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Sample toefl essay – spending money, the question.

Some people like to spend their money as soon as they earn it, while others think it is better to save their money for some time in the future. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.

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The Sample Essay

           Money concerns are a major cause of stress and anxiety in the modern world. In my opinion, it is a really wise idea to save money for the future.  I feel this way for two main reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.

           To begin with, older people are able to make better financial decisions than youngsters due to their experience and maturity.  Young people, who have very little worldliness, are prone to spending their money on products that are mostly useless and which they quickly tire of.  Older people, on the other hand, know which purchases will result in long-term happiness and satisfaction. My own experience is a compelling example of this.  When I was young, I spent a tremendous amount of money on video games and comic books which I enjoyed only for a short time. Later, when I enrolled in university, I did not have enough savings to pay for my tuition, and was forced to take out a significant number of student loans.  Even today, several years after graduation, I regret not saving much money as a teenager. These days I am a lot more conservative when it comes to spending, and carefully consider all of my future expenses.

           Secondly, life is full of unexpected emergencies which can cause a lot of anxiety if we do not have a lot of money saved up.  According to reports in the media, more than seventy-five percent of all bankruptcies in my country are the result of medical bills. I am totally aware that it is humiliating to lose our financial independence in this way.  For example, last year my uncle suffered a major heart attack which required him to undergo very expensive cardiac surgery. He did not have enough money to pay for this procedure, so he had to ask his elderly parents for a loan.  They were able to help him because they had resisted the urge to spend and saved money through their entire lives. He felt extremely embarrassed about begging his parents for assistance, especially as he could have avoided the situation by emulating their frugal behavior.

           In conclusion, I believe that it is better to save money for the future rather than spend it right away.  I feel this way because we gain the ability to make better financial decisions as we mature, and because saving money helps us avoid the humiliating effects of unexpected financial emergencies. (405 words)

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How I Spent My Pocket Money (Essay Sample)

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If you had your own pocket money, how would you spend it?

This essay focuses on how to spend money, and how to do so wisely. In this piece, we share a person’s experience of being taught to spend money wisely and what he would buy when he was given a regular allowance.

Writing an essay on what you would spend your money on? We can help. Go to EssayBasics.com to learn more about our essay writing services . We can help you express yourself by pairing you with a writer who has some experience in your chosen topic.

How I Spend My Money essay

One of the most exciting events in a young one’s life is when their parents give them an allowance. No matter the amount, an allowance gives us the opportunity to spend on small things that make us happy as a child.

The joy that an allowance brings is more than just the amount itself. It’s really rooted in the experience one gets in choosing how to spend it. First, there’s the anticipation of receiving an allowance. Next, there’s the excitement of thinking about all the things you’ve been wanting to get for yourself. Third, there’s the delight of actually receiving the allowance. Finally, there’s the sheer thrill of choosing what to buy and taking it home.

How and when an allowance is given, and how much is gifted to the child, depends on the guardians’ principles. There are those who provide an allowance for children to buy basic needs. But there are some who might give a little extra to give the child an opportunity to learn how to handle money well.

It must be said that not all children are privileged to have an allowance to spend on themselves. If they come from a poor family, the guardians may not have any extra finances to give. They may save up for this just once in a while.

Woman Giving 10 Dollars to a Girl

I am very blessed that my parents gave me an allowance on a regular basis. My allowance has really taught me financial stewardship at a very young age. They also allowed me to make decisions regarding my finances, even if I made mistakes.

Saving Money at a Young Age

While my allowance isn’t a fixed amount, I have since learned that the first thing I should do is set aside a portion of it for savings. I get a third of whatever amount I get and earmark it for saving.

Copper-colored Coin Lot

To make sure that I won’t be tempted to use it, my mom helped me open a bank account where I deposit the money. They opened a time deposit account, which means I cannot just withdraw from it anytime. Whenever I hesitated to go to the bank, my dad would remind me that my small deposits would turn into one big bulk of cash that could someday be used for a rainy day, or for strategic investments.

How I Spend Money with Whatever is Left

With what’s left of my allowance, I usually buy books. These are mainly documentary magazines, which I read during my leisure time. It is actually one of my hobbies. I have made it a personal tradition to always purchase a documentary magazine each time I get my regular allowance. I particularly enjoy news magazines and feature magazines. I am a lover of general knowledge. I love knowing about everything, how and why things are the way they are – whether about nature, politics, science, or geography. It is always a first on my list of hobbies.

The other bit of my regular allowance goes towards the purchase of snacks. I love yogurt and ice cream. The refrigerator at home always has a shelf specifically reserved for my yogurts.

The remainder of my allowance goes towards others. These include my family and friends. I try to buy them something nice as a way of thanking them for taking good care of me.

I also go out of the way to purchase some gifts for my siblings as well as my parents. I want to gift them with simple things, even if they were the ones who gave me my allowance. Doing this for them gives me so much satisfaction since I love making them happy. After all, what is life without happy family and friends?

Regular allowances taught me how to make wise spending decisions. I know how to handle and spend my cash, whatever amount it might be. Therefore, I am confident that when I start handling larger amounts of money in the future, I won’t be as overwhelmed. I will make it a point to remember the financial lessons I’ve learned as a child. I hope to also be able to teach others who to use their money wisely.

Short Essay About What You Would Spend Your Money On

Did you grow up being taught about the value of saving money? If you were like me, your mom and dad probably gave you a regular allowance. They also probably gave you free rein to use your money in whatever way.

Growing up, I deposited regular amounts into my savings account the moment my allowance was handed to me. I did not want to be tempted to splurge on all the food I was craving for while holding all of my money. Personally, apart from fast food, I enjoyed treating myself to books. In fact, I made it a regular tradition to purchase a book every time I got my allowance.

I remember being taught how to make a personal budget out of my allowance. Exactly how much money was given to me didn’t matter as much as the main principle they passed on: save money. They didn’t care if I used the rest of my allowance on junk food or other types of impulse buying. All that mattered to them was whether or not I set aside a portion to put in a savings account. And so I did.

How To Write An Essay About Money

There are so many ways to write a piece about finances. It depends on the lens you are viewing the topic from. Are you an adult looking back at your childhood and remembering important lessons learned? Are you a financial expert looking to give some advice on how to maximize your cash? Are you a student wanting to teach people how to set aside an amount in case of an emergency? Are you a parent who discovered creative hacks in your finances to make ends meet? Find your angle and work it.

How To Spend Money Wisely As A Teenager

When you are young and still living under your guardians’ roof, thinking about contingencies or other things you may be needing to buy before your next allowance comes may not come naturally to you. It is so important to learn how to handle your personal finances even at that age because that sets the direction of your spending in the future. When you start getting a monthly income, the weight of the responsibility is even greater as you start to live independently. Even as a teenager, learn to set financial goals and think of the long game. Even if you have to put money inside a piggy bank to avoid temptation, do so. Track your expenses and make adjustments according to your level of contentment. Learn the art of investing from an expert. Finally, don’t shop ’till you drop. It’s a trap.

essay what would you spend your money on

Essay Writing Topics: Topic 32 – Do you spend money or save them?

Phrasal verbs and idioms for english speaking | lesson 1 – elementary level, phrasal verbs and idioms for english speaking | lesson 2 – elementary level, phrasal verbs and idioms for english speaking | lesson 3 – elementary level, phrasal verbs and idioms for english speaking | lesson 4 – elementary level, is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion., english writing practice: topic 32 – sample 1.

