Distance Learning: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Man with laptop view from above

Table of Contents

With the rising trend and increasing popularity of e-learning, especially after the emergence of a global pandemic, a question that arises is how it all started out.

As research shows, distance learning began with lessons via postcards, and in the 1840s, Issac Pitman was the first to provide students with correspondence courses.

Since then, distance learning – along with new information technology, has been adopted by universities that wanted to extend their market beyond their immediate areas around their location. An example was The University of London, which wanted to offer lower higher education costs to financially disadvantaged students.

Now online courses are increasingly widespread amongst and pursued by curious people who want to broaden their knowledge or develop their workplace skills. Some people take online courses to supplement their traditional classroom courses and pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees.

In this article, we explain what distance learning is and dive into its different types. We are referring to its benefits and discussing how online schools or individual instructors can achieve a successful distance learning program.

Table of contents

What is distance learning, why is distance learning important, distance learning: trend or the future of learning, how to choose a distance learning management system.

Distance learning -also known as distance education- is the type of education that is conducted beyond the traditional classroom setting, physical space, and time and is aided by technology. As a term, it refers to the courses that can be studied without needing learners to be physically present at the school, college, or university.

Online educational tools allow students and instructors to interact synchronously or asynchronously and give endless training opportunities with distance learning courses or hybrid courses. For students who embrace distance learning, home is their most preferred location option.

Distance learning is available for all academic levels, including undergraduate, postgraduate, or master’s degree programs and doctorates. It can also be used in multiple educational modalities.

How does distance learning work?

Online courses are delivered using a Learning Management System (LMS) . With LearnWorlds, for example, online learners can attend live lessons, and complete their coursework – including exams, directly online.

Experiences in a well-trusted LMS may include study guides and self-paced assignments, video lectures, audio recordings, video conferencing, interactive learning objects, essential course materials, and live chat with fellow students or asynchronous discussions.

Finally, a learning group (discussion forums) is established in an LMS, composed of student-teacher interactions and instructional resources. The exciting thing here is that despite the popularity of Facebook, YouTube, or other social media groups, online communities of like-minded persons in LMSs are still lively and engaging. So, these are the main capabilities offered within a modern LMS.

Depending on the audience you are providing instruction to, you will need to look for the LMS features that best match your requirements.

Online learning in the corporate setting – online training – refers to educational programs tailored to particular target groups. For example, industries now invest more and more in customer or employee training. The training aims to develop specific skills so that people can perform better in a particular field, or in the case of customers, increase their knowledge regarding a product.

If you want to use an LMS for training your customers, for example, this is what you can get:


Start using a distance learning tool (LMS) today, and see the benefits it can offer to your learners:

Your professional looking Academy in a few clicks

How do distance learning programs work.

One of the major advantages of distance learning programs is that learners can connect at any time in an e-learning environment and learn at their own pace.

Most e-learning programs are asynchronous. However, they often include synchronous tools that allow learners to interact face-to-face and collaborate at scheduled times. Because most e-learning environments are generally self-paced, students must be very self-motivated to study by themselves and also manage their time effectively.

Blended learning approaches, shared social spaces in the form of blogs, and collaboratively edited documents are also used in online educational settings.

What are the advantages of distance learning?

In an online environment, information can be accessed when it is most convenient for the learner, asynchronously. This is a huge advantage for people who want to access remote learning and participate in online programs they wouldn’t be able to attend in person. Here are the key benefits of distance learning:

  • High-quality and personalized course content : College faculty, scholars, and instructional designers tend to design more academically proven and high-quality curricula because of the massive enrollment of people in courses. Plus, the curriculum is tailored for highly motivated and goal-oriented learners.
  • Increased accessibility and immediate feedback : The learning experience is technologically enhanced, and students with disabilities now have endless accessible learning options. Learners can attend the virtual classroom and meet with their instructors and peers in real-time. Not only that, but they have better access to feedback – both in verbal and written form.
  • Reduced costs and transportation expenses : eLearning also reduces training costs by removing costly transportation expenses, physical location costs, and other amenities that traditional education offers. Distance learning is seamlessly cost- and time-efficient, allowing participants to combine full-time work, family, and studies. In this light, the online teaching approach also makes instruction more convenient.

What are the different types of distance learning?

Overall, there are 3 types of distance learning:

  • Education programs that are delivered entirely online . Also known as virtual learning, through which colleges and universities allow students to receive instruction only from home. These programs will require a computer and an internet connection. The instruction is mostly based on video conferencing, among other teaching methods.
  • Hybrid education programs . Learning takes place both via face-to-face interaction and online. In this type of learning, students must attend campus at certain times a month and be present in the online learning environment. Each hybrid program has a different amount of time required on campus.
  • Open schedule or fixed-time online courses . This refers to online course instruction. Open schedule online courses are asynchronous, which means learners get a set of deadlines, but they have the freedom to complete the coursework at their own pace. Fixed-time online courses require learners to log in to the elearning platform and complete pre-scheduled classroom activities at designated times.

Distance learning provides educational opportunities aimed toward personal and professional development and also satisfies an individual’s thirst for knowledge. Now, individuals can pursue their dreams or enjoy learning a subject they love.

For example, finding a niche and the job of your dreams is challenging. New online educational programs are now available (some even free) to offer professional qualifications.

With distance learning, hundreds of students now earn an AA Degree or Certificate by entirely participating in online courses. Coastline college , for example, offers over 70 online degrees and certificate programs that you can take fully online.

Distance Learning vs. Online Learning

There is a fine line between distance learning and online learning that often gets blurred. Let’s get this straight.

Distance learning (also known as remote learning ) has a higher level of accountability but requires scheduled class times . It replaces face-to-face classroom learning and is often used when in-person learning is not feasible (e.g., during the COVID-19 pandemic). Distance learning strives to re-create the classroom environment , meaning that a student logs in to the virtual classroom environment at scheduled times to view lectures or participate in group learning activities.

Online learning allows you to learn from the comfort of your home , often around a schedule that fits your needs and also sometimes in combination with some in-person meetings. There are plenty of tools that can keep learners engaged, for example, interactive flipbooks offer a more immersive learning experience, with features such as clickable links, embedded quizzes, and video explainers, allowing learners to actively engage with the content they’re studying. Online learning environments are more flexible but require learners to be self-motivated.

As long as distance learning offers the same quality as traditional education does, it will continue to be embraced by learners; and studies show that it does. One more reason for students to go online is that the web has forever changed the way we interact and find information. Even after the coronavirus, online learning has proven to be as reliable as it is accessible and flexible, making it so appealing still.

According to a recent study conducted by the Sloan Consortium , the national data on college and university enrollments has been declining in the latest years. Therefore, the rate of students pursuing an online education is significant for the educational landscape.

Universities benefit from adding students worldwide. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) that are provided for financial aid are now characterized by huge enrollments in microlearning- the use of short videotaped lectures and peer assessments. Students can access the learning materials wherever and whenever they choose. By using a state-of-the-art online learning platform , instructors can make their academy the must-go learning destination.

Examples of distance learning academies

To help you get a complete – 360-degree view of distance learning, here is a list of some online schools that have been using distance learning effectively.

  • The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • Broward College
  • Houston Community College
  • Valencia College
  • Central Piedmont Community College
  • St. Petersburg College
  • Portland Community College
  • Austin Community College District
  • College of Southern Nevada
  • Northern Virginia Community College
  • Mercy College of Ohio
  • Coastline College

Most of the above academies have used LearnWorlds to build their online presence. With the plethora of online learning platforms and learning management systems – LMSs, out there, it’s easy to create neat learning experiences today.

Choosing a remote training platform is easy as long as you know what you are looking for in terms of features and have a rough idea of what learning experience you want to provide to learners. With LearnWorlds, within just a few clicks, you’ll get your school website with powerful features:

  • Student management
  • Control of the learning process
  • Integrated payment processing
  • Multiple types of activities

But, before you start, you will need an account . LearnWorlds comes with a 30-day trial, so it is worth trying out. The platform offers more than any LMS platform can provide, allowing you to create unique interactive learning experiences.

Backed up with the ability to create flexible online courses , LearnWorlds allows you to add any learning activity you want to your training course. These activities include text, quizzes, assignments , Certificates, PDFs, live webinars , audio recordings, interactive video , HTML5, and every embeddable content.

what is the importance of distance education

LearnWorlds is a self-paced learning environment and can work excellently either for synchronous communication with learners or asynchronous.

what is the importance of distance education

An instructor can decide on the navigation settings in their courses, choosing, for example, whether they want students to take a linear path in the units or free navigation within the units.

The platform also offers a powerful gradebook . With it, you can overview your learners’ performance and check who has completed the training or not, what grades they got, and which answers they gave to each question.

what is the importance of distance education

Community learning is vital for every online educational program. Making students feel that they are part of a learning community where they can communicate provides more learning opportunities. That’s why in LearnWorlds, you can find a built-in social network page where you can empower your strong community and allow learners to be bonded and actively involved in the school.

what is the importance of distance education

With LearnWorlds, you can also change the most important settings in your school. Having your own online academy needs tools and options that can give you absolute control:

  • Login settings : add more fields and control registrations
  • School language settings : choose your native language
  • Copyright protection settings : secure your online school
  • The GDPR toolkit : make your school compliant

You can learn more about these in our step-by-step guide on how to start an online school. Finally, with LearnWorlds, you can send automated emails to your learners whenever certain events occur in your academy (for example, registration emails, enrollment emails, subscription emails, learners notifications, admin settings, and email signatures).

what is the importance of distance education

These and many other features make up the LearnWorlds platform. For a closer look at what the platform offers, go through our list of features .

Final Thoughts

Online education is undoubtedly here to stay with the rising advances in information technology. Online courses have proven to deliver educational information effectively and inexpensively, so it’s a cut-out solution for universities, colleges, and other training agents.

Online learning programs are becoming increasingly popular, and the trend is only growing.

Starting an online academy is not as difficult as it once was. First off, start building a website that will host your online school. LearnWorlds offers a one-stop solution for building an educational website, creating your online courses,, and delivering a great experience to your learning community.

If you are looking to launch an online education program, we are here to help you!

What’s good about distance learning?

Distance learning is packed with many benefits, including:

  • Increased flexibility and work-life balance
  • Increased accessibility for special needs students
  • Availability of learning materials (24/7)
  • Less to no commuting
  • Saves valuable time and money
  • Can be self-paced
  • High-quality and personalized learning
  • Develops technical skills with the use of technology

What is a distance learning course?

A distance learning course is a course that offers access to education online. Often this includes studying towards a degree offered by an online school, college, or university. Instead of students attending lectures physically, they get to study at home using the internet and/or other tools like an elearning platform or LMS.

What are the best distance learning online activities?

These are the best distance learning activities that can drive lots of engagement:

  • Synchronous and asynchronous online discussions,
  • Online self-assessments
  • Blogs and wikis
  • Virtual field trips or virtual labs
  • Real-world case studies
  • Simulations
  • Problem-solving exercises
  • Concept mapping
  • Webinars, videos, and other interactive learning objects.

Can I create a distance learning online university?

Yes, you can build your own online school and teach any subject you want or consider yourself to be an expert in. With an online course platform like LearnWorlds, you get all the tools you need to become a successful online instructor and teach students worldwide.

How does distance learning affect students?

Distance learning helps students access high-quality content and work through their studies at their own pace, with greater flexibility, and from the comfort of their homes. To succeed, however, students must be self-motivated to study alone, complete their assignments on time, and prioritize their tasks.

