
LivePlan vs Business Plan Pro: The Ultimate Showdown

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Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey, you’re faced with countless decisions, but perhaps none as crucial as choosing the right tools to lay your foundation. Enter LivePlan and Business Plan Pro, two giants in the world of business planning. But which one’s the perfect fit for your venture?

LivePlan dazzles with its modern approach, offering cloud-based convenience and real-time collaboration. On the other hand, Business Plan Pro stands its ground with comprehensive features and a traditional desktop setup. It’s a battle of innovation versus reliability, and you’re in the driver’s seat. Let’s dive into what sets these two apart and help you navigate towards the best choice for your business blueprint.

Key Takeaways

  • LivePlan offers a modern, intuitive, cloud-based business planning solution with features like real-time collaboration, step-by-step guidance, financial tools, and a wide range of templates, making it suitable for dynamic entrepreneurs seeking flexibility and accessibility.
  • Business Plan Pro provides a comprehensive, traditional business planning software experience with detailed financial forecasting tools, access to market research, and over 500 sample business plans, ideal for those who prefer depth, structure, and a desktop-based environment.
  • LivePlan’s modern approach caters to the needs of startups and entrepreneurs who require the ability to access and update their business plans from anywhere, emphasizing convenience and adaptability for fast-moving business environments.
  • Business Plan Pro’s strength lies in its detailed planning tools and extensive resources, suited for entrepreneurs who prioritize thorough analysis and comprehensive planning over flexibility, particularly those in complex industries requiring detailed projections.
  • Choosing between LivePlan and Business Plan Pro depends on your specific business planning needs, priorities (such as cloud-based accessibility vs. detailed financial analysis), and whether your focus is on flexibility and scalability or in-depth, traditional planning.
  • Both LivePlan and Business Plan Pro offer unique advantages, and the best choice depends on the entrepreneur’s specific needs, business stage, and planning style, emphasizing the importance of aligning the tool with your business planning objectives and workflow requirements.

LivePlan: A Modern Approach to Business Planning

Embarking on your entrepreneurial journey, you’ve likely realized the importance of a solid business plan. It’s not just a roadmap but a beacon guiding you through the stormy seas of startup life. Enter LivePlan, a beacon of modernity in the traditional world of business planning. Its cloud-based setup means you can access your plan from anywhere, anytime. Imagine tweaking your financial forecasts while sipping coffee at your favorite café or sharing your vision with a potential investor on the fly. That’s the convenience LivePlan offers.

Beyond accessibility, LivePlan shines with its real-time collaboration feature. Gone are the days of back-and-forth emails and the confusion of multiple document versions. You and your team can work on the same document simultaneously. This feature is a godsend for keeping everyone on the same page (literally) and fostering a cohesive strategy. It’s not just about convenience; it’s about efficiency and creating a living document that evolves with your business.

In terms of guidance, LivePlan doesn’t leave you in the dark. It offers step-by-step instructions and examples for each section of your plan. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or new to the game, these tools are invaluable. They demystify the planning process and help you create a document that’s not just functional but compelling.

Moreover, LivePlan is equipped with a slew of financial tools. From profit and loss projections to cash flow analysis, these tools help you create a financial forecast that’s both realistic and robust. For startups especially, having a clear financial pathway is crucial, and LivePlan makes this daunting task approachable.

With its blend of flexibility, collaboration, and in-depth planning tools, LivePlan positions itself as not just a tool but a partner in your entrepreneurial journey. Whether you’re crafting your first business plan or revisiting your strategy for growth, LivePlan adapts to your needs, making it a stellar choice for modern entrepreneurs looking to make their mark.

Business Plan Pro: Comprehensive Features and Traditional Setup

When you dive into the realm of Business Plan Pro , you’re stepping into a world that’s supported numerous entrepreneurs over the years. This software is akin to a tried-and-true friend in the journey of business planning, offering a wealth of features in its traditional, software-based setup.

First off, the depth of Business Plan Pro’s financial forecasting tools is unparalleled. You’ll find yourself navigating through detailed cash flow, profit and loss, and sales forecasting features. These tools are designed to provide an in-depth look at your financial future, giving you the clarity needed to make informed decisions. It’s the sort of comprehensive financial planning that could very well become the backbone of your business strategy.

Then there’s the matter of data. Business Plan Pro doesn’t hold back. It grants access to thousands of industry profiles and market research data that can be pivotal in shaping your business plan. Imagine having a library of information at your fingertips, ready to bolster your business proposal with solid facts and figures.