“Save it for rainy day,”  That’s my motto. When I have a choice between spending my money or putting it in my savings account at the bank, I always put it in the bank. I will have a lot of expenses in the future like my education, travel, and unforeseen emergencies. I need to have money set aside for these expenses.

Education is expensive. I can’t  depend on  my parents to pay all my bills. I have tuition, room and board, books, and incidental expenses to pay for. I’ll try to get a scholarship to cover some of these costs, but I know I will be responsible for a lot of the expenses. If I spend my money now, I won’t be  able to  pay for my education.

Emergencies could arrive at any moment. I might have an unexpected illness while I am at school. There might be costs that aren’t covered by the school insurance. One of my family members may need help. I will have to send them money. You can’t predict emergencies like this, but you can be prepared. I need to save money for these emergencies.

English Writing Practice: Topic 32 – Sample 2

Foremost reason  for saving the money for future use is when you need a lot of money to deal with some emergent things that happen to you, you should not worry about the fund or lend some money everywhere at that time. For example, two years ago, I spend my summer holiday in a famous scenery pot, after a wonderful trip of the first day, I lost my wallet unconsciously, then I  took out  some money in the bank to finish the trip. If you did not have some deposit, you can imagine how embarrassed you are.

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What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?

If you have a lot of money, what will you do? Essay on this topic is commonly assigned to students. This “what would you do with a million dollars” essay will inspire a great paper.

If I Had a Million Dollars: Essay Introduction

What would you do if you won a million dollars: essay body, if you have a lot of money, what will you do: essay conclusion.

People around the world have all sorts of ideas and dreams. However, there is always a limitation to making such dreams or ideas a reality. Most of the time, the limitation is always financial, and whatever one thinks, or dreams of accomplishing it never comes to fruition. Therefore, I asked myself two questions. What would I do if I had a million dollars to spend? What if a million dollars were given to me, or I won them?

To be honest, having money is one thing, but having a lot of it is different. There are many things anyone could think about if they were given a million dollars to spend. Some will become crazy and spontaneous. Others will become extremely flashy and show off in all sorts of ways. However, a few may think of the future and invest some money before spending it all on material things.

I would do the following if I had a million dollars. I would first buy myself a good car, which I know sounds unreasonable, but I think of this as a way of showing I am worth a million bucks. Becoming a millionaire is a strategic process that needs a concrete plan regarding investments and risks that one would have to take. Nothing is as bad as having a lot of money and then having none in the future. Therefore, having that car might not be a good investment decision, but it will always remind me that I should work hard to maintain that status.

Secondly, I would put some money to take me through college. I will ensure that I have the best resources that will make me excel in college because that is the most critical step in becoming a rational thinker. I will need to make sound investment decisions in the future, and a college education will help me do that. Therefore, even if I use the whole amount of study, it would be worth it. However, a million dollars are too much for college. I will have more than enough for my college education.

Thirdly, I would buy a house. It will save me a lot in terms of mortgage payments in the future, and therefore, I would put that money to use better. Most people wish to own a house but cannot afford it. Therefore, having a million dollars will provide various opportunities like getting a house and fulfilling other wants. I will furnish that house with the best quality of furniture. This is important to me because my home would be where I would be heading after long work hours.

After all, the primary reason people work so hard in life is to own a good home, take care of their family, and live a better life. Thus, having a million dollars would enable me to get all that, and the exciting thing is that I would not have worked hard for it. That is not to say that I am lazy. It just means no one would grab the opportunity if it presented itself.

Lastly, I will put the rest of that money in a fixed deposit account so that I will be able to use it in the future to start a business and make millions of dollars. The good thing is that it will earn interest, which also comes in handy.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are numerous ways to spend a million dollars. Personally, I would have invested it in my future education and career. I would have also bought a car and a house. I believe that making bad decisions regarding spending an enormous sum of money is possible. Therefore, I think that wisely investing is crucial.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 4). What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars? https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/

"What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" StudyCorgi , 4 Mar. 2021, studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.

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1. StudyCorgi . "What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" March 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.


StudyCorgi . "What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" March 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" March 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.

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Plans & Pricing

Why it’s important to spend money

Why it’s important to spend money

This may come as a surprise from a personal financial blogger, but I actually think it’s important to spend money in our daily lives. A lot of my posts are all about saving and investing money, or not spending money but I thought I’d share some insights into why I think it’s actually important for you to spend some money. Life is short and we only have one life to live, and I think that going through life without enjoying money isn’t that great of a life!

essay what would you spend your money on

Where this revelation came from 

I love to travel. I don’t spend my money on a ton of different things, but traveling is one of them. If you haven’t seen it, I have a whole sister site dedicated to my traveling adventures . I recently spent a whole week in Iceland and it was a great time of personal reflection. It’s always so helpful for me to get away every now and again and mentally recharge. It’s great not having work or other obligations, even just for a few days. While on vacation, I found myself with a desire to still save money. I’d forgo little activities or purchases to ‘save money’. During the trip, I realized that I am so used to having an attitude of not spending that I forgot that I actually budget “fun/travel” in my budget, and should be enjoying it! Although I had budgeted for the trip, and had planned on spending the money, I didn’t have the right mindset in place and it was holding me back! 

So, for the second half of the trip, I adopted a new attitude and kept to my budget (i.e. eating cheap for breakfast/lunch and out for a nice dinner) but enjoyed spending the money that I was spending! I was really struck by this revelation and thought I’d share my thoughts on why it’s important to spend money. 

essay what would you spend your money on

Find out what you want to spend your money on

Money isn’t everything, but it’s what we spend most of our lives (40+ hours/week) working towards, and it’s what allows us to keep living (i.e. food, shelter) and even enjoy life a little. I’ve been reflecting recently that the secret to life is balance, and that includes balance with money. If you work so hard and don’t enjoy your money, you are arguably more prone to burnout and ultimately I think you’re missing the point. Although I’m a big believer in setting financial goals for yourself and achieving them, I do think that it’s important to budget some enjoyment with our money. 

With the goal of spending money in mind, how should a young professional go about spending their money? I think the real key to spending money is spending it in such a way that brings us happiness and joy. Too many times I’ve myself have spent money on things that I don’t really need, or didn’t really want, and either had buyer’s remorse or the allure of the new item quickly faded away for me. Does this sound familiar to you? 

I think what’s important is first figuring out what’s important to you, and choosing to spend your money that way. Choose to spend in areas that will make you happy and help you enjoy life, and then save in the other areas. For me, I really enjoy traveling. I try to take one or two big trips each year and really enjoy my vacation time. Whether it’s Asia, Europe, or even a beach somewhere (Bermuda is my favorite right now), I like to spend my money on travel. Of course it’s not cheap, but I don’t spend money in other places to allow me to spend my money where I want to. I pack my lunch most days and don’t often buy new clothes. I only see maybe two movies each year in theaters, and don’t even own AirPods (gasp!). The point is, I have figured out how I most enjoy spending my money, and choose to spend it there! 

What about you? Where do you enjoy spending your money? What brings you happiness and what doesn’t? 

Do meet your financial goals, but include spending in there

Now that you’ve got a plan for  how to spend your money, it’s also important to focus on the bigger picture and making sure your spending is inline with your overall financial goals and budget. I budget ‘travel’ money each month, and most months I don’t spend that amount, and roll it into my ‘travel fund’. Outside of that, I do still budget for eating out (fun/entertainment/social) and do so. However, I am still contributing to my 401(k) at work, an contributing to my Employee Stock Purchase Plan to buy company stock at a discount and am paying my mortgage each month. Because I have a good saving/investing amount each month, I feel good about leaving room for me to enjoy my money! 

