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Describe a Gift You Would Like to Buy for Your Friend - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Model Answer

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend..

You should say:

what gift you would like to buy

who you would like to give it to

why you would like to buy a gift for your friend

explain why you choose that gift.

Describe a Gift You Would Like to Buy for Your Friend - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Model Answer

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Model Answer 1

Imagine this: there's a special friend in your life who always lights up your day. Now, picture the perfect gift for them, something that captures the essence of your friendship. What comes to mind is a custom-made photo album, filled with memories that span the years of your friendship. It's not just any photo album, but one where each page unfolds a story, a laughter, a moment that you both treasure.

Why a photo album, you might wonder? Well, in today's fast-paced digital world, we often overlook the charm of printed photographs. Each picture in this album would be a pause button on life's precious moments, a tangible piece of a memory that can be held and cherished. This friend, let's call them Jamie, has been there through thick and thin. From your first awkward school dance to the day you both graduated, Jamie has been more than a friend; they've been your confidant, your rock.

Choosing this gift is a nod to all those times when you both promised to be there for each other. It's a way of saying, "I remember, and I cherish every single moment." You see, Jamie isn't just a friend; they're a part of your life's journey. Giving this album would be a reminder of the laughs, the tears, and the growth you've shared. It's more than a gift; it's a treasure trove of memories, a narrative of your friendship that tells a story far beyond words.

So why this gift? Because in a world where everything is transient and fleeting, this photo album is a testament to something enduring – the beauty of shared memories. It's a gift that doesn't just sit on a shelf; it lives in the heart. And in choosing it, you're not just giving a present; you're honoring a bond that has been the backdrop to your life's most significant moments. This, in every sense, is what makes it the perfect gift for Jamie.

Why this is a High Scoring Answer

When you're tasked with the challenge to "Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend," it's essential to present a response that's not only comprehensive but also resonates with the personal experiences and emotions that make your speech engaging and relatable. The sample answer provided exemplifies a high-scoring response for several key reasons.

Firstly, the answer delves deep into the realm of personal storytelling. By choosing a custom-made photo album as the gift, the response taps into universally cherished values: memories, friendship, and the irreplaceable joy of shared experiences. This approach makes the answer not just a response to a question, but a narrative that any listener can connect with emotionally.

Secondly, the level of detail in the response elevates it significantly. Describing the photo album not just as a collection of images, but as a journey through shared moments, transforms the gift from a simple object into a symbol of enduring friendship. This kind of vivid description is exactly what examiners look for – it demonstrates an ability to use language not just correctly, but creatively and expressively.

Moreover, the response excellently utilizes descriptive language and a varied vocabulary. Words like 'tangible', 'confidant', and 'testament' showcase a strong command of English, crucial for achieving a high score in the IELTS Speaking section. The use of these words in context also demonstrates an ability to convey complex ideas fluently and precisely – a key criterion in the IELTS assessment.

The answer's structure also contributes to its high score potential. It flows logically, beginning with the introduction of the gift, moving through the explanation of its significance, and concluding with a reflection on the deeper meaning of the gift. This coherent structure makes the response easy to follow and shows an ability to organize thoughts effectively.

For those of you looking to enhance your preparation for the IELTS, exploring our exclusive IELTS books (download pdf) would be a wise decision. These resources are crafted to guide you through each section of the exam, ensuring you're well-equipped with the knowledge and skills to excel.

In summary, this sample answer is a prime example of how to effectively address the task of describing a gift for a friend in the IELTS Speaking exam. It goes beyond mere description, weaving personal elements and emotional depth into the narrative, showcasing a high level of English proficiency and the ability to engage the listener – essential components for a high-scoring IELTS Speaking response.

Model Answer 2

Envision the perfect gift for a cherished friend, something that transcends the ordinary and holds a deeper meaning. What immediately springs to mind is a personalized journal, not just any journal, but one intricately crafted, with a hand-painted cover that reflects my friend’s personality and passions. This journal would be a canvas for their thoughts, dreams, and aspirations.

Why a journal, you might ask? In our digital age, where fleeting thoughts are often typed and swiped away, the act of writing by hand brings a certain mindfulness and introspection. This friend, whom we'll call Alex, is a thinker, a dreamer, someone who often gets lost in their thoughts and finds solace in the written word. Alex has a way with words, and their thoughts are like uncharted territories, waiting to be explored.

