act like a lady think like a man book review

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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

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act like a lady think like a man book review

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment Paperback – 11 September 2014

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  • Print length 304 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Amistad Press
  • Publication date 11 September 2014
  • Dimensions 2.54 x 13.21 x 20.07 cm
  • ISBN-10 0062312715
  • ISBN-13 978-0062351562
  • See all details

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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

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Book Review: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

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act like a lady think like a man book review

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey

April 20, 2011 • By Jeff Carroll

Since this is my first book review I decided to take on the King of the Hill of relationship advice, Steve Harvey and review his best seller “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man.” He and his book had a big impact on what I do. Now I started being interested in giving dating advice in 2002 a year after I got married. I wrote my first book in 2004 “20 Soul Questions for a Better Relationship.” I even started speaking at colleges as a dating coach in 2006 but when Steve’s book hit the shelves the fires turned up. “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” crossed over from the African American community to the mainstream white community. That meant race didn’t matter and advice was advice. My goal with being a dating coach is to reach everybody Black, White, Latino or whatever; that’s why I call myself a Hip Hop dating coach. This book helped me a lot so that’s why I chose it to start off my books reviews.

Now the main reason why I decided to add dating book reviews to my blog postings is because books are very helpful with personal improvement. Books are also hard to produce and they take time to write. In my workshops and in working with my clients I reference and suggest subjects and areas people need help with because no one person could address them all in one book. So books are a valuable tool in solving our relationship problems.

I will select books I think will help people address their problems or help them deal with the world full of people with problems. I will also review books which everybody else thinks are useful or helpful. I will use my condom rating system to give you my opinion. I choose to use condoms because condoms symbolize safe sex by protecting against STDs and providing birth control. My motto is, the safest place to have sex is in a relationship, so since I will be rating these books on how well they help you find a relationship, condoms are perfect.

Zero condoms A book which is a waste of paper and may make your life worse if you read it.

One condom means this is a book which may help you get laid or have a one night stand or catch an STD but it won’t help you find a loving relationship.

A three pack of condoms is a book which will help you but you will still need to put work in and have to read other books.

A twelve pack of condoms is a book which will help you find love.

A wedding ring is a book which is so good you need to buy the engagement ring now because this book solves all of your relationship problems.

My Review of “Think Like a Lady Act Like a Man,” by Steve Harvey, published in 2009.

First, I do not separate the lives of authors from the books they write and that goes double for self-help books. That being said I worked at the Apollo Theater for 13 years and with Steve all of the years he hosted Showtime at the Apollo.

Okay, my first thoughts of Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man stem from the title and what I know about the author. The title is good because it is important for a person to have an idea of how the people they are attracted to think. This is universally important for all varieties of people including people who are gay or straight and for both men and women. Not only should you have an idea of how they think but you should let it influence your actions. You should let their thoughts guide your comments and the things you do.

This type of thinking is the basis of consideration and the beginning of the compatibility growth process. I do not believe in soul mates or perfect connections from the beginning. All bonds take time to develop and the best time to start being considerate is before you meet. Since men do most of the approaching in couple formation they are used to factoring in the women they like’s thoughts. It guides their opening comments. But many women don’t always remember to factor in what a man is thinking. Many times women just think about what they want to say and Steve’s book is good for helping women improve their surveying process by revealing to them some basic motives of men.

This brings me to my next second thought of the book. This thought stems from what I know about Steve Harvey. All of the years I’ve known Steve to me he has been a self appointed Alpha male.

Now, let me qualify myself a little bit before I continue so I don’t just come off as an unwarranted hater. In addition to working at the Apollo I ran my own entertainment agency where I booked comedians. This I’ve been doing for over 23 years, since I was in college. I’ve booked and worked closely with Monique, Tracy Morgan, Bill Bellamy, Dave Chapelle, Chris Tucker and just about every black comic. I’ve watched male comics who had absolutely no pull with the ladies go on stage and be funny and then pick up the hottest groupie in the audience. Let me not say groupie (even though they fall into that category) I’ll say humor appreciators or new fans. Few comics were like Bill Bellamy who was able to meet the same women before he performed as he did after. I watched comics use their stand up performance to get girls so often I lost respect for comics who did that. It’s like cheating. If you are proclaiming to be a ladies man or a relationship expert you should be able to meet people without something artificial like an expensive car or flashing your money or a stand up performance. You should simply be able to go up to somebody and gain their interest and respect without telling them you play in the NBA or something. Most of the comics and other entertainers who I worked with at the Apollo used their groupies for sex and messed over them. I remember one comic bragged on how he had sex with 29 different women on a 30 day road trip.

If you look at Steve or listen to his radio show you would think he was always a top dog but I doubt it. I doubt he was ever class President or captain of the football team. His bio says he was once a mailman but now he makes jokes about blue collar men who want to get women. I believe Steve assumed his Alpha dog confidence after his pockets became full. Wealth does build confidence but you gotta keep it real. If you look at Steve’s first appearance on Showtime at the Apollo now you will see two different people. He wasn’t always the man he acts like now and to me that’s a core problem with his advice. He advises women to think like a man but the type of man he is talking to them about is the type of man Steve wants to be. Steve is nothing but a wanna be alpha male to me. Matter-of-fact I don’t think he’s a natural leader or naturally confident; I think his alpha feelings stem from his success bottom line. All you have to do is look at his first appearance on Showtime at the Apollo as a guest comic and you won’t be able to recognize the form fitted suit wearing Steve Harvey you see today. This incidentally is the case for a lot of men who make a lot of money but that’s a side point. Anyway, there are a lot of alpha males in the world and his advice works with them but most men aren’t alpha males. Matter of fact most of the good, available men aren’t alpha male. These men are better listeners and more considerate. They are not the stereotypic type of man you see on TV or in movies. Regular guys are not “dicks”, they are also the type of guys who don’t always get noticed. This then becomes the monkey wrench in Steve’s book and his advice. A perfect example of this is Steve’s 90 Day Rule, one of the most popular pieces of advice which came out of the book. The 90 Day Rule was one of the first tips women ran with. Steve was asked about it on talk shows and he flat out told woman to wait 90 days before they sleep with the man they are dating. He calls it the benefit package. This is an easy thing to suggest but I don’t find it to be the most effective way to decide when to become sexually active with a person. Just making a guy wait doesn’t bring out the commitment in him. If a man is a cheater or bad communicator making him wait doesn’t change that. Even if he has an STD or HIV in 90 days he will still have it. Making men wait just because you want to make them wait may turn off a sincere guy. I was celibate for three years and dated women without including the sexual element in my dating process. That was a big mistake. I confused many women on my level of interest in them and mislead them on the value I placed on sex. I found that making sex a part of my regular dating process was not a mistake. I do feel it’s important to think about it when you would like to have sex with someone. I suggest not to have sex on the first night but after that it depends on how the person you are interested in having sex with relates to you. I wrote an entire blog on when to have sex in a relationship in December 2010. In my blog I talk about respect and how to determine if a person respects you enough for you to have sex with them. The bottom line with Steve’s 90 day rule is it was designed to help women avoid players and meet nice guys and it fails to do that. It fails because players will wait 90 days to have sex with a woman. Also nice guys can have sex with women in the first week and marry them and be committed an entire lifetime.

