how to write an application letter to a bookshop

Will Work For Books: 5 Tips For Getting Hired at an Independent Bookstore

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Tirzah Price

Most of Tirzah Price's life decisions have been motivated by a desire to read as many books as humanly possible. Tirzah holds an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and has worked as an independent bookseller and librarian. She’s also the author of the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries, published by HarperTeen, and Bibliologist at TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations . Follow her on Twitter @TirzahPrice .

View All posts by Tirzah Price

So, you want to be a bookseller. Well, who doesn’t want to get paid to work in a building full of books? Bookselling can be kind of magical—discovering new titles, meeting authors, and connecting books with other like-minded people. Bookselling can also be kind of a drag—frantically searching shelves and databases for an elusive title, dealing with difficult or rude customers, and a whole lot of heavy lifting.

When it comes to getting hired at an independent bookstore, a love of books is a starting point, not a qualification. The position requires a large amount of energy, enthusiasm, curiosity, patience, and the ability to think on your feet. And no, booksellers do not get to read all day, or even part of the day. So let’s talk realistically about what a job in bookselling entails, and then how to land one.

What You Need to Know

1. Bookselling is a retail job, and that means people skills.

The ability to communicate with people is probably the most important skill any bookseller can possess. You need to be comfortable with starting conversations, listening, and giving book recommendations at the drop of a hat. Most of the customers I interact with are lovely human beings who are just excited to be in a bookstore. The rest range between odd (have you seen Weird Things Customers Say in Bookstores ?) and downright rude. You need to be polite, helpful, and outgoing—even on the days you just want to crawl into your reading nook and never leave.

2. (Most) Booksellers don’t work Monday-Friday, 9-5.

Retail usually requires you to work weird hours. This can be great for people who have odd schedules or are artists, but not so great for people who like weekends off. It may be difficult to get time off during certain peak seasons, like the holiday shopping season. Make your peace with this now. Every bookstore has different scheduling requirements and staffing needs, so who knows what sort of flexibility may be available to you once you’re hired, but you should go into this job expecting to re-arrange your schedule as needed.

3. It’s very likely you’ll start out part-time.

In my experience, most indie bookstores hire part-time first, and require you to work your way into a full-time position. First-time, full-time positions are hard to land unless you have previous publishing, sales, or related experience. It sucks, especially if you can’t afford to live on a part-time salary, but don’t despair—you might be able to get a foot in the door as seasonal, evening, or weekend help. And you never know what might open up!

If you’re still with me and want to go for it, then here are five things you can do to stand out as an applicant!

1. Get involved with your bookstore’s community.

Be a customer. Talk to the staff (you all love books, it shouldn’t be too hard!), attend book signings, join a book club, sign up for the newsletter, follow the bookstore on social media if that’s your thing. Don’t stalk the manager, but make yourself familiar with the store and your future co-workers. So often I receive applications from people who gush about how they’ve always dreamed of working in a bookstore, only to never ever see them again. Community is important to bookstores. Be a part of it.

2. Identify what you can bring to the bookstore.

Most bookstores are small or medium operations that expect their staff members to do more than just sell books. Ask yourself what you can bring to the team. Do you have design skills, or social media know-how that the store might benefit from? Do you possess a master-level knowledge of poetry that could be used to help strengthen the store’s poetry section? Do you have a cool idea for a new book club that you’re willing to organize and lead? Communicate this! It’ll show you think of the bookstore as more than just a place to work.

3. Specialization is great, but be willing to work wherever you’re needed.

You may know almost everything there is to know about children’s books…but the bookstore you’re applying to already has a children’s specialist. That’s okay! Make sure you tell the bookstore your strengths, but also let them know you’re open to working in and learning about other sections of the store—and then really be open-minded about it. The reality is that no matter how large the bookstore, you’re going to have to know a bit about every section. It doesn’t matter if you’re standing next to the board books while wearing a Goodnight Moon t-shirt , someone is going to ask you where they can find Fifty Shades of Grey . Welcome to bookselling.

4. Write a really great cover letter to go with the application.

The application and hiring process can vary wildly from bookstore to bookstore. Some bookstores only require a generic application, while others require you to apply in-person, or fill out lengthy forms with questions about your favorite books, reading habits, or your general book knowledge. Not every bookstore will require a cover letter and resume, but I think you should write one anyway.

Cover letters allow you to show off your superb writing skills (an important tool for any bookseller!), and they give you an opportunity to highlight special expertise or knowledge that you can bring to the store. It’s your opportunity to show the store that you’re serious, and why they should hire you. Keep it short and sweet, and don’t go overboard with the flattery or how working in a bookstore has always been a dream. Even if it’s not a requirement, a focused, well-written, professional cover letter can’t hurt your chances of getting an interview.

5. Don’t wait for an opening.

Where and how bookstores advertise job openings can also vary. If you’re an active member of their community and know what you could bring to the bookstore, then write a letter of interest (aka cover letter) and submit it to the manager. Make sure you indicate that you understand that there might not be any openings at the moment, but ask that they consider you when there are. You might get a “thanks, we’ll keep you posted” email, or an interview right away, or you might have to wait a while to hear anything. But you’ll have gotten your foot in the door and shown that you’re a serious candidate.

