how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

Embed a presentation in a web page or blog

When you want to share a presentation or a picture slide show with your friends, family, or colleagues, save it to OneDrive, then you can embed it in a web page or blog.

The embed code you need must be gotten from PowerPoint for the web . It isn't available from the PC or Mac versions of PowerPoint.

Get the embed code

Save your presentation to (Storing the presentation to a public folder online is what allows you to embed it on a web page.)

Open your presentation in PowerPoint for the web . On the File tab of the Ribbon, click Share , and then click Embed .

Click Share and then click Embed

In the Embed box, under Dimensions , select the correct dimensions for the blog or web page.

Right-click the embed code, click Copy, and then click Close

Under Embed Code , right-click the code, click Copy , and then click Close .

You'll use this embed code in the next procedure. You may want to paste it somewhere handy, like Notepad, so that you don't lose it.

Embed the presentation in a web page or blog post

The HTML that you copied from the OneDrive page is an iframe tag, which is supported in many web authoring systems and blog services. The steps provided here work in some of the most popular blogging services, such as WordPress, Blogger, and TypePad.

Even though WordPress ordinarily doesn’t allow iframes in posts, an exception is made for iframes that host Office for the web. To use HTML editing, don’t use the New Post command at the top of the page. Go to your blog’s dashboard and click Posts > Add New .

In TypePad, don’t use the Quick Compose editor. Go to Blogs , click the name of your blog, and then click Compose , where you can switch from Rich Text to HTML editing.

In Blogger, change the compose window to Edit HTML. You can switch back to compose mode after you finish the next step.

In your blog editor or web page editor, write your content, and then switch to HTML editing.

If you use a blogging service that does not support iframes in posts, consult your blogging service provider for assistance.

With the HTML tag that you copied from the OneDrive page as the most recent item in your Clipboard, press ⌘+V.

Finish writing your post. Preview and publish as you normally would.

Updates to the presentation on OneDrive are automatically reflected on the page where the presentation is embedded.

Embed the presentation in a SharePoint wiki

Once you have the embed code as described above, you can also embed the presentation in a SharePoint wiki. In this case, you paste only the src portion of the copied iframe tag into a Page Viewer Web Part.

On the wiki page click Edit .

With the HTML tag that you copied from the OneDrive page as the most recent item in your Clipboard, press Ctrl+V to paste the tag on the wiki page. This is so that you can easily copy a portion of the tag into the Web Part. You’ll delete the tag from the wiki page before you’re done.

Copy the portion of the tag between quotation marks that begins with http . Don’t include the quotation marks.

On the Editing Tools tab click Insert , and then click Web Part.

In the list of categories, click Media and Content .

In the list of Web Parts , click Page Viewer , and then click Add .

To paste the address you copied in step 3, click open the tool pane , and then in the Link box, press ⌘+V.

Click Apply to preview the page.

Make adjustments to the Web Part as desired. For example, in the Page Viewer editor, expand Appearance and specify height of 332 pixels and width of 407 pixels to fit the presentation in the frame with no scroll bars.

When you are finished, click OK in the Page Viewer editor, and delete the iframe tag from the wiki page.


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How to add live web pages to a powerpoint presentation.

Have you ever wanted to demonstrate a live website during a PowerPoint presentation? Here's how you can insert a live webpage into a PowerPoint prese

Have you ever wanted to demonstrate a live website during a PowerPoint presentation?  Here's how you can insert a live webpage into a PowerPoint presentation so you can show the exact content you're talking about.

No matter what you're giving a presentation about, sometimes it can be useful to show your audience information from the internet.  You could always create a screenshot of the webpage you're demonstrating, but chances are the screenshot may be out of date by the time you give your presentation.

A better solution is to use live information from the web in your presentation.  By default, PowerPoint doesn't support inserting a live web page, but you can easily do this with the LiveWeb add-in.

Head to the LiveWeb website (link below), and download the correct version for your version of PowerPoint.  We selected the 2007/2010 version in this test.

Once it's downloaded, extract the files as normal.

Now, in PowerPoint, open the Options window.  In PowerPoint 2010, you can do this by clicking the File button and selecting Options; in PowerPoint 2007, click the Office orb and select Options.

Select Add-Ins on the left side, then select PowerPoint Add-ins from the Manage menu, and click Go.

This will open the PowerPoint Add-ins window.  Click Add New to add the LiveWeb addin we downloaded previously.

Browse to the folder where you extracted the LiveWeb addin, and select it.

PowerPoint may warn you that the addon contains a macro.  Click Enable Macros to continue.

Now you should see LiveWeb listed in the Add-Ins window, and you're ready to add a live webpage to your PowerPoint presentation.

