Student Exchange Program Essay: Examples, Topics, & Tips

It is not a secret that for every open slot at a prestigious college, there are from 10 to 15 eager applicants. They often seem equally qualified academically.

However, it is often the college application essay that sets one lucky applicant apart from the others. While writing is very personal, and styles can vary, the college application mistakes that students tend to make are common. So if you want to find out 10 college application mistakes to avoid, just read this article by Custom Writing experts!

In a student exchange essay, you need to tell about yourself, your potential benefits from the program, and show that you're aware of the country's culture.

Want to succeed? Just keep reading this article by Custom Writing experts!

  • ✅ What to Include
  • 👣 Writing Steps
  • 💡 Essay Topics
  • 👀 Essay Sample

🔗 References

✅ student exchange program essay: what to include.

The following information should be included in a good student exchange essay.

To make your essay really strong, try our hints for writing motivation essays and a personal essay .

👣 Student Exchange Program Essay: Writing Steps

Outshine the other applicants by writing an excellent student exchange essay that demonstrates your ability to think intelligently and express yourself in writing! The process of writing an impressive exchange application essay is not as complicated as you might think.

Here are the writing steps that will help you write a thoughtful, convincing, and concise exchange application essay.

💡 Student Exchange Program (FLEX) Essay Topics

  • Many students have experiences, identity, or talent that define their character and life. Their application for FLEX would be incomplete without it. Please share your story if it sounds like you . You can find an exchange student essay on this topic below.
  • Our success in studies, personal life , and career owes to the lessons learned through overcoming obstacles. Have you ever faced a failure, challenge, or setback that made you stronger and smarter? How did it affect you, and what conclusions did you make?
  • Recall a hard problem you had to solve or the one you are still struggling with. For example, it can be a complicated assignment, an intellectual challenge, or an ethical dilemma. Why is it so critical to you? Which steps did you take or could take to find a solution?
  • Reflect on a belief or idea that you felt was wrong. Why did you question it? What result did you reach in these thoughts?
  • Our accomplishments and realizations spark a new understanding of life and personal growth . Tell about a similar event that changed the way you perceive yourself and others.
  • Describe an idea or topic that is engaging enough to make you lose track of time. Why is it so captivating? What actions do you make to learn more in this field?

👀 Study Abroad Essay Sample

Every person has a talent. It takes a while to discover it, but life becomes similar to an engaging strategy game once you know your vocation. My parents never insisted on my selecting a path. I tried many hobbies and activities, but none of them lasted longer than a year.

Four years ago, I attended my first botany class. At that moment, I understood that it was something I would like to study deeper. So many plants surround us, and we are ignorant of their names and life cycles. This knowledge gives us an opportunity to understand our role on the planet and explore how we can help nature.

This year, I asked myself: what do I want to do in my future life? It didn’t take long to answer. I would like to become a pharmacologist and develop new medicines. But at the moment, I need to study hard. I expect that the study abroad program will allow me to learn more about American culture and make me more open-minded.

As an international student, I will have a chance to perfect my biology knowledge at an American school. I can tell a lot about trees, flowers, and grass, as well as the animals and birds that live in them. That is why I will always have a topic to discuss with my host family and peers. I am looking forward to meeting new people and experiences.

Your student exchange application essay can be the deciding factor for your selection and participation in the student exchange program. There is no doubt that your student exchange essay can be a good indicator of your personality. Make every effort to communicate your enthusiasm for studying abroad and let the student exchange program officials learn about your unique qualities. Also, don’t be shy to use every bit of help that you may require. For instance, try a summary helper if you struggle to finish up your writing properly, get someone to proofread your writing in case you’re not sure if it’s perfect, and so on.

Remember that studying abroad is a life-changing experience that will impact your college career. Don’t miss this chance to invest in your future. Start your journey today with a strongly written and carefully proofread student exchange essay. We promise it will make a difference!

✏️ Student Exchange Essay FAQ

If you write an application for a scholarship, it is crucial that your study abroad essay tells about your personal motivation to participate in the exchange program. Otherwise, you may focus on the general pros and cons of the experience.

When you start a personal statement, keep in mind that it is the way admission committees get to know you. Make sure to provide relevant info about your goals , passions , examples of personal accomplishments , etc.