My other issue with “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” is what made me call Steve a social terrorist. On page 97 of the book Steve answers one of the most popular and dear questions to women which is “Why do men cheat.” Steve gave the answer because “they can” as his base answer. I couldn’t disagree with this answer more. What his answer infers is that men who don’t cheat can’t. It also suggests to women that they must do the impossible by eliminating all of their man’s opportunities to cheat. That’s crazy. If Steve’s goal was to help women find men he makes that impossible with this answer. Some women who feel all men will cheat get so overwhelmed that they give up dating altogether. Now, I covered this in two back-to-back blogs. I wrote a blog explaining why men don’t cheat and another blog explaining what’s dangerous in believing they do. Both of these blogs are in January 2011. Like I said in my blog “My concern isn’t why men cheat just like I don’t think worrying about why people steal will solve the problem of stealing. I think what will help more is if women learn how the men who don’t cheat avoid the temptation of cheating. This will help women be able to identify these men and date them.”

Finally, I feel Steve’s intentions were good in writing his book and it has good information in it. I just believe that he comes from a certain perspective that represents a small group of men. I think his book is good for understanding schmucks and cocky asses but it may confuse or misdirect women who don’t mind dating a regular guy. Therefore I give Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man a Three pack of condoms. It is a book which will help you but you will still need to read other books.

Now most of the time I send my blog posts out to a group of friends to get their opinions before I post them. This time the comments were very colorful and I decided to post them along with the book review. Their names have been changed to keep the focus on me.

Peace Yo Jeff. Please make your own comment or holla at me [email protected]

I personally think this a great review of how you feel about his book. My personal view is as follows....I was unable to get through his book! I found it centered around how to get a man, how to keep a man and how to be all for your man! Well where does the woman factor in? Listen I believe women know when they sabbotage a relationship. I believe we all know what we need to do and how we need to behave. But I took Steve Harvey’s advice with a grain of salt especially since he is not the perfect example of a man who can keep a stable relationship. I also gave him a 3 pack of condoms!!

I don’t think it’s too harsh per se; I actually don’t think it goes far enough. I REALLY liked your post from last week, by the way. Meant to drop you a note to that effect. I forwarded it to a couple of friends.

Homegirl from the Library:

Yo Jeff! You make some valid points! I gave his book “one condom” because who is he to give advice when he’s had a couple of failed marriages. I like your review better! :)

The editor:

Oh, yeah. I did mean to say that I’d heard about Harvey’s failed marriages--which had me question his authority to speak. I enjoyed your analysis, however. Fresh!

Hey Jeff, The Steve Harvey criticism, I like it! I don’t know him personally but there is something about him that is assholish! maybe because he is cocky, I can’t pin point it about him but it’s something. You know me, controversy is good so let Steve Harvey have It!!

I really like ur review Jeff! I read Steve’s book and like u and I discussed before its a “reference” book for me. He has some valid points but others were too far fetched for me! I too disliked the fact that he explained why men cheat by saying “cause they can”...Really? My question then was well what has made my dad not cheat on my mom and stay married for over 30yrs and they love each other dearly! My parents still go out on a date 1x a month :) I will be totally honest and say that Jeff’s dating codes have helped me A LOT! I also agree with not having sex on the first date but that’s my choice and I don’t judge anyone who’s done that-to each his/her own. There are nice guys out there and if women take Steve’s book as the BIBLE then our society is in more relationship trouble than we thought. I too give it a 3pk of condoms!!

Peace & Love...

I do not think the blog is very real. I am glad you are challenging his book I heard 50/50 reviews from women who read the book. My personal take on the book was it was ok but still lacked quality. When I say quality I’m referencing a small piece of it relating to the 90 day rule and why men cheat. Once women read those parts they felt...“Oh yea I’m gonna hold out because Steve’s book said to” not necessarily because they wanted to. I always challenged that because I said do you ask him if he was ok with the rule or is this just the women putting that in place. He could be sleeping with other women for 90 days & add you to the rotation on day 91. Most of the time the women was just imposing the rule and felt scared to discuss with their friend/ significant other in fear they may be kicked to the curb or called out about reading and following a man’s book who has had multiple relationships.

On the second of why men cheat, Steve’s answer was a blanket statement as stated below. Growing up I learned some men cheat & some don’t. The one who did cheat on girls, I would ask them why and they would say because I just know how to say no or if they blossomed they said because they never had so many women throwing themselves at him sexually and others would say they thought it was apart of being a man based on what they seen being imitated. The ones who did not cheat would say they were taught it was disrespectful & they wouldn’t want someone to do that to their female relatives or they had a father that cheat & they seen the household destruction it caused...for whatever reason they knew it wasn’t right.

Steve needs to keep it real and talk about his past and not always being wanted to his success and women just throwing themselves at him. Allegedly, I hear his current wife was his groupie... hmmm

Keep one hundred!!!!

