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Essay on Uses of Internet – Advantages and Disadvantages

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Essay on uses of Internet – advantages, and disadvantages: – The Internet is one of the best gifts of science. It has made our life and lifestyle much easier than before. Today Team GuideToExam brings to you a number of essays on the internet along with the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

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Table of Contents

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (50 Words)

The Internet is a modern gift of science to us. In this modern world, we can’t do anything without the use of the internet. We all know the use of the internet in business, online transactions, different official works, etc. Students also use the internet to boost their studies.

But there are both advantages and disadvantages of the internet for students. Some students know how can the internet be used to improve their studies, but due to misuse of the internet some students loss, their valuable time and can’t score well in exams. But we can’t deny the use of the internet in education, business, online transactions, etc.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (150 Words)         

The Internet is the greatest invention of science. It helps us in getting every piece of information with a click. We can share information, and get connected with people around the world through the use of the internet.

The Internet is a vast storage of information where we can get a bunch of information from different fields. There are both uses and abuses of the internet. The use of the internet in business has developed the business in modern times.

In today’s world, the use of the internet in education can also be seen. Some advanced schools and colleges in our country have introduced the digital class. It has become possible due to the uses of the internet.

Though there are a lot of advantages of the internet, a few disadvantages of the internet can also be seen. Misuse of the internet has always been a headache for national security. We need to know the proper uses of the internet so we can be beneficial from this modern invention of science.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (200 Words )

In today’s world, we use the internet in every walk of our life. About two decades ago there was a question in most people’s minds ‘how can the internet be used’. But in today’s world, the uses of the internet are very common almost in every field.

Today the use of the internet for students has been very common. Students can get online help from different websites, they can opt for online coaching, online courses, etc. use of the internet can be seen in every sphere of life.

It has connected the whole world. The Internet provides us with various moods of communication like email, social networking sites, web and video calls, etc. on the other hand use of the internet in business has brought a revolutionary change to the market.

The Internet has promoted the online marketing platform in the world. Now a businessman can sell his product online from his home.

Though we can point out many advantages of the internet, there are some abuses of the internet too. The misuse of the internet can be seen among some students. They sometimes stick to social networking sites and waste their valuable time.

As a result of that, they don’t get much time for studies.  They should know the proper uses of the internet and should use it for their benefit.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (300 Words )

Introduction to internet essay: – The Internet is a modern invention of science that has brought a revolutionary change to our lives. Using the internet, we can access any information from anywhere that has been stored on the web.

In today’s world, we can’t imagine anything without the internet. There are a lot of advantages of the internet, but it is impossible to turn our faces from the disadvantages of the internet.

Uses of the internet: – The internet is used for any purpose. It is used to send emails, online chat, online transactions, share files, access different web pages, etc. On the other hand, in this modern era, a businessman can’t grow his business without the use of the internet in business.

Again the use of the internet in education has completely changed our education system. The use of the internet for students is very necessary as a student can get all his syllabus-oriented information on the web.

Abuses of the internet/ Disadvantages of the internet: – We all know the advantages of the internet. But there are some abuses of the internet too. We can’t deny the fact that the internet has brought a revolutionary change to our lifestyle, but we can’t ignore the disadvantages of the internet.

First of all, a person who spend too much time in from of a computer may fall ill. It may damage his/her eyesight. On the other hand, sometimes the internet can provide us with the wrong information. Because on internet or web anyone can post any information.

So sometimes wrong information can also be posted on the internet. Again hackers may post malicious links and can cause harm to our confidential data. One of the most dangerous disadvantages of the internet in today’s time is fraud business. With the popularity of the internet, we can see rapid growth in the fraud business.

Conclusion to internet essay: – The Internet has made our work easy in every field. With the invention of the internet human civilization has developed a lot. Though there are both advantages and disadvantages of the internet, we can’t deny the fact that the internet has developed us a lot.

Everything depends on its use. We all need to know “how can the internet be used” and should use the internet for our benefit.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (400 Words )

Introduction to internet essay: – The Internet has completely changed our lifestyle and the style of our work as well. The invention of the internet has saved our time and reduced our effort in almost every work. The Internet can provide any information to us in no time that has been stored in it. So the question is ‘how can the internet be used?’. In order to use the internet, we require a telephone connection, a computer, and a modem.

Uses of the internet: –  The uses of the internet are immense. Internet is used everywhere such as in schools, colleges, banks, shopping malls, railways, airports, etc. Moreover, we use the internet at home for different purposes. We can access different websites, and social networking sites can make online transactions through the internet.

Different files and information can be shared via emails or messengers. The use of the internet in business has made a different platform for both- buyers and sellers. We have lots of advantages of the internet.

