Georgetown McDonough MBA Essays Guide: Overview, Tips & Examples

Looking to ace your Georgetown McDonough MBA essays? Our comprehensive guide provides an overview, valuable tips, and real examples to help you craft compelling and impactful essays that will set you apart from the competition.

Posted March 2, 2024

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Georgetown McDonough MBA Essays Guide: Overview, Tips & Examplese re

Applying for an MBA program is a significant milestone in one's academic and professional journey. The Georgetown McDonough School of Business is renowned for its rigorous curriculum and commitment to developing future business leaders. As part of the application process, applicants are required to submit several essays that provide insights into their experiences, goals, and motivations. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the role of these essays, provide tips for crafting compelling responses , and analyze examples of successful Georgetown McDonough MBA essays.

Georgetown McDonough Application and the Role of Essays

The Georgetown McDonough MBA application is designed to evaluate applicants holistically. While academic achievements, professional experience, and recommenders' insights are crucial, the essays play a vital role in revealing the applicants' personality, values, and aspirations. The admissions committee relies on these essays to understand the applicant's fit with the program and the potential for contributing to the McDonough community.

When it comes to the essay prompts, each one is carefully crafted to assess different aspects of the applicant's profile. These prompts are not just random questions; they are strategically designed to elicit specific information that will help the admissions committee evaluate the applicant's suitability for the program.

One of the essay prompts may ask applicants to reflect on a challenging situation they have faced and how they overcame it. This prompt allows applicants to showcase their resilience, problem-solving skills, and ability to learn from adversity. By sharing a personal story and demonstrating their ability to navigate difficult circumstances , applicants can provide valuable insights into their character and how they handle challenges.

Another essay prompt may ask applicants to discuss their long-term career goals and how an MBA from Georgetown McDonough will help them achieve those goals. This prompt provides applicants with an opportunity to articulate their aspirations and demonstrate their understanding of how the program can support their professional growth. By showcasing their clear vision and explaining how Georgetown McDonough's resources, faculty, and alumni network align with their goals, applicants can demonstrate their commitment and motivation.

In addition to these specific prompts, the essays also allow applicants to highlight their unique qualities and experiences that may not be evident from their resume or transcripts. Applicants can use the essays to share stories that showcase their leadership abilities, teamwork skills, cultural awareness, or community involvement. These personal anecdotes provide a deeper understanding of the applicant's values, passions, and potential contributions to the McDonough community.

Moreover, the essay writing process itself is an opportunity for applicants to reflect on their experiences, goals, and motivations . It allows them to introspect and gain clarity on their own values and aspirations. This self-reflection not only helps applicants craft compelling essays but also enables them to approach the MBA program with a deeper sense of purpose and direction.

Overall, the essays in the Georgetown McDonough MBA application serve as a window into the applicant's character, motivations, and potential fit with the program. They provide an opportunity for applicants to go beyond their academic and professional achievements and showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations. By carefully considering and thoughtfully responding to the essay prompts, applicants can make a strong case for their candidacy and increase their chances of being admitted to Georgetown McDonough.

Georgetown McDonough Essay Prompts (2023-2024)

Understanding the essay prompts is the first step towards crafting impactful responses. Let's delve into the essay prompts for the Georgetown McDonough MBA application for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle:

  • Essay Prompt 1: Describe a defining moment when you were challenged and exceeded expectations. How did this experience shape you personally and professionally? (500 words maximum)
  • Essay Prompt 2: Describe a time when you were an advocate for someone or something. What did you learn about yourself from this experience? (500 words maximum)
  • Essay Prompt 3: Imagine that the Georgetown McDonough community is a team of colleagues. Describe how you would approach the team and contribute to its success. (500 words maximum)

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List of Expert Tips for Each McDonough Essay Prompt

Writing powerful essays requires careful planning and execution. To help you navigate the Georgetown McDonough MBA essay prompts effectively, we have compiled a list of expert tips for each prompt:

Essay Prompt 1: Challenging and Exceeding Expectations

1. Begin with a compelling anecdote that vividly illustrates the defining moment you have chosen.

2. Reflect on both personal and professional growth and emphasize how this experience impacted your development.

3. Discuss the lessons learned and how they have influenced your decision to pursue an MBA at Georgetown McDonough.

Essay Prompt 2: Advocating for Someone or Something

1. Select an experience where you effectively advocated for a cause, an individual, or a group.

2. Demonstrate empathy and a deep understanding of the issue or individuals you were advocating for.

3. Reflect on the personal growth and self-discovery that resulted from your advocacy experience.

Essay Prompt 3: Contributing to the McDonough Team's Success

1. Research Georgetown McDonough's values and culture to align your response with the program's ethos.

2. Showcase your teamwork skills, highlighting specific experiences where you collaborated effectively.

3. Emphasize your unique strengths and how they would contribute to the success of the McDonough team.

By following these expert tips, you can create essays that stand out from the competition and demonstrate your fit with Georgetown McDonough's values and community.

MBA Essay Tips: How to Write Compelling Essays

Writing compelling MBA essays requires some strategic thinking and an understanding of what the admissions committee is looking for. Here are a few general tips to help you create impactful essays:

1. Start early and allow time for multiple revisions:

Beginning the writing process early will give you ample time to brainstorm, draft, and refine your essays. Multiple revisions will ensure that your words are concise, engaging, and error-free.

2. Showcase your individuality:

Avoid generic or clichéd responses and strive to showcase your unique experiences, perspectives, and goals. This will help the admissions committee remember your application among the sea of candidates.

3. Connect your past experiences to future goals:

Highlight how your past experiences, both personal and professional, have shaped your career aspirations and how an MBA from Georgetown McDonough can help you achieve them.

4. Stay true to yourself:

Authenticity is key when writing your essays. Be genuine in your responses and avoid trying to mold yourself into what you think the admissions committee wants to hear.

5. Seek feedback from trusted individuals:

Share your essays with mentors, friends, or family members who can provide honest feedback. Their perspectives can help you refine your ideas and ensure that your essays are polished.

By incorporating these tips into your writing process, you can create essays that effectively communicate your experiences, aspirations, and suitability for the Georgetown McDonough MBA program.

Georgetown McDonough Essay Examples From Success Admits — With Analysis

Examining successful Georgetown McDonough MBA essays can provide valuable insights into what the admissions committee values and is impressed by. Success Admits, a leading MBA admissions consulting firm, has graciously shared examples of exceptional Georgetown McDonough essays along with expert analysis.

These essay examples, accompanied by insightful analysis, will help you understand why these essays were effective and how you can craft your own responses in a similar manner. Studying these examples can inspire you and provide a framework for successfully approaching your own essays.

Georgetown McDonough Essay FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the Georgetown McDonough MBA essays:

1. Are the essays the most important part of the application?

While the essays are a crucial component of your application, they are not the only factor considered by the admissions committee. Academic achievements, professional experience, recommendation letters, and other application materials are also evaluated.

2. Should I strictly adhere to the word limits?

Yes, it is essential to adhere to the specified word limits for each essay prompt. The word limit provides an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to express your thoughts concisely and effectively, which is highly valued in the business world.

3. Can I reuse essays from other MBA applications?

It is not recommended to reuse essays from other MBA applications. Each program has unique essay prompts designed to assess specific qualities and fit with their values. Tailoring your essays to the Georgetown McDonough prompts will ensure that your application stands out and demonstrates your sincere interest in the program.

4. How should I balance personal and professional experiences in my essays?

It is important to strike a balance between personal and professional experiences. The essays provide an opportunity to showcase your holistic personality and highlight how both personal and professional experiences have shaped your goals and motivations. Be sure to connect the dots and demonstrate continuity between your past, present, and future.

In conclusion, the Georgetown McDonough MBA essays play a crucial role in the application process, providing an opportunity to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations. By understanding the essay prompts, following expert tips, and studying successful examples, you can present compelling essays that reflect your fit with Georgetown McDonough's values and contribute to your overall application success.

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  • Georgetown McDonough School of Business Essay Tips and Examples

July 20, 2023

Jeremy Shinewald

Georgetown McDonough Essay Analysis, - mbaMission

Candidates for Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business must provide just one written essay (of a somewhat succinct 500 words) in response to their choice of three question options. Applicants can discuss how their personal attributes and experiences can add to the school’s community, what they envision as their lasting impression or influence as a Georgetown MBA, or a particularly significant “win” from their professional life. McDonough also requires a short video essay in which candidates reveal up to ten facts about themselves that help illustrate who they are as a professional and/or leader. The school’s optional essay gives applicants the leeway to discuss anything they feel is necessary, so it should be sufficient to meet everyone’s needs. Our full analysis of McDonough’s essay prompts for 2023–2024 follows.

Georgetown McDonough 2023–2024 Essay Tips

We want to hear your story. when responding to our required essays, be authentic and take time to reflect on your goals and past experiences. craft a response that explains how these experiences led you to pursue an mba., our goal at georgetown mcdonough is to craft a diverse class with people who have had varying personal and professional life experiences. as such, we want to give our applicants the opportunity to select one essay (from a list of three) that allows them the ability to best highlight their experiences, characteristics, and values that showcase the value proposition that they can bring to the mcdonough community. please select one of the following three essays to complete in 500 words (approximately two pages, double spaced) and include the essay prompt and your first/last name at the top of your submission., essay option one – georgetown community, our mission is rooted in jesuit principles of equality and respect for everyone and an ethos of caring for the whole person. inclusivity and diversity are core to supporting a community of people with an intersectional understanding of themselves and the world around them. share how your educational, familial, cultural, economic, social, and/or other individual life experiences will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and ideas at georgetown university..

This essay is a great opportunity to provide the McDonough admissions committee with a better understanding of you as a unique individual. Start by thinking about the aspects of your personality that you believe truly define you as an individual—not just what you do and have done, but who you are—and fully explore your background, hobbies, talents, values, motivations, and quirks. You want to provide a well-rounded picture of yourself that draws from multiple areas and shows that you possess characteristics and/or knowledge that would make you a positive addition to the school’s diverse community. In addition, you will need to describe the situations and circumstances that have helped you develop these qualities and understandings. Although your personal background, strengths, and abilities might overlap with those of other McDonough applicants in some way, you can differentiate yourself here via the stories you choose to illustrate them.

A good way to start identifying your best options for this essay is by making a list of things you believe are notable about you and that would be helpful to have in an MBA environment. Then, pinpoint the experiences you have had that engendered these qualities. Especially consider situations from your past that both allow you to discuss your strengths and standout characteristics and in which you worked with or alongside individuals who were different from you. Instances when you helped create an inclusive atmosphere for others would also, understandably, be great fodder for this essay. If you can show the admissions committee concrete evidence that you know how to collaborate and communicate effectively with others who have disparate backgrounds, mind-sets, and/or styles, your essay will be even more powerful.

You will then need to demonstrate both self-awareness and a thorough understanding of McDonough by drawing connections between (1) what you have done and who you are and (2) what you can subsequently provide at the school as a member of its community. To do this effectively, you will need to truly familiarize yourself in depth with what the McDonough MBA experience is like. Go beyond the school’s website and published materials and connect directly with students, alumni, and other people who can provide firsthand, insider knowledge. Absolutely visit campus if at all possible, and sit in on a class. Read news articles about the school as well as student blogs, check out McDonough’s YouTube channel , and, if offered, attend admissions events in your area. As you do all this research, look for places where your skills, strengths, and personality would not just fit but also contribute in some way. You want to make sure that in your essay, you are not merely showcasing traits, events, and achievements that you think are interesting or singular. They also need to clearly fit with McDonough specifically.

The broad scope of this essay prompt allows you a great amount of freedom to choose and share the information you believe is most important for the admissions committee to know about you, but you have only 500 words for this submission, so focus on conveying your core message(s) clearly and directly. Concentrate on the elements of your identify that you feel are most significant and position you to make a meaningful contribution, explain for the admissions committee how those elements developed or were obtained, and show a connection between them and specific aspects of the program.

Essay Option Two – Leave Your Legacy

Commitment to service and community is an important value that hoyas share across georgetown mcdonough’s 40+ mba student-run clubs and organizations, nine centers and initiatives, and various other co-curricular activities. what do you want your legacy to be as a mcdonough student and alumni be as specific as possible. .

The key word in this essay prompt is clearly “legacy.” This means that the school is not asking solely about what you expect to add during your two years at McDonough. Rather than thinking strictly in terms of “contribution,” think also along the lines of “permanent impact,” whether as a student or an alumnus/alumna. So, for example, in addition to explaining how you will participate in a specific activity or club, describe how that activity or club will be different after your time at McDonough. Or, start by detailing the nature of the unique contributions you could make in class, and then discuss—humbly, of course—the lasting impact you would have on your peers. You could also describe how you plan to maintain your connection to the school after you graduate and what this enduring relationship will mean for the MBA program. What is important here is that you truly comprehend what you have to offer and then reveal exactly how you intend to make that contribution—this will inevitably require that you have a clear understanding of the McDonough experience (refer back to our suggestions on how best to develop this in our analysis for Essay Option One). So, before you elaborate on how, for example, you intend to establish a course on a subject that is dear to your heart or in which you are particularly well versed, make sure that your plans are within the realm of possibility. If you offer an idea or intent that simply would not work at McDonough because you have not learned enough about the program to realize that, you will ultimately show the admissions committee that you are not sufficiently invested in becoming an MBA student there.

