of support for the Washington National Monument Society left the obelisk incomplete at a height of about 156 feet. Finally, in 1876, President Ulysses Grant authorized the federal government to finish construction. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers took over the project two years later.

essay on 6 december

Day and night , spring through winter , the Washington Monument is a focal point of the National Mall and a center of celebrations including concerts and the annual Independence Day fireworks display. The observation deck affords spectacular panoramic views of the nation’s capital.

When construction was completed in 1884, the Washington Monument was the world’s tallest masonry structure. Today, the approximately 36,000-stacked blocks of granite and marble compose the world’s tallest freestanding masonry structure. In a city of monuments, locals refer to the obelisk as “The Monument.” By law—District of Columbia building code–it will remain the tallest structure in Washington, D.C., dominating the skyline and accenting Pierre-Charles L’Enfant’s plan for the city .

  • There are many images of Washington, D.C. in the collections. Search across the pictorial collections on Washington Monument to locate such photographs.
  • Search on Washington Monument in the Cornell Making of America External collection to retrieve documents pertaining to the monument’s design, completion, statistics, and its history .
  • Read a selection of newspaper articles about the planning, construction, and dedication of the Washington Monument as found in the collection of historic newspapers, Chronicling America . Start with the online research guide, Washington Monument: Topics in Chronicling America .
  • A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation contains a wide variety of congressional information associated with the early history of Washington, D.C. Search on Washington Monument to find congressional materials related to the monument.
  • There are 192 commemorative stones that line the interior walls of the Washington Monument. Read President Calvin Coolidge’s speech at the Dedication of the New Mexico Stone in the Washington Monument on December 2, 1927—one of many Coolidge addresses available in Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929 .
  • Take a spin to the strains of the “Washington Monument Waltz,” published in Washington D.C. in 1885. Search the collection Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, ca. 1870 to 1885 on Washington Monument .
  • Read the feature Worthy of Washington from the American Treasures from the Library of Congress exhibition to view the Washington Monument as it stood incomplete for twenty-five years.
  • To find additional resources related to the history of Washington, D.C., consult Washington, D.C.: Resource Guide .

Salmon P. Chase

On December 6 , 1864, Abraham Lincoln nominated Salmon P. Chase for chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; he was sworn in on December 15. A graduate of Dartmouth College, Chase studied law under Attorney General William Wirt .

essay on 6 december

He championed Sunday schools and temperance in the 1830s, and by the 1840s was an active member of the abolitionist movement . Chase defended fugitive slaves in Ohio and played a key role in creating the Free Soil Party, which opposed the expansion of slavery into the territories. With Free Soil support, Chase was elected to the Senate early in 1849.

essay on 6 december

Chase founded the Ohio Republican party and next served as the state’s first Republican governor from 1855 to 1859. In office, he vigorously opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act and defended the rights of African Americans.

At the 1860 Republican convention, Chase permitted delegates pledged to support him to cast decisive votes for Abraham Lincoln . As a reward, in 1861–just two days after beginning his second term as senator, Chase left the Senate to serve as Lincoln’s secretary of the treasury.

Chase continued to support African Americans. He drafted the first two clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment . Signed into law in 1868, the amendment extended citizenship rights to all people born or naturalized in the United States.

In a letter to the Colored People’s Educational Monument Association, Chase asserted:

Our national experience has demonstrated that public order reposes most securely on the broad basis of universal suffrage. It has proved, also, that universal suffrage is the surest broad basis of universal guarantee and most powerful stimulus of individual, social, and political progress. May it not prove, moreover, in that work of re-organization which now engages the thoughts of all patriotic men, that universal suffrage is the best reconciler of the most comprehensive lenity with the most perfect public security and the most speedy and certain revival of general prosperity? Letter from Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the United States. Wakefield, R.I., August 16, 1865. [To Williams Syphax and J.F. Cook, Committee]. In Celebration by the Colored People’s Educational Monument Association in Memory of Abraham Lincoln on the Fourth of July, 1865… . Washington, D.C.: McGill & Witherow, printers 1865. p. 9 African American Perspectives: Materials Selected from the Rare Book Collection . Rare Book and Special Collections Division

During his time as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court—where he served until his death–Chase presided over the Senate’s impeachment trial and acquittal of President Andrew Johnson . Chase suffered a stroke and died on May 7, 1873. He was honored with a formal state funeral. Originally buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Washington, D.C., he was later reinterred in Spring Grove Cemetery in Ohio, the state that he served.

  • Explore the Salmon P. Chase Papers to learn more about the life of this man who served in many significant positions from governor of Ohio to a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. A Timeline highlights notable events.
  • Read The Address and Reply on the Presentation of A Testimonial to S. P. Chase .” This 1845 document from African American Perspectives: Materials Selected from the Rare Book Collection records a ceremony honoring Chase for his defense of escaped slave Samuel Watson.
  • View the feature on Chase in the January This Month in Business History .
  • For a less-than-flattering review of Chase’s performance on the campaign trail read page 92 of H.P. Hall’s Observations: being more or less a history of political contests in Minnesota from 1849 to 1904 . A prominent Minnesota journalist, Harlan Page Hall’s memoir is available through the collection Pioneering the Upper Midwest: Books from Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, ca. 1820 to 1910 .
  • Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress includes approximately 20,000 online documents. Search on Salmon P. Chase to view correspondence regarding the statesman.
  • Read a letter from Chase to Mrs. Abraham Lincoln on the occasion of Lincoln’s taking the oath of office during his second inauguration.
  • Search the phrase Salmon P. Chase in Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers to find newspaper articles throughout his career.