Uses of the internet for students: – The use of the internet for students is like a blessing to them. Students can find any needed information on the web to boost up their studies. Now a day the use of the internet in education is very common. The educational institutions provide internet for students at schools so that their knowledge can be improved.

Abuses of the internet or Disadvantages of the internet: – We can’t decline the fact that the uses of the internet have developed human civilization a lot, But we must agree that we have both advantages and disadvantages of the internet. The abuses of the internet or misuse of the internet can ruin a person at any moment.

Generally, abuses of the internet or internet abuse mean the improper use of the internet. These days teenagers are found addicted to the internet as they spend most of their time on the internet playing online games, surfing social networking sites, etc.

As a result, they are lacking behind in their study. On the other hand, lots of people have become victims of cybercrime. Some anti-social groups use the internet to deceive people through cheating funds. Again hackers may easily access our personal information that has been stored in the internet. Misuse of the internet can spoil our life.

Conclusion to internet essay: –  Excess or misuse of everything is bad. The use of the internet has developed us to a great extent. It has made our life simple, easy, and comfortable as well.

Uses of the internet in education have made us wiser than before, use of the internet in business has formed a different and wider market for us. Misuse of the internet can definitely ruin us but if we use the internet for our benefit, it will make our life easier and more simple in the future.

Long Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (800 Words)

Image of Essay on Internet

Introduction to internet essay: – The internet is naturally one of the most exciting and brilliant gifts of science to mankind. The invention of the internet and its uses of the internet have radically changed the ways of our life and living standards as well. In today’s world, most of our routine activities are done through the internet.

How can the internet be used: – Everybody knows the uses of the internet. In order to use the internet, we need a telephone connection, a computer, and a modem. We can also use the internet through mobile via hotspot.

  Uses of the internet: – In this modern era, there is hardly any walk of life that is not affected by the internet. Most shops, offices, factories, and service centers use the internet to make their work easier. It is called ‘the storehouse of information. The whole world has been made a global village with the invention of the internet.

The Internet has reduced the load of work from our offices. A huge amount of data can be stored on the internet. We can get each and every information in a click from our doorstep, can communicate with our near and dear ones at any time from anywhere, can make payments online, can buy and sell products online, etc. All these become possible only because of the internet.

Uses of the internet in Education: – The use of the internet in education has brought a remarkable change to our education system. Now a student can have access to any required information on the web.

Earlier it was very difficult for a student to collect data in order to prepare a project on a specific subject. But now it can be found on the web with a click. Moreover, they can share their ideas with their friends through email or social networking sites.

Use of the internet in business: – The use of the internet in business has upgraded the standard of business. In this century it is really hard to imagine an established business without the use of the internet. Now the internet has become a vital tool for marketing and advertising.

The use of the internet in business can boost the business by promoting or advertising the product. It can reach a more targeted audience/buyer/consumers through online promotion. Thus now the day internet is considered very useful in business.

Use of the internet in communication: – The invention of the internet helps a lot in globalization. The whole world is connected directly or indirectly through the internet. In earlier days’ people had to write letters to communicate with others who were not near to them.

But after the invention of the telephone, people could make calls to each other. But then came the internet as the blessing of science and now people can not only talk to each other on phone, but also they can watch each other live sitting at home.

Through social networking sites, we can get in touch with our friends, we can share information, and documents via emails, etc.

Abuses of internet / Disadvantages of the internet: – Does the internet have any disadvantages? YES, there a few disadvantages to the internet. It is very hard to believe that there are a few abuses of internet too. We know that excess of everything is bad. Excess use of the internet can also be harmful to our health.

On the other hand, internet can distract us at our work. Teenagers are seen as addicted to the internet. They spend hour after hour in front of the mobile or computer and waste their valuable time.

The Internet is a source of vast information, simultaneously it offers numerous sources of entertainment too. The major disadvantage of the internet is that sometimes it provides illegal sources of entertainment like pornography, private videos, etc.

People who fall prey to it may get addicted and thus may get distracted from their work. We can get benefited if we can skip the abuses of internet and use it to enhance our knowledge.

Misuse of internet: – There are numerous uses of the internet. But as we discussed earlier there are disadvantages to the internet too. Misuse of the internet may cause serious harm to mankind. One of the main misuses of the internet is Cyberbullying. A fake profile can be made on social networking sites to threaten people.

Anti-social groups or terrorist may use internet to spread anti-social activities. On the other hand, lots of black hate activities take place on the internet. After the invention of internet our personal and official data are accessible in the internet.

Though they are kept protected, the misuse of internet always causes a threat to that confidential information. Hackers may hack those data any may threat to reveal that information in public. Again with the popularity of social networking sites, a new trend of spreading rumors in public is seen these days.

