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How to write cause/effect essays in IELTS?

Cause and effect essay questions in IELTS Writing task 2 give you a problem and ask you to state the main causes of this problem and discuss its possible effects .

In this lesson you will see:

  • how to generate ideas for causes and effects
  • band 9 answer structure for causes/effects essay
  • cause/effect model essay

This is an example of cause/effect IELTS writing task 2 question:

Today more people are overweight than ever before.

What in your opinion are the primary causes of this?

What are the main effects of this epidemic?

Generating ideas

After you’ve read the question, you can clearly determine the problem: growing number of overweight people .

But before you start to write your essay, it’s a good idea to think of 2-3 causes and 2-3 possible effects of the problem.

ielts liz cause and effect essay

Causes of obesity :

  • inactive lifestyle (relying on cars instead of walking, fewer physical demands at work, inactive leisure activities)
  • unhealthy eating habits (eating fast-food, drinking high-calorie beverages, consuming large portions of food, eating irregularly)

ielts liz cause and effect essay

Effects of obesity :

  • physical health problems
  • loss of productivity
  • depressions and mental disorders

Now, after we’ve generated the main ideas for causes and effects, it’s time to use these ideas in our essay.

Band 9 answer structure

As you know, there are many ways to structure your essay, but we’ll use a structure that has been approved by many IELTS examiners to be high-scoring and coherent .

Band-9 essay structure :


Body paragraph 1 - causes

Body paragraph 2 - effects

Let’s take a look at each of these sections in detail.

Write your introduction in two sentences:

Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly growing.

This essay will discuss the main reasons of this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem.

In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits.

Today more and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work and prefer inactive leisure activities. This results in burning less calories and gaining weight.

Moreover, the problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly and consume large portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult population in Europe with so-called disordered eating suffer from obesity.

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity.

First of all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk of developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat percentage increases, the person’s metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or heart diseases.

Secondly, overweight people are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and tiredness. This lessens their work capacity and results in lower productivity. For example, it has been proven that an obese person needs to put more effort to complete some task than a person with normal weight.

For the conclusion you need simply to restate the problem and sum up the causes and effects that you described in your body paragraphs:

To sum up, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It’s mainly caused by inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and loss of productivity.

Model essay

Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly increasing. This essay will discuss the main reasons of this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem.

In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Today more and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work and prefer inactive leisure activities. This results in burning less calories and gaining weight. Moreover, the problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly and consume large portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult population in Europe with so-called disordered eating suffer from obesity.

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity. First of all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk of developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat percentage increases, the person’s metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or heart diseases. Secondly, overweight people are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and tiredness. This lessens their work capacity and results in lower productivity. For example, it has been proven that an obese person needs to put more effort to complete some task than a person with normal weight.

To sum up, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It’s mainly caused by inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and loss of productivity.

(251 words)

How to Write ‘Causes (Reasons) and Effects’ Type of Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2

How to Write ‘Causes (Reasons) and Effects’ Type of Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2

In “causes and effects” type of essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the causes or reasons of the problem in one paragraph.The likely effects of that problem in the second paragraph separately. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of causes (reasons) and effects for IELTS Writing . Please note that in this question, you should not make any paragraph about solutions.

Let’s look at an example:

Obesity in children is a serious problem in a number of countries..

What are the causes of obesity in children?

Discuss the possible alarming effects of this problem in the future.

With this type of essay, you have two points to be discussed: 1. Causes of obesity in children in developed countries.

2. Effects of obesity in the future in developed countries.

You must discuss both of them by giving reasons and support them with examples.

If you do not discuss any of the above two points in the essay, you will lose marks.

So, in this type of essay, you must explain both the points.

How to structure it?

The essay can be structured mainly in 4 paragraphs as follows:


Causes & Reasons

Further structuring of the paragraphs can be done as follows:

a. Introduction

Paraphrase the Question

Outline the sentence

b. -Body Paragraph 1 (Causes (reasons))

State the cause (reason)

Explain how it is the cause (reason)

Write an example

c. (Effects)

State the likely effect

Explain how this can be the possible effect

d. Conclusion

Sentence 1- Write summary of the main points Here, Four paragraphs are sufficient to explain your point of view. So,You may use any other structure you are comfortable with.This structure is approved by the IELTS examiners to help the students write in an effective and cohesive manner.

Sample Question:

Also, You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Here, Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer:

Here, Over the past few years, developed countries have encountered various cases of children suffering from the problem of obesity. This essay will discuss the possible causes for this increasing problem among children and also suggests the possible consequences that may result in case of negligence.

Furthermore, To embark upon, one of the main causes of obesity among children is poor diet as they are often seen eating junk food. At almost every corner of the street, one can found restaurants offering mouth tempting fast foods. Kids at home also are found to eat processed food because their parents do not find sufficient time for preparing the food. For example, packaged foods are purchased and kept in fridge for days. This food is not fresh and healthy. Hence affects their health, leading to build up of fat and compromising their fitness.

As a result, there are many possible consequences faced by the children. One such ill-effect is the risk of developing health related severe diseases like diabetes. So,This kind of debilitating illness implies that the child would need to be injected with insulin for the whole life. Moreover, overweight children are often found to be bullied . For example, many overweight kids are found disturbed facing the negative stigma of being obese

Here,On the whole, it is evident that there are various causes responsible for obesity among children and can lead to serious consequences in the future. Also, It is the duty of their parents and relatives to ensure that appropriate steps are taken to prevent this problem from getting worst in the future.

(279 words)

Vocabulary and Phrases:

Useful vocabulary for causes (reasons).

  • One of the causes/The reason is that
  • Because/Since
  • Due to this/Because of/Owing to/Lead to
  • As a result/Lead to the problem/Can attribute to

Useful vocabulary for Effects

  • Consequence of/As a result of/Because of/Due to
  • Make/Create/Change/Effect/Affect/Result
  • Risk of/Leading to

Write an essay of about 250 words on the following topics. Use the vocabulary mentioned above. 1. Also,There are a number of skin-whitening products available in the market. State the reasons why people are using these products? Discuss the possible negative outcomes of using these products.

2. Here,With the advancement of technology, social interaction among people has affected to a greater extent. What are the reasons of reduced social interaction? Suggest whether this would lead to a positive or negative effect in the future.

3. So,Almost everybody nowadays is found using personal vehicle for travelling purpose. What are the reasons of this increasing trend? Explain what negative outcomes may be faced in the society due to this.

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ielts liz cause and effect essay

How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay

One of the first things you should do is read the marking criteria  to see what the examiners expect. This is really important, as you need to know what they are looking for in the band 7+ boxes. 

If you would like to purchase a 30 page PDF download that is easy to read and print out please take a look at the bookshop >


TIP >>  It is very important that spend a full 40 minutes on this task as the score you get for writing task 2 is two-thirds of your total writing score. You also need to write a minimum of 250 words and use your own ideas. 


Paragraph 1 – the introduction.

