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  • Critical Thinking Tests

Critical Thinking Test Practice ▷ Free Critical Reasoning Samples & Tips 2024

Start Preparing for Your Critical Thinking Test.  This page features a brief introduction, followed by question examples with detailed explanations, and a free test sample.

Table of Contents :

✻  What is a Critical Thinking Test ?

✻  Sample Questions

Related links

✻  Free Critical Thinking Practice Test

✻  Watson Glaser Practice Test

What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking, also known as critical reasoning, is the ability to assess a situation and consider/understand various perspectives, all while acknowledging, extracting and deciphering facts, opinions and assumptions. Critical thinking tests are a sub-type of aptitude exams  or psychometric tests used in pre-employment assessment for jobs reacquiring advanced analytical and learning skills.

The Skills You Will Be Tested On

Critical thinking tests can have 5 major sections or sub-tests that assess and measure a variety of aspects.

1) Inference

In this section, you are asked to draw conclusions from observed or supposed facts. You are presented with a short text containing a set of facts you should consider as true.

Below the text is a statement that could be inferred from the text. You need to make a judgement on whether this statement is valid or not, based on what you have read.

Furthermore, you are asked to evaluate whether the statement is true, probably true, there is insufficient data to determine, probably false, or false.

For example: if a baby is crying and it is his feeding time, you may infer that the baby is hungry. However, the baby may be crying for other reasons—perhaps it is hot.

2) Recognising Assumptions

In this section, you are asked to recognise whether an assumption is justifiable or not.

Here you are given a statement followed by an assumption on that statement. You need to establish whether this assumption can be supported by the statement or not.

You are being tested on your ability to avoid taking things for granted that are not necessarily true. For example, you may say, "I’ll have the same job in three months," but you would be taking for granted the fact that your workplace won't make you redundant, or that you won’t decide to quit and explore various other possibilities.

You are asked to choose between the options of assumption made and assumption not made.

3) Deduction

This section tests your ability to weigh information and decide whether given conclusions are warranted.

You are presented with a statement of facts followed by a conclusion on what you have read. For example, you may be told, "Nobody in authority can avoid making uncomfortable decisions."

You must then decide whether a statement such as "All people must make uncomfortable decisions" is warranted from the first statement.

You need to assess whether the conclusion follows or the conclusion does not follow what is contained in the statement. You can read more about our  deductive logical thinking test resources here. 

4) Interpretation

This section measures your ability to understand the weighing of different arguments on a particular question or issue.

You are given a short paragraph to read, which you are expected to take as true. This paragraph is followed by a suggested conclusion, for which you must decide if it follows beyond a reasonable doubt.

You have the choice of conclusion follows and conclusion does not follow.

5) Evaluation of Arguments

In this section you are asked to evaluate the strength of an argument.

You are given a question followed by an argument. The argument is considered to be true, but you must decide whether it is a strong or weak argument, i.e. whether it is both important and directly related to the question.

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Critical Thinking Question Examples

As there are various forms of critical thinking and critical reasoning, we've provided a number of critical thinking sample questions.

You can take our full Critical Thinking Sample Test to see more questions.

critical thinking sample questions

Example 1: Argument Analysis

Read the following:

In a recent study, anthropologists surveyed 250 adults who own pets and 250 adults who do not own pets on their interpersonal capacities. The questions asked of both those who own pets and those who do not own pets included tests for 'computational requirements', that is, tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple. While members of each group displayed outstanding interpersonal capacities, in general, the adults who own pets were much more empathetic than those who do not own pets. This indicates that people who are especially empathetic are more likely to adopt a pet in spite of the personal sacrifice and the occasional inconvenience than people who are less empathetic.

Which of the following is true?

  • Most of the people surveyed, whether they own pets or do not own pets, displayed outstanding interpersonal capacities.
  • The adoption of a pet involves personal sacrifice and occasional inconvenience.
  • People with high degrees of empathy are more likely to adopt pets than people with low degrees of empathy.
  • Interpersonal capacities entail tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple.
  • A person's degree of empathy is highly correlated with his or her capacity for personal sacrifice.

