How Long Does It Take to Get a Ph.D. Degree?

Earning a Ph.D. from a U.S. grad school typically requires nearly six years, federal statistics show.

How Long It Takes to Get a Ph.D. Degree

how long is an average phd program

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A Ph.D. is most appropriate for someone who is a "lifelong learner."

Students who have excelled within a specific academic discipline and who have a strong interest in that field may choose to pursue a Ph.D. degree. However, Ph.D. degree-holders urge prospective students to think carefully about whether they truly want or need a doctoral degree, since Ph.D. programs last for multiple years.

According to the Survey of Earned Doctorates, a census of recent research doctorate recipients who earned their degree from U.S. institutions, the median amount of time it took individuals who received their doctorates in 2017 to complete their program was 5.8 years. However, there are many types of programs that typically take longer than six years to complete, such as humanities and arts doctorates, where the median time for individuals to earn their degree was 7.1 years, according to the survey.

Some Ph.D. candidates begin doctoral programs after they have already obtained master's degrees, which means the time spent in grad school is a combination of the time spent pursuing a master's and the years invested in a doctorate. In order to receive a Ph.D. degree, a student must produce and successfully defend an original academic dissertation, which must be approved by a dissertation committtee. Writing and defending a dissertation is so difficult that many Ph.D. students drop out of their Ph.D. programs having done most of the work necessary for degree without completing the dissertation component. These Ph.D. program dropouts often use the phrase " all but dissertation " or the abbreviation "ABD" on their resumes.

According to a comprehensive study of Ph.D. completion rates published by The Council of Graduate Schools in 2008, only 56.6% of people who begin Ph.D. programs earn Ph.D. degrees.

Ian Curtis, a founding partner with H&C Education, an educational and admissions consulting firm, who is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in French at Yale University , says there are several steps involved in the process of obtaining a Ph.D. Students typically need to fulfill course requirements and pass comprehensive exams, Curtis warns. "Once these obligations have been completed, how long it takes you to write your dissertation depends on who you are, how you work, what field you're in and what other responsibilities you have in life," he wrote in an email. Though some Ph.D. students can write a dissertation in a single year, that is rare, and the dissertation writing process may last for several years, Curtis says.

Curtis adds that the level of support a Ph.D. student receives from an academic advisor or faculty mentor can be a key factor in determining the length of time it takes to complete a Ph.D. program. "Before you decide to enroll at a specific program, you’ll want to meet your future advisor," Curtis advises. "Also, reach out to his or her current and former students to get a sense of what he or she is like to work with."

Curtis also notes that if there is a gap between the amount of time it takes to complete a Ph.D. and the amount of time a student's funding lasts, this can slow down the Ph.D. completion process. "Keep in mind that if you run out of funding at some point during your doctorate, you will need to find paid work, and this will leave you even less time to focus on writing your dissertation," he says. "If one of the programs you’re looking at has a record of significantly longer – or shorter – times to competition, this is good information to take into consideration."

He adds that prospective Ph.D. students who already have master's degrees in the field they intend to focus their Ph.D. on should investigate whether the courses they took in their master's program would count toward the requirements of a Ph.D. program. "You’ll want to discuss your particular situation with your program to see whether this will be possible, and how many credits you are likely to receive as the result of your master’s work," he says.

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how long is an average phd program

Emmanuel C. Nwaodua, who has a Ph.D. degree in geology, says some Ph.D. programs require candidates to publish a paper in a first-rate, peer-reviewed academic journal. "This could extend your stay by a couple of years," he warns.

Pierre Huguet, the CEO and co-founder of H&C Education, says prospective Ph.D. students should be aware that a Ph.D. is designed to prepare a person for a career as a scholar. "Most of the jobs available to Ph.D. students upon graduation are academic in nature and directly related to their fields of study: professor, researcher, etc.," Huguet wrote in an email. "The truth is that more specialization can mean fewer job opportunities. Before starting a Ph.D., students should be sure that they want to pursue a career in academia, or in research. If not, they should make time during the Ph.D. to show recruiters that they’ve traveled beyond their labs and libraries to gain some professional hands-on experience."

Jack Appleman, a business writing instructor, published author and Ph.D. candidate focusing on organizational communication with the University at Albany—SUNY , says Ph.D. programs require a level of commitment and focus that goes beyond what is necessary for a typical corporate job. A program with flexible course requirements that allow a student to customize his or her curriculum based on academic interests and personal obligations is ideal, he says.

Joan Kee, a professor at the University of Michigan with the university's history of art department, says that the length of time required for a Ph.D. varies widely depending on what subject the Ph.D. focuses on. "Ph.D. program length is very discipline and even field-specific; for example, you can and are expected to finish a Ph.D, in economics in under five years, but that would be impossible in art history (or most of the humanities)," she wrote in an email.

Kee adds that humanities Ph.D. programs often require someone to learn a foreign language, and "fields like anthropology and art history require extensive field research." Kee says funding for a humanities Ph.D. program typically only lasts five years, even though it is uncommon for someone to obtain a Ph.D. degree in a humanities field within that time frame. "Because of this, many if not most Ph.D. students must work to make ends meet, thus further prolonging the time of completion," she says.

Jean Marie Carey, who earned her Ph.D. degree in art history and German from the University of Otago in New Zealand, encourages prospective Ph.D. students to check whether their potential Ph.D. program has published a timeline of how long it takes a Ph.D. student to complete their program. She says it is also prudent to speak with Ph.D. graduates of the school and ask about their experience.

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how long is an average phd program

Kristin Redington Bennett, the founder of the Illumii educational consulting firm in North Carolina, encourages Ph.D. hopefuls to think carefully about whether they want to become a scholar. Bennett, who has a Ph.D. in curriculum and assessment and who previously worked as an assistant professor at Wake Forest University , says a Ph.D. is most appropriate for someone who is a "lifelong learner." She says someone contemplating a Ph.D. should ask themselves the following questions "Are you a very curious person... and are you persistent?"

Bennett urges prospective Ph.D. students to visit the campuses of their target graduate programs since a Ph.D. program takes so much time that it is important to find a school that feels comfortable. She adds that aspiring Ph.D. students who prefer a collaborative learning environment should be wary of graduate programs that have a cut-throat and competitive atmosphere, since such students may not thrive in that type of setting.

Alumni of Ph.D. programs note that the process of obtaining a Ph.D. is arduous, regardless of the type of Ph.D. program. "A Ph.D. is a long commitment of your time, energy and financial resources, so it'll be easier on you if you are passionate about research," says Grace Lee, who has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and is the founder and CEO of Mastery Insights, an education and career coaching company, and the host of the Career Revisionist podcast.

"A Ph.D. isn't about rehashing years of knowledge that is already out there, but rather it is about your ability to generate new knowledge. Your intellectual masterpiece (which is your dissertation) takes a lot of time, intellectual creativity and innovation to put together, so you have to be truly passionate about that," Lee says.

Curtis says a prospective Ph.D. student's enthusiasm for academic work, teaching and research are the key criteria they should use to decide whether to obtain a Ph.D. degree. "While the time it takes to complete a doctorate is an understandable concern for many, my personal belief is that time is not the most important factor to consider," he says. "Good Ph.D. programs provide their students with generous stipends, health care and sometimes even subsidized housing."

Erin Skelly, a graduate admissions counselor at the IvyWise admissions consulting firm, says when a Ph.D. students struggles to complete his or her Ph.D. degree, it may have more to do with the student's academic interests or personal circumstances than his or her program.

"The time to complete a Ph.D. can depend on a number of variables, but the specific discipline or school would only account for a year or two's difference," she wrote in an email. "When a student takes significantly longer to complete a Ph.D. (degree), it's usually related to the student's coursework and research – they need to take additional coursework to complete their comprehensive exams; they change the focus of their program or dissertation, requiring extra coursework or research; or their research doesn't yield the results they hoped for, and they need to generate a new theory and conduct more research."

Skelly warns that the average completion time of a Ph.D. program may be misleading in some cases, if the average is skewed based on one or two outliers. She suggests that instead of focusing on the duration of a particular Ph.D. program, prospective students should investigate the program's attritition and graduation rates.

"It is worthwhile to look at the program requirements and the school's proposed timeline for completion, and meet current students to get their input on how realistic these expectations for completion are," Skelly says. "That can give you an honest idea of how long it will really take to complete the program."

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Tags: graduate schools , education , students

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  • Graduate School

How Long Does it Take to Get a PhD?: A Go-Getter’s Guide to Graduation

Featured Expert: Dr. Charlene Hoi, PhD

How Long Does it Take to Get a PhD?

How long does it take to get a PhD? On average, PhD programs are 4 or 5 years long. The time it takes to get a PhD is slightly longer in the US, between 4-6 years, because these programs tend to be more structured. If you want to know how to get a PhD in Canada or Europe, you can expect it to take 3-5 years. However, there are PhD programs that take longer, such as part-time programs, or are extremely short, like online accelerated PhD programs. Ultimately, how long it takes to get a PhD is up to you. In this article, we’ll look at the average PhD program lengths, the typical PhD timeline, and tips on how to get your PhD finished faster.

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How long does it take to get a phd.

On average, it takes 4-5 years to complete a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program. In the US, most PhD programs are between 4-6 years, while in Canada they are typically shorter, around 3-4 years.

Some students take longer than 6 years to complete their PhD, but in general the longest time it takes to get a PhD is capped at 8 years. If you’re enrolling in a part-time PhD program, for instance, your timeline will probably be extended to 6-8 years.

The shortest PhD programs out there are accelerated or sometimes online PhD programs. Some of these are only 1-2 years long, but there are comparatively fewer programs available, and they are only suitable for certain fields and careers which require less intensive research which defines most PhD programs.

One of the main reasons why it takes many years to get a PhD is because these programs are comprehensive and the requirements to graduate are extensive. Most have a set number of credit hours you need to complete, examinations to write, plus you’ll need to write your PhD thesis or dissertation, unless you pursue a PhD without dissertation .

There are certainly ways to shorten the PhD application timeline and time to graduate, which includes enrolling in a shorter program if possible, increasing your course load or the number of research hours you can dedicate per week, but generally a PhD will still take some time.

Even if you want to do a PhD without a master’s degree first, such as by applying to a direct entry PhD program, the program is still usually 4-5 years long.

We’ll take a look at the typical PhD timeline and how long it takes to get a PhD normally. After, we’ll cover some tips on how to get your PhD done faster or how you can avoid dragging things out.

In North America, the typical PhD program is divided into two stages. The first stage is where you complete all the required coursework, comprehensive exams and other academic requirements, depending on the program. The second stage is when you submit a proposal for original, independent research, get it approved and start working on your thesis or dissertation. Your PhD culminates with your thesis defense. Once your thesis has been approved, you’ll be eligible to graduate.

This timeline is somewhat flexible, as you might complete the first stage in 1 or 2 years but take longer to complete your dissertation. For the purpose of this general PhD schedule, we’ll assume your PhD program is a typical length of 4-6 years.

Application Stage

We’ve included the application stage of getting your PhD here first because the grad school application timeline can take several months to put together your application package and hear back about acceptance to a program. Secondly, because the application stage involves some critical steps you’ll need to complete in order to get your PhD.

1. Research proposal

To apply to a PhD program, you’ll most likely be required to submit a research proposal and be prepared to answer any research proposal questions your advisor will have. This is your “proposal” of what research question you will explore during your studies at a program, or an outline of what research topic you want to pursue. If you’re not sure how to write a research proposal, check out these Oxford PhD proposal samples or a Cambridge PhD proposal sample.

2. Application materials

The admission requirements for a PhD can vary from program to program, but here are the general components of a PhD application:

  • Required prerequisite coursework
  • Official transcripts (and minimum GPA)
  • Graduate school statement of purpose
  • CV for graduate school or research resume
  • PhD motivation letter

Some programs may also ask you to submit additional essays, such as a letter of intent, research interest statement or grad school career goals statement .

Many PhD programs also invite you to a grad school interview to get to know you better. Be ready for common graduate school interview questions such as “ tell me about yourself ” and “ why do you want to do a PhD ?”

Writing a grad school statement of purpose? Check out these examples:

PhD Years 1-3: Coursework Stage

1. orientation.

Your PhD program will usually begin with your orientation, where you’ll learn about the program’s individual structure, requirements and expectations. You’ll also either choose or be assigned an academic advisor and schedule an initial meeting with them. Your advisor will be a member of the university faculty who will act as your support while you complete your research and write your thesis.

2. Coursework

The first year or two of your PhD will involve completing required advanced coursework in your field. You’ll attend lectures and seminars and you may participate in research projects with department faculty or fellow graduate students or even lab work, depending on your field.

3. Electives

Along with required coursework, you’ll have the chance to take elective courses that interest you or relate to your field. It’s important to choose electives that will enrich your program. Choose ones that really interest you, that might help inform your PhD research or that will help you fulfill your credit requirements.

4. Extracurriculars

PhD programs sometimes have extracurricular activities or additional requirements outside the classroom. This can include internships or a practicum you need to complete for credit, or you might be interested in attending academic conferences or relevant events to socialize and network you’re your colleagues in the field.

5. Comprehensive exams

The coursework stage of your PhD program will end with comprehensive exams , sometimes called qualifying or preliminary exams. These are your “final exams” to make sure that you completed the necessary PhD coursework and that you’re ready and qualified to take on your own independent research in the next phase.

1. Thesis proposal

You may recall that you submitted a research proposal as part of your PhD application, and this step of the process is similar. Your thesis proposal is just like your research proposal, but it’s a more refined and developed version. Throughout your coursework, your research question might have changed or you might have changed course a little bit. If you’re still thinking about your PhD topic , take the time to solidify it before you reach the thesis proposal stage.

Your research proposal might have been a first draft, while your thesis proposal is your official announcement of: this is what I propose to research in this PhD program.

Depending on your field and the program, you thesis research might involve a great deal of lab work, or data collection or fieldwork. Whatever the case, your thesis proposal is a complete outline of what you intend to do for this independent research project and the steps you’ll take.

2. Thesis approval

Once your proposal is written, you’ll submit it for approval. Your academic advisor, PhD supervisor or the PhD committee overseeing your program will review it and either approve it or make suggestions for changes. Once it’s been polished and finalized, you’ll be given the go ahead to start conducting your research.

3. PhD research

Your research alone will probably take you several semesters to complete. On top of the fieldwork, lab work or data collection and analysis you’ll be completing, you’ll be using this time to write and review. Writing your thesis or dissertation takes a fair number of hours to outline, draft, edit and complete. It also means hitting the books to complete a literature review of your research topic so you have a complete background understanding of your chosen topic and how it will inform your research.

Your research and the preparation of your thesis is really the biggest part of this second stage, and is probably the longest part of your PhD altogether.

4. Extra requirements

When you’re not deep in your research, you’ll be completing other requirements of your PhD program or additional duties that enrich your education. Some programs require you to dedicate some hours to teaching, whether it be leading seminars for undergraduate students or acting as a teaching assistant for university faculty.

You’ll also be strongly encouraged to publish as a graduate student , so you may be involved in the research projects of faculty members or other grad students when you’re not working on your dissertation.

5. Thesis submission and preparation for thesis defense

When you’re finished writing your thesis and you’re ready to submit it, it’s critical to know how to prepare for thesis defense . Because not only do you have to complete this original, new body of research work, you have to get the approval of your PhD committee to put it out into the world.

