Sales Cover Letter Example for 2024 (w/ Templates!)

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You've always had a knack for sales, but now you’ve come a long way from making cold calls and practicing your pitch in front of the mirror. 

You’re ready to turn your talent into a full-time gig.

There's just one hurdle left: writing that dreaded cover letter. Staring at the empty page that's supposed to sell your skills and experience feels a lot like standing in front of a tough client you just can't land.

But don't worry!

In this article, we're going to show you how to sell your professional skills, one sentence at a time.

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

  • What Makes a Great Sales Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Steps to Writing the Best Sales Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Sales Pros

...and more!

So let's close the deal.

Sales Cover Letter Example

Sales Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Sales Cover Letter

You’ve seen what a great sales cover letter looks like. Now it's time to start writing your own . 

Simply follow these tried-and-tested steps:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Kick off your sales cover letter with your personal information right at the top, similar to your resume . Here's the lowdown on what to include:

  • Full Name. Your whole name should sit at the top of the document.
  • Job Title. Be specific about the sales role you're targeting (e.g. Sales Manager ). This helps the hiring manager sort through heaps of applications more efficiently.
  • Email Address. Keep it simple and professional. Your old, quirky email won't cut it. For instance, [email protected] is a no-no, but [email protected] is good to go.
  • Phone Number. Make sure it’s correct, and if you're aiming for a job in another country, add the international dialing code.
  • Location. Usually, your city and country are enough. But if you're open to remote work or moving, say so.
  • Relevant Links (optional). If you have a LinkedIn profile or a portfolio, this is a good spot to include those links.

Next up, list the hiring manager's details:

  • Company Name. Put down the company you're looking to join.
  • Hiring Manager’s Name. If you can find it, include the name of the hiring manager for the sales department. The company’s website and LinkedIn are good places to look.
  • Hiring Manager’s Title. If you learn the hiring manager's official title, use that instead of just "Hiring Manager." For example, the person reviewing your application might be the “Head of Sales”.
  • Location. Note the city and country, especially if the company is global. You can get more detailed with the street name and number if you want.
  • Email Address (optional). If you manage to find it, throw in the hiring manager’s email as well.
  • Date (optional). Include the date you’re writing the cover letter. It adds a touch of professionalism.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've laid down your contact information , it's time to address your cover letter to its intended reader. Skip the old ‘To Whom It May Concern’ —it's a snooze-fest.

First up, do a little digging. Look at the job ad, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page to find the name of the hiring manager for the sales role you're applying for. This way, you'll get their name and possibly their email too.

When it comes to addressing the hiring manager , it's good to be formal but not stuffy. Go for "Mr." or "Ms." followed by their last name. If you're unsure about their gender or marital status, just use their full name. Like so:

  • Dear Mr. Johnson,  
  • Dear Emily Johnson,

If you hit a wall and can't find any details about who the hiring manager or the head of the sales department is, aim your letter at the department or the entire company:

  • Dear Sales Department,
  • Dear Sales Hiring Team,
  • Dear HR Recruitment Team,
  • Dear Sales Division Lead,

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers usually only take a few seconds to scan each application. That means your opening paragraph needs to be as attention-grabbing as possible.

A good approach is to lead by stating why you're drawn to the sales job. A little enthusiasm for the field or that specific role can go a long way in catching a manager's eye.

Knowing a bit about the company can also set you apart from the crowd. The more clued in you are, the easier it is to show why you'd fit in well with their team. This signals that you're not just applying at random but are genuinely keen on this particular job.

If you've already got some experience under your belt, feel free to open with a big win or key skills that make you ideal for the role. 

That said, keep this part snappy. The aim is to hook the hiring manager into reading more about you, not going into depth about how you made your achievements happen.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main section of your sales cover letter is where you should get down to business and elaborate on who you are as a candidate. 

Remember - this isn't a place to copy-paste your resume . Instead, aim to showcase why you're the ideal candidate for the sales role you're eyeing by providing additional information.

So, to begin with, avoid repetition. Don't regurgitate your resume; add color to it. Discuss the achievements that prove you're good at closing deals or retaining clients. Look at the job ad and let it guide you. If they're seeking someone who can work in a fast-paced environment, highlight a time you thrived under pressure.

Also, be specific. If the job focuses on B2B sales, point out how you've succeeded in that area rather than discussing your retail experience. This tells the hiring manager that you understand what they're looking for and can deliver on it.

And, as we already mentioned, knowledge of the company is a big bonus. If you understand their sales approach, competitors, or target markets, say so. It shows you're serious about the job and have done your homework.

Need more inspiration? Check out more cover letter examples in this article. 

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Ending your sales cover letter on a high note is crucial. This is your last chance to make a lasting impression , so don't drop the ball here.

Start by summarizing why you're the right pick for the sales role. Reiterate your key skills or most noteworthy achievement(s). You've made your case; now wrap it up in a neat package.

Finally, add a call to action. Prompt the hiring manager to do something next, like contacting you for a further discussion. This proactive step can set you apart and enhance your odds of landing an interview.

Lastly, sign off the right way. Keep it professional yet personal. Here's an example of what this could look like:

I’m eager to discuss how I can contribute to your sales targets and team goals. Please feel free to reach out so we can set up an interview at your convenience.

Best regards,

If "Best regards" feels too played out for you, here are other sign-offs you can consider:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thanks for your time,

This last section is your final shot to resonate with the hiring manager. Make it count.

sales cover letter structure

3 Essential Business Cover Letter Tips

You're now up to speed on the basics of cover letters. 

Next up, we'll dive into some must-know tips to take your sales cover letter to the next level, starting with: 

#1. Match Your Resume

Going for that sales position? Then having a sharp application matters.

For that exact reason, get your cover letter to match your resume in style and formatting. A mismatch might come off as unprofessional. 

Keep your information straight and clean on the page, and ensure your fonts are on point from top to bottom. Oh, and while you're at it, get those margins and line gaps just right. Let's keep that cover letter snappy and on one page. 

Pitch yourself perfectly!

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Want to skip all the hassle? 

Our cover letter templates are just the ticket. Use our resume builder while you’re at it, and then match your cover letter to the T. 

Not to mention, with input from global hiring experts, all our templates are top-notch and industry-approved.

Problem solved!

sales cover letter examples

#2. Mention Qualifications

You can't skip talking about your qualifications in your cover letter, especially for a sales job. 

Qualifications aren't just a checklist for hiring managers; they're the building blocks that show you can do the job well. So, dig a little deeper than your resume. 

Sure, your resume says you led your team in sales for three quarters. But in your cover letter, you can say how you did it. Did you initiate a new customer engagement strategy? Or maybe you excelled at cold calls? Make sure to explain it. 

By expanding on your qualifications, you're giving the hiring manager a sneak peek into how you operate and what you could bring to their team. Trust me, they'll appreciate the extra insight, and it might just land you that interview .

#3. Add Any Relevant Links

As an extension of your sales resume , your cover letter is a great place to add any relevant links. 

Sure, your resume might have a section for your LinkedIn or portfolio, but why not make it easy for the hiring manager? 

Direct them straight to the good stuff. Add a line in your cover letter that says something like, "You can see examples of my sales achievements on my LinkedIn profile," and then hyperlink it.

Doing this sends a clear message: you're not just talking about your skills and achievements; you're showing them off in real time. It saves the hiring manager time searching for them and gives them an easy way to learn more about you right away. It's a small detail, but it could make you stand out in a crowded field.

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap on what makes a great sales cover letter!

We hope that our guide has made you more confident about writing your own sales cover letter and that you’ll land your dream job right away.

But before we go, let’s recap our most important points from this article:

  • Start your sales cover letter by including all your relevant contact information and then fill out the hiring manager’s contact information. Keep this factual, especially your email and phone number. Otherwise, you might miss an interview opportunity.
  • Add hyperlinks to your cover letter for convenience. Even if your sales resume already links to your LinkedIn profile or a sales portfolio, you should add them to your cover letter and make it easier for the hiring manager to see them.
  • The body of your cover letter is where you should go into detail about what makes you right for the job. Make sure you don’t skip your qualifications—they can make you stand out from other candidates and help convince the hiring manager you’re right for the job.
  • Before you send in your cover letter, sign it off professionally. Pick an appropriate closing line and add your full name underneath before sending in your application.

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perfect cover letter for sales

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7 Sales Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Sales Manager Cover Letter
  • Sales Cover Letters by Experience
  • Sales Cover Letters by Role
  • Write Your Sales Cover Letter

Sales are the lifeblood of business. Whether selling products or services, you take care of customers as they invest in your company. 

Sales mean selling well, and that makes all the difference in keeping clients happy and hungry for what you’ve got. Every business needs someone with sales skills—it’s just a matter of what you’re selling and to whom, which makes sales a versatile option for those looking to broaden their horizons.

Whether you’re joining sales or a seasoned veteran, you may need to write a cover letter with your  sales resume  when job hunting. So, we have seven sales cover letter examples, plus tips for selling your cover letter. We’ve done the heavy lifting to help you present your  top job skills  at every sales interview.

perfect cover letter for sales

Sales Manager Cover Letter Example


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Sales manager cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Before writing a cover letter , research the job role. If you’re familiar with the products and services the company sells and its target market during the interview, that’ll help you stand out among other potential hires.
  • Your resume tells employers about you, but your cover letter takes it further by telling them how you’ll fit in with their work culture. Some things just can’t be summarized into resume bullet points, and your cover letter is where you illustrate how you’ll apply your previous job experience in a new environment.

Sales Assistant Cover Letter Example

Sales assistant cover letter template

  • For example, Leo executes a seamless transition of his data querying expertise solidified as a data entry clerk at North Face into his sales assistant masterpiece. Therefore, never write off certain indirect experiences when applying for junior positions.

Pharmaceutical Sales Cover Letter Example

Pharmaceutical sales cover letter template

  • Emulate how Priya weaves in how she used Clear Spider and Fishbowl for stock management and BatchGeo and eSpatial for sales territory mapping. It’s about showing off your ability to use technology to skyrocket efficiency and results.