So, don’t feel the need to save every penny you earn, and don’t feel the need to stay in every night. We only have one life to live and it’s important we live it in a balanced manner; saving for the future but also enjoying the present! 

What about you? How do you balance saving/spending and are you too focused on one vs the other?

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Written by youngmoneyfinance

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Master English Sydney Australia PTE

  • Oct 8, 2019


Updated: Jun 17, 2020

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think saving money is good, but others think that spending

money is a better way to enjoy life.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

SAMPLE ANSWER: Number of words: Student: Paola from Peru Band Score: 7.5

We are currently living in an experience economy. Moreover, we are leaning towards consumerism believing that material things will bring happiness. However, we are not paying attention to the future nor having a retirement plan. Although I believe that we should enjoy the present to the fullest spending on experiences, in my opinion, it is also crucial to have a savings or investment plan in place.

There is no doubt that money plays an important role in our lives. The more income you have, the more comfortable life can be. For instance, I have been lucky enough to travel the world and create experiences that will last forever. Moreover, we cannot predict the future and cannot ensure we will live a long life. Therefore, some may argue that we should enjoy every minute while we are alive, going out with friends, dining at the best restaurants, and pampering yourself every now and then.

Are we expecting to become a burden for our families and or the government? This is the main reason why I believe it is extremely important to have investments or a source of income when we retire. Additionally, it will reduce the stress of unforeseen situations such as dealing with an expensive treatment for a health issue or having to help a family member who may need economic support. For instance, five years ago, I used to focus on the present instead of saving for the future. Nowadays, it makes me really worried about the fact I have not invested in property yet which makes me feel quite anxious.

In conclusion, we as individuals must live a more balanced life enjoying the present but also contemplating and planning for the future.

essay what would you spend your money on



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Sample Essay on How to Save Money: How to Be in Good Funds When You Are a Student

Students are always looking for ways to save money. Some turn to part-time jobs while others resort to reducing their expenditure. This is a sample essay on how to save money that could inspire you to write a masterpiece on this issue.

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The life of a college student is not as rosy as most people imagine it to be. Well, there are amazing parties and all sorts of fun things to do when in college, but that’s just it. Students have societal expectations to deal with. They have assignments and projects to deliver and exams to ace. This is no easy task since some of the courses in college are tough and ever-absent professors don’t make things easier as well. There is also the issue of student finances to deal with. Without a steady income, college students are forced to rely on student loans and funds from their parents to see out a semester. These funds, however, are not always enough and students are forced to turn to unorthodox means to make sure they have enough for their education. Students are forced to reduce their spending on certain items, and this usually comes with harsh consequences.

In an attempt to save more, students would resort to cheap meals or even skip some of them altogether. These cheap meals are usually very unhealthy, and the students miss out on the vital nutrients that are needed for healthy growth and development. Some of the cheap meals that students turn to in an attempt to save money include fast foods such as French fries and burgers. These meals are unhealthy, and their regular consumption has a bad impact on people’s health.

Cutting out on entertainment is another ‘luxury’ that students do away with to save money. Movies and music concerts cost money and students avoid them so as to save as much as they can. Some even avoid going out with their friends and spend most of their time in their rooms. Entertainment, however, is very important for the emotional development of a human being, and students are advised to take time for entertainment. A lack of entertainment among college students may cause depression and other emotional issues since all that the students will be thinking about is books and their academic assignments.

Students also turn to free software and applications so as to save money. These non-premium versions, however, come with a lot of bugs and students are at risk of virus attacks to the minimum.

Some would even terminate their gym membership to save money. Most colleges have gyms on campus, but they are usually in a poor state and that is why students visit gyms that are off campus. When times get tough, most students would terminate their membership so as to save as much as they can. Without working out, students get unhealthy, and this brings a lot of challenges.

Tough times call for tough measures. Students resort to the above-mentioned activities to save money, but these methods have some harsh consequences attached to them.


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  • Buckley, A., Soilemetzidis, I., & Hillman, N. (2015). The 2015 student academic experience survey. The Higher Education Policy Institute and Higher Education Academy .
  • Duclos, R., & Khamitov, M. (2016). Is Cash Almighty? Effects of Hard vs. Soft Money on Saving/Investment Behavior.
  • Fagerstrøm, A., & Hantula, D. A. (2013). Buy it now and pay for it later: An experimental study of student credit card use. The Psychological Record , 63 (2), 323.
  • Garbinsky, E. N., Klesse, A. K., & Aaker, J. (2014). Money in the bank: Feeling powerful increases saving. Journal of Consumer Research , 41 (3), 610-623.
  • Karlan, D., & Linden, L. L. (2014). Loose knots: strong versus weak commitments to save for education in Uganda (No. w19863). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Thompson, S., Cross, W., Rigling, L., & Vickery, J. (2017). Data-informed open education advocacy: A new approach to saving students money and backaches. Journal of Access Services , 14 (3), 118-125.

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How should you spend your money consider these 5 points.

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Indulgent living as one advances in age, is not a common practice in India. Turning attention to oneself and to one’s own interests, desires and comforts, at such a delayed stage of life is difficult. As we build more wealth, we must think of how we can spend our earnings.


Dos and don’ts to manage wealth and plan finances if you come by surplus money or windfall gains

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Interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money.

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Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money.

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Spending a million dollar - an introduction for my essay?

aljur 2 / 6   Feb 20, 2007   #1 This is the question If you had a million dollar how do you spend it? I need an introduction please I don't know how to start...

EF_Team2 1 / 1,708   Feb 21, 2007   #2 Greetings! It can be easy to get bogged down worrying about how to answer something like this in the "proper" way. Try to think, instead, of how to make it fun! After all, spending a million dollars would be fun, wouldn't it? :-) Of course, how you approach the essay depends partly on what class your assignment is for. For an English class, you might get by with something whimsical: "If I had a million dollars, before spending any of it, I'd get it all in $100 bills, throw the bills on my bed, lie down in the money and cover myself up in it. Only after becoming cozy with it would I be ready to spend my money." For a class in economics, a different approach might be called for: "If I had a million dollars to spend, I would start by making a list with two columns. The first column would be marked "Needs" and the second, "Wants." I would prioritize my needs and wants and see how far the money would stretch." The most important thing to do with any writing assignment is to start writing! You can always go back and change it -- several times, if necessary! But start putting down words and see where they lead you! Good luck! Sarah, EssayForum.com

OP aljur 2 / 6   Feb 21, 2007   #3 "If I had a million dollars, before spending any of it, I'd get it all in $100 bills, throw the bills on my bed, lie down in the money and cover myself up in it. Only after becoming cozy with it would I be ready to spend my money." I need more details..my teacher told me to put more I need 7 sentences then i will start to write my body paragraph.

OP aljur 2 / 6   Feb 21, 2007   #4 "If I had a million dollars to spend, I would start by making a list with two columns. The first column would be marked "Needs" and the second, "Wants." I would prioritize my needs and wants and see how far the money would stretch."

OP aljur 2 / 6   Feb 21, 2007   #5 Is this Introduction make sense? what would you do if you had a million dollars? Most of us wants to be wise when it comes to money. While others spend their money on things that are not so important. If i had a million dollars, I would definitely use the money properly. ( this is my introduction ) please help me to edit...

OP aljur 2 / 6   Feb 21, 2007   #6 I need a general statement, quotation statement, story telling statement... she wants me to do 3..please help me.