If it is a welcome letter to a foreign student, express how glad you are to meet them. You may give some advice on how to adapt to the new environment, share your thoughts about the exchange program, and ask about the student’s feelings and impressions .

Some advantages of becoming a foreign exchange student are: broadening your horizons , getting off your comfort zone, making new friends, practicing foreign languages (if applicable), gaining new skills/knowledge. Overall, it is an excellent opportunity to experience something new and valuable.

  • 25 Reasons to Study Abroad | Top Universities
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  • Student Exchange Programs | EF Foreign Exchange
  • International Student Exchange Programs
  • 8 Student Exchange Programs for Teens |
  • How to apply – International Exchange and Study Abroad
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Your essay should be up to one page in length if not otherwise required by your professor

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Home » 11+ Best Motivation Letter for Student Exchange Ideas That Work

11+ Best Motivation Letter for Student Exchange Ideas That Work

Motivation Letter for Student Exchange

Embarking on a student exchange is like opening a door to a world of possibilities, but securing that coveted spot requires more than just grades. Picture this: a single piece of paper standing between you and the adventure of a lifetime. That’s the power of a motivation letter for a student exchange! It’s not just a formality; it’s your golden ticket to stand out. In this blog post, we unravel the secrets to crafting a compelling motivation letter that doesn’t just speak but roars, ensuring you’re the chosen one for that life-changing exchange program.

Here, we’ll dissect the anatomy of an impactful motivation letter, providing insights into what admissions officers truly seek. Buckle up as we explore not only the do’s and don’ts but also the nuances that can transform a bland letter into a narrative that captivates hearts.

Ready to infuse your personality into words? Let’s embark on this journey together. Your passport to a transformative experience awaits – let’s craft a motivation letter that resonates and secures your place in the global classroom! Start typing, and let your aspirations take flight. The world is waiting, and your motivation letter is the key.

Table of Contents

Key Components of a Strong Motivation Letter for Student Exchange

  • Opening Salvo – Capture Attention: Begin with a compelling hook, sharing a personal anecdote or powerful statement to engage the reader from the outset.
  • Clearly Defined Objectives: Articulate your specific goals for the student exchange, showcasing a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve and contribute.
  • Tailored to the Institution: Demonstrate meticulous research about the host institution, emphasizing how their unique offerings align with your academic and personal aspirations.
  • Showcase Cultural Awareness: Express a genuine appreciation for diverse cultures and highlight how this exchange will contribute to your growth as a global citizen.
  • Personal Touch – Beyond Academics: Infuse your personality into the letter, sharing experiences or qualities that set you apart, making a memorable impression on the selection committee.
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Motivation Letter for Student Exchange:

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Best Motivation Letter for Student Exchange Sample

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Do’s and Don’ts of Writing an Impactful Motivation Letter for Student Exchange:


  • Tailor to the Institution: Customize your letter for each host institution, showcasing genuine interest and understanding of what makes them unique.
  • Showcase Cultural Awareness: Demonstrate a sincere appreciation for the host country’s culture, emphasizing how this exchange aligns with your global perspective.
  • Infuse Personal Narratives: Weave personal experiences or anecdotes to make your motivation letter memorable. Showcasing the real person behind the qualifications.


  • Avoid Generic Statements: Steer clear of generic phrases; instead, focus on specific examples and concrete details to make your motivation letter stand out.
  • Overemphasis on Achievements: While important, don’t solely focus on academic achievements; balance it with your passion, character. And what you can bring to the cultural exchange.
  • Ignoring the Host Institution: Don’t overlook the importance of detailed research about the host institution. Ignorance about their offerings may convey a lack of genuine interest.

Final Thoughts:

Crafting a motivation letter is more than a formality; it’s your gateway to unlocking incredible opportunities. In this journey towards creating a letter that resonates. Remember to tailor each piece to the specific institution or program. Generic statements lack the impact needed to leave a lasting impression. Your motivation letter is your personal narrative – a chance to stand out and be remembered amidst a sea of applications.

As you navigate the nuanced art of motivation letter writing, bear in mind the importance of cultural awareness and personal touch. Beyond showcasing your achievements, share your experiences, and your journey. And what makes you uniquely equipped for the adventure ahead. Your story is a powerful tool; use it to illustrate why you’re not just a candidate but the right fit.