Choosing this gift is more than just an appreciation of Alex's love for writing; it's a tribute to the depth of their thoughts and feelings. It's a way of saying, "Your thoughts are valuable, and they deserve a beautiful place to reside." Each page of this journal offers a sanctuary for Alex’s ideas, a private haven where creativity is nurtured and cherished.

This isn’t just any gift; it's a vessel for self-expression, a companion in moments of solitude. It's an invitation for Alex to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to pen down their innermost thoughts and dreams. In a world that often rushes past without a second thought, this journal is a reminder to pause, reflect, and dream.

Therefore, this journal is the embodiment of a meaningful gift. It represents a deep understanding of what Alex holds dear, an acknowledgment of their inner world. It’s more than a present; it’s a gesture that says, “I see you, I hear you, and I celebrate the person you are.” That’s the essence of why this journal is the ideal gift for Alex.

When you describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend, your answer needs to reflect not only your proficiency in English but also your ability to connect thoughts and emotions in a coherent and engaging manner. The provided sample answer does this exceptionally well, making it a strong candidate for a high score in the IELTS Speaking section.

Firstly, the response is anchored by a clear and direct engagement with the task – to describe a thoughtful gift. The choice of a personalized journal is significant and meaningful, offering a deep insight into the friendship and the personality of the friend, Alex. This level of personalization and detail is exactly what IELTS examiners look for, as it demonstrates the ability to think critically and convey ideas creatively.

The language used in the answer is both varied and sophisticated, showcasing a wide vocabulary. Phrases like “a canvas for their thoughts, dreams, and aspirations,” and “a vessel for self-expression” not only paint a vivid picture of the gift but also exhibit the speaker's linguistic range – an essential aspect in achieving a high score.

Moreover, the answer is structured effectively, with a clear introduction, development, and conclusion. It starts by setting the context, moves into explaining the significance of the journal, and concludes by reinforcing why this particular gift is so meaningful. This coherent structure makes the response easy to follow and indicates a strong ability to organize thoughts – a key criterion in the IELTS Speaking assessment.

The response also shows an excellent use of emotional depth, making the description more than just a factual account. By illustrating how the journal is a “reminder to pause, reflect, and dream,” the speaker connects emotionally with the listener, a skill highly valued in the IELTS Speaking test.

For further enhancement in your IELTS preparation, don't forget to check out our exclusive IELTS books (download pdf) . They're designed specifically for you, offering a comprehensive guide to ace each section of the exam.

In brief, the sample answer effectively uses its chosen theme – “Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend” – to demonstrate a high level of English proficiency, both in terms of vocabulary and expressive ability. It stands as an excellent example of how to craft a response that is not only linguistically strong but also emotionally engaging and personally meaningful, key aspects of a high-scoring answer in the IELTS Speaking exam.

Model Answer 3

Picture this: a gift that's not just a mere object, but a gateway to a world of relaxation and tranquility for a dear friend. The ideal present I have in mind is a premium, artisanal tea set, complete with an assortment of exotic, organic teas. This isn't just any tea set, but a carefully curated collection that reflects my friend's love for the finer things in life, and their appreciation for the art of tea brewing.

Why choose a tea set? In a fast-paced world where moments of peace are rare, this gift offers an oasis of calm. My friend, whom we'll call Riley, leads a hectic life, often juggled between professional commitments and personal endeavors. Riley, a connoisseur of gourmet experiences, finds solace in the subtle art of tea tasting – a practice that brings a sense of serenity and mindfulness.

Opting for this artisanal tea set is more than a gesture of giving; it’s an invitation for Riley to indulge in a ritual of relaxation. Each cup of tea brewed from this set is not just a drink, but a journey through flavors and aromas that soothe the soul and rejuvenate the spirit. The teas, sourced from the finest gardens around the world, offer a sensory experience that transcends the ordinary.

In choosing this gift, the message is clear: it’s a recognition of Riley’s need for moments of reprieve and a celebration of their refined taste. It’s an acknowledgment that amidst life's chaos, there lies the beauty of taking a pause, of savoring the quiet moments.

Thus, this artisanal tea set stands as the perfect embodiment of thoughtfulness. It’s a testament to the friendship we share, a bond that appreciates the need for quality time and self-care. It’s more than a present; it’s a gesture of understanding, a symbol of the peaceful moments we wish for those we hold dear.

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In the context of the IELTS Speaking exam, when you are asked to "Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend," the ability to articulate a detailed and imaginative response is crucial. The sample answer discussing the artisanal tea set is an excellent example of a high-scoring response for several reasons.