Using LiveWeb in PowerPoint

Now that LiveWeb is installed, you're ready to insert live internet data in your presentations.  From the Insert tab, select Web Page from the LiveWeb section.

This will open a quick Wizard interface that will help you insert a webpage into your presentation.

Enter the website you'd like to visit in the first line, then click the Add button.  Make sure to include http:// in front of the website address.  Once you've added the website you wish to visit, click Next.

LiveWeb will automatically refresh the web page, but if you want you can uncheck the box.  Click Next to continue.

Now choose how much of the slide you want the webpage to cover, and select where you want to position the page.  You can always change this later if you like.

Once it's finished, click Finish to return back to PowerPoint.

LiveWeb will let you know it successfully added the web page to your slide.

You'll now see a Windows 98-style logo in your slide, showing where your live webpage will be located.

Feel free to resize or move the webpage section in your slide however you want.

To view the actual web content, you'll need to start a slideshow.  Click the slideshow button at the bottom of the window to switch quickly.

Now you'll see a live webpage loaded right inside your PowerPoint presentation.  You can markup the slide as you would any other with PowerPoint tools, or you can interact with the website just as you would in a browser.

If you need to change your webpage, click the Edit Page Property button on the Insert tab.

Enter the new website address you want, and finish as before.

You can also add multiple web pages to a presentation if you'd like.  You could even make a webpage comparison like we did with screenshots in our first slide.  Only difference here is, the web pages are both live, and you could demonstrate how to use them to your audience.

When you save your presentation, you'll need to save it as a Macro-enabled presentation in .pptm format to preserve the web data.  Note that you'll be able to view the presentation on another computer only if it has the LiveWeb addon installed.  Since it's a free addon, you could keep a copy of it on your flash drive so you could easily install it if you need to show your presentation on another computer.

Whether you're trying to teach a class about computer usage or demonstrate your new website for your company's board members, the LiveWeb addin makes it easy to incorporate live web pages in your presentations.  There are many ways you could use this, so let us know how you use live web pages in your presentations to make information come alive!

If you'd like to use live web data in other Office applications, here's how you can Use Online Data in Excel 2010 Spreadsheets .

Download the LiveWeb Add-in for PowerPoint

You’re using an older browser version. Update to the latest version of Google Chrome , Safari , Mozilla Firefox , or  Microsoft Edge for the best site experience.

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How to Embed a Web Page in a PowerPoint Presentation

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

Imagine you’re in the middle of your webinar or your presentation at a live event. You’ve intrigued your audience with some details, have their undivided attention, your story is about to reach its climax – a demo of your product, a proof of your concept, or any other valuable knowledge – and you click on the link to go to the website and… here comes an awkward moment: you switch off show mode, change from the Microsoft PowerPoint window to Chrome, then turn on slideshow mode again. When you look back at the audience, they’ve already lost interest.

To avoid such situations, you might want to embed a web page in your presentation. The iframe tag will help you display an HTML document in your slides.

What Is an iframe?

An iframe (inline frame) is an HTML element that loads another HTML page within the document. In other words, it puts another web page within the parent page. It is commonly used for embedded videos, advertisements, and interactive content, and can be a great enhancement for your presentation. 

Four Simple Steps to Insert a Web Page

Questions about iframe and HTML can intimidate some people, but, frankly, there’s nothing to worry about. You don’t need to make any operations with an embed code or do any other tech things.

With the right PowerPoint add-in, you’ll manage to add an object in a couple of minutes. You’re just required to take 4 easy steps. Let us guide you through them.

  • Copy the URL (web address) of the web page you want to insert. If you don’t need the entire page, you can copy the URL of a specific element of the page.
  • Download the free trial of Spring Converter Pro . With this tool, you’ll be able to embed not only live navigable web pages, but also media: audio, YouTube videos, and a lot of other content objects from external resources – and preserve the original quality.
  • Open PowerPoint. Find the iSpring Converter Pro 11  tab and click on it. Then choose the Web Object button on the toolbar.

web object

Paste the copied URL in the open window. Now, check to see if the address that you entered is correct by clicking on the Preview button.

insert web object

By the way, you can show web pages even when an internet connection is not available. To do this, you need to download the desired web object to your computer, and then add the file by choosing Local path instead of Web address .

Local path

Note: if you want to put additional web pages on your PowerPoint slide, or if you want to combine the webpage with other content objects, you should choose the Custom size option.

Custom size

  • Now that you’ve embedded web objects in your slides, let’s play them back. In order to do this, you’ll need to convert your presentation to HTML5. iSpring Converter Pro will do this work for you.

