1. Azure Bicep authorization roleassignements to storage account fails

    azure bicep the role assignment already exists

  2. Azure landing zones

    azure bicep the role assignment already exists

  3. GitHub

    azure bicep the role assignment already exists

  4. Create role assignments for different scopes with Bicep

    azure bicep the role assignment already exists

  5. Using Bicep to Deploy Azure Cosmos DB SQL Role Assignments

    azure bicep the role assignment already exists

  6. GitHub

    azure bicep the role assignment already exists


  1. Bicep Community Call

  2. Bicep Community Call

  3. VS Code and Bicep Extension #azure #azuredevops #azuretips #azurestandard #cloudcomputing #bicep

  4. Azure Bicep

  5. 39. Azure Bicep

  6. Azure Landing Zones Bicep


  1. Azure Bicep authorization roleassignements to storage account fails

    Answer does not address the issue. My bicep code can't go and look at the portal gui interface. I need code to add to my bicep to skip role creation if the role already exists. Need a code solution, not a go use the gui solution. Please provide complete start to finish solutions in bicep. Lack of useful complete bicep examples is frustrating.

  2. Prevent error from redundant deploy: Error: "role assignment already

    Role Assignment template. Issue Details. I was wondering about a technical issue with this template. When you deploy a web app or storage account with an ARM and it already exists, there is no error; the ARM just skips or updates the resource. With role assignments, if you try running it multiple times, you get an error:

  3. roleAssignment & diagnosticLog deployments fail if role/log already exist

    I'm using bicep to assign roles to my resources - the first run works perfectly, but any consecutive run fails because the role already exists. The same goes for diagnosticLogs - if they already exist, the pipeline fails. Is there any way to check if the resource exist and skip the resource-deployment if so?

  4. azurerm_role_assignment "The role assignment already exists."

    Proper solution should be checking if role assignment with the same roleDefinitionId already exists (role name is resolved to role ID at the very beginning of execution) during the existence check, probably only in case name is not provided and role_definition_name or role_definition_id is provided.

  5. Option to not throw errors on already existing roles #12587

    Issue can be closed as it is different from what I initially thought. EDIT 2 (this might be a bug): I get no errors when I specify a tenantId when assigning external roles, but the fun part here is that it does not matter which tenant id I use. If I use my home user email as userId in combination with a completely random tenantId the role ...

  6. Permissioning Azure Pipelines with Bicep and Azure RBAC Role Assignments

    Permission our service connection / service principal. In order that we can run pipelines related to Azure, we mostly need to have an Azure Resource Manager service connection set up in Azure DevOps. Once that exists, we also need to give it a role assignment to allow it to create role assignments of its own when pipelines are running.

  7. Checking for resource existence in Bicep

    In order to test your Bicep template simply perform a resource deployment on your resource group, e.g. az deployment group create -resource-group myresourcegroup -template-file test.bicep. Solution 2: Bicep template with automatic user-assigned managed identity lifecycle management. The script below operates similarly to the script above ...

  8. Create role assignments for different scopes with Bicep

    This is how you define the role assignment in Bicep: @description ('Principal type of the assignee.') To deploy it and set the parameters, you can use different methods. For this post I have used PowerShell. As you can see, you need to define the Id for both the roledefinition and the principalID.

  9. 3 Ways To Check If Resource Exists In Azure Bicep

    There are multiple ways to check whether a resource exists while deploying an Azure Bicep template. Three approaches described in this post are using resource tags, leveraging Azure PowerShell or CLI scripting, or running a deployment script. As of May 2022, Azure Bicep does not provide a built-in way to check if a resource exists, however, the ...

  10. How to modularize a scoped role assignment with Bicep? · Azure bicep

    name: resourceName. } Now, if I want to make this role assignment specific to one resource type, it's easy enough to solve: targetScope = 'resourceGroup'. @description('The ID of the principal receiving the role assignment') param principalId string. @description('The ID of the role definition to assign to the principal') param roleDefinitionId ...

  11. Create or update Azure custom roles using Bicep

    In this article. If the Azure built-in roles don't meet the specific needs of your organization, you can create your own custom roles.This article describes how to create or update a custom role using Bicep. Bicep is a domain-specific language (DSL) that uses declarative syntax to deploy Azure resources. It provides concise syntax, reliable type safety, and support for code reuse.

  12. ARM Deployment Stacks now GA!

    A deployment stack is a method of deploy an ARM Template or Bicep file which tracks the resources deployed in a "managedResources" list. Beyond the capabilities of conventional ARM Template or Bicep deployments, there are two main capabilities that deployment stacks bring to Azure: "ActionOnUnamange" : With this setting a deployment stack ...

  13. Check if resource exists · Issue #4023 · Azure/bicep · GitHub

    +1 on this. I'd also like to have a function on ARM/bicep to check if particular resourceId exists. My use case is that I'd like to create a blue-green deployment of container instance and manipulate private DNS entry to switch to opposite configuration after the deployment. the DNS entry would also indicate which one is currently in use.

  14. How to know the azure role assignment already exists

    well, you are using the right command, you just need to build some logic around it to be able to determine if the assignment already exists. If you know the GUID beforehand: Is the easiest way to check. Its output is : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Resources.Models.Authorization.PSRoleAssignment How can i know it has 'Storage Blob Data Contributor ...

  15. Provide a mechanism to maintain role assignments with ...

    If ARM cannot update the role assignment, it should abstract the problem away with combining delete/create operations. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

  16. Reference existing resource in Bicep

    Next steps. To reference an existing resource that isn't deployed in your current Bicep file, declare the resource with the existing keyword. Use the existing keyword when you're deploying a resource that needs to get a value from an existing resource. You access the existing resource's properties through its symbolic name.