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100 Reported Speech Examples: How To Change Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, is a way of communicating what someone else has said without quoting their exact words. For example, if your friend said, “ I am going to the store ,” in reported speech, you might convey this as, “ My friend said he was going to the store. ” Reported speech is common in both spoken and written language, especially in storytelling, news reporting, and everyday conversations.

Reported speech can be quite challenging for English language learners because in order to change direct speech into reported speech, one must change the perspective and tense of what was said by the original speaker or writer. In this guide, we will explain in detail how to change direct speech into indirect speech and provide lots of examples of reported speech to help you understand. Here are the key aspects of converting direct speech into reported speech.

Reported Speech: Changing Pronouns

Pronouns are usually changed to match the perspective of the person reporting the speech. For example, “I” in direct speech may become “he” or “she” in reported speech, depending on the context. Here are some example sentences:

  • Direct : “I am going to the park.” Reported : He said he was going to the park .
  • Direct : “You should try the new restaurant.” Reported : She said that I should try the new restaurant.
  • Direct : “We will win the game.” Reported : They said that they would win the game.
  • Direct : “She loves her new job.” Reported : He said that she loves her new job.
  • Direct : “He can’t come to the party.” Reported : She said that he couldn’t come to the party.
  • Direct : “It belongs to me.” Reported : He said that it belonged to him .
  • Direct : “They are moving to a new city.” Reported : She said that they were moving to a new city.
  • Direct : “You are doing a great job.” Reported : He told me that I was doing a great job.
  • Direct : “I don’t like this movie.” Reported : She said that she didn’t like that movie.
  • Direct : “We have finished our work.” Reported : They said that they had finished their work.
  • Direct : “You will need to sign here.” Reported : He said that I would need to sign there.
  • Direct : “She can solve the problem.” Reported : He said that she could solve the problem.
  • Direct : “He was not at home yesterday.” Reported : She said that he had not been at home the day before.
  • Direct : “It is my responsibility.” Reported : He said that it was his responsibility.
  • Direct : “We are planning a surprise.” Reported : They said that they were planning a surprise.

Reported Speech: Reporting Verbs

In reported speech, various reporting verbs are used depending on the nature of the statement or the intention behind the communication. These verbs are essential for conveying the original tone, intent, or action of the speaker. Here are some examples demonstrating the use of different reporting verbs in reported speech:

  • Direct: “I will help you,” she promised . Reported: She promised that she would help me.
  • Direct: “You should study harder,” he advised . Reported: He advised that I should study harder.
  • Direct: “I didn’t take your book,” he denied . Reported: He denied taking my book .
  • Direct: “Let’s go to the cinema,” she suggested . Reported: She suggested going to the cinema .
  • Direct: “I love this song,” he confessed . Reported: He confessed that he loved that song.
  • Direct: “I haven’t seen her today,” she claimed . Reported: She claimed that she hadn’t seen her that day.
  • Direct: “I will finish the project,” he assured . Reported: He assured me that he would finish the project.
  • Direct: “I’m not feeling well,” she complained . Reported: She complained of not feeling well.
  • Direct: “This is how you do it,” he explained . Reported: He explained how to do it.
  • Direct: “I saw him yesterday,” she stated . Reported: She stated that she had seen him the day before.
  • Direct: “Please open the window,” he requested . Reported: He requested that I open the window.
  • Direct: “I can win this race,” he boasted . Reported: He boasted that he could win the race.
  • Direct: “I’m moving to London,” she announced . Reported: She announced that she was moving to London.
  • Direct: “I didn’t understand the instructions,” he admitted . Reported: He admitted that he didn’t understand the instructions.
  • Direct: “I’ll call you tonight,” she promised . Reported: She promised to call me that night.

Reported Speech: Tense Shifts

When converting direct speech into reported speech, the verb tense is often shifted back one step in time. This is known as the “backshift” of tenses. It’s essential to adjust the tense to reflect the time elapsed between the original speech and the reporting. Here are some examples to illustrate how different tenses in direct speech are transformed in reported speech:

  • Direct: “I am eating.” Reported: He said he was eating.
  • Direct: “They will go to the park.” Reported: She mentioned they would go to the park.
  • Direct: “We have finished our homework.” Reported: They told me they had finished their homework.
  • Direct: “I do my exercises every morning.” Reported: He explained that he did his exercises every morning.
  • Direct: “She is going to start a new job.” Reported: He heard she was going to start a new job.
  • Direct: “I can solve this problem.” Reported: She said she could solve that problem.
  • Direct: “We are visiting Paris next week.” Reported: They said they were visiting Paris the following week.
  • Direct: “I will be waiting outside.” Reported: He stated he would be waiting outside.
  • Direct: “They have been studying for hours.” Reported: She mentioned they had been studying for hours.
  • Direct: “I can’t understand this chapter.” Reported: He complained that he couldn’t understand that chapter.
  • Direct: “We were planning a surprise.” Reported: They told me they had been planning a surprise.
  • Direct: “She has to complete her assignment.” Reported: He said she had to complete her assignment.
  • Direct: “I will have finished the project by Monday.” Reported: She stated she would have finished the project by Monday.
  • Direct: “They are going to hold a meeting.” Reported: She heard they were going to hold a meeting.
  • Direct: “I must leave.” Reported: He said he had to leave.

Reported Speech: Changing Time and Place References

When converting direct speech into reported speech, references to time and place often need to be adjusted to fit the context of the reported speech. This is because the time and place relative to the speaker may have changed from the original statement to the time of reporting. Here are some examples to illustrate how time and place references change:

  • Direct: “I will see you tomorrow .” Reported: He said he would see me the next day .
  • Direct: “We went to the park yesterday .” Reported: They said they went to the park the day before .
  • Direct: “I have been working here since Monday .” Reported: She mentioned she had been working there since Monday .
  • Direct: “Let’s meet here at noon.” Reported: He suggested meeting there at noon.
  • Direct: “I bought this last week .” Reported: She said she had bought it the previous week .
  • Direct: “I will finish this by tomorrow .” Reported: He stated he would finish it by the next day .
  • Direct: “She will move to New York next month .” Reported: He heard she would move to New York the following month .
  • Direct: “They were at the festival this morning .” Reported: She said they were at the festival that morning .
  • Direct: “I saw him here yesterday.” Reported: She mentioned she saw him there the day before.
  • Direct: “We will return in a week .” Reported: They said they would return in a week .
  • Direct: “I have an appointment today .” Reported: He said he had an appointment that day .
  • Direct: “The event starts next Friday .” Reported: She mentioned the event starts the following Friday .
  • Direct: “I lived in Berlin two years ago .” Reported: He stated he had lived in Berlin two years before .
  • Direct: “I will call you tonight .” Reported: She said she would call me that night .
  • Direct: “I was at the office yesterday .” Reported: He mentioned he was at the office the day before .

