Essay on “A Day in The Life of a Policeman” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

A Day in The Life of a Policeman

A day in the life of a policeman is quite hectic. He is on duty all the 24 hours. He has usually very little rest. Sometimes in his uniform sometimes in plain clothes, he performs the government job. He is the custodian of law. He enforces the law. He sees that the Government rules and regulations are faithfully carried out.

A policeman starts his day with some exercise or jogging. It is necessary to keep him alert and smart all the day long. It keeps him fit and healthy in order to do the difficult job. He also tries his hand at his rifle or revolver aiming at an imaginary thief or culprit.

Now he reports to duty at the police station. He marks his attendance. He reads the daily Flits (First Information Reports). He gets orders from his seniors and goes on enquiry and investigation. His work is very ticklish. He has to face difficulties and sometimes danger to his life. He faces this all boldly. While conducting an enquiry, he has to be very cautious. He cannot make any compromises. He guards the law. He is answerable to both the law and the public.

He solves very puzzling cases with his intelligence and experience. He does not take rest till his work is fulfilled and the case solved. He is there to protect the interests of the innocent and giving justice to them. He prepares the case of his findings very diligently. He is well-versed in law and all its intricacies. His arguments are fool-proof, quite according to the tenets of law.

A policeman is a useful public servant and at the same time a human being. While discharging his duties he can commit mistakes. His lapses cost very dear to the respectable citizens and peace-loving people. So the society should condone his such mistakes but that happens very rarely and a policeman suffers.

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a day in your life as a policeman essay


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a day in your life as a policeman essay

A Day in the Life of a Police Officer!

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Getting Started!

Ever wondered what a day in the life of a police officer is like?

There are almost 700,000 active police officers in the United States – all of whom are experiencing very different things. After all, a career as a law enforcement officer is not a decision to take lightly. It’s a career where your life can be on the line in a matter of seconds – often when you least expect it.

A day in the life of a police officer can also be a highly rewarding one; as you are serving the local community and, in many cases, saving lives and brining criminals to justice.

There are few careers which carry so much risk and yet so much reward.  

You have already passed the written exam, fitness test, oral board – and aced the police officer exam. You were inducted into the police academy for further training and professional skill development and now has come the time to put that skill into practice.

An Early Start to the Day

It’s only three months since you joined New York Police Department and your shift times haven’t changed all that much.

Your alarm goes off at 5am. You didn’t have a great sleep, but duty is calling. You take a shower and give yourself a thorough shave. The last thing you want is for your supervisor to start complaining about your unprofessional appearance. Officers must look the part; clean and presentable and not scruffy and unbecoming.

Your attitude begins to shift once you begin to don your police attire. The seriousness of the role takes hold and your professional mentality comes to the fore. You calibrate your mindset accordingly.

You kiss your two kids and spouse goodbye and head off for the day’s work.

Some police departments permit officers to take their patrol car home. In this case, it’s at work. You inspect the car as if you were at home, checking to see if everything was the same as last time. You also check whether key equipment – such as the police radio – is working accordingly. You verify whether other core equipment – such as first aid and fire extinguishers and spare tyres – are available.

Most police departments commence with a role call at the start of a shift. You may also be informed of any important events to keep in mind. These may be developments that occurred since your last shift. Once you have been informed of your key duties and operations to keep in mind, you set off to start your day.

As you patrol the city, you establish that a car up ahead is speeding.

You cautiously approach the vehicle and signal the driver to pull over. You get out of your patrol vehicle and inform the driver that he is speeding. He offers a defence that he is only marginally above the speed limit and that he is visiting his mother who had recently been admitted to hospital. As he backs up the claim with evidence, you use officer discretion and issue to him a standard warning only.

A day in the life of a police officer is not always black and white. In cases such as these, officer discretion is often an important component. Police officers should establish, insofar as is possible, the evidence and context at hand – and then issue a judgement accordingly. Working in your own police department, you will come across many such cases each week.

Only twenty minutes later, your dispatcher relays details of a multi-car crash that occurred just five minutes’ drive from where you are.

You immediately turn on sirens and lights and head direct to the scene of the crash. As you arrive, you notice two people – one man and one woman – receiving first aid from an ambulance that had just arrived. You approach the wreckage and can see a third and fourth person inside, at the back. They are deceased.