Winter Season Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on winter season.

Winter is one of the most important seasons in India. It is a part of the four seasons that occur in India. Winters are the coolest season that starts from December and last till March. The peak time when winter is experienced the most in December and January. In India, winters hold great importance. In addition, the essence it has is admired by many people. Winters give you the time to indulge in various activities like snowball fighting, building snowmen, ice hockey and more. It is a great time for kids to enjoy their vacations and get cozy in their blankets.

winter season essay

Essence of Winter

During winters, schools usually take a break and close down. The days are shorter and the nights get longer. The chilly mornings give you a different sense altogether. Hot drinks like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are enjoyed more during winters. The sun rises quite late and sometimes it does not.

Even when it does, it doesn’t get a bit hot. People long for a little sunshine as the cold weather sends chills down the spine. You see people on the roads burning woods and paper to get a little warmth. However, not many people prefer going out in winters. They like sitting by the fireplace or heater all day.

In the hilly areas, people experience snow during winters. They have to shovel it out of the way to make way for walking. The essence of winters is enhanced by Christmas as well. It sets the holiday mood for people and is admired all over the world.

But, there is also a downside of this season. The farmers, homeless people, and animals are most affected by this season. There is hardly any business in this season for farmers. Hundreds of homeless people die due to the harsh winters.

As the animals do not have proper shelter, they too lose their lives. In addition, many flights are also canceled during this season. Nonetheless, this does not make winter any less important. It is quite essential to maintain balance in the weather of our country.

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Why I Love Winter?

I personally love winters. This season brings a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables. People get the chance to eat fresh grapes, apples, carrots, cauliflower, guava and more. Furthermore, so many beautiful flowers bloom during this season. These flowers include roses, dahlias and more. This makes winter even more beautiful than it already is.

Other than that, no lizards are to be found as they go in hibernation. This makes me very happy and lets me live fearlessly. Most importantly, winter mornings are the best part of this season for me. I like getting up early in winters and witnessing the morning dew on flowers. There is a different vibe altogether that comes with winters.

Also, our school organizes bonfire which is one of the most awaited events of the year.

In short, winter is as important as any other season. Sure, it may have its negative sides and positive sides, but that happens with every season. Winters helps you enjoy long morning walks and fresh air.

FAQ on Winter Season Essay

Q.1 Explain the essence of winter.

A.1 The essence of winter cannot be described in one word. It is the hot cup of coffee in the morning. It is the warmth you get from the fireplace. The fun of making a snowman is what forms the essence of winter.

Q.2 Why do  people love  winters?

A.2 People love winter because they like coolness. They love the absence of mosquitoes and lizards. Plus, the seasonal fruits and vegetables in winters are absolutely delicious.

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    December is a story about a girl named December, unconventionally, by her father, Silas Shikongo. The story is set in a town in Namibia. December has a younger brother named September. According to their grandfather, Ezekiel, there are traces of idiotism in September, his grandson, for he takes after his youngest brother, Josef.

  9. More on this Day

    December 6, 1421 - May 21, 1471 or May 22, 1471. Henry VI was the king of England from 1422 to 1461 and from 1470 to 1471. He was a pious and studious recluse whose incapacity for government was one of the causes of the Wars of the Roses. ... (Read Lillian Gish's 1929 Britannica essay on silent film.) Hart was brought up in the Dakotas ...

  10. Today in History

    On December 6, 1864, Abraham Lincoln nominated Salmon P. Chase for chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; he was sworn in on December 15. ... Explore the Salmon P. Chase Papers to learn more about the life of this man who served in many significant positions from governor of Ohio to a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.

  11. Essay on Christmas: 6 Selected Essays on Christmas

    Essay on Christmas - Essay 1 (250 Words) Christmas is celebrated every year on 25th December. It is mainly the festival of Christians. But in today's time, the festival of Christmas has surpassed the religious boundaries and become a symbol of the holistic culture. The winters in December carry a festive feeling.

  12. December

    December's name is also a reminder of the passage of time and how it can change things. Lastly, December is also a symbol of the story's themes of loss, family, and tradition. December's illness is a loss for the family, and September's reflections on the past and the secrets that his grandfather took to the grave are also a reminder of loss.

  13. Events in History on December 6

    Events in History on December 6. Calendar. Events. Birthdays. Deaths. 963 Leo VIII elected Pope. 1060 Béla I of Hungary is crowned king of Hungary. 1160 Jean Bodels "Jeu de St Nicholas" premieres in Arras. 1196 Northern Dutch coast flooded, "Saint-Nicolas Flood".