Reported Speech: Question Format

When converting questions from direct speech into reported speech, the format changes significantly. Unlike statements, questions require rephrasing into a statement format and often involve the use of introductory verbs like ‘asked’ or ‘inquired’. Here are some examples to demonstrate how questions in direct speech are converted into statements in reported speech:

  • Direct: “Are you coming to the party?” Reported: She asked if I was coming to the party.
  • Direct: “What time is the meeting?” Reported: He inquired what time the meeting was.
  • Direct: “Why did you leave early?” Reported: They wanted to know why I had left early.
  • Direct: “Can you help me with this?” Reported: She asked if I could help her with that.
  • Direct: “Where did you buy this?” Reported: He wondered where I had bought that.
  • Direct: “Who is going to the concert?” Reported: They asked who was going to the concert.
  • Direct: “How do you solve this problem?” Reported: She questioned how to solve that problem.
  • Direct: “Is this the right way to the station?” Reported: He inquired whether it was the right way to the station.
  • Direct: “Do you know her name?” Reported: They asked if I knew her name.
  • Direct: “Why are they moving out?” Reported: She wondered why they were moving out.
  • Direct: “Have you seen my keys?” Reported: He asked if I had seen his keys.
  • Direct: “What were they talking about?” Reported: She wanted to know what they had been talking about.
  • Direct: “When will you return?” Reported: He asked when I would return.
  • Direct: “Can she drive a manual car?” Reported: They inquired if she could drive a manual car.
  • Direct: “How long have you been waiting?” Reported: She asked how long I had been waiting.

Reported Speech: Omitting Quotation Marks

In reported speech, quotation marks are not used, differentiating it from direct speech which requires them to enclose the spoken words. Reported speech summarizes or paraphrases what someone said without the need for exact wording. Here are examples showing how direct speech with quotation marks is transformed into reported speech without them:

  • Direct: “I am feeling tired,” she said. Reported: She said she was feeling tired.
  • Direct: “We will win the game,” he exclaimed. Reported: He exclaimed that they would win the game.
  • Direct: “I don’t like apples,” the boy declared. Reported: The boy declared that he didn’t like apples.
  • Direct: “You should visit Paris,” she suggested. Reported: She suggested that I should visit Paris.
  • Direct: “I will be late,” he warned. Reported: He warned that he would be late.
  • Direct: “I can’t believe you did that,” she expressed in surprise. Reported: She expressed her surprise that I had done that.
  • Direct: “I need help with this task,” he admitted. Reported: He admitted that he needed help with the task.
  • Direct: “I have never been to Italy,” she confessed. Reported: She confessed that she had never been to Italy.
  • Direct: “We saw a movie last night,” they mentioned. Reported: They mentioned that they saw a movie the night before.
  • Direct: “I am learning to play the piano,” he revealed. Reported: He revealed that he was learning to play the piano.
  • Direct: “You must finish your homework,” she instructed. Reported: She instructed that I must finish my homework.
  • Direct: “I will call you tomorrow,” he promised. Reported: He promised that he would call me the next day.
  • Direct: “I have finished my assignment,” she announced. Reported: She announced that she had finished her assignment.
  • Direct: “I cannot attend the meeting,” he apologized. Reported: He apologized for not being able to attend the meeting.
  • Direct: “I don’t remember where I put it,” she confessed. Reported: She confessed that she didn’t remember where she put it.

Reported Speech Quiz

Thanks for reading! I hope you found these reported speech examples useful. Before you go, why not try this Reported Speech Quiz and see if you can change indirect speech into reported speech?

complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

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Reported Speech Exercise: Requests And Commands

Reported speech exercises | reporting requests and commands.

Do the exercises below about the reported speech (requests and commands) and click on the button to check your answers.

(Before doing the exercise you may want to see the lesson on reported speech )

Transform these requests and commands into reported speech (start the sentence as suggested.)

  • Can you lend me your book? → She asked me
  • Please, help me with my homework → She begged her brother
  • Could you spell your name, please? → She asked him
  • Stand up. → The policeman ordered the criminal
  • Don't be late. → She warned me
  • Please, park your car away from the factory. → The security agent asked her
  • Don't call me anymore. → She asked him
  • Enjoy your stay in Paris → The hotel manager told her
  • Please, keep quiet. → She asked the kids
  • Don't leave me alone. → He told his mom
  • Could you bring your laptops? → The teacher asked the students
  • Be nice to your sister . → He urged his son
  • You must not use the calculator.→ The maths teacher told the students
  • Can you send invitations to all participants? → He asked his secretary
  • You had better exercise regularly. → The doctor advised him
  • Don't eat too much red meat. → The doctor advised him
  • Stop making fool of me. → He asked her
  • Open the window, please. → The duke ordered his butler
  • Drop me at the hotel, please. → He asked the taxi driver
  • Don't put the bag on the table. → She asked her daughter

Related materials

  • Reported speech exercise (mixed)
  • Reported speech exercise (questions)
  • Reported speech exercise (requests and commands)
  • Reported speech lesson

complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

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English notes latest questions, my mother said to me, “did you finish your homework” change into indirect speech.

Zainab Shaikh

Indirect Speech: My mother asked me whether I had finished my homework.

Explanation: When the reporting verb is in the past (said) and the direct speech is in the past indefinite tense, then the indirect (reported) speech will change into the past perfect tense.

Past Indefinite Tense > Past Perfect Tense.

And if the sentence is interrogative, we use the reporting verbs – asked, enquired, etc.

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complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

Exercise on Reported Speech

Exercise 3 – requests (mixed).

Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences.

  • She said, "Go upstairs." → She told me
  • "Close the door behind you," he told me. → He told me
  • "Don't be late," he advised us. → He advised us
  • "Stop staring at me," she said. → She told him
  • "Don't be angry with me," he said. → He asked her
  • "Leave me alone," she said. → She told me
  • "Don't drink and drive," she warned us. → She warned us
  • "John, stop smoking," she said. → She told John
  • "Don't worry about us," they said. → They told her
  • "Meet me at the cinema." he said. → He asked me

complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

Direct Speech and Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)

  • August 30, 2023

Reported Speech

Direct speech is when you repeat someone’s exact words, like  “I’m going to the store.”

Indirect speech is when you say what someone said in your own words, like  “She said she’s going to the store.”

So, direct speech uses the exact words, while indirect speech rephrases what was said. Remember, in indirect speech, things like tenses, pronouns, and time expressions might change to fit the new sentence.

A. Changes in Tenses and Passive Voice in Reported Speech

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, requires us to convey the words spoken by someone else while adapting them to a new context. This often involves changes in tenses and passive voice to accurately represent the original message. Let’s explore how different tenses and passive voice transform in reported speech, along with examples for each:

  • Direct Speech:  “I eat an apple.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that he ate an apple.
  • Direct Speech:  “She is reading a book.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she was reading a book.
  • Direct Speech:  “They visited the museum.”
  • Reported Speech:  They said that they visited the museum.
  • Direct Speech:  “I was playing tennis.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that he had been playing tennis.
  • Direct Speech:  “She had finished her work.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she had finished her work.
  • Direct Speech:  “They had been studying for hours.”
  • Reported Speech:  They said that they had been studying for hours.
  • Direct Speech:  “I have seen that movie.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she had seen that movie.
  • Direct Speech:  “He has been working all day.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that he had been working all day.
  • Direct Speech:  “I will come tomorrow.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she would come the next day.
  • Direct Speech:  “They will have finished by then.”
  • Reported Speech:  They said that they would have finished by then.
  • Direct Speech:  “The book is read by her.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that the book was read by her.
  • Direct Speech:  “The cake is being baked.”
  • Reported Speech:  They said that the cake was being baked.