Conclusion to internet essay: – Different people have different opinions on the internet. But we can’t ignore the benefits of internet. It has completely changed our lives and lifestyle as well. Though there are a few disadvantages of the internet too, we need to skip those internet abuses and try to use it for the development of mankind.

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Long Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (650 Words)

Introduction to internet essay: – internet is one of the modern wonders of science that connects crores of computers across the world. After the invention of the internet, it has become very easy to do our day-to-day activities which took too much time before. With the use of internet, a lots of work can be done in a minute or two.

How can the internet be used: – In today’s world it is not necessary to teach anyone “how can the internet be used?”. Everybody knows how to use internet. Earlier we need a telephone connection, a modem and a computer to use the internet.

Now modern technology has provided us lots of other methods to use the internet. Now we can use the internet through mobile or other modern routers.

Uses of internet: – In this modern era, the internet is used in every walk of life. In the world of communication, internet plays a vital role. With the invention of the internet, communication has become very easy and simple. In earlier days’ letters were the most depended mode of communication.

But it was very time taking. A piece of urgent information can’t be shared through letters. But now we can share information via emails, SMS, or social networking sites within a minute. 

Simultaneously the uses of the internet have reduced the use of paper and paperwork to a great extent. Now information or important documents can be kept on the web or through emails rather than keeping it in the paper. Internet is the storehouse of vast knowledge. We can get any information within a minute on the web.

We can make online transactions, take online courses, book our train-bus-air tickets online, watch videos, share thoughts, ideas using internet.  (But there are both uses and abuses of internet. We will discuss the abuses of the internet or internet abuse separately).

Uses of internet for students: – There are various internet for students. A student can do research online degrees, get involved in part-time jobs, and appear in the mock test using internet. Students need to know the proper uses of internet to get benefited from it.

In the web, students can find various applications and tools that can enhance their studies. In this developing world, educational institutions are seen spending a huge amount of money to set up internet facilities for students at their institutions as they are aware of the various uses of the internet for students.

Use of internet in business: – The uses of internet in business has strengthened the business opportunity and business standard as well. The internet can maximize the profit in business. There are many advantages of using internet in business.

The use of internet for business purpose can create a platform for business. Now a day’s internet is the most powerful tool for advertising and marketing as well. Online advertising is proved to be the best publicity in this century. It can reach more targeted audience rather than manual publicity.

On the other hand, with the use of the internet business meetings can be organized through video conferencing. Again there are lots of tools and software available for accounting and bookkeeping in business. The Internet has introduced a new method of payment i.e. online payment. Now a businessman can sell his product online and can reach a wider market than before.

Abuses of internet / Disadvantages of the internet: – The improper use of internet is known as abuses of the internet. The first and foremost abuses of internet are the excessive use of social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.

The social media is to communicate with our near and dear ones. But some people especially some students spend too much time on those social networking sites and waste their valuable time. Again internet has promoted some cheat funds that have ruined many people.

Conclusion to internet essay: – The Internet has developed mankind to a great extent. We need to use internet for the wellness of mankind.

Essay on uses and abuses of internet (950 Words)

Uses of internet.

The Internet is nowadays a kind of compulsory thing in our daily lives. Uses of the Internet in our daily life have become obligatory. We spend lots of time on the Internet to get an answer to every question which strikes our minds.

We can even fulfill our desire to learn more with the help of the internet. The optimistic use of the Internet makes our lives straightforward and plain. As every single thing on this earth has both its positive and negative sides, the Internet has also got its negative and positive sides.

It is up to us to utilize our time on the internet in a productive manner. While there are various uses of the Internet but you can use the internet for getting an online education. You can use the Internet to promote your business online.

The uses of the internet in education

Nowadays with the help of the internet, we can do online courses and improve our writing. We also get the answer of every answer to every question on the internet is it a question of English or of algebra.

If we want to become flourishing in our career or business the Internet is a miraculous tool, but only the positive and productive use of the Internet will assist us to do so. Students these days are using the Internet to gain knowledge of fresh skills and even to acquire degrees in professional online courses.

Likewise, educators use the Internet for teaching and sharing their knowledge and experience throughout the world with the help of the internet. The internet has changed the lives of students massively.

Students nowadays are starting to use the Internet so that they can learn more and pass the competitive exams or entrance exams. That’s why more than half of the students are coupled with the internet.

Abuses of internet

Cybercrime (use of computers in unlawful doings.): Offenses those are committed against individuals or groups with a criminal purpose to deliberately harm the status/name of the victim or cause physical or mental damage, or loss, to the victim using modern networks such as the Internet.

Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic devices or simply using the internet. Cyberbullying is also known as online bullying. Cyberbullying is when someone bullies or hassles others on social media sites.

Damaging bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats, and a victim’s personal information on the internet.

Electronic spam: This refers to sending the unwanted advertisement.