Your thesis defense is essentially the final presentation of your PhD.

6. Thesis defense

Your thesis defense is an oral presentation of your research project, but it also involves submitting your written document to be reviewed. Essentially, you’ll present the entirety of your thesis to the PhD supervising committee, including your findings and conclusions. From there, the committee will ask thesis defense questions . Your answers will defend your methodology and results to the committee, basically proving the value and validity of your work. While this is an evaluation of sorts, it is also your opportunity to share your original ideas and invite further research into your topic.

After your defense, the PhD committee will either approve your thesis or send it back to you with edits or changes to be made before it can be formally approved.

Graduation and Postdoc

Once your thesis has been approved, congratulations! You’ll be eligible for graduation and be awarded your degree. Now that you’ve finished this marathon, you can choose to pursue further studies or start looking for a job after grad school .

With a PhD, you have many different options for positions in your field. You might want to know how to find a job in academia or how to get a tenure track position at a university if you’re interested in teaching others. PhD graduates who decide to transition from academia to industry or who would rather work outside the realm of academia can find industry jobs after PhD that suit their skills and experiences.

Either way, you’ll need to prepare for how to find a postdoc position, explore what the career options are for you, decide what your career goals are and start sending out applications. Remember to prep your postdoc resume and get read for postdoc interview questions , since the job hunt will begin soon after you finish your PhD!

Is it possible to get your PhD done faster? What are some ways you can speed up the process and avoid taking 8 years to complete your graduate studies? Luckily, there are many key ways you can make your journey through grad school easier and speed things up a little, from the type of PhD program you choose to the habits and skills you cultivate during your program.

#1 Enroll in an accelerated program

The first way to guarantee it will take less time to get your PhD is to, of course, enroll in a shorter PhD program. Direct entry PhD programs allow you to enroll once you’ve completed your bachelor’s degree in exceptional circumstances. Note that these are not the easiest PhD programs to get into , as your academic record needs to be excellent, and you’ll likely need prior research experience and you may even need to have publications already. However, a direct entry PhD program is around 4-5 years, but it allows you to skip the 1-2 years it would take to earn a master’s degree.

You can also choose to enroll in an online or accelerated PhD program that is designed to be much shorter than the traditional PhD. Once again, though, these programs are not available to students in every field, so you may need to research whether there are any options for you.

#2 Choose the right mentor

One of the first things you can do to ensure your PhD is smooth sailing is to choose the right mentor or academic advisor. Many programs allow you to choose your advisor, while some assign one to you. Whatever the case, it’s important to establish a strong working relationship and clear expectations early on.

One of the first things you’ll do as a PhD student is meet with your advisor. Take the time to discuss with them what your expectations for the program are, ask questions and ask them what their expectations are of you. Your advisor is there to help you and advise you, and they have resources and connections you can use to your advantage. But they are also working with a busy schedule and might be advising more than one PhD student, too. A mutually respectful relationship with open communication will ensure fewer interpersonal hurdles down the road.

#3 Earn credit hours faster

One way you can shave some time off your PhD is by earning your credit hours faster and getting to the research and thesis-writing stage faster. This might mean you take on a full-time course load or ask your advisor for ways to earn extra credit, such as participating in research projects. Some PhD programs will give you course credit for previous graduate level coursework you might have completed during your master’s degree, or for certifications and professional education you completed outside of school.

#4 Keep your thesis focused

When you get started on your research, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the amount of work you need to complete, with the writing of your thesis on top of it all. One way to keep your research hyper-focused and on point is to keep your thesis topic narrow. If your subject is too broad, you’ll be spending way too much time in your research. Give yourself clear objectives and scope, and don’t deviate from your PhD proposal if you don’t have to.

There may be a million questions you want to explore within your PhD topic, but there will be other opportunities to explore them. Keep your focus narrow so you don’t spend years and years asking and answering research questions!

One of the best things you can do to get your PhD done faster and adjust to the experience of graduate school is to change your thinking. Adopt a growth mindset so that you’re open to new learning, willing to listen to constructive feedback on your proposal or thesis and willing to grow your skills. A PhD is an advanced program, and you’ll already be very skilled, but it is also an opportunity to learn and grow. There will be challenges for you, so be ready to meet and overcome them instead of letting them draw you back or slow you down.

#5 Develop your professional skills fast

A PhD is an opportunity to grow your professional skillset as much as it is an opportunity for you to contribute meaningfully to your field. If you haven’t already been working on skills such as communication, presenting or lecturing and writing, now is the time to start.

Strong writing skills will help you get your thesis finished and edited faster, as you’ll be more familiar with the process and understand what makes a strong document. It’s also a useful skill to learn how to write effective funding proposals or grant proposals. You may need to do so to secure funding for your research, but it’s a highly valuable skill in the workforce, too.

Good presentation skills will help you during your thesis defense or if you’re asked to present during a conference. They will also help you build confidence in your voice and ideas and make you a better communicator when you’re networking or job searching.

#6 Keep to your schedule

This is maybe the most important skill if you want to finish your PhD faster: make a detailed schedule and hold yourself accountable to it. If you like, you can plan out your entire PhD week by week from Day 1. Write down what your course schedule is, when you’ll do research and how many hours, when you’ll write and how many hours, what extracurriculars or personal activities will take up your time and so on.

A detailed schedule gives you an overview of your PhD and a timeline of when you’ll finish. It will keep you organized and accountable, so you can avoid procrastinating or avoidable speed bumps that might slow you down. It also helps you compartmentalize the many items on your to-do list so you don’t stress out about how much you need to accomplish.

When creating your schedule, especially during the research stage when there is no formal class schedule for you to adhere to, focus on deliverables. Set a date when you will submit a section of your thesis to your advisor, or when you will complete your literature review. Setting goals and clear outcomes will keep you on track and focused.

#7 Take initiative and be independent

The last tip to help you get your PhD done faster is to take initiative. Remember that a PhD is a largely independent endeavor. You’ll have the support of a committee or advisor, but you can’t rely on them to do the work for you or put everything on hold if they aren’t available when you need them. Be flexible and adaptable so you can keep working and moving forward, even if your schedule gets interrupted or needs to change to suit your situation.

It's also important to take the initiative in your learning. Take advantage of opportunities for growth, networking, and gaining experience where you can. Get the most out of your PhD program and use your experiences to fuel your end goal of completing your thesis.

On average, it takes 4-5 years to get a PhD. There are a few factors that can influence the time it takes to complete your PhD, from program length and structure to what country you are earning your PhD in, to your own personal work ethic and schedule.

PhD programs in the US are on average 4-6 years. In Canada and the UK, they are usually 3-5 years long. Part-time PhD programs may take up to 7-8 years to complete. Direct-entry PhD programs and dual master’s and PhD programs are typically 5 years long. If you’re enrolling in an online, hybrid or accelerated PhD program, the timeline is usually 2-3 years, but there are some extremely short 1-year PhD programs offered online for specific disciplines.

Yes, you can finish your PhD before the “normal” timeline. For example, if you complete your coursework early, if you finish writing your thesis faster than average and get it approved, or if you otherwise complete all your PhD program requirements before the anticipated finish date. 

Yes, there are online PhDs available for certain fields and disciplines. These typically range from 2-3 years, although there are some traditional 4-year PhD programs offered online. There are also some “accelerated” online PhDs which last 12-18 months.

A PhD program is not necessarily shorter if you first complete a master’s degree, but having gone through a master’s program can better prepare you to finish your PhD faster. Some PhD programs accept credit hours from your master’s degree towards the coursework requirements for a PhD, and if you’ve previously written a master’s thesis or completed some research during your graduate studies, this will be an advantage. Since you’ll already be familiar with the process of writing a thesis and conducting your own research, you can avoid some stumbling blocks in your PhD program that might otherwise slow down your progress.

Yes, it is possible to get a PhD without first completing a master’s degree. There are direct entry PhD programs that allow students with a bachelor’s degree to enroll, so long as they meet the admission requirements and have exceptional academic records. Some online PhDs also waive the master’s degree requirement.

Yes, it is possible to complete a traditional PhD program in a shorter amount of time than anticipate. This usually means dedicating yourself to full-time study or taking on a larger course load and increased research hours. It takes significant work, but it can be done with the right schedule and commitment.

The fastest PhD programs are the short, 1-year accelerated programs. These programs have fewer credit hours to complete, and some have no dissertation requirement, only qualifying exams to finish. However, there are not many programs out there, and they are not available for every field of interest.

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how long is an average phd program

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD?

If you aspire to rise to the top of your field, then you may have your sights set on a PhD.

PhD students in a group study

Earning a doctoral degree can be a years-long process, but choosing an accelerated doctoral online program may help you complete your program more quickly.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Whether you’re wanting to earn one of the highest paying doctoral degrees or you have a specific one in mind, this guide can help walk you through how long it takes to complete your PhD program.

a watch showing years

For a traditional, campus-based PhD program, the average time to finish a PhD is 8 years. Fulfilling the program’s requirements will often demand a serious investment of your time.

Even still, some people are able to finish their programs in just 3 to 6 years. Multiple factors may influence the overall length of your program.

Required Credit Hours

Many PhD programs require you to earn 120 credit hours before entering the exam and dissertation phases.

Fortunately, there are PhD programs without such high credit-hour demands. For example, at some universities, you may earn a PhD with only 60 credit hours.

Full-Time vs. Part-Time Schedule

Enrolling in a doctoral program part-time may allow you to keep up with your regular job. You’ll have to decide whether you prefer the flexibility of part-time schooling or the faster schedule of full-time studies.

Final Project Requirements

Many PhD programs end with the completion of a dissertation. This assignment may take years to complete, so PhD students often end up in the all-but-dissertation (ABD) phase for quite some time.

University Scheduling

Some schools promote their ability to help you through the PhD process faster than normal. Accelerated class schedules with eight-week online courses may speed your studies along. Focused attention from dissertation advisors may help as well.

PhD Program Components

students in class

Before you enroll in a PhD program, it’s important to know some of the basic requirements:


Most schools require you to already hold a master’s degree, but some offer bachelor’s-to-PhD programs.

Length to Completion

On average, it takes eight years to earn a PhD. Even still, completing doctoral coursework and a dissertation in three to four years is not unheard of.

Topic of Interest

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be getting a philosophy degree. Your field of study will depend on your interests and the programs that your university offers. You may tailor your doctoral focus though your choice of a dissertation topic.

Steps to Completion

You’ll take advanced classes before sitting for comprehensive exams. After passing your exams, you’ll likely begin working on a dissertation. You must defend your dissertation before finishing your program.

Doctoral studies begin with a series of classes through which you may increase your knowledge of your field of study and learn about conducting research. These are advanced classes, so they should be more in-depth than the ones you took during your undergraduate and master’s programs.

The number of courses that you need to take can vary significantly. It’s not uncommon for PhD programs to require 120 credit hours of coursework. That amounts to about 40 classes.

At other schools, the requirements are lower. Your university’s program may involve just 60 credit hours or, possibly, even fewer. A less intense course load may significantly slash your time to completion.

Your university may require you to maintain a GPA above a minimum threshold. An unsatisfactory GPA may keep you from moving on to the next step of the PhD process.

Comprehensive Examinations

Universities often require students to demonstrate their readiness for a doctoral project before advancing to the next stage of their studies. Readiness is proven through comprehensive exams , which may also be known as:

  • Preliminary examinations
  • Major field examinations
  • General examinations

Often, comprehensive exams take the form of written or oral tests. In other situations, faculty may assess students’ readiness on the basis of a portfolio evaluation or a written paper.

Dissertation and Defense

PhD dissertation paper

A dissertation, also known as a graduate thesis, is a body of work that presents original research in your field. This manuscript focuses on a unique idea and includes evidence to support your thesis. During your doctoral studies, there are classes designed to help prepare you for your dissertation work.

The dissertation process may take several years. Once your manuscript is complete, you must defend it to the doctoral program faculty. After your defense, you may need to do further work on your manuscript, or the committee may decide that your dissertation is complete.

Not all programs require a dissertation. Instead, there may be an alternative doctoral project. Although both dissertations and capstone projects are rigorous, projects can sometimes be completed within a shorter time frame.

Average Time to Complete PhD by Field of Study

Students in some disciplines usually take a lot more time to finish their doctoral work than students in other fields.

If you’re studying in the following scientific fields, you may be more likely to earn your on-campus degree in seven years or less:

  • Physics — average of five years
  • Psychology — average of five to seven years

On the other hand, if your field of study relates more to the humanities, your on-campus degree program may take longer:

  • History — average of eight years
  • English — average of eight years
  • Education — average of 13 years

These are the traditional figures. There are ways to finish faster.

Why Does It Take So Long to Finish a Traditional PhD?

student studying in a college library

Some schools require doctoral students to take around 40 classes, which, in a traditional on-campus setting, may take years. After completing the coursework, you must write your dissertation and defend it. The dissertation process alone might take multiple years.

Doctoral programs online may help shorten the PhD process to three or four years. Fewer credit hours may be required, and the classes may be delivered in an accelerated format.

Schools with an emphasis on quick doctoral programs may also offer dissertation advisors to efficiently guide students through that phase. Alternatively, some universities allow students to complete capstone projects that don’t take as long as dissertations.

Getting a PhD Online vs. Campus

student working on her laptop

Online education has changed students’ options for earning a PhD. These days, aspiring students may choose whether to attend classes on a college campus or online.

Traditional programs may require you to relocate to the university’s campus and attend school full-time. On average, it takes just over eight years to complete those programs. The benefits of choosing an online school instead may include:

Faster Progress

Accelerated eight-week courses may allow you to finish your course load sooner. You may complete your entire program in just three or four years.

Multiple Start Dates

Online programs often let you join throughout the year, so you don’t have to put your studies on hold until the fall semester.


Not being required to move to campus or come to class at set times may allow you to work your studies around your schedule.

Equal Status

Online programs are just as rigorous as on-campus ones. As long as your university is accredited, your degree will be just as valuable as one from a traditional university setting.


Finishing your doctoral studies faster may mean that you pay less tuition.

How to Finish Your PhD in Less Time

PhD graduation ceremonies

Although you can’t earn a doctoral degree overnight, you shouldn’t have to spend the majority of your working years striving toward PhD-completion. The following tips for accelerating the PhD process may help you finish your studies more quickly than the average doctoral student.

1. Use What You Already Know

Every school requires a minimum number of credit hours that you must earn in the pursuit of your degree. To help you meet this threshold, some schools will allow you to transfer in credits from other doctoral programs. Universities may also give you credit for your professional experience. Reducing your class load may save you both time and money.

2. Look for Short Classes

Accelerated course schedules are one of the best ways to speed through the degree process. Every eight weeks, you’ll begin a new set of classes. Over the course of a year, there may be five different sessions during which you can take classes.

3. Work on Your Dissertation Throughout the Program

Traditionally, dissertation work begins once the classroom portion of your studies is over. Quick doctoral programs may allow you to begin the dissertation process while you’re still taking other classes. This approach, known as an embedded dissertation, may reduce the likelihood that you’ll drop out before finishing your final project. It might also speed up your doctoral timeline.