Remember that when transforming tenses and passive voice in reported speech, the changes depend on the context and the tense of the original statement. Adapting these changes correctly ensures that the essence of the original message is conveyed accurately in the reported speech.

B. Changes in Pronouns in Reported Speech

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, involves relaying someone else’s words while adapting them to a new context. Pronouns play a crucial role in this transformation, as they need adjustments to match the perspective of the reporting speaker. Here’s a brief overview of how pronouns change in reported speech:

Changing Pronouns:

Pronouns in reported speech often change to reflect the perspective of the reporting speaker or the listener.

  • Direct Speech:  “I am reading a book.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she is reading a book.

First Person to Third Person:

Pronouns shift from the first person to the third person in reported speech.

  • Reported Speech:  He said that he would come the next day.

Second Person to Third Person:

Pronouns shift from the second person to the third person in reported speech.

  • Direct Speech:  “You should call your parents.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that I should call my parents.

Third Person to Third Person:

When the original and reported speeches are both in the third person, there’s often no change in pronouns.

  • Direct Speech:  “She mentioned visiting the museum.”
  • Reported Speech:  She mentioned visiting the museum.

Possessive Pronouns:

Possessive pronouns also shift according to the reporting speaker’s perspective.

  • Direct Speech:  “This is my book.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that it was his book.

Maintaining Consistency:

Pronouns maintain consistency throughout the reported speech.

  • Direct Speech:  “He called and said, ‘I will be there.'”
  • Reported Speech:  He called and said that he would be there.

Adapting Demonstrative Pronouns:

Demonstrative pronouns may change based on the context of the reported speech.

  • Direct Speech:  “Take this one.”
  • Reported Speech:  She told me to take that one.

Changing Reflexive Pronouns:

Reflexive pronouns shift as needed to align with the new subject.

  • Direct Speech:  “She washed herself.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that she washed herself.

Adjusting Indirect Object Pronouns:

Indirect object pronouns may require changes based on the reporting context.

  • Direct Speech:  “He gave me a gift.”
  • Reported Speech:  She mentioned that he had given her a gift.

C. Changes in Modals in Reported Speech

  • In reported speech, ‘can’ generally changes to ‘could.’
  • Direct Speech:  “I can swim.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she could swim.
  • The modal ‘may’ typically changes to ‘might’ in reported speech.
  • Direct Speech:  “I may go to the party.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that he might go to the party.
  • ‘Must’ remains ‘must’ in reported speech, but the context of necessity may change.
  • Direct Speech:  “I must finish the assignment.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she must finish the assignment.
  • ‘Should’ can either remain ‘should’ or change to ‘ought to’ in reported speech.
  • Direct Speech:  “You should exercise regularly.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that I should/ought to exercise regularly.
  • ‘Will’ often changes to ‘would’ in reported speech to indicate future possibilities.
  • Direct Speech:  “I will help you.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she would help me.
  • ‘Shall’ can change to ‘should’ or ‘would’ in reported speech, depending on the context.
  • Direct Speech:  “Shall I open the window?”
  • Reported Speech:  She asked if she should open the window.
  • In reported speech, ‘can’ changes to ‘could’ to maintain politeness.
  • Direct Speech:  “Can you please pass the salt?”
  • Reported Speech:  He asked if I could pass the salt.
  • ‘Must’ can change to ‘had to’ in reported speech to reflect necessity.
  • Direct Speech:  “You must attend the meeting.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that I had to attend the meeting.
  • ‘Will’ can change to ‘was/were going to’ in reported speech for planned actions.
  • Direct Speech:  “I will visit the museum.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that he was going to visit the museum.
  • ‘Can’t’ changes to ‘couldn’t’ in reported speech to reflect inability.
  • Direct Speech:  “I can’t solve this puzzle.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she couldn’t solve the puzzle.
  • ‘Should’ can change to ‘ought to’ in reported speech to maintain formality.
  • Reported Speech:  He said that I ought to call my parents.
  • ‘May’ can change to ‘might’ in reported speech for polite requests.
  • Direct Speech:  “May I borrow your pen, please?”
  • Reported Speech:  She asked if she might borrow my pen.

In reported speech, modals often undergo changes to suit the indirect context while retaining the original meaning. The transformation of modals contributes to accurate and effective communication when conveying someone else’s words and intentions.

D. Changes in Place References in Reported Speech

Place references are an important aspect of reported speech, requiring adjustments to accurately convey the speaker’s intended location. Let’s explore how place references change in reported speech, along with examples for each scenario:

  • Direct Speech:  “I live here.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she lived there.
  • Direct Speech:  “Take this book.”
  • Reported Speech:  He told me to take that book.
  • Direct Speech:  “She mentioned visiting the Eiffel Tower.”
  • Reported Speech:  She mentioned visiting the Eiffel Tower.
  • Direct Speech:  “Pass me that book.”
  • Reported Speech:  He asked me to pass him that book.
  • Direct Speech:  “Where is the nearest café?”
  • Reported Speech:  She asked where the nearest café was.
  • Direct Speech:  “He said, ‘Come here.'”
  • Reported Speech:  He told me to go there.
  • Direct Speech:  “I found the key under the mat.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said she had found the key under the mat.
  • Direct Speech:  “He lives near the park.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said he lived near the park.
  • Direct Speech:  “She lives in New York.”
  • Reported Speech:  He mentioned that she lived in New York.
  • Direct Speech:  “Give me this one.”
  • Reported Speech:  He asked for that one.

Adapting place references accurately ensures that the location and context of the original conversation are effectively maintained, even when narrated indirectly.

E. Changes in Questions in Reported Speech

Questions, both “Yes/No questions” and “Wh-questions,” undergo specific changes when reported. These changes ensure that the reported speech accurately captures the essence of the original question. Here’s an exploration of how different types of questions change in reported speech, accompanied by examples:

  • Direct Speech:  “Did you finish your homework?”
  • Reported Speech:  She asked if I had finished my homework.
  • Direct Speech:  “Yes, I did finish my homework,” he said.
  • Reported Speech:  He said that he had finished his homework.
  • Direct Speech:  “Where are you going?”
  • Reported Speech:  He asked where I was going.
  • Direct Speech:  “I am going to the park,” she replied.
  • Reported Speech:  She replied that she was going to the park.
  • Direct Speech:  “What time does the train arrive?”
  • Reported Speech:  He wanted to know what time the train arrived.
  • Direct Speech:  “Is she coming to the party?”
  • Reported Speech:  He asked if she was coming to the party.
  • Direct Speech:  “When will the meeting start?”
  • Reported Speech:  She wondered when the meeting would start.
  • Direct Speech:  “Could you please pass me the salt?”
  • Reported Speech:  She asked if I could pass her the salt.
  • Direct Speech:  “Can you help me?”
  • Reported Speech:  He asked if I could help him.
  • Direct Speech:  “Why did you do that?”
  • Reported Speech:  She demanded to know why I had done that.

Mastering the changes in reported speech for both yes/no and wh-questions is essential for accurately conveying conversations while adapting them to different linguistic contexts. These transformations ensure that the nuances of questions are maintained even when relayed indirectly.