Advantages of internet

Internet helps us to boost the speed of our daily tasks. The Internet is used for research and development. The quality of research is developed by Internet tools only. Again the Use of the Internet provides us speedy and free-of-charge communication.

The best thing is that Communication on the Internet is free and fast. We all are linked with each other on social media sites. Social media is common for both personal and professional purposes.

Uses of the internet in money management       

We can use the internet in money management also. The use of the Internet is not limited to only earning money; it can also be used to manage money. Nowadays we can see thousands of apps, websites, etc. that help us in handling daily management, budget planning, transactions, transfers, etc. and this trend is rising gradually.

The use of Internet banking and mobile banking is also rising. All the banks are really functioning tough to provide Internet banking and mobile apps to empower people to utilize the power of the Internet and the latest money management tools. This is helping the common people a lot.

Uses of the internet in business

People also use the internet to promote their business. They sell their products by using various e-commerce solutions on the internet. E-commerce is booming on the internet and we can see new services and creative businesses starting up every single day, which in turn is creating jobs and thereby reducing unemployment. This is helping numerous people to earn money.

Uses of the internet for shopping in our daily life.

Shopping has become a stress-free task now and almost everybody can order products online there’ll be no one to say anything if you see numerous of products still find nothing to be nice to you or simply if you don’t buy anything.

The competitions in online shopping business are obvious. Shopping sites are more interesting because of the huge discounts different companies are offering to the customers also they offer real choice to the customers. The best part is people get attracted to those things more easily.

The customers can pay cash for the product after the delivery also and also can return the product if they don’t like the same. There are numerous online shops where we can buy the things we need in a very cheap rate in comparison to the local shops.

Conclusion to internet essay: –  Internet has completely changed our lifestyle. It has made our works much easier than before. Internet has brought a remarkable change in the world of communication.

Final Words

So we have come to the concluding part of internet essay or essay on internet. In conclusion, we can say that internet and the uses of internet is a very vast topic to discuss. We have tried to cover as much as we can in our essay on internet.

We have also tried to discuss thoroughly on the different related topic such as uses of the internet for students along with advantages and disadvantages of the internet for students and uses of the internet in education.

Abuses of internet, misuse of internet, use of internet in business etc. These essays on internet are composed in such a way that you can also prepare an article on the internet or a speech on the internet and its uses and abuses. Hope these essays helped you.

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Essay on Uses and Abuses of Internet

The advent of the internet has ushered in an era of unprecedented connectivity, transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. As a powerful tool that shapes various facets of our daily lives, the internet presents a duality – a spectrum of uses and potential abuses. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of the internet, delving into its constructive applications and the challenges it poses when misused.

Quick Overview:

  • Information Access: One of the primary uses of the internet is as a vast repository of information. It serves as a knowledge hub, providing access to a plethora of educational resources, news articles, and research materials, democratizing information on a global scale.
  • Communication and Connectivity: The internet has revolutionized communication, facilitating instant connectivity across the globe. Social media platforms, email, and messaging apps enable seamless interaction, fostering relationships and bridging geographical gaps.
  • Economic Opportunities: In the digital age, the internet has become a catalyst for economic growth. E-commerce, freelancing, and online marketplaces create opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment, empowering individuals to showcase their skills and products to a global audience.
  • Entertainment and Recreation: Streaming services, online gaming, and virtual entertainment have become integral parts of internet use. The platform offers a plethora of options for leisure and recreation, providing a diverse range of content to cater to individual preferences.
  • Cybersecurity Concerns: The internet’s vast reach also brings forth challenges, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. Issues such as hacking, identity theft, and cyberbullying highlight the darker side of internet usage, underscoring the need for robust digital security measures.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the internet stands as a double-edged sword, offering immense possibilities for positive transformation while simultaneously harboring potential pitfalls. Its uses, ranging from information dissemination to economic empowerment, demonstrate the profound impact it has on our lives. However, as we navigate this digital landscape, it becomes imperative to address the abuses that stem from its misuse.

The constructive uses of the internet underscore its role as a facilitator of progress, knowledge, and global connectivity. Yet, the challenges posed by cyber threats, online harassment, and the dissemination of misinformation necessitate a collective effort to create a safer and more responsible digital environment.

As individuals, we bear the responsibility of leveraging the internet’s potential for good, promoting ethical practices, and safeguarding against its potential abuses. Initiatives for digital literacy, cybersecurity education, and responsible internet usage play pivotal roles in fostering a healthier online ecosystem.

In this dynamic interplay between uses and abuses, society finds itself at a crossroads. The evolution of the internet will continue to shape our future, and how we navigate this digital landscape will determine the legacy we leave for generations to come. With thoughtful consideration, ethical practices, and a commitment to digital well-being, we can harness the positive potential of the internet while mitigating its darker aspects, ensuring a harmonious coexistence in the digital age.