As you do your in-depth research on the McDonough program, keep an eye out for instances in which others have made a lasting mark on the school. You do not want to copycat anyone else, of course, but use this input to assess what kinds of efforts tend to be influential, and from there, brainstorm ideas for yourself, based on your personal strengths and potential contributions.

Pay special attention to the aspects of and areas at McDonough that speak to you personally in some way, and consider social events/clubs and professional development opportunities along with course work and academic offerings. Business school is meant to be a comprehensive environment and experience that enriches students in ways not just related directly to business, and perhaps your best potential for contribution lies in one of these areas. 

Essay Option Three – Magis

Magis is a jesuit value that instills the sense of achieving “more” or “greater” excellence. share how you achieved magis during a professional experience as evidenced on your resume. describe why this experience exemplified excellence and what about your involvement (i.e. strengths or skills) contributed to the excellence. .

We imagine that at this point in your life, you have achieved a number of things professionally that you could use as fodder for an application essay. However, your goal here is not simply to impress the admissions committee with the scale or impact of your accomplishment but to offer one that best fits this particular prompt. This means you will need to select one that was truly meaningful for you on a profound level. This essay should provide the McDonough admissions committee with two important things. First, it will gain a better understanding of your values by the nature of the experience you choose and the reasons you consider it so successful (i.e., how do you define “excellence,” especially in your area of interest?). And second, it will learn what kinds of skills you already possess and how you employ them to achieve a desired outcome. 

In addition to creating a compelling narrative for this essay, you should take care to not sound as though you are in any way bragging. The school is less interested in the accomplishment itself and more interested in how you achieved it and why you consider it so significant and successful. As you tell your story, emphasize your actions and let the story do a lot of the work for you. Finally, reflecting on the experience is key, so do not consider this portion of your essay just a simple afterthought you can sum up in a single sentence. McDonough asks you specifically “why” this experience is one you view as exemplifying excellence, so you must dedicate a portion of your essay to the reasons behind your choice.

If space allows, consider mentioning how you anticipate you could be even more successful in a similar circumstance in the future after earning your McDonough MBA, noting what specific skill you will gain or experience you will have at the school would provide this missing piece. Showing that you recognize areas for improvement further demonstrates your capacity for self-assessment, as well as a sense of humility.

Video Essay: Building a cohort of diverse and unique individuals is important to the admissions team. We want you to bring your whole self to Georgetown McDonough. Throughout the application, we’ve learned about what you would add as a professional and leader. Just as important is learning about your interests outside of work. In one minute, please share 5-10 random facts about yourself that are not on your resume and how these facts contribute to who you are as a professional and leader.

McDonough’s video essay is intended specifically for you to offer the school a more dynamic glimpse into your character and personality as an individual, so your primary focus should be on ensuring that you respond in as authentic and natural a way as possible. The admissions committee wants to hear about facets of your background that did not quite make the cut for your application resume (do not repeat any information that appears there, no matter how impressive or interesting you think it might be). These could include accomplishments, skills, qualifications (such as courses you have taken), and even “extracurricular” efforts in the workplace (such as mentoring a coworker or organizing a volunteer day as a team-building exercise). 

Although the prompt notes that the school is interested in “learning about your interests outside of work,” it also stipulates that it wants to know how the information you share “contribute[s] to who you are as a professional and leader.” So, we imagine that you can discuss elements from your personal life and community service activities, but if so, they must fulfill this latter requirement. You will have to clearly show how the fact enriches you within this context.

Go beyond a basic description to really draw a (verbal) picture of your chosen topics for this video. Compare, for example, “I enjoy mentoring people and helped a recent hire at my current job successfully prepare for a difficult exam” with “I feel an incredible sense of fulfillment when I am able to support another person in reaching a goal they’ve set for themselves. My coworkers joke that I am the office cheerleader and know that if they ever need inspiration or advice, they can count on me. I recently helped a new hire at my office study for Level I of the CFA exam, and when she passed the first time, I really couldn’t tell you which of us was more excited.” The latter is much more interesting and entertaining—and would likely make a more lasting impression on the admissions committee. More importantly, it helps illustrate for the school the kind of professional/leader you are.

Given that this is a video, you will obviously need to think beyond what you will say and consider the clothing you will wear, the setting or background of your video, your tone of voice, your language style, and a host of other such details. On a practical note, be sure to speak clearly in your video. You naturally do not want any part of your message to be lost or misunderstood, and the admissions committee might view your communication skills and style as indicators of how you might interact with your classmates and/or speak in the classroom. Spend some time practicing in front of a mirror or a friend, but do not overrehearse. You want to come across as genuine and natural.

Optional Essay: Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included (300–350 words, approximately one page, double spaced).

We tend to believe that the best use of the optional essay is to explain confusing or problematic issues in your candidacy, and this prompt offers an opportunity to do just that. So, if you need to, this is your chance to address any questions an admissions officer might have about your profile—a poor grade or overall GPA, a low GMAT or GRE score, a gap in your work experience, etc. In our mbaMission Optional Essays Guide , we offer detailed advice on how best to take advantage of the optional essay, with multiple examples, to help you mitigate any problem areas in your application.

However, because the question can be interpreted rather broadly, it does open the door for you to discuss anything that is not addressed elsewhere in your application and that you feel is truly critical for the admissions committee to know to be able to evaluate you fully and effectively. We caution you about simply trying to fill this space because you fear that not doing so would somehow count against you. Remember, by submitting an additional essay, you are asking the admissions committee to do extra work on your behalf, so you need to make sure that time is warranted. If you are using the essay to emphasize something that if omitted would render your application incomplete, take this opportunity to write a very brief narrative that reveals this key new aspect of your candidacy.

Re-Applicant Essay: Required for re-applicants. How have you strengthened your candidacy since your last application? We are particularly interested in hearing about how you have grown professionally and personally (300–350 words, approximately one page, double spaced). 

Whether you have improved your academic record, received a promotion, begun a new and exciting project, increased your community involvement, or taken on some sort of personal challenge, the key to success with this essay is conveying a very deliberate path of achievement. McDonough wants to know that you have been actively striving to improve yourself and your profile, and that you have seized opportunities during the previous year to do so, because a McDonough MBA is vital to you. The responses to this essay question will vary greatly from one candidate to the next, because each person’s needs and experiences differ. We are more than happy to provide one-on-one assistance with this highly personal essay to ensure that your efforts over the past year are presented in the best light possible.

2023-2024 Business School Essays Georgetown University (McDonough) MBA Essay Tips

Tags: business school essay MBA application essays McDonough School of Business optional essay reapplicants video essay

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2023–2024 MBA Essay Tips

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  • Esade Essay Tips and Examples
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  • Ivey Business School Essay Tips and Examples
  • London Business School Essay Tips and Examples
  • Michigan Ross School of Business Essay Tips and Examples
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  • Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business Essay Tips and Examples
  • NYU Stern School of Business Essay Tips and Examples
  • Ohio Fisher College of Business Essay Tips and Examples
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  • SMU Cox School of Business Essay Tips and Examples
  • Stanford Graduate School of Business Application Essay Tips and Examples
  • Texas McCombs School of Business Essay Tips and Examples
  • The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management Essay Tips and Examples
  • The Wharton School Essay Tips and Examples
  • Toronto Rotman School of Management Essay Tips and Examples
  • UCLA Anderson School of Management Essay Tips and Examples
  • UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School Essay Tips and Examples
  • USC Marshall School of Business Essay Tips and Examples
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  • UW Foster School of Business Essay Tips and Examples
  • Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Essay Analysis, 2023–2024
  • Villanova School of Business Essay Tips and Examples
  • Yale School of Management Essay Tips and Examples

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MBA Program Updates

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georgetown mba essay samples

July 22, 2023

Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2023 – 2024]

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This year, Georgetown requires two essays from all its applicants. Sharing the same structure as last year, the first required essay allows you to choose to answer one of three prompts. The prompts have changed from last year’s, however. The program’s second required essay is again a video essay, with a different prompt this year. The admissions office also provides an optional essay and a reapplicant essay. 

Don’t forget to take advantage of the opportunity to be granted an application fee waiver. You’ll find the details about how to do so in the Application Fee section of McDonough’s Applications Component page . 

Ready to get to work on your McDonough application? Read on. 

McDonough application essay tips

Mcdonough application deadlines, mcdonough class profile, required essay.

Our goal at Georgetown McDonough is to craft a diverse class with people who have had varying personal and professional life experiences. As such, we want to give our applicants the opportunity to select one essay (from a list of three) that allows them the ability to best highlight their experiences, characteristics, and values that showcase the value proposition that they can bring to the McDonough community. Please select one of the following three essays to complete in 500 words (approximately two pages, double spaced) and include the essay prompt and your first/last name at the top of your submission.

Each prompt provides a different perspective on your candidacy. When deciding which option to respond to, consider which one resonates with you most and will allow you to showcase yourself best. 

Essay Option One – Georgetown Community

Our mission is rooted in Jesuit principles of equality and respect for everyone and an ethos of caring for the whole person. Inclusivity and diversity are core to supporting a community of people with an intersectional understanding of themselves and the world around them. Share how your educational, familial, cultural, economic, social, and/or other individual life experiences will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and ideas at Georgetown University.

Community is a vital aspect of any MBA program experience, and Georgetown’s Jesuit values underscore the importance of contributing to this community. Throughout your life, you have had many experiences that have shaped who you are and are the basis for your unique perspectives and ideas. This essay provides an opportunity to consider your most impactful experiences, how they influenced you, and how you will add value to your community because of them. Consider how your presence and contributions to the community will enrich your classmates.

​Essay Option Two – Leave Your Legacy

Commitment to service and community is an important value that Hoyas share across Georgetown McDonough’s 40+ MBA student-run clubs and organizations, nine centers and initiatives, and various other co-curricular activities. What do you want your legacy to be as a McDonough student and alumni? Be as specific as possible.

Perhaps when you were talking with a McDonough graduate or student about an activity they were involved in, you immediately thought, “That is absolutely something I want to be a part of and would like to take it to the next level.” Or, maybe the conversation sparked an idea of something you could introduce to the community. Either way, can you see yourself making a sustainable impact long after you leave the Hilltop? Share your proposed activity or idea, and explain how you came to learn about it. Focus your answer on what your legacy will be, and provide details about how you will make your mark on the McDonough MBA experience.

Essay Option Three – Magis

Magis is a Jesuit value that instills the sense of achieving “more” or “greater” excellence. Share how you achieved magis during a professional experience as evidenced on your resume. Describe why this experience exemplified excellence and what about your involvement (i.e. strengths or skills) contributed to the excellence.  

This essay option allows you to showcase professional excellence from a personal perspective. Not only will you share the experience referenced in the prompt, but you will also describe in detail how you contributed to achieving excellence. Consider whether you want to share an example of a time when you worked with a team versus one in which you were an individual contributor. What does one communicate versus the other? Make sure you share specifics about what YOU did. What motivated you to take the action you took? Did you consider any options? How did you include others in the process? How did you decide to pursue the direction that led to achieving excellence? As the prompt indicates, share strengths, skills, and ideas – and don’t forget to describe the outcome and impact on your organization.  

Video Essay

Building a cohort of diverse and unique individuals is important to the admissions team. We want you to bring your whole self to Georgetown McDonough. Throughout the application, we’ve learned about what you would add as a professional and leader. Just as important is learning about your interests outside of work. In one minute, please share 5-10 random facts about yourself that are not on your resume and how these facts contribute to who you are as a professional and leader.

  • You may use your phone, computer, or other means to record the video, but please ensure all audio and visual components are clear. We recommend a well-lit room and minimal noise distraction. 
  • The admissions committee would like for you to appear in person during part of your video.
  • We recommend unscripted, conversational videos – help us get to know the real you!
  • Upload your video to an accessible website (such as YouTube, Vimeo, Youku, or Tudou), and submit the direct video URL into your online application. 
  • Please note that all videos must remain active and accessible to the admissions committee online for a minimum of five years for record retention purposes.
  • For your privacy: Do not include your name in the title of your video. You may submit “unlisted” videos via YouTube or password protected videos through Vimeo. If using a password, please include immediately after your link in the text box below. [Ex:, password: Hoyas]  

The great thing about the video essay is that you get to present yourself to the admissions committee. For some, this might be intimidating. But, with preparation and practice, you can confidently submit your video essay. This essay is an opportunity to share facts about your life outside of work and connect them to how you show up professionally and as a leader. As the essay prompt states, your resume does not include the facts you will share in this essay response. There is no wrong answer here, as long as you can tie the fact to how it has shaped you as a professional and a leader. 

