
Essay on If I Were a Tree

Students are often asked to write an essay on If I Were a Tree in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on If I Were a Tree

The life of a tree.

If I were a tree, I’d stand tall and sturdy, providing shade and shelter to many. I’d be a home to birds, insects, and other small animals.

Photosynthesis and Growth

As a tree, I’d use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make my food. This process is called photosynthesis. I’d grow slowly but steadily, reaching towards the sky.

Seasons and Changes

I’d witness the changing seasons. In spring, I’d wear a coat of fresh, green leaves. In autumn, my leaves would turn golden and fall.

Contributing to the Environment

Lastly, I’d purify the air by absorbing harmful gases and releasing oxygen.

250 Words Essay on If I Were a Tree

The life of a tree: a hypothetical perspective.

If I were a tree, I would be an ancient oak, standing tall, witnessing the passage of time, and providing shelter and sustenance to countless creatures. I would be a silent observer of the world, a testament to endurance and resilience.

As a Provider

My primary role would be that of a provider. I would offer shade to the weary traveler and a home to the chirping birds. My leaves would absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, contributing to the Earth’s life-sustaining processes. I would bear fruits, providing food for various species, and my fallen leaves would enrich the soil, facilitating the growth of other plants.

Symbol of Resilience

In the face of storms and harsh weather, I would stand firm, displaying resilience. I would endure the changing seasons, shedding my leaves in autumn and blossoming anew in spring. This cycle would serve as a metaphor for life’s ups and downs, reminding observers of the importance of resilience and adaptation.

A Silent Witness

As a tree, I would be a silent witness to the world’s evolution. I would observe the rise and fall of civilizations, the ebb and flow of life, and the relentless march of time. This perspective would offer a unique understanding of the world, highlighting the transience of human life and the enduring nature of the natural world.

Conclusion: A Call for Conservation

If I were a tree, I would be a symbol of life, resilience, and continuity. My existence would underscore the importance of conservation and the need to respect and protect nature. After all, trees are not just passive entities; they are active contributors to the Earth’s ecosystem and our survival.

500 Words Essay on If I Were a Tree


If I were a tree, I would be a silent observer and a generous contributor to the world. Trees are magnificent beings, providing a multitude of benefits to our planet and its inhabitants. They are the lungs of our planet, the providers of shelter and food, and the silent witnesses to the passage of time.

The Lifeline of the Ecosystem

As a tree, I would be an integral part of the ecosystem. I would provide oxygen, a byproduct of photosynthesis, which is essential for the survival of most species on Earth. I would absorb carbon dioxide, a significant greenhouse gas, thus playing a crucial role in mitigating climate change. My existence would contribute to the preservation of the delicate balance of the ecosystem, benefiting both flora and fauna.

The Provider

Trees are the epitome of selfless giving. If I were a tree, I would provide shelter and food to countless species. Birds would build nests in my branches, insects would find a home in my bark, and my leaves would provide sustenance to herbivores. My fruits and seeds would not only feed animals but also give life to the next generation of trees. I would be a symbol of life and abundance, a testament to the interconnectedness of all living things.

The Silent Witness

If I were a tree, I would be a silent witness to the passage of time. I would observe the changing seasons, the cycles of life and death, and the evolution of the world around me. I would witness human activities, their triumphs and failures, their joys and sorrows. I would stand tall and resilient, bearing the brunt of storms and harsh weather, a symbol of strength and endurance.

The Symbol of Wisdom and Peace

Trees are often associated with wisdom and peace. As a tree, I would inspire humans to seek knowledge and wisdom. The rings of my trunk would tell the story of my life, each ring representing a year of growth and experiences. I would serve as a reminder of the importance of patience and perseverance, as true growth takes time. The tranquility of a forest filled with trees like me would provide a serene environment, helping humans find peace and solace away from their hectic lives.