Firstly, the choice of the gift itself – a premium, artisanal tea set – is unique and thoughtful. It reflects a deep understanding of the friend's interests and lifestyle, demonstrating the speaker's ability to think critically and personalize their response. This level of detail, where the tea set is described as not just a gift but a "gateway to a world of relaxation and tranquility," showcases the ability to use language imaginatively, a key criterion for a high score in IELTS Speaking.

The language used throughout the answer is rich and varied. Phrases like "oasis of calm," "subtle art of tea tasting," and "sensory experience that transcends the ordinary" not only add depth to the description but also exhibit a broad vocabulary and the ability to express complex ideas. This is crucial for impressing the examiner and achieving a higher band score.

Structurally, the response is well-organized, with a clear introduction, elaboration, and a meaningful conclusion. It begins by introducing the gift, delves into the reasons behind choosing it, and concludes by reflecting on the significance of the gift in the context of the friendship. This coherent structure demonstrates an effective command of language organization, an essential aspect of the IELTS Speaking assessment.

Emotionally, the response connects with the listener. By discussing the gift's potential impact on the friend's life and well-being, the speaker shows empathy and understanding, qualities that add depth to the response and engage the examiner.

To enhance your IELTS preparation, I recommend exploring our exclusive IELTS books (download pdf) . They are tailored just for you, offering insightful strategies and comprehensive practice to elevate your performance across all sections of the exam.

In short, this sample answer exemplifies what a high-scoring IELTS Speaking response entails: a personalized and detailed narrative, rich and varied language, effective structure, and emotional depth. It stands as a benchmark for those aiming to excel in the "Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend" task, reflecting both linguistic proficiency and the ability to engage the listener in a meaningful conversation.

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Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend IELTS cue card

Describe A Gift You Would Like To Buy For Your Friend

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend.

You should say: What gift you would like to buy? Who you would like to give it to? Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her? And explain why you choose that gift?

Note:  You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Model Answer 1:

Introduction: Well, gifting is a way to express our love and affection towards others here I would like to talk about something special I am planning to gift. 

What gift you would like to buy?  and  Who you would like to give it to?  Actually,it’s my mother’s birthday the coming month and I have planned to get her a smartphone. The fact is that, my mother still uses an old mobile which is not smartphone. She always pretends that she likes this simple handset but I know her nature. 

Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her?  She always makes compromises when it comes to her because of her caring nature towards others. But I have planned that I will surprise her with a latest handset on her birthday.

And explain why you choose that gift? This new device would be helpful to my mother in many way. Firstly, when all family members go out for work she feels alone and bored but on smartphone she can remain active on social networking applications like Facebook and Instagram to spend her time in an interesting way.

In addition, my mother has profound interest in cooking and loves to cook new food items and on her new phone, she can easily watch youtube videos to cook something special for family. 

Lastly, she is quite religious and fond of listening spiritual music which she can listen all the time using headphones without any disturbance.

Conclusion: Now I am eagerly waiting for the day so that I can surprise my mother with this very special gift. 

Model Answer 2:

What gift you would like to buy?

Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her? And explain why you choose that gift?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card “Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend”.

1. What is the importance of gifts? Gifts are gestures of love. They strengthen bonds of friendship. Gifts make the recipient feel special . OR Gifts are an integral part of our lives. Gifts are given not only on special occasions, but also when you want to make people happy. We often give gifts to confirm or establish a connection with others. This means that it reflects both the donor and the recipient, as well as their unique relationship. When you give a gift to a loved one, you can express your feelings of gratitude and gratitude for that person.

Nowadays, we belong to a consumerist society. There are so many choices of gifts. This may seem good to some, but I often get confused when it comes to selecting a gift.

3. Do Indian people often give gifts Almost all cultures have traditions and etiquette related to receiving and giving gifts. Giving a gift is a way of expressing love. The custom of giving gifts is famous all over the world, even in modern India. Gifts are usually not given in a business context. However, if you are invited to visit an Indian house, a gift is appropriate OR Yes, Indian people like to give gifts. They give gifts on special occasions such as marriages, birthdays and anniversaries etc.

6. What factors do people consider when buying a gift for friends? People consider a lot of things when buying a gift for friends . They consider the friends requirement and they consider their own pocket.

Image  : Photo by Ekaterina S hevchenko on Unsplash

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Essay on My Best Gift

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Best Gift in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Best Gift


The joy of receiving gifts is immeasurable. Among all the gifts I have received, one stands out as the best.

The Best Gift

My best gift was a book, gifted by my grandmother on my 10th birthday. It wasn’t just any book, but a collection of inspiring stories.

