Review Article

Year: 2020 | Month: September | Volume: 10 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 198-204

Systematic Review on Understanding and Management of Vatarakta (Gouty Arthritis)

Preeti patel 1 , santosh kumar bhatted 2 , prasanth dharmarajan 3.

1 MD Scholar (1st year), Department of Panchakarma, All India Institute of Ayurveda, Delhi 2 Associate Professor, All India Institute of Ayurveda, Delhi 3 Assistant Professor, All India Institute of Ayurveda, Delhi

Corresponding Author: Preeti Patel

Background – Vatarakta (gouty arthritis)is a chronic disease in which derangement of metabolism occurs due to indulgence in unwholesome dietary habits and lifestyle. Vatarakta is caused by vitiated Vata and Rakta . Initially vitiated Vata obstructs the path of vitiated Rakta and then gets obstructed by Rakta itself. It can be correlated with Gouty Arthritis due to their similarity in the clinical presentation. Various Ayurveda researches shows the evidence of efficacy of different treatment protocol mentioned for Vatarakta such as Raktamokshan (blood-letting therapy), Virechana (purgation)and Basti Karma (therapeutic enema) besides the Shamana (pacification), Rasyana Dravyas along with external applications like Lepa, Upanah (poultice) , Parishek, Abhyanga (oleation). AIM-The aim of the present study was to explore the understanding of Vatrakta with its treatment protocol and to compile the outcome of various researches related to Vatarakta . Methods- Various Ayurvedic Samithas , database such as PubMed, Scopus, DHARA, Google Scholar and related research works were searched and reviewed for establishing the understanding to Vatarakta with its treatment protocol. Results & Conclusion – After going through various research works on the management of Vatarakta it has been observed that Guduchi Siddha Yoga Basti , Siravyadha and Punarnava-Amrita-Guggulu showed highly significant improvement in the sign and symptoms of Vatarakta when adopted as a treatment protocol.The detailed observations of these studies are mentioned here.

Key words: Vatarakta, Gouty-Arthritis, Punarnava-Amrita-Guggulu, Guduchi Siddha Yoga Basti, Siravedhana.

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    215. Vatarakta : An Ayurvedic classical literature review. Savitri Soni. Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Agad Tantra evum Vidhi Vaidyaka, Shri N.P.A.G.A.C. Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. I ...

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    VATARAKTA MULA STHANA[4] Vatarakta manifest in hands, feet, fingers and all joints. Initially hands and feet are afflicted and later it spreads to all over the body, similar to the spread of the poison of the rat. PURVARUPA[5] The purvarupa in vatarakta in view of different Samhita are mentioned below. [10]

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    In this Review, the conceptual part of Vatarakta and its management with outcome of various researches associated with it has been described for better understanding of Vatarakta and its treatment protocol. Vata and Rakta are the main culprits of Vatarakta. It is mainly characterized by pain in the metatarsophalangeal joint and clinically ...

  4. PDF A Case Report on The Ayurvedic Management of Vatarakta With ...

    Gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis in men and in older women. (1)It is a pathological reaction of the joint or per articular tissues to the presence of monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU) crystals, formed secondary to hyperuricaemia. MSU crystals take months or years to grow to a detectable size, implying a long asymptomatic phase.

  5. A Comprehensive Clinical Approach to Vatarakta: a Case Study*

    Abstract. Ayurveda describes Vatarakta as a disease involving imbalance of the Vata Dosha that affects the Rakta dhatu. The Chala guna of Vata dosh is increased due to excessive travelling over ...

  6. (PDF) A New Perspective of Vatarakta

    Vatrakta, described under Vatavyadhis, an illness where both vata and rakta are affl icted by distinct etiological f actors. There are 2. types of vatarakta i.e. uttanvatarakta. symptoms like ...

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    T Mahesh Babu Et Al: Ayurvedic Management Of Vatarakta W.S.R To Gout- A Case Study. colour. Vatarakta is also known as-Khuda ro-ga, Vata-balasa, Vatashra & Adhya vata.(2) Gout is metabolic disorder having the inci-dence of 0.2 to 2.5 per 1000, with an overall prevalence of 2-26 per 1000 (3).Gout is rare in children and pre-menopausal females ...

  8. PDF A Conceptual Review on Vatarakta in Ayurveda W.s.r

    vatarakta can be correlated to Gout to a greater extent. Gout is caused by high uric acid levels in the blood, but they usually go unnoticed. It is estimated that around one in three people with high uric acid levels have gout. Uric acid is a waste product of substances called purines, which are components of nucleic acid. ...

  9. PDF Role of Panchakarma in Management of Vatarakta: a Case Report

    The occurrence of Vatarakta is also possible when the Gati of Vata is hindered by morbid Kapha and Medas. Various studies performed so far give a clear picture of the efficacy of various Panchakarma procedures in Vatarakta. Dietary habits and life style modalities plays a major role in the manifestation of Vatarakta. Habitual intake of food stuffs

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    Mean serum uric acid (urate) concentrations are age and sex related. The term hyperuricaemia denotes values above 7.0 mg/dl in males and 6.0 mg/di in females. Gout is seen in only one-tenth of patients of hyperuricaemia. The big toe i.e.first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP) is the classic site for gout.