This is the introduction to the essay and where you should start off by paraphrasing the question. 

This means that you rewrite the question in your own words using synonyms. You can’t just copy the question again or use the same words in the question. Paraphrase and show off your vocabulary knowledge by using synonyms. When practising your essay writing, use an online thesaurus  to help you. This is a great tool and can help you to learn many new words.

There are two sentences you need in the introduction >>

Paragraph 2 – Main Body Paragraph 1

In this paragraph, you should describe a specific cause.

Paragraph 3 –  Main Body Paragraph 2

In this paragraph, you should write about the effect.

Paragraph 4 – The Conclusion

Sample cause/effect essay >>, writing task 2 band score 9 criteria >>, related posts, ielts cause/effect essay sample 2 – health, cause and effect essay examples, leave a comment cancel reply.

IELTS Cause and Effect Essay

Sample cause and effect essay topic, the planning stage.

What problems does obesity cause? Who is affected and how? Again, come up with 2 ideas.

The writing stage

Do you have to say what the causes and effects are in the introduction? Not necessarily. If you can briefly mention them by name, then you can, but if doing so requires a lengthy explanation, bypass this and go straight to writing your body paragraphs.

Band 9 sample introduction

Body paragraph one - causes, tips for structure.

In addition to solid ideas and support, a well-written paragraph also needs a clear topic sentence to introduce the central idea. You may also end with a statement of conclusion, which essentially is a rephrasing of your topic sentence.

Band 9 sample body paragraph one

Body paragraph 2 - effects, band 9 sample body paragraph two, writing the conclusion, band 9 sample conclusion, grammar - tenses, lexical resources.

IELTS Preparation

IELTS Writing Task 2  Causes and Effects: Sample Answer


This question type is very similar to causes and solutions and requires you to identify causes or reasons of an issue or problem and discuss the effects it has. The topics are usually social and nothing controversial.

The wording of the questions can vary. For example....

“What do you think are the reasons for this?”  “Why is this happening?”

“What are the consequences of this trend?”  “How does this affect the country?”

IELTS Causes Effects Structure

Sample Answer

IELTS Writing Causes Effects Essay

Nowadays, professionals from developing countries have a tendency to emigrate to richer countries to find employment. This essay will discuss both the causes of this phenomenon and the issues that affect the nations they are leaving. 

The primary reasons skilled employees from emerging nations seek work in more developed countries are a higher standard of living along with professional development. For instance, the average monthly salary for a white-collar worker, such as a teacher, in a developing country pales in comparison to their counterparts in so-called first world nations even though they perform identical duties and responsibilities. Additionally, outdated facilities and equipment in poor states hampers the ability of professionals such as doctors to practice contemporary medicine and improve their skills.      

The effect this trend has on developing countries is invariably negative, particularly with regards to the nation’s social and economic development. According to Scientific American magazine, every year, more than 4,000 foreign graduates of international medical schools come to the United States for a residency program and very few return home to take up employment in their native countries. This brain drain denies countries the talents of their brightest and best and limits a country’s ability to progress as they are continuously faced with the challenge of retaining the most able professionals.

In conclusion, a comfortable material lifestyle coupled with the opportunity to advance one’s career are the main reasons why professionals migrate to richer countries. The countries they leave behind struggle to find suitably qualified replacements and thus suffer from social and economic stagnation.


Sample: Causes and Effects. PDF

IELTS – Step by Step

Everything you need to achieve your desired ielts score. step-by-step., sample ielts essay band 9 – cause and effect.

More children across the world are becoming overweight. This is a serious problem for many countries. Discuss some causes and effects of this problem. Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.
NB  On IELTS you are expected to write at least 250 words on Task 2. Try not to write more than 300 words. Many of the essays that you will find here are much longer. This is done with a view to giving you more ideas and vocabulary on the topic. You can easily shorten the sample essays on my website by removing either additional supporting details or one of the arguments and its supporting details.

As the prevalence of overweight among children is increasing at an alarming rate , affecting low-  and middle-income countries the most,  childhood obesity has come to be seen  as one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century.  It is felt that this disturbing trend  mainly comes as a result of modern lifestyle. Alarmingly, unless measures are taken to curb swelling obesity rate, the consequences might be dire.

It has long been recognized by general practitioners that lifestyle issues – poor eating habits and  lack of physical activity –  are the main contributors to childhood obesity.  Indeed, numerous studies link regular consumption of high-fat, high-sugar  foods to weight gain. These include fast foods, baked and deep-fried goods, and vending machine snacks which are readily available in schools and are highly affordable, making them a popular go-to choice among children. Not less important is the fact that children nowadays spend significantly more time in sedentary activities compared to the previous generation. As a result, they do not burn off the calories from food they consume. This is corroborated by  research such as that conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics which  reaffirmed that children who are less physically active between  the ages of 9 and 12 are more likely to become overweight by  12 than are their peers who engage in regular  exercise.

What makes childhood obesity particularly troubling are dire consequences that it can entail. The extra pounds often start children on the path to health issues that used to be considered adult problems , including but not limited to diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This in turn, can shorten life spans of the current generation  of children, a concern which has been voiced frequently in the United States after similar claims were made in The New England Journal of Medicine. Moreover, research indicates that children and adolescents who carry too many extra pounds often suffer from low self-esteem and depression . Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that overweight children are more likely to be teased, bullied, ridiculed by their peers, and excluded from friendship groups. As a result, such children tend to have less confidence in their social skills and appearance and have a more negative self-image than normal-weight peers. Therefore, extra pounds are both, health and emotional hazard.

To conclude, childhood obesity, which partially comes as a results of poor lifestyle and nutrition choices , is an alarming trend since overweight children are  prone to incurable chronic diseases and low self-esteem . Thus,  unless the multiple factors that create the obesogenic world are addressed , life expectancy as well as quality of life are likely to decline the world over.

ielts sample essay task 2 cause and effect band 9

If you want to learn how to write essays like this and improve your IELTS Writing skills, you can book a Writing Workshop, or a Tutoring Session with me. If you want to have your writing evaluated and enhanced , click here .

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3 thoughts on “ sample ielts essay band 9 – cause and effect ”.

I heard before that this topic may be given for the essay writing, but had no ideas what arguments or opinions to write. This sample helps a lot.

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How to write an IELTS cause and effect essay

By ieltsetc on July 1, 2018

The IELTS cause and effect essay is one of the easier 'types' and you can prepare the collocations that you need beforehand. Here are some high-level collocations.

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A small fish on the left is next to an arrow that leads to a shark to show that students often exaggerate in IELTS Cause Effect Essays

IELTS Cause Effect essays: Stop exaggerating your arguments

A lot of IELTS teachers tell students that their “ideas don’t matter”, but this is simply NOT true. Yes, you are free to agree or disagree with any question (so there is no “right” opinion) but if you need a high IELTS score, then it is extremely important that your ideas are both relevant and convincing. In this week’s blog, I want to show you how to drastically improve the quality of the arguments in your essay by giving ideas that are less dramatic, which can be a real problem in IELTS Cause Effect essays in particular!