Why It’s Special

This book is special because it ignited my love for reading. Each story taught me valuable lessons about life.

The best gifts aren’t always the most expensive ones. They are those that leave a lasting impact on our lives, just like my book.

250 Words Essay on My Best Gift

The gift’s significance.

The notebook, filled with my grandmother’s handwritten recipes, is more than just a collection of dishes. It is a testament to her love for cooking and a symbol of her desire to pass on the family’s culinary heritage. She had spent years perfecting those recipes, and her gift was a way of entrusting me with a piece of our family’s history.

Impact of the Gift

The notebook has significantly influenced my life. It sparked a passion for cooking that I was previously unaware of. I found joy in replicating the recipes, each dish bringing me closer to my roots and instilling a sense of connection to my family. The notebook also taught me the value of preserving traditions and the importance of sharing them with future generations.

In conclusion, the best gift I’ve ever received is not valuable in monetary terms, but it is priceless in its emotional significance. It represents a tangible link to my family’s past and a guide for preserving our traditions. It is a gift that has shaped my interests, values, and identity. The notebook from my grandmother is not just a collection of recipes; it is a cherished keepsake, a source of inspiration, and undoubtedly, my best gift.

500 Words Essay on My Best Gift

Gifts are a universal way to express emotions such as love, appreciation, and gratitude. Throughout our lives, we receive various gifts, but some hold a special place in our hearts. The best gift I ever received was not wrapped in shiny paper or tied with a colorful ribbon, but was a profound life experience that forever changed my perspective.

The Unexpected Gift

The best gift I ever received was a two-week trip to a remote village in Africa, a gift from my parents on my eighteenth birthday. Initially, I was perplexed, even disappointed. I had expected a car, a gadget, or a lavish party, but instead, I was given an experience that seemed unexciting. Little did I know, this trip would be the most valuable gift I’d ever receive.

Experiencing a Different World

Lessons from simplicity.

The villagers taught me the beauty of simplicity. They found joy in the simplest things – a good harvest, a community gathering, a starlit sky. They were content with what they had, and they shared generously. Their sense of community was profound; they worked together, celebrated together, and supported each other in times of need. The happiness and contentment they derived from their simple lives were eye-opening.

Valuing What Matters

This experience taught me to value relationships and experiences over material possessions. I realized that the relentless pursuit of material wealth often leads to stress and discontentment. On the other hand, the villagers, with their simple lives and strong community bonds, seemed happier and more content. This realization was a paradigm shift for me, making me reconsider what I truly valued in life.

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  • Gift Giving

How to Choose a Gift for Your Friends

Last Updated: June 24, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Ebony Eubanks, MSW, ACSW, CAMS-II . Ebony Eubanks is a Therapist, and Founder and CEO of Peaceful Living Counseling and Professional Services of Philadelphia, PA and in Hockessin, DE. With over a decade of experience providing counseling and coaching to individuals, couples, and groups, she specializes in depression, anxiety, couples work, life guidance coaching, and anger management. Ebony holds a Master’s in Social Work from Temple University and is a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers. She is a Certified Anger Management Specialist-II, Level II trained Gottman Couples Therapist. and Certified Gestalt Therapist. Ebony also holds additional certifications in Advanced Clinician Training. This article has been viewed 246,143 times.

Giving gifts is a great way to show your friends that you care, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the perfect present. Luckily, with some pointers and intuition, you’ll be able to pick out the perfect gift for even the most difficult of people.

Choosing the Perfect Gift

Step 1 Start generating ideas.

  • Keep these ideas in mind as you continue to generate more ideas and narrow down your choices.

Step 2 Pick a gift that relates to their personality.

  • Buy your music-obsessed friend an album or a t-shirt from their favorite band’s merchandise. Look into fan-club memberships as well.
  • Get art or craft supplies for an artistic person. Think about art projects they’d like to accomplish, or about work that they haven’t finished.
  • Buy an indoor plant, wrap it properly and send it as a gift to your friend who loves gardening.
  • Look for rare or quirky team memorabilia for a sporty friend. Check out EBay for autographed cards, bobbleheads, stickers or other sports items that others are unlikely to have.
  • Buy toys for the person’s pets. Pets are important to their owners, and sometimes a gift for a pet can mean as much as a gift for their owner!
  • Continue to think outside the box. Remember that no matter what your friend’s interests are, your gift should be thoughtful and interesting.

Step 3 Consider hand-making a gift.