Digital Sales Representative Cover Letter Example

Digital sales representative cover letter template

  • You won’t be a perfect fit for every role. Still, past experience might offer an alternate perspective to draw on as you write your digital sales representative cover letter.
  • Company websites and  sales representative job descriptions  are a treasure trove of information. Just as you’d research a sales lead before pitching, do the research to show a potential employer how you understand and align with the company.

Sales Consultant Cover Letter Example

Sales consultant cover letter template

  • Credentials and experience can influence the company’s decision. Even if you don’t have exactly what they need, unique proof of results can help make up for what you might lack—or even bring a little extra something to the table. 
  • It’s not enough to just understand the company—show the prospective company how you plan to meet the needs of its target market to set you apart from other applicants.

Medical Sales Cover Letter Example

Medical sales cover letter example

  • Following the method of “tooting your own horn”, this cover letter takes advantage of supporting enclosures/documents like 2 letters of recommendation and a transcript of records to support her candidacy.

Car Sales Cover Letter Example

Car Sales cover letter template

  • Here you’re very much going to depend on powerful metrics. This car sales cover letter includes eye-catching achievements like – ‘34% growth in sales of hybrid and electric vehicles’ and ‘23% uplift in sales of eco-friendly models’. As a hiring manager, this is quite convincing of the candidate’s ability to make a profit for the company.

Sales Resume

Sell the package by including a sales resume with your cover letter.

or download as PDF

Sales consultant resume example with 2+ years of experience

Outsell Your Competition with Your Sales Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

As a salesperson, there are a few things you must do to raise the odds of closing the deal: do your research, show proof of value, and bundle it all up into an appealing package. 

Your cover letter is the same—demonstrating that you’re a candidate familiar with the company and its requirements is one thing, but if you can back that up with good examples of past results in a neatly presented document, that’s even better. All of that makes you downright irresistible as a prospective hire.

perfect cover letter for sales

Step 1: Know the company and role

Before you apply for a job, consider how you’ll stand out from the many applicants crossing the recruiter’s desk. Between your sales resume and cover letter, the latter is your best bet at making a unique first impression. 

To hunt down a sales role, use the information in the job description and the organization’s website to set the perfect bait (we mean your cover letter). Different companies have different values, and tailoring your sales cover letter to address each company’s needs will help convince them you’re the right person for the role.

perfect cover letter for sales

Step 2: Demonstrate achievement with details

The  format of your resume  works like a product pamphlet or brochure; it contains all the specifications you have that will meet the job description’s requirements. Your cover letter, on the other hand, functions like a sales pitch that helps convince employers you’re the best fit for the job. 

If you acquired an industry-specific certification like the CFA charter to boost your credibility as a salesperson, tell the hiring manager how you did it and how it affected your sales performance. If your sales team implemented a different approach to the sales process that positively impacted your win rate, elaborate on how the change helped you and what you learned. 

Going beyond resume bullet points helps employers paint a complete picture of your person, so don’t skimp on the details. 

perfect cover letter for sales

Step 3: Presentation matters

Like selling products and services, your cover letter will draw more attention if presented in a neat, appealing package. While writing your sales cover letter, remember that hiring decision-makers often process hundreds of job candidates. Your document should end within one page, so reading it doesn’t feel like drudgery instead of an application. 

On that note, keep your writing simple, professional, and sincere. You’re applying for a job, not waxing poetic or jamming jargon into each paragraph. The language in your cover letter should be easy to read. Recruiters will pay attention to how you present yourself in your cover letter because how you sell yourself will often indicate how well you can sell on behalf of the company. 

The language in your cover letter should be accessible and easy to read so recruiters can grasp the material.

Once you’re done writing your sales cover letter, give it time to breathe before editing so that you can come back to it with a fresh perspective. If you have trusted people who can look over your document, even better—revise your cover letter using their feedback, and catch any errors or typos before sending your application, resume, and cover letter to the company.

Your Sales Cover Letter Outline: Start with Strategy

Group of 4 colleagues work on yellow laptops around large screen to outline sales cover letter

Now that you’re ready to craft your sales cover letter, we’re here to help. Let’s strategically go about this, much like any sales process you might already be familiar with from previous sales engagements. 

perfect cover letter for sales

How to start a sales cover letter

Your contact info:  If you’re using a template, fill in the letterhead with your name, email, and phone number. Any filler text in the template should be replaced with the relevant details or omitted if they’re not required.

  • Formatting : If you’re using a block format instead of a template, include your address. While a template has your name on the letterhead, your name will be omitted from your address in a block format as it’s already present in your signature line.

Date:  Sales processes sometimes take a while, and job applications are no different. The date written on your career documents should be the day your entire application is submitted.

  • Formatting : Write the date entirely, e.g., February 1, 2023. This format keeps the month and date clear and straightforward compared to the DD/MM/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY difference in regional date formats.

Inside address:  In short, the inside address is how you’ll contact the hiring decision-maker at your organization of choice. Start by naming the specific person in charge, then list their position, the company’s name, and finally the company’s address.

David Durfey, Director of Human Resources  Trek Bikes 801 West Madison Street Waterloo, WI 53594

  • Formatting : Each part of the address should be on a new line, but you can list the hiring decision-maker’s position next to their name. Add a double space between your greeting and the inside address.

Greeting:  First impressions count, and a good greeting or salutation can help your cover letter start with a bang. Try looking for the hiring decision-maker’s name on the organization’s website or social media, as that will add a personal touch to your writing. It also shows you’ve done your research to find out with whom you’ll be working. 

Dear Mr. Lloyd:

  • Formatting : Commas after the greeting are great for companies with more casual work culture, such as tech startups. If you’re applying to a bank or somewhere with a more formal setting, use a colon after the greeting.

perfect cover letter for sales

How to write your sales cover letter

Body:  Your sales cover letter should have a maximum of four paragraphs, where you state your interest, demonstrate your enthusiasm, and show your eagerness for further discussion. Here’s where we get to the meat of the matter.

  • Formatting:  The body of your cover letter should be single-spaced, with double-spacing between paragraphs for easy reading. 

Opening paragraph:  Like your greeting, your opening paragraph is where the recruiter will glean their first impression of you. State your interest in the job and mention one or two relevant credentials. Don’t be generic here, like: 

I am interested in the sales consultant role at your company. I have three years of relevant sales experience in an adjacent field. 

This doesn’t tell the recruiter anything they don’t already know, and if you’re trying to get a sale on the street with this introduction, they’ll walk past you without a second glance. Instead, try: 

ProSites’ focus on innovation and growth in the medical and dental web marketing sphere speaks to me as a digital marketer and salesperson. While some treat sales as just another job to put food on the table, I believe my calling lies in empowering clients with practical tools to bring their business to the next level, and that shows in how I build relationships with each customer I serve.  

This opening catches the reader’s attention by first addressing the organization’s values, then showing how the candidate’s approach to work aligns with those values.

Paragraphs 2-3:  The next couple of paragraphs are where you’ll elaborate on the credentials and qualifications introduced in your opening paragraph. For each paragraph, discuss one clear and relevant accomplishment relevant to the job description requirements. Be detailed and specific, and quantify your results whenever possible like this:

Having developed specific experience in both B2B and B2C sales during 3 years at Adobe, I know how vital it is to foster the business-to-client connection, especially in our current digital age. My understanding of B2C marketing gave me a unique perspective in empathizing with our clientele’s pain points to help me exceed target sales metrics by 6% each year. To do so, I habitually nurtured viable sales leads by following up on them at designated intervals and establishing a two-way street by not just listening to their problems but also resolving them whenever possible. 

This paragraph tells the reader about specific, industry-relevant experience and links this experience with company values and metrics to further justify the candidate’s successful skill application. 

Closing paragraph:  You’ve done well introducing yourself and selling your capabilities as a competent candidate for the job; now, finish it with a sentence summarizing how your values and qualifications align with the company’s needs. Add a call to action at the end for some extra polish. This is bad: 

I think I’ll do well in this sales consultant role. Thank you for your time and kind consideration. 

It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, and as a salesperson, one of the key personality traits is confidence, both in your product and in yourself. Instead, try something like:

Participating in and supporting client growth is an enriching experience that pushes me to excel in the context of my sales career. I look forward to joining Morgan Stanley, where I know we will achieve great things together. I hope to hear from you soon about how I can contribute as your next internal sales consultant. Thank you for your time.

perfect cover letter for sales

How to end a sales cover letter

Signature:  This is the time to say “thank you” if you didn’t do so in the closing paragraph. Use a professional close like “sincerely,” or “best regards,” along with your real name. 

Best regards,

Natalie Walton

  • Formatting : If you’re sending any hard copies of your cover letter by mail or in person, make sure to quadruple-space, so you have room to sign your name in blue or black ink. 

Enclosure(s):  The sale isn’t final until all documents are complete. State “Enclosure(s)” at the end of your cover letter to let the reader know there’s more to come. Here, you’ll list in order of appearance your job application, resume, and other supporting documents required or relevant to the job description. 

Enclosures: Resume Application Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Certification FINRA Series 7 Certification

  • Formatting : If you’re listing more than one document, use “Enclosures” instead of “Enclosure,” so the reader knows what to expect. 

Snag Your Next Sales Role with a Selling Resume 

Horse runs with yellow envelope in mouth to deliver sales resume and cover letter

So, you’ve figured out how to sell your best cover letter, and you’re sure you’ve cracked the code to get the sale in the bag. But what about your sales resume?

If your resume is as ready to go as you are, that’s great! However, if you need to  check your resume  or use a  free resume template , that’s why we’re here. Pressed for time? Try plugging your details into this one right now.

Sales Manager Resume

Need a resume to pair with your sales manager cover letter?

Sales manager resume example with 4+ years of experience

You’re a heckuva sales pro, and you deserve a dazzling sales strategy to match—our cover letter and  resume tips  will get you on your way to becoming a sales superstar. With our tools keeping you polished and fresh, you’re sure to shine at your next interview.

Include as much information as you can about translatable skills and why you want to get into a sales career. For example, customer service is very important in sales, and you can gain experience in it from a variety of previous jobs. Additionally, if you’ve obtained a business or marketing degree, you could emphasize marketing analytics or lead generation skills that you picked up in your studies.