IELTS ideas that are relevant and convincing

I expect most of you know that “relevant” just means having ideas that address the question, but what does “convincing” mean? Well, it means having arguments that make the examiner nod his or her head in agreement because they are REALISTIC. The mistake that students make again and again is giving arguments that are just too DRAMATIC (and, therefore, not convincing at all).

Often, this is because students try to give BIG reasons for trends, rather than focusing on more subtle explanations. As I said, this is usually a problem in IELTS Cause Effect Essays. Take this question  for example:

In many countries, the tradition of having family meals together is disappearing. Why is this happening? What will the effects of this be on the family and society?

Most students are able to cope with the first question fairly well. Why are people eating together less? Often I am given these very good arguments:

  • In most households today, both parents work and simply do not have enough time to prepare a meal that can be eaten around a table. 👏👏👏
  • People tend to eat more often outside the home i.e. children eat at school / parents in a canteen 👍👍👍
  • Children take part in after school activities and so coordinating one meal that can be eaten by everybody at the same time is hard. 👌👌👌

Great – all of these arguments are relevant and convincing i.e. I accept that these are REAL reasons for this trend. The problems start when students have to think of the effects of this problem. Most are able to see that not eating as a family can have a negative impact on family structures. However, when it comes to explaining what that negative effect is, almost all students come up with EXTREME arguments:

  • Children of families who do not eat together turn to crime and often commit murder . –  REALLY? 😳😳😳
  • Children from families that have disintegrated usually end up being drug addicts . – REALLY? 🤔🤔🤔
  • Parents who do not eat together get divorced . – REALLY? 🤯🤯🤯

These are real arguments given by my students in recent weeks but, I want you to ask yourself, ARE THESE TRUE?  Do you really think that the main reason for youth crime is not having a family meal? Or that children who eat in front of the TV always become addicted to drugs? Or that the divorce rate is affected by a lack of family meals? I don’t! I think that these are over-simplified arguments that are far too extreme to be convincing (and therefore won’t score more than a 6.0 for Task Response).

The really sad thing here is that these students are actually on the right path to a good idea – they have just gone way too far. All they need to do is bring their arguments one or two steps back to something more realistic and widely accepted. To do this, ask yourself “why” you think these arguments are true:

  • Why do children “commit crimes”? Well, probably because they weren’t supervised closely enough by their parents and so problems weren’t spotted.
  • Why do people get divorced? It is probably because they don’t spend enough quality time with each other and so start to drift apart.
  • Do you see? Once we move a step back from the DRAMATIC ideas of crime and divorce and start digging a bit deeper into why these problems could come about, we actually arrive at some very good more subtle arguments. Let’s turn these ideas into a paragraph:
Unfortunately, this trend can lead to a number of negative outcomes. Firstly, when families sit down and eat together every day, it is easy for the parents to see subtle changes in their children’s behaviour that could be warning signs of an underlying problem. For example, they might be experiencing some difficulties at school such as bullying, or they may have fallen out with friends. Once family members eat separately, the opportunity for daily observation is lost and, as a result, younger family members’ problems can go unrecognised. Over time, this can lead to them becoming depressed or acting out in other ways, which could affect their schoolwork or their ability to interact with others in society in general. In the same way, if the adult members of the family both work long hours, then a shared meal might be the only time that they have to really connect each day. Thus, not having this meal can result in them becoming distanced. In the worst cases, this might lead to the breakdown of communication and even, eventually, in divorce.

Can you see the difference? I have taken the same ideas (crime and divorce) but have developed them in a much more realistic and convincing way! Notice that I have kept “divorce”, but I have shown that it is the final worst case scenario rather than the inevitable end. Honestly, I still think that this argument is a bit too dramatic, but at least now it is more convincing as I have given a REASON for this idea.

So, if you are struggling for ideas for your IELTS Cause Effect Essays, my advice is don’t fall back on EXTREME arguments to support your ideas. Try to take a step back and offer the examiner an opinion that is more reasoned and less dramatic. If you can do this, you will be far more likely to get a 7.0 or even an 8.0 or 9.0 for Task Response.

Plus, the lessons are interactive, so you will pause and participate in every lesson. But that’s not the best part! Once you become my student, you will be able to message me with any questions you have at any time , so you won’t be on the IELTS journey on your own anymore! And, every writing package now includes access to our free daily live lessons for reading, speaking, and listening.  🚀

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How to Identify & Answer Cause and Effect Question Types in IELTS Writing Task 2

In this article, we'll discuss Cause & Effect question types and look at how to identify them and what essay structure you should use to answer them. After learning about this question type, you'll get a chance to look at some practice questions and a complete sample essay.

  • How to identify Cause and Effect question types in IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Vocabulary for the Cause and Effect essay
  • The essay structure for the Cause and Effect essay
  • Free IELTS Writing Task 2 Cause and Effect Sample Questions and Model Essays
  • More IELTS Writing Task 2 Cause and Effect Practice Questions

How to Identify IELTS Writing Cause and Effect Question Types

In IELTS writing task 2, there are 6 different question types , so it's important you know how to answer each IELTS writing question type to prepare you for anything IELTS can throw at you.

So how do I know if it's a Cause & Effect?

It's not hard! Whenever you see a question that gives you a problem or situation, and asks you to describe its causes and effects , you know you're dealing with a Cause and Effect question type. Let's look at an example of this.

Many children who are home-schooled are not prepared for university at the same rate of children in government funded schools. What do you think are the causes of this? What effects will this have on society?

As you can see, the question is asking for the causes and effects, so it's fairly simple to identify.

Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Advantage & Disadvantage Question Types

Before we look at how to structure your essay for a Cause and Effect question, let's learn the words that we can use in this type of essay to show "cause" and "effect". The videos below teach you how to use the words that show "cause" and "effect" with proper prepositions and common collocations.

Now let's look at how to structure your essay for a Cause and Effect question.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structure - Cause and Effect

Below are three types of outlines that are frequently used for Cause and Effect essays:

Outline A Outline B Outline C

In general, Outline A is used most often and is “fool-proof”. In terms of scoring, all three of these examples would be considered as a cohesive and logical process to use. Also, it is extremely important that each cause has its own effect. In other words, if you mention two causes, be sure to mention two corresponding effects.

Let’s take a closer look at how each paragraph should be written in Outline A.

  • Rewritten Question
  • Introduction of Specific Topics
  • Topic Sentence – This will introduce the cause(s)
  • Explanation/Detail of Cause 1
  • Example of Cause 1
  • Explanation/Detail of Cause 2
  • Example of Cause 2
  • Topic Sentence – This will introduce the effect(s)
  • Explanation/Detail of Effect 1
  • Example of Effect 1
  • Explanation/Detail of Effect 2
  • Example of Effect 2
  • Summary of the Main Points (2 sentences)
  • Something Important about this Topic (1-2 sentences)

In short, here is what the final Paragraph would look like for Outline A:

Now we’ve learned the paragraph outline, let’s look at an example using Outline A.