I’m out...signed ck

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Book Review – Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey | Blushing Geek

Book Review – Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey

  • September 1, 2014

Act like a lady, think like a man by Steve Harvey | Blushing Geek

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man  by  Steve Harvey First Published on January 1, 2009 by Amistad Genre: Non Fiction 232 pages Format:  eBook Source:  Purchased Rating:  4 out of 5 stars Add on  Goodreads Get it on Amazon:

Steve Harvey, the host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, can’t count the number of impressive women he’s met over the years, whether it’s through the “Strawberry Letters” segment of his program or while on tour for his comedy shows. These are women who can run a small business, keep a household with three kids in tiptop shape, and chair a church group all at the same time. Yet when it comes to relationships, they can’t figure out what makes men tick. Why? According to Steve it’s because they’re asking other women for advice when no one but another man can tell them how to find and keep a man. In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Steve lets women inside the mindset of a man and sheds lights on concepts and questions such as: —The Ninety Day Rule: Ford requires it of its employees. Should you require it of your man? —How to spot a mama’s boy and what if anything you can do about it. —When to introduce the kids. And what to read into the first interaction between your date and your kids. —The five questions every woman should ask a man to determine how serious he is. — And more… Sometimes funny, sometimes direct, but always truthful, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships

I really like this book! It explains really well on a man’s point of view and explains his actions. I don’t know if all men are the same, but I think man varies from different places or races? Maybe I should ask Steve Harvey myself and join in his Strawberry Letters segment in his show eh? Hahaha.

But seriously, this book provides a great deal of information on how a guy thinks about us women, how a guy handles certain situations and what could possibly be in his mind. This is really helpful especially to those women who are paranoid about their partners.

If this is that great then why lit only the four stars eh? I only lit the four stars simply because there is a certain topic in this book that I totally can’t relate to, the one with a child thingy. I got bored, so tadah! The light only reached the fourth star 😀 Well, the reason why I can’t relate on that topic was because obviously I don’t have a child yet, aha! Really that petty, so just don’t mind the stars and start reading this book.

I really can’t get enough of the fishing thing. I really love how Steve Harvey presented his ideas. He presented it in a very understandable way and full of humor. So you’ll expect that this book is an enjoyable one. And also one of my other favorites is the ninety days rule. Wow. He really got a point there. 

And what’s really really really interesting is that this book only uses very easy to understand words, so clutching your dictionary with you is really not needed. 

Final Thoughts:

This book provides a great deal of information about men. So if you want to be an expert of men and to keep yourself away from “players”, then you should read this!

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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think about Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

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Steve Harvey

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think about Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment Paperback – 11 September 2014

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The # 1 New York Times smash bestseller Revised and expanded with new material.

With over two million copies sold, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man has become a bestseller around the world. In conjunction with its second movie sequel to be released this summer, Steve Harvey has updated his classic with new advice and insights.

Whether it's why women should enforce a "90-Day Probation Period" before they give their men sexual "benefits"--the way Ford motor company withholds medical and dental benefits until an employee has been on the job for 3 months--or explaining to women why men would rather "fix it" than talk about it, Steve Harvey's advice is always spot-on and laden with warmth and humor. But behind the laughter is his sincere desire to help women understand men.

Now, Steve shares even more relationship wisdom. Does it feel like your man's friends are against you? What should you know about being a wife, before you say "I Do"? Steve provides the answers to these questions and more, and offers new insights including:

  • How to put spice into your relationship
  • 8 sure-fire ways to keep your cool when his "ex" shows up
  • A test for you and your partner, to see if you're actually ready for marriage. . . or need more time
  • A 90-day abstinence calendar, and tips for making it through this important trial period

With liberal use of his own adventures in love and courtship, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is an honest, compelling, and realistic examination of how men think about love and sex and what women need to know so that they can set realistic expectations of the men in their life.

  • Print length 304 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Amistad Press
  • Publication date 11 September 2014
  • Dimensions 2.54 x 13.21 x 20.07 cm
  • ISBN-10 0062312715
  • ISBN-13 978-0062351562
  • See all details

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ACT Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think about Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Expanded Edition: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

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act like a lady think like a man book review

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Steve Harvey

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Expanded Edition: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment Paperback – June 3 2014

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The # 1 New York Times smash bestseller Revised and expanded with new material.

With over two million copies sold, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man has become a bestseller around the world. In conjunction with its second movie sequel to be released this summer, Steve Harvey has updated his classic with new advice and insights.

Whether it’s why women should enforce a “90-Day Probation Period” before they give their men sexual “benefits”—the way Ford motor company withholds medical and dental benefits until an employee has been on the job for 3 months—or explaining to women why men would rather “fix it” than talk about it, Steve Harvey’s advice is always spot-on and laden with warmth and humor. But behind the laughter is his sincere desire to help women understand men.

Now, Steve shares even more relationship wisdom. Does it feel like your man’s friends are against you? What should you know about being a wife, before you say “I Do”? Steve provides the answers to these questions and more, and offers new insights including:

  • How to put spice into your relationship
  • 8 sure-fire ways to keep your cool when his “ex” shows up
  • A test for you and your partner, to see if you’re actually ready for marriage. . . or need more time
  • A 90-day abstinence calendar, and tips for making it through this important trial period

With liberal use of his own adventures in love and courtship, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is an honest, compelling, and realistic examination of how men think about love and sex and what women need to know so that they can set realistic expectations of the men in their life.

  • Print length 304 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Amistad
  • Publication date June 3 2014
  • Dimensions 2.54 x 13.21 x 20.07 cm
  • ISBN-10 0062312715
  • ISBN-13 978-0062351562
  • See all details

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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Expanded Edition: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitmen

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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

Product description

From the back cover.

An International Bestseller—Over 3 Million Copies Sold!

With translations in more than thirty languages, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is the definitive relationship guide for women.

Steve Harvey can't count the number of impressive women he's met over the years—the many incredible women who can run a business, have three kids, maintain a household in tiptop shape, and chair a church group all at the same time. So, when it comes to relationships, why can't these same women figure out what makes men commit? According to Steve, it's because they're asking other women for advice when they should be going directly to the source. In this expanded edition, Steve includes an added section of all new advice, with tips on dealing with your partner's exes, spicing up your relationship, ensuring you're ready for that walk down the aisle, and much more.

Sometimes funny, often unflinchingly direct, but always truthful, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships, intimacy, and love.

About the Author

The author of Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success ; Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man ; and Straight Talk, No Chaser , Steve Harvey began doing stand-up comedy in the mid-1980s. His success as a stand-up comedian led to the WB’s hit show The Steve Harvey Show , which has won multiple NAACP Image Awards. He was featured in Spike Lee’s film The Original Kings of Comedy . In addition to his nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show , Steve hosts a daily talk show on NBC, is the gameshow host for Family Feud and Celebrity Family Feud , and most recently NBC’s top rated new show, Little Big Shots . A philanthropist, he is the founder of the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia and Chicago, Illinois.