  • Make a gift that may reference things that you have done together.
  • Make a scrapbook with all your photos. This can be a great gift, as your friend will appreciate the time you put into it, and it will bring back memories.
  • Make something simple like a friendship bracelet or necklace to remind your friend of how much you care.

Step 4 Write a letter about how much you appreciate a good friend.

  • Remember, less is sometimes more. If you make your letter too long, it may start to come off as sappy or insincere.
  • If you are struggling with length, think about what you value the most about your friend. You could even focus on a particular moment, like when they helped you in time of need.

Step 5 Choose an experience over material goods.

  • Take a friend out for dinner, drinks, a concert or a movie. As with physical gifts, think about your friends personality and interests and choose a gift accordingly.
  • Buy your friend a membership to a local museum, aquarium or zoo. They will get free entry for a year as well as special perks for joining.
  • Go a little crazy! Sometimes, gifts that seem impossible are more reasonably priced than you might imagine. Look into a horseback riding session if your friend loves animals, or skydiving if your friend is a daredevil. Rent a car and check out a state park with an adventurous friend.

Step 6 Pay a bill for a friend.

  • For example, if you know that your friend is struggling to pay off an expensive medical bill, you could create a fundraiser for it.
  • Only choose this option if you know that your friend will appreciate it. Some people are very proud and feel uncomfortable receiving financial aid from friends.

Step 7 Consider donating to a charity on behalf of someone who has everything.

  • For example, if your friend cares about wildlife, especially wolves, you could donate to a wolf conservation center.

Step 8 Give them something they actually want.

  • For example, just because your friend really likes cats does not mean that they'll actually want that set of cat magnets for their refrigerator.

Step 9 Before you give him/her, send him/her a mail wishing him for the occasion you are going to give.

  • For example, you could say "Can't wait for your birthday surprise!" or "I know you'll get a kick out of your gift!"

Doing Research to Make a Better Choice

Step 1 Take note of simple information about the person.

  • The person's gender
  • Whether they live at alone or with family
  • Whether they’re in school or have graduated

Step 2 Remember the person’s preferences.

  • Dig deeper. If you know that they like painting, try to find out if they have a preference: acrylic, gouache, oil, or watercolor.
  • Reader Poll: We asked 325 wikiHow readers about the best gifts to give to a woman, and 53% recommended gifts related to her hobbies and interests . [Take Poll]
  • Whatever their gender, any friend is sure to like something you picked out based on their likes and interests.

Step 1 Check out their social media profiles.

  • Take a look at their social media posts. If they post a lot of Harry Potter or Star Wars memes, then it's safe to say that they like Harry Potter or Star Wars.

Step 2 Find out if the person does any online shopping.

  • If they do shop online, ask if you can look over their shoulder and see what they’re shopping for.
  • If you really want to surprise them, you could have the gift sent directly to their house. It would be even better if there is a gift wrapping option!

Step 3 Go to the mall with them and see what they look at.

  • If your friend decided against an item that was too expensive, then they might appreciate getting it for their birthday.
  • If your friend decided against something that wasn't in their taste after all, then there is no point in getting it for them--they chose not to buy it because they didn't want it.

Step 4 Listen to see if they mention anything they want.

  • For example, if your friend posts an image of a specific makeup kit, and mentions how she wished she had it, consider getting it for her!

Step 5 Ask for help amongst your mutual friends.

  • This is an especially good idea if the gift is very expensive or a gag gift. If you aren't sure how your friend will react to it, definitely ask mutual friends.

Step 6 Ask the person’s parent, sibling or other relative.

Keeping Your Gift in Scope

Step 1 Think about how close you are with the receiver of the gift.

  • Best friends are deserving of very meaningful, personal gifts that reflect your years of friendship.
  • Don’t give people you have just met or don’t know too well overly personal or expensive gifts. Expensive gifts may give them the idea that you’re just trying to impress them, while overly personal gifts might come off as too forward.

Step 2 Keep in mind the occasion for the gift.

  • For example, people tend to focus more on Christmas than St. Patrick's day. As such, you might want to give them the bigger gift on Christmas.

Step 3 Get bigger gifts for big number birthdays (21, 30 or 50).

  • For example, if no one is around to celebrate your friend's birthday and they are not celebrating a big number, you could still get them a nice gift.

Step 4 Give appropriate gifts for themed parties.