The correct answer is C

Answer explanation: In a question of this type, the rule is very simple: the main conclusion of an argument is found either in the first or the last sentence. If, however, the main conclusion appears in the middle of an argument, it will begin with a signal word such as thus, therefore, or so. Regardless of where the main conclusion appears, the rest of the passage will give the reasons why the conclusion is true or should be adopted. The main conclusion in this passage is the last sentence, signaled by the words, 'This indicates that people who are especially empathetic are more likely to adopt a pet than people who are less empathetic'.

Example 2: Argument Practice

A: No. Differential bonuses have been found to create a hostile working environment, which leads to a decrease in the quality and quantity of products .

This argument is:

The correct answer is A (Strong)

Schema of the statement: Differential cash bonuses (productivity↑) → workplace↑

Explanation: This argument targets both the action and the consequences of the action on the object of the statement. It states that the action (implementing differential cash bonuses) has a negative effect on the workplace (a decrease in the quality and quantity of products). Therefore, it is an important argument, one that is relevant for the workplace. Note that this argument does not specifically target differential cash bonuses. Still, they are considered a sub-group of the subject of the argument (differential bonuses).

Example 3 – Interpretations 

Proposed assumption: Vicki and Bill encountered a personal battle because they couldn’t come to terms with their disease.

A. Conclusion follows

B. Conclusion does not follow

The correct answer is B (Conclusion does not follow)

It is plausible that the reason people who suffer from sleep apnoea encounter a personal battle is because of an inability to come to terms with this disease. However, since the passage does not provide an actual reason, you cannot reach this conclusion without reasonable doubt. 

The most common type of Critical Thinking Assessment is the Watson Glaser .

Difficult and time-pressured, the Watsong Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) takes a unique testing approach that breaks away from more traditional assessments. To see examples, check out our free Watson Glaser practice test .

Our expertly curated practice programme for the Watson Glaser will provide you with:

  • A full-length diagnostic simulation
  • Focused practice tests for the different test sections: inferences, assumptions, deductive reasoning, interpretations, and arguments.
  • 3 additional full-length simulations
  • Interactive tutorials

Or learn more about the Watson Glaser Test

Critical Thinking Tests FAQs

What are critical thinking tests

What critical reasoning test am I most likely to take?

Very Likely the Watson-Glaser test

Another popular critical thinking assessment, Watson-Glaser is a well-established psychometric test produced by Pearson Assessments.

The Watson-Glaser test is used for two main purposes: job selection/talent management and academic evaluations. The Watson-Glaser test can be administered online or in-person.

For Watson Glaser practice questions,   click here !

What skills do critical reasoning test measure?

Critical Thinking can refer to various skills:

  • Defining the problem
  • Selecting the relevant information to solve the problem
  • Recognising assumptions that are both written and implied in the text
  • Creating hypotheses and selecting the most relevant and credible solutions
  • Reaching valid conclusions and judging the validity of inferences

Pearson TalentLens condenses critical thinking into three major areas:

  • R ecognise assumptions – the ability to notice and question assumptions, recognise information gaps or unfounded logic. Basically not taking anything for granted.
  • E valuate arguments – the ability to analyse information objectively without letting your emotions affect your opinion.
  • D raw conclusions – the ability to reach focused conclusions and inferences by considering diverse information, avoiding generalisations and disregarding information that is not available.

These are abilities that employers highly value in their employees, because they come into play in many stages of problem-solving and decision-making processes in the workplace, especially in business, management and law.

Why are critical thinking tests important to employers?

Critical thinking, or critical reasoning, is important to employers because they want to see that when dealing with an issue, you are able to make logical decisions without involving emotions.

Being able to look past emotions will help you to be open-minded, confident, and decisive—making your decisions more logical and sound.

What professions use critical thinking tests?

Below are some professions that use critical thinking tests and assessments during the hiring process as well as some positions that demand critical thinking and reasoning skills:

Preparation Packs for Critical Thinking & Critical Reasoning AssessmentsThe Critical Thinking PrepPackℱ provides you with the largest assembly of practice tests, study guides and tutorials.Our tests come complete with straightforward expert explanations and predictive score reports to let you know your skill level as well as your advancement.By using our materials you can significantly increase your potential within a few days and secure yourself better chances to get the job.