Where do you find bookseller job listings? So glad you ask. Check your local bookstore websites, and then keep an eye on the American Bookseller’s Association Job Openings page , and the Shelf Awareness Job Board .

Getting hired takes patience and persistence, but hey, I believe in you. Any booksellers out there with more tips and advice? Share them in the comments!

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Table of Contents

Cover letter for bookstore position( 5 samples)

how to write an application letter to a bookshop

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This article will list samples of “cover letters for a bookstore position.”

Samples of bookstore position cover letters

When applying for a position at a bookstore, your cover letter is an opportunity for you to tell your story, without being stuck in the formatting constraints of the resume. The best format for writing a cover letter is:

  • Address the employer with a formal salutation. For example, “Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).” If you do not know the recipient’s name, you can refer to them as the hiring manager.
  • The next step is to state the position you are applying for and how you found the opening. 
  • Make a brief statement about why you’re interested in the position. Write a paragraph about why you are the perfect candidate for the job.
  • State your skills and work experience. Ensure your skills and experiences are similar to the job position. When highlighting skills, provide the accomplishment you have achieved. 
  • Conclude your letter with a forward-looking statement. For example, “I look forward to discussing the position with you further.”

Name of the bookstore owner

Human Resources manager/owner

City, Sate Zip Code

Dear Mr. (Name of the bookstore owner):

As an organized, detail-oriented individual, I would like you to consider me for the bookstore position. With an experience of working in the retail bookstore (Mention the name of the bookstore you are working), I have familiarity with the retail POS system and inventory management.

My skills set match closely that is now required by your for your Bookstore. Upon reading your job description, I am eager to see my personality to be a perfect fit to manage the customer service aspects and other details of your store. Right from welcoming customers to assisting them in finding books of their choice, I would love to do all. I have knowledge in categorizing magazines and books based on their types that it is easy to locate. Adding to this, I operate cash registers and can close sales effectively.

Using my communication skills, I can contribute to your efforts.  I propose to be helpful and influential in managing the bookstore mechanics in a professional manner. My resume is enclosed with this cover letter for the bookstore for your perusal. Please contact me for any further information required.

Thank you for your consideration.

(Your Name and Signature)

Enc. Resume”

“400 County Road 6677

Ada, OK 99111

(000) 444-9999

Caleb.1 @ email . com

October 21, 2021

Mr. Michael Sam

Manager Human Resources

Johnson County Community College

300 Garden Lane

Ada, OK 55555

Dear Mr. Sam:

As an organized, dependable, and detail-oriented individual, I would like to be considered for the position of Bookstore Clerk at Johnson County Community College. With experience working in retail settings, and familiarity with inventory management and retail POS systems, I have diverse expertise to offer.

My skill set matches your needs. Upon reading your job description in detail, my personality seems to be a fit to manage the clerical and customer service aspects of your store.

From welcoming customers to the store to assisting them in finding the books that they desire, I would like to do all. I am well versed in categorizing books and magazines according to their types so that it is easy for customers to locate them. In addition to this, I can operate cash registers and close sales effectively.

Using my well-developed communication skills to contribute to your efforts, I intend to be instrumental in managing the mechanics of the bookstore professionally. My resume is enclosed with this letter for your perusal. Please feel free to contact me for any further information that you may need.

“David Lanes Memphis, TN


[email protected]

ATTN: Becky Holder

Stanton Books N’ Nooks

My name is David Lanes and I’m applying for the bookseller I saw advertised in your store window last Friday. I’m interested in a position with your company because I’m a frequent customer and think the store has a great environment and I have the right skills for the job. I have previous experience as a bookseller and some experience as a part-time bookstore assistant manager and think I’d be a great addition to your team.

I’ve worked as a bookseller with Villain Books for over 10 years. While working as a bookseller, I helped improve the store’s layout to reduce foot traffic near the registers and thus reduce the frequent lines that were frustrating customers. I also worked a lot of overtime during the holiday season to ensure the store was ready. I almost always exceeded my sales goals and had great relationships with several of the store’s frequent customers. I have skills in customer service and sales and am an organized, efficient employee. I believe I can add organization, responsibility and salesmanship to the team.

Thank you for your time in considering my application. I look forward to speaking with you and am excited by the prospect of joining your team.

David Lanes”

“6844 Deon Avenue

West Ralph, OH 11661

Dear Story McDermott,

I would like to submit my application for the bookstore clerk opening. Please accept this letter and the attached resume.

In the previous role, I was responsible for support while learning and hands-on experience with all back office functions, including the preparation of invoices, processing of chargebacks and coordination of stock shipments completed in accordance with company directives and/or policies and procedures.

Please consider my qualifications and experience:

  • Previous basic retail experience and cash handling preferred
  • Experience with textbooks
  • Experience working with the public and posess basic supervisory skills, WinPrism experience preferred
  • Competency with computer and software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and XP
  • Some knowledge of the maintenance of sales and inventory records and stock on hand
  • Cashier or customer service experience preferred
  • Prefer experience in retail sales
  • Requires experience on the use of cash registers, computers

I really appreciate you taking the time to review my application for the position of bookstore clerk.

Riley Heller”

“[Your first and last name]

[Your city and state]

[Your phone number]

[Your email address]

[Hiring manager’s name]

[Company name]

[Professional greeting],

My name is [your name] and I’m applying for the [position] I saw [where you saw the position advertised]. I’m interested in a position with your company because [a few reasons for your interest]. I have previous experience as [relatable experience] and think I’d be a great addition to your team.