Expert Q&A

Ebony Eubanks, MSW, ACSW, CAMS-II

Reader Videos

  • Don’t be disappointed if the gift turns out to be less than perfect. Most good friends will appreciate the effort, and there will be more gift-giving occasions in the future to try again. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Don’t go overboard with spending. While expensive gifts are often a nice surprise for a great friend, there are plenty of lower-cost gifts that can show someone that you care. Remember, “It’s the thought that counts”. Keep it personal and meaningful. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure you don’t buy a repeat gift! When talking to family members and other friends, make note of gifts that they’ve given the person so that you don’t buy them the same thing. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

essay buying presents

  • Be careful buying clothes for someone. Buying sizes that are too large or too small might be frustrating to them, and they’ll have to be returned. And while you may think that you’re buying a piece of clothing that’s just their taste, your subtle style preferences might not end up matching with theirs. Thanks Helpful 10 Not Helpful 2
  • Keep it civil. While you might think you know the person well, sometimes gag-gifts and gifts with off-color humor may offend them or anyone who’s around when the gift is opened. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 2
  • Getting gift cards may be appreciated by some people, but to others, gift cards are signs that you didn’t try very hard. While the person may love coffee, there may be more thoughtful gifts for them than a coffee gift card. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 3
  • Take off the price tag. They might feel bad for you on how much you spent. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 2

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Ebony Eubanks, MSW, ACSW, CAMS-II

Choosing gifts for your friends can be tricky, but with a little effort, you can find something they’ll love. If they’re on social media, check their pages for inspiration. If you have time to plan your gift, pay attention to the things they talk about to see if they mention anything they like. Then, you can brainstorm ideas and start searching online for related gifts. If they like music, look for merchandise or gig tickets for one of their favorite bands. Or, look for a model of their favorite character from a TV show they like. If they’re into sports, you can get them something related to their favorite team. Alternatively, make them something by hand, like a scrapbook or friendship bracelet. For more tips, including how to package your gift, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend IELTS Cue Card

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend IELTS Cue Card


Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend.

What gift you would like to buy?

Who would you like to give it to?

Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her?

And explain why you choose that gift?

Sample Answer 1


Being a social person, I love to give gifts to my near and dear ones.

I have planned to gift you a laptop. It’s a new generation laptop with decent configuration. Its speed is amazing, and battery backup is of five hours.

I would give this gift to one of my bosom friends Andrew.

My friend Andrew is a learned person with tremendous knowledge. Despite a good skill set, he is not doing well in life. He is going through a severe financial crunch.

After spending time with him, I have realized that he has not grown in his career because he has not changed himself with the needs of the contemporary epoch .

He is a seasoned teacher, but he doesn’t earn much because of doing things the old way.

The corona pandemic has brought a paradigm shift in the way teachers impart education. As Andrew doesn’t have funds to invest, I would like to gift him a laptop to help him make both ends meet.

Having a laptop at his disposal would help him impart seamless education to his students. Moreover, he can design content as per the new curriculum.

As education is a burgeoning industry nowadays: my gift could help him to jump into the bandwagon and carve out a niche for himself.

Due to these reasons, I have decided to gift him a laptop on his birthday.

Sample Answer 2

There is no denying this conviction that giving gifts to our near and dear ones is a prudent approach because it helps us to strengthen our relationship.

What gift you would like to buy? and Who would you like to give it to?

To foster my relationship with my friend Andrew I would like to gift him a microwave oven.

I would like to gift Andrew a microwave oven because he stays alone, and being a lethargic person, he doesn’t cook food and often eat outside. Due to this habit, he is turning obese.

I have chosen the microwave oven because of the benefits it provides. Firstly it cooks at a fast speed. In the modern era, most youngsters remain busy due to fierce competition , and they do not have much time to cook. This equipment is a blessing for such people because it empowers them to cook meals in minutes.

Moreover, the meals cooked in the microwave are healthy, because instead of frying we can bake the food products. Andrew has this uncanny knack for eating fast food every day. With this equipment at home, he will switch to healthier options.

Thirdly it costs less to run a microwave oven. As the prices of liquified petroleum gas are inclining rapidly, it is worthwhile to switch to alternate options.

I firmly believe that giving this gift to Andrew can bring a paradigm shift to his life by making him fit and healthy.

Sample Answer 3


Friends are an integral part of our lives, and it is our bounden duty to provide unabated support to them.

I have planned to gift a book named “Checklist Manifesto”.

One of my friends named Gordon is going through a lean patch in life, I would like to help him by giving him the book “Checklist Manifesto” to bring a paradigm shift in his life.

Gordon is my bosom friend since childhood. During the challenging periods of my life, he has always provided me with unstinted support. Now he has lost hope in his life, and I would leave no stone unturned to lead his life towards an impressive growth trajectory .

