Home Blog Business How To Craft & Deliver an Effective Business Plan Presentation (Quick Guide)

How To Craft & Deliver an Effective Business Plan Presentation (Quick Guide)

Cover for Business Plan Presentation guide

A vital element in today’s highly competitive business landscape is the ability to craft and deliver a business plan presentation. This applies to both entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. 

This guide describes essential aspects required to build a business plan presentation and deliver it to stakeholders. 

Table of Contents

What is a Business Plan Presentation?

Is a business plan presentation the same as a business presentation, executive summary, justification of the business proposal, swot analysis, the niche of the proposal & actors in the industry, competitors, competitive intensity, trend analysis and critical variables, value chain, market analysis, jobs-to-be-done, value proposition, revenue streams, cost structure, distribution channels, key partnerships for the business model, organizational structure & management, go to market and marketing plan, development plan, qa, and continuous improvement model, distribution plan, inventory management, initial funding and financing structure, projection of income and costs.

  • Evaluation of Projected Return vs. Required

Risk Evaluation

Sensitivity to critical variables, how to present bibliographical information in a business plan presentation, how to deliver a business plan presentation.

A business plan presentation is the medium we use to communicate a business plan to an audience. 

Presenters commonly ask what is the target length of a business plan presentation in terms of slides. Our expertise in this field tells us it’s advisable to work between 13-20 slides, remaining as concise as possible and using the help of visual aids. Let the graphics speak rather than fill your slides with text blocks.

No. A business plan presentation is used to communicate an identified business opportunity and how it is planned to be served in a way that generates profit. A business presentation is a more generic term, explained in our article about business presentation examples . 

How to Create a Business Plan Presentation

This section will list our recommended content for a successful business plan presentation. We broke it down into four stages which help the presenter build the story backing the business: a-. The opportunity and the competitive landscape analyzed, b- the business model designed and tested to serve the opportunity, c- the implementation plan of the business model, and finally, d- the financial and economic projections estimated that show the profitability of the opportunity.

For the purpose of this guide, the slides will refer to a case study of photo editing software. To replicate this slide deck creation process, you can speed up design decisions by working with the SlideModel AI Presentation Maker and tailoring it to your project.

So, how to make a business plan presentation? Let’s see a step by step guide.

Stage 1 – Identifying the Opportunity

After the title slide that defines how to start a presentation , any business plan should proceed by introducing the executive summary in a concise but impactful format.

The purpose of the executive summary is to inform the audience what to expect from the presentation and its conclusion.

Executive Summary slide in a Business Plan Presentation

Work with a maximum of two slides for this section, highlighting the key elements through visual cues. Check our guide on how to present an executive summary .

The next slide should disclose all the reasoning behind the business plan proposal, why this plan is being presented at this present moment, and projections of how the plan aligns with the current market trends.

Presenters can share the analysis done by the Market research team as long as it’s made clear which problem is relevant to the current market trends that this business plan aims to solve.

Mention all the references used to arrive at the conclusions expressed so data is backed with meaningful sources.

Justification of the Business Proposal slide

Any corporate PPT template can help you craft this slide, but presenters can also boost their performance through the use of infographics . If your solution for the selected problem involves a complex process, consider using a process flow template to expose the step-by-step justification of this proposal.

Use a SWOT template to showcase the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of this business opportunity.

SWOT Analysis slide in a Business Plan Presentation

Make sure the SWOT diagram is legible. Work your way to meet the same aesthetic style despite speeding up the process with templates. Mention the tools used for gathering the information for this SWOT Analysis in the footnote and ensure the audience understands which information elements help you reach conclusions in each quadrant. Check our guide on how to create a SWOT analysis and see if your business plan requires a SWOT or SOAR analysis . 

Every business plan is scoped under a niche or industry sector. With this slide, describe the sector in which the proposal is immersed. Communicate its value,  list the actors involved, and describe their high-level relationships.

Actors in the Industry slide in the Business Plan Presentation

List the analyzed competitors. Communicate their attributes. The competitors’ comparison in business plan presentation can be visually explained using tools from the Blue Ocean Strategy framework, like the Strategy Canvas . 

Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas in Business Plan Presentation

The competitive intensity of an industry sector is studied through the Porter’s 5 Forces model. This intensity expresses how attractive the industry is. Explain the conclusion in each force showcasing the model.

Porter's Five Forces Analysis in Business Plan Presentation

First, introduce the variables identified as important for the industry sector, citing the insight’s source. Secondly, drill down each variable and break down the different trend dimensions ( PESTEL ) 

  • Use a highly visual slide, like a dashboard template , to introduce factual data regarding the trends over a specific time period. Growth rates must be represented in time frames of over 180 days to evaluate the trend accurately.
  • List the critical variables (consumers, product, production capability, and financing) briefly.
  • Disclose how each variable can affect pricing and your position within the niche for that trend. Presenters can refer to case studies from successful competitor stories on how they responded to trend changes in the niche.

PESTEL Analysis slide for a Business Plan Presentation

When presenting the value chain, we ought to articulate the sequence of activities the company handles to create value within the business plan. Start by breaking down the value chain into its key components, briefly explaining the stages from inbound logistics all the way through customer service. It is important to highlight the linking point between each stage and express the value of coordinating team activities to enhance overall efficiency.

Value Chain Layout slide in a Business Plan Presentation

We can use flowchart diagram templates as visual aids for the audience so they can understand the process sequence. Check our guide on how to make a flowchart .

Present the identified Market and its Segments. Continue explaining how conclusions were driven through the analysis and sizing of the market.

TAM SAM SOM for Business Plan Presentations

Presenters can use target market analysis templates , market segmentation templates , or TAM SAM SOM templates to compare their target market with the total available market. 

We recommend you check our guide on market segmentation for this process.

Then drill down with a Persona definition.

This study can be made by creating ideal customers, describing their demographics and psychological factors that make them prospective candidates to purchase the product or service this business plan presentation refers to.

Here is our guide on creating buyer personas . 

The Jobs-to-be-Done theory explains why certain customers are attracted to products and services and how those elements solve core problems in the consumers’ lives. 

A Perceptual Map is a tool we can use to measure the consumer perception of different products/services in the same market. This can be particularly useful if our value proposal is to brand ourselves as cheaper alternatives to already existing solutions. Check our guide on perceptual maps for further information.

Check our guide on the Jobs-to-be-Done framework and add suggestions to the business plan presentation.

Stage 2 – Business Model

To describe the  Business Model in your Business Plan Presentation, use the business model canvas analysis tool. Display your design in one slide.

Business Model Canvas for a Business Plan Presentation

For specific sections of the BMC, you can add slides if you need to drill down for further details. In our experience, the following sections require a deeper level of explanation.

List the Segments targeted in your Business Model. You can include a slide with additional information and segment size. Reference the Market analysis explained earlier to justify the selection or which were the pivots applied.

Customer Segmentation slide in a Business Plan Presentation

In order to explain the reasoning behind the Value Proposition and how it serves the segments selected, you can use the Value Proposition Canvas tool to explain the logic behind this selection.

Value Proposition Canvas slide for Business Plan Presentation

The Value Proposition outlines the unique benefit our product or service offers the market and why customers should choose our offer over potential alternatives. Since we have already analyzed the potential buyers and presented the market, it’s time to deliver that value proposition using our best assets: customer testimonials, report data, surveys, etc.

As testimonials often weigh the most in established brands, be sure to present this information through a narrative that showcases why your product or service had a positive impact on the life of that customer. You can use customer testimonial templates to give an extra boost through visual aids.

Customer testimonial slide in a Business Plan Presentation

Explaining how much the customers will pay for the product/services is critical to understanding the viability and profitability of the business. Showcase for each segment the pricing model and the engagement terms.

The Income Model expresses the sources of revenue for our business plan. This has to be in relationship with the pricing strategy for established businesses. Lean startups can work concerning their minimum viable product (MVP) and then elaborate with projections for future releases or changes in their income stream structure.