Can distance learning help special needs students who can’t travel easily?

Yes, distance learning can provide additional aid to special needs students who can’t travel easily. With the help of technology and the right learning tools, they can attend online sessions from their computer without the need to travel long distances or be in the same physical location as their instructors.

what is the importance of distance education

Kyriaki Raouna

Kyriaki is a Content Creator for the LearnWorlds team writing about marketing and e-learning, helping course creators on their journey to create, market, and sell their online courses. Equipped with a degree in Career Guidance, she has a strong background in education management and career success. In her free time, she gets crafty and musical.

woman holding a camera sitting in front of laptop

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10 Surprising Benefits of Online Learning in 2024

Interested in pursuing an online educational program? Find out about the specific benefits that come with pursuing an online education.

[Featured image] A woman wearing a yellow sweater and glasses sits at laptop working on an online degree course

Whether you want to learn a language, strengthen a specific technical skill, or earn a full academic degree, there have never been quite so many options to learn online. In fact, more students have been taking advantage of online education in recent years. For example, forty-four percent of undergraduate students and 52 percent of graduate students in the United States were enrolled exclusively in online courses in 2020 [ 1 ].

Online learning is a popular alternative to in-person learning because it can remove major barriers to education, thereby making it more equitable and accessible. In this article, we'll discuss the major benefits of learning online, so you can determine whether it's the best option for you.

10 benefits you gain from learning online 

Online learning is expanding the reach of education and empowering more people than ever before to work toward their personal goals. Let’s go over some of the major benefits of online learning.  

1. You don’t have to relocate or commute.  

With online learning, the classroom comes to you. No matter what type of credential you’re interested in achieving—degree, professional certificate, qualification—you can access some of the most renowned educational institutions or industry leaders online. What’s more: you’re not limited by borders. You can find programs across the country or even across the globe, without having to factor in relocation costs to study elsewhere. 

Many colleges and universities also require students to pay parking fees to access campus, which can be costly. But you won’t have to worry about that additional cost, or the cost of commuting, with an online program. 

2. You can decide your learning space. 

Whether you’re learning synchronously or asynchronously online, you don’t have to worry about the hurdles of getting to class. All you have to do is turn on your computer. That may be a more comfortable option, especially if it means you don’t have to carry books, a laptop, or other necessities around. Instead, you’ll have what you need right in front of you.  

Tip: If you’re learning from home, create a dedicated learning space—whether that’s the corner of a room or the corner of a table—so that it’s easier to shift into learning mode when it comes time to sit down and study

Read more: 11 Good Study Habits to Develop

3. You can keep working while enrolled. 

A lot of students work part-time or full-time while attending college or completing other programs designed to enhance their education or skill set. But the rigid scheduling of many in-person programs can make it hard to balance your professional obligations with your educational ones. 

With online learning, courses are often designed to be more flexible so that you can work them into your work schedule. That way, you don’t have to put your professional life on hold while you pursue your education.  

4. You can build on skills you already have—or learn something entirely new.

You can change your entire career trajectory from your couch. Thanks to the range of courses, certificate programs, tutorials, and more that have been designed to teach you timely, career-relevant skills, you don’t have to go far to make a big change. Given that kind of focus, you also don’t have to spend time learning something you don’t need. 

Beyond a career change, you can strengthen your existing skill set by taking similar offerings designed to teach you a specific workplace skill or technical skill that will help you advance. And you’re not limited to the course catalog of any one particular school—the options for online learning are nearly endless. 

5. You can learn from top universities or industry-leading companies. 

Many prestigious colleges and universities now offer online degree options. An online degree from a major institution typically has the same value as one you earned in person and may even expose you to more rigorous coursework or skills development. On Coursera, you can find degrees from the University of London, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, Penn State, and HEC Paris. 

In addition to universities, many major companies now offer programs designed to help you learn a new aspect of a career—or bolster your skill set. Google , IBM , Meta , and Salesforce all offer Professional Certificates on Coursera. These focused programs can be an excellent way to expand your industry knowledge or get started in a new field. 

6. Your schedule tends to be flexible and you can learn at your own pace.

Online learning structures vary, but generally, they’re designed to be more flexible than in-person classes, which means you can access your program on your own time and, more often than not, work at your own pace. Studying takes time, so when you can fit it into your schedule, rather than adjust your schedule around your learning, it may create the flexibility you need to establish an education plan that works for you. 

7. You might save money compared to in-person learning. 

Beyond tuition and fees, there are a lot of costs associated with attending college or university—or a workshop, course, or certificate program—in person. With online learning, you tend to benefit from lower overall costs because there’s less overhead associated with operating each program. According to the Education Data Initiative, for instance, the cost per credit hour is often much lower for online courses than in-person ones [ 2 ]. 

Read more: How to Pay for Graduate School: 8 Ways

8. You can choose between self-paced and accelerated options.

Thanks to the pace you can often set with your online coursework and the growing spate of accelerated degree programs, it may be possible to complete an online education faster because you can move through courses more rapidly, as opposed to waiting for a new lesson each week. 

Learn how else you can speed up the process of earning your bachelor’s degree . 

9. You can engage with a global peer network. 

Diversity yields greater perspectives and insights. Thanks to the global availability of online learning, you may find yourself enrolled alongside students from around the world, which may in turn foster broader, more diverse opinions and learning. Moreover, depending on your program, you may have the opportunity to engage with your classmates as much as you want. Use the resources available in your program to connect with other students or maybe even start a virtual club to help stay in touch or keep each other on track.  

10. You may strengthen important transferable skills.

You can not only bolster your subject knowledge when you learn online, but you can also hone transferable skills , like communication , critical thinking , adaptability , and more. Specifically, learning online often requires greater time management and self-discipline because you are responsible for logging in to complete your lesson rather than following an in-person class schedule that dictates where and when to be. When you learn online, you also sharpen your ability to work independently, or without supervision, which is a valued skill among employers. 

Explore online learning

There’s never been a better time to learn online than now. Explore an array of educational options on Coursera, including bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees from leading universities around the world. If you’re looking to gain career-ready skills, check out a Professional Certificate in computer science or IT , data science , business , or marketing .   

Alternately, check out a number of free courses , like the popular The Science of Well-Being from Yale University, which examines the nature of happiness, or something more career-focused like Introduction to User Experience Design from Georgia Tech.

Coursera Plus

Build job-ready skills with a Coursera Plus subscription

  • Get access to 7,000+ learning programs from world-class universities and companies, including Google, Yale, Salesforce, and more
  • Try different courses and find your best fit at no additional cost
  • Earn certificates for learning programs you complete
  • A subscription price of $59/month, cancel anytime

Article sources

College Board. “ Trends in College Pricing and Student Aid 2021 ,  https://research.collegeboard.org/pdf/trends-college-pricing-student-aid-2021.pdf." Accessed December 21, 2023.

Education Data Initiative. “ Cost of Online Education vs. Traditional Education: Comparison , https://educationdata.org/cost-of-online-education-vs-traditional-education." Accessed December 21, 2023.

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This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

Education Corner

Distance Learning: The Ultimate Guide to Online Learning

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“Earn a college degree in your pajamas!” “Get your bachelor’s without leaving the house!” “Study wherever and however you want!”

Higher ed has been marketing online courses and degree programs like this for years now. Online programs are more flexible than the traditional residential university experience. But catchphrases like these cause students to think online study is easy and convenient, too. While the flexibility is real, know that college isn’t supposed to be easy, and it’s rarely convenient.

It’s important to begin the process of choosing a program with your eyes wide open. Don’t believe the marketing spin that this is going to be a cakewalk. Earning a degree is going to take serious effort and long-term commitment.

It’s also important to understand that not all programs are created equal. In fact, no two programs are exactly the same. There are wide variances in quality, format, cost, success rates, and more.

What is Distance Learning?

Distance learning is an educational process where students receive instruction through online classes, video recordings, video conferencing, or any other audio/visual technology medium. It enables people to receive education without having to be physically present in a classroom.

Properly designed distance learning programs can be a very convenient and effective way to acquire more education. This may seem difficult without students and teachers interacting in a classroom, but people enrolled in distance learning programs can learn just as much away from a classroom as in one.

Distance learning and education are interchangeable terms. Distance learning is not a recent phenomenon. The origins of distance learning can be traced back to the advent of the modern postal system and the mass production of printed publications, which made it possible to spread information rapidly throughout the world.

Why Distance Learning?

Distance learning has made education more accessible to larger groups of people. It is a convenient way to obtain work experience while completing college or other vocational training. Many organizations, such as the military, large corporations, and government agencies rely on distance education to train service members and employees. Education has also changed as communication technology has revolutionized society.

In most cases, education or specialized training is a requirement for most high paid jobs. The availability of the Internet has increased the number of online courses. These courses are offered at online colleges, such as Argosy University, University of Phoenix, Capella University, and Kaplan University.

Who Uses Distance Learning?

More students today are taking advantage of distance learning programs. Working professionals, high school students, and even traditional college students enroll in distance learning classes. Companies and other organizations frequently utilize distance learning programs to train employees. The following are some of the reasons people enroll in distance learning programs:

  • Students living in rural areas or those unable to attend traditional classes utilize distance learning
  • Students from all over the world can enroll in online courses offered at specific colleges
  • Companies utilize distance learning programs to train employees, especially those working in distance regions

Distance learning is very flexible.

Although distance learning can fit into anyone’s schedule, students must take the initiative to study and complete their course work. Distance learning programs are not easy or automatic, so lazy students will probably not successfully complete courses they enroll in. However, even students that are busy or have numerous responsibilities should find the time to study because of the flexibility of these programs.

What technology is used for online distance learning?

Many different types of technology are utilized to enhance online learning. Special computer programs, high speed Internet, and webcam broadcasting technology are just a few of the modern technologies utilized in distance learning. As a result, learning opportunities that never existed for people living in distance or rural areas can obtain a college education or specialized job training. It’s not uncommon for a student living in a rural region of South Dakota to complete a course offered by a college in California.

Students often interact with teachers using video conferencing, satellite, and Internet technology. They can also communicate with other students enrolled in the same course using modern telecommunications technology.

Since students can complete courses wherever the Internet is accessible, many often take time during a work break or while staying in a hotel during a business trip to complete their school work. The flexibility of distance learning is one of the main appeals of these programs.

What is the experience like for online distance learners?

Since distance learning is slowly becoming a popular way to complete college or job training, many people still have reservations about it. The details provided below will give those considering distance learning an idea of what it’s like:

  • Students usually interact with classmates and teachers in chat rooms and other instant messaging services. This makes it possible to ask questions and share comments without sitting in a classroom. Teacher lectures are frequently broadcast online, and many students and teachers stay in touch via conference calling technology.
  • Group work is completed in chat rooms and special rooms on websites. Students also use e-mail, instant messaging, and web broadcasting technology to discuss project ideas with classmates.
  • Course assignments completed by students are completed on a website or submitted as email attachments. Students are usually not permitted to submit work completed on websites after due dates.
  • Most reference materials, such as documents and books, are accessible online for students. As a result, students usually do not have to visit libraries to complete traditional research. Many of the books students need are scanned and placed online.
  • Questions for instructors can be asked over the phone, through an e-mail, or in a chat room. Instant messaging technology is becoming a very popular way for students and teachers to interact.

Working professionals, stay at home moms, and other people unable to attend college on a campus are utilizing distance learning programs to acquire more education or job training.