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What is the Critical Thinking Test?

Critical thinking practice test, take a free practice critical thinking test, practice critical thinking test.

Updated November 16, 2023

Edward Melett

The Critical Thinking Test is a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess individuals' cognitive capacities and analytical prowess.

This formal examination, often referred to as the critical thinking assessment, is a benchmark for those aiming to demonstrate their proficiency in discernment and problem-solving.

In addition, this evaluative tool meticulously gauges a range of skills, including logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and the ability to evaluate and synthesize information.

This article will embark on an exploration of the Critical Thinking Test, elucidating its intricacies and elucidating its paramount importance. We will dissect the essential skills it measures and clarify its significance in gauging one's intellectual aptitude.

We will examine examples of critical thinking questions, illuminating the challenging scenarios that candidates encounter prompting them to navigate the complexities of thought with finesse.

Before going ahead to take the critical thinking test, let's delve into the realm of preparation. This segment serves as a crucible for honing the skills assessed in the actual examination, offering candidates a chance to refine their analytical blades before facing the real challenge. Here are some skills that will help you with the critical thinking assessment: Logical Reasoning: The practice test meticulously evaluates your ability to deduce conclusions from given information, assess the validity of arguments, and recognize patterns in logic. Analytical Thinking: Prepare to dissect complex scenarios, identify key components, and synthesize information to draw insightful conclusions—a fundamental aspect of the critical thinking assessment. Problem-Solving Proficiency: Navigate through intricate problems that mirror real-world challenges, honing your capacity to approach issues systematically and derive effective solutions. What to Expect: The Critical Thinking Practice Test is crafted to mirror the format and complexity of the actual examination. Expect a series of scenarios, each accompanied by a set of questions that demand thoughtful analysis and logical deduction. These scenarios span diverse fields, from business and science to everyday scenarios, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your critical thinking skills. Examples of Critical Thinking Questions Scenario: In a business context, analyze the potential impacts of a proposed strategy on both short-term profitability and long-term sustainability. Question: What factors would you consider in determining the viability of the proposed strategy, and how might it affect the company's overall success? Scenario: Evaluate conflicting scientific studies on a pressing environmental issue.

Question: Identify the key methodologies and data points in each study. How would you reconcile the disparities to form an informed, unbiased conclusion?

Why Practice Matters

Engaging in the Critical Thinking Practice Test familiarizes you with the test format and cultivates a mindset geared towards agile and astute reasoning. This preparatory phase allows you to refine your cognitive toolkit, ensuring you approach the assessment with confidence and finesse.

We'll navigate through specific examples as we proceed, offering insights into effective strategies for tackling critical thinking questions. Prepare to embark on a journey of intellectual sharpening, where each practice question refines your analytical prowess for the challenges ahead.

This is a practice critical thinking test.

The test consists of three questions . 

After you have answered all the questions, you will be shown the correct answers and given full explanations.

Make sure you read and fully understand each question before answering. Work quickly, but don't rush. You cannot afford to make mistakes on a real test .

If you get a question wrong, make sure you find out why and learn how to answer this type of question in the future. 

Six friends are seated in a restaurant across a rectangular table. There are three chairs on each side. Adam and Dorky do not have anyone sitting to their right and Clyde and Benjamin do not have anyone sitting to their left. Adam and Benjamin are not sitting on the same side of the table.

If Ethan is not sitting next to Dorky, who is seated immediately to the left of Felix?

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Logical Reasoning Tests

  • 100 questions

Logical reasoning tests are a type of psychometric test used to measure your problem-solving skills. They come in various forms, but all have the underlying purpose of assessing your logical aptitude and your ability to draw conclusions from a given set of information.

What is a logical reasoning test?

A logical reasoning test is an assessment that measures your ability to interpret information, apply logic to solve problems and draw relevant conclusions. It is typically non-verbal and in a multiple-choice format, and requires the use of rules and deduction to reach answers, rather than prior knowledge.

