
Essay on My Favourite Writer

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Writer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Writer


My favourite writer is J.K. Rowling, the renowned author of the Harry Potter series.

Why J.K. Rowling?

Rowling’s magical world of Hogwarts, with its diverse characters and intricate plots, has always fascinated me.

Impact on me

Her books not only entertained me but also taught me about friendship, bravery, and the importance of choices.

J.K. Rowling’s captivating storytelling and unforgettable characters make her my favourite writer.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Writer

Orwell’s profound insights.

Orwell’s works are notable for their profound insights into human nature and societal structures. His ability to craft narratives that reflect the complexities of the human condition is unparalleled. “1984” and “Animal Farm”, his most famous works, elucidate the perils of totalitarian regimes, demonstrating his deep understanding of political systems.

Literary Style

Orwell’s literary style, characterized by clarity, simplicity, and an unpretentious vocabulary, appeals to me immensely. His straightforward prose, devoid of unnecessary embellishments, effectively communicates complex ideas. This accessibility allows readers of all backgrounds to engage with his thought-provoking themes.

Social Commentary

Orwell’s keen social commentary is another aspect of his writing that I find compelling. He was unafraid to critique the societal norms of his time, challenging readers to question their own beliefs. His exploration of themes such as class struggle, authoritarianism, and censorship remain relevant today, underscoring the timeless nature of his work.

In conclusion, George Orwell’s insightful narratives, clear prose, and thought-provoking social commentary make him my favourite writer. His works continue to inspire critical thinking and foster a deeper understanding of societal structures, demonstrating the enduring power of literature.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Writer

Every reader has a favourite author, one whose words resonate, inspire, and provoke thought. My favourite writer is none other than Fyodor Dostoevsky, the Russian novelist, philosopher, and journalist. His profound exploration of the human psyche, his ability to weave intricate narratives, and his profound philosophical insights have left an indelible impact on me.

Fyodor Dostoevsky: The Master Storyteller

Exploring the human psyche.

What sets Dostoevsky apart is his deep understanding and exploration of the human psyche. His characters, like Raskolnikov in “Crime and Punishment” or Ivan Karamazov in “The Brothers Karamazov,” are not just characters in a story, but embodiments of human thought and emotion. They grapple with guilt, despair, existential dread, and moral dilemmas, providing the reader with a mirror to their own soul. This exploration of the human psyche is what makes Dostoevsky’s work timeless and universally relatable.

Philosophical Insights

Dostoevsky’s novels are not merely narratives; they are philosophical treatises. His works delve into existentialism, theodicy, and the nature of good and evil. He explores these themes through his characters’ dialogues, inner monologues, and actions, making his novels a rich source of philosophical insight. For instance, “Notes from Underground” is a profound exploration of free will, determinism, and the nature of human irrationality.

Impact and Influence

Dostoevsky’s influence is not confined to literature. His exploration of existential themes has influenced philosophers like Nietzsche and Sartre. His works have also been adapted into films, plays, and operas, testifying to their enduring relevance and universal appeal.

In conclusion, Fyodor Dostoevsky, with his profound exploration of the human psyche and philosophical insights, stands as my favourite writer. His works are not just stories, but mirrors reflecting the complexities of human nature and society. They provoke thought, challenge norms, and inspire introspection, making each reading a unique journey of self-discovery. As a reader and a student of life, I find Dostoevsky’s works to be an endless source of inspiration, contemplation, and enlightenment.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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My Favourite Author Chetan Bhagat Essay | Essay on My Favourite Author Chetan Bhagat for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by sastry

My Favourite Author Chetan Bhagat Essay: One doesn’t need to a be an outstanding English literate genius to be a writer; this statement is well proven by a modern day writer, Chetan Bhagat.Chetan Bhagat is one of the most popular authors in the fiction category. Known as a novelist, columnist, script writer, motivational speaker, and a youth icon, Bhagat’s work has seen treniendous popularity and success among Indian audiences. The strong contemporary topics of his novels have been transformed into movies too. In 2008, The New York Times called Bhagat “the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history”.

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Long Essay on My Favourite Author Chetan Bhagat 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on My Favourite Author Chetan Bhagat of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Bhagat, was born on 22 April, 1974 in Delhi. After completing his schooling, he got graduated from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and did his masters from IIM Ahmedabad. After working for eleven years in Hong Kong as an investment banker, he returned to Mumbai and began fulltime writing. He had started his novel about life on the campus of an IIT while at work only. After much struggle his first novel ‘Five Point Someone’ came in 2004 and this very first project led to immense rise in his fame. This book continues to be the most landmark book in his literary career, being the highest selling book of India till date. The book also won the Society Young Achiever’s Award and Publisher’s Recognition Award.

Bhagat had started with comedy based novel writing it in simple English. The author Samit Basu puts, “Chetan has shown how wrong Indian publishers are when they explain away their failures to sell Indian fiction to large numbers of Indians by saying there are no readers Chetan’s managed to tell them they exist.” His easy style of writing and the issues linking to everyday problems was well received by readers, particularly the youth. What is clearly evident from Bhagat’s first two books -five Point Someone and One Night at the Call Center is that Bhagat constructs his narratives around the lives of urbanised youngsters: the pressures to get into a top school, earn high grades, get a good job and find the right partner. In other words, much of his popularity can be attributed to his being able to have created a connection with Indian youth. Bhagat has written 7 books so far: Five Point Someone, One Night At the Call Center, The Three Mistakes of My Life, Two States, Revolution 2020, What Young India Wants and the latest being Half Girlfriend. Apart from writing novels, Bhagat also writes for the columns of The Times of India and Dainik Bhaskar among others. These columns have a focus on youth and national development issues.

Chetan’s columns are written in a way that directly points out the issues within our country and in many times it has even triggered discussions in the parliament. He is not only a good writer but also a motivational speaker and has given many motivational speeches at various occasions at various institutes. He has addressed issues like corruption by sending a letter to Sonia Gandhi and also has spoken about the political issues that revolved around Baba Ramdev.

Bhagat’s fame cannot be applauded for his writing only. Clearly, his success has been but a carefully calculated work, targeted to capture the mind-share of people from all across India. To cater to the mass market, the publisher had carefully played around with the price point. All of Bhagat’s novels have been priced at affordable prices, which make it possible for everybody especially students to buy and read. His other marketing strategies include the media buzz, he has his own website, his first books contains teasers of the upcoming books, he initiated the concept of selling signed copies at a premium price, and sensibly campaigns his book launches by inviting eminent personalities. Bhagat is often credited with revolutionizing the commercial fiction industry in India. Typical Indian ‘bestseller’ sold between 3,000 and 5,000 copies. But Bhagat’s novels, with sales of a staggering million copies a year, sparked off a trend itself.

Chetan Bhagat, irrespective of public opinion, continues to be a boon for the publishing industry for India has never been swept to read like this before; the sales have never been so amazing.His work struck a chord with young India, the India that never read Indian writing in fiction. Evidently, some of the readers who start with Bhagat’s fiction migrate to literary novels with time. New authors following his footsteps are only benefitting out of it, and same holds true for the old authors who could capitalise on the widening market. Even to this day, almost ten years since his first book appeared in the market, his book occupies prime space in all the bookstalls of even the smallest’railway stations.

People know that his work is nowhere close to the literary works of Shakespeare; instead he writes that appeals to the mass population. Critics argues that his novels lack substance, yet he ignores them citing he writes stories that people can relate to, and so goes on to come up with something new everytime. As a scriptwriter he has himself written the story of his books into movies which has proved to be the blockbuster hits. In 2010, Time magazine named him as ‘One of the 100 Most Influential People in the World’. He has renewed the definition of a talented IIT engineers who were thought to be the bookworms, lacking fun in life. Instead his educational background has boosted his portfolio. Many engineers themselves have turned to write just like him.

My Favourite Author Chetan Bhagat Essay

My Favourite Author Chetan Bhagat Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Contemporary – modem, present-day
  • Urbanised – developed, sophisticated
  • Triggered – activated started
  • Applauded – celebrated, admired
  • Buzz – excitement, high
  • Teaser – riddle, mystery
  • Staggering – outstanding, amazing
  • Sparked-off – ignite
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Essay on my favourite author

Essay on my favourite author 2 Models

An essay on my favourite author, in which we present 500 words about a favourite author for children and students at various educational levels. This is one of the great topics that students love to write about. Where we will give them easy and short sentences about a famous writer, to help them write the topic.

Since each of us has a specific writer who loves to read his works, we will mention several writers that everyone agrees on loving.

Essay on my favourite author

Books are one of the most important things that should be taken care of and introduced to the child at an early age.

Therefore, we will talk about this in an essay on my favourite writer, as each of us must have a specific writer who loves to read and buys his books regularly.

We may admire more than one writer because of the similarity in the way they write or because of their writing in an interesting way. In the end, it does not matter if we love one writer or more than one writer, but the most important thing is to read constantly.

What is meant by the writer?

The writer is a person with a beautiful talent which enables him to imagine beautiful and varied stories and write them in an orderly manner on papers.

There are several types of writers, some of them write fiction. There are those who write stories for children. The most popular types are those who write adventures and action.

Why do we love a writer and not others?

Each of us is different from the other person in his inclinations. Some people love romance stories, so their favorite writer is a romantic writer. Some of us may love adventure and action stories, preferably an adventure writer.

Everyone loves a writer who writes about what he prefers.

What is the importance of writing?

Writing is one of the beautiful talents and hobbies that makes its owner in a good psychological state. It releases the pent-up energy inside it, whether it is negative or positive energy. This writer feels very happy when he finishes writing a new work for the audience to enjoy.

What is the importance of reading?

Reading is very important as it is food for the mind. A person who does not know how to read is lost and alone.

The book is man’s best friend. It makes his mind more open and active. The person who reads feels beautiful feelings and great happiness as he lives with the story of the book sentence by sentence.

Is there a bad reading?

Of course, there are types of reading that may harm the owner and lead to unhealthy things.

Including reading terrifying stories that afflict him with fear and tension. When he tries to fall asleep, he imagines frightening things around him, such as auditory and visual hallucinations.

Or that a person reads stories and novels that stimulate the sexual instinct, making his mind and body in a state of excitement and irritation. These types of books are very bad and have a negative impact on human beings. It may make him addicted to things that harm his physical and mental health.

How does reading affect our personality?

Reading has a great impact on a person’s personality, as a person becomes a romantic and a seeker of love everywhere if he only reads romantic stories. Which makes a person think only about love and attachment.

But if a person reads about the stories of successful people and knows how they succeeded, he will be occupied with attempts to succeed and prove himself. With time, he will succeed and reach a prominent place in society because of the books he reads and learns from.

 Lyman Frank Baum

 Lyman Frank Baum is a writer who became famous in a certain period of time after writing several literary works for children. The most famous novel was The Wizard of Oz, which the whole world knew about. This novel has been made in several films and has been translated into many languages, which increased its fame.