Now, armed with insights into what makes a motivation letter impactful, seize the opportunity. Tailor, infuse personality, and showcase cultural understanding. Your dream awaits, and your motivation letter is the key to unlocking that door. So, let your words reflect not just qualifications but passion, and dedication. And uniqueness that sets you apart. Rewrite your narrative, and let your journey begin.

Motivation Letter for University Exchange Program

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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Higher Education — Exchange Student

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Essays on Exchange Student

The importance of writing an essay on exchange student.

Writing an essay on exchange student is important as it allows you to reflect on your experiences, share your insights, and provide valuable information to others who may be considering a similar opportunity. It also serves as a way to document and preserve your memories and lessons learned during your time abroad.

When writing an essay on exchange student, it's important to consider the following tips:

  • Start by outlining your experiences and the key moments that had an impact on you.
  • Reflect on the cultural differences you encountered and how you adapted to them.
  • Discuss the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
  • Share the friendships you formed and the connections you made with people from different backgrounds.
  • Highlight the personal growth and development you experienced during your exchange program.
  • Provide practical tips and advice for future exchange students, such as how to navigate cultural differences, handle homesickness, and make the most of their time abroad.
  • Conclude by summarizing the impact of the exchange program on your life and how it has shaped your perspective.

By following these tips and writing an essay on exchange student, you can not only capture the essence of your experience but also inspire and inform others who are interested in embarking on a similar journey.

  • The Benefits of Being an Exchange Student
  • The Challenges of Being an Exchange Student
  • My Experience as an Exchange Student
  • Cultural Differences: My Exchange Student Experience
  • The Impact of Studying Abroad as an Exchange Student
  • The Importance of Cultural Immersion as an Exchange Student
  • Overcoming Language Barriers as an Exchange Student
  • Making Friends as an Exchange Student
  • Adjusting to a New Education System as an Exchange Student
  • The Role of Host Families in the Exchange Student Experience
  • Exploring a New Country as an Exchange Student
  • My Favorite Memories as an Exchange Student
  • Dealing with Homesickness as an Exchange Student
  • The Value of Independence as an Exchange Student
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Global Citizenship
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Understanding
  • The Challenges of Reverse Culture Shock for Exchange Students
  • The Long-Term Benefits of Being an Exchange Student
  • The Financial Considerations of Studying Abroad as an Exchange Student
  • The Role of Support Networks for Exchange Students
  • Balancing Academics and Cultural Immersion as an Exchange Student
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Personal Growth
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Breaking Stereotypes
  • The Importance of Intercultural Communication for Exchange Students
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Career Development
  • Overcoming Adversity as an Exchange Student
  • The Role of Volunteer Work in the Exchange Student Experience
  • The Impact of Technology on the Exchange Student Experience
  • The Role of Language Learning in the Exchange Student Experience
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Global Diplomacy
  • The Influence of Host Country Politics on the Exchange Student Experience
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Environmental Awareness
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on International Relations
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Peace and Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Cross-Cultural Understanding
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Leadership Development
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Social Change
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Career Opportunities
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Personal and Professional Development
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Global Awareness
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Interpersonal Skills
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Tolerance and Empathy
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language Acquisition
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Cultural Competency
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Citizenship
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Communication
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Academic Achievement
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Personal Growth and Development
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Global Engagement
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Awareness
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Career Development
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Social and Emotional Skills
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Awareness and Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Personal and Professional Development
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Exchange and Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language Proficiency
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Competence
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Citizenship and Engagement
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Leadership and Teamwork Skills
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Personal and Social Development
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Global Competency
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Career and Educational Opportunities
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Diversity and Inclusion
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Personal Growth and Well-Being
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Cross-Cultural Competence
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Awareness and Interconnectedness
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language and Cultural Proficiency
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Sensitivity
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Engagement and Collaboration
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Leadership and Communication Skills
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Personal and Professional Growth
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding and Empathy
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Global Citizenship and Responsibility
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Communication and Adaptability
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Exchange and Appreciation
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language and Intercultural Competence
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Global Competency and Awareness
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cross-Cultural Engagement and Understanding
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Cultural Diversity and Inclusion
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language and Intercultural Proficiency
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Sensitivity and Adaptability
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Global Competency and Awareness