IELTS Writing Cause and Effect Sample Question and Model Essay


Health problems including heart disease, obesity, and diabetes are becoming more widespread in developed countries. There are several reasons contributing to this problem, as well as potentially drastic long-term effects. (30 words) Paragraph 1:

Lifestyle choices are important and major causes of poor health in developed countries. These days, it is perhaps easier and cheaper to follow an unhealthy diet. For example, the recent boom in fast food restaurants and chains has enticed people to eat at these establishments rather than cooking healthy meals at home. Stress is another factor that has contributed to poor health. The fast-paced corporate culture and competitive work atmosphere make for a difficult work-life balance, resulting in little to no time for eating healthy or taking care of oneself. (90 words) Paragraph 2:

These lifestyle choices will have drastic long-term effects. If generations continue to partake in these unhealthy habits, they will continue on for generations to come. For instance, parents who have diabetes or are prone to obesity have a higher chance of passing these conditions on to their children, and so on. Consequently, these health problems could result in a higher cost of living. Due to increased demand for services, it is only natural that the health care industry would charge higher prices to its clients, resulting in higher costs. (89 words) Conclusion:  

Poor lifestyle choices, ranging from unhealthy diets and higher stress, have certainly contributed to the decrease in health standards. If not properly taken care of, these problems could cause harmful long-term effects to future generations in terms of disease and a higher cost of living. (45 words)

This section presents a list of common IELTS Writing Task 2 - Cause & Effect questions. If you want to prepare for the IELTS Writing Test, these questions are a must study.

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  • Causes and Effects Essay

IELTS Causes and Effects Essay: Obesity in Children

This causes and effects model essay is about  obesity in children.

You specifically have to talk about the  causes  (reasons) of the increase in overweight children, and explain the  effects  (results) of this.

Here is the question:

The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years.

Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend.

Thinking about Coherence & Cohesion

This particular essay is organized as follows:

  • Body 1: Causes
  • Body 2: Effects

Of course it is also possible to have a 3 body paragraph essay. For example

Child Obesity Essay

However, remember not to write too little on one part.

For example, if you wrote one very short paragraph about 'causes' with little support and most of your essay on 'effects', you may then be seen to have not fully answered both parts of the question.

Another possible way of organizing it is to put each cause and its effect within a separate paragraph:

  • Body 1: Cause 1 - Effect
  • Body 2: Cause 2 - Effect

If you do this though, each particular cause must relate to that specific effect.

Example Child Obesity Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Causes and Effects Essay - Model Answer

Over the last ten years, western societies have seen close to a 20% rise in the number of children who are overweight. This essay will discuss some reasons why this has occurred and examine the consequences of this worrying trend.

The main cause of this problem is poor diet. Over the last decade there has been a prolific increase in the number of fast food restaurants. For example, on nearly every high street there is a MacDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut. The food in these places has been proven to be very unhealthy, and much of the advertising is targeted at children, thus ensuring that they constitute the bulk of the customers of these establishments. However, it is not only due to eating out, but also the type of diet many children have at home. A lot of food consumed is processed food, especially with regards to ready-made meals which are a quick and easy option for parents who are working hard.

The effects of this have been and will continue to be very serious. Firstly, there has been a large increase in health related diseases amongst children, especially diabetes. This debilitating illness means a child has to be injected with insulin for the rest of their life. Not only this, very overweight children often experience bullying from other children, which may affect their mental health. The negative stigma of being overweight may also affect self-esteem.

To sum up, it is evident that there are several causes of obesity amongst children, and a variety of negative effects. Society must ensure steps are taken to prevent this problem from deteriorating further.

(275 words)

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Having Children Later in Life Essay: What effects does this have?

Having Children Later in Life Essay: This IELTS essay is on causes (or 'reasons') and effects. You have to explain why men and women are deciding to have children later on in their life, and then explain how this can impacts those families and society.

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New IELTS Essay Topics for 2023

Below are new IELTS essay topics in 2023 for Writing Task 2. I’ve also included useful ideas for each topic so that you can prepare for your test more quickly.

The majority of essay questions you will get in IELTS writing task 2 will be recycled topics from previous years. This is because there are so many common topics to choose from. However, occasionally new topics are introduced which reflect our changing world and new current issues in society. I haven’t put the precise wording for the essay questions as IELTS often rephrase their essay questions using different wording.

To prepare fully for your test, you must also prepare ALL common essay questions. Please click here: 100 IELTS Essay Questions

In addition, please note that all the topics below can also appear in the speaking test as well (part 3).

2023 New IELTS Essay Topics with Useful Ideas 

These essay questions could appear in both the IELTS Academic and GT writing task 2 test. Please remember, these are topics with ideas so that you can use them and adapt them to the question in the test because questions will usually be paraphrased and tasks will vary from test to test.

  • Essay Topic: Poor concentration due to social media
  • Short attention spans can affect us by not focusing on detail and poor performance at school or work
  • Pop up ads are intrusive and interrupt our focus
  • Temptation to chat on social media cuts into people’s concentration
  • Social media encourages a shorter attention spam with short punchy media, such as on TikTok and Instagram
  • Note: I’ll post a page with useful language for the topic of concentration in a few weeks as this topic is very common in the speaking test. 

2. Essay Topic: Children learn how to grow vegetables or farming

  • Growing vegetables and caring for livestock is part of essential life skills for a healthy future
  • As a species we should never forget our basic life skills for future survival
  • Homegrown vegetables have more nutrition which children should learn about
  • Vegetables can be grown on balconies as well as patios
  • It allows children to reconnect to nature which is important in a world where they are so focused on gadgets
  • This might encourage children to also take an interest in cooking, which is another essential life skill

3. Essay Topic: Taking risks in personal and professional life

  • “to keep people on their toes” – idiom – keep people alert and prepared for potential problems (an idiom suitable for WT2)
  • + Risks help us grow and learn new skills
  • + Life is always changing and full of risks so people should embrace this aspect of life rather than try to avoid it
  • – Risk can lead to negative consequences for individuals and families
  • – It is better to be safe than sorry
  • (note: this topic is very similar to the topic about “people who like change vs people who do not like change in their life” – that topic has been used for years by IELTS

4. Essay Topic: Streaming Films Online vs cinema

  • Streaming online is cheaper and more accessible
  • Streaming online is more enjoyable at home
  • Streaming online offers a wider choice of options
  • Cinema has better sound systems and bigger screens
  • Cinema allows you to share emotional responses with an audience
  • Cinema is a special experience for groups and couples

5.  Essay Topic: Children & active or passive leisure activities

  • Active activities: sport, photography, hiking, camping
  • These activities help children get fresh air, build physical health, learn new skills and engage in socialising with others face to face.
  • Passive activities: reading, watching TV, social media
  • These activities help children gain insight, can be educational or inspirational, help children develop creativity and technological skills.