You liaise with the paramedics about what they have learned and what will happen the other two occupants. You cordon off the scene, as it is now a crime scene and must not have members of the public tampering with any potential evidence, including any evidence found on the ground nearby. You take notes and interview those who are first-hand witnesses; slowly piecing together what happened but not yet arriving at any firm conclusions.

You consult a homicide investigator at the police department and delay to him the notes and evidence you have gathered.


The scene involved the deaths of two people – Nathan (42) and his son, Paul – who was just 14-years old.

Next of kin must be informed of the loss. As you approach the front door, you are acutely aware that you are about to tell a woman that she has lost her husband and only son. You knock the door, she opens it. Deep down, she knows why you are there. In a direct but empathetic manner , you inform her of the loss of her husband and son in a car crash that occurred that morning. Naturally, she breaks down – while you attempt to hold things together and stay with her until a friend or family member arrives to console her.

You let her know that investigations are ongoing and that the department will be in touch should any more information come to hand.

It’s lunch time – and already you have had the experience of a minor traffic violation and a serious multi-car crash that involved the deaths of two members of the public. Informing next of kin is one of the most challenging and disturbing parts of the role of a police officer – yet it’s a necessary part of the job description.

Though you are drained by the experience, you motor on.

Reports must be completed and accurately filed. One of the most overlooked parts of the role of a police officer is their need to file reports. Reports are important sources of evidence and accuracy – piecing together what happened, when it happened, and why it happened. These reports are vital for any investigation to progress and, in the end, reach completion.

It’s also important that these files are accessible many years later, in case new evidence comes to light that may contravene any evidence laid out in the report.

As you are completing some reports in your patrol car, you hear a firearm go off several times. Given the potential seriousness of the event, which may involve a fatality or risk to you or members of the public, you inform the dispatcher of what you heard and proceed to make your way around the corner to the scene. As you turn the corner, you see a man laid on the ground in the middle of the road. A gun is pointing at him as you approach.

You instinctively realise there is a threat to life and draw your weapon – asking the man to stop. However, the man does not stop and proceeds to threaten the man on the ground. You determine that you have no choice but to shoot the gunman, who falls to the ground. He is brought to hospital where he later succumbs to his wounds.

On the force continuum , applying deadly force is always the last resort. In this case, there was a clear and present danger not only to the man on the ground but also potentially to the law enforcement officer and perhaps even members of the public. It is not possible to know the full context of why the man is threatening to shoot the other man on the ground. He may be suffering from a mental illness and therefore pose a threat to others just as much as the man to whom he directs the gun.

You quickly run to the scene and ask the public to stay away. You apply first-aid to the suspect; call for back-up whilst also requesting an ambulance and seal off the scene of the crime. Once the ambulance and back-up arrive, you take a statement from the man on the ground and to others nearby witnesses. This evidence would later go toward filing a report and detailing the event to your supervisor.

Unanticipated Delays

Always remember that a day in the life of a police officer is never finished.

Though the day has been packed with drama and, potentially, loss of your own life – things must continue. You finish up the last reports at the police department and have a final consultation with your supervisor. You have heard more details about what transpired earlier that morning regarding the car crash and inform the bereaved of what happened and how things would proceed from here. As it turned out, the event was an accident – most likely caused by faulty brakes in what turned out to be a stolen vehicle. The deceased’s husband and son were in the other car.

The clock strikes 6.30pm and you begin to make your way home – at last. Darkness sets in.

On your way home, you notice – in the distance – a brawl outside what appears to be a bar. Even though your shift is finished, you must attend to the scene. With the help of two others, the three men are separated – two of them bleeding seriously. You take statements and call for back-up, and once back-up arrives, they observe CCTV footage to establish who appears to have instigated the wrongdoing.

Now that back-up arrives, your colleagues relieve you of the responsibility as they have just begun their shift.

You thank them and proceed to go home.

Back Home , Once Again.

You are just over one hour late, but your spouse has become accustomed to the career lifestyle and almost randomness that comes with it.

You take off your uniform – at last, after what feels like yet another marathon, but a marathon you are proud to complete each and every day. You transform – slowly – back into normal life, at least for the next 10-hours. Unlike the day you have just had, those 10 hours go quick – far too quick.