F. Converting Time References in Reported Speech

Adapting time references is crucial in reported speech to ensure accurate conveyance of the original message. Time expressions such as “today,” “tomorrow,” “now,” “last week,” “last night,” “yesterday,” “days ago,” and “ago” require specific changes in reported speech to reflect the shift in time. Here’s a guide on how to convert sentences with time references to reported speech:

  • Direct Speech:  “I am busy today.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she was busy that day.
  • Direct Speech:  “I am studying now.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that he was studying then.
  • Direct Speech:  “I went to the market yesterday.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she had gone to the market the previous day.
  • Direct Speech:  “He visited last week, a few days ago.”
  • Reported Speech:  They mentioned that he had visited the previous week, a few days before.
  • Direct Speech:  “She called me last week.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that she had called him the previous week.
  • Direct Speech:  “We had dinner together last night.”
  • Reported Speech:  They mentioned that they had dinner together the previous night.
  • Direct Speech:  “I am the current manager.”
  • Reported Speech:  She said that she is the current manager.
  • Direct Speech:  “I will meet you tomorrow.”
  • Reported Speech:  He said that he would meet me the next day.
  • Direct Speech:  “They plan to travel next week.”
  • Reported Speech:  She mentioned that they planned to travel the following week.

Adapting time references in reported speech is essential to ensure that the context and timing of the original message are accurately conveyed, even when the conversation is relayed indirectly.

G. Changes in Commands in Reported Speech

Reporting commands requires particular adjustments to accurately represent the original instruction. Here’s a concise guide on how commands change in reported speech:

  • In direct commands, the verb is typically in the imperative form.
  • Direct Speech:  “Open the window.”
  • Reported Speech:  He told me to open the window.
  • In reported speech, the command changes to a verb of reporting, followed by an infinitive form.
  • Direct Speech:  “Clean your room.”
  • Reported Speech:  She asked me to clean my room.
  • Pronouns in commands may need to be adjusted to match the new context.
  • Direct Speech:  “Take your umbrella.”
  • Reported Speech:  He told me to take my umbrella.
  • Modals can be used to soften the command’s tone in reported speech.
  • Direct Speech:  “Give me the book.”
  • Reported Speech:  She requested me to give her the book.
  • Reporting verbs like “tell,” “ask,” “request,” “command,” or “order” are used to introduce the reported command.
  • Direct Speech:  “Do your homework.”
  • Reported Speech:  He ordered me to do my homework.
  • Time references may need to be adapted in reported commands.
  • Direct Speech:  “Call me later.”
  • Reported Speech:  She asked me to call her later.
  • Polite commands remain polite in reported speech.
  • A direct command changes to an indirect request.
  • Direct Speech:  “Shut the door.”
  • Reported Speech:  He asked me to shut the door.

Mastering the changes in reported speech for commands is essential for accurately conveying instructions while adapting them to different linguistic contexts. These transformations ensure that the nuances of commands are maintained even when relayed indirectly.

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Reported Speech (Part 2) - Requests, Orders, and Questions Espresso English

My colleague asked me to help him update his computer.

Read Reported Speech (Part 1) to learn how to make reported statements.

In Part 2, we will focus on requests, orders, and questions.

1. Requests/orders

  • “Asked me to”  is used for requests.
  • “Told me to” is stronger; it is used for orders/commands.
  • The main verb stays in the infinitive: She asked me to make copies. He told me to go to the bank.

2. Yes/no questions

  • “Asked if” and “wanted to know if” are equal.
  • The main verb changes according to the rules for reported statements : “ Did you turn off the TV?” (past simple) She asked if I had turned off the TV (past perfect)
  • We don’t use the auxiliary verbs “do/does/did” in the reported question.

3. Other questions

  • “Asked”  and “wanted to know” are equal.
  • We don’t use the auxiliary verb “do” or “does” in the reported question: “Where does he work?” She wanted to know where he works .
  • In questions with the verb “to be,” the word order  changes in the reported question: “Where were you born?” (Question word + [to be] + subject) He asked where I was born (Question word + subject + [to be]) He asked where was I born

Reported Speech (Part 2) Quiz

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Reported Speech (Part 2) - Requests, Orders, and Questions Espresso English

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Shayna Oliveira

Shayna Oliveira is the founder of Espresso English, where you can improve your English fast - even if you don’t have much time to study. Millions of students are learning English from her clear, friendly, and practical lessons! Shayna is a CELTA-certified teacher with 10+ years of experience helping English learners become more fluent in her English courses.

  • B1-B2 grammar

Reported speech: statements

Reported speech: statements

Do you know how to report what somebody else said? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.

Look at these examples to see how we can tell someone what another person said.

direct speech: 'I love the Toy Story films,' she said. indirect speech: She said she loved the Toy Story films. direct speech: 'I worked as a waiter before becoming a chef,' he said. indirect speech: He said he'd worked as a waiter before becoming a chef. direct speech: 'I'll phone you tomorrow,' he said. indirect speech: He said he'd phone me the next day.

Try this exercise to test your grammar.

Grammar B1-B2: Reported speech 1: 1

Read the explanation to learn more.

Grammar explanation

Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech.

direct speech: 'I work in a bank,' said Daniel. indirect speech: Daniel said that he worked in a bank.

In indirect speech, we often use a tense which is 'further back' in the past (e.g. worked ) than the tense originally used (e.g. work ). This is called 'backshift'. We also may need to change other words that were used, for example pronouns.

Present simple, present continuous and present perfect

When we backshift, present simple changes to past simple, present continuous changes to past continuous and present perfect changes to past perfect.

'I travel a lot in my job.' Jamila said that she travelled a lot in her job. 'The baby's sleeping!' He told me the baby was sleeping. 'I've hurt my leg.' She said she'd hurt her leg.

Past simple and past continuous

When we backshift, past simple usually changes to past perfect simple, and past continuous usually changes to past perfect continuous.

'We lived in China for five years.' She told me they'd lived in China for five years. 'It was raining all day.' He told me it had been raining all day.

Past perfect

The past perfect doesn't change.

'I'd tried everything without success, but this new medicine is great.' He said he'd tried everything without success, but the new medicine was great.

No backshift

If what the speaker has said is still true or relevant, it's not always necessary to change the tense. This might happen when the speaker has used a present tense.

'I go to the gym next to your house.' Jenny told me that she goes to the gym next to my house. I'm thinking about going with her. 'I'm working in Italy for the next six months.' He told me he's working in Italy for the next six months. Maybe I should visit him! 'I've broken my arm!' She said she's broken her arm, so she won't be at work this week.

Pronouns, demonstratives and adverbs of time and place

Pronouns also usually change in indirect speech.

'I enjoy working in my garden,' said Bob. Bob said that he enjoyed working in his garden. 'We played tennis for our school,' said Alina. Alina told me they'd played tennis for their school.

However, if you are the person or one of the people who spoke, then the pronouns don't change.

'I'm working on my thesis,' I said. I told her that I was working on my thesis. 'We want our jobs back!' we said. We said that we wanted our jobs back.

We also change demonstratives and adverbs of time and place if they are no longer accurate.