You understand the importance of metrics like conversions or customer satisfaction. Aim to include some pivotal metrics from your previous work achievements while relating them to how you’ll help the company achieve its goals. Additionally, connecting your passion for the position will help a lot. For example, if you’re applying to be a sales rep for a gym, you could explain how you’re passionate about getting more membership signups to help others improve their health and well-being.

You can keep a similar structure for each cover letter, but you should customize the specifics to connect with each new job you’re applying to. It’s the same as how you’d tailor your message for each prospective customer’s needs when you’re on a sales call or adjust your strategies for a specific target market.

Create my free resume now

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Sales Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Julia Gergelova — Resume Writer

Selling your skills in a sales cover letter is an art. In this hustle-bustle of the sales world, we've got handy tips, success-proven examples, and ready-to-use templates just for you. It's time to skillfully display your accomplishments, showcase your expertise, and strategically position your skills.

Outbound Sales Development Representative at ChowNow Cover Letter Sample

In this comprehensive guide, we teach you everything you need to know about writing a great sales cover letter. Keep reading to learn about:

  • Navigating real-world sales cover letter examples
  • Formatting your sales cover letter the right way
  • Creating your sales cover letter header and headline
  • Including personalized information in your sales cover letter
  • Writing a strong sales cover letter introduction to impress employers
  • Showcasing your top skills and accomplishments as a sales professional
  • Using powerful action words in your sales cover letter
  • Encouraging employers to contact you in your cover letter conclusion
  • Avoding common pitfalls in a sales cover letter
  • Pairing your sales cover letter with a resume
  • Understanding the average salary and job outlook for sales professionals
  • Finding the best job search resources for sales professionals

Sales intern cover letter example

Sales Intern Cover Letter Example

Why does this intern cover letter sample work?

  • Strong academic record:  The candidate impressively highlights their strong academic record and active participation in extracurricular activities related to the field. This paints a picture of a dedicated, active learner.
  • Detailed work experience:  There's a well-detailed section on the candidate's previous sales internship experience, explained with activities and achievements that is relevant to the position they're applying for.

What could be done better in this cover letter example?

  • Length and clarity:  The cover letter's length is overwhelming and some sentences are over-complicated. Breaking down the long paragraphs into bite-size sections with clear, concise sentences would improve readability.
  • Personalization:  The opening addresses "Recruiters" and could seem impersonal. If possible, finding the name of the hiring manager or specific department to address would be more engaging.
  • Active language:  Although the applicant's achievements are impressive, they could be presented more energetically with active, compelling verbs. Rather than stating tasks completed during the internship, focusing on the impact of those tasks would be more powerful.

Sales coordinator cover letter example

Sales Coordinator Cover Letter Sample

What are the strengths of this cover letter example?

  • Relevant experience:  The candidate effectively presents a strong background in Sales Coordination. Their reference to specific responsibilities paints a picture of a seasoned sales professional.
  • Academics and language skills:  Including academic qualifications and language proficiency is a plus point, it provides essential information about their ability to handle the demands of a sales role.

What aspects could we improve?

  • Responsibilities over achievements:  The candidate describes job responsibilities instead of highlighting achievements or contributions that affected the business positively. It would be better to use bullet points to spotlight impactful accomplishments, rather than responsibilities. 
  • Lack of quantification:  The candidate doesn't specify any numbers in terms of sales growth or the successful outcomes of their strategies. This missed opportunity leaves the employer guessing their actual impact.
  • Active language:  The cover letter could use more active language and power words to bring their sales initiatives to life. For instance, instead of 'prepared contracts', using 'spearheaded contract preparation' would sound more dynamic.

Sales lead cover letter example

Sales Lead Cover Letter Sample

What makes this cover letter sample effective?

  • Bulleted achievements:  The applicant includes bullet points to detail their achievements rather than responsibilities. Highlighting achievements gives an empirical snapshot of their competence.
  • Quantification of success:  The applicant provides concrete numbers and figures about the results they've achieved, providing a tangible sense of their contribution and success.
  • Awards and recognition:  Mentions of awards and accolades, such as "Sales Lead of the Year," successfully showcase the candidate's recognized performance in previous roles.

Points to work on

  • Generic salutation:  The opening "Dear Hiring Manager" could be more personalized. Addressing a specific contact would create a warmer, more personal opening.
  • Long paragraphs: Although the letter includes great examples and achievements, the long paragraphs make it slightly more difficult to read. Breaking these down further would improve readability.
  • Specific skill application:  While the letter mentions skills such as tenacity and negotiation, grounding these traits in specific examples within their sales experience could have made the assertions more compelling.

1. Properly format your sales cover letter

Formatting is for a cover letter what presentation is for a product — it sets the first impression and makes it shine amidst the competition. Below are some basic guidelines on how to make your sales cover letter smooth to read and easy to navigate:

  • Choosing a professional font: Stick to traditional fonts like Times New Roman or Arial and aim for a standard font size between 10 to 12.
  • Use of white space:  Break down your cover letter into distinct sections with clear boundaries and use bullet points where necessary. It makes the letter easier on the eye.
  • Alignment:  Maintain left alignment throughout the document. It gives the letter a professional and streamlined look.
  • Length:  Aim for a one-page document. Your ability to convey important information concisely is a virtue in sales.
  • Margins:  Stick to a 1-inch margin on all sides. Nobody wants text cramped to the edges.
  • File format:  If emailing, save your cover letter as a PDF file to preserve the formatting across various devices.

Remember, a well-formatted cover letter isn't just about making it look nice — it's about making it easy for hiring managers to spot your key selling points.

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2. create an effective sales cover letter header and headline.

Writing a cover letter as a sales professional requires more than just eloquence — it also requires you to have a strong understanding of how to give a letter visual flow and appeal .

As a sales professional, you know that to win a sale, you must first hook the customer’s attention. The same goes for applying for a sales job. You must give your cover letter a strong structure, making it easy for employers to find the most important and relevant information that will convince them to hire you.

This task is achieved through the use of a cover letter header and cover letter headline .

Your header comes first, placed at the top of the document, and lists the following:

  • Your name, along with your contact information including your email, phone number, location, and LinkedIn profile link
  • The recipient's name and title, as well as the company name and the company's address. 

Bad cover letter header example

  Mary Allen , Sales Pro [email protected]

Why is it ineffective? This header falls short of professionalism through the use of a too-casual email address and missing key contact information such as phone number, LinkedIn profile, and physical address.

Good example of a sales cover letter header

Mary Allen , Sales Professional (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | Troy, MI 48098 |

To: Peter Sales, Hiring Manager Logans Window Manufacturing, Inc. 1234 Street Address Savannah, GA 31302

Why does this example work?  It demonstrates a well-rounded header, providing a professional email address, phone number, address, LinkedIn profile, and clear recipient details. It offers multiple routes of contact and demonstrates attention to detail and personalization.

After you have completed your header, you will then write your cover letter headline .

A headline can serve many purposes, including:

  • Hooking the reader’s attention
  • Highlighting the most important points of the letter
  • Creating separation between the header and main body text

Bad cover letter headline example

Sales Professional Seeking Exciting New Opportunities

Why is it weak? This headline is not awful, but it's generic, self-focused, and doesn’t provide any specific value the candidate brings to the company.

Good cover letter headline example

Sales Professional with a Track Record of 120% Quarterly Target Achievement

Why does it work? This headline catches attention by presenting a concrete achievement that indicates the candidate's capability and dedication. "120% Quarterly Target Achievement" quantifies their performance, making their success tangible and believable.

Selling starts right from the headline. So, ensure it reflects your ability to deliver results, leading the reader down a paper trail of your professional prowess.

Cover letter headline tips

3. Include personalized information in your sales cover letter

Think about the last time you received a letter. More than likely, the words contained in that letter were highly specific to your life and the relationship between you and the person who wrote it.

The same should go for your professional cover letters . Writing cover letters that are generic and non-specific won't impress employers enough to land you your ideal job. Instead, you should research the employer thoroughly to find exact details, such as company goals or values, that you can reference.

Moreover, you should always try to discover who at a company will read and review your cover letter. Once you have determined this, address your letter to this person directly in a personalized greeting .

Here are 3 examples of personalized sales cover letter greetings

  • Dear Ms. Jane Doe,
  • Dear Head of Sales Jane Doe,
  • Dear Ms. Jane Doe & the Sales Team,

Should your detective skills fall short and the hiring manager's name elude you on LinkedIn, the company website, or any other sources, fret not. You can resort to these general, yet professional, salutations:

General greetings for your sales cover letter

Dear Hiring Manager,  Dear [Company Name] Sales Team,

And one more piece of advice: Although "To Whom It May Concern" may seem like a safe fallback, it's often perceived as outdated and impersonal. It can indicate that you didn't make the effort to find the hiring manager's name and makes your cover letter less targeted.

4. Write a strong sales cover letter introduction to impress employers

Just as the opening pitch in a sales meeting can make or break a deal, the introduction of your sales cover letter can decide your career future. The opening lines must pique interest, enticing the reader to venture further.

To make a cover letter introduction strong and compelling, it is essential to include:

  • A concise summary of your professional history (always include specializations when possible!)
  • A clear statement on why you are applying for this position
  • A mutual acquaintance or reputable professional reference (mutual acquaintances make the best professional references, as the employer already knows and trusts them)

Bad example of a sales cover letter opening paragraph

I'm writing to apply for the sales position. I've spent many years in sales and I'm now looking for new opportunities. I feel confident that this job aligns with my skills.

Why is this example weak? This opening lacks specificity, fails to provide any measured performance, and seems more self-focused. It also doesn't leverage any connections to the company, making it a forgettable introduction.

Good cover letter introduction example from a sales cover letter

I am a sales professional with 5 years of specialized experience selling used and new automobile components to dealerships and auto mechanics. My mentor, Mr. John Johnson, is a dealership owner in your city and is a longtime client of your company. Mr. Johnson let me know about this opening at your company and strongly recommended I apply due to my highly relevant skill set.

Why does this opening hit the mark?  It delivers a concise yet detailed professional summary, mentions a specific reference, and specifies why the candidate is applying for the role. It's personal, tangible, and sets the stage for demonstrating the candidate's suitability for the role. It certainly is a compelling way to start a sales cover letter. 