At this point, companies need to present the sources of revenue depending on their origin:

  • Product Sales
  • Subscription Model
  • Freemium Model
  • Partnerships with other brands in different niches
  • Advertising and Sponsorships
  • Monetization

Check our guide on pricing strategy models for more information about how to present this point. You can use revenue stream templates to represent this data in style.

Pricing table slide in a Business Plan Presentation

Drill down the cost structure categories and relate them to the Value Chain explained earlier. Show a cost breakdown chart to make it easier for the audience to understand their weight in the total costs.

As this step can be a bit complex to articulate, we recommend you check our guide on Cost Structure to see how you can resume all that information in one slide.

At the business model stage, distribution channels should be briefly introduced since they will be mentioned again in the Distribution Plan . In some industries, it is important to highlight which channels are chosen over others for the sake of revenue and faster operation.

Our Distribution Channels PowerPoint Template is a perfect resource for this.

Distribution Channels slide in Business Plan Presentation

Presenting the strategic partnerships for the business plan is a way to prove the plan’s potential reach and success factor. On this behalf, companies must list which resources they are sharing with their business partners regarding expertise, technology, distribution channels, or capital, as these elements will impact the cost structure.

You can use the Business Partnership PowerPoint Template to present this information in a professional-looking format.

Stage 3 – Implementation

The business plan is designed to offer a product, deliver a service, or combine both. At this stage, the business plan presentation drills down on how the organization will build/deliver the product/service implementing the business model outlined earlier.  

Describe how the company operates regarding human capital and its roles. Presenters must describe to the audience the hierarchical structure, responsibilities, and how they play a role within the value chain.

Org Chart in a Business Plan Presentation

You can use Org Charts to represent the roles and responsibilities in the organization visually. It is also advisable to highlight the expertise and experience of the management team, as it helps to build trust.

The Human Resource Plan must refer to your planned recruitment, training, and employee onboarding. Which talent will be required, and how is it planned to build the different teams of the structure.

HR Plan slide in Business Plan Presentation

Check the Go To Market Strategy guide and describe how the Business Plan will enter the market and overcome the initial barriers. Continue with the Marketing Plan limited to 1-2 slides resuming the plan’s tactics to increase brand awareness and the selected channels for this strategy. 

You can use the Marketing Plan Templates help to speed up the process by focusing on the content to fill rather than the design or creating complex charts from scratch.

Go-To Market Framework in Business Plan Presentation

Present the sales plan describing the full sales process, lead generation, nurturing customers, and conversion strategies.

Use Sales PowerPoint Templates to visually illustrate your sales process, like the Sales Pipeline Slide Template for PowerPoint , which depicts the process from lead acquisition to a closed deal.

Check our guide on Sales Plan for further information on this topic.

This step refers to presenting the product/service development plan, the Quality Assurance processes behind its validation, and your company’s commitment to a continuous improvement process based on surveyed data or customer feedback.

We can refer to testimonials, user case experiences our team successfully troubleshot, or experiences we learned from competitors in the same niche.

Presenting the distribution plan involves addressing logistics topics, supply chain , and sharing fulfillment strategies. Although we already presented the potential distribution channels, this is the step in which you detail how each will interact and their impact on the estimated revenue. 

Present one slide mentioning your company’s approach to these channels, if applicable:

  • Direct Sales (either physical store or e-commerce)
  • Retail Partnerships
  • Wholesalers or Distributors
  • E-Commerce marketplaces

This step involves two different approaches depending on the kind of industry we’re in. For traditional business, inventory management in a business plan presentation must highlight how the inventory will be handled to minimize transportation costs or overproduction. Projections must be shown per quarterly period and take into account seasonality if it has a significant impact on the required storage capacity.

On the other hand, e-commerce companies have to present their online infrastructure to secure the product’s availability 24/7, how customer tickets are handled when the customer cannot access the product, server costs, and how we prevent online leaks.

Stage 4 – ROI and Risk Evaluation

This section will outline the Financial Plan of your Business.

Showcase the financial structure, including equity, debt, and potential investors, at the moment of kick-starting this business. It is a good practice to consider the initial funding slide to be a brief summary of those points, with particular emphasis on the funding needs.

Cash Flow Diagrams , Comparison Chart templates , and Timeline templates to showcase when funds help to meet each of the plan’s milestones are good ideas to represent the elements on this slide.

Income and expense projections must be presented over a defined time period by using graphs or charts to clearly visualize the trends supporting each change.

Revenue and Expenses breakdown slide for Business Plan Presentation

Break down the revenue sources with clear, identifiable icons to showcase: product sales, subscription fees, advertisement, affiliates, etc. Sales estimations have to be realistic and conservative, as they will be contrasted with the production, marketing, administrative, and personnel costs to leave a gross profit margin calculation. 

Evaluation of Projected Return vs. Required 

Demonstrate the feasibility of your business plan. Start by presenting the profit margins in relation to the projection of income and expenses, then introduce the break-even analysis .

Presenters can make their message more relevant by presenting an ROI calculation and contrasting it with industry benchmarks in the same niche. By following this approach, presenters prove how the ROI offered by this business plan aligns with the investment’s risk projection.

Presenting a risk evaluation analysis in a business plan presentation involves introducing both risks and their mitigation strategies. 

Risk Management templates , like the ROAM framework, can help organize potential risk sources by their severity and impact on the organization. A pyramid diagram can be used to demonstrate how risk management can be delegated across the organization to completely eradicate the risk factor depending on its severity. 

The elements you should consider presenting are mainly regulatory changes, market changes, competitors (new or existing), and financial crises. 

The final point in our business plan presentation involves summarizing how key variables can influence the projected returns in our plan. Examples of these variables can be sudden increases in raw materials (affecting production costs and sales prices), a new pandemic (affecting workforce capacity and shortage of raw materials), geopolitical situations like war, etc.

We highly recommend presenting these critical variables using scenario analysis techniques according to measured data. Introduce best-case, worst-case, and most likely-case to give a full panorama of how your organization is prepared against any contingency.

An often overlooked point in a business plan presentation comes when listing the bibliographical information used to craft the business plan. Follow these steps to ensure a professional outcome for this slide or document.

  • Use a title like: “Bibliography,” “Source Credits,” or “References.” If your business plan presentation cites examples from other companies, use a “Works Cited” section.
  • References are usually shown in the APA style, but the MLE or Chicago style can be requested depending on your location or situation.
  • Maintain a consistent style in terms of reference style used, font, text size, and formatting options across the entire slide deck. Footnotes or in-text citations can be used for important data.
  • Verbally acknowledge your sources when required throughout the course of your presentation. This helps to establish credibility and respect for other people’s work rather than just dropping a slide with chunks of text.

This section will cover the most commonly asked questions on delivering a business plan presentation.

How many slides should my business plan presentation list?

This will depend entirely on your niche and the complexity of the business plan. Generally, work with at least 15 slides and no more than 30. It is best to use an extra slide rather than overcrowd an existing slide with tons of information.

What is the best format to present a business plan?

There are different options to present any business plan, so the selected option will mostly consist of the presenter’s preferred style and the audience’s age and interests.

  • PowerPoint Presentation : You can start from a blank slide and go all the way through a professionally designed PPT template . PowerPoint documents allow you to present images, text, audio, videos, and any kind of graphic to help you convey the core ideas behind the business plan. They can work with any PC or Mac device, as well as mobile devices.
  • PDF Documents: This can be a choice made in a hurry or by preference. Sharing a PDF document can work, but you must include the fonts used in the original document, as some compatibility issues can be present. 
  • Pitch Deck : Rather than doing a lengthy business plan presentation, a pitch deck consists of a maximum of 15 slides to deliver your proposal concisely. This is the typical approach we can see in TV shows like Shark Tank. 
  • Video Presentation : In some cases, using a video in a business plan presentation is relevant, especially if we are to introduce an innovative product in the market. You can use videos to showcase features, present services in a live format, introduce your team, and plenty of other options.