I have chosen this gift because, being Gordon’s all-weather friend, I know his strengths and weaknesses. The prominent reason for his failure is a lack of planning.

The book “Checklist Manifesto” contains enough content to teach the significance of doing works by making a checklist. There is no denying this conviction that most individuals think they can execute their plan mentally. However, most of them miss key details while performing the tasks.

This book has numerous examples where the people experienced tremendous improvement in their performance after using a checklist in their tasks because it empowers them to focus on their work without caring about the steps.

I staunchly believe that Gordon can get much-needed success 

Sample Answer 4

In the contemporary epoch, gifts have become an integral part of our lives. People exchange presents to show their love and affection towards their near and dear ones.

  I would like to gift him a mutual fund plan.

I would gift it to one of my bosom friends named Andrew.

Since my childhood, Andrew has provided me with unabated support. In my budding years, I was an average student and used to find it hard to get good grades.

Seeing my plight Andrew came to my rescue, and he taught me to study with determination, dedication and discipline. His advice brought a paradigm shift in my life and led my career towards an impressive growth trajectory. 

I have chosen this gift because I want a secure future forAndrew.No doubt he earns a boatload of money, but he does not have the habit of saving because he does not have any idea about the concept of compounding money.

By investing money on his behalf, I would make him understand the concept of saving. And I firmly believe that it would help him amass funds for his future.

There is no denying this conviction that investing in mutual funds is a lot easier than investing in the stock market. Moreover, tracking your investments help you to understand the financial market.

Follow up Questions

Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “ Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend ”.

1. What is the importance of gifts?

Girts are a way to make our near and dear ones feel special. Apart from this, they reduce the gaps between relationships.

2. Is there any pressure on us to buy presents?

Unfortunately, this is true. Most people have to buy presents under pressure. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, they feel that they would be the odd one out. There is no denying this conviction that people exchange gifts on various occasions. Due to this, those who do not give or receive the gift feel deprived.

Apart from this, people feel that their relationship would go for a toss if they do not exchange gifts.

3. Do Indian people often give gifts

In India, gifting culture is there for ages. People give presents to their near and dear ones on occasions like Diwali, Birthday parties and Wedding ceremonies.

4. What’s the value of giving presents?

Gifts serve two purposes. Firstly they make our near and dear ones feel special. When we give gifts, we give a feeling of love and affection. Moreover, when we go beyond the conventional domain to buy gifts for our relatives and friends, they also reciprocate. And the process continues.

Apart from this, exchanging gifts provide us with an opportunity to spend quality time with our near and dear ones. In the contemporary epoch, most people remain busy due to fierce competition and hectic schedules. Due to this, they do not have much time to utilize with their close ones. When people exchange gifts, they meet and talk, and it reduces the gap betwixt them.

5. What kinds of gifts are suitable for friends to give each other?

Friends know the liking of each other. So, they can give a gift according to the likins and interests of their friends. They should look for the need while buying the gift, rather than buying an expensive one.

Below is the list of the probable  Cue Cards Jan to April 2022

1 .Describe a skill that you learned from older people

2.Describe a person you follow on social media

3.Describe a thing you did to learn other language

4. Describe a course that impressed you a lot

5.Describe an interesting song

6.Describe a special cake you received from others

7.Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend

8.Describe a place in a village that you visited

9 .Desribe a long walk you ever had

10.Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you

1 1.Describe a city you think is very interesting

12.Describe a rule that you don’t like

13.Describe someone you really like to spend time with

14.Describe a time you visited a new place

15.Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in

1 6.Describe a person who contributes to the society

17.Describe a story someone told you and you remember

18.Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

19.Describe a thing you cannot live without

essay buying presents

IELTS Speaking Cue Card

essay buying presents

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

What gift you would like to buy?

Who would you like to give it to?

Why would you like to buy a gift for him/her?

And explain why you choose that gift

Giving presents to family and friends is a way of showing affection. I often receive gifts on significant occasions and also give them, usually on birthdays and anniversaries. I have received some precious gifts in my life and I believe I have given some good ones as well. I would like to talk about one gift that I am soon going to give to my best friend Kaira.

Kaira and I have been friends since childhood. Actually, we went to the same school and college and spent our entire childhood together gleefully. She has given me many presents for when we graduated and when I got my first job, to state a few occasions. I have also given her some but a piano is the one thing that I wanted to gift her as she was very fascinated with it. 