EF_Team2 1 / 1,708   Feb 21, 2007   #7 Greetings! Here is the edit: Most of us want to be wise when it comes to money, while others spend their money on things that are not so important. If i had a million dollars, I would definitely use the money properly. I'm not sure what you mean by "quotation statement." Do you mean, you are supposed to include a quote from a source? You could probably find information online from financial experts on the best way to invest a million dollars. You mean you need a storytelling statement about how to spend a million dollars? Just relating how you would go about spending the money seems to me like it would be a "storytelling statement." I can't write the essay for you. See what you can do and I will be glad to help you with editing. Thanks, Sarah, EssayForum.com

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essay what would you spend your money on

Or does that not count as p2w?

To be able to do that youd literally have to join the game with the guy who wants to sell the item and then have that item drop in the party. Doesnt seem practical to me and seems totally pointless.

I have purchased some of the bundles because they come with Platinum, meaning that if there are steep enough sales in the future I can use it during those… or the battle pass. I have refused to buy a single item in the normal shop though because it’s just a poor value proposition from my perspective. I have a real life and spending as much on those pixels as I would an actual t-shirt (or whole game) seems ridiculous to me.


… And yet I can literally pay these guys $10 to get uber gear for myself.

Pay. To win.

Unless you narrow p2w to only mean company-sanctioned activity (i.e. the company store).

So youd pay 10 bucks to join some random dudes game and hope the item drops for the seller and not you so you can pay him for it? Doesnt seem the same as the way its done in d4.

Does it matter if it’s the same as in d4? I don’t understand why that would be important.

The designs are mediocre mostly and way way way to expensive. I would like more generic transmog set pieces. Imagine if you could buy like just gauntlets or just pauldrons for 1.99 or something. They would sell like crazy.

They should release armor transmogs that are cross class too. Spending a ton of money for a transmog thats good for one class?? No way.

The purpose of this thread was actually a secret test to see how long it took someone to diverge from the stated intention, and you two have failed miserably. But I thank you for your contribution to science.

Try to play with a lightning sorc. Specifically [Chain Lightning]

It’s a skill so bad in damage and in how it works that its a pain to play with. The skill has to bounce between enemies to give damage and this in larger groups don’t work at all. The pain that is when you have that monster with aura and the skill can’t hit him or find him in the group…

Because its a different game and acquiring items in d3 is 100 times easier. D4 you get all these random affixes and on top of it the ga. I could see someone wanting to purchase primal items but even then youd still have to actually join the sellers game and then it would have to drop.


If I Had A Million Dollars Essay

If I Had A Million Dollars Essay | What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars Essay

If I Had A Million Dollars Essay: In this essay, we’ll explore the different ways a person might spend a million dollars. We’ll go over what you should do with it if it’s your inheritance or you plan to earn it, and also what you should do if it’s a windfall – money that comes from an unexpected source, such as a lottery win. Finally, we’ll talk about what happens when you don’t have a million dollars in hand – you’re making a living and want to save for retirement.

Students can find more English  Essay Writing  Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Imagine you had a million dollars. What would you spend your money on?

Obviously, some people would want to spend it on things like cars and clothes. Others would want to invest in stocks and businesses. Some might even go to work for themselves with the goal of eventually retiring early. No matter what you decided, you probably wouldn’t want to just give it all away or leave it for someone else to use unwisely. Many people dream of the day when they will inherit a million dollars from a loved one or from an unknown benefactor. They fantasize about what this money could do for them and their loved ones; they imagine themselves living luxuriously while others work to make ends meet. While this scenario sounds like paradise, it is often not the reality. Most people don’t know how to handle large sums of money, and they often lose everything. Some even squander the inheritance that others have worked so hard to obtain.

How would my life change?

This is a question I ask myself regularly. As of right now, I’m still living paycheck-to-paycheck, but what if I won the lottery? What if I had a million? The more I think about it, the more my thoughts turn to exactly how my life would change. I might quit my job, or buy that car of my dreams, or maybe even buy some land and start building. Sadly, the idea of winning the lottery is a fantasy, and it’s just fun to dream about. I can’t really imagine what my life would be like if I won $1 million, but I can imagine what it would be like if I were suddenly in the position of having a massive savings account. And I’m not talking about having a few hundred thousand saved away, I mean the kind of money that would still allow me to do fun things, but would also allow me to stop worrying about where my next pay-check will come from.

How would my family and friends react to me having a million dollars?

Most friends would be ecstatic to the point of worshiping you. They might even start pressuring you for favors that they think are owed to them. Friendships would be tested, especially if that $1 million was obtained through dishonest means. As for family, some may be happy while others will continue to resent you for not sharing your wealth with the entire family.  Usually, family and friends will most likely react to you having a million dollars in one of two ways: they will either be happy for you, or jealous of you. Which reaction they have will depend on how close you are with them and if they feel that they can trust you with such a large amount of money. When it comes to the people that know me best, I think that my parents would be happy for me but slightly afraid of what I might do with all the money. My grandparents would also be happy for me, but also concerned about how I am going to manage such a large sum of money on my own. My friends would most likely react in one or more ways: envy or happiness for me, as well as some concern over whether I am going to waste all the money and ruin myself.

What advice would you give someone who won the lottery?

I would tell them to take time off work and really think about what they want in life. I’d also recommend not touching the money for at least a year, so it can grow.  I would tell them to invest the money responsibly. I would recommend that they create a trust fund for themselves and their future children or grandchildren. This is the best way to make sure that the money will be there for generations to come. I would also advise them not to quit their day job right away because it’s more than likely they will spend all of their money in one year. They should continue working and saving until they have enough saved up for retirement before quitting the workforce entirely. Saving money will help lead a better life and ensure financial independence.

Why Some People Want Wealth and Others Don’t Care?

Some people want to be wealthy because they enjoy having wealth. They might enjoy the lifestyle that comes with it, or they might just like the prestige associated with wealth. On the other hand, there are those who don’t care about being wealthy at all. They’re happy whether they have a lot of money or not and they’re satisfied with their lives.

Poverty is the Reason Why People Want to Be Wealthy

People who are impoverished are often not able to take care of themselves and their families, so they hope for an easier life. But poverty can also cause them to take risks with their health or safety in order to get out of the cycle. In many developing countries, there are still many people who live in poverty and lack basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare. Even with all of these challenges, they still hope for a better life through the acquisition of wealth. In other words, poverty is a global challenge. It is not limited to one country or region, but is experienced worldwide.

Wealth Allows Us to Become More with Less

Wealth enables us to live a more fulfilling life by getting rid of the burdens that we can’t bear. It also lets us enjoy things that we might not have been able to afford otherwise. Wealth allows us to become more with less, because it frees up our time and resources so that we can focus on what matters most in life. In the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby felt a strong desire for Daisy, but money allowed him to do anything he wanted with no remorse or guilty feelings about pursuing her. If he had not been wealthy, he would have had to conform his pursuit of Daisy through ordinary means – through dating and being himself – rather than being able to sweep her off her feet with lavish gifts and large parties.

If I Had A Million Dollars

Conclusion on If I Had A Million Dollars Essay

Overall, it seems like a million dollars would be a great amount to have. It would make you financially secure and allow you to retire in comfort. You could also donate all the money to charity and help change the world for good when you retire. Of course, you would still need to be responsible with your money.

FAQs on If I had a million dollars

Question 1. What would I do if I had 1 million dollars?

