Reflection Essay On Business Communication

The following sample essay on Reflection On Business Communication. To read the essay’s introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.

How to write business communication essay

The concept of business communication essay is inextricably linked with the sphere of cooperation. No businessperson or employer in his work can do without business interaction. Business communication and its forms act as a unique link that is the basis of the interaction between people and business.

H1 What is a business communication essay?

The main areas that relate to business communication are marketing, brand management, employee management, corporate, communication, public relations, as well as advertising and consumer behavior.

Knowledge of essay writing and how to create business papers such as business plan, financial plan or marketing plan will allow you to establish a business and connections effectively, or successfully start a career in marketing, accounting, finance, investment banking, etc.

Briefly about the essence of the essay

The word “essay” came to us from France and historically dates back to the Latin word exagium (weighing).

French essay can translate the words experience, trial, attempt, sketch, etc. That writing is a prosaic composition of a small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and considerations of the author on a particular occasion or issue and not claiming the truth. Examples of topics for the piece can be very diverse – from philosophical to literary and journalistic, historical, including biographical sketches and others.

That genre of writing, is actively disseminated in all areas of our lives. In many universities, schools, when hiring young professionals, such piece is offered as one of the entrance exams and is one of the main components of the package of documents.

reflective essay on business communication

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The contest helps from the variety of the best to choose the better and lets you realize if this person is good enough for business, study, is his work experience sufficient to justify hopes in the future and benefit the company (organization, enterprise). But for a competent, interesting creation, some rules and recommendations should be observed.

Characteristic features of the business communication essay

  • One of the peculiarities of the business essay is that the genre assumes the freedom of creativity, it can be written on any topic and in any style.
  • In the same way, this genre always has some specific topic that contains a problem and prompts the reader to consider.
  • That type of text has a subjective author’s position. Expresses a subjective view of the existing problem, its relation to the world, etc.
  • Contains a detailed analysis of the problem. Our point of view needs to be argued by the factual material.
  • There are no restrictions on the number of pages, but the such paper is small in volume.
  • The logic of presentation. Despite the free composition, the essay must have an internal unity, consistency of the author’s statements expressing his opinion.
  • Thus, we can distinguish the it by a special style of narrative; its purpose is to induce the reader to reflect. The author does not insist on his point of view, but as if invites the reader to think and discuss it.

Structure of the business communication essay

When writing it is also important to consider the following points:

  • The plan should consist of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. That is, in general, such piece must be five paragraphs.
  • Entry and conclusion should focus on the problem, in the introduction, it is presented to the reader and attracts him, in conclusion – the author summarizes the opinion.
  • Style of presentation: emotionality, expressiveness, artistic quality characterize essays. Experts believe that the short-term, simple, diverse offers, proper use of punctuation marks provide the proper effect. However, the style reflects the characteristics of the individual; this is also useful to memorize.

Also, we can determine the structure of the essay by the requirements imposed on it:

  • The thoughts of the author on the problem are set out in the form of brief theses. The thesis tells what the composition will be about and gives the reader an understanding of the subject and point of view of the author.
  • Evidence must support the idea – the thesis is followed by arguments.

Arguments are facts, events, life situations, life experience, scientific evidence, references to the opinions of scientists, etc. When writing, it is customary to give two arguments in favor of each thesis, since one argument seems unconvincing, and three arguments can overload the text.

How to write a business communication essay step by step

  • Select a topic.

When choosing the topic of writing from the proposed list, you should choose one in which there is certain knowledge, considerations or just strong interest. If you do not have a topic assigned, you need to do some more work. However, this possibility also gives you an advantage in choosing the object of interest. Determine your goal. Is your essay for information or persuasion?

If the task is focused on the employer, it is desirable that both the topic and the content of the essay reflect the character of the author, his uniqueness, humanity and individuality.

  • Make a plan of your thoughts

Make a plan that you will follow in writing the essay. He will help to present thoughts structured. Take the thought that you are brainstorming and collecting them in a circuit. Write a thematic proposal for your main ideas. Then, from the bottom, make the points and state your supporting evidence. As a rule, you need three arguments or a fragment of evidence to support each basic idea.

  • Write your thesis.

To make the thesis seem more convincing, think about what aphorisms, quotes from classics might be relevant in your essay. They will give an essay of originality and aphorism. Choose one or three of your strongest ideas that support your topic. You should be able to support these ideas with proofs of your research.

Some other steps

  • Write the body of the essay.

The average, basic paragraphs of the essay are known as body paragraphs, the main purpose of which is to set out in detail examples that support your theses.

For the first paragraph of the body, you need to use your most convincing argument or the most important example.