Choosing a Distance Learning School

Distance learning has existed for centuries through traditional mail and other creative means, but online education is still a relatively new field. Even though the technology is different, the educational mission and academic standards are the same as in traditional education: providing a quality education. Many online schools do exactly that, while others are merely degree mills or outright frauds. And of course, there’s plenty of variety in the middle.

As you search for online schools, it’s important to know what you’re looking for, and what to look out for. Below are some parameters to help you choose the best online school for you.


Accreditation is the first and most important aspect of any school. Make sure a proper association-preferably a regional association-has accredited the school you’re investigating. This will ensure that it is meeting academic requirements and that other institutions will accept the credits you earn. Attending a school that isn’t properly accredited will not only cause you headaches in college, but with future employers as well.

You also want to check that the accrediting agency is legit. Some of them don’t review schools very thoroughly and some will approve almost anyone for a fee. Your best bet is to verify that the accrediting association is endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education.

Quality of Faculty

By its nature, distance education is more independent than attending a physical classroom with other students, but having good teachers is still vital. Go online and research the faculty of any school you’re looking at. How much education and experience do the teachers have?

Just because a school delivers classes online doesn’t mean the teachers should be any less qualified. Most community college teachers have at least a Masters degree in their field. University professors typically have PhD’s. Any good online school should have comparable faculty.

Degree Programs

As with any school, you need to research the academic programs at an online school and make sure they line up with your goals for higher education. These days, there are many options to choose from in distance education, so shop around and compare specific programs at different schools.

Does this school offer Associates degrees or professional certification? If so, are they recognized by other institutions of higher education? This is vital, especially if you plan on continuing on to a four-year university.

Look at the specific courses that are required for a degree. Do they look interesting, challenging, or make sense with the field of study? Are these classes that you would be attracted to? How do they compare to the course requirements at other online schools?

Understand the Requirements and Schedule

It is also wise to understand the academic requirements and the class schedule before you commit to an online program. In distance education, these factors can vary widely from program to program. Some courses allow you to work at your own pace while others have deadlines, a schedule of live virtual classes, or in-person testing administered by the instructor or a proctor.

Ask yourself a few questions about you as a student. Are you good at self-motivation and staying on task, or do you need structure and/or deadlines? Are you an auditory learner, meaning you can remember details better if you hear them, or a visual learner who can easily read and absorb information? Some online courses are filled with live or recorded video lectures, podcasts and multimedia lessons, while others rely mainly on written text.

Some online programs are hybrid and require some physical attendance, either for lectures or exams. Understand the schedule so you can be certain you can meet these requirements. Also make sure the school is not too far away from where you live.

How much is tuition and are there any hidden fees or extra costs? Distance education is a dynamic and competitive market, and cost and quality don’t always match up. If you’ve begun your search with one school in particular, expand it by looking at other schools with comparable tuition. Compare the quality and variety of degrees, experience of the teachers and feedback from former and current students.

Online college should typically cost a little less than attending a traditional college or university. If you’re looking at a particular online school, do a cost comparison with other colleges in your area.

Student Enrollment, Class Size and Office Hours

How many students does this school enroll? In general, more is better. If an established school isn’t attracting that many students, it’s probably not a good sign. The same goes for how long the school has been in business. The longer, the better. You still want to investigate the quality of their programs and faculty, but experience is usually a good sign.

Look beyond the enrollment numbers. What is the graduation rate? You want to attend a school that has a good record of students’ academic success. What is the student/teacher ratio and average class size? The class is online, but to succeed you will still need some individual attention from the instructor.

That should extend beyond the classroom. It’s often overlooked in online education, but students still require extra interaction with instructors, as well as access to tutoring and mentorship opportunities . Many long-distance teachers will keep online “office hours,” allowing students the same access to instructors as in traditional classes.

If possible, talk to some current or former students to get an idea of the availability of these important aspects of school.

Hardware, Software and Textbooks

Most online schools have basic requirements when it comes to computers. You won’t need a supercomputer, just something that is relatively up-to-date and able to handle word processing and typical online activity. In the case of some specialized courses, you’ll need expensive hardware, but not for most classes.

Software will usually be provided free of charge. In some cases you will need to buy software for the class, which can vary widely in price. The same goes for textbooks. Make sure you know the cost estimate for software and textbooks. They can add up fast.

Remember, distance education has a different delivery method than traditional education, but the goal remains the same. So do the academic standards. Use the same criteria you would for a physical college, just in a different context. If an online school is right for you, it should stand up to the test.

Choosing a Distance Learning Program

Since more students are enrolling in distance learning programs, those considering enrolling in one should be cautious when selecting a program. Not all programs offer high quality education. Many institutions are cashing in on this demand for distance learning by offering programs that are sub-par or non-accredited. Therefore, those looking for a distance learning program should conduct thorough research before selecting one.

Formats Vary Widely…and So Do Costs

For starters, we’re using the term “online course” to mean a college course offered for credit that can be taken completely online. But within that narrow definition exist many different types of courses. Some are little more than correspondence courses: pre-recorded videos with minimal personal involvement from the professor. Some (like Ohio State’s online bachelors program) are videos recorded live and archived for later viewing. Others go far beyond video, offering richly interactive learning materials and robust professor interactions.

Costs also vary considerably. Many of the high-quality online programs are offered through traditional universities, where the online courses are just as expensive as their on-campus counterparts. Devon Haynie at US News found that most online courses from traditional 4-year programs cost $300-400 per credit hour, plus additional fees. She signed up for a personal finance course that cost $1300 total. There were discounts to be had for in-state tuition, and she found a community college option for $515.

Of course, a quick Google search reveals many low- and no-cost options. But beware: many of these are from unaccredited schools or can’t be taken for college credit. As a rule of thumb, if something is worth $1300 from a well-known school, you should view with suspicion the $25 version from a school you’ve never heard of.

Bottom line: expect to pay a decent amount for decent quality online education, and understand that courses will vary in format and quality.

Know What You’re Paying For

Along the same lines, it’s important to know what you’re paying for before you buy. If you’re enrolling in an entirely online program, this comes into play before you enroll. Do your research. US News offers an independent ranking of entirely online programs, with in-depth reviews of the top programs.

If on the other hand you’re enrolling in a few courses here and there (perhaps to finish out a degree you’ve already started), you need to do your research for each course. Say you paid $1000 for a robust, high-quality course and were happy with your investment. Will you be happy to drop another $1000 on a lesser quality course? Make sure you know what you’re getting before you buy.

Know What’s Expected of You

Online courses are marketed to busy professionals and adults trying to complete degrees. Marketers emphasize the freedom and convenience, but these courses are still a ton of work. Before you enroll in and pay for a course, find out what kind of time commitment you’re making. Many college courses, online or not, require 15 hours or more per week. Some have huge projects that spike the needed time drastically upward one or two weeks of the semester.

Bottom line: take the time to find out what will be expected of you, then evaluate whether you are able to give that kind of time—before you buy.

Have a Plan

If your ultimate goal is a degree, then taking an online class here or there because the content sounds interesting or useful isn’t a real plan. Instead, you need to create a plan that leads to your goal.

You may be part-way through a residential degree program, looking to fill some course gaps. You may be working on getting an academic head start by knocking out some early courses online before heading to a residential program. Or you may be looking for a degree that can be earned entirely online. Whatever your approach, be sure to formulate a plan that leads to a degree before enrolling in an online course.

The good news is you shouldn’t need to go it alone. You should have access to a faculty advisor or coach who can help you craft this plan. If your prospective online college can’t offer you this kind of guidance, consider that a red flag.

Understand Some Potential Downsides

Online programs can leave students feeling a bit isolated. Face-to-face (two-way) video interaction with instructors is rare to nonexistent, and collaboration with classmates is often limited to chat and email. The collaboration and camaraderie residential students enjoy just isn’t there. Look for programs that work hard to overcome this, but understand that it’s an issue even in the best programs.

Online programs have a lower graduation rate than residential or blended (part residential, part online) programs, notes James Paterson at EducationDive. Experts disagree on the reasons why, but it may have to do with the greater level of self-motivation and direction that’s needed to succeed while feeling all on your own.

To offset these downsides, look for quality online programs with robust student services and student support. The old adage “you get what you pay for” is generally true here: the cheapest courses have the lowest levels of student support.

Know Your Way Around a Computer

You don’t have to be a technology expert to make online college work, but you do need to be conversant. Every school has its own learning management system, or LMS. You may need to troubleshoot why video isn’t playing (do you have the necessary software/codec/browser?). Courses will have their own platforms and systems and even sometimes specialized software. And of course, nothing works without a stable internet connection.

Bottom line: if the lingo in the previous paragraph scares you, you may need to brush up on your computer skills before diving into online education.

Realize That Convenient Doesn’t Mean Easy

Online classes and degree programs offer a measure of convenience that a traditional residential program can’t match. The ability to watch lectures from anywhere and on your own timetable is indispensable for some. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that an online program will be easier than an in-person one. Quality online programs are just as rigorous as their brick-and-mortar counterparts.

In fact, some students may find online programs more difficult than residential programs. The content is the same, but online programs lack some of the accountability and presence of traditional programs. In a traditional program, students have to show up at a set time 2 or 3 times a week. And when they do miss class, those students have to face the teacher’s disapproving gaze the next class period. It’s much easier to fall behind when you’re left to set your own schedule. And it’s easier to let things slide when you don’t feel the in-person pressure from the professor.

Ensure Your Credits Will Transfer Before Enrolling

If you have any college credit to your name already, be sure your existing college credit and your prospective online education will play nice. The goal is to graduate from one school or the other, but not every school accepts credits from every other school. And some schools may accept some credits but not others from another school. Whether you intend to earn your degree from the online or the traditional university, be certain that all your needed credits will transfer. Do this before enrolling online.

MOOCs Are No Substitute for Traditional Online Courses

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are trendy. You can learn from professors at elite universities, for free! And as a general enrichment tool, they are pretty cool. But make no mistake: MOOCs are no substitute for more conventional (and less free) online courses. They have a low completion rate and usually have little accountability or assessment. The vast majority of MOOCs don’t offer college credits, either. Class Central reports on a few ways to take MOOCs for credit, but the primary way of doing so turns the free course into a $649 course. With that kind of price tag, why not go the conventional route and benefit from interaction with your professor?

Bottom line: take these for fun or for general enrichment. But if you’re looking to earn a degree, these almost certainly aren’t the right choice for you.

Look for Accreditation

Schools offering online degree programs can be accredited just like traditional colleges and universities. Accreditation is a kind of seal of approval granted by an independent accrediting organization. These organizations evaluate a school’s quality and verify whether the school complies with education law.

Some employers and many graduate schools require an accredited degree for either hire or admission. Don’t shortchange yourself by spending time and effort to earn a degree from an unaccredited school. It’s not worth the risk.

Student Success

You want your diploma to be the key to future opportunities, not just a piece of paper. Other than accreditation, how can you better know what your degree can accomplish for you?

Start by looking at student success. Quality programs will advertise their student successes. They may advertise high boards passing percentages in a nursing program, above-average med school acceptance rates, or a percentage of prospective graduates hired before graduation. These statistics don’t guarantee you your dream job, of course, but they do suggest which programs and schools are high in quality.

Conversely, investigate graduation/completion rates and rate of student loan defaults. Low graduation rates and high default rates suggest a program is not serving its students well. According to a Chicago Tribune story by Maria Danilova, for-profit colleges are the worst offenders by both these metrics.

Graduation rates are easily obtainable, and the higher, the better. Remember, though, that online program graduation rates overall will be lower than residential programs. The rate of student loan defaults can be trickier to track down, as schools aren’t required to divulge this. But this is the internet: if a school gets a bad reputation in this area, it won’t be too hard to find out.