4. Ask for Help

A lack of support can lead some doctoral students to drop out. On the other hand, having a good support system can help you push through and finish your program more quickly. Build a team of family, friends, and academic mentors who can encourage you, guide you, and lend practical help when you’re feeling overwhelmed by school.

Why Get a PhD?

You may need to earn a doctoral degree to achieve your career goals . For example, if you want to become a clinical psychologist, this level of study is essential. Many scientific and research positions require doctoral studies. University faculty typically need to hold terminal degrees as well.

Even if a doctorate is not a requirement for your desired line of work, it may help you achieve greater success. You might be granted higher levels of responsibility, and you may earn more money. In some fields, those who hold PhDs make around 20% more than those with master’s degrees, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

Do You Have to Have a Master’s Degree to Get a PhD?

Many schools consider a master’s degree an essential prerequisite for PhD admission. If you don’t already have a master’s degree, a bachelor’s-to-doctorate program may allow you to earn a master’s and a PhD for less time and money than it would take to pursue them separately.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD After a Master’s?

You may be able to complete your doctoral program in three to four years if you opt for an accelerated online program. On average, traditional on-campus PhD programs take around eight years to complete.

How Hard Is It to Finish a PhD?

Doctoral studies are challenging. That shouldn’t come as a surprise; if doctorates were easy to acquire, nearly every college graduate would end up with a PhD behind his or her name.

Approximately 50% of students who begin a PhD program don’t end up finishing. Many quit within two years of starting. Another large portion gives up upon reaching the dissertation phase.

Although all PhD programs are challenging, the flexible nature of online programs may help you find success. Choosing a doctoral track that doesn’t require a dissertation may help as well.

What Is the Easiest PhD to Get?

Easiest PhD to Get

All PhD programs are demanding, but you might have an easier time if you select a program that aligns with your interests and your career goals. The flexibility of online study may help your doctoral program seem less burdensome. In addition, capstone projects are sometimes easier than writing dissertations.

If earning a doctoral degree in a short time frame is important to you, then consider the many potential benefits that online programs have to offer. Within just a few years, you may be able to place the letters “PhD” at the end of your name.

how long is an average phd program

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How Long Does It Take to Earn a PhD?

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Cece Gilmore is a Content Writer at Scholarships360. Cece earned her undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from Arizona State University. While at ASU, she was the education editor as well as a published staff reporter at Downtown Devil. Cece was also the co-host of her own radio show on Blaze Radio ASU.

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Cari Schultz is an Educational Review Board Advisor at Scholarships360, where she reviews content featured on the site. For over 20 years, Cari has worked in college admissions (Baldwin Wallace University, The Ohio State University, University of Kentucky) and as a college counselor (Columbus School for Girls).

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Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

How Long Does It Take to Earn a PhD?

How long is a PhD program? That might be one of the first questions you ask yourself If you are thinking of earning a PhD. You have probably heard a range of years, and that is because how long it takes to earn a PhD depends on a number of factors. Keep reading to learn more!! 

What is a PhD? 

PhD stands for a “Doctorate of Philosophy.” This is an academic degree that qualifies the degree holder to teach their chosen subject at university level or to work in a specialized position in their chosen field. In general, the PhD is the highest level of degree a student can achieve. 

Also see: Top fully funded PhD programs

Why get a PhD? 

A PhD is a serious commitment with a serious return on investment. Here is a list of professional and personal benefits for earning a PhD. 

How long does it take to earn a PhD? 

Earning a PhD usually takes between four and seven years to complete, depending on the type of PhD as well as the schools requirements, the students educational background, and personal progress. Students who take full-time classes can typically finish in four years. A typical PhD program requires anywhere from 60 to 120 semester credit hours . 

Why earning a PhD takes years to earn

Assistantship obligations.

Teaching and research assistantships can be very beneficial for the experience they provide and the potential funding, but they can also be time consuming obligations for PhD students. Therefore, assistantships may affect the amount of time it takes to complete a PhD program. 

Comprehensive examinations

Universities often require students to demonstrate their readiness in a PhD program through comprehensive exams. These comprehensive exams may be known as: 

  • Preliminary examinations
  • Major field examinations
  • Comprehensive exams or “Comps”
  • General examinations


A dissertation is an in-depth research document that serves as the culmination of a doctoral program. It is an important document that demonstrates a student’s original research and contribution to their field of study. 

The dissertation involves conducting extensive research, reviewing previous literature, analyzing data, and presenting your findings in a structured manner. Once the dissertation is completed, it is typically defended orally in front of a committee of faculty members who assess the quality and validity of the research. 

Average PhD timeline

The specific of a PhD timeline carried by college and university. However, the following is a good overview of the average PhD program. 

  • Year 1: Take advanced courses
  • Year 2: Take advanced courses and begin preparing for exams
  • Year 3: Study, take and defend your comprehensive exams and begin researching your dissertation proposal
  • Year 4: Begin working on your dissertation
  • Year 5: Finish and defend your dissertation 

Average PhD completion by focus

According to data from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics the average time in years from graduate school entry to doctorate it took students to receive their degree in 2020 in certain fields is listed below. 

  • Life sciences = 6.9 years
  • Physical sciences and earth sciences = 6.3 years
  • Mathematics and computer sciences = 7.0 years
  • Psychology and social sciences = 7.9 years
  • Engineering = 6.8 years
  • Education = 12.0 years
  • Humanities and arts = 9.6 years
  • Other non-S&E fields = 9.3 years

Related : Top 10 PhD in Education programs

How to finish your PhD is less time

Look for accelerated classes.

Accelerated courses are an easy way to reduce the amount of time it takes to finish a PhD. Therefore, look into if your program offers any shorter courses. 

Work on your dissertation throughout the program

Working on your dissertation little by little throughout the program will allow you to speed up your doctoral timeline. In addition, it may reduce the likelihood that you’ll drop out before finishing your final project.

Maintain regular communication with your advisor

Establish regular communication with your advisor or supervisor. Regular meetings can help you receive guidance, address any issues, and ensure you are heading in the right direction.

Seek feedback early and often

Share your work and progress with your advisor, peers, or other trusted individuals often. Then, you should incorporate suggestions and revisions as you go along. This will help you refine your work and avoid major revisions later.  

Maintain a healthy school-life balance

While it is important to be dedicated to your PhD, it’s just as important to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Therefore, be sure to prioritize yourself! While finishing your PhD in less time is a great feat, it is important that you are not sacrificing your well-being while doing so.

Key Takeaways

  • PhD stands for “doctorate of philosophy” and is generally the highest level of degree a student can earn
  • There are many professional and personal benefits to earning a PhD which can lead to a serious return on investment
  • A PhD program typically takes 4-7 years to complete. However, it can take longer or shorter depending on personal circumstances and field of study 
  • With planning and guidance from advisors, students can sometimes complete PhDs in less time

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Frequently asked questions about how long it takes to earn a PhD 

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How Do You Get a PhD? A Guide to the PhD Timeline


Everyone who considers a doctoral degree knows a Ph.D. is a big commitment. 

Not only will it require all your mental energy, focus, and persistence, but it will also require a significant investment of your time. Your particular area of research, your institution’s policies and procedures, and the standard expectations within your field all play a significant role in how long it takes to earn a PhD. The average PhD length is five or six years, while some students may take eight or nine years.

Regardless of how long a PhD program takes,  there are some common stages of a PhD that all doctoral students share. These major and essential milestones shape the timeline for earning your doctorate . Read on as we take you through each step and explore the typical steps to a doctorate degree.

Are you just starting to apply to graduate school? Check out our Guide to  Graduate Admissions to get all your questions answered! 

How Many Credit Hours for a PhD?

The number of hours that you need to complete your doctoral coursework might depend on several factors: do you already have a master’s degree? Will you earn one en route to the doctorate? Or do you even need one? 

Different disciplines and research interests have their own PhD process, but even within your field of study, you may find that institutions have diverse pathways for obtaining that terminal degree. For most, coursework will take anywhere from two to three years to complete.

During this time, students can serve as graduate research or teaching assistants or could even lead their own courses as an instructor. In many degree programs, students develop their potential dissertation topics through their coursework and start to define what their research plans might look like in the next few years.

PhD Qualifying Exam and Comprehensive Exam

Many programs set up academic checkpoints to help keep students on track during their PhD journeys. The timing varies by program, but one of the most common – and possibly most stressful – forms of benchmarking is the PhD comprehensive exam or qualifying exam. Often administered around the end of the student’s coursework, these exams are your chance to demonstrate what you learned in your classes.

Testing is overseen by a committee of faculty from your department. Usually comprised of at least three members, your professors ask questions or assign writing prompts based on your experience in the program thus far. The format is generally a combination of written and oral exams designed to test your expertise in your discipline’s methodologies and significant content areas.

To better prepare yourself, research the number and kind of qualifying benchmarks the program will require in the university catalog before you begin your program. This will allow you and your advisor to effectively plan out the first few years of your degree and give you an idea of how you’ll be evaluated throughout your program.

Dissertation Prospectus and Defense

You may be required to complete and defend a dissertation prospectus before officially becoming a PhD candidate. A prospectus is a document outlining your dissertation plan, which includes an explanation of your research topic, a potential outline of your dissertation, the methodologies you intend to employ, the significance of your research question, and a bibliography including sources that form the foundation of your research.

Your prospectus allows your dissertation advisor to understand the scope of your project. It should be thorough enough that they can provide useful feedback to help shape your research plan. After some revisions, an approved prospectus is the green light to move into the next stage of your PhD.

Advancement to Candidacy

If you have heard the term ABD – “All But Dissertation” – then that means you are in the home stretch of your doctoral program!

Well, sort of…only your dissertation remains!

Dissertation Research and Writing

While you’ve made it through the coursework and qualifying exams, the dissertation is the culminating component of the doctoral degree. At this point, your approved research plan is ready to be set into motion. Depending on your discipline, this could be the stage where you travel extensively to conduct fieldwork, explore archives, or visit labs to collaborate on projects that relate to your dissertation work. For many students, the research phase can take a couple of years, but some may be able to complete it in one.

Writing your dissertation can be one of the most challenging parts of the whole PhD. process. Not only are you condensing years of research into a single cohesive document, but you are also formulating graphs, charts, and other textual references to help clarify your argument. Often, formatting can be a major challenge for many students. 

In this stage, it’s most helpful to seek out resources to help you with the writing process. Many universities have dissertation writing workshops where you can learn best practices, as well as support groups where students meet regularly and help keep each other accountable. Most universities also offer competitive dissertation completion grants, supporting students with additional funding so they focus more of their time and effort on completing this undertaking.

Dissertation Defense

Everyone gets nervous about this major rite of passage. It can be difficult to take criticism over something you have poured your heart and soul into for years. Remember, though, that a good advisor will not let you defend if you’re not ready, and you literally wrote the book on your topic!

The dissertation defense is not intended to tear your work apart but rather is your opportunity to prove your expertise to your dissertation committee. Many defenses are open to observers, so you should attend a few in advance of your own, especially within your department, to get a sense of what it’s like. 

First, you’ll present the main points of your thesis. Then the committee will ask questions so they can clearly understand your arguments. Finally, they’ll send you out of the room while they deliberate and decide if you pass or not. If all goes well, you’ll be addressed as “Doctor” the next time you walk into the room!

Get Started on Your PhD Journey Today

No matter what your particular timeline looks like as you work toward your doctorate, know that the faculty and other students within your program are frequently a huge source of support — which means you won't do this alone! Additionally, every school has resources to assist Ph.D. students, from libraries to writing centers to dedicated student support services. 

If you are excited about beginning your Ph.D. journey, we invite you to request more information or reach out to one of our admissions professionals today. Best of luck as you begin this transformational experience!

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what it takes to apply to and succeed in a PhD program. Explore our resource — A Guide to Choosing, Applying for, and Thriving in a PhD Program!

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Study a PhD: A Guide to PhD Degrees

Looking to undertake PhD studies? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about PhD studies.

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Looking to undertake PhD studies? Is getting a PhD even worth it? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about getting a PhD.

In this guide, we'll cover:

  • What is a PhD?
  • What Types of PhD Are There?
  • How Long Does It Take To Get A PhD?

What Are The Requirements To Study A PhD?

What are the benefits of getting a phd, what is the average salary of a phd graduate.

  • How Much Does Earning a PhD Cost?

Can I Do a PhD Online?

Would you like to study a phd abroad.

Click here to start a search for your ideal PhD program!

What is a PhD/Doctorate degree?

A Doctor of Philosophy, more commonly known as a PhD, is the highest level of degree  you can achieve in one field of study. It’s awarded by universities around the world for significant contributions to knowledge in various academic fields, or upon completing a PhD program.  

Pursuing a PhD involves conducting in-depth original research in a certain field . The results of this research are then compiled into a thesis or dissertation . This usually culminates in an oral examination or defense , where the candidate must demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of their research area and defend their findings in front of a panel of academics in that subject field. 

Different Types of PhDs

“PhD” is an umbrella term for different types of programs. These can be broadly divided into four categories:  

  • Traditional/Academic PhDs: Also known as a research doctorate, this involves a couple of years of original research on a specific topic. It usually focuses on a theoretical understanding of the topics, rather than practicing the knowledge in the professional setting. This is the most common type of PhD. 
  • Professional Doctorate: These are designed for professionals who want to apply their research to their professional practice. Examples include the Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Psychology (PsyD), and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). These degrees are often more practice-oriented compared to the traditional PhD. 
  • Higher Doctorates: These are awarded to people who contributed greatly to the research and knowledge body within their field and are thus given out later in that researcher’s life. You can’t apply for this type of doctorate like a regular PhD program. 
  • Honorary Doctorates: These are given out by universities at their discretion, and don’t require any specific academic achievement or publication. Just like Higher Doctorates, you can’t apply for this type of Doctorate. 

What the breakdown above suggests is that you essentially have two options when it comes to pursuing a PhD – you can either opt for an academic route, or a professional/industry doctorate . 

Studying for a PhD

How Long Does It Take To Get a PhD?

On average, PhD programs last 5-7 years , but this number varies greatly depending on the country, the university, and the specific field of study.

For example:

  • PhD programs in the UK tend to be on the shorter end of the spectrum, typically lasting 3-4 years .
  • In the US, however, the average completion time for PhDs rounds out at 6 years .

Make sure to keep in mind that the time it takes to earn a PhD also depends on the pace of your study, the field of study, the requirements of your program, and your prior educational background.

You’ll need to do some preparation in order to successfully apply for a PhD. The general rule-of-thumb is to check the university’s website for the specific requirements of the program you’re interested in. 

That said, there are some general requirements you’ll need to meet to pursue a PhD: 

Academic Transcripts  

You’ll be expected to submit transcripts of your Bachelor’s and Master’s studies , which have to show the courses you took and grades you received during your programs. 

Some PhD programs in the UK, particularly in STEM fields, may allow you apply for a PhD with only a Bachelor’s degree. However, PhD programs in Arts and Humanities require a Master’s degree. 

You may need to have to get your transcripts (and other documents) translated and stamped by a notary . For example, if you got your Bachelor’s and Master’s in Hungarian, but you’d like to study in Canada, you will need to get your transcripts translated into English. 

Research Proposal 

The majority of universities require students to submit a research proposal as a part of their PhD program application, unless if you’re applying for a pre-defined research project in science, technology, engineering, mathematics or medicine. Make sure if this exception applies to your program of interest. 