Lyman Frank loved writing from a young age, which is why his father helped him write freely. So he bought him a small machine to print what he wrote.

He had a fertile imagination and had many daydreams circulating in his imagination, turning them into stories. Which made him a brilliant and famous writer.

At the end of our topic for today, we should know the importance of reading an essay on my favourite writer. Reading plays a large and important role in the life and thoughts of each one of us. That is why we must choose what we read carefully and not read anything that lies in front of us. This is because reading shapes our consciousness and affects our lives.

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My Favourite Author Essay

Man has been writing for centuries. Numerous books have been written on varied subjects by different authors. These books are a powerhouse of knowledge. They acquaint us with the past, warn us of the future and help us live the present moment to the fullest. Every person has a different taste in reading. While some like fiction others prefer reading non-fiction. People who read regularly often develop an interest in particular type of writing or the works of specific authors. An avid reader is most likely to have a list of favourite authors.

Long and Short Essay on My Favourite Author in English

Here are long and short essay on My Favourite Author to help you with the topic in your exam. We have provided various My Favourite Author essay under different words limit to fulfil your need on this topic.

You can take help from these essays, we are sure that following essays will be really helpful for you because we have covered different famous authors in our number of essays. You can go through it and choose the needed one:

Short Essay on My Favourite Author (200 words) – Essay 1

‘My Favourite Author – Rhonda Byrne’

My favourite author by far is Rhonda Byrne. I have read several fiction and non-fiction books. However, none has had such a deep impact on me as the books written by Rhonda. Her books have brought a positive change in my life.

Her book, The Secret brought about a revolution. It revealed how we can achieve anything in the world merely by believing that we can. The book is a best seller. It has been translated to 50 languages and distributed worldwide. It remained on the New York Times bestselling books list for 190 weeks.

Rhonda did a lot of research before writing this novel. People around the world agree to the secret power she talked about in her book and are using it to transform their lives for the better. The other books written by her have also been well received. Each of her books has a strong message.

While The Secret is my favourite book, I also loved reading The Magic. I have inculcated many good practices from these books. These have helped me become a better person and have changed my life for good. These books are full of positivity and are a must read for everyone. The other two books of the series, The Power and Hero are also quite inspiring.

Rhonda is one of the most celebrated authors. She is known to have changed the lives of millions of readers. She is a genius and I am in love with her writings.

Essay on My Favourite Author (300 words) – Essay 2

‘My Favourite Author – R. K. Narayan’


My favourite author is R.K. Narayan. He was one of the first and most popular Indian novelists who wrote in the English language. His way of narrating the story was impeccable. The stories written by him are simple yet engaging.

  • K. Narayan: Life and Work

R.K. Narayan was born in a Hindu Brahmin family in Madras in the year 1906. He loved reading from an early age. He was particularly interested in English literature. He went to Lutheran Missionary School where he faced discrimination from Christian students. This impacted him deeply as a child. However, he continued to study with dedication.

He initially chose the profession of a teacher. However, he soon left it to pursue a career in writing. He has written several brilliant stories.

A T.V. series by the name Malgudi Days was produced based on R.K. Narayan’s stories. It received a lot of appreciation from the audience.

R.K. Narayan: My All – Time Favourite Author

R.K. Narayan’s stories were mostly set in a fictional town named, Malgudi. All his stories and novels talk about routine events. The characters are mostly ordinary village people. His stories were not only well received in India but appreciated worldwide.

I especially loved reading his novel, ‘Swami and Friends’. I loved all the characters and the turn of events in this novel. The Dark Room, The Vendor of Sweets, Malgudi Days, The English Teacher, Mr. Sampath, A Horse, and Two Goats, The World of Nagaraj, Grandmother’s Tale, Under the Banyan Tree and other stories and Waiting for the Mahatma are some of the other works by Narayan that I enjoyed reading. They are all rooted in our culture and reflect the true essence of India.

R.K. Narayan’s stories are refreshing. He has won several awards for his writings. He received the Sahitya Akademi Award in the year 1958, the Padma Bhushan Award in 1964 and the Padma Vibhushan in 2000. Being one of the first Indian writers who wrote in English, Narayan acquainted the rest of the world with the simplicity of the Indian culture.

Essay on My Favourite Author (400 words) – Essay 3

‘My Favourite Author – Rabindranath Tagore’

My favourite author is Rabindranath Tagore. I developed an interest in reading because of this learned author. As a young child, my mother often narrated stories of Rabindranath Tagore at bedtime. I was fascinated by his stories. Each of his stories has a hidden lesson that helped me look at things from a different perspective. They inspired me to become a better person.

My Favourite Books Authored by Rabindra Nath Tagore

As I grew up, I started reading his stories. I get his books issued from my school library every fortnight. I read them during my free time. I have read several of his short stories, novels, and plays.

Gitanjali, The Home and the World, The Housewife, The River Stairs, Sacrifice, The Royal Sage, The Rift, The Renunciation, The Young Queen’s Market, The Skelton, King and Queen, Nature’s Revenge, The Play of Illusions, The Royal Sage, The Divide, Return of Little Master, My Lord, the Baby, The Postmaster, The Tale of fantasy, An Absurd Story, The Trust Property, The Ghat’s Story, Debts and Dues, Dalia and The Victory written by Rabindranath Tagore are some of my favourites.

I have also read many of his poems. His poetry is mesmerizing and inspiring. There are many more of his books that I still have to read and I look forward to it.

Rabindranath Tagore’s Contribution to the Society

Not just as an author, I also love and respect Rabindranath Tagore as a person. The Bengali writer loved his country, India and worked for its betterment. He raised voice against the British and played an important role in India’s freedom struggle. He tried to bring about a revolution by way of his writing.

Though he belonged to a rich family, he was grounded and had a soft corner for the poor class. He was a very kind and gentle human being. He worked for the upliftment of the poor. He inspired people to seek education as it was essential for leading a better life. He may have led a luxurious life but he decided to serve his country and his countrymen. He went through many hardships to further this aim.

Rabindranath Tagore was not just an author but also a musician, painter, religious reformer, educationist and cultural leader. He was a true patriot. He had great regard for his country and love for his countrymen. Though he had a rather disturbing personal life, it did not dither his spirit to write inspirational books and work for those around him.

His work was appreciated worldwide. Many notable authors and poets including the renowned poet W.B Yeats appreciated his work. He also won Noble Prize for his book, Gitanjali.

Essay on My Favourite Author (500 words) – Essay 4

‘My Favourite Author – Enid Blyton’

The novels written by Enid Blyton are my all time favourite. Her stories keep me hooked for hours. They take me to a whole new world and I don’t want to come out of it. She has written extensively and I have read several of her books.

Enid Blyton – Life and Work

Enid Blyton was born in East Dulwich, London in the year 1897. She is one of the most popular English novelist and poet. She wrote for more than four decades and has written numerous interesting story books and novels. At times, she wrote more than fifty books a year. Her speed of writing was surprising and it was often said that she had ghost-writers who helped her with the work. However, Blyton denied these charges.

She has written on many genres including fantasy, adventure, mystery, and education. Her books are among the best selling books around the world. They continue to draw as much interest today as they did back in the 1930s and 40s. The popularity of her books can be judged by the fact that these have been translated into as many as 90 languages and circulated worldwide.

However, things at work front were not always rosy for Blyton. Her work received a lot of criticism too. It was termed as racist, sexist and elitist. However, she continued to spin stories despite the criticism and their popularity only kept growing. Many movies, plays and television shows have been based on her writings.

My Favourite Books Authored by Enid Blyton

I have read several books authored by Enid Blyton. While I loved reading all of them, my favourites among them are The Famous Five series, Secret Seven series, The Enchanted Wood and Adventures of the Wishing Chair Series.

I particularly love the Famous Five series. The series narrates the adventures of Anne, Julian, Georgina, Dick and their dog, Timmy. These young kids go to different adventurous places and explore crime scenes to solve complicated mysteries.

The stories are usually set in the backdrop of countryside where these kids go for camping and other adventure activities during their holidays. They find out about strange things happening in their surroundings and take on the mission to solve the mystery. The Famous Five series has 21 books and the story of each of these is intriguing and gripping.

I have read 15 of these. I cannot take my eyes of these books until I finish reading them. I have finished most of these novels in less than 3 days. My favourite books from the series are Five Go Adventuring Again and Five on a Treasure Island. This series became so popular that a TV series was made based on them.

Other Enid Blyton books that I enjoyed reading include Mr. Galliano’s Circus, Circus Days Again, The Happy House Children, The Children of Willow Farm, Six Cousins at Mistletoe Farm, Six Cousins Again, The Buttercup Farm Family, The Queen Elizabeth Family, The Seaside Family, and Naughty Amelia Jane.

Reading the books authored by Enid Blyton is my favourite hobby. I grab one of her books whenever I have spare time. This is a great way to rejuvenate for me. I am a big fan of this English author.

Long Essay on My Favourite Author (600 words) – Essay 5

‘My Favourite Author – J.K. Rowling’

I have read books by many authors but none of the works is as fascinating and interesting as that written by J.K. Rowling. Born as Joanne Rowling, this British author wrote under the pen name, J.K. Rowling. Many of her works were also published under the pen name Robert Galbraith. She has written many novels but my favourite is the Harry Potter Series. This series is loved worldwide and earned her immense fame.

The Harry Potter Series

I simply love Rowling’s Harry Potter series. She has done complete justice to the fantasy genre. The entire series revolves around the life of a young boy, Harry Potter who goes through different difficult situations and deals with them bravely. He uses his sharp brain and magical powers to overcome various problems. The series also includes several other interesting characters.

In the first book of the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry Potter and his friends get admission to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Potter meets Lord Voldemort, who killed his parents. He comes back to kill Potter however fails in his mission. Potter manages to escape each time Voldemort sets a trap.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the second book in the series gives an insight into Potter’s second year at Hogwarts School. The story gets interesting as the school walls get inscribed with warning messages and pupils are attacked. Potter and his friends Hermoine and Ron try to solve the mystery.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the third book introduces an interesting character, Sirius Black. He is an escaped prisoner. Potter and his friends try to find out who this person is and what he wants.

In the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Potter participates in the Triwizard Tournament hosted by Hogwarts School. The Triwizard Tournament, as well as the events that follow, are quite interesting.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth book in the series, shows Ron as the keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. It is the longest book in the series and is loaded with several twists and turns. In the sixth book in the series, Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince, Potter gets ready for his final battle against Voldemort.

The final battle between Potter and Lord Voldemort is shown in the seventh book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The book also unravels many past secrets.

Joanne Rowling – Life and Work

Joanne Rowling was born in Yate, Gloucestershire. She faced a lot of hardships as a young woman. She went through a divorce and had to nurture and support her child on her own. She faced a financial crunch and was almost in rags. However, she kept working hard. She wrote the draft of the first book in the Harry potter series but could not get it published for long. She faced rejection from several publishers.