What Makes a Good Online Course?

Not all online classes are created equal. Unfortunately, there’s a whole heap of shoddily produced, bore-you-to-tears classes out there that, in the end, just don’t provide quality education. On the other hand, there are some truly inspired, engaging, and educational classes that really live up to the potential of distance learning. Here are a few key factors that make all the difference to the quality of online courses:

1. Proper Pacing

It’s a fine balance to strike, but the best online courses are the ones which are properly paced. Proper pacing means the student is neither bored nor overwhelmed; they have plenty of time–and notice–to complete large projects, but also are kept engaged by small assignments in the interim. These small assignments should never stack up and bury the student in stress and anxiety, nor should they be pointless, tedious busy work.

2. Multimedia Integration

The really exciting part of online classes is the fact that they can present content in ways that books and lectures can’t. Great online courses take advantage of this fact, and incorporate various multimedia elements into the presentation, such as videos, podcasts, interactive activities, and more. This is certainly more engaging than reading a long text document, and the information is much more likely to be retained. It’s not enough, however, to simply add in multimedia for multimedia’s sake. The content must be done well, and with a clear purpose. A forty-minute video of the professor mumbling into his webcam does not qualify as good use of multimedia.

3. Quality Content

When a course’s content is of high quality, you find yourself engaged and curious, and as a result you learn much more naturally. This is in stark contrast to those courses which only use dismal, bland textbooks and regurgitative, fill-in-the-blank quizzes. Low quality content feels like a chore, and the information is seldom retained. High quality content can be of any modality: videos, websites, audio presentations, etc. What’s important is this: does it lend itself to natural learning? Would an expert in the field recommend it to anyone curious about the subject, regardless of the online class? This is the sort of content used by the best online courses.

4. Self-Directed Learning

The best online classes recognize that their students are adults who have the ability to make up their own mind and take responsibility for their own education. When the course is too micromanaged, when the assignments are dictated to the smallest detail, students become frustrated or, at best, don’t make any meaningful discoveries on their own. Good online courses give students the freedom to design their own projects and explore the aspects of the subject which are most interesting to them.

5. Community Connection

One of the biggest risks that online courses face is a sense of student isolation. Great online courses combat this risk by encouraging online interaction between students and faculty. For example, a class may have an off-topic discussion board, where students can feel free to chat about anything that interests them–the playoffs, for example, or a tasty new recipe. Or a class may require students to work on a group project together via an online forum. This fosters a sense of community, and gives students the support needed to ask questions or seek guidance.

6. Multiple Learning Modalities

Everyone learns differently. Some students are very visually oriented; others need to hear information out loud to retain it. The best online courses integrate as many learning modalities as possible–visual, auditory, kinesthetic, musical, and so on–into the presentation. This way, students are able to study in the way that works best for them.

7. Intuitive Navigation

The layout of the course should be clear and easy to follow. Students should always know what to do next, and should always know how to access relevant information and resources. The best courses have been reviewed by third party organizations and are designed to be intuitive to navigate.

8. Reliable Technology

Many courses, in an attempt to be flashy or stylish, utilize a host of technologies in their presentation, often requiring students to download a dozen new plug-ins or sign up for outside services. The problem with this is that it doesn’t always work, and everyone wastes a boatload of time and energy troubleshooting. The best courses use only technologies which are as reliable and as universally supported as possible. This makes the online learning experience much more pleasant for everyone involved.

9. Room for Additional Exploration

Great online courses provide curious students with resources which provide additional information and a greater depth of detail. It’s another fine balance: having too many supplemental add-ons can be confusing or stressful, but it’s important to give students an opportunity to learn more if they wish to do so. The key is to clearly differentiate the core class requirements from the additional resources, so students know exactly what’s expected of them, and what options are available.

10. Creative Design

It’s a hard quality to define, but the best courses are designed to give students a varied and fresh learning experience week after week. All too often, online courses fall into a formula, and repeat that formula over and over for the entire duration of the class. This will be a very dull experience for the students, and the actual educational value of the course will suffer as well. The best courses are designed by people who put careful thought and focused effort towards creating a unique and engaging class experience, from start to finish.

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What you need to know about digital learning and transformation of education

Why does unesco consider digital innovation in education important.

Digital technology has become a social necessity to ensure education as a basic human right, especially in a world experiencing more frequent crises and conflicts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, countries without sufficient ICT infrastructure and well-resourced digital learning systems suffered the greatest education disruptions and learning losses. This situation left as many as one third of students around the world without access to learning during the school closures for more than a year. The COVID-19 education disruption clearly revealed the urgent need to ally technologies and human resources to transform schooling models and to build inclusive, open and resilient learning systems. UNESCO supports the use of digital innovation in expanding access to educational opportunities and advancing inclusion, enhancing the relevance and quality of learning, building ICT-enhanced lifelong learning pathways, strengthening education and learning management systems, and monitoring learning processes. To achieve these goals, UNESCO works to develop digital literacy and digital competencies with a focus on teachers and students.

What is UNESCO’s approach to this work?

UNESCO takes a humanistic approach to ensure that technology will be designed to serve people in accordance with internationally agreed human rights frameworks, and that digital technologies will be leveraged as a common good to support the achievement of SDG 4 – Education 2030 and to build shared futures of education beyond 2030. UNESCO promotes digital inclusion to centre most marginalized groups including females, low-income groups, people with disabilities as well as linguistic and cultural minority communities. UNESCO guides international efforts to help countries understand the role that technology can play to accelerate progress toward the education goal, Sustainable Development Goal 4 , as envisioned in the 2015 Qingdao Declaration and the 2017 Qingdao Statement , 2019 Recommendation on Open Educational Resources , 2019 Beijing Consensus on AI and Education , and 2021 UNESCO Strategy on Technological Innovation in Education (2022 - 2025). UNESCO supports its Member States to design, integrate and implement effective national policies and masterplans on digital learning making sure activities on the ground answer the needs of each country and community with a special focus on disadvantaged populations.

The Organization strengthens its observatory function of emergent technological transformations and their implications for education through producing and disseminating knowledge and recognized frameworks, such as Guidelines for ICT in Education Policies and Masterplans , Artificial Intelligence and Education: Guidance for Policy-makers , Guidelines on the Development of Open Educational Resource Policies , the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) , K-12 AI curricula: A mapping of government-endorsed AI curricula , and the UNESCO Guidance for teachers on distance learning . It also promote grass-rooted best practices through the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the use of ICT in Education , best practices on OER , best practices in mobile learning and on AI and education . Finally, UNESCO organizes international conferences including Mobile Learning Week and the International Forum on AI and education .

What are Open Educational Resources?

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are teaching, learning or research materials that are freely accessible to everyone. UNESCO supports their development and use, and undertakes work to develop indicators to monitor and evaluate their use and impact, facilitating the creation of national OER policies. UNESCO developed and adopted international consensuses and instruments including The Paris OER Declaration 2012 and UNESCO Recommendation on OER , as well as provides guidelines on the development of OER policies , and provides technical support for Member States to develop strategies on adopting OER . The Organization also cooperates with partners on providing openly available and high-quality reading resources to children in the language they speak at home through the Global Digital Library and Translate a Story campaign .

What is the role of Artificial Intelligence in education and how does UNESCO support it?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to address many big challenges in education as well as bringing innovation to teaching and learning practices. At the same time, the application of these technologies must be guided by the principles of inclusion and equity. UNESCO supports Member States to harness the potential of AI to achieve the Education 2030 Agenda while using a human-centred approach. It focuses on AI’s role addressing inequalities regarding access to knowledge, research and diversity of cultural expressions to ensure it does not widen technological divides within and between countries. In line with the 2019 Beijing Consensus on Artificial Intelligence and Education and the 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education, UNESCO has developed Artificial Intelligence and Education: Guidance for Policy-makers for practitioners and professionals in policy-making and education communities currently available in the six UN languages.

How does UNESCO work to ensure women and girls are better represented in digital disciplines?

Gender inequalities in access to new technologies impacts the competencies and future professional development of women and girls in digital disciplines, which also leads to gender bias in the development of AI and technological tools. Indeed, women and girls are underrepresented in ICT disciplines, in the ICT sector, and in AI development with 80 per cent of software development created by male-only teams. UNESCO leverages partnerships such as the UNESCO-Huawei Technology Enabled Open Schools for All project to help expose girls to technology early on at the school level, train them for the technological sector and support their studies in AI and new technologies.

Why is technology so important in times of crises like COVID-19?

UNESCO has been working to mitigate the impact of education disruption and school closures. Effective distance learning solutions have allowed teachers and policy-makers to continue with the national lesson plans using the digital and technological resources at hand. In this regard, UNESCO has developed several tools which offer best practices, innovative ideas and recommendations with  Guidance on distance learning and Distance learning solutions .

Beyond the response to the current crisis, the efforts to deploy distance learning at scale across all levels of education provides valuable lessons and may lay the foundation for longer-term goals of building more open, inclusive and flexible education systems after the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided.

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Tips for Online Students , Tips for Students

What is Distance Learning? The Benefits of Studying Remotely

Updated: January 22, 2024

Published: March 18, 2020


What is distance learning? The distance learning definition may seem confusing at first, but it’s quite simple, and it may even be the right kind of education for you. Let’s learn more about distance education, how it’s different from online learning, and if it’s the ideal fit for you.

What Is Distance Learning?

Merriam Webster defines distance learning as, “a method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, e-mail, mail, etc., to have classes.”

Simply put, distance learning is when students are separated from teachers and peers. This means that students learn remotely and do not have face-to-face learning with instructors or other students.

Woman using laptop to study online

Photo by  Bonnie Kittle  on  Unsplash

What’s the difference between online learning and distance learning, 1. location.

Online learning can include the use of online tools and platforms while still being in a regular classroom setting. Distance learning, however, is remote and does not include any face-to-face interaction between student and teacher.

2. Interaction

Online learning, as seen above, can include interaction with teachers and peers, whereas distance learning does not have in-person interactions.

3. Intention

Online learning can be used as a supplement for teachers in their courses, while distance learning replaces teachers with instruction that is pre-set on the learning platform.

What Is Online Learning?

Online learning is when teachers or students use educational tools which are accessible on the internet.

This means that students can also use online tools while they are physically in a classroom with their teacher and peers. Online learning can be used anywhere and anytime, so teachers may have students using them as tools in class or for preparation and assignments at home.

Online learning tools are often used to create blended learning environments in the classroom. This helps keep students engaged in the class and in the material.

Online learning also helps teachers save preparation time before class. With the help of online educational tools, teachers can spend more time grading papers, giving one-on-one attention to students, and maybe even getting some free time for themselves in their busy work schedule.

UoPeople students using online learning tools for class

Photo by  John Schnobrich  on  Unsplash

What is distance education.

Distance learning does not include any in-person interaction with an instructor or study peers. Students study at home on their own, and the learning is more individual and varies on speed and timeline according to each individual student and their availability.

Distance learning actually relies on the educational tools of online learning, and that is probably why there is some confusion between the two. It is possible to study with online distance learning as well. In that sense, distance learning is a subset of online learning.

Because distance education is remote, it can connect students to universities worldwide, making it more accessible for students in different countries. It is also known to be more affordable, which is another factor that helps make education more accessible to many students around the world and in different socio-economic levels.Students from diverse backgrounds can unite in their pursuit of learning, armed with a wealth of available educational information from the Studocu online resource that will improve their academic path.