Publish presentation

  • Choose HTML5 format in the Output Options menu.
  • Wait for the publishing process to complete and you’ll see a report window. Click on the View course button to learn if it looks the way you want it to.

View course

Congrats! You’ve successfully embedded a web page in your PowerPoint presentation. Moreover, you can now share your presentation online easily. Viewers can open it right in a web browser on their computers, tablets, and smartphones without any special tools, even if PowerPoint isn’t installed on their device. 

By moving presentations online, you can also be sure that your content is protected from being copied or modified. iSpring Cam Pro provides an entire range of security settings, including watermark protection, password protection, and domain restriction.

Also read : →  How To Record PowerPoint Slides with Audio

Why Not a Screenshot?

We’ve already described an awkward real-life situation that you might find yourself in when using links in your presentation, but what about screenshots of websites? Sure, you can just make one and insert it into your presentation as an image with text and other elements displayed on the webpage. But this “technology” has some limitations.

  • S creenshots are static. If your website has animations that make the user experience cool and engaging, you’re going to lose all these in your presentation.
  • Screenshots are outdated. Depending on the website’s specifics, once you’ve made a screenshot, it may already be out of date and provide irrelevant information. Take the stock market as an example. Even a few minutes can make a huge difference. And what if you show your presentation to the public a few days, weeks, or even months after you’ve created it? Exactly.
  • Images are not interactive. If you need to show your audience how they can interact with your website, such as how and where they can find the data they’re interested in, a screenshot will be of no use.

So, yes, you can use screenshots of websites, but they will not help you enhance your presentation, and they might even become a burden if you show your presentation regularly and thus have to constantly update screenshots in order to stay up to date.

Embedding a web page in a presentation is fairly simple if you have the right app. iSpring Converter Pro is a perfect solution that helps its users enrich their presentations and keep them relevant and interactive. In this way, you can save time and effort that is otherwise spent with regular manual updating. You won’t have to disrupt the flow of your presentation in order to change from the PowerPoint tab to Google Chrome. You only need to follow our guide, and you’ll get a constantly up-to-date presentation that you can convert to online formats that display perfectly on any device. Start with the  iSpring Converter Pro free trial and see how handy and engaging it is to have live web pages in your presentations.

Useful Resources on Using PowerPoint

  • How to Make a Jeopardy Game in PowerPoint
  • How to Make a Quiz in PowerPoint
  • How to Create a Mini Game in PowerPoint: A Step-By-Step Guide
  • How to Convert Your PowerPoint Presentation to an eLearning Module
  • How to Insert a YouTube Video into a PowerPoint Presentation 
  • How to Structure a PowerPoint Presentation
  • 10 PowerPoint Tips to Make Your Slides More Effective
  • 23 Top PowerPoint Add-ins and Plug-ins – Free and Paid for 2022
  • How to Convert PowerPoint to MP4 Video on Windows & macOS
  • How to Add Narration to a PowerPoint Presentation

Fast PowerPoint to HTML5 Converter

Convert presentations to HTML5 with all effects and transitions preserved

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

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Helen Colman

She enjoys combining in-depth research with expert knowledge of the industry. If you have eLearning insights that you’d like to share, please get in touch .

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Posted on May 2, 2017 | By Sean White | Filed Under: Media & A/V , Software & Apps , Teaching & Learning | Tagged With: Interactivity , Media , PowerPoint , Website

How to Embed Live Websites into Your PowerPoint Slideshow

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

Do you get tired of having to switch back and forth between websites and your PowerPoint slideshow during a lecture? Do you wish it were possible to add that website right to your slideshow?

Well, it turns out you can!

For newer versions of PowerPoint (2013, 2016, Mac), you can download the Web Viewer add-in and place web pages right into a slide within your slideshow.

Note : this add-in only works with secure websites (those beginning with HTTPS) for security reasons.

To install the Web Viewer Add-In

  • Open PowerPoint.
  • Click the Insert tab.
  • In the Add-ins section, click My Add-ins.
  • In the Office Add-ins window, click Store.
  • In the Search box, type Web Viewer.

This will add the Web Viewer add-in to your PowerPoint allowing you to insert web pages into any slide within your slideshows.

To Embed a Web Page into a Slide

  • Click New Slide.
  • Select Web Viewer.
  • Click Insert.
  • Type or paste (CTRL+V) the URL of the website/page you wish to embed.
  • Be sure to delete https://  from the URL since it’s already added by default.
  • Click Preview to view the page.
  • Adjust the size to your liking.

But what if the website you want to add isn’t “secure” (doesn’t include the “s” after “http”)?