Though disappointed, Joanne did not give up and finally, her hard work paid off. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Joanne’s first novel in the Harry Potter series was published in 1997 and it received an overwhelming response. Her life was back on track. She could now afford a good lifestyle and provide an excellent education to her child.

This inspired her to write its sequel which was well received too. The success of the sequel motivated her to write more and she came up with six sequels of the Harry Potter series. The last one was published in 2007. These were all written under her pseudonym, J. K. Rowling. She has also written other books. These were written under the pen name, Robert Galbraith.

Rowling’s writings are intriguing and her life journey is inspiring. I simply love her writing and adore her for the person she is. I am particularly a fan of her undying determination and never say die spirit.

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English Aspirants

My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality/The Person I Like Most: Everyone has a person in his /her life whom he/she likes the most. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay or a paragraph on My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality/The Person I Like Most/the person I admire the most. We’ve provided here 4 paragraphs or essays on this topic (100, 150, 200, and 250 Words). So, let’s begin

Table of Contents

My Favourite Person: 100 Words

My most favourite person is Rajiv sir. He teaches us English. He has such a charming and friendly personality. He teaches us with love and care.  I respect him a lot for his excellent command over the subject. To me, he is a friend, philosopher and guide.

He inspires us to speak in English and to take part in sports, cultural activities and social work. He never gets angry when we make mistakes. Due to his teaching my marks in English improved a lot. I like him as a human being and aspire to become like her in future. Our country needs mode ideal teacher like him.

my favourite person

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The Person I Like Most: 150 Words

I have come across many good persons in my life of fifteen years. I like some of them and dislike many others. But one person I like in particular. He is my neighbour and my father’s friend. He is Biswanath Chattopadhyaya. He is a school teacher and also a priest. He is a person of amiable disposition. He is also charitable and helpful to the needy. Such qualities definitely impress me.

He is also different from most material-minded people. He is not rich and has to maintain his family with hardship. Yet, he never takes any undue advantage from anyone. He is a selfless man of an honest bearing. I adore him and look upon him as an ideal in the style of living. In fact, I take him as my friend, philosopher and guide.

The Person I Admire the Most: 200 Words

The person I like and admire most in my life is my father. He is a highly educated person. He works as an engineer in a private company. He works so hard to run our family. My father is a very religious person. He reminds me that life is a great gift of God. He leads a healthy lifestyle. He is very punctual and disciplined. He is the backbone of our family.

My father believes in me and shows a sense of confidence in me. Whenever I feel sad or depressed he is the person who motivates me. His love for me and our family members is unconditional. He teaches me to make good use of time. He is not only my father, he is also my friend, teacher and guide. He has always been a source of inspiration for me.

My father is a keen helper of poor kids and people. He donates some of his income to charity. He is an honest and truthful person. He loves to travel a lot. In this free time, he takes us to many beautiful places. I want to be like him when I grow up.

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My Favourite Personality My Mother: 250 Words

My mother is God’s best gift to me. My mother is a housewife. She is adorable and caring. She takes care of the likes and dislikes of all the family members. She is my home tutor. She helps me in my study in the morning and evening. When I feel depressed she motivates me. She always inspires me to do better in life. She plays with me whenever she gets time. She is a devotee of God.

She is very hard working. She usually gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning. She prepares delicious dishes for us. She struggles a lot to run our house but never loses her patience. I wonder how she manages everything perfectly. She is diligent and devoted in her duties. She is an inspiration to me.

She is my first teacher, guide, friend and above all my world. She helps the needy and poor people. She provides me the valuable lessons of life. She teaches me the values of discipline and punctuality. She has taught me to help others and respect elders.

Everyone in the family loves her so much. If anyone in the family is ill, she forgets her own hunger and thrust. Such care and love no one in the world can give to me. I never want to lose her.

My Favourite Person My Mother

Read More: 1. Paragraph on My Aim in Life 2. Paragraph on My Daily Routine 3. Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

10 Paragraphs: My Favourite Book

Writing a paragraph about your favorite book allows you to express your personal connection and admiration for a literary work that has left a lasting impact on you. Whether it’s a captivating novel, an inspiring non-fiction book, or a thought-provoking piece of poetry, conveying your thoughts and feelings effectively is essential.

Table of Contents

Tips On Writing A Paragraph On My Favourite Book

Provide Essential Information: Include key details about the book, such as the title, author, and genre. This information helps readers identify the book and provides context for your discussion. Briefly introduce the author and their background if relevant, highlighting any notable achievements or contributions to the literary world.

Express Your Personal Connection: Share why this book is your favorite and how it has impacted you. Discuss the emotions it evoked, the insights gained, or the lessons learned. Explain how the book resonated with you on a deep level and why it holds a special place in your heart. Be sincere and authentic in expressing your personal connection to the book.

Conclude with a Strong Closing: Wrap up your paragraph by summarizing your thoughts and feelings about the book. You can reiterate why it is your favorite and the impact it has had on you. Consider ending with a thought-provoking statement or a reflection on how the book has influenced your perspective, inspired you, or enriched your life. A strong closing leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Paragraph 1

My favorite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. Set in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the 1930s, this classic novel explores themes of racial injustice, morality, and the loss of innocence. Through the eyes of Scout Finch, a young girl growing up in a racially divided society, the book offers a poignant and thought-provoking examination of social issues. The beautifully crafted characters, compelling storytelling, and powerful messages of compassion and empathy have made “To Kill a Mockingbird” a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers of all ages.

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3.

I hold “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen close to my heart as my favorite book. This beloved novel takes us into the world of the Bennet family in 19th-century England, where romance, societal expectations, and the complexities of human relationships intertwine. Austen’s wit, sharp social commentary, and unforgettable characters, particularly the spirited Elizabeth Bennet and the enigmatic Mr. Darcy, make this tale of love, misunderstandings, and personal growth a timeless and enchanting read.

Paragraph 4

“1984” by George Orwell is my favorite book for its chilling portrayal of a dystopian society. Set in a totalitarian regime ruled by Big Brother, the novel explores themes of government surveillance, thought control, and the erosion of individual freedom. Orwell’s masterful world-building, prophetic vision, and searing critique of authoritarianism make “1984” a powerful and cautionary tale that continues to resonate in our modern society.

Paragraph 5

Paragraph 6.

I find immense joy in reading “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling. This enchanting tale introduces us to the magical world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and follows the adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter. Rowling’s imaginative storytelling, richly developed characters, and themes of friendship, bravery, and the battle between good and evil have captivated readers of all ages. “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is the beginning of an extraordinary journey that has left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions of readers.

Paragraph 7

Paragraph 8.

“Beloved” by Toni Morrison is a profound and haunting book that has left a lasting impact on me. Set in post-Civil War America, the novel explores the legacy of slavery and its enduring effects on individuals and communities. Morrison’s lyrical prose, vivid imagery, and exploration of themes such as memory, trauma, and the search for identity create a deeply moving and unforgettable reading experience. “Beloved” is a testament to Morrison’s literary genius and her ability to shed light on the darkest corners of history.

Paragraph 9

“The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien is my favorite book, an epic fantasy that transports readers to the enchanting realm of Middle-earth. This tale of adventure, fellowship, and the battle against dark forces captivates with its richly imagined world, intricate mythology, and unforgettable characters such as Frodo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey. Tolkien’s mastery of storytelling, the depth of his world-building, and the timeless themes of heroism and sacrifice make “The Lord of the Rings” a literary masterpiece that continues to inspire readers worldwide.

Paragraph 10

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English Compositions

Short Essay on My Favourite Animal [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Essays on the favourite animal are one of the most important topics you may find relevant for your upcoming English writing comprehension test. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays on your favourite Animals. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short essay on my favourite animal dog in 100 words.

  • Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Cat in 200 Words 
  • Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion in 400 Words 

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All animals are amazing but my favourite animal is the dog. Dogs are very loyal and make great pets. They love their owners and protect them from dangers. Dogs are largely carnivorous and eat meat, bones, organs, and some plant-based food.

Dogs are closely related to wolves, coyotes, and foxes and were domesticated by man thousands of years ago. They served as companions during hunts as well as protectors and guards. Today, dogs are mostly kept as pets at home and are treated as family members. However, there are many dogs who live miserable lives on the streets and are uncared for. We must take care of dogs and be kind to them. 

Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Cat in 200 Words

I love all animals but my favourite animal is the cat. Cats are small and cute. They have tiny paws, sharp claws, and a furry body and tail. They have beautiful bright eyes which glow in the dark. They are commonly found in colours like black, white, brown, ginger, and orange.

There are more than 60 different varieties of cats. Cats are carnivorous mammals and love to eat different types of fish like tuna and salmon. They also eat meats like chicken, turkey, beef, some whole-grain foods, and eggs. In the wild, they are known to catch rats, mice, lizards, snakes, and other small animals for food. 

Cats know how to take care of themselves and don’t demand much attention from their owners. Hence, they make great pets for people who work full time and live in small apartments. Cats love their freedom and space but they also love their owners.

They will always be there to cheer you up when you need them. They love to purr and rub against their owners to show them their affection. Many pet cats bring dead mice, twigs, and other things that they like to their owners as a token of appreciation. Each cat has a unique personality and they always make their humans happy. 

Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion in 400 Words

All animals are unique and amazing in their own ways. I love them all but my favourite animal is the lion. Lions are wild animals and their natural habitat includes scrublands, grasslands, savannahs, and rocky hills. They were historically found in many places around the world but now, due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting activities, they are mostly found in zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, and reserves. However, they can still be found in the wild in Africa as well as in the Gir forest in Gujarat, India. 

Lions are majestic animals and are known as the ‘King of the jungle’. There are many different subspecies of lions, like Asiatic lions, Barbary lions, Congo lions, Transvaal lions, and African lions. Male lions have a beautiful signature mane around their neck and are much larger than the females of the same species. Male lions are known to act as the protectors of the pride while the females do all the hunting.

Pride is a family unit of lions that may contain a few lions, a dozen or so lionesses, and their adolescent and young ones. Each pride has its own territory and lions mark and defend these areas by roaring and scent-marking. These territories are fiercely defended against intruding lions and male lions may sometimes get into huge fights over their territories. 

Lions usually prey on medium to large animals like zebras, antelopes, hippopotamuses, and buffaloes but they can also kill and eat smaller or larger animals, depending on the need. They are also known to eat animals killed and left by other predators. Lionesses stalk their prey from nearby cover and then leap and lunge at its neck, biting and strangling it until it is killed. Members of the pride then come forward to feed on the kill. An adult lion can eat about 34 kilograms of meat at once. 

Lions usually breed once every year in captivity but in the wild, they breed once every two or three years. Lion cubs are born with dark spots on their fur coat which fade away as they mature. They can follow their mother after 3 months and can participate in hunting after 11 months.