If I were a tree, I would serve the world selflessly and tirelessly, asking for nothing in return. However, the increasing deforestation and environmental degradation pose a threat to trees worldwide. As conscious beings, it is our responsibility to protect and preserve trees, understanding their invaluable contributions to our planet. If we can learn to respect and value trees, we can create a sustainable future for all living beings.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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essay on if i were a tree in english

English Summary

If I Was A Tree Lesson Summary and Explanation in English Class 11th

Back to: Karnataka Board Class 11th English Guide and Notes

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‘If I Were a Tree’ reveals the Indian society’s complicated and cruel caste system. The poet wishes he would have been born as a tree rather than a person, because the  human race still practices immoral discrimination  based on caste. The poet, on the other hand, turns to nature, which he believes does not discriminate against any creature regardless of size, colour, habitat or gender. Mudnakudu Chinnaswamy aspired to be a tree since, unlike a human born into a low caste household,  trees are not subjected to prejudice or humiliation .

About the Poet

Mudnakudu is a famous Kannada poet from the  Mudnakudu village . His major interest lies in writing poetry. His passions include anything from  culture  and  theatre  to  social service . Apart from English, Spanish, and Hebrew, he has been translated into numerous Indian languages. He holds an M.Com., M.A., and a D.Lit. in Social Sciences He works at the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) as a Director (Finance).

About the Translator

Rowena Hill was born in 1938 in England and studied in New Zealand. She also studied in Italy and India (University of Mysore). She lives in Mérida, Venezuela, and has taught English Literature at the Universidad de Los Andes. Some of Kannada’s most well-known poems have been translated into Spanish by her. More importantly, she has translated various literary masterpieces from Indian languages into English and Spanish.

In the poem, ‘If I Was a Tree,’ Mudnakudu Chinnaswamy expresses his  suffering, disappointments, anguish, and frustrations . He raises his voice against the  unjust class system.  For centuries, the caste system has caused conflict among humans by dividing them and building barriers. In today’s society, knowledge gives us power. Discrimination on the basis of caste is prohibited under the constitution. Unfortunately, the complicated web of politics, bureaucracy, and stereotypical attitudes makes it difficult to totally eradicate it.

The poem is written with intense sentimentalism toward the lower caste, their pain, and their indignation. The poem is divided into four stanzas, each with a different line length. Because it is written in free verse, there is no rhyme pattern.

The poet explains that if he were a tree, the bird would not inquire about his caste before making its nest. This shows that the poet has felt embarrassed of his caste as a result of the caste system on several occasions. He says that his shadow would not feel soiled when the sunshine embraced him. The tree would also have a beautiful relationship with the cool breeze and the leaves would be sweet.

When he states that raindrops won’t stop thinking of him as a dog eater, it’s clear that the individuals from whom he had expectations, much like a tree hoping for water, always rejected and insulted him. Then he says that when he spreads out his roots, Mother Earth will not flee in dread of sullying its image. This means that he was pushed out by the upper caste because he belonged to a lower caste. ‘Branching out’ refers to lower caste individuals discovering and utilizing their full potential, which the upper castes prevent them from doing.

The poet goes on to explain that if he were a tree, the sacred cow, which inhabited over three hundred thousand Gods, would scratch herself and touch him using that justification. This indicates that he has been refused access to a number of sacred and holy places. It is a paradoxical expression that demonstrates how the higher caste worships cows yet overlooks the divinity of their fellow people.

Finally, the poet justifies his desire to be a tree by saying that being a tree would guarantee his death by being burned in holy fire or turning into a bier. This shows that he is aware that he will be despised even after death, and that he will not be permitted to be cremated in a decent manner. As a result, he would be condemned both during and after his life as a person, but as a tree, he would live in peace and dignity.

essay on if i were a tree in english

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If I was a Tree Summary

If I was a Tree Summary

“If I was a Tree” is a thought-provoking poem by Charles Ghigna that invites readers to contemplate the idea of becoming a tree and experiencing the natural world from a unique perspective. The poem ‘If I was a Tree’ places before the readers an age-old custom of discrimination practised in India. The poem satirises the idea of defilement and purification. The unasked but implied question in the poem is about the defilement of the mind. Read More  1st PUC English Summaries .

If I was a Tree Summary in English

The poem ‘If I was a Tree’ places before the readers an age-old custom of discrimination practised in India. The poem satirises the idea of defilement and purification. The unasked but implied question in the poem is about the defilement of the mind. The poem implies that the ones who practise caste system go against God’s design. In the different creations of God, there is not a single creature that is considered superior to other creations.