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a day in your life as a policeman essay

Daniel Sullivan

Daniel joined Police Test Study Guide in 2019, and currently serves as a senior executive overseeing course product development. With over 20-years’ experience in law enforcement, Mr. Sullivan began his career in Philadelphia Police Department before advancing to the role of detective. He has more recently worked with police departments throughout the country in the development and preparation of law enforcement exams to ensure applicants meet the standards needed to meet today’s growing challenges.

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A Day in the Life of a Cop

What It's Like to Work as a Police Officer

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Time to Make the Doughnuts...

  • "10-8" You're in Service and Ready for Duty

A Traffic Stop

A crash with injuries, notifying the next of kin, back on patrol, real police work: report writing, burglary and house clearing.

  • You Don't Get Home on Time

One More Day Down

Tim Roufa wrote about criminology careers and has over 14 years of experience in law enforcement.

Working as a police officer can be satisfying, rewarding, saddening, lonely, and fulfilling—all during the same shift. The job pays pretty well and the benefits are typically very good, but each day can present—and probably will present—a new challenge.

The alarm wakes you from a long sleep or a nap, depending on what shift you're working. You grab a quick shower and give yourself a thorough shave so your sergeant doesn't ding you on your inspection.

Your whole demeanor changes as you get dressed. You become quiet, stern, and thoughtful as you prepare yourself mentally for the day ahead. You stop being "you" and become "officer you" as you strap on your ballistic vest and zip up your uniform shirt. The transformation is complete when you wrap your utility belt around your waist.

Some departments let you take your patrol car home so you can be in service as soon as you leave your driveway.

"10-8" You're in Service and Ready for Duty

You kiss your kids and your spouse goodbye and step outside into another day on the job. Shifts in most departments begin with roll call and this can take up to 30 minutes or so. You'll be informed of any special assignments or events that might need your attention, as well as any be-on-the-lookout (BOLO) alerts that have come in since your last shift.

Now it's time to inspect your patrol car, if you haven't already done so at home. You make sure everything is the same as it was the last time you sat behind the wheel, and that everything is operating properly. All necessary equipment, such as flares, first aid kits, and fire extinguishers, is in place.

You turn the ignition and reach for your police radio. You key the microphone and advise your dispatcher that you're "10-8," in service and ready for duty.

You spot a car with a headlight missing as you drive out onto the main road. You pull the vehicle over, get out of your car, and approach cautiously. You wonder if this will be your last traffic stop ever as you get closer to the violator's car.

You introduce yourself and inform the driver that you pulled him over because his headlight is out. You let him know that it's a potential safety hazard because it affects the ability of other drivers to see his car, not to mention his own view of the road ahead. You issue him a warning or a faulty equipment notice to remind him to get it fixed, then you wish him a safe day.

You get back in your patrol car, and your dispatcher immediately advises you that there's been a serious traffic crash with injuries and entrapment near your location. You inform her that you're "10-51 10-18," en route with lights and sirens.

You meet with chaos when you arrive on the scene. Two vehicles appear to be welded together. Spilled coolant and oil is burning and boiling off the still-hot engines, transforming what was once two distinct vehicles into one massive, steaming pile of twisted metal.

You're trained to give first aid and basic life support, but you're privately thankful that it's not necessary because an ambulance is already on scene. You watch as paramedics talk to a bloodied driver in one of the vehicles and firefighters work fervently to cut into the vehicle to get her out.

There's a driver in the other car as well, but he's not moving. No one's trying to help him, either. It's too late for him. You talk to one of the paramedics and confirm what you already knew, that the crash involved a fatality.

A crowd begins to gather. You call for a traffic homicide investigator before you begin to cordon off the scene with crime scene tape. You grab a fire blanket out of your first aid bag and drape it over the dead individual's car out of respect for the deceased.

You gather witnesses, take statements, and work to identify the drivers. You brief the traffic homicide investigator and hand over the information you've obtained so far, offering to provide any additional assistance that's necessary.

The task falls to you to inform the deceased's next of kin now that you've been relieved of investigative responsibilities. In this case, it's a wife who stays home to care for the couple's two small children. You show up at her door and ring the doorbell.

She answers the door and stares at you as you stand there with your hat in your hand. She knows why you're there, and you know she knows. There's no easy way to tell her, so you rip the band-aid off. "Ma'am, I'm very sorry to tell you that your husband has been killed in a car crash."

Naturally, she cries, while you do your best not to. You offer to make phone calls for her and to stay with her until a family member, minister, or a friend can arrive.