  • Write an introduction

The introduction should draw the reader’s attention to your essay. Therefore, a successful first sentence can help with your noble goals. But if you do not continue to develop the thought, he will give up reading in the middle. After the first sentence, one or two more sentences should follow, which will logically link the first sentence and the main text. Usually, these sentences serve as a continuation of the first phrase and expand the context. Most often, essays are not just descriptions. They cannot exist to tell you something in simple words. As a rule, the author of the essay pursues a certain goal. The aim of the writing is making the reader change his mind about some question

  • Write a conclusion.

Finally, we need to formulate a conclusion. It will be better for you to write a conclusion beforehand. As this will help to facilitate the construction of your ideas, thereby, giving the groundwork for work.

The conclusion should not coincide verbatim with the judgment given for the justification: it brings together in one or two sentences the main ideas of arguments and sums up the arguments, confirming the correctness or incorrectness of the judgment that was the theme of the essay.

To formulate a problematic conclusion, we should use cliché phrases :

  • “Thus, we can conclude …”
  • “Summing up a general line, I would like to note that …”
  • In conclusion…
  • Based on all the above, it can be argued that …

The additional merit of the essay is the inclusion in it:

  • brief information about the author of the statement (for example, “outstanding French philosopher-educator,” “famous philosopher-existentialist,” “founder

the idealistic trend in philosophy “, etc.);

  • description of different thoughts on the problem or different approaches to its solution;
  • indications of the ambiguity of the concepts and terms used, with the justification of the meaning in which they apply in an essay;
  • an indication of alternative solutions to the problem.

Writing an essay often seems like an impossible mission among most students and young professionals. If you can not write an essay on business communication, you can get help from expert site authors, providing you with personalized essays and model answers through which you can effectively manage your paper about business communication and get an estimate or work, about which you dreamed.

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The Importance of Reflective Leadership in Business

Business leader speaking to three members of their team, who are seated at a table with laptops

  • 05 Sep 2023

Effective leadership is essential to business success. As an organizational leader , you not only guide decision-making but create your company’s culture, retain its talent, and move it toward bigger, better things.

Your leadership style —the behavioral patterns consistent across your decision-making—influences your impact on your organization and team. One of the most beneficial styles to adopt is reflective leadership.

If you want to learn more about reflective leadership’s role in business, here’s an overview of its components, why it’s effective, and how to become a reflective leader.

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What Is Reflective Leadership?

Reflective leadership involves self-awareness, introspection, and continuous learning and growth to make better decisions, enhance leadership skills , and improve team performance .

“Reflective leadership requires the continuous practice of reflection over time,” says Harvard Business School Professor Nien-hê Hsieh in the online course Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability . “This allows you to regularly examine and re-evaluate your decisions and responsibilities to practice, broaden, and deepen your skills, and to apply this knowledge when analyzing present situations.”

Reflective leadership also enables you to help your team grow.

“Reflective leadership is about helping others on your team or in your organization,” Hsieh says. “It’s about helping them develop their own skills in awareness, judgment, and action.”

In Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability , Hsieh delves into the reflective leadership model , a framework for conceptualizing your responsibilities as an ethical leader.

The Reflective Leadership Model

The model has four components:

  • Awareness: Recognize your legal, economic, and ethical responsibilities to stakeholders.
  • Judgment: Consider biases and shared concepts that influence your decision-making.
  • Action: Act on your decisions in an accountable, consistent way.
  • Reflection: Reflect on all three components throughout the process to learn from past experiences.

“The reflective leadership model involves not only reflection on business decisions but also continuous reflection on your own personal beliefs, goals, and commitments,” Hsieh says in the course. “These aspects of self are often significant influences on your decisions and internal guides when navigating difficult situations.”

The Importance of Reflective Leadership

Before diving into the importance of reflective leadership, it’s critical to note the pitfalls of being an inadequate leader.

According to recruitment services company Zippia , 79 percent of employees leave their companies because they don’t feel appreciated by leaders, and upwards of 69 percent believe they’d work harder if recognized. In addition, only 33 percent report feeling engaged in the workplace.

Companies also lack focus on leadership development. Zippia reports that 77 percent struggle to find and develop leaders, and only five percent implement leadership development at all levels.

Since reflective leadership focuses on continuously improving and developing, it’s one of the more effective leadership styles. By regularly reflecting on your beliefs and values and incorporating them into your actions, you can make ethical decisions and enable your company to be more purpose-driven .

“Along with responsibility, leadership brings opportunities,” Hsieh explains in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability . “These include opportunities to make ethical decisions where someone else wouldn’t, to influence others to do the right thing, and to make a positive impact on the world.”

Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability | Develop a toolkit for making tough leadership decisions| Learn More

Reflective leadership also helps you build authentic, supportive relationships with team members and create a workplace of ethics and accountability .

If you want to adopt a reflective leadership style, here are the competencies to develop.

How to Become a Reflective Leader

Be self-reflective.

Self-reflection is at reflective leadership’s core. According to Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability , you can practice self-reflection by:

  • Reviewing, analyzing, and evaluating your decisions—in the moment and over time.
  • Continuously deepening your awareness and self-knowledge.
  • Developing a general framework for judgment.
  • Improving your capacity for action and leadership.

Leading with self-reflection won’t just help you learn from past experiences but also encourage and enable your team members to adopt reflective mentalities.

Identify Your Commitments

Knowing your commitments is also essential to effective leadership.

“It’s important to identify and define your own commitments,” Hsieh says in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability , “both to set a baseline for what you will and won’t do and to evaluate and clarify your thoughts, opinions, and feelings when making decisions.”

To create that baseline, Hsieh recommends asking the following questions:

  • What’s core to my identity?
  • What lines or boundaries won’t I cross?
  • What kind of life do I want to live?
  • What kind of leader do I want to be?

By identifying your commitments, you can better guide yourself and your team.

Consider Your Accountability

Becoming a reflective leader also requires accountability to successfully execute on your values and implement them into action plans.

This refers to the reflective leadership model’s “action” step—putting your decisions into practice in a way that’s accountable and consistent with your responsibilities.

“When leading reflectively, straightforward action planning may not be enough,” Hsieh says in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability . “An accountable leader will go beyond just answering ‘How will we do it?’ to ask ‘How can I do it accountably?’”

How to Become a More Effective Leader | Access Your Free E-Book | Download Now

Reflective Leadership Training for Businesses

By incorporating your values into your leadership style, you can learn from your experiences on a deeper level and develop into a better leader.

One way to gain the skills and frameworks to succeed long term is by taking an online course, such as Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability . Through a dynamic, interactive learning experience, the course provides the opportunity to apply the reflective leadership model to real-world business ethics challenges.

Are you ready to become a reflective leader? Apply to Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability —one of our online leadership and management courses —and download our free e-book on effective leadership.

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reflective essay on business communication

Recent global business trends require a plan for sharing information that can be termed as effective business communication. Effective communication measures help to develop a successful business venture, and this comes under the topic of Reflective Essay writing . The commercial benefit is the only aim of effective business communication, which further fosters a good working relationship between business officials. The idea behind this transfer and acquiring knowledge between lower and higher levels helps to evaluate the activities that take place between the organization. This essay reviews different sections of teamwork activities along with business communication. This reflective essay has gathered information from existing literary sources. The main focus of this study is to evaluate and explain the appropriateness of effective business communication.

Identification and explanation of working environment (highlighting its importance)

Week one: Ethical Communication

To maintain a communication standard, it is very important for the company to communicate ethically. For a business environment, ethical communication consists of an honest, transparent, democratic, and respectful transfer of communication. It is essential for business persons to practically analyze their situations and then make appropriate business plans accordingly.

Week two: Relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication

Verbal and nonverbal communications are those two parts of communication that help to define a person’s behavior and choices and how are they connected with each other. In nonverbal communication, people communicate their words through physical actions and gestures to attach a meaning to the sentence. Accenting, complimenting, and regulating helps regulate verbal communication differently. Therefore, in business communication, people need to communicate in a manner with positive gestures.

Week three: Resumes and Employment letter

Written communication is also considered to be a necessary part of effective communication if a person wants to show his skills. Resumes and employment letters act as materials for human resource development if the company wants to hire people. Both these forms of written communication have done a great job in their field, replacing the verbal transformation of a word.

Week four: Audience for written academic documents

For the academic document writing, the individual needs to understand the needs and requirements of the audience. A communicator must ensure that the writing is completely based on a specific purpose and message along with relevant information.

Week five: Self Reflective Essay

A self-reflective essay is a method that helps an individual gain active understanding of one’s own thinking. In a business environment, self-reflection is often conducted by some higher authority like director, chief executive operator, or managerial persons.

Week six: Structure of presentation

A business presentation should always be guided with a proper format and structure. It should revolve around the concept of the thesis of the statement of study. Thus, the material added should be compelling, questioning, and even appealing for the audience. The information provided to the audience should be clear enough presented, along with proper statistical data and examples.

Week seven: Importance of intercultural communication

There are many different purposes for which people travel and engage with the different people they meet. Constant interaction with different people helps to conduct intercultural communication.