It is clear from the poem that the speaker has suffered the bane of discrimination in human society. His statement that if he were a tree, no bird would ask him what caste he was, makes it clear that the speaker is made to feel ashamed of his caste repeatedly. When he states that the shadow of the tree which is formed on the ground when the sunlight falls on it, wouldn’t feel defiled, it is clear that people keep him at a distance and do not allow even his shadow to come in their way as he and his shadow are considered impure. When he talks about the sweet friendship with the cooly breeze and leaves, it is crystal clear that in society not many extend to him their hands of friendship.

If I was a Tree Summary images

When he avers that raindrops wouldn’t turn back from him considering him a dog eater, it is understandable that people from whom he hoped for sustenance just as a tree gets its sustenance from water, he got only abuse and rejection. When he writes that mother earth wouldn’t flee from him with the fear of getting defiled, the picture of upper caste people shooing him away forms in the imagination of the readers. The phrase ‘branching out’ makes it clear that the hopes and aspirations of the lower caste people are curbed and they are not allowed to make use of their potential. Through the image of the sacred cow coming to the tree and giving the tree the joy of being touched by the three hundred thousand gods sheltering inside her, the speaker shows that entry to sacred places is denied to him. It could even be an ironical reference to the higher caste people who worship cows as divine but fail to see divinity in their fellow human beings.

It could even be a mockery of the upper caste people who worship thousands of gods but have no respect for their brethren. Finally, when the speaker says that if he is a tree he would have the privilege of being burnt in the holy fire or becoming the bier, it is clear that as a human being, he knows that he would be shunned even after death and wouldn’t be allowed a decent death. Thus, as a human being, in life and death, he would be condemned, but as a tree, he would live a life of dignity and joy. Thus the speaker makes it clear that instead of being born as a human being in a society which practices discrimination, it is better to be born as a tree or any other creature in nature, as in nature there is no discrimination.


The poet wishes he would have been born as a tree rather than a person, because the human race still practices immoral discrimination based on caste. The poet, on the other hand, turns to nature, which he believes does not discriminate against any creature regardless of size, colour, habitat or gender.

Paragraph on If I Were a Tree – by Shanu

essay on if i were a tree in english

If I were a tree, I would have been the best gift of nature. I would have had a lot of choices then.

A banyan tree which ages with beauty. Or may be a tree full of colorful flowers where I could speak about my presence without speaking anything.

It would be the fragrance of my flowers that would carry the message of my presence down the boulevard or even better if I was the one with first flowers and then fruits, like the mango tree. Or maybe the tree with medicinal properties and the coolest shadow like Neem.

Advantages of being a tree over mankind:


Tree unlike mankind does not require appearing for board examinations, neither do they wear uniforms for school and blessed enough to get away from carrying school bags. Teachers and parents would have never reprimanded in that case. Money would have made no difference to me. What a blessed life that will be for me.

The gift from Mother Nature:

How lucky I would have been if I were a tree. I would have no urgency to eat or cook food. Sunlight would have washed me with its warmth. I would have danced to the tunes of the breeze with birds singing all around me. The rain would have washed me clean. I would have been free enough where the sky would be my roof and the earth my floor. The fruits and flowers would have dressed me up for the arrival of spring. My mother would be Nature. Well, in that case I would have missed my own mother.

Benefits for being a tree:

How can I forget the other benefits too for being a tree! Tired people would have taken shelter under me in scorching summers, sleeping peacefully or may be sharing the top most confidential s with their friends. I would witness all throughout without them knowing it. How exciting that would have been! Even the birds would have formed their nest in my lap. They would have given birth to new lives. I would have witnessed their first flying too!

Importance to mankind:

If I were a tree, then I would have given fresh oxygen to breathe, colorful flowers to adorn people, fruits to eat, and would have acted as a medicine too when required. My leaves would give them shadow for shelter. It is the tree from where papers are made; furniture are made from the woods and also used for many other needs. It is planting of more trees that prevent global warming too.

Threatening to a tree life:

Life would not have been easier for me, if I were a tree. I would not have been safe as poachers would have cut me down to earn money through unfair means. Severe lightning would have burnt me to death. The man would have cut me for building high rise buildings, making the ecological balance suffer.