A good research proposal includes the scope, significance and some details about the topic you plan on researching during your program. 

Your research proposal will have varying significance depending on the country you’re planning on studying in. 

Academic CV/Resume 

The general practice is to include your education at the top of the CV, followed by work experience and then academic research. 

Make sure to check the industry standard for CVs/Resumes in the country and field you want to study in . For example, U.S. Resume may differ from your home country’s standards – it will make you stand out above other candidates who didn’t take that time to research your study destination’s standards. 

Note: While not adhering to the CV/Resume standards of the country/university won't immediately disqualify you as a candidate, it  does  show a certain lack of care and polish that other candidates might showcase in their own applications. The best way to describe is that details like this show your determination and proactiveness (because you're actively thinking about what could leave a better impression on the admission committee).


Motivation Letter/Statement of Purpose 

Research the university and the faculty thoroughly .

To compose an effective motivation letter for your PhD application, it’s crucial to thoroughly research the university and the faculty you're interested in . This is something recruiters and admission committees are actively looking out for - they want to see that:

  • You know what the university/faculty is about
  • You're familiar with the projects the department you're interested in is involved in
  • You care enough to learn about the professors, researchers, and other people at the department you're applying for

It's not only about looking good - this thorough approach shows dedication and leaves a positive first impression when it comes to your research skills and maturity.

Avoid clichés and communicate who you are

Faculty members and admission committees have likely sifted through countless formulaic letters and readily available templates from the internet, so your authenticity and genuine enthusiasm will set you apart .  

Remember that no one expects you to be perfect - admission committees hire on potential, not perfection . Craft an interesting narrative unique to you, and articulate why that specific university and its PhD program align with your research interests and career aspirations. Don't forget to also explain why  you are the right choice  for them . 

Bonus tip:  If you have been involved in the process of securing funding for research in the past, make sure to mention that. This is especially important for institutions that don’t have internal funding, but it’s always a bonus no matter where you apply. 

Letters of Recommendation and/or References 

Some universities and programs require you to submit letters of recommendation and academic references from people who you’ve studied under or collaborated with in the past. 

Make sure to give people you want recommendation letters from enough time to write a strong letter detailing why you’re the right choice for this.  

Proof of Language Proficiency 

You’ll need to prove that you can speak and write in the language you want to study in. This usually means taking a language proficiency test.  

Here are some examples of certificates that are widely accepted for different languages: 

* General German language test for all foreign higher education students. ** German language test for those who want to study at Vienna University. Lots of universities in German-speaking countries offer their own specialized German courses like this, and they're often free or very affordable.

Additional Requirements 

If you're non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen, you may be required to apply for an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate if you want to get a PhD in certain subjects in the UK. You can check if you need to apply for this clearance on the UK government website . 

You may need to complete graduate entry tests to apply for a PhD in certain countries – most commonly in the US, Canada, Australia and India. These include but are not limited to:

  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
  • Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)
  • Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
  • Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)
  • And various language tests. 

University professor

A PhD can equip you with a variety of skills and a deep knowledge of your chosen field, but it also offers tangible benefits.  

Laura Forsberg White , PhD and a Professor in Biostatistics at Boston University, in the KAS interview with her, listed the following as the key skills students acquire in graduate programs: 

Hard Skills and a Deep Understanding of Your Field 

A PhD allows you to delve deeply into your field of interest, exploring complex theories, methodologies, and concepts in a profound way. You will gain hard skills that can be applied in a variety of contexts within your area of specialization . This level of knowledge makes you a sought-after professional in academia, industry, or the public sector. 

The example Prof. White gave was in her own field: students in Biostatistics and adjacent fields learn practical knowledge and skills in statistics, probability, critical analysis and more. 

Research Skills and Collaboration 

An essential part of many PhD programs is based around developing research plans, performing data collection and analysis, and presenting your findings . This cultivates strong research skills that are highly valuable both in academia and industry, in sectors such as finance, tech, consulting, and more, where data-driven decision-making is crucial. 

What’s more, PhD programs involve lots of collaboration with other researchers, which matures you as an individual and teaches you various soft skills you’ll need to succeed in your future roles, such as proper communication, taking and receiving feedback, critical thinking, time management and resilience and perseverance . 

Transferrable Skills 

Aside from academic knowledge and research skills, a PhD program helps you develop a range of transferable skills. These include project management, leadership, team working, and communication skills . Such skills are highly valuable in a variety of professional contexts. 

Many PhD programs also require students to undertake teaching or mentoring roles . This offers valuable experience if you aim to pursue a career in academia, giving you the chance to shape the minds of future generations and contribute to the growth and development of your field of study. 

Career Advancement 

If you decide to leave academia to pursue a career in the industry, a PhD can open up higher-level career opportunities, such as more  prestigious roles, higher pay, and quicker promotions.

It's also worth noting that a PhD is often required for tenure-track positions in academia .

What’s more, during your PhD, you'll attend conferences, seminars, and other academic events. These platforms allow you to meet and collaborate with other professionals, academics, and experts in your field. Such networking can lead to fruitful collaborations, job offers, or research partnerships . 

Contribution to Society 

As a PhD researcher, your work could lead to significant breakthroughs or advancements in your field . Whether you're studying medical sciences to contribute to public health, or researching environmental science to advance sustainability efforts, your research can make a real difference in society and/or the overall body of knowledge of your chosen field. 

Man working

When we consider pursuing higher education, one of the key factors that often drives our decisions is the potential impact it will have on our financial future. A PhD can provide the edge you need to not only secure high-paying roles but also garner respect and credibility in your chosen field . 

The average salary of PhD graduates varies significantly across countries and fields: 

United States

  • Bachelor’s degree average: $70,000/year
  • Master’s degree average: $82,000/year

Source: Payscale, 2023

United Kingdom

  • Bachelor’s degree average: £33,000/year
  • Master’s degree average: £35,000/year
  • Bachelor’s degree average: €51,000/year
  • Master’s degree average: €56,000/year

How Much Does Getting a PhD Cost?

A PhD can cost you nothing or a fortune, depending on the university and the country in which you want to study in. Most universities also have different tuition fee structures for domestic and international students.  

Here’s a breakdown of the average tuition fees depending on the region and citizenship:  

You can read a more detailed breakdown of the costs of getting a degree in various countries in our Country Guides .

For those of you worried about the costs of studying abroad, there are plenty of scholarships out there to help you find your studies. Take a look at our free Scholarship Directory for a list of 440+ scholarships in 37 countries around the world.

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Yes, you can definitely complete  PhD programs online . More and more of them are available every year, but it's important to remember that their quality varies widely depending on the field of study and the institution.

It would be good to check how long the online program you’re interested in has existed. PhD programs are collaborative by nature, and many majors aren’t a good fit for online studies.

Typically, PhD programs specifically designed for online instruction tend to be more effective compared to traditional programs that have been simply transferred to online learning platforms.

Need More Help With Your PhD Application?

Download our free PhD Application Documents handbook, which goes into detail on how to perfect your motivation letter, CV/resume, research proposal and more!

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  • PhD in USA – A Guide for 2020/21
  • Finding a PhD

A PhD in USA takes approximately 5 – 6 years of full-time study and can cost between $12,000 – $45,000 per academic year. PhD programs in USA differ from that in the UK and Europe in that students must first take taught classes, coursework and exams before starting their research project.

Why Do a PhD in USA?

The United States has long had some of the most distinguished universities and advanced PhD programmes in the world. Combined with curriculum flexibility, rigorous teaching methods, vast funding opportunities, breathtaking campuses and significant career prospects, it’s no wonder that it is one of the most sought-after study destinations for research students.

In addition to comprehensive training standards, here are a few other reasons why a student may choose to undertake their PhD in the United States:

  • Longer learning timeframes – A PhD in the US lasts longer than a PhD in the UK or Europe. This allows students to more confidently transition from undergraduate to postgraduate studies; more commonly referred to as ‘graduate studies’ in the US. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about your subject, research methods and academic writing in general before starting your research project.
  • World-class universities – It’s no secret that some of the most well-known higher education institutions that continue to dominate global rankings are based in the United States. Although many factors go into determining whether a position is right for you, a PhD at a high-ranking American university will undeniably have many benefits, from excellent learning standards to access to innovative equipment and deep expertise.
  • International network – The US has long been a popular choice among PhD students around the world. As such, the US hosts a diverse and multicultural learning environment in which many research students will quickly feel at home.
  • Opportunities – With over 4,000 universities in the US, we can safely say you will have plenty of opportunities to find the ideal combination of project, supervisor and university that works for you.

Universities in USA

Universities in the United States can be divided into two types: public universities and private universities.

Public universities are financed by the state in which they are based. Because of this, public universities charge less for students from within the state and more for students from outside the state, including international students.

Private universities are not financed by their state, but by private donors, research funds and tuition fees. For this reason, private universities generally charge higher tuition fees than public universities and require all students to pay the same amount, regardless of whether they come from out-of-state or abroad.

According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021 , eight of the top ten universities in the world are located in the United States. These are:

Method of Study

The main difference between a PhD in the US and a PhD in Europe lies in the program structure. Whereas a European PhD essentially consists of a single phase lasting three to four years , an American PhD consists of three different phases, each with its own time frame.

  • Phase One – The first phase lasts approximately two years and focuses on building a basic foundation for the doctoral student. This phase consists largely of taught components such as lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions, in which the student learns more about theoretical concepts and research methods within their discipline.
  • Phase Two – The second phase can be considered an assessment phase, which runs both periodically alongside and at the end of the first phase. Here, students complete coursework and take exams on the basis of the material they have covered of which they must pass in order to proceed to the third phase.
  • Phase Three – The third phase lasts approximately three years and resembles the European PhD structure. During this period, the student undertakes an independent research project, including forming a research design, conducting experiments, writing a thesis (more commonly referred to in the USA as a dissertation) and sitting a viva exam.

Teaching Requirements

Besides structure, a key difference between a PhD program in the US and in Europe is the focus on teaching requirements. In the US, doctoral students are expected to lecture, lead tutorials, host laboratory sessions, mark coursework and provide office hours for undergraduate students. Although students studying in European will likely contribute to these at some point during their study, this would normally be on a voluntary basis and involve less time commitment.

Research Flexibility

Another difference is project flexibility. In Europe, students typically apply to a PhD project predetermined by a supervisor, and although there may be some scope to adapt the project, depending on the funding provider , it will usually be limited to how the project is carried out rather than what it is about. In the US, however, a student applies to become a doctoral candidate within a department rather than applying for a particular research project. This is because students are expected to decide on their thesis topic (also commonly referred to as a dissertation research topic) near the end of their first phase after they have developed a better understanding of their subject and know where their interests lie. Therefore, research students in the US generally have more flexibility and influence in the direction of their research than students in the United Kingdom or Europe.

PhD Admission Requirements in USA

PhD admission into US universities can be highly competitive, both because of the limited number of positions and the large number of annual applicants.

The eligibility requirements for a doctoral program in the USA can generally be divided into four sections:

How to Apply for a PhD in USA

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) – in the US, a scoring system known as Grade Point Average is used to measure academic ability. A student’s GPA is calculated as a weighted score of the subjects they study during their undergraduate degree; an equivalent score is calculated by universities for international applicants. Although universities rarely set minimum GPA requirements for doctoral study, it’s worth being aware that a GPA of 3.0 is equivalent to a UK second class honours (2:1); the typical entry requirement for UK universities.
  • Graduate Records Exam (GRE) – most universities will require you to take a series of examinations known as Graduate Records Exams, which are used to determine your suitability for graduate study. GREs will assess your analytical, reasoning and critical thinking skills as well as your depth of your subject.
  • Student aptitude – in addition to academic ability, US universities also look for characteristics of a strong researcher. These include traits such as engaging in the subject in your own time, e.g. by attending talks and conferences, demonstrating a high degree of independence and enthusiasm, and a general passion for your subject.
  • English Language Proficiency – international students whose first language is not English must sit language exams such as IELTS or TOELF to demonstrate their English language proficiency.

International students will also require a F1 student visa in order to study in the US, however, you would typically apply for this after you have secured a place into a doctorate program.

How to Apply for PhD in USA

When applying for a PhD position at a graduate school, the application process will differ between universities, however, they will all typically ask for the following:

  • Academic CV – a short document summarising your educational background and current level of experience .
  • Personal statement – a document which outlines why you believe you are suitable for PhD study and your passion for the subject.
  • Academic transcripts – a complete breakdown of the modules and their respective marks you have taken as part of your previous/current degree.
  • GRE scores – a transcript of your Graduate Records Exam results.
  • Research statement – a condensed version of a research proposal outlining your general research interests, if required.
  • Recommendation letters – references from several academic referees who endorse your qualities as a person, your abilities as a student and your potential as a doctoral researcher.

Application Deadlines and Fees

Since PhD programs in the United States have taught components, they commence at the same time as all other taught degrees, and therefore share the same application deadlines and start dates. This corresponds to an application period that typically begins in August and ends in February. Admission decisions are typically made in April, with successful students starting in August/September.

When you apply to a graduate school, you will be expected to pay a fee for each doctorate application to cover the school’s administrative costs for processing your application. The fee varies from university to university, but typically ranges from $50 to $100 .

Funding your PhD in USA

It’s very common for a PhD student to receive financial aid in the form of a PhD scholarship; in fact, this will be the case for the vast majority of students in the US.

PhD funding can be ‘fully funded’ covering the student’s graduate program tuition fees, accommodation and living costs, or ‘partially funded’ covering the student’s tuition fee only in part or full.

Besides funding, a graduate student can take on an assistantship, such as a graduate teaching assistant or research assistant, in which they take on a part-time salaried position at the university alongside their studies.

Due to the international and collaborate nature of American universities, there are also a number of international scholarships available, such as the Fulbright Scholarship and the AAUW International Fellowship .

PhD Duration in USA

In the US, a PhD takes approximately 5 – 6 years to complete if studying full-time, and 8 – 10 years if studying part-time.

If you already have a Master’s degree, your first phase can be shortened by one year at the discretion of the university.

Cost of a PhD in USA

The cost of a PhD program in the US can vary considerably depending on the type of university, i.e. whether it’s a public or private university, the doctoral course, i.e. whether it’s in a STEM subject such as computer science, engineering or a non-STEM subject, and whether you are a home or international student.

In general, however, the typical annual tuition fee for a PhD in the US is between $12,000 and $45,000 per academic year.

As with any doctoral degree, additional costs may include travel for collaborations, bench fees, accommodation and living expenses.

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How Long Does a PhD Take?

Philosophy, physics, public health—whatever your passion may be, it’s grown enough to bring you to where you are right now: researching PhD programs on the internet. 

You know your heart’s in it but is your calendar on the same page? How long does a PhD take exactly?

As you may have expected, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to that question. That’s because a PhD program varies widely between programs and course loads. However, to give you a better idea of what to expect in terms of the time commitment, you’ll want to factor in a timeline ranging anywhere from 5 to 8 years.

In this article, we’ll break that number down a bit more, outlining factors that may alter the overall time spent on your post-graduate studies. From there, you’ll be able to make a more informed choice about whether pursuing a PhD is right for you. 

What is the Average Time it Takes to Get a PhD?