You get back into your patrol car and inform dispatch of the time you made notification. You advise that you're "10-98," task completed, and that you're now "back 10-8."

This is the humdrum work—if there is such a thing in police work. It's a matter of cruising your assigned area, watching for disturbances, speeding, illegal parking, and other traffic violations. Of course, any of these incidents can mushroom suddenly and without warning from humdrum into a life-or-death situation, but each will require its own report even if it thankfully doesn't blow up.

Worn out and thirsty from the day so far, you stop at a gas station to get a cup of coffee. You avoid doughnut shops at all cost so you don't play into the cops-and-doughnuts stereotype . You drive through the parking lot and scope the place out to make sure you're not walking blindly into a robbery.

The clerk greets you as soon as you walk in and asks you to deal with some teenagers who are causing a disturbance. You never get your coffee.

You find a vacant parking lot to catch up on reports after you leave the gas station. You park someplace where people can see you if they need help, and it doesn't take long before someone does. You get out of your car as the man approaches so he can't surprise you while you're sitting down. You're always thinking tactically.

As it turns out, he just needs directions, and you're more than happy to provide them.

Another car pulls up just as you get back to your report writing. You leave your car again and meet an elderly woman who's frightened because she found her door open when she got home. She remembers shutting it and locking it. She asks you to come to her house to make sure it's safe for her to go inside.

You ask the woman to stay outside by her car while you enter her house. You check the doors for any signs that someone broke in. You notice scrape marks on the rear door and it appears that someone tampered with the lock there. You draw your handgun and enter the house to clear it, wondering if it will be the last thing you do.

But you find no one in the house so you ask the woman to come in and tell you if anything is missing. You caution her not to touch anything as you process the scene, and you call for a crime scene technician .

She gives you a list of what she's missing. You tell her you'll do everything you can to help her get her things back, and you make sure she's safe and secure before you leave the scene to enter evidence into the property room at the station...and write another report.

She offers you $20 dollars for your trouble, which you decline. She insists on paying you for your services despite the fact that you tell her you're already getting paid. She continues to press the issue, so you ask her to donate the money to a charity of her choice instead.

You drop off your evidence at the station and realize that it's almost time for your shift to end. You get back in your car and head home after you finish the required paperwork.

You Don't Get Home on Time

You notice that a car in front of you is weaving within its lane as you're turning into your neighborhood. It's slowing down, speeding up, and braking erratically. You're concerned that the driver is either impaired, tired, or sick. In any case, it requires further investigation.

Your shift ended 15 minutes ago, but you pull the car over. You're greeted by the strong and unmistakable odor of alcohol when you reach the vehicle. The driver's eyes are bloodshot and watery, and his speech is slurred. The driver performs poorly on the field sobriety exercises you offer, so you make the arrest.

It will take another three hours before you're finished with the paperwork on this incident, but you know your job and your duty.

You finally make your way home after you've left all your paperwork at the jail. Fortunately, you don't come across any other issues this time. You walk in your front door four hours later than you were supposed to.

You take off your uniform and slowly transform back into yourself. Tired from a long day, you lay down to go to sleep. Your last thoughts are about how happy you are to have the opportunity to  be a police officer , and how thankful you are that you made it home safely one more time.

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FirstCry Intelli Education

Essay On Policeman – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On A Policeman For Lower Primary Classes

10-line essay on a policeman for kids, a paragraph about a policeman for children, short essay on a policeman in english, long essay on a policeman for kids, what will your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader learn from this essay.

Police are an integral part of our social system. When your child writes a police essay in English, their creative writing skills improve, and they learn about the importance of the police in a community. Writing an essay on a policeman for classes 1, 2 and 3 will make kids understand the relevance of the role and functions of police in society. Moreover, essay writing activity lays the foundation of English grammar for kids. It improves their vocabulary and helps them structure their thoughts and put them on paper in short and simple sentences. The earlier you introduce the act of writing to your child, the better it is.

Your child needs to know a few important points while writing about the police and people serving in this department. Let us help your child get a hint of the work policemen dp through these pointers:

  • Let your kids structure the ideas they want to write while referring to the role of the police in the first step.
  • The second step is to note the ideas to form an outline to cover all the points while writing the essay.
  • In the third step, they will make short and simple sentences from the pointers.
  • Motivate your kid not to get too deep writing about any single idea. It will help them to maintain the word count.
  • Help your kid write with the flow, making them cherish every bit of writing the essay.
  • Your little one can write about the functions of the police, the skills required to join the police force, what kind of work they do, etc.