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5. Showcase your top skills and accomplishments as a sales professional

Hooking the employer’s attention in your introduction is only the beginning. From here, you must write concise body paragraphs that delve into your top skills and accomplishments as a sales professional.

To keep your body paragraphs well-organized, make sure to use short sentences that are easily skimmable by the employer. Additionally, you can also organize some information with bullet points, such as a list of your most notable accomplishments in a sales role, to make it more readable and scannable.

As you describe your skills and accomplishments, make sure to include enough detail to make it clear why these specific qualifications are included.

For example, do not just say you have great customer service skills. Instead, explain what kind of communication style you possess and how it has benefited customers in your previous positions. Your goal is to show employers the value you can bring to their company.

Here are 6 skills to describe in a sales cover letter

  • Sales account management
  • Sales tactics
  • Product and inventory management
  • Communication (describe your exact communication style)
  • Customer service

Skillful highlighting of your sales accomplishments can make your cover letter a persuasive pitch rather than a run-of-the-mill job application. Sequencing your abilities and successes in a logical structure can lend your narrative credibility and appeal. 

Here's an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a sales cover letter

As a sales professional at [Former Employer], I achieved the highest number of closed deals in the department, meeting my sales goals for each quarter by 125%. Additionally, I helped onboard 5 major new clients, increasing overall revenues by 30% annually.

6. Include powerful action words in your sales cover letter

In the sales world, as in your cover letter, words carry a lot of weight. Action words , or verbs, are particularly potent: they paint a vivid picture of you 'in action', showcasing your abilities and achievements in a dynamic and compelling light.

Weaving action words throughout your cover letter can bring your experiences and skills to life , making your case more persuasive. By choosing words that convey energy and initiative, you can create a greater impact, just like a successful sales pitch.

Here's a shortlist of power-packed action verbs for your sales cover letter

  • Outperformed

Remember, it's not j ust about the words you choose, but the compelling sales story they help you tell. Let these action words lend you the verbal strength to close the deal on your dream job.

Sales action words

7. Build a strong sales cover letter conclusion

Your last key step in writing a sales cover letter is to encourage the employer to contact you quickly in your conclusion . While you don’t want to make the employer feel rushed, reiterating that you are excited to hear from them and how they can best reach you will help persuade them to contact you promptly.

Always include a formal sign-off in your conclusion to show respect and appreciation to the employer.

Bad cover letter conclusion example

Hope to get a response from you soon. Thanks for considering my application. Contact me anytime.

[Applicant Name]

Why does it fall flat? This conclusion lacks enthusiasm and doesn't provide specific contact availability. The tone comes off as indifferent, leaving the employer with a weak impression of the candidate's interest.

Here is an example of a good conclusion from a sales cover letter

It brings me great excitement to be considered for this position on your team and I look forward to hearing from you soon. The best time to reach me is between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. any day of the week. As I am eager to speak with you further about this opportunity, I plan to reach out next Wednesday afternoon if I have not yet heard back.

Kind Regards,

Why is this conclusion effective?  It reinforces the applicant's eagerness for the role, sets expectations about a follow-up and also provides a window of convenient contact time. It maintains a professional yet enthusiastic tone, showing respect and interest by planning a follow-up. The formal sign-off adds a finishing touch to a well-composed sales cover letter.

8. Avoid common mistakes in your sales cover letter

The trick to perfecting your sales cover letter lies as much in avoiding some common pitfalls as in including all the right elements. Here are a few mistakes you should steer clear of:

1. Being too self-centered: Remember, your cover letter is also about the company and how you can contribute to it.

  • Bad example: "I am excited to apply to this job as it will be great for my career."
  • Good example: "I am excited to apply my sales expertise to improve the already stellar performance of your sales team."

2. Leaving a passive closing: A salesperson is proactive. Show them that drive in your closing too.

  • Bad example: "I'm looking forward to hearing from you."
  • Good example: "I'm eager to further discuss how I can bring value to your team. I'll follow up on the coming Tuesday."

3. Submitting without proofreading:  Typos or grammatical errors can quickly tarnish the impression you're trying to build. Double, or even triple, check before you submit .

4. Rehashing your resume:  Your cover letter should complement your resume, not copy it. Use it to tell a story and showcase your strengths.

  • Bad example: "As stated in my resume, in my previous role, I generated a 50% increase in sales."
  • Good example: "In my previous role, I pioneered a new sales technique, leading to a 50% uptick in sales."

5. Being too vague: Be specific about your skills and successes. Numbers often speak louder than words in the sales world.

  • Bad example: "I have a good track record in sales."
  • Good example: "Over the past two years, I've consistently exceeded my sales targets by at least 20%."

6. Failing to match the company tone: If the company presents itself informally, an overly formal cover letter might feel out of sync. Research the company and adjust your tone accordingly.

7. Not addressing the relevant person: Always try to find a specific contact person. "Dear Hiring Managers" is a last resort, not a first choice of greeting.

Accurate self-presentation is key. So sell yourself just as thoughtfully and passionately as you'd sell a product. With a well-crafted cover letter, you're one step closer to closing the deal on your dream job.

9. Pair your sales cover letter with a resume

Just like a perfectly matched shirt and tie, your sales cover letter and resume make a powerful combination. They have distinct purposes yet complement each other when crafted well.

Here's the difference in a nutshell:

A resume is a factual summary of your skills, experience, and education. It’s a snapshot of your career highlighting the who, what, and where of your professional journey.

A sales cover letter , on the other hand, adds personality to these facts. It’s your opportunity to explain the why and how of your career path. Here, you can tell your story, express motivations, and articulate fit with the company.

Creating a seamless visual experience by using the same design, fonts, and color scheme for both documents is vital. Not only does it provide a sense of cohesion and professionalism, but it also fortifies your personal brand.

Remember, consistency in presentation fosters trust and recognition, both of which are crucial in sales. So, think of your cover letter and resume as a power couple, best when together, yet each holding their own individually.

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10. average salary and job outlook for sales occupations.

According to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average yearly salary for sales professionals was $35,290 in May 2022. This salary reflects a range of sales roles, from retail sales workers to real estate brokers.

While the overall employment in sales occupations is expected to decline from 2022 to 2032, do note that this doesn't close the door to opportunities. Quite the opposite, in fact. An average of about 1.8 million openings are projected to appear each year within the same period.

While market fluctuations can impact sales job availability, the turnover rate in the industry creates constant new opportunities. Regardless of the changing dynamics, sales professionals who can adapt, upskill, and deliver consistently can definitely find promising opportunities.

11. Top job search resources for sales professionals

The journey to landing or advancing in a sales career can be complex and competitive, but you don't have to navigate it alone. A wealth of resources are available to assist, educate, and inspire you. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Networking:  Engage with sales professionals in your field and broader industry. Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to make connections. Sign up for industry conferences and seminars. You might learn about unadvertised opportunities or gain valuable insights.
  • Professional organizations:  Join a professional body such as The National Association of Sales Professionals . Such organizations often provide training, certifications, and professional development opportunities.
  • Job websites:  Leverage websites specifically designed for sales job seekers like  and   Rainmakers .
  • Continued learning:  Keep expanding your knowledge. Online learning platforms like Coursera , Udacity , and LinkedIn Learning offer sales-specific courses. Remember, in a dynamic field like sales, continuous learning is key.
  • Industry publications:  Subscribe to trade magazines and sales-focused publications like Selling Power and Sales and Marketing Management . These provide industry trends, tips, and success stories to learn from.

Remember, your career in sales is a journey of growth and adaptation. Keep exploring, stay curious, and continuously refine your hitting-the-target skills. Sales is about relationships — and that includes the one you have with the industry itself. Connect with it, learn from it, and let it guide you through your career progression.

Sales Cover Letter FAQ

Absolutely. Each job posting will have its own unique requirements and company culture. Customizing your cover letter to reflect those specifics shows the hiring manager that you've done your homework and genuinely care about this specific opportunity.

Start by maintaining a professional tone and language throughout. Then, weave in your personality through real-life examples of your achievements, work ethic, and passion for sales. Remember, you want to come across as a real person, not a robot.

It depends on the company and role. If your research shows a company with a more informal, fun culture, a touch of tasteful, professional humor might work. However, don't force it. Your main objective should always be to present your skills and experiences effectively.

Focus on transferable skills such as communication, negotiation, customer service, and leadership that are relevant to sales. Include examples of these from non-sales positions or situations. Show eagerness to learn and adapt.

If your research doesn't reveal a specific name, you can use a general but professional salutation. Aim for a title-specific greeting like "Dear Sales Team Hiring Manager" over a generic "To whom it may concern."

Julia Gergelova — Resume Writer

Julia Gergelova

Julia is a professional writer, translator and graphic designer. She holds degrees in translation and interpretation, and has international work experience from a number of different countries in Europe as well as China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and as a graphic designer contributed to outlets such as  The Business of Business . She has a passion for lifelong learning and good coffee.


  • Account Executive
  • Real Estate
  • Sales Director
  • Salesforce Administrator
  • Sales Manager
  • Sales Representative

All sales cover letter examples

Account Executive Cover Letter Example

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Property Manager CV Example

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Sales Cover Letter Sample

Writing a perfect cover letter is the first step to build a sales career. That’s why we prepared a detailed article on how to write a cover letter and apply for the positions. Here you will find useful tips on

  • cover letter formatting;
  • sections of the cover letter;
  • how to make your cover letter stand out;
  • how many paragraphs should the cover letter contain;
  • other secrets of a good cover letter.

If you still have some questions, our online cover letter writing services will be helpful in crafting a working cover letter. Let’s look through the sales cover letter sample to know how to organize it correctly.

Cover Letter for Sales [Example]

You should make sure that you chose the correct cover letter format that corresponds to all requirements. This way, your letter will look readable and professional. See the example to know how to make everything perfect.

Deryl Smith

2114 Accolyn Way

City of Boston, Massachusetts 


[email protected]

[Date when you send the cover letter]

Hiring Manager’s Name

789 Company Address

New York City, 94567


[email protected]

Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Hiring Manager’s Surname],

I was happy to see the position of sales specialist opened in your company. After reading the job description, I decided that my skills and background perfectly fit this role.