5.8 years—that’s the average amount of time a student spends on their PhD program, according to a US News report on the Survey of Earned Doctorates in 2017. The specific field of study, however, may tilt this average higher or lower. Based on their findings, for example, programs in the humanities took longer, averaging closer to 7.1 years to obtain a PhD. 1

So why do some students take longer than others? This can be due to a variety of factors. Reports show that the average time it takes to get a PhD is getting longer, usually due to the obligations the student has on top of their course load. In years past, students could expect a standard 5-year PhD program. Now, however, there may be more competing priorities that are vying for their attention. 2

Today, PhD students tend to be a bit of mixed batch—from those emerging right out of graduate school to those obtaining their doctorate while still working or maintaining a family. Because of these extra obligations, students may:

  • Opt for a less rigorous course load each semester
  • Take a semester off entirely to focus on a career opportunity or family
  • Be faced with less time to work on their dissertation

Regardless of the field of study, factors such as these may cause some PhD programs to extend longer than others.

A Rough Timeline of the PhD Program

If you’re struggling to wrap your head around seven or more years spent in a PhD program, then it might be helpful to lay out a timeline of what the average PhD student spends their time on each academic year. 3

Keep in mind that the specific trajectory may change from program to program. To give you a general idea, however, here’s an overview of a typical PhD track: 

  • Years 1-3 – During this time, students will usually take a variety of elective courses paired with some research components. At this point, they may work as a teaching aid or research assistant to help offset the costs of their program and to earn valuable, hands-on experience within the field.
  • Passing a comprehensive examination – After their coursework has been completed, students will often be required to put their proficiency in their field to the test by undergoing a detailed evaluation, typically in the form of a written or oral exam. Preparing for this kind of exam can often take the better part of a year.
  • Year 4+  – Once a PhD candidate has succeeded in passing the comprehensive exam, they typically begin their research and dissertation. Depending on the field, this process can take several years and is typically subject to reviews and standardized requirements. Finally, most candidates must have their dissertation evaluated and approved by a panel of professors in order for their doctorate degree to be officially granted. 

What Else to Consider Before Pursuing a PhD

Time isn’t the only thing you should consider before embarking on a PhD program but it is closely linked to a few other factors you’ll want to consider, such as:

  • How long you’ll want to live in a particular place
  • How long you’re willing to commit to studying a particular subject
  • What institution and faculty members will help make sure your time is well spent

Before you take the plunge into a PhD program be sure to weigh out the pros and cons of things such as:

  • Topic – If you’re going to invest nearly half a decade in a particular subject matter, you’ll want to make sure it’s something you’re truly committed to. PhD programs can be quite varied, so don’t settle for something unless it’s the right fit for your particular interests. 
  • Location – Unless you’re pursuing a doctorate degree online, location will likely come into play when deciding where to advance your studies. In addition to meeting your academic interests, the university at which you pursue your PhD should be located in a city or town you’d be comfortable living in for an extended period of time. 
  • Faculty support – You may think you’ve found the perfect university but have you gotten the chance to learn more about the faculty members who are at the forefront of your program? Since you’ll typically work closely with an academic supervisor throughout your PhD program, make sure your research interests are supported by people who you get along well with—and who are experts in your field. 

Explore PhD Programs With Alliant International University

Now that you’ve got a clearer idea of a typical PhD timeline, you may be ready to take the next step forward. Finding a program that fits your interests and your schedule is easy when you explore the options available to you at Alliant International University. 

Here at Alliant we offer a number of PhD programs in Clinical Psychology, Leadership, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. Plus, you can choose whether to study online or in person at one of our six campuses in California. 

For better insight into our PhD, PsyD, DBA, and JD programs, check out our page that details the specifics of our doctoral degrees today. 


  •  “How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD Degree?” US News. August 12, 2019.… . Accessed January 31, 2021.
  •  “What Is the Average Time to Obtain a PhD?” GradSchoolHub. June 3, 2021.… . Accessed January 31, 2021.
  •  “What Is the Average Time to Obtain a PhD?” GradSchoolHub. June 3, 2021.… Accessed January 31, 2021. 

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Frequently Asked Questions for PhD Applicants

If you have questions about the application process, please consult the Application FAQ

Program FAQ

  • When is the application deadline?  December 7, 2023 11:59 PM PST is the application deadline for Autumn 2024-2025.
  • I will have just earned my bachelor’s degree before starting graduate study at Stanford. Should I apply to the MS or the PhD program?  You should apply to the degree program that can fulfill your ultimate degree goal. For example, if obtaining a PhD is your ultimate goal, you should apply directly to the PhD program.
  • Do I need to have a master’s degree before applying to the PhD program?  No; the minimum degree requirement is a bachelor’s degree. Students who enter the PhD program may opt to pursue the master’s degree along the way to earning the PhD.
  • If I apply to the PhD program but do not get admitted, will I be considered for the MS program?   The Electrical Engineering Department does not consider PhD applicants not admitted into the PhD program for the MS program. 
  • If I am admitted and enrolled in the MS program, may I enter the PhD program later?  Admission to the PhD program is possible only through the  annual general admissions process . Current MS students must reapply through this process to be considered for the PhD program.
  • May I apply for a start term other than autumn? No; applications are reviewed on an annual basis for autumn quarter start only.
  • How long does it take to complete the PhD?  Typical completion time for the PhD program is 5-7 years.
  • How important is it to contact faculty before I apply?  Contact with faculty members is not a required part of the application process nor does it guarantee admission to our graduate program. Admissions decisions are made by the Admissions Committee, not by individual faculty members.
  • Is financial assistance available for PhD students?  Yes; all PhD students who maintain satisfactory academic progress receive full financial support for the duration of the doctoral program. For more information, please see  Financial Assistance for PhD Students .
  • What are the minimum GPA requirements for admission?  Applicants do not need to meet any minimum grade point average (GPA) to secure admission, and we do not release information about average GPAs of admitted students. As a guideline, successful applicants typically earn undergraduate cumulative GPAs among the top of their class. However, please keep in mind that admission to our graduate programs depends on a combination of factors, and all areas of a student’s application are weighed when applications are reviewed.
  • Am I eligible to apply if my undergraduate major is not Electrical Engineering?  Yes; students who meet the minimum degree requirements with a strong technical background in engineering, physical sciences, or mathematics are welcome to apply. A bachelor's degree in electrical engineering is not strictly required.
  • Are specific prerequisite courses required for admission?  No; we advise prospective applicants to review the  EE Graduate Handbook  and the  Stanford Course Catalog  to evaluate what prerequisites are needed for graduate-level courses in your area(s) of interest.
  • What is the minimum level of study required of international applicants from an academic institution outside of the U.S.?  Please refer to  Stanford Graduate Admissions | International Applicants  for eligibility guidelines related to study outside of the U.S.
  • What is the process for transferring to the PhD program from another institution?  Students who wish to transfer to our PhD program from another institution must complete the same application procedure as new applicants. If you are admitted and enrolled, you may request to transfer up to 45 units of coursework from your previous institution toward the PhD degree requirements at Stanford, by following the procedures for  Graduate Residency Credit . Students must complete one quarter at Stanford before requesting to transfer units, and all transferred units are subject to approval by the Registrar’s Office.
  • If I am admitted to a EE graduate program, can my admission be deferred?  The Department greatly discourages deferral of matriculation dates.  Deferrals are granted only to PhD applicants, and only in exceptional circumstances such as for US military service or visa issues for students arriving from designated countries.  Admitted students wishing to defer admission must send a written request (along with documentation if possible) to  [email protected] . Requests will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. MS and Coterm applicants cannot defer admission dates.

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How Long Does It Take to Get a Ph.D. Degree?

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Earning a Ph.D. from a U.S. grad school typically requires nearly six years, federal statistics show.

how long is an average phd program


A Ph.D. is most appropriate for someone who is a “lifelong learner.” 

Students who have excelled within a specific academic discipline and who have a strong interest in that field may choose to pursue a Ph.D. degree. However, Ph.D. degree-holders urge prospective students to think carefully about whether they truly want or need a doctoral degree, since Ph.D. programs last for multiple years.

According to the Survey of Earned Doctorates, a census of recent research doctorate recipients who earned their degree from U.S. institutions, the median amount of time it took individuals who received their doctorates in 2017 to complete their program was 5.8 years. However, there are many types of programs that typically take longer than six years to complete, such as humanities and arts doctorates, where the median time for individuals to earn their degree was 7.1 years, according to the survey.

Some Ph.D. candidates begin doctoral programs after they have already obtained master’s degrees, which means the time spent in grad school is a combination of the time spent pursuing a master’s and the years invested in a doctorate. In order to receive a Ph.D. degree, a student must produce and successfully defend an original academic dissertation, which must be approved by a dissertation committtee. Writing and defending a dissertation is so difficult that many Ph.D. students drop out of their Ph.D. programs having done most of the work necessary for degree without completing the dissertation component. These Ph.D. program dropouts often use the phrase “ all but dissertation ” or the abbreviation “ABD” on their resumes.

According to a comprehensive study of  Ph.D. completion rates  published by The Council of Graduate Schools in 2008, only 56.6% of people who begin Ph.D. programs earn Ph.D. degrees.

Ian Curtis, a founding partner with H&C Education, an educational and admissions consulting firm, who is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in French at Yale University , says there are several steps involved in the process of obtaining a Ph.D. Students typically need to fulfill course requirements and pass comprehensive exams, Curtis warns. “Once these obligations have been completed, how long it takes you to write your dissertation depends on who you are, how you work, what field you’re in and what other responsibilities you have in life,” he wrote in an email. Though some Ph.D. students can write a dissertation in a single year, that is rare, and the dissertation writing process may last for several years, Curtis says.

[ READ: What Is a Doctorate or a Doctoral Degree?  ]

Curtis adds that the level of support a Ph.D. student receives from an academic advisor or faculty mentor can be a key factor in determining the length of time it takes to complete a Ph.D. program. “Before you decide to enroll at a specific program, you’ll want to meet your future advisor,” Curtis advises. “Also, reach out to his or her current and former students to get a sense of what he or she is like to work with.”

Curtis also notes that if there is a gap between the amount of time it takes to complete a Ph.D. and the amount of time a student’s funding lasts, this can slow down the Ph.D. completion process. “Keep in mind that if you run out of funding at some point during your doctorate, you will need to find paid work, and this will leave you even less time to focus on writing your dissertation,” he says. “If one of the programs you’re looking at has a record of significantly longer – or shorter – times to competition, this is good information to take into consideration.”

Pierre Huguet, the CEO and co-founder of H&C Education, says prospective Ph.D. students should be aware that a Ph.D. is designed to prepare a person for a career as a scholar. “Most of the jobs available to Ph.D. students upon graduation are academic in nature and directly related to their fields of study: professor, researcher, etc.,” Huguet wrote in an email. “The truth is that more specialization can mean fewer job opportunities. Before starting a Ph.D., students should be sure that they want to pursue a career in academia, or in research. If not, they should make time during the Ph.D. to show recruiters that they’ve traveled beyond their labs and libraries to gain some professional hands-on experience.”

Jack Appleman, a business writing instructor, published author and Ph.D. candidate focusing on organizational communication with the  University at Albany—SUNY , says Ph.D. programs require a level of commitment and focus that goes beyond what is necessary for a typical corporate job. A program with flexible course requirements that allow a student to customize his or her curriculum based on academic interests and personal obligations is ideal, he says.

[ READ: Ph.D. Programs Get a Lot More Practical.  ]

Joan Kee, a professor at the University of Michigan  with the university’s history of art department, says that the length of time required for a Ph.D. varies widely depending on what subject the Ph.D. focuses on. “Ph.D. program length is very discipline and even field-specific; for example, you can and are expected to finish a Ph.D, in economics in under five years, but that would be impossible in art history (or most of the humanities),” she wrote in an email.

Jean Marie Carey, who earned her Ph.D. degree in art history and German from the  University of Otago  in New Zealand, encourages prospective Ph.D. students to check whether their potential Ph.D. program has published a timeline of how long it takes a Ph.D. student to complete their program. She says it is also prudent to speak with Ph.D. graduates of the school and ask about their experience.

Bennett urges prospective Ph.D. students to visit the campuses of their target graduate programs since a Ph.D. program takes so much time that it is important to find a school that feels comfortable. She adds that aspiring Ph.D. students who prefer a collaborative learning environment should be wary of graduate programs that have a cut-throat and competitive atmosphere, since such students may not thrive in that type of setting.

[ READ: 4 Fields Where Doctorates Lead to Jobs.  ]

Alumni of Ph.D. programs note that the process of obtaining a Ph.D. is arduous, regardless of the type of Ph.D. program. “A Ph.D. is a long commitment of your time, energy and financial resources, so it’ll be easier on you if you are passionate about research,” says Grace Lee, who has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and is the founder and CEO of Mastery Insights, an education and career coaching company, and the host of the Career Revisionist podcast.

“A Ph.D. isn’t about rehashing years of knowledge that is already out there, but rather it is about your ability to generate new knowledge. Your intellectual masterpiece (which is your dissertation) takes a lot of time, intellectual creativity and innovation to put together, so you have to be truly passionate about that,” Lee says.

Erin Skelly, a graduate admissions counselor at the IvyWise admissions consulting firm, says when a Ph.D. students struggles to complete his or her Ph.D. degree, it may have more to do with the student’s academic interests or personal circumstances than his or her program.

“The time to complete a Ph.D. can depend on a number of variables, but the specific discipline or school would only account for a year or two’s difference,” she wrote in an email. “When a student takes significantly longer to complete a Ph.D. (degree), it’s usually related to the student’s coursework and research – they need to take additional coursework to complete their comprehensive exams; they change the focus of their program or dissertation, requiring extra coursework or research; or their research doesn’t yield the results they hoped for, and they need to generate a new theory and conduct more research.”

Skelly warns that the average completion time of a Ph.D. program may be misleading in some cases, if the average is skewed based on one or two outliers. She suggests that instead of focusing on the duration of a particular Ph.D. program, prospective students should investigate the program’s attritition and graduation rates.

“It is worthwhile to look at the program requirements and the school’s proposed timeline for completion, and meet current students to get their input on how realistic these expectations for completion are,” Skelly says. “That can give you an honest idea of how long it will really take to complete the program.”

Searching for a grad school? Access our  complete rankings  of Best Graduate Schools.

Academia Insider

How long does it take to get a PhD? Complete a PhD quickly

Deciding to do a PhD is a decision not to be taken lightly. In order to get a doctorate, you must, first of all, spend 3 to 4 years in undergraduate education so that you can apply for your doctoral degree.

After that, you’ll be expected to perform original research and contribute to a body of knowledge to gain your PhD. It will take many years to complete, and many people wonder how many years does it take to complete a doctoral degree?

Research shows that the average amount of time to complete a PhD across disciplines is 4.4 years. Depending on the country, a PhD will take anywhere between two and seven years to complete depending on whether there is a coursework component (US universities).

I spent three years at an Australian university to get my PhD.

The actual amount of time it will take you to complete your PhD will depend on factors such as luck, your productivity, your PhD supervisor relationship, and if you are doing your PhD full or part-time.

This article will go through everything you need to know about the length of the PhD and how you can complete it quicker.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD?

Getting a PhD can be a long and challenging process, but it is also highly rewarding.

On average, it takes an individual around 4-6 years to complete a PhD program.