Police officers have a major role to play, as they are crucial to maintaining law and order in society. Let us help your kid to write a short essay for class 1 and class 2 by writing a simple few lines about a policeman:

  • The police play a very important role in society.
  • Police officers protect everyone.
  • They bring peace and order to the community or town.
  • They sort out problems like burglary, snatching, theft, misconduct, etc.
  • The police officers wear the uniform that gives them a unique identification.
  • They carry pistols for the protection of the people.
  • They also carry batons sometimes.
  • They travel and conduct routine rounds in their police car.
  • The police officers are strong and courageous people.
  • They have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders.

The role of the police in society is massive and cannot be undervalued. Let us help your child write the policeman essay in 100 words:

The police play a very important role in maintaining a peaceful atmosphere in society, town, or community. Police officers are responsible for protecting everyone. Whenever anyone tries to harm law and order in the country, the police mediate. Police officers are trained to solve problems and issues of the people living in a community. Policemen wear uniforms, which provide them with a unique identification. They carry pistols for the protection of the public, and they also carry batons sometimes. They patrol in their police car. Being in the police force requires strength and immense courage. They have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders to safeguard society and its people.

The importance of police can’t be undermined. Therefore, kids get regular assignments or essays on policemen to make them aware of their role in society. Let us help your kid to write an essay for classes 1, 2 and 3:

The police play a very important role in maintaining an atmosphere free from disturbances and unwanted violence in society. Policemen have the duty of protecting the citizens of the country. Therefore, they get posted all across the country. Whenever anyone breaks law and order in the country, the police intervene, catch culprits, and put them behind bars. The police have their uniform, and the most common colour of the police uniform is khaki. Policemen are allowed to carry pistols to protect the common people in extreme situations. The government provides police personnel with police cars, which they use for patroling and reaching out to various places. Being in the police force is a responsible task. It requires strength and immense courage as they have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders to safeguard society and its people. The police hold a major role in upholding the peace of a nation.

The role of the police is significant in our society. Let us help your little one write an essay for class 3 on the police force:

There are two kinds of people in this world. While most people abide by the state’s law and order, some people try to break it. When someone violates a law, the police get into the picture. The common citizens cannot take the law of the state into their own hands. They can only seek help from the police if needed. The police handle issues like burglary, snatching, theft, misconduct, etc. Whenever a crime occurs in society, the cops reach the spot and take charge.

What Is The Role And Importance Of The Policeman?

The police force has many responsibilities as they protect common people from danger, prevent crimes and tackle cases of robbery and misconduct. There is a lot of importance to police in our life. Police have to do various types of tasks on a daily basis. A policeman is responsible for ensuring the community stays safe and criminals remain put. There is a big role of police in society. Police officers enforce the law, prevent crime, fight criminal activities, and maintain order. They also control situations when there are natural disasters or large-scale protests. Sometimes they risk their lives while carrying out their duty. Police are the first branch to come into action in case of an emergency. Policemen are expected to be honest and sincere at their work. They get postings across the country. Policemen are given some tools to carry out their tasks efficiently, such as rifles, pistols, batons, and handcuffs, to name a few. The police cars with many special features also form an important part of their duty. It is these cars that they use for patrolling. There is also the INTERPOL Police force that works across countries at the international level.

When your little one writes an essay on the police, they learn about the significance of police in society. They understand that the police force is mandatory to maintain peace and order around us. The essay writing process also plays a major role in developing children’s creative writing skills.

Let us discuss some frequently asked questions below regarding policemen.

1. How Do Policemen Help Us?

The police officers are a group of specially trained people who maintain peace and order, enforce laws, protect public and private properties, help with emergencies, solve criminal cases, etc. Policemen are trained in rescue and first aid. The reason behind this training is that police officers are often one of the first people to reach a place where people are injured or in danger, such as an accident, a fire, etc. Sometimes we also see police personnel providing special security to VIPs.

2. What Skills Do You Need To Become A Police Officer?

Being in the police is not an easy task. A police officer needs to have a few skills. Let us discuss them below.