Are printables required in business plan presentations?

Although they are not required, using supplementary material in business plan presentations can be useful. You can prepare reference material for investors, especially involving complex data like graphs in an amplified format (and reference the slide in which they appear and vice versa).

Providing a printable to accompany your business plan presentation helps to give an image of professionalism and respect to your proposal.

What are the don’ts of writing a business plan?

The main purpose of this article is to craft and deliver a business plan presentation. Still, we would like to clarify some common errors seen in business plans that typically affect the performance of the presentation.

  • Using overcomplicated language : Jargon or unnecessary acronyms may confuse spectators who are not in touch with all the details relevant to a particular industry. 
  • Ignoring the audience : Not considering the variety of interests among investors, partners, and team members can hinder your presentation.
  • Neglecting/underestimating competitors : Any realistic business plan considers the existing competitors in their niche and perhaps potential newcomers. Not doing so will leave you unprepared to present a doable business plan.
  • Ignoring Risk Assessment : Omitting the Risk Assessment analysis and mitigation strategies does not respect the value investors and your team have. 

How long should the business plan presentation be?

As a general guideline, try to fit your business plan presentation between 20-30 minutes. Some complex plans may require additional time to be presented.

Does the presentation need to be tailored to different audiences? 

Using this tactic can be a winning factor for both investors and your team, as you prioritize effective communication for the roles they are relevant. Take these items into consideration for tailoring the presentation for specific needs.

In-Company Presentation

The focus should be on goal accomplishment and the strategies targeted to the team’s roles. Emphasize how teamwork is the pathway to success and how each individual contributes to the bigger picture.

If new technologies or knowledge are required as part of the business plan implementation, then this is the moment to disclose that information and inform the process to coach the team into it.

Board Meeting

Whenever delivering the business plan presentation to a board of directors, focus on the strategic goals, financial projections, and KPIs. 

Showcase how this business plan aligns with the company’s core values, mission, vision, and long-term strategy. 

Potential Investors

Presenting your unique value proposition, potential ROI, and highlighting the market opportunity is extremely important. Focus on selling your business model and vision with accurate financial projections and growth strategy. 

Dedicate some minutes to present your industry’s competitive landscape and answer why your product or service is a better offering than what competitors produce.

As we can see, creating a business plan presentation is a process that can be time-consuming if we lack the required business plan presentation tools to turn data into visually appealing formats. 

Remember to work concisely without losing the big picture of what you intend to explain. Your presentation is the entry point into the heart of your business; therefore, by adopting a structured approach, you can deliver an experience that engages, inspires, and builds confidence. 

Finally, let’s see some business plan PowerPoint presentation examples & business plan templates that you can use to speed up the presentation design process and save time.

1. Coffee Shop Illustration Business Plan Slides

writing business plan slideshare

Create your new business plan presentation with quality vector illustrations for Coffee Shops. Ideal for cafeterias, coffee bars, barista giftshop stores, bookshops and more.

Use This Template

2. Real Estate Business Plan PowerPoint Template

writing business plan slideshare

Realtors looking to start their own agencies should take a look at this attractive selection of slides with tailored real estate vector illustrations. These presentation plan slides show the different stages that a prospective buyer may incur, from hiring the services of a Real Estate agent, checking different properties, to finally buying a home.  Graphs and charts are included in vivid colors that are fully editable to meet the required branding.

3. Restaurant Business Model PowerPoint Template

writing business plan slideshare

As we’ve seen with the previous cases, these vector images depicting typical restaurant activities can help us build a business plan presentation sample to discuss with our team prior to an important meeting. Save time and money by introducing these professional designs into your presentation.

4. One Pager Business Plan PowerPoint

writing business plan slideshare

To briefly summarize the objectives of your business plan, work in-team with this one-pager business plan slide. Ideal to take notes, give a general picture of the current status of the business plan and key growth opportunities.

5. Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

writing business plan slideshare

If you want to create the best business plan presentation, this slide deck can make that task 100% easier. Containing all the elements described in this guide, introduce your data and prepare to deliver a powerful speech.

6. Flat Bold Business Plan PowerPoint Template

writing business plan slideshare

Another slide deck intended for those looking at how to make a business plan presentation that delivers a memorable experience. With a minimalistic design approach, it perfectly balances formal elements and impactful visual cues to help increase your audience’s retention rate.

7. Car Sharing Business Plan PowerPoint Template

writing business plan slideshare

Create the next Uber-like car-sharing service with the help of these carpooling vector illustrations perfectly arranged in a cohesive business plan slide deck. Presenters can explain the ins and outs of their business model with highly detailed graphics that grab the attention of potential investors. Check it out now!

8. Beauty Salon Business Plan PowerPoint Template

writing business plan slideshare

Business plan presentations don’t have to look formal or boring. This slide deck is geared towards beauty salon businesses, especially for those targeted to women. Chic design, bold color scheme, and extremely useful tools like a pricing list to present an idea like a subscription-based model where consumers see the total value of their investment.

9. CrossFit Business Plan PowerPoint Template

writing business plan slideshare

Finally, we list an option filled with tools and gym vector illustrations for those looking to start a gym business or CrossFit academy. These illustrations were crafted with care to express the core idea on every single slide, such as human-shaped graphs to present relevant KPIs.

writing business plan slideshare

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writing business plan slideshare

The Easy Guide to Making a Business Plan Presentation


Failing to plan is planning to fail.

That’s why a business plan is crucial to your business. If you want to make sure that the promising business idea in your head is feasible, you have to start with a business plan .

Visuals make anything easier to understand. That’s why including them in your business plan presentation is a foolproof way to ensure that it’s readily welcomed by your audience and digested without confusion.

By no means is this business plan template limited to presentations; you can also include these diagrams in your business plan documents to make them more readable.

Following are downloadable Simple Business Plan Templates

  • Business Plan Template PDF
  • Business Plan Template Word
  • Business Plan Template PowerPoint

What is a Business Plan?

Benefits of using a business plan presentation, executive summary, company profile, customer profiles.

  • Perpetual Map
  • Porter’s Five Forces

SWOT Analysis

Pest analysis, competitor profile.

  • Competitive Intelligence

Marketing and Sales Strategies

Organizational structure and management, product canvas, value proposition canvas.

  • Financial plan

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Business Plan Presentation

Faqs about business plan presentations, want to extend the guide to creating a business plan presentation.

Let’s start by clarifying the business plan definition.

A business plan is a document that describes your business in terms of what it does, the products and services it offers, your business strategy and business goals, and your action plan outlining how you plan to achieve your goals and earn money.

The main purposes of a business plan are to

  • Show the future financial performance of the company and its economic situation for the owners and investors.
  • Help identify risks that may affect the growth of the company and provide strategies to overcome them.
  • Help make predictions about market trends, competitor behavior, customer requirements and define and prioritize key business objectives .
  • Serve as a key resource for developing budgets

Clarity and Communication

A business plan presentation helps you communicate your business idea, goals, and strategies with clarity. It allows you to distill complex information into concise and visually appealing slides, making it easier for your audience to understand and grasp the key points. Presenting your business plan in a structured and organized manner enhances clarity and ensures that your message is effectively communicated.

Engaging and Persuasive

A well-designed and well-delivered business plan presentation can be highly engaging and persuasive. By using visual aids, such as graphs, charts, and images, you can capture the attention of your audience and create a memorable impact. Effective storytelling and compelling visuals can help you convey the value proposition of your business, showcase market opportunities, and convince investors, stakeholders, or potential partners to support your venture.

Feedback and Interaction

Presenting your business plan allows you to receive immediate feedback and engage in discussions with your audience. This feedback can be invaluable in refining your business strategy , identifying potential gaps or weaknesses, and addressing questions or concerns. The interactive nature of a presentation enables you to have a dialogue, gather insights, and build relationships with key stakeholders. It also provides an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, passion, and confidence, which can further strengthen your credibility and increase the likelihood of securing support or funding for your business.