Check out the table below which provides a range of the amount of time it takes on average for different countries.

However, this time frame is not set in stone and there are many factors that can affect how long it takes to get a PhD.

The biggest factor is the country in which you are going to do your PhD. If you are considering doing your PhD in the United States of America you can expect to spend up to 7 years. Because they have a significant coursework component before the research starts.

If you want to know how to complete your PhD in three years check out my YouTube video where I go through everything you need to know to stay on track for a completion within three years:

It takes many years to do a PhD because there are many factors outside of your control. Let’s take a look at why a PhD take so long to complete and what you can do to make sure that it is as short as possible.

Why does it take so long to complete a PhD?

In the United States of America a doctoral student is usually required to complete a number of courses and examinations, in addition to research and writing a dissertation, before reaching the dissertation phase.

However, even once the student has reached this stage, it may still take longer to complete their PhD program due to the time it takes for them to write a dissertation.

During this time, they must spend considerable amounts of time researching, planning and writing their dissertation, which can take months or even years depending on the complexity of the topic being studied.

Furthermore, there may also be additional delays in completing their PhD due to external factors such as funding or other commitments that might prevent them from dedicating more of their time and resources towards completing their PhD.

Getting used to research

Postgraduate research is not like anything students have done before.

Therefore, there is a settling in process that requires a PhD student to understand what research really is and start to work their way through the mountains of literature related to their primary research question.

Undergraduate does not prepare you very well for a research-based PhD. Therefore, it always takes at least six months for a new PhD student to work out how to work their way through previous studies and buildup skills to be able to start answering their own research question.

Failing a lot

There is a lot of failure in research.

In fact, if there wasn’t failure you wouldn’t be able to push the limits of knowledge.

A PhD take so long because a PhD student must fail more than they succeed and, therefore, slowly find out what direction to take their research in.

Being able to overcome failure as a PhD student is imperative for success.

If you want to know more about how difficult it is to get a PhD you can check out my other article:

  • How difficult is it to get a PhD? The real doctorate struggles.
  • How long does it take to get a PhD part time? Complete a PhD on your own time.
  • Is a PhD worth it now in 2023? [the data]  

Writing up your thesis

Lastly, writing up a dissertation takes a very long time.

It involves analysing your results and reporting on your experiments in a clear and concise manner. It will go through many iterations and your supervisor will look over chapters again and again.

There must be this level of rigourous editing because it is your ticket to being admitted to the degree. You need to be able to commence other experts in the field that you know what you’re talking about and that your contributions are genuinely novel and worthy of submission to the degree.

I was able to write out my thesis in approximately three months and you can watch more about how to write a thesis quickly in my YouTube video, below.

What factors affect how long it takes to get a Ph.D.?

The length of time it takes to get a Ph.D. can vary drastically depending on several factors.

Most US universities require students to enroll in coursework and complete a dissertation, both of which can vary in length.

It usually takes students anywhere from three to seven years to complete the requirements for their degree, though this timeframe may be longer or shorter depending on the field of study and how much research is required.

Additionally, workloads and timelines can be different from student to student depending on their individual goals and objectives.

Ultimately, the amount of time it takes to get a Ph.D. will depend on the specific program and institution as well as the individual’s dedication to completing their degree requirements in a timely manner.

Field of study

Your field of study will also have a significant impact on how long it takes you to get your PhD.

Here is data from a study that looks at Australian university PhD completion published in 1994 .

You can see that the overall timescale for producing a PhD is 4.4 years but education, arts and humanities PhD is often take much longer.

It is my experience that PhD is in the sciences take on average 3 ½ years.

Luck plays a massively important role in determining the length of your PhD.

Everyone’s journey is different and, if you are unlucky, you may end up with a lot of setbacks. Continually working through the setbacks and making sure that you do not stop working for significant amounts of time will ensure that you finish in as quick a time as possible.

If you keep working creatively long enough and hard enough on a research question, you’ll be able to work through any short-term setbacks.

Being focused for multi-year projects is very tough.

Staying motivated and focused throughout your PhD will challenge even the most purpose driven students.

A PhD is a marathon and not a sprint and, therefore, working towards your goal little by little every day is the best way to maintain focus.

Supervisor urgency

Your supervisor will heavily dictate when you are able to submit. They will be responsible for making sure that your PhD thesis is up to the standard required by the field.

Making sure that your PhD supervisor is prompt with feedback and returning your dissertation drafts throughout your PhD journey will mean that you will avoid unnecessarily waiting for feedback and extending your candidature.

How can I complete my Ph.D. sooner?

Completing a Ph.D. can be a long and daunting process, but there are several ways to get it done faster.

Here is a YouTube video a talk about the fastest way to complete a PhD:

One of the best ways to expedite the process is to start getting your work published all your thesis written early on in your studies.

This will help you accrue experience and give you a competitive edge when applying for jobs or grants after your PhD.

Additionally, make sure you have an organized plan to complete your dissertation so that you don’t waste time due to procrastination or lack of planning.

If possible, try to find mentors who can offer guidance and advice throughout the process; having someone who has gone through the same steps before can be invaluable in helping you stay on track.

I had a mentor throughout my PhD and subsequent postdocs so that I would be able to have accountability and someone to help troubleshoot outside of my supervisory team.

Finally, break down your dissertation into achievable easy to achieve goals.

With careful planning and hard work, completing your Ph.D. sooner than expected is definitely within reach!

How long is a part-time PhD?

A part-time PhD is a doctorate that requires fewer hours per week and spread over a longer period of time.

I know of people who did their PhD part-time alongside their jobs.

It usually takes many part-time PhD students around 6 to 10 years to complete their PhD. This is longer than the typical three-year duration for full-time PhDs, but it allows students to keep their job and other commitments while working on their degree.

Many PhD students opt for the part-time program in order to balance work and study commitments.

With the right planning and dedication, it’s possible to complete a part-time PhD in around six years.

However, this may vary depending on the individual’s research project and rate of progress.

Wrapping up

This article has been through everything you need to know about how long it takes to get PhD.

It takes on average 4.4 years to earn a PhD although it depends on your doctoral program as to how long it will typically take a PhD student to graduate.

Writing your dissertation early and being focused on the end goal will help you finish within four to seven years. Part-time PhD’s may also take a little bit longer but the time to completion will depend on various factors outside of your control such as luck, your supervisors urgency, and how well the research topic and question was formulated.

Many earn their degree within five years which means they can then go on to achieve other career goals. In my case, I went into industry, returned to academia, and now runs several online businesses.

Despite not being strictly related to my current career, my PhD is invaluable.

how long is an average phd program

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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how long is an average phd program

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how long is an average phd program

PhD Admission FAQ

how long is an average phd program

General Information

When is the application due and how do i apply .

NOW CLOSED- The application is due on  November 30, 2023  at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. 

Apply using the  application portal .

How long does it take to get a PhD in Psychology at Stanford?

The PhD program is designed to be completed in five years of full-time study. Actual time will depend on students' prior background, progress, and research requirements. The minimum residency requirement for the PhD degree is 135 units of completed coursework and research units.

What are the requirements for the PhD degree in Psychology?

Please consult the  PhD Requirements page .

What are the different subfields within the graduate program in Psychology?

  • Affective Science
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Neuroscience
  • Social Psychology

What is the Department's teaching requirement?

PhD students must complete at least five quarters of teaching assistantship (TA) under the supervision of a faculty member. Students are required to attend a TA training workshop in their second year. In addition, students are encouraged to take advantage of department and university teacher training programs. Students for whom English is a second language are expected to acquire sufficient fluency in English. All international students must be approved by  Stanford’s EFS department . 

How many students apply to the Stanford Psychology PhD? How many are admitted? What are the demographics?

Stanford provides public reports with summary data about graduate programs and graduate admissions. Please consult the public dashboards published by Stanford's office of Institutional Research & Decision Support on  doctoral admissions ,  doctoral enrollment and demographics , and  doctoral completion and time-to-degree . 

Is there a standalone Master of Arts program in Psychology?

The Department of Psychology does not offer a terminal Master’s degree program. Current doctoral students within the Department or in another Stanford graduate program may apply to be awarded a Master of Arts in Psychology during the course of their PhD program.

Does your department have a program in Clinical Psychology? Are you accredited by the APA?

No. Our department does not have a program in Clinical Psychology. As such, we are not accredited by the APA.

Do you have any advice about getting into grad school?

The Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences offers an online resource for prospective graduate school applicants:  Guide on Getting Into Grad School . We encourage applicants to take advantage of this resource.

Financial Support

What is the annual cost of attending your program.

All students admitted to the Psychology PhD program receive five years of 12-month funding. Financial support is provided through a combination of fellowship stipend and salary, and assistantship salary and tuition allowance. Information about the cost of attendance and funding options are available from the  Financial Aid Office .

What type of financial support do you offer?

All students admitted to the Psychology PhD program receive five years of 12-month funding. Financial support is provided through a combination of fellowship stipend and salary, and assistantship salary and tuition allowance. Funding is contingent upon satisfactory academic progress. Students are encouraged to pursue fellowships offered by the University and by national organizations, such as the National Science Foundation.

Stanford University also offers the  Knight-Hennessy Scholars  program, designed to build a multidisciplinary community of Stanford graduate students dedicated to finding creative solutions to the world's greatest challenges. The program awards up to 100 high-achieving students every year with full funding to pursue graduate education at Stanford, including the PhD in Psychology. To be considered, you must apply to Knight-Hennessy Scholars and separately apply to the Psychology Department. Note that the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program application deadline is in the spring  before  the autumn application cycle.

Do you offer support for the summer months?

Yes, funding is offered for 12 months a year for 5 full years, including 5 summers.

Preparing for Admission

Am i eligible to apply if my undergraduate major is not in psychology.

An undergraduate major in Psychology is not required; applicants from other backgrounds can apply and be admitted. All applicants should have sufficient foundational knowledge and research experience prior to the program to allow them to go straight into graduate-level coursework and conduct research.

My undergraduate degree was completed outside the United States. Is my degree eligible? 

Please refer to the Stanford Graduate Admission Office's table of  minimum level requirements for international academic credentials . These credential requirements are set by the University and nonnegotiable.

If I have prior graduate work, can it be transferred to the PhD program?

No, the Department of Psychology does not allow the transfer of unit credits from your previous program.

How competitive is admission to the PhD program?

Admission to our program is highly competitive. About 10-15 admits enter the program each year and are chosen from a pool of over 600 applicants. These students are selected on the basis of a strong academic background as demonstrated by previous coursework, research experience, and letters of recommendation. Please be assured that the Department reviews each application very carefully and makes decisions on an individual basis.

The Application Process

How do i apply.

Please visit the  PhD Admissions page  for instructions on how to apply to the Psychology PhD Program, graduate application requirements, and the link to the online application. 

Is there an application fee? If so, can I apply for a fee waiver?

The fee to apply for graduate study at Stanford is $125, see  Application Fee . Fee waivers are available for some applicants. Please visit Graduate Admissions for information on applying for an  Application Fee Waiver .

Can I submit another application to a different department within the University?

You may only apply to one degree program per academic year. However, you may apply concurrently to one departmental program and to a professional school program (law, medicine, or business).

I'm interested in the joint JD/PhD in Law and Psychology - how does it work?

Students interested in the JD/Ph.D. joint degree must apply and gain entrance separately to the School of Law and the Psychology Ph.D. program. Additionally, students must secure permission from each degree program to pursue the joint degree. Interest in both degrees should be noted on the student’s admissions applications and may be considered by the admissions committee of each program. Alternatively, an enrolled student in either the Law School or the Psychology department may apply to add the other degree and undertake the joint degree program, preferably during their first year of study. Students participating in the JD/Ph.D. joint degree program are not eligible to transfer and receive credit for a masters, or other degree, towards the Psychology Ph.D.

Students interested in the MPP/Ph.D. joint degree must apply and gain entrance to the Public Policy program’s MPP degree and the Psychology Ph.D. program. Students should note their interest in both degrees on their graduate admissions applications. Additionally, students must secure permission from each degree program to pursue the joint degree

Which faculty are accepting new students this year?

All active faculty are potentially accepting new students each year. In your application, we ask you to list the top 3 faculty you are most interested in working with. Multiple readers will review your application in full regardless of who you list. 

My institution does not report GPAs on a 4.0 grading scale. How should I report my GPA on the application?

Please do not convert your GPA to a 4.0 grading scale. You should enter “0.00” for the GPA and use the “Unconverted GPA” and “Unconverted GPA System” fields instead. A link to detailed instructions for reporting GPA is located near these fields on the application.

I attended multiple undergraduate institutions. In what order should I list them on the application?

The institution where you earned or expect to earn your Bachelor's degree should be listed as "Post-Secondary Institution 1." The remaining institutions don’t have to follow a particular order. List all institutions that were attended for at least one full academic year. Please note that you must submit a transcript for all courses taken towards your undergraduate degree, including those from your nonprimary institutions.

When should I submit my transcripts if my degree will still be in progress at the time of the application deadline?

The most current version of your unofficial transcript must be submitted as part of your electronic application, even if the grades from your fall term are not available. The absence of these grades will have no impact on the review of your application. If you are admitted and enrolled, we will ask you to submit your final transcript showing all grades and proof of degree conferral.

Should I submit official transcripts?

At the time of your initial application, please only submit your unofficial transcripts. Submit the unofficial transcripts as part of your electronic application, per the instructions in the application portal. A short list of applicants who move forward to the next stage of the review process will be contacted with instructions for submitting official transcripts at a later stage. 

It may be helpful to understand the difference.  Unofficial transcripts  are transcripts issued by your college or university directly to you, the student, which you then submit to Stanford for review. Official transcripts  are transcripts issued by your college or university directly to Stanford University, usually by secure electronic transfer and sometimes in hard copy in signed and sealed envelopes. The key difference is that an  official transcript  has never been directly handled by the applicant.

Do you have a minimum GPA score?

We do not require applicants to have a minimum GPA for consideration, and we do not release information about the average GPAs of accepted students. As a guideline, successful applicants typically earn undergraduate cumulative GPAs among the top of their class. However, please keep in mind that admission to our graduate program depends on a combination of factors, and all areas of a student’s application are weighed similarly when applications are reviewed. If our research areas meet your educational goals, we encourage you to submit an application. 

May I contact the faculty directly during the application process?

Applicants are not prohibited from reaching out to faculty directly during the application cycle. However, please understand that our faculty are extremely busy, and it is quite possible that you will receive either a very short response or no response at all. This does not mean the faculty are not interested in your application. All applications will be read and reviewed in full during the formal review process. Note that per Department policy, all faculty are potentially accepting graduate students in any given cycle, so you do not need to contact faculty in advance to see if that specific mentor is accepting students for the coming year.

Can I meet with Department staff either by phone or email before I apply to discuss my application materials or ask general questions about the program?

No, the Department staff do not have meetings with or provide individualized advising for prospective applicants. Please understand that this is a matter of bandwidth and equity. We do not have the ability to offer personalized service to all interested applicants, so we do not offer them at all. By Department policy, our staff do not provide any evaluative feedback on prospective applicants' materials, so please do not contact us with CVs, academic histories, etc to request feedback or ask about odds for acceptance. For support in crafting your application, we recommend that you turn to your existing network of mentors (e.g., your letter writers) and/or the resources offered by your current or prior academic institution(s).