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a passionate educator, writer, and subject matter expert in the field of education and professional development. As an author on CoursesXpert, Rahul Kumar’s articles cover a wide range of topics, from various courses, educational and career guidance.

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Uses of Mobile Phones Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on uses of mobile phones.

Mobile phones are one of the most commonly used gadgets in today’s world. Everyone from a child to an adult uses mobile phones these days. They are indeed very useful and help us in so many ways.

Uses of Mobile Phones Essay

Mobile phones indeed make our lives easy and convenient but at what cost? They are a blessing only till we use it correctly. As when we use them for more than a fixed time, they become harmful for us.

Uses of Mobile Phone

We use mobile phones for almost everything now. Gone are the days when we used them for only calling. Now, our lives revolve around it. They come in use for communicating through voice, messages, and mails. We can also surf the internet using a phone. Most importantly, we also click photos and record videos through our mobile’s camera.

The phones of this age are known as smartphones . They are no less than a computer and sometimes even more. You can video call people using this phone, and also manage your official documents. You get the chance to use social media and play music through it.

Moreover, we see how mobile phones have replaced computers and laptops . We carry out all the tasks through mobile phones which we initially did use our computers. We can even make powerpoint presentations on our phones and use it as a calculator to ease our work.

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Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

While mobile phones are very beneficial, they also come to a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, they create a distance between people. As people spend time on their phones, they don’t talk to each other much. People will sit in the same room and be busy on their phones instead of talking to each other.

Subsequently, phones waste a lot of time. People get distracted by them easily and spend hours on their phones. They are becoming dumber while using smartphones . They do not do their work and focus on using phones.

Most importantly, mobile phones are a cause of many ailments. When we use phones for a long time, our eyesight gets weaker. They cause strain on our brains. We also suffer from headaches, watery eyes, sleeplessness and more.

Moreover, mobile phones have created a lack of privacy in people’s lives. As all your information is stored on your phone and social media , anyone can access it easily. We become vulnerable to hackers. Also, mobile phones consume a lot of money. They are anyway expensive and to top it, we buy expensive gadgets to enhance our user experience.

In short, we see how it is both a bane and a boon. It depends on us how we can use it to our advantage. We must limit our usage of mobile phones and not let it control us. As mobile phones are taking over our lives, we must know when to draw the line. After all, we are the owners and not the smartphone.

FAQs on Uses of Mobile Phones

Q.1 How do mobile phones help us?

A.1 Mobile phones are very advantageous. They help us in making our lives easy and convenient. They help us communicate with our loved ones and carry out our work efficiently. Furthermore, they also do the work of the computer, calculator, and cameras.

Q.2 What is the abuse of mobile phone use?

A.2 People are nowadays not using but abusing mobile phones. They are using them endlessly which is ruining their lives. They are the cause of many ailments. They distract us and keep us away from important work. Moreover, they also compromise with our privacy making us vulnerable to hackers.

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Paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look

Paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet in 100 Words

The Internet can help us learn new things, play games, and talk to friends. It is like a big library with lots of information. But we should be careful because sometimes people can trick us online. We should always ask our parents before chatting with someone we don’t know. Too much time on the Internet can make us forget to play outside or do our homework. It’s important to use the Internet wisely and not spend all day looking at screens. Remember, the Internet can be fun, but we need to be smart and safe when we use it.

Paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet in 200 Words

The Internet is like a big library on the computer. You can find lots of useful information for school projects, like facts about animals or how plants grow. You can also play fun games and watch videos with your family. But we must be careful when using the Internet. Sometimes, people might try to trick you or make you feel sad by saying mean things. It’s important to always ask a grown-up before talking to someone you don’t know online. Also, spending too much time on the Internet can make your eyes tired and your body feel lazy. It’s good to take breaks and go outside to play with friends or read a book. Remember, the Internet is a helpful tool when used wisely, but we should always be careful and use it responsibly to stay safe and healthy.

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Paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet in 250 Words

The internet has many good and bad uses. Good uses include finding information for school projects, talking to friends and family who are far away, and playing educational games. But some people use the internet in bad ways. They might bully others online, look at things that are not okay for kids to see, or even try to trick others into giving them personal information. It’s important to be careful when using the internet and to always ask a grown-up if you’re not sure about something. Remember, the internet can be a helpful tool, but it’s essential to use it responsibly and safely. By being smart online, we can make sure that we’re using the internet in the right way and staying safe while doing so.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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Leisure-Its Uses and Abuses

Our forefathers lived in villages. They had only a few wants which could be met from the produce of the fields. There was no need to work hard throughout the year as in the present age. They had ample leisure to spend in games, gossip or meditation. They led simple and contented lives.