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

Sometimes, Web Viewer doesn’t do exactly what you want since it only works for secure web content. When you need to add a public web page, you can use another add-in called LiveSlides.

LiveSlides works the same way Web Viewer does but offers a little more flexibility.

To learn more about LiveSlides and see how to install and start using it, click here .

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

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How To Add Live Web Pages To A PowerPoint Slide

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

Adding live web pages to PowerPoint slides can be a great way to enhance presentations. Whether you want to showcase a website, display frequently updated data, or simply avoid switching between browser windows, embedding web content directly into your slides has many benefits.

In this article, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process for adding live web pages to PowerPoint, covering everything you need to know.

Benefits of Adding Live Websites to PowerPoint

Here are some of the key reasons why you may want to embed live web pages in your PowerPoint presentations:

  • Demonstrate websites and web-based tools: Easily showcase websites, web apps, interactive maps and more without toggling browser windows.
  • Display dynamic, updating content: Insert data visualizations, stock tickers, social media feeds and other frequently refreshed content.
  • Simplify presentation delivery: Keep your audience focused on your slideshow instead of minimizing and reopening browser tabs.
  • Annotate web content: Use PowerPoint tools to highlight, draw and add notes to web content.
  • Works offline: Web content gets cached for offline access after initial load.

Step 1: Install a PowerPoint Add-in

PowerPoint doesn’t have native support for embedding live websites, so the first step is to install an add-in that enables this functionality. Here are some top options:

ClassPoint : Free add-in with a full-featured web browser plus annotation tools.

LiveWeb : Basic web embedding from Microsoft Office Store.

Web Viewer : Another free Microsoft add-in, but only works with HTTPS sites.

Once installed, the add-in will appear under the Insert tab for easy access while authoring slides.

Step 2: Add a Web Object to Your Slide

With the PowerPoint add-in enabled, you can now insert web pages directly into slides:

  • Navigate to the slide where you want to embed web content.
  • On the Insert tab, click the add-in’s icon (it may say Web Object , Browser etc. depending on the add-in).
  • In the dialog box, paste the full URL of the web page you want to display.
  • Resize and position the web object as needed on your slide.

Repeat this process to add multiple web pages across different slides.

Step 3: Link Websites to Allow Clicking

For the full interactive experience, make sure to also insert hyperlinks on the web objects:

  • Right-click on the embedded web page and select Hyperlink .
  • Choose Place in This Document and pick the same web page from the list.

Now when presenting your slides and clicking these web objects, the sites will open live within the slideshow!

Step 4: Set Web Objects to Refresh Automatically

Some add-ins give you the option to enable auto-refreshing for web objects so content stays up-to-date:

  • Right-click the embedded web page.
  • Check the box for Auto-Refresh .
  • Choose a refresh rate from the dropdown menu (e.g. every 60 seconds).

With auto-refresh enabled, things like live dashboards, social media feeds and stock tickers will update automatically!

Step 5: Practice and Present Your Slideshow!

The final step is practicing your presentation in Slideshow view to ensure the embedded web content appears and functions as expected:

  • Do hyperlinks open sites within the slideshow?
  • Does auto-refresh work properly for dynamic sites?
  • Is content sized appropriately and easy to view?

Make any final tweaks needed for optimization. When ready, present confidently knowing your embedded web pages will function smoothly!

Adding live websites and web apps directly into PowerPoint is simple with just a small add-in installation. With dynamic content seamlessly embedded into your presentation, both you and your audience can stay focused without distracting tab switching.

Give your next PowerPoint presentation an interactive edge by following the steps above to import functional, updating web pages. Your audience is sure to be impressed!

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Vegaslide staff, related posts.

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how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation



Display Website in PowerPoint with Updates

May 11, 2019 | DataPoint , DataPoint Real-time Screens

We are the champion in displaying real-time information on your PowerPoint slides. Typically information is stored in files and databases, and these numbers, names, percentages, KPIs, target dates etc are all displayed as characters and numbers. But in some cases, it is not possible to collect or connect to a data source to get the raw data. Sometimes you have to display a screenshot of a website to show the information because that (legacy) system is not able to export the information, or you have no access to it.

With our DataPoint , you can already grab an image of a website and show this in real-time on your slide, but some images or snapshots of websites are technically not possible to capture because of the technology used. For this, we have added a new feature to our DataPoint.

In the past, we often recommended to use some free plugin to display an URL on your slide, but there was a disadvantage with that technology. Every time that the PowerPoint slide was shown in the slideshow, the web page was rebuild on your screen and that was not always needed. This process starts with an empty browser and then you will see the website coming up. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes in a blocking situation when the visiting website shows a popup error message. So not ideal for non-interactive information screens like our customers are typically using. So we had to come up with an alternative way.