My message as a tree:

If I were a tree, I would give mankind shelter, food, oxygen and also help all humans with my wood when I die. So please plant me more and make a greener world to stay. Please stop global warming by cutting me down. I am a gift of Nature for mankind. Preserve me, preserve life.

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If I Were A Tree

If I were a tree

I would be happier than I am now

Because trees have freedom of speech

I'd be beautiful because I wouldn't own a mirror

And I would never have to think of what to wear

Because God gave me one outfit and green leaves for hair

I would be smart because I never went to school

Where creativity is choked to death by

Expectations and dullness thrives on peoples' need to be exactly like everyone else so that they can

Call themselves unique

If I were a tree I would stare at the clouds

Because there wouldn't be any ceilings in the way

If I were a tree I would be strong

Because I would have roots deep in the grassy earth

and my hair would blow in the Autumn winds

and I'd feel the summer sun on my skin

and bathe in the spring rains

and brave winter storms

If I were a tree I'd be happier than I am now

But I'm glad I'm not

Because if I was I wouldn't be me

And I know who I am

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Mudnakudu Chinnaswamy

2) What wouldn’t the bird ask the tree?

Ans: The bird wouldn’t ask the tree what caste the tree belonged to before building its nest.

essay on if i were a tree in english

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Paragraph and Speech on “If I were a tree” Paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class Exams.

If I were a tree

Today my friend asked me a question. What would you do if you were a tree? Trees are one of my favorites. They are one of the most essential and useful thing in this world. I always loved the thick lush coconut trees around my house. If I were a tree, I would have provided shades and nest to all those who lives around me. Birds would have found a sweet home inside me. I will inhale lots of carbon dioxide and exhale fresh oxygen for all living things around me. My legs will penetrate deep into the soil and will suck water through my roots to quench my thirst. I will produce beautiful flowers and fruits and lots of children will come and play with me. I can imagine children climbing through my body, plucking and eating fruits and playing using swings. I will make our surrounding cooler and also helps to produce rain. More interesting, I will be watching all of you from the top, as I am the tallest in our surrounding.

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  • Tree Essay for Students in English


Essay On Tree

We live in an ecosystem with other living beings. One of the most pillars of an ecosystem is the trees. The green living beings provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe and live. Trees process carbon dioxide and use sunlight to make their food. In this process, they release oxygen that every other animal needs to live. Trees provide more benefits and make our planet sustainable. Despite such benefits of trees, we are deforesting the green reserves for our profits and slowly killing the planet.

Trees are the big plants that have a green hood of foliage. A tree provides us with shades in the hot days. The cool shade relieves us from scorching heat so that we can rest. We find them in the big parks and roadsides of well-planned cities. We find many trees in rural areas. This is why the air we breathe in the villages is very clean. Trees have the innate properties to clean air by absorbing carbon dioxide during the daytime. They have the biological power to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates using the power of sunlight. This is what we depend on. The entire ecosystem depends on what plants produce. An ecosystem depends on these producers of the food chain. These producers support the life of herbivores and the rest of the animals in the chain.

There are so many types of trees we find in nature. In fact, we are not aware of all the species found in the darkest and deepest jungles on the earth. These trees breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This oxygen is then used by the animals across all ecosystems. It means that the trees are the prime life support we need to survive. Trees are also responsible to remove carbon dioxide, the prime greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

Global warming is caused due to the over-accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Aggressive industrialization is creating more greenhouses gases that trees can absorb. On the contrary, we are destroying our forest reserves to find more land to construct concrete jungles and factories. It has become a huge burden on the existing forests on earth. It is a natural cycle where the trees absorb the carbon dioxide animals produce and release oxygen for them.

When the trees are falling short, the level of carbon dioxide will automatically increase. It is resulting in a steady increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface. The entrapment of heat released by the earth’s surface by the blanket of greenhouse gases is causing the ice caps in the mountains and poles to melt. It is endangering the marine species, coral reefs, islands, and associated ecosystems. In fact, trees also keep the earth’s surface cooler by providing shade. Humans are responsible for the destruction of the forests and slowly making the planet inhabitable for other creatures.