The essay allows various adcom members to view your video. Start your essay by briefly introducing yourself, and remember to smile! While it might feel strange, given that you are talking to the camera, smiling will help you come across as warm and friendly. If it helps, imagine you are sharing your facts with a friend instead of the admissions committee. Remember, you want the recording to capture your authenticity so the viewer can imagine you as a member of the McDonough community!  

For example: “I work with a local youth group, and each summer, we take the group on a white water rafting trip on the Youghiogheny River. I enjoy working with kids unsure of their ability to complete the journey. I enjoy coaching them and helping them realize that they can learn how to work with the others in their group to maneuver that raft on the rapids. I take this same approach at work, supporting new hires on my team to find their footing in a new environment and helping them achieve success in their roles.”

Here are some practical tips to remember when recording your video:

  • Prepare at least five and no more than ten facts to share in the 60 seconds.
  • Write a few bullet points to help you recall the experience you will discuss.
  • Do not read from a script. You want to come across as relaxed and conversational.  
  • Start the essay by briefly introducing yourself – and remember to smile! 
  • Practice your essay, recording yourself, and review the recording to make note of how you sound and appear. Make adjustments before recording your next practice video. Do this as many times as it takes for you to feel comfortable!
  • Follow all the instructions that the admissions office outlined.

Optional Essay

Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included (300-350 words, approximately one page, double spaced).

Is there an experience, circumstance, or information you couldn’t convey in other parts of your application? The optional essay is the place to do it. Here are some topics to consider:

  • Do you have a gap in your employment, or are you currently unemployed? 

Provide the details of the period of unemployment, including ways you were or are engaged in your community or otherwise enhancing your skills or preparing for business school.

  • Did your grades suffer during a period in college?

You might have had a difficult period during undergrad for many reasons. Perhaps you were a first-generation college student and didn’t have sufficient parental guidance, or you were ill during a given semester. Whatever the reason, rest assured that the admissions committee took note when reviewing your transcripts. Use this space to explain the circumstances of the situation.

  • Have you overcome difficult personal circumstances?

Often, situations we have overcome personally impact how we view the world and interact with others. Share information demonstrating “grit” or your ability to succeed despite the circumstances. 

  • Have you been involved in supporting others who are less fortunate, with the goal of providing opportunities and the chance for a better life? 

Georgetown University is committed to social justice and life-changing service. Your work in this area aligns with the Jesuit identity of the university and will resonate with the adcom.

One important thing to remember is that if the information you want to share is deeply personal, ensure that you provide enough detail to convey the situation but aren’t oversharing. Part of what the admissions committee will consider is your judgment regarding what you include in the essay. 

If you feel you have thoroughly communicated your candidacy in other areas of the application, you needn’t feel compelled to provide this essay.

Reapplicant Essay

Required for reapplicants. How have you strengthened your candidacy since your last application? We are particularly interested in hearing about how you have grown professionally and personally (300-350 words, approximately one page, double spaced).

This essay is straightforward. Update the committee about how you have improved your candidacy since you last applied. In addition to having another year of work experience, what achievement can you share? Did you work on any special projects? Learn new skills? What interesting things have you done outside of work that might impact your contributions to the community? If you retook a test and improved your score or took additional classes to prepare for the MBA, note that in this essay, even if there is another place to include the information in the application as a data point. The reapplicant essay should comprehensively summarize what you have done to strengthen your candidacy. 

Source: Georgetown McDonough website

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with Georgetown McDonough directly to verify its essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.***

Here is a look at the McDonough MBA Class of 2024 (data taken from the McDonough website ):

Applications received: 1,537

Enrolled: 249

Female: 34%

U.S. diversity: 38%

Underrepresented minorities: 17%

International: 42%

Countries represented: 39

Military: 9%

Average years of work experience: 5.7

Average age: 29

Average GPA: 3.29

Mid 80% GPA range: 2.82-3.77

Average GMAT: 697

Mid 80% GMAT range: 640-740

Average GRE: 317

Mid 80% GRE range: 307-327

Percentage taking GRE: 48.6%

Undergrad fields of study:

  • Business: 31.7%
  • Engineering: 19.7%
  • Economics: 16.9%
  • Humanities: 13.7%
  • Social sciences: 6.8%
  • Government & international studies: 4.8%

Industry backgrounds:

  • Financial services: 20.1%
  • Consulting: 10.4%
  • Tech & media: 8%
  • Government: 4.8%
  • Construction: 4.4%
  • Healthcare: 4%

You’ve worked so hard to get to this point in your journey. Now that you’re ready for your next achievement, make sure you know how to present yourself to maximum advantage in your Georgetown McDonough application. In a hotly competitive season, you’ll want a member of Team Accepted in your corner, guiding you with expertise tailored specifically for you. Check out our flexible consulting packages today!

Kelly Wilson admissions expert headshot

As the former executive director of admissions at Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School and assistant dean of admissions at Georgetown’s McDonough School and the University of Pittsburgh’s Katz School,Kelly Wilson has 23 years’ experience overseeing admissions committees and has reviewed more than 38,000 applications for the MBA and master’s programs in management of information systems, computational finance, business analytics, and product management.  Want Kelly to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related Resources:

  • Can Artificial Intelligence Help with Your MBA Applications?
  • How to Get Into Georgetown McDonough’s MBA Program , podcast Episode 512
  • Eight Tips for Attention-Grabbing Resumes

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Georgetown MBA Essays for 2023-2024

Georgetown MBA essays

Is the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University on your shortlist of target MBA programs? Then get ready, because the Georgetown MBA essays and deadlines for the new admissions cycle have been confirmed.

Georgetown MBA Essays

Notes from the school:.

Our goal at Georgetown McDonough is to craft a diverse class with people who have had varying personal and professional life experiences. As such, we want to give our applicants the opportunity to select one essay (from a list of three) that allows them the ability to best highlight their experiences, characteristics, and values that showcase the value proposition that they can bring to the McDonough community.

georgetown mba essay samples

Please select one of the following three essays to complete in 500 words (approximately two pages, double-spaced) and include the essay prompt and your first/last name at the top of your submission.

Essay Option One – Georgetown Community Our mission is rooted in Jesuit principles of equality and respect for everyone and an ethos of caring for the whole person. Inclusivity and diversity are core to supporting a community of people with an intersectional understanding of themselves and the world around them. Share how your educational, familial, cultural, economic, social, and/or other individual life experiences will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and ideas at Georgetown University.

Essay Option Two – Leave Your Legacy Commitment to service and community is an important value that Hoyas share across Georgetown McDonough’s 40+ MBA student-run clubs and organizations, nine centers and initiatives, and various other co-curricular activities. What do you want your legacy to be as a McDonough student and alumni? Be as specific as possible.

Essay Option Three – Magis Magis is a Jesuit value that instills the sense of achieving “more” or “greater” excellence. Share how you achieved magis during a professional experience as evidenced on your resume. Describe why this experience exemplified excellence and what about your involvement (i.e. strengths or skills) contributed to the excellence.

georgetown mba essay samples

Video Essay

Building a cohort of diverse and unique individuals is important to the admissions team. We want you to bring your whole self to Georgetown McDonough. Throughout the application, we’ve learned about what you would add as a professional and leader. Just as important is learning about your interests outside of work. In one minute, please share 5-10 random facts about yourself that are not on your resume and how these facts contribute to who you are as a professional and leader.

You can find more information about the parameters of this essay here .

Optional Essay

Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included (300-350 words, approximately one page, double-spaced).

Re-Applicant Essay

Required for re-applicants. How have you strengthened your candidacy since your last application? We are particularly interested in hearing about how you have grown professionally and personally (300-350 words, approximately one page, double-spaced).

For more information on applying, please visit the Georgetown MBA admissions website. If you need guidance on your Georgetown MBA essays or wish to discuss your MBA plans, reach out for a complimentary analysis  of your candidacy. We’re here to help!

georgetown mba essay samples

With deadlines around the corner, you may be interested in the world-famous SBC Flight Test . Once a full set of application materials for your initial school have been drafted, but not finalized, the application will be sent to a former admissions committee member for a one-time review, adcomm style. You’ll have the benefit of a true admissions committee review while still having the ability to tinker and change.  You will receive written feedback within two business days after submitting.

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Georgetown MBA Deadlines for 2023-2024

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Georgetown MBA Essays: Tips for McDonough 2023-2024

At Menlo Coaching, we noticed that most MBA essays will fall into one of a number of categories: personal essays, career goals essays, behavioral essays, etc.. Read ahead for our expert guide on approaching these essays for the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business.

Personal (Video) Essay

  • You may use your phone, computer, or other means to record the video, but please ensure all audio and visual components are clear. We recommend a well-lit room and minimal noise distraction. 
  • The admissions committee would like for you to appear in person during part of your video.
  • We recommend unscripted, conversational videos – help us get to know the real you!
  • Upload your video to an accessible website (such as YouTube, Vimeo, Youku, or Tudou), and submit the direct video URL into your online application. 
  • Please note that all videos must remain active and accessible to the admissions committee online for a minimum of five years for record retention purposes.
  • For your privacy: Do not include your name in the title of your video. You may submit “unlisted” videos via YouTube or password protected videos through Vimeo. If using a password, please include immediately after your link in the text box below. [Ex:, password: Hoyas]  

Behavioral Essay

  • Principled Leadership:  Georgetown McDonough places a strong emphasis on principled leadership, providing both curricular and co-curricular opportunities to strengthen your leadership skills. Describe a time when you have led a team in a professional environment to implement a new idea or process. What leadership characteristics did you utilize? What could you have done to be more effective? And most importantly, what skills will you be able to bring to the teams you lead at McDonough?
  • Hoyas for the Common Good:  Georgetown McDonough embodies the ethos that people and organizations can and should contribute to the greater good. The admissions committee would like to better understand how you have demonstrated these values during uniquely challenging times. Describe a time where you have put the needs of others ahead of your own or ahead of the bottom line. We look forward to learning more about the challenge you faced, what unique characteristics you brought to that scenario, and what you learned from it.
  • Contribute to Georgetown Community:  Georgetown McDonough is a diverse, global community. We look to understand the contribution that your personal background would make to our community. As appropriate, you may wish to address any obstacles or challenges you have overcome; any educational, familial, cultural, economic, and social experiences that have helped to shape your educational and professional goals; or how your background (e.g. first-generation student, resident outside the U.S.) or activities (e.g. community service and leadership) will contribute to our community.

Career Goals

  • What is your short-term goal following graduation from the Georgetown McDonough School of Business? (text box, 1-2 sentences max)
  • What is your long-term goal following graduation from the Georgetown McDonough School of Business? (text box, 1-2 sentences max)

Optional Essay

  • You may use this essay to provide any additional information that you have not otherwise included in your application. You may address anything in your academic or professional background or anything you feel the admissions committee may need to know regarding your application. (300-350 words—approximately 1 page, double spaced, or less.)

Reapplicant Essay

  • How have you strengthened your candidacy since your last application and why do you feel that you are better-positioned this year to begin the MBA Program? We are particularly interested in hearing about how you have grown professionally and personally. (300-350 words—approximately 1 page, double spaced, or less.)

Applying to Georgetown University McDonough School of Business

The golden opportunity of this school is its location in Washington D.C., the pinnacle of access to the government and policy making. Opportunities here include trips to off-campus sites along industry lines and policy briefings hosted by research centers on Capitol Hill. Through the story you relate in your essay, the admissions council is looking to see if you reflect the same values that the school does. MSB is looking for students who are global, innovative, and committed to learning. The best way to represent that you possess those qualities is through the type of essay you choose to write. 

The Personal Statement Essay

Like we touched on earlier, schools are looking for the right fit for their campus community, just as you are searching for the school that aligns best with your goals. In the personal essay, this is your chance to show MSB the values that drive you both as a person and as a student. These values tell the admissions council what you prioritize, the moral code you live by, and, most importantly, who you are as a person. 

In these essays, you can talk about almost anything; typically, applicants will write about relationships in their lives, or times when there was a hardship they had to overcome. Be warned, though: there are some topics to avoid, and we have outlined a few things to watch out for in this article . 

When it comes to  video essays  specifically, we have some advice:

  • Practice—but don’t memorize:  it’s always clear if someone has memorized what they intend to say in a video essay verbatim, and this can make your content seem staged and inauthentic. If you find that you’re repeating the same speech over and over again, change the first sentence. You’ll be surprised at how this will throw you off!
  • Make sure that your setting is appropriate:  you want to make sure that your lighting is good and that there are no empty tequila bottles in the background.
  • Speak slowly and clearly:  clear diction can make a big difference when it comes to reviewing your video essay.