Yet, it’s important to note, the software operates on a downloadable basis . Unlike LivePlan’s cloud-based accessibility, Business Plan Pro requires installation on a Windows platform. This sets up a different dynamic for your planning process. You’ll have the robust tools you need, but without the same level of flexibility and mobility offered by cloud-based alternatives.

Adapting to the needs of modern entrepreneurs seeking versatility, Business Plan Pro still holds a place for those who appreciate a detailed, static planning environment. The depth of its features makes it a powerful ally for anyone looking to dive deep into the financial and analytical aspects of their business plan.

Features and Benefits of LivePlan

As an entrepreneur who’s been through the startup ringer and experimented with various side hustles, I’ve learned that the right tools can make a huge difference. LivePlan stands out in this regard, with features that cater to both budding and seasoned business owners. Here’s a breakdown of what makes LivePlan a worthy consideration for your planning needs.

First off, ease of use can’t be overstated. LivePlan’s interface is intuitive, guiding you through the process of creating your business plan with step-by-step instructions. This simplicity is a lifesaver for those of you juggling the myriad tasks of getting a business off the ground or managing a side hustle along with a full-time job.

Then there’s the pitch feature . It allows you to quickly craft a visually appealing overview of your business idea. This is incredibly useful for attracting investors or getting team members on the same page. It’s like having your elevator pitch and executive summary rolled into one convenient package.

Another standout feature is LivePlan’s financial forecasting . Unlike static tools, LivePlan offers dynamic forecasting that adjusts as you input new data. This provides a remarkably clear picture of your financial trajectory, helping you make informed decisions about budget allocation, funding needs, and revenue strategies.

LivePlan also boasts a vast library of business plan templates and examples . Whatever your industry, chances are there’s a template that fits your niche. This is a game-changer for saving time and ensuring that your plan meets industry standards.

Lastly, the Scoreboard feature integrates with accounting software like QuickBooks, giving you real-time insights into how your business is performing against your plan. This can be pivotal for pivoting strategy or reinforcing successful tactics.

Each of these features comes together to offer a robust, flexible platform that’s designed not just for planning, but for achieving. Whether you’re a startup maven or a part-time entrepreneur, LivePlan adapts to your unique journey.

Features and Benefits of Business Plan Pro

As an entrepreneur deeply immersed in the world of online business and startups, you’re likely on a constant hunt for tools that can streamline your planning process and propel your ideas into reality. Business Plan Pro might just be the resource you’ve been searching for. With its comprehensive suite of features designed to simplify business planning, this software has a lot to offer for anyone ready to take their side hustle or startup to the next level.

First off, Business Plan Pro is equipped with 500+ sample business plans . This means you’re never starting from scratch. Whether you’re opening a coffee shop or launching a tech startup, there’s a template that you can customize to fit your vision. This feature not only saves time but also provides a solid foundation for your business plan, ensuring you haven’t missed any critical components.

Another standout feature is its in-depth financial forecasting tools . You can dive deep into cash flow analysis, profit and loss statements, and sales forecasting with ease. For you, this means the ability to create detailed, realistic financial projections, critical for both your strategy and for impressing potential investors.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the core capabilities of Business Plan Pro:

Lastly, Business Plan Pro stands out with its market research access , offering thousands of industry profiles and essential data. This feature enables you to tailor your business plan with specifics of your industry, a crucial step for crafting a strategy that’s both realistic and competitive.

Utilizing Business Plan Pro’s features effectively can empower you to create a well-researched, detailed business plan. For someone passionate about turning ideas into successful ventures, this tool offers a robust platform to support your entrepreneurial journey.

Choosing the Right Business Planning Tool

Deciding between LivePlan and Business Plan Pro is like choosing between two top-tier tools, each with its own strengths. Your selection hinges on what aspects of business planning you prioritize and how those tools align with your goals.

LivePlan shines with its modern, intuitive interface and emphasis on step-by-step planning. Its features are geared towards dynamic businesses looking for flexibility and scalability. If you’re diving into various side hustles or want a tool that grows with your evolving online venture, LivePlan might be your go-to. It offers cloud-based functionality, giving you the ability to tweak your plan on the go. This aspect is crucial if you’re always bustling with new ideas or need to present your plan to stakeholders across different locations.