Answer: I would spend my money on making the world a better place. I would make sure to donate the money to causes that need it most. I would also use some of the money to help improve social issues like homelessness and hunger.

Question 2. How long can a person live on 1 million dollars?

Answer: It all depends on where you live, what you eat, and how active you are. For instance, the United States Department of Agriculture estimated the cost of food for a person to be around $1.60 per day.

Question 3. Can you live a good life with a million dollars?

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Essay on Money for Students and Children

500+ words essay on money.

Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today’s world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it. Our parents work hard to fulfill our dreams .

essay what would you spend your money on

Furthermore various businessmen , entrepreneurs have startup businesses to earn profits. They have made use of their skills and intelligence in getting an upper hand in earning. Also, the employee sector works day and night to complete their tasks given to them. But still, there are many people who take shortcuts to success and get involved in corruption.

Black Money

Black money is the money that people earn with corruption . For your information corruption involves the misuse of the power of high posts. For instance, it involves taking bribes, extra money for free services, etc. Corruption is the main cause of the lack of proper growth of the country .

Moreover, money that people having authority earns misusing their powers is black money. Furthermore, these earnings do not have proper documentation. As a result, the people who earn this do not pay income tax . Which is a great offense and the person who does this can be behind bars.

Money Laundering

In simple terms, money laundering is converting black money into white money. Also, this is another illegal offense. Furthermore, money laundering also encourages various crimes. Because it is the only way criminal can use their money from illegal sources. Money laundering is a crime, and the people who practice it are liable to go to jail.

Therefore the Government is taking various preventive measures to abolish money laundering. The government is linking bank accounts to AADHAR Card. To get all the transaction detail of each bank account. As a result, the government comes to know if any transaction is from an illegal source .

Also, every bank account has its own KYC (Know your Customer) this separates different categories of income of people. Businessmen are in the high-risk category. Then comes the people who are on a high post they are in the medium-risk category. Further, the last category is of the Employee sector they are at the lowest risk.

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White Money

White money is the money that people earn through legal sources. Moreover, it is the money on which the people have already paid the tax. The employee sector of any company always has white money income.

Because the tax is already levied on their income. Therefore the safest way to earn money is in the employment sector. But your income will be limited here. As a result, many people take a different path and choose entrepreneurship. This helps them in starting their own company and make profitable incomes .

Every person in this world works hard to earn money. People try different methods and set of skills to increase their incomes. But it is always not about earning money, it’s about saving and spending it. People should spend money wisely. Moreover, things should always be bought by judging their worth. Because money is not precious but the efforts you make for it are.

Q1. What is Black Money?

A1. Black money is the money that people earn through illegal ways. It is strictly prohibited in our country. And the people who have it can go to jail.

Q2. What is the difference between Black money and White money?

A2. The difference between black money and white money is, Black money comes from illegal earnings. But white money comes from legal sources with taxation levied on it.

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Americans Have Spent Their 'Extra' Pandemic Savings. See What It Means for You

Published on June 3, 2024

Ben Gran

By: Ben Gran

  • Americans saved an extra $1.2 trillion during the pandemic era of lockdowns and social distancing in 2020–21.
  • But the 2021–24 era of high prices and "revenge spending" caused Americans to burn through their extra pandemic savings.
  • Even though Americans' pandemic savings are depleted, the Fed believes that the economy might turn out to be fine -- with no downturn in consumer spending.

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Do you feel like you've been spending a lot of extra money and burning through savings lately? If so, you're not alone. A recent study from the Federal Reserve found that Americans have finally spent the "excess savings" that they built up during the pandemic.

Let's look at a few insights about the end of pandemic savings -- and what could happen next.

"Excess savings" during the pandemic: $2.1 trillion

Our picks for the best high-yield savings accounts of 2024.

Rate info You can earn the maximum APY by having Direct Deposit (no minimum amount required) or by making $5,000 or more in Qualifying Deposits every 30 days. See SoFi Checking and Savings rate sheet at: https://www.sofi.com/legal/banking-rate-sheet. Member FDIC. Rate info You can earn the maximum APY by having Direct Deposit (no minimum amount required) or by making $5,000 or more in Qualifying Deposits every 30 days. See SoFi Checking and Savings rate sheet at: https://www.sofi.com/legal/banking-rate-sheet.
Member FDIC.
Rate info 4.25% annual percentage yield as of June 8, 2024 Member FDIC. Rate info 4.25% annual percentage yield as of June 8, 2024

Remember the days of pandemic lockdowns and social distancing and stimulus checks, when most people stopped traveling, going to movies, and dining at restaurants? Along with the vast human suffering and tragedy of the pandemic, those times were terrible for a lot of small businesses and for many people's mental health -- but they were good times for savings accounts. It turns out, not going anywhere or doing anything for months is a great way to save money.

In a country where people are known for being spendthrifts, where many people struggle to build up a decent emergency fund, Americans saved an extra $2.1 trillion in about 18 months.

How Americans spent their extra pandemic savings

The Fed's economists tracked America's spending habits and found that Americans spent their excess savings from the pandemic at a rate of about $70 billion per month, starting from September 2021. That pace of spending sped up since autumn 2023, to a rate of about $85 billion per month -- and as of March 2024, Americans' excess savings were totally depleted.

The Fed's data doesn't show exactly what Americans spent that extra money on, but it's likely that higher prices for groceries, food, healthcare, cars, car insurance, and pretty much everything else have taken their toll. Add some "revenge spending" and "doom spending" to the mix, and it's easy to see how many Americans could quickly deplete their savings accounts in the past three years.

This doesn't mean that all Americans have zero dollars left in the bank. Many Americans still have emergency savings, and some people are (hopefully) still saving more money every month out of every paycheck. But it does show that the extra stash of "excess savings" is finally gone.

The end of pandemic savings doesn't mean economic pain

What does the depletion of America's extra pandemic savings mean for the American economy? Good news: The Fed's researchers don't believe that the American economy is about to suffer from a slowdown in consumer spending.

The authors write: "...the depletion of these excess savings is unlikely to result in American households sharply cutting their spending levels as long as they are able to support their consumption habits through continuous employment or wage gains, other forms of wealth—including non-pandemic-related savings—and higher debt."

The job market is still strong, wages are still rising, and many Americans still have access to credit, steady incomes, and plenty of spending money, even though prices have risen painfully in the past few years. We could be in for a "soft landing" in the economy, where even though the Fed has raised interest rates, it doesn't lead to a recession.

What to do with your savings -- excess or "regular"

No matter how much money you have in your savings account, you deserve to see that money grow. Some banks are still paying terribly low yields of 0.01% APY. But the best savings accounts and money market accounts are offering 5.00% APY and higher. If you still have savings, put them in a high-yield savings account. And try to keep adding to your savings every month.

Bottom line

New research from the Federal Reserve shows that Americans built up $2.1 trillion of "excess savings" during the pandemic -- and as of March 2024, that extra money has all been spent. But that doesn't mean we're doomed to a recession and a stock market downturn. Many Americans are still spending at high levels, thanks to a strong job market, rising wages, and steady access to credit.

The economy might turn out to be fine, despite the end of the pandemic era's extra pile of savings. But whatever happens next with the economy, your savings account should be earning a high yield -- 5.00% APY or higher in the best savings accounts .

These savings accounts are FDIC insured and could earn you 11x your bank

Many people are missing out on guaranteed returns as their money languishes in a big bank savings account earning next to no interest. Our picks of the best online savings accounts could earn you 11x the national average savings account rate. Click here to uncover the best-in-class accounts that landed a spot on our short list of the best savings accounts for 2024.