However, they still need assistance and can not survive on their own before two years of age. The cubs become adults at about three to four years of age and while most female cubs become members of their mother’s pride, male cubs are forced out and become nomads. 

Lions are incredible animals and have always intrigued me. They are truly the ‘kings’. 

In the session above, I have written three essays on three different animals. You can choose any of those according to your requirements. I have also tried to write the essays in a very simple language that every student can easily understand. If you still have any queries regarding this context, please let us know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on several important topics, keep browsing our Website. 

To get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions, kindly join us on Telegram . Thanks for being with us. All the best. 


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Essay on “Your Favourite Writer” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Your Favourite Writer

The Writer you Like Most

Your Favourite Author

There have been many great authors of fame in India.  Rabindranath Tagore is my favourite author.  He wrote many novels, poems, short stories and  plays. He stand for Indian culture in all respects.  He was also an educationalist, a social reformer, a musician and a religious preacher.  He was a great son of India.

                Once in thousand years comes a man through whom the soul of an entire nation expresses itself.  Such was Valmiki in ancient India ; such was Homer in Greece, Dante in Italy and such was Rabindranath in modern India.  “He is,” in the words of Prof.  Sarvapally Radhakrishnan, “ the greatest figure in modern Renaissance.” India expressed her dreams and aspirations, her ancient wisdom and modern questioning through him.  For long years, the light of his genius, as vast and as innumerable as the ocean, lighted the literary sky of Bengal, nay of India.

                Tagore’s father was a landlord and a social reformer.  It was a landlord family of Bengal. One of his brothers was an I.C.S. officer.  Tagore was born in Kolkata on May 6, 1861.  He was the youngest son of Maharishi Davendra Nath and grandson of prince Dwarka Nath Tagore.  He was taught at home.  He did not attend any school or college.  He was educated in the open university of the world.  He began to write in Bengali at an early age.  He started a magazine.  His belief was that the first language of the people was the first thing for an India writers.  He wrote books in Bengali till he was fifty years of age.

                He went abroad at the age of 52.  People of other countries welcomed him as a noble ambassador od the Indian people.  He was officially received by many governments.  His book “Gitanjali” won for him the Nobel Prize in Literature.  The king of England gave him the title of “Sir” in 1915.  In 1919, he renounced it as a protest against the British repressive policy in Punjab. 

                Tagore felt that the Indians did not get proper education. He opened his own famous school at Shantiniketan. Later. this school became a centre of culture.  It became a university.

                He poems are full of the beauty of nature, love of God and children.  He is, without doubt, the greatest India poet.  He is called the “Shelley of Bengal”.  He is an inspired singer who sings because he cannot help singing.  He is a master both of rhyme and rhythm. Out of his books of poems, the “Gitanjali” is the best.  His song, “Jan-Gan-Man” is our national anthem.  His novels “Gora” and “wreck “ are very famous.  His short stories de3al with touching human experience. One cannot forget his sotire like “The Home-Coming”, “Cabuliwalah” ‘subha’and “The Postmaster.” His other important works are the ‘The Crescent Moon’, One Hundred Poems of Kabir’, ‘My reminiscences’, ‘Broken Ties’, etc.  Tagore was successful in every field of writing.  He is beyond appreciation, beyond praise, beyond comparison.  He was a versatile genius.  His best works have been translated into many foreign languages and have been linked by the one and all.  In short, he is such a great writer as is born in a country only once in many countries.

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My Favourite Cartoon Character – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Note: Essay On My Favourite Cartoon Character For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘my favourite cartoon character: barbie’, a paragraph on ‘my favourite cartoon character: mickey mouse’, short essay on ‘my favourite cartoon character: chhota bheem’, long essay on ‘my favourite cartoon character: cinderella’ for kids, essay about my favourite ‘cartoon characters: tom and jerry’ for kids, essay on ‘my favourite cartoon character: doraemon’ for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

A child’s favourite cartoon character stays with them for a long time, which is why an essay on this topic is something that one cannot do without, in the sense that it forms a core memory, and there is just so much to say and write about the subject. Every kid loves to watch cartoons and has one favourite cartoon character they adore. However, young kids may struggle to write about their favourite cartoon characters or form meaningful sentences. We have some simple tips, references, and paragraphs to help them write an interesting essay on their favourite cartoon character and understand essay structuring.

Kids can talk for hours about their favourite cartoon character. However, when it comes to writing an essay, they may struggle with what to write. Here are some key points that will help them write a great essay on their favourite cartoon character:

  • Give a brief introduction to the cartoon character.
  • Briefly explain the plot of the cartoon series.
  • Write about the role and characteristics of the cartoon character.
  • Write why you like this character.

Barbie is one of the most loved cartoon characters by most young kids. Here are a few lines that will help in writing an essay for classes 1 and 2 students on Barbie:

  • Barbie is the most popular fashion doll in the world.
  • It was created by Ruth Handler and manufactured by Mattel Inc.
  • There are many animated series, cartoons and films based on the life of Barbie, her family and her friends.
  • I love to watch Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures and Barbie: Life in a Dreamhouse series.
  • Barbie is a fashionable, sweet and intelligent girl.
  • The cartoon series shows the life of Barbie and her many adventures.
  • Apart from Barbie, some other important characters on the carton are Ken, Skipper, Stacie and Teresa.
  • The animated series is full of humorous situations where Barbie and her family tackle different problems they face.
  • I have two dolls, one Barbie and one Ken doll. I also have a barbie doll house.
  •  I love Barbie because she is always helping her family and her friends in any situation.

There would hardly be a child or adult who doesn’t love Mickey Mouse. Here is a paragraph on the world’s most popular cartoon character:

Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse is an iconic cartoon character. From small towns to big cities, Mickey Mouse is a household favourite in the world. The pet mouse drawing that Walt Disney created inspired Mickey Mouse’s character; he was the first cartoon character in the world to speak. The cute little mouse is featured in many cartoon shows and movies. Even after decades of telecasting, those shows are still popular. Mickey, his friend Pluto, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse, etc., takes us on many fun adventures. The friendship and mutual love of Mickey Gang make the show popular. It teaches me that with our friends, we can overcome any trouble.

One of the favourite cartoon characters of Indian kids is Chota Bheem. Here’s an essay on this topic for young kids:

India is not far behind Western cartoons when it comes to creating fun and inspirational characters. Chota Bheem cartoon is a popular Indian cartoon show and character that I love the most. The show and characters take inspiration from the epic Mahabharat. However, it doesn’t follow the story of Mahabharat. Chota Bheem, together with his group of friends – Chutki, Raju and Jaggu, a monkey, teach us great things. They fight bad people together, destroy evil and stand for justice. Chota Bheem, though a kid, is very strong and intelligent. Through his intelligence, he helps everyone, even the bad kids who trouble him. Chota Bheem teaches us to be truthful, and bold, help everyone, fight evil and do good to everyone. The Chota Bheem cartoon show inspires me to be a good and smart kid like Chota Bheem.

my favourite cartoon character for kids - cindrella

This simple and easy essay will teach lower primary class kids the long sentence construction and structuring of essays:

Cinderella is the most popular princess in the cartoon world. The cartoon series is based on the folk tale ‘ The Little Glass Slipper’. There are many variations of the story of Cinderella in the world. The story is adapted into many books, films, and animation series. However, what I like the best are the movies and animation series made by Disney. Cinderella is often called a Disney princess.

Cinderella cartoon tells the story of a beautiful and poor girl. She lives with her evil stepmother and two sisters. Cinderella is very pretty with lovely long hair. Her gentle and loving nature makes everyone love her. But her family treats her very badly. Her step sisters are jealous of her beauty. So, her stepmother and sisters make her do all the housework. Even in the tattered clothes, Cinderella looks beautiful. The story talks about the magical meeting of Cinderella and the Prince. But they are separated, and the prince to find her, just has her glass slipper. And finally, through that slipper, Cinderella meets her prince and lives happily ever after.

I love the hopeful and positive story that inspires us to be always brave and good. Despite all her adversities, Cinderella never loses hope, sweetness, kindness and strength. She is cheerful even in her troubles. And through her strong spirit, she one day gets what she deserves, to be a princess. Even after becoming a princess, she doesn’t treat her family badly. Though a cartoon character, Cinderella teaches me to be always nice, polite, humble and hopeful. The message I get from watching Cinderella is that being nice and compassionate is not a weakness. Through their inner strength, good people can overcome any obstacle and become successful.

my favourite cartoon character for kids - tom and jerry

Writing essays on cartoon characters is a great way to teach sentence construction to young kids. Here is a short composition on Tom and Jerry for kids:

Tome and Jerry are the funniest of cartoon characters. The animation series shows the story of a pet cat Tom who has to chase out the naughty mouse Jerry. Jerry is always troubling Tom and stealing things from the house. Poor Tom is always trying to catch Jerry but always fails. Jerry, though naughty, is an intelligent mouse who at times, also helps Tom. And sometimes, even Tom helps Jerry when someone else troubles him. But soon, they are back to being enemies. The funny chase and run of these two characters is what makes this cartoon series stand out. Though Tom and Jerry are always fighting, their friendship is still evident. They teach me that we may fight with our friends, but when our friends need us, we should always be there for them.

Writing this essay presents a wonderful opportunity for children to express their views about their favourite character. Here is an essay on Doremon for kids:

I love to watch many cartoon shows. One of my most loved cartoon characters is Doremon. I love Doremon; though it is a Japanese animation character, I watch it in English translation. The story is about an intelligent earless robotic cat, Doremon. The robotic cat is from the 22nd century but comes back to the present time to help a young boy, Nobita Nobi. Nobita is weak in his studies and gets bullied all the time. Doremon protects Nobita, helps him in his studies and improves his life. I enjoy the numerous gadgets that Doremon carries. The friendship between the optimistic Doremon and cute Nobita teaches me to love all my friends.

As your kid writes a few lines on this topic, they learn to express their views, develop their sentence construction abilities, and improve their vocabulary. Through cartoons, kids learn many good things. When they are writing an essay on their favourite cartoon character, they get an opportunity to inspect those things in detail. Essay writing brings out their creativity, make them think about the topic and frames sentences in a structure. This helps your kid to improve their linguistic skills.

Kids have a good opportunity to visualise their favourite cartoon character and write down their feelings about that character when writing an essay about their favourite character. Essay writing helps in improving the writing skills of young kids.

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Essay on My Favourite Book

Essay generator.

Books are considered to be a man’s best friend. They are a powerhouse of knowledge and wisdom. It is rightly said that a book is like a garden carried in the pocket. Among the myriad of books I have read, one that stands out as my favourite is Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird.” This timeless classic is not just a book but a profound narrative that intertwines moral growth, racism, and social injustice in a way that resonates with its readers across generations.

Why “To Kill a Mockingbird” is My Favourite Book

Unforgettable characters.