On the other hand, Business Plan Pro stands out with its comprehensive features and extensive library of over 500 sample plans. If you’re someone who loves diving deep into the details, appreciates having numerous templates at your disposal, and wants software with robust financial forecasting tools, Business Plan Pro could be more your speed. It’s particularly suited for those who prefer a more structured approach to business planning or are working on a complex project requiring detailed analysis.

When considering these tools, reflect on your business stage, type, and needs:

  • Are you looking for simplicity and accessibility or detailed, in-depth planning tools?
  • Do you need cloud access to your plan from anywhere, or do you prefer a desktop application?
  • How important are industry-specific templates and market research to you?

Remember, your choice of a business planning tool can significantly influence how efficiently you can bring your business vision to life. Whether you lean towards the sleek flexibility of LivePlan or the detailed, comprehensive toolkit of Business Plan Pro, ensure it aligns with your workflow, planning style, and the specific demands of your venture.

Choosing between LivePlan and Business Plan Pro boils down to your specific needs and how you envision managing your business plan. If you’re leaning towards a more intuitive, cloud-based solution that grows with your business, LivePlan might be your best bet. Its modern interface and step-by-step guidance are perfect for those who appreciate a bit of hand-holding along the way. On the flip side, if you’re after a tool that offers a wealth of features and detailed financial forecasting, Business Plan Pro could be the way to go. Its comprehensive approach and extensive resources are ideal for those who prefer to dive deep into the planning process. Remember, the right tool is the one that aligns with your business strategy and simplifies your planning process. Happy planning!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between business plan pro and liveplan.

Business Plan Pro is known for its comprehensive features, large library of sample plans, and robust financial tools, catering to those who prefer a traditional, detailed approach. In contrast, LivePlan boasts a modern interface, step-by-step planning assistance, and cloud-based functionality, making it well-suited for dynamic, on-the-go businesses.

Which tool is better for someone who prefers an in-depth business planning approach?

Business Plan Pro is the better option for individuals seeking an in-depth, structured approach to business planning due to its extensive features and comprehensive financial forecasting tools.

Is LivePlan suitable for users who prefer cloud-based tools?

Yes, LivePlan is highly suitable for users who prefer cloud-based tools. Its cloud accessibility allows for dynamic business planning and collaboration from anywhere, making it ideal for modern, flexible business operations.

Can I find industry-specific templates in either of these tools?

Yes, both Business Plan Pro and LivePlan offer industry-specific templates. However, the number and variety of these templates may vary, so it’s essential to check which tool better suits your specific industry needs.

Which tool is recommended for beginners without much experience in business planning?

LivePlan is generally recommended for beginners due to its intuitive, step-by-step guidance and modern interface, which simplifies the business planning process.

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John Prince Seriosity Writer

John Prince

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Business Plan Pro vs LivePlan Review: A Comparative Study

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Business Plan Pro vs. LivePlan: Ultimate Review

Planning for your business is a tough process, whether your organization is small, medium, or large in size. There are so many processes that need to be managed that it can be hard for us humans to keep everything together!

For this reason, Palo Alto Software has created 2 very powerful business planning tools for entrepreneurs all over the world. They are both equipped with sophisticated mechanisms to prepare daily, weekly, monthly, and annual financial reports for your organization.


The included templates and video tutorials help you to understand how those reports are generated. With that being said, you can learn to become the best entrepreneur as you go!

In this review, we have analyzed both the software thoroughly and come up with our conclusion regarding their functionality and performance.

Based on our analysis, we think that LivePlan is a more advanced and functional organizational planning software since it champions Business Plan Pro when it comes to customer service, supported languages, reporting features, step-by-step tutorials, awards received, file importing, operating system compatibility, and platform design.

Business Plan Pro

Do you want to assess the truth for yourself? Then, let’s go through this ultimate review together!

Our main goal at EduReviewer is to make your life easier by showing you the review on the market today.

Overall Comparison of BusinessPlanPro vs. LivePlan

Key features of the software.

When we say key features of a business planning software, we think about ease of use, easy instructions, the privacy of data, proper content management, accurate data generation, language preferences, and ongoing customer support.

Do you think the Business Plan Pro or LivePlan can meet all these criteria to help company owners ace their game in the industry? We can only find out by going through the key features that have been addressed here under each software.