The new web URL shape is added to the DataPoint ribbon. 

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation



How do you manage websites requiring login and password ?


Hi Marc, currently we are just using public website URLs but I guess that when you choose to store/save the username and password in IE, that DataPoint is automatically using that info.

Loretta Hirsch

Thinking of purchasing the software to display our stock portfolio from yahoo finance. How do I input my login and password

Please and thank you!

Do you have to log on to that service? You could save and store your login info, or maybe better, use a free public service. We have some resources listed here.

Carlos Gonzalez

We are working on having a touchscreen kiosk with a PowerPoint presentation. One of the features we like to add is having our customers press the “Schedule your next service Appointment”. We would like our customer to press a link to our dealership website that allows our customers to set up the appointment WITHOUT leaving the powerpoint presentation.

Does your software allows for this?

For that you need to embed your website via e.g. the liveweb plugin and that is free and does not need our plugins for that. Check out Good luck with your project. Sounds interesting!


how can you add a website to powerpoint that you need to have a login for and also have it update?

I don’t think you can bypass that logging in, unless you can make your webpage public.


We had sent a copy of the PowerPoint to another user’s pc and upon pulling up the PowerPoint, the live weather has carried over. But the URL we used is just giving us a little red X in the corner saying due to privacy/security it did not download/allow the “picture”/website to load. Is there a work around for this? The comp we are trying to display the PowerPoint from does not have Data Point, if that makes a difference.

Maybe better is to create a snapshot (see snapshot button) and send that output over. That will always show the pictures.


Is there a way to have the URL pulled from a table in Excel? I have a table in Excel that has property data and a formula to write the URL that links to Google Maps API for a map and street view photo. If I copy and past the URL the “web URL” shape works perfectly. I have about 100 listings per week that I want to link to the data table for the text and then have the URL link to the Google Map API. I am trying to automate the entire process.

But sure. You can assemble your URL in Excel because there you have your domain and parameters. The parameters like e.g. Google Maps coordinates, can be retrieved from your excel data too. Use an Excel function like the Concat() function to assemble your new full URL that you use in DataPoint. See?

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How to Embed a Live Website in PowerPoint

Paige Puntillo

Paige Puntillo

How to Embed a Live Website in PowerPoint

Wondering if it is possible to directly embed a website in PowerPoint? Well you’re in luck! Using a free PowerPoint add-in, you can add an internet browser to your PowerPoint. That’s right, a full functioning Google browser added to the bottom toolbar of your PowerPoint slide show that you can open anytime to surf the web. You can browse search results, open multiple windows, bookmark pages ahead of time, and pin sites to your home page!

No more pasting links and leaving PowerPoint for a separate internet window. Let’s take a look at how you can embed a live internet browser right into PowerPoint.

1. Download PowerPoint add-in, ClassPoint

To embed a website into Microsoft PowerPoint, you need to use a free add-in, ClassPoint . PowerPoint doesn’t offer an embedded website or web viewer, but this is where add-ins come in and why they are so great!

So the first step, is to simply download ClassPoint for free. Once you do that, you will gain a toolbar full of presentation tools that enhance audience engagement & your presentation delivery including the Embedded Browser .

2. Open Embedded Browser from the Toolbar in Slide show

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

To access the embedded internet browser, enter presentation mode. Running across the bottom of your slides, you will find the ClassPoint toolbar. Find the Embedded Browser icon and click it to open Google! Now you can search, scroll, add tabs, and navigate the web just as you would on any internet browser!

3. Bookmark and Pin your favorite sites

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

Just like your default internet browser, you can bookmark your favorite websites and pin them to the home search page for quick access!

If you are prepping for a presentation or lesson and plan on visiting a website during your presentation, go into slideshow mode, paste in your link into Google, bookmark it, and then pin it. Now your site will be ready to go in just a click when you open the Embedded Browser later!

4. Insert the webpage and annotate on it

If you find an image, graph, map, etc. on a webpage that you would like to elaborate on, you can actually insert as a slide image into your PowerPoint, and annotate on it!

Next to the address bar on the top right of the internet browser, you can click insert as slide, the page you are on will be added as a slide in your presentation. Then Annotate on it with ClassPoint’s inking tools! And if you want to go back the browser, just click on the browser icon again, and your page will be there right where you left off.