6. Essay Topic: Men’s and women’s sports shown on TV and social media

  • Traditionally most sports were male based so audiences are historically more attracted to male sports
  • Women’s sports are just as exciting as male sports
  • Women’s sports don’t often get the same amount of sponsoring from companies which impacts their sport
  • Women’s football already has large followings on social media

7. Essay Topic: Truth in people’s communication is most important

  • + Truth helps people develop honest, meaningful relationships
  • + Truth develops open communication instead of repressed relationships
  • + Without truth, there is only deceit which is toxic to relationships and erodes trust
  • + Truth leads to trust
  • – Social media encourages people to present a version of truth rather than the whole truth in order to impress others and create a particular impression – this can lead to misconception and lead others in the wrong direction
  • – Sometimes the truth can be hurtful and needs to be approached step by step rather than directly
  • – Some people are not ready to hear the whole truth
  • – Truth may be something that needs time to emerge in cases such as abuse or where someone may be at risk
  • – Truth sometimes has to be edited for children

8. Essay Topic: Sense of Community

  • + People used to know their neighbours well and have a sense of community
  • + Community meant that people took care of each other and looked out for one another
  • +/- Doctors and teachers used to live in the community and become leaders of the community but now they often live in other areas and play little part in the community as a whole
  • – Social media does not encourage relationships with neighbours but rather between people at a distance
  • Note: a similar essay topic is one such as “adults should be required to do obligatory community service for a period of time”. That essay leans towards the benefits of community service vs time and obligation.

9. Essay topic: Graffiti on city walls

  • + Freedom of expression
  • + Some graffiti can be a work of art
  • + It creates a colourful environment in a drab urban setting (drab = dreary, dull, lifeless)
  • + Graffiti can stimulate creativity in others
  • + Graffiti can be cultural which benefits society
  • – It is often unregulated art
  • – Graffiti could contain indecent or violent images or words
  • – It could incite racism, hatred or political unrest

10. Vaping and Children (Predicted Topic)

  • Vaping was originally introduced to help smokers quit, but now vaping is becoming popular amongst people who never previously smoked.
  • Vaping can be addictive and their use has grown dramatically in the last five years, particularly in high school children
  • E-cigarettes are less harmful than normal cigarettes, but they do still contain harmful ingredients such as nicotine, flavourings and other chemicals
  • Vaping could lead to increase in asthma
  • While this is only a predicted topic, it is something you can easily introduce into essays or into your speaking test as it is a current world issue

11. Organised Tours to Remote Places (Tourism)

  • + Travellers get to see places that are largely untouched by the modern world
  • + Remote places are steeped in culture and interest
  • + Remote places can benefit from a boost in their economy
  • – The culture in such places will be altered by so many tourists
  • – Such tourism can have a negative impact on the local eco system
  • With tourism comes the threat of pollution

12. Museums should focus on local works of art

  • + Focusing on local art exhibits means local artists are supported and encouraged
  • + Part of the task of a museum is conserving local history and culture so this should be their primary goal
  • + This is a way of promoting local culture and history to tourists which could benefit the economy of the country
  • – Many museums have international collections of art that people travel from around the world to see
  • – The history of some countries is interconnected with other countries and other cultures – history is not always confined within a boarder
  • – We now live in a global world and museums should reflect that

13. Values from family and parents play a greater role in future success than skills and knowledge from schools

  • + from parents we can learn discipline and the meaning of hard work which are vital for future success
  • + from family we can learn the value of determination and never giving up
  • – schools provide the building blocks of knowledge upon which our future hangs, such as reading, writing, comprehension, maths etc
  • – without education, most people would be reduced to menial work and success would be much harder to attain
  • – some careers require specific education and training without which success would be impossible

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Note: IELTS do not use topics based on religion or politics because IELTS is non-political and non-religious . IELTS tests tend to aim for topics that reflect the world we live in by focusing on social issues and everyday issues that are more familiar and less emotional for people to write or speak about. So, please pay attention to which resources you use online when you prepare for your test and make sure you aren’t wasting your time preparing for topics that definitely won’t appear.

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Hi, Liz I am so glad to tell you I have got 6.5 in writing even though it’s not a high score…

about the writing , i’d like to share some contents below.

writing 1 it is a line graph talking about air pollutants in the UK from 1995 to 2005 there are three lines, including the total one, households, industry, transport.

writing 2 some people think it is a waste of time to read newspaper and watch tv news, to what extent do you agree or disagree?

But I want to say that is mainly thanks to your website, I have actually only learned about writing part in this website at about 4 month. Thank you so much!!! your kindness and learning skills you shared really help us so much!!! Big thanks!!

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Well done with your score! And thanks for sharing your topics 🙂

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I had posted a comment regarding GT Writing Task2, few minutes back. Earlier it was mentioned that it is awaiting moderation. But now, I don’t see it at all. Has it been unapproved? If yes, can you please explain why?

To explain why your comment was waiting in moderation: 1) your first comment arrived at 6.30am UK time. I would be asleep. 2) your second comment arrived at 8am. I still hadn’t started work. As I work part time, I work alone and I’m sick, I don’t work every day. On top of that there are over 26,000 comments waiting in moderation, it is not humanly possible for a sick person or even a healthy person to read and answer them all. I do by best to help people for free, but I am not superwoman – I’m just a teacher who tries her best with the time I have.

You asked about personal experiences for an IELTS essay. This isn’t about you, your family or friends because those examples are generally informal and IELTS essays are formal in tone and content. It’s about your experience of the world and your opinions. This means you don’t refer to “a person I know does not own a car”, you write “although most people are car owners, a number of people still do not own cars”. That is how you phrase your knowledge and experience.

Regarding addressing parts of the essay question and ideas, part of your preparation is to prepare ideas for topics. This is the reason I created an e-book called Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics. The more topics you prepare for, the better. There is a list of over 100 essay topics on the main writing task 2 page of this website and I also published a list of potential topics for 2024 which you should also use for your preparation. Look through the lists and find the ones you know nothing about, then educate yourself. Obviously my e-books helps a lot with that process because it contains ideas and vocabulary for over 150 common essay topics. But the rest of the work, you must do yourself.

One of the marking criterion for writing task 2 is Task Response, which counts for 25% of your marks for writing task 2. This is your ability to address everything in the essay question, have a highly focused essay, have relevant ideas that are well developed and understand the issues given. So, if you haven’t prepared enough and you fail to address part of the essay question, or if part of your essay is irrelevant because you misunderstood it, then your score in Task Response will be lower. The band score descriptors published by IELTS for your benefit show that for a band score 5 in TR, “the main parts of the prompts are not addressed”. So, to fail in addressing the issues or including irrelevant information will hold you at around band 5 or band 6 depending at how poorly you do at this. For that reason, you need to prepare ideas for topics and also ensure that you are following current world issues, such as global warming, early education, international aid etc etc. All this information is explained on various pages of my website. This website is extensive and contains well over 200 pages of advice, tips, topics, examples, information and model answers. It is your task to use all the free information I have already provided to learn.