The Key Elements of a Business Plan

A business plan should contain the following key components.

  • Executive summary
  • Company profile
  • Market analysis
  • Marketing and sales strategies
  • Organizational structure and management
  • Services and products

Although this comes first, it’s smarter to write it at the end. The executive summary of your business plan should explain what is great about your business model and its products or services.

It should be concise and appealing to the reader. And it’s easier to write a meaningful summary once you have filled in the rest of your plan.

Your company profile should provide details on,

  • Company history
  • Overview of the company
  • Mission Statement
  • Key resources
  • Business contact information
  • Products or services
  • Location details
  • The market you serve
  • Your key customers
  • The customer issue you seek to solve

All these details can be presented in a much nicer way with an infographic like the one below. It’s easier to read and understand and more compact and clearer than paragraphs of detail.

Company Profile Template

Market Analysis

Through a market analysis , you can find enough detail to define your target market, its size, customer segments, and their needs.

Your market analysis should also include a competitor analysis, where you will research your key competitors in terms of their influence in the market, their strengths and weaknesses, the threats they pose to you, their products and services, their pricing plans, their marketing strategies etc.

Some visual techniques you can use in this section to present your data are

These aptly summarize all your findings on your customers such as their demographic details, jobs, responsibilities, needs, challenges etc.

Customer Profile Template for Business Plan

Perceptual Map

This tool helps you depict and analyze how your (potential) target customer perceives the brands or products of your competitors. It helps you make sense of your product or service’s competitive positioning through the survey data at your hand.

Perceptual Map for Business Plan

Porter’s Five Forces

This tool is used to assess your business competitive strength and position against your competitors. Using it you can understand whether your new product or service is profitable.

Porters Five Forces Template for Business Plan

SWOT analysis is a great way to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and the opportunities and threats they bring to you within the industry. You can also use it to assess the capabilities of your own company.

SWOT Analysis Template for Business Plan

More on SWOT Analysis: What, Why and How to Use Them Effectively

PEST stands for Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological factors. It’s a great way to examine how the external forces in your market can impact your company. It will also help you shape your marketing strategy and develop your risk management plan.

PEST Analysis Example

View More More on SWOT Analysis: PEST Analysis Tools

All the details you have gathered on your competitors, such as their sales numbers, strategies, partners, suppliers etc. can be organized here. It’s a great way to prepare your competitor analysis data to be added to your business plan presentation.

Competitor Profile Template for Business Plan

View More Competitor Analysis Tools

Competitive Intelligence Mind Map

Or you can convey these data in a mind map. You can use Creately Viewer to add this to your online documents, websites, intranet, Wiki, or business plan presentations. This way you can view any links included in the mind map and navigate through it easily.

Competitor Intelligence Mind Map Template

You can learn how to use these tools along with other useful techniques in more detail in;

View More Market Strategy Planning Tools

This is where you outline how you plan to market and sell your product. It’s easier to do now as you have extensive knowledge about your market, target customer and your competitors.

With your marketing strategy, you have to consider factors like your marketing or communication channels, marketing goals, marketing budgets, resources etc.

With your sales plan , pay attention to your sales targets, sales tools, resources etc.

You can use mind maps to visualize all this data to your audience. You can either use two mind maps to outline your sales and marketing strategies separately or a single mind map to showcase both.

Marketing and Sales Plan Template

Marketing and Sales Plan template for business presentation

If you want separate a marketing plan and sales plan, check out the templates below,

  • Marketing Plan Template for Business Plan Presentation
  • Sales Plan Template for Business Plan Presentation

Who are the key personnel involved in your organization? List them down in this section along with their expertise.

Use an organizational chart to represent your team, their roles and skills. It can help you highlight the hierarchy of your organizational structure as well.

Organizational Structure for Business Plan Presentation

Services and Products

This section explains your services or products and how they can benefit the customers. Here are some visualizations you can use to make this section more interesting to your audience.

Product canvas is a tool used to map, design and describe your product strategy. It takes into consideration your target audience, the important features of your product decided by storyboards , epics, design sketches, mockups , and the tasks you need to carry out to build the product.

Product Canvas Template

Learn about this in more detail here .

It’s a tool you can use to ensure that your product or service fits the requirements of your customer. It helps you look into

  • The value you can deliver to the customer via your product or service
  • Which customer problems/s that you are trying to solve
  • Which is the job that your product helps the customer to finish
  • Which customer needs you are satisfying
  • What are the different products you are offering to each customer segment

Value Proposition Canvas for Business Plan

Financial Plan

This is the section where you provide all financial information related to your business. This section is required if you are presenting your business plan to investors.

It will include both historical data such as cash flow statements,profit and loss statements, income statements etc. and financial projections based on the impact of your new product.

If you are pitching a new product to your investors, you may also want to include your funding requirements.

For a business plan presentation, you can use a digital database of your financial information with a simple Creately mind map. You can link up all your financial statements on your mind map.

This way anyone who refers to the mind map can easily access the linked resources from one single place.

Financial Plan Template

Overloading with Information

One of the most common mistakes is including too much information on each slide. This overwhelms the audience and makes it difficult for them to follow along. Keep your slides concise and focused on key points. Use bullet points or visuals to convey information effectively.

Lack of Visual Appeal

A presentation that lacks visual appeal can fail to engage the audience. Avoid using too much text and opt for visually appealing elements such as images, graphs, and charts. Use a consistent color scheme and fonts that are easy to read. Make sure your visuals support your message rather than distract from it.

Ignoring the Audience’s Needs

It’s essential to consider the needs and interests of your audience when creating a presentation. Tailor your content to address their concerns and provide relevant information. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. Focus on presenting the most compelling aspects of your business plan that align with their interests.

Lack of Practice and Rehearsal

Presenting a business plan without sufficient practice and rehearsal can lead to a lack of confidence and a disjointed delivery. Practice your presentation multiple times to become familiar with the content, timing, and transitions. Rehearse in front of a mirror or a small audience to receive feedback and improve your delivery.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a compelling and effective presentation that effectively communicates your business plan to your audience.

In this post we have explained how to create a business plan presentation step-by-step. Make use of the templates that are provided to make your presentation more eye-catching and easy-to-understand.

Here are some more tips on making your presentation a hit.

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.


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Professionally Designed Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

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  • Coffee Shop Business Plan
  • Construction Business Plan
  • Digital Marketing Business Plan
  • E-commerce Business Plan
  • Food Business Plan
  • Franchise Business Plan
  • Hotel Business Plan
  • Insurance Business Plan
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  • Online Business Plan
  • Real Estate Business Plan
  • Restaurant Business Plan
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  • Sales Business Plan
  • Startup Business Plan
  • Travel and Tourism Business Plan

Startup business plan powerpoint presentation slides

Edit the templates as per your liking. 80 unique designs with well-researched content. Instantly download with just a single click. Standard and widescreen support available. Can be viewed in Google Slides also. Suitable for start-ups, entrepreneurs, businessmen. Premium Customer support service.The editable, multipurpose and professionally designed deck constitutes of business goals, marketing plan, operations plan, strategic plan, entrepreneurship, strategic management.

Slides for a startup pitch deck powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting start up pitch deck PowerPoint presentation slides. This deck comprises of 60 slides. Each slide is well crafted and designed by our PowerPoint professionals. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts. Each template comprises of a stunning visual with an appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Not just this, you can also make the required changes in the charts and graphs to suit your requirements. Compatible with all screen types and monitors. Supports Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Click the download button now. Download this professionally designed business plan executive summary presentation, add your content and present it with confidence.