The level of pollution is also increasing in the entire world. Trees are the only creatures that can save us from the alarming rise in the level of greenhouse gases. They can only provide shade to the needy. It is we who need to understand the importance of trees and plant more. We need to afforest barren lands and stand against the illegal acquisition of forests for industrialization. The entire world needs to slow down in terms of consumption. This pressure on every industry is driving us to gather more resources. We are steadily depleting all the natural resources and will run dry soon if we don’t stop.

We need to bring change. We need to make everyone aware of how trees are important for survival. It is us who can make a cumulative decision and trees can help us achieve a healthier planet for all living beings.

Trees are essential for human survival as well as the ecosystem's survival. Life would not be possible without Trees. Trees provide two of life's most important components: oxygen and food. As time went on, we began to collect Trees for medicine, shelter, and other commercial objectives. Our reliance on Trees has not decreased throughout time. In reality, we rely on Trees more than ever before.  The purpose of this essay about the importance of Trees is to inform readers about how important Trees are to the environment. We've started chopping down big tracts of forest to make way for more people because our needs are so tremendous.

Trees purify the air we breathe, they are our best companions. They also purify the water and soil, ultimately making the planet a better place. People who live near Trees are also more fit, healthier, and happier than those who do not.

Furthermore, it is our job to care for our friends who assist us in a variety of ways. Most importantly, by protecting plants, we are primarily benefiting ourselves rather than the plants. Because the lives of Trees and plants are not dependent on us, but our lives are dependent on them.

Trees must be protected because they are vital to our ecology. Furthermore, Trees are considered natural carbon sinks, which means they have the ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide from the environment. This reduces not only the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere but also the greenhouse effect's influence. As a result, Trees provide a number of functions, ranging from ecosystems to environmental cleaners. 

Trees are the earth's green gold and the source of life for all living things. Trees are the source of life. They are wildlife habitats in their natural state. They are also a part of the natural beauty of our surroundings. Nature is vital to our survival. Trees are the most attractive and important aspect of our environment. Nature's equilibrium is linked. A single dysfunction disrupts the entire environment, causing harm to all living things.

It is necessary to explain the many sorts of Trees when discussing Trees. Trees are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Shrubs, creepers, hardwoods, and other plants are among them. As food, certain soft Trees. Pumpkin, squash, water, spinach, and other vegetables are examples. All of these green Trees are beneficial to our well-being. Mango, jackfruit, coconut, and other tropical fruits can be found later in the hardwoods. Rose blossoms, guava Trees, and other bushes can be seen among the shrubs.


FAQs on Tree Essay for Students in English

1. What is the importance of trees?

Trees are extremely significant to us in a variety of ways, and we cannot overlook their significance. They are significant because they provide us with clean air to breathe, food to eat, and protection from the sun and rain. Aside from that, there are other medicines on the market that contain tree extracts. Aside from that, there are plants and trees with therapeutic properties.

They bring calm; they produce a lovely and restful atmosphere. They also aid in the reflection of the sun's damaging rays and the maintenance of a comfortable temperature. They also aid in water conservation and soil erosion prevention. They help control the ecosystem, and several plant species have been venerated since ancient times.

2. What is the value of trees?

When a plant or tree seed grows, it greens the environment around it. It also supports a diverse range of living types. Many reptiles and animals dwell on or around it, and birds build their nests there.

Aside from all the lovely flowers, there's food growing on it. Furthermore, many tree parts, such as roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds, are edible. Most significantly, they never expect anything in exchange for their services or gifts. Trees also help to maintain the ecosystem and ecology's equilibrium.

To sum up, trees are extremely important and beneficial to all living things on the planet. Without them, life on Earth will struggle to survive, and after a while, every species will perish due to a lack of oxygen on the planet. So, in order to save our lives and survive, we must learn the value of trees and pass this knowledge on to our children.

3. What are the benefits of trees?

Trees give us several benefits, some of which we cannot see but which have a significant impact. They aid in the fight against climate change by absorbing greenhouse gases, which are the primary cause.

They also recharge groundwater and filter hazardous chemicals and scents from the air. They're also nutritious, with the king of fruits, the 'Mango,' growing on trees.