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ 0062351567
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Amistad; Expanded ed. edition (June 3 2014)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 304 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0062312715
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0062351562
  • Item weight ‏ : ‎ 232 g
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 2.54 x 13.21 x 20.07 cm
  • #11 in Dating (Books)
  • #12 in Self Help Memory Improvement
  • #41 in Mind, Body & Spirit Self Help

About the author

Steve harvey.

Steve Harvey is a media conglomerate personified in a man whose career began doing stand-up comedy in the mid-1980s. His success as a stand-up comedian eventually led to a long stint as host of It’s Showtime at the Apollo. His stand-up success has also led to multiple TV shows and movies, serving various roles on some projects acting, hosting, writing and producing, and his career has continued to flourish, becoming a top-rated radio host, fashion entrepreneur, best-selling author, popular game show host on Family Feud, and 2013 People’s Choice Award winner as “Favorite New Talk Show Host” for his new daytime show Steve Harvey. Harvey just recently renewed deals in January 2013 for his daytime show and radio show.

On television, in addition to a seven-year stint hosting Apollo, he starred in ABC’s Me and The Boys, the WB shows The Steve Harvey Show for six seasons and Steve Harvey’s Big Time Challenge for two seasons. In 2012 Harvey also celebrated his 12th year as the only host of BET’s Celebration of Gospel. Harvey has also hit the big screen in movies such as Love Don’t Cost a Thing, You Got Served, Johnson Family Vacation, Madea Goes to Jail, and the #1 box office smash Think Like A Man, which was released in 2012 and adapted from his #1 book.

Throughout his award-winning career, Harvey has never lost sight of his passion for stand-up comedy, touring the U.S and Canada. In 1997 he toured as one of the Kings of Comedy alongside Cedric The Entertainer, the late Bernie Mac and D.L. Hughley. The tour’s immediate success led to the taping of one of the most successful comedy films in history – The Original Kings of Comedy – directed by Spike Lee. In 2006 he released Don’t Trip…He Ain’t Through With Me Yet, a clean and family-friendly DVD, unlike any he had ever done before. Due to overwhelming demand for his original style of tell-it-like-it-is comedy, Harvey released the comedy special Still Trippin, on DVD in 2008 to critical success. In 2011 he paired up with Grammy Award winner Kirk Franklin, creating the first-ever Steve Harvey and Kirk Franklin Comedy Gospel Tour. Later that year, Harvey kicked off his final stand-up comedy tour, where he hung up his touring days with his final stand-up show (Steve Harvey’s Grand Stand-Up Finale on Pay-Per-View) in Las Vegas on August 2, 2012.

Currently Steve Harvey is the host of the long-running syndicated game show Family Feud, in his third season as host. Since Season 14 of the show premiered on September 10, 2012, Family Feud has been soaring to record-high ratings. Harvey’s memorable reactions and hilarious rapport with the competing families have rejuvenated the series and been widely praised, with ratings continuing to surge and smash records since his debut as the new host in September 2010.

On September 4, 2012, Steve Harvey debuted his new syndicated daytime show Steve Harvey, a one-hour daily program combining Harvey’s humorous “everyday man” perspective and covering relationships, parenting, the workplace and a range of other topics discussing everyday life with the guests and audience. Produced by Endemol USA and executive produced by Harvey, business partner Rushion McDonald, and showrunner Alex Duda, Harvey’s talk show is airing in 98% of the country, and being distributed by NBCUniversal Domestic Television Distribution. A continuing hit with audiences, Harvey recently won the 2013 People’s Choice Award honors as “Favorite New Talk Show Host” and the show was renewed for a second season in national syndication.

In September 2000, Harvey created the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, which currently airs Monday – Friday, 6 – 10 a.m. EST with nearly 70 radio stations and approximately 6 million weekly listeners. Syndicated by Premiere Networks since 2005, the #1 rated morning show is the only Urban Syndicated Radio Network that is broadcasting in 8 of the Top 10 radio markets. With the show’s continued growth, Harvey recently renewed and extended his relationship with Clear Channel Media and Entertainment, to continue the show’s expansion internationally as well as work on a variety of joint ventures in programming development, events and more, and also serve as a spokesperson for the company.

The Steve Harvey Morning Show has also allowed him to share relationship advice with his listeners through the “Strawberry Letter” segment, where he responds to relationship questions. This segment’s popularity led to a book deal with HarperCollins. His first book Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment, was released on January 27, 2009. Harvey’s must-have guide gave women the upper hand on dating with the inside scoop on the male mind, understanding his game, and anticipating his moves, with the widely-acclaimed book staying on the New York Times Best Sellers List for 64 weeks. Selling over 2.8 million copies worldwide thus far, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man has hit #1 in the U.S., Dubai, Malaysia, South Africa and other places, been translated into over 30 languages, and adapted into a major motion picture by Screen Gems Pictures.

Released on April 20, 2012, the hotly-anticipated Screen Gems/Sony Pictures Entertainment film Think Like A Man quickly made box office history, with audiences packing in sold-out showings at theaters across the country, unseating The Hunger Games’ month-long box office reign at #1. Starring Taraji P. Henson, Michael Ealy, Gabrielle Union, Kevin Hart, Meagan Good, Romany Malco, Jerry Ferrara and more, Think Like A Man topped the box office as the #1 movie in America its opening weekend, and remained #1 at the box office for a second consecutive weekend, to become the highest-grossing April release with over $60 million in ten days. Produced by Rainforest Films’ Will Packer, who also collaborated with Screen Gems on such hits as Stomp The Yard, This Christmas, and Takers, Harvey is also one of the executive producers and appears as himself in the movie. The Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man book was also re-released in paperback, and has hit #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers List again.

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man’s runaway success added another dimension to his life and career, as a sought-after advisor sharing the male perspective. Extending his role, Harvey made multiple appearances on Good Morning America as a contributor on family and relationships and had a monthly relationship column in Essence Magazine; he also launched the dating site

On December 7, 2010, HarperCollins released Harvey’s highly-anticipated second book, Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep, and Understand a Man, which quickly became another best seller, debuting at #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers List. Laying out a 3-Tier, CIA style of questioning that will leave men no choice but to cut to the chase and deliver the truth, Harvey also provides dating tips Decade-by-Decade, providing insight into what men are looking for in a mate, and the changes that come, whether you’re in your 20s or a senior entering the dating pool again. Straight Talk, No Chaser was also re-released in paperback on August 28, 2012.