Digital transformation digital organization analytics digital technology strategy business

This complete deck is oriented to make sure you do not lag in your presentations. Our creatively crafted slides come with apt research and planning. This exclusive deck with twelve slides is here to help you to strategize, plan, analyse, or segment the topic with clear understanding and apprehension. Utilize ready to use presentation slides on Digital Transformation Digital Organization Analytics Digital Technology Strategy Business with all sorts of editable templates, charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates. It is usable for marking important decisions and covering critical issues. Display and present all possible kinds of underlying nuances, progress factors for an all inclusive presentation for the teams. This presentation deck can be used by all professionals, managers, individuals, internal external teams involved in any company organization.

Sale Action Plan Planning Arrow Proposal Advertisement Development Analysis Evaluation

This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of twleve slides. Get access to the customizable templates. Our designers have created editable templates for your convenience. You can edit the colour, text and font size as per your need. You can add or delete the content if required. You are just a click to away to have this ready-made presentation. Click the download button now.

Sales Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Sales Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck comprises of a total of twenty-six slides. It has PPT templates with creative visuals and well-researched content. Not just this, our PowerPoint professionals have crafted this deck with appropriate diagrams, layouts, icons, graphs, charts and more. This content ready presentation deck is fully editable. Just click the DOWNLOAD button below. Change the color, text and font size. It is easily available in both standard and widescreen. Can be converted into various formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. You can also modify the content as per your need. Get access to this well crafted complete deck presentation and leave your audience stunned.

Business Model For Startups Company Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This complete deck is of 80 slides. Downloads are 100% risk-free. This presentation is useful for the firm owner, investor, stakeholders. Graphics are easily editable in Google Slides. Users can have premium support. PPT templates are 100% editable in PowerPoint. Pixels do not get blurs with standard and widescreen. The editable and professionally crafted deck showcases business goals, marketing plan, operations plan, strategic plan etc. as the main highlights.

Business plan for new company powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Business Plan for New Company PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Our topic specific Business Plan for New Company PowerPoint Presentation Slides deck contains seventy four slides to formulate the topic with a sound understanding. This PPT deck is what you can bank upon. A range of editable and ready to use slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates makes it all the more worth. Export these slides anywhere easily as they are compatible with Google slides. Convert these slides in PDF or JPG formats. Download this deck below.

Sales strategy plan powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting Sales Strategy Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This PPT is compatible with Google Slides which makes it accessible at once. It can be saved in various document formats such as JPEG, PNG or PDF. You can make the required changes in the templates like color, text and font size. These slides also support the standard(4:3) and widescreen(16:9) ratios. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck PPT presentation by clicking the download button below.

Startup Strategy Framework Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Introducing Start-up Strategy Framework PowerPoint presentation comprising a total of 79 slides. Each slide focuses on the aspects of start-up groundwork with content extensively researched by our business research team. Our team of PPT designers used the best of professional PowerPoint templates, images, icons and layouts. Also included are impressive, editable data visualization tools like charts, graphs and tables. When you download this presentation by clicking the Download button, you get the presentation in both standard and widescreen format. All slides are fully customizable. Change the colors, font, size, add and remove things as per your need and present before your audience.

Marketing And Sales Strategy Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Grab our professionally designed Marketing and Sales Strategy Business Plan PowerPoint presentation that is sure to impress executives, inspire team members and other audience to reach the set goals. With a complete set of 77 slides, this PPT is the most comprehensive summary of 77 you could have asked for. The content is extensively researched, and designs are professional. Our PPT designers have worked tirelessly to craft this deck using beautiful PowerPoint templates, graphics, diagrams and icons. On top of that, the deck is 100% editable in PowerPoint so that you can enter your text in the placeholders, change colours if you wish to, and present in the shortest time possible.

Business Development Planning Process To Increase Sales Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Business Development Planning Process To Increase Sales Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the fourty eight slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Digital Marketing KPI Dashboard Snapshot With Engagement Rate

The following slide showcases a comprehensive KPI dashboard which allows the company to track the digital marketing performance. Total visits, cost per click, engagement rate, total impressions, product sales trend, revenue by various channels are some of the key metrics mentioned in the slide. Introducing our Digital Marketing KPI Dashboard Snapshot With Engagement Rate set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Product Sales Trend, Revenue By Channel, Top Website Referral Channels, Website Demographics, Engagement Rate, Impressions Total. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Digital Marketing Channels Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Digital Marketing Channels Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This complete deck is oriented to make sure you do not lag in your presentations. Our creatively crafted slides come with apt research and planning. This exclusive deck with sixty-two slides is here to help you to strategize, plan, analyze, or segment the topic with clear understanding and apprehension. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format. Features:

Start Up Business Process And Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Edit the templates as per your taste. 80 unique designs with ready-made content. Instantly download with just a single click. Standard and widescreen compatibility provided. Can be viewed in Google Slides also. Suitable for new businesses, entrepreneurs, and businessmen. Premium Customer support service. The stages in this process are business goals, marketing plan, operations plan, strategic plan, entrepreneurship, strategic management.

Restaurant Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This complete deck covers various topics and highlights important concepts. It consists of a total of fifty-eight slides. Our designers have created customizable templates keeping your convenience in mind. You can modify the components like the color, text, and font size with ease. Not just this you can also add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this fully editable complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Online marketing powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Online Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Enhance your audiences knowledge with this well researched complete deck. Showcase all the important features of the deck with perfect visuals. This deck comprises of total of sixty one slides with each slide explained in detail. Each template comprises of professional diagrams and layouts. Our professional PowerPoint experts have also included icons, graphs and charts for your convenience. Yes, these PPT slides are completely customizable. Edit the colour, text and font size. Add or delete the content from the slide. And leave your audience awestruck with the professionally designed Online Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides complete deck.

Agile Portfolio Management Planning Strategic Business Plan

This complete deck can be used to present to your team. It has PPT slides on various topics highlighting all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Agile Portfolio Management Planning Strategic Business Plan and has professionally designed templates with suitable visuals and appropriate content. This deck consists of total of eleven slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these templates. You can add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this professionally designed complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Real Estate Investment Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting Real Estate Investment Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides complete PowerPoint presentation with editable PPT slides. All slides are professionally designed by our team of PowerPoint designers. The presentation content covers all areas of real estate business and is extensively researched. This ready-to-use deck comprises visually stunning PowerPoint templates, icons, visual designs, data-driven charts and graphs and business diagrams. The deck consists of a total of 61 slides. You can customize this presentation as per your branding needs. You can change the font size, font type, colors as per your requirement. Download the presentation, enter your content in the placeholders and present with confidence!

10 step timeline roadmap for startup business

Presenting this set of slides with name 10 Step Timeline Roadmap For Startup Business. This is a ten stage process. The stages in this process are First Product Launch, Analyzing Company, Performance Worldwide Deployment, Worldwide Deployment, Foreign Direct, Investment Company, Implementing Artificial Intelligence, Improve Performance, Plan Implement Cloud Storage, 2011 To 2020. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Business plan for startup funding powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Business Plan for Start up Funding PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This deck consists of total of seventy slides. This deck comprises of amazing visuals with thoroughly researched content. Each template is well crafted and designed by our PowerPoint experts. From icons to graphs, this PPT deck has it all. The best part is that these templates are easily customizable. Just click the DOWNLOAD button shown below. Edit the colour, text, font size, add or delete the content as per the requirement. This deck is available in different editable formats such as PDF, JPG. It is compatible with Google slides. Download this deck now.