The Behavioral Essay

To make it simple: the behavioral essay is meant to show MSB that you have developed some sort of leadership skills, what your values are as a leader, and how you are going to most benefit from their development programs. They want students who strive to be leaders. With the school’s convenient location in D.C., there are endless opportunities to either join or create a space in which you can lead. Bonus points if this leadership continues after graduation! 

Before we get there, though, the admissions committee is looking for applicants that are self-reflective. Whether it’s through a setback you’ve experienced, or how you dealt with situations that have gone awry, the school is looking for students who are resilient and able to learn from their mistakes.

Do not overexaggerate (or underexaggerate!) the situations you decide to write about. Be honest about what happened; McDonough is looking for genuine people to join their campus community, and they are less likely to admit an applicant who has overinflated their prior experiences.

Last but not least, make sure to describe what you learned and how you implemented this in a subsequent situation. This is an expected element of the behavioral essay, even if it’s not directly written in the prompt. Prompts that deal with these topics can be daunting, especially when they require you to write about a weakness you have or a failure you’ve experienced. 

The Career Goals Essay

The career goals essay is the space to emphasize your post-MBA plans. MBA programs want to accept students who have concrete, achievable career plans and a roadmap to success. MBA programs want a glowing post-grad report that proves they produce successful graduates with many job prospects (and who will donate money in the future)! Stern also wants students to promote their program to friends, co-workers, and prospective applicants. The career goals essay combines your hard statistics (ex: GMAT score) with your interpersonal skills (ex: recommendations) to formulate the case for getting an MBA. 

Make sure to state your achievable short-term and long-term goals explicitly. Explain why an MBA would help you achieve these goals and how Stern is essential to your plan. Connecting the positive attributes from your personal essay to your career goals essay is critical to forming a well-rounded application.

Once you’ve completed your application, the optional Georgetown McDonough essay gives you an additional opportunity to provide the AdCom with any additional information or clarity that you feel would enhance your application.

One trap that MBA applicants fall into is using the additional space provided by this essay to write on a whole new topic. However, this is not always the best idea.

You should only make use of this essay if you what you write will provide context to an element of your application to improve your candidacy—you don’t want to jeopardize your chances by adding unnecessary noise to your application.

For reapplicants, Cornell Johnson requires a specific essay in which you can address how your application has improved since your last application.

In this essay, you can address any improvements to your test scores, promotions at work, additional volunteer or community work, or any significant professional development that you have undertaken since you last applied to the program.

Timing is key for reapplicants, and when you’re applying for an MBA program a second time around, you want to be sure that you are a more qualified and desirable client than you were a year ago—even if your application was stellar the first time.

Writing strong, coherent, genuine stories is an essential part of your MBA application. These essays are meant to help you stand out among many other applicants, so it is worth your time to do the work and write about situations unique to your life and that you truly learned from.

Our McDonough MBA essay advice and MBA application consultants will empower you to present your best self to admissions committees.

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georgetown mba essay samples

Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Analysis 2023-2024: Crafting Standout Applications

Are you considering pursuing an MBA at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business? To help you navigate this significant decision, we present a detailed analysis of the MBA essay requirements for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle.

In this comprehensive article, we delve into Georgetown University’s McDonough MBA essay analysis for 2023-2024. Discover valuable insights and expert guidance on how to excel in your MBA admissions journey.

Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business is renowned for its exceptional MBA program. As an applicant, understanding the essay requirements and how to craft impressive essays is crucial for a successful application. Let’s break it down step by step.

The Application Process

The journey begins with the application process. Here, we discuss what you need to know before diving into the essay section.

What to Expect

The Georgetown University’s McDonough MBA application typically includes essays that evaluate your candidacy. These essays are a chance for the admissions committee to learn more about you beyond your test scores and academic record.

The Role of the Essays

The essays are your opportunity to showcase your uniqueness, experiences, and aspirations. The admissions committee seeks candidates who are not only academically capable but also those who will contribute to the vibrant McDonough community.

Georgetown University’s McDonough MBA Essay Prompts

Let’s dive into the essay prompts for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle.

Essay Option One

Georgetown Community: Our mission is rooted in Jesuit principles of equality and respect for everyone and an ethos of caring for the whole person. Inclusivity and diversity are core to supporting a community of people with an intersectional understanding of themselves and the world around them. Share how your educational, familial, cultural, economic, social, and/or other individual life experiences will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and ideas at Georgetown University. (500 words)

Essay Analysis:  Georgetown University’s MBA essay prompt revolves around the theme of diversity, inclusivity, and the Jesuit values of equality and respect. Applicants are asked to share their unique life experiences that will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and ideas within the Georgetown community. Here’s a structured approach for tackling this essay:

Introduction (Approximately 50 words):  Begin your essay with a compelling and concise introduction. Mention the importance of diversity, inclusivity, and Georgetown’s values in the business school context. Briefly, set the stage for your unique contributions.

Body Paragraph 1 (Approximately 150 words):

  • Educational Experiences:  Discuss how your educational background, including your academic journey, has shaped your perspective and values.
  • Relate to Jesuit Values:  Explain how your educational experiences align with Georgetown’s Jesuit values of equality and respect.

Body Paragraph 2 (Approximately 150 words):

  • Cultural and Family Background:  Share how your cultural and familial upbringing has influenced your worldviews and values.
  • Connect to Inclusivity:  Explain how your cultural and family background enhances inclusivity within the Georgetown community.

Body Paragraph 3 (Approximately 150 words):

  • Economic and Social Experiences:  Describe any economic or social experiences that have played a significant role in your life.
  • Link to the Whole Person Ethos:  Explain how these experiences resonate with Georgetown’s ethos of caring for the whole person.

Conclusion (Approximately 50 words):  Summarize your key points and express your enthusiasm for contributing to the diverse and inclusive community at Georgetown’s MBA program. Mention how your unique experiences align with the university’s mission.

Additional Tips:

  • Be Specific: Use concrete examples to illustrate your experiences and their impact on your perspective.
  • Showcase Self-Reflection: Discuss how these experiences have shaped your values and views.
  • Relate to Georgetown: Clearly explain the connection between your experiences and the Georgetown community’s mission and values.
  • Stay within the Word Limit: Be concise and ensure your essay is within the 500-word limit.

By following this structured approach, applicants can effectively address Georgetown’s MBA essay prompt, showcasing their unique experiences and how they will contribute to the diversity and inclusivity of the university’s community. This approach reflects your genuine engagement with the essay topic and your understanding of Georgetown’s values.

Essay Option Two

Leave Your Legacy: Commitment to service and community is an important value that Hoyas shares across Georgetown McDonough’s 40+ MBA student-run clubs and organizations, nine centers and initiatives, and various other co-curricular activities. What do you want your legacy to be as a McDonough student and alumni? Be as specific as possible. (500 words)

This essay topic is an opportunity for you to showcase your understanding of the program’s values, your vision for your time at McDonough, and how you plan to leave a meaningful impact.  Introduction (Approximately 50 words):  Begin by briefly introducing the essay prompt and its significance in the MBA application process. Explain that this essay allows applicants to articulate their vision and purpose as McDonough MBA students and future alumni.

Section 1: Understanding McDonough’s Values (Approximately 100-150 words):  In this section, discuss the core values and mission of Georgetown McDonough. Highlight the institution’s commitment to service and community engagement. You can also emphasize the importance of student-run clubs, centers, and co-curricular activities in nurturing these values.

Section 2: Personal Reflection (Approximately 100 words):  Share a brief reflection on your background, values, and experiences that have led you to consider an MBA at McDonough. What motivates you to align with the values of the institution?

Section 3: Your Legacy Vision (Approximately 200-250 words):  This is the heart of your essay. Describe in detail the legacy you envision leaving as a McDonough student and alumni. Be specific and provide examples. You can structure this section using the following components:

a. Service and Community Engagement:  Explain how you plan to actively participate in clubs, organizations, or initiatives that resonate with your interests and the Georgetown McDonough community’s values. Discuss specific roles or projects you intend to take on and how they align with your passions and career goals.

b. Impact on Campus:  Detail how you aim to make a difference within the campus community. This could include ideas for new initiatives, workshops, or events that you’d like to introduce or enhance. Explain how these initiatives will benefit both current students and future generations.

c. Impact Beyond Campus:  Discuss your vision for continuing your commitment to service and community engagement as an alumnus. Consider how you’ll leverage your McDonough MBA to make a positive impact in the business world or within your chosen industry. Share long-term goals and potential collaborations with the McDonough alumni network.

Section 4: Conclusion and Call to Action (Approximately 50 words):  Summarize your vision for your legacy as a McDonough student and alumni. Reiterate your commitment to Georgetown McDonough’s values. End with a call to action, expressing your enthusiasm for contributing to the program and being part of the Georgetown MBA community.

Editing and Proofreading:  Remember to carefully edit your essay, ensuring it’s within the 500-word limit, free of grammatical errors, and structured coherently. Use persuasive language to convince the admissions committee of your genuine commitment and passion for McDonough’s values.

By following this structured approach, you’ll be able to craft a compelling and focused essay that reflects your dedication to service, community, and making a meaningful impact as a Georgetown McDonough MBA student and future alumni.

Essay Option Three

Magis: Magis is a Jesuit value that instills the sense of achieving “more” or “greater” excellence. Share how you achieved magis during a professional experience as evidenced on your resume. Describe why this experience exemplified excellence and what about your involvement (i.e. strengths or skills) contributed to the excellence. (500 words )

Essay Topic:  “Magis: Magis is a Jesuit value that instills the sense of achieving ‘more’ or ‘greater’ excellence. Share how you achieved magis during a professional experience as evidenced on your resume. Describe why this experience exemplified excellence and what about your involvement (i.e. strengths or skills) contributed to the excellence. (500 words)”

Essay Structure:

  • Start with a captivating introduction that briefly introduces the concept of “Magis” and its significance in the Jesuit tradition.
  • Mention that this essay will focus on a specific professional experience where you demonstrated “Magis.”
  • Begin by providing an overview of the professional experience you have chosen to discuss.
  • Include key details such as the job role, the organization, and the context in which it took place.
  • Explain how this professional experience embodies the concept of “Magis.” Discuss how you went above and beyond to achieve excellence.
  • Highlight specific accomplishments, challenges, or projects that illustrate your commitment to achieving more significant excellence.
  • Describe why this particular experience exemplified excellence. What were the measurable outcomes or impacts that you had?
  • Share any feedback, awards, or recognition you received for your contributions during this experience.
  • Discuss your strengths, skills, and attributes that contributed to the excellence of this experience.
  • Provide examples of how your qualities and actions positively influenced the outcome.
  • Reflect on how the Jesuit value of “Magis” aligns with your personal and professional values.
  • Discuss why embracing this value is important to you and your future in business and leadership.
  • Summarize the key points made in the essay.
  • End with a closing statement that reinforces your commitment to “Magis” and your readiness to bring this value to Georgetown’s MBA program.
  • After completing your essay, review it for clarity, grammar, and structure.
  • Make sure it adheres to the word limit (500 words).

Video Essay

Building a cohort of diverse and unique individuals is important to the admissions team. We want you to bring your whole self to Georgetown McDonough. Throughout the application, we’ve learned about what you would add as a professional and leader. Just as important is learning about your interests outside of work. In one minute, please share 5-10 random facts about yourself that are not on your resume and how these facts contribute to who you are as a professional and leader.

You may use your phone, computer, or other means to record the video, but please ensure all audio and visual components are clear. We recommend a well-lit room and minimal noise distraction.

The admissions committee would like for you to appear in person during part of your video.

We recommend unscripted, conversational videos – help us get to know the real you!

Upload your video to an accessible website (such as YouTube, Vimeo, Youku, or Tudou), and submit the direct video URL to your online application.

Please note that all videos must remain active and accessible to the admissions committee online for a minimum of five years for record retention purposes.

For your privacy: Do not include your name in the title of your video. You may submit “unlisted” videos via YouTube or password-protected videos through Vimeo. If using a password, please include it immediately after your link in the text box below. 

Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business is known for its commitment to diversity and the unique qualities of its students. The video essay component is a great opportunity for applicants to showcase their personality and individuality. The admissions committee wants to see the real you and understand how your interests and experiences contribute to your professional and leadership qualities.


  • Start with a brief introduction to the essay topic and its significance in the MBA application process.
  • Emphasize the importance of authenticity and showcasing your personality.

Understanding the Prompt:

  • They want to know more about you beyond your resume.
  • You have one minute to share 5-10 random facts.
  • The importance of appearing in person during part of the video.
  • Tips for creating a well-lit, noise-free video.
  • The technical requirements for uploading and preserving the video for five years.