Business Plan Pro - Features

business plan pro vs liveplan

  • Different Plans
  • Lesson Tutorials
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Language Preference
  • Areas of Improvement

business plan pro vs liveplan

  • Customer Support
  • Top Performing Budgeting Software in Capterra Shortlist 2022
  • Top Performing Financial Reporting Software in Capterra Shortlist 2021
  • Emerging Favorite Budgeting Software in Capterra Shortlist 2021

Main Features

Having said that, the main features of LivePlan comprise fundraising management, social sharing, step-by-step wizard, pitch presentation, investor management, financial templates, financial modelling, dashboard, and collaboration tools.

While you are entering data on the software, the walk-through process makes it easy for newbies to get the hang of organizational and financial management. The data input can also interact with one another by keeping track of all the information and showing impacts in the reports.

Besides, a comprehensive instructional video tutorial is available on YouTube, where you can freely learn how to use the tool in a period of 1 hour. To check it out, below is the video for your convenience recorded by Tim Berry.

LivePlan also offers a 35-day or 60-day money-back guarantee for customers depending on which site you are purchasing it from. Organizational management can be tough for people who have never gone to business school. For this reason, the money-back guarantee option is available.

You don’t have to be a full-fledged English speaker to use LivePlan. The software can currently support 6 languages, which are US English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Italian. You can prepare the report in your language and then let the software convert it to another language for reporting!

Even though it seems that LivePlan is an invincible tool that can do anything, it has its own limitations. Without a stable internet connection, you can’t use this tool on your personal computer. Since there is no mobile app introduced, a lack of portability is an issue.

Furthermore, you can’t use this program for large enterprises. Therefore, once your organization grows, you have to switch to a different management planning software.

Customer support and step-by-step video tutorials are not available in the Business Plan Pro, but they are in LivePlan. There are documents, webinars, and tutorials available for entrepreneurs who wish to learn how to use the management tool properly.

Unless you are a financial expert, it may get tough to understand some of the terms that are commonly used in the market and industry. So, be prepared to get familiar with these terms, or else you will struggle to make good use of this precious tool.

Pricing Comparison

In this section, we will look at the pricing comparison of Business Plan Pro and LivePlan which were both developed by Palo Alto Software. Even though they share the same developer, there are significant differences between them.

Let’s find out which pricing plan is suitable for your organizational needs!

Business Plan Pro

With the Business Plan Pro, you just have to purchase the software once and there is no need for subscription payments. If you are already familiar with the benefits of the Business Plan Pro, then just get the software right away and don’t worry about paying anything later on!

You can use the services of LivePlan if you pay $20 for the software every month. It may appear cheap at first. But when you compare the annual cost against the Business Plan Pro, LivePlan is more expensive. The annual cost of LivePlan is $240.

LivePlan is a better plan for you if you want to test out the waters by purchasing the monthly subscription programs. You can opt out when you feel like the software is no longer working for you.

Quality of Software and Value for Money

Since both the Business Plan Pro and LivePlan have been designed by the same developer, you will find a lot of features in the tools that resemble each other. Regardless, the differences are also noticeable if you do your assignment properly!

Therefore, we have to really investigate the functions of each software if we are to reach a conclusion about software quality and value for money.

Since updates and customer support are no longer available on the Business Plan Pro, you have to work with the elements and templates that are already present in the purchased software. It is a desktop program that only works on Windows, but can help you to strategize, manage, and launch operational strategies to hit the top!

With the intention of guiding new entrepreneurs, the software provides step-by-step directions to create an organizational strategy. You can follow management templates and get answers to the most important questions from the software.

Having said that, one of the best features of the organizational planning software is its user-friendly platform. The software has 500 samples of business plans from top companies in the industry, so you can follow their lead in dealing with difficult situations!

Furthermore, the software includes marketing tools that assist you in analyzing different industry profiles so you can compare your company’s performance within a target market.

business plan pro vs liveplan

[Business Plan Pro Market Analysis]


[Business Plan Pro Profit and Loss]

LivePlan also has the same background and features as the Business Plan Pro. But there are additional benefits to using this organizational planning tool over the other.

If you are a novice entrepreneur, then this is the software that will help you create professional organizational strategies that will remain 100% safe and accessible at all times!

The software will help you create your perfect proposition from 10 fully-customizable templates. You can also import your financial information from QuickBooks and Xero!

Moreover, the lock feature on the managerial planning software is very useful as it saves all the data that you are working on immediately to prevent loss of information. This feature also prevents your employees from working on the same section.