I have 4+ years of expertise in sales. As a professional in client relationship management and customer retention and satisfaction, I am ready to share my experience. 

Working in the position of sales customer, I supervised 8 members of the sales team. I had a chance to improve the company’s strategy together with my team thanks to effective communication. After we implemented it, the customer satisfaction rate increased up to 15%.

Could we arrange a meeting to discuss your administrative goals and strategies to improve the productivity of the sales department and increase customer satisfaction rate? Do not hesitate to call me at 857-385-448-55 or just email me at [email protected] .

P.S. My references will be pleased to discuss my responsible attitude towards work. 

Thank you for your time!

Deryl Smith.

Follow the sales cover letter example to make a good first impression. Be sure that your letter will help you get the desired job position. 

Sales Cover Letter Template

Apart from the formatting, you should also know what sections to include in the cover letter. Like in the example sales cover letter, you should divide it into several parts:

  • heading (personal details and company’s information);
  • opening paragraph (personalized greeting);
  • main body (skills, work experience, accomplishments);
  • closing paragraph.

Use this modern cover letter template for a successful job application.

Ultimate Guide on How to Write a Sales Cover Letter

Not every sales specialist can craft a great cover letter that corresponds to all manager’s expectations. That’s why you need to have a guide with useful tips on how to follow the recommendations. 

No doubt, having a sales cover letter increases the chances of impressing the hiring manager and getting more interviews. Still, it is not so easy to research and analyze all the info tips. If you come across some difficulties, you can always contact our best writers and get help in the shortest time.

Keep in mind of your Linkedin profile! Now it is a new priority for a job search! If you need help, be aware our Linkedin resume services always are happy to have your back!

How to Choose a Cover Letter Formatting

The next issue to consider is a cover letter formatting that corresponds to the company’s requirements. First of all, you should use simple fonts and white spaces between the sections. Next, do not forget about the main parts to include in your letter.

You can also use our cover letter sample sales to check the structure of the cover letter. 

Cover Letter Heading

The heading of the cover letter for sales position is the first thing that the hiring manager reads. So, it’s your chance to promote yourself and show your professional approach to the job application. See the sample below to know what to include in this section. 

Cover Letter Sample for Sales [Heading]

As in the cover letter example sales, you should mention your personal info and contact details:

  • your address;
  • city and state;
  • phone number;
  • your email.

Date and Company Details on a Cover Letter

The company’s details are the next important constituent of your cover letter. If you include the company’s address, it will mean that you did research before applying for the position. Also, it will demonstrate your serious approach to the hiring manager. 

See our sales cover letter examples to know how to incorporate this info correctly. 

Example Cover Letter Sales [Date and Company Details] 

Look through one of the sales cover letter samples to know how to mention the company’s info according to the basic recommendations. Do not forget to start with the name of the recruiter. It is an opportunity to highlight your determination one more time.

Cover Letter Greeting

A personalized cover letter greeting is one more chance to make your cover letter stand out from other candidates. The employer will be pleased that you put additional efforts into finding accurate information about the department. 

See the cover letter sales sample to know how to use such greetings properly. 

Cover Letter Example for Sales [Greeting] 

Follow one of the cover letter sales examples with a personalized greeting below. 

I was happy to see the position of sales specialist opened in your company.

What to Include in a Sales Cover Letter [Body]

The body of the cover letter is your chance to sell yourself in several paragraphs. In the opening paragraph, mention the position you are applying for. Then, continue with highlighting a bulleted list of most noteworthy accomplishments. Finally, end with restating your contact details.

Look through the sample cover letter for sales to organize everything correctly.

Sales Cover Letter Sample [Body]

Like in this cover letter for sales example, focus on your skills and previous working experience.

Closing Paragraph for a Cover letter

Most employees think that the closing paragraph has no value. Still, it is the same as the first one. This part of the cover letter is very often a chance for getting hired. To end the cover letter effectively, you need to mention the counteroffer or some recommendations.

As in one of the sales manager cover letter examples, you can also restate your contact details. 

Sales Cover Letter Example [Closing]

Write a strong ending like in the sales position cover letter example below.

What Skills to Mention?

One more crucial issue is to highlight your skills. Do not forget that both hard and soft skills are important for your cover letter. Of course, you include them in the resume, but they should also be put in the letter. 

Skills are necessary because they have a role in the keywords that are “visible” for the applicant tracking system (ATS). So, highlight the sales specialist’s skills set like in the cover letter example for sales or choose from this list:

  • perfect communication skills;
  • ability to delegate responsibilities;
  • strategic thinking;
  • mentoring skills;
  • knowledge of client relationship management;
  • customer retention and satisfaction.

Search for the Additional Info 

Researching the company is one more effective strategy to make your cover letter stand out from the rest. This way, the hiring manager will see that you know enough about the organization, its goal, and its activity. Such an approach will demonstrate your interest in the position.

Also, you will find the necessary keywords to put on your cover letter and resume. In the job post, all the skills needed for sales are listed. Look through the sales manager cover letter example to know how to incorporate the found data appropriately. 

As an alternative use the best professional cv writing services and you'll show up in job recruiter's search.

Final Thoughts 

We hope that the tips listed in this article will be helpful for you in writing your perfect cover letter. Now you know how to write a cover letter for a sales job and get the position of your dream. Here is the takeaway:

  • pay attention to the formatting of the cover letter;
  • split the letter into several paragraphs;
  • do not forget to highlight your qualification and experience;
  • restate your contact details in the closing paragraph;
  • use personalized greetings to leave a good impression.

You can use our sales job cover letter example to get all the necessary recommendations. But if you still have some questions , our best resume writer service is always ready to give a helping hand.

perfect cover letter for sales

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More Cover Letter Examples

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The 23 Best Cover Letter Examples: What They Got Right

Amanda Zantal-Wiener

Published: December 14, 2023

I've sent plenty of cover letters throughout my career, so I know it isn't usually fun to write one. Fortunately, the cover letter examples I painstakingly gathered below show that it’s possible to have a little fun with your job search — and maybe even make yourself a better candidate in the process.

 person types of a cover letter

I was shocked upon learning 45% of job seekers don't include a cover letter when applying for a job. I definitely don't recommend following the crowd on this matter because your cover letter is a chance to tell the stories your resume only outlines.

It's an opportunity for you to highlight your creativity at the earliest stage of the recruitment process.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

Are you ready to showcase your unique skills and experience? Or are you looking for more tips and cover letter inspiration?

Keep reading for 20+ cover letter examples, then check out tips for cover letter formatting and what makes a cover letter great .

perfect cover letter for sales

5 Free Cover Letter Templates

Five fill-in-the-blank cover letter templates to help you impress recruiters.

  • Standard Cover Letter Template
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter Template
  • Data-Driven Cover Letter Template

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Cover Letter Examples

  • Standard Cover Letter Example
  • Data-Driven Cover Letter Sample
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter Example
  • The Cover Letter That Explains 'Why,' Not Just 'How'
  • The 'We're Meant for Each Other' Cover Letter
  • The Cover Letter with H.E.A.R.T.
  • Short-and-Sweet Cover Letter Example
  • The Short Story
  • The Bare Bones Cover Letter
  • The Breezy Follow-Up
  • The Administrative Assistant Cover Letter
  • The Internship Cover Letter
  • The Brutally Honest Cover Letter
  • The Pivot Cover Letter
  • The Graphic Design Cover Letter
  • Consulting Internship Cover Letter Example
  • Nonprofit Referral Cover Letter Example
  • General Email Inquiry Cover Letter Example
  • Post-Phone-Call Cover Letter Example
  • Mission-Driven Graduate Cover Letter Example
  • Short Recommendation Cover Letter Example
  • Professor or Research Position Cover Letter Example
  • Director Cover Letter Example
  • Editorial Cover Letter Example
  • Promotion Cover Letter Example
  • Law Cover Letter Example

Customizable Cover Letter Examples

In a hurry for a cover letter example you can download and customize? Check out the ones below from HubSpot’s cover letter template kit .

1. Standard Cover Letter Example

cover letter examples: standard cover letter

Download a Customizable Copy of This Cover Letter Example

This standard cover letter is among my favorite approaches because it hits all the right notes: It includes a space to give a brief summary of your experience, as well as a space to delve in-depth into the specific responsibilities of your current role.

You also have the chance to describe the challenges you’ve mastered in previous roles, showing that you’re capable of facing any problem that comes your way.

Why I Love It

I love this cover letter because it allows you to describe the high points of your career while still being professional, personalized, and succinct.

2. Data-Driven Cover Letter Sample

cover letter examples: data driven cover letter

Numbers are worth a million words — or that’s how I think the saying should go (if only we could include pictures in cover letters).

Citing data and statistics about your achievements at your current company is an assured way to capture a hiring manager’s attention.

Over the years, I've learned most hiring managers don’t read the entire letter, so a bulleted summary of your achievements can be a powerful way to increase the effectiveness and scannability of your message.

I love this cover letter because it’s adaptable to any role. Even if you don’t work in a data-centric role, you can include any enumerable achievement.

If I worked in a creative industry, for instance, I could include the number of creative assets you designed for your current company.

3. Entry-Level Cover Letter Example

cover letter examples: entry-level cover letter

Many of us have had "first job jitters" (that's what I'm calling it) when applying for our first career opportunity.

However, my experience taught me to increase my chances of getting that first interview by including a cover letter that explains how my education can help me succeed in the role I applied for.

In fact, HubSpot staff writer Erica Santiago says highlighting her education was key to snagging her first role out of college.

"When I graduated from journalism school, I only had a couple of internships under my belt and maybe some writing clips — not enough to compete with most young professionals with more experience," she recalls.

"So, I highlighted the classes I took such as 'News Reporting and Writing' or 'Electronic News Gathering," she says, "And I explained the assignments I did and how they gave me real-world experience in interviewing and reporting."

She says that's how she got her first job as a digital journalist for WSVN in Miami.

If you need help understanding how to highlight your education in a cover letter, look no further than this example from HubSpot.