Student learning online

Photo by  Bench Accounting  on  Unsplash

The benefits of distance learning.

As mentioned above, students can study from universities around the world, even if they are not able to travel to their preferred program. This allows top universities to be available to students who would not otherwise be able to attend due to distance, finances, or other circumstances.

Distance learning is extremely important for those who cannot attend programs due to health complications, severe social anxiety, busy work schedules or parenting demands, or any other situations which make it necessary to be confined to the home.

Online programs, such as University of the People , cater to students who prefer or need distance education. UoPeople is a tuition-free nonprofit institution, making it an affordable and sustainable option for students worldwide. In addition to being affordable, University of the People employs academic leadership from renowned universities around the world, allowing equal opportunity for students to access quality education.

UoPeople provides distance education for students who may have physical or health restrictions, those who live in remote areas, or those who cannot otherwise attend school due to late work hours or raising a family. This provides an equal opportunity for people to access higher education despite restrictions or location.

Types Of Distance Learning

1. online courses.

Online courses are usually offered as additional classes in traditional degrees. As long as students have computer and internet access, they can learn and receive instruction at home.

2. Hybrid courses

Hybrid courses combine traditional classroom settings with online learning at home. This can mean that students learn individually at home and meet up for in-person instructions or lectures at certain intervals during the course. The amount of at-home learning and in-class learning varies for each hybrid course.

3. Conference classes

Conferencing allows students and teachers to meet up for class in real time, whether in a group or one-on-one with an instructor. Using the phone or video chatting, such as Skype, students and teachers can engage in live lessons despite distance.

4. Correspondence courses

Correspondence courses consist of students engaging in class material via mail or email. Students receive material and assignments through mail, and they send completed assignments back through the same method.

What Works Best For You?

Now that you have a rundown of the distance learning definition, and the different kinds that are available, you can decide whether it’s a right fit for you and your life. Many students find distance learning to be a fulfilling and practical way to receive quality education, without needing to attend a traditional university.

Whether you’re looking for a program that will allow you to work or raise a family, or whether you might have a condition that keeps you at home most of the time, distance learning can be a great way to learn valuable knowledge and tools for your future.

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Today’s learning environments take full advantage of new technology to make lessons more interactive and engaging. As a result, educators are seeing the benefits of distance learning and finding ways to include those opportunities in their curriculum. 

What are the pros of distance learning? Though the shift to remote learning might’ve been jarring at first, let’s look at how this new learning opportunity can benefit students, educators, and parents alike.

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6 Advantages of Distance Learning for Students

No more forgotten homework.

With coursework and school resources digitized, students have instant access everything they need. Now, keeping track of assignments, tests, and projects as simple as checking your phone. Not only does this mean that students don’t have to lug heavy backpacks around quite as much, but it also means students can stay organized. As a bonus, they’ll be able to learn how to navigate these resources on their own.

Reduced Social Anxiety

Education is not ‘one size fits all’. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America , approximately 15 million Americans suffer from a social anxiety disorder, or SAD. Many of these cases start around the time a child is 13. For students who experience social anxiety, traditional school can pose a number of problems. From the school bus to the classroom to the cafeteria, students may be overwhelmed by the various social situations and dynamics packed into a single school day. With online school or virtual classes, students may be able to feel more confident in their interactions and perform better in their studies.

Flexible Scheduling Opportunities

For many students, school is only one half of the story. Trying to schedule work shifts with school (and homework) can be overwhelming for students. Luckily, distance learning offers more flexibility with scheduling than traditional classes. Students may have an easier time balancing both work and school with virtual classes. While education is important, every family and student’s financial situation is different, and distance learning helps to accommodate that reality.

Stay Healthy and Keep Others Safe

The COVID-19 pandemic taught us the importance of wearing masks and maintaining social distance as a way of protecting each other. With distance learning, children can stay home when sick without missing out on too many lessons. Not only is this a more comfortable way to learn when they’re under the weather, but it also shows the teacher that you value the well-being of the entire class.

Accessibility for Everyone

Though the world continues to make strides, there are unfortunately still places that aren’t accessible to everyone. Adding remote learning to your education system opens up new doors for students who can’t always make it to a physical classroom. Allowing students to learn where they are comfortable also reduces missed lessons and contributes to better learning.

Related: How to Build the Foundation of an Accessible Online Course

Self-Paced Learning

Offering students the chance to learn at their own pace comes with many advantages. Students can feel more engaged in the material without the additional pressure from classmates—whether they’re worried about being a ‘know-it-all’ or if they’re concerned they’re falling behind. Because remote learning is often more self-paced, students can review the material as often as needed and advance past already known subjects.

5 Benefits of Distance Learning for Parents and Educators

No more commute.

Distance learning and remote education have one big thing in common — there’s no commute. That means you save on gas money and time. You also don’t have to constantly worry about when the school bus is arriving. Enjoy the extra time in your day!

Works With Atypical Work Schedules

If you have an opposing work schedule from your child’s school schedule, this arrangement frees both of you up a little more. With more flexibility and less commuting, your schedules can work better together. Sometimes, it’s a nice break to have a different daytime structure.

Parents Can Get to Know Their Child’s Classmates

If your child has a very wide friend group, you might not have been able to meet them all just yet. But if you get to casually sit in on a digital study session, you’ll be more aware of what’s going on in your child’s social life.

Parents Can See What Their Child is Learning

Some children can be very chatty about their school day. Others, not so much. By being able to listen in on particular lectures, parents can turn the information learned into meaningful conversations, furthering their child’s learning experience. It’s important for parents to show interest in their child’s education. With distance learning, that’s easier than ever.

Reduced Overall Cost of School

Especially in America, students have more overall costs to their education—things like housing, meals, and transportation—and that’s in addition to tuition fees . Just living on campus for a single year can add $10,000-$20,000 onto their bill. 

Allowing students to learn from remote locations (by working with tools such as smart whiteboard technology) can save them quite a bit of money. With school costs down, students can maximize their learning experience by spending more time studying and less time fretting over financials.

Related: Best Practices for Distance Learning

4 Ways Distance Learning Positively Effects Life Skills

Make the most out of digital whiteboards.

Having a smart whiteboard can be extremely beneficial, especially when it comes to sharing documents and conversing with the class over Zoom . Being able to see the rest of the class on such a wide screen can keep students more focused and alert for the lesson itself. Smart whiteboards also encourage collaborative learning. Students can work on the same digital canvas simultaneously with other students to bring the best of in-person learning to the virtual class environment.

Prepare Students to Work From Home in the Future

While there are a lot of benefits to distance learning, working remotely has even more benefits. For one, adults can work on home projects while also staying connected to their team in the office. Many have found that a work-life balance is far more achievable with remote work. And here’s the thing: remote work is here to stay. When your child grows up, they may also end up working from home. Having them practice the art of staying motivated and productive at a young age is great practice for the future.

Distance Learning Teaches Time Management

While some students may find distance learning difficult, it gives them the chance to develop time management skills . These essential skills will help maintain a work-life balance and offer students an opportunity to complete projects before deadlines. Teaching students how to better manage their spare time can be challenging, but also worthwhile. 

Related: Get the Most Out of Your Learning Management System

Broader Networking Opportunities

While they may miss out on the chance to network locally with peers, students often gain a more significant network when they switch over to remote learning. Suddenly, the entire world is at their fingertips. This kind of opportunity can open many doors for both high school and college students. For example, let’s say your child wants to learn a new style of culinary cooking. Before distance learning, their options would be limited to local teachers and classes. Now, they can learn from masters all around the world in virtual classes.

Disadvantages of Distance Learning

Although there are many different advantages to distance education, there can be some places where students struggle. Being aware of these pitfalls can help them prepare to make the most of distance learning in a digital era.

Some disadvantages of remote learning include the following:

Strong Self-Motivation is Required

Because students are in control of setting aside time to learn and complete assignments, they must be able to focus. Learning on their own requires a sense of responsibility, self-control, and the willpower to work on things even when the subject matter is challenging or motivation is lacking. Not everyone can do this by themselves. Consider pairing your student up with an accountability partner from their class.

May Hinder Student’s Communication Skill Development

Because most of the learning is done digitally, a virtual classroom may result in little human interaction with others. This can make it difficult for younger students or those who struggle with communication to further develop those skills. There’s also the learning curve of having to communicate via a device. Zoom fatigue is a very real thing, and virtual communicating requires a different skill set than in-person.

Lack of Practical Experience

While you can learn many things through videos, some skills require physical exercises to learn properly. Even simulators cannot replace live practice. For example, a vet tech can learn a lot through online courses, but hands-on experience is important for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

The Problem of User Identification

Currently, the most effective way to evaluate students is through tests. While most credits are given through honesty, the only way to verify the absorbed knowledge is with virtual proctors or additional surveillance during test periods. That’s not always possible, so many schools still rely on in-person exams.

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The Future of Distance Learning

Schools that switched to mostly digital learning in the past year might not be ready to return to in-person lessons quite yet. In some cases, schools are planning to offer a hybrid learning curriculum. That’s because students, educators, and parents alike have all noted the benefits of distance learning that make it an incredibly viable long-term option. 

This new age of learning has opened new doors for people to learn in a new way. Distance learning connects students to the right teachers and allows for a more broad scope of subjects. As technology expands and distance learning continues to be relevant, education technology will only improve.

Learn how to make Vibe an integral part of your distance and hybrid learning classroom by registering for one of our upcoming webinars , or check out our Teacher and Educator FAQs .

[ Editor’s note: this post was originally published July 3, 2021, and was updated Feb 7, 2023. ]

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The Evolution of Distance Education in 2020

Kid in blue shirt sitting at computer watching teacher

COVID-19 has upended many areas of our lives, not the least of which is education. Due to the pandemic and worldwide shutdown, transitioning to distance education at lightning speed became a necessity. More than 1.5 billion students, or 91.3% of global enrollments, were directly affected by school closures at the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in early April. 1 With so many students suddenly out of classrooms, school administrators, teachers, and parents scrambled to meet students’ educational needs with online learning. 2 It is no longer a question of when we will migrate from in-person classrooms to distance education. It's now a question of how well we can quickly transition when the need arises.

The U.S. is particularly well-positioned to take advantage of the various e-learning options that are available. 3 High-speed internet can be found in most U.S. regions, with the average internet speed more than twice that of the rest of the world. 4 However, even in the U.S., access to distance learning is not uniform. Students of color, especially those in households with low incomes, are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to education and technology, and this was true before the pandemic. 5

This has sparked a discussion among education professionals about the state and accessibility of distance education, the impact of COVID-19 on remote learning, and the role that educators and administrators play in providing students with an effective online educational experience.

Distance Education Before COVID-19

Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, distance education was experiencing modest yet steady growth. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 34.7% of college students were enrolled in at least one online course in 2018, compared to 33.1% in 2017. That was less than the 2% increase from 2016 to 2017, but it was still an upward trend. 7

On the technology side, global educational technology (EdTech) investments reached nearly $18.7 billion in 2019. 8 EdTech is vital for distance education for a number of reasons. It helps to deliver personalized education so that students can learn at their own pace and skill level. It democratizes access to education around the world, eliminating barriers to learning and reducing costs. Sophisticated EdTech software can attract students and keep them engaged. Digital educational resources create a continuous learning experience outside of the classroom and data analytics enable adaptive learning where data is fed back into the system to influence learning programs and fill knowledge gaps. Maintaining a high level of innovation improves the efficiency of our educational system. 9

The global online education market is projected to reach $350 billion by 2025. 10 Behind these strong numbers, however, is the human story of blending new technologies and learning methods to improve online education. How seamless is the transition between in-person classrooms and online education? Prior to the pandemic, a survey of online learning administrators indicated that 70% allowed students to take a virtual class without any type of online orientation. 11 And although many of the teachers were trained prior to conducting online classes, nearly one-third lacked any kind of teaching, learning, and technology (TLT) center for support. 12

As the numbers suggest, most higher education institutions were unprepared to switch to virtual instruction when COVID-19 shut down their campuses. As a result, many colleges opted for low-tech solutions, such as Zoom video conferencing and other third-party communication tools, to finish the term. This pieced-together approach may have given students and faculty the impression that distance education is chaotic and difficult. With thoughtfully designed, integrated platforms and comprehensive training, however, that doesn’t have to be the case. 12

The COVID-19 Transformation of Distance Learning

Technology takes center stage.