[LivePlan Financial Data Generation]


[LivePlan Financial Forecasting]

Main Advantages: Business Plan Pro and LivePlan

We have learned a lot about the basic features, software quality, and pricing offers of the Business Plan Pro and LivePlan. Now that you have a decent idea about these 2 programs, here is a list of advantages of each to refresh your memory.

  • It operates on both Windows and Mac personal computers.
  • Since this program has been in the market since 1991, it has more experience in the industry compared to LivePlan which is comparatively new.
  • There is no need for recurring payment with the Business Plan Pro. Just buy it once for a reasonable price, and then you are set for life!
  • Whether you are purchasing the Standard version or the Premier version, you are entitled to a 60-day money-back guarantee offer.
  • Receive tons of educational content from the business expert Tim Berry while using this program for business success!
  • The program helps you create a marketing and strategic road map for your business.
  • It saves you money because you don’t have to hire expensive employees to create your strategic, marketing, and financial reports.
  • You can update previous business plans to keep up with changing times.
  • You can prepare all types of reports for your business without needing expensive to hire expensive employees.
  • The default mechanism in the program creates accurate forecasts and reports.
  • Step-by-step instructions are provided through video tutorials so that you won’t get confused by the software.
  • This tool is all you need to help you fund, plan, manage, and take your business to the next level.
  • You can sync Xero, Quickbooks, and Excel with LivePlan to pull out actual accounting data without doing it manually.
  • The presentations and reports generated from the program can be shared with investors, lenders, and your team members for strategic planning.

Main Disadvantages: Business Plan Pro and LivePlan

Now, let’s look at all the drawbacks of using the services of LivePlan and Business Plan Pro.

  • Many new business owners are unable to answer the questions the software throws at them. Therefore, the business plan remains incomplete.
  • Technical jargons in the software, such as investment offering and break-even analysis are too difficult for some novice entrepreneurs to understand.
  • Unlike LivePlan, Business Plan Pro is not cloud-based and can’t be accessed from everywhere.
  • This business planning software is only compatible with Windows. Therefore, if you are using any other operating system, you won’t be able to use its services.
  • The design of the software is not as modern and sleek as the layout of LivePlan.
  • Currently, there are no apps available for this software.
  • Updates and customer support are no longer available on the Business Plan Pro.
  • You can use this program in 5 languages.
  • No matter how efficient LivePlan is since it is a cloud-based platform, it has a major drawback. You can’t use it without a strong internet connection.
  • You must create a new business plan with the guidance of the given templates as you can’t replicate any existing organizational strategies.
  • You may not be able to cancel the subscription once you sign up with the business management software.
  • The software mechanism may be too complex for regular business owners to comprehend.
  • There is no mobile app developed for this software.
  • Unlike the Business Plan Pro, large enterprises can’t use the services of LivePlan.
  • It is available in 6 languages.

Verdict: So, LivePlan or Business Plan Pro?

Therefore, our final verdict is that LivePlan is a better business planning software than Business Plan Pro, especially in customer service support through live chat or phone number, a higher number of supported languages, reporting features, file importing, platform design, step-by-step wizard for tutorials, operating system compatibility, and the number of awards received.

In a nutshell, LivePlan surpasses Business Plan Pro in terms of pricing structure, functionality, customer support, and instructional walkthroughs. Additionally, you need to have at least some knowledge of business management if you want to use any of this software. Otherwise, this software was not designed for dummies!

Is LivePlan better than Business Plan Pro in terms of security?

In terms of security, both LivePlan and Business Plan Pro are excellent. There is little chance of your data getting lost with any of these tools if you save them correctly. On another note, LivePlan has a better mechanism in place for saving data immediately after input.

What’s better- Business Plan Pro vs. LivePlan?

After running a thorough analysis of the performance of these tools, we think LivePlan is a better organizational planning software because it offers supportive customer service, step-by-step tutorials on how to use the software, saves all your data on a cloud platform, and supports more languages than Business Plan Pro.

Are there more business planning software like LivePlan and Business Plan Pro?

Yes, LivePlan and Business Plan Pro software have a lot of competition in the strategic management software market. Their rivals are Planful, Vena, Causal, Jirav, Spendesk, Aha!, IdeaBuddy, and more!

What type of businesses are good for the Business Plan Pro and LivePlan?