With the development of modern civilization, the wants of men have multiplied. There is an abnormal hurry in the pursuit of wealth. As a result man has become too busy. Whenever he is not working, he is busy in thinking and planning. So his body and mind gets very little rest. This has produced a great amount of stress and tension in the mod-ern man.

Naturally we welcome our leisure time, as this has be-come rather scarce. Leisure provides relaxation and this lengthens one’s life. In fact the more leisure a man enjoys, the longer is the life that he will have. If leisure is cut short, life will also become short. A man is really fortunate who is master of his own time and manages to get some leisure everyday to relax and dream his dreams for a short while. How unlucky and pitiable is a man who has to keep himself busy throughout the day and the best part of the night With-out any period of leisure. Thus leisure plays an important role in human life. As a poet has truly said.

‘What is this life, if full of care

We have no time to stand and stare’

But care should be observed how we use our leisure. Our character can be formed by the way we use our leisure. Many people become great only by devoting their leisure to selfless social work. That man alone can be said to be truly living who is something besides being what his daily work makes him. No one is great by his profession but he can become great by giving his leisure time to the service of society. This use of leisure can give us mental relief and satisfaction; can also bring public respect to us.

The second use of leisure should be to spend it in merry-making and enjoyment, best of all in the company of one’s friends. We would be making our lives short if we work even in the little amount of leisure we can snatch from our daily routine of life or do not enjoy the same to the fullest extent. It is right to do what we like in our leisure time, if we want to prepare ourselves for the next day’s battle of life.

Enjoyment should never be condemned. No argument can be advanced against rest and relaxation. Rest is a sponge to rub fatigue out. But care should be taken against misuse of the means of enjoyment. Suppose one enjoys taking drinks occasionally. So far so good. But one day this may become a part of the daily routine of his life and then it will become a vice which will be disliked by society and also bring ruin to himself and his family. Again, reading of books is a very good means of relaxation and mental enjoyment. But if one reads only low literature find light fiction he would only invite physical and mental degradation. In sorting out correct hobby and enjoyment lies the essence of the proper use of our leisure.

A person in a village used to teach little boys and girls in his spare time. Within a short period all the children of the village and the surrounding areas became proficient in the three R’s—reading, writing and arithmetic. The person did this good without even being aware of it. A good action is its reward. Thus there are so many modes of enjoyment which provide rest and relaxation and also does immense good to oneself and to the society at the same time.

The use of leisure always depends upon the amount of spare time one has at one’s disposal. Take the case of the poorer classes. They work hard throughout the day with very little wages and have very little leisure. So they want to enjoy and rest their body as much as they can during their periods of Leisure. And due to their lack of education and proper understanding they take to drinking cheap liquors which they think is the medicine to bring relief to their troubled minds and bodies.

There are, however, many cases, where people do not use their leisure properly, even if they have plenty of it. So we find bored young men from the richer classes indulging themselves in all sorts of vices in our country as well as in the countries of the West. The ‘hippie’ cult is the result of this boredom of life and misuse of one’s leisure.

The leisured classes, people who have very little to do to earn their livelihood, have heavy responsibility to the nation. They should not waste their spare time in mere sleeping and chatting and going to clubs. It will be a great national loss if one loses his leisure time in such petty trifles. We should know how to put our leisure to proper use.

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Short Essay on the Use and Abuse of Leisure [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this session today, you learn about writing short essays on the Use and Abuse of Leisure. This session will be divided into three sets of essays on the same topic covering different word limits.

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Short Essay on the Use and Abuse of Leisure in 100 Words

A person needs to take a break every once in a while and enjoy some leisure time. Many people use their leisure time to pursue their hobbies like painting, gardening, dancing, playing musical instruments or creating something new. Many others like to take a walk in the park or go to fun places.

Some prefer just resting on their beds to relax their body and mind. Using leisure time to do things that one enjoys is amazing. However, many people abuse it by engaging in activities like drinking alcohol, doing drugs, gambling, or just gossiping about unnecessary things and idling away. This doesn’t do the person any good. One should always use their leisure time and not abuse it. 

Short Essay on the Use and Abuse of Leisure in 200 Words 

When we do the same work continuously for days, weeks and months, life becomes very monotonous and boring. As life becomes dull, we begin to lose our passion for work and even life itself. Hence, it is important to take a break every once in a while and enjoy some leisure time. 

Different people like to spend their free time in different ways. Many people pursue their hobbies like painting, singing, dancing, baking, cooking, gardening or playing musical instruments. Many others like to take a walk in the park, go on drives or visit new places. Some people like to spend their free time catching up with their friends and family members.