I’ve worked as a [previous position] with [previous employer] for [tenure]. While working as [position], I helped [notable accomplishments]. I have skills in [relevant skills] and am an organized, efficient employee. I think I can add [value] to the team and help the company excel.

[Your name]”

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the responsibilities of a bookstore clerk.

  • Knowledge of bookkeeping practices, procedures, and controls
  • Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of retail store
  • Knowledge of shipping, receiving, pricing, and inventory stock ledgers
  • Effective customer service techniques and problem-solving skills

How do I write a cover letter for Barnes and Noble?

If you want to work at Barnes and Noble, show your passion for books in your cover letter. Discuss a favorite book and why you loved it.

If you like this blog post, please leave your comments and questions below.

Sample Cover Letter for Bookstore Clerk

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Bookstore Cover Letter

If you intend to apply for a position at a bookstore, this Bookstore Cover Letter sample template will assist you in showing your intentions.

[Applicant’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Mobile Number]

[Email Adress]

[Application Date]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Role at the Bookstore]

[Bookstore’s Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name]

I am writing to express my interest in the Bookstore position advertised by [Company’s Name]. I am a detail-oriented, organized and hard-working individual, and I would be a great fit for this position. Having rich experience in sales and retail, I can work well under minimal supervision. I am also experienced in the record management and point of sales systems. My diverse expertise will be a great addition to your bookstore.

Having previously held this position at [Bookstore’s Name], I was tasked with maintaining a good customer relation, assisting customers in locating books, recording sales and collecting payments, categorizing books and other materials correctly and safeguarding collectible books. My skills saw an improvement in bookstore profits by [percentage] in the last five years.

I enjoy reading classical books, and my overall love for books will contribute to the best results at [Bookstore’s Name]. Please find my resume enclosed, and you can contact me for any further information.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

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how to write an application letter to a bookshop


Bookstore Clerk Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

Use these Bookstore Clerk cover letter examples and writing tips to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

how to write an application letter to a bookshop

Table Of Contents

  • Bookstore Clerk Example 1
  • Bookstore Clerk Example 2
  • Bookstore Clerk Example 3
  • Cover Letter Writing Tips

Bookstore clerks are responsible for handling customer transactions, stocking shelves, and organizing inventory. They must be able to work independently and be familiar with a variety of books and genres.

To get a job as a bookstore clerk, you need to write a cover letter that highlights your skills and experience. Check out the examples and tips below to learn how to write a cover letter that stands out.

Bookstore Clerk Cover Letter Example 1

I am excited to be applying for the Bookstore Clerk position at your store. I have a passion for books and reading, and I believe that this position would be a perfect fit for me. I am motivated to join an organization where I can contribute my unique skills and grow as a book lover.

I have more than five years of experience working in customer service and retail, and I have a deep understanding of the importance of providing excellent customer service. I am knowledgeable about books and enjoy helping customers find the perfect book for them. I am also comfortable handling cash and credit transactions.

I am excited to be a part of a team that is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and helping people find the perfect book. I am committed to continuing to grow as a book lover and to providing excellent customer service. I hope to hear from you soon with more information about the Bookstore Clerk position and about your store. I look forward to speaking with you.

Bookstore Clerk Cover Letter Example 2

I am writing to apply for the open position of Bookstore Clerk at your company. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications that you are looking for, and I am eager to put my experience to work for your organization.

I have been working in the book industry for the past three years, and during that time I have gained extensive experience in all aspects of the business. I am knowledgeable about the latest trends in the industry, and I have a strong understanding of the products that your bookstore offers. I am also familiar with the various software programs used in bookstores, and I am comfortable using them to place orders, track inventory, and manage customer data.

I am a hard-working and motivated individual who is always looking for new challenges. I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this position with you in further detail. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Bookstore Clerk Cover Letter Example 3

I am writing to express my interest in the bookstore clerk position that you have available. I believe that my experience as a bookseller and my enthusiasm for books make me an ideal candidate for this position.

I have been working in bookstores since I was 16 years old, first at Barnes & Noble and then at Books-A-Million. I love the atmosphere of a bookstore, and I enjoy interacting with customers who come in looking for a specific title or just browsing for something new to read. I also enjoy recommending books to people based on their interests and what they’ve enjoyed reading in the past.

I have always loved reading, and I feel like it has helped me become a better person. I know that books can help people learn about different cultures and places around the world, as well as how to deal with difficult situations in their own lives. I would love to be able to share that passion with others by helping them find the perfect book for them.

I am confident that my experience as a bookseller will allow me to be a valuable addition to your team. I am also confident that my enthusiasm for books will help me connect with customers who are looking for something new to read. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Bookstore Clerk Cover Letter Writing Tips

1. show your passion for books.

Bookstore clerks need to be passionate about books. They need to be able to talk about them with customers, recommend books to people, and keep the shelves stocked. If you can show your enthusiasm for books in your cover letter, you’ll have a better chance of getting the job.