In the spring of 2020, the Education Week Research Center surveyed K-12 educators nationwide, asking how the coronavirus school closures have influenced the role and use of technology in K-12 education. More than eight in 10 teachers believed that their ability to use the technology improved, and that this made them better, more innovative educators. They reported becoming more tech-savvy in using EdTech, and some planned to continue using the new tools when their buildings reopened. Most were doing at least some instruction online and half were exclusively online. 15

The survey also highlighted the disparity between students in higher-income and lower-income households. The number of fully online classes was significantly higher (68%) in districts with fewer low-income students, and lower (36%) in schools with more low-income students. Providing computers to disadvantaged students was only a temporary solution to the larger problem of limited access to computers and high-speed internet services. 16

The pandemic may well accelerate growth in EdTech development and the entire online learning industry. At the same time, the sudden mainstream popularity of distance learning, borne of necessity, has uncovered large systemic problems, such as the growing digital divide and lack of resources for some students. 15

Educators will play a key role in the immediate future, not just in helping students adjust to the technological demands of distance learning, but in acting as advocates for expanding online learning opportunities to reach more students.

The Digital Divide and Students’ Educational Needs

In the United States, the digital divide uncovers existing racial disparities and socioeconomic inequalities. Prior to the pandemic, 15 percent of school-age children lived in homes that didn’t have high-speed internet access. This percentage was significantly higher for Black and Hispanic households (25 percent and 23 percent, respectively) and was especially true for families with low incomes. 6 This digital divide is often known as the “homework gap,” because the lack of internet at home makes it extremely difficult to complete homework assignments. 6 Lack of high-speed internet access is also a serious problem for those who live in rural communities. 16

Libraries, schools, and businesses have tried to step up to provide internet access to disadvantaged students and others who are at risk of falling through the cracks during the coronavirus emergency. 17 Since April, state legislatures across the U.S. have introduced more than 40 bills to expand broadband access. 18 California legislators announced a state Department of Education task force to organize donations from corporations and individuals to help supply students with the necessary equipment and service to facilitate distance learning. 19

In Maine, lawmakers passed a bill that sets aside $15 million to expand the state's broadband internet service, to help make online access accessible and affordable, while providing the necessary equipment to residents who need it. 20 In Detroit, where only 15% of households in public school districts have internet access, the director of digital inclusion handles offers from private-sector companies that want to donate resources. 20

Local action has led to a push at the federal level. Back in January, before the pandemic took hold, the U.S. House of Representatives held the first-ever hearing about digital equity, called “Empowering and Connecting Communities through Digital Equity and Internet Adoption.” They proposed the idea of treating broadband internet as a public utility. 20 More recently, the National Education Association (NEA) has been pushing Congress to address the digital divide in its next COVID-19 legislative package. The Emergency Education Connections Act (H.R. 6563) 21 would earmark $2 billion for a special fund that would help get students equipped to learn online during the COVID-19 pandemic. 22

In addition to supporting students in the classroom, today’s education leaders must be advocates, fighting to bridge the gap between the digital “haves” and “have nots” so that all students, from kindergarten through college, have equal access to education that can further their career prospects and improve their lives.

Distance Education and Navigating Future Global Issues

The threat of future pandemics and economic disturbances highlights the need for robust distance education, both to prepare for the next global health emergency and to bridge the longstanding socioeconomic educational gap. Education professionals will play a key role in advocating for improved access to online learning.

Opportunity for Major Advances in Distance Education

Be a strong part of education’s advancement..

  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from nbcnews.com/news/education/coronavirus-closes-schools-teachers-families-brace-massive-experiment-online-education-n1160966
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from educationusa.state.gov/your-5-steps-us-study/research-your-options/online-learning
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from ncta.com/whats-new/average-us-internet-speeds-more-double-global-average
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/10/26/nearly-one-in-five-teens-cant-always-finish-their-homework-because-of-the-digital-divide/
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from britannica.com/topic/distance-learning
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from insidehighered.com/digital-learning/article/2019/12/11/more-students-study-online-rate-growth-slowed-2018
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/2019-global-edtech-investments-reach-a-staggering-18-66-billion-1028800669#
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from hottopics.ht/14731/what-is-edtech-and-why-is-it-important/
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/12/17/1961785/0/en/Online-Education-Market-Study-2019-World-Market-Projected-to-Reach-350-Billion-by-2025-Dominated-by-the-United-States-and-China.html
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from insidehighered.com/news/2020/03/25/survey-gauges-state-online-education-landscape-pre-coronavirus
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from cnn.com/2020/04/18/us/schools-closed-coronavirus/index.html
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from thecut.com/2020/07/will-schools-open-in-the-fall-reopening-statuses-explained.html
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from zdnet.com/article/online-learning-gets-its-moment-due-to-covid-19-pandemic-heres-how-education-will-change/
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from edweek.org/ew/articles/2020/06/03/how-covid-19-is-shaping-tech-use-what.html
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/09/10/about-a-quarter-of-rural-americans-say-access-to-high-speed-internet-is-a-major-problem/
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from consumerreports.org/technology-telecommunications/libraries-and-schools-bridging-the-digital-divide-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from governing.com/next/Legislative-Watch-COVID-19-and-the-Digital-Divide.html
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from /edsource.org/2020/california-moves-to-close-digital-divide-as-schools-shift-online/629281
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from govtech.com/network/Coronavirus-Sparks-New-Interest-in-Bridging-Digital-Divides.html
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6563
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from educationvotes.nea.org/2020/04/24/covid-19-exposes-homework-gap-and-digital-divide/
  • Retrieved August 31, 2020 from nytimes.com/2020/06/05/us/coronavirus-education-lost-learning.html

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Importance of Online Learning: Advantages, Impact, and Future

Article 05 Jun 2023 1850 0

Online Classes

Unveiling the Importance of Online Learning: Advantages, Impact, and Future

In today's rapidly evolving world, online learning has emerged as a powerful tool in the field of education. With the advancement of technology, the traditional classroom setting is no longer the only means of acquiring knowledge. Online learning, also known as e-learning or distance learning, has gained significant popularity due to its numerous advantages and benefits. This comprehensive analysis aims to shed light on the significance of online learning, its impact on education, and its future prospects. Whether you are a student, educator, parent, administrator, professional, or researcher, this article will provide valuable insights into the world of online learning.

Definition and Characteristics of Online Learning

Online learning refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and skills through digital platforms and the internet. It enables individuals to access educational resources, interact with instructors and peers, and complete coursework remotely. Some key characteristics of online learning include:

Flexibility: Online learning offers the flexibility to learn anytime and anywhere, allowing individuals to balance their education with other commitments such as work or family responsibilities.

Accessibility: Online learning breaks down barriers to education by providing access to quality educational resources and programs to individuals who may otherwise face geographical or physical limitations.

Personalized Learning: Online learning platforms often incorporate adaptive learning technologies that personalize the learning experience based on individual needs, preferences, and learning styles.

Self-Paced Learning: Online courses often allow learners to progress through the material at their own pace, providing the opportunity for a more customized learning experience.

Advantages and Benefits of Online Learning

Online learning offers a plethora of advantages and benefits that have contributed to its growing popularity. Let's explore some of these advantages in detail:

1. Flexibility: Online learning provides the flexibility to create a personalized learning schedule, allowing individuals to learn at their own convenience. Whether you're a working professional, a parent, or someone with other commitments, online learning allows you to pursue education without disrupting your daily routine.

Quote: "Online learning allowed me to balance my full-time job and pursue a degree in my spare time. It gave me the flexibility to learn on my own terms." - Sarah, an online learner.

2. Accessibility: One of the most significant advantages of online learning is its accessibility. It eliminates geographical barriers and allows individuals from different parts of the world to access quality education. Moreover, it provides opportunities for those with physical disabilities or limitations to pursue their educational aspirations.

Case Study: Maria, a student from a remote village, had limited access to educational resources. Through online learning, she gained access to high-quality courses and mentors, enabling her to pursue her dream of becoming a software engineer.

3. Personalized Learning: Online learning platforms often incorporate advanced technologies that personalize the learning experience. Adaptive learning algorithms analyze learners' progress and tailor the content and pace of instruction to meet their individual needs. This personalized approach enhances the effectiveness of learning and increases learner engagement.

Example: John, a high school student struggling with math, enrolled in an online learning program that offered personalized tutoring. The program adapted the lessons to John's learning style and provided additional practice exercises, resulting in a significant improvement in his math skills.

4. Self-Paced Learning: Unlike traditional classroom education, online learning allows individuals to learn at their own pace. Learners have the freedom to review the material, repeat lessons if needed, and progress through the course content based on their understanding. This self-paced learning approach accommodates diverse learning styles and ensures a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Research Study: A study conducted by the Department of Education found that students who engaged in online learning performed better than those in traditional classroom settings. The self-paced nature of online learning allowed students to grasp concepts thoroughly, resulting in improved academic achievement.

Online Learning vs. Traditional Classroom Education

While online learning offers numerous advantages, it is essential to compare it with traditional classroom education to understand the differences and advantages of each approach.


  • Learning Environment: Online learning takes place in a virtual environment, while traditional classroom education involves face-to-face interaction in a physical setting.
  • Social Interaction: Traditional classroom education provides more opportunities for social interaction among peers and direct interaction with instructors. Online learning relies on digital communication tools to facilitate interaction.
  • Structure and Schedule: Traditional classroom education follows a fixed schedule, whereas online learning offers flexibility in terms of time and pace.
  • Learning Support: In traditional classrooms, learners can seek immediate clarification from instructors and classmates. Online learning often provides various support channels, including discussion forums, chat features, and online office hours.

Advantages of Online Learning:

  • Flexibility and Convenience: Online learning offers the flexibility to learn anytime and anywhere, making it suitable for individuals with busy schedules or other commitments.
  • Personalized Learning: Online learning platforms leverage technology to personalize the learning experience, adapting the content and pace to meet individual needs.
  • Access to Resources: Online learning provides access to a vast range of educational resources, including multimedia content, e-books, and online libraries.
  • Global Reach: Online learning breaks down geographical barriers, allowing individuals to learn from renowned institutions and instructors worldwide.

Advantages of Traditional Classroom Education:

  • Social Interaction: Traditional classrooms offer face-to-face interaction, facilitating collaboration, teamwork, and the development of social skills.
  • Immediate Feedback: In a classroom setting, learners receive immediate feedback from instructors, promoting faster understanding and addressing misconceptions.
  • Direct Instruction: Classroom education allows instructors to directly deliver content, engaging students through lectures, discussions, and demonstrations.
  • Hands-on Learning: Certain subjects, such as laboratory experiments or performing arts, may require hands-on learning experiences that are more feasible in a traditional classroom setting.