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application essay for exchange program

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  • Outgoing Exchange

Bilateral Exchange Program

  • Who:  Undergraduate Arts and Science students in an Honours program
  • Where:  30 countries worldwide
  • When:  Fall and/or Winter
  • How long:  Varies by exchange partner
  • For academic credit?  Yes
  • GPA requirement:  Typically 2.8 cum GPA, some partners require up to 3.2
  • Application fee:  No
  • Program fee:  $200 (payable at time of acceptance, not application)
  • Costs borne by student: Travel documentation, flights, insurance, accommodation
  • Tuition:  Payable to Queen's University
  • Financial assistance: Yes - Exchange bursary for eligible students
  • OSAP eligible:  Yes

Bilateral exchanges are formal partnership agreements between Queen's and another university whereby students have the opportunity to study at a partner university while still paying their tuition and ancillary fees to Queen's. In other words, Queen's sends nominated students to our partner institutions, and they send their nominated students to Queen's. The Faculty of Arts and Science maintains partnerships with over 100 universities in 30 different countries.

When you take part in the bilateral exchange program you are taking part in the largest Arts and Science exchange program.

Not sure where to go? Search our partners to find out where they are located, term dates, GPA requirement, resources, and more! Make sure you are looking at partner schools that have "Bilateral" in the "Exchange Program" column.

Search our partner universities

Applications are now closed

  Application deadline: January 12, 2024 @ 4pm EST.


You must be:

  • Enrolled in an Honours (four-year) program at Queen's.
  • Dual degree students where the first degree is not in Arts and Science and BHSc students are not eligible.
  • In good academic standing, with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.8 or higher at the time of the application deadline (January).
  • Meet the requirements of the exchange partner university regarding level of entry, GPA, term(s) of attendance and language competence (typically a 200-level university-level language or its equivalent for partner institutions where the language of instruction is not English) where applicable. Language requirements are listed on the partner profiles.


Complete the online application form.

Select up to six institutions on the application form.

You do not need to pay the program fee now. You will be asked to pay if your application is successful and you accept your exchange offer.

Submit supporting documents with the online application

You must submit your Statement of Interest essay (max 500 words) and your Exchange Decision Matrix

Language competency assessment (not required for all students)

Students requesting placement at a host university that teaches in a language other than English must demonstrate their language proficiency.

Previous university transcript (not required for all students)

Transfer students must submit a copy of their transcript from their previous school. Unofficial transcripts will be accepted.

3rd and 4th year additional supporting documents

3rd-year students who wish to spend a term abroad during their fourth year and from fourth-year students who wish to spend a term abroad during a fifth year of their program must submit additional documentation.

Supporting Documents

Please review the following section for specific information on each supporting document. Here are some important supporting document reminders:

  • Submit all supporting documents through the online application by the published deadlines to ensure a complete application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Include your name and student number on all supporting documents.
  • Rigorously check all supporting documents for spelling and grammatical errors as they will be read by the selection committee.

Statement of Interest Essay

Submit a 500-word maximum statement of interest essay as a PDF, providing a well-researched answer to the following two questions:

  • Why do you want to go on exchange?
  • Discuss a past experience you had adjusting to one or more cultural differences. Cultural difference can happen in an international setting or your hometown – it entails encountering different norms, customs and ways of living than you are used to. What did you learn that will help with adjustment on the exchange program?

We encourage students to use the  resource on culture (PDF, 512KB)  included in our  Helpful Guide for Exchange Applications (PDF, 142KB)  when answering the second question.

Please note:

  • The 500-word limit is cumulative; it is not 500 words for each question.
  • You may choose to answer each question separately, or you may choose to answer both questions in one response. If you choose the latter, please make sure that your response clearly addresses both questions.

Exchange Decision Matrix

The Exchange Decision Matrix is a tool that will help you focus your research and determine which universities are most suitable for your needs and expectations.

You must fully complete the Exchange Decision Matrix and submit it with your online application.

Review our brief Exchange Decision Matrix video tutorial for instructions on completing this supporting document.