Furthermore, they are the source of rainfall by attracting clouds to the surface and causing them to rain. They have the potential to be teachers, playmates, and role models for unity in diversity.

Above all, they are a good way to reduce pollutants in the air, water, and noise.

4. What are the important highlights of the essay on trees?

Essay about the Importance of Trees in 10 Lines

Trees are vital to the ecosystem because they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Trees come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with thousands of varieties to choose from.

Trees provide food and shelter for animals.

Trees provide benefits to humans in a variety of ways.

Trees are also used to manufacture furniture and other industrial products, and they are a major source of medicine.

Trees and their branches are utilised as a fuel source. Trees also help to avoid soil erosion. Trees help to avoid flooding and clean the air we breathe. Trees must not be taken down, and additional trees must be planted.

5. What are the community and ecological values of trees?

Value to the Community

Our parks and gardens have been ornamented with trees and other vegetation, creating attractive aesthetics for the surroundings. Furthermore, trees provide shade, which is particularly beneficial during the summer. The presence of trees and other greenery increases the value of a residential neighbourhood. Moreover, trees that are several hundred years old serve as tourist attractions or historical markers. In Bangalore, for example, a tree known as the Dodda Alada Mara (Big Banyan Tree) is a famous tourist destination. This 400-year-old tree is the largest of its kind, covering about 12,000 m 2 .

Trees Have a High Ecological Value

The planet would become desolate and dead without trees, which is why they are so important to the ecology. There are also a variety of animals that live in trees. Arboreal creatures spend their whole lives, including rearing their young, dining, sleeping, and mating, in trees. If trees are cut down, these animals will have nowhere to live, and they may go extinct. The species that live in the trees include sloths, flying snakes, geckos, koalas, opossums, and tarsiers. Hundreds of spider and bug species have made their homes in trees.

6. Why are Trees important?

Trees are the base of a pyramidal ecosystem and food chain. They are the online living beings that can trap sunlight to make food and the rest of the creatures depend on it directly or indirectly. Trees cannot be replaced with anything in any biome. The sustainability of nature depends totally on trees and partially on other animals. They also consume carbon dioxide and keep our atmosphere free from toxic gases. We also inhale oxygen released by the trees during photosynthesis. Hence, trees are the most important living beings on our planet that make us sustainable.

7. How Trees can prevent global warming?

The increased rate of industrialization is generating carbon dioxide at an alarming rate. This is hampering the balance of the atmosphere causing global warming across the planet. Only trees are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide at a huge rate and release fresh oxygen for other creatures by the process of photosynthesis. This is how we can reverse global warming in a natural way. By planting trees, we can tackle this huge threat and save the only habitable planet we have.

8. How Trees help us apart from giving oxygen?

Trees and plants hold on to the soil and stop soil erosion. In fact, trees in the coastal regions and river banks are capable of reducing the destructive degree of floods and tsunamis. Trees are also the home of wild animals that are a part and parcel of an ecosystem. We also depend on the crops to sustain. Many trees have medicinal values.

We get wood from trees to construct our homes. In a nutshell, trees are very important for every living being on earth.

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Essay On Trees – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Trees For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on trees for kids, a paragraph on ‘importance of trees’ for kids, short essay on trees for children, long essay on ‘importance of trees’ for kids, what will your child learn from this essay.

Trees are a part of the Earth and exist to enrich our lives. They are critical to the survival of every living species, including land animals, wild creatures, and aquatic organisms. Raw materials provided to us by trees have been used since ancient times to make herbal medicine. The leaves, roots, and stems are parts that are high in medicinal properties and can be used to make natural tinctures. The air we breathe is not clean these days, and this is where the importance of trees comes in. Below we have provided the best tips on writing an essay on trees for classes 1, 2, and 3.

Trees don’t exist just for show. They preserve our environment and give life to the wilderness. Many animals dwell on lands shrouded by trees and base their survival on these natural habitats. If it’s your first time learning how to write an essay on trees, here are a few pointers:

  • Write an introductory paragraph on trees and discuss how trees brought life to this planet.
  • Discuss the different types of trees in urban settings, such as woodlands, rainforests, and perennial plants.
  • Mention the benefits of trees for our health as humans and how they play a role in preserving nature.
  • Add a conclusion near the end and summarise why trees are essential for us.