Thank you for providing such a comprehensive reply. Kudos to you !

You’re welcome

Hello Liz, Greetings from India. Hope you are doing well now. Thank you for uploading such wonderful material. I was hoping if you could help with the “include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience” part in GT Writing Part2. What phrases are suitable for mentioning personal experience in a formal essay? Moreover, if a topic is such that I don’t have any relevant experiences or ideas, then is it okay to skip over this part of the essay?

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could you please rate my Essay and give me tips how to improve? I have sat the IELTS twice but always fail to achieve Bandscore 8.0. I always end up with Bandscore 7,5 in writing, but need a 8. My next test is in a few weeks and I am getting anxious now. I am having issues with developing paragraphs well as I should not write much more than 300 words, but I do not know how to fully develop an argument in just 250 words (or a bit more). Thank you in Advance, Cheers, Tara

There is a lot of pressure on young people today to succeed academically. As a result, some people believe that non-academic subjects, such as physical education and cookery, should be removed from the school syllabus so that children can concentrate on academic work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue, that non-vital subjects such as sports or cooking lessons should be banned from the curriculum in order to facilitate students to focus on exam relevant courses. Personally, I support the idea of maintaining extracurricular activities in school as it benefits childrens health and supports them in developing life skills.

First and foremost, students who undergo physical training during school hours and learn how to cook meals from scratch are best equipped for life. To be more precise, even though such classes seem to be irrelevant at first sight, they prove to be essential to teach pupils how to keep themselves fit, how to nourish and nurture their bodies and overall how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Students who regularly attend sports classes do not only gain muscles, accelerate their endurance and develop their stamina. They also improve on skills to succeed in academic life and in everyday’s life, such as motivation, resilience, persistence, agility, strength and motivation

Furthermore, they develop core skills such as self-awareness and confidence, which may in turn not only help strengthen their mental health but also to gain invaluable skills, such as for presenting in front of an audience.

However, there might be some students who do not lead a healthy lifestyle at all and are in favour of getting low-nutritional meal options at the next available food stall, in order to gain more time to focus on their studies. Alternatively, they would rather buy take-away meals or frozen food in the supermarket, that they can simply reheat or prepare at home in a short period of time.

To conclude, I strongly support the idea of keeping subjects such as physical training and cookery courses in the curriculum, in order to allow students to develop an understanding of how to lead a healthy lifestyle, which in turn raises their chance to succeed academically as well.

It looks like you haven’t read the band score descriptors. If your body paragraphs are not equally developed, you won’t get a high score in Coherence and Cohesion. It’s a very simple thing to learn and to do, but so many people don’t pay attention to it and it costs them a good band score. You’ve also got two body paragraphs where you don’t even mention the school curriculum or subjects. If your sentences are not fully written and fully connected to the topic given, you will get a lower score. Just because you’ve connected the points in your head, doesn’t mean it works in IELTS essays. For example, your second body paragraph is about awareness and confidence – who are you referring to? which subject are you referring to? how does this connect to the school curriculum and the balance of subjects? Not one single mention is given to explain anything in that body paragraph. You do a similar thing in the third body paragraph. In your introduction, you also completely change the essay topic by writing about extra-curricular activities. This topic is not about such activities, it’s about subjects such as cookery and physical education which form part of the curriculum – they are each a valid subject. Each time you paraphrase be very careful because if you paraphrase incorrectly or use the wrong words, you might completely go off topic. And that’s what you’ve done here. Finally, you’ve completely ignored the fact that the essay topic is about comparing these subjects with academic subjects (such as science, maths, literature etc) – you’ve failed to tackle that in your essay. I see many issues with the way you are writing and forming your essay. Even though your level of English is strong, Task Response and Coherence & Cohesion together form 50% of your marks and you are struggling with them both. You need to know what to aim at otherwise your score will be unpredictable. I suggest you get my advanced lessons and also my Grammar E-book which also contains information about linking, referring and much more: . An IELTS essay is not just an essay. It an IELTS essay with specific requirements for higher band scores and you need to know what it’s all about.

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Thanks,your informations are very useful )))

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Hello Dear Liz. I wrote my test yesterday on the 30th. Waiting task 1 I wrote more than 150 words and the task 2 I wrote more than 250 words. Would that affect my score?

What a strange question to ask. Your task is to write more than 150 words in task 1 and to write more than 250 words in task 2. Did you get confused about the task? The word count task has remained the same for many years.

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Hi Liz, this essay topic is a bit confusing. How do you advise to handle this? Many people think that more money will make them happier. How important is money for happiness?

You need to decide if money can make people happier or if there is anything else that can. If you think there are other things that can make people happy, you write one paragraph about how money affects people and then one or two other body paragraphs about the other factors of happiness.

Liz! My scores are in S8 L8.5 R9.0 W7. 5. We did it!!!

Excellent!! Very well done to you 🙂

The cultures of many countries around the world becomes more similar than they used to be. What are the reasons for this trend? Is it positive or negative? Hey Liz! How do I answer a double question essay

You would give a direct answer in your thesis statement in the introduction to both questions. Then, each body paragraph would tackle one question with a clear main point and explanation. Always remember to keep the organisation of your essay very logical for a high score.

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Hello Liz, Thank you so much for providing us with a treasure store for IELTS preparation materials. I tried to pay for some e-books from the website, but it didn’t work. I have booked my exam on November 19, so I thought it would be beneficial to buy those books.

Could you please guide me?

All the payments at the moment for my advanced lessons and e-books go through paypal. Some countries can’t use paypal unfortunately, but you can always ask a friend to make the payments for you. If you use paypal, but you struggle to make a payment, check your paypal settings – you might need to ensure that they are set to allow for international payments. To purchase something, go to my store, click on the item you wish to purchase (CLICK HERE) and then click (BUY NOW). Contact me if you continue to have problems: [email protected] and this is a link to my online store:

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DEAR LIZ Where can we get information of updated writing topics of september and october 2023

The writing topics and questions are changed with each test – there is not one set of topics for certain months.

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I just went for the exam last week. Academic sample October 2023 Writing task 1- table on male and female of 6 different sectors for 3 different period. Writing task 2 – more people are moving into mega-cities: with 20 billion population, is this a negative or positive development?

For task 1 – I panicked and could not summarized as well I would normally do. For task 2 – completed but locked out no time to check.

I got my score for my compute based and got 6.5 for writing, i need to re sit for writing alone. Feeling demotivated,

Sorry to hear of your struggle. Tables can be challenging because there is so much information in them. You need to spend a lot of time just looking at tables and writing overviews. Once you have mastered the overview, you then need to look at lots of tables and simply decide what information to group together in which body paragraphs. It’s all about learning to select information. For writing task 2, planning should only take 5 mins and the introduction should be written very quickly because all introductions are similar – paraphrase and then state your position/main points. Only the body paragraphs take time to write, but you can only succeed in the body paragraphs if you have done enough planning before you start writing. All your sentences (information for each sentence) should have been planned before you start writing. Think carefully about how you prepare. You need to develop skills and strategies for both task 1 and task 2. I’m sure you can nail this. Just see it as another challenge that you will succeed in. Never let your emotions deter you. Your brain is a powerful tool and I have faith in you!! Good luck next time!!