Coffee Shop Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides

You can survive and sail through cut-throat competition if you have the right skills and products at hand. If a business plan is on your upcoming agenda, then it will not be wise of you to proceed in absence of our well-designed Coffee Shop Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides document. Our business plan word document swears by in-depth detailing and thus answers every question that may hit you or your audience at any point of time. What's more, are the multi-fold benefits that our word document offers. Made up of high-resolution graphics, this document does not hamper when projected on a wide screen. Being pre-designed and thoroughly editable this ready-made business plan saves a lot of the presenter’s time and efforts which otherwise get wasted in designing the business plan from scratch. We make our business plan word documents available to you keeping in mind the competitive edge. Join your hands with us now

Planning A Coffee Shop Business Powerpoint Presentation Slides

You can survive and sail through cut-throat competition if you have the right skills and products at hand. If a business plan is on your upcoming agenda, then it will not be wise of you to proceed in absence of our well-designed Planning A Coffee Shop Business Powerpoint Presentation Slides document. Our business plan word document swears by in-depth detailing and thus answers every question that may hit you or your audience at any point of time. What's more, are the multi-fold benefits that our word document offers. Made up of high-resolution graphics, this document does not hamper when projected on a wide screen. Being pre-designed and thoroughly editable this ready-made business plan saves a lot of the presenter’s time and efforts which otherwise get wasted in designing the business plan from scratch. We make our business plan word documents available to you keeping in mind the competitive edge. Join your hands with us now

Startup investor presentation ppt complete powerpoint deck with slides

Presenting Startup Investor Presentation Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Templates are editable in PowerPoint. Change the colors and fonts as per your startup’s branding. This presentation has 59 slides. Available in both widescreen (16:9 aspect ratio) and standard (4:3) aspect ratio. Downloads are risk-free. This presentation is useful for stakeholders, company investors etc. Graphics are compatible with Google slides. Customers have prime support. This ready-to-use PPT comprises visually stunning PowerPoint templates, icons, visual designs, data-driven charts and graphs and business diagrams. Download the presentation, enter your content in the placeholders and present with confidence!

Crisis Management And Business Continuity Planning Deck Powerpoint Presentation Slides

It has PPT slides covering wide range of topics showcasing all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Crisis Management And Business Continuity Planning Deck Powerpoint Presentation Slides and consists of professionally designed templates with suitable graphics and appropriate content. This deck has total of sixty five slides. Our designers have created customizable templates for your convenience. You can make the required changes in the templates like colour, text and font size. Other than this, content can be added or deleted from the slide as per the requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck PPT presentation by clicking the download button below.

Short medium and long term planning for tourism business

Introducing our Short Medium And Long Term Planning For Tourism Business set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Connectivity, Human Resource, Product, Service, Marketing. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Communication Plan Business Management Information Target Marketing

Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this Communication Plan Business Management Information Target Marketing. Intensify your message with the right graphics, images, icons, etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration. The twelve slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow helps you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present various kinds of information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This Communication Plan Business Management Information Target Marketing PPT slideshow is available for use in standard and widescreen aspects ratios. So, you can use it as per your convenience. Apart from this, it can be downloaded in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, all completely editable and modifiable. The most profound feature of this PPT design is that it is fully compatible with Google Slides making it suitable for every industry and business domain.

Business pitch deck for food start up powerpoint presentation slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Business Pitch Deck For Food Start Up Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought provoking. All the fifty six slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Ecommerce strategy playbook understanding ecommerce customer journey

This slide provides information regarding the ecommerce customer journey mapping to track users actions and key touchpoints across levels such as awareness, consideration, purchase acquisition and loyalty. Introducing Ecommerce Strategy Playbook Understanding Ecommerce Customer Journey to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with five stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Acquisition, Loyalty, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Process Approach Business Representing Management Planning Improvement

If you require a professional template with great design, then this Process Approach Business Representing Management Planning Improvement is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure. Portray your ideas and vision using twelve slides included in this complete deck. This template is suitable for expert discussion meetings presenting your views on the topic. With a variety of slides having the same thematic representation, this template can be regarded as a complete package. It employs some of the best design practices, so everything is well-structured. Not only this, it responds to all your needs and requirements by quickly adapting itself to the changes you make. This PPT slideshow is available for immediate download in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, further enhancing its usability. Grab it by clicking the download button.

Sales And Operational Plan For Clothing Business

This slide showcases the planning for running clothing business by making sales and budget forecasts. Key elements of the planning process includes competitors analysis, inventory planning, marketing strategies and finance management. Introducing our premium set of slides with name Sales And Operational Plan For Clothing Business. Ellicudate the four stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Competitor Analysis, Inventory Planning, Marketing Strategies. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Online learning roadmap ppt slide

Presenting this Online Learning Roadmap PPT Slide. The template is available in both standard screen size (4:3) and widescreen size (16:9). You can customize the font, colors of the image, and background color as per your requirement. It is easy to insert your company name and logo and replace the dummy content in text placeholders with your content. The slide is in sync with Google slides and can be saved in JPG or PDF format without any hassle. You can download the slide conveniently at the click of a button.

Sales enablement plan powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Sales Enablement Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck comprises of a total of twenty-eight slides with each slide explained in detail. Each template comprises of professional diagrams and layouts. Make changes as per the requirement. Edit the color, text, and font size. This template is compatible with Google Slides, which makes it accessible at once. Can be converted into various formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. The slide is easily available in both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio.

Sustainability Plan Business Environment Management Development Planning Implementation

If you require a professional template with great design, then this Sustainability Plan Business Environment Management Development Planning Implementation is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure. Portray your ideas and vision using twelve slides included in this complete deck. This template is suitable for expert discussion meetings presenting your views on the topic. With a variety of slides having the same thematic representation, this template can be regarded as a complete package. It employs some of the best design practices, so everything is well-structured. Not only this, it responds to all your needs and requirements by quickly adapting itself to the changes you make. This PPT slideshow is available for immediate download in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, further enhancing its usability. Grab it by clicking the download button.

Life insurance planning timeline

Presenting this set of slides with name - Life Insurance Planning Timeline. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are Life Assurance, Life Insurance, Life Expectancy.

E Commerce Business Plan Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this E Commerce Business Plan Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Intensify your message with the right graphics,images,icons,etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration. The fourteen slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow helps you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present various kinds of information in the form of stats,figures,data charts,and many more. This E Commerce Business Plan Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles PPT slideshow is available for use in standard and widescreen aspects ratios. So,you can use it as per your convenience. Apart from this,it can be downloaded in PNG,JPG,and PDF formats,all completely editable and modifiable. The most profound feature of this PPT design is that it is fully compatible with Google Slides making it suitable for every industry and business domain.

Logistic Process Business Management Product Planning Resources

Deliver a lucid presentation by utilizing this Logistic Process Business Management Product Planning Resources. Use it to present an overview of the topic with the right visuals, themes, shapes, and graphics. This is an expertly designed complete deck that reinforces positive thoughts and actions. Use it to provide visual cues to your audience and help them make informed decisions. A wide variety of discussion topics can be covered with this creative bundle such as Logistic Process, Business, Management, Product, Planning. All the twelve slides are available for immediate download and use. They can be edited and modified to add a personal touch to the presentation. This helps in creating a unique presentation every time. Not only that, with a host of editable features, this presentation can be used by any industry or business vertical depending on their needs and requirements. The compatibility with Google Slides is another feature to look out for in the PPT slideshow.

Insurance Business Strategic Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Insurance Business Strategic Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the fifty four slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Swot analysis of on demand online food delivery platforms

This slide caters details about SWOT analysis of On Demand Online Food Delivery services sector addressing sectors strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Introducing SWOT Analysis Of On Demand Online Food Delivery Platforms to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with four stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Strengths, Opportunity, Weakness, Threats, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Franchise Marketing Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Franchise Marketing Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought provoking. All the fifty one slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Ecommerce business overview powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Ecommerce Business Overview Powerpoint Presentation Slides. We bring to you to the point topic specific slides with apt research and understanding. Putting forth our PPT deck comprises of twenty-three slides. We have created customizable templates keeping your convenience in mind. Edit the color, text, font style at your ease. Add or delete content if needed. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

Challenges For Digital Marketing With Action Plan

This slide showcases digital marketing challenges and actions that can help company to improve its online promotional strategies and increase the social media traffic. Its key elements are target right audience, lead generation, managing marketing budget and driving trafficPresenting our set of slides with Challenges For Digital Marketing With Action Plan . This exhibits information on four stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Target Right Audience, Lead Generation, Managing Marketing Budget, Driving Traffic .