Some ways to do this include:

  • Mentioning your favorite book and why you loved it
  • Discussing a time when you recommended a book to someone and what their reaction was
  • Explaining how you got interested in books and what your favorite genre is

2. Highlight your customer service skills

Since bookstore clerks are the first point of contact for customers, they need to have excellent customer service skills. Some ways to showcase your skills include:

  • Discussing a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer and how you managed to resolve the situation
  • Telling a story about how you went above and beyond to help a customer
  • Outlining the customer service training you’ve received and how it will benefit the bookstore

3. Show that you’re knowledgeable about books

In order to recommend books to customers, bookstore clerks need to be knowledgeable about different genres and authors. Some ways to show your knowledge include:

  • Mentioning a few of your favorite authors and why you like their work
  • Discussing a time when you read a book outside of your usual genre and what you thought of it
  • Explaining how you keep up with new releases and what type of books you’re most interested in

4. Proofread your cover letter

Just like with any other position, it’s important to proofread your cover letter before submitting it. This will help you catch any errors that could potentially disqualify you from the job.

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How to Write an Effective Application Letter [with Example & Tips]

please find attached my resume

By Sheila Kravitz

11 min read

An application letter is a vital document in any job seeker’s arsenal, at the same level of importance as resumes and cover letters. It’s often an applicant’s first point of contact with recruiters and hiring managers .

So, how do you write an effective job application letter to highlight your skills and experience, capture the potential employer’s attention, and increase your chances of getting a job? These are the questions that we’re going to answer in this article while also giving you concrete examples and expert tips that’ll make your letter shine.

Without further ado, let’s jump right in!

Key Takeaways

An application letter is a document similar to a cover letter or a resume that job seekers submit when they are interested in a role .

The document is similar to a cover letter example , and it should follow business letter formatting .

Before writing an application letter, you should research the company and read the job ad to find out which skills and qualifications are needed.

An introductory paragraph should be attention-grabbing , highlighting the amount of work experience you have and at least one highly impressive accomplishment.

The middle portion of the document should be all about your skills and achievements relevant to the job.

A call to action toward the end of the letter increases your chances of being invited for an interview.

What is a Job Application Letter?

how long a cover letter should be

A job application letter is a document that’s in many ways similar to a cover letter. It’s written and sent with the purpose of applying for a job . As such, it should convey valuable information about your skills, experience, and motivation for the role that you’re applying for.

However, while a cover letter is a supplementary document to a resume , a job application letter is typically a standalone document and should be sent without additional attachments. As a result, it needs to be longer and more detailed than a cover letter.

Still, an application letter should be a concise, one-page document that serves as an elevator pitch. Use it to get in touch with potential employers and make a lasting first impression that can secure you an interview and expedite the hiring process.

The Best Way to Format Your Job Application Letter

The best way to format your job application letter is to follow the business letter format and layout . This includes organizing the information in a specific way and ensuring that your document is visually clean.

Here’s how to arrange the information in your application letter:

Job Application Letter Format

Contact information

A formal salutation

A catchy introductory paragraph

The middle portion, with your skills and achievements

A closing paragraph with a call to action

A cordial letter closing with your sign-off

This is the optimal structure to follow when writing a job application letter, as it gives hiring managers the chance to see what they want to see exactly when they want to.

Now let’s see how you can create an impeccable layout for your application letter:

Job Application Letter Layout Guidelines

Your document should be one page long .

Choose an appropriate font for your application letter, like Calibri or Helvetica.

Set the font size between 10 and 12 pt.

Adjust margins to at least 1 inch on all sides.

Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing and insert an additional line between paragraphs.

Align text to the left or use justified alignment.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Perfect Application Letter

administrative assistant resume

Let’s learn how to write an application letter for a job with a step-by-step guide that’ll show you how to craft every part of it.

#1. Research the Company

Researching the company is the first step before you even start writing your application letter . This is crucial, as your document has the best chance of garnering attention from hiring managers if it’s tailored and relevant to the position that you’re applying for.

That’s because every job is different, and even similar roles within the same industry require different sets of skills and experiences. By looking into the organization that you want to join, examining the job ad, and paying attention to the requirements, you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly what hiring managers and employers look for in candidates .

After that, you’ll be able to lean on those experiences, as well as the hard and soft skills that you know are necessary for the job. That’ll set you apart from other candidates with generic application letters that don’t entirely match the posted requirements.

#2. Write an Introduction

Writing a strong introductory paragraph is one of the most important steps in the process of crafting an application letter. It’s your way of grabbing the reader’s attention and persuading them to check out the rest of your document.

Hiring managers are busy professionals and sometimes merely skim through application letters , spending just a couple of seconds on each. That’s why you want the first few sentences to be as captivating as possible.

Use this paragraph to mention the position that you’re applying for, emphasize how much experience you have , and highlight one or two particularly notable accomplishments.

Here’s an example:

Introduction Example

I am writing to express my interest in the architect position at Sky Vision Inc., as advertised on your website. With more than 11 years of experience in residential design and project management, as well as a Global Award for Sustainable Architecture under my belt, I am confident that I’ll be able to contribute to your esteemed organization and lead your large-scale projects.

#3. Emphasize Your Skills & Achievements

Once you have the hiring manager’s attention, it’s time to impress them with your unique skills and achievements . Remember that the goal is to be as relevant as possible, so focus on those accomplishments that indicate how you are going to perform in their company should they hire you.