That said, logical reasoning is actually an umbrella term for multiple types of assessment, and you may find you’re asked to take any one of the following five test types as part of a job application.

Deductive reasoning

Commonly presented as a series of word problems, deductive reasoning tests require you to apply top-down-logic; that is, you must draw the right conclusion from a set of given premises.

Typically, you’ll be presented with a short paragraph, or stimulus, detailing an argument, scenario or a number of stated facts, and a set of possible answers. Only one of these answers can be true, based on the evidence provided.

You may also be given a conclusive statement and asked to decide if it is true or false, or if there’s insufficient information to conclude either way.

Inductive reasoning

Unlike deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning tests ask you to make general inferences – probable conclusions based on a set of information, rather than unquestionable outcomes.

This is most often done through the use of shapes, patterns, sequences and diagrams.

You’ll need to quickly identify relationships and rules, then apply these to find the most logical answer from the multiple-choice options. This could be identifying the odd one out, filling in the missing part of a pattern, or finding the next part of a sequence.

Diagrammatic reasoning

Similar to inductive reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning tests offer visual representations of a problem and require you to make logical connections to draw a conclusion.

Questions often take the form of a diagram with inputs and outputs, and you’ll be required to select which processes from a list of operators would achieve the documented effect.

You may also be presented with sets of abstract sequences, given a standalone visual, and asked to select which set it belongs to.

Abstract reasoning

Abstract reasoning tests are essentially inductive and/or diagrammatic reasoning tests under another name.

They too require you to find relationships and rules between visual sequences, then apply these to select the correct image from multiple options, be it a missing part or a continuation of the sequence in question.

Critical reasoning

Critical reasoning tests are more akin to deductive reasoning tests, in that you’ll be dealing with word-based scenarios, arguments, evidence and conclusions.

These tests tend to evaluate a range of skills. Argument analysis is common, in which a question is posed, and a yes/no answer given with a supporting statement. You’ll need to decide whether the statement is a strong or weak argument.

Other question types involve scenarios and statements from which you’ll be asked to make assumptions, deductions and inferences based on the evidence provided.

Critical reasoning tests are most commonly used in sectors where evidence-based judgement is an everyday requirement, such as law.

Why do employers use logical reasoning tests?

As with any form of psychometric assessment, employers use logical reasoning tests as a way to filter applicants, most commonly in the pre-interview stages of selection.

Logic forms a fundamental part of day-to-day decision making. Our reasoning capabilities determine how effectively we interpret the world around us, and how we use what we know to be fact to inform our choices. As such, logical reasoning is a vital part of many job functions.

In administering a logical reasoning test, employers are evaluating how well you’re likely to perform tasks like strategy development, risk assessment and forecasting, as well as general problem solving.

Additionally, the ability to quickly discern patterns, understand complex relationships, and make logical deductions underpins successful innovation and creative problem-solving in dynamic work environments. Thus, logical reasoning tests also serve as a method for assessing a candidate’s potential to contribute to innovative solutions and strategic thinking in their prospective role.

Common logical reasoning test publishers

Below are listed five of the most widely used publishers of logical reasoning tests, each of which has its own approach to this type of assessment.

SHL publishes and administers both inductive and deductive reasoning tests, the lengths of which vary depending on the level of role applied for. Typically though, they last no longer than 25 minutes and follow a standard format.

Kenexa’s logical reasoning test focuses on inductive or abstract reasoning, with candidates required to assess and manipulate shapes and sequences. It also has a deductive reasoning test, which it refers to as verbal reasoning.

Cut-e offers both inductive and deductive reasoning tests, with individual variations of each. The layout of Cut-e’s tests is known to be somewhat different to other publishers, so if you’re taking one be sure to practice specifically for this format.

As one of the best-known publishers of psychometric and aptitude assessments, Saville’s logical reasoning tests are widely used. They’re offered as either abstract or diagrammatic reasoning and have a time limit of around 20 to 25 minutes.

Logical reasoning tests from Talent Q are adaptive, which means the difficulty rating of a question is related to your performance on the question prior. Do well initially, and they’ll get harder. Struggle, and they’ll become a little easier.