Thank you Liz, will try again and re-sit soon with this strategies in mind.

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hi mam, i am Nitharshini from srilanka. i am going to write exam coming December. so can you tell what are the topics expecting? please tell some tips and technic for eassy writing

The essay topics vary with each test. They are not seasonal. So, just stick with all the topics above and my 100 essay questions which cover a large range of topics that appear most years and can easily appear this year and next year:

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People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group that they belong to then other factors. To what extent do you agree or disagree? I was asked this on my test yesterday. Good luck for your exam!

It’s an interesting essay question. Thanks for sharing. Hope your test went well 🙂

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Hi, Liz! Voraciously consuming your page in preparation for my 2nd attempt. Thank you for the easy-to-follow IELTS content. Indeed, very helpful! Would like to share the question I got last week on Task 2:

Nowadays public transport prices are rapidly increasing. Why do you think it is happening? How can this problem be solved?

For the first question, it does require an opinion, right? I mistook the question as only asking for causes and solutions and failed to express/give my opinion. In retrospect, I regretted not analyzing the question very carefully before answering. Hoping to get my desired band next time.

Your task asks you for causes and solutions. You could easily say “I think the main reason that X is happening is because …” or you could write “The main reason X is happening is because …”. Both are fine. In this case it doesn’t matter. You’ve chosen your ideas and presented them. The problem with IELTS essays only comes when you are asked to choose and to present a clear position, but you fail to give any position at all. Failure to choose when you are asked to choose is the problem. So, don’t worry with cause solution essays – present them as you wish.

Thank you, Liz! I reviewed your tips carefully and focused on writing task 2 essays for a week before trying out again. From 6.5 on my 1st attempt to 7.5 on my next. The next topic I got was about children’s freedom nowadays, whether it is a positive or negative development. Thank you very much! I will keep recommending your page to my friends who will take IELTS.

I pray that just as we’ve claimed victory over IELTS, you will emerge victorious in your fight against your disease. May God heal you and bless you!

Great to hear your news!! It’s wonderful to see someone push their writing score up like that. Very well done 🙂 And thanks for your support in my fight to win my health back – much appreciated.

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Hello Liz , Thank you so much for sharing the new topic for IELTS. Hope , it Will help us. Get well Soon.

Glad it’s useful. Thanks 🙂

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Hey liz, my task 2 qn was: constructing bigger roads may help to prevent traffic problems. what is your opinion?

May i know what type of qn is this..i approached this as agree/ disagree type. In my answer i made it clear that even though i consider constructing bigger roads help to tackle the issue , people should be encouraged to use public transport. Is this the correct strategy.

unfortunately, my writing score decreased from 7 to 6.5 this time. I don’t know the reason but i was sure that i wrote it better than my 1st attempt by following most of your suggestions.

It is an Opinion Essay. An opinion essay is the same as an agree disagree essay. Don’t get confused by the way teachers name essays. An opinion essay is one where IELTS present you with an opinion such as “some people think that constructing bigger roads may help to prevent traffic problems”. Your task is to decide if you agree, disagree or partially agree with the opinion given. You might have your own specific opinion. If you partially agree as you did, you would have one paragraph explaining the benefits of constructing bigger roads. Then you would have another paragraph explaining that bigger roads is only one solution and more public transport is needed as well. Both ideas would need a separate paragraph and full explanation. IELTS essays are not just about what ideas you have, they are also about how you present them, how you connect them and how you explain them. Another possible issue with your essay is your choice of ideas. If bigger roads will reduce traffic congestion, encouraging people to use public transport probably isn’t of vital importance because you no longer have congestion. This doesn’t mean you can’t use this idea, but it does mean you need to address this. Having ideas isn’t enough for a high score. You need to think your ideas through and address them in a way that makes sense. So, you might want to address the point that even widening roads won’t be effective enough and needs to be in conjunction with improving public transport, and encouraging people to use it. The higher the band score, the more you have properly thought through your ideas. I’ll post a model answer for this essay shortly so you can compare it to your own. And don’t forget that your overall writing score also includes task 1 which is one of the main reasons people struggle to push their score above band 7. Many people think that because task 1 is only 33% of their marks, they won’t focus on it. But 33% can actually have a huge effect on your overall score.

Huge thanks Liz for your reply and effort to put a model answer for the qn.

I got a letter qn asking to address the manager of the company to tell him about the how the employees felt about the foreign language course given by the company to them. Also asked to request for more such classes and suggest the available time to join them. In a rush i concluded it with the designation yours sincerely (bcz my salutation was Dear Mr, Robert Peterson). I thought that i addressed the manager by name then it could be considered as an informal letter. Should i have written yours faithfully instead? I worry it might affected my band score bcz i have framed my essay structure as that you have stated above.

You used the correct sign off. We use “Yours sincerely” when we know the name of the person we are writing to, for example “Dear Mr Smith”. We use “Yours faithfully” when we don’t know they name and in which case we might start “Dear Sir”. An informal letter is usually to a friend. We might start “Dear John” or “Hi John” and sign off “All the best” or “Take care” – something friendly and informal. Just because you knew the manager’s name “Mr Robert” does not mean it is informal. He is your manager, not your friend. It is a work related letter, not a letter related to a social party. So, relax, you did it right. Here’s a link for others to my essential tips for letter writing for IELTS General Training Writing Task 1: Good luck with your results!

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Extremely I’m grateful to you.I hope i’ld be able to get my desired band score in the next attempt.

Really praying for your health and happiness. Be blessed ❤️

I’m really pleased for you. Well done 🙂

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Thank you so much

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Madam,You are the best mentor i have ever seen Despite being ill ,you are keen on helping students .I appreciate your dedication and mentor .Get well soon.Love from India 🇮🇳.

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You’re welcome 🙂

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Dear Liz Today I had IELTS general training test, so I would like to share topic of writing task 2 for your useful website, if possible please post a sample answer for the below topic

Fast food is a part of life in many place. Some people think this has bad effects in lifestyle and diet. Do you agree or disagree?

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Hi Liz, Thank you for the topics and the outline. You really make writing task 2 seem easy.

Thanks for sharing 🙂 Hope your test went well 🙂

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Just now wrote this; please liz guide me on this. As I am going have my GT Ielts on coming weekend, InshAllah. Many modern societies have normalized the concept of fast food. Mostly, people eat fast food as their routine diet. In this essay I will write my view point regarding negative impact of fast food in lifestyle and diet.