Please note

  • Each host university listed on your online application should also be included in Section 1 of your Exchange Decision Matrix.
  • You do not need to provide exact term dates - you can use the current year's sessional dates, or indicate approximate start/end dates based on your research.

Download a Copy of the Matrix (Excel, 50KB)

Language Competency Assessment

Students requesting placement at a host university that teaches in a language other than English must demonstrate their language proficiency. 

Students determine prior to applying whether a host university teaches in a language other than English.

If a host university teaches in both English and another language, then students only need to provide proof of language proficiency if they intend to study in the additional language. Students should take care to thoroughly research such universities to ensure they offer enough courses in the language(s) in which students are proficient.

If the IPO requires students to demonstrate language proficiency, even if the host university teaches some courses in English, then students must meet this requirement in order to be considered for placement. For instance, Keio University in Japan teaches in English and Japanese but the IPO requires students to have the equivalent of JAPN 100A/B in order to be placed there. Any IPO requirements can be found under partner profiles on our Programs webpage.

The International Programs Office cannot place students at host universities with language requirements if there is no evidence that the requirement is met.

Proof of language proficiency can be demonstrated in one of the following ways:

  • Courses on the Queen’s transcript: If a student has completed the required courses, as per our Programs webpage, they will be eligible for placement. For instance, students must have completed SPAN 204/205 to be placed at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. There is no requirement for the student to upload their transcript as the International Programs Office can access this.
  • French Language Proficiency Test: If a student is applying to a host university that teaches in French and they do not have evidence of proficiency on their Queen’s transcript they are required to complete the Department of French Studies’ Placement Test and upload their results to the online application.
  • Language Assessment: If a student is applying to a host university that teaches in another language (not English or French) and they do not have evidence of proficiency on their Queen’s transcript they are required to complete the Language Assessment form (PDF, 103 KB) . Students must download the form and email [email protected]  to determine which professor will perform the assessment. The completed assessment form must be submitted with the application by the deadline.

Third and Fourth Year Additional Supporting Documents

Applications may also be accepted from third-year students who wish to spend a term abroad during their fourth year and from fourth-year students who wish to spend a term abroad during a fifth year of their program. Applicants currently in their third or fourth year should be aware, however, that:

  • An additional required supporting document is a detailed plan of proposed study (please use this  Academic Plan Form (PDF, 134 KB)  for each host university listed on the application, recognizing that entry to fourth-year courses in their area(s) of concentration may not be possible. The student's Undergraduate Chair(s) must review the completed the Form and approve the plan by signing the Form. The signed Form must be submitted with the application by the deadline for the application to be considered complete.
  • An exchange term abroad will not be permitted during the final term of their degree program at Queen's.
  • Second-year applicants will be given priority. 

Tips for Selecting Partner Universities

  • You do not need to select institutions all in the same region or country.
  • Some locations and universities can be heavily subscribed. We encourage you to diversify your selection. 
  • Ensure the institutions listed on the application will be suitable for your academic program. The selection committee will assume that students have fully researched the universities selected by the applicant for program and course compatibility.
  • Make sure that you know the term dates for the schools you are looking at - even if it is just which months the term runs from and to.
  • Be advised that each university has its own eligibility requirements. For instance, some universities require a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 whereas others require a 3.0 or 3.2. Review the partner profiles to be certain to meet eligibility requirements for a university before listing it on your application.
  • Research, research, and research again!

Application Resources

(Not all students will need all resources)

  • Resource on culture (PDF, 512KB)
  • Helpful Guide for Exchange Applications (PDF, 142KB)
  • Exchange Decision Matrix (Excel, 50KB)
  • Exchange Decision Matrix video tutorial
  • Exchange Application Rubric (PDF, 528 KB)
  • Language Assessment Form (PDF, 103 KB)
  • Academic Plan Form (PDF, 134 KB)
  • Before I Submit Checklist (PDF, 111KB)

Selection Process

The criteria for selection are based on a combination of grades and academic preparation, research, and motivation as assessed from the essay.

Specifically, the reading committee assesses applications with the following considerations:

  • Academic Performance - 25%
  • Statement of Interest Essay Question #1 - 25%
  • Statement of Interest Essay Question #2 - 25%
  • Exchange Decision Matrix - 25%

Applications are assigned a score using the Bilateral Exchange Application Rubric. Application scores determine the placement order used to fill spaces at partner universities. 