Selecting the Right Facts:

  • Consider the balance between personal and professional facts.
  • Select facts that provide insights into your character, values, and interests.
  • Ensure that the facts you choose can be shared concisely within one minute.

Creating an Authentic Video:

  • Avoid reading from a script.
  • Speak naturally and confidently.
  • Maintain eye contact with the camera.
  • Be mindful of body language and tone of voice.
  • Practice beforehand to ensure you can convey your points within the time limit.

Technical Aspects:

  • Choosing a well-lit, quiet location.
  • Using a good-quality camera or smartphone.
  • Testing the audio and visual components for clarity.
  • Editing and reviewing the video before submission.

Uploading and Privacy:

  • Using accessible websites like YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Maintaining the video for a minimum of five years.
  • Privacy considerations – not including your name in the video title.


  • Reinforce the importance of being genuine and letting your personality shine through in the video.
  • Encourage applicants to embrace this opportunity to differentiate themselves.

Remember that the video essay is a chance to complement your written application, giving the admissions committee a deeper understanding of your character and what you can bring to the Georgetown MBA program. It’s also a way to demonstrate your communication skills and creativity. Good luck with your video essay, and make sure to showcase your unique qualities effectively!

Optional Essay

Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included. (300-350 words, approximately one page, double-spaced)

This essay is an opportunity to share additional information with the admissions committee that you believe is crucial to your application but hasn’t been covered in other parts of your application.

Structure for the Georgetown MBA Optional Essay:

  • Start by briefly introducing yourself and expressing your continued interest in the Georgetown MBA program.
  • Begin by stating that you are using this essay to provide additional information not covered elsewhere.
  • Clearly state what specific information you plan to share and why it is relevant to your application. This could include unique experiences, challenges, or accomplishments.
  • Share the additional information you want to include. This could vary widely based on your unique circumstances. For example, you might discuss a career gap, a personal challenge you’ve overcome, unique achievements, or any aspect of your background that you believe strengthens your candidacy.
  • Explain how the information you provided is directly related to your fit for the Georgetown MBA program and why it makes you a stronger candidate.
  • Conclude your essay by restating your enthusiasm for the program and thanking the admissions committee for considering this additional information.
  • Be concise and to the point. Adhere to the word limit.
  • Maintain a professional tone and use clear, straightforward language.
  • Avoid repeating information from other parts of your application. Use this essay to add depth and context.
  • If you’re explaining a weakness or challenge, focus on how you’ve grown or learned from it. Emphasize your resilience and adaptability.
  • Highlight how your unique experiences and perspectives can contribute to the Georgetown MBA community.

Remember, the purpose of this essay is to enhance your application, not to provide unnecessary or redundant information. Use it strategically to address any important aspects of your background or experiences that you believe the admissions committee should be aware of.

In conclusion, understanding and acing Georgetown University’s McDonough MBA essay analysis for 2023-2024 is pivotal to securing your spot in this prestigious program. Start early, be authentic, and remember that your essays are your voice in the application process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the same essay for multiple prompts?

It’s not recommended. Tailor each essay to the specific prompt to address the nuances of what’s being asked.

How long should my essays be?

The word limit for each essay is typically 500 words. It’s essential to be concise and impactful within this constraint.

Should I mention my weaknesses in the essays?

While honesty is valued, it’s crucial to present your weaknesses as opportunities for growth and learning.

Can I exceed the word limit?

Avoid exceeding the word limit. Adhering to it showcases your ability to follow instructions and communicate effectively.

What’s the most important thing the admissions committee looks for in essays?

Authenticity. They want to get to know you as an individual, not just a list of achievements.

How should I proofread my essays?

Proofreading is crucial. Consider using a grammar-checking tool and have a trusted friend or advisor review your essays as well.

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Georgetown University.

Sample Essays

The breadth of Georgetown’s core curriculum means that students are required to write for a wide variety of academic disciplines. Below, we provide some student samples that exhibit the key features the most popular genres. When reading through these essays, we recommend paying attention to their 

1. Structure (How many paragraphs are there? Does the author use headers?) 

2. Argument (Is the author pointing out a problem, and/or proposing a solution?) 

3. Content (Does the argument principally rely on facts, theory, or logic?) and 

4. Style (Does the writer use first person? What is the relationship with the audience?)

Philosophy Paper

  • Singer on the Moral Status of Animals

Theology Paper

  • Problem of God
  • Jewish Civilization
  • Sacred Space and Time
  • Phenolphthalein in Alkaline Solution

History Paper

  • World History

Literature Review

Comparative Analysis 

Policy Brief

  • Vaccine Manufacturing

White Paper

Critical Analysis

  • Ignatius Seminar


Choose Your Test

Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 3 top tips for writing exceptional georgetown essays.

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College Essays


With an acceptance rate of less than 12 percent , Georgetown is ranked as an extremely competitive school . If you want to be a part of the student body, you need to impress, and one of the best opportunities you have to do that is in your Georgetown essays.

Don't let the Georgetown essay prompts intimidate you. Though they may look complicated at first—and they do ask complex questions—some foresight and planning will help you write essays that are sure to impress.

This guide will walk you through the Georgetown essays, giving you a look into the expectations and thought process behind each of the essay prompts .

Feature Image: Patrickneil /Wikimedia Commons

What Should You Know About the Georgetown Essay Prompts?

Georgetown doesn't use the Common or Coalition Application . Instead, you'll be filling out an application tailored specifically to their desires, though it may cover most of the same information.

Because of that, you'll want to pay extra close attention to what you discuss in your essays. Your essays should be tied specifically to Georgetown rather than the more general approach of the Coalition or Common Application .

The Georgetown essays include one short essay of about a half-page, single-spaced, one longer one-page essay required of all students, and a second one-page essay specifically tied to one of Georgetown's four schools: Georgetown College, the School of Nursing and Health Studies, Walsh School of Foreign Service, and the McDonough School of Business.

Students in the arts—specifically music, dance, theater, and studio art—may submit additional portfolios as part of their application, but it isn't required.


What Are the Required Georgetown Essay Prompts?

Because Georgetown's application is only for Georgetown, you'll immediately notice that they're a lot more specific than the Common or Coalition prompts. You should keep that specificity in mind as you answer the questions, thinking not just about why you want to go to a good school, but why you want to attend Georgetown specifically .

How to Answer the Georgetown Short Essay Prompt

Discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity in which you have been most involved. (One half-page, single spaced.)

This question is pretty straightforward. Though you've no doubt discussed your extracurriculars throughout your application, this question asks you to think deeper about one of them . Ask yourself why you do those activities, and what they personally mean to you.

"Why," not "what," should be the question you're answering . Flesh out your mentions of extracurriculars in your application with discussions of why you do them and what you've learned. The activity you discuss should be significant to you—not something you do purely for fun or something you do because your parents make you.

As with the first question, don't inflate things to look more impressive. If you spent most of your summer watching TV, that might be relevant if you're an aspiring screenwriter, and you can mention it—but again, answer the question of why . Why did you choose the shows you did? What did you learn from them?

That said, watching TV isn't the best choice. You'd be better off discussing how you spent your summer working on an original short film or participating in a workshop for aspiring screenwriters—but no matter what your preferred activity, there is a way to discuss why it's significant to you and what you learned from it.

This prompt gives you space to discuss your interests, particularly the things that can't be represented by numbers as grades and test scores can. It gives Georgetown a clearer picture of you, which helps in their decision.

This is also a space to expand on participation. Maybe you never became captain of the swim team and you've been worried that the lack of leadership might count against you. In this essay, you can explain that though that was your goal, you didn't quite make it—but that you learned a lot anyway.

This essay really is about what's significant to you, so there are no wrong answers—it's your execution that matters . Avoid being too general, or focusing too much on picking the most impressive thing from your roster if that thing didn't actually matter to you. Be genuine with what's significant to you and your essay will be stronger for it.


How to Answer the Georgetown Essay Prompt for All Applicants

As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief essay, either personal or creative, which you feel best describes you. (One page, single-spaced.)

Notice how the emphasis on this question is on you. This is called a "Why You?" style essay — though the application is for Georgetown, the admissions office wants to know why you'll be a good fit for the college and what you in particular will bring to the student body .

What this means is that Georgetown doesn't want to hear about how they have the best program or the greatest campus. They want to know about you and what makes you unique .

When answering this question, think about what makes you a good fit for Georgetown's student body. Consider their mission statement , their origin as a Catholic and Jesuit college , and what that means today.

That doesn't mean that you need to identify yourself as Catholic if you aren't (please don't do that), but that you should consider the role that faith plays in Georgetown's approach to education . How does their mission statement connect to your own life and educational goals?

Demonstrating that you understand the school's mission and how you can contribute to it as a student is one of the most important parts of this question.

But "Why You?" is only part of the question . The specific mention of diversity is important, too. Its inclusion in the question means that it's important to Georgetown, and they want you to demonstrate that it's important to you, too.

Don't get too fixated on typical meanings of "diverse." We often use the word to refer to the variety of genders, sexualities, races, socio-economic statuses, and so on that exist in the world, but diversity of thought is worthwhile, too. Of course, you should write about your gender, sexuality, race, and so on if it's relevant to what you'll bring to campus—and it often is—but don't feel like it's all you have to offer.

Think about what your experience has taught you, and how those lessons will contribute to Georgetown's diverse student body. That can mean discussing overcoming socio-economic hardship, or it can mean relating how you and your seven brothers used to squabble until you realized working together got chores done faster. Everybody has a unique story to tell, and this is Georgetown offering you space to tell yours .

Georgetown invites you to get creative here, but if you want to take a more embellished approach than a traditional essay, be sure that that creativity comes through in your writing and language rather than in the events . Don't inflate things to look more interesting or diverse than you are—this is your chance to flesh out the grades and test scores with your personality, so be sure it's your personality that the admissions office sees.

How to Answer the Georgetown College Essay Prompt

Georgetown College is the largest undergraduate school at Georgetown University, and contains many of the school's arts and sciences programs.

What does it mean to you to be educated? How might Georgetown College help you achieve this aim? (Applicants to the Sciences and Mathematics or the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics should address their chosen course of study.) (One page, single-spaced.)

This question is asking about your personal relationship with education and learning. But more than that, it's asking you why you want to attend Georgetown, making it a "Why Us?" essay .

When answering this prompt, think about your goals and how Georgetown fits into them . They don't need to hear about how they're a good school and you've always wanted to attend a competitive college—they already know that, and most other students also want to attend a good school. Why Georgetown specifically, as opposed to all the other possible schools you could apply to?

This is a good place to demonstrate familiarity with their mission and curriculum. Are there particular classes or faculty driving your decision to attend? Mention them!

Think holistically here. How will attending Georgetown enrich your education and help you reach your career goals? Keep their mission statement in mind as you write—consider the ideas of diversity, service to humanity, and community and how those fit into your goals.

Again, avoid generalities. Your essay should have enough concrete connection to Georgetown that you couldn't easily swap another school's name in and still have it make sense. Of course, there will always be some overlap with other schools, but be sure that the true spirit of Georgetown comes through in your essay.


How to Answer the Georgetown School of Nursing & Health Studies Essay Prompt

Georgetown's School of Nursing and Health Studies is exactly what it sounds like. This is where you'll be applying if you're interested in any of the health care fields, which is reflected in the prompt.

Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying health care. Please specifically address your intended major (Global Health, Health Care Management & Policy, Human Science, or Nursing). (One page, single-spaced.)

This question isn't quite a clear-cut "Why Us?" or "Why You?" question, unlike the previous ones. Instead, it's asking "Why Health Care?"

Again, always keep in mind Georgetown's mission as a college: diversity, discussion, and the well-being of humanity. All of these things can factor into your essay in a meaningful way.

Think beyond health care being a reliable and well-paying field. Why do you want to care for people? Why the health field, specifically? Tying Georgetown's mission into this question is a great way to demonstrate your interest in the field, but also in the specific ways that this school teaches.

In this question, Georgetown wants you to demonstrate your interest in the field. If you're invested in health care, you're more likely to succeed in the program. The admissions office also wants to know what passion and interest you'll bring to the school, making you a student they want to invest in.

If you don't already know why you've chosen to pursue health care over other fields, now's the time to start thinking about it. Health care can often be thankless, difficult, and even frightening if you're working in emergency situations. What drives you to do it anyway?

Maybe you've struggled with illness yourself, and you want to commit to researching cures. Or maybe you're fascinated by the ways that disease impacts society, and you want to learn more about prevention and how to enact it on an individual basis. No matter what your career goal is, it's important that you can explain why you've chosen this field over all others.

However, be sure you can tie your interest to Georgetown specifically. Your essay will be even stronger if it explains not just what appeals to you about health care, but why Georgetown is the right college to help you achieve your goals.

How to Answer the Walsh School of Foreign Service Essay Prompt

If you're interested in international relations, Wash School of Foreign Service is likely where you'll be applying.