There are yet others who prefer resting and giving their bodies the necessary relaxation. A lot of people use their leisure time to learn new things and develop new skills. However, some people abuse it as well. They engage in activities like gambling, betting, drinking alcohol and doing drugs. Even the people who spend their free time gossiping about unnecessary and negative things are only wasting their time. 

Leisure time should be used to do things that relax our body and mind or are productive in other ways. We should not abuse it like that doesn’t do us any good. 

Short Essay on the Use and Abuse of Leisure in 400 Words 

When we sit in the same place, in the same office and do the same work continuously for days, weeks and months, life becomes very monotonous and boring. In such a setting, it is easy to lose interest in the work that we are doing and in life itself. Hence, it is important to take a break every once in a while and enjoy some leisure time. 

Different people like to spend their free time in different ways. Many people pursue their hobbies like painting, singing, dancing, baking, cooking, gardening or playing musical instruments. Some watch news or documentaries to keep themselves updated. Many housewives use their free time to try new recipes or to do some sewing and knitting. Children usually like to go outside, play with their friends or watch funny and educational programmes. 

Many people like to take a walk in the park, go on drives or visit new places. Some like to spend their free time catching up with their friends and family members. There are yet others who prefer resting and giving their bodies the necessary relaxation. A lot of people use their leisure time to learn new things and develop new skills. Many love to spend their free time selflessly helping the people in need and doing charity work like feeding stray animals and giving free education to children living in slums. However, some people abuse it as well. 

Those who spend their free time gossiping about other people and unnecessary things, simply waste their time. People who idle away, spend hours watching television shows that promote fights and negativity or engage in troublesome behaviour are also doing themselves more harm than good.

Many people waste their leisure time drinking alcohol, smoking, doing drugs, gambling and betting. This only harms them in the long run. Many people do not rest during their free time and instead continue working, trying to make more and more money. One can easily get exhausted and damage their health if one does not allow themselves to rest properly. 

Everyone needs a break in their daily life. This break should be used to relax our bodies and minds. Spending time doing things we like and things that make us happy can help us feel refreshed and recharged. However, whether we use our leisure time positively or negatively is dependent on us. We should always do something relaxing and productive during our free time. 

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Our money : its uses and abuses ; an auxiliary of industry and a labor saving invention ; the begetter of monopolies and the destroyer of nations

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Cinema: Its Uses And Abuses Essay

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Today, cinema has become one of the most popular sources of entertainment and enlightenment. People often talk about film stars and their achievements. The young want to have the latest information about the film world. The strength of regular cinema-goers is increasing at a rapid pace. This has also increased the sale of film magazines and other related weeklies.

Besides entertainment, cinema also has a great educative value. A student can acquire permanent knowledge about a certain thing if he is able to read as well as see that thing. Knowledge thus acquired, would have an everlasting impression on his mind. We read so many things but when we are able to see those very things on the screen, they are imprinted on our minds.

Cinema Its Uses And Abuses Essay

In the cinema hall, we get knowledge of foreign countries even if we do not have time or money to visit them. We come to know about their way of life, cultures and traditions. I saw a picture Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. This picture presents very lovely and charming sights of Switzerland. After seeing the movie, we can understand how industrious the Swiss are. Although it is a small nation, yet it has been planned and designed skillfully and artistically. There is a beautiful arrangement of homes, roads, hotels, railway stations and farms. There are many more movies that give us education, thrill and entertainment.

Cinema also helps the students in learning history, geography and science. It teaches these dry subjects in a fascinating manner; the TV and cinema professionals teach us about these subjects, by showing the movies with different examples and thus even the youngsters remember the same quite explicitly. For example, the serial “The Sword of Tipu Sultan” was a successful historical serial telecast on Doordarshan.

Cinema is our moral preacher and teacher. Every good film has a moral lesson to teach. The film Savitri shows us the devotion of a wife to her husband and how she is able to conquer death. Krishna Sudama teaches us how true devotion to God makes Sudama rise from extreme poverty to riches and power. Films like Shaheed infuse values of martyrdom in our souls. Films like Taare Zameen Par have taught us about autism in children.

This is only the brighter side of the picture. However, every rose has a thorn. It is painful to note that now the film industry has become a money-making industry. Film producers worship money and pay scant attention to the ethical side of cinema. Modern movies have polluted the minds of young boys and girls. They easily fall prey to modern fashions. In imitating their heroes, young boys think being rude is smartness. They often behave in a very bold and brash manner with little regard to words like ‘politeness’, ‘respect’ or ‘decency’.

It is high time that the film industry wake up from its deep slumber and discourage such films that sow the seeds of immorality in the minds of the younger generation. The kids of today would be the administrators of tomorrow. So, care should be taken to infuse in them the spirit of sacrifice, hard work, honesty, selfless service and good conduct. More emphasis should be laid on these aspects.