The popularity of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and the inspirational advice, comedy segments and book also landed Steve Harvey and his co-hosts on the CENTRIC TV network with The Steve Harvey Project, which premiered November 15, 2010. Receiving rave reviews, The Steve Harvey Project, an hour-long show that aired nightly, captured the fast-paced morning show each day with new and beloved comedy skits, celebrity interviews, the Strawberry Letter, in-studio contestants for Harvey’s weekly singing talent show, and the weekly Locate Your Love dating segment.

Long dedicated to philanthropy, Steve Harvey believes that “dreaming is more important than anything.” Harvey, together with his wife Marjorie, continue their unending pursuit to further uplifting, educational opportunities with young men and women through The Steve & Marjorie Harvey Foundation. As a partner with Walt Disney World, Harvey has created the annual Disney’s Dreamers Academy, a program mentoring 100 teenage boys and girls, inspiring and exposing them to a number of job skills and career opportunities. He launched The Steve Harvey Mentoring Program for Young Men in 2009, a camp for teenage boys from around the country who are without fathers, to share insights and skills to navigate manhood. Hosting 100 boys annually in Dallas, Harvey has continued to expand the initiative, hosting satellite programs in additional cities. Together, with the Steve Harvey Mentoring Program for Young Men and the Girls Who Rule the World Mentoring Weekend, The Steve & Marjorie Harvey Foundation has reached over 1000 boys and girls in total so far. Honored by the Trumpet Awards in January 2010 with their highest honor, the Pinnacle Award, Harvey continues to break new ground in creating and supporting programs that will make a difference in the lives of everyday people. For all that he continues to do in the community Harvey was named Humanitarian of the Year at the 2011 BET Awards.

2012 marked the 10th Anniversary for the Neighborhood Awards, the popular awards show honoring community businesses and leaders in the nation. A four-day event created by Harvey and producing partner Rushion McDonald to uplift the community, the Ford Neighborhood Awards is their biggest event every year, giving recognition to local businesses, religious establishments, and community leaders serving their neighborhoods, and will now be known as the Neighborhood Awards.

While working on all of these projects, Harvey has not lost sight of his passion for fashion and continues to expand his clothing and accessories brand, The Steve Harvey Collection, providing quality choices for men and young boys to look sharp. Never to rest on his laurels, Steve Harvey expanded his highly successful clothing line when he launched The Steve Harvey Women’s Collection with K&G on August 21, 2012.

His multi-faceted success has led to appearances on numerous morning, talk, news and late-night shows including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Nightline, Good Morning America, ABC World News with Diane Sawyer, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Tyra Banks Show, The Early Show, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, The View, CNN, Piers Morgan Tonight and Larry King Live, and he has also guest-hosted Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

Born in West Virginia, Harvey was raised in Ohio the youngest of five children. A dedicated husband and father, together with his wife Marjorie they are parents to seven children ranging in age from teens to twenties. With a wide range of fans from kids to adults of all ages, whether reaching people as a comedian, radio personality, author, TV host, actor, entrepreneur or philanthropist, Harvey remains true to making personal connections through faith, uplifting words and actions, and everyday life, all while sharing laughs and good times worldwide. Steve Harvey, well-known for his side-splitting comedy, has broken the mold, reinvented himself, and is widely known for his savvy business sense, and genuine passion for his family and helping others. This is a man that lives life to its fullest, thanks God for every new day, and always believes in the power of a dream – the future shows no signs of slowing down in the life of Steve Harvey.

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Book Summary Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man , by Steve Harvey

Do you want to meet the man of your dreams—but keep meeting duds instead? Are you struggling with an unhappy relationship? In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man , comedian-turned-relationship expert Steve Harvey argues that dating issues like these happen because women misunderstand men—and to avoid heartbreak, you must learn to "think like a man."

In our guide, you'll learn what men need, how they think, and how they behave when it comes to dating women and forming lasting relationships. You'll also learn Harvey's strategies for finding the right man and keeping him long-term—and his recommendations on how to handle common relationship issues like infidelity. Along the way, you'll learn alternative dating strategies from other dating experts—so that you can get the relationship of your dreams.

1-Page Summary 1-Page Book Summary of Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man

In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man , comedian-turned-relationship guru Steve Harvey offers advice to every woman—whether single, dating, or married—who wants to attract and keep a man. He believes that many women struggle to form long-term relationships because they misunderstand men. To help women solve this problem, Harvey explores what men need, how they think, and how they behave when it comes to dating women and forming lasting relationships—and how women should behave in response to get the dating life they want.

In this guide, we’ll first resolve the common misunderstandings women have about men. Then, we’ll discuss Harvey’s tips for finding a man and how to behave in both the short- and long-term to keep him around. Finally, we’ll discuss Harvey’s strategies for solving issues you might face in a long-term relationship.

How Women Misunderstand Men

According to Harvey, many women’s dating struggles stem from the fact that they don’t understand men. Specifically, they don’t understand 1) what drives men, 2) how men love, 3) what men need from women, and 4) what men don’t want. But, Harvey argues, unless you understand these topics, you won’t know how to respond to the games men often play in relationships and thus risk heartbreak.

(Shortform note: The proliferation of writing that aims to help women understand men suggests Harvey isn’t alone in believing that women struggle in this regard. However, evidence suggests that men struggle to understand women, too—for example, men have difficulty reading women's facial expressions .)

In this section, we’ll explore these four topics to gain a greater understanding of how, according to Harvey, men think and behave.

What Drives Men

Harvey argues that men are all driven by the same motivations. They need to figure out three things to feel like a man: what their job will be, what their title will be because of that job (like “manager”), and how much money they’ll earn. Men are also motivated by the need to feel like they’re in charge in at least one area of their life—like their professional life.

(Shortform note: Experts suggest that male motivation may have different roots than those Harvey explores. For instance, evolutionary biologists argue that men are intrinsically motivated by the desire to reproduce . Moreover, research casts doubt on Harvey’s assertion that all men are driven by the same factors. In fact, one study on what motivates employees in the workplace couldn’t identify any factors that successfully motivated all participants . Rather, each employee was motivated by a unique mix of factors—which suggests that the same may be true of men, too.)