Channel Partner Market Scan And Broadlist Development Partner Central

This aptly crafted editable PPT deck contains eleven slides. Our topic specific Channel Partner Market Scan And Broadlist Development Partner Centralpresentation deck helps devise the topic with a clear approach. We offer a wide range of custom made slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates. Speculate, discuss, design or demonstrate all the underlying aspects with zero difficulty. This deck also consists creative and professional looking slides of all sorts to achieve the target of a presentation effectively. You can present it individually or as a team working in any company organization.

Online banking powerpoint presentation slides

Introducing Online Banking PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Get access to 61 professionally designed slides by downloading this PPT complete deck. All the templates feature 100% customizability. You can make the required changes to all the design elements including, font, text, background, colors, and patterns. It is very easy to convert the PPT format into JPG, PDF, and PNG. You can even view this PowerPoint presentation on Google Slides. Owing to advanced accessibility features, this PPT slideshow works well on widescreen and standard resolutions.

Quarterly digital marketing transformation roadmap

Presenting this set of slides with name Quarterly Digital Marketing Transformation Roadmap. The topics discussed in these slides are aContent, Digital Marketing, Branding, Events And PR, ADMIN. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Digital marketing technology

Presenting this set of slides with name Digital Marketing Technology. The topics discussed in these slides are Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Marketing, SEO. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

E Commerce Business Introduction Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - E Commerce Business Introduction Powerpoint Presentation Slides. We bring to you to the point topic specific slides with apt research and understanding. Putting forth our PPT deck comprises of twenty-three slides. Our tailor-made E-Commerce Business Introduction Powerpoint Presentation Slides editable presentation deck assists planners to segment and expound the topic with brevity. We have created customizable templates keeping your convenience in mind. Edit the color, text, font style at your ease. Add or delete content if needed. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format

E commerce supply chain flow

Presenting this set of slides with name E Commerce Supply Chain Flow. The topics discussed in these slides are E Commerce, Supply Chain, Flow. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Restaurant cafe business idea powerpoint presentation slides

Enthrall your audience with this Restaurant Cafe Business Idea Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention grabber. Comprising fifty four slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

Real estate investment powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting Real Estate Investment Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Make modifications in the font color, font size, and font style of the slide as it is entirely customizable. Its compatibility with Google Slides makes it accessible at once. You can transform and save the slide in PDF and JPG formats as well. Get this high-quality slide to present it in front of thousands of people on a standard screen and widescreen.

Real Estate Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Grab our professionally designed Real Estate Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Slides that are sure to impress executives, inspire team members, and other audience. You can build a business plan using the PowerPoint design according to your real estate domain. We have used beautiful PowerPoint graphics, templates, icons, and diagrams. The content has been well researched by our excellent team of researchers. You can change the colour, fonts, texts, images without any hassle to suit your business needs. Download the presentation, enter your content in the placeholders, and present it with confidence!

Insurance Agency Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides

You can survive and sail through cut-throat competition if you have the right skills and products at hand. If a business plan is on your upcoming agenda, then it will not be wise of you to proceed in absence of our well-designed Insurance Agency Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides document. Our business plan word document swears by in-depth detailing and thus answers every question that may hit you or your audience at any point of time. Whats more, are the multi-fold benefits that our word document offers. Made up of high-resolution graphics, this document does not hamper when projected on a wide screen. Being pre-designed and thoroughly editable this ready-made business plan saves a lot of the presenters time and efforts which otherwise get wasted in designing the business plan from scratch. We make our business plan word documents available to you keeping in mind the competitive edge. Join your hands with us now.

Business development strategy for startups companys executive summary and business plan

This slide shows the companys executive summary with business plan details such as generating total income, obtain additional financing, supplying products to the people, exponential development experience, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Business Development Strategy For Startups Companys Executive Summary And Business Plan. This template helps you present information on five stages. You can also present information on Business Plan, Financing, Customers, Opportunity, Potential Owners using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Ecommerce service model powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting these content ready Ecommerce Service Model PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This PowerPoint deck comprises forty customizable slides. These slides support the standard(4:3) and widescreen(16:9) ratios. Modify the color, text, and font size of these layouts. This PPT slideshow is having compatibility with Google Slides. Convert these slides into numerous images or document formats like JPEG or PDF.

Business model canvas partner restaurant ppt powerpoint presentation icon examples

The slides covers the key points to explain the business model of the company. Key points include Partners, major activities, value proposition, customer segment and relationship, channels, key resources, revenue and cost structure etc. Presenting this set of slides with name Business Model Canvas Partner Restaurant Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Icon Examples. The topics discussed in these slides are Value, Propositions, Customer Relationships, Customer Segments, Cost Structure, Revenue. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Burger restaurant business plan powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting Burger Restaurant Business Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Get this high-quality slide to present it in front of thousands of people on a standard screen and widescreen. Make modifications in the font color, font size, and font style of the slide as it is entirely customizable. Its compatibility with Google Slides makes it accessible at once. You can transform and save the slide in PDF and JPG formats as well.

Digital marketing strategies

Presenting this set of slides with name Digital Marketing Strategies. The topics discussed in these slides are Digital Marketing, Strategies, Marketing, Media Marketing. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Taxi bus plane global travel ppt icons graphics

We are proud to present our taxi bus plane global travel ppt icons graphics. Graphic of taxi, bus and plane icons has been used to design this power point icon template. This icon template contains the concept of global travel scheme. Use this icon template for business and travel related presentations.

Fast Food Restaurant Business Powerpoint Presentation Slides

It has PPT slides covering wide range of topics showcasing all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Fast Food Restaurant Business Powerpoint Presentation Slides and consists of professionally designed templates with suitable graphics and appropriate content. This deck has total of fifty nine slides. Our designers have created customizable templates for your convenience. You can make the required changes in the templates like colour, text and font size. Other than this, content can be added or deleted from the slide as per the requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck PPT presentation by clicking the download button below.

Travel Plan Business Schedule Expense Individual Preparing

Engage buyer personas and boost brand awareness by pitching yourself using this prefabricated set. This Travel Plan Business Schedule Expense Individual Preparing is a great tool to connect with your audience as it contains high-quality content and graphics. This helps in conveying your thoughts in a well-structured manner. It also helps you attain a competitive advantage because of its unique design and aesthetics. In addition to this, you can use this PPT design to portray information and educate your audience on various topics. With twelve slides, this is a great design to use for your upcoming presentations. Not only is it cost-effective but also easily pliable depending on your needs and requirements. As such color, font, or any other design component can be altered. It is also available for immediate download in different formats such as PNG, JPG, etc. So, without any further ado, download it now.

Ecosystem strategies of digital marketing

Presenting this set of slides with name Ecosystem Strategies Of Digital Marketing. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Ecosystem, Strategies, Digital Marketing. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Emery Evans

We are inclined to write as per the instructions given to you along with our understanding and background research related to the given topic. The topic is well-researched first and then the draft is being written.

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Writing my essays has long been a part and parcel of our lives but as we grow older, we enter the stage of drawing critical analysis of the subjects in the writings. This requires a lot of hard work, which includes extensive research to be done before you start drafting. But most of the students, nowadays, are already overburdened with academics and some of them also work part-time jobs. In such a scenario, it becomes impossible to write all the drafts on your own. The writing service by the experts of PenMyPaper can be your rescuer amidst such a situation. We will write my essay for me with ease. You need not face the trouble to write alone, rather leave it to the experts and they will do all that is required to write your essays. You will just have to sit back and relax. We are offering you unmatched service for drafting various kinds for my essays, everything on an online basis to write with. You will not even have to visit anywhere to order. Just a click and you can get the best writing service from us.

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How our paper writing service is used.