How to prepare for logical reasoning tests

The best way to prepare for a logical reasoning test of any description is to train your brain to think more critically – and that means practice.

Try making puzzles a part of your daily routine or use brain-training apps in your downtime. If you’re preparing for a deductive or critical thinking test , take an analytical approach to reading the daily news. Instead of simply taking things on face value, ask yourself questions based on the evidence provided, and whether or not it’s enough to draw solid conclusions.

And make sure you take plenty of practice tests. This will help you understand how to answer logical reasoning tests , and will make you familiar with many of the common relationships found in abstract sequences, including orientation, shading, rotations and reflections.

If you’re struggling to identify relevant rules, work backwards from the answer. The better you understand where and how certain rules apply, the more picking them out will become second nature.

As you progress with your practice tests, start taking them under exam conditions, including setting yourself a time limit. Pacing is a key skill in logical reasoning tests, as your score will not only indicate how many correct answers you gave, but how long it took you to answer each question. By broadening your practice beyond traditional puzzles and tests, you foster a more adaptable and comprehensive critical thinking skill set, better reflecting the dynamic problem-solving required in many professional environments.

Lastly, be sure to practice the right type of test. Ask your prospective employer which of the five types of logical reasoning assessment you’ll be sitting, and if possible, which test provider they use. This will allow you to target your preparation to the specific test format you’ll face on assessment day.

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Free example logical reasoning questions

Below you’ll find example questions for the different types of logical reasoning test. Answers to each are given below the set of questions.

For further practice, check out our free logical reasoning test questions and answers .

Deductive reasoning test

All footballers are fit and healthy.

All famous sports players are footballers.

Given that the above is true, which of the following is the logical deduction?

  • All footballers are famous sports people
  • All famous people are fit and healthy
  • All famous sports players are fit and healthy
  • All fit and healthy people are footballers
  • All football players are men

Inductive reasoning test

inductive reasoning practice question

How many triangles will be in the 6th shape?

Diagrammatic reasoning test

diagrammatic reasoning practice questions

In the grid, one box is missing. You must work out what rules are being applied in the other boxes in order to work out which of boxes A to F will complete the grid.

Abstract reasoning test

abstract reasoning practice questions

Which of the boxes comes next in the sequence?

Using deductive reasoning, the only logical answer is 3. To get to this answer, you need to simplify the given facts. All famous sports players are footballers, and all footballers are fit and healthy.

  • We can’t deduce that all footballers are famous sports people, as we haven’t got that information.
  • We can’t deduce that all famous people are fit and healthy, because the fact is about famous sports people.
  • This is the logical answer.
  • This information is not given; all footballers are fit and healthy but we can’t logically link that all fit and healthy people are footballers.
  • This is obviously incorrect, as gender is not mentioned at all in the question.

The number of triangles is increasing by 2 as you move along the sequence. I you continue to add 2 until you reach the 6th shape you reach 14, so the answer is C).

In the question the key rule is that the number of ‘star’ shapes in the central column must always equal the number of double circle shapes.

If there are no star shapes there should be no circle shapes. If there are three star shapes, there should be three circle shapes. Option F is the only one that abides by this rule.

Please note: shapes are not in a set position within this sequence. It is merely the presence of the shapes that is important. 1. There are always two squares in the frame. 2. There are always two circles in the frame. 3. There is always one triangle in the frame. So the answer is D).

Sample Logical Reasoning Tests question Test your knowledge!

Question 1

If all roses are flowers and some flowers fade quickly, which statement must be true?

  • All roses fade quickly.
  • Some roses fade quickly.
  • Some flowers are roses.
  • No roses are flowers.

What is the next logical step if when you press button A, light X turns on, and when you press button B, light Y turns on? Assuming button A is pressed and lights X and Y are currently on.

  • Press button B to turn light X off.
  • Press button A to turn light Y off.
  • Press button A to turn light X off.
  • Press button B to turn light Y off.

Choose the statement that best reflects an understanding of the given premises: Premise 1: All managers are employees. Premise 2: Some employees are interns.

  • All managers are interns.
  • Some managers are not employees.
  • Some interns are not managers.
  • No interns are managers.