It is worth noting that both approaches have their merits and can be combined to create a blended learning environment, offering the advantages of both online and traditional education.

The Role of Technology in Online Learning

Technology plays a pivotal role in the success and effectiveness of online learning. Various technological tools and platforms contribute to creating an engaging and interactive learning experience. Let's explore some key technologies used in online learning:

Learning Management Systems (LMS): LMS platforms serve as the central hub for online learning, providing a range of features such as course content management, learner tracking, assessments, and communication tools.

Video Conferencing: Video conferencing tools enable real-time interaction between instructors and learners, facilitating virtual classrooms, lectures, and discussions. These tools promote engagement, collaboration, and immediate feedback.

Example: Zoom, a popular video conferencing tool, played a crucial role in enabling virtual classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic, connecting students and educators worldwide.

Interactive Tools: Online learning platforms often incorporate interactive tools such as virtual simulations, gamified activities, and multimedia content to enhance learner engagement and understanding.

Learning Analytics: Learning analytics involves collecting and analyzing data generated during the online learning process. These insights help instructors and institutions monitor learner progress, identify areas of improvement, and personalize instruction.

Impact of Online Learning on Student Performance

Online learning has shown significant impact on student performance, academic achievement, and motivation. Various studies and research have highlighted the positive outcomes associated with online learning. Let's explore some key findings:

  • Improved Academic Achievement: Several studies have demonstrated that students engaged in online learning perform as well as or better than their counterparts in traditional classroom settings. The flexibility and personalized nature of online learning contribute to enhanced academic achievement.

Research Study: A study conducted by the National Education Policy Center found that students engaged in online learning performed better, on average, than those in traditional classrooms.

Increased Motivation: Online learning provides learners with more autonomy and control over their learning process. The ability to learn at their own pace, access a variety of resources, and receive immediate feedback promotes motivation and engagement.

Higher Retention Rates: Online learning often employs interactive and multimedia content, which has been shown to improve information retention. The ability to revisit lessons, review materials, and engage in self-paced learning contributes to higher retention rates.

Inclusion and Accessibility in Online Education

Online learning has the potential to address the challenges of inclusivity and accessibility in education. While it provides opportunities for diverse learners, it is crucial to ensure that online education is accessible to all. Here are some considerations for promoting inclusivity and accessibility in online learning:

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): UDL involves designing educational materials and environments that cater to diverse learning needs. Online learning platforms can incorporate UDL principles by providing multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression.

Assistive Technologies: Online learning should accommodate learners with disabilities by integrating assistive technologies such as screen readers, captioning tools, and alternative input devices.

User-Friendly Interfaces: Online learning platforms should prioritize user experience, ensuring that the interfaces are intuitive, easy to navigate, and accessible to individuals with varying levels of digital literacy.

The Significance of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust online learning into the spotlight, making it a critical tool for continuing education globally. The pandemic resulted in widespread school closures, prompting educators and institutions to rapidly transition to online learning. Some key implications of online learning during the pandemic include:

Continuity of Education: Online learning allowed educational institutions to ensure the continuity of education during the lockdowns and restrictions imposed by the pandemic. It enabled students to continue learning remotely, reducing disruptions to their education.

Global Collaboration: Online learning platforms facilitated global collaboration among educators, researchers, and policymakers. Sharing best practices, resources, and insights helped mitigate the challenges brought about by the pandemic.

Technological Adaptation: The pandemic accelerated the adoption and integration of technology in education. Educators and learners alike had to adapt to online learning tools and platforms, enhancing their digital literacy skills.

Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms

Online learning platforms have proven to be effective in facilitating education remotely. These platforms offer various features and functionalities that enhance the learning experience. Here are some factors that contribute to the effectiveness of online learning platforms:

User-Friendly Interface: Online learning platforms should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing learners to navigate the platform effortlessly.

Course Content and Structure: Well-designed course content and clear learning objectives contribute to effective online learning. Courses should be organized in a logical and sequential manner, guiding learners through the material.

Interactive Elements: Online learning platforms should incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, discussions, and multimedia content to engage learners and promote active participation.

Feedback and Assessments: Online learning platforms should provide timely and constructive feedback on assignments and assessments. This feedback helps learners understand their progress and areas for improvement.

Lifelong Learning Opportunities through Online Education

Online learning plays a crucial role in promoting lifelong learning. Lifelong learning refers to the continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills beyond formal education. Online education offers several advantages for individuals seeking lifelong learning opportunities:

Accessibility: Online learning provides easy access to a wide range of courses and programs, allowing individuals to explore diverse subjects and disciplines at their own pace.

Flexible Learning Options: Online learning enables individuals to engage in learning while managing other commitments, such as work or family responsibilities. This flexibility encourages continuous learning throughout one's life.

Career Development: Online learning offers opportunities for professional development and acquiring new skills relevant to career advancement. Individuals can enroll in online courses and programs specifically designed for professional growth.

Personal Enrichment: Online learning provides a platform for personal enrichment, allowing individuals to pursue hobbies, interests, or subjects of personal curiosity. It fosters a love for learning and intellectual growth.

Future Trends and Developments in Online Learning

The future of online learning holds exciting prospects, driven by advancements in technology and evolving educational needs. Here are some emerging trends and developments in online learning:

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI-powered learning systems can personalize instruction, provide targeted feedback, and automate administrative tasks. AI algorithms can analyze learner data to adapt and optimize the learning experience.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): VR and AR technologies can create immersive learning experiences, enabling learners to explore virtual environments and interact with simulated objects and scenarios.

Adaptive Learning Technologies: Adaptive learning systems use data and analytics to dynamically adjust the learning experience based on individual learner needs. These technologies offer personalized instruction and support.

Microlearning: Microlearning involves delivering learning content in bite-sized, easily consumable modules. It caters to learners' short attention spans and provides focused, just-in-time information.

Online learning has transformed the educational landscape, offering flexibility, accessibility, and personalized learning experiences. Its advantages, including flexibility, accessibility, personalized learning, and self-paced learning, make it a valuable option for learners of all ages. While online learning differs from traditional classroom education, both approaches have their merits and can be combined to create a blended learning environment. The role of technology in online learning is instrumental, with learning management systems, video conferencing, and interactive tools enhancing the learning experience. Online learning has shown a positive impact on student performance, academic achievement, and motivation. It also provides opportunities for inclusivity and accessibility in education, although efforts should be made to ensure equal access for all learners. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the significance of online learning, demonstrating its ability to ensure continuity of education during challenging times. Online learning platforms have proven effective, offering user-friendly interfaces, well-structured courses, and interactive elements. Online education also opens doors for lifelong learning, allowing individuals to continuously acquire knowledge and skills throughout their lives. Looking to the future, advancements in AI, VR, adaptive learning technologies, and microlearning promise exciting developments in online learning. With its numerous advantages and future prospects, online learning is set to play a significant role in the ever-evolving field of education.

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Home / Students / Education / Distance education / Importance of Distance education

Importance of Distance education

Distance education or distance learning is a form of education that originated with the development of correspondence education, over 200 years ago. However, due to the presence of many external factors (social stigma and lack of technological aids), it could not reach its full potential until the last 10 years.

Importance of distance education

With the rapid development of technology and the Internet, distance education could finally realize its initial idea – to provide quality home learning to students who were unable to attend regular classes due to financial, spatial/geographical or other reasons.  

Although the popularity of distance education has significantly increased in recent years, the original paradigm of what distance education actually means has changed a lot in the last five years. In other words, distance education has made a transition in the last decade, first through its implementation in the form of online courses, to reach its today’s position where it is regularly implemented in secondary education institutions and higher education .  

Why is distance education important?

An increasing importance of technology and the Internet in our everyday life has also left an impact on the education system. In recent years, educational institutions have been faced with a choice, to combine technological innovation with traditional teaching (blended learning) and enable remote learning on the one hand, or to stick to traditional, face-to-face learning that could potentially cause a drop in the number of enrolled students in the near future if technology demands increase, perhaps even forcing them to close down permanently.  

Many secondary schools and colleges have accepted a new curriculum based on distance learning. Distance education itself brings many challenges, the most important being the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers, potential threats to student mental health due to isolation, and a decline in grade point average and acquired knowledge. 

However, all these concerns are a natural reaction to sudden changes, which is perfectly normal. The experience with the implementation of distance education so far has proven it to be very practical, both for students and teachers, and for educational institutions.  

The main benefits 

With the arrival of the Internet, and introduction of digital technologies into people’s homes, physical boundaries, which were the main reason for inefficient communication among people, have started to disappear. Since technology has made such a big leap forward, people have almost entirely lost their subjective ability to distinguish between the real and the virtual world. That said, it becomes clearer how much the business world has changed and how many more changes await in the future. 

Thus, distance education represents a transitional period for many young and older people, but also an adequate preparation for new challenges that await them in the business world. For that reason, we will list the main benefits of distance learning below, so that you can consider them before applying for some form of formal online education. 

It saves money

Financial constraints are one of the main reasons why most young people cannot afford quality education. Student loans, rent, and other related expenses have proven to be a heavy burden for many individuals and their families in the long run. However, in the last few years, there has been a significant drop in tuition fees, primarily in secondary schools and colleges, due to the introduction of the distance education option. 

Namely, not only did the tuition fees drop because the school/educational institution’s facilities and inventory were no longer used, but the expenses related to food, accommodation and all the other needs students have on a daily basis dropped as well. So, if you don’t have enough money for a quality education, you should consider distance education. 

It is flexible in many ways

The flexibility of distance education is reflected in many areas of students’ lives, and it brings various benefits. Here are some of them: 

You can get a degree from anywhere in the world

One of the best things about online learning is the fact that students from all over the world can get any degree they want, which had previously been impossible due to geographical constraints. Only a few years ago, talented children from certain European countries couldn’t study in the US due to complicated paperwork and overly strict administrative requirements. 

Things have changed, however, thanks to the Internet and technologies that significantly simplified the application and enrollment process, helping applicants to skip the state administrative protocol that awaits any individual who wants to travel to the US. So, with the introduction of the digital education option, there was a change of the educational paradigm which used to be closely related to the country where the educational institution was located..

It saves time

With the population and population density growth in the big cities in the 21st century, free time has become one of the most valuable human resources. Many students who live miles away from their school lose an entire hour or an hour and a half on average only to get to school. However, with the introduction of distance learning as an integral part of formal education, students who lost a lot of time commuting are now able to attend lessons through video conferencing. 

You can learn at your own pace

With the appearance of online learning platforms, students have been given a wide selection of approaches to learning. Namely, students who attend educational institutions that support asynchronous learning have the freedom to organize their time as they see fit. In other words, students can adjust learning to their own pace and schedule, and they can rewind and rewatch lectures which allows them to be more focused, and to learn with more ease. This approach to learning best works for those students who possess good time-management skills and who are able to meet the deadlines for assignments, presentations, and test preparations.  

Working and studying is possible

One of the hardest things for students is to coordinate between their job and their school responsibilities that are usually time-bound. However, with the flexibility of deadlines for tests and assignments, and the freedom to organize their obligations as they see fit, students can reconcile working and studying for the first time. So, the final product of this benefit for students is the ability to achieve several academic goals at once, and to gain professional experience while still at school. 

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At our school in North Miami Beach, we understand the importance of distance education in providing a flexible and accessible learning experience for students. Enroll your child today and let them reach their full potential.