Both the Business Plan Pro and LivePlan are good for most types of businesses that need adequate financial and strategic management to operate. Business Plan Pro can be used for businesses of all sizes. However, LivePlan can only be used for small and medium-sized organizations.

How many employees can access and use LivePlan at the same time?

LivePlan can be used by 2 contributors and an unlimited number of guests. For this reason, you can share your data with your colleagues, employees, and partners without jamming the system! Guests can view and comment, but the contributors can access and edit anything!

How do I find a sample plan on the Business Plan Pro?

The Business Plan Pro has a database of 500 sample plans that you can access by clicking on the Sample Plans icon located at the top of the window. You will surely find a sample proposition that comes close to your desired business proposition for examples and idea generation.

business plan pro vs liveplan

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business plan pro vs liveplan

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Business Plan Pro vs. LivePlan

Are you trying to find the best financial software? Trying to figure out whether Business Plan Pro or LivePlan is the right choice for your organization? Use this tool to see how they stack up in terms of pricing options, ratings, feature sets, integrations, and more.

With an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars from its 1 reviewers, Business Plan Pro exceeds LivePlan's average of 4.6 stars from 106 reviews. Both are better rated than the category average of 2.4 stars. But what about the features these solutions provide? With 2 features, Business Plan Pro has a considerable disadvantage when compared to LivePlan, which has 144 features. It should be noted that the average solution in this category has 143 features. Of course, you can't simply make a choice based on the ratings or number of features—it doesn't really matter how many features are supported if something that's critical to your work is not included.

However, if any of the functions on your wishlist are not supported by Business Plan Pro or LivePlan, you can always check for integrations or plug-ins that provide those capabilities.

Whether or not Business Plan Pro or LivePlan is right for you cannot be established solely by ratings and the number of features each offers. Those are high-level numbersmdashthe reality depends on whether they support the capabilities that are critical to your success, whether they integrate with your other tools, what support is offered, and pricing options. You'll find that information in the table below, along with the average number of employees at organizations that use Business Plan Pro and LivePlan. You shouldn't make any decisions without also checking out the reviews on the Business Plan Pro and LivePlan product pages.

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You’ve got this. Start your plan by picking a package.

For anyone who needs a professional business plan.

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Included Features

  • Step-By-Step Instructions
  • Lender-Ready Statements
  • Full Financial Forecast
  • One-Page Pitch Builder
  • 550+ Sample Plans
  • Personal Onboarding Call
  • LivePlan Assistant AI Powered

For businesses that need financial tools to help them operate & grow.

  • Industry Benchmark Data
  • "What if" Scenarios
  • Performance Dashboards
  • Real-Time Profit & Cash Forecasting
  • Export to Excel
  • Syncs with QuickBooks Online & Xero

All standard features, plus:

All subscriptions come with a 35-day money-back guarantee.

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LivePlan Premium

Become a more strategic business owner.

Watch this 2-minute video to see how LivePlan Premium helps you figure out the best way to launch and grow your business.

Compare Features

All the features you need to:, impress lenders and investors.

Create a business plan that includes all the details and financial information that lenders expect to see.

Organize & test ideas

Keep all your business ideas organized in one spot. Build financial forecasts to see if they are profitable.

Learn business basics

Follow a step-by-step planning process that also helps you understand the basics of starting and running a company.

Stay focused on your goals

Set growth targets and track your progress to hold yourself accountable. This makes you twice as likely to achieve your goals.

Make data-driven decisions

Spot trends in your financial dashboard that help you figure out ways to boost profits or reduce costs.

Present with confidence

Report on the financials for your business using charts and graphs that anyone can understand.

Working with clients, students, or business centers?

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LivePlan for advisors

Provide more value to your clients with business planning tools that fit seamlessly into your advising process.

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LivePlan for educators

Help your students develop a deeper understanding of their future businesses. LivePlan integrates with any teaching style.

Photo of Business Center Employee

LivePlan for SBA Partners

SBDCs, WBCs, VBOCs, funding partners and other SBA-backed organizations use our suite of tools to strengthen client engagement, secure funding and improve business performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of the premium package.

It gives you a system of advanced business planning and financial tools that helps your business thrive. Sleep easier knowing how much cash flow you'll have next week and next month, create milestones to execute your business strategy, and uncover powerful insights buried in your accounting data. Whether you're starting a new business or growing your existing one , LivePlan Premium helps you make the best possible business decisions.

Is there a free trial?