On a team of four people, two people can write code and three can design UI. If one person has all these skills, how many people only have one of the skills?

In a new brand of cars, Model X has better mileage than Model Y. Model Z has worse mileage than Model Y but is cheaper than Model X. Which of the following statements is correct based on this information?

  • Model Z is the cheapest and has the best mileage.
  • Model X is cheaper than Model Y.
  • Model X has better mileage than Model Z.
  • Model Y is cheaper than both Model X and Model Z.
  • Model Y has the worst mileage.

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Logical Reasoning Tests Tips

1 read each question carefully.

It’s vital you understand exactly what is being asked of you, so be sure to read every question thoroughly. There may well be distractors in the multiple-choice options; picking one of these because you’ve misinterpreted the question is a common error.

2 Analyse the stimulus

In deductive or critical reasoning tests, it’s important to fully digest the stimulus before drawing your conclusion. Again, a simple misunderstanding can be the difference between scoring or missing out on a mark, so make sure you’re aware of all the evidence presented to you.

3 Work out your answer before looking at the options

When working with abstract sequences or patterns, try to get an idea in your head of what the missing piece or next part of the sequence is likely to be, before you look at the multiple-choice options. This will help you zone in on the right response, rather than get distracted by irrelevant choices.

4 Make notes

There may be several relationships in any given sequence, and in diagrammatic reasoning tests you’ll need to be aware of multiple processes. Make notes as you go through to keep track of your thought process. It will help you to work methodically and avoid confusion.

5 Pay attention to pacing

You only have a set amount of time to work through all the questions, so be sure to pace yourself. Typically, problems become more complex as the test progresses, so aim to spend less time on questions at the start. Good pacing takes practice. You want to work quickly but not to the detriment of your accuracy.

6 Don't panic

Logical reasoning tests can be a little daunting if you’re not used to them but remember, we apply logic everyday without even realising it. Stay calm and remind yourself that the steps you need to take are familiar to you, it’s just that the problem you’re solving is presented in an unfamiliar way.

Logical Reasoning Video Tutorials

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Logical Reasoning Tests FAQs

How are logical reasoning tests scored.

Logical reasoning tests are scored comparatively. That is to say, you’ll receive one mark for each correct answer, and your total score will be compared to the average results of other test-takers. Different employers may assess your results in different ways. Some will look only at your raw score against an average benchmark, while others may also consider your pace.

What are logical reasoning tests used for?

No matter the type of logical reasoning test used, you’re being assessed on your problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Employers are trying to determine if you have the required ability to interpret information, identify patterns and relationships, and draw solid conclusions. These are skills used on a daily basis in many job roles, so logical reasoning tests are widely used.

How is logical thinking measured?

Logical reasoning tests give a good indication of your lateral thinking skills by measuring your ability to analyse and interpret information to make evidence-based decisions – be they inferences, assumptions or unquestionable conclusions.

Why is logical reasoning important?

Logical reasoning is important in work-based environments because it is this skill set that allows you to work through many everyday business problems and come to the right resolution. Logical thinkers make decisions based on what they know to be true, rather than gut feeling; set achievable goals based on past performance; and approach complex problems in a systematic manner.

Where can I practice logical reasoning tests?

You can find practice tests for all types of logical reasoning assessments on our website, along with detailed answer explanations and guides. You can also find practice tests online from individual publishers which will help you get to grips with specific formats and time constraints.

Which employers use logical reasoning tests?

Logical reasoning tests are commonly used for managerial-level roles and above in many corporate job sectors, including law, investment banking and consultancy, as well as human resources, customer service and market research. It’s also likely you’ll be required to sit some form of logical reasoning test for acceptance onto a graduate scheme with many larger employers.

Reviews of our Logical Reasoning tests

What our customers say about our Logical Reasoning tests

South Africa

October 23, 2023

Fun & challenging!

I enjoyed the variety that this test offered. I would have preferred instant, question-by-question feedback over feedback at the end.

TheReal MacBen


October 14, 2023

The varying patterns of the figures in each box, and what could be the next chain in that pattern.