'This is my house.' He said this was his house. [You are currently in front of the house.] He said that was his house. [You are not currently in front of the house.] 'We like it here.' She told me they like it here. [You are currently in the place they like.] She told me they like it there. [You are not in the place they like.] 'I'm planning to do it today.' She told me she's planning to do it today. [It is currently still the same day.] She told me she was planning to do it that day. [It is not the same day any more.]

In the same way, these changes to those , now changes to then , yesterday changes to the day before , tomorrow changes to the next/following day and ago changes to before .

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.

Grammar B1-B2: Reported speech 1: 2

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Hello, Could you please tell me how I should backshift in the following sentences? Direct: Since my hair grew too long, I went to the hairdresser's last week. My stylist was in a very good mood, and she cracked a few jokes about me reminding her of a neighbor's dog that she often sees when she goes to work. Reported: Jenny said that since her hair had grown too long, she had gone to the hairdresser's the week before. Her stylist was (state, don't think it needs backshifting) in a very good mood, and she had cracked a few jokes about Jenny's hair reminding her of a neighbor's fluffy dog that she often sees when she goes to work ('sees' and 'goes' are still true). Thank you

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Hello Tony_M,

The only change I would suggest is 'cracked' instead of 'had cracked', which would make the sequence within the story (her good mood leading to her cracking jokes) clearer. 'Had cracked' is fine, but I think past simple is a better option.

The LearnEnglish Team

Hello Peter,

Thank you very much.

Shouldn't we change 'had gone' to 'went' then?

Can we show that it's reported speech once at the beginning and then just use the past simple to stay within the story?

Jenny said that since her hair had grown too long, she went to the hairdresser's the week before. Her stylist was in a very good mood, and she cracked a few jokes about Jenny's hair reminding her of a neighbor's dog that she often sees when she goes to work.

Hello again Tony,

As you know, it's often a stylistic choice rather than a requirement to backshift into the past perfect. Here I think you could shift back but it's not necessary, especially as you have the time phrase 'the week before' to remove any ambiguity.

You could put all the verbs in the past perfect if you wish ( had grown, had gone, had been, had cracked ) but I think the passage reads much better with past simple forms after the initial had grown .

Hello Team. If the reporting verb is in the present perfect, do we have to backshift the tenses of the direct speech or not?    For example: He has said, "I bought a car yesterday."    

1- He has said that he bought a car yesterday.

2- He has said that he had bought a car the previous day.

Hello Ahmed Imam,

It's not necessary to backshift the verb form if the situation being reported is still true. For example:

"I'm a doctor"

She told me she is a doctor. [she was a doctor when she said it and she is still doctor now]

She told me she was a doctor. [she was a doctor when she said it and may or may not still be a doctor now]

The reporting verb in your example would be 'said' rather than 'has said' as we are talking about a particular moment in the past. For the other verb both 'bought' and 'had bought' are possible without any change in meaning. In fact, when the verb is past in the original sentence we usually do not shift the verb form back.

Hello again. Which one is correct? Why?

- He has said that he (will - would) travel to Cairo with his father.

The present perfect is a present form, so generally 'will' is the correct form.

In this case, assuming that the man said 'I will travel to Cairo', then 'will' is the correct form. But if the man said 'I would travel to Cairo if I had time to do it', then 'would' would be the correct form since it is part of a conditional statement.

I think you were asking about the first situation (the general one), though. Does that make sense?

Best wishes, Kirk LearnEnglish team

Thank you for the information. It states that If what the speaker has said is still true or relevant, it's not always necessary to change the tense. I wonder if it is still correct to change the tense in this example: 'London is in the UK', he said. to He said London was in the UK. Or  it has to be the present tense. 

Hello Wen1996,

Yes, your version of the sentence is also correct. In this case, the past tense refers to the time the speaker made this statement. But this doesn't mean the statement isn't also true now.

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Reported Requests

A request is when somebody asks you to do something – usually politely. Reported requests are one form of reported speech .

We usually introduce reported requests with the verb "ask". The structure is very simple:

  • We asked the man to help us.
  • They asked us to wait.

Because we use the infinitive there is no need to worry about tense. But as with reported statements and reported questions , we may need to change pronouns as well as time and place in reported requests.

Here are some examples:

complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

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Reported Speech / Indirect Speech

Reported Speech Yes/No Questions Video

Direct speech:

Indirect speech / reported speech:, convert direct speech to indirect speech, indirect speech statements, mixed types, common verbs used with reported speech.

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Transformation of Sentence: Direct & Indirect Speech

A direct speech can be transformed into an indirect speech and vice versa using a suitable reporting verb and a linker depending on the sentence. Let’s have an example first.

  • Tina said to me, “Are you busy now?” [direct speech]
  • Tina asked me whether I was busy then. [indirect speech]

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

  • Look, if the reporting verb in direct speech (said) is in past tense, the reporting verb in indirect speech (asked) would also be in past tense. ‘Whether’ is the linker added here as it is a ‘yes-no’ type question (Refer to list 1 below).
  • ‘Are’ changes to ‘was’. As the reporting verb was in past tense, the verb in the reported speech will also be in past. (Refer to list 2 below)
  • ‘Now’ has become ‘then’. Time and place expressions change if the reporting verb is in past tense. (Refer to list 3 below)
  • The question mark (?) has changed to a full stop(.).
  • Another important thing, the format of question (v + s + o) has changed to the format of a statement (s + v + o). In indirect speech the pattern always comes to subject + verb + object.

List of Reporting verbs and linkers (list 1)

Verbs of Reported speech (if the reporting verb is in past tense) (list 2) Direct speech → Indirect speech Am / is / are →  was / were Was / were → had been Has / have → had Had → had had Shall / will → would Can → could May → might Must, should → must, should Verb1 → verb2 Verb2 → had + verb3

Change of time and place expressions in past tense (list 3) now → then ago → before today → that day yesterday → the previous day tomorrow → the next day last night → the previous night here → there this → that these → those

Narration change of Assertive sentence

  • Robin said, “I went to Delhi yesterday.” – Robin said that he had gone to Delhi the previous day .
  • She said to her husband, “I want to go with you.” – She told her husband that she wanted to go with him.

Narration change of Interrogative sentence

  • He said to me, “Do you know English?” – He asked me whether I knew English.
  • She said to me, “Did you go there?” – She wanted to know whether I had gone there.
  • I said to him, “What are you doing?” – I asked him what he was doing.
  • Rahul said to his mother, “How do you do all these things together?” – Rahul asked his mother how she did all those things together.

Narration change of Imperative sentence

  • He said to me, “Go there right now.” – He ordered me to go there right then.
  • My teacher said to me, “Obey your parents.” – My teacher asked me to obey my parents.
  • She said to me, “Please don’t go there.” – She requested me not to go there.
  • He said to her, “Let’s go home.” – He suggested her that they should go home.
  • His mother said, “Let him eat whatever he likes.” – His mother suggested that he might be allowed to eat whatever he liked.

Narration change of Optative sentence

  • He said to the boy, “May god bless you.” – He prayed that God might bless the boy.
  • The girl said, “Had I the wings of a dove.” – The girl wished that she had the wings of a dove.