If you’d like to learn more about ClassPoint’s Embedded Browser, check out this tutorial video ▶️

And, to learn more about the other presentation tools that come with ClassPoint, you can find them here. ⬇️

ClassPoint toolbar

Examples of How Embedded Browser can be used During Presentations for Teachers

Teachers use the internet and educational websites in various ways during their lessons to enhance the learning experience for their students. Some common ways that teachers use the internet to present information during their lessons include:

1. Interactive simulations:

Some educational websites provide interactive simulations that allow students to explore and manipulate concepts in a hands-on way.

Example : A science teacher might use an interactive simulation from PhET Interactive Simulations to demonstrate how the properties of gases change as temperature and pressure are altered.

2. Infographics and data visualizations:

Many educational websites provide infographics and data visualizations to help students to better understand complex concepts or to see patterns in data.

Example : A history teacher might use an infographic from the National Archives to illustrate the causes and effects of a particular historical event.

3. Virtual field trips:

Websites such as Google Earth and Discovery Education provide virtual field trip experiences that allow students to explore and learn about different parts of the world without leaving the classroom.

Example : A social studies teacher might take their students on a virtual tour of historic sites or famous landmarks using Google Earth.

Educational websites such as YouTube and Khan Academy provide teachers with access to a wealth of instructional videos that they can use to introduce new concepts, reinforce ideas, or provide additional examples.

Example : A math teacher might use a video from Khan Academy to explain how to solve a particular type of equation.

5. Research:

Teachers can use the internet to find additional information, answers, or references about a topic they are teaching. If a debate needs settling, or a question is posed the internet, just like in daily life, is a great resource for lesson support.

Example : A debate arises or a question is posed during class that needs settling. The teacher can quickly open Google to search the class’s question.

6. Games and Interactive activities:

The internet provides various interactive activities such as quizzes & games that teachers can use to engage their students and make learning fun. Educational websites such as EdPuzzle or PBS Learning Media provide games and interactive activities that help students to practice and reinforce concepts they are learning in class.

Example : An English teacher might use a game from Funbrain to help students practice identifying different parts of speech.

With ClassPoint’s Embedded Browser, you can search and use the internet without leaving your presentation and breaking your flow! This convenient presentation tool can also impresses your audience. And for teachers, incorporating the types of resources above, can help make their lesson more engaging and interactive for your students!

And, if you haven’t heard of ClassPoint yet, check it out! It’s an audience engagement tool designed to improve the experience of teaching and the productivity of presenting with PowerPoint! In addition the the embedded browser, ClassPoint adds an array of tools including a random name picker , timer , and interactive audience response questions that turn your audience members into participants. ✨

About Paige Puntillo

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All-in-one teaching and student engagement in PowerPoint.

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Embed HTML in PowerPoint

How to Embed HTML in PowerPoint

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Embedding an HTML file in PowerPoint can enable directly opening the file during a PowerPoint presentation. While PowerPoint is not a web browser with limitations regarding such files, you can embed HTML in PowerPoint.

How to Embed HTML into PowerPoint

To add embed code in PowerPoint, you can simply add it to a textbox. You might also want to see which PowerPoint templates or Google Slides templates to use with PowerPoint to make your code prominently visible. However, to embed an HTML file, it needs to be added as an object. 

HTML files can be embedded as objects in PowerPoint via Insert -> Text -> Object .

Insert an object in PowerPoint

From the dialog box, select a file and browse to select the HTML file. You can choose to display the file as an icon by checking the Display as Icon option. Check the Link option if you want the linked file to be updated with the latest version. This will help ensure that changes made to the HTML file are reflected when you open it.

Embed HTML in PowerPoint as a link

How to Open Embedded HTML File in Normal Mode

The HTML file added to PowerPoint can be opened by clicking Normal mode.

Open embedded HTML file in normal mode (On Click)

How to Open Embedded HTML File in Slide Show Mode

Once the HTML object is added, you will require hyperlinking it to ensure it opens in Slide Show mode. Select the HTML object embedded in your slide and go to Insert Link via the Insert tab.

Add hyperlink to object in PowerPoint

Browse to select the HTML file to hyperlink it to the embedded HTML object in your slide.

Hyperlink to file in PowerPoint

Hyperlinking the HTML file will make it clickable in Slide Show mode.

Open HTML in slideshow mode

Final Words

If you link to an HTML file, your PowerPoint file will refer to the linked file, whereas not linking it will embed your PowerPoint presentation. Hence, if you want to embed an HTML file in your slide, you shouldn’t link your file. To ensure the file can open in Slide Show mode, it will require a hyperlink to become clickable directly during a Live presentation session. Otherwise, you must exit Slide Show mode to launch the file.

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

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HTML, Microsoft PowerPoint Filed under PowerPoint Tutorials

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how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation


Insert a Webpage in PowerPoint slideshow

Sometimes you need to show a webpage in a PowerPoint slideshow and a possible solution is using the external link feature that is available almost all Office PowerPoint distribution.