Two of our top online savings account picks:

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Our ratings are based on a 5 star scale. 5 stars equals Best. 4 stars equals Excellent. 3 stars equals Good. 2 stars equals Fair. 1 star equals Poor. We want your money to work harder for you. Which is why our ratings are biased toward offers that deliver versatility while cutting out-of-pocket costs.
Our ratings are based on a 5 star scale. 5 stars equals Best. 4 stars equals Excellent. 3 stars equals Good. 2 stars equals Fair. 1 star equals Poor. We want your money to work harder for you. Which is why our ratings are biased toward offers that deliver versatility while cutting out-of-pocket costs.

On SoFi's Secure Website.

On Barclays's Secure Website.

APY: up to 4.60%

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Our Research Expert

Ben Gran

Ben Gran is a freelance writer based in Des Moines, Iowa. He has written for regional banks, fintechs, and major financial services companies. Ben is a graduate of Rice University.

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Shahram Heshmat Ph.D.


8 tips for spending time wisely, the idea behind the expression "time is money.".

Posted April 6, 2020

Free for commercial use No attribution required

Time and money are arguably life’s most valuable resources. One of the great laws of economics is that time equals money. What really matters is to spend it wisely. In fact, you can spend no money but your time as a gift, such as time spent with family.

The phrase "time is money" is usually credited to Benjamin Franklin, who used it in an essay ( Advice to a Young Tradesman , 1748). It means time is a valuable resource. He encouraged people to treat time like money. However, most people think about time and money in vastly different ways.

1. Time is our most scarce resource. Time is the ultimate scarce resource, yet we act as if we have unlimited time. Poor or rich, we all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thus, each of us faces the choice of how to spend our time. In a world of scarcity, choosing one thing means not being able to do something else.

2. The price of convenience. In economics, price is a much broader concept. Price includes not only the monetary cost of purchasing a product but also the time associated with buying that product. For example, overnight delivery, and convenience stores all charge premiums because of the inherent value we place on our time.

3. The value of time varies from person to person. Time is relatively scarce for people with higher incomes, partly because their time is more valuable. So, to have lots of time, rich people hire other people to do their, say, household chores. On the other hand, a nonworking person may spend more time on household chores.

4. The value of time in good economic times. The value of time is higher during good economic times. Evidence shows that people tend not to take care of themselves in boom times (Ruhm, 2007). For example, a 1 percent decrease in the unemployment rate corresponds to an additional 3,900 deaths in the United States in a given year. People tend to drink too much, eat out often, exercise less, and skip medical check-ups because of work-related time commitments. So people work more and do less of the things that are good for them. On the other hand, in bad economic times health-enhancing activities such as exercise and social interactions increase.

5. Price of delay. People are not equally patient. Some like the present, others like the future. A myopic person ranks immediate pleasure much higher than valuable delayed rewards. For example, social media is immediately available, and it is the cheapest way of avoiding boredom . In contrast, reading and conversation are demanding in terms of effort and motivation .

6. Cultural attitude toward time. Attitudes toward time and its value differ across cultures (Levine, 1997). For example, being late for an appointment, or taking a long time to get down to business, is the accepted norm in most Middle Eastern and some Asian counties. People in bigger cities walk faster than their counterparts in smaller cities. And while in a grocery store, they spent less time chatting with clerks and other shoppers.

7. Time cannot be stored. One of the reasons we give little thought about how we use our limited resources is that we cannot save time. Time moves on whether we choose to spend it or not. You can’t bottle time and exchange it for an object or event. However, when people are made aware of their mortality they wonder if they did make the most of their lives.

8. Buying time to promote happiness . What you do with your time also matters for your day-to-day moods. You can improve your happiness by putting your money where you spend most of your time (Whillans et al., 2017). For example, buying a new pillow or a nice bed could help you to get a good night’s rest. You can also outsource “disliked” tasks. This can allow you to maximize the time you get to do the things you love (e.g., cooking) and minimize the time you have to spend doing what you hate (e.g., gift-wrapping, housecleaning).

Octopus hiding behind a sea shell,

In sum, time is anything but free. As a nonrenewable resource, time is quite expensive. Some people fail to realize that time is scarce, hence oblivious about its opportunity cost. They do their best to think of their time as unlimited, and unlimited goods have little value. Knowing that time is finite encourages us to ask how we are using our time. Do we want to spend these precious moments on social media or spend that time learning something new? Skills and knowledge take time so the more time you spend on them, the more you improve.

Levine, R. V. (2020). Time and culture. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers.

Ruhm CJ. (2007) A healthy economy can break your heart. Demography. Nov;44(4):829-48.

Whillans, A. V., Weidman, A. C., & Dunn, E. W. (2016). Valuing time over money is associated with greater happiness. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7(3), 213-222.

Shahram Heshmat Ph.D.

Shahram Heshmat, Ph.D., is an associate professor emeritus of health economics of addiction at the University of Illinois at Springfield.

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At any moment, someone’s aggravating behavior or our own bad luck can set us off on an emotional spiral that threatens to derail our entire day. Here’s how we can face our triggers with less reactivity so that we can get on with our lives.

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essay what would you spend your money on

The best strategy for managing your HSA, and how it can help save you a boatload of money in retirement

Being savvy with your hsa could make your senior years much less financially stressful..

For years, I didn't participate in an HSA for one simple reason — my health insurance plan wasn't compatible with one. Of course, the upside there was that I had a nice, low deductible to cover. But once my family changed insurance and moved over a high-deductible plan, we immediately signed up for an HSA and have been making contributions ever since.

That said, there's one key rule I employ with my HSA . And you may want to adopt a similar strategy to get the most benefit during retirement.

Don't touch the money

An HSA isn't a retirement account per se. You can take an HSA withdrawal at any time to cover a qualified medical expense, like a copay for seeing the doctor. Since expenses like that are apt to arise frequently during your working years, you may have plenty of chances to spend your HSA ahead of retirement.

But the best strategy for managing your HSA is actually to leave that money alone until retirement. That way, you can more easily cover your healthcare bills at a time when they might otherwise constitute a huge chunk of your income.

Fidelity estimates that the typical 65-year-old retiring in 2023 is looking at $157,500 in healthcare costs throughout retirement. If you're living on Social Security and modest withdrawals from a 401(k) or IRA, medical care could be a huge burden. But if you leave your HSA untapped during your working years and carry that money into retirement, you can spend less of your Social Security benefits and savings on healthcare — and buy yourself a lot more financial breathing room.

Tax benefits like no other account

What makes an HSA so wonderful is that it's loaded with tax benefits. If you're saving for retirement in a traditional IRA or 401(k), you may be familiar with the idea of contributions going in tax-free. And if you have a Roth account, you're benefiting from tax-free growth and are eligible for tax-free withdrawals in retirement.

HSAs combine all of these benefits into a single account. Your contributions can lower your near-term tax bill, money that's not used can be invested tax-free, and withdrawals aren't taxed as long as they're spent on qualified healthcare expenses. It's a triple win.

So if your health insurance plan renders you eligible for an HSA, don't just bemoan your higher deductible. Instead, take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy a world of tax savings.

But also, don't touch your HSA during your working years unless you absolutely need to. You're much better off having dedicated funds to cover healthcare costs in retirement so you can spend your remaining income elsewhere.

On my end, I'm bummed that I got a later start to funding an HSA, but so it goes. Remember, though, that HSA requirements tend to change from year to year. So if you're not eligible to contribute to an HSA right now, check the rules next year, and every year, to ensure that you're not passing up a great opportunity.