The Walsh School of Foreign Service was founded more than a century ago to prepare generations of leaders to solve global problems. What is motivating you to dedicate your undergraduate studies to a future in service to the world? (One page, single-spaced.)

This is a perfect example of a  "Why Us?" question. Of all the schools out there, and all the programs, what led you to apply to Georgetown's school of foreign service? 

The trick to this question is being specific. Sure, the Walsh School of Foreign Service has interesting classes, great professors, and a strong track record for job placements, but so do a lot of other schools out there. What does it offer that other schools can't? In your response, be sure to mention specific courses/internship opportunities/professors who will give you opportunities unique to Georgetown.

We give more advice on how to answer this question under the next prompt, which is also a Why Us question!


How to Answer the McDonough School of Business Essay Prompt

The McDonough School of Business is exactly what it sounds like. If you're attending Georgetown with an interest in business, you'll need to answer the following prompt:

The McDonough School of Business is a national and global leader in providing graduates with essential ethical, analytical, financial and global perspectives. Please discuss your motivations for studying business at Georgetown. (One page, single-spaced.)

Like the Walsh School of Foreign Service, the McDonough School of Business prompt is a classic "Why Us?" question , asking you to identify not just that Georgetown is a good school, but why it's the right school for you and your interests.

To answer this question, consider the university's ethos and curriculum. Look at their course offerings and consider those as well as whatever reasons you have for applying. Think specifically, not generally— beyond it being a well-respected university, what does Georgetown have to offer you that other well-respected universities do not?

Georgetown wants to hear that you're committed to their program specifically, so answer in specifics. Identify features of their program in particular, and be sure to answer the question of why those features draw you to Georgetown.

If you have a personal anecdote about Georgetown, such as a moment on a tour, a personal connection to the campus, or admiration for a particular alumni, this essay is a good place to discuss it. If not, it's always a good idea to use concrete specifics, such as classes and extracurriculars that appeal to you. Fold those into a discussion of Georgetown's mission and your own career goals to paint a complete picture of why this is the right school for you.


What Does a Successful Georgetown Essay Look Like?

Planning an essay can be difficult as you try to weigh what the school might want against everything you could possibly cover. Thankfully, there's at least one successful Georgetown essay out there you can read in its entirety :

"Listen, girl. He's over 60 and speaks no English. There is no way we would hire him." His tone was rude, but I sadly understood why my dad wasn't hired. I faced my hopeful dad and watched his smile drop as I told him that Dave just remembered that they hired someone yesterday and that they really couldn't afford to hire anyone else. My dad was disappointed, but nonetheless he graciously shook Dave's hand and thanked him for his time. Job searching is difficult for everyone, but in a world full of Daves, it's almost impossible. Daves are people who look at my family and immediately think less of us. They think illegal, poor and uneducated. Daves never allow my dad to pass the first round of job applications. Daves watch like hawks as my brother and I enter stores. Daves inconsiderately correct my mother's grammar. Because there are Daves in the world, I have become a protector for my family. I excuse their behavior as just being a "typical American." I convince my mother that they are only staring at her lovely new purse. I convince my dad they are only shouting about store sales to us. Aside from being a protector, I am also an advocate. As an advocate, I make sure my family is never taken advantage of. I am always looking out for scams and discrepancies. I am the one asking the questions when we buy or sell a car. I make sure all details are discussed and no specifics are left unanswered.

It's not hard to see why the writer was accepted to Georgetown. This essay clearly demonstrates her experience and understanding of the world. The last paragraph is a great example of how to turn that experience into something actionable—she wants to go into public service, politics, or diplomacy because of how she's helped her parents and the bigotry she's witnessed as she's done so.

We know from reading exactly what the writer will bring to Georgetown: an understanding of the world and the way it's treated her and her family. She demonstrates her understanding of diversity clearly, which answers the first prompt—it shows what makes her unique as well as what she'll contribute.

The essay shows her personal story and how that's influenced her lifelong plans. Because the admissions office understands where she comes from and the essay finishes with where she hopes to go—as well as covering some of the obstacles she's overcome—they have a complete picture of her as a student.

One area the essay could be improved is strengthening the connection to Georgetown specifically. This essay is quite strong—she did get into Georgetown with it—but spending a little more time reflecting on how her life experience connects to Georgetown's mission would give it a little extra oomph . As it is, this could be an application essay for pretty much any school. Drawing a clear connection from your experiences to the college you're applying to demonstrates a stronger degree of interest, making your essay stand out.


Key Points of Advice for Georgetown Essays

No matter which prompts you're answering, it's a good idea to follow general advice for your Georgetown essays, too. Though the application for Georgetown is unique to the school, it still follows most of the common rules of college applications, so be sure to read up on some common tips for college applications .

#1: Read Prompts Carefully

Don't just answer the surface-level question. You have quite a bit of space to answer each of these, so read each one carefully, understand the deeper questions it might be asking, such as "Why You?" and be sure to answer those as well. Brainstorming will be a huge help here, as you can get all of your ideas out and select the ones that support your point the best.

#2: Connect Your Story to Your School

When you're writing "Why Us?" essays, think about your story—the things that have made you who you are, your ambition, your goals—and add in how Georgetown is the next step on your journey. Think beyond that it has a good reputation or that lots of impressive people have graduated from there. Draw a clear line between you and Georgetown by tying your experience in with its curriculum and mission statement. This will demonstrate that you're not just reusing the same essay for a bunch of schools, and that Georgetown is your real goal.

#3: Edit and Revise

Editing and revision are your best friends when it comes to a polished Georgetown essay. Don't just fire off a draft and call it good. Spend some time planning, writing, editing, and revising , being sure to start early so you can let your drafts rest between readings.

Spending more time will take some of the stress out of writing and let you put in more effort to get it into shape. The longer you have, the more thought you can put into it, so start early!

What's Next?

Give yourself plenty of time to get your Georgetown essay done by staying on top of all the deadlines for your application .

What else do you need to get into your dream school aside from stellar essays? This guide has all the requirements to get into Georgetown .

Even if you're not going to Georgetown, you should understand the college application process from start to finish. This helpful guide will walk you through applying to college starting from your freshman year of high school!

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education.

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How to Write the Georgetown University Essays 2023-2024

Located in the U.S. capital, Georgetown prides itself on fostering global perspectives and cultivating students’ learning through Jesuit values. Georgetown University has three required prompts: two supplemental essays for all applicants and one school specific prompt focusing on the student’s intended area of study. 

As a highly competitive and prestigious university, it is important for Georgetown applicants to not only highlight their strong academic achievements, but also find ways to differentiate themselves through their essays. This post will show you how you can write standout responses to each Georgetown supplemental prompt.

Read these Georgetown essay examples to inspire your own writing.

Georgetown Application Essay Prompts

All applicants.

Prompt 1: Briefly discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity in which you have been most involved. ( 1/2 page, single-spaced) 

Prompt 2: As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief essay, either personal or creative, which you feel best describes you. ( 1 page, single-spaced)

School-Specific Prompts

(Each essay should be approximately one page, single-spaced)

Georgetown College:   A liberal arts education from the College of Arts & Sciences involves encounters with new concepts and modes of inquiry. Describe something (a class, a book, an event, etc.) that changed your thinking. (Applicants to the sciences, mathematics, public policy or languages are encouraged to include examples related to that field.) (approximately one page, single-spaced each)

School of Health: Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying health care. Please specifically address your intended major (Global Health, Health Care Management & Policy, or Human Science).

School of Nursing: Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying health care. Please specifically address your intended major Nursing.

Walsh School of Foreign Service : The Walsh School of Foreign Service was founded more than a century ago to prepare generations of leaders to solve global problems. What is motivating you to dedicate your undergraduate studies to a future in service to the world?

McDonough School of Business: The McDonough School of Business is a national and global leader in providing graduates with essential ethical, analytical, financial and global perspectives. Please discuss your motivations for studying business at Georgetown.

How to Write the Georgetown University General Supplemental Essays

Prompt 1—all applicants, briefly discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity in which you have been most involved. (1/2 page, single-spaced).

This prompt is the classic Extracurricular Essay , and it’s a great opportunity to showcase your unique passions and experiences to the admissions committee. The open-ended nature of this prompt provides you with a great deal of flexibility to highlight parts of your personality that you haven’t had the chance to express in other parts of your application. In order to most effectively answer this prompt, write about the activity that you are most passionate about AND explain why this activity is meaningful to you. 

A few tips for your response:

For many students, sports are likely one of the first topics that come to mind when thinking about significant activities outside of the classroom. However, since they are a very common topic for prompt responses, essays about sports can often fall prey to cliché themes that may get lost in a sea of other sports-related essays. 

If you choose to write about a sport, be very thoughtful about how you frame your experience. Think about what makes your experience stand out from other applicants’ sports stories.

For example, scoring the winning touchdown at a championship game may have been an exhilarating memory, but how is your passion for the game unique to your experience?

Maybe there was a time where you had to overcome adversity or things didn’t turn out the way you had hoped. Perhaps an injury left you on the bench for the rest of the season or an unfair call from a referee that cost you the game — explain how these challenges contributed to your overall experience with the activity, even when the situation was not ideal. 

When the prompt asks for the activity with which you have been most involved, it does not necessarily refer to the number of hours you spent.

The prompt specifies that it is asking about the activity that you have been “most involved” in. Therefore, the activity that you choose to write about should be something that shows your ongoing dedication to the activity. However, the activity that you spend the most time doing may not be the activity you are most passionate about. 

For example, you may have devoted nine years of your life to playing an instrument and performing. At the same, you may have joined the school paper as a junior, written several articles for every edition, and created a brand new features section to highlight student accomplishments beyond the classroom.

While counting hours would lead us to conclude that you’ve spent more time being a musician, it is evident from this example that you’ve shown more initiative as a reporter, despite the short period you spent at the paper.

While it is fantastic if your chosen activity directly ties into the major you’re planning to pursue, don’t worry too much about picking something that you deem most relevant to your field.

In this essay, the admissions committee is looking to understand your passions, the skills you gained, your strengths as a leader or a team player, and your dedication. If you can demonstrate your commitment to, say, teaching ukulele to small kids, along with your creativity and excitement in approaching the task at hand, you will show the admissions committee that you have acquired transferable skills which you will apply with the same intensity to your collegial pursuits.

Don’t try to second-guess what the admissions committee may or may not wish to see. Pick an activity that makes you the most excited — the one you never cease to talk about with your friends and family — and write about why it’s important.

Prompt 2—All Applicants

As georgetown is a diverse community, the admissions committee would like to know more about you in your own words. please submit a brief essay, either personal or creative, which you feel best describes you. (1 page, single-spaced).

Although Georgetown is not on the Common App, this prompt asks essentially the same questions as the Common App personal statement prompts . This essay is an opportunity for the admissions committee to get to know you as an individual. Through this essay, they want to learn who you are, what your values are, what drives you and gets you out of bed in the morning, or in other words — what makes you unique. The most efficient approach here is to use your Common App personal statement.

Notice the prompt’s emphasis on the importance of diversity (the Diversity Essay is another common prompt, and we recommend reading our linked guide for more info). Whether or not you end up using your Common App essay, make sure that your response highlights the unique perspective you will contribute to the Georgetown community. Remember that diversity does not necessarily imply belonging to an ethnic or religious community, which is a topic many students tend to initially gravitate towards. For example, if you are someone who has lots of experience traveling, you can talk about how exploration is a key aspect of your personality. If you devote all of your free time to designing sets for your school’s plays, you can emphasize your identity as an artist and team player in your response.

The admissions committee will be choosing among hundreds of applicants, many of whom will have academic profiles, grades, and scores similar to your own. The key to producing a successful response here is to make yourself stand out in the eyes of your reader.

How to Write the Georgetown University School-Specific Supplemental Essays

Georgetown college prompt, a liberal arts education from the college of arts & sciences involves encounters with new concepts and modes of inquiry. describe something (a class, a book, an event, etc.) that changed your thinking. (applicants to the sciences, mathematics, public policy or languages are encouraged to include examples related to that field.) (1 page, single-spaced).

For this prompt, you are asked to share an experience or piece of media that changed your perspective on something. Although the prompt specifies that science, math, public policy, and language applicants should pick an example related to their prospective major, we recommend all applicants follow this advice so the essay emphasizes your interests.

In order to fully convey how something changed your thinking, the reader needs to know what you were like before the inciting event. This is a common mistake students make for this type of essay, so make sure you demonstrate a clear before and after.

The quality of this essay mainly comes down to the event or concept you pick and how well you are able to tell the story surrounding it. If you’re feeling a little lost and like you don’t know where to begin, consider some of these examples of sample students and what they might write about.