However, if you want to insert a live webpage into a PowerPoint slide you can choose a free add-on LiveWeb that makes available a new button to insert a webpage into the slide .

live web

You can use LiveWeb to insert web pages into a PowerPoint slide and refresh the pages real-time during slide show. Display web pages without ever leaving the PowerPoint slide show.  LiveWeb works with documents off your local drive too. You can specify relative paths or absolute paths. LiveWeb will also look for files in the presentation folder if the files have local drive information and cannot be located at the location specified by the user during slideshow.

LiveWeb encapsulates the need to insert a web browser control manually and write code to update the web pages within the control during the slide show.

  • Click on Insert | Web Pages
  • Enter the list of web page address that you wish to create.
  • Provide the additional info required.
  • LiveWeb will create slides with web browser controls embedded on the slides
  • Run the slide show.
  • The web pages will be displayed during the slide show and refreshed at real-time.
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How to embed a PowerPoint presentation into a website or blog

Do you want to know how to add a powerpoint presentation to your website or blog without having to upload multiple slide images or a video of the entire presentation .

In this guide, I'll show you how to make your presentation more interactive and engaging for your audience on the web. I'll explain how to upload your presentation slideshow directly to your blog, so your readers can enjoy all the functions of a PowerPoint presentation directly on your website or blog page.

To help you understand better, I'll show you an example of a presentation that has already been uploaded to this blog. With the help of PowerPoint for the Web, you can make your presentations more accessible and engaging for your audience. So, let me guide you through the process of seamlessly integrating your PowerPoint presentation into your website or blog.

This presentation is part of our Law PowerPoint Template .  You can use this template or any other template from the PresenterMedia  PowerPoint Templates library. 

This template can be accessed and download at no cost by simply signing up for the  PresenterMedia free basic plan .

A screenshot of a PresenterMedia PowerPoint template close up page.

The only version of PowerPoint that allows users to create embed code is PowerPoint for the Web .

Historically, consumers were able to save a presentation as a video and embed it onto a website. But it wasn't the same as allowing readers to click through the slides, and download if needed. Microsoft heard from their clients and added the ability to embed the web application into the latest iteration of PowerPoint (for Web). With that said, let's check out this feature from Microsoft!

Let's get started Embedding!

Now that you've seen what a PowerPoint looks like once embedded, let's get into the process of completing the task at hand.

Begin by opening the PowerPoint 365 Web Application (link here !)   Note* You may need to sign into your Microsoft Office account before you start.

After the site is open, select the presentation you'd like to embed into your website if already uploaded (or start from scratch).

PowerPoint for Web Files Screenshot

If you haven't uploaded your presentation to PowerPoint for the web, choose the upload option.

A screenshot of the upload button in PowerPoint web application.

Okay, once you've upload or selected your PowerPoint file it will load into the PowerPoint web application.

A screenshot look inside web PowerPoint.

Next, click "File" from the upper left corner of PowerPoint and select "Share" from the options on the left side.

A screenshot of the share option in PowerPoint for Web

Then, select "Embed" from the two option on the right.

A screenshot of the embed option in PowerPoint for the web.

The default embed code in my PowerPoint is 476 x 288.  As a rule, 610 x 367 will fit on most websites comfortably, but if you want your viewer to have a full-screen experience, then 1186 x 691 dimensions would be preferable.  However, this option is customizable, so you can choose any size you desire.

A screenshot showing the embed option and how to copy the code in PowerPoint.

Copy the Embed Code and paste it into the body of your website or blog.

how to embed a web page in a powerpoint presentation

Last, but not least, be sure to save the code in your site or blog, and voila! You've successfully embedded a PowerPoint presentation into your website.

To recap: How to embed a PowerPoint presentation into a website includes 4 simple steps:

Open your presentation in Office 365's version of PowerPoint

Click File > Share > Embed

Copy the embed code

Paste the embed code to your website.

Thanks so much for checking out this tutorial! Let us know if you have any burning questions about PowerPoint or Office 365!

This embedding a PowerPoint Presentation tutorial is also available on our YouTube video here:

Why is embedding a PowerPoint Presentation in a blog or website a Smart Move?

When it comes to showcasing presentations on your website or blog, embedding a PowerPoint slideshow is a great way to make them more engaging and interactive. Unlike static images, an embedded presentation allows your audience to navigate through slides, interact with content, and absorb information in a more immersive way. This not only enhances the visual appeal of your presentations but also makes it easier for your viewers to explore the content at their own pace . 