Narration change of Exclamatory sentence

  • “How happy we are here!” said the children. – The children exclaimed in joy that they were very happy there.
  • The children said, “How happy we were there!” – The children exclaimed in sorrow that they had been very happy there.
  • He said to me, “Good bye!” – He bade me good bye.
  • She said to me, “Good evening!”—She wished me good evening.

Narration change of Vocatives

  • Teacher said, “ Robin , stand up.” – Teacher asked Robin to stand up.
  • The Bishop said to the convict, “Always remember, my son , that the poor body is the temple of the living God.” – The Bishop addressed the convict as his son and advised him to always remember that the poor body is the temple of the living God.

Narration change of question tag

  • He said to me, “You went to Kolkata, didn’t you?” – He asked me whether I had gone to Kolkata and assumed that I had.
  • I said to him, “Tina didn’t tell a lie, did she?” – I asked him if Tina had told a lie and assumed that she had not.

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complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

Reported Speech Exercise 2

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complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

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Direct and Indirect Speech: The Ultimate Guide

Learn how and when to use direct and indirect speech with this guide., i want to learn....

When you need to report what other people have said in English , you’ll need to use direct and indirect speech. This might seem difficult at first. But once you’ve learned how to use direct and indirect reported speech, you’ll be able to report and quote what others have said with ease.

Read on to learn all about direct and indirect speech and how to use them correctly.

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What are direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect reported speech refer to how you quote or report what someone else has said. They have a similar function in both speaking and writing, but their grammar is very different. We’ll get into the differences between them in the following sections.

When to use direct speech

Use direct reported speech when you want to quote the exact words someone has said. Let’s imagine your friend said, “I learned a lot of English using the Busuu app.” To quote your friend directly you would say or write the following sentence:

My friend said, “I learned a lot of English using the Busuu app.”

You can see that nothing changes. You repeat the words you want to report and that’s it. When you use direct speech, you bring the original speaker’s exact words into your speaking or — more commonly — your writing.

When to use indirect speech

Use indirect reported speech to report what someone else has said without necessarily using the same words. You keep the original speaker’s meaning and intent but can rephrase their sentences. When you use indirect speech, you often have to change the tense , pronouns , and time references.

Let’s look at the previous example again. In indirect speech, “I learned a lot of English using the Busuu app” can become:

My friend said she learned a lot of English using the Busuu app.

This is the simplest way to make indirect speech. Notice the change to the pronoun — the word ‘I’ from the original sentence changes to ‘she’ in the reported sentence. This keeps the meaning and intent the same and only slightly changes the words. You can be more flexible though — take a look at the next sentence:

My friend said she loves the Busuu English app.

Here the meaning and intent are the same. But the words are different. When using indirect speech, paraphrasing is fine, just as long as you keep the original meaning.

Indirect speech is a big part of everyday communication — much more so than direct speech. Although it’s a little more complicated, it’s also more useful.

How to use direct speech

Direct speech isn’t common in spoken English, but it’s totally fine to use it when speaking. It’s easy too. You don’t need to change anything or do anything when you speak. Writing is a different story though.

Here are some key rules and tips to help you use direct speech in your writing:

Quotation marks

Always use quotation marks around the words you quote. See example below:

My friend said, “I am learning Spanish.”

Reporting clause

You can put the reporting clause (‘he said,’ ‘she asked,’ and so on) either before or after the quoted speech. See examples below:

“I’m going to the store,” she said.

She said, “I’m going to the store.”


Make sure commas, periods, question marks or exclamation marks at the end of the quoted speech are inside the quotation marks. See example below:

“Did you finish your homework?” asked John.


Give the first word in the quotation marks a capital letter. See example below:

He asked, “Are we meeting at 3pm?”

Changing Speakers

Use a new line or paragraph when the speaker changes. See example below:

“I can’t wait for the weekend,” said Alex. “Me neither,” replied Mia.

Ready to learn how to use indirect speech?

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How to use indirect speech

When you use indirect (or reported) speech, you need to make more changes to the original sentence. This is true whether you’re speaking or writing. Here are some important rules for you to remember:

You don’t need to use quotation marks when you make an indirect speech sentence. So, “I’m going to the gym” becomes:

He said he was going to the gym.

Usually — but not always — when you use indirect speech you need to take a step back with the verb tense . So present tense verbs in the original sentence become past tense verbs in indirect speech. Here are a bunch of examples showing you how this works.

Examples of indirect speech

Like many things in English, there are exceptions to this:

1) If something is still true or always true, you don’t need to change the tense. So the sentence, “The sun is big and round,” becomes:

He said the sun is big and round.

2) If you use a present tense reporting verb, don’t change the verb tense. “August is the best time of year to visit” becomes:

She says August is the best time of year to visit.

3) Past perfect tenses stay the same. So “I had left the house before Mum got up” becomes:

She said she had left the house before her mum got up.

Change the pronouns so the meaning stays the same. For example, “I love this app” becomes:

She said she loved the app. (Or use ‘he’ for a male speaker.)

Time and place references

Make sure the time and place references still mean the same thing too. If someone says ‘next week’ one week ago, you need to change it to ‘this week,’ for example. Or if someone says ‘here,’ you might need to change it to a place name or the word ‘there’ so the meaning stays the same.

Everything needs to match the context of when you’re reporting their words. This is tricky, so let’s look at an example sentence: “I’ll meet you outside the school tomorrow.”

If it’s now one day later and you’re outside the school, the indirect speech sentence becomes:

He said he would meet me here today.

Change the word order of questions to look like a normal (non-question) sentence. For example, “Where are you going?” becomes:

They asked where I was going.

Reporting verbs

Choose the right reporting verb to match the tone of the original speaker. Reporting verbs are a huge part of indirect speech. You can use them to show the attitude or emotion of either yourself or the original speaker.

Let’s look at some of the most useful reporting verbs and whether they’re common in casual or formal language. (I’ve listed them in the past tense because that’s usually how they’ll appear in indirect speech, but of course they can be present tense too.)

Commands and requests


Pro tip: When you’re speaking, stick to ‘said,’ ‘told,’ and ‘asked’ — they’ll get you a long way. If you need to write official or formal documents, look at some of the other words.

Direct and indirect speech for effective communication

To sum up, you need to know how to use direct and indirect speech to become fluent in English . For most people though — unless you do creative writing — indirect speech is the most common. Just remember that you often need to change the verb tense, and that you’ll need to make sure everything makes sense in the new context by using the right pronouns, time and place references, and so on.

If you follow the tips in this guide, you’ll be using direct and indirect speech like a pro in no time!

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Reported commands and requests in English

1. reported commands.

  • affirmative commands → to + infinitive
  • negative commands → not + to + infinitive

1.1. Affirmative commands

  • Direct Speech → Dad, “Do your homework.”
  • Reported Speech → Dad told me to do my homework.

1.2. Negative commands

  • Direct Speech → Teacher, “Do n't talk to your friend.”
  • Reported Speech → The teacher told me not to talk to my friend.

1.3. The introductory sentence in commands

The word tell in introductory sentences in Reported Commands can be substituted with other words, e.g.

There is no backshift of tenses, no matter which tense is used in the introductory sentence.

Direct Speech

  • Dad, “Do your homework.”
  • Reported Speech
  • Dad tells me to do my homework.
  • Dad told me to do my homework.