One of the best ways to make this part of your application letter pop is to use numbers for quantification . They add measurable value to your accomplishments, adding credibility to them and making them stand out in the eyes of hiring managers.

Let’s see that in an example:

Emphasize Skills & Achievements Example

I have a proven track record of handling more than 50 projects from inception to completion, within budget, and with no missed deadlines. One of my biggest accomplishments was carrying out a $35 million project and achieving a delivery time 13% faster than the industry standard.

#4. Say Why You’re a Good Fit for the Role

In addition to accentuating your skills and experience, you should stress that you’re the perfect person for the role you’re applying for. This builds on the summary of qualifications that you already talked about to show potential employers how they are going to benefit from hiring you .

To achieve this goal, you can point out the moments when your previous employers prospered from your work , such as how you helped them gain new clients, boost their revenue, improve their business, and more.

Why You’re a Good Fit for the Role Example

Exceptional skills in design software like AutoCAD and Revit, coupled with a commitment to green and user-centric architecture, garnered me a 96% user satisfaction rate and an increase in the company’s repeat business by 67%.

#5. Close Your Letter With a CTA

You should take the opportunity to include a call to action (CTA) toward the end of your application letter. A CTA is a marketing term describing something created to elicit a response .

In terms of an application letter, a CTA can be an invitation for hiring managers to contact you for a job interview . This one simple sentence can vastly improve your chances and secure you the next step in the hiring process.

Close the Letter With CTA Example

Thank you for your time. I would love the opportunity to discuss my qualifications over an interview and explain further how I could contribute to your organization.

Let’s put what we’ve learned into practice and check out a complete application letter example :

Application Letter Example

Application Letter Example

3 Tips for Crafting an Effective Job Application Letter

Let’s wrap it up with a couple of expert tips that’ll help you craft the best application letter for a job vacancy:

Job Application Letter Writing Tips

Show that you’re interested in the company. Mention something specific about the organization that you want to join that compelled you to apply to them in particular. That’ll set you apart from the competition, as it shows true passion and indicates that you’re already familiar with their work.

Address the reader by their name. Greeting the reader by their name creates a connection right from the get-go. It’s a great way to build rapport and show that you went the extra mile to research the company.

Write a new job application letter for every position. Don’t submit the same application letter every time you apply for a new job. Even slight modifications can still make your document look generic. For maximum chances with recruiters, your best bet is to write a new one every time.

Final Thoughts

Writing a strong application letter is a skill in and of itself. It represents a combination of research skills, communication skills , writing skills , attention to detail, and more. However, learning this ability is crucial, as it opens doors to invaluable opportunities and helps you move your career in the right direction.

Fortunately, learning to write this document is not that difficult once you understand the basics . The format and layout remain the same, regardless of the career or role that you’re applying for. One application letter sample works for any position; you just need to adapt it to suit your needs.

That’s why we’ve provided step-by-step instructions and a complete example of an application letter, arming you with all the knowledge you need. Best of luck getting the job of your dreams!

Application Letter FAQ

#1. when do you need a job application letter.

You need a job application letter when you’re applying for a role , and you want to stand out among the competition. This document serves as a testament to your skills and experience, and its goal is to portray you as a qualified candidate who’s perfect for the job.

#2. Is a letter of application the same as a cover letter?

A letter of application is not the same as a cover letter , but they share many similarities. The two documents have the same formatting, and both convey valuable information about your competence. However, a cover letter supplements your resume, while an application letter is a standalone and more comprehensive document.

#3. How do I write an application letter that stands out?

To write an application letter that stands out, focus on the skills and accomplishments that are relevant to the job that you’re applying for . Use an attention-grabbing introductory paragraph and include a call to action toward the end. Finally, leverage numbers to add measurable value to your achievements.

Sheila Kravitz

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Convincing Cover Letter for Publishing Industry: Sample + Tips

Elena Prokopets

Are you that person whose nose is always deep into some new title? Do most types of printed periodicals appear oddly fascinating to you? Well, then you are probably well-suited for a career in the publishing industry. 

Despite our collective obsession with digital — and the ubiquity of bite-sized blog posts — a real book still remains an in-demand product too. Last year, the US book industry generated over $26.5 billion in revenue with print book figures improving. And that means that many publishers are once again on a hiring spree.

To land a job with some cool publisher, you gotta have a polished resume. But more importantly, you need to submit a compelling cover letter too. After all, it’s your best way to show your word mastery. 

But even experienced editors often struggle to come up with the right words to frame their achievements. So we’ve created this sample cover letter for publishing jobs as a writing prompt for you. Scroll to the bottom for some extra tips too! 

Publishing Jobs Cover Letter Sample (Word version)

Here’s a sample cover letter for an experienced romance novels editor, looking to work with a national publisher. 

cover letter sample for a publishing job

Download cover letter example (.docx)

Cover Letter Example for Publishing Industry (text version)

Dear Mariam Smith,

Do you know how I recognize a potential best-seller? If the first ten pages leave me thoroughly hooked, it’s a strong contender.  My cover letter for an open position of Romance Novel Editor with Clarks and Spencer Publishing isn’t a real pageturner, but it hopefully will provide an interesting narrative into my professional experience and abilities that can be of use to your company.