How Men Love

Harvey believes that one of the best things you can do to have a happy relationship with men is to learn how men love. He argues that a man’s love can be boiled down to three actions . (Shortform note: Other authors have highlighted other ways that men demonstrate their love for their partner. For instance, one relationship blogger lists 10 ways in which men often show their love , like being willing to compromise.)

1) He publicly uses terms of endearment. Harvey states that men like to stake claim to things. So if he introduces you to people he cares about with a title—like girlfriend—he’s letting them all know you’re his. (Shortform note: A 1993 study suggests that people who use terms of endearment may have happier relationships .)

2) He looks after you. Harvey argues that a man who loves you will try to provide for you financially—and if he can’t, he’ll try to look after you in other ways, like by trying to fix your broken refrigerator. (Shortform note: In The 5 Love Languages , Gary Chapman argues that everybody uses one of five different “languages” to express and understand their love. The love language of a man who looks after you may be “ acts of service ”: He expresses love by doing things that make your life easier.)

3) He keeps you safe. According to Harvey, if a man loves you, you’re his most prized possession, so he’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you. (Shortform note: Evolutionary biologists often refer to actions your man takes to protect you as “ mate guarding ,” which stems from your man’s biological drive to ensure that other men don’t steal his mate.)

What Men Need From Women

Harvey argues that you only need to do three things for your man to keep him happy:

1) Create a supportive home environment. Harvey argues that men need a woman who’ll relieve the stress in their everyday lives by expressing appreciation for them—not one who’ll create more stress by being unsupportive or uncaring.

2) Stand by him, always. Harvey asserts that a man who knows you’ll stand by his side, stay faithful, and support him no matter what is one who’ll stay loyal to you, too.

(Shortform note: Harvey’s first two ideas about what men need from women closely align with those of John Gray,...

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Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man Summary Shortform Introduction

In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man , Steve Harvey offers advice to every woman—whether single, dating, or married—who wants to attract and keep a man. He believes that many women struggle to form long-term relationships because they misunderstand men. To help women solve this problem, Harvey explores what men need, how they think, and how they behave when it comes to dating women and forming lasting relationships.

Ultimately, Harvey wants women to be able to “think like a man” while still “acting like a lady”—in other words, for women to understand and appeal to the male psyche while maintaining their femininity.

About the Author

Steve Harvey is an entertainer, broadcaster, and author. After breaking into the entertainment industry as a stand-up comedian in the 1990s, he soon transitioned into radio and television presenting roles. He’s perhaps best known for presenting the television game show Family Feud and the nationally-broadcast radio program The Steve Harvey Morning Show . Harvey has won numerous awards for his television work, including six Daytime Emmy Awards.

**Since the late 2000s, Harvey has gained a...

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Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man Summary Part 1: Understand Men | Introduction, Chapters 1-4: The Male Psyche

According to Steve Harvey, many women’s dating struggles stem from the fact that they don’t understand men. Specifically, they don’t understand:

  • What drives men
  • How men love
  • What men need from women
  • What men don’t want

Harvey argues that this lack of understanding puts women at risk of manipulation and heartbreak at the hands of men. After all, he notes, if you don’t understand men, you won’t know how to respond to the games they often play in relationships.

(Shortform note: The proliferation of writing that aims to help women understand men suggests Harvey isn’t alone in believing that women struggle in this regard. However, evidence suggests that men don’t always understand women, either. For instance, according to one scientific study, men may struggle to understand how women feel because [they have difficulty...

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Shortform Exercise: Gain Clarity on Your Past Relationships

Now that you know how a man shows love, what does this make you think about your past relationships?

Think about a long-term relationship that ended in the past. In what ways did your ex make you feel loved?

Shortform Exercise: Who Are You in Relationships?

It’s easy to believe you’re doing everything right in a relationship and be confused when it ends. But are you sure you were doing the right things for your man?

What are some ways you try to show love in your relationships?

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act like a lady think like a man book review

Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man Summary Part 2: Find and Keep a Man | Chapters 5-6, 9, 13: Tips for Getting a Man

In this second part of the guide, we’ll examine Harvey’s strategies for finding and keeping a man. In this chapter, we’ll specifically explore his tips for the first stage in any relationship: actually getting a man in the first place .

Figure Out What He Wants

According to Harvey, the first thing to consider when you start to date a man is what he wants from you. Does he want to pursue you in the hopes of starting a relationship—or, is he just interested in sleeping with you? Harvey argues that in the vast majority of cases, it’s the latter scenario. Most men only want to have a fun, physical fling with you, and if you expect more from them—in other words, commitment—you’ll only be disappointed.

(Shortform note: Why might a man shy away from commitment and pursue only casual relationships? According to clinical psychologist Diana Kirschner, men who eschew commitment often do so out of fear . This fear can manifest in various ways, including fear of rejection, fear of not meeting expectations, or fear of revealing their flaws. Kirschner argues that...

Shortform Exercise: Learn What Your Behavior Says About You

The moment you first meet a man, he’ll start analyzing your behavior to figure out whether you want a long-term relationship or a casual fling. Reflect on what your present behavior around men says about you.

What is your first instinct when a man approaches you, and how do you behave?

Shortform Exercise: Set Your Standards for Your Life

It’s not easy to be clear about what you need from a man when you’re still getting to know him. But setting standards can save you a world of trouble down the road with the wrong man.

Have you ever taken the initiative to set standards up front in your relationship? Why or why not?

Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man Summary Chapters 11-12, 16, 20: Tips for the Early Stages of a Relationship

So, you’ve found a man, and you’ve both decided to give dating a try—what next? In this section, we’ll discuss Harvey’s tips for how to behave in the early stages of a relationship to ensure its long-term success : Namely, withhold sex for the first three months, introduce him to your children, and meet his family.

Withhold Sex for the First Three Months

If you’re looking for a committed relationship, Harvey recommends that you withhold sex for the first 90 days. Harvey contends that sex is a privilege of being with you, not a right—and you should evaluate him for 90 days to determine whether he’s worthy of that benefit. In this section, we’ll discuss why you should wait for 90 days—and how to get successfully to Day 91.

Why 90 Days?