While other cover letter samples give experienced professionals the opportunity to share their experience at length, this one gives you the chance to describe your personal and professional attributes.

You can then convey how you can use your knowledge to help your target company reach its goals.

I love this cover letter because it’s easy and simple to use for a student who has little experience in their target industry — including those who haven’t yet completed an internship.

Looking for more? Download the entire kit below.

5 Professional Cover Letter Templates

Fill out the form to access your templates., best cover letter examples.

What does a good cover letter look like in practice, and how can you make yours stand out? I  found six examples from job seekers who decided to do things a bit differently.

Note: Some of these cover letters include real company names and NSFW language that I've covered up.

1. The Cover Letter That Explains 'Why,' Not Just 'How'

You may already know how to talk about how you’ll best execute a certain role in your cover letter. But there’s another question you might want to answer: Why the heck do you want to work here?

The Muse , a career guidance site, says that it’s often best to lead with the why — especially if it makes a good story.

I advise against blathering on and on, but a brief tale that illuminates your desire to work for that particular employer can really make you stand out.

cover letter that explains "why" with a story about a childhood experience with the chicago cubs

Image Source

Here’s another instance of the power of personalization.

The author of this cover letter clearly has a passion for this prospective employer — the Chicago Cubs — and if she’s lying about it, well, I'm sure that would eventually be revealed in an interview.

Make sure your story is nonfiction and relatable according to each job. While I love a good tale of childhood baseball games, an introduction like this one probably wouldn’t be fitting in a cover letter for, say, a software company.

But a story of how the hours you spent playing with DOS games as a kid led to your passion for coding? Sure, I’d find that fitting.

If you’re really passionate about a particular job opening, think about where that deep interest is rooted. Then, tell your hiring manager about it in a few sentences.

Why This Is A Great Cover Letter

This example shows how effective personalization can be. The writer is passionate about the employer, drawing from her own childhood experience to communicate her enthusiasm.

Further reading: Sales Cover Letter Tips

2. The 'We're Meant for Each Other' Cover Letter

This cover letter example is a special one because it was submitted to us here at HubSpot. What does the letter do well? It makes a connection with us before we've even met the letter's author.

We're meant for each other cover letter submitted to HubSpot

"Content Marketing Certified" shows the applicant has taken the content marketing certification course in our HubSpot Academy (you can take the same course here ).

Our "records" indicate he/she did indeed give an interview with us before — and was a HubSpot customer.

The cover letter sang references to a relationship we didn't even know we had with the candidate.

The letter ends with a charming pitch for why, despite him/her not getting hired previously, our interests complement each other this time around.

(Yes, the applicant was hired).

This cover letter example does an excellent job of building rapport with the employer. Despite not getting hired for previous roles they applied for at HubSpot, the writer conveys exactly why they are right for this role.

Read more: Customer Service Cover Letter Tips

3. The Cover Letter with H.E.A.R.T.

HubSpot has a lot of H.E.A.R.T. — Humble, Empathetic, Adaptable, Remarkable, Transparent.

Our Culture Code is the foundation of the company's culture, the driving force behind our mission to help millions grow better , and serves as the scaffolding for our hiring practices.

Recruiters at HubSpot look for applicants that demonstrate how they embody the Culture Code and job description, paying extra attention to cover letters that are super custom to HubSpot.

In another HubSpot submission, a HubSpot applicant writes about how she found out about HubSpot, why she likes the company, and how her professional experience aligns with H.E.A.R.T.

cover letter that details experience according to hubspot values: humble, empathy, adaptability, remarkable, and transparent.

HubSpot's recruiting team was impressed with her dedication to the company and how she went beyond what was asked for by linking her portfolio in her closing paragraph.

Featured Resource: 5 Free Cover Letter Templates


Download our collection of 5 professional cover letter templates to help you summarize your professional journey and land your dream job – whether it's at your first or fifth company.

Short Cover Letter Examples

4. the short-and-sweet cover letter.

In 2009, David Silverman penned an article for Harvard Business Review titled, " The Best Cover Letter I Ever Received. " That letter has three complete sentences, as follows:

Short and sweet cover letter example with only three sentences

One might argue that this particular letter is less than outstanding, and I'll also admit it's an older example.

It’s brief, to say the least, and the author doesn’t go into a ton of detail about what makes him or her qualified for the job in question.

But that’s what Silverman likes about it — the fact that the applicant only included the pieces of information that would matter the most to the recipient.

"The writer of this letter took the time to think through what would be relevant to me," writes Silverman. "Instead of scattering lots of facts in hopes that one was relevant, the candidate offered up an opinion as to which experiences I should focus on."

When you apply for a job, start by determining two things:

  • Who might oversee the role — that’s often included in the description, under "reports to." Address your letter to that individual.
  • Figure out what problems this role is meant to solve for that person. Then, concisely phrase in your cover letter how and why your experience can and will resolve those problems.

The key to this standout cover letter is research.

By looking into who you’ll be reporting to and learning more about that person’s leadership style, you’ll be better prepared to tailor your cover letter to focus on how you can create solutions for them.

Read here for more tips on how to land your dream job .

5. The Short Story

Basha Coleman began her cover letter with a short story. The goal of this short story is two-fold:

  • Detail the experience she already has with the organization.
  • Stand out to the hiring team.

short cover letter example from basha coleman that starts with a short story about her existing experience with pepsi

I notice her short story follows a typical narrative arc: It has a conflict/obstacle, a turning point, and a positive outcome, all created with a goal to emphasize a theme or point.

In this case, Coleman is emphasizing her existing affinity with the brand and her triumphs within the program so that she can continue on her career path.

Like the second example in our list, this cover letter does an excellent job of conveying the applicant’s existing affinity for the brand. If you are applying to a company you love, don’t be shy about showing it and explaining why.

6. The Bare Bones Cover Letter

In today's job market, cover letters aren't always necessary. Even though many recruiters won't ask for or even read them, cover letters can still be effective and convey personality to a reader.

Writing a strong cover letter can help you better convey your interest in the position and company.

This template from The Balance Careers puts together the essential components of a short cover letter: excitement about the position, your qualifications, and a call-to-action for the recruiter to follow up with you.

Combining these central aspects in a well-written, compelling narrative will go a long way in convincing readers to hire you.

short cover letter example with summarized bullet points

This letter is organized and concise. The inclusion of bullet points to highlight key skills and help the recruiter skim the document is a nice touch.

Check out this post for more useful cover letter tips .

7. The Breezy Follow-Up

In this cover letter, Amanda Edens is following the instructions the hiring manager gave by forwarding an email with resume and writing samples attached.

short cover letter example from Amanda Edens with bullet points and breezy language

This short cover letter is the result. I especially admire how she uses casual and breezy language to convey personality and enthusiasm, and she keeps her paragraphs succinct.

Not only does Amanda include links to relevant writing samples that are live on the web, but she also closes with a strong final paragraph that:

  • Summarizes the expertise she has relevant to the posting
  • Emphasizes that she doesn't want to simply get a job but rather help the organization accomplish their goals
  • The reader gets everything they need in an organized and thoughtful manner.

8. The Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

In this cover letter the candidate, Michelle, plays up her prior music industry experience to build a connection with Epic Music Group. If you have specific industry experience for the role you are applying for, be sure to highlight that.

Cover Letter Example: Admin Cover Letter

It’s clear that she’s passionate about not only the music industry, but Epic as a whole.

She’s done so much research on the company that she knows what software programs they use, and happens to be proficient in it to help convey value to the hiring manager.

This example further illustrates the importance of research.

Make sure you understand the culture of the company to which you’re applying before you send a completely unfiltered cover letter — if you don’t, there’s a good chance it’ll completely miss the mark.

In just three short paragraphs, the applicant uses their company research to drive home why they are the perfect fit for the role — emphasizing industry experience as well as software knowledge specific to the company.

All of this communicates that she’d be able to start with very few hiccups while getting up to speed.

Further reading: 15 Cover Letter Templates

9. The Internship Cover Letter

Maybe you’re just getting started in your career and looking to land the right internship to gain experience in your field.

In this case, you’ll need to highlight more of your educational background and transferable skills since you won’t have as much professional experience to highlight.

Cover Letter Examples: Internship Cover Letter

The cover letter above is a great example of how to emphasize your skills and accomplishments when applying to internships or entry-level positions. A few things the applicant does well:

  • Highlights relevant extracurriculars and affinity networks. In this case, the applicant is applying for a business analyst position, so mentioning their involvement in a FinTech group makes sense.
  • Previous internships in relevant fields: Our applicant points out that they’ve interned as a Business Analyst at another firm. Pointing out that they’ve done the role before will help make their case for fit.
  • Highlight other useful skills: This applicant is fluent in both English and German. If an international company or an organization needs bilingual support, knowing multiple languages is an asset.

This cover letter example illustrates how you can leverage your education and background to get the gig even when you don’t have much working experience. Highlighting previous internships or experience in related fields can go a long way in convincing hiring managers you’re the perfect candidate for the role.

Further reading for recent graduates:

  • How to Find a Job After College
  • Writing a Cover Letter for an Internship

Creative Cover Letter Examples

10. the brutally honest cover letter.

Then, there are the occasions when your future boss might appreciate honesty — in its purest form.

Former Livestream CEO Jesse Hertzberg, by his own admission, is one of those people, which might be why he called this example " the best cover letter " (which he received while he was with Squarespace):

Brutally honest cover letter example

As Hertzberg says in the blog post elaborating on this excerpt — it’s not appropriate for every job or company.

But if you happen to be sure that the corporate culture of this prospective employer gets a kick out of a complete lack of filter, then there’s a chance that the hiring manager might appreciate your candor.

"Remember that I'm reading these all day long," Hertzberg writes. "You need to quickly convince me I should keep reading. You need to stand out."

The applicant did their research on the company’s culture and executed this cover letter flawlessly. It’s funny and shows off the applicant’s personality all while making it clear why they are a good fit for the role.

Further reading:

  • How to Stand Out and Get Hired at Your Dream Company
  • How to Find Your Dream Job

11. The Pivot Cover Letter

Making a career switch? Your cover letter can be an excellent opportunity for you to explain the reasoning behind your career change and how your transferable skills qualify you for the role.