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How to Add Headers and Footers in PowerPoint

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PowerPoint allows you to customize presentation templates in various ways. One of them is by adding headers and footers to your PowerPoint presentation.

Headers and footers in PowerPoint are great for adding those important details to your presentation, whether it’s slide numbers, date and time, or other information. You can easily add a header or a footer in PowerPoint, then customize and edit it to fit your presentation better.

Why Use Headers and Footers in PowerPoint

Headers and footers appear at the top and bottom of your slides and are there to display additional information. After you insert a header or a footer, you can always edit and add more data to it. However, be careful not to overload your audience with it.

The most common use of headers and footers in PowerPoint is to help your audience follow the presentation. You can add page and slide numbers which will help you keep track of where you are when presenting the content. Plus, it’ll be easier for you to see if you’re going to finish presenting on time, or if you’re a little behind by following the page numbers. 

You can also use headers and footers to insert some of your personal information, like your brand name or some personal details that you want to be displayed in front of your colleagues. It’ll be helpful for your audience to remember your name and address you by it during the Q&A section or after you finish the presentation.

To insert headers and footers into your PowerPoint presentation, follow the steps below.

  • Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Select Insert .
  • Select Header and Footer .

How to Add Headers and Footers in PowerPoint image 2

  • In the Header and Footer window you’ll see two options: you can add headers and footers to your slides, or you can add them to your notes and handouts. Select the right tab and proceed adding your information to the headers or footers in your presentation.

The Types of Headers and Footers in PowerPoint

When you open the Header and Footer window, you’ll see there are different types of headers and footers that you can add to your slideshow.

The Types of Headers and Footers in PowerPoint image

Under Slide , the first option is the Date and time footer that you can add to your slides. You can either have your Date and time footer update automatically , meaning that every time you open the presentation the date and time will be updated automatically. Alternatively, you can select to have it Fixed , meaning that the original date and time will stay the same, even if you open your presentation a month from now.

The second option is Slide number . This one’s self-explanatory, you can use it to display a page number either on one of your slides or on all of them.

The last option is Footer , which gives you more space to add your personal info at the bottom of your slides.

The Types of Headers and Footers in PowerPoint image 2

You’ll find similar options under Notes and Handouts . You can choose to add a Date and time header, a Header with your personal info, a Page number , or a Footer .

You can select whether you want to add headers and footers to all of your slides, or to a selected one. Select Apply to insert your header or footer into the selected slide, or Apply to All if you want to add it to all of your slides at once.

After you choose the type of a header or a footer that you want to add, you can check the way they’ll appear in your presentation on the right side of the Header and Footer window under Preview .

How to Edit Headers and Footers in PowerPoint

If you’re not happy with the way your headers and footers appear in your presentation, you can always edit them to suit your slideshow better.

How to Edit a Header or a Footer on a Single Slide

How to Edit Headers and Footers in PowerPoint image

When you want to change a header or a footer on just one of your slides, you can easily do it by selecting the text of the said header or footer. You can then edit the text as you would any other part of your PowerPoint slide. To edit the format of the text, highlight it and then use the formatting tools on top of your PowerPoint slide.

How to Edit Headers and Footers on All Slides

How to Edit Headers and Footers in PowerPoint image 2

To edit headers or footers on all of your slides at once, follow the path Insert > Header and Footer and then edit the text in the Header and Footer window.

How to Edit Headers and Footers in PowerPoint image 3

If you need to edit the format of your headers and footers on all slides, like changing the font or the size of the text, follow the path View > Master > Slide Master . Then on the left side of the screen select the top slide. Highlight the header or the footer that you want to edit and use the formatting tools on top of the PowerPoint window to change the format of the text.

How to Edit Headers and Footers in PowerPoint image 4

To exit the Slide Master view, select View > Normal . Your changes will now appear on all of your slides. 

Become a Power User of PowerPoint

Mastering PowerPoint can help you create unique and engaging presentations, no matter the subject. All because PowerPoint gives you a lot of room for customization. From changing the size of your slides to adding audio narration to your presentation – you can choose how to customize your slideshow to make it fit your topic and audience better. 

Do you use headers and footers in your PowerPoint presentations? What type of headers or footers do you usually add to your presentations? Share your PowerPoint experience with us in the comments below.

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Anya is a freelance technology writer. Originally from Russia, she is currently a full-time Remote Worker and Digital Nomad. With a background in Journalism, Language Studies, and Technical Translation, Anya couldn't imagine her life and work without using modern technology on a daily basis. Always looking out for new ways to make her life and location-independent lifestyle easier, she hopes to share her experiences as a tech- and internet-addict through her writing. Read Anya's Full Bio

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