All students will receive a communication from the International Programs Office containing their results prior to Reading Week via Queen's email.

Want to learn more about exchange? While most students will start their research in 2nd year, it's never too early to begin! Come to one of our Fall info sessions such as Exchange 101, Get an A+ in Exchange, Funding Exchange, Meet the Partners, and more!

Look at our resources covering safety , funding and budgeting , as well as identity-based resources to help you research and plan your exchange.

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International student exchange (Corrected essay)

International student exchange (Corrected essay)

Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?


Write about the following topic.

Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students.

Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


There is a common belief that international student exchange programs would bring benefits to all participants. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this projects, I believe that there are outweighed by the advantages.

On the one hand, there are several major drawbacks when teenagers go overseas. Firstly, those exchange programs cost a considerable amount of money, which a handful of students may be inaccessible. For example, students who come from developing countries would find difficult to apply student exchange programs in industrial nations because of the financial burden. Secondly, even with preparation and knowledge about the new environment, adolescents could still experience culture shock, which can affect them in different ways. Another potential drawback is health issues that can occur during the stay in a foreign country.

On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are more significant than such disadvantages. One reason for this notion is that international visitors would have a shinier resume which is valuable for them in the years to come. By working in foreign organizations, they will gain many practical experience that make their profile more competitive. Another reason is that teenagers would have a chance to experience culture exchange. This broaden their mind, and also helps them make new friends for a lifetime. Additionally, after finishing the program, overseas students tend to obtain more opportunities to find good jobs because they have a strong network of friends.

In conclusion, I would argue that the advantages of international student exchange programs are more significant than the disadvantages.

Corrected Writing Task 2

There is a common belief that international student exchange programs would bring benefits to all participants. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this projects those programs’ disadvantages , I believe that there they are outweighed by cannot undermine the advantages.

Avoid using adjectives or adverbs that show high levels of certainty, such as “obvious” or “evidently”.

The word “outweigh” is already used in the topic question. “The disadvantage undermines the advantage” is a good collocation.

On the one hand, there are several major drawbacks when teenagers go overseas. Firstly, those exchange programs cost a considerable amount of money, which a handful of students may be inaccessible the expensiveness of various exchange programs makes them inaccessible to many students . For example, students who come from developing countries would find difficult to apply student exchange programs in industrial nations because of the financial burden difference in living standards between nations . Secondly, even with preparation and knowledge about the new environment, adolescents could still experience culture shock, which can affect them in different ways . Another potential drawback is health issues that can occur during the stay in a foreign country Health issues occur during the stay in a foreign country is another common problem among exchange students .

While joining two sentence clauses into one sentence by using “which” is a good strategy in the Speaking test, it isn’t necessarily effective in writing contexts. Try to change the original complex sentence into a short, simple sentence.

The third sentence in Paragraph 1 is kinda unclear and redundant. The idea of “financial burden” is already expressed in the previous sentence.

“Different ways?” Which ways are you referring here? Try to explain it more to make the paragraph longer and more cohesive.

Try to use the connectives (firstly, secondly, another…) more skillfully. If you keep putting a connective at the start of a sentence, then your writing can be very dull. I advise you to change the structure of the last sentence to make the connective (“another”) appear in the middle of the sentence instead of at the beginning.

On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are more significant than such aforementioned disadvantages. One reason for this notion is that international visitors students would have a shinier attractive resume which is valuable for them in the years to come. By working in foreign organizations, they will gain many practical experience that make their profile more competitive. Another reason is that teenagers would have a chance to experience culture exchange cultural diversity . This broaden broadens their mind , and also helps them make new friends for a lifetime . Additionally, after finishing the program, overseas students tend to obtain more opportunities to find good jobs because they have a strong network of friends wide social circle .

“such “ is an informal word. Use “aforementioned” instead.

“An international visitor” means “a tourist”, not “an international student”.

“Shiny resume” isn’t a collocation, “attractive resume” is.

“Experience” is an uncountable noun, so don’t use “many” here.

You don’t make a “lifetime” friend that easily.