We stand for academic honesty and obey all institutional laws. Therefore EssayService strongly advises its clients to use the provided work as a study aid, as a source of ideas and information, or for citations. Work provided by us is NOT supposed to be submitted OR forwarded as a final work. It is meant to be used for research purposes, drafts, or as extra study materials.

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We do not tolerate any form of plagiarism and use modern software to detect any form of it

How much does an essay cost?

Starting your search for an agency, you need to carefully study the services of each option. There are a lot of specialists in this area, so prices vary in a wide range. But you need to remember that the quality of work directly depends on the cost. Decide immediately what is more important to you - financial savings or the result.

Companies always indicate how much 1000 characters of text costs, so that the client understands what price to expect and whether it is worth continuing to cooperate.

At Essayswriting, it all depends on the timeline you put in it. Professional authors can write an essay in 3 hours, if there is a certain volume, but it must be borne in mind that with such a service the price will be the highest. The cheapest estimate is the work that needs to be done in 14 days. Then 275 words will cost you $ 10, while 3 hours will cost you $ 50. Please, take into consideration that VAT tax is totally included in the mentioned prices. The tax will be charged only from EU customers.

When choosing an agency, try to pay more attention to the level of professionalism, and then evaluate the high cost of work.

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Perfect Essay

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Can you write my essay fast?

Our company has been among the leaders for a long time, therefore, it modernizes its services every day. This applies to all points of cooperation, but we pay special attention to the speed of writing an essay.

Of course, our specialists who have extensive experience can write the text quickly without losing quality. The minimum lead time is three hours. During this time, the author will find the necessary information, competently divide the text into several parts so that it is easy to read and removes unnecessary things. We do not accept those customers who ask to do the work in half an hour or an hour just because we care about our reputation and clients, so we want your essay to be the best. Without the necessary preparation time, specialists will not be able to achieve an excellent result, and the user will remain dissatisfied. For the longest time, we write scientific papers that require exploratory research. This type of work takes up to fourteen days.

We will consider any offers from customers and advise the ideal option, with the help of which we will competently organize the work and get the final result even better than we expected.

writing business plan slideshare


  1. Business Plan slide templates

    writing business plan slideshare

  2. Business Plan slide templates

    writing business plan slideshare

  3. How to Write a Business Plan

    writing business plan slideshare

  4. Guide to writing a business plan

    writing business plan slideshare

  5. Writing a Business Plan

    writing business plan slideshare

  6. Business Plan Ppt

    writing business plan slideshare


  1. 1.2 Why create a business plan?

  2. Top 10 Business Plan Software for General Contractors (2024)

  3. How to write a Business Plan?

  4. How to Start a Resume Writing Business

  5. CBSE

  6. Writing a business plan


  1. How to write a business plan

    How to write a business plan. Nov 3, 2006 • Download as PPT, PDF •. 1,256 likes • 50,096 views. Tony Osime. Tips on writing a business plan from an investor's perspective.

  2. How to write a business plan step by step

    How to write a business plan step by step. This document outlines the components of a business plan, including an executive summary, company description, products/services, marketing plan, operational plan, management/organization, startup expenses/capitalization, financial plan, and additional appendices. The executive summary should briefly ...

  3. Writing a Business Plan: Structure and Guidelines

    5 likes • 406 views. D. Dulan Mahendra. this will be guide you to how to best and accurately writing a business plan. Business. 1 of 30. Download Now. Download to read offline. writing a business_plan-lms - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  4. How To Craft & Deliver a Business Plan Presentation (Quick Guide)

    Business • February 2nd, 2024. A vital element in today's highly competitive business landscape is the ability to craft and deliver a business plan presentation. This applies to both entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. This guide describes essential aspects required to build a business plan presentation and deliver it to stakeholders.

  5. How to Make a Compelling Business Plan Presentation ...

    Pick a color that contrasts with those used in your business branding. Then use this color to present the problem. If you're struggling to pick the right contrast, take a look at the color wheel. Find your primary brand color. Then pick a contrast in the other half of the wheel, avoiding the one directly opposite.

  6. How to Create a Business Plan Presentation [Plus Templates]

    Pick and choose any and all of the slides you need to use in your business plan presentation. You can also bring in slides that you've previously saved to your slide library to help customize your presentation even further. 3. Customize the Template. Lastly, customize your template's font and color.

  7. The Easy Guide to Making a Business Plan Presentation

    Clarity and Communication. A business plan presentation helps you communicate your business idea, goals, and strategies with clarity. It allows you to distill complex information into concise and visually appealing slides, making it easier for your audience to understand and grasp the key points. Presenting your business plan in a structured ...

  8. Business Plan: What It Is + How to Write One

    1. Executive summary. This short section introduces the business plan as a whole to the people who will be reading it, including investors, lenders, or other members of your team. Start with a sentence or two about your business, development goals, and why it will succeed. If you are seeking funding, summarise the basics of the financial plan. 2.

  9. Business Plan Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    A business plan presentation is a slideshow that presents the fundamentals of your business. It's a series of slides, sometimes called a pitch deck, that's meant for pitching to investors, sharing with team members, or presenting at business meetings. It's an essential part of any business, whether you're a small business owner or ...

  10. How Do You Make Business Plan PowerPoint Presentations (With ...

    Download business plan PPT templates with Envato Elements! https://elements.envato.com/?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_XyttB2ZbUDM&utm_medium=referral&utm_sourc...

  11. 24 Best Business Plan PowerPoint Templates (To Use In 2024)

    Evolved - Business Plan PowerPoint Template for Free. 40+ total slides. for creative, education, or business presentation. one of the best fundraising presentations PPT. easily editable. vector-based icons. Explore all of these business plan presentation PPT examples. See how a polished, engaging presentation can captivate your audience.

  12. Top 10 Business Plan Summary Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 1: Business Plan Executive Summary PPT Slides. This business plan executive summary PPT Template gives your document the real push it needs in terms of design. This content-ready deck starts with agenda slide, which helps audience see your capacity for hard work and tenacity.

  13. Business Plan PowerPoint Templates & Google Slide

    This PPT is compatible with Google Slides which makes it accessible at once. It can be saved in various document formats such as JPEG, PNG or PDF. You can make the required changes in the templates like color, text and font size. These slides also support the standard (4:3) and widescreen (16:9) ratios.

  14. Airline Business Plan. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Whether you're pitching to investors, strategizing with partners, or presenting at industry conferences, our blue-themed slideshow template sets the right altitude for your ideas. Embrace the convenience of crafting a compelling narrative for your airline business plan with this visually stunning, easy-to-navigate presentation toolkit.

  15. Writing A Business Plan Ppt Slideshare

    3 min read · Jan 8, 2021--Listen

  16. How To Write Business Plan Slideshare

    Whatever your reason for coming to us is, you are welcome! We are a legitimate professional writing service with student-friendly prices and with an aim to help you achieve academic excellence. To get an A on your next assignment simply place an order or contact our 24/7 support team.

  17. How To Write Business Plan Slideshare

    How To Write Business Plan Slideshare. "Essay - The Challenges of Black Students..." offers three types of essay writers: the best available writer aka. standard, a top-level writer, and a premium essay expert. Every class, or type, of an essay writer has its own pros and cons. Depending on the difficulty of your assignment and the deadline ...

  18. Writing A Business Plan Slideshare

    Writing A Business Plan Slideshare, Pay For My Logic Dissertation Proposal, Badhta Pradushan Ek Samasya Essay In Hindi, Music To Do Your Homework With, Example Of Problem Statement In Education Research Proposal, Business Model Research Paper, How To Write Tokyo In Japanese

  19. Writing A Business Plan Slideshare

    World's peace isn't riding on essay writing. If you don't have any intent on reading the entire 2000-word essay that we did for you, add a 1-page summary to your order, which will be a short overview of your essay one paragraph long, just to be in the loop. Writing A Business Plan Slideshare -.