  • Ability to handle the responsibility
  • Ability to remain calm in dangerous or challenging situations.
  • Assertiveness
  • Open-mindedness
  • Good interpersonal Skills

3. What Is the Full Form Of Police?

Police stand for Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies. The term Police can also be segregated as Polite, Obedient, Loyal, Intelligent, Courageous, and Efficient.

4. Which Is The Highest Post In The Police Department?

The highest post in the Police Department is the Director-General of Police (DGP).

We hope the above essay on policemen will help your child write an interesting essay on the topic and help them realise the value of police in society.

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Essay on Ambition To Be A Police

Students are often asked to write an essay on Ambition To Be A Police in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Ambition To Be A Police


Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something in life. Many people dream of becoming police officers. This essay discusses the ambition to be a police officer and its importance.

Why Police?

Police officers are crucial for maintaining law and order. They protect us from harm, ensuring our safety. Their role is challenging yet rewarding, making it an admirable ambition.

Characteristics Required

To become a police officer, one needs certain qualities. These include honesty, bravery, and a sense of justice. These traits help officers perform their duties effectively.

Training and Education

Becoming a police officer requires proper training and education. This prepares one to handle different situations, making them competent in their role.

In conclusion, the ambition to become a police officer is noble. It involves serving the community and ensuring peace and safety.

250 Words Essay on Ambition To Be A Police

Why be a police officer.

Many people dream of becoming a police officer. This job is a great choice for those who want to help others and keep their community safe. A police officer’s role is to maintain law and order, protect citizens, and prevent crime. They are the brave hearts who risk their lives for the safety of others.

The Power of the Uniform

The police uniform is a symbol of authority, respect, and responsibility. When a person wears this uniform, it shows that they have the power to enforce the law. It also tells others that they are there to help in times of need. Many children look up to police officers as role models and aspire to wear the uniform one day.

Training and Skills

To become a police officer, one needs to undergo rigorous training. This training helps in building physical strength and mental toughness. It also teaches various skills like problem-solving, quick decision-making, and effective communication. These skills are crucial for handling different situations in the field.

Job Satisfaction

Being a police officer can be very rewarding. They get the chance to make a real difference in people’s lives. Saving someone in danger, helping solve a crime, or simply helping a lost child find their way home can bring immense job satisfaction.

The Path Ahead

If you have the ambition to be a police officer, start preparing from an early age. Focus on your studies, stay physically fit, and develop good communication skills. Remember, it is not just a job, but a commitment to serve the community.

In conclusion, the ambition to be a police officer is a noble dream. It requires dedication, courage, and a strong desire to make a difference. It’s not an easy path, but the rewards are worth the effort.

500 Words Essay on Ambition To Be A Police

The ambition to become a police officer is a noble dream that many young people have. It is a job that requires bravery, honesty, and a strong sense of justice. This essay will explore the reasons why someone might want to become a police officer, the qualities required, and the steps one needs to take to fulfill this ambition.

Why Become a Police Officer?

Being a police officer is not just a job, it’s a calling. It’s about making a difference in the world, keeping people safe, and upholding the law. Many are drawn to this profession because they want to help people and make their communities safer. Others may be inspired by family members who are police officers or by stories of heroic cops they’ve heard or read about.

Qualities Needed

To be a good police officer, one must possess certain qualities. These include bravery, as police officers often find themselves in dangerous situations. They must be honest, as they are trusted to uphold the law. Good judgment is also important, as they must make quick decisions that can have serious consequences. They should also be physically fit, as the job can be physically demanding.

Education and Training

To become a police officer, you need to complete your high school education. After that, many choose to earn a degree in criminal justice or a related field, though it’s not always required. Next, you must attend a police academy, where you’ll learn about the law, criminal investigation, and police procedures. You’ll also undergo physical training to ensure you’re fit for the job.

Challenges and Rewards

Being a police officer can be challenging. They often work long hours and have to deal with difficult situations. They may have to confront criminals or deal with accidents and emergencies. Despite these challenges, many find the job rewarding. They get the satisfaction of knowing they’re helping to keep their community safe. They also have the respect and gratitude of the people they serve.

In conclusion, the ambition to be a police officer is a commendable one. It requires a person to be brave, honest, and dedicated. It involves rigorous training and can be challenging. But for those with a strong sense of justice and a desire to serve their community, it can be a fulfilling career. So, if you have the ambition to be a police officer, pursue it with all your heart. It’s a noble goal that can make a real difference in the world.