Week eight: Organizational structure

Under the organizational structure, complexity, formalization, and centralization are the three main aspects for the organization to work efficiently. Complex communications often make the process for the individual difficult to reach, formal conversations play an important part for the business firm to work, and all these communications should be focused and structured well.

Week nine: Workgroup development

For a group to work efficiently, the organization needs to train its employees as per the different stages of learning. It helps in developing skills for a workgroup. All the members of the group must work accordingly to reach the goal of the project. They need to solve and plan the project together.

Week ten: Interpersonal skills to communicate with others

The three types of interpersonal skills that make your communication effective are passive, aggressive, and assertive. These interpersonal skills affect the communicative ability in a positive as well as negative manner.

Literature review

As per the topics mentioned above for communication, interpersonal communication is an important one that helps an individual communicate effectively. Under a business environment, an individual first needs to present his/her point of views. The art of solving problems, assertiveness, the ability for decision making, and negotiation with others are a key factor that helps an individual build good relationship with others. It is also important for a person to build self-controlling behavior as a person should be able to respond as per the needs of the situation. Aggressive behavior works only in some cases, whereas general behavior is the one which the people conduct in any situation. For a business relationship to grow well, the approach for interpersonal ability is the key factor to communicate, convince, and regulate people for successful work.

Future career aspirations

Workgroup development and verbal and nonverbal communication are two of the most important factors that are related to a person’s business career. In order to fulfill one’s future aspirations, the individual must develop communicative ability to enhance his skills and knowledge. Verbal communication gives the ability to convince people, interpret ideas, and provide a good business relationship. On the other hand, positive teamwork would be beneficial enough for the organization to achieve its goal. These two factors work coherently for one another to help the company achieve its goal with time. Verbal and nonverbal communications are very helpful to encourage and influence people to work.

Thus, it can be concluded from the above reflective essay that effective communication plays a huge role in ensuring success for the organization. Though there are many different types of communication, people choose the one as per the needs of the situation. It depends on the individual to choose the most compatible one. In your workplace, communication skills should be competent enough to produce great teamwork and outcome. Verbal and nonverbal communications play an important role in effective communication at a workplace to generate successful results.

For any kind of assignment help or essay writing guidance, makemyassignment provide help to students in this field. Our experts provide professional help to students so that they can complete their assignments on time and also achieve higher grades in academics.

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Impact of Culture on Communication Reflective Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The importance of culture in the success of the communication process cannot be underestimated. This is emphasized in the reflective essay below.


Impact of culture on communication, key points of intercultural communication, personal experience, lessons learned from the experience.

Communication is an essential part of the daily life of every individual. Without proper communication, our ideas and views cannot be informed to others.

Usually, communication starts when there is a need to convey a message to another. It refers to the process of exchanging ideas and facts from one person to the next. “Communication may be defined as the process by which an individual (or group of individuals) transmits information about ideas, feelings and intentions to another person (or group of persons)” (Pennington, 2002, p.12).

Different factors influence the communication process. Some of them are culture, language…etc. Cultural differences of the people in a group/team affect effective communication among them both positively and negatively. This paper dwells on this aspect and describes the importance of culture in communication using a descriptive approach.

The culture has a significant influence on the communication process. The cultural differences can create conflicts and misunderstanding between parties involved in the communication process (Monippally, 2001, p.45). Culture’ has often been defined in simplistic terms as life-style of people of a community.

But culture means much more; it encompasses various attitudinal and behavioral dimensions such as values, beliefs, expectations, norms, etc. All these make culture a complex thing to understand and has drawn the attention of researchers to study the various dimensions of culture and its impact on the people living within that culture.

Within a culture there may be various sub-cultures on the basis of ethnic groups, religious groups, professions, etc., and differences exist among them. Many studies by behavioral scientists prove that all the people who belong to a particular culture have similarity in their thinking and behavior.

Culture differs from one group to another and these differences can affect the level of trust and openness in communication that one can achieve with people of other cultures. Therefore the cultural difference should be properly understood in order to ensure an effective communication.

We can communicate effectively in a cross-cultural context if we understand how one culture differs from another and on what basis. The commonly known cultural differences are;

a. Contextual: Cultural contexts have a major influence on the way people interpret messages. High-context cultures like Taiwan or South Korea rely more on non-verbal communication than verbal communication; wheras low-context culture like the US or Germany, rely more on verbal communication than non-verbal communication.

b. Social Differences: Social behavior is another distinguishing factor among cultures.

c. Non-Verbal Differences: It is very important to understand the differences in the meanings which non-verbal communication conveys in the context of diversified cultures. The simplest hand gesture may signify different meaning from one culture to another.