  • A student interested in politics might write about watching election night coverage on TV. Maybe before this experience she only believed in red and blue states, but after watching political commentators zoom in on county-wide data, she realized the existence and prevalence of the rural-urban divide.
  • A student pursuing American studies might choose reading Of Mice and Men and explain how before he viewed history from a meta perspective studying trends and dates, but the book’s depiction of the everyday struggle inspired him to hone in on day-to-day effects of historical events.
  • A student interested in statistics could write about a fight he got into with his parents that forced him to use data to his advantage. While before he relied on emotions to make a point, he’s since realized the power data can have in making convincing arguments.
  • A student who considers themself to be bad at science could write about their biology teacher who pushed them to engage with the subject which made the student discover an interest in how cells use nutrients. Because of their positive experience in the class, they now want to pursue a career in nutrition. 

For each of these examples, notice how the student picks something that relates to their interest or major and highlights their perspective before and after? That’s what you are aiming for. 

Once you explain your new way of thinking, make sure you take it a step further to connect it to Georgetown. You aren’t asked to talk about Georgetown resources or opportunities in the prompt, but including it will impress admissions officers and show your dedication to the school. It doesn’t have to be super extensive, but it’s a good idea to allude to how you will continue to bring this new perspective to the Georgetown community. 

School of Health Prompt

Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying health care. please specifically address your intended major (global health, health care management & policy, or human science ; 1 page, single-spaced )..

In this essay, you have the opportunity to explain to the admissions committee why you feel passionate about devoting your academic career to health sciences. 

Until recently, the areas of health and nursing were combined into one school at Georgetown. However, this year’s applicants will be the first to get to choose whether they want to enter into the School of Health or the School of Nursing. Prior to writing your response, make sure to research the major and school you’re applying to and verify that it corresponds with your desired area of interest. After conducting your research, explain in your response how the major and school you’ve chosen are uniquely suited to your academic journey and career goals. 

For example, health care management & policy majors really focus on the policy aspect of the health industry, learning about key stakeholders in the policymaking process and understanding what goes into managing and improving the healthcare industry. If you’re applying into this major, you want to highlight your interest in the legislative and managerial aspects of the field, rather than discuss your passion for taking care of individual patients. Above all, this essay is the time for you to reflect on how your specific interest in health was the foundation for choosing a major that aligned with that field.

As with any school-specific essay, you want to write something that sets you apart from all the other applicants. It’s very likely that they, too, will have experiences working in labs or passions for improving healthcare systems to speak about. You need to find an angle that highlights your unique perspective and approach.

Read on for some ideas below:

  • If you are someone who lived through a serious or chronic illness, you can address your experiences here as a way to explain your interest in the health industry. While an illness can be a challenging and extremely personal topic to write about, you can focus on the ways it helped to develop your passion for helping others or for conducting scientific research. This is a way to put your academic accomplishments in context.
  • If you or a family member have witnessed or experienced any injustices in the healthcare system, you can discuss how the system failed to operate effectively and ways for which it could improve in the future. Accessibility to healthcare can vary depending on region, demographics, and socioeconomic status. Try to find specific examples that are relevant to your experience that illustrate your understanding of the issue and desire to gain a better understanding of the field. 
  • As technology continues to aid in the advancements of medicine, the field of healthcare is constantly evolving. Are there any areas of health sciences that have yet to be fully explored? Think of a narrow area of healthcare study and explain how delving deeper into that topic could have a lasting impact on society. Try and pick a topic that captivates the reader and highlights something about your own personality. 

Can you think of a specific moment when you first realized that you wanted to study health? What were you doing when you fell upon that revelation? Was there a particular impactful conversation or event that led you to this conclusion? Perhaps you had a family member who couldn’t afford their healthcare services and consequently suffered from an otherwise preventable illness. 

Maybe you also completed a compelling research project for your biology class and became fascinated with genetic disorders, leading you to seek out a summer internship in a local lab. Whatever angle you choose, be sure to reflect on the questions above as you prepare to write your essay, and try to pick a narrative that highlights your personality.

School of Nursing Prompt

Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying health care. please specifically address your intended major (global health, health care management & policy, or human science; 1 page, single-spaced)..

This prompt is a chance for you to highlight why you have chosen an academic career specifically in nursing. In your response, make sure you emphasize how nursing to you is distinct from the larger healthcare industry. 

For example, studying nursing can equip you for a wide variety of careers in healthcare. However, nursing is differential because it uniquely cultivates the trusting relationships between patients and experienced healthcare professionals. So if you are applying to this major, you should emphasize your passion for caring for individual patients rather than focusing on broader aspects of the health sciences. 

When applying to a school with a particularly narrow focus of learning, it is even more imperative that you find ways to stand out from other applicants. As unsympathetic as this may sound, caring for a sick relative or recovering from an injury will likely be worn out response topics. Think about ways you can frame your story to be unconventional and cause readers to develop a deeper understanding of your personality. 

Read on for some ideas below: 

  • If you have a family member who works in the healthcare industry, you can discuss your first exposure to the field in the context of building connections with your loved ones. Perhaps your uncle has spent countless hours pointing out inefficiencies in the ways we currently manage large hospitals based on his work as a doctor. You can recount these conversations as a gateway to your passion for healthcare and even mention some projects you may wish to pursue to combat these problems in the future.  
  • If you spent a summer or your after-school hours volunteering at a local hospital or other medical establishment, you can use an anecdote describing your experience to underline your interest in the industry. Keep in mind that many other students applying to this school will likely have similar activities on their resume. Try to find a unique angle that will exemplify your experience.
  • Think about some characteristics that might be beneficial in the field of nursing: quick thinking, adaptability, remaining calm under pressure. Describe specific examples of events when you displayed these characteristics. Did your reaction to the event surprise you? Did you develop these skills over time? How did the result of the event change your outlook on similar situations in the future? Your account of these experiences should illustrate something that you discovered about yourself and how these skills and experiences are relevant to your nursing major. 

When you sit down to write, remember that your main goal is to explain to the admissions committee why what you want to accomplish cannot be accomplished by studying any other field. Focus on program features that set Georgetown apart from other universities and find a connection to your personal experiences that will help to humanize you in the eyes of the reader.

Walsh School of Foreign Service Prompt

The walsh school of foreign service was founded more than a century ago to prepare generations of leaders to solve global problems. what is motivating you to dedicate your undergraduate studies to a future in service to the world (1 page, single-spaced).

Applicants to the School of Foreign Service are expected to be well-versed in global affairs. This essay is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your passion for and understanding of global and public service. The admissions committee wants to understand why this topic is important to you , and personal anecdotes are the most powerful way to convey this. 

It is important to pick an experience related to one of your interests that is unique and can be connected to solving global problems. Don’t try to write an essay about the hot topic of the day like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict if you don’t have a deep personal connection. You should choose an issue or experience with a problem that motivated you to take action and dedicate your life to helping the world.

Here are some strong example responses you can use for inspiration:

1. If you have devoted time to raising money for a charity that helps finance the education of a child in need, you can connect your personal experience to the larger issue of income or education disparities. Spend a paragraph detailing the moment that first sparked your interest in this issue and follow it up with a nuanced analysis of what you hope to learn in college that will allow you to address the larger issue at hand.

 2. If you’re passionate about female participation in politics, you could discuss your first voting experience and highlight how the lack of female candidates on the ballot sparked your outrage. Or you could mention the insufficient number of female role models in the political arena that struck you as a child interested in politics. Be descriptive and detailed about your emotions to convey the deep need you feel to solve this issue .

3. If you’ve taken a class or worked on a project that exposed you to a variety of international issues, explain why a particular topic struck a chord . While you may not have a direct experience with the issue at hand, try to think of ways to connect it to your own life. Then go on to discuss how you hope to return to and solve this issue in the future.

4. Even if you lack an academic or extracurricular experience that ties into global affairs, there are other ways you can make a personal connection to the topic. If there is a book you read or a movie you watched that exposed you to an issue of global significance, which you’ve been curious about ever since, this can be your link! Make sure to show why this topic grabbed your attention and to highlight your intellectual curiosity and passion.

Whichever topic you choose to write about, remember that your essay should seamlessly connect your past to your future. You need to demonstrate your passion for the field of foreign service, what your goals are within the field, and how the Walsh School will help you grow your passion to achieve your future goals.

McDonough School of Business Prompt

The mcdonough school of business is a national and global leader in providing graduates with essential ethical, analytical, financial and global perspectives. please discuss your motivations for studying business at georgetown (1 page, single-spaced)..

This prompt should not be regarded as yet another “why business school” essay. Note the question’s emphasis on a global approach and its reference to ethics . As mentioned earlier, Georgetown’s identity is built upon its Jesuit values, which manifest themselves in all its academic programs. When you write this essay, keep those keywords in mind. In responding to the prompt, highlight the unique perspective that this program seeks to provide and emphasize your appreciation for the opportunities it will offer you.

Here are a few response ideas:

1. If the school’s focus on ethics appeals to you, you could discuss your passion for developing sustainable business practices and link it to a local business in your community whose model you particularly appreciate. If you have ever worked for a small business or if your family or friends own one, you can mention it to point out the origins of your focus on sustainability.

2. If the McDonough’s global approach attracted you to the school in the first place, you can talk about your interest in economic models different from that of the U.S . For instance, if you’re fascinated by India’s initiatives to combat deep poverty in its rural regions, this is your opportunity to discuss it.

Be sure to tie it to the programs and opportunities offered at the school. For example, if there is a course on the economics of poverty that you are particularly eager to enroll in or a professor who is an expert in this field, talk about it in your response!

3. You can never go wrong with harnessing Georgetown’s advantageous D.C. location to help you justify your interest in its business school. In particular, if you’re interested in financial policy or the interaction between the government and entrepreneurs, you can reference the internship opportunities that McDonough’s strategic location will provide you and the star faculty, who frequently come to teach at Georgetown after working in D.C.’s public and private sectors for many years.

The main reason that Georgetown does not use the Common App is that it wishes to only attract students who are dedicated enough to their university and its values that they are willing to go through a separate application process to get there. As you work on your application, remember what makes Georgetown unique and why these particularities appealed to you when you first put Georgetown down as a potential school on your list. Think hard about your motivation for applying, do your research, and reach out for help when needed!

Where to Get Your Georgetown Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your Georgetown essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools.  Find the right advisor for you  to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines [2020 2021]

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Georgetown McDonough 2020–2021 MBA application essays

Georgetown MBA essay #1

Georgetown MBA essay #2

Georgetown MBA essay #3

Georgetown MBA essay #4 (video essay)

Georgetown MBA essay #5 (optional)

Georgetown MBA essay #6 (required for reapplicants)

Georgetown McDonough 2020 – 2021 application deadlines

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Georgetown University 2023-24 Essay Prompt Guide

Early Action: Nov 1

Regular Decision Deadline: Jan 10

You Have: 

Georgetown 2023-24 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words; 1 half-page essay; 2 page-long essays

Supplemental Essay Type(s):  Activity , Why, Diversity

Prompt 1: Please elaborate on any special talents or skills you would like to highlight. (250 words)

This prompt may come first on the list, but we think you should save it for last! For the other essays on the Georgetown application, we ask you to dig deep and share personal stories that showcase talents and interests. Don’t dry the well by listing all of your (many!) skills and talents too soon. Every essay should reveal something new to admissions. So once you finish polishing your other pieces, ask yourself: what’s missing? Is there some critical puzzle piece that will help connect your other three essays? Or have you been dying to get something off your chest that didn’t fit anywhere else? This essay could be the perfect outlet for you to showcase your more personal skills, interests, and quirks. If the rest of your essays showcase your drive to work in international relations, perhaps your answer to this prompt could showcase a lighter side: your love of experimental cooking (and impressive knife skills!). Or maybe explain how learning a new language helped you learn how to whistle! While you should aim to showcase genuine skills that you have put effort into cultivating, you can also have a little bit of fun. This prompt is the most open-ended one on the application, so show admissions something they won’t find anywhere else on your application.

Prompt 2: Briefly discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity in which you have been most involved. (approximately 1/2 page, single-spaced) 

Next up is a fun twist on the classic activity essay, which asks you to expand on an extracurricular endeavor that you care about. For starters, we’d give you basically the same advice the prompt does: focus on one of the activities “in which you have been most involved.” Although we usually urge students to write about items that haven’t appeared elsewhere on their application, the activity essay is an exception since it specifically asks you to address an item on your resume. So, pick something with meat! When have you had the opportunity to take on a leadership role? How has four years of debate club shaped the way you communicate? Was it difficult coaching pee wee soccer as a freshman, and what motivated you to stick with it?

Prompt 3: As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief personal or creative essay which you feel best describes you and reflects on your own background, identity, skills, and talents. (approximately 1 page, single-spaced)

Though it seems straightforward, this may be one of the hardest prompts! (What do you mean, tell you about myself in my own words?) Don’t fret. You can treat this essay just like the Common App’s prompt #1 , which asks students to write about a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. (Even better: if you’ve already written an essay in response to the Common App’s first prompt, you can recycle that essay here since Georgetown has its own application platform!)