2. Suggestions

  • Father, “Let's watch a film.”
  • Father suggested watching a film.
  • Father suggested that they should watch a film

Do not use the infintive after suggest . Father suggested to watch a film.

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Reported speech: indirect speech

Indirect speech focuses more on the content of what someone said rather than their exact words. In indirect speech , the structure of the reported clause depends on whether the speaker is reporting a statement, a question or a command.

Indirect speech: reporting statements

Indirect reports of statements consist of a reporting clause and a that -clause. We often omit that , especially in informal situations:

The pilot commented that the weather had been extremely bad as the plane came in to land. (The pilot’s words were: ‘The weather was extremely bad as the plane came in to land.’ )
I told my wife I didn’t want a party on my 50th birthday. ( that -clause without that ) (or I told my wife that I didn’t want a party on my 50th birthday .)

Indirect speech: reporting questions

Reporting yes-no questions and alternative questions.

Indirect reports of yes-no questions and questions with or consist of a reporting clause and a reported clause introduced by if or whether . If is more common than whether . The reported clause is in statement form (subject + verb), not question form:

She asked if [S] [V] I was Scottish. (original yes-no question: ‘Are you Scottish?’ )
The waiter asked whether [S] we [V] wanted a table near the window. (original yes-no question: ‘Do you want a table near the window? )
He asked me if [S] [V] I had come by train or by bus. (original alternative question: ‘Did you come by train or by bus?’ )

Questions: yes-no questions ( Are you feeling cold? )

Reporting wh -questions

Indirect reports of wh -questions consist of a reporting clause, and a reported clause beginning with a wh -word ( who, what, when, where, why, how ). We don’t use a question mark:

He asked me what I wanted.
Not: He asked me what I wanted?

The reported clause is in statement form (subject + verb), not question form:

She wanted to know who [S] we [V] had invited to the party.
Not: … who had we invited …

Who , whom and what

In indirect questions with who, whom and what , the wh- word may be the subject or the object of the reported clause:

I asked them who came to meet them at the airport. ( who is the subject of came ; original question: ‘Who came to meet you at the airport?’ )
He wondered what the repairs would cost. ( what is the object of cost ; original question: ‘What will the repairs cost?’ )
She asked us what [S] we [V] were doing . (original question: ‘What are you doing?’ )
Not: She asked us what were we doing?

When , where , why and how

We also use statement word order (subject + verb) with when , where, why and how :

I asked her when [S] it [V] had happened (original question: ‘When did it happen?’ ).
Not: I asked her when had it happened?
I asked her where [S] the bus station [V] was . (original question: ‘Where is the bus station?’ )
Not: I asked her where was the bus station?
The teacher asked them how [S] they [V] wanted to do the activity . (original question: ‘How do you want to do the activity?’ )
Not: The teacher asked them how did they want to do the activity?

Questions: wh- questions

Indirect speech: reporting commands

Indirect reports of commands consist of a reporting clause, and a reported clause beginning with a to -infinitive:

The General ordered the troops to advance . (original command: ‘Advance!’ )
The chairperson told him to sit down and to stop interrupting . (original command: ‘Sit down and stop interrupting!’ )

We also use a to -infinitive clause in indirect reports with other verbs that mean wanting or getting people to do something, for example, advise, encourage, warn :

They advised me to wait till the following day. (original statement: ‘You should wait till the following day.’ )
The guard warned us not to enter the area. (original statement: ‘You must not enter the area.’ )

Verbs followed by a to -infinitive

Indirect speech: present simple reporting verb

We can use the reporting verb in the present simple in indirect speech if the original words are still true or relevant at the time of reporting, or if the report is of something someone often says or repeats:

Sheila says they’re closing the motorway tomorrow for repairs.
Henry tells me he’s thinking of getting married next year.
Rupert says dogs shouldn’t be allowed on the beach. (Rupert probably often repeats this statement.)

Newspaper headlines

We often use the present simple in newspaper headlines. It makes the reported speech more dramatic:


Present simple ( I work )

Reported speech

Reported speech: direct speech

Indirect speech: past continuous reporting verb

In indirect speech, we can use the past continuous form of the reporting verb (usually say or tell ). This happens mostly in conversation, when the speaker wants to focus on the content of the report, usually because it is interesting news or important information, or because it is a new topic in the conversation:

Rory was telling me the big cinema in James Street is going to close down. Is that true?
Alex was saying that book sales have gone up a lot this year thanks to the Internet.

‘Backshift’ refers to the changes we make to the original verbs in indirect speech because time has passed between the moment of speaking and the time of the report.

In these examples, the present ( am ) has become the past ( was ), the future ( will ) has become the future-in-the-past ( would ) and the past ( happened ) has become the past perfect ( had happened ). The tenses have ‘shifted’ or ‘moved back’ in time.

The past perfect does not shift back; it stays the same:

Modal verbs

Some, but not all, modal verbs ‘shift back’ in time and change in indirect speech.

We can use a perfect form with have + - ed form after modal verbs, especially where the report looks back to a hypothetical event in the past:

He said the noise might have been the postman delivering letters. (original statement: ‘The noise might be the postman delivering letters.’ )
He said he would have helped us if we’d needed a volunteer. (original statement: ‘I’ll help you if you need a volunteer’ or ‘I’d help you if you needed a volunteer.’ )

Used to and ought to do not change in indirect speech:

She said she used to live in Oxford. (original statement: ‘I used to live in Oxford.’ )
The guard warned us that we ought to leave immediately. (original statement: ‘You ought to leave immediately.’ )

No backshift

We don’t need to change the tense in indirect speech if what a person said is still true or relevant or has not happened yet. This often happens when someone talks about the future, or when someone uses the present simple, present continuous or present perfect in their original words:

He told me his brother works for an Italian company. (It is still true that his brother works for an Italian company.)
She said she ’s getting married next year. (For the speakers, the time at the moment of speaking is ‘this year’.)
He said he ’s finished painting the door. (He probably said it just a short time ago.)
She promised she ’ll help us. (The promise applies to the future.)

Indirect speech: changes to pronouns

Changes to personal pronouns in indirect reports depend on whether the person reporting the speech and the person(s) who said the original words are the same or different.

Indirect speech: changes to adverbs and demonstratives

We often change demonstratives ( this, that ) and adverbs of time and place ( now, here, today , etc.) because indirect speech happens at a later time than the original speech, and perhaps in a different place.

Typical changes to demonstratives, adverbs and adverbial expressions

Indirect speech: typical errors.

The word order in indirect reports of wh- questions is the same as statement word order (subject + verb), not question word order:

She always asks me where [S] [V] I am going .
Not: She always asks me where am I going .

We don’t use a question mark when reporting wh- questions:

I asked him what he was doing.
Not: I asked him what he was doing?