As human beings, we should definitely do our share for the environment and attempt to plant more trees. Here are some points to write an essay on trees for classes 1 and 2:

  • Trees produce oxygen for our environment and absorb harmful carbon dioxide gas.
  • Without trees, there would be no life on this planet.
  • Our ancestors used tree wood to forge weapons and hunt in the past.
  • Every person should take the responsibility of protecting trees and ensuring their integrity.
  • Trees help discard water, noise, and air pollution.
  • Many natural disasters can be prevented worldwide by planting more trees.
  • Trees give us fresh fruits, seeds, and seasonal bounty, which we can enjoy.
  • Trees improve the fertility of soils and help prevent soil erosion.
  • The earth will turn into a barren wasteland if all trees are destroyed, and no life will exist.
  • Travellers rest under the shade of trees to relax and rejuvenate during hot summers.

Trees make our world beautiful and give us food to eat. The fresh air we breathe is from the trees; mother nature would not thrive without trees. Below is a short paragraph on the importance of trees for kids:

Trees are the breathing lungs of the earth. We need trees more than they need humans. Industrial factors, cars, and human activities produce carbon dioxide emissions that harm the environment. The high amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere results in air pollution and increases the chances of global warming. Trees absorb carbon dioxide gas from the environment and purify the atmosphere. Without trees, we would lack enough oxygen to sustain life on the planet. Many herbivores and wild animals turn to trees to seek shelter and food. Trees’ fruits, nuts, and seeds are used to feed these animals. Trees also help fertilise the soil, maintain mineral composition, and prevent it from eroding.

Trees are our best friend and are considered nature’s bounty to human beings. They provide us with food, shelter, raw materials, and natural resources. We need oxygen to live; without trees, all life would cease to exist. Here is a short essay for classes 1, 2, and 3:

Tree plantations ensure our environment does not run out of a decent oxygen supply. Global warming is becoming a problem, and the ice caps are melting because of too much air pollution. Trees absorb harmful toxins from the air and purify the atmosphere. We can say that trees are more valuable than gold, silver, and money because oxygen is essential for survival. There is no price or value we can attach to trees since they cannot be replaced. Many beautiful birds, wild creatures, and insects use trees to serve as their natural habits. Trees are crucial as they provide raw materials for making vital medicines, beauty products, furniture, etc. Most trees can be classified as Angiosperms and Gymnosperms.

Angiosperms make flowers and seeds, while gymnosperms do not. Unlike gymnosperms, they cannot reproduce without the help of animals and depend on them for spreading their pollen. The leaves of trees can absorb a significant amount of heat, and they act as nature’s filters when it comes to cleansing the air. More trees in our environment mean a lesser amount of dust, toxins, and harmful substances.

One of the best ways to deal with climate change on our planet is by planting trees. There must be increased recycling efforts, and millions of people worldwide should work together and plant more trees. Here is how to write a long essay for class 3 kids on trees:

The importance of trees cannot be negated in our lives as they are one of the reasons humanity can survive on planet earth. There are various types of trees found in nature that are useful and auspicious at the same time, some of which are the Banyan tree, Neem tree, etc.

The Banyan tree can be primarily found in different parts of the country and is considered the national tree of India. Its leaves are used as plates for serving food during festivals, social, and other auspicious occasions. Every household is familiar with the neem tree, whose parts are used for different purposes. Neem leaves make fertiliser for plants and enrich the soil. According to the study of botany, a tree is classified as a perennial plant with leaves, branches, and stems stretching out. The Neem and Tulsi leaves are precious for those who suffer from health issues like cold, cough, and fever. Its leaves make essential oils that serve medicinal uses and help treat insomnia and indigestion.

Some trees like rosemary and sandalwood are used for making beauty products and cosmetics. They are suitable for skincare, give glowing skin, and make hair look flawless. Trees are known for maintaining balance in our ecosystem and making our environment cool. Cutting down too many trees can heat the atmosphere, increase air pollution levels, and make breathing difficult. We need trees for the survival of our species. They provide us with shade and shelter during hot summers. The leaves absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide through a process called photosynthesis, and in exchange, they produce more oxygen. There are many ways to classify trees, but the two common ways are through biological classification.