Cover Letter Example: Creative Pivot Cover Letter

It’s clean but effective.

Since the role she is applying for is more visual, it’s important to both show and tell why you’re a good fit.

This cover letter strikes the perfect balance between creativity and simplicity in design while putting the applicant's career change into context.

The copy is clean, with a creative font choice that isn’t distracting from the content, but still demonstrates the applicant’s knack for design.

12. The Graphic Design Cover Letter

When applying for more creative roles, the design of your cover letter can say just as much as the words on the page. Take the graphic designer letter example below.

sandra barnes cover letter

It’s got so much going for it:

  • Pop of color
  • Clean layout
  • Interesting fonts

Besides the style elements, this example also doesn’t skimp on the key skills recruiters are looking for. Using metrics, the applicant proves their value and why they would be a great fit.

This cover letter thoroughly conveys the applicant’s skills and qualifications using a variety of visual elements and emphasizing their greatest achievements.

Pro tip: If you're applying for a graphic design job, share a link to your graphic design portfolio website , even if it's not an application requirement.

Job Cover Letter Examples

Next up, let’s go over some classic cover letter examples for jobs, especially if you’re applying to internships or only have a few years of experience.

The below cover letters follow the golden rules and don’t deviate too much from the standard — which is ideal if you’re applying to positions in more traditional industries.

13. Consulting Internship Cover Letter Example

consulting cover letter

Many internship applicants are early on in their careers or are still in college. That means they’ve yet to gather enough experience to offer tangible proof of their ability to do the job.

That means that a cover letter is the place where an internship applicant can shine.

This cover letter example highlights the applicant’s skills in a bullet-point format. That makes it easier for an overburdened hiring manager to get the essence of her points, quickly, if they’re only skimming cover letters.

Not only that, but this applicant personalized the letter in every single sentence. She shares information about her prior conversations with some of the company’s employees and mentions the company’s name at every turn.

While she only has one prior consulting job, she deftly mentions the skills she developed in that role and ties them into her desired position at Quantcast Product Group.

This cover letter example does a fantastic job advertising the applicant’s soft skills in a highly scannable format — while still going heavy on the personalization.

Don’t be shy to lightly play with formatting to get your point across and to imbue the letter with your passion for a company.

14. Nonprofit Referral Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: nonprofit referral

This cover letter example for a nonprofit job hits the ground running by right away inserting the name of one of the nonprofit’s Superintendents.

That’s an excellent way to get a recruiter’s attention and make you stand out from the slush pile, even if you’re only just out of school, as is the case for this applicant.

If you’ve received an internal recommendation for a position, you’d be wise to open your letter with that information. Don’t worry about it feeling too stilted or strange — remember, hiring managers only skim letters.

Your goal is to make sure they get information about you that they otherwise won’t get from your resume.

With only three full paragraphs, this cover letter example is short, sweet, and to the point. No time is wasted, and it also goes over the critical basics, such as skills and experience.

This nonprofit cover letter includes a recommendation from an internal employee at the target organization, making it more likely to stand out from the slush pile.

I  also love that it doesn’t skimp on the basics, such as skills, enthusiasm, and experience.

15. General Email Inquiry Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: general internship inquiry

Even if a job opportunity isn’t available at an organization yet, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be. You can always send a general inquiry cover letter, like the one in this example.

This email cover letter for a political campaign internship is short and sweet, but includes the critical information the campaign coordinator needs to consider the applicant for any new positions that may open up.

The best part about this cover letter is that it can be easily customized from one political campaign employer to the next.

While it does include a level of personalization, it’s brief and can be easily changed to address the specific political candidate.

When sending general inquiries like this one, it’s essential to make the personalization aspect as pain-free as possible for yourself. That may mean including only one sentence or two, knowing that a general inquiry might not be replied to.

Setting up customized email signatures is also highly recommended. They should include your name, job title, and ideally links to your website or social accounts as well as your headshot.

These add a professional touch and help you stand out from other cover letters in the recipient’s inbox. At the same time, the headshot makes you easier to remember in case a job position becomes available, while the website or social links allow recruiters to learn more relevant details about you.  

This email cover letter example hits all the right notes while keeping it brief and to-the-point. While we don’t recommend choosing this format for a formal cover letter, it works if you’re sending a general inquiry to an employer over email.

It’s also a good example to follow if you’re still in college or have very little experience.

Read more: How to Write a Letter of Interest

16. Post-Phone-Call Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: post phone call

If you get a phone call from a potential employer and they invite you to send your resume, pat yourself on the back — that is such a win. In your cover letter, be sure to mention that right away, like this example does.

A hiring manager or an executive at a company likely has a lot of tasks on their plate, which means that they may forget about your call from one week to the next.

That is totally okay, which is why this example starts with a reminder that the applicant and the letter recipient spoke back on January 31st. It also has a few more details about why they started speaking in the first place.

Aside from leveraging the phone call that’s already occurred, this cover letter also does an excellent job explaining why the applicant is an ideal choice for the job.

It goes into detail about skills and previous experience with a high level of enthusiasm, and includes a promise to follow up at the end.

This cover letter example includes two things that will immediately draw my attention: A phone call they’ve already had, and a mutual contact at their organization.

The job and internship search can be grueling; never be afraid to use everything you have at your disposal to improve your standing over other applicants.

Read more: How to Start a Cover Letter

17. Mission-Driven Graduate Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: mission driven

This cover letter example from a recent B.A. graduate wowed me from the first sentence.

The applicant right away explains her attained degree and her specific career interests, then dives into the aspects of her experience that make her such a great candidate.

It's so personalized to the employer’s own mission that it’s difficult to stop reading it.

Even if the hiring manager isn’t a science or health professional, they would be able to effectively gauge the applicant’s suitability for the role by the expertise she shows in her cover letter alone.

The applicant explains at length why she’s excited to work for that specific hospital. The organization serves Aboriginal populations, which aligns with her own values and research interests.

In the last paragraph, she summarizes what she knows about the employer in one sentence, then describes how each of her experiences supports the employer’s mission.

That is an exceedingly clever and meaningful way to align yourself with an organization at a deeper level.

If you’re applying to a mission-driven organization, don’t be shy about showing your excitement and expertise. You don’t need a lot of experience to show that your values align with those of your target organization.

This cover letter example is especially good inspiration if you’re making a career change, have only just a few internships under your belt, or are graduating from college.

18. Short Recommendation Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: short recommendation

Referral or recommendation cover letters don’t need to be too long, and this is a great example of that. It immediately leverages a mutual connection at the company.

The mutual connection recommended that the applicant contact the hiring manager for a role, which is a piece of information I  always recommend you frontload in your letter.

This specific cover letter comes from an applicant with little experience, making it a good example to follow if you’re switching careers or just out of college.

Instead of talking about their experience, the applicant uses anecdotal evidence to convey their enthusiasm for working at that company.

The writer also goes over their most salient skills, such as being able to speak multiple languages. They also explain how their degree directly applies to the target role.

I  love that the candidate highlights their leadership abilities and makes that an effective selling point for being hired.

This cover letter doesn’t go on for too long, which we love. It’s simple and sweet and provides all the information the hiring manager needs to look more closely at the applicant’s resume and make an interviewing decision.

19. Professor or Research Position Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: professor or research

Academic or research position cover letters might require a little more information than the typical cover letter — and this is one such example. Why is it okay to go a little longer?

Because the letter is not only a way to supplement the PhD candidate’s academic CV, but to provide a writing sample for the search committee.

I love this cover letter because it expresses the candidate’s enthusiasm for teaching and explains her instructional ethos, such as providing out-of-the-classroom opportunities, championing communication, and encouraging students to step out of their comfort zone.

The applicant also suggests courses she may be able to teach at the target institution, and expresses her interest in developing new courses as needed.

She also suggests how she can enhance the college’s extracurricular programming by offering study abroad courses, which shows not just an interest in teaching but adding to the school’s overall culture.

While this letter goes for a little longer than recommended, it serves as a fantastic writing sample and explains the applicant’s research background at length.

If you’re applying to academic or research roles, don’t be afraid to go into detail about what most excites you in terms of research interests.

20. Director Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: director

This cover letter example — for a Director of Catering position at a university — doesn’t waste any time.

The applicant right away says that they’re a strong candidate for the role, then jumps right into three salient qualifications that make him a great fit.

I love how the applicant uses bullet points and bold text to guide an overburdened hiring manager through the cover letter — and to give them permission to scan it, if needed.

If the hiring manager would like more information or actual examples of the skills, they merely need to read the rest of the bullet point paragraph.

As mentioned, light formatting can be beneficial to your cover letter, as it draws the recruiter’s eyes and prevents them from having to fish for the information they’re looking for.

This short, sweet cover letter includes the critical information a hiring manager or high-level executive needs to make an interview decision.

I  love the use of formatting that doesn’t stray too much from regular cover letter conventions, and I  like that the applicant kept all other paragraphs extremely brief.

21. Editorial Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: editorial

Applying for an editorial or journalistic position? Like a cover letter example I  shared earlier, you can take a more storytelling approach to capture the hiring manager’s attention.

This cover letter example does that effectively by telling an anecdote that directly mentions the newspaper where they’d like to work.

This immediately draws the reader in and tells them that this application isn’t random at all; the applicant would like to work at the newspaper because they’ve read it every morning.

Not only that, but they have a favorite reporter on the newspaper’s staff. The applicant then jumps into the specific reason they want to take an editorial position at the Baltimore Sun.

The cover letter includes all pertinent information, such as how previous positions have equipped the applicant to take on this job. It closes with enthusiasm after keeping the reader rapt every step of the way.

The applicant uses storytelling to — you guessed it — apply for a position that needs storytelling skills. If you’re applying for a data-driven position or a graphic design position, why not showcase those skills in the cover letter itself?

I  like that this letter doesn’t diverge too much from cover letter conventions while still differentiating itself.

22. Promotion Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: promotion

In this cover letter example, the applicant already works for the employer and wishes to apply for the next position to move up in their career.

I  like that the letter cites the applicant’s extensive knowledge of the organization, which will no doubt give them an advantage over external applicants.