Word Count: 500

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a day in your life as a policeman essay

Essay On Police

500 words essay on police.

In this world, we must have laws to maintain peace. Thus, every citizen must follow these laws. However, there are some people in our society who do not follow them and break the laws . In order to keep a check on such kinds of people, we need the police. Through essay on police, we will learn about the role and importance of police.

essay on police

Importance of Police

The police are entrusted with the duty of maintaining the peace and harmony of a society. Moreover, they also have the right to arrest and control people who do not follow the law. As a result, they are important as they protect our society.

Enforcing the laws of the land, the police also has the right to punish people who do not obey the law. Consequently, we, as citizens, feel safe and do not worry much about our lives and property.

In other words, the police is a saviour of the society which makes the running of society quite smooth. Generally, the police force has sound health. They wear a uniform and carry a weapon, whether a rifle or pistol . They also wear a belt which holds their weapons.

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Role of Police

The police play many roles at police stations or check posts. They get a posting in the town or city depending on the crime rate in the area. When public demonstrations and strikes arise, the police plays a decisive role.

Similarly, when they witness the crowd turning violent during protests or public gatherings, it is their responsibility to prevent it from becoming something bigger. Sometimes, they also have to make use of the Lathi (stick) for the same reason.

If things get worse, they also resort to firing only after getting permission from their superiors. In addition, the police also offer special protection to political leaders and VIPs. The common man can also avail this protection in special circumstances.

Thus, you see how the police are always on duty round the clock. No matter what day or festival or holiday, they are always on duty. It is a tough role to play but they play it well. To protect the law is not an easy thing to do.

Similarly, it is difficult to maintain peace but the police manage to do it. Even on cold winter nights or hot summer afternoons, the police is always on duty. Even during the pandemic, the police was on duty.

Thus, they keep an eye on anti-social activities and prevent them at large. Acting as the protector of the weak and poor, the police play an essential role in the smooth functioning of society.

Conclusion of Essay On Police

Thus, the job of the police is very long and tough. Moreover, it also comes with a lot of responsibility as we look up to them for protection. Being the real guardian of the civil society of a nation, it is essential that they perform their duty well.

FAQ on Essay On Police

Question 1: What is the role of police in our life?

Answer 1: The police performs the duties which the law has assigned to them. They are entrusted to protect the public against violence, crime and other harmful acts. As a result, the police must act by following the law to ensure that they respect it and apply it in a manner which matches their level of responsibility.

Question 2: Why do we need police?

Answer 2: Police are important for us and we need it. They protect life and property, enforce criminal law, criminal investigations, regulate traffic, crowd control, public safety duties, search for missing persons, lost property and other duties which concern the public order.-*//**9666666666666666666666+9*63*

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Essay on Policeman

Essay on Policeman | Policeman Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Policeman: The policeman is a law enforcement officer. He tries to ensure that all laws of the land are strictly followed. He plays a very important role in our society.

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Short Essay on Policeman 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on Policeman is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

All areas in the cities have a police station. Each policeman is associated with one particular police station. It is his duty to ensure that law and order is maintained in his area, under all circumstances.

Sometimes they are called in to control crowds Some policemen are trained to control traffic. It is their job to manage traffic and ensure that all traffic rules are followed.

During accidents, theft, conflict, and loss, the policeman is the first person we think of. In such cases, we have to go to the police station and file an FIR (First Investigation Report). Based on this report, the police conducts an investigation and solve crimes.

Policemen have long working hours and sometimes, have to keep standing all day. Apart from ordinary criminals, a policeman has to sometimes deal with terrorists also. He has to remain alert at all times.

Since policemen guard our lives and property, they are an important part of our society.

Essay on Policeman

Essay on Policeman for Children

Police officers play a vital role in society. They keep people safe and gather information to help prevent crime. A policeman is an individual who enforces the law. They carry a means of protection and have a badge that helps identify them as law enforcement officials. The job requires physical strength, courage and persistence to complete their tasks. BYJU’S essay on policeman aids the little ones in comprehending the role of policemen and their importance.

As stated in the introduction, the purpose of a policeman is to enforce laws. The law enforcement profession is one of the essential services in society. Besides maintaining law and order, policemen execute laws, thus safeguarding the life and property of the citizens.

a day in your life as a policeman essay

Table of Contents

Importance of policeman, role of policeman.