The above conclusion is unconvincing and too short. Either you write one more sentence, or remove the part “would argue that”.


While it’s okay to write a 252 words essay in a real test, try to write longer when you are at home. You should write approx 270 words, so even after you have trimmed some redundant words, your essay still have more than 250 words.

Overall score: 6.0

Task Achievement: 6

✓ addresses all parts of the task although some parts may be more fully covered than others.

✓ presents a relevant position although the conclusions may become unclear or repetitive (your conclusion is just a paraphrase of Paragraph 2’s first sentence)

✓ presents relevant main ideas but some may be inadequately developed/unclear (the part “which can affect them in different ways” is clearly an undeveloped sentence clause)

Coherence and Cohesion: 7

✗ logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout. (the ideas in each paragraph aren’t listed in a coherent way) ✓ uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/overuse. (on the one hand, on the other hand; firstly, secondly, another, one reason, another reason, additionally)

✓ presents a clear central topic within each paragraph.

Lexical Resource: 6

✓ uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task (overseas, financial burden, culture shocḳ) ✓ attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy (broaden the mind, to experience cultural diversity) ✓ makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but they do not impede communication.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 6 ✓ uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms. ✓ makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication



In my opinion, that sounds cool to have a new friend in my classroom especially the foreigner. The exchange students from the other countries confront with the another people and places. There are many differences between host countries and newcomer countries including language, accent, foods, custom, law, culture, and also people ,Yet it would be a good thing for learning these difference from the friends. We could share the story what we do in daily life or a point of view in any topics such the football world cup matches, the president of U.S. speech or the brand new movies release. It is a chance to learn about living adaptation and communication skills, Besides travelling guide experience when you lead your friends to journey the local attraction is significantly exciting. On the other hand, attending the new people, For some people it is hard situation to compromise with the newcomers. However, time can relieve the distance and harmonise the relationship. The racism is still patent in some countries, It is like the burden to have a connection among the classroom. Therefore, the teacher plays a key role in mediator to prevent the problem if not the unwanted situation may occur. In conclusion, the exchange student has a lot of advantage in almost cases. The opportunities to interact with the foreigner make a lesson to adapt yourselves and gain life experience along with the new friends. The experience makes you stronger and worldliness. None the less, There are only some case having problem about racism that is the sensitive difficulty.

(Written by ณัช เกษม )


Below is the corrected essay

In my opinion, that sounds cool to have a new friend in my classroom especially the foreigner. The exchange students from the other countries confront with the another people and places. There are many differences between the host countries local people and the newcomer countries foreigner including language, accent, foods, custom, law, culture, and also people . , Yet , it would be a good thing for learning to learn these difference from the friends. We could share the story what we do in daily life or a point of view in any topics such the football world cup matches, the president of U.S. ’ speech or the brand new movies release release of a brand new movie . It is a chance to learn about living adaptation and communication skills , . Besides , travelling guide experience when you lead your friends to journey the local attraction is significantly exciting having a local friend along when traveling as a foreigner is exciting and reassuring .

Next time, try to separate the introduction from the firsty body paragraph. By missing a clear introduction, you will lower your Task Response grading a lot.

The first sentence is not only informal ( “that sounds cool” ) but also does not directly answer the topic question. If you write “ a new friend in my classroom especially the foreigner ”, the reader may think that your essay’s main focus is just “a new classmate” in general, not a “foreign” one.

The second sentence is very unclear. Try to join the first and the second sentence into one only.

While South East Asia languages are topic-prominent (the grammar isn’t important, but the topic behind the sentence is), English is much more rigid in terms of grammatical structure. In case of your third sentence, what you are talking about is not the different between two countries , but that of the people of two countries .

The correct idiom here is not “something for doing” , but rather “ something to do/to be done ”

Your last sentence sounds ungrammatical and foreign to a English speaker.

There are many punctuation mistakes presented.

On the other hand, attending regarding of the new people appearance of foreigners , For for some people , it is a hard situation when you have to compromise with the newcomers. However, time can relieve the distance and harmonise the relationship with time, the cultural barrier will be reduce . The racism is still patent prevalent in some countries, It it is like the a burden to have a connection be overcomed among in the classroom. Therefore, the teacher plays a key role in mediator to prevent the problem if not the a unwanted situation may occur.