The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .

The Motley Fool is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news, analysis and commentary designed to help people take control of their financial lives. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.

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Money Bliss. Life. Money. Enjoy. This will alter your view of money and your life. Steps to Financial Freedom. Make money. Spend less. Learn to budget.

How to Spend Money Wisely: 12 Hacks To Improve Your Habits

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“What’s the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of how you can improve your financial situation?”

Many people would say “spend less money.”

One way to do this is by buying something used. In fact, a study found that Americans buy 10% more new items than they did in 2008 because we have so many promotional offers available. Not only should you be trying to save some money on your purchases, but also cut all kinds of other expenses from your lifestyle and keep them at a minimum.

Usually, people spend more money than they need.

This can lead them to have less money saved or be able to afford the things they want.

However, with a few simple changes in your spending habits, you will be able to make more of what you earn and feel more satisfied.

In today’s world, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of information available on how you should spend your money.

With more and more people struggling with their finances, I would like to share a few hacks that have helped me spend money wisely and simplify my life.

Also, I am going to include some simple money saving tips on how to spend less money! Do not get duped into buying things you did not plan on purchasing or spending more money than you needed to.

Learn how to spend money wisely by following these 10 hacks. Follow the advice to avoid wasting money on unnecessary purchases, improve your financial habits, and stop spending too much.

How to Spend Money Wisely

As you can see shortly, there are many ways to spend money wisely. Whether it be through saving, investing, or taking care of your health; with this article as a guide, you won’t have to worry about your money any longer.

This is meant to inspire people on how they can better manage their finances and live more efficiently, while still being able to get the things that they want.

Spending money wisely is a way of life, but it can be tough to know where exactly you should start.

Luckily for you, we will break down ten hacks for you to follow so that your money does not go to waste.

1. Pay Yourself First

You are probably wondering, why is saving money about how to spend money.

The first thing you should do to spend money wisely is to pay yourself first.

This could be saving for the future with an emergency fund, which can be used in case of emergencies or downturns in your financial situation. This can be done by contributing to a high-interest savings account and saving up to $1,000 or more for emergencies.

Or choose one of our money saving challenges to match your financial goals.

2. Take Care of You

You need to take care of your health, as that will improve the quality and longevity of your life.

Making wise choices on choosing quality food and healthcare may cost more money upfront, but in the long run, it will save you money on huge medical expenses.

You spend your money wisely by taking care of your health. Money spent on a gym membership, healthy food, and other medical expenses can save you even more money in the long run.

Many people love the idea of time freedom for this reason.

3. Invest in Your Future

essay what would you spend your money on

One way to spend money wisely is by investing in your future. This might be done through a 401(k) or Roth IRA, which lets you invest pre-tax dollars and then withdraw them tax-free once you retire.

This can be a great way to save on taxes, but the money needs to stay invested for at least five years before you’re able to withdraw it without a penalty.

4. Choose Experiences

We live in a society that prizes material purchases and spending. Remember to prioritize experiences by getting outside. Not just for your health, but also on the mental and emotional levels, as well as the personal and even family levels.

Also, a plethora of benefits to spending money on experiences, not all materialism related.

Try to spend less on electronics and materialistic items that fill your home and more on experiences like travel or going out with friends.

This is a great way to spend time with your family and friends instead of buying things for them.

Related Reading: Overcome Gift Regret: Experience Gift Ideas That Do Not Go To Waste

5. Set Goals

Many of us, regardless of financial status, know that if we want to live on the right path without having our finances stress us out, then there are good habits to be followed.

Think about how much money you want to make in the next five years or ten years and make up how to get there.

Now, you need to line up your spending to make that happen.

Not sure how to set goals? Start here with making smart financial goals .

essay what would you spend your money on

The next hack is to make a budget and stick to it, which will help you spend your money wisely by only spending what you have available in each category.

A budgeting strategy helps you develop better financial skills. These strategies are practiced in order to help prevent overspending and create a set spending plan for you.

Create a budget that includes all your expenses and then each time you get paid, put a little bit of your paycheck into each category.

7. Evaluate Your Spending

Oftentimes, we find ourselves buying items that are not necessary and just a waste of money. This hack is to evaluate what you’re spending your money on and think about whether or not you want to continue this habit.

For every purchase ask yourself if the item is worth it and what will happen if you don’t buy it.

By completing a no spend challenge , you will be amazed at the things you find out are not worth spending the money on.

8. Likeminded People

Next, you should try to spend less time with people who are going to make you feel bad about yourself.

This is a hard one but just think of the good things that will happen when you stop hanging out with people who make you feel bad.

If you are constantly around people you need to learn how to not spend money, then you will be battling upstream battle. Look for those who have the same mindset and are determined to spend money wisely.

9. Spend on Quality Over Quantity

The best way to buy quality items is to spend more money on them. Buying cheaper items has its risks, but over time it will lead to dissatisfaction with the product and waste of money.

If possible try to spend money on things that will last a long time and not just stuff like food or rent.

This concept of quality of quantity is not difficult to understand. For example, instead of owning 10 pairs of jeans that you think you need, you spend money on the two pairs of quality jeans that you love.

Because items are so cheap to pick up, it is easy to quickly fill our homes with quantity and excess stuff (plus we are spending more in the process). Instead, spend a little more and buy less of what you truly need or want.

10. Eat at Home

essay what would you spend your money on

One way to save money is by cooking more at home and not going out to eat. You can also cut down on the amount of food you purchase, which will help you save a ton of money in the long run.

Instead of buying food that will go bad quickly or ruin your health, buy more expensive food. This way you are spending less money on the product but it is going to last longer and be better for you.

By spending money wisely, you must learn how to spend less money on food.

11. Use Tax-Advantaged Accounts

Specifically, I am talking about FSA or HSA, or dependent care FSA. This is when you set aside money each year for these purposes. Money goes into these accounts tax-free, so you are lowering your taxable income.

On how to spend FSA money, you must have the proper documentation on your plan. The same is true for how to spend HSA money.

The limits change each year on how much you can contribute to each of these plans, but the maximum you can spend tax-free is over $20,000 for a family.

This is a great trick to spend money wisely and lower the amount you owe in taxes. Just make sure to spend the amounts in the FSA each year!

12. Spend on things that add happiness to life

Personally, I have a hard time spending money. Period. This is something I am working on as we progress through our financial journey. Now, I look to spend money on ways that will improve our life or bring smiles to our faces.

Spend on things that add happiness to your life.

For example, if you’re happy with the new shoes you’ve just bought, then it’s worth spending money on them! If you love to travel, spend on travel. If you like reading fiction novels, spend on fiction novels.

Spend your money on things you enjoy and make the most of the disposable income you have.

How to Spend Money to Make Money

Picture of a hand grabbing cash to show how to spend money to make money.

One of the best ways to make money is to give back. However, it takes some money to make money, which is typically frustrating to those who constantly want to make more money per year.

By selling a product or service, you are supplying them with your knowledge, advice, and understanding. Another way is through investments. Investing, while not always profitable, has companies that adhere to companies of all kinds.

One of the best ways to spend money wisely is to invest in ways to make money.

There are plenty of ways to make money and start your own business.

Here is a great book to open you up to the idea of starting your own business and the freedom with money it can bring.