LivePlan offers a 35-Day Money-Back Guarantee which acts the same way as a free trial (yes, we do require a credit card to get started). Run LivePlan through its paces for up to 35 days and, if you're not satisfied, simply contact us for a 100% refund.

Will my data be safe and private?

Your business plan will remain secure and completely confidential. Our products run on a dedicated network with bank-level security that is locked down with firewalls and carefully monitored 24/7. For more information, please read our security and privacy policy pages.

Will LivePlan work for my industry?

LivePlan works for every industry: retail, restaurants, services, healthcare, and all other sectors. It also comes with over 550 sample plans you can use as a guide while writing your own plan. Plus, LivePlan has industry benchmarks for over 1,000 industries included. Knowing your industry standards helps ensure that your forecast is both challenging and achievable.

Can I have someone professionally review my plan?

Yes, we provide professional business plan reviews for an additional fee that includes — an introductory meeting, a full review of your plan within LivePlan, and a follow-up call covering notes on each section. You can learn more about the plan review process and schedule an introductory call with an expert advisor here .

Can I upgrade to a Premium package later?

Yes, you can upgrade from a Standard LivePlan package to a Premium package at any time.

Can I change or cancel my plan after signing up?

Yes, LivePlan has no long-term contracts of any kind. You can change from a monthly to an annual plan or downgrade from a Premium to a Standard package at any time - without a penalty.

What happens to my plan if I cancel my account?

Your plan is 100% yours at any time. You can take your plan with you when you go. If you decide to end your LivePlan subscription, just export your plan to Word or PDF before you sign out for the last time. You can also put your account on hold for a low monthly fee and we will keep all your data safe and secure for when you are ready to resume business.

Can I work on more than one business plan?

Yes, you can create an unlimited number of business plans on one account. However, only one plan can be open and edited at a time. If you need to edit multiple plans simultaneously, you can upgrade your account.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards as well as PayPal. You're protected with our 35-Day Money-Back Guarantee regardless of payment choice.

What if I have more questions?

Please see our full frequently asked questions page or contact us and we'd be happy to help you personally . Also, we offer a robust customer help center for all questions about using LivePlan, which we update constantly.

Enloop vs LivePlan

Which is Right For You?

Woman gesturing to three point nine star Enloop and four point eight star LivePlan.

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  • Enloop vs LivePlan: Which is Right For You?

Last Updated: July 21, 2023 By TRUiC Team

Got your big, life-changing business idea, but need a solid plan to put it into action? It’s time to tackle writing a business plan, and unless you’ve got an MBA, odds are you could benefit from the help of business planning software .

We’ve reviewed the major providers in the industry and arrived at a short list of personal favorites, two of which are Enloop and LivePlan. In this Enloop vs. LivePlan comparison, we’ll aim to give you an objective look at the differences in their pricing, features, customer reviews and more. But first, let’s dig into what they have in common!

Recommended Business Plan Software : LivePlan

Enloop & LivePlan Commonalities

  • Both are designed for beginners, so you don’t need any prior knowledge in order to get the most out of their services.
  • Both are cloud-based and accessible on any OS. That means you can access them from any device or location with internet connection.
  • Both offer month-to-month and annual payment options.
  • Both allow multiple users so you can easily collaborate with your team.

What Sets Them Apart

  • Enloop is one of the few providers out there that offers a free version of their services. Their paid plans are also cheaper than LivePlan’s (starting at $9.95/mo).
  • Their AutoWrite feature will generate the basic text for your business plan. LivePlan doesn’t offer any comparable feature.
  • Enloop doesn’t currently offer returns or refunds for their services.
  • Email support only - no live chat or phone customer service yet.
  • They only have a few customer reviews on their website, and currently none on any third-party review platforms.
  • LivePlan has helped over 400,000 businesses so far - Enloop’s count is unknown.
  • They offer a 60-day money back guarantee with full access to their services. In our opinion, this is even better than Enloop’s free version since its features are limited.
  • They’ve got tons of business plan samples and industry-specific templates that you can customize to your liking.
  • LivePlan syncs with Quickbooks and Xero to make importing your financials a breeze. Enloop doesn’t integrate with any accounting software.
  • Loads of positive customer testimonials on Shopper Approved and their own website.
  • They offer live chat, phone, and email support, and they’re super responsive on each medium.