The characters of “To Kill a Mockingbird” are its strongest suit. Scout Finch, the narrator, is a character whose innocence and curiosity about the world around her make the complex themes of the book accessible to readers. Through her eyes, we see the growth and moral development of characters as they navigate through the social fabric of Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus Finch, Scout’s father, embodies integrity and wisdom. He is a moral beacon, not just for his children but for the community, as he defends a black man, Tom Robinson, accused of raping a white woman. The characters are not just figments of fiction but are etched in reality, making readers reflect on their moral compass.

Themes of Moral Integrity and Social Injustice

The book delves deep into themes of racial injustice, moral integrity, and the loss of innocence. Through the trial of Tom Robinson, Harper Lee presents a stark portrayal of the racial inequalities that plagued the American South. But, more than that, the novel is a call to action, urging its readers to stand up against injustice and to strive for empathy and understanding. The character of Atticus Finch serves as a role model, teaching his children and the readers the importance of seeing the world from another’s perspective, emphasizing, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”

A Lesson in Empathy and Understanding

One of the most profound lessons “To Kill a Mockingbird” imparts is the importance of empathy. The novel encourages readers to look beyond the surface, to understand that every person has a story, and often, people act out of the pain and suffering that is not visible to the naked eye. The character of Boo Radley is a prime example. Initially portrayed as a figure of mystery and fear, Boo’s true nature is revealed towards the end, teaching Scout and the readers a valuable lesson about kindness, bravery, and the human capacity for goodness.

Impact and Relevance

“To Kill a Mockingbird” has not only won the Pulitzer Prize but has also become a staple in academic curriculums worldwide, testament to its impact and relevance. Its themes of racial injustice, moral courage, and empathy are as pertinent today as they were in the 1960s. The novel serves as a mirror to society, reflecting the biases and injustices that still exist while also illuminating the path towards understanding, acceptance, and equality.

Personal Reflection

For me, “To Kill a Mockingbird” is more than just a book; it is a journey into the heart of humanity. It has taught me the importance of standing up for what is right, even when the world seems against you. It has shown me the power of empathy, of the need to understand and accept others, regardless of our differences. Atticus Finch’s integrity, courage, and wisdom are qualities I aspire to embody in my own life.

In conclusion, “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is a book that transcends time and age. Its lessons on empathy, justice, and moral integrity are universal. It challenges readers to reflect on their values and prejudices, urging them towards a more compassionate and just world. This book holds a special place in my heart, not just as my favourite book but as a guide to navigating the complexities of the human condition. For anyone looking to understand the essence of humanity, to learn about courage and compassion, “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a must-read. It is a book that changes you, that makes you a better person, and that is why it remains my favourite book.


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  • Essay on My Favourite Book


My Favourite Book

Books are friends who will never abandon you. This saying rings true for me because books have always been there for me. I like to read books. They have the ability to transport us through worlds without requiring us to leave our current location.  Books have the power to transport people all over the world without them having to leave their homes. My parents and teachers always encouraged me to read when I was younger.  Harry Potter, on the other hand, will always be my favourite book.

J.K. Rowling, one of our generation's most eminent writers, wrote the Harry Potter series. These books depict the wizarding world and its operations. J.K. Rowling has done such a good job of painting a picture of this world that it feels real. Despite the fact that the series consists of seven books, I have a personal favourite.  When I first started reading the book, it immediately piqued my interest. Despite having read all of the previous parts, none of the books piqued my interest as much as this one did. 

The introduction of the other wizard schools is one of the things about this book that most excites me. The Triwizard Tournament concept is one of the most brilliant ideas I've seen in the Harry Potter series. In addition, some of my favourite characters appear in this book. Rowling's description of that character's aura and personality is simply brilliant. Furthermore, it made me a bigger fan of the series.Despite the fact that the books are set in the world of wizards and magic, the Harry Potter series contains many lessons for young people to learn.

For starters, it teaches us the value of friendship. I've read a lot of books, but I've never come across a friendship like Harry, Hermoine, and Ron's. Throughout the books, these three musketeers stayed together and never gave up. It taught me the importance of having a good friend.Furthermore, the Harry Potter series taught me that no one is perfect. Everyone carries both good and evil within them. This aided me in making better decisions and becoming a better person. We see how even the most flawed characters, such as Snape, had goodness within them. Similarly, even the nicest characters, such as Dumbledore, had flaws. This altered my attitude toward people and made me more considerate.

Finally, these books provided me with hope. They taught me what hope is and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It gave me the courage to hold on to hope even in the darkest of times, just as Harry had done his entire life. These are some of the most important lessons I took away from Harry Potter.In conclusion, while many films have been made based on the books. Nothing beats the essence and uniqueness of the books. The details and inclusiveness of books cannot be replaced by any other form of media. As a result, The Goblet of Fire is still my favourite book.


FAQs on Essay on My Favourite Book

1. Who are the Main Characters of Charlie in the Chocolate Factory?

The pivotal characters in the book are:

Willy Wonka: The enthusiastic owner of a chocolate factory. He is talkative, charming, friendly with quirky ideas. He had a painful childhood.

Charlie Bucket: A selfless, kind-hearted boy who is the second leading character.

Grandpa Joe: An ailing man in his nineties who accompanied Charlie in the chocolate factory.

Augustus Gloop: One of the four antagonists in the book. His mother is very proud of his gluttonous eating habit. He has always been a bully.

Violet Beauregarde: The second antagonist in the book. She is self-centred, rude, and addicted to chewing gum

Veruca Salt: The third antagonist who is demanding, spoiled, and greedy.

Mike Teevee: A bad-tempered young boy who is obsessed with television. He is the fourth antagonist in the book.

2. What Happens After Charlie Wins the Chocolate Factory?

There is a sequel to the book Charlie and the Chocolate factory. It is called Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. The Storyline begins right after where the first novel ends. Here Charlie, with his family, undergoes several incidents, including accidentally landing in the Earth's orbit. Also, an underdose and overdose of Wonka's formula led to surprising results. There was also a spin-off to this sequel. It was named Charlie in the White House. However, the work remained unfinished.

3. Can You Name Some Other Works of the Author of this Novel?

Roald Dahl was a celebrated author for children. Some of his best-known works include George's Marvellous Medicine, Fantastic Mr.Fox, Matilda, The BFG, The Witches, Danny the Champion of the World, and James and the Giant Peach. Many of his books have been adapted into movies, video games, and plays.

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My Favourite Book Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

  • Essay on My Favourite Book -

Books are a powerhouse of information and knowledge . There are different genres of books available for book readers. Every day, thousands of books are available in the market ranging from travel books to fictional books. We can pick any book of our interest to expand our knowledge and enjoy the reading experience. Here are some sample essays on my favourite book .

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Book

200 words essay on my favourite book, 500 words essay on my favourite book, what has harry potter taught me.

My Favourite Book Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Our ability to learn and retain information improves constantly as and when we read more and more ebooks. Reading a book is the finest way to learn something. My parents are avid book collectors. We even have an enormous collection of novels and books at home. The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes is one of them, and it's my favourite.

I love Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's writing. Most of his novels have been read by me. My favourite of them is Sherlock Holmes. The main character of this book series, Dr Watson, is also very fascinating. Upon beginning to read Sherlock Holmes, I fell in love with detective fiction. I have read numerous novels throughout my life since I enjoy reading them.

The Book I Love

Rusty, an orphaned Anglo-Indian young boy, is the protagonist of the novel ‘The Room on the Roof’. He lived with an Englishman named Mr Harrison in a colony of Europeans in Dehradun. Mr Harrison desires that Rusty should grow into a cultured Englishman and makes an effort to keep him away from the local Indians.

On the other hand, Rusty enjoys playing with his Indian friends. Thus, Rusty flees to live with his friends because he cannot stand Mr Harrison's strict rules and domineering personality. As he moves away from Mr Harrison, Rusty learns a lot about India and the Indian lifestyle. But he soon understands that in order to survive, he must work.

He soon starts teaching English to Mr and Mrs Kapoor's son Kishen. They provide him with a space under their roof and feed him in exchange for his help and support. He eventually learns that Mr Kapoor is an alcoholic. His wife Meena is 20 years younger than Mr Kapoor. Meena is attracted to Rusty, and he feels the same way about her. They become very close over time. Rusty experiences joy for the very first time in his entire life.

His joy, however, is short-lived since Meena perishes in a car accident. Both Kishen and Rusty are devastated by the news. Kishen moves in with his aunt after this occurrence, leaving Rusty alone. Rusty makes the decision to settle down in England in order to get over his tragedy and start again.

Books have always been loyal companions that stick by your side. The ones that were always there by my side were books. I like reading books. Without physically going anywhere, they have the ability to allow us to travel through other places. Furthermore, reading books helps us use our creativity. My parents and educators pushed me to read during my childhood. I learned the value of reading from them.

Harry Potter Series

Harry Potter is a series of novels by J.K. Rowling. It feels authentic because J.K. Rowling did such an excellent job at painting a visual of this world. The Goblet of Fire is my favourite volume in this series.

My interest was immediately sparked when I began reading the book. I had read every chapter before, but none of the novels had the same effect on me as this particular one did. A broader view of the wizard's society was provided. This book's presentation of the various wizard schools is among the aspects that most thrill me. One of the most original ideas I've encountered in the books of Harry Potter is the idea of the Tri-wizard competition.

The Harry Potter books offer a lot of principles for young individuals to learn, despite the fact that they are about wizards and the magical world. It first teaches us the value of friendship. Despite the number of novels I've read, I've never encountered a friendship quite like Harry, Hermione, and Ron's. Throughout the entire series of books, these three musketeers remained a team and never gave up. It made me appreciate the significance of a good friend.

I learned that none of us is flawless from the Harry Potter series. It also taught me that each person has both good and bad traits and it is up to us who we want to be and this is the decision only we make for ourselves. Even the characters with the greatest flaws, like Snape, had excellent qualities like intelligence, commitment, ambition, and talent and he fulfilled all his promises.

Although Snape was a cruel and cunning personality he changed and became a good person after Dumbledore gave him a chance. It teaches us that every bad person can change, it might be a difficult process but one should always change for good. These qualities inspire me to be ambitious and committed as this will help me to achieve all the goals in my life.

I learned from them what it is to have hope and believe that there is light on the other side of the tunnel. It empowered me to maintain optimism even at the worst moments, as Harry did throughout his entire life.

A lot of films based on novels have been produced. The authenticity and core of the novels are unmatched. No other type of media can compare to the specifics and inclusivity of books. I still think The Goblet of Fire is my favourite book because of this fact.

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Essay on My Favourite Book in English for Children and Students

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Essay on My Favourite Book in English: Books are one of the most important inventions of humanity. They are our best friends and they can never be replaced by anything else. Books give us knowledge, pleasure and a deep insight into the world around us. They are the source of our inspiration and motivation.