Palabra del día

hit the road

to leave a place or begin a journey

Searching out and tracking down: talking about finding or discovering things

Searching out and tracking down: talking about finding or discovering things

complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

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  1. Understanding indirect requests by Speech and Language Therapy Materials

    complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

  2. PPT

    complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

  3. Indirect requests introduced by a question word

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  4. Making requests discussion starters,…: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

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  5. INDIRECT REQUESTS: Grammar Focus, Book 3, Unit 3, Act. 10

    complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said

  6. Indirect Requests activity

    complete the indirect requests do your homework mum said


  1. Platforms & Indirect Percussion Basics For Beginners

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  3. 4. Rewrite these sentences as directed. Affirmative Interrogative Negative Grammar

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  5. INDIRECT REQUESTS: Grammar Focus, Book 3, Unit 3, Act. 10

  6. Free Spanish Course B1: Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish: Practice Session (Class #69)


  1. 100 Reported Speech Examples: How To Change Direct Speech Into Indirect

    Direct: "I will help you," she promised. Reported: She promised that she would help me. Direct: "You should study harder," he advised. Reported: He advised that I should study harder. Direct: "I didn't take your book," he denied. Reported: He denied taking my book. Direct: "Let's go to the cinema," she suggested.

  2. Exercise on Reported Speech

    Exercise 1 - Requests (positive) Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences. "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said. → The teacher told Joe "Be patient," she said to him. → She told him "Go to your room," her father said to her. → Her father told her "Hurry up," she said to us. → She told us

  3. Reported speech worksheet

    The teacher asked the boys if they had done their homework. 2. The little girl asked the man if he would help her. 3. Janaki said that she had been reading that book. 4. Mother told the daughter to go and change her dresses. 5. Susie said that she had read that book before she gave it to me.

  4. Reported Speech

    Watch my reported speech video: Here's how it works: We use a 'reporting verb' like 'say' or 'tell'. ( Click here for more about using 'say' and 'tell' .) If this verb is in the present tense, it's easy. We just put 'she says' and then the sentence: Direct speech: I like ice cream. Reported speech: She says (that) she likes ice cream.

  5. Reported Speech Exercise 3

    Reported Requests and Orders 1. Make reported requests or orders. Start each sentence with 'she asked me' or 'she told me'. It's the same day, so you don't need to change the time expressions. 1) "Please help me carry this." [ . 2) "Please come early." [ . 3) "Please buy some milk."

  6. Reported Speech Exercise: Requests And Commands

    Stand up. → The policeman ordered the criminal. Don't be late. → She warned me. Please, park your car away from the factory. → The security agent asked her. Don't call me anymore. → She asked him. Enjoy your stay in Paris → The hotel manager told her. Please, keep quiet. → She asked the kids. Don't leave me alone. → He told his mom.

  7. My Mother Said To Me, "Did You Finish Your Homework?" Change Into

    1 Answer. Zainab Shaikh. Added an answer on May 11, 2022 at 6:39 pm. Indirect Speech: My mother asked me whether I had finished my homework. Explanation: When the reporting verb is in the past (said) and the direct speech is in the past indefinite tense, then the indirect (reported) speech will change into the past perfect tense.

  8. Exercise on Reported Speech

    Exercise 3 - Requests (mixed) Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences. She said, "Go upstairs." → She told me "Close the door behind you," he told me. → He told me "Don't be late," he advised us. → He advised us "Stop staring at me," she said. → She told him "Don't be angry with me," he ...

  9. Reported Speech: Rules, Examples, Exceptions

    When we use reported speech, we often change the verb tense backwards in time. This can be called "backshift.". Here are some examples in different verb tenses: "I want to go home.". She said she wanted to go home. "I 'm reading a good book.". She said she was reading a good book. "I ate pasta for dinner last night.".

  10. Indirect speech

    What is indirect speech or reported speech? When we tell people what another person said or thought, we often use reported speech or indirect speech. To do that, we need to change verb tenses (present, past, etc.) and pronouns (I, you, my, your, etc.) if the time and speaker are different.For example, present tenses become past, I becomes he or she, and my becomes his or her, etc.

  11. Direct Speech and Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)

    August 30, 2023. Direct speech is when you repeat someone's exact words, like "I'm going to the store.". Indirect speech is when you say what someone said in your own words, like "She said she's going to the store.". So, direct speech uses the exact words, while indirect speech rephrases what was said. Remember, in indirect speech ...

  12. Reported Speech (Part 2)

    Requests/orders. "Asked me to" is used for requests. "Told me to" is stronger; it is used for orders/commands. She asked me to make copies. He told me to go to the bank. 2. Yes/no questions. "Asked if" and "wanted to know if" are equal. We don't use the auxiliary verbs "do/does/did" in the reported question.

  13. Reported speech: indirect speech

    Reported speech: indirect speech - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

  14. Reported speech: statements

    indirect speech: She said she loved the Toy Story films. direct speech: 'I worked as a waiter before becoming a chef,' he said. indirect speech: He said he'd worked as a waiter before becoming a chef. direct speech: 'I'll phone you tomorrow,' he said. indirect speech: He said he'd phone me the next day. Try this exercise to test your grammar.

  15. PDF Homework Reported Speech

    1. "Have you done your homework?" Dad asked me if I have done / had done my homework. 2. "I spoke to Jim last week." He told me that he speak / had spoken to Jim the week before. 3. "It's my husband's birthday." She told me that it was my / her husband's birthday. 4. "Anna is doing the shopping." He said that Anna was ...

  16. Reported Requests

    Reported requests are one form of reported speech. direct request. reported request. She said: "Could you open the window, please?" She asked me to open the window. He said: "Please don't smoke." He asked them not to smoke. We usually introduce reported requests with the verb "ask". The structure is very simple:

  17. Reported Speech

    Direct : He said, "You don't know my language." Indirect : He said that I didn't know his language. Direct : I said, "I sold my book." Indirect : I said that I had sold my book. Direct : She said to me, "Your brother is bothering me." Indirect : She told me that my brother was bothering her. Indirect Speech Statements

  18. Transformation of Sentence: Direct & Indirect Speech

    My teacher said to me, "Obey your parents." - My teacher asked me to obey my parents. She said to me, "Please don't go there." - She requested me not to go there. He said to her, "Let's go home." - He suggested her that they should go home. His mother said, "Let him eat whatever he likes."

  19. Complete the indirect requests. 'Do your homework,' Mum said. told Mumt

    Complete the indirect requests. 'Do your homework,' Mum said. told Mumt 1 'Listen,' said the teacher. The teacher. me to. 2 'Don't touch the light,' he said. me to do my homework us. He. 3 'Don't talk to me!' she said. She-her brother 4 'Buy some more eggs,' Rudi said. Rudi_her_____ 5 'Don't forget!' Taylor said to me. Taylor me 6 'Do the ...

  20. Reported Speech Exercise 2

    English grammar exercise about reported speech - in this case reported questions

  21. Direct and Indirect Speech: The Ultimate Guide

    This is the simplest way to make indirect speech. Notice the change to the pronoun — the word 'I' from the original sentence changes to 'she' in the reported sentence. This keeps the meaning and intent the same and only slightly changes the words. You can be more flexible though — take a look at the next sentence: My friend said she ...

  22. Reported commands and requests in English

    Affirmative commands. Direct Speech → Dad, "Do your homework.". Reported Speech → Dad told me to do my homework. 1.2. Negative commands. Direct Speech → Teacher, "Do n't talk to your friend.". Reported Speech → The teacher told me not to talk to my friend. 1.3. The introductory sentence in commands.

  23. Reported speech: indirect speech

    Reported speech: indirect speech - gramática inglés y uso de palabras en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge University Press