Is the general gre required is the subject gre required.

No, the Stanford Psychology PhD program does not require the general GRE or the subject GRE. We will not be collecting any information related to GRE exam scores on the application. Please do not submit GRE scores to Stanford for our program.

What is the TOEFL exam, and am I required to take it?

The TOEFL is a standardized test of English language proficiency. Per University policy, the TOEFL exam is required for international, non-native English speakers who apply to any Stanford graduate program. 

The TOEFL score requirements are waived for international non-native English speakers who have received a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from an institution in the United States or another English-speaking country. Therefore, applicants with these degrees from the U.S., Australia, Canada (except Quebec), New Zealand, Singapore, Ireland, and the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales) are exempt from taking the TOEFL and do not need to submit the TOEFL waiver request form.

When should I take the TOEFL?

The TOEFL must be taken by the published application deadline. 

What is the minimum TOEFL score required for admission?

Please visit the website of  Stanford's Office of Graduate Admissions  for more information on the University’s minimum requirements.

If my TOEFL score falls below the University’s minimum, am I still eligible to apply?

Yes, you may still apply. If your TOEFL scores fall below the University's minimum requirements and you are admitted, Stanford may require you to take an English placement exam and/or English classes.

May I submit the IELTS instead of the TOEFL to demonstrate English proficiency?

The IELTS is not accepted at Stanford University; only the TOEFL is accepted to provide proof of proficiency in English.

How do I request a TOEFL exemption or waiver?

For all questions related to TOEFL exemptions or waivers please refer to the website of  Stanford’s Office of Graduate Admissions . Please note that the central office makes all final decisions regarding TOEFL waivers; the Department of Psychology is not involved in the approval of TOEFL waivers.

How do I check the status of my TOEFL scores?

Log in to your application account. It may take up to two weeks after submitting your application or sending the scores (whichever occurs later) for your official scores to show as received. Processing may be delayed or halted if the name or birthdate on the score report does not exactly match the information on your application.

Why does my TOEFL status show as “Not Applicable” even though I submitted a TOEFL score?

This may be because you listed English as your first language in the application. Please note that “first language” refers to your native language.

Is there a department code for ETS to use in order to send in my scores?

No, there are no individual department code. Use the Stanford University score recipient code  4704  to send your TOEFL scores.

Statements of Purpose

How long should my statement of purpose be.

We strongly recommend that your statement of purpose be around two pages in length.

What should I include in my statement of purpose?

Please consult the Stanford Graduate Admissions  FAQ page  for more information on the Statement of Purpose.

Letters of Recommendation

When are the letters of recommendation due.

The letters of recommendation have the same deadline as the rest of the application. This year, the deadline is  November 30, 2023.

How many recommendations do I need, and who should I ask to be my recommenders?

Applicants need three recommendations from faculty or others qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study. At least one evaluation and letter should be from a faculty member at the last school you attended as a full-time student (unless you have been out of school for more than five years). Substitutions for faculty recommendations may include work associates or others who can comment on your academic potential for graduate work.

My recommender will not be able to submit his/her letter by the application deadline. Will my application still be considered?

Letters of recommendation must be submitted by the application deadline. As such, we strongly encourage you to contact your recommenders directly to remind them of our deadline. If your recommender misses the deadline, please contact  psych-admissions [at] (psych-admissions[at]stanford[dot]edu) . Depending on the circumstances, Department staff may collect the letter via email and forward it to the faculty to add to your file. That said, the program expects applicants to do everything possible to ensure that letters are submitted on time via the secure online system.

Can my recommenders submit their letters via email, fax, or postal service?

No. Recommenders must submit their letters via Stanford’s online recommender system.

My recommenders are having technical difficulties with the online letters of recommendation process. Who should they contact?

Should any of your recommenders experience technical difficulties with the online letters of recommendation process, please refer them to our application database provider's letters of recommendation help page or have them submit a Help Request Form directly to our application database provider.

Additional Materials and Updates

I realized i made a mistake on my application and/or uploaded the wrong version of my documents. what do i do.

Depending on the timing and the nature of the error, our staff may be able to correct your application. Please send an email to  psych-admissions [at] (psych-admissions[at]stanford[dot]edu) . Include your full name, a complete description of the error, and attach the correct version of the file (if applicable). The Department reserves the right to decline to update your application after the deadline has passed. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

If you need to change your recommenders, please use the Activity Status Page. Note: The order of recommenders cannot be changed.

May I submit a resume/CV, list of publications, etc. as part of my application?

Applicants are permitted to upload one additional document to the online application, under the “Document Uploads” section.

Is there an interview process? 

Yes, our faculty interview prospective students before making final admission decisions. 

When are the interviews?

The interviews for the current admissions cycle are likely to be in February 2021. We anticipate that all interviews will take place virtually.

When can I expect to find out the decision on my application?

The Department of Psychology aims to issue all offers of admission to PhD degree applicants by the end of March.

I applied in a prior cycle and was not admitted. Can I apply again?

Applicants who applied in prior cycles and were previously not admitted are welcome to reapply if they can demonstrate significant progress made since they last applied. We encourage you to use your Statement of Purpose to explain this progress.

All documents must be resubmitted with a new application. We do not keep records from past applications.

I still have questions!

If you have questions that are not answered on this page or the Stanford Graduate Admissions  FAQ page , please email  psych-admissions [at] (psych-admissions[at]stanford[dot]edu) . If your questions are already covered on this page, your email may not receive a response.

Note that our Department staff are experts on the logistics and administration of the application, but do not answer questions related to research topics or faculty fit. Per Department policy, Department staff will not offer any evaluative feedback on application materials or applicants' academic background. Unfortunately, due to the extremely high volume of inquiries, we cannot provide individual status updates for applicants at any point in the process.

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Survey of Ph.D. Programs in Chemistry

By Joel Shulman

How does your chemistry Ph.D. program compare to others in terms of department size and student demographics? Requirements for the degree? Graduate student progression and support? Developing skills that go beyond knowledge of chemistry? Answers to these questions and many others can be gleaned from the Survey of Ph.D. Programs in Chemistry recently reported by the ACS Committee on Professional Training (CPT) . Highlights of the survey are given here.

View the full report

The primary objective of the CPT is to facilitate the maintenance and improvement of the quality of chemical education at the postsecondary level. Not only does the Committee develop and administer the guidelines that define high-quality undergraduate education, but it also produces resources such as the ACS Directory of Graduate Education and publishes data on undergraduate and graduate education. Approximately every ten years, CPT fields a survey of Ph.D. programs. The latest survey solicited data from all 196 Ph.D. programs in chemistry and received usable information (base year, 2007) from 139 of these programs.

Figure 1. Size Distribution of Ph.D. Programs

how long is an average phd program

Program size and demographics of students

The 139 reporting Ph.D. programs are divided for purposes of comparison into three groups of approximately equal size according to the total number of graduate students in the program: 44 small (defined as 0 to 40 total graduate students), 46 medium (41 to 105 graduate students), and 49 large programs (106+ graduate students). The number of students in Ph.D. programs ranges from 0 to 394 (see Figure 1) with a total of 13,280 students. Eighteen departments have more than 200 students, accounting for more than one-third (4,460) of the total graduate students in chemistry. The 30 largest programs account for almost 50% of graduate students. The average program size is 96 students (and 23 faculty), while the median program size is 67 students.

Of the doctoral students in responding programs, 27.4% are women, 5.2% are underrepresented minorities, and 42.3% are international students (Table 1). Small programs tend to have a higher percentage of underrepresented minority students (averaging 7.8%), while large programs have a higher percentage of women (28.5%) and a lower percentage of international students (37.3%).

Table 1. Demographics of Graduate Students by Program Size

Requirements for degree (table 2).

Of course, a doctoral dissertation is required by all Ph.D. programs. Most (71%) graduate programs require entering graduate students to take placement exams, although this requirement tends to be less prevalent as program size increases. The average program requires a minimum of 20 credits (semester hours, corrected for programs on the quarter system) of coursework, a number that does not vary significantly by program size. In addition to course work and dissertation, 96% of programs require at least one of the following: cumulative examinations (58%), an oral preliminary exam (54%), a comprehensive oral exam (50%), and/or a comprehensive written exam (31%). All four of these exams are required by 7% of programs; 17% of programs require three; 43% of programs require two; and 28% require only one. Large programs require cumulative exams less often and oral exams more often than small or medium programs. Only four programs (3%) require students to pass a language exam for the Ph.D.

Table 2. Requirement in Ph.D. Program

Graduate student progression and support (table 3).

The mean time to the Ph.D. is 5.1 years, a number that varies neither by program size nor by public vs. private institution (data not shown). Most programs place a limit on the amount of time allowed to achieve a Ph.D. (average of 7.8 years) as well as on the number of years of departmental support allowed a student (average of 5.9 years). More than 80% of students choose a research advisor within six months of entering graduate school. A significant number of programs either require or permit laboratory rotations before a final advisor is selected.

Monetary support for Ph.D. students comes from teaching assistantships more often than from research assistantships at small and medium programs, while the reverse is true in large programs. There is wide variation in TA stipends, depending on both program size and geographic location. Most programs have a range of stipends, which on average run from $18,000 to about $20,000 per year. Teaching assistants at larger programs are more likely to teach discussion (recitation) sections than those in small or medium programs.

Table 3. Student Progression and Support in Ph.D. Programs

Developing student skills.

In addition to chemistry knowledge and laboratory skills, it is important that all Ph.D. chemists develop skills in areas such as critical thinking, oral and written communication, and teamwork. Toward this end, 74% of all programs require students to create and defend an original research proposal (Table 2). All but six programs require students to make presentations (exclusive of the thesis defense) to audiences other than their research group; the average number of required presentations is 2.4, with little variation by program size. When asked whether any graduate students receive student-skills training outside of formal course work, 67% responded that at least some students receive specific training in communications; 59% in ethics/scientific integrity; 43% in grant writing; 37% in mentoring; 37% in intellectual property/patents; and 18% in business/economics. Students in large programs are more likely to receive some training in these skill areas than are students in other programs.

The data from this CPT survey provide a snapshot of graduate student demographics, requirements for the degree, and progression and support in chemistry Ph.D. programs. Survey results highlight similarities and differences among small, medium, and large programs across the country.

Dr. Joel I. Shulman retired as The Procter & Gamble Company's Manager of Doctoral Recruiting and University Relations in 2001 and is now an adjunct professor of chemistry at the University of Cincinnati. He serves the ACS as a consultant for the Office of Graduate Education and the Department of Career Management and Development and as a member of the Committee on Professional Training.

how long is an average phd program

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Texas Tech Now

Media and communication graduate earns degree after decade-long journey.

May 10, 2024

College of Media and Communication Graduate Earns Degree After Decade-Long Journey

Gini Wilbanks proves you can have it all, just not all at once.

Gini woke up, her heart mimicking the pulsing beat of her alarm. 

It was another morning of a racing heart and a sick feeling in her stomach. She wondered if her family had made the right decision moving to Round Rock, Texas. She made her way to Elijah's crib, picking up her 6-month-old who was crying. She wanted to join him, but she was too exhausted to cry. 

Gini and her husband Josh had moved from Lubbock so Josh could take a job near Austin. He had recently graduated from Texas Tech University, but Gini still had roughly 40 credit hours to finish. The move away from campus meant a change in major for Gini. The former Creative Media Industries student switched to Public Relations & Strategic Communication Management. 

She was getting close to finishing her degree, but on this morning, the finish line felt far.  Gini started making breakfast for herself and her two older children, Adeline and Charlotte. 

“I was postpartum, and I got hit hard with depression and high anxiety,” Gini recalled. “My grades started to suffer.”

Gini had moved away from her family, friends and her entire support system. The couple had believed the move would set them up for a successful future but at this moment, Gini couldn't think past the next few hours. 

A Future Red Raider

“Texas Tech has always been a huge part of my life,” Gini said. 

Born and raised in Lubbock, Gini's parents both worked at the university. The family was active in their support of Red Raider athletics and the university's arts scene. They attended each Carol of Lights™ and befriended faculty and staff around campus.

Gini as a child at a Texas Tech University football game.

Growing up in the college town inspired Gini to attend Texas Tech one day. 

Coming up through Tubbs Elementary, O.L. Slaton Middle School and Lubbock High School, Gini was active in theater, dance and choir. She involved herself in as many artistic events as she could, finding these endeavors energized her.  

As high school graduation approached, though, she took stock of what would offer a consistent career. 

“When I graduated in 2013, there were not as many jobs in communications,” Gini said. “There was a stigma around creative careers. I wanted to be seen as serious so I looked for something that would make good money.” 

Multiple family members worked in the medical field, so Gini decided to study nursing. 

Around this same time, she and her high school sweetheart were getting more serious. Gini met her now-husband Josh in biology during the ninth grade. The two became friends and started dating the following year. By the time they graduated, they both knew they'd found the one.

Josh and Gini in front of the Lubbock High School sign.

Josh enlisted in the Army and was sent to basic training the summer after graduation. The young couple couldn't talk much on the phone, so they wrote letters throughout the long, sweltering summer months. Gini would make her way to the mailbox in the dry West Texas heat, opening the latch to find something stamped from Fort Benning.

The couple kept every letter from that summer. 

Meanwhile, Gini started pre-nursing courses at South Plains College (SPC). While the dream was still to attend Texas Tech, she knew she could get basic requirements out of the way at a lower cost at SPC. 

“For a few semesters, I was very focused on my schoolwork,” Gini recalled. “Josh was getting his stuff done and I was taking care of my classes.”

In the following years, everything rapidly changed. In April 2016, the couple got married and Gini started work as a nurse's aide at Covenant Children's in the postpartum unit. 

In 2017, the couple welcomed their first child, Adeline. By 2018, Josh enrolled full time at Texas Tech.

Josh and Gini, pregnant with Adeline

In the span of a few short years, Gini's life looked drastically different. 

“When we had Adeline, I ended up having an emergency cesarian,” Gini said. “Because of the longer recovery, I ended up taking that whole semester off from school.” 

Gini's classwork began to take a backseat during this time. Supporting Josh in his studies, working as a postpartum nurse's aide and taking care of a newborn was a full load. 

“I decided to take a prolonged break from school,” she said. “I had a job I enjoyed and wanted to soak up being a new mom.” 

While a break was the right choice for Gini at that time, it made going back to school that much tougher. 

A Change in Direction

Josh and Gini had their second daughter, Charlotte, at the beginning of 2020. She was only a few weeks old when the pandemic started. Josh, Gini and their young children were home for months. While Gini did go back to work after her maternity leave was over, the restrictions gave her room to reflect. 

“We were stuck at home for a while, and my need to express myself creatively came back out,” she said. 

It was something she hadn't taken the time to do in years. 

Gini came up with crafts to do with their eldest, and she started dabbling in photography. A light came on, and Gini started questioning the academic road she'd taken up until that point. 

Gini with her camera.

“The stress of working through the pandemic certainly added to it, but I think the pandemic showed me something I already knew deep down,” she said. 

Gini had chosen to forego a creative career seven years prior, worried about appearances and stability. Now, a wife and mother, her priorities had changed. 

“I'd grown up a lot in that short time, and I had different aspirations,” she said. 