My journey towards the publishing industry began when I was 6. That’s when I wrote a short love story about a princess and an ice cream delivery man (non-trivial theme, I know). Then I tried to persuade my parents to let me print several copies to give away to my friends. But my mom said that book publishing isn’t free, so I do need to finish several chores first if I want my novel to see the light of day. Since then, I’ve learned a lot more about the publishing industry during my 5 years as an Associate Essay Editor with Angies’ Publishing House and as Romance Features Editor at Wedding Magazine. 

Additionally, I provide manuscript editing services as a freelancer to self-published romance authors, specializing in period dramas — a genre where Clarks and Spencer Publishing certainly excels. Joanne Monroe and Andy McKinzey are two of my long-term favorite authors, whose your house published. 

Apart from having strong copyediting skills, I’m also experienced with the operational side of the business. I can provide creative direction and vision for book illustrations, liaise with authors and agents, and otherwise facilitate the titles acquisition process. 

For previous samples of my work and references, please check my personal website If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Kayla Devis 

How To Write A Cover Letter for Publishing Industry Jobs

Since you are in the business of words, your cover letter should be coherent, well-narrated, and a bit artistically articulate. After all, you’d like to advertise your personal writing skills too and there’s no better way to do that than in a cover letter.

Still, your cover letter should respect the “unspoken” code — provide background into your work experience, core competencies, and motivation for joining this particular company. To communicate all of the above within one page, follow these actionable tips. 

1. Explain Your “Why”

Why are you so interested in the publishing industry? Why do you want to work for our company? These are the questions nearly every employer in the industry asks. And they want to see answers to them in your cover letter. 

As Carolyn Zimatore, Director, Talent Management at HarperCollins Publishers puts it : 

“I am not sure which is worse: a generic cover letter that says “I would like the open position at your company” without any mention of what the company is or what the job is or why you want the job, or no cover letter at all.”

So before you put any words down, take a five and research the company . Look into the type of genres they are mostly publishing. Check recent authors. Bring up industry awards. There are a lot of small nuggets you can dig up to make your letter sound as if you intimately know their business. 

2. Use Some Storytelling 

Most people join the publishing industry because they are obsessed with great stories. Show your appreciation of a good narrative by weaving in a quick personal story into your letter like the applicant does in the letter above. Just remember to err on the side of brevity. A cover letter isn’t a novel. So keep your story short and sweet as the author does in the sample above. 

3. Advertise Some Extra Skills 

If you want to work in the publishing industry, you need to have exceptional writing and editorial skills. But that’s what every other job applicant will highlight too. So instead of focusing on just that, bring up some of the “extras” you have. Are you an amazing negotiator and can get the needle moving with agents? Are you a maven when it comes to writing jacket copy and sales notes? Do you also happen to be obsessed with numbers and can do baseline sales projections, price research, and other analytical tasks? Bring all of these complementary skills in your cover letter!

Here are several other in-demand skills for editorial jobs in the publishing industry:

  • Publishing process coordination 
  • Author relationship management 
  • Typography and illustration 
  • Market research 
  • Deal management 
  • Payment records management 
  • P&L management 
  • Backlist project coordination 

Final Thoughts

Landing a job in the publishing industry is a dream for many bookworms. But don’t let this be just a dream — take proactive steps to get your foot in the door. Sure, such jobs are competitive, but with a little bit of persistence and the right attitude, you’d be able to break into it!

Elena Prokopets

Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice... more

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How to write a cover letter to a publisher.

How to Write a Cover Letter 1

Writing a Great Cover Letter Is Key to Publishing Your Manuscript

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure into the world of publishing? Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or a budding author, an attractive publishing cover letter is the golden ticket to capturing a publisher’s attention and getting your book on shelves. Though writing a cover letter can be a daunting task, fear not! We’re here to help unravel the mysteries of how to write an engaging, effective cover letter to a publisher.

Once you’ve got yours together, you can submit your cover letter and manuscript to our team here at Atmosphere Press!

A Thoughtful Opening

First, let’s talk about the basics: the salutation. It may be tempting to take the easy road and slap on a standard “To Whom It May Concern,” but this is a chance to personalize the letter and show the publisher you’ve done your homework. Avoid generic greetings that scream “copy and paste,” and instead do some research and address your cover letter to a specific person (usually the acquisitions editor of the publishing house). This will make your letter stand out like a phoenix rising from the ashes!

Generic: To Whom It May Concern, Personalized: Dear [Acquisitions Editor’s Name], Example: Dear Ms. Smith,

A Quick Hook

Next, your cover letter should include your name and a brief introduction to yourself and your work. Hook the reader and dazzle them with your passion. Share why you’re interested in their publishing house and why your manuscript is a perfect fit. Be genuine and let your enthusiasm shine through. Remember, you’re not writing a résumé—you’re crafting a tale to bewitch the publisher. It’s important to keep it concise, as publishers receive countless submissions and don’t have time to read lengthy letters, no matter how engaging they may be.

Introduction: My name is [Your Name], and I am thrilled to submit my manuscript for your consideration. Example: My name is John Doe, and I am an avid fantasy writer excited to share my latest work with Atmosphere Press.

Pitch Your Book!

Now it’s time to weave your writing spells and cast a spellbinding synopsis of your manuscript. Keep it brief but punchy. Highlight the unique and captivating aspects of your story. Avoid spoilers and focus on the plot, characters, and setting. Use descriptive language that paints a vivid picture in the publisher’s mind and leaves them hungering for more.