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Mark Twain rightly said, “Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” One must-read books to ensure a fulfilling and satisfying life. Reading books is as important for a person as making friends and also socializing. People have different tastes when it comes to books. While some may like the crime genre, others might love romance, while yet others might be hooked on science fiction. People tend to have personal favorites when it comes to books.

Books are the best friends, companions and teachers. They play an important role in our life. They give us an inner vision and a deeper insight. They enrich our experience and sharpen our intellect. They give us an opportunity to stand on other people’s shoulders and see the world from a higher perspective.

Long and Short Essays on My Favourite Book in English

Here are long and short essays on My Favourite Book to help you with the topic in your exam. Following My Favourite Book Essay is written very simply using easy words under different words limit to help you with the topic in your exams. We have covered different famous books under our five essays so that you can get your favorite one-book essay.

Essay on My Favourite Book 200 words – Essay 1

‘my favourite book – palace of illusions’.

I have read several books. However, none has captivated my interest as the Palace of Illusions. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni writes the book. Born in 1956, Chitra is a well-known Indian American author and poet. An alumnus of the University of Calcutta and the Wright State University, United States, Chitra received a Ph.D. in English from California.

Her book, The Palace of Illusions, narrates the story of Panchali from the epic story of Mahabharat. Chitra has given a feminist interpretation of this epic saga through her narrator, Panchali. The novel focuses on the life of Panchali. It covers those aspects of her life that were missed in the other adaptations of Mahabharat. It gives a detailed account of Panchaali’s life from when she was born. Her birth was no less than a miracle. She was born magically in the fire.

Panchali was the daughter of a wealthy king. She went on to marry the five Pandavas. After her marriage, her hardships have been written at length in the novel. The challenges of living in exile, her relationship with her husband and mother-in-law, and her equation with Lord Krishna have all been covered in the novel.

Panchali is a charismatic and daring character. I loved reading about her. Chitra has portrayed the character and also depicted the events very well.

Essay on My Favourite Subject

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Essay on My Favourite Book 300 words – Essay 2

‘my favourite book – 2 states by chetan bhagat’.


I love reading romance novels and one of the best I have read so far is 2 states by Chetan Bhagat. I love the central characters of this novel and how love evolves between them. The novel is said to be partly autobiographical. Bhagat’s own love story inspired him to write this book. The book was loved by the masses so much that it was even adapted into a movie.

The Interesting Story of 2 States

The story is about a young Punjabi boy, Krish, and a beautiful South Indian girl, Ananya. The two studies at IIM Ahmedabad. They become good friends and spend a lot of time together. Soon fall in love with each other. They want to get married but cannot foresee the difficulties ahead. The problem begins when they introduce their parents to each other.

The two families are from different cultural backgrounds and find it hard to get along. Krish and Ananya try hard to pacify the situation and establish a bond between the two. However, things go out of hand, and they decide to part ways. They begin to concentrate on their respective careers, but it is hard. It is difficult for them to forget each other. Finally, things take a turn for the good, and they reunite.

I love the deep bond between Krish and Ananya. Chetan Bhagat has brought these characters to life. They seem just meant for each other. Other characters in the story are also quite strong and opinionated. It is interesting to read about each one of them.

I love this book. I have read it thrice and can read it over and over again. The characters of this story seem so real that I start living with them every time I read this book. I have also seen the movie based on this book and enjoyed it thoroughly.

My Favourite Book Paragraph For Students

Essay on My Favourite Book 400 words – Essay 3

‘my favourite book – a suitable boy.

One of my all-time favourite books is Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy. The story is lengthy but doesn’t get boring at any point. It is one of the longest Indian novels ever published in the English language in a single volume. It contains as many as 1349 pages. I love the theme as well as the characters of this story. It took me almost two months to finish reading this novel.

The Interesting Storyline

The story is set in India, which recently attained independence from British Rule. It narrates the story of four families. The story set in the fictional town of Brahmpur focuses on the character of Mrs. Rupa Mehra, who is eagerly looking for a match for her younger daughter, Lata. As I began reading the book, it reminded me of Pride and also Prejudice.

The character of Mrs. Rupa Mehra resembled that of Elizabeth’s mother in the novel. The central theme seemed similar too. However, I like A Suitable Boy more as it is set in India and is more relatable. Seth shares that this work has largely been inspired by the Chinese novel, The Story of the Stone, authored by Cao Xuegin.

I particularly loved Lata’s character. She is a young girl who is daring and likes to make her decisions on her own. She does not conform to the rules set by her mother and the opinion of her brother. The difficulties she faces in due course of the story and the way she tries to overcome them are interesting. Her character inspires me to stand for what I feel is right.

The caste and class tension and the post-partition politics form the novel’s backdrop, making it more interesting.

About the Author – Vikram Seth

Vikram Seth, born in Calcutta in 1952, is an Indian author and poet. He belongs to a well-educated and respectable Indian family. His mother, Leila Seth, became the first Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court. Seth has written several exciting novels and poems.

His writings have been immensely appreciated. He has won some prestigious awards for his work. These include the Padma Shri, WH Smith Literary Award, Sahitya Academy Award, Crossword Book Award, and also the Pravasi Bhartiya Samman.

I love Seth’s portrayal of the changing family values and relationships in independent India. Therefore the social and political issues that the country was gripped with post-independence have been interwoven appropriately to set the novel’s tone.

Essay on Reading is a Good Habit

Essay on My Favourite Book 500 words – Essay 4

‘my favourite book – the room on the roof’.

I read a lot. It is my favourite hobby. I keep reading books from different authors, but my favourite ones are those written by the famous Indian author Ruskin Bond. Since my childhood, I have been reading his books and have always loved them. One of my favourite books is The Room on the Roof.

The Storyline

The Room on the Roof is the story of an orphaned Anglo-Indian boy, Rusty. He lives with Mr. Harrison. Therefore they reside in a European colony in Dehradun. Mr. Harrison wants Rusty to turn out into a sophisticated Englishman. However he tries to keep him away from the Indians living in their vicinity.

Rusty, on the other hand, loves playing with his Indian friends. He enjoys their company thoroughly. Unable to bear Mr. Harrison’s dominating attitude and rules, Rusty runs away to live with his friends. He starts living with his friends and becomes dependent on them for his routine needs.

Rusty explores so much about India and the Indian culture as he begins to live away from Mr. Harrison. He loves this newfound freedom. But soon realizes that he cannot go on this way for long. He understands that he needs to work to survive.

Soon, he begins to give English lessons to Kishen Kapoor, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor. They provide him with accommodation and food in return for his service. He starts living in a room on their roof. Eventually, he finds out that Mr. Kapoor is a drunkard. His wife, Meena, is 20 years younger than him. Rusty feels infatuated with Meena, and she reciprocates the feelings. The two grow quite close. For the first time in his life, Rusty feels elated.

However, his happiness is short-lived as Meena dies in a car accident. Rusty is devastated at the news, and so is Kishen. After this incident, Kishen goes to live with his aunt, and Rusty is left alone. To overcome the grief and start life afresh, Rusty decides to get settled in England. Before leaving for England, Rusty meets Kishen. He learns that Rusty has become a thief while Mr. Kapoor has remarried. He takes it as his responsibility to help Kishen come out of the dark world of crime. However he advises Kishen to lead a respectable life.

I love the Protagonist of the Book

I loved the character of Rusty. His journey took me through a roller coaster of emotions. I felt bad about his condition as a kid. The way Mr. Harrison treats him is heart-wrenching. I loved it when he ran away from Mr. Harrison’s house and experienced freedom. I also liked the equation between Meena and Rusty. However, the demise of Meena and the condition of Rusty towards the end saddened me yet again.

Ruskin Bond – The Famous Writer

Ruskin Bond is an Indian author of British descent. He resides in Mussoorie, India. Has written numerous books. He is known for writing some of the best children’s books. However has received a lot of appreciation for his work. He has been awarded the Sahitya Academy Award for his contribution to literature.

The story of Rusty has touched my heart. I have read this book many times. I love the various phases in Rusty’s life and also how he deals with the various challenges he faces.

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Essay on My Favourite Book 600 words – Essay 5

‘my favourite book – the god of small things.

The God of Small Things is one of the best books written by an Indian author. This was the first novel of Arundhati Roy. It won her the Booker Prize for Fiction in the year 1997. It also happens to be one of my favourite books. I love its plot, characters, and theme.

About the Author – Arundhati Roy

Arundhati Roy was born in Shillong, Meghalaya. Rajib Roy’s father was a tea plantation manager, and her mother, Mary Roy, was a women’s rights activist. Her parents divorced when she was two years old. She lived with her mother. They settled in Kerala, which was her mother’s hometown. She has studied architecture. She rose to fame with the release of her debut novel, The God of Small Things which became a best seller. It won her many accolades.

Roy is also a political activist. She has been working on environmental and also human rights issues.

The God of Small Things

The God of Small Things narrates the story of a family living in Kerela in the 1960s. It covers several issues, including the evil caste system and also communism. Is the story of Esthappen and Rahel. It shares the joys and sorrows they experienced during their childhood and how the turn of events during their early life evolved them as individuals.

The story moves to and fro, depicting the events occurring in the life of the twins when they were seven years old and as they turned 31. The story is about a dysfunctional family. The relationship between the characters is quite complicated. It is something that passed from generation to generation. Pappachi, the grandfather of Rahel and also Estha, could not do well professionally, and he takes out all his anger and frustration on his wife. He beats her throughout his life. The life of their kids, Ammu and Chako, also screwed up.

Chacko’s wife Margaret betrays him. She falls for another man and leaves Chacko for him. However, soon after, her lover dies. Chacko and Margaret have a daughter named Sophie, who dies a tragic death. Ammu marries a man named Baba, an incompetent and abusive person. Their marriage also falls apart soon. The two have twins, Rahel and Estha.

The main part of the story begins when Sophie, Rahel, and Estha meet. The twins are seven years old at that time. The plot gets interesting with several twists and turns. Ammu’s affair with a low caste man, Velutha, Sophie’s tragic death, Chacko’s hatred for Ammu, and also all that follows keep the readers hooked. It is sad to read how Estha and Rahel have to part ways. The twins who were so close to each other raised in different places and never get to see others for years. At last, they meet and realize how much they love and need each other.

The communist tension, the stress within the family, social issues, and the complicated relationships all written precisely and in a way that the interest is kept alive until the end.

I love the portrayal of the characters. They are all different from each other and have an interesting stories of their own. I especially love the twins. My heart goes out to them. They had a traumatic childhood because of their abusive father and frustrated mother. Their lives didn’t turn out to be great even as they grew up. Therefore only solace they found was in each other’s company which they realized as they reunited after years.

The novel touched my heart. It made me wonder how the rules made by society almost ruin people’s life. I experienced several feelings such as anger, disgust, joy, and love as I went through this book.

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Frequently Asked Questions on My Favourite Book

What is your favorite children's book.

My favorite children's book is 'Where the Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak.

What do you love about books?