My personal experience in a cricket match, in which I got the chance to lead the state team, helped me to understand the role of proper communication in the achievement of objectives.

As I understood the concepts like culture, communication it would be easy for me to analyze how these concepts are relevant in personal experiences. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension will be useful for studying the impact of culture on communication. According to him, the culture of the people who are only cautious of themselves (I-conscious) would be different from the culture of people who care for others too (We -conscious).

And also the differential consideration by the society to men and women, the approach of people in the lower strata of the society towards the social difference and the attitude of people to avoid uncertainty depict the culture of the people. Here in my personal experience the cultural difference related to the individualism-collectivism is present.

It was a Sunday when the final match of the tournament was going to be played. My team was one of the finalists. I was the captain of the team and the team members consist of players from the different localities of the state. For both the team, the match was crucial as it was the problem of image and status.

More over it was a national level tournament. Our team batted first and scored a defendable total. But when the opposite team started batting, unfortunately our fielders started loosing the catches sand missing the fields. I knew that the communication is not becoming effective as there are players of different culture. Some players are not taking into consideration my words as a captain of the team.

A good captain means a good leader. To be a good leader one must of some essential qualities including proper communication skill. Especially when leading a team of different culture the captain should be well versed in cross-cultural communication; otherwise success would be a question mark. That was happened in my case.

I treated this captaincy also as just like the captaincy of my local team in which I know everyone and there are no much cultural differences. However, things were not like that and really paid value for negligence from my part and we lost the match. The reasons were lack of proper communication between team members, lack of coordination…etc.

One problem that I noticed during the match was that when a team member achieves any good performance, the way of appreciation was different by different team members as they are from different parts of the state. Everyone tried to implement their own culture resulting in total problem in the team.

If these all possible difficulties had been discussed before the match no problems might have arisen. The communication between the members of the team is essential for the success of the team. If I would have understood this before the commencement of mach I could have designed strategies accordingly and the cultural barriers could have been overcome, thereby increasing the chance of victory.

Now I have deep understanding of the concepts like communication, culture, cross cultural communication, team work…etc. Also the lessons learned from my previous experience would I think help me in future. In case if I am getting chance to lead the same team again, I will design the strategy by considering the cultural differences.

If team members feel that their personal interests are protected by the captain and co-members they perform their level best to bring the success. For creating such feeling a proper communication has a significant role to play.

In future I will not be repeating the mistake I explained earlier in my personal experience and I would be giving enough consideration for the difference culture of the individuals I deal with. In order to be a good communicator one must be a good listener. If a person does not have the mind to listen what others say, he is not going to succeed. In my future I will consider all these things in mind.

Communication without considering the cultural difference may not give expected result in majority of the cases. To communicate effectively with people of other culture, understanding their culture is very important. Understanding their culture removes the attitudinal and behavioral barriers in communication. Without understanding the culture, communication can lead to misunderstanding.

Monippally, m. Matthukutty. Business Communication Strategies. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001.

Pennington, C. Donald. The social psychology of behavior in small groups. Psychology Press, 2002.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 25). Impact of Culture on Communication Reflective Essay.

"Impact of Culture on Communication Reflective Essay." IvyPanda , 25 June 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Impact of Culture on Communication Reflective Essay'. 25 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Impact of Culture on Communication Reflective Essay." June 25, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Impact of Culture on Communication Reflective Essay." June 25, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Impact of Culture on Communication Reflective Essay." June 25, 2018.


Reflective Essay On Business Communication - Assignment

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What I Learned in Communication Class: a Reflection

  • Categories: Class Reflection Communication Skills

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Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 632 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Works Cited

  • Peterson, C. M., & Ray, M. N. (2019). Communication Skills for Success: Student Workbook. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Ivy, D. K. (2018). Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. Pearson.
  • Sole, K. (2017). Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication. Oxford University Press.
  • DeVito, J. A. (2016). The Interpersonal Communication Book. Pearson.
  • Guerrero, L. K., Anderson, P. A., & Afifi, W. A. (2019). Nonverbal Communication in Close Relationships. Routledge.
  • Floyd, K. (2019). Interpersonal Communication: The Whole Story. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Pearson, J. C., & Nelson, P. L. (2017). An Introduction to Human Communication : Understanding and Sharing. Oxford University Press.
  • O'Hair, D., Wiemann, M., Mullin, D. I., & Teven, J. (2017). Real Communication. Bedford/St. Martin's.
  • Miller, K. (2019). Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes. Cengage Learning.
  • Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D., & Almonte, R. (2019). Business Communication: Process and Product. Cengage Learning.

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