Then let the publisher know why your manuscript will be a bestseller—cast a confidence charm! Share your target audience, market research, and any promotion ideas you have in mind. Show them you’re not just a one-hit wonder, but a writer who’s willing to put in the effort to make your book a success. Be bold, but not boastful, and let the publisher know you’re ready to rock the literary world with your words.

Blurb: My manuscript is a thrilling tale of adventure set in a world where magic reigns supreme. Example: My manuscript, The Chronicles of Eldoria , follows the journey of a young mage who must unravel the mysteries of an ancient prophecy to save her kingdom from darkness.

After pitching your book, let the publisher know what makes you the chosen one to pen this tale. Share your writing credentials, awards, and any relevant publishing credits. Don’t worry if you’re a rookie writer without a long list of accolades; you can still work magic by sharing your writing style, your love for the genre, and your unique perspective as an author.

Awards: I have received several awards for my short stories and poetry. Example: I am the winner of the 2023 Fantasy Writers Guild Short Story Contest.

A Strong Closing Statement

Finally, the closing flourish: end your publishing cover letter with a gracious goodbye. Thank the publisher for their time and consideration and express your sincere interest in their feedback or the opportunity to submit your manuscript for review. Avoid begging or pleading and maintain a professional tone. Leave them with a warm and positive impression, and they’ll be eager to take the next step on the publishing journey with you.

And there you have it—a guide to crafting a cover letter that will charm the socks off of any publisher. Remember, a well-written cover letter is the key to unlocking doors of opportunity in the publishing world. So, channel your inner wordsmith, sprinkle some humor and creativity, and let your cover letter work its magic! With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to enchanting your would-be publisher and getting your work published.

Gratitude: Thank you for considering my submission. I look forward to hearing from you. Example: Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to discuss how The Chronicles of Eldoria could find a home with Atmosphere Press.

Some bonus tips to make your cover letter even more enchanting:

— Avoid using clichés or overused phrases. Be original and let your unique voice shine through.

— Keep it professional. While humor and creativity are encouraged, make sure your cover letter maintains a professional tone and is free from any inappropriate language or jokes.

— Customize each cover letter! Avoid using a generic template and tailor your letter to the publisher you’re submitting to. Research their publishing house, submission guidelines, and recent publications to show that you’ve done your homework.

— Follow submission guidelines. Publishers often have specific guidelines for submitting cover letters and manuscripts; follow these meticulously to show that you’re a professional and detail-oriented writer.

— Proofread, proofread, proofread! Don’t let any sneaky typos or errors break the spell. Double-check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and consider asking a trusted friend or fellow writer to review your cover letter as well.

Further, there are plenty of online resources available to help you in writing a cover letter!

Writer’s Digest and The Write Life offer numerous articles, guides, and webinars on various aspects of the publishing process, including crafting effective cover letters.

You could also check out Query Shark , where literary agent Janet Reid critiques real query letters and provides insights into what works and what doesn’t in submissions to agents and publishers, or peruse Manuscript Wish List , a database where literary agents and publishers share their specific manuscript preferences. Writers can browse through the listings to get a sense of what publishers are looking for and tailor their cover letters accordingly.

Still Need Help Writing a Cover Letter?

Strange as it sounds, sometimes writing an effective publishing cover letter is one of the most difficult steps for even the most accomplished writers. What’s more, it’s just one step within the publishing process, alongside choosing the best publisher, ensuring your book is polished, and identifying the best target markets and audience for your book.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, our expert publication team at Atmosphere Press offers free publication consultations to help budding authors take the next step. Schedule yours today !

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5 Bookkeeper Cover Letter Examples Built for 2024 

Stephen Greet

  • Bookkeeper Cover Letter
  • Bookkeeper No Experience
  • Office Manager Bookkeeper
  • Full Charge Bookkeeper
  • Freelance Bookkeeper
  • Write Your Bookkeeper Cover Letter

Being a bookkeeper means you play a vital role in the financial health of your workplace. You’re the financial wizard behind the scenes, handling everything from balancing the books and reconciling accounts to tracking expenses and ensuring compliance with tax regulations.

Your attention to detail is second to none, and you’re a master at organizing financial data. But when it comes to writing a cover letter to go with your bookkeeper resume , it’s a different ballgame. We get it—highlighting your financial prowess on paper can be tricky.

Well, there’s no need to worry; we’re here to guide you through the process. Just follow our bookkeeper cover letter examples and tips, along with the help of our cover letter generator , to land that dream job in finance.

how to write an application letter to a bookshop

Bookkeeper Cover Letter Example


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Bookkeeper cover letter example

Why this cover letter works

  • The secret, as shown here, is combining your core bookkeeping skills and experience to streamline processes. For example, achievements in processing payroll and vendor negotiations to reduce penalties would make a significant difference.

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifiting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Bookkeeper No Experience Cover Letter Example

Bookkeeper no experience
cover letter example

  • Like this example, showcase your research and innovation edge in your practical coursework and include the potential impact of your creations if applied in real-world scenarios.

Office Manager Bookkeeper Cover Letter Example

Office manager bookkeeper cover letter example

  • A few things you can highlight include streamlining payroll processes with Papaya Global, which resulted in a significant reduction in errors. Also, underscore your role in tax compilation and filing to ensure adherence to all regulations.