When we went out a year ago to look at some art pieces and musical instruments, she instantly fell in love with a piano. I decided immediately to gift a piano to her on the occasion of her birthday. At the time, it was too expensive but now, I have saved enough to finally gift it to her. She has always found things that I liked once and astonished me with them. I think it’s my turn now to give her a grand surprise. 

It is one of those gifts that makes a person feel flabbergasted and extremely happy. I have already made arrangements to get it to her personally on her birthday this year. I cannot wait to finally present it to her and I am sure she will love it.


  • Gleefully - happily
  • Fascinated - interested in
  • Astonished - surprised
  • Flabbergast - surprise greatly

Part 3 Follow Up - Questions & Answers

1. what is the importance of gifts.

Presents denote that the person giving them remembers the special occasion of their loved one. No matter how small or big a gift is, it is very special to the ones that receive it. It indicates a sweet gesture and gifts can act as memory holders where someone can recollect fond moments of their life by looking at them later.

2. Is there any pressure on us to buy presents?

No, there is no pressure on buying gifts nor there is a compulsion to do so. It is entirely voluntary for a person to buy a gift for someone. Sometimes, people just want to make others feel happy on occasions like anniversaries and birthdays by presenting them with things that they like the most.

3. Do people in your country often give gifts?

Yes, people in India often give gifts to others. I would say, all we need is an occasion to celebrate and give gifts. Commonly, people buy presents for others when they attend weddings, birthday or anniversary parties and some other occasions. Well, I received some presents when I graduated college and found a job.

4. What’s the value of giving presents?

I believe gifts are sweet gestures. They are not quantified by the price they might have cost but by the love that someone has. Many times, people give gifts to their loved ones on special occasions and that makes them feel happy.

5. What kinds of gifts are suitable for friends to give each other?

Some common gifts that friends prefer giving each other would be watches and clothes. People who know their friends very well would think of a creative gift and surprise them. Recently, I gifted my friend a handmade resin rose art piece as I know she loves intricate art pieces and she was absolutely surprised when I gave it to her.

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Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

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essay buying presents


Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend | Cue Card

Ielts speaking cue card, free ielts correction service.

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

You should say:, what gift would you like to buy, who would you like to give it to, why would you like to buy a gift for him/her, and explain why you choose that gift..

Sample Answer:

  • Well, giving gifts is very common in Indian society.
  • My family members and friends usually share gifts with me, and I also give them presents on special occasions.
  • Here, I would like to talk about a gift that I would like to gift my friend. This is Apple’s MacBook Pro.
  • My friend, Mike, is a childhood friend, and we have strong bond with each other.
  •  We have been friends since we started our schooling.
  • He is a brother from another mother.
  • His financial background is not strong, but he is very good at computers.
  • Therefore, I am thinking of giving him a present on this birthday coming next month.
  • He is currently working in an IT company and earning a good salary but not enough to buy this laptop.
  • He shared a unique idea. He wants to build an application.
  • He needs Apple’s laptop to build this application. Because the program he intends to build runs only on Mac book.
  • I really liked his idea, and I want my friend to achieve his dream.
  • I hope he will perfectly implement his concept.
  • I know this laptop is very costly, but money doesn’t matter for my friend’s future.
  • So this is the gift I would like to give this laptop to my friend.
  • Is there any pressure on us to buy presents?

I don’t think we need to take any pressure when deciding on gifts. But, when we go out to buy a gift, we often get pressurized whether the purchased gift is liked by the person. This happened to me so many times.

  • Do Indian people often give gifts?

Yes, people often give presents to family members and friends. People mostly give gifts on special occasions such as birthdays, marriages or marriage anniversaries.

  • Describe some of the gifts that Indian people give each other on different occasions.

Well, it depends on the kind of occasion. For example, during weddings people give that can be used in household, some people also prefer to give cash as a gift. Electronic gadgets are gifted to young adults on birthdays, and children are happy with toys and chocolates.

  • What kinds of gifts are suitable for friends to give each other?

I prefer to give electronics gadgets because our friendship is mostly with people of the same age group. Therefore, we know the age group’s likes and dislikes, and I think young adults like gadgets the most.

  • What factors do people consider when buying a gift for friends?

First of all, people consider the kind of occasion and then they consider the age. This helps them to narrow down the gift options available to choose from.


In the IELTS speaking test, the candidate is required to speak on a topic for about 1 to 2 minutes. The pattern of IELTS exam is designed to check the understanding level of English. The important thing to keep in mind that the topic given in IELTS speaking test cannot be changed. With the speaking topic, 3 to 4 cues are provided which helps candidates to answer the question to the point.

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