Here are great ways to make money on the side:

  • Sell printables and make passive income!
  • Become a virtual assistant and make your own schedule.
  • Learn to get weekly paychecks when investing in the stock market .
  • Earn money with freelance writing on the side.
  • Walk dogs with Rover and get paid cash.
  • Drive for any of these companies and make money – Instacart , DoorDash , or Postmates .
  • Start a bookkeeping business on your terms.
  • Sell Earn easy money with flipping items Find great success with this Flea Market Flipper training.
  • Have kids? Then, teach them to make money with Flea Market Flippers for Kids .

It is possible to make more money on your business than you make more money in your current job or career.

How to Spend Less Money

Picture of a family putting money into a savings jar with cash they have with learning how to spend less money.

Many of us spend too much on material items that are not actively used. This creates a situation where we have to make more purchases in order to get the same level of happiness.

The first step towards becoming frugal is deciding what you want out of your possessions, and then only buying those things which will provide you with this goal.

Here are 32 easy ways to do that!

  • Shop at Discount Stores: You don’t have to go all out with your shopping if you’re looking for a way to save some money. There are plenty of stores that offer great deals and you can still find some really cute clothes.
  • Find Online Deals : You can find deals online for just about anything. This is a great way to get the deals that you might not know about. There are so many websites out there dedicated to helping you find the best deals and coupons.
  • Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill: Just because the cell phone companies want to charge an arm and a leg for service doesn’t mean you have to. There are plenty of options out there where you can find great deals on your cell phone bill without having to break the bank.
  • Call and Cancel Unnecessary Services: Do you really need to subscribe to cable? How about getting rid of your gym membership because you know that all the exercise won’t do anything for your weight. The truth is you don’t need a lot of these things that are costing you money. Also, try a free service like Trim or Billshark .
  • Buy Generic Items: Do your shopping at the grocery store and buy generic items instead of brand names for most of your purchases.
  • Buy in Bulk: Buy items like toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and other things in bulk to save on the cost of each individual item. This is more so for families who can buy food in bulk.
  • Start Couponing: This is a great way to save money. I know it’s not the most enticing offer, but if you’re looking to save money then coupons can be your best friend. You can go online and find coupons for items that are on sale at your favorite store or you can get them in the Sunday paper.
  • Use Public Transportation: This is a great way to save on gas and wear and tear on your car.
  • Get Rid of the Car: If you live in an urban area, it might be worth getting rid of the car and using public transportation or just walking instead. Or become a single-car family.
  • Carpooling: One of the biggest hacks that many people are unaware of is carpooling- which can save up to $1,000 per year.
  • Rent Things: Whether it is a video, movie, or power tools to complete a project, renting will save you money.
  • Use Less Electricity: Turning off lights and other electronics when they are not in use can really help!
  • Eat Spaghetti : Eating pasta saves money and reduces your grocery bill.
  • Use the Library: If you like to read, the library might be another alternative to buying books.
  • Borrow Books: Borrowing books from the library or your friends is a great way to read for free!
  • Use Online Promo Codes: Using promo codes or coupon codes on all of your online purchases will make a huge difference. Here is a great place to find promo codes and get money back on your purchases.
  • Eat Out Less Often: Eating out less can save money!
  • Eat Less Meat: Eating less meat will save on your grocery bill! There are so many wonderful delish meals made with beans!
  • Buy Used: If you must buy something but don’t want to spend much, consider buying used versions of the items you need. Buying used products will save money and help the environment.
  • Share with Friends: Sharing your belongings, like clothes or toys, can save you money.
  • Ask for Help: When someone offers to help you do something it’s only polite to take them up on it.
  • Find Used Clothing: Buying clothing used can save you a lot of money and help the environment!
  • Downsize Your Hobby: It’s important to live within your means. If you have an expensive hobby it may be time to scale back on the expense or find a cheaper one.
  • Need vs Want: Try not to spend money on things that are “needed” but not “wanted.”
  • Avoid Impulse Spending: Try to plan before you buy anything- think about what you need, the price of items, and if it is worth buying.
  • Plan Free Activities: Plan outings with friends and family, rather than going to the movies or restaurants alone.
  • Plan For Expensive Times: Give your friends a heads up before you go out on an expensive outing so they know it’s coming. They may be able to help cover the cost or provide a cheaper alternative. This will help everyone’s budget.
  • Do Your Research: Research all of your options before you make any purchase- this will allow you to get the best bang for your buck and find the best deals.
  • Bartering : If you must buy something, but you don’t want to spend much money on it-consider bartering with someone or buying used items instead of new ones (e.g., clothes, furniture).
  • Know-How You Spend Money: Keep a budget to track your spending and be aware of how much money you have left at the end of the day or week so you can plan accordingly.
  • Negotiate on Price: If you plan to buy something, don’t tell the retailer how much money you have until after they give their price- this can help save money and time by eliminating any final price negotiations.
  • Think Before You Spend: Put some thought into your purchases before you make them- this will help you make sure you really want to spend money.

How Much Money Should you Spend?

Picture of a blank paper, pen, and calculator to figure out how much money should you spend.

There is a lot of conflicting information on how much money should be allocated to needs vs. wants, but this takes into account what percentage of take-home pay should be spent on necessities.

Here is the Cents Plan Formula we Use at Money Bliss:

  • 50% to Basic Expenses
  • 20% to Savings
  • 10% to Giving
  • 20% to Fun Spending

So, the average person should spend 50% of their take-home pay towards needs. That means you must spend your money wisely.

Keep a list of what you spend and how much it cost.

You should have some idea of how much money you are able to spend on what. This will help you decide whether it is worth buying a thing or not before purchasing it.

Use the list to see where you can make adjustments, for example spending more time with your family or finding fun things to do with no money .

Ready to Start Spending Money Wisely?

essay what would you spend your money on

Spending money wisely can seem complicated at times.

The key to using money wisely is understanding how you spend your cash . Spending tends to happen automatically, which can lead people down the path of overspending and debt if not monitored closely.

The affordability of happiness and satisfaction depends intensely on the money we have.

The activities we could do, and expenses we could cut out, can be often atrocious and insufficient for our expectations.

Extreme dissatisfaction and the whole time earning less than we would desire, we may feel that we need to know how to spend money wisely.

The vital hacks elaborated in this post will help to understand caring for a budget, and changing our habits to spend more wisely.

When spending money wisely, people should be aware of their habits so they can change them in order to save more and spend less on things that do not bring happiness or benefit the person’s life.

If you want to save money, spend it on something that will make your life better or more enjoyable.

Know someone else that needs this, too? Then, please share!!

essay what would you spend your money on

Did the post resonate with you?

More importantly, did I answer the questions you have about this topic? Let me know in the comments if I can help in some other way!

Your comments are not just welcomed; they’re an integral part of our community. Let’s continue the conversation and explore how these ideas align with your journey towards Money Bliss.

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    Don't touch the money. An HSA isn't a retirement account per se. You can take an HSA withdrawal at any time to cover a qualified medical expense, like a copay for seeing the doctor.

  28. How Long Is Law School: What to Expect as a Law Student

    You can study at your own pace while continuing to work full-time. You may have access to more scholarships to help pay for law school. You can spread out the cost of law school over more years. You'll typically have more access to programs like clinics, externships, and on-campus interviews that can lead to jobs with law firms.

  29. How to Spend Money Wisely: 12 Hacks To Improve Your Habits

    Many people love the idea of time freedom for this reason. 3. Invest in Your Future. One way to spend money wisely is by investing in your future. This might be done through a 401 (k) or Roth IRA, which lets you invest pre-tax dollars and then withdraw them tax-free once you retire.