Why 90 days? Harvey presents two reasons.

First, Harvey notes, 90 days is enough time to weed out any men who are looking solely for sex. But if he’s solely interested in sex, his patience will wane before 90 days is up and he’ll leave. In contrast, a man who will prove his worth to you for 90 days without sex is a man who respects you and as such is someone worth investing your time in .

Second, Harvey...

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Shortform Exercise: Is Sex Important?

Waiting to have sex with someone new can feel like torture, and you may not think it’s worth it. The decision comes down to the importance you place on sex in relationships.

Think of a time you made a man wait to sleep with you. Why did you make him wait?

Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man Summary Chapters 10, 14, 19: Tips for Long-Term Commitment

Now that you know what to do in the early stages of a relationship, we’ll explore Harvey’s tips for longer relationships. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to evaluate whether he’s worth a long-term commitment, how to tell whether you’re ready for marriage, and how to get him to propose if you are.

How to Evaluate His Long-Term Potential

Harvey argues that if you’re considering a long-term commitment with someone, you must ask him to clarify his intentions up-front . While Harvey recognizes that most women don’t do this out of fear of pushing men away, he contends that you must take this risk so that you don’t waste your time in a relationship with no future.

(Shortform note: If you’re ashamed of your desire for a long-term relationship because you think you should be satisfied without a man, you may also struggle to ask a man what his intentions are. If so, keep in mind what Levine and Heller note in Attached : In actuality, having a partner who fulfills your emotional needs helps you thrive because they make you feel safe enough to take bolder risks.)...

Shortform Exercise: Are You Ready for Marriage?

Wanting to be married and being ready to be a good life partner are two different things. How can you be sure you’re ready?

Do you like things to be a particular way, or are you open to change and compromise? Explain your preference.

Shortform Exercise: Make Your Man Commit

Many women want to wear the white dress and promise their love to someone in front of their family and friends. If this is you, how can you make this happen?

Have you ever been married or engaged? If yes, what led to your man proposing? If not and you’ve been in committed relationships, why have you never gotten to that next step?

Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man Summary Part 3: Resolve Issues | Chapters 7-8, 15, 17-18: Common Dating Issues

In the third part of the guide, we’ll explore Harvey’s strategies for facing various common dating issues. Namely, we’ll discuss how to handle infidelity and sexual issues, his relationships with other women in his life, and career-related issues you may face.

How to Handle Infidelity

As Harvey notes, both men and women understand that cheating is wrong, so why does it happen so often? In this section, we’ll discuss why men cheat, and what you should do if your man cheats on you.

Why Men Are Unfaithful

Harvey contends that men cheat for several reasons—and by understanding these reasons, you may be able to avoid situations in which your man is likely to cheat.

Harvey’s reasons why men cheat include the following:

Because they believe sex is just sex . Men are taught that sex can be a purely physical act without emotion attached. As such, a man can feel justified having sex with one person while being completely in love with someone else because in his mind, the two are not connected: Having sex with another woman has no bearing on his feelings for you.

Because they believe they’re smart enough to hide it from you. And because it’s just sex, if you...

Shortform Exercise: What’s Your Balance Between Work and Love?

Women are often expected to put their dreams on hold for a man, but your success is nothing to be ashamed of.

Think of a recent time when your job came into conflict with your relationship. Describe the scenario.

Shortform Exercise: Find the Relationship You Want

We all want someone to love, but finding the right relationship sometimes feels as likely as winning the lottery.

How has Harvey’s advice and guidance helped change how you think about men and how to approach them?

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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man (Harvey)

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act like a lady think like a man book review

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man   Steve Harvey, 2009 HarperCollins 240 pp. ISBN-13: 978 0062351562 Summary Steve Harvey, the host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show , can't count the number of impressive women he's met over the years, whether it's through the "Strawberry Letters" segment of his program or while on tour for his comedy shows. These are women who can run a small business, keep a household with three kids in tiptop shape, and chair a church group all at the same time. Yet when it comes to relationships, they can't figure out what makes men tick. Why? According to Steve it's because they're asking other women for advice when no one but another man can tell them how to find and keep a man. In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man , Steve lets women inside the mindset of a man and sheds lights on concepts and questions such as:

• The Ninety Day Rule: Ford requires it of its employees. Should you require it of your man? • How to spot a mama's boy and what if anything you can do about it. • When to introduce the kids. And what to read into the first interaction between your date    and your kids. • The five questions every woman should ask a man to determine how serious he is. • And more...

Sometimes funny, sometimes direct, but always truthful, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships. ( From the publisher .)

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Think Like a Man

Translating Steve Harvey's bestseller "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" into a four-pronged romantic comedy, Tim Story's breezy if predictable film overstays its welcome.

By Brian Lowry

Brian Lowry

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'Think Like a Man'

Translating Steve Harvey ‘s bestseller “ Act Like a Lady , Think Like a Man ” into a four-pronged romantic comedy, Tim Story ‘s breezy if predictable film overstays its welcome. While the result deserves some credit for finding a creative way to bring the book to life, the overlapping storylines simply aren’t compelling enough, despite the best efforts of a game and attractive cast. Mostly, “Think Like a Man” plays like shrewd promotion for the book, but the best advice would be to skip the former and read the latter. Pic falls somewhere between raucousness and date-night schmaltz, and returns should be similarly mixed.

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Whatever the film’s assets, more than two hours is a lot to ask of an audience with this sort of flimsy construct, even with multiple stories designed to convey various aspects of Harvey’s guide to helping women understand men on the subject of relationships. Harvey, the multifaceted comic, appears as a talkshow guest plugging the book ( Sherri Shepherd has a cameo as the daytime host), then turns up throughout directly addressing the camera.

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The conceit is that the book becomes such a sensation that women begin rushing to absorb its secrets and crack the male code. The primary twist, such as it is, involves their practicing Harvey’s teachings to achieve their goals, only to have the men eventually buy the book as well and realize they’re being manipulated.

Regarding those males, several varieties Harvey identifies are conveniently represented by one group of friends who play basketball together several times each week. They include the mama’s boy (Terrence J), who becomes involved with single mom Candace ( Regina Hall ); the dreamer ( Michael Ealy ), who stumbles into a liaison with Lauren ( Taraji P. Henson ), a successful businesswoman who wants a man equally well situated; the non-committer (“Entourage’s” slimmed-down Jerry Ferrara), whose Peter Pan routine is beginning to wear on his longtime girlfriend ( Gabrielle Union ); and the ladies man (“Weeds'” Romany Malco), who is forced to actually try wooing Mya ( Meagan Good ), who, after one too many one-night stands, follows Harvey’s maxim about withholding sex in order to find true love.