Not only had Gini changed, but the communications industry had changed as well. When she graduated from high school, some organizations were just beginning to use social media, and many weren't utilizing it at all. But with the progression of technology and the sudden boom of online activity during the pandemic, Gini decided to revisit a career in communications. 

She met with Associate Director of Advising Don Ellis in the College of Media & Communication (CoMC), who became a mentor to Gini every step of the way. 

“Gini came to us as a transfer student, and she had a level of maturity and diverse life experiences that seemed to enhance the quality of her academic career,” Ellis said. “Despite challenges posed by the pandemic, she consistently displayed a strong sense of determination and resilience, maintained her focus, and always actively participated in her own education.”

Gini had always wanted to help people; she thought nursing was the best way to do that. But as life changed, she realized she could make a difference while using her talents. 

“I discovered Texas Tech had a program called creative media industries (CMI),” she said. 

The program's focus on innovative storytelling was appealing to Gini, who was looking to grow her existing passion for visual communications. So, in the fall of 2020, Gini started her first semester as a Red Raider. 

The moment was a long time coming. 

While her first semester was completely online, Gini was able to be on campus in the spring of 2021. 

“I have a photo of my first day on campus,” she said. “I have a mask on, so it'll always be easy to remember when that was.” 

Gini wearing a COVID mask, standing in front of the College of Media and Communication.

Life had thrown her some curve balls, but Gini was zeroing in on what she wanted and remembering the dreams she had had as a young girl. She knew she would attend Texas Tech, the reality of that was just a whole lot different than she envisioned. 

For the following year, both Josh and Gini were enrolled in the same college. Josh was a student in the Public Relations & Strategic Communication Management program, while Gini thrived in CMI. It was around this same time that the couple found out they were expecting another child, a son. 

“I remember thinking, ‘Oh boy, here we go again,'” Gini laughed. 

Thrilled to be welcoming a son, Gini struggled, wanting to focus on her growing family and her schoolwork at the same time. When she had her daughters, she was in a love-hate relationship with academia. That had changed this time around. She wondered how she would balance being a mom to three kids while finishing a program she genuinely loved. 

It was a good problem to have, but it remained a problem. To make matters harder, Josh received a job offer in Round Rock after graduating from Texas Tech in the spring of 2022, only a few months after they had Elijah.

Josh's graduation day

Josh was commissioned as an Army officer upon graduation and signed with the National Guard. His new reporting station was in central Texas and a marketing job became available nearby. However, that meant Gini and the kids would have to leave behind their support system in Lubbock. Both Gini's parents still lived in Lubbock, and she had friends in her hometown. 

Unfortunately for the couple, they didn't have a lot of time to weigh their options. They wanted Josh to start work in six weeks. So, with three young children and virtually no community in Round Rock, Josh and Gini ventured into the unknown. 

The Hardest Stretch 

In the early morning hours, a few months later, Gini was at rock bottom. When classes started in fall of 2023, she had to go back to being an online student. Unfortunately, CMI was not a fully online program. But with the encouragement of her adviser, Gini realized the Public Relations & Strategic Communication Management program overlapped heavily with the courses she'd taken, and it was offered both in-person and online. 

If she was going to complete her degree any time soon, she'd need to switch programs. 

So, she did, and the coursework was comparable to what she'd been studying. However, it wasn't the change in major that was so difficult, it was the fact she was an online college student with three children, at home alone, and suddenly without her support system. 

She also struggled with postpartum depression after the birth of her son. 

“Honestly, I felt like finishing school just wasn't going to happen for me,” Gini said. “Like, maybe it wasn't in the cards.

“I was taking care of a five-month-old, a toddler, and a 5-year-old. I had no family or friends nearby and I was waking up every morning with a high heart rate, sick to my stomach. I stressed over finances, wondering if we'd made a mistake.”

During that semester, Gini's grades began to suffer. She knew that wasn't the way she wanted to finish her college career, so she sought help from her doctor and her adviser. Everyone worked with her, finding solutions to help her succeed. 

Her doctor placed her on an anti-anxiety medication that helped her feel like herself again. Gini begin to create a new routine and even befriended other mothers in the area. 

“I also made sure to reach out to my adviser and kept the line of communication open with each of my professors, letting them know my situation from the beginning,” she said. 

By the end of the semester, she made the President's Honors List. 

There were times, particularly that semester, that Gini was tempted to give up. 

“Every time I was about ready to give up, I would think, ‘C'mon Gini, you have to do this for yourself. You've always wanted to be a Texas Tech graduate; you can do this.'”  

In place of having family in town, Gini would get on the phone and get added support when she needed it most. 

Gini's mother was her biggest cheerleader. 

“She has watched me work toward this goal for a decade,” Gini said. “She's always been so encouraging. Whenever I've had a setback, she reminds me to get back up and get at it. She's always believed I can do this.” 

And on the days when Gini didn't believe in herself, her family, her friends, and Josh have been there to help her cross the finish line. 

“Both Gini and I were unique students,” Josh said. “Texas Tech does an amazing job catering to individuals who are in nontraditional situations.

“Gini has displayed such tenacity while finishing her degree, especially this past year. She doesn't let anything define or limit her. At no point has she looked at her circumstances and let them be a reason not to do something.” 

The Horizon

After graduation, Gini hopes to work in public relations as a social media manager; particularly for brands geared toward mothers and children. 

Adeline, Charlotte and Elijah

As proud as Gini is of finishing her degree, she is even prouder of being a mom. She wants to share that passion in an industry that has plenty of need for good public relations practitioners. 

“In my experience, juggling the demands of being a fulltime public relations major and a mother of three, I've come to realize the critical importance of authenticity and connection,” she said. “Especially when it comes to brands marketing to mothers.” 

The demographic Gini hopes to appeal to is focused on quality and safety, just as she is. Gini has found that parents do not just want to buy products, they want guidance and support. That's why it's important for a public relations campaign to educate and engage that demographic, she says. 

Gini does not hide the fact she is a non-traditional student. Rather, she plays to her strengths. 

Gini sitting on a Texas Tech bench

“As a mom entering the PR world, I bring a unique perspective to the table,” she said. “I know firsthand the challenges and joys of parenting, and I believe our experience as mothers enriches the work we do. 

“By sharing our stories and collaborating with influencers who share our values, we can create genuine connection with audiences.” 

Gini has been in a campaign course this semester, which serves as a capstone for her degree program. To her delight, most of her team members also turned out to be parents. While she may have started out on campus as the older student in class, her online experience has partnered her up with colleagues who are on similar paths. 

Gini hopes even more parents will consider going back to school and finishing their degrees. 

“As fulltime parents and students, it's OK to take your time. School will still be there. The job market will still be there. But time with your kids, that's valuable,” she said. 

Even though Gini knows it's not a race, it doesn't make commencement any less sweet. If anything, walking the stage this spring will be that much more special, as it marks her incredible perseverance over the last 11 years. 

Gini wearing a graduation stoll and looking dreamily at the sky.

“There have been a lot of ups and downs,” Gini said. “But I can finally see the horizon, and it's a great view.” 

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UTA public health graduate focused on helping others

Thursday, May 09, 2024 • Neph Rivera : contact

Photo of UTA master

When Jessica Douglas first step foot on The University of Texas at Arlington campus, it marked a new beginning but with a familiar focus: helping people.

Douglas took a decade-long break to raise her children and train as a doula. But in 2019, she decided to return to school. On May 10, she will officially earn her Master of Public Health degree, crossing the stage with 5,700-plus Mavericks at Globe Life Field.

She’s also earned the prestigious Gerry C. Gunnin, Ph.D., Public Health Memorial Fellowship, considered the most competitive public health fellowship in Dallas-Fort Worth. Douglas will spend 10 weeks working for Texas Health Resources on a variety of community health initiatives.

“I always knew that at a certain point, I would go back to school and go into a profession that was patient-centered,” she said.

Douglas graduated from Houston Community College and then enrolled at the New Mexico College of Midwifery. While apprenticing with a midwife, she decided to take a break from her higher education goals to focus on her family. She had two children at that point and would eventually have two more. But she said she always knew school was still in her future when the time was right.

She originally applied to UTA’s nursing program, but then looked into public health and became hooked with helping people on a community-wide scale.

“I have tons of life experience, have lived through lots of things and have been on both the provider and patient sides,” she said. “The public health space just seems like the right place for me.”

The life experience that Douglas wants to bring to the field is filled with both tragedy and triumph. She had five miscarriages and a stillbirth; she also had two home births and two in a hospital. She wants to make sure moms like her have more positive experiences.

“The United States has not such a great track record with maternal health and outcomes; we’re pretty low across the board,” Douglas said. “There’s a lot of room for growth and change, and it’s what I’m comfortable with because it’s what my experience is in.”

She applied for the fellowship at the urging of Erin Carlson, clinical professor and founding director of UTA’s graduate public health programs. Douglas has worked with her as a UTA public health program assistant.

“Dr. Carlson was the reason I went into the graduate program,” Douglas said. “I was able to be a professional working alongside her instead of just studying under her. She is a great and knowledgeable mentor.”

Douglas said she finds herself looking back on her time as a Maverick, grateful for the support she received from her husband and the connections she made at UTA.

“I’ve made some really good relationships, and I’m excited to celebrate their accomplishments as well,” she said. “It’s not just about me. It’s about the people I’ve met along the way.”

University of Northern Iowa Home

Spring 2024: More than 1,400 will earn degrees from UNI this weekend

Student walking during commencement

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa –  The University of Northern Iowa celebrates the more than 1,400 students who will be earning degrees during commencement ceremonies this weekend. 

90% of graduating students are Iowa residents, representing 93 counties in the state. The spring 2024 graduating class proudly represents 27 states across the U.S. and 17 countries around the world. Nearly a third of this semester’s graduates identify as first generation college students.

Overall, four of five UNI graduates stay in Iowa to work after degree completion. 

UNI is excited to welcome friends and family to celebrate the graduates at three Commencement ceremonies in the McLeod Center. Each will be available via livestream:

Friday, May 10th at 7 p.m. College of Humanities, Arts & Sciences 

Saturday, May 11th at 10 a.m. College of Social & Behavioral Sciences  Division of Online Education & Individual Studies

Saturday, May 11th at 2 p.m. College of Education  Wilson College of Business

Graduation rates for UNI students stand at record levels for the third year in a row. The four-year graduation rate (51%) increased by four percentage points over last year and is more than 20 percentage points above UNI’s Carnegie peers across the country. One in 11 UNI students graduate in just three years, which is an increase from 1 in 12 last fall. 

This increase in timely graduation contributes to UNI graduates holding the lowest average student loan debt of all public universities in Iowa.

Media Contact: Adam Amdor

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Prison inmates graduate from college’s automotive program

According to a news release from the State of Montana, the inmates graduated from Helena...

DEER LODGE, Mont. (Gray News) – Six inmates at Montana State Prison are celebrating a big milestone – graduating from college.

According to a news release from the State of Montana, the inmates graduated from Helena College’s automotive technology program on Monday.

“With these certificates, offenders will have a foot up in the job market as they work on reintegrating into our Montana communities,” DOC Rehabilitation and Programs Chief Scott Eychner said. “We’re all happy to celebrate their accomplishments and grateful for our partnership with Helena College.”

The students paid for the course with help from the Prison Education Program.

The state said throughout the course, incarcerated students had classroom lectures and hands-on learning at the prison. They also attended virtual classroom lectures.

One of the graduates, Bryce Adams, said he was happy to have the chance to receive a formal education in a field he is passionate about.

“I have worked on cars my whole life but never had any formal training. This course has given me the formal knowledge to be a professional technician,” Adams said. “This class gives me a leg to stand on and possible employment that is not bottom-of-the-barrel pay. This class ignited my desire to learn and continue future education.”

Helena College Dean/CEO Sandra Bauman attended the graduation ceremony to present the certificates.

“Their dedication to learning and their commitment to building a better future for themselves is truly inspiring,” Bauman said. “This program exemplifies our belief in the transformative power of education and equipping individuals with the skills they need for successful reentry into their communities.”

Copyright 2024 Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    The program awards up to 100 high-achieving students every year with full funding to pursue graduate education at Stanford, including the PhD in Psychology. To be considered, you must apply to Knight-Hennessy Scholars and separately apply to the Psychology Department. Note that the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program application deadline is in the ...

  21. Doctorate in Psychology (Ph.D. and Psy.D.) Program Guide

    The median BLS salary for psychologists include both graduate and undergraduate level occupations. According to Payscale, of the 25 people reporting in September 2023, the average salary for graduates with a Ph.D. in psychology is $95,000. September Payscale data for 2023 reports the average salary for graduates with a Psy.D. as $92,000.

  22. Survey of Ph.D. Programs in Chemistry

    The number of students in Ph.D. programs ranges from 0 to 394 (see Figure 1) with a total of 13,280 students. Eighteen departments have more than 200 students, accounting for more than one-third (4,460) of the total graduate students in chemistry. The 30 largest programs account for almost 50% of graduate students.

  23. Normal length of time taken to arrive at a phd admission decision?

    I am assuming that you are referring to programs that offer rolling admissions—that is, programs where you can submit an application at any time of the year.. The key words in your question are on average.If you consider all of the applications received by the committee, it will take the committee approximately three months to reach a final decision on a randomly chosen application.

  24. Online MBA and Business Degree Programs

    In the U.S., the average starting salary for college graduates is around $59,000. However, ... (MBA) is a graduate program in business and management that emphasizes leadership and managerial skills. In an MBA program, you'll learn fundamentals such as finance, marketing, and organizational behavior, while building skills in communication ...

  25. Media and Communication Graduate Earns Degree After Decade-Long Journey

    The program's focus on innovative storytelling was appealing to Gini, who was looking to grow her existing passion for visual communications. So, in the fall of 2020, Gini started her first semester as a Red Raider. The moment was a long time coming.

  26. UTA public health graduate focused on helping others

    Douglas took a decade-long break to raise her children and train as a doula. But in 2019, she decided to return to school. On May 10, she will officially earn her Master of Public Health degree, crossing the stage with 5,700-plus Mavericks at Globe Life Field.

  27. Spring 2024: More than 1,400 will earn degrees from UNI this weekend

    CEDAR FALLS, Iowa - The University of Northern Iowa celebrates the more than 1,400 students who will be earning degrees during commencement ceremonies this weekend. 90% of graduating students are Iowa residents, representing 93 counties in the state. The spring 2024 graduating class proudly represents 27 states across the U.S. and 17 countries around the world. Nearly a third of this ...

  28. GEN-Z ACCOUNTANTS: Redefining Traditional Accounting Practices

    Join us at 6 PM (WAT) this Thursday May 9, 2024, as our distinguish guest will be discussing the topic: GEN-Z ACCOUNTANTS: Redefining Traditional...

  29. Prison inmates graduate from college's automotive program

    DEER LODGE, Mont. (Gray News) - Six inmates at Montana State Prison are celebrating a big milestone - graduating from college. According to a news release from the State of Montana, the inmates graduated from Helena College's automotive technology program on Monday. "With these certificates, offenders will have a foot up in the job market as they work on reintegrating into our Montana ...

  30. UTPB grad earns degree after long journey

    Based in Odessa, Texas, the Odessa American was founded in 1940. Odessa American 700 N. Grant Ave., Suite 800 Odessa, TX 79761-4590 (432) 337-4661