If you’re approaching this essay from scratch, take some time to brainstorm. What about your background, talents, or identity might be worth highlighting for an admissions officer? Don’t worry about cramming every aspect of the wonder that is you into one essay; they will naturally reveal themselves along the way as you write. Whether you want to write about a facet of your identity that few people know about or a passion you’ve been dabbling in (and telling everyone about) for years, you can’t go wrong with authentic reflection and an engaging hook!

Georgetown University School-Specific Prompts.

(each school-specific prompt should not exceed 1 page, single-spaced), georgetown college of arts and sciences: a liberal arts education from the college of arts & sciences involves encounters with new concepts and modes of inquiry. describe something (a class, a book, an event, etc.) that changed your thinking. (applicants to the sciences, mathematics, public policy or languages are encouraged to include examples related to that field.).

Admissions wants to learn about a time when your mind was changed. If you’re an active reader or information seeker, you probably have a few ideas already. But if nothing comes to mind immediately, don’t panic; instead, think about the times in your life when you’ve had an “Aha!” moment that forced you to drastically re-examine one of your beliefs or understandings. Admissions wants to know that you are open to new ideas and can reflect in order to see things from a different perspective. As you tell your story, include sensory details to bring your experience to life, whether you’re sitting in the back of a classroom, head in your hands, trying to wrap your brain around the truth-bomb your teacher just dropped; or curled up in a blanket by the fireplace with your nose in a gripping book. If you’re deciding between “Aha!” moments to write about, pick the one most closely related to your intended field of study. Applicants who can articulate their thoughts and feelings while showcasing malleability and a willingness to thoughtfully consider new ideas will likely stand out as valuable additions to the Georgetown community. 

School of Health: Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying health care at Georgetown University. Please specifically address your intended major (Global Health, Health Care Management & Policy, or Human Science).

If we know anything about applying to medical programs, it is this: everyone wants to help people; everyone wants to make the world a better place; everyone wants to make a meaningful contribution. Few fields lend themselves to service-oriented clichés and platitudes as readily as medicine does, so to safely navigate the minefield of hackneyed generalizations, start with something personal! What’s one eye-opening experience that made you believe healthcare could be your calling? Perhaps it was a single moment, like accidental eye contact with a concerned mother at the ER. Or maybe it was something more long-term, such as navigating your school in a wheelchair after knee surgery and realizing you want to improve patient outcomes through researching physical therapies. Whatever the case, use your personal story as the backdrop for your argument. What did you learn? What problems do you hope to tackle? What change do you hope to help create? As we said, it’s not enough to just want these things; your job is to show admissions why medicine interests you personally. Once you’ve accomplished that, be sure to address the role Georgetown will play in your plan for the future. In other words, why do you want to study healthcare at Georgetown in particular? Do they have a research lab that’s at the forefront of innovation? A wise applicant will do some research so they can infuse their response with specific details that demonstrate meticulousness and drive.

School of Nursing: Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying your intended major, Nursing.

Well, this is about as straightforward as prompts get! Our advice is much the same as it is for students applying to the School of Health (see above). Set yourself apart from other applicants by not only discussing the factors that led you to pursuing a career in nursing, but by also connecting those experiences to your larger goals for the future. If there are elements of a Georgetown education that will support your particular interest or connect to your past experiences in some way, you should dig into that in your response, while also revealing new information to admissions about your character, motivations, and aspirations.

Walsh School of Foreign Service: The Walsh School of Foreign Service was founded more than a century ago to prepare generations of leaders to solve global problems. What is motivating you to dedicate your undergraduate studies to a future in service to the world?

The Walsh School of Foreign Service wants to know what fuels your fire. What is driving you to dedicate your undergraduate studies (and maybe even your life!) to a path of service? Maybe you are incredibly passionate about combating climate change before it’s too late. What do you hope to achieve and how? Perhaps you’re following in the footsteps of a trailblazer you look up to—how do you hope to continue fighting the good fight in their honor? If you’re feeling stuck, ask yourself: what kind of mark would you like to leave on the world? How do you think you can positively contribute to a cause that is important to you? If you had the power to make a lasting impact in any area at all, what would it be? While building the personal connection is key, you’ll also want to leave yourself some space to spell out at least a few steps you might take to address your global issue of choice.

McDonough School of Business: The McDonough School of Business is a national and global leader in providing graduates with essential ethical, analytical, financial and global perspectives. Please discuss your motivations for studying business at Georgetown.

If you think we’ve never seen an essay with the line, “I love money,” you would be wrong. Spoiler: this does not make a great first impression. Studying business is about so much more than dollars and cents, and the prompt offers a few other aspects of business you’ll learn about in this program including “ethical, analytical, financial and global perspectives.” In order to get some perspective, we’d recommend doing your homework. Like any classic why essay, the best answers are personal and specific, so go beyond your general interest in business and try to figure out specifically why Georgetown could be the right fit for you. Is it the location? The professors? The travel opportunities? Allow yourself to follow every lead and fall down every rabbit hole as you root through the program website. Your essay should paint a picture of the kind of student you will be at Georgetown, from the classes you’ll take to the activities you’ll pursue. How will this education prepare you for your dream career?

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  1. 010 Georgetown Essay Prompts Example Mba Personal Statement Sample

    georgetown mba essay samples

  2. Tuesday Tips: Georgetown MBA Application Essays, Tips for 2023-2024

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  3. Georgetown admission essays that worked: Top Prompts for Writing

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  4. Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2022

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  5. 010 Georgetown Essay Prompts Example Mba Personal Statement Sample

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  6. UNSW MBA Essay Sample

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  1. 5 Mistakes To Avoid On Your ISB MBA Application Essays

  2. Asking Students 'Why Georgetown" in 1 Sentence!


  1. Tuesday Tips: Georgetown MBA Application Essays, Tips for 2023-2024

    The Georgetown MBA application is now live, and we have MBA essay tips for the 2023-2024 admissions season. Located in Washington, DC, Georgetown's McDonough School of Business is at the center of government and public policy. The Georgetown MBA community is close-knit, intellectually curious, and diverse.

  2. Georgetown McDonough MBA Essays Guide: Overview, Tips & Examples

    Success Admits, a leading MBA admissions consulting firm, has graciously shared examples of exceptional Georgetown McDonough essays along with expert analysis. These essay examples, accompanied by insightful analysis, will help you understand why these essays were effective and how you can craft your own responses in a similar manner.

  3. MBA Application Components

    Application Components. The Admissions Committee takes a holistic approach to the evaluation process, meaning we consider all aspects of your application to determine if you can handle the rigor of the Georgetown MBA Program and to discover if our program is the best "fit" for you. Each element of the application is reviewed by the ...

  4. Georgetown McDonough Essay Examples & Tips, 2022-2023

    Georgetown McDonough 2023-2024 Essay Tips. We want to hear your story. When responding to our required essays, be authentic and take time to reflect on your goals and past experiences. Craft a response that explains how these experiences led you to pursue an MBA. Our goal at Georgetown McDonough is to craft a diverse class with people who ...

  5. Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2023

    March 26, 2024. May 1, 2024. Round 4. April 30, 2024. May 29, 2024. All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on the deadline day. Source: Georgetown McDonough website. ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with Georgetown McDonough directly to verify its essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.***.

  6. Free Georgetown MBA Essay Samples

    Free Georgetown Mcdonough MBA Essay SamplesThe Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business, commonly shorted to the McDonough School of Business and abbreviated as the MSB, is the business school of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. The following MBA essays were written by ARINGO MBA candidates who got accepted

  7. How to Write Georgetown's School of Business Essay

    The McDonough School of Business prompt is like many "why major" essays in that it asks you to discuss your motivations for choosing your program, which, of course, in this case is business at Georgetown. The prompt gives you a brief description of McDonough's school mission as context, saying that it's both a national and global leader ...

  8. Georgetown MBA Essays for 2023-2024

    Please select one of the following three essays to complete in 500 words (approximately two pages, double-spaced) and include the essay prompt and your first/last name at the top of your submission. Essay Option One - Georgetown Community. Our mission is rooted in Jesuit principles of equality and respect for everyone and an ethos of caring ...

  9. Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines [2021

    Georgetown's MBA application essay questions and video component remain the same as last year, with the following exceptions: There are four essay options as opposed to last year's three. Essay options #3 and #4 are new. My advice is below for each of Georgetown's prompts. Georgetown MBA application essays 2021-2022 We want to hear your story.

  10. Georgetown MBA Essays: Tips for McDonough 2023-2024

    Choose one of the following essays: Principled Leadership: Georgetown McDonough places a strong emphasis on principled leadership, providing both curricular and co-curricular opportunities to strengthen your leadership skills. Describe a time when you have led a team in a professional environment to implement a new idea or process.

  11. Tuesday Tips: Georgetown MBA Application Essays, Tips for 2022-2023

    The Georgetown MBA application is now live, and we have essay tips for the 2022-2023 season. This year Georgetown has reduced the essay options from a choice of four to a choice of three essay prompts for the required essay. And, there is a required video essay along with an optional essay. The Georgetown MBA.

  12. Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Analysis 2023-2024: Crafting Standout

    In this comprehensive article, we delve into Georgetown University's McDonough MBA essay analysis for 2023-2024. Discover valuable insights and expert guidance on how to excel in your MBA admissions journey. Healy Hall at Georgetown University a National Historic Landmark and the cornerstone of the universitys storied past.

  13. Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Analysis 2023-2024

    The following essay topic analysis examines Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business (McDonough) MBA admissions essays for the 2023-2024 admissions season. You can also review essay topic analyses for other leading MBA programs as well as general Essay Tips to further aid you in developing your admissions essays.

  14. Sample Essays

    The breadth of Georgetown's core curriculum means that students are required to write for a wide variety of academic disciplines. Below, we provide some student samples that exhibit the key features the most popular genres. When reading through these essays, we recommend paying attention to their 1. Structure (How many paragraphs are there? Does the […]

  15. 3 Top Tips for Writing Exceptional Georgetown Essays

    The Georgetown essays include one short essay of about a half-page, single-spaced, one longer one-page essay required of all students, and a second one-page essay specifically tied to one of Georgetown's four schools: Georgetown College, the School of Nursing and Health Studies, Walsh School of Foreign Service, and the McDonough School of Business.

  16. 4 Great Georgetown Essay Examples

    Essay Example 1 - Special Talents. Essay Example 2 - Personal Statement. Essay Example 3 - The Meaning of Being Educated. Essay Example 4 - Speech and Debate. Where to Get Feedback on Your Essay. Georgetown is a prestigious university located right outside of Washington D.C. that is known for its great public policy and international ...

  17. Georgetown MBA Essays for 2021-2022

    Then get ready, because the Georgetown MBA essays for the new admissions cycle are here. Georgetown MBA Essays 2021-2022 Notes from the school: We want to hear your story. When responding to our required essays, be authentic and take ... Real Sample Essays. MBA Rankings. Interview Debriefs. All School Stats in One Place. MBA Deadlines. MBA ...

  18. Georgetown MBA Announces New Admissions Essay

    This year, the MBA Admissions team at Georgetown's McDonough School of Business has a new essay prompt for applicants: Describe a defining moment when you were challenged and exceeded expectations. "We changed this year's essay to try to better assess the resilience of our applicants," said Shari Hubert, associate dean of MBA Admissions.

  19. Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2022

    Georgetown's MBA application essay questions and video component remain the same as last year, however there are three essay options as opposed to last year's four. My advice is below for each of Georgetown's prompts. Georgetown MBA application essays 2022-2023 We want to hear your story. When responding to our required essays, be authentic and take

  20. How to Write the Georgetown University Essays 2023-2024

    All Applicants. Prompt 1: Briefly discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity in which you have been most involved. ( 1/2 page, single-spaced) Prompt 2: As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words.

  21. Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    Full-time MBA Career Highlights. $149,256 Average Full-time MBA Salary Class of 2023. $43,325 Average Signing Bonus Class of 2023. 92.5% Accepted Offer Within Three Months of Graduation Class of 2023.

  22. Georgetown McDonough MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines [2020 2021]

    Georgetown's MBA application essay questions and video component remain the same as last year, with the exception of Essay Option #3. My advice below each of Georgetown's prompts. Georgetown McDonough 2020-2021 MBA application essays. We want to hear your story.

  23. 2023-24 Georgetown University Essay Prompt Guide

    Georgetown 2023-24 Application Essay Question Explanations. *Please note: the information below relates to last year's essay prompts. As soon as the 2024-25 prompts beomce available, we will be updating this guide -- stay tuned! The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words; 1 half-page essay; 2 page-long essays. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Activity ...