The essay on policeman for kids teaches them the significance of policemen and their role in society. They contribute a great service to society by maintaining peace and order. Undoubtedly, they are the ones who make us feel safe and protected by providing protection when needed.

Police officers investigate crimes and work towards preventing them in the future. In addition, they help our communities by acting as first responders for any type of emergency.

Police officers protect the public, especially when there is an emergency. This can mean stopping a crime or apprehending a criminal. To help find criminals and prevent crime, police officers need tools and support that help them do their jobs. An essential tool is likely the police car. It has an array of safety features, including headlights that shine in all directions and patrols for signs of crime. A police car also comes with computers, guns, and handcuffs that help officers keep safe when pursuing suspects or apprehending offenders.

Also, refer to BYJU’S worksheets for kids .

Policemen have many responsibilities. They have to protect people from danger, prevent crime, and solve crimes. Along with their responsibilities, a policeman has to do many tasks daily. They might be in charge of escorting people back to their homes, if they live in an unsafe area, or investigating a crime scene for clues about who committed it.

A policeman’s role is to ensure that the community stays safe and criminals are punished. They do this by enforcing the law, fighting crime, preventing crimes, and maintaining order.

They are also often called in natural disasters or other emergency situations. This is an essay on the policeman for the little ones that play a vital role in kids learning phase. Also, visit BYJU’S website for more essays.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Policeman for Children

Who is known as the ‘father of modern policing’.

Sir Robert Peel is known as the father of modern policing.

Who was the first woman police officer in the world?

Edith Smith was the first woman police officer in the world.

What do children learn from BYJU’S essay on policeman?

BYJU’S essay on the policeman is an excellent way to teach the little ones the value and contribution of police officers to society.

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Essay on Policeman for Students in English | 500+ Words Essay

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Policeman: To maintain peace & social order, every country has a set of rules, safekeeping & enforcing these rules are made by the Police force. They have the responsibility to protect the general public & to give security to them. They are divided into different zones in different categories to defend the laws & order.

Essay on Policeman 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Essay on Policeman in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 school students.

The policeman is responsible for maintaining law and order so that the country can function normally and continue to grow and prosper while keeping its people safe and happy. To achieve that goal, it is also crucial that we, the general public, cooperate with the police in ways that will help them serve the country to the best of their ability. A police force consists of officers who are proud to devote their lives to serving their country and fighting crime. We can usually recognize police officers by their distinct uniform, which varies from country to country.

The police generally work to crack down on crime by preventing it and arresting criminals. They maintain public order by making sure the people do not begin rioting and hurting one another in the process. They also protect and assist the general public whenever they may need help. The police force is further divided into special forces that have their own responsibilities. The responsibilities of a police officer differ based on the type of government they serve and the laws that they have to follow and enforce.

Generally, the police are entrusted with the task of maintaining peace and protecting the public. It is also their responsibility to follow the laws that they enforce so that they set a good example for the public to follow. The police also have to respond quickly and effectively to emergency calls, regardless of the day’s time. Even when an officer is off-duty, they still bear the responsibility that comes with their job. Often to perform their duties more effectively during an emergency, the police work together with the nation’s fire department and medical services.

The policemen are also required to learn different types of commands and protocols for different situations to communicate important information with each other quickly. All police usually have training in first aid and CPR, which makes them capable of saving a person’s life. The responsibilities of a policeman are primarily based on the division they work for- some police are also responsible for imposing small fines in minor cases, such as parking in restricted areas or breaking traffic law by driving over the speed limit.

Some police work for more than a singular country- this can be by being a part of a larger international organization like the International Criminal Police Organization, also known as Interpol. Their job involves fighting crimes that cross the boundaries of a single nation and also cooperating and assisting any other international activity. The police are authorized to carry weapons with them and use them in situations they deem necessary, or if they are given direct orders to do so. However, they are still legally responsible for any damage that can be caused because of their use of weapons.

They are usually trained to prevent the use of excessive force. Any policeman that acts unlawfully by abusing their position or accepting bribes from offenders has to take accountability for their behaviour, as they are supposed to enforce the law and be a good example to people. It is also necessary for the police to acquaint themselves with improvements in technology, considering their reliance on technological devices. Some police officers learn how to use lie detectors so that they can conduct interrogations. They always carry a variety of equipment with them, regardless of the division they work for.

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