Full Charge Bookkeeper Cover Letter Example

Full charge bookkeeper
cover letter example

  • By providing a preview of how your ambition and expertise can enhance the overall customer service experience, you can outstrip the competition, setting your path straight to a job interview with your dream company.

Freelance Bookkeeper Cover Letter Example

Freelance bookkeeper cover letter example

  • An excellent example here would be Priya using Quickbooks and Xero for data entry and bank reconciliation, Excel modeling for budgeting, and Netsuite for financial reporting. In addition, flaunt your experience with freelancing tools like Asana, Trello, and Slack.

Related cover letter examples

  • Entry level

How to Write an Impactful Bookkeeper Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

As a bookkeeper, your keen eye for detail is a superpower that can set you apart in the job market. Crafting an exceptional cover letter begins with showcasing that precision and dedication. But how can you convey this effectively in a short letter? The answer lies in the job description . Tailoring your cover letter to the specific requirements of the position is your ticket to success. 

For example, if the job posting emphasizes the need for meticulous financial record-keeping, highlight your track record of flawlessly managing financial data. By aligning your skills and experiences with the employer’s needs, you demonstrate that you’re not just any bookkeeper—you’re the perfect fit for their team.

how to write an application letter to a bookshop

Achieving an attention-grabbing intro

To make a powerful first impression in your bookkeeper cover letter, kick things off by addressing the hiring manager by name. You can find this information through LinkedIn, the company’s website, or even a friendly phone call. However, if all else fails, a polite “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Company] Team” can suffice.

Once you’ve nailed the greeting, captivate your reader with a compelling opening paragraph. This is your chance to establish an immediate connection with the company and demonstrate why you’re the ideal candidate. Mention your passion for maintaining precise financial records or navigating complex financial statements, and make sure to adjust it for each application.

Now, let’s look at a common mistake. This example falls flat because it fails to convey why they’re a strong candidate. It lacks enthusiasm and doesn’t highlight any relevant skills or qualities.

I’m writing to express my interest in the bookkeeper position. I don’t have much experience, but I want to apply for the job.

The next sample does a much better job. It establishes an instant connection with the company by mentioning its reputation in the bookkeeping industry. 


My bookkeeping career has been dominated by the desire to excel and always exceed expectations. As I looked for a challenging role as office manager bookkeeper, Lyft came highly recommended and I would like the chance to be part of your esteemed organization and customer-first culture.

how to write an application letter to a bookshop

Nailing the main part of your cover letter

In the body paragraphs of your bookkeeper cover letter, you should dive into your professional journey and showcase your standout achievements. Maybe you maintained impeccable financial records, successfully reconciled complex accounts, or implemented efficient financial reporting systems. All of those things are brag-worthy. 

Don’t forget to back up these accomplishments with quantifiable metrics, such as the number of accounts you’ve managed or how your financial insights improved a company’s bottom line.

It’s also important to tailor these paragraphs to the specific job description . Highlight skills and experiences that directly correspond to the employer’s needs—like expertise in tax preparation, proficiency in accounting software, or a history of ensuring financial compliance.

That’s how you impress them!

In my most recent roles at Maddison Staffing Agencies, I achieved a 99.8% accuracy rate in reconciling accounts, minimizing discrepancies and ensuring reliable financial reporting. I also managed the company’s payroll, where I processed bi-weekly payrolls for a team of 212+ employees and ensured that all payroll-related tax obligations were met on time.

how to write an application letter to a bookshop

Creating a memorable closing paragraph 

In the closing paragraph of your bookkeeper cover letter, your goal is to leave a lasting impression that emphasizes your alignment with the company’s values and needs. Don’t be afraid to show excitement about the opportunity and demonstrate your research by mentioning specific aspects of the company or the role that resonate with you. 

For instance, if you’re applying to a firm that values financial transparency, express your commitment to maintaining pristine financial records that align with its ethos.

Drive home your candidacy by showcasing how your skills, such as adept financial analysis or compliance expertise, can contribute to the company’s success. 

Always express gratitude for the opportunity and finish with a courteous sign-off, such as “Sincerely, [your name].” This conveys professionalism and leaves a positive impression.

Avoid closing with personal information that isn’t relevant to the application process, like this example does. It detracts from your professionalism and distracts from the value you bring to the company.

Deal breaker!

Please contact me by email and not by phone as I often don’t answer calls from unknown numbers. I hope to hear back from you soon.

The next example is leagues better, clearly and enthusiastically emphasizing the applicant’s interest in the role.

The innovative and dynamic environment at Lyft aligns well with my aspirations for continued growth and learning. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills and experiences can add value to your team.

Build a connection by mentioning specific aspects of the company’s mission, values, or recent achievements that resonate with you. Explain why you’re excited about the role and how your skills align with the company’s needs.

Match the tone to the company culture and job description . If the company is formal, use a more professional tone. If it’s informal and creative, let your personality shine through, but always keep it a few levels more professional than the job listing to express respect.

Generally, enclosures (additional documents) are not included in the cover letter. However, if the job posting specifically requests additional documents, you can mention them briefly. Pick a cover letter template that lets you list everything you’ve sent, such as your bookkeeper resume or references.

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