Films should be classified into different categories – instructive, social, moral, action, romantic, amusing and literary – so that people from all walks of life can have entertainment according to their tastes.

To sum up, we can say that cinema has a great educative and recreative value. And it is a cheap source of entertainment, which even a poor man can afford. It can do a lot of good to the people at large if both the movie producers and government embark upon producing such movies as may promote moral and artistic ideals.

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Essay On Uses and Abuses of Science

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Use of science brought about a great change:

At the dawn of civilization man developed a scientific outlook. With the help of science he made observation and experiment, though they were crude at first. he discovered the relationship between a cause and its effect. He discovered some secrets of nature. He came to know the use of fire. With the help of it, he cooked his meal and scared the wild animals. Then he came to know sowing and planting. He discovered the conditions for seeds to sprout.

He discovered the process for tending plants. He grew crops and stored the surplus. He came from cave to cottage and from cottage to pucca house. He knew the tending of useful animals and put them to his service. He made many works of invention. He grew cotton were due to proper uses of science.

Modern use of science: Uses of science are now inseparable even from out dayto-day life. With the help of science and technology we have made pin to space-craft. We have made highly complicated machines for large-scale productions. We have conquered over time and distance. We are conquering disease and sickness. Radio and telecommunications, XRay and electricity, rotary and railways are all the works of science. So at present the uses of science are many and varied.

Abuses of science: Modern man has begun to abuse his scientific knowledge, invention of atom bomb is the burning example of it. Abuse of science will lead to destruction of mankind.

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Essay on The Uses and Abuses of Leisure

The Uses and Abuses of Leisure

The Uses and Abuses of Leisure:

What is this life if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?

So sang the poet W. H. Davies. Leisure means the free time that we have after the day’s hard labour. It means the time for rest and recreation after our routine professional work is over. Life is worthless if we have work care and anxieties only and no time to stand and state, i.e. to look at the beautiful objects of Nature. Most of the work that we do is dull and tiresome. We need rest to recoup our lost energy and to give rest to our tired body and mind. So leisure is highly essential for a busy man.

After we have made proper use of leisure, we feel refreshed and attend to our work with renewed vigour and interest. Leisure brings a change in our routine work and life. If there is no leisure and rest and recreation in a man’s life, he often becomes bored, irritable and quarrelsome.

Today we live in a machine age. We have to live and work like a machine otherwise we cannot make both ends meet in this competitive world. But the Indian workers have not got enough money to enjoy their leisure like their brethren in the western countries- U.S.A., England, West Germany etc. Many of them spend their leisure in enforced idleness. The problem of leisure is closely connected with the problem of money. Surely you need money to spend your free time or leisure in reading an interesting book or go on a picnic or excursion, or pay for a seat in a cinema hall, or purchase a ticket at a football match in a stadium etc. As a poor worker has no money to enjoy his leisure more often than not he is forced to sit at home and sleep on his holidays.

Leisure can be profitably used in adopting some hobbies such as gardening, mountaineering, boating, swimming, riding, collection of stamps and coins, photography, singing and dancing and playing upon a harmonium and so on. Taking part in games and sports is also a useful hobby. In the west people also use their leisure for self-improvement. In short, one should spend one’s leisure in such pursuits as are both interesting and instructive, and as refresh our mind and strengthen our body. Most of the great men of the world spend their free time on useful hobbies. The famous scientist Einstein spent his leisure playing upon a sitar. The noted film star Ashok Kumar spends his leisure in studying horoscopes. Pandit Nehru was fond of riding, while Gandhiji of morning walks and evening prayers. Free time can also be usefully spent in meditation.

But some people misuse leisure. They spend even their free time earning money. Day in and day out they are after the material gains. As they work hard without any rest, they often suffer from a nervous breakdown, blood pressure and many other ailments. They have no time to look after their body, mind and soul. In their search for material prosperity, they lose their peace of mind.

Then there are people who spend their leisure in evil practices. They indulge in drinking and gambling, litigation and anti-social activities. Some idle away their leisure. An empty mind becomes a devil’s workshop in their case. “I have seen men come into a fortune,” says G.B. Shaw, “and lose their happiness, their health and finally their lives because of excessive smoking, drinking and indulging in wasteful habits”.

So you must have money to enjoy your leisure, but the money must be well spent. It is not at all easy to know what to do with leisure unless we have been brought up to it.

On the whole, we shall have to admit that leisure is of utmost importance in our life. Time spent on leisure is generally well-spent. It is the time for rest, recreation and cool thinking. It makes our tired mind and body fresh and active. We can enjoy the beauties of nature, art and life in our free time only. Hence life without leisure is a life without pleasure. The world has not yet realized the importance and value of leisure. Only the constitution of Russia guarantees compulsory leisure for all its citizens.


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