I love books because they transport me to different worlds, spark my imagination, and offer knowledge and entertainment.

Why do you enjoy reading a book?

I enjoy reading books because they allow me to escape reality, learn new things, and experience a wide range of emotions.

Which is the most favorite book?

My most favorite book is 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee.

How do I talk about my book?

When talking about my favorite book, I usually mention the author, the plot, and what I found most compelling about it.

What should I say my favorite book is?

You should say your favorite book is one that has had a profound impact on you, whether through its story, characters, or themes.

Which is your favorite story book, and why?

My favorite storybook is 'The Little Prince' by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry because it beautifully explores the complexities of human nature and relationships.

How do I write about my favorite book?

When writing about my favorite book, I describe the plot, characters, and the emotions it evoked in me.

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Student Essays

Essay on My Favourite Movie | Short & Long Essay For Students

If you are trying to write an essay on the topic my favorite Movie then you can read here a sample essay on topic of my favorite movie. Everyone loves different movies my favorite movie can be; 3 idiots, fast & furious, harry potter, bahubali 2 etc.

The following sample essay on my favorite movie in English, in 150, 300 words will help you to write an essay on my favorite movie easily.

Essay on My Favorite Movie For Children & Students

The entertainment industry is very popular for making hundreds of exciting movies to entertain us. Each film has a different genre like there are social, historical, science, fiction, documentary-based, religious, thriller, or horror movies.

Essay on My Favourite Movie For Children & Students

I also like to watch movies in my spare time. According to me, a good movie is the one in which we can relate with the characters and share the excitement or sorrows.

My Favorite Movie Essay

The movie that I like the most is “Taarezameen per”. It is my favorite movie and I have seen it so many times. There are no bold scenes in this movie and people of every age can watch it. This is my favorite movie because the story is very touching. This movie is both entertaining and educational. All the characters have acted so well in this movie.

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It is an emotional movie which always keeps me glued to the screen. It tells about the story of a boy who suffers from dyslexia due to which he is unable to identify speech sounds and how they relate to letters. Because of this disorder, he cannot excel in any activity.

He finds all the subjects difficult to study. Even with this disorder, he is very good at painting. However, he gets expelled from school because of his poor performance.

All the teachers tell his parents that their boy is not normal and he should be sent to school which is especially made for special children like him. Later, his parents send him to boarding school. There he sinks into a state of nervousness and fear because of new environment. Fortunately, he finds an art teacher there who is very supportive and caring.

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His teacher realizes that it is not ishaan’s fault to get bad grades but a disorder which makes it difficult for him to focus. He visits ishaan’s home and gets surprised to see his drawings.

He also gets to know that ishaan’s dad does not understand him and often shouts at him for not getting good grades. Because of this, ishaan no longer paints and suffers from anxiety.

He gets motivated to improve ishaan’s writing and reading by using techniques developed by dyslexia specialists. These techniques help ishaan to score good grades in school. In the end, he also wins a painting competition because of his striking creative style.

I like how this story is relevant in today’s society. According to me, this is a movie which gives best moral to parents, teachers and every child. It is a marvelous piece of work which shows a perfect relationship between a teacher and a student. It highlights the issue that sometimes, parents do not understand that every kid is different.

If he is not good at studies then there must be some other thing which he is good at. He might be interested in painting, acting, singing or sports. Therefore, parents should not discourage their children but help them in what they like.

I like how the director of this movie has brought out a clear message that parents should not ignore the interests of kids and they should not snatch their childhood from them by giving them burden of getting good grades or efficient performance in every field.

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I just hope that this movie will change the thinking of parents and society. I have seen this movie so many times with my family. Every aspect of this movie, from cast to location selection is amazing. All the actors have done an amazing job. I really cried while seeing this movie. I know, I will never get bored from this movie.

Essay on My Favorite Movie Harry Potter

My love for movies started when I was a kid, and ever since then, movies have been my favorite pastime. From action-packed thrillers to romantic comedies, there’s a movie genre for every mood. But if I have to pick just one movie as my all-time favorite, hands down it would be the Harry Potter series.

For those who are not familiar with the name, Harry Potter is a fictional character created by British author J.K. Rowling. The series consists of seven books and eight movies, which follows the journey of a young wizard named Harry Potter, who discovers his true identity as “The Chosen One” and battles against the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort.

I was first introduced to Harry Potter when I was in elementary school, and I still remember the excitement of reading the books for the first time. The magical world of Hogwarts, spells, potions, and flying broomsticks had me completely captivated. As a kid, I would often daydream about receiving my acceptance letter to Hogwarts and attending classes with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

When the movies were released, I was ecstatic! It was a dream come true to see my favorite characters and their adventures brought to life on the big screen. The cast, especially Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Emma Watson as Hermione Granger, and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley, did an incredible job of portraying their characters and staying true to the books.

One of the things I love most about the Harry Potter series is the way it tackles important themes such as love, friendship, courage, and good vs. evil. The characters face challenges and overcome them by staying true to their values and relying on each other for support. This message of unity and strength in the face of adversity resonated with me, and I believe it’s one of the reasons why the series has such a huge fan base.

Moreover, the world-building in the Harry Potter series is impeccable. J.K. Rowling’s attention to detail and ability to create a vivid and complex magical world is truly impressive. From Diagon Alley to Hogsmeade, each location has its own unique charm and adds depth to the story. The spells and magical creatures introduced in the series are also fascinating, and I love how each one has its own history and significance.

Apart from the story and characters, the music in the Harry Potter movies is another aspect that makes them stand out for me. The iconic theme song composed by John Williams never fails to give me chills, and it perfectly captures the essence of the series. The rest of the soundtrack is also beautifully crafted and adds to the overall magical atmosphere of the movies.

As I grew older, my love for the Harry Potter series only intensified. I started noticing and appreciating the deeper themes and symbolism in the story that went beyond just a tale of magic and adventure. The series also taught me valuable life lessons about courage, friendship, and standing up for what is right.

Even today, I find myself re-reading the books and re-watching the movies whenever I need a break from reality. The Harry Potter series has become a timeless classic, and I believe it will continue to capture the hearts of audiences for generations to come.

In conclusion, the Harry Potter series holds a special place in my heart as my all-time favorite movie. It’s not just about magic and adventure, but it’s a story about love, friendship, and overcoming challenges. The series has sparked my imagination and taught me valuable life lessons that I will carry with me forever. And for that, I will always be grateful to J.K. Rowling for creating such a magical world and to the cast and crew for bringing it to life on the big screen.

My Favorite Movie PK

Are you a big movie fan? Do you ever find yourself eagerly waiting for new releases, rewatching old classics, and discussing plot twists with your friends? If so, then you probably understand the feeling of having a favorite movie. For me, that movie is PK.

Released in 2014, PK is an Indian satirical comedy-drama directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The film stars Aamir Khan as the lead character, an alien who lands on earth and becomes stranded when his remote control to return home is stolen. He then embarks on a journey to retrieve it and encounters various aspects of human society, including religion, superstition, and love.

The first time I watched PK, I was blown away by its unique concept and thought-provoking message. The film uses comedy to address serious issues, making it both entertaining and meaningful. It challenges societal norms and beliefs, encouraging viewers to think critically about their own values.

One of the things I love most about PK is its ability to make me laugh while also making me reflect on larger societal issues. The character of PK himself is endearing and hilarious, with his childlike innocence and curiosity about human behaviors. Aamir Khan’s performance as PK is outstanding, bringing the character to life in a way that captures the audience’s hearts.

The film also has a stellar supporting cast, including Anushka Sharma, Sushant Singh Rajput, and Boman Irani. Each actor delivers a memorable performance, adding depth and complexity to the film’s themes. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, making their relationships feel authentic and relatable.

One of the most impactful aspects of PK is its commentary on religion. The film presents a thought-provoking argument against blind faith and superstition, showcasing how religious leaders can exploit people’s beliefs for personal gain.

It also highlights the importance of questioning and understanding one’s own beliefs rather than blindly following societal norms. This message resonated with me deeply and has stayed with me long after watching the film.

In addition to its thought-provoking themes, PK also boasts stunning cinematography and a captivating soundtrack. The music adds emotion and depth to key scenes, enhancing the overall viewing experience. The film’s settings, from the bustling streets of Mumbai to the tranquil beauty of Rajasthan, further immerse viewers into PK’s world.

But what truly makes PK my favorite movie is its ability to make me feel a range of emotions. I laughed at PK’s antics, cried during emotional moments, and felt anger towards societal injustices portrayed in the film. It takes skillful storytelling to evoke such strong emotions from the audience, and PK does it flawlessly.

PK has received both critical and commercial success, becoming one of the highest-grossing Indian films of all time. It also won several awards, including Best Film at the 60th Filmfare Awards. However, what matters most to me is its impact on society and its ability to spark important conversations.

The film’s message is timeless and relevant, making it a must-watch for people of all ages and backgrounds.

In conclusion PK is more than just a movie to me. It’s a thought-provoking masterpiece that challenges societal norms and encourages viewers to question their own beliefs. Its unique blend of comedy, drama, and social commentary makes it my favorite movie, one that I will continue to rewatch and recommend to others. If you haven’t seen PK yet, do yourself a favor and add it to your must-watch list. Who knows, it may become your favorite movie too. So, what are you waiting for? Grab some popcorn and hit play on PK – an unforgettable cinematic experience awaits!

Essay on My Favorite Movie Fast and Furious:

The Fast and Furious franchise has been a staple in the action movie genre for over two decades. With its adrenaline-fueled car chases, heart-stopping stunts, and diverse cast of characters, it’s no wonder that this series has become a favorite among fans worldwide.

My love for this franchise began when I first watched The Fast and the Furious back in 2001. From the very first race scene, I was hooked. The sound of revving engines and the sight of sleek cars racing through the streets had me on the edge of my seat. But what truly drew me in was the chemistry between characters Dominic Toretto and Brian O’Conner.

Their bromance and loyalty to each other despite their differences resonated with me. It’s not just about fast cars and action-packed scenes, but also about the bond of family and friendship that has kept this franchise going strong.

One of the most appealing aspects of the Fast and Furious series is its diverse cast. From street racers to former criminals, each character brings their own unique skills and personalities to the table. And as the franchise grew, so did the representation of different cultures and backgrounds.

The shift from street racing to heists in Fast Five not only upped the ante with thrilling action sequences but also introduced us to fan-favorite characters like Han, Tej, and Roman. Even more diversity was brought to the franchise with strong female characters like Letty, Mia, and most recently Hattie Shaw. Seeing people from all walks of life come together and form a strong bond is what makes this series stand out for me.

But it’s not just the characters that make this franchise special; it’s also the crazy stunts and over-the-top action sequences. From driving cars off cliffs to jumping between skyscrapers, each movie manages to push the limits of what we thought was possible. And the fact that most of these stunts are done practically is a testament to the dedication and hard work put in by the cast and crew.