I guess that you often misuse “ a/the ” since there is no article words in Thai. But that is something you must overcome.

Pay attention to collocations. English native speakers don’t use word pairs like “ relieve the distance ”. “To harmonise the relationship” is fine, but I am doubt it should be use in this context.

In conclusion, the exchange student has having a foreign exchange student in the classroom brings out a lot of advantage in almost cases . The opportunities to interact with the foreigner make a lesson provide a chance to adapt yourselves and gain life experience , along with the new friends. The experience makes you stronger and worldliness more mature . None the less Nonetheless , There there are only some case s having problem about when racism that is the sensitive difficulty obstacle .

Stay faithful to the topic question. Since the question here is “can all the students, both the foreign and the native ones, reap benefit?”, you must address it in your conclusion.

Using “ worldliness ” here is very unnatural. First, “worldliness” is a noun, not an adjective, so it cannot go along with “strong”. Second, it is a vague word when being taken out from the context. I suggest you use something like “ mature ”.

To strengthen your conclusion, don’t put the oppose idea at the end. Instead, put in at the beginning, then affirm your opinion as a contrast.

Overall: 4.5

Task Response: 4

✓ responds to the task only in a minimal way or the answer is tangential; the format may be inappropriate ( failing to separate the introduction and the first body paragraph lowers your band score here from 5 to 4 ) ✓ presents a position but this is unclear ( due to the unclear conclusion ) ✓ presents some main ideas but these are difficult to identify and may be repetitive, irrelevant or not well supported

Coherence and Cohesion: 5

✓ presents information with some organisation but there may be a lack of overall progression

✗ makes inadequate, inaccurate or over use of cohesive devices ( The writer has used some common connectives. Could reach a 6 score next time. )

✓ may be repetitive because of lack of referencing and substitution

✓ may not write in paragraphs, or paragraphing may be inadequate

Lexical Resource: 5

✓ uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally adequate for the task

✓ may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or word formation that may cause some difficulty for the reader

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 4

✓ uses only a very limited range of structures with only rare use of subordinate clauses ( there is no formal, academic sentence; the essay looks like an informal speech )

✓ some structures are accurate but errors predominate, and punctuation is often faulty ( many punctuation faults are presented)


This essay is corrected by Anh Tran - Let's Write Something Group .

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application essay for exchange program

Why I Want to Apply For the Exchange Program Essay Example

I am Foo Jia Wen, a student from Interaction Design Department at Taipei Tech University. I want to apply for the exchange program to study abroad in semester 108-1.

I am an adventurous person, and I am always thinking to get myself out of comfort zone. That was the reason I chose to study in Taiwan instead of my hometown Malaysia. After studying for 2 years in Taiwan, I felt like getting used to the environment here, and I missed those challenging parts of life. So I am now seeking for some new challenges. Dealing with the unfamiliar environment may be suffering, but it cultivates growth in mental strength.

Taiwan is familiar with my hometown in many aspects such as culture, language, and food. Through books and the Internet, I learn that Westerners can be quite different from us. This exchange program is a precious opportunity for me to explore and embrace the diversity of the world. I will try to engage in the classes and collaborate with the local students there for our assignments. By teaming up with them, I can train my social skill to work with people regardless of our differences in perspectives and values. 

Although we have English classes every week, still for practicing purpose we are undeniably lacking English-speaking occasions here. I am afraid that I will not be capable to speak English well after staying for long. This exchange program to English-speaking country offers oral skill practice environment. This will not only improve my fluency in English but most importantly, the confidence to communicate with those native English speakers.

Furthermore, the USA is a country where cool innovations take places and where creative people all around the world gather. By getting there, I believe that I will obtain deeper insight and more inspirations which are crucial in interaction design major. During the exchange program, I am going to participate in the workshops and go to the talks. I will make some videos or write some articles about those inspired me and perhaps, put them on the Internet. I have long desired to visit, discover and share.

I also planned to further my study in Western countries after graduation, and the USA is currently my top option. So I hope that the experience and information from this exchange program can help me to make my final decision. I am looking forward to this study exchange, and I know it will be a fulfillment in my university life.

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