I strongly believe that fast food is a reason of bad eating habit. As it is instantly ordered or cooked food with unmeasurable quantity of unhealthy ingredients, people usually don’t need to hustle or think before eating. This results in nonserious behavior towards the healthy eating style.

Secondly, fast food also influences the unwell way of living. For instant, if an irregular food is being eaten on a frequent basis will consequently result in illness and suffering. Therefore, people tend to end up in hospitals and so their lifestyle gets disturbed and miserable.

On the contrast, many people argue that fast food is good and easy to eat. They think like eating fast food is a part of modern era and brings them a social status. As far as I am concerned, I think they are unaware that this easiness and modernization will ultimately cause them illness and laziness. Because, they have become so much habitual of eating such type of edibles that they cannot think or realize further.

In conclusion, fast food makes a person unhealthy and ruins their lifestyle. In a way that people start to possess wrong eating choices and start to have health conditions after eating swiftly made food. In my opinion awareness of balanced diet should be encouraged across the globe.

Please review all my free lessons and tips for writing task 2 on this page: . If you need training in each type of essay, get my advanced lessons which you can find in my online store: . Make sure you aim for between 270-290 words more or less. Try not to write such short essays and please review your paragraphing and linking words.

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Are these the ways that Essays are sent in IELTS exams ,the bullet points under the main topic are we to use them to develop points that is paraphrasing them?

These are essay topics, not questions. If you go to the links I provided to the 100 essay questions, you’ll see examples of questions for most topics. Essay questions are great to practice with at home: . But you can’t possibly practice so many essay questions in full. Instead, you practice with as many questions as you can and the rest you tackle as just topics by preparing useful ideas you can use. Above, I have provided some of the new topics that have appeared in the test this year and provided you with ideas you can use in your essays. You will adapt those ideas depending on how the essay question is rephrased and depending on the task given. As I explained on the page, IELTS like to change the task and change the wording which is why your preparation needs to be flexible. If you wish to see model essays for different types of tasks for writing task 2, see this page for model essays and more tips:

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Hi liz , can we write “a survey conducted by the department the UK depicted that 45 % of people fo not respect their elders ” in task 2 of writing module

The examiner has no interest in data or numbers in writing task 2 essays and no interest in studies or research. None of that will boost your score. Instead, explain your points and illustrate them using a range of good language: “the majority of younger people nowadays seem to lack respect for their elders compared to previous generations”. “the majority” is better English than “75%”. Alternatively, “almost half of all young people” is better English than “45%”. Writing task 1 is about data in the academic test, but task 2 is not. Also expand your sentence by adding comparatives to previous generations to show the examiner more language skills.

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thank you so much dear

Grateful to you 🙏 appreciate your efforts 😊 bless you dear ❣️

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Hello, Thank you for your lesson. I would like to learn the vocabulary that you published (very useful material, for me) concerning crimes, punishments, etc .. but the page is protected. If it’s possible, please, to give me the permission to copy that page? For free or with a paiement? Thank you very much for your answer! Best regards, Andreia ,

Sorry, my website doesn’t allow coping. The act of making notes is part of language learning. The more you use the language both in writing and speaking, the quicker you will learn it.

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Thank you very much mam . Your lessons have inspired and encouraged me to take the IELTS test . But I have a problem, I can’t really figure out how to create a link in task 2 general writing.

I don’t understand what you mean by create a link. Do you mean using linking words? You can find linking words for task 2 on this page:

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Such a wonderful topics, thank you so much dear Liz

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I got my IELTS GT score today, and I wanted to thank you. I am so grateful for your website. While I had practiced Listening and Reading tests before, I ended up havinvg barely 1 day to prepare for the Writing (including familiarising myself with the format for GT) and Speaking owing to my sudden work demands. Your platform was instrumental in supporting me, especially with the Writing. During Speaking, I became a tad nervous, and I thought that had messed up, but that was just the post-exam fear.

My IELTS GT result: Overall 8.5 (L8.5, R8.5, W8.0 and S8.5). I had taken IELTS Academic back in 2019 but my Writing and Speaking bands back then were lower (Overall 8 with L9, D9, W7 and S7.5).

I currently reside in Australia, and I wanted to add the topics I had in my writing in case they may help someone else. – Task 1 was a formal letter to a teacher asking for reference. Prompts included why I’m writing to this particular teacher, the details of the job and why I think I’m fit for the role. -Task 2 was a two-question essay. It suggested that nowadays different generations in a family spend less time doing activities together. What is/are the reason(s)? Is this a positive or negative development?

Your tips on introduction paragraph writing and paragraph structuring helped me immensely. I established technology as the reason and took my stance on this gap causing a negative impact. In paragraph 1, I talked about how technology causes this from the older generations perspective. In paragraph 2, I used smart phones and social media as the technology advancements to suggest how gaps arise from the younger generations’ side. In paragraph 3, I establish how it negatively affects the development families and the community as a whole. Finished it up with the conclusion starting with “to conclude” just like you’ve recommended. If I hadn’t watched your content, I would’ve tried to be unnecessarily fancy, and lost points.

Again, I am truly grateful for your website, and all the work you’ve put into it.

Great results!! And I’m so pleased to see how you’ve improved. I’m glad you kept your essay focused – this is what IELTS writing task 2 is all about – focused and relevant sentences, each one serving a purpose. Thanks for sharing your writing tasks, it’s always useful to keep up-to-date. Wishing you all the best in your future 🙂

Hi Akash , I’m about to take my IELTS GT test please it would be of great help to me if you could help me with some questions and guidance

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Thank you Liz,ur teachings are more easier and understandable 🙏

I’m glad it’s all useful 🙂

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it seems that these topics do not have the task

Tasks can be altered in the same way that essay questions can be recorded. Don’t expect questions and task to appear the same in the test. This is the reason you need to prepare ideas for topics which you then adapt to the question and task.

Thank you mam for helping us ,from my bottom of heart your lessons give me more confidence to prepare my ielts exam…

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welcome back Liz. Hope you are feeling much better now. Happy to see you back again. waiting for more videos . ❤️❤️😍

Thanks. I’m still struggling but I’m going to try and post up posts more regularly if possible. Fingers crossed 🙂 It’ll take me longer to make videos though.

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helpful website

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Thank you very much Liz. for those topics. I hope you are fine and strong again.

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Thank you Liz,this email is so helpful.

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Thank you very much.

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Hi Liz , could you make video on music , history and comedy movie topics for IELTS speaking test ( part 2) ? How to tackle these topics ? Thanks Shazia

Sure, I’ll add them to my list of videos to make but as I’m still sick, it’ll be a while before I can make videos again. I do intend to get back to video making whenever I can.

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Hi liz, Am very happy to be one of your student.May God bless you and your family for the good heart.Thanks Thanks

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Much appreciated Liz. Your ideas are really helpful in opening up one’s mind

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just thank thankful to you

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Madam you are hope and inspiration of many of us.

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Thank u madam

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  7. How to Answer Cause and Effect Essay Task 2 Questions

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