I like how the test contained fun and interesting questions that needed logical thinking. However, it is not as complex as one test I answered, so the website should give an option of difficulty in tests.


September 26, 2023


I have difficulty identifying the sequence. Honestly, I am not very familiar with the test. Thank you.

Andreas Karlsson

September 15, 2023

I found some of the patterns challenging at first but I do love to solve these little puzzles and recognize the patterns within

United States of America

September 10, 2023

Take one peice at a time

each task was a test to see if you could follow the pattern, some were difficult but it was a nice brain teaser.

September 02, 2023

Quick access to test, without any unnecessary sale propositions

I should not have to create an account to just take a sample test. I am happy to make an account once I take 1 or 2 tests and see whether I want to create an account

Paul Kitchener

United Kingdom

August 29, 2023

Good prep for recruitment test

I liked that I could skip a question and come back to it if I found it difficult under the time limit

Nkosingiphile Nzimande

August 22, 2023

Tricky: Thinking out of the box is key

I like that it is a simple test but if you analyze too much you might get the answers wrong, I kind of felt like I didn’t understand what was going on until the 3rd question.

Daniel Nelson

August 21, 2023

Challenging but fun

I love these tests, not too difficult but hard enough to be able to work through to get your answer,

Talha Iftikhar

August 03, 2023

Good level of test

I like the website and the construction of different questions. The level of free evaluation is quite testing and good.

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Critical Thinking test

By 123test team . Updated May 12, 2023

Critical Thinking test reviews

This Critical Thinking test measures your ability to think critically and draw logical conclusions based on written information. Critical Thinking tests are often used in job assessments in the legal sector to assess a candidate's  analytical critical  thinking skills. A well known example of a critical thinking test is the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal .

Need more practice?

Score higher on your critical thinking test.

The test comprises of the following five sections with a total of 10 questions:

  • Analysing Arguments
  • Assumptions
  • Interpreting Information

Instructions Critical Thinking test

Each question presents one or more paragraphs of text and a question about the information in the text. It's your job to figure out which of the options is the correct answer.

Below is a statement that is followed by an argument. You should consider this argument to be true. It is then up to you to determine whether the argument is strong or weak. Do not let your personal opinion about the statement play a role in your evaluation of the argument.

Statement: It would be good if people would eat vegetarian more often. Argument: No, because dairy also requires animals to be kept that will have to be eaten again later.

Is this a strong or weak argument?

Strong argument Weak argument

Statement: Germany should no longer use the euro as its currency Argument: No, because that means that the 10 billion Deutschmark that the introduction of the euro has cost is money thrown away.

Overfishing is the phenomenon that too much fish is caught in a certain area, which leads to the disappearance of the fish species in that area. This trend can only be reversed by means of catch reduction measures. These must therefore be introduced and enforced.

Assumption: The disappearance of fish species in areas of the oceans is undesirable.

Is the assumption made from the text?

Assumption is made Assumption is not made

As a company, we strive for satisfied customers. That's why from now on we're going to keep track of how quickly our help desk employees pick up the phone. Our goal is for that phone to ring for a maximum of 20 seconds.

Assumption: The company has tools or ways to measure how quickly help desk employees pick up the phone.

  • All reptiles lay eggs
  • All reptiles are vertebrates
  • All snakes are reptiles
  • All vertebrates have brains
  • Some reptiles hatch their eggs themselves
  • Most reptiles have two lungs
  • Many snakes only have one lung
  • Cobras are poisonous snakes
  • All reptiles are animals

Conclusion: Some snakes hatch their eggs themselves.

Does the conclusion follow the statements?

Conclusion follows Conclusion does not follow

(Continue with the statements from question 5.)

Conclusion: Some animals that lay eggs only have one lung.

In the famous 1971 Stanford experiment, 24 normal, healthy male students were randomly assigned as 'guards' (12) or 'prisoners' (12). The guards were given a uniform and instructed to keep order, but not to use force. The prisoners were given prison uniforms. Soon after the start of the experiment, the guards made up all kinds of sentences for the prisoners. Insurgents were shot down with a fire extinguisher and public undressing or solitary confinement was also a punishment. The aggression of the guards became stronger as the experiment progressed. At one point, the abuses took place at night, because the guards thought that the researchers were not watching. It turned out that some guards also had fun treating the prisoners very cruelly. For example, prisoners got a bag over their heads and were chained to their ankles. Originally, the experiment would last 14 days. However, after six days the experiment was stopped.