  14. 31 December Writing Prompts

    Here's some questions to use in your daily writing practice this December. 1. Write about your favorite winter activity. 2. Make a survival list of all you need to make it through the winter. 3. What is your favorite winter holiday and why? 4.

  15. Historical Events on December 6

    1986 France performs nuclear test at Mururoa atoll. 1987 3 satanist Missouri teenagers bludgeon comrade to death for "fun". 1987 Christa Rothenburger skates female world record 500m (39.39 sec) 1988 Agnes Neil Williams purchases Baltimore Orioles for $70 million Eli Jacobs becomes CEO of Baltimore Orioles.

  16. Easy and Fun December Writing Prompts

    December 6 - Theme: Put on Your Own Shoe DayWhile this holiday may have started as a way to have students learn how to wear and lace up their shoes, you might want to write out what steps towards independence you have taken since you were a child. December 7 - Theme: Pearl Harbor Day.

  17. Essay on Winter Vacation ️: Samples in 150, 250 Words

    Essay on Winter Vacation. : Samples in 150, 250 Words. 24th December marks the beginning of winter vacation for school students, which is a time of joy and celebration with friends and families. Winter vacation usually lasts for 2 to 3 weeks for elementary students, where they actively participate and vibe in Christmas and New Year shopping and ...

  18. Tenth of December: Stories Essay Questions

    Essays for Tenth of December: Stories. Tenth of December: Stories essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Tenth of December: Stories by George Saunders. Realist Expressions: Adherence and Divergence in George Saunders's "Sticks"

  19. 6 December 1864: "tell him to send your boys some money and something

    Citation: From Folder 41a, in the Ralph Gorrell papers #1520, Southern Historical Collection, The Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Transcription: This December 6, 1864. Deare Master, I now seate myself alone(?) to promis to let you no that I am wel at the time and am in hope these few lines may find you the same.

  20. A Day Of Infamy: Speech Analysis: [Essay Example], 592 words

    On December 7, 1941, the United States of America suffered a devastating surprise attack on its naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This event marked the entry of the United States into World War II and prompted President Franklin D. Roosevelt to deliver one of the most famous speeches in American history - the "Day of Infamy" speech. In this essay, I will analyze the rhetorical strategies ...

  21. Today in History: December 6

    more events on December 6 2006. NASA reveals photographs from Mars Global Surveyor that suggest the presence of water on the red planet. 1992. The Babri Mosque in Ayodhya, India, is destroyed during a riot that started as a political protest. ... The "Pumpkin Spy Papers" are found on the Maryland farm of Whittaker Chambers. They become ...

  22. December Essay Examples

    Essays on December. 261 samples on this topic. Crafting lots of December papers is an immanent part of contemporary studying, be it in high-school, college, or university. If you can do that on your own, that's just awesome; yet, other students might not be that savvy, as December writing can be quite laborious.

  23. (KCSE Paper 3) December

    Join us as we delve into the captivating world of "December," a thought-provoking short story from the book "A Silent Song and Other Stories" . Don't miss ou...

  24. Nelly and Ashanti Quietly Married 6 Months Ago

    Nelly and Ashanti—who announced their engagement and pregnancy in April—are already married, with public records listing their wedding date as Dec. 27, 2023. By Sabba Rahbar Jun 19, 2024 6:32 ...

  25. Essay : Victory Day of Bangladesh

    16 December, the Victory Day is the day of a great achievement for us. It is a good omen for us. Our nation has been considered as a heroic nation. Since then we started our glorious advancement from this historic day. So, this day is so important in the national arena of the Bangladeshis. We celebrate the day with great respect.

  26. Nelly and Ashanti secretly married 6 months ago

    Ashanti and Nelly are married after giving each other a second shot at love. The couple announced to Essence in April that not only were they engaged but they also were expecting their first child ...

  27. Today in History

    On December 6, 1864, Abraham Lincoln nominated Salmon P. Chase chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; he was sworn in on December 15. ... Explore the Salmon P. Chase Papers to learn more about the life of this man who served in many significant positions from governor of Ohio to a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.

  28. DEC and EPA Announce June 24 Resumption of Aircraft-Based Survey of

    DEC, the State Department of Health, and EPA are coordinating this effort and will continue to keep the community informed as this evaluation progresses. For more information and updates on the aerial radiological survey, contact DEC project manager Patrick Concannon at (716) 851-7280, or by email at: [email protected] .

  29. DEC Announces Temporary Closure of Prospect Mountain Veterans Memorial

    The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced temporary closure of Prospect Mountain Veterans Memorial Highway. Storms caused trees to fall onto powerlines. The highway will be closed to all traffic through at least June 23 while DEC Operations staff and National Grid work to ensure the safety of visitors.

  30. Winter Season Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Winter Season. Winter is one of the most important seasons in India. It is a part of the four seasons that occur in India. Winters are the coolest season that starts from December and last till March. The peak time when winter is experienced the most in December and January. In India, winters hold great importance.