Not only that, but the applicant also references their experience before they started working at the employer and uses that information to make their candidacy even more desirable.

Lastly, this letter includes a healthy level of enthusiasm for the university and the position — something that is never extra in a cover letter.

This cover letter example does an excellent job showing the candidate’s knowledge of their current organization while stating why they’re a natural fit for the promotion.

Plus, the letter includes information on the applicant’s relevant activities outside of work — if you’re involved in any organizations that might help you do your job better, be sure to include them.

23. Law Cover Letter Example

job cover letter examples: law

This law cover letter example jumps right into personalization, a bold move that will serve you well if you’re genuinely interested in a company and want to stand out.

The applicant cites the recipient’s recent article on bond litigation, then ties that into the role they’d like to get at the law firm.

The applicant then goes into his skills and the feedback he’s received from past managers. This is an excellent way to introduce your skills without sounding dry — or even unfounded.

By citing positive feedback you’ve received, you’ll imply that others have praised you for having those skills, and that you’re not only "tooting your own horn."

Pro-Tip: In cover letters, it’s absolutely okay to toot your own horn — that’s what they’re for. But if you can cite others’ remarks, that also helps.)

At just two and a half paragraphs, this letter is exceedingly short but no less effective. It’s an excellent example of how to personalize your letter quickly while still conveying the essentials of a cover letter.

This short cover letter example keeps it brief while still creating high impact. The applicant personalizes the letter immediately, cites external feedback, and conveys enthusiasm.

This letter proves you don’t need to write a novel about an employer to sway the hiring manager into giving you an interview.

Now that I've shown you some excellent examples, let's talk about how you can create the best cover letter for your dream job.

What is a good cover letter?

A cover letter is used to show your interest in the role, passion for the company, and the impact you've had in previous positions. Good cover letters should include a standout opening, relevant skills and qualifications, and a strong finish with a call-to-action — all within one page and unique to each application.

What’s on a cover letter?

Before you start writing your cover letter, let's cover a few basic must-haves you'll want to include. If you’re looking for more detailed instructions, check out this guide to writing a cover letter .

Add a simple, but pleasant greeting to address the recruiter or hiring manager.

Learn more:

  • Dear Sir or Madam Alternatives
  • Cover Letter Greetings

Write a catchy introduction that explains why you’re interested in the role.

  • How to Write an Introduction
  • Tips for Writing a Good Introduction Sentence

Work Experience

This is the heart of your cover letter. It outlines your relevant experience and why you’d be a great fit for the role. You can highlight special skills, experiences, professional achievements, or education to help make your case.

  • How to Write About Your Professional Background
  • Professional Bio Examples
  • LinkedIn Bio Examples

In this paragraph, add a call-to-action by expressing interest in an interview. Offer your contact information and sign off.

  • Email Closing Line Examples
  • Tips for Writing Conclusions

What does a cover letter look like?

Besides showing off your skills and qualifications, cover letters give you the opportunity to present a clear, concise, and compelling writing sample. It shows off your personality and your ability to convey ideas.

That's a lot of information to include on a single page, so it can help to have a clear structure to start with.

Check out our fillable cover letter templates to see how you should organize the content of your cover letter.

HubSpot Cover Letter Template

What makes a great cover letter?

A cover letter is personal, but it also needs to help you reach a goal and help the hiring team understand how you could perform that role with their company. This complexity can make cover letters really tough to write.

Because cover letters are difficult to write, many come off as boring, basic, or confusing for hiring managers to read. But the tips below about the qualities that make a cover letter great can help you take your cover letter from basic to bright.

Start with this quick video, then keep reading for more tips:

Personalized Introduction

Begin with an introduction that's personal. It should capture the reader's attention and address your recipient by name. Then, add a compelling opening sentence that emphasizes your interest in the specific role.

Helpful Cover Letter Introduction:

"Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

In an increasingly digitized world, where customer-centric strategies are vital for business success, I am thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] position at HubSpot."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Introduction:

"To Whom it May Concern,

I am applying for the [Job Title] position at HubSpot. I have some experience in marketing and can help your clients grow their businesses."

Relevant Professional Experience

It can be tempting to use the same cover letter for every job. After all, it's about your experience, isn't it? But it's not enough to rephrase the work history in your resume.

Recruiters and hiring managers are looking to fill a specific role, so you need to show how your experience translates to their unique needs.

So, the body of a great cover letter should showcase the specific professional experiences that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Emphasize your accomplishments and skills that directly relate to what the job needs.

To speed up this part of the cover letter writing process, start by creating a list of your transferable skills . Drafting this list can help you quickly focus on the skills to highlight in your cover letter.

Then, use AI tools to summarize job descriptions and narrow in on where your experience and the needs of the role you're applying for overlap. This post is full of useful AI assistant tools if you're new to AI.

Helpful Cover Letter Experience:

"At [Company Name], I had the opportunity to assist a global ecommerce retailer in enhancing their online customer experience. By conducting in-depth market research and customer journey mapping, I identified pain points and areas of improvement in their website navigation and user interface."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Experience:

"I also worked with an ecommerce retailer to improve the customer experience. We did some surveys and training, and they were happy with the results."

Useful Examples

To make your cover letter stand out, add specific examples that show how you've solved problems or gotten results in past roles.

Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible, using data to give the reader a clear understanding of your impact.

Helpful Cover Letter Example:

"I lead a team of five content writers while increasing website traffic by 18% year-over-year."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Example:

"I have a great track record of leadership and achieving fantastic results."

Research and Company Knowledge

Hiring teams aren't hiring anyone with the skills to do the job. They're hiring a person they'll work alongside at their specific company.

So, to show that you're not just looking for any job anywhere, share your knowledge of the company's industry, values, and culture in your cover letter.

Spend some time on the company website and take notes on what makes this business interesting to you and why you would want to work there.

Then, explain how your skills align with the company's mission and goals and explain how you could add to their chances of success. This will showcase your interest in the company and help them see if you are a good cultural fit.

Helpful Cover Letter Research:

"I was particularly drawn to HubSpot not only for its industry-leading solutions but also for its exceptional company culture. HubSpot's commitment to employee development and fostering a collaborative environment is evident in its recognition as a top workplace consistently. I strongly believe that my passion for continuous learning, self-motivation, and dedication to contributing to a team will make me a valuable asset to HubSpot."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Research:

"I have been inspired by HubSpot's commitment to inbound marketing and its comprehensive suite of solutions. HubSpot's dedication to providing valuable content and fostering meaningful relationships aligns with my own values and aspirations."

Clear Writing

Your cover letter needs to pack in a lot of important information. But it's also important that your cover letter is clear and concise.

To accomplish this, use professional but easy-to-understand language. Be sure to remove any grammar or spelling errors and avoid lengthy paragraphs and avoid jargon or overly technical language.

You may also want to use bullet points to make your letter easier to skim. Then, proofread your cover letter for clarity or ask a friend to proofread it for you.

  • Guide to Becoming a Better Writer
  • Tips for Simplifying Your Writing

Helpful Cover Letter Writing:

"In addition to my academic accomplishments, I gained valuable practical experience through internships at respected law firms.

Working alongside experienced attorneys, I assisted in providing legal support to clients. This hands-on experience helped me develop a deep understanding of client needs and enhanced my ability to effectively communicate complex legal concepts in a straightforward manner."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Writing:

"Furthermore, as a complement to my academic accomplishments, I have garnered invaluable practical experience through internships at esteemed law firms.

Throughout these placements, I actively collaborated with seasoned attorneys to conduct due diligence and furnish clients with comprehensive legal support. Notably, these experiences fostered a profound comprehension of client necessities, whilst honing my legal acumen to articulately convey intricate legal principles within a lucid and concise framework, adhering to applicable precedents and statutes of limitations."

Genuine Interest and Enthusiasm

Find ways to convey your passion for the role and how excited you are to contribute to the company you're applying to. At the same time, make sure your interest feels authentic and outline how it aligns with your career goals.

Your ultimate goal is an enthusiastic letter that feels honest and leaves a lasting positive impression.

Showing excitement in writing doesn't come naturally for everyone. A few tips that can help you boost the genuine enthusiasm in your letter:

  • Record audio of yourself speaking about the role, then use voice-to-text technology to transcribe and add these sections to your letter.
  • Choose your words carefully .
  • Write in active voice.

Helpful Cover Letter Tone:

"I am genuinely enthusiastic about the prospect of joining [Company/Organization Name] as an accountant. My combination of technical proficiency, eagerness to learn, and strong attention to detail make me an ideal candidate for this role. I am confident that my dedication, reliability, and passion for accounting will contribute to the continued success of your organization."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Tone:

"Honestly, I can hardly contain my excitement when it comes to reconciliations, financial statement analysis, and tax regulations! Engaging in spirited discussions with professors and classmates has allowed me to foster an unbreakable bond with the fascinating world of accounting, and I'm positively bursting with enthusiasm at the prospect of applying my skills in a professional setting."

Memorable Conclusion

End your cover letter on a strong note. Summarize your top qualifications, restate your interest in the position, and express your interest in future communication.

Then, thank your reader for their time and consideration and include your contact information for easy follow-up.

To make your conclusion memorable, think about what parts of your letter you'd most like the hiring manager to keep top of mind. Then, consider your word choice and phrasing. If you're feeling stuck, this list of ways to close an email can help.

Helpful Cover Letter Conclusion:

"Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to further discuss how my qualifications align with the needs of Greenpeace. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to arrange an interview.

Together, let's make a lasting impact on our planet.

[Your Name]"

Unhelpful Cover Letter Conclusion:

"Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further and how I can contribute to Greenpeace's mission. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to arrange an interview.

I’d like to add another stage to the job search: experimentation.

In today’s competitive landscape, it’s so easy to feel defeated, less-than-good-enough, or like giving up your job search.

But don’t let the process become so monotonous. Have fun discovering the qualitative data I’ve discussed here — then, have even more by getting creative with your cover letter composition.

I certainly can’t guarantee that every prospective employer will respond positively — or at all — to even the most unique, compelling cover letter. But the one that’s right for you will.

So, get inspired by these examples and templates. Write an incredible cover letter that shows the hiring team at your dream job exactly who you are.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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