The students who took part in the research did not expect to react the way they did in such a situation.

To what extent is this conclusion true, based on the given text?

True Probably true More information required Probably false False

(Continue with the text from 'Stanford experiment' in question 7.)

The results of the experiment support the claim that every young man (or at least some young men) is capable of turning into a sadist fairly quickly.

  • A flag is a tribute to the nation and should therefore not be hung outside at night. Hoisting the flag therefore happens at sunrise, bringing it down at sunset. Only when a country flag is illuminated by spotlights on both sides, it may remain hanging after sunset. There is a simple rule of thumb for the time of bringing down the flag. This is the moment when there is no longer any visible difference between the individual colors of the flag.
  • A flag may not touch the ground.
  • On the Dutch flag, unless entitled to do so, no decorations or other additions should be made. Also the use of a flag purely for decoration should be avoided. However, flag cloth may be used for decoration - for example in the form of drapes.
  • The orange pennant is only used on birthdays of members of the Royal House and on King's Day. The orange pennant should be as long or slightly longer than the diagonal of the flag.

Conclusion: One can assume that no Dutch flag will fly at government buildings at night, unless it is illuminated by spotlights on both sides.

Does the conclusion follow, based on the given text?

(Continue with the text from 'Dutch flag protocol' in question 9.)

Conclusion: If the protocol is followed, the orange pennant will always be longer than the horizontal bands/stripes of the flag.

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Logic and Critical Thinking Quiz

DaringGlacier avatar

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5 Questions

What does formal logic study.

Valid inferences and logical truths

What is associated with informal logic?

Informal fallacies and critical thinking

What do premises and conclusions express in logic?


In what fields does logic play a central role?

Philosophy, mathematics, computer science, and linguistics

What is an example of an argument in logic?

From the premises 'it's Sunday' and 'if it's Sunday then I don't have to work' to the conclusion 'I don't have to work'

Study Notes

What does formal logic study? What is associated with informal logic? What do premises and conclusions express in logic? In what fields does logic play a central role? What is an example of an argument in logic?

Test your knowledge of formal and informal logic with this quiz. Explore deductively valid inferences, logical truths, informal fallacies, critical thinking, and argumentation theory. Sharpen your understanding of how conclusions follow from premises and enhance your logical reasoning skills.

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Critical thinking definition

logic and critical thinking indeed test

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.

Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process, which is why it's often used in education and academics.

Some even may view it as a backbone of modern thought.

However, it's a skill, and skills must be trained and encouraged to be used at its full potential.

People turn up to various approaches in improving their critical thinking, like:

  • Developing technical and problem-solving skills
  • Engaging in more active listening
  • Actively questioning their assumptions and beliefs
  • Seeking out more diversity of thought
  • Opening up their curiosity in an intellectual way etc.

Is critical thinking useful in writing?

Critical thinking can help in planning your paper and making it more concise, but it's not obvious at first. We carefully pinpointed some the questions you should ask yourself when boosting critical thinking in writing:

  • What information should be included?
  • Which information resources should the author look to?
  • What degree of technical knowledge should the report assume its audience has?
  • What is the most effective way to show information?
  • How should the report be organized?
  • How should it be designed?
  • What tone and level of language difficulty should the document have?

Usage of critical thinking comes down not only to the outline of your paper, it also begs the question: How can we use critical thinking solving problems in our writing's topic?

Let's say, you have a Powerpoint on how critical thinking can reduce poverty in the United States. You'll primarily have to define critical thinking for the viewers, as well as use a lot of critical thinking questions and synonyms to get them to be familiar with your methods and start the thinking process behind it.

Are there any services that can help me use more critical thinking?

We understand that it's difficult to learn how to use critical thinking more effectively in just one article, but our service is here to help.

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