Finally, there’s Cedric (comedian Kevin Hart), the divorced guy who keeps regaling the group with stories about his ex-wife, frequents strip clubs and functions as narrator, while providing a steady infusion of manic energy seemingly designed to prevent the sappier aspects from weighing down the comedy.

Each of the intersecting plots could be (and indeed, has been) stretched into a romantic comedy all its own. Yet if blending them together offers a way of hedging bets and maximizing opportunities for laughs, it also becomes somewhat numbing, especially in the later stages when Story and writers Keith Merryman and David A. Newman have to race around attempting to neatly tie up all their plot threads.

Best known for “Barbershop” before his sojourn into the spandex-clad world of “Fantastic Four,” Story does deliver some funny moments, and incorporates enough cameos (including NBA players, Chris Brown and radio/TV host Wendy Williams) to leave few marketing stones unturned.

That said, some scenes drag on interminably, particularly when the women or guys are alone discussing dating strategies. One sequence in which the warring factions separately recount a date brings to mind the “Summer Lovin’?” number from “Grease,” only with less music and more drawn out. There’s also something rather quaint, frankly, about the premise of a dating-advice book being so influential, as if there were a dearth of them, or Oprah’s Book Club were still in its heyday.

Pic does make good use of its Los Angeles environs and an expansive soundtrack, especially in the more romantic moments. Kudos, too, to the glamorous way the movie adorns its leading ladies. Ultimately, though, “Think Like a Man” dilutes its strengths — perhaps because nobody bothered to think like an editor.

  • Production: A Sony Pictures Entertainment release of a Screen Gems presentation of a Rainforest Films production. Produced by Will Packer. Executive producers, Steve Harvey, Rushion McDonald, Rob Hardy, Glenn S. Gainor. Directed by Tim Story. Screenplay, Keith Merryman, David A. Newman, based on the book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" by Steve Harvey.
  • Crew: Camera (Deluxe color), Larry Blanford; editor, Peter S. Elliot; music, Christopher Lennertz; production designer, Chris Cornwell; art director, Charlie Campbell; set decorator, Beth Wooke; costume designer, Salvador Perez; sound (Dolby Digital/SDDS/Datasat), Shawn Holden; supervising sound editor, Michael J. Benavente; assistant director, Steve Danton; casting, Kimberly R. Hardin. Reviewed at Sony Studios, Culver City, Calif., April 3, 2012. MPAA Rating: PG-13. Running time: 122 MIN.
  • With: Dominic - Michael Ealy Jeremy - Jerry Ferrara Mya - Meagan Good Candace - Regina Hall Cedric - Kevin Hart Lauren - Taraji P. Henson Michael - Terrence J Loretta - Jenifer Lewis Zeke - Romany Malco Bennett - Gary Owen Kristen - Gabrielle Union Alex - Chris Brown With: Steve Harvey, Sherri Shepherd.

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act like a lady think like a man book review

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act like a lady think like a man book review

Book Review: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Expanded Edition: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

By steve harvey and denene millner, read a description of act like a lady, think like a man, expanded edition: what men really think about love, relationships, intimacy, and commitment, book reviewed by kam williams.

“I want every woman who truly wants a solid relationship to forget everything she’s been taught about men erase the myths, the heresy, everything your mother told you, everything your girlfriends told you, all the advice you’ve read in magazines and seen on television and find out here, in these pages, who men really are If you’re tired of being played with, then I want you to use this book as a tool to take each of the principles, rules, and tips in this no-nonsense guide and use them to anticipate a man’s game plan. No matter how good you are to a man, no matter how good you are for him, until you understand what his makeup is, what drives him, what motivates him, and how he loves, you will be vulnerable to his deception and the games he plays. But with this book, you can get into a man’s mindset and understand him better, so that you can put into play your plans, your dreams, and your desires, and best of all, you can figure out if he’s planning to be with you or just playing with you.” —Excerpted from the Introduction (pages 6-7)

Stand-up comic/sitcom star/TV show host/stage performer/movie actor/radio DJ/producer Steve Harvey was already a true Renaissance Man before he recently added relationship advice guru to his bag of tricks. After its release in January of this year, his book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think about Love Relationships, Intimacy and Commitment skyrocketed to #1 on the New York Times Best Seller list, and still enjoys that lofty spot as we go to publication [Hardcover Advice, as of April 19, 2009].

Apparently, the secrets about men he reveals on the pages of this much-needed how-to-tome are resonating with frustrated females of every demographic. As a result, Steve is not only making the rounds of the top talk shows like Oprah and Ellen, but expanding his own entertainment empire as his eponymous, nationally-syndicated morning radio show enters new markets, most recently replacing Tom Joyner in Chicago.

Let’s face it, Steve Harvey is a juggernaut who’s on quite a roll. And this critic is not at all surprised by this development, given that I’ve immensely enjoyed his last two stand-up DVDs and have also found the brother to be both hilarious and insightful every time I’ve had the opportunity to interview him.

As for the content of Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, the title drops a big hint as to the sort of common sense advice inside. Still, every bit as important as the tough-love brand of relationship advice Steve has to share is his folksy, down-home tone which practically leaps off the pages in Technicolor, because he has convincingly translated his trademark charismatic anecdotal style to print despite the inherent limitations of the literary format.

But the big question remains: will the book deliver on its promise of helping you land Mr. Right? I’m not comfortable speculating about that, after all, I’m not a woman and thus not really a part of the target audience. That disclaimer aside, I’d say that he does have guys pegged, so his ideas at the very least are likely to prove valuable to impressionable young ladies who have been raised without a father figure in their lives, since Steve’s basic function here is to shed light on the difference between what men say and how they behave.



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The Steve Harvey “Think Like a Man” Interview [April 2012]

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    The author of Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success; Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man; and Straight Talk, No Chaser, Steve Harvey began doing stand-up comedy in the mid-1980s. His success as a stand-up comedian led to the WB's hit show The Steve Harvey Show, which has won multiple NAACP Image Awards.

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