It is more effective and relevant 

The original purpose of education was to prepare young people to become respectable citizens, and to prepare them for the demands of the business world. However, as the time passed, children were less and less prepared for the world outside their educational institutions, which caused a crisis of education. The only adequate solution able to respond to these sudden changes was the introduction of distance education, which proved to be a much more effective approach in a very short time. 

Enabling students to organize their responsibilities from home and on their own, giving them access to learning materials, and allowing them to interact with their teachers and peers through digital technologies has given rise to many soft skills that will be useful long after completing formal education. Distance education has primarily enabled students to develop technical skills, approach problem solving more pragmatically, and to learn to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. 

Speaking of relevance, distance education has far surpassed traditional degrees. Namely, new data and research in all scientific disciplines are published every day around the world. Thanks to the availability of latest research, teachers can provide students with an insight into new scientific discoveries, which makes their education more up-to-date and relevant. 

Broader networking opportunities

This benefit suprasses any traditional classroom. We all know that social connections are one of the key factors in predicting a person’s business success. That said, students in online classrooms are able to meet their peers from other parts of their country, and from all around the world for the first time. Communication via video conferencing enables young people to make contact and potentially establish friendships that could turn into long-term business partnerships. 

Is distance education the right thing for you?

After reading this text , you’ve noticed that distance education is a new form of education that adequately prepares students for the demands of the labor market. If we accept the assumption that worldwide technological development will continue in the years to come, it is only a matter of time before distance education becomes the dominant way of obtaining a degree. 

So, if you want to be the master of your own time and responsibilities, if you don’t want to consider geographical constraints and pay high tuitions, if you want to have access to the latest learning materials and become independent, then you’ve just answered the question of whether distance education is the right choice for you. 

What Is Distance Learning? And Why Is It So Important?

Distance learning – any form of remote education where the student is not physically present for the lesson – is booming thanks to the power of the Internet. With a variety of course types to choose from, there is a rise in flexible and affordable education options. In fact, there are a number of advantages of learning remotely over even traditional teaching models.

So keep reading to learn more about distance learning. Or go straight to our recommended distance learning tool: myViewBoard Classroom.

As the Internet blurs the line between near and far, distance learning is set to disrupt the current paradigm of education. With everything from AI-driven teaching algorithms to simple message boards, there are more options than ever to learn whatever you need to know.

While skilled educators will continue to be an integral part of every student’s life, technology will bridge the physical spaces between teachers and learners. Distance learning is already part of many institutions’ programs, and it is set to become an even larger part of the education sector . But first…

What Is Distance Learning?

Distance learning describes any learning that happens without the students being physically present in the lesson. (However, this could also apply to the teacher in certain situations.)

Historically, this described correspondence courses in which students would communicate with their schools or teachers by mail. More recently, distance education has moved online to include a huge range of systems and methods on practically any connected device.

Want to learn more about distance learning?  Defining Distance Learning

Common Types of Distance Learning

Though there are lots of learning (and teaching) options online, there are a few types that are well supported by existing systems and established pedagogies.

  • Video conferencing  is a common way for teachers to interact directly with students in live lessons. This could be a one-on-one session or a class-like scenario in which multiple students connect to the teacher live.
  • Synchronous learning is when all the students learn together at the same time (and often even place) but the instructor is at another location. It often features video or teleconferencing that connects teachers and learners digitally.
  • Asynchronous learning is a less connected but also less constrained format. Instead of live online lessons, students are given learning tasks with deadlines. They then self-study to complete the assignments.
  • Open-schedule online courses add yet another layer of flexibility. It is a type of asynchronous course setup, except there aren’t any deadlines either. This is ideal for learners with other demands on their time, such as professionals or stay-at-home parents.
  • Fixed-time online courses are a type of synchronous course that requires online users to all visit a specific virtual location at a set time and place (e.g. a webinar). Unlike more rigid synchronous lessons, this does allow students from anywhere in the world to connect and interact online.
  • Computer-based distance education is a fixed-time, synchronous lesson on computers, usually a computer lab. This is most common in existing institutions that already have access to the necessary devices.
  • Hybrid learning is a specific type of blended learning where students are learning the same lesson in real-time (i.e. synchronous distance learning) but some of the students are physically present while others are learning remotely.

Common Types of Distance Learning

Are you more interested in live education?  Technology in the Classroom: The Complete Guide

How Is Distance Learning Different from Regular Learning?

Distance education is clearly different from regular education in terms of a student or teacher’s physical presence. But what does that mean, exactly?

For the most part, it translates into increased freedom for both learners and educators, but it also requires higher degrees of discipline and planning to successfully complete the course of study.

The enhanced freedom of remote learning is most clearly seen in the fact that students can choose courses that fit their schedules and resources. (Teachers can do the same.) And in the case of digital learning, students can also choose the location and teaching styles that best suit their needs.

The flip side of freedom, however, is the discipline required to make the most of the lessons. Students need to self-motivate in order to actually get the work done, especially in systems that don’t require them to be present in some specific time or place. Teachers also need to be better organized with contingencies should their students need additional explanation, again especially if they are not teaching live and able to “read the room.”

In certain cases, however, distance learning is not just required but the best possible option. There are times when the advantages of remote education really have a chance to shine.

Advantages of Distance Learning

Certainly, live instruction is great. The face-to-face contact lets teachers and students connect in a very authentic way, which often results in strong rapport and understanding. While not impossible, this kind of connection still seems much easier in person . So why is distance learning even a thing?

As it turns out, there are a number of advantages when learning remotely. Here are just a few.


The top benefit of distance education is its flexibility. Students can choose when, where, and how they learn by selecting the time, place, and medium for their education. For those who want direct, live access to teachers there are video conferencing options. But for students who may be doing their training around a job or other responsibilities, a more relaxed schedule may work better. There are options to match virtually anyone’s needs.

And thanks to the proliferation of online learning options, there is a course structure on practically any subject that a person would want to study.

Easy Access

Whether due to remote location or being differently-abled, some students lack basic access to educational facilities. Remote learning programs offer every student the opportunity to learn and improve themself in the environment they find the most effective.

Want to make a live classroom more accessible? 6 Cases of Interactive Digital Whiteboards as an Assistive Technology in Special Education

Remote learning also opens up new horizons of education in terms of international institutions. Major universities and trade schools the world over now offer recognized degrees, certificates, and professional qualifications online to learners of all ages. Or motivated people can get more basic certificates of completion everywhere from Udemy to Google Skillshop .

Thanks to the scalable nature of digital learning especially, distance learning is driving down the cost of education . Online degrees are becoming almost commonplace, and there are even accredited online-only universities that can eliminate expensive infrastructure overhead and get straight to the teaching.

Benefits of Distance Learning

What to Look for in a Distance Learning System

Regardless of whether you are an educator or a student, there are certain features that you should look for in a distance learning system to get the most out of it.

Ease of Use

Simplicity is the key. Any system you adopt to either teach or learn should be user-friendly for everyone involved. This means a clear interface and a set of certain essential features that include:

  • Digital whiteboarding and annotation
  • Media creation and sharing
  • Screen recording with audio
  • Direct student-to-teacher communication
  • Multi-device compatibility

what is the importance of distance education

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The credibility of a remote learning platform is really a combination of the instructor and the platform itself. For learners, it’s important to note how well recognized that platform’s credentials are. Does it provide a recognized degree? A professional certificate? A certificate of completion? These are all things to keep in mind before enrolling.

And educators looking to adopt a remote learning system, it’s important to know what kind of accreditation that system can bestow on your behalf or on the behalf of your institution. For academic degrees or professional qualifications, recognition by outside regulatory bodies will likely be necessary.

As most distance learning systems are made to be fairly flexible in this regard, the course schedule has a lot to do with its content and not the system. Still, it’s an important factor to consider when choosing a course.

Is it a synchronous or asynchronous course? Are there deadlines or not? How long do you have to complete the entire course? And does the course’s schedule match yours?

Want to see an example of an online tool that checks all the distance learning boxes? Check out myViewBoard .

Wrapping Up

Remote education is certainly not a magic bullet and there will always be a place for in-class learning. At the same time, distance learning still has a lot of untapped potential to reach students where they are and connect educators and learners in new ways. From increased flexibility to new learning styles, it seems that the future of learning will be as diverse in time and place as it will be in thought.

Benefits of Distance Teaching


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  • By: Astoria
  • Uploaded: February 24, 2020

Distance learning is a great substitute for traditional learning and why not? It is relatively flexible. Unlike a modern educational environment, distance education offers students the freedom to complete higher education regardless of age, location, etc. on this progress Students continue to be aware of what is going on around them, particularly in the field of education, when they register for distance education.

“Distance learning is rapidly becoming one among the foremost important and cost-effective ways to teach the planet rapidly expanding workforce.”

Why is the demand for distance learning increasing?

Distance learning has become a popular tool for professionals working in the new era. People who believe in multitasking have a huge list of things to do. They strive to do extended tasks and manage their time. Distance learning is a wise investment when it comes to saving valuable time and at the same time gaining the skills and knowledge you need in relation to your workforce. Distance education offers study programs that are not available to local students. In addition, this is doable and gives your prodigy deep credibility in education. Distance learning encompasses a wide range of teaching techniques that make it attractive, intensive and student-centered. Professors’ committees have different backgrounds and impart internationally recognized and recognized knowledge to students. In cases where classroom instruction is limited to students who were present at the time, distance education has a smooth range and can be viewed by anyone, including those who are in the most corners remote from the world. Applicants can effectively balance their work, education and other responsibilities. In a regular learning environment, students are not able to choose topics but are tied to a fixed set of topics. Distance learning allows applicants to choose from a variety of programs according to their interests and best suited to their skills.


In this highly competitive world, time is an important constraint to the acquisition of innovative skills. Moreover, online degrees are now getting more importance and worth than a conventional degree. students find that distance learning is more practical than traditional, extensive learning methods. Studies have shown that the MBA is the most preferred option for applicants among all the online distance learning programs offered by the institutes. An MBA ensures a promising career, well-paid work and gives the personality of the individual an excellent reputation. An honorable MBA from a recognized educational institution can add a lot of credibility to your CV and set it apart from the competition.

As you can see, distance learning is as important as any other higher education. In fact, it could be more important if it reaches a larger group of people. Distance education, as noted above, has many benefits and can change your life. Instead of believing in the stereotype, you must first research and make the decision yourself.

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Importance of Developing Community in Distance Education Courses

  • Published: 18 February 2014
  • Volume 58 , pages 20–24, ( 2014 )

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what is the importance of distance education

  • Robert L. Moore 1  

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The separation of student and instructor is the core characteristic of distance education (Simonson et al., 2012 , p. 28), contributing to one of the biggest challenges to distance education—attrition (Dueber & Misanchuk, 2001 , p. 2). By the very nature of distance education, students are different locations from one another and their instructor. The instructor’s challenge is figuring out how to make students feel connected and able to succeed in this new learning environment. The development of a sense of community is an effective and efficient way to help ensure the success of the distance education program and can directly address the challenge of distance education attrition. By developing a sense of community, an instructor can create an environment that is conducive to student success. This importance was demonstrated when the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (ROML) transitioned their introductory Spanish course to a hybrid model.

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Moore, R.L. Importance of Developing Community in Distance Education Courses. TECHTRENDS TECH TRENDS 58 , 20–24 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-014-0733-x

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Published : 18 February 2014

Issue Date : March 2014

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-014-0733-x

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    SUMMARY. As you can see, distance learning is as important as any other higher education. In fact, it could be more important if it reaches a larger group of people. Distance education, as noted above, has many benefits and can change your life. Instead of believing in the stereotype, you must first research and make the decision yourself.

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