It’s also worth mentioning how well this franchise has evolved over time. From humble beginnings as a street racing movie, it has now become a global phenomenon with spin-offs, video games, and even a live show. The Fast and Furious franchise has proven that it can adapt and continue to entertain audiences with each new installment.

While I have enjoyed all the movies in this franchise, there are a few that stand out for me. Fast Five, in particular, holds a special place in my heart. It was the first movie that fully embraced the heist aspect of the series while still maintaining its signature car chases and fight scenes. The addition of Dwayne Johnson’s character, Luke Hobbs, also added an extra layer of excitement to the movie.

Another favorite of mine is Furious 7. Not only did it have some of the most thrilling action sequences in the franchise, but it also served as a touching tribute to Paul Walker, who tragically passed away during filming. The emotional impact of his absence was felt throughout the movie, and it truly showed how much this cast had become a family both on and off-screen.

In conclusion, the Fast and Furious franchise holds a special place in my heart as my favorite movie series. Its diverse cast, heart-pumping action sequences, and themes of family and friendship make each movie a joy to watch. While the franchise may have started as a simple movie about street racing, it has now become a global phenomenon that continues to entertain audiences worldwide.

And with more movies and spin-offs in the works, I can’t wait to see what other exciting adventures this franchise has in store for us. So, if you haven’t watched any of the Fast and Furious movies yet, I highly recommend you give them a chance and join in on the ride. So buckle up and get ready for some high-speed action with the Fast and Furious franchise!

Essay on My Favorite Movie Twilight:

My favorite movie of all time is Twilight. I know, I know, it may sound cliché but hear me out. The reason why it’s my favorite movie goes beyond the romantic vampire and werewolf love triangle that captured the hearts of millions around the world.

Twilight is not just a typical romance film. It’s a story about self-discovery, acceptance, and the power of love to transcend all boundaries.

The movie is based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer and follows the story of Bella Swan, a teenage girl who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father. There she meets Edward Cullen, a mysterious and handsome vampire who she falls in love with. However, their love is not without challenges as they must navigate the dangerous world of vampires and werewolves while also facing their own personal demons.

One of the reasons why I love this movie is because of its strong female lead. Bella is not your typical damsel in distress waiting to be saved by her prince charming. She is independent, brave, and unafraid to stand up for what she believes in. Her character development throughout the series is inspiring and relatable, making her a role model for young girls everywhere.

Another aspect of the movie that I enjoy is its beautiful cinematography. The stunning scenery of the Pacific Northwest adds to the mystical and enchanting atmosphere of the story. It’s no wonder that fans from all over the world travel to Forks to visit some of the filming locations.

But what makes this movie truly special to me is its theme of love conquering all. Despite their differences, Bella and Edward’s love for each other remains strong and unwavering. It shows that true love knows no boundaries, whether it be race, social status, or even species.

Twilight may have its fair share of critics but for me, it will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s not just a movie, it’s a reminder that love is the most powerful force in the world and can overcome any obstacle.

In conclusion, Twilight is more than just a teenage romance movie. It’s a beautiful story about love, growth, and acceptance. Its captivating characters, breathtaking scenery, and timeless message make it my all-time favorite movie. It’s a film that I can watch over and over again, always finding something new to love about it. And for that, it will forever hold a special place in my heart.

So the next time someone asks me why Twilight is my favorite movie, I’ll simply smile and say “because it’s not just a movie, it’s a love story that transcends all boundaries.” So, if you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend giving it a chance and experiencing the magic of Twilight for yourself. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Essay on My Favorite Movie Dangal:

As a movie buff, I have watched hundreds of movies spanning different genres. But there is one movie that stands out amongst them all and holds a special place in my heart – Dangal.

Dangal is an Indian sports biographical drama based on the real-life story of former wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters Geeta Phogat and Babita Kumari. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, the movie stars Aamir Khan as Mahavir Singh Phogat and Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra as his daughters. The film was released in 2016 and has since become one of the highest-grossing Indian films of all time.

What makes Dangal my favorite movie is not just its box office success, but the powerful message it delivers. The film challenges societal norms and stereotypes by showcasing the struggle of a father who defies all odds to train his daughters in a male-dominated sport like wrestling. It breaks gender barriers and inspires young girls to pursue their dreams, no matter how unconventional they may seem.

Apart from its impactful message, Dangal also delivers exceptional performances by its lead actors. Aamir Khan once again proves his versatility as an actor with his portrayal of Mahavir Singh Phogat. He not only physically transforms himself to play the role of a wrestler but also brings out the emotional side of a father who is determined to see his daughters succeed. Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra also shine in their roles as the Phogat sisters, displaying strong-willed and determined characters.

The film’s screenplay and direction are top-notch, keeping the audience engaged from start to finish. The wrestling scenes are choreographed brilliantly, making them look realistic and intense. The soundtrack of the movie is another highlight, with songs like “Dangal” and “Haanikaarak Bapu” becoming instant hits.

In addition to its commercial success, Dangal has also received critical acclaim. The film won several awards, including the National Film Award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment and three Filmfare Awards. It was also India’s official entry for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

In conclusion, Dangal is a movie that has it all – a powerful message, exceptional performances, and top-notch execution. It not only entertains but also educates and inspires its audience. For me, it will always remain my favorite movie and one that I highly recommend to everyone. So if you haven’t watched it yet, do yourself a favor and add it to your must-watch list. You won’t be disappointed. So, keep watching amazing movies!

Short Essay on My Favorite Movie Bahubali:

Bahubali is an epic Indian movie that swept the nation off its feet with its grandeur, action-packed scenes, and compelling storyline. Released in 2015, this movie was a game-changer for Indian cinema as it broke all box office records and took the world by storm.

Directed by S.S. Rajamouli, Bahubali tells the story of two brothers, Amarendra Bahubali and Bhallaladeva, who fight for the throne of the ancient kingdom of Mahishmati. The movie is set in a fictional world filled with political intrigue, love, war, and betrayal.

One of the reasons I fell in love with this movie is its incredible action sequences. From sword fights to larger-than-life battle scenes, Bahubali has it all. The special effects and CGI used in the movie are top-notch and make the fight scenes even more captivating.

But what truly sets Bahubali apart is its strong characters, especially its female lead Devasena. She is a fierce warrior who can hold her ground against any opponent. Her character challenges traditional gender roles and stands out as a symbol of strength and resilience.

Apart from the action, Bahubali also has a heart-wrenching love story between Amarendra Bahubali and Devasena. Their chemistry is palpable, and their love for each other is portrayed beautifully on screen. This adds an emotional depth to the movie that makes it even more impactful.

Moreover, what I admire about Bahubali is how it showcases the rich culture and traditions of India. The sets, costumes, and music all beautifully capture the essence of Indian mythology and history.

Aside from its entertainment value, Bahubali also has a powerful message about good triumphing over evil. Through the character of Amarendra Bahubali, the movie teaches us that true strength lies in compassion and not violence.

In conclusion, Bahubali will always hold a special place in my heart as it is not just a movie but an experience. It has set the bar high for Indian cinema and has left its mark on audiences worldwide. This movie truly represents the magic of storytelling and proves that with passion and dedication, anything is possible. So, if you haven’t watched Bahubali yet, do yourself a favor and experience this masterpiece for yourself. So, don’t wait any longer and dive into the world of Bahubali – you won’t regret it!

How do I write an essay about my favorite movie?

Answer: To write an essay about your favorite movie, start with an introduction, provide a brief summary of the film, discuss the plot, characters, and themes, share personal insights and emotions it evoked, and conclude with your overall assessment.

How do I write an essay about a movie?

Answer: To write an essay about a movie, introduce the film and its context, summarize the plot, analyze elements like characters, themes, and cinematography, discuss the impact and significance of the movie, and conclude with your evaluation and personal reflections.

How would you describe your favorite movie?

Answer: My favorite movie is “The Shawshank Redemption.” It’s a powerful and poignant drama set in a prison, focusing on the themes of hope, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit. The film’s characters and storytelling are exceptional, making it a timeless classic.

What is your favorite movie and why?

Answer: My favorite movie is “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.” I love it because of its epic fantasy world, compelling characters, and the timeless battle of good versus evil. The storytelling, visuals, and music combine to create an immersive and magical experience that never gets old

5 thoughts on “Essay on My Favourite Movie | Short & Long Essay For Students”

Hey! Can you make a essay on Break the Silence: The movie💜

Hey! Can you make a essay on Frozen and How to train your dragon: The movie💜

Thank you for writing this essay. This essay is very important.

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  • Essay on Favourite Personality

500 Words Essay On Favourite Personality

There are a lot of people all over the world who have achieved greatness and people look up to them. Many celebrities, leaders and artists serve as inspiration for a lot of people. Thus, everyone has a favourite personality whom they admire. In most cases, it is usually a well-known person. But, for me, my favourite personality is not someone famous throughout the world, but famous in our family, my father .

favourite personality

My Father- My Favourite Personality

I used to look up to celebrities growing up and many of them were my role models. But, as I got older, I realized that my favourite personality is right in front of me. My father with whom I live, eat and sleep.

He is the one who has helped me become a better human being. Moreover, my father is the one I thank for my healthy and protected life. My father is a kind man who is very polite. He always likes helping out others.

Moreover, he also teaches us good manners and helps us feel grateful for all we have. As he is very polite, my neighbours also love him. He knows how to make others feel comfortable.

Most importantly, my father always helps out those in need. He will go out of his way to help strangers when they need it. As he is a God-fearing person, I have learned to have faith in my father.

My father is the pillar of my family . He holds us together and makes us strong. I have always seen him sort everything out between us members if we ever get into a fight. He does not show any biases to anyone but loves everyone equally.

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What Makes My Father a Great Personality

I have realized that you don’t have to be super famous to have a great personality. You can be an ordinary person and still have the greatest personality. My father is a great personality as he considers everyone’s feelings in my family.

He makes us feel equally important and takes the advice of every one of us, no matter the age. He follows the simplest of rules and never refuses those who come seeking help at our door.

My father has a soft heart and that is something I strive to have. He does not raise his voice ever and treats everyone with kindness. In addition, my father is a unique personality who serves as a good citizen too.

He never ever breaks any laws or rules. Also, my father never spoils us by buying unnecessary things. He makes sure we learn the value of things so that we turn out to be humble people.

Conclusion of Essay on My Favourite Personality

All in all, my father is like a guide who cares about his family. His personality makes me admire and respect him the most. He acts like a friend and as a parent when he needs to. To conclude, my father is my favourite personality and my biggest support.

FAQ on Essay on Favourite Personality

Question 1: What is meant by favourite personality?

Answer 1: A favourite personality is someone whom you like in a special way for who they are and how they carry themselves.

Question 2: Why are fathers the most influential person in our lives?

Answer 2: Fathers acts as our parent as well as a friend . They push us to do better no matter what happens and always guide us on the right path to help us succeed.

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