Customer Reviews

To be frank, Enloop’s customer reviews are scarce. They’ve got four testimonials on their own website, but none on any typical review platforms like TrustPilot or Shopper Approved. Here are a couple of the ones they’ve got posted:

“ I would just like to say thank you... first plan done in a couple of hours, with an edit done in an hour or two. It's a blast... there's nothing faster! ”
“ I don't know how to write all that stuff that the business types want to see, so having it generated was very useful! I even recommended this site to a friend who is a business consultant! ”

On the bright side, Enloop doesn’t have any complaints. That said, when it comes to entrusting any software, you want to scroll through as much customer feedback as you can get your eyes on, and for the time being this is one area Enloop comes up short.

LivePlan has the most customer reviews of any provider in the industry. Take a look at their Shopper Approved rating breakdown below: Reviews

This is one of the many things we love about LivePlan: you can scroll through hundreds of reviews and read about customers’ consistently positive experiences using their software. This can be encouraging when you’re trying to decide who to trust with something so integral to getting your business off the ground.

Here are a couple testimonials from LivePlan’s website:

“ LivePlan is incredibly simple and easy to use. The financial sales forecasting tool is very intuitive and makes writing a business plan more fun. I would highly recommend this product to anybody starting a business or revising their business plan. ”
“ I needed to write a business plan for my investors. I was going nuts trying to create charts and properly format them. Then a friend recommended LivePlan! The financials were so easy to use and I liked knowing the calculations were all correct. It helped me create a precise plan to confidently share with investors, and I’ve raised $3M so far! ”

Pricing Differences

Enloop offers four package options: Free, Basic, Advanced and Professional. Take a look at their pricing/features model below.

Enloop Pricing & Features

The free plan might sound great, but it’s really not the best option for long-term use. If you’re interested in their services, we definitely recommend trying out the free version before committing to a paid plan - just to get a feel for their platform. You’ll likely want to invest in the Basic ($9.95/mo) or Advanced plan ($19.95/mo) eventually, though, to get access to features like the Charts, AutoWrite, Rich Text Formatting and more.

Keep in mind you can also pay for each plan on an annual basis, which lowers your monthly cost significantly. For instance, the Advanced plan is only $11/mo if paid annually. However, it does mean you’ll be committed to a minimum of one full year of service, and remember, Enloop doesn’t offer any refunds yet.

Enloop Sample Systems

The month-to-month package is $19.95, while the annual package comes to $11.66/mo - pretty darn close to Enloop’s Advanced package rates. Their package comes with a massive amount of features, including their business plan templates, forecasting capabilities, milestone scheduling, and many more.

To get a sense of LivePlan and Enloop’s aesthetic difference, take a look at their Profit and Loss page below:

Liveplan Nonprofit

Much sleeker and more modern, right? We definitely prefer LivePlan’s design over Enloop’s.

For a more detailed examination of LivePlan’s pricing and features, head over to our LivePlan Review !

Which Should You Choose?

LivePlan and Enloop are both affordable, trustworthy and experienced. Both providers are worth considering for business planning assistance.

That being said, according to our research, LivePlan  has a more streamlined and stylish platform, better customer reviews, and some super-valuable capabilities Enloop simply doesn’t offer. Based on this side-by-side comparison, LivePlan wins.

However, choose the business planning software that fits your needs.

Try LivePlan & Get 50% Off Try LivePlan for 30 days free

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LivePlan vs ProAI


LivePlan has 133 reviews and a rating of 4.52 / 5 stars vs ProAI which has 33 reviews and a rating of 4.97 / 5 stars. Compare the similarities and differences between software options with real user reviews focused on features, ease of use, customer service, and value for money.

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User Ratings & Reviews

Reviews are generated by real users. When reviewing a product, users are asked to assess the product’s overall quality, which includes assigning specific ratings for ease of use, value for money, customer support, and functionality.

  • Great presentation aesthetics. Great tips on use and preparation.
  • Live Plan was perfect for my needs - it helped me shape my strategic plan and think through my start-up capital requirements and revenue projections.
  • I got stuck at the beginning a little bit with the various summaries.
  • It made using the review feature (to compare projections with performance) more difficult to use.
  • Really good on hand customer service. And it is easy and intuitive to use.
  • It's smart and intuitive but also very fast when it comes to getting the answers you need and understanding what your needs are.
  • The pricing structure was hard to see at first, but the customer service really helped this.
  • The subscription options were limited to only two.

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