Types Of Trees

The main types of trees are:

1. Deciduous Trees –  These shed leaves seasonally and is known for their unique leaf pattern arrangements. They are huge flowering plants, and this category includes oaks, maples, etc.

2. Evergreen Trees –  Their leaves don’t shed and last year-round. Some examples are Hemlock, Eucalyptus, and Cycads.

3. Gymnosperms –  Trees that don’t yield any flower or fruit are referred to as gymnosperms. Pine, spruce, and fur are the three most popular types.

Benefits Of Trees

If you want to learn about the value of trees, read on to learn of the following benefits:

1. Peace And Happiness 

Trees make a person feel calm and tranquil, relax them and can be used to experience pleasant emotions.

2. Less Runoff 

They reduce runoff by breaking up rainfall and preventing soil erosion.

3. Build Sustainable Communities 

They can help encourage building sustainable lifestyle practices and grow eco-friendly communities. People who plant trees often look towards natural alternatives to meet their life and food requirements.

4. Beautify Spaces 

It’s easy to turn a barren wasteland into a beautiful landscape by planting more trees.

5. Canopy For Wildlife 

Trees provide shelter to wild animals and protect them from the harmful effects of the sun. There are also other uses of trees, such as food for animals.

Your child can learn a lot about trees by reading an essay on the subject. Writing about trees will make their minds curious and encourage them to research. Treating our environment with care and kindness will help restore this planet.

Now that you know enough about trees, you can get to work on the tree essay. Let us know how it goes in the comments below.

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Trees Our Best Friend Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on trees are our best friend.

Trees are our best friend essay: It is correctly said that “when you plant a tree, you plant a life”. Trees are one of the greatest blessings for humans from mother earth. The most important thing one must remember is that trees do not need us, rather we need them. Apart from the countless benefits they have, trees our certainly our best friends. They are the friends who always give us everything without expecting a single thing in return. Trees have inherited this earth longer than humans; however, humans tend to forget this fact. They fail to recognize their significance and continue to exploit them endlessly for short-term benefits.

Trees Are Our Best Friend

Significance of Trees

Just like our friends, trees also come in our use in various ways. We usually share everything with our friends, similarly, trees do the same. They give us their fruits , seeds , flowers , herbs and more. It is impossible for human life to function without trees as they belong to the category of principal sources of oxygen on earth.

They are responsible for protecting us under their shade. Further, they even help in preventing natural calamities like droughts and floods. In addition to being useful for humans, trees are also a home for several birds and animals.

They provide shelter to them which ultimately benefits humans as well. In other words, trees fulfill the role of a best friend in every human being’s life irrespective of anything.

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Over-exploitation of Trees

Despite holding such a great significance in our lives, humans have been overexploiting trees for the longest time. This constant practice can prove to be extremely devastating for the earth and human life, both.

For instance, the industrial sector is cutting down trees rapidly for attaining raw materials in bulk. Subsequently, even governments are contributing to deforestation by clear-cutting in order to build huge buildings.

essay on if i were a tree in english

To sum it up, as life gets hard without our best friend, the same will happen with the lack of trees too. The least we can do for trees is save them from being cut down. Without trees, this planet will turn into a desert.

While various governments of different countries are taking measures to conserve them, we must do it too individually. Encourage planting of trees and join campaigns that do the same. Make the world a greener place and protect our best friends.

FAQs on Trees

Question- How can you label trees as your ‘best friend’?

Answer- As it is quite evident, there are numerous similarities between a best friend and trees. We see how trees do the same things for us, sometimes even more, as our best friends. They are always there when we need them. Trees protect us from everything just like our friends. They benefit us in several ways and enhance our lives by their presence, similar to best friends.

Question- Why are trees being overexploited?

Answer- As trees have plentiful advantages; humans are exploiting or rather overexploiting them endlessly. Without realizing or simply ignoring that they are essentially non-renewable resources. On the corporate level as well as individual level, they are being exploited for the wood they provide useful in industries. They are cut down for agricultural use. People also clear land by cutting trees to build buildings and homes. One of the main reasons for this overexploitation is the need for wood, paper, and palm oil.

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