  11. PDF Ayurvedic Management of Vatarakta (gout)

    VataRakta is the disorder where in pain is predominant symptom which disturbs day-today life of the patients. Vata-rakta is an illness where both Vata and Rakta are afflicted by distinct etiological factors [1]. VataRakta is also known as-Khudaroga,Vata-balasa, Vatashra & Adhya vata [2]. The chief complaint of the patient is severe joint pain ...

  12. PDF An Ayurvedic Perspective of Vatarakta

    illness Vatarakta. The description of Vatarakta is found in Brihattrayi and other classical texts. Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita explain its complete etiology, epidemiology, types and sites of manifestation, clinical features, prognosis and management. Acharya Charaka includes Vatarakta in Raktaja Roga in Charaka Samhita

  13. Management of Vatarakta: A Case report

    The case is an evident for the classical references mentioned in our Samhitas, which was treated adopting the Chikistha sutra of Charaka. In modern parlance, the condition of Vatarakta was diagnosed as Gouty arthritis. Cite this Research Publication : Haritha Chandran, Rashmi, C., Brata, T. Tapas, and Vaidya, S., "Management of Vatarakta: A ...

  14. PDF A case report of Ayurvedic management of vatarakta w.s.r. gout

    Other names for Vatarakta include Khuda roga, Vata-balasa, and Adhya vata.Gout is a metabolic illness with an overall prevalence of 2-26 per 1000 and an incidence of 0.2-2.5 per 1000.4 it's been emphasized in the Ayurvedic tradition in Charaka Samhita, that unique etiological elements lead to morbidity ...

  15. A systemic review of vatarakta and its management

    Introduction - Vatarakta is named on the basis of the vata dosha & rakta dhatu which have their own. independent derivations & are the main samprapti ghataka involved in the Vatarakta. Rakta which ...

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    Lekshmy Rajan: A Review Article On Rheumatoid Arthritis W.S.R Vatarakta IAMJ: Volume 8, Issue 3, March - 2020 ( Page 2992In Ayurveda Vatarakta is the disease which have sim- ilarity with RA. Vata and Rakta with their own caus- ative factors get vitiated and dosa get accumulated in the sandi pradesa.These vitiated dosa along with sthanika dosa and dushyas produce varying symp-

  17. Systematic Review on Understanding and Management of Vatarakta ...

    Background - Vatarakta (gouty arthritis)is a chronic disease in which derangement of metabolism occurs due to indulgence in unwholesome dietary habits and lifestyle. Vatarakta is caused by vitiated Vata and Rakta. Initially vitiated Vata obstructs the path of vitiated Rakta and then gets obstructed by Rakta itself.

  18. PDF A Review on Vatarakta With Special Reference to Treatment ...

    Vatarakta is one of the unique disorders among Vatavyadhi compared to other Vatavyadhis. Rakta dhatu represents blood and associated metabolism. It signifies that association of Vata disorder along with vitiated Pitta dosa and Rakta dhatu.[1] The word Vatarakta is made up of two words Vata and Rakta.[2] Vata is the chief without

  19. PDF A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Therapeutic Effect of Vataraktantak

    Vatarakta comes under. 1 (Nervous the domain of Vatavyadi disorders) and mostly affecting the extremities 2. The umbrella of vatarakta in parlance with conventional medicine includes many conditions related to extremities and to mention a few are connective tissue disor-ders as well as peripheral vascular disor-ders.

  20. PDF Panchanidanatmaka Study of Vatarakta Wsr to Gout

    Vatarakta, amavata, sandhivata etc. are few vata related diseases. Among these Vatarakta is a chronic joint and body pain disease accompanied by pain, stiffness, swelling over joints which vata dosha as well as rakta dhatu. Aggravated vata is blocked by vitiated rakta, which leads to further aggravation of vata dosha.

  21. PDF A Case Report on Vatarakta

    Keywords: Vatarakta, Tikta ksheera basthi, Udwarthana, Parisheka INTRODUCTION Vatarakta is considered as one of the impor-tant metabolic disorder. This is caused by the vitiation of vata and Rakta, due to different etiological factors. There are 2 types of vata-rakta ie, uthana vatarakta (s uperficial type) and gambhira vatarakta6 (de ep type).

  22. PDF Vatarakta Samprapti (Etiopathogenesis): a Critical

    KEYWORDS: Vatarakta, Avarana, Autoimmune disorders. INTRODUCTION Vatarakta is a unique illness where there is involvement of both vata and rakta and leads to multitude of disorders. Aadhyavata, Khudavata and Vatabalasa are the other names used in the literature to refer the illness vatarakta based on clinical occurrence, anatomical site